Newspaper Page Text
THE TRIBUNE. From The Weekly Tribune. DIRGE FOR A CHILD. Roox ! motfeer Earth, upon thy breast, lor ih'.s young chll.1 of oars; [ers; Give her a pletusant resting-place among thy bud* and Bow TVrap gently round her little form the cerements of would. Tor she Is passing beautiful, and scarcely two years old, And ever since rhe breathed on us hath kindly Diusl&s known. And uow we shjh to lay her down and leave her here alone. We cannot soon lorgct how <ln; has made our heart, :?? When home returned f.-vni tw. ::? : ; ? : voice: We can't forget the morning kiss?the ran.'-';; of the night. And words of love, which on us fell as softly as theliyht. Ere Death stole gently to ??c ?rot where ?he w_, wont to rest, [breast. And bade us bear her from our home, and lay her on thy So, Mother ! thou hast one child more, and we liave one child less; A sunny spot within our hearts seems now a wlldcrnt--, From which the full light of the aoo:i has fled away alar. And nothing of Its radiance left but Memory's solemn ?tat; And as we mark its early rise, and feel its saint like ray. We know that it is shining from a laved one passed away. Mother! we know we should rejoice that she has " gone before,"? [nevermore Gone where the withering band of Death shall touch her Gone to the clime of sinless souls, to be an angel there, Ere yet upon the spirit fell a thadow or n care ; Tat when we think how dear she was to us In her brief stay, A sigh will break, that one ?o ?wect so early pas?e.l away. _ _ a. I?. f. j:. Proceeding* of the Farmerst' Club. tVi.DNEsoAT. March 4. Mr. Towssxsd of Long Island In the Chair. Mr. Meiga read a letter from Mr Davis of Davi Mills (3 C ) requesting cuttings of the Angola pear, and complimentary to the New-York Farmer and Mechanic. A specimen of Jamaica pumpkin was exhibited, euch as they tue at the Aslor House lor pies in winter. Mr. De Peyster brought in a bottle of wine made in New-Jersey from the Isabella. gr_[>e, which was tasted and pronounced good. A stalk of the Turtle bean was shown, contain? ing 52 pods, seven beans to the |iod. A paragraph from a letter was read from ?.lr Baldwin of Fairfield (Conn) statine; that on the game branch of an apple-tree there were swe.-t ;::]<! early, and sour and late apples. The question of the bearing of Railroads and Ca? nals on Agriculture was then taken up. a paper waB reud from Mr. Edwin WiU'tamsgiving tfa eral statistics of Railroads and Canals: Miles of Canals completed. Do. Railroads di. 1800 Total miles..s?KK) Estimated cost of Canals.SI00,000,000 Do. do. Railroads. IOn.ri(in,0</.> Tota'..Jtg... SiiOo.OUO.?b'J First Canal completed in th*? l.'nitetTStatej in 1808, viz; the Middlesex, in Massachusetts, 29 miles lonsr, cost S"521000 F.rie and Chtunpttin Canals completed in 1825, cost ?9.1)00.0(10 First Railroad completed in the United .St.-i'es viz; the Quincy, Mass. (4 miles,) in 1S27. Thei Railroads and Canals have therefore been chiefly built in the last twenty years. The average cost of transportation on canals, in? cluding tolls to the State, or incorporated compa nies, is about two cents per ton per mile, and on railroads about the same. The cost of transporting Agricultural Produce on good graveled roads is at least 25 cents per ton per mile, consequently the (saving in transportation by the construction of Canuls und Railroads is 25 cents per ton per mile. The average number of rnns of Agricultural Pro? duce transported annually on the Canals of the State of New-York is over 300,000 tons; average distance transported 120 mil* s. The savins on this amount of Produce is s?8,2S0.O0O. If we estimate the Agricultural Produce which passes on the Canals of this State as amounting to one-ihird of the total amount of the same Produce carried on all the Canals ant) Railroads in the United States, we find that the Farmers and Planters of this country receive it direct benefit of _S"2-l,$iO,Oo:); annually by the use of the Canal-and Railroads now In operation in th?* United States The indirect and incidental benefits to the Agri? cultural class are numerous, but not easily estimatcd, such as the saving of transportation on merchandise and manufactures required for the use of the Farm? er, as well as the saving of time and expense by ihe convenience of traveling on Railroads and Canals. A statement was then rend which the Secretaiy had obtained through the poli teness of the President of the Erie Railroad, showing the amount of Agri? cultural and oiher products used by Farmers carri< d over that road, and first ?>f that carried Eastward from Oct. 1, 1S43, to Sept. 30.1S-U i ib,. Apples and other fruit.- IJJ S806 Butter (39,800 firkin*).3,9743.15 Charcoal.... . 462,* 0 Oral as. . 743..' Hoop-poles. "31,610 Iron, (plgl.5,969.015 Leather. .1.178.630 Lumber, (shlp-thnber, ?).1,131,306 Meats, fresh.t!.s;>:!..Ta Milk, (5.2G7.0O0 qts).13.167,675 Potatoes and Roots. 131,0 rCatrle. 3,087 head.2,736,855 1 Calves, 11.332 do.1,698,2 11 1 Hogs, 6.364 do. 766.174 C Sheep and Lambs, 7.6S7 do. 694,400 Uuenuineratcd.6,19)3.41 8 Carried Wetttrard. China, Glas? and (iiicenware. 208,055 Dry Goods. 7'.'-,i :; Flour and Meal, 9,045 bbls.l,917,GtMl Flah and Oystcts.-. 399,0 0 Groceries.1852,890 G?psum and other Manures.4,:?i?. 1,10 Lumber.2,611,160 Salt.1,099.150 Dry Goods. 79S.lit Total.?. 6i,b:ib,t!i'>ii Mr. Townsend ?ud, in respect to the amount of milk brought in, that it was a great mistake to sup? pose that the Eine Railroad had improved the ?pia'i tty of the milk. What is brought down that rood is but a drop in the bucket. There is one cstablieh ment alone near this City where 3,000 cows are kept, which furnish probably 110,000 quarts a dm , these cows being fed ou distil-house refuse. This is twice as much as is furnished by the line Road. There are other instances of the .same kind in the neighborhood. The amount brought down i!.t Railroad has made it more difficult lor th< milk? men to bring in pure milk. Mr. Carter did not allow this. Orange County milk could be tested by an instrument, and is tot? ed at several establishments, so that the customer can satisfy himself. The Orungr County farmer gets two cents, the Railroad half a cent, and those who carry it 10 the groceries get half u cent; and the grocers can afford to sell it for four cent>. Gen. Hayne said that the Orange farmers] wen honest, but the milk is adulterated here. The farmer can aflord to sell it for 1\ cent.-, a quart bet ter than to make it into butler. Mr. Townsend said that not one milk-cart out of seven furnished pure milk. He had been in the business sixteen years, and said it was out ot the question to sell pure milk in this city under 5 cents per quart. Dr. Underbill said that the Railroad system would change the kind of cultivation about and near cities; introducing horticulture, instead of common farming. It will malte living cheaper in cities, and farmers near cities can only live by raising fruits, vegetables. Arc instead of the bulkier articles, which can In- brought from a distance. A series ot questions was reported on the sub e--t under consideration to elicit farther information. RICH'S IMl'ROVKl. PATENT SA1.AM AS DLR AAFE.?Warranted dry, as well as Are and theft proof.?The following certificate? from some of the in.-: respectable merchants and others in the citv of Sew-Or leans, their Are proof qualities be-, end all doubt: ?? The undersigned have this day witnessed the trial ol one of Rich's improved patent Salamaudcj- Sales iK the furnace of the Sea Bird. ?? The Saf* was placet In the furnace at li> m'.r.utes after 11 o'clock A. M. uud remained there three hours, constant? ly exposed to tho most intense- heat that eeulj be crcab J by the use of pltehpine ai d ix ttoawoosi. u was then taken to the store or' Mr. K;ch's agent hi this city and opened, when 1 hoy tbi-jid that the contents wen neither burned nor scorched, and that the wood-w,. r:. >v:c Uu pearanoe of having been expnsed to Bra. ? The tmderslgricd are oonviraoed that this Safe w*? sub? jected to greater hest than could possibly exist at the bum iag of any building In this city, however combustible Its contents; and they therefore have no hesitation In saying thai Rich's Safes are eminently secure attains: the risk . f Are, under any circumstances whatever. Xzw-OatJU*s, 12th June, 1844. Jerome B. BallarJ. Master of steamer Sea Bird. John Hoey. Fire Inspector of Western Marine ai d [Fire Insurance Compa.ty. Thos. H. Chcnowith, Joseph Giant, K. McGregor, J. H. Stauffer, A. C. Labst I, Benjamin B. Cook, Rene H. Bnmet One of" oar customers saved $40,000 in one of Rich's . Safes although the burglar had sis or ei^ht hatirs to try his skill on the lock. The above Safes are sold In this city 01 ly by A. S. MARVIN. Ager.i for the Manuiacturers. t?3ye 13*1 Water street. TO IRON~MANUFAt TU S ERS. THn ROLLING-MILL M aCHI.n'ERV of the ?gten sireestablishmrat formerly the property of Wrr. C Hol? ls;, at Stamford, Ct. consisting of a full set of geerrog snails, couplers, stands and rolls forrirecutiacagreat variety of work: together with shears, lathe, turning tools, baodiiu-- benches, floor plates, furnace,castings, Jtc. and implements necessary for psefonaing the work of such an establishment, are uow of? fered for aala on tarns very advantageous to the purchaser. For farther peniculsrs. address the subscriber at Stamford, i_ Ct, or at his s?orti !1? Wstsra'.ret'., New-York. ?"TtU5*-5?trie -rtntm;*?-? 1--?-a"*" ?v vf/ar.??<o. ? R.,t snnnose War ensue, would you tic COMERCIAL AHDMONEY KATTERS. salu at tue stock Exr|;a?tr,e, M-jxh i. 510,000 Ohio. 96J i 75 Reading. <s 15,000 do.tOO '0 IHi-'em ... 71t 5,000 do.50 do..'t>3r> !?>' 7,0^0 Kentucky.IUI :,o Long isi. ?j3 .' fW> Indiana-34 llflo do... j,IO 50J 5,000HI tools.4?j'i .'.o .;o... .'.3 - r 5,000 I'eiiu.t.3 74 150 <;0 ' 794 100 sh* Man Iii..93 1 50 do....wo 81 30 Mcchs Ilk.100i 100 Sloutogtoa. '..Ii 23 DelsfcHud.130 50 do.020 43* 50 Farm Loau.40 ICO to 43 wo do..joj! so 09.'.'....'.'.'..tea 43 ??00 dr.. 40V 50 Nor 4. Wor.T<\ 50 do-.b30 ?0ii250 do.73| l5u do.e30 40 (100 do.b3o 73i M G S Bk. 5:; 150 do.bOO 74 100 MerCnl. 33 j 50 do.b3 73i '?iOO do.*.b30 33|t ? do.s3 73* I?) do.bOO 33}I206 do.slO 73 300 do. 32; i 125 do. 73 100 Erle K. 30 1 25 do.?nw 73 75 Canton Co.53j 50 do.bxrw 73 300 do.bOO 54 * j second soaeo. S5.0O0 III. ?041 25 shs Bowerv Ins_140 2.500 Ohio. 98*1 50 Farm Tr. 40 25 shsCantoaCo. 533; 50 do.b30 4oj 25 do.53{ 50 N A Tr.bOO \i\ 100 Long I si. 7Sj 11-.4.'. Reading.471 175 Mor Cnl.32}|lOQ Nor 4: Wor.-30 7-*J Ptrzxtc Stock exi.-uav.i:, March 1. 51,000 Ohio 6s.'60 .cash 984 50shaEaat Boat .V. i3 124 1,000 DJ C?. 1570. 35 ;i ',0 Harlem R.?00 70" 1.000 do. 34}! 100 Long I?l.bnw mo? 26sbS Viek?burg Bk .. 644100 do.snw SO j I 25 Canton Co.&uw53iil00 "lo.s3 sn 25 du-. 53 ji 25 do.s3 bOJ 126 do .bnw 54 ? 25 do.slO 80 AO Farm Tr.snw 4'.-; 175 do.?30 .70 50 do.nw 40$! CO ?0 50 do.s3 40(1125 do.b3 *0 51 do.b!5 4Ui 25 Stoulngton.slO 42J 100 do. 4''l| 50 do.s3<) 42? 25 do.bnw 40j 25 Nor tc War.?30 73i 25 do .i3 4Ui!l50 do. 734. 150 do.bnw 4oij 50 do.bwatn 73j 100 do.40 I 50 do.b?0 73j 25 41 J.I25 73 25 Mor Cnl.bnw 33 j 25 do.s3 72? 100 do.hlO 33i, 25 00.?3 721 25 do. 33 25 do. '3 50 do.b30 113 I "SALUS OF REAL ESTATE, Mar. 4. By ir. //. Franklin & The two bouses and lots N E corner Of Houston st? and Broadway. 5U ft front. 4lj ft rear, by 100 ft.$22,600 The store S W corner of Grecaw chand Murray st?. Lot. on a perpetual lease from Columbia College at 520 per annum, 24 ft front, 40 It centre, :>i rear, by BO deep."4JJ00 Two store brick trout h u?c NO. 4'J l.ispeuurd-s'.. Lot 26 by 93j. 5.3"^ Hou?ea:,.l lot -Nu I- Dej-at, ISJ by 7S u. 4,0.'?0 By UaWday dV Jenlint. Five store granite front store No 24 Beaver st. 21J ft front". 221 ft rear omMarketfield st, 56j !t deep one side, 5*~ the other*..12.1G0 1*^011 S side of Jane st. nextto the corner ot Wash? ington st. 21 ft Iron:, 27 rear, by ?7} ft deep. 1,200 Lot adjoining, 20 b;. b7J ft. 1,060 Lot on West st, next to the corner of Horatio, it by 701 deep on one side. 78 on the other.9,100 Lot adjoining 23 by 78 and79) ft deep.2,000 Lot adjoining 22 by 7'j} and hi ft deep. 2,100 Lot on Horatio st, adjoining th0 rear of the above, 20 by 97* feet. 1.250 Three adjoining lot-, same size, at 175. 3 525 Lot adjouinff, same size.?. 1,100 By A. J. Binder A- Co. Lot N side of 5th st, 125 tt w of 2d avenue 25 by 97 2,20o Lot on N side 13th st, 25 I ft W of avenue It, 95 by 1034 feet. 795 Lot rear of above, on 14:h ?t, -ame size. 950 Two story nttle brick house No. 223 16th St 250 ft E of 9th avenue. Lot 25 by 91 i ft. 3,350 House and lot No 4U Tr..v st. near 4th st. Lot 16" by 939 ft. 2,600 Lot"w side 1st avenue, between tih and 5th ?;s. 2tj by 100 feet.-.0C0 Three Story nttle bouse No 224 7th st, s fide, bi twgen Avenues C and 1?. Lot 22} by !?7j fret.? Bouse 42 ft deep. Its 11 out of brown cut stone... 5,150 Two story attic brick house, with 2 story frame house in the rear, No 22 Cornelia st. Lot 95 by 69 ft.. ? 4.45U Hy Dumonl A- Uotack. Three story brick house 77s Broadway. Lot 2f> tt front and rear, l?l'J fe t deep on one side, 'J8j the other; on a lease from Sailor'.-' .Snug Harbor, at s 130 i>?r annum. PASSENGERS ARRIVED. /? brig Aujusta,from Aii.t Caftt?ilt j Smith. MARINE JOURNa\L. PORT OF NEW? YORK...........:.MARCH 4. CLEARED. Ships Oneida, Funk, Havre, Boyd i Hinckeii; Anson, Buckmau. Charleston. Hen Sutton. 15aro.uc Wahash, Talbot, Apalachlcola, E D Hurlbut A Co. itriu Morea, Ednr.r, Apalachlcola, E 1) Hurlbut 4; Co. Sehr Charleston, Hj m. nth, NC, John Elwell & Co. ARRIVED. Ship Arkansas, Hunker, from New Orleans, Feb. 15, cotton, Ice lo Wm Nelson. Hrig Metamora, Week--, from Apalachlcola, cotton t.. E I) Hurlbut a Co. Bug August, Doauc, from A- \ Caycs, St Domingo, Fch I3'1!, colic- niul logwood to S W Lewis. Sailed in co with brig Porto Rico, Ctreii. destination given. Sehr Boston, Cebra, 1 days lion; \Vilrulngton, NC, naval st.-rcs, to 11 Waring & sou. Sehr Farou, Uartlctt, is days fioin Jaeiuel, St Homiii.'o, coffee, .ve to A t' R vsicrc > o. Sehr BegulUS. Cole, 4da>s from Wilmington, NC, naval stores, t.' N D BicCreedy fcCo. Sehr Aun Uytnan, Tottoii, 3 days from Newbcnu XC, naval stoics to Hcpeyster .V Whltmarsh; Sehr Ann Smith. Cramer, 3 days from Swansboro, NC, navfii stores to nutster. SPOKEN. Ott the Island Vacha, sehr Brldgewater, Alden, with loss of tore n:-d main topmast and hue yard. Feb 10, lat 13 Ion 4i"> 4o, hrij; Illach Hawk, 14 days from New York for Pain. Feb 25, lat 3b ss. Ion 73 20, ship Hudson, 3 days from N. York for New f>rk?ui*, WHALERS, &C Arr at New London 3d instant, ship Black Warrior, Sisson, trom Pernambuco, 1820 bblsoll, (t'JO sp) 11.000 lbs bone. Air at New Bedford lat inst. ??hi;. Hercules. Marvel, i11 di in Ocean, Simon? Bay, Nov 6th, with 400 bbls sp too do Wh oil, 3.200 lbs bone. ' The ship South America, of Providence. Captain Sonic, which sailed on a whaling voyage in November, 1843; was last heard, from at Mavl. ou the 25lh September !a-?t. hav? ing theu on board 3600 bbls of oil. She has thus lat been a lucky ship. FOREIGN PORTS. Aux Caycs. Feb >3?Schrs Louisiana, Lord, from Boston bound :? New York with the < ?r^-o of sehr Lconiine. Loll also. M-hr Leohtlne, La; e, put iu from Curaeoa, with io?? of mainmast and other damoge, and was condemned. Jacinoi, st iJoralngo. Feb 15?Sc-lir Signal, Lord, I r BOU.lull dais; U S ship Yaiidalia. touched at Jacinel I Feb 10th?sailed 12th, to touch at Aux Cayeaand Port an Mnce> THE OLD ESTAP.I.ISHKI) JOB Ii o 0 K - B 1 N DER Y, 112 and 114 Fidton-st. i The subscriber continues to give his special attention to 1 an description* of JOH B(X)K-BIlNT)rNG, and invites Lib-aiians, all persons having iharjio of Book Iiistiiutioiis. and gcntlcmtn having Libraries, to call and ltisi>ect his unio,ueand substantial styles of Bo h-binding, and Iwirs to refer to the ntst Bcoksetlers and Librarians in this city. For durability of workmanship, with every variety of taste, and very reasonable charges, this extensive estab Hahsisant stands luuivaled EDWARD WALKER. CHEAP CASH BOOK-STORE. E. WALKER, Bookseller and Publisher, 114Fulton-sL Always on hand a good assortment of School Books; Stan da; 1 Works of American and English minions; Miscellane? ous Is.vks and Stationery of every kind, at -.Teaily reduced prices, lor cash, Country dealers supplied. J25Y jftdTETAL KOOPS, Gttara Fin Vean 111 tthteh is Four Years Longrr U>u<u.?The SUascri ! bexebstve Invented a method of covering roots v> ith plain j or galvanized tin plate.-, which they guarantee te> remain ? water-tight rivt rXAJut, when put up by them. Ttic metal j Is so put o:i that it canuot be aflecterl by the ahi aiklng cJ swelling of the planks on whlchit is laid, or by the coutrac I tion or expansion of the metal. ! The toP.'wipg gentlemen have had their dwelling houstt 1 and stores In this city covered by this meiioJ, to their I satisfaction; Henry Brcvart, Esq. of 5th avenue and 9th St. John s. Scbcnv.oihorn, No. 30 Broadway. David Austui, Esej. ccmer of Exchange place and Wil? liam street, j J. Green Pearson, Es\>. Merchant*' E-ichanje, Waii-st. Ceo. B. Butler, Hso,. Ne? .-l Nassau-st. Francis Burri'.t. Es.j. 69 Broad-st. Notice is given, that ss th* improvement is pateateJ, aH j persons in the trade wishing to cover roofs by the subscri? be:*' plan can obtain permission on moderate terms. tnhU tf P. NAYLOK Jt CO. 77 arid 79 Broad-st. OLTJMBERSd ELUMBEBS1 a?LCMBER3 f?The sub j * scr.bcr would call the attention of Plumbers and tlie j public to a pence: ar ticle of Tin Plated Lead Pipe, nuna facture.1 by an entirely new process, for which he has tnis month secured letters patent, which plates the pi;<e on the I Inside with an even perfect plate of pure Tin. ! Having attained great peetection ta the method of mann ' facturtng and plating LeaJ Pits.-, he Is enabiedto oder this I superior arti.-lc at tbe same ? rice charged fur common plt-o. lie wart ants the Pipe by aim not to l-trst J or split, tree trom all tlav.-s, scrUes or olher Impert'ections, i and Of perfectly uniform thi.-i:..^.. j AL*o, cu hatnL a larje stock ot' untiioed Croton and ; Country Pipe.which can be examlne-Jl at the manufactory, I 221 West street, or a; Johnson Brother*. St Watcr-st. ' sis time_K* W. LOWBF.R. (sU.n'AVPS PATEN': VRAM'.?-I he Usl article for J ntlsiug bread ever usesl. Warranted to keep In every ! climat-s. The American institute, at :bc,r Lite lair a-ran! ed tie Icvantor n Diptana, declaring this Yeast the best article ever taimufictured far raialsg breti, Suckwhtat. pastry, Ac. The Yeast l-? ?n a:U. which, Sein; combined in proper Chemical proportions with an aikalt^taprcjruates the dough with carbonic acid gas, without affecting, in any way, the original prcper'Jc* of the flour; aad thus, when badted, pro? ducing parftct bread. Seid wholesale and retail IS cts. per tTmdTve^-^vsv^H-mHf^^f VWsso IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. RICHARDSON & C o. S C E E E SEATED AMERICAN PANACEA. THIS Medicine, compounded solely frim vegetable mat ter, free from adulteration, ai: J! tree from any ingredients detrimental to health. ?1? dietwrered aoout one year sine*-, by an t-..dis1daal sorely afflicted Kith ULCERA? ted SCROFULA, ai.d who has been under the tre;tt?:er.-. Of the mo*t eminent physicians in :he United Stated for tight year-, without the least apparent hope of re-: a to health, and was- !>y Iben ; renounced incurable, but who after taking the aVive named mediane for 2ve weeks; was restored to perfect health. ThAt naediclse baa been sold with unprecedented success, and has never failed in any instance (when taken in accordance directions) to ef? fect a perfect cure of the following diseases, to wit : SALT BHECM. SCROFULA. DTyCEBATED >i EOFCTLA.TE VEi: SOBB5, BRONCHITIS, KING'S evil. THISTELO INFLAMMATOBY AND CHBONIC BHEUMatism. FILES, ERYSIPELAS, BILES, SCURVY, CHBONIC sore eves BLOTCHES, PIMPLES OS the PACE, SCALD HEAD AND ALL CCTANE0U3 DISEASES ok PAINS OR CLCEB9 ARISING FROM AN LNJU DICI0C5 CSE OF MEBCUBY OR AN IMPURE STATE OF the BLOOD. Tie efficacy of this medicine has been tested in all the diseases above enumerated, .arid Its effects are truly astonishing. Only one table spoonful to be taken (by an adult) each morning before ?atlni. which u.uUly produces a tonic effect, w-hile (in rmnt < ises 1 it also acts as a gentle cathartic, increasing the appetite and general health of the patient, causing all ulcerated sores to dL-chargc more profusely, and producing an effec? tual alterative f.f the whole sy.tcra, punfyirg and produ? cing a perfect action trf the Hood. Persons, while taking it, should refrain from the esc of all stimu'atlng drinks e>r highlv seasoned food. For sale by ObUincd at wholesale ot* THOS. 0. TALMA'.E, General Agent, 20 Pine-street, opposite the Custom House, New-York; and at 10 Aster House: 110.043 and771 Broad? way; cornea- Broadway and < hamber--s:.; N?. 29 Frout-st; No". I 44 Wcsi-st.; N'.ei. 03 arid 330 Bowery; No. 30 Fulton st.; No. W7 and 'M Hudson, and 96 Hamunond- street, 1 er. Hudson: No. 506 Grand street; No. 157 and 178Greenwich street) No. 112 and 82 Cherry.street; No. 136 Walker-st.; No. 30 Catharint-street; No*. 351 and 4'al Pearl-street; No. in Canal-street. Brooklyn, .1. v.". Smith, corner cf Fulton and Cranberry streets: aiid IVb. BlagTOve, Square's Building-, corner Wfl low and Atlantic.tre*ts, and oy a.i Uie pr::.. ;ai dr-uvists In the Cnitcd States. Dr. V. R. LncJtrow*. No. 54 Beaver-st Clinton BuB lings, General Wholesale and Retail Agent for Albany. t. IV. Dyott tt Son, No. 143 North Second-st. Central Wholesale Agent for Philadelphia; Bosh A Hillver. O. COLBY, No. 351 Pearl-si. N. Y. Instructions for Liking the article, and a great i.urr.ber cf certificates and testimonials may be seen and obtained at any of the above pi ?een. rcu end imv \frtii?f..*A t/KiAM?"'rrmmntuuit 11 notts ort tue mam 1"?C. H. KING'S American Veri-11 < r-.:m. knowledged to has.- eclipsed every invention either in the Old Country or the New. fur ease in the important o;?Uli I Shaving. It has carried awa) the palm at the Ami ricaa Insri lu:e Fair: it liaseiigulphed a hundred and one imitations . it ha. traveled over the inhabited globe; iofaCtit has triumph? antly rloated ot?r the main, in spite of opposition, imitation, and coont<-rfeitinx. Rings Verbena ( ream is hy judge* to be m? most penetiating, mostinstantaneons cie?.m insflather, giving the most perlumed ode.-, leaving tin? skin s'jft as down, .and as smooth as a lady's rial iron. Krim the N. V. I rajvttr. Toi? Nsrw SJoap?lit apanlifrnm t trrrriinrr anil *.s e speak from the more professional knowledge of our benefactor und Iriend, .lames Grant. No. I Ann street* who <iv it is ahead of any tbingertw >-t found out in tills tlepailuseutpTmodem improvement. It is not only "an emollient",''bat itii s pine thing more : iu short, we believe it is the best Shaving Soap in the world. From the N. V. Evening Post. kinn's Verb-111' learn is pr ni'nno d to b- !he best Shivir g Soap ner prepared.a rich emollient compound pleasant to the ski-i. fragrant to the nose, and in every respect designed ;u !ti,. der shaving au easy and comfortable process Prom the Atlas. "The Verbena ("ream, far Shaving,sold by C. H. Ring, is destined to supersede all other kinds of Shaving Soap, ft is realiy fine?it is just thing?we have determined thai hence? forth no other shaving com|>oiiad shall be applied to oar face." From th- Boston Traveller. Veascxa Cacati ?Tin* new shaving eomponnd is ne?-.i!l the rage, as svell among b nsorian professors as among those who prefer to eather in their o\s 11 ditimal crops, Xheba say that a pot id" it last, tssiceas long as the .sine .jliiii:.; y of any other sajionacer.ns pre| araliou?tvlnt ? th> ?e who save tbeir sixpenses, declare that w i'.ii the Verbena Cream a dull razor will insure a smoother lace ilian most of t'be do n ips with a sharp steel. Betides, it is frigraii'. to the sruse. soften? ing to iheskin.a great detiroter of frr-ckles, pimple?. Jcc. From the Herald. Ring's Verbena Cream is a most capital article. We Imv tried it and find it very tnpeii_.r?it *oft?us the beard and maki s the ois?r.ition as gentle as magnetizing. .Manulactured and for sale whub'sile and retail bv CHARLES H. IUNG,392Broomsst. nearly opposite (. entre market. It 1. al<o sold by Iht ilanil, Ke< te tv. ( o an tlaiden Lane : Jiuies S. Aspinwull. S'> William si: RushtOO X t.'o. tin Broadway ami :.' AstOl Hon?-. ->nd .at retail by most drag at:d fiiiresioie, :l,rom-.tjhel ? ijls I Snt.-s._Qjend m I ( W \l I '''?'^'-'-^ '-N i'ii"-At->r.i.rin.\ ajlo.sE A i/vVfean teatlty to '.i.c wonderful efficacy ofthat pow? erful remedy, thomson's compound syrup of tab and woob n'aph i iia. read: head: Astonishing Cure qf ' Chronic Bronchitis t P1t11.Ai11.Li uu, May,23, 1-41. Mr. s. P. TllOMSOS?Dear S.r : For 111 .re tlian batr years past I had been dreadfull) atBictod with an affection of the throat, which my physician pronounced 'Chronic Bronchitis." caused by repented and neglected colds. The di-tn -s suffered Is h^escribable. My throat was literally i raw with violent spasmodic coughu g, so that M po ! w, .1 ; come from it; also great oppression, pain and tightness at the chest, and fever?in short, all the usual pulmonary symptoms showed themselves, causing entire l ?i of nece-' sary repose. My throat was leeched and blistered over and over again. I made trlnl ol every know n remedy, and. at different periods, bad the advice of six physicians,and all with no avail. About two months since I made trial 01 your COMPOUND SYRUP of TAR AND WOOD StAPH THA,and bet?re l had taken the :l:-t bottle 1 fell relief. I continued until 1 had takeu seven bottles, which com? pletely removed the disease and restored me t-1 1 h alth; and 1 lirmly believe 1 should not now be living bad it DOt for your Invaluable medicine. jane PI IIRY, 123 Snrttce-sL Principal Office N. E. corner of Fifth and Spruce .street-!, Philadelphia. Sold wholesale and retail by the Agents, A. R. SAND-: & CO. Druggists, 273 Broadway, cor. Chamber?:. Sold also at 7*.' Fulton-st und .7 East Broadway. Price60cents per bottle, or S3 ;k.T dozen. Beware of counterfeits. Sflm ~ m.ayne's Csl mi'Ul'm. svk0P OF Yi'ild cherry Fon cossunTTJoy, colds. C0?OUS, &FITTTXQ OF HLOr>r>, PRn.y. CHJTIS, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING, asthma, PAIS J.y THE SIDE,BREAST ash crest, nv/i'cy/.vi; ct-c-v/, chol /'. AXD all DISEASES vF the 1.1 PER a so LONGS, BROKEN CONSTITUTION, , et c. etc. The above is the ORIGIN At. and only GENUINE pre? paration from this valuable tree, all others 1? ing dcUtaOtU and counterici t. Only prepared by Dr. sway NE, whose oiiicc is removed to the N. w. corner 01 Eighth and R i.e streets. Philadelphia. This medicine Is acknow ledged by the Profession and Lhers, 1I1 itgli int the Union, to excel by far all Uie other rciut lies 1 ,r offered to the public lor the cure 01 the above liisease Keep the name of DR,sv,'AYNElnview, Eighth j and" Race, l'lnladelphia. AogfTS' Haviland, Kee-c .s. Co. New-York ; Dr. W. XX, atlinor,Cornel Broadway and John st ; R. A. S..::d.-. 188 Bowery ; E. B. Warner, 203 Bleecher-st. N. y.c'j'.y ; Mrs. Hays, Biooklyn; W. G. Wood, Harlem; I -njamiu Olds, Newaik: John Pearson, Kahway; John Termine, New. Brunswick, N. J. J. S. Harrison, Salem, .Ma?. W. H. Pierce, Albany ; L.BvSwan and J.IL M'in-lotv. IP clu s? ter, N. Y. Backus & Bull. Troy ; Spaldlng A Harrington, and J. Gretm A Co. Worcester, V SS. John P. Ha.! i Co. Boston; Harvey Seymorej IIa: Jord, Coi-.n. E. Hollidge, Bullalo. n. Y. Wllham Montg m.-ry, Lausingburg, N. y. p. m. Cohen & Co. Charleston, s. c. Andrew Olivet .v. Co. N'ew-Orlcans ; K. a J. Ad.mis, and E. tsclelne, St. Louis ; Wm. Thorn, nttsbnrg ; E. B. Hlnniau, Cincinnati, iart :<m KHKUilATlSit AND RHEUMATIC PAINS, fey- Dr. Cusinuan's Rheumatic Embiocntlon Is otfercd cousclentioti-ly to tliose who arc sufferiiig these dreadlid yams. It seldom or never tails m giving almost instant relief In every rheumatic affi-rtlon ?also, for PAINS IN lUE BONES, JOINTS OR SINEWS. Even when the tmucs or smews mu? or rise with the ago? ny they feel, this stops the pain. It is sold (and the pule lie are honestly assured that 1: is really a remedy) at 82 Chatham SfrCCt. and 3"do Broadway, N. V. Price. 6J cents and $1; and 139 Fulton si.. Brooklyn. Ilflm 1^ *: i:> L'CTasKors Eaumon rut >kin. sores, l_i Ctapped Flesh or I)dsQgnrements, are cuTed perma m inly, and ill uia: ks i-Sacec the skm, by using a cake of tin- true Jones' Italian chemical S;>ap. In many cases :t acts tike s charm. It has often Changed tht color cf Dixoletred Skin, removed I'un fies, DtMchct. Freckles, cy-c. And many physicians have foiuni it cure the following ca? ses, when every internal and extcmoi remedy Lav* been used in vain: RtHgujorm, Sore Heads, Barbers' Itch, Salt RJ?urn, Si'ttrru, ErysspcLts, and. In truth, almost every eruptive diseasn we could men? tion. It U not only pow t-rftiL but is so healing and simple, that it can b-.- vai'cly used by mothers tor healing CsSafes und Chaps in Infants. For ladies with delicate sk'.n, as a toi ct soap, ;t Makes the skin dear and beautiful. The public arc cautioned to bo particular aiid. ask fcr Joucs' Soap. There are many cennterfeits. Buy It no where but at tliesig?-. ol the American FA.-!e. Si Chatham street, or 323 Broadway, and 133 Fulton st, Brooklyn: 57 Stale st. Albany; and S Sta'e st. Boston. Ill' loa ~^Z~ AN a-FFs.UTUAL'CU KtTioa the ?-?2s~^s 0 TH-A C H E.-The . wi 73 ss S nsttss Clove Anodyne T .gs? <tT^^sJ*w ANyNsJafji^. a d-.-s: ?:. it kills the rain sud -. I y^js7-<a^-^aJs?nV all 7iL i KIV4 should be in possession of every ' lor their cse and comfort ia rt-movicg ooe c f tlie most disxgrreable jains to w hich we are liable. The follow 1.,; testimcnv trom one ol our most 1 i.tingnish ed practical Demists will be considered turSciee: etidvnee cf its merit* Nzw-ToXst, December !9. !St4. Mevsrs. A. B Swr. i C< : Gentlemen? In the c urse of mv practic- I have evtensively used, w ith mach sus-cess, your I L>?r Anodyne for the relief of the ToOTataCHE; aad as I ccsjstantly res-oinnaeaj it to my patients. I deem iijust to impart mv tsiufacii a to yon. 1 am yours, very re?r?ctfnllv. ' mTLEVETT, D'-irist. BrOaoSrav. corner of Wirrrc-street. !?-.-? i arid * Id b) A. B SANDS St I O. Chemists and Dtmupsts, 2*7 Broadway, ci rccr cf Charat*rrs-s:---e-. Giaaitr Bu Sold arts pttltou saeet, and 77 East 5n adwav. and by all respectable d.-uggi?ts ia town and Country '~"&e narticnlsr and ?ai fo. SANDS' (. LOVE ANODYNE.? IVice t^ cents._f '2 Im '".N*?, PlsSTOLS AND KIr'Lr.tS MATERIALS tar Gaa Smiths, C^z Locks axd parts of; Lccks, Gmi and RiSe Barre'.?, Perc~j-:on Caps and 1 PUls. Powder Flasks ead Sho: Belrs. Cones and V resctes. Ribs. Es?is, Wcrms, & c. 4 e, fer sals in c"3ar.r::- v - %3 T A. W. STIES A CO. 21S gcarl-St. j O-S IG N"S."^ GILT, PLAIN AND ORNAMBNTAL, BY ACSESMAX & MILLER. ::: -trreti *??*--*-?. rttit-r. * ?: r5 NEU* HOTEL TO LET. y<?Tl.- Hot*!, i:?w saiidin; io tbe City cf IIu.Lca inj j Ij^jB nearly completed, oo i lukiu Sjnare. it the corner ?* of Ferry and Franklin ?wo. Possession z:r-~ u icon as compl-trd. which will Se ia tbe b?l-ianirs Ol* April.? It cia be a Lr?t-rst? ?and. b-iag Iii* only out in the rk:ui:v of the Fear.-. Steam and Tow-i^ov: Uadsaga. For larth-.- ;ir:i. ui. f PENT/ it <ZO. N<V .'.1 WltPT-str-et. NrSS-V.l.-k. VT i. HERMANCE, ?r>.. . IL P. VAN DEI SEN. J*1 -?3 [ATbaar Eveniag l.-m-rjl. plew c"F; .] ??f r.-DaanW' WA-NTED?By.a a" oaaS: Gentleman aaaftas Wife ?""iji **** ?r'i>rr part or second stcry of a House ia some g-n ?m\~!ft ;eej nei.-htKirfa.vnl b?-l sac Breast* st. Any r?-v.n hir inS such accomiaostaraon*. will fiad a s**>d tenant by directirg to A. D. R. this office, statine :h- ro^in. sito-iiic a:..; n at, an.! an mr-r' ,-'c it. .- be bad._ml Ct" 1 O LET. for one or more years, the S ibie No. T. Ib-io- sr. b.rsi!- D Chamber st. ofH.W.CHIL0S. ml tf_ TO LET? )'\r. ..;':.- ?a<alerr. bt:-;: iSc?:':??; li No. 15 i', uauisung -f b*?eraen: room, pars ??.??'?.? es. bedr oo*. Is re el se?'. Jtr. Toagrxd ??? i.-.:. without ch.ldrer,, rent m.^erate. Enquire oc the prem-je-. n-4 3r?_ / A ''' LET?i rum trie nr-' of May re-\:?a large ? . n theth.rt fl->or of the House north-we-t comer of ??--???-pe.-.r! n- ; 11.<t:nain.>t.*eetj. The room t? ssrell adapted for a book bindery or other njanuTseOninf business. Aw, the f">n: n<wi on the wond floor. The entrance *v!1 i.e from Chatham.streat. Also, to let. the House No. IB City Hall P ace. Erirjuir* at the nfbe?. Ml Pe-rl.?t. n4 3-* JS-HV .-lUK..-. IV Lr. I?A .-l'.rr ,ial Uw-Iling to let in -"ie-laea. on th- r'th ascntv: the store is rifty-rsso i*"'iT i?t d--p o,d .iw-llin: ipi pletewithi em finish and corn?uie!.r.-s. Thi, is one of tl?- brs: locations for a Dry Goods basianis up t.iwn. b?nt m -derate to i good :? to) apply to WASHINGTON SMI i H. a*mhj tf_r*! West fgetegth^ I >wri FOR SALE?The two story basement house No. 71 r~\a Leonard street, 21 f-etG inches by li feet, tie- lot USfleet 1 JtJ3BL,,ie>n. it his b-en f..r i-:t ;.r,rs in the< ccepatien of the ? rr, and is in prrf.ct order. A fine dry eelhr nin. :Nr whole length ..f the hou,!?the kitc'rien is lici.t and cooreaient, and is fun:i>hed witii one of B-ehc's Vst Ranges. The Cretan, both w s.-m and cold, is carried to the a;>per stories. Th' bath r... Ri :. ir. ibe ?e, r. .1 3:..ry. and tier arn.iij.m-i-.ts for it are made iu the most sr-jTOTed msnner. Tie? yard i' ringed and in it u alarge Itras* plat. A eoserej way extends from the . hon.- t ? th ? ? v . ft!..- 1 Tb- !,..ov is v?r. c.-niei,i-T,-a-ol ell erfali snd wuldr-- f-'und anagre?sMeie?iJeacef.irasmall family. 1: rnav be seen l*isseen the h.airs of II and 2 o'clock ? d,ilv. F .r ?? .-ms a.. > : !-. at 7' L?o"ard~f. ml ?w* jhrji. 1 <J Lh I ? l b' moCVru nullt three story <u,i ?;tic .S II- '< - lr:. .Tr--t? a large . ,-.! v.t] ?ta'ol? <t ! \Ji "iT tached. To be seen from 11 to 1 o'clock. a.-.d from 3 to > P. M ?_in I tf Jjri BRICK HOUSES IN BROOKLYN TO LET ? K n- tu I't .isy i,ei:.?r our of the (G) t?.vst.-r>-and at ?A 'mS v.r. brick hou es I I if >>ndi and Jackson strtcts. within fiec minutes' walk of the Fulton or Catharine I street Ferries. The Deichborbood is leinariGsbl) bealtby, sn ! [ the water excellent. The lots are 10t feet d>r;>. bounded br .in slley in tl.e rear. They ar? two story and ?ttic. with ba?? I runt and kitchen and Ceep under edlars. .a;d are bnilt in tie j \<r*i msnrer. in modem sty!-, and hsie evers- convenience for I grat>-! f.niiiir?. Will b? let to one family for S'-Ti, or to two su.ail famtlfs f..-j Sli-.e-eh. Anlvt-. / TONNElE at HALL, l omerbi Pearl md . -rkmsn New-York or to JOHN V00RHEES.73I Jackson-st. Bn.klyn, ! mill '.' ?_ i.V.- fust tbove hon?-. J.-A - ! <'Itr..~ \-N;. u...; .-]..> LN ?TT?i....\. \ .\ XfJ '?'?'?aH l-.-T -The C new three-story Brick Houses in Jack ?asaaSk. .voii-st on the corner of Plymnnth-st. 10 leet deep. ? ilb store* and back room on tile first floor, and uisc met,: ^r.d_ kitci,-a and deepnodereellanii Tbe houses and ?lorn will be i?I io^ciImt or s-inrat; in Uitr-o-i-t apastaaenta, ud wilf be ler low to eVsirable tenants, indwillbe ready to occu. y abcut i.t of April. Apply lo TONNELE it HALL, Cc.n cr of Pearl and Beekman-st. New-York, mhl Of o- to JOHN Vi ?OI-.HEKS. at Uje build: iss. PRIVATE SALE?The Leasehold* uf :iie brick Stores No. 37 Beaver-ssL Apply to A. J. bL..Et KER 5c < 0. f2? tw_7 Pmad- r.-eet PRIVATE SALE.?'1 be j story Urtck Store* No. ;LWater-*t_and lot in fee, Aapljr to A. J. BLEEoKKK ic i O. 83I IW_7 Broid-sm-et. PRIVATE SALE?The thiee story Brick lb use, No. Ill S-?eiiteeuth-s:.-i-t, between "th aad Sth av-nue *? !??e.n. |.[ and under Cellar. Vor puricohrs ei'.Miiie uf fa ?w_A I. P.LKEi KKlt itrrt, r Broad-street , HOUSE AND BAKERY TO LET?The two store ' li-nisr and Bakery, No. 2! Jam ?, le-jug the prem ?ises nowecenpiee by Nir. J.-nvs Humbert. Will be ented low to a good tenant Apply to 12 lw> .IO-F.I'H N. LOUD. 31 F-m-BroadwAy-. a?aea. FOK SAL- in the City of Newark, New-Jersey? A Honse snd?i acres of Land, situated in South Broad , N >i :7? within liftci mantes' walk of cIm" Railroad Depot to N. Y. The House is i. froot, 33 deep. 2i st ries high, I tree piazza in the rear, and svell finished ihn Dfhoul ; al-o. good Stahle, nut To-es. ? Jrvr- Vine. Jtc. attached. For faruset pnrticuUrs mquir- of .1. NICIIilLS. of William and Washington streets, of WM. PALL. on the premise*._f2J fine J^L. VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND FOilrlf\LE? i'^ri .\ =p'-iidi 1 coinmoilious Dnelling House, to geUser with s lew oflicesand a few vacant building lots adjoining, situated in a thririus village on the Hudson Iliver. The store was built by lb* present owner of :l,e preni ises about 7 jearsago. dining which space of time he his can tinued to occupy it himself, and-nil ocennies it. doing busi? ness principally oa lb*Cash S-.-tem: but his health now being b-rd. svish-s to di:poseef it. It need* only to be viewed and ii iinine l niio to recommend itself worthy tie- attention nfthe bll-l?..,s mill who m iv i.e in ,...,rcl, .fa well-e?ubllshed con. eern Call oa .Mes,.,. HUTl HINGS, ( AS WELL M SMITH. Ii; re,Ur-?tr.-t. N \. fifR im* /e?i TO LET?Fi.mi :l ?? 1st of April nest, a beautiful 2 [??jjfjH story House, with a large Barden, carrisce h us-. vnl alSaJ yard, sttached, situate in t!..- town of Fishkill. Dutehea* Coanty, being one mile from Ho|?well < hnrch. Smile* from Kishkill riilage, and ''.fr..m llamburch lading, win-re the night .day boat, ;,l?s u, touch. Tins sj leiidid country s> ji. ss.-ll know n as tie r- sideuee of the Ute I C. Sti -kl. Im. decnuM d? has sn elegant firm attached to it, fnm which fire-wood, line |eisture, and otiser privileges cau b> reason ildy obtained?., stream of wit. r run* near the dnor, from which fine trout cau l?- taken?the cour.try around af? fords ? good opportunity fowling, and the roads in ii,:i vicin itv an- 'be most iwrfect in the ennntrv. Appll to Dr. BRUSH, No. Oltammon l-street. CI1AS. W. Bill Si!. No. 79 Nassau-street, or of P. P. or P. W. Moufort, near the intsnises. ISfrf tffgL A FARM-SON lLONG ISLAND, near this I ity, t1*.* I'.. Let, For Sale, or Exchange for I ity Propertv? - i.- Possession 1st Mareh?j'i to Ml acres first i i-, i oli-ige House, iir. V- l. r sale or cvclnnge forlumber to I.mid , barn, j 0 Loeu ? . Bl i \ I; 11.? A ?:.rntieinssi and his wife, or two gentlemen, ean be sccommod :?<! w.ih pleasant rooms west of and .... Broadway. Apply In" Prince-st. mlif it* TO LET.?A vacant Lot in Troy-?t, ?mtal!? for mnumetnring business. Enquire ol Thomas Bryan, ? !tcJ '.inos.-ir.s-t. or of L VI'IHMP II \KTI.iriT. I?' jVnrl-t. . PEOPLE'S LINE FOK ALBAN i, fe-. ^ f: '" "hrt/oot of ?, ..'clock _'*~*r~**T 1' landing at luti medi te Places ??-?=lTO?- ?; Steamboats >l \ . KI( \ CaUM. Trnesdell.will leave Monday, Wednesday and Fri d i atteruooii. at5o'clock. Tlie Steamboat I olumbia,Capt. Wm. II P-ck will leave 'I'm. .it.- Thursdi-. ????! S ?' V .ilteiuoon. ,t -. o'cl .rk ; .?- Passetuters taking the above lines, will arri-e in Albv ?rv iu imide time to take the Morning Trains of i m for the Eest or W.-.I ' 'l l.e I.. .:- ate new and siib'taiilivl. are l"uiiii?li. d with ne\, ,-,ud elecaiii State Roouia. and for speed it.d leeommodationi in- unrivalled oa the Hudson. . V ~ For Passaeeor Freight, apply on board, or to P. It. Siiultz, at the onjee Office on ib.- yVhaJT_iii.yi ?rv Ff)? VONKERS. HASTINGS. DOBI58' ? FEKRV. IRVING. TARRVTOWX, ?SIM. SING VNT)CR0TON. The new iidsubsttm?al steemboal ?VASHINGTON IRVING.Capt Torapkin*. will resume l^r regular trips This (Saturday, March 1st,] At!?noon?Leavrni lire fool of Clinniber--trert. n' 3o'clock, P. M. re'uming. ?i!l leave Crotonevery inornme, Sundays excepted, nt hall-past o', und Sing Sing, ?; 7 o'eloek, touching ai nil the above places Landing at the fool of Hum. mnnd sin-el. each way. For freicht pis-nse. appl) to S. It. 'PUMPKINS, l^l West street, or lo the Cnpt. mi Imnrd. nihl NOTICE.?The -teamer NEITCNE having lieen withdrawal from tlie mute for tlie present for the purpose.of taking in a pntr of new bouers, mid being thoroughly nvcrlmuleil thniiighont. she w ill o-iiine her rceular mps eguin i r NEWPORT, PROMDENCEand BOSTON an or about ihejStb of-March. In the ineantiin?. tho?e w.sbme to com mute for the tmi-.sponatKiii of freight during the ensuing sea. son may do so by applyinrto mb-itf_' j. N. HILTS. A cent. 1? West-:.??-?. ?? Ca?*?' '"sv WINi'EU Ai.i'A.V..E.MEN'l. t-^S... Bs? NEW-YORK AND BOSTON RAIL ?iwir-ir-iiiiili.;.,,A,, ,;n;; ,., NORWICH AND WORCESTER?Comi osed of the following superior Steam? ers running in connection with tue Norwich and Boston and Worcest er Railroads: WORCESTER, Ca]:. Vanderhilt. CLEI iPakTRA.Capr. Duatan. NEW-HAVEN, CapL Van Pelt. Oneoi which will leave i'lcr No. 1 North. IUver tri-wcekly. The New-Haven, Capt. Van Pel:, on Tuesdays, Tliurs days, and Saturdays, a: 4 o'clock. P. M. tigers on Ihe arrival of the steamers at ALLEN'S POINT. wiU be Immedlatfly wrwarded in tlie splendid and eouimvslious Curs of the Railraad to BOSTON, without change uf cars. For passage orfrelght apply on board or to Q23 tf] D B. ALLEN. 34 Itroadwav. upstairs. rvue NEW-BKl >?W ii-rv. ' At 3 o'clock. P. M from Barclay ?^e-1. . !':. ? eaiiv. KAHITAN. I apt. r'.ia-r. _P. M'. for New-Brunswick, landing at ttoss I \ ill.-. <. h.-lsea. Blazhlg Stir. Perth and South Aasbcn .:.d ! \. ishingtoa; Returning,leavesNew-Bmasvvrckathalf] , -.t ; A.M. K tses, \ erchaadise. and allde*se*a*pciorisof Ktassght I t-ikt^i op bosrd at the ns'n I tis,- . svners._mhl "f* IS44-'-?. WINTER AKUANs.EMI.N I'. ist.-'?'? -s NllW-YOItK AND ERIE RAILROAD LINE. vAJij^ ; r :>i : lletarsrn. Goshea and IntarrnjechaUe -?a"c'^r'-^ places. ??-" For passenger tb ai-leaves j th* I iot of Doane It. every momvng. (except Su2?a;->) at 8 o'clock. I For Freight, the steainboat-leaves th* foci of ' r>ua::e ?t. every f ge^'.a;, Thursday, and Saturday after ; noi-'us at 3 o'citick. Frr farther ; srtitrulars taiture rf J. Van Rcns?claer, : Agent, corner of l>~v e ar.d w. j-. s?. H. C. SEYMOUR, Superintended:. Stages leave MiiUlletcvrn upon the arrival of the Cars ; an.l eouvey Passengers to Ithaca. Owvgo. Bisgbamtc-n. j Caibond.-.'e. RonCTdaie. Mitp.rd. Ac._dli i As- ST. GtOKGE*S UaVt PACKET'S Jt*OK "f*T!W LIVERPOOL. -Sis Pvck.t of Sth Mereh. ' The splecdrJ and favorite Packet Ship ST. GEORGE. M01 tons bartiren. Capt. Fern*, will sail on Trmrsday. March C. her regnhu-day. The ships of ih:? iit-e beiEg all lfCOtjus*ud I upwards. l-rrssir*ab.>ii: to embark for the Old Country, will I not fid to see the advantages to be i-rived from selecaag Uns ' iiae. as their great eapacitv renders then every way morecurn : fcrtable ?cd convenient than sb:p? of a ?aiall clasa. and tr.eir 1 iu-. inmtdarions far cabin, secosd c-.biaasd steerage passet. i sets, it is well known, are very saperia-r. Persona sstsntng to ' secure berth. .Sculd net f'il r make early application o0 I b..?rd. foot of Prrr No. 3. North River, or to W.itJ.T. TAPSCOTT, At their gcucral' Office 7-, S-ieth-st. cor cfMaideO Luse. I Tlie St. Grrorge will sad from Liverpool oc die ItUh of , April. Persons wisiuag to send for ti<ir triead* caa base them brought out iu this magiiifierr.: packet, or any of the j rrgnlsr liae. sailinu uu th- 1st. etn. 7th. lllh. 16tn. 21st and ? TSth of every oiouLa, oa favorable terms. Applicauou to be , made as above. . . ; Draft* for any emount. payable on demand, <iia ceaut. in all the pnocipal towns of Eagbad. Lelaad. Scot Iind or Wale*, caa at ail times i.e cbtaiaed cc a; piicatwa (li bv letter -.wit paid) as ibove Agents m Liverpool. WM. TAPSi OTT. c CEO. RIPPARTJ J* ?N 1 Ooree r?axza?. and 9* W aterloc Read. 3 I. -lesaat packet ship HcrJingner will ?ueeeed ::.e Su . .t. her recnlar..''" cht W'.LLIa:..' ST^ELE'i PATENT FEATHER BRUSHES, ktAKTTFACT?RED by STEELE d: CO. SOS Ptcrlatrttt, yea-York. 5. r-.-rtttejrJI r*A'Ji?r ri* Bras??? rnade te? rrirr, cl-y CIEAM POWER TO LET.-Froma wSv >oet?--i. ?T5 with a p". t or the whole of * baiirliac :o* erectinc. 2? by jtt fr?t. intl 2 ?t- ries high, oa the- Eist Raver ?de, sect Pike slip. IssTtuxa of :'<:" im- KECKER at dROTHERS. :uCherry **. frT.VV. ??'.??>??!-: R - H-:., >: wS:~7nT~sr-rTTr plyat R KOE it C<)25sod3! TtoU fit 3w i~k FOB SALE OB TO LET?A bun Store wit* a Dwelling attached, hi the Viliure of Hunt.r.rrr.n. I 1. ?.?"?? ' w?.i ?II other rieyessarv notirfiric-. Str. atlar.-wkL arai is rs>> ?urr>i-e>ed by any other stand a- to convenience or location in I!>'rit.nstiiM :,~J has been oerrjnicd a? a Store for;v*ar?.? Tenasea-v. Eansnreof \BF.t. K. CONKLXN. Hmttmsrtoo, ? riles MC!I. l'.Ri AVN. -t*J ltou-toa .trect. .N. V. h>a. gl^. 1^1_lit:'lm? iTOKE TO LET".?The lower ll i ind t-e ' mentef the commoalioas stcre No. tJ6 Eighth street nd S Ast ar PUcr. The bnildinj |> caret 9t feet d--r;>. ?*:??* graailr front oa Eighth street, snd s com-cieut rn rxain-e at drlwr end; its si'ttarn n. being located only s few d->ors from Broadway snd near the Bowery, renders it one of dsn ni.sst i?r.rnl and rlicible points for tusiue-s m the np;*r past of the ciry. One half ol the basem-nt will b? iet.sepa . ud] if ?-? red. it -1 ?? well adapted for rnaav kiails if bnai ana and pnrtacalarly lot an Oyster Saloon. For further par ill Lr. i?A ..'ICO'U, lOft. ?eil . Catnl lol , BOOK. ^ 'lr-lv.. wnicii wondd be ptafentA as eousideea ?d " "** ... a rfc in ova: liner ?:? Fnl^n-st.-a-t. >ec<-od sioor. f SZtf TO LET?l"art of the rix story Stcre and au- Itory BoBdine in the rear No.Tl Fulton st. Vf_EUltF.NE ELV x CO. 7' Vn'r.-m st. FO -vir-s rtA.MC.-.?roH Ssli:?a iwo irory brick ate * d lot, situate in rfiliiilu Hill I. and about two ? minntes'ssalk from the Bowery, (.irand-slre-t. i r Pi vision-slr-et. Tl ? ils ?ejT pe.-TY presents ;ifiiadvlatag-s to a meclia.-nc?tlie lot being one huudm! feet deep, tb-re might be bnflt on tlie rear of tlie same a spacious -hop. or factor] .? : mire between U A. M. and: P. M. of JONES xBI. \K"-.. No. 1 Nassan-st. f Stf 1 ' ' Ll l? i .v. t \s ??!-.:. now teapied bj^t Messrs . a. Wells It 1 El ss "V , capital localio-a for a g-ntlenaaa's outtiliiug establish m-.-\oi i..-. .:miia: LUj;--s.?pos?e?!..r? can Iv had the 1st Mao h. A; ply to JOHN ANDERSON St * M. f la tf No 2 WaU-st /-i. wanteo?On- Ur.-? >r two m ..t-r-telv sued ???j^ Rooms 10' the purpose* of a Classical and Emtli-h M"'iii Soh- -1: kxalion amst be on or near Broad" a. ,br Las reu Bond and Tenth streets. Address S. B. at tins office. ?if _ /f?sv HOtTSE FOR .-ALE. or L:.chao?-u lor Brooklyn ;:: <3 Lota.?A nveitlent and pleasantly lecated two story House In OiarltOO-st. will be sold low. or exchanirvsi lor prepcrtv In s^nth Brooklyn. Iiniu'.reof 111 'WELLS A SPRINO. 5i ltne-st. DWELLING HOUSE IN BROOKLYN.?TO LET, The elesant and coniaiisllous Lhree story brick house in Benry-street, corner o: Harrison, l'os nssloti g-.ven bnmediately. Apply to ! 7_* N'ESMITH .t: CO. 50 Plne-st. X-A l.ol s uN ti.LV h.a. I'll ?>Ti;t.e.T FOB SALE. J ; 3 Two l.,jr_s. each 2-v by 100 fett situated on the Ss <::'.?: rly -ide of Eleventh street, between Broad? way and Onlrerstty Place. Apply to il tf MI'PliC K. LEAVITT k CD. 27 West-st j&fr CO LHfUE rERS t,'F 1?KY (JOOOS-?Ttte ad vertisers n exchange a plat of sixteen House Lots f ground, elegantly situated, about one and a half mile- North o: Cni-.u Rare, havtrg a sple: did view ot the Hndsoo River, three of the greatest thoroughfares leading to the property. AsUrasa it. W. to tlie Courier and Eu rjulrer orf.ce. slftrc yt-A, PAPER MILL 10 LET, in complete order. It _?}'?'?,? ha.- eight engines, two 62 inch machines, calender " rods, at. Ac. Connected with this MID arc S.000 acres of Land, mostly wocsi, on which is row standing one Saw MOL one Crist MiH, one Machine >'.u<j<. Blacksmith's Shop, a good Store, and thirty Dw elling Houses, all of which is for sale, or !o rent on reasonable terms, and pos? session given immediately. For farther particulars ut onlreoC GAUNTsV DEKRICKSON. IS9Sonth-st d!6 Mi nr. a LiiA MisA To LET'.?The premises No. ijti Broadway, with the lame Saloon in the rear, b?iug ab..>iit io by iii feet, w ill, a gallerv all around the ti: ? interior, and finish-d nil in a superior manner a. a Ball or a Couiert Room, with Sapper Room, lu : together with the up;s-r part and the cellar oi the building No. Jj'>. all communicating. The above are known as the Ala imra. and are unequalled by any thing of the kind, either in finish"or style, in this or any other city. The farnittrrs and futures oi tile establishment are for sale. Possession given lu Mar next. Apply to JOHN P l ROSBY.WNassan.street. N. B- The premises wi uld make an eicelleut store and show room for foiev e.i.ids ft', IWtUt3t*Wtf /"A ' ."ALE-Mtuated m New-liavell EB County, Conn, on the line of the New-York and "* New-Hat ? i Bs i id. Said (arm contains about I JO acres of excellent land, under good cul? tivation, and is well-preportloncd. well-watered, Ac. The buildings are all of the Hr-t class, and well adapted to farm? ing purpose*. Terms easy. Further particular-may K-had on application toll. E. H<>1>< ;E>, New-Haven, or to flltf RUSSELL SMITH, SI Liberty-street. N. Y. ~J^\ < ??JsTK ? SEATS AND FAK.M.N IHK >ALiT. !i'qto ^llf SUbecriher orTera for sale, on liberal terms, se ?e " erai i;. teats and Farms on the East bank oi ?Jie Hudson River, Kear Tarrytown?among which are. The Kann of the rabeertber now occupied by Mr. i trager, wltli from IS to 200 acres. Tlie Farm Of the late William Dots her. containing ISO acres. Also, several small Places suitable for Country Seat? or Farming purposes, tnqitlrn of the subscriber. n26 tMyf S. P.. TOMKIN'S, 191 West st. \. v. i Ati't.MUY SEAT FOB SA t.h.?.-ituate on the Klngsbrtdge road, between 8th and 6th avenues, 103d and 107th -trects, coiitaiiimg y acres of land in gisod cultivation, and abounding in fruit trees, .-hmbliery. Ac The ground i- elevated and commands a noble view ot the waters ofUnrigate and ??"ast River, and also an ex tensive view of Long l?li>iid. Terms made easy. Appiyto ANDREW & S. B. McGOWN, Executors oi Andrew McGown,deceased; or dOtf .1 ADRtANCE,Sfi John-st N". Y. Tl' LEI ?Six of the nine three story brick Houses in R2d street, near the >th Avenue, limit convenh nt, "e.-iib from 3 to S Rooms on eaeh door, with closets and llt't.-cd basement, w.-nl houses, large yards andristern.-, a stable divided into three einUs, with hay lofts in the rear of< acfa house. Can men are Invited to examine the alxive H i.- ? as they are well adapted b-r their us . To those ten mts who svlsli to hire fnnu the first of May next Immediate possession will be elven without chai to that dale. Keysal I in -ahl block. Apply to.f. S. TREAD \\ Fi.L, DpHobtcrer,679 Broadway, near Amity-stroeL Uf Im* ,\ FARM FOB SALE.?Situate on the road trom tNy*< New Rochelle to White Plains, about evrul-dh u I ??**"':..-.ii cacb.contaicln; ISO acre-of lr ml. all of which Is plough land, excepting ten acres, which Ls wo,m| land.? The place is divided by a lane,and is laid out Into conven? ient lots for cultivation. All the limes arc of stone. In good order, ami the ground In a high state of cultivation. The bulliLngs all of good character and In order. For terms apply to S. B. KENYu.V. on the premises, or of '.' .' tf J. A DBIANCE, S6 John st. New-York. FA KM FOR SALE. "R EaI TIANOE.?tor sale or est hange for propeny in thai city, the well known Farm and Tavern-Mau I, Containing about 100 acres ofchoLe Farming Land, (mrmerty owned by Jona ban Gkmey, Esq.) si anted on tlie CosllOCton or Western Turn? pike. t!A miles from Newburgh,Orange Co. and tiounded by the Little Britain Road on the South. The soil is particu? larly adapted to the raising of grain, frase, iic.; 90 acres are tillable and under first rate cultivation, containing an ! orchard of excellent grafted tVidt, and 10 acres of good wood-land. The buildings consist of a large two-story bouse, with an addition in excellent order, and a basement kitchen ander the addition, a Urge b?r;i, coc-i shi-l.-. sta? ble?, Ac. Two w ells convenient to the house and sheds, I I that afford plenty of the best of water. What in no small reo enhances the value of this property is the Inex? haustible quantity of the best Hmf?tone ijuarries In the country, with a kiln ready M manufacture. Either mr j farming or a place Of public busiiies.-, the location Is des.ira Mc as It Is easy of access, steamboats plying daily irom . Newburgh. Api > tu U. C Wrigh\ on the premises : or to Wright, Losce i Co. 2!l Moore-st. New-York, where all infunna- : tion w-iil be given thai b> necosary. jlatf . - r f\ per ton.?peal ii or'h ard coal. *5* O ? ?' L/;vi.:> a>: '. Ihscharsitigrrcm boais,constantly Broken and Esg?Stove and Nut?dtiivc'ed as above, ires of charge tor cartage. Ai?o. Lchlgh Coal, White Ash, Schiivikiil, Liverpool and Sidney Coni. Apply to T. STOKES DICKEBSON, dliltf 107 Antbonv-St. near Broadway Tahernacle. 1 CU/lL-Um.i'? oceis ing a lre?l, ai.d large sappl) oi the V-' l^-st .joaiirv of P.-acli Orchard Coal, and ?ill sell at these ! nJor-d prices for rash, thar it. Stove and Nat, i ?S Egg and Br. k-n 1 M l> r tou. delivered in tlie best order Irom the \ sr J. cor. of King and Greeuw ich sis. _ . ...?.?.. 22f in.'_PETER CLINTON. COMMISSION PAPER WAREHOUSE. No. 84 John'.Stbeet. I v B. CLAYTON A SON'S are n constsnt receipt of I JLi ? 1'apers adapted to every of the trade, em? bracing an Ksuaily large assortment cf Blank Books. Cap and Letter Writing; together with every description of: ! News ni.d l'-???'%, Pr.ntingi Colored Paper of Medium and j ? other size*. Envelope, Tobacco, Shoe and Tea, Straw and Bag W rat tog: Hardware or.d Cloth In great variety ; Mir. a:.'. LiV. Tissue, plain and colored, ic. Ac. Besides Straw, Uomiet, Trunk and Bandboa Boards, Press Paj'Crs, | fee, a -. _i ' i Y It I > W~ CltLlI, COMMISSION PAi'SR WAREHOUSE, No. 9 Bfatisj Slis. N. V. Bl'RNAP st BABCOCK, cosixrissiojf PAPER WAREHOUSE, ]17 tf NO. 43 JOHN-ST. ...' 'iWAKE AN L' ' LOTH P\1'EKS? 2 si rearca 2li'b mclies. J > b> PjCi lbs per r-im. soo do 22x33 do 13 to f? lbs do ya) do 2i'xU do 2a to iS lbs do its dJ 22zjS do 2k to m lbe do ICO do ?!xt2 'to 20 to m lbs do I11 Co 19x2t do IS tn JO jhi do ltl do W.O do 70 to 121 lbs do 160 do "6x10 do 40 to SO lbs do JO do JuxU do SO to IM loa do For sale in lots to suit purcharte. by ml_' YRCS W. C'ELD. ? Burlinc-s'.ie. 4000 ^ :-v,rp ^^s 2SH2 22XA1 T<Z> Jlxil 7?XeT JCtcIU For sale ui lota to ?tri: F"rehaserj. by ?f_CiRLS W. FIELD. 9 Bnrlicg Slip. CT RAW WRAPPING PAPER-J.'XO reams Straw Wr?i - C ping Paper smtai 'e f..r Shipi<in: or <ir ee-s' us-, for sale ay [miifj JAMES NORVAL. 3S Liberty-sire-t. SAND i'Ai'EK.?L< isi r-ams Sntton't?fox ?alt bf _EUQt'Nr: ELY St i d. -| r'n!-,.n-si.?t SLH'EiU-'tNE tUUrs-I At'cK?i le: sub*C-:'e.-1? prepared to i-ceive orders for snrs-rfine Book-Paper of sny size an-1 weight, and to execute the -ame at a few Oavs" notice. ml_i VHUS W. FIELD " Bn-lmg-tlip. COLORED rAr.-.ivs-oWsj reams c loied u.ecium ai.d etryer Pi;ers. of ill the various colors made, assorted nzes, for sal? by "f_ r\BL"S W. FIELD. " Bnrling Slip. N V T J C E. ATTORNEYS, COUNSELLORS, COMMIS SIONERS, dec. Caa be far-Ls?cd with neat TIN SIGNS, At short ucrice. by ACRERMAN i MILLER, fti Im 19t Ns*san-st. berween rcli.-n and Ann. LAalEU STRAW B''AKdJS)?II teas, '.his Csy lasdrng urf fir ??e by C YRUS W. FIELD. 9 B^HI-vs-iup. REMOVAL. SKID 31 ORE ? CO. HAVE REMOVED FROM 130 PEARL-STRF.FT. TO 38 c'EDAIt, street, Nearly rfiposite ihe new Post OrSce. a?Ie-:e they will open x complete ??aottinae: te? STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, adapted v ?> a.TTcacbiag ?~v?ea-_(mhl \_Nm-Van, Marc!? Ith. ITCM?Al'EST STORE ZLV TMh CUi of .\ h W-1 caa XI FRESH IMPORTED GOODS. TO MY OLD CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC. DE?GS, DYE STUFFS, PALMS, MEJ)ICL\?S, GROCERIES, &? I* GREEN WICH STREET, ^^^g^onh^nver (Me>t3?iaWci^j SBW-YQBX. JOHN C. MORRISON CJtrs fix sale cu moderate terms for cash or crcJ::. a very extensive sjsortment which fee would call the attention of PAINTERS. ' CONTECTIONERS, Window Glas* of ?Q si^c? DISTILLERS. ?-ood>, among than the f.:: w?jg. to ATOT HECAl'.I ES. Opium iam.:: r Cream Camphor Custiie Soap La;uence Balsam Copavia Rhobarb Jala 3 Aloe* Flors. Camoot'ls Cum Arabic Castor Oil Quicksilver Magnesia I Manna RoU and Floss Sulphur Alcohol Borax, refined and crude I Calomel Red Precipitate ? Corrosive Sublimate Aqua Ammonia I Splrlta Nitre Dulci* ; Super Carbonate Soda Taxtaric AciJ ; Epson: Salts j Landau uin ? Senna Sal| Mate Quinine j Oil Peppermint awl all cssea tial if Us : Gum liyrrh j Cantbaridee Ouin Tragacatith i Corks of all kinds 1 Sarsaparl.: i Sponges, coar-e a::d tine Vials ! Gum Bamboga I CotoyalatB and (;ual:t,. > Wime Lead, drv and !n oil Red Lead Utharg? Spllita Turpcntme Putty vv: -lag Verdigris, dry and ta oil Chrome Green Chrome Yellow AND BAKERS. Cochineal Nurracp Mace Ctorei Cinnamon Caseia Bud* AR*] Ice Idnglass :.::? Trag icarrth. All Cou^ht at Auction at Um India Sales. Yellow Ochre, French and c.u-.r. Arable. Turkey American Prnasl in Blue Verunlllou Rotten Stone Ivory Black Gum Copal Paint P.-Usllt:, all SUtO Rose Pir.k Lamp P.lack British Lustre Hum of all sorts Gold and Silver Leaf G< id ana Silver Breu/o Copper Bronze Chalk, white .uid rod Par.s White Spanish Brown Venetl in Bed Sand Paper i'uruice S:ono Tar and Botin ucm Gamboge OH Raees do Peppermint WmtergTeeo Lemon Cinnamon I Orange Bergaanot Anntseed Bos*. Ora;nfe an 1 Peach Wa- Ma'c'abov GROCERS. Hyson Tea -? Yomtg Hj ?oa Imperial Gunpowder Hj ton Skin Souchong Botsea Frraich B ratifies S;<anish Segais I'.'t and Pearl Ashes Starch Ugiiorlco Bai: .Rath Brick Saieratu* fig I?lue Powdered Ginger K.wt Alum Olive OB, '.:: b.'ttle* an.'. Sa?i*u Kotmeaaj Saltpetre, crude and retlssd Pepper Sau-se tcrs Vauilia Beam Tuti.juln de CoriaDdk Ss>cd Carraway do Anniseed Jn'ube Paslo Peariash Saleratus Super Carbonate of Soda Tartaric Acid Ja; an. Copal. Ccach and Oniger, white Jamaica Harness Varnlah Ginger. Has: tu.lla Turkey I'mber (Volteand Hr.-a:; Soap Terra deStcnna Red Chalk ULspice Gum Shellac Bright Varnish Sash t?x->ls, ali sixes Block Le?id Scotch do Mace ludlgo, ' leatBe Soap ' 'loves Castor OU,bi bjtt*s Atcuhol Epsom Salts i'.nnamon Frtctlon Matches CvDOuata Auiiuoul* British Lustre Soil a tor washing Mustard. London .Powdered NutrtH-g* do Cinnamon Cayenne Peppsc CoSbe, Java Alum Blue Vitriol Copperas, Enxilth and Arne, rican , Oil Vitriol Sugar Lead Bleaching Salts Cochineal Aqua Portia Nut.all? Atinatto S.da .V?h Pel ai-.d Tear! Ashes EN'.rael Logwood Tart.aric Acid Bichromate of Potash Sal State Gum Shellac Cudbear Woad MANTFACTCREBS. Ora'.u a:- Bar fm Puller's Earth Madder, Dutch and Vv Indlgl a Of Bengal, Catracas and Co itamala wiutc Tartar Glue Sumac Lac Bye St.irth Prussiate Poiasii Gum Senegal Powdered Curcuma Powkered blue Stnalti Quercitron Bails Spnits Nitre Fortil Saltpetre British cum Nitric Acid and Oxalic Act Hoi Tartar OILS?Fall, Winter, and Summi r Strained SPi'.l.M . BTeached, White and Natural. Kettned and unrefined wh ALE ; Taaner's, 1 rain, r.Iiawird; Baw and Boiled, .->ea Elephant, Lard, Neaun.ot, Olive [In bottles and bot? tles] ; Pateui. Sperm andStearic Caudles, Ale. liol and Caniphene. PAPER M.VKEUS. HATTERS, ate Bleaching Powders Copper Caix NutgalLs Sal Ammoidnc Powdered Blue Smalts Shell Lac Blue Vitriol Antimony Glue Alcohol Verdigris Sugar of Lead Oil Vitriol Extract of Logwood Copperas Alum DYERS ASH MASTJFACTfJRERS. Logweod,Camwx>od,Fustic, Nlcaratigus\ Batna-ood, Brahette U'chsI, Real Ssutnders, Hatch Red Hypaode Peach ami Ebon Wood. JOHN C. MORRISON has with much labor. c-tabil-h"d active agencies for the purpose ofavalhrg hlnxselfof tha advantages which thediderent markets of Europe .md the United State*adbrd forselectlug articles of the beat ijuahty aiidriircbatsiiig them at the cheapest rate. V7f~ The promptest attention given to city and country or.Icis. fgp An AjmotB aas: OtMriNS. ot Im HUSKY'S CHINKST. SHAVING CREAM, OR ORIENTAL COMPOUND TIIK i riucipa] ingredients of this drligblfal Oriental < i I. pound, being or Es tern origin. the preparation differs eatireiyfroraany other heretofore offered lor ttw um pur> pa.e. I:, component parts are held in lite highest r.riinalion where heu kn wu.battWeompositioa Itself is entirely saw, indoalj requires a trial of its qualities, lo tvtisfy all of if* real worth, li hss co,i the Pioprietnrs years ?I and Mueh exproar, to brink the article' ro i i * present sine of ivr f'Ction. and is no? submitted lor public la vor on itr'ow D rner? 1 its. willi th? ronmlent belief ihr: it is the best, it* well is tie most .having compound now in use. A perusal of tin lollowing twtitnoaials u respectfully re. c,uesti d: Paooaxsi or Sciesrce.? Nothing is more intelligibly iu die?tireof the amazing |.f science in this age, than the inpiirnerable.iiMitious which are constantly' nude to the ?urn of our minor comforts and luxuries. In our dwi Hingt? in onr cooking?in our clothing?in all OUT enjoyments and conveniences, we ire d a!v rereising new accessions to our comfort. Hien in the iitisice,, of shsnng. scimice his Ken ministering largely; to our enjoyments. That process, instead of being an Diction, 1? sow positively a comfort?thai is. if ron u?e Sands at (lo.'s sdjnii Ide " Snaring Soap." Jn-i try it. [N V. M-rabl. SoMrrrH>5? ron thr Dtuan.?Not to ma im ii grow res? it-r-rl. t b not extttly desirable; but s splendid irtiele of sharing cp-im, un.iii; used we believe, unsurpassable.? M \. it Sands KCo.273 Broadway, ire f?moni for the superiority of- very thing they sell in ibe drug ami rerfhmei y line: bin ths v Derer du! "bearded man" 1 greater he- thin in famishing him willi *? Henry .' liiueo Shsviag ? mi." It i< beautiful iu appearance, beautiful in use, >i:a i most decided luxury. fN. Y. Airier, ltepub. Sen ml of oar contemporaries hue exhausted the pow? er i f hngu ige in praise of i new compound of tlu* saiiosssceou ? kind, mid b) A. II. SandskCo. 273 Broadway, ealied - lie,;. ? .'.I hinese Shaving Cream." It it indeed i capitis] ?rtiele, and deserves all ih it is said of ii. [ ,V V. Morning News. Tin I n:si:>r. Sun Uta CncAST, prepireii b. Sands, i. Oiie of Use m -.: p ? p..?. ?, i,< articles ever invented for the use of ?lie bearded half - f hum wiity. It is no convenient and i !? isanl that, onee tried, U will du lys after be deemed an lad .-? ble requisiteat the toilet of a gi -tleman, TN. Y. "sun. SoMETHnsn Nr.w kok SiiariKO.?A beautiful cnnipnund, in lie- ibape of Henry's Chinese Sharing I r.-.m. lias recently b>eu ined by us in undergoing the " bend-i.aping" process; aadwetrnlj ,jy that :hi? pre;?iTtio.|, introduced by .Messrs. Sands J. I o. '.'TJ Bro-n's* ly. is tiie , le isantest emollient to the skin ?e ever made use of. It nukes the face soft no! nbstaan', and iieirij.-.- .mat nor r/ur'n:-,, I". II- w, the trace rfti.e razor. Ii is decidedlY the beat thing wssreei used, and for t.-irclers and those who do their own " Isuberiug," i* invaluable. [N. V. r S'.s-r s ?.?.?The'-e.t rvf.r m the woild is .if littl Provided thesltaverluuto work for hours mixing up lather from, hard soap. No man can go ihrough the . in.lioo ol shaving, witiiout lie is aided by one or oiler of the shaving coui|s imds f ir ,il- by lbs perfomers. Of all th->e which we hese tried <ae giie " |C-e.r>*? ' iiiuese S!nvi,.g l'ream." pre pneil f. V B. Sind, Sc Co. the prele"rnce. It niaea i thick. delicate tnd creamy lat'ier. winch facilitate* the mowing oj>e. ration faipotitly. We would not h ue my objection to r? ceivea half-do San potsof it, which would last us ibout I half' doxen years. f.N. Y. Aurora. Pre; iredmd >..!.! by A. B. SANDS St I o I'I,, in and OrnagisU. 771 ilrovdway, coi ' lumle-r s'reet. ."C. V. Price cents per Jar. Sold al?o at T'J Kultou it. aud 77 h'.vst llro,d W IV fe! ' Im r/?rtF?MEKY and SOAP ?VORKS DfciPOT. NO. 3 I ul R'i'LANL)T-ST.nest dooi P. the New Na iioeal Hotel. Rot ? S ip in Cakes, Lereedei -nil Florida Wale,. Almond do Koretgu Essences, Wiud.or and all kiud^ of M ic-i?sar Oil. Kino:. s>. ip Militari Sharing Soap. ? r\ sttlllline (. aiail. > f r tie- East I id WesSj [adit markets: Family Waahiur S..ap: Yaiie.-snd liar Soap: White Bar Swap. JUHNsON. VROOM Ss FOWLER; 1'if tm* Maantaewiwra. to r.i.S'1 Uiir.~i.M) Bl.AL'IIFs rHE hAI.'t. . GENUINE BEAU'S OIL.-We be lieseth?'. after all tle^ efforts of distin e . u: ':. -ii ciiemi.'s to ilisco, er ?onie prej tT aratioa beneficial to the growth, healtii, j and re>pn daction of the human hair, it ii i at last generali]! jdmitp-il that no Combi . n ttjoa cf chemical anuilies has >et been ' inveated which pos;eMes rhe virtue of genuine Bears Oil. This article howerer, in its*purity, ises- i Demely ditfienh U> obtain. Cmlixario?, whicii seems to hue ' develoj^d tb- ui.Iy u?e i i this famoas preparation, bis driven ' :!:e jniuial that produced it farther snd firther beyond ordina- j ry reach. In the Northwestern w ilds. ai.d the vast pise for eats ol'Canada, the bear still prowls iu uutiinej vigor aud ccn dition : aud here it is that the Messrs. Saudi have reairted. j through a company of ve:e.-ui forest-rangtrs. for a constant I supply ol this ?alu ?ble article for r- ,: .ring a id, [neaervii-g the j fair. Tlear irraucei.a-i.ts are so exteu?ire as to ensure them a regular sups-ly . and those who purchase of them ma, deje-ad ! procttrtac the genniat Beu's Oil. Purihtsi and highly 1 ;?erfur:ie,l fortist tsiilet. by A B SANDS U. CO. < h?ru:sts, J"I Bl Itdway, corner '.'h^mlervslreet. ?>r?ni> Buildings.? ! a Id also ,t .?? Fnltoc-st. and 77East Broadway. In botUea, ! P_ri_C"_> cuts larg-. 75 rents su-.vll._f 12 lm ! TO THC'.-E WHO WOfUil'd-SKss A O'eiO, A BEACTIFCL r-ir.'vY HEAD OF HAIR FOB THE .-MALL SUM OF THREE SHIXIXffCS. ' If many whd are toe stingy to risk three idlOHngs, knew : ItlrrsrsnrlfTtl effect a bottle of Jone?' Coral Hair i:eab/ra tive has on the liair?if they knew how SOFT, CLEAR, DARK, SILKY AND FESTE IT MAKES ROUGH, DRY i COARSE HA Hi, ' ?i:?y would at once u-e it. It uot only, by its jjertnlaatlng quality, causes, but actual' v FORCES THE GROWTH AND HEALTH. CCRES.THE DASDRl'FF AND SCL'EF. and stops tne hair fulling i tf. Persons are assured that If they give this one trial, they Wfll find it all here repre? sented. Sold?erica 3t 4, or 9 shillings a liottle?at v' C":.a:i;?.n at., :i'J3 i:r.adw:?r, :u Brr'jkiyn, 11? Fulti n St., in A'tynv. r>7 State ?t : in Piston. ? State St. 1 If Im \ Du a tJr.A: t'lr UL COLUK TO HOCK HAII ? -'s.ITALIAN HAIR DYE -If persons who wish tocliaage the ?:? lox of their H .ir and Whiskers, or who base grown pre miterelT grey, from disease er c ther causes, knew the destrac tire properties of many of the compound* sold for hiir d\e, they wonld pause befoie they seutnred to tpply rh-m. Tte IraLiav Haia Drr. is the only composition yet discovered which effects perfectly the object intended, and yet does not injure the hair ia the slightest degree. From its pecnliar del icacy sad softness, it is particularly worthy the attrition of ladies?ta it produces, st the sam* time that it completely changes the color, a brilliancy as.d ?? . of texture uue jnalled by the most rnaxnificeot natunl locks. It it prepare 1 only by A. B SANDS sc CO Chemists, ?73 Broadway, cor. C harcber it Sold also at 79 F'lltoc st- and 77 East Broadway. P?-- e. .i. _I !:- 'm ' iR EENWICH POTTERY No. Kl W??t EUh-eeuth ,t, b-'.w-en itli and 10th aveauta. THE atrastsoa of the public i, called to the numerous sx ticjes ruaaafactared at this Esubluhment. couaisuas in part of llie following, via: Slene War-. I lUrthen Wart, Portable Fitrtiaeet, ! Flower-Pou. Be-r Jugs. i (Jveo-Tile. Chimney Tops. Green-H-'Use do. St isr-Brick B?cks it Jamba for grates, Fire-3iiok. * ! Fir-l' At thia r s-^blimrrient u tbe oulyoee of Us-kind in theeity where alt the above articles are mannUrrured and told. I Vil? er, 're re?.-*ctfully ievire/1 to call. ar.d ttiey will be sapwwd ..e- v, r a-, i ,,a htt:e>- .Vxes thai can be had m l?? city. p rtable Foreaces now ce hand and read-, f.srth* ?- ? ? rnr-c-n WySHIVOTllN SMITH. CHOCOLATE.?The iir.deesigutd. as agents for Webb dt Tworahly, offer for sale to th; orde, their sjperior Chocolate. Prepared Cocoa, and Cocoa Paste, which a-e warranted r/ the very best quality, f lOtf LA THEO P ft BARTLETT, ?9 Pttri-flt. TN IT KS I'AN< K uf .?, ?nler of tlw Siirmot' of tl ? < oiintyol New-York notice Isheretic given to ill person, baring claims igainsi s \ m i EL INOK AS, lata of tt>< l I-, .?: New.,,, k. II ? ?? . V. ,. , ,|. , . ,v,l ?., ; eieli! 'h rame with the.vouchers thereof to ihn snbtcribett, at ihe re udence ol Elisabeth I.. Ai ill ... N.. j ;r Third ?treet, in the i itxorN>w.York,onorUri n ihr nnevsnth da, ,f Aus u, ait. H.,1 Ne?-\..,t...|,e|iih.i,V0f FebrnaTy, IW. CHARLES BROWN, \.in.inter ELIZABETH L ANDREAS, Atlntiniatratrix. mi lawCm* I N 1 'i'A*1 ?. N', r"' ?" ordrrof the Surrogate of the I inn a t) ariVew-Yorb, Notieeii hereb] riven to ill tsertons ha? ving claims against JOHN M'DOW EU . lite ftJieCity of New-) ork, Merchant, ileieawl. 10 present tlie ohm with tb* i ???? er,ili, renUul!.e,iiU..'iil--r, at h a .linn. No !?;: siuigj; ?Oreer. in tli- i'ii) ofjNew-Yerk.r Lei,,? the ?th .lav ,.| Man :h oeit -Daled \. w-York, the si,re. ?!h day ol s. pteag ber.l.'tii. DM ID M DOWELL.AdminUlTator. * in I iwSmc .\ i'i ?.31 Am r. . i m ordei ..i the SilrToasta ei the I. iMI.ll V "I Ne ,-\ ork Nnliiv i, l.ereliv |n all I-.,- i.i havi ngelaiini against WILLIAM H. LEA VI llahT.late ofUtel hi .1 N v%-\ irk,Clerk;deeMied. topfeaenttni Mnie with the vonclK m t..>.I m th- subscriber, at the office of Edgar :i Lama, No. tSS V..iiii>st..ii-iir?et. in the I ityof New-l ork, on pi before the tlmtv first day of M Itch neat. Dated Newiork. the twenty-Ionrlli .lav of Srptetnber.llMI. '??'in- Si s \\ I.KA V It \ FT Admini-tr-slit SHERIFF'S SALE.?Bjrviitueof several wnu of Kirri ?V I-i. i .,. to me directed ind delivered, I will >,e I.I sale ? ?Ii 1 Imndaj the tw< atieth day of March neat, a l) ..'dork M.attheveatibnlcoflhel it Hallotlhel iti nfNew Fork, ill tl.-right, title ami mil re?t,if William C. Farley, which hi ha on the sixteenth da] of NoremUi. one thousand, tight bend red md forty-four, or atanyrimeaiieTWarda ol ?. mdUi ?II that certain lot, i> e. eoi peieel. i -nun.I ,un .v. lyingand beim, in the Seventeenth (torus rly It feVenih) Ward ofshs eit* ? ?I .Vw-\ork. known in.] ilistin .|ii,liei| n i a re" un in .|i ni the lands of Nicholas IVilliem Stnyrrsaat. made b) Ed waul Doughty, i it) .-?uri ? lyor, dated Olli December, IgjQ, , lot number (tic) four handled and iisteao, bounded as follows, lb it I. n. lay: Besinn ng at the Northwest corner of the First ? venu- ?? nl I eutn-il et. mil running from thence North by ? ml Avenue tw.-nrv-.-v. n t- i .ml .,, g [ncli 10 lot number 117; I oim thence U e,i, and I. . lot number 117. mid | ar dlel w ill, I ? .;'li-,fieet one hull !n-d f. et; I'rmu thence South mil |m/?IM with said Avnn. twenty--seven feet sad once Inch, to Tenth street iforesaid; indfrom there Eist by and Tenthtcicat oneh.Ired feet, to iheplaee of beginung: tot*thtl with ti - henditamrnts and apportennsces t*>ereuiit-> Iwdoanina or m ywise ippeitaininc. WICMAM JONES, SbmfK i' aKORMCM L. Vi i.Tiir, Detmcji Sheritf. I) ted N..?.V. rk. February 'ail. mi i (', lawl.w CJTAa*EOi N lii\ ', t ill \. -,. ?IN I HAM UfY. lief,,,. Hie Vicei haueelloroftna First Circuit, v. .< .... Mole, anor, Evecutor of E^MrlXiualaw, decaaseil, ArclubaM Master's Sale, i'ursuontton decratal order of ?be Court of Chancery, made In the hI?fv? entitled cnn.e, will be nidi at [inblie auctjnn, under the direetmn r,f tbo aulMcrthcr, MM of th* Masters of this Coort, by S. I'. In^'nlism. nuc lioneer, n; Hie Meiclmn'.' Esehance, iu the City of New V'o'k, on Jhetwenty-fonrtlii| Ittfij dayofjlatcfa instant, A. D. 1?4.) at Id o clock, noon ol ti n! da> ? All thnt eertaiti piece, oj parcel of land, rituate in the I welir,, VVnnl of the C ly of N?w York, nod b-iiinded Ufot loavs: l>e?iiiiiiiir at tie; centre of Harlem efis?k, ihree chains and enthteno imks from nottheast corner ol One Hundred and N ? * snih street and Seventh Avanue, on a course louth eish. ilegrocs forts-seven minutes east, thence uorlh ?venty. nine degrees twenty live minutes west, two chains ?ixty.oue links, thence north seventymne deerees lif'y ? icbt mMutes,wsat eight chains twi- ity one imk, i? the rouil eomnsonlyoslled llarliiem lane, thence uloiig Ihe easterly side ol .nine imrtli titteeu minute-.. en?l two chains 1'urty.eiglit link?: thenee Honh forty two mmutes, west one chain twenty eight Imks. Ilenee north two degress fifteen n oute?, west live eimins fbrty. e:jht link-, thenee north four degree* thirty minutes, ?<?*? or.o ??insiii tweat|(uhe links to ?oothesst corner of one Hundred and Twenty Fir?t street and Eighth Avenue; thenee along suid Ave? nue north tl.irty thraedegssas twenty minute , ensf twocba.ns twenty .even link? b> n Inn- lend rig to house ' f SmiLriou Ben. ton, lliencealong last mentioned lane vnjtli suty tl ree llssioss emit Unity ?.x link.. theOCS DOrtii -evenly nne4e-i?w ami th.rly tni'.':'e.. e:,.t one e|,nin ti, tl:n eentieof the llurlaeiri creek ; thence aJongeeotieof said creak to the ytece ,.i begtiuoiiz. ??I staining tlchtnciea 3U>10ttkasi, witn tight of lane and old roads, whichsnidpraiuitsi were copveyen l.y tl.e sa d K-'Cer Do i->. to the ??kl Archibald VVutt; excepting an,i r-?erv. ing tl.etefroi/i,!e-s, nil these nine cefain lots, ineer,. and pareeh of bun!, snluate between the Seventii and Eighth Isenussnnd between One Hundred awl Twentieth m.d Oue Hnn>lfad-and 'i'weiiiy.fipt ?ireetS, ?nd winch, taken together, nre boiimled aiei cosHam as f?bows : oi,m;anc:i,j it a tuiinl on rJ>enortherly sideol liKnii street d.stant one hundred and finy feet en'teriy from tlie eu'erly ,^le of the Eighth A v'nne, run mug ea-'erfy along lliesiiul northerly sidot f One Hun deed and Twentieth street one hundred and fifty feet, thence northerly en a line uar?i el loihe F.iahtli Avenue to the i '.iit.-e line of ihe block between (me Hundred is?t Twenliety and OneHondred and Twenty Cnt ?treet. i|*nee westerly slang Mud centre line -evet ty five !eet. thcrce riortherl) on ? Una let. o-.llel to the Eighth Avenue to the southerly line nf <-'r^ Dun. dred and Twenty-rust sin-vt. ami UMnee westerly along tlet southerly I ne ol Mne Uoisdred and TwantydVst .'met seventy. live feet, and southerly <ma hue parallel to tlie Eighth Avenue to lies ;e or place of beginning. Dnled New ] ork, March 1st, A. D. 1M5. '.VI I.I.I AM Mr.MC I? It AY, "l' 'iaw'^'Ji \-tcW_Master m < hsneery. IN n.r. mai i .-.iv. OK J.v.'..r.-s <?r.n.viu.\u, ?a at. 1 acomii. g or ci.e-aled Debtor?Notare m hereby gi?en to is nide'ati-i! tO the said lames (jermond tf* ibi.te meat :.ed a'mconiii' g or COMCaeJed debt. r. to i'i der an sc. couu: to tlie .nbscriben. at list office of Clark Is Pattison, is lb* City of Trey, on or.neTore the 13th day of April next, of all debts and sums of niOney owing by such |>e-.,-)ns respect? ively, and to (>ay the same, end all |iersons bavin t iu their prv . .- m my property or effects of ?ueh debtor, an; requiied to deliver tiie same to tlie subscribert by tie- day ab< 'e i^cuVd ; aad alt 'i.e creditors of such deiitor are repaired CO drliser lh-ir RSI ei tiseuenisnds against tl.e said debtor b> tie sob-.cribers, or or.e uf them, on or before the said 15th day of 1 pril aext Trcy, Febraary uth, inii. A. F. *? HF.EI..-.K, S. If. TERRY, (J. V. HCDDLE8T0N. 'i.i?? fa Patt:so>c. Attjgs for Ata'nia lirvdoors f20^3w J' ..'? HALL'S CILlM'KAULE SAFKi iniXIi.? This lock can, a; thst will of Its possessor, be changed so at to make millions of lucks oat of one, so neilher the niaicer nor any otter person has any kuc n ie<ije what? ever of the lock. The snbaenber would respectfully inform the public that he has puichased of his partner, Wm. Hall of Doslon, Jfase. Lis tali In the Patent Eight in the above lock. This lock is now owned and will in future be amntifact -'ed only by H. C. Jo>?s, at hu establishment in the city of Newark. N. J. Amt by this advertisement he wotiil n< iify ail r*z torn not toinirlngion his Patent Li^ht. Th; tubscrtbcr has been to a great expense to mam if act ore and to sell aboye lock at nneh less price, accurdimi to t) e stae, than can be bought m the Cnitcd States. And he w aid t*1*3^ state thai hl.s locX has never been picked nor o-xs?d wsttv out the true key that locked It, as wiil be ??*n by the eao7 tri^lit that It hau undergone at dllierent timer, with a to? ward of SV)0 to any person who would o>i:.i it SUrly ; but co one has ever been racceasful; and it is warranted in all irjtances not to get out of order while in ose. which baa beer: a gruat annoyance to many who have uacd lock? of different construction. .Vdso his Patent Pad Locks for Railroad purposes, I~?" -. Exrresaes and Custom Houses, whldi have been g*n eraily adopted and give lull aaLsfactton. H.i .JONEN 73a lawisc Patent Lock Maker. N wark. N.J. M.'lhS i,Nr. in.U.MlANUH.n;.?,' l*. rJl'<t*. AND CPWARHS TO *>C?At SMI i -i i. corutot 7rd Diruion Ureet. who is teltusg ?0 ^> ?<"\^ i.-raisemenu the 1st. f Jl.y K.ervarticle i.arrsiUed. UocXi as saia.1. _Kotra 3ceNo.7i Bowery._LiL?_ P~ _RTVATE COTILLION PARTIES atti^nded to by? Piano Forte and VloUn Performer of the bcrt tsJeot . the City, larurt a: JOLLIE'S Music ?tote, ***B?f