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NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. vifP HcttT-tOBK DAILY TBIBtTSE IS rrBLIPHED * EVERY MORN?Nt;. Sl'NDAY E.XCEITED, at 30 ass-stbeet, m:?v-tos.k. And delivered to City Subscribers for Nine Cents per week, or, when they pr?ter, tliey can pay in advance at the l?csls for nx month? or a year at the same rate. Siu a-lc copies Two Citst?. Mail subi-cri'iors five Iiollar? jver aimant, In advance, and the paper In no ca*e con? tinue?! beyond the time for which It Is paid. Stibserlp ficns for six months. Three Dollars in lAvanet re-inlred In all exchanges with Conntry Nev\-?papcrs. Daily Papers received at thhs Office whose terms are Wgher than those of TitETauvSEarenot allowed any itiflere;:;?c. TEIMS or AT>vr.5TlSI>'0. }kC <T.t'-", or Ic,-???First insertion. ?.-'? cents. " for cat*? stihtrttiuent lnsertJon. l??l " '<"' Li et, tiiKl over -ix?Klrnt ?iitertion. *>0 " " for eiwii subsequent iiiscrtiou. 23 " ?' ?? ?<r one w?ek.-$' *,? " " " fox on. mouth.Si 00 " jifurlJi't?, i'ui;er?UN;'.iccs,?tc. not uttrdingji :t ?ir,e>. 25 " t>f> Ail *ii1t mi tin??irnlw In tins paptt; apocar l- ?::. h the .Mon.ingiiiidL. the ilvcning Kditiou. y .?i '?? Advertisers not to exceed 12 line?, with . ..-? of MMicwuiK ?,.'!rertief?atenta at plea sere, 'payable quarterly or M-lf yetulyln ?d vacceO ?"-.SiO V NEW.YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, A VEST LARGE 1 M'LI:, FOB Tilt: CQTOtTBT, Is lTBLlSHED EVXBT SA-rt'ir-AY KO?.SINO, At the low ; rice of TWO DOLL Alts per ttnmnn, ina?!vsrrc. THE TRIBUNE. I THE BIBLE IN* SCHOOLS. 7" th* Editor of T.e Dribtmt: ? . editorial et Ssinrisy ou the s?ibject of the ('on.? min Schools reflu?s lajirioasly opon me, by imputing the coercive iiK-fii?ures of vhich you speak to the County Su perintendent ; when you ou?ht to he nwat" that they ? ie penalty affixed oy lice ?'?u.ite of the State to the " cr. cl:-?Io.i ef th? Holy Scriptures wi.hout note Cr comment," or to " -ectarun teaehlnp or boohs in any of the schools." Tl?ir?e are the ??rovltdon?. of tlic 12th section of tlie act, which declares that all cases of their violation shall be re? ported by the County SapcrintendCiit, and the; " shall n.>; be entitle?: tt. receive- any portion of the school moneys." Tlic act of Um Common c.'iircelts of thc CHy in avitlihold \% the payment of any money to the ofbofllng ?chools is, therefore, strictly In accordance with the law ; and while this remains unchan?r?-<l, the tmdenijmcd has no discretion, belJ responsible as ho Is for the conformity of all the school? of this County to the law. I ?ubmit to your rt comildcratlon whether it Is becoming in the friends of Law Sti.l drilcr to attcm t the ili?;;,nrdgi-meiil'of a public officer whose only offence ha.? been a nsolnic purpose to do his doty. Rut your nrtlclc doc? Injustice to the parent.- of th? children In the -ch-".;.?, whom you represent n.? forced Into compliimcc by my cotirsi-, and you sneer at the Idea of any liencflt r. ?mitins from the conslrnintd use of the Bible nn dtr such circiimsiancos. Kow the facts are the very re? vi t-e, for neither scholars, parents or teachers have ever m ieii'-l !?? ih.- u-<- ol" th. Ilildu in the schools; but the liojtilltv bas been and l-t In the school officers, most of veliotn send their own children to schools where the Bible Ii, and yet oppose Its rcadiii? in the Commun Schools on political or SSCtarian grouiuls. Another error In your article (should be corrcctetl, in jus? tice to the ' Public Schools," not one of which has ever cx thided the Bible?and they ?number 108 in this County. It is only from the ' Ward Schools ' that the Bible has been l?nnl<uied, and bat from a few of these. I will only add, ihut nearly all the Schools of this County lin??- now compiled with the law In this rospect, and the i fleet bas been uniformly good ; nor has any dlssutisfuctiun been app?tent In any quarter on the part of the parents of the children. The Dooay version Is used in several of the icheoU,S few verses withont note or comment beiiiy read by the tencher dally iu the presence of the scholars. And if you cmi find leisure to look in upon one of the schools any nion.lnir at 9 o'clock, when the Bible is read, and wit? ness the exnclic, you will not find It in your heart to wish itoth-nvlsc. Respectfully yours, D. MEREDITH KEKSE, Cottnly Superintendent. Remarks. The Superintendent evinces a very shallow ?ch lolling in ?lie principles of ' Law and Order.' to which he appeals in assuming that the School Offi? cers of the Wards in question do not understand or bbej? the wishes of the People who elected them and lo whom tiny are responsible. "Who has made him an interpreter to these officers of the will of their constituents . Our understand ing is that they were eleeted in distinct and open opposition lo uckels composed of respectable citizens participa lingiii the views of Dr. Recae, and with the clear understanding that they would #not require the reading of the Bible in any Schools where a res? pectable portion of the parents preferred that it should not be rend. We do not know which is " the Btatute" on ?which the Superintendent relies lo sustain ?he Com? mon Council in its starving process, though we pre? sume it is either the School Law of 1SI2 or its lender enacted last winter ; but we demur to the Superintendent's construction altogether. The lii bleisnot 'cxduded' from many schools in which (the reading o? n portion every morning is not per ?emptorily exacted. I 'nless we greatly mistaken, there is no general practice of rending the Bible daily in the Common Schools throughout mir State. For \?hat parp?se, then, is it rigorously enforced here : It is idle to s-.-em not to see, what every one docs r-ee, lhar this enforced Bible-reading ?tr Schools is m truth a party Shibboleth?a weapon of Nativism? r.nd is wielded with greater ardor as we approach a ('hurler F.lectii n. A great portion of our Adopted I Citizens ave Catholics, whose ideas ot the proper n vi rence for and study of the Sacred Writings do col nomporl with their iise asa reading-book in ! Schools-?at tatst, this is the popular presumption. Now it is precisely because a part of our people do j ii. ? regard with favor this use of the Bible that it is s? strenuously in sbted on. There is no such bjucv ?ty manifested to have the Bible rea.l in the ten l!io\: ?and schools around us wherein it is not read ?n'l where there would be no serious objection to its : tuding. 1 - it surprising, then, thai the friends of n g?n"i::e an i thorough equality in metiers ol Religion should look with disfavor on this iJtbie en?-..!?- ! T?; , iv.'i'v. any Infidel, hlul" to lie broaght to appreciate ;.nd reverence the Bible by the fact mat bis c lildien are compelled to reed it or f.?rfc:t their rieht ?o a Common School Educa? tica? Av Catholic;- likely tc be benefitted by this most oilici.'iis zeal for their spiritual welfare 1 Is it stre.nge that we dislike ihc whole business, its lootives, i:s n.iiu itrers. and its means! Kxcu-stvK Chilokhn's Books.?There is, even in the??,? ij.tys :\ scitwri pf works, the guiding princi? pie of which isuol so much what they shall put into the mild as what the? shall keep out, .tnd where ?he anxiety to exclude all tlmt may be pernicious las alsos-ici?icei! all ihat is nourishing. There are sonic writers by whom their young readers ?ire treated raiher as languid, listless invalida, than as healthy, hungry boys and girls?who know no uif lerence between ardent spirits and barley- wat tr? ied, for fear of reaction or intoxication, put their teaderao.'i a diet on which they may exist, but can *tv?er thrive. Nothing truly has surpr?er] us more ?a <!ur tour through httle_ libraries, rhau to see tht *is!iy-wa.?hy materials of whichnot a few are coitt "osea?the scanty allowance of ideas with which * narrativt- is held together, and the mere r/rair *itti which the intervals are filled up. There are *nie chiiriren, doubtless*, who relish this barren , '?re, ?s there are plenty of old ones who devour *? most vapid novel?.;* and both cases are alike Wiabie. Wc have known a boy of fifteen whose ?aergies ?vertiso sapped as not to be at the trouble f l-nisliing King Lear, and a girl ol about ihesatne He whose tastes were so rarilied that she stuck ?w in the Heart of Mid-Lothian. [London Quarieily Review. Mlxantiiom;Dxi.tu.-Turca brothers, name.l Prior, of I'1 ~". .* .V *,'"' ,vUt 0" ? uc*r ehiite on Tuesday ar'. ?SIS ?:if rv^'Jr' '**?*<* in iho siio?', and the -?-'d (?rrtveil at aoirieatrtth ii?ikmty. 'an* en tn ? ??:w lii???j^?iB|sfioi'hi???.u.?.,. ?., . "?? boJy ? 111 !* tro??? to, ?hii d? T , '*?' ????W ?nd .vveraj!?ASL: " M C'*-T' Yr,:<*r*' ?* ?U" left It NOT ICE. / ?TOKNEYS, COUNSELLORS, COMMIT S\ONEUS,?Vc. ?ta r-e fun.i?be.l witliaeot Tl?? SIGNS. ??tliort auier. bv f APKKRMAS it MU T FR <2_101 >f?t?a?,."i between Kulten ?A,!I Ann. WiLUA.M S>TKELE'S " ' PATENT FEATHER BRUSHES. MANUFACTURED BY STEELE & CO. S j, _ 305 Pearl-street, New- Yorlc. ??^Peicocl? Fe-itBir Fly Bruin?* mad* to orner. ol9y BY GREELEY & McELRATH VOL. IV. rVO. 2**?.'A!. REFORMS.?No. v. cuavczki- For The Tribune. Postage is yet ho hieff that it is cruel to tax a poblbherwith it, upon sach articles a? ?.write, atiJ a reformer's i?nntin^rati?n affords a poor fund out of which 10 pay at the rate of seventy-Sve ora hun? dred dollars per ??oun'i for freighting the cogitations of his intellect from one part of the State to an? other. 'When i. shall he reduced t j a jester stand? ard, 3 will .;'->t allow such interim to occur between my n?:.u>ers, as has between my last ar.d this. I bsivehetl, however, another reason for ny-delay. I have desired to ?ay something abont Chancery, and I bave het?tated until I caw some evidences j that people were beginnin j to be aware of its no*., er, its expensiveness, its abuses, and its nseles-neta. 1 have no great a taire to be vt-ry. fer.n advance of I those -round me ir. agitating any question of re I lorni, and I do not care ic be very far behind, I '.?.en I ..el that a proposed change wSl be bene? I cia! ; ar.J as I do see that common people, laymen and lawyers, are inquiring imo the n icessity of dis? j tinct tribunals of justice clothed only with what is '-?ailed Chancery power, 1 may as well for a time drop the subject of County expenses, taxes, ?fee. and go along with the current in examining the question forced upr-n public consideration by the proposition of the Legislature, to amend the Con? stitution so asto add thru Chancellors to the eleven now officiating. The jurisdiction of Chancery to a great extent is limited, regulated, controlled and extended by the Chancellor; it has cone on grasping jurisdiction or j gaining it by legislative enactment, until eleven j Chancery Courts set in lo he necessary where a few years ago one was sufficient, and yet thxke more j Chancellor? with iurisdieiion and power?- concur rent with the Chief Chancellor, are necessary, say i the last Legislature; so intimates the?Gov?anor and j so say our Solons of the present ?Benate, anaWless ? the People arouse, so will say me Assembly, and ; tiien nothing will remain lo be atme, Ijutrfor the party drill sergeants and interested p^f-essional and official leaders, to secura what will be called the popular assent t? an increase of Chancery power and Chancery operations that will leave little secu? rity to personal rights or property. An array of 1. TukCiias.-celi.oiis. 2. The Vice Cbaxctsxloss, 3. The Ass't & v. i.'iiANc'ns, 4. TusRegistkss, ?. The Ctaas?, G. ThbMastess, 7., 8. The Receivers, mid it. The AceHTS or Re?eiv*ois, to say nothing of the Solicitors and Counsellor.-, that are already fastened upon the body ??clitic by the existence of this Court, should stand out in bold re? lief upon the page o? every newspaper while the question is pending, whether the Con-dilution shall be so altered as to increase the number of these officers to an almost indefinite extent. The question as to the necessity of these tribunals is forced upon the public consideration by those who would increase them, and already I bogin to see that plain people are coming to a conclusion that the whole system should be swept by the board ; that even Law Courts should decide all questions according to natural justice and equity; that there should not be separate tribuna!.--, one to decide equitably nad one legally, for the reason that there should not be kept up a distinction be? tween what is legal and what is equitable. People have yet some reverence for ihe institu? tion of Trial by Jury, and they look with disfavor upon any scheme to dispense with it entirely. I caution those who have forced the considera* tion of this subject upon the People that there is an immediate necessity of showing the intrinsic propriety o? distinct Chancery Tribunals. If people are mistaken in the conclusions to which thev are fast coming, no time is to be lost in cor? recting their errors. People have long complained of the delays and expensiveness of these Courts, and will not mu'-li longer be satisfied with their continuant"?, unless they are made to appear indis? pensable for the administration of justice, u. CASH AND CREDIT. To the Editor ?/ The Tribune : In your paper of Tuesday last nn article appeared headed, " C:i?h and Credit?a word to the Coun? try," which is calculated, in my humble opinion,to | give a most erroneous impression as regards the sys tern of credit buisiness in this City. It was therein | stated that all engaged in tlii- branch were in the ! habit from necessity of charging 25 per rent, profit ! on their goods, while those doing a cash business i were glad to dispose of their wares at an advance > of one-fifth that sum, thereby making a difference ! in favor of the latter of 20 per cent. Ii does appear i to me, sir. that the writer of the article in question ; could not have displayed more ignorance on the J subject above alluded to than is therein evinced.? I During a residence ol 23 years in this City, all ?if which time has been devoted to mercantile pursuits, I have never known c bill of goods sold to nay this , said profil of25 per cent, end I do not believe there j ?88 merchant in our City (1 mean that eins.? who ? supply country dealers) who would be willing to, oi who could admit, Lhai there is any tnrb in the statement. Iain willing to admit that there is al? ways a difference made between Cash md Credit --R0 one will dtiiy this- tin's difference U made by all. Vour article, however, goes ;?? show that a purchaser must sro to g*'t his Bupplies, if he wishes ? it make the most advantageous use of his money, I to those who designate'h?niseivcs as sellers for cash only?-i class who arc so busy in eir- ? dilating "t!-.?ir placards at steamboats and ho-i l -,?thereby endeavoring ; ? gull tin public I with the idea that u man -a ho ; i.'. s ut 1 - counting house and looks diligently after his nfiktrsj whose means . e ample, acquiri d by ?.er?- eriug and l.o.i- ; est industry ?nu fair dealing, that such ?-.n tndivid- ; nal is not able in compete with hi n? ighbor who '. thinks i; for hi- Lot? rest to put the ? irignation over bis door. "Cash. Store." Experience has shown I that, so taras the interests oi our package merchants ' ere concerned, this .aid cosh businesslias bten to them ?iiost disastrous. There are a vast number of merchants' in the country who are entitled to credit '?? Iront the meara and character they possess, who I can purchase goods in this market to any extent they wish eti a credit of six month;., ut less than 10 i percent, profit. An individual of ordinary busi ness capacity who has been thorough!? educated in the branch he follows, can, provided he has a rea-1 sonable capital (and it is required at anv rate) do a ' profitable credit business without suffering those heavv shaves on his assets, of which you s? eak.and I that by selling hisgootis at a proiit ol 10 per cent. He must exercise prudence in the selection of his cu.?- j tomers, and not beso avaricious to make money as ! to take risks which are hazardous h i-? a libel an the Mercantile community, the art?.-ie in question, I and I hep;' you will d;> jiMtlce and proclaim to ihe I woild the ignorance o? htm who penned it, si> taras rel?tes to the portion here alluded to. AN OLD SI BSCRIBER. ?> The man who penned the article here alluded ', to is tli?' responsible and tolerably well known Ed? itor of The Tribune, who never received a sugges? tion with regard to it from any quarter whatever, and who is still so grossly ignorant as to believe that the average cost to the consumer of goods bought in the Cities on credit and sold again in the Country on credit (the usual course) is at least twenty per cent, more than if the trade were in each case for pay down. That there are instances iu which goods are t-old on credit ut a ?ess advance on ! their cash value, and men wiio know how to pur- I ehase at such lower rales, w? never doubted ; but we were not writing with a view to individual j cases but to the general effect of mercantile credits. ] On this point, we must say thai our darkness has j not been illumined by our correspondent. Ed. Trib. i Foot Rack.??\ great loot race, between an American I ant! an Englishman, caiue olTontlie cour??: tvetw.o?, Him k- ; ley's tavern at Itbaca, ana ILiil'?, Danby, on Wednesday [ inornlng of lo*t week. The lirst in to have tr:i dollar?, the i second no?ilni,'. The track was In first rato order. The i ?now averaged a'out one" loot deep, a:*d was considerably \ drifted. Tl.o thermometer watt below rcro, mid a k.*e i [ wind blew from the nnrtli-wost. The American won the ; race, oiiiin*- I? ?.'?.ut lirdt'a mile .nliead. Distance run. six , milea, v, hlcli was mn Is the re?**/ .jtrici time of two horn s ; and three quart?-!--,, the ?-edestriaiis running In their stock- j in? feet- [Ithaca Chronicle. I {XCT The bc?jto Terry, who murdered Capi. T?ntnoiis at ? Savannah, a few day? ago, ha* been tried, found ?ruUty ot' ? murder, and win be hung on the 23th lust, I SEW-YORK. 50,000 DEATHS BY CONS?MPTION Would perhaps if a small estimate fir the rav? ages of this dreadful di-sccst in a rngle year ; then add tiie fearful cata? logue of those rut uM if) Inflam nul?:.. of the Lungs, He morrh"ge, Asthma, Coughs, I ?flu enza, Bronchitis, and oder d:scxszs of THZ, LUNGS AND LITER, An.', the list v.-jo.-: pri lent an "?,. t3ing proof of t?c fatal? ity of t!i..-?- twi clase - : diteases. Eut it la Importent to k ..??..-fiai nearly alicrf ?hls dread ?rast? cf human lift rnlgh. hsvc been ?an ve ited by a timely rise ? i i?K. WISTAEI? BALSAM OF iVIXD CHEESY, The greatest remedy ever discovered by man for ml dls ca?cs ol the pula, jnary organs prodaced bj coid and chau?*e ible climate. Scores of cases have come to our taowledge where the pattest bad been given up to ?lie. -. C iruumpt'oi?a? !** yond th.: reach .f medical ai?!?be* who by the use ot" this Wiii Cherry Balsas: have !?e?-r. -: techy colored to com? pl?te ?r.?a?tii. A sinter of a well-known clergyman recently left the srliool she was Site:'. Iln??!.ein~ a.: i-cd that ; lie must ,? o ??tTon-tunt-tion?to return to her home, visiting to 01 end her law ri-nirinii--; dey* with Is r fl lends. Ey some :: '-;;r. shewsslndnced t.- lake Wi-uir's Balsam o:' Wild Ch irry, by which she was imtirely enred Im short time, and re? turned to her school v-'iiii a light heart and reir.vijcriited health. By application tothe offce, fart!.er ; articniars oflhisand other remarkable eure? a.ill be cheerfully given. Miwyofthcmo? disti-.rul.-hu! physicians of this City and Brooklyn give this Ralsarn their imquallfled approval. IVhv should they not ? It Is every w here hailed a? "XATUKK'-s i'.vvi>itii'K'i'i::;?sc::t;i'TiONV' bclttC formed fro;" elietnical extracts of Wild Cherry r.url-. and Tar, two simple, but powerful iu^rt liciis of Nature's. ? own Laboratory. All who have used this wonderful compound concur In laaurylag that it la the m'.st clllcaclous remedy ever known. Principal offi-e, 32 Ann it, yew-York. Sold also by Agents in aU parts of the Union. s-27 trm? THE WONDERFUL SUCCESS Which Dr. Foltrer's Olosaonian, or All Healing Baham has met with, not only in its sale, hut also in the cures which it has effected, in persons who veerc in o hopeless condition, has con pi no ?/ thi m ist skeplit ul of its extra ordinary curai ive pro pertit s, and i staldisked its claims to the name of the G HEAT RE M"E D Y. The Question i- no longer asked, " Ca i As&ma Is cured!" It has been satisfactorily settled within the last two months that Folgert Olo?mniaii avili produce quick er than any othti remedy in the world, ai.J referencescan be given i > persons m and out of the city, who have ex pericaced it.? (vonderful virtues, who bad tried for yean nil other remedies In vain. Mr. WILSON, a brick-layer, residing at Uoboken, X. -I. hod tried every remedy which U? could hear of for the re? lief of Asthma, and bt '. -.'? rit nre than on? hundred ?lol lurs in en !? avorisg t.? procure hi lp, but in vain. lie com? menced using the Oloaaonltui, January 21st. The first dusche took gave him relief", and two days afterward his wife called io say that the small qiiantlty of this remedy which he had taken had done him more pnod than any and all the me.iiciiii' he bad ever used in bin life, Mrs. BELL, the wife of Robert P. Bell of Morristown, N. f.who was severely afflicted with Asum?a, was given up by her physicians. She was removed to the sea board In the hope of palliating her distressing symptoms, but with no benefit. One bottle of the Olosaonian so far re? lieved her that she was able to get up from her bed and dress herself, a thing "he bad not don? before In months, and she has now returned to her r?sidence ?:: MotTlStown, N.J. with every prospect of being sneedilv restored. INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION yields to its effects. It soothes the troublesome C.vnh ?Strives refreshing slumbers to the weary: it allays t be ?-ain in the side ani sr renes? In Ihe chest, and enables the pcisont? expectorate easily, while it entirely restores tli tecretioiti of the system and expedites returning health. JA.M.11-S B. DEVOE, 101 B-ade-street, had long been ci nplahiing of as ? -.'?' ic wttie'tmesUaccomt^icdwitha short,hacking eou-li ; be raised matter freely, had l".,t bis appetite and felt alarmed at hta situation. He hid tried various remedies wilhonl any beneficial effect. Hil ?imn ni-ss of breath and pain in tiie aide continued to increase. ile used one bottle of the Olosaonian, and is restored to health. (Jeorpe a.V. Burnett of ?war... N\ -T. Ccor?e W. Hays of New-Yoik, David aendenon, COLalgbt-st Mrs. Mc (?aun, '.'0 Walkcr-m. F. Labaii, h> Hke-St, Mrs. .Vrchibaid, Do Waiker-st.wtth HUNDREDS OF NAMES of persons rcsidiiis In Ncw-Y.->rk, could be given, who arc ready to bear testimony to the luperiorlty of the Qiosio nlaii over every other remedy known for the cure of (ViirIis, Colds, Asthma, Consumption, Spitting of Blood, Dyspopilc Consnmption, Bronchitis, DMlcnlty ?>f Breath? ing, Doarseness, Influenza, Pains In the Breast and Side, and the valions itTectioni of the Si m ich and I.iver. For sale at 106 Nassau-*., cm- do.?r shove Ann, and a( Mr?. Hai?. l.iO Fnlion-sl. I'.ro.'klyn._?l!l Hin? GRAND RESULTS!! 27?e most astonishing, aH-decisire and unsurpassed results hare, tints fur, attended tlu mi -,. - tn -i andtismty use of Dr.. Smith's "IlIl'UOVED INDIAN VEGETABLE riLL?.." (Sugar-Coai ??' Which are now attracting the attention of mankind, in censaqnence of their universally acknowledged superiority over BvzRT arasa roast and same of Purgative, Aperi? ent, Diuretic, Sudorific or Expectorant remedy; und tlieir rapid popularity as a sovereign medicine, fur Intermittent, Remittent, Bilious and other Fe? vers, Influenza, Cold*. Head-ache, Indiges? tion, Dyspepsia, Perverted Appetite, Heart-burn, Costivcness, Viarrhcea, Foul Stomach, Worms, Rheu? matism and Gout, Scro? fula, Lictr ?ff, Uions, Impurities of the Blood, Female Complaints, and Pains in the Head, Side and Buck. Ts a most positive ?rtarantee of tuelr unparalleled excel? lence. Tlu-y are. (judging fron tlu demand) reeling mi.i'e oosltivcly* beneflc'ul results, than uny other known (soetii-il) rei iedy. People have been dosed wit! iUrcury, and iiavauperienced the too frc-, ent rata* .... ees, and have taken Ui ? >'!?'. nauseating catharucs u; til toi :a th'ii gives woy to disgust, at thoTer thought ofre ititlon. The antidote, so l :_ ?vlj'.icd. md now so much ceiled for, lath very remedy ii??.u--' ; mud, pleasant, harmless and efflcadoas?.". m cxal cerned; : and one thai in every solitary Instance d.-r, perform all thai It promis I. *?Ve have '.???^ most Irrefragable proo! of :'.i.- In ev ry case that luis como to our knowledge, whl '.. - .?: -1.? ? a?rinting eeerybox; and in any case of failure, the puxcliuscr ma. huv2 ids money bad;. Mr. RKEwsrsa, the h.utc. l'.v Bowery, cured of dys? ;?. ; :.-.. Mrs. Saurs, of Sia; S*ng, : ' dI .'-..;. and pain lu the ride. Mr. ?lux, ir.O Croadwa; enrt I,? :... :n.:-e ?Bev. Mr. Hl'iiM-'iT. ?!' llrucV!.-:., cured ?? : .-'? of blood to the bead by these Pflls. Mi.-s DoOtOskSS, c "?? of tfl " .' inii Lndlow ?trerts, cured of dimness ef sight, pain in tii . .?, ?c. Mrs, Cos?; wife <?: the baker :-i Bi wiclyu, .-.-.r.,1 .-: ue.ik: ess, ; sin In the bead, side and breast, no that sin- is able to be about, t\ ??ich was not the case before taking :!'i!'s. Jiliss C. IlESDEEst'X, 30 Trinity place, ccrH ,.; the most il.lligwoiis cold a!'.d COUgh, Which aluisv; U:!.e:i her life. CarTiox?J\sk for Pr. SMtTH's "Indian Vegetable pms." No other. "Indian Vegetable !"': "' a:, [sugar t itedj and no others posscsti :1m> vlrtni.- which ?.:.?-.-.- Piils claim. K.B.?-?sk-etl-itl'-s. Smith's writ: onsjneisoueTerybox. Sold at the prindpal ofllees, 179 GassswicH stbeet, Sew York, ?mil No. 2 "Water street, Boston. Also, Mi ? Hays, 139 Fnlton-street, Brooklyn. J231m* I-'Oil THE PILES. FOR 'IHK PILES!?Aro you tifflictcJ wtth Piles? Try, then, without delay, Doctor L'pham's Veg? etable Electuary-, the best remedy ever offered to public notice. This redly excellent mediclni Is the result of a thorough medical education sad a complete '-.:io ? the disease for which It Is rccomm tided. The :: it tri? omphant success attends,:.- admh [ration. Kead the following ri ruarkabk ea???s t A lad-. restdi::- in Norfolk stn-e:. was seriously arBictcd wlth Vile? -, s., w.-.s her sufltrlng that, to ?-s?.- hi-r own expression, llfo wai n biihlen; tut? i'-.-h: week* ?Imhad been atteuded by one of our most ?mine it l'liysicians, without the least benefit. Sausi-i?; that it was an aggravated case ot l'iles. ! | r-, Kribed the? Kieciuary; two bases were used. ;?ix inontlis alter, the same btdy called - a me to prescribe ? for another ci implqJnt, and then Inlbrmi i me titatshewa? perfectly cured of the I'tK-s by the two boxes, uid had c-; perienced no rettrrn since. Mi>. i;.re?i-'.?:._- ?:l ur-a-n?-street,called on ni,- l.i?: spri:-?. ? saying; that she had been affecte ; ? ith ni? for tv. o years, ?vccompai-lodby pain In.the side, palpitation of the !:eart, aseBHof .siraikihtness?erossthe cliest, and i,-pre?kn. t she was tumble to lie d,..wn without .:l. v.itinc the head xid | c.;e$i considerably; nsting h.-,r'/o-,i;;-.iiv tirodtteed a sense j ot sr.ii?>.ation. followed try a ei ugh. By rising one box cf the E.eviuary, the pain m the siae.-.alp'it.tvlo:; atid opprcs ? sum (?asjiej, she cortld lie down without incoavcaictiie, and the liles were partially removed, am! a .-eeoud box made a complete cure, to the r-rcat rjratttcationofth? na?ent. tsolJ In this City by the .', ,?_?-.. ? *? 0,,/,v, a reitiU-irlv cated rhysiclan, conniitd to an office iiractlce for the treat Bent of Cnao.Mc Insiusis, No. ly? Itowery. Medical advice :u rela?on to the Shove, er any oilier com; 'auit. grates. Price of the Electuary oik d"i!ar. H?-Remember that the Electuary is an Intlunai. ItnxKPv. ar.d not aii ttppheatisnt, and suldo.NLVat 196 Bowety, four doers above Spring ?t. Office hours 7 .v. M. to 0 i" ^_ j'22 3n\? Bl"KSTl.]> PIPES.?-Thoae persons wb-. .;.-,. troubled avlth their Crot?n Water fixtures because, of bnrtlnc, are Informed that they can have them repaired and so ar? ranged as to avoid any diftieitlty hereafter, by applying to Mcssr?.. Thilbin .t Jentm?, b.-.semer.t. No. 3 John-st. who will attend to all orders arlth putictualitv and despatch. f4 ihvlstp_ PUMPS,?Double action light and force pumps of all sizes to raise from 20 to 400 ea??cs water per miuute. Cast iron Fountains o? various patterns. Fire Engines and Ilow, &c. mar.ufaaured hy dU3 3m D. L. FABSAM, K Fulton-st. OFFICE NO. 30 ANN-STREEi TUESDAY laOBWING, FERHl 7 0 THE i'l'BLIC Vrw-Yoi.K, February 10, !?..". The subscriber won-'d rsost resptctiVly anno:;;.-. trieiids aad the .rr.veling copirnunity in general, that ltr. baa recently leased tLc C S. liOTLL, - ad Is run? ; : ? to entertain ?Il .-'..o may favor bim w.ili their patronage i. ivuig betti for the past sixteen yea.s engages* in the rk.-e c? ?acity, he bai no l?csita!ion la saying Oat an fa vor? extended ?. hhr ' y Um public "??'?' be dU'y atsd, and every satisfaction ret.teed :.'.-? may foil dlspoi :d to patronize him. P.?. In order to xi ... pace with the times, hi . - - rinteil tochenge the price, for -'? :'! : '? " ? ?-?":-" -: 5* ??- '*?' S! 25, ?"?'.? ; a* the ?amotime, it will mi ??? the full and tjnqu lifi? 1 approbation of the naveling po lie. H.-T03NS0N Cniied - itcs Rotel, corner of ful ton. Pearl and Wat .- --.???.--. fl0 2w ___^__Scw-Yort CHAHAM HOUSE-NEW ARRANGEMENT.?R05 iVH,i. i;i'., i-rr,.::is hi? frier-da and the . ? inlarg ?dhl* ?< .I/;..';.'.'. /;..7../;?lo7/... ?" V." ?: ? as the Graham House, ?33 BcjcHy-sireet. by add il,.- .i ?Ji i :; g boa .;-.: '.:?;:.; dt ? - permai em B ar^erson the ::. si favorable terms. t Tempera edi siring a quiet b, me, audfr - dorn from the il me* of alcohol and tobacco, ; -?? in ?'-? I to ?? ti. ? house. T!?? Vegetable 5y?t?m, with th? hoi06si scioctionof fruits, Ac. which the inarkel affords, wiflbcjrtrictty artaeccd to, hot a table wQ] . ?? ?..-. .. : -, tho c win? prefer the ordinary mode, or mixe ' .... Croto.i Shower, Worm and Cold Baths, free. OS t?_EOsWELL GO>>. ?>r> LEECHES AS D CUPS applied by Mr. HAGNUS SGN, corner ;" Broadway and Broomcstzeet, entrance in Broomest, Xew-Yorlc Rfferencet.??tr. Cbeesmac, Dr. Mett, Dr. Kelson, Dr. F:.,::vi-. It. Steams, i?r. Berger, l?.-. Weed, I).*. - I?r. D. Smith, Dr.Quackenbos. Bi-j*. Swedlsb Leeches constantly on hand, ji2S 3ia - --*a*af BoTCitzas' Avn Dcovras' Bank,-) n.??.??-Y..rfc, P?:.. 7tl:. 1835. J N'OTK'K.?The President and I ??rectors of the Bi and Drovers' Bank have this day declared a dividend oi four (I) per cent, on the Capital St.?.;. oat of the profita ol the !:is: six months, payable on the l-atli ?-??t. The Transfer book w?i be closed on the 11th. until the I5th lust. By order oftbc Board of Dire? tors. flO 10t? I?. W TO.VSSl'Sl.. C.ishirr. f"*1iLROY ON WEAVING.?THE ART OF WEAV ajT LNG.a useful Bot k tt. V.'f?tv?r?. Loomtn ?. ?rs -.?i.l "?'.. chiaifts, fully illustrated with some ""1 engraving*. SS toge? of which -.:-,? oo ?feel, is rn..?.: desen ? Uj ree mmi "?'? I i.. ? ??? perienced Machinist? Manufacturer*, inch .? Beaj. Mar? shal. Est]. nl'Tr'.v; This. R.ots, K-.?. ?i"! ???.??.m. ?i.Uotli-r ??? ible men who hat? r-at! tii? vv<nk ami w,li bear wiiue?? to ? i ? ? ?.- ctical inftmcdooi in plain a? well a? figured we -, :. is for sale, with an assortment of design : u-r fot r ttern thaw?-?, by . GEO.D. BALDWIN, l !.'. ? Sprnee .rr??t. A CCOUNT BOOKS, PAPER AND STATIONERY.?A XXiarge assortment of Account Basoks, Memorandum and Books, of our own manufacture, made of the best quality linen paper, constantly on hand at low prices.' Sta? tionery of every variety. Foreign an 1 Domestic, embracing every article required, both fancy and staple. Papers of aU descriptions. Ruled and Plain Cap and Letter, some a* low a? 51 ?o per ream ; Tissue, Note, Envelope and Wrap? ping, .ill size? ami qualities. Trimm?; and Binding of every description executed at lowest rntes. FRANCIS k LOUTREL, "Mm Mnniii'jcttirinc Btatlimers,77Mal.Vn lane. 1 ?"VI'II WAR? i.CMKKIt .API?, ?tt :lic l.-.t .,1'?lih -las? street, Hndson River.?G. S. MOTT takes pleasure i:i giving notice to thf owner? of real an.! residents, that he has on hand a large assortment of Lumber of nil kinds, which bo filers for saloon the most advantageous terms, aud Is well aware he can compete with other leal er? ?n i!ic City,.ist;, prices and quality, and particularly in? vites all persons to give him a coil and examine hi? sioc!; previous to purchasing. J21 PU Mi'.U.Sl l'Ll'MHolt.?.! 1'i.t^li:hits l-^Thc-ill. sei ?lier would call the attention of Plumbers and the ' public'-" a perfect article of Tin Plated Lend Pipe, imuiu ! fnctured by an entirely n<rw process, for which behastnl* i month secured letter* patent,which plates the pipo un ill? inside with nn even perfect plate of pure Tin. u.i-. leg attained -'real perf? -ti.-*s In iLo iccthod ofmtuni. facturing and plating Lead Pipe, he is enabled to offer this superior Article at the same pri?e char-tctl fur common pipe. He warrant* the Pipe manufacture?] by Idm not to burst or split, freo ti'om all flaws, ????les or other imperfections, ami of perfectly uniform thickness. Al-o, on ham!, a large stock cf ttntlnned Crei,.n and Country Pipe, which can be examined at the mannfitcti ry, '?in West street, or at Johnson Brother?, si Water-st. ?ISSmc 1:. v.-. LOWBKR. LATIIROi' .V liAlt'l'Lf.'iX offei foi sal . ?: U91'?hi1 -:. (?um Copal, 3D cases; S-lt-m watlied, 9008 bbl?, rough. Andino, 111 tmkeu Para; Tapioca. 20 bbl? do: S;.ir!i- Tu.-, entine, iLi bbl?; Camphine, 20 do; Rosin, 300 ?!o; Pitch, 50 bbl?; I ..lift-, :',0 bait? ni.icii.i; ?u do African; Chocolste, prepared Cocoa and Ci coa Paste, mannEictnie of Webb it T wombly. firti" WOoi^??? .UPoliis. Anicr:,-:iii iTt-.* Wool, cull.-is.'lnJ.Tf finco lbs. Saxony and lull Mood ?Merino. BOOn do i and ? blood do 2'MKi do common Wool. 3.?00 do tub-washed alo 40O11 Jo unwashed do .!?n i',.r-.i!'., lit- WMi.I.S A Si'lliNC. ?''-. ritie st. Luc CHAINS, TRACE CHAINS, Av.? , cask* Log Chains, lfi ca'k. Trace Chainj, 14 casks" Pecks" Hoik? an I Hinges, Wilkinson's Vices and Anvils .?1? WOiil?. It ?I.r, 1.1: A MEf-sI.R. 219 TMri-st. fJOTATOES?For sale, mm bushels o: ?rsi quality Eng? lish Cup Potatoes. Apply to 1 If_t\'. ?t .T. r. TATSCOTT, T'". South-sL * <0PAL?10Caisos Angola, ?c ,. , ?... . I V--' 30 " i:?.,'.i,,la,.r"c"' "***'*' Also, 10,0001b?. ?? for sale at lowest prices by 1 !??_LATHROP & ii.'.i.'Ti r.'iT. ?;:? Pcati-rt. ; QPOOL COTTO.s?Every variety ol bpeoJ Cotton, oy the ?3 case, or in quantity to suit, ? c s..:, . . ',?'11"_ .!. P. VAN EPS. IW P.-.irl-st. ?ilXi. LONC CLOTHS. -WELLS ?v SI'iUNG, Agents l'.ir li:.- sale ??! Manchestci .n I Carlisle Superfine Long t loihs.31,33and37mch. is I '"il.Ni.i.l'.t K JEANS? I.:- ic, 0 .:.... ? adct, ." and . i\ Ste? 1 Mixtures, for ?."e bv *8f_VtT.i.: s & ?:;;?? , Ptne-st, Dl>.tl.-S''.|l' *t..H ????", lot's ( en .' r ? IB blue do; 13 u 1 colored do 1 di No. ! ?? lit. ?' f!2_i.v ' 'iltl'S \. . I'Hl it.-. 11.1: ?.- ;:,. Cl?PS AN' PLAT?-S FOR ?? llll.IHil.?.'.- -P.i:t -.1:1.11 ' Cups and Pbics or Children, ns durabl ??- ver, aii'l ' :-im-h lesscxpeusive, forsalcwhMesaleai , reta!!, ai ? i:".. ? ling SI!?, by BOARD !AN?v HART. I5f It ; "?70T1C1: . ? 'l li? ?-i'- ?er: ?-..-.- still, a? b -n?'..'.'"?. . '? a*? ;? toual atteutioc to ?aie? if H n?. '? 1 ! I ?;:??:. pro h?ng ?-. on? ....I BLI KER Si CO. Illf lvv_No. * I'-,-,,?1 .'.-?;. ? ir U. II A>A l'.'.PSCU tiS.S.'.lti ll'.s..?All t!:t- Varions Width* ol tiiis much i,.:.n vi d stylo Cotton ,s-::..: . . twil i, for sale by JIcCCRDY, VLDRICU It SPJ t'l 1 6t IT V:.!-' ..i'....' I ?1 ??-. OANTAtAtON STI ii:- ? - i hu Craiikii .i.v lastii gs tad 1 ??:: id -'-..?? . Printed Dtillii :-'. for* ' McCURDV, ALDRICB .v. ?l-KNii-ll:. fil St ! ' b nsc Place. r OLD CASTILE SOAP?-Aline old geni u ..;:.. titrd article. Sol 1 a; ?-?."> cent* a pound, by T. J( ?.'s"l.>. ??: i ?Chatham st. tuid Sti'i Broadway. _?H [m IIEET lll?N?3?t bundles b??i Sheet Iron, assort ?-!. ??-1,^, 26 and 27, for sali by SHERMAN, ATWATER St CO. ?.- Ajr/ti Kew-Jascy Iron Co. 30 Broad-''*'. 'Pu .!iLis.>ir..\?11-5 Itavii ?.-. i'.? .i.*-?; 1 r*.78Bowenr. 1 baTemadeupalotofBlank Bnolt* ruled ex] ? ?n!l;; :?,i. vtitli Jl c.ilumui. to keeplhe daily account ol ? J?ln-r-u forevry moiitli._I '' TO MILKMEN, &c?thestibscril rsoi rforsalelOO bbl. Buckwheat Flour us a substitute for Oat Meal :? r I tocdingCattle. Ills now extensively nsed for that pur 1 r?.se on account of its being o nsldcrably cheaper. Afco 1 ICObb.saiid 5'J half Extra for :.?:..?' j21tf_WRKH1T. I.OSKE A ('?'? '--' M?s'.r- -t. [MBRELLA l'i.i.i'1'ii-s?i'laui .?... - ? . line a^. . I lack, for o.Ue by ??>?? WE I.I..-'A SPRXNO. 53 Pin--.:. ?ci . LE? ?U bags il ?cha; ?Ml do. Afiicau. for -.t,e I . - tii? LATIIROP k BARTLETT C9 Pearl ?,. I '?a \" 1; *??TVS?.-i.s.n llir iron? ' ' '. ? A ? ll.ijv'v JOS* ' ! KEKS '..'? ? '.'."?-st.?rr*-t. w riLALtllONES,Shoe thread, iv,;;.-: t:-:-<. Ste. con? stantly on hand and for sale Ion inlotstosnii ?y :.7...i ' J. p. VAN EPS. 103 Pearl st, fi V\\ y* r SOLAR L ?RD LA.'.'.: ...... i J ?ah- wholesale and retail ' r;j WY.'VA. .lli.'Tii.-.R ken. No. f.J.-.!,:,*,t. K* s'l'i 1 ,1 \ Jr ANS?t? ca?e? low priced, medium and snn-Tfta? licht icddark mixed ,-. ' NKSMlTii :ii:>l :.-< Pinr-st. ! "I ,) * -?n.-.r. 1 ?;m.-??? '. ?' ?? . 1. . . .--4,,-;:::;:. . .-I : Sy ,,.,,,,., r, , ; . Al* V.LTHAM 1 OTTONS?Thasrarioiuta?i ;.-..-: , lad* T? ilies of Shirin-j, an'l >b?t:::.:- i- : ..: t'- altti.-. yf^'':-h :-''--:;w,N,^iVH:-..o.vM>?-.t. APr.R LAMP SHADriS-Ji?.?'..-?c.-:.*' .??--i.*;- 1 en pat? ients Paper I.Mnr.trii-d??. ?-;;:?. ii ^.'- .r.^'V;^ !'r ?a!?tvLole?,aiciiiJ retail, by Bit-1 ?. CliOlHKKx' . |-|j No 1.1 j'.'hn-st. Apia's 1er '?*"?? rov:m.i--tur. rs. HLLVi.-Hdii.? ??CKIN.l.? 00 b?l*-i ??.'. and I I pi and ?vs ill?! ^rcs-a and rich chiuii pnated Bocttogc ror .?ale by_ NES.MlTHls:? U.V Pi:??:_ I CsKPET Wl?AVERn aetl Msinl - - C..?odi will find an a-tsortn-ent ol DEsltKi IA1...1 ? ,?^;th?b.,:iini^--n.for?si!e.:^pn^ HOUSE BILLS and Luitilord and T-Maot-.' Aoret. El os-stirtn-.**:.! ? - - -.?-. '?' ? :', I" t - -...??r.tol'Ai-ccuat Ilc-iks arJ Sr*f*C-uery.whicn Wlilbe ?old at the lowest possible Jiuea**. . . FRANCIS s: 1.0*. TilEL. .N.a.-inuctnnn-: Staaono?, 1 ? : .., .7 Maiilec-Uce. SILK SHOE LACES?For sale 'oy the su?t-?cribers. by the pro??. ,T. P VAN PPS. t03 Pearl St. 7f tf CSSIA MIEET IRON??SO packs as-sort?d, 'j Ij 1-S for ?wlj t.y (I-i.' 1 ASS A WaKI?. ~l ''?" '?*'- -' ? NNE'IK,'??0 l>?i-?ke;?pnu.?' rara.lor sale by ? flO LATHKOP Si B.VBTLKTT, ?? feari-*'. FAR Y IS, 1S-I5. BOABPIXG mMOOL?IKVE?G INSTITUTE, T.'.!ir.T town. N. Y.?WILLIAM P. LTOS, A. It. 1'.:'. . | 1:.?>?:-:::? r >e?si,.n w?! .?pert on tiie 1st of Mar. To those who de re ui place sons a; Boardicg'Sc! ... loirexedatttiislEiStarJ ? -pen -, to any. ?t has boen m ?mcoess : moti -.'ven years The l-.v.uiun. uc... afin] and s? lubr his, is...iiven: .ut of .. >s from :hc Qty. Xheedi tti ? c?-i.i-:,?i:o'L?a.-.i Hiux'hrtahle?Uic play groands am? ple .tad d ? ?ottiiected torn the -, liage. Tht g ? Is it !?at u.ild, resembli .- thai 01 a -veil rv-rulatci ?? -:? a family?a in . . a u% received ?.. coon . :..e salutary mflc -? x ??!' mm.iy trsii .:?-. T':-?/-t c. ofins-;.. ?guet, pot mere! ' i c-tiierfect the pupil in the inachea ualicd. but u -truet ill-.:-..,'.-i: . :-. t.. will; - _-. : ? form t.':.- hab . an . ?riveaim ? v. : ;:..:. -...:., :.,.. ? of Students, ; . ? .- : lirons. Secn.' -.- mdhithepampUictt --i the institute, t ? be bad en a lleta ?:: at th.- Bo? i Stores : BartlettiC "A'clford, Astor Horii?, and Baynor'?], . 7.'. 1' M ..-;?. ! rsrence, bypermi : to the '.-???:.. =- ('.'.-?.:> -aished . .v.:-: iton! .. Esq. Hi u. Da ., t". S. Senats II-i:.?'.' ..:? VtrpUl ?. . ' -.. ell ??: - ternie, !*. .-*. N. . ?. I - ?. TarrytrrvVn. ? li..... ::?.(. Rev. Nathan Bangs, DP.Wm.C, Bryant, Esq. Ol I T.T "??. J. 1!. V .:i BcnSSelacr, M. ?': .>?: N. tr-Yi ri. City. Alsoti the l nowtng who s e n iw or Live heor., patrons: Kev II W Hnnt, Zehebec Cook, Jr. Benj L ?der, Bcv L "I Vincent, M Van Beurcn, Oscar Irvimr, BeTThos?'?aril, JasMHeyt, TheoKeese, He-.-.! Dewing, J I. Mott, .' VV*Ener?is, i: v .i SeweD, CDuscnberry, LDenison, HVv A Y ScHeck, B I. Kip. i ;?? ? Clinch, B ? 1 ?;? SVi ?:. p l'.tnno-.y, H W < llap| Dr Ji's >eribticr, Wm G Boggs, Benj D !.iu?!i, Uev l? Bal>cock, E W v'.ui Voorhls, F Campbell, A It Livingston, Leonard Kirliv, W s Dunham, Ellsha Morrell, Jacob Leroy, BF Howe, Peter Plnckucj-, Gen G H Striker, Il Raynor, Clin.? >:..-:n. ll.irvov wv.-.;. ?? tac Adrianes. J fjhestennan, B F *?Y*heelwright, Thos fattlsoa, Morris rviablrtson, \v Van Antwerp, M Eels. 130 ,1m 1>BEPAHA.T0BY fBOABDINTO SCHOOL, MIDDLE TOWN, LOSS. H. II. CHASE, A. M. PRINCIPAL Established In 1835. Sessions commence May iMh and Oct. ISth, ontlniim; five months. Ht 580 per session. Thorough ; r iparatli a for college or business, and person? al attentions are secured to pupils as fully as m the most expensive schools. Lads from Scw-YorE are placed In chargoof a careful person, going and returning? Circulars ! at 44 M ?'.re.-t and ?74 Broadway. d23yc BULiK-liKEPi-N?"-, ?ce ? /"( ('. MA?SII, Accoautant, res;,-.-< ?fully announces 1 \Jo that i.lsL'.i'.iiitiiii.'-K.H-ms, No. ss Cedar-street, COU ; t?nuc ipen from s A. M. to !? P. M. ? in the study of Book-keeping as it Is taught by Mr. I Marsh, every pupil !?.? ips, In the most practical manner, a et of partnership boots, embracing all the difier ? eut business transactions of a good mercantile house j lie I becomes faniUIar with all the books constituting the -:?-t, ! with all the documents relating to the books, trial balances, ] balance sheets, accounts-current, an t v..;?i various mer ! eau- le calculations in Interest, discount, equation of pay menu, exchange, tic. In one course of instruction a person of good capacity I will become a competent Book-keeper, and will receive ? a certificate t?> that effect. No one is taught in a class. mercaxth.h wi:iti\<;.?a Uiof*o?ighc?tirseof pro j ?-restive lessons, which will not fail In effecting a valuable Improvement. Sp?cimens of a truly mercantile style may be seen at the rooms. Prospectuses, with terms, boars, ?to. may be obtained at the rooms dav and evt-ning. C. C. MAESH'S WORKS, Tlie Science of Double Entty Book-Keeping Simplified, 11 tit e Ution, '-(i;i pages octavo -, Price 31. the Art of Single Entry Book-Keeplng Unproved, 3dedl tlon, 130 pages octavo ; Price 75 cents. For sale at the bookstores, and at the rooms. Sir. Marsh oilers hUscrvices in opening, closing, oravrit Ing ;i?. i?.",!;? : 88 Cedar-street, up stairs. sflV new g< b Ids! P'.rili: CAMBRICS, IIl'SII LINEN. Ac?Just re coived, a good assortment of Paper Cambrics, of all color an,I rap. rior qqallty ; als,? Irish Linen, which will ho gold at a treat bargain. ?Uso Thread Giros, Briisscls, Silk i: ? !: ibbinet 1.. ? -. Edgings, Ihsertlngs : iiew style Lace Caps, of various kinds ; Velvet Bead Bags; Printed Cam? brics; Fren h Printed Muslins, PhlUippean Ginghams; Hosiery, Gloves, &C, C. Y. WTMTLE, dl? .T.ihh.-r, TU ('ciar street. isJl'ANTu.V, UK ilAltli.?- ?v ?KiLLISIE... oller lor sale V> at 10 Beaver street, l!r-'.id Cloths -V.',? ! ii-.i.! pieic lUe?black,olive and brown. Cassuneres?Wool and piece dyed t.iaek, imUiio blue, .v.?.-, d, ribUd,, and other styles of faiiij Casfdmercs. Satinets?Black, blue, mixed, striped, clouded and fancy plaids. Pantaloon Stuff;?A variety of Styles. Wiggins?Black and.whlte. Paper Cambrics?Assorted colors. Vestings?tallec?as and Amiirlcan Ginghams. Sew Ing SUks-?American blue, black and assorted colors. Cotton Duckt-A superior article, suitable for sails. flO H I'il.i.lMiitY GOODS Cheap tor Cash, at 91 Beaver-st -*1 three doors from Pearl.?The subscriber bas received, within the past few day?, a larpc and splendid assortment of Spring MUiincry Goods, to which he Invites the atten? tion of Merchants, Milliners, and the trade In general. He has I .::?'. hand whenever a steamship or packet has ar? rived, in order to have the first selection ; and does not hes? itate to say that he ha?, now on band, and will continue to have during the coming Beason, the richest, ?ur^-sst, and most splendid assortment oi .Mil!.aery Goods to be found In market. The r?putation which be has of sell:?,' goods cheap i; i roverblal, and his taste In selecting Hat Ribbons and silks i? acknowledged, by !'.?? .6 who know, to ho tiiu best ?n the city ; and ?is that is every thing in Inlying, pur chasers desli ins of buying such goods as -viii sed may rest assured that, by ?tailing, they will Had to be true what Is here represented. L. M. STEVENS, 'Jl Beaver-st New-Yi rk, Feb 10. 1845. lOfY Dili i,.-.!?.- AT 11^,1. su -.-iiiK-i.? take this opportunity of iiuormlng ths Ladles of N. ? irk, .I'c that tia-y ai'e now prepared to offer great bargains in Dry Goods: their stock consists 111 ; .it ol Broadcloths, Casshneres and Satinets, Bombazbies, Merincce and Ai? paccas, Linen Sheeting, Table Linen, Toweling, Napkins, I ?in; -r-, ?.c Cashmere de Labtcs, Glngliams, i'rlias, ?fee. i it ?hcetings and Shirting , and all Other styles of sea ? ????:-. Ladles arc Invited to call and e.\ tuiin-their st ? .. a:. 1 ir.,-'-.e themsel ?-s acquainted with their prices ? f.-.-,. Iias?io* elsewhere VV. i?. GBEROBY v i 0. j.?. 173 Spring-st ?Cjj<i ri:! \. ?JLDli cm ?. .:' ? '..::, No. P I s< Im ? 1-XPlace ol r for sale ITTO? GOODS. Prints, from the ?Vmertc ui Print W .rl:?, al I".-.'. River, consisting flticl lilntz,Liglit Fancies2, 3 and 4 coi'd Plates, Lawn Plates, Two Blues, .v,-. fee. 150 do !'???>:?, '. ::? t:-- Lodl and other Works, con _ .:." .i' -, black and white, I i i \',"i do BuwcxEU SutaTTMGS and SriEETtxcs, vailoua v?i,.:!i- and qutUtics. ~ s ....... h ? Crot?n A'*, li.irt ? ;. rai. Rit ? and oi?i :;..:-. c ') do ; Bsows -.111.tin- - i Corros ?SABirac*, 3-4,23,30 and 36 Inclnvide. ? Cwtiirn Bacoini 20,22 and 30 Inch. Uh) . . . i . ., ,-..\ ? ?. i ... s-, ? .. I Prlnti 1 Pal :.o i.,:. -1-8 ai ?: ?-' Bedtii i [Sttins. .">o ca?e.- Checks, stri] ?'. Sliirtji -?. kc. 50 dj COITUS i'l.a - H'.'-i ::.? WOOLEN GOODS. 150 cas.1 ?' : '.-.-:?: i ' '. s, wool dyed black, brown, . . md mixed. 100 do I'AssiMKaEs,plain:.::d lau-y. >.vti?-^ts. a great variety of styles, colors and .?uaiitii-?,fri u. the is-st mantt?icturers. 50 do Bucsaiicis, light and ilar?: n?s :. 100 do KEML'ctv blue, mixed, striped and plaid. 100 do EsasETS, from the MaJJoy mill. 100 ?': ' Pian> Lutssrs,3-4and t-i. . Twizds and Foiled Cloths. lo" bait? Caarara, Bnc, ?UP? c endthree-ply, ::ew patterns, from the Owasco mills. ALSO? iAhcbicas Srwixo Sixes, a superior articlcfrom the i?- ' an :'??-. iry. _ :? a BLiLNAP eS: LiAiiCUL-K, - ? ?-? PAPER WAREHOUSE, ? MT -f_,\'>. .',:; ,iuiiy->T._ A?.f, U'Ai.r. A.Ni? ...uOi il IAr-e.iv.?>? . reams 21x36 ?itch . '? : i-,. p?'.'- am. ?."i do .'j- l do '?', : i ?" 1!..- do. do 20x3d do ?to ?lb*. do. loO do ?Bx30 ?!?? 3?J to juiis. do. :-. ,i, j t 2 do zeio ?o H.?, do. i 0 i!-j I i.'i d - in to J0 lb?. do. 36x10 do 78 :?< 12S lbs. ?! ?? |r-0 , , j.x;.; d,? fi to 68 IL,?. ,\o. >i da li sl3 do ?-J to HO lui. d?. : F"r sale in lots to suit purchasers, by f:t i VRUS \'.'. FIELD.0Batime-slip *> It. ri_\VfON a. SONS have :? rsale -u ii.??r Ware i? house,No.84J hnstreet, xmost .-xtcr.?ia, uh j ment of Printing, "?Vr.tirv. Envelope, colored and \ -, Binders, Straw Bonnet, rtar..'.:^.-? and Tr...:k ? - B lards, Pri -? I aners, .?.c. Thdr stack of Wntiu? ?"???ers, adapted for Stathmers' use wiU be four..! t::,:_--al:;. r.\t. nsive. I ..-.;:.-:-.- on haiu!? B ? tcaild News iTiulir.s. tsi^nt-i ?Ltcs, weights and qual? ities. Coli red MetLam, double ilo aud ether ?ires. Covvr Papcts, vari-.t;.? eolors and weights, for Magazines and Cheap Publications. I -. -.-..; ??'ritiinr, cne and =u'?tr do. Une and white, wove and laid. Flat and Cut C*.t-, plain and rule.':, wove and Uld, hlueahd tiTiite. Letter, rnled and plain, white and !?!?tf, wive and laid. I ackel Post, Commercial do, foilo do. Bank do. Barde Kote Parvr. Tobacco do, Euaelopedo. Shoe ar.l Tea di>. Straw Wrapping do, Palm Leaf do. B ir-l^ir:- ajid i loth Papers, in great variety. ' >.'k and Paper, Sani Paper Stock, C.irtridire Paper. Play Bill. H.-itu-:?.' r.lottiiis, iiruggLtts' and T?s?up Papers, kc. ke. X. b._Paper of every description madf? to order. ja9 UL.V5, i*i?iUL? A.NU lUFiJE?. "\f ATK.'il.tLSfo-Cun 5rr.?t!is, Gu.iL?kJ?s and parts of iixi..s-i?,r,iina!:(l PJrlc EarreU, Percussion Caps and Puis, i jwder fusifj and ?ihot Belt?. Cones and W'rencht.', fculV!. Rods, Vt'orin?, Sec. kc. far sale In quantity by ;?> y A. W. SPIES & CO. 218 Pt-ftfl-?. FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. WHOLE I\0. 1961. SANDS' SARSAPAR?LLA i .V :ii?rh"..u'?i;i i'" nr.;a?tic roliritr, attraction and t 1 puis: :, ban ?: !.::-rt? b-en resolftdiatoonegeneralfeet? I that two entreat* of electricity nioti- : direction i repel, and :.. ..:. f di.??tions, attract eacli rather ; and |s? iantyhas ererbeien couuaonicated to t?? s : i !..::ri> :? Th - liter a laps? of man' rears, ha* . , teeret of the magnetic eJa-ment baten dtscorerrd?a1 : ibeeffi its . .I.-: discovery iu mont r.?--: j!, l So? ? lit ??ti*-..- Iiit-s*;.sti ,:i ande\;criin'lit ha? th? t. -.-.."??.. ! ciu ?! and ippl ?a the form of S.O-T1S* SARSAPARILLA. ?? ? I . I ... '',? r great Tii. :>'-.;..?tic tl id doe :: ?;!???! t..? ?? ? wi ?. re toa giren .--" ill . I ? gaad .tor: z iat?:> nee of this pref rat of disease. Scrofulas, Ulcer*, ?ur,l , - matara, i ; Scurry, E.-...-. 1.?. p.. | ... | "?.cu-'mI ' : 'ter, !li ?won?, Salt Rh ?uuj. i pro?y,Scald j I llti... -uni.ill 1, patic disorder?, re -.-; .--. Th* do not p.t'.ea.1 to iSPau.iaii.iTV, be: ?.. Gu j have badaa opportunity ei ctMaira-ing tcknoVtiag tu. effec ??, * .'.-.ct. it has, by ti-eUca-iag of Providt ace, .??.a u-u- j . ben -fi.-nl. !" ? fultowing c.-rtitlcat-??. rcc-u-!.- RCcbed, wilt I ( witli interest, and for farth-r proof t'a?'r is left rr?.l to . pi. .,1:1.1, whici is firaal 4 tt;:!i--.; cluige b) (lid ; Agent* : I Butcnixrro*-. Oct. 17. ItVfl. ! . Mii?r?. V P>. J. !>. Sv?.!.??I lin.-i*..,,afflicted-* hScro iiii fot bum y?...-?. It ar*p-camlin rartoas form? ir..;u i:? ??-? m-i.f-ir. .:, bol did not break ont ?a alo ; 'r years cc. a large? rdliag -ti-i?. in-1 oa my arm. i had ithnced. It theB commenced eating, uad continued tu eat autillos fleshy part of my arm, from my ?Ibo? to atar my ? -..-aider, wa* nearly all ulcera; itthes broke oat i iitw* if luv n. ck. tut! fM?iii!..l'oii.v face. I bad inumb?rof oo my aacleand bottom* of m* feet. My suffennc? tesn#\ ilmpsl intoleral I -. The mi ?t ef tii? time I ha? : . : iiysici ins, takrn Iodine, Swaita*? Panacea, tad other pretxirations, and I had Marly de*r?ura>d of getting relief; when) wa? induced by Mr. It. ?f.rsi t o trj your SiusanarQIa. .My ?,.rts assumai a mon- ba iltl.v Bad 1 ll.itte;. d m-. ?. If with the idea tlu*. ! ?huuld I** w?ll asaiu. I hart bom taken einhtt-cu bottle* of your medicine, my tore* are all lietl ?U. ami my nem-ril li.-.l-h . 1-:;. r:l..:i it bas btm b-*fora lor nine years, ami 1 ucribe my cure to ib? effl* ? ???. if \:>-.i: ??.?.-. I s.vpt.-illt. Had I known its virtu?? yean ago, I should have beer, sat?.I mntli ?t-v.-rt* surteriiii; on?l a ili-1'u-urt'.l tact, a.-itl iny but'j.iad ?oulil hate been saved greet >'i|?eii??. iSi-,i-d) CT N 111! V N. TUPPER. I i-htf-rfilllv teslily to the truth of the almi? .?t of my wile. MASON !?'. TUPPER, Tl ?ibllowine isUrcstiag care must commend itaelfto the can :ul auee?uii of all limilarly afflicted -. Saxos' < v i.i.?r.i i i:ii Sno.u-mii.? s. I ?peakexperimORtallywbeu I say titit this medicine is far more effectual in the cure of chronic or acute rheumatism, than ; ;v other prepar?l?ofl I haveevet lasted. II iving endured extreme ?nfferinjrat lunes within the last litt- year* fi ?n re? peated .tt.ickt of iutl untn.itc-rv or scute rheumatism. ! hare recently n??tl Sand*' Sarsaparille with the Iwppiest tuce?-*? ; uit health i? bow better than ?thai ben for many nun ith* ???st, my appetite ?* good, and my ?treagth ??rapidly rctura III?.. I attribute tiii? healthful change eetirel) t.. tlie use of this patent medicine. !?'??! ir.i; a deep sympathy with tl ? ?ho ire afflicted with ihi* urmeetiagaud painful complaint, I can:.m refniu from earuady leeommendiag to inch the u?e of this valuable ?pecific Havinir that most entire ?-onfidence ii the medicine ind medical ?kill of Dr. Sand?, I wa* induced thereby t itry tin- efT?c:s i.f tiieir Samparilhi, an.11 take i !? - ?ua- in a Iding niv Hatimona to that of m my others, comtn ti? dal rj of its invaluable pr partie?, unknown to and tutu licit? til b> the Messrs. Sand? ( 11A11LI-.S Id KK. .'r. Iliiiifristantl Apothecary. m ind >2 U'f-tini :?tcr st, ProridaBce, l.i. I. F"i fu.; her particulars an I conclusive evidence of it* ?ni ?? i ?or value and efficacy, see |umpli!eu, which may beoblaiued of agent* -trati?. Prepared and sohl, wholesale ami retail, an.! for exportation, by A. 11. ?* D. SANDS, DruggwU, No. 79 Fulton -.t. J7J Broadway : 77 Ea?t Broadway. f!2 lin [t| UM'HI.V ItEPOUT.?Niitio.iul Loan Fund, I.m- A xTAsuraiii-e Society of London?Capital >..!,.>i>?,?iH)?Gen i eral Agent'* Office, 02 Wall-street, Kew.York. I Report of persons ?iisurcal ?u January, 1845, under au? thority from tin? Court of Directors In London, viz : Clerk.?.I! Contractor. 1 Carman. i Dentist. l Female. I Grocers. 'J Harness Maker. I Merchants.IG Physician. 1 Printers. 4 ?stationer. 1 Tailor. 1 in December.23 Total.55 Physicians.?3. Kearney RodgetvaT. D.and A. E. Ilo tack, M. I>. (who attend at the ?llico daily at II o'clock P. M. Fee pii.l by the Society.) SanXvr*.?The Merchants' Bank. Sew York. (Tlieoii glnal authority from the London Board l- tit*; ?>-.. ! ?ith ibo President, J. J. Palmer, Esq. to whom reference may ije ii'.a.l....) Si licitare?William Van Hook, Es,?. 50 Wall-st For Pamphlet* containing general remarks on 7.1 fe In? surance, t.iijle.s oi rales, the report of tin lust aiiiiiuil mcet Ing of Stockholders held In London, mui other Information desired, piea*e apply to the subecribcr, or to the Agenta In Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and other principal cities. The sciilo of rates will bear comparison With those of other Companies doing business here. Risks, if favorable, accepted at or.-? ; and are binding from the moment of actual paginent of -aremtum to'the sub? scriber, unJer spoelnl and full authority delegated to him. Particular intention Is Invited to the division of profits (on the butines? la Europe n* well as In America) to policy holders; and the many advantages of the "Loan Fund" department. J. LEANDER STARR, i"*? 3w General Agent for the United states. m HE MUTUAL LIEE INSURANCE COMPANY OF A NEW-YORK.?This Institution, iluring the month of January, ??sued seventy-One Policies, viz : To .Merchants.3iiTo Clergymen. ?. To Manufacturer*.-\ To Lawyers. S To Brokers. i To Physician*. I Toderas. 7 To Mechanic*. ti To A Rents. 1 ?To Fanners. 2 to Cashiers of Bank*. I To Booksellers. ! To St-c'ry ..f Ins. Cos. ! To Grocer*.?? ToSdeotificProfessor_ l To Potter. I To Teacher. 1 To Oillccr of L". S. Army . 1 To Student. ll ? To'.al Lives Inmured.71 MCRRIS ROBINSON, President. Sam'l H.ivvat, St-c'ry. Post, Physician. If Im TO IK??N "mXNI'?-'ACTI'I? KKS. Til-'. ROl.l.lNi.-Mil.L MACHINERY of the exten ?it. c*l at formerly the property of Wm C Hol? ly, .it Stamford i : ? lasutiagol italliet of gearing ?halu, coopltre, stand? and roUaforexa-cutingagteat rariety of work: tote Jier with ?bears, lathe, turning tools, bunuliagbeucha floor .l.'1?... fui ice, costing?, tte, iad implement? neo lin &1AN. I'.iCTL'RERS' WAK KHOL SE. A. II. MAI.;.' i"i. No 16 Pine, cor. William--?., N. V. ; I 1 A - ? ONSTANTLV ON HAND an I for I? t tent '. 11 ralassortm utofMaaulacturev**article*,> \ "ick'-isi,...: !!??!? Stin,?: W-t-,-% llu.i-,, I'wiae Shuttle* Kerolvins IViuple? . Rol! .-i ? Picker? I perm and Olive Oil j il, lier Cloth Bobbii . < c nb Plate : Card ? lothing 1. in; ? omb Caner?, stc su All of which ire oftered al th? I.(?WEST PRK I.S tot I cash or approved credit. Orders lor line Mexican market ex* ? seated with d-*?patch._.' i ", i m?, u ? r'I?S'l PltKMtUAl M'.U'-V' ??K ; DAGUERRIAK MLNLVTURE GALLERY, j Corn-r of Broadir-uy and Fulton-street, tnli ma third door. VVIIEKM may be had MINIATURES ?vhli !.. Ii. ? inty T of eo.. I-, tone ?i'ltl eiltet, e.'ll at all tlincs ? .mmCGll theras? lv< ?; and If not superior, are cqu.. loany that lut vc been lteretorore taken. Mr. B. Iocs not chtim tor him* , but : .-.? ? hi* picture? to the cilticisms of * In : an I intelligent public, '..ii", a.? * ?:? a? strang?rs, ar i ; invited t.. call at the Gallery bei re going elsewhere, whe flier they intend sitting or not. Likenes*es In 'i cas ? warrante i to giw satisfaction, an.! Doktred In a ma -t beau til manner, and ;n which department ilr. It. .loo? claim superiority, it being filled <??? a competent and pi i ??;r?...;. 1 a^ti. in .til Lliirts ?if weather, iron: 8 A.M. till ? I'. M. s'.Thc American Institate awarded a First Premium to M. U. Brady at the late fair. Instruction* carefeBj given in the art. d7 :<!ii*y_'* _M. It. P.RAI.V. NITEii STA IKS UAOl EltillAN GALLERT, 175 Broadteag, Cp-Stairs.?E. WHITE would respect? fully call the attention of dtb-ens i?;.! (tranger* visiting Uie city, to his splendid collecilt.ii of Daa-acrreotype Por? traits, tingle c,r m groups, from '-' to 11 person* on the ? same puiw, which for beauty ami accuracy of dcUneatiaw csnnot be Huri'asseal. i'ortrait-s taken in all kinds of wt-ather, eitlmr n-itiior without the colors, the price? of which !ie .1 -.- rednced to those charged by Uit u.j?: incx ptr-.eticc.l ir. thebusini ? . The American Institnleat Its late exhibition awarded Mr; While the first Premium tor the best Daguerreotype Likenesses, (for grouping and general effect) which U but a::..-.:.'.r proof to the superiority of Ms Portraits. Mr. Wh::e i* sole a^uit in Now-Yorktbr tiic very sup? - rio.- i-.:[s.rtcil Herman Cameras, ?nul ai no oilier csUbiisli ment in the dty "r State can they be obtained. N. ?J. Importci Oennau Camera.?, also French and American instrumenta of tLe very lieattqnallty,with plates. | - I h :..*. Polishing I::atcJ-ia;-, &C. Mr. White's Ca.-e Mannfactory beim; tlie larscst am! mostextensive la thcCniteii States, be I*enabled (from the quantity he manufactures) to sell I-iagBerreotyp? Miniature Cases, 10 per cent, lower tlon any'other t)u?e In t!;.. t'nion. ?list?* CtHEAP TABLE CCTLERY.?The ?ubscriber respect 'felly Inform* his friend* and the public, tliat he-on itantly keeps on ham!, at his Cheap House-i'nmislilng Store a choice assortment of Table and Tea Entres, ?"rom 5? c? to S'J 50 per act, and Carvers and St?-ls to match, and a fine assortment of Pocket and Pen Knives. ?Vis??, Gafrman Silver ond Britannia Tea and Table Spoons, and a good asMirtment of BiTtantili Ware, such as CoiTec and Tea pi.ts. Lam;?? of various palten? and ?.?t-a, ice. Ac.? .U*o, Tin and Japomncd Ware, and Tea Trays cf various sizes ai:d r,u;.liiit-s. Also, Hardware anJ .Hollowware, such as Pots, Kei?ar*, etc.. Sadirons, Brass Kettles, etc. ; Carpenter?' Tco!.?. cheap and of tlie he?t quality, such as Planes, Saws, Ch >k?s, etc. Nails, Locks, (;ar;?-t Tacks, etc ctc. An excellent variety also of Wooal-ware:md Ba?sk?-L?, ?nch a? Tub?, Palls, Wash-hoard.?, Clothes Horses, v.'ot*!,.n Itowlsai? ! Cr.oppiuz Trays, Broom?, Cradles, Basket Chair.-, Kreuch Travelnj-g Baskets, etc. ; Carpet, straw and tpllt Bags, etc. Likewise, Brushe* of almo? ei-erv kind?Cloth ar..! Knir. Scrub and Palrit and Dusting Bruthe*. Alto, Fine Teeth and French Dresslnsr Combs, etc. etc cJl at R. R. Johnston'-), 3?j Catharine-stre?t, win-re you will final an excellt-nt as?tirtmeiit, and all verj low. R. R. JOIDt'STON, '?? Catharine-street N. B. Toys o:'all descriptlou?, at wholesale and retail. dl<5 3m** 'OI'NDATION Ml'SLISS? 10OUpe*for?aie (jy IM WELL8 & SFBING, i'i Pint-it, \\T WTKD-l pi?.?' as I r.?rn!?f-.fisiil. Applr ?I 22J Sit VT t<-nt!. ,trr?-t. ivtwe?-ii ti? Sthsrid Vth Avenan.^ Oood iity refriCBCca gjven. ? P ?t* W\. |,ir?froai first of May, the S? -ood Floor of i Two Story H"n??-. iu ?I* n?-i?!?bcirfw>od in Litpmiard. Broadway, Any .--.-son invine inch it c .nun ithtioas will inn*, with * n"?hI trnrjti andj??bc iu-1 ;-i- . addrr?* ' i cun{ llotu? ?\.-r,?ri?,' Tiibuue Uthce. t la 'it*_ VX ACTIVE, tat?ll?eut LAD, m his lith year? whose mother resides :u the city, u in want of a situatiou In some rtWpectahie ;.iert.-a,-i;ile bou-*. Itninirt? of I-?' iVELLS ?t SPBIXG. Si Ttste-ut. TlfAXTED?-Jounk-ynien I.t-ck Maker?, to work at it bank oeks. Xone nted apply bin i-lKrmen flr?t rat.-.i.:?-u.?:i. * IL C. JOXK.S, ; : T Chin h-?'. Newark. X. J. iost?.' small ?' a lit, coatatahl-* t?-u dollars, and itjmo i -. ? any !?ttt the owi ;r. The Ander, . ? . -l.v .nil: be rt-w-irdcd. j'i* r\M... bOI-L-VKS S iwLsJRl . - - V iOKSBCEO ,"..\.NK. 1 ST?., K.- -A ?. riUcate tai t. .t.? ??ion:. Vicksburj; ? ,ri i; :-.:?.. Si Vvck, a-?d at'aber .?.i.i P ?-...-. h Attorney ?ltaclied ?as los:on Sa . i Id ?? , ,. i: was?i?bset1 ?a* ?citer, anu last ie i! vc w il?/v jiiid byjcvv .-.-.? Wall-st. mh"-5tf R - C fi'S I! ?T E L. 'fv.itl PEOPK1 I ?: ?';?.??:;?'..? informs '?is tri>a<"t ? t- op. nod hi? new sif. .phw. ,'.i.l .?; : IS l'- . u txt ?-. a '? ?* door ist of itrr.vl ? -.i i-, ? . : ii:?-r..i::t?. o.isinc? - a-al .1 ..a.. luriLlie?! it in .. .-. '.- -.: it ????.:: tu ?atoran!? o raparison witn th?? a-ery the city. The in-, ?it buildirsand ?!. : ?-.?'.-..?,-. hat !?;?:-:; et r ,.ird to c! .iu ' ctarnl .-v.! Cs.vr.oid" tie !b! H A Ki>Ol tOU GXE XliliiT . 25 A .WEEK.ISO Tit* rooi s will 1 ? ? s, and up?-ti no occasion w.ll tbu??? ? ! hi a room. 1 . ? ?? ? . .m which a arc .'?t al-, not ;?s ?I* the day a-.d evening. There ure a:?-? Bath ".. ii?c ? imvtcd. ftr wann, cold and Tl ? 11 rtCT am! tie l.i at all iihnlt lodgers, and to let theia out at all ' X.H.?fio?. ' ,'iijts ?vier t"ic house closes :? ell. n'f0 3m* ? n >?-?-:?? , ;. C BEYES ?? DA' ID OS, Attorneys at Law. Coffee m:.. >: --. T. .. ?".ll'.VKS a A. I!. DAVIDSON ilness of their profes? sion generally In the Northern, at I to the colhvtion of for? eign clai n . :?? Rve hundred douars, and up? ward?, i.: .i::- ' art ol the State. Feb. 3d. ist.*?. Ki'.KKUr'Ni'E.?.. HO-vYIX C. ESTES. Esq. 7Vew.Yort, Messrs. I IWXSENDS BROTIIEB, j->l M smith & CARROLL, ? M. D. COOPER tt CO. ( Xew-Orieans. rt*ELLO*tVT-S.JOUNS0S i CO. 3 CAVE St s.llAl'iT.i:, ?niU.idelphla, GR1GG gs ELLIOTT. 3 RBED f; BROTHER, CAVE St sillAli Kit, GR1GG gs ELLIOTT. GOODMAN h MEAS8.1 ,, _il_!LIiJIKI|,;i'y'.??'?"? ! ? Ml,"1'UU* f i 2m' 1AW t'Altl?.?f.-?'t.ri.iv or IifcHi-s in tiikX'ostu u West.?11. It. V. ?sum i;;,k, Attorney at law, Oa '. I s.) willr/rve hisattenttou to the eolleetlon of debts rjucXew-'T irk merchants In iialena-.Bockford and Rock Island, Illinois; m l>n Buque, Iowa; In Plattevllle, Potos?, Prairie du Chien, Mineral l'oint and MasUson, Wis? consin. Retar to D. A. Cushman & Co.; Doremos, Suyilam & Xlxon. Xew-York. sil JOHN iiiMii.ii.Jr. Attorney lui?? Counsellor atXaw, and S, lldtor i:i Clianccry, Port Wayne, Indiano, wilt attend to profess! luUboslncsa In the various department?! of tiieStatcol Indiana, \>iil al?o attend lo the payment . f taxes, ?ai! - of I in -, and all ?':ii : '... . irss appertaining to a Genera] Land Aceney tor northern Indiana. References inXeto-York.?J. .v. Edntonds, Esq. Meatrs. Fool ?'- H... .?. \?'. -. R. v.. idhull .v Co. Suydatn, Sairc k Co. T ionic, UulT& i'i.vuia-'. Struthers, Morchonsu ft Co. Comstock & Coiurer, n2S3m* I*J1RIEXDS0F ROBERT B.OAflKare Informed that be lias located at No i I i-iktitv-street. l)liV GOODS a! ?'? ~t possible advance. 1 . . rt> CXAJI Al-TKNTION is requested to his ?..-'-. of DRAWER i;m?l>s and LACE COODS, which will always be kept lull and c.mii.leti', presuming on showing the largest and assortjnent Iu the city. ngg Sm* Tur. SrjBSCRlBRRS have this day formed a eopart inrshlp for imiiiiie m?? a Domestic ?k (?ensral Ory Hoods and Commission itu im-.s nndar.tha ArmofBTAK TOS", RICHARDS St IIOLLISTER. They may be .uu.l for the pre ant at the store Xo 40 Beaver-st K. C. STAXTOX. ?. C. RICHARDS. W. II. IIOLLISTER. Xow-Yorlt. Iiltli .I.-mu.iry, l"t.?. J17 tf ClO-PAin'NKKSIIIi'-'i':.- iin.lertisiK-H I.,?.- formed a ?'co-partiHrrthfp ander the lirm >.i Li??-, Quilo St Co. for tl??- .>i a I ish Dry i ?ooilt Jobbing tad ' '.unniiition Iiiisim-t?, and have takca lb* tti re No.55 \\ illiain-tt. roinerof I'iuc-street. February m, uni. P VAN /ANDTLANE, W.M. I!. GUILD, Ufrjt? '/.. II. KITCHEN, Mit. clin.I), Oculist, iMvtng disposed of his Practice to lir. BROW X, who pursues the sume modcoftreat ment *s thm jo successfully us?-.! by himself In every dl* easeof the Bye, even mc-tsi.'silechiriHliticiirahletiiidnbnii di ,i,l by eminent ihy-ieiuus and oculists, begs to Intro dnce Mm io the pnhlic, (eclinjt assured th? most hcncflclnl ri-iilts v.-lil not fail t" warrant hi?rrvummcndatlon. I?r. Brown's practico Issimple and easy? neither resort hit; to those paluflil methods which are ti?o Kenerally adopt? ed, nor rei|tilrliii: that Irksome confinement liotu light an.i air, and unpleasant restrictions.In food, which ore most usually enforced. XumerouH cases of his succcstful trcat ini-iit irve been publicly recorded, to which he can refer. and he possesses testimonials of tho value and efficacy of Ids mode of practice, which may be Inspected by any oua who favors him with a call. Ile avili never undertake a case where there ore not w"' 1 reasons for expcctlntja euro ?and lus Him and object being to assist In the restoration of that btcstlmable bleaslng, sight?the poorest of the com? munity may avail themselves of his assistance ai freely as tin- most opulent. Dr. Brown ma] boconsultod every day (Sundays except t-il) at !ils office, To Chambers st, i.uir doors below Broad? way. Hoars of attendance from ll A.M. to 2 P.M. Advice to the I'oor gratis. ?121 3m y* Dr. BItOVl X, Oci list,begs to inform th?-|iul> lic i!.,' h-- continues bis ?in esasful tn-atmnit ?m all -11 ??-.-. of the Ey*.tuid to which eases of ten. and even for m loot .a imriod as forty '.. irs, have yielded, after they liavr bal ?eij the l.ill of, ,n?l h.-?"i declared ?DCurabl?, b) ? m ? ti-.i ? Physicians utd Oculists. Aboat six-tentha of op? ihalmic din ?. . ire caused l?y MEASLES sad Small-Pot, but which, if pi e;l tienteJ in an early itage, ?rf- mostly nif i ble. Indeed, Dr. B, isterts that an int'au? ?? of failli-?* in his -.iii-i'. ilmost ?i'i'ui.ivmi. n the afllietcd woald ply to I II of suht i? first ..oiicrd. or in theeaily : ,! ipii ion.! ?wevei scute, mil b'forrto roan) coi p bul .:? -i icttva applicatious <iv ma?I? use of. -t -, ? .. i II twins '????, which were venr .luvet??" rat? ?.. . 'i, ? f Mr. John Bunttead, of Jersey Citr, "al from .Ml ISLES. I-... nek in 171 i':.. in- ?,. Had case of IRITT8, John II : ; leas? -in ?, u-.--itr-vt. bnvm-n Sun ton ludilolutu ?nil of PURULENT OPTHAL Ml ' -l i - - EH I Kl> ORNE-V. ? .-r-?t. fr?urdoor from Brevlwmy. Hour? 1 (Sundays exceptad.) d'il ly THO>lPSO>'ti TRUSSES, rfflce 13 Beet imauatxcet. About300of the flrst pnj -Hjiuh ' ? .'., i-,-v. r have Riven their decid preference tothisTrua?, as you can graduate the pressure t.-ia one to uity pounds on the rupiurc, wit italw :- ad, which doe-? so much Injury to the -?"i . '. rh . ;r-al being Ihc Ust tes", of its superi? ority, i' i .? plli I days '? I given; aifci if It doe? ... mil'- ovciy ??--1 ' ot ex ln a word, If It '* i ol -.; . Hi '? . ,' iii evei . t, I .-? m mcy is rhoer'ully returned; and I - onij .lition on which you A] t ,i:re Isiaslly ejected, . ?wed. 'i hose - ii'.i.i, for tl I<j Tn ?i need only mention the ride ruptured isure round the they can grad hi', the .. Uielr ttasc. Sold ??holesalo and retail at 131 aul tf 111 I.I.- Tl f s-j-.s? .?..ti.o to Ktiptured , Persons ...- i. : ??ith Iuptures frnaj rely upon the best intt.-iiineiital aid Una \.Id a:?? -?:''..-. ?.a application at tlic oftlce, Xo. i v-.v..--- .-i-otthe agents In the pilncJpal toivns In :. ? LTnlted 8l ties, Bi .....ifa! to cxainhm the -, to see if they an endorsed by Dr. li- : ,i? v.-rit. None are0.juui.e, orto' be relied upon i^tlll?-. ?!a?o undo uk. n to vend imitation* of . 1 Tru --, m .1 thousands arc Imposed upon m coirsequcncc. These imitations cannot he relied upou; they are nude by unsidlthi ineclianics, and are no better tliitu tbeordtaaryTrni ,-. Booms have !?? en fitted u?i at No. 4 Vcscy ctreet, exclu -;.- ?; : , ladies, having - .-? ?inae entrance from the busi? ness ,:-, irtment, where a Ce??ale Is la constant to wait opon r-a:.- ?'-? n2l tf JONES k HAI :.?.-' ?IAXGEABLE S.AKETY LOCK.? This lock can, at the will ol its pofsi-twrr, be chanced i I? ? is oat of one, ?o tlut neither tin- maki i nor any. otherperson has any knowledge what ever of the Un k, ' rcsj rjctfully inform the public that orchased ?.t bis rairtner, Win. Jl.Ul of Booton, ?aas. bis ball :i the Patent Hlirht in th* uiiove lock. This lock ? D ?? owned and will in futur?.- U manufacture?! only by II. C. Jokes, at lis esUhlishment In ihe city of Xewark, X. J. And by this adverthiement he would notify oil per ?, r.s not :-..!.?:.i ige on '...-. Patent iti?lit. The subscriber has !y;en to a irrr.-at expense to manufacture and to sell tha above lock a: rrroi 1, less prt ??, to tn? size, than can be ixm^ht In the IY.,.. '. s;a?.-s. And lie would fartbtx ?t?te that '.??.s iiK-h has never been :?'??'?"? ' ?:<ir opened with? out th? true key that locked 1:, as will be ?tea by the many trials that it ha- tirtdiajroce a: ..feront Urne?, with a re? ward of ?5CK) to any pcrso.? who would open it fairly ; but r.o one has tver been ?uccessful ; and it is warrantee in an lustauo. not f, get out of order while ? **???* ,lcl: ^ . . mat armo' anee t wairy who have used locks of different r-oastxuctiori. _ . . .. . _. Ais.? hlsPatentP?! ?x.? k, f-r KaUro.-id Pun?o^Prisi o'i, K--r,-?iw '-ijju ftoittce. which hare l*?-en gen "?'w";, .. ?llsatisfaction. U.C.JONE*, T?7*in.:aw4 ^-atct lx>ek Maker, Newark, X. J. ?r ? i.v i ?v ^T ?.IN'?;. *0tS ..r i!arks erasad from Clothe? ( I ,.V Xf filler:., fcty t?'?' ***** I'-r-s,v<* ^"P- ** ?ff,!ctu ,IK- ,-r?i'ie it. t all tamlshe-. and taarrss the part te^ht, ne%sMo*s*Z --'I- pri??i?^ttt?Crt?tot? k'nd 323 iir-iadway, cr 130 Fldton st. I?rcr.klyn. llf:m ri f (VX.S<Ts?. DOLLAR AND FIFTY ( TS.EACH. CaOT^UIWARPSTO -.?r-O-At SMITHS, cr. ,-rci Botv^rv ??id DirUioastr-el. woo is stUing oft ton;.?.* rrru--."n.-J!i the l?r< I Jiay. Lvrryarucle warrintld. ?-lof-? -??? Ais ostial, EuP-aaca No. ": Bo-?rerv._nf ftn E7? LG'-K-S'.XI ?JILT, PL.MX AXD ORNAMEXTAL, BY ACKEKMAN ?V MILLEK 1 o I Xauau ureet, ketween Fulton ?fc Ant?? ? > ? V rr;mr