OCR Interpretation

New-York daily tribune. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1842-1866, March 05, 1845, Image 1

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AT 30 /ixn-STRKLT, * .W-TORK, .
? a^vcre! to lit v Subscribers.' -r NlM Crtm per wt*k- .
%r when tbcv prefer, they can pay to advance at t.c
i*ak for its months or a year at -Jie ?ante rate. Sui- ,
2 copies Two C ents. Mail subscribers Five Dollars ;
IZ annum, in advance, and tbc paper in no case con- ,
,i. red beyond the time for which it is paid, Subscrip?
tion tak.:lor als months. Three Dollars in advance
?Zrvl In all exchange* with Country .Newspapers.
V.' .vl-.apcrs received at this Office whose terms are
b^hrr than those of Tue Txtecjrxare not allowed any
w Um, or kss-Flrat luv rtion. ? cents.
^ ?? for c-nch subsequent marrtion. lit (
a Una, and over six?First insertion. M ^
f ?? for each subsequent insertion.? ?
, ?? far one week.jj jjjj ''
m for one month.So oo
j jjrrtaces. Funeral Nonce*, &c. not ucmUngfitt ^
l*p. Advertisements Inserted In this paper appear
asm the Morning and lu the Evening Editioti.
jath AitertUtn? not to exceed 12 lines, with
privilege of renewing advertisements a*, plea?
sure, fpayable quarterly or half yearly In ad
vat.ee,).*?> 00
,t the low price of TWO DOLLARS j-er anntuc, in advance.
I n CorXTgss FcsTWA ; u tab of Passion, by Ma, Coiui
tess Uavhn-Uahn. k. Winchester, 21 Am**?.
Evert- uation, in this age, seems to liave its fe
gtle novelist. France its George Saad, Sweden
s Bremer, England its Austen, America its Sedgc
tick.and the Countess Hahn-Hahn, holds this dis
?fjju-hed place in Cermany. This, hex first novel
sMished in America, will be received with inter?
s' as matter of curiosity. We shall read it through
xfore we speak further of it.
frjv The Wandering Jew, Xos. 11 and 15, are
tblirhed by E. Winchester, 24 Ana-street.
(ij. " Learning to Think," is the title of a neat
jje volume just published by Lane and Tippelt,
jiic Methodist Book concern We believe it is
?Tprint of an English work, revised, and most
sjbably improved, by f). P. Kidder, Kditor of the
j?k dejMrtnit-nt of that institution. The design
/:be work is sufficiently indicated by its title,
?j the method adopted by the author we consider
gnirably adapted to accomplish the purpose of its
From the ?:mie publishers we have also received
rveral mure of their series of I land-Books on Na?
sal "History, the titles of which severally are,
Tie Animalcula*, The Coral-Maker, The insecit,
"it Lub.-ter, The Song-Bird, The Feather, fee. Sec.
jot them illustrated by wood-cuisand very neatly
anc up.
Music ?" My Bark, which Moated over the
Jt," from the Opera of St. Mark, nnd " Avc/.zaiia'aQulck
?rp," hive just been published at Mclk-t's Music Saloon,
3 Broadway.
The Mtxt-KAt. Wealth or Wisconsin.?The
-ad region occupies sixty counties of six miles
Stre; the unexplored district North of the Wis
lasin River, not included in what is now called
;e mineral district, contains lead mines of great
a!ue. The copper region begins on the Southern
lore of Like Superior, and extends, in a Souih
resteriy' direction to ihe Mississippi River, or to
ae present lead region. Copper has also been
; o-irtti in the country above the Kickapoo River.
' faelve miles Irum Prairie du Chieo, and six miles
?m the Mississippi, a copper mine has been dis
mred; the ore of which will yield about 2 per
ent. bring about 7 per cent, bi tter than that found
1 Mineral Point. Another copper mine has been
iscovcted, which is very rich und extensive, on
Kickapoo, -13 miles North-east from Prairie du
lien. Iron ore of superior quality has been found
a Muck Kiver. which empties into the Mississippi
aut sixty miles, below the Cllippewa River. The
lire at Dubuque, discovered some time since, is
tfnomted lo be worth several hundred thousand
lllars, and to contain 3,IW0,WX> pounds of lead,
jpm those sources of mineral wealth with which
jt are already aopminled, and from the reasonu
|! liresuiuplinn in favor of other discoveries, Wis
Ittiin may be considered the richest mineral
jiar.try in the world. If the mineral lands could
a:purchased without incunibrar.ee from Govern
V:i', v is believed the mining, business would pro
ksa with greater rapidity thanni present. A speed?
er conmiutiiuiiion with the East i> of essential
nportance to the mining districts -, in other words,
connect the Lakes and the Mississippi must be,
nil it is accoinplishe'l, the leading project wiili
'Jse wiio inhabit the mineral region of Wisconsin.
Ijjjh'Tux Co.mvl-nh.'.\nt's Mamual' is the title
;|ao excellent volume just published by Stanford
.'|Swords, 13913rcadway. It contains the Order
tjthe Administrdiion of the Communion, by the
Bishop Hobart, and selections from the works
Bishops Beveridge and Taylor. It U very cle
tly printed and suitable for u gift.
Ihe Ci unvAToa jor March.?This cheapest
?cultural monthly contains i;s usual full comple
|at of interesting articles. Our old friend, Solon
'linson, contributes some interesting notes of hin
?els in Illinois. An excellent article upon
andscape Gardening,' contains a good sketch
?the Tan Rensselaer and oilier noted country
Ss. In all, there are ten wood engravings in this
*ibir, and many very valuable communications
ia variety of sources.
PuouRisAt.?According to the Philadelphia
nicle, n story which lately api'eared in the
I'j.-s .i/.,i,I/, by.Bernard Ullman, called
?e "From the Life of a Tenorist," is u tr.uis
?sui front i'ue of J. P. Lysen's Kunstnovellan
gi ol Art [German] entitled Tartini. A irans
:i:is appeared some years ago in the
Hbern Rose, edited by Messrs., Gilman, of j
"C Aquibuct Across the Allkguknv.?This
Sonstrucled by the ingenuity of the Pittsburg
iinies. will be completed, it is presumed, by
Koebunci, according to his contract by I
? sotApui. The suspension ropes will consist of
<a ?Muds of wire, suspended across strong
Je towers upon the piers, and forming an invert
trch,each strand three inches in diameterj
p-rop.s will then be wrapped in annealed wire,
?f. a"d t!'e "hole will be painted. The
Bff will consist of solid lattice work, or strong
His piaced in this form, contiguous ?'nd caiiabit
j tupportiug themselves without the ropes.?
? 'heel iraverses the distance across tlie river upon
and unbinds the wire from the reels as il
[ices and the wire are made by plae
"ihc two ends together and winding them with
uealed wire.
n-ifP0" Vf ^treasi.?A Southern paper records
V insuuees in which Cotton was shipped
*e\ instead of being shipped abroad, in the
*Cose Horn Montgomery (Ala.) up to the Tallas
"?!fcs !or the use of a factor}' lately erected at
?* .'sac-, and m the other, a shipment from Cc
*ia, Henrj- County (Ala.) to Columbus, (Ga.)
ir manutactory in that city.
For The Trlbuue.
'^amusing to notice the querluousness ofteeling
'"wyed in an articie in your columns of yester
^ortnng. relative to the Mercantile Librarv
Ration, lue writer seem? to suppose,because
;??|*b?t.ng Society with collateral'branches o,
???and l-ssa\s, cannot at once be formed
P?n Institution " with ll?0 paying members- is
. wane v0 tar is tins from being the case'
-} ?e lustitmiou is not only entirely free from
j^ot is aogruentmg the number of Books, nnd
^*ot members and subscribers constantly and
IgTWIV mcreas.ng.
mj* tavorable to the project indicated by "A
saould eiert themselves to cflect'it by
?S^trsclic measures than by merely leaving ?
Iwi in,i (leak: acnd as [t '9 a *rh?'me thut is
mgl inu-pt-necnt of the main objects of ihe Li
l!i-ree','L1I,no,-rS[opc.I>' be uken ?P b>- 'he Board
I^?^? 8Cted ?" " 8 gen"h! i
VOL. IV. nO. 283.
For The Tribuoe,
A few citizen-, of the Seventh Ward, with at
least two from Brooklyn, who contributeti?by the
way, quite a fraction of the audience?enjoyed a !
rich treat on Thursday evening last, in listening to j
this Lecture; and not only was it a gratification to
the intellect and imagination, a rare pleasure to an '
admir<:r of strong thought, forceful language, and j
a straight-forward, meanzn/relocution.bat the prac?
tical eifects of stich an address upon an intelligent
audience, cannot fail to be most nseftil and saluta?
ry. It is, and is to he, the great problem of the age.
lo place Labor where it otighi to be, high in the
estimation of men, und upon a fair footing in the
rewards it command- from .hern, as it is first in
usefulness to them. We hail the life and teaching
ot such a man as Eliho Burritt not only as among
the auspicious signs of the tiirtes, t>ut as themselves
exerting a iioweri'ul practical influence u;f>n the
great 'tuestion at issue. We may not agree with
Mr. Burritt in all his opinions: be makes us do
intellectual work, and think for ourselves; but we
wi-h liini '.?od-speed in converting man. by precept i
and example, to the opinion tint it is a noble thin? '
to irorl;? that it ig a divine privilege to labor. Wr
earnestly hope that our citizens will hive another
opportunity of hearing this lecture. It will probably j
be re-delivered at Bulger's Institute some evening
next week. S.
To the Editor 1/ Tlx Tribune :
I observe in your paper of this miming that som?
croaker its?.-ru that this Institution is on the wane, bc
cauae a project recently started to form a Debating Class
appear* not to have received that support trtrtn the mem?
bers which yourcor;?s;>onde!it believes It deserved.
My object in addressing you is to counteract whatever
of disadvantage may result from this attempt of your cor?
respondent to create an impression so injurious to the As?
sociation, nnd so unwarranted by facts. Why he should
have ? litten such a communication I cannot conceive. In
its tone ami spirit it so closely resembles the insidious at?
tacks which the Editor of a certain unfriendly pa|?er di?
rects r.galust the Institution, that I should class the w riter
of the letter among its enemies did lie not subscribe him?
self a ' Member.' His error, therefore. Is 1 f the head, not
of the rieurf; but Heaven save the Library from many
such Irlends 1
With regard to the proposed Debating Class, I am. and
have been for years, in favor of such a project. The
present attempt to establish it. though certainly not a fail
ore, has not been crowned with .triumphant success,
because :t Is made at n isrind of the year which is pe?
culiarly inauspicious for such a purpose. It is the be?
ginning of the busy season, and it is the close of Winter.?
If this subject Is placed before the members next Fall, (the
season when the other Classes are formed. 1 it will no doubt
receive a.- warm a support as Its most ardent advocate (a
' Member? I presume,) can desire.
With regard to the condition of the Mercantile Library
Association, l am happy to inform you that, though the
number of member* 1- by no moans a. great a* It should
be, yet, so far lioni the Institution's being on the wane, it
has been steadily gaining strength since September last.?
Indeed, the improvement this year has been so decided
that 1 have no hesitation in saying that Its affairs have not
presented so promising an aspect for several years.
?<srm. -
Offices am> Una1.?All men must agree that
offices' arc more obtained for the purposes of self
profit, than fulfilment of their duties. That this is
the case is owing to the fad that offices are the re?
wards ofpartizan political labors,audthai m-m hold?
ing power of appointment direct their efforts more
to the strengthening of thi ir own power, promot?
ing party schemes, and schemes more for the pro?
fits of individuals and cliques ihnn for public Rood.
Of public good sight is lost, and the " public goose''
is substituted. This holds good in National. State
and City Governments. When a party reach the
pinnacle, they appoint the most strenuous politi?
cians, and those appointed seek lo make the most !
of their appointments, and to earn as little of the
pay ihey receive as possible. An exception to this
general rule cannot be stated; while for illustration,
an example before our eves, under our 110-es and
feet mav he adduced. The example i- street clean?
ing. From the time of ihe lievoiation, wi>en
George il. in the Bowling Green, was converted
into musket ball-', lite streets have been annoytngly
and disgustingly dirty. When the pedestal was- re?
moved ami thus all reminiscence of kingly power
would be destroyed, the streets were no cleaner
Since the substitution of the rocky mountain, and
the lake watered and supplied with tlieCrolon riv- i
er, ihe rocks are fret- from dust, the lake dear and ,
brilliant as crystal, the gra-s gree n and bright, a
clean carpet for the lady deer, and the water fowl,
but thus it is not with life without the iron pale.
Is it nol possible to lind in this city one man who
has ambition lo keep clean streets, nnd lo use the
people's money freely for such a purpose 1 The
rain has done more tins month to afiect the state of
the streets than human exertion. S.
For The Tribune.
There exists a law passed by Congress, which or?
ders that all unclaimed properly remaining in ihe
public stores connected with the Customs longer
than a certain period of time, shall be sold by pub?
lic auction, the same property having been adver?
tised in the newspapers. Under this authority, a
package of French books, presented to mis Govern?
ment through the plan of exchange by Mr. Vntte
mere, has been sold, and of them the purthaserob
tained full and legal possession. There can be no
mistake as 10 the 'mcum' of this property, and j
whether tin- gentleman give them up to the Gov- 1
eminent through courtesy, or the Government pay
a handsome profit on them, isa matter between the j
parties themselves. For thi.-. gross negligence and
inattention there is responsibility somewhere, and
the responsible men are totally unfit for their places.
This IS evidence of the impropriety of placing party
hacks instead of business men in places oi trust,
and in places where, to have - wen' man to do his
duty,* men oi business habits and business qualifi?
cations should be selected. The expense is of little
conscience, it the purchaser be paid a profit, to
which claiming he is entitled ; but the disgrace to I
the Nation is deep and mortifying.
The steps by which the recovery of the lost book?
has been sought, being violent, and against right
and law, add new disgrace to the transaction; and
thus ignorant'-.- but adds new offence to what first
obtained through inattention and carelessness.
. spectator.
Mo.su.ir, March 3. !?li. |
Skxatb.?Mr. Sherman, presented from the Com- |
mittec on Public Expenditures, a majority repent.
adeerst lo the bill reducing the salaries of Comp?
troller and Secretary of State.
The bill and report were committed loa commit?
tee of the whole.
? An effort to procure the appointment of a Select
Committee oa Retrenchment failed, ii? to ti.
The Senate took up the biil in reiaiioa to Usury,
but no question was taken upon it.
Assembly. ? Mr. Morrison reported in favor oi
the bill to incor;?orutc the Troy snd Greenbush
ixatlroad Association, with amendments. Requires
payment of tolls during suspension of canal navi?
Al>o, by bill, to revive the charter of the I'tica '
and tsus.;uehaur.a HailrondCo.
. Also, by bill, tb compel the Mohawk and Hudson
Ka ..- Nad C ompany to pav tolls on the transport*
(ton ol treight.
Also, by bill, to compel the Trov andSchenecU
ay Railroad Company to pay tolls.
Both biils were referred to the same Committee
pi the yv hole ha\ ing charge of the Trov and Green
bush bill.
Mr Hams moved the printing of three times the
usual number of copies of the testimony taken be?
fore the railroad committee, in relation "to the Troy
and Greenbitsh Association. Agreed to.
The bill to pay the military called imo service at
Hudson passed.
The Committee of the Whole. Mr. Constant in
the chatr, took up the subject of the constitutional
Alter a speech by Mr. Van Seboonhoven, the
committee rose and rc|>ortcd.
On motion of Mr. Hani.-, five times the usual
number ot copies of the rejiort of the Secretary of
State on r.iiiroad statistics were ordered printed.
('?J- The steamboat Messenger lately made.ihe
distance between Cincinnati and Whee'ling iq -3SJ
hours. This is the quickest trip on record.
fef- Governor Morton, ot Louisiana, iecenllv
pardoned a convict confined in the Stute Prison,
auci on being made actntainted with his good for?
tune, the poor fellr-w dropped down dead from an
exnnm of p y,
At a meeting of the Whig Elector? of the town j
of Madison, held the 27th ef February bist, for the
purpose of nominating suitable persons to be sup- j
pored at the c>m:nz Town Election, the following
resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Jlesdved, That we have unwavering faith in the princi?
ples and integrity of the Whig party, ami do firmly be?
lieve that on the success of these principles res:*:, with the
ble?sins of a kind I*r. vi deuce, the only hope f >r the pre
servation of our glorious Cnicn and the perpetuity of our
free institutions.
It<u4'-td, That, with this conviction, we fee! Solemnly
called up n, as patriot* and good citizens, undismayed and
un- ishcarteued by recent defeat and d St?ter, renewedly
and rublicly to pledge our devotion to Whir principles and
t> tic Whic pany so long as it shall maintain, aud hon?
estly st ivc to carry oat, these principles.
Rttoittd, That i-i the issues Involved in the late Pre-:
dential contest, there wa? a rtir.- t and - % ???:,
bi-twcen the spirit of Slavery and the sniri; of Liberty, and
the conduct of the Whig party, throughout that contest,
and -Incc its adverse termination, entities it to the ap;-*j'a
tion o! the true Liberty Party of the Country.
RwAred, That in the conduct a:al spirit of the so-calleJ
"Liberty Party** during the recent contest-?its open and
malicna.it hostility 10 the Whig party, cngagi ?'. be lit?
ter wa-, heart and soul in deadly conflict with the Slave
power?its ln?anc hatred and vile slanders of :h ? Whir
candidate, whose lofty character and illn-:ri ins services
itcoild notapr.reci.tte?its cross and conscious perversions
of hi- explicit declaration*?its contemptuous ubuse of such
distinguished opp tients of slavery ac John '<?? A "lain-. <i..v.
Seward. Cassias il.Clay, William ?lade and -Joshua il. bid?
dings?the undisguised sympathy an! Indirect coalition of
its leaders witlt,thc Loco-Foeo party, Identified as that
piny was with the Slave power In the late Election?Its
frequent expressed wishes during the Canvas- fortho suc?
cess of that party?and its shameless rejoicings at its tri?
umph?we see abundant proof of Its hollow and hypocriti?
cal pretensions as au Antl-Slavi ry party, and of Its readi?
ness lo sacrifice the cause cf the SUve to the narrow and
paltry interest., of mere party organization.
Alecfr./, That in the openavowala of some of the promi?
nent leader^ of the so-called 1 Liberty Party,' we have pos?
itive proof that they are Loco Focosof ihe most radical
stamp, and in this identity of principle we see the true ex?
planation of their sympathy and cooperation with the
Loco-Foco party in the late election.
Reteteed, That while we have no lean that any true
Anti-Slavery Whig will in future be delu led into an adhe?
sion to the ' Liberty Party' by its false Anti-Slavery pre?
tences, we cmnot but rlicri-h the hope that many who
have been thus deluded will, since '.he hypocrisy of Its
lenders has been so e'early exposed, return to the Whig
party, which has proved the -sincerity of its hatred to Sla?
very in deetl as well as in uwii.
Resolved, That the foregoing resolutions be slcned by the
Chairman and Secretary, and published in the Madison
Count-.- Eac'e, New-York Express, and New York Tribune.
/.UNAS HATCH, Cbairnuui.
N*. S. Howasd, Secretary.
HV Till. BXr-OXTEk OF Till-. NEW.TORK TaillfNE.
Washington. March .1. 1845.
In Senate.?Mr. White nude a report from the
Committee on Indian Affairs, authorizing the Sec?
retary of War to pay over any balance thai may be
due to the Shawnee Indian.-, for services rendered
by them to the I'nited Slates during the war in
Mr. Atchison moved to take up House Hill No.
?! ?!?, (or organizing the Territory of Oregon, und for
oilier purposes.
The question was negatived?Ayes 21, Noes 2:5.
Mr. Bagby called ihe attention of the Senate to
an article which appeared in the Richmond Fn
piire <>f Saturday, i; wasfound in .1 communica?
tion of the Washington correspondent oftli.it | aper.
lie had always looked Upon the editor of that paper
is a gentleman ami a very worthy man, and how
r.ir it was proper for him to give circulation to so
iross and infamous a calumny a? that which this
articje contained, it was for hint alone and future
consideration to determine. It was published in
lliut land where his friends and relations resided, 1
and on that account lie felt the mere sensitive about
it, lest the calumny should be believed by tho e
who were acquainted with him and lham.
He did not know who the author of the commu?
nication was; he would go farther, lie did not care
who he was. It may be one of those parties who
some about the Capitol whose occupation is lying
If the author be of that c!..:-.=, he would leave him '
:o the infamous and detested ami of mankind with '
its occupation.
If he be of the class who believe false accounts,
tnd then circulate them, he would leave him to ,
Heaven. Mr. Bagbythen read r11 c article, which
\ie pronounced fulsej foul, and infamous.
Mr. Walker said that it was due 10 ihe Senator
:rom Alabama (hat every thing that was said of
rim in ihut article in relation to his desire 10 vote
for the bill if his colleagues decided notto speak
upon it was noi true, so far us knowledge ci his
.lews extended.
Mr. Evans moved thai ihe S< nate recede from
:he amendments made to the bill making appropria
lions lor the Militnry Academy ui West Point,
which was agreed to.
The bill making appropriations for certain fortifi?
cations was then taken up, with amendments from
ihe House striking out 9-10,000 for improving the
harbor of Boston. The bill thus amended was
agreed to.
The civil and Diplomatic bill was then passed,
after having been repotted by Mr Evaxs irom the
Committee of Conference of both Houses, to
whom the subject h id been referred.
Mr. Bekxikn ihen presented a report from the
Judiciary Committee, embodying the mass of evi?
dence collected by the Committee on the subject of
Naturalization. It was ordered that 5.0.0 extra
copies be printed the Loco-Focos voting in the
On motion of Mr. Walker a compensation was
voted from the contingent funds of ihe Senate to
Mr. Mav.i m for his able discharge of the dune.- oi
President of that body. The rs^.;..[e then took a
recess till 5 o'clock.
House of [Iepresextativiji.?Mr. Owen, from
the Committee on lioadsand Canals, made a re?
port on the memorial of Asa Whitney, Esq.ofXew
Vork, for a grant of Government laads, to enable
him to construct a railroad from Lake Michigan lo
the Pacific Ocean, with a view of making it the
great thoroughfare to China: and it was laid upon
the table ami ordered to be printed.
Mr. Cave Johnson moved areconsidi ration of the
vote by which the House passed the bill author?
izing the Chicasaw Indians to try the validity ol
their claims under the treaty between them and
the United States, in the judicial courts.
A question arose r.s to whether the bill, having
passed fromthe House and been sent to theSenati .
could, in its absence, be reconsidered. Finally, a
resolution was passed, respectfully requesting the
Senate 10 return it.
The Speaker signed the bill for the admission ol
Iowa and Florida into the Union, and it was re?
turned to the Senate for tite signature of its presid?
ing officer.
Mr. McKay; from the Committee of Conference,
on the part of the House, with respect to the amend?
ments to the general appropriation bill, made .a re?
port, adjusting the disagreement between the two
Houses : and it was concurred in.
The seventeenth joint rule, which provides that
" no bill or resolution that shall have'passed ihe
Houre of Representatives and the Senate, shall be
presented to the President of the United States, for
bis approbation, on the latt day of the teuton,' was
suspended?yeas 121, nays 47.
The bill authorizing the Chickasaw Indians to try
the validity of their claims, was returned from the
Senate, in accordance with the request ot the
The question to reconsider the vote by which the
bill was passed was decked iq the affirmative.
The question now recurriug on its passage, the
Yeas and Navswere taken, and resulted?Yeas 51.
Nays sti.
So tL-e bill was rejected.
Mr. I! cherts submitted a resolution, which was
agreed to. directing 'he Secretary of War lo insti?
tute an investigation into the disbursements arising
under the Treaty of 1832 and 1S-H. and that he di?
rect the C'hicka-sHw agent to collect information :n
relation to the Chick tsaw fund.
Mr. P. Ivtng sa.d that there was some misunder?
standing us lo when the bill to reduce the rales of
postage, etc. .-hull go into operation : and to avoid
this, he introduced a joint resolution, which expli?
citly stales that the act shall go into operation on
the rirst oi July next, and not sooner. And it was
rey.d u third time and passed.
The sixteenth joint rule was suspended that lh?
resolution may be sen: to the Senate.
The House at three o'clwck, took a recess until
&Tjj- The practice ot leaving the shutters open in
the evening, for the purpose of illuminating the
streets, is becoming common in Phile.eelphia. This
is a truly economical idea, and would have pleased
??- Acconfins to the Prussian Universal Gazetie,
the revenue of Prussia has increased in seven vears
upwards ot five milii-irt? nnd a balfroichsthalers, or
from 51,740,000 r. in 1SC5, to 57.-5i-2.r-ts.? r. in 1S!2.
55- On Wednesday evening last two brothers
arrived at a ho:-.-! h Pi?-btirsn, hiiei a room, and
commenced drinking. When they became intox?
icated, ihe one mistook the oiher for a robber, hav?
ing five thousand doHsrs in :,D'd abont hint, and
almost beat him to death with. ? ghair Stich is the
advantage of drinkins I
Low Paicxa or liooos am> the T-amtf.?T.ier- u a sin
gle fact, connected with the price* of goods at present as
coir. ;iared with their prices many years ego, which gives
to the Protective TariS' policy its main strength in the
>? nth arid Wi St. The fact is this?manufactured gtods are
cheaper now than they ever were when there w.i? not a
Protective TarilT in operation _ [Nashvtiie Citton.
We are glad at last to get this admission from
o'jr contemporary. His comments opon it are ingen?
ious but sophistical; and shall be attended to in
due t:rne. In tb? meanwhile we record bis ac?
knowledgement of a tae; which Loco-F?co organs
snd sporjters have been in ihe habit of rfnblushinglj
denying. [Nashvilel Banner.
A VrnLit?The venerable Gen. Gideon Fos
ter, of Danv-rs. was ninety-six years old on Sun
dav last. On the day previous he drove alone to
S dem, in his own chaise, made several purchases,
and returned in safety, notwithstanding his ad
? nnced age and the dangerous state of the roads ?
Ff.v persons who have passed tiirotigh the meine
rahle scenes he has, evince so much activity, even
when a score of years younger. [Salem lieg
fcg- The Cherokee Advocate of February (Ith,
says that on the 23th nit, a band of assassins entt .
ea the house of Mr. Charles Thornton, near the i
Arkansas nver, in the Illinois di.-:ric-, and murder-1
ed Mr T. in bis bed. Tne murderers shot him four j
tim<:s, inllici'-d seventeen stabs nponhis person, and
cut his ihruat from carlo ear.
(Zh I' spears from a report recently mace by the
Committee 0:1 Naval ArTairs to the Crated Stales Hoa-e of
Ecpresentatives, that from the year IS30 to Jd-iO. eighty
vessels were io-t by explosion of steam boilers, a::.; th .: se?
ven hundred and eight p?rsons were killed and two hun?
dred and ninety-six wounded by these disaster*, Dnring
the same jenod of time (ten years) twenty-five
were destroyed bv Ore,and two hundred and fifty-five lives
?jO*-A Urge meeting was held in Jackson (Mich.)
on tiie loth ult. to inquire iatq the feasibility of
uniting the Orand an<f Raisin rivers, and so con?
necting them by a canal, that a cnnimitnicaiion
may be established "set ween Lakes Erie and Mich?
Bit by a Dog.?An elderly ladv named Moore
was shockingly r>itt?ti by a dog on Tuesday, one of
her legs being literally torn in pieces, besides having
sustained other injuries. It is not known positively
that the dog was rabid, though many-suppose be
was, from the fact that a rabid dog was killed in
thai neighborhood on ."ninday last. There are
faint hopes of the ladv's recovery.
[Pittsburgh Chroh.
Brants, Maekiages and Dkaths in Massachtj
<-Kn -.?Reports have been received from2SS town*
in Massachusetts! Total birth.-. 11.707. Male chil?
dren, 7,399: females, 7,042, and Mil! whose sex is
ne t s'.ifed. The number of marriages is stated at
1,304, or 1 to every I3S persons. The average
throughout England is 1 in 127. and in London. 1
to Uli. The deuths are stated at tv".-? or 1 in 70.
Woolen Factort at Arnrr.v.?Tli- citizens of
Auburn are moving in earnest lorn Woolen l-'ao
tory. They propose a capital of * 10,000. exclusive
of the site.' More th in $17,000 have been sub?
fcj- The Yazeio, (Miss.) Banner States that ele?
ven hundred Choctaw Indians passed through that
place on the 6th ttlt. on their way to their new
home beyond the Mississippi River. They were
accompanied by a Government Agent.
{1(5- The Troy Female Seminary continues to be
in a prosperous condition, as we leurn by the Re?
port o! the Bourd of Examiners.
Q*j*K St Thomas1 (Protestant Episcopal) Church
was. dedicated on the 25th, at Newark, (Del.)
making lour churches in that village beside a col?
Health or tue Ott.? It appears from th; Hcport of tho j
City inspector that the number of Deaths in the City and
County id New-York during the week ending Horch I was j
?-'07?32 men. 51 women, GS boys, 53 girls?of which were
of abscess 1, apoplexy I, bleeding from lungs I, bronchitis
5, burned or scaled 1, cancers, cholera Infantum I, con
sumption 21', convulsions II?. croup II, congestion ofbrai:
1. 01 .ge-tioii of lungs .1, debility 3, delirium tremens i.
Iropsy S, dropsy in the head dropsy in the chest I,
drowned I,epilepsy 1, erysipelas i, bilicus fever I, remit-|
tentscarlet do 2, typhus do 3. disease 01 heart ;>. hooping
?ough2, inflammation I, do of brain ,-, do. bowels ?, do.
che st I, do. du. lungs gl, d.i. stomach I. do. liver S, Intem?
perance marasmus S, m usics I, uiertiticntloa 1, old age
J, palsy 6, plucrisy 2, small pox-1, suicide 1, stricture I,
teething A, ulccration of stomach l.ulceration of throat 1,
unknown 2 varioloid I. -11 were under I year of age; I tc 2
years,33; 2 to5 27, 5to I'), 12; 10to2?, 13;20to30, Ifl;:
to 1?, 2e; 10 to.10. lfi; 50 to fid, f.; f,0 to 70. Ii; 70 to SO, s;
-1 to 90, .1; 90 to 100,1; 10D and upward, I: unknown, 1.
I7? were natives of the Culled Stale-. I-of Ireland, 1 of
England, 2 of Scotland,-I of Cermony, l of France, I of |
Wales. Of the above were from tbeCcllcvue Hospital I.
City Hospital 3, Hospital I, I.jing-in Hospital I, Lunatic
Asylum 1. Colored pcr.-on- I-.
n .4?lacivi
WELL GOSS Informs his friends and the public mat be I
baa enlarged bis BO?RDLYG ES TA?LISHMJZXT, km wn
as the Graham House, ti.'i Barclay-street, by adding to it
the adjoli lug bouse,and Is prepared to accommodate t.-.a
si ut >r permanent Hoarders on the most favorable tern
All fi iv-rd.s of Temperance desiring a quiet home, tin - frex
dorn from the fumes of alcohol and tobacco, ure invited ti
patronize this boose. The Vegetable System, with tl.;
choicest select] n oflruits, Ac. which the market uffords,
will if strictly adhered to, but a table will be served m
tho c w ho prefer the ordinary mode, or mixed diet.
Cro'ou Shower, Warm and Coid Baths, iree.
o? tf _ROSWELL COS?.
?V LEECHES ASH 1 ITS applied by Mr. MAGNUS
SON, corner of Broadway and Broome street, entrance In
Broome -t. New-York.
References.?ilr. Cbeesman, Dr. Mort. Dr. Nelson, Dr.
Francis, Dr. Stearin, Dr. Merger, Dr. Weed, Dr. Sinclair,
Dr. D. Smith, Dr.Quackenbos.
Be-t Swedish Leeches eon-tartly on hand. 'aOs 3m
Cd. XASE. of' Amenta, Neie-Ycrk, mites
under datt of Junuury 2S, 184d,
[as follows:
Mr. Isj ic I jttj :
Sir: 1 he high utimarioa in whichIWIetaA Balsam of Wild
Chen v i< held a nothing moir than it merits. Hat mg vrn us
beneficial effects in my own family,. 1 believe it to be iavalua
b!e in c.ses oflncipieai Consumption.
My wife. who?< ennstitutioa i* laterally feeble, in th- f,||
oi imz took a serene cold, wbichaffected her long*, producing
1 hamssiBC coogb sad boaneneas, 5-1 that she cculd with dilh
culty si-eak.
While on a visit to her friends list spring,- her attending
physicians b< came ilarined *t h?r Situation, t< Id her thai oa
less hrr cough a id other symptom- left her as the weather ip
pro icbeil. it v. -. 11 Id l.e not likely ? ? ihr w.-.rtn w:alher beeanM
cold. At the same nm-h- car- lomeatediciBe to t.ik- whii ii
lemledmlesseBher fever, bat still her t OUGH; HO LRS?
Nr.SS .,iid RAISING OF BLOOD continued about the
. nie time. Ar this alarming of tl? disease I procurvd a
few b":1': . of W*istar*S Bilss.n oi wild t l.-rr>'. winch -i.- iw
gan to t-ikr. Atternsiag one bottle I could fs-rcriv-little or
no beneli: from it?(because she had become so I?I redui e I by
this emaciating disease)?bat 1 prevailed on her to condone
its n-e. though I freelv confess it w^s hoping sgaiosl hoj-e.
Before tht second bottle was rone I thought there was me
relief,and she perseier- d in it, us,-:ill thehadjakea6or 1
?:! -. .tad now. >ir. th- gmtif.i.e.- r?ult ii a PKitr'Kl'T
FLESTORATiON to her nsu.xl heaPh. Not ? - ??( th
ihrming mpCOms bave .-t-ipi-aie,i, <nd I should do iiiy?rll
ii-.iiutice did i not fully and earnestly rrcomuk-Ld it to others
?ah ? u. j It : 1 s simiisr sr.Jio.i::.
Respectfully yoorfriend, W. H. NASE.
E. M. Swilt, cm;. Dutrict Attorney of D?te!?--. ? n.wri'.-*:
Fehnaiy^S, lr-lj.
I am acquainted with Col. TV*. H. Nase, of Ameaia, who is
a man oftruth?and his statement of ficts i? rutitltnl ti full
cfd.t. Farther, 1 know that the bealtli of his wife is shortly
improved. E. M. SWIFT
Again we say. call and >ee th- oaicrxaL doccmexts.
Thev fall} rrove that tiii< B-!?atn is tl-r only reliable r-medt
for iniirs, tt rakaess of the ' best and Lungs. Coughs. Colds,
Liver Complaint, Ineipieat CoosBmptioa. Asthma of one ten
10 years" steading, llaisiug of BI00J. and every JLeue pro- |
daced by a c. Id and changing dim lie,
Kt member, our certificates auJ s:i*cxeat> of cures are in
Pnncipal uiSce g Asu-st. bat seid by Druggists in ill pv.-j
Of ?S* cur;!.-,-. sSTSm*
FOR THE FILES!?Arc you arPJcted with Pile.-"1
Tn-. then, without delay, Doctor Ppham'a Veg
etable Electnary, the best remedy ever offerts! to public
notice. This reaBy excellent medicine is the result of a
Ihnrough nicilical ?rdrcatlon ang a complete knowledge of
the disease for which it is recommended. The most tri?
umphant success attends its adnumotration.
Read the following remarkable cases:
A :.. Iy, resi-ilng; in Norfolk street, was serfc-usly a"i!cted ,
with i'lics ? so great was her suffering, that, to use her own |
expression, life was a burden: for four weeks *he had been
attended by cue of our most smineit I'hysicians. without1
?' e least benefit. Satisfied that :t was an aggravated cane
Of Tiles. I prescribed the Electuary; two boxes were used.
Six months after, the same lady called on me to prescribe
for another complaint, and thc.nswormed me that -he was
perfectly cum! of the Piles by tie two boxes, and hod ez- j
pcricnccd no return since.
Mrs (i resi ling in Greene street, ca..ed or, me last SptfilK,
saving, ttiat she had been afleehtd with Tiles for two years,
ace.^r.ipanied bv pale in the side, palpita?cr. ot the heart,
s ,t.;;...jtraighxness across the chest, and op-ression.
*t,e was unable to lie down without elevating the head and
che-t. !..-:.lerai'lv; resting !? ? ? ' ; 1 '
of suffocation, followed by a cough- By usias one box of
Die Eb . t-aarv, the pain In the side, palpitation am. oppres?
sion c-a-ei, ?fce could Uc down without inconvcmcact, a-d
the IT. - were . illy removed, and a second box m*.c
a c r.- eie cure, to the great gratification of the rc'-ient
S > d in this City bv the PrcfrieV-r onfy, a regularly eda
cat ? t I h'-sxian con'rliied t>> an cttiee yractice ur the zzer.:
me it 01 Crtsostc Diseases, >'e- I&6 Bowery. Medical
adv ce in relation to the above, or any otter compiafar,
gra is. Trice ct tlie ?lccfuary one doL'ar. K?- fctneniixr
tha the EUctnary is an Isteenal EEaxnr. and cot an
erf -mal appliratiim, and sold oslt at 1S6 Bowery, four
ffos .-a above Speing ?*? O??* 0-013 7 A-M-,
SC II 5. 13 r5.
TT t "NT'S l.INIMi'.NT ?This celebrated remedv is new !
J 1 Mr th- Erst tim- '.tfrrrJ :., the New-York public: the ee?
le.'nity ?hien it bis oU?ra-J in the county (Wesichester) |
where It was originally otroeoced, ha, i ..'.S.--.I the proprietor I
Westend its sale throoghoq: th- cxnratry. Tberebss never yet
been discover-v. sn external remedy that has proved vi certain
i :?- -rTc;., !.) [?? :???. can::.- f e f n.i; .ii.-i..-, :?
Rneiisselwin, Sseetltd E. mi .. Pan* in Mr CSeW and Rue*.
Spraxnt, Bruises, nervous Affections, NV*Jb?? in tkt >
Joints, Contnctsonsof tke Muscles, Bums. Soil K:.u,n 1
Croup, .-rrr-e in the t-ac. Tont it -icA*. 4 c st-e.
Thef-lionms I Bets fionv the highly eminentrhwicivni
who h?v- hid crurc? o! :h.' Mos, i:vl in ?!.?? Si ig Sin; Stvte
Prison lor many yesrs. is the ir..?st powerful ?vi.ln ce 1T1 l'ivor
of this celebrated Extern.-! Remedy, lad 1, , ?aiueirui cuirac
t? thai it i? worthy the conlijecc- of tlw public. Vor partic
ulin.sr- the certificates sccoapanyias each bottle. Price
Zi cents.
Srsrq SiNfi, December:-tth. IS:I.
3Ty Dear Sir: Received \ our note ol ;.e?terd.iy iskin?: inv
opinion in relatii ;-. :?> Hnnt"< Linment, prepared by Mr. <.}. K.
b tan too. Knowing it* eompositiou. audjitving fre.;u?itlv
u: ? I it, I cm recommend it U>ffi u as 1 safe external remedy,
ai.d iu ray c^ini -a the test Liniment m o.e.
Vriy truly lud rcsrvctfully v )ms,
CoL Ptsaac V,n (.'outiaviit.
! fully concui in above opinion.
This Licim-ti! is sold be Rushton Sc1 ty '.:,? Broadway, IS
AstorHouse; Broadway, corner Foiirticurh-sireet; A. B. &
D. Sands.79 Fnltou-saiet,273 Broadway,., East Broadway;
Aspinwall, K William-street, Meattim,5H Broadway: tlui
? ? 12? I! nvrrv. rorrv r ? f liracd-street: Moss. COrnerofCaa:
dou and Grand-street; C. I'. Huettir, p.i Nsrao-street, cor.
of Ann: Bonsai!, cor. Canal and Hudson; Austin, ccr.
Cedar and Nassau ; J. J. Coddington, Z)3 Hndson-sOeetJ
Graham, eornerofOld-slipand \s'.l>r >treet: liihhard ScCobb,
96John-street; M.-i Hayes, 139 Fnlton-st. Brookhn: Quick,
corner of Atfantic and Columbia Bipoklyotand Druggist*
generally cJirouabout th- cirv and United States; and by
lie IDLEY, PHELPS M t 6. 112 Wate .?treet N. V. who
aie the ? bolesals agent*. < Irders add,-> s-ed to them or to tlie
proprieti - it Sins Sink will be ath ad-d to.
ft I i-n- i.-.oin;-: r.. stanto.v.
Which H> . Falzers Olosaonian, or All Heating
Balsam has mi t with, not only in its sale, hut
also in the wrcs tvhich it has effected, in
personstcho in re in a hopeless ? ontittitm,
has convinced the mr.$t skeptical of
its extraenrdiitary curat ire pro?
perties, and established its
claims !>the name of the
G H E A T 11 F. M E D Y.
The rpic-tlon is no longer asked, " Can Asthma be cure-it"
It has been satisfactorily settled within the last two
months that K?lner'* Oli-aonia.i will produce a cure i,uick
er than any Other remedy ::i the world, and references can
b" gin i: :o person 1 in and out of the city, who have ex?
perienced its wonderful virtues, who had tried for years
all other remedies in vain.
.Mr. WILSON a hr, aver, residing at Hohokcn. N. J.
had trie.', every remedy which he could hear of for the re?
lief of Asthma, and had spent more than one hundred dol?
lars in end -avorlng to procure help, hut 111 vain. He com?
menced u-iiie the Olosaonian, January :11st. The first
ilo-e he to k gave him relief, and two rays afterward his
wife ealle '. to say that the small ipiantity of 1 his remedy
which he had taken li id done tum more good than any and
a'l the medicine he had ever used in his life.
lUrs. BEIX, the wife of Robert P. Bell of M?rri?town,
K.J. who was severely afflicted with Asthma, was mven
up by her physicians. She was removed to the sea board
m the hope of palliating her distressing symptoms, but
with no benefit. One bottle of the Olosaonian so far re?
lieved her that she was able to ^et up from her bed- and
d ess herself, a thing -he had Lot d.me before in months,
and she has now returned to her residence in Morristown,
N.J. with every pro? ect of being speedily restored,
yields to its effects. It soothes the troublesome Cvigh
a id [fives refreshing slumbers to the weary; it allays the
/?am in the side ana soreness In the ehest; and enables the
person to expectorate easily, while It entirely restores the
secretiouaof the s\ st. m and expedites returning health.
JAMES i:. DEVOE, Idl It ado-street, had long been
eo nplaining of a soreness in the chest, accompanied with a
short,hacking cough ; ho raised mutter freely, had lost his
appetite and fell alarmed at his situation. He h d tried
various rent lies with ai any beneficial eiiect. ill- short?
ness of breath ami pain In the side continued to increase.
He used one bottle of the Olo-ajiuan, and is restored to
Oe irse vV. Burnett of Newr.rk, N.J. Ceorirc W. Hays
ofNcw-Vo k, David Henderson, 60 Lalght-st. Mrs. Me?
Gann, 20 Walk r?st. Y. Laban, 53 l'ike-st, Mrs. Archibald,
a.". Walkcr-st. with
of persons residing In jfew-York, could he Riven, who are
r a y tu bear testimony to the superiority of the Oiosao
nlau over eve/ other remedy known for the cure of
i'oiilVs, Co'd>, .Ns li'i'a. ('<cisunv..tiiin. Spl'tlnrt of llloo.l.
Dyspeptic Consumption, Bitinchltis, Difficulty of Breath?
ing, Hoaracuess, Influenza, Pains lu the Breast ami Side,
and the larioes affections of t!:e St nnch und Liver.
Kor sale at 106 Nnssau-St. one door above Ami, and at
Mrs. Hat139 Fulton-st. Brooklyn. j 10 3m*
J-> low?, N. V.?WILLIAM !'. LYON", A. M. Princi?
pal.?Summer & ssii u will opi n on the 1st of May.
To those Who dcire to place sons at Itoa-lim; School,
thcadvai ta^es Offered at this Institution nie believed to he
equal, if not superior, 10 any. It bus been in success?
ful operation seven years The location, delightful and sa
I'llo. is rcm nl. i.t of access trr.ni the City. The edi?
fice is immodl us and ? mfortal le?tlie play rrounds atn
I '?? an.! di-ei ltd .;. in the village. The government is
efficient but mild, resent ling that of a well regulated
Christian family?and no duysch"!ars arc received to coun?
teract the salutary influence at family training.
The system of Uist: iction is designed not inertly to ad
vance and per* Ct the DU) II In the brunches studied, but to
develope and tnstruct the judgment, to enlighten the an
deretanding, to form the habits, and to give a moral and
Useful direction to tue inclinations.
Further pttrdcubtrs, including Catalogue of Students,
opinions af patrons, fee. will he found in thepamptuet ircu
lar of the Institute, to he bad on application at the Hook
S:..re-. ? r.. j-.!.t: A Welford, .Cstor House, and Ihiynor's,
70 Bowery.
Beference, by permission, to the following distinguished
Wash;::.??.0:1 Irvine, Esq.
II.hi. Daniel Webster, C. S. Senate.
Hon. Gullen C. VerplondL
Capt. Alex. SUdell Mackenzlo, C. S. N.
Nathaniel Ii. Hohnes, Esq. Tarrytown.
Fruiicis Hull. Esq. Rev. Nathan Hand. DD. Wm.C.
i:r; ?. E-fj. George T. Trimble, J. It. Vau llensselaer, M.
D. I. . ta*&Brothers, New-York City:
Also to the following who arc now or have been, patrons:
Rev 11 W Hunt, ZcbebeeCook, Jr. BenJ L-?ler,
Eev I. M Vincent, M Van Beuren, Oscar Irving,
Kcv Thos r.arch, Jas M Hayt, Theo Keese,
Kev J Dewing, J I. Mott, J W Kncvels,
Kcv JSewell. C Dusenberry, L Denlson,
Rev A F Sdlcck, B E Kip, Oeo Clinch,
Rev Dr West, PParmony, H WClaop,
Dr Jos Scribtier, Wn: 1; B iggs, BenJ I* Ifrush,
Rev I) Babcocfc, E IV Van Voorhls, F Caaipbcll,
A 11 Uvlngston, Leonard Elrby, W S Dnnham,
Diana MorrelL JacobLeroy, B F Howe,
Peter Pinckney, Gen G ii striker, 11 Ka.vrior,
Chas Stenn, Harvey Weed. I-aac Adriance,
Ji ' . :::.;n, B ? W'he. iwright, Lios I'attison,
Morri? R?blnson, W Van Antwerp, M Eels, go ^m
{?KU->t;.\ 101.V ii:'i.\i;i'.A'.i .?>?.li'.-oL. MIDDEE
Established In 1835. Sessions commence May 15th and]
Oct. I.V.h, continuing five months, at SiO per session.
Tborougll preparation for college or business, and person
sl attentions an secured to pupils as fully as m the mcst
expensive schools. Lada trorn New-York are placed in
charge of u carctul person, ;olkg and retitnilng. Circulars
.r. II Market-Street and 17 8 Broadway._d^lyc
KALhU PROPOSALS "ill be mceived by the 1 ommis
si .uers sod Inspectonof 1 ? mmoa Schools iu the Sixth
Ward ittheOrnc, ofT. Tirojus k Sos Architects, No. 17
I anal-street, until the lltl-davcf March next, tor tlie funn
fir. .- :un d in ::. ? i.e? School Ho?J*e lu I. If/ Hill Place, 10
laid Waid.
J^s^cmcauont, apflv tQTHtfMAS fc spy
Jj'JOK-KEL.PiN<i, ice.
C, C. MARSH, Accountant, rt-pectfully announces
>? that ' i- v ? an ting-Rooms, No. es Cedar-street, con
thme i pen frctn ? -C M. to 0 I*. M.
In the ptudy of Hook-keep ag as It i< tanirht by Mr.
Mar-h. every "pupil keeps. ::i the most practical manner, a
eomydrte set of p<irti ers!np b-mis. cmbmciii? all the differ?
ent badness transactions of a g.xrd mercantile house ; he
becomes fatn.iiar with ail the 'uooks cotistitutins the set.
with all the documents relating to the hi.ok.<. trial balances
balance sheets, a .count, current, and wPJh various mer
con'ale caictilati'Jiis.m interest, cUsconnt, ce^uon of pay
men t^ exchange, Sec.
In one course of hostntctios a pcr?cn of good capacity
will berorne a competent Book-keeper, and will receive
a certi?cite to that eifeet. No one Is taught in a class.
MEUCANTILK WlitTlNU.?A thorough course of pro
crc-slve lessons, which will not fail in effecting a valuable
Improvement. Specimens of a truly mercantile style may
be seen at the rooms.
P. ispectsses, with terms, hours. A':, may be obtained
a*, the rooms (lav and evcnitii.
C. C. M vr.sli'S WORKS,
The Science of Doul.de Kntry Bo-A-Ke'.-plng Simplifled,
II th edition. ?JOO rJCres octavo : Price SI.
The Art of Single Entry Boc S-Keepmg Improved, 3-iedi?
tion. 13U pages octavo ; Price "o cents.
Ft ?nie at the b.?oiatsir?a, aud at the rooms.
Mr JLir-h o:f:rc hi-services! in openlag, closing, orwrii
lac uj> hooks ; is Cedar-street, up stairs._?tST
DlSLilO'.s S UKHNU-SCllOliL?No. tu? Bo"wer>:, near
Astoi a id La r .;. Ute Place. New-York.?Mr. ?. haa the
honor t>^ aanounc that his Sc!. ^?1 u open Day and Eveaiag,
for East t.-iau 7"ui:ioa and 't-reise Riairg.
tXCTCBt USSOXS. Etrgctsz RtmNO.
16 Lessons.s'.S 0C| 1 Month.SU 00
10 do .I? no[J0 Hides.10 Irt
? iv . 5 who do .6 00
Single Le-jau?. J uO iSiu.'k Hide*. 75
Koad do . 2 50'
N. B. Highly tratnrd and met Hones, for the Roid ot-fa
radr, to leu
avsoiixo cu*s?,
12 Lessons .S3 ociin Kida.?;o v<
Single do . I mi Single Bide. 75
1? AH Lessons cr P.idrs paid foe on commencing.
2? One l ea.- allowed 00 each Lessen or Hide in the School.
3? One h^ur ?.nd * half to a Letson on the KoaiL
4? Hours for Lade s, f.-cm ?) A. JL ? 3 V. M.
5? H- ;in lor Oeutlimeu. from i lu 5 aad from 7 to 9j, P. M.
S? No Cr=i.?cmcu aihaiaed during the hour? sppxoprxstad to
A card ol 21 dress is requested previoux to eommencice.
<je?:lemen keepimf ili^ir iiorsea in ti;u eatabliahmeat
??Ii harr ::* ; rr.ileg. ...f riu;i< :'?? in iu tr.c ?cr.ool gratis.
f!? Im*
'?"?? .< ii.ll ?hil.Mr.hS-i.r.m 1 Kl 1 fill 1 >.>??I he
A aubsenber his recessed s r a^.c.-rr.'-n: of " New
Hooid'a " com|k?itii? an 1 at?1 doctors, foe aale at the oxmet
cost of importation, (?hui doctors tile*.I
mJtf JUHN A. NfcWUOULD, ?lohnst, (upstain.)
WHOLE *0. 1211.
AS ?X phenomena 6f magnetic poUriiy. attraction and rr
pclsion. have it length been resclved into ooe grnersl fart?
that two currents of electricity moving in die ?im- dirreti. a
repel, and n contrary directions, attract each other ; said po?
larity baa errr been communicated to tlie romposs 11?die by
electricity. Thai, after a laps* of many yetrs. his<fhe grv.i:
secret of the magnetic rl.'tnen: been discovered?and we vr
the effects of the discovery in many aaefa 1 iarea dons. So also
by twtient investigation and experiment ha- e the tmr proper
ties of Sarsaiurilla been discovered, elicited aad applied ; and
in the form of SANDS' SARS VPARli.LA. they are be?
lieved to If devrloped m their greatest parity and sireiig-.h.?
The magnetic fioid does not find the way w ith mere certainty
along the telegraphic ware to a given point, than does the dis?
infecting and restoring influence of this preparation to the seat
of diseise. Scrofulas, Ulcers, hard or soft. Rheumatism,
Scurvy. Erysipelas, Dyspepsia, general DebRity, Me.-curi.il
Complaints, Tetter, Ringworm, Salt Rheum, Leprosy, Scald
Head, and all hepatic, disorders, .ire relieved by its u>e. The
inventors do not pretend to i^fallibilivy, but >o tar as thev
have had in opportunity of observing oi know nig th^ertcc Jl
their Extract, it baa, by the blessing of Providence, boa uni?
formly U-n-ncial
The following certificates, recently received, will be read
with interest, sad for further proof the reader is referred to a
jwmphlet. which is farnish:d without charge by all th
Agents :
BtM-.Hssnov, Oct. 17, 1811.
Messrs. A. B. Ji D. Sattes?I hsw been afflicted with Scro?
ta U for nine ysrs. It appeared in various forms from its
?Miumencemeiit. but did BOt break- Oat in ulcers, until, .about
four years ago, s large swelling a| pear-il on my arm. I |?,t
it 1 meed. It then commenced eating, ind COO tinned to r.a:
e Mil fks fleshy pertof my aim, from my elbow to a n
. r.. alder, was nearly all ulcers t it then bo-he oat on both
sides of my neck, and extended to my lace. 1 had i number of
ulcers on my ancle and bottoms of my feet. My sofferiogs
seemed ahn-ist intolerable. The most of the rime | luve been
ander physicians, have taken Iodine, Swaim's Panacea, and
other preparations, and 1 had nearly despaired of getting relief,
when I was induced by Mr. Roxford to try your Sarsaparille.
My >or--. issuiiirda more healthy appearance,aad I flattered
mvs.ifw ith the idea that I should be ?ell again, [have now
taken eighti-'n bottles of your medicine, my lores are ill heal,
ed, aad my general health is better than it has l>?n before foe
nin - rears, md I ascribe my cure to theemcacy ol your Ser?
ial i. ills. Had I known its virtues years ago, I should have
,. eed much severeamiTering aad a disfigured lace, and my
husband would have c-een saved great expense.._
1 cheerfully testily to the truth of tli- ilxive sUienweU ol
my wife. MASON K. Tl I I ER
The following interesting case most commend itseli to me
careful attention of all similarly -diluted :
S,Mi,' Crmcbbatjcd Sa ?; ? w- \ II ii i .*.
I si>e.ik experimentally w hen 1 say that this medicine is fa
more effectual in the eure of chronic or acute rheamattsta,
tli in any other preparation I have ever tested. Having ende.red
extreme suffering at times within the last m- years fro'ai re?
peated iit.i<-ks of inflammatory or xcate rlienmatunt, I luve
recently used Sand-' Sarsaparilla with the happiest success .
my health is bow better than it has been for many months
past, my appetite is goodj and my strength is rapidly return?
ing. I ittribute this healthful change entirely to the use of
this intent medicine. Keeling a deep sympathy with those
who are afflicted with this tormenting and paiiitul complaint.
I c.inn it refrain from earno.ily recommending to such the us
of this valuable specific Having the most entire confidence
in the medicine and medical skill of Hr. S uwls, i w is induced
thereby to trv the effects of their Sarsaparilla, md I take ph i>
sure in a iding mv testimony to that of many Others, comnier.
ilatory ofits invaluable pr perties, unknown to .uid unsolicit?
ed by the Messrs. Sands.
t HARLES DVER-Jr. Draggistand Apothecary.
M and i.! Westminster st. Providence, lt. I.
Vor further particulars and conclusive evidence of it- iupa>
ri.-r i aloe and etEcacy, see pamphlets, which may bo obtained
of agents gratis.
Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, and lor exportation,
bv V. It. St 0. SANDS, Druggists, No. 79 Fulton st. ?3
Broadway ; 77 East Broadway._fr.' im
rSAlli-: HnWAUll lNSl'KASCE COMl'AXY make in
J surances agiUnst loss or damage by Uro and inland
navigation, on terms as favorable as any oilier similar in?
stitution in rhe city.
Capital $3011,000?Office No. SI Wall sticct.
R. Havens, Caleb0. Halstcd, John Rnnkln,
N'ajal Taylor, Win. W. Todd, MelgsD. Benjamin,
J. Phillips Phoenix, Wm. Couch, Nathaniel Weed,
Fanning C. Tucker, B. l. Woollcy, Ferdinand Suj loi
Davidl.ee, J IJlVarnum, HciiryCThompsoB,
John D. Wolfe, Michael Baldrrin.Peter L. Nevius,
Edward Anthony. It. HAVENS, President.
Lewis Phillips,Secretary. dltitf
1 OK NEW-YORK.?This Institution, during the month
ofFebni irv. issued leventy-nine Policies, vir.:
To Merchants and Traders.36'
To Broken.5
To l lerks.7
To Manui icturers.. I
To Commercial Agents... 3
To Publisher.1
To StuientS. 2
To Fanner. I
To Mechanics. n
To Physicians. 2
Ti> Laws/em. .
To Foreign/ lousal . I
To Officer in L". S>, Army.. 1
To Mai iner. I
To A i lists. i
To Ladies. 3
March 1st. 75
Samuel il ?%>???>?. Secretary.
V.isti hn Po-r. Physician. ml('p) Im
J truly great invention recommends itsell to all who desire
ah exact eoprof their correspondence, as, by tin. apparatus,
ii, <t:nk-- of the i?--i that writes the letter produces the copy
il the same time. The mode of writing is a liveable and espe.
ditious, affording gr- at facilities to business men md travelers.
Th-ink is perfectly indelible, and cannot be erased by any
known chemical sgent. The Manifold Writers ire made of
v.-..->us si7.es, lor business and pririte I v. some ith lock Bl d
kev.aml are sold at very tow prices, by thu proprieton and
manufaetarers. ? FB \M IS -V 1,01 TREL,
ManufactDriog Statiouers, 77 Maiden-lane
F.St L maiiiiiact|in*r a sui-rinr s.riiileof HL.-V K and
CARMINE INK lunwnas tpeCROTON INK, warranl d
to retain its color and fluidity in any climate. Qoaatieies ou
hand, and < ao-fnlU i-.ekeil l',.r dvjroinB_ml I in
Wllth.-t LOTH.?I oppei Wi:e-i loth, No. eO?it in. ii
iii. .1<i in. Ill in. b<l 11. and ?2 in.
Brass Wire-Cloth, .No. IS?28 in. 32 in. 3G in. 18 in. CO in.
and 02 in.
The uSnve Wire-Cloth is manufactured from the best ol
English Wire. and. for Paper-Makers'., :> warranted foil}
r :u d to any imported. Kor sale, in Im, to suit purchasers, by
13f_CVRCS \V. KIK.I.D. i llnilo.i: slip.
ITiELTlNliS.-?Cylinder > achioe Felting, 36 in. 40 m 12
in ?i in. 52 in.?) in and 7J in. wide
Kourdinier Machine I elting, I! feet x CO in, and 2i feet x (iii
Dryea Kelling, 31 in. "'i in. II in. II in. and H in.
All made Irani the liue-,t Wool and warranted a siij-erior arti
cles-Korsalehv CVRCS W. Kl K LI). ?? Hurling il.p.
A It yellow, rough and harsh, but the true Spanish Lily
White gives the,skin a life-like alabaster white, ami leaves
it smooth, soft and clear, acting as a cosmetic. Sold, prie
25 cents a box, at 82 Chatham st. and U2.i Broadway, or 139
Fnlton st.. Brooklyn. I If Im
CIMuCKbKltV?Wholesale and Retail at v. 36 Cnerrj
/ betw'-en Jimesand Oliver itreeta. A full assortment
Plates, Dishes, Tureens, Bow Is. Pitchers, Ewers and Basons
Tea Setts, Mugs. ' ape aad Saucers, (Haas Lamps, Tumblers,
Lamp Classes, I istor bottles. Salt Stands, .Mantel Orna?
ments, i'ancy Mugs, Segar Stands, liird < ,1a.- - ao:. \..
mll't _ _ OEOltOK W. ROSE.
IfOll IiYEINC OBEY OK BED IIAI It I'ckmam.m i.v
Bnow.s or Black.?The Moorish Hair Dye Changes
grey or.red hair to a r^ermanent brown or black, without
coloring or injuring the skin. Sold?price 50 cents or 91,
?t ?2Chatham st. or .12.1 Itrnadwav. I IT Im
VMERICAN eTLES?Uanumetuted by John Bothery, ?t
Mntteuwan. warntiiteii eoiml lo any imported, for sale to
l'2I Im?_'I Pine siree?.
OLD i 'A.V1TLK SOAP?A tine old genulni dark mettled
article. S-iP! at 25 cents a pound, by T. JONES, H2
e'batti.iin -:. -in.l .I'^.'l Broadway. Ill Im
PUMPS,?Double action light and force pumpe of aO
sir.ca to raise from 20 to 4')0 gallons vs. tier per iniiiute.
Cast Iron Fountains cf various patterns.
Fire Engines and Hose, Ac. manufactured bv
d23 :im I>. L. FARN AM. 39 Fnlton-sl
Cioi'AL ?i cases Angola, 7 . . , ,
30 - l!. igue:la,raem wul "!'
Also, 10,000 lbs. " for sale at lowest prices by
flO LATHKOP & BABTLETT. ? 0 Pearl-st.
OlOl'KKS' i.LI. t.?All ..iialai-s-i' r ?il- .i 41 mufac
rarers'prices by EUGENE ELY 4: ' Oi
isf 71 Fultotvstsret,
"ll/O'^L?lu.ijou li,s v. is tied Mnstixo for uli by
yf fill_ADAMS. TIKKANV ^>i '> 7.1'ine.st
lOFi'KE-?50 Jl"< ha; 'M do. At.lean, loi mIc by
flO LATH ItOP Sc. BABTLETT. 'i'J P-arl-sr.
IJOILEK 1KO.N.?I'm ions bnt Penasylranis Boiler .
) i Hue Iron, ?ssrrtrd. fer ?sie by
^:'l SIIK.KMANS. ATTWATMR Sc ''O, V- Broad ?t.
CiHEET IRON?300 bundles best Sheet Iron, assort?J,
-5 -I, 25, 20 arid 27, for sale bv
Rf Ag't? New-Jersey Iron Co. .Ti Broad-*
TI MBRELLA i t.olH-?l'lam and c.rdc i, bl:.e and
?U black, for sale by
I2f WELI^ A SPRING. T,2 Plne-st.
T\7haLE11<JNES, shoe thread, Welluig Cord, dec. coii
t T stantly on hand and for sale low Is lots to suit by
teTtf J. V. VAN EPS. 103 Pearl ^t.
la' K LtAU rO 1 is-l9^0Vu .s-.s i?-.t 1 inladel^uia
Black Lead Pots, just recrivesi from the mannlkctnrer.
aad for sale by SHERMAN, ATWATER St CO.
20f Axests N. !. J. Co. W Bn?d it
PIANO FORTE MAN C FACTO It Y.?The ?ut?cTiiv.rs
are now- finishing an entirely new article of tnstru
menu, nhich are warranted superior hi tone to any In
u.?e, and to keep in tune much longer ; the improvement
consists Ina Harp Frame, peculiar in construction, obvi?
ating every objection heretofore caused by the use of me?
tallic p axes In Injuring the tone. Professors and Purchas?
ers arc Invited to an examination ef then? instruments.
}yi2_ISj F:iIfon-<treet. East -Me. P.eoadwav.
pKRTH AM HOY FIRE BRICK.?The suheerlhera
1 a .-? nts for the above iirtck, are prepare! U ;urr.iah any
of\he lo-low-iiig ?lufes:
Noa. 1 arid 2, usual shape.
Large and iniail Bull Heads, Cupola, 10 to 32 in-hes.
Culvert, Lar-c and Small Key.'
Boap, split do do Wedge.
-'; i;- J- Jarnb. Orate Brick, Ac.
Thew Bricks are warranted e<iuai in quglity toanvma-'e
in the United States. Orders received and contracts ir.a.'e
lor large and small quantities at very low rates. Samples
lor triiloriiupectionatthe office of the leents
If SHEB3! VN ATWATER i CO. 30 P.road.
riHEAP READING?Terms Rtdueed one io/f-Bowery
V J i/culatii..- Library. 7o Bowery.-This is one of t.V old
est Liurarita in tnis Cily, containing C<a>i volume,, coniiiting
ol Hijt.-:ies. V oyagrs. Traveli. Lives. Adv-niur's. Novels,
Talcs. Romances, Biographie?. Poetry. Hays, Trials, Re?
view t. Magazines, Ute. Ac.
All the New Works added as soon as published.
l Easts.
One month.$0 10 1 Six months. . SI 75
Three inonthi.i go | One year.3 IM
Catalogues I2i cents.
mi H. tt ?. RAYNOR, 7? Bowery
1 Wir- K ? in.}' gentl'man possessing the lolJowing rjuall
ftcaQotu a.,] Ji.:-?--?! toeatcrlh* married state may reply to
this ad.-, :ivhh-.j:-(a widower prefem-dl?liu: lay on* r?
plyi ... :? ring this > noes i- form d. to m them tte
?.III?- tak-n Ol them whatever. H
oti4 iv ^.?ejitta ? sncl-43 year*ofage. ol reapeerable parent
age. well .hiit'-.i. and of an obliging di?p>..itou. aad alV?
aretleatabliahedin .wasieese? must Kar- sufficient rarui to
supports w ife in .1 genteel manner.
fro-wr-t^r 1? ? lady JO war. ol age. *'ii well qtsali?ed to
take charge ol household tffain, and abr i> of the hat beat r*>
siTct.tr.itrA ?lias some property, but n 't enough to male it
,? , ,(..,??' ? Ii- it!-mvi. Tb?' writ-- is sincere in this
affair* .id . ?.? s n 1 I will be ?1?*? her by uanecnaary
- dies 1 ommaescattioos reesived satut ?tat.- ?bat bu.ie***
ibeiren'tleimr.?gaged ra.and w ill !*? h-lda? ?trietly eouti
jM Iddret*Mia* iUAJU I KINl t.. at this otCe*.
toil Ji?
- i.\V L>? I'ltuatiou. b> two rrs|TClal>ir >oui.u ?omni
? wirb ..'?.*! ref renci .. the one t htmb-rmai.l and lauu__
ires*, and ttv othertOtlo gweeral housework. Apply at 17
uil -'i*
i'niiee ?t.
SITCAalONS U ANTe.D?By three, capable and in
d istri ins OIRLS-ow 1 1 do the rooktnr wwhinr and
1-. mi: g in . ?anli rotate lamil) ; the olle-rsis chiuiberroaids.
sud will b* geoeraily useful. Uood City relercnco* Siren
Applyat " Diisiie Hint._._**" 31
\t" U\ i r.U?By a lrsis-eulile (iirl. a silustioij as (. ham
>T N-riiMi ! I" tike Can of C'i'ldrca. or 1? willing to do
the work oft leapectable family. With good City reference.
\; , I-. t-?? Km .-~r._mM ?t?
\tf ANTED- \ Btui ? - >??;>*,? table Young Woman.
TT n ich ;.>sl city refererence. hi Chambenuaid and Nurse.
real I snd rrotntlC. Apply at No. 13 Avenue
It. nit*"
inr.VNTED?Joan ;. ? Lock Makers, to work at
1? bank locks. None need apply but sober men and
first rate workmen. ' H.C.JONES.
|17_7 Chmvh-st. Newark. N.J.
rP<." 1 AM v^t.HN-Canvasser* vt.ll Hud il bo ttieir att
1 ras tage to call .?.,!examine the tint number of Professor
F*ost*S Htston of the Woild. width is the brat as well a*
; ? ch ipesl snd inosl N-autiful book of the teasoa. Th?*u
rraviof? in this work have N-r-n pronounced by competent
;u.lgi. io be the finest erereieeuMd in this couutry.
ml Iw '_iv j. i-ILMS, tr Fulton-slrvet,
J. STOCK.?A eortlflcate of thirty shares VtcksburK
Bank Stock, in t le n uue oi Buckley a Peek, and nttmaer
28, w .:h Power .e -Vtti mej attaches!, wa? lost on Sa
tnrday.23dMarch, ttwasei kated ma letter.and lost
on Itt way to W.iii-strvot. The above will be paid by leav
b)g It at Tl ompson's ofllce, M Wall-st. mh'iS tf
O VKD.? V few si m'e Gealleinen can S- .iccoinmodvied
Ith H.xrd llld Id-isaat i. Ills at M Whlte-st. mt lw?
j?ri-MSI) V, IN I c.f ? M) a plain mm and hu wile, slow it
13 town, fhtnil) or lMarduut ttouae, where they
i-in Is. .,rin ds'.d with a ?od in me. W ill faimali trssir
own room, rerms must be moderate. Address John, at this
rsmee,itias lerm, tod I oca tion. _m< rt*
(* < H'l> hl ?Als l' 41.0 \>-.\ ; I. -i.aiil Uskiui, lot siuulr feulle
31 men. or (eutlernen md their wives at No. .0 Vesey-?treet.
Traaarentcoaspany toliciHd ml im
BOA i.l> with or wutio..i rooms, may be obtained at No.
19 ( h..:n'vrs-,I. ,,| po?'r tl ? I'ark *7f JH?*
NO. ."> CoLBTuANnT-STSEKT, SM> >7 I.tsutTl-sraXLT,
MTH18 NVAV HOTEL is aow ..,??. win* the prv
prieton v ill be ha| I i leconidaN Uaefa friends and
th.- palp, within d. Thelodgiof rooms are latfa
?>.?? v .. and :: ? internal >rr<n.-.'iii..nts .ueh as cannot tall
to pleas*. The location being; ia the centre of bu,iu?*i, it
oilers iedneetnsnts : > nterchants from other cities and tb*
Country, eotsurpassed by ,tuv .'ther House in this city.
The rnrnilUM, Beils, and lleddiug, arv all new, aud mad*
expressly for this amblisbtnent.
K in-lie s t, iio ? i.i, I'.iil. i, with Sleeping Rooms attached,
ean is- handsomely secomoioeated.
The inbscribers tssnre their friends and the public, that no
efforts on their part shall he wantaag to iccuri th* comfort
snd convenience of their guests, and while they solicit a
share of their patronage, they hope by uuces.iug attention to
the duties of their vocation, to gu.Hire .atisfartiou.
f i \m CH vs. WYCKOFF fcCO.
Collections In Mississippi.
C1TEYX8 A DAVIDSON, Attorneys at I^tw, Coffee
vllle. Mlssl. T. A. CHEYES A A. 11. DAVIDSON
will give prompt attention to the business of their profes?
sion getiera ly n> the Northern, mid to the collection of for?
eign claims, amounting to the hundred dollars, aud up?
wards, in any pal t of the State. Feh. 3d. 1846.
EDWIN C. E8TES, Esq. 1 Vow.Y(,rU
M. D. COOPER sk CO. SNcw-Orleans.
CVYR A SCHAVFEK, > Philadelphia,
" I?. It. KKIKKsny, Csp.j mP f4 2m?
(1 HARLES T Sil ELTON, Arroa-rtv two Coi sstL
J Loa Ii L a w, ioleods to visil the pnacipal cities of En
rope ia the course of the Sumtner, leering here the first of
May. He will attend to,my business with which he ma) ba
entrusted I. ueiceptioualile cfti releiwaca siren. Apply
imst-i Lid to SHELTON .V FLAGG.
Vi? Hit r.v, l oss. ml 3w?
i AW > Ai?D.?Collection ok iium is Tnx-NoaTSi
La West.?E. B. VVASHBURNE, Attorney at Law,Ga?
lena, (Illinois,) win give his attention to the collection of
?. lue New-York merchants in Galena;Roekford and
Kock fsian :. Ill uois; in Du Buque, Iowa; in l'lattevllle,
Potosl, Prairie du Chlen, Mineral Point and Madison, Wis?
Kefcrto I?. A.Cushman & Co,; Dorcmus, Suydam ft
Nixon. New-Volk. s?1
dr. BROW \, Qeulist, b.-g, to iuform the pub?
lic- that In-1 ontinues his lueeessfal treatmeut
on ill diseases of the Eye. and to which
cajes often, md even for so long a period an
i n,, have yielded after tney nave baf?
fled the skill of, and been declared incurable.
i). in.mi Physiciani and i leelists. Aboul 'iv tenth. ofo|<
thalmii diseases are caused in MEASLES aad Small-Pox,
inn which, if. roperly treats I in an eaili .'age, are mostly cu
ruble. Indeed, Dr, B. asserts that an instance ol failure in his
treatmeni would be almost unknown, if the afflicted would
apply to Inm when diminution of ?ight i. fust noticed, or in
the earl: stage of innammarion, however seine, sud before so
many cheap hie destructive ippln itioos are made use of.
Reference to the following cures, which were very iuv-t*
rat ' ci.. \ son . I' .Mr..I.dm Buoslead, of Jeriey City, al?
most blin i from .'.i EASLES.
Fredericli Battin, e7H 1!.me street, had ess.- of IRITIS,
John II. 11 jVrts?hid case i Knlg'-strrrt l^-tweeu Slan
(in am! Houston, in the rear?of PURULENT OPTli.VL
Ml \ and Ll.i ER Vi i/> < OHNE A.
< Mncr 76 l hsml irs-st. four doors from Broadway. Hours
?a' ittendanei i im II k, J>l. to I P. AI. (Sundays tttesMed.)
Advice to the poor nr.: .. d.'l ly
TII'?MPS"i.N-> TIM'S.-.ES, (mice 13 lleek
imanstreet. AI.tSOOoftheflrat physicians
'and surgcona Of New-York have given their
decided preference to this Truss, us you can
graduate the pressure from one to fifty pounds on the
rupture,wlthoul atM pad, winch doe. mi much injury
to the spine. A fair trial t. ing the last test ol Its superi?
ority, It Is ...pvlled and six da_,s' trial given; and if It docs
not retain the rapture, while performing every kind of ex?
ercise oi COUghlttg, and give perfect ease?in u word. If It la
not satisfactory In every respect, tha money ts cheerfully
returned ; and this Is the only condition on which you
should buy any Truss. A permanent cure Is easily effected,
and warranted, if directions are followed.
lor tl. i Truss, need only mention the side
raptured und the measure round the hips, as they can grad
uate the pressure to suit their case. Sold wholeaale and
retail 'at IS Jtotkman-aL aul tf
HULL'S TRUSSES.?Netico to Bupturod
Persons.?Persona atilicted with Ruptures
may rely upon the best Instrumental aid the
'?v rkl affords, on application at the ofllce,
.v... i Vcscy sue- t,orto either ol the agents in the pimcipal
towns in the United States. Be careful to eaambie the
hack pud of Ilnli's Trusses, to bee If they are endorsed by
Dr. Mull in wi lting. None are genuine, orto be relied upon
as urod, without his signature.
Many persons have undertaken to vend Imitations of
Hull's celeb mied Trusses, and thousands are Imposed upon
in i ittsequeiice. Theae Irnitations cannot be relied upon;
they are made by unskilful mechanics, and are uo bettor
than the ordinary Tniisee. .
Rooms have been tilted up at No. I Vcscy street, exclu
rrvi i ;.?? ladii s. having a separate entrance trom the bttsl
ness departmei t, wMre a fi nude is in ton,taut attendance
to wait upon patients. _ n3l if
_ iTllNUiNK TliAS.
Branch Stores:
31'l III.ktckt r ?:reet, New-Yi^rk:
3<>i Cram! .street, near Suffolk.
I'i Orel nw) ii street, near Fulton.
1 l"i Kttltou street. Brooklyn.
H'.l < besnut an I 4? N. Fli'th-st. Pldiadelphla.
71 Hanover street, Boston.
?NVITE the attention of i it/ and Country Families ane}
IV'ichasers to ttieir sevi ral i stahiinhmenta. where they
t:,i:.!i will f..end 1;. !..r the beet M-ltctlOJlS of pure and
unadulterated Teas In the United State*. The universal
popularity and renown of their house with reference to
nigh qualifies, low prlce?. and upright dealing. Is too well
u.::?.-:..-: to render farther comments nec.esj.arj'. Origi?
nal and i Bly wiiruhou-s- |..r the sale t,( Howqua's Black
Tea?" Obaerve 1"?Strangerg will he particular to remem?
ber the number of the pri:.. ipai >t. re In Chatham street,
viz: l.'l. '., fv-.-ii p.a.-! ar.'i It. -.,;; ftrn-ts. The public
will a!.", be pleased to take notice that the Canton Tea
Com ; to do with any other sto-ea except
those d<-s<-r:l?wl a: th* rop of thij a/lvertisemctit. s6 Y
51 UD.i El pNOMY.-Th* subscriber, in accord
bm i, has reduced hi. aupsriov Imitation
'?' leskm Hats on for bodies, to tb* very low priceog
ti i <.are u elegant dies. Hat. and will
err.;-: . with Data sold in this city at ft iO
md Also, constantly manulaeturie.K Fur and Silk Hat*
of the be?i.siu?l?ly, hirst pattern*, ai.d at the lowest City prices,
for C**h.
An aaaortment of Wlt-t and t loth Cap* ?lwayson hand.
if in any ir.,U:..:-tl^-ab.;; e iry-s n^t gisr entire satufsction.
it can be fully obuiai l bv giving information to the sabtven
b*J. _ ?, , J. W. KKLLUOO. Vj.WCaial-h,
>. B.?V.iH nrraove on tU first of ? -/ ?*?? *?J~ .
? Z C B E a i. ' i AR,
.vo. tie BROJibWA*. VBiV'TvnJP.
FASf.rON loH. SPRING, 1845.
CROWN?7i bscfaes high;6-lGth bell, | yeoman, i ranrs.
BKIM?2 5-ICth mcl.rj wide?curt ?mall and roned. rather
faller *t rides, en J tap-ring off very fin-, meeting with i
v*ry slight turn it th- front and rear. Set?tb* under pan
cf the brim t sloped and Is inch eurv*d.
BAND?5-16th incises wi,'-. w Luckle. -
BIN'DIN'G-^-16ih inch wide.
A superirr qoal.iy of CAP for Officers of the Army and N*
?y. togrther with Dresi, Hiding and Sporting Caps- A new
ityler.fl hildren'n Hats aud Caps; also, a new pattern of La
Ja?' HidiLC Cap i.gd Hit. ftl 3t

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