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*KEW-YOKK TEIB?NE. <vxc YORK DAILY' TRtBDXE IS FCBLISIlED r^fV^KV MOBNl>'<'. Pl'NDAY EXCEPTED. AT 30 ASf?-STaSXT. SEW-TOEK, j^vcred to City Subscribers for 8 i? C'Ejcre per i**b?i they prefer, they can pay In advance at the ?,t f..r ?ia months or a year at the same rate. Sin v!-.>.,TwoCems. Mall ?ubscribers Elve Dollars > snuom. In advance, and the pai-:r in no case con iLd beyond the time fbt which it is paid. Suhscrtp StakM for month,. Three Dollars in advance. %rired In all exchanges with Country Newspapers. ?**?" /'-vr, .-? etvednt this Office whose terms are than those of TifE TxtBCTa are not allowed any ?coic'" ttsm0t ADVIJ.tisis.G. 'fists, or less-Kir* Insertion.. 85 ccuts. w - to- each subsequent insertion. 1 -1 Jkt*. and over lix-Kirst iiiscrtioa. SO ^ for each .fubscqucui insertion. *> fa* one week.*' *? ? for one month.?--"-a* w ^(W,IijueriUNotices,lcc.iu<a^^ M j *??.? .- ? fr All Advertisements inserted In this paper appear i .JLn ;>:? Morniug and la the Eveninj EdMou. ??:/ AdttTtitert?no- to exceed 12 lines, with .:<.;,??? of renewing advertisctnenta at plea* itx. (payable quarterly or half yearly lu ad 540 00 THE TRIBUNE. 06LTSH WRITERS LITTLE K.VOWX HERE. MIL.M'.S.. .LAXDOK....JTL1CS HARE, fie oliice of Literature is two-fold. It preserves ? igh asea the flowers of life which came to ? bloom in minds of genius. What bloomed . a day, in the highest epoch.-; of thought or .?, becomes an amaranth, if translated into litufe. ? small part of literature has a pcrma value "33t the eiTice of the larger psrt is temporary, as iiidiog the means of interpreting contemporary -jdstoeach oiher on a larger scale than actual ^ersation in words or deed.-" furnishes. And ties for success in this class are very dif ?e^iiroin, in home respects opposite 10, those for ~e other. Excellence in this kind is not to he held lightly. ? no small matter to live a full life in the day ? it what those who live for the ages rarely do.? who are most geniuses are, very commonly, a* men, and, take the total growth of a man, it may well doubt whether an equable expansion urj harmonious growth of tiie nature is to be sa aSced to a partial, though exquisite result. What nidi Ij and pertinently now does its cilice and :crs the h-art of the world, though i*. may not .* to posterity ?ith the name of the speaker.? confess our partiality for those noble men who I . tou full and vigorous a lite to have time to set I pad portions of it. Those men whose soul was ? ir eyes, and whose tongue or pen did justice the occasion as it came. The mistletoe is asa ;cd plant, but we must have oaks before mistletoes. - well when we have both, when be who fulfils at life of the day has such a superfluity beside, ?to scatter its seed through a wide future. But I e oaks grow first, though their fruit be no . r than the acorn. The common nnd daily ? ses <d" literature are the most important. It aanot, and will not, dispense with the prophecies igenius, but the healthy discharge of its func DJGi must not be disparaged to exalt these. Thin-, whatever is truly said and forcibly said, is e in literature as in life, though its preten? ce be not Ihe highest as to originality of thought [form. Individuality is sufficient; for every fact worth knowing-and stating. Only we must not (well too long on what is temporary, nor give to that is hut relatively good, absolute praise. There is 11 class of writers, mid-way between eniu ea and men of healthy energy merely, who k very valuable also. They are audience to the pniiis, interpreter to the multitude, cultivated for those who need such. I The writers of this class do not enjoy extensive J time. They are not poets nor merely active men, iey may be called in distinction gentle-men and lekolars. They have not, perhaps, the deep glow ?f rxperience that makes the universal heart thrill ttheir slight magnetic tokens; they have not the -.ig?.mii's wand to evoke from the Teaim of shad ivs forms ilia! in life they have never seen. Vet tiiey are dchghllul private companions.? fe are not then lovers nor their worshipers, but familiar friendship we prize. We would in raduce them to others that they may lind and be ad by their own. They need to be thus iitfro ftced, L>r they do not command fame, nor make ? earth shake with their tread so that all may mow where to lind them Several L'nglish writers of this class arc little known in this country. Their writings arc not re-1 tblished here, because the demand for them } 'oiilu be so limited. Yet .1 would increase if their ?ciks began to circulate. There are, here and btre, persons who need just this deeper refine ?111 of common gifts, and tind not enough of Belt s\ rape thy and instruction. To persons of this ess in v be recommended first?Richard Mouek nMiined who has published volumes entitled Posits ok Mast Ylaks, Memorials of Many SCKfCXS, Poems, Historical asd LXCESDAXY, i'alu Le w es, ?. oi which may be obtained from England, in ieautilul type, that would well nigh restore sight to it blind and give it to the purbliud. Mr. Milnes is an Englishman of fortune, of fash M, and therefore be deserves the more praise tor king whafshe is, iti heart and head, a liberal ;en snau. lie is no poet?not an atom of " vivida --" urges his pulse. That miracle, described in k dramatic phrase of our own land as " setting Hi riwr on lire," a miracle which the poet is really tile to work, will never disturb the peace of so -ety through him. Nuy ! an at all vehement river ?otild catch und drown him in the attempt. He ttsely makes none such. He attempts not to pour tl tides of song. His poems are poems of many They are the higher and gentler moods of lately, elegant, susceptible person, who is none - sensible to poetic impressions that he has lie power ot transmitting them. YVe have all >:. in every-day life, persons who had little iiwer id* describing what they had seen, yet could atke us see it from the signs of genuine emotion it had caused in themselves. So it is with .. Milnes. He points out to us the best books, :e best pictures, and the best landscapes he has f?n in his extensive travels and conversations with ; . c 1 books, and we take pleasure in seeing Tin in his atmosphere. It is a mild atmosphere, (traded by a pale golden mist. If many persons culled the best from the hours '-< they ias.-, with a:iy thing like the same care and tru ::t, ihe world would be an agreeable world, cd each puddle would be overarched with a rain ?w more or less bright. Mr. Milnes has been wittily described as "re <jy u v iieerful little robin-redbreast of a man."_ ec portraits wv have seeu of him correspond with <tdescription, and so does hissong, for it is song, ?Arj ; a fond, iamiliar, exhilarating song.? ?e love the cheerful, tender note, and we are *a*cej|^\vhik- listenieg to the native warble of his tiisd, to be brought into connexion also with so 3?:iy interesting scenes and subjects, where the Jain causes of interest are sure to be noted, and, 1 aoi adequately treated, yet are so with so much wriminatton as never to aisplease. Tims, opening to the introduction to Memorials IMany S.vnes, w e lind a favorite theme, the mar itge of 1'ietro delia Valle, thus gracefully touched ?ixin: 8t? ti-.ounot read the wild but r.U-true story Of the brav<- i'llgnni and his Georgian bride, ?' i*tro aiiri M.'i?ui, who in glory And cloudless joy went wandering side by side "! *eaj by the Tiirconmn's ferocious hordes (ju irded and ten ded with religious care, ?No? proudly feasted Bt the imj>erial boards Of Ispahan and Shiras, peerless pair! wa* to themfhe peril and the foil, ThV.e S?"VB8 'roubles of that novel wav ' ?a?y w ere together? and no power could soil pure bive-ralm that on their spintsIcy 1 iUenvious death forbade the farther siglit Aid al nT? "?tefdwage of bliss and pain, ^?f""?M lost a wonder and delight, "Rich never might refresh their souls agam. BY GREELEY & McELRATH VOL. IV. *0. 2S2. Bot though thus late, why should nut thou and L Before our lives' short season* downward tend. Renew tbai long-extior-uished memory ; My falcon-eyed, my fdcoa-heaited Friend . It is a high vocation, to go out ..'pon the dtedal Earth, and watch the sun Rite above unknown bills, and wide about Strange plains extend our sight's dominion : Through scenes, which 19 the habitants of eacli Are world? distinct, as if they planati were, And ever-varying moods oi garb and speech, To pass light-winged, and free as birds of air: To lire whole years in some short span of days? To feel new wisdom falling, like a dew, Upon our passive '.emples, and the maze Of life unravel with a ready clue ! When close before us spreads some famous land ! How well we think ! how faithfully we know, Imagination lays her regal hand On Memory's .ch<.u!der, at:d the dare not go ! For :hcn the Sou! can best its ear apply, Piercing our daily path's discordant sound, To tlitit low-paced,long-echoing melody, To which the Earth, is its pure prime, went round Such g-nerous end- will surely energize Thv flower-trail form, liil it becomes so Btrong, That in dark ways and undT sternest skies. Serene and fearless thou wilt move along ; And Nature's shapes and each historic place Fresh current of their inner life will find, Taking the mould of thy supernal grace, And iucii with the hsht of thy clear rnind. It would not, we think, be easy to refuse euch nn invitation to travel. Does any one ask, who is Fie trodellu Vulle ! We answer, that is one merit of | Milnes, that be will oblige you, if you wish to un? derstand him, to tir:d out what is not placarded on the corner of every street, and he offers these in? ducements in a manner so pleasing, thdt almost all who r?ad will be induced to seek: ye: many of his shows, though they arc really worth showing, may not be seen by the many, even when close to them, for want of sufficif-nt delicacy of vision. We our? selves have lent the travels of della Valle to those of | whose sympathy wc fell secure, and found them ut? terly dull to the charm that lentis such a thrilling tone to the song of our robin-redbreast, "The pure love-cairn that 0:1 those spirits lay." "The Lay of the Humble" is best known among Milnes's poems, and it deserves to be so, as in that he touches the best chords of his peculiar lute. The two poems to Myrrha may also be mentioned for their delicate yel strong .-tamp of individuality; and this is to the man what fragrance is to the flower: it may not be the best of all perfumes, but, according lo its degTee of freshness and intensity in its proper kind, is our sense of the secret life of j the plant. We regret not having before us the 1 Poems, Historical and Legendary,' a? we wished to quote one of the North' rn legends, which is re? lated with admirable expression. It is the tale of a poor servant Ctrl who has committed the crime of infanticide to save herself from sham;. Years after, she is attended by a Brownie, or domestic sprite, which, with most sedulous care, mitigates her toils and divines her wishes. Life becomes a new thing to her in this presence of sustaining and unwearied love. Her whole hear) is bent in grati? tude toward her unseen fnend ; and as it ii ever our way to grasp at somethiug palpable, at the risk ? of losing the spirit that pervaded us, she is importu? nate io -ee her comforter in bodily form. It long resists her importunities, but whi n it can no longer j refuse, appears to her in the moonlighi of her cham? ber window, us her own child, still bleeding from her hand, though grown to such size as the interval of years would have permitted had it been left in ' life. The story is told by Milnes with a force and pathos worthy of its mural beauty. 'Palm Leaves' is his latest publication. It is the , record of his travels in lite Levant und in Egypt in the winter of IS42?13, and, as on former occasions, he has given the form of poems to his observations, 1 adding by note or preface whatever is needed for , full illustration, and, us bet?re, he lies been highly successful in this attractive form of journal. As specimens wc insert T11K MOSQUE. A SIMPLE iintwrtitiom d room.? Surmounted by an ample dome. Or, in some lauds that favored he, With centre open lo the sky, But roofed with arched cloisters round. That m.iik the c msecrated bound, And shade the niche in Mekkeh turned, Bv which two massive lights are burned ; With pulpit whence the sacred word Expounded on great days is beard ; With fountain Iresh, where, ere they pray, Men wash the soil of earth away ; With shining minaret, thin and high. From whose fine-trellised balcony Announcement of the hours of prayer Is uttered to the silent uir; Such is the Mosque?the holy place. Where faithful men of evi ry race, Meet at their e-se, and lace'to face Not that the power of Got! is here More manifest, or more to fear ; Not tli it the glory of his lace Is circumscribed by any space ; But thai, as men are wont to meet In court or chamber, mart or street, For purposes of gain or pleasure, For friendliness or social leisure? So, tor the erentest of all ends To which intelligence extends, The worship of the Lord, whose will Created and Stistaths us stil!. And honor of the Prophet's name, By whom the Baving message came, Believers meet together here. And hold these | recincls very dear. The floor is spread with matting neat, l nstamed by touch ofshodden feet? A decent and delightful seat! Where, after due devotions paid, And legal ordinance obeyed. Men may in happy parlance join, And gay with serious thought combine ; May ask tlie news from lands away May fix the business of to-day: '' Or, with' God willing,' at the close To -morrow hopes and deeds dispose. Children are running in and out With silver-sonndin,- laugh and shout. N o more disturbed in their sweet play No more disturbing those thai pray. Thau the poor birds, that Buttering fly Among the rafters there on high, Or seek at times, with grateful hop. The corn fresh-sprinkJed on the top.? So. lest the stranger's scornful eye Should hurt this sacred family? ' Lest inconsiderate words should wound Devout adorers with their sound? Lest careless feel should stain the rloor With dur und dust from out the door? T is well that custom should protect The place with prudence circumspect, And let no unbeliever pass The threshold el the faithful mass; Thai as each Muslim his Hartem Guards even from a jealous dream. So should no alien feeling scathe This-common home of public faith, So should its very nume dispel The presence of the utfideL Yet.though such reference may demand A building raised by hnman hand', .mos: nonor to the men o( prayer W nos* imeque is in them everywhere! \v ho. amid revel's wildest din, In V; ar's severest discipline, ' On rolling d-ck. in thronged bazaar . In stranger lands, however far, However diiTerent in their reach s >; th lught, in manners, cirss or speech Will quietly their carpet spread, To Mekkeh turn the humble head. And, .is if blind to ?11 around, And de. f to each distracting sound, lu ritual language ' iod asore. In sjH-i: u> h:s presence soar.' And, in the pauses ol the prat er, -Rest, as if rapt in glory there! ?lh< r':?N'is-! possess fund, dedicated to the .:tp- j pot of birds and ?:?.?.. suhniC; or e at has a large ooat at uie top niled with corn as fast as It lscxmsurned, and I another possessed sn estate bequeathed\o It to cive food to he cats of th* city. Most 01 thcie fuiuds have. ! bxrwevtr. now j assrd. with those of higher charities Into I Mthcaiet Ali j own pocseu NEW-YOR] To us the pictures of innocent familiar life asso? ciated with the custom.- ot worship are very charm? ing. The following legend is in M?nes's best manner: the KEAXcr or This legend doe- no; teem to me to be orthodox, bot ra? ther to be a later invention arising tr.'Ui a de-ire to assi? milate ;hc nature of Mohammed to that of Christ. The humility of Mohammed hi ail that concerns his personality is conspicuous throughout the ri'.ran. ?? I do not .-ay nn:o yoa. that in my possc_ssion arc the t-easurcs of God. nor that I know what is unseen ; nor do I say unto you. Verily I am an angel?1 only follow what is revealed to uie."? Chap. vj. v. 50. " Mohammed is nought but an Apostle : other Apostles have passed awsy before him." Chap Iii. v. 13H. Xor .lots Mohammed even attribute to himself any specialty of nature snch a- be gives to Christ, whom he de? clares to have been born of Virgin by the Sprit of God.? ? She said, 0 my Lord, how Shell t have a -o::, when a man hath not touched ma? He answered?Thus: God w?l cre? ate what he pleaseth. When he dctcrinlrietii a tub);?he only laith unto it. Be, and it is." As Arab nurse, that held in ann- a sleeping Arab child. Had wandered from t;:u parent.-' tents some w ay iuto the wild. She knew that all was friendly round, she had no cause to fear. Although the rock- -tr.inge f.gur" male a.-.-'. :;:s-ht wa? threatening near. Vet something Win to dread she felt, when su.lden met her ?ieht Two forms of noble maintenance and beautifully bright. Their robes w ere dipt in sunset hue-?their faces shone on high. As Sirius or Canopus shine in pure-; summer sky. Straight up to her without a'.vord they walked, yet in their gaze Was greeting; that with subtle charm mi^ht ttmperher amaze. one, with a mother's gentleness, then took the slumliciing child That breathed as in a happy dream, and delicately ! : I'a-sed a gold knife across it* brea-t. that opened without pain, [stain. Took out its little beating Heart?all pure but one black Amid the ruddy founts ol life in foul Stagnation lay That thick black stain like cancerous ill that eats the flesh away. The other Tora then placed the heart on AN white open haul. And pourcil on it n magic fl.ssl, no evil could withstand : And by degrees the deep disease !>?. Death the wondrous cure Vanished, and that one mortal Heart became entirety pure. With earnest ci.rc they laid It back within the Infant's breast, [blest: Closed up the gaping wound, and gave the blessing of the Imprinting each a burning ki>- upon its even brow. And placed it in the nurse'- arms, and passed she knew not how. Thus was Mohammed's (resh-boru Heart made clean (torn Adam's sin. Thin in the Prophet's life did God his works of grace begin. The two that foflow are also e::ee!Ient, both in perception and style. Here is the first: MOHAMMED ANIi THE BLIX1) ABDALLAH. Referred loin chap. BO of the Ku. au. Ahdaiiih Ebu 0mm Maktoum seems to have been a man of no .a-ik or Importance, but was treated with great rcspei t by the pro? phet ever after this adventure'. It Is interesting ihr. Mo? haul., make his own (hull ? and the divine reproofs be received a matter of revelation, and stronger proof ol In? sincerity and earnestness could hardly be given. Thb Mind Abdallah sought the tent Where, 'mid the eager listening crowd. ? Mohammed gave his wisdom vent. And. entering fast, he cried aloud? " O rather, foil of love and roth ! My soul and body boll; are blind : Pour on me then some; lays ol irtiiii From thine i.luminated triad." Perchance the Pn pbet heard him not, Or busied well, seemed not to hear. OK interrupted, then for;ot liowall mankind to iiod are dear; Deputing w iih the great and strong, lie frowned in momentary pride, While throueli the jeering out.-r throng Tb' unnoticed suppliant crept aside. But, in the calm ofthat midnight, The Voice that seldom kept aloof From his blest pillow spoke the rigiit, And uttered words of stern reproof:? " How dost thou know that poor man's soul Did uot on thy regard depend . The rich and proud thy moods control f meant thee for the mourner's friend " ; eep in the Prophet's contrite heart Thy holy reprimand remained, And blind Abdallah lor his |urt Kindness and reverence thence obtained : Twice, after years <d sacred strife. Within Medeenah's walls he ruled. The man through whom Mohammed's life Into its perfect grace was schooled. And. from the warning of thai night. So one. however humble, past Without s,iiuie the Prophet's sight. Or felt his hand not held the last: And every one was free to bear Ids Inch discourse, and in his breast Unburden theirs without a fear Of troubling his majestic rest. Thus too, when Muslim Muslim meets. Though new ihe lace and strange the road, His " Peace be on you" sweetly greets The ear, and lightens many a load : Proclaiming that in Allah's plan True men of every rank and race Form but one family of man, One Paradise then resting-place.'* ? Salutation in the East seems almost a religious ordi? nance, and good manners part ol the duty of a good Muslim. 'The following should be read by all who believe thai Heaven leave- any land or nation without a witness: THK SAYINGS OF KAMI a. RasU wa< a holy woman, who lived in the -ceond cen? tury of the Hegira. Her savings and thoughts ar< collect? ed by many devotional Arable writers; they .ire a remark? able development of a purely Christian mystical spirit so early in the history ol Islam : the pantheistic mysticism . i Sutisiu si-on follow ed, a::.! obtained a signal victory over Ihe bare positive of the Prophet, clothing the heartless dcsririue with a radiant vesture ol Imagination. L A noes friend one dav oi Rabia asked, How she had l.arnt'the truth of Man wholly ! By what instructions was her memory tasked? "How was her heart estranged from this world's folly She answered?"Thou, whoknowest God in parls, Thy spirit's moods and processes can tell; I onlv know tim! in my hear! of hearts I have de.-pised myself, and loved Him weil." Ii. Some evil upon Knbia fell, And one who loved and knew her well Murmured that God with pain undue Should sinke a child so fond and true. But she replied?" Believe and trust That all I sutler is most just; 1 had iu contemplation striven To realize the joys of henven : 1 had extended fancy's flights Through ail that region ofcehghis? Had counted, till '.he numbers tailed. The pleasures on the blest entailed? Had sounded the ecstatic rest I should eiijov on Allah's breast; And for those thoughts I now atone That were of something of my own. And were not thoughts of Him alone." III. When Rabin unio Mekkeb came, She stood awhile apart?alone. Nor joined the crowd with hears on dame Collected round the sacred stone. She, like the rest, with toil had crossed The waves of water, rock, and sand. And now. as .>ne Ions temp-st-tossed. Beheld the Kaabeh's pramised land. Yet in her eyes no transport glistened ; She seemed with, shsm? and sorrow bowed ; The shouts of pray er she hardly listened, But beat her heart and cried aloud :? " O hear:'. weak follower of the weak. That tnou seould'st traverse land and sea. In this fir place that vied to seek Who long ago had come to thee :" IV. Round holy Rabin's suficring bed The wise men - ithered, gazing gravely? " Daughter oft Jod !" the youngest said, Endure thy Father's cnastenin? bravely ; They who hive -trepei! tiieir souls in prayer Cnn every anguish calmly bear." She answered cot, and turned s.:ide. Though not reprnarhfcllv nor sadly ; "Daughter oft rod !" the eldest cried. "Sustain thy Father's chastening gladly, They who have learnt to pray aright. From paiu's dark well draw up delight" OFFICE NO. 30 ANN-STREET K, TUESDAY MOBMNG, ."?ZARt Then she spoke oat?"* Vour words are lair. But. on! the rxuth lies deeper ??? ; 1 know net, when absorbed in prayer. Pleasure or pain, or good or i 1; They who God's {ace can understand Feefnot the motions of His h*nd." Tne Kicsk is one of the best poems in tlw bock. We quote the description cf it : and two of the sto? ries toid there are, as descriptive of the best and worst in Moslem life, to say nothing of the beauti? ful picture, so lightly sketched, i f frieodship and married love. THE KIOSK." Beneath the shadow of a large-leaved plane. Above the npple of a shadow stream, Beside a cypress-planted cemetery, In a gay-painted trellis-worked kiosk, A company of easy Muslims sat, Enjoying the calm measure of d-light God irants trie faithful even here on earth. Most pleasantly the bitter berry tastes, Handed by thai bright-eyed and neat-limbed boy ; Mos; daintily the long chibouk is tilled And almost before emptied, tided again: < 'r. with a free good-will, from mouth to mouth losses the cool Nargheelecf serpentine. So sittbey, with some low occasional word Breaking "the silence in itself so sweet. While o'er the neighboring bridge the caravan Winds slow ly in one One interni!r..i;j> Of camel ?fter camel, each with neck Jerked up. as snitfin? the far de-en air. Then one serene old Turk, with snow-whit .'beard Hanging amid his pisto!-hi!ts profuse, Spoke out?"Till sunset all the time is ours. And we should take advantage of the chance That brings tu here together. This my friend Tells by his shape of dress and p-aked cap Where his home lies; he come- t:om farthest off, So let the round oi tale.? begin with him." Thuschali' aged, in h:.?thoughts the Persian dived And, with no waste of faint apologies, Kelated a plain story of his lite, Nothing adventurous, terrible, or strange. But, as he said, a simple incident. That any one there present might have known. J Tun rnx^iANV story. " Wakedi. and the Heshemite, and f, Called each the other friend, and what we meant By all the meaniti; of that common word. One tale atiirn; a. hundred?one round pearl Dropped offthe chain oi daily circumstance Into the Pq< t's hand?one luscious fruit Scarce noticed in the summerof the tree. Is here preserved, that you may do the like. "The Ramadhan'slong tl^rs (where'er they Certain to seem the longest of the year) [fail Were nearly over, ubo the populous streets Were silent as it haunted by the plague ; For all the town was crowding the bazaar. To buy new garments, as beseemed the time, In honor of the Prophet and themselves. But in our house my wile and I still sat, And looked with sorrow in each other'- frees. " It v.ts notf'r o rselvesf?-we well could let ('ur present clothes serve out another yar. And meet the neighbors'scofiswith quiet minds : But for our children we were grieved and shamed ; That they should have to hide theii little heads, 1 And lake no share of pleasure in the Feast, i ?r else contrast their torn a id squalid vests With the gay freshness of their play mates'garb. At last my wile spoke out?* Where are your friends? Where is Wakedi 1 where the Heshemite ! That you are worn and pale with want of gold, And they peichance with coin lain fdly by In some closed casket, or in some vain sport Wasted, lor want of honest purposes V My heart leapt light within me at these WOtis, And I, rejoicing at my pain a;- past. Sent one I trusted to the Heshemite, Hold him my need in few plain written words, 1 And, ere an hour had passed, received from him A purse of gold tied up, sealed with his name: I And in a moment I was down the street. And. in my mind's eye, chose the children's clothe-. ?Bui between will and deid, however near. There often lies a gulf impassable. So, ere I reached the gate of ihe Bazaar, WakedL's slave accosted me?his breath Cut short with haste; and from his choking threat His master's message issued word by word. The sum was this:?a cruel creditor, Taking the '\*antage of the season's use, Pressed on Wakedi for a debt, and swore i That, unless paid ere evening pro} er, the law Should wring by force the last ol his demand. Wakedi had no money in the house. And I was prayed, in this his sudden -trait, To aid him, in my duty us a friend, of course 1 took the Heshemite: ? sealed pur^e Out of my breast, and ?ave it to tiie slave ; Y-: I must own, oppressed with foolish fear 1 if my wife'.- toars, an;!, might be, bitter words, If empty-handed I had home returned, I sat all night, half-sleeping, in the mseque. Beneath the glimmering leathers, eggs, and lamps, And only in the morning nerved my heart To tell her of our disappointed pride. She, when I stammered out my best excuse, Abashed me with her kind, approving calm, Saj mg?' The parents' honor clothe- the child.' TtiUs 1 grew cheerful in het cheerfulness, And we began to sort the children's vests, And found them not so sordid after all. [hid? ' This might be turned?that .-tain might well be This r< ititiniit might be used.' So we went on Almost contented, til! surprised we saw The Heshemite approach, and wiih quick steps Finer the house, and in his hand he showed The very purse tied up, sealed with his name, Which 1 had gi\en to help Wakedi's need ! At once he asked us, mingling words and smiles, ' What iiieans secret 1 you sent vester mora Asking lor gold, uad J. without delay; Ijetumed the purse containing ail J had. Hut I too found myself that afternoon Wanting to buy a sash to gniee the feast; And sendins to Wakedi, Irora my slave Keceivcd this purse I sent you the same morn I nopened.' 'Easy riddle,' I replied, ' And, as I hope, no miracle for me? That what you stave me for my pleasure's fee Should serve Wakedi in his deep distress.' And then 1 told him of Wakedi's t?te: And we were both o'erccme with anxious cart" Lesi he, obeying his pure friendships'^ call, Had periled his own precious liberty, i Orsullered some hard judgement of the law. j Bui to our great delight and inward ;?cace, Wakedi a lev.- moments after stood Laughing behind us, ready to recount. How Allah, loving the trnshrii km? faith With which he had supplied his friend's desire liegardie.-s of his own necessity, Assuaged the creditor's sironsr rage, and made His heart accessible to geniiethough's. Granting Wakedi time to pay the debt. ?Thus our three tales were gathered into one, J'ist as I gi\e them you, and with the purse Then op-.-ned in ihr: presence of the three? We gave my children unpretending vests, Applied 3 portion to Wakedi's debts. And bought 'he Heshemite the richest sa-h The best silk merchant owned in the Bazaar." Soon as he ceased, a pleasant murmur rose, Not only of applause, but of good words, Dwelling upon the .sar?j?ct of trie tale: Fach to his neighbor in low utterance spoke of Friendship and its blessings, and G.-.d's grace, L>v which man is not ielt alone to fight His dailv battle through a cruel world. * ?- * * * rn? .-v-mM's stocy. To an Egvptian soldier, scarred and bronzed, The duty of narration came the next: Who said. " That soldiers" tales were out of place Told in c\\m place? and at evening tours. His songs required the music of the gun: He could recount a thousand desperate feats, Hair-breadth escapes and miracles of war. Wrre he bur cowering round a low watch-fire Ahnoat m hearing of the enemy: But cow his blood was cold, and he was dull, And even had Jorgtst his own wild past. Ther all had heard?bad East and West not heard < i" Me hornet Ali and of Ibrahim T it might be that the Great Pa.-ia was great, Bu: he vits fend of irade?rf getting gold, Not by fair onslaught and courageous strength, But by mean interchange with other lai da Of p-edac better in his own censnmec ; This was 'ike treason to a soldiers heart; And ali he hoped was that v.hen Ibrahim Sat in his father's seal, he would destroy The flight ot locusts?Jew. and Greek, and Frank, Who had corrapted Egypt end h?r power. ? St?ry-teu-t. I*. new" ever-t!,e <teh?ht of the Es. t. in :he cclTee aa-J so nicer house*, a: the csraers of the streets, ii the courts of the mowing, sit theerarc at:! a::tr. tire crowd, bear tog with chSk?y pies-tire, the sai-oi stories >ver aud over ars.:::. applauding *very u.rn < .on or U.a<>nt, l.ut not reqcMng thein any m-cc than the bearers of a European serruuu. ' The hookah Ot the Levant. H 4, IS 15. By all their mercenary thoughts and acts. And sent him there, brave soldier as he wu>. To go bee service at the Sultan's hand. Yet IbrahlnVs heart was still a noble one: No man could contradict him and not tear Some a v. iui vengeance;?was thisstory known ]" 1 T5TK SCTPTIAS'S SrOKV. '"?nee. when ;n Syria he hsd let war loose. And was reducing, uuder one strong sway. Druses, and Christians, and Mohammedans, He heard that Iiis lost child, the favorite Dura of a favorite wife, had been let fall By a young careless Nubian muse, and hurt, So as to cripple it through all its days. No word ot anger passed the warrior's ii;>s? Xo one would think the story on his mind Rested a single moment. But due time Brought round his glad return, and he once more Entered his hail, within which, on each side. Long marble stairs curved towards the balcony, Where risht and left the women's chambers spread: Upon the Inadine stood the glad Harecm To welcome him with music, shouts, and songs; Vet he would not ascend, a jingle step. Dm cried?" Where is the careless Nubian girl That let rny child tall on the stony ground \" Trembling'an J shrieking down one marble thght She was pushed forward, tillshe reached the tloor: Then Ibrahim caught her in one giant grasp. Drairged iier towards him. and one brawny hand Tight-twisting in her lops and glossy hair. And with the'other drawing the sharp sword Weil known at Nezih and at tvoniah. Sheer from tier shoulders severed the young head. And casting it behind him, at few bounds Cleared the high stair and to bis bosom pressed The darling wife his deed had just revenged. Oh ! he is cod-like in his hour of rase ! His wrath is like the plague that falls on man With indiscriminate fury, and for this His nanv is honored ?Iron-rh the spacious East, Where all things powerful meet their just reward." The Soldier paused : and surely some one else [{ad taken up the burden of a tale ; But at that moment through the cypress steins Shot the declining crimson of the sun Fuil on the faces .if that company. Who for some instants in deep silence watched The last appeamnce of the ruddy rim. And. little needing the dear warning voice] Which issued round the neighboring minaret Bidding ill earthly thoughts and interests Sink in their breasts as sunk that fiery sun? Bowed, old and young, their heads in blest accord, Believers in one Prophet and one liod ! The Tent too is full of the spirit of these scenes. It rises in the open air. TUB TEXT. Why should a man raise stone and wood Between him and the sky ! Wny should he fear the brotherhood Ot all thing- trom on high ! Why should a man not raise his form As shelterless and free As stands in sunshine or in storm Tiie mountain and the tree ! Or if we thu as creatures frail Before our time should die, And courage an<' endurance fail Weak Nature to supply :? Let b.-= at 'east n dwelling choose, The simplest that can Se< ,< From parching heat and noxious dews i ?ur pleasure and our sleep. The Fathers of our mortal race, While still remembrance nursed Traditions ol the glorious place Whence Adam tied accursed? Bested in lent-, as best became Children, whose mother earth Had overspread with sinful shame The beauty of her birth. In cold they sou th: the sheltered nook, In beat tlie airy shade. And oft their casual home forsook The morrow it was made ; Diverging many separate roads, They wandered, fancy-driven, \cr thought of other ti.\ed abodes Than Paradise or Heaven. And while this holy sense remained, '.Mid easy shephi rd cares, In tent.- they often entertained The Anzels unawares: And to tlp-ir spirits' fervid gaze The mystery was revealed, How the world's wound in future days Should by God's love be healed. Thus we, so late and fur a link Of geaeration\chain, J i ?!? :!?.! to do. e'I in tents, and think The oM world young agi-in; With Faith bs wide and Thought as narrow As theirs who little more From life demanded than the sparrow i iay-chirj ing by the door. The Tent! how easily it stands, Almost as if it rose Spontaneous from the green or sand, Express for our repose : i >r. rather, it is we who plant This root, where'er we (oam, And hold, and can to others grant, The comforts of a home. Make the Divan?-the carpets spread, The ready cushions pile: Best, weary hr.rt ! rest, weary head ! From pain and pride awhile : And all your happiest memories woo, And mingle with your dreams The yellow desert glimmering through The subtle veil of beams. We all bavi much we would forget? Be that forgotten now! And placid Hope, instead, .-hall set Her seal upon your brow : Imagination's prophet ??ye By her shall view unfurled Tue future greatnesses that lie Hid in the Eastern world. To slavish tyrannies their term Of terror she foretells ; She brines to bloom the faith whose germ An [slam deeply dwells; Accomplishing < ach mighty birth That shall one day be born From marriage of tlie western earth With nations of the morn! Then fold the Tent?then on again: One .-,.ot of ashen black. The only sign that here has lain The traveler's recent track : . And gladly forward, safe to find At noon and eve a home. Till we iiave left our Tent behind, The homeless ocean-foam .' A lew copies of Talm Leaves may be obtained in New-York. We have devoted so much space to extracts from Milnesthat we mustpo;:,*;ne sketches of the other gentlemei. and scholars we had chosen for his com? panions t,, another day. J.t FIRST PREMIUM NEW-YORK DAGUERRIAN MINIATURE GALLERT, Corner of Broadway and Fulton-street, entrance third door. . "IXTHEKE may l;e bad MINTATCKES which, for beauty i ? ? of color, tone and ttfrct, can at all times commend | I themselves; and, if not strperii r, arc equal to any that have ; been heretofore taken. Mr. P.. decs not claim superiority j for himself, but leaves his pictures to the criticisms of a j Just and intelligent public, who, as wc.:i as strangers, are invited to call at the Gallery before going els..where, whe? ther they intend sitting or not. Likenesses in all cases | warranted to give satisfaeth-a, and colored In a most beau- j tifnJ maim er, and in which department Mr. E. does claim , I superiorly, it being rilled by a competent and prscucal person, Token in i-Il kinds of weather, trom e A. 31. till 5 P. M. .?,Th< Acer:, an [hsrlt?te awarded a First Premium to M. B. Brady at the tnte Fair. Instructions carefully given in the art. (7 3m*y_M. it. BRADY. f "SITED STATES DAGPEBttlAji GALLERY, IT'i U Broadway, Up-St?rs.? E. WHITE would respect? ful!-/ call the attentien of citizens and strangeSs visiting the efty, to his splendid ccilectiim of Daguerrwtyr* I'or rraita, sii.g'.e or .n grocps, from - to H persons on the same plate, which for besnty and accuracy of deline itiou cannot be SDrpoSSed. Portraits taken in all kinaa of weather, either with or without the colors, tlie prices of ; which he has redact! :o tiie.-; charged by the moat iacx ! perienccd In the i The American Institute at Its la'c exhibition awarded : Nr. White :h? first Premium for toe best Daguerreotype I Likenesses, (for grouping and general effect) which is but j another proof to the superiority of has Portraits. I Mr. W.iiti; is sole agent in Xew-Y?i.for the very snne ! re>r Imp'.r-.rst Herman Cameras, and at no other estflhtWl i mvr.t In the city wState con they heobmined. ! >'. B. Imported German Carrs-ras, al*> Frcnsh snd I Airjexlcsnlnstnimeirtsof the very best '^Utr, with plate*. ! Ca?es Clierr.rcsls, Polishing r:aterial?, See. Mr. Wtite's rw ilanii:_.-.ery being de largest and must eilen?; vc la the Catted elates, lie is enabled <m,:r.tiie ' ..uaa-ary hemaiiuCictiires)to -?:'.: Lag:.LTreotype Miniature j CiM..., iO per cent, lower than any pother house in the j Cuicu. albyc FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. WHOLE SO. 1213. VALUABLE EXTERNAL REMEDY. HUNTS L1XIMENT.?Th11 c-l,br?:eJ remedy m ? w lor ihr first time offend tojhe New?York hebtic; tlx- ce lebiity which it has obraiued la die cou-ity (Weatcbesterl where it waa originally introduced. has iuda--ci lh.- propner.ii W ettnid its sale throuxhout the eoontry. There hu n-??r \el been discovered aa external remedy that ha* proved ft) c- run in its etfrc:* in pertn-meutly caring the fouowing'dt?e?uM >? RJirutnctis". Stcelled Linos, "ein in Me On! and iWi. Sprain*, Bruises, ym-ous Affeetiomi, M "rairness in rir Joints, Contractions of the Musvlts, Bum*. Satt KAeu.-n. Crniip. .-if we M Me Face. Tooth *iche, 4/c 4'c. The follow inc. letters from the h:;Mv emifet In' ??< ? w ho hi\e hid chaifc cf the Hosrital in the Sirs Smu State Prison fcr many years. i? the rn. st powerful ev ideaee m favor of this celebrated RemeJv. and is a rarSeenit inaran lee tint it is worthy the COettdte M of the pUOHc For paitic iilars. see the cemticates accomjMeyiaj each bottle. Price 13 cent*. Sin: Sim:, IVc mherCrlih. ISM. My D<cr Sir: Rc-ei?ed \ onr note of yesterday a*aa*)g mv opini m iu relation to Htm:'? Lwment, prapared by Mr. O. K. Slant o Knowing its composition, and hiving frequently ?as.-d it, I cau recommend it to \ I -a is 3 sale nteroal remedy, and in my opinion. Use best LinitMB! now in me. Very truly \nd rest?Cttatty yean, A. K. HOFFMAN. M. 0. ( Ol. PlCtUM \ AS l ORTUiMST. I fully concur iu the above opinion. ?. wit N. BELCHES, M. !). This Liniment m sold by Hushr. n Jt Co. IM Broadway, H Astor house; Bnudnas, Com? Kourtmilh-.tisvl. A. iL 's. 1). Sand?. 79 FultOO-*treet, XT1 Br.uUwsv.TT Kast Crotdw ? '? ; Asl'luwdl. SS Witliun-strert; Meakim, jll Brv.idwu : ?im ou. IsT Bowery, coro-.-. >f Gtaedestreet; Moat, corner of < .t. QOO and (irand-street; C P. Hnrsti?. MM Nassau-street, ?-> r. of Ann : r Boesalli cor. Csnal au.l Hudson vAnstut, e r t'rslar ami Nassau ; J. J. Coddioctott, JB3 Hudson-street; lirvlnm. comer of Old-slip an-l Water-street; Hil>oaidStCohb, ?J.din-street: Mr.. H i-,->.?. .-> Ful: n:->t. Brooklyn; t^uuk. corner of Atlantic tnd Columbia, Brooklynrand Druggists cenerally throughout the eitv and United Stvc-; and In HO VDt.F.Y. PHF.LPS Sc CO. 142 Water-street N. V. who are the wholesale asent*. Orden addressed to them or to die oroprietoi it Sieg Sin* will be attended to. f2j im* GEORGE E. STANTOX. USEFUL AND EI EGANT NEW-YEARS' PRESENT. DTSRAEtrS CURIOSITIES OK LITERATURE. The foregoing valuable work; with the "Curiosities of Ainerlcan Literature." by R. W. Grtswold, is published I complete in ono large royal octavo volume, and 10U lor about one quarter of the London price. It forms certain* ly one of the most valuable worhs in the English language, I and no public or private library Is complete w itiiout It. i'or sale by APPLF.TOX Jfc CO. 200 Uroa.tway. 'ffi GERMAN STUDENTS.?Folien s Practical Gnat X maroftls Dennan Language; Follens German Reader? for Beginnen. Pollen's German Grammar and Reader ue considetwd die U-.-.: of the kind in use. 'f h- second md third editions of die Grammar were both greed) improved In correct ions and additional rules and tlie Aodior.?Since which the work has Bone ihrough several editions, ami is now uv .1 in 11 irv ird Univenity. T^? i n rinvn Res let h isabopassed tlir- n>;li ?ei.-r.vl editions and It- popularity is ? on.tanlly incrra.niif. Published b\ S. <! Simpkins, Boston, and for wie by TURN KR St H \ YI?K.N. So. 10 John street, md \I.K\. V. 1.1 AKK. Kullon stjeet. N.w-Vork._;i:i :Uo. " T H E A II T O F W E A V I N c;, IU RAND ANH BY POWER: With an totroiluctory Account of tts Rise and Progress In ANCIENT AND MODERN TIMES, For tlie Use of NlttJiufacturers and otiicrs. BV CLINTON ii. GILROY, Prac'- al Wrartr and Mantrfactttrtr. One'large 8vo. Volume, Illustrated > th nearly 300 En? gravings on Wood and Steel, plain and Colored. This w rk vriittcii with iilmirilileclc.uii.--i.ind iboroilghly practica], must prove useful 11 eyety manuiactttrer ihd op n me. 11 the journeyman as well is the employer. It Ins cost s I inj ?um ami indelstigable labor to ret it out, and sold at the low price of Five DoUan, by GEO. 0. BALDWIN, ttl_si Spruce st. NO. X. lJKAlTliw.VlTK'S ilETKOSl'KC I UK T'lAiH'ir.-VL MEDICINE AND SURGERY. 'I be most .alausld,- Medical Journal vier published, ? ODlain ma .1 r.-tr,>s|k-eti-. - vi< w of every discovery ami improvetlsenl made in Medical and Surgical Science du ring die last ii months just publists d. AI.....-A GENERAL INDEX to d? firsteigRtnumber of the above rentable work^wbereby the readei can see al . glance a list of all the most important disco re ii . made in Me dieal Science in the last four years. The Index is just in net! and will lw furnished Eratuitousty on applicatio to t!.<- olGi In. b'ulton-street. Also-TUE TBE VSURYOFHIST'ORY.No. I. and-11 No. III. i? nearly ready and will be issued in a few days . It will be comptat d in iwelve uumhen. ? TERAI8.?Forthe Retrospect complete to die present time S.i ; pet v.-ni' hereafter si, of >i cents per No. b'or The T.e.. siiry of llislorv. i> cents | rr No. Published and for sale by DANIEL ADEE, I'l'J_ |n*,tiv-i. N. V. ' MONTHLY MAGAZINES FOR MARCH. Lad,'? Book. Columbian Mesatine, Arthur's Ladies'Migaxlue, Ijadies National Magaxgee, < rriham < Magasii ? Harper's IHuminated md Mania's Illustrated C.lile. !).< beautiful edition of Shaksneare, widi iruuiyolhera. For sale by ABRAHAM MASK, 271 tf '-3' III.k'-r ,tr?.-t. N*EW AND BEAUTIFUL WORK. This di\ published li> ( . J. Gilli?. IZ7 Fultou itreet, md B. Walkks, Philadelphia, No. I I'll TUHIAt HISTORY OF THE WORLD?Bj Ion? Frost, LI.. I) This work is printed on the finest white paper ?Uli largl type, and will be embellished with upwards 61 SM Hi,tones Engmvinss executedb) tbefinrArtistsindie! ountry. Tin name ol'the distinguUbed author will be ? lulneieni Ktutantei that the literary portion of the work will b-- every thing that is desirable._ml 'it ? rpo TEACHERS.?11. at &. KAYNUK, No. 70 Bowesy J have always on hand an extensive assortment of Schoo Books; id the lnie-t and best editions, including nil die rarioua kinds cenerally used in the different school! in this eil) ami riemicy: tneetber with ell the Clesneal Books. All forsak wlmlesele end retailut the very lowest prices, at the old stand Trj Bowsry. mh 1 \l'('i i| '.VP lh ii >KS -A i:trif- ii.-u'tniei i ,.l lll.u.k .\r. . c'iuiu Books, made of the best quaiit] oflineu paper, n id j (trongly bound. Also, other, hi cheaper binding. Blank Books Ruled nnd to any pattern. I mhl II. Ac 8. ItAYNOR'S. Bookstore. 78 Bowery, j m? MERCfLVNTS, TEACHERS AND OTHEKS.? j X HUNTXN'GTOX a SAVAGE, 216 l'oarl-streot, conataiitly for sale u large and complete assortment of I School,Classical and IMls<xll>neotui Hooks, Blank Books in every variety ; Letter, Cap, (ru'ed and plain) Bill, Drawing, ami Tea Paper, yuilis, Ink, Sealing Wax, I ftc. &C Merchants, Teachers, School Committees ami others, j irishlng to purchase, vriU tlnd it for their interest to give I us a call, as we will thrn!.-h al) articles iu our line at low I prices and InqtiantiUes to suit. THEY PUBLISH FOB SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES: Peter Parley's Geography, ii. vv edition, with Is maps and 150 engravings. A1 imprehcneiveGecgxapby r Sehoobj, with iu inap Kame'i Elements of Criti? cism, ?vo. Preston's Interest Tables, 7 per cent. Do do Abridged, ( and 130 eiu'ruvinus, by s.i Webster's Dictionary lor i;. Goodrich, author oil School*, l2tao. Peter Parky'* Geagraphy.l Do do do ICms. Cooemon School lli-tory.;.Mr''. Lincoln's Botany, dtc. In course or' publica-[Do Botany fbr Bcginnota. tiou. Do Natural Philosophy. Peter Parley's History fori Do Natural Philosoph/ for Children. I Beginners. EniTitt's lieogr.iphy of .thelDo Lectures on Chemistry. Heavens, wiih an Atlas. ; Do Qttmistry inr lieglnners. FeilOWes' Astronomy tor Bc-UtaJlaudet's Picture Reading (inners. Book. Goodrich's Kectcsiajticnl His-. Preston's Interest 'fables, 0 tcrv for Schools. I per cent. Do do Abridged. A Practical Grammar of the English Laiigtiageor an in troituctlou to composition. In which the corn:ructions arc chueUed Into predications and phrases. By Edward Ha zen, author of the SpeUer and Dcfiner. Part First. Parts tlrst and second laiund In one vol. septiy rpHE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE '".IPANV J. OF NEW-YORK.?This Institution, dwinx the montli oCFebmory; L??u'-d Mventy-aine P.>licies, vir.: To Merchants and Traders. ;',:To Mechanics.8 To Br.,kei?.?T.. Physician..t To i lerk*.."IToLawysos. 3 To .Manufacture,.. 11 To Foreign Consul.I To Commercial Aueuu . 'JlTo Otfio r in L . S, Army.. 1 To i'liblisber. .. IlTo Mannrr.1 TO Students. z!To Ar'isu. 2 To Farmer. I j To Ladies. 1 March 1st. . .. *S MORRIS ROBINSON, President. SaxcaU. I! ivsty. Secretory. MisrrcasT Post. Physiciau._ml (Ip) lm TO t O?JXTRY MERCHANTS OMBS, Fam y Goods, Button?. Jewr|r>. kc-?Tin mb> . scrber i? receivisn new Goods daily, for the Spring trade, among ? bieh ar- the ibUowins '< !j ca?e. American ;nm Stuiwiiders and 'tvrters. 10 do Cologne \V atrr and other Pr.fum?-ry. 21 do Siiool Cotton, iiicluciux ei-r1. vaii'ty I d.< ho".ks*tid E>es. iu hoin and ou cariu. r, do TwLi BicJi Comb?; I do Perenssion Cap*. r, do Ivory '.'i.mbs, from fine Vi S S S fine. In do Wood Pocket Cerr,bs B-sides \ sreat variety cf Beads. Shoe Thread. Bindings, Cords. Tap**. Tbrid. Scissor., Bead Work, hh'll Ct rn .. Ornaments, tine Sold tin;er rin^s, do Breastpins, gold P -uciis. K',el-: Michiniiies, eilt and UsCUtg Battbns, i?-arl and ijste d". liernwn SHTerTvare, Plated Ware, fine gold lever and orlurr Watches, Silver Pencil Crses. Tooth Brushes, ice. tail able for country or city trade, on the nest liber.l terms.? Agency for Kendnck Sc Go's sad It 4VW Robinsous gilt aid Military Buttons. TfM o<] J. P. VAN F.PS. III3 I'.virl st. UrATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER V. WIE, Ac?Tbe subscribers respectfuliy invite the attention of their friends and the public to their select assortment of FINE irOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, consisting of Duplex, Lever and Lepine Watches, of die va rii'Un approved makers, cased in the neat'^t style,and war? ranted correct time keep-' rs. silver Knives, Forks, Sjsxjns, Lad.'**, Tea Sets, Cups Ca*:or-., A'c. Plated and Britannia Ware, Spectacle-, Pencil Cases 5Ia.i:el Clocks. Fine Cutlery, Fancy i;r>-?ls, &c. wMeh thev are enabled to offer fcr sale at ven reduced prices. Watches aud Clocks carefully repaired and warranted. LOCKWiXiD & SCRIBNER, At th* C:d Established Store, Jih Pearl, f 3 Comer Futttn-street, opposite U.S. HoteL ?? lCUAKD F ISHElt, JrT WA 'ft II-JiAaK. It a: t.! Jewei? ls ler. b now prepared to seU Watches a: retail lower than any r..her house in the city. Aa he is constantly re? ceiving all descriptions direct from the ir.anufac.uier* in ; England, France and Switzerland, he is en-.f led to offer a very huge assor.ment of Gold Watches from 5IS to SIW eadi: Silver do. from 55 tc 540 each?all warranted to keep socd time, or the monev relumed. AL-,j a vwrv cc-o.! ! a?irta?er.t oC Jewelry and'Sllvcr War ? v. ry I .w. V Be? Sexxnit hand Watches and oht Gold and Surer takeu in es | change or bought for cash. Watch >, I locks. Music Boxes j and Jewelry repaired la the liest manner end warranted. I by experienced workmen, as low as any other bouse in the j city. RICHARD FISHES, Jr. importer cf Watches ar.d : Jewelry, wholesale and retail. No. 331 Broadway, Ncw 1 York, c few door* above the City UospitaL I uU KICHaRD FISHES, Jr. PARTNERSHIP WANTED.?A Vom? Man of thor oagh bu.inr:* bat.:?,- it Di? disposal fJCO. waalslu i ?trr into partnership with ?od?individual ?*0>bli*h*d laa I Mf? aad r-rofjti'jlf bnn-rcss. Address ? . Q. A. Tnbaee of ; Oer. Status oat* ? ? I iiu.ines* and other |?itlcuUr? a* soar I other will be ittsoded to, U?* *' nARTNER wan 1 f.D.- lie- ^>"!im,? >o?cg Dw J X po?*r>?ed offirst re- i'.i!itie?.??aCntter. caa command a . . :;, ,p .u'lf.? ci,\?M- ul ronduruaj bu siopss, Stuhr? 10 tnettwitha partner. wit1? a Cash capital Of front ?'>* to StPtt, to join iiwn in ihe cash Tsilonug Dual ?^%. This will 1? foand .? -aii lutpstment and * handsome iacMae uvayb* rvalisnl. Any Dryt""d? .Verchant witha nth a talofSJ ? ? t-jiiad.t in suitable KOOda, aad whowoold prrfcf ivies I sil-n: inrtnrr. would be treated with. A* the . bjOCt Oftnil siltprtis. Oral b strictly bniiuru. tlie most SJtisxaetorY ffr-a* wi'.i bs ?ivra sad ne.;uiied ? Address to J. VV. .'tire ofihU PO??av ?_ Ml WA.Mr.ii-us r.ei hock Malers, to work a', bank >v=.c IMCd apply but twher men aad ist raU ?o.-i.:t-va. H- C. JONES, .- Newark. N.J. ., .. s ? ? .. ? K-?fKt. HANK 1 STOCK.?A oertifkata of thirty share* Vtcisburs; Dank Steck, ia the name o: Buckley a: Peck, a:.d cumber? ed 3C3S, ?[tb !?? wer01 Attorney attaches!, wa? lost on Sa? turday-, y*S March, f^waaeadoaed Ina letter, and tost on ks"my to ?ro-t. - be ahore ?ill be paid by leav. be; it at Thompson? ace. 52 Wall-et Bah? tf / ' OOD BOARD md n rj , leasaat Rooms fa ?iu?U- imtlc V J m ? ??;???!? i.i. .? umI thrii wives vt No. M \ laoj sHotl, TvaaSieolcoesrwa' ...liritvd._ml H~~ UAhU. wiitiT. niui??Ml i. oiii?. nu> be oWaiu.-d at .No. ?9< hambp.Mt.opr; ?es the Park rf NATIONAL HOTEL* No. 5 Cot stuocdt. Srajocr, a>D s7 L;ai.*ii-sTa*xr, N E W -YOKE: THREE i cons FROM BROADWAY THIS NEW BOTEL" i. now opeal wlwre trv rw . will b* iu| p> Ui sccomdatr their frtMiiU sad the ??"! lie with hoard. The lodtioc rooms are largw md .ury, ?ji I tie- luti-nial ?rrsneposrnts such aa CaooocCttl to ph is* i bs I<x loabeiu ia th- irntrr of basiaesa. it otfers iodneeaamu to nie.ebsnrs from other cities aad this ejMmtrr, sot sii passed bj in> other Boast ia this city. Tberarnitura, Beds ind Beddiac,are all ur?, tan made expressly fa lliis establish menu Families who wish Par!on with Shvpiua Koooi,attached. csji 1>- hsn.isoni. lv accommodated. 1"!m sabsctftersosaar* their friends sad the i>oblic, ihstao eiV.-.-ts .?i tb. ir part shall bs ? lonac to sectus tbe comfort ind .? lavaasaace f theii aariei. .v:d while th.-y solicits si. in- i f their 1.1 troupe, thaybop? by naccasiaa attwttioatO lb ? daties oi theii rocatioa, to cvp pntirp ntufacuoa. i i im i Ii sS. WiCKO? St CO. CoUeettoni In Mlashastppt. f^SEVTES \ DAVIDSON. Attonieya at Law, Ootftg I v UcMIssl. : V. CHEVES a a. il. DaYlDSOS erfllstye prompt attention In tho hnnlnnsa ?m' ttielr profas ?? ??: erallj In the N'orthern, and to the c?>l!ecuon of for cii?n claims, amountittS t,( five hundred dollars, and up w;uds, ::i ii v ; ?..'. , < ?. Kcb. Ik!. 1815. REFERENCES. EDWCS C. ESTES, Rsq. ?vt,..v ,rk Mesars. TOWNSEND * BROTHER, j SMITH it CAJUtOIJ , } if. D: COOPEWJt CO. J-NcM-Orleans. FEI U>WES. JOHNSON t CO. 3 R.EKD & BROTRCR, 7 [AVE A SCHAi'fER, ffluladclplua, ;it:...-. ft EU.IOTT, 3 nit:. GOODM VN ft MKANS. 1 4 l ] Memphis. D..B EKIEKSON, ESO..J. 14 sin* BOARDING SCHOOL?IRVING INSTITUTE,TaaST Town, N. Y ?WII I.IAM f. I.ViiN. A. M. Vrtnc; pal.?Summer Session wUl open on tlie 1-tot May. To time wlm desire,to place sons at Hoarding school, the advantages offered at t:.s institution nrc believed tob? ei)uat. If not superior, to any. It has been in success? ful operation seven years The location, delightful and sa? lubrious, is convenient of access Brom the city. Ttioedi dee is c mm odious and comtoi: ables?the play gmunds am? ple and il!-coi:nci teil tram the vitl u;e. Tlie government la efficient but mild, n emhllng that of a welt regulated Christian Guntly?oj 1 no 13 ..!.. -at s are received to coun? teract the alutary Influence oi family training. The system of Instruction u designed not merely to ad nnce "?..! perfect the pupil in the branches studied, but to develope aui'li.str: :\..-ut. to enlighten the un derstantilng, to form the bablts, and to gtn a moral and useful dli action to the Inclination*. Further partknlsrs. Including Catalogue of Student?, i'.pini. us of i atrons. ftc. wilt be (bund in t:.e pamphlet circu? lar o; the ii stltute, 11:.. bad 01 aj pUcotlon at the lha-k Stores ifBortlettdi Wellbrd, Astor Uouae,sndBoynbr*s, 7.1) Bowery. Hi lere ice, by permission, to the following distinguished gentlemen: Washlngt ? 1 Irv Ing, E?.;. Ii.. . 11 mtel Webster, C. S. Senate. notuGuliouCi Yorplsnclc. cart. Mex.SUdell Mackenzie, v. S. N. Nat...mi. 1 r.. 11 ilmos, Eso,. Tarrytown. Fronet* Hal!, Esq.. Rev, .'athan bongs, DD. Wm.C. Bryant, Esq. IcorgoT. T oh i.-. .1. it. Van RensoeUer, M. D. Darpcr s Brotliers, New-York city. Also to the foUowhig who are now or have been, patrous: Rev II W Hunt, Zcbehee 1 00k, Jr. BenJ I. sler, Rev l. M Vincent, M Vau Beuren, iiscar trviu?, Kcv Thos Burch, .'.1-11 Ikyt, Tlus. Keese. Rev J r>ewimr, J 1. Mott, j w Knevcls. Rev Si well, ?? Dusenberry, 1, Denison, Rev A V ScIIeck, B L Kip, Geo clinch, Rev Dr West, PPormony, HWCtapo, Dr JosSoiboer, WmGBoggs, BenJ i> Brush, ltcv I) Babcock, K W Van Voorhls, K Campbell, AttUvtngston, Leonard Klrby, WSDuntam, Ells ha M irrell, Jacob Leroy, H F Uo?e, Peter Plnckney, Gen GII Striker, II Itajnor, Cuas Storm, Harvey Weed, Isaac Adrtanoe, J 1 lies i riiiaii, It F WhOdwrigbt, Thos 1'atUsou, Morris Bodlnson, W Van Antwerp, M Ecu. 3m 8r. vi..-.u fin 11 DSALa will bateceivedtoy{haGosaaus? ?1 n? . tud laspi cl is 1 1 omaioa Schools in the Sixth u ird ti I ..? 1 'ii;. ? ?: T. Thomas Jt So>. Architect*, No 37 Canal-street uutil the Nth day at March nest; for ?n fumi tnren aired in the uea School House in 1 ny Moll I'tace, iu said W ai il K01 plan.- .no! .j- eineatioos, apply to in' !? T. THOMAS St SON. IU >Ol\-KI-.l-:i'lM;, Arc. Ct C. MARSn, cVccoantant, respectfully announces that bis Counting-ltooms, No. ?s Cedar-street, cou tiniio open trom S A. M. to'.' I*. M. In the study of Book-keeping as It ia taught by Mr. Marsh, ovi rj pupil keeps, In the most practical manner, a eompleh ?' ' ??',<?"'? trtMp boots,embraclug all tho dlffer eut buslneoa transact ona ol a good mercantile house ; he becomes familiar with all the books constituting the set, witb all the itoeumonts relating to the books, trial halancca, balance sfa sits, ecounts current, nml ?itti vurtous mer cantlle caloniotlous ui Interest, dlscoant, c<|uationofpsy ments, exchange, fnoue course of Instructiona person of good capacity wfll become a competent Book-keeper, arui win receive a ccrtltlcato to thai effei t. N.> one Is taught In a class. M Kin-...Mil.n witiTtNc?a thorougb course of pro eyes si ve li-w..ii.-, wlib h will not fall In eflbctlng a valuable improvemeuL Specimens oi a truly mercantlls style may be .?1 ' ii at i.n: pixins. , Prospectuses, with terms, hours, Ice may be obtained at the rooms da,- and evening; <.c. r:>irs WORKS; The Sei. tu e of fh a'.io l'.:.'ry Book-Kceplhg Simplltled, II tii edition, '.'on pages octavo ; Price 4L The A.-i. i Single Entry Book-Keeping Improved, Udcdl tion, HW pages 01 tavo ; l'ri..e Tt> cents. For sale at the booksiarastahd at the room?. Mr. yt.inii oners bis send wot to oj ? ning, dosing, or wnt Ing up books ; 88C? ar-street, np stairs. *4Y DiSBUO.l M It'i'i: -. 1. - .-111; KJl. - No. fun Bo?Vry~."u?ar A ? indl i| lyettaPlace. \-?-V...k.-Mr. D.talth* honor to ooaoaaos thai his School m opaa Day and Evening, for Enoestriaa Toitioa and ^x^mis* RiJii.K. TERMS. uei 1 ti 1. Rvratisa Hioiso. IS Jjeasom.115 OBI I Moalli.$15 61 I" ?1..1" '.'.Via 00 t do . i oolm do .(00 Slack Lasaoa*. 2 fifllSinitV Hides. 7J Bool du ... 2iol N. It. IligMy trained and net Hones, b>r (lie Road or F* rul', to 1st. KVysiMJ 1 I.a'% It Lesion I.S3 001 m Ride*.Ill 00 fcin.ledo . I iiiiHiavie Bid*. ? RULES. 1 ? All Lesson* e r It ides paid lor oa rnmmanrjag 2? On- i ? u,- ill. I ... roch Lesson or Bide la the School. 3? One hour ind v half to n ou the Itoad. ??Hours for Ladii i, from ; A. M. t.. 2 V. M. S?Hoars tor Oi is f >m3l ind froin 7 to M. P. 5L 1/ - No Geatleineii s'lmiltiil durini; tJie hoars appicpnated to Lada i. A. ? ,r-! pi-? i'.iii to eoniinancins. ( >? lernen l?nrping li.pir bs '.-s in this esublislimtat will base the pr: nil geof riding thettl in the school gratis, f is hn PIANO 1-OKTK MA S I FA' TOBY.?The 8ubrcrlt<era are now uhlahing on entirety new article of instru? ments which are warranted superior in tone to any In use, ar..l to keep in *;:: to ? b r ; the Improvement coiisUis In a Harp Prame, pecttnol In construction, obvi? ating ever, objeetlon beretofaeconsed by the use of me? tallic p ate* In injuring the tone. I'rofeasors ami Purchas ;rs are invited to an examination ?f these Instrumenta. GLENN ROGERS & CO. JjrM 1S2 Fniton-srreet, E*?t side. Broadway. SPUING FASHIONS?TO '1 HOSE WHO ST I.'i A ECONOMY.?Th* ?uhserib-r, in accord ? with the inn. ti has v dnced hi* sapaxiot Imiuiion .kc. ? Uii on fur I), oi'-,. to lip- wy low price of ?iJ. T'.ic its are elogoat dipj,, list, and will coini/ur ?.jraatso*l) with li*t? i-dd ia tlu? city at s3 M and s3 .? i o.eonstao oj mannfieturiae Fur end Silk ?Isis of the best i aailty,l^tmpattcxns, aj.d si tlie lowest City pnees, for Cash. A issortmentof V'rlvpt and Cloth Caps alwaysoa hood. If in an] ? " ' ? ? iheahove doe? i t ai' eatira Mtisiacuoe, item ia- I' i iri|..;ui,tion to tlie ?abscri-' be-. J. ?V. KELLOGO, No. mCaaadeat. N. Ii.?V. ill Rdaore 00 tlie tirsl of May next to No. H5 Canal-strr '_ j,n? B EEB E u COST A K. HATTERS, so. \ . BROJijywav. xim-youk. FASHION YOU SPRING, I845. CROWNH!?ncfcc* h:^'l, ^ttUl ' >*voua?1 tnn* raV-Ti'^' ?eh-mit .null aad roaLd. ratLct fij ? with a ' - t-tt.- under [sut at the bluo * sloped sad !l .inch conred. CsMM-1'-'1 inches wide. v. ith nocklr. BLN'DINO?**b il> inch wfc A iDperiorqaalin . f ' Ai' f.'r OiHeers cf the Arrry andNa md'Spoitrast Cane Anew a acw psnvrn of La dys' Ri.ln r. ' > i fKtl_(?U S O 'l fc L. ATTORNEYS, COI^SELLORS* COMMIS. SlON?il.S.ic Can \x la uuhed with oeal TIN SIGNSt At she r. u otice. by ACKERMAN k MIL fli Jm 101 Nissau-st- brtwrej r ultsu aad AaO,