OCR Interpretation

New-York daily tribune. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1842-1866, March 05, 1845, Image 2

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""whig nomination. *"
Tlic New Cabinet.
Convapondence of The Tribun?.
WASHINGTON. March 4, 1815,7
2 o'clock. A. M. j
The Cabinet, it is now conceded, has been final?
ly arranged, and is as follows :
JAMES BUCHANAN, of renn. Secretary of State.
R. J. WALKER, of Misaisslppi, Secretary ot Treasury.
OE0RC.K BANCROFT, of Mass. Secretary of Nav;
WM- L. MARCY, of New-York, Secretary of War.
CITE JOHNSON, of Tennessee, Postmaster General.
JOHN W.JONES, Virginia, Attorney General.
This will be the? Cabinet, without much doubt.
If there is any doubt about it, it is concerning the
office of Attorney General, Mr. Mason of Vir?
ginia, the present Secretary ot the Navy, has had
it tendered to him and many urc of the opinion
that he will be the man. I have it from reliable
authority, however, that he feels Bomewbat hurt a;
being'disturbed in his present office and will not
accept. In case of his refusal, Speaker Jones will
have it, us above.
The Cabinet is a curious one. It is understood
that Bancroft is peculiarly in favor of Mr '.'an
Buren ; while Mr. Marcy, who is from Van Boron's
own State, is looked upon with distrust by Van's
friends. Hie history of Marcy's appointment may
form an interesting para jra/Vi for some future letter.
fjXJ- Mr. Pock's IiuuGtnui. embodies more di?
rect untruth than it is usual to crowd into a docu?
ment of this nature. His broad assertion that
" Texas teas once ours," is contradicted by facu of
the most palpable notoriety His assertion that our
Government secures liberty and opportunity to nil,
stands oui in glarinz contrast with the. fact that
Three Millions of our People are by 1 iw denied
the right to their own bodies, may be hard worked,
badly led, cruelly treated und not paid at all, in
perfect accordance with Law, mid their very wives
and children sold where they can never see them
again. Mr. Polk is himself the owner of something
like a hundred of these unfortunate beings. Now,
whether it be right or wrong that they should !;??
thus owned, it is certainly wrong to falsify it, 1 .
asserting that all are protected in their natural tights
by our institutionaand laws, as Mr Polk does.
His poor sophistry about Annexation will deceive
no one who ia not grossly ignorant of the means by
which that Annexation h is been effected and the
rurposes,?so manfully avowed by Calhoun, Mo
Duffic, James Hamilton, &C. 5sc?for which it
was sought. Has nut dll aggression, from the b*-.
ginning of time, been just us innocent and peaceful
as this?taking the aggressors' word for it 1
On the Tariff; Mr. Polk proves himself the same
low demagogue he has ever been. Think ofani;ni
who mens a hundred l-iborers, paying them no wa?
gst, and keeping them poorly fed and coarsely clad,
insinuating his especial love for "the toiling mill?
ions," und his fear that legislation may benefit "the
wealthy few !" The impudence of this cant almost
denudes it of hypocrisy. The attempt of I\>lk to
uso over again the jitgt;lin; phrases of his letter to
Kane, shows him of narrower intellect than we had
supposed. These phrases answered the turn of tin
candidate, bur thev are sadly out of place in the
mouth of the President. The People expected some
declaration of his sentiments on the Totfiff question,
and not a new shift for concealing them. The
poor stuffabout not "taxing one portion or on<
class for the benefit of another," etc., elucidates
nothing, advances nothing. It only proves the
author incapable of comprehending the bases of u
true National policy. To nrrsy utid balance one
thing against another?to harm one interest as little
as another is the limit of his vision. A policy
which shall regard, embrace, and positively ben
efit all interests, is an idea too vast for Iiis litt!"
soul. An equal distribution of 'burdens' is the
hight of his ambition If his policy of putting low
duties on all the coarse and common necessaries
of life, had prevailed hitherto, we should be annu?
ally importing many millions' worth of Hats, Boot?,
Shoes, Axes, Cloths, ?cc tec. which are now made
much cheaper and better by our own workmen at
The mixture of verbal piety and practical knavery
in this Inaugural cannot fntl to disgust the right
thinking reader.?-But we have no room to speak
farther this morning.
Texn? nutl Our Duty.
It is made a matter of grave reproach to us. by
the exemplary moralists of the Sun, Herald and
Morning News, that we still indulge forebodings
of evil to our Country by the Annexation of Texas
?that we are anxious and sad amid the uproar und
revel of the Annexationtsts?and that we do not
propose to fall in with the current cant of'taking
the side ol" our own Country" on this matter. An?
nexation is carried, alter n fashion?in our judg?
ment, a most guilty and unconstitutional fashion?
and still we stand up and refuse to do it reverent .
Of course, all manner of ingenious parallels are run
between, our course und that of the Tories, the
Hartford Convention. &c. We see all this?we
foresaw it?but what ol it I
When, years ago, the loin- and pure-hearted
WrtitAjt Eui-erv CiiAVNiNi: lifted his voice in
warning against the Texas conspirators, and die
scheme, not then avowed, of adding Texas to tlti>
Country?not a murmur was heard in reply. There
was no man in the Union so brazen as to justify the
prospective Annexation of Texas, or deny that the'
acquisition of that territory by us, in defiance of
Mexico, would be a flagrant wrong. Years after?
ward, when the first Open overture forAnnexaiion
was made by Texas to this Country, and Mr. Se?
cretary Foreyth replied that *' so Ions; as the warbe
tween Texas and Mexico >hul! continue, the ques?
tion of Annexation necessarily involves that of Wat
between the United States and Mexico," and thai
our Govemment therefore declined to take Texas,
the whole Country acquiesced in the justice and
force ol the statement. The same sentiment was
substantially re-asserted by Messrs. \"un Buren,
Benton, fco. a short year ago. Down to a very re?
cent petiod, it was admitted, all over the Union,
that Annexation im,>lied either the previous assent
of Mexico or an i ntn-diate War with her?that, bj
aunexing in defiance of her claims and Temen
?trances, we ma le war upon her. This is itist a>
true to day as it was then. It may be that Mexie
knows herself too weak to contend against us, a id
will succumb, though we think otherwise. In that
case, she is simply coerced into submission by i ;f
overwhelming power. But thai she feels herself
w7onged and robbed by us, uo man a: it doubt.
Her public documents, her journals, her uniform
language, establish this bevond doubt. And why
should not the whole truth be spoken 1 WeAori
consummated, in intent if sxm in act, a long series
of aggressions and outrages upon her?consumma?
ted it by the open seizure of a large portion of her
territory. It is her?, certainly, as between her and
us; for so we have solemnly declared it in the most
sacred manner knowu to nations. Cur people he vr
wrested it from her, and now we take them into
partnership with their spoils in their hinds. Who
does not see that we. have made thek conduct from
first to last our own 1 We may bury our heads ever
so deep in the sand, but the world will see that we
have been despoiling our constant friend and ally,
while solemnly assuring her that we were neither
doing nor intending any such thing.
But the News cites to us the toast of ihc- gal?
lant Lawrence t " Our Country : May she be al?
ways right; but right or wrong. Our Country '"?
Most heartily do we respond to the ?entiment.
though our application of it is probably different from
that of the class who are hired to hack souis out of
bodies to order. Wc say, Stand by Our Country;
but stand by to keep her ever in the Right and win
her back, if need be, from the Wrong. No ecqui
ai&ition tainted'by injustice, no victory won against
the Right, can possibly do us any real good.
1 But suppose War ensue, would you not stand
up foryour Country V We answer, we would de
fend our Country, if need be, and repel invaders.
But we t-i.i uld not countenance and cheer on the
prosecution of an unjust War. iJeeply rss we de?
sire the well being of our Country in all things, we
dare not be on one side wh-n the (rod of Justice
is on the Jo;he-. We dare not in?uk Hirn by ask?
ing His blearing on a cause Stained by Aggression
and Rapacity.
"Lothe People te?k liar'" was the significant
inquiry ol the Albany Argus lasf year, in direct
reference to the Annexation movement The
question is as pertinent now as then; the answer
as momentous. All throuzh the Free States, Annex?
ation was denounced by Loeo-Foanr, little more than
a year since, a? a project of monstrous-wrong and
iniquity. The Legislature of Massachusetts was
unanimous in denouncing it, ani in declaring that
there was no constUutional poorer in the Govern
ment <o annex%a Foreign Stale to this Country.
The New-H imp-hire oracles, which are now cruci?
fying Hale for his manly utterance, denounced An?
nexation in 1^3 in language as sever- and sweep?
ing as we. have ever applied to it. The Friends or
i Quakers, in their Yearly Meetings and otherwise
j universally condemned and s'.iii condemn it.?
Like us,
' Tney keep their old, uumoviog -tation yet.'
What means it that nobody can 6ee how peace?
ful, meek, and inoffensive a proceeding this An?
nexation is, but those whoare under a party neces?
sity to commend it1
Are we right or wrong in saying that, in adopting
Texas and iier War, we have z:vh cause ol alarm
and hostility to other nations'! This is a question
of Public Law and of fact. The Harald, which
yesterday characterized our fcrebodirgs as " the
rant and slang of partisanship," had in the same
paper the following:
" We mint at once take nur position and announce to
the world, and to Great Britain In pvrticular. our tlxed and
unaittrjriie purpo-c to remain soprane on the continent ol
North America, 'lhat any seizure of California or Cuhn.
bj England, irfll not only meet "ur solemn protest.hu- ?Iii
te- considered a cawm VeBL This Is the platform on which
all true American patriot* must make up their mluilsto
"Our march Is omrard for centuries to come, snlt ?n
ajuiu" and they who do not lo ep dp with u.-, must fall be?
hind and be forgotten. 'I hat's <U."
Here is the whole matter decided in our behuli
by our adversaries?for the Plebeian and other pa?
pers have said the same thing. We pronounce the
acquisition of California or Cuba by England a
cause of War by us upon her; how, ihen, must she
and other nations regard our appropriation of
Texas'! By what law, human or Divine, do we
make ourselves 'supreme'' on all the rest of this
Continent as well ;:s our own territory ! Of course,
whoever disputes our supremacy gives us cause of
War' Who, th-n, we submit, arc the real panic
makers?those who insist on or those who oppose
the placing our Country in a state of hostility and
defiance to all its neighbors 1
?' But,' asks some Annexationtst,' is no: Texas
independent! May she not do \ashat she likes with
herselfand her territory V?Why, sir! Texas has
no defined territory. Over one-half that she claims,
her flag has never floated and dare not now be un?
furled. Included in what she claims is the rich
City and most of the Province of Santa Fe, whicii
was never seen by a Texan, except ns a spy or a
prisoner, which was Spanish territory before Texas
was ever explored, and has been in unbroken
Spanish-Mexican possession ever since. How,
then, can Texas pretend to give us this City and
province 1 And if not this, how much ran she
I give T We say, none ut all, until her independence
I is acknowledged by .Mexico. Vntil then, all at?
tempt on her part to cede and on ours to accept
Irom her territory, are premature and preposterous.
Relation? with Mexico,
There is no room to doubt that Col. Almoxte,
the Mexican Minister at Washington, has express
orders to demand his passports ami leave the coun?
try as soon as he has official notice of the triumph
of Annexation, though illness may delay his depar?
ture. This will suspend all Diplomatic intercourse
between the two Governments. Still, ii does no)
follow that ov. rt hostilities will he resorted lo by
Mexico, though it is certain that she will protest
against our acquisition of Texas, and utterly refuse
her assent to it. A suspension of all intercourse
between the two countries is very probable. Mug
land, it is currently insisted in Wall-street, will do
nothing in the premises We shall sec.
(Xi- The Postage Kki orm bill has been signed
by John Tyler, and is now a law. It wijl lake
effect on and after the 1st of July. Although less
thorough than we think il should be, it embraces
many excellent provisions, and will do great good,
[f faithfully carried into execution, it will reduce
the cost of Mail Transportation between Half a
Million and a Million of Dollars per annum, while
it will hardly reduce the receipts after a year or
two, and may increase them. The outrageous
Franking Privilege ol Congress is not cut down, as
it should be, nor is a discrimination made in faror
of pay in advance; but let us be thunkiul for what
I we have, and take care to secure farther improve?
ment at the next session.
The Cabinet.
I ??ne.pvudrnie of the Baltimore Patriot.
W\?Hi?<r.T>^. March Jd
"The leaders of the Empire Club are here, and.
true to their vocation, they are to be found in n:i
the "hell-," bar-rooms and gl on erica, proposing
nets on the composition ot the (aibtnet. They tak
.'he following named persons utSJ to 100against the
field :
.Iamc- BccnAXAN.ol Pa.Secretary of State.
It. J. WaUOOS, 0< Miss. " Treasury.
WSa.1. Maacv. of X. V. ?? War.
J. Y. Mason,et Va. " Navy.
Cave Jon >?on. oi t>nn. Postmaster General.
** In detail, they propose three to one on Patchan
an and Mason ; one 10 three on Walker und John
-on, an-.i two in one against any named man foi
'he Attorney Generalship. Tney have succeeded
in " laying out," ..- their -lang calls it, large sum
in tlse.-e points. _ Gamine had gottoa very low ebb
here, and but for the "happy thought" of the
"sport-men" in proposing, as venture.-, the race foi
he new Cabinet, the gentlemen Irom New-York
would have scarcely made their expenses."
{ij- We are informed in the /Vrio-rTorcn Com ur
that the appointment of Jonathan Stodtmrd as
V S. District Attorney for the District of Connecti?
cut has been confirmed by the Senate
John Slosson, Esq., has been appointed School
Commissioner for the First Ward, vice William
Castle, deceased. Mr Slosson is President of tiie
New York Bible Society, undone of the managers
of the American l>t!>V Society.
To-Doy'a Outside.
Rrtt Pace?Notices of New Publications ; The Mineral
Wealth cf Wisconsin : Acoueduct ac.-o?, ih? Allegheny .
Cotton n;> Swum : Mercantile Library Association -. Mr
Burntl'k Lecture ; Offices and Dirt ; the Books ; New-York
LsatialataH ; A Voice Rom Madiaoa County -. Coagressioeal
Pr.-cee.lmj? ; New* Items.
Last Parr.-Dirjrc loraC hild . rrccredin^ of the
Club , Conimerci ?1 and MOM] M?tter? ; Marine JournaL
AsTt-RxNt LxcirEMt-M ?On Saturday last Depu?
ty SiieiitT?.gby of Columbia Co. intended to make
a sale under an execution, of the personal property
of a man named Finkle who lived at Taxhkanic,
and had faded to pay his rent The sale was.
however, (there being two other executions on the
same propertyX.stupped. Nevertheless a company
of some 150persons assembled, among whom wrre
seven dissuised Indians, with weapons, tar and
feathers. Sec ?also a party ot 20 more Indians were
near at hand, evidently expecting the Sheriti's De?
puty. Av it happened there was no violence com?
The New Status ?Iowa and Florida being ad?
mitted into the Union, increases the number of
States in our Confederacv to twenty-eight, with?
er.: including Texas. The Senate will hereafter
comprise 56 members, or 55 including those from
Texas -. and the House 225, or including these from
Texas,227. The six new Senators tobe chose:;
will doubtless be Loco-Foco.
The Legislature of Iowa does not meet until
January next, sad will comprise 17 Senators and
&' Representatives. The st-ar oi government isot
the city ot Ittvtu, in Johnson County. [Express.
QtJ- R< v. E. II. CtTAPtN has been induced to re?
peat his Oration before the Marshall and Prospect
Societies at As l\u\r*a& aftt.? etcruio. to crva those an op?
portunity to hoar who wore prevented hy tit stona cn the
former occasion. Mr. Chat-in is one of the rsost pleastaj
a:>d pop-olir Orators of r-ar tlrce, and will to heard, with
delight by thousands. The presence of the Melodeous and
luanv other well-known vocalists win make the Uouse
very attractive. Look In tf you can ; for you will rarely
get so much tor a staBmjr,
Tb? Express of the Post Office DepaallMnt .- ft Waal -
InrvK-^itti {'resident Folk's Inaugural AJdres- vestl rtl l]
a: 12 o'clock. It had reached 12 miles this Alt I f Baltt
more, when the car ran oil the track, and the carrier was
obliged to walk three miles, thus losing: nearly two hours.
The cars arrived at Jersey City at naif peat 9 last evening,
and the Address was delivered fr.->m the Tost Office in this
City at precisely 10 o'clock.
March -4, 1845.
FirLiove-CiTT/xNs ??Without solicitation en my
r.*rt, I have been chosen by the tree and voluntary
eUlTra^es ft my countrymen to lite moat honura'-ie
and most responsible office on earth. 1 am deeply
impressed with gratituce for the confidence rrpesed
in me. Honored with thL? distinguished consider?
ation at an earlier jK-riod of lue than any of my
predecessors, I cannot disguise the diffidence with
which I am nbout to en'.er on the discinrge of my
official duties.
If the more age 3 and experienced me:i w-uo have
filled the office of President of the United States,
even in the infancy of the republic distrusted their
ability lo discharge the euli-s of that exalted sta?
tion, what ought not to be the apprehensions of one
so much younger and less endowed, now th-it our
domain extends from ocean to ocean, that our peo?
ple have sogreicly increased in numbers, and at a
time when so grtat diversity of opinion prevails in
regard to the principles and po.icy which should
characterize the administration ot OUT government !
Well may the boldest fear, and the ..ises: Tremse-,
when incurring responsibilities on which may de?
pend our country's jieace and prosperity, and, m
='?me degree, the hopes and happiness ot tue whole
human family.
In assuming reaponaibihties: so vast, I ferveoily
invoke the aid of mat Almighty riul-r cl the uni?
verse, in whose hands are the destinies of nations
and of men, to guard tliis hcaven-tavored land
against the mischiefs'which, without His guidance,
might arise Irom an unw ise public ;>olicy. With a
firm reliance apon the wisdom of Omnipotence to
-ustam and direct me ia the paih of duty which I
am appointed to pursue, 1 stand in the presence of
this assembled multitude of my country ?men, lo
t ike'ipon myself the solemn obligation, "to the
best ot my ability, to pre-i pre,protect, und defend
the Constitution of the United ?tatea."_
A concise enumeration of the principles which
will guide me in the administrative poucy oi the
government, is not only in accordance with the ex?
amples set me by all my predecessors, butia emi?
nently befitMns the occasion.
The constitution itself, plainly written as it ia, the
safeguard of our lederalive compact, the oil priiig
of concession and compromise, binning together in
'he bonds of peace and union this gtrat and in?
creasing family of free and independent States, will
>e the chart by which I shall be directed
It will be my first care to administer the govern
ine nt in the true spirit of thai installment, and lo 8d
-umr no powers not expressly granted, or clearly
implied in its terms. The government of the Uni?
ted Slates is one of delegated and limited powers;
and it is by a strict adherence to the clearly granted
powers, and by abstaining from the exercise of
doubtful or unauthorized implied powers, iii.it we
have ihc only sure guaranty against the recurrence
of those unfortunate collisions between the Federal
md Slate authorities, which have occasionally
so much disturbed the harmony of our system,
Dd even threatened the perpetuity of our glorious
" To the State? respectively, or lo the people,"
have been reserved " the powers not delegated io
he United Slates by the Constitution^ nor prohib?
ited by it to the Stales." Lads State is a complete
sovereignty within the sphere of its reserved pow?
ers. The Government of the Union, acting with?
in the sphere of its delegated authority, is also a
complete sovereignty, while the General Gov?
ernment should abstain from the exercise of an
thoriiy not clearly delegated to it, the States should
be equally careful thai, in the maintenance of their
rights, they do not overstep the limits ol powers re?
served tu them. One of the most distinguished "I
my predecessors attached deserved importance to
"the support of the State-Governments in nil their
rights, us the most competent administration lor
our domestic coneerns, and the surest bulwark
against anti-republican tendencies;" and to the
" preservation of the General Government io its
whole constitutional vigor, us the sheet-anchor of
our pence at home, and safety abroad,*
To ilie < ioverntiieut of the United States has been
intrusted the exclusive management of our Foreign
Affairs. Beyond that, it wi< Ids u lew general enu?
merated powers. It does not force reform on the
States. It leaves individuals, over whom it cast?
us protecting influence, entirely? free io improve
their own condition by the legitimate exercise of
ail the r mental and physical powers ]| is a com?
mon protector of each and all the Slates ; of evi ry
man who lives upon our soil, whether of native or
foreign birth ; oi every religions sect, in their wor?
ship of the Almighty according to the dictates ot
their own conscience ; oi c\ery shade of opinion,
and toe most free inquiry; of every art, trade and
occii|>ation, consistent with the laws of the Slates.
And we rejoice in the general ha|>ptn? s.-, prosperity
and advancement of our Country, which luv betti
!i-' orTspring of Freedom, not of Power.
This most admirable and wisest system of well
regulated sell government unions: men. ever de?
vised by human minds, has been tested by its suc?
cessful operation for more than half a century;
.md. if preserved from the usurpation- of the Fede?
ral Government on the one hand and the exercise
by the States of powers not reserved to them on the
other, will, 1 fervently hope and believe, endure fur
ages to come, and dispense the blessings ol civil
and religious liberty to distant generations. To
effect objects so dear toevery patriot, I shall devote
myself with anxious solicitude. It will be my de?
sire to guard ngainst that most fruitful source of
danger to the harmonious action of our system,
which consists in substituting the mere discretion
and caprice of the Executive, or of majorities in
the legislative department of the Government, for
poweis which have been withheld from ihe Federal
Government by the Constitution. By the theory
of our Goverrui.e ', mar rit:es rule ; but this right
is not an arbitrary m unlimited one. It is u it to
be eaejcuied in subordiiiai;..!.' lo the Cons'..,?iioa,
and hi conformity to iL One great object of the
CoOtiitution was to restrain majorities from oj>
brewing minorities, ot encroaching upon their just
riylits Minorities have a right to appeal to the
Constitution, asa shield against such oppression.
That the blessings of liberty which our Consti?
tution secures may he enjoyed alike by minorities,
und majorities, the Executive has been wisely in?
vested with a qualified veto upon the nets of the
Legislature. It is a negative |>ower, and is con?
servative in its character. It arrests for the time
hasty, inconsiderate, or unconstitutional legisla?
tion; invites reconsideration, and transfers ques?
tions at issue between the Legislative and Fx~cii
tive departments of the tribunal ot the people. Like
nil oirtcr powers, it is subject lo be ubiis-dl When
judiciously and properly exercised, the Cons:uuiion
itself may be saved Irom infraction, and the rights
of all preserved and protected.
The inestimable value of our federal Union is f--!t
and acknowledged by all. By this system of uni?
ted and coniederated States, our peo; !e are permit?
ted, collectively and individually-to seek their own
happiness in their own way ; arid the consequences
have been most auspicious. Since the Union was
formed, ine number ot States has increesed from
thirteen to twenty-eight; two of these have taken
their position as members of the confederacy with
, in the last week. Our population] has increased
trom three to twenty millions. New communities
and states are seeking protection under iL- legis
and multitudes from the Old World ate Socking to
our shores to participate ia us blessings Beneath
its bemsn sway, peace and prosperity prevail
Fre-d Irom the burdens aud miseries of war. cur
trade and intereoutse have extended throughout
the world. Mind, no longer tasked in cetising
means to accomplish or resist schemes ef ambition,
usurpation, or conquest, is devoting itself to man's
true interests, in developing his faculties arid pow
ers, and the capacity of nature to minister to his cn
jjoymeuis Geuius is free io announce its inven
I Hons and discoveries: and the h-nd is free to ac
I compiish whatever ihe head conceives, not incoro
: p it.hie with the rignts i f a feUow-bemg. All dis
i tractions of birth or of rank hive been abolished ?
j All citizens, whether native or adop;cd. are placed
I upon term* of precise eqnahty. All are entitled to
equal rights and equal protection. Xo union exists
j between church aud stale; and perfect freedom ol
! opinion is guarantied to all svets and creeds.
Th.ese are some of the blessings secured to cur
happy land by our federal Union. To perpetuate
j them, it is our sacred duty to preserve it. Who
j shall assign limits to the achievements of free
! minds and free nan.is. tinder the protection ot this
I glorious Union 1 Xo treason to mankind since the
j organization oi society, would be equal in atrocity
j to that of him who would lift hts hand to destroy,
it. He would overthrow the nobles: structure of
I human wisdom, which protects himself and his
i teilow-man. He would stop the propres.- if free
I government, and involve his country eithr- in aiiar
1 chy or despotism. He would extinguish the fire of
liberty which wantis and animates the hearts cf
happy millions, and tnviies all the nutions oi the
j eiiith to mutate our example. If he say that error
j and wrong an- committed in the administration ot
i the government, ;et him remember ihm nothing
, human can l?- perfect; and that under no ether
i system of government revealed by Heaven, or de
i x tsed by man, ha? reason Deen allowed so tree snd
I b;oad a scope to comba: error. Has the swords cf
, de=ro:s proved to be a safer or surer in?:rviment of
I reform in government, than enlightened rep.-. - 1
j Does he expect to tiud among the ruix.s of this
j I nion u happier Abode for our swarming millions'
than they now have under i: T Every lover of his
country must shudder a; tbe thought cf the possi
. bthty of its dissolution, and will be ready to adopt
the patriotic senrtm-nt, " Our federal I n:on?:t j
mustbepresene-j." To preserve it, the comptuBii- j
' s-s which alone enabled our lathers ro form a com
} mon constitution fur the government anf protection
of so many States and distinct communities, of
? such diversified habits, interests, and domestic in
' stiiutiona, must be sacredly and religiously obser
! ved. Any attempt to disturb ordestruv these com
1 prom:?es. b*-in? terms of the compact o: Union,
j can lead to none other than the most rui-i-us and
j;- ;-::ous consequences.
It is a source of deep reeret that, in seme section?
i of our country, misguided jersons have occ ash ttal
> ly indulged in schemes and agitations, whose ob?
ject is the destruction oi domestic institutions ex
' istmg in other sections?institutions which existed
; at the adoption ot the Constitution, and were re-_
cognised and protected by it. All must see that if
it were possible for them to be success/olio, attain
' ing their object, the dissolution of the Union, and
? the consequent destruction of our happy icria ot
! government, must speedily follow.
I am happy to believe that at ev-ry period of our
; existence as a na'ion. there ha? existed, and con
1 tinues to exist, among the great m.ss ot ourpeople,
a devotion to the Union ot the States, which will
1 shield and protect it against the moral treason ot
any who would seriously contemplate its dest.-uc-.
tion. To secure a continuance ot that devotion. J
the compromises of the Constitution must not only I
: be preserved, but sectional jealousies and heart- j
burnings must be discountenanced : and all should i
remctr.b-r ".Im! :'>y are siu-rubers ot the tr.e .;- :
ttcal family, having a common destiny. To increase
: the attachment of our people to the Union, our laws
I should be just. Any policy which shall tend to
! favor monopolies, or "the peculiar interests of sec
j tion- or classes, riiu.-t operate to the pre.uutce of the
' interests of their fellow-citizens, aud snould be
avoided. If the compromises of the Constitution
be preserved.?if sectional jealousies and heart?
burnings, he discountenanced,?if our laws be just,
and the government be practically administered
strictly within the limits of power preserved to ii,
?we'm ly discard all spprehensicns for the safety
the Uni? n.
With these views of the nature, character, and
objects of the Government, and the value of tin
Union, I shall steadily oppose the crea'ion of these
institutions and systems which, in their nature,
tend to j>ervert it Ircm its legitimate B'j^-e?, and
make it the instrument of sections, cla^e^f, and in
i di\[duals. We need no National BanJts.'or other
extraneous institutions, planted around thoGoverit
m*nt to control or strengthen it in opposition to the
will of its authors. Experience has taught us how
unnecessary they are as auxiliaries of the public
authorities, how impotent for good, and how pow?
erful for mischief.
Ours was intended to b" a plain and frugal gov- i
ernment: and I shall regard it to be my duty to
recommend to Congress, and. as far as the Execu?
tive is concerned, m enforce by all the means with?
in my power, the striciest economy in the expendi?
ture of the piiblie money, winch may be compatible
j with ih- public interests
A National Debt has become almost an institu?
tion of European monarchies. Jt is viewed, in some
of them, as an essential prop to existing govern
; ments. Melancholy is the condition of that people
i whose government can be sustained only by a sys?
tem which periodically transfers large amounts
from the labor of the many to the cotter? of the few.
Such a system is incompatible with the ends for
which oui Republican Government was instituted
Under a wise policy, the debts contracted in our
devolution,and during the war of 1812, have been
happily extinguished. By a judicious application
of the revenues, not required for other necessary
purposes, it is not doubted that the debt winch has
grown out of the circumstances of the last few
years may be speedily paid off.
1 congratulate my fellow citizens on the ent rr
restoration ol the credit of the General < lovern
ment of the Union, and that of many of the States.
Happy would it be for the indebted States if they
were freed from their liabilities, many of which
were incautiously contracted. Although the Gov?
ernment of the Union is neither in a legal nor a
moral sense bound lor the debts of the State--, anil
it would be a violation of our compact ol 1'nmn to
assume them, yet we cannot but feel a deep in?
terest in seeing all the States meet their public
liabilities, and pay off their just debts, at the
earliest practicable period. That they will do so
as.soon as it can be done without imposiag too
heavy burdens on their citizens, there is no reason
to doubt. The sound, moral and honorable feel
ins of the people of the indebted Statescannot be
questioned ; and we are happy to perceive a settled
disposition on their part, as their ability returns,
alter ?'. season ol unexampled pecuniary embarrass?
ment, to pay olfall just demands, and to acquiesce
in any reasonable measures lo accomplish thai
One of the difficulties which we have had to en?
counter in the practical administration of the go?
vernment, consists in ih- adjustment of our revenue
laws, and the lew of the taxes necessary for the
support of government. In ihe general proposition,
that no more money shall be collected than the ne?
cessities of an economical administration shall re?
quire, all parties seem to acquiesce. Nor does there
sei m to Ik- any material diflerence of opinion as to
the absence of right in the government to tax one
section ol country, or one class of citizens, or one
occupation, for the mere profii of another. "Jus?
tice and sound policy forbid the federal govern?
ment to foster one bt ich of industry to the detri
I inent of another, or to cherish the interests of one
portion to ih- injury of another portion of our com?
mon country." I have heretofote declared to my
fellow-citizens that, in "my~ judgement, it is the
duty of the govemmen .<? extend, as far as it may
be practicable to do so, by its revenue laws, and all
other means within :ts power, lair and just protec?
tion to ail the great interests of the whole Union,
c-ibracing agriculture, manufactures, the mechanic
; r;s, commerce and navigation." 1 have also de?
clare d my opinion to be "in favor of a tnrifi for re?
venue." rind that "in adjusting the details of such
a tariff, 1 have sanctioned such moderate discrimi?
nating duties as would produce the amount of re?
venue needed, and, at tiie same tune, aliord rea?
sonable incidental protection te our home industry,"
und that 1 was "opposed to a larifi for protection
til' rely, and not for revenue."'
The power "to lay and collect taxes, duties, ini
posts, and excises,*'was an lndisj-etisable one to be
(-nftried on the Federal Government, which,
! without it, would possess no means of providins for
i its own support In executing this powtr. by levy
I ing a Tarirt of duties for the support of Govern
\ ment, the raising of rrrrnue should be the \ ???!,
and protection the incuftnt. To reverse this prin-j
i ciple. and make protection the object, .and rrrctiu<
the incident, would be to inflict manifest injustice
I upon all other than ihe protected interests. In le-1
vyingdutiesforrevenue. it is doubtless proper to I
make such discriminations within the revenue prin
ciple. as will afford incidental protection to our
home interests. Within the revenue limit, there
is a discretion lo discriminate-; beyond thai limit,
the rightful rxercise of the power is not conci de.i
The incidental protection afforded to our home in
terestshy di-criminationswitbin the revenue range,
it is believed will be ample. In making discrimina?
tions, all our home interests should, as far as prac
ticable, fee < qually protected. The largest portion
ol our people are agriculturists. Others are eni
ploved in manufactures, commerce, navigation,
and the mechanic aits. They are all engaged in
their respective pursuits, and their joint labors con?
stitute the Nati nol or home industry. To tux one
branch of ibis heme industry for the benefit of
another, would be unjust. No one of these inter
1 efts can rightfully claim an advantage over the
j others, er to be' enrici.ed by impoverishing the
j others. All are equally entitled to the fos
1 tenng care and protection of ihe Government i
In exercising a sound discretion in levying dis?
criminating duties within the limit prescribed, care
should be taken that it be done in a manner not to
benefit the wealthy tew, at the expense of the toil?
ing millions, by taxine /< tr-*r the luxuries of life, or
articles of superior quality and high price, which
can only be consumed by the wealthy ; ant: -.
the necessaries ot life, or articles of coarse quality
and low price, which the poor and great mass ot
our people must consume. The burdens of Gov
ernmt n; should, as far as practicable, be distributed
iust!y*and f cual'y among ail classes of our popula?
tion These j'-n-ra! views, long entertained on
this subject. I have deemed it proper to rei>ra;e
It is a subject upon w-hich conflicting interests ot
sections and occupations are supposed to exist, and
a spirit of mutual co:ice->W'U and cori:pr< ::::se in j
adjusting its details should be cherished by every!
part of our wide-spread countrv as the only means
of preserv ing harmony and a cneerfu! acquiescence
of all in the operation of our revenue law*. Our j
patriotic citizens in every part of the Union will
readily submit to the payment of such taxes as
shall be needed lor the support of their Govern
j ment. whether in peace or in war, if they are so
levied as to distribute the burdens as equally cs
j possible among them.
? The republic of Texas has mace known her_ de
Asire to come into cur Union, to form a part of our
yVonfederary, and enicy with us the biessings of
j libertv, secured and guarantied by ourconstitnticn.
' Texas was oncea part of ouf country? wasjiawise
! ly ceded away to a foreign power?is newicdepen
j Cent, and possesses an undoubted right to dispose
of a part or the whole of her territory, and to j
j merge h*r sovereignty, as a separate and meej*n- .
I dent State, in our-. I congratulate my countrv I
! that, by an act of th- late Congress of the 1 "mir?i :
; States, the assent of this government has been given j
i to the re-union: and it cr-y remains for :h- two :
! countries to agree upon the terms, to consummate '
I an object so important to roth
j i regard the question of Annexation as belong- j
1 ins exclusively to :Le United Stat-s end Texas ?
i hev are inder-r.denr powers, competent to con?
tract; and foreign nations have no right I?inter?
fere with them, or to take exceptions to their re?
union. Foreign powers do cot seem to appreciate
the true character of cur Government. Our Union
is a conlederation of independent Stales, whose
policy is peace with each other and al! the world.?
To edarge its limits, is to extend the dominion* of
peace over additional territories and increasing
millions. The world hssjiot.hiag to fear from mil?
itary ambitioa in cor Government. While the
Chief Magistrate and the popular branch of Con
gn a are elected tor short teruis by the suffrages? of
[fa st millions who must, injtheir own persons,
hear ail the burdens and miser's of war. our G v
cramen: cannot be otherwise thin pacitic. Foreign
powers should, there fore. !<>>k on the Annexation
of Texas to the United States, not ss the conquest
of a nation seeking to extend her dominions by
arms and violence, but as the peaceful acquisition
of a territory once her own, by addinj another
member to cur confederation with the consent of
that member?there by diminishing the chances of
war. and opening to them new and ever-increasing
markets for their products.
To T-"t.i- :he reunion is important, because th
st.-ong protecting arm cf our Govermnem would be
extended over ner, and the vast resources ot her
fertile soil and eenial climate would he speedi y
developed: while the safety of New-Orleans and
ofpur whole south-western frontier azainst hest:.e
aggreasioa, as well as the interests of :he whole
Union, would be promoted by it.
gjlii the earlier stages ot our National existence,
ihe opinion prevailed with some, thai our system ot
confederated Slates could not operate successfully
0. er ?ii exvnded territory, and s-nous obfetions
have, ot different times, been made to the enl.irg*
rnen: ot our boundaries. These objections were
earnestly urgrd when we acquired Louisiana Ex
penence has shown that they were not well found?
ed. The title of numerous Indian tribes to vast
trtcts of country has been extinguished. New
States have been admitted into the Union. New
Territories have been created, and our jurisdiction
md laws extended over them. As our population
has expanded, th? Union has been cemented and
-trengthened. As our boundaries have been en- 1
1. trged. and our agricu'inrai population has been
spread over a large surface, our federative system
?: *.s :re>i additional strength and security. I:
may well be doubted whether 1: would not be in
greater dane-r of over.hrow, if our present popula?
tion were confined to the comparatively narrow
limits o' the original thirteen States, than it is, now
that they are sparsely settled over a more expanded
territory. It is confidently believed that ohr sys
tem may be salely extended to the utmost bounds
ot our territorial limits: and that, as it shall be ex- j
tended, the bonds of our Union, so far from being
weakened, will liecome stronger.
None can tail to see ;he danger to our safety and
fntnre peace, if Texas remains an independent
Slate, or becomes an ally cr dependency of some
foreigu nation more powerful than herself. Is liier?
one among our citizens who would not preter per?
petual peace wi*h Texas, to occasional wars, which
SO Often occur between bordering independent na?
tions 1 Is there one w ho would not prefer free in?
tercourse with her, to hish duties on nil our products
nnd manufactures which enter her ports or cross
her frontiers 1 Is there one who would not prefer
.in unrestricted communication with her citizens,
to the frontier obstructions which must occur if she
remains out of the Union ! Whatever is good or
evil m the local institutions ot Texas, will remain
her own. whether annexed to the United Slate? or
not. None of the present States will be responsi?
ble for them, any mere than they are tor the local
institutions ot each o:h>-r. They have confederated
together for certain specified objects. Upon the
same principle that they would refuse to form a
perpetual union with Texas because of her local
institutions, our forefathers would have been pre?
vented from forming om present Union. Perceiv?
ing no valid objection to the measure, and many
reasons for its adoption, vitally afiecting the peace,
the safety, and the prosperity of both countries, I
shall, on the broad piiueiple winch formed the ba?
sis and produced ihr adoption of our constitution,
and not in anv narrow spirit of sectional policy, en?
deavor, by ail constitutional, honorable, and
propriate mean?, to consummate the expressed will
of the people and government of the United States,
by the re-annexatior. of Texas to our Union ht the
earliest practicable [>erinil.
Nor will it become in a less |degr< e my duty to
assert and maintain, by all constitutional means,
the right of tin- United States to that portion of our
territory which fies beyond_ the Rocky Mountains.
Our title to die country of the i'rogon is "clear
and unquestionable/' anil already are our people
preparing to |>ertect that tide, by occupying it with
their wives and children. Hut eighty years ago,
our population was confined on the West liy the
ridge of the Aileshanies. Within that period?
I within the lifetime. I might say, of some my hear
; ers?our people, increasing tommy million';, have
j filled the Eastern valley of the Mi'sisuippi: adven?
turously ascended the MJwo'iri t" it- head springs;
j and are already engaged in establishing the bless?
ings of self-government in valleys, cf which the
rivers flow to the Pacific. The world beholds the
\ peaceful triumphs of the industry of our emigrants.
Ton.: belongs the duty of protecting tiiein, ade?
quately, wherever they may be upon our soil. The
jurisdiction of our laws, and the benefits of our re?
publican institutions, should be extended over them
in the distant region- which they have selected for
their home.-.. The increasing facilities ol intercourse
will easily bring the States, of which the formation
ir. that part of our territory c tnnot be long delayed,
within t'ie .-pliere of our federative Union." In the
mean time, cvfry obligation imposed by treaty or
conventional stipulations should be sacredly res?
In ihe management oi our foreign relations, ir
wil be my ram tu observe a cart fnl respect for the
rignts of other nations, while our own will be the
subject of constant watchfulness. Equal and exact
justice should characterize all our intercourse with
foreign countries All alliances having a tendency to
jeopard the welfare and honor of our country, or
sacrifice any one of ihe national interests, will be
studiously avoided ; and yet no opportunity will be ;
lost to cultivate a favorable understanding with for?
eign governments, by which our navigation and
commerce may be exrended, and the ample pro?
ducts of our fertile soil, as well as the manufactures
uf our skiillul artisans, find a ready market and re?
munerating prices in foreign countries.
In taking "care that the laws be faithfully; exe?
cuted, " u strict performance of duty will be exact?
ed from ali public officers. From those officers,
esj ecially, who are charged with the collection and
disbursement of tin- public revenue, will prompt
and rit-'id accountability be required. Any eul|>a
t>!e failure or delay on their part to account for the
moneys intrusted to them, at the times and in the
mannet required by law, will, in every instance,
terminate the olltciai connexion of such defaulting
officer with the government
Although.in ourcountry.the chief magistrate musi
almost of necessity he chosen by a party, and stand
. (edged lo its principle's and measures, yet, in his
official action, lie should not be tnr President of a
nartor.lv. but of the whole people of the United
States ' While he executes ihe laws with an im
jiattirtl hand, shrinks from no proper responsibi ity,
and faithfully carries out in the; Executive Depart?
ment ,,! die vaovrrumrnt ihe principles and policy
ot those who have chosen him, ile should not be
unmindful thai our fellow-citizens w ho hive differed
from him in 0| inion are entitled to the lull and free
exercise ol their opinions and judgments, and that
the rich's of al! are entitled io respect and regard.
i tutfidentty relying upon the aid and assistance
of the co-ordinate departments of the government i
hi conducting our public atiairs, I enter upon the j
discharge ol ihe high duties which have been as- j
signed me bv the peo;>le. again humbly supplicating i
that llvine living who has watched over and prs>
tected our beloved country from its infancy to the
present hour, to continue His zracious benedictions
upon us. thai we may coutmue to be a prosperous
and happy ; cople.
CaprntL Pi NtsHMEvr ? The New-York Society
for the Abolition of the Punishment of Death will
meet again this evening in the Hail on the corr.er
of Broadway and Lispenard-stree; (entrance from
Lisi C nard-strett ) The discussion of the question
of Capital Punishment w?] be resumed, an? oppor?
tunity will be afforded to persons on both sides to
express their opinions. We hope there will be a.
full attendance as usual.
[-j- Loweli- Mass. elected Charter Officers on
Monday?all Whig, of course. E. Huntington,
Mayor, by about ftX) majority.
[0- Subscriptions for 1 The True American,' by
Casstrs M. Clay, will be received a: this office and
promptly fcrwariled to the publisher. I'.rsous remitting
to u-, who caa more conveniently do so than send to Ken?
tucky, may endOfe the pay for The Tree American, and
tve w.U ?er.j i: to Lex tigtca. The experiment of a per
feetlj Free Press in a slave <ta:e. ably and temperately
advoea:U:g the tenninat.on cf Slavery, mutt be sustains!.
W ? S2 SO.
(ry "W*e call aOention to Dr. B.i?r*.'s com?
mencement of a/rrr lecture thi. evening in Mr. Hurchari's
Church, corner of Houston and Thompson sts on Djspe; -
-ia and Gescral L"ebuitv as reilevahie br mechanical sup
P?t. _^
r< .- rnl ai-iuoTrwet. tlie American Xntrtm still t.kr-.
thr laid among ill place* of eotrrtamB>ei.t. ptMeiitiiig a tail .1
rerto.-roaace u foil of takal a, it i. laried m <baner-r . ?na
ihe rrBaeijriMsre is that ihe spiricn. Saloon i, IhsesWd
tightly with a delitht-d and ditcrimualing aBiiieo**. 1 h.
Maas;:-, luav vtrll br proud of thi. o?.- t!o?nig pitrouace?
far to hi* ?urcenful eattring mar it ?II t? sserit?d. Th,
"Laaajaag Gas?* u sa ladicrous ia its lattaraev as o u
singoja.-. lad f-.Tu a ir- st ,er?raLle f-arnre ; vihils Mt,.
UrtlUs urrar V\"?tjrn and cthcrt consrleie ? traly nrfc-1 i!
Go thn frcizf -.ao take v ?ar Ijay with 5:00- i tie ai., r
n-eo Frrforcuace. it J o'clock, is wcrthy ths uustiac of
GCh The news of the pH.-s.-age of the Texas An?
nexation resolution* arrived fcur hours too lau- to go out In
the l?beraia. [Bosti u Transcripi.
It Is rurroteJ that the British Minister fonraxdevl :hls
sews by Express, tc go cut to the steamer.
Tliliirr? nt Washington.
? o.-rssis-noeoce oi" The I n ban*.
WAsaiMGTOJf. M?rvh 3-1, 1S45.
I have just heard fron? Mr. Calhoun that as laie
j as last evening, Abt?nte hid not asked forms]
, port.
1 Ty'.er and his Cabinet had a meeting yesterday
? (Sunday) morning, and have scat a messenger to
\ Texi*. tor wh^t purpoe is not exactly known, but
j it is befieved that they have proposed to annex i n
? the term; ol' iirown's Resolution. This will s^cly
j disappoint certiin Senators who voted tor Walker's
amendment and the bill, on the pledge ot Polk that
negoti it;ons should be adopted, upon certain con?
ditions. _ * *
The Thlir! of Mnrrh in VYrtshiimtoii?do?
ing Sceiu? In Cousrrcs>.
C . :rr*rvi; Jruce of the Tribune.
vVt.niv-.ro>. starch t.?1 A. M.
The Exportation Bill, allowing a draw-hick on
I z?ed* imported, to be exported again to Cansdi and
j other plat e#, passed both Houses to-day. This btil,
; which is ot' so mach importance to New York City
aud State, owes its passage principally to Mr Phtx
scc, of your city, aided by others from New York.
! Had Mr P. done nothing but this one act, it would
I be sutticient to secure him the gratitude c>t your
: city and State. 1: will add to the commerce of
ycur city, the business of your canals and the gene?
ral prosperity of your State.
There was a kind of farewell meeting at the
White House this afieraoon. A speech was deliv?
ered to the outgoing President by Gen. Van Neas,
(your Collector's brother,) to which Mr. Tyler re?
sponded. The President and family have removed
to Fuller's Hotel, which is in the neighborhood o'
the White House. The Empire Club, numbering
about 15*>, were preseni. The President, I tinder
stand, wa- not verv well pleased with their presence.
Tbey came into the city this morning, bringing
with'them. 1 believe, a cannon, which they fired
opposite Mr. Folk's lodgings. Mr. Polk did not
iteign to notice them, which has made him rather
unnopuUr with these superfine Loco-Focos.
The White flag!- Club is also here. They and
the Empires are dressed in their appropriate uni?
forms. ' . j
Judge Nelson of New-York, took his seat to day
on the Pench ot the Supreme Court of the United
States. He is a good looking man.
A number of distinguished strangers luve recently ar- j
rived In town. The new Senator? are almost all hero to
take their seats to-morrow. 1 notice also that Mr; T. C.
G rattan, the Kritish Consul at Hoston. has arrived. John j
h. O'Sul tvan, Editor of ihe Momltv News i> hire : I ut it |
would he Impossible to enumerate all the illstincnis'ie.! men
r esent. The ltad?H) LOCO Feeos from ."11 parts Ot the
Country, including Texas, are here aller pray for the karri
services reu Vre-.i during the last campaign. I will o.-isai
what they would have f they were to gi t their reward.
Alderman Purdyof ytmrdty has been here with l?oo
signatures, m his favor, for Collector of your Port. He
is cone ba'k to uet some more respectable. It ap?
pear, that many of :he slg -eis were Irish. The Loco-Fo?
il i> prohatity ihhik that Ir'-h v tors are c>.oJ eno.uh, hut
that they have no business to any opinion in matters of
office or emolument.
The Senate had no Executive Session to-day.
So the whole body of unconfirmed ot'ticc-holders
is handed over to aPolk Senate.
It wasgenerallv feared to-day that the President
would veto the Post-Office Bill. Ii is said that a
strong feeling against the bill was manifested at
the hist Cabins'! meeting It wa- signed, however,
tins evening, and is now law. Its provisions will
go into operation on the 1st of July next.
There.is little doubt that Mr. Tyler has either
vetoed or pocketed the Harbor biil. So. that im
iMirtant measure is defeated by the Loco-Foco
principle ol the One-Man power. It seen;.- ro be
/Tcmocriifie.just now, to leave the destinies of our
Nation?the Legislative and the Treaty-making
powers?all at the caprice ot one man.
You will see that Mr. Waggaui m (a nephew of
Mr. Tyler, I believe,) has been sent to Major Don
el.-on. Charge to Texas, with the Joint Resolutions
Icr die annexation of that country to this.
We have all kinds #>f amusements going on here now.
The Theatres are tuU ntnl? ther places of amusement are
well attended; Yankee IUI ami Mr. Dempster appeared
before the public this evening in separate entertainments.
Washuvotow, Tuesday nomine,)
P. S. 3 o'clock. March 1, ?14. >
The Senate and House of Representatives have
adjourned, a few minutes ago ami the 23th Con?
gress, with all its s.ns and imperfections, has be?
come a matter of history. 1 shall not attempt nit
this hour, to give you anv reflections suggested by
its demise; these will answer for another occasion.
During the evening session the Senate and House
were occupied chieflv on the same business,
frequent messages passing between them. I was
mostly in the House.
The Harbor bill was passed.
The Smithsonian bill was laid on the table. Mr.
j Adams was oppo.-ed tosome ol its provisions. The
I Yens to lay on the fable were 85 ; the Nays 00.
The Iowa and Florida hid, as amended by the
' Senate, was passed.
(in motion of Mr. White of Kentucky, (ex-Speak
: er.) a vote of thanks waapassed to Speaker Jones.
; 'I he Foreign Postage fiiil passed.
Tin- Yeto Message of the Pre-.dent, on the bill
relative to the building of Revenue Cutters and
Steamers, which had passed the Senate by more
than two-thirds, (only 1 in ihe negative) wos read.
After some remarks from Mr. Bayly of Ya. ihe
Yeas and Nays were ordered t?Yeas I lift; Nays
81. So ihe bill, in spite of the Veto power, is'a
law. Wiiil-calling the Yeas and Nays the hour
of 12 o'clock arrived, and Mr. Bsyly tried to have
it lo*i bv adjourning.
Tiie l'?rt;!i.-,itiou bill was relumed from the Sen?
ate, with an additional appropriation of$40,000 lor
Boston Harbor. The House refused to concur A
Committee el Conference was appointed, which
Committee reported that they had come to no
The amendments to the Navy Appropriation bill
bv the Senate were agreed to.
Mr. Winthrop moved another Committee of Con?
ference with the Senate on the Fortification bill.
Ii was subsequently reported tjjar the Senate lud
receded from its amendment. So the Fonitieatiop
bill passed without the appropriation for the harbor
of Boston.
After some other business of little importance was
transacted, a committee which had been appointed
to wail on the President, reported that the Prcai
! dent had no farther communications to make lo
! either House, and that he wished them a onfe and
i a happy return home. (Cries ot "What does he
say of the Harber Bill* Will he see that sale
home "")
The House then, at ten mioules after 2 o'clock,
voted to adjourn.
Mr. Speaker Jenes then rose, and in substance
CenUtme? tif On Botat nf Rtprtmtfatittt: The period
Im? armed which terminates our labor? a? members cf the
gsth Ci ngrevs. We are SOOU to part, perhaps to meet no
more fox ever. Ilefore I perform the last act which sepa?
rate? u-, ;?.-rniit me to return to you my thank* ror the
tin tneas manuested in the vote which you pan-*.! a ?h?rt
lime since. Vcur approval is tile highest honor which I
could Wk for iaretarn for SJy humble -ervices.
"??The duties Of SUcfa an ottVr, always delicate, ?Iways ar?
duous, have i lien made me consider whether Ihe honor
conferred e?iua!? the cares it imposes, [ts trappings may
be seen by a... '<?.: its '.are- a:. 1 anxieties few see or cat) ap
i preciate.
i .- I may have often erred, hut your kindness itrengt
; the hope that !?. was only a tailicir of the head, rot of the
heart. This kindness audits testimonial, I will cherish ami
' keep as one Of the most valued reminiso iices 'if my life?
j one of the highest h.mcr? ever received.
Tire power of Leci-lation is a responsible one. Pamcu
j larly tias it been so on tht? .sccaalon?on one extrem? of
I our country a great empire, has been added, our I aw,
i have been extended, tar tu this Uou.se is concerned, over
people beyond laeRocay Mooiltalns, and Iowa and Florida,
j twin sister-, luve hecii a-ided to the States ot the Cr.lon._
; It were too much to expect that these things sliould be
I done without some feeling; yet I trust that the are that
j may have l-eeu kindled, about the?e exciting topics, will be
I like the spork cf .he flint, extinguished almost as soon as
I kindled.
May health and liap^lne-s attend you throng h life, a; d
: may yon return to >our Mends la ?atety aad in peace.
It now remains tcr me to announce that tlua Ii im?
stande adjournwl tu>f dar.
This short address was followed by a round ot
applause and the members each departed to their
lodging? to eleep, and ! to mine to write this le'ter
Tiling, In Philadelphia.
Correspondence of The Tribune.
PiiiLiOELriit?, March 1?P.M.
; ceusiitiur of such osea as Htjuo O. Rowley
, The Ait;!:, i. ( ..*;?!,:, ,f ( oi Mar; hy-at |?,t ton. tea
j r.rtwrlv--wrreo.t with Mu,.r. |.. ?a^J bv ihe above Com
mitt.-, and f .-rfonrwsj th*t which tl?oB?u>d? l.orh-sl .r. To
. L-.eut. ^ -hji W .^ler??hoseu.e, ?ach sycoptMucv-l readrr
a just nueU of prain-. He it oee ol" those ever teady to |er
fonn an set Of patriotism, drspuinj st rhe tame nme such
j nurailisriti: ail .-?ttoo.
I KUgsaad banunn in ?; ins in r,erv iiire,ti.^. Oor m
, HtntCBta .truck H7 m, Ilnstmit f;?m f.,.irU. .uwy of J.
swn us-r s clu.r msnafte'orr. \V ?!^ .: t abo?' Third, wirli
the woe.1,-- I'. IV IMUr.T. iv.tnadirs.Hi-.Nol nitr.1
anus . rUnk ?in lirte bfier? npoa il '.
II. rwKMet of the LcCO-KoCOS it becomins drtrsrs^-.
J '* '? ' ?W WSOIISHg to -,?r\ inslSHI to hurl t'erni dn. e
fypeerdenided sa iatens of the tsattor Ty law. TT^Caoosa
I. Die s-i.i I'o-.i-Orfo-e as I mentioned ><-cerday. a? marked
? ? tasiiom are tiled?.ladercrv Ci,;sj?i-.<ur. uuuiu-tted
to favor coce l-nt " t,3c bleat." Hesry Horn want, t-> be the
t oll.^torof the Tort'
?Jr rom BaiiisbuiaJ haw iinlliiiif nf spiriil imyortancr.?
T'w- I omniit!-.- cn E inks bar- reported la the ease of the L.
h'il. I ooat^ Bai.k. The mstitnlioa u rerfreieo.^d 10 a aosflsd
?ad Saartshiuc eorditiiri. bat its removal lu Mutch t htuk
lecuwutenseHl. "ll*-iew;Il a minority report ui a day t,r
The sehr N<mpariel. Capt. Homer, amvad kutesrenxe frrrni
Majajucr. P. K.. wnn dates to the lf?h Feu. Buaineu was
aeuve. aadespoftalwei heavy. Prices ax American product
: * ee^ ro balk, swai Xti -fork vox-S serr
in port wbcTi the N. left.
It*- <fi?ch.?r.:e oi tt xr* or foo-borgUn, ?rtntfd ,?..;(.
in-; b-i. . ce 'ori-J ia ?l>t- ?s<.-M?ir? rawriv. h*? caii?rd
c "iiiJrrihlr ulk in oar .-cannroaity. XI? tea. Attoraer
Crraernl. Mr. Kane, i? nach ncmml.
A petition, ,igued Oy -i pe,-wn?. w*i irr-m^J
Court of sv-?*i mm tbu usacnJag, rrm,>n?ti?tiuf ?g?i:.?: rk.
I icen?tas of erojcrerics.
<:.? . 4 _Tl.? -TimarfeTii v-ihr wer? lirSt, bM pr-em
?hl?? sn improvement. .state F>v*? opened ami close.; ?t 74
an Bii??-eeor ?. Wilmington Kailruad went op i. .\oth.c
c\ -o :n Teva? Bonds.
/ i: >l F'M' ???i- ?.:.-? V.c'jim' Itoii. I;'. W
too Kuilnvuill-; I'.'J :. .? J. ."!!; it CO State y, cj'
71; $Sioo. new annually. ?8; *VW City Ja, 're, r03j; ^(j,-,.
C.nlfS. a
&C*nd Sean/?*3Vo LeSiigftSS, ISt5. v?J?... Wilir-..^,,.,
Rail .ad. *3wr. tl .??o do ?arvou? way*. .'li---.xoj >:?-..
b i ? r. 71? oO lit 1 ? - Kailr.-ad is.
Srnr >'?.<*??<l P. M.? Ci'-arta* fat* .?f'V-.:<.'>n-^<-sri
i'rii, . Lufkio. Mobile . S Iwwveldt. ?VW IT Mde-ee,
Jane Haockfsxxe., Riaaco, >ew-iork; ?icamer K 1 M.ai;ca!
LaVIUall. Ka'tini >ie.
lil t.*? -?ciir Jack Downing, Paaiarsr*, BalttBIOfC Si c
Relief, M-ntvrn. do.
iWov?I-. u Calais (V m Tin*? NWnd.
Sanitary Reform.
I'erhajn? no sab ect, so de? ply ufievung the iaJer*
; eslsaud COtnfoR of our citi/eus, has been . resctiie-i
; bet?re them for their action as this. Its o^ec: is
'? to improve the health of the city, to remove from
I it the va."'.oii< source- et sickness, md rv!ie\rtriepec>
I :ro:n :!:e lun-den cf physical deb.hty andptrma
, lure death. Th;s must consciucnily lend directly to
the improvement in property .inJ circarnsjtances.
There are many [?art* ef the city now ineo wretched
1 a coudition from overcrowded habit.iti.Ms.cell.ir re
j sidence, want cf drainage and sewerage, and deti
I cient ventilation, that it :s unsafe to reside in them,
' and he who moves into the precincts in good health,
I will almost inevitably become ?iiseased, or debil?
itated, and perhaps die earlier, tor is ;-rv(W that
the average length of life in those places, is mach
shorter than in better ventilated and cleaner sec?
tions. The poorer parts of the populuf ion of course
setter most from these causes, but it has been i '.ear?
ly demonstrated that the rich are injured by them
to a greater or lest? extent.
Hut the former are unable to protect themselves
.inst these evils, or to remedy them, and hence it
becomes tue duty of the philanthropist and raagis
I tr?te, to cast the shield of protection arourd
them by improving the localities they inhabit,
iti every possible way. Sanitary reform has
been carried to a great extent in other countries,
especially in the large tow ns and cities, and with
the most h ippy effects iu many different directions.
Marked ch in v s have been produced by it not only
in the condition of the citizens as to health, but the
averr.ge length of iite has actually been nrnn'i/
doubled among some 'classes, and properly h is
doubted in value. Within the l ist live years, the
city of London has expended 8,000,0(10.ol dollars,
in sewerage, with natural advantagi s for iheir con?
struction and working far interior to ours, but w ith
decided lw,n' tits to the city; Liverpool was discov?
ered tobe the most unhealthy town in England,
owing in a great measure lo the many low, damp
places Upon this announcement, measures were
immediately taken bjrsewers, Sec to remove the
sources . t w miii h distress and richness, ami Dow
it is one of the healthiest cities in the Kingdom
Si .11 we not take heed to ourselves 1 Will not
the citizens see that their own lives and interests
are better guarded I Let us see that our next
Common Council contains some men who under
stand tins most important of all subjects, and have
the ?trength and will to carry forward so desirable
a reformation.
Mai??.?The Loco-Foeo Legislative Conven?
tion of Maine, which whs held on Tbursd*} last, unani?
mously voted tor lie..u.t. Anderson as their candidatel"r
Governor. .Mr. Anderson accepted the nomination.
On Men.lay. 3.1 in-t. at Stephen's Church, by Itev. J. H.
Prl e,JOUN W. URiTTON to KltAM.Ks M., dauxhtcr
..f in.- late Jameson Cox. .Ir. of this die.
In Oroton VTllsse, N. Y. Pen; 26th, by Rev. I. Banste i.
Mr. Dexter N- Hastings, of SpeeusvUle, >'. V. to Mise
Melissa Truinble, of Hie former place.
On Monday evening; March 3. hv K..v. at. F. Uatlteld,
in ihe Tili L>resbyterian Church. Mr. CH IULE8 I'. U.U.H
VVIjr. formerly ui Newark, N. J., to Mise MAKGAJtET 0.
DEVOY, daughter of John M. Devoy, of this City
March 3,by Rev Mr Chesty, w K Grey ro Kram e., \
Fe* 87,by |tev Mr Ifalght, Ilanford While to Catharine
27,l?bv Rav Mr Van Z.uk!i. R It Field to Mr.rgaritta U
Miller. _
f>n Monday evening, the 3d March, ASSE siWlN
BOTJRKE. in the 9Slh yearol her age.
Bet relative- and friends, and th. se of her nephew, fla?
ute BcnJ. <; Mlntum, nre resrsKUully Invited to attend her
nineral on Thursday afleruoon at t o'clock, frnsn the resid
enea of lt. M. Freeborn, No. '2"? Kutgcrs-st. irtthout farthur
March i. James Klnney, 31 ; Mrs Mary Ann Welch;
Charlotte Delspl line, *>3; John Conrad, II.
3d, Mrs Rebecca Martin, CO; Mrs Ann Good win; Waiter
M Mead; Mr, Bisa M Ssnfonl, S9.
ith, Mrs .lane Johnson, 62; John Monahan, 20.
/ tS*rtiHHah,fromSaramaA?MrJ W \VUlianis, It
W New man.
<Xr Wo 1. ,t by the :lrc a Subscription UooK. ?rhlt h con
j talned a part oi ihe list of our Southern sub-rohers to the
W'fUj Tribune recehad at (his onTce rsrevious to the four
teenth day of October la<t. Also a Subscription Hook con
taining a small portion of tbe name* of 00/subscribers
SortAanU West ?</ Ati-onu 1? ihr aou*: ../ AVavTor-ir, 11.0
II'-..r. i n part of Vtrmnnt. XiirtJurn Ohio, SoiU.erii tndkuvt
.in.'. Sorihem flUneit ami otloxa, Wisconsin stnlAtkhigem.
The M*U IKKiks containing the Ofty weeks suOsertberi of
ia?t year and the lo Daoolhs ruhferihers ui the present year
for the atai,c named States and IiUtricts are saved.
p Usmssttrt Hit <i)-iiHii oblige us bit /? neardiny us the
miin ? . / nr , ibscribert al t.vue /?/,?/.( and tisne Jbr
?'iiic'i then has* paid. .VIIour Mail Book, t,.r the Dally
Tribune arc saved, and we Ullas none Oi the Weekly but
the above described.
We w PI keep enough papers "ii hand lo stippl;. tlnwe of
our siib-crlN:rs who?e UaniC* we have lost.
Till ill St..
[Tie- caah in nil case*accompanying da urd-r )
Sit ?er, March I.
\cw?i?t-.. N II .V !Li liraage. la. .I
' ??*?**;".'? >'t .I wb.,rnvillr. I. Ii.I
Randolph, do.ZlPen Byron N V. 1
Kayrttetille. Vt.llCasI .Nusau. do. 1
Ctewlaad. Ohio.I Vliaamuel**. .lo.1
Bwghamtoo, M i.11 North Biaakfteld, tt Y.. ,;J
Perry '>ntie, do . . H< ,1 mi. 1 ilr T. ui, III . . I
Bruadslbia. do .2 Lock Berlin, S V.. I
Hillsdil'. Ml. h .I ' lwrib.il. do n
Dsvageville. Wisceasin.11 Hartford, d....to
Mi!., centre, .\ V. Maudviue. Pa I
Momstown, do .n 'ihrrin*riri. Ohio. i
Lima, la.t,;l'.,iiieroy, do ....1
Mosuav. March SI
Galesia. III. _.i.jMjnliu,. N V.I
Barr? CcnUivlV V.ifBuriiagum. Vt .1
Frrdoais. do .lf|Csn?jeMuss,N).I
TA/nda, do .t 'Loom*. do .i
Sal-in. Is. .51 Wilton, Ml.I
rasnfarille N V . _?iEde.i. N V.I
Pratt's Hollow, H ? ... llrlcssaal Valley, N \.I
Holland Patent, do .21 Jasper, do .I
Ara-vle, do . ,'i lyda, do .??
Niples. do .Ill P-acham. Vt. *>
I r.iuburv, Vt. .llBostee, Mass.I
Vritsoa N V.llSaln. Ktver, V V.10
Washington, < ?*. I r'luahiug. Li. .1
Frank Im. Mississippi ? . ll rlsninarnirtj. P?....1
Tcfusv. Maacsi li
Rums Suu.Md.11Mount Vetaaa, Ohio .... I
I'.ilWron. N V.I V'eracn N V.I
Bath Ml.I'Arcitook. M- .I
M nrw. Ma?*.1, fan*. Ill.10
Buriiugtoa, X J. I,
Not including ssry received iu the City of, New-Vork.
[The ca?h i.; all c*??s accompanying tin- order.]
Siti soar. V'areh t.
iire.fue. N T.11 EUmira, N V.1 ?
Mova*,. M,.-ch J. lHu.hicg. I. !.1
Mamaroceck; N "i.tlMilledgerult.Ga.I
Tci:?u?*. Mascii I ?Stoekhrid-e. Mass.1
PosTast.1! Bstavura Cain?A large v?ri-"j of the mo?t
fOD-.pafi form, ccataiaing ti*r Metall?. Tablet tat keeping
nzor? iu i>rieet order. For ?le by
?; mis o. SAUNDERS tt\ SON, W3 Broadmy.
' I n:^\.-T>. . OME 0NE, COME ALL -
A u>e:n ^ uf ll?- I. uiooi-t Aasoeiatioa will t -k- pises *t >*?
tior^U Hs!l. .-.a Toevu.iv Ereaiar, March IIA, ?t 7 o'cl-xk
A trarni artmcUiier it re-,.ie.-?d. ?? llieie w ill be maitrr of*
uatare ibtatasttng a>*ll laid befoie tr.e Mrtijrg By crdei rf
SIL A ? cHICKKKI.NO. Pfai'leau
R. D. HoLMi *, Svcrru.-.-. ^ art lwu
"7* NOTICE.?Ttie on.lef,:<ned hare l!?,d*y ?uterrd
mlo coparroerahip a* ConaUaaade Krrcfcuo.U u drtlhrattcn
of H. C. Br.iL. St Co. Ihr bnsio-s* will Le cooCactnlit
No. M South ?ireet. Ii CHANNING BEALS,
tSirwd) EDMUND L'.'. IGHT.
New-Voik Ut lareh. ISii. - (td> ' tu33raod
: N V ES r/IG v" : I N S iu Aattsnal M nan lisai tad Tbss
uo|.>ST "Y Prof. ItODOVRS, thrunnralled I *goeiierr *??
Ptu-eroiegnt.?Prof Rasiger? ha* the honor t.. jaBCO"**"11
iatrnU/mi of delivenug a coorae of F'.ux Lecture. oo UV
relssabts ?ciex.ee, ,?
BiiUer, inatitate. Maduoa *t. Tuetda} efesu a cott
airuciug Toesday Ith ef March.
C'n-tou Hall WedMuday of each week, eorrrneaeieg Weer
a .cUy. Jthof M'rciu .?*,
Amrncan Pepnblicaa Hall, corn.-of 6th .'.r-nue aadTait
Tbanday of rich week, :oian> acwg Th?r?day. t*n 01
March ; sad _
St. Lake-, Buildings, corner of ?r>w lad llud.on ?!- Fn
sb) of each ?eek. eoumv-ueaog Friday Ith March. To c^?
nwtiee ?t half-p-'t '-o'clock.
Ttcktt*, mach w ill admit t Lvdy sei i>otle.Bsa. ti e*?-?
ml c.u' _
ry'Fite Popnlur Lc<ture.-I>' itNisa ? 01
deliver* Free Lectare tili? rvenasg. at 7 1-7 o .leck. J? Mr
Barehard * Church, comer of Hooiwc aud Taotnr?oo r-reets
on Dy?r?p.U and othrr sntixon of LSe lower trank.??
ciased by mawiilu reliaslicai *.-.d relii ved by mecbaeieil
oi I'
?rpport. _
Loox to Vot a PaNTatca aso Biinaoosn ?fi*J*
Roacbe* or E?sl But. in yoor bouae .' A ?at* .?**?r ?' "
Coartivudt ?Ueet. Price 'A * 15 cents.

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