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NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. TffE VF.W-YORK DA1XY TRIBUNE IS PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, SUNDAY EXCEPTED, at 30 akn-st&ext, XXW-TOXX, And delivered to City Subscriber, for Ninb CDU per wee1., or. when they prefer, they can pay In advance at the Desk fcr six month* or a vear at the same rate. Sm? ile copies Two Cents. MafJ subscribers live Dollars per annum. In advance, and the psper In no case con turned hcvond the time for which It Is paid. Subscrip? tions taken for six months. Three Dollars In advance Tftiulre.'. in ail exchanges with Country Newspapers. Dad; Papers received at this Office whose terms are Weher than those of Tmt Tusrsa are not allowed any lUfierence. TEKsrs or aovxxrtswo. lire ImMt, or less?First Insertion. " for each subsequent Insertion. Jr.. Ten Lira, and over six?First insertion. W ^ '? for each subsequent Insertion.- 25 ?> " for one week.f' " ?' " foronc month.V."'V. ;yarruee*,FwiiTalNutiv^ ? u Una.m. r t?*7? Ail Advertisement* Inserted in this paper appear both in the Morning and in Die Evening Edition. Yiatlu A'frertiseri?not to exceed 12 lines, with prtvRege of renewing advertisements at plea? sure, (payable quarterly or half yearly In ad vance.).840 w NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, A VERY LARGE PAPER, FOR TRE COUNTRY, is pcblished evert HATrSDAT, j. t the low price of TWO DOLLARS per annum. In advance. THE TRIBUNE. THE MEMENTO, A <;i>t <>y Friendship : Edited by C. IT. Kv??i>t, (I- tuo. pp. 178.) Xtw-York: Wil-y Si initusm. This j* a collection of Original Prose and Verse, mainly by the writers ol Connecticut, prepared with much' taste, and elegantly printed. Among the writers we remark the names of Mrs. Slgourney, Park llenjatnln, James Dlxon, ? F. S. Osgood, Wm. H. Uurleigh, H. C. Deining, ?? H. M.Everest, Wm. E. Charming, P.K. KRboura,dec. We m tke room for but a single extract from these fair, well-filled pages: TifE LAKE. SV william n.LEhV CHAWXDTO. The Lake that in our valley lies, The glass of many mountains near, To heaven, with gentle voice replies, In simple accents sweetly cleur, its smooth, unwrinkled countenance Calm as a sleeper in a trance. A golden tsliowcr of western lisht, Bathes the green front of full-leaved trees, The-heuvens above the mountain'* ?ich:. Glow like the depth of emerald seas; All silent, sure the babbling rill, "While shines bright Vesper o'er the hill. But yesterday, 'he storm-wind fell, With rushi'iisr, tearing forte, on all. Its deep nndsolemn-lolling bell, .?is sounding for Earth's luneral; And now so soft, (lie Summer air Would scarcely lift a maiden's hair. Ye Heavens and Earth ! thou sleeping lake Teach me the faith in Go? supreme, Th:it 1 may such pure worshin make, And your perpetual homage deem The sign and promise from above, Of perfect und unr hanging love. We r'-gret ihnt we have not rr?om to-day for more?Mr.--. Sigourney'sfirst poem nnd Mr. Benja? min's especially. The embellishments are few but food?the vignette remarkably so. Although the ?eason of Gift-Books is past, we believe the sub? stantial merits of this work, nnd its interest as a ifad!'.y gathered volume of Original Verse, will se core it a wide appreciation. BUBAL ECONOMY, In Us relations with Chemistry, Phy? sics and Meteorology; or. Chemistry applied to Acii culturc: By J. B. Bo' ssincaitlt, Memlier<>f the Insti? tute of France, (sr. Ar. Translated, with an Intro dVciloo and Notes, by GzoBOB Law, Agriculturist.? (ISmo. pp. 607.) Appleton & Co. We rejoice that this work of an eminent French teacher of Agricultural Sei? nee has been placed be? fore ihe American public. We do not imply by this that M. Boussingault is entitled to be heard in pre? ference lo Liebig, Johnston, Mulder, or our own leading writers on the subject, but that his incul? cations may profitably be studied also and com? pared with theirs. Many a practical farmer has been perplexed by finding an experimental or novel pro? cess result entirely different from what he had been led to anticipate, not considering thatunnoted differ? ences of climate, soil, weather, may have caused t!to failure, and even that the same experiment might liiere have succeeded if the seed had bnt been ac? climated lo the soil. Any unscientific farmer may learn a trreat deal that will be useful to him from any one standard work on Agriculiure, but he should read and compare several, written from different points of observation, it he would learn how to im? prove his processes thoroughly ant! avoid or retrieve failures.?The Appletons have issued this work my handsomely. (*> The Christian Examiner for March will be mainly sought lor nit article on "Mr. Parkerand his news"?Very temperate, .iinte able, and pretty frankly iduiltiint that the excitement raised against those minis? ters who have exchanged with Mr. P. is inconsistent with the former complaints of the Unitarians at fActe exclusion from Orthodox pi:!;.its.?'Bush on the Itesnrrectlon ' is the the text of an article on an opposite tnck ; while Conferen res, Poetry, ML>.s P.rumcr's Novels, Ministering Spirits and Education, an the themes of the other principal articles. 'C. s. Krauels & Co. io2 Broadway.) Co- The Eclbctic Magazine of Foreign Litera? ture, for March, is nearly filled wiih selections the Itritish Reviews for January, especially the For? eign Quarterly. Among the contents arc articles on the Rights of Women, Poor Laws, Canal neross the Isthmus of | Derlen, Szc Sic. (56 per ammm. Leavitt, Trow & Co: IM Broadway.) Military Maxims of Xaimi.eon : Translated from the French, by J Akerly, hus been issued by WRey & Putnam. In a small 12 mo, of 80 pages. Those who want to d p lightly into the trade of human butchery an here be accommodated. {?-"Tiik Adopted Child, or the Necessity of Early Piety: By Charles Hckppttt, author of 'Ftn:na, ... The Lost Found,'" has just been published by Johns. Taylor, 143 Nassau-street. Mr. Tt.'s former work *?s receive.! with much favor, and we doubt not that this w?lal?? be ?lade welcome by the public. It is a simple, ?asionic.l narrative, calculated to commend the blessing" which wait m a life of humble virtue. It forms nn Nino rotoaeof l.'.O pages. 1> Burgess, Stringer & Co. have 'The English Woman in Egypt, by Mrs. Poole, forming No. II ofZeiber & Co.'* Home and Traveler's Library.' The ?ork Is in the form of loiters from Cairo, written during a twidenoc there in 1842, 3 and 4. They present much cu "cus and valuable Information Ina stylo at once famUlar *>4 attractive. fey- The N ew Constitution of Xkw-Jeksey has ?<en printed in o small pamphlet by J. L Agens, ^ewatk. Price (i cents. J?8* Delia A. Webster?This young ladv, to ?wirr with her venerable father, is now ?t the tr?Dk!:n House in this citv. We have, at the re ?' Webster, carefully examined all the ??wncf introduced upon the trial, and that which ?"s since been obtained, and rind nothing in it in ?"Dastent with the entire innocence ol" Miss Web? ster. Her story js tnaj Fairbank invited her to attend JJ* Riding of Mr. George Allen, a friend of his, ho Was ?hoat to be married to Miss Emma Smith, ?*? us ihr neighborhood of Paris. Ky.?that after fCdnini: the invitation several time's she at lnsi fonsenicd to go?that, near Paris, Mr. Allen and nn a^"'1 ro! m,? tn<* k*ek w"h ,nem? and drove he l,!;l-' sv;1!<' sod crossed the Ohio?that, finding am[r S.ece 1Vf 'n wr distance, she refused to go ?WWh?r--that Fairbaok returned in a few iionrs J*.Tteav??g her, and reported that they were mur tlVv I . ?Mr Jonn I:i1"kin of Ohio, and that rode -n ,r,"lurw'l IO Lexington?that no slaves 4nfiVVli:' l"1 me hack, that she saw no slaves, isnn> ni? 1;nowleor:e of any abduction?that she h,a ?' lr-(1 nf"vcr was, an abolitionist, and never hmgZ$ ^'"^thy with their principles. Fairbar.k the ' .'In5 B?? PO his testimony under oath, of j vit r, e inn<x^nce of Miss Webster, in an alfida ?, Dorn which wr extract the following: laaocW, e?w* to I<*dHv? certainty, that MUs Webster Is I ^ ** "atatlng Lewis, wlfo and child, to escape and ?? '.. '' r' r('a*on to believe she knew nothing of theui. *m* saw mem lu her life." Pyhis was slV0r? ,0 Kefore the Clerk of the Court, a fnM return 1,1 Vermont, she intends to publish mil account of the whole transaction, and at the noin- ,'nu\,? express her views upon slavery, and C:"' .0,,t lhe folly and injurious course of the Abo ?"onistn. [Cincinnati Atlas. March 1. Th? Bttston Hotel is to cost ?4W,0t?. i BY GK R KLEY & McELRATH. VOL. IV, IVO. 233. fcj- The U. S. Catholic Magazine ask Mouti: tr Review for March is a very superior number, and contains s -vera! ; a pert-?The leading arti? cle, " Saqettt de VEalrac Cathotique dans la Canonization <Us Saints" is an and weR-writtcn expo-ltion of the policy of that Church Is that subject. la the second, on Bronson's Qrartcrly, that scntletnan's orthodoxy Is. .-poken of as rather Incipient end theoretic than mature and practi cal?the reasons for this conclusion arc worthy of perusal, as la indeed the whole of the article. "The Papal doverr. ment" i? another. In n ply to a paper in the Democratic Review, by J. t. Headier, entitled " Outline Sketch of the Government and Administration of Konjc and the Papal State?," in which Mr. Headley's opinion? are on some points contested with considerable critical vigor, and ordaalizcd through the evidence of the work of Lunadoro. entitled Lo statt? prescnte, o sia 'a itelazioLe della Corte dl Borna; it Ii a defence of the policy ol the State Government of Rom* and is full of interesting Information. A paper cn Archaeol? ogy/, by I,. C. Bolsiiniero is continued. Of the Toetry we quote the following: THE STARS. ?V Jons ADCCSTCS SHEA. Father ! who hast .?et thoie starb, Lintig benisons above. Shining, shining?ever, ever, Witn far l?-ss of light than love : O! they seem to roe as telling Through the dark there still is light In our borne of future dwelling: Father, tell me, um I right 1 In the -ij.-nr-e (if the night. Night bo beautiful and lone? Every star in heaven's blue hight, Seems a beacon to thy throne ; And in spirit thus believing Is a most consoling might :? Faith so pure is undeceiving : Father, tell me, am 1 right 1 They are ever to my eyes As a IrrVj-au-akin^' book, Fuil of beautiful surmise, Mystic more, th? more I Ion!; ; Then I deem them, soul-subdued, An Apocalypse of light Where no Human dare intrude-: Father, tell me, am I right 1 Toil at midnight 1 oh, 't is weary I Bui how wearier were my lot' Even at midnight, lone ancf dreary. If these wondrous works were not, 'Tis my thoughtful transport, walking Homeward in the noon of night. To be with them of Thee talking: Father, Itl! me, am 1 right 1 Thinking ot thy mercies,shining Countless as ihose stars above, l)o I stand and pause divining All these mysteries of Love ! No! but filled with faith upholding? Faith so singly, boldly bright? I behold thee?Uius beholding, Father, tell tne, am I right 1 In this darkness of surmise? Pause, thinking, loving, lost, Star-concentrated "mid the skies. Like a seaman tempest-tost,? I can fcrtotc not what they are, But, so mercifiiliy bright, See thee in each guiding star: Father, tell me, am I right 1 Linked with that upward thought? Soul's affinity with them, Is the brilliant star thai brought Worship; i rsto I? thlehem: I can noi, amid the whole. Point the one?commissioned light, Bin through it 1 wing my soul: Father, tell me, am 1 right ! U I err. good Father hear me ? If I err, oh ! deign to hear ! 1 have thought ihee ever near me: Flsc could 1 my sorrow bear 1 Every thing?the gay and solemn? Dreams of day or thoughts of night? Slaror streamlet, mound or column? Tells me?Father, am 1 right ! Messrs. Judd & Taylor, 2 As tor House, are the Agents for the CS. C. M. in this city, li Is published by J. .Mur? phy, 179 Market--t. Baltimore. Legislative Mistakes Corrected. Tu He Bdkoro/ Tlx Tribune: The Albany Evening Atlas of Feb. 24th contains some remarks made by .Mr. Bailey, in Committee of the Whole of the Assembly on the Bill to punish Seduction and Adultery as crimes?Feb. _tiih.? Ulis gentleman was one of the Committee which reported the bill, and stood alone as it seems, in u ? glorious minority' in opposition to its provisions. His remarks as reported are rather heterogeneous, and consist ol a curious medley of objections, some founded on the assumption that the bill goes toolar ?others that it does nol go far enough?some, ihat it will punish the innocent, othersthat it will screen the guilty ! In shott, the bill is all out ofjoint, and so ' defective,' that the gentleman would evidently prefer the present vacaucy in our statute-books on this subject, to the ;?:->.: cof the bill under con? sideration by the Assembly. What are bis reasons for ihc fears he entertains ! 1 think the most aiien tive reader of his remarks would be unable to dis? cover. He deals in assertions without argument, probably feeling with Falstafl"thai " if reasons were as plenty as black-berries, 1 would give no man a reason on compulsion, nol I." The Hon. Member seems to regard ibis bill as' in advance of public sentiment.' " No laws,"' he ob seivrs. " an- better than their (the ?) people." If by this remark, the gentleman mean? to say, that no laws arc beitt-r than ihe pi ople for whom they pre made, itisa libel on nur statute-books, lor which he must answer at the bar of public opinion. " The law," we are told on the highest authority, "is made for the lawless and disobedient." Is it a fact, that it is made for their accommodation, and there tore comes down in its features and provisions, to the standard of their morality 1 Let common sense answer.?It is undoubtedly true, that in a commu? nity where there is no scriptural standard of right, j and where the universal language of ' the people' I is' evil, be thou my good ;' there, the laws will be I in accordance with the tone of morals, if a code thai sanctions wrong-doing can be dignified with the name ol totr. The rei ulations of ancient Sparta in regard to theft, are a specimen of this kind of le? gislation, and we l.ave in our own times, and in our own country, examples of a similar kind, in re? lation to the 'peculiar institution' of the Southern Stales. These cases, how. ver, are an anomaly in jurisprudence, and can hardly be believed to have been present to the mind ol the gentleman when his remarks were made. But did he intend ic be un? derstood that no laws were better than the |>eople by whom they are made ' 11 this is indeed so, it may furnish an explanation of the fact, that vear alter year, petitions, signed by hundreds and thou? sands of respectable citizens, have been sent to our halls of legislation, praying for action on this sub? ject, without any response from our law-makers, save, perhase--. a Report, stifled at its birth by the voice of a majority Every year hitherto our prayer has gone up, in the hope that the just laws for which we asked, might nol prove better than 1 the people' by whom they were h> be enacted, but it is need? less to say, our expectations have not yet been an? swered. It remains to be seen whether there is wisdom and firmness, and virtue enough in the pre? sent Assembly to; ass the bill now under considers. ti?n, or whether we have asked quite too much for our legislators to grant. But the gentleman seems to fear that the bill is " in advance of public sentiment." To what pub? lic sentiment does he allude ! Probably il would be greatly in advance of the views and feelings of the seducer, who now riots unchecked on human hearts and human happiness; ot the adulterer whose track is red with the blood of murdered souls?of such wretches rts Hiscox, whose very breath is a pestilent miasma, spreading crn'.sgion and death, and of the whole herd of panders who feed and fatten on the spoils . | virtue. V,*,- frankly concede to the gentleman that the proposed enactments would be in advance of public sentiment formed by the*** and such as ttie^c throughout the State.? But it the petitions [mured into the Legislature from every tart- r m. v ?:.k fur tkeins-lves. their story will be a very dinerent one. There ar* to be found the names of men whose standing in soci? ety is second to none among us, and whose reputa? tion lor intellect, patriotism and virtue needs no words of mine to add to its weicht or brilliancy. There arc the names of Clergymen, of Jurists, ot Editors.of Merchrtp's ami Mechanics, of men of all classes, and of all religious beliefs. There are the names of tens of thousands of virtuous women, daughters, sisters, wives and mothers, who send up from the haiiowed domestic circle their united crv for action on this most important subject. All these classes feel that ihe evil is intolerable, and that the time for legislative movement has tully come. If they mav be trusted as thf exponents of public sentiment, "then we may safely suy, that iyew-yok; legislative action \> far behind public sentim*-r.t. and that it is imperativ-!;.- oilled ior by the voice of | the people, the Hon. Member to the contrarv not? withstanding. Another objection urged by Mr. BaHey against this bill, shall be given in his own words / "There is no punishment provided in the bill for the other sex, aud notwithstanding his f-eiing? promoted him as strong as other gentlemen, to throw a veil over their frailties, to regard them with tenderness and feeling, yet it could not be denied that lovely wo- [ man is som,-tim?,s the seducer, and that many ol those miseries so eloquently and poetically por trav-d bv the gentleman from Slenben, (Mr. Van Val ken bars h) are the consequences of female de? pravity." Tnis ' one-sided legislation." as the gen? tleman terms it, becomes a very seriou- evil; when brought to bear on the shoulders oflordly man. So long as the pp.naliv of transgression was visited only on woman, so the shame and disgrace and suffering were borne only bv her. the inequal? ity of punishment was nevermad? a subject cf com? plaint by the guardians of-pub!ic_ morals. Arid now, what is the real ground of objection ?? That the law, in its penalties, bears on the seducer rather than on the seduced; on the thief and murderer of virtue, rather than on his wretched victim. Can it be, that any man with a human heart in his bosom, can r-oallv stand up in his place as a Legislator, and |4e;id for the escape of the libertine, because the partner of ''crime (taking the wcrst supposable case) is not a sharer in the lesaJ consequences of transgression 1 In the name of humanity, what would the gentleman have] Is it not enough, that the erring female loses name and fame, and friends, and hope ; that she becomes too frequently an outcast from so? ciety, an alien from home and kindred, and an oh ject of loathing and scorn even to him by whom she was betrayed and ruined ! Is it not'enough that the sweetest affections of the heart are turned to gall and wormwood at their very foun? tain, by the shame and disgrace which attend the sacred name of mother?for he remembered thai the bill provides for the punishment of the guilty only in cases where the crime becomes public by its consequences. All this, and more?much more that language may not express?mu.-t be borne by her, who, in a Krr;it majority of cases, is ihn de? ceived, deluded victim of her own ongoverned af? fections and the wiles of man. And yet because she is not mulcted in dollars and cents?because, though the .-oul is crushed, the body is stiil at liber? ty, there lives a man so cowardly, so cruel as to complain, that the punishment of line or imprison? ment awarded to the seducer is an unequal one.? Unequal! So indeed it is?but the inequality is all on the other side, and spite (.1 pains and penalties, will continue so to be, until public sentiment sh.iil award the same measure of condemnation to rrimc in eiiher sex, where both are equallv guilty before God. Let but a tithe of the sympathy lavished by the Hon. member on the libertine whose iniquities J have found him out, be extended to the emng fe? male, and there can be no doubt, that there would more frequently be joy on earth anil in heaven over , iff- repenting and returning prodigal. It wo :!d be useless labor lo follow the other re? marks of the gentleman through all their windings and ramifications. To the candid mind they con- : vey their own refutation along with them ; and in? deed the speaker sometimes answers his own ob? jections, by urgin? a new one on precisely the op? posite grounds. What he might have done with a iirttcr cause. I know aot, bui as a friend of virtue, ' one who desires in her behalf only a fair lield and equal terms. I could wish that the opponent- of the bill might select another champion, so that when the day of triumph shall come, no one may be able to say that the case (of ihe liberiine) went In/ i default. ' S. T. M. For The Tribune. Dr. Eujotc, the Temperance Lecti her.? This eloquent and devmed advocate of Temper ance has just arrived in our city. We perceive by | the Eastern Press that he has been attracting laige crowds during the past wini>-r by his brilliant ami pathetic appeals. He speaks on Long Island, we believe, a few times, and is engaged to lecture in ! the Mariner'.-Church in Roosevelt-st. on Tuesday evening the Ilth inst. He is to visit Philadelphia, : we understand, on the 13th, and remain there a| short time lecturing. In the languageof a Wor? cester paper, "Dr. Elliott is an original, has great [lowers and command of language, n \.,i..-c that ranges from the soft tones of the . Eohati harp lo the deep thunder of Niagara?moves his heart is as he lists. From crave to g iy, from lively to serious.'" He is also a thrilling and original singer. May success attend him in ihe cause m which he is s-o ' laboriously and efficiently engaged. C. Eldrliltrc-fttrccl Prison. To Ihr Editor of the Tribune : A long article appeared m the Herald of the 3d, in rdj tiou to the Eldrldge-strcct Prison and the management thereof. As the keeper of thai establishment it is myduty to contradict Ihe falsehood.- it contains. The l?'.itor ?t.ite-, "his remarks were made on the most authentic informa? tion." If he considers Mr. Ityetnon as rood authority, it Is probably more than the public would. The characti ol , this gentleman is tully given in the Herald of January 30, 1M3. A second bur-keei er in the employ ,.f R. French is , another SOOSCO from which the Herald draws bis informa? tion. The last party was sentenced 11 sixty days' con- ! Onemenl Ihr selling liquor without a license, and was re? fused the privilege of hoarding at my table, forscurrilons . nnd abusive language used at it, in speak ng of Alderman Bunting as a d?d liar and a scoundrel, and one who would perjure himself to rarry out hi- ends. fin the second of M areh, I called at the of.icc of the Her- ; abi^iii relation to an article which appeared a day'or two previous in that paper, and requested a person might be sent to examine the prison. So such person has r.ii'ed, au ! the assertion of the Herald that an Investigation has been madeJs a base falsehood. The charge of cruelty on the part of the turnkey is equally false, and the prisoners have never been denied lire; an abundance of fuel Is supplied to them, and during the winter they have been only one day without; that day wa? so mild that the Ores in my 1 own apartments were not lit. Mr. Byerson was locked up for mo'esting a woman who Is confined on a serious charge, and Mr. Walsh 1> one of a party who were singing and : making a noise on a Sunday evening, after two requests to bo quiet. The woman referred to as living sumptu? ously has no privilege beyond any other pri.-omr; the relatives of nil are admitted. I: is not true that the u male Inmates arc obliged to work as menials. With the management of the Queen's Bench, In tVondon, it is very probable the F.dltor of the Herald can (peak tit.derstand Ingly. The apartments are not let for money, ard a j moderate charge only is made for board to such persons as do not wish to live oa prison fare. By giving the above a place In your paper, you w.U ? obUge Tour oh't rervt, JAMES J. P.liviss. 4th March, 1815. ^ JaRor. Dkat and Dumb.?The Asylum at ?ar.furd, Ct. 1 for ihe education of ihe deal and dumb, has begun the experiment of testing the extent to winch arti? culation, and ihe understanding oi what is spoken . to them, can be taught to the pupils: it being the intention of the Directors to do all ia this d-part-; mmi of instruction which shall prove to be practi? cally and permanently useful. The Report of Mr. Weld, ihe" Principal of the Institution, on this sub? ject and oiher tonics connected with his late visit 10 the schools tor the deal and dumb in Europe, is in a course of preparation, and it will scon be laid before the public. [Bost. Daily Advertiser. (Jra- The Little Tort of Franklin, in the parish of St. Mary, Lu.. is annually visited by from ninety 1 to one hundred brigs schooners from all pans of the I'nitcd States. Eighteen thousand hogs? heads of sugar are manufactured in that parish eve? ry year. 03- The Nauvoo Government continues, al? though the Nauvoo City Charter is repealed. Tae whole municipal affairs proceed as usual. S3- Messrs. Harden, Hunt A" Go, a firm in Worcester, (Mass.) hi\e paid one thousand dollars for adveriising their goods during the pas' year, and consider themselves richly repaid. ?3- The art of Ana-: itic Printing, of which so much is said in the London papers, was discovered in ISoO, by Mr. Joseph Dixon of Taunton, Mass. 1X2-The citizen* of S.i!em. (Mass.) intend to fol? low in the train of Newburyport, Cincinnati, and other cities, in the establishment ofsteam factories. 03- There is a building in rittsburgh. 7j feet by 1 So. belonging to Messrs. Jenes Jc Quigg, in which forty hands will be employed in the"business of manufacturing steel springs. Fat OrricES.?It appears from a statement in the Baltimore American, that the average annual receipts of the Clerk of Baltimtre City Court amount to .$0,17 9t>6: the average annual expense?. S">00. and the average net annual income S-I.trr? 66. The average annual receipts of the Clerk ol Baltimore County Court amount to $13,430 55; the average snnual expenses are $10,010 S-l, and the average net annual income at $5,42-1 71. The av? erage annual expenses of the Krgisiei of Wills of Baltimore City and County are estimated at S1300: and the set annual income at -> < 00 OFFICE NO. 30 ANN-STREET K. FRIDAY MORXIWi. ttARC! GRAHAM HOTJ5E?3TEW ARRASTJEJtEST.?ROS WELL GOSS inf..ras? hl? friere* an-! the public that he has enlarged hi? BOARDING E*TAJiU?>vrn a< the Orahanj House. 63 BarJay-i^-eet. by a.1?linr to i; the bouse.and is prer.ared to accommcslate traa si at or permanent Boarders or. the m st favorable term*. AD ft iends of Temperance desiring a inlet home, an I f-cc d';m from the faxes ofalcoioi and ttbacco, are invited to r-irror.ize Cvs bouse. The Vegetable System, with the choicest selection oi fndts. Ac. which the market arTorJs. will fx- strictly adhered to, hut a tab', -wail he served for tho e wh* prefer the ordinary mode, or niixeu die:. Craton shower. Warm anil Cold Baths. r>e?. 05tf ??? -??VKLL COS3. 15- LEECHES ANT) CEPS applied ?;. Mr.ALA.GXE5 SON, ecnicT of Broadway and Broome sire?t, entrance in Brenntest. New-Yorfc. Befertneer.?Dr. Cheesman, Dr. Mott, Dr. Nelson, Dr. Francis. I>r. Stearns, Dr. Bereer, Dr. Weed, Dr. Sinclair, Dr. D. smith. Dr. Quackenbes. Best Swedish Leeches mnstantly on hand. |aS8 Im CALL AND SEE THE ORIGINAL "LvCC MENT5." Col. XASE, rf Amenta, Neio-Yorl:, writes under d<Ue of January 28, lSCj, as follows ? Mr. Isaac B.-tts : sir: i he hish e<tims.ri?n in which WistarS BalsamOt W ild Cherry is h-ld i< nothing more thin it merits. Having seen iu beneficial eifert* in my own family. I believe it to he mvalnj ble iu cases of Incipieut Con?umpiion. Mr wile, whose constitution is ii.atnrsllv feeble, in the fail of 1813 took a severe eld. which affected h.-r lu:..ri. producing a harassing congh and hoarseness, so that she could with dir?. culty ?i?'ak. While, n v viiit to her fri*nds list spring, her attending physicians b" ilarm.d at her situation, told her un l-s? her cough and other symptoms 1-ii h-r as ihe ?- ip proaclied. it w.uld tie n.'t likely as the warm weather became cold. At the <-,me tim* he ::ar- somemedieine :o tak- ? i.i. h tended to Ii.?-:. hi r fi ver. hut s-ill her I OUGH, HOARSE? NESS ar.d RAISING ?>K BLOOD cautioned about the same time. At this alarming starre of the disease I procured a few bottl?s of Wistar'? Balsam of Wild Cherry, wind, .h- be? gan to take. After tiling one bottle I could perceive little or no benefit from it?(b.c utse she had become so (arredaced by this emaciating di?c.a?e)? bin I prev-.iled on her to continue its Iis?. though I freely confe.s it was hopinc again*' hope. Before the second botile win gone I th< light 11,or? ? is some relief, and sli? persevered in its use lilt the had uk ol ? t bottles: and now, ?ir, the gratifying r--sult is a PERFEI T RESTORATION to l.vr iiinal health. Noten? fch ahrtning symptom* have re-.appc ami, and i should do nivs-lf i injustice did i not fully ami earnestly lecommend it to other* wir., may be in a similar situation. Respectfallyronrfriend, V.*. II. NASE. E. M. S\s ill, K.'l. Di-tric: Attorney- of Dntrl.^.- i o. write February 3, ISO. I .am acquainted with Col. W. EL Nase, of Amenia, w ho is a intu oftnii'i?ami his statement ?f f*f.< it entitled i fall credit. Farther: I know that the health of hi. wife is greatly improved. E. M. SWIFT. Again we *?>?/, call and ??e the ontoixai ooccme>ts. They fully prove that this HaNim is tlie only reliable remedy for pains, \V eikiiess of the Chest and Lump, Coughs, i ??! Is, Liv, r i lompbint, incipient i. onramption. Asthma .>f c ne to is years' standing. Raising, of Blood, and evety disease pro? duced by a cold and changing climate. Remember, our certificates and statements of cur? are in ILL CaSCS STRICT LT T lit" K. Principal .12 Ann-st, bin sold by Druggists in all p-.rts of the country. ?81 Rm THE WONDERFUL SUCCESS Which lJr. Folder's Olosaoniem, or All Healing Balsam hat met with, not only in its sale, but also in the cures which it has effected, in persons who were in a hopeless a ndition, ha* convinced the ?iwst skeptical of its extraordinary curative pro? perties, and established its claims to the name of the GREAT REMEDY. The question is no longer asked. " Can Ast/inm be eure If I It has been satisfactorily settled within the last two | month- that Fi Iger'a Oloaaonlan will produce a euro rrulck er than anj oilier remedy iu the world, and references can be given to persons in and om of the dry, who havo ex? perienced Its wonderful virtues, who bad lor years nil other remedies in vain. Mr. WILSON, a brick-layer, residing at Roboken, N". J. bad tilci! every remedy which be could hear of for the re? lief of Asthma, and bad spent more than one hundred dol? lar- in emit avori::g to proem.' h> .p, but in vain. Ilecom nienced ti-liii; the Oiosamihin, January tllst. The lir-t dr-e he to .k gave him relief, und two nays aflenvard Ins wife celled to -ay that the small quantity of lids remedy which he Inii. taken had done him more good than any anil all the medicine he hud over used in Iiis life. Mrs. BELL, the wife of Robert P. Bell ofMoiristowt N. .1. who was severely afflicted with .1 tthma, was given up by her physicians. She was reinoi ed to the sea hoard in the lo.|ic of palliating h. r distressing symptoms, but.] with no beneflt. One bottle of the Olosaonian >u far re? lieved bcr that .-he was able to get up from her bed and dress In iself, a thing she had not done before In months, and she lias uoiv returned to her residence in Morristowu, N.J. with evo'v pms: octufbeingspeodity restored. INCIPIENT CONSUKPTJ) ?N alclds to itscifects. It soothes the troobbnome Cough ami gives refreshing ilumberj to the weary j it allays the )mn in the si.iV and soreness in the du st, and enables the pc.son to expectorant easily, while It entirely restores the sei rations oftbe syst m and expedites retatrning health. JAMES It. DEVOE, 101 It a.Ic-strect. had long been I complaining ofasorehess in theehe-t. accompanied with a ] sbon.liacking cough; he rnisi'il ninttcrircely, had lost ins appetite and fdt alarmed at his situation. He had tried various remedies wiihottl any beneficial effect. Ills -in.n ni ss oi breatti and pain ia the side conthmed to increase. He Used one bottle of the OJo.-aoniaa, und Is restored to health. George w. Burnett of Newark, N.J. GeorgeW. Ilms ofNcw-Yoik, David nenderson, M Laight-kt. M.-s. :.ic Gann, 20 Walker-st. Y. Labon, S3 Plko-st, Mr-. ArcUtakl, 35 Walker-st. with HUNDREDS OF NAMES of persons rc-iilin^ in New-Tork, could be given, who arc ready to iiear testimony to the superiority of the Olos-io man over every other remedy known lor the cure of Conghs, ('o d.-, Asthma, Consumption, Spitting of Blood, Dyspep ic Consumption, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breath lu.% 11, Pains in the Itreast and Side, and the various affections of the St' mich and Liver. Kor aale at 106 Nassau-st, one door above Ann, and at Mrs."Ha 139Enlton-st,Brooklyn. il" .'hi.* VOH THE flLEa. FOB TI1K PILES!?Are you afflicted with Piles? Try, then, avitliout delay, Doctor t''s Veg- j etahle Electuary, the best remedy ever offered to public! notice. This really excellent medicine Is the result of a thorough medical edpcation and a complete kno wledge of the disciisc for wiitch Ills recommended. Tho most tii nm| bant success attends Its administration. Read the following remarkable cases: A lady, residing in Norfolk street, was serlou.-ly atllic'e.1 with Piles; s.. great was her siiifering that, to use her own exj resirion, lift wa? a burden; for fe ar weeks she had been attended by one oi our most amlnent Physicians, without the i< a-: b( M lit. SaiL?deil that it was an aggravated eis? Of rfles, I presented the Electuary; tar.i Iv.xi? were used. Six months alter, the .-ame lady called on me to prescribe for another complaint, and then informed me that she was perfectly cured of the liles by the two boxes, and had ex perienced no return since. Mrs. ' ling in Greene street, called on ntc last spring, saying, that she had been affected with Piles for two years, accompanied by pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, a sense of straigatness across the chest, and oppression, she was unable to lie doavn without < levatlng the head and chest considerably; resting horizontally produced a sense of suffocation, follow ed by a cough. By using one box of | the Electuary, the ;m:n in the side, palpitation .>.:?,} ? -ion ceased, she could lie down without Inconvenience, and thel'iies were partially removed, and a second box made a complete cure, to the great gratillcation of the pativnt. ~ So d in this City by the n'.r- r only, a regularly edu? cated Physician, comlncd loan office practice tor the Treat? ment ot Chronic DISUSES, No. lt>6 Bowery. Medical advice in relation to the above, or any other complaint, gratis. ITice of the Ehetnary ot.c dol'ar. je*r> IU'sv :!:.".: the Elrriuary is an brizBSMX BXJCZDT, ar.d not an e.T'.en.A a;jH-ation, and -old ONLT at 196 Ituwery. f.-ur j doers above Spring >u OSes homs trcm 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. 3m ? THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDY.?A complete remedy for the most dangerous Cough? and ? ??!<?,. and for Cossviirnov. eien in its last sng^s. We haie evidence of the ancist desperate cases of Pulmonary Consnmption hav? ing yielded to two bottles, and les?. of this invaluable Medi cine. In proof of this, we select the lfollowhig names fi in manv. whose eeniiieat's m*j I?' seen at Mr office, ??' i Broad way! to prove the 'vtraordiaary success that invariably at? tends the Southern Balm : '~- REFERENCES..,_ Fev. Mr. S. CovelL Bsstnrtth street Baptist Cbarch, resi? dence Tu Sivih ?tre-t: EBzaheth Vandervi on. IIS 3 bird?<: j Samne) Roberta.,its<tb Aveane.; F. A. Koss. jj iie-kmau ?t.-?t: W. Wsllace i'aiu, D-vitist. 31 Vaadam-streei; Eil ilerhoof. Hi Water-streei ; Mi^s M.Taylor, S6 Hich-s:;. t. Brooklvn ; L?wis K. Green. 16i Kront-*u?-t: A. r . ria:: I !. T7 3d .'tr ei; "?Vm Smith, ivl b.i?e.-y : Sarah M. Wils Elisabeth Wilson, Biook!yn:Ar.hurii.Hanp:m .r. Clarke street and cvs B.-.sadwsy : M. Taylor.? Hi:h-s:.-eet. Broi.k lyn : B-tiny Garno, coiner Ituih str- etaad si Avenue. ~ " The above cures comprise Consumptive. Coorhs, Colds, Phthisic, Pleurisy, liriutiou a;.d soreae-.s eftiie Ln .... BronchiteS, Plurisy. Asthma arising frvra oixtntet-d penptmtion. WeJavenotspace to purticuhrii? eich ci>-. i nt invite yen to call and e ad the CerUhc-Os of tiiesearda sreal many uiMe l>ersou? tial v?e i.ale and axe daily rreri\ "'Tlie Sonthern Dalrn is sold at the principal Dm? Srorej in ''!''1 PRINXIPAL DEPOT, 63$ BROADWAY. More Agents wam-d ?Hoaghoat th? Caioa, and in 1 ,:n dssand Bnti.h lr?siucr,, on liberal Uriuis. Applications sanat bep.a?t-;uid. mv; ;m' CT SIGNS, GILT. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL,BT ACKERMAN& MiLLLK. lf'l Na--a.; -tre-'t, l^rween Faltmi A Ann. IS ily WILLIAM STEELED PATENT FEATHER BRUSHES, UAyVTACTURED BY STEELE & CO. 305 Pari street, Xew.Ycrk. ?f. B._Peacock Feather Fly Brashes made to orJer. olSy PCMfS.?Double action a^i tone P'.::?.;, sizes to ran? firm ?) to 100 gallons water per minute. Ca*t iron Fountains of various patteixs. Fi'c Engines andUose. Ac. manufactarcd by 423 ?.,r ? _I>. I.. V ' UNA'.:. ..- r' i>ilEPABED C1LVLK RUIN'S THE SKIN, and maies It yellow, rough and harsh, but tr-e tnte Spani-h Lily White pives the skin a life-like alabtiste'wri:,?, ar.d leaves it smooth, soft ar.d dear, acting as a ecsmetic. sold, price : - a box, at 82 Chatham s^ and 323 Broadway, cr 130 ' n r.rrsnklvv._Hf Im SrEhl IfON?30 toi.s ?' ?anuamora " Bar Don, a vrry ? perior article for Steel, for sale by dir? is JOSEPH TTCXERMAN, 69 Wc:-st. 'I 7. 1S45. H VALUABLE EXTERN?I REMEDY. VNT'S ,LIN!MENT.-Thi* cel-bnted r-r-ir ? wir Tor the irr?: time offered to the New-York roblic: the ce? lebrity-.vh.lci, has obtained ia tise county [tVestchester) when- itwas originally introduced, has icdaceH the proprietor B estetnl Ka sale throughout the c-it trv. There iias ne?er \et ??ea dijcoeerid in ?!,,! raited v that'Sa? j-r-?ed ?o c-rt,m ra its efi.-ct, m permirenr!. cnnnc the following diseases :? Rftewatatarat, Stalled Usnbt, ftm m :h- Cktst tmel Back, Sprains. Bruises. Xervmt .fffectins, Weakr.eti in the Joints, Conn actions of the tSMSclts, Burns. Sail ?Aenm. Cmtp . Iriir ir. the Fac-. To?:h .irhe i-r s.-e Tl.-iolioi. to? leaers from thehhcWy eminent Physicians who have iiad charge ot the Hospital ia the Si-ig Sic* State , r? a tor many >years, is the most powerful evidence a t at t ot tnis celebrated r.vtenul Ketrtedv. and i> > -v?cient guanXH lr- that it i? wnrthv th? confiden * 0f the public. For nsrtie tne ce.ti?catri accompanying each bottle. Price 2j Casts. ,? ? ? . ,s'"""- St^c.Ps.-embeT?lh. ISIt. -Vp D'lir Sir : Receded ;. ?-.. :.. , ., r.;c.rjjy ?ging m opimoa in relation to Hnnt ? Liniment, prepared by Mr. i i. E. StanCOa. Knowing ir-. composition, aad having freuueotlv as.-d it, I can reeomsoetld it to v um ?vf~ external remedy, ind tu mr opinion the best Liniment now in Use. Very truly sod respectfully -. .ur.?. A. K. HOFFMAN. m. d. ( ol PtrURr \ iVl nRTl.A!\PT. 1 folia concur in the above opinion. YVM. \. BELCHER, m. d. Thi? Liniment b sold by Rnshton St Co. tm Broadway, is Astor House; Broadway, comer Fourteenth-itreet: A. B. J?. D Sands. !S Fn!:oc-<treet. 173 Broadway.T! Esst Broadway: Aspinwa]|,M WiUiaat-ftreet; Mcakim, Ml Broadway: Gui on, 127 Bowery. coni~r of IrranaVsueet; .Mow. comerofCan noti and tiraud-?:r<-:; c. i'- Hoestis, 101 Nassau-street, cor. of Ana: Boesall, cor. Canal and Hudson': Austin, cor. I'edu and ; J. J. CoddingtOO, M Hudson-street: t i.-aham. corner of Old-slip and Water-street: Hihbvrd Sc Cohn, 96 John-street: Mrs Hayes, 139 Fulton-st. Brooklyn: Quirk, corner of Atlantic and Coliimbis Brooklyn: and Druggists generally throughout the r:tv and United States: nml by HOADLEY. PHELPS k CO. I?! War<n-street N. V. who are the wholesale ??e~:s. Orders addressed to them or to the ;?? r it Sirs Sin; will l?e a*:- nd.'d to. (31 im* l.r QRGE E. ST VNTON. sch m& BOARDING SCHOOL FOR MALE FrPILS.-l'emr ? Seminary, Ilemi>stesd. L. I. on e branch of the L I Railroad, 21 miles from Brooklyn. Terms from Slii to SlVtl i pear. Circulars atJ. Si J. Chamberliu*'. i South Winiam stre-t. Also at Vewmaa's Book -tore. 199 Broadway: The I'rincipnl durinc i!,e month of April it I'd Xassau. The Sum | mer 'iVrnt eemmenees ihe iir?t of May: *M gm* NATU tXltj I. IH'.W. A. V. rnn.iptl. OuAJtDLSU M.lliMI.?UtVlMi I.NSIIII Lt.. laKKT AJ low?, .N. V.?WILLIAM P. I.YON. A. m. Princi? pal.?Summer Session will et*n on the 1st of May. To those who desire to place sons a: Boardlnt; SchooL tbeadvantages otzercd at ibis Institution .ire believed to be e.mal. It not superior, to any. It has been in success? ful operation seven years The location, delightful and sa? lubrious, is convenient of access from the City. The edi? fice Is commodious and comfortitble?the play uTounds am? ple and disconnected trom the villnce. The government Is erllcient hut mild, resembling that of a well regulated Christian family?and no day scholars arc received to coun? teract the salutary Influence of family training. The system of instruction Is designed not merely to ad? vance and pi rfect the vnpil in the brunches studied, bat to clcvclope ano instruct the Judgment, to enlighten the un? derstanding, to form tin: habits, and to give a moral and useful direction to the Inclinations. Further particulars. Including Catalogue of Students, opiwions of patrons. &C. will be found In the pamphlet circu? lar of the Institute, to !>o had on application at the Book Stores of B.t: licit A Weltord, Astor House, and Bavnor's, 78 Bowery. Reference, by permission, to the following distinguished gentlemen: Washington Irving, Esq. lion. Daniel Webster, l'. S. Senate. Hon.Gulian C. Verplanek. Capt. Alex. Sil dell Mackenzie, V". 8. X. Nathaniel P.. Hobnes, Esq. Tairytown. Francis Hail, Es-j. Rev. Nathan Bang?, PO. Wm. P. Bryant, Esq. George T. Trimble. J. R. Van Brnmrlnor. m. D. liar; cr ,t Brothers, New-York City. A!- to the foUowlng who are now or have been, p.itronsi Kcv ii Vf Hunt, ZebebeeCook, Jr. BenJ L sicr. Rev I, M Vincent, M Van Beuren, Hscar Irving, Rev Thos Buren, Jaa M Ueyt, Theo Keeae, Bcv J Dewing, JL Mntt, J w Kuevels, BevJSeweii, C liiiseiibcrry, LDenleon, Bcv A K Selleck, i: t. Kip, Gco Clinch, Ra-v in West, P Parmooy, u w (T.tpp, I>r Ji>s Scrtbticr, Wm G Bcggs, BenJ I) Brush, Rev 1) Bahcock, F. W Van Voorhis, F Campbell, A RLivingston, Leonard Kirby, WS Dunham, EBsha Morrell, Jacob Leroy, P. F Howe, PeterFlncknejr, Gen GH Striker, HReynor, Chas Storm, Harvey Weed, Isaac Adriance, J ( lies erman, P. K Wheelwright, Thus PattisoH, Morris Woblnson. W Van Antwerp, MEels. J30 3m . ) i:. "\i;.\ nun i,i; ,i m'm'kii., .midim.k 1 TOWK,COJfX. i'. ii. CHASE, A. M. PRINCIPAL. KstMblishtd in is15. Sessions commence May 15th and Oct. 15th, continuing live months, at per scs-lon. Thorough preparation for college or business, and person? al attentions are secured to pupus a- fully a.-, in the most expensive school*. Lads from Xew-York arc placed In charge "'fa careful person, going rctiuniinj. Circulars at 41 Market-street and 17t Broadway. d23yc EALED i'ltOPOSAl.S wiU~N ree. i?ed by theTommi ,t' sen and Inspectors of <_ omaion Schools in the Siitb U'ard. .it the Office i l'T. Thomas St Sos Architects, No. :i7 Canal-street, until the Hthday of March seablbrths furui ture reqnireil in the new School House iu City Hall Place, in -lid Ward, h ??r \ \ hi, ami sp-cilic ? lions, .tpi Iv to ml j-a_ I'. THOMAS St SON'. l'.in.iK-KKKI'l.N'i;, ire. CC. MARSH, Accountant, respectfully announces ? that ids Couattlng-Rooms, No. ss Cedar-street, cou linue open Crom 8 A. M. to y p. M. In the study of Book-keeping as it Is taught bv Mr. Marsh, every pupil keeps, in the most practical manner, esnnptttttetefpeuiiterthip books, enthroning all the difier eut business transactions of a go<e; mercantile house ; he la-comes familiar with all the b(m/,;s constituting the ?et, with all ihe documents relating to the books, balances, balance Sheets,accounts current, and with various mer cantfle calculatious in interest, discount, equation of pay? ments, exchange, ?C. In one course of instruction a person of good capacity will become a competent Book-keeper, and will receive a certificate to that effect. No one is taught In a class. MERCANTILE WRIT IXC?A tliorough course.a pro? gressive lessons, which will not fail in effecting a valuable Improvement! Specimens of a truly mercantile style may? be seen at the rco-us. Prospectuses, with terms, hours, Ac. may he obtained at the rooms day and evening. C. C. MARSH'S WORKS, The science of Double Bntry Book-Keeplng Simplified, I Ith edition, pages octavo : Price SI. The Art of Single Entry Book-Keeping Improved, 3d edi? tion, 133 pages octavo : l*rice 7? cents. i'"r sal.- at the bookstores, and at the room". Mr. Marsh otters hi- services in opening, closing, or writ? ing up books ; St! Cedar-street, up stairs. S5T DISBItOV. S BIDINli-Sl'llOtlL?\... Ii.< it v;.rv. near Astor ai d i., V lyetu I" u e. NVw-Voik.?Mr. 1). Ins tbe honor to announce tint Ins School i* oiy-n and Kteiiuig, for Equestrian Tuition and ? srreise Riiiug. TERMS. t.Ei-r: P.I Less,,sa. KVZRI 1sic r1piv0. i? L.-.^-u-..?15 nrt l Mouth.$12 St in do .in iKiliio oo I do . i f.iilll do.( ID Single Lesions. 2 ee Singlf Ride*. 7'> Road do . i Jill \. B. Highly trained mil m-t Hors??, f.,r li-e lloid or Pa nii--, to let. KvesiNo ctVass, IS Lessons .'H^ai Hides.81!) nr Single do . I eni.-smith: Hide. P.ri.'rs. 1?Ai! Lc-ons or Rides I .id lor on commencing. Z?One bout ill wed ?> t - ii Lesson or Pole in tie- School. 3?t>r.? boor mid i half to a Lesson on the Road. I?Hours lor Ladic. from 9 A. M. to Z P. M. i? lor Gentlemen, from 1 tc i and lrom7 to Ii. P. M. 6-N'o (.entlemen aduiilb-d during the hour, appr- priated to Ladi-.. A Cird of addiess is r>*jn<"ite-l previous to eommencine. ' ' Geatlemea k-epmg tbetr horses in this establt?hm?Mt w til Im.- the privilege of riding them in the school gratis. fin im-_ c"al j A- fiTfi PF-R TON.?PEACH ORCHARD COAL. V D?D\JfxED ash,discharging from boats, constantly broken and Egg?Store ar.J Nut?delive'ed a- above, free Of charge for cartace. Also, Lehigh Coal, White Ash, Schuvlkili, Liverpool and Sidney Coal. Apply to T. STOKKs DICKERSOPf, dlOtf lr7 A'-.thi n'----. lln.adway Tal-tmacle. CflAL?1 am uow recrivinir a fr-^li and huge sandy of the ) ? st ;n.ihr. of P-ach Orchard ?>?,!.n:.d will jell at these rvdnced pricesforcash.lhat is. Stove .-aid Nut. i 7j; Egg and Br. fceit i> DC per ton. delivered in the \m order from the Yard, cor.of Kiag and Gnreawiehsts. _ . ...??.. 22f Im-_PF.TER CLINTON. ' GREENWICH POTTCKV No. Zi\ West Eighteenth st, eetwee.t 3th and Uth *veno<j. THE artentioo of the rtih?c is called to the numerom sr tide* manufactured at this Establishment, consisting in 1 of t-.e f. II wing, t.z : Strne Ware; I Earthen \\ ?re, Portable Fumvces, Klower-PoU, B'-r Jess. I Oven-Tile, chimr.-v Tops. | Greeo-Howsedo. Stove-tir ? .. Biciu at Jamba lor rn'cs. Fire-Brick, I Fire Cement and Chy.Stc. As thi> KsrablishtTe-nt is the Only OWf of tire kind in thecity whete all li:e above articles ire mannlactnred and icld, Devi em aw respectfully uiw:aJ lo avi!. and lliev will be supplied cheaper and on better terms than cm be bad in the City. ? si! i'. rable Fern ?res a-.w on r.tnd and r-e?H I r the spring trade. mr; itn_WASHINGTON SMITH. CoPectlons ir. Mississippi. CHF.VKS It DAVIDSON, Attorneys at Law. CotTee ville- MbsL T. A. CHEVES ic. A. H. DAVIDSON will -rive prompt attention to the business of their pzotks sii n generally in t!i? N' jrt,icm, and to the collection of for? eign claitns. "imountias to Jive hundred dollars, and ap wards, in anv part of the Stale. Fe'i. 3d. lati. REFERENCES. Messrs. send 4 BE jTHER. S lar"' SMITH k CARROLL. M. D. COOPER Jt CO. J-New-Orleans. ? FELLOWES. JOHNSON i CO. REKD k BROTHER, 7 CAVE A SCHAFFER, J-rhilidelfhia, ?? GBIGG ec ELLIOTT, J " GOODMAN fe ygAVsQ_ ?> D. ii. KKIKIt-Si-N, K-i-j * f4Sm? CHARLE- T. SHELTON, ATToairrt ttra Cocjsrx Loa at Law, intends to visit tbe pri i^ipal Crttesof >.o-_ rope 12 the course of the Sommer, leaving Jiere the nrst 01 May. He will at end to say business with which he ma) oe entreated. L uetcrriicajatU city reloeuce sa??. Apply poat-raud to SHELTON ^ ?- LA'vO. New Have,*. Core._"< 3w? L>.-L\. .-BRET IRON?36o pack* assi-.r^d. 1? to 15, l"or=aie by iltf) CA-->a i WARD. 71 Bread st. R FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. WHOLE NO. 1216. KVAPFS INDIAN STREXGTI1EM\G PLASTER. 1 rpHESE Piaster?an prepared for i??in? otwilw? ia th i X back. brri?r.siuVorliml.s. Ki*umaiism. Brui-rs. ' &c in.) fee Aaastatic Afftctioas. Croup in Children. tl.e\ i will in nv st cases sire immediate m.d soothing relief. I Th- v will als.? be found hijlily beneficial for C"tnplai'it> of i the Lirer Langs and Sidney. [ Person? ofsed-ulan.- habits, whose bii.tues.. r-;uires tbein :.> sit cr stand ranch, whe ma> b<- in'nbled nillmfaklil ia tV chest, or ;aio in tin- side or breast, will ti.ii gnat relief by wearing one of these FUsiers. With regard to the efficacy of these Plasters. aotliia^nsed be said. a. the.- carry with tonn their owu rec >mtnr;:d?tien. and th* pne* be;,tg so rero'tkaMv loss, is a MirTicieiil UtdacS men: for :ho?e ji?icf-d to giie them a trial. The propricO r is confident bv the great and ifC-eisins de? mand for tlv*e Plasters, the jvpularitv which they hi?e ob? tained solely by their own merits, and the aaiversal vatisfac tion tiiey baregiven, that thry jrr tetidt&hj tuptritf to .my other in use. No pain> are *;MrrJ in making them ?s idhesivc and pliable as tmsaible, said m rendering them fr-e from all those objections wli .-h u a source of complaint to ?M ordin?re Planter* of the dari The-e nasters need but one trial to give every satisfaction d-. -ir--d Be ?iir- and a?k for Visit'- !n:>isn Stki.n<;ii.. S'lN a. and see that his Signatare ia on the back of eacle? aow other are genuine, NIadannhr bv t\ B. KNAPP, and .old. wholesale au.l retail, at hl? median? warehouse. No. *S2 Hudson-stre,t. rue door b-|.>w Kinc-.ireet New?) ork. Alv fbl sale bv the D-rtigg-st? eeie-rallv. Price t.*i and IS! cents eieh (1st p) mi I!' DRY GOOHS. McCCRDY, ALDRICH & SPENCER, No. 47 Exchange Place, offer for sale COTTOS GOODS. 410 cases Prints, from the American Print Works, at Full River, consisting of Rich Chintz, Light Fancies 3 and, 4 coPd Plates, Lawn Pla'es, Two Hlues. Ac. Ac 150 do Prints, from the Lodl and other Work*, con? sisting Of light Plates, black and white, blaek and purple. 150 do Pleached SnttTRTOi and SnuTtxes, rat loos widths and nullities. V0 bales Raoavv Sheetings, Hamilton, Croton A**, llart tord. Fall River ami other kind-. UK) do i Brown Swansea. 150 do Cotton- Osn istrscs, 3-4,2s, so and 30 inch wide. r*) do Patassco twilled Bamimo, -jo, 22 and 30 Inch. hs) c.lscs CoTTOXAOES, Crankles and Printed Pantaloon .Ml bales 7-S and 6-4 I'.edtickixos. [Stuffs. 50 cases Checks, ?triped Shirtings, Ac. .TO do Cotton Flag I! vnokehchiffs. WOOLEN GOODS. iso eases cloths, superior styles, wool dyed Mack, brown, green, blue and inLxed. Iilrt do t'asstMEacs. plain and fancy. 200 do Satin rrs. a great variety of stylos, colors and qualities,from the best manufacturers. 50 do Bcckski>'s, light and dark mixed, 11)0 do KlTXTCCKY Jeans, blue, mixed, striped and plaid. 100 do Kea-Evs. from the .Malloy mill, too do Plaid i.insets. 3-1 mid t-i. , SO do t? uns and Pulled Cloths. l??i bales Carcets. She, super and three-ply, new patterns, from the Owasco mills. ALsO? 50cases American SgwiNo silxs. a superior article, from the Dedham Factory. fefffaiw GROCERIES. Itp.M LiNE Th AS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE CANTON TEA COMPANY, PRINCIPAL STORE, 121 CHATJIA3I STREET, N. Y. Branch Stores: 3ts Bleeeker street, New-York: 361 itrand street, near Suffolk. 191 Greenwich street, near Pulton. 116 Pulton street, Brooklyn. 89 Chesnntand IS N. Pifth-st. Philadelphia. 71 Hanover street, Boston. rNVITF. the attention of City und Country Families and Pnrchasers to their several esulilisliiiieiits. where they think will be found tiy far the best selections of pore and unadulterated Teas in the United states. The universal popularity and renown of their house avlth reference to high quaUties, low prices, and upright dealing, is too well understood to render farther comments necessary. Orlgt nal ami only wareliouse for the sale of Howqua'a Black Tea?" 01 serve I"?Strangers will bo particular to renn m ber the number of. the principal store in Chatham street, viz: 121, between Pearl and Eosevdt streets. The nubile will also he pleased to take notice thai the Canton Ten | Company have nothing to do with nay other -tores except i those described at the top of this adva>rtlscm< nt. s6 Y CHEAP OIL STORE.?The rabecriber rrspectntllrin? forms the public that he continues the wholesale and retail Lamp Oil and Spirit Has, at his old 'stand, of a very superior quality, ten per cent cheaper than can be pur? chased at any other store In this city, viz: Hood Lamp Oil, per gal.SO 5n Superior qual. Lard do. 60J RcrlncdOiLlstqality. 7? Do do 2d do . 62j White Sperm do. Do do 2d do . I 00 Do do 3d do . H7J Oil Cans of all size-; I-aiup Glasses of all patterns and descriptions, and a full assortment Of lamp wicks, con? stantly on hand. Lamps cleaned and repaired. Oil and Campheuc sent to any pan of the dt] free oi charge. MERRITT SMITH, s.>: Ye 199 Greenwich, corner Vesey-st. Cm.V A NTS PATENT YEAST.?The best article tor ' raising bread ever used. Warranted t.) keep in every climate. The American Institute, at Uieir late fair award? ed the Inventor a Diploma, declaring this Yeast the best article ever manufactured for raising bread, buckwheat, pastry. A'c. The Yeast Is an add, which, being combined In proper Chemical prejportionavirlth an alkalLlmpregrtates thedoogh with carbonlfradd gas, without sftitcting, in any way, the Oriijliial properties Of the tlour: and thus, when Naked, pro ?!u Ing perfect bread. Sold wholesale and retail 29 ct*. ia-r OASSNERtt YOirXO. 13'gChalham st. Ifr/ LAMPS, CUTLERY, &c. PREMIUM STORE. COOTHOTJY A NEVEBS, 341 Broadway, respectfully Invite the public to call at their store and examine the richest and most extensive assortment to lie found in this country, of BRONZED and ORMOLU CHANDELIERS, CENTRE, MANTEL, SOLAR, BRACKET and READ? ING LA M PS, CANDELABRAS, GIRANDOLES, BRAC? KET BRANCHES and CANDLESTICKS, In every vari i ety of patterns. I CABIN.SOLAR LAMPS, a new and superb article, ;c I culhirly desirable for packets and steamboats. In evidence of the superiority of this portion of their I stock over any other Of I Ls class offered to the publle In this I City, they can with honest pride refer to no less than six gold and POUR SILVER MEDALS, awarded to the I manufacturers within the but seven year*, for the greiite-t i variety and beauty of patterns and the unrivaled finish of 1 their work. Every artHe vdd by o. A N. Is warranted to l>o wliat they represent, and those Who wl.h to obtain llr*t cla-s I goods, at a price ofUn paid for inch as are of a very Infe | rior quality, arc requested to favor them with a tall befor ! purchiismg elsewhere. fr^- a liberal discount to Churches and Hotels. 6f ly L~'AMPS AND CANDLESTICKS.?Britannia;Candle sticks mil Laiii|->?iery .t,.,ni: i.i l Iwiy before being pot to use buiiigiit eaonitli afhu waiila for saUs'whoIesale and retail by BOARD MAN 4s II IRT. mr,3t ?_r. Bnrlinc Slip. Lami'S \.Ml gika.Meil.r..- ol new nail elegant pat? terns lor -ale n: very low prices, bl WM. E.STOI TENBITRGH, 148Fulton street. mh6 between Brondwai and Nassau.?treet.m ilterus and sizes, bronzed, 30|He IteW ?t) le*. ,j| ( "WETZ. BW)THER.&I O it lohnst Gl Ii: INHOLES fsili-r-d and mit. Am ing tifcni ire asnperb finish, for ?>i. bv K SuLAil LAawPB? A greal ranct) ol so tu i.aui^?of u# l>eat qoaliry. for sale wholesale and rei i I by m<. UlETZ. BROTHERS-' O. No. V. |.,hu sf. COKNELII S x CO.'S PaU'iil Snlii' \xv\ Ijhhp. triaizcri or g:.t, for sale wholeaale nnd rein I be WETZ. BRI THEIt ? < >. No. 13 John ??. 11 S" iJ I all LAMPS AND lan !\...,rleil sizes m.d ? patterns, either gilt or sn,'i/e.'t..r ale by m4_DirrZ. nittrTIICH A CO ITJ-hn ?!. DIETZ, BROliJERaC CU.'Scarlebrateo Doneiaunus, lor burton.' earn; lui.e, at as rsotessle or retail at the launp and i lil store, 13 John St._m5 , HOUGHTON \NI< V,AI.I.\i i..- I'Vi'l M i.ARD LAMP, a new artie'e nnd Uie ins^t approved hand lump bnming I-?rJ. i ? ? ?? ? rnfi _METZ. bkj 'THEIt it C< i No. HUo'.n st. ILYcK rLAltlJ kVArtr.-'...n.isiiug yi i*rt i .r-le Castors. Vv'siter?. Candlesticks, Cake Baskets, Snuffers and lriis. Branches, T< :f. Packs. A.c. for sale by WM. E. STOUTENBURGH, ml 111 Kalton-st. '?etween Broailway and Nassau-?!, j rprTv~liA 1S, ?c.?sPlES tc CO. VM Pearl sueet, A have just received a large assortment of Gothic and Sandwich Tea Tray- in sets. Also, a full assortment of all sizes common Tea Traj s by the dozen : new sP lea DLxuii's Britannia Ware, some very elegant patterns ; to? gether with a general assortment of tine Table and Pocket Cutlerv. s. ;s?>r?. Ac. 4-.e. nil CI HEAP TALLE c I'TLEJtY.?The ?nbsenher respe-.-t 'fully informs his tVienils and tlie public, that he con? stantly keeps on hand, at his Cheap House-Furnishing Store a choice a*v>rtm?nt of Table and Tea Knives, from ', 5s <"<1 to S3 SO per set, and Carvers and Steels to mutch, ; and a fine assortment of Pocket and Pen Knives. Als*, German Silver and Britannia Tea and Table Sr>oon*, and a good a-sj-irtrsen: of Britannia Ware, such as Coffee and ; Tea Pots, Lamps of various patterns aral -ize?, A-c. Ac.? Al-o. Tin and Japanned Ware, and Tea Trays of various ? sizij and qualities. Al?o, Hardware and .Hollow-ware, 1 such aa Pots, Kettles, ete , Sadirons, Brass Kettles, etc.; ' Carpenters' Tools, che-p and of the '*rst quality, inch as j PUnes, Saws, Chli-els etc. Nails, Dcks, Carpet Tacks, etc. ! etc. An exceil'at variety aL-i, of Wood-ware end Baskets, ' ?uch as Tubs, Pails, Wash-boards, Clothes Hor-es, Wooden Bowlsard Chopping Trays, Brooms. Cradles, Basket Choirs, ; French TrarcMig Baskets, etc. ; Carpet, straw and split ' etc Likewise, Brushes of almost every kind?Clcth and Hair. Scrub and Paint and )>L?ttt:g Brushes. Also, line Teeth and French Dressing Combs, etc. ete. Please call at R. R. JonssiON's, 3" Oatuarine-sTreet, where J on will find an excellent assortment, and all very low. R. R. JOHNSTON, 3s Catharine-street. N. B. Toys of all dcacrtntioca, at wholiaiaie and retaU. ^ dl6 3mv? GUNS, P!ST"LS AND KIFLES. MATERIALS f.rr Gur. Smiths. Gun Lock.* and parts of Locks, Gun and P.ltle Barrels, Percuifioa Caps and ElBa, l ewder Flasks uid Shot Belts, Cones and W renches. Elba, Rods, Worms, Ac. dec fcr sale to quantity by s2 Y A. W, SPIES A CO. SIS Pearl-st. I_WAVim_ , rpo rOUNG MEN WITHCAPITAL ?ThtAdvertiser j JL clfcrs for v?le th' entire ?rock of good*, wul. the good ? -?i!?of?Ca?h Jobbing bnriitess of a Infrativ- ?ad umat!: I character. eitab'DKdand favorably located la th- l-awr pert Ol th-i'uy. Six to eight thonsasd dollars wilt he required to -iT-.: 'b* r-jrchu*?part in cash bad b* remainder on accora i naosaslmg urtth pe.-lcl secuntv. Adslrcas ' M-R ? H \Nl 'tlin ucfc lb- lower rn.t.QSce._m-SSt? \\' \ \ ? . Surw sod Sesnist.nas. or to ] ?? dochaffbcTWOrk and Seim?tr>-?s ly a yoang woman I witb gt>-.l.gvcumt?r-,a.,ue-ns. Apply ?4 1?1? Eighth Arrow*, corart Tweotv-hsri st. n>?5 ?t* ASITU V'l'iON W \.\ . ED?By ? ,oung womao. I'ro Mstaat, . MMtrJon to cook, w??fiaad iron. Would pre? fer Broo'-1. ithe ritT?good ref. Trace givea. Fieaae call at J3? H-in*roa-tt. ander iberburrh. nrS ft* \I* INTED. go ' -Two wtwiwo, wtnt*or I? colored, Protestant?, as Iaiiiafcaaaaiail IIono?tnc:d. Tber oauat on ? ? ptn*ietly nsd hare to?>d reler. enee*. V.'' it 1:1* WastTwentiethatieet. between Ego: ami Tweil'h->rr-?*?- rndlt* W'.aN I ED?ti) i wiircaWf youag Woman, a suuatiou to do the ; nctal boeseworfc or -.?hamberworkof a tnnll private tarniry. of references ciicn. Apfly at N<k toe b.ok ? im u,'stairs _ ?aS It* \l~ AN 1: ? '?by rwo nrsi-ectabie yoaag women, situations II ?one aa ejsambi .mo I sod tu washing aid iron? ing?ih<- other a* nur-e. and to do {!?"= sewing. The brat of citr rrtVrrnce. Please call <i 71 B*rr?w-?t_m*. ft* M I i ATlOA tt'a.M tii? By a rrspeeubie yoang Woman with good city re!rrc:.-c. a* chambermaid and luce, or to usiat ill w ?hing and ironing, and do plain new* in-.-. Ipply I 6 Reatte-at.upstairs, hack room, mi ft* To' \ 55 WHO PI BPOSE A VOYAGE.?A Physician i ? -o ?.a tor Ihr bracht of an inva? lid br> the.-. ?oitld : Ac ? ?. ? of o.-e or n:ore intalnl*. or take iure desired r,- :r-ii made an object todosv A voyage to Mlft-la-e ...i t.l.lrr.? ?.j <i ibis* rant* VKe.dfe.1 i Aiil,.-. i .-o:-.m,i roaag womau waata a titii^t-. . ,| houieworm in a am\ll family, or '??":'!'? .w--:k. with good i> lereece. Pit aar to i.:.;--n-e 10J H 'n?t 'n-?tivei. mal H* VlTr--N * Le, -i \ . aoi *r |trceui itayagaal m bealaeaa an dr>irou- -i oetaiaiaui t ?it?<tio,i u ihr otfice of ?oo>r re ipvctableprofeuMma] :>-r?oii a? COPYIST. Hi? rhject to ?. Mhimaamallem.vluRMekwbieh W tire cbantraol ilw um?. j( h>? become nrceuarv for him to Hlew iUtra-..,i> I .\l or ogbei doenavent? at the rare oi !cents .. i- Ito ha the mnn careful and correct man n - II; of vferencea will K? sifn. Address B B. left at the T^bauie ..dice, or lia Naatan-atreer. uftee of liw S ' '?>? ? ? " V ..n i.e.lutelv altrnded to mailt* \a"\Ni:.' Lock Maker*, to work at ?1 bank - k t. N > ne ttccd apply bttt sober men and tlrst rate workmen. II. C. JONES, iIT 7 CTnreJl-at. Newark. \". .T. rT*U < v>>.v>- .. >.?' ,n>a.?ij will Una ii lor their ad I t-antage to call >nd examine the. Brat number of Ptewaaoa f'K -.i '. Hiitoryi I the World, which hi the best a* well as lb- cheapeat ? I ii ?? . .utilul book of the season. The en jtravioga in ihil work hat been pisiuonnre?l by competent jn.l.-.-. to iw ihr lineal ererexeented ha this country. n-l'w < I i ;i|.i.l<. P?T r'lilion.s'rert. 'pr..\ ik'iTak.i KtiV* UtJ>.?VICK>BUKU IHNE a. STOCK, v certificate ol thirty nharen Vlckabarg k, in the name of BoclQej * Peck, and number* ed 3?'2?. Power of Attorney attached, was loat on Sa turday, t3d M ir.-u. Ii was endoeed m a letter, and loat on it- wav to W.-a-street. The aliove will be paid by Irav lug it at rhompaen's omee, 59 Wall-et mhSS tf board: 0 V It I>. ? V few aingle Geatlemea e?u be accommodstrd 1 ? i'll Ito-r-.i o'.?.,a?, Wi.o.-.- ml 1% " B (lOOU BOAKUaml iri v |>|. .i,4tit Ko.-m, |.-r snikb gautle a man. orgentlemni and their wires, at No. M Vesey-atreei. 1 ran ife iti .' ciied. ml im BUM.Ii. ?Iii or wi:h?i,t r.voni. may be obtained al No. 19 i liambers-st. nr>fHisitc the Park 2tf 2w* HOTKI.S SHAKSPEARE HOTEL, CORNER OF WILLIAM ? I-I ANIl-STS., N. Y. MThesubicriber respectfully fnfortna the public that he has I I the above establishrnont, east is now p re? plied toaccommodal them with Bond and Lodging, on eery moderan' terms. It has been put in ihr most '.horougti and compli te repair, nainti d and refitted w ith addit-onal new i'm ? i - :i -. oi.l In ,i ill i , i. a. ii.ii ii. sie what he inteuda to do. but solicits the traa iling community tav.vbit and (i,r him a trial and judge for tiirotselves, thai the establishment under his' management is deserving of the pauoeage of the public. The location In ing central I.nneas, olfeis inJuefm.-ntt to merchants from tlie country [from imvtirrd siinaiion]un?ur. I ?-? lb) inyotrier bouse in the city. Terms. $i per da*? per ?,ek in proportion. The snhscriberbegs toeall the sttentioa of iwrli.-?. that the Assembly Ri i m will be to let: to those giving Balls and ' oncerta foi the ntmai.s part of the season : and thai tie room will si rtly* be put in complete repair, and littetl up in s magniAceul .in Ii lie further calls the atteution of the pro* fession Igenrlemea of the law, that his room for arbitrators and referees has ttndergon* alteration, and that he is ready to accommodal ilveinoa rensonabl terms?which will be seen by bis regular ion ofTtaom htte. N. U.?\ aeleci number of Permanent Boarders will be taken on very moderate torms. maS im MINORD s. THRESHER. national HOTETj, No. 5 COCITXANDT STRIKT, ANOH* I.tDLBTt-STartT, N K W - YORK: T in;r::' DOORS FROM BROADWAY. J/*ejL Tili- NEW HOTEL U now open, where tha pro prietora will lie happy l.eomdatc their friends ami asUteVtli? public withboaiu. The lodging rooms are laprr 'ml liry, "mmI the inl m 1 trrangi meats such as cannot lail to plea,' The localion being in th- eettlre of httsiuei s. it offers indaeesneata to merckants from other cities mid tlie conntrt. i ii sttrpt --id b) a iv other House in this city. Tue Furnitnre, Beda, and Bedtsing, are all new, and made sxpressly foi ibis establishment. Families " ho e i-.Ii Pari in ?ith Sleeping Uooint attached, can be I. tit.l- mel secootmodated. I be st,-.., ribei ? assnra th.-ir friends and the public, that no efforts on tlirii part .lull be wanting to secure the comfort ind c reuieuce i i their guests, aud while they aolicil a share of their patronage, they hope by unceasing attentioe to die dntit > of their location, to u-iu- an til* satisfaction. i . " i i Ii \s. WVCKOFF st ro. LNSUBANCE. rpm: HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY m?keln I. BUrsjaoes sgalnst lo?s or dnumgo by Uro and Inland navigation, on terms a> utvorable as any othor similar In? stitution in the city. Capital ?\1(X),00!)?Ofllce No. 51 WaB stieeL DtBKi'TOaS. 11. Ravens, Caleb 0. Ilalsted. John Itankln, Kajah Tajlor, Win. W. Todd, McIks D. Benjamin, J. PhUlips Phoenix, Wm. Couch, Nathaniel Weed. FanningC. Tucker, It. L NVooBey, Ferdinand ftuydam, David Lee, J B. Vernum, Henry O Thompson, John 1>. Wolfe, BllchaeJ Baldwln.Pcter L. Nevlus, Edward Anthony. it. HAVENS, President. Lawn P'ULLiPS, Secretary. dl8tf riMIK MUTUAL LIFE INSI HANCE COMPANY * Or NEW-VORK.?This Insfitttfion. during the month of Febrasry, issued m r -nine Policies, vir.: To Vlertthantsand Traders.351 To M.-clitnica. S To Blotters. .'. To Ph-,siriaoa.t To I b-rks.7 To Lawyers.3 To Manufacturers. . .. . <iTo Foreign Coend. I To Commercial Aganu.. JiT.ficer in U. 8. Army.. I To Publisher. .. lifo Mariner. 1 To Srti'le-iu. 2 To Artists.I To Farmer. I To Ladies.J March 1st. 71 MORRIS ROBINSON, President. BaMUKC H ttvry. Secretary. Mimt : v Post, Physicisn. ml (lp) lm 1 be question I aa to often teen asked if ihr ninnber of Poli ctesreponed w hare lieea issued monthly at this oilier wens all new policies or if die renewals of those prai iousjy issued I im In led ll la th nght proper on pnblishitiK th* above lial loi the itasl month !?? ,.:> they ?ep. all new issues anil that such has Jasen always the case, The rrurwala or 2(1 and *tl years piritiiniii. for the past month weir 120, making 199 premiums reo ired Ibr tlie month \lnoiii Life liistiranee I'o New-York. .SPUING FASHIONS. NKW KASIIIMN.?BROWN & CO.'H ONE 'PRICE STORE, 178 CHATHAM SULWKE. corner of Molt street. Imitation Braver nnd Mtile Sain Hat?, of tue Spring I ashioq, lor tue low lived prlro of S? A Inr^e nso,r' inehl of I 'ap?. -ome new patterns, miirh ad* mir?), loU at RH ?i- r-it.- pnees, witolrar.le and retail, md lm* SPRING FASHIONS?TO THOSE WHO 'STUDi El ONOMV.?The rahseriber, in sceord aritl thetin - dueedhissoperiorlwltsllon .. ii ? on far bodies, to the very low price of 5223. Tbei in elra ?,t dies. Hat, and wll i compete adsantsg onaly with H t's sold in this city at M M .,. ,i'. . \!..- . mil)' uu nbeterinsrFaraad Silk Hsu of lie- h*,t quality, I i'esl ;nii. rna, aud at ihr lowest City prices, 1 ^An assortuietit of Wiser, and Cloth Caps always on hand. If in any instance the ib.oe dors not give entire satisfaction, it can b* fnlly obuinstd bt ring iuforrnatiofl to tlie sebaeri ber. ?'? '?' rtELLOGO. No. 132 Canal-st. \. B.?Will i move on the lirsl of May nest to No. lit; Catial-sttret. _2Sf 3m? WATOiiKS.'.fr.welrt. kc7' TO C0UNTR\ MERCHANTS. COMBS pane; Goods, Buttons. Jewelry, Stc? fi&\ ThesobiCrberis i ceiring new Goods dsily, forties [.. J Spring trade gl th. following : C^^af, ' i ? -i can gum -enden ar.d Garters. S, ,,, i ,.l pie i u>di lha Perfumery. 2i do Spool i . ttoti, luelnding everv-variety I do Hooks and r.>e,. iu buseaandcu cards. >, . , Twist Back Combe: i do Percussion Caps. * 6 do Isorj' Combs, from flue to S S S line. U da Wood Pocket Coasbs Besides i great variety of ? Beads; Shoe TJsread, Bindings, < -Tils, iT b id, Seiasurs, Bead Work. Shell Combs. Oro .me- fine] Id finger rings, do Breastpins, gold Pencils, . . on) lasting Buttons, pearl and agsts J d . German >?..??? '?? \ Plated Ware, fine gold lever and ' i tner Walt' - Silver ! em il t .-srs, Tooth Brushes, kc. sail? or city tratle. on the most liberal terms,? \, ? t e-??it'.ck Je Co', .-:id R 8t W Robinson's gilt and Mtlitarj Ball si [f2?os] J. P. VAN EPS. 103 Pesrl st. : & WATCHES, sTEWELKY, SILVER WARE, site. : , \ ?The fuhscribtrs respectfully Invite the attention ?.-^jiif. a their friends and the public to their select assort ' llieol o, KINK. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. C Lever and Lq i-.e Watches, of th? Va? rrel, api roved maki rs, cased in the neatest styl?,snd war* rai.ted correct tln?e kteptrs. ? _ Silver Knives Forks, S;oons, I-vlles, Tea Beta, Cup*, Castors, &c. _ Mated and Britannia Ware. Spectacles, Pencil Cases. Manul Clocks, Fine Cutlery, Fmatr <-*f^**j. wWeh they .re tmabh ale st very ?^1^??. Watches and I ':? ^??^ KV-rx)!? & .^RIBNER, At the Old Established Store, 265 Peart. f5 :-treetf opposite U.S. Hotel. AICHARD lnSflBB.ii'r- U ATI.H-5LVKER and ' ' .4 , -co Wat.hcsat re M. : ; tlnsu svay other h-;use In the dty. Aa OiinV ? ? ' 111 ilighii direct Urem the lie c/"*~"?J,n Emrlwd. France aMSwitzerland, hat is , rge assosnmettt of Gold Watches J M ?esci:: :. ,nt 55 mSIOeach? aXarranted to keep goo 1 I bne, or the money returued. . :,. 1V, it..,, ul.-l Jewelry and Silver Ware ' ' ,oW * j,-. B.-Seeond h ind Water,ea and old Go.d and mrtt taken In escbsngc or boc-.-ht for cash. Watches, Clock--. Mo^ic Boxes ar.d Jeweliy tepslred lu the beat man : warranted, be experleiiced workmen, as low as any other honse In the eltv. KICHARD FISHER, Jr. Importer of Watches aial Jtweirv, wboies-rle and retail, No. 831 hr ? -*.wa--, New-Yo.-k, a Itw 'oor- above tneCUy Mot* p^l, ' tola, RK IURP FISHER. Jr. * M ERIC AN FIIX^-^^-a-Hured by ^"P'&'Ji. f* A Maueawaa. ?,.rr* -.te-l .m.-l'<Zi?VXZrXh(W,l LCO.NARD 'l0*E ffl^lg^ fX. In;*