Newspaper Page Text
iNEW-YORK TRIBUNE. NEW-YORK. MONDAY, MAR<"H QT Im order lo accommoflHte 001 readers with all the news ootof Mad our advertising friends with the in-or tion of their favor*, we this morn ins/ issue a Supplement, whit ii \ww com mernl to Mark notice m txmtUR?ig matters which will pny for read "A Paltrv Creature " who <?<;- Um Demon Review is therein in?!;r-e,i ? it contain* also a Protest aninst live Austrian Oppression and JVihdv bj the tTMMgintn Refugee*, now arn'?n_' ut; two columns of Reviews ,ui<1 Noti reu of New Hooks J Letter? fron W inp-ton ; doings of the Legislature, \rith a great variety of other interesting at tide*. The Ca.vada wil' irrne at th.s BI Ti t ? moraine We ?hell Batttsh Ml aMMBM oi ttM !"? retro N?ws it. <mx Y. ? V. ..?< t rF*T" RMMI r?.u Tiir BCBelAJUAJ Exir i - - The City Meetirur aitlie Tabernacle, t., ?. | | to evince the put-Ik- syrupsthy with aaBMftaBBM Hungary end her e*il*<! I'atricts MB n " M U, be, mint be, en overflowing OMf It It mm ?'ui probeb.y will rn> tho last ooe ever baM Im ra with tint diatinr-t purpose. .Ioh.v V*v Bi fir", :? H'-wnnoi llM and jAttre 1 rlKAnr have certainly promised t. ?;.. nk, while Davi.'i f j p. a h a m end TH?of>oRr Sr. Down k will do to unless pit I Ml *d by MsM i* iiliiCM Wo trnat th<: house w,ll b* early filled by Uv>se wl>o ere st.x'ous thnt I r ; ? ?hell foel that the vn-tnns of ki.".-y pejfMorv ?nd tn overwhelming force of allied tonepiratore air an a* the H elite of Man never a< > k in vain a ?' Mf a home in tins country Wo truat Una vt m a meeting to he epoken ol with pride hy N'-w Vorkera and with admiration by lover* of Lit>criy throughout the ein ized world. Men bi lirurt BMd souls I bo early at the meeting to anfiel The Hold-Over (inane. Two years or more ago, our Leeialature er-at o the office of Cominiaaioncr of Jurora lor mm ait*, takinc from the Sheriff and givin? to him KM w I. b'lauieai ol MMN ting and sunirooijirig JtVeVI I fity, receiving fines, Ate A' The MMa MM <if laid ("eromissioner waa devolved on thn Supcrv.sore and Judc a of our ''lty, who neiv.rilmRly fn**t soon after snd appoint".) Mr William A Wal'o.- W< believe he had ear majority ? n majority not of tl. Judge* snd Supervisor? aeparstely butot the MraMalt in joint meeting. It wss s BCBWutJ msjority iad ? polities! sppoititment. Mr Walkei was formerly a zealous ami active Whig, M thst did not pay so he turned MM eoat whiie a member of our Junior General PotaBllltns, and enliated at Tammany Hal1, where he has had much better fortune tLau with ue It *? miataki r.or, re baa Leen in oasce at Icaat half the tim. aiuro he mm us. This is all right?Ins Man sb hi' I tho [lower, and if ba rrwle thotrt rntherhard lor a neophj te. it was their huainoss, attain Hut in pMH ess ol time the MBit has torio d na'xinL him. * that ihe ft syoaSMSTaM a la aha appariaaAaaj pcrwei o>erlnniis W hit- Hy that maiority. Mi J. H. Hohart llsws has been aeleeti d to Mooted Mr Wulhei, and the i (min? .Inly indicated. Mr Flswi la a man la no respect infoimr to Mr \\'aik< r?w? think in most his superior II? has seldom m m v< . held an office ol profit, though he tins seen more political MtVsM tlisn Mr Walker, tBaaAaMf BM Isttor a ellorta on hoth eiitos While Mr Walker ? Iricnda were iu powei . bt held OSaVst with .t l I JtatMM nova that thry am out, vac think In- OMgBl to he willing to shsre in. n lortunea The MMtJ tution ease i lti. ee ol which the tenure ie not stated aha.! be held st tho altBBBM ot the tppoiBtin| power Imt Mi W tllvtl 'e own plensure ia ' It and he in? aus thai tins ebsll overrule that ti I BM lurity nt lbs sssemhled Ju.litea and tsup* rviama rio he holds over, and puts Ml Haws t" Iht I > penae of legal pro? i'oiiin". to oust him This ia game to whuh Ins politi. si BM thr< n art < Bi Stalvi ly BtMMMMa They IBBMBbI u? ?d Htlatch'i ?< nnurit of our Italian iniiau nl vieiters, " Whon* ' leal farewella' ?iui Unter .. si i - And, like a mm < ?'. Bat t| m M * We loatlio the meanness of teal II ttstj wlD unite with u? in' proai i ihing ptoai i i('l. ? ? . ' w ith two thirds ol tho W luiis.stsud ichiI Bk tMtl into a eolemn and BttMMM? i mlrai t M i i t M l.n* any man removed trotn OMM cM ept tor wi ? <l caue other than political, but ao I. dj as th y raAsM tl and insist that ' to the in tors beUuu; tho apoila i the vsii.)iiiahcd, lli??y 'oinpel ue to meet tl.em i. that grrnind To keep them in while thes BsMl i rhsiu e to torn ns . ut w. uld n >t beprosei ihi 1 il lewsrdins proaeriplion If they were Maly, tin1, would aconi to take 11 lawir they va,,j:,! n, t ..;\c Mr. Walker baa been two yeara t'ointn.aaioiier receivuniseonipenssti. il tiiat of tl.ono ami iiin-e ol tl.SOO per Sillium, under a icsolution ?Iii' h ox l> essly asys that hid snd lus clerk a aalanea art t. " bo pant out of the receipts ol asni oflice, t-ki a rxml iaM f*< af^tMB*MW.a Hut tlM>se rei e pie BMSM Aoiv been ? paid into ih,> Trcaeun al tl Omti be paid over BMH) as surplus remaining in Mia hands, but no regular returns or receipts have been made by him, much lees any recular ps\ to - oa m and drswuig his salary as the resolution rc.j'in ee We believe an honest an.t thorough tMMMMI >'! hi^ ItMBtftJ aud disbursements would shew hun a.lrhtoi to the t'Uy this day to s heavy MMBMt Yet bt withholds hia returna snd bosM on to the office, keeping tait his sp|avinted aticceaavr, and Loco Foviiam upho'.da him in hia ivurac We trust thr tVuilaaiil ape. Mi Haws and the t t> .luatice _ Oar Town Kleciteata. The Whigs of our Stste hsve gcnersHy been ui HBjk} in tho Charter snd Town Elections tln? Spring and mainly for a MBBM thst BBM not tf pear on the face ot the tclurna The uuesuon M licensiuft or rvfasuik* to license tbeta'.c < t Intoxn-a ting Liquors has almost sverywhere been s con trolling one in these Khs-tiotis. overbearing and tf facia?; party lines in msny rases. Now the greatet number ol tho Temperance men a \ ^l .a ? : . . a avajority of the li.]uor-i'riukers with nine tenths ot the dealers are of opposite politics Thus s MAM t roportieu ot" the Whi] BfMMtM ?>'r Supervisora and JusUces have been Tcmpcrauce mco, while s like msjonty of the oppoein^ candidate* wer? M tavor id ? the larsest liberty in turn se'.luur anu dnubitig. This lact hss compelled msny Whigs who like a * aocial glase, or the profits ol"dealing: h out, to vote tho L.s. K.vo t.Aela or r, a . boat votiug alto?:cther. in some instanees. the ataMk i of caudidatcs was reversed? the Whig *vin< t v 'License' and the Loci> Fiw 'No License.' in which case many Wbics baited, whue the Loco* went the regular t.cktl any how N\ tuiaatc as either party may, the Temperance .jueatiou alwaya did and alwaya meat damage ueiu Town Klectiorie when it operatee at ail. It has been universally effective this yesr, while our ?: :a.-. ? .ats hsa? been thoroughly united, as they hsu uct bevu lot aauue > ears bedorc. They have made a ,'ood thing of it generally, ttaviigh many Counties have ?knie unusually well for lustamc (VMllt?A CO -iSupervlaoral M aas M av l*v La,e A?x N MarMbed, AaoaviDax, Komr, Aufuata. **?"?- l>?wrt>. ,4. ?aiteaeweesd. BoouviUe. Stewbeu. Koieoc, Tieouaa. Sodsewate', I'tVa. N W Shrju. ( j^a. lal W CatJea, tX? *> W Le*. Vaano*. Kuk aad, Iba I h W Many a wauae. Jdaian*: , \erv*a, Keaaeera V\ ? Wlnieetowc- 13. Masuncie-and-ia,, Uoar.1 feed- TetopeartUKa loat the Whig* the Superviaoro of Trtiitoo, Re ma en, atal Westmore land. I ATI OA CO. MlSj Mae*. Ur*. fos*. Autvjra, 1st W, I..<ae, Auburn, tib t\ , N^ea, Do. M W , Meats. Aarelbaa, S.srlwa-. Do. 3d W, Owaaco, Hraitaa, dcipks Caio, HprlafBort, C.eaoueet, seen*a? a>. BBsunce, MaaVai UUi, Ira. Owuo*. Veeilce, Uttverd, Victory-14. I Mora vis aad Semproeuua to tear ftras ] ?Tb? t rinn' praising Mr. Webeter! for th.- ti'ft true, wc are confident, in hu lOJ s and eaasaasB r?r^r. Dtun. Wraarr.K Ihm -arn*d the un<-jUB.itie-! j ra ??? of Tioma* Rt><-' ? "f Vir pisja k l{ Edmum i Bmm af ^w Hampshire 1 Th"ir BBMgs, MtaMae, like Tar //Va.'d' Bflre, tMajld BM BBaaMBSJ tat slArtory. ?tateerrAnh'r. I BOTISaMibll oi ?t . T?>:..r a i. r Mr ' ay a i ' ? '? : ? fr) tiie adjuetm?nt of the flt'ery Bentation- tnv h lese of any Northern Free) Boiler?it in raptures with M-. ?ter'e i r"*jo?;t ? ..? '': " ' ? ' (hol' ?? .'. | Utm - -Pt.K< !l Tbl* -cer^rfo! en<! n? rj epeea* ie Mo ho? of ine dar It o? .. . .. . -. : v~'eMe u * i.??" real ? ? aaeoea biNeeaeseflesa * he'.de of oi- '-p-r-r-s. and ?- ??- -? v-. , ' ;..r... " . v ."? ?.*-? Wr ?!,?? V??.lj ..f, ?.).??> iti? ??.'? ?'. l'.o-.r'ri wc er* es.,'.. ? ? leeei ? end r??.. . awj .? ?? ,t :-.r s o'i. v? .. i.m atl ?'?k?r m d.i* teaera. f: . ? '.. ? a . in ?;.?*/! f/tn* ? hie i irr -.??n'e *??,?. The' waem na' ger Discard was treadle -.? Lea ? Bei .. I .' a ??*? ? ?? aasas I wtea else* n aa ': i eoteil^'mti w hich la einaceaaerT ia a roofed?, tl ana ? u. w ' <?..! ?" a a- ? r . ?.; v a- ' ? ? ??' .r. 'a tX .'a,.* wt di .a v. strnci n nr-. aseeatkas, am.d iaa rJeaaors M faction *..d Dae nary ..: seed aa ?et I mere w?r.tiag ag aase*, the cr.cs. ? ? .; -? . . et.evl ui*-? in Cnnre.. were o.'we't '?? r -a "" :..- ' r-??-f, ??} se?? "h".' country T'.e i'j'..' v.. .?? re/?n ;?, t . . or the Senat 'rom Maaea't.'iee'ie lo tf.e r- .,f B:' t.ed '?? ? ?a - rrure an meet Baa eeeaetea 1 Was Bw aaaaaaad I nek eveclfing '??? nie rnon're' There were anxious lo, . ? i.-. <-ra r"0 a ? . ? M rh wea aa i a. -. n. . i - ? icaaid. ? ? ? Tne trial lar r. r ?nd h- baa | e?e~1 BM I ?r\ >rd*al. Ill o-ill pea? f. eav' Mr Wei r- ?? e?en exceeded ibe " public ee|er'a.tKiti Ha Baa ??**?*? a ? 1 vet ro-n i. airov r . .ii- a a auiiabaa to Bee aWaaej via the eer* ceeuharti ' 5 * iiueatitaaa eeBerjeea theaatf - f t..? eearae ? ? ? ? Mr MfeaaaaM baa .a: moral enrage to r..a I. aaaati f r ata t .ur.irjr Ha jiruft ed hr 'he rare oj pnriumty arfelrh preeeoted it??.f. and arweed btaaaeaf weedJaj M o.e .?-ra?-?? Aad eran ? low ef,y<*rele him in ihe ri??rio-ja caure which he l.a< ^. d I a eeeed ' tVaa wil uuhe wi'a him tn uie ad ?ai to ?al;i retail U e lorrh of ciril dlj^-ord. ard t" ae>'? tr.<- I I net..' "f '"1" "kl bj a linera' ?jretem of r'm piaaalia ai d i i geeeboa I Trv Coneti.ot.on waa tram?<; la tin ?, of comtiiomiee aad eq'iaiitjr; and hy ti e eatne aelrtt U aa i?; ba Beabaaaiaad. In ibis epirit ail our | reee-1 l ?t"vr n ? can he ad 'naied, and the ehip can be ee?ed fror" '<* pert IS wtilr.'i 111. relied It. ?Mr Wfebater hss a atom;- head, and we tniat -ai su'.-'i Ustterics, ar.ticipstory or comi'ensatory, trim aaffed to tum it. Ha wil jmt find that the art hut Judas UstSaV "i -cti ko rn.a okd a .d betray They were dearly earned, and will vaniali like tJbfl lews ol sutiituor M. WabatereMMsMtoaAbialIII Btirhai.ati it. tho PlO''ai?a;ld!ste, isvor, Bt.d if i. ou)d his etre>rl intcntm. s Would Bfl I itilo. Wi liiuot wlit thrr ho ca.. i arry a sine* ? Noitb. :r. Win/ veto his own even to t..-; ext' i.t ... In ated in .Speech 1 i ain.rt the sp . .T i betel 0M I i.- a., pr.rties cneattcd in it. They ban mis d. r;. ived cs'ii ot tar aad oaaaatejtaasad them ? The .Moral Tliealcr.' Such, if wo mistake not, wss the chsraeter ea ;n>. ial.'y aspired to by tl." p.'n.. Ii' itee in r.ur ('it which MB s un" io hss aTBSBt! fat at I asaalar db tma seareela inlaniiliMtd pfiifia iaanrr I i BBaT rrtBlsfl irtlBtl eMessfan1 ' The Hi iiout Fan. J \"nt bat itaj aecn tins pia\ leir v iailed the thesti .", are obbMaot safelj criticiBoeitber, but an admirin.' FssaaOjBl BOtB (' K.nt j writes fully ol them in the MeaseJwaraaf, aad rerj doli?bte*]ly la the ma: , "it with a slight demur in relation !<? t. e . o | ?he plaj . He sh\ a, ? ? "Iaa eiittr i M 'Tea Isrtoaa ran y' dls?nctlj ?h 'i>?ea to have n n ?rn_ uri 1 '?? 'i .iX" .va wink ml.a.-ivie:.i .. IIa bSeUlOeUflCL It l? ;liei"lore bm uiitair bm i, .Lrrai lot m to taaadre what ibat Boeal is i wbeeAear B is aoaad aad ?s ... . ... tie. eaaaarewj. Tt.e aaeeeaa wtnc'. Ibe s-noi.a Kattnly la sppsttmi> Mbrndsd so convey may ba expressed ii a saw words Seppees Mr Tnilaese, si Sba eeaesasbsa if tin-plsy, lusilvaiiceinilie tootUrbta and l<> hi.'.ounce it .ii ilna brli feaUogae, Leun ? and > Basb aa a at low eenrsr lers tkruii^l \il* to aoui" haven ei other von peic?ive lin.1 ?lypocnav nrallgaoa moahoeesnd rtdicaloaaa' tbeeel . II ia heat to I.eve nomine, particular to do with reiiflon. It ia oe.? bba, vou see, to bertebte. iiaoeaaasaek. Iberefore, pi..'. ab!y. It w'. uM he baM not to lie rtsbtBOBS el till BbSai M ? uevolence and he^^iuj-lellei charity, von obserrs Is s ..r?.ua Iiuk'.i.i ?a . Itiereiure nie.ljie no with afy seh?-ni" . i eaiaaidad beaaaaroeaace Kst, drink, snl be bsstt/, ye itet aase aaaaaRi er i nti.. end. as ih** lacei.ous CartrMobeareeek, m\ tae worldaiasaad >ou gaaiei iir..ieha* .i i.ker. v.a,r epplauae ah'-wa that'heee inn decidedly a our ae ;.:..i;> i:'-. Bad acct'tdinaiy tats pbre will be repeated i very evening mill turther notice ' Hal! ol this spoecli Is true aaottfb. ihe o'.het hailla.u. j fiila^ . tt.e premiers are ?01....I. Meeaeeauuarty iaa taaMfary. It M the tralh. asoveoi r,M MB mot a! ? Ba a nth Hie and:. BCesa BapatBaSa I 'i* truth Dbs) roll as a saaM aanesM aader Oss?r toaeees int met?-i\ let the . ?. ? i reflection Mr. Bsraett renalult wou.U hoi del.berate y make mr ?mtniaiiona ma...? ed. m i it appear* lOtVS pr. aeni wriier la 1 In *a> leflei 1 are ?i"a' 11.C? 1 thai k.n|.r.' eVw ? take 'l.erit W. 11 I 11 1...! I.e. ? . peseta e. ? .iiiout Baysstafl N i?r n* laaBamaaMl parpess ..f saewlaliniiK he npn 'a ??' .10 hevi a- otdo.1 Hi s ttrrai Ue icci i Tim naji ?i> b'i akeeusat dee toe for diet ..uiminn Dae sleek Aauaadabj sal ailgM no: h lew weeds bare been li rndaced n badaeaMM ttie aadteace that iaa smaadpeatd i I river wan III dilute gl . | Hot merely lo el; ay U.? plea urea of 1 Ma rash sad ataOoa,' bail also to perabees aoeas 01 iheir aartaa ' Thea Iba iMug would hau t..-..apb ? aid salisiacKuy. ih" wbi le moral n und and pood Km 1. se 1. aeaar Hsll and f?; t>*. k isaehy a|r?a Oaau . so] 1. arUI not qa M <iu" Now the ti Hb ana wkkk 1 K> M I. ra b bm b| patent main e lippnes to l'? ih pia> mbbm I" Ui in. ??? it . eat bbbjt oiben ko llMlBI<Bliia BM sp rit aoapa BMd drift ol tha setsd DftaMtv Miadi M is bo anil play taustie ? be mskes ?M Bboi | i Bgfl ItktMM bat aa adBairirbj BalogiM both oi tha play aad tb< ihoRtrr <i i IwBatj II t..u,ka 1 The Bad msm ham:Ij Belgbt have been renlerei! BBON OBaTOCl will Bl baaBf IcSa attractive, but there van de.i.ledlv ? iroui laii 11. anil maintain that the uullmr sppr. riBttM she rullll.' taste I I pltBJ itoelS bt Iter 11,an the ? et ? does The binliniit au. i i as ol thr p at proi I tl tl Mr BsvrBBUBjadarsMsod mmBBB/hal BMri areraa tuie SO say that any altcmi't to BBMfatMM in? niora. luiiieate.l 1 > ' Kent, aoiil-l Wesl.en the pun eeuey ? the \ Ig] its zeat its s laptBtioti to iht tsates ol the MMMM of its Bilmireta Si..I it tin 'n ; r| Bag l?rauis. in view ol ail the lacta n 'he essc, will not a. e why it is that grave Bad 'Silicat men atanl a! a>f even Iroiu wlial protesa t. be'Mwey aeaBMlari. thejr hatg legs aHaoatataMal or :ess tOMBrlantinaBnaag than we should ooBkMBas a lair a'lnw nnce From t'l Birnl Aoieilcn. By the Fils we are in pagggBSMBI "I Bd rloag aVaat Nicsrseus and f?sn t*sh sdtar ilown t Feb. 11. ihe MMBJMgr Ong atT.-cdat UsB aaMBath of river !*sii Juan on Jan %% hBVBMJ on BOBtd Mr D I. White nnd hte aasihtatila. wuh the tVaalgja gf aacendini; the livgg and Lahe Hi araitua in COM uoctioti with ti c anrveva b the iMBM M ea ifl BBBMI It is said that witn the aid ol thta steamer pagM trers msy now be conductral from sea to sea ? itl < nlv twelve hours Ian.I ea riser B) kl ia route, it is ttkoielit that the distsoc ? u New York to st< FrmiiciSvt? msy bg ahortened a.a or ctarht ds\a Toe BBaMBMBMoa ol 11' li.MO Ii ;uora into S .-a1 a is'us is dtvisred contrabsiid at any other (-orte thai. San Jus. del Ngrgg ai .! Itt.alehi A prta lamat oi has bceu issui.l by .he supreme director ol State lor the oresntzstiou ot the mititis thst uu s sure seBsBB BBOSgBMI] i.i Im I ew t .-uarXthe in legnt'. M hei ** A pmuunetanu'iito Uaik p!s. ? in Ssn BBs*thsW ihi Feb but the ins iritenta wire pul w .thv-us much ditbculty b\ the ii> > ea ol the Gv.veriitu. i t The I.eeta ature ol Sh.\ador w ia ?2b in the opening epeevho: the 1'reai lent, l>o: lX>rsteo Yascouselos maimus the Legislature thai an agent haa bt'on spptunted to lorm a t ut\ ' trictalslup snd alliance- w nil Mr s< us tre M.ti ister ot the I'mtcii States Sm I. a t:esty has K-t i made Slid ia Sia.ui to be submitted to tne I.e. larurc for ratification The IVcaioeui ol that hatrj ui hie anawenng epsech. ss> s thst. "Since 1U3 lit* peop.e ot Umi. Sa^ador. fall of the a?ceu gvely ewMualaem. BBS aspired BM on > lot be Msageh , ot n>a< itreas anu peaeiflsl BeWS . .i aBfl uioie. to t^eook ilssacted rights swaml u: .'.er the influence of iLei pa-rtct. toue constr.,aller " The organuauon of s Nstionsl OoaaMaleVttl the Central Amer.cati Ststes ia favorably and Nope fully spoken ot m their officis! speeches Aktau ii IbMBBTBI Tkh am vvt ?1\ r the Ans ta us?a-y slow, K.i laoer couiirv we are ,e\: i ? expect that what we have deeereaiaeU to do, abah sue ceaad, aad - aaaaai f ~ AaieOcan Cast BMMg has Naan aasdc ia U. a coeeaery bei a veer iy two, and tiae aUanied an e.a eeUeace that debr? coenpetiuon Ii has tvee maeuiaciuro: ^y a party who never saw a poan.1 cf stew: mad- .. duced by hioeelf hut he 'e a Ver.ire-enu haras ban pal into bis heads eoaee ot th* bow c?>bca:ed Adirvndac t oe be worked ard iboagfc' fuaad e?u persevered. . produced e steel pnesnaseed by a pmn aad|rea an ea .e.lrd ! v a-v .-it-t \n la* w.r.d fw 11 rw.Ja,- .? Baa bawe iraed al our Narr Ta/*a Art*, rie?. Mechio? > , a. Katlroeda and to CuUaary 6^*, edge tool*. *er and bas '.tie ei-ocgeet roaMtM bksttsnoay of lie soperta:. .t .. ? *AV coromeod aucb as ertjei* an the support M e.' t: .e inesde ?t Atneevsa'* a d pa.-'. as ?, MagB ta warrsalsd, sad compeaes to prtee wah tb* be ported If Amerteasedo Bot snstt'.ti such important ygB ...'li.'k . 1 .i.e.: .-wa. wt-e.o .v. we .ova Vi r. tSeai ajvr.iiaaaaeat.) _ "?Mia Coilbos ? At s mcetinc of the Trus , tee* of tasaveva ('.vir? b*ki March S. b*? ?? I? Wileou Oil waaappotnaed Tro?e*aor et Mora, acd latroectu*. Painwoi*} . b*v. kendikk Melca-t AJt. Treleaeor ol lir (.reek and Lean Laaguaetee and Lueratur*. and Jona P McOraajor. AM rrossawor ol MatneaaaUce aad Nsmrai I f bhasepAy THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE For C allforain. Ort-^-on ami :?d? Ir b Ish.nd j/i .< w 4 (.14ii tbm CMJrnpkk i p*i W* aha.'! pv .ah r i *? if ?t?ar .. (if.-yrt'a, whirfa fails from this port -rrith? 13th i <%'? s: 1 o>, *-s. r M - V: ni...v.r '?' .Wr } - TVabsnt sVrrMessiassoa :. ti.e Par-;*- i.'oaet It wi; M p"T'*r ,ri,h ?f" r;*' reference tS the wants c rcudexts .-.thst rescort, or persons osaisrstias: thith in Sab;r?c r? fi TO AJ3V?KTISEr. I Ti - r slxere bare erestluued to *d.-iut a limited i SmS/WOMsI ?' r-usrter ??' ie f\- be. iY TELEGRAPH TO THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE* linptrlHtil Irom wnnli Kc 'lor* In-?ttn !>? prr dnt'np- ?.'ni > irt'iit? of Troop*. cV P. 8t IcOl i?. S*-u*4eT, Sla-ch ? A tew sierwari s auereadli s ??<-?) i f E. ? ? ? hVsed s?1 SWrrl?r 1 % : 'iher xf M?xicai.e. and ?'ur e jjrre gaaattty at* stock A st'-: '.if * '.c-. a V.-.'t re. ? h.. ?? ?v? log to Sent* Ft, e-icou-.tered * .tito party of A; art e ta? ller*, a severe debt eesaed, ts w> ??!> >?m* ? f ih? in M a: ?er-a F* Th/ In' vorv Mr <;ati e ?.? Tip* a, ?r.l :.. t i ?M s test Tot? iii the t**ft'ftfSl eleeuua of the leers l.itlr olnl I .ii ..or' ml Neva* Irani t cnr / m In Thrrnit nrd BloclUtSHS of ihe t onal hv ihr strilhtfe Ar'niir.-.l. f'iiH.?r.ri run, - jr..le\. ils That bark Ti.oa Dalle? arrived tine altern...,:, ot I stase Itv ii. - ar- a ITS ?a S rect red mi Crem I srscwto ?: 9 tb . ? The tarl ofDet i aal I,On msaeerdn>Cb1af of lb* ltnrt?li West i .ji* s .udr.r, r.a.i er, Ai the rxp.ration of which period if a sstWhctorj u i ees a na eel gfeee, ibe <??.*?! areeld I"- M'rckaded The 11 dsys were to expire on be Seth alt llssassss w ss ailsh out the least im?oaenient. lien FeoocoMfcioed bprtsea, . .1 :.e <?;??( i .: l..s .' era', --t soon, al 'lie irn'a Bntiab Admiral. .Mexico The T ntiniilipn* I'miiuiirlnnenln. The* part it als 11 oi tha lata proseai ristaaatn at ?'lexbrla, the capita of Tsmeatlpas a'e ss katlowa Oa tha Jth oftOb Francisco V.:el Fernande/, tormerly 0 rrarai r >f tr.e Htat*, sttaekrd the cut of Vtetorta, at lie'' h?ad of .o ie lleancr . ? .. ris-the Uovernor, Cxr ie ?. i I ISkl c Ibe reins i.f | o<* t iron his own hand*, Use other Mlfcorittes bavin? taker Big tM I a^peata that Iba c tv waa <"illrei\ defense.ess. Ciru rnas lia i'.c dtani'Med. a'toal the ??i, I nf Da Siabet Iaa'. the i re-m o| ca- ao v and I' lasan ... the National Oaard thai garrbanaed the capital Vital Psr ? a.ider. aided In Ina? n . i ., *?.,! , . :ard Kr-i.r ? o ?oveln. ,nd ick< , .... i ..( .... ?r?e-., ni l a j ara . t arUli*!J It.-.- ?.->??. ? I*, 1 - . Sad ash tiaUj laeraasad ail origiaal fori s sr. l ;aa-n teras no a to pspalSS at ?. at ack .' ai vi cL' be n a.'e on The pcoph) on firal aasitsg the crie* of " Hurrah forden. ra Baader,1 asaeansrle* lar^e Bmaaers lo <?,;?>*. Una movtmem, but ihey etaufl ptoeare bo sraas- 1 They, however, adaaaeed le tb* ureal square of the city, ?la*n y?rusndea, who sraa there pneled with his men I ?: .1 sea a . in^iwearxLhsperstriir tv The snl-io- I t'o.t. thnaedialrtrlj , l'ie iatiet n rejoin lien t anales, w ho a' Piasaa ani aim van? lakntsaaeeaeresm .narrh ai-ao sl Ken r.i. !? / Ti.? 7 > in .r > -.lea sav* that the pro lenriaaisai. red on that Iah Fehraary, aad aotea the .'> n Januarv, as was sian d in s me "I ihe oUi. r pap.-is - T'." Isst iuelllgei re k SO .urea thai the I .r as id IBS bagl ? mass aaihoalliee were at inegssaa ef Varioraa, thai K w*a expected Cardenaa ? I sooa b* rexarxaed fteei the BBaBS ? ?) rasaaaees, si I Aaa ?. aadei araaM aa resanved I N O Ticayune. \.':..nrnn.'nl i.l the thfyhBad i.cai-lnlurr *>hl|iplns: 11.1 r 111 al e ii i i . Ar. IttLllxaoKI. S.ludav, Mkirh I" The .Ma'} lan.1 Legislature ailjooroed tl is Bkora ins af Cr paasliii .*iVi las . The brig New Wor d, from rkllanalphle.arrim.l al Now. Oriaeae oa the 2d fhabi tj M Claytn ? a Voek, arrt.r.1 ai Mol.i* on the Ellas' The achrs Virainis from New-York, I sit Ie from Pnlladelnbla, end t.ri? tarrurl h own, frea Issuer srrtved al tevaaaab ea the Sh laal The renaacol* tiofUt of ta* 2,1 insL announcea the ar? rival there ol i. e I me i aiaie. Bctwonei I' Irl ?teetnei Via a ! gieemei aVs ker fi as Vsrs i ?../ Nu. M. ,.e? ... -?1.1 M ? , ?? i a, I Thnfl of ihe r ip UIMwa vv as arre*:e.| al .-V enah i a charge id a .dm- ite *>-.;,-..: si... ckiie |e ? .t Mm kela. a\ i . S i w-oai i aa.. K' :?? Marrk i t'ottos :?, - ?s> balaahavehaaaaaads PrsBSSei.lei i ?. . ? ??...:?..- have I et n sales ai an ei, l.ih dec i ie i ...i ... i| ...e at I j - i ir <i??. K'o BO OAS and M.i.aaaia are luarbaegej. tVniaBV W .a. cenu Tliliist? BI llnvaan. Coin spun.!ci -a Bi Tin- Tr.'.in e II ? - ?a?. M-n-isv. Mirck I I ?? V ..m Uewssr| <\ M Etrasl Tin- t rt" ei.t l it* ' a. i '..i for New O.lears i n-' Chagraa, aataraa! thia I.mis t at an i am bo ig oa ll.c no: in.-? ol the -Uli u.t s. .1 Ii t tie evfii|iu;ot that i!sy. DdJN L isino.1 t?.- <r thre-- Ixoira ba il.e M Cg| tsin M the P..r: t ?. ? rgaal rj to t? i papers The ' Csww L:at. lajaMthMw ia the I'.iy t '. . v. York, ami a new one liail lo be pn pare-i bgra, wsBbh aaaeia a l the iHsWcasty, aa I basVara tin \a-as< I es. aped !?:t. ? fined liimiisrli the fwrhear anee ol the port otbrer above a linled to The slave;. brig i uettuia, cUaitd for Oaaaa on the -'Mil .1 si .', sat.ed toe nay toi.uva . ? .?. a lull lt.s'l- We s'.'ili ii..: hg likel} to a | hat a?sm. as s'.e l.a. rtisde um | s 'Ls' > v s.-e T.i" la a.- item a r.tnr rt! 'r in ? ? ?. ~ nor ihrea' ?!*;.? .... t. v.-.. s*u*iied by th* eei.eral aswur e .c* ol .??' a i it 11 .. .1 :?? ' e '/<aie->a. ..?*:.? . . ?ra. r. d li t .r 1 : Je t > i .* ' ? ? at. 1 . -T-a.-t-rs'.- i tale svt :.. 1 ??.* arrived yreterdey niertilng si C oc .ick. snd w e??* ai ;l.a: Imi.r ?.- is- so '.' vi I ta.e ? ue ? give il . dsnslla ol Ihe assrhahi If .he as w a u> c ?be laeKe. due s>.tn? I' ree h.airs m- -e s'..?.;.l bS lev. i? Bet a arge t usiness will be done ihre wcark ia augers snd tno.aeees? a..d as a r. ? .?? ? au eivejce :n ? ? ?? - wilt le tea..xed. Th* ..?1 .1 ASBSetrsB veas? t tBaasttS Jimtoishirg. many .ee>inet in la. aal tu Nia -o r ...? si SShaS Arne.xan uu.f fot^. wt.i.e neeny ai. the i.n.a "s selsra.e t?en laker up el the ow raies. lo tv lo*u*d ai tan per.s Thar* la ao laaebvr adoal uneoid?ore cargo ot :> I a.ifaxi for which .1 n*.s ia?* been offeie?! -? . , et i . s J I' ?? i..s.iis- >et. .t . .. j ;. At out two '.und red end flity f t.ihljig vessale .9 tviri \\ Uh ir.r i rc? e d. v ours si I' 11 tlc-all.-nl a'e bee i i oiiimrn.rmrn Drnlha In rhllitdelphia- .tlnrkci*. CorreepoLdence il t'r .-. fMiLs; ii run bundav. Maim ; At the annual txuiir.encement o: the Jcltcrson Medical College in thia c.ty aeatenlay, the desnre ol Dvrctor o: Med.t ine ax ss a ulcred BB the lolU.w mat nsmid xtct.t.t incti .1 New York State Wm 8 Hrow J hV w ll.i ..a k. H-i r\ i ark sud Ttxo* Balcii Klhot. D?nin.' the week endmi; yrsterdsy there wen 1M desths :n thia city. Of cuosumptsoo 16 . scar tt ver '.? Ta-.-dcstha wereol perae a -??? r veers I ! see T:.e Corroa niarkei rexna-na u?act ?r ard a ri rei^ Bcvts t.? gat Canada ia ^' a?vrxihla^rric** are s.h. a ?. .ti i .. ? ...*.? ;.*?/: jc.'?*??? Ls? -s aad etio. so?S b) BMattatsa vce . a . a. .. i I I cm .a if .(? Tb* stock tn first baud* is s^i*.. He frtocta ?arks eWShaft >OJto of >?' harrel* c,tune.i.. a ? .r > maul at |-*.7S ?* bsarxaV a: which llswc a c more .. rs ins; kuvete >a.ce h-r c> a ls.u pu. t uf exMBnaun and c.'k. cr brands a: gl.'.i i . sxtra renosylvaais gild . ' a;.: New-loth toe- . a: # . - " - f- harr?, hit tt i a se. i pi i i: j" las Ml*' It M: a sa ?. a. >. ' .? I' >\ h n ? . ? ? a--.: ihrie art ?. sa es :? aa. . T.t; ? -rt.a- ?? - pore... , -. I xs -jt .it fe r dettiai. > : Ye. ow BlASceeia. C>ay?? So change. Pa Meiose . ! a?. axed*ere \\. -s' its -i.e. -a .. a 1 soaaaeaus ?aiceau* Kosat-.sVv.rea C- ?a. tl I? J>,.;? .eg?C'\K-s.'...r.'V ... f?-s S*'s. <* - " K s f K es. hi s a' TS* I ... ..*.*.?.? r g git IN es *'.' v*' t*xssv Bda, ta. ti, #o .... s .-- ?> -? i ?'? ? ? . ????? l< r. " I* beb Nai at a. . tj> M. rr.a C* sal, Itf; do do, bo. 1 r ?. . sj fv-s-t i a?a_ he. 11 * i 2?S' l ak* Ceaal. 11|; l* 4* k-. 1.,. . i are sad Daj at. I a ti.rarj P? Igt - ?. > Hi. hi SSV flac'- ? . hi .a* . . K i a.' Sx ? ? k'.hS.- .'? 1*. .Vriisi ?c KP. o, ^ ? : ne*v*r ht Ast, ao. .i tagsB N > . Kr.-v ?a / -?...- l. axt Td - ? '? . s-s ? ard hk ..1 . a* I t .?r 1 at e. reah. . -i . . ' dc I. i. .a Mort.sCana ' .-wn. lie; PCd>. .1. je do. 1".. I* eteeO rs.r? K - ids IH . *^a SlorTl*! U.s Vs B\SX 4.,. tki. It Ii-..!. -a lag) \ivSacairg Id. |SAj f" ihi "rsdlagg lUealiag A4, ?a J*s Jv Oti . gZ,SSS de. ?Ii ?..?> sWiUa- AU. bi, jet. i him. hji k,r Th- lr.en?-ntle:i Ratine** The Berewd Dle irtrt-TBr I.egNl.nmrr iBipntwt" * MM wonted. Corretpsad-eve sf Th* T ???.3* 84* r*?*^i*c3. I" C Tbi-aviav. Jen J: I*-* Di*b S'R The Btet.-n-r Psnams wi.' lese he-e ? rm ? w ' - Ps-.ajrja b:i 1 nderits ' tber-> : h? tint prt-ti far return ptsasre ?? hy the previous boats tickets ??? which were soli he'e far s preau-'iu and ss eeae of the specula t, ?..- rs hv . p-ratcns ia t:-kcts'cr th?j Qragtas, they have beea rather wary this Wt bass h;l rsu n>r* r.i?? c?e-;. day tru? ? ? . '??*?? red oor streets almoit im pistshe far aMa St beast. Toe cbsrse'e.* < t the so.I b?' r a*. a ..J ti.e f ? : t ?. ; t <ose rs-at'.-d behraT. In many iaataaccs liic ma' s ?i water ? r* i : tea ia trie itTseta as a matter ol < 'in*, are .upave-i. Hefa Stale as Y . rt ? -? :? a: a ?? t- b .s:. ess :.? :??. ?? i* -a w t ir.-. ar--- ; die-- ra:i be taken t\ ar brone?t froui there snd t ? ?' i>: tr*..a," t"t :. ex:-cs>e .-' i- -" ?? ? I m"*t cases have 'oexn employed to carry >u the . '?a ? .s inert i.-, a- . , :.: ?? matcr.e*'-' i f rent parts of the hrara tLas a- the rata-of traces Yc i Coubtlees hsve heard before lhto( the in ?s a > !i *' ??"'' - i* ! as: !. ??'is we-o tjeatre;...?: by the m< ' ?? ? a" in the ri - T astateofl Ice wj? pre.!.cted by 1 th .ie who were ar,ja.ntcd with i* position b-.t iti: u< precaution was taken is I ?' a??re* The water hat tebeide land the ?:-?*.-..< a.-- " .(c runre nsvigab e : r pe.??e;'.r -i ? A t hooch there baa beeai Baattaswreswe mo** I northern viciuityot the A sam#< yet I wss told by a pe.t tn ?tu h?s Ue . stwr < at the iferhe" I cinei ad Winter, sad wai jut from the Sato ?nan csmp. that iittie or no snrw feii where he tad I his comriany were at work. He itstes thst ?hey v i b t ? r] u; v.r., aral ? I w ttm . a 1st m ?'. a?.?-'? i .- .. J- per dsv ea '.. a p.- ? .- l va.- .:. c :??? ?.??>..;?::. pc-in-ia ?> ?s found s short time sc.? in that region, si gbly m it I ?* th ','iarta Tn:s pia iaa ted bi i" er? day it was foo 1 by a i ? ? in iK.aaessr 'i of s IradeT Other report* speak of a min h laar-r pieoaof K lbs havriag heea found. I but sa vet I < <i; aider it but s report. V. sa hi mtiaae ta sm.e daily, "ften from H ??? per ^sv a n;e ? th ful. rariroea, lumber, Hi rt aw .u a -reat mtasure put a ;? t tra.'e tie up costairj. msny artr'es hsve fallen in i nei *n 1 as sli kinds of merrhsjidise sre sceu malstit e on tic msrket s fsll in price must be the I conee'iaenre, tt there it little or no outlet at this ui :n- .t Pi icss iiowever lor every thine have ruled rsther high hi the Fall. Merchants fei sat *?? d that business will be good when the weather ia . . ". a.::;,, -nads t.. the niin a are puss ? -to-.nia Ti.e ?t:m ':?<?? :.ais.i.ers wie? arriv. I by sea snd inhnd. and who are rushing into the variant di->'.n;a, w ! v> .iotiht make a street de Itaaadforpi > ? I and Other artacl a tl-it r-priug? it cannot has oUerwste. Tee a-ea wnt h was ieir::t over ; i the latter part of Ii.i: ? . lad which Jeeliujual uoaeldtrabls pi UM Sitj ami niffi Ssndiae, is now iiesrly all built up n .-nil a": .! i i n '- ??? .li. ? . : dry '.veath- r w. .. ! U difficult to recoctise. Improvementt o?ntinac in tl pastjol the hirai taaaahunbor and ho'iiei art a a aaaoh 1. a ia priea, titan aril be tstditions iailuternten to luild. The town bat told 100 or JOu lota arithia ?R last two months, and ss then treasury is mis aup|.li<d. msny Lanroraaaeatl have hern onierd by the Coum ii vti i streets, tawail Had whafs, tVe sVaOthet aalutary ordi ntoce bat been tat tWiahril by oar Coaiicil, by es tabfithiag a new -ompany to work for the publn ayjod, sis a ehaiagaag to a ck oe the itraeta aad .'.iier pa bib iinprtveruetits. The candid tted ar. thstc!*.e..f geatJtatvaB who tn oppooed to all or d i ??! taW| atld wboare tre.p.ently caaajtst laaataa cv. nios t:ii<takin?t other peoples po kali fat ti.ti. awa Oar " State Lagialstare ia now ??ateioa a taaJoadi altiut 90 nines frvaa heta, vhith place baa beaa ctaataa as too lest of Qua at??aal but wl -il t i y are dob c " ?piici sshe. no >'? 1 -i't msk iag ntona) '.-rtln aaebrai and Uwa tor tha pao] Ofkt thtttl ia . ertani. the " ' ia .nakii.s; i. debt an I t! I p. op e W?. lisvu b> make provisions b pa] il Tiie mo-, einen? is i ntrely premature, ii...! tin- l ? '.| 1c rt' e.oly beam t- th.d it out hut til pal lie at d .'lon'r f '<d |M>litieisi.s ha--" a ?????! ;. Iraariag the aaool owas their eyea tad BMdt Cir themselves comhirtsble and profitable ottooe, ? i I l>aai.k av . \ rtj ij tiiem ftT takn a ao rn i.-l. (va U I ahall ba hearts!] glad wbea I ehafl be able t.. i ntf tl.ia -. .'. i of eJteitemenl and .'.t aaora Ptinsrle with sa ?<?''> asaar aiiatt ol s home Among . ther eacitctnr-uts va e have had a ania-f ati < k ot an t arth piake For a lone ti'i.e s st-i II in the evemnst tiin.ui-h the tinino-oua _ n ag l?iuii a wss nur muh) atiuiaement \\ . I ave I,ova inure ratio.ia smusetn -i.'.a. a circus sn<! tl. ate- with s small 'i.inpanv. aie hsve also a iaa alar theater nearly ready, afs-ut the mmm "l th. j i llj i: pic in Broadway, which will opo-t aho tlv | That ] DO per. ttee Ma ri, idly verume into a.l the Insui ? s ot s large ? its Tl I '..i,:ovfiuenta in IBS alsiut th<- town wi... h. I Bmh rstsi.d, hsa applied tor a t haiter trom tue he ? itaro ar. I a better chsrai tor. t r . latt, than those IWebtd last yesr, and I waa lafataal . psrs u here, n hui der, thst s tine ijusrrv ti ttOSS ? ta ..??-! w.thin twenty no! a.' tl.-' ? <: waabh taaahl laewar astrataei] wt liag purp*- ? and aa ..ur 11 Terniuent will have Maat v. ry Isrge huililiitsra t.. put up t-re I.un? it will enable theni to oouatru. t tire proof buil.iiiua, wh h I ? i iiaulsr ot alaolute loressity here, tin til the W'SMleii huildina-s sr.d tlie si.-est .lane T...- in.a: . a, t". i.-a are ureas itis? thoal b>wn and I?> tmskera, tailors, t I I aan.i'i a ; ..i n. .W Ac are now to '.- ? i. . oai streets We have now three news pap- ra printed 1 ere. bot sti 1 the prieea are ex I'tOsMisgn Inch. The Alia C.dif-nnui, nnje sheet ' ta r .Yra-/, .so cts. Ac. Our hsrlae is ? w ,-.i; ti. , p. a't.k'Uith many are daily leas ' r hMte, Seamen a wastes are mach lese ?! i !? et et. tire many ol the ta-e hav e been to th? ?l *a ei l seen tlie, Had are BOa aat.a' ?.: t-. return to tlieir old vocation, ta here they |ad 'ess . -i i I ? Per .(H?rtere, snd ; ? as sttxi.1 pay? There are sevrrs. r-ruisr liaes ol \-sse e r laa?jsj ? m I e to the r-stidwuh le.andt Oregon. Co und ia Hiver s:.d roaatwiie. but I am tf the op;t. ioa that staaan Mticatstsa will m time be the oi i\ Baaaaoi traealaatadeeaeaaaad a ir bays The smsl'sal crsft slrarady Uein to feel tie tftert..: I I ew ateamers en:; | yad I I ur waters Atv th tf Usta'h of trade t r msnu'a-ture ;e rt. . :,ai t. ; t stid machine shops, euciue si - ps ,\ - -."i |t?am saw n Isar erc.r. the w ay . one of ta is in pmi-reaa. I unstru ti ab ut n.ilcs fnirn here, at Bndeita. where there ta a ? tad] a steam asw-mill in operation, and when the Alo e it complete win be able tottw feet per Breeh A rs.- m?ssre under tlie auperviaxio at..l ar- . at y I wned by an enlerp- liag I t rrr. bvaa Hsrttord Caaaj -*ho. 1 thjik. wiu mske them pn-ritaWe. Aa 1 hsve bei-tc atst. .1 to -. .u in my i rmer !ei lers. s I . ue! Metes Idiot ia m-ich wanted here, auu 1 hope it w 1 Iv < ne oi the first e\!ne:derati"t.s Caagrtai It ?s.. | rev am much of the I at. re I betag teal irea i.?-r* w fasaassa aaataaa At that teaaoa we hsve thaasavaae ? stame Ure ? LH geese, ducks, curlew, snipe. [ HtMgaa trat ????:.- ? sbuadauce, fr.i t bear, w . . ? ? N I by ia the ouly fst mest I hsve l een here kr I I .lit two mot. lbs As the town mmm BBM ?art i v. r :<. t touie. muib beef is wanted, at. ? it has now to be driven in 1'rvm s circuit of io to -? a tad a-r,ves here tu s mis-rsb.e poai state. i 'att.e are croe ;nc scarce aready The prieea are very hiaih?i>ce- .. ta mutt i. ? I per j iarter ? ; i.-.. ? .a i.e.- Li-ii?partriiigea ? I each, docks, to ea t.. I \ esretsbles are brou-'Lt t- ? Or e. . a... liie ."an .w .-h Ii.ati :e. al ii i I. hi. fc .-srj ?. a art U-uia, made in the environs of tins This, trvet.vr stetmbost uavigstioc. va ffl re Juee the pn. e in a few months f. W. M A flair* ia ?aa Kraaciace-t.rewtts ef the ( ttf -Tlvr Kleed Meaasboatint - Polltl. * I?e cllae la I amber. Xe. Mlniu? Preepects, A.c. ale. C..rre*?on<Je-,-- f T:- Tr tnne Hsrrv Vn.Lev.ts? Fa**cisco, Feb. U 1US The steamer Panama aaila to-dsy for the porto' Ptrisata. and 1 cast write you s few lines if oaiy t tt ?'. k.vw :!.at I am etui alive-with head abo- gat m^d, ^ a ,-xy .ji.te as res. j--ksb.'e b.r thst ue'eetabie af.c as : : < ? - t w tisaee to crow as rapidly at ever, notwltbotAadbaj t.. s -tak.ncs ?>? ralav prx j -.? *s ' '?'-?'-?*. M ;? .a sti ! p.cnty st tie -.sub. ret. 1 M per cent, per asoatb, aivd lots in thji snd cth ..-?.. w:e "^t ra* :.. . n.rr?n-i era rtm-isiy bieh (.r 's \\ areiajuse dwelliasts ami ther butJi I -? sre eoinc op with ssbmistunc rapi i.*y ... a, a.-.s ,. t c c-.:y ila. D week ntatena-.y -l ances sbe aspect of cor piece The Ccntrsi \\ barf Company have declared a dividend of 10 par cent, far the first three months, en., the LitrCotincd nave spprrwo-.steai glOO.OOO to bajiki snother wharf st the taot tl Msrket st ? Ad,-ther wharf a also to be bout st the foot of Mat eou-i at. Ia fsct the wbcae front of the town am, e ' - w ' - ? ? a.-v s Emistrsctt c-aitinoe to arrrve frocs ail aad smoog the ateet ar* quite a namber of fe wtioee preoaoee anil do araeh toward ctvj -aing aad ChraruaAa^g society bare Our ha'bcr mU a rioe appearance, th-*re %. ? . x ? r RMM * ? J- ?! pe'te of I w .. ; a: ?: no p,- habt tty ol ? de- 1 i * ? r very ?oen Yo? wi abSea, bet?re the BtiitBl of this Utt-v, h?ve |QA*?>ea, h?" perte-ultrs of Ihn deetru.-tive | ? a -,.f??--!.to I >em that n ne p?-?>M nra .-ow-ied on th?? Bter Ba- ?f the Amercai F rk ii,.! I I : esttie and ho-aes rave r^en dr"w-*-i m th? awMtesMSMw Valley The i??tT?t-ti?i if rroptrty has been eaefMMM Msny ,.... v - -e . : from a- i n<-?j lasl errott j ? tbe new ttesme- I Do rado" hss been tiiiished and put 'ii t.e route irem | -a ?* t. ' :;? f ? '.i * ii... r??t. i st power, ?ad asstkts [ *. : rrs apathj basing rtnreof ? W bat ? t ?. ?? u?usl We hsii a L>?'o?>-o as i th- slaeraafatehrehepereeeeof eegaaM >?: ? the party tad tataiag t--.e lines, tal it end lia t rat i tr row We tre t> have t:t election .- r;*i ia t lew ds\TJ? or t? t>on as the covern- ! ...... ., n :|; T ? x ?: mWtm i? worth :. .. JO ????.? to 185,1 0 per ann db, iviise.iiei.tlv there i i n nte a number .-** patriots wiavajlfetttwa? *rr. bbj , -.. y- Town. WI c. Ma a- hi fa. tt, 1 ? i- rtarrr.-> ? ?" Wa-1. Lo.. su.i eev.r*: -.-? [| the Wh-.-a tri -afaaita here tad eoaas J .?? , i ? a: ,.- .i . <? i th" I. ?i?a ; r-e.t river. We are very maeh ia need af I ? i: tat ar the m the harbor, and 1 . * lid t . the atten'ie.i af t e 1 Powers v i ? i tnbjees Tha sttad tl Ihe BMriBM h stt, ? .: t: H e se of s L?h: House wou i . - *" ? a -.. a- tOB w 11 its haimis benetit? ' .-? - ti Baa Prandaee baa baaa oareeyed rad Ml by L ? Hiaaj i, who has also ? .i s i-v- - t "a a., i J ^ ;-i vers. ?ra: -s are m plenty as haavkberriei H u try atesmer-o*a home some oi tl. ?] ? : its MMM deeced 'rom the ?treen uns tu this Md . i ??'??? ". e pr..e ol umber hss ie ,...< ? lerfuil] ! ite I hesr it sales st ?"?? per ? .ss . ? !?'??? T f.rice .>? b i in * has sl? 1 ver> ??.- a -. Laad I saw a la.'l' tv IkMM ? v ?o bet sold the other dsy for tivt Tlte tm -tar. . ' i eped ? of piopejftj BM baM leaj : cat-r -ii th-? ^a ri'ttai r ? :? ra aw slowly. ias da ara arattsaa tor a MMM baaa aa eat ?er From what I ran learn from the old miners 11. I ave ? ist come down. I th ..a there will ba ?e fold taken oat this taaaM tbsn anv pMtftM . ? . nit . ? Ihn immei ?e 'all <4 rain, whii !. ta washcil . 'it 'a.-?o : :a-r.'. oa : cold tr??m tb tatab a which w.. be | be : tf b the ? . *ttt It lid ?ay b> the '.u. hy lew afsW fesi sM Tlie steamer is off, and I muat eloae ^ an) dos QtTIXOfTR CITY iteiyis. tlr*' The rsn'y of a bes'itti il day yeetc-.ia;. trrar to the ett>--s two hundred rburehes s isrrer stten.t a- - a-i ?H?t>.- e..r:s.t?t*d t r insnr weeks Tbe w.s . lerf Rr. a 'way and ai: the fasbiensh.e tp-tew ' siree-s. -\ 1 rs-.;n.Scent BatTBaf psr.^ramaa of th? ? I <?? a: ks si.! s-i ?.'si fa.-. s. -neir .ta/tlint-tiess sometinies -a'h-r aM auiibeilv rel.ered bv ttie Jsrk attire of their fall H ?' BBS l.lnminsted hv t :e nlortoua ?pnoe Sur. ami waved sen'lr hy ih? wm.l. which seen:-.) to have a h i nai partia.iiT f.-r tbal aide af 'he street, Uie tpttaaVd Pan. - l i tf Bee ity morel e'ow.e a'onf like the Stat ore . i ??? it > s aeee ai sleep end wake. away hei aad there with the ehasur.c . Iiurch srrhwsya, as the vision Mm bast aaabfaagBMi wafle iMbodyMbi in'o real eiun W?a!nkin( eway Into Gothic portale snd sti'.si.llr^ In r aaH rustle .lown the loost belf lit a:e.?a, wect t e Btatg ttt* ttt wsr.feitner wit.d eifbinc over tm departure am! aa Bi ktlM .lusty street i a.klnt .1. do-ary from the aaM rv re f ttt rontreel y \V.. are happy U' learn that a tu<vesslu' ?8..rt has been merle tn collect many of Ibe half-vetran: ?in .Iren labs Sunday schools during ihe pas! few moniha fat Bty difficulty that now stands in the wsv is mm wsn' of leaehera Tieis-nl '.f :j? (';ti- Traft S. c:-'f aaauris .a ihst uuieh gaad may be effecte(| :f tesi-liera csn l>e ttt n >.| ei... ? . ' - fa Ifcful anil csi-ieal ;o iltelr elforts to tr. Urs ? .. IfM plsced under'.heir rhsrte There a-e :l. mssnds of Intsllifrent yoanK |CataMM and lasatewae mar do this noble work Will ihey not step forward s' \~f~ CaWbraiaM are praetioM plenty ia awn : * . arr per Oeor^ia and KinplreCity It le curl .>us lo see how speedily tl.ey are eitendel to tn ail pub! ? a a. ea Vour plain cltlren, wbo nearer bad the fever, i ,4 r'.l; r.o iea wbeii three siip-.^eed lo heve-a piKk?-' f', I sf leebt pi-ofle heav.- In arl*c lit. OsAtg St t'a.lforr'.'. was a ihir g of escl'emeni a :?w ?.f?t alcce, but low pe. ? pi- a nler a few days tot nislsiiy and ere aktsTfealot w m me rapidity of s sreain voyage, and uo one aeen.e aa i : .1 So mo now sj-miich sured et at d run after re .sMasajsaaas aaai #.. oorwno win k?.ttft w.a-let' esr-c slly when our sharp tredremcn Bi.d them at 1- ata l:k* ibe r.Cfc-rb'? reweum, n>>t s?i berrv tat ar'er * -.>..! beemeayea*tea eeyagososaass tsaMwatdM ?ri-ite s'.rnta^llal evldsnce of ibetr adventures than a sm ti aaacAol BMreaaaaa K.sptian* isla? l^i>' Liha t. e I.-at halt MtaMMMM tbr..; ol lov. aaM ? i. ?'"'s-n . ?i sieels ilirotir'i s ' acd eaiih tha aro BtalatafcJaBs of aha seaaaaj spi isir Tl.? bioe es? pe pi. istee as with the beatlt s" of l.e winjs uf h r-)s yet ?,.,,.', ,. ? !?!>? ? r.-.a.i ?.ra-chee and lie lea.l f. -eer e'en.s. e i pa per>.*cbaa|* hae mine over tbnn, even e ?p ui of frere had paaael and l.-ft ih> m . n ,?? a e cMra Oal (abeM iS Ihe coucirr. one cat. a , a: leer lie tender tudltCse cemmui.ii.a- who ibei.t Maas aM ?eaBtkTaej If .< * pal I me M leave ibeir dark T -.'er rel s Tlie mejinauoa, lirke.1 indiaeolubly w lili aba spin! ef naiuie, fee.s the sweel |M irncee ol .Spring Ion, ..'f'Ti-tn f.? 1 j rlnte se i ra.. rabie ihroueB Ihe pallia ..I it. visible eenh Eveu heie, ahnt up Ibis tinek an.: n.. ner i risen a-.d ?.?*m.r<\ ... tale perpe usi tieedei: si sole ?i k .? -e MtBat) thee. , e.s*t r ss e? :ne awak- i..I the elori.-us Spnos, st , -a-' -a s .a ? . e w s.i for w :gt 10 dert a' -.v s.i 'be liesvy snioia and stunning turmoil and inin?*teai Oka '?et;mies ..' 'print which Naiure. slive in all bar mvr sd bet ale, ia .nee more preparing Dm Rcriai.iKsreeR, \ Tmi K--, ?'?'<? ??> .Sm-I ? - ' -> "??man de..v which hea ,uat l.wr commenced in thie C v. sa an -ip..neot end dct-nder o: end policy of the Whls party. Iiispublieb ed hy II. Diihmar. a' ii Spru. e si ;n a neat form end wbi. ??.'! w;'? . .er. ? ,a-k .f 'eete a el la en' in .:? .. * ar ! appearencit The BrtMbl |J a year end I cent e ainsrie nun-oer lie editorial -ol mine evince al ..:ly, indus? try a/id e rernim* Democratic spin; T'.e r.utnber of Sain .. ' a;a?l e; aa.. .a in fe?or oi Laad Reform Sronr roR t'HiLDRt.a -rjome boys of tins City, -wLo are partica.arly noted for liietr Incessant attempts t. to eene-una, thai ibe world may bar made awar" if iheir, tbough the busy world constantly persists .. I '.? .-net momeoious feel. ?ara gaauag up a h ? i .?t.en tbey .:en. ml La e :be - Phantom of I) sunloe," a kil l laey propose to hum tn the Park for the emusemec it ibeinee.vee and euch otaer cbl.dren ae 'nay cbanceto be out. We dujbt aot ibe stair will be a m> uater indeed since tt le Iba joint product of several of the smartest cht. Iran :o found at ibe Tomb*, elded by the eboic**t spirits ..? b* bad at tb* ley Green Conjured by petrousm :n tae Je :r .rr '. ,-spiration. and r>apci*d in the am.oepbervj of it ie snppoeed (bat old suckers will rec>(Rir? the creature ai IBM se 'be predomtosnt fijrirs la their v.eiore after s remarkably hard apree. W*il, tae ebndrvm must ave -.. ', ????,;; |,< ' t?- ,-ers. r.. -.. er v :l Jsey ebr. u'd ?ri e few men to take bed an I so (iv* tn* eport rouLienance School Notices ?The Annnal F.lamination of Public School Mo \ in kfcxi-ac win a* held to-dey at I - ItSaB, P U by A* b .ard of Kaan,mere Tt* Superintendent, Mr M-K-?-n. wi.l eaam.n* Ward Scnooi Nu II. .u Thirty nftli-si on Tuesday, st #| A St ? \ ? N . 11 a Brxime-et on Wadneedav 3?" Cai Fstai ar lass this City on Satardsy for Wasfc.n|ton. where we trust n* will soon be allowed u aae tu erat es e Mem'err tf the failed Staiee Senate *7* The ateamsi.ip Kepubuc. whicn baa been boufbt tor tue (.anforme trade, aae /.et arrived at thie port ir?n FBLadelphia. _ S"p ATTDirT *r Firi ? Ao siarm wss got up 1 J no n near Neaweu. aei night about la o'clock, ceased ay the earaiaf of some ruonten a en area. The ftteeaea were laere, -.tit were not needed. Triff Sanaa, t a Blsciwilli Ijlssd ? ?r .?tt-,. :s.a ?Ta* MaMMBtM loos pave* jeaarrley UiisTL.: < tsefore Juecc* OaaMM) ibe tuowtn/ leeOtnoery wee m*. 1 ?Card '?rotm H*rna, a l?p?'.j l*ep*r ft the Peoiteaoary oa E*r?*r..'i!ix. , ?..ti* <: as ? T'.*-1 oa* E-ost-e oce of x* ecc-a*-: ataiee to a an usai Wm. vV*. j .an Jenes and Outer'. Crusawsu,' prMawsers) Md proposed m) baaa to pseeare anaaa saeryaaa* tw pat Sato tb* code* bI Qstaaty fleweU, tae aitatfasr.. and aat tittr xe mur ?r.;a* aad taken *tC*ci snd ta* fsard was esieep, tne easd C rora we.. w*a to opara hi* rssll. knock 'Jar fuard Sowa wuk e cab tare taae uw aeys fnm aim. fig aim and ocs mm up in s c*._ sad uwe releaae in* prisoners. aad aar?, insu bs) ? --?es i.:-, .-.r e ? 'te* . eup' .y taea: se.'r* with eatetBIBt aMgoosT Witaaae tw J?t staled .ea: :. a coevarasOcn wuh T?an MBBB uo Ml *?-&,?*?? a* cor ? '? e.; ? ?? R ^r ? s,t i Mi *.-. :s^S-. ?*: bi was concerned a tb* said eoesewacy, aM ia ease daey *U ?y.aTMW mm a Fi*c* of u, saa or aonerts tne aa?u p?t ji Jatm Jfslier, sow oa Ijcis*. Sen tasi oe fnday araMtTaoata ?MbsM -alniaasd Ma Bat Ba, Carrots /Wi ? -rj ,-cK?r? bad 'onaeai a ? larv f> rr.! poaavsa into th* ? ra bo ecard eveeM b at aigbc and ifcai rtw mmA cot l"ae- re R.MiK. ihe ?vici 'gt.ier. to put the east . .. . - - fee sad pnHX-r.! ?IIb mate ?< taern {TXTaiaa W tm-e* u-?da?reio.?d m ::>* ronaereatioo of J? . , ... i , : waa lueir tatecn-m to kt.l ta* night r n a.n.1 procaere tlM ?-? al <- ??>? rr romt A* KSLaarV an-aeaw briber Mil ' i a ? ' sn another oe - r ssrvi e' ' ra to procure * ho*t and run ???7 ?? ,l ,?" ? iifffct-faawd. bet-i? ssrora? Stva the; ' . ' f Qj week. 0 tt?B?s Cr. T.w*. . on*.* 'V : 7- ad* ? 1 a :rn p< to ee-are bv tb* M LsVreastsuW rt '1? U'(t?4! !*?< ew.-ra -Pepo*** .P7? . /.Vtt? .. ? .1 H a.k*r ? :? ar < ? ?* ,-?ree ' f ?s. a. ai' i :.*? ' .av- ra*"' as to whel 'tar mm should pat tb* Jrng. rvolie.1 that 11 era* for a partteuiar - . .er ?? j re? -so.) ? . a .* a - at .-fa.- >m ai:s'-?*< ?? ? ? ' ? '* wea' "' 1 tb* a. :a . / I a ? ? i -e-'e j ?fir. In*** 1*1.her? Cri m?*:. Wm W .ran ? t! ! Tt a i > ?? " ' rno.rd to pr*..i i 1 1 ? ., : . x ?. ..-i.-toN A man named .'air a a*a iresi aaj yeeasealay Bffsassssd aaat a* Ii ?>?a- ?. ontaustvc '00' * ? a of l ? perecae* asnhei aesaSSSee! aa j,, . rraoa of Mrs R ra anal bei -.???* TbtftJ atn'lie rfp>- pi 4 Itaatw Mm j* m ??y. a*att h* aril ,n Tt .??.!'?'?' nvs'e V ugh t-* ra. . -,-re.a 1!? a-.ewe v prareeea! J>> t. ? m m* d*!-*te* ai ta* faireren? Chap*:. Starbt* lb* !a?l four Saturday ereainge, 00 tAe cta**Uoa, -.1 "t'l ? >ge*o' iui? .-ountrv maaat t (??*?: 1 a ra .a: . ?' ' ;? ." ?? _ _ BiMtf it N Mit? TRarHir. ta ? We Iran; tbat M- Caar-t?ev ; r -or ot :-- of tb?> Kb**, .i*Tot*a i? ea*** f ><**V* of niia>**hib::ion on at.m. dar rar-:BJ mmW i *???! I" M'? Tr-,'rie>can ?Ba lady arBo** unwrart*d atten'.oa to ata*> BatM and wounded br :"* |r- at ?J.p!.**.. 1. ?r. i. J T.r*' ? t.i* ir >r* ??.?..:? a .*??-) .a-. ? r!a . ' . a" - 1 ??? ?? wt ? a.*.' .1 :< t ?<? aeeark at ?a - ? i '?"?"? ; ' ?? ' *??:?: ilii Kihbli'b SaaRtrtUAJ In ?im Tie ?,.*r.dl r.ti *?? ttiiartatniii'i.ta a-tarai hy Una la.i? ta irr dramatic f? i ar-. ?? : * > " to-' . - !.*?? . .. R vor . I M Soereiy L.! rar? Ta* p.a? B?k? mi I I .. eaM . Part .4 K t? llrury IV aalmi.a . a.iay*.! foi ;r>. J ?p!a? ol brr ?*r?aul* lairala, and aa 11 bb w?'.com?d ariib ratMataatn b? a . roerdad BBalMay IJff A I ? * ;-M.M?>T ?RT CORCSBI b> Mra CMltM E Horn. ? idow ot in* dla!:n,-u!ah*d cmp Mi ? - ?? ? -. en a: N h I a Concart Rooan on Tl ure.1*? aaMMj i^aL An ear..-.?.? "*w cantai*. millW th* " S*>vi?n Aa** t BaM"'.?'<' ?* pr '. ic*.l. ai .1 Miee J i.ia Norih* .>!????? Timm. 5?:harflaLh?r|C. II timer. !?r. Lvnr*. I.*a.-h and Ramatnvi ar* to appaar ThRIN 't t! !??>< I eti < L Ei ti he* - 111 co.i ar.pi*n.-* of ih* 1. :-aa of V: S.cU" a no Vrtur* will h* s-.v. 11 th'a errain?! _ Tu a. Art M eadVAattM -Tin- tree iviiraca of BtraMM in tb* Art of KiaauiBat. b? Pr f ManJ.??i >. ai th* il ft Caap* an I at the Pu' l c Sohoa l aTaaMy aVtaaal m Oraad-at. ara rerelred w/h ;.>*;r t MMt The? are ad. irraard 10 ail Teach?ra of MMM ? the City, and all p?**>?ne ? ho dea r* lo BTtMBB an Improvement tn the Art or Read tag areinriird lo atterd BaTMOR Kmer Han k iai' -Hy an ad?artiae natil tn nvday'a paper U will he aeaa that it.e Ii .-ira ol de partute on thia linear? ao:n*?ahat cbana-eJ Tratna will , 1 .M .tida?. >?v* New-Vork at ' a> .1 t*t o'e.. ek In the BBialBB, and at .'I Ij and ? o'clock, P M ?a.hday. Sutidaya ?a BJ mi -?? Thk BklTIR Hhini*?Thoae persona aaho e apprec.aie a splendid work of art, afould not fk!l to er* Mr ChBtapuea'a picture of Ih-.s nv*r It surpasses o , u< of BAB AMI I 10 'r* t'ahlhlied in l.'ue cry lt?sapaint ed :u Pans from sketches ins Je m ibe ai I'st from Na', and is eair*me!y truthful. BaVOOKLTal ITK.M1 ,M 'x.-'iv M -aaix. Ma'ch II yp" pr Wibtim cMBaaaaMa Mb aaaoaai aaatM of .retires at tho Brooklyn Institute to nl|flu,?an arrange, aa al a Met Mraa greet MMaaMMaj aa it win BaaalB uum liers te hear 'us lecture* who c mi not bMbI ' BBaaaMBaa> ? ra during Ml peBB bm t'oiira* MARRIED. > .? Iiaie t hunh. hy He< I?i I., ..i. t.E 'Urlk A I.KAMIT a R*w Tbfk, to MART. 4iaahi-r el Ja ne? R C<?u?> .. ?U'en laUn.l DISO. ? 1 ? Meed ay, vi.r- kl ibsMib.*> aaa, BOBABRA, < 1 WiBaua a*es*\a*al laaabsersf rbssses C??t 1 .- -? .1 ?r? aa 1 i" aaa as Ibe i. ?> ly ?r* re-oaa. tt ? la a? t*.l ie ?t lead kef Ikwaral, ia a MmiHar af?-ra.a,e. I Ith. at i u . Inek, Bean MBeaaaayaaaawa>MaaAH ?1 MIHI bixnsi ? 1- aTM ] i.-i. ?...1 ..1 e. i ' 11 -.11' . .1 . I ' ... lb* re lenses aad tt ?**a ot the fain ly ire res pa. Uul!> Iaa itavi to at es** las (kastei, ue r-iese*>. 11 tn sat, al 1 eVhsrk r a. in?n has .. .. race 1 a W aaee ??. Tb* rswsaiaa *.U be taken t? loss., e.-^l Re i.terioent mil IX *. I. I'. Ml l<rA . .ii ages' lan'O'i 1 i ? ?>? I Hesny ?(*? i asaagas and I saea E. eisls ??! M lan. ? sie respe. ?!'?.. 1 m ie.1 in sllesvl U,a fui.era , base til II "'?"* st si I e'eaaai tins elVeracna. a.esj .es?' Sab?, tlo Is.s All II.? J<\ ? oeU.a . ... s.igsis a** asasssl eass To lb* arrue nf Jesae go I OB M BaaB. * ??? a Eesti.-r K ?er. I ras. "VI . OROROI r t nraoa,aaee' c .?si?aii.i Iassaahs,ssasai w uism i>?.o?f il, t Lily e' Is - ? es VI s?sr? h. -nrl. .I?-.S Bee eeeeta aaaaa ?ui a >i t*se ? . . * eel ...IS.'. .... . . i, asuar CLABB - . I***a*e? at II . Vi I. sge-l ' ? .? Al aen Irarassre. Jan. |i. a. lasTVSa h af?a..s. awreer*T ni t as I e-. t. ?I I 1 a. Is... M? r.. 'la i;i.l 4 Ju . ,.-..?.- s Mi " e s ra J. *a? 1 t ? eeee sera ^r. ..f .see To.| a, I,.,.* e.t . , !, n It.. a,.. *a ?. .* ' 1 BseA I .ss 11 . SM He. UeaaSarlS n ..I ?..?...sss a St Isa a, aol ti.e Srst isia. s-srs-e res'ao ad *.? [. e ass tb* ans'>sar*?iaat A bie aa^4s* 1st . ...1 Hilt.. NUM.- MOTIOEB. a Valoabl* Dia. .vr.av - Dr t c BTaaai ia af htm ell. hea .lia,-..vert.l * [Gruner prc ?ee of aa'parei 'ig |aU f- ui awid sr..) ..'her earthy mailer w.ih winch II is found ?nued The eppeieiiia car be usr.1 by a..) one with p*r feet sin eea an t eaae, ran r>? pa. ked in a boa II ..ichee long by I wide an.I I deep.end weighs bul \i lb* W* thlr.k .? :l e BM and mmt prohtabi" .i.vesuueut can BB mail* - tho** g"ng ; 1 be gn.i! regions Any Inforinailon that t wished, by persons iniereeted in hie matter, can heob ?ein*.l by ,e..uig..n Uie'ors al Tainmaiiy Hail or [..e.e o. a IJ.iiel Th* epparaiue etnas ai e low pri.-r., ard laafl* ur e?ery \ arson who .-ontemi ,*t*s ?tsi llBg the (old leglone Mrs a rearer*! sao CHiiuaaa's t i.orMia. Isai.ran w..rrh . r BMBMJ mala in the beat inannar Adep>*.l n ?.ibet C '> "t Coualry trade al prices thai will defv e) competiuon BOI'OHTON | KNAPP, mlls'weosl li.Vfa. , . ? mj BaoAi.wsv let. tta. r. I . aaraar -Cep t*. Cs>'., Of I * i\> Breaatway corner of (snel-sl_Tills Company he? ng in?ir cepuai ail paid, ta casb. em now pmpae.) to ef 'eci on buudlage, inercbar.diee, househo.d turtn ' .re. reeer.s ia port and Uinr reignes. Ac loea or damage by f re on the emet tkvoreh.e terms A.l loaara promptly adjusted end paid St III REMAN HAI.STEAD, freaiden'. Joan Wasv, ilocrasiary Applicators for .usurance left at the onV* or aM MM I PcsM-tyftsr*. w:i rweiv* ailenuon sBI n Thk Ml Lira IBWBABCB - BRiTisil ('DMMKRriAt, LIRE 1NSLRANCE COMPANY London and New York, eeiale uaned in KIR), and incorporated by act of ' a; a.. A4??i,nio or $3.nee,000 -Maring a large laelued end lnreaisM surplus, In *ddit.oa 10 tbsTtr capital, maalBsallj presents IB Insurers tb* newt undo*bled eeeunty laauraacee erT?>ct*d ?a the moet f**orabi* uarme Call 'orala and special risk* of all deeenpuona taken ai as low rare* as the character thereof wui allow Proepectusee aa.1 ail .r.lorniattoQ appertaining to Life Insurance can t.? oblalled onapp icatlon to JOHN ROBINSON, Oenera , a L r.ited Stele*, md ?awlta A'. Wall*t. New-York. t\T W U DiBMsaeg Riding School, A) roasrtA-e?*nu*, near Aaior aad LaAt/ene-pece*. opasn day and a?aolc|, for adle* and ge .-.rrnec The Reception end Draawing Boom* aad Ridmg Departrnenl are wall wersned, aad e**ry sues li<an devoted to the comfort and graaf.csaUoa of eudents Hours for Ladies from 1 A M t M Hours for leant* from i 10 v and 7 to i t M at ia>M\v*.y ANOTHF1 CERTIFICATE in rsvoa oa BCHENCK S ft LMONJC arRtp Post Aaa Merck V Mtseei C V CLicasess b Co.?SkaaaV Yo* will re? collect, pswaepe, of my speastog in yo* last Eel. of furnish? ing r-i* with enow of Pa.asoaie Byrsp to eel I have sow disposed of sii I base bad of Mr BV seace. end it aas fsiied ta so ttsee 10 gnaw food eadetactioe end assart s permanent care Two caee* wer* gt**n ap by the attend lag . hjs tbsss aM one saibyact is the see of taree bottle*, atsd the ..over 'a child 1 ia da* BM of one bottle, ware entire ly restored to health. Tt* aaa t* bow amre "eahy than he baa bean for Its* r*ev*pe*t. and sppilaae aimeeif bj B a deny wr.rk with as asoej ease as *?er If yoa f.^rnieo me the Syrup on tn* MM terme se did Mr Bcnescs. joo wlj ptaaaa for? ward a 101 ./f two dozen imsaee stely, Mj 11 la wanbad by severs. . to my add rase at fort Asa, WaMmstooCo N Y H. L BR0L OHTOV Bcasaacs's PaJnor^c Syrup ;* eoad at $1 per te<?ie, or ? foe Rj. C V ClkbSbls A Co II Bercley-st are tne i^araeral Agent* lor New-Tora aad vieiatiy BBW-t0bs citv aaSBla E H. PsvtoB. 63a GreasewtcAv?i end ~ Niain-e? J A L CoontB6TCB, TU Broadway udsl Radeon et E Lvoe |T2 O-aadet. E f oot, corner A!sec aM Oread at* i M QairriTBi, cocaee Dstsety and gatfotk see ? I fat mbu ZM Bowery P C A Co sU7 Aveaae EiArAfb. MAGIC HAIR DTK Or Paaxors wonderful Ueprovaaaeal 10 coins the hal or whlasers, the moeneet It ls spptsed, without tajery to Use heir or aB3a It can be wssBed laiaillaiMj wuhoat dlsanarbtai ihm color, mmt hea ao oed odor It le applied or eoad waolaMi sM ratsii, at PbaloWs, ISO Broadway, corner of Dev-sc aad C P P*wc*ax its Cbaeeuiet Pall BdelpM, aaasaa. >1, deebse as* ti it. m lm r * tv? Mm A mm Kfirmrlu ia r. laden la I oelame. Mora pnincalarlv la regard i0 Hala ?nd Heiter*. What are the true prireriplra by which a Beetle man ?b.* .! be r.t '*d ;.4,s ,h;=< rja-i.:f ?,.?,? >-?? ung an 1 elegant r.>*iuan* ' VVhal ere ia* dWCt active mart a of refined taavaa and correct j*d4n>er.i :a adapUaer Ore vari oca at. .-'ea of Irres :o the re*, star derS ..f 'a.:* ?? reap*. ? * a. eppee/e-re ' That these are ?MMsasW *ie?ticns to Us* treat mass of asaekted. ta tVly eeidetced bj rre fact in*, so srj a time a ? I are hevsiowed o pen ther: r aoiaooe Uro*? 10 aeeeriakear. anesrer, we sha aid eey. in the area paar?. Hast ?or> art....* of dree*, lb* Hml la ramcalar sboa d b* gracaeully prcporjooed to Use air* aid foraa of as* w*e*_ Scat, a da* regard to ecratpleaioe snoyet be read in ibe se lavtier. of .".ore for the rloih.rg ?I ? .1 ?.? a . ? one will gtj other p.w .*<?. a (er^esnaa p. ssesaSBg a aasr cue r - a. u. w. h . ghi reeir er.t bl i* eye*. *'?***" . tori e-?i n.or* je.icet* co.ore to b* BMM aim beet, wb..e another, wub dark oo aap sa aloe aad Wk eveeand hs.r. w;.. tmi dec:.!?d colors lo be ra* anosi ep| r.-.pi'e:* ? r htm ()-.Vre. c. rrhir'ng tho** fi'tena. Baa rstr.k:" w ft d -k ev.? *.- t ??*.; u a. ?*r'i?w irv-a ?i ? >? ;? i a at. r.? u i. at i ?? .... ra p ace.! r -ue* {- ?.... n besuch l??.l n.?l .fend ib* see** of pro** | , BB1 J M?i . ... r U heaetey wesee s gearte man a/rated :o ac.-. rcaace wth'hr** rues*, wttk asVbMag taoote. ard a '.ecoti..::, //.?/. |for all anal before alt It t* :a.< Hit w.tieh rtrat s'.ra.- ? auenuen, as upon rs appear ?ace depends It* ./.re., t. ? *,? reel* apea hue with coaapieseei sei efac:a?n, nertlcilariy I ' < ? ? ?? avea . s . . ? ?a:cal m:nd erd gen - ;? Lean we: el the) here it.e.e .e a '?'tam leaps* tee tb? iniwr!, t g ol en at -r.. oa. ? ftItt, and we al one* pr? - ' . .. H.a. lo V a r. S ? >l *.. en The I s . . S answered is .*t:e of eeenosnv, aad re.atee to Ih* com; are ta* reel i f the d:tf?r?ri ?).. eecee ,.| the asnoua i'U .o o.' irese It 1* w.ts.i .be *e ,-ea\ra,-. , 1 aim ?i*eery per*. ):, 'he' whai.earr ibev baaa* Saasa V*at ?Itter ft' t.i BsBBBS 01 n*ca*it? IB ruicbaa* a tret ret* ait: I I And. a: a ta:.- BSSBJB ca>etip?vei.?eiy petes\ Jlai I'* 1 a>a has a * a a art r-.Kj a ?r e r.>ta,'?' aa aad ><e. *jd it . Ut.a fact w I.ich result luiniafl Ibe only 1 ie a.itwrr BJ be .juceii.'B By adopting ih s ru >>, h* groio tr.e.1 wB! a.eau .ra: eats <r*bl> fajoadter 1 </trad., so much la ?. t?e ai the paeeeni da?, whereby an tatet 101 ei'ic.e :saasA'aetiaftk i?|re*ent?d 10 he a* ,-oaeJ as ihr i ret. ai d la thue /.ruled spoil 'b? pur Baaaaal a setee fer sV.r it* 1 .-.T""''onet*-a .... aa ' . soon r-.n 's 10 Me coaL This le especially the caw* with re gar.l to ?it?. th* wear end appeaianc*. f wMft a. BaM Ui be wub ib? pubic, a aut>'ect of paramount lmpi<r'anr* tl e . iiaicatn hae now mlly a*tai"*al of |s*utng re..-, ar a a taeaBaj aad a F*U ? isaa-n ?0 bat ihe grand Ma MfMM 0 be secured In pM baaing a Hot. B> thai tl ?bei. maintain until live tern, nation ol It* respective ?eeeoi. tl e aua!1ll*e wind. Aral rev. m.i.r'i.lej tt. 1 * ,te ek-ajw a?d feel'e The iseurii by ihe eminent I.. 'f Ma??.s Wu H Bi >tt af. Bi'ifwrv. as !*?<? >>>i?ii < jala-a f. r> . eeea-e la perfevtiavn tte re.;. Mal I '? >h eea ar.l 8 rt?".. a its conijileie ? lepteuon lo the res'11 o r ;.u ih s ..?. :i In regard to the duiebtliiy which we ha?e a right 10 ??. pect 0.un :', lie n autraa..' ui.l aue?a'a.e a-..aaaai?., BJBB i"> stc.l 1.1 :ta cheiactrr. MM be a sulbcl*at guv- ? even a caea.e. a! *ei?*i :hs; \< w . . . 1? . ? ? u .. , ? indeeal w hen we kr. w tu., w e l i'is: :V li'j'a 1 1 ? by HaBBra llrrae k t'o not on I jr endure ike MMdfeM ea'ae-m aa ith unatlinlnislird Inane, hal In iNaseande uf li.. MBBMaraWata Baaaafk two. three IM er? | ur era aa ?. we aaaaai ka% i?nng aaarVBaaaw thai ia tr?p*ci bj Itil; e:a'?e evrry sbMjs tW Beat are "if .Asnrei' I..1 us : .oi recouinieital to every peieon, el evrt e'.illoD, lo lest the truth ol out remarks hy |aurcliasing of Maasars Wtt II. Harea V I'" SMB Ihnr *J fir ."/.ring kr^/r. es e* *"? esstirasl the: 1?. ... I ?: \ uiipatt BJ mew pat s. aaj ?, ? peflMBBB an uum'stehe'ileetr oi reflnea eu', e-'.l MM fa itv I ut a* 11 reflea! upon ihe name ol lie ;a.'l: e a , 1 to n>'. inanlv fati.lcetors. a rev of 'be l.rtlnatii lusli* which M lee d-riveel from their untiring riforie f..r the adtancemeai I I the Bet oj IMttrnf. UUS1NESS NOTIOES. To Rutaia !*l.tSK? \Ve.4asaatar b. >l .?e... r.iogrsmn.e ihal M- Hem n baarngagt*! n.ees aa....,|ei j. fi.ev BMear Baa ateansaea Bar MMI uineia It. . | 111 Tti* 11. .ii? "i K .en Matrmeti a . ?e..l 01 > ftatat .**re of *<?. Ii uule short af aatraeaassaa BM leads Sbak apeare ikea L UlpaMa Kenn, and Iter geetuns la as .?nr. i as her s. c. 1 I ller sister Kale, en ae*rs i id, wN. p a> s Be ..a..1 o> Bay, bs r I lea's l> .Xh or tttaeeae, >? asM na ^aawidared(hewneMreal JstBMsbat M bBTMb] sisier I'nrie w ... I *a a crowd at liietr debul on 111* M isaanii boeri.'e h - ' BM le*' I'.a'r.a.-i of a ' ort of IIai ??r 1 ? I. Hain. va 1 1 nirr'v Altornry ilrnerai S'e'e of Maine, now ..| \\ Meat WTaMMtl a, l?ec I, 1st? Sis I iss" great peaeure In rr.-. tnrr*ndlng i V Kn w ?HO?, K?.| as poal'.ae.'v Ihe heal l*echer lu rnar ch I na>? ever known I huvs my eel I taken leeeoae < f vaiioueptr. aoas, 1 .voof wii .:n w..|? f - iclinie-i, rduraiel 111 Paris 1 to-'k lessons also of Mi BMTfsBM and I faaeltel* n<* to aa' thai h i u' of 'teaching waa greatly aupaacinr hi ibe others Hp.Eoivsana itiaiiu. led ni> dauahtri niKoa-i and although she i a.1 baa-n tug Hi* MMBaJBMe yeaie before, I MM I do not eia gerel* whee I **? ihe'. sn* scquiteal mere insight MB Ihe lengueg* mone.d 1 a Kiureeeof lea?->i.e, the* ail she bad acnuired .avtote To ihuate, ihcrafo. e who 'niriid vlsiung Peru thie teas mer, Prof Anwaaoa sirongly BBSBIBflBBBMBBSparaSSlsi his cireu.ei, eoalaiuing leiins Ireut dleungulehed 11 dividual his pupils l i. 11 lere to b* lit at >? 1 -aan g i.. ?.??.? \N ?? !l ll)de, isv Neaseu si . I boms* I'rowe*. V a Bn.s.l *s and el Bat PiasiBBSf a rBSBMBM Iii Kssi K gliieenUiai Peun.tee attend*.l ?1 IBM sari '<?*? '?? r, I tf R*d icii.e 1 piicoi f I oa. al Rmraoa'a Vsi ? 1 ontpsonwi to .ar ripring, and 9 Christopher el inn fj BMWtel BSaBM Tlie l'e?l Is werrsmed gi**! n l It [V u e invite 'be s'leuioo u| . epilelieis at MJ sig* sale of vsjue'." real es's .1 ly Aa ta ia? J Hirers, si., a: Use KairsMMj' Hiehengr, consisting rsf tb* lMMs*if bouse et .1 lei. ki own ss No . ( enoll P.eee, r<>rtb?MS8l uer of iiieek* end l.aurena aireru A'sa. si eioiy buck bous* ei d 1. i on r.'d s'rra.', briwrru ih* d aad .t A eea nee Also,'he .ease ..f 'l.e valuable b"*s* ei I Mo II llultb eirrat . ne building l"l "n ilsl sireal, near Lax Ui gl on Av*au*.sl? buiding lots on Avenue II : **r IBtBBtreell the h and lot No M B.'BMBJ s"*e'. n*er A Uf a el 1 eel , two l.oueee end lols, know 11 as N"e ??*.') sr.! ?7| '.Veslil'Vt >n iiuvi, r.iin?i oi Ann s sfirel A ?", sp.'enaild building lot* on 1 Mi e'reaT, betaa ?. n rtie ob end BS Avenue?, the bouee end lot No. I'd K.lairldg* |MBI| (wi velueb.a bulidirig . .'* ou ll'h street, betweeu Ilm >'h srd M A ? ? .e? A.? , iiii-egore Ml directly ad;< iriiag "r llihetreal. oue lot on ltd MBBB>BBBI tha 7th A'enu*, oe? rat .-n llth end in.* .,'...11 I gib, st rea*. naei A vena* It. A ?J Iwo nrat caiagn houses snd lots oa lath sir**', naei kl A> *nue. and three building lets 1?,'Sab s'raef, n*ai Mn A?e no* Maps et Ihe au. : ou room. No 7 Bioad sire*' 1 |ra 11 ? .?"fil.-sl .iaiJIAi. ABO M0?i:7 MATTERS. 1**? Baiiaw e/ h barks iff ??? * rwttk f ays Bansoar, Msreb ? P M In f'r*/a there bas been a lar^a aciivit?, ..n I Uia advenraof iba fancle* baa been coL*ld*r*l.*a MofC? want to I) .11 lite Street, but al Ilia BMBMl 1*11 beak in IS*? ih* principal buyer of the last lew daya i?ing tt" seller. Kaediog went 10 ll| in the Blrear, Ml send ei V?) * ties .Secenal Basar d Tne cause of the riee in Morris ie M nefoiiauunof %nn.'**t of preferred etoc.s for >.ne rabiiildiag of In* locks, be , but the Itnrneduat* raus* 01 the tea I* e<x so aecaneinsd The (iompsny need slemt |'iflM u. complete the canal to Jersey tilly aad enlarge all lb* locks, but the most nascesaeary Impraereraeo'e BBS kB effreasd with tha,' IMBMnamed Boasts will (ben b* able at carry W> lo |M tuns *e?h. and the buaineee of iaa ( anal (a very largely lrcreaeecl. The amount of boaiaee* le ooly H* iiaad by the eeperi'y fj th* tenel The capital s tr> b* r* duted from four to one million of wlncS will repr* sent tu? Ii', per mW which waa paid up by the siockhu,d*rl sota* two ye*.* ego Erie etoce end bonle ar* su.l ad see auf anal in deenand After tha Becifad Board tb*re was mmm U) ecuve drmend for lha b<*>!*, and th* rnsvksX Ir proeed I per cant w'.th sala* tf $3.'an al Bah 9'" $??>>.ai el SS b iV), and |10,0un al SS cash, and thai prlc* ?>*< for m..r? A bl.l ba* been rspaarted in ih* Asastenbly so pra ?*at corpoiatlone from pleading eeury, w hi ash will barlf railroads eepeclally In Kx'-I.anare tbern is uothiuf of imp<rtana e de .ag dterllag w a/.ruinal si ?1 m*i tn good neaeee Pren" mrmStit^TH In Kreigl ts thera is not tntsch iluing and tr* ratsas are staaady CoUon 7 IM ( .rn Sd ?e,d . deed w?t<r.: 23* Al MB The bnstaese <rf ties lest three daye 10 IsMi pool. 3SBI0,rsg) baiaheu Corn at id ta liege aad ad ia eu.e l,i**) bele* Cotton, 7 tld d yd. To liaifu* I 1'" ljm"> tH 1 I Beltaet s Bnush vessel waa ?rgeged to load Com si 7ft, and a BwadlsB brig for Uotlaaebairg tn lo*S Cottoe, Ac oa p rival* lerrna To Be era ihe packet l*k * full, snd that of in* jntb la aaaklagangeeTSmantsal mm rates. To An. steed am we saaard of SOS bbls Beats at and K?0 lea R ee, ?s Sd . sad u, Hemberg las baM 0* toeei|arenr. To Antwe rp, See tea Bacaa, JeaSJa ad are t>*>* Co'toa, t of s ceat, li tea* Pisetic, tfi*. A*??*?, %*?| Uil, ) cents: BfaVM Turpeouae, 4 . aad Lard i of a cam - To Sacrameato C .:y rates are rauher highe? -ssy 1 Itl* 1 a ? foot Tner? is rxjore deraBad bSr Money, bat tlie eappvy eairp* and 1?*? ranre are w.uveii cbange PapewtotaT? per rent | loess o& ca.. Ir/r. per cent Tlie aad Worceawr its..road stBteaiea'a for Ptarsriiery shows a ?*ry fair gain o?er ?b* same mosab sf .a?t veer Tt* reeeipu ere as annexed as. Tb-ougb Peswangere.r? 7> V*" Luemi do .AaoB?S .MR 2 freight.?VM2 71 ??."ir: Mslia, sue....U*m ** _*| Total.liTBMBJ en.Jg* lorreea*initial . e*VM ?* ?Vie, 10 17 per carat Th* gala oa fcartgbt B large At the session of the Near Jersey Le^ielst ir* list closed a (Jcceral B^klnj la* was psawed ***** that e i'usr.Bg im this Biete ll aeeaae to he a wett 1 bia and will fiualah a ea?td curreesey We |kve kett/w a1 abeecaci a/ lb* ssniiaus??! r^issosvs of ikw btll Bsc 1 RavfB-tsvae (he esagre?tat. r**r.sae?tng, me <* 99 " is IMBI ' e? .ee..r,i "v o. Tresse.,'*? ? lljj* J tt iMsasaks se* Mew Jarssy, MbmiMbms aad M L'sj*"