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NEW-YORK TRIB?NE. ,,IF vKW.TORK DAILY TRIBCNB IS PCBXISSQSI ' EVERY MORNINO. SUNDAY EXCEPTED, AT 30 ASS-STRf.ET. iSEW-TOag. Ajjrl delrrcred toClty Suh*cr!>*r.? for Nise Cr.srrs per wee* or, when they prefer; they can pay i:i advance a: thi peak (Or >a mouths or a yar a; the aatne rale. Sin ele copira Two Cams. Mall Bubscrihers five DoUar p? r annum, in Advance, and the paper iu no case con tinned beyond the time tor which it is paid. Puhscrlp tions MXcii for six months. Three Jn.lhtrs in adrana roratred in all exc'.u?ises with Conntry Newspapers Daily PapersrecetTed at tins Ofti-c whose terms an Ms! er than those of Tire Tubi xe are not allowed aaj ? terms or advx-stisisg. /ire Liiiti, or less?Pirat Insertion. ascents " for euch subsequent Insertion. i*M Jtn Lira, and over six?Pirst insertion. SO ^ '? f..r each so>.?ec,ueut insertion. 2o ^ " fi?r one wtes.jj ? (l " for one month.*5 1)0 l.'irrtere.s, Patneral ISulicx&.ti''.. not cxtrejip'j/.ct ^ iWi. 25 ?-*?? AO A irertlsements inserted in this paper appe* both in the Morning and la the Evening Edition. Yimly A'kertisfrt?not to exceed 13 lines, with privilege of renewing advertisements a: plea? sure, (payable rmarterly or half yearly in ad? vance,) .'..5,0 01 NEW.YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. A VERY LARGE PAPER, FOB THE COUNTRY, 13 rCBLlSHED rVXXT satib&ay mos.mno. At the low price of TWO DOLLARS pe* armnm. In advance THE TRIBUNE, Xew-Yorh Historical Society. Tt'i-sfar, March i. Lothkr Bradish, first Vice President, in liie chair, who opened the meeting with some appro? priate remark!', it being tiie first time he has presi? ded over the Society. Mr. Benedict (the regulai Secretary being absent) read the minutes of the last meeiing, which wee approved. Mr. Jay reaii i letter from Mr. Win. P. Whitehead, Correspond in? Secretary of the New Jersey 11 istorioal Society, announcing (he formation cf that Society. Also, a letter from fleorge Johnson, containing sume infor? mation connected with Indian history and etymo lorry, in a translation from the Indian. Mr. Jaj then made a brief notice touching the death of E. Champion Bacon, who died ut Seville, Spain, ir May last, who whs un?" of th<- Corresponding Mem? bers the Society. The Librarian then read th? |jgt ( fdonations, including a complete set of the New York American, deposited with tho Sdciett bv the laic Editor of that print, Charles King, and Memorials " from tli?* philanthropic Miss Dix of her visit to New Jersey and Pennsylvania, it behalf of the Insane." The Reports ol Commit lees came next. The following gentlemen report ed for Resident Members were elected: G?o. It. DeForest, Oliver DeFarest, Edward D. Nelson, Andrew W. Green, J. J. Bowden, George P. Nelson, David E. bardett, J Van Noitrand, Stephen Hyatt, Morns Barker, Thomas R. Gerry. Mr. Griswold, who whs to have read a paper oi the "Prospect ol Literature" in America, wa: prevented by indispotdtion. James K. Polk, tin President, wn? then proposed, -according to custom for nomination, which it ?ras supposed no oni would object to, though tho experience of the lat? Society iu this wise had not been very favorable o late. A variety of other nominations were made A s ties of resolutions were adopted to ihc m?-n re ot E. Champion Bacon. The [lev. Dr. Robin on then continued the reading of the paper of Mr Stone, which was partly read sit the Inst meeting The first part of this paper referred to Indian histo ry" There is great difficulty in writing any true In dun history, because the records of this people an so slight, only a few hieroglyphicalainscriptions oi ?tone luve been discovered. Their past history ii then conjectural, 6ave a few legends which bav< been relirurerd to the whites. All certainty ii losl: the-1r origen is u mystery : they even seem ti b ive been n distinct race ol men, ns tln-y have claimed- We do not know indei d how ihey came her?:. They probably came by the way of Bell rings Straits Ouc theory devines them from the Northmen, from their resemblance with the 11-. < - inaiix, and not without justice. Several writers contend ihej are descendants ol ihe Cananiles. The paper thou take-. u,> i)r. Colden's work upon the Indian^. The missionaries had much influence over the Indians. Under King James ibis influ? ence was weakened Under William Htiruet, the Governor of New-York, the best policy towards the huh ins was developed with much, effect. The Indi? an speeches us quoted in ihe text of l?r. Colden'r work, are more florid perhaps than natural, as they are rendered by the French. In ihe government <i the Fire Nations we find the elements of the Federal (United^ States) Government. There bo mg no Indian historian, all these points must be i the (lark: David Cooatc, however, an Indian, hat published the history ol the Five Nations, butthi Chronology of his work is almost as fabulous as lhatol the Chinese. However, the cosmographj of the Indians is much like that ol ihe Hin? doos. The most valuable work, on the Indian: is De Win Clinton's discourse In fori' the New i'ork Historical Society. 'This is a remarkabl] dear, condensed, and excellent work. Sir Win Johnson wrote a series of letter- to Arthur Lee o Ya. on the Six Nations. The Rev. Sam. F. Jar vis has delivered a discourse upon the religion o the Indians before the New-York Histories Society, which is a noble und classical dis cuiir.-e Lint perhaps the best history ot the Indi? ans comprised within the limits of the Stale ol >.' w-York, is that of Adrian vanderdonck. The be.-t modern work on this subject is thai by Alexan? der W. Bradiord of Albany?ait admirable treatise The conclusions of tins author -are, that the triiies have ihe same origin and came from South Eastern Asia. Mr. Catlin's work on the Indians is valuable, written with the enthusiasm of un arti.-t, rather limn the calmness of the archaeologist. In Indian philology, the name of Albert Galiatin .-lands lir.-t it lens: in our own Slate; this is the European spinion also. The " Narrative of John Tanner,'' rho was c iptured in early life by ihe Indians, con? tains an excellent account *f ihe Tubes oi ihe Upper Lake Country. The "Life u?Kraiit,"' by w. J. Stone, was meant to inclnttW complete history ol the Iroouois confederacy. The file of " Red Jacket" is intended to conclude the history if these tribes from the deatlt of Brant. It wiY s!5o aimed to make a complete collection of the g eec u s ol this great warrior. We must not omii the work of Seaver containing ihe account of t white woman. *? .Mary Jennison," who lived nmoni ihe Seneca Indians, during the time of ihc Amen can Revolution, which is a very excellent work. Th* teinainderofthispaperwas IHt to be read at the nex meeting of the Society. Mr. 1>. T. Field then of fered u resolution to appoint a committee to inquin into the* substitution of the true Indian names n Ihe place of the false modem names applied ti paces, ?Ne ; ihe United States means nothing funenca is applied in various senses, and most o our nar.ic> are inappropriate. The resolution passed Hi I a committee of mree were appointed for thi JaVpcse. TsiNtTY Cbitrch.?Twenty of ihe stained-glas; Windows in this beautiful church are finished : tht window behind the Cham-el is not finished, bui i; iesiined to be the finest thing of the kind in th? ?antry. The Bishop's room contains in its walls she tnarble tablets, which were in Old Trinity; will be lighted by four superb windows, each with Scriptural designs painted upon the glass. Thi: Clmrch when finished will be the best specimen of tative art in America. CVjXSCrcNTtOOS PujsoNKn.?The people of Yer Soni are celebrated the world over for morality and epnclitm on: we wt-re notmadeaware till h-.e fthat even their convicts were among ihe mos: >.t-t-w orthy men in the community. The Mere.:; v ?ys,a young man recently arrival at Windsor in ?i the stage, and applied for admission in the State ?nson. showing the papers which entitled him to a "tstdence there. Ii s ejus I,,. nad ;)r,.? con. icted ai Montpelier foi fmeot.tnce, sentenced to the State Prison for sis tf ntlis, and in order to stive expense, was fitted ou *i'h fiis pa;>ers, and sent to Windsor by s'ago eithou! sheritT or other attendant J Onreachinj woouvjiHrk, the stage bv accident left him : but h< 'Why waited a day or two for the next stage ! SCp* Letters from MRckinac state that the white Sto the lsi of February was very mild, and bu j!.t'e ice Wds formed previous to that time. Th< w?lit.Ship, and the schooner Two Brothers, wer? *T'ven ashore during a ?.de in January. ?itesirom For: Wilkins, Lake Superior, to Jun -jtn, speak ol the winter as unusually mild for tha Ornate. The brig Aator ?rill not be got ado;: *t!n- [Cleveland Herald. Fatal \r> :m:nt-As a boat from the British ?ip M. Martin-, was coming op lo Savannah on j? she struck a snag and filled. There were Jhrte.-n ivrsoos on board, two of whom were crowned. . Do^atioss ?Samuel Williston, of East Hamp jjo. (Mass ) has just made a donation to Ambers! [wegc\to endow a Professorship of Rhetoric ami Vfc.ory. Alyanus Fisk of Natchez, (MisS ) ha, Sfen thai city property to the- value of S10.1XH) th which to establish a Free School. . A- Ltvxy Pkintkr ? II. George Randolph, ihr Wnephew of Job? Randolph of Roanoke, come: * or ?125,000 under the late setdement of th? "l- ,Ue*hasbeen a primer, and worked at hi< ?de m many of the printing offices of Kentucky ^Wl'studems6? Theolosical Seminar7 coc BY GREELEY & McELRATH. VOL. IV. \0. 28-1. GRAHAM HOUSE?NEW ARKAXC.EMENT.?SOS WELL OOSS Informs his friends and the public Uta: he has i-nla-s..: his h?AUlJIS'l TABU8BMEST, k:i wn as the Graham Hons*. b3 Rarclay-s'reet, by a Min? to It the adjoining houic.and la prepared to accommodate tra? tlesvt or pormanexrt Boarders00 the m<*t favorable terms. AI! f: lends or Temperance desiring a quiet home, an '. free? dom from the fumes of alcohol and tobacco, are Invited to patronize this boose. The Vegetable system, with the choicest selection or fruits, Ac. which the market affords, will 1* strictly adhered m, but a tabh- will be served for tho c who ptefer the ordinary mode, or mixed diet. Cro'on Shower, Wann and Cold Raths, free. of. tf ROSWELL GOSS. Jf> LEECHES AM> CL'I'S a;;by Mr. M AGNUS SON, comor of Broadway and Broome street, entrance in BrooinesL New-York. Rtftrmces.?VT. Cbeegman, Dr. Motu Dr. Nelson, Dr. Francis. Dr. Steams, Dr. Berger, Dr. Weed, Dr. Sinclair, Dr. D. Smith. Dr. Ou.ukcr.bofb Best Swedish I,.-.. bea constantly on hand. 1a2? Urn MEDICINES. CALL AND SEE THE ORIGINAL "DOCU? MENTS.'' Col. NASE, of Amenta, New-York, irrites undtr acte of January 23, 1S4?, fls f ollows : Mr. Isaac BtrrTst Sir: I he high estimation io which Wistar's Balsam of Wild ' Ii-:: -,- in (.-Id ;? nothing more than it m-nu. Having seen its beneficial effects in my ow a family. I believe it to be iuvalua blr m cases of Incipient Consumption. My wife, whose constitution is naturally feeble, in the fall of lutt took ? levers o Id, which affected her producing a harassing cough and hoar>enes$, so that she Could with diffi? culty >|? ak. VVhljenn a rial CO her friends last spring, her attending physicians became alarmed at l.rr situation, told her that un? less her cough and other symptoms left her as the weather ai preached, it would be not likely aa the warm weather became cold. At the same time he rave some medicine to take which tend-d to lessen her ferer, but still her i.OL'GH, HOARSE? NESS and RAISING OF J1LOOD continued about ill* same ti;:.e. At this ilarming stage of the disease I procured a few bottles of Wistar's UaNatn of Wild i lorry, w Inch she be? gin to like. After using one bottle I could perceive little or no benefit from it?(bei au." she had become so far reduced by thisemaciatins disease)?but 1 prevailed on her to continue it, use. tin.ugh I freely confe.s 11 was hoping against hope. Before ti? secondbottle was gone I thonghtthere waaaome relief, and she persevered in its use till sie had tak-n >j or S bottb-s; and now. sir. lh-gratifying result is a PERFECT RESTORATION to her usual health. Not one of thase alarming symptoms have re-apca are,!, and 1 should do myself i"iustice did 1 not fully and earnest!} recommend it to oilier* who may be in a similar situation. Ue.i-ctl'ullv roar friend, W. H. NASE. E. M. Swift, Esq. District Attorney of Dutches! 1 o. writes: February 3, taii. I am acquainted wi'.li Col. W. II. of Arne 1a. who i* a man of truth?and Ins statement of tacts is entitled to full credit, Further, I know that the health of his w ife is greatly improved. F.. M. SWIFT. Ago. we say. call si.d see the ontoiwaL pea ustexts. Tliey fully proie that this Balsam is the only r. liable remedy for 1 aiiis. v\ e.,kness of th- I best and Lungs, loughs. I ol Is. Liver I omptaint. Incipient Consumption, Asthma of one to 10 years'Standing, Raising of Illoon. and every disease pru dur. 1! : y 111 |d and . banging climate. Remember, our certificates and statements of cures are iu 10 cases hi I- 1 i.v 1 ace. Princiiial Office 33 Ann st, but seid by Druggists in all parts f the country. s2t iim* THE WONDERFUL SUCCESS Which Dr. Folgcr's Olosaonian, or All Healing Balsam has met with, not only in its sale, but aiso in tin runs which it hat effected, in persons who ici re in a hopeh us condition, has convinced the moat skeptical of its extraordinary curative pro? perties, and cstaliiishu! its rln i>>is to the na ne of the G R E A T R E M E D Y. The question Is no longer asked. " Can Afthma be eurelf" It Ims been satisfactorily settled within the last two months that Fotger's Olosaonian will produce a cure ^nick? er than any olher remedy in the world, and references can be given to persons in and out of the city, ?vlii have ex? perienced Its wondei i d virtues, w ho had tried for years all other remedies in vain. Mr. WILSON. 11 brick-layer, rr-iding at Hoboken, N. J. had tried every remedy which he could hear of for the re? lief of Asthma, and bad spent more than one hundred dol? lars in endeavoring to procure help, but in vain. Hecom menced using ihe Olosaonian, January 21st. The first dose he to .k gave him relief, and two days afterward his wife called to say that the small quantity of ibis remedy which he had taken h id done him more good than any and all the medicine he bad cv> rosed in his life. Mis. P.ELL, Die wifeof Robert P.Bell of Morristown, N. J. who a*.its severely afflicted with Asthma, was given up bv her pbysh Inns. She was removed to the sea hoard In the Inqic of palliating her distressing symptoms, hut with no bend.t- One bottle of the Olosaonian so far re? lieved her that she was able to get up from her bed and die?s herself, n thing she had not dOIM before in months, and she has now returned to her residence in Morristown, N.J. with everv pros; ect of being speed ily rc-tored. INCIPIENT O INSUMPTION yields to Its effects. It soothes tho troublesome Cough nn.l gives refreshing slumbers to the weary ; II allays the niotn iu the rule and 1 irenesa in the chest, and enables t tic person to txyettoralt easily, while it entirely restores the v. cti ms of ih" -?? tu in and expedites returning health. JAMES It. DEYOE, 101 R ade-sireet, had long been COIUpl lining of a Soreness in the chest, accompanied with n short, hacking cough ; he raised mutter freely, hod lost Ids appetite an.', felt alarmed at his situation. He h .d tried various remedies with ut any beneficial effect. Ills short? ness of breath and pain in 'lie side continued to increase. He used one bottle of tl.e Olosaonian, und is restored to health. George w. Burnett of Newark, N.J. George W. Hays ofNcw-Yo'k. David Henderson, G0La!ght-st Mrs. Mc Gann, w Walker-st. F. Laims, .vj l'ikc-st, Mrs. Archibald, 3i Walker-st. with HUNDREDS OK NAMES of persons residing iu New-York, could be given, who arc ready to bear testimony to tho superiority of the Olosao? nian over every other rented) known for ihe cure, of Coughs, Co ds, Asthma, Consumption, Spitting of Blood, Dyspeptic Consumption, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breath? ing, Hoarseness, Influenza, Pinns in the Breast and Side, and the 1 arious affoclions of the St< much and Liver. For sale at 106 Saasau-st. one door atiove Ann, and at Mrs. Hays, 139 Fulton-st. Brooklyn. 110 3m* Ft IB THE PILES. I7S0R THE PILLS!?Are you afflicted with riles? Try, then, without delay, Doctor Upbam's Yeg? stable Electuary, the best remedy ever ottered to public notice. This really cxceltent medicine Is the result of a thorough medical edttcatioQksid t complete knowledge of the disease for which it is recommended. The most tri? umphant success attends its administration. Read the following remarkable case- : A liuly, residing in Norfolk street, was seriously afflicted with Piles ; se great was her suffering that, to use her ovsn expression, life WO! a burden: tor four weeks she hud IhtIi attended by one of our most utui'ie'it Physicians, without tlie least benefit! Satisfied thai it was mi aggravated ease of I des, 1 prescribed the Electuary: two boxes were used. Six months after, tho some lad] called on me to prescribe i, r another complaint, and then Informed me that she u as perfectly cured of the Piles by the two boxes, &nd had ex? perienced no return since. Mrs. G. residing in Greene street, called on mc last spring, saying, that she hud been affected with Pile- for two year-, accompanied by pain In the side, palpitation of the heart, a sense of slraightness across the chest, and oppression, she was unable to lie down without elevating the head and chest Considerably; resting horizontally produced a sense of suffocation, followed by a cough. By using one box of the Electuary, Uic pa::i in the side,palpitation and oppres? sion eeosOJ, she could lie down w uhout inconvenience, and the Piles wcie partially removed, and a second box made a complete cure, to the great gratification of the patisiit.; So d ill this City by the PtXfrietar only, a regularly edu? cated Physician, confined touiioffloe practice for the treat? ment of CmtoMc Diseases, So, 196 Bowery. Medical advice in relation to the above, or any other complaint, gratis. Price of the Electuary one dolor. He member thai ihe Electuary is un Istijisal Kl.mi.m, and not an tiumal application, and sold oklt at 1&0 Bowery', four doors above springst. Oitlce hours from 7 A.M. to9 p. M. |22 3m ? TRIBUNE J?B PRINTING OFFICE, No. T SPRUCE-STREET. All kinds o 1? J o b Printing, s n c h a j Pamphlets, Mammoth Show-BUls, Catalogues, Lecture-Bills, Checks, comvrt - Bills, Plain and Cords, Fancy, 1: Policies, FoUUcal ili'.ls. Bills of Lading, Circulars, (neat) ic. Circulars, Promptly executed at the Office, No. 7 Spruce-street. TRIBUNE BOOK-BINDERY, No. 7 Sl Rt ce-Street. (Tlliat) STORV.) GAYLORD & ALEX A N DE K. Arc prepared to execute Bit..!:::* for BOOK-SEUEBSi PUBLIC LIBRARIES, und private Individuals. N B.?Particular attention piid co rebinding old Ko.->ks. Periodicals. Mus e, tea In good st?!.- and at reasonable rates. Pe sons visiting the ritv c:ir. have their books rebosnd at short notice. rJ7tf THE OLD ESTABLISHED JOD B O O K.B I N U E R Y, 113 and lit Fnlton-sL. Tho subscriber cemtinnes to give hi* special attention to all descriptions of JOB n^OK-BlXDIXG, and Invites Librarians, ail persons having charge of Book * Insiituliot.s. and gctiCcmsn having Libraries, t" rail and i:is;-es.1 his unique a::.', siib-'auti.c si;. !e> if Bsv-k-bindlng, and th<gi> to refer to the tirst Bcoksellers and LibranAiis in this city. For durability of workirinship, with every variety of ta-to. and very reasonable charge-, this extensive estab Ushsacnt ?tands: unrivaled. EDWARD walker. QHEAP CAStI BOOK-STORE. E. WALKER. Bookseller and Pnhlisher, lit FcRon-st, Always band a g od assortment of School Books; stan? dard Works of Anierican and English editions; Miscellane? ous Hooks and Station? ry 0! every kind, at greatly reduced price*, for cash. Country dealers supplied. J3SX WILLIAM STEELES PATENT FE AT II Eil BRUSHES, ktLKUFACTURED BY STEELE <fc CO. 305 Pearlstreet, Xcw-York. N. B.?Peacock Tenther Fly Bnuhes made to orisr. o!9y \EW-YORK MlSCaLANE?&S. PRIVATE COTILLION PARTIES attended to by a Piano Porte and Violin Performer of the best talent in the City. Inquire at JOLLIES Mtudc Store, 3?5Broax. way. rtio TH) CALICO PJ1INTERS?REDUCED PR!ck5-Tb; JL lubicrilter has reeeired a com| l-> assortment of " New ty uld's * com;i-;titiou an 1 steel doctors, for sale cf tht txaci np ?t*irs.) mit of impnr'nlinn. (also dV cijr, files.) m3lf JOHN A. NT.WBf it" I.P. '? Mm st. I C1 LOCKS ONE DOLLAi AND Hfi 1 i PS.EACH ' ANI) UPWARDS TO S'eO-At SMITH'S, e. raer 11 Eossery ?'.d Divisi -,n ?tre?t. who it selling off to snitnew irnsj-mriiu the ;?t< f M?r. Everv article ssarranteJ. Clocks repaired as -a tu si. F.-itranee No -/ Bnwerv llf?m LOU CHAINS, TIt?T;jTTirAiNs7 ic^-5 ca^Lcg Chains. 1C cn?ks Trace Chain*. 14 casks " Pecks" Honks and Hinges, Wilkinson's Vices and Anvils jit woon. roLQKi; a mf..-<kp. Peari-st rp<j illLrv.\lf.>. A,?.? ihe suie-.rit-eis . tor ,ale loo A bbls Buckwheat Flour as a sde-titutc fur Oat Meal for feeding Cattle. It is now extensively used for that pur? pose on account of its being considerably cheaper. Also 100 bbls and 50 half bbls Extra for family use or shipping;. 121 tf WR|?;ht. LOSEE ft CO. 29 Wc re ? C'UPAL?i' cases Angula. 7 . . , ' 30 ?? B.,'?,i^ein washcd' Also, 10,000 lies. " for sale at lowest prices bv flO_LATHROP & liARTI.ktt. oli Pearl-?!.' OOPERS' GLUE?All qualitie?Ii r s.d.- at M u nfac ?urers- prices by EI GENE ELT 4t CO. 71 Ftiltnn-street. C'OKKLE?.0 bags .Mo. ha; :t" ,:?>. African, tor saie by ' fio LATHROP & BARTT.ETT. 69 Peaii-et. w T MBRELLA C'eCrTHS?Plain and corded, blue and J black, for sale he I2f WELLS 4 SPRING: .'2 Pine-rt. HALEBONES, Shoe 'thread. WeltitwCord. Jtc. con slantl v on hand and for sale low In lets to suit bv fe7tf .r. P. VAN EPS. 103 Pearl?*. tVAKUts--Eaales." ' Harr. Vlll." "Elssler," "Merry > Andrew ? and " Highlander.'' of th? celebrated Bartlet; iniuufarturr?for sale st m ik.-iC | rices be I8f_ECOENE El.V a; 71 Fulton-street. SILK SHOE LACES?For sale by the su-scriucrs. by the cro?s. J. p VAN EPS, 103 Pearl St. 7f tf R CSSIA SHEET IRON?360 packs as- rted, y to 15, for sale by fl4f) CASS Sc. WARD. 71 Broad st. N'NETTO?10 ba-ke> prime rare, ibr eale by -fin LATHROP k RARTLETT. 69 Pearl-st, CROCK FRY WAKE. CROCKERY, iVc. S.P.DEWEY, Importer and Dealer iu French and Kngli'li CHINA. GLASS AND EARTHENWARE, 187 Water street, (opjK ite U. S. Hotel,) New-i orlr. Would rei! Tsn his customers and the public, thai having been making large additions to hji establishment, he Ins now offer them t'ie most extensiv? and complete assortment of Goods, in his li-e, ever before opened in tili? country, ioclud iug, iu addition to the above, Stone Ware, Looking-Glasses, Clocks, ::olar. Astral and Hall Lamps, Girandoles, Arc. s\rc. \*c. All of w hich will le sold oe terms .->. favor tide a ' y ? f awysjnsuaresl bUshascnt i'i ti? 1 .sind S ^i.-,. gtfy 7 < RuCKER) -Wholes di .ua K.tul at No. I? I. berry. KJ between Jim.-? and Oliver streets. A full assortment Plates, Dishes,Tureens; Bowls, Pitchers, Ewers ami Basons, Tea Si in,. Mugs. Cups and Saucers, Glass Lamps, I'nir' ler?. Lamp ?ilasses. i astor Liotilc?. S.U Stands, Mantel Hrn. meats, Fancy Mugs, Segar Stands, Ciid Glassi Xc. Vc ml a GEORGE W. ROSE. LAMPS. CUTLERY, >v li PREMIUM STORE. tlOUTHOUT & NEVE KS, 341 Broadway, respectfully ' Invite the public to call at their store and examine the riebest and most extensive assortment to be found In this country, of BRONZED and ORilOLU Cll CNDEI IE RS, CEN TRE, HANTEL, SOI. ar. BRACK ET and READ ING LAMPS, CANDEL VJ1R.VS, GIR.VNDOLES, BRAC? KET BRANCHES and CANDLESTICKS, iu every vari? ety Of patterns. CABIN solar LAMPS, a new und superb article, pe euBarly desirable fur packets and steamboats. In evidence of the superiority of this iw,rtion of their stock over any other of its class oiTcred to the public ill tlos citv, they can with honest pride refer to no less than SIX GOLD and POUR SILVER MEDALS, awarded to the manufacturers within the last seven years, for the irr. .,ic-t variety und beauty of patterns and the unrivaled tiuiah of their work. Every article sold by C. A N. h warranted to he what they represent, ami those who wish to obtain flr-t class ,-oods, at a price often paid for such as arc of a very infe? rior quality, arc requested toiavor them with a call befor purcha&lng elsewhere. \X^f A liberal discount to Chiirch.-s and Hotels. f,f |y GIRANDOLES, of patP-riK aail.i/.-,.,i/eJ. silvered mid mit. Amtlicm ,r- soia- new -l; |.-.. .,i a siijs-rb finish, tot sale bv 'nit_IU KT /.. P.l'HTHKR M'O. t; ... SULAM LA >ii ??a gnaai varietyol solar Laaipsol the beat qoality, for tale wholesale uid retail by mo D.'ETZ. liitOTHEKit1 O. No. I John st. rORNELII S CO.'S Patent Salar Lard Lamp, bronzed or silt. ti>r snic ? holesele srsrl retail bv ni-S _HI KT'/. bruit ICR III. No. 13 John ??. \Ll. LAMPS AND LANTERNS?Assorted ?ues~?ud pattern., either Bill or broote.-tirt -nie bv _im1^_METZ. P.RiiPiiEi; i n. rajohnrt. DIE'!-/.. BROI lll.K <V i n. Scelebrated Doric Lamps, lor bunting campbine, ut m hoiesale m rctud ai the Lamp mid i hi stor--, 13 John st. ma HOUGHTON /VND IVALLACE'S PATENT LARD LAMP, n new arlirle mid the most approved band lump fur burning Lard. For?n:ehy ?f.--._ I'liT/. nil' 'Turn ... cu \.. i: t,a? rrtUESl KtsCRlUtllC odors lor sale lue I'uUowuig de A scribed goods at very low prices : Tea Trays in ?et- or singly, a variety of patterns. Solar and Oleostatlc Lamps, m w patterns. Girandoles, with and without drops, clstgantly cha ed. Piuu Talile Cutlery, from best SbefHeld Maa?flscturem. Silier plated ware, c-n-istin^ of Castors, l'aa Trays, Cake Baskets, Candle-licks, Snuffers, Trays, Ac. Britannia Tea Sets, iiixon ft Son's Sheffield. WM. E. STOUTEXBURGIL 143 Fulton-st .130 between Broad aav uid Na--au-st. rJ'KA TRAIS, \c ? M'l k> ? I 0.~-'s 1 iarl -tuet. A have just received a large assortment of Gothic and Sandwich Tea Tray- in sets. Also, a fuil assortment ol nil sizes common Tea Trays by the dozen ; new >t." les DtatOn's Britannia Ware, tome very elegant patterns ; to Setlicr with a general assortment Of flue Table and Pocket Cutlery . Bctseora. Ac tut._ n'i' i 'llhAP TAIll.L c nU.Kl.-i;.e!U:.Hi.!sr rvsiaxt V-'tiilly informs his friends and the public, that he con? stantly' keeps on hand, at his Cheap Honse-F^imushing Stoic a choice assortment o: Table und Tea Knives, from 5s *'.d to 4"J 50 }*r ss't, and Carvers p.nd Steels to match, atid a tine assortment of Pocket and Pen Knives. Al-e. German SOver and Britannia Tea and Table Spoons, and Bgood assortment of BritanniaWare, such as Coffee and Tea Pots, Lamps of various patterns and sizes, kc. &c.? Also, Tin and Japanned Ware, and Tea Trays or' varioii llzes and Qualities. Also, Hardware and ^IoUowsrare, such as Pots,Kettles, etc, Sadirons, Brass Ketiies, etc.; Carpenters' Tools, cheap and of the >>es-t quality, such as Planes, Saws. Chisel.-, etc. Nails. Lock*. Carpel Tacks, etc. L>tc. An excellent variety al-.> of Wood-warcand Baaken, ?uch r.s Tubs, I'ilI*. Wash-boat. -. i - ll- r-c?, W,..,!,!, Ilowl.sand Chopping Tray.-, Br.vou:-. Cradles, Basket Chairs. French Traveling Baskets, etc. : Carpet, straw end q ::i Bags, etc Likewise, Brushes of almost eviry kind?Cloth und Hair. Scrub and Paint and Dilating Brushes. Also, Fine Teeth and French Dressing Combs, c!.\ etc. Beate call at R. R. Johnston's, 3S Catharine-street, where yOU will tin.! an excellent assortment, and all very ! lew. " R. R. JOHNSTON. 33 Catharine-streeb N. P.. Toys of aQ Jcscrip:io!.s, at wholesale xid retail, j dl6 Sin.v^_ V.M KK1CAN FlUiS-Manutactiite,! by John Hi^bery. at Matten wan. warranted espial to anr impvsrtcd, tor ?aleto the Imdeb? LD hVARD HONE MO ILL. ffl im? _pPmestrwl. PAPER. COMMISSION PAPER WAREHOUSE. IN'o. S4 Johx-Stheet. Er.. CLAYTON .V SON'S are in constant receipt Of ? Papers adapted to every branch Of the trade, em? bracing an usually large assortment of Blank p.c-ik>. Cap and Letter Writing, together with every description .1 News and Book Printing. Colored Paper of Medium and omer sizes. Envelope, Tobacco, Shoe and Tea, Straw and Rag Wrapping : Hardware and Cloth In creat variety ; Silk and Log. Tissue, plain and colored, sc. .vc. Besides Straw, Bomiet, Trunk and B.u:J!x>x Boards, Press Papers, ir.ic _*_ c v V. c s \v . e i e l d , COMMISSION PAPEB WAREHOUSE, No. s Braune Slit. N. V. BURN AT 5c BARCOCK, cojinssiox PAPER. WAREHOUSE, No. tu JOHN-ST. HAi.l-U AIO. A NO i Lei 1 ll ?'A.'r.l,:? ?s) rearas ::i ? incties 39 to ino lbs per r~vm. KJ0 do ZixTS do 25 to CO lbs do J<0 do ^iixi) do Ji 10 w |t,s do |SSJ el. .;x,0 do 30 to Jj\be do lefl do rix? do ;D to -pi lbs do t"0 (to I!>x?l r|r> 15 to VI ibs do 1P0 do lHlO do 79 to Eb iha do 100 do Ks.:<) do W to 13 lbs do J0_ do lirxU do M in Hal lbs do For saie iu lots to suit nurrharse, bv ml_C\ !,!.'> \y y Elp B? I . 4000 Ui~015 :s?Js! TTX73 21xH !6x~ 2erM For sale in lots f ?ni; rurchasers. bv _?Sf_CVIU'S W. FIELD. ? Bn.-img Slip. ST1L\W WRAPPTNG PAPER?J.ooe reams Straw Wrapl pirg Paper, saitahl.- for Skipping or Grocvrs' n?e. for sale by [BelSt*]_J\MES NORVAL. >l Liherty.s'reet. SAND PAPER.?l.tes ream* Sutten'*?lor sale by - [??_Fl'lC-'Xf ?? Lj .x. I l> 71 Kult.-e-street St I'tKM.NK I ??--?!:-:n;-eri, preivred to receive orders for superSoe Bo..k-Paper of aiiy size and weight, arid to execute the *ime at a few days1 ml_rVHl's W. Kir LH. i Barpne-slip. CC> PAfKKJs.?SSM leams colored medium u.d cover Papers, of all the varioos colors made, assorted sire*, lor sale cy STf CVRUS W. FIELD, ? BurUng Slip. OFFICE NO. 30 ANN-STREET . THURSDAY JIOB\l.\G. JIXH KXAPFS INDIAN STRETCTHE.M.VC PLASTER. THESE Hauers a.-? p-^pared for p-ins *r w-akt..., ?? fa back, breas:. sideorhmk*. B.-u:e-; Sprains 4cr a=d Asthmatic Affecti.vis. ? ?BP in Chi -i-a. .Le? wi II in OWMt cas-s sir- iain>e,:iatr and BOOthmS relief! T!?-y will slso he found hiaisl; lur cuznplaiaxj cf ? th- Liv?.-. Lung, ?ml KidVy. . P- noos of sed-:;tarv*. wh.-ss. business r?s-nire? them to ?it or stand mach, w ho mi> be troubled w i;h w-.dsm-is in the chest, or pain in the nid- or bruit, will S_d -rear relief by wearing one of these Plasters. With regard to the tfbCiey of :lie;e Plasters, trothins r.eH b- said, as thev carrv with them their rare ree-racaeadfition. and the price being so reevrkabiy low, a a surSiiciit itduee meut for tlic-.e ?r?ict-d to sie? thrm a trial. The prcrriet. r is confident by the crear a.n.1 i-cr~as;?~ di imnd for these 1"! asters, the popularity which they hare tained solely by ti.rir own merits, ind tne universal ialisfte tioo they hare sites, thai they eie decidtii^j superior to eng o'hrriniae. No ,"ai is are sreir?d in risking them as adhesive 13d pliable as possible, said u rendering them free from all these Objeeiidoa wh eh is a sonrce of complaitt to the ordiuary Plaster, of the day. These Plasters seed hot oce trial to give erery satisfy. ::on d-sind B- snre and .ask for Kstsfr's l-rptars STRCJsr.Tircxwe Pn* see thit his signature is on the back of tacts? none other are genuine. .M ade only hy P. B. KNAPP, and sold, wholesale and retail; at his ewdjewe warehouse. No. VH Huasna-strseL ?n? ?:?>< 1 below King-sttss-t. XewO ork. Also for sale bv :r.e Drupes!, c-iierallv. Prie-12i and IS! cents e.,rh. (tstp) mi if NEW PlTOCATlONS CARPET WE WEBS and Manufacturers generally will will find "GILROV'S TREATISE ON THE ART OF WEAVING" replete with instruction, illustrated with - me ? " "nsr.ri?Rs. written with admirable clearness and thoroughly pnctical?pnUiihed in one large octavo volume. Price five dollars, and for sale at Ji Spiuce sticct, by ntaSSty lii.n p. n ". EDWIN. [7SEFUL AND ELEGANT NEW-YEARS' PH ESENT. DISRAELI'S CURIOSITIES OF LITERATURE. The foregoing valuable work; with the "Curiosities of American Literature,"by R. W. Gri-wold, 4* published complete In one large royal octavo volume, .in.', sol 1 for about one quarter of the London price. It forms certain? ly one of the most valuable work- In the English language, and no public or private lihrarv is complete without it. For sale by APPLETON Sc Ca 200 Broadwav. i Nt>. X. BRAITHWAITE'S RETROSPECT "K PRACTICAL MEDICINE AND SURGERY. The most 1 hie Medical Journal er-r published, contain? ing a retr.isj?dive view of esery discovery and improrem Bl mad-tn Medical iiid Surgical Science during the lasto mouths, just poldislieil. Also?A GENERAL INDEX to the first ei-Itt numbers ol theabote Valuable work, wue.-t iy the rea.l-r cm see at a I glance a list of all the most importan' discoveries made iu Me. djcsl Science in the last four years. The Index is jait issued, and will I? furnished gratuitously >>u application to the office, i 107 FuLon-sti.... Ais. -THE TREASVRV OF HISTOUY.No. I. u tl II. No. MI. i< nearly rr-dy and ssill be issued in a few lays. I: v, ill l e ei mnleted in tsselve anmbers. TERMS.?For the Ketros|.-ct coi.i|lcle r.i the | ? :,.. ;r.,... 55 ; ist reu bereifter SI. or M cents la-r No. For The Trea I surv of History, 23 cents per No. Published ami for slie by DANIEL ADEE. I fj?_ I C Fnlton-str.ei. N. V. .M-'NTIU.Y MAGAZLVES FOR MARCH. ' Lady's Rook. Colombian Arthur's Ladies'Magazine, Loli-. National Magi.'me, 1 iraham s M igazine. Harper's Illuminated and Martin's illustrated Bible. Do. ? Mi edition of Shakspeare. with manv others, For sale by AD RA Ha M MASE, 2Tf tf_23? Bleeckcr ?tr-et, TV.. MLPt'HANTS. TEACHCliS \ND (jfllELS.? HUNTINGTON A SAVAGE, 316 Pearl-street, keep r instantly for sale a large and complete assortment of SchooL Classical and Miscellaneous Hooks, Blank Books 111 every variety ; letter. Cap, (ruled and plain) BIB, Drawing;, and Tea Paper, (Juills, Ink, Sealing Was, Merchants,' Teachers, school Committees and others, wishing t.. purchase, will find iti'.r their interest to give us a all, 11- we will lunilsh all articles in our line at low prices and mquAntitles to suit. THEY PI BLISB FOR SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES Peter Parley's Geography, new edition, with Is map. and 150 engravings. A c. imprebensire Geography for Schools, with 40 m i).* and ISO engravings, by s. slrith, author Ol Rame's Elements of Criti? cism, Svo. Preston's Interest Tables,? per cent, Do do Abridged, Webster's Dictionary for Schools, ISmo. Peter Parley's Geography,! Do do dolCmo. Comm..11 School Ulstory.jMrs. Lincoln's Botany. Ac. In course of publica-,1 Do Botany for Beginners, tion. Do Natural Philosophy. Peter Parley's History for1 Do Natural Philosophy for Children. Bnrritt's Geography1 of the Heavens, with an Atlas. FelloweS1 Astronomy for Be? ginners. Goodrich's Ecclesiastical His? tory tor Schools. Beginners. I Do Lectures on Chemistry. I Do Chemistry for Beginners, Gallaudet's Picture Reading Bo |PrestOll's Interest Tables, 6 per cent. Do do Abridged. A Practical Grammar of the English Language or an in? troduction to competition, in which the constructions are classified Into predications and phrases. By Edward Ha zen, author of the Speller and Deflncr. Part First. Parts first and second bound In one vol. sepjy DRV GOODS. MLLLLNERT GOODS ( heap for CiL-h, at 91 Be.iver-st. three doors from Pearl.?The subscriber has received, within the past few days, a lar^e and splendid assortment of Spring Millinery Goods, to which he invites the atten? tion of Merchants, Milliners, and the trade in general. He has been ? n hand whl never a steamship or packet has ar? rived, iu order to have the tlr-i -el.. u-.m : and does not hes? itate to say that he has now 011 hand, and w ill coiilmue to have during the coming season, the richest, largest, and most splendid assortment of Millinery Goods to be found In market. The reputation which be has of selling cheap- Is proverbial, and his taste In sclectii g Hut Ribbons and Silks is ucki.owlodged, by ihose who know, to 1^; thu best In the rity fand BS '.hat is every thing in buying, pur Chasers desirous of buying such go. .Is a- will sell may rest assured that, by calling, they w ill find In be true what is here represented. L. M. STEVENS, 91 Beaver-sti New-Tork.Feb 10. ist.-,. |0fY DUl i.mii? AI IVAim\i.S>. ? 11,0 ......senoers lake this opportunity of lntbrnting the Ladles Of N. York, A c. rtial tin y are now prepared to oflergreat bargains In Dry Goods: their stock consists in j-nrt of Broadd iths, CsAsimeres and Satinets, Bombaglttcs, Merinoes and Al paccas. Linen sheeting. Table Linen, Toweling, Napkins, Diapers, Ac. Cashmere de Laiaes, Ginghams, Prints, Ac Cotton Sheetings and Shirtings, and ali other style. ..f sea? sonable Hoods. Ladies are Invited to call and examine their stock and make themselves acquainted with their prices bet?re ; urchaslng elsewhere. W. D. GREGORY A. co. J10 IT.'. Spniig-st NEW GOODS. PAPEP. CAMBRICS, LRISU LINEN, Ac?sjtl ? re? ceived, a good assortment of Paper Cambrics, -.fall color and superior ijuality ; nl<- I.-'-h Liner., <wi:ch wdi be Sold at a great bargain. Also Thread Girus, Brussels, Silk and Bobblnet Laces, Edgings, Iiiscrtitigs ; new style Lace Caps, of various kinds ; Velvet Bead Basis; Printed Cam? brics r French Pilnted MusUius, Philllppean Ginghams; Hosiery, Cloves, Ac C V. WIMPLE. dI5 Jobber, 73 Cellar street. EW SPltlNil ( ILODS.?Jnst received r.- sv styles Print ed La? 11?. colored *ud second mouraiag tPrinted French Muslins; Irs-h Linens; new st\!rs >ilk Vesting: <img hauis. Cap 1.11 es. r ilet Mit;., lud-1 Rabber Mitu, Hosiery, Gloves, sic. L.r sale cheap for cash by f J._i V Wi- MPLE. N... 73 < -I.-.. p RE AT BARGAINS IN WET GOODS ? % yd,. a.T of Bi-a. lied and Brown Sheetings from the s. p I ? (ides, slightly damaged by water only?V.rJ-ss id - ' .ii. ... 1. -? yards, o ilj :'d. ;? r yard?Linen lldkf-. Iirge sue '.? Also, just received, a larce ass.artme; t of new Spring Goods. ml 3t?_J. A. LORD St CO. l oSi ring-t t^POOL COTTON?Every variety of Spool Cotton, by the is? case, or in quantity to suit, tor sale by Tf tf J. P. VAN EPS. 103 Pearl-st j D O.Mr, r r LANN ELS? W and i-i. I or sale by fll AD W1S. TIFFAN'i X.10 T'.Pinesr. "I 4 SHEETINGS?>i nachages brosso ami bleached 0"-? Waltnam. F< 1 sale ?-. fti_NKSVIT" is CO. .10 Pin-st. KENEBECK JEANS?Bine, Oxford Cadet, Adams a:.d Steel Mixtures, for sale by 12f_WELLS A SPRTN'n.32 Pmc-st. IT rABLE MILL SH?ETINGS-=s!C bales h-avy 1-1 ro. foi sal- by ADAMS, Til- FAN V ti I 0. 7'. l'ine-,t El! s^T vKK DRILLS? Spa kagas brown and bleachrdDrius, "H Ik CO. IB Pinest. ST VKh DRILLS- ? ? , k.-.-.s u.-s this day rrensed. For?ie L v 2-f XEsMI 7"ADDING?Black and white for sale by fig ?DAMS. TIFFANY & C Ir?l>CNDATION ML'SLINS?100U pes forsaJc by 1 |2f WELLS A -H-BINTl. .V-' Pi-c-'t. At'AL i 11.'. M < ' ?T 1 ' 'N-? packages. , . .... vT carious width, and qualities, aid.- at the \\ altl-iin Mills, both browu and bleac!e-d. For sale bs fo NESM1TH tc : n. jtt Fne-st. K E s'i'l 1 }EANS?ton cases, incladin- i? ? tent _shade, of l.ght ind dark mixed, blue and stnped, of sari 00s qualities. Fors?kb?._,__r. _. fey NrgViTil Si CO. .n pp. NEGRO GOODS?hw eases i'lams Uri? ons qn-liiies. Cat sale by NESM11 E k CO. j- u 53 l ire Jtreet B v sciivn -Hi ETIN'i iS?1-1 L"i.r 1 : th Fi h. for vVf!^ .r-rv x> ?> -.r?-^r C "TCH PiU IRON-M-Woa No.T Garnaherrie, 0 for sale, bv fm..] CASS ii. V. APD. 71 n.-.-d .r C\H''ET WEWERS can be supplied w.-'i DI SIGN PAPER in ??Marions. hn-Js. printed e-!l--t Li.e-n i .p- r. br [rcaj riy] GEO. D. BALDV. IN. 3? > r-r .;. TJaRANCIS*MA>TFOLD LETTER Wf.:-TvR^-This f truly great invention recomnv-ids itaeli to -.11 vrs-o dt rast an exact copy of their c :rTrsroode-ice, as. by this spron-Hus. the sa ke of the pen that writes tie- letter produces ire- CO| y at the same time. The mode of wntisg is agr-eabi> and ex.e. ditions. affording Co-at t-cilities to business met: and trsveiers. Ti.e ink is pedectly indelible, and otnac^Tbe erased by any known chemical agent, The NIanifold H raea an m d- .. various sixes. Icr basiaesa and pnvite ose. som- with lock and key. and are sold atvery^weea^tiw fa^emrs uid minafsctareo. , rHAV 1> St LOL1 rtEL. Vanrifactunni Sutiooers. .,tM?den-bae. t iL mannficrurer a sunenor articieof LLA' h and < ARMINE INK. known as the L ROTON INK. w arraated 1 i r uiu its color and ?aicity- climate. Qnantitirs cc . ' i .d ,-.r-fnl'v ratefcej ?' i : -?_m' ?'n 1>>J CAIUES_r or sa;e. gou busiieu ol exst ciiauty Eng. lish C^qSttatoes. Apply to Hf W. Si J. T. TAPSCOTT, 76 ionth-sL CiT 6. I$4.5. VALUABLE EXTERNAL REMEDY. U l'n T'S LIN I Mil vt.-t: .? celebrated Nseedy is cow x x lor the tirst time oSer-,; to rise New-York public: the cr it has ttonni it, the eomsXT < Westch,?:er> where K HWunfiicJIv introduced. ha> induced tlx? proprietor to -xr-.i.i in nie thssssxcstotst am e-a *rjr. IW h? never ?*c he':i tt!?%.*em? an -\ter..?l remedy ho* : roved s.. c-tU:.-: rata effects in mnnaaatty curing the foiiowicg disease : " ? >'.?'' l. ;???.,, /,.?. .,?_ Sprains. Bruuts, Acrmu Motions, Iftaktutt in tk< J.-mts. Contraction.!y tkf Jf.uWrs. Buns. Satt Rhrusi. <? Mtft / are. ro?:i.irv. 4 c a.-. I 1 l.r Known* letter. Irr rn highly eminent Phrsieian* i wr.a nay-Suit charp-ot in- Hispipil j-, trie Sn? Sir.; State I Pn*>a for many years, is the most powerful evnWce ,_ faror ? . t it... <??! ..ral-U Ixtimi! J.t .:..-.;?.-. _.u ;. a sniUci-e: gna.-vi ; tre ilia: :t :; worthy the cbs^h.-, cf the y,., i.i-p.-. iila-. -?- tlie ce.tthcate. accoraranj i-g e-cti Icttl.-. Price 2j Cents. ' _ . .S?? SiNn. December?th, IStl. Us D'ar Sir ; Received, y, ar note of yesterday asaiac mv opim in :n relation to Hunt. Lrament, prepared -.y Vr. G. H Sraatoa. Known.; its composition,ana havingfrequently as-.ii:. i can recoutraend it t.. v. u u a safe extengj. remedy, and in my opinion Che .best Liniment n.-w in use. Very truly a_d reipectfally yours, A. K. HOFFMAN. M. D. CoL TirrRK Van i'ohtlispt. I fully coucux it the ibose opinion. HTM. S BELCHER, M. D. Thi? Liniment is ?cid by Rnshton St Co. I to Bmadwav, in Ast. r House; Broadway, comer Kourreenth-street: A. Pi. Si i). Sands, VJ Eajtan apssl, 271 Broadn ly.TTEast Broadway; II. r>; Will, .m-strt-Meekim. 311 Broadway: Ciui o.:. 1^ Bowery, corner of Grand^trtect Moss, comer of Can? non and (innd-'treet: C. P. llaestn. lot Nassau-street, cor. of Ann: Bonsai I, cor. Canal and u ; Austiu, cor. Cedar sad Nusiu ; J. J. CoddinSJtOn, ! Hodsoo-street; Graham, comer of Old-slip and Water-street: HiSturd Sci'obb. 5j John-st.-eet; Mrs. Hayes, 139 Fnltoa-st. Brooklyn: Quirk, ronier.f Atlantic and Colombia Brooklyn: uni Druggists ?.-??ti-,-allv tlirciirrh.nit the cite and l'_i ted. States: and bv HOADLEY. PHELPS Sc CO. I? Water-street X. Y.wh.. are wholesale agents. Orders addressed to them or to viie proprietor at Sias Siug w ill be attended to. (2i im* g iQRGE r:. stantov. Bo\i;i.i\i; s. liooi. for mall rrpiLs.-Hemp. st-ad Seminarr, Kempstead, L. Loa s braachofdts L 1 Railroad. 21 miles from Brooklyn. Terms from - $159 a y-ir. Circnlars at I. Sc J. Ch?mberlinsVS Sbath William s-reet. Also at Xewman'sBook sure. 199 Broadway. The Principal .lunar; the month of April st TS Nassau. '1 he Sum? me' Term commences the ?rst ..f M-v. sa . ? V V I'll \ - I. iTNV. V V. Principal. BUJRU1NU >i IIOUL?IRVINU LNSTlTCl'li. Tarht town-. N. Y.?WILLIAM P. LYON. A. M. Prmci. pal.?Summer Sess-tott ssill ..(yn on the 1st of Slay. To those who desire to place sons at Boarding School, the advantages Offered at this Institution arc believed to be en,ual, If not superior, to any. It has been m succcss fnl operation seven years The location, delightful and sa? lubrious, is convenient of access Crom the city. Tho edi? fice I- eommodloasaod comfortable?the play grounds am? ple .Hid disconnected frcn the village. The g rernment is ef:':ient but mild, resembling that of a well regulated Christian fitmily and no day scholars are received to coun? teract the salutary influence ?>. family training. The sj .e;n of instruction to designed not merely to ad? vance and perfect the pupi' in the branches studied, but '.o devclope and tnstru t the judgment, to enlighten 'he tm rlorstandlng, to form th<- habits, and to give a moral and rtsefnl direction to the Inclinations. Further paxtlaflars, including Catalogue of Students, opinions oi patrons, kit. will be found In th^p.tmphlet circu? lar of the Itunitnte, n> is; had on application at tho Book Stores of P.artlctt i Welford, Astor Uouse, and lUynor's, Bowery. Reference, by permission, to tlic foUowing dlitltiguiahcd gentlemen: * Washington Irving, E?cj. Hon. Dai . ; Webster, C. S. Senate. Hon. GuUan c. Verplandr, Capt. Ai. x. Slide!! Mackenzie, 1*. S. N. Nathantel ii. Holmes. Esq., Tairytown. Francis Hall. Km). Rev. Nathan Bangt, I>I>. Wra. C Bryant, Esq. George T. Trimble, J. R. Van RnniaWlinr. M. 1?. Harper & Brothers. New-York City. Also to the following who are now ,.r lave Isccn. patrons: Rev H W Hunt. ZebebeeCook, Jr. BenJ L slcr. Rev 1. M Vincent, M Van Beuren. Oscar Irving, Rev Thoe Burch, JasMUeyt, TheoKeese, Rev J Hewing, J L Molt. J W KnevelS, Rev j Sc well, CDuscnberry, i. Denlsoo, Ri v A f Seileck, II 1. Kip, Gee Clinch, Ri v Dr West, P Pannony, H w i i?pp, I ?r Jos Scribner, Wm G Boggt, BenJ D Brush, Rev I) H.iia:eck, E W Van Voorhis, f Campbell, A R Livingston, Leonard Kirby, W S Dunham, EUsha Morrell, Jacob Lezoy, B f Howe, p. t r Pini kney, Gen 0 H striker, H Kaynor, Onus Storm, Harvey Weed, Isaac Adriance, J dies erman, it F VVheelwTight, Thos PatUsoa, Morris Roliinson, W Van Antwerp. M Eel*. i'M> Urn ISKMAKA H'llV (I :< >.\ 1.1 >. M . I M IIUUl.. MIIH'I.K I TOWN, CONN". D. H. CHASE. A. M. PRINCIPAL. Established in ls?.">. Sessions commence .May 15th and Oct. 15th, continuing ilvo months, at 5so per session. Thorough preparation for college or business! and person id altcutions arc secured to pupils as fully as in the most ezpensivo schools. Lads from New-York aro placed in charge of a careful person, going and returning. Circulars at II Mark. t-street and 174 Broadway. d'i.Tyc K \LED PROPOSALS willls- receired by theComii?V- I ?ii nets and Inspectors of Common Schools in the Sixth Ward, at the Oihce , i T. T'iiosi.s? StSo>. Arcbilecu, No. V Canal-street, until the Nth day of March nest, for the funn ture required in the uew School House in City Hall Place, in Slid Ward. Fol plins and specifications, apilv to jnlju-_T. TllfiM y; k SON. r.DOK-KELIM.V;, eVc. C< C. MARSH, Accountant, respectfully announces that ids Cooating-Rooats, No. ss Cedar-etrect, con? tinue open irom s. a. m. to 9 I*. m. In the study of Book-keeping as It Is taught by Mr. Marsh, every pupil keeps, In the most practical manner, a ttmtpbu trt of imrtnrr.'iiip Uuls, embracing ail the ditlcr cnt business transactions of a good mercantile house | he becomes familiar with all the books constituting the sot, wnil ai! the documents relating to the books, trial balances, balance sheets, accounts current, and with various mer? cantile calculations in interest, discount, equation of pay ments, exchange, &c. In one cotir-e of instruction a person Of goo.1 capacity will become a competent Book-keeper, aad will rce-elve a certificate to that eilcet. No one Is taught in :i class. M ERCA NTH.!'. WRITING.?A thoroughCAurseof pro trresslvo lc.son-. which will not tail in effecting a vaduabts improvement. Specimens of a truly mercantile style may l?e seen at the r.?..:is. Prospectuses, with terms, hiurs, Ac. may tie obtained at the rooms dac and evening. C. C. MARSH'S WORKS, The Science of Double Entry Book-Keeplng SimpUfled, II tti edition. ZOO pages octavo -, Price SI. I he Art ot Single Entry Hook-Keeping improved, 3Jedi? tion, 130 pages octavo ; Price 75 cents. For sale at the bookstores, and at the rooms. Ur. Marsh offers his services in opening, closing, or wrlt Ing np l?- k< ; Si i v<, up stairs. ?5Y DfSBRO\? S RIDINt>Ss!;ilOOL--No. <*tBowery, near Astor and La Fayetts Place New-Yoik.-Mr. ?.. has.tbe honor u> announce that his Seisool isppen Hay and Evening, for Eoweslriaa T'uiliou and e?-rc.?e Ruling. TERMS. LEl-T' RE LESSONS. IIER' ISE RICINU. tr, Leasoni.tli Ml I Month.$12 fO lu do .1? ll"l-'ll itldes.I? llO I do . 5 (Kllia d..<i 00 Sin.-Ie Lessons. 'I Cm,Single lUde*. 71 Road do . 2 iu I Highly trained and met Horses, for the Road or Pa? rade, to let. EvEsivn class, 12 Lessons .S'J uui-f) Rides.$10 0C Single do . I 1 01 Single l.ide. 7i RULES. 1? All Lessons cr Rides pod for on commencing. 2? . lo? hour allowed on each Lesson or Rule in the School. 3? U..e hour ai.d a hilft- > L- n on the Road. 4? II..uh for LaJi"-. from't a. M. to 3 P. M. i-1 lours lor tieutleinen. from J to j and from 7 to Hi. P. M. 5? No Gentlemen admitted during the hours ai<prc-i rutad to Ladies. A card ofaddr-si is n-qoea'e-l previous to commencing. ifT" Ijentlemen keeping their horsej in establishment will have :(.. \ r,i ileg- ?.!' :,dn.g them in the sch.-ol grata. ft.l Irr.-? WATCHES, JKWELRT. &c TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS pOMBS. Fancy Goods. Buttons. Jewelry., fcc.?The sub \y scrber is reeeii ieg sew I >? "da daily, lor tiie Spring trade, amoiat v. hich are the following : li cases American gum Su?;?-ederi and GgrttO. HI do CoLgne H ater snd oiiier Perfnmery. 2i do SikvoI Cottou, lucludiiig" even' sa/iety i do 1 looks and Eyes, iu boxes and oil cards. 6 do TwisrBacIc Combs: 4 do Percnasioo Caps. 6 do Ivoty Combs, from fine to S S 9 line. |.i do Wood Pocket i ornbs Be?iJ, s a np-at s.irie;v cf B-v Is. Shoe Thr-ad. Bindings, Cords. Tapes, Thread, Scissors, Bead Work. Shell Comos, I Ira .merits, tine sold Iii g-er riu;s. do Brejstpins, gold Pew US, Eyelet eilt and lastiuz Buttons, pearl and agate do, German Silver Warn, Elated Wars line sold lever and Other Watches, Silver Pencil Crses, Tooth Brushes. 3tc. ,ait j ?!? foi c - tre or city trade, on the most liberal terms.? \ C - ?? .i i.-.cfc :g ' e . ind It a? W Robinson's gilt and Military Butt. ns. [i:'.: rej] J. P. VAN EPS. 1-3 Pearl it. VITATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, ste-?The I ? subscnU-rs respecli'ully invite the attention of thtL fricids . nd the pahlic :o their select assortmeiit of FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, -o:.;.-img of Duplex. Lerer icA Leplne VYatchr-a.ofthe va? rious approved makers. ci_scd in ihv neatest style,aid war? ranted correct time keep rs. Siivet Kiuvcs, Forks, Spoons. Ladies, Tea Sets, C-p?, Caiors. A;. Piatcc .md P.ritan::l_ Wire, Sjectacles, Pencil Case". Maule! C!o ks. Fine C -?ery. Fancy oc-sls, ice. which thev ate enable-.: to oflfer f jT -?le at very reduced prices. WaKhcS ii.J CloeLs carefullv repulrcl ar.d warranted. LfajK'.vOOD ?t SCRIBNER, At the Oi l E-tabhsbed stole. 269 Pearl, f 3 for-er Fu:t n-strcet. opposite CS. HotcL RICHARD FISHER. Jr. WATCH-MAKER and Jewel? ler, is now prepartc: to sell Watches at retail lower \ th-n any other house la the city. -C? he is constantly re- ' cer. lng "oil descriptio.-.r! direct fr'.-rn the r__u;ufa.::urers in E?-laiid. France and Sw1t_cru_tid, he is exatled to offer a . i-rge as.-ortrncut cf Cold Watches from SIS to Si's) ! each; Silver i~>. from S3 to S-l'> each?ail warranted to k c.-?l time, or the money ret-me?. Also a varj- good I assortment of Jewehry and Silver Ware very low. N. B.? i Second hand Woichcs atui oid Gold and Silver taken in ex j change or bought for cast. Watches, ..locks. Music Loies j and Jewelry repaired in the test manner and warraxiteil. i by exi?.'rier'.ccd workmen, as low as any ether house In the ; city. RICHARD FISHER, Jr. im; of Watches and | Jewelry, wholts-le and retail, No. 331 P.roadway, New i York, - lew __or> ahwve the City II- spitaL ,M RICH - rh fisher. Jr. P CMPS.?Double action light and force pumps of all -lies to raise from '20 to 100 gaBana water per minme. Ca*t iron Fountains of various patterns. Fire Engines aad Hose, Ac. manufactured by ?23 ?im" D- L. FARN AM, 2S Fulton-rt. FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. WHOLE ISO. 1215. SANDS' SARSAPARILLA All linr r>ocnomr=* of magc-Lc ;?oJarity. attraction said re? pulsion, have at length been resolved into sac gen-rsl iVt ? that two currents of electricity in the airae directisi* rer?l. and ta contrary <iir-crioo.. ?tTrac: r?ch other ; and po? larity has ever'.-sro CASirunuuicateJ to the compass riredle by electricity. Thes, alter * lapse of many yrar?. his tie- errat secret of ihr magnetic el 'mrat !wn disc >vered?and we scr theefT-cts of the discovery in many usefuliuventic-as. So alto by patient in v-stigalion and rxrv.-imeut ha>e the true proper- i ties of Sarsapaiills been discovered, elicited tad applied ; and I in the forra of S.VXDS' SARSOWRILLA. they are he- \ Iiete.1 to be developed in their greatest purity and sirrrgih.? The BStcactic thud does not tkd the way a? ith more certainty along the telegraphic a?ire to a given point, than does thedis- | infecting ic,( restoring influence of thi? preparatioa to the seat I of disease. Sen falsa. Ulcers, hard or ?ort. Uhe - matism. ' Scurvy. Eryaipelaa, Dyspecaia, ?eneral Debility. Mercurial ! Complainta. Tetter, Riacworm, Salt Kheum. Leprosy. Scald | Head, and all hepatic disorders, are relieved by its use. The inventors do not pretend to l*tr*l14biuty, but so far ?.? they have had a.i opportunity of observing or kuow inj the eltrc -f their Extract, it has. By the blessing of rrovidenre, been net formly brnericial The following certificates, recently receive.!, will he rend with interest, and for further proof the reader is referred to a [wmphlrt. which is famished without charge by all the Agents : [ ' , . ? . _ . Bivohsmton. Oct. tr. 1.141. _ Messrs. A. B. & D. Sasids?I have been afflicted with Sox> Mlafor nine year.. It appearesl in ririons forms from its .'cmmencement, but did not break out in ulcers, until, about four yean aga. a large awnliusg appeared on my arm. 'l had It I meed. It then commence,! eiuing. and e. utinucd. lo en r mil iV. g fleshy rart of my.arm, from my elbow to dm mi tncalder.waj aearlrall ulcers: it tbeu broke out on both sides of mv neck, and extended to mv fare. I had a number of ?leers on ray ancle and bottom* of mv feet. My sufferings seemed almost intolerable. The moil of the time I have been under physicians, have taken Iodise, Swaim's Panacea. .,nj other preparations; and I had nearly despaired of getting relief, when I hi,induced by Mr Bnxford to try your Sarsaparilla. My < Tes assumed a more healthy appearance, and I nattered myself with theiilea that I should he \sell again. I lia'e now t.akrn eighteen battles of your medicine, mi MM* an ?II heal? ed, and my general health ..s better than it livs bee i before for ume vears'. and I ascribe uiv cine to the efficacy of four Sar sanardta. Had I known its virtues years ago, I should ban been v ised much severe-suffering and a disfigured face, and mv husb.uid would base bceu saved great expense. (Signed) CYNTHI \ N. TDTPER. 1 cheerfully testilv to the truth of the ibore statements of m wife. M ASON F. TUPPER. The following interesting case must commend itself to the e.arviul attention ol all similarly afflicted : S ?sp." CftLgnaaTito SaasarsaiLi?. 1 spe'k eiperimeni dly when I say that this medicine is Gut more effectual m the cure of chronic or icitte rheumatism than any other preparation I have ever tested. Having< adored extreme suffering at times vs ilhin the la.t live years from re? peated atui Iis oT inflammatory or scute rheumatism, I have re,? :lv use I Sands'SarMneriila with thi happiest success; my health is now better than it Ins been lot many months past. my. appetite is good, and my strength is rapidly return? ing, I attribute this healthful change eutirelv to the use of this patent medicine. Feeling a deep sympathy with those ?li.i e afflicted with this tormenting a id painful complaint, I cannot refrain from earnestly reconunending to such the use of t'iis valuable specific. Having the most entire confidence in the medicine ami medical skill of Dr. Sands, I w as induced thereby to :r;. the effects of their Sarsaparill i. an I I take j lea sure in i'Oline; mv (r.tiiilonv to that of uiaiiv others, cominen dal ry ol it. on unable pr perties, uukuoHu to and unsolicit? ed by the Messrs, Binds. i HARLES DYER, ir D iggiatandApothecary, In and 12 '.Ve.stniii.ster st. Providence, ll. I. For further particulars ami conclusive evidence i f its ?u|s^ ri.?r talus- and efScacy, see pami hleis, which may be obtained of agents giatis. Prepared and sold, vs bolesale and retail, and for exportation, by A. if it D SANDS, Druggists, No. 79 Fulton st. 273 Droadway : r: East Broadway. f II Im LNS?RANCE nrtHE HOWARD iNS'. lttVNCE COMPaVNT make In A suratice- against loss or dam.ige by lire and navigation, on terms as favorable as any oilier similar In? stitution in the cite. Capital $300,000?Office >'o. St Wall stiect. DtaxcToaa. n. Havens, CalebO. Italstcd, John Ihmkln. N'njah Taylor, Win. w. Todd, Melgs D. Benjamin, 3. Phillips Phmnlx, Win. ( ouch, Nathaniel Weed, Fanning C. Tacker, B. L. Woolley, Pcrdlnand Suydam, David Lee, J. B. Varnum, Henry C.Thonipson, John D. Wolfe. Michael Baldwin,I', tor L. Kevins, Edward Anthony. ]L HAVENS, President. Lewis Pmi.i.irs, Secretary. dlStf rT?HE MUTI i I? LIFE INSURANCE COMPANi 1 OF NEW-Y?RK.?This Instimtioo.dnring the month of February, issued seventy-nine Policies, viz : To Merchants and Trailers, ill To Merlunirs. II To Broken_ .1 To Physiciaus. I To Clerks..7 To Lawyers.s To Maaai?ctarers .11 To Foreign Conaul. I Tol mmercial Agents... }| To Officer in U. 8. Army.. I To Publisher.IITo Mariner. I To Stu.'rnts. 2|To Artists. 2 To Farmer. i To Ladies. 'J March 1st. 7j MORRIS ROBINSON, President. SasiUEi II?s-.rV Secrerary. MiNTtran Post,Physician. ml(ip)im The question si often been asked if the number ol Poll cies reported to have been issued monthlyat this office were all new policies or if the renewala of those previonslj issued were not included, ir is lb light proper on publishing the above list tor the past month, to say die* were all new issues, and that such has been always the cass. The renewals or Jd ind 3d years premiums for the past month were i?u, rnakinn L-'j premiums r. cured lor the month M is tu ?! Lite Insurance Co New-York, GROCERIES. genuine teas. WHOLESALE AND K ETA IL. the canton tea company, PRINCIPAL STORE, 121 CHATHAM STREET, N. Y. Branch Stores: His Bleecker street, New-York: 361 liratiil street, near Suffolk. Ibl Greenwich street, near Fulton. 1IG Fulton street, Brooklyn. SOCliesnut and 48 N. FlVth-st. Philadelphia. 71 Hanover street, Boston. fNVITK the attention of I Ity and Country Families and Purchasers to their several establishments, where they think wiii tie found by far the beat selections of pine und unadulterated In the Dhited States. The universal popularity and renown of their house with reference to high qualities, low prices, and upright dealing;, is too w ell nndezstood to render farther comments necessary. Origi? nal and only warehouse lor the sale of Howqua's Black Tea?" Ole-erve V?Strangers will be particular to rein. 01 ber the number of the principal store in Chatham street, viz: 121, between Pearl and Rosevelt streets. The public wiU also be pleased to take notice that the Canton Tea Company have nothing to do with any other sUirea except ll,,...: de-cnla d ai the top of tins advertisivn. nr. -C, V CHEAP OIL SlUltK.?lbc .llt.scnb.-r rcspeellully in form- the public that ho continues the wholesale and retaU Liunp OQ and Spirit <;as, at his old stand, of a very superior quality, ten per rent cheaper than can I?: pur chased at any other store in this city, viz: GoosI Lamp Oil, per gal..50 SO Superior quad. Lard do. *>2| Refilled Oil, Ist qaiity. "? Do do 2d do . 62i White Sperm do. Do do 3d do . 1 00 Do do 3d do . h7g Oil Cans of all sizes ; Lamp Classes of all pat:.:r:is and descriptions, and afull assortment of lamp wicks, con? stantly on hand. Lani|iK cleaned and repaired. Oil and Camphcnc sent to any part of the cily free uf charge. MERRITT SMITH. ?27 Yc I?9 Oreenwieh.corner Veaey-st. ""notice to families. A LL Families who use Con ant's PaTf.nt Vcast accord a V lug lo the simple directions, may rely upon it that heavy, sour and unwholesome Wread will not be found on their tahiea ; and, what Is I ften of tie greatest comfort, the very best bread can be prepared as soon as the fire Is ready to bake, and while the table la ordering for the guests to oat it. M.P.M?SSET, CUllton Hall, cor. Reckmsn and Nassau. Champney Sc Alien, 71 South-St. cor ilsiden Ijuie 11 uMner at Yonng, 132 Chambers-it ( heater Driggs, '"es I Broadway John H Brown A Brothers, V'A Elghth-ct Staples Sc Ford. 132 Bowery S v Alhro,33a fUiwcry, corner of Bond-st flt.K nope. 132 (?ambars-et J*3 C'ON ANT'S PATEN'I l EAST.?The beat article tot i rai.sirr breail ever used. Warranted to keep in every clhnare The American Institute, at their bite fair award? ed the in renter a Diploma, declaring this Vea.-t the l<e?t article ever manufactured tor rak-ing brea.i, buckwheat, pastry, Ac. The Yeast Is an add; which, being combined in proper Chemical pn.portions with an alkall.inipregnatea thedotigli wi:h carbonic acid gas, without arTt.xrting, in any way, the original properties of the Hour; and llius, when baked, pro? ducing iicrfect bread. Sold wholesale and retail 25 ct*. per GASftNER ATOtJNO. 133 Chatham at. tftf JONES & HALL'S CHANGEABLE 6 \ FETY LCM.'K ? This lock can, at the will of its possessor, be changed so as to mcke millions of locks out of one, so that neither n liter uor any other person baa any knoi* Icd^e what? ever at tile U ck. The suhccriber would respeetrally Inform the pcbl'c that he has purchased of his partner, Wra. Hall of Host/in. Mass, his half in the Patent Right in the above lock. This lock is now owned end will In future be aix.afactured only by H. C Joses, at his esXaUhshment In the city <>f Newark, N. J. Ai^l by vlils advertiseniect he would notify ..11 fer sou not toiiitringe on his Patent Bight. The subscriber boa been to a gleit expense to nian.ilacture and to sell the above lock at much less price, according to the size, tiiari can be nought in the Cnited States. And he would farther state hm let has never been picked rxir opened witii oat the true ks-y ttuit locked it, as will be seen by the many trials that it ha.? undergone at different times, with a re? ward of .S.VH) to uny person who would o-rcn it fairly; but no one has ever been rnccessfnl; and it is warranted tn all instances not to get out of order while in use, which baa been a great annoyance to many who have used locks of differer:'. construction. Also his Patent Pad Locks for Railroad purposes, P-ls ons, Expresse? and Custom Houses, which have been gen? erally adopted and give tui! satisfaction. H. C. JON ES. 07 3mlnwi?c Patent Lock Maker. Newark. N". J. li???,'l'UU5 AND KlKLESb MATERIALS fir Onn Snilths, Gun Locks and parts of Locks, flan and Eire Barrels, Percussion Caps aid Pills, Powder Flasks and Shot Belts. Cones and Wreisehcs, Bit s, B^vls, Worms, Ac. Ac. for sale In quantity by s2 Y A. W. SPIES A CO. 21sPeari-?t. S~s LAZED STRAW BOARDS? 5 tons, this dsy landing _WAITED._ INVALIDS WHO PURPOSE A VOYAGE.-A A Physician ?tamdiug to go to sea forth* benefit of an iava ini Trr in.r. would take chary-- of oa? or mor? ?? > x'i-i. or tak? any -mr-o r->utr if mads- an object to do a*. A voyage to KioJat?iroisproposed \.!Jr.--i \ ' sithriofficv - ?? \i""A.N ; .- l>? v .iroan -. > -aose young?o_u 10 II . v i a ij;; W'thing I rutting of * ?mall r? f-reaess given. Apply ?t 4* < harles-st. first ii. or io back ro> m. _ niJTt* VRE--- ' tag woman wants * ittiutH* Co do nenenl housework in a ratal) family, or crusiberwork. with good reference. Ufa?* to inqoir? 141 Hou<ton-?in-.r. _mai If W k > . t_D?.n ? kOUMG WOMAiN, < ikaaow la ? rr j.i.atr f,m.'\ ??* ch?tn!>*:rojid .>r waiter, live*! city reftirncc?given \: .'? No 13 l'.-i->-?: in ih- rear, mi 4 i.r.N l Lei MA ? not pruawil <-,'_<stO ta Dialaai 11, la ? a. .!<?>:o ofobtainiax ?taniatwiB m tiie oiflc* < f aoaat e*> UtlaMt i'iofi iiioaal peraoa as OOPYJST. Hit rbj-et is cm 1 Bteol, which ab?R yield bin a ?mall emolument which 1 in the cban CM of the tiro-*, it ht? b-comr ~c?-_sa.-y for him to 1 _-.ute He will tTaaawnbe l-irsl Of Other docum-uts at the : jre-,., - Keft>lK>in tfcstaaaat .--rei'-l an- cast**cs m_n n-r. The belt of wiewaeet wiil be given. Addm* B. B. I. ft vt ih- Tribun.- .iiftcr. or 139 N-j>au-?Crret. o?ice of the ki l-ckcr. w ill V immHisteiv to maa 3t? rpo AN) GENTLEMAN WISHING A. GOOD 1 WIFE -? thaiin is'ss-ssanir tbe following qaalt tattoo* and .!i.;?._^l to -nt*/ tbe aa* triad *tste. may reply to .'.-:..?? tisenaetit?fa widowta |-cf-rred)?but aar oo- iss I ing.e lideriag this a h i i,v i.fortne.l. to ?ave ihrm tfse trouble. th?t no colic- will bo taken of them whatever He Band 11 years of age, of respectable par?t .?_- well educated, and ,.f in obliging disposition, and alto wellmtablUhed in bus-sees" meat liave ?ulncenl mean* to tttppovta wife ia agitates! naaaeer. LoewritHr u tladj 9yean of age, and well onalilied to take ihir,,- Ol h use-old ifiVtrs, and she it of the n.chest l*> ?;vcUCilu\ ?ha. - ,-.;>. :>ul not enough to make it in object for any Geetletnaa. Ph.- write- in liacere io due irt iu and a peaao troable will beciven her by onneceuarv rei'liet. ('cin:nunic.:i,mv recem-d mu>t ?t?te what biutaeaa lite ayadem laisea raged m._i,<l will I?. held ?? atricttv eonfi deutuj. Addresa51?m MARY l'KI.Ni L. at ihia office. _mil 3f? Cl l'l A t ION j*~ W \NTr:lf-By three cajwble and in O dustn u> ? RLS?ose to -.> ii-.v c.>okiug. washing and ironing la l ?malt private fam?y ? the other*as chambermaid*, snd will be ge-erally usriul. Good Cilv references given. Apply 't B I'll oie s-reet. nil tl n'Asir.!'-?dourneymeu Luck .Malte.-?, to work at I i!,k I'vlis. None need apply but ?eher men and. tlrs: rate workmen. U. C. JONES, IT 7 i*hureh-st. Newark. N. J. '|\| i AM v ?> ?> r.i?>. ? i in>a?.. i? will Una it lor llieir ad A vsntsee to call inn rtiminr ihn" flisr aemhsi nf Tinwewii F> ?? '? tfistorj of the WorliL which is the be?t sa well _a the eh ipesi tud most beaatiful book of the season. Th?en- ? Crariagl in this >?ork lia?e he.-u proa ounce.) by compeieut indges io be the finest everesecuied in ihu country. n< i i v. - r J. PILUS, ttr FeiweerrseC.. 'PtN |).n.l..\lw- IIMVAuli.?iVlcK.-?!?-KG BANK ?- STOCK.?A certi_C3te ol tlilrty shares Vicksburg Bank 5i ck.ii i o name ol Buckle] ?v Peck, and number? ed :<;>?>. ? -ii Power of Attorney attached, w-as lost on Sa turday, 23d March. It was encloeed in a letter, and lost on its way to WaR-street Hie w ill be paid by leav. bag it at Thompscu's oitlce, M Wall-st mh_5 tf BOARD. DOARD.?A few single G ntlemen can Is- ..coommodsted sr.will llo.r.l ...1 i.l ,? i r nn, ... si White-st. ml lw? (J.OI i' BO IKI ? lud rery i latsautttooma lor nugie geuile a men, or genileuten and theii ?nes, si No. jo Vsaaj sSiei t. lransrewteorepani solicited. ml Im OA Ki>, wi?i or without rooms, nusy baobUuAad at Mo. " ? Lvmbers-st. ? ppnaire il - Park jtf 13 .A-A ?'?N' MI'^lli s>n IMPROVED.-EXCH CNOE Hi IT I L ixo K VI ING SALOON, No r> DOCK \l ! lllLADELPHIA.-l'he subscribers. grateful for the very fiatteriag eneearagesaeal n-ivived fiom Iboii friends tad tbe public, respectlally announce that they have at great expenae, entirely renonled the shore popular lad commodious esublUhmsmt. so as to n-uder il one of ihn in ,i .-.'iiv ieutand|acxommoslatiugHotels in PhibaV Iphia. The Dining Saloon has been ebttrely ?rpirated from the Bar. ind . :t; rwise improved which enable, the nvoptiatOfsi to los' OKI'IN V?. . compos, ' of all the delicacies of the a isoo. dailj from ..' o'clock noon, ualil't P.M. They vie also I epari Ito famish al i few moawflts' uoiire, l)>uuert, Snpners, (tc to private parties, I, wine ample raeaas 'rorided it illti.i in extensive Culinary Departeseat. Their Siiii-IM. \ i-1 ii i 'ii n rs w lik-ii h is., also been enlarged are well v-UttUted. and supplied with every tluui: to giva com? fort to the p ivate citisrn or weary traveller. The price* suit l?- in ?ecordanc* with the limes, A Room for oi.t_iu. ?1 cents. V Roomby_the week.$1 " The location is one of the bi ?t io the city, is m the immedi ate vicinity of the Merchanls' Exchange, md directly opta> rite ilie PosW LI..'-, tad near the sleamboal Isinlincs. Phe lesdimr-aily papers ol ill ii?- priaeipa] cities in the Cnirei States ind Europe are regular!), re.eived and filed. With long >?ivin-1 i-e in the ibbve biMieess, the iiiblicmay reslaaaui d tl it every eil'ort will be m ult i" give general sa liataction. RICH \l!l> B. JONES, U CN1EL COPPEL. mal IweoJ P.Vchaaee Hotel. No. 77 Dock-street. national hotel. NO. .') Col-HTt.AM.T.STIirr.T, AND H7 l.llit'Hl *,-stKI 1 T, N E W - YORK: THREE DOORS FROM BROADWAY. THIS M-.W HOTEL is bow open where the pro? prietor* will be hsppi to tecorndate their friends and the public with board. T lie lodxoig rooms are Jarga ind or, , ind the internal -rnuucuieuti ,uch as cannot fail t.. please. The location being lathe-centre of busintw*. it H i menu tn n rchant* from other cities and th? eoantry, not surpassed by aav other House iu this city. The huniitnre. Bed*, and Bedding,are all new, and made expressiv for this Mtahlishnsent. Kamiliea who ? Ish Parlors with Sleeping Room* attached, c.n be haodaomel) aceomnaoclalrd. The subscribers assnre ih ir friends and the public, that no i If . i, . :, . Ii. n i i.' .t. II ! .? wanting l.i secure the romfoit and convenience ..i the)r guests, and while they solicit a ?hue ol ?ieil I 111 inage, the> hops by unceasing altaalion to ihi .iu.'ie, of their vocation, t.. sup entire sa'isfaclion. r ? i < ( II \s. WV< KOFF Si CO i ollectlons in .Mit.sisi.ippi. CmnVKS >Ie DAVIDSON, Attorneys at Law, Coffea ' ville. Mlssl. T. A. CHEYE8 A A. H. DAVIDSON will give prompt attention to the business of their prufee Biou generallj in the Northern, and to the collection of for eign claims, amounting to the hundred dollars, and up wards, in any part of the State, Feb. 3d. 1S15. REFERENCES. EDWIN C. LS IKS. Eaq. 1_ . Mossr.i. TOWNS END k BROTHER, j->ew-,or? SMITH & CARROLL, 7 M. D. COOPER A. CO. > New-Orleans. ?? FELLOWES,dOHNSON A CO. J REKD & IIROTHER, 7 CAVE .v SCHAPPER, > Philadelphia, 11 T. GOODM _N ><? MEAN ON, Ksqlj M*-nphia. Cll MILKS T 8HELT0N, A.*>r a-o Cocpsaie 1 ..ii 11 1.1 -?., io 11,11 the principal cilie* of Ea ,- 'ii.111* 01" the Summer, leaving bate the first of '.! 1.-. He will at end to let business with which he may ba entrusted I nexcvptioaabli city rrJerelica given, Auplr post-paid to SHELTON ii PLAOG. N'l'.w Ha vem, CoriM. mi3w* L.iW 1 Aliii.- 1 oi.i.i' tihn 01 I?tui-s is the Noam Wijit.? E. B. WASHBURNE, Attorney at Idiw.Oa lena. (tUinoltV,) wlU give his attention to tbe collection of debts ' tie New-York merchants In Galetu^Roektbrd and Ri ck Island, lUlnola; m Du Buque, lowat in Plattcvllle, Potosl, Prairie du fjhlen, Mineral-Point and Madison,Wis? consin. Refer to D. A. Cushman & Co,; Doremus, Suydam & Nlgim. New-York. s.1 I lr, BROWN, I leulist. !"-_s to inform the pun lie thai he,eontinaes his successful treatment ou all ill,eaves of the E)e. and to which - - 1 r- ii. oiiI.tti for ?0 long a period a* forty yean, have yielded after tney base h?f tied the akill of. tad besni daehurd incurabl?. by ernin.-i I Pbc-ici u.s .in I A bom ?ix teiiihs of op tnalmie .:. . 1. t b) MEASLES and Small-Poi, bo which, ifpmperl} treated fa in rarly sfsgr. irt ssoatlycu In!...! 1. I'. 1 .s-rls that an instance of failure in hi* in. ( would akuown. if the afllieted would spoil '" him when rliminution of slgjil is first noticed, 01 iu the early .i.i^e .,i inHaminalioa, bowevet acute, and before sw man) cheap but desbrui rue tpplieatioas are made use of. Reference to the following ? ire,, winch were very invete rats . isiss I Ax in ' 1 .'.1 r. Joint Banstead, of Jersey City, al? most Iiiiti fr'itn MEASLES, 1-re.lerick Battin, OH Pro. mestre.-!. bsd case of IRITIS, John II. Itob.-rt?badcaai?in Ridge-street. Ist(wren Scan ton and Houston ia the rear?of PCRULLNT OPTHAL MIA and ULI KR il ED ? ORNEA. Office 16 ' lumbers-it. four doors Cross Broadway. Hoars of attend nee from ii A M. to 2 1'. M. (.--unday* except*..) Advice to the poor gratis._ dfl Vf ? THOMPSON'S TRUSSES, Offlce 13 Beek .man -i.-'-.-t. Al?ut JIKlof the first physicians *and eons of New-York have given their decided preference to this Truss, as you can graduate the pressure from one to fifty pounds on tbo rupture, without aback pad, which does so much Injury to the spine, a lair :.mI being the beat test of Its superi? ority, || hi 1; 1 : an : -1 g days' trial given; and If It does not retain the rapture, while performing every kind of ex? ercise or eooghing, ai : . v perftct ea???In a word, IT it Is rsot tatisfSctory lit every rmpect, tha money u cheerfuUy returned ; and this Is the only eoosBiiOn on which you should buy any Tru.-s. A permanent cure Is easily effected, and warraiileil, If dlrtctlons are followed, Th s lending tor tins Truss need only mention the side ruptured and the east re - snd the hip*.as they can grad uate the pressure to suit their case. Hold wholesale and rer.rl at 13 Her krnan-?t. aul tf /3SSae*rj_S?K HI LL'S TRCS..ES.?Notice to Ruptured Persons^?Persooe _Jt:iel.J with Raptures finay rely upon the l?st Instrumental aid tbe world afford.-, on application at the office. No. 4 Vc.-i-y street, or to ei_o?ofthe agents In ttie principal - ites Be careful to examine tbe back p-.-l of HaU'a Tni.vw.-a, to see 11 they arc endorsed by Or. Hull :n writing. None are guiuirie, or to berelled upon as good, without his .(.nature. : i l^? ui.-le.-.aken to vend imitations of i! : . - ? ; Trimaes, and thousands are Imposed upon in cowc.tieace. These lniitailons cannot I? relied upon | they ?r.- Bis te by unskilful mechanics, and are no better Ulan the o-diriary Trusses. Rooms have been mud up at No. 4 Yeeey street, exclu? sively for ladies, having a separate ontrancc from tbe buel ne.-a department, w here a female Is tu constant attandanco to wah upon patients. ajj _[ ING FASHIONS?TO THOSE WHO BTUDi ii'.. IY.-Tbe sub-cnVr, m accord ?m i with tim . -..-n-.., .,i |, , sureripr Imitauou .... il- rarvtew price of cm;,, rants". with Hats - id J? ???F%.\v U.V. . rriaauf-emrrag Paraad BIk Hats 01 tie- be. I ttuaUtj , blest j-.:;.-.a... aad ai the lowest City prices. ^An aa?r.rt-fle-tof Velvet and Cloth Cap* slw.y. on hand. An ssseetmeoi ??! 1 1" * .-m give entue unaftctien, - 1 , , forrr.ati n lo ti? aabacri LLOGG No. lULanal-st. ?; .. ... . - .-f May neat t^Nana Tl,\ _A' mtrg VANCPACTORT-?Tbe Subacrlber* P^_e?_^xlS_iWan entirely new article of Instru ; ;"? ?rr.n.o! superior In tone to any la ." " _e?n .n tune much longer ; the Improvement "l-Su* Ina Barp Frame;peculiar In construction, cbvt ?. h.'-^evrr' objcc-lon heretofore ceased by the use of me 1'b*b> hi lnll-rir-g the tooe. l*rofes_ors and Purcha* ' . lV1tcd toUn e___rii:-tt!on ef these iwtromenta. er**' GLENN ROGERS k CO. Iv99 v/l F?Rm>.street, l_?t side, Brc?*dway. -TkE-U.oi'H -< Tt<-r Win-Cloth, No. ?0-? ia- a ia. "s5 in. It at. ?0 k. and 6i in. . , Brass Wire-Cloth. N 3. l*-? in. 12 in- 35 la. it m. W m. "Th- above Wire-Cloth is mannfactnred from the beat of Foglu-h Vfjre, and. tor Paper-.Makers' u*a. 1? warrxated lully aoa A to any imported. For sale, in lots to suiljHirchsaer. by ^jjf ' 1 CYRCS VY. FIELD.? Bissiuig Wip.