Newspaper Page Text
e I/IT? ITat.U*. ?Il>?? Yeaterday biinu- but?la) ?*? \??T wit a*r?e ?"afad M ,b? teV*?** ??' ?-J,,!f?*7 and uaprejudiced old aaint. A. ^^ IjgikJjtbewlndowaaBd The Tribune i? -***** flfty thou?aod unbanned Util? ?oui? *Z?LvA flickering like ?wallow? in palpita ?JTToftk.d.y Lucky eatnt, to be celebre 'jthia kifb ?paral.??; noneeo*?. thu mimic ce, 'Jk!?f?aad dart? ' Long day? the note ,1 pre -touJ??lD|. tbe boy? and girl? bare ex ia? been i Z? eViuetaliied lh*'r brtJM* ?' "h,t ****** ?'iSeaptiity. and arery ???*? ,blIlln? hM ?ODP dp" and petnted paper to put the re.ult? in ^?ftTJaea the grand di?ch?rge. tlie Aral off?ho'?t ? *|*?Jiw that ? month wont tee the end of. a"1' ittB* when Valent ne? ?>?y meant ?orne ^rCl ,t era? a buiine*. ?1 real lover?, and there 0*-Jll^M uiidcr IU delicate, ?by dl.guiw < ? ?? 1 **H*TT?t;? ?on? loH ago Now nobody make. p*** 4 joke of it. we know a do/en young people ga?**^ wn0 (bmk nothing of k tiding ? flamm. aO** ^^ ,0 M many per?on? a? tliere are day? ***"*. ttd *? take '? 'h*''? th* ebnere! habit. A **,**ae bU,j- ounV coneuney <>t loVefB now? *ZLm?Z* mn** i?-, ' '""? wn" cue'Qt to ?? **!iu of it that f?i Valentine?, and that not liom ?****" riTHOr btuband?. lull ol ?entiroeuUlity end ?a****^^ W> hate this mod. rn degeneracy. "**Lilfc?eo?j and buiinna? faahi. n. t^end a Valen ^^I^Me-crpoat-too' Hah1 ?live u. the ?wcet *??, .bra tb?e WH ? mystery ?Lout ?t. when ?ly V*,' aaad ia the matter, when lover? atole at dawn *-"fc?t at the well known window and t ** weite? (or the taalifiar Hep ah. that wa? an "%^?* To bathe ValtaBiaa ol that blushing truth 1,1 .i-iMiBll mic'l Mea* bit ?ter?, but to ?hare ?Lv wtih kalf ? acore et copartner? find never VatoaBae " *'t^r *"? or '" nDd out 'hat ? ?okkor lob Jose? instead of the blue eyed Viatk-eyWilf1 worth acopp? fit ro car fkaaai' ** *?W,"r,>r' w? wunt ?* ,:ut ?< 4-mode? kav? I0"* 'or * ^'al''"''-ne to the whole <)ira?.yrtawof ?A? human specie? ?bjaaj ' tneae are exi nest tim' - fo?y1??baolete lor Woman, ffeaajyaad ?portive rhymr? laaaatncw forget tho Human. Leajl ef all ?hottld ?t thou forget. gedient though thou ? tiadne?. Hu" Ik* ?bole wide earth - wet With to* bur? ol hope lea? ?adne?? Witktlave? and I ?i!cr? bloody ?weat In raftering groara desperate ? gadkoww.lh ?oui poitoned to inadncn Baa U ?garnit hi? le,low ?et, Paria?Trod? Truth and Kight to hold Aivaloelea? compared with gold ' Oa tkat, Woman ' i? it laid, 0* tky heart. O .-'??ter. NoteW That thi? wear y wo be ?laid, Aid man wrong no moie hi? brother Tbim it h lb* germ? to tend 01 tk? pod that bow i? ?juin,ins Ae* ft*?? aaanoet ?oui i" lend T?lk?*WoryTimei? bringing Aad a? fie? kerfde the tomb Wbmcr Ik? ! 'essed Lord h?d riser Wert lb? tlri\ in marnng? ?(loom Te greet the Conqueror lrom the priaon. T?*i? other grave anea' ?TheDce awaklni; Man I? ?tarring ?halt thou ?tend ?uh holy cheer latpQlae. hope and pOW? imparting Take the offire. it U thiu? ' apeak thy noble?! aspiration?, (kit ?lib !o?e!inee? divine fiaidlBf. ?ngel of the nation? ! rkaie? Rl*?rt Railroao ?We eareitly n?k Hi iWltfl it our reader? to an ndvertisemeiit on thi? ?ab/Mil i*?th*t column ?r*Tha Bfttm Covrtei < omplam? that the IkfgMlaaptnlor that city ubf h came out I.y the Sa rak Balia, ?ara kapt ta the p '.-t office In thi? ity tor leaatfiear how?. Tb* ?teenier aimed heie |u?t aa the ?tearnboat mail fat button wa? leaving, but her mail? tbtttkd of briag ilepatrhed the next morning over the ?B] Ulati root*, ?raredetained till the next afternoon. 7b* Cwrw ?*y? If lack ftoti lariMM and mitmanagement had oc ?airadlaIke laiton pott office the wbol? New Yerk trau ?eaU kare been in an uproar. The Bo ?ton ?Kaawrt bring mtll* from Liverpool, compared to ?kwhtkat of the Barab f?nl. ?brink* Into insigii.n (?ataaalyat. give them an hour? time, and our poit alai ?brti ?ould dupatch the whole Southern mail. Wnbiafd like tu hear ?ome excu?e lor th? lary arraiige ?a? of On clerk? in the New York po?t office. Wiprarunv. the matter can b? **u?t?ctorily ex ?bkaf, bitirr not yet informed how it occurred. TtMiiioC?ARin ro a? coutil ?Edwin Velsor a*l Wat.IHx ware arreded on Saturday night at half aakawaa. for obtaining money under lalae preteucu?. Taty ?an olreulatUg a ?ub?cription paper and rereiv kt| Maty for as imaginary cartman who had lo?t an baajfaary koraa According to their aub?cription paper tkejhad received %i 1 only *. i were lound upon them. It ?pater? tkat tbty bad al?o been engaged in collecting atofwy ip pay tb? funeral expen?e? ol a poor woman, ekwictfbov?. Their ?ceue ol operation? ha? been in ?xtb. eoveath aad r.iphth ?t*. and Second avenue, foi tbttatttbr** nigbu They generally paid their vmu HT Tb* iavonte opera ol Linda i* to he rwpra aat*? at Palmo? to night It beenme a general favorite ?efcrtitwu laid eitde for Lucia, and will no doubt ?raaieruaded and lathi'iiahle audiunoe. /?ruM?M Arkanoimim - We lenrn tliat the Canoe? aad kmboy and th? New Jer?*y Railroad Com Pabia? are about to e?t?bh?h a line fioin Trenton to b'?*? York by wbkk p***enger* ?an leave Trenton at fi ? M aid ?*?Tork at 'A t M The late 1? to be $3 J>-1- 4. rVrta* and Mr John A Ori?wold ate bo be *? Mail ajaaia Upim tDe r0ute. btlT CVAKcg ?Clintty ? utirivalle.l K.tlnopian? r^tkra* parfomianoe? more ?t th* Alhitrur? butTotw '??kw for the South. You can heai them by |Oaat| Ml "???? T?e?d?y or Wednesday evening that i? it you ?"?^?Boiigh to get a place. ITTti namatht. or rapul learning, ?a taught kf?.CV)w**at IM Canal ?t. If your education ha? **? ?agletled now you can repair it. ?*T* WuijiM T ,1*i K?t'N. foniiorly otilii* City ?aaao" reaiding in the t ity cd Au?tin. Texa*. would ^teWaraike whereaiMut? ol hi? brother? Benjamin ?ho formerly reiided near Ked Bank kCo N. J. and Jame? A. Jai-k?on, Immerly a f;*,?i I ?gckery ?tore in thi? City, alio hi? utter. J* **arpt?? Vaudermatk. a widow, formerly ol *^**1)ya B?. Jtckaen ?ay? he ha? or had relative? in ?Sb*V l ay Ihe name? of Wm Wright, Ben' '??"?trau,, HntMi.i-The ile?pt-i?t,' cfTort fT'* aatore nnUced.N to lorce open Mr Brown ? ??*!? Jam*? aome daring hurglai?. wa? toiled jJtkav inability to pick V* lock or bresk ojien one of '*"?>, ? Saiamander Sale?. Some burglar, tool, were *??<*? ?tore. ??a/1"** N!,ho], wu *r''<'?tr.! on Saturday '?"??a fifth Dwtnet fui threatenaig to ki'.lhiswite IT A trunk c4 a hoanler. .vrner M Hubert an-! *am?\cb ?u w? v.. ?. t?w?Wu7 , ' ?*?? "n Saturday severa! t?irb*d *bta*<?'l,,0O?l?*in<'d wt-r' 'eltundu ** ? mod tataZZT ? *',u "' N d "n s?,urd*y *-* *ltb be; raw , ',0, ^n^J monlH wa? fouud " f4lW el??Ped m her arm?. ^'"'''^'?-^auaret 0 ftttBOl BB fxpr*m2!'^ *M "r?*?*d ?n Saturday ?Retnoon ixtag to pick tb* pocket ol a lady bufete M ^'?**?T* frame lhop ?betrvwJ?? bl?ck,?ith ?h"P H" Graudat ttat beauM- _** ?? *'? at ?} o cWk Saturday mornin; ^?" ?*? I Minguithed with trilling damage. r?*>?kW?t0n*r* ,D,,UMt WM neMatUba i?th *?ao.y of b0U*' * " "cl0<k s,?ut"?J l-?B| I n at aW*?J ***** in,,u" ?"??d m a box in 1 ifteenth J; ""?? ?tenue._ ikkad, r^ J Plaiuni?r t?f tho Sexond Ward (Ua, bTP Atli??ton. a colored woman, who had *?* at y 1*0" ?l tio*Un?4 eaanghoua* kl Hat ksrtaaO w . k P"u,d,y mor" n< .^hewMbad'y ?'?ackci h*T?b'ed to death haung divided a ?^aa^'^^n^iempl., which wa. taken up I^Wafv..^ ????oa for b WM ?rre"?<1 ?? Saturday at NUB m,^"* mo?,y ?? W?e Potence* of Jacob ^"K Wry at in July Itatt. ?^Amoroe. ?^paaa.?^* CUe cont?tning aome twenty *?* Oa,*, ?"boar?u^1 ,50' WM ,t0lTO Uom *? ,runk'0, DOW??,at43fciud?oatt.en the 10th laat. H. MiriDi.? The Coronarw.,?, called on t? aturd? toho.d an inquett upon the bod; Dt BbTMjH Doboti ?' M'-i W ?1er at an Irishman ? MOT | 1 who can to hie death by rlo'.enre. under the MmjmJ circu? ?lancet. wU On Tuesday night laat an Irishman nam. Cornelius Mahnny. tinted Donovan at hit residence at both being drunk a 'juarrel took place and Mahon threw Donovan M the floor, -.mped up^n h.m. ai ttruck him a?rerai blowt with hi? fltt. alter which 1 went away leavm,; I'uno^ an on the do-jr. MaMMj fea the injurie? Donovan after a while tucceeded In gettl up and juing a ?bort dittance with a view of getting i officer to ai-rett Mabuny bu? waa obliged t r> - s be threw himaclf upon hit bed tarira ? (?U ray wife ant don? | r Me in al aid wat obtained, but to no pi poao. he died on 1 riday night The jury rendered rcrdict, that the deceased came to bit deatr , MM? ol the injuries inflicted by Mahony, who w then committed to prison bj tbe Cor Mf t ? ?? the -. ?'"IMIttl Ml. AMI MOM . MATTER??. Furtalti nf bMM, (aj *" fbaVaa F ?ft ?U?*?V?YM1 TIM Market was ? today for the Pm ? . excepting lor I,o:,? Itiand. which fell oil ??' ?'? der heavy ?ale?, by ?orne Po?ton operator?. Thera. ol tbit movement i? th? po?tpcriement of the day election ni Ihr.. ?n:? which has been put of! 4'daj There bat aaMJ a movement going on to change th?t a ministration of ti.r Koad at this election, and the ne t.. k'i, it la supposed, had secured proxies enough elect it. Monday wa? to have betu the day al ? but it wu discovered that the advertitempnt was i formai. Bud IM i'.osrd has voted to renew it, which w I .t af the time ot election 45 days. Tbit. it is th< -?gl wili derange the plans of the opposition somewhat, hi consequently the .?took has declined, some part.. ? ?. largely short. The Bill Market ig very aajjaj, an<l qpajgaJjMj a heavy. W< fWll t*4arftaf H?i Francs 3 I a Kr-'ifhta are still active, and rates hold raj] fin ly. The Nicl,,,!n? l.ddie was tnken to d*y f "r Lircrpo at IN and id wm hiked fur an outpo.-t. .?orne e gag, n.ents lor Ir. iind were made at ?,0a?f".d. Cover ment is still in market. The ?npply of vetar !s ready load is now v< ry iiiik:1. Some ?mall aajaj i | tor- tic*- TtHMly* Not? have been mad. at . a>Sj i' cent, premium. Hat Ravari:. Croa Havre baj I ?B ipecl ' This influx of sjiecie. fortifying the Brink?, has ita nat raj i ''ritt upon the Motif y Market und IMM have I*-. made nn call on first class securities at low as 4 \f err 1 Othet loans hare bren made nt B f M nt The business at the Custom BtttJM from IsM I I "t Fitnuaryto the tatas, inclusive lb) !-l'; and l-l ptem ntt the |oMowing result? . 184? 1847. Incr. DM! free. ?|7?"...- |M,049.... ?,11?.'? Specie. 63.557 .'.'?' I-1 .. .$597 09. dutiable.... '?.-.740 J.l'C..?-7.... 50R.947 I CajferM?.. . 100,490 03,653.... 93,197 It will t.e seen by the above, that the imp?t t ol spec exceeds half a miilioa ot dollar?. It will he MM Bj/ a letter Iront Btl rial'-, other column, thut the bi'l n BMlta?] tbe i barb rot ti. I.ehigh 0?V Hank has past) d the Pennsylvania House i Reprr?< iilativ ?? The circulation ol this Hank i? -v-l t be about ?T.'?" The tollowini: taken irrm Thompsons Han Note Reporter show? the rate? at which uncuriri money i? selling in Wall it h??f /.? i' Mafawl ? a'.t "t <? U, New Frij?:tr.'' | alia par Georj . ?ditjd Alhanv. Trer A<- J | pay'g 1, ?' i NY country .. ? ' 9-5 " New Orleant.. 11 t New.lert?r .... j . Ohio.9 ' I? Philadelphia... i par Indian* ...8 ** 1| Baltimor?. . I die Kentucky.' I. VlrainJa' l] i ?'lern'????.i N. Carolina.? I?, ' llfiMMal 1. B. < arolitia... I J ?Michigan. * Wheeling bka are'Jdi? llanada..._ 4 ,i The follow inn are the aapOttJ fi"in this pert fror lanuary .10 to February I?' ? rn (,irat Prtta<n Cotton bales. LSOtj CMM ? " Knttet. lbs 1S,916? nom bola, M,1W? -??cor i lbs, :il5 70r , I aid. Ib?. 7*,77t .Tallow. Ib? U Ttl . Hide, lb?, 3?.,110. Flax, 44. fteef. bwM, M BM b .1. '.,'. I e?ther Iba. W.4rr' Pork, tierces. .'O. Pott bbla. ,'17r< . Meal. bbl?. e..>? Tobacco manufacturen lbs, ?VJLS70; Ashes, bala, M tola bUa,400i Twpec IM, bail 1443; Oat?, bush. 1 17? .-peim Oil, gall l-?'.Mi. Corn, luth, aS4.0.'?J. Hice, tien et 11 ? bush. lr?.TlM . Wheat, bush. 3?.P?7 . Beans bush. ?\-17 Oil Cake, lbs. 160.940. ft lYaaiai lull tie;, et.30 , Flour, bbla. v;..ii: Maal bbl?. 75 ; Cotton, bale?. ?V< Ham?, lb?. 31,636 . Tallow lbs. 47 4?M. Whulebone. lb?. 634 , Hup? bales, ?J Ash??, bbis, ?0, Wheat, bush. H H-\ The Board with its usual ?.-enero'i? ?ympatl j with the diatraaaed voted unatntcously tbe liberal doua ti m of two thousand dollars in aid of the suffering luth Three Dollar counterltit bill? on the Amenu Batik at Le*d?rille aro in circulation enijraving coar?? ?paper of reddish cast. No engravers uaine uu thr same. The receipt? of the Mohawk. Railroad lot Janua ry show an increase ol 60 per cent, on the IMafcMl < January. 1*46 The Norwich and Won eater Hnal eariiin?a fa the first week In I ebruary are a tittle mure than f. t th< aainc neck lttst yeai The rii eipts .! the H'.usittoiib bUmI for JlMMf] are reporud to reach #40,1)00. The Miami Canal is OfM from Cm- mnati to I>ay ! ti*. The .Yople a Bank of rateraon must not kt I H i toundtd with the Mechanic? Hank ft I'atertou. Th< : tonner Bunk ic in f;..?>d repute the latter will BfOMht] be cloaed up by the l.i j?i?lnture. It i? ?aid that the Delaware and Haritan Cana will tie opened on the lust of Marcb, if the ice is out ol I canal and the river The returns of the Bauktol the State ol Sootl Caro in? give Pitcountt ?7 'fX Dsposits $1 7..4.I7 j Ppeci? *()4?l.*31. Circulation i-J.^'.i'?'."? There haa recently i>een considerable, api I tire action in Moins Canal Stock, and the tollowtn ir. m the 1 edgri is prot'fctly the key to .1 We ate mtormed that aevetal practical busies* u.-i ' have recently become largely interested in tbe Morn ' Canal, with tbe expectation ot making it a raluatili property. They are now art anging machinery an. , lock? tor the plane?, that will enable them to carry ove i a ?ection ot a boat with seventy ton? of coal, and whei l their anangemeut? ate completed the load M tue M r ' n? Canal will (<? 110 ton? M coal, carried in a two tec Mm Mat '1 hey expect to make tbe lnp from the Ic hi,;b eoal raftOStO Jcru y C'.ly and bark in Ml thirteen d?ys The distance trom Mauch Chunk to Jer aey City is 1 Ir miles At Ha'.timore the Money Market is as before At Cincinnati there are app?.-alancea ot an abundanci j pi money during the summer Kxrhauge ou M I h< I P cent l'ion At NewUileans the large Ml ' ; in produce hat cinsed a no re active demand for money but there ha? Ken no marked change in ?ale? TO Hank? were discounting liberally The monthly ?late ment by the Board it Cuirency thews that the Ranki ol New Orleant continue In a t?!? position Theii cash asaeta and habihtiea en Ihe Jd inst were a? ?. CASH LlAHIUTIkl MM \5<BTS. , Deposits.17,6*0.749 73|8paela. I&835.160 i ! Circulation.. sJU?7T00.ror?ftDMiCi ? 1 Total..?ii.-.?I.?.a. 7~i| Total..|19,748i . I x change it in an unsettled ?tale. Sales ot ?-terlinj have been made at rate? ranging ft<>m 4j to .'? f* cent : r?ii? M H| ka K4T| Naw-Tark, M day?, '.tui j Check? | 4^ cent to par. The husinei? ?>l the QtMtrgit Kailrt't?!. rlurinj; ?M week ending leb 6, ?1-47. amounted to ?lO.a Witt Ksip waa unanimously reeic- ted ' President of Ihe Bank a| South Carolina. .Markets....Car</u!.? r?>>?.lr?l/.. 7V 7 i??in\ ^Ati'irjAr. I \<IH ?U>1 MN his Nvn but little done, but the rate? , are ?teady .-aies M Mai )'"t?at 4 D. Fl.Ol K \\P Ml. VI.-The market wai I net I? I out particular change. There w.-ie ?idler? ol pure Ueaaaee at ' 37| and buyer? at 7 ?.?;>. Some Oswego wu i a! 7 ?.'.? The sale? were unimportant i Philadelphia at ?7 Mulim-l ! ? k Bala? l?OO bbl? Jer?ey at ??. and 901 do Brandywine at ?.'i '.'? l.KAIN Ihe demand lot Coin was les? active to dar but the ?a.c* raaak M 000 buahe?? at !,: * MO cenu. nn^t ly at the latter There were tale? a] MM bu*he,?o:d cot at 90?93 cent?. The tranaaction* on Fnday are now ; ?aid to hare reached -JOOOOO huah? S?!e? 9009 buth? Rar ley for : (pea t at ??' cent?, and 1000 do for heme uie at 79. cent? live is ne.lected t'at? iim and in damaad. IcMmSOM ''U.hel? Canal fer I e?.and at .-'cents A ' small lot ol Oeneaee Whest 1000 bushtl?. ?o'd ^? centa , t*."M do Virginia Red nt 150, and about *Xt) do Jersey and Long Island at 140?".C> 1 CU ?? i 100 bag? Black eyed l>a# at I J7j jn-r bag an l IM , bbU and 10 tierce? Narrowtat Pea? at I d?j per buabel. WUISK. Balai 1V> to 900 bbl? ?t ^?T-N cent?. ' Prudge bu an upward tendency. 1 LATHI R.S Sale?rkai? lb Weilern I ?\? C,?e?e.goud at i*.1 cents, caih hICK-Tbe tttniacuon? since the >arah .'and? hare be*n vetr large teaching upward ol J0H0 tierce? at ?. up to ?:> the latter lor ?trictly pnme Sever?! parcel? were ??,ld at 4 ?74 ??J. The market wa? rather NM to day. Mauy ot the parces ?old were ot lot? previou? ly bought tor ?hi|iment and now ?old to realue the pre sent advance PROVISIONS? Fork continue? rather ?uiet but linn Prime u held at II 50??IS ?i Mes? 14 0o*?14 75. A sade ol 10UO bbl? new Me?? wa? made oo prirate term? Salea 100 bbU new Lard at I cenu. 1 or a lot ol kegt 91 waa bid ?-ale? 150 bbl? Beet at I 50 and 10 50 tor Country A lot o? BacM. for KagUnd. ?eld at 10 cMtf SLEDS?A avail par' *J of red Timothy aold at 125. an! BOM ? ..Id Clover at - cent? ' --V- --.- ' rjOPJ i-!.?? h. - -enruede at j? j? j? \ rent*. ca?h. P?RIf - -th River are -s'-e ?ap? ply and demand at ?1 ?It IB, rash K-l! ?An a '*ivr demand and price* of all kind? have Impro-.ed. Dry Cod aell from ?t^ie at ?' ? BatiaVl ? ' ? ? rig to ?peci ;.?raUon??t th? L'wtward have advanced . the ??*??? are ?Halifax at | . |S 75? ?JOdo Ma*??xhu*etu ?- v and H . ? Ba S. (?Rl'JT?^ales have been meoV -,t >?"*? boxe* Buneh Raiiin? at * 1 " GRO - "?'??? lav??The ?*>? r,| r el?denos? bag? hr* .-..., " - ? at : *? lavra. ". i - ?, ? - ,t include ty*; hhd? N Orleen* at 7 ,}-rent? Havana at 6f ?7| <-? r.!<? I r Browi ?.eDu 4 leaving the market bare ?be k of other kind? redtic : a Mu? J ? ? | \e-'erd*V ? ???rra! 300 hr - same la lob ?? f . , II! N -'1 ba ? ??? ? ?-... yrappUed Wtti ' .?neriran ?Va ? ? ?le* Dear rotted of Um tota at * ?fl .' 100 do J ute i'..". r.rno. ad 300 d " and? on tern. ; .blie. IKON??Votes Pia, baa been an I at $33.7) 'months, -and from ?c . about 130 ton. Eng' tb Bar? on private term* OILS?A faut? i aal* of ? HortavWeaB Coaaa btbeaat made at '?'.- cU. c??h. - ?? ? ' irther change. y*?t A- - - - ? in mu,: loBi ?t ?.' i is. ? ash bail for large pat ? ? , price to refused B30B galio are Engtteh ko an , M et?, '??h. an I ? lur.v ?.>a- t aba to arrive || \t said ha? eataaged band? at art biabar rata. On the ?pot 1 Kngli?h i? held at - H ? *nd Mar-,f?r-t'jre?i Btoaraaaar*) warjana li? the market ' ontinie. Sare in fir.t hand?. TOBACCO?Th* M?M ht II Kentucky ?i ."??- g terras t? aid I ' ? ? J 19croe? florida tS}fMlt cent*? and 130 -?le? Havana 90, 4 ? '!.?The ?narVet fat K'.ee..? and Tulle i . art;v.. aBstl the sale? :hi? we, k w ,' n beb r.? ar'y B) atoar gantai ? h ?how a im ? ?. retnaiM '.ui?t and we have on.y to notice a ?aloof i ? "? term? not trar - MARINE JOURNAL. PORT ofr NIW.TOEI ?IBIATOBJ ?!.*???*(.Till n?T. TH? BT-W. I TUT ?100??. I FTI I SgA. R ?'? S 57 I -4.U..." N -. a?-?? I Kve LATKST mrr London.Jnn. NI Havre.Jan. 1? Liverpool.Jan. BO I New Oriean?.Feb. 1 fry* SEk MAkiyF. JOURNAL FOURTH PJQg. ARRIVED. r?rk Aradla llarlaw, i 1 ils fin Car lena? Cuba, molas BM lo 1 I hr ma?. M ds Im .Vatan/as ?u;?r. Nrsmith A Wal.b. Brig] CCI May.'Jd.ftn Savannah <"tt"n aril rica I Sturgea ("i arman \ I !o Sehr Antionette. f'.rown V.' .1? Im Belize. H-nda-a? Baahagaarpi k* lo i Aieaar Behl Pana na, Davis. Tori Hiver, corn Hcl.r Anaconda K'isar? \Va?hington Ni'.'corn, to .* L Mitchell .10 Gratada LovaO ftn Wilmington, roniaaeal lejfci R '? ?..'< H ry im Ball I toJohwoai A: Low BdvEliaa Wada, 99 da fka BaUaa, Hond m to 1 ? Ale\an I? i. The V. haa experienrr I ?ale?:? ti MV ?| Ipped a henvyaea. which ?Inttel rsis < ?tore ?alley? Died, ?heTlh rab.Joks Barrai laaaaMi and. .-.i.i GeorgeBtrtekiaad, M da (m Faslport. flsh, Ac. to .-?ruth a Boyntoa. ftehr CbaMnre Coekl ? .1? tm Vlnpfaaatapetat* afar? ?. Chaar, 4 .i? i .... W I.? wi?. ????hi Millie? lit ri.Kige : d? f?n Chester I tojobnaon ' srhi Ott*, frnanai tin Plyaaoath HC eora ? hi >nsan Ceiiter Melnt:re 'J .1? tm 1 rv'sd r.,rn I>..!phin l'as, y i ds Im Newbern N< ' to M Halt .- ehi ' ? m l(..-hmoi?.l a?!*) I !en t, |'h^. ii Silir Taliinian fin Mi/aheth l'ilt RC ??*? Beau Daktww,froaa Delaware ? I mp:i<\ Bun. 4 d? fm Wa?hinj;ton N( naial ?tore to Ben? I I WI ;am?. ? i ~?i>ury 4 to froan MlddlaHown. BC.corn, t?. b Btoaaaaa -. i r Adrian Walpo'.e. (in Nottn.k. eorri.t I Hi t Ir.iiari BCfcr Pala, Ho'iKman, BS d? fm Havana, su t-*i | b Anlrrad Qalaray M m.t ??t n ~? ej..?*.?? b?in Esa ?all ii; n Mai ? Bear Tramoal Jb> aei ? >i* fm Kortblh aora I I - | Bab Oil 1 ? et--? -milh 1 '-Iin Washinjl? ii N1 M v al More?. BELOW, lab to w kW |W_ Wenttai Xotuei. IV" Ph?nix Dlai-lnn f, of T. T. of ;rie | M will b< -'re Ibl* Dit ? ? ? .ei:in, leluuaiv 14, at Ti A:.ei. ?I. by Br O. Cam?. ;. imfflenc* at 9 o'clock Aair?-. heexpfleil ii.,tn T. W r* Dr . e,.r, ai 1 ?' W f Mao. he? ter Mr Uiouiioi Toakara and Mi PraaaaofM f.barra volunteered 10 abu ?e>eral song? durim; Baa) e-. eni.'ni Seai? reaertedfui ladle?. Bv order, 15f If B B BARLOW. R I tf IMIgrim I.oil?e ?TT. I ?T"?iTo P-TI.en.en, l.ers ol Uns L.odge ai? reo,:i??sieil to be pui.cOi?! lu ihelr si tendance at the neu meeting. Keh IA as ? ;ilr.ess of im Cirrunce will be brought b*fore Ihem Bv order ?'? Ihe Otlga J H HAVKNS, N 0 Jat. Tims-in. Becreiary. l?f.tis' ty Aid to Iri'lnnd -Th? -s'.ai, :.u? Comma loi b*Sufferer? by famine In Ireland have par ntMiou to occupy an ol t ?' Prime? Build tog,M Wall-*i .. ? ? Mail lianis* Tif hang*. nh*rr aue?. la contribution? for thai i Ml NDFkr VAM M 11 a i c K i a* I ?"% JaV. Se<'lelarv. _ 1? IV To .'?Iri'i'bnni*. Publiahrra, Intenlor? and oilier?. I -????. n?, Information, ?v \ ? A gaatli ? -' ' I ' I - . ? n. a ( Irleai ? nr. . M Marci, aext oa bl? return botn? Hi? path will travel*? | ?. - . . Oblo and v .r - ! he wUI vlatt each part* ci/Loulaiara, 111! dlaua. We.lern Pennsylvania, ?od olnei - Weatertl Males a* be may be n .,'iired in do by ?ttaVlant He ?i.. Batdartaka, akoaghto roata, ma roi;?-. ?leMs t.T m? ?chani?. publisher? and e<iii'.r.. and other?. iicr.g ?.. di. ,e: . ?arM-e?. ar.U rare In ?* lax Itag ihe hato* [.roper BM 'ran?ml??lon. Ha will proaaptfy eoaaattti ata a - lamer cantlle or other character. 11 a: he M.av ' e n ;utred to pro cure, or lhal inav ba enlruned lo htm for dieaea and m? ?ervice? ?re BtBarad B* DM Introduction I . ina, new (rapatabie) work*,ehrtra,paaiodiral*, a. lo th? nolle* of tb* coaantui - ??.ich he may pa??. Ha will atoo axart hba* ? ? .1 ei? a? may a uhonte and iMtract him pro parly with regard lo tbeli publication?, imi (ng the-.: inssructbui? anlfor*ar?l.r.g imrr'e?laie r? For tnformaliou with reference |o reaponalbilliy. fitne??. be. appllcatloa aiay be made, by n.'te or otbaiaito*. ta Joba A- Bta, K>'; ?.' BmaJ-it New-York. Ii ? ra, power? ? ? niri's!iia% ba f.irv.?r,ie , ? r ti.ey may bi th* adveii|?er W? D t "BB. slMin _ Pen?aco:a. Fa. GENUINE BEAR'S OIL TOR THE HAIR IV The hnlr la verv ninleriallv ntlerieil ? i a ?? ?u - . thi* la a subject of the htgbeial importance al of a warm room lo tbe eoitl a ? wtnl? ? ? . . Reefi . ?re In duiy tnmnd lo u?e it, f," ihey are ev??n mor* iba gein.emeri to kaaa ibwif Baarhbg hacha baveju?! ? ki ora of ? ??> The iienulne Bear s Oil II I and fvepar? I toilet only by Haaar J aai a i ei ?'. a Broadway :'n ta* Oranlte B. ...'ai 1"0 rulion-?L,r: East Broadway, aco vn Hndaoavat, Pnce .^i cenia . s-?- . .enta for ?ma.: boll e? IV" Purchasers remember Baal all genuine ha? tb* name of Henry Jonnson. _ akaaaalto OLOVE ANODYNE foOTHAOHE DROPS s ....... Tl.. I had ?'tmud ?APnfim ry Tbe Sadden Arllon of uii? asi ?n;?h?ng remedy toi .- aaat raaanrkabl* cbaractai ? ? ? i quick bul peimatieni In l^? eiect. and may be ; perfe.-i ?aleiy. Profuee are the *xrre**ion? of graceful al tclraiu-n that haTe been la..- . auierer? upon thu preparation. So we., and faithfully ha? the Clora AnoornB perfo-rn all thai ha? ?>eeii c'.ai:: - many a'teinpls have !>een made lo Imitate it, and many w r thleae empounds are o ferrai under ?ie name ' I \ ? e. Pjh ba?er? mint'.?? s^re and ?i.? J kNmtb?eCaVa Dn pa, and o ???? --ii at ibe name ?f Henry John eon is on the a v erv gaaasaaaalal Preparnl - r HENRY JOHNSON ? ?? A B. Saad? k ? Chemist? D It -TJBroadwav. cor. Cba-iiber - : ? . .: ? Kulicm-at 77 i.??'. Broadway, aaJ*ti HuJ?on ?t. Puce ?3 ceri*. ^^^^^ ft? " All ?tho ?to ilovtu lo theaen J ?hip? <*ftd do ka.ia.M upon the great waten I Vei ? a ?ure p?? ^ ???, and a poeune cure f .r Staut? aad all an pOe* .: ?are?. au . aad I ?.parity et ih* M lion? oi tb?' kadaata, laBaaraaai ? ? i sea>.? , ?.:," Limary oriao? ?re ia: \. ad kylhto r>oaeifu .-^ i araaaaarp, '?- ^ i a i .all ?eeondary r.'mp.aiM?. laitkitaiB* >?!' ?- ?res. ?kc g:v?<m away a: the v. ?*. e in tht?c;ty. 1 i. Sasaa.i ?L <pp<??.i- I Ha ' See al?eiu?-meni headed" Oreai ArxerkaoBerae dv. ' '? - '? HT Hr. Wood'? baaaapa a Bad W I Carry 1 lers for .laneni real ? ?. 's ?? ? i ?????*??. a? la*? a.para bio ? t ? ?late ?', the liver and atomaeh, weejiness and a Itaof ? a ?? ....?? .. ,... hav? for vear? un.ted In pre? -hran-d Sarta ?and lb* Bar? ,.f \\ ..? {. herrv. t>> W>.?a ?: tVUd I -'it Bmer?. Is t."ie ?^nly m?*d'clue ever mad- aa, and foatadod a? ..... -?.afl.l their virtue? ?x .i ,,-.... 1?* ucnaual powei an.l erf . ? . ? 1 wtU b-e fooad lo be a Bar* and ?peeriy r-medv for the dieeaae* enam*ra ?ecure regula? lina. atiBavita a ?-.???....'>? a non of the ; ?er and ?tornath, ar,J ?irenjiih?-* ihe ryive?. a: once ?ecar'.c? he? etgo? to the ebole svtiem. In aJ caaes of dee pood ?ate y. from todapaaakaai or nervoua irnunioa. they hare Manaaad with remarkable euccea? . nor are ther lea* oaerui a? a re? medy for headache, flatulency, lo** of appetite, and a ?en? ere rrostrailon of ihe ?yatem. Al the ?ame time. It moil '?e ??*ted, that user ar- . nor at e. dangerou? in Uieir operation?, ?ecuriniK' as they do the ilaatrad aad, by a ?teady. res-?i ar, acd i?a*y Inlhience ?Sold whoIe**J*ani retail by WYATT k KETCHAM general agent?, 121 Pulton ?t , at rata:. 1 U Bmaiw?^ > Bleecaer-et N T . J W. ?milh. cor Puiion aad Cranber? ry at*. Brooklyn, frica ti, larga botttoa. :* Satl* x9rr?r-Tal iVctur? i''?t-iiitii-( N?.., ? ?fir . -. - ?- - - . o_ - ? ?? Majan i - ? - -? ,. CW TerrtMTanee inniiri-m y.- - c , - L'Bkon ?' --.--?> ? a-, - -?-. .. ??laalarait aiasx. -?-.-,. anala? F-- la. Una If i It? r* ? -reside Mr .?_ 1 J'?'? br,'" ? ' **? ??J Masajea, wsanrsas tawsaaawla, ?? .d. Re? H?r r... t. ?_.. Mr . ,J?i Chase, ? and i ?* K ' - ' prat? B saarsal :?? render thta om - .?M s h ?. - ? . ? : : ? . - B?SB-Bt f I) \ ? Chain - - . - ? . aad ? ?"rs wiii open at ?", ". lo cor: ? ? T-sirerance are in riled to M.ecd. By order - . ^^^ . ?; re*" l.ectnre.-" ? BROWNS iLv. - nafle -, - - -, - ? A. ?. . -? ? . I" H HAK - - ss-Ss, THi'S i.l.ilVKK - I . FELIX INGOLD8BV, 117 Ma )?? T DONSF.L..Y. ? s 'h U , . V i M DI NIQAN'8 B.? ? ? _ Xf T t sbTBTM] II I? - ;rer on Tac ? : know irv Lea I - [4P. M at lie*.. . ... ? ? ?- tila ser Sunday res k ? ? . * ? - 1 ? ' ???. ?! the Rcp'Hib.ry in the Park. ? i . . ion M Aim i ? - - ?. to Olh? r?. ? '??nt? per lecture. 1 which m ??? lie the sarat lo two ? ? ?: The ? >n T . - . - ? " ?A ?n Instil?le adailuanca fr~^ Tachymeih.?t io !.e had ?t >? .. ? -iisescl; number UflC (?" Iteehe cV . ostnr. He ? ?? LSI p: "?dway,New ?_ ... C?ow<(?7? inches ?? ttdes "ir-, curre. , Tir-Jot?;, flai. M? Ml rear,i ?Mai ?Mas Hft?Small edge curl 1 f I ? ?? ? an inch ? . ?? | Ht?b I ? ' an inert wde, with asssal flisiiran.- i if an ine? rt Saturday :n March. 1 :?y in Augu?L }?* Bioailwar. Marehl ' ?Me? of Ihe paitero? _' I rfT ?'facts 1er Ma l'i-oiile." El] ? i sfl > ? sredltar] d - firful rtl.?a#e . ... i . ? sa, alia] ... ' , - , . i . XI ' >B.f?< ?N S C< M r Ol I AH AMI M OOD N ?PHTHA Tht prep?-- .. * turn? of the I a com a 7 ? asTectloDS ??-? * . - and confess areea ' Non? i? And ev . i ?r-?tituenis ih?r may be ha? been ?>? fi - - - d is nnw d?> i - III 'h' : pra-'iK? v _ ... . .... r r r.h and S - . i reu W T \TT ?. KKTCHI M ' I - i ? . " ! Proa Iwav. ?.- r.forl I ?r* ' i ... for I - 'I.-. iW Are Von III f T-T liver'- 1'llla : ihe bo?' -r?l tor . imn ? : T"eT' ??: ' ?: ??_> M V\ V f- - ! UCDSON BITBB RAILROAD. *'..?- -.t to ihe t'.ick of thll ??? deem Ha all ... prompt and eftrcuv* sid i? a ? ... I ?? -idem? of Ike River town? are doing well bj fro ?Upas, ssrl 11T l"i .l.mistiocers t?v ???t ?aaat/aBted ;? il.e ??? ':? s - to ihe exteai of alio'ii ?e, aa h .i.'lre ! a:,,l My tl ? _?aud doiisr? ?re yet rs ii,<f'<',"i". ?nd iliess ?-I in course <d ihe pieseci vee?ioaS-irl SM?firient tune for ths collection ol ?lie Instalments. ?*n*. BsM all *l? ?tO'al m cour?? s/sBI rBBBSSBJ I tsl . or lb? I B wii. I e void The labors of ihe (. otDitiusioners hare been m?rous, si I the duties yet to be p?if rneii ?re arduous. tt?y call on thslr fellow cunen?, eC|U?:.y intete?-.ed wiiii !>ems?lves. ? turn i ai f?r ai prscil, ? - Manv t beenerpri?- ??a.! not tail Mr the - , ; - arid ulhrts. It a case ol neri il'o-?.e . % . n.sde All such.and ?;;d.?p i. ^ai e.i i.n, the Com ? -? earnetn n SB o&rr. I VA a,. ?I mi the bs?' I . . : - , -? Hen .'( ev. ry ti.e- -1 of h? ei ?L it mus? be ar the . ? e aosuaint lia? basen i . v must be made that BBS - loasd. ?.- ??s thai ?? alovaed to lake placa If t*ey have ihe con?cmiitr:e?s leO of having don? ih?ir duty 11 th?nt?elre? ?r i ? .I.NO. B lastVIS, President. Rosnar Kri i r, P-cr?tarr. Hlll-llMilVI.HIOItlKltlMM I U a., ?! :.i :he ba?emenl of Wart I | ? ?Hi wil. l?t. N - - t . ? | ',iK>i i? mbscriiel on or t>edVre ibe l?i March next. .: When sachan f I - ?< 'ad, the ? - -r? are u. pay i 10 per BBOT (or It par cen?) of Iheir respeciiT? ? - ? ?id ta s .c cessiv? Malineai? - ' ., lar'e. Ml ? . Jue;nll?y I N ? ; re?periive;i.?'.alrr.eLt?aiac> ? ' per annum sanii ?V ; . - . a , - ere?t lo i comme ? v -, 5ln. a . . .. mua pany. and all - ?,1a con i - al l?a?l ihtr.y d?y?' i ? i ? ckhoiders at il in preif -, -- . -.f .w PKI I'tlil KOR WIT WhtlllLK. The ?ark I N . Co" otter for t* ? !"? i-gs?l a-.d ?tl BBSoiircetil >f Ind a ? -.inr. coci.iUng jf evary v? lail'.es a t Over? ?.'i o?e. mar.;'?. ti^HD lioodvecr? Tataril" m?'.? II: r'.'lier. warranied DOi ? i-r a? \ . ibe >? ;i jr n- afecte , ? beaL \. ev-i; daatrlBIs?a r" a-r tlgki art wa:?r-proof i- ? ?.- and r?rali l>e*>r? ?re Inr'.ied 1-; I ??.-?? Tore ?M-rheilB? alsewti-re . a i M . ?r? dit Urf \'AI.E.V?TM ? ' '?poeea.? w.M \ i OLXAN . ? - ? ai 'in . . Bine? ???rn lo bead -:n, iba comic one?, are rerj ? . . iaiges: air in the cuy. ! ACI.KV.? (iOI.D PE>H-?.I ONLY.-The ? ? e low ? ? . t - 1 Y ? . ? \ ''H AI.AHI.E I UT Off BROAD4 I.OTH?. a ?r:?v? ?. | - ? ? -, foind ?n dry goo'-s . . . ? ? ? r .. ,, w . toom. P.rc?a?ei? ?' caU and examine. t*_ \lfcK4 VMII.K I.IKUAlt? AM? Itl.UHM. irlROi iM. Cunten H?>. . . oroer BtBsfcBBaaacd Nas?ai ??? .?.;inr??*:i:y Review? aid Maga/.nes. Ajaavt can anl E?gi?sh. C'.erk a [?itiaJoa Fee.?. . Haf Yea' y . . ??,'??? t.. , ? i I. EVEtITT. ,\| ,\ i..- Pre? leal M?r L.- - Ol I) H.t II? iseh.pT-..? ? ?Miraaly adaaedfor ?- ua? ? ai - - , IV - ? ? ? - '- ?' ? <; - - A. . ?,-,.-.- . a ? i ? ? ? l if )t;?' _ Ll -Tf K 4M? P?.'U-TO?? IRO> vv ri?. Saa?Ts^ts?e, N. Y. aad ??a rotaptoa Iroa - roend. ?cpia/e. i a. ? i noo? Iron I . t Kr ?..US -'Aesi-st. PieiH l.tMI" -U*nK?. ? dG_e_i P?perUina ? , . ? . .>auer_ aad coiors, einNisse?, and ''t^^pu'r'"nVnHt?. M it-wtiii-^t. C4KKI?(-E t llrTH-i'"' pieces I?A?? Rahbsr Cvrage Clolh au 1 -jguredi of superior for sais ai the lowest ?narBsi prvs? ai the warshouse o? ? . k.N J lDdia*ab^r Factory, il lfj??M-lane. lyl.i is'f_ i?al_ l_a?l_? i?*?sa? >?>. ! riia/^oa_ Pouadry Ireo. I."?*."?/ ?1*U] -O?- TUClE?a_AUN *>Wm>*L fossiler.?, Ar. CDanu?. \\ aNTFl? v ? ?>?.. BBaliV'. - "? * i ??? ? ? .?...i - ?.- ... - ->? -M ? . - -ertby ih* >?? c?f Mat a I .. >'-"? ? _ W INT?II . .. ., ? u "?:>??? aDafa/TB type : -ok keep* ? v ? ssMa._ ,'A.NTtll- Bt a v .r.? ?,.raan. a situation~t? chain saarasBtd a ... . - w???irg ?^d troeiff ? ? ? ft a i M ? ?-erry hetvaeec Heajstoo and Pr.nre, np ?a.rt : ??' .T \\"P W'A>T ?'?m- e? ?ho ?retn w_t of g v>d sen-ant? ? ? \%" ANT! I> ..-.-- .??--?. 'hoBB gweal era??*? a- ! ? : i R- -*.:\t ?-. ?a?!ITI \TIO> VVANTKP v?. -.-.'.. ? ? .. - seal | rsasaaBBBSi lai -? ?< ? . . . . . MARTIN IB w TO \\ MOI V>.41 K HI. \ I.OOP-? I>1 til lit. I passe Ss.V#s?4ia ?/ a a'sau - ? ? ply ?ill . i ?? a: -. ? - . . . i , - ? W o. ?. - V- who will r-fer bt a BOBsha? : City M?: ir and ? . HewUlderote * * !>? ' i sn emp orer'? in ? a ? t -a a ? INFORMAT ION ..? warned .* rATRICK~BRA" M VM vr : 'AM; OAWRJ , - ? ? a a a. ? aoase "f J ?a H?v > ? - -, .,-., raj ? \y *-> seen, corner of Sands Bad N? y ? :? ' ^ I.) (Uli) TO LOAN , ....? at e -? a f the etly. in ;?. : ?-?' a ?? - !-' ?> - ? :?i- , e-'r . 'er. a - \-a '?r > ?sail ? th ac ror ling ' 0 ?t I.e: - - - 1SIU?? V ? ? > ? .... . ? ? ? , er. 1 ? . !. ? ?,?? P ? _ 1 V StlS? V'llllUt "lOOfi. ?*l lim ? m bond- and '7 I'" "'? ? ? Apply - IN >HAM H NICHOLS, A l>l?r'_7 Saaaa - H ?? ?oar?tng l>0 \KI). v . - ? . . - " * a . - . . | ? - . VSillllllT, SI 1 i .L Address i> , _lj.f7r BOARD DOWN TOW V TwTi.r three yl>ung a ? -r-.alate.i With very pleasani la as wall a> .'ii the west .. !e ai ...i Pu'.lon ?t Reference given and ?< l"f l?V Unok9. S NEUROPATHY . ? r ?' i . i ? / Hag aj \? ? ?? Reing an r I pit I f the A Oalra - ? a Ma. In ihe C re ?( Dise ?? Aii MPAJUSOM rare and I .. . . -.t ?? ? . -r ???? lu- F-.-1er ?II ? M ' Let ret P .. ilofi ih" Or.gin .'f eCaosasaadi ? ? ' saaaa ki v- PHesBeta, It?" T-.m h'.ghlv Interesting and tnsirurlive work ha? al i ? ? - ? ?kedand I ?i l MOORHE al>, IK2 Hroalway ? -mi?. MWhS.wn _ SOCIAL HISTORY OF '-REAT BRITAIN. UURING IIO- RKJON "i- MIK ST ART? I vaith ihe seri ry, ??.hibitin. - -, sn ?i lb? Mme ? ? es i ? a ? ri of these (need Stale? Hv Wl a ? ?'- ? Tina - ..?...-i '.ee,i ? ? "i people h troaM sUn.ei -? ordinary account of F-ngllih as ii ?ere, the poltdeal hi?torv?l the faiher t Bad ? i -alors as < o>|d?nnth, Hume, ell. and a host ? -ames. All ihai i ?n be ? ? -, re, the tn.l the bailie? oi ? ?. I,a? ie.,ii sjllltBB . bu! ihe manner?, the .. ?nd Ihe social condttloa "' ibe inha' rant? ai - ? llieir re?iler?. Thi? ? t latereetlBK work ? ?-I it wads, aa It arara, BMo im Mariaol ral?, A.c. ha? been rortrsyed ? ...... Mr.r:. - f the Adven'irea of a Valet de i narn'.r-? N->? i arid l< I'r - ? Lai ue or the Pirate of sha <Jali By lam as Fort-- - I 3d pan? Bv Sbertdaa b_obi ?? Pi --.?.' . ? a . -, A. ? ? \ ? -?? <t terina by W II ORAIIAM. Tribune Budding? Nassau ?I NE'.V MTf.ITARY WORK 1,M iR vim NTCERd ki l> APP1 ETON ". ,n ha re - - -a if Military Art SI d I - Tactl a B< ?? '. ? ii"s. :.?- taedatiesof Siatf. Iniaairy.i'ar v-u.lerv and Kogineer?, adapied to ih? u.e .>i \ ??; ? and Militar) riy il VVaear HaUack, A M I.? ni KiiL"i"'i> Lr.S. Aria i mi -, i.e i. Price || so. I ? m l!ie right tin? for lho?e who ?re M - he ciuntry, and wh.-v a military ail and ? m ? a trody, m orj-- i ? ?pasad t Idea of 'h? i . thai the various ?. - It appea a >,t?n'i?r. ? ??nl tr-aoae ind.?pen?ab.e to ? grades . ?- ;.-1 with the military, wr-.uiher in ih? scalar i a militia, Tn?ro ?re tw?nr? , piare? of diagrams, showing the operations oi in? f.?. I. drawn i rom Napoienn ? iainp?igas--the attack ati'l "f forttesses V' - w>n. h a.I I much to a clear uitderstsnd ir.g of lb? ?natters treated of, to the uninitiated reailer as , well aa to the ?'.u'.?t/. A ? a?l atno'i'it of in'-irinat'.on of genera, interest to all person? will alio h? foliad in Ibts ? (azette. RECENTLY IMPullTKt) - Pasley on Conducting Pra. ? 1 iieal Operat. '-is el a Metre 2 soli Humphret M ?yataa. of Portlftualksi Cil Aids M?moire lo t?.'' Military ?> lancee, rola, I. and II r ? i Ka srj I gen lee??Il If Ma STEINER S GERMAN READER ?Kl ONI) EDITION, PL'BLIStUU) mil I?AY. r- M 1 i^ai. ! r. ?? I \ Elemeatary R?aler. Ourman an<l ?' ; tai .age? m aceoav - H d By l.-nace, Steiner, P I) ' niveraity uf Iho City of Prague. I rol. limo. $1. . - ? < .I much needed ? a eL!?r ?? .Yars cgnnol be a - lei ft mi Rer.C. - D D Pi .t Lane Ohio. - ,.?? . SBB ? 'ierman - . ? and ?siiarp Irnlghl of the phi a aliy Having ui; ?e:f l*en -.. ? ? i 'he nstural ad nsatMe >'a.- SBory, I htrs alway? ?v?t;?H .w so happily de'elnped ?nd ?r?le rcatisetilu yj'irbook. ( t WtOWt '?>-) an : for ? ? _WILEY W PITNAM. l-:i Broadtaay. WM TAYLOR, NO 2 ABTOR HOUSE, D- t KR IN CHI AI" l'?'RLICAriiiNH. ke. ha? re M . I ?'. bT E 'g-r.e tae *a ? ? and l I. Price ? ? ? Haraara lUaminated Snakspear- I ? Ml IH Priea - Lat? " t " . fancy cover. 'l eta. p?r; . - ? - a . I ?..???? 8heiidan Knowle? ? 1 't. ? I^.iy Char'. Ue ant P. Tilden. Jr.?ta* tp;. Mark Sterl . ? . - ' srland Sis sman, by Mrs. ir if and, rt. logra sa?, E?i| . . i ?, it ihe author ? ? ? . . a \?i? ci? I .- T- Bplay.aetiBcedtUoa ? tu t : mey, wah engr? U4 ct?. \VM. TVYLOa, .' Att.-r Hot?? CHEAP BOOKS D| ? EU s N r ' - m pieu la I roi * . - - | Works, composte I? 1 voi il. H - a W ?? ? e i !? .. il li. Il S sied ste in rois. ? Pur sal? L BLOOD Afent, ton Nasta . ? t ' ! ? ' - ?_ I W Ml -H \l IM BJLK ATIOIM?,by ri avril . a HALL, I frank square, and KIRTH HALL k P<?Nl) ?r- Broalva i-- -a ?. - Dear?iletebiag the Dear. No..' ? i .f Ann ? r tsaauel Lover, with . Mar - '. - Rosl.anavwsiaig -y R..SS*.: s- ?-,? '??' J MHalthtaBna; iheMahopae Biposed by A ? -, . ? t - , | , -, ?s M?rc . by ?tepnen Ci.over. w-.if, llBMtrBiitl il.? The Kate Polla, a r?neriihrance af w -? r i Mis? Rate Arery. by H R '.\ - rss?Wan T? irelay r - * ? -'?? a fuel, >.y Chas : -??? ?Ll.l ?M-iHI Kl?H HKK ? ? - N -, SVa.. a' New Vori, and 'j-BCd tL W.;.,a^i? ?,..,,? - sa ? Prasdartek W Pavre, Wa?hingtoe Poet. I \arB)?i?rf<.N.'io:ulVKiii? A T \ aa B-oskeceg, ?a , \ -e? c. Benedict leremiar Jobna? n. Tfcos. McElraitJ -st -?. H. < .app. >'ranc;a Dubou. Lemuel Rlcr.arda.i-. WASHINGTON POST. P.-eeidecL A B Secretary. ryr The abo?e CosBoany coeitnues u> Insure Marchan ? ? n?, ?gsMsMI BM ?,'*..?' ????-?: .^??ee -7 yje on terms ai favorak.e M any o'Jier reapose.rtle Com ^*tJx |o?ses rosiaiaed hy this Company a'? protnptly ar.d ? -d. _HL:?win,J 4 DODWOKTir- .anemf Schoo! N * I A?Broora?>SL Be?v Bruivlway New Casses ;usl form tar Priraie essocs ai ?nr tune durln* the day for the R-; .,P ?t Miioiii. CiaqT-mpe.Ta/eotus Us . -^nec s C'.aeses o? r?eedsy Prlday or Tburaday : ay ?'?mg?, irren * to ?i\ LadiesV ClaaBBiasoaTjeaday and Samrday, from S to V Pra ' ?^rggtoUae? twic? a anein._jil 2ml? i?lM?K-!*!*H11 nO"* * 'tW *0', '?proT*d artice o |) , ,. loor Si -a a _,, . , S,W1.? lea* R.r>b?r Mau,ufay:'.urrrig Cf-inc-anr, ?a-ans. _atisaf . , .??I'll! M- ? '? ' Qoeiitr Cs?Bpn??ne, for ?aie ( ?e*Wl. by DIET/. BR ?THKR k CO _1J? W1..UUC It Fstent Birr-n?; Piuid. ?>{ the beet N li ' ' DlfcT/. BR THKR a CO. iJj \V;;;.am^t. ILTTl??PlTaTrirw 'si . - ars and state-room lamps (or >;1,r LT -,-i liiER ?? C'J ????\V.i1sW.i_ SULAK l.a'IP W?4 K r??k>ia/L?4ii. ???.iiel sie?, for ta-e br M VIZTZ. BROTHX?. k CO. .* IfsaBBsMi ??fttcrntaif. BY -?PH Itl. HRtfl r'?aT. ?i Pelai ? Op-re H. M?, - C ?iribers?! -"I ??lay.ihe l.? an Ope-a r ? . ' - -e -ella 1 \ST> K ' S \ ? l t - - ?'? v g M ?-a. 8 ?nor P..?liana Oper? Boo?k* iray be i . ? H ? Otaca. -i -T-? ?? 1 Parquette.$1 ??? ..:,-? ... ja P :? il? B reeforH pe??0??. .IAO? ?teat* rail be aet.irel ai Bel I t M. Uli s P M da; y nawe 1.? commen?a ai 7j . door? open at 7. IK A JMKRUJLN .Ml'iaBr.vl-SPLENDID PERFORM ?HL AN; ?-s ?fte-i.)oa an?! evening at 1 and '{ o'cl.vk T - Manager *? ?-- ?..- :. ?* ? ? ?> THIOPI AN MINSTKr ! - u- 'a-.-.aai'? r?:nu*g? ?f P. agi aad as Aleo, eag^wed -.. i-e? .- ;Rr\*T H r'STI N tanko C ne'an. Mt??ee WHEKLVR ?r-J Jl'I.lK.NLlYlNO OBANOOCTAN M ?"': V R t CARR1AOE. WAX MODK.LOFTHE H M AN BOD i Madam ROCK , .. - . .? -ol*_ AHM aMl I MM HIT i of i-e ? ? ? Sprttg ai.d - - . - , ? - - ? fched i.? ihe sdav V i 1 IRE \t ft>" VMM g lad;ee ???? ??? a?.?i - inore B. f ' ?nna ? Mr?. J0N1 8 Mr R t? PA10K. riT N - - ? -i arr.? ? i ? Raaeo ? Mr. ANliRKW 1 ? GENTLEMAN, v > . ?aotatl isouof theeb rcfe as? .-?. ?a* ata ?atUaaaasi g**Ml**a**K e*B*jt**tre, Bad I Mil I s M Beame? w ;, ;res lea Lbaorgai B4. ? I ?? ?'.ven ?roin Ri?e ie**abr**ad Crea laaa ? '???? v. Programme I ? Tieketa Sftg . ?'. \' .. . ... v 1?-?T HIMKRT ' MADAME J OWll .' ? . lab* I .-- :: r-!--?.1?vthe a.! ?.n?t. ai Hi?? Taberna.-.- I awl -a.. -- ? following em- I '.pent art:?!? na u the lia :?n I ?para -.a CLOTILDA R AHM.LI. Prima Donne. ? ?? - ? \l IETT1 f Tenar Blgaor BENEVKNTANO, Primo Re??o,en I Sunor SVNC' IBICO Pii-uo KufJ-v !-.??-Hueca' ParBtraaaraj Herr DORN M ml?! to ihe Or* : I rBABJLLI, Mi KYLE arl Mr TIMM. - r a? l?$l ? i j ' ??? ? a i ? ? ?. ?, $;t. Farther pari:. en ? - ? WS4M ALHAMRA B Hi) til va. \v. - r aad IMnce ?t?. rHREE NIQHTS MURK. Monday, Tueaday aad \V*d redar. Fee, lA, I? a I t'HRISTY S .???lal ami popular Band of ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELS. Have the honor of aauouncing to th?-.r aoaaaroa? inend?. ' that lb*] ?ra tneir chaste an! pleas'la.? entertaioments, whi ' r lb* pa?t tara ue-k.. r-ave b*>en Baft ???prohaitoii hj ? crowded and faehlon?! a. lie '? ''?ip.i positively theli l last appearance prior lo their tepauure for the SouiH i AiirnlMton i*? cts. Door? open at batf-paata. Concert wtll commence ai half paei 7 oclo-k Pull rhang? of Pr ? n-ramme every ntgbt. Iv ? (? H IMMI.AT BAI.I.. The Etgblb Ward Pioiieei ? ( layClab w II give '???ir Sixth Vnnual Ball in com menvr.orelion of the Ral tica i'jn of the Treaty of (ibeul. We aaaday evantag, 17th Pebtuary, ?i tb? Arx>.lo H ?a*. Broad way T *??? - ired of th? foi ... \\ I!.'J tM H SWKK.T. Pr?. '? ? I! lion and l'anal s!? livri.M Mi ?on? BecreUry, I'd Woo?ter-?i CiumnW Whi, ?4 Kronl ?1 I.? N Barney, III ens I si |Oeo Rrow ! Washington i r M B aaaley Wi Hudson ThoeT Jackaoo,? tVijoatm ('ha* M D gal, 8 N?s?au J W I aieoa, 71 Hammond Cra Chai ion 'm n wti I, ii Broadway *. i, ?1 Km?; ? Thomas. Jr. ' ?' '?(?? *i ImOi '?? '?Nassau a it v ! Samuel Kip. Itt Bioadway . \ ?? . s ?.?SAU Broaviway Hoat**, \V ? H P?. a. .* Men-r II ? ? H A'i Meeklin. ?Il Bn ?i.U?) I'-ai at House, A Blaaklry. tf Hammtrary Mercer Ho -?? The E > ? .y r.e.isv aad Bat? ??? lay eveninii. ai * ?? >'n'.-i al ihe Re. a t. ; Mercer si. PR, 8 \ V a7y N 00MP00ND SYRUr OF WltD CHERRY i .,? ...,?,,...*,,, ? i ? ?j ,? I. i ? -r srwri'V ?or ' . ?. Cold?, Asthma. Broilh.lis. Liver Cotnpl* ? ?| n? K ?-! ' ?' v of Breathing. Pai? :n the an-l Bn-as- ? if Iba ll-a- p. Broken t'on?tnu lion. ? T ? and al llaeaeM si ihe Tnroat, it . e 111 aad Laagi TO THE CITIZENS or NEW-YORK. AND 91 KRiH NlilN?! i Ol NTRY ? aaauaKABLB i k ?r i ?rtanto coaavairrtaa DR. S?i \YNL t*t' M, | -?j eaitod bra.en.? of duly I owe lo ?itrtertn.- I ?.snow led*? my SKtefbl than?? * ?woodi I anpoand yrup of Wild Ckerry on me, at ?' ?ufT*rlag Baonib after BKJOtb with the mo? -?? all .'ussisn.o ?umpiion. Th* Brat aymatoma wara of a rnry haawpeoM ?l.i. h ?? gradually sir* worse. ! w!'h ;?? ?? -a '.?.-kln? COugb, spitung - ? - 'o'ken ... . ? ??.pin?, waa treta? in* of ibe blgb? . e?t ?I indlng. I II r* ? a ai?..-i from them, I but gradually giew >%or?e i,nti! tn> (. ^al.ians.a? well a* I niy?elf. gave up all h ?., and I fell like one I who I? about 'o paa? ihr mgh the Valley of lb* Htta.l.w ol ! Death. At thl? " awful lunetura" 1 heard of vom l oui postadByrap of Wflid?Tbarry, "i m i : rcbaaadala ! botllee, which I am happv to sav entirely rarad me. sn.l I I am now enjoying Netter liea tn I e>et have before in ? my life. Pin?i.-iiui? arbo wtlM***d iny c??e are highly en.ling Hin ?millar case?, and I wish you to make ; thto puh.i?:. ?o tbal a.l may know wi..-re to pr h-io?- a rem* ? dy al once which will reach iheli dUaaaabafora lamparfcag ! with t*<e many ?? quack nofiruin.'' wit?, winch Iba country ! is io?de?i Mp laaaaaasea to a Id Ana-at. wbara 11 I happy lo have the above ?uhtan'.iated '>v a peraoi.s a view ALBERT A. ROBB, Wholesale and Retail ftxaler m .??iegars. Ci Anu?l. N. Y ? Ne? Voik te.umor.7 I tiereny certify, that having ?>e>en ?n? ;?<-t to pain* In mr ehaat, attended with a violen l ???ugh, for ten vear?, ainl have tried almost every known means lor relief, I have found your compound Syrup of Wild Cherry to give me almost instant relief. I have not a**d more than half a bottle, and feo! that il lsunnecee?ary lo take any more for thl* attack wbicb ha? been more severe than any prevlou? one. I think It a valuable'medlclne and worthy if.e art on r?n of ali similarly arflirt*.!. THOMAS Ml NROK Prepared ?inly by Dr rLSwaraa,al hi* prtadpal once. 1 of Blgbth Bad Rai-es'A. Ph.adelphla All Wild I Cherry preparation? ? sum ?^ Ullon? ai.d .-ouuten.,1 ?rllk - ?ignaiure. Attntt la .Vcir- l'or t i ??, I a? It K | r ,' Broad way and John-At.. R. A Sun! ? K. H. Warner, .' ?' H ???-. ?er .1 I S l.ewi?, ^/7llre. ?H Do.1.1, 77| Broa.|way. J. C Han. MU Oran 1 ??(. , Mrs Haye? ? Hr.j?ikiyn. B <)..!? V Son. Ne?e.?ik.N I ;ll aodt*' , CONSTIPATION rorrivairasi DESTROYED ; /m? frubt <\r<l i Bal I ??? lA I lettera. ? ' . .. ? j i..* il. .N ? a dUten; ' COXBT?PATION fCtttkmtm DESTROYED, *r, l'ii.otion of a nur m ?sj m/mlli :u if? I.VS n;l only :f "I h.k> 'MIS l,u: a.../ -j/ . vmf Uli.,d,, Iriyi?, K.ibiluol ? .h?'i;s(i.oi, u ./?ion/u,iAg iitSti pu"gafiirs or ?jef artifi ( ? ?ul 'rtfiiii ?aVj?aBer, fd?*a*a*ry rr fitly madt te hVaabaj ^v I .tf. It'arton / f?i'f...i.rd r>i< ?oamrrsnj cirt-fiml't fi om rmiiw\t ;?*(,, *??'. arviatMr ??.le?. -I .fui'? r.?o? ' AT THK NATIONAL DEFOT ai Waru.n, *f Pans. No. i .' Wi..:am ??- New York, and by reuil at the Oranl'e Bu'.iiinir, N.. 173 Broadway,corn?t of Cham ' berut. Beware ofipurto?.. " Ervalenta." IfMkThlm'.* F^tTHAITN KOU KI.AVIlKINIi B;7nr_M?Tg7 4 le.lies. Cream?, C istar I?, Charlotte Ruase, Pudding?, Svrup?, Saure?, a,.-, kc Highly coae*aoratad Extract of , Vanil.a, Lemon, Peach, B??e, t lirori. B.tier Aluion I an?l ' Drange. Al?o. K?j?e Water, Peach and Orange F.ower Water? for flavoring ail kind? of Conftecllooa. Cook? and I Confectioner? have univ.?r? pr,furred iheee Extract?, : on account of Ihelr great alrensih and pijrlty of flavor.? , -.- A teaspoirnful I? rufrkteni lo flavor a quarL Putuplo rial?, at ii c-nu ?vh Proparad by HENRY IOHNBON < ?i-in si, rn Bnisvd way (wesi si'lei in toe Oranltn Bullding. B' dalaoatlOS ?: sl and 77 Eatl Broadway dl? Vm?teod 1MI THE AKKI.I? TK1J i f* . wceaM for a pert'Kl of i<> year? ha? ful.y e?(ab.i?h??d the efficacy of > the Clove AnodyneT >? ? \ ta Prop* hk^aABaaaaaaaraaary o? the ?ale Dr. Hart, to ? horn it owes u? origin, hi be h??l by the manufacu.ter, O. B HAMMOND a Co ?jc<-e??,.r ? Inthela.eDr. Hart.rorner of Br.iajlway and Chamner?-?! ? e?irointn?r Stewart ? new'.... building*. n H we ha ? i ad by km an I ?ala a abatan aa i aortmenl of Lu?.in. 'ler.a.n and Saissy's ex'rai taHoap, Con? men ??. i.?- iog?'.ri"r w in a . h'iic? aaaoetaaaaa ?>f (ji Mar i i 1 ( rxarn. exua don - e, be. of I 'Mir ewn manufacture._ dl?lm.a? NOTK'K At aruaetlng of the Trualeea of the .i Mining Company of tag.? K??-r Lase 8'ipertor, held sy, it *u lunhrd. That a., ajsessinent? due on I ?r.<k o< ihi? company remaining unpaid oo the i'ah of March neu ?n?, t?e'leci?re<l forfeited, and be dl?p?j*ed ?.?fin accordance with the article, of aiaoclatlon of ?aid i rompan?. C L.V1N05T0N. Secreiary, I? Wall-?t. rtew-torh. Beb 11. It-O _^_^ urgii? IU IKON-oK ton? No. l Charcoal Plglron madefroni ?? American " and Kent ore?, for ?ale by ?f IwK JOSEPH Tl CKERMAN. G9 Weet ?l P HE \l Tlr I |? MKW UOOUH -Having jaat racatred or.? case of *piaaatM Out 0?xmU, Work _ C**eewith Mirri>r.,l/?auilfj: sratch Figur??. Stands, Match and Cigar aHand* Card Ba ? rar*. Card Case? and a torga -oi of Fana, new style of Sm.shaie?. aid a good variety of ?;?ia.. ? elegant Shell Comba, kc k' fur pr??ei.ui. The goiaj? are new and wi,, be n.l tow. A call will b* thanxfu.iy recaived at Use ?ign of ti.e (Jo den (lomli. 'Hi Broadway Z M. UI'IMBy N B -Fan? and She!. Com? repaired In ibe beet ?lyl*. 1.? ?ni?>, i.s t'.M. MAIL LINK f?r Albany and Troy vis Bridgeport and H?ciaai'.clc Railr?rv! Tbi igh by dayligl is i iv? ex.?p-.?di at u) o'cl'jcg A M ? During the la*i -? ?-.? iloiiaatoolc Ballruad r;*j' <-?r relaid ihrrrughoul * --a-.:i ra Igepei ?a Weatara Baifroaai I The *te*mn?)at MOL'NTAINEEB, Capt W H. Fraze?, ;??ave? ihe font of Mara?t-.L E. B- for Bridgeport dal.y, ai P? I I y o clock, A M Ma freight taaen to the ?aa*ertger Lin*. Fa*s?ecger. laae .-.?? cara at Bridgeport, and wtihoul i change of car. or baggage, arrive lo Albany and Troy at S ' o dad FM. Na w ?a?, and .rorao?'.ve engine? bare been ! procured, and the road U in every respect equal lo ibe beat New England road. ? UTA f relgbt Line ?17 ?teamer? NIMBOD and EL'XEK A 1? ? I For farther ?a/Ui'iia/a lna-tlre at LirtngMoo h Well*'? Kxcre*. Otfic*. So. W Wall-?, and at the Ateo on Market? Bt. Kar, to_O M PERA/. Agent IJI, iatfl ?tt?U WOE I.OMHiN T a*? BHjngHiBBl, abat ?ZSMsA .? a: 1 fi- parket ir. p CiL'EBEC. burden ? *^^^:J? ton*, CapL J. H. Wi,,iarr.i w, <a: '>n h*r reg -.- tog the lllh of Eer.rnary Tr.e ac?- immodatlon? for I cabla, arcoad cahf. tod ater?age p a?? enger?, a* 10 comfort, ' a-- .-.- . .? r ' '; ? ? '-#?? - ;?-?Aota BBlaaBBBBj j Ijsmkarl wj-i.rl do well vo go ?mi noard and jud^e for tr.e-,. t-, .??.. ,r? " iK?-. g aaaaaj BMI Kor fartler rar ' t - !t-a a?p.y ta Viard. ' ?I of Maiden lane, or u> JOSEPH M Ml'RRAY. cor of Pm?and Booth ?|j 1 P S.-Perao?. wiehlng ?/ ? BaaU friand? from tae .itry 'au ia to by irua ve***i on rea*oaab,* i*rm?, , by applying a* above. _W BI?K LONIM)?4-T?ie trat ?- a?? 'mi ?ailing;?bip J??&COr-UER, Captain Loe?, w.l? ?ail on ibe 1* *^^^F?briary. Th.? ?ttfp ba* tup- nor atcommodaU??? for cabin and ?ecoad cabta paaeeager?, wbo wul be taken a: a very mceierale rate. A ?ply on regard the ?c!p at pter 11 Eaet Blver or to M. P- CTHERN k CO. I5f jj 8-juth-ec V?U. LITHRPOOL-Tne faat ?aiUng bark POMONA CapL Colby. Tti? ea???l ha* evcelleni 'accommodation* for ?econd eabtn pa??enger?, who '? ?nil r>? taton at ?.?crag* rate? Arpjy at ?\sU.l0-l itiatt) liWIAH RICHARD? Ancttone-a D? RAM.?*, Klf UAHEM ?V PI.ATT-?o- f i I? Bro?dw?y -Lierai Cash Adre/yes mad? ? ec-"?fge men'.s for A ictkaa Saiee MONDAY EVENING, Psh IV Aim? doch, al the A-ictu?? Rcxs H va? A ?rg? ?olltvooecaf staodart and ?vise?!',?!? on? r~-?ag? bCkAsa. S.atik taook?, Ac T MIU?. March O r-arrrirr? Nbw-Tob? ?ra?a?, T??p? Sat? etut reglar Trade Mki of Books. aUere.xype Pale? 1 wt , commeeca? at th? above dale, and he coa-Jucu '. as heieu>ft"V? The caia-ogaie t? now ?Tiring P'l'? ? BiMa?sedatr? aad others 4?*irou? of a*ai!.ng the? s? ? es ihUopportitaitr of disposing of Book?. ?lera-HVp? Pls'e?. v . I Amis? ?h?r lo'ctcse i?moJ'.?u?l? Tr?.?.?..'<?''?"v fil?r kr ?1,. lU? rV' w '? al. on Monday. O? March, fot wasch ?ristigas, ?aie are als resr?artfu:iT sollcltsal. wp.DNESi'AY EVENING Psh. 17. \ . fleck, at the Anctlor, Raa? Boo?.? ? An eiiensire aed va.uaMe collect:ea ? ?inkraclng maay ?as library edtit?>n? gerjere-'r m oie? Ile? Ar P?:t?T? StLB ?l.rvrav Qnarfit B:ro*a. ??srr ... ? ?cd gilt ?-Ige binding? A.? ? ?Uandaxd anal MsscBalaarsiis Bsok? At rai? ?t? s?tr. a complete ?tpr of Reee/s Cy?l.'| r | ? ;? s neatly bound In tteif s?iesaB._ r tOlTilN. Aucirooeer. BY T. I 411.TON, Aueltort end ConinVsstoo M liera N.-s ?'.J PWM and^4 Anana ?LiS?ea a :??? ces made oo?kvod? enfler Ut private Bas? et ai an' erurn? msdav Oul-dc*.?. saie? of ?ve?v de?- un . ? minci'.s_.r ?Hended icand respectfully su TH!* DAT. r?h ta, Ai l?aV o clock, al ike Aten.? Room 34 Asa -st PigaiTiai ? A larga assortmeei of seevod hesal tarai ture ?-onsleliag of sofa?, chairs, (abasa. Pretwh bedsteat's lewksBg g I as see. tea and canl .?Me?, wort do. tien.'? ir?*?. SsaSBss. esrpet?. oil cloihs, feather beds, rtMM crockery, k?\ Va,, ?.i atsortuieel of dry goods, composing cloth?. caissimers, sauneis. p;,ol cloths. prlBl?. csllt M psMtg sal ? lerv. V.-. Also a rjttantlir of cloth aad glai*d cap? \ ? BsBsB ruhrwr ?hoeav Also, a number ot fur hat?. Ave Also. I large Iron .?*??!_ rM'tlAfcfctttLA,**-, At'ttlONTE.,-?Alore Ne. ? \ ?Spruce ?u?Lib?rai ?lvaria'e? ma.',?on Oouda Casaste* sal lar pr'.tai? ?a.e, or kB ba? ?old si aijc' t>nt-.l<Kt, ??Je? rarefu..v ?? sejdeel se, and iBepottfeUy BBtardMat. Preaspi return? made. N B.-C. CHAMBERLAIN harta,? remore?1 from No. I. i No iSp'vic? si would hehappylo i?celrecon?tgtii>a?ni? of Merchandise of every description, frvm tata fr?en's and ihe public generally whose favor? he hopee to swer'i MONDAT, Pah IV AiP o'clock, at I IT Hudson ?Lcttf. North Moore ? Sai ?i> > tai t of the ?ooieei* of a drug store,coast - ?f .ling?, medicine?, large ?how bottle?, china |1bm an I ?e'llien ',ars. urns, g.ass beule?, vtai?, Ac f saa'b ? counter?, scelee, weights. Ac Also, the Aiiutee o? ??r?* TI ESPAY. Pels ? Al lo o'clock, si No. * Spruce st St > or iv?\v Ooons. Oaocsatrs. Ac. cooslaliBg .?f ?vu Un. hese, fancy dry goods, ?paactaciee, h,a>k? and ?v?s. hardware, sofas, ?of? t>ed?i?*ed?. chairs Jamale? ruas pa?'' an I Ma lena wir?, cigars, tea. biatt? and ahaja??. Ac Ac Also, ay order of a Constato?, of Wilder? patent Sala? mander Iron proof Safe?, tn good order. pairara ??i.e.?Three are proof iron chesis of ?aiious ?Uea BV JA.rfKMl?r,T??nLL?S-Sio.e WT T? Maide?. lane, at n doot to N? J LlberlT al. MONDAY, reb, I? At 12 o'clock, at lbs Merrhaai? Eirhange. Will be ?o..l.ih? two story brick front bouse, huov a? SSJ Mm -ai, also, lbs it? a sutry fratns dw slung an I stiel stable n the tear Tha front house I? well built an ' e ,e,y way desiratde for a genteel fami'r. having a la rajM In fr.?tit. Lot ?A feel by W feel. Tl'BSDAT. Peh is, Ai ,: a o' the ?lore Tl Maiden lane B""r?. Seopts ?Nb SBBSIB1 ?lia? case? hoots.shoe? i t bre.?us, i ?insisting of srery variety. ?uualile lor ??MMt W e. ?i. and city trade. Sale Poslitve. Rr IACOP S. PLAIT. Au.lioneer M4IHT4? AIJK ei.Al.r of rich Purallitie, Ue.liee.'?. Peb 17,11 o'clock, ?l the ?lore Hi Broadway, wtik out rea-'i ve. for . ?ah, a ipiantity of ?..fas, couches, dlrae? olliiinaii?. chairs, various palleins. raglara, cot-ret?? rich ?:1k p!u?h and hair ?eel?, also, bedstead?, secret?) ?a, biireaui, lab.e?, Ac. APei which plated ?rare -oit t gu andoiBs and fancy gmtda WM W SHIRLEY, ttalesma. Is receired foi ihls sale till Tueadev ' 1? JOIINIAON will sellai the ?tore of A CUflln .?. is Pearl si. on Wetinesday. Peh. 14. ?I II o clock A M ! Mt rase? hooi?. ?h.tee ?nd brogans, romprlilng a larga ???oriment of r>e?ti sjil sMsatnahl? go.)d? Itf W. II JONE?. AiictliMieei. BOOTtAANOHHOKH ly J D, iNoitRaoi.i. A i ?? ?lore No .'.'. Pe?rl si -On Wedne?d?y, Pebru?ry IT. a. i -a- cate? II?.i?. Shoe? and Brogao?. ?? i.?' : ? ? - ? ?...lieTii W nsteiu and i I'.y tia.l" 1/1 i_ . 1 ' ' ??-- ? 1.1'a H lisn^ .1 ? u ? VUH HAI.R, LKAtAKOU I.KT. The in?te. bni i llu?e ?lory bous? and lot 7*1 Spring ?I an slds, ' '? door ea?l of Broadway I.,it .' ft?'' froe ; aud rear by tM feel A tache? on the ea?> ?tde, and wi foet M lb? weei aide. ?"or ?ale The. two ?tory bousee and lot? adiotnlo ?. N"i 1.1' an.l It.' Hn>n>e ?i N ? 4.M loi .' ' leel froai and i ??? By l"l re?> mi ?ta?(?l<l?, liHfeeiS IncLesou the w??t ?ni? No i..' .i :. (s*>i front and rear by II?1 feeiA incha? <>'i the ' aael ?Ide, I.I fee) on ihe *ei tide The ?ho-?are atiuatad on Ihe north ?id?. taaM I b:-?s i east of Broadwir. htlween Crosby aid EM tl?. I ; arad the he?t location lu Biooni?-?i. Also, ihe three iiory house ami Im 4H P-aar! ?. i ? - c ?4 feet front and rear 7 a feel ??aep ou K"?. ? l?a?ed Uli May list To let The two story I" use ?no lot, f?i . year? from May neu, 71 Croabv st ?rai door sojili Rp'ing si east ?id?. Kor Infermatloii apply i K. n? I if ?.? Krm -'f Clieeelii<M(li.Sinarn?k C ?? MKAVKN-aWOfHf rUOPKKTV KtlR ?A?aI r - Y' i ?a.? the ground and bulldm?,? thrreon, s.iuat' ' ?' ii?,i.i-a* ml, Long Itlaad. loruisrly th? seat of ibe late Col fjeerge ?tale, and now occupied by the " La ! ' a . f i ? 8a< red Heart,'' a? a raeidenre and aMMtry fur young ladle? >he main building Is about 7n font front by b? deep, with an extensive addllloo for doroiilortea, kCa Tha groundsciMitalnabout three aerea Taaaapraai ises are admirably .imanad either for a hotel aed huaidtn? house or a large hoarding ?clio.,1, there being atcomiui?!? rlon? in i lie buildings for over one hundred per?.? ??. aad i 'he aaaatl of the grounds anl adjacent. ouoiiy. as well ?? I tne faclliiiea of acc?s? t? the rlly. rendering theoi le ever y i respe, i d?Mirab|? The property la In perfect ?nier an I I repair. Possession ceo be given at an early day If not I ?old at private ?ale by ihe l?th Pebmerr. It will b? ?old at an 'bin. Kor term?, and Information aa to die b'rur? o < premises iniv be egajniued, apply to ?i o. TKRENCK KiiNNrf.f.Y. 7S.Kjth Wllilam-?! fiPIIII ?tAI.K De or rii'.re aif' tnoee hr.i . las? l so.ry and attic house? on the north side of Tenth si ?b-iul i> o feet westof Kiftharenue. The lois ?r? .a \ I-. i ?,-l?bv half thebloek. Ths house? ?re 1*\ liy rll reel There ?re ? parlor? ?ml .1 n ng ri>.in. with butler'? penny on I?t rt.Mir, 1 large and . ?mall be.l room? on seeond and I ?smatn third st?rte?. 4 h?d room? m aille They Bra Bel It of tlie beit materials and workmanship, andsr the in?p?. , o n of tha ?ub?ertber, and wi .1 contato bathing room?, wa tsr clo?ei?, ho' sir furnsie?, ga? plp?a, Cmtmi tv*ter I pipes, w??b trays, sins. .1 ,uib waiter, kr The pallor? I a ?? L"il? XIV. ?-*i m , ii aniel? ?ud grai-? i 111? gia?.. ? Ac Apply lo JO PEARSON, ' i ? ? ?*?! Merchaou' Kichange ?fKANKI.IN H?L'Htt, ??hiiaoeipbi?. Tbi.p.,,. ular Hotel, centrally located, KiA Chaanut ?i. Piula Jelphia, will he focal aa eg reate!, le lairyli.g |- ? - I for traveler? rlsdung 'hat ci?, where every eltenilon will , he paid to their comfort? ana waole [ C1T (?inner ai i and 34 o cloefe 1 V A poet eeacl Ixlonging to the MMI will MM. pa???ng?rs to and from the rlBpoU ?nd landing? for ?f> ? re ; each, Including luggage. I). K MINOR late of New York, Proprietor. 1 J?? M. l?aiDg??oB, of Philadelphia, i . .,. I "*? ? ?'?-""?-?of BottoB, (AaaTlB. |if4w|t AT PKIVATtT'r-?Ll.-Twen.y.i ihout... I acre? of land In ihe county of Prabkltn, Stale of N?t? Toik. known aa towmhtpN'?. I?, wed ilmbeied. Ian 1 g "i and po??ae?tng taany mill alle? with abondant fall of ' waler. It 1? known to bave large auanliltea of Iron tare. I and Is in every wsy wsll adastsd lor a graglap <??< ? -'r ; r.,r paru, n.ara apply to ANTilONY J BLKKrKER. IM lw_Aactlooeer, 7 Braads'. ? AT PHIVATR HALK-The new M srory brick houee and lot in lee, No II" Niotk ?t. n .to, ?ide, between Pir?t avenue and Avenue A, ro?!?? ( In the very heei ?lyle and replete with erery conreaieoc? Sire of lot tS feet by half the Meek. ?Vvaai ea,i remain <?? bond and mortgage Koi particulars apply to ANTHONY I. BLKrXKKA, Auctioneer, l .f I w 7 groad ir MAT PKIVATK stAI.E Tie? i?., nea? three ?tnr-. r.rlrk leine? and ioU In fee, No?. JH" and /agTwectl hf'ri si on the ?o'.ih side, between Secoad and Third arenua?, ftnlthed in good ?lyle BUe of Wl & by 8H fee' ' , loche?. Kor particular? apply to ANTHONY J BLEr.CKER. Auettoaewr. ? iw iw_JL?'"*4 r MOKFH EN TO l,BT?lo the Merch??iV~ pX .?: g-- N?? .i -, ?> and U Mar.rer ?? let rl ?< No?. 4? and Woo Wsll-c. principal ?tory, o? a? A' I lantlc losurance Co AI?o, a few room? In upper stonss. Apply lo j. oreen Pearson. I W ^wi?_Vl| M?reh?r.t?.' fcsckeege ? Bltlf K IIOLHXNTOLKT In Brovklya - Nos vi and ."? B , st. I minut?e ws.k from the Sou'h Kerry, and la one ef ihe ibobi piseaaat ?tr?ete lo thai , ?lir?three aioriea atsure the kseemsnt, with l'ib-ceu?-, 1 and ron'ainiBg'.so looms Rent only iza?. Inoulreof WM P BOWNE, Y7of the segne block, or at Ta Broadway. ! N?? York, up staue_IJf itls? ? TO I.KT Olt LssAMtB-tereral eery ?asMalls in csaeh ?iory of ihe bnildings. Noe. In, 11 and I- Wail st aad the balldlag S Nassau si. To good I perir.aiteot u r.a-o? they w;? be leeted on favorable tarai? I App.y to J. OREEN PK.ARvjN. | i'<Jw^_ _ *. Merchaal? Kt change ? TO I.KT A r r? pr.,.,f cellar, So feat dlaiotiier, in der the Coffe? H? ,., ,-i the Man hams' Escbeog?. well adapted for ?lorege of boated lluuor?. Apuiy lo ). OREEN PF.ARaON, Hf terlg ? ) Merr .ant? Kv i v .? ? ??M TO LET -To a ?m?'.. fanlly, part of ? t,.?\ ??ro H h'eise. m Ctry?tie-?L near Orand. The aouae ^^ i? In gofjd order, hae the Crot?n water, with a larga I yard and under-cellar. I neutre of i I3f??la?_H. kS.RAYNOR.7it aWer, MWANTRO TO ststNT fraas tha ?rat of May ae.T. the WHOLE ot PART of aconeeoleet bouse In g -. order and in a respectable aetghlioraisnd. Natas ad drseeed to P. f. at thU o#k? statdag RENT aad panarahui I will meet with promptly aueaiiotv _ IM lu? ? TO IIM?H MAKKMAV-to Let-Oaa <7uV> .argeet aed Oldest ?slabdsriod suit af shop?, si'ua- ???'? in ?me of toe beat loe^tloas lo tha city, where the rent w >,e iahen tn work. Inooiraof IW -x- A. IROWERACO ?I Broadway MFOK MALK -Several f-rat-a-.aes and other llou?-. .oi:^ viclniiyif Washlogum-sqiiareaoxl Kifth-a.-ca ib some of eat/a ?Ige and with eiira lots. A; p./ ar.wi? J O PEARj><)N.teT Merchante' Eirleegf i ?sM TO LET -With Steam Power-Part of ihe a ? H rT of theTiihaae Bonding? Poeeeeet<sa on the 1st ?^*mofMay. Apply at the TrtbuaeoaVe._ ?TO LET-Tie bavsaeneet end cellar ll Spnw-a - Apply at TheTrihaueotBce, orto Uf If la 0 tO RO E J - PRICE, Ul East B rvsa-l w ,y_ I ATBPARll FOB sil-K.-TUe aaheeriber o**?*? ?JPsale that wail knowne?iate eailed the Caeboiu Pb?t". .?talalng 143 aeree of excelleat land, beejuUfuily ? uated on the weet ahora af the ieaeca Lake,. ahoaii ? at? from lienev?. auU 4 aBli? from a ??eamboal &*}**. ?"" **tl is well adapied to wheel. Bid every Bled of ?[?*?.*' well as as grase ? the Uulldl??;. mn ?t*^^,*1^,'- ,' grafted and eb?ia?taol, *^,^^**^?J^t'^, ,* iery .?.Irani? >^ZlT uZ^S^ST^Z,T?. ?? urrxl geni.eman of trn*.?J}?? ZfJS. >?Wta??Bt*V.le> -