Newspaper Page Text
NEW-YORK TRIBUNE NEW YORK, T1K8DAY. O-'T. THK FIRW-Y'IKK TttiBl Si FU? *-t'*?PK B-i to r*??% a P ?-(lock TAU am*mt*kf-?***? *? tenu in r**\epp*rt 'tody ft* Mailing IT WILL CONTaUN THE LATEST NEWS PROR ALL PART? OF TflIB CONTINENT kUctnvad tip to la* time of f<n*r to *t*mm The Edition of Ta*N**York Tnlaar for Ku ropa, made op (<** tn* mails by the aierfrxct*, from Hoetoo to ??o??"?' wiii on band to contsin ? complete digest of ill the late local and political new?, the lateat intelligence front Canada, Mexico. ?te.; California, Isthmus an! Booth American newa . full and accurate Rone* arid Rarket K porte , a carefully prepared Shipping List. Kdiu; rials on all sobjecta of \ resent interest, aiid an ar count of Amen- an Affairs ?lore the ?ailing of the last ateauier. in the English, Free- h atvi Ger-mar. laiiguae-ea. Pareot-a ?Jeairing to ?end totheir fr?en?]? in Europe, will lind thia ?heet all that can be ig? aired in the way of eomplete and accorate new?. XV The IV'hi'? Pbimakt MiEiiMY*,? is the several Wards ai BM City take place thia day tit evening, ?xoording At they may be called by t is several Ward Oimmittee? Do sal tber? .*. "a* Ward (,? ? ou the ???*-. page The Tariff Qaeailea Is I BAB. ? Commerce it King.' Hoy cheap and gal <U a i? its Piret Commandment. Ley for the lowest cent, nil matter though the ?ellir i? atarve?! k-, ii.a hard bargain Almott everybody who tl.H.ks himself anybody wants to nve oot ol itie protits ot others labor by contnvir.g, b_*BaR_bj and bar gaining- nobody b?.or? down to hard work who can manage to iiv any oilier way It it a matter r>f aortal re?p?vtability a marl? of east! ta II ?ble to eoiiiume moi h ?'id pnido'e re thing, and the noisiest brawler lor Ixsmocracy at -1 Y -j-ja.'it> nt Hi? Polls or in lh? H?r lloom? dodge? ir,tn ? f ostom hi use or some other well pud, Isiy berth the lirst rh?nre he can get. and leave? i'rodurtive ladastry to thosa who MB t ?void it Whoever thinks it all can hardly fail to perceive how this aeneral tendency conducir? to aod inaurca an eg travagant. bloated, monatroua ?timolktion and u paaaion of Trade Kverybo-ly n keen foe ?peeu lation t rury fern have any ronfiden? I in patient plodding Industry ?? a meant ol aci|iiirtng wealth. Prom baby jumper? to g'sve-ysr?! accommoda lion?, everything that Man tan use, ?some air i ? less wat? t ?acepte?!, s the foot ball of TrifTi ?ml Speculation. And, while nine tenth? of the more ??penally tnding ?la?? die bankrupt ?ir in pennry, Trade ?till, a!??orl?ing moat of tlic i*ln?t). inrfi.g talent of the civilised world, con trivea to absorb most ol the realised finita of Toil MacceBsful Comme'?;e found? the ( .?iirt-?? ami they teach the doctr uiot it loves to hesr , il patron ige? Au.her?, and the hooka of Political Eionoro) ara mainly wiittcn to prove that ' Whatever is i? rinht. in the mercantile ?ei??.) (f the atiom ? The goapcl of Supply and Demand?the law of ' Duy whero you can cheapett, ?ell a? dear aa poaaible,' i? fundamental to the recognised com mercial ethic?, and, every l??dy being in factor in aspiration a tradur, is the Isw ?<l modero ssR| ty Yet the very men wh?. a?lhere to it, preach it. live It, revolt at at any novel yet perfectly legitimate application ol it, which bear? ?evt.rt.l-. on them??lve* or otlier? and ?loca not i ?JBBBBI R filling their own pockota. Let ? doctor ?ay to morrow to a rich man who lia? jutt had hi? lag cut off " Mr, if the effinion ?.I blood I? not at<?|> ' pe<! in fix ?s niiuutea yon ?ret dead mtn yet ' thero is no other person win ran ?top It within ' half a mile and I mutt have ten thousand dollar? - or I won't ?lo it ? ai.d ninety i.n,. out of every hantired would kick the lew of Bupply aii-l lie m?nd to kintrdom-oomr and execrate tin- ?1 ??? tor for acting on their own rherlahe?l \>r The world is just aa reasonable as this. ,?We have now nearly eloaed the lliir.i yrat ol ?n avowedly Hettinue ami Prott i-ti? e Tantl In fact, it i* on ?otno point? Protective, on older? lia hostility lo Protection is carried to an eatre.m? ?ui< i.lal In lleveon,' It i? the <-)uM ?>i a_r_BB party neeea?itt??, and tktur contradictory trail? are atamped on ila angainly feature?. It trie? I beaweetun Bugar and atroog with Hemp, I ?? cauae (to anthora feared the prodocera ot tl ??? article* . bnt it ii full ol deceit an?l the puimti ot asps is un.lor its lips The Hemp which it pre tends to subjoct to thirty per rent duty, it let? In as Cablea, l'ordag?, Ac. at twenty live the Wim on which it alao prolaaaea to unpo?* Unity sgg par cent, it leta in a? Flannel?, Haine?. A? at twenty five and as Wank? t? at twenty. The farmer, tko? duped by a pretense ot, u driv an from his own market? by Kouth Ameriten Wool mada into tttitnh BUkSststl Bud thua ad milted at a rate one half Ici? than ib ?harged t. the American importer ot mat auch Wool who moat pay higher for hia labor, and conten? again?! ripsr aaperient-e and ?arger aggregation? of e?ft tal. Y ei the farmer is told he haa twenty per cent, on his Wool, an?! that ought to content hiro when tn fact the Foreign Wool la eatenaivel) ad mil tod at twenty per cent in auch sstaBg ?? t. deprive the Atnertraii taimer of a niarkct not ?mix lor wool bu'? for the fue', meat?, vegetable?. A,?. which would be con?umr.l by the cloth maker? i the fabric were made in tin? country, even ont ni foreign material. The act i? full of ?ii.h jngglea Thia Tent* I? ?vr.sistenl in ? B_Bjlg feature it? adherence thrx?oght<ut to Ad Valorem I'Utioa Kvei v artixTe charged at all paya ?.. much per cent?nothing ia Bpei'<in*. One effect of thia i* to create and pr?ter? e a glaring and indofen?it>.r inequality of emu-tun? at ilifferem port? ol th< l'mou. At two pott? only twelve miles apatt. ttu sama article haa been cutero.1 ibia summer at on? valued at It M and paying ?sa duty, at the BBMS valued at *0*. and paying .?to. duty?a difference of t?j gar eenl. Railroad Iron of like quality ha? been entered the tame week at M, Merlin.? at aaa part Bead at a*, lit. at another, paying II .v morr *"?*-** ' n? eta mha m ttto other. Ot ,*.sur?i ? ?a? ??xa '? and attoisa ol lau ilelnite value the di .?'????*-.-? ?u.1 greater. Aikd .?nch in ?????Vi: a ? yr?.., ?i atan aay tee, i? iaaep Bt-Us ???oti. . . AieU_i*x. _nd (?fte?at?x74*i ,?f A?i Valorem Datiee. Every atan engageai in import ing g-ioda naturally wiahae to get mem in ?? cheaply aa |?*eeiMe, for ten per ceet in the vaina Hon may make tie diffe.eiu-e between * profit? Me and a toeing adventure if ttemiy uptight importers will not unlerra ue. they will be under a. id and driven ont ot the trade by men w.,,? ? | And cnalom-houte vaUatione alwaye do and mu?i d?pend in a great degree upon the invoice for who cao tell apon caaual examination how mu. t a barrel of Watx-h ??.remonta. I?" example, u really worth I It might he worth IliKi.tVO, and may not be worth g> OV. Comp?tent Appraisers caa come within a stone s throw of it. but inde pendant, accurate valuatlooa at the custom house eanaot generally be made. The American Importer ha? no fair chance with hie Forrtgn rival ander ? system ot Ai Valorem dulK-s. In the sTt.-sl place, the foreign maouiai tarer of ?geoda x*n bonrnly swear that they c?at him lata iOaMtuiiiig la root?, aa_m?. rv, tixe_ ?a! arica, peraou?! tantee?. ?kV u nothin?;. tiu.-c thote aa?t bave been paid if he bad not made this p-uticalnr lavotee ?a goods) than be will sel! Uom for?issa than the American Importer *m*? hay -tern for. Sappoee he ?wear? the invoice cf good? cost him (to make; I >\ix\>. while the Amer. i? ?o importer osonot boy them tor tee? than IIO?, 000, and the duty i* 2.x per cent??here n ?'.\.vv cstr profit to the Foreiarner and! I.??? to oar Rev enne|in the difference o? dutie??the foreigner pay ing l.i."??)? daly, whiir aa American importer of a like invoice moat pay ??.v.ik'O. How many rspstitiona of thia per aioam ivuld the Aaenoaji be expected to et_a? * We hive eappaasd both psrtka to iistiica wit ?trict hooecty. but it is ootonou? that invoice v ??.t >i are ?fter.? we mirbt ?ay oftener?? honest. A bookselling friend or-ie-ed an ?Bast" of books from London. The books arrived, a an invoice, hy letter in the came ?learner, on whi he paid the dune? witi.f.'it ?..a.uti in or ?crup r?i openiarf the l?"ik?. Ig baa. er.cJo*ed anoH - < nartin< the tiook? muc , '.he other being only R?galai BV I'.e ?t He wrote to the LoDdoc hoa?e fcwi f.A',?.'i?t: sat I -t I - - ?? ' ? |B- .mtduiog I warrant beyot-d the fa't that he was BTMet lsR ifit.'i ? :. hast ? i. . ?JtBM wa* l uitotuary BBJ a Lit posed w.jrj.d he agreeable?meatat I Eg ? vit a good turn ia tiie tkBt?B?I I kj I-? t'.is garr.-* of ji-.-?cr.a 'Jin*-, tne A tf.r.< \ disputed to pay it, baa r.o ciii- - g ?* ; . ii ?? Y eigr.-If T.-..- ' rm-.-r ? . iia.'A'tcr, pgapatTt" ne?? are ?ii ?taked and a ! lost i: re is AWB willful ira. J the L*?_?J :? ia'e in ? d.t'.fu.t 1?_ while h.? ??trit in toe MB_M>**f hat nothing loir, and may he ?'.trtefi tt arx.thar : ?on if ,ti:.iJrti?ate' here. Ctr_iny Mil I ?o la'.-e a a . ? ggBBBB ?? , ?: sris ' Il'.m* lrifiostry ::;,ds ? blicht m these Ad Ve! rem liutie? ?sTbaS a great ?tiple?I'm amp * laartaUfl pries thai IBs Aal mat ?* ?. -i- - . - - . ??. ?..- d fi i H it mm -'(.-ftiind 'i i ?-.-?. and lr.:. ,'ai.r, until only ? few of ihe nrtoet f?vo airly lotted w?.rk? Bai ?ffjrd to make it ?t *__ '?' ftit s? tlie j rice fall?, the o ,ty ? ? M that liie thirty yt osM du?v, whi'h wa? amp when Iron waa I a'li, ?ifik? RBBSSt M rothmg i I"o ireta lower snd lower II Bar bag wi ? ?it-i * 11 0 per ton. _M BaTatf would be * hut tiie Btitto <?'? Uaa !?' ? t? *? ? and M il.? duty i? i"it ?I''. Tnui t:-e highest ?mooi ? i ity i? ex?< t?*d wiitro the lent i? ami aa the Bits, m ('"'tied down t'i* duty ?ink ?.Bf?, ?nd the A'. ? ? * ? -a ? Tar.! wl. ? i, i a M tri ?.-d a? if expre??> to -I raiir la ?MtrSJ ti.n' t ?jsiiiie? XVr.rii the ?.;, a? are hi.:h, iron work? ?re ?et in motion . but ? - ? a* t?o- (?neo hi ? otf, the d i'.y (a .a oil ?? w ? ? iii'-st i? IBM ?l'"jbly ki ?e d dowr, HI The ltntl?h pritiin nl .- market tin?!? ?om Ml ? of prtas m I -. S[?o-,'!:i t; d( ' In? ' ? dal] , while t" h:? A ' onmpetit?i the ii,.?l'?rtii',e i? ig last 1 Amwri'?n Freemen ' Btat?SS ????veryo may Rial of i'rnt??-ti I I M Yree Trade, give ut a lionet', and atab .<? ?x item? gix ? ,n Spe? iti? I iuti** I,m. Y - . SiaiTtaat ??UM Convention i rainniaiix Hall ||i it ??oning made _M a lilitioii?: r.omtnat' - a for Strigt Commiiiwnt I?aa< I? ?-mu Ninth War i ?RRfSja ' ' .V'ni'1 *"A *m***ft Ra?7y? : I'l-BiiT. I outtrruth Ward Omeifnlfl'nT at Rrjrti'l nti" ? mt .. pAMIEL J Notai?, lifteenth IV ?rd aRaj I "[? BBS Tuf.MA? K H'-mo,, Thlrternt! Ward Atta P Pax i? ii the I MS I MS ' BBattogt? fot A?iem My in the Xllth I>istil?t. ioiitteitith VV?rd X*g*~ ( taaggS (Je.liie? tt Svi?ciiir, and Tliamaa I link mer, 11- rariomliiaia.) a? i a-i?llflala? f..r g It w*)U not baa very artest loeslf both of i'irm ?re no ir?*tlrd Vie hat! Imped tust ilia XX fii|s ?,,u ' r?oinln*Uon rn-n ?x h? ?t"-)''' Be ?n tttsaaei I :?? Ik* *rnttr Tfir iii.iy merit of Itiece r n is their m'en ? ha " Regency " Xir We ?nd the above in the Albany A I tai by a? 'it oit g >fl g Bali . mg hit ?)'|>"!ii'iirnt li"m th? tins ? t?, We ?aa'l tboik ?-r h iiitinistio'i? ira la ilfiT a? ''.ii'iai.' o With our Co'l. ottM ? la?' IBM. ? I b m w ?' ?re wry ?tire Kiev ? _ini"t be with ),:? (eel nig? We<I.> not h?|i|iCii to know Fi-imtot BO??Cl very well, but (?tnK?.? ?iintst? wn do k'iow, and a moro intelligent, < ?liable, ? n;itntit IsgRlstOI I a? ?lili'tii ben ?? en at Abany B? ia lap?Il , vlit,m Law H "I ?.-m the ? i on?mi' ?i i n it tag Sii'ii- aVst*?t, and almost that ... ' u Lsftalavtara, iad in . ?? a i be a | ub..' Mat. than a party latH H"| ?ball he dillpp '?'?'' ." ?? ? k I . ' In? ticket, in tletiarif e o! II . ?a- i- a twil ! mor? ? '...iiliii; l??:ti ?? isla XV lT??.|iu-n in! lim'' IS m hi Lsgtalstsn ? i .ria-r will |Q Wtii,-, it i 'ii ?? 'illtst ye?l_ x.le ?),?.! |g M ?' U not. it w ah?) oe lost* Kri.iii linio, w, awbib taanie ua t!i?ttbe Win. ? ?Ky llie l..'ti?lature ainl will ti-o It'it lio* an- th??, i?, ?lu ii with tin- lie ?er.? an?l otliet VN l.ig *tt'onghold? torn to hy the F-i-cS.ii i'i?tia< tin?a, am! ihe Fi. - ?* len'fer? in ?re iiikignaiit k.nna'. tli? W isiita lb an 0 I oui? are .' All we ran fairly h 'pu lor is I the eje? ??I intnt ?I our tn.ii.'a who base been li-il t.? turn tlicir haci a on Ibeni aelv?? withtiil knowing it. ffaJP" I? la rumored tint 'Ii '. ..?i. "1 t t1 1 ....... ,, ?, ...t to purrhaa?' Hi lag-.' a XX ted renting (Mirror. XV Iba ?lane ?>aragr?|.!i | -au from paper ti ??ap?r juit aa it ?omslnsdy put t?ith in it. The IBB] it nvery absurd one Mr. Kaymor,,! may very poss't'ly be goitig to Albany to edit ? ditler ent Whit; p?pef, but not the Kveoing J. urna' When Mr. Wee 1 Cxiiteutt to leave that paper, we ahall doublieaa tint hear <>' it through tome ?ther ? I'B'.inel than tbs Kvtiiing Mitt * I mil Kin' Tloialaalleoa. ' : ' 1'to two IB.'.tore ? I tilia I met in ?rp?i*le i ..nvcnllon? ?t New Ac.'l'xnd M utJ?y Itat. ' klas? ,t aii.l ii.aiir i j '? .<,?:! r.4 :' ?JSSthS spoil? to ap I? cue the Hkti.l-urneis the candi .lair? laBBeiit1, justier, mm 1 ? bmsmRsBn t?aa Mynii'D lu tbe lid ?ni IX th .liiturl*, and Ihe llunktii the ITctk, two I .aaBBBI **>d Ibe mriti'irri Irotn the 1st ?nd Mid Pislncts The nt? were ss f.l lows . .later./- I t? ?in. k I r*x*t?k of Ren??el?ri ? ill ? o : 111 -iiy P f l???rr t ( W.' .liare Abeat the ??term. ihe l',?i'?h 11 Ma 1i?.n avenue wt-iTt waa blown down hy th? gale ot **?turd?y a -r-t *u lb? rrr?hvt?ri*ui Chun h ?I the corner ot Twenty math ?t ?nd not the 4'alholi?- Church at the f?rnei ol 1 - ? a? ?i*ted in MB ", A brick bx?u?e in 1'wot.tjf eighth at Setween ? w?y and Fifth a? wfclrb had ??fair been rebu: : ??? ??ai blown down, sal ?tosest ?nltrrly eWtroywd. 1? t\ 11?a_?4>urgk, tbe new Jklelhoitit Chunk lr oour?? of ei-ectien on tv-uth Ptflk ?t. ?ear Flttk *l *ru! Pereal ?erif??? le'ury TV? wall?, wate?1 sera wl great thick?e?a. and cutwlartii!) '.lilt, wria ' ? 11 *???>ir?l tier? w?i - ?'-? u d,.?n on -. ulh **e. rntk n t?nt do other eertoue ditaster la-rurtnl .Ur repoiter w is inisiiil. tmed with ic??t?l to ibe datn?ge a_M IB BSSB t*?*en aual?tned by the new ciiuiih bntaBBRtf 10 the b?pti?t ?, -s.*_ast?, S.1..S1? ,i ir Ihe ^e?, 1 J svecue, and we are ass. the heal author HJ. that il wm nol bat ?kUMtaK??! the Mora ?n ? manner cr?dit? and all t>.nc*rk*?eai m it* erecli 'it Tsa C ?i horma vS hi?-.- -We have a'ready an n.-urcrd Hat Mr 1__BB M l?i.M, t.?.-mr!.'.v ???M and piopti-U't ot ike J?i.A??aa?S,V ?., .?.?(?err^t?, who i? ? - tou? writer, ?ad ? ptWaTtj m?n .-! g-e?t e: *' ? ut lo c?n?me?-xa? tbe put.. ?1. n ? weekly vu'O? ?l >m francisco, to be ce_ieal tua ?*?\ . ., grlo, ??Baisas, and ?Aher? ?ho desire ? ?.ed p?,tri BtoB ttkat? l'acifii. wil 1 ha?e an ?TBBBRBl | ? riMlnr lise WAtaf tod?y an ? - _?_?? kxchange, tioui I i..l l*'etoeh TV'Th* ?teaaer ?Se<*t_Mr??_B wi i be ?-?m by our irlrgripliic B?fMjRB| ltd a.?t.?rd at i'anAusa, and waa ?oon to ??!'. l??r ?au t l_M_aa -a? ? Btl__BII k? - I ? 1'iKlT . - M t-Nx In ?.-count! Iiotn lh? I'.aiO?. Ibe disep-yee-auir ol ? poittoe ol ? New V ork ??ertv ufcder '.'leltJ ptr_e?in?s, bas b?e a se'a-s, tltr-r? -e ?erredlo. A leiter -retired ia thi? city. d?t.-d X BUM S?nt? it. *?y 1 I C?pt Marry who aeec?tptnit-d this '?ige c.?copa?y from Forl *?a?lto. Atk. to toi? place, ???rted to l_r St? tea to _ay bv s sew route. Toe-e waa a cempaav. ,16 wagt?? ?nth oxen ?ad 4? or M ntexa.? fror- New T ?aik. uoaler C?pl? iluden ?tre ?nd Ka*??w, who lefl Ibe *"ialaM with ?1 but could n t keep ?p. 1 try had b?J luck, Ibckir oxen htriog uied and *k>in* ot Ike:: wkgons let": on tbe road Theyt-en R ? ?t . t proti s:. ns ?lJ e^l ?cattereti. S??:e were _B__I oihers 1.10 mir? he?ind?s Two of t_eircomptxsy wiot 00 aie?o ot the rest 10 overtake us, ?si bate got lost, ?r J sever have itoea ke*.-d of ?lac*, aa two at the party lnionaed ?1 who wan?! ahead to get provUions ??--r the y-iMt. [8?it_nor? -?un. Death ef Edgar A. Poe. Edo*?. Au?? P.i ?-i ad He ".led in Bt-t ?MM aba da; ?:i Ma aaaaaaa. -?aiwii! ?tan'? .-.. - ||ga a ?- rnewe by it. Tie poet wi? k-. wn. pen-r.a''y or b; -Malea, m ?. tin? aad aad .1 BMeri ?-.?.? I C-oti aetitt - dad few . ? aad ttteragraai pn_eip_iy by ttie MM erarv antut ral ata*i fba hat | Wold! "Po-?U ? a ... i :i inthi . ? .. ?? -.-.dmoe ? ... lerasaelM (h t_e ?vi?-,. ? hat-aate frtoad af Letey? ta a araaj ? ? ... . . aha ?Ibmis ? w.? w ? "- kaawl edri-- - ?- *? ''> *-e b'ja.a- fi ? . : ??mttt rma Jam-i _-. ?t ? hirtorj ft ! - . ... -..?"? ?bolh o? whom were m lome way connect?! With " ?a? ?- ira ?on ,*_*. this ? a weebi | hfaa ?n r,rt Inn, Bl I l.-e. Mr John A!i?n, ? -aj?dri hi? giandfat--:r to luSei bim i He ?a .'.t up in Mr A, ? . and a? thtr . ? be wM rrgwdod m hta aei ?nd h?ir la II ' , Mod Mr Mta "?' .... ward '?????? ? t ? ? ft I atahy. Hi Ammtas la Id?I sad m - * 'veraity, at I, in Virginl? ? .. .?? If. . i ?int home ?reatij ? Aoaor, tnd fc tied the country oa I . ? rrty ? , leo?B?toa, bow - .? hit wty t wfaei. , n, from whicl he wai ? i t I y IBS MS B Arn?r;rftu Mii-iitrr it thit capital Hi returned hrtn? : itely alterward entered the Milita ry Airadctny ?l Writ i ...nt 'n ibOBl eighteen month? 1. -a, ' | ?- v .? ? ? it wife while Hi {',.? was in Kuialt. mkrri<4d ?(??in II? tu -'I ?.( ?ge, and IM ikdy ? - ???> -rd wiih h?r. ?nd it.? v. ?.. I Uft'n 4.1 ,-???? i a BM BM BUM Bell ? ?.vin? M infant BM I ? ?ty, ?nd '.?ng. Ibe army. : ? i ad-t, wa? i,r,t a pia? e t-.r a p ,-r m** ?'? it ?b (Uptly. ?nd deterrn -1 ?utboi It i ' BBS ? ' aWT, B MM I .n.e ot p. rrat. I ii I *i - n were written in e taete poemt ? ? - ? ?: , regaifled ?a ?nioiig ibe meal - -, rious dewelopui? II unrated the chara. 1er of hta abilitte BM BOOM - ' ne, however. ; ? eoatrll al the 'nurnal? attrar led Bttta altention. Bad tn ti |?inln.' a l.ielihf'O'1 by the pijlnmii if literature n. i- BOOriJ ?. a ?e lily it - bttt I tot} Itl pr.,?e ' o lye ?,e?t I In du?, um.- ?, tmnt ta two arBctae, aad ho totaled anxicutiy in i he decliioe un? ol the CeaaaB BM wat Hi? llora?. Bboe ? ? In, I K- i..I) ?? ? 1 i? at- > - ? ? nin.iit than he im wit and critl'ai ?agaetlj ? . . pesad of ta ? ?a. i -foini(t?et I" ?virard literary ? - ? ' ? A I - . - uamea ? , it.liabeta advantage . . i .... i?, Ho? . ? ,, i.-l l>..l . .,- I lb. lie?, tahto| up a Btita '???? *. la auch - .qui-ii? ? t laauet it (he Biatt .,1 I ulutiio BM "id aevertl pig' a a i ' ? i , tied, he i " ?he I l-A-,1 |Ol ??- I,led that the piutl lli |,.l I || Ho Not auotti?! MB ??- in,, HlB ) the ? con Ljelili? I Hi.' ?l c?t'??lul . IO , : ?s? I Bad 10haM the icarcely kn-jwn ntmeoi I'.-e Theaeal day the pah?atea aal KaBM 1) an,I |tM I-mi an account - t the ?ulh. r in?'. - bis curiositv ?n 1 lyinpsu.). gad ? ????,( him to n jurat that be should be brought to hi? otSce. V to ?v.? had not yet beta paid, and be ta at in tie' - rf.inie tn which he had an ?rti?eiu?nt i I hit . Tbin. and pal? rv.n to ghattluietr, hi? wb tppewaaei ? ? team aad UM IM ?t Mediata u .4 a ? BM ?? ? t a ?t..rl, ?nd the iu ?ota dtaetaeed MB tt??n ihe ??nt ot ?locking? Hut the ty? . m?n ?ere luminoua ; ., nid ht? t oicr and conweri and manner*, all a n upen th.- .,?,.? ? ., ? y,.,. t. end hi? ?million, ai. i a ?a? iu'iie-1 ili.t tir ru -,. i i. IwaMMMMl i t ?u.t , e in ?ociety. nor opportunity tor ? just d.splay ol hii abilitiet M BBM-BBN Mr Kennedy?, companied mm to ? 'I ithin? ai, i?. ?: : pu tea '? I ' B-B ? i? ?pr,t?. ?c ?oil, with . ? n. ?ad ?eut hlni lo ? tutti, BSM ?fc;ch : ?ith the i-, reg?late hearing .fa. SB Ml had then r?' -nt y 7? l.Veiary St'tf. iime'idktion KtTaaedy, Pm ?u lagagte, ?t ? maaB ta?ary ?. ? BSMafl ? editor 111 entered upot lu dun.? ?.:. ysaesMM af aba aaim .a: a-?: M M IB hl! Irieodi m t ?.Lin re, ?he ir | aaaMBaa.ii th?t ?nh charac terit?c |g i ????. ? ti I ri?Blli|fli i i he wat hurneiliy ? i to t g r ti | ?, ? ? ? t-?.- Md a :..:. ln ? wrote many i. aun raised tbe ASaaeM .??' t i the nrtt rank M ..(?rery perl .leal? He next rvmjted to l'biladelphia tn aeiut William ..loa In Ibe editortb.p ul tbc .rtiBati Magp ? ?ai raer?"<l in ?. - *?? a MagoM e became one ,-t the pria dpal wrtler*. p?rtie_l?r'y in -(ticsira la *bleh bu pra peri illreatad mach ttiratt--. by tari, ?relu, ?ad ? v ' ' ane.tu, aMgear a_i ??nat?a te?, ray. AtUu perv ?, baawsici. n? appe?:? I U?,at ot ?ereriBft rtwiio?. Ura in rnawaalM ." "?.?oa BM a ? - . , i.-UiuLt, pub . AiiJei tb? aata "i teinjue aad ibe Aiir?e?.|ue. ?t?|ttbl?ibed tall re, . for Mganuity iniagiBBUoa. aad eatraorditary p ? . ? rk ?hete h? eoodaeteai i .ntM a literary n,:. cell?*) ? ? pabtebrd ? ve-lttne ol " Tale?" it Wiley tad i'lintm i nrrleaa Bo?.*, and in tM ?am? B MfUmMoa of hi? poem? IWJe ihr?< ?t'iunii B ?u tM ?UtSOa* ol | m, e M-BiB-tle A Are l-ettry M logl,?n A'?r?i.leal. ? ?? ?l e?*?y oaa tbe uiater.? t Wt?| wtMb he Witbrtl to ht?r .. < p ?rrr, sad ?wei_, B\i?t.- -a.ealt, the mam oaaeeable ? , ? Ai?-|_ialiB. ?aa bractag opiataM ol ivxik? u?: ? ? a 'a , Hit ? ' .it f ordgatt. Bear -? toatt ol ? a.- leader? wi_ mneinbwr tb? ?. ? ? ? ? ? ? . . , . . taatda?'? W e reniem'.?-? ih.i , ?| .v.. ? 1.W m.'.l.rt:!! -.11 - ? . . ? ?urn (rooi ear ? ,. w_-n te taw t.e statraaaal al the ?wi ? ???-,.? i ? p el_wr? ? r ?an-?atar Ihn ?B. ? ?. ta ippeal lo tM popular be?? ( -?rathfttume Mr. Pot bed if -1 ata? ta iBccnor trem he BMrory tab (if I aui-ctaai I eapport. A ew mieBl kju te pr.<r?de_ tu Ka-fttMatd uiA where he iectarM ?pot im poa__e acter. _M and ?t ??? ucdrrttood ty atmo ot kit tot rmievABdMU here that be wat ttut w_?k to be marriad. aaoet adwantage-taJy. to a IMy ol it?? aty ? - ? to whom be bed Seen prevtouiij engage? ?a,?, _ I Ita-Mt la tht Ltiwtraity J Tb* eharaeter of Mr Poe we cannot ittrmpt to dee - a ih.a very ha??y wr-irv-n ?rtlci*? W? can but ?liad? to tome of it* more Mrih-bg pb**e*. lira ?r.nver?*-?' n su at t.a-,?? ahno*t ?npramortal .?r ? .. ? ? ? was modulated with ?aun all... a.dh.a ,a-?e ud t-tnthly exprrt?.' ?>?? looked repuee or ?bot Bery t?at_i Into their? B ?aad, whaie hi? own tace glowed, or ?n sBaag? pallor, m bit taBigto?tea |ota_wed hta Wood - ?,-ry wat trota the | ?he Tiaicn of ? . , ? ? prvpotutico ?a - aed ?a ter?? J .".??t Mmpfle?y 'inm ot cn*t aaasp -? f ?ceretior bi? occ.lir ilamimiliirti-M M formt of floomie?! ?nd -Mgraadoar r taBteM I ?' Bapaad dell?oa? te?.- "? p.pategre lltaa ? w?? yielced to Mm wtt ehataed "... it a- 4 _ccng h.? ? . . ...--. a -rt ert track to common and bate eautecer i y t alg?r l?n . I!? ?a* ?t ??. BaBBS a drttninr? da? a -. ature? .1. H? w?lkrd t_e itrret. ?a iiiidneM or melti ? ' ?adM .... a ??i '0?te priye- ..-?eiteJ r? B -.? k'.r--ad> i, - their happl neit ?ho ?t the mort- t ? -- -ctiothii iJolatry .? a ? a - ? heart gniweil w."._ ani w.tb a faceibrou?d m gloom, h- I ?rit?' -.?hi. with drenched geraaMtei ? t_.g the wicda ?n-i ma? w . | IpeehMtfl i,. .:? :ln- it auch time? only could be ? - ? - |- 7 ? ?? , . ?aught te lor ?rat the ilia to which the A.denn ?er? ih.rae h?lov_d ?the AiJenn wbi h _?migr.t ?ever ?ee, '-it in fin a. g-nrp???, ?? iu 4?ta* opened to ? ? :_? - a ? ? ry and ni?re Lrappy naturel waoee dei-ny 1 ? ml drub He aeemed. except wber. ? . ? ted hi? a... Mdaagl aaeo :..a iic'.'.uea. a!way? to bear . a -row The tenuark /1- r re, ??? ? - tehly _bmBMM ly thin ha? been i'.i,pe?ed, even by |BoM wg MS very :ntim?te with t:m. ? "?'?? y r. ?r I H echo : r-? own hitt' ry -?? ?n? .?ppy matter. v. h o. ,. it? rclftl iiaetter I kwte lit: ? ? i iMter. ? ? .? Til! a h "pe. tn? ! Net ermnre l.-ery grnuii? au'rir ;.i a greater or lea? ?,r?, in hi? wirk?. wh?tevir their dr.i?'ii. trac?'? ? penen*! ch?r*ilrr elements , t ht 1 in mortal being, in which tb* Indieduil u.-viv?? th.? p?ii? n While w? r--?d the page? af gte J ? ? ' ~ imi, ?I tf? in Ihn telemn *nd ttately %'. '-m a hieb in-etti one, and in the tutitle raetaphyii cal inalyii? of both, Indiaal ? ?of what wta i? ,at remark??-'" ? ' in the ? MB Beta nly the better phases o| ti,;? catire iiily th? a < . , ? ' Woimn He ha-I B h a 'n:nd up?-n tje numler!??? MMptaaMtal g-e-i?! wo-ld, ?nd .he wb 'e avatetri with him w ?a an ? n gave a diteclwn t?i hi? ?0, ! naturally iinamiable character ? ? alt .?ther ol ? ? ? .? , 1 h.a inte.lect waa not kind ahatb aaahBd ? ?my. wmie it , oaBaaaBy mom! h_a by nv?r?hot? to i*ii nf the ?uc ??a 1 boneaty I ? wst tn m?ny i??peet? lit? Kr?nrn Vuliu Bl BaIwerai. ? ?I'-'ri PSMBM in him c?,?ipreh?tded many of the worM aM ohlrB mIHhm bibibM homaa bapptaem . ??? cmid out eootiadlci hit?, but yi-u rrated ?jaieh eh.,?1er you ?a-'altll t Ut h ? . 1 ta.lh itrtag ?ii?y. 1 ti-- ibbbbbb?ag aeasral ?iirantag.-? ? ?t lilla poor ; to] ? ? ? " ? a?, ih? d?rmg ?plllft- ? ? BM ratate hta eeatateaooel ??if. an ir ? ? ?iy ? .suns tn admiration int. ?a Igeltet ii it. iiaa. .h . n . ?.,11 - iml let tlie ?or.t, ti 1 the?e ??lient vu?; ea w.-n- all v?r ' vi'i'-Oin. hit patalon* ?toled ti-'-no Measte le hun ? 'y and, ?list wb? more remark able In n pi-mi n, Mthlogel Bte BM n?, that desire to ria-?in-h 11 vu.farly called ambition, but no wi.h r the ??term "r the love of nis ?pecie? , only the h?r I ?bine not irrve?aucc-ed, th?t he might lisle the right lO de?pl?e ? WOrM ?hi-.' hi? aeli eoncm. v... have aiii.e.ted the inrl??nce ol hi? ?im? and ???un' ??,.?? t ?at mire c,,nip; . r.ii ,.'??? ?i,-,? B writing?. Nearly all that I- w', t, m th? 1st! two or three year??in ". bit tetl poetTJ ?at 111 tome sense ipbieaJ tadrtptrtati ? tt.isewbo bad tatet Ibe trou le to trice hta Mope. < n,,i perceive, .ntly concealed, th- r. ir.- , t bltuaeir I htM B'e perhaps MOM M "ur reader? who will un dera'rar.d (ne all?H I! of Aha ? . ?. ? trtMMtd ?t in MB ti tat writer . ?'? I : -irk recently. , . it u mm the taat BBtag Ba bad written tWAB-t 1 Ll ?t waa many ?nd many a year ago. In a kingdom by the tea Tn?t a n.?:den there lived whom you may know It) the name ot Anxaiii. Lei . Ani thia in_d?n th? lived with no other thought Than to i<" I* and he loved !,y ir.? / ?II ? child I a ?? ? ? ' In tint ? ? ? , But we I - * tbtt wit more than love? 1 ?nd a . 144 t r: Loa With 1 love thit th? wins?! ?ertrha el Driven 1 her ?nd me Asi thia BM th'' roa?, n lh?t. ! ir?; ?gn, In thit ? A wind t, e? .' ' ? . 1. , Rilling My beiulltu! BbBIBBI Lei . Ba Ural her bltb'io-rn ?inirarn came And bcrr her away trem me To ibul her up ni a aepulcbr? 'n ll.? king l.rii Ly the ?e? . ? ? ? h? ' ?,i hippy in hetren, ?V rnt envym? her and me Ihn! wat the reaion ?? all men know. In th.? kingdom l.y th? ??-i That t?e w.nd came ?Ml of tb? cloud by ni?_t, l blOlag ?nd kil.n? my l.ttaitL Lei ot? it wai ?trooger t-y (ir thin tb? In?? . ? - thin w? I any lu ?lier than we ltd 1?itber the age-M ttetwB? 1 .?, ? || ? C?B ?ver iSiMt'ter iry MOl trotti it? . ' 11 thr teMMMW MtB?MS t-BB ? ? - .? '..ringing m? tr?ama ?tain ; And the ?l? a Deter n?e 1 ut I |e?. the b.i.-ht eyei o| tee a-buU'uI IvniMiLtl And ?o. all Ibe eight tule. I lie down t-y Ibe ?id? ? >t my I. ?f it? rny ?te and my bride. In ter ?ep ilcbrt there ly t: . . - li her tomb by the ?ouodlug ?ea. iL-iim ot Mr Pea. * riM A??wiiieiot ule? il ?ill be idmitttd gen in.1 ?'? w??a ?re?.y ?..-ptiiedln ingenuity ?1 .-otitritcuut or S-be-T? peiaun? A? a critic, he wtt more remtrkable a? a dUaecter . I ?aetanee? than a? 1 commenter apoB Id Ml be w.a little better thin ? cirping grimmtnan At a pjet, be will rttain a m ?t bnjiioiai.e lank, maie i?avao. Mi. VV_u ?xmarrap, that i? bis aabB?I " it U tM ttott ?Saet?' ? ijtgle ea i fugltite poetry ?vwpeftl.tbe. it ___ ewittrv. i?surp??e?d 1? bait''?? f"e?ry f-r ? ibtta tee . *__?tt-?rly iiifeuuti) ,? varwnetti-nn. tod coa ( ? ??l?tala? d M?|tnaliwe lilt. It pa?a(?r. ?? m pro??, c- wat ino.t - ?. ipbyiu-al ???? ? ... A .tU.. Al I - " ? ? r.uulmue ... ? v ?_d |M _,a -agiaa?o-, aad a tat*. - ? m MM lararafaBoa af (hat . m ?at agfeeabta tome temper. Ur ?tancs? ?1 fc , , ? ? lit M wi >e? lor!. ABer UM'tfttfol lave? Be neepe wtu." 1 ' BWIB H IIBIIB, ??. 1 1 ... . ? ?, um? ? ..??"',*M*rt>'r.a_it.ti , ' ,, - ... ' ??? . ,v_, 0 1 LU ? ? -"? ?? ?? rammn mea tar,. ? ? ?an , ? ? ? . . ..... ?ni n if im ? ?. 1 ?ea . . -4 . .?. '? .? ,..._,. ... n.-nl o. so?-?< 1/ - I. . . , a . ,.-. m .. V4?i_M ? ? e. , - - ? .. . ? . gaaaiAB, mam! Jtrrmt H ?at ? .?a 1. ?aj? ?4p twil Ik? ? .1 >?__, tmenimnen ??? tr-melm,. ? ?? .-a. - ? . ?tea ?ras.-?, CHfttLt? ? . ? ..?. J?ay? O-tias. ag?! * "'? tUI*BST?L_grrB?-nM?r ttmmn. Imanan t., aan. m ,aaea a ._???___'_, -~* * *rmamn- aiaaoab. S-U-PB a-ABBT MOW. !___,, Jaw? Mr.? *w ?T-i raar?fMagB BY TELEGRAPH TO THE MW-YORK TRIB?NE XV ' E-renicg Editaos <R yeatarday. ?? Ftiet 1 *ge H M -H"? TU I VT Ht F KOMI tt 1 KO UM t. The Pal. ?n'a lafSBaM T. Huiler King Paa ? II The I onalllallon il (on?en l(?n-tnlll?rnl-? la be a ??.aie. ?V . Ngw XLtA.*?? ? ?'- BtR Tce ?t??_i -is. i wart . ? I Urge cca. . ?? l_t ?teamst ? was lo a **e? !? r ??n t ra i . t ibe ia'.hmus was good, and tbe roed? g, t_ay saving be*c . ?. - ora **?xn ) rarcnec ?re to I ? ? ? . . ?xitb tad ?et ? ?i ?t Monterey. The ' ?. B__sPi_at? Itjrfl . tied at 5?o Fr? ? ? - lew-Tori arrived it ?en 1 ran - - ? ...--?. mat Ha i ?n met a . . i- Itarssaai ? . tato ?*s vannt -..-.? las Basai ? - - tor? Jone? a in - . . ? ?'.*'-??? lor Nes I Ihe a'eairter r?n?m? t f . -.-? arrived tt i ??? Oes ?li.ry was ?t Mi m.v ?! lh? .??' BM '.at*, ?n < . t , ' ret- a ? !trr ?a?C that ? ?-or.?!!!i?: ' RaaalM of ihe BsaaB*? llertlen. MeXCV. 'Ia BtTCM A'! : g 1 I been bcsr.l .t three, from whi- - . tla'.ure , . ImI "? In lb" .**an?'e tbe I.ocoT MM wnl in.? BJ member?. g XX : 'I 41 In the II ?uie the I I ?MB I ii-mStri, - > ? tndtdit* for I -Life? I ?ter fr*in Havana. Niw OBI??MB, l'i*Td?y. ' >CL A Bj a.lvicea fn m Havana, we l?aai_ that a SStV, ???: ?siablished Itrenk In (he I.ever, .?. ?-. .-????? - u I. - .o. ti ,? ?-. act frontina tas Fiiat B i LoTpi.i'v. ?? itsRa lest BarRtt, la w?y , -, m?4 eg .11- r ? ?? ?.in,-mi | - ? wever. - Tae wsn_toi this m n.114 ? . .rv r. t ? the . * I meeting? ? artle? nearly every nufhl , h* vVMgs a - Ibnr :> - lele? rt.e Faleoa ?atad -.???t' ??? ? I NewYort littrr from llinginn, l.nn. ??a-r '^xi nx?. laasAy Wa II*7'" M*??MM tnm Kirigil.ii to the I 'lb toM I SB I ' era 4 ?aiart th?t th?y h??? acquire 1 ? 1. I Ils tra'i ! ol th-> lat-t al ? I ?i.. 1 . , . ? . ?? a telirl that Itirra xx III be no 1 en-a-1 I the ?? , to the (? g? atlra . oiiy wer? ?t Kin?tt?m en tl I ?nd ?f. l,n?ei from I hngrea 'Inrliie Dianaler?. C_AI t J I I X[ Tne itaiaship a abaaa 1?? arrived 11 ? a i?im le ?iii a . ?? I the schooner John A 1 it.?i ii in wai res, H ? ' osa I i"i < aliforn 1 ot June gal 1 ?11 'it- a ?now itoi in ai.l ?SVi ? ? 1 'ih ? I I Tli? L*. 8. props k, Irom ~An ir?H'ii.-" tot ... a..' ?,. ?? at i ii:'. I 'tpht-n, and it It taara lal wU]|| ? total lot?. Ilei'iu 1.11 e of l.enernl Taylor on n V 1*11 to I'hiiii.feipii 1 nnd .New-Vork-? onxrtlea SSSXBS nl (I.? Allome? i.niniil, ?V ?? . ' ? itasi -Mi Bkj '"-. - -r M Tbe prssid "i watea, and Roi R*a i( Pia?aas, tie ?toerat?r**1 ni the Mary, ?-ill ie??e th.1 1 ?t) l,r Bailitn ire ?<n Thursxlsy. th..? I th inst. and leavic' n.xt ni' iiiiii? tor i'biia?lelpbia, arriving '.t.rrr on Prtssp, iBtl in.!. In tli- e'.rinii?-. I!., w. Philaiirlptiia on Retaato**, tie loth in.t. ?q,1 ernvr _ New I 1 ? ? it a on that d?y, ?nd ?n tara loti ? < agitai? n lkart??y, the nil mit No ?pp inirnriit? sere inK,l.? tu ?lay 11 n R..'rly Jo?M? n, Attorney llenar?! who h?? been ill, I? ?g?tn rrc verwg his haxlth. ?nd will .? ?a ?bled MSB t > rMM I bl? tiutiec. ?Inrkeie ..Ntfl 0?I rami. Oe( 4 The ?SMM?I for Col In? ?une the receipt Casattai'e si i??? la pttea l!i t?xor ot tte buyer. Ibe ?ties ?re but MO Mx?? .llarkei? Bl 1 (M__?as, Out * The .?cm t ? . ? tod, su?! the ??!??? ?r? . ,? ; a i ;h reporting *?"k the ?airs ha ?a ? a ttrt prli-ra, l?t?*...?? ? em. uni''. . I felr l?lg to I I.. receipt? i:n<-? the tat ol were I -1 | IgMnd 111 be?M ? .a ??ma tuna last jraar 11. II liairi .? II I '1 k?ir? e.'aiiiat '.'. ' ??' I ? .-a ia?t ye.r y ot Hue lu tne m?rk teta? hex? bern rna'lr at 4jC. Wgaiber very Bold Taerincmater 111 'b?i?f.? .nrketa-. Rir'? ? P M. Ri-*' ? it pmmt I-? irs?F !.')C P. ? bbl?. MBBAT, 4-1 ""I ba?b?ll COBB, lgOC-i h, i- ? . Ihe market lor 7\ ,stern rL'i'k la firm with ? fair dr maud forth* h im-trade ar?l for export Tor , -. ambrtce t , ?iiCij,jan, ?t 4 IU i n-re :? not mu?h lui^u: ? lor XViu ?r ?tid thBM?M? lo- plilll? 1 tale ? ?' : II 1? all 1 1 11??. a ' 1 aie 1 ?her? :? n. i change Ml ? '"??e in \ asi .*? . B_?B_tRB V M fit- ", - -' I I - I ? , r, _ ? '.iMiAt. I', k-0 kam ' *?n - market 11 firm ! ,r 1-L01-B. SWtag I itotS C?U 14 :n .-1 ? I Id ?piny and m.rxrt nun ?t fi; *!,,,? ln fly t. tiie aales Par BaB-IT, ! ta,liman 1 c i? ? PITT ITEJ-JJ. lirai ITTBI Fair?The Cattie-8how wil, i Is held to mor row ?nd next d?y, ?t the on ner at ITflh ?venue ?nd Twenty iltii ?L Mcdi?on Tn? ex libttlosn! ?lion? ir. 1 a_*l 1_t laBlaa a*ry.tdlr.ia l.r ?nifh 11. ?at? may ,..? ..'itoined gratis M lite 1 Ml ? B * .u toe lar.? will he iirU*m*d ,y _a_._a*Bi ??..?..a a? n tbe Iabsfrn??-!*, on Tburi day rveauig Mualc wil' on ??* arded !iy > choir unjrr \Ldrew?. On H?tura*y e.aiorm x?rk. stoP|t?leaaa_i Jnpi?yin mmsmRI nr?aaiuin? will e??me - lay th? B?____M ti K ?e? sod DdRtaswfl .... ? ' ? 1 a . XV' ''tuerai T? t?B8 ol '?'..r|?^, aeaofJlng to law, ?nd mu ittaatxlkl '.y sgaast many Balisa, trowsnrs leo; I . ? ?ore ?nd inrnirnt?. whirl) we h??ri ! ? XV ? ? v: , . , - 1?; ?n H. ' .. ..:,... 1 ?caitog, in tbe Taaataacl* lie moadiiUnga?_A?ed ?rtuti in the | tim ? . ? i*rrlora?*re. with ihe ? ti"ru?r? ( tte oar? ?ad grand (ir? nretr?, under the dlreatta? I el . . eajo?Ir I ' ... ;o addition l>> in? eRSsroua ?-? : -.-.. *c_B*R____R '-V-:. ?ra Ihr . . ., ' uu.ntogi ?-?PTIITTIIg LllttlT iMSritTI '.VeUke nt*ssar* tntilr?rctiDg ihr ?ti - ? :n?n I?. the -meal-?I tin? *hi?_i ?ppeara 11 li> 1= ur i.iitini : ? toaBBBBBg VmBBJ ?WtBttoJI mrul? have been mad? for tuctrucbag i:? m?mbcri m to* :?og-i?|e?. m?ttrm?Bc?. Ac Ac by re?cner? of ?xper.ence ?ndab-iiy, and al aa extremely moderate in the depirunent of Lecture? m en jagimmt kas -rea-ybtMsn made with Mr LiLtt, _wayt ? f? rorite with ihe New-. ork public, !or a courte prepared ?xpre??Jy hi JBb _-a-BsBt?_R| whkb bebte been ?sgage- a writing for teverai monta? agnjj w* ?r? aatSAkTsd toa urary a_ort wtfl be suele by to* B-BBssBI to prtxori the ?erwltae o? oiher gentiemM of the high ? Iti-tg tb- lil. nier Lai -it- c n?cu?i c s meet *">n'i?l_Bg coo . art-d s ?-est liam'.vr B it? rrrmbe?. the is. hi? M -n k?>. t op fry the ccitiot ad?t. n l new recrulu Mu* ?*? ?4<1 ?.nick- -, -.. -.'.-*? be -.rlrcU i ted ? ? .1 MlMwlA THr K?c>* T ?" mile raaa ... ? had ? tag Bb t?n?eti ' t ' i ? . I tnt t-.r ? utrewile ...? . . - ?. ? diatrly ?fterward. retaren mffi ' - ?nd . ? ? ?4 I ?. ?B??IM best ?ken by Pel?I ? n : leaasaate Preebyti . BetaMMaa ? I - ? ? an 1 Btalh ???'?' .. ' . . tasBsd by Be? \ . ? a ? - ?TIppa-bi .... t . '...'. ?lie gn-it I.? hat kindly v,:antr>eted hi? ?ervtcet to gl.e?. .'..'?I -t ... . . . ? B?adepte* meloaaly . Mholta , . ? | ? n i a I R i i, I '.' ? s ? ??:?? .-?,'?'. i . i ? . ?.?????_ m brain, 1 t : ii ?? Lropey, 1 tal?tbeert lyMattry ( dettltloa . . . ? ,? ' ? ?tonit? n. I in ?raaitiua < ? . ? ? ? ?. ,.t?,.:. eh_ : i tai. ?"? . ??? -.At .| ?i t ,;h.r Bl k in a * ray Metan ol ih? OnlVUVIEBOIAL, AMU MOHIEY MAT r_RS. Mosdat. t?et ? -T. M There MM SB ?.iiprowenient in the Bleeb mar ket gSBSn ly, although ?ora? of the fancie? were not ?utter ?l-'t ?rnment? were in large? demand ?t nn -, rtoea Tba ,t''m?nd w?? ive.ieved ta be tern mittanee to Kngland. ?? the reputed buyer la drawing rJtrrling frrely at ? U?le below the m?(k?t r?te There i? ?lao tome Inquiry lor other State Stocka, ta ?< nd t ' At the Secrnd B ?rd, the niatket w?i ate?,(y ind buoyant f' r ' .-verntnenl? llag ' ? ? n, t nn ? et Mr Neil. : BsehMga the Marhet ta aat aetlee, bat eery firm The ?upply ? - ? libele ?,_?,y ? a. ? 'h" (rinam.i . ? . - > ' ba for bill?, or lncr???e Hie ?m ?-. Iian-a a-a in good demand. Bad ? ?-?v?'. S ? I The amount bought to ' ? , ? , ,??. All th? Continental Irachangei ?re war? ?? ind rlrm I i |'-. .^, t? Hiero it a tail liJtifieil ?l low ritet tan ppt . ? Flour , a y ? i.lghtl.l.'i * ? 1 ii i MU ?'- lb? ' el '?'??? '" ''??re. C, ','. .i Bag *t ti o)i*B_ p bbi. ?nd -4'p*..? f^ fsta a freights ol Iretaad, ?t ? U-? un.lent?! d ? leadtag DeaMaBe Eacbaaga I Wall tt ?ith lnini'hei in Phlladrlpbl? ?nd r?t .' . , ?'i. it t?? ?upply th? We?t with ? currency in IbeebBM ?'. drift! ol ?m?'! denoininitioni. dnwnby Ihe Phfladehphle berna M ate Bl : ?? bm m lav r " a ' | | nie Ihn i? a very wealthy I r ,n-t haa in,.united credit a! ih* Wet!, ?here thedraltiwil , ? ?y ?ill N? ??(?? keep arloat ? large amount ?ay, iwo or thne ? i lar?, alii!? the Money m?(ltet c..ntiri'.iee a? ea?y ?? it n BOM I | BBSaaat la the i"5'!!' Treinry i? bein?r re Itcad by III '.'tmit.ed to Philadelphia lor ivm tge. ?. ta-day ??ere glOB.Bll, Payaseaai * BetaBM, i.i r Tlie aaasaal B? Specie ihipped lut week, wii T ' 4 nearly lil illrer lh? 4n:?.nt i'nra BjOlM January, it ?. .'TU TM_ New-torit ( aille Tlnrkel M wn. ? -. ? rial. 1 t r MiKKi t ' -? BM CMM a ? ? -in?)It Cew? am Cu?m, a - -? . ii- ? ? I > . r a ' ' r ??-... a., ..-. ? . ........ - -. . ? - ... ,-,.., ? - . , . : 4. ...... _ t ? -, - . ?a ? m ?? i.-? I- - iiiHUVi ll'.l? I ... . ' . ?? ... n.r??( In--. . ? ?nvitnilg. h?? I)? n? a ... ,. ?, ?a ?.,/,. ?? a- . . I.? 'St. I? It O L IB BS? I - . ',.-.? ? ? ?' "g .'? ???.?' V4? j ,ut? - ?? IT?? ti I ?? ?ti??l u>l 1? *?. - ?r'lasuM ?ItrUtta_C??iruiLT Bftroirro im Thi Taiirm - Bin.> ??lira , . . ,? , It trig r ?? .t? teta. lilt |. 4 I . ,..-? 11-e. . I...? .... L?.'? n,?l. ? , ,' ...... i ?4..itk?tB ttttaaBa -. B aso auaL->la PM ? ?-. ? .... .,.,. .. I .1 ? ... ... ., I . .? .. ..?./?. I .. us?, ... - . '. ? .... ... tt..rari l ,.r - .... ?????-??.. I SUM a ?-??, ?r? .-..,?? . - .. ? I a;-,,???' ! P. 1111. ir. .if. .,.( ?. I ? . , ? ? I,. -1 . ... - . /' v ? - . . -t.. . ...r ?? ...... . j.,_, 1 ? -.Kl t'rmn, B-W IM BM. ? ? ? ? I . ? -...-. - ? i ' a . ? -?... ? - ? , ? . . ,/ ? ?? r - ..? ? rimaba*m p tan. ?I ti" 1 ? -..,.' It!. ... ?... .??.'/-' ??!??. ..?>.. ,? ') --.??.? ?a? ? MteiSSS-t f??r ?,!??. ra?? i,., ? . ?? ... k ... . ??-. . ? -?? - .. . ? ? ? K.-?r -,opi,,,la<,-u, ...? n?u ?it k?t?i?r st l?g( ? ?. .? e Ir rK'iVM, -4? i.r ft iri.i. . ,-t-r .-Ii ??i-igi'Hl Ik? a.trlit , -???> BkMM ? ?' ?TI* ?-.-( I \-\. ?-/I llSBM In '? -? ? ? l -i'i? ins? T-ra ra-it? ,? or.niaaiit ?Sa.? ?ti ? , M? 4? ?. ? - ?? ?. P-.-n? M.M I,.? 4 . ., i., ,,, tl |n). ? '. ? ?? ? ???. riT-ii? ?( ? ,-.?.? n.oa B??id itere ?vM ? . r- -? aeae T ?ira a? ?? a ira i .??n nni? ??? o.r.?? ?? ? p,a Its'! To? I ? ? . . lag? at rar A I. ( .? ????* .-?,?,,....,.?, f ., ... . . ... v.- ISJgBtatL Ml ?)???M, r ? I lit I... i?..??? . vahi?KT labaa?r,?Mis-a BBMUi ??. ? -fjistsal . -. n 11 Isltw f t?B??v, ?J.ts ?a.< ??? ?? ... ?' ?:??-?? t... ?? i Saeb??a a lata Cenia ? ???ail lalpiri?. ti,??? |,?<? trnar. ??,?? , 4 . . ??? . 'at, fiss?,, tni '.ba.i.pni. if Inttipi m ? ??,.?? a... >?, i _? A-n???aa it ? , " ' ,..,.. . ,41 i^,,, ? * . ?I ,- ,'-?!??-,?, ????' ? - ? ?? ? .'. ? i . -._., Uva i .. ? art t -. ? .r.i.'in ??? mai? .,?.?,.>???? ? ?*"?- '???? IM -??? _?|knre at ? ? , J, W tni >(. let B ? 1 : ?a! 1 Im w. tPkp MM aMM Ben? at |4|gr. ?ual t m? HEMP Id?, to r??a? u, aot? ,n aaarwai, okek - ?i?jrB l ri fcr IBw ?eaaadi ?B taMSM IM Sussiu ? i,?.., ?.. ,,-, _ t>. ,?4' ??- i? .. 'r m ?? I ?' ?. ? ?n-l 4rB. iv,-a ., |. . a? ? ? - ? i?a. -, pt ,, .... ?,,at?rir?(kia-i? TttnirK? Ins ?a? ' ?< I . uiats-4 rratiy ?ra. '-> - . , - , .. "11.1 1.1 -a_A , ?i-ii? ??,? ?ml, sad c-t_! ?at M ksfcl (a l?t If?v. I n. uaSs.ra tal?a|?rs l_Aim I, ? en rtni.tin as? - ,i.o. Wl... . ? Su-At?.jrieji??|*i?? ?? 'te. ta.? ?? tita ,. ? '?ll'?l.ft(?illn.-4_raa_t,i L_t. r,". R? o ?.far ?((.il ?raw, ?a! V' h??t. t_t, mm\ Mo w. ?t Hlgr 4* ?? '?.'i. fiUBiMt-a- nuiiut? Aaamcaa Mettra?TM Ofin-i MiBttl fc.-..- ? ? I abort M?rtineit.. >?iierliy, M M M ? I -ht tfltrae m ?ad eeeoMg T!,? periurmance . m m ?i'.rtorJ.aary ?abibitl?? of ?bill ?M ? a ? ??.' *? te?! r>?r ?lUaMtil.o nul ? rt A ttw pannjmime, a new farce, the Be - Promanad?, tad taw MagB, dear??. Ac ? ?..,.,,, .i.rils CW The great eta -iur? at tht MteSMB K '-mi ii ?inning ?.. MagBM uj its prait?, t_d a . ?t- . i .is ist- '. ' y in tirpttt'.ig iruihfalneee and lyetiity. A* 11 ?ruine pr-jducUoe It bei no loper.or, tod reruun.y its ? ? i ? ? ? ?? s . i '..?ret? from Hit thoret ?A hate Bita MBte-ta-Tef m Lawrenr? turn a lucot Boa of interfiling obje?u are preienied ihtu the babu.der - MM ? to hinneif In ibelr roniemplttl-.n, a | ??atened fri? the rewirte by the ihil__g of (A>e teeoe fron iM BMn-iw rat-ny end MSBBM?M ? boret Ma?I - M BBS UiW? granite banli-if he '?? ' ?aa?.g.r ,. A-r - -.. ? ?-?. rilr;, ? ? ..,.. d??r, are uneaiftiad ?n the w.jr.d PMM the Co.-nta. ItejM Mirror, ,f yon would be interee-.e.? i-niited and tW M.r- ?oeEviftTttDT, ?BOtLLTt?TuBiirrr. for elderlT gentlemea. who rec-alre comfort. Por middle -aged f enilemae. who deeire durability. for the ratt-oeibie young ?ran wboteeu the BMM_a " ? " te-'-vtnan, ?|o ?udie? gent;.uy Aidfo, MS biichelor. who wint? to b? - rijuvitne-l - B-g.n ?; the head. g?ntiem?o, tod put on ?jo? of Wat. ? ? I t?u , if iM head :? right, you ere e,l right W AR.N0CKS, J'l Bro*dw?y Skill CoaiingD with Ts?Ti.-Ten tboutand Mitonii not?e? wrliu?. by ih? .?at literary u_?el la tblt toattry, now ?a pottewloo of Bitoi. th? Hetier. ?g| faltoaraL ?ira?! the fact that ute quality, ttyl? ?ad darabtUty of hi? U?t*. are ?aeiceled, while .1? pr.cee in i_ cfttee are twenty per cent lee? than any other miirufaeturer abotit. CW ?m faaMiaa Pucn at k_gl_?. Tbree-Ply. lt gra.o Carpeusf, Druggeo, Ac ai Aaeucn price? tt Hi _ua A?.???o? .. B) Bowery For IM um of pr\oaa we refer yea M ambir SSB?a By ai. PM??enger? Arrlvrg. '???., g mu..'- !_M?s.Bto?BBe*e ". ?mm * * a. .... , ??t?te*aBttea?_| ti? s.iaiw kaafak paran?*??. MARlHi: JO U^tlR A I ?"'-T OK Bl "bEA ' - ' ' ? ? ? ' a - ? r_ >?? *" ! ..X. r-il. ? ? ? It? ... -, t ' 'I ? ? . . . ....... !? . .r ma C1.I4?. ? ,. |4?, ?rtaitl .... , .-.. mm H v - - , . ..?.--. ' . ? ? ? I ?"' - ? , . . . ? ... ?.?-. I "? x ..... . ? X X ?, a : ?? I fll.l ?>. BUS 11?. M .1 ??*.? 1 . ? !.. ? ll.MI?' ? a I. - I. . 14 | W Pisaea 4H-IIX ..,?? ? .. a, t xx . . ... , H.'-a ?-?i .'.-. ??Sersar ... , . ? ??M. ? aw .??, Be? 1 V la? It I , tu . ?a . a . . ik a. ? ? ? to* .1 M... . I -??'-?- . - ,iat,?|,, ?, \ y a ?. ..... ????, . .? - . - - ? Y. (_. , . - . . . se IV B ?v. - -? I - ? ?? |M . . | . . ? , t - - . , ? r: v ? ? . XX ..?. ., K. ? . 4 ? lo I ., . 1 - ? - . t . ? .. . - t . x - ? .. ... ...ia |g . ' . , - . . ? - - . ... ..... .-.?. Han- . - - ? MX . , X( Akr l?wt 't- ? - Keboartri, a??? . - a ngl.oxv B |. . . ? anana ?,.?.' r B toa i 4M rtoB Baa '?.?a?. ? .-:...-??. >. ? x i - ? .. , > ,, . ., . I ? . a XX | M ' ? ? . . - . ' ' ? ? llUrrllitneon?. . , a I?. ... . ? ? . , . - . ? .tl Kan . . - ? ? a ........ "1.4 a?I, , . . ?- ? ? a ?? 1*1 ?'*? k? ???? , ? . . . .... , . ... . . waa? teAea eg a? ?-?w .'?twi ?_*! i.,-' . * -,. .4, a?4 a '...a? . ... ..... a . . I ' r?4i .. .? . ? ? ? ippaa?| ? .... |.. . ? ? . . a. I ?Capeare? ....,,.. . ?a X? ??? K?a .? - ,? - > Disaster?, Ac. ?Ml ? ?. 1 , I' .'? . .44 rial M ?? .' ? tel ? .... . ? ,,.. . i ?t. u' l, i . .. , a ???., ?.i a ? . . . .-.-.,. ... t - - ? . ., I matt in?,' : t ???? ... id?' bat . . ?? , - ... t .... .... , ? . .-...?, * ? -> <"?. . ' ? ? ?? ? .i - ? . ..,....,, . ... , ? ?aw i ? . ? ? I - ? I ? a - ? . ... ... i. ? ? . - - -. -i ?r ? x ? . . a. i . ..?, ., . .-..',. I . . .... ... .-? .... . ..... ..... .... . . . . : . ? t ? , ? . , ... .... -?? ... ......... , . . . -I.,, -tl |.ii .?m.i ,..,..-. ... ., - a??,? i., ... .. ??s ?tee is '????? I? ? h? ??* .ta1-.. * ?'|?|ar f ?D?a aw. ? . ' , . a i . '-'.a?, * ? ? I.? lo),, alani. In4 th?.i pi.ot ret?*? til agsteM tt?> ??.. ???? I act Ws ?rate?, ? ? * -,...... ,. ?a| i. ? .... ...... .... - , . . I - - ? ? , .?a. ? ?!'?-,. . , tag i - i ... . - ? , .. '? i i. . ? . - . I ... ? . .. ? ... ... ... . ., . . ..... Y- - ?- -, , ' t . . ... , I' . , ? | , ' ' ,. ont ????? ? .?k the ? ? - ??l .- ? a l ??te.? ? -aal, ? - - . . .? - ? t Btpekea, v . . ..... . . ? | ? , - . ? ... X * ' I ?!-'? ' ? I'.I.D?! ? . o? m ? pm??il s ?te* , ? k?) BtSBt a ' t ? . x . ?'? it k? un ir*? rs_4.1 y ? . . ?? .... , ?? i tiii'f, -. .x ?i. .,?, ? i? i H **-i| .?r ':. ' ...atecen ? < . M? c large ??,.????! .'.?m.! _?i41 --' '. BUSINE -d ROTIOES. XV tottoptts-BM xx ? .g f to* 1*1?I xx a? t If yoa went to em? the W ?rd ?r ?. i in eoBt? out ?rift sjppori tbe ticket l.e?ded tbe " People s Ticket It i? got up lo opposition M ihe one by the " office hnld ? n ni ihe ?'.! ut tu a 4Kn-r? pli 4 tic ktr ????nui11?asMBka Dmiei i. 'i i tjktatvjja I CatsBB xxiiliam II Mark? I ?> (? ni tritio* t ntt.e? J Bowell, ) to W 1 ?ylvan.i? * VV'?r-i, A', m t ?linn?, a*aaa?ai? A '-'??' I Ci't 0a7tTtaa??a Burtt? Biiltiaor?, Jotm V Ko.lm?n. lien R_BMB If? I John llewlit. Jr B A Mayer.? i ?anrtnltan Jut,a ho,. ? John ) 3**mas Jame? V R.rh. Th ?tn? P. Sinr.h .tn??"v C-mm! tt? Junes Liinn John I. Bradr. Ri.'ert Taylof. Dav'd Sevan?. John h?i. ? lain?? h Lyta, ?".?orge Btrkheek Ir (J?fsrge A Barney, Alfred ?f ?a ? I -, rr.xs t.audnr, D?ud B P?ig?. ****) Ikiir'.r ia.| | hint "ffr?, l?m?e L, VVcuih. prier XX' r???''i. ii-.,r?a T Riadiiian, William II Hem pi'?. Chxries TV' Swift, Juini K r J'iBlaii Barr, c I.ONr.n.N Ii ?'ill MATS, XV ''f theCa-i-, t)iUlli, aril A Ir ?.,;? i'y',.a Last I Ala a. Pacrr I ordered Manille and cane lists Kng.lsl. ?..eapstin M*(a. Of Odder, ( rima-aa, H .? Ya,low, Mtr-ioa T?wny, le ? ?rriage Mm, It ig f.iigiiib Kieocb and mamkm tti r, ( up and l'.?(? ?__g if all kindc. ilia Itteat ?nd uw?. - ? < ? . J ?t rri-e. .?*.! aii-l : ,r aa.e at BERRIAN'I n- tia f/ureuhiag VVsrmo-rtSM. ?Vil Br?M_w?it The trade ?upp.ied on .iner?! terme ETERDELL'i vveddTnO CAIDI XV l.trdt for wftodlag* and vltlilag ?ieguliT *'* fa?i?i.-r.?'.,y eo<*r?ved and priated .?i lb* A**te fra-i p.aonviwiv rtaorflafed'-erd? SPLENDID BRIDAL ENV EK'P W? a/a continu?ily r?sc*tvtng, from tt * mon ?R ii?'fil?.o.ii.i. ia Perle eu? I.-.??-... il? m?*, -...g?a aeweii eywi'tl brida. ?BBtBsBSl a'*o. and rat* t.oxaa in gr??l 'irlaty ?t B?t_?B?L? -?t?!iil?'n-, 3"? Broa?* ?y ?JBBBM of BBBM ?( I1 offica, .' Via., si. Biw Bwcswsbar roa? lait***in? ? ? iwutBas) ?ALL, 3M Promet corner of Bee?man, lAJot t,, ?a.? 1 poekege* New ii i.,t.| Buckwie.,?. .,( iMBBBbI T??-1 r.onaltling >.f barrel?,, h?.???, 'fiar-fra, as'blk? >ioi*o, ?-o m bag? of |i ?al il- m ,11?.; ..;>' ?nd neun???? Shipper? ?re laviiavl a ev?nn?e tbea?' ?af Ihe p?ca?ge? r TT, A* ?*" BortCi itn M, AI 'Ami MAI I ??ri R?r?iL,S?*': '?"?im?. ? A? the Kail camptegn has fairly c. w? are prepared to show Ihe beet stocB of in**? a?? ;)oy? ', ?acts, pwiia?. vrei?, ?kc ever ?Akr?d '? ibiscuy ;?_ttt?od?; _ B'J!OIITO.N a. KNAff ??BBB -Pitwn m S?ni.. DrssCaAtS P?rrt??.l* The .??lie? are laviie? to atkimne ihe ?????rtnswL saict I? 'be ,*rt/??t ?nd roo?t,-,e'e in the glty !*????' ?M?, very ?>e*uUful. a new lot of dreaaing comb?, k? at the BaM C"mi. llore N. B -Comb? ?' BxWaS?Bit /. R. i.MMBY. o.? Broadway ?4)3 eod Id rtooi ?iyovr Hg?o*>*t kr "?? II.IAIIOM ? liry.Kuoborn grtel, hsibcnS**' ?*? M.v? Ute ch*f*d ?or* of Trouble, ?nd eovloa* P?s??T- ?? ?ten-d.u. 1 *>y L?gury's glare ?br?aad. f.ndc ttotit?M -, e ?.? ? crdin hayavet; ?il.toti lo ?lay ito a** egwci* of argument, with euch? ? want*? "-Por??* ***" oil. iwret, hoee?t Paveny. her* you h*v* a b?a?n, B JB*?' Wiaiery, ?, ii<k *et ?p^eili? if ?l-reggle, follow??! ty"" ?i iw.r'.oa. Spr t? of your Hec-el?iUon, wh ck oiiv, be-oum d. ?an?ted w?*.ih w?aj.d give *ae?tASt'** ptyitaa?. ?* they would. Iwhra dyiag will lb? CostneaP uost had ihey ?nowo, and taken lo un?, MAS JERVIB'S COM) CANDI The CN'tV-MALLY ADRITTED tffttni a\l3tV't\ TO? ?LL TMAfSAT IMO LCMfl COWri A!*?Tt f?BMO??*tSSf THI tOMCVMmo? _A gold wkoi?*?i? and rnbtli by Rr? W J?avl?,B?,B>?*,?*" way. one door above Pmnkllaet Ageot*--ilxi?h(oc, Cut k Co 110 Bn>adwsgJ i!,.M. -_'.4IA?~r Uouta. Mr? M 11 ?ye?, l*i Brookiy?, and ny dr.kgglais geaaraliy. Each packag? 1? la variably signed lira JtavB. Be ?are to oak fer Rina J ??vis's Coid Caa?f. Pa ?B to BestosgjM at to, ta, to ?s* |t ?a_a. r