Newspaper Page Text
NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. Prom the Potton A l>taai> < raaoe. <?fl MM coa.* ol Alta Caiie'rnia. about two ?A- y ? d.?i*.,t baariasj nearly We?t fro-'. P intSao , which i? m th? latitude o! a* ! N aa ?ruade 11? li W i ill aa toond a ?mail .?la.. ed hy the BfBBeaTdS Saint Nicho';?? Thu laland : .-ner'.v inhabited by an iiit'?i-.ur.? .: race of Indiana, who tobtitted a.aiott entirely opon '? lofe wnu-h they ' t ight trom the rocki. and muaclea v , tc.ey i^uucl u. Um tund? of the beach were s iuiloae. q '.et race o? be.:._??. art ? had cC48unur??cati('ii with other? of 3hl h ? Um By, and who had b it few wanta ate! fewer rare* About tha year 1- - I ,ili?n?. from \ loe,r Maniement? h' ? ? ??laud t a party of Kodiar Indian? kir : .er ? Otts* ?hieb at that paliad ahMntttaJ ta ? ? party reaM, : . ..ore thantwn .ear?, and we ?? t!... meant ol '? ?owiiig ti.? foods ot disease and ooatai ? U nQtospecti.ig and unaophiaticatcd inhabitant? ? tenor tayelea year? alter Mm tno Kodiact. thit tribe Lad borjoasa dimtniahed bo1 twenty or thirty individua,?, win m : i ! the department of ('a.ii-'.ina ?eut ?m?Jl Tcttel and i^aacrrad then, to fie main lo the lilt (mat which wrt i aaatvkBBJ W.lh tbe ; ia?t of tl.i? BSBBjaBj U ISM a.x .Apt tri : ,.- t< eaart sy tnsa? bal rasa :',.: BSBSS <d their n*V. arar, ?FM ob advanced ?n y a?, and hit duak. mat . thaa in I - ? ?.;,,.,? Lbs i ?ave ? the boat win .... ti.o b"?,.h v. .u asri 1 IW ? .;nt a? it W??: D, this j . ? . waved au ? ? d into tin: ab.> ??, ? I tti'-c ?Mild Bom i fayatl to atVi 'ho lautt j l'uni li-r fi .y n an luttant disappeared ? torever boon Ure eight ..;??.. ..? ? ??t. w. . ? ; i lavas . ar.d in forty Stobt Injure, thi? N ??nt? o? tan Nu hola* w boot from that peri<e! tofja I ISM bo n't . ? ' . has n t IsM witliin the past Skghti ? : a- i.[..I?ha* ret; '? olas, this female fi noe, the monarch "I all the She prslaYrod bo part eveu with b< ? i o mate, and aev, . ' . idintr, rather than leave ti,o horn" of has i.ntli - that lonely little Isle, that bad basa to he. a world ; wrncft the cared not t ii . tieiliasd man, with all it? promised lunries mi,re our Cruaca bc'?iH"thc aole inonari h "f th ? ( l?le San Nichola? hfu? be>' * rbapa ten at twelve daayarsai times bydiJYersnt indi l there alici baa continued to b? In und, with BOM to light?a', me, ?'ilitary and fortaken Her dres? 01 00*1 i .' M composod oi th'? ?km? , < f aruall hirdt whicn ?he kill? with atone? and | ?>;w? them tofctctl er with h nsadlaol boas said ISM tilth' aioawg of the bar ?'-al. aranatla? ? ? among the rock?. Her only food u a ?jjmbI ha of lh< ri??i!e tpet'ie? with bom and tlien a tti.i ttnhl Isr nab, which the turf .oiuciime? throws m the ; heath bno never reinanu Ion?.- in one spot . hut it I n?tant:y waidertnii around tli" ?liiiiei id th It land, ticepioR. which aha saldos* doss ia tmail i a-eaancl : ro i'' ? in the RN k i'uring tiie lew latt star?, it bSS bOM very ilii ; ? f |H to obtain oiinmuui'Hti'm with , , I pj.roach of the white man tiie flee?, mi from an i ? ?il ?? int, and the only Wiiy to detain her it by ( 'uumug her down, aa yon would the wild ?oat 11 ' tiie mountain Of the young fawn ol the nJaJM Thoee. who have teen iior at the latctt period, .'? port that the. appSSTBtO have lost Si I kimwledg? Si lanfraarc . that the niitket only i wild BOaM Sito pelhor inhuman and when taken and Ctatstaod ?.;tin?tli?r will, bn omel frighttnad and rBStless ; that the moment ob? i? hbei atad, ?he dsrti endeavor? to ? realfia th ?.? ?miuig BhB?*SohawbJ ibaog ? nu ?m: Lvory endeavor bat been ?mite nnd ? t ry m . eun nt y rt'erod. by diffi "ail upon her to lOBVS the iiIh'mI, hut m vim 1 bs c iily JfifeS BBS appeal? to dean?- ia bar OB bag He; latt hope, if ?he hat an; la !.. ::inah her ? ? Mime fslie. bat un with, now, to hear again : ,. | tras? to lie nf ?pemli It? ir onda an BO ?(mi! at .nulu to hoi ear and a? to; cWi?SSt] ? ; ?it. h, to neuetl il ?hocking even to bat .Luinai.t BSMBS To ah appearaiiie, ?ho I? ahTOBdJ, BBalthy, and ? luteiit to be al'iue Wmt | M "Bt ??n'll* b-? ? wli . i ani?n "i fin- ' Huiuailitv MB] 1 ??a thai "on tontine tit may COOtittUS 10 bs den to tin la?t lioui . foi the >? BMSeaBSd to '?' BOW ii and di . n the rtl'l OBakTi ?d has iaMaatas] bbbbb, with i o oas to aduinittei'to her last waata, and inn"* BSYOSbJ bod) when tlio tpirtt ahail have I I 'lav (i ,t tbc star] oi C ? icbosM mats th* OBBBSkSBM ol hn eariy life, lia? >et to be told Ra ? aw her for the latt MB? us ?va bars ?Utcl. SfMB tie ttood alone mi the aJMMOi BM SMB Ule vtlnn the boat tvitlt hniin'l and In* ? "mpaiiuun WSS d??hici?! thry'iik-li tiie wild ?ut that MOkl in mini terruptcd SMI BHaM Sfbi IS B hit h SB) il . led the reitliig plaCS "tint tatarSn and wbn h he wat then leaving foi ever With the tcui.imit oi the lannly from Baa Ni. hola*. OBI lien mi tallad at Sau reda), and Unie ?ett. vthitli tmaatjasaswl had accompanied linn, (o find a home in that land olttrauncri f-au Pedro, it may bs known :? ;? besah barran bluff point niBa?iig out iuto thsblue waten fl 1'acilie, on vthith no verdure t? to bo ?ecu aad but one tolitary abotle i I man ii?in? batid Iba aVsols tioa vsiiiih r.i.i.i.iu u it 'I ..i' '? i oStuatsd taa taagaas dtatato with oas tarsi h.'U?? betW' "ii th" m?o im th ISjOBO ol Mm M ?Ti i SS n. i ??nui ot Shu i i ii h. n' kiss i Ihir oil. BJMS tin? "t Hin1 ?i.Hi u.,?hi bS I ? ? py i BO th ' ',. hull ? h . d BM? tiled 1 . But our bbm aaSMaaay hocaBad soeai . t. betih on t?h i'i. h*J ^ .?? ti -' lai. :. I \ hiendle?. tharo i i Iim militate liia il n.that y i ill Mbbss hi a t >y . t, n ,1 to reatare aa far aa tl ? paebk) and ovett the lu?ase raya, si ?ooa as at liberty, icluined and te? mod hit Mm btjajea w Hx??dnim ? ks which hang n i y lud MM li Ml kod tiie." bs BkifM ;,'.?h_\? bag ????Mi. a ?olitai \ i"itiH*t ht il will' n..d i. ?tautly alien the BM ?at gOBBg tfewa witli hia ev. t gBsjaaf "u ti si . lunk into the ??intern honz?>n b ?JMBtlioa wh?oh ho well kaaa rxiiuttAtl t?> the !?,:!: iitt, ^\ un i!.:'.. ulty he auaiatne ' Ibc \? anta of naturo I y ti?lnu? abyiiit the ,y>y kt gal "i and t. iiiiiiiiiet ?ecei? m^ a ?cants pittam e ol ? ora bVeau the BBBM en lbs P ' 1 \ -' He ttadioualy avoided, at lar at poaaible all in t. i. arte s?.rh hi? UaOBt MM a-id H'iitih: I and die in at litude and ??? did ho continue to live a ?lie which nia.n;, ? i Ml MM aaMB?BfJi ?? t,,o ?un lOBBi BSt t>" faat. tut N')> vt at ty' od UPOD tb boact? a atittencd . ocpic -.. ut aud olea t it a ? , s? bata tos . oi Um aurl s?. .. i s? r? ? . .iiaitit ait e .".ci I) ? ? y n the shore It is p.cau.u. 1 i a .? SOOadantS wrule tear? , the did*, he Baal and thu? leiiniuated bla wiitar) Saisi ??alea al the Kiark Karhana*??? Ban kP?y. gXOO? V ? 5?. ?Q_m ai SOQ llar? ut. N? .lOK) Indiana ? yeai I SB .U > MXX)P?ana b? ... pc OC) M do. -, ?.t.OfjO Ohio Ut. 60_ .'. V bo \0l?0njo7?. M..b3 '..Vt 50 ?3 \?1 l.dtO do. UfM M ??10 Read Bond?, -i);.t. lict Pbattix Baak. SJ i M d,. . ... jfX) Parta Loan. ?l?id-W do. JO do.?3 irt*.1 >? do. ? 1?4 do.?m?IaM d,<. .X? do. 1 n> do.?3 aj :?'.?, do .. .. ??, do. do . MM do ... : N... BAB Wo. bow m ON O City l-at .k ... 74 hot) d 100 Keadin? Kl. - ?OU do. .'-. I ? BS DJ ?o? i? llouaaK-HR n? : "? Canton. : J .. i ;* ? do . do. tP I ij 1 ' Elie Kd new ? co. ulj! "O do.c.d.loyg do.tJc-0 31?';?.' do. ? ?Jo. 30*! Si dc 'j* *? **"P. Long ??.?J ' Ev?t Bs?toa c. ?.1 .i | 50 dit. , 100 f?--- kB il ' do .<M .?! M.".V. n ?3 Moma Canal .... ?' ."VHailam.M ?a t* y* ^. i:; do. ?aceito ?. ikj, .i Paiuv Luaa n W do.WO*? ?00 1," ?., .I do. BM M do . do. "?MM Canton Co.30)I?X) do.... ' nw s"i 50 do. I ."i do.?.hi , 2 '.?Nor A Wor.i" IsjOQ do .. sua.-? PMACH OKtHAKU t OAL- ?? '.n'. oua.u> (Zm iba yard, ?ci eeiicJ ?o 1 dali?er?n free of caitaae'ig k;i? f?' t of toe city. M the foijowtag piieea ' "'y'keB.fjt .Viper ion. Kg?.?? y? Mr .^^ St?aa.tarda Nut.? ?n do M W, W|j6I. ?jr. oi Albany and \\ m.*iiu.- on ?.?. ,1A ??? atd K?gora-a?p acd Chairy-ii. The New Charter....No. 3. It 'A? ?tf.ioro/ /"'/ Tri??? The New- Conetitatica make? it the duu of th 1. B| ? i de fur'.?i.-..??o.zatio.'i - ? ? Ac an?! to ntfri -'*'.. c ?? rr.e.-?r. rvir-rowi.i? money, contracting debts, ar. letVsssatJ their credit. BO as to prevent al ites ?at si AM?smenta and hi contracting debt Ac let the mi. feature c( the New (barter Is its piaetng the CoauDQt < .-.?il ?opreaBB over the City entirely .ndep. the Ma> '??at. 'ivea?oi .dginent ol its members the' they ouih not to endanger the r.gbts and privilegaa bow poaaeasei by the City by esysea ssabaMRfaag t ? . at, ? ? ?lea.. In r.e? of this '.ontrast between ?hat the Ne? ? ? rut.on requires, end what the proposed ' .-.?ri> ? ? it i? the UrM ?urpr.?.r.; ? at .- ?:. |r Ideal .n the llui ?ecticn of the.'-: < nil ..... ,- | , | ?r. r ?opasi I I sv || ; ? a-v. ? ?>? prohisited by the Cor.ititu -:?'e. pftajajaklee* *?>?* V ?k, Ac .-?r . ;' d ? y oi 1er ol the Con ? m u-ing uudi rstood ?t the ou'tet satMsadoa ot* w.ll be the morr - ? ? ry- ?ri A: Vrm?n ivt each Diol I I i '. ??tstant it lui ? ? - A . '< mien, and Aldermen want ereasi a - ? A ' . ?ubmit it to l"r revisi?n ?nd udgnteat . be add. '? C'hir BkOB all tin y Anal, wh.le a - . ?? ? ? ? ? ? naa of any romponM -. . ?*? rnt.tli <i > v v u! ? i .hall ha?e ? \ ? ' ' - I ' ly It ll ol .' thai laoy sataald aeeepa aha ' ordeal to I ? ? I at Albany. We all know that w, <,:?? n jy i,< Belly taxed, ? aalderable an il I - And ; i. at r?ch an 1 alarmini th r . .act oi aakkas fornaoi . i thill i? re . the rariosss item? of expend tin ... 11 i* kjsovrn too thst r.t o. . alature a corps of official .,-nil? no n paierie il- til any to I S Ll c islature. and t hanlsome bill I ? iuclud:ng tin i baa N ? -a .;n all this tin t Cov have aetajj .-. - i ... no- lat?annos -. ?' cisl st?: to the pi pooad M l|U.t? t ' . ? >d lh'- lit) nd n adiiMiiniiiailiia ?n t-'ih.H quartan loaooaaeif posuMe ? . i which the C'onvn ? ? 'mp;?i.u M bita r ] 8t r' i\" in vain the net is?pread in the sight cf ?ny l.ird I ,-; . PA!>!>ENCrER!> ARRIVED, j ! a Rn lit Jrvrir,)- Jaaaes N I urnei, i apt oi th. '.th Hi ??urn-til N York U S Volunteeis ?nd l-earer ,1 DilpBBCbsl Irom th- I B I ? -ati? n at Bra ;. ; H rtary to Col J P Bnvaaana7th Rag irr.ent NYr rk ' I Vl nn*IS Mrs BG .-Lile wile of Cap! BO I !'?? ? M oik I B VnluBBMTS ? Up Brewer toned we?: I ,ni NYorh -.'dLieut'.th l,.'cim>?nt'. . M A RIM E JOURNAL. POUT OI'" NKWYORK I . ! Ai.l.l?. " i ? . '.. innbis, Hunker. H i ?rirent VVm N< larri I s \ I. ingatoo I ?hnaroi Binclab A - B aa a ? C Prai n.- H i . ? . .. . ? ' : 'o.!., m A M Jo act Harb Bgt ?I m Nary Kllea I. krol Cbi i Barba '???<??. BreW v ? a ? Kt ? ? ' ; o - i , :.- ; v i ? Lsg ijra, ll lagbtt oft C< m ht il la, I W ' h N 1. UcCready, Alai,,- Pumel ?\ as ngtt n; I -.t. I N i. MeCraad] ? Co, i li ut ' ? le Baltuaorc Jos MB a p. .-.,!, n rssilaaa .-?paik? Cartleaoo, Bead . n , I t. Lave) WbtM.1 auei Mnalsassrj Bay, i? il i ,,,i. V. l . :, ratait? J ll..t,ti : .S I Wm Ht Ipkia \ i lorj I i *ia. Nor fu a Ida lu. ? Bit a. :?, I J? BMI sV 1 ? Bimflaoas Bottoo Howard Bac n do, Mat Ihew Vmbbi Banni Brasas; .ubn H?::.,.?. trn ,) do Henry Leeds, di I I l.dent?n. ARlilW.lV .- | ? . ? Mt? 11 II ha Os ? -? o rotten \ ? on w, i A Nelson. bas, Nh t, v . Henrich W bag h dsfm Piemen mdse I pi ! a ?- as in- Dal : m o?. ? Bark Raiobota ^aaspaoa, fron AnNrerp, 19th N< m iiiii-? to >i bin it I I .. ben f ? k i in i -oinpatiy with ''*ik Maiy ('billon loi BAo firsnSM tisvrk Ralph CroM tiio?.-r Iron P* no I I ? Cliaiiibctlaiu A I'lielps Not II, ol Satdinia, sa ? I ?at i is,a bound up I .altar spoke meta l'uni, o lin l'ali nu.. < lut i Uil Bark Heraillia ot Boatoo i ?'?? i? lui (al. uti?. s Warns i .n- w Uliaasa, fio Aolwi rp i ??. Il '?? ? , 1 l| loi N t ? -, Au . .,. ' ? Wt - i. ,?-??? ibarffa Jackson. ' ? Un m lark Caroline, Ras ? i BBtndl A Beban i na m V .' id* lut Irankliti I ? to .-I spoke i Isaac A i - ? - ?i baBast, ? I . It -di ;?? san I'utw. snd i 1. II 1'? tains. ?.: uneiu I in Na* *ioik. I loas'ph Kcll.-i 11 o.? Im N Oilcan- ? Brig! - ? t ?, ..... ? M A I ? .am, I d- lut Neu? lias, tu? to nasa t Ri lg ?s Hobt -non t?, i - ; k, 0 dt K M Dea s Im NortoU b. to Mr W ?Basra, .1 as . I ?? iau a Co ?Is t.n Chai .??tu. eeltoB, aahte .. : a tat Wo -J 13 dl tin Ha ... i ? ' II Hiaine. . Chase tm Wilmington Nt nival itores. ,-k I " . IVi Minan do ? . , t. ; .rue lair oOBOa I.: i? ; -. ? :t inst with (lovernroent itere, he??y gale I:on: NW on the l.'lh an 1 cart'.ed *w*y niainmaat t.-tcte-p -.?'.'.ant mast. w;ti ixi'.s and - . at;?.:. 3TER3 ? I ? n role, ot No? li:iea: ? l.otn Bordeaux, wi? los: ??itt 'he captan. ?11 d I Re.acoa I : Char ?s ?on ?a? l,-?t on..,.? liu Sin???? ibe ?*e?ri aid crew ?. - Jan . I n > bug i.o? t,..!o|d. with loMoi ma. i. in ?a : and lote top mast, mat Bg i '? Jai! 11 :?i . - -ark Claiemor.t, fro::- ? leans ! Jan . s .: i . .i- . -=i -?i _i Oaiv L | - ,a? Ciaciasun, tVA Jaa ?1VIOKN1).- V i...:?.:io? tour il , Asp-? - i*o .-.?CoBipany Bm UAtt d?y bat tlarsat p?.??'o' o .-r ??.?cAhi-.Jer?. wboee name? ?re re? l?alo, eo. oo it*? Soot? of -he Atener :a Ne?s-\o:k. on ol a: ; .--..:-? r? . ?- - y >ar,t ?Id I?_8AM L E F'X>rE.Seareiar? RAt?*?.- r ? . CYRl S W Fit LI? ? _______ s H\lll?\\ \KE PAP. ? --..menT. i AIU? \. t . a-_?> Bur!i-.g ?Up Bi.i. vi him; poVvuem.-. v CO " - ? _ Bl\l?l U??\ HANOR< V. 1111 Mv ?t Jin? a W FILL!) A CO. _UnBat-s-p. PRINTlNl. *r.! i * .*<* Pspat saadeti r der.ny C Y HI ?W FIELD k CO. ,l*iw_9 Bar lin?- ;jT WRAPP1M. PAPER S a- ?1*?*. K s- y CYRl 6 W FIELD k CO. ? Burlrng-?iip. ALl'Jst) gftviad an. - ? . e by Jl? ?W C ?RUB W. ri?LD 1 CO. 3 Buiiiag-tvp. OFFICIAI.. LIST of Letter v an? garner? ut-'.n 1'i.oi't. kiwr -r IM aha? at M jttokfei aaastoi *?'- ?. ?.-in'c'? made under U?e ofde!? "f U>? Tn??. rTkaju?r-<?eo?>rk,. in a ?- i ? - par? - ? an. tuadfor ?n auy T - ? ? - ? ? r*P** ? : v ? wb?ia -he otbr* ?IvafBtBBg m?y be ?uuaied, ?an in? y- .,?w?e [JSM PaB rkj . lam ;-?.k?i J*a. r? J. IBSB Li?( of Letter? R'miiuini, in the .f. Y, Tc?t Oitf Saturday, January M : Pjp?* r:?a>? ?ter.?ei Ut BATS ?/ U?r L<* ta rat ? afe?BBBS*JtMl LADIES' LISTi Akln?,?Aurnh.M tn Mr? ki :, Mi?? Jan? A'-gutu At .pel. Ca "enne Heme r, Air? Ann B?ae.-. in i a Bl M ? - i Bl ' ? ? M la* r. i* H" I M ? M.?a Mai ? Brema a. B' . eca - M I SI .11 > ' Mr. C J M -- ??? ?? k ? - iDtxgwrjod Mi?? Un ? et t Mrtr.n. Air? Juli? iMarab, M ri Mai i Mareen. J? - Matthew?. Mr- I M - ty Aun Bu'kn . Mu? I t imiit'i II, tun - ' V - ' - - ? ??: ,c.Mr?J?ne ? ' (arter M - E Ml?? Mary ' i i Mr? t. ai . | . ' . v A W ' . y ' . . , -'" Mary Un?, ?ir? Mari t SI - Drake, M - - ' - r ' . - ! -I Mi? P \ M ?? Mat . B Dolaa.Bi D - M ?> Ellen Doty, Mr? i patata t ni. Madam Eil?-, arda. Ali ? ' raidi '!.-? I .??..-.? i Ilaaal . M ? t E..... Mit - s;-- ?. ? y. ? sr, M ' Everett. Mr? l ?tneiin-1 i ? t ' '?'.'r?w ?aret ' Ni il'. ?Il? .llim " - - ' lliniiD' r. , ? . n' ' Pa?tre, ?Ira \\ m lr " - ' ' " ? , Mr? Eleaer : ' ? ' -- ' - ? M ' '? Ils . M . ? M s r - ? ? ? Rote, Jli- ! - Sarah ft? an, M> Mbit nfoid, si .. Mai. i I. ..-? - ? ? ?.: ? \ t ? ? Mi i.teenev. Mtl. 2 tinnkllii. Ali? H - Fraaklli .. ? E H Mr? JA I ..u .. .-' ' I- Inner' I - ? ' Mr*I 'an. ab st -. - ? ? ? - ? ? . M Ut Marta N I -? \ e ? M I' I - ? Mi? Chtnloue M llar* er. Wra Pati h U ??! ? R '.er: i Ig . Mil - y .A" r, M lu ?an H . | rthH - M ? i . i!? i .. . .1 iila?i ' M Cl ' ? - -, liait, a n ?? '.!.-- Ha? I h ?,.. i-1. ?. M ? ' ?? ? n - MU*] il - ek, MU. K >? ' HuMn lira I Ir?, in, HUe Alai ? .llllllk, t|| > III I?. 'i , , I M .... . h.c Mi a - ' SI .1 ? > A Mr? I K ne, Mi- . I.MI. h. AI..? I 'I. ,, i.?y? ma, .Mn Mary A M ?- l H T h?yy , ?,. :'..'.!- -, 1.1 .y? ?le si .. M, Lai I M. ? Margan?'. r ta ' M ? ?lewt - - M ? Mai - E M - - \rry M lu S? \ ? - Mite Ma ? Ano Mn i. :.,len . ? : . " - - ray lar, Mi?, thin . r?Iua ' - ? '? ? Ml . ' ,:i??iii .. I ...i ? ' ? r IS aimer? v, B. .?? a r -? \\ .III in.-?... Me- J H ' - ' W a . -, ? ? i ?. . ? S I S| .. r ,t|.eih A " - t\ loan? Mit?il ? t . " IVI.t '' - I ? A | | MUi Mi i taira,Mr? BO M T II. AlOKHIw, |\ 31, GENTLEMEN S LIST \ it' o,,|ii?epli . ? . - s m >am ' ? Ali l?nCI ' I ' .? -?? lame? fc M m H Bu '.v limet h Adolph V Ig - Ul*B I \ ?, I? . \\ -? n - ? A I ? AM r Aleaaader, Joan s ? Bl ? - It kl ? - I i.J aniel \ ' Bullt ' B i -uni - B . ? W ? ' i r l. '?me? T ? Daw?, ?l .y II ?i N ? A y .e ,rl. t api Ja* H \ - i Arliior; Jl I ? i Martha i Biiip. . Mato 11 Chain iviiain. I I ?,u lam ?o.t.Caplrt-i- l a :., W \\ - Him k, t B?. i ! ' ' ipi Jai I. ' ? i . M Brt Ci ? ( ,, lia.;. T IBM \ Clarke, Baaer. r ?-? Bailey. A R t'.aker. Albarl ' la a. J . Blair, Wm ? t " - . i i - - ? . - . . ?? . ? ? Caree, Dr u Ckr.o? . Cas I ,?.. h u. kh Bail, ii I Ba w R ?: ? rbada R i ? . ? ". ? M I ? . lame? harki Ile . ; ta ' i ? C??e, Andrew J H?.- ? re Di Ail .la? Pai ? ?? i lai y I 1 ?- ' B.??:. ' v ? . y ' i Bear? DaM.1 C H-a Sea, I '. br?, .1 C E ' Brrlo.: J L Car?. F F y ? ?lit W Cre?po. I! - ? ' - - ? \.-? !'-iry . Bar.? H L CUeeto, Wm i". . K u .' ) C 'an How aid E - B ". ?e? F y Dr E Be:..k... R..rf i Benham. J ti B.-?? at, Jam ? -, Geo W be - \S Be. a J Be.e,. Piaak Br?w?'.e B:r y . e;. Y\'m B.non Be.ei r Br- ?eod"i. DrDat i I Ignaiiut . ter, r' i Brsnatn J Ma Mi Bailo* P B B -- B. : S? Br.' tfemeel . . ?. ? . J M H - ., ? , a > .? Ira ... Jonn P ? ra, ltaac w . Cro.'.u? j. v H Am ?? ' -ry Peler ,)?rae: De ? - Ely K ? .i- ..e , y - ?: ? ? ? ?nu. .lehn . Hk. , ? ? ? - S - t ? W n Caria.n I . -. r. S ' .i Thaai ?? ?.-Le: - . Brodie a P P 1 r M D h '.? i. I ? .? " y I H .- k A Boyd. Wm Brow-n, DaaM K Brown A C I Brown. Das J Brown, l'art Tbot P Brown. Pt'.i Browne : Her., y | Brows, Dr Geo ? C.oppei.iaoe, Jl r . . - ?s N . I II y. | -? ? a C>u?e. A'.mmor '? Counaev. Fujeae F.*u.??r. Oes c ow:?a. J i* Coyn*. Jame? f rear TrimanT Cunningham. J?* froamna, Leeader Cacamtio. Wm R Freeman, laaec Cu:.*r. Amjry Cktttw .Mr . Tuomia - - ? Andr.? Lecha I s?-: I p .csp?-s ,a Ptncbev J B tHew?rdJ:Boiney.J?inea ? ?>? J 3P ? w ..... .... ? ? ? i. -r Tbom? ?i w ?fnnle?, Hears: . . - . w . - BasAaaOBB. James eoMBSl?::, M ? ?' I Dr C J ? I R ?v Job A - . - I ? ? .. n- i - i. i . ? '. ? ? . N ' ' ?ravei Car. Ml ?'. n -?? ? - - V - a SJ I illey, John - ? : - ? - - ? - - - . i i ? ? - ' . linn? V H An. ? ?' - - ? ? l Bs*bbbbbbbbbbbbbTH - - - . - - ? - ? _LaV?-" s _^__k? S.ea ? - - ..... . ? ? ??in, J P - '. ? ?< i i - ? ? U M ? ? ? : I M DiAV I - - ' - ? 1 ' Thomas _^________ ' i ?S tman, Ja?t B sjnei ???^???1 Say lai. \\ m I. - - -? - - Wm - ? ? . i II ) - r John - lohn lame? ? ? Karl K ' .1 ? a ? ? r \ ? ? ? ,- Jl .; i | Noii ?? ih.J? ? ?. i . '. - HI i, . loi,., Il I:- IB " . ? . Dar,! L _r n n?ni a s.. ? ? KH^^^^^^n^H^H^^B - '! - - ' r -i , - ??t? K .... '. - w waidil I ? - I . ' ? - - . - M Str n Ain V a - I II At? la, 'Coll.Mil ? 'I W __L_BJ On. , ? Il .lia !,. I ? ' ? ?-s III. .... ? u v Painel ..I l> ... ..... i ,. WIM ,,.-. v Il ? - i. W m I. Tu? ..r Dr D'il .. . ? ?ri ?' i - ??* B il . I K t i li , lanetD M l'i Hvu> IC i - i llollll i . ,1 P . h I . ? i iinea I -v i . Prer ? I Pratt, Edvaaid, T i Hunt J R ?. w .-Il 1 ll-lt . , l.itlliei - Jaikaiin. Il H - .!,.? Il \ - V ? I . M " . "I 11 ?TobU.'W Abraham ? ? ! . . Henry Fesse. BM . - - IT I - H - | Ja? a? . w i.E M i - - ? II ? w - i 1er, ( W a i - Il T. dB T?. K i be* ' Pli? ,- ( P ? ' ' Henry ? - ? K?ill, John 11 M M ? M a. ? ? !l?S Label. L L*?ra.e..M ? L? Coa . - L M . ? t I nilervs soll?, ?nli min.' o, g W ? loa . ? . r. i i nal, M v ? " r ?> -r.Hen- , ? . li ? - ? Wallace, \%'M si M C j . i Wi ? . i ".?...'? W:i r Wal, . ? ? 1 'A s M s I W I - W s . ? wa ta A B ?Tir? v\s.? .. L.cmS ll'u irnJameeN , w'arti' ? * t W'aisoii, L W srrec ?? lm.n1 W ai- W A Wsrd. r ? II - Il PI , s s kl - Kred, Juaie As or, N - La?U Charles ?p-.Juk. . : ? . : . s- : ri '.-? .,?> M ?. J ?.-:-? .... . sa D . , s A. sec? . A .- ' -,".- w ' o, ?. - - - ?i,K .'..<-? -s U ? ? L- ? ?. Mr rlsAier K... . Lite Basil, lap rieb rai sa M?aen . M ri lea A'-aa-c |... v . - ? N ? ? -?:_? !???.?.. :? ? - - . W :n . E ? lobins?n J? Browi ?U'-aertson. A N Vriar-daoa.Ci?lC V dgst.-s B D loba?-tsoc. SS'in 1' aU,fcori?oa. Dtvldf tt-ger? Moses ?ooer-A>BJir*p?et .-v . ? Wm - A .?.O H VVBltasOt. ; H -? .. sa/1lllibsid. M s . - T J T VUS M J vVjoi.O W . . .?' Ml. -, v '?? Nor-.eR /lamaa. Air I' ?. Wm y V ' ? ? . - ."' -' ROBKKT II. MOUKI-. Y. AI. Ctgfll Noll.CI IN <n li t Tat raj-? ' . -" > - ? ' - |Tuh ! ? ?? .""..-. *c V I ?f JM . ? ? I? tel T??-? - --? 'raaae-i ? N .?.*?.-, ? ? . -1-- . . | , -? - ? !?y ' ?in den- - - - 'it ? \ ? -hei fron; a.. u?X"t w ? ? l M BM ? .er wtihln ihi'ty dtyi froa a? itlt I - id? dueilcei of Three Per eenL will he made, and thai ' ? MIM wbjrch ?hah be ?o peJal ?Mr the M re '.ie??ld ? ? , . lya from a ? Boa of I?'i per I ? ? ? and ?bai M and after IB? Fia?T Tu???i?7 In January net . y ? T ?? ? f January deutet lo iha I t the ? ? .... ? - ? ? .e??l with regard to lie uo , ?i ? ? -t y ?w T -i .er would reape- ?. ? ?? .... \ ? ?- . ?, - M MM ? ? iiey may be r ay their .?? ? in . ' ? ? I ..".?1 lie l -w - 'A? ? t. - B. g?. FROM O? : KIN LOCK ??. r' " i ? I w ? '. I I I ' ?? SI I . ? - : - - ' ? i M NES. S -. '? aJiH Hill 'k HALB.?? .?y tier i lac ta? u> me directed a . . e twenty-fourth da i ?. ?I len - i I tndiorl) . I ? '. ? . .peiiy of Jame? De Laarey, ? . i . ad and - ? a. I and - ' y W Ihl.lAM J.i.Nr H.lateb SIII.KI t K v\l.(. I 17. at IS i, M , y , ka!, the Jot n II? ? I ?Mil kl Oreaawtek a? pait ??; ' -. I 1-. I ?? | y ' un ?M I ... y St , . - . ? - '' M? . . ' ? ' . ?m? in m i- : New \ ? WM JUNr ? I. , . W Sheri/J .?.'1 ?a-y ? < 11 E KI I- F -a \ I. I . > , . I M i ? H- , M.S I. I .oil W iv-i ->'. y ?? , ? r . ? ? , ? ?-.'. ?. y ? -?: ' c ?. i , .... ? .-?'.-- -y : i . i - . I. ? ? ? - ... '? ? W M | " - - - SI 11. HI I t- t* - 1 I. I . - - si l ?f W - ' N . ' ? -' |\ PI H-l \M I. I , ' ' ? ? - - N El It'l \M E - ? ? ' *" ?*" Pl K?l \NT loan order .?nrs.rTjgaia ??naca. Notice It he ?. -inkr.yl? *ge.:.?i Edwjj R. -, : ?? ? - - -y R. Breca. dB.:eaae>l. ai ineder flhetaMSam .-. P Bre,;a. :n Waurloo, u ??:d i ounty. on or before , . il?Dab ? VcKil r. l'-Kr.' K K . UrU. <L3 law-sin- st!?:, r' BKfci K V imi ..:?i.kior NOTll K.-T'.e ?? ? - a ..?*ei ;he Pa tec P. a mac ufa Gua v ? pertoc. are Ltiuoned >ga - - laafk uhe ?am? or other ve? - .. itaacaeM a ? ? ? ere' y ?.yen thai kli partout m any way infringir.*; is. I I will ? ? ? . ? : i rd 2 to law. W v. irt ' - and ?."??/ C. k F LENN10, ..'??_ P-. .?->.. a POWER Httta? FOR ??ALE. -Ada:... ?Improved Power ?' ? ? > on!? oae kaad - ? MB. a? the owner baa no farther uaefor a? lasskra , . WK.ollT. ? ?: - | * - ?'Wni. Bot? oto. A. Cl'RTI* at '.ie N Eng Type K t Coegre??-*'. i JACK FRO*. i e, ? - a-?c: ? aetaa - I i..? T:.??e I I ?. - I ?*e: h ?. - irpoaa the mota . ?- Maal or I ;tn lUrtag T -?-? -.--? i I ... ? - . . ' ? . . ? ?ata/y Pur OHM ?. BRI AN A i 0 ('..-.. ~A?|.yi.noN I'll? IKON? ton? vorumon > .r? -..? . . .?.e by *:i?RMvN a MORRIS, _c-yaar Broad and B?*<er. Ct -ll-ilEMi AND wJMKll't.\^ ' eii^T/taT ? .'. v, CO No. iV> 1V....a:n ?' BMAJJM LAMP t UAl.VA- Soatmbroai brtgrjt braaa ?up eaam? for ?a.? br dt? DIET/. ?ROTERA fc CO. No. 111 WUMaaa?? W~~''T>ttrtM~t??Jklt#^&U>*'*'* W7noo"w "ij'i*. et band, fur ta?e uy WARAINGTON k RICHARDS, J7 lo? U aV.rurg-aliD X IRON.-- . -? r?n.r*.er-.: \? : t... ?\. f-,-r ?a.. y SilELMAN k MOiUtlS. ;.l C ..'-?: ii:.?: t_i Bta?ar it*. A ?< a l ??lata ? POH ?s ti t ? ? a-i .- h- v. i$, .. " , , ?i ?- - ??-.? --ai- il? ? - - ?. ^a-y r?Hl RossC rat contain? about s ?. ? - - -.. :1 ? ? ? .. - .- - ? S i? ? -s . . ' .- ' ?\ AI l Ulli ? \-l tIVKH PMOPKKTl l 1 ? , ? , .- K .... - ?i a ?rural h* . - East River i ? offered ? ? ? ? . and on ? v ; [f, ? . i . M "MV- PARK - -, - \T PKI? ITE -IIP - ? .. \ M ? ? \ r nu? \ t - ti i For fSrlhc ?- > ? ' ? '? lw_ N . ? MAT PRIVATE .?ALI N - i , - - - ? I iNTHONi v af* i oit ?aM.i: v ? I MW I 11-TII--T. ? a . ? dl" tf 111; ?? \ I i v . - ? x *? WEP.KB 2 KAU ?I 1 OK ?a M I .? . . ' ? s . ... . Portable ? ? 1 - inple ? . ? ? ??s,'!a and Bo i den BO I lbs* SI ? . .. . ? i . \ nid ... r . . riTHB. N lolIN ALLAN N -. n Van law* ?? : . i n - ... S V All AHM I \KI \T AI I TIOV v . | a .... | , , iM iuiIM'. M i th.. (m?. i i il ? ? uiaied , . . . . N il S , - ?e a ? , ?me d - . . - ........ . ? IdAAC N. M a Il III. ?TI |{ i o. I ? >, M. v ... r w, ? >*l?i ? iri.i ul*ll apply to I . I II v. l ha? . \ Broad-si ~- ? ri.EkH IflUlTtJ, i?C 111 'I IB VS.-. Ma ara Beietasiti whole, half and i'I ,. Currants, flu mm Ran - Madeira ? lialiaa Citroa ( aa i ?? I Ota go Bad benoo l'-? Leiuoa*. Orange?, Posnegrat - - i - .rut Mal? aga Fig?, r a-yplian Ha'.-? Bitter ? ? llniouds ? K ?? ', ? ''I ? ? i '.?la I? us. Fee Nut?, C?l? ? Bit . v and i-hned i -. H , i ,j , . . ? us? *ad . - , I, Bst -?i in, o, and - -, aa \ .. kuvla* ?. i apara, Muihr rasaaad T?malo . II . Wa nui?. ? ? m . . a Baue? i , -, klogliM Sau ?? r Or-??B and Teas.? ' -. ? aient, Bad ?-.???? - I :?. ?I a., ?, Coi , a.? , -,-n, i . . i ... a. t .? Choc?la i i ? i iod ground, wi t Bakat ? Biown, i .. -, , ? - . . . in'.., , ? .? | i i and oo traft, a st g?nala sVktsl . . aeaortuieu!. \ ? . . a ' , ? w K ??.'. Cn*in*u it. Bago, titan h, ? > -, i i a II Pe? - ? i ( ..-r - - utte, Se.e Eug.iah and | Ann t gr*M and Pa< . ? , - ? ? ? > .:, and I . alwiyaon hand. The? ? ? ,. lASdNERAYO N , - . ' up?.-? air?. 'I'll. KMI 141 KIIIK KKIt r ire I .,?, I ... fJUfOk, - a ? ai it* late sea? ??? ? s a . rj .rate name of -, City of Nan? fork," to lue Bode? New-York. A ? ' . ipoiauon will lber-f. '?? i - r . - A ? v - , . * a , f expianaiion, thai lb* l ? ? was ui fact a a . - , ' .. s - was ot..auuaii :o ; .. -ni ai^ s T ?. . . ? ? ? - ? ? '.amago fir? ob as fa ? in s fly. rOK.? ? -, i B S M .re 1 ?s Y Lora 1 ,,. \ , ? II- r 'est, ? s- 1 t ?. W ':.i. 1 v ? - K - ? / BOEIREX AMD, Pr-sldeou I A B M D a,, ???rotary. I N-w-Y ,ii, Msy 1- - - If tni DM t. ?IHKK KllPOltr M a. U:e laaur Sew-Yon ? .^ um SBoalk of December :s?ued eighty-Bine I CeW p ? To Merchant* k l'rader?. fi To C'.ergvnien.. 1 Manufacluier?. s Mechanic?. 1 ? .-tu .ii rfo>.?eeper?. .--i?. . Agents. J Shipmaster?. . 2 Mesux-.-er of Grain... Farmer?. Pbyiician* .1 Lawyers. 7 Teacher?. 1 Broter?. 1 Pantera. 1 Tallos B un. 1 I .?. i A Peace. 1 Ofl -. B N?.y. I Total Lires Ins.r-.: MORRIS ROBINSON Prestieo: 8am .. H?!s?av VAecreiary. Mums?. P ?r M D. Physician. ?>4 Broadway 11 Its Hl BHAKD ?*PAPER?.-BLKNAPABAbCOCK :? ,*ler for ?a.e i f...l ????oruiien: if Pt> pe.s ?aaooketarod ?? :t:e Mes?is. !1 lb ?i I, c ^uprising ? L?dger Paper?, bliteaadwt ,- ? Siper R?.??l, Rova., M< I .. Cap. Ban? / i.-.i Uia_-:> Post- Ex,.r,*sg? C?p Extra Super Cut Cap. ru.ed and p.air Lei'.or Paper, ru.ed and c.a.r..? Bill ???.exact Picket Post. Super acd Extra Super f - : Plate Papar, C ?lored Imp??!*** Co.ored fU .a a ii::t? and ihm. Do. Medium, di. i >? Do. Doun.e Cap, for lj, y -a a? Fine (};a?e<l L .:?,R,>?? !.r_ ?c. B. A B car* ?-so on band a very ?seortiuaeii?) Writing Paper?, BooB and News Ps[en. Plat* Papera, Hardware aid Wrapping Paper?. Toa are ?.so bom agec's > f me MBabas Paient Eo.e.op? Paper. BO Paper of any alie aad quality asad? u> ardas *i ?OaonnoiCe rril o*v*?d AL'KO All .if ON B?"?RI?*?,^r;.e?.t.. - Boe* a- : i irdl .-. ??-?*! variai) N -i- P? o,?e?. Mo-. 5-1.? i> ' sied B au . ?? ; T ?? .- r?;*r ot niM !?? A LOI TBEL. !.. .'a. :.r: g a moneys, ~ M ?idea-lane. WATER PIPEJA?C^i?a Water Pips?* ? ? ? ?- ? .... :a.- :, at, 1 easnMIMS forwarded : Apply tf V, A?&INOTOS k RJCHABD3. jff lm_f_li B.r.iag-aiip AR1AJM?T?N ?t RICH ARO!?, Ageoufor ??a Ballot. Iron and O.e?? W'-jrk?, have ron-oved 10 No. ? Ba'ilng ?Up. Cam Iron P^fm aad Window Ola*? fix B_ TEAJ1 PO?A RR-Toiel wiih rooms. ApPiT *iNo. Oa*T?o?iAv?i?i.,c*fa?(effweaoaA6?s. ?Win* Public Conpccante., jjfrr HKI.II *?K M til. I.INE *... ?IcKJVE.moT0^ ?"*" ' ?^^HCIi^R T - ?-?? ?OVEBlfOfL Capt Sec? Tea?. ??, ?d . -W l ?*7TT? CapcW PoTuw. wu! ?'om? - -M flSBBI ?tadPrwVc 1 * * - I ? -? i-d. front r,,, No..";^ * " "? ? " ? r M are! kti-atrga-r M ? .7? .,t? M - ?p -n the a/Mvai of tb- Mill train f, ?? aVai? T T,-^?te?ni????r*oe^.1oa??e-l ?j ?-?a?.. ...T??.??-...* ????an. a? vug ?aeb of abato at at?.- ? -u -n tVjtMmeaa. ?ta-ro-iu:?. and* f,,, Val pe, ?oa^. heaJM laiia ???. lai" n'.??! I. r fkfi.,1?. ui Mjl<?k * r^ T5-?; .. - I r ib? ir??* ?tr---?>akr*g mm tadw .- t? ne ittaag? becwe-e New.Y"?t? ?ad ?Z ion feotce '.. ui . hoar* UHr*'y am nag t? ampUBmalh? a-, ib.? .??.?? , jMlng from New York N ?o. ' a--**?, tad V? ?r. at. ' s . - ? ?ad La?. T iO\ i.RNuRw?i leave New V -ik Tueadav TrWa. ? M?? '"??'--.'?? an? pr?da* I ;." ' -*" ??- ?'"k-Ma> ? . ra..r*d?? ?e-? ?vurtty . ? : v- . n -- , ? * ' ?? t?te y i. Rtiireai H * a. ?M ? ? a ui ?Ma ? ?:? ' ? lai ?M -.'i ? nT*ksii V I ltd . I (It ? ?.!?>. *???. ' * -cm?. i- iaa? or ? ?- -| .-?. ?m lima <??i'.?rw?A. i ? ? ? ? ' ? ... ? ?iJ ' **' ,,,{ ?'?*> HHKKI P*II . N ?tfi?Ti ry - ?? ?M..??; \ . ? . y . . I ? ? ? and Sal . - ?N B i ..?. (a| ?? ? i*.? I ?-., r*dF** MOKMM, !IO\T, - v ?at m . y . , i ta _ jr? kiott Munit, .ru? r ? ii -i-wr-i , M H ?y. "\. apted .-?I ?at. aa^e^""".' "? ? ?--'"' B.'A ? ? .' ? y? . , , ?a t ft ? a , ? .... , i - s si mu t . i >l ... I i. f H "~" ?.Mil II I I' , .ret ? n \ ton? ?'?? foitu . , . y - ?? , y | ti r' WOOIafl - " ?ir*"a,0,t HVI-1 ??" ikMEBAU i -?? '' ?r* i M i>ra)-*t. wnh oa ^MaaBBMan , m ?. ? ,>(.,t ^ t? Il i. kMSON v > [IL. . i M . .. s..,y y , . ?JT"""?? Mi'-.lIKh PT" CTWJwaaaa? . i?^i.rr t atpfj . i fBjtj ?^?""?"?^?rOAD UNE "' ? ??** | . ? , I M ? ?' 11e, ?il r| 7lh Y il paai > ? , y " I 1?.l !.. a e >???.. - i ? - .y ?. ? t \ m Pu i ? .. M ?roe, CIvtaMr.ftaha, M dd - ermadUMplaMS Leave Oti?, ,.', \ M M:'! M .'-al - yj"?h?ata -1 ?iidi ..... i s m ' , New v n Ka.i ? '? ? To. h ?n Hin.-...-Si ai? Fie'.?'i fi lit Ne? V.-k ' tltht liara"? Samuel M?i?h and lleai? -f y? '.ich will bMvaibe rliy al l ,.,'. >ei P M l'ue*d?v?,Tliui?>Uy? ?nd Salu.d???. t II M foi New-York y? ni le :?kei bi the ir?jn ie?.i?, - ?, ? l M ou ib? ? ? I ihr?? iavi ' ? ? p ? i ' .n WIN 1ER ARKANwEMEN 1 ?MORRIS kND . "I..\ llttl.K'tAn , , . ?AMI a T si |.. . .. >??n , , \ si ri i.. t t i ?. A M r m . ! t ..?peu?, ???tuwei i ? '?' . ? I-, i ?, -i ',?.... i y-i . i ? , ? '.??wLjaia .."?'il. ne ?iiu-iag iP M uataa f'" N T a . Ige every evsatagM Il ?I of the ? ai? ai M.mi, ">a" Ptatangara go ibioagii toandfr?m leitwyCS) ?nacat ? k- i an On leaving Ihenty p???eiiger? w;!l d?Mt> i ..i l m?a?.) a ?a*r* ? S ? ? pa'kagM ? i .,.'...?? ul llie CuOJjM -? ? - K,.- ? . Mol < lu M irrltti?? \ . . Ill ? Lia* ?f ? . -, . . ,i< ,i -, .. i,. ,.; , k' ,n OlBceafBB N i'Il K ant Inn? i c footof Liberty ?t ?nd 'fdearW, w ?? a. k ! f.aiypan ?' u ?? elty, by appieaunta aaMotnce !od| i.; \ linnti .. ,, .?i.ine-wltat. I nu rvTONIM.TON, l'U?TI . and Beaton a Lug l?*wt yl . al half pa?t ; ..'. i ?PS ". fare lo Pit? .? r iiday, Jtaa a; i i,. Ferry, VVhiiehall, M ?dtl?. Wf.lio - ... ? ? l' ' . i ..m.? u?to> ingtou Li? '? ? ? a?* V ,. i , : , ? : ? I l-nx? Ml 'y ? _ ? FATKR?*ON RAILKOAD y gemeai T" c nrioi???* u. lobaa i?i. l?l* l.?ja>e I ? ? II, , r | N, w Y "Il .J. ,.'? ... k A M ?1 o'clock S M III o'clock,A M. lai o,; ,. k. P M . a P M I l| o'clock, E M. UN S' ?IDA! S Lee'e? r? ? tl*pd? al | ''-w Y >r? a: ? ?. A M. ',.( A M i I i| .? Y M. P??? ? *?d .?-d lo l?e?l lu? Pen y ? f?w MM _??_ . HiMI AI I. l'AKTN ' ? -? ? ' - I and W? . . ,i bw I every v> ay lu laeart I It l?4A?l a ? 1 ne tub?<r?>ett . - .- ; - ? . , - , ..'. yi KEN I llr. WES'I ..leM Ll > r.KP"Ul . - IM', . Hi? ("U I IN i.iu il? k"' Hr'-I'l I .Su u Sift.''- K . ,i iwLi'w ? *tm ?. ? paaaad Bh ...'roui O'er pool ar- b 1*1* lu al tltloo lu ?" ? ?? w?*?** - ai ;-./'? ?" /it''? Cou., ' ?am wM - AMEKK A AT r.E'JROK F.Jt PIUNNOI K M tKMIO.1 ?a* au wt**? U. ? ijie?. ./ ? " i - I "i de!? , ?i ?bal tent Par ?ag? from any pa?t o? 11 eland ui Llvarpool i ?n h? ??car?! aiUes. ? ? i byapplrlag w. a j T tapscotI 'S ..u?i A. . . ? ? Hur..lig?.:p Draft? ?., : ' ?? any an. i ? ?? ... *?rd pa?aha ; ! K ugdoat. & 'IMKI. NOTICE TintIsncopartaarsaiBan . ?' .'.' ? ??w? ni** years, i . ?ran CHARLEA OBBORM, Eso, lau of Be. p. |?, ?:.,,' ?nd tkea.v ?? o? i v lu ri.K.hM b?n disso.vad bT Ika d* - , ?. i u_ 'ha ai far. ol 'Jie .a.ef:u, a ... ,?? . .. - ? . ..e ?uMSs-Sj? Niw Y aft,I . I CHARLE.? ?. LIrTlA HAP.DVVARE. ED^E TO'.Li. *0 ' .. *..:.'.? -, LITI t.r. .1 .na^-noOS BORNA LITTLE I u;oiVi|?ril '>?*?**? li-?..--s ia 1 ? Aisavrk** - -? Hardwsr? ' . ery Edg? Tool*. U ? ? ... .*,..,, Faerl and ? . '??/?*'* ? of C.n'ry MerrS?*?. ??*? .er? maaing toeu ??M?? P*o ?? ?... ,..r.-,. . .-sasrirtiuer.t, coBiprlslSI v**'' Ihlr.g ::. la offsjresl at It? Jews*?*'" , '?dcred.: C i'and win..".i na.., ..x-k?. latch?? fl. ? . . m lad : ?? rai ,? , ., ? i r--. ?? 1 pot ?-' an; Ma and aclseor?. M . , : ? . 1 <roe?-c.ii ?aw?, hoe?, fo.-ka ?is, ?padee, ?/the? and ?oath?, r hsa hi-i.-*?, .Aiiissr?:--!.. '? ? Pimps for w-..sor clstsarn?, skaies, ?.?:-! - h wsier of Ayresioo?? for mart!? i>->liss??i? Coeporaf Btott in grtsai vanaty, b? A.erjm. CM ? Horion B*ru n. and other?. Coopar?' Iron rtveu and iruas fcoopa Hotiae and ?hip carp'tlers* Mail Bjh ??miirny tool*. g*i iao si* ? < BiUiher? tool*, cabinet masara ir.r..'i:aga House aad ship bouder* hardware Iron brass, copper ?fcd Si-?ai Wir* tser.atiie H?r ran ?HI _ %!H!Z~ Vt|P?4, 4.1 RAN DOLE*. Hau : aa - ??**.?* ???latir?s, for me. !??.. liade-D1ETZ. BR'/TBU? CO. 1J9 W ...iam-a'. in the WaaAiagioa H.oc? ?/? fac.-iag ?i.1 *-A.*?y*?rBB*Bd arasMpMasasssarnSB t,f I/U. es IB tie-' .10?. ?f J>? fdliOW.Bg 4e??tMWSB which they w.., nfj ?: wkoleeel? or retail, at li* pr**?? for ?ash. Improved Chemt. ?1 Ol and l anipher.? Lamp?, - er I.aoip?. <J:u and Broas ?d, la great ?a/ietr, ... ? - -? raled Pneni I La*?** a. .s p?'.leitt?, gilt, ?n?rird or 'itoBl* Boapeodlag 8>Uvs, h s. ?-: V/.?r?, B ,.?r < ? I? - ? . Bniann.t Hand s. Do.-.?. CainI a do Biack-i do Bu.,1 ?to Campn?i. ? I i.?nd*l?a? Pu-eSp ? < Bol sr ai. J l.s I ? f.. d | Refine 1 W .?>Oli. ill hi sad MAC ON AM? WEhTERN RA1I.R0AP _? ?Al the annual ?n-aiinf cf ilc Diractswt of ?stS Csw panv held al Maco* on ibe Vb ln?t * !MJ?o4 ?W**-* dou?r? per ?bus wa* declared, which will be **?? I? *w s..^. ?nc'.oer? tere ?i itisdal?, on :h? 1st day of F?*fj~, i next at ihe Bank of Ur? biale of New-Yorx B? ?*_? I '??Bo*".- ii^Hs'l '.?Uaedl J O FOKBEA.I?*T_ E P. ??HEET IRON-*v>bsuvliw E. P. ?k?n *?* a (or a?-* ?n . asioeuitp* i**. . by __ I jai ?atiiMA:? k MOsUlB. cot Broad k Beavets?