OCR Interpretation

New-York daily tribune. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1842-1866, March 15, 1850, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1850-03-15/ed-1/seq-1/

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NfcM-.OKt? IUI"?-. '1 ?'?-;?**>'??. *l?H?ll I > !??*? VMIJi yto. JJ"?I
, ,|W IURI DAItf TRI?".?? IS riBI.UMtl)
? viKT ejoRBiB? !?vnn?is r.ictrrin
Al rh? Tri???? BalMta??, rnraer ?! Hpruce
mmA >r.?a..o .l.ee.. ?PptMlir Ik* ? ItT HflH,
^4tair*?r?d toftt* fArwulfcaiiBM |*M <??? U mt w-.-t
? erben ?**? l*tf>r ,h*T ran P?T <? anTaanrw ti ih? f)*eb
UiiiiMilt><>>'*>' et eaeio rat? oitwrln c> ?;?>??
e? . l>ul? Ma ill ? ncr.Uen? Vi Vf> f? .?i.re. a-.
a/r??*< " C'.'* r ;. ' ? t ? V. Kor ihre?
aeaiknf' " TlBk ? ? ?? elMBee rnqnirerl t? a . e*
,baaer** "ttM G'wniry Newapar-e ra Dai.v : ?r-r? rnrerrr-;,
^SaWoBVe, whew larua eie B.fber Lue-, ir. ?? .f Tb?
fiene? er" allen >?l tj-.-i dllerer.re
MA\-.QliK TRII?, NE,
?? 1 .?
MsaajK hu?rl|. ( nntralrrl ITttirlU?
The lre*m"n of the l\ th <"'.fir rr ??ir>uat Dietre i
?rill *rv>n be i alled ti:.<>n v, ma-ie the i.intl tr.a f.?r
tV ohM I ' i * K- pretentatitev Ihr. r?uraUv M
ariVh pa?a-n tue Hnoae am '<? .-, ;rr| m th
d? Tri?- last II year? ha-e BBOB unt!???? mt 9
futrl'" att'-mrita Ir, ,?>, t l ->r,K-r?>aei:i< i. in Mi-.??? },<]?
aetU'.wiria; to the workin? oi mm aaajMatt ?rkad
pie Flow 1-tO In fourteen .a i" ????: : t-iah
arere marie in one l):atr.'?ml I ? ?*?? a- am ?n
B*aaaaatnM aa t>>? fnllrwi,,- i? Batopted ?'?? |\;;
Diatri< t bide fairto*tl withil Tbihuti
rh? Atr/.r >?ii ./.????. h v>'> 'baj Ii,.-, i.-,i,,.
VV. meete
ConMdnrina- u an r frOnabla ihni ?n.;in?.r tr a . w i .
?aaaa taattda an, would ?.--..?.. . . r . ....
.'?ennp iftat '.w Martina r?.. . e...' unleea um- V. Mt ?>.-.
per? Poal Partie? ran enUn upon iprm one eaj*-ttdaie n -
aetew //dl ?lurere propre? ihal Pantra? ?nrt Tr...?>:
-itanra* nn j i ai ...... paruna anua ... Itoa -. ...
Ii ?r nf r ?i.-... I IVncrrnfraa nri ahuulrl .... naliralj nana
lathrannrae> Dantrant an w?i, tepreaanierl a? i< w..i|iri r~
ty Ih* ?' ai.ernan Ml? ?-.n.a? mine Meanaa, Ina p.e?-r ?
atariou. naa r in/nerrlnd r? j| io Luaoi<l ga fnaa?ll MI
Thr-fr-llxain-r-i.nwa Bm Mail <>t mt iliaTtrarnl
arm in
i ? I athnj ?Vnnanaa
Pi??' 'rial Nroenrher Uta.\$TS \4\*, j^tj
?er.awl inal. Jariaarv r^l'l ...i'i.i LaW
T? rd in?. Maren IH?.I #M jjaji
fnjrlh Ina) June lapi_ . . ? ^. | ",.1
pStoirtal iapiaailin IHM . . i t-1 t'.tn i ,.
nun. ina . .SoremN-r |> |.s,.sn i'?17
Mrrriiih mal, January I* /. i -..' . i.t ...
?j?.|:th'rial, Mar.li IK.V0.I?tA i U
fairnl Olllre l(f-|>f>? r Mitrhlc nn WareMaMW
llnuiM? himI >ii> Ina? nl I ?nureaa Weall'oinl
1 iiileI? I!hi1) 'iikI llaa- Invriitura* pimd
Vi ?)n nird llfitiia I nmnalllre |ri.|< pi ml? n-.
<>l Liberia.
Cvi.rapondeficu "I Trie Tub u "
w*mi.?..i..s, kVaaaaaaM . Maaak Ii
I. a| J..HN vv rj i ? bmi B rit Hitafaiiand aM eaoal
tknilt ti'ln\ Thr l'.i'.m Olri .r i(. |?..t baUM BB|
anri Bat im,vml au rBBBBBataM iitt rMi VN n i.i?. , iea.,
a?tMav mad oBfriaal it, 113 to <>?<?, u? prial 50,000 a
Um Mei lianii-aJ ainl laM?000 M BM Airri. uit.nM
?mhiiiI tint Hf|Mjrt. rinnt M a tilBjarjf nf talent air!
apJaMM ir i r ?1'ajBrJalM BOtj i.'i'irR. . .? h;.'! j\ :h
anrh a rej? rt DartCaTB tbaraa, ijid pBbtic will nrtvof
afatii alln* unlit r-nmlplatr'a lOJbJ ' OOCkp/ ttM
.?hair ?I tl.o Patent OftV ? .-'im HhTO aa Iii
B?' BI Biel BWBABM are BB Bpaj t tu MM 80 mtrv,
?m1 I BMM BBl linw uiti.iv am Ii 00MM tu V\';.(.
|.ki to matruct a. < ir>ty Tiiev ar<: tar innre nav*'
iban ini'ii' nolitn tan? oi an\ |.h t.
.' .1 I KHI.o i IiH? M.Ii.. .1 in VV H?l.!'l, t.ltl
Jt'atiiur BalTCMIP?, Pulk an I Main? B man m al
work, tliaiina Mi. wbbb1 r.i< tm ihm hm) hikI aaaa
kr BBBlnB ho Ib bmw pajaMMaBf? Wttaa rasja tsDlbi
b|aaBni?Bar of Um pra iliar iintitiitmn Th? E/i
Iiai^htari with Wkbstbr, Bod well it uwy.
0BBBJPI tu aVapj n Ihifl | wliBtevnT in tho way a
BfiwntfeB. (hie ? Brishy \na.' . ? v? ?' ? ai.ir_- Bood
of talk on the ?u';ii''t "l Mai <>v rt BTbirh ?hould
inako thern blnah l<?r ibhflte, OOUalaVJei ? all
my,toayaaajf oal tboaa who r.ie raMupolleo t In
ten to it, arBata ihoutaii'ia M nn i vwinla bpayiraj
l 'aiLI>".? I i I" l.'ei t U- ' ... i...'..<.ii . ... I . '*i"i 1
i(in,<l are aMaaaNMBaV ?! ka
Tl.. t:<i??.' u Waal poini ,.??,?1? M
Mimiaia. an l top] Uaa ti e aiin> klao <ai ajtclaBTtreli
trim "iniiiiiaai 'in .I oJBcora Never, I buu k?Woal
taj, m.i i.k ia in. i 1 |.i"i;. >l'-i| I. ..in Lbi i a ii Ks,
Anii'fi.mi refill,?-.it' .Nu nmil.i. v i<n|'a in ISargpi
it hall ?" nutu ? rale
Thia > iar, Ibe Proai la lit '.a? aalactad ? * a o
H.'n .\t>l I, b Hen of (' hi inn nli ii e Nn lint |ob| a am
"fi'ni l.t i. i ii.', urn ra a ami ..i ''??ninMBaitrr flwa
bot, oi tin- um \, h ami i.! Dr. Wood, oi t'?? bi m
Utl ttBhl. WHITK.Jr. Ol l a BMBBoftho late ' aj i
Satt I) nf the nriuy n nl HlLLURO ..I .V <
probably a kinainan ei n reverend CoDereaaman
an.I tarn ' tbeti, t.i bo ? d i ati ?! it the ptiMli i "at .-.i
VVrai I'miit i |">ii wlini prnaciphi hi ? the ao .a . I
men, BBflM el ?TBaaM Bie ?bp) wealth . and 11 m ??
mew ii at liatint,' ainpie WaMawB and im h r.l v. |
ii. i . Uma ?elictr'd tu he eilueal'-'l and niaiiita.il' I
ike BMaMBnaaa nt mm pmi he > lanfaap, aar n ?..
veara, a.il .'ii. h tiny mm of max ihiI tin real), i
.1''in tiiu army aa eoBBBniaBBMaa*] MaaawPB ' Mr M
Kti and Mr. DM B Iih\ | elmn.a, I ul aa kB BMM 0
Uit olli. ra 11 i y aie aiian.m Uie liifcl 1 \*. ... i Lata ?
?ape< u-d u> at o ahtaMai W hen wall wa WtMaeaai
tele li'ui ??) i ? > ? a<l' la. natvaaj ii.'in aaaoaaj ?I..- uhal
ill on .'I ailUrl i tival,".. by A i nt i i?>t.. Pteti.leiit
When lia> am Ii n aah ? kios bootJ iiim.I. ' Bo Mat]
la piaraholiliiBi LbIbbibob ia oainiinolBiil ia th
itl'ilel a i. , ilbli'an hi mi is i"it i I II ,i|-->ti >n
lien II ti lieI \ h ha? ititrndurcd a biH ironi
the Waya and Meant, to tu|?|>ly what ia i tilled
? deli, iem i. a in the BpfaraprlBtioiM I 'l l. '- . '.it
?MaaM BB June BOX) !? Which 1 lind. pB B 7th MM
MB anaa Iton
5 s s ? q
" Tnward the araettoa or the waaaa ol the PateaiOi it
I ?aBUaa ?rr> ttmt. to the ui bjMal Mat, awder tan Jiiacttini
"i Uw Nernla,v ol Male. N ri-tv l'li"liaaii't U 'ilai. HIbt
paat par er Tai Ptratarr Pi aa
jBara ware #50,000 aaisad Ipobi i'ibi Fitad laal
1 tear it ia BOW Bttlaaflfi I i iay hold el ether
?"?im ,ti |.?it lo bouVl b pavlaoa that wileoal
ItwlyDOO,bbaoa plBBBiit. lor the bbooI thoBet
ratara of tht lolatrior MoiiBiahn the Pataol
I'tr,,. are dopriveaj ..( then u|>i>> ? Hooi which
uaed aa a itmaenni. WB?B tin if BPat IbBBBJ and ie
(rlaare tln.iw ti iiiUi il.!'ar ! VN'ii\ khovJdl a IkuafJ
atueninly and e |iiilal'ly ?et BBOrt tOf tbaiT BMa hj
oiMjlwBa, ho BppHedl ai katUd palartai Rar Mat
aaa, Baal natt h thary do ool deaara 1 WPhv BBoaid
Inia iuimiI nientnriinia . Ia?? l>e rehhe.l ' Thl Ooa
BriktaM uf Watt and kJoBBB are Ktiii id N
Tll.mi-.on nl Mill Iii.? in el Mo T""?l- "I Ol
MwanVBfTMB N'ini.'n ti Ohm Hibbabo afrt.lJ
l*i an nl N Y Hami'i "n ..I Pa IkawweaiIB?enatri
Mutea But tho Patent luihl ia i?>t (tiH\e |i. rj
a ii..' ? in. i,t an ? DWaaa why then Ibe,
aei k to arize it '
U M A. I" 11, aake.l Mar * :\i"< ei an aUoiitfed
kbaMBMturn ke Baa Mlhair. W Dim. b) I I >;??
rranietit A I'eiuiinllee of the BatBBBi Itirw rlv
and now el the tl, nate. rapofl HiWerae,*
The lilf,iah)lBII ol Ohio ia?t BBPJakh PAMaeaj tin
Wk>wiij; raanlatkin ia later d kha B'-kin'<ale.i
lueut ol the liiile|M'iali n< e el Lihoria !>,\ the I inled
M ile?, w In. Ii the Senate lia*e i'eteired In itn UaM
li ttet' ini Fireii,a Uelatieiis
BTawaaa Bat enaanwa eaaapjaata Mow aba i aMad state*
?1 Ba?e en anttbad ua ihr CoaM ?t Art,,-?, hp the ajM
rj t'f Ibe Amern an t '.ilonitat.eii e?-..-tei). ate i.owaej
<ed lalo an Independenl Bepuhnr and have t*wn act"
*wl^ed aa aurl. hs K'.r'ai. l ?ml bmnre . .led ^-A#?r>n ts
HTueiM-e aata ir.1 Bp UreC'iouy ui pmuienn? tuiu.-aAKia I
Aliwa baa bnea very bnnehtia'.. a' .1 artaalaaa Ban I -1' lee
adn.'m, .i?^' ? Arrwi. mi. l.i?-e:it . .?lere?! men in ''"I ?>
Itaiee aie unwl'.iinK le einifc.ale n> l.tlM-rla ur ti. Batadt
reirlenre an all In. wtaow ieO(S??l by Ibe I niltal .> ?lf?
iae.eh.te, Hrrk'trJ bp 1*? UrwriuJ .lairwW? .'/ lAr Mir?.]
'?te. T hai .air BWBainkra tu t'.in?-ir?? are herrhv iiiatnKte.l
tad .an Brpre?riiiaiive? i? I .?.?iea? mqur?ir.l lo it eat in. I
ladueiaif lo lirturn Uie lieunal Oovernaieul n. aakaMt)
naiai) ibe ludepawatenre ol the Kepuh'.u of LrhwM; tha
wepaJao he iwnurelerl b> nae all honerabre nieana M indu.i
an'free hlark* nf the I nil ?i Suttee to ? n In rate ,to u a
rVnaloaa, Nnaalitinl Milll irv .Mini l>e|>oaita
Vlralnln L.in.l ( Inlwa, Ac.
Uerrn|H>?deuee of The Tribune.
VV iMiv,.i.. x, VV i ,i:K-aoa.<, Wml. U I'?'
I iib riac a bi.l. whim haa j aaat-i h> a aetaaml
rvtidiiiR in 'be Senate, for paaanJa^MBJ BBajW the poB
ai uie .a <'tri. era nl kha)fBBjMMB artuv. privatr-a, aea
nun .ii the I' S Navv. marine;., Ae it au mir.
dixtsl-hy Mr li.?!>i ini. |mm Peiuiien QMMBMntBkaV
It '.-ivea oaeh nttiee^ ii *<? k.i.< n emmtttton,.
which ia I'leauint'tivo evi.lonee pnaif that hr? ia a
Brtoa ,'l" tin* moahrvNU i Ar l.vraev ol lHMitrar-rne;
doubi? the iitianinl .mvw all m tNl ha- the hiv-tH.at dta
ahi .t\ a> cooiin* W? itraale. itar n broken arm or ir?;.
aal l? '??ii ,NniHii.'ta:,'ne.l ntfiv-ora. ?eamoti and pri
?Blee in Uu- army, aanajh o the BMB081 aiit>w aj aa n.
bAaraat? and.'>0 per Mal "?er. Kor kw? aj two
Mara, two arnia, or a Iras BB I bB ami. krahk ibe pen
atun MBB alkivt eal. .1 .?Hv- |u?dnt'ile . I
that rauh. \\ uuui it uoi iiave he.-ii titter t< <i\<
a atlitxiult- ol allowara-r-a matt-a i of ivi.-n 11?- tv
present u?n?t a in tb * Iktctka! .... t MBAM
I aiv at-ud jt?a a ball to aaaaBM lha M bm d I R
I nit.tl Stall-? t<> uiakeret.ini? M>depoeiU>ra witli
hat little if-lay It roakea H the tm\J ti the >,vre
tary ol the TrVaaiirv hi bom .n ami Mint ti thorn
del,?l>ia. vahe e the' it np?m v .hi haird I?' t,
kept, twr> mi iura ?t tl.dfarm, b eaah or kaMBnaa, it
"i whnii U) pay llr a.? wl?> brin.- aManaBB ??? ?b? Miat
fcr OMtiauie. at'rbo earliett |aaaib> imMiitujl.
Senat? btU *> ia a |?uJi u|a-ti BBa Trveaury Bp
dtalara, iai.da. bounty a? n|>. &e. U> pat the tintroa e
I'Vrn and aokdiera oi the Vir.una State and v'on
Ball here ol the Rev. lution ' At a diatattee ei
kxtr acara yeara, owl t-latm?. bamh oi ih<M neyer
?beArjra drWnitted ot before, atart Bf N-ior.' u? Who
an atteat their ca-reeturw? ' rto "no Who eaii
eauroarate th? thonjand and one hyrata h which
.-evolattOAianr aerrirx-a have been paid I Why BBl
match this eharae by producion trotii New Krajlainl.
a bill by Ute hetra ol fche Caplaun ol ttt? Mayflower
for unpaid paVMBa-ed aad advaneea. with itMeraat.
?"wa itva tirat bail oi Uta aeYemaonUi cot.wry j
lufc-ciii.t, w,i; rea.Jii, Irnmp ?fJ ? na'gra, i! ? ti*Umi
full oi ..?ii. ui tu , i?..l tn on, a .a i ... i u [iy i.;
?ui ii. '
->rwni.|? -I for |'n-i-rlnfii Th-- I-'jnlll
hriiiin tt>h?if| mihr l'|ed?e X am ml In i.
HonrNctrn n flia?i? ef V etlns | I pihiir
int Iii h.
C?wim~ ori-n?* <A 1' ? t' ?ii.?
Waamacfo* T ~?ll Mi'" .
BlWSBP ee'-me cntbaeiaatie in hin lore t.f fr
? * ?: i a ' <??? ipt."..? at t . t! ? ,<?'
t uy WBBOl may l-c the k't (j i't papp a He ee a
Ihn Slavery, an lanpoPBBCJ er? bastion, a inw ttete
of public and j-nvat? rri'i-ala and there e, interr.il
d aa< bbbbbi ara1 ? fn at i beta iaa v> aa perpet'.
itv ?i ?: v?>.ji'l ? marx i| ?t'- w.o'r.; he eon'd. ar.rl
patt :awa to hru./>he |r. n/l ?, ? aia. c within tne
I??1- i ? ?? bjtaoB( and labatatote aii | <??
h> that f Mj aalarad admirer oi |H-ra inai baajaatJal
lor llie a'r.pca arid ten-e a m t . ? b'u ,
Laraeat vhasR aba South vet ctaaeja to aa m i aalva
?*k? UUD ? a|'9*#c*li wan, a* n wlmle. ii.timteiy aa
BaWMB lo V.'aMTth.- and altaWAMlh ha old aat i<rt
ii?- ?vp.'viar <>! :1k- ea.ienca. ia a a1avaaMaVaaaj| ettji
wtwi n ? * ? .- .. UapJOaBf aa, aani wbaase
;? 'iia'.iirri < in-rly ?itpe.ud IpOfl tiio i ? ation "f pan
a t i . . /'it eminent i.'i t licit" midst foi a itinateni i
Of j loapcrity . alu.'..;l WbBSTCB in hattBAaaYsad
the laaUaaaraJ and i taaariiaa oi the amv. rWfdafl an :
I |iini aaaea, yat the rerj aaaaai c of Matal tA-ua M
approbation arbaa antwatU a p. ike. ia a powOffal
?> idri.ro in hia la na?
if a ..notation of Hurh.: a_-a. nl OOBBpTOMaiatBM
Li I rt> ami i <ati' ? i* Itfa un tjra t and opprea.'.
waa truly appr-.prnt ', aiel he tiavc ('tLMol/a t-> ,.-i
d r?t and that BB b8w awi t" BBBfOB fagetsrOB BT| IX
r- pi.red, und and *hat there should he no ?u < cea
fill DolliBi at.on na thil aaaowat in tlv y. ar .r) era. c
1 n.',ai'iv...i-i ;.?t aol a word ".f artet? * I
raid, and I wiah I ooatd have aajrortained hia opin
inn, i.'ii I u oerer apaaad Ina lipa.
The reoant uaaalaaaoA acrviiea ia i'a?t o Ua
vi .. I hi.hm? off, i'iatly aaham>-<1 of th?-ir mora'
i. VaVOaOaV mi Id tin , hut have witiieaatd tlm a't aa
. ? ? '.? i';a\ Wiaan D*?aoa aake.l it BcwaJta at> du
lor the S'iirth, lie- real" w.i?, " I apeak what I ba
lifvc to b? the pr"va:litis; coorictiona of the pco
pi o1 the I'r. e Statca."
Ma abjoaraa] atrl ahaurdity o( tiio ? e j'l.libnuni.
aad th" r atehwr.rda. Southern and ,N'.>rthcrri Sta'"t
II, a aid he, a BaaVte '?laina Btarery it ia '-ailed a
BoaMtvara State, aa m-.ttr-r where" .m ated. Ii ?I
?I ? i BOt it ia Nrirtherii TI." Statea were || u. |
' >'.?:?? r\ ifl ITBtj Ihr y are BOH but If tO
CiVXHOVa v.aaevr.'.'iillyMat>.iiialn d. Never led .n
tlna rieamon, have I aeen hrn at>i;> tili le tw ? m
hi-' l. v MScwaeo, ijlhaVlM aa Ba del. by i
i'itiiiniaaioii froin three miiiinnaoi tree conatituenta
had the altra. tion o! a iiiak'|.. l QaaV 0ATI V atop
pad) a ?laut lnii'e Tbl tin nie aaauiedly 'lid bm
auii him. "Old Virinnia uevr tiroa," wo not a
t'lne that rjonld I"' ; !a\ i d on the >? eaaioa ol i 9aa
ate apei eii Im tl.? immediate r.-innvaJ at Slavery
ar..l ua Uirrid li ntiie aafaOl bm I'ntomae and In
north ol Jlla<!eii?b'.r?.-.
1 tlKjiJitht Slwakh would hit WtBSTt.lt hard tor
Ina aervilit) in the olhrUivnte 100,000.(1 rOtncnabli
th" S Rt b !> iMera tn tranap rt the free, unoffending
if.lorcd people V> soino liiatant eolouy. Tiiat he
h.-ai i 'a -> UlOW, and VS' 11 -1M Maaai renll\
amhituiua of taking i'i? - pontmn, now that the
%. t< r.iii i,, trtiar oi Uicbiwari Rada it all hat aal n
?h e. The Free I,mida for wh m... in r-.a.
." lalea won t do.
WaBhTTtt'ioja4haM alK'ut Umaoieani pbatfajoof
ConirreBa I" rafvo lour S/urr BtAtea out of Ti'XU
del't'litt'd the doalon ill that apociea of live Btot k,
mid the apm ulatora in pontn a, for it united tin
idl a- Oi p'i!iti' Hl pOWOf, In be preaciwd aa tmr
luptive Inuii, aod ?N a hattar Wijirt to he obtained
for negl'oei in the?" parle. Th" I 'otial it 11 <' i oi
Pi aaa >? ma with iioorby im? and bwavar ll.m
i Ii..- meo aetll.- there ' Thoy are not.' ni??1
tin r ? ami woul'l in't h ? allowed T'lv.- t.v rant ami
Ida alave are aktoe cuofOaaplatod as Ht to cxiat in
that . nat moral ? .ale
m . u.ii told Wbboi i it thai there waa no war
rani i i the I'nitod Slut-?? CooBtttotioii lor p"liti< :il
?ii nie. in the aaantaaaaon "i bvohja uatibbb I
., t reaoiSitetai "l noaajreaa, and ttMrtrfori ao aa
ihorit) lot ih" pladga t*> luiu Texa? bato a aapplj
? . eii ProalarerySraaatorito oat-TTJtethe pppa
? I let StalOB. Wl Ital t.it, aa a law .
ml, in t il", i, ih it bb) ?aaejrOBB miabt, bj joint J
roaobitkm, inn. v any BWeiajtl pmintry, vabttliei
M. \ii", l . inn, lirenl Hrilam or Turkey . Ihnl a!
though n treaty tor I l ading, Inr |-o?tal niter' oarae,
for delivery ol rriailaala. ai ho. rat|Hiroa a two
? . ',i vote yet thai a bbbtb raaotaObm rd Coogreat
bb aiippinnt th" traatjrpowar a.d. wttboal bbj
?.il.iimtai.m nl the i|iie?tii.ii to Ibe |'e?.|.le, eli?i.t.
' l i lim?'t'T ol Iho I'liimi. nn 1 a imx i?.r mg?, f
In- annexed inj any nation wbatet Bf Tina dm
I trine Miita the South, Inr it lonra alter I'aba and
S'avery there, ChihuahaB Bud blavcr) there am
.tiihth" paaTaaaM ol Mm Baaarativa vVaaaTBi
und, ni 1-1-, th t i "i'A raii'l.' / .'"?, in (', ?
Bbwako hii bard ibe Wrormo thai fivoa tbtal
?wiieroi tue alaw? the ?'inivR en: ol three irvtea
lor a iiiinabair ot Ctaajfasfl bo th"ir tvhall. ami v? lunn
?v. rahh M ihe> daia aat peiuion' It Ii iaalood i
pieer and ? iirioua Proa MM to bo Bp uilliona ol bm-i
i- 'i ?? and unoraii' i- in paraatnity, degrada
them aa rhattaM BO i I'-vel with the pina a.ut
tlien in< reaae tba poaalar rapeaaatttatinn in (>m
reaa iu a tlnee tit11 m ratio aa roaopared t. il>
number ol ihree boiatMBBBa't' In tli- North tb.
art ol liviog in kllaBi um! httar) on other men'a
indostr ia4oroatij i ted la bat Nat.- state,
it ia openly avowod\ Bad Bvoa the app?.*araore ol
rraaatitatkHtal Kborty aoabad ?? a phaatoni
Obi .Iml e UpaavM whom Wbbbtbi made wb;
lot in the State l>ephrtinenl, aa it w.<t;M not ha v.
iiaik" <l decent la a bfaaaarhui tta mantoattfoi
I aa. If mlab Bbiiwj.bail a bMeiiaarvaat Baaaaa
David Rich, to w bom, hy hit will, he i.*a? e hia tree
i 'in II. apaaba ia ?aid will "at atoalaasri au.
ttoady tin n.ialiip which 1 [1 r*MVBj beai liiui.
i l \. t hod m i iii ? Pfiai Btoa a in?: nun blow a i r
.HWh into eternity at ahmt >otice, David Rich
iiotwi?iatandiiif hia on bot a ?tea.lv fnt-u<Ubip, ban
rematood a bond alavi at tlua .lay
l.iateti to the rbofM MM ?l david Huh, the btaek
nuuh hy bb) owaai, Ppattua, the wblto BoeretBiy
?' Stati- bf the Tinted Statea
" lie law heen my alave f..r iwrnft '?if \ear? dnrm.
?? Inch Uwe ha hna been iruited leeveiy ealrni. and ? >? r.
i.apecA. M rmih.tei e m bbb BM tt-eti ui.Uninded II.?
'niethfei re ia of a atab artMr, bta laaaatltj ahovnaU m?pi
t-itnt. aaO Ma aaaaaol rtpM ami pn>pnei\ correct an.! re
mied I kin'* no piat.n-hnhaa fewei tauii* or an?re earel
lenciea than he."
Send OlWaMAM Toe 'I'nbn ?e--bid him alao pi
luae UPBMVB'l will Yet. m nrder to BBBBaM a II
urmua livio?; Im theinaeleea, the t'liueBiaua, the
? t o .: na. the Re.erend Mnliarita, an l the n cm i
oial-a. wtNi.d aeeniui.-ly t-omulae Una I ;i
:?> aaa ii re u> tli.-ruaelvea in.Te extt-naive marke:.?
'i the aaie ii .t?! >re<t men ol a hi?t>i "rvlt-f o! in
lellu. ii. e. an mteirrity at?,t e auaonIBM, Bud BBtMae
?. ri^ht the na>?l eon'eet and rt-hnt d. tla.elh
preaaori oi aaoh a roM any uBtaaaitj ot aaaat
ii?t?I ' Head Saw ak:> ? ?p. t-eb Biel you 1 a<h... .
tbo BBBWaf
I in tired ol S.'uthcni itibbtriab alont ki ii i -
1 .'ia, in the OaaMtM t>l hit BMpalahra rl.apa..:\
talked ot the JtoAMBB luatmu who, wboo aak
her ewt a, pointed U> her children Her childrec '
U waa weil for her that ahe lived out >. I our S itkt
an 1 had u.) acveuth couaiu wl??ae BTOOl |Taad
lalhci. like Ihe aire of I rani r a Rich bad !?? I
kidnapped in Africa, or elae the chivaJrv 'v
lta\e m\>U\ her children f.> he autrar awamp alavea m
Loumana, or elae U> augment the race ol hertdi
t*ry acrfa .fcatined M BBOMl aa three rittha el a man
ac in the effort bleaaed by Whmiii. ' -
.? -?ht alavtyhoediaa \id"t I I Senate out of Teva.?
t .llfornln Knex-klata \\ ate re ha Tea na Wenn,
worth* Patent Kla? i nahiim Ahead t nl
hnan'a hqalllhrtuai.
V mreeroeJeace of The Tr.hnne
\V i.HiauYo*. Tharaday. March 1^.
We lia.e had a couple ol hot autl apicy diacua
?i ? - Maaj The il. at about the mt-uttvn.al ot IMMhlJ
California, aakiui; lor a voice BjaJ a vote in bcth
awaaot this Capitol the aetxtad. on a mcliootd
1 ? ? n c! P.. ?>. tut e Judiciary tomnnttee t>r
hjortol which waa to ea-ry T rcu^h the H BaBB B
!>. w-catitt- an a I'Utktnal Judicial I>iatr.ot in Texan
hut Mb] h Meaara. Jlu'itrsivn cf HI. and Sti
vin.oI Pa manfully oppoaed, aa probably intdr
lerini with that delicate ao<. intcreatity ?jueatmu
? t e eu:it v ht-tween the Naeeea ami H o
< i i andc is or ia not a part of thejrreat stave pen oi
the I mm' oUietwiae aVaaapo aa Texas.
lliko|ihcee o.auuical noa.au?;hu They . car
toe air a iiltlo. Almost all tluniia Bocial h.nl point
cai are to he tvaiparauvc.y viewed?^iv? me ttf
tempests ot Washi?atttHi and Westminster, iu pre
itrvnec to the calm ol Mos?>>w a^?l Waissw.or
the deftratied Id id" the maascs under the oligarchy
n' Ireiaud.
Much of the Mtiulattou Itare retatca to cew and
guu txwutnaa. added, or ?tbout to be added, to
this vast repahiu I concur with Mr Wkbstib.
Johb UviMt Ai>Att* and Df CaTAJiBiao in the
opinion that widely extended empire is uadeair
I able The longer the chair, the weaker it become a.
i iteaai and dtxtneity at^witbatajtt?ns; Evaiyasl-i
?'.'?'?Ii V ? I' Ii ri ?).-?? 11? msdeth" rsti/?r
' ' bbOB ? ire proud, at marc regardless of
brae nuwy .? a ire? BbM
W' lararoaiTki'ar t . ai r ?? m ibm
"ftti: are! m;u?t. ? bi "
a w'io pai i lldO.ooo mr
?Her :l ? ??..? W
Waat im twenty reUiaina- W? >si ti.? -
? ? ? - Ii IB o?lj r-w-rfui'hampwMol a
!? 'i:nui purrirly r privately, t. gil<;
? um tu4 ep*ak icainat th?? pOOpex, I ? I .
wkf) ' But mTc'y wifri th* rha?<o?(,( aacce
am l nlBthlialwi]
A MsaMTatj ?? t,,.' !{??[. rti..j r.irnnirt ..a
(? et t t-H * . m.",t Agai'.l! i v m'-f" > ?* -.
if hm ?.. Pm b|b, ar n ...-? ? mj 1 . ippoee ?
aha i havi aa appi* ation to Congress, next, to bt
tbo big house h'-re, (of which the roof blew off ti
other where tfi<: r-n?ion< ierks'l" _-nt
In tiie H?:j?c to day. I'm. t .* Km., aa 11 am
hi.u '<>r the <*?*%, hrrmght in a rcenlotio . lo i ha.
the rnia admitairm debile <>n Wt Ineada
:!, i day weak xtt*. . rUe-k Hawmajfewaal<
? . ii M thi *at.'.' tad / hope: M wdi ba eoaVad i
Ol . ? ! ???)%? h|jat;i.'aa "I the ???;..., |.,r>..
fitt the loil? a, M|?;?!? ? !'-.?: '>">-. Naval an
M ttar^. H t- , h i. M a:i<l ? t.imiaan
ither pri? at" and , .. avirea, w 'i ???'?
r?. left u'.t'i Mi mm da-, a S aas thiucs sr.- haat ih
rMabaaatj and badly done, tod much if left u'r
Mr DtMfTof OtwO trO 0 ???ii ? ? Mi ? ? bad
BstaWeeoM Bat HMM hw ?n l?<r- m Palliasse
' >ru.ii hetni: preapnt aurl h'l'. few in th
gaftcrire. I heafd him raw i.iriiaini t'y In Senat
waa mxmj sha*p ?te>-t .' "? Cai >< i
liltbrhtM, hia propeeed toaaatfaaMl tottatCaa
?titaaJoa i Rvaa bow, wo harre th u t v SobMbt
?pr ?pi.Ii,i.- :????, than h e i,;;,!|,.na ???. w|. '?? men
m? bi Id MM ? tin- Malea and ini*
prcsentm/three millions ol chattel property. b
rant, and aOfJOsWd, while o'her BnVt] S. a;
tun.._. r. BMn nearly bahTnon aa Bo Met ? u
aoa la in ti." Ki aarrtBlsa. aad beva hut a . aa
BOB with the tliirty sent hy not half ai many
?;h-.i'holder<. A<. i tri.? ia ihA 'k?r.itichm>.n.pri'.'.
?Ban bi ill kmi yet it ia not/nil eaous/fa . rCai
Vfl A Ob.
( bL IVaaflsar holillnu n?er "?ur?rj uol in?n^>
II. I. BrBWa 1 urunnl ??. the tt'nolh
na t ? ? .? ..f Ti " fsaaaaa
IS a i BBArVBea, Bj re.nee In/, Ma.. h 1 .
I.. ?t i ? i ?'. \ >. i i \. '. .n'orm.-itU'li f'^ t. .
? ?? ' o id u t of OOL \\ U i.Kit in regard to the sus
i i i ;.!. .? . i" rationi I ?? Bfeaican laiun
darj Bm Th" RAeM aro MM b Aaciat last
Wm i i i. a ed by tiie Admixiistration. i'?
I lo hia a aaf.'ful eipcadHore of the appropriate-"
r that work aad hia iMatiaiMaa m pro^-eaaia?
risk it CoLJ^BatMOBTa f* ap|>o;iited Ina son eaanr
Mrsaaaan (Ol ojaa* WaAeUK was notifie<l u
hk .''ii'.va bal paid no regarl to it- llisior
I ? ... r with tii" Hepartme t apoke of tbr
receipt by him of so advices fmm Ina Governnicni
tier date than t:.e 29th nl Mtn-h laaf. a!
llaiticth n" fnaonahle dmiht eauta ot hia bavitic
rer.'i-, .? I a'l tl," lahaaojaont rnminanicationa seni
II ? ? \t in-' ?rotation the I? partn -tit tret a
.?, that PBBMaBI bad BBt entered upon th? ''jtiea
, the oaQee bol that bo wm atnl exerrisin? it?
?nTth'iM aad rlaiaiinf to bo the Comniisapncr on
M ? part ol the i sited -tatcs.
The Dcpartm-iit ol rm lateftor then b-'boi civea
dm ;<inini ia.tee "i hia BBlpflnaion finm oliee
?ii h was i.r losed u hier bm to M t/ir K.Moitr di
" ti' ? him !?? l ain) it to ? .. . v\ i 1 i i i; a ,.| to ?
eoira from I.im al! the inatrunienta *M] oth't proper
\ I" loaMriaft lo the Bo a bTOIMI Kr.rm this rrKbing
pnore ia beard until lately . when it appear., that M:
'?'. > i i. it iif. la Iu. i. i'oM'i; :it San Dic.o .
'.hi nt t! <? ?. i M b^obraary lasl ami und. t tiie pre
teaae tliat he an without t imia to pmeepd on the
pari ..I t ' Bin d S ar a, p a ires his aaaent for
i aiiapenaioii of sll the work on tin' Ihm* until the
bal Uoatdaj ia Koreaaber next there torensaem
bat -t ^.l Pbmm aaa bainQawaass A more Haarrani
lir' s' !i ol trust has never hecn perpetrated Sy a
puiihe oBtcer,evea in the palmiest daysnl cor
raptkm ander \ c Bobbo aad Polk s adminis
trati .11
i learn to day thai Mr Kwiaa ia of the opiueai
that i i eoBM phtai >? oi t'"-* Mapenaion the work
Bead not aaceaaartb Bttap Ami mat be tain
ftivoi .if appotntina ibe fommiaskiner at om c des
lasriag ih - MoaaMfl "I th" Seiontitic Corps, and
have them proceed without delay to the held ol ope
at.<>n AM ta tMpatcM B MMOOOaxcrtti lien i'oi
hi iaJbtMiaaj bMB m the action ol uttatioverumcot,
n r| r. a'eatin.t. tl'Al with the aaaent ??! the Mexi
a i I ie. i r1 unei t I e pr > < i ?! al nir e Ui a point 'let
? ^nard. win ?? on ?'? 'niia?lorier aa the ?m . "a?or ,?(
aVtf i i ? will be, aad U Ii i their J tint auperintcn
h, ? lahawetat warb Btaeaad, regard less ol tlw
laoathi'riiiiil t toi Coi VVbllkm I presume the
Babtar waa Btedt a sahiaet matter of dia issrmto
lay in l ahme! I'mimd. an-l I hope the viewa ol
Ul F.ii|,'i. aieie auataine.t K.ery sue w mi has
Iteaia nl WSLlSB't bmsMM has noademoed it. as
b i jury t" the, aervira ol the I nited eltates has
m ii mad t ' aut r greatly lo hia handa, by th
isp he haa tObOB
BBBUMM I' Khowv |lw .liat.n. ..a, I l.oeo
Ptatm riMBrinr. aad /*?/ bMfrapheroi lien <"as>
boom pxaatMlaitaa riMBfHf d him to Beek aai.-ty
Bgbtj ?aa BtTOOtod in Mi higaii as ?tated in
bobm ol MM papera Hut un 1. I an abuae of the
Babt aa rorpua art, he waa taken before one al the
local hadMea ut that State, ami dMebaraed oa tin
t le.li.ed itrmiu 1 nl th" . ? ?i' if ..ey ol th" affirlavil
It was pii par. d in.in one in tiiia city, that had
%t >nil the tOM of local B.t|udicalio,i. under which a
aMM had bMB arreat. d. Bsaai aral truil hut in the
Btagraaaire spot of the a?'r la If khigan, it was
? I-- 'l Ua. 'rai a texttirs t> lie un.< aruun?.'
the persons! liberty nl so riiatinxuished a person aa
ihc far lamed hio.raph.r, Mr Hro?\ For tfv
. a it, ciMiscipieutly, he has escS|aed but it he
rcins'iia l . the IMt.-d State* thirty dsya. be will
he arreatcd.it in the power of Irotemmenl to rk?ao
Veaaarday Col Fhabobit was sunamoneil i>etn .'
I Itrai ?I Jury In c ? e teatinmoy in the celebrated
? WoeB] H tsc BBM, Bbal ate .se t" the arresl
?i the laapoatet who was fl.-t. . - the poblle by at.
aaanhatsM ?; tins h iMMb] The evidence "f Col
? i vi.si eatablialtcii the :r?^d tieyond Uiapute
ami the man who had the t.-menty t<< ittmo witbu
the reach of " Old Bullion ' to pain. ntThia humhot
?ui the cnnirouiiity wni iiavf to pay p city dear
h i whittle Ali h t
??Interv llnrinno. Diane?. Dnnglna The I'rav
rtae Uondwnrlh'a Pmrnl l.lilamlna.
i iw MMeaaBM of ?ie Tr.:>une.
V\ ?.?,\..t. n. Weeneeday evrrir.'. Mairn Ia
lioRMAa yesterday, and Pl'ail : day aeam
BMI MBa to a.4.. . ' < i i'Tina. a< she is, but without
'ii Proviso, ami then to ..?c N. ? M.-\.. ? a Ter
ntin.a! tb ? r-urci :. also ?itla'ut the Proviso, lea*
in.- slave own< rs to es r> the.. p.-ii|??Tty
(rod's cresturca tl:-ri, ami take tin ir i banee ol th?
a> cishM id the fesh ra curls whether tiie .aw wil.
n oaji lai k tur-n a* en a traniu.- with a brute
.'?cast, or with snolber man of whiter sk::,
Von will have |.. n. ivaai that The RipuUit. tkt
-t-cciA ..rctu .? the Preaident '| om.ea out air n.
that morning in defence of Wib?tib'? arvunaer.t on
Ii ;\,r> Is not Baw X at.ti fmm bbbm 1
l i e Heuae i.avunt adjt>araaai early I hearkctie<'.
? tbml an hour ti> Judce DoK.l.a? m >' i.att
Hi i- * amall aiae. hale and healthy perbate
?t -. or .it that Bete hia hat* .a Ua> k, an<:
BJtJ or it. Ins co.ii.tciiau. e ireticatea atirr wdueea
al Bflkel reattiutkui. Like Saw axd ami V AB
He ran. he ia a native ol New York State, his
mtr is strong, and be it by :. mcana an unp'eaa
aits'veke.- ^To iw bis pt>iitical course Las bet a
rtthcrobnoxhnis, hot where public sentiment cets
.tina-eiitrxtcd in favor ii" nirht and jaaticc oo any
BBMOI b bv wiil doubtleaa la? careful ia>t to ma
? r., ,? th. re .. S a"a*l ce ft
?avsaiot al'.. H ? i? acajosi a pp?citation ot Slavery
::i the TemtoneOj and aira^wt the Wilaru-t Prrwisu
- Caltkaraia, but uielmea to ?ote aa uistru?le?* a. d
>neii instructed to .-o fat HM Tro' Ja. How aa
It New UaMM '
A triemi ink rnvs me tiiat one Kaao? was pan
h the inventor ol ibe B am. machine, that hau
?i.c '.a of tNauoands ot H art MOM proved to have
MM ?a.ned hy th,' patent prevtoM toiast renew a>
Xi i that the a- n of Y\ ot DwoRTB reaidea in New
York, and is wealthy Aa to tiglttot.. the fact *
thst the t-oats ol the I nited Mates < ourts are
e-vToamiB ami the l.-lay of joanee alraost inauter
When men contest the ruthttoa patent the
attorney class make fortunes out of them or it
ami then the sufferers come lo Comrress kr renew
als which bat tor as culpa hie neajiert ot dttty
artaxid never have rase* required. Members ot
iwtb H oset peaad ui the I S. Courts, they gain by
delay s and heavy coats, and 1 see not the skabteat
du poet Uot, say where to aJoru a raonsdy
i T: ': CIA
'"* i^Li_!""***'-* ?*' l#?en.? .
? - . ?*?? ? ? r .
the ?wer amldu classes . Terrr.ara apreada like
panic pir im u ' .? a ? pn? tinge.! Dae.noera
of noe.etv The taf? are resigned ?mj rueful.
*.?.?*? ??..?* ? t **?,.? r v
I ? t* lerrni to n?j Mlb ? " saS'S
are afraid r<f ,t dreai'u!Mf - Mt . ? ?. | |
Their minds mnt ?trrHi They feel instirr-tivelv.
list! ir.- iu. ..?: ?. ? t ?am wil' dei-or tb-tr pro?
perty im-that whi-h i? 6) them mor- des I
li'*U? and pnri.cgr*, if th-ty do not crueh it in the
tht paililcalial germe of iv3aad reKz .a!'<?:
at eoiintry people rate re ?or.? i>> aj
,.| .(...f?aV '? _? ,t )? :? i t<-.: .a- ? > * :>; ?? f
|ee?ee ?r?r| t-ran- hea, in the p isrum ?ta ; w ra
.a :.,??- ta B ? al a n *hr y a->y ?? Bari a- a aj
? It m' at he cmalied, ?uppresaed, or a? irty aril!
perish. f>? ? - ;. ?.i i tie .11. ..-ma; ? H--.it ?. ?
Tafea. Hn and Pr.viies-. Then an r aWaaiaaa |
a-" perhaps ca. eaai-.- they are not u.ifntinded
I thai s? ial *ii: fr? R anBM deatr IJ a1
Ueut an.! r iwie-e, ; hen-aa and rieh . orruption
Tmj mean to ti i.' 1 "rtiieiiiiiainat.il
of these social lewcie whi. h adorn Stately
T . ; a ta I ? ast and powerful Th. \
BTB ? p 11111.? preparing it, tl practice. Ita g-iicra!
laiacipli ia .mw revca.eti. aa weil aa its deta. a
TbaBM an' iti eamng < o-meuta
t' fm F"":n a lesen- l'-..-.- t) an.l i' .
it? t.t ?..?! Pise, ettio.- mi n:. ... . ?-% ap!n rr.' !aaa.
rcIVmn sml opinion
Srcvml i (Jive pit. tel. in art ry b. amhof public and
pn.atoao. ; > th.?ae i.iilv who IeiMiuwe iiburtx
? ery so.-f ?n.| "aisrnt to I..-??, , ? . i, .?!.
employ them D i> B'? u'ists and II" . m-ui
from every pla-'c aad ctt.ployment, iu the army. BM
navy, the i hun n, the bar, flat BMfpetracy, |
Bad privatr administration and c v.-n Imm the
pmtry BaBceof taetatJM or door-keeper, to m-ikr
null !"t spies. T,.:a \ ery ti ?!??-k epe:
4 tie- BOUSe where I reside, l.as been ?.-nt away
?o .nuke ri. un fo, ti,.- wife t a I'naT na/",',
?h "l?h ah- -.v ?-? *? : :', ? ' ind tri! ...
i loaaljr and |?>lite perawa, wbo bad baan in that
aarrica dariaaj the bast tanyaars .\h inen lHarml.
i . n ut, vt h > wat a-kn a ed>r"d t?v Ina ud."?
', . . ,..?.?-1,1 .,.| ,,..,i, iieesusr n ?
i Boris)ial Hei"ibli.-an. ?im-iar taeta take place
, ia "very ; nrt of I- rsnre
Ihuil: Dn.e the rasend maaa "j bsnvvalori
tu tl,..- active ti I ? baJaatfy, leea ptavert] ?
i,'lie. "i? -oi t";.t and r ?na"'] Mat rel?" !i ?1.
fimrtk (?manize. the m litary div iaion of the
aw try in tech a maun. ?-, that any part of Pnaoc .
i 1 !' need lie, the whole territory, may at any
H 'mi nt be declared b> a statte of Biege, aaai
by martial law Th a t. -y BaU ti." pat era
.?j.eat the Hie ernm nt decree wh.eh j .acea hV
II r?' oi France under ti.e military com09and ol
? ten. I'astellane, the ohirf praattioas of which are
nut. Nsnte? and lleunea, tie ?S. ,. lei
III ' cninms'l'l <?! <i";i i I. 'ah i a... 11 e: ei.iel entei , ?
arMek are, Meaapetaei 1 - ? we, Parpkjaau ti
Emmi, BaaiM II.i '"iiiMV. l.i 'i.:i '??rueau, ?,:<
head <juart< ra al Lyons and K'*aai:. on The.-.
?< r nn I th. N irt.'i are a'read;, in the haw ? ??: I I
1 a -art. ? vV i 'a ?. a ,d p?-'v-? at..i , a. a
I 'inat.' rtl'y r .-H i/ed .(i > ? the licpubhr ana o
pa trd France man mhcillanu. nMifial
i>" del tared, IBM I minim law auapenrled. ami Med
? Veep era, or ??t BMrtboaoaaew I \ mi. law pel
n prajrtace,ea a aeavAjseai ?.-a;.- in tie iseaB
. in- two, "thi / ii.".t !'? a ni" ? <?? .'. i. i
Mapleaa th< plan.
I'< t'ria.i l.ih"-t f TbWaaat sint loin slioi.
ii th" Preea ami ia tae Pavbia I efleyM
Surtk i Kevise the Constitution in such a msn
ter aa to suppress l liiverssl ttaflrsitc, l>cltir" tin
. .?<?? al K tuet a am o ? ? I
lltoer nieaaurca etc in mMSM|ilatkili, ihr
. .i epee y aw.? ad I ?< ?'. preea p
araea am i d.s. ..... < l||. .. -a ,:i ,|, - .. ilw ,'h
lauding their ma lihaal ? nlk] The I
f Order/' iau tuy what they like aataiuat liberty
nid justice, in the press and OB th" ata.
bun lica ami puhle meetinea Sot ahata
Batired in evi , way TV trie. ?!? ol II"
'ro Kuadume.kt ami Tithe, are i iole il
olrad to aave eVa-iet'. from the barbarism ol pro
e ty in the traits of one's ow n labor ** None
BBI l.alair hiiuibu.' BOWB WBab BBS BBWMi ttht
I .1 ami th" taxes or aaa ahau >?>! live :u oi
t . The pi apM) bad a m'tio?..i rBaaWeWJ l
ti.e Ctasatitirtarra arara threaten d, the rmht
athaj MaMsaaeed Ta ? military .luiaa
-im". Mid ll." _-eior?: appln at ? . "I martia
\. ? '"a Ii 'M mi'h how to r.-'n." rl. ? Ix?.
Italy, ft? lUoiia. d ?ml Hernia..y win (>?< ti.-al-'
I the seaaa srej arharaeef thej shew Iii
The BovarwJtrntv ol IkViaaopeihMB and K"vi
in-Bia to give a leaaon of aotlamtv and orib
He aot ereuinty ol lie People, and iheii S?
b ??? ??! Liberty au<i Lai? Bf B at hV ? i
[loyalty. The friemia t>f Rent are rirnrik with
. . aaai laaeaaai Th'?y w ill rertatnly provoke the
I'l-opie :i.t.. re\'Mit..ui i'.ti a ?r ?.?m? .
Ml It is ira>r. than oter.eaaarv to pre .a-.- ti.
pahJ ?" uiilid lor the wieat thai ' an happen a. M I
. I tin . -...<? ol Moil a 'iread ul social malady
II "'-? ?laliv e revolution necessary toprepa ?? tl
?n (ra Socialist innovatarm? The moat emioe
aaxaal Imaitatoia ana wer. Ball I BJBiWar. V<
Tim Pcple a'e inatir.etively ol in. opiriNMt lean*
Bbaac ami cthr'. eaiinent nieu ol th" |?
i Im.'I o| Sarialiata. are a!*o ..I that mind F"'i
il^ven, l'ro?i<!tKHi ami tlieir Inline era are tiie
? .? ates ??! '?'0 Balerveution The. Ihina lite world
may be reorganized hy practical i .n->vatioc i i. tin
- ia ? -'. ?. a.e a Phaia,.atery, a Comini.u ty
Malik.'! lb" People are deemed erpia, I ? '? t?.
,: uu.versa and progressive, trau?ormatan That
? ..ue gresl cauae of the revolutionary weaku ??
Th> y .''em native dortnnea -i ? i
(...rusophy sufiic.ent Ui rcltarni the Churrn n
i .. iiml-ii..-. nf C'iuai.ty a;?t hbrrty auaViei
aaafW tin- Stale. The abolition .?I Chorci an:
?tHte ia th- ideal - I RelnrsKia ami Pmitiea! Lil
vst oot.sister.t ot the t!i". ?? , -?? ?er? negaBBBBfJ
Ht j r r f II 111 ""th'H ? tl awhelieail
jaNittcal orgainaation i .airier prot?r?es a . ? ..? ?
terms, and oi.r?
minist al.?e i
iaed to intent a ?yatem
aa a f-Jiuie auf? .'. ' I -
State. Kach af them
u utv rt aultinln>m tl -
l.aa an ideal o
? -at..?ioi
ot Churrb
the elrisrul* ot li
??ortrsve't with e;,
Bf ;? |g fa- tin
uik-i.t. perhaps, a
.east incomplete nl
.?? n.a-.y "s-.tr
oliiatr sper ia! or
i . : el.ats ... It.
*iip life, are m t
however; or I
rtne-sa say. the
ia.iata. Hi ha
isl srmiea a. d
re unity. Hia
>1 ??!..???.... ?
State, are liner
ie a*ihord:oat.
:n -a: i -.?
n oi the Word
everything to the prai-ti a. ragjBt
r-ity He ?rts aside the Kcvt-.a*.:.
as supernatural tnapuatam thourb he admita it as
natural iiitaitam. Owen doea the aame. an?'
a Proaaihoo- They substitute Conaentums
Katataoal Heliaram. Bar Ka ue Ro.,ti.i..
? ui.y ... gauve, obscure and impotent in .heir
l:a-?rua views .4 doctrine. Hav.cg no [.anUve i
ptton ol tbia "Cder ot collective Ine ami oetatri
they deem it uijereaaary in the i-iture 'institution
Society. In lieu of explanation, "bey have vr
.?: -'t ?t?...-..Ci. ?upervi.uon. inenaca bailuci
nation are their explanatioee ot re?gioa.
Ali UX' Sortalnvt pheoaoprarr? baWa partially .La
cussed the general prnetpies ot Setene? and K.
ugioua iAvtrmr?paruaiiy a*tmtted the nrreasity
Leans.alive R- \i-.'i.U. l.?p*rr.ail;. and more ea
BaaaaBj dinr-ossed. the nature and ine t-nristitutiot,
of new SoctsJ and Ind-.smxl laarrtutions. Tb-y
have nohty sdvocsted the great cause of Humsn
Progress and Kegenerabotv Thera is. however,
ranch to be effected yet hence the wcarX can be ac
i-rtmpbnhetl. It is my c?Sert to assajt in potntir? |
I uau what ntn. ,-CAuuos oIwcum or duxly risible
Thence it .? I aiDOH the n<t|
Bans -re 3 the re.-oiutt.ni \tf wnl
BM r><?*it
En h V
? st v ~ ??tT ? e. ? .? hgh:
00. tad that doteaj my ova part ia the
?? ?<* crown the work N? one
' ? e ?encra!r<i w:!i '??? able 1.
. : ?. t. r>etti> tor he
th less lou'iaunatt.-. when he aad *
-? ?? ? ???*?.?? \J . ?..?
the light 0. truth, is like ? s^obe of
la tfaaa, am?no- bgialat?Msj ami aup.?
I ? ?? ?->--:s. ?? k'sn:zitt >?, \r<- ure.t
liae the world mmtdetel.v The load
. ui?u aad s? it ,?t? * e iiaarrafiasj
selves aaaaaajBai* m nie theonea ?
1 * ? a t. .-ether rieht nor are th y
. aitoe-Uie. wrong 1 will disease
m. 1: . ? v.- a Mud sKetch ot my
I ..?.:. let ? aMti m
r rrvowit tiftlum, ss I understand it.?
1- w II admit of multiplied develop
, hat baa ??.?,??- * ? ? ?Iii., .? ? ,.|4>
1 . S'-r.pt 1 -e t.' a aw
Hutir. to a' th- races
mt, by that P?>greaaiv?
??? ?. ?.. .: ,? ? \ urn ? i
id tratit Ibraand n ? ,
'?..?'??. ?? ii.N-eaait\
daadaaslaathj Immi
raaai arah regard to pnat
I, i> i ? ? the ? ? asaswa
? t. * t!* 1 bag an.
itnai n..hf
? 1 pifc-n-as vi as iltdltp .1
.? siataoa ? hat tiie rays
BtaaakaaeTe. The ma btioa ?>??
,11 ? where the
s, ii is vam tn saltivata aaw
and aoweffai interests arc
> attempt now institutions 01
Ta !??.- ? iti. ?? itkaoas^lseia ,.f
ooa to the speeasl "TKaniai
1 ? ? oswaiti r ibatriaai
*e it ran reafi uaaa the
?1: ..! IV MM tiv ?? In bat
in ht" not pi aitts o real
?.-,.;??.?. V ai ? dec; i MO 11?
it on ami aanaoprdy are not poeitive
ajeaartatataattd mm ai?l oi th.- ether
? ? ir.. ?? ?!?? in 1? 't U"
j and other ?? untr es, where th
' .? e. riiey think aa enwbt that legal
? . n sflbrde asrt) 1 aoeajb, as 11 exists st present,
I lor the free dev.?..?pun otMawaieel iaetita
? I? '."?? ?? k'l ? a' ? i' ii) p; eaent ? >"'>?< I
ike ?visWnl Motto pol ieo alone com tsativs
in a le.-islative stmosph-ro of privilege. In euch
IB a:, lo.ph. r. mpntable institutions m ist -iili |
ronie ? -r ;>.?.??. 1 .? motmpoiiea or p< rtali.
IVoudhon and Iiis partiasns pen eive that Work
ig oaea'a tfuti lies, ss they arc mis .iWHiitvlaiKl
nrganiied hy certain trad.-a in Tana, w.'l become
'. aat in t.ic Stale, juat aa any attkOf atagae
. aaa eaattl and Manufacturing atafl becomes a
practical monopoly ol pmperty ami credit as it
trowsaad pswatara m society it ia vam. there
at :' am .'i ?.?-:hI innoi ati.'ti hot..re ;.-.jiaia I
thai revobition W hat ia the cause01 thia Ohtalaa '
?\ tn rnarief aaai Owea it iru iin<!oabte<|.'> the |
it airu et prompt am ? ess ?In. h led them t> ajieci
. a in mal aweetaaa With PnNeawa itaaoaM
?. in n? he aaev lawd aoakaaa e/eaaawteiea awatj and
1. de. It may slao he with him ss it was va.Ui
Uwea aad J iriei eertaia iaatawat af aasVea, aat
as aw ik.cn gat fear? ef haWaskl int. reals Tomtit
mht In1 rinii.) disarm pneats, prin. ca, an.I na.
la.poiiata by prooiia ag the a, ??. i oorj reaaWatM
.1. , tet properties aad privategee? aat aasa an
is 1 eaiei.suai of tiiru ea and htaawaj waasasaai
... Im 1? ?? He miaed up the ptiai last 11 reat m In?
theory ol dividend! lo Cmmtmt, I torn* and 7 iirnt
Ightl oald conciliate subversive iutere?ta
. I in ationaMe inatnn ta by aina .amatiuii Hi,
?er? who .rale ma genius, hard y dare t
?1 ati . his solutions even when their eoosetewc
is alarm .I by teaaool I s aaavaajaaavasaaaaol natura!
1: t , at I - j, ?* i, ? ? -ia iranti. during
!?..? first'ew yearsot my a'm! . ? 'indtr 1 ia .lire
? .< amasTJ of I.is unepnoiat are umbiubterily
mo bat aat ehre? of Mi riaoM af esaVaf asai see
. iat on are ss irtaiiiiy erronenue ll will l>e.j.i,i?
aa .iu|">aaible to . aartfotl 'h.- rent of Capital w tl
viits ..t pr e.cii) in gat aVatat al ??o'ooei
1 nail I :n:?'seil'if ta mm ,lntf iianeal on
aad afarta iaotawtaia baaaaa naturr-with H|
im.rahty and |ronl\ ..'tuv lern e The errors 1
Koariei ? laaBory lurk in this well meant anil in
geuiosasly coninved syatem of "^frlnpf'tg that
a bb ii w aa never mea nt I 1 Ire >*>iicihated by aina
aaOataM the pernhahle inatire 'a and the vicea I
1 IfeceeOatj with the everlasting ixiuscienc
. 1 irtat a as absolute Neceeaity. We mi^m
ia ? attempt to harm.'../>? teroeious si.ima.?
a .th thaae and iartiha, vaithout transforming
ah lol baj iheir p- rjr able uaiure. as attempt ti
liarriaHiue the temporary mstiorts of Monopoly ami
. egwlm ita the perasaaveat aaaaaacij ai a mneu
t said r oeimoi. just.. .- .11 assm lal.oi Tl a whoh
.. it.'oi .< ama ?'ainal. 1, ai.'t' oni uiatioii a an iru
? a I Of] !' 'a w ritten u.at " Bat woe ami
BM Itnih aiiall fee<! Wethe.-, ami the lam aball eat I
atraw aethe' ....? k W t it cnuea to pasa |
the '??0 will no katger feed on the (tali smwI bieed
' ! ' u.lo'k m-.tn-pmiafs wi., ivr no longer upon
rent, tiie tJe.ii ami bbajd ol lab. 1 The wolf ?11 h.
. .?:... 'a A.i a..'?::iatim. ?????: ai d '.a..'. r
hie and everlast.Lr. is ia* i.'at) ssme tiui.g aa
alor .riatam r the hsd a -.?? pient saeurit
w .Ui t'.e Tt ?? ??? ?:ih ,::?t.i.' 's >l H
ira ii .1 I 1 ?he i styl transformed :.e
trie gener- ua ii.stue ts >.! Asac-iation can be 1
te?l Legislation must be '?;? l'itwr.ircl m
iv tsni ; ra tc e belore Property 1 an be die
sd of pnvt'ege. aad ;ar? r freed Vom ar?..iati"ri
. . Le. i at."!. ai d Aia?? iat:may be aim
ranw ot [.rvperty in the tntas of one s own labor
A 1 ? i'-'e. .'I, , bat tt.? . l.-a ' I? tt p?t
. ta. Drara he wiah to enjoy
er liberty tor the discussion ol K-nt BM
> rj hy aeeaainaT to a*tmit the rnoavitaoliat I |
.. awl, ?>< does bar reaiy de.a>le inmaei:
with the idea taaat freattaa-raaavsaDn aaateeBBa*M
, .-\.t c ?..???rat by M a apoty until tht
ft. r was als L shed b? eahatstai. ' I ani/X a.,
,v. r a ' bat a tr-rtrta as L' there waa a |
culture . i raV ' v and ae.f delesioo 11 hat mind.
Whate - r be hio aotkm on thia '|oeation it
c ear to my iniad that got?iah?M and Nm
!. m arc as cpprei'tt? axf -jrerrvrjr?able m pnncip
a ttce as the ..-.at ji< -s and t.sottt of lotaeat
at the head of nee*? amm*1*, th?rtr .-??rana-m et
- give way and dwaptaear Aa Sorwhnm. or!
. ?::::< . ?! a.iC ximr, ;US' ? e
a .-ran ef at the bead of tinefn. Labor ia the progreM
4 the PeopUf a minrl Mooo,.,Lsm. theommon en
tan of Labor mast give way and dkMppear.
Miaaojadtsm t .d Socialism are natural enenuea
Ti ?? larjx? live totrether n Society They may
inhabit the s.vme ? otuitry. but nut ? peace and
amity High Don eat t
Foauina jTAVirfTsii* ? The raioe of trees its
Mrveat frew Prassen ta Ose ?aar ?erawiaan waaeb arrived at I
MwriasasM.naaltOt We aaat. orvababiy Men
soaw (ows pasta. Ac tj aan-sy. from uVena fcretea^ atodta. |
New. ? era. Tewa Hr.-ileo*.
It k.y
V ? R-tm*. Cnc?*. rvatravukt.
liriv lirn-iger. Hut?. K i.fi*>.
Wir?-? Aug??.?-? a*
I er?? ?'?r?
A rre>n?t Vtn.ir. Aalawer, AlHtnl
* ? ?? Kl--?>?? . 8etfa?i t'aaeade?
i" ?rk?? f? r.rettrlsh.' ?> ilrvee. Irtiirrawdetar*.
N H ? ??.?? NM?t. W Ahnend r?
ltr|?rearniail?ee tit IVerrn and Nfw In??.
TV? ?V*?lun?tton . ncreapondent Ol the .Varurl
- . ? \?w W\ ' ?e??
r?e?.r??s ^aW* ibe ?enroenear C.wneuuee. SC ?kcbNi
air skoaie i* ? ?rtwt. and and- a ?a.t.rnkge
"m? r>c Kann r? the tVaaaret rv.egnte, ta . Janat
*? ? a>a?na. ud<..xi? man Ua at nut a Mormon
' " - T*"" dneirin* ana ??? ronn-eu.?* w.iA be conauta
mm ? . '?ujion* an? b>.*r*ied Mi Smith,
the [raaaanka trenn New Mr*.... anpnnr* weil, jute far
? > ?? ? - > ??,
Pltn .>? Uta i'ttiHi?.. i? Ki?ak.? -W?
.? -> ihe * .rowing fcsW 'Sa ru,4.ii.w vea;e?ei. et ihr. Vtb
iuat. i
\f na'AAV? Tj? 4ntt>iN(r?a run ?rar* thai haare.
II a.*.er ?*? w .. chart* As.. ? mr .n ?xpanar
vhI ?Bei? no reward la Ulfas tat, ia ma.ar* nt rann of can
MB -Marek |) Iii' r kl HALL.
? - . ' ?-- '..?*? i >???:.: Maa.? .( V irg tnuv
' >. . ? BBa i batst, ii a.Hj J not ha aurprlaing 10 are
. .'uru.n,' ratd? aatna **???* in V>u. ?"n T'? ?*
fa*- The /' i.". nt Kv ./????rn/n hM hoiated the
Itaj Ht-ss? i i kl ^i- President, and W> H
S?'\ kl | h r V < e P-entrS-nt in IcnVJ
l%f- f?! U ? II Mii.iv Wog. haa hee i elected
Hl i Ranger. Maina, without 'prannte?
| 8 ?! II V S !ri.?,.,...k\ hash, ir iv.-n.vi
r-t ktaror af aWStirv. Maa?
(allfnrahn Ticket* f r TOr T. -unr
H ??? ? i* 'i.'or.. 1 ? ?'Witu inNtnuatioa I
il '?'in ' Bnlb? .cut Imp-rtna. BJ to aalt ol toil a ptOBt
ise ti< ol 'I tor ll c nenetit ot ntii.itunate |
persons who may spend a their available mean*
i getting aa lar a? I'-tt.sina. ? their Bjajfj to Caw
loiiiia. an.I tiiero to th-'ir .hamsv tin.I that th.-v . ao
??I at t iMkoa ?:?>?. Sole) through tickets oi
titi eatth.'iahfil lin.'i I'ersoas p-irclrMtnat l'-b.-ta
a.1 han.l, l aviiiat h .-. nria-iuai'y made uul
'. .?thi-r partica. . rria / f.i 'k<?>????* arrtl .o
I Ban \~? etilav a man at the .nfre .M Mraara. I'oartand h
?it " ? 'iia.1.- liier.- to
??w? >l IK-aeta f > "iroil^h
I thai Ike ii'i.r >er ?( hl?
?l.i|>n.l ? Mam ll..wlan4 A Aapinwall. lc
? aayaaaaaia praeti?ml u|<>n i?r'aena hv rharami;
in,um tH Uttheaa and aleo U r put.int a arup
ihvttaata r?r?....? wiakm^ thteainra i" an kaaatf
..I ariwl tiivina* ?ect-ml-haii.l iickeia welat* lAr? ,irr
'.'?r.l ? IW V?ai 'Vr ? ??/-!?? .-Ifa .'tel. r>MM.I
i I ...i rr.-and i? nerer while .) we -re Ike Kriminal
... . . ?? m ?! if ?. ot.l *? i.lie. ..r raul .rtana. kB dl?;?^e
? I . ?? ? #. tw i< 'i ?' aai.'r ? ? i.'l i ' .?? < 4
ahnt u rrrnrrJ V? rtr ?ratrr u?.ra|r ike/?r w .-.Im
Jom Lin Imt ii m ./"<'?.., in tlua week
ran i..,;.iwinf h leieertr** ferte?a r.-nrerrr 'he .1.?.
!? ? ?? er:?.i ear.' eriaac?n.-ni? ,n I. iralon, Jenny
in! aired the arilnirbati reai.li rn-e . f t alvut nn t w.'rih
, -'. alhtf kit furenure, lua rarrtaee and roeekaian. kta
? ? aal aaaana avatnaalaan. ut a., aaaaalaaataa m reu
I.- r.t ad l.i .... ili?: ahe rua.le to the ii.ua ?ervir? el trie
via* ail* laii.e.'i a: Kaatltah chaplain
.... Uiwu tae open lawn ol Ute geraten, whenever Ute
i - r ? , .1 . v v. av i'ei um. in ..'iier wiae in 'ae ...
?tea el the Kngnah Chareh
' Uta aneetbled heaaahual I ke r<ia.-baiaa. aa ia the ca?
i in K ifla I had atwonuavu latioae for bva haaaajr la a |
ataMaai and hit wile, Btl nioUter ..I iv..i
r ? eat aa N waabnr and trea>
\V,...e, ?? . ., MBawft i Bktaan .n and arquau.larn'e
'ii he -ant arid fa.-?i hi ul l.tnatun, the fa,- Sar.ln war
n ailin . lM-aei ? ai'"l otn .nule lo Im>i gei.n.a and , k.r
. were i^ok raluard ai her guur, al.e wae ..fler.eal
.e.i nl nil..* <-? ' lie liaviinw, h"r favnree ren >' i ?
erery hour af leianie, tendinir Ike rna.-braan a babe, nr
.. - nr? tu rra.1 tin H?? .inhie faini v ail
wi erat? nay, attar, ietti *ee neu t.. ae aapaaaaj BVaai
iwa; cut ? . ? ?. rlag ai Hinuioabam or Ll>nr|i.a.l. .he
arrutntotbeaa daaly atIIha keraaa f? i % ami w.ih a ha
. . - !..?'. i wa. ?.'.....,i ,-??i'*a?
? unou?. Theee .euer? wete lent and ebuwa tu ibe netg-lv
iandeaanra,mm)theMaant(ntTaaraataal wh..ia,i.een
aaa kneeBanhralart ???? u.ai ?? u
? . I nav. wi ie?- eaiore lamiiiaii? aa.laile.-tl.nl >iei,
t ? "a. lima i ? wife an I waara, a liened I . th** aleeve ut
at angWWa n *iu n ?ne ??>!??, and . Lange.! ami re
?ilirbwd riii.ru r la eve -y dree* ahe pute m., a wan r.atilv
I.am.Kid l.rareri her pi.ting teepeeke frmn lenny l.lnd
areaM ha ? liar l "tlremny of poverty Ilia' w.mikI la
mi. e her In part wlUt II
. ...a >i t i ? id tree rri" e I hau a tear 'be
?? aaial Mr I , aa I Iba akaM u<> ei.lerlvrit.ren had
- at irrri bar. He ba>l In? ..?Iginga in luwn, near hut
plana of buar.een and be aenl Bta riett in Brtmrutun anar
rofenet*. w ?> leu', . ?|.ijrnia. wua a i..?B .!.??.. .wa. ?.i
.. aii..n.ed?e of upera tiaaera 10 aach of In. Triendt aa
ii ;lie na.urai i .quirier m ? i?l ?u? - nur laremiri . .
r. Inwaver ?i .u me*' i|.iatier v BBBaakaaiaahl
an ? i ? i we,, .itapoan <rl? i
rnwanrj Oaw Mi < ahaaaka ran ?n hut leaan
"i pvraoii Ti." . mil aadl Mil'? aeriMiiii tat hi. vian rery
i ? aal ......ia He laatt eanaaaknl aa aaooaaawi
?i.^r... >.i BnaBBaabBa arui aatjaattaW Tim e?r
. i a lie !.?i. ?u..??e<| i. . .1 ma.'er i.. .he .'.rawu.:
. .1 u?- n*tt imuuie Miaa Li i r.una riit iiat ...
* ii I'?.? anl I '?hind, hair iwi
'.. i'naee |..ariiruiaia a.e rid head tr.ir;
?'a NT) and at aorathkl? I a at '--at t'ieod iat ha
w i *ie er teal him k| Ma Iwa aaaaia, ctww4ai
, l?wn nl.. a lar^e ?rnirha.r. inaian?! u(?in k'iow -.g
he ha<l n.?r i*.en ? . a*-e her during :ne hint Uiee ?he
?>?.| been ia bi? bouee, and Inally aeaie.1 heraeii aa
Bena a' bia b?"t, bi talk over mailera Vialle neerennae
vuh Ulla Iaal rnaleaeaotlna, Ui" leep-lown rbtvalry af 'Be
? Bag i?h n?-i ?w areawaA, and Ir.ippu g -m >r??
? r f. he declared It.al he r.iuld not ? i in a chair while ?he
.a. on ta? bw r %t Ulla, ihr .ia Jenny lumped
"p, at,d lakingMr. f' a two handa. drew him H a wlndnw
<? a -1 n, ire/n.1 her.el' i fur he ia a ver;' Ihr man) lato
r.-.-eaa by ma ?.de?" and a '?ry Heat ??|'iee/e .? wae,''
tiled Ia? ol.I nine re.ling lie. t?'t' Hem ?he
* 1 Ir.mi her po. t>" ?'itr ??<-1 and reeelpu, arid | r.>ree.l
mi PBaalhank, arlaaa ?ur>.n armed, and tl"? Iaudii.nl
t 'rm .?.e te.tgl'nl w n i . . V I. ''I n ? n.,!?[?.lie
. ne liad been in MM BaaaaaBl a "f ma aeawee
l iar bid-ore il.e reietiraferl ?Inger leu Una re* deuce a
wri i na.1 Ii."? hrmifki n nnnari wiiB bar h? *>
!<???... e f ,m gntMirtexal and wIn. bed r.mr.rvM i
?? f at* etil? -rent her ??>?<I me dav, nraaethint a* a
?eepanae I? ? ? ?< Hew la her .)re.?ing-r.-.iri and bfttaehi
. na Jewela aaa i ntlj arrkrlaa nf Iraaa. anal enter reg
i ? ... ?e ai.yll ig .re- y.??aeaird iwii an artir r
t raise wa* BM what the ladv wiekea) * cteied accept I
ami Willi Ibe BBaaMM diBV'igr thai Ute luipu atve rlwede
1 - rr.ed? '" agree r>. et ..e ? ?. [..??? e.,ti?.?i nf .?iy
?m.juei 1 we., in? ? ?- iad w ?!. in l.a r'i.m I .
Rgaj Baaal* Her geneomtv arvt man inly eaem hary.jad
? ream ? a.y knowlrdfe of the world
Itr Hood I.nee nl I'rnpert. Hum.me ati
Kenan, Ir.
tnm aar? kaa?, fAVeWanawl ai kbedt i
rbk 'am we bru-rly a-luderf to at II m.-lnml.t.
tanWa laet. r.mtlaued . ???? yaater
lay, ia a mere vlokaal wanner The atreeie and guttera or
i'i eticae city were deluged indeed Uae aiultte-wata
i . I lave a r! or led guud ranua aavigaiem for over \i \
aawa The 'Hun r??w tire fret?aever tutrna u> rlae *.,
u ? a.y uekira-asd prupetty that waa r*a>oeed oa Ibe |
. iht was ?wrpt ..t*
Tl.em weie ae?erai Sal 'e.aj autl roaj uoa'a aunt, but
?. * ... .ear . i,'.-da u ?ma.i ,u*r.uilea
?a the wkarf wer? lejured b? auddea .outidatkuri Ae.og
- krww part* of the city, rel^ra were hl>-1 doing tauen
- eree at I nkxi I. rut g? n Una L?ne Miaaal waa taatv
-'??a . r ??.ag? ae,- BaWkfWeaWal T>
... ?1 11 ? a..e;? _.e ra. r<i?vd rr-awaa. ?a* ?"?
Et a.. Uieconan-ytuaard litd'anathe '.ndgaaand ?ul??r*?*
eaee beea uthtmd or dhetroynd, au an; a a gentlemaa M a *
. oat rag loo. He aeya the atreajna ate ?ery ktga acd
? *n auddei.. y a* bars
M- Ltnaratag laAxr^a .* tiuai raw MotaM Fleaaaiii and Wat
, HI a acd MMUaairtiln Uiriplkeeam unfaiaahla, uwaag
ha . ratraa letag awept away, and thatalina of ftuon
.ah depoeued there by ne water* TMUiilnMlaaa
t* rou.it* froan all part* agree ia auutae thai the Inie tuxn
m a* of i*?rr*.n>: un purt, and fhn: inn dan-age mauglag IBawav
?mm . ? arg* I Baa aggregele The rnila have been
a pped m *i. 'ireecnt*. bai the am; page w... i?a lean porn
. w* truat More ?ooc
The' r ,ig? over Mi.. IC'aek, .atnar the Brig*ion Houae
eacuad -roui UM neu or h wan g:ni.< way .?*? evening, teal
t wa* atarad il would fall
The .ael ?rrouuu from Morrow wa* that U wa* danger
aaa to croa* UV Murr^w nrtatgn
The H'd- i Kivia ?Tba river ina rv-en.-ioeerj
?*;.t bbM Daw II -'March ?. nKttjuin? one
. a ?", the other exclusive. Tba kniowunr
table eahtbtta the date of the opening and citMing
? the H-tdaon Hiver. an I the omnhtrr ot dayeopen
?r> m '.-:;o to the pretv-ut time I
il?mm* i ..mm Oa;.. iHaiaa CTiail 0
ta? M J? eV..,
trf>? ??? ?
i ( l*iaa aaaivkT Mbar.j
ntwahU in???-?T^nvB-n-aaent iaaaK ?
. ? .? ate nietet Tkente
...^wuning ?>v Inrata tMajkW ey
nav in 1S3S and lank, was ?
ae rmm-mi. The we
af I
m tJMtaasari at* bis erpn awna I
u* Puttas. ltVkt. MM taavan ap tW
- laawnhaw ?vah ihn pruota aaa Saveawawat*
oawarwh*. th* aVaarat catae tt> aa laaai us thwdk*
jat. mmd d was aikawnd asaaalBiady. ahsaaanoBi
anwaahjau w aha raAara acttoa af the aWard
TmriViT Inn?"?. Marek It
. Rossi v. Blau cur -{ViMMT?iiCy < the pnoav*
of Adrian Mvhigna, any ahm das Mnw-Torh paiiii kwe
r-?i ia ctrrarar-on lassu-aas-aBtat ?M c Batty aar rat] lapste
Raa mt Jtanath Cr?*? of A?rwn if nail ew?w**, ***ong
other thing*?*?*?*< eaVmd ??int ?y . **aow*t
u< ?vrbr? ?N ?rwn.rv Tnnj absr. i A i mmm .|,wft *
cavrat'ttaat .sei ?asv her* tnowi Mt Crue? Km *?<??*? paare
M ,-**t Jan b* ba* beee ia tniaass ki jurrnm sA nail
IwtM vaanr* thai danag tu. "ha. Uta?? kaa aaatwaias aar
i ??< ?*! ??ngr::? hau atuucl aa Bau aa ?hat ?f any n*hn*
MitxIm.- 'Jaw frcm tretr It^Wtvollkira a i aattaa 11 a.
Hey aa?? wo doubt wSeaa-.-. aal Uhat Mr Caeae ?aaa rat?
kj mnwo per?? ueaaewn h? hi aa s^ tarn h? ssas*.
Mat tn retard tu the lahkaij la . orrnct.
IV 0m ? Uk** de.igi-ttre. Musical ?WBs*?,
at ** Soia^Ai Iteutm*. ?an** .4 law ?igst (>?*.? ihaa
wkv *sd in* tortua* to he pra?laav? ha ea ??tea a tau mm
precision ot aa kernt ia Farads?
IV At a tuceU.i?' > .?teid*? in t wt HrtgatU
? N i S Mi.-.;a?uwuM a *u>*. ?? ? . h wui iomhi
- ,v,a '. he ?mmm; of ihe M Y Vo
VA ?r ' n t Ni?ti(i? -The) iuKIh et ana
nat: in Ute shove *ch<?*> mos* <<4 ) aetai aaj and aJbrt
Oi 0) -oeuoe h> Ute parent* and rnenda ot ihn ?baadr?*
| tnetruvu -w. uVere. u ah? atTcrded aa eacetiaet
?wawian j, "i" (????
? ? v ?ai>>n Bf ihm degmding and dnanoanilatatj
stashed, ,>?r-"-eel r*??i*?ca*wt Tatet? tan Milsl Ith ?eint*
ihn Moral laaaUa naity anal n aneei? a> arc* ia pnhate as
Unnatana dm.\ The ?xa-uianiion * aa tughlv teediiahie in
Ute at aa hart the a haunt ?der and ee. oiuai af seated
. kS . ki'drea . Ihe aauei aatonat cd ?u ogluw araa
?. j 'ea?hett. anal ine crowd* rhnl
? -????.< T" ? rera.1. <tr*w lag* ?tm'v ed. d.?f.*y-ed
n ?>a?j pierce coiwt.tornfrln talent, anal aoane neu et ihee*
- ... -mined much pre.** front tJhw? eat
wwn who v> er- rar?: -rt> st udgia?- e ihet- euanaete
a srr.cf ATt>a
Rkki kiaiaia The hMMaWtaia? yesUriaa
x*" at? aai 'U i*?ina heen atvd t<? !??? Aux'U.Hteeta
>> k i ?isttstri a raj n>~? m
kV?a>? .i . .- ttalU . aam*
kt ita *? akaltf im*
iv ita s? MatN ; laai
!>?? ?? lit ?e Stall?. _.AM
' nti.i .. . ante
. > tsai ??? -w.t? Siaa<aa.a saaa
aaarrvteta? aaana. Uat*
i e*ox
au taa.
. *
. t
aa.? . ... tJM
e?ata at aa. h Ot?; tW ??. h
a.t' hi
busm amv ??? .a ras
tnai i? it mi i Li k
.?<* ?? aal riirt. artu laatini. . i^aai
Se da. tAsk
?^Tarant? auhthet, tanaa? taand ant TheJ aa
..' ?t rat ?.aaa ?? ?ad r 1? atth at taaM. Sie
? ? * >'i ?? dn..... *?a
Ita ti d* e?. . tan
DaWWftt O T'iea.lay na>ru..iai ?wo men he
aafahj la Aai.Tia lett the doek'al ihet ntnen at a assail heei
a ha New Yoik leeiaa a ahaip near, isey pul tat 10
-a .^| .loarti, |..|t Iii tnronlne tile painter im h*?rd, ihn
< hnsaaaa entaucied, and ihe huei rarntaed
raoita arme ininird.aielt made Uy ibiwe im Ute doch ha
?et?? ?villi the mne. kail imlt im? waeaaeed. Thaothn?.
\ ? i?, tears ot*aae, ?irtiaaried toi a San mownut
Ihtrta sraM II aunt heh-r* aa*latan< ? ?Miel rearh hlm
Si M>l< i"i aj liiiAMi Lahi aar tlthVara U'e-'il
( < skntatj .i'eaitvl two ladividusls nai I ll"i
Il.iihai. ? i Nr.l llamaemd. im ?atapUkm nf kaeir?
.??rd la ihe i-oniteiaaliin of s gisatd lart.i.i m
A IT J ainnetiaie ?tnce In ataallae a carpet l?se cite
alatas I anSa aa uie taatM ot t* '???. hannsaia? io ihn ant?.
N 1 Hank The ?uapa? ia*i parnea wem detain.
? ? n ihe imVw of ih. fklet* of follee enill Ihe matter red
.?In her in>eaU(alr.l.
? klRTIOfl Vi. infant, iihout two weeha nid
at . an open ttdia l'eeriy st. sear I'.eaai a Honk.
m Tueeitav afiemo.? I' wa* pieaeeled to Ihe uSVlala SI
aa I Btt II ??!?.? r >r <af.' leepina-.
\ LDU1 Nlr* ( i.iv. r iii (.aaaii.^ tin.rnajh Ann
lav Ml 'ii the aidrwalk and waa *e?*r*lv lehtred
Inrrt Win Keenle at.ne a i|uaitlu> id i loth
. ' m i h a IxaVdkaa bamnS in Areaue II, whirh I* >alu?d
tt SJ.) -.
Htm or Hi i ?n> ivma t||? PJsbmji |iio He
artist m ahsChati i ..?.*./ r?.iii Aftei ih* mia.o
.a had ItaHm d spoaail nf, he Re. -rder railed Akt
. 'he i ha.i III mam ?Wied leal |* the eropanaad
iiiniaaj I ude bi t' ire the Legtsbtuir* nern two Importen'
? ?? ... iin* Oast oaa MsjettnaMJ *?? um els. nna nf a
in bncsiktal ?sCaa antat, a* ha?e tmVdiaaie now
I aa a > M Kseattlta . ?nd the other a pmria
.ii thai ? t.otiil he In kl 11**1* * week in each of Ibe Penan
irta lisRiia i*.i M*?'iatratea ami an A Merman to iry Ihe
...? .1..? irie.1 r.v 'ha rtpaari?! Heaeion? Her er* 1 mamhei?
.1 um L*(i*l*un* n*v.i alauad thai It la it atrkakll Iki
-..v. m rt?. he.l IMa lerm.mtlillheBoait
?f Bvperrievr* will (end an Albnny their anpraieal at* tmm
ii? a.luded bt, Ihey will paw* Iheet A* ptouf of
..- aseaaatM of uv> rne**ai ?? 'he n*rord*r a>ah*d thai ai
?? runiaaj i tMiaea* Ita* oeeeeaarlly Increased with
?e growth of the p"pailanim. yet there are so m -re Jdafees
B an ,r,in. > n . than iheie were hirtr yean
.. . .. Recordm Hitm wa* *pni.lala>l, and Iba rliilla*
- t upon ihe Reri.t.lrr *r* inoie ihaa be ran
?h i-oaaiMriii with the ki*h dsty he owns In Ihe
Tt.- 1 ..l?n? .1.1?, CnimiHi flaava, lauaaufaa,
srs the only one* thai by law ran take hi* place
. ? ?iia...i imp.i**ible in **< itne ?>/ iheau Juden Darr
? ist ai il? d aaak *lca , an. irwr of the l.ir*?e* as* U) anend
? 'lao.livr*. w here tiiern .a ? (real deal bi mm, and Ih*
ptassaa on uial**i l .airi. To ?how ihn prsesni
?ii .am-n of thn Conrl Ol ->?????...in. w* are *nw trytSf Ash
ey, *?ii wi . mne ..n ikn trial of llrerv, aad awtrandiaa
- ii ai ..I 11 .0410 i Beoano, wtnrh will urdte up ihe whole
i ha rsrat, learinf vary maar cases usbraarhwd la which
a 1 ii???ee ?r? aiarodipr from day ha day A man caaanup
? >hl? inoiai'i.' aalat I." R". ? ?rder ss.l aisled ' I wsa la
m nf nmn*l*u(lii*r. bar he had that mornlag paid $r>
? v. nur-??**, ?ad II i* *n loal The t'irll ( o?uIs be*S
?u h aerrral J . l?"-a, whl.e ine I imrt af fl***t<m*, which
?.?? more btnunen* Ihaa all et than*, put tofother, baa bat one
V ih be ;rop.?e.l new Judge there wtajlal be a brsavth
i i tri, and rbe trial* much at pad lied A* In the tpSalSl
kaasm a a ban of iheut u I* proposed ui bold *****ons s
.thtransa twins a wasa The special an*
Bat I ss um* ?? Tu**d*?* *aad fib
i?/? of the <r?ateral Ha?aiun*. piuamer* ar* br-maht froni
.. i aWaai akatana b.?j*e*, ?? thai at, to. an **d aonaetiaM*
o n I ? ti .****? *fn dl*eo*ed of In owe moteha*J IS Statut SB
.laude itail I ? ? raunrad irajasaena, is which I bare
?nine u> know aAerward mmwle* ken been done ,
.ui h ere ia no rerr.ed. aarept u. go ut ihn 'toeerao* savt
'irreal il Tl.'m are rtowj on an a*e?*?*r Jtt e.'.p-roa* UV
inaad ha wSsaanaaaanansi Tue?i?. ut < v ahr, whwai ass
r nan! pmn would e'utd, a* ah* ranee will beat oar*
-?? li-.l . ... lira .pial'anl and kl* wiuaaaaSSS Irst
. ip, ?od Uie (real alRiruoo, pnracaksriy Ut Haaruman
>-r. i..wd*d pravm*. im avoided, andtnwt.ee. If UVe* are
|?ai l?re* I ?hamld tu mm?, ma
- leaagnale*. tu las** iwo Alderinee ana oue MaV
im -aal. nf ihe** Iperisl (' ourt*, SS I r KMtdev la*
?WS ol ibe Aalermen, unwina. a* uttvy do, frees fona the
- raas 'oii*ssr<*si check, hut I know u wraaat he mo
r, at s burden pir iheni
Tun mimen** daiy al pnwanl devolving, upon ihn %*
"ider may be ssovas from the Atel ihn roan January hs
lanuary I have pawned upon A Tun Indt?ideal*, and kf f Men
. b* - 'i -i ia prsiawd that J wiU any
The e. a -trrre.! lo ? Commlilaw Mid a*V?ld
her and ibe Board approve of the Baseness* saeaamaw, by
.raiing that approval I b*?* *?? danabt hui taw ore
etil pnaa (The i .ide preprawe bi allow Ihn Cut
I ..Ige |t>ai per >?an, or *ueb a* a? in* Renrd of mm
flour* ma/ dararlgtaaV* ) The (abject, trtth * resolution
^apr-'oimum wa* referred u, 'he I>enmi'ba* on Omsty
i rafia, with 'be aterordm and Mayor avtded
ttfUUft <i*Xr? A Repori *ii preaeaeed i* fa*'ir of pan
ag i .oner r on. a.*o in ewploy a peraun b. hhke earn nf
ii? map* and racord*. *aeu <u chases Ihe aaede of peytng
?-?.' b?ra by glnnf theaa a percanabtse ss Is Ihe Md plan
? neu wi atmmr, as Ihe aoriner wate we*Bad onssh last
*l Laid oo Ibe laW>.e bi be pntund
Sarvarai pettttrass Irr rebat* were pesasnhsd and re
tea ltd Tim Oommlliee reporrad .* (air* gtorr*. Ung .*j
mum rtaaiaat and adver** in othera. which wa*
?.i ipted Aid Haan stared a reawtwane Bast tit* CeaaaaV
ma beraaTaarr afotd aw redet* ?aeept sac* as clearly e
ha aw |?tc*naa?* or slisstwe at Ihn than* of Bksl
?tnf etanaatj Ii ?a* anaended taw Ok* R*a-wrdau> alan tu ba
- "nriy shows In Bar* hswa male
<t ktmamita Adopted
Barr era, ?...? war* ordered u> be saht, sad othet* rafmred
l :/-,rr.?d ?> frWay neat
Citvciir i.otBT - Before Judga Edwartit -
ha to H.,mtat P TmamaatU aK.t for sJIsntad
rimnmeet and ?lawder dnninge* ?-d mt tXmi
. ?.. aimed mal McC. aamatht af Ot T- at aVa Mrtaaef
? ar "irr.?r of Howard at and Bmwt
lawagaa'ad mnee umt ia Java* ?t T anterna sa se*Swa as
Tr reel agsiuer Mr McC lu g*t bark hi* drag ?Torn, Issssat
? wni sad bad Mr McC ar-rnstss* try ?hn sVwvg. to nheae
sehnt to giv* hail, nut that sabaaiaaaHy Df t w.uvtrarw
. . arged ihm l> T *pnh* i aparag r,/ .
d pus, rf te Mr James Royce, ?ruh wkrmi pi SI lilt wa*
IBS ao agreemamt lo purr ha** the drjg ?or? .d
hstier.corner ef aaanme it aad laeaftdh. pnytng snr at tn
?*? i a?o al the nhove p?re. and Ihm be aasats stierepre
I i-*Sst1nn? bi Mr Ca*per C. f i.'Ua, wtib wtwaa he waa in
I .reaty to **U sns srraw, Mr Woaal em sasg leiss* acre*
Orr* J la av?rrnd by ?.?istis* Uaat Or T ?aiddenly rnnde
I adanaveodeaMr W *>? ^Isaf arhe aaawad last he w cm dl
?M c rf.ged
i mm ??? aaaataaVas) ?** ???? ? ?p,, n, ?
To tm eoajcbauasf Uu* lotwaoua.-tot ??ihaSaT,
a?am I' M-Mahen it and J Caarhraa Warn law H ?,
jlreara Laawioa sad t Boaytford.
Cat r i t Coatsos Phai?Be*ge Jadaw VVoaul
mt -MaannwJ Area? v. Taaanaw J mam. -Th* boras aad
t Mr va goren *y a ante aanwd Aatsaa eajssstng
ihn Bansin of Mr. A in Twtarnt ?nia^*k^*mm 7mmmama.m
k*.:u*s last, aaa ne-r a saU* f?rlI at \ r*W?tt) >
. juJ, whack waa at treat st* Bas haasa, bp wniah ii*
eti <h wa* brvMuna and countamth) eapseaW *naan*l?d
???tt . bukt, ihn ?tkald a?w*^ steh ten er als wsnavs Ii
*n .g^ sWsMsaantlhafth* cMbl will be a
tv WM utr tAul ?<B

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