Newspaper Page Text
CITY INTELLIGENCE. TCfSDAY. SUPERIOR COURT. Before Judge; Oaklet. ahm. Sage <t Co. vs. H'.a..t. Hdrhv.?Action lo rc ? Eot J43O0 i aid by S. 8. & Co. draft, of Mr. Kb hfo T-* on allested fraudulent recc!i>t?of produce on hand. . jtc jialntin" failed In maic out tLelr case Hal ?* um i^critcrcl. _ ,.- , Klovtek vi. James Beek ? Action for Assam t -<nd Z, Mr- < iulick went to t!ic .tore of Mr. Beck, 359 ??y, December last, to cvilect a Militia rtne of one ' :Jr'?- i.anicf. Webster Tlioi.ipeon. Mr. was ac ii,d by two men. He complains that Mr. I>c* as Uffl, and bring, action. One of the men who ac fofcd him testified that he saw Mr. Beck have Mr. Ltbv the collar, and that Mr. 0. and tlic two with Rejected from the store, and Mr. C.utiek thrown , ? a k utr.ii the ?i ewaik. Seven of the clerks -> ? to the ?t ire testified, on the other hand, that Mr. , Vas not Mr. liulirk at the time of his belli',' ejee Bs?r< were a Dumber ot ladies ana sent emeu In the itt! ?? timemaking parehaso*?that the clerks requca r Gullek to come some other time when they were .ata-v, and not attempt to arrc-t Mr. Thompson then; ?** persevered, und seine Of the clerk. ej'i:t.-d him -that on coming from his desk to enquire into the dim ,a.v .Mr. liuli'-k as be was re-entering the store, and ind.ig his errand, immediately told '1 hoi:i;?ion to go js de?k and get money to pay hb tine, which he did. ^r: this forenoon. iti lore Judge Aaron Vaxoebpokl, V? SO 1" vs New-York and Erie Itarlroad Company. ?ga ?? recover balance of account, amsaui?ng to about ?ifor a'tm-; us Agent to -ib-crlptlnns to the stock "f i So. (in the cirlv part of 18?)In the 10th Hard. Tt 'in'tint Mr. Lvsn.iti. general commissioner ot t ie - . engaged so h an Agent for every W ard in the Etisperday. Tue defence is that Mr.Lyinan was Kjtnmliid by the Company to do so. Verdict ibis fore COCRT OF COMMON" PLEAS. Before Judge Cuuorrza. ?kjXam C. Wu'tt vs. It'. Erring?AcUon for Slander? Etred 'oyenterday.i?This ease is still on. As relates .?lion, it wa? shown that Mr. Wales had been ? : : Mr, Erviug's father in collecting rents, hut the ;<e?iiad been transferred to Mr. Erring (defendant) and EXm appears to have been engendered. It was dis ?; Mr. Vf. bad oollected, us agent, a few very Velins for which he did not account, but acknow Eton hclngapprisiM of the error, that he did *?. The "tad for plaintiff offered to show by highly r< ipei table iS?es who had known Mr. Wales30 years, that be Ejtaexeellent character, hut the Court sal. bis general Ctar hid not been Impeached, and there was no ne* Zy for such. The testimony w as not allowed. Justice ^Bt b-d been summoned by defendant as a witness b : jsjnot appear. HlS testimony will be given this to ?sj?f, when tlic case w ill close. t'oi STV COURT. Judge Clshoeki kk in the Chair. < [M FE ACH MENT OF JOB OASKELL. n the Impeachment of Job Ilaskell continued? Wtr.Stuart rccal'cd?Was present when Mr. Ford was Jght bcfoic' Justlee H. It wa. near sunrise in sum j. After the discharge .if the watch, word was brought Kasan was committing an assault on a woman in a nisi part of Uie city. We brought him to the Police Of? E he was intoxicated, and very abusive. Justice II. son the Bench; the tatter himself also became very rl t..:d Ford he would knoc', him d iwn. Ford seonitnittcd and taken away by the ofllcers. JusticeH. jward .aid If Ford had made another plunge at the bar i.rould certainly hare shot him ; he had a six-barreled nl in his isoket, and he would certainly have shot him j; be would have done so in self-defence, d had frequently mado a rush against the bar a greai violence. The Justice was inside the bench ur, und elevated considerably higher than Ford, who ?outside of It, or six feet distant Gram Justiceill.; I did :lte tbcplst 1 at the time, but 1 think thai Justice II. ?wards took it trom his pocket in the back room, and -wed It to m ?. He was very much irritated when Foul starrylng "n. They had to put Ford down 00 bis rlst tie Police riiHee to I.e. p him still, and it reipiired ?ortlx persons to do so. lie would sometiines break ja them und rush towards the Justice. Ho was an ex triiaanly powertid mau. 'liiere was another occasion, itltaeofthndls hargo of the watch, n complaint hud a made against a person who had committed lareet.y, ?jsstleell.was about taking bah for his go al behaviour. "jkl him ii he did SO, he could not send the case to Court. wee II. became very angry; said he was the Mngls lit; he liailInstructed Mr. Ulakely, Ihe other Clerk, to " .ike out the papers, und I must mind my business. There i.:i> a.subsequent time when something of a simllui char ji'ttr occurred, and I spoke about It. He again became , &rv, and gavu mo to understand he was Magis! 1 was Clerk. There, was a ease afterwards Fbcn the watc ? return was mi?ing. I told Justice II. hlssaaM them to html He said 1 bad not. Hetosd me ?>jt I had friqtici>tty insulted ihe people of S. Vorl. thro' p. and I must make an apology. I refused to do so, Eoglbaddoneor said nothing to require It, when he Itoalr. Uleakley, and directed him to make out a litinetit against me, which Mr. B. refused tod . and tire U. i.Hik up a iUonj blank to till out himself to com firnc. lie turned again to -Vr. Blcakleyaud asked Inni :e leisistcel in refusing. .Mr. 11. said be did, and the (Jc? ordered Win out of the ofllco. The Justice did not nil me- 7 Ijo sound time I alluded to the JusticoUnod person 51. At the time Juslii''. M. threatened to coiii uie?I told hlui ho dare not, and would not, ami had dlht. I afterwards found the watch rc turn among the p*j"IeaW |?,recalled?The lir-t dlfllctdty 1 knew be? ta Mr. Stuart and .lustide H. was where a man had in brought in fur stealing from a drunken man. Justice Itold Mr. S. to make out an obligation paper for him to i surety (orgood behaviour. The next case was where ,ispectabie mini lliat keeps a grocery stoi c committed Molleocein n drunken frolic, and Justice 11. ordered l to be lined 51. Mr. Stuart Said to him, that was 110 rat all. There were afterwards complaints as to drunken .ilios. aad air. Stuart rilled up the paper- for $9 line each, I handed them to the Jusuccto Mgu. Justice II told 's he hail no right so to All them up?that he himself was UtiMratc and Mr. S. Clerk, and he OUghl to wait the M ?g ptte's orders, and he would hereafter have no such con n. Mr. 8. said it was usual for the Clerks to do so.? jttce Q, replied, say no more, sir, or I will commit t. Justice II. soon aCerwsuds said to one of Ihe leers of the watch that his return wns not [ Mr. Stuart told hint mat It was, and he had ?edrd It to him. Justice II. denied it. slid snkl you have . fltradieled m? several times this morning, Mr. Bin L and if you do s.i again I will commit you. M r S. told i? lie dare Dot, for lie hud done nothing worthy of It. The ^tlcc rose very much agitated from his scut, took a blank Ian I l try COUUnltmeUt from a pigeon hole, ami told me ?aakell out tor Mr. Stuart. I refused. The Judge, ap .?euily eery much excited, called to the morning Ofllcers, Bjthen tumcl to me again and asKed me If I would till Hhecornuiluncut. 1 said no. Ho then wont round to : f other room, and called au oftlgcr. He returned, and ;o asked uie to mi up a commitment, which i still re i. lb- said, than you must* leave this office.? was pru-sitit; i?to the back room ho called to one tic " en and told him t? sec that I quit the of- | I . l i. ii. Next morning I went on duty to the lis? ps oi i nc watch. Waa then before Justice H came a aft er he came he said Mr. HUakij, v0u reiused to obey srders yesterday morning, will you apologize, l said ?5 He then said I must .mil the ouiee, r told hlmth it ii:" jc power that had appointed him appointed me, mid. bj sice of cHinsel, 1 refused to .put. lie afterwards naked leap .?;'.?'?. aud I refuted. I saw a number of persons jiiitioi the bar laughing at my refusal, und 1 went into Ithrrroom. I was appointed as clerk in May Isli ? ^sp]sjiiiliiient was contested and I did Hot commence as RUuOct. 1M4, niter Justice 11. had come in; 1 knew Aras by consent of Justice 11. 1 eras permitted to assume itda ies of clerk. |.V tttlimoiuj hen rested, and Mr. Baant opened for THE DEFENCE. waUoded to the character of the Court before w hom "St.-;,M. The sanio power that up]KiiiUe,l him have pre hdthe complaint, are Judges, Jury, and will have to ?) cut thi execution ot their own Judgment. The whole .'vir, he said. Is got upon account of polities, and ever i be refused to give ? portion of his salary to support a Ifcal party, every effort has been made In?ddeoi iho l*o K^tot, aad outside of It, to annoy him. In relation to '? Batty he is an applicant lor the Office which Justice jeeid, and would probably be so again, in regard to has Stuart and Uleakley" the clerks. Justice H. would been justitiell In committing iheui as he had threatened. Sks EL bad aright to subpoena Mr. Hufty to appear before 5 !: v. uld be shown that the g?>d opinion evinced by ntDMmbers ol this Court In appolntlug Justice II. to the PSSbl holds, was well deserve;!, and several pel S0U8 w -.:i gartCKedio show his good character, Ac. Mr. Unit?, laid, had entered a.aril action against Justice II. for tau ed hnprtseoment, but it will turn out to is- perfect ?bug. <Vs to WepxQeged Improper discharge of Dris Itbe conunttmeni made out by ihe Clerk was not cor K As to the S-W given up to Camp Uiongiug to Kcol Skthe order was legal, and in pursuance of custom ? - 1 as sworn In I Is Coon that he owned the money ?SO confident Is Mr.'WhtUag iu his behalf that he h? Ind .i; ctvate action In behaifof Keollan) for its recov K Keollard denied having given the eider, but it ip ce ! regulor, und. as a matter >'i law, th s Court is bound hisucc 11. was, to consider it legal. As to Mr. Hum.he ? to bhune assaulted a woman w hom he arrested, and ? afterwards tried for It. but the Jury could Dot agree Ngard to Ford, the magistrate aftcrVrards saying to a sk ?hat he would haw done, is very different from the eye ofhartng drawn a pistol. ?wn,? tl'uenrr, sworn?is a practical lawyer. Knows *?rs. Ilaskell. Camp aud Stewart, an.l Gilbert Hays; tpeet ; when money w as paid to Mr. Camp; I walked ?*? Ctmmon Plea* with Justice Ilaskell, and there asked ? for Siioo which hail been taken from the trunk of a ? McGhlre. and belonged to a client of mine named J^aell; affldavit had beta made, 'and Justice H. said he *d go to the Folico office with me; Justice 11. passed *iie inner room ot the IVlice. immediately lUtcr which ^Stewart handed a package of money, in ihesmall room. 'Kr. Camp, Justice H. not beim; there; Justice H. came S_"M? ilr-Stewart, you must give up that money to . KWiaraer, aliud ing, I suppose.1, to the Sf>00, Mr. S. re- | e?. I have given it up to Camp; Justice it. said what did MO ti; it for, 1 * y?u ?hoi?d give it Up to Mr. ?Vr; wonts ensued; 1 told them they were each talking SOarentthinjfs; they seemed to be letter satisfied, as ? bad : undcrstor>dcm h Other; .lu&licc H. then order - .- - ;.? be paid to me, which was done; words again Jtd between Justice H. and Mr. Stewart ; Justice H 7kT* Wa' 3 ????K'-?t!atc. and he did not think he hail treat thu properly; the money to Camp was afterwards Miu of. when it was stated that moncv was given up to aud Hays to be deposited iu hank.* ^Mea T. Jolinson, sworn.?Is one of the Keeper* of the The order bert shown is KcoihardV Camp ^ Ids name and 1 believe he made h:? mark. The rra JS**" latter was that he said he was very nun ouj. He Tjflsu.-ium tremens at Uio time lit made no objection ^hrxa.-mrifal? I was standing bv the door of the cell *pmp called tne In. I saw him'- have the pen In his j ?ad presume he made his mark. Camp hail the order CJ*?01"? of his hat. 1 am not sure he had delirium g|["V He said he was so nervous he eoidd not write, ^^?scharged one or two hours afterwards. ywom?Is a Police Officer. KnoM- when Mr. ^Dori,, < Hin: v was at the Polle* Affl(-e. I asked Win to take a scat. I Jnstice H. said to Mr. Unity that he wan not ?atUlfled with I u,o previous examination, anil he would to have him au | giver a few more questions. -Mr. H. said he was going and he might send an Officer with him. Justice B. said it would b ? rnatter of aero i luodatlrn if he would stay. He told ! Mr. H. he wan not a prisoner. Mr- H. tlnaily ,at down to the falle. Justice H. -wore him and put several questions, which he dcclintd answering. Among the un. stions was one of the American BepabUcan Oencral Committee, and another was i! there had t>c?n any measures taken In that Committee to breve", insubordination in the Police and Watch departments upainst him. I had frequently seen him at th- Police i' Mi.-. Mr. BUail-i, rocaded ? Several pfTidavit* were shewn, whlcli had been signed by witness. They wen- delivered by me to Justice II. Ix. not know whose i*?cSsioii they uat <? been in since. The Court theu adjourned to this evening at ?*? o'clock. COUKT OF SESSION'S. Before the Kitorulr, and Aldermen Iiuasie and BtTXTtXG M. c. l'ATKitsoN. Esq., District Attorney. Trial kor i Iran? Larceny.?A larirc boy of l."> years ..f age, name.! James W- Isb.was tried for tiraud larceny, steal? ing *i gold chains, worth A'7s, irom the store of Se; mour Hoyt, of 'I'A Pearl street, on the night of the 30th January last A ston.- was thrown aghlnst the window of the store a>k>ut 7 o'clock, b> which the glass was broken, when the thief thrust his hand in and stole the six chains whicli were torether, and ran Ott Mr. Hoyt and his clerk both ran out and chas'd the prisoner, w. ho was running up John and OUT streets, and near No. 13 < Tiff street the boy dodgc-d away front tlie clerk, but was s<ejn . aught, taken hack to the store and thence to prison. Five of the chnins wi re formd the next morning in the coal bin Of 13 Cliff street, where they had been thrown In the flight try the prisoner. The prisoner when taken into the Police U?ice stated to officer liowycr that he knew who the other two boys were who broke the window, but could not tell theft names?that be stood and looked on to net his share of the plunder, but that ho did not Steal the property himself. The Jury found htm guilty, and recommended him to mercy, and the Court sent him to the House of Kefuge. He bad been up repeat, e.tly I t fore tore similar offences. There being no other case ready for trial, the Court Adjounifl to Wednesday, 11 o'clock. POLICE OFFICE. i. ircenies.?Mary Clarke was arrested and committed for stealing a watch worth .V! anil SIC hi money from .Ma? nuel Jojce, l23Ccrry street. Mary Henry was arrested and committed for stealing a watch from from Abraham Anderson. Emory Curtis wa- urn-sted and committed for attempt Ins to rob the money drawer of Mr.Stehbius, comer of the First avenue and Houston street. Theodore Demurest was arrested anil committed for steal? ing C shirts fiom Alexander McClure, 2 Fulton st. Charles Windher was arrested a^d committed for steal? ing; some ham iroin William, sp?tre, No. 213 Washington street. Azkkst on Revii Warrant.?Patri. k M.-'jusde, the putative keeper of a receiving -hop for stolen goods in Catherine street, und against whom there are several in? dictments for receiving .stolen goods, besides being convict Od (but not sentenced on onei was arrested to-day on a bench warrant from the Court of Sessions and committed to pri-on. having forfeited his recognizances In not appear? ing this morning. CPPEB POLICE. Tflnrrs.?Thomas Neary was arrested and committed for stealing a a quantity of copper worth 59 from the foot 9th street, Ca t P.ivcr. Henry Meyer was arrested und committed for stealing a .silver watch worth 86 from Henry Kenner, So. 249 Stan ton street. CORONER'S OFFICE. Fotnvn Drowned in the East Itivaa.?A man named Town, u native of this eity, aged 28, who resided in Mon? roe street, near Clinton, and wlto ins been missing from hi.' real tence ulnce Thursday evening hist, was this inotn Ing found drowned In the East river, at the foot of Jeffer? son street, The Coroner held an Inquest, and the verdict was as above given. KsxocKuio.?The name of the man who fill Into the Kset river at Burling -lip on Sunday night iu a scuffle with Hana Robin, and was drowned, Is asccrtsincd tobe John Laurel, a native of Ireland, aged 45. He wa.- grappled up with nn ojsster tongues, and ?ras fl mid drowned. MARINE JOURNAL. POUT OK NEW-YORK.MARCH S Ml.VIATCr.E' *?4t. London.Feb. :i I Havre.Feb. t Liverpool.Fell. 1 | New Orleans.Feb. 'i2 \ ARRIVED. Ship Arkaus is. Bunker, 14 day- from PiewOrleans, with cotton, tobacco, &c to Win Nelson. Ship AiUrootlac, Shipley, from Liverpool, Jan 20, mdse, toG X Trimble. Brig Alford, (of North V'armouth) Mason, IG days from St Marks, cotton, to Ncsniitli .V Walsh. Sailed in co with barque Louisa, ihr New Yi rk; brig RW Brown for Boston. UrigJobn Kendall, Robinson, of Thomas ton, IS days tin New OH cans, molas es to Spencer >fc Mansfield, ve.-.-cl to S Elwe?. BHg Savannah, Hawlcy, t days from Savannah, cotton, eVc to Soirees St der. nun. Itrij; aletamora. Weeks, lldais CromApalachlcola, with cotton to E I? iiiiriinit. Sehr Tlmolcon, McFarland. 10 days from Neuvitas, mo lasses to Holt it Owen. Sehr Navarro, (of Kingston) Fuller, from Cienfucgoa, (Cuba), Feh IC, molasses toRaiunndeZaldo. Sailed in co srltli brigs Neptune ? Surah Williams, for Boston; Hunt? ress for New Orleans; Joseph Cowperthwalt for Matanxae; sehr Eugene for New York. I'th ult, saw a large barque ashore on Jardauutcs Reef "'< miles east of the Isle ol l'ill.s. Sehr Mngni t, Pctersou, :i days from Norfolk, shingles; to Baker It Wells. Sehr King,Cook, 3 days from Norfolk, coal to master. P.F.LOW I ship iu the East cm oiling at sunset, wind light at sr. Spi ?KEN. the Tortiuras, barque Bashaw of and from Boston lor New Orleans. Fob lat 45 50, long 25, saw a steamer Heering Easterly ?by s.'iip Adirondack, at this port. Ist inst, lat 3!? 30, Ion G'.' 30. barque Mary South wick bound to Salem did not learn where irom. IM. Montank N by K, 45 miles, saw packet ship Victoria lionee for London?by ship Adirondack, at this porl. No dale, Lat 35 50, long '? I 55, sehr Harriet ofBruuswick, H hours from Norfolk bound to Porto Rico. FOREIGN PORTS. Cienfuegoa, (Cuba) Feb 16?Brigs Financior. for New Drieans,ln 2 days; Clio,ldg for New York; sehr Harp for Philadelphia, in days. Neuvitas, Feb 17?Brig Tonqoln, Idg for New York. SANDS1 Stli-M-ARiLl. a.?:t has been happily said that he who enriches hltnielfand the world with the pearls of dls jovory, must plunge Icarlcssly and vigorously Into the bread avail of investigation. There is at least as much trnth as metre in ifcc observation ; and wo may point to Sands' Sar lapartlla as a prominent Illustration of its accuracy, laves Jgationabd experiment vigorously and Industriously pur med, have, under Providence, led to the production of this treat specific, which has uisqnestionablj proved a peart of price to thousands on whom disease had laid iuaftllettng hand. Cancer, tumor, leprosy, scrofula, salt lbetun, dys? pepsia, erysipelas, rlicuiiiatisiii, ring-worm, king's evil, hep? atic affections of all kinds, mercurial ulcers, and every va? riety of diseases of the skin, the muscles, the tissues and the ocsh?short of actual mortification?have been again und again cured by administering this inestimable com? pound. For farther particulars, an.l conclusive evidence of its superior value and efflcScy, see pamphlets, which may be obtained of the proprietors and their agents gratis. ^ Prepared ani sold, wholesale and retail, by A. B.ft 1>. SAN I is. Wholesale Untwists. 7'J Fulton street, New-York. Sold also at n3Broadway,77 Easl Broadway, and by Drug ristt senerally throughout the United States. ,.? CoSlSTOCK -V lo.'. CoNct.\tR.VT?.r> CoslPOttSB Ft-uin i okSaasaraaiLut?foi the cur.-of i hromc Rbeamattsn, Mercurial Diseases, Oeiieral Debility, Biles from an impure state of l iiuiicous DiM-ascs, the body Scaly Eroptioas. Vlceratioa "of the Throat, Pimples or 1 uy.ules. Pains of the Bones, md Sil disc ises .in.ii^ Irom su impure Hate of the blood, ex? posure and impradesc ? in lite, excessive use of mercury. i Ins celebrated medicuM i. prepared ia the nsost approved maanei from tue pnre.t lagredieats, uul is lolUat such an e\ tremelv Ion price that all cau aflcrd > ? u>e it, viz: io cent. |vr battle, o: Si per dqxen, in as 1 iree bottles ai i'lhert that sell a: the mormon* price of one dollar |s-r bottle. It can b> lonud only at Cl CoUTtlandt-st ' ' D*LLgv*> Pain Estkaotok -old at L'l Courtlaadt >t. at HALF PRII E. WARRANTED GENUINE. ? ' Tu?. Ini'ian Vi <;i i ski.i' Ei.imii ami Liniment, warranted to cure any case of ilheiimatism or (lout?sold it ?: Coartlandl ineet Al>.>. Dr. McNairsAcoustic Oil, a cure for Deafness. Price SI ivr tla-k. LoNCLxr's Griiai Wkstkkn Indian Panai ca will ears the follow uag com plain ta or uo pay taken fur it. vir: A?thma. Dyari rsu. ladigestiott, Cosriveoess snd Liter CorapUiats. Sold only in tin* city at in ' [onrtl indt st, rosMLi". Ma !H m Pus ExTKACTOS will ciin any ol th. t? ll.ming complaints, or bo pay ?rill be taken for it. <t II I ciirllaudt street: Burns, I hilblains, Fever Sores, I i? >. Soie Ft es and Nipples Scalds, Fr>-Ii-lv>; Tender Feet, Sprains,Sic. TT* A Ni.w Ducovear, by which all Stoves ar.J Pipv? or (Matesm.-.y lw kept h jet blsek with a? Ivautiful a as a coach body by oue application a tew. Phis Varnish i> an sate new inv-utKio. andsur|>ii?es and delights all who n?r it pP?Cin>alu ol ?tote> ,nu nipes in uv mav Ee seeu at it Court landl ?tieei wheo- the polish mav be had at the cet ofSSceatS ! '?; 11 breVellt .ill pipe:, auj ?tot ?1 f. om rust big tnroagh Uteaanuaer. '?"Ui \ri)> POUDRE SUBTILE, for comdletely aao t>ermsnsiit'yernd.culii g superfiBOUS liair, without lmurv o tbe most. elicate .km. .Vitt ay, t^ied before buying. IW positive, ami nomi.tsAe. bi^ci^ V'";1 " AL1AN SOAP, for curinr pimples, es. .lao lasUMiniMid injuries to the skin. Never take Ol "T tfif.Il (lOUrniJil * !;! Rk a! !r< KvV?i, for the cheek. t.dlTRA1 |i > SPANKH I.11.Y WIHTi:. for the com. PiSsE tv ir SS??? rv !? New. Yora but at tbe Or;, i ' ace. e. U a ker -t. ;,r,t store from Uruadwav. ./euro's?< tsessBt ,: |-hiud.lph?: Jordan. 2 Milk st. Boston; i * 'Vi-'" 1 "? k .?*?' 1 ???>!"? * t ?. Springfield; t.ree., & ( ... Y ?:.;; Bull, Hartford; f rre. Middlatown: Myers. New-Hat en. . ns ter; Backus i. Bull. 1 ro>; Pearce, ^ Stanwis Hall, Alban) : Sem S. Hanee. Bal nmore.Stc __??_ art 5t* They arr gor.e from her face, she will now w*-p no raoie Her complexion is clearer tiuui 'twas ever beforv; The pimples, the freckles, the tvn have all vani>h*d? Aa ?he used Jones' Soap, such defect* were von banish*d. He.- neck bow is w bite snd as clesr n tlw ?new ; Her while, si* I less hands, t.-o. c,>ntnst with hrr brow? No m .re will .hi blush at suotlier's laicht beauty. Who 1.. use Jones' Soap, know their interest aud duty. Who doubts the rnasical power of the geoaine Jones' Sciap1 None but those who hate useJ bsd articles?and so think all sl:kc. Let such try it o::cc? its eff-cts a:c singular?it whiten*, clear,, and renders the skin Ivautiful, removing quickly ill erupiioav .'i-.iicurern-ut,. ice. salt rheum and scurvy. To satislv yourselves, aik your physician what he think, of Jones' goal'/ He will tell you?" I use it daily in my practice." saTM* w,,"r tum D"l at tbe sigu of the Amrncaju Eagle. ^ Chatliam-strvet; 3?3 Broadway, N Y ; 139 s nltOn-streel. Brooklyn- S ?tatr-?treet...Hostou; 3 Ledger Buildings. Phila? delphia; J, State-street. Albany. mhJ ?eod LEAR"? & CD'S FASHION FOR SPRING, I843. GENTLEMEN'SjHATS of oat Spring paitemwin be r-viy lor sale and deliver, ou and after Friday the 23th jpsisn* N. 1!. We snnnnnr- the ikoTe UTRt F\?his-? for tie en ?nine ifwa, and to prelude ?II r?"?ibili:o of error ia th? minds ol the public and trade c-.k-r^Ily. in :ii:i citv ? i-~ wiiere, .as to 1'.?origin ?r.d distinetireh- peculiar f-itar-s, wr present th.- f lUowing detail of its proportions viz ? CROWN?71 inches hitth. S-K. bell at sides', t bell ia f.ont and nar, 1 Yeeirpan,? curve. T|F?J-lfi inri. 01a!. the ?dr* ronnd-d off MO itch. BRIM?2? inches wide aii aroaad?Set, natural eurv< C url. w ol-. BAM and BINDIVG?J inch wide. The irarticnlar vt of ti.? brim is oniqaej snd onr r-?jtoio-rs will be ??neJ v? ith 1 ttvl- . nuvsilv ,d?. vd to tie- ciunct-r utic leatares and form, jf rich r--??;?ctii ? i/. f*? ittutf ET* SPRING STYLE OF HATS.-Bi.TlL?. coaxs-a 1 Pisr. im) Nassau -ran tv?OntiVmen Bats, of the stylt for th- ensuing ,-ason, will te iatroduc-1 This Day ("satn: day, March, 1st, 13'5.) rollmis* BIRD, corner of Pine and Nassau stn-ets. 7J* G. B. ALVORD'S NO 102 BROADWAY, will introduce hi? Dew style of GetrtJemea'j Hats forthepres Season, on Monday the Tdlostaot. As tl,e*]abored proportions ol mechanical gen in 5 rmt't yi to the mastrrlv hand and d lieile tcueh t>f sit, adescriptioo of this beautiful article would be unr.rcessary: but anticipating an approval from correct taslr, Ci. il. A. cheerfully auui.uncs ?.be SPRING FASHION. N. B. It may be propel to mention that lie retains in his Dew style one particntar of hi* f..rm-r pattern: THE Rol'ND EDGE OR SQUARE of the hat. which, with a peculiar ?et of tii? brim preserves it in shape, giving ease. ?|e-.-ance and beconaingness to the whole appearance. m3 1?is* _ 03T HANK OK WOOSTER, OHIO.?Tlie not? oft] Bank are renec-med at one ;>er cent > iscnant, by UlNSLfl KY fc. PERKINS, m3 SOU.fcltU' .Vo. 40 WsJistreet COMMERCIAL AND_M0NEY MATTERS '.For Commercial and Mono* JJaU-n, *o? Lart Page.} - Trt-sOAV, P. M. The Stock Market was rattier heavy at the second hoard, but the prices generally show an Improvement or. yesterday's rates. The foreign bill market is steady, but there \~ not much doing. Sterling Is I'-i a 10. Francs 5.25 a 5.233. One of the Albany iiajvers saves the following comparative statement of the business ot the Mohawk .t Huiison, and Troy & Scbenectady Hoods for the year 1 --t4 : Receipts. Passengers. Freight, See. No. pas. Mohawk A Hudson..'?''.?'..?-".'.I si S.'.*.,-7- 52 13-M.s.i Tree.- A Sehcnectady_ 31.067 25 1.795 II 66.086 Excess by Mohawk & TL 533,326 56 .>"-' i.o^FTTh '6,y,:> Bicknell's Reporter says: "Money was rather easier last week. Tlie Bank rate was G per eci't?out of doors first rate paper was readily negotiated at 7 Tlie hanks continue a somewhat cautlous policy, but i.t. ertheless discount with tolerable freedom ? The Spring Trade may be said to have fairly commenced, and in the course of a fortnight we may lo k for much ac? tivity. Already, indeed. Market street and other business thoroughfare- ; rt-si-nt quite a cheerful and animated ap? pearance. Relief Notes arc somewhat better. The dis? count i.. about 11 a 2.J per cent. A bill has. been reported in the Legislature to in? corporate the Troy It Greenbush Railroad Company, amended, by order of the Houso, so as to subject the asso? ciation to the payment of canal t?lls on freight carried over the road. Separate bills were also reported subjecting the Mohawk A Hudson and the Troy As Scnenectody Bail road Companies to the -nine exactions. A new movement bus been made m the matter of the New-York and Albany Railroad. A memorial baa been presented in the Senate, signed by Stephen Allen, Saul Alley, .lames Booerman, Myndert Van Scluick, H W Field and others, for the charter of a new company to con. struct a Railroad from New-York to Albany. The memo? rial was accom'anted by an agreement between the old Company and tlie proposed new one. by which the latter had agreed to take the surveys, rnnps, plans. Instruments and other articles of value, now in possession of the old c .inpany, and pay therefor the sum of $50,000, and when such sum was paid, the powers and operations Of the old company should cease. The follow ing sale? of Stocks were made at Firs ton yesterday: At the Broker.-' Boad?1.1 sh<i OY. C.doiiv Itailroad lot); .'.n Reading R 23" : lie". E Boston 12] : 100 do solOds IS}; .'. F. Boston -crip ? ; 25 5f( ir Ii Wor R 71 \; ."> do 7'.'; 1.1 do bolOds 72 ; 12 do do 71" ; 25 do do 713 ; 35 do 7U. The Ca.-hier of the Central Hunk, Ga. in com? pliance with an Executive order, has issued an advertise? ment notifying the holders of certain State S per ccttl Bonds, that the same would be paid at the Iiutik of Au? gusta 011 or after the loth of March next, and thereafter interest will cease to accrue. MARKETS?Carefully reported ft r Tl,e Tribune. TUESDAY, March ."<. ASHES?The market Is rather heavy,and shippers arc waiting for lower sales. The arrivals since tlie river opened reach, wa beUcve, about 500 bids. The sales of Pots, ulxmt TOO bids, at H '.'? for new, and il 7'< for old hills; and Pearls. 10 bbls, at 1 Od? for old. COTTON?The transactions to-day .-.mount to l"0O to I20U hales, mostly for shipment; prices are easier for the buyer, and in some cases sales have been made at a de? cline of ic. Holders generally have shown more desire to eifert -ales. Freights continue firm at {d for square to Liv? erpool To-day there has not been much enquiry: the packet of the 6th is lull. FLOUR AND MEAL?There I-110 new feature t ? notice in Hour. The opening of navigation has a tendency to make prices heavy ibr a time, but there is not, we under stand, any considerable quantity to come forward at pre? sent. Good Western brands are I s7 .; Fancy ?'< -??"> a '? G2J. The receipts by the river have been hi all about 3,000 bbb. Sab's lOOObbls rather better th in common,at 1 U4. Some small parcel.-, common, at I si I, and 100 bid- Uro} sold at 4 tf'L Lales 200 bbls Ship Stulls at '-' 25 a 2 70. Scratched Western la very scarce. Sour is worth about ?3 50; In Southern there is no matt rial change. We qnote George, town, Richmond Country, Brandywlne, &c. 4 62J a 1 ','<: Richmond City extra, 0 25; "Gallego" and " llaxhall ".'> 70. Sales 300 bbls Pitsburg, middling, at about 4 "5. ltye Flour Is 385 a 3 50, with moderate demand. Some sates Mtoi't have been made at 3 93. Buckwheat is very dull und plenty. Sinai!-ales at 1 75a250. Jersey Meal 2 50 and quiet Ilhds Brandywlne 11 7">; bids are" Ggl. Bug Meal 88 u 94. GRAIN*?In Wheat we hear of no sales. The supply in store is small and held .-.hove the views of buyers. Corn Is steady, and the quantity 0:1 the market is nol large. Pales 13,000 to 14.000 bushels Southern While at 45' a nl cts ? Rye and Burly are entirely nominal the former at GO a G7c, and the latter at GO a621. A small lot of Bye has been received. Oats are dull ana' retailing at 33a 33 cts. Sales 11,000 bushels at 31 cts. Southern are selling In small lots. Soli s SOU bushels at 'J7 cts. WHISKY?The demand tor Drudge continues good at 22cts; bbls at 22J cts,with some arrivals. HAY?North River is sfciiing at 4.S a .'-0 cts. The enquiry Is DOt large. GROCERIES?The market is linn for Molasses, with good demand. There have been sales four or rive cargoes New-Orlcuns to arri\e, on private terms, but at a eonsl I erable Improvement on previous sales. Sales 500 to 600 bags Bio Coffee at G a Olc, and 200 Ivbds Ni w-i irleahs Sugar at 4" a 6c. BONE?We notice farther sal is 5S,00Q lbs North West at 30 ctt. Oil.?A lot of I500 bids Crude Whale has. changed hands lor export nt SOjc, cash. TALLOW?A sale of 15,000 lbs very piime Western has been made at 7c, cash. STAVES?There is some enquiry at previous quotations, ami two cargoes have Ken sold for Spam. SEEDS?The home enquiry for Clover continues fair, and saies :to tcs and 50 bids (bee have been made at G" a 7}c. Sales 3004O 250 bbls Timothy at lu 7.">a 11 f0, ac? cording to quality. Flaxsced i- inactive. LEAD?A sale of iJ.lKX.i to l.OC'J pigs is reported at 3 W, 6 mos. PROVISIONS?In Ohio Pork there is some no icity, and holders ate firm at S OGi and 10 25 for old. >'ew is worth ?> W) and 11 50, with not much offering. Sales 700 to 600 bbls lTime at 8 I 64 and 5 CO to 6 GO; do Mess at 10 ; a parcel of 300 Mils sold at private bargain. Bei I :.- steady ; Mes- Is $7 a 7 .V), Prime $5 a ? 85. Beef Hams are tirra. For a goisl lot 5jc 1 i r lb wa, ottered, pkgs extra. Lanl is 7 cents, with bul 1 ttle here. Sales Ist? kegs at 7 cts. and loo kegs old .it 0 12 perewt. Pork Hams are steady at 7c. Sules 10(1 bbls Hat::- at 7c. and S3 do Shoulders at 41. A sale of 10.000 His Smoked Beef was made at 7c and 60 bbls old do at 4j cts. Smoked Shoulders 5j a G; Hams ?| a 9 ; Ci v Smoked Ha'-s 10 a 101 rents. 'T~ GENER VL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE THE CITY OF N - W-Yul.'K. The ?iuarterlv iiieeti.n: iA the Sh ictv will S- held at the ln stiintiou iu (. rosby ?tort This Eveaiag. March ah. one b, ur ailrr sunset. ISAAI FRYER, Secretary, n? It I 0 ftp 0. F?OLIVE BRAN! H LODGE. No. 3h?All the Meml-rs ofthn Lodge are re.;ues:ed to at: d the regular meeting on thejth March, at 7F o'clock r. biisiuess of importance iVmvud- then ittemjaace._ mi it* [2] ANTHjiX^ iPVILL, Secretary. CTJ- BAKERS ATTEND!?In rursuanee of a call fera Meeting ol Master Bak-r-, lo I? held at the Shakespeare Hotel on SaturHnv evening, March 1st, tbere were pre-er.t a larce and respectable number, who called WlLuax Stesi k, F.-<;. to the Chair, and Messrs. I no. 1 Haley and E. A- EbbeU were appoiate.1 Secretaries; und after ire transaction ol some in; portant business, the was adjourned, 10 meet again at the fame place on Saturday evening. 8?1 March, at ": o'clock: when it 1- the wish that ul! the Master Bakers of thu Ctt] and Brooklyn will sa a.-:n:ir-e 'heir business 1;? to attend, as business of much importance will be laid bcfoie the meeting. Come all. and take pan in tlie proceedings, that unity may prevail among us. By ord.r of Sixty-Three Master Bakers, milt* II EM OVAL, MASON ? TCTTLE'S COUNTRY ADVERTISING OFFICE No. 3s WlIHam-wtreet, sutacHA-vrs' ncKAMatr. Formeily vecupied as the Braach Post OtSce. '.y~ Merchants' wisbhtx to examuM fibs of Coaotry Pai^rs mi? cau do s" (free of clurgeloii ap;-' j,.-,;i. .B a-aS t*. l?is First Ward.?A nseeting of the U*hi-s nf the First U'njil will lie held a: Thresher s Brosd -tree" !lot?l ? n WEDNESDAY EN ENLNG. March Sth. at 7.-T o'clock to bear the report of ihe Nomlnatmc Committee for Charta-r t'bii cets. and to res;?nd t.. the nominal ions. kr. l*t u? have a crand rally, as tlie meeting will be addiexs-d bj some of our best speskers. Bv onler. CHARLES RIDABiVK. Chairman IVard Coaim.uee. PcTtr. StOtsW. Serrernry._ ru? ~7" SIXTH 1VAKP._ 'b?rLVm'.crat7c TVt-.g Electors of tne Sixth Ward are ns;ai-sfrl to meet at Naticnsl Hall. < s> nal street, on Tharsdjy t vening. 6th of March iust. at half past 7 o'clock, to resis-nd to the Nominations made by the NominatingComaaittee for Charier Officers. Several cistirigaish-d S;<ikr.-sarr evjs-ct-d to ad'iress the Meeting By order of the N ^minating < ommittee. JOSEPH P. ITRSSON, Chainnau. T L.IUar.-Esi, Secretary- mi 2t - EIGHTH WARD.?At an overwneaming meeting of Ii? Wo gs of the Eielith Ward, the raeelmr was ca!i?l to or derb] David L. Crar.e. Fie,, who cail-d JAMES S. GRE1?; to the Cat ir, Rent? Patina.?, aatl EtXas TttoatAi were/ ap? pointed Vies Chairmen, and Andrew Robertson md rlnthwij Mnunee. Seereia.-iei. The ca I of the meeting harm; been been read, Robert Milliken. Chairrctn of the Nomtnafn Cotoatittee, submitted the following tiekit a? t!ie result of their deliberations : flrr .Vdermin.SVLVAM'S GEDXEV. ?' .1sns!r.?t .LdenmrH_JESSE I?. TRtt K. " .lisascrf.EZB \ SMI I I! nnd GIDEON Fi" NT U.V. - Cizjlnbies.JAMES BREWER and ALEXANDER The Chairman put the question on the tickst and It iiai ailoyt. ed with threelirues three. On m itjon. the Chairman appointed a Committee of tiiree. Mev-rs. Bieakley. Hart awl Milliketi. to retire and report Reso lution?. Mr. Untier a<iii? ???<?! the meeting, wh:eb ami re-ponded to h> eont.nued applause. J. M. Bieakley. Esq. from the retgnng Committie. r?porasd the foOswing Resolutions: 1. R'io!rr,i. That we cordially re-pond to and ?oiemn!" piedge our endiv irtea support to tne tirket ju?t mbmitteti to us from the head to the foot?from the bennntnero the end?nil of it receives our ?aneaor th:? aighl all oi it ?nail have our support a: the couairur Elec?on. Z. Restivttt, Tnat tsie than*? <?'. ins meeting are hereby ton. <!<red ??? the Noimriothe i ifee t..r tne r.b npj tutu, fu! manner in which they have di-cbargid their Jtties and we j will iivetbemtheirje?t?arrr?tofi.uri;ratitude.ane..t:m.ia?tx | support ol the whole ticket. 2. Resolved, That .n Ihtflev Seide-, we leersmrze cue wha 1 has pecri :re warm and nnient advo--r.ts oi H n : Mra-ures an .' Wim: Principles?the Delegate to Harrsbiirg that honestly and trolr "tipp-ined trie withes ot but coOStTluents, the friend of C ay. and one who, if elected, ha* the energy and nb.?ty to per l"..r;n the duties of ua otfice to bis own honor and the beovnt ot his fellow citizens. I. Rr.-olctd. Tnat ws welcome once more th" name af our old friend, Syhrantn ilrdnev, the nine Representatrve, the tint supporter ol Reform Measures, the ^oe?d? of retrencj men! and tne thorough-roing advocate of WnigPrniciplcs a; ail limes and era;sr al! circumstances. ? Reseivtd, Tlint in Jesse D. Price we re-ogmre ?':?!' Ving ot the i Md Scliool. and one whOjjl elected, veil] carr;. out the measures and principles of the Wmg party. 6. Reseleed, That in our .lases'or?. f-grn Smuh and t."'.lenn Fountain we have tw-o nt our mo-t respected fellow citizen-, lone re-nieu- of our Ward?men who r<re respo ? b t an I whose knowledge of the vn'ue of ernerty render them worthy oi'tl.e ?uppuri ot the Electors of ti:e Ward lor the office of As? sessors. T. Rcsc/rrrf. Tint ?II the questions put to us as Whips by our friends and oppeneats a? to wiitit .iirmirt we mte.?i to give our ticket, whetnet we are about muting with ties party or j snth that nsetton. we answer?the Whig fins u flying the Whir drains nre i??a'in?. and that what ever we mar fmvedooe heretofore, wo now belong to and nr? enhs ed with tl.e great armv of Whigs tiironsliotit the country. s. Resetted, Thai titbougb defeated at the late El cti< a BJ fraud and trencher}".?although :hr hris-s <>f lb- ? ountry"are blast?-*!, slid the Man of the Nation it d"fr.iii..'--d file- n win! the People lud pledged tliernselres to gne him. we yet rejoice tint we litre |. reed our opponents by cur Ml stand ;?> yfi Id tl>- messiin-s tlx;. had pledgi 1 [herns ;>e; :.i cu:- thrrntgn by their ill-cottrn victory. Pennsylvania, by a nnanimens vote of h?r Legislature, supports tie- T-riff of 1HV. with its Pro? tection of American Industry: and New-l i. takes bet tlirice-n-jected share of the Proceeds of the Public Lauds. H. Rcsolird. That though ?e reensniae the right of tier-, mm and of every W'hig to support sncli a Ticket ss be may ?leein propi r in our Municipal Elections, and yet be deemed ? member of the Whig Party .n all our central juliiics. we yet adjure ever)-man who chums to belong to our PJuty in this crisis to sup|sirt the entire Whig Ticket. W>- adjure ihem to In-ware of allowing tint tinv honored name, venerated for centuries by the lovers of Freedom, t.-1?- mingled with ot to succumb to any other?a name honnn-d and reverenced through? out the civilized world as the i dlying.cry of Republicans ai.d tic- nil oi i:e, of Liberal Institutions on bi til I ontinents. li). Resolved, That the name of Whig is go,?l enoogh for us. It was that ur Ancestors in the earliest days of Free? dom till they curtied the ambition of the Stuarts uul tanghl Kiag? that the fonnrain of Power i< the People. It was that of the Pderims who sought an asylum for themwlw s and tie ir Religion at Plymouth. It was ib*t of the Fall. fthe Revolution, who pledg-d Life, Fortune and Honor in its suppon : and it is tnat of Clay and Adanis, ?! Webster and Mansam md Morehetd and I rittenden, and of the bright light; md th.- Warm hearts ol millions throughout our land :? aodoowever wemayhave wemsered in hope of,partial sue-, cess or of breaking dow n out opponents, from this night it shall be ours.?we pledge ourselves to each other in good faith, by all our bopss of success, bv our hopes of the glory of our Country, by our hopes of Freedom, by onr hopes of lite Institutions of our Native Land, by onr liones of Free I loi. r.iinent.? w ? pledge oiirseli ,-> to know no oilier. 11. H'\o!red. Thai we believe the hour hasarrired for ac? tion, and we will not rest until we place the Whig party in its former position in our city, and show to onr friends in the country thai we are up and doing, and that we w ill emulate th-ir example. Iii Rese/red.aThal w>- congratulate cur friends throughout the State on their slices, in their Spring contests. That, as Whigs, we owe th.-m thaolu for the stern, unbending integrity with wlncii tlry In,,- adhered to theircanss until they have changed defeat int. victory. We will do likewise, 13. Resolved, Thai here, npon the spot where we first re? ceived the news of a Whig victory in cur U .rd: upon the I pol wher-. fur ten lone years we hue m-t night alt-r -right to CI1UIIS.-I intl ailvi,...,vc pledge our.. lees t > us. ill onr e?er:iou? ili it the old head quarters may once more ring with the shout of victory. The Cbainnan then informed the mating thai '.he room was engaged, and that they had it by the kindness of the gentlemen forashoit time, which lud now expired, when the meetiir, adjourn" I with nine era er? for the w hob- ticker. JAMF.S S. GREIO, Chairman. A.VDREW HoftKU rsosi, ^ s raries Am hoxv Mac kick. 5 oecrerane?. rnS THE INVISIBLE WIG -So closely res. mbles r- ;! Iieod of brir that skeptics and connoisseurs hue pro? nounced it the in ?t perfeceand evtraordiaarv invention offlie day. The ureat adrantaga of thi. novel and nalque w ig is it. being made without sewing or weaving, which causes it* ip I? nam es so closely to resemble th. natural both in light neaaaad aataral apneannce.aa to defy detection, its textnre b-iiig so beautiful, so |"irous sndso free, llntin alle.i" persuira?on evtpomion is unimpaired, an J the Ereat evils of . tlter W igs emirely avoided. The skeptic and .laissear ar?. alik - jiivited to inspect this novel ina beautiful Wig. and ike peculiar method ol fining ti. bead, at the manufacturer**, A. i . Barry, HC Oroadway, corner ol Lilierty-stieet, up stairs, ml is _ MESSRS. M TOWLK, N. .71 i atlnrinc street, h ive received a liree lot of Domestic Goods from the w reck l!.-e> de. damag'-d by water only. ml T'?!) INVJVLIDS WHO PURPOSE s CO TAGE.?A X Phpichu intending in go In ses tor the benefit of an inva? lid brother, w ould t ike clnrg. of on,- or more invalids, or take any desired mm? if made , n ohj-ct to do so. \ ? .lac,. t> Itio Janeiro is p oitoscd Addn-ss A. C. at this office, n. i It* \l * \ NT ED?A situation by a lespeelabl t young woman t" TT du tbe Cooking. Washing and Ironing of a .mall re ?pecrable family. Tlie best of references given. Apple a: tin i haries-st. first floor in back room; in. if 'A NT KD? By a respectable Woman?a situation ? hild's Nurse One whois capable of nklsg crtarge of ?n infant. No objection to act as I liambennaid oi Nurse, or take cir-ofa sick li ly. No obi.-, :ion to rhe oonntry. And the other as I liamberraaid and Waiter, aiiib good city refer? ence. Please apply atM Watt ?trect, between Hudson and Varick in. it VKESfEI'TAIH.K 1'roieiUut i.iuug nniin.i wants a Situation to do general boaseworkjn i small family, or chamliervsork, with good reference. Please to insiuire 103 lioii.t. ii-stns ?._ ma?iu* 'ANTED?By a l'OUNG WOMAN. ? situation in a private fajnilyai chambermaid or waiter. Good city reo- i." Hi" i. Apply No. 13 p,.,rv..r ;., the rear. mi \GENT WANTED?A person who lustains i reputable . character; and who is acquainted with the mannf?ctnrii g aud ii.ip..mug houses ..I Nev.. Voik. can find a profitable en gageinent,ttt Hoom No. St, American Hotel. Apply by in ..?.-lock t..-isv_ rnaStte VGENTLEMAN not at present engaged in business, ii ilesiroiis ot obtiining a situation in lb- office ..f some re ?pactable professional |?-rson ss COPV1ST. Hi* object is employment, which shall yield him i small emolument, whicb in the changes of tile times, ii ha. become nec-.sjjry !'..r him to secure. He will transcribe legal or r docum- Uta at the rant of t cents taar folio in the most Mrefiij and correct man? ner. The best of references will !?? -given. .\. I. los. B. B left at the .Tribune office, or 139 Nassau-street, oi&ceof- the Knii keit.ocker. tv j 11 be i mmediatel y attended to m*i 3t* IEAitN TO SING.?On Moaday evening, March Iflth. J at 3o'clock. J. F. WARNER, the lianalatorof U" i.e. \c. w ill open a new class m the first elements oflmusic and in learning to siua. Very :n il facilities now fu.n ished to beginners bv a new set of apparatus for illustrating the subject, and a very-easy and rapid progress is ensiiml to all i?rsons p",.ji;^ a good ualural ear. Fir-t ei-m-.g Room til Broadway. It^WJfcP BOARDINti Si HOC)L FOR MALE ri'PILS.-Hemp stead Seminary, Hempstead, L. I. on a branch of the L I Railroad. 31 mile, from Brooklyn. T-rm, fr m S1SS to SIM a v.-ar. Circulars at j. 5s. J. Chamberlins'. !l S 'Ulli William street. Also at Newman's Book -ton-. 199 Eioadwav. The t^riasripal during the month of April .at 7s Nassau. The Sum met Term commences the first of Mac. inbi l!m- NATHANIEL PUNN V. M. Principal. TaJEVV-YORK a ERIE RAILROAD. ? and 7 percent. 1* Borsus, Stock and Scrip B^uglit and Sold?Loans made n negotiated on the same. Iii WM. INGOLLS. Nu. 14 Wj?I rt. N.-v..y,.r's._a.|r>, w. SCOTCH PIG IKON?dfl loos No. i Gamherrie, sfloat, for sale, by [mi] f ASS it W-\ BD. 11 Bro?i si. C-i IRANDOLES, of assorted [utterns and si/elt bronre-l, a",ilrerej .,. (t gilt. Among them are sou,,- new styles, ,f| 1 ?uis-rb Ii lish, f r sale I Pir.T/ *? ' I" t; lohn Si.I 1.1 M ...\\ r.K.- .; n be SUppllesl With i<r..-|ii.> PAPER in its >*rious kinds, printed on be-; Linen Caper, rnvOiti] GEO.D.BALDWIN.TPS race-st. COLAR LAMPS?A gn-ir ?i.-;-f. . f soli: Lamps of tbe ? bestqnality. for s?!e w holesale md retail by mfi DiETZ. BROTHER&CO. No. 13 John st. C???RNELIUS at CO.'S Potent Saia' Lard Lnm;.. bronzed J or gia, for sale wholesn'e anif n-ta I bv m5 D?ETZ. BROTHER n> No. 13 John ?*. I) HALL L.AMI'S A.NH LAN 1 LKNr? A-^ru-d itzes and pattern., either glh or br.>cw.:f'..: -:i\e by i--i_DfETZ. r.K"THF.i: u if. iTJohn ?t. LETZ, BBOl HER 4t CO.'S wlehmteal Doric Lamps, lor burning camrioce, at wnolesale or retail at :he Ijinip and Oil store, 13 John ft._w5 ?OUGHTON AND WALLACE'S PATENT LA1?) j LAMP, a n?w article and t:< niost approved hand lamp fi.r burning I ^ird. Ft sate by m? PIETZ. BROTHER fc CO \... lit.,;. ROLLKR MAKERS THE r.\'DF.i:sii;.\El) offers to :-nke all kmds of Fluted Rollers for Cotton and Woolien Machinery, of as good a quality n> can l>c Isad elsewhere and at reasonable pnee-. All crier- ihnnkfulli received and punctually attei.dexl to. X. K. Old Rollen BHIutsd And RecnpieH. m? Im VTSL BERESFORD PATCRSOX. N. Jersey. Ciltl.Ni? inr.h-UUl.s ...mi MVii.MJ laOUDS. 0 Gentlemen leaving off their \\ inter Ov-r-coats will find a bedt'tiiu! srticle for lire Spniifi ready made or made to crdV: itWM r jENNINGS si CO.'S. JU Broadway, opj site ?-eFouuuin. ALS0 K beautifeJ assortment of Spring O.iods. which we rff-r .: verv reduced nric-s. Cititeos and strangers are solicited to csll and evanuae our stock before parejusiag elx-wiarre. mh6 3avis._ 1NU IA KLbBtK ladOliS.?lie >ui-scnlr s buy on hand f. r sale a large issorrnvent of liiaia Ituhlrer tsOOdS for the Spring trade, such as cloth for Carriage Tops. Aprons Jtc. plain md figured (Jimisk palterr.s) Meckmtoeh Coats. 1 losJcsTkc. Life Preservers. le forCrol nwal . Air lie is. Pi?ow?. Cushions. Sac. to?-ther witn eatry article in the line, at wMa?ile and retail, cheajer titin cm U lounJ Warehouse of ihe Newark. N. L. IndM Robber Factor/. ; ,m%j%Y HUTCHINSONfc B.?NYON. FlItST I'llEMiCAl DAGl'EKJtEUTYl r-.?PLCA1 P.E. Dacncman liailerv of Patent {"retclum Coiored Photo- j graphs. No. i?l Broadway, above Murray street. Ncw '. rk, kwarded LUe Mtnial. four first I'rtmlcms, and two ihesi Honors,' at the EJihlbiUcns of the Ics?rutes of M.-asachujetts, New-York and Pennsylvania, re>7?ctive!y, Cat me-.: beautiful colored Pictures and best Apparatus e .er exhibited. WANTED?2 or 3 skillful cperators. dlO Is LADIES HAVE YOr READ THK NEW RO.nLaNCE By One of ?e Gifted of four cum Sex. TUE COUiVTESS FAUSTINA: ?? Ida, caorrsj iioist-MAitsi. This i, a Tale ? l" th* Heart, and one cf the. best ?f the Ca lenled author, whose reputation is ss wide as the world of let trr?. It is spoken of ia tlie highest term* by the European Press. and was in process ol* translation by an eminent pub? lishing hon?e in this city. Prict- 2j e-:::s?Sl'j a hundred te the ti td.. Tall at ?1 Ano ?tp-tfer a? r.ew works. K. Wyi-K- sTKB. PnMisW NEW BCIOKS' NEW iX'-'KSl For sale. wheOesoie tad retail by WM. H. GRAHAM, Nassau-street. THE ENGLISHMAN IN EGVPT.Scents. CRCIKSHANis'S uMMBts.?A Vchicl. for Fan and Frolic. 25 M PHIL. PURCEL, AND OTHER STORIES OF IRELAND .jj ?? THE COUNTESS FAUSTINA?Translated from tin- irmua.? . ?s ?? HARPERS1 BIBLE?No. XX .. . . S ?? V Carriers wprdied with all the NEW PUBLICA? TIONS and PERIODICALS at Publisher? rn. -t . u*\t. h. GRAHAM. m'j It_lrn^>j!i!_();r;r-. 153 Nisssu-streec. THE WANDERING JEW. NOW BEADY, At the OtRc- of tlx New World. 21 Ann-street. NUMBERS 14 AND l?* ' :i* Herbert's .pleudid translation of this powerful Romance, coatainhus two CHarTEES t>- anraxes of any other edition. This is the only edition which sites the true, spirit of the original work. ALSO NOV.* READY, VOLL ME FIRST?PRICE 30 CENTS, Containing Nos. 1 to 13.iueiusite, printed on tin-.- paper and elegant!] put up. The cheapest and best edition. From tii" Tri-- Son. The Wayocxisc Jkw, Nos. H and 15, a double number. In these, Rodin, the villain of the story, changes his tactics, and after !-ing ia bis first pr jects, approaches Ins victims ander th- m.t-k of friendship. The story is well kept up and is most painfully evcitin:;. ~- Call at the New World Office, 21 Ann street, all yen who have aot vet n\ad thi. greati st romance of the age. E. WINCHESTER, Publisher. THE REPOSITORY OF ROMANCE forFebraary is lion ready mi This I't v Published. THE HOiiK.WI) Til A VELE Rs* LIBRA? RY?No. '?-? ' - THE ENGLISH WOMAN IN EGYPT. By Mr.-. Pool?. !'::???? S.its i? Paper covers: b- and J?l cents. " AH the nvii in Kurnpe together coald never luv* gained or imparted the information iu this beok." [London Morning Post. " Emphatically the booh ofa tidy." [ " Informing, sprightly and entertaining." [New Monthly. " The first good b.?<k oa Egypt br? lady." [TaiL " . i -t igrte?ble and entertaining " [ ttambers. " These interesting letters are written by Mrs Pooje, a si ? rofE W.Lane. SO favorabh known in England'and tin* v for hi< "Modern Ecypti ois' and his new tendon of Arabian Nights. Mr.. Po.dr had .access to the Harems of the i'lrlu and other noble Mabomroedaos. as well as to th. jji s ;nr- [Neal's Saturday I iarette. ih ibove/togethcTwimallthetTssw ind late Publications of the day, for sale ? and retail by <M I'.i.i-'S-v -TltlNOER & i O. mj 2ti> 222 Broadway, cj r. Ann st. SOW COMPLETE IN TWENTY-FOUR N'l'MBKHs, .A: 12? cenLs each. The last Number just published. WITH THE APPROBATION OF THE P.T. REV. BISH? OP OF NEW" YORK, THE HOLY BIBLE, According to the Donay and Kheimi.h versions. Denigaa's, Illustrate !. Family Edition. This workjuitcompleted by the publication of the tlth number, i. rmbellished with 13 highly fiaished Steel Engrav? ings, (mostly from original designs'.) and two Illuminated Tub s. i< eonfideatlv offere I to the public as the most desire. Mr laiiulv edition of the Catholic ruble in print. It may be had in every st> le of binding and it various prices. mt-.tti.- F.IUVVKH push.AX. til Fnlton-st. TU WHOLESALE DEALERS AND MANU? FACTURERS. The t-est omwrmnity .sc.- afforded to WHOLESALE DEALERS, STOI KJOBBERS ind MANUFAi TUR EIJS. for giving a naiversal circulation. N orth. South. East and West, to their several Houses, ran be had in the geo G kraphtc IL ? IA 0 historic. il directory now i rep ired for the pp.... (second edition.) by Or. Baosrsow. The Directory embrao ? the great traveling routes from New* V. .'s to N' -w-Orle.oi< and Houston, Texas, prepared from nates mads by the author? being the most complete and per? fect arrangement of routes thai has ever been published? (I opy right secured)?with tables of reference? names of of fieera of companies?Ibreign and native coins?cross-lines? pi pulation ladles, and prominent hotels. SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND COPIES have bee* siibsciibed for by S. iith?ru compeni-s, for gratailotas circula rion?independent of ? hich, Km,mid extra copies w ill be issued for the market. Advertisements wiU be inserted in the latter part of work, on moderate term-. i 'oninrti to be made either with Dr. Branson, (the tnthor.) at the American Hotel, Room 21, or with Ins authorised sc?nt. Applications must be nrade previona to 12 o'clock on Thursday next- It* SPLENDID LONDON WORKS. Just imported, ami offered at less price than any former works of the same value. _ Payne's Universum or Pictorial Worl'. eon: lining 1 collection ofsplendidengrai ings oft iews in -.11 connlries, portraits sfgmat men. and specimens of works of art. of all ages ami of every coanrter. The work ispab lislied in monthly i irt 1, each containing four highly-finished ? ? .1 ivings?primed i>iiSileiiii?|uarto. ami ?ill lie .accompanied With ?.iaht pause- of I?ii.t-iip-.s Tier- are two .pleudid premiums, which are offered to the purchasers of ibis work, which . ill be given when ordered. Eight Nomben are now Price tS Cents each. Pictorial Natural Hist >, y: or. The Three Kingdoms?beiog a comprehensive icconal of Animals..Plants. andMinetals, togetherwilh tlie ontliues ofOeology, translated from the Geinun of Linderand Lacbman, Professors of Natural Hi? lory. To be eeini leted in fifteen monthly parts, each part to contain not less than 21 ou irto luges of lerter-pn-s?. and ac? companied by two highly finished and beautiful colored En? gravings. They wonld call attention I tlieemin ly new and ingenions ''i* ii 11 r of the plat.-,, ill it Inch ? ?-r\ ml Uta] is npieieuted iii attitudes ami circnmstances, illustrating Its character, and drawn on ? relativeseale to others contained is thesamepiate, and to Man. the n hi le 01 i'art of whose figure is iiitroihic. il. Thus both tie- actual >nd relative size of any animal may 1? immediap-ly learnt. This is one of the most splendid ? orkl ever i-.u-.l from the Loud ?:? pres.. ami i. ,.dd juceiits 1 uumlc r. Addp-st bv mail 01 tiierwi e |s>st-ieaid. to in . 2tis_JfT'l) tz TWI.OU No. t Astor Honse. N*. V. i.MP- iirr.wr new u'i ii:ks. THE CROSS OF ' HltlST. D. ArPLETON ? <> I I'.I.ISII u\ WEDNESDAV. rut: cross op christ; Of, Meditations on the Death o:d Passion of our Blcaussd Lord and Saviour. Editedb) Walter F. Hook, DD' Vi carefLecIs, 1 vol. ISmo. Price 62J cents. Th- ab ire usnusl of devotion was firsl made for priiar^ u^-, , .-.rid without sny t i- vt of publication. Its Contents mosisl Of j (tractsfi in fl le Scriptures, ind the writings of eminent Dh 11 irs?including Bishop Vndrews, Bishop Hail, Bishop Wd ion, Bi?hop Jeremy Taylor, Bishop Horseky, Dr. Saturn, St \iijii.iine. St. Bonsveulnre, Thontas A. Kemnis, Richard Hooper, and other, of more recent times. It tt ill be found ads mirably adapted a- : _mii in time 1 f retirement and uckrseas. ON TUURSDA1. I AL ECONOMY: ia its relation with Cli-mistrv, I'I ? .. and Meteorology, or I Itrmistrv applied to Agricui tut . B] 1 B,Bonisssanganlt, translatedbyGeo.Law, Agris eatiarist, 1 rpl. ttmo. iM p?--e-??1 jO. The! Iiemical portion01 tios volume contains much that is both valuable and new, at the saute,time it u rendered fa o.ilnr: itha anseientific reader. The intelligent Fanner will find liii SCCOUnt not merely in i ip|-i!..i1 ;e..,.,| of the w.rk, but in retard;tig il IS 1 text book to be kept by him for |?-riai ueut reference aud consultation NE IRLY READ.*, STABLE ECONOM V?A. Treatise on the Management ? ! Ilorvs. by lol.ii ?:t'.i.:,t with Note, and Addition? h\ A B Allen,' Editor of the " Agricaltarist-" IvoL l3mo. iilas. trnled ^ ml 2ti? j 'Alir.-.l \\r.A\t..> 01 i si 1 . ii.-r, ^.u.r.illv will J will find " GILROVS TREATISE ON THE ART OF V. r.A '.' I.N i i" re; lete wilh iiislructiou. illu.trated wilh some300engmvings, ?ritten with admirable clearness and thoroughly practical?| nbluhed in one large octavo volume. 1'ro e five dollars, aud Cos sale at Ii Spruce-street, by ma. its GEO I). BALDWIX: NEW SCIENTIFIC WURlvS JUST IMPORTED. Tlie Year Book of Facts in Science and Art, for I3U...SI jo Nar.i-ii'. Practical Astronaut-, aud lieo'teiy. t vol.... t'li Simmson Mathematical Instruments, yen Edition... 2 00 Rytnet,'-> Natural Histi ry of Heraldic Illustrations. 1 oa Blnut'i Beaut] of the Heavens. New edition.10 go !'o;ie', Vearly Journal . f . rail.- lor ISli.I AO MeCnlloch on I axation and the Funding System.5 00 Benae's Historv of Warming and Ventilating. 2 vol... 4 50 Hughes' Dories 11 lodge Advocates. 1 vcl.2 JO Burton en Elective Polarity, the Universal Agent.2 jo Hopkins 011 the Atmospbrric I lhaages.t 50 Wagner's Elements oTCompsu*atire Anatomy.3 Co Smee's Sources of Phv.ical Science. I vol.Svo.3 ia II ok. r's Journal of Botany. I tola uvo reduced lo... 8 PO Tbei hem Players < hroaiele. VoLi. forUir.'s 00 Doyle's Cyclopedia of Practical Husbuidry.I on Lavater's Treatise on Physiognomy, t vol. IZmo. 1 2i KaeintF. Complete Coon* of Meteorology.3 7i Spot i - i Hi-!..:'??. i.e. of Sheep. 1 thick vol.2 24 Smyth's Cycle of Celestial Ol'Jects. 2 large voli.12 00 Imported and for sale be WILEY tc PUTNAM, 161 Broadway. '. ?? * Single copies of English Books imported to order, by ii-. -' or packet_mi 2na THE CULTIVATOR FOR MARCH. The CoJrivator for Maren contains a vast variety of articles of unusual mietest a: tin. season of tlie year, to relaUoa to the practical opemti "!?? of HorVeultiire. the various branches of Htnbandry, landscape Gvrdsnitnt, s-e. Amone its contents articles on the rare of Orchard]?1 lraft??Pear Trees : Cul lure oa.Spring Granu, and Mustard : Culture of Aipnragtu, Prurar.g Cmpea, Horticultural Items ; Landscape Gardening, with [Bostiatioos ; Results of various Es pen men t> in Planting; Prodheaofthe Da:ry and Management of Cows : Notes of Travel in the West, by Salon Robinson : Improvement of an old Farn, how perforated , Peat?hi localities and use lor Ma? nure . Letten from S.-otiand and England : Piue Laut of the N*. Y. State Ag. Society for l--^?. Beside-i a great van-ty of other articles, embracing coinmu a:C!itions from correspoudents in England, Scotland. YermoGjJjs*! Coonecticttt, New York, New Jersey. Pennsylvania, Virgini***"" N. rarulma, Kentucky, Alabama. Illinois. This number B illastratJd with Ten Engraarings en wood, embracing Views of the residences of Win. P. Van Reruaelaer and Jeel Rathbose. Eags. on the Hudson, and of Theodore Ly man. Esq. sear Boston?the Prigc Bull Calf at PjUghkeepsie, dec. Arc Subscriptjora for "Toe Cultivsror.'* received by M. H. NEWMAN, 1? Broadway. New.York. Of whom the numbers, etched in pnated covers, may be had free of postage, and where may also be obtained any or all of the back volumes of Iiis work, whtcn has been pronounced by compebmt judges, as " by all cnoipar.son the best agricui. tural paper m the Union." Price, only SI a year. mh3 3tts FOR LONDON.?Rrg?iar Packet of n th March. sjgftgjlTne did Gist class fast sailing packet .h.? WEL -SStLINGTON Capt. Cnsdwick. will positively sail as above, her regular day _ Having ?rry superior accoro modatiocs f I Second Cabin and Sierage (-asseugers. persons wishtag to embark ?h.-u d mike immediate aj plica? tion on board, fool of Maidea Lane, ox to IOSEPH McMURRAY, n"._W Pi * .'p-er. c rner of S.aoih. 1|SA61JSH BK!T.\NNIA WAKE.?Wenat^n-efsactyian ^ ported a new supply of spiendid Bntannia Tea Setts, with Uro? und Coffee Pots to mntrh We a-e aiso eoostai.tty ma oulacturinr allanicles of BRITANNIA WARE.warrantedto be of a supenorqcal.ty and very durable. Apart of our ma rufactory being connected witn the vre are able to repair Britannia Met?. Goods at the shortest uotaee. Banca Tua, Am : inuny. Bar Tin ar.d Metallic Bi muth, constantly cn hand. For sale arholesrale and retatl at 6 Bnrlit;eslT>, by 2S lwis B??RDMAN dtHABT. NEW SPRING STYLES "OK STAPLE AND FANCY. SILKS. RAXK1X _ BIRCH are now eoeairs. m the Store latelv occupied by W?hams. Rank_ & Pennitoan, No. &>? Wi_iam-rtreet, comer of Cea'ar. a new. elegant, and very extensive stock of Staple and FancySdk Good*, m eil the latest rarieties ot Spraj Styles, corrpmjne toe most desirable ami fashionable articles of Dress Goods. Fancy Silks. Ribbons, ?c. to vi Ijicls they invite the attention of all the customers of 'i.e old firm, and buyers generally. From tlie -rest care used in the selection, and '.heir ftcmtiei for buy :i< on ti>e most favorable terms, they can oifer unusual? ly strong inducements to ii?*s who desire tu buy to the greatest adsrantage. eitlier lor Cash or Approve.! Cred.t. They particularly solicit the Trade of Merchar-s t'mm ( try Towns ami Villages, as their stuck, embracing every variety offa?bionabi? (roods, will he found to cornpnse styles adapted to every market. Among :bc.r Ibrrs Goods they would call attention to Rich Printed Bombazines and Barege Svraa:i Lawns sud Muslins, ofuetv styles. Rich Printed Tins Jaconets. Half-mourning Paris Balzorines. Jaconet*, kc. Black Polaccas, Marquises. Balzonue?. extra Parisquahly. Printed Lawns and Muslins la every variety;. Very rich tignrvd Brocade, and satin striped Silks. also. Rich i"sshmere Shawls, of all qualities. Rich printed Barege Sluw is. i'i.-w ind elegant patterns. Satin striped Bare_e Shawls and Scvrt's, a full assortmec:. Black Hem h i. Fil?: and Sewing Silk Shawl*. Muslin de Lame .ind Thibet Siiavsl?, plain .uid satin striped borders. Rich Brocade tigurrdand plain Caracleos Silk Shawl,. ALSO. Rich figured i ap said Bonnet hibbons. in great variety. of all the uesvest styles. Millinery Goods in all bnnehos? Tarlatans, Lawn-, Bouuet Silks. Sums, Artil'cid Klow-r?. kc. Gros de Rhines of the different widths and quaUlies. Matte.uu and Vent-vs. Italian Lustriinrs, Ji to to inch. Blk andI Bin- Blk tiros de Swiss Gros Grain. .\c. Blk and Blue Blk Pr->. Satins. Black Bombazines,a full assortment. slso Kid Gloves of rv?ry quality. Mi u's md Wi ra si's Lisle Thread of superior styles. Ladies'. I hildrs-us'. i.e. St n ing >ilk l doies and Mitts, of evi.a qoalirii s. Lathes'i r vvals of entip-new fabrics andI designs. Italian i rivals. Matteonis. Viritss. .MatRr. Sic. Linen Cambrics, l.tneu Cambric slid Lawn Hdkfs b> Kreuch plain. Hemmed, and Brviere borders. Tlireid Laces and Edgings, Trimming Lice?, Lisle. Edmugs. Tlieir stock will be fonnd to comprise i fan, usottaseat of all tlie various small items needed, and thev mute tie alteu tion of Buyers with the fullest confideuce that thev can sap ply everv want in their line mj 1m is RE A T B A K? t AI .\S l.\ U'Tl'TiOOUS?lu.ikai yd7. of Bleached ami Brown Shciings from the sloop Be-, si,!.-., slightly dam.up-J by water only ? \ ird-w ide I'aluavs. I.lWI yards, only lOd. per yard?Linen Hdkfs. large sire l. - \ls... tost received, a large aasortasssst of new Spring Good*. ml 31*_J. A. LOBD at CO. 113 Snring-st. NE W GOODS. JDST received, some very rich and sew Goods: consisting of Cashmere Shawls, -ilk?. Pe Laines, English and French Prints. .ffs.i?A lange lot of Li-ieu Sheetings, Table Diaper. Nai^ kins. Doyles, Jsc. 4tc. Jilt*?Fitly discs en./ Sales of brown and bleached Sheet? ing- and Shirtings al reduced prie s. .llso?Fifteen cases Prints, fast Colors, new patterns, at jd. fid. ?d. fid. Sd, lOd, and Is. ft!lf_BARsKR .Nl TOU'l.P Tl falhsrin-st. SILK. GOODS. NEW SPRING STIT.ES. PECK, XICOLSON Sc. WRIGHT, KtM. 13'.? Pearl and W Beaver streets. New-York, would respectfully invite the attention cf Mcrcliiuls visiting this city, to their assortment of Silk au..' f'mcy Goods, com pri.-iug in part, viz : PRFSS GOODS. Bareges and Balzoriues ; evtra printed Jaconets and Satin strip" MasUas ; a complete assortment ?l Muslin de Laiues, of all styles aud prices; rich satiu stri|*-d aud embroidervd Tarlatan Muslin dresses ; Cameleon Brocade and satin Itriped Silks. SHAWLS. Brache, Cashmere, Barege aud a lull assortment of Cameleon, md Damask Silk Shawls; rich Damask Alpaca and Stradil la Shawls, a new and beautiful article, together with black and col'd Muslin de L.iine Shawls in variety. RIBBONS, A full assortment of Bonnet and Cap Ribbons of the uewes ind richest styles. A complete assortment of Taflet* aud Sa? tin Ribboiu. Also a full .assortment of Millinery . Ii tides. LACES, English and German Thread Lan-i and Edgings ; lig'd l ap Laces, a large assortment; trimming Laces and Lace Edgings, Sic. GLOVES, Consisting of K id, the best in iniil'actnre ; blk. and col d Silk. Egyptian ind Kilet Gloves, with a large assortment of Fancy Mitts. A sel.-ct assortment ol Fancy Hdkfs; Linen Cambric lldkl.; Pongee and Spitalfield lldkl".. together with a gieat v . letj of Paris Cords, Gimps and Trimmings, new ?i>!cs, all cl" which w ill lie ollcredat the linen! market prices. 18 ftjyt*_ STRAW HATS A NU SILK GOODS. NEW spuing STYLES, D A K E R. Sc N A PIER. .No. "H Willinin street, corner ?f Liberr. MAM FACrrKEHS of every description of Straw lion, nets, invite the attention of pnrchnsers tothoir assortment ol Straw Bonnet, und Silk nnd Millinery Coaxls. Bonnets ?'/ tne/itlmring iind: Adelaide Plait Hire Bonnets, Florence '* English Dumlables. Brilliant " do. Lut-Hva, [mperial " French Chint, Birds Eye " do. Split Slruw, Shell " Amencaine 11,7 and Devon Albert " Lawns and Willows. They would respectfully invite the auention of "Milliners," to their choice stock of Neapolitan and Neapolitan Luce Hon. nets. Ribbons of every variety nnd Bonnet Silk, of nil styles, w hich urn ottered at the lowest market prices, at lolls No. 7S William street, upstairs. 2tf 3mis Ti) Ki K.NISHEKS (IF HOTELS, STEAMBOATS. Stc.?Thesttention of all parties about to purchase 1 it* peting, * hi i Labs, or any .irijcfe in the line, i, r.-.j ? etfullj in* sited to ibe large and esiensive assortment of the subscriber. Furnishers ol Hotel, and Steamboat., W ould be ei: tided pi make more satisfactory selections (hail could be made at any other Store in the city. Families also intending to furnish the ensii. ing spring will lied it greatly to tlieir interest to call before nuking then purchases,they will Sad one of the l--st select? ed .and most extensive varierj of patterns of all the various si> |e? of Carpel inn. Oil C|, ihs. Bugs. >ac. tliat there is iu the mirk.;. ind ai prices perfectly satisfactory. W. II. GUION'S New Store, ?' fi.if Fronting ..u m Fist llro.i.lwiyaud TI Phimou-.i. NEW AND ELi:i lAN'T CA It I'ETI.Ni !S. i H IVarl-st. (opposite William ) Till', SUBSCRIBERS invite, the attention of those wishing to furnish with the latest and most fashionable -tvle of Goods, tb their new und elegmit as'oruneut of Brussels, 3 ply. Imperial, double super, superfine, fine, ami common ingrain Carpetings, (bl Cloths, Bugs, Duggets, Table and i'm no Coven, Stair Roda and Window Sbades, together with every otherartickexinnected with the trade; nil ol which they are now olfenng ut eatreinely low prices. SMITH dr. L) lUNSBERRY, ^lt Iwii* 44o l' opposite William. * NEW AND BEAUTIFUL CARPETINGS. T> EC BEN SMITH. Jr. 254 Broadway, (opposite City Hallj cnll the nttention of those w ishing to furnish with !(>u latest and best dyle of goods, to his large and well selected ?tock of French Aubussoo, Axitnn?ter, Royal Velvet Wiltous Tones, try, and BrusselsCarpcting?, containing some of the richest and ni'ist elegant patterns of the newest design", an.l most beauti? fully arranged colors, which have ;ust received by recent importations front the beat European manu facto res. Also, Three-ply, ingrain. Unmask and Twilled Venetian ( nrpe'ings, English Druggets, Table and Piano Covers, with every article connected with the trade. Floor' hi Cloths of the latest patterns, well seasoned, of every description nnd width. Per-oiis furnishing Private Resi.lenres, Steam!*.*::,, nr Hotels, are particularly invited to call and examine lor themselves be? t?re making their purchases, os only such goods ure sold at such piiees as shell give entire sawtaction. f'.'l Jwi>" CONANT'8 PATENT YEAST. V("CORDING to an old maxim, "Bread is tie- Staff of Lil"-." but it is certain tliat good, healthful bread?,weet. light sod digestibb?u by no rneaus -a.ily obtained, and myriadi i" persons ar? obliged to wander along without that ?.se.itial stiff. Chemical science and reseaich were never ex paraded for a more n-eessary and useful purpose thaa ia the discovery of lbs material which ihould pr imptly and Certain I . produce good bread. 'l* great desideratam bsa been ob* rained by IM 'kill and patience of Mr. Cos i nt. of Lowell. M ho bas sseertaioed tbs ingredienti recnisite lor the procuring of ? .-excellent bread as quickly is tlie tiuur can be kneaded and Inked. I: u dernnns'.rahle tint, by the old slow process of viiioiis fermentation, much of ihe nutritious portion ..ft!..- floor is extracted; but by the application oft ON A NT'S PATENT YEAST insiajit-aneou, effervescence directly follows.and alt the saccharine pro|>ertiea of the meal are retained, thus se? curing the entire nourishment which the dour natural I y in* eludes. Soi l wholesale and retail bv M P ML'SSEY. Clinton Hall. cor. BeeLmi.-i and Nassau, i II MPNEY 4. ALLEN. To South st. cor. Maiden laee. GASSNERk YOUNG, IV. > batliam-st i RESTER DRIGGS.isai Broolway. JOHN II BROWN at BROTHERS. I? Eighth st. ST \!'LE8 ic KORD. 1TJ B S V ALBHO. 733 Bower/, or. fioud-.t. T Sc \ S HOPE. ! ft < harnl ? nvst, D0M1NP l< kDRUMMOND, toCreenwicii-it. SAMUEL KIi*, ifi Broadway. AI?o. bv the piincin-'l gr.eers in e-eer.1._rnhasrf HAM KKV sale OF VALUABLE PROPERTY. ? Will be sold, by order of tlie Court of Chancery, by J?mc, M. Miller, on the 7th March next, at 13 i 'clock, boo*, it the Rotunda of the. Merchants' Bsehange, lbs substantial ind ?-II built.' story md attic brick Dwelln-.g House. AV 1B Prince-street, finislied intiieb-st manner. Lot 23 feet fmut and rs-ar by hw f-et m depth. House 2i f-et by II feet. The premise* may be viewed betwe-n the hour, of I! and i o'clock._mi 3t? TO LET?At Jersey C.ty. about 10 minutes' walk ? bnek nilig? *f?m terry, a new brick HOI 'SK. two stones, attic J^JLs.nd basement. Possession given immediately, ,-vppiy to C. V \N V' iRST. t.eer the premises. n?lw " TO LET?The 1 ur ,p ry Warehoase, No.JDotcfa treet. near John-street. 31 by 60 feet. The loft* would pbe let separately, to a suitable tenant, and are well adipird to manufacturing bujineaa. The cellar or basement is roomy and rszrlectly dry. Apply to w mai 6ti? eod* -ri 1 MoCR 11 O. ?>- Johu-st. MF0R8ALE.LEASE0RT0 LET.ACOTT IGE lately ,>ut iu complete order, and lnu an abundance r,f fiuit. fiowen aaid shrubs, and every convenience to ac e mmodate a GENTLEMAN e. ing business in tlie City, being only five mile* ont on L. I. .-or farther particu lar, ei i-,aire st 623 Broadway._ml lwis? Jizjs. THE lower part cf a genteel house, situated W?>t |jj**8 of Broadway, is wanted by a small family- Any ier ^ksSSWsOu having such premise* to let may )>ear of a tenant by addr-sainz Frederick. Tribune Office nut 3d," SPENCER, r/7 (.'nan.Oers street ts now reaoy" lo ? upply Gent amen wath the Sprang Pattern Hats. Tlie finest Nntna are furnished by him at it 2i and h^ Im tatioc Moleskin at $3423. _ mhl tfis PR EM I CM HATS.-sPRING FASHION', 18*i! O. FLSH. taaiiiooable Hatter. The Spring style for gen tiemer.'i Beaver and Moleskin Hats. n<>w ready for in? spection and sale, at his jiai_? Room. 13? Broadway.? the rraceVl ts ** astfasi." form and set of Brim peculiar ?oi?ly t^ha esrab ishment, and as bereiwfor? a distmeuisiiing feature rrj those ofhrs Manirtactcre, w hich for eeneral appear anee and beauty of rinish. star.d unnvai!?.-! elsewhere. 'Hi iu,* -Nut let,.?Me.-srs. bcr.Bt. St nisi All. raih ic-nable Hatten, will exhibit on the :? ofMareh. Ulli, at thrir Sale* Boom, ttfi Broadway, the SPUING FASHION FOR GENTLEMEN S HATS. Also. a vare".-.- of new styles of Cap* for ?prin.. . fcl 2wi? ?a?lituiA?30 tuus ~ J-iamouxiora " liar Iron, a very O superior article for Steel, for sale by dl ? Is JOSEPH TUCKFBMA-s", 69 West-aL c JOSI.UI RICHARDS, Auctioneer. BV BANGS. RICHARDS & PLATT.?Starts 304 Rroarfw-sy.?I.!'>errJ cash advancements made on Ci^i-i.':-: ? '? ' ai.ctMt: nui?. WEDNESDAY EVENTNG, March Atn. At ?"?? o'clock at the auction room. P r'n Sinex ?A Jarre collection of standard, m?vellar- ... as I school hooks being part of the stock of : ?? be ???:?'. under a foreclosure of tztorteatte. Among them arc voi*. >u. enter's Miscellanies, Ander son's Poets, 1! rois. -.?.; Eic-ant Extracts. 13 toIs. ; Carmtto's I*:.d--*.-.phy. 2 vols.; British ciavdos, $ vois. ; I iiiilp-id Journal. 1! vols. : JiKimal of Science? and Arts, 5 TOht.; Plutarch's Uvea, - . its.) ' ? S atttsnaj Orator; 4 Sears' pi.-:- rialRlMo; 2 Ji SfertonV Works, 4 vole ; Liep ?c Classics. '.' voib . P..'.:-!.iiruh Review, It' roh?.; 60 It'i.'get.*t.r( wle.t.or.; Ko.-sI.ts Travels. 4 rols.; Oper? ative Mocha'tic,'-' v,4s.; Boswell's Ufe of Johnson 3 rula.; I . - fastet i.r.i- M.?.::a. - voU.. Chainjor'a ? ork-s 3 rots. : Youn;'? Sermon.-, 2 trots. ; GsddatEltb'l .. ? eve, '- i-ols.; .'orton's Amertcau Revolution, 3 vols.; try, 4 vola.; Stephen's Uls? ter*- of French Retortion. 1 vols. ; Johnson'-. Live*, 3 vols. ; Cooper's Novels, Ac. Also, i large collection of S.-hooI licoks, XoveK Mbeel larics Vagsnrinea, l'erio>!ical>, Ac. irjf- t'a:a\ -u.>? ;-. -\v \y toLK'.v ?-"in. Auction and Comiui-sion Mer 1 ? ,-:: ?i-.s. x -*. ;i3 Fait, n street, and J4 Ann street.? Li'eral aivarices made on coriiigntnents, and prompt re turns made. THIS PAY. March 5th. At the Store .No. 31 Ann street. Sm.-.m's salk.? A large assortment of Or*" Goods and Clothing, consistt ,; i.. part, of Over Coats, Droa Coat;. Pantadotxia and Vests of various kinds, also. Beaver Cloth, Cashmere, Gamtsrooes, iv-ure**. and plain Silk. Meri? no. Drillin.-. sBk and cotton handkorvhiets, ticking, suspeti ders, Ac. Also a an. mtlty oi Furnitave, comprising sota.? an.1, sofa bedsteads, mahoganj French do., drerssing bureaus, plain do.. taMes, chafes, carpet-, lamp*, glas? cases, Ac. RICtlAKO VAX l>iKK. Jr.. Auctioneer. ' P'tStTI.T. SALE Of VALUABLE BEAL ESTATE. For - lie, at PUbtk iVuction,oa Wednesday, theoth day s-t March nest, at li o'clock at the Merchant's Exchange, .VNTHON. !. .<? Co.. auctioneers. Six cotrago built bouses on the northerly side ot Tweuty seventh Street, between the Fourth Avenue and l-extugtoa Avenue the most westerly hous<*, being at the distance of DC hundred feet trom the Fourth Avenue. Eadi lot la 16 ? :..-;s Inches (1 :;-. ind rear. a:'.'. 100 feet tn depth. There . i : j at1 ::t front of each house, SO fectdeep from the line of the street: the houses ate supplied with Crotoa water. A good opportunity is ottered to obtain comfortable resi dences in a genteel and very improving neighborhood at a moderate cost. The tlOUSCS arc rente! until the 1st day of May next, at ."-J-i. per annum. Every bOOSC put up will be positively sold, without any reserve, to the highest bidsler. Terms?ten per cent cash to the auctioneers, at the time of sale ; twenty-tive per cent on the 1st day of April next, on which daj the ?iii delivered, and the re?t may remain on bond and nrortgage, for three * ear*, at six per - ent, the Interest payable ball yearly. The poixharer will be entitled to the rents accruing, from and alter the 1st day of April. The auetlpneers charge, vir: S?for each house, lo be r-ai I b* me purchaser. malista. K. M. ?ucti?ncer. BY MORGAN A JOHNSTON, Store 21S Broadway. THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock. A large and general assortment of Dry Goods, Cutlery, ('.old and Silver Watches, amongst which arc some superior English Levers, Jewelry, Fancy Articles, Ac. ke. Liberal cash i Ivanccs made on all consignments. Out door sale* attended to. d3l 4m* rpEMPERANCE FESTIVAL?ORATION BY REV. A F.. IL ( II si'tV- \i the request of s Urge number pre? sent, and niany who, on account of ihe ?tonn, (ou Feb. 22.) were prevented fron attending the rich intellectual entertain men i of the Marshall ami Prospect Societies* the Ret. E. H. ? lupin, (of Boston, I has kindly c n sen ted to rr-deliveran pta* ti .. i- the Broadwaj Ta>kaf...acle mi Wednesday evening, M irch i. .>: 11 o'i luck, fee \m bi nefil f the sb..*e Societies. The Melouiaas will sing the following Duetis, Glee? and Trio. : Glee?Oh give ma Music. Trio?The Owl is out. Glee? Luixow's IVild Hunt, til.e?Hark above us on the Mountain. Temperance Glee. tjVdicated to the Wsshinatouians. Duett?When night comes o'er the plain. Souk ?We an' the M.-uvehs of tlie Earth. tHei?Keii... Song mil i Imills. ?V full tud efficient I >i"n have rolnateered, and will per i i i.i ? t following Choruses, Anthems and Ouartettes: 0.luctoi ... Mr. Kus.ell w. Wesicott. Organist.W. L. Reaion. Voluntary.Organ. Chorus ,8ing to the Lord a joyful long.Jackson. Quartette Land of our Fathers.Webbs. t hou .The L.>rd i. my Shepherd.L. Mason. AnlheM Sing unto i rod.Silctier. Ch?rau .Sslvatiosi, to our (sod. '? i rtand Clioras. X.iw el.-s ite tbe sum ..f Judab.liaydeii. DINGLE'S BRASS HAND hue %nlunteered and ?i'l enliven the ineeiiui; by pciforming a nuns bei of Marches and Overtures. .Y. 1< Tie- M ? .1 P Societies would, in justice to the Melodians, who gire th.-ir servieei mi ibis occasion ura tuitoasly, state thai those gentlemen were not awara that the above Soci intended charging onl) One Shilling. Bur in .-. inseqnenca of the art mgeaients being completed, ihev will in ike tin. tl.\\ . ireption, tailing into cousidVnstioa the ob? jects of the Meeting, sn I will sing a., above advertised. Tickets only Une Shilling?To be had at Prices Book Store, iim Fulton-street: < onant's Hat those, :>W and 444 Grand-street; fo e's 9Boweryi Mrs. Smith's. 22U Division street ; Schenck's corner of lle.ier and Elizalielli-slreets; '.l i h .v. Green's,cornai Nassau and Aaaanveta; Organ iiill.-e Stoekwell s Croton Lnnch._ms it3 M..UM-.S EI.E? 1 I;11. i| A(>.N ETI< T H.LEl/K U'H ia now open for exhibit', a?one room ai No. 112 Broad? way, the .aii.-r at 183 Broadway?between which points con. muuitralionaarawrittan insiaiitaneously,and a full illuslra tionol llnri neral rji - I lh? Tolefrmnb is made to visiters. Thi. exhibition is ill Is- highly interesting and instructive. Doorsoissn throach tli? day and sveuing, A Jmittauc?2a cents?Children half price. E. CORNELL, mail Iwis" _ VWtllli ,\.N .ut ,-sr.L .M ?i.oilier ol Ufua.lvsaj and Ann street EVERY DAY ANT) EVKXIXO THIS WEIK 1 Every Evening at 71 o'clock ind Wedntaday and Saturday Afternoons at 3 o'clock. L VUGH1NG G IS, by i learned chemist. MISS (Hi VII.I K. i cliaiiniritf Vocalist. Mrs WESTERN,a talented artiste. LA PETITE < \ I! LINE, a graceful Danseuae. MADAME ROCKWELL, Fortune-Telling Petmlogtst. GRE \T w ESTERN, Bneqnalled Low Convedian. Mr. COLE, the wondertnl ( ..i.turiinnist. Tl,.- learned and talented DOll HILLY. Mr.W J HAMILTON, Ballad Singer. I COMB LECTURE ON ANIMAL MAGNETISM. with langhable ex|s?riinents, by iireat Western. NEW AND ORIGINAL COMIC MEL CNGE, by Mr. and Mis. Wesi. ru ami Mr. Hamilton. Admission 21 cents-1 luldien under In. 121 renla. ml 1>AN01tAMI< v I km OK JERUSALEM.?This lieaati ful painting has been i sited b; a irreal nmnher of citizens during the past ^??k. Eyerj body i? drligbied with its been* r. lutbenticity. [twill hi kept often a sJurrt Unas louaer. Tho price of admission i. rrdnerd lo ..>u ioi. ?iiiu.ismi! It is the I itoppoiMnitt whieh Ntrn V..rk willenjoy of seeing tn> Holv 1 i.i- Those ihereiorn.who with to sjieud an hour 11 ga<iii^- ii|h.ii it. towers, mosques; minarets and chnrrh es, must .-ill .i al tie- large Pictnra < ? tilery, iStaaits Build* ing, cornel Bmadwa) and Chambers-sts. Aomissioh ac i,i i i i. Sn11 i is.. 11,3 Iwis* REMOVAL.- ? U.K. FANNY, ORANGOUTANG, basing concluded her engagement al the Americas Mu* team, will bs evhibitnd tot a'Taw days only at CROTON II U L. cornel Bower] ind Division street. Admitshn 121 cents ach. without distinction ol age Hours of exhibition? morning, from j 11 I?eiVemoon, fiom 2 to j?arming, from t milwisua* PRICE RE?i CED SWAJUJI'S CELEBRATED PANACEA. FOR I HE CURE OF .?.;?'/?/<', (lenirn! Dt?Oitf, H'/ii/e tiirrlliiuj, lHitumatwn, Diseasesqf t?tet ami Skia, awl all diseases aiitiiHj from Impurity of ihe /:'... ,i, or CUM F.ifecls of Jlereury. VVAIM'S PAN vi EA has been for more than i??-nty \ trecelebrated in this conntry and r uro|>o lor its estra* ordinary curj s?foi tin c-ititi.-aten of winch reference is mad* to the drieciionsand booluaceompaaying the Panacea. It lass bet-n i sed ia lio.i ital and private practice, and kas had the singular fortnni of being s i-omiiw-nded by th? most cele ... -'- -i !. . . .-I . Among oilier*, by W Gibson. M. 1). Prof Saraery, Pa. University, Valentine Mott, M. D. Prof, Snrg-ry. N. V. University. W. P. I), wees. M D. Prof. Midwifery P*. L'mvtrsit,. N. i hspman, M. D. Prof. Physic Pa University. T.Parke, M.I) Pr i't( allege rnysiciana, liulad. Dr. Dei Vallr, Prof Medicine. Havana. Joij- Lonrencn Jt Lux, Prof Burgrry, Li.bon. J. Chipmaa, Mem Royal College Buigatpss, Loudon, 'J'i.e Recoiumei latioua of many Physicians and eminent [s-rsous, ?lieh as i i. VV r.rriiiK. late ,Mmiller to Spain: Sir i homu Pearson, Major General British Army: '/ilbcrt Rob eitson, British < ? *s. Sec.; and also thts wonderful cures effected by Swtim's Piinee, liav for many years ma.'e it an invaliiabh reme")] i !. Panaceadoes not contain Mercury in o.y form, and being an ionoo nl preparation, it may be giv? en to the most temi-r infant. 'lie ft.-- ..I l-.-ie, I, . ' ? ? du- .1 to ( bi- ll.dlar and Fifty i cuts per bottle (containing three half pints.) or three bottles for Four Dollars. CAUTION -Obaerva thai the name ol Wm. Swann is written on the label ..\er the cork oLeach bottle, iocouuler l-lt whi-h would t-e toit'-r . A /.SO-SH'.IIM'S VERMIFUGE. \ valuable Family Medicine, being a highly appmved rem? edy for all di>e,y, ->ri-u.? Debility of the Digestiv? Or* gana, ....a Worms, ' n lern V-nlais. Dysentery, Fever and Aarne, Bleeding Piles, Sick Headache, &C. Stc. tee the para phlef with the article. For sale by .11 r etable diasggisU in the L niled States. Wholesale oiders I 6 rddresaed t- Wm BwaimltSoaa. Philadelphia, or H. H Sr(,te(r-liu St Co. Drurgiats, New ITork,General Ag< its I .- the Pans* e? and Vermifuge ottilis* KV'.PP'S imman STKKNUTIIESIncT" PLASTER. THESE PI ist'-r. ii- (.r-iparsid for pains or weakness iu the ?esst, lids orlimbs, Klwumatiam. Bruises. Sprains v ior Atthrnxiic A i! etioos, I rossp in Childica tliey will in to it essetigife imnssdiate ana soothing relief. They will also i- f. and highly beneticial for complaints of the Liver. Lungs and Kidney. l -.-fiii. of ?edei.tary habits, whose business requires them to sit or stau<i nsncb, wnqmaj be In abied with weakness m the ciiett. or i no in tie- side or Lreait, will lind ,-reat relief by ?searing OM of theje Plaster*. With regard to th rft>c?ey of these Plasters, nothing aeed be said, as the-.-carry wi:hlh.-m t!e-ir r wu recoininendation. .oid the pro - be,, u ?, ,emirUbIy low. i. .a sufficient indaca nvnt far those sltlico-d 10 give them a trial. ? Thej - i-: ri? con&lent bl the "rest and increasiag de? PlasOrra, :he leapnLtnlt which they hare ob ' - d solely b) own nr-nts, and the nuiversal satisftc tiou they have given, thnt they are dtudtdly superior to any other in l/??. No pam are spared m rnakiog thetn as adhesive and pliable and i i .-iir^tUuifreefromallthoseobjections wn ch is a lOUrcn ?.; cannptuat to the ordinary Plasters of the da ?/ ^These Plu-rrs ne- d b it o-;e trial to give every satisfaction Before and ask for'i Isnu? SvntnoTKE>i.iJre PLaJTr.K. and tee that bis .i.-iiat'.-re is ou the bacg oreacla? aon* other are gej.aine. ... u , . ?_. n Madeonlvb. P. B k.N'A !'P. and sold, wholeaaje and retail, U his rnedicinn warshoc M ?; Hudsou^tmt. .?e door t-elow King Uns i Sew-VotV. Also for tale by the Draggists generally. Pric? 121 and is. cents eseh_mi If CHEAT PKi.N m?: CHEAP PK1NTJNG! ISAAC J. OLIVER, Comer of Ann and Va.MU-sta. (entrance in Nassau, over th e Ktemug Mirror OfSce.) KFS this :u.-tii"*d of iiiforimns bis fnrnds and the pub * lie that he li is commen ted business ou bis own account, and is now oreiatied to cxe-ule every tsriety of BOOK AND JOB PRINT-NO at the Lowest Possible Prices: His naateriali b*ieg all Niwand of the latest and most approved ta'iernt befeefj .:. elid-ut (from many years'experience ju live ) thu hr can give satisfaction to those who may faror him with tie- ir putronage. CARDS primed on the ctlsbrjted \ ANKEE PRESS a re'oeed iirices. ""7* E- Iranee in Nst'su ?t m.1 3ria* fpu M l Lh. >t 1: S. a c? 1 he ?uumci ibc: s ofler lor sale 100 X bbls Ituckvrheat FI?,or as a subatitute for Oat Heal for feeding Cattle. It is new extensively used for that pur? pose on account of Its being considerably cheaper. Also 100 bbia and 50 half bins Extra for family use or shipping. J21 if WRIGHT, LOSES tt CO. 29 Moore rC s Ti