Of this useful Hs-faner ia uo? r*a.<v.
fa wry counties, room and work-hop ibia Klmn
^?dl U, found .-rooat cctnr.^ot and Bf?.fu|
woe*. The prKj, j, ?0|V ,2. c^(m whiu ^
teat* in another column.
Maates on Taxas.
We have been rearing w.ih iniereat a w..-k?
OttTexmspubu.hed three or four yctrs .luce ?
Cuicuuiau, but winch wc think has no- been
?aob, if at all, known on thii Mt of ^ A ^
? -"Ware, u*18idv.r*d in a Uternrt
point of view, u full ?f faulu of -tyfe and diet ion,
lvataxraiu.es ly th, work of an (MXJ>
Who frftteled very thoroughly over Texas, und
Wlitat according to the Cictates of an unwarped
jodfroent. We propose to glean some. Jcacing
facta which are not uuivcrs.illj. even ifgeaienUy.
known; but witb which we may aa well become
famiKny if Texas?as seems extremely prubabie?
?a to be thrust into our Union within the next
four years. ' Necceaity', they say, * ma sea strange
badfellowa ;' Political chicanery and selfish in.
trigue may do the eame : but there ia no reason
why bedfellows, present or prospective, should
oot baKoma acquainted when they may.
?Aad first, a word on the territorial extent of
Texas, and the beautiful compromise which has
just been made in Congress respcciing Slavery.
All South of 2h>\ degrees North latitude ia to t
aiave-boldin-' if it will?that ia, if slave holdcra
ciwosa to settle upon it, while Freedom in to have
ail North of that parallel. But on Col. St>j* '#
Map of Texas, pubhshed in 1340, before auy
TrrrwiblT motive for miaier*:eeeHt?.tion existed,
there i* tt*t a foot of that Country .Win of the
35th degree of latitude .' This La tlie truth, be?
yond ail cavil. The province of Texas never did
extend to the Rio del Nurte, and thence Norther*
ly to its source. lie Southern and Weetcrii
boundary was the Nucccs, fifty miles ?.-.?: of liie
Bio del Norte, to iti source Lu the Piedra Pinta
Mountains, tonving the whole region drained by
the) Bio del Norte and na V. n?iern Inbui try the
Putco in the indisputably Mexican.provincea ol
Tanaaul.pia, Coahuila, Chihuahua, and Santa
F?. Claiming the Rio del Noite tv? the natural
boundary of Texas is in effect splitting four un.
darnirihly Mexican States, which no Texan ever
antares? except as a spy or a prisoner, making
Matamoias and Mier frontier towns, and throw
iag Santa Fe?a Mexican City of one hundred
and fifty year's standing?into Texas. '?herc is
Bo principle of right or public law known among
xnsn by which this imp-rtaiit portion of the Mex
ioan Republic can be seriously i laimed us pan
Texas. Whenever a treaty is made between
Mexico and Texas (or whoever possesses Texas*
that region must be conceded to her. Kvcn were
?he compelled by defeats or In r le-irs to nurrender
them, we could not an Republic tue accept them
with any decency. Un wliai principle t-tiould
we compel the Spauish-Mexican Catholics wf
Santa Fe to obey our iaws nun couti rm to our
jLnstitutiona 7?Ttie pretence, then, iliat ttierc is
tome portion of Taxas from wbich Slavt ry in cx
eluded by UieJoi.it Resolution winch In.- passed
the House, is a moat impudent and wholesale
Let un stop bora to rodemolish the e^er-recur.
ring swindle, which nocornptetancaa of exposure
cam silence or abauh, that feXaa w..~ once ours,
and that her acquisition by u*> now would in: a
Be-Annexation. On what ia this claim bus- ?' ?
Purely and necessarily on tue stauen pijon that
what we call Tixas v. di nrigiuaily a portion ol
Jeouioiana and not of Mexico. But how a part
of Louisiana? The mouth of the .M .-s ?...;..>?
Was discovered by th* French ?dvintur, r La
Balle, in 1682, over a hundred and fifty yeais
after both Mexico nno Fionas, on etch aid*:, had
been discovered and poawcsee.i by Spain. (The
tsejrpar pariion of the River h id been visited and
descended as far aa the mouth ul the Arkansas
?1*373, by Marquete and Joint, ulso French
ia>) La Salle reached the Missise ppi from
Canaan, passm,-/ up the St. Lawrence und 1... .< a
and down the Illinois. France thence claimed the
m/Htm of the Mississippi, und sent out La Sulla
&0 fooad a colony upon it. ile missed the mouih
1 of the River, Bailed by, and landed Foincwhcre
in? whatis now called Texas, in what be na:m d
tha's.Bay of St. Louis, whicli is suppused to lie
Mtttajrorda Bay. Having lost one v. sm-i in get.
IMS utKothe Bay, La Salle landed, built a fori,
api ?T#aa laft here by bis oolleiguo Beauj'-u,
(with Wf-iom he had constantly ditV red,! who te
?Ws*i>to Fratve, leaving La S.ille only tho
*Balta>y a small vessel. Three months before,
Baaojotii had written a loiter (lately printed/ ob
jacjinsf to La Salle's maiincas and haughtiness,
saying, **Nor can 1 comprehend how a man
1 dtttiiiof settliuga country itutrvundrtl ),y
rand Indians with n company of work.
twei women instead of soldiers.'' Thm be
1 wita>reference to the mouth of the M.^ms.
a?f^,/w2ueh they were then in rearch of, with no
thought of pushing lour hundred miles Inrtnur
towatd Mexico. The Belle was soon alter lost
xn^su^tamptiag to reach the Mitmissippi, La Sulle
Wtta assassinated by some ol his own
,20, 16H7, while making u second
; to reach the Mississippi overland ; sever
si of'-Hit faithful lollowera were killed with him .
half hit people tell speedy victims to the malig.
nity of the climate, aud the small remnant of
the ?oxapany were captured by u Spautsh expedi
uott, five hundred strong, winch was despati bed
frrjSB Ntw Mexico (Santa F<J lor line purpose,
on tlttair first nusrs of a French landing in Texas.
Tha few prisoner* made by tn.? expedition were,
altar being sent ui Spain, returned to Mex..-.-.
and there made to labor is the m nes, where they
wax* bxst beurd of. France never reclaimed them
xsorloWDoostrated against their troalmeut, though
tjkay ought to hart'oceii reieuaed as cluarly the
siclims of a miauke of Li S.iile's, who never
intended to land Wc>t .-i ihe Misariaaippi, ..no
who endeavored, as Boon aa he . .< -? . ins
xaistake, to get back to that River as speedily as
poaaible. But in fsct the real of his ex
padition was regarded by Spam n? an intrusion
oel h* territory, for such she considered the
whole coast westward aud southward ul St An.
gMtrjis not was her claim unreas nable. Hut
JFrnnee claimed the region of ihe M:e? as
hers, both by discovery and poe*e?^on, atol fiat
claiaa was eoocednd.
Tsxaa was lirnt settW by Spain in ' - ?
Trwt.ec never raising u cUini to it an u part ol
Lsex?aatruas?and a Spanish province, settled by
fcpsMiiarua, (-overuoi by >j'iiii, tuid defendi '1 by
Spsus, it titiva-ncd from that day dowu to the iu.
ospe-sdeuce of Mexico?over one hundred nn<i
thirty years. Meantime, an utssxtTOCU >n br. ke
oat thef*, SJ'd Spam qurlltv-i it; etuuggisrs and
iltasbooltvs harbored there, (in 181?,) and we
-votnplain-d. but never undert-.k ti d^po*ee??
s ?mme~. ,n T-iii.. tu> ?. |are?ra?li?a >.i i!
I?-;-ombi ..I t <ll**2 * ,. ifaraeatea I.-'? ?***? Eveota u
' ?t?m. In lr3??. h colli?vm of trw.ps was apprc
j bended, bat iheSp'ntd) eornnMiider adrarved
lo the Sabine ?-.ii'i'-.-.'c stopped ; Gen. W ukinw.i.
baited ottf f..rce? sitne thirty miles this ? de, and
pv ( < rctgt.cd. S.-Yaiociaam. d tothe Mu?wppi;
bot created the State of Lmis.ant., making
; i ic Sabine iu Westen) boundary, uad Sptia ta.
cillj icqaieacrd. N > Am. r can force, no French
? rc , v. .t. ever wn; South of -that River, un'?a?
J ?? n'i ... . oi av .w-cU hostility lo Spfn and lOTtu
s ? f her teil) i?ry. Tau? -to??o matters when
i 1818-19 w? made a Treat* Bkumthtry with
Spain. She c. dined to the Mississippi; Mr Ad
hute intlthia r.y claim ng to the Rio del Korte.
! It was finally settled ibet the Sabine and the
i,. : i?vir ?bouid forro the h..ur,darv. and tu this
our Gueextuncntgladl/ acceded. tlj,e old tra
? ditioneJ line ran wine tinny mike thir-s-.de of the
? .>abiiie, and N tte.utociiea was originally a S,.m
! i?h town.) Spain deemed her M.nisier, Don
Ooia, grossly "umanaged by Mr. Adams in trns
Treaty, und refused Ui ratify it for two yeara
niter it had been mjrned
Such are the essential facta. In view of ihem,
what hunest man can ulk ol the iff Annexation
r?f Texts to this Country I Is ih:s fraud ncces
atiry to ihc pcrfKtrtition of the greater fraud en.
trenched behind it ? Men : if you are men, put
a Sold face on the matter, und say you choose to
have Texas ; but dcsiat from this miserable cant
of A',-. Annexation '.
? We have been led away from our original
purjiosf and il .& too late to return to-day. In
our next, wc w ill spc^ik ol" Texa^ tii'.rintieijly, as
portrayed in Col. Stiff's \->',k.
ltrfunu in Corporation L?wi,
Nothing is worw. iii.tn t i ? present fomi ol lob.
byiog ?. bill for an Inaurauco <>r Manuf.ivtu.'ir.rr
I uupony through the Li ^.siaturt-, two pi the
Legislative obtuseneas **lncn crenit-w * uccefaity
(or it. One of the most decided wants of ..ur
lime's the emancipation of fcl! business from tiie
sha.'kli.-s of jirivale, special legislation, at. iir.s
already been done with ft inking. To tins end a
l?w should l?c framed de< luring the right of any
number per onalo ussociate iheMteelvea for liie
prusccutiou ol any branch ol business, subject t..
sue i r< bpona'tbilit ami limitations- as they shall
enact and publish to the ?rorld. ii theae d i not
afford security for credit, dou't trust them; n
md is p-nciicd uuder cover ol the corporate
character, let the knavej ho held responsible,
i villy to the swindled, criminally to the State;
out never hold innocent stockholders liable bc.
-nil their snare in the capital slock foi the debts
of a corpjration. Such are the principles on
which a General Live of In<:<?rp<.ration should he
trained. There are some "/md hints '...ward it in
the following form of petition to the Legislature,
drawn up by .Mr. Josiah Raymond, which is now
boing circulated in ??ui City. Copies may be
obtained ?t the office ol ihu Now.York Farmer,
INassau ?L* i '.
Tili' Uemurni ? fee / ?.. lare? fthi Stale?f.\~. V. :
I he UuderMKiw i irvpocllully Mrliti.Ni). I.rabie hnd?
u>iMw?a<:*.iMpwniu.li 1.1? f?i ? <?.Iurw.1 Atr.n.i
tiiral ?".? Maiiufactiirius * Untumnns*." .?i ln?*alee.l tl**|*fe*4*iil
lie.n.t.l l*.tr|Miral. I.n.i i-?r the etiei*vir?ureiiwnl ul rertaiu
i. an.il'act.ir. K S. vol. lii. p. JLM <. r., mnlude Uie
liuauteu ..l senrvillure, arid aeuaral nuinuliielurtiir. A ml roui
petitvuM wiHtld .ia'^. at ~?..e ..I" tlw ..... ii loch al pie
..... r? ,1 jot o ? pawaace >>l ?".'h :i law. Hut IoIIom ui|;
'l lmi u i. niM>l eaaeulwl to Ina well laainf ufaonwlr, lhal the
larxl ...inli atall titneabetreeand aecea?ible to createai
? ?trtii,'ao.lhal wheii a aiirptti*. ni bitmr in uutnutnctuiina etn.
. i .. iii.mii. ocr.ir*. the dratrraa *? h.rh it bnacat.i:tlia>taierativeii
oi*,) baavu4drd.ni albiwini Ultatiip ? ;v.I wnrknwu 'aniii.^.
and iiylue?ttient? I.aase in ncrinillnre; a'-l farther, that
l. iiarnow larse nuniben id inen withi?ul profitable cm
i.luj ent, v. ho, by the l?w wares thei are \> iIIiiie receive
.... aanttav inj.o> i? iktlful ^rnl ?rih> taparaUvaa in .v*-)
branehiafntanulaetunna labor: wIki, il eotniaanir* wereen.
c*.nrae?d lor the aetlbrmeatal iamla. mtyht therein las for.
nadwd with so>al cinpb.yuient. ?f which lliey ?....1.1 ala.llr
nvail tlamoel.'ct, ami ihua telievelha (oral inechanhi ..i lira
?ief;e. ol .-olu... Til I, ..i. who link' lit ol 'ei- Wl?ll 'o nvell 11 "I ?
.?? the advanlaai..? l?? ; nn.l foilber. Itiedepinauuu
. t buainaw., Iheinulnoli? kImi ? ami nappnren.) ofnincluuery,
andoilivf eaoaea, nhereby 'If ctmnceaid aeeuiuulnlHHi I.,
haml tabor nre nlaiiei eul rely em i.ffi demand lhal a a r c
and ????.? c? ?? Maaikl l^ opaaaal l.) Uaa ....i. toavefl imp. nd
um itearada'ion an i ?utfariiia '.. lira lalnitei:
\. ?'. l.i .i. ii..' ni^-eot wi< |toiir, ?i.* S'-.r- a^unet ii?..
mipulj ami laarpeto.lj to la.,,le,l property, w.iul i Lie \ ,
[.i.,'.i til aiich h law --" liriapetl r re?lricled.' rind kept a I
wayaaubtect lot.I a"-l re,-..l by tha Lcgialatoie. ium
?oiicii a. .1 wtMibi make |) see*aaible Ui a ri'm liUHiber of ClU.
. Ieii'.o^i. ....'-?. ' id lieeoiii.Ma |iVopr*r?or. ?I Ilia laml. a*
ilaev ..oifi.f i awl farihar, lliai I be pi at. ?I Ihrnunc. eeoiaimy
..r labor therein, and aarricultuial acasnee. would lie greatly
;.ml tat Inereby. Th^ ubjeiS ..I yoill petit>onrra lain prn.
? I.'le new aaallenatnla?n p'eaeu! .it.cult \ .'e I Isiala hi Una
>t^)e. no.I i.t". . anipkiyiueiil liar ? ^ortnv or. i iifiat ..^
??.a?? ol.-. ./'ii . Ami >oii' pelitiooma, bebe? mi dial n.r |mb
.,r i- real .*ntl. f-.r in^ imine.1 n?< par-ace id Mich ? law, !.?.k
.'otimlenili to tl?e wiadian n?l tiaiiiotuni of the pmaenl l^c.i
Inline tor pttrni|M un.l adei|Uate reltcl,
I'n.. MAtL.ie?Uivini: io iu. ?i.T.ii no mails vert
'ex-eiitd laei evenine either from the North, Kan,
urStouth. TheSouiheru Moil due at .1 f. M. ii
nlao b Itiud, so that v* it are without advices eilbei
fron) Waehinglou or Pr.iladelphia.
Tu'llay't Uataltle.
r-ii .t Caare.?liooka for Childreu eoiuidcieal?The ChiU'i
Friend, with ' The Little Bspecier.'aTale.
/.uj! I'ufr. ? A I'.win b) SvoiBjK*?a ; The Moon ; Com.
mere in] ami Shippinc Intellieenee.
In tiur article U|K>n the su'.ijuct of Indiana Re?
pudiation, a few days since, we stated Ihm nn
agent "f the Eogliah and American lund tiolders
uppwrci at Indianapolis and made a propoailit n
to ihe State, purpornug lo I?: by authority of the
I. md holders, to accept new bonds lieanng 'A j?er
cent, in place of ihc old bond*. Our information
in relation to auch a projmsiiion having been
mado was correct, but we have th-: authority o!
Mr. J. Ilorse.ly Palmer for saying tii.it in making
lite prupobiiiou alluded to, the agtnt uniiicly ex?
ceeded bis authority, al leastua fur aa the foreign
boud holders are concerned. The agent ha?, in.
deed, aa far as wc ecu loirn, entirely nuscon
strucd his iuslruclione, and has taken the optn?
?im of one bond holder, expretsai in a j.rivate
icUt r, as full authority to make the projKisition
he did tu the Governor. The agent, as wc un?
derstand, was simply made the b-'arer of n memo
rial signed by the American bond holders, and
iho iirvituts. ot the fore gn bolders, addrcstt J to the
Governor, praying him to urge upmi the Le'i;i*
lalu^e sonic action >in the qucstiun >?! the Public
Debt which would kad to its adjustment. lie
was u. '. auth ir.-ard lo luaki; uuy proposition
whatever, ami Ibrciga hnid holders did not even
know of his miesiou. Wc make this statement
r.t the request ol Mr. Palmer, who desires t>- coun
teracl the impieseioi) winch w..uid obtain, in
view of the proposition oi the -unit, that liie
?..reign Umd holders ore willing '..> compromise
tlicir cla.ms on the Slate uf Indiana. So far
from Uiis, he r??ures us that uocu the large
holders would accept niuetj nine cents on the
doUaU*! or H fe'r cent, intercat if assured of ;ls
pa vine ut. They are willing i.. o-. m any length
uf time which liie uocessit.ee ol the Mute may
require, and to accept any instalment of the
interest, however amall ; but thut nl! negotiali >ns
tor the adjustment of the debt mum be liata-d . n
the ultimate payment of toe whole, principal and
interesL The :oreij;n creditors, Mr. Poluur
save, look '.i ibo immense, lilnmublc weoli.'i of
this Country, su>l reiving ujon the justice ..i tnt
? itixens "f the defaulting States, they rely with
i mi must und -uMaiig confidence on the eventual
payment of nil tne debts oi the Si.itcs.
? We med scarcely mid that the uposure
?nede (by the action on the Agent's prof! t ol
lad iit-:i"-littali"ti ot the * pow<ra that be' in
luOittna t-i ;xry at mil, is not at all we ikeneu by
l ;u M f?Ct?.
1^^?- i great Teias Meenrop iu tbo faJn. .lid
i ot come od ycetcrday.
Ij) T?ft Naw-Yoas Socut? r.m mt Abo
HTI0.1 or PtTSlSHMK.t'r hV Uf a I rl tiiecla Una
eventnn al lue rn-t -.1 lt'i>t **'-? l-i?iM.'n..rtl
?ueei. fila hopedtirat theinwtiagwiU iihefirsi
Ol i? ?rekly e*ij?i? lor the public oi?eu*s.oil of lb
sabjnCt, ia which the Iftul.da as well aa l :w ?. l.. s
of lbs CiaJl'<e.a tuny have a fair iK-ariu?.
i ?sow Si.-BJt ? YesMday wo were ?i-ited bv an
hrstteset, old laehi-ned Vaokee ?jow-#ti>nir?? blow
i g.?k k. in;-! iurbebh- m?w-?(orm. wh^n the -kies
i may bs raid to atiek their hsnd* in tbenr pockets,
I n ' ei y . .tie fun. Ho* the dene*- clouda of enow
w jrted si jassjcally ihmueh the .ire?t?.*od turned
? .1?! corner- in a lurry, while all the I?d-*ir:i:ii
avhowv-reg ing in dw lace of the hla>r, buttoned
, .,., .\-s ii[i ;rnuil ar.i! tier.t low,and the r*r' who
: werr roi >?.' ih other way, under lull spread um
I hrellss, loomed large eu't made ?hl< bertha. Ii it
does not lie id'iod and ihrrfw a (.heerfjl :<>l
Orios over rvn t*. tol e oOOtted nud rolled about in
j a thorough, stead v snow-storm, wbat can do it' ?
L ? oul for en al perforuiances in sleighing, it tbe
! ?rattirr only keep* e'esr and tr.>?tv
i f We *un'l donb?esi tier of rx'ensire ma.
; line disaster* from tlie storm of yesterday. Our
locket ships uti.cn have been forty t > seventy
j days out, if tncy have reached the corvsl, will
have had a hard lime of it.
i_T The 11 trlem stages, Raiica-s and other
i "iivi vanees up to vn, were driven oil" tbe course
yesterday aliern'/on by the violence of the storm,
and many citizens were thus compelled to re?
main down town all night. The Broadway,
Bowery, Greenwich, Dry Dock ant) other City
Stages, were also snuffLd o'jt at an early hour by
the surly North-E^ister. There were a ?r< it
many iuvolunlary pedestrians struggling over the
danger jualy uneven s.dewalfcs through the blind?
ing storm of the evening Walking i? a whoie
somc exercise, but we have knowu more agreea?
ble weather for it.
rove \g <r?n nr . Saw YossiR U IStH. (ppM.
Uimo Wuej a. Pulnara.
This elegantly pruned .olutne cannot fail to be
r?nd b> thousand', and re-..) with delight. The. au
tti^r, whom we cis.u. ue a friend, irtucled leisurely
through ih- more al tractive portions of Europe with
the role purpose of self-instruction aud i.i.prove
ment, writing u-' a weekly letter us be traveled end
observed; and nur discriminating resder? will re?
member mi let'era (signed with liie initials oi Ins
name?W?i. .M. rjimtsPiK)?lor their uniformly
polished diction, their per fee I finish a-e imposition-.
Vuthors in our day are too apt to write hastily .?
Kditors, end ol courec to write bad y, and .trev-l. i .
mistakeuly imagine thai aoy lively o>?*ip will do
i ir a letter. Mr. Giileapie carefully avoids tin
fault, and bis !? Here mm l-i read with p car*mre I v
liie thorough scholar as well as the eagt i devourer
ol all that urr* He had ouu fault, in our opin?
ion, aa a gene 1.11 tiavrh-r ? 11 rut ol liioi'.iut: ho in?
tently at tlie external,? si palace*, staiues, picture
galleries ; loo t arel-esiv hi living ineu. The works
ol Raphael and Michael Angeld lire worthy of re
Sard, but we are more interested in the thoughts
and ways oi auuie ruile, true-hearted poseur i, wtio
lion reeu Wuriurer, Naptileon and Mural, and has mi
opinion as in ihe relative w. ighi of French und Aus?
trian eliiiiii- What we would mainly know ul ihe
traw ler in what til" IV j.|r ul die L'uUnlty he vi-il*
ttnuk of, aspire Iii, live fur, and how ihr heart ol our
' uiniuou Humeuity beats b-neuih ih? inwela ol ihe
princess, the uniform of ihn soldier, Ihe ruL.- of the
tir>gt;ar. Kul this volume Irnats ol Komi only, and
Koine ia a Cily ol die Head, regarded fui ^hut slm
has Ii uu rather tbsn what fhi* i^. Ruins ire (?, r
treasures ; her glury ie iu liio liiglu iVum which eie
has lallen. Our author baa vividly mid succinctly
porliuyed wli iievrr |>t-opte u? inlly t'o in Koum in
r e in i-ad lr.t.rl-> ibiliii i 10 lenru. A llloel iiilelli
gible ',i ol Iii?- Einmal Cily precedes hi- volume,
aud the Preface i? ihe rnnsl e^aeildv luodent ill nny
we have read lor weary inonihs.?SVe close with a
very Iniel extiael Ir.iiu the oje-ijni^ chaptei :
" liuMt ir in it- -i itl- ?vd a v. hi If world of won?
der.-, .on'-i.t iti.il iuodf.rn,.?and ihe newly?arrived
liaveler tin '- hiinoell bewildered in ihe ?? airbar
rhssriKiil uf riche.s." bl. I'eter'n calls him on one
side, iiir- OoiiArilin mi unoiber ; u liviug I'ope iivi I
?i ibml Empiior; ? lavs Apollo Bclvider-' is u mile
Iroiu Iii?: l'yittg I ? lad mi lor; ine Forum, the fan
llieon, Iiir I aipeian r.-ek, n- Tniupln o< Venia, iln
I o .1 "iiii'r, nnd illt) tllounan.l ulhei ul j :i? ut <*? e(i
.in, i, si in ?i -to ii ?! ov< r -tu iinutensu iw< n, und m
Irai i ? ?> ? oi every dim lion, so that i il.e , nnnni ih
poafers -ireuu euuni, they would ke.ji you hal
oni d in.trSidy in their csutru, like !Vluiioinei*e
? olhu hi Mecca, mill > i>u w..uld nee iiolhuit. in i aus?
itieie was wi much 10 n??r.''
iHir Blai awooD's MacsZiitE for January Ii?a
be?-n ivrt hmideo n- ly rnprioted by L. S.-i?:; ?5?. Co.
II-' Fulton-ri. lit longeet articles are 'Homer,
Han.e, and Mi -im 1 Angelo;' ' R--d River R?*collec
Hin.*,' (>ent;.iieid.) 'A Ramble in Montenegro;'
' Hin Three tiuardsnn-u,1 ? .-t-theiien in Dress?A
Case >?! Hut*, 'Msraton,' end 'Coleridge .ml
Opium-Eaiing.' The numtier is full ul interest, as
Ulackvvuod always ia, and every rruiluitr, club or
lyceum should have ii. This number commences a
volume. _
T*T No X\ III ui ii . Illuminated arid Pictorial
Bi de boo h--. n published by in- Harpers.
" Pt'SCMIANA "? t!5-Cettt Collection uf ll e
jokeaand iura iiiire* of ihe London 'Punch'?ia
jii-t laid on Graham's euuuiei. Kill .Nassau Pietlj
t3T A r.ew editiou uf IJallkcx's Poems will hr.
iseurd ill a lew dny -.
This Ci.ici.n.n iti Hi i.i n im.?We teceivi u good
luil paper from Cincinnau, with tins title. It m edi?
ted by Tracy lluwe, whom we ku..w nfold. Therr
nre rieh rlr-sks both ol tat arid Iruu in Tracy's com
poaitiou ; he can moralize and t rack jukm with eq ml
readiness, and oaghi lo mnkr a copiinl editor. From
some prime lots ul conundrums a'irady starte,), wc
fancy some of ihe V'l.tr.j-a.'ree/'is w vers are concern?
ed along with Tracy. J
Mi SU ?c?It? tnul theOoera will Im revved in About ?
ibrtnisbt, w.tli eifirieut peaforiners u> auppb the placet l?f
vacant I.r ihe abaanea .,f Bvrcheae at,.: Pemu Tbe i Ircba?.
tra ol t ie iLjian i '.^m intend lu :iim a Benefit t\^i<-ert tl
Palmo'i .hi Satui:..) ite\'.
Nkw-Yuhk Phiso.h Associaiuim.?Uv an u.:
vertisemwnt in another column it willigeren thai
trna .\e?ocianon haa ojienrden office al No. Id Pine
Street, (3d storv?r.xiiiis No lo and 16 ) where iheir
Apent w ilt be found ready to receive the calls ol
friends, particularly of ihn*e who are willing to
furnish employment to reformed convicts. We have
heretofore expressed our w arm approbation of tbe
i rinciplea and aims oi tins Association, and now
(bat it has placed ilrell iu tt position lu I.e. pracu.-nl
Iv ii-? t-il, n-it only in tbe unfortunate t.ut to SiK-ietv
at laicf, we carmol looearoesily invoke in its iieimit
thnt measure of public confidence nnd nuppuit
without wbich all its beat plans must fail. Those
who suppose thai ihe founders ot tins Association
influenced by an unhealthy sympathy for crimi?
nals, ure under n end mistake Their philanthropy
i- nsi of ho narrow a cast . it not only eocin l^?
th ? unfolua :!?? in nates ol our prisons btii is the ,'ruit
ul a wies and comprehensive view ol all human in
threats and relations. They would rxiend in?- lianu
cf kindneea and sympathy lo the ducnargad cun
v irt not alone on tus o*n account, but because such
s ruurse of Ireatuienl is l-est adapted to secure the
hiebest welisr^ ol ihe community.
Those wno wisii io obtain more detunte informa?
tion r-'fjiectin^ Ihr plans ol the Associatioa will do
well to '-oll nt lue office, ? here the veir rable Agent,
Uaac T. Ilorrth. willl-e most happy toanswei
I ieir iDipuries.
T?" CathiRWOOD's Ntw Panorama or JkbO
-.i-%i e in opened 'or exhitutiun yesterday at ihe
tiraoile Buildings, Broadway. Ihe'holy memo-j
rieev* which - luster around the sm ieiil City ol ihr
Jews will on doubt ensure ihr proprietor a lar^r
liui-ibi r of %iritoie.
ftT" S > i ? * -i ' k Gkauam, on nccount oi t
ttorin. I>.i- iKi?tpoi..d in? third and laat Let lurr
Water-Cme uord Friday rveuia^', wuun it will ie>
d livrred al ('tinion Hall.
fv"- A lo it hah j.?=t o'il.^s veaierdsy mi i
i i i. v..nng iulai.1 ares Irtt in ihe rntry of hjust
P ... lt!l ttioa.i*av. '1 h- trout tJiHir wu t pen. .1 tor
U -y.... ti ,?i... 1 I a--r.it with ihn intSSl placed t-?
i ?er. rbe uuiside ar d inside doors, the chad is
about three tin vs ( |J
I The *?, ?ui.ii <i .-irt-rr mid cttier fraetioas]
I ii- .1 . Ji Uar, will i.^e go at He- Poet-Of&ee first
us uiocn as any wtirrr" rl?e- if of Poet Ottl.c
slock will be gtad lo hear this.
I _
Some f?Mirifyt era ago we ha i tbe pleasures?
not exquisite, bv tie way?of submitting to a course
of trea-iiK-n: by Electricity for the 'cure of an invet?
erate tore abin, which ;he regular doctor* could
Bot?ai iry rate, did j.o;? beg.n to core. Tbe or-e
! rr.inr vji an odd genius, who bad teaul a pamphlel
I on Medical Electricity eon* thirty years before.
! and ther-nr*m K.u,:hi bin i?a Electrical Merhitv
a.,.i set work?:reck, truck. ..ra-k. He tbti'
i ared I unreif of u stuidrucii rheumatism, and his
' seiarhb r? cl a vari- ty of die?all 10 ih. bacKwouO*
ot \N-.ir-rn Pexinaylvanta lie h?J a lot ufpetanciO
I ~t,-u are) wr>- then-, and ? tired some tf uVeiu?(hi*
.?et-, at least. Withal, hit praelk-e imbued ue with
a disrelish for electric shocks which are ?hall &o:
ilmti get ov-r
Yesterday we dr pp. d in at Dr. H. H. r-ier
woo.: a In.' Chatabei at. t?. examine bis recent im- j
proa meats on the Electrical Maehioe. They are
?. i.iv et? .-< i? ice ttie. at'cuit'in ol e%ery lover oi so
r?L> and hili-a:. w.ai. Insiesd of ti e old cam
j brous ap,->irutus. Dr. S. iia.-. cocd?-L*ed the whole
?uaclune tnlo a little box, t.i < r rig^t im be? long,
by lour or ti?e deep ar.d wiCc. and weighing eight
? r trn pounds. This machine charges itself, and
mav b- k. jit constantly runat; g at iciu: .1 r-m
.1 day, without 1 turning' or any attention whatever
I'bia machine dott 1.0I shock at aii ' You aitnply
^ive it a tinger-louch t 1 elart it, rnd then take hold
of the handles (wires in me old concern; and are
1 barred wiih electricity, gently or as vehemently
as vos ate abb- to bear it. A simple II ucfa incienset.
or djiuiiii-iie* at pleasure tiie rapidity wiih which
the fluid flows into your system. 1
That this ia au inline n*c in ptoveu.ent it every?
way on the old modes 01 cotntnuoieaiiog electric!
:y, w.'i^iher by a machineor by manipulation, seems
so i-evident. I bai there may be c ares in which ma
nipalation UiaV be ICjUlsile, He are not qualified to
da-pot. ; but it is notorious tha: a errat proportion
oi ihr human family are scare ly itnpn sainle at ail
by ? pvssea,' whiie nobody could ivsist tiie power ol
ih.- iiiarliine. We DeeJ not add that bo one who
e\'r underwent ih-> 'shocking' process would
? heoee to ecdUreit a?;aii; when ihe same rtf-. is .-an
I? produced by a j;t-n.!- process. 1'he improved
machines of Dr. Sherwood cost from $?0 to $\&,
according lo aixe. Wc do not tee how tn,-y can l?
improvsd 'por,, etthi 1 :n point of economy or effi?
How im and with what success Electricity or
Magneiiart] may be n Iii .1 on r.s a Medical agent, are
questions for iin.se deeply versed in tne economy
.1 Nature und the ia*s of Liie. We know that re
luttrkable enures have been performed through its
agency, bui ol the laws by w hich it operates in
aui Ii ' sacs we k ,.-. nothing as it should be known.
L'r- Sherwood ??-siir-e us ttial he lias,ur.-d Pleuri
av. Tic Doloreux, and a e'en' variety ??! acute dis?
eases in an oa t. 1l1l.lv rlu it apace ol lime, nnd li st
Curvatures ol (he Spine ol tstentn-eigkt years'
standing have y ielded to the Magnetic application,
die. ifce. (See his notice.)
jy In the outset ol the treal trip belwecu the
U S. ships Ponntnoiiih and Jaiuesinwo, which are
iu proceed together to the Cspe Verde?, lo leal
their emling qualities, ihe I'ortstouulb, in ihe die
1 mce Isetweeu I >!>l Poiul Ctunfoil ami l'njei I lein v.
'.?ui ihe Jiimeauiwn oiut utile, ?? md on tbe i|uarier
?im!, r loyale, Ireeh I./? Phis te according to
ibe" Mirror, Elsewhere ?e m.- it staled that thu
,ulut.-. 1 ...in tin re wee ii>. ..dvutitti?c gained by ci
iner vessel >.v> r the oilier in Un* distance
*jjf Wc ?n? 1 pit ? ?? ol wo' d ui the Ami Kll i>
I -111 > ii yesleiday, iak. 11 out id the Mexicau
ateamers, while they were in ttiia porl niakiug n ?
j'iiir, which was changed iuio a couqdeti boa <
111 ..i. airticture, by a not 1 ..i worn n 01 lauere, some
??: which we saw alno in spiri.s, that 111 uat have been
1. . ier^ ihm .hn-e inches long. The aiaJ was
pierced ui ? .??? dirci iiuti. riuch n choice verntettc
perfornnuice 1 in i?- r tr. ly tviinesae'l.
There were several terrible wrecks iu ihc
ra*?i hnd nnrivtilled bdu?-..ioi 111 yt-strrtloy cf??
1.rellas! _
'In. <'i-.isn.ii rcLKsCoirt! ? Ihe arrival ?!
t 1. ereilt rchroinsiic, irin.i nog Equ -lo. iil I'el.'s
. i.pa", tiMUia mm er. in tbe I ? lorj ol ihe CinciniiSii
\sironoinicHl Society, at which it is proper 10 call
..nil 1 ii i niion, to tits prt ceediogs osd its obj?< is ,
and .1 ii'~> ription ?>' !???? ij 11 m^s anil 11 ? pra ol this
v nliiable insiruinani :hh , im interestii 11 equals
Die hieltest h |? s which so hnvn ???.??r bc< n le.i t.?
ent-r tiin ol its ear-Heuie there b-ing nothing ol
the hint! in out ..a :t couuiry (and but oiw iu ihe
world j in nut degmticomparabi ? lo it, ihe one t.rd r
? d by the tiuv. rt. iiet.t ol the l.:. S. possessing i? 11
>.!.i ut iwo-ibirds its powers and proporliocs. lit
focal distance is abon 1 17 l^et. and Ihe diameter 01
its object class nearly I'-' inches. The hour circle
?bo .t 17 inches in diameter end divided ns to
.?? able tu Irs.; twoeei ocdi of tin 0. The di ci'*,,i
lion 1 irele nearly 2fih s m di ui ?. :-r, so divined
by vorniers upon ? limb "i ..i..er il.ni four seconds ol
? u me may be 1- id. I'he itreal IVIeti opecarrii s 11
lii.J' r, or small Teh sc< pe ol o. arlv inr.-e fe?| local
>111.iauce. All ita ufiveinentn are perfecily Ii 1 lanced
ia ev?ij position. Clock wmk i. attached 10 ii,
which may b?ao adjuaied, aa lo retain iui obj in
t"e field 11 vision ibrany |.er.o.i 01 lime There are
l.'> eye pieces, common am) iiiicrometrical, wj li
inagnift ing povvets varying bom I no tu 1 Jim, I. -sides
two circular micrometers and iwo solar claases,?
Tie object glsss is reported to le ihe beat 111 ;he
worlai, excepting, |ierhaps, ihut belonging to the
Emperor of Itussia, recently mounted inth^ fibser
v ilory ol Pulkuvn.
from Tbe Cincinnati Mechanic,
?KKATCSl UlSCuVKHi OF THE AoE.? 'I'll' Eire
tro Magnetic Light ?Messrs. J Milton Saniiers
and John Slarr.have m lasi succeeded with their
l.i^rn ; 'ii .! n brilliant t.tfuir il is. We drive tut.I the
pleasure of frequently >v itnesaing their experiments
ai h dtfierently formed machines, having 'or rheir
1 iij eis ihe production of this wonderful li^ht. Yes?
terday we were invited to nltend ihe Inst one to b ?
m?de in ihn West, h proved auccesaful. 'I'he ap
t'sratua with which iheir light 1? made is email, to
nilow of eaay tranrportation. But it may I e in
creav d to an indefinite extent, and wiih its enlarge?
ment is tbe iocieasi ufih?six-?of the light. From
our own observation we should supposai ibe power
of the li??t could noi be increased. We nevt-r could
conceive a hebt more brilliant. Though hut the
- /?? ui pea, it is aufficieiii in illuminate quite ? large
room, nnd liirbiiie tbe atrmlv tliiiee of the eye. The
blare ol ?? --smile iw<nty fee; distant Iroin the ap?
paratus, and mnv frei trotn the wall.i nets upon the
avail n thick ehadow??0 much tn-.re brilliant is
- 1 lie light." though r.oi one-tweniieth of the size of
i!ir candle's flame. What will lie me power ol tkia
Ir^iit when increase.! to the ei/.e of a gas-hcht ' We
(?aunot conceive.
At a distance the lieht look* unlike other illumi
nations?throwing out most beautiful rays, which,
tiuely col re.I. spit td iMguiucenllv ir.-m :he briehl
. f-nir-. I ..r inventors ae.y they ran tnnk.' biv light
.?1 .! ii-r> hi colors, and even nlierniieiv change from
.nie i ui--r n> ati.iiiier. The apparatus lor producing
Oos illumination displays grrai ingenuitv, and a
thorough know edgi if mat poriioo of science which
rrUtca 10 me principles they have so successfully
apn led.
W in - wiiiirgeiii^ mat portion <?! its operation ? is
iblr 10 tin- r\c. we perceivi d ? r nr t.i iron revolving
r.i|'idlv. The bur v?ns loierablv heavy, and nearlv
a I'm t long ? 'lmi em te* made 10 tevolve wiih a ??ift
larsa sufficient tu lim?: ilsell, iu ?piie ot all wurk
manabip to ihe contrary, Iroin its pivots. Il will go
>.??.- with uiidiiiiitiiahed velocity, and without aa
?ialooce, once started, from innn. This, we fancy,
j an ai-pruurh u> |>erpelual motion. Cannot it be
applitd to lovumotives. StcA The invaotor^ any,
without doubt, t/cnta.' Truly this is the age ol 111
lentm.'s They say also, that this latter ?iii innsany
liunta aup'-rseiie aleaiu?ibe I.etil will mipei?Je
inaiiv tuner am m ' in I Ii2h!a--wImt uex; ? 1 >nce
-ta'eil ihe |i?hi may be said thereafter lo la* oi no
??t fa-rise.
I :ie apparatus ?ih noi n.si a very great amount,
,1t may i-e kr|,t m im? part ol the r;iiy, am! tlie lip hi
produced by Conors uni ?':'< 111 any oilier pan. ' ?r
it may he stowed away in ibe cellm or garret, as il
1? r;>.t all-r;. .1 bv damporr^. und wires !?? ' am-.I lu
aitl'-r. ni rooms, to ihe street, or to 1 be us-iabboririg
? ii.iele. VX-.-til 1 iiawt du ic. the way ol Urumina
liona, remains vet to lie dntcovefed j ?'nf .1 can
do, we may partially conceive. The inventora autrl
imtoedialaiy 10 tirent Ilritam to aeenre ibeir pal
? u s.
Spring be Id >t ) Kepubitcan mi .Saturday stales
"hit 11? week, R party ol mnety mittel p^reou*. * old
-.ad middle ?i;ed lads-a and temleiuen," froau fl'ia
rdi I't. arri'rd ile-ie :n the ItrOtning, ?jieni the da,
sf er the old bshaoned aort. and returned 10 lie af.
0 rno. n.
ITi*' 1: i.a aa??! it". .e ! S. verttiKoi is ahoul
to inaka a tmerngsnptarn ... . jviuI uih^i tl?e Brttuth
tf.>.irnui?nt. t'truuch Mr. E'eretl, lor the delivery
uf a <aug ol ei<m ur aise abtvaa wiki bullied a house
in Flurida, and u?ass escaped lo tSenuuda.
tHnxjru?) fur lbs Tr.booe ]
Proceedings oflbt Kaurmers' Clnb
Tt ??d.t. Ff* ?.
Mr. Towmkvd, of I.ong Islanei. in ihe their?
Mr. M-us staled tha! sorce expected statistics on
??.iiroads hid not arrived. Mr. Bridgman furni'h
d the Cab w-.;b s. report or tbe sobj/ft cf ihe
lisectr-in the Potato, containing an interesting ac
mint of the earlv history oi this iuipurtsnt vegeta
le. Therewesnuihlruj, novel La tne cornuiuni-a
tioc Mr. Bloomfie d siavj that tt.e I'otale csme
lo iu perfectieio 11 - Ten vrais. bu! sittr another
-even years, lire Po ato Lr??!iie> todecli'ie: lid* is Ih''
? Kiee and ! ai!" <i ihe Potato. Mr. Tosrnaeud
?ons.dered thi-?aiue of the Po.ato crop, generally,
lepends upon ibe eeaeou, not upon any psrii-rular
eirivvifcal decay. Mr. I raises hut Potatoesthus,?
>n a arm on manure . when ihe plant j i?i ti-ra Irora
be grou J lbs ranhi? bushed dn*u level. The
earth is Iben plough d freut ?w plant, sgsinjust be
.p- blossoming, tne earth in plough d t ? the plant,
-rd a alight ?arirda^ uu?.tn it?e bee nude.?chas
fee bieseed aa often a* possible. Considerable nis
cusaiuu followed oa the point oi the ?? Rise and
Fall" oi me Potato, but not quite ss en.let* in
its results as Gibbon's considerations on ilie "Rise
and Fall" of Koine. Mr Meies read a letter from
die Jn.mai.-3 Royal Agricultural Society,?a..- i ut?'
irotn Sidney Weiler, of Brinkleyville, (N. C. i a gen?
tleman w.ll kuowa tor cultivating the gripe.and
ihe malting of wine. The subject of ihe ''bearing
u llmroads and Canals on Agriculture," was r.J
jourued io the next meeting. A letter 10 J.idje
Douglass on the S-'k business from Florida, wss
referred to th- I umrniitee on the subject.
Mr. Ken said he would like t..- say some thing
about ltd an ("urn
He elau-il hta objections to hilling curn in ibe fol?
low ine manner :
1. The removal of th* roots fr >m th- air. "nd the
earth clos.-to the plant is unbroken und covered up
2. Hain and moisture tend 10 run off ttie hui in?
stead ol eiukini into tt.
:f. Part nl tbe manure i* turned up and expend,
and applied lo ihe corn .n the hill, farther retnowd
rum the air and ru lislure t>? being buned deeper.
I. More labor and trouble are required in turning
up tne bills, while the weed* are most likely only
in he buried ur.d -e.??:r 1 appear again.
'., More room is r-quired between the rows, aad
rConsequenly, u low yield per acre.
I'm- advantages in stirring and loosening the earth,
in place of billing it. about Indian corn.
I. The mot \* no! buried deeper, und the ear'h all
around the plant ia in good tilth.
Thus the air and moisture erf allowed Ireely
to permeate the soil nnd benefit the plant.
3. The action nl the manure, whether supplied
broad-cast or Inid in w ih trie se, J. ia no ?!? ui d wit la -
nit being dir? i lly exp red
?I ''"lie l .u!'.- and luimi are lees, whbile the
?i"i!h ar-- tu r- liable i< be etil and destroyed, as a
jilow armed *:th its coulter only i? ?t:ili.:ieiu to Mir
icd loosen the soil.
3 A larger yield um i follow, and the plants be?
ing closer, ihe'storing ul ihe earth is more easily
accomplished and wiih im.re l>euelit lu the crop.
The experience of other members ol tie Club,
proved :tie valui Oi Mr. Ken-' statement.
I r. iii the Albany Ai?u?.
The New St ?n- Hrlaou In Clinton fount)'.
Ra.v-i i m Cook, of Saratoga, the well know u sgenl
of l!;e ne a Piiaon.ltas submitted a very iulerasling
report to the Legislature, ol in. present condition and
future piuspecta. Ii is now- well known ihat the
vei\ iuiporianr experiment ol driving trip hammers
of the Catalan Ibrge by means nf the eicnpe beat,
while met line Ihe me. hum been i n 11 \ tented nnd
r.iund emineiiily au.-cesatul. The iui|Kirtan.I
this dievovery wiil be lullv appreciated when we
atale thai mn-i power is no lungei neceasary lur
carrying un great iion worki, bui ih it the heal which
a ss Ir-relol r.- allowed lo eecs'ie, without heilt?
used, is now applied by a system nl coudticlioii lu
generale steam wloeli driven ihe haintiiere ol ihe
lorae. Its importance i? -till more palpable, when
we add that Hie expense is lr?a tlian louse wuter
Mr. I 'uns i (plain* Ill 'I (l)W words tlie comprehen?
sive ie>iilia which will usaurvdly lullu? this llioet
inetul discovery :?
***l*beobjeel in 'rrui- tin* experiment im- l-.ei, ii. , resl.
/??'.. ti\-1 ten he ut rat in- lint die notnufacturc ol wl mifbl >ron
in Ibe ( Valau l.xs.Se pruMtcutetl at Ibe iihmiiIi of tbe
mine. bihI w.u. .i.i coal lot powei 't he exi-en***id tn.i...-.-it
. - Its ? i?, aud ??! an tbe conI als?, frorti lim miiim) neiebbor
ibe .mtd.1) mem . i .-..ii.i. ii m ni mil mo e imporlance. asby
? ? e nabieil i-. por-ue lumiiMr. ihe (irrearni.ul the ...e end
.Ii ueuiiifaelitre?f iron, wtibiu Ibe |h;msi rani,theeonvieu
? :i i be ? in. ? .i ntai i dilfereot braueiara, i om-pondiug w.tli
tlieircapai r> and bcliavsjur.
il mso finds hv experiment, I hat the oie from
the -c-er.- ? !??:. ei.. ?? /, in I. .ui putelianed ibi the
to" ? on, is nl - i aunerioi i quality, llinl good Steel is
r di while ii.i.iiiiiin t.o oi ? iron. "I'herefore In i!? ip^,
with reason, that steel herealter can be made with
All i ?e c let steel we u.-- iu Hits country in im
(?oi h I ii. ii F-ngisnd . and m.i-i un uIn? ly, (he it, u
a pi v. i a v imporied i tin Fnalaud from Russia or
-tivenr.i. The clinre.onl has aleo lobe imported. It
las >irv icmnrkabl** fuel which chows she com
mandic< resources ol nut coumry. thai sieel must
if ru iiiu ? ctiin ii front r1- ircosl iron, wh ch Bngland
has not ???'J cannot mnke. Her pit conl willnoi
answer Ibis purpui ? Here, our meaus of obtaining
i bail ? :il aie bouodli -. aud in x musiible. lly inn
nuiscliiririg steel at the prison, ii competes ox If
with the I'orcigii in .> ifscturer.
Tim new prison if lo be called th- I 'linton prison.
It is firualeit ti ???. en miles nearly \\ rrii ol Plaits
hur^li, in Clinton c< univ.
I he progress thus lar has been 1 mitcdlu Ibe pur
: the ore bed and two hundred acrea of'and
' % 17 MW)?ex per inn nil in ihe manufacturing o; iron
and steel, and ihe anx'kndicg, in piece u a prison
wall, won pi< It? j i ;>?? I Ii iu . ol I.' scree, 'vidi 'i is
to b ? t:ie future pri-nn yard. Tili1 job is tinder coi
trn.:. n> a cost of al.I $t!0U0. 'Ihe work is pro
cresking, aud is to he n.,i> ed by lbs middle ol April.
I in? yard euthrucee oo lodanfthe moulh it the
mine nid til ilu necessary grounds for the buildiugs.
I'here is a brook running through ihe prison yard,
which e?u easil^ be msile into a cap icious reservoir
.?I pure water. There ia ulao a pure spring nl wnter
on an adjacent bill, 150 lent higher than ibe proposed
Ol the appropriation! ($30,000) of last aessii n,
there ? n residue ui from two to three ihouaun l dol?
lars, '??liu-ii will le- expended ttiie Wii.ter in procur?
ing lime, lumber, iStc
In relation lo the future nnd entire eost of the
prinon the ii;ent rrinarkii ?
" Wild rtie advice and aasutanee of competent pervoai in n
' i BUl c tlie?uie:i?eul li.r-e er? 1 ii.-. witii un r^iline, ilie
whole niiiiiimi i. Iiv?.l at eiahti thnusaiid dollnrs. wiUi entire
Confideuce that it wdlmS eireeil Hint ?um. 'i'hevreeti.iii" lot
roa?nns. ataaipiafi ai:0 lepaiauns ore, machine sbep, coal
hou-ei ai.,1 t'.irse :ne r,ut tnrsodeil in tha e?riiimie 'J'lia?e win
prnbntiljr r. vt fifty thouwiod ilmlnrv um^e. Ilm no doubt ri en
tettaioed by the usdenaaned, thai, with nu appropnni
one iiiiinlird thousand i,.iilvr?. the iiri*..u aiel uirnleii'al public
billldinC ""ir bs ercrurl. lOKethef willi that filturei l?l prei.ai.
ins the ore. and a forsvs wi?i etcht tin*, TfaMw .. ?' ?'?
BMSttv Ii . niakins ie?in--iiiiiie eoearnenceineul 'I.ar;'
laslureof inai. Atter which lime.it i, , .'.i |ii.e ..erk.
Uiaj le> n ..i:.'e>l lu 11,"-.leu' i)e. it-.|, 1 r thr ... . IS eaTllinS*
ol convicts, inn! ar it hi ui Isithe* leguiaU<e aid \. sbaol tin
Nim miwl l?i eapeiwird lasl'ura die iiiariulncliire ..i ir.el CSS be
couimenred, tne Ihm when it snail be new netermiaed
by Ibe soproprtsUasai lur Hint tiiiry.ee . aJJ ut a bk!b re?o with
:iie wavdutn ilia Lettbkitnia."
i he following i- trie plan proposed, to complete
it in all its de mile :
" .\ plan -.1 tbe primo. with the neceeaari kuildinc fot tlie
ii-e ui the ottieers bii.i aeeomm?"iBtii?i ol ihe coaiviete, n.itether
with etUmalea utaxpeasa ol vreetms then se, haa taeni i.;b
uuit.ij i? de rii;.i.'? a "i the e noon-awn er., and approved
hy Ibem. 'I be plan eoolemplate? rr-.a bu Idins ol a prmin live
lili-.]r.-il tort bans Bad littf tool w?ia. witll Ouee Her? i^ tl.i.
he* of eelK makins n all hve hundred aad lour calU. Twu
bui ilinc?. aar Ii noa bund roil and tif'y :eet pme ami lurty ri.s
Icet ? a-.- to be ;n-rme aeritM each em: u! ihe pn?*i,
ibslanl iri in ii twent] roe tee', ami connecteil mil, ii by c.i?.
ered balb. The boildins at une end of tbe prtnon ? tn uteliida
t..r the aeeul ? an,. Ch/rk'i dwelliniv, i-'erk'? utlira,
uu|aret?Hn>*and asenU* ? ri?--?. suard room, Eaapar*a nail a-ni
?everal atore i.i-. I>e uuiUms ot tie- oUaef end it to indues
the Siichan.dinina riean, baUi room,rbapel, aaaipilsj, ehy
aieiao'i ottice, chaplain*i tdfice, a department fur tne inasns.
.Mr. Look concludes hia very valuable rep ,rt
wii^i ihr following leuiorAe, which aiiow the sound
policy ol i^rnm^ i onvicts .nto ibis new and bouud
lee- held ol nun ufacture:?
"Tbeaveraceccet uf atonof iruoin the Noriiiern jiart of
theMiperinl.t Italy dollar*. Tie* ii.m fur rhaienal. aa e
paitnl lhu .... : , lasetsenU] fl-Lstl, but in tlaj bicaUna
s?- - ?-?' '?' iheSoiii irillnnteiraad flu. Tbe ot bet iienta
tn make up iu- intwunl me me prepare.1 uie. lai-.r of insJuac
'lie iron, and .?. .. eutai rriiair?oll ul wh.ei, ijaj i>llt
ei el i-r coavir tbabor alter reasonable praetiea I'lirt? luunts*
ineii ui '..e rnooey ohtai-ew for each tun i.r irtan will idliuailets
ue fareaibtd tl?. aonricta. Ii. aa it cooteniplated, atldiUuu
?I taten h l*?t.,wrd upon Uie iron, ao aa hi mate .t le-mc froca
i - I . . . Innurol Uie SOale will
ho ^il! ?rer.ler.
"In >ucb eniidoyrnent. loo, lias State aeeoioi all ile>irearn
"ic?. 'a. part ?I Uitin l?ui< given i" runlraclun. We ko.c
at-., the cra'irrinc rrrt.-rii..,. tiiat tliej will iwl injurMMaly
coinpets witS iilhen m tbe aame buaincai, aa all can h> uu
.apply Ibe ilcnuiue' . but, ??.,,- laithlol'y Imhlhnt; the
-.-n'et.ce ui the taw. Lhey mi! !?? lirnw inf tntm tlie buvvebi of
Uie earth in dormaattreaHiret. In i?. jiaOibuurd throuch U*v
iii.'.rr for Ibe hem tit ol a:!, ami lu :he mjory .,f none.
^iure ihe |>-gialati.ie ul .\*w ^ urk, alter the ful?
lest and lintel it?lil/t-raif dia. ussion, have determin?
ed ufvou the erection ot ibis i.ew prtaon, it wdl be a
matter of jnst gratulaiioa tbsi the practical results
llius fai -iiaiiie.i, give evridesce of ih? wisdom a?
w-ll aa juatice ol diverting the labor nl couvh uj bo
-ia co looker tu lojuiioualy Cooipale with the Ituuti
i. ?: I ram ts - oi labor among the Mechamea oi our
Stan .
A 1 mkiii. Lite.?lit. L. W. BriMtti, while
ehuv. ..u; -n-iw Irom ihr r'-uf of hut office, i'. Iaj' k
p..r-. [H. \ .; .i Thursday last, took o frarfui ?ap,
??iirt.i. should .-.-ve as a < union ro prreoos who go
upon ru le -,f bouses u r like purpnses. ||^ bad
gone to ihe root ot hia office lo i I'm ,vi> the saow
..nd it e. ?v r>. u be CtuniDe at til alidiog, and, behag
tide to alup himself, w. hi ovr.r the eavea ! tie mrew
Irom 'lim ihr spade w;m \, i,e|d iu Ina Lai,.), a.,d,
tli.-ui' i bis i.ea.: war downward, through uncommon
pica, nee ol mind l?e au lurue*l hnriaei! in mr a? i tin t
re- mi urk upon his feet, having i.Aiit.n b.'-oui I r.irty
kjet wilhoul he a igntrel u-jury '
tST Tie [S?rth Carotins University Catalogue
reports l?d Pupils
Approprlai-ti'n? *?r InvrJl" Oert'eafrt- ,
The (cllowiivg are the iu>ntf of apr^ropriatio*. MM
th- crre t and corfia?eM ?r?Drt? of iJw Icdtaa
DT-amr-ct^or^dtob-..^? bjr ?? bill
?yrforr t'cOfK"!**: ?
K", ,k? r?r of th. -ir^.tJiLL,vi,*n
!..?,'...<.?** t" .t-i-x- u-novnt it t*t Ixh?.. i-w
.-. . v to sett w u;?f ntatatenfol w??tei? Um- ^
... r-try build recyi :?J ?t the taatatal ?*T?*- ? ^
p,.. ? ? Mtaoooon tool faro<oo?".amiswat
nr.n.-ror'... I ? lud in I>-.-*rtmenl. and Utt Iren?
MtaOatttlOn iv m'* nt??*i .
, ,-?, i ?. ??? - UJiami. m
fat permanent ar.ai ' .??**?
Teti. ? /?**?ran
- payment in manet ? t| , est.. itiwilnvotl ....??
I';.-' . '-' .........rp.?n
'ot to.- -hme Ihre. . - jl auu?
tun? u ? . rr'!..i3Jy?um.
}?..' to ..1 i?i?. ? i tnip*j"J?0?i. train
uf arm!, ami to Catty an --ra , ?'*ujU bar
.??uit year*..... .
Pot pur.i...-- ??' . r ?? ? a ? went) ran .' 'ai
Forpereha*atuflubaeeofu .e tj ..??? ?wum
lot taut** ??.;t? i?. i money)., rj.."?
F-r lmiite.1 ?nnuit? fu Iweetj , raafj fatal ?I*'?-"M,
For purrt.??* ..i'.. j. lad i. > ? in uaa
r.Kiral. nitida ot the tiwaly .titn Ort, Im: J.v*>
For auppo<t of tiro blackaoMtbV dtooa, . n a P*y ?? .
?mitrw, an.l aw Maul ?, and futBMtunti .r- .. anJ ?Oral-a lj?
For "ipoo'i tarn puaaeni .I.taW ?'
F..t 'tie pay ol two rarproier. -1*25
Kot liie aUOOtXt of tcliaail*. i,UU'
Tj fa* Cktppewtu ?J vj-?aaa?.
Fot naiaaatatot arno.ty. .i.puutri! at tre treaty of 3d
V;,... 1?*. .I.?00
For i-r'ntn-ioot ?nnuit?, atiyulaird in tha treaty m I'll
XoretanW. ISW. *0 !
Fol pertunmrttt annuity. ?tipulaUsd in r-ept. IStl*.l.UXl
K.-r nipoott t.larkamiih at Sa?ana?. and tanairut
KM lb ami ran K at'.
Fol educatMM dural? 'he i'*atiir? ot Coocraaa. atutu.
Iati?i in ttia t.itfi irtieie of tha treaty of Auauai ?*i l.UBt"
/'. tat i ?i.ijirvot, M'* ??<? *">. H'raaaeuaTtMa. lad
,V 1 >iea 1 km. ar.
Foradacal ua.duhsa th* ,.!aature ??! t'onarraaa. auaa.
laud m trtrtreati I" lIth Aaaroat, 1SB . 1.S00
I, : ?-.... ('nwu, a ad /Waaaaaaurat.
Fi^ parroanenl annu ty rt ;-.i ?ieii in the treaty of *th
July. PC' ..?.*0
F>r i ia let ii nil litt twenty ?.??!>. ?...?ulataal iu Iba
treaty ..i ?Ii SefemDer. l-O. 14.0*
t'mt i mt?t annuity, lor iwauly year*. ?i">ulata>l ui Ua?
tirat) ot *kh ..i I em bar, ISB "JiXt *0B0
For life annuity lo chief*. iti.iulateU iu ihc treaty of ?ah
?jaittaunber. 1833. .?. 700
Fur Ma.-tamHi ?ad aiauiati!. .tipnitied in 'be treaty of
WtbJuly, isa . ?V
Kol iron aiet aieei_. ?
Fol iiuicliaie uf aalt, >ti|iu'i.iu-.l m lite treat t of July. 1S?? JW
To t?r t Jtocruar.
Foi petniancnt anmutr. . .....??/?t ui tlat treaty ol l"*h
Niwember. |aoS. 3.OC0
pvt itenaoneni annnny, aiiiniUia.) m the treatr ol l^h
Uctutter. ISflU... tU)
FUf ueraianami annuity atioulaiad in Ute irratr ..I Aan
Januatv. I-J5 .fl.CWl
Fm i. annuil] lo chief. tHub tuat.) atipuiatad ir. the
treatr ol IfOta Janoary, IStS. IM
t.r lifaaniiuity in three iti?"n t caieta.itwa hunCre.1 and
:: ri. it. I ir? eacb,)al itulaled in the treaty of XTth twp.
tcinta-r. |a.O. "SO
Fot limited ii un'.. lot iwaattjr yean. lOpuauad in Uta
ireat> ol 37th Septeinbar, IUI.AJ.UU)
FiuauocaOiatiM l.u yiajlha.HUtj < we.'iy venra. ui.-luUinat
luppvtt ??? leu i ? ia ii Ute aa?on.aUpulated in Um Iran?
i) nl X h * [tie alter. IS?I J .ta^W
F'.i bUeaeni th ami aaatiianli Uifmlalad in taa) inra'.y of
1?..r. ISW, aiid aiatli atlicieol' Um treaty uf
SOlh Jauuaty. I-?. ?*?
F..r :r.ui ami a'te-l. . 3?
Fur three blncliMUiUii and attauiuta, lui aixUam >ear?.
.'.imiaiiai in ili? tieatr oi JTih September. 1*0U - i.'?>
Fm iri ii ami .lea!. *U?
fur pay .1 miiiaoitht. ttipuiaud at the tiouiy ot rCtli
ftepteniber, ISA). ?00
fu rat ' to kaaaa***.
Fol iiettnaiteilt annuity, iti|>ulai*i! in the act ?I Xitli
Kebruary. 17X1 . 3.?O
KorcducaOuo. lorailUMti reata, atipulatc! in il.e treatr
urSfalt May, ItSI. 3.*0
/'.. bat < Vrraf.
Forpeimanent annuity, iHi>ulaied m ibe ttaaty of "tit
?uauat. |>i.1.41?
Koi iarfinuuriil ii nullit r. atipulalaal iu th? treaty ol Itith
. Jioie.lH.-J . .3.000
r'oi iierniiiiaeiit annuil>, atiimliiUal in tlar tteaiy ol WUt
Jh, ii .r>. IS?. .... .a?.0U)
For InioUet aniiiiitr. loi hfleea rear., ati|?i|aic.l in Uta
treaty uf aiih March. 1833 . lO.uw
l'or I.In. k-ii.ill. and aaatatant. nn.l uaa of iJavp a.nl tiail?,
atipoUeal in ii." tn ut? ot ?Jlth Jainmir . IKK. *ll
l\.t ion, ua.l ?teel. . rm>
For two blark>iiiilli. nn.l n-'olMiita. ami ?ee nfaluHa
'??t l... nt j; yeiil". ati.nilnliM IN Hi.- treat l ofMa.ih :1VJ ItHI
I in ir n a m! alr-i-l M
I ... o ii. kamilli im ? aaataouil, tu d n?e ul ?hup awl Loot.,
durina lite ftlaaauraiif il ? Pr^obnit,aOpolaleil m ih?
irentj ol loitrlateiitb Kabttiaty. IbXI Mu
|'..t iron ai'.t .i.wl. TM
F.ar wlteelwricht. aapulnlei fit ib.- irei.i r ol Ja?. Kai
Fm ?ii?..i uiaLer.aOpulnied la Ibe treaty >.l IVI..M. iv.t Sal
Km aanenltural irof^ar?weuta in Ibe treaty ol iMit. Ja?. US? j iu;
For euncaiion Ii ; i-.vui> lanra,?upulitaal ui tha iieaiy
ol tat ii March, l-vJ S.'tiu
Koreducauoo, <i imlatetl m Ihelreai) ol H"> Keb. iKti. i.uo
Fm luieieal ?n Un. p huudia I ami tiur lltoitaunil doltari,
?ii im inic.l in Iba treaty uf Sil Nov.lStB.. . . I7.U?
7ariut Chrntkrn.
Kor I. in hlackaniitlu aud umtanU, ai.p.ilnted in Hat
treaty ol II Ii lab. I?' 3.3t?
Kur uwn aiat ?wel. I.Uatf
For ?> cimninaer, - ipulnted m iba n.-.'r Fo-I M. WS UV
K'.r ?in elwritflil, ?ijml .'..I in tbelicaty?I U'li Fvb.l8j3 tJ?l
/'.i lJU Ihlatr^rr?.
For titiiiiaiuiil ?nuuitj ?iifulaieil in tue Ireni 1 ol the .?I
ofAuantl. ITHS. 1.W0
Fi r perinanatiit annuity, ttipulaled m u.e irvaiy .>l .H ..|
i krb brt. IS"!"- .4.COJ
Kur permanent anntnti. .i.pulalctl in il e treai> oi Sah
ol Sepirml?'.. !??>.'. . 600
I ... .?-iiennu.' aiu-oiir, ?upululed in Ibe n?ai> ?I ^f h
til t-eplamber, HO. .I.DOu
l'..r hie a ihm ity tut wo chief., .l.p.ilnleU in treat i -I Jl"i
oi lepiewbar. 18j9, tuIrealy ol 3tlo( < Ictober, IfI*. . j:u
For bfi. m .ui. loterec cliief?, i.:.ulaiial ja treaty of
?>.i i Nttober, Pi.J . aus
I rihei rctuueol alt.at ?tipulnled ia Iba itaaly of7?i
J.ll.e. . IUI
F." hlackaiiu .. nn.l atajaiaaf. aaatipiilaiod ia ihe iteaty
ol M IJei bar. I?H. ',M
Fut iton. alcel. ttc. fur aho|ia . . JJI
F?r mietest im bin? -i? liutuaaml >? .1 eitbty Julian ... ItVai't
To lio Kvridd /adotar.
I'or li'ark.n. Ii in.l aaaotant, a? aiipulatinl m tlie treaty
ol Btpt, IHiJ, nn.l lien., ..I 'tili May, UT-J.1.0C?
t\t J <*?>.
For nne ve- rN intttnul let al ?.^U). tlipulatsd in Iiis
ticai) 'I li'IU ?CUibaT, ISIS. 7.ST5
To ttr Kn iapooJ.
l'..r miled annuity, tie nineteen yeara, aa aUpalaJttJ in
tha Utaty ol 3Kb ol I vt.iber, '.Nil. b,m
Til tie A.i?:aa.
FnrblaelttniilhanJ a'tiatanl, Ba ttipulattal in tla* Iranly
..t' M of June, I-.". TUT)
For iron an*l iiael, aVc.. 930
For aanculturel atatatance,.I.toO
Tu the Mimmiee.
For peimaneni annuity, aa ?Upulated in the treaty -.f 3tl
Urn. net. l->; . .... .?9.000
I 'oi blaekani lb al ' aaaatatnt, o? ?Upubued in tl,e treaty
Ol* Uli i lelol^-r, IM5. 730
Fiw iron and ateel, fae. far rlunt. .. jj)
I'rt noa llaiuaand pou da ol I baeeo. two th.,uwjnd
p.hi. i,l. ui iron, one Lbouaaad pu^tnda of ?icel, aa aupo.
Iale.1.?. . . 770
Fot pay of indfet In Leu ol cuiuaiuith, a. ?tipnlated. .. 9.0
Fol.Ituodfed and uxt> Uiue^aiofaaft. aaaUfHlfatad., *i)
ForailuitaUon andauppoftof U>a po?r, a> .tipuhited .. 2.11*1
For ' lie ninth of leu lii.tuliueiilr. a? .tiptilaie.).10,1 OU
For tbe ei(hth id lan laalalntmu, aa ttipulaled.ia.jt>
For ilte filth of twent) inatalinenU. aa >tipuUt?>!_ U,. n)
Fot pin nienl 'i lieu ol laburett, a? tlipnbibNl.. no
Fol acneultutal ata inure, aa lOputateil . M)
'/'., rar Bel /f?-.r... [aVniaaiVat.l
For pemianeat ai.iiu.iy. .iipuiaieil.,.., (to
i'.it oenuaneol antttiily, .t.pulate.1. ?>j
Kor pennanatit annuity ? .'.puiaieu. ii/j
To ike Mentmwtiee,
Foi liniiu .l annuity for twenty yema, .i pointed.Ju.OH)
I ..r lau i.laekam tl ? and n,..-ranta, ii.pulniisl.l.atu
Kor iron ?ml ttaal, <V.-. I?r ?hoiia. a*l)
For purcbare of pruataiona, ?'ipulatcd .3.UA1
Fortwo Ibnuaand aaV< I tnliacno,aOpulalaaJ. >?,
Kor liuinint; uteaaiia, rattle, tte .tipulated. .><
Korthirty battaltof a?lt, utipuktietl . lit)
Kor lilarkuiiiia ami abtaut. a)
Tu tie tan aaaa.
Fi r blackatuith an.l aoi.uu.t. lot leu year?. atipuiated.. 7i)
For tron and ateei, for .hop. j??
For aancultu.-al impleoiauiti, ?t/pu!?ted. jou
'/Vi !hr iif.ir.tr und ' -'< -
Km luiiitc.1 annuity l..r luanty yenr?. ... SD.OOfi
t- .it ?v P. ta- pnt.l annually, on ajai,-(ti, na anuuity. IMAMMt
For tenth of ten inalalaaaaila, lo be patd out ol t j.uuu lor
ball bread., ? ?. ?.:??: j/jq
Fol educa n.n fut twenty yeiiri, ttapnlalad.5.000
I' >| in!*. ona, |..r twenty yenr?, atipuiatad.?ioOU
Kur traccme m alter. iMdiCii.ca. ainl pay of phyiicmn,
aiipt.iateil. _... 3U0
Fol purchase ia pfotruaona, lor twenty yeara, itipuialed. J,i/u
Fur ui ?.five bundred pound? of tobacco, lor
twenty >enr?, ?tipulnie.1. . 975
Kor one bu.elred Larrela of aalt, tor JP year., 11 pu nted.. 4.0
Kor lire huictreU a*h Urrel?. fur JU yeara. itipubibad. 710
tor Akra? tia.;?iruit!n and antalaab, . ipulaiad.J.ldO
For iren ana* -leei. ii^. lor th. ... . . (Shu
For a-unaiintli ai Mnckihac, al . v.w. UOu
K ir iron ami tieel, air tor tJiup . -j-j,
F?.r pay ol.two farmera anal aain'niit?, ?Upulated. I,t9b0
For pay of two atvcbamca, aOpulaloC . l.Juo
Fur and un accuuatol education, for 10 yeara. i.ti.ti
Tathr ()it.,,i nmt Mutouriat.
i .it blackanuth tod uataiaut, Ibi ten >?an. ?upulatad... "ti
Fol ri .. ind ?Ural,tec lur aiaup. . . ' ??,
For Btrieuflural iniplaiitenU, lot lea yean. Iron Ih lb, i/o
1 oretloCafion, .t pulate.1 . fjjii
For bmui : 1. .... , >..r ten yeara, attnulaUrd.. i ftii
Fortwo fBtmeta, ? 1 !..?? iwn, .tipufatnl. '
To tar IJ:ierj
1 lernt, .1 lira pareeotoau.uu |.:'.l^,. 3 ttA
For limited annuity, loriliyeaia. ?iipiilate.1 au'ixxt
rortba luppurt ui two >nuuu tffahliihmttailj. aiipu*
?teil. '? oou
I or ;.?> ? I i.ai,miller., f.-r 15 y?ara. .tipnlate.1 \\3il
Korpaj ot tw.. aaaaataal iNiUera. iv, H reau?, ?upulaual ?u0
To fjka Diti.iciu.
for i?riiianenl annuity. ?.,i?lairal 1 ,ni
For parriaartant annuity, aiipnjnj^j .
I'or perma/e-iit a n a.ty. .Lpuiutnl " 1 jOU
I'oi pernuuient anauity. ?ripulnie,!. . \ IXU
,, To Ur /'"f .Maru/.mi^.
tnr |iermniieiit aimii.ty, 11 i|,..Uie,l .. | uro
r..r letrouiiHnii aoaoar.ttiptaattad 'tayu
tin wtrniaiMblaiimi tr. ?ti^L-lated .'iJe/O
rat Urrulaat aanuily tor ti year*, aupojatod. . J.uaj
roriatrniaii.iit annuity, atioulatiil I UUP
Kotlimited anatute ftwlB ~ ...p.^.^ _ ,\IVU
r .H- ioe annuity u. rlia-l. atipuialail. IUI
Fur auucalwui. a.itina piea.ui? ol'CaWieaa . . . . . l.uau
f ur puirluua nl lavlt. at.pulauaj..-. I#J
J-or one huu-lml Bradarxty UjaaaU ..I a?li, Uipulaie.1. . i*
r.-r eaiocati-Hi. rtornn pleoautaol t jerfafnaa, atipulausl U.uUl
*<? blaekanutb aiel avuMartt. uipulattttl . "*
r,or iron ami ateel. a?r. lor .hop . if
Kor liiackumth aiul aanaUti.i. .tipulatad.
Kor 11..11 and aical. ace. lur ,l,.Ni . ?? ?**>
Koi two IlKNiwuiil ......... oi loi.ar.o. plteari a?.?lrrrt
l?-utai? ol ir.Mi. ami Ihrea bandied and nlty i?Hi.id? of
>tecl. aii|Mjlaiad. ttn
To taa V*!.iK*.Lsmuj *j Hum.
tor - -ni l;., r aaiiu.ly, itlpulaled.. 4O0
To ri, Prttmtml*mir* ??> Prmmc
FOI litnitaal BOUIUl ..lei eelia ??"!?. ?t.|.ulaU?l.U.KBl
I'.., life an.-uoly u. iwo rlnef., .til-ilale.1 . 4UU
Kai anU iNi a. 1-.n1di .4 liatK'.l anuuity. tor twenty , ?a.-\,i>i.
7? tkr ! rOI?vt..m.rt ?J Ur HtttuJl.
Kot luuittd anuuity. lot twei.iy yeaia, ilipiilaiaut.AI.UO.
/. . /.?:....f. ia.r. ?/ Inttuma.
Kor eilurar.ua. luonr iHe&oire of I Nigraaa, ?tipulalcd.. 2.1U)
/'* U4 FoiaaraAacr.
Kut i^nnaneiit aoi.u'tr . K?l
I 01 r?m.x>.er,i annu.ty. a? per treaty uf lie.ember, tttb JUn
T? He r??racu.
Kor axneultoral liapfatai all. Uipubalad.3,910
lo far yauipaiirr.
? ot laniuwl anou.<y fortwaoty ye?n. at poLatad.3.?00
I .., aatmatftNU ilurme pko.?ur? of 1'nw dcst. tttpulale.1. I.HO
I w b.n.-..niiMi ai?l atauUnl, dnnn* tie: l^aa.urc ol Iba
r*? -*~t* -ttpnhlaal/i . itt
'? ' atai atari, ?rx fnr aatVp " . 2a)
fur pa> ol tanner, ?lia.uaated. **)
T.. tia Sir .v.. . k uf .Vrn- York..
I "I partmaaeul annaity. Miptoaiad. 1.300
To U* ffaueoaa a/ .V-?- Yrrit.
101 pcrniaa-ail anoaaly, ia neu ol lousneu oa Btack ... ci.000
T? tit .Wai tf Mtttitiffi.
for Waatouiuth ami auuuaoi, tor ton ?rar?, atiptrJatatd *a)
Fut iron aud ataal, 4\c. lutabup.aa. , 30
c* aa-r-culrn-sJ ?Sj-?lSStt
on Ui??* heocreu ?ttvntafd
f.,, oti.-? b*^4e?) r,??-tf/ year., L_
pejrSs- of >^-i---?**. fa*^^j4h?J7
P.. t^^itT'^ JL?V^- yean. aT^eW.
pat iron end *'*el. otejh*?*-*?.
tor mtmrn ^?-- r~JSS-^r
Ki* iron ???. *-r-V.- , ,..
Po* iron ?nd At' ? * : ? , ?
F.?- u?*? ???' *ed *<-. ?- 'hoo .
rZ tlew Uf^l^. '??<""1? -seeled..
K SS - cjb; bu.-dre-d .h dtdlar..
7?IV Mearaece.
Pee p-rmirtai aaHttttT. . ... ... i.e.
pWaaiiiiaasal MM*.dW?ltt?l.. . at
Pat limited aaooiir ???,._,'? .l*aj
^?po?-!*?..'?^."'?"1*^,rasa . ?
?'or iron (Mi ?teal. ???? *??. St
Pto Idactumth and a**??*r?t . . -a,
Kuetr?. ende-eet ltr. f~*.l+V. a
???ot lil??-k?in-th end ajte-afaiit.??. ??
? or mm and aleel. *<?- to* taw. Bj
T? ?&*??%-*? ew*1 Saara?*.
?..r --ennaoent BaxnBSTi al.-VuiaV*d.
|-oc IJa. a--t.it?. end ajejvtant.
'or troo ai*- .tee., ate. hn ?box*.
To fie .<rw?-raw.
t'?r ^erniatient enntntl. aiputatatlia treaty ef MR
[ I.! t?r,, JtH*ni enno.tr. wjpu-BUail aa treaty of UU ... fij
r. t i. ark*.nith and at??unt... a.
f,K .terl. ?r. to* thars .... B
I or p*j oi BU?rr. .lurmt Ow pWore of to* PvasBwat, at
To LU H'gtmdolt.
??HMdatea. ^2
????ol.Oif-.iara* |J
Pot ih? poJClvtM of troo. ?teef. et?-, im th?p
7V Me M air.
Kot t*eriu?.';. ? aaoultT, %upota?ed.
7? tAr II ...* .??<.
f?ehm.UHi .,,no,!. *rwj??j H-i-u.Ma)
F,>r iienr^netit annait?. m Ueti ktnaer
V e tha HKip tt af a Mark?n?n!i and ?a?taaat.
Bva..ir. iutar ,.| r- n. tu??!. *?<? Uar akatp
rQ{ '?..,. <?? i ?> hiaia?tii.tb and BBttnsot.
Paaluaeted ??"' ir.-'u^jlaieo ?? ISU
liflt taaaa. ?%f aaU. atipawiiadiBBM 2
P?(?he) pnrchaaoo4 S.'TO Iba ??! t.^.'co. tlipaauaa). *'
r'nr th
r'ur the tmrPhaae ,.i I Iha of U^-.. ?.. ?nwatad " S
partMaapaatrl .h Ihn-e bU.-1-mnl.. aiial aa-tatua. . j y.
KMUVepurrhaje.it.niii. ?W. *.r. |. rahoea. 5
Kjc pay ol laborer ^r,| |..r ??au. .tmulated . S
P if taa pnrpoae ??' fju'a'i..n. ttipataU-d . jjj
P ir ittetutport of tu aeri. ultuntU. t-urri>aatef eaaa,
plows and .alter iiiipleit???iU ...... tua.
.'. r the pay oftwu pfi>i"--i? ??? itiaejiataaj. "TJ
r',.r inuaraat on m*e-Jn?rnl in fork. U-yuiaied ..uaj
Fl Kill *T Sai Waes ?The Seietn rUfaya?
of Monday aaya:
" An iiit. nee and BfBtiOUJ a'n'e , | t-trjb>eaeal, >
pajojiu* arty Mum. avn ht.%m ever knows, haa etnaeal
fir the '.nal lour da\a amoni: all ,J <hu ca>
y.ena, on a. count ol Ilia fret-liefl! .ii,! dince ,r> ea>
di.uy atlempni which have hava di?co?era?| ,a
lioua) pari" ol iSr cily. Mir l'ny auiraaritiee h?*?
i ffieitM a ?ery lila-ial reward 11 *.'J>n l, f !?? ?Vu-c
tion of th<' iiitciidisrit-a; tlie Kulioed r.Mopaay
^luM U?r the diecovert ol the i ? <??,:,? ot ir* oo>
rn<e ibere; llotetit Hiookhou-a . Ka-|. $|HI _
The City Waich na? l-f-n iaciraarit tn fatal ? -.
It;.; uaual nuilibcr, ami there are piiratn watrhowa
in various parts ol Ihn ciry employed by inditajuak
I n the cue. of their own paiticular localiriee. Via
helieva there ia also a volunlrer l'alrial ig one at
mure of ihe Wards
'?Ob Fiidav mornini; our citizens w>if aitNjasi
lav ih>- i ry of ' Fire,' wh ch proved tu bs is DM
Conperiog F.siahlishnwnl of Meaatra. Florea.? h
Mi. hole, aiiualed uu Hrookrtouse's W nar. near
Derby-at. Tin- datuna spnsad whh such rap-ehty
ibit very little was saved. The baiUiafs wen
oi. iie.l by Robert Kruokhnuse, Ksq and ?et- sol
inauied. 'i b? Stoek and Tools ol Meaars. Flonoce
.V Nirhola wen- valued at about $'i,LOO, only a
email portion Whi h was sued?no itKUMftcr."
Fikk in NN oo|.umiios.?About half Mai tea
o'clock un Friday in-nr. uue of Captain Audraat
t'l irk's barna wee burnt, togelRer wuh |au \*\, ol
us -n, rix cttwa. lour Itoffs, with several tuns ot bay
and m-arly all bin farming utensils.
liNew-llaven lUiald.
To t nc Patblle.
I ii..in -' with pa'n ami iiir-itee a atatecaeni in iSa rYarefd
.San an.t u'uer JaaraaS. that I, hatmc urdered a l. u> Beat af
Mr. I' I. Iit?etai>n. ha>e'liuie.e inr.aaOipteciraur Ut* looef
lite hn<> Ata.Hla aral PlSssJa llUaea. and that I save atataa
aed lha - pinion Ihal the r?? . ut iheae veatab v. ate kal lama.
MV-Cnet '?.' U>t .liners *j /-?" limit' I Set kwlal.taaJi
Ui.it I hate iK-t-rctpr-aetl an) lurb mini.ui. fbs t'aslaaa
.if I nee ta--- ..era -i ? inml 'ntiniate frwiali; uae of iban
had wiled at no mate BN ?-.???? I >uya<e? , and Ihe leaner el
lluwe isnselt, Mr. II. Blanrii, I know Ui he s> hatnaaa aadw
re'Iiirent a akipaes a? I.ret. Il ha had ???t Utal I U
ii?-? were so*stiel lo ?!.? rsrety ul hit ertwi, no ataa weak)
have mute proasptlf aa.) rheerl illy provided Ibeni. Ilaaiias
.tritr-la aid K'.-i.li ill in -1 ware l.*>l-if they aea aatl 'St
utsa knows /. rcftaialr, do sol know, aad hafe no ataaaaof
ludtuur wheliwri Laie Ib'at sroald saretafed UaMrrrwnw
Civenibesnaekancnol praaevvaiaaS. iiSsaply resas thatoy
IWBSS iwa U-en ihru-t belure tlie |iultbe in ?ueh a mannet Ma
c .- laavd asa :.to uem ..f iay b*?t to??i? aad ralWet at.
credat<m myself. lletpev troll?.
JA.MKd PEOEK9rS(i mattrrof ihe John H. Ga- tser
03" .-fr-coin I'tnroa Maxes thw aAataooa at ii a'aW-t
at Iks Amenran Mnwnin, to whirh vi particulaily .a. i*c<
all -nin n ul . lie- ami f-iniian. at nilVr.-.e a rare o^portu-o
.or pa.e a lew boun ph-ssaalry a< wrll at pre&abh. TW
aauvtaruon derived fiumaviswof " Bunter HiJ," tad?a
" iriaay Tarn rsasas," it'not monatnlary, l.kethe ssr-nw-sao
ally . ??....- -e,! Imui an vthibtUun, but liBCetals the ruaalU
la-Cti lemany ?" ?H?r Itotsrof It* ledimn, ?t?l* ru tat!
MMttltS* .|iinn'iie>. ut ihe " Wnalernt," ralli ? and* W Bi
Rm aaulietiat an afforl bnrurs it lo reeedtad as, Masaa*
Kuhns m-nacea her ne*l vmre with a 'kilt that ? bailssaasa
idsaaui; ftuva Us Hat uial implir j Tita i Sajsal < aaast, a
;?...,tta-e? a-ieri. Uu?ba al eokl weather. t>sataa
?leii?hted at 8or i', P. M.
CTl* TUB "artisan pANiLi-'e i.VisrsSTadraftiSBlielaa*
place lint nennt, DJ poatp.ioe.1 until tunhrt aotao).
'?? /" If a farmer mal a lisldof ten era, he SSXf ?ISSS t
rrup hum it ; if a liundie.1 artet, len lunea al muck. Basras
a it.'inti ie in I'iMtnU-y Nvwipapert. If th* week as tafowa
tu.n are Mtwi in ten i'tiou'ita. ruttunifrt from BSSS) oar as
rvpeeleit ; if m inure, an inrreated mmaher. ThepnarsSsaf
adtraeatina - attlvtt right ..r w rune : and if rural. IBM* a r*os>
try miuoch, ami peupte enutian, and tlanuitw eetasra. la aw
hie any OOS who rb-aaea In eilend hit hut net* u> ptvevsso
many rii-'.nner* aa heeananend In. At Iha Anatrfta .Wat.
P*l-?r rtubacriptios and Ad?em.nnc Ateney of V. B. fawsr.
m ihn iiiiilil.ii*, ilteiytuuii siradl'SWSssa 'a C uisry Meteaav
pels a 1 1 - ejylainetl Ui dn >e wii.tdev're tit SStStji laser BfA
nr~ NuwapapaTI Irtan all pari? af lb* 1,'Bited Huna, fa
.ahu ll lie nace .t, n a no tile, ami tl.* prices?f aditstaaatn
Ilten, me recu.ertfd iu hnulhre, whererttiiaaalorr rsratoa?
le- had, Baotsaf whirl. ? .ii'.l.i a map "f lbseaaJ rafwoSSS
aiitenit nf Par.nat Ivama. iiutpufth* t'Uy of Ifeo-TaSa,
?taibattcol tablet, at-. Hsrebaata, inanufl
are Uli -.? ! to rail ami ssand ? the papers.
(XT' U't sau nur...II I)..' atu?nti..n of Sluf Bail
m, oi any .|.v?> ?? / ? . Ynrd* at iier>atti>o?? ler laa>s?.
i'ttn), ar. tn Die so/<- ul a Urft Watrr %*nmt at Waassa
hur? The hl-? k in naenUno, fruntinx 'at PintjOsat, SSlesM
N.-rth Miami North lmh -i -et,, -?t?,..:. *0 f-ei .. vei,?
ihe ,a?-tn. water In.e i,f i)h? K.-t :t.?ar. S< UM aietts
.lepthflf Hf-ll.el. 11 w.ll U aidilatlb* K'Bfs C,m'< Iff.
Peek ?!tp K'etty, W n....??. at ? o eba-k ui iVaavUr
next. Keb. Uu., LilhncrautMe mat. and inlor-oauoa <?? W
lasdofP. I 1 l.-ll. '.j N-i-au.toer;, N. V. Olp) ft**
tXT All Philadelphia ?abMrtpttons i* the
Tbib?:?* biu%! Im taid r.i the AreoU. '/.?her fc lo. 1 Uane
Buildiusi. It un.l i'lieantdi tts, wnare anfk cucass Bay sat
be obtained daily at I u'clorJt. O) ja>ssatl
TImm marhuaM ar* of difTaeaot ? raa. and att tSnadaswmm
mabottaiiy raaea, inrlndu.? th* hatlarry. 1 as eassefSas ar,
?ite a ten luct-e* . n<. r,.? wida, sad Ihr*? fasp. TheotaM
at/* i* Satbt mart** h.nc. four miirn, and ihtsa Saas. Tael*
er? si ? ' ? iseaea SHMI, Uipsa wade, aad two aad a half *'
Th* ;.-?/-.i dsn ?> a.a .i.rhea aad a ball pBBB,
?.r:-.e. Tie* inAruxnentt ate tat ?
me?n*iiiinx, as teen ,n the tieeie, and are aasds ?? rtr;
Knur .tyki. I
It wwa Usl {real inip??rtai,oo ul kaVNkfl an nwOi ?*???*I*
?Cl at mwaihtt fov maxienums. thai ir^ureri at le ewStt
nam.farliua uf Um Ha.aae lOSary Macasbe "
oateJ, uuatpanae ha> te-an -, a .-. hi -.ot. u??
?**sia. and Iba tale nl near* tlwa -*> uT taaaa
ruts tnelnait arreti bow aaweh
kU-.l l,, ihe [.rufeaeaa.
a ?ery |B*al BwptBtainlBI bat iec*nt--y Ian .are-led ?
tuaehueat. bf rlojuieie ile-ir ae.venaaat fraea the aslaryta?'
rtbraUary a.-t.-ai. Tbe ?ihratary araetun o pt/aartef ????
a manner an la mate taa ...j uf i.v kxraa. (aaw, as**sS>
i-hueat. pettertiy ? ? >..i?. ., larWtlOS af
?UVarw:aa Uuiu by th* ...?-.,..? wob Ibe potraa. lb*U*
lbe>? marbtoea a ab-i (ready isvreesed. aad tseu caSsfSJ
to riSBfaleasI. at tu rnahkt ajij ponwn lo run (bwo, St SBf
aithtiut um Matt ddbcadty.
Ttof beer natae leiwwr. aad at* assaa laora rT*^
%m$ otlasi? aovde ei I hta r.awU/y, aiel i... ?_^1 .._j lleSBt
?tteeu in ditaaaea. both acute sod cbraaie. sea toes, at a? sw
l"rm ^.Hwosaaleu aver, pbyoeava. sad
.ri>ate ram.it*.. at well aa to.... .. and ab*r tl
Tbe** Mairhioas as* aaid al Ute hear p; are of ii. IX. U. *
D dulbui. ai cuciiiOf Ui Lb* -ta and atyat ta shaih UwtTSS)
?bed aau p.iw-tfof Uta iu?ruu-a--.l,. ertt-du>c'beasa-*esKf *+
on* aud oukiutal fsf B-*a*-ne?at?x. seal we ihih in uDsSS?f*
mrH Uxn i...-, ..i.-..- .'-" -n- nir-ar1
?ab**, kcco,Sum to or.br.
B. H- ?HHCWOua M. 0. MlOinlsa"
?New- Verk, reteuao L, taak, ulaffV