Newspaper Page Text
J a M BLRATaH ;-; TWO CaEISTS mu.. i\. no. i?i. HI.Tf.ioi.K. <v_0M.wi?vk 'I )K*?i i- ?x roitiirt tr. 14?. it IIOI i >0. ami* NEW-YORK TRIBUNE gTl .. xhe Tribu.?? Uu.. ?aj ?Hi lb? I i' TrRMS OI* ADVERTISING. BbbIbom Nattera mire? l.enernl Attverl1?e?ne?ilB. . .. a . t I - day, or 7N'? M fer m gia.1'. ?il Notice?, M . t . __??t?l Ailw?. tt??nerii? it?' H 8EMI--VEEKI.Y TRIBU.'?? - - HSW-YOJU- WE_JC_Y TRIDI. ? M?,V-V?)HI_Ti_IBrN?; IlECMfl. 10 ?Hi. NEW-VOR. ???-in.lion? ?.erlrient. P_BBBBtU I i- ad?) ' Tne ? l -, .. . J. ..? - ? I ta . ? ?> ' ?? ? - J he damage i* not th' . ? . ? t*?i?* ( ?art of Ain.eul.. ? A n Vl I, t? ii-e'-iirin nrut label. A ?- ' '.. ? ..... feed in diepoUoa?, , ? i fein iiee'?e?? ti- B't.n'ie ?* ben U " ? ? h ? ? g ? ?iti y sable, t ?????? .ii'ifi, ari'i at -.1 er ine leWSI mari the higher ?tart .... . It t?!. atme bata leaf beea yrareatad by Tarif. .,? . y | . -, -.J ?ntke f..: it?ell witi, ? ? cl?e waite , : t. iiil.t, Bad wan ? tot it ??? . ?ait tat y i.-? trai.nn ?t?d bjf iteatn frontOBB lo ??itiir- ?ajaat a bob i it i it La? i .?i i m labua i? MM ... i ;. ii.-ftr ?? ? ' "? i'- r .if, t ??ni 11 ?nii ,ir li t airead twenty t?; being reno I tbe ? ? ra?a a B_t_r_l,laet ?t???? ?? tei di a > toward i Batata ni loo r? wir?' <?! Labor b i DtiiM, It mi i i ' a * a- n ? ?? ' ,., it limit. . ? at. M Tiftir.v lag i?lei, improving, Ac will?'.'. . I.-.. . ??.!-. tberi i.t i". mi am) laeptitado for trBMportal ? . '-linar a transfer if IbOM In. t ? tbeil fruit* ft'o to i I illft-li-K, gilh '?ry B-BBf pura-u?. ?hor?^! tlic p'" lui I I? ol ?nial lia ralae, ? ill grade? i./glide away froa tbe eeaatrj la mbfeb Labor i ?i'>ar?tively ?li'?t. t" takotip IbS?f ahode in ?iitwhrre it n relatively rlien'?. Tlie oapitaliitl alegre renoiag faetorlea oi ? i |Sllb lo tbe '?rali, he? in-? ma ..'fiinery, nnlra, roa'.nincr?, \c. DMtball di.ur? at or.ce and bid a POM ? ??an, but they will i?n|i balMtag m Batead f. and whenevi' a mi . .'it-'? nut nr I mvi llfbC "tr full (wliii h will be r.iliri often) l.ii ihiro faiiiipt? will die out "li tl Bl ?i Id ?it?'Crc m ' . .. ? ? otliei. Ttii? expansion rniy (ra,u?e a ?light .-?ccomei-t o! p'irra in tlie cheap-labor rr.nrket, .". to l.c'.liii.? like the extei.t of tbe -BpfBWlOB ia aa ftlvei.t"ii'ii in Maaafaotariag ife BBqrtb?Bf efee raqairiog moob ererb t" fax ?ni', e bulb and wei-hl.. M matter nt wi u-h ?ritry native, Mill BBBToldably MMbliah theni -e? lu tlie country nf choip labor in t.r tMt where it i?d?arer The movittb a remit '.it ti t ?ivc.,1 the rlieip lab anpphes ? jth. t with ttie?o BAfBMire fabrica, draw lag .it .is ut ,?',.t,? tu i,: ,t? raw bu Hy itaplei I it* nah at protuiaea tc pay. ,n ex. ian?-e fsr ?coitller produit! af Manutacture. There are M e_"ept:oi? BP?lag I:, i ipecial irairao? but lebodora nut ?d.nit that, tlie d.apar?i ofwagei ? to thia reiult may a? ?e?iou*bii it '?-: ic ten ?? In run doMB hid tint two pji,d? v B ftiaranii,- ?ypbou aril; "iftiiT.ftto a M?HBBB levil. ?fefe tiii-i' BaTfe win B'lv, .?te Frei' Trirj?? he ?**? thia country aid Kurope tnuit either rneaii Bre our Labor re' ? ftiensro re ? *T?ti'nii( European Labor, a tobaaoM-BB? ?irln^ ?uppre??ed and ?I?TM out oi the - ;et iieftti ao_biag m particolar and do not -rre.'.cnd whftttlicy are ___B| "Mo who ?f. ?tudv. Bad thiuli -wo ?peak of the *itt ,., arall) aspect Bad ic?ire a BseioaB *-?U>u el Wftia-ea. Moil o! tlien? a?,? ?Im? in. u*i CaNkeea ind H npoII Qebb, i ? arbeat ?t*;e?ot Lib.? bio mmiiteiin.ini- Btbeyeaaa i*t?orer? ail employ then oarj) In | ? , 1 ehleh | . '.'barred by iml, cHmBte, ? * ?? bVai t matten lot mbethi a ? w rh ? a - \t tan ebilliagi n ' * ?'- ? ?'- "? bo i".,, li B BBBOh ? buy I Bel an Americio artfea *7purv.'baio thoto noce.? . B? feattediag Tea. *B and oilier unta_ed import!, wl.i. | ?-jibe i-heapened at all b> ir,<< . . ?oi oar otiti LitJor Tli?ae men ?ay. Free ?i? and two ?hillioj!? a day fe* Labm w > *v_y redoce the p e oi OBI ' " It Miro now BB_M__ r-urope while the n in the prue- * ._bar_a4 n, ?a ild he ? ? ] ? ' * e tlitn ft lc l WRfffl .!?!'?. ft I .i.e. ?"?VMu ?lADUBid. 'Bar ??.uu cflr- t ?enntor Hut liftutii, a:? ?7?t t.;?te a ?u?t_ in IslO ? Therad,.?! ditri ^ Mitfi ,._, Niftiafai-rore?, Mid ? iu i.K -I ' t lb. it? alloc of ft -?I Be :y. i 'It fe.?re coat? ? bindre- do!i*."ft a *?_. Otriiift.-y 1er tift? ?loiltu? Letu? m, l.t ?ho ?pecio ?lAtid-rd, ai. ; B I 'kfej i_ch ? piece ot' ..oth lor fifty lollare, Bai del) FTtign iiTiir, 0' d diapenae will? fetioa ??he , J Pant e.iu ? l rit|i-e\?nii[ie 'bay, and ?ay, ? Mr. Bucban an t*.at Vaahiil grow wool and iptn it, and weave tloth. a*. i'i li ratea of Wi?*e? a? ire pad an worker?, and proeeed.4 fe ai -e that ???id bo injariiBM tv our laboren, Mr H at ta-piAincd tl at ? ie ar?*naioot bad -.iMeprei.-ied ! Yet waoever tbiabfl ?fei'-i* that the hundred iaBgn paid lut a ? broAdc.otb ia rinoly paid be llio Lab- r - -u reirinir, he -Keep, urowiiift the wool. ^|, cardici-, a ? and weawiog It ? krgutt tbi >??o of cloth to 2?_prt?_aced dolUri arguei triit .y^kMBbfe tibivebeenpaid k?*'h'*h wt( 'd in money, a? it ^'!y recei? _lt -ear, thftt N ^ ?It?artl raa lge, l0 the Eoro. P*?i imdu dfec__uaed by fee --. l ? - ? ?* r.;?:r.ctod to ( , that '?r..- t at .... ... ? A - - - a ' ? .1 - ' a ? ? Earopi ? -. ree dimiL.? * ? . ? it in a asa ' ai tarar? ? i ?Dor V) i . ? - - - ? ? - - ... l ,.aed by o_i - ? ... . . ?????? . re?l in Mgrg ? - '?.rmer to tl." ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . >.'.."..., .- m ???oBiagsi with ? a Pittaba ? . I a :? . - land mi > x : ?*> ex ? ? ? I j Home 1 ? .... mua diatnitbiog the i ?""i till? ?X - Ms tilia di ? ? ? - I day? -.i Isaat four*ti ?T?Afiii to t n I -1 (? ?? W ' t ' ? ? tl .'.'.". ' ? RaTtRM tix ,? y ? m ?i l.iarii oi ? ? aorsiy an iaflaea i a .... . ? Tr ? ? ? bat be piyi fu bot< ? ? ,x ? . .... ar hi? ' ii - i. ili'Lii ba a ?a a ? ? oat o? their ? Ht il ?bee? ??a?ic t'Xteti.!. ,| ' ? . - i ;, , it'?.'.rued, it at loi ? ? Igt ? ? . . x- N - lh tri. C( klittoi .1 I '?* I 'lark. II,i ? 3,311 .' ??? kaof ?] l's? V I ? tit wie t ' ;<;'? ?am therein: ll,l"a|, wblU t ? ? ti h i_crein is oiiiy 1,898, Alike r Btatea a ? i like re?u,t . : Yth .' ? ,i Con* i i.-tkiloii ot a candidat-? f i ?i natrr inline Dutrict, will in??et ou Thur?d?y, ta "?lass i?l We??M lay, ?? ? I'.nusly state -i- "I tb ? i" tt hi? Ne.iilonilona. i LsWISBM ?nd Irankilo s ? Cmr_?a il Bl Lawrence. \ \ | i xBJagJ I'HARl r.? I> II ex.o? t \ gu a Co ('<? ?Vi??m!i'y 'at, M P IIt. _ ? V.siiiibly. Alssbt **. CAB*f_a? Jii?tit*e, ItOBBBT BlRKLXT . CSMMM, I CHATTiM-"? r? it I i'-.?-1 .->, o Noinlnnilnna. \ l'y.' - "arte ?nd I)ei?ware - fury I util? of .*?. hoharla. -A?S*rt?, Marury Keeker < ImI IV \ ?tideivirr Jualic?-. ] RBaltas F'siilifi ?Two ?eta of can jidatea are up Aeeembly . tsd Ft . I M I I Clark, tl I Adatas il ) ?niI I! 8 Hnivstrr i * '-.vueititiiy E a WhMlw Ctarl i: r? tek ? Hunt Ctarl !.. At::d'??i Aatembly. r? H Dc?ie ? \ ? ! . M. Tdton ' ? ?? ?: _ Bardweh Tratitnonlnl to (he Inte Chief llnglnerr ol the I' ?a. l?r? Horlt, Brooklyn. BttBt yeatrrday a larje romp? .x :.-? naial officer? and prir?te citizt-r.? a??emb!ed ?t the Na?y tard lo witoe?? the pretrotttion i faauitible l.atiiiionia!, by the peraon? ??pioyrd on the Pn ' tl.-.t a S- VVw J Rt?_ rtM. ?? nrat? if I | r a two p.tcher? and goblet* ol ?livet. ncbly ?nd ni th.* ??lue o! f.'iyi T'hey ?re tbr iu?uu facture o! Mc??r? Bail. TmbBsBM t Bl?ck ot thl? City Tbr - et pl?ce en the M??onry st the I??: .? i.. . ... i he prt ??tal? wo? made ou b-hs I ?T ib? woikinasn by Mr. K ?hart Wim?, Um .tei, au old mai' who bat txteo employed ..t? who!' progress cl the woik MsBMMMBnl ..loeyuitn and crnduaily working up to hi? : ," Ailloli lie ?poke a? toilcw? lia le teka ? ??>? ?p?n iti??erl. I **? ...- ? ... . i fieia. .- a l-*' - - . - .--??. K?i|i?*er ?i..l , Ml wortk ... ? xx ? ha??.????? Il .?*?.? ?naUn*d te *?i??Ye ? ? - -? .nota*?, ead !c - . a? ? . (?r??*? I ?. ....... ? . . - . ... ? ... ? vue? ce* un tr.* ?r 1 Btto ?r?.t?c ?mmOttOSteS, MM ? ? . ? .. ltd lt???|, ? . .i . ? ....... . .? -.i.?-, a? ? ?t?, - ? ? ?-?-?? x? ????., *? t?g ?*??? .*- lean.', tkaat ifi . - . - t , ? ..... ??! ..... .... . . a - a ',im ?p.,? IB* )???. |?.'?t ? g ? aM *afci trap ? trot ? Mr Mi Airi.vK replied ?? (o?owt M? ?I l?r? SH ?ILtc W ..... ! ? - .. ? ? ?. - .- I . ? li?tes g te* patate (?tsectst ??M Ht ? I ... . . . I as Mea?, l ? ? .... MSteM ?nal ?k?k yen s?--? Bocer* 1 ?.?? - sssc?te to tcaa '.-bi> es .-. - --. nr .... - ? .U. .la? |r?' ?. 'a a ? - - ? ? .- ? . . e ???a ... | ...y ? - a ni*i*?i?Bg r?iBie?ec**t?e end inoek r>>e?.in| ?a?e i < ?' ..t la? 1 -?eu ?gTrattiAj?." ?? ?x* ? .... leva a - '*!. eo4?ag?r rx| " * ?' ? 1? a | i . .????. i ??-? i"?i ... .. ., .. ii. -*,? ? ... ., _* Tt? ?????e ksit ? ? a? , ? . r ? t y? t. a - la? ? . . .-. y?. ,? . ? . . . ,. . - ?- eed te . - i ? ? . * ? ? . ........ .... - ? satas> '??? ? ???*..:..? ?? ? ? ? a t. .. ? L tu lia ? ?a ?MfaSM ?.?.?-?.> tk?.k r*? sur , . ... mpe. liai . - ? ? : -?? ??_.' M r.a. ? ?4, ??S _.? . .. ... -. a -m.n, ??? ?e*:i..-i?w ?.?..??' a-? .-? --? ? ctplitis laastiAitoag ?ir engt???- upun the ITs-te, but we h?ve enly room for th?t upon the ?i.rar wbicb !t Ai ici!. ?i ? a !???? ?? atoaa - . . - . .. xi.?i teg-eei ol HW l S 1"' t' ..*?... ? t, t?*.-. ??i?t*?**it*?Bea?u .... .?? ? n wss on? ol much ioterest. and ihe les! a rittico- trit'uts m tbe character aoJ attstn aaatj I ?ta reclr-lcnl. Pit-uLAtios ?Tr? VtasBM Otmtyav ?t?te? that a Ral ha? been dlKovei-ed lu tbe VVorcaitcr Railroad locoin-, whlcb appe?ra te bav* eacapaad iheiigl'anoe idga?ag cotnimitet-a, tuid by wticb ?onie ?tJO, ?aI are aaid to hive b?eeu iurreputtou?iy t?a*o . a few year?. Tato T.-ra? IMS MMtsBsaad :y !?.?? key*, and tl It sit ?bitr?cted iberatrom, which were ?oid in package? lo agent* who lorward immigrant* and other ptmaeu gar? to the Weetern couatry. [lloston Trnns - 1.aal roen?. - l. H*f? - ? . ? - bella f?7bataa reteiii '" ? . . I W - ? labia ? I a a i ? | a Fron . e ? ? I ? . retel'i i it a " : i ?bal .??? ? a * On : ? .. fell g cailla iVhkt BftU . ' ? ? i ? A " ? r-tei? ? ? I i ? Tit - ht a tu. H r i ; ' t W nat ? t? H >w they *i ream .. - ? ?i i ' ?peik, They ibrisk, i tune, ;? appaaltag to ti ? tbe fire, " .ei?md fra gber, highe a -e And a t A ? . ' ? e e U v the aide of Iba . ???..a ? . What a tais i - Wh al ig air ' Vet tbe et Hi ti. \ tbe aaging, A-I - In tbi iwelli t'? la? in the bella? .. . l a ? !.. : tbe belli ? [?.uu: i a ? In tho ailepce of ti u Hiw we ?i .1 tb? ? ,- .m ? ? ;. i.e <? ' ? aod that float? From ?M rait mllhilI t tie i r throat? !? a r ?. . A I Ai.o mho, to la thai Feel h "i the I tea beeil t atone ? tro u lllMI ? aga 1 ?re neither hrute nur hi? And t'ieir kn c It ta who tolla , <\ ? ? . Is, roll?, - A i ran f'oni tlit- ben? And l.ii tueiri ti -lull? ?well? Will the ; BU of thi belli ' And ha iiiiu'ei, and he ic- . Ko, time, In a a a .ti ,.; B tai" rhyme, To the pmin of the belli ? Of the be ? Kee, In i i.irt of Runic n.yme. I,, tlie throbbing ot the belli 01 ihe bei!?, hen?, bell?? To the ?obbinir ot the bell? Keeping ti-ne, time, time, ?\? i ?> kne1 ?. knoll?, knell?, In a happy Rook rhyme, T.i the rolliag of the be. ? Of the belli, bel a, be,,? , To the to,iiti_ ol the bel t haUs, bi ,i?. he.:?, belli. Baue, be!:?, belie? 1 fee n' B_l ?nng of the bt - Chancea o? ? European tVnr. A perional trien i now .; ? icin I e politic?! her .ion. write? ai foiiow? to .' -/'?-. Iah - . The etc : lent .rttcra :' Mm I m ban err ?ted iiuite ? i MM! 'Italy end h ranee. 1 new win h?ve | 1 .-uu N?p,-.eon t.. letrac? hi? i, pi fee HOn tfiii.v .n.ictle- ;u hi? letter to Col. Vy I h?ie no partiality and not t gre?t dea. al c al il BOB In Pretidrnt | n?p?rte, yet I reprat to I - no probability ot bit recadtng trom nit letter to o. N if, u u Baton] tbtt we iboold dittrutt him, but 1 hire had a peep aeh'ud the cm tain, an. reasiurr mbIbb in ?? - :? iB mb BMsatal ? cLaracter tor anything it I? ?tubborneta - till ruetnie? bate i ? ver BOBMBB him ol timidity. IN ben ha wrote tbe letter, he had no doaM bul ibal It MOT : in-?'?. Bife fea appi ?? i ?;:?? I pe, and that hi? li .. neu would imuie_,at?ly onmiti tbe lardinalt, and lb- it by itrrurthen Leuti Nipoleon with tbe l.ibertl Baity, M Wbl?h be stood uiuth in need, but is be ots ? appointed in tbe Pope, tbe . u.y k.t-rn?; ? ? tight it oat, whi-h r-i w. Q -u ( baogarnier. Commander in Chief of Pir a a?: high in tbe laid ye? ier,ik> irint '..-.. n wuula hire tu se ?ett?ed t?i:h powder and ba.l, ind DM ? I fl M " ? tier I . tbe kniwing one? in I'trn unite tn Myfe? tb*t Au atr'?. Kuiti? I'lii??!?. Bpafe aii- N?pie?. will tiy t. f rancithst the i'ope tnuit be reitored witfiout rondi Uon . but! J>n t bellete taey will Auatrra au,l ?? ? taeie t- o tnk ol tb? H -Dgsrlan NVar. to proeeAl France :> hoi?. ? . ..e bu? little r?ilance -,n adii | t rgey in the 1 renca _.?_> , ?-, i ,_t ?_ u? ooaelaalM feettboM] oori w...?;...? ?.;.?? I ,.? ;. si? ,-t ? Bhenl f ey, which will r>e done a ? tied It the revene thould be the cite, you may rely upon It, that NI a. v? . i ? t Pa.-.i. or tbe Frenca ?rmy goto Si feral ?irgb, at a general ?a mutt be ihe Ml i tul? N.poitvin ?end? hi? rou?in Mur?l. a? Minuter ?ia, witb a t ? ? . . - . .' with tbe Liberal part) In Italy :.?k!. aal ? . Mil ?nd would n I the ni:tiK-u to car.?? out Ml retr. grade in.i.iiieiit ? ?idem bai giv?n tl.n saaurance Man than even hi* le".. i B .Im?.".,??-.? ,n iV:? trat? ?Jd.?s?ed . , . ' ? i ?t qatr .?-..? ? nie thin? tail tbe rtluaai ot tb? BalttM .a ...... I Mod by thai uperor , ? ? pretext for CoMtMl ilun.a.-'.aB? M : -:i .a tn? ! -; v hsv? prut is:,,is- for twelve ?ncatba ?. m i.. . ? ? They a ?.-it.: Bg, at whiit time ? at they can now La t'a*', tbe) H -i il NY?- a general ??.-in .-eierd to ine Ritnaa c ? and a :r\ Il il Cl a. ? Araeofe, II be .* parc iiiriTukri ? . -irately to ta?? by i irr Bam They ?? .t loi tbe purpoee ??! kbeao nlng the c?uie, _ut to give mw lu? to it. I . ?..I perce!-'! IMt B-0 fopo'e Bfe-BBBBBB, M ad Jrei?d to h.? p?. r ?. ?:?? _?tagoalM I ft! laid down in Use Pretideni ? letter to Co. Ney. tbit it it not ? tbtt the popular opinion ihoald be ? -nt :: ? I e war California Kmlgrann. .?,'? ? Ijml? . Mtr?r.?. .BkMagm ?i k Ba ti ?see??as. litiitQ?, ? 7 i -. i . . . . ... . Bs -O ?sa?ana. t??Vs?. t.rnfm, as. a? ?. a A a -nan. Teial Imouoi al frailare per Hadaaa Rlwer Baale. Tir?.??, Oci 16-HJ-OObb.a Plour, t.S_0 buak \A"he?i. Corn, S t>vO ?o Peed. 1." an.? Aa_s?. IM do NA'kU ? . . ?- bale? IVoo!. t.B ? boira Theete VI ?MLAi'.iHTiK ? E i wi- l Joaee, o? Centrr ?- ?-? i ,, ! negTO man ae.ougui? to tn? ??late M J'bn r?tanford Ha mat ha.d lo bra., for tna. at tbe next Una of tbe bouxboa Circuit Court. C'osclnrton ol ?. ? ' -:ir- in Oe T?-? . ' * I ? . ' ? ttSTWI '?'? no-a ig a ? a ? - ? .... ? ? ? a " ?t m* Aairc , y, toad i -. ' * i- - - A ' ? ? la wl a a ;-???i ' ? ?. ttotot?ideMi-cU ? . . ... ? -? - - And br - - ' I lh?t lila ! n !. Ill? 11 1 ?Lit 1. ?? '? . Re.-nan? ? - ? ? ? i ?.?aun* a? . r ? . ' mr11 . - ? . ? ? ?1,1 li r -I.-, : . . bj layir. Lire t. ? ' ? - . t.'.at t*i?y mai . ?. ? to? ? .lara-iL r? witho'.i ..a ?y, ?r. or.l'T thitthr Itallasi apedltioa may i ? t,< .tod ? ,.,"? .. al ?very tast?tt, in a I lb- ttspg mat x lacrii toward ;? ? ? ? to lav? Intention?- .;. Bill ?gent? in the p-i'Ji-cii ul agrrari.rnti drawn u,, x ?I aspa i .i. tb. ? r ranea t,i I i ?nd II? pase ??? or to I to I ? ?ry r'iht ?n ! . la ?SB i :a I - -or w?s reserved !o you s de Kslloux, T ham g la your ?peed ? throw-, with th" dai lardy i ?' ' ? ?sat 1 to | ca.. upon you ard s.j , : ? ? . then . ? a v.l.::.--.? .- dnt'.gat, ?ad oi iba nrc??slty ih?' ?air. In order thai the got A, hi: . i It M ? ?uty to ??y Myi ', ?'? 1 '?? ?* M] whatever y? < may d i n w rem?irn to fSB t?I | ' is tret- ? ? F them hi ? ? ? ' men ?r? reitsured a: < ? ..ntl uf ir?t re*?iy to \ahat lu tta haw many danger? lia saJBtaasl :.'?re?t with Involve? ? | Tk'toi-iu--. ?he in? MM agi Withdraw, at let tta s (bit the?da ? . ipttalB ? a ?! :-?? ? ? i-1? aaal? i i rov.ii ml 1, J??c.-irr |ta I ? ? through you, ?i.e axprrtt-trnt .i - agam . . ? . .a .:?r? Yes will atare i-i.t ,-i t-.? . sonld ?i tito stalon tad in- - > I? your i ....?? ? ., . . ? the rh ,.<?.-*? ...iSir t w.??: ? ? . ? ? '? > - i| " ' ?*e your tea.? and your aim? ?y ?M ?pp?Itsi'S ol M provtr. --.-?.?---..- ? -x . . ud iiu? fu? ?!!... - Irin K n? w... ?"??t'-i tea-i:-..!r and ?tir wa- A.? ?t-d.c. elite ot your penp.e. : o-r isaae tr? ot party ?nd yt u n?vr tared. H(. ? -?a ual mr ; ttui-i-ile ..I ?'.-fioct. t^'inu'd on -..-.?. ?r? ' a gre?l . ? ) ja rem?.n at Alo gOS w... rr_.*.u a? ? ??* ?? "OB i ? or you know ibtt ttothing - I, go?ig fro?11 ? uy r? - I . ? ' - gioriou? . - ? , and ih?t ? . ._ gala-ad tl oupr??. ? which t ha ? - 1 U,IOO - - ? ? --? : only hy t*r ? ... a a ? .a.rnted. c-0! ? UM - - - ... ? -_e rep?lei i-'""*- * " - '?"?>'? paaea -vas by the .?LU - . . .i ?no? cl *_ypeii. l inm^^ert.?...tx'ry. Ui?iel "-?? ?tote Mlftett* ? .. Ueihi-a, _=. ii- - .... - ant?, arery ?ct. t'rrm the I ? I - ?to. OS osefcand, a niertm-Bi * *!!x.?x*?!.W ? ' ' ' ? ****** ... _..- . - ?-.?? -?? -? ????' ? ?? Itjj AIM"??' ~ ??*-k? W-n? ?????'?-?'?'?? ' ? * Btte?? _?___ a?el ?4M"?'?' uan ? ???? a?? -*?tte .._Ji,i *- - , iiurirtcil? ? ??-..?-. ?s? p.' ??Ml BMWtee? . ,._.j iiiilataueui es?? ir? r-T-***"?? *?'"* "T"" "" ?i'*i "'ii t ?' ' tea*?*? ?? lie, f-' "- ***? *" * ...... ? ? ? ?. - Alt 1 ft? Potato, p*r??io *' a?'? ? . ?? ?S* Mrs M ?CM I??mm??m -P*Vf?ci ~4 Bay BV Art. t 1 . . . I ? .... - . -, I ? ? v . 1 ? a-. ? l i Md baa . ? - ? ? ? ginning with l i :ll?(a? y i b?ve ? ? u h u ?.. ? A ? ? V - ? ' ? ? - '?fiity -' .. I rel.g | I ? ? n ?it you - ? - ? a rbich the l?w ia uni . il .? ? ? - ? . reailoni ? . . ?n ?r-t. \ , . - . uyuur .? ; ? - ) -u ?re lui iltoia L-y tn-? The French n?me ia a mark ol ?? ? the other ?ari will I 1 " un itintibeable (mu i ai la? l me w nid thai tttmt ? leloa ?bed to rebuild i r Irai ;;???. I aril] lall yra .n aha' lim h?Te rara?! the rei;?;, . quill i iiniituiiiioii i m ? ? ? you Mweh r arint?ietrading in the ?yei of . .m ?ne ia tn?' - irelig .? ... .... ? r I t ."-'.:? ? .? ?'. ?J-. ana _i w, ? ItO I t iruin tne ?| , ?n tent ? - . roe and Italy <itb the Popo tor hawing, a? In ibe middle . . - ? ? ... ? "ie?o tblngt ? ? ? ... ..... . , ? ? 4 ? a right Brra tBBMortal a pL*riiom ?.. rlue to duiurb your dreaint .Nad it ih?. be ,ur cire , M | ? n it le tact, i ne Ro? ana' -iitiituent Aiiembiy. ay decltrlag thai . or becoming l party to any unworthy | j.? : \tjti ?cuun '.Ve hive I er-, IM M I ? ? Ira ... teit h.? , , ? , . - -treat. kl you nav? but ? rn you al ? : ?ed toe ! Yut I: ? ? ? - - '.bin lauta v. ? . iBoni thewl A ... , . . other veto can pre. ml ... . ... ..... .... ? a ? - . ir.u? , ???0 tvy irtyr I . . ? ? ? ; iv.ia... . : ? . Mlloaa Ity ?nd deelerad tn?i lied ?nd ta ? jter ot 1 say. Us? paBadfeM ? ? afea a ' ida fee M ... pst-e?t y endur- in- Mm ?? ? ". your i.-ail Uu . . bMbbbm I III. ? . - ? t?o muiutude? ot men dependant . ,.. .u 13 4 te? - - . . fee -?? A not? en. which asm ?? - ' ay : ? ?nie m peri ?I ?I? a ? . i MB with I ... - ? ?any one who can - I A ?I ? .... .??a .'?.-? ? .? may clotn? ire. rei) ? ? ? ? - - W?u?e y.-u b?v? no ?ucb c?anic.ot??ne?e wtlh ? ? - ' .-??"' nmt u__r pranet ?.?-?? V? immt w'?"'?_ . ' '*? mmtt-n .... -? ? rn pupa? i . - . . at'-?? ir-Mien _ ?C. rod-able aa ???l-g go -d ' a-, ?a? ?.?_.. 4 - ?li a_BoaM * ? I will hi -, are para them ! M r.coer _ftrv?stt ?_., tap? to gutter ;n Use go.deo ciuuiry . , . fir*" ?, -,?;?--... ? - ? . ??? '?. ? iw, tn tbe piece ol ? .-r.-.??o_. fy "? M.-..r-.. ?t En*. Bobbm bm jpaead for tee f.rat *-m_ _i r. ?turdey. ftod ?a the eraclag wa? sr_-inuy i_umiaiie CITY ITEM*. tu Btbai t - ? M Cb?gre* v:a H?vxtx \ ? . ,-, . -,.r ivt ' ' ? tl-.a.-B- - . ? "iae weather an! s ?.? ---.pect for B pleteint and ? . i ?w MM eta a .i??vT mail I '?' paisaysgai?, wbcie r?an C'iti, fapt. J D VV'ilioD.oi Howard ? - ? hagre? direct. She i? in I ,.. . .. .... . . ......... , \, .... ?I . -, -. t ? 14 R.t, toll.g - ? A ?ed - . ? .... Hi'.- ?' -?? XX . . I x . mrmka, w r n ? ?? a ? . - . ? - .1'l, x ?,. i ?..-.. I > . . i?. K *?? 4?r- let - ? . ., - . ?. . . . ? . ,. ?t . ... t i...'?| .. .? , ... ? M I . I 4 " - ? ?' .X XX - IB? ... . . . . . J M . .. J : i . .... . . ... . a ,. . ? ?.- " : x t ti . i .. ? r M H ??? .. , . , , .? ... ? .. , XX , . ? . ..... ?I. -, . ? ; . t :? , . ? y - K 1 a ?? ? -- i ?. . a? > ? i ? . ? -. M ? - ? . I- I'... ... Rateen II ? I i ...'.. .-. .. a ,i ? .x ? x. .. r t . i m t - i V\ n,i tiist has | ,ti? lirlwern .. ?-i iBMl ?t i ?i ii .t yr ??. .uiiug Irom j.- know? not where ? ( ?n it !?? MpBSBSd tbit liu-it? i . It?A tl-.a,'.- a'niuit _att?a - ?Ty can It be wi-ndered that in ?*? rj where, ih.? il. ol ' The Kpl Irinic . and again lb? Importance, gjaa apolifrom i . ? . h pout! tu Bssa MS ! insli, -ipon ail Ine i ')r|')r?li "i? ' ?"?.rti in '-? t 1 ,r ? ahort pe ; ...? it o? iImCIk_at*a araion, It Is true. I| row wn find ib.-fii uUC? In lull binrt?penning the slni<i?pbsre to that -i ! h*fi? cent . t i the A ith -:tir? o! MtaMlehinrnli| a, . rutai hi health and d?-ti uctlve to comfort That alaattBB ha? oattn r?'?*irrd to the Committee on lisait I wtMni wo do iii'itt ?aiueatly adj?relo i_-.( ptuinpt and catrtul attention. Let It not be ?aid th?t the public ratal I? ?lwav? dlaregardrtj. Hi?, all? 1st.aid?We lisx-'t before urged in-' n-ccaiity of turtbsr ?cconiiiiod?ti .na tor the ?mw lerj ?'? ?httif-iii end wo'.id again call ?tteo the facts s? f-t form In a itcnt cotnmunicstlon ol th'- T--n QassTBSra ta th.. Common Council. It is tag ??ui?pet!??!?> a to* ".- ?ultabie ?rraogemeot ot this excellent Inatituttoii 'that a \V?th haute, a Rs_kJ ?p?rtTnt-nta. fence? ?ad a general ?ur cry ' I tbo liland thuuld be made forthwith The e?ti . ? i ? ? rssary ?yui.ding? Is ?bout 811,000 lor tho*e no? rre? ted, gvl, ??) . snd the fencing ? ?. - : ire?toi?. II!...?ft. I n? .iurvey .* ur? gently M at? I ?, l..?t lb" li.ind may t>e put la ?ucb order a? to ?B?U1 tue : | ? We cannot too esrnediy c,ir?iti?nd this I am tull?an to thr aympa'.by an! ? ? - M ltt??dmi annad ?nd well calcul,Mad I I the end? it baa ^ropei trailing -do. ?lion and ?ett.fsiii--iit unirtd* ol dwlilute childrrn, rainy of them orphans, who would otherwis* remalo sunk In the lg -.- md suflerlog, It not crime, ot Poverty In ? .ty., M 'Rt Niw -Kii?.?Notwitliitandi'ig _M *s*fg - R vessels laun .bed tbl? .?uintnrr from our ?? ? ? ? p yard? buiinaa? 1? yet quit* brTak on the ?ait the town, tue-e being no lest than 1.1nrlater, v*? a . ... ci an I tut.r.?4?. r-'iw M Rl ati-cka "- .??y a > ?rd ?re Ihren ?nip??on* rr?.Jy < ,r .?uLtn;.-.4 la Wn U. i.rown a 'i Aid are tw? large ateamboat?. and Ml ?? URa BfOatMB ? ri InWm 11 Wei' "? > ?rl BTS twa ?hip? at -a?, ?n* tar teelof ?th!r : - nlth 4 .a Yard MB MM ??cri? on the ?loess- I r.? f ? | .r ?m ?ird :r. tf,?.- ?-'turtr R the werk. I? Jatoo ben ? I ?rd 1? in ocean itcime.-, onr ...? i ' las, ?nd i tchooaei wboae lr?me I? ,u?t ? ? C. . y. t i i ?rd Is * Mr?mcoat ; midy for tba water and ,n 'ifjor?? I i.iyer* ? ? __t_M?to?ItB the MkMBi for s y a A-. '.'...'.*-c*tiurgh aia lw a iL-a? and *-i?r? tr.e ?adaasaT RmI nner *>*ing neirly ?nlaeed. . r?laRT ?Tr.e :.~iu?e ti Mr. Rooert a ., rrot-n at w?, ?otered lartugh the re?r g-itira; MMM f the family ?ad thorough? ???-?? i ? irritai, however. th?t the Ihkvs? . ?-., ?retired for t?r.. ?ayi kod in revengo ?t tneir r>_?ppoLa_o?nt tney m?de ? ( -if to* ?p.?nd.d furniture, becking, cut ? rr:rt, <-?rp?U, Ac ?in ? i?wi'tai*nj ?eidom imagines. A?pteod!d mantle ?- . was d?*ned l? piecr? M It? hearth, - ?-.-ti -tarad the ??_<? i?*r Mid,?nil e,ri?, ?ever?! fine oiipMO?ogi ??"?t .?.ur. were lor? 1er in.? Ti.iMncuji expl-ait, I p?^i*d the ?jY-a-reury got ink tad : ? note (or M; .V-ill.w ?uuog ihAt if he t? .---. ?r? . .?eu -i.ct-alng tu a . , re? w,*-, ?na other ?_';??ble property, the - * . 1 not t?ve .t .-? i This note su AA, 1| i? not I -' ? ,; ; j ., ?.-,. ? ,tg.ary ?ii p.-rpa ? toas I'iMDt ?everal ??u, t >_i.-n?t." lent t. IndlcatU; anything wrong Mr Lud.ow ,dera g.ovi rawird for the arr*?t rtTSt?S. Toe dam?re Is eatlmaied st 81,000 to t ? - XV Im) steamibip Hermano, (.apt. Crabtr??. -..-. Ser henk. Pier No I NK. for -?iClh?.-aptos I ?Sturdsy riC-.l k! .-? I M ? . t Chibxh ?bo m?ay it the -uem . -.-. t_! ?j.d Brich Churns hue ? ? ; tta preteut ?ao*r?ti jb up town thst It hM be ? me !.acete?.-y. for 'leir ?crommodi?on, that the e??clng leetur* herslofor* delivered at t?? Church, be Dope Ch*pel. Tfi Hriadwiy A f?w y**r? more and the City L-aeiow ttt* Puk **u% b* gtvaa up to wjr.llj mtttort ?itofeth'r. XV Tr.e G?rma? H t??R4 r?'.'_*n*d from th* r t?rgrt exc.raion lest Bight ?bout o o'clock, brlagisg txp.t evidence ot ?kli. '.n bring aad preserving aaoti Imi order of march after a day of mor* than .xT?nary IlUg?I C_T The Ebi*a t.i"A?rta. iNewirkl Ci t?.. " )!?(? aum?t.';ng thirty nii.??,t? ar.J . ; BebBbBB ye?te*d?y on ft fefffe excursion T^e:r|tx_uural green oaiformi. htuidaa-me'ctp? a. ? .-?? ?-i appearance, were nry mucl admired fa.y : mu.-h aki a? ?aark?*?- -a ruMling (hear lagt - fif A.tiO-i tie nomBI ? -il M t*-> ?ompOBM a on parade yeeUrdar. we Bol!,"?- (be TBaOBlXBB a '?-?a_? N Mitch?!.. Cepmte Tbey kM brea aa ? Ur.elexrurti a and earned M eiceiiant repa_?t;,a ?r. gunnery _ Ceaai ? OfeBBBMi b ,, -,, jud?e i Sboseter ? NN right ?I ?J ?. taty. . faker et a. - impeaching the bankrupt,-?: Lai-kaage ol Mr. Baker. ?.ready retel re I to The Jury wrr? oui ?r ? ."?j ?, afeek Monday, lo l? lathe ?v?*ing. wtu??ai betsg ? a^ree. and were j.?.-barged lhey ?t.>__ ?, mm _i deratacJ "u ?rat g .!ng out. ?ad M continued In the - ?rt th? cato :( M...^eni ?? i>-n . ?' BB Tnir? WUri Iba I ?? km ? igpttod t tbe Ileoa . -n CeaaeB thai ?on.? i? bundred (reel ?re ceeded ,o ta? d_h ? nt . - .? -, ? - . ?? ; m?bal *: 4. .-,. i - N?J:?o_, ,a?re ,.-??.?. . i,?r .-tuyweaant it, ?Nl,. | . th? r?rk ?n,1 e'lewbere ?< l- ? th?:n and piv Ml fern , rant MraaMaB? fee earn t A*.1" "?. Maae__ag r rated. ftW T-e N '?-rr.ftu and a?? ??? t ,? \i(h IN'srd. M.??'i ?HtlMt, ?j p,..,,,,, MM ? ia t ? fea Cerf naba ? MBB, -Bp*__e*tnt'uri?i nteet ? i a- 1 - Bhfe : -,"???- ..-? , , -a. i? ? ? -?la and M fell be pill CaAvaaai Laaati -r al MB af Walaabej Ferry are to coinmrace, lu ? few dtya. ruuntag li.-ni i?."ki-ntl Brooklyn. M the feel ol tlou'erneur ti New ? ork Thia ,-hrange li -n tec- unt ? tbe entena;..e, of tbe piert on each a.ieot NV'i nut it ?lip M MB H UK HniK'ir. Tli? -?ii.oi h?ve opened in ?.* -e n '..-? i'btmheri ?t tor the ?ara o: tick*t* ?n,1 p???enger? ?i? .?ooveye I !:.?iiv?tv t?? l-diljfeotM b) bBbbbb m li I 'eux?. A M and i n clock. T M BtSAt h At Tltiit. ? Robert A Murrt?,, win? en oat. h i-'ii? aouaeh.'li lurnltur? tor *?us?n "??reet, pawned the ??me lo the vi'ui AOBBIbBIBB, Mid wat arretted there; ? l-'l'ink I'll ki''K kit.? Cethft'ine tvi et w ?a ?nested Mond?y mgbt by ortl'er Uaynor ,-t lb. .-?.en teenth N\?rd, chatg.'d with picking th? MBBaB-l ino Murphy YolTllf! I PU'RAUI? - \ b.", tin >e?r| g I w?! picked u,' Mond?t nighl ! y fea 1 ??eutb N\ ?? 1 n ? ?Ute . ? ?ron Bohall fiom *,'r>tny with hit tii.tilier tbe dsy belor? l?-,t?r -Tho name m tni paaBBM ?i ' drowned en .-?ondiy it lb? fool ot < oi.eeiiit waa ,1 n N|iKlr?y, thirty year? al ???, an 'riihmau la marly rending at >tat?ii Iiland II? tvai accidentel!/ dr-'wned HjI I. at - A Lille htiy atrayod lion? ??? l.eoa tidat ye?t?iti?y. lie w?* drt-??ed in tiutv.-i ptou and hat t dark ap.-t ?a hi? n_bt band I m i I' tAome taty? .la. over.? i <| ot a man M .Monday in fee river near I ?r( I ?e, taiii bit thion cut Irom ear to ear. Nrn.? t ? LaMPI Tne ? '.. m i it K ? Kiinplaln thtt the lulipa m lh?t ?treet were out Un i. . ni.h! before 1. o --loek NVber- ia the oil ' Ali ra, W*M? -Ihe i.,?htli NVtr I I'lli.-i liai ii--t a aii,.V ene ,i tr... induct ?u ta?i repoit of yui terday B 'rofng laT ..'?..?- Um Kritiali Navy, it at the ?(f. , H ??-' A rUn Arra.i. I'ne Oareaer ye?terf?\ bead ?a :..,.??( tl It in ij? it no the lio-ly ol Mai garet Brady, aged 33 years, ?rifa of Joba bta.iy PoMeoBMB ol th.? Tliirteentn NV'aid, who oame t.- her ,1?Bth hy dla ?n?e ,-t tn? bear!, ?.rough! on 'iy IMId -n excitement l? ? ppeld (hkt ner bui ?i.? wta on duly Ihn nigh! pi? i?, and ? t yiMerd?y aoralig, a ail? B tne coraer it ,?u? ol the itreett on hit p ??? three uieii i-tino up to bun and riofe-My titinlied bbI ig u ?? -ne y ?.th i i,d| abat, fejartag .ion ?-adly ' in going home, bu wlt'e ttw blni, su 1 a? th? ??if ot bu Meed tud injurie? tbe Mated, am? '. n? fee excitement creeled expired Uetorn any _??_; cal aid could 0? obtained Tbe Jury tendered a wei ill t a? ?ordli'ir li the arx've facit One il (de ntnm who committed inn aa.a-u i,.4 rieeti ari??Md and committed to aniwer. ilvjiivvftT ItoBBIK? ?A MfeBg man named Cberfel .-'?ndt, *?? irraeaM yeilerdiy. rhiraed witft ?(eillng troin Jotepb Y. ,-t 91 I>?lsnrej .? m tho evinlag ol tbe Tth Mept last, a pocket bonk o .nlaiLing g3?J. It tppetri that tbe ic .ted tttacke?! M K on fee ilepi of th? home ot the latter, and ferait hi? head into hli ??ral poek?! *ud drew ou! the m -ue), ?lier which he mede bit etvape. BraaAa oi'??..-iii the Boom vn ?r,i lut n'^ht wlodowtof Ueoke-son t ?lor? 77 ?nd T N?i*??u ?! ot -?roll, No. 76, ?nd iboma? >o A3 ta?ne ilree!, were I,?und open Poor of the ilof? ol v Pin? SI i ? root at leeured by - rrt.ers Rice ao.l MBBrafe, R? Bt Fulton tt. tecured by o/Bcar Carmady. A A | Kdg?r ton ? atore, ?* Fuiton, key In lb? door leeured hy time -??* -er Ett es r? ?A hone with a cart - ?t found w?u daring about In Grind It li?t night, ar .1 taken to the iwoer rVi -outh-lt by th? Fourteenth NVtrd PI ? if_i.rar King of tbe F.l.h Ward aleo tecured a grocer's r. i te tod wtgon ttxiut 8 o M -tk A M A ?riT ? n '??.?At the Franklin Iron W .rki. he (?ween Twenty tilth and Twenty ilatbiU Kirn a?eau? ? man named Jimei Cinnon. i bltckamitb. ratlding al ta Twenty-etgblh it wta placing t btr M iron under '.be itetm hiusroer, when tn? wn-jl? fore? rat-nut three tuna, .' the blew name on tbe Ihuint? it bit .?ft band, thereby cruthing tt In aueb manner a* to rmndei auipu tat ion neeeeaary FRtcTt.'ae or th? Hi*;) At the comer a? Last-Twenty th'rd it and liratataaii-, yeiUtrday OBI It u clock, ata par'iai ot workmen were blaaliB? a rock In I quirry, MM <?'. the pl'-cm ? own up tail on the head ti a man, Terrame? I)???, ey, liwlng ti the cor n?r ol Hecond kvenue tn-1 Twenty third at th?r?riy frtotunng it in a frlgbtiul mansaer Arm Fiaitibbd?a ?aiior ______ lehaOaa way ieil from th? nut of th? tchoouer BNsfe Iptag at > loot of Twenty alxUs ?t yattardiy ?bout 11 u'clurk. b) which hit right arm waa fractured end a? *_? ?reltiy bruited. ?tHgEP ta VlK'.IM* ?In tl.? I-'??/iii"fi "I ?*t" July, we uu_llih?d ? Utter from Mr il B ??o? ?">< Wetteru Mew York to "iMrlusg C M borne, t?<| M A.nkerit. fe which the writer staled that ht? ?Bo'J d ?.thin a tew weeka leave hit h.,rn? for Virglnli with a Sock ol 40i) tneep ntendlng t" take up fe. residen ? in thU vicinity NVe ?regreUr-.ed fe ?(*:? mal Mr ii,i irrlwe- two or ?-re-i diyt tg" IB Aink?^1 "lth ? *"r~ nt usier rjO. of Ihe Mel Amertcen Haxooy aheep wboee ??il rank! aa ho i in riuiJliy lie Im Ml yet made a poreaOBBi and the ah??p are for tbepret??,i ..?-.,,?( uyots tb? land! of Mr (laibonw ai leara i-.niMr ? (n?t he Uxtk ? wery <I.rer( rOBM lhr-,u.n Peon a-, rani?. ? tb? Potomac near Mirtlntbur? and th? blue Ridge t? -fea. frab r;?p ?r 4 ling tb* \ ?lley Turnpike. Tbe Ua-t ureeoMd by tb? drtv? waa 12 I bare was great dlltlculty m paru ot i'enney' . ,1.1, ut in tb? lowar "i. i of th? Voira ia Bod?g pisl.i.-e, owlag th ? distressing drouth. N twubttan-1 4 tant, ??? ta* ?hcep ?taxid tbe song drtv? remarbably we.l, and tn? Aocb wat dlminitMd by -o.y aovan whan it irrtwed in AmMrit, and BaBBB wer? ? ? on the wiy i.oo*e?iueac?of lsjarlM reeelwed Ir'nn arddenU 1 -e daily dr.w? wae about .'_ rniiea, o nao d?y Z\ n-.l.?a waa ae^ompitibed NV? bill thi? arrival a? an ImporUnt ?vent W? ?.; .it ?nd believe it it bet a pKiaear corn* of t multtH d.nout tnvaaion of a like character from th? aame ', seriar Many of hi* neighbor* and acquaintance s but wait tu Mar Mr. '.-.xa report to drive toeir C. ra-ft? a -tb ward.y and aetlie among ui We tender to all a c ?dial welwrne [Lynchbarg VirglalM F?ARTHviftli ib MA?ia?.??i??.rr??A ??-er? ?nock of in eartbauake waa felt in eareral ol ta? town? in tne middle of Middle??! ? ountw, on Mondey tftai-oon, between 3 ?ad 4 o'clayeb. Tw" veryloo?! and heivy etploiloei were heard, aad tb? earth Bad building! c_ntln_ed to trembi? during m? ?on?ou wnico ?raps?-d At 'otijo. Concord, and other feB-B, tne people ran out ol tM botita* and ?lora*. ?upp?utBg a.maa Urr ble explcraion of tM piwder mil; ,a .- d bare bad ocenrrod At '.ont.-o.-d Aetoa. CarVele, Bed ford, ' ?xingir.n, Llaeulo, ??tow and probably many ?r.rt : .arm, the ibocki werediitl-ctay reao..'* aad it wat _??'?. y tuppoeed to hivi e.n fee alo? .? up ol toron , wder m .. By Mm? pe a rra fee ab?klnf wit i?.j to reeeuable thtt produned by fee roiling of BOMflfe . hear) . ? r'join o*erheed. N autiltr an?jt:rv- A c??.-(h ?at tel?. In the tam? i-cality about ? ynt.- *fj. oaij ir. ite morning I bunker Bill Aaron ?*F ?"? i\ xtiirr Uua i Fl'O f'omper-ee are ?-.aaing a mowei. mi fe eeubl_h a CbariiaMe Aeioc-* Don for the relief of tick or dmaled traeaaa jrittoaaotle .n?k4-hUee--raU unprowed ?ArrlCl?, olOk Kor Bile by PQW-tB*) k WILL?, lil Nara-q IkW Kewlera dk WeiM, Pferaaalaalata aad Fnbllshera, ClM-a Ha... 131 Mtaaaura. aeai iba Para XmW ta-aier-t?ra.-AlMLBaiw.MD rtm?iioam, m PorTrtii-aw. ?ai.rtad. auar Teaihrat. ag ___* fe W Mr*, n. M. Were Ntehele, Waur-Car* Pby?: .JT,ml___rtoaar Co_*?l-_o_tCromlvAJI wirk PiOMM rUtied M feair ?'