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THE TRmUNE-, FRIDAY. MAY 15 19?*- _ ry Person. The Tribune .eft regularly atlheir residences, or at their places of busmeM, either in New-York. Brook jn Jersey City, Wfl. lurnsburcb or Newark, will pleaae leave their ad dreeaat the desk of the Publishing Office, or send it by note through the Post Office. The price of The Daily Tribune to those whn regularly receive it from our Carrier, ia NINE CENTS per week. Country suascrlbera fur the Dally, S5 per annum, 7. . Oo do Scsnl-Wtekw, 53 do do J-1" ati do do Weekly, S2 do Co J?* OcTSlDE ?Ftrjt I'agt?Affairs at Washington ; Spirit of the Anniversaries?National 8ociety for the Abolition of Capital Punishment?American Home Missionary So? ciety . List of Acts passed by the Legislature , Things .1. Albany. Four'.k fngt?Murder Trial at Blnfchsmfm : Exploit of a Youns J-raeyman; Sews Items; City Items; Law Courts; Sslcs of Stocks j Mar toe Mews. E5f** Wr.iBMpuUtth another SUPPLEMENT tomorrow morning, which vUl be furnished to all the regular subscriber* of The Tribune gratis. WAR PROWT?MATION! ISSUED BY THE PRESIDENT YESTERDAY. Communicnied to The Tribune BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH Published in au Extra Yesterday Afternoon. PKOCI.A7IATION Whereas, The Congress of the United Slates, by virtue of the constiiuiional authority vested in them, have declared by their act. bearing date this day. that by the act ol the Republic of Mexico, a state of ?war exists between the two Governments Now. therefore, I.James K Polk, President of these United Buttes of America, do hereby proclaim the same to All whom it may concern; and I do specially tu 'yilu on all persons holding offices, civil or military, under tho authority of ihe United States, that they be vigilant and zealous in discharging the duties re? spectively Incident thereto. And I do moreover exhort all the good people of the United States, as tbey love their country, as they feel the wrongs which ?'"i forced ou them the last resort of injured nations, and as they consult the best means under the blessing of Divine Providenco of abridgiog the calamities, that ihey exert themselves in preserving order, in promoting concord and maintaining tho authority?tho efficiency of the Laws in supporting and invigorating ail the means which may bo adopted by the Constitutional Autho? rities for obtaining a speedy termination and au hon? orable peace. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand l. s. and caused the Seal of ihe United States to be affixed iu ibesn presents. Dono at the City of Washington the 13th day of May,. 1841), and year of the Independence of the United Slates the seventieth. JAMES K. TOLK. By the President: Jam-' B ecu a kan, Secretary. Who can muke Wrona itlstht f Can the President and Congress .' This is a grave'question, and concerns us nearly. Its correct solution determines whether a load of guilt shall rest on a few souls or on many. Three months ago, if a party of our people had gone down to the Rio Grande, baited opposite Matamoros. threatened that city with cannon, and blockaded the River, they would bavo been marauders and laud pirates, and every body would have admitted thni Mexico was justified in ?0 treating them The peremptory or? ders of Polk A Co. relieve Gen. Taylor and onr ar? my of the direct responsibility of tha invasion which has taken place, and places that responsibility? where? Who meets it? Who? Depend on if, the blood which must be shed, the misery which is inevitable, rests somewhere. Swindlers of '4-1 ' with your ' peaceable Annexation,' do not skulk ! Here is the fruit of your doings ! Look It in the face! Ten days ago, if n Baltimore clipper had overta? ken a Mexican trading ship at sea, captured nnd plundered her, it would have been piracy by all law, and tho perpetraiore must have swung for it. Now that same act would bo pronounced laudable by our Courts, and the Mwxican vcshcI and cargo a lawful prize to tho captors. Hut can any man im? agine that tho distinction made by our Courts is respected in the Chancery of Heaven 1 No! never! Abhorred be this War, its authors and abettors! ' 0 my soul, come not thou into their secrets?nnlo their assembly, mine honor, be not thou united !' What nnd Where Is Texnsf A fow fuels, notorious, undcniablo in Texas itself, will settle tho question of right as to the present col? lision on the Rio Grande, and show that our troops, nnd not tho Mexicans, are the actual and wrongful invaders. Our rulers at Washington bare btudiously kept out of sight all correct data by which public sentiment could reach fair conclusion*, nnd nt this moment the European press is treating the boundary queetlon with more geographical precision than our home journals. Tho provinco of Texas never extruded to the Rio Grande ; never nt any period has she. either us an independent Republic, or a Department of Mex? ico, exercised any act of sovereignty beyond the Nueces. Tamaulipas, (of which Matamoros is the chief city.) Coabttila and Chihuahua, all curry, and have carried, from tho date of the Mexican confed craey, their Eastern line to the Nueces. This river has ever been tho acknowledged boundary of those three States, and as completely their line of separa? tion from Texas as tho Potomac mark? tho line be tween Maryland and Virginia. North of them nil. on both sides of tho Rio Graude, lies the Immense State of Santa F6, with an area nearly equal to Lou? isiana, Mississippi and Alabama, aud this, like the first named three, is, and has ever been, an independ? ent territory, a* distinct from Texas as California. The portion of TamauUpaa, Coahuila and Chihuahua lying East of the Rio Grande is almost uninhabited ; but Laredo, and their few settlements ou iho margin of the river, are all strictly Mexican, and have never been for an hour under Toxau rule. What the Washington Union means by that section of Texas being formed iuto a County, and represented in the Texan Legislature, is unintelligible to those igno? rant of a curious political fiction original with that body. Iiis worthy of explanation. Some of the Western Counties of Texas, including San Patrieio and other Counties within the limhsof the original Province, were so depopulated by the Mexican in? vasion of '36. that they would not be entitled to Del ?gates at all if a pro rata census were to be the standard. Under these circumstances, they were admitted to Congress on the score of geographical extent and future importance, and treated in all re specta as if they were inhabited districts. Twenty voters, and oven less, have, by this accommodating spirit, sufficed to elect a Member of the Texan Con? gress. Thus the score or two of families forming a trading depot at iho extreme corner of this County, (equal in extent to a Slate,) sent a Representative to Congress. The Union forgets to state, however, that twenty Mexican towns, also included in this territory, never saw the flag of Texas except la eap tivity, nor a Texan soldier or citizen otherwise than ta their prisoner. It forgets, too, that these fifty or sixty thousand Mexicans, who have resided in what we call Texaa without ever dreaming of the fact, are still ander the Government of Mexico, are ruled by her laws and aubmissive to her cdhVer*. If these twenty villages are within the bounds of the Union, why baa no mail route been established to them ?? And why is not our Anay dispossessing the officers of Mexico from the positive sovereignty of our soil, instead of threatening a city and blockading a port which we do not pretend to claim ? If we own. by virtue of a resolution of the Texan Congress, all the territory this side of the Rio Grande, then Texas and Mr. Polk have becu ?o remis? as to leave about sixty thousand of our fellow citizens unprotected, and perfectly under foreign control! if, bow-ever something more than a paper claim is requisite_ii settlement, protection, purchase, conquest, poasee. ? ion, or the consent of iu people, is esaenital to a clear tide, then neither Texas nor the United Slates ba s one. If Texas, up to her original boundary? the Nueces?has acquired aright to sell governmen by settlement, conquest, possess ion, or otherwise she certainly baa acquired, beyond that river, n< rigol whaxerar. _i_mammm Adjournment of the Legislature. The Legislature of Nev-York closed its r:<;h S anon a: 2 p.ji. on Wednesday, having been in ses? sion days and passed Acts, though two thirds of them are of local and persona] interest only. The mensures r.f principai interest matured were the M'htia Reform, whereby every citizen subject to Military duty is authorized to commute therefor daring peace, by paying seventy-five cen'js per annum in advance to the proper authority, and the money ranv-d by nach commutation is to be used in pajiogthe Uniformed Volunteer Companies for their time. A.c. We have no doubt that the Militia will be rendered more effective at the same time that the Militia Naisancc is rendered far less annoy ?rgand buribcnsome by this Reform. The Ani' li'iU grievances have been very pieti ? teously admitted and regarded in words and pro ' fessions, but sparingly enough in acts. Of the bttis ' bearing on subject two only have- passed?that J which subjects the Reserved Interests or Rents of Manorial Landlords to Taxation the same as Mort? gages and other property rights, and that whereby ! Distress for Rent is abolished. We believe the latter was somehow diluted in the Senate, but can no: say just how until the act is published. The :ar more important bill concerting Devises and '? Descents' was lost io the Senate, while neither I branch would authorize the most important and in I our view beneficent and tranquillizing measure of I ail, to wit: A formal and thorough investigation of I the disputed titles under which large estates in land { are claimed and held within the bounds of our Slate. ' So this perplexing and perilous source of agitaiiou i and discord in several Counties remains unhealed I We trust, however, that the fatiliiy, mischief and I madness of all infractions of Law have been so fully demonstrated that no farther resistance lo legal ! process need be apprehended. The State Printing has been moet satisfactorily arranged for the fniure, so as lo save at least 530,000 per annum to the State Treasury arid as much more to individual citizens. The pecuniary saving con? stitutes but a email portion of ihe value of this Re? form. We regret to perceive, however, thai the corresponding bill To Reduce the Expense of the Superintendence and Repairs of our Canals, by applying to them the principle of ihe State Printing Reform, was lost in the Senate by a vote of 16 to IS several' Old Hunkers' having turned ' Barnburn? ers' for the occasion. This is a check only, not a de? feat. The measure is morally certain to triumph a: an early future dey. The General Manufacturing Lav matured in the Assembly was defeated In the Senate at the last mo raeut, by 13 Nays (ihe whole genuine Barnburner strength) to Id Yeas?a two-third vote being absurd? ly held necessary to its passage. Here is the practi? cal answer to The Ncws's inquiry, ' Why don't the friend* of Corporations ask for general instead of special acts to answer their purposes V Here is an net framed by no less orthodox a Barnburner than Samuel J. Tilden, passed in the Assembly by 110 to t>, and yet defeated in the Senate by the whole Barnburning strength, in order that they may con? tinue theirclomoragainat ? Monopolies' and 'Special privileges.' The lobbying gentry may well rejoice at the success of this trick. The bill enacting penalties for Adultery and Se? duction whs strangled in the Senate, without af? fording a chance to distinguish its enemies. Never mind. It w Qlnot always be so. On Capital Punishment nothing was done?not even to submit the question to the People. Mr. Ti? tus, the Chairman of the Assembly's Select Commit? tee on the subject, was slmmefully remiss and dilato. ry throughout, and the result corresponds. With auy reasonable and proper effort, at least the sub j mission to the People would have been carried.? I The friends of Immune legislation must now renew and redouble their ellurta. ?We are moved hero to say that New-York has hail one Representative in ihe Assembly who has generally acted as though he understood and appre? ciated tho position of a Legislator. That man is Jonathan D. STtvtNSoN. Ho has been worth more to our City at Albany than any ten other Lo? co Focus she ever sent there. Tho New-York and Erio Knilroad. Ocean Steam Navigation and many other measures of the highest importance and bene? ficence, owe very much to his exertions. We do i not know the iiiuu personally, and are very far from \ entertaining any partiality for him, but Iiis course ' n? a Legislator has agreeably disappointed our ex? pectation a, At the last moment, Mr Alberuon of this City proposed lo authorize the Governor incuse of need to raise volunteers for the defeuce of the country, nnd to appropriate ?100,000 for that purpose. After romarks by Messrs. Wells. Worden, J. Young, ! Stevenson and Clark, this proposition passed iho: Assembly by a m arly unanimous vote, out was not j acted "a in the Senate. .So ended the. 69lh Session of the Legislature of New-York?the last under our present malformed and rickety Cons litution. Puivateerim; ?It has been supposed that, in ease of a war wiih Mexico, swarms of privateers would issue from Havana, under Mexican license, to prey upon our commerce. This, however, is specially guarded against by our Treaty with Spain of the 20th Oct. 1795, as appears by extracts from thai Treaty furnished by the Secretary of State to K. K.. COLLINS, Esq. The Treaty declares thai any person taking such a commission " shall be punished as a pirate." Tux President's Proclamation was communicated by Maguctic Telegraph yesterday afternoon to tho Tkiuink, aud was in type and Extras were in tho streets for sale in "JO minutes Irom the time ii reached our office. We sent it ex? clusively by the Albany boat which went at seven o'clock. New Brunswick held her Charter Election Wednesday, and the Whig ticket for Mayor, Rec? order. Aldermen. Ac. was elected. Majority for Van Dyke, Mavor. 96. JTp* James Russell Lowell, whose name is so familiar iu our literary circles, is to be associated hens after with EtUSXNS t2ci.nct snd Maai.t W. Cuarxax a* a contributor to the columus of the .Vario Ann Sla. nry Stc.nda.rd, the organ of the American Anti-Slavery Society, published in this city. 8xdxxy Howaxd Gav, Esq. will continue at bis post as Resident Editor. The acceaaion of Mr Lowell can hardly fall to extend the circulation and influence of the paper. From Maracaiho.?By Captain Barnard, of i sehr. Ztrviah, we learn that coffee was scarce at that place, in consequence of the different rivers having run dry. Best qualities SSJ a t>;; secondary 57J a 1j per cental, the dollar at SO cents. l>ry salted Hides ??> j; dry do. S?j. The brig J. S. Kchardsoa, hence, left Sandy Book 3d April at 4 V. M. and arrived off Ute bar a Mara acAibc the 11th at noon, mating its passage tn ibe unpre? cedented time of - days and SO hours. Harlem Railroad? Eight new. elegant and very convenient Cars were put on this read this week. The steoe sleepers have been taken ap in the Bowery, and the track reiaid with wood, which Is a very much needed Improvement. The riding on this road has in? creased very largely within ihe past year, and the road Is ? a very great convenience to citizens, snd add* mack to ' the value of property in the upper part of the city. Un? der the administration of Mr. Little and Jir. Dykers, the . latter giving hie active personal superintendence, the In? terests ol the road are in good keeping. A Pictsrx Slightl* Marred.?Some person ' connected with the Army of Occupation writes to the Newark Advertiser describing the scenery of the region thereabouts, and ends his description thus: "Thescene is rich and peaceful, with naught to mar its appropriate character. I ut the armies ot two canons, worsaiptng the same eternal God, strengthening their bands to slay each other like beasts of pri y :" Indeed .' and is that al.1 EB** Lieut. Fatio. ol toe U. S. Navy, wishes per? emptorily to contradict a story has crept inio the newspapers that !u had furnished oertain io formation to ? i Mr. C. J. Iocersoll respectii g Mr. Webster. He never 1 apeke to Mr. Ingorsoii concerning Mr. Webster, nor svor J. introduced Mr. Webster to any body whatever. ' j Bsv* The stock of the proposed Northern Raii " w n from Ogdensburg to Lake Cham plain, has ? all bean taken. Ill* the Latenuon of the stockholders to -1 commence operation* In September Best. SPIRIT OF THE ANWITERSARIES MEETING TO-DAY. Anuricaa', aad Fertig*. B?lt setzet*.?Dr Cm?'?. rrburcb. Brooine-n 10o'clock A. M. A^rrsi-v; r>.?. Dr. Jodaoa, Messrs. Lonius, itGienaus L>e-ia aad Kincald. Firttollmion SerrxrJSof Rev. Pr Co'ever ?.i '-??.: w Ol the Church i f tbe Puritans, ? 7J P. M. a: Mercer it, Church. (Rev. Dr. ~s;eb-t ? frrmon by Rex 1 r Haines of Hinfnrd. with other epprnprSate ex? rcis<? American Board of Com. for For. Mitsiotti? Al the Tabernacle, 10 A M. Meeting of the American BlWr- f-oclety. The Anniversary meetinir of the Am" icaa P.ibie society v,<.!d yesterday morning s: the Ta - ernoeie. Hon. TfltODOXX FsULXSfOsTCTSEX, Prer-denr. was La the Chair. lie read a brief address in which it-: - ? a high euioginm on his predecessor. Hen. J?n* ? TToy smith, who departed this life in December last. The So? ciety, bad peculiar claims to ear regard because it was an American and Charged itself with the grtat work cf en Ugbtening our people?a free people! acknowledg ng no anther try but God aad the laws of the land?here, tt an] where should pubUc sentiment be uader the control;:.? In , uuence of tae word of God. Tae Anicr.can statesman aar : Christian patriot should lay it to bis bear: that our only sure hope is In the God of tbt B.blc and word cf Iiis truth. Emigration from abroad and freedom uf thought at home only seemed to f.x this truth more deeply in the Blind. We must have a Bible lofluencs. The Treasurer's Ilr;?jrt was then read bj las BlDt E'T. Assistant Treasurer, and the Managers' Report by Rev. ifr. BatOBAX, <..'orr'.spenutiig rstxretary The follow ; in; is an abetract. I The report commenced w;tfc a notice of some of tbe changes which baft occurred jr. tbe Sock.'/ tn the arse : ol the last thirty years. Of the officers tlr? *:?;- In ted, : nineteen in number, not or.e is now ivitc, and ta: four cf j the tcirtj -sis who were lh? flrtt managers. Bon. Jahn ! C?tton smith died in l*eember last, honored and beloved j by all. The report contained an extended notice of that gentleman. ' Slew the Society was formed the pcpslaiinn (f the I country has increased froma.Vs'.Gf'O lo 20.000.000, vastly ] enlarging tlte nomber to be supplies! with the Bible. Tbe I'jcal Auxi.iary Societies have gradual.y Incretfed until they now number about 1,000. having connected with them mure than 2,000 minor branches. A I irre .number of these auxiliaries arc in territory which iraj an nnbr ken wildarncss when tbe parent Society was formed. The number of new auxiliarlea formed the past year Is 67, I'jcated aa follows i one in Mvaa&cbusetr? . four tn Connecticut; four in New.York , four in Onio; one in Michigan : eight in Indian*: seven in Kentucky f ur ;:. Mississippi; two in Virginia; eleven in Tenr. ? ur teen Id Georgia; six in Alabama, un In Iowa, one in Wisconsin . and f>ne in Text*. Tb" number of life directors ?dded the pas: year la 39 and of lite members Ml. making tbe tuts! of tbe former 1100. and of the latter 2650. The receipts of tbe year hav? been in a!' * :;-7 .307 4r being an increase of 830.715 4? over those of tn>- pre? ceding year. By a new enactment of tbe board, the ?se?, year now and henceforth closes the last of March nistend of last of April as heretofore. The effect is to make th< past year consist of eleven months only, llad ih? re? ceipts for April been Included the amount ?ul.J have exceeded Sir.O.OUO. Tbe legacies of the year are much larger In amount than u?M*1. The whole number of Bibles printed in course of the year in 4s2.0u0 copies (I. e. In eleven months) an increase over the amount of the previous year of 64,750 copies. A new edition c-f the Bible for the Blind tas been print? ed during the year. Ii Is feui-d that It cau be printed on the Society 's new steam power prrss as other books are printed. A new thick lemo. Bible after an Oxford copy, has just bean j ulill-licd. A new Protestant Portuguese Testament Is In preparation. The number of Bibles and Testaments Issued in the course ol the year is ls3 copies, an lucrcave over the Issues cf Ihe previous y ear of 54,731 snd ar. aggregate since tho formation of the Society of (,497,265. At the end of the first ten years of tbe society tho in come was $58 000 and the Issue of books wj copies. At the end of tbe second ten years the income was 1104 899 and the laaue of booka r.\ ?'??.. copies. At th? end of tbe third ten years they are hs staled above. The distributions of the last yenr ore only for eleven months Had those of April hern included as usual they wouid bavn exceeded 500.000. There are now in the employment of the society eev. entccn Hcont*. located as follows: One In M'tine aud Now Hampshire, one in Massachusetts, one in Connect? icut, three in New York, two in Ohio, one in Michigan, one in Indiana, one in Illinois, one in Missouri, one in Kentucky, two In Tennessee, uno tn tJeurglH, one in Ala bams and Texas. Several ol the large state auxiliaries employ ngeuts of their own. and raitny of the country societies employ temporarily a Bible colporicr or distributor lo expioie aud supply the country. Mom- liibk-s have been distributed among the seamen und bOHtmen than in any previous year. They have been made not only in tho English tongue, but in French, Swedish. German, Poriugueae Mnd Spanish. In rieoriy all raiets they have been gratefully received. Io the cotirae ( f the year there h?v, aern sent, on re quest, books to '.'?nada, to Oregon, (at three different lime* and ui .re than one thousand copies.) to Cuba, to llnyti, St. Thomas, St. Croix, Brazil. Buenos Ayie?. .Chill. Sandwich Isinnd?, Spain. Germany, West Coast of Africa, Ceylon. Slain, (.for nHttves leitrnin.- l-'.ncli&r.) and to China. In the latter country they were wanted tor seamen and foreigners. &nd in on-: Instance for h school of native y?uth at Hong Kong, under tho direc? tion of Mr. Brown. itcv. Mr. a d* ms, of yew-Hampshire, then presented the following resolution : Rttmhed, Thu ihe R?pnrl, an Abstract of which hs? been read, be printed aud circulated unier the direcuon ol the Maoagers. He regarded It as tho most auspicious hour of his life thin he was permitted to address this assembly In support of the resolution. This society was doing a errat ?.oik; extending it* charities over tho land and over the sea. He spoke of the character of the Bible?Its adapta? tion to all Ihe circumstances of life. It lu.i been said Its waters were so shallow that lambs might wade in it, er so deep that elephants might swim in it. Late treaties had opened the whole world to tbe Bible. The ?itic was the strong weapon for opposing the errors ol Kome Ii was too strong for Kome. l'urmg the last few years ii had been translated Into many tongues, nnd was like so many buck? ets drawing up the waters of Valvation. Ti e attacks Ol Popery he likened to the nibbling ,.i mice on th i wings ol an archangel, lie represented it like Uriel riding on stm beam* to all the world. Dr. AYicKorr seconded the resolution with a ftw re? marks, when It w as adopted. Itev. Mr. BOTlXn theu moved the following resolution Hcio!:ed. That Ihe Bible I? for man a necessary of iife. and that ita preseat scarcity, and the unparalleled demand for it at home and abroad, iuiperauvely urge us to more vigor? ous effort for Iis distribution. The speaker regarded the Bible as otic of the necessities, and urged the importance ot giving It a wider circulation. In illustratin; the position of the Kourlentcs and other philosophers, as having repudiated the Bible, !.c ipoke ol ?> debatlne society whcie the imesilon was whether wood or water was the more useful. C'ne speaker said we could not live without wsier. but we could without wood, for we could live in brick houses, and if we wanted Ore we could go along the shore and pick up sink*. So It was with our Founcrite and lii?dcl philosophers?they n : D a ted wood, tut Were obliged to go along Ihe shore and plvk up sticks. What there was goesl tn their systems the. ha.1 picked up from the Itible. Tbe Resolution was seconded and adopted, when Dr. PxnxKa of Philadelphia presented tbe following Rrjo.'ted, That Ihe pactic tendercies of Ihe Bible, pro Claiming peace on earth and eood will toward men should lead loan early aad widedhTuaion ot tins blesitcg amoDg al! cationa After speaking of the notice which tbe Secular P'tss was tRkiug of ii eir proceedings?he spoke ol toe Bible as giving independence of character, nud a disposition to tu:..tiia.: our rigbta, and in tbia modo it was a promo? ter Of peace. He thought t&at nations need uot ever be placed in a belligerent position. Yet he also thought the magistrates did not always bold the ?Word tu 'mii Be aliuded to the Puritan* and John Knox as examples of characters framed by the Bible. The Bible promoted peace tn the two way* ; one by 'eaching men to i,. -. c each other, and tbe other by putting men in iroua and teaching them to behave ihetnae.ves it they attempted 10 overthrow eirderor oppose improperly the truth. The Bible teachea power as well as gentleness. This resolution basing been seconded aad adopted, Mr. Maxwell, Es^- of V*. presented the following : Seio^td, That tbe general circulaaon of tae B;b:e among all ci*>sea of our aureus is eminently calca.ated to perpetu? ate our happy form of government, aad to proco.e s-i tie ae*l interest* of our country. He spoke ofthe form of government a* become a pure rtcmocracy. and that it would sever return to Its former character. T? maloiain this, two taiags were ae cessary?intelligence and Virtue. The former alono * aid uot preserve e'ur institutions. Intelligence might uiaX... such men as Pay ne aad Koujacan. T.'.e FoUlieJlle*. tae launy Wrights, tie and al! ether ues *oo thought themselves right, attempted lo gel along without lie KiblB : but ihey would form by themselves a pa: iemo luta. We ceedeu not only laiailigmce, but vTtue atoral tty, BiMe-rcorality. He had Mid this country was not a democracy. Ke would what be had said. It was a theocracy, Gcd-^overned ctea Lhrougb th.-ir oonsctcaccs. How important ificn, that ina- conscience be enlightened ty Bible truth. Mr. MaAwxLL concluded with an appeal to the ladies to auataia tau cause, lie said the wor.i was to be con? verted, no* by tae ministry, cut by its Btb;e. He re? spected tne mtcistry. and would slick to it wai.o they stuck to the Bible. This resolution was seconded by Rev Mr. JiiLirax. of Illinois, one of the chaplains of Congress. He appeared to be very youxg. and spuke with spin:, though :~nd. 1'he resoiuuou was adopted. Rev. Dr. Tyng then rose, aad aaid that he felt peculiar pleasure In being cx..ed on to speak at tats metatut. lie men alluded lo Rev Mr. MUbura. aad said thai proba? bly tbe audience were not aware that from tie speaker woo nad preceded htm, Provideace had taken from aim tae outward light o! day. in order that be aaigat experi? ence more iujy the inward light of Heavert. He reijiced ta?t hia you' g inend nad taken a part of tae reaprmsihlti ty irons aim ir. awaxeniag the aucnecce to a Baore Bve y sense o! tts importance of this society. He welcomed tne young man. and he had called a :::??..: a boy . ha would not chide aim lor bis youth. Dr. Ttsei then read the io?owiag resolutions: Jisislivii. That frora llw Ceatuuuoc of iae sacred Scrtp nirea wstchts found s til to eats;. - all oar s^-.trs \-j 7 enite ites, and frwm tbe aaprecrsdejlesi grow^i of our popuat oa, 11 is tb* coavic ion oi uns Society, tbat there *bvmo fee a ? s real eaiargomec t ta its home oper a:tcas : taal hero sac u.w he rroparrd aa<a CUxaiatad tbe coauni je*r, coi less than TSO.fAS) Bible* atd TestamsaL*. and 1 kv.oo0 copies of tae ? ? . ll>?. . . < >ear. httalvtd. Thai ihr u seal Auxiliaries, the Life Directors. Mrorn, aoo Afysasa icen.l? and to . to c.osvra.e ?1:1 Ui- Pareui Boirc := .-s.- -. -j.- ia? peopo?ed noecrul meat lire bun rioci, m * n^.n'..if sa-i thorouga manner. The nrst point to which he directed tlteir ataeaiica wa, the immunen dexututica of the Btaie among tne families tn our country. In ISoO the society attempted to make a thorough (Ustribuaoa at the sacred word t&roughout the country. One tingle edort resc ted in i U>e circulates of kali a rril'iion oi copies ajscne* she nr....ens -f inhabitants is cur '.sad. Whenthe rierioc"! e*: ?-xaminaricr.? arenow msde. there is sail found ?reet r?? sr. t ??::-.:? Ohne :: was cs-'a-atci to m*,?? s mo-t ?ictaeescd deep ;iriy*esstoo. We ne>'d act go to u- West, bat ui- some of the most populous poruoas ot oar ct \inrry. The !e>-?: examination showed in ca of the a>:tt enlightened j ci in Massachusetts :a the couatiea cf N- rt k sad Jiiddlese*-. ia ?:r.St of called the Athens of Aa>T.-:n. ia ?'cht of that -ecersb,e rasrlroti d : ? there ocalir?. ia these were f. und SCO f-inaniei decorate ..; the word of God. In P.yroouth too. whose, stores, tentarlei sgo, were Srst trod by oar forefathers, the pilgrims, for tiey were his fore hi then, and be yielded ion" one in r**spect aod Ten erat n for the pilgrims?there in sieht cftnat roc* which ha? c t yet he-en ill taken away?lor relics?there are twelve hundred families destitute of the ?cript':res._ If Id Massachusetts -*'.:.-. sc.* l*rt and ?tAte.--:--:?b?r ft- r.*:i ".vss:t: n every di-ectica?the binod-scck ers of '-.ther Suites?if ste cannot tl:e sacred word to ail b-r fanifliea, what are we to ex;??ct wh-n we at ?ernpt 10 distribute to-tcnpiarei am -ncthe millions, at to- West, uar 'and rj-e *s an exploration. It wi!! re . '500 0C0 c.pies of jh*? scr-ptcre* to supply It to as many f.:ni.:-a *s are iu;.p> *-d to b? destitute on rar soil. Til* Society, r.e said, caa print re re tisa iOi{' copies a d?y. or 13000 copies in St- days. Look ins at tr-e growth of o?r country, id connection with this !?cv a wiii be found that a: :.-**t half a urllioC of e-c^raau ate jr?rlj es? r n nur thor-s trcra all lands. There ar?; u. re :thn T.V ? p. r?.n? wees y sdcled to the cumber to s-t p..- d w ,tr. tti ' ?;? ?" :?.:.:? at '. rr ton at least 100 CCO are Korean Catholics, and these are shut out from the ri<h*a of the Gospel Us acknowledged co right ;a any order of aien to prohibit men from reading and ex l *mlning*the word of God. God tnrj man a right to hare a Bible?to read the Bib'**, and to interpret for rnmself tie Sil >. He was he said, compelled to speak. He could not say the Bible Warrants any nation to shed , blood. The gentleman from Philadelphia who had pre? ceded him had **:,i the Ii:r le uughtat to be icd-p-cdent. and t- ? maintain ?mr riztsts. it t*ogct ut the independ . eDce like teat of Luther, who, wc-n asked why be did retort to aword. ?< taat he would walk with tee sword of the spirit?that be would trust to the spirit of God. U>; that Itveth by the iw iri sba-l perish ty the sword ? Ue could had in the Bibie no sanction for the wcri of , nations. We are, he faid. responsible for the souls of these larid ; ;r>g in our chores. No living man ha? a right to shut hlm \ self up in ditkre**?to shut out frrra his eyes the light sf : the Gospel. What mind w??, it that asked what is a scui : worth ? It was fcur.d in the Bible?the sole charter c: our hopes?and the means of leading the soul to Ged? ? This Bible was the right of every man. It our agents should visit oae seven times and he refns* it let bi?i then visu ? him the eighth time. He spoke of Ireland, which he ?a:d he honored. There was blood there than Popish I blood. There were many Prj:*?t?nt.< there, and they de ' ?sanded cur sympathy. Froffl Germany and Switzerland ; the call of the comes up 11 us, and on us rests , the responsibilities of supplying them. Their destitution U an argnroent? it is a command?!t Is a decree of God and we had no right to withhold our a;d or ?lack our hand*. While there ta tins rrcat destitution, there is als > an ex ; citemcnt of desire for the word ot God. Never was there 1 ?nc!i aa interne exciteiaent and interest f^lt for the Scrip? tures. We are passing; down a stream and must at last reach a cataract. He Instanced Manchester as atype of tbe wants of the dettituttf and the . perattons In otr-r piaces. For t'irty four years they bad distributed 5000 copies yearly. Yet tne thtrty-S'th year at the end of September they dis? tributed 13.000 copies; and ia tbetwo months of October and November following th.-y circulated 31,000. They had diitnt^ited th> m through tne young men in the mi a md countir.tjhouses and shops. Some of the g'ri* 1 had acted as agenis. an.i one had told from four to rive tboasaad. Ha spoke of Bishop Chaster *nd of bis ex I cellent wrirks. who bad sent this society iE.VjO. Dr. Tyng read an extract from tfw letter of the Bishop accompa? nying this donation. He asked, then, il he should err in walking in the stept of this treat man. He had taken up the c?.u?e of the American Bible Society. Ha had : nailed his :'.?cto the mast, and he should never strike it down. He could not ri?d it In bis conscience to with? hold hit efforts. The time will come when men who now look with j-alouiv on this society wi.l be elad to come beneath me shadow of its wines. Lvery thing of interest connected with the Bible is the truth it teaches. Tb,, miuistry, the forms and cere es by which it is surrounded, he regarded as the paper on which it wtj primed, and the covert in which :t was bound. Be agreed wiia the gentleman trom Virginia, who said ho would itick to the ministry while they stuck to the Bible, and no farther. It wm the riant of every man to interpret the Bible, and not ; the ritht ol the Church. 'The Comforter whs sent to every individual sonl, and not to the Church. Every soul had a ri?hi to read and interpret the Bible for itsell His Pilgrim bl<~.d had niide him an Episcopalian. Be 1 honored the Pilgrims tor their independence, and he would have followed tbe Pilgrims in their rebellion to the power of ihe s-tate in rrligi in, and he rejoiced In the movement In'Scotland, which had followed the exam pie ot the Pilgrims. What are contests about but the Bible * Tbc Fourier, ites and al! Sorts ol itrs hud repudiated the Bible, and had thrown man . n his appetites and passions without the Bible, when they cou I scarcely be controlled with the ; Bible. They would drag man from the bights ol God and plunge nlm Into dungeons a prey to the plots ol the , destroyer of mar,. | uun-iittn is the Incarnation of Satan. 11- regretted that Christian booksellers should ? acd works containinglhe?e dane-n us errors. Another enemy was that ol Rome. - If," tab! ho. thei- !?? any InfalUbiUiy, I mint eCstnowledge, in man. it 1* tn myself. If I must submit to any man it is to the man ill mysell here 'stinting bis heart 1 There is a Safety 111 the man bere, when one must uust to man?n safety la thaexercise in ones own heart, because there it aa infallibility shove, nad tne heart seeks its guidance." There was ?nothi r tonn ?t error whose manifests*. lion* were prtlnfttl to bim. It seeks to bark up the Bible . by forma. He w.uld thkeany church as far as be Agreed , with ir. Ho would not go to sea wuh any man. As Dr.Tyoa was loudly applauded, particularly at this stage of bin remirks, he took OCCasIl n to sny that he bad uol said any thing for applause. [It! knew that bte re? marks would be published and quoted aud that be might Ii- charged v.uh having uttered ihem for applause. But he il d riot seek applause. Il was as nothing to lilrn. Il nullen d not wbo agreed or disagreed with bim. He. i held that Iii? Bible was supreme and did not require a ' minletiy. Tho girl at her cottage door, though uuac 1 quaiuted with the fine writings ol the Frenclnnan. cau interpret the Bible a* well as h-t collece-bred pastor.* He sni.l. I go back to the Bible. <?o,i speak* to me in the Bible i i.ot man speaks to me. but God speaks, at it ttie Bible was made for mi?as it God wrote tt tor me." God spake to him in ihu Bible, and it whs his right to met 1 < out in it alone. and if rain isters or priests came to turn at that time, he shut it.etn out. as Abraham left bit young men b- bind with hi* asses. He ?p ke of the sedi? er press as serving ihe eMU*e of the rl?.le, and w,* not ashamed to be regarded hi a Bible pre**. Whea be I went to his Bible, he was with Mose?, and Isaiah, and , Paul, and with John 011 the bosom ot Christ, catching , the whisperings of dit me truth in his ear. He gut not ; bis d.atiriae from man, or from the Church ; he owed tt ; to none but tiod. He said that a crisis was at hand and that it was hit 1 dot. to speak out. He said his brethren held the key of sap> j plies In their hands and he appealed to them to sustain the cause. Ii these resolutions were adopted he had no doubt that the 750,000 prophets and messengers of truth, direct from i.od, would go out to every comer ol the land on which we dwell. The resolution wai seconded and pissed. Mr. Patntiaro.-e to explain. He ti.eught frem the re? marks of Dr. Tyng Lb 11 h. might have been as be::.; in favor of war. tie was in favor of*war only as ileorge Washington ?as tnfavorof war. He believed that it was tor the geveniment to hold the sword and that It did not always hold it in vain. The sword should be used only to repel force and shoo.:.! anctiier occasion like thai in nhtch Washington was engaged arrtse, tie should strive to be a- much like Washington .is was in his power. With the doxoiogvand beae.'.icltoa the assemblage departed and the fflfefjpf a Ijooraed. Christian Alliance. The Third Anniversary of this Society was held at Dr. Cone's Church on Weaaasday evening, which was crowded ia every part. After prayer by Bev. ilr. Bacoo, and the performance of a piece ol music, the Annual Ke pori was read by luv. ?r. T?.mpsoc. Pastor of the Coa ?-.-egation wershlplcg ?t the Tiberaacle. Tae Kep-.irt did cot deal in statistics, but cenSned itself to a history of ihe Alliance and a call and argumentative tx;oaltioa of tu -lain and objects. The Society was established ia 1513 a::d the Idea ongiuated wuh some ltali.ia Ex.les ia this coiuitry, ?ho scea-i the M???j: gs of Ildigioui Freedom here, conceive.; use ;jea of doing something for their ua tbrtanats aad oppressed couaurymea at liorae. The ob? jects of the Society are the Ealis'btenmeat of th* Wo: Id. and especially Itxir. This Utter work is tobe rarst et? aently accvaip.i?hed by mexa. of lliaaai themselves, aad already laige quanutiesof the Bible aad D'Aubigne's His? tory of the Keioraiatiou Save beea Circulated in the Papsd Doraiuioas, nolwitiistaadaig tbe vi^uaace of ta* Po.ic* and all the raeaa* employed to prevent the latroduction of daagercus publications. A Letter was read, at the close of the mecliag, dated ia Italy, which stated that there ?e;e means ol evading the police regulati.-a.-, and Chat Bibles aad iTotcs'.^at oouk? cou.i be c.rcu.ated ia aay i.aaauty. lac report Stated that great ex, eciatioru were entertained itvai lie a; prvao. is, a.eerdrig ol the Christian AiOiacc ut Louden?aiiiiou?h tias Society tinhraced the --1U.1 geacr.l vr...ecu?tae ipreadaf Ber^kwi f rtedora ia Europe, la the accotafiii-hmeat c: this v*o:t. it was most appropriate to aeria %?:ia laily. the ceatre Of eccie-iasti c^i tyraacy aad oppression. The Itxiiaaa oace have tall? er., put the..- spirit was act S.-uker.. aad ". aa the grish?g nijht 0.' tae Dizt Ages they rose agaiu. Is there, knot her rt0-e."icra'.:oa lot luiv ! Alter the read-.:,- of the Be port Dr. Pica agid-eased the iai.ia.e. Be fdaumed entpbaticslly ihat the ot.ectof the :.:>uaa A._i.-.., was u-.e Oe-oel? eilkP^i^a of a>ed:gtocs Freedom, -s bt:.-^ tae bssts of moral action. This Asso dsttsbfl rutsar-.ased tSe tears of the i'o'r. whi r.M reason to dread that tt wai spcrcaiy accorapiish its o.'., cot*. While tae >ocie-y was atjjj ia trubryo aad its Coasatutisa arui Prcgrara-ac had but ] ;<eti"prxied. the Pope was ;=. DMdiateiy mad* cgtaltrted aid: the .rgsaizxtior.; and wuh the Utile paa> coatxiciag tie CoasUiuuoa ac. 0: the Sect;..- beto.-e a.aa. ae penned a BuZ expr?s-lag iae strengest ipprehe s.uis tae o;<rsaocs o; this " -oa spiracjr agatcst their holy Keiigtoa.' The Holy Father dets not litz Knowledge. Uelijticcj Freedom is fatal to aas plans?t_ae m-au employed by this AsSOClstdoa?ta Lsucg in the aa-se It*?ag.s*theai>civcs?ta?.ie Sis attiess saut? together i.a- t. :tt ki tes of Be?ts/.-ar- TS? ir?-. moverceat of that Soceiy rrajhteaed the Holy Father, for he ka.wt tiut he ia vuiiieraSie ca every tads, and he r-jra L-les upon ha? ruitea iaroae. Aitur rsjaiaaag tie iaitary uf :ac .:..? ?;: the AassUaaoa, the sp-eaier rccuiied that .t was Balj : lag itaiy what was a ftar aad caras tiia coraper?aii_a te what the Pope 1? trying to do :or this country. He is serdug among as his rejja-eats of es-.a^.-ies in every ii^Li^. ?-:o IsTtsfuar. hl? tbousand? ia esiabhshaig ?cSoois, colleges, churches and other lastita ns : be : tjruraat a.- -1 :?assh*?d pecple a.: icaitr a,.:? -gj ;Sg i.esaia^s ci .113 re^j.on. Isis Uiberly care ?-* moKt :adt>irioUs and comprehensive, and act a fores: aor a prairie aor rlver-vj_ley tna: did not *Sc: abatitat traces of i;s work ta our Setalf. A_i taj is certainly very tia?. u,-v^ ahaC we do for His Hoaaess -1*111^ 49 ?or! eillJ--8 for Italy : ti: while he ia -'"-~T?? to fire .,5... z.c . ga: ia t>.-? dark coaatry clad ra dreaau tadihadows, he ha? tatireOy overiooied the pros irate aad isplcrabi? gg^on-ic cl his swi coaatry t\sA ejected from It die nr-blesi ramis and ?ptr--j it ccntair.ed? :.'i?-:r; Italy her-e.:' to wander la Cesran aad iartoess. L'tm impart tit* breath of iif? to Italy, tn exchange ta? ttle dsst xad ssbe* E ? Holiness gives tie Protcstaatj and > . of tae Called Mate?. Resr. Mr. Hagce Boston next wax irtrodured. His remi.-is were precisely of tie um? tenor as rnos* of Dr. Peck, only toay were mere denunciatory and declxmativt. Dae of the leading tsMQghti tn its address wu tax: Provt had so ordered it In the progress of tie world that ail meliorative movements proceeded from tie East to tie W-*;. The Idolatry and confounding o: F.xbel was fol? lowed by tile L<ri dTecrtcg Abraham to move tcward the We,;. aud from that movemehi sprxnc Israel and tie Caarch. Seren hundred years before that, the fugitive* i-crc Troy i'.-unded an ?rapire in Italy which eventually brcsme tic ~s?- rcsterfu. hn earth, snd whence went est tbe men who settled 'iaul. Mid :.c Esrcpe an.'. England, an '. Da m ?riem. ir. in. proceeded t ose tr.rluence* ?hieb led :o :ae Reformation and hemme.! in the Blighty Rota l-h Hierarchy. Fri'm ??'?'? latter movement sprang the In? fluences, which led tn tie rcopltnc and development of tits country; iad as here the man] aspect cf human pn-cress bad reached Its widest *nd moat pertect extent, so It *?*? Ukaly that :t had aisj arrived a: itj geographical consum? mation, when it should have begun to reverberate and spread itself al->nc the shores of tic PacSr. It seemed to be a persaament law that each country cr era shonid ctve birth t--. those Impuls-? and mfiuenoes wnfeh were to re act apou and rernodi 1 its own character. Previ'erce ap? pears to have invested this idolatrous tloh? with a rcne of brightness which shall expand from pole to pole and en i veicp ir.e whole earth. We are now reacting upon Eu rope with tremendous force; and tie moral eject of our example upon the people and troverrments of Europe jj -ureiy f .r-toi i in that mighty y?aming :. r unity 01 action i and purpose thronghout tie great heart of tie Christian World. Heretofore Christian union had never accent ; :-h..-d s: :i . "u: now crrtt and lofty objects unite us? '. brisfs werk Is to do, and we must do :t w:ti our might, i There is enly just Romanism enough In tbe country to arouse us to action ana mate DJ rlrm and vigilant. Dr. Beeches of Beaton, on being introduced to the meetin?. observed that one reason why ?0 much atten? tion bad been attracted to the movement* of thu Asso? ciation was. because it take* u? out of tie passive voice snd places us :a the active voice, iu regard to Rome. The speaker went over much of the ground already ex? plored by others, snd thee obs-rved mat Re me. withal! ner power, her vigilance, her aafe^uards. was vu'nersb.e :n one point. Tike the Italisa who has seen and lived under an Ecc!e?i??t:cai Government, and you can't de? ceive b:m into a belief in the disinterested ?nd picas de? signs of the Church of Rome upou this country. This fact led to the formation of this Society. wfcose principal object am p. attack la its strenge?; citadel that accuriec system which has biasted tie world?to pry it up from its center snd uproot its very foundations. snd every Cbntuac will cheerfully give his band and heart to the work. The Doctor dwelt at length upon these points, and then alluded to the fact mentionco in the Report that this Society was ihe rlrst Protestant raumrntii that had been 1 0 dally noticed by the Papal Government. then al? luded to th9 Pope's Bull.wbich re rep-atej In thundering Latin, that produced a visible trfeot upon tho audience ? Last year he had read a criticism in the Boston Cath? olic Journal upon this Society, conceived and written in a apirit of so.etna terror. The prominent individuals of tbe Association were hei.l up by came, and it was asser? ted that before God and men they were to be beid re? sponsible f. r all tbe revo utioni snd all the war. devasta ' lion aad bloodshed wbich muht ensue upon their move? ment. These declarations tell too plainly what Rome feels snd fear* trim this Association. But we have done nothing blamable. Rome has banished eighteen thous? and of the nobieat sons ot Italy. We receive the wan I derers. we put Bibles into their bands and leave them with their own thi >:gbt* to purtue the promptings ol ? their own oonaciences. If in consequence ot our ac? tion in thus spreading light and knowledge and religious freedom a more ttemendous earthquake than has ever yet shaken the world should come, we from our hearts I say Amen ! It (ioverumenu sre so corrupt or so tyran? nical, or so unholy that tbey cannot stand beneath the ight and the power of ihe Gospel, then let them fa I, and be they blameless who let in upon them the effulgence of the'Bibie ! Alter the conclusion of Dr. B's r.ddress s collection wa* lasen up and the meeting adjourned. .WcetinsT of the Friends of Association. The friends of Association held a meeting last evening at the Tabernacle, at ?hieb Addresses were de? livered by 11. Orceley, George Riplcy '.from Brook.Farm) and A. Brisbane. We took a few notes of ihe interesting remarks of Mr. Hi;ley. but th* immense pressure upon our j columns compels us to condense what we would write 0 I his observations into a small compass. He commenced by I saying that ad the attempts that had yet been made to cs I tabllsh Phalansteries In \arlrus parts of the country are ! nothing, aad can be taken as no xlnd of practical i?ustra ! lion of what'Association is. They are not oven to true As soclation what the acorn is to the oak, which may be con j verted Into a noble vessel to carry riches and blessing-, todls : tarn parts of the earth. They are iu reality nothing? 1 th? ringing of the bell which tells mat the train la com? ing kIwi < :!. and mit It is not yet *t ban J. Wnat we look I lor as Ihe otisuminnttun of our hope is at an almost in? finite liiamnce from u?- but by zesl and devotion and energy and laith It was our duty to prove by its effects ihstiiwaa a great and true movement?a movement which alone can ueveiopand put in prm .ice In the Social relations of mankind those suhhrne harmonies which has every where so palpably written through? out the material world. The leading Ides ot Association is that under the preaeut et*lo of Society justice is not done M the highest a?plr?tlons of man. l ie poet 'm said that the souls of men In the civilized coun? tries of the Nurm were of noble growth. Rut are the souls of this generation and this age of noble growth 1 Such seltisb beiuits of gniu ami antagonism, as 1 srlyle ??ys. like a jnr of vipers, each tryina to get bis head sbijve the others.?cannot be truly called noble. I'll" ?? ill cannot ripen ur.iler such advnntseea as wo en? joy. It is no fault ol the null, but of the difficulties wltb which she has to struggle. We are like plants growing in an ?rid soil, choked and overrun with weeds and this? tles?stinted, dwarfed and unlike altogether what we were intended by 1 ur Creator to be. Everything in tbe physical world mi..| In Science has advanced and been carried along with gigantic force, but in Social Order there has been comparatively no progress. The old times of Feudalism and Chivalry, with their rude but high notions of honor ai.i faith, their glory and their life und activity, although they displsyed tbe SWordof w<,r ind vtoll m e. yet possessed advai tsg. s over tho present ume and spiritless era of Commercial Feudalism. We I have not gamed much since tbe age of Chivalry. Instead j of depriving each Other of life in fair and open combat, mi 11 now content thorns, lvra with endeav ring to wrest ! from one another the means of life, (lain arid Trade j are the universal religion?Ships are our tempi.-s and I the Counting-rooms the most sacred places. Under such ! a state of things character dies out and life almost be ! comes extinct. It la the object of Association to remedy , thes ? evil*, and to teach tbe world ihut Man dev* cot live by bread aiotie . to develop the true ?rder ot the Social . relation and ripen ihe soul into its highest maturity and power Instead of exhausting all our energies in the j filing of the purse. Tbe cousequecctts of the present disorder of the Social .-??i su-on are. nrst the unequal distribution of Labor, aud ' thus the annihilation of a law of Deity, who iu the very i powers ?cd physical organization ol the human being i baa proclaimed tb*t all men are born to labor. It was esti ' mated by Ur. I rankhn that if al! who were able should work two hours each day. the product would be an abund? ance of the comfort* and luxuries of lile for ad. Did such I an organization a* ibis exist, what a blessing to those poor, unfortunate slaves of labor who are compelled for a bare subsistence lo work twelve and riiteeu hours per ' day ' Ia it not aimoat time that they should be ruiieved j from this horrible servitude which changes tbe s?ge! tn tbe breast of man into a dray horse > Should not this sys : tem be done away, and lie Laborer perm.tied an op? portunity- ol intellectual culture and mental expansion I j Civiliz-stion divide* the world into two classes?the La j borer, the conscript of the I'uiverse. and a set ot imUe ciles, balI grown, st.oted. weai and scarcely ab;e to crawl about, who devot?'themselves lo what are called ' intellectual pursuits.' Tbe nrst are ground down 10 tbe dually .ab r ?:.??. to.-. comp-.sed and d.storted ' into a ?ort of ludicrous non-descripts. whose genus o is to be tjund in no v>..urre Natural His? tory. Tee division of wealth is quite as unequal as the dls tributicn of labor. Association looks to a better state of thicga on these surject*?to a liberation and develop? ment of erery faculty of tbe Human Soul. It contem? plates nc rarh. Jacotiaical scheme of a division nf Prop? erty but strives for an order of society in which every mm, woman and chi.d sha.. be supplied in plenty for all tie:; watts?.a which there shall be ao wants, no com? plaints. Man demands luxury, magn.aceace sad opu , .ence. If tnese are secured to all what more is wanted ! If ail who are capable wrought according 10 their ability, and the product were fairly distributed among a.L un* wou.d iaevitab.'y be so. Now tie great mass of mankind ore deprived of almt-at bread ; walle the few?a-.t the /acorcu tew?are surrounded ay more than tcey can use. After some fjrta--.- ;e0--i.: remark*, waich we have not room to print e'ro tae s;igha;?t sketch of. the speak? er d led *::a aa cX^-iat appeal to me friend* of Asso? ciation eat of Association to exert themselves lo ex? tend :u principles aad create a public opinion to sustain tae hands and caeer tie icons of liote aer.v-.;y enga rd .a tie work. ^onthern >lethotli<tt Conference. Correapcndence of Tie Tribune. PiTtxsacssu. May 12th, Istb. yitttrs. Grttley Sr MeE'.ratk : The General Con? ference 0: tie ile:iosi;s: Episcopal Church, Souih, have this day elected Sev. Mr. Seeon their Mis? sionary Secretary. They have determined to estab? lish a Mission in China, and I anderstand that their *r.aa for that diitan: staiicn is designated, but I am usah e to give yea his came. Tcey organized, as vou know, one year ago. Suce that tirra; they have co?ected for Missions S.x:y-E:gh: Thousand Dollars, paid all the ex? penses of ?eir Missions?which are many?and hive Futeen Tiaasxnd Dollars ha'a nee?a ;ret:y gocd be gtrfflfng at the M-astouArr work. Tiiy are icliiag titir sesxicn w.ti open doors, tn the Ai-taaa Church,., Pretty weO, that, for x Church tixi aas seiiarxted frcra the M. h. Church on 'he question of shivery : The session has leva rhSTstOaTfxed, ?n far, by great and srartirmty?no exciting debate ca xav queauoa. The esaaiiishmea: of a Book Coacem U bestanin-g to Pratae* ?t=* det-ate. t: a pretiy wei: setilec that tae> w.. aave two?oa* Exit and tie other West of the Aile ihaay M.u-iaitf.s. Tie Western cstabllshmeat wlLL most Lteiy. be axed ?1 ijjai*v-.iie, Ky. some are la f?vor t,i u-:era one ?: .S-w-Vork, others a: Elch raoad, Ac _ 1 ou ae*d not be ssn-prised U it shecid he ;.iccdai Xew-i'ork. in wnieh ease your neighbors may taaak mercseives for ta* procnction'ef a rival esAehiiib raaat at tieccr door! Tours ta aasie, sxxrsxssoy. A 5. Lovell ha* resigned the eyditorship of ' the JitKA9M( ?qm, Demeter, Xsjs. Reported for Thr ST. V. Tribune. BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. WiiKtMCTON, Tt-'.vil.. ? t t. M. Ia the Senate, the Committee* reported severs' b?la sxaong others a bii! for a free bridge .-. the Potomac ai the Navy 'i erd, Mr. Bkefsr introduced a bill to repeal the pro vision in the Navy Appropriation bui ot last yea-, limiting the naval force to 7,500 men. An ialercst ire dii*ras*ioa then ensued and tec biil vri< reft rred to the Coramiiiee on Nava; Affairs. Bdls from the House were theu liken up sad re ferred. Ths bills in relation to the Florida Jadiciary si ?! the New Hampshire daims for military aervi es were passed?the latter S3 Ayes to 1? Noc*. The French Spoliation bill >\ a* farther portpoa-..: till Monday. The amendments of the House to the bi.l raisi _ a corps ot sappers and miners, were ccncurrvrd ia !t was ttans passed sad seat to the President Mr Archer's motion 10 reconsider the vote by which the Senate disagreed to the amendments of the House in regard to the amendments of the bill fora K'gimect of mounted riflemen, was laid aside for inquiry The bill authorising the appointment of one Pay master an.1, three Assistant Paymasters - aader discussion as we close the dispaich. The West Point Bui was finally passed. In the HofsE. a motion to reduce the mileage of Members was rejected. The Army Appropriation Biii was then taken up. A partisan discus?ton of more spirit than abiliry ensued. On this Mr. Thik man of t>iito. attempted to reply to Mr. Dxla.vo, out with no great effect. Mr. Sim^ of Missocri. fol. 'owed and made a rough, strong;, ??haraeteristie f.a rancue in defence of the Administration Hon. Garrett Davis, hurled back the impu? tations east on those who do uot approve of all Mr Polk has done bo the Mexican business. He refer red to the President's usurping power and em broiling; the Nation in \% ar while Congress is in session, and without submitting the subject to that body which alone has full authority over the matter. Thlnts* in H ii-li.MgtoM. WxamjroTOX, slay 13. 1846, midnight. The excitement in the city is not so crest to day. We are anxiously waiting fcr later news from the camp. The southern mail this evening: has nothing later. The marine band performed this afternoon, in the President's grounds. They will perform in the Capitol grounds every Saturday, and in the Presi? dent's grounds every Wednesday during the sum? mer. A largre concourse of ladies and gentlemen, the President, Cabinet. Ac. were listening to the music and rambling through the beautiful grounds, Mr. Bancroft has told them that they must play with more spirit now. 1 understand that he has made theni change their dress to suit his taste. Mr. WEBSTER and lady returned to this city this evening from their visit to the North. I have nothing of the proceedings of the U'm steh ami Imochsoll Committees. The War fever has sw allowed up every thing You will see that Mr Petit. Chairman of the Committee to impeach Mr. Webster, basresigned, and that Mr. Jones ol Ga. has been appointed iu bis place. They had betterall resign. Richelieu. The War excitement?Call on New? York? Where i? >lr. Clny f Correspondence of The New-York Tribune. Kxw OaXSAIfSi May ii, IM. Messrs. CS reeky \ UeElralh . The public mind ia excited beyond what con be imagined by any one int an eyewitness. A boot two hundred Une look? ing men just passed me on their way to the I . S. bar? racks below the city. Among Ihi m I perceive very many old acquaintances, some who were volunteers in the Florida war. Our city i* u military encamp mem. Music is playing in every street, stores have been emptied and turned into uiili ary rendevous. The volunteers from ".he interior" of the country are expected hourly,and Mississippi will be strong? ly represented. Mobile, you will perceive, did its duty with a promptness that has won for her great admiration. I Outer my self thai New York city will pour out a few hundreds of her lean popnla tion to assist their country men in the Mexican War. Il will be oue of longer duration, 1 think, than is anticipated, and require all the efforts of the Government to condui t to an honorable issue. The people are beginning to inquire where is Mr. Clai ' now that ability is needed ni the head ol Govern ! raent instead of demagoitism. In haste. City 1 trims. ' The Messiah.'?The performs nee of this sub. lime production of Handel at the Tabernacle to-night must bring on*. i n their strength all the I >vcrs and fileiiit.1 of Sacred Music in the i Ity. The union ut such nrti?tlcal talent as Sign oca Pico, Miss North ill. .Mr. Shepexd and the o'her performers er gaged tor the occasion, would secure a rail attendance, apart from the intrinsic merits 'it the piece to be performed. The tickets have been put d..v.u to ''J Cents, and nothing short ot a crOsPofed house will meet the expense at which thll Oratorio is to be produced. While upon thesuhiect of this Oratorio we will repeat that a fiuely-printed complete edition of it, with an ac? companiment for the Organ, splendidly arranged by bish? op, has been published by Kinn,! it Pood, and cm Le had for only S3. In no other shape can M much music of this high character be bought for any thing like this sum. Americas Institute ELECTION ?A spirited contested election of this Institute was held yesterday in the Park. The polls ope:.ed at ti o'clock and until 8 the rooms were crowded with voters and SlSCtiOneerer*. The election resulted In the election of the old ticket. Number ot votes cast 233. The ticket beaded Mal.lou Olckerson was elected by an average majority of from 13 to 4? votes over that beaded by Luther Uradisb. rTlrr" At an Election held at Firemen s Hall on the 14th tnst. lor two Assistant Engineers In p ace of Messrs. w. W. Wilson and 0*>n w. Brennen, resigned, Messrs. W?ton aad Lacour were elected by a Urgs ma? jority. The vote was as follows: Nicholas F. Wilson.. .9.10 John P. Lacour_SK Henry C. pleader-i'?3 Samuel 0. Betts.. . 5b Stephen T. floyt.SO Wrn. S. Lacour. 17 Scattering.244. [3** We see by the market report ia one of the papert Ciat' Lead is run up on accouat of the war.' ty -City Item?' and Bank accommodations ire beginning to be rather icarce, ' on account of '.be War.' This it fortunate for ut, as our space !j more than occu? pied by tae presence of al! sorts ef news. After the An uvessary Week Is over and tier.. Taylor has whipped the Mexicans, we shall have room and time to tee what is going oa. The Highland Brothers.?A couple of mam moth children, only 7 aad 'j ytiri old, and weighing some 250 or 300 pounds each, have recently arrived frora OIas ;ow, Scotland, and we under-ur.d that several ef our managers ar* vieiag with each ether ia their aadexvors to s-c-re them for their respective establishment*. Of com tc the :'*t ones pocaet the fruit of this strife, with a.1 cocl ne*?. Ho box en ?Reader if you have a few hours to spare, visit Hoocken frequently. Our word for it, if you improve such lovely weather as w? had yesterday your heal in will oe benefited by it. General Sessions?Rg/eriiVzy?Jam?4?. Hewett ; >aded guilty to forgery ia asvtr.g Bank-bill plates in hu pcssessica. state Prison * year*_Ben;. 0'Coao?l' ? pent larceny?GuBty?3 months la Penftetrttary_Mary .tan Mclstyre, do. do do. 3 months?.'ames Pajnexgum for grand larceny?acquitted. Police.?Nothing hat petit larceny trasb. Our column* art as fail as the Tombs?no room fur small of? fend en. Law Cocet;.?James D. Lane rt Capt. PowelL This case Is not yet disposed of_The Babiaers of tne t;ug Association are to appear this morning for sen? Humphrey and Wat P. Usllat were re appointed as Clerks ot tae Supreme Court_la tae Vice-Chaacellor's Court the case of M:*i Cross, the daughter of s Clergym?n la Keyport. N. J. cause up again, but notaia^ was done_la tee 0 B Hrent Court, Capt. Davis, of the scar. Patuxeat was tr.ed for beiag en? gaged la the Slave trade. .Not guilty. Court Calendar?This D*r. Coaxo.v rleas?i-art I.?Sos. 157, 159, 161, i?. ?GT. 264, Wi. Ii?. m9. 144. Part g ? hcs. 6-, 1C* 260. 770, 27", 110, 114,5, fl, >'A-_ Cy* The foCXC Ma.v *ao ,eti nu bcuie ia Ma*s?-ha ?eiis on Tuesday. Apr.; 23ib. is esmesUy recae*ted to retaru to his motner. who is cat of health, and desirous to see atat once more. If hi* money i? ex!?a?t<d he =*y let her kaow cf U at once, or apply, persoasjly or other*) -*e, to hi* friend B. at So. 1c WlOow-st. Brooiiyn. L. L and ms wis'j wi.. kekia Dy refleved. La3T Dai bct o.? or ths Living Oeaxg at thx AarrxtCA.n Mcsnrm.?Tnts remarkable aiitruu, if juch It may be called, leaves the city for ?*.?more on Monday next, so that uxisy aad to-raorrow are the last of int exhibition. The Anatccatcai Ycaus and excellent Performances at 2 and 7} ?. M. are a portion cf the Mu? se am bill. Appointment*, by tho Prealdeot. Ba *.%d mi tat artete? and onsm *f uU Se*m* W il atar: V Ltntjc. to ba Attorney c! iho Catted Si*ie? tor ic- District . : Wiaooceta. in the -.- , ofTao*. " Suthet aa.l. v?K>s*- e>mu::?*ie>u had expired. W:tj>:v ; WxTSON to be K;-g:su r of tie. Land Ofiee for Um aisexict oi landa*ubj}e?tto sales* Caaatoa. in tau ';s;? ?. , .? ',\ .,:?!>: : ? e. Jtc.ssed. rirt-Ti r\vr?txs-rix*, ?iiiu* LH.-xxir.tii-. to be lVj'str Peats-east** *t >??'?:? X Oonafct>ru:. in piece of John H. T;waxaVL rt> Kosot C^raox. to be D<?>tt.v Postmaster at Lv-cfc. . rise, w a??c ec ?ukioQ hja ?xrir*d. A im> > oim.mThTthe- i.ovrruor. By aa i r :i nVt ?.eiet e*d toamt ef tie So* at*. Lewi* H S.i:.\''..rd. \ .ce-ChaoeeMor. AothOTT R_ " s-si-iv.-. ?ice-Chancellor. Stephen Cam rem,- Philo l Kui-gle*. Jam*, Maurice, William a Ktttng. Lucius Kobinaon, Isaac V. Kowler Maate? in CnaDcerr. The Lsgkbsou LxrESTtGATi v?The l aion o: Wt .'.netviay (aye; Ti e t?ro romm'tt~? of in? sv.Mion into the charge* : >! .--? ?*-s:nt Mr Webster. ,nd of Mr nekagainst v- .. 5v.?i.,h Hire ujs two ia ?mi'ot' a : ::? i torn - with suta. rity iroui ihr House to ?:| jur. log it? sessions Owing to Ur, WumOA's regretted tl'Be**, and Mr. IVtt.t'* refusal to serve witaou; ? c ert, i*, former Corainittee mutt have been retarded. But M Brinkerhod tad Mr J. net having been autititutrd tor Mr Wihnot and Mr. I'etitt. the important tusinr** of that Committee ??:,: pr. hat-:,, procured ?ttb. ut farther c ij :? i CooamtOM, wo understand, bta ex. ?'- .-chau.a ?ud Mr T.itt. and ? proeecatusi .ii ...q.;:ry. Thh Ckops.?\Vo continue to receive from all parts of the conn try, not only in Louisiana, but in Alaba? ma, >!?----?: pi. Georgia and South Carolina, ite most ua ? >? ?-?? ere :..c ?icwing c'onon cioo. TS* lilt heavy rsint have rendered t necessary to replant on a very extensive vale, and .11 ?eed is very .scarce. miie'h V l ay baa bean expertei eed ia procurii s supplies. The crop v at east tnree week*, a eurcemstaace which may tend to Juan Isli the 3 leid next season. CS- 0. Coot. Times, 6 th.. Table Civilitiis.?"Shall 1 help you to the I :".ir ' sal'. x Ian lads .1 cheap bearding house, to 00* of her guests. ?? fx n't trouble yourself.'* ?** tho reply, ?? the butter is plenty strong enough to help Itself." I Mirror. iinsuuss -No:ucs. Dx-vnixs.?A lew days since we rufernsd to Messrs, :! ich? ck snd Blsissle'.!. Dentist* of this c!i> . at.d ws) ni w j >ib.:?h tbe opinions of lewral emioeat ?nd duuh . -.i shed physicians respecting their dental operatiens, ?? I have the pleasure of ?eerog some n( ihr moat ; beauuiui and perfect specimens 01 *rti6c:<st teeth, act 1 t:pou gold p.?:e?. that have ever been exhibited n thia ; or any other couutry?manufactured by Bltchcock and tBlaisdell, Deotitts.311 Broadway, The in>pr..v.Tneot? I in the art ot Dentistry have become to great during he 1 U?t ten yesi?. th?: it becomes sxmatu r of some m cent Ii anow ?ho ve amongst the number who 1 -,v,< fc.-pt up witb the times, and who are best qualified 10 ?ii the branches of their profession. To strHnjers sod all eKh> . r?. w::o are n eking tor the benefits which sie M be Je derived from a Uitaiui application of the dental art, I c?n with confidence recommend them to the ears the above named gentlemen. Homks bostwicx M D, 75 Chaiubera-st" ?? I bn\ .? had an opportunity of examining senm rpeei mens ol Messrs. Hltcbci < k and Blaisdell's a: udcis ii eth, and also their very superior sty'e of setrlrg : for el?. ' gauce and durability I think theoi ad that >-. aid he de? sired. They certainly wxhibit proofs ot skill hi^h.'y ered liable to ihe professti n of itent.stry. s. Rcssr.t Childs, Ml' No. 83 Chambereet, lt.Y. New-York, April 2*1, leit'. " ? r r. m p.-? us '.-.:v,1 r. 1 cm with great cordiali? ty concur in tbe opinion above expressed. Jambs tt ixxen, m D iMi Broadway. New-York, April Stih, is-tri '? A Hint to Pabxnts.?Uow atreeahlo It it to retain t je semblance of a beautiful or beloved child, as a child even when he baa grown to maturity I Who does sot :,i?e children ' For our part, if we had rilly girla aad > boys (I) wo would take them all to Prof. I'lumbe, at his handsome room* SSI Broadway, nnd obtain daguerreo? types of them And we advise parents to act upon this ... ElboaktabdValuablb Boobs.?Particular attention Is ms i:cd to the choice and uncommonly valuable Library to be sold by Royal Guiley -v Co, Jot Broadway career of j Duane-sU on Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. It may b* , truly said that there lias not been a sale of dm*) Interest j sndsttracl city for along tuna?a rout slits set I of the Encyclopedia Brlmnlca, last edition, will be found iii the catalogue. MUTsi LtC TeSl.siT Razoa Si k. s?The oldest sad rs-ost a.iproved sr Ich) now ir use. having be.111 befi re the public lor .lie last Ihlily years, can I?, had ni Ihe snbseTlbStS*. O. 8AUNDEAS k SON, myli Stead 177 Broadway,opposite ll.jwr,rd Hotel Pockst s io Pas Kmvss.?A ne?uilful a**ortas*aw ol the ibuve can a seen ?1 the subscribers', amorm which will he found some of ihe most splendid and unique patterns ever Imported to Ihl*country. myl2 3teod <t SSI NhKHS le SON. IT? Broadway, POBTASLB Snxvisic CaSR* -Thesubscribers' assortment embraces ev,-ry variety of Traveling Dieaaine Caae, seit* bleeither for along 01 short journey, containing all that is oecosHiiry (or the toilet my 12 Jleod U SACNDKR9 i SON. 177 Broadway. Co'* Merchant*! Mechanics and business men will Bud the Whig Almanac for lei?a very usotul aud con ? renientbook ot reference throughout tho year. Tbe price is only Uj cents per copy or 11 per duzen. Science and skill In every art Have now 1 ? great perfection drown. And he who best that sllH irupaiu His deeds makes widest known, ft?* Pbalou's skill ba* produced for Ihe public a com pound (at ibe li or we mean ihe Chemical Hair [avlgoray tor?whichw 11 rernoveall scurl or daodruf, prevent bair ?., ?;. mi and gives a ft a ken appearance 1A m advise . w io try it wl.o n?v- not sk-Mily Prepsred by B- Pha Broadway, (Judsoa's Hotel,) Wig Maker andHatr _ Sxxos's SaasafaaiLi 1 tbit lovaluable inndieiae kst J acquired e high repuuuoo for being effeetusl iu iheremo. /ai aLd p-ririanem cur? ol si. diseases ariilrig frooi an lav pure stale ifl ? It is ib? peculiar .? tiaracieitsUe of preparation that 11 and effectually ersrflrais* ' Hie cuurr of .l.sea.e, and -n.'.,e* ihe ivsirrn 10 recover It* Batursl tone and fortify Itself against all auscks afterward, It nasbren so luny irsred. n 't ouly by practlrtl recipients, ? ul ?is.i by physician*, ' 11 h?? 1 ecelved 1W1 usojnellaasiw* eon -11?s daiioi?. *r .1 ihe approbation of lb* p- b ic, aad r*e established no 11* own rnertl* a reputation for value and etas ' earyfnf super I r u,a vailuu* compounds bo*nog tho aame of aarsapar IIa r ? j -re.i and s0..1, whoie*aje and retail, by A. B. k 0 u..U- Droggisu, 100 KjHol-sl corner of witness, New ' VorlL. iold oi*.>at z7; Bro*0v??y ft r otl Broadway, sod ' 'iy lirugt'lst* ?e:.-: . , iroogbooi ihe United Bta tea. fries {)! p-jr -.otiie. S ? To PaMILim Ml.Ki.iler.lj, TSLaVtLBBS, itC. VISITIS? Ncw-Yoxk ?Tbeboos?ofCorostoct it <Jo. hs?m< now \ i.lii.iue.i ?j Ii ? i.euiei.d'.j? ceirl.rlry for itirtir Proprl?u>ry Paier,t Med clues, u;?-y de-iri n Mffieleai to inform the Pub IcaaO - Traveling CoosmonUy ?rrti the original ?: t h c,u be obtained In i.'jeir e.'iicirut *x Cell en OS at itstir Staaa Laboratory in Ihe great traveling tuorougbfare, 11 C'Tttaud-at. The original aod genuine Pain Extractor Dipot. K<ay?'? Liolmeol :tr Ibe Pile*. The Extract ofSaisaparilia to purify tb^s blood. I East tadia H?u I>ye K raeh Bane, 10 kt? it >*ehe* and Bed-Bugs, 1 Also,too ou y .. i -oil 1, aad noap Worst* for Pha g*na> ton Walnut OU Military S'i??iog Soap Steam *??p WorX* aoi L tltoraiory, l\ Cortlsnd st N. Y. T'.e only L'j.e depot !^r tae Msgical Pans Exi/acto?, Is at z. Cort,and-it _ myl'i2i*od Got k?i.r/j Philosokhv ok the Fimcex N?ils, No. VI. W? have said Ihat many ol the pre, arst:.'i.s of "Tollst S< ire p . in .< t. t e sun. A runarsaoie rxe-ipbi csl'.on of this FaCI we .ste.y in-1 wtrn in Um person sfaoet? ? i-na.'i.e .ad/ retl l.'.e '0 Asbbr.rLhttn,'M**H D'irlog lbs .?. w.r.urr s-ir: was .if! cled vsitn a icrr.?c mciling sad ?S? cariation of It,.is and srrtis, which tcr pri)s;cian aiii?? riute-j Ui ice mix ?us Soap utM Bad b'?m tn it* bebst of ?sl*S*,. Keinriiirs ?*^f- ;,r>:s..r../ed, '.ut Co b'Osf ?ssfi.ur.ds.itf. feetnal isfrtipuntIxoatian wiiK Or Pc'.n Gt-uravA't .'taium MeduMted aoao; ander ibis Ue*'in?ni me lady reco'ored. ri ll to ret^ri. fl ,.m LT..s J./re?slo0. To ensure a l>r iheo. Is very easy. pievMsosai I - . . .?. a*are a etly followed;but US*reareSSSSI .%*!.* that a e naturally soiugged x ?W eased !-*t a greater te^r-e il -.iLi.r.: en, a'd 10 .'.crease ol assi-.uity are ceirf" '?j io bring Ukesn up to the I'm nar-dsro of excrilroc* tVoat tae ,,n?r of duty in the*?cs*e* Is, ?1*111 deUUlfloar r.-x premttlng, '.o *ever, ibat nota't/r >nrts m-re io as*a> '. use anger nail* man tai uie of GOUH.AL'D'3 itaias* Jfirsftcetrd .ioap. 'To at Co.vtim.kd j Tr.ii ruar' e.ou* 5 .sp remove* Ir-.m 'he skin every r'r dge of Tan, Precklee, BaUownrss, s'uabu'O. Empcots, rtugworm Kedissas, Bougbne**, Chape, Craei*. C&?-??, Moir* ii - -making the ' n da dnrz tagly white sad eassn OOCBACD'S Powi,u o'uiru? ufaiiloiy t'a?ulaa^,,77 seem.y bair frem * .^<5,'s cnic or leeip.e*. Ot^a* A ? u d Grtt ia* Hat- Dt* w I , eo*o? red. rithtdv gr*7 nairs ' oeau?ful black! OOt. ttAC?'? S.toatd ??g? Irups^UrS splendid i.. ^."^..fa'reaeate dags to pa.e cceeaa snt "VC3r Be eerj, cautious where you poreiase. B^rn^ber lhlMhe?a,4gp%ee-twre the /munw p''^?0* ofl/r GOTJJLAOlJ are u> be obtaiaeO, I* at hi* depot, 67 WaVaV' U r.rst iloie from Broadway _ A SCZNE r'riOM THE BE'i'iA?. 3 OPERA. Macheaas-P'r-tiy Pofly, sa,, -aen 1 w?* away, Ws-re, on where aid you may, To have that lovely lace' p? '7_D-?.-?aciie. s, ?'.tcuruue, ' Kreaia.; / *?<'??? -lotiug e,e?, way what surprise. T was J ooes's famous Soap Made kfl laa bsOCch eiope, C.esrnl ntj. skin and :o?de my face T'lis sp;nr ?1 a??ery trvjs. ' Buir,?<Jr.. v.oi. wjaaty ar.d wijtt c.,po W? g*.:: -iy xslag Jooea i Soap ' i Psily-?Lr-ar Macaeath, you see me fair 1 Bui wten i gaze upon 7our ejir, , . I s-e .?.scasa<rdco?s??'.Ur.stysadurnlii?at?J Li ar Macaea a, as I a j e, *? I love ead l live, ? ? J ?r? s Coral ria;r?estiralive. Your - u t would (.j* dark, sirky.aae As tceae c^ste-i_?' lj?e? Ol ". . Bj Aad yoo have out Uir^o shtl ttia 10 pay. Bex?Woo has cot three sbaiia^s 10 spare To have such lovely rlsiltetoos U*tr* srsJJ. Oeoiie realer, you proftaOiy 10101 tiss ao-ve ? VCS,J^H :-*..- . . 1 -. Mia, tpaodreds. wft '-*--'';~ym, or Si,:,'u-'i:w.'s BO tb^ir .'?? lal ssio. sue-. **?JS tJ* freckles, tonl irn, yellow and dark ana, h*??,s "v^u1j day ih^y osei J^osss's S-ap. Tae otaer, the o^**\ t<0. Beatoratlve, 1* etapaaua^y tbe very ?est **^rrr^ j# aotaical ta ag ever a^-sde tor restoring and ?ul1/' ?J4S. bair. It force* li to grow, atoo* U faibng. curesJ*?? w druf, sad creases it superb.y. You ba?e but u "LAaetr appreciate Uarst exolence. Sold al the sign w"" ?, , c*o E^iso, K C?ajaw? st, 413 Bioadway 5 at?gSEJ 1 B.-OOSiSB,