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KEW-YOBK TRIBUNE. THE NEW*YORK DAILY TRIBUNE IS PU5LI.SI1ED EVERY MORNING, SUNDAY EXCEPTED, at 30 ass-sTEgrr, srw-Toaa, jjid delivered to City Subscribers for Nine C'est* per week, ??r. when they prefen tlioy can pay In advance at tbe J***k for ?ix month? or a year at tbe same rate. Sin? gle copte?! Two Ccxra. Mail ?tubwribcrs Five Dollars pec auninn, lu advance, and the paper in no ca?c con tfr.iicd beyond the time for wldch It is paid- Subscrlp ti. na taken t'..r six months. Three Dol?an? In advance re-qulrcd In all e.xcluuigca with Comitry Newspaper?. Da?y fapen received at this Office whose terni? are Iitchcr than thost- of Tug T&fsvM. arc not allowed any tUflCKll.-C. TERMS Or aDV?XTIitNO. "ire line?, e,r ?cs??Flr?t liwtrtion. 2*> cent*. " for each ?ubaciucut Insertion. 1-1 Ten Lines, and over gut?Eirst insertion. **>0 " ?? ?? for e.ich sub?aeaiuent Insertion. 25 " -?? " lor one week.51 50 ?' " f't-r one month.?-55 00 5.'ani*-'r?, I'uncra! Notices. Ac. notexceedtngfttt lints. ??-*? " }>*?- All Advertisement* Inserted In this paptr appear Loth In the Morning und lu the Evening Edition. j'taili.ttint-Users? not to exceed 12 lines, with ..e of renewing advertisement* at plea? sure, (w?hle quarterly or half yearly In ad vauceO.Si0 ?? i NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. A VELY LARGE PAPER, FOR THE COUNTRY, I- Pl'BLlSUEO EVERT SATURDAY JIORVIN'., A t fie lois- price Of TWO lit ?LEAKS per annum, in.vlv.ince. n? ? u??m 11? inaKT^ammmm^mmmmMmmmmm^&o*o'*?m^^^mt THE -Tftm?NE. IM?E?SSION3 OF TRAVEL. Tl the Editor ef 'lite Tribune : * * * I passed some weeks in Lvnn, -Mass. looking into the life of the laborers and listening lo sundry jokes about Southern swindling, the best of which was tiiot the Southerner? had dealt bet I? r by the Lynn Shoe dealers than by their colored i. too, inasmuch as they defrauded lite Slaves d| their immortal souls, while they only defrauded lie Shoe manufacturers of their leather soles. Dut litis ?s tu He. The African is after all progressing, by Slavery and amalgamation, to civilization. I-c ?iign.tiii Industry defrauds man of his soul even as Slavery. Witness the Mines of England, its agri? cultural districts, its manufactures. Look into Co!ni.ui's Reports, and see what testimony lie brings concerning the d?gradation of England? ?tnd yet England has no Slaves. Let no one sup? pose thai I am the apologist of Slavery. ? lod for? bid ! But is nj)t the man who hires his fellow man and defrauds him of his life, as guilty as he who i-te'/s his brother and docta the-tame? Apropos of (,'olniaii's Reports: The momeiit I am at rest long enough, 1 shall introduce these provide?, tnd documents to the readers of the Tribune. Mr. Coleinr.ti little dreams what a work he is doing, though his benevolent heart doubtless tells him heis doing well. And he sees too, pretty plainly, I think, that the difil rence between America and Europe is ?s the difference between two spendthrifts, both of ivhom hive inherited immense fortunes. The one fortune (tint of England) is well nigh spent; the o?her (that of America) remains to be wasted, hut the end nuts! come. Where is the humanity of the Masses iu England/! Listen to the language of Charles Dickens and invoke a blessing on his head for his Truth and Goodness. And yet you need not bless him. He and all such are blest in the very nature of things. But hear him: ?? O mCrallst*, who treat of happiness and self-respect, innate In every sphere ol"life, mid shedding light on every ??rain oi dual ui Gotiv smooth below your car ring wheel*, so rough beneath the tread of naked feet, t>e lliink yourselves, in looking on the quick descent of men iaho'?H?' llaed in tlicirowii esteem. Unit there are score? oiiiiini.saiidsbrciithiiii'noav, and breathing thick with pain Ad toQ, who In that high respect have never lived at all, or u.i i chance oflifo. Goyo who rest so placidly upon the Sacred Raid, who had been soung, and when In- struck hi.? harp"was old, and had never seen the righteous forsaken, orhU**j?Ml beggiilg bread. Go, leachers of coulent, and bonort pride, Into the mine, the mill, the torse, the squalid ?!..?'t!i? of ignorance, and uttermost abys* of man'* neglect, Hid ?ay, tun any hopeful plant spring in air so (bul, th..t it fjUlngul-hc.? liie soul's bright torch us last as it Is kindled ! And ' I ;.e I'h o Iseca 61 ihe uluetecn hundrcth year of Chris ?j.iii l?!...ivivtl?,., ?K-hosuuiidiiiifl.v appeal to human nature, MS thai it bo humait first I Take heed It hias not beam transformed ?luring your slumber, and the sleep of gencr itlons, Into the nature of lieasts.'' From Lynn i went to Boston. It is true that whateva? we seek we Hud ; and as !_ have in my travels of late, (fought earnestly for information re spccling the progress of Associatioiia! principles, and the efforts lo reduce these principles to practice, I shall of course have that Kind of knowledge to communicate which I have obtained. Indeed, to me, all other subjects dwindle into comparative in? significance beside this one great subject. At Bos? ton I found the friends of The Cause lull of life and interest. They gave the best civilized evidence of Life, v. Iiich was by giving money to aid mi apos? tle in propagating the principles of Fourier. When a Yankee gives money, he is convinced and in eor vstl; not ?ill then, however much he may advise, or lavish kind wishes or hospitality. From Bos-ton I went with some friends and in t'uners to visit Brook Farm, where it is well known there is an attempt at Association. Little has been doll? there toward actualizing the idea of ?\ssouiu tion, and yet tmuh has been done. Men and Wo? men ate brought together at Brook Farm who have the I pea, who are willing to die for it, and, what is much Ittter, wharc willing to live for it. The psy? chological force of Brook Farm is great. They are Itudytng, they are daily learning more of the Sei- I tuet- ol Association, and not only their heads but thou hands are active. They are now in the ear? nest working day of a band of pioneers, determined to cut iheir way through the wilderness to Associa lion. Whentne ?act of the existence of anew Continent had fully taken p/raBesaion of the mind of pollirjabua, much was really doue toward itsdisco ?cry, though little w-is actually accomplished. So 1 is with Brook Farm. Men and women of sterling * uii'.i have chosen their lot here to create Life con init'iis, not Death conditions, us we lind every Mure in civilization. They are determined ti? kttilda model Assoeiution, thinking that, as one mo? ld steamboat was enough to convince men and over our waters with steam vessels, so will it be ?t'ith Associations. I \\ as told at B. V. that iheir receipts for the last bree months have exceeded their expenditures 11,200. There are some material disadvantages, nal need the strong will, the strong arm, and enn iderable pecuniary resources to overcome. Bui He ess is written on the heart and brow of the Ban and women here. They are now building otir wing of the Phalanstery, or Community House. !? is l.n feet in length, and will accommodate a ?0a?dly number more than are at present on the Do ?iaia. They have now over one hundred mem -rr?. Several branches of manufactures are ul tr.idy in operation. Their education arrangements o- better than can be found out of Association in .ni'iie.i. And yet in all things they have hardly fri'il loix-g;'u. But my sheet is exhausted and I must wait till v next opportunity before 1 give the remainder of Tiv im-ircssions of Brook Farm. This much I will iv- Spiritually it seemed to mea place where the ?'?sail the lime, ?ud the only such place 1 > i found. _ <... M From the Advocate of 1'eace. Indirect t-oss op Fkopertv by War.?War tot only demands ti>r its rapport vast sums of tno- : ley, but dries up the main sour ?es of a nation's I Its viciima are mostly men in the vigor of ! Be. 't erifaples almost every species ol business. I ?.,,; * the sinews of enterprise in even* department : ? gainful industry. Fields lie untillcd; factories | ?and alii!; the shop and the countiug-ioom are rted; \*e??el*ioi at the wharves* every kind of Jttde is interrupted or deranged ; immense masses I capital aie withdrawn from u>e ; the entire en ?ta*i( s of ?? nation are turned into the channel of ?far, und its resources whelmed in this mighty vor "i ol ruin. The Ctat?F Qi-autv Rk^uibkd is a Souuek. -It is health of body?physical strength, that ma? l?es nun to endure th? hardship of the tented Wd. It i-i the good condition of die animal that |*able9 him to tisht W'c need men* machine?; [the ranks of the army. To obey is the only Wy, Forward is the conmiaud. Sufficient liitef act to load atid tire a musket is all that is wanted ; '?* number killed is ihe test of merit. A well ?ained hon*?- is often more valuable than a score of 5-n with souls! Thk Guie? Sut?mebs vrou War.?Know you **t that glory and military honor ?ring directly ?ni th.- misery and degradation of the people '? ?hose bodies are ihcse which till the ditch I The '"t.:.?'. Whose comforts are reduced by heavv '?" n. The laborers'. Who give up'their all ** men? country s nghu. The laborers. What ?ates an anstocracv 1 Wh ? tends lo an uuequal -strioutioii of wealth T Military s-pirit. trartrtvo tlcsav\VC u**?. with great i>iea. T^. that this work i?*v>w bravely on. With that real 'a Ir- h ^cv.r..?imatft! woman in doing good, tho daugUter? of ?uU *i-o |tri*?*ing forward lo repair the trror ?j hcr < Tie chord of ?iiupathy has been hlnuk. and M j??? thr.. ??? -li! tnc latid. A* the patriot we would boniT ?!*?<*d ail part? of the 1'nl.m In hi? ?flectloii?, ?o cvitt yuon of itiat l.'nlon ?eck? to unit* in paylnj? tho tribute ^.Sai.ti ' .01 i ?ovt* avhich alone belong? to "noble dct*os -?wing high." [Kleh. Whig. ' e ai*08*--"-ft-ibriel Stalnaker was niurderrsl a w?ek ago, V?t?toiaity, by a negro named Tom. the property of Mr! ??tftT" fbe deed wj? conunltied at n'Ulnight, ivith aii ??*?,??*?"?? *>e-n*' aluiosi ?evered in two places, *nd a deep ??"*t!i<:'??d oa tba shoulder joint. The negro aliene? b?? **? 'm?)*JlciVioibe crime by Stalnaker'? cheaiing **? w?*?? LUtaroU?; AJ-iJwrilaa, Joa. ?. BY GREELEY ?? McELRATB VO?,. IV. oiO. 27 ? WESTERN ILLTN0I3-1TS CLIMATE, Pit?IRIES.tfcc. K_w.-Yo?a. Feb. ?, 18lt. 7*i. the Editor of Tkt Tribunes No cri'jotry oilers so many natura! advantages to the new settler, as the portion of Illinois known b> the name of the "Military lioun'y Lands." ThU tract is situated between tue Missi&sippi and Illinois Kivers, and contains about three million acres of as good land as any other tract of the same size in the valley of the M?a??ss?i??i?. Il* naiura! advan? tages are untqualleu any where in the "West.? No pa?t oi the tract is more than thirty miles from navigation, and by fur the irrealer part not more iltar, liitecii mil?.-?. It lies between .'9- and iln degrees North. The climate i-? mild and pleasant ; Winter tie:.- in about the middle of December ; there is nevermore than three or lour niches of snow on the ground ai oner, and that seldom lies more than a week. It is not uncommon to see the farmers plowing their ???round in tite month of January. The weather is quite changeable from the time that Winter sets in until Spring opens, which is generally the latter pan c?l February, in two or three weeks after Spring sets in, the ways are settled and vegetation puts torth her tender foliage, which tells us that tiummer is near. The r-ammcrs are never so warm as in the Eastern .Slates, nor are we troubled with the chilly winds which sweep over New England from tiie middle of March to the middle of May. The weather is more Boft and refreshing, and yet never so sultry and oji'ressive as it is at times at the East. Autumn is the most ??.easant part of the year.? Rain seldom tails : the weather i- steady and clear, which gives the husbandman a line gather m his cro|?s in the best order. The prairies present the most beautiful scenery that the eye ever beheld. .Swell after swell meets the vi.-ion, with occasionally a glove of trees ??mug the ravines and creeks. About two-thirds of the country is prairie, the balance timber and underbrush, which will by good management, enable the first settlers to select prairies and woodland, which make much the most desirable locutions. The prairieB on this tract are not as large as they are North-east. The new settler, as soon as begets fairly located, can hire the sod turned for from two to two and a half dollars the acre by men who make il a busi? ness; so that he who comes here in the Spring can have his land plowed hboin as cheaply as he could do il if h? had a team of hi? own. While the ??lowing is going ou he can drop in the corn be? tween the furrows, "which will yield him*; about twenty bu-IHs to the acre, without any fatlher at? tention ; m the Fall he may s*.w wheat on the sod. which will yield him about twenty-live bushels to :he acre, which gives you two crops with one 'lowing. All kinds of small grain can be Raised in abundance (including Indian corn) that 'an be raised in I he Eastern or Middle Stales. Horses, cattle, sheep and swine can be ?aised here for l< ss than one-sixth what ft .-lists in New England, lioises which you do lot to work through the winter you can turn jn the river boitons, where they cut their iwn fodder lili spring. Cattle and Sheep will .viint more or less of your attention, for aboul two QOnths?wbich will cost about forty cents for Cat lie and from fifteen to tweuly for Sheep. There is ibundance of prairie grass, which if cut ihe last of lune or the beginning of July, makes good hay, and vill carry stock through the winter in good eondi ion. Nuls of various kinds abound?such as ha ,el, black and white walnuts, hickory nuts and corns of different kinds, all of winch the swine eed upon, and do well, till about December, when hey are fed for a short time on corn and then are ?onsidered lit for mark<-t. The farmer.? who work heir meadows into tame grass, such as red-top and timothy,can keep Cattle and Slmep with very lit le attention, as meadows will keep green thiough int the winter if you let them have a good start in lie Full before you let your stocl? on them. Stock :an be rai-ed here to almost any extent, with but ittle attention, and the location is such that as soon is the Illinois canal is completed, which 1 think ?vill be in a few years, we cun have the advantages >f a Northern or Southern nn.rket. where stock iml all kinds of produce can be disposed of ut a air price. Wild game is abundant, such as deer, wild tuikies, prairie chickens, quails, pheasants, abbits, raccoons, isc; which a good sportsman may ?ill to his heart's delight. The natural resources of his country, including that portion of the valley of be Mississippi which lies North of-II) degrees, is BOl surpassed on the habitable globe, the prairies affording ample ptutur?ge for millions ol cattle, sheep and horses, and producing in abundance all kinds ol grain, fruit and vegetables, with proper cultivation. 11 ?venture to predict that within less than twenty years, that portion of the valley of ihe ' Mississippi North of -10 degrees, will be in a condi? tion to export millions of pounds of wool, for which that country is well adapted, ("real Britain, in 183<), had forty million of sheep, and the por lion of tiie country ?hove mentioned has a sur? face more than ten limes her size, which could ?row wool for all Europe. 1 am certain thai wool .?riti be made one of the great staples of the coun? ty, which will bear exporting as well as cotton, or liuch better (ban bread-stuffs. And the day is not ar distant when liiere will be tu.?re wool grown iu he valley ol the Missit-sippi than in any other por? t?n of the world. _ l.eel and Pork can be raised 1?re cheaper-than in any oilier part of the I'nited itates. This is the young man's country; come ?n, mechanics and laborers, you who by honest in- i lustry can hardly meet your expenses at the end of j be year, in the large overgrown cities of the East, ' :ome to Illinois where there is land enough, to be : lad for a trille : and there is abundance of provi- i lion m the country, which your labor will buy until i ?ou can grow euiu-rgh In-m'yourownfarms. More | if the substantial* of life can be hud here, tora ?ays' work, than five day?' work would buy in S'ew-York. If you have not ihe means !o put ip a good frame house, yon can build yoursell i log hut aftur the fashion of the country,' which I vill cost but little, and where you can live without leeing the landlord when quarter day comes round. I Die writer of this article has bad one year's expert- ' ?nee in a. log house (and will another if necessary) where he enjoyed himself much belter than he does ?a New-York." ? There is no necessity oi anyone "leingpoorin this country, who will work half of j his .time: and th?*y who will work as the farmers I iio in New England, will get rich. The large cities j on the Atlantic could spare from three to four hun? dred thousand, ?nd be better oil' without them. Voting men who are not in any useful calling, who are living from hand io mouth, mere hewers of wood and drawers oi water, for the more cunning and iintul, come out here and be men and women; where, by Industry and Frugality, you can live undei your own vine and fig tree, with none to make you afraid or take your hard earnings from youfwive? and children. Jajxjes W_. 10 THE l'l til.?i . New-Yo?K, February 10, 1RI5. The sn'-snil'or would most respectfully announce to liis friends and the traveling community In gciu-ral, that he li.i.sii-.-i-ntlv .'<?.'-m'the I'.S. UOTEX, and i? fully pteparcd to entertain a? who may Livor him avitii their patronage Haviug brcu ?or the ra>l sixteen yea .? engaged in the al eve capacity, be has n?? hesitation in taj-tug that all fa? vor? extended to bim bjr the public ?rill be duty appreci ?it'-ii, ami i-vi-iy Mitisiaition rendered to Uta ?pests who may ieii disposed to patronize blm. P. -?. In oraler to keep p-u-c w itli the times, be i- war? ranted to Change the prlr-c tor IVa^r.! i>cr pay from $1 50 to Si '.'.'?, hoping ut the tame time, it will meet Ihe lull ,-and iini'.iiilifu-.l approbation of the traveling ?>nMie. a. JOHNSON, l'iiiii?! stuc? Hotel, c ?rncr of Fulton, rear! and Water s-treels, f 10 2.v New-York. GRAHAM HOl'SK?SEW AKI?ANi.EMKNT.?KOS WKI.l. GOSS inform? ?bis friends and the pnbUc that lie h .???ii.irK.V. his BOARDIXG ESTABLlSHMEXT.Xnoycv as the Graham House? 63 Bart-lay-strcet, t?y adding to it :?'.- a '! ?? vez house, and is prepared to ar-corampdaie tran? si nt or permanent Boarder? <?n the mi j-: la? niable term*. All 0 icnils of Temperancedusidng u quk-t home? an-i fiee rkmi :ri>m ihe lunaeaofakoao] and tobacco, ?trc invited to pmtttmb? this h n?e. Thr Vetretable system, with the choicest selection of fruits, ?aie. which the market affords, a? ill be stdctly adiu-rtd to, but a table wul t>e served K-r Uio c ?lit? prefer theordinary mode, or ttlbted diet. Cro:on Shower, Warm and C'oLl Bath.?, :rc<\ l?"> tf KOt-WELL tlOSS. -?asa? *?_?? ?EEC'IU.S AN1> CUPS applied by Mr. MAONL'S SON. corner of Broadway and Broomc ?tret, entrama? in l?nx'Uic st. New-York. Kr/ertnces.?i)r. Chee.?inari, Dr. Moil, Dr. Kelson, Dr. Francis, l'r. Steams. Dr. Bercer, lir. Weed, Dr. Mnclair, Dr. D. Smith, Dr. Quaeke:.-?..;?. Best _ wcdisli Letches coii.-iantly on hand. ;-ilS 3m BcTciitas' ANt> Dk-ivess' Ba-nk,') New-York. Fcl.. J XOTICK.?The i'rc-?.:dcnt and I'iri-c'ersut the Butchers, and Drovers* Bank have this ?lay declared a divideui of four (1) per cent, on the ('.t;'!t?U Stock out of the profits of ?.'..c last six mouth?, payable on the 15th ?::-:. The Traimter NK.k ?ill be closed on the l'.lh until the t*>th iBit. By order ol the Board o! Directors. fl'J lot? D. W TOWNSKND, Cn-thier. [j*_r S I G N S , .a UILT. VLAIX .tM? ORNAMENTAL, BY ACKERMAsX ?.*c MlLLLUi. 101 ?'ajeati sueet, ?c'.weea l"uiton &. Ann. 15 fly -, raw-YORK, * ?O.OOU DEATHS BY CONSUMPTION Would perhaps be a small estimate for the rav? ages of this dreadful disease in a single year; then, add the fearful cata? logue of thr>He rut off by Inflam? mation of the Lunc f. He? morrhage, Asthma, Coughs, Influ. cnza, Bronchitis, and other diseases of THE LUNGS AND LIVER, And the list would present an apralli;;-' ; roof :' vi.e util? ity of the?..- tiro classes of diseaso. i Bat It Is important to know that nearly ail of this dread ! waste of human life might have been -.revente! by a timely ; use of DR. WIsTAIl's BALSAM ->K W?I.D CHEBRT, _ ' The greatest remedyarror t'.:-, nreri ? y maaforall tils j cases of the pulmonary organs ? rodnced by cold and change ' able climate. i Score-? of cases have o me I ? patient bad been given np to die of * ? nsumptlon?as be? yond the reach of medical iu.1?but at?K, > y the usa i : this ; Wild Cherry Balsam have been speedily restored to com j p?ete health. A sistcT of a well-known clergyman recently left the ! schoc4 abea*ss~attending?being advised thai she must die : (^Consumption?lotet um to her lioir.'.-, ?idling to .-:?:.; I her few remaining day* with ber friend*. By s rme nu an* i ?he was induced to take ?'?.-tar's Balaam .: Wild Cherry, I by which abe waa cntireJy cured Ina -bort time, j::! re ? t?niedto herschool avltli a light heart a?id relavigoratcd health. By application to the office,far'lier particulars Of thisand otlicr remarkable cure? will be cheerfully given. Many of the most distinguished physicians of this City and Brooklyn give this Balsam their unqualified approval, ? Whv should thev not ? Iti? everv where hailed a.? "SATL'llE'.S lAVi.'liriE'rill.Si ItirTlO.N"."' bting formed from chemical extractsol \V"Hd Cherry i'.ark I and Tar, two simple, bat powerful ingredients of Nature's i own laboratory. All who haare used this w.r'.ilerfni compound concur In I testifying that it is the ni'-st efUcaciOU* remedy ever j knoas-u. Principal office, 152 Ann St, Scw-Tork. Sold also by Agent* in all part* of the Union. ??!" 6ra* THE WONDERFUL SUCCESS JVhidi Dr. Folgt .".-,? Olosaonian, or Ail Healing Balsam ha* met with, not only in its sale, but also o? tin: cures which it has effected, ?n persons who were in a hopelt -s i onditient, lias convinced tlu most skeptical of its extraordinary curative pro? perties, and established its claims to tile name of the G K EAT REMEDY. The question ?? no longer asked, " Can Asthma ti? ll has been satisfactorily settled within the bit two month* Unit Folg? r*? i Ho a nlan i\ill produce a cure i-purli cr than any otherremedy in the world, and references can be given to person* in and out of the city, who have ex perlenced Its wonderful virtues, who bad tried i?i year* all other remelles ii- vain. ?Mr. WILSON, a bru k-layer, r< tiding at Uoboken, N. J. ' bud tried every remedy which ho could hear ol fot tli? re- , i ief of Asthma, and imd spent more than one hundred dol lare in ?mdcavorlsg. to procure help, but in vain. He com? menced ndng the Olosaoniaii, January 31st The tir-i d??se he to 'k (?ave !nm relief, and iwo ''ay- afterward his wife culled to say tliat the small quantity of ibis remedy which Ii? had taken hid done him wore good than any and all the meditdne he had overused iu hi* life. Mis. BELL, the wife of Robert P. Bell of Morristowo, N". J. who was ?everely afflicted aa.;h AsOuna, wa* given '. up In her physicians. Sue was removed to the st -, | lard in Hie hope of palliating her distressing sympton -. bul aa-ith no benefit. One bottle of the Olmaonian ?o fur re- | lievctl bor that ?he wa? ubie to get up from her bed and ! Urefss herself, a thing ?lie bad not done before in months, and ?hebasnow returned to her residence In Morris town, S.S. avith everv prospect ofbeingspecdily reatored. LNC1PJENI C( ?NSUMPTK -a yields to Itsclfocts. Ii soothes the troublesome C--i."j.'t and ?rives refreshing ?lumbers to the ? eary ; it alia* ? the pain in tin- ii,?. and ? ?rcntrss in Uio chest, a;ul enable? the person to ?jy.ri-i.'/-o'r easily, while it entirely restores the secretions of the systi in and expeditesretnrning health. JAMES li. DEVOE, ml lc ade-sireet, hud lone been complaining of a soreness in the chest accompanied (with a ?hort, backing couch ; be raised matter freely, had lost hi* aplietiie and felt ali.nned at hi? .situation. Ile h id tried j various remedies without any beneficial effect. Hi? short- | m a* of breath and pain in the side continued lo increase ; lie used one bottle ol the Olosaonian, and is restored lo | health. George"W. Bnrnetl ofjfewark, S. .f. George W. Hays I oiNcw-Voi;, David Henderson, 60 Lalght-st. Sirs. Me-I (?aim, 'M iValker-st. V. Laban, 52 l'ikc-st, Mrs. .Yrilubald, t 35 .\'nlkt-r-si. with HUNDREDS OF NAMES of persons residing in Kew-York, could bo given, who i,re roaUy to bear testimony to the ?uperlotlty of the Olosm- j ni.-iu over every oiler r? known for the euro of | Coughs, Colds, ?Vstlima, Consumption, spit tics of Blood, Dyspeptic Consumption, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breath? ing, Hoarseness, Influenza, Pains iu the Breast and Side, and the various affection? of th? St m ich mid Liver. Kor sale at 106 ?Tassan-st. one door above Ann, and at Mrs. Hay*, 139 Fulton-it. Brooklyn. ?1U Itm* GRAND RESULTS!! 77ie moj? astonishing, all-tU-cisire and unsurpassed results ! hate, thus far, a.''i titled t.'t- ministration an J tinulg me of I Dr.. Smith's "IMI'KOYED ISD1AN VEGETABLE FILLS." ( ?Sugar-Coaled, j Which arc now attracting the attention of mankind, in ctansetiueiiee of their universally acknowledged superiority , ovuit kverv otiilii i'obm and name of J'lll'jattlC, Aperi- \ cut. Diuretic, ?Sudorific or Expectorant remedy; and their lopiti popularity as a sovoni ,'n medicine, for Intermittent, Bemittent, Bilious and other Fe? vers, Influenza, Colds, Head-ache. Indiges? tion, Dyspepsia, Frrvtrtrd Appetite, Jlcart-burn, Costiveness, Diarrhoea, Foul Stomach, Worms, Rheu? matism and Gout, Scru fu'a, Liver Affect inns, Impurities of the Blood, Female Complaints, and Fains in the Head, Sitlr und Back. Is a most positive guarantee of their unparalleled excel- I leuce. They ?re. (Judging from the demand) effecting | more positively bcucflcial re.?uits. than uny other known (so called) remedy. People have tx?n dosed with iicrcury, , and have experienced the too frequent fatal couscqncnces, and have taken tiie old nauseating cathartics until tolera? tion gives way to disgust, at the ver thought o? re] ??'.i?on. The antidote, so 1", g wished, and now so mnch called for, is the ver?, remedy needed; mild, pleasant, harmless and efficacious?a xatihal remedy; and one that In every solitary instance doc* perform all that It promises. We have the most irrefragable proof of this In evcrj ca c that basc?me to our knowledge, which justifies us waaaaxTuia t ver\ box : and in any case of failure, the purchaser may have hi? money bad;. Mr. lUuswsTEa, the hatter, 120 Bowery, cured of dys- i pepsia. Mis. Suite, of Sing Sing, cured of bcad-acho and pain in tlic side. Mr. Hill. IC9 BToadway,cured ,*" hcad-achc. Rev. Mr. l'.lT.M.-lT. of KrooKlyn, cured of rush Of b'ood ' to the head by these Tills. *Mi**s Dooolass, corner of Walker and Ludlow streets, cured of dimness ef siirl't. pain In tha head, dhuclness, Ac. ' Mrs. Conn, iule of the baker in Brooklyn, cured of weakness, pain ;n the lie.i I, and t':?.i-t, so that she : ;ible to be about, which was not the case beirre taking : tliesc Tills. Mi?s C. Henpubson, .'*'! Trinity p!;rce. Cured of the most | tl.iiigcroiis cold and cough, which had iilnicst taken her ?".itTiijx?Ask for Dr. Sum.**"Indian Vegetable Tills." N.ftliir. "Indian Vegetable Till?" me (sugar coated,) and no others posses* the vli tues v. Ulch iiicse ruis claim. N. li.?See thai Da,Sxn7u's?tvrittcn name ?son every box. Soldai the principal ofllccs, I7'j ?tscLMvieu Sew York, and So. 2 Water street, Boston. Also, Mr?. Hays, 1119 Kidtoa-.-trrct, Brooklyn. j'-t Ihi* FOR-THE PILLS. ITaOIt THE Tli.E.??:?Are you affflctcd with Pues? Try, tlicu, without delay. Doctor tphanrs Veg-I stable Electuary, the best remedy ever otTcrei! to public : notice. Tlii? ni'.ly i-Midli-nt liu-dicine is the riitdt of a ! thorough medical odocation and a complete knowledge of the disease fur which ii i.? recommended. The most txi uinphaut succe-.s uttends its administration. Kead IhefbUowing remarkable cases ; a :.i !y, residing in Sorfblk street, was seriously afflicted avith Hies ; so ?Teat was her suilcrir.!* that, to Uie her own ' expression, lifo wat a burden; lor four weeks siic had been | attended by one of our most eminent Physicians, without tli? I?..-: Itctiertt. SitistUst that it was an aggravated case ' of Piles, I prescribed the Electuary; lavo boxes wire u^i. Six mouths alter, ti.? sam? l.uia called on me to pret-cribc ; I for another cvuipiaint, and then Informed me that she wa? perfectly cured of the Tiles by the two boxt.?, and had ex- ; ! perieuced no return ?ini-e. j Mrs. i;.r??i Itagin '!rwi:??!eilt)iimcla.stsprin?7, ? ? saiTu?, that she had beam allecte.t with T'.lcs for lavo years, j i accompanied by 'min lu the side, palpitation of the heart, ' I a seiijc of (txaichtoets acroea the chest, and c; ; retsion, t she was unable lo lie dowu without cicvutinc the head and j ? chest considerably ; renting ?-..aruontallv prisluceal a sense of s;i?ix'at.O!., followed by a cough, llr using one bos of I ! the ElCctnary, the pain in the- side, r.iipita?ou and oppres- I sion ceased, she couM lie down without lucouvenieucc, and ' j the 1-tlcs were partially removed, and a second box made ! a complete cure, to the great irnitii'.-ata.ri of the patient. ' ! Sold in this ?.'.'..?- by the Proprul- r onl<t, a reirujorlv edu- I , catcl I'hysician, couftned to-inoffiif ??r?ctice kt thetreai j meut ol CnaoNic Hisea-se?. So. 136 Bowera-. Mc-dtcal , , advice in relation to the nt\r,-e. or any other" complaint, i gratis. I"rice of the Eiectaanj one *?*"*??? la^ataafStOat**. j that the Electuary i? an 1nter>al Baitativr, and not an j exicrnxl apptu-atton, and toM om.y at I?a> liowerv, tour i doors above Spring si. OS'.ce hcurs frcm 7 A. M. to 'J P. i ??_ )'?i 3u.? 1 YALESTISES: VAI.ESTiSJ <1 VaI.E-NTISESI , ? Ja-t recaves!, a splendid assi'i in-nt of Embossed and I Lace-calca?. Written and Blank, L ter and Sotes;??, of ; every style and pattern, whic'i he ''ill ?til as cheap i.? the i cbeai est. Also. Envelope :ir".t Written, to suit both sexes. j Call and examine for yourselves. Lady's Book. Columbian, (lrah.\m*s and M:s? !.. '. >'-, j with al! the Monthly Jl.vazine-j ; Harper's and Maxim's | splendid Ulustrat?-?! Bible, a* sovu as publishe?. All fur I sale by ABItAHAM MAZE, i!7 Bletcier-st. I fil oppo?Ue Bur Km, OFFICE NO. 30 ANX-STREE i tV?D>'E.SDAV mOBXI-VO. FJEBK G'ILROY OS WEAVING.?THE ART OF V7EAV r I?G. attsefal Bo. k t?Weavers, L-?:'.-'.?'. n u '.' - efaiatsts. faire illosirated witii some ". " ??pavings. H ? tg-a ! of which UK on steel, i? meut deseiiidly ree rr.m*::d?d bvei , r m-:! Machiniit* and Maiiuf.icl'ir-jrs. .iic'i a? Er.:;. Ma.-. ? ihal. Ks.?. ofTroy; Th a.R~,t* nttraa.sndolher s-?:i.?M? m<"i arlio h.?. r-a.l iheav.irkain! ?<il! 'Tir a? ?tn-ts to i iu practical iiiit:ncti-.n? in rbin a? W.-11 ai ?tfrnred v. .n.-. i 1? for ?aie, -.?iih aa aasorrjBCU _ artiga papes i r rii_-rn ?i.-.v.-.-n. by GEO. P. BAJ_D*v7IX, f>f2v ?....,:r. ... . I A CCOX3SX BOOKS, PAPER ANU ST-VIIOXEKY.?A ' -7a.lar.rc assortuient of Accotiut Be?.-!..-, Mrmcrrandum and Pass Ittooks, Bf onr own rtr?S3rin*svetnr?, ?r.a.'.c ,.:;'.-? best ; i-iuallry linen paper, ?vns-antly on liand ut lota- ? rice-.! Sta ti,>t:.-ry of every variety. Foreign n-d Domestic, exnbra ins ; every V.r.iiie rc?|t-.::L-l, both l'attcy and staple. Papers of aU descriptions. Billed and Kam Cap und Litter, some as low i? SI -iO per ream ; Tissue, Note. Envelo!?.- and \Txai - .. ..: - zes -?nil qnallties. Printing a::d Biiirllrtg u; every Lion esecuted at lowest rates. FRANCIS ic LOCTBEL, 7f Im Mannfiirfiri::-.- -?t.uinr.c-r?. ,. .Maiden Isj.-??. ; ? .}!!! WARB- LL'.MBi-.i: YABD, at tin- loot Of -?..;: [ Lern street, Hudson lliver.??;. s. M OTT taics I In giving notice to the owners ??:' real estate as In : that he has "ii hand a Uric rissortrncnt of Lnrn! ? km,'.?, which be offer? tor .-ale r,n the mo:t adra its* tin-.:5, ai'i', is ?a-e'.l aavarc he can compete at ith other leal I crsinthc City.asto pri.-c? ami rruallty, n. 1 parti-]:....? tn ? vites all p-rsi-i-s to (tve ?.im a call oui. vxaminc bis stock ! to pon !..i-i::i_. . -i LATHROP St BAKTLETT offer i - ?le, at S3 Pearl -:. Gum ( opal, 30 casas; Salera ? jsI.-.I. SI 00 bbU, mnsh. A ta?o, 'ii basket? Para; Tapioca ?Obbli ?I ?: Spirit] T'ir.-iitiii-1. 23 bbls; ( am? bine, 20 do; Botin, 3'iJ do; Pitch, ii bbls; i oife? .Vi burs mocha; 20 <1 > African; i hocohtr, pr-rpared Cocoa ?nd Cocoa Past?, maanf ettm ofWebh Js Twombly._ ftrti" W0O1?2 .000 lbs. American Flieo W ok con istinrrof ?'Odd 1!?-. Saxony and lull Mood M?:nno. .i do i and i Mood do ::i)i"j ?|. common Wool. 3'Xhj do tub-washed do iOOO do unwashed do |23 For sale by WELLS A SI IUNG.52 1m? ?:. LOG CHAINS, TJ?CE I ,.Ai:..-, A...-', casks Loc Chuins, l(j cask? Trace ffcuins. Il ci??.?." l'ccfc?" Hooks and Dinges, VvTlkinson'sVice and tnvlts ?is WOOD. FOLGER ?V MESSER. 210 Pearl-st. fj)l"JIBS.?Double action light aii-J force rum;sol all sizes to raise fr- m 20 to 400 -'.???oils water ; -r minute. Cast iron Fountains of various patterns. Fire Engines ami lloae. Ac. manufactured by il23 ?,m D. L, FAKN AM. 29 Fnlton-st 1 >OTATt ?es?i nr ale, 200 bushels of tlrst tjuality En? lish Cup Potatoes. Apply to 111 ?V. ?t .1. T. TJtPSCOTT, 7'"? South-sL C~ <'>F.il7-??r Tas?is Ane?la, ? ..,.? ~, . , 30 - SenrJuella,iSaeni waahed Also, IM.OJU lb?. " l.-r sale at lowest pricca !>v f 10_LATHROP & BABTLKTT. ?"?'.' Pcart-st C 1*00 O .-.i?, ase, or In quantity to sun. tot isle by t if .1. !'. VAN EPS, 103 Pearl-s I^INK LONG CLOTH-J.?WELLS at SPRING, A.-ent? for tin- ?-ale ol Mauchest?r and Carll de Superfine I "iis -. :i?.:i;:.-iml 37 ?m h. 12] KEN!-. BUCK JKAN.-?l'.lTi.-. ' ?.-.:. ~?.. ? a.'.it. ,\ i. .? ,i , : Steel Mixtures, for ?ale by l'stl"_WELLS Si SPRING, 52 Pinc-st. DO.Me.STlC RAO??rtS tout Country mixed Kan, 10 do blued.?; l?d,i..i.l.-r-d?l,i. ir: d?. N,,. i whitt do. fortal I"I2 ' livrVItt.'S \V. r'IKI.n. " liiirli.L-slii,. NUI II. r..?1 lii- ?inscriben will.aa hert-tofoie, -,\r n,.-ir persoual atteotiou t- sal? ? of rloatt-hold Kiiraitiir- tue ar pri achinfi icasou. A. I BLEEi'KElt St CO. I3f liv Mo 7 Hr. ?I .-ro-t. ii-ir Wall c tOFEEE?00 I-h?t- Mocha; -to U?>. Afilc?n. sale by i in tATIIROP St BARTLETT.69 Pearl-st, I |Li) CASTILE SOAf?A line old genuine dark mottled V/ article. Sold at 2S cent? a p..uml, f?y T.JONES, sj cii.-.tii.iiii .?;. aii.i :ij:i i:r,..-.,i?-ay. Ill Im O HEI IT IRON?300 bimdiw best Sheet Iron, ai?<7rt7id, C? 34, 25, 2G and -J7, for s.d.- by sIIEUSlAN. ATV.'ATl'.R A CO. gf Ae'i- Mew-Jeney Iron Co. 30 Broad--* r3'll .MiEh >lt..N?11 ?V. S llaviior. Uo.iks-.-lkr?. Hi Bottri-v. i. hare made up a lot of Blink 11. ..k? ruled espiessl] for Milkinen. with HI eolarnns, to kw;? th.- daily account of niilk delivered forevery mooth._ f" rilO MILKMEN", &.-.?The subsciibcis offer for sule 100 I bbls Buckwheat flour asasubstitute for Oat Meal for feeding Cattle. It Is now extensively used for thm pur pose on account of its hein,; considerably cheaper. Also 100 bbls and .VJ half bbls Extra lnr family u?o or ?hin Ing. [21 tf WRIGHT, LOSEE ."i CO. 29 Moore -t. L'i.L i i.M.s.?i.vlii.ii,-- j---t..ii? t-.-ltiii_', j', m. ?u m. :.' -T in.-,i fu. 62 ?U.?6 in. .mil"-! ni. ????I? Fourdinier >*.---.ciii:if Keltinc, 12 f?-ft x w in, ami 'ii ftrt x 66 ll.rll. Dryen Felting, 31 in. 26 in. i"1 in. 12 in. and SI in. All fr im the finest Wi ol and avirranted a mix-rior ?i11i r|..s_i., ? ..Igln l\ RI'S \V. KIII.D i Hurling ?In?. MBltllLLA ft.?lUS?Plain and eolded, Mue am!; for sale by WELLS &. SPRING. 52 Plnc-st. tTM 15 It EL LAS?in? ca?.? Tt?t??i :i "stick? lor ?ale by L fia ADAMS, TIFFANV ?c CO. 71 Pine-st UMBltlll Mack, iV*"t?(iL-l?i.ii?-nlbs ?? ?sli.-.l Mnttizo for tale by ? il?_\l) \MS. i'll-'F INY M-Ii.:'i Pin.'-st. BLKAl lll.l) SHEETINGS?l-l Lorurl loth Finish, loi ??I.-!.-.- (fi::l Ml VMS. TIKI' \NV ?s f I. : ? t'ini-i;. \V'llALhl?i.i.M"S, sin>e Thread, VVeltlngCord, kc. con 1 ? stantlv on hand and f'?r sale low in lois to ?nit by tt-7?tt" .1. 1'. VAN EPS, l?:i IVarl st. ATENT SoQrlaRI) LAMrs in great rarieryfor ? ib- ?I, ilt-sile ?.id retail, liv fli_BIET/. nitdTIIEP. is. CO. y.?,|i.i-u. IjAITll LAMP SHADES?Jiittr-c-ivediorne new i?at :?.-:,. Paper Lain? Shadn ?--? ited -i; - ?ml ? lor?, foi t-Jeaali !?-. I ?ml mail, by DIET2, BltOTHEH .?? ? o, I'u No ISJohn-st, A?renla for the raanufaetnrers. p.llil'i.l' HK.WEBs a-,d .M..nuf<i-.ur.-rs of Ki?iiit-d V Goods will iiml .,a as,ortin.-i,t of DESIGN PAT ?: ? Dual t.. the Lest imported, Ii. tale U 3 i -pruo -?t by i;'. -it v_i;-.n I?. 'i M.BV.'iN". HU? SE BILLS and Landlord and Tenants' Agreetnents, ..Mull a?tortme:,t eaiutautly on l? i-i : - ?'? ?itli m attortnvent of A? count Book? and Stationery, arhich -.?ill be t..Id at tin- lowest potribleprices. 1; RANCIS Si. LOLTKEL, Maniil'acturii?.- Stall- - - I":.| 2m_77 Maiden-lane. S U.K. SHOE LACEs?For sale by the subscribers, by _ theftross. .1. p VAN EPS, 103 Pearl st. 7t'tf" D DSSIA sIli.l.T I11?N?3-V.i packs assorted, S to 15, IV for sale by fltf) (ASS h WART). 71 Brood -t. VSNETTO? to laaikcisprime Para 'nr--ii!e by tlO LATHROP St BARTLETT. 69 Pearl-st. S.?. M) I'Al'E!!.?!.???' n uns Button's?for sale by lSi'_I- ril-.NE KLV tv i O. 'I K',invt C'Udl'r.Ks'. (,Ll_??All i;iia!iii-s-7 r ?I al Manutac nirer?'prices by EUGENE ELi k CO. ir.f_7! Kiillon- i|H,-t. (lAlvllS.?"East'i-.." "Harrj Vlu. - l-.l??!.-.-. ' ?Merry \ dren ' ind " Highlander."1 of th- celebrated B tnaoiuacture?fur tale at rnakcTs'pri. ICf El GENE EL? ?v i 0. *1 Fnlton-atrcet, XjlQUITABLE MILL SHEETINGS?10balea he? ; . -i Bro.foi ?,!?!?-. ADAMS, TIFFAN5 ar. CO. i:.-. :. Pine-it ? O.MET FLANNELS?3-1 and 1-4 lor tale bj ill_V I ? , MS, i'lt-'E -\N\ \' " -' "ii"'< \V* API 'I Mi?lila, i, and white, for sale by M fis_a I) VMS. Tll-KWV ;? Co. v l'i-- t. IrU'LMiAl'luN MUSLINS?1000 pes far sale hv I2f WELLS U SPRINO. 52 Pine-st rg\ V F. Norw-.i m B.r Ii m?"i'.??ii-i'i-il-Ir. 1. fl..-i?v JOS Tl'CKE?MAN.'-'?V."-st- 'r-t 1)EUXH AMBOY KIBE BRBK.? The ?i?'-i-ri!?.-.-? Agents for the above Brick, arc prepared to i~r???-h any owbajshapeii : Nos. 1 a:i?!'J. usual shape. La-?e and ?man Bnii Heads, Cupola; 19 to 32 im \-.e-,. Culvert, l-ir:c and sni.til Key. Soap, siil,t. do do Wedge? Qrate ?"-a.-ks Jamli, ? Irate Brick, 4c . Thtist- Bricks iirc avarraiite'!o,1nal in quality t- any made in the United ? Mers received and conmu :, made I rlargi audsrriaUrruantitlesat very low rates. Samples for trial or inspection at the office o? tl ? Agi ??-. If SIIKBMAN AT?V.VTEl: ?<s f11. "dl Broad. GENUINE TEA*?. WHOUSSALE AND BETA IL. THE CANTON TEA COMPANY, PRINCIPAL STORE, 121 CHATHAM STREET, N. Y. Brancli St?rt* : 31 ? Biceck^ street, New-York; ,''.''', 1 Grand street, nearsuilolk. It?! Greeawich street, near Kulton. 116 Kulton ?trert. Brookryo. ??D f besiiut and 4A N. Biith-st. rhiladelphia. 71 Hanover ?street, Boston. ?> VITE the attention of City and Country Families and ; l'.i:chasers to their ?several esUblishuu'iits. where tbey ? think will l?i found by far the Wn seiectiotis ol pure and j una wlterated Teas i:i the Uaued States, The uuiversal ; popttlar.ty a:id renown of their hou?e avitii rctercuce to tiish quriitics, low prices, and uprigat dealing, is too well ; understood to rt::der farther comment? necessary. Ort^i- ] na! and only w.iruhoiisa: for the sale of Howfi?j_'? Black j Tea?" Ot'scrvc !"?Stran?crs will t>?- particular to rem--m- | t-or the number of the principal store in Chatham street, ! vbt : 'i-'l. between I'eurl ar.d RoscveU streets. The public ] wiirals-a be ph-?ised to take notice that the Cauton Tea Company nave notldi ? to do with any outer stores except those described at the top of this advcrtis?.-m?-nt. rS i NOTICE. ATTORNEYS, COUNSELLOR?, COMMIS? SIONERS, ice. Can b* farni-hcd ??-it!? nrat * _' TIN SI GNS, *.t ?hort nctie*. bv ACKER.*?iAN" k MILLER. fU jiu 101 Na>?a'i-?t. B*0*aaai I- ulum ?rd Ann. WlLLlA-M STEELE'S PATENT FEATHER BRUSHES, MAXUFA.CTURED BY STEELE ?t CO. 305 Pearl street, Sew-Ynrk. X. B._Peacock Ye itlirr Fly Brcthi-s made to order. o!9y bl.\;, I'lMuLS AND RIFLE"?. MATERIALS for C.-^n sii-i'dw, ?c? L-cks and parts of Locks, ';un and KMe Bam-l?, l'en.-u??iua Caps ar.d j PlUi, TowiUr Flasks andSUct Beit?, Cones and *<Vrruer_t?, i Bibs, Bods, Woirai, Sic ?kc. for sal? lu quantity by ! t? Y A. W. STIES ii CO- 2ld Pearl-st. T I tl'ARV l?>. 1845. USEFUL AND ELEGANT -?W-Y?JlRS* PRESENT. D'BBAELTS CCRIOSiriEs OF LlTiatATURE. 11- foregoing .?tUnabie work; with tlie "C'uriositie-i of American UteraJnre.'* by il. W. Grisivold, is published oomrletc In one large royal octavo roblase, and sold tor : al?out one qua.-., r : tl e I. ...Ion price. It forms certa;-. ly one of the m< -: ? ial : : ks In the English language, j am! no public or private library ?s complete without it. For salo by APPLETQy A CO. 200 Bro>?A?*ray. DANIEL ADEE, 10" PI !.,'?S->i'.. ?T.-y. Wm This Da-- Pur-!:?!.. So. IT. of the IREASsURY OF HISTORy, Comprising a General Lntroduct ry Outline of Universal History, Ancient r.?,,' Modern, and a Series of Separate ?: : :.- - . S tlon ihat exists, their Rise, En cress.Tes m Con lltion, it-, ic . i'.Y SAMUEL MAUNDER, Author of the ' rrrasnry ?:' Knowledge," 'Biographic**! Zrcasuiy,1 -i.i; ran- and Scientific Treasury,' Ac. THE HISTORY OF AMERICA, EDITED BY JOHN DTMAS,Esq. The above valuable work win h.? completed in about twelve ?os. octavo, printed on fine paper, with clear type, aud will b? sell at ?5 cents per So. .4.!."? In Pre**, and avili be published in a fe?v days, So. X. OP T.KAinr.VAtTES RETBOSPECT OP TRACTI CAL MEDICINE AND SURGERY, the most valuable Medical Work ever pnblished. Terms for the whole senes to the Present time. SS : per tear. ,?51. fa-1 ?*I*???> MEUUIASl's. TEACHERS Ms!? OJlll-.K.?.? JL HUNTINGTON r>; SAVAGE,216Pearl-street, keep constantly ?>r ?ale a large and complete assortment of 1 lassical and Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books i:i every variety ; Letter. Cap, (ruled and plain) Bill, i . -, and Tea Paper, ??.uills, Ink, Sealing Wax, Ac. Ac. Mir bants, Teachers, School Committees and others, wishing t> purchase, wiU find Itfor their interest to give - : all, as t-.e a\. ; famish all article* in our hue at low ml -iii siiii. TiliiV Tl T.i.isil FOR SCHOOLS i>T> ACADEMIES : Peter Parley's Geography, IKame's Element* of Critl ucw edition, with I and ISO engravings, > ? nprebcuaive Geograph-, i r Schools, with -in maps and 120 engravings, by S. .dricb, anthor f ra, Seo. Preston's Interest Tables," per cent, D. do Abridged, .'?'? ib ;'? Dictionary for School?, T-'uio. Peter Parley's Geography, j Do do do lome Common St h ol History. I Mr?. Lincoln's Botany. Ac m course oi publlca-ID ? Botan* for Beginnen. tlon. Do Satura! Philosophy. Peter Parleys History forlDo Saturai Philosophy for Children. ' lit ginnen?. Burritt'* Geography of the! Do Lectures on Chemistry. Reavi a?, v.uii an Atlas. !>?. 1 bemistry for Beginners. Fellowes' Astronomy for Be- Gallaudct*s Picture Rea ling ??Inner*. B ? ?k. ?, ? h'sEi !? ? astli il Hi?- Preston's Interest Table?, ?? tray tor Schools. I percent. L?o alo Abridged. A Practical Grammar of the English Language or an in? troduction to composition, in which the construction* are classlded Into prcdicatlonsahd phrases. By Edward lia zen, author of the Speller and lietlner. Part Eirst. Tart? Mr?! ami -?,- .i?l I,?.,, 1 in one vol. sep'-'y B"M.i'i.M,"m.iihiil- ii;viM;"iN.-"nri"rE,TAKiiT lows, S. Y.?WILLIAM T. I.YOS, A. ?M. l'ruici. ?al.?summer Session as ill .pa on the 1st of May. To those who desire to place sons .it Boarding School, the advantage* offei ? '. at this Institution jre believed to be C'iual, If not superior, to any. It has been in success? ful operation seven years The location, delightful and sa lubrii is, is convenient of acearss IVom the City. Thcedi llce I* commodlon* and comfortable?the play ?/rounds am? ple mi ! disconnected from the village. The government Is efficient but mild, resembling that of a well regulated Christian family?an.l no day scholars are received to coun? teract th? salutary influence of liimlly training. The system of Instruction I- designed not merely to ad? vance and perfect the pupil In the branches studied, but to develop* and instruct the judgment, to enlighten the un? derstanding, to lorni the habils, and to give a moral and useful direction to the Inclination*. Further particulars. Including Catalogne of Student.?, opinions f patron?, Ac. will bo found in the pamphlet circu? lar of tli? Institute, to be had on application at the Hook Store* I Bartlett ? Welford, Astor House, and Kayuor's, 7? Bowery. Reference, by permission, to tlic following dbtinguiaked gentlemen ; Washington Irving, Esq. Hon. Daniel Webster, l'. S. Senate Hon.GnlianC. Verplanck. Capt, Al.'.\.SiideU Mackenzie, V. P. S. Nathaniel I!, lloluics, E^q. Tarrytown. Francis Hall, E.?q. Rev. Sathan Bangs, DD. Wm. C. Bryant, Esq. George T. Trimble, J. H. Van Kcnsselacr, M. D. il.n : or 8c Brothers, Sew-York City. ?Uso i ? the following who are now er have been, patrons: Rev II W Hunt, Zebebce ( look, Jr. BcnJ I. ?1er, Rev L M Vincent, ii Van Bcnren, Oscar Irving, Rev Tin. s Durch, Jus M Hoy t, Theo Keese, Rev,I Diwing, J I. Mott, J W Knevels, RevJSewcll, CDuscnbcrry, L Dculson, Rev A F Sellcck, B I. Kip, Gco Clinch, Rev Dr West, PFarmony, HWciapp, Dr Jos Scribncr, WmCB?*ggs, BcnjD Brush, Rev I.? llabcock, E W Van Voorhis, F Campbell, ?\ K Livingston, LeonardKirby, WS Dunham, ElUha MorreU, Jacob Leroy, B F Howe, Peter Pinckney, Gen g II striker, HBaynor, Cha* Storm, Harvey Weed, Isaac Adriance, J Chi? crinan, IM' Wheelwright, Thus Putliaou, Morris Robinson, W Van Antwerp, il Eels, 3m DISBBOWS lllDI.M.-st ilion.?So. ios Bowery, near Astorand La Fayette Place N'ew-1 oik.? Mr. L). ha? the ? ?r to announce that his School is opea D?y and Evening, for Eqtiestiiau Tuition and exercise Ritiing. TERMS. Itrrr," LCSSOXS. EiERClsK;. |G Lesson?.?I.i IMl 1 Mouth.$12 00 in do .10 00120 Bide*.10 00 I du. M 10 do .6 00 ' Lesson?. t 00 Single Ride*. 7j 1 1 d . . I 'Jt\\ ?. -. Highly trained and met Horse?, for the Road or Ta* !? r. Bvesura i LA--. 12'Lessoa* .S9 00120 Uni.S10 W Single do. I "? Single Uni?. -,'j uui.ks'. l? v I! un Elide* r I for on c tnmencing. 2?( lu? i.our allowed ou e ich Lesson or Hide in the School. ' In* hour and a lull't,, *. Letton on th? Uoul, :-!l?urs for Ladie?, from 9 A. M. to I T. M. 3?Hours tor Gentlemen from 31 i ind from 7 to 91, P.M. *;-.\'o (jeutlemea idrnitted during the hours a?ipn,pm'<-d tt? Uilits. V card of iddies? is r.-.?u,??;? I pretnOUl to commencing. ? Geatlemea k-?-pi:ig their hone? in tins establishment will have the privilege of riding th? in in the school gratis. fi ? Im TO COCNTUV MERCUASTS. FANI'Y GOODS AM' COMB WAREHOUSE.?J. P. VAN EPS, 103 Peart-street, one door belowHanover Square, have for sale, by th? package or i:i lots to suit buy e: ?, a full Sti CX Of Hi" ! llowing good.?, which avili bcsold oil the most n i* nable '.- nis: Fine Gold Watches and Jewelry. Spool Cotton, Shoe Lace* and Corset Laces. Ivory, bone and metal Eyelets, and Bodkins. Hooks and Eyes, silver Thimbles .m '. Pencil Cases. Spectacles, Spoons, Unen Threads, Fish Lin..s. Bead Bags, Gold Jewdry.Silk Purses. i . tttic Suspender and ?larters. Buttons, gilt, losttnsvagate, and Jet <?! all klntl.s. Solui headed Pins, by the case or pack. 10 . ases Ivoty Combs, ol every s.-o ?nd quality. T) cases twist black ? 10 case* quill top Combs. ?i ?a-e? Seeffies, various styles. 5cases Kni-ting Pin.?, plain and fancy. ?Jt cases PerfUmery, of every variety. And a great variety oi other articles, suitable for country f.n.l d ?? trade. "' riTATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER wake, Ac?The T V ?nbscribera respectftifly invite the attention of iheir friends and tlie public to their select assortment of KIM. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, ?.jii--.-'.i!ig '?! Duplex. Lever am! Lcplne Watches, of the va? rious approved makers, ca.?ed ?a the neatest style,and war? ranted correct time k?--p r*. Silver Knives, Ecik-, Spoons, Lad!?-, Tea Set*, Cups, i ..-?? ?-. ?V, . Plated and Britannia Ware, Spectai :. -, Pencil Cases. Mantel Clocks, Rne Cutlery, Fancy lloods, ?tc wldcii they ar? en iblcd to offer i r -ale at very reduced prices. and Clocks careful!v repaired and warranted. LOCKWOOD A SCRlBNEil. At the Old Established atore, :6? Pearl. ! f5 CocnerFult i.-stieet. tnjoottoe I'.S. Hotel. W A I' ULS.~jhAVEf.itY. Ac?A splendid assortment II at Gold and Siivcr Duplex. Patent Lev.-r, Anchor E-capciue.-it, l>rtoe and Vcriical Watches, selected from th.. liest laanutactnren in Europe, which as ill be warranted perie?-'t lime-keepers. AiVo some t;?w ratterna of Gold Chains, Seals and Keys. GoUlP<mcU Catres and Gold Pen*. " " Thimbles, Rings. Pins, Ac. " ?? " Bracelets with stone*, &e. " ?? Silver Forks, spoons, Ac. AS the above articles will be sold at the lowest pnces, and warranted to be ??,?31 to the beul male in the city, by MuTT A nilOTHEKS, Importer- of Fine If ilche**, Ac. >'(... 7 Na-aau-st. opposite the Custom House. p. p.?The above article ?..-arefliiiy repaired and warrant ? -, t>J the moil ?kilful ?aorkmen in the cit:*j_dl" RI. HAKD KISHEK, Jr. WATCH-MAKER and.Tewel :?..-, b now prepareil to sell Watches at retail lower than any Other liou? in the city. A* he u constantly re? ceiving ail descriptions direct from the inanulacfurers m England. Fratrie and Ssvituc-rland. he is enabled to offer a 1 vrv lar?;n aw-nmcut of Gold W_tches ITom S15 to iHOO I each; silver do. from 55 to ?HO each?all warranted to ? keep good time, or the money returned. Aho a very good > assortment cf Jewelry and Sliver Ware very low. S. B.? I Second hand Watches and eld (-.old and Silver taken m ex I chang? or bought for cadi. Watches, Clocks. Music Boies a..! .'e-welry repaired in the best manner and warranted, I bv experienced workmen, as low as any other house in the ! cite RICHARD FISHER, Jr. importer of Watches and Jewelry, wholesale and retail. No. 331 Broadway, Scw ' York, ? few doors above the City Ho**pitaL nU Itlt'H .RD FISHER. Jr. /"?"??LTvsEmaiAs, spoia or Marks erasaJ ir?m Uo?Ha VT or We-Cens, by the Magic Ereslro Sc?p. It effectu? al!?-era.'. -? I i-rvsli??, and I*?ave? the part bright, new and spo leas. 6??1d, !S ceuu. at s>2 (.'haiham St. and 3-11 Broadway, or 13'-' F niton st. Brooklyn. 1 If m LP? AND FL-VTES FOR ?.IIILDRES.?Britannia Cap? and Plat?-* for Children, as dtir-able as si!ver. and uitit-h lea? exptmsiv?, for sale wholesale and retalL at 6 Bur SOAilDM-VS A HABT. B?lw FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. WHOLE 1\0. 1202. SANDS' SARSAPARILLA All th? phrnornena, of mvtt'tic polarity, atrracttOfl a--. 1 re ??iilticn.have si lenrtli i??-i raaolndiato M-egen?taI fact? ?iiiirwo current! of electricity mov?as iu the time r*tte*xtion ~;>el. and in contrary dirt-ctioaj. attract each other ; ?aid !?>? ?ariiy ha? everbeea communie-.; ?Jto thet-otanassi.ivJle by elrctricity. Tbn?. .tirera Upse of many year*, hi? the treat s-cret of llie magnetic rlemsrs: berii discon-red?and ??- - - tliei-ilvcti of the discovery m many u-a-fulinv-ntt ms. So alto by laittiit invrttiiifaoa and t-x??-nmi nt hae llw true propre tir? of Sa.?a|urilU been discover-!, elicited and a?>,-1.- . ia the form of SANDS' SARS iPARJLLA, they s- be? lieved to Ne developed iu their grratest rarity and lir*tt*_th?? The mssui-tic iiuid liiwt not find the way witii mor*- certainty along; the tek*?taphrc wile to a Kit ta i?>iut, that d?xi tire dis? infecting and restorins influence ol'thi? preparation to the ?o: of ditease. Sett-Alas, ilc-ri, baud or toft, Ki.r ?mautin. Scurry, Erytirrlai, **ryapepsta, c-n-n! P-'"iIit>-, Mercmia] Complaints. T-tter. Kin-wonu. Sah l.lieam. teprOSKScald llod.miiall heiiatic disorders, .'re relieved by it? use. Tlie inventors do not ??retend to im-allib::.h? , but ?o far a? thay have lud in opportunity eCobseri'iro* or (Mowing the effet ?I their Extract, it lu?, by the bles?iu; of Providence, been uui formly b?n?ficiai. The fallow ins eertificite?, recast*!? received, wtll be rvad w itb luten-st. and for further proof the reader I? leferred to a j?.inv.Met. which u faruish-d without charse by all the Asent? : .->?-. BiMiiitMioN. Oct.t:. ist?. .Ve?-. A. B. X D. Sa-tDS?I ha?,. been afflicted with Scro lolafoi nine years; It aa-paared in v ui u? form? from it? ..ciiiiii-ui-eineiit. but ?lid not brt-.ik cut in alcen, nntii iboat foitr years s-.-.s largeswdlunj appeared oa my arm. 'l had it limed, it then commenced eatiiiK. and coiiiinurd to eat c..i! tka rushy part of my am, trota m-, --It?"? to Bear m; ,r alder. Was nearly all utens ; it then broke out an bod? side* of my ui-ck. and e\tpni|,-,| to ra) lace. 1 liad a Bomber ,.? ulcers on my ?nele and bottoin? of my f-?-t. My lufferinir? -e?-iii.-laliii>.?t intolerable. The moat of tile nine I liar- tx-er, under r'nysioiaiis, have taken Iodine, Swaim's I'?..i. i mil Other ? i-piralioii?. and I bad marl? i!e?iuire.| of frUhu- relief when 1 ?|. induce I by Mr. Roxford lj ti> -, ni. Sar>a; mil.. My tores assBTtteda more bealtbv appearance,and I flatte i myself with the idea tluit 1 ?lioul?ll?e well a-tam. 1 bate :?'w taken eighteen hottl-i of your rnedicine, in. ?ores -r- ill heal? ed, and my general health i? betier than it has been before for nine -.ear?, and I a.,crilv my cure to theeilicacj of your S.u tapanlU. It td I known its virtues yean ago, I should In?' been *a?ej much aevewauffarurl and a ili-ti.un-1 bee, mil my husband w.nil'l hare been saved irresteipeiiH. (Siitn-d) ' \ Vl'lllA N. Tl I'I'EK. I cheerfully testily to the truth of the .?boie. statement, of my wife. MASON F. TUPPER. T!;e follow inn interestinii case must commend lUx-ll to the cartful attention of all timilarly afflicted : SlSil??' ( Kl.tFH.lTl'n SaRsAflMILL?. I s?ieak experiniontally when I ?av that this medicina ia in more etfecind iu the cure of chronic or acute rheumatism than any other preparaliou I have ever tested. Uaviat* endured eatreme snfferittsat timea within the tail five yean (?rom re? peated attack? of infUminarorv or acute rheaniatitm, I have racentiy u??*J Sands' Sar?ai-arill.i with the happiest lueeeaa ; my health t, now better than it has been for many m ?Otl I past, in y .appetite is, and mv streiiijth ?? rapidly reiuru 1115. I attribute this bttaithlul ebaiure entirely to the me of thispateat medicine. Pediatra deep sympathy with those who an-atllicted with t hi ? luruieiitin^ and painlul ?oniplanil. I cannot refrain from earnestly lecomineiuliiii; to lucb lie ute of this ? du ible specific Bavin the raost entire cmlideuce m the UK-dicin-- nul medical skill of Dr. Saudi. 1 was induced ther-l-y to trv the effects of their S -jaaparilla, aiol I tike plea inn in addin* my testimony to that of many other?, commen? datory of it, iuvalu ib!?- pr I-ertles, iiukiiow u ti and unsolicit? ed bv the Messrs. Sands. CHARLES I) VER. Jr. Duusist ami A.olhe.-arv, in and i2 waatminster st. Pro? Idence, 11.1. Foi further pirliciilarJ anil Conclusive evidence of it, iiipe lior value anil efficacy, s?a: painphleli, which may be obtained of agents eratis. I'repireil and ?old. w holesale aud retail, and for exportation, by A. H. St I). s.. .\Us, Drussuts. N.J. 75 .; 173 B'im.I? ..v ; " Ea?t Broadway_fr.? Im VI UMULV KKl'L'KT.?Nauo.iHl Loan I'uiiil, Life A? lvlsnranee Society of London?Capital S'J.-'iOO.dDO?I'.uu cral Agent'.? Office, Ci Wallstreet, New.York. Report of persona Insured hi January, 1845, under au? thority from the Court of Director? Iu Loudou. viz : Clerks.21 Physician. 1 Contractor. 1 ?Printers. 1 Carman. llstallouer. 1 Dentist. l|Tailor. 1 Pe?nale. i? ? lirocers. 'J .'PJ Harness .Maker. 11 In Decenibcr.'.'d Merchants.l?| Total.6j Physicians.?J. Keaniey Rodgcrs, M. D. ami A. E. Ho ?ack, M. D. (who attend at the oliice daily at J o'clock P. 11. Ece paid by the Society.) Bankers.?The Merchants' Rank. New York. (The ori? ginal authority ?rom the London Hoard i.-i deposited with the President, J. J. l'aimer, Es?,, to whom reference may l?C Iliads'.) Solicitor.?William Van Hook, Em. 90 Wall-st. Vor l'umprUetH coiitaiiilin; K-eimrul remark? on Llf'i: ln ?urance, t?blt? of rate?, the report of the last annual meet? ing of ?.t-xkiwlders held In London, and oilier Information desired, pica c apply to the subscribir, or to the Agent.? In Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and principal cities. The Slide Of rates avili bear comparison With those of other Companies doing business here. Risks, If favorable, accepted at once ; and aro binding from the moment of actual payment of premium to the sub? scriber, under special and tiill authority delecated to him. Particular attention is Invited to the division of profits (on the business In Europe as Well as In America) to policy holder?; and the inauy advantages of the "Loan fund" department. J. LEANDER STARR, l'? Hiv Ocncral Agent for the L'nitcd States. *|*I1K MUTUAL LIFE 'INSERANTE COMPANY OP X NEW-YORK.?This Institution, dining the mouth of January, issued Seventy-One Pollciiw, viz : To Merchants.31 ITo Clergymen. .1 To Manufacturers.4 To Lawyers. 5 To Brokers. 1 To Physicians. I To Clerk.?.7 To Mechanics. (i To .\RCiits. 1 To Farmers. a To CWinirs of Banks. I To Hookscllcrs. 1 To Sec'ry of Ins. Cos. 1 To Grocers.2 To Scientific Professor_ 11 To Porter. I To Teacher. 1 To Officer of L". S. Army . 1 To Sttalent. 1 ' ? Total Lives Insuured.71 MORRIS ROBINSON, President. Sa?i'l Hanmat, Sec'ry. MfNTfas I'ost, Physician. If lm npHE HOIVAKU INsl'RANCK COMf.V.M make In A inranoes against loss or damage by fire and inland navigation, on terms as favorable as any other similar In? stitution in the city. Capital $300,000?Offlce No. 51 Wall sticct. DIRECTORS. it. Havens, Caleb < ?. Hal-ted, John irankin, Najah Taylor, Win. W. Todd, Mclgs I?. II. iijamlu, J. Phillips PhTiilx, Wm. Couch. Nathaniel Weed, Fanning C. Tucker, B. L. Wool.'.-y, FeroUnand Suyilam, David Lee, J li. Vaniuin, HenryG.TbornpsoB, John H. Wolfe. .MlcliacI Raid ?lii.I'i-ier L. Nevius. Edward Anthony. R. HAVENS, President. Li.mis PutLLirs, Secretary. ?Ilsrf flllriT PKEMIL'M NEWTy??iTaf ~ DAGUERRIAN ?MLVIATL'RE GALLMKV, Corner of Broadway and Fulton-street, entrance third door. Vl'IIEEE may be ha?l MINIATURES which, for beauty II of color, tone and effect, can at all t?ncs ??mimend theuinelvcs ; and If not supenor, arc cipuil to any that have been heretofore uken. Mr. R. does not claim superiority tor hims?df, but leaves his pictures to the criticisms of a just and Intelligent public, who, as avell a? stri?iig?!rs, are invited to call at the Gallery before going elsewhere, whe? ther they intend sitting or not. Likenesses In ?til cases warranted to pivc satisfaction, and colored in a most beau? tiful manner, and in avhicli department Mr. II. docs claim superiority, it being tilled by a competent and practical I?erson. Taken In all kinds of weather, from BA.M. till 5 P. M. . .'.The American Institute awarded a First Prumlum to M. It. Brady at the lute Fair. Instructions carefully given In the art. d7 -'m'y_M. 11. RRADV. LrNTTEL? STATES UAGUElUtLaN G.1LLKKY. 175 ' Broail'cay, Up-SUlirs.?E. W1J. .'i'E would respect? fully call the attention of citizens aid str?ngen visiting the city, to his splendid collection of Das^ierreotype Por? traits, single or in grouje,, from li to 14 ptrsoiw on the same plate, which for beauty and accuracy of delineation cannot be sinrassed. Portraits taken In all kinds of weather, either with or without the colors, tho pri?es of which be has rednced to those charged by the most inex? perienced in thebfaslnetM. The AiiK-ricin insututc at Its la:* exhibition awarded Mr. White the tir-t Premium for the b?--t Ii.igiierrc.type Liki-ucs?cs, (for grouping and g?nerai effect) tvh;?.ii is but another proof to the ?aiperiority of his Portraits. Mr. White is sole agent in New-Yorkfor the very su|ki rior imjs'irtod (??innau Cameras, and at no other cUbltaL meiit in the city or State can they beobLa?ied. N. B. Importe-1 German Cameras, also Preach and .Vmerlcan instruuientsor the very best iiuality, with plates. Cases Chemical?, Polishing materials, &C. Sir. White's Case Manufactory being the largest and niost extensive iu the United States, he ??enabled (fiomthe rjuantity he maiiufactures) to tell Liarruerre'itypc MluUture Cases, 10 per cent, lower than any ?other house ui the Culou. ?18 ye NOTICE TO FAMILIES. ALL Families who use Cosam's Pat?st Yea?t accord? ing tot'ie simple direction?, may rely upon It that heavy, sour and unwholesome ?read will not be found or. iheir tables ; and. what is cfteu of tue griiaust comfort, tho very best bread cam be prepared as soon as the ?re U ready to bake, and while the table i.? ordering for the guests to oat it. M.P. MCSSEY. Clinton Hal!, cor. Beckma? mi<1 Nassau. Champney ?Sc Alien, 76 South-?t. cor Maiden Lant Gaisner k Voune, 132 Ctiamoers-st Cbesttr Uriggs, ?it! I Broadway John H Brown k Brothers, Id-i ElgUth-st Staples k Ford. 132 Bowery S V Albro,32s Bowery, corner of Bond-st T & A S Hope, 13'?! ChWbers-sf._ Ja3 B. PALMER'S AMERICAN NEWSPAP?iFsCB ? SCRUTION AND ADVEKTLSIN'G AGENCY? " 16 Sute-street, Boston. '? 59 Pine-street. Prilladelphia. S. E. corner of Baltimore and Calvert-nt. B.Uti?lore. Advertiscnicnta and siitacriptlons are received for some of" the best Newspapers of moat of the principal towns and cities of every Slate in the Cm ted States, fur which he is the Jciy authoriied Agent. Jtcrciiaats. Mnnttfarnare?i, and Dealers generally are re sptrcti'ullx, Invited to avail themsetves of the medium which my agency affords of cornmurdiating directly with the peo? ple of the country, by advertising in the patera of" the country. V. B. PALMEH. d2?_Agent for Country Newspapers. CLOCKS ONE DOLLARANUTJKTY i ?S.EACH AND CPWAK?S iu $ SMITH'S, com? ?f Boatery and Division tlreet. who it tetlinir off to ?ait ce?? irrani?eineat? the Ulef May. Every atticl? waxrznu-d. Clocks repaired as njuii. Eutraace No. 7 j Bowery'- 111 ?Un INFORMATION WANTED of ?Mr?. rARSELL?*? wife of William rarvlli. coach-painter, and ?Uaeharref Jane ( r?*a ford. Her mai dm name was Helen Valentin--. She will hr?r o?som-thing to her aiDantage by ?J'irissint* J. C. No. g? Wa.l,ii)gtoii*?:re-.|. Near-York._Itfla?? 'fT??DK?'i;?.iST>.-*-?7c.'^?l-7\.'A.><TED.?Any Dru?, J- gist ?lavin?, a qtuntiiy of the above article will find a punha.-er by applying :.. :?.(*.? _J. R. UOOLE. IP? N^-sMi-e-treet. "117"ANTED?By a ra-sj--.-cia.blc jornia Woman a uttna I T T lion a? Chamte; maid ?md to do general hotisewor*. | of a private family, Apply 116 Mulberry-street. In the basement._IS g.* W'A.N'l 'r.D?A ?ifnrioa by a ?vida ?nd ie,i>e?-*abie f?io V? ? ?tant . a:i Wife, on , farm, the man to take charge of a farm, cattle, borte?, tkc and lit? w, tr.?? to jet a? Lanu* II - i.erally useful. Have good city rei errnres. '. I -..? ? ;":.- 225 Fl't iS-?h-?r._f I* -ft*? \\*"AN I'.-.D l ' tiiref; .-?n first of Mav. the "second r Icor of ? f i Two StOTT Hou-e. in th* n.-iihliorhootl in Lislvnard. Walker. White ?tiret* aud iln)ad??*>. Any i?rr?on having . hihi. tdatjon* anil meet aatith a g.H?d trrjaatandj'-anc taal pay. address ' Youu< Hou?- Ke?pera.' Tribune Office. ft? ii~_________ \ S ACTIVE, lu.iaigeut LAD, in III? lAtll yenr, VfDxmo -1. mother reside? iu the city. Is m want i>f a situation la some respectabas* mercantile noose. Inquire ot" 1 of \\ t T i ?? .v sTKINO. 5'.' riae*?t. 11*ANTED?Jouri;a'vii:ei;~l.t?i'k Makers, !o work at '? bank lock*. None ntr-cd apply but sober men and n.-?: r..;e ucrktueu. H. C, JONES, ll7 T Chiirch-st. Newark. S. J. LO> r?A small Wallet, containing ion a liar?, and MM papers of no ?rahie ; any hot the owner. Tbc Ander. hv ret?;-.; ? ?' ? ? i to rli si'tilce, will be rewardeiL j'i* rpEN D??LLAR> REWARD.?VI 'KSBCRG BASK A STOCK.?A ceruncato of thirty ?ban.*? Vkksbunj i; at . Si i. i-. the name .. i". : ?*..,?.- at Peck, and uuuiWwr e,l *"*528, with P..??. r ? I .Vitorea y muctoed, a?-a? ?cot ou Sa tur ly. 23d March. It w.i? eiL-loscd la a 'ettcr. and lot on ?t? \a.ta to Wall-etn et Tb?. aVve will be paid by ieav??'?c*i'..'itici?. Vi Wall-at. iuh'25tf' Y K E N C H'S II OT E l.. rpiIH PROPKIKTOR rwtsectflilljr Inform? ht* frbtrut* A and the public that he has opened his new and ?plen ?:ti Hotel at 13J Fnltott-street, a few door? cast of Broad? way, in llie ima-.etliatt' vicinity of mercantile business and th?' principal ptaceaiol amnsemwit, and ha* furnished it m a ?isle (hat avili bear lavorablc comparison witti the very best liutels In the city. The proprietor, lu building and flt ting np Uw above bouse, hastuul strict regard to elegance and comfort, and that be has comhtnoil economy the tol? los? ill-, prices at-.;; ?'.. ai : A ROOM FOB u.NE NIGHT.25 A .WEEK.150 Th* r ?'in? ia-.11 bo warmed cratl?. and U|>oii no occasion will there lae more than MM bed m a r.i>ui. there ?s a IllllT.i TORY attiche.!, in which there are meal? (erved-np at all aouasof the day and evening. there ate also llath U.s'uisceitncited, for warm, cold and ihowei l-aths. The Porter will be in attendance at all times ?luring the night, to admit lodgers, and to let them cut at all hour?. S. P..-Those who wain Lodgings after the house close* wUlrinalb* haiitKii. iri03m*' i i,., ?mis In Mississippi. *"1 HEVES A DAVIDSON, Vttomea? at Law, Coffce V Mlle. Mi?.,i. T. A. CREVES <k A. H. DAVIDSON will give prompt attention to tlin bnilmos of their profts ston generally va the Northern, and to the ctvUectlon of for? eign claims, auiouuUng to use hundred dollar?, and up av.ud?. In any p.irt of the State. Keb. 3d. 1845. REFERENCES. EDWIN C. ESTES, Esq. ???*?? ..?,u Mcssr.t. TOWNSENDA BROTHER, J ->?w--or?. SMITH A CARROLL. REF.D & BROTHER, CAVE A SCHAFFE It, {-Philadelphia, GR1GG A ELLIOTT. ??Mint Bf CARROLL, o M. D. COOPER Jt CO. > New-Orleans. KELLOWES, JOHNSON ACO.J VSVuS. ?D.MAN ?St MEANS.! ..,__,,.. _" P. II. PKIERSON. Est). S3l"?p"u* f.-tm?" I?W t ARO.?Coitscnof? or Dkbts in the North _i West.?E. It. WASHIU'RNE, Attorney at Law. Ga? lena. (.Illuiei?,i at.11 giro, hi? atteutioii to the collection of itciits due New-York merchants in Galena;Rodtfiwd and Rock Island, Illinois; m Du Buque. Ioaaa, In Tlaacvillc, Potos?, Prairie du Chrcu, Mineral Point and Mailbon, Wis? consin. licier to I). A. Cil.shinan & Co.; Dorcmns, Suydam A. Nixon. New-York._?81 JOHN t (i.Na.i-.n, Jr. Alton, ey ami louusellor at Law, and Solicitor tu Chancery, ?ort Wayne, ln.ll.iua, will attend to prnfeaarional business in the various dcpartincuts of the State of Indiana. Will nl?o attend to tho payment of la?cs, ?.il?? of lands, and nil other busliiass appertaining to a General Laiitl Agency tor Northern Indiana. Re/trtnccs i/i Atir. 1".?)?*;.?J. W. Edn omis. Eat) Merer*. Foot A Danes, W. & S. Woodhnll & Co. Suyd am. Sag? fc Co. Thome, II nil A Thomas, Slrulhcis, M ore house A Co. Conisto, k A Conger. n35 3m* ISAAt II. REED, Commission Merchant, (ai the old st.mJ of Reed. Sclieiin?rhoi?i Si ( s, It'-' Hioad ?tiret. New* York. Flour. Pork. Lard Fallow, Whiskey Tobacco, Fan, Seed, (Siasma*, Butter, and all ions of Wesieri pro dace i?t?ii?tl .mil -.old on commission. ft* tw TJVi: 11. s DS or' KoilEKT nr?fAGl7??r~i*~?niormed that he JL has located at So. IM LlllKRTt-STaZET. ? DRY GOODS ai the possible advance. PARTlCVLAa A1TEM-10N Is requested to his stock of DRA.WEB GOOD8 AND l.ACE OOODS, Which will always lie kept full und complete, presuming on shoavimr the largt st mid fulleiit assortmeut In the city. ii*25 Hu,-_ _ rpHE SUBSCRIBERS h.tve tiJs tlay lonuud a copart i. nerahlp for transac lug a Domestic A Geii?rtd Dry Goods and Commission Busineaa under tlio lirmofSTAN TON. RICHARDS** HOLI.LSTER. They may be found for the present at the store No 10 Hciiver-st. E. C. STANTON, G. C. RICHARDS, W. II. IIOLLISTER. Ncw-York. Ibih January, ist... J17 tf MR. CHILD, Oculist, hating disposed of his Practice to Dr. UllOWS, who pursues the same mode of treat? ment ?s that so successfully used by himself In every dis? ease of the Eye, c ven in eases declared incurable und aban? doned by eminent Physician* and Oculist?, betr* to Intro? duce him to the. public, feeling us?ured tha most beneficial results will not fail to warrant hi? recommendation. Dr. Brown's practico Is simple und easy?neither resort? ing to tlio?, ?..liiiiiil methods which are too generally adopt? ed, nor requiring that Irksome contltieinent from light and air, and unpleasant restriction* in food, which arc most usually enforced. Numerous case? of hi? successful treat? ment have been publicly recorded, to which he can refer, and he possesses tealiui'tiiials of too value and elttcjury of his mode of practice, avluch may be Inspected by any oua Who favors hi in with a cull. He will never undertake a case where there are not got?! reasons for expecting a euro ?ami his ttlm ami object bell g to assist In tin; restoration of that liiestinuii le blessing, ?igbt?the poorent of the com? munity may avail of his assistance us freely a* Hit- most t?l nient. Dr. Brown may be eonsnltctl every tiny (Sundays excapt ed) ?u his office, 76 Chambers st, four doors below Broad? way. Hours of attendance from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. Advice to the Poor grati*. d31 3m y* L>r. ..i.i) aa ,s , t,, uni, bri.? to inform lite |*ub lic tii'i Ii? continue? bu successful tieatment on all tlisr.vt.s of thi Ey?, and to which casesof ten. anderen foi ?o loue a period aa fort? ;?ii,. baveyicltfssd. after ?h-y have baf* t!?.l the ?kiH of. nul been d?cltired incurable. bi ,ii,in?,it Pbysii ians a?,l Oeiilitl? A boni su tenths of op* tbalmic ar* caused by .MEASLES and Small.Pox, bol which tfproperly n?ite I i,i in ,-jily ?tage, are inoatly cu? rable. Indeed, Dr. B. asterta thai ,, untance of failure in hi? treatment would be aluiott imknown. if ihe afHicied would ?pplarto him when dimmnti.on of sikhtis first noticed or in ihe early Itag* "I iui) imipatioo . i,.,aa?aer aCUt*, and before to in uiy cheap oui dttti uctira application? ?r? mail? use of. Reference to th* 1 tlowiug eu.-??, whicii were very invete late ?a ? , : I ?,.?! ti .',?r. lohn liuustead, of Jersey City, al? most bliml from MEASLES. Frederick B?t tin, 47? lirooin? ?treet. bad cue oflUITIS, John I!. It ?.?-it ?lad i ,??in Tiilge-.irei.T, between Staa tiii and lioiuton, m the rear?of PL I(CLr-.NT OPTHAL Ml . ind II.' EH VTED i ORNEA. Office 75? hanii.?rs-?t. four door? from Bmadarajr. Hour? of atten lance from 11 A. M. to ? P. M. (nuiitlayj eice|H?d.) Advice to the ???.r gi-ati?. d'l ly ;.--" THOMPSON'S TRUSSES, OfllCOlS'B*jt-k ?matt street. About 300 of the first physicians iw-York have given their to this Truss, as you can graduate the pressoro from one to fifty pound? on the rupture, w ithoiit a back pad, which doc? ao much injury ... ihe -, Be. A fair being the best test of iusuperi ority, It la apj Ucd and *ix da? ?' trial given ; and IT it doe? not reta i the? ru?,t'-re, while performing every kind of ex *ri uw or i oughlng, and give p*rfe<*f eiute?In a word. If It 1* DOtMtisfoctory In evtry respect. Hi? money is cheerfully r'tturricd ; and this is the only condition on which you sfaoold buy any Truss. A j-p:inaiicnt cure ts easily effected, am! warranted, U" directions arc followed. Those tending for tins Trnai need only men Lion the side raptured and the mea-ure round the Idps.a? they caugrail uate the pressure to suit tlu?r cas<r. Sold and retail at 13Beekman-st, aul tf ^/^?man street. About f^?, g-ifttttd surgeons of Se ,7j"_ decided preference III LI. S TIlt'SSES.?Notice to Ruptured Tent?n?.?Persons ?flhctcd with BatTytttre* 'may rely opon '.lie best Instrumental aid the world affords, on application at the office. So. i \ ' ey street, o? to either'?('the agent* In the principal towns in llie I'nlted .States, lie careful to examine the back pat) of HoR'a Trusses, to see if they are endorsed by Dr. Hull m writing. None are gcutuue, orto be relied upon as good, wiihon'. his Signatur?-. Many persiiis ha-.e undertakeu to vend imitations Of Hull's ceb.: rated Tru**ta, and thousands are lmpoted upon in consequence. The?e Imitations cannot be relied uponi they are made by unskilful mechanics, and are no better than the ordinary Trustee. Rooms have been fitted up at No. i Vceey street, exclu? sively for Udn??, having a separate entrance from the bual ness department, where a female 1* inconstant attendance to wait upon patients. n21 tf so as to make million*, of locks out ot one, ?o that odtMt the maker nor any uther person has any knowledge what? ever of the lock. The subscriber would respectfully inform the public that he has purchased of tils t-artner, Wm. Hall of B*R,toi{.,,~?*-'?; his hall in the l'aient Right in the above loci. This lock is nova- oaviied and wiU in future be ?anuiacwred only by II. C. joe?, at hi, eaiahliibatati-f m um fp.***?*; N. J. And by this advertisement he tvosU -?W? Tf soiisiwttoUifrl^eo?hi- Patent Kisht. &"**?* *" been to a r?wi?' to uianuiacture and to ?eU the &mL%KT ?.ce ^Hst25?i?S can be fx>ught in the Culted Sute?- .^dhewoi^tariher slate that hi? lock has never been picked nor optmed w?h out 'he true k?^u'ia: locked it, a. will be aseen by the many ?ri?d??.aU' baa m.d?trguna at different times, with a re ^d iff ?Ob w W P^? wbo woM op*n?t ??ST ; **? ward or Woyw"5 tueeossM ; and it U warranted In aU no 0l:c ^rTo^tVuT?Torder while ?n use, which ba* ^a^^Tanceio many who have used locks of d*??r????i?k Lock* for Railroad r*irpc*?s, PrU no*? Exercise? and (_usu>m House-?, which have been gstv* era''!?- adoi'tcJ and give ful! satisfaction. H. C. JONES, jl-'**m|aar1?c Patent t/V,- Vakor, Newark. N'. J. KEi'vBED CHALK l.LTNS THE SKIS, and make? It vtliow. rough and harsh, but the true Spanish lily White gives the ?kin a life-like alabaster white, ?ad, leaves it smooth, soft and clear, acdug a* a eotmetic. ?old. prico 25 cent? a box. a*. M Chatham st. and 323 Broadway, or I JO luiton st., Brooklyn. I ? im