Newspaper Page Text
a? SESt'ROEMl'S. *Tri)i?iT. nat nf its state and drowsy sir. I air of slaves. Like tij-htnln** Kuropo le'pt fort-, Hombre, superb and terrible, As Ahiruoir?, brother of Death. Got!, 'twas delicious ' That brief, titajht. glori?os grip Upon the throats of kings. You liara paiJ to defile the People, Mark you now ? Not for numberless Su-ouiei, mardcrs, lasts, For court Ikies lag in iti manifold mean forms. Worming from his simplicity the *m> >r man? wagt For many a promise ?worn by royal lips And broken, and iaui*he?l st in the breaking ; Then, in their power, not tor all these, Did a blow fall in personal reven, e, Or a hair draggle in blood i Tbe I'eopl?- acorne.l the ferocity of birgt. Bat the sweetnoss of mercy brewed bit'er ? etruction, And frightened rulers come back i Ksch comes in state, with his train, Hangman, priest, and tax gatherer, ?Soldier, lawyer, and sycophant An appalling procession of locist?, And the king struts grandly a.-aia. Yet leh.rtd ? 1. lo, a Shape Vag-c as the _;:-l:t, draped ir.termicabiy, Head, front and form, in scarlet ; Whose face and eyes none may see, Out of its robes only this, The red robe?, lilted by the arm, Oa. linger pointed hi.l. over the top, Like the head of a s.iske appears. Meanwhile, corpses Ha in new-made graves, Bloody (xirpses of men ; The rope of the ? ???bet Unt-s heavily. The b')!;eti of tyrar.t?, I The creature* of power lau^h aloud : And all tin.*, tt.iiif s bear fruit?, and they a*.' ??? Those i or, ses at \ aag asea, Tlio. mar:, rs that hang Iron, the % b >ets, Tims.- li.ja. II p| r.e.M'. I a-?, ?Cold and moult '???? at th'-y s< J.ive aawwbera ^ith undying vitality ; Tbey live i Bg__ea,0 kiags, Taaj Uva in brothera, a .. to defy you They wars |?*_*i-ad by death, They ?a? re taught and exilled. Not a | rave of thoee siso ?.t ?. .1 .mea, Bat s growii't- its seed of fres-een. In its turn to bear seed, Which the winds ariaii carry a-a And the rain nourish. Not a disembodied spirit Csn to?, weapon of lyraala lei >">se, But it Bhall BtH?k invisibly eivert;ie eart'i, Whispering, counseling, cnutioiiin.-. Liberty, let others despair of thee, But 1 will never despair of thee ? Is the house ?but ' Is the master away ? Ifevertheleea, be ready, be not weary of watchin?. He will surely return ; his come anot WALTER WHITMAN. IfEW PUBLICATIONS. W-tf~ We have received Dickens s "David Cor rmriiLD," No. 14, and -'Household Word*, No. 11, Irom t?. V. l'utnain Davidsons "Pros: Translation o> Viki.ii.," beloved of achoolboy time out of mind, and Ls_>-_'| " Portraits or Ii. LVSTTIIOTN PlSSOSAOlS.*- Vol. II. with portrait ar.d hicgrsphical sketches of Sir Matthew Hale Lord William Hussell, Algernon Sidney, Kini Charlea thu Second, the Countess of Devonshire Robert Boyle, John Locke, and other distinc-uishec Worthies of England, in Bohn's Library Edition from Banga, I'latt <~ Co. The portraits are en "?raved from original picture? by Vandyke, Lstji Keller, and other eminent artists, and form a beau Uful collection of gema of art. jy "(jRAHAi-i s Magazine," (July ) is the firsl nuu.lier of a new volume and appears la an ele gant new drei*, distancing its competitors in the select aL.l tasteful character of its embellishment? and the excellence of its literary matter. An ad< niira!?!?) engraving of Jenny Lind in La S iriatx bula forma the frontispiece, accompanied by a striking portrait of the Editor, Georg ?j K. Graham. Among iho variety of contributions, all of which are of a high order, we notice a brilliant essay on "The V.tai and the Mechanical,'' a rood eea-story, "Forard and Aft," by 8. A. (lodmari, a discrimi? nating article on "Jenny Lind," by Et. T. Tucker man, "The Bride of the Hattle," a Southern nov? elet, by W. (iilmore Simms, "The Geniua of Burns," a gtowiDg tribute of almiration, by Henry Giles, a game article in every len-e? on ?' Wood? cock Shootirg," by Frank Foreiter, and original Poetry by Bryant, Lowell, Alfred B. Street, t?. T. Fulda and Henry 15. Hirst. 8uch a right royal banquet has aeKiom been aet out by our monthly catci-ie. ^New-York Dewitt <~ Dapenport) - _. 1.1-1 ol retenta Uiitdjt om the 1'nited s tatet Patent '!,*??<, daring thexeetk end ng June !B, lH5o Kdward Bookbout atiQ Henry (ochen, Jr. of Will am?. burgh, N Y. 1-or imp.-ov. ment in maclu-es for :. .t?_:o. AS. n ceo. Daied June IK. ItCt'i Zephan!-- Hreed, of Ware, N. 11 For Improvement la Spring Tritm of Hay l-l?ke*. Dated June It), i Jimes M. Brown, ol bloo.i itteld, Uaio. For improve Benin sliai-itai MecaoYehea to poles of carnages. Dated Jii.e i UardLer Cbtison, of i'oston. Mats. For improver--?r.t in Parlor Stoves Dated June IK, 1830. ___?S H. Collier, of Situate, Mats For Improved method of li.?k;&a> Nali by ro.i.n?". Dated June ii, I'm. l'a.eii'oj le -.?i; and, Sept. 11, 1D4J. Kt.t.irt Ultiman, of Concord, N H Ft?.-improvement in martin:? t for Traaio. Baaaa Da'.sd June 18, IKtO liet tsmnToWmr, .1 Lu bec, M v For improvement In |_i__c_i(orcalcistag t,,ptu_i. D&ioii J A u n.i M < leorge, , f .N' N. ll. F.r improved Spike D* ed Jt. Len.uel (?liborl, ol I'.tiBion, Ma?* For I: provenant In upii?hi Piano F.'ittt? Dated June 18, lb-O. bn ?imc K. Maliliy, of C.'-ve.and, Otilo, at.l^norto Ira M. Mead, of MaKBdui'e, Ohio. Tur 1..., rovcuja-i m appa? ra?t.? t ,: rau._s Ui* Orate In C-okiua; Stove*. Dated June 18, 'till S) ii W. Marito-, of New-York, N. Y. For devic-?? lor ui"vo.K and tio.d'.i? i'utxoa BreecS Ha. Da.ed Juno It. Ilii' Na ban foal, of Eat' Cleveland, Ob'.o. Fur Improvement lu hate) I i i,t Hated June ,J, l_jO. Job-SI. it, k BLd William Brack.,ill. of Portugal, Pa. f >t in,prt.v?tn.cui lu Feed Bpparatu? lor ill!.?. Dated June 11 i-.ti A.? x?nder Smilh. of Weil Faro.?, N Y. For improv*. SDei.l in appaiatut fir parll color?-?; Ya.n. l)?led Joue 18, J R. Sti It.?r?l, of Cleveland, Ohio. For Improvement la Mill? lo<K>'ltl l< Dated j Johb I Wo.o. of litiu.or La For combination of a ?i Je Mxttb vvnh an inclined ??raper. Dated June Ik, lo-". Dst?, SS Elijidi F r< r i i ?r:, nf KaK-b-aier, N Y. Kor Design for Sicv?t i- ? isia J? ho F Baibb n-, of A.bany. N Y. For Design for Stove? Doted Jtiee lo I Jame? \N ?a?', David Prall - Vol?y Richmond, ot Troy, NY. Fer D-*Inu forSU'te? Dated l***l-jei. Lead Misi is Maine?A leal m ne has be. ? rrcei ilv i is.-overed in Piaspetf, Me Tne B-lj ui in/says that the vein o! ore makes iu appear a as inal i-jS benath low water mark, on the Bkote of I'.i'ba ot River, and thence run? u ad ?r groutd, toll,.win. the direvt:on af the ledge An analyii? ?,f ?everal ?ami?!ea. ditTering from etcb other ta va .e, has been made by Dr. Jacbaon ol Beaton, ?nu h w?ivei as a mean, IS por centot lead, and Ii ol s. \er. IaroMSD Liad?We were aurpriied, a lew days ago, to s< e a large '-uantity of Pi** Lead un loatii'ig at one of our whsiv.-a, from a veste' from Maraeilics. Weubderititid th.".: th ? importation has ti en ib?.uce?l by the acarelty ot doineat o lead, ixjcasionrd by the emigration of ?o mai y ai ti e Westtrn n i.trs to California. (Boet.Trav. Wed. Fiar.?T>e la',c thre?. ?tory build ng on We'l ?t. own.d t . ll;, , a- I J. Ar:.,, i, ?'.! <? .i.i.'J *>y Hiram Hil for ue ?t rt.e ol nard lu-her, was destroy?.i t> hre -.i.i* i . non. aouut une < lo tk. Ps't ul Ui? L-oiiteuia -et? sarad. *Ve underst'tnd Ute ?lock .* uiured for a mat $i,(ixMi So iaSV? axce on the bui'd ig. (Pr.v CITY ?TEMS. THia?D?v,Jun?2d. fry" Owner? wanted at Hixth Ward dtatioa Ill-use fer a drilling c?ie and s?>me atftmmtf? 17* A dea.l child found in the Eut Hiver thi? m r?ing. Cat i er. Ninth Ward . Thnrr. aaU'iirk.T'iirii Ward , William Munday, do : ?'id Jo n,Michael DoIhii am!Juin. Davit, F.nt Ward, were severally erreited on chargea of steal b-i' . ARM BboKIB ?.I"hn ('?eamn, locked up in the l-'iltb Ward statirn Imuic for ?ron drunkenneii, wai found durine the niuht with his srtu l'0?k--n. It is not known Low he did it. Hiokwat RoaaaaT.?.Heary Htrtty tu ar rested ti? ti.?' liiehth Ward, ?ait Bi**bt, on a . hir.e of knock ire down a man sed robbing him ol a go'.d WBttii, chain, Ac. Worth ?130., Ju.ieSl. Nt< Rr.i .o.y FOR Mav.?Our diteit of Mortality for the month ta* May embraces Be? week?, and ?hew? a rather larcer rciu't than a true m-roth would do. Yet the moiath has been remarkably I., all y, and the total of the live w. eka is les? than the thirty-: ne day? of 1849, cholert exclud?-.!, and even lei? than May, IMS. There has been no prominent disease beyond the t??aal pulmonary complaints ; and though 4-!,u00 emigrants were j poured into our city. mar.y of t! em comin? in j crowded v?niel?, 'one ?hi;? BIO Bf?l?1 i."xr'.; tyt hui or other ihip diieuse has been noted- Wota it m t for the hundreds of children swept ofl' by dis ea?c? git fit m liamp and confined room?, and ?rr gravattd by improptr treatment, vi- Btt, t-n-.-ient a 1.ill ol Hf-alt). w'nidi w-.'ii'.l Lo lb? < b*j world; as it is, we have little rea? ?n to twmplai? We give Lelow the chief diseues, cnp-rosaing the let? important in one Luc : ? . Apoplexy. . s. CaSBBlttCS. ( i i ?nii'i 1.1 ii. i avail . C i h . ? 'laUDgl. I? Diarrhea. D't pat. l>r- pay in . K \er, <r.a, - . - . i .. I I.'-?-' . Hi oping Oou, ??. ? Rr?lr?. Boira ?. ?? Mar?.mn*. Mp??". Or? Aft-. ? I. i itr er buena?. Tot?' II - 19 G l 8 17 il : ; m i..i :?? ta . TO 2; .. 17 II IS . . i 111* . ?itri?D. liOr i \p?r.I 57 1 !.. -.'. tin 2 to?. I lo I".. ?Tito ".. f(M0 6('.. ' 7" to SO.. !'? !.. '" . i,l, |? ,,... I r Tots). 01 | tU . ill i mi? ll . ? i'.i - -.? 4' -! . I 7 TLACkl Oi ?IBTH. I n-ietl State?... Irelud. (a- roi?' y. (? I ?re l'unir e?. IV? '.7 II 14 I .7 Ml Tola?. ! rt I III INSTITl'Tlol?. Ptat.lli- IlllilalioB? f.LliPii Hi ip Blk.laJa l.nnkllc Aixluin XX aid laU'.d.... Pal,.Ik, s I? a? J Cl:y Il?>?jr?ti?l... Colored Orpl.a.i A?yl . Aim? llii'iip, B'k I ?I'd Color?-d Home. i. City Friaob.I - Tot??.I 29 I M Ws make the following ci'iiir.HrJioii? of the weekly mortality tliui far this year: XV.a? Jt.... Ill. Msi.h. Arm .. May... SSI ?*7l .?0 283 2*1 20 241 Average per week, 270 -, average per laontb 1.1S9 ; ratio of 14.?70 deaths for the ?ear. Compared with previous years, WS fiad I lowing! 104S. IMS. 1 SO. Jin. 1411 . V6t M "7 111 I 147(5 1107 April | May. I Total. lili I. ? ' Wc lind here a most surprising decrease Tor the firat live month? of thi? year over the ?line period of the years ISM and 1p4'? a decrease of I the former and of Ml from Ike latter?or a ratio of decreaie which would amount to ?-.',; 10 for the whole year. We may reasonably add to thi? a? a low estimate of the actual in. rease c*i mortal? ity by increase of population, and we have rt ratio ol decrease of 3,300 per year, (setting asi : ers ) This is a reduction of more thsn 21 per cent, from last years rate, without reckoning Ciiolera at all. The acti.di of the cl.>f diseases is aet forth in the following table ?j. Hn tchii'i. ('alcaldes. t'N'lera. f"M'irrpl!on. ( ouvuliicn?. ( rcup. I or cri'ion of Lur^'i.. liebil'iy. Dtirrhe?. l'r piv. D psv in the Hr?J .. Ovtentery. Ervitptlti. Pnort, S'ct-let. K' vi r, T\,bm. Hear. Diene. Ilocrirc Ctti?h . ?.lion of Br?ln. ofBc-vtl? of Lud,.?. M irai m Ul. M t-M ei. Od Aire. Trimtture BlrUi. rrr?;i rex. " ?' .?7 .1 II II ' II II II . II M I > il f I 14 1.' 17 n it 17 .. I 7 .7 : S ii ' i 17' I. 101 ? .* II ? 31 | 17 II ."' I" 7*! 1 1 1.7 511 111 |?S 214 * 1 tie following tsl !e will ?how the numoer of of children ?nd adult? : A.p* I Ede il... Ov?r K- ... &'? . H ... h I SOI 512 . 416 j i? -- - 3 00? Thi? ?how? the painful fact that barely more than half the per?on?born among u? ever ?ee over tec year? of life ; while nearly a ?marter never aeo their ivcond year. What are theae chi.dren born for. The proportion of Nativia and Foreigner? runi as follow? : I - N?tlve... P?,!*!?-l.. I Jan ?-? M ?pi *1 7?*? 71! t?*l 717 : 3664 496 ? :>? 4.2 I til Jacuary.-345 ??bru. y.2B2 March.** The P iblic Institutions continue healthy. The dca.r? "?ave Leen Apr',;.151 May..r?M Total.1,1*3 The month aaa diatbguithed lor an unusual amouit of rain. The rn'iri teuiierture wu higher tban that of May 1849, but more than tjvo degree? below the cu?tomary a-era*re: and the quantity of rain wu un-i?oa"y large io favr, at ?es?t, a? ?ran b? dinx-ve-?-1 by I ? t? riii'r'cal u'l'.vs a*, r.kiid, only exceeded I,*, .Vay It-.*. "00 day did t..?* mercury rue sbt.e ttf\ -? -??*? ???i-?'1 "esembuug Msy I iei7, to which it may bo compared in au its cl f- atures, the maximum being the same ami ?v. i r'ng ti e same time and the mean tempt tire d fffrirg ?_ly a small fraction. There w frf'jrient abnpt chances. The --th, on which I maximum temperature was attained, was remar bio for the extraordinary ? hange ?-f tempera. .? i i.. i r?d about sundown. The mere. reaeb. .'?*.* ar.d remained nearly that point until late in 'he at "moon, bnt by j o'clock it waa down t.? 70, by 11 o'ilt?-kw?.4 I ?-. o' the U I oral 01 ! .'-Oj. Fair weather prevailed during the m >t : equal to about IS day a it tin ten in & j quantitieaon 16 day i", and there were s!i_ht sprit ' lires on two otbera, th.? wlv.le <!ei?th of water ! ir*r ? 439 inch-s. In May, I' the quantity w , -1 831 ? in May '' . Ill ? I 'I-, 8 715; in May'45. 2.155; la May '44 and in May '4- only .3 lun.tredths of an inch. BriFlCIOS or GiUNn LiRcist.?Oeasta] 1 Ttieaapecai, attba Bacaad Wart, yesterday am ? ed John C. Dooetc. John Dugan and J. C Yam on itiipl? iii, of stealing a number of orape ihaw ?__ scarfs, r.r. i ether proper*-., to the value in '? i e li were band in their possossic These aiaa aresn ?posed tobe PbfladelpWatfaien i and ran ?> i>. ?,, ?hat city about a week since Thi faatarday entered ibe st ?r?. af Ifftaea I BuHingilip, arid offered to M-?me of ?beabaa ! lot Mr C. no* liking tbeir appear?! o->, promyt : called the oflkrr and had them arrsatSi. Th taken to tbe Tombs sad scare ' ?haw;?, At . wi ??? fh .i.'l t I ? - w?re committed by Justice Osbome for fy* An owner is wanted a' : r :..r a gold It v?-' wsl K, f. ? Davis A Co. maker?. Liverpool, A?a t ,r . ?ilv, Wftti ' ' Court. _ Jocsd Daowssa.?The h man wn yesterday lb Hiver, i.e..r l'crt Washington. T ken atltcre aid tl.- I Dfatii atthiCiti Hospital,?Aalafjaestwi hilrl ysstcrdsy a: the t i f 1 >% s native of Irela-d, 30 years i ? I weeki while at wirk on the watt Wori.? ? Ayr? at ?i ! ? ??? irrestci to pit. , c iter.iay t_u I Isms, i Ceoter I l and I , ?? i in tea" fa ? letting '.: rth tl *t ' a a is ? se n an of '?".? i ? ? Ge? r ? Peal, was fband ? r. ir..a,i boy, was ma on r bj ? attci; is Broadway yeaterday e* *? LAW COURTa . r.r CuvMiAK?Thii Day.?Cirt%H < ? Nos ? 15, . ?- t.," . _ ? . - I, 95, i._a ' i : I.?.Vu. 393 and odd to ? [1.?Nos. S ? :? andsv< ? Superior i I ?Nos. Si, 7S, 104, I ..? i...... . Bl i'ERioR Coi-RT.? Before Judue Oakley.? i.: re? .'. ? ? .? Jante? MeO <" am? retes i .- Officer Q. levied ander ex against Mr Fraser, ?t stand ; Washington M upon a quantity of butter ar.d rh?-?'s*>. Mr. F. had I ? . oesly occupied the stand but did not at that tine- Mr A. daims to tbe stand aod itf'..".: for tbe vaiae. Verdiol t '/"'?? I ft, Mr C. N. Potter, lor <:< tendant, Wr. .coles ar.d Mr Malaaj Corar oi Commo* Pliai?Tl?-f,?re Judge In Krebans.? Lotting *rt Atann.?To recover dama a for placing partition in s tor? career of l'n>a.l*/?y and Chambers it. Iv whj h plaintiff had la Itc. Verdk I '. Jt'or platel Hlu?t, I. r.:. '. . dent, Mr Nilee. Before ,!ud:*e ?A codruff ? Mulhavc and tri fe vs. ?Hi . I't.loi.?__it aliened aasaaN and battery I y aa <Un er. : the Tweifth Ward on the (>? Mis M. bj leizu % bet by the neck an-1 cauiing to her lujan ai A mach alarm. la dafaass, il was ?ai.i the officer levied QpoB a Boek at geese it Har , lern,-?loosing t,? tie plaiatifl., on an execution; ? tl ut Mrs. M. drove ibem nway ; that he t?,. I a warrant and uaiatance, and went to tho hcDseol Mr .'. ?? : ret tbe property. Re .!?? rdtdaii lira. M in the manner complained of, eir doing re ro than his dity r, qaired in tell ii : '? iK'iif? u i levied . traten i.o ,; rar had a - efendant?For plain tit', y.r .i.e. 11. . r?x defendant, Mr A Cm? PIT Cot it- He fore .I'll.'.- M '.? .. Il?Eliza i Ann Arnold v?. Dudley P. Arnold ?A'.'tion for ri'virr-e, already r? ierre?! to ? Messrs. Qrabaa* an 1 H ? ??? - ?'i; uiMte es to the croas ch?-*?"*, t i be pasted upon. Mr N. ? ?.. i spied ?everal hour? in his usua'lv a:?'?* tr.ri effective manner, on the summing upon behalf of plaintiff. The Court, la ?is chare?, thought, from the a! misfiens ar.d the prco*", there wss no doubt i.l the innocence ol Mr? Arnold, and that the Jury sh en 1 it will then remain for them lossy,frcmtl '.her or not Mr A ia pui'ti of I ? .s respecta him. A? to the Messrs l?e. k,tt? Court thought they had weil sastaiacd their character. The letter of Dr A to Mrs A written a'tcr tl.e suit was commenced, in a Lit h be Stales that ba is innocent of the charge, wai referred to by the Jud.e. The Jury will ta?.?) it ii to view ahxtosl i? it- the loiemnity as iihe had iwrrr, to it t i the same manner. They will coBapere its statement as respects the yoon< wcrxtin who wss with bin?, with what he stated at *,*> to its oorroetaeos. The let? ter siso states that the ye .ne wonitu ar ii 1 he. ?..res the tritl a*.?! testily in his behalf. She lias n brought forwar',1 by him on the trial, ar-i tbe Jury will think if that has any weight Mr. Oraban made sundry except?as to points of tie ? har.e. The Inry retired a little before ? o'clock, and ahe.ut t\ rett.r,,- .1 ut,? Court, witha verdict that the t harpe i?r A. is correct, bd! the i ? il Urs A. Lo-, '.-.t:??'".?thus tindia ? a vardiot (or tlain'.i-. Corai oi fi? *-r ? m lasai ?si ?Bel-re the Re corder atd Aldi . c. apaisa ai i Ke'ly.?/'"?? ? St ? i Degn*.?Mr. Lipham was called to trial,. i r?d trab bavfca. h Bis posaes sun, with fcatei 11.? ; sit it. a rour.ter.'eit aasa aar* i. rtii _ ft? be oa t:.- N'rw Haven Ooaatj Bank.? ? ?? tba i.'.ilietment wss bsted, was of tie duf ?linat'i.'i '' IM) Bonn tsntnfAJmt, Pia? ? id? rt. I the New Hiver (' .ur.ty Hnnk, wat sallad to the ?tend, a-.d proved -cat the bill wai i. ?printed froa s sei .ine plate, bjt _? *%aalnra wai coritrrftited. The principal witneii BgBJaat the ?re used waa a man named Hugenin, who s wore that 1 e b? : seen lsr_-e luabtities of the a'oove de B ! ?-. f sietsion tf Laphaai. at?! that 1 e want, d witnesi to take saasfl "fit and . |.??s if He was laatj induced to take eomo. Th-s witness Sad the ac-used were arrested to. a??arte Bread way. Hagaala bavteg ?tJ-. in^ hia posseimn wbUa Laptaaw had none. 0 A. M C. S?ith ar.d Mr Stewart. Clerk or i made tl e a-rest, and from information he M : cerfmith wasiniiu-ed ti m to Hudson, whet f ?und m tl e i < me f oas Bn.*ckwsv aU.ut I in tl is ?an-.e kind of? ounterfeit m"_ey. Ilrockway WBs tie workman-*l:o prteSsd the billa for the base, and Ibaaahil hml ao-ess to the platee. The defense offered testiroonv to impeaeb the charac? ter ,f, who. it appears, ia a profeeaionai rambler. " There were several witneseee examin ? .1 en see- ?ide, and the raae ?onsumed the turne of H - irtfortbow-ele day. The ca*e was sum me?l up by A A Phillips for the defense, acd by the Assistant District Attorney for the proeecutioa. The Jury at a late h_ur had not agreed. Thi MoBTaSAl FiRl -The Montreal Herald of Turidav contain? full details of the latediaas^ trius contlagrstioa iu that city. Tbe nnmber of bui.ein-B drain?-, td was mfl; in_urance X2.1.750. A aamberif tbe buildings were doub e bo_ses, so thaf*-he dwe?in.i actnal'y deatroyed most be over the. camber set down. Tbe property |^*troy?*d wis on tbe lite .?f Drdbousie, Gecr-re, Naxaretb, St. Uabri-I sad V. tilingtou its. The Dl??.irr ?f the I'rttTliri Tlerr Drtn We find in the Buffalo Commercial A i er of the Isas, the following additional p'.rti-ula . tlae late steamboat disaster on Lake Erie I We m tndt (.:??(! to the mate n'fhe stesmor pire, whl'-h irr ved here ? 10 o "loe?; inn Ba n. lot t? e C.rtr?and Plotn D iilerof last evei wr . n r.?t.tsins accitionai part ? Tf ?? Basa re mis. ?! ? sass t ? tie wre<k. She the steamer Diamond, which bad be Ly tie ?at!...nil. ? of, htvimr io t r ?cow, whose dtck wa? covered with d ?rr. that only two female? w?*re ?a - These turtuntt?!*, ?eccred a settee, and were I en cut of d?n?-er by a waiter who was him sav.'t. ,ws are tul!, threw hii wife ? eroverb.ard, an.I into the wn'i-r h mieif, whi.h wu the !a?t tiiat I Bat i. t f him ?live The?t"w?rd was ?bead ?rraipintr in hit h Cs|.tHiii llil.x's child, w< urn M oiH'-tvore I ?ave, and, a* wu supposed, ?oat his i.fe in coi ij'iei ce, tLavri.iMi. Monday, | A. M-The Wiic n is jest in Bid reports pasting the b ?rnin.-wr a?.t'.t three mile? frr.rn ?sud, not a li/m?? ?oil board, ?nd th- ihore lined with peop' .-? law are had been observed ?'. the wreck, and at lut wu ?een to hitch to her i ws? ti.w 11 bee to ? The like wu calm, bet no'hin?of fra?raenU i seen ?H..?t. ?nd the probability i the tire i rapid ??..i ttic di?t. . rtwfal The Try lut ??tme to h-.-r rt i recently been purehued by II? t, ead was nearly new. P. Her- Thi U.lawir?- is now in sight, -'.?rn fr.m t? e ?rn il All ? Ti ? i>.:?w? , i? ?n, aaaj w.. Ia?ra 1). >'. ?t ? nal ?a't?p , | Beiayi th?--e were?hoot I0?r*>b_ p?.?,, ? ? ?re ??ved | think? 'here ru ist m moetl* <i m ?r, ?nl only about .10 in all Meed. v. ?a tli?. i| i,?If past .1 t i.Taiik-r p ; es. The craw -, ? i it tritl ?'it ?. arolag i pestcigcrs, L : s spread s ?a ? ? sooa raised, ?- 8s*e y urselv-.-i. .i wa? literally packs I w I '? ?leepint?, and when tlio lire wa? aa be; I control the .... ... ? ., , i toward land aitd groooded some - ? . ti a paasti tan i ? I : grat t ? ??. nth by lir.v ' rw.ird a ? the flame*. bad pre*, t., il roa '?? ?t? sud ?wini u,> ... . . ... .... . ..? x ... h H ? ? , - ? : the Lak,i anl I!,. I. ? and taklag the m ash' re by trie boat load. A Cet BBeertajana ? - . wUch reporta this ttt up ei rare. Air A'.kinion of t,'. w ?i? m ? i C'a**.. Bob* had juit had Lia ill? ins? I The Clerk ?nd I re laved. .1 P, II.?FOKTHCB rXKTIi i HAH? It II sv I . wi?h ?ni'.' '? / la I. i a-.. A?r. ..?, i.i i- rS'.tS, mir?, Wo r hi Ira o vx ere .. d w-:'h ti eir arms t?.f ? ti-i.-p* evideitl? bating lei. the brjttl int, Boaki that ct.i.t.iti ?r. It i? reported only three wi rri n were saved. T' ? Dian.oi .i Iir,t Le?- n ? hart.-red by th?? City, a*i les **Ot?e dowa to brin_' the bodies. We.-inrii I -?: lost. t - LocaP V ting farther partie?; lera we leere f'.'in Mr.Jtaasa BlnoB**, who hujui rtturr.e.i lror:i the wr.' r. It w?s nppeeed that 'he nioit of the puier ?rr? jian.p? d overl.onr.1?but it app>-?r? that th I oat i? laterally covered with the bone? of tb bun ? d. The citizen? in the vicinity of the it.?fitter ?p ?II In tlitir power to make the survivors con io tslle. A l?rue trenr-h is being dug to bury these unfo torete persons. NiMi? vr Tiir D:-.n\x ?rr.n ? The fallowing pei ?. , ? were broogbt into this part by the Boot 8.x Iph : Mrs IUtvsn.1 dsiiiaLter. .Mrs Wllktns, Altee Champ?'?! aril Ilu.a.e Pslmsr. Ti'l.-..i>; Cna.ley-, Sa ; -., S,.r.?; D?n-, w?iler; Hi*-?! M< tlkir ?Biased i?.?n sxx? o? The fcDowing ponom were pal o: board the Trr-v ?nd taken to Ball Mr .1. ? ??. .1 I ? I?Mr; S D?nt, l?l Porter; ( II. ?d. CI.?E.lierii?;.| T/ e o'her not known? in ail Ttt. Ti ? i i.? i? peraoee ware traed wa the head r.etrtl-e v re? k : W P. Tinko m, Mayv-lle,ChaatH iue Co., If V ? laved; hi? wtfs s .?1 two children on Ibeir we\ > r Btbestrsri Franklin 11. ?tb, *.:i Wall street. .V.Y.. saved hi? wife ?nd 4 children, from J to 11 year? of r*ge wert Ii st. A aTawMl er with (our daaehtera, j'ist from Eaz lied. WboeS hasbead lires in C.ev-eland, List?ntm; Et* knew :: "i ?? ? bole i 'in '. ? r "f botlies found, il 11''.? Tiu r.r-n.ltr *?xed, at near ai can be ucertairml al preseat, i? J*-. Apyeliinieet of Aaslattiat .Mnrahnl?. i.-ie On.'.il? II-iraM. Ji'ia 13 The fill w lit? of Allilt li,t Mtrih?'? to tnkc the U ?- Cen?u?inthe .N'ortli em Di' i?. tb * Ht?t.>, have beea made by II . ?I ?1 Kellofir. Thi? li*t, with Ukfl or..' oreviously p'ib ihe.J, eoaat'lekSS tho appntntmeat for sH the District ex.*. pt Berhimer a. >1 OaeUa cointi?-? : Cuyuij*. ? > or man BaIVy, L1??'- ?lenoa, V'ati'..?, Sb*S m?n i Locke, Setrpre'i"!? Qa?*r*a*r* J?xv?U, M N p . vtoro D'vt'lC 0 -i .1. .-???'., !?? ? ncp ?', !. y ?mu-i-, R,r|pvp.Ft I.t-rent M?'-e. A-i'?urn . ,?prr?:i, ilnjii? biepfctn K?'i-*ier, (.'?to, I C ?i pen?,Vpd!/. Ir?,'C?t'.', Conn'imr, Victory. J. B. Muer, Me? 'I ?. . r-Wn Iion?*?,C?rtb?re?Champion. WIIb?, Rii! I?io. h't', J.,nc N K'Hiier, I.? Karirevll e-'lr;'- tn?, T'?r?i?. A'p.\?ndrt? ??ai-? H Breara. E/?.? MU????Val weip Le R.??. Pbil??lelphi? A A I??.:? II il?t lerioo, Lora'.n, XVortt A XV. < .-? XV? p ? Br.iw?:,vi.-. Hi*a?d?S?IS, P?n la, xx, . ,.?-. Soon MtM-y, t>ii_oii.t? City toe. Cipe Vil c" ', L me I, , Edwta Miar, Cooi_*>??v.l!e-L*r?deT., Ti-1i, xv. , ira?. AMBSOa II Bircei, J?tr-!-.? ii-.-ti Bi i ? . ?a [?-? ; ?rl Iiiani. (J-e i H?rrts' ir?:, Ljvvvllle, Msr'in.i'ir.1 New Bu BW?. rirc?aey, XV?r? ?n. / , - ???! .|?r?*p?J ove'ird. Jirvli K?yi:'i-.iJ, 1. i n?Lif? Llvoola, . y?- on 8 Byeii, Y .rk-Vork. Jaba A flu?-. bt ru Mi Mor-:??Leireaier. Mt. Morr'.? NaDd?. Port?a-e, J?m?i Biwtrcr, l??*i?v:?p>?U_iville, S??ri?, Spr.oKwa*a*r tria. ? !--?:t W Canki. Mirlu"*; ?Mkdiion. Braok "?n M. f Y.v.oo wr, DeBayter N-;?oa Lv?n*n R. ?i,.n? . rjtvi a^-C?r?- - ?Jul'ivan ? K. W Bruce, Lerc?- LeroT, S'rvki rid^e, Smii.?. ~*-,i??-: I. -- PaeS A l?r-'i rll, : XXrti-er J-ha K. Buel, Buinne,!'* B??. riPi-t. Mead na Pprr.Btioc, Pituford. R'ith Maibew <t. Waratr.Bocbtetrr?Biockea'xr, 1st, 2d. A. 7ib, Stl W?F(?? Herr-. ?1er?4th. '?ih. * le?, S)?-??Cl . ? I?ga, XVr.eiiA . l Ai??; C'.-Eitock?C>?rk?t-n, Oreece, Ur"?on,, Sweerl-n ?J tnomorpuw.Wa II II '.', Amttar'aiTi?AT?l-?rrf?>r, ?lorie?. Oler, th?r:c?-.--i U?".;ei Cori.e.-fonda. ?l ..', M.???k. P?J?t r.e Oeor^e K XV'k/c>, A-,:-?- I h?'V, M J It'"., e - ?LaC'ipp, Lorkpor:?R"vt,';jii. faockp-irt PptC .e uc. WteatfelJ. Ni??trt A V..-, XV.?'. ,-r, rioiri ?' l?t-Scmrnet, Utrutnd, >twf?-ie, Wttoa ?mOtk :?. Por? ler, Lrwistec -Rolert C ftmhain. Al'i'on?Etrre Carlt n, C.arttdir. Ker.Call. Mura7 IMU C?vU, Rilfe?r?y Sda- ?i? S?Iby. ?lte? ?__ laat.r??Cr.?r.? M?K?Bar. Ntp'-a-N?*?!?*. Brlsiil, S?; lo BrUiol, Canada B . b:n. r.d. XV. ? t eo tiflaW. My "ii H Cis.k, Ca?anla ?u?v? Can?nd? ?ut,; B .Pirit l.stl1, UorPt-a J.?.err. il ?lIlMBB, tOtmAet it'B?Psrmit?toB, Vicior. llirv-ey Stoti??P? Almetl (,? a.oi, Genev?? . ' -'(..i-PUneMBri.bsm.n- -- ?'lr7?, *-?*"' ?id. STlvecerB D-aper. vVes'f-n-Mid-t Marv kCd Worrraier Dr Nklhkli XV saw C ?n?-r*t.?a-r, -H.riwlck. New L:?ocd. 0-?e?-o. D-w1lt C Brown, ' o ?di"s Pcrki-I?uriirtu-a EieWt r -. r?. P ?in-iald, Jkote? 8?p?i M: O-aBoni?, -adil?. B-i' Il Muteaon. Morrli-B-jtlerm??, Laaretv?, Mor?!?. Pi. ?('"d , __ ,._ incnCutn-trVm A Orovp? Baldwin??!?.?-? ?j: B'i'-r. Ljstlder ?. 'dp. Joseph E. *pcutc?r, S?*?-??le^? SkaeactPi ????_?-?? ST Q_S?-A?>*?jl. SSatgt lt?-M?ifellu? Cibii:? Onoed??? rh.aio? Clark. Otl? ..?ev,!>-M.ul:^ Porri-e, MicheeI ^*J?. -?? % +~ De W lit. Cicero, City. Staica Ia?wU T Utwiey, Byra T?iSW-??jr- M oto??te, H?^J^H?iJ{< i.r?tl?v fwwego. O.wa.0 Citv Arehl?aid Stew, Hav n?rt? .e-Sen appel, Scriba, Vo??ev, A.vl? B r_?r4?ori, ?"*?:Ir*-mo\VMev.eo. ?iaw-H.v-pi. P?p?.h (Mlver - \. W_o? _v_-?bl*-. Richltnd, Sai IT C'ea?. (?r*p B^ea-.r BXtkM .X'??rt ?.irt?. C*it??l ????'.Mob??.?, Us?UB?s. Coii?i_?a?, Amt??, Wii_?ra?v l?A??.w?j?T-Eroek D?v a Tri? -Tro* ? eat-wl Stth VX ??d L. M. C??ie7, Ho-lck b.ntto-nootick, fut?- | Iowa Sr-S-lo-oBa '?Kiall M vor?. B-.e.wirk-Br?o_. wick. Lau??t'.ur?* P_?tiakttl. Rioelr ?4 U. r _-<-_, .li-_r?ou!?ii?h. Na**??, Brhodark, Sand 1???? **r_tb Ward Troy Tarrart 0 C-Tlo-. P?*er?B_r_-. -.wo H.rtn ?"e_?rBb_rg*,(Jr?f."i ' .erne.ta. Il? t M'VI-W, Half k\. an, Ma.U, Sn iwator Dacl-I D. *e.>o?"|oi. s,r*'. l?',a S r ??s?M. rra'i, N ?l-itnbor a-,d, ??rat .j?, 8a<_. - ? Vtiilon l*?m r - . -"?A-d-i'ofinlri, - Pror'd-n?-*- ? , |).v Edinburgh. O. way. M < . II er -- . f-rrr-C ift-n P?rk, B?ll?-o.?D. {Sehe. , - ' ?dr fekok ri.-4''!1-1'^ '--K. ? , .. ^iialita M dd,o??u-fli. Srh'Xiar?. I?, rig?. Jorra S Vas I tn nil Dailsl M. Wet> SU- S Bf ' 0?' i '. Sewar,!. Siar'.-i SVa?r.-Fdir.uBd Be'dwin I. i t? < Orld, Rom?,tu?, Vanrk. laear fui or. M?nera ft.t-Ya ?? t-, a. i. 1 y te, Waterloo Si / .II. rr I. ,?('..rr.o . j gairlilo, M -rrUtuirn. Ha?."' I Hoirs T. ' ?? t. H.rnum- . ' Pewkw, , _a,?_?a ll-rrittn l.?-.?-?-) ???-?. ?ian toe? Car -in . l'e K? h. Pierreport, R i??e,: h I Pot-tUir ? Poltd?.!i. Pan.hv . -..h. ?:?!>_D?!.l?i?..n. Loalavl la, M? ' t J-.? t. H.uto, litipSu.on?Br?. - ii ,? o, Lia, Ma*?? r.a ???a, Palited Pott-Palnted Poat, C?Lt. il e%, Erwin, llornhv, Cain'o*',. Ortig". Ro?,[. W'm 8. (j!le, AJ-il>n?Weai Union Ad il . .i?_-?er. Tr,?ut?*?ur eron. Oil? Trat.-htr, Horr-.o; ?viile?i ; ,?]t?t*u, How?, -t, A vira. Ht ? W?. I nd?. Jarnr? ( rt, Bath?Baih, Brtd;'?rd, Prat!? burgr-, Pulinev. Urbana. Wayne. Wt)*el?r. .-?./Ant. Behuylei ( lodard. liryiim?farol irte. Dan'.y, Rryder (?lies Ur?goiy, Lantlo.vt. ???--.?tort. n* Tlio?. t T . !..?-?. I*___a, Newi?J. Mit. ipove, Meeklaaborgb? EaSeM, Hastes I ':? ?e? -_?_?.._? L S?wyor, Bart,.o?Sa-t??ri. ? ? N'.cb. I?, Saal tu. Tlo.a. Henry 8 (?ranger, New_a V ?_? ley. -?.r|?hire. Ne?tfl.O?r. ?I Hu?m-lieo *"/. CsmwSy, trieos Kai,??AI!. H v sump?m ?ir, -, J 11 lataatej ABU*, Benntngton, Jat?. (irai ?ovi.!?. fheiiljn. Java. Oran.evl ie. S iViiiir. -.. A S. Pattaraoa, T . -.- ?,< '?.ig. M Prr'v. \\*?rtt?? J \ SV. A i.t s. Eag!*. rut?, i! *asBBi TsUs. K__* i i OraaaaL Jaekaoa?E*sto_, r.-e, t ?. Andre?, h | - ?r ' l\ : t-rmii- il?.? . r K- ri A'.r. il?. ?? h -t '' ?' ? Hartford ..Iiiry. 11 ? '>' M Al ? - ? Pali 'V.nyr?. Mfe ( t-t M????n, N?_-?'t - t *t.r,.,s J ?. M. i. >tti...,t . Qmorgm w it, il iron, Lyt.M, 1! ?o. ? -Ira I) By ?.t. RuahTille? B-nioa, La') Jert.? ? P.?lt^r, Wm. ?Alton., i?,.lln y.. Barri' .?B^^^^^^B B GARDINER, Au.-? -riaor. |>Y BALDWIN QA-OINI I > tST l_ttl_alBI B'.ieut'oD wiA :m gtv*_ lo ?ala* of fancy ? . i , . > n_ i.r? boo-a-kceping. A?- lloeks ' Mant-fs?. llar?..... ic. A,I ?if whlfii ?ie rotr-T' . H?vir_ made *o arrangement with Mr. A C TUrTLUa? h s seleameii iie hop-?* io iiierit the p?_ron*^eof h.i trioxstt and tt"* ' ' " 't.f ? ? , si I m ? HESD i> | Any- ??"*, x-v? Sr Madw?y?l,AH'ii-'. and 'IV'J. Nil-it r V ?ALE OP BIO lilOVANMUNI'S In oiB'rh A??^a?lor Su.tiary. Voll >_? (.f ?iter?, Aarat* a-d P?rdl,lt? ti' - y (J.'"dt, Itr -Jtiria leg m part ,'f the I 6i ?it ?ay ? Marl?)*) and alaliat'er utr.'iir* ?ad, ? -T'- !'a- -?r. '?'.-! ..- ? t\v ; .' ? > p ? ? " ?ti ofig-i ? i ? . -?eeeet, , Bi? ? o! -ie Itali? Ton's, Auitncan 8'sie*tTfr, J?e i ???>, T*/r\- .?o V.t-t.4?O' the tint ee>r>r?!i?d art l?t?, in !>??..?> rehov. I, ie. ?lit. Ueoe, Kir it-in. I Bitl M?d ri? fr.irn Pria, o?', A.It anna, P.vit , . . iw ' ?rke I'rr? from l ? -by! . ? |?r?'?. fi^lir"?. ( T' ?' Ag?ts,8i) i ? ; ' l'a, er wetslusaod loi stBBds?models of the Eternal !.'<h? ani N-to't B??-i, -, Kloreiitiie Baikei?, e'and.eitl-?.. Jdweiry ? ",?-??',- Talil's. Bouts and Vue?, Waicti Staads, i_B'd Kreei\trs ae. ' Alio oto ?|e_ai ' -t v '?? t Ktntaln, ;??2? i',-?. Alto ?roas? Caedelohra?, Inkitand?, por:ei_ln Bukett t, Blsbuti Plgui A io, a very rt*b and ipe dii ?B-niinnnl nf tea?lalwi ? ware, e?*'?-.*'of superb t- -?'i.i" ??? J-?r?ri_?r?, vaiei ans other ccrpie o'.j-e-s of taste tud fatfiion b m itch Kie-i-i. L*i ier? eoaua (a'?i?**. d-." i*at?d In fl iwr" a- el i oid. Ladlt*-vrorkt_.leiiosauUf.lly far.,., oj In s Btiar sty e Ctii'iti' ? ?ill l'e rflidy, and i_e goods can be ?xtoila'd Ike d?y pievi' u?. A. M. M KKW IN, Anc-onaer. BY BAN!-?, PLATT ?Si TO. ?tore ?*.-l Broadway Parumlar altenUon _tvan to iha ?ale of Private Libra. rtr? ra*h*dva_ce? made wben detlred At PbivaTE StLK?Hohn'? Popular L.t*?rary 8-?rl??*.? Cnrnplor letl of the*? and ?eleri ?tor??, ?re, now ? tlertd to the trad* and oilier*, rompri. Ing the Stan 1 ard L'tir?rv.6l vol?; the 8cit>n'.liic Li'irary, a y?i?, the At rquailtn I. Iir?ry. ', J v.?l?; the Ciaaalral L lirary, Il vol?; ?id the I'iuatra'ed -tbra.y (new ?erlaa, i lacradlas I. >d?-e? l'"iti? '.? of llluttrlou? Peraonaires of Great Briialn, Tria voiun e? ?old ?eparattly If tt??lre.l. A new litt ha? j nt been lttued cf the varlou? worki, and may ue had at lb? Hire Ji.t.'ii. Letter?, with ail the octet of W,.-.dft'l'i ?Mllrm, Hi III Vil,'? I.eoure? in ?Lulrru II ?tiirv. I,?.?i .r'.lti ? a II,?. lory of the French Bev,?ull >n, Haab-H'? V.o?? ,,f ?4^ lure, ll.nd llook of Dame?, ar.d new arid p?.' li.r t-?n?l? ii? n? of Sophocle?, _U?-Dylu*, Arialotle, Curlptdo? and AI?o. Lardner'? Popnlar factures on 8-lenreairl Art, 2 v.'l?, l>0| Kwl.atk'* llydrauilr* and Moehtn'.'. I ? ?m,'? Farnie.a' Kt .".r,,,...!'?, (Jnenon ? .ro?, work oa Mtlrh Cowa, Thter'? PrtD.-lp'?-? nf A.rlr i'turo, D?T,i-,? io vll>'? Domocr.rv in Anieri?*?, /'.?-i's Songtter, So-nott ? I), ni? e Krrry Bookkecplxg, 8vj. Fcruier's Dictionary, and Wise's Ar onart-.ies. ANTHONY J. BLEECKE-L Aurtione?'. PMKKitlPTOKVHAI.K OS KOI'R TH(>rs\ND PM-DINU LOTS and v.IuhMs Water Kronta, tn li.o-., wo of Dunkirk, Chau.anqueCo at ?NB*rt*___ i?f the Erie Railroad. Sale lo !>? itiaile tt the M.-'rham?'Kit r?i?-^o |u tho, ,-iy of New-y,.,_. by order of K'ita-11 H Nrvl.isai'd Carie? C Klug, *_.?,? Trtjjtt?jr? ? ANTHoNT J BI.KEl KKR art l?el| at aiirtion oo WEDNrttOAY llie .lid) of J-t.o. I ? ?i U ?,- ptk, at til? Merelianta* El i . -. . - f.'ii..*lDir v?l.?t?'e property, vl/: in ih* k?wi. of Dunkirk, Cha.uu'|iia Co. 8l*le of New.York, by order of untie'-?, aboal 4 nOS lutlilln?; lot? m ?aid Iowa, arda uuui!?er of vaitial?.? ?rater from? ami ?Ttaii fa* images on the harlior The ?ale .if the whoie of Stbtek will lie eb ?o''ite-rd anreaerved to the bljthe?! t>tdd-r? l_'ih''?ra;'ti!r I Btap? of ihe property ran tie ohialr.?-! of the ?ticti-. leer, 1 Bro?_?l. one monik liefure Ihe ?al?*. lb per Seal of l,i?< par r' ?o- t orey can remain on ?ee_ and niort_??;? f,jr 3 year?, ai ?i per reut per anr.aru. Dunkirk :?e,n^ ibeler.nnii? ,if t?o Eris rt?'.,ru?.l, and it* harl?or ihe hnnti oa the Latt, thl? . pri perly oler? great Inii'iroruennio liuyer?. The ?ale art- ' tit.r,irtipu?-d daiiy nn'tltle wboie property 1? ?old n.y.i'.. . i - - - ? (1.116) BK.N I WIN MOOKET, Au-tlineer. BENJAMIN HOONBV win .-: .THIS IMY, at I" i.e.. rt, at the auclli rt rnoin, 14 Piait-lt an tn - pecket cut ery ?,f new and very ha-dtome ptttera?. ?rt?. ti,t. rtr at aid?, I. rk? i.?i, lea tr?t?, pit firm ?rale? l u 11 or kilv*?. bty fort?, ?r?i*?, -?- -r i ???,*? n? i tn v, i,-o ofvory ?upeilor dou'ile !?l?Kked and lined vtoim?, - _?, ?l?o, f. r *r"?<.i?ut of win??- It may eoicere, 9 - in? ??ii-he*. and a ?I'laetlty of jiwelry, .'. ; ? ? >, Mi -nadies En_ii?h l?ll?ter lu**, from the h-. la. dt?_i oa lilt* f cobToN, AatSiiassr. HOI r-KKUKPfelt**. A*U l)K4LBK*4 win fad it to our I't-r-.t Bt> ?Mead Ute anerto-t Bale of boqse? hm. fu"B tureit 'tl.Jroo.iwir'i ?vo THH \Vtm%y) vi i ',H I.Si, ?i l" "Vl'wt The furDt.ure will he pnte-n; t ?rily t?. d ?? ti?o iiwr.or ie.troe lire r'.iy on M )?d?y, ?ad c?a?l*t? i f ? ri??'r?ie ???or m-rit of pa-lor, b?Mrot?m aid klu-beri f'irnl.ure, ?" in g'od "rder Alto a'i'lantitv of dry / inda ti^. (?a e pi tiliTo wlttout reAa-d to westAar. je.'! U* SMITH h 1*4 HKKriltY OfTSM tat l rerula pWcv*. parrel* ?od lot? of ..-,?! ritas*? n -.tie tlllag? h* l)ti ti??. In dM town of Pom' CI atiwti'-iie, and Htate of New- York, which on a div.? n of e-n?!B i'rrti at D'lciirk. "7 and itnoc/ tii -r . ? f?r3e M?rrh. 1, Ir.l? were r ?r.veyd t > R it?o? H aadflarlrs 1* If_t?r tn ?.?-., loaeiit-e?. ?' 'iferl Mttr.y 1 l?tj?, ?Ed recorded in tfa* Clerk's Ottro . ? _a i ur v of 4_'.?_-ur;-ie, tn :it?er ?3 if d-od?, n pa,el.' ' ?? ? I by oral - Il tdi.-erilonofthe Tru?. tee?, ?t r-jti'ie ?aenno. at the Menthant?' Cxchaige, in -.lie f .:>?. f Sew-fork, oa ifceShk lay of J,ine, it't?. ??d ?a'e to crn.rroe it , -. n oV that day, s ., -.i cay un-i tLe wt ?ie? of ?aid lr_ti-j.'operty ?iiall The terri? of ?ale will he-tec per cent of the pi-eh??* _)?>rey to de paid to the anciioneer on the day of?? e. '?a i Btrreretlo ltu**eil H. NetriE? and Charle? C Kin?-.?n toe ' ft*_t,Wt_- tliedeed? will bad* and "-' f-.ty-five ret tt nt M remain on bond ate) m,ir.?*i?*, j p*yst>e)r. ?ale, with lnlei-. -, parassaa. payable ssBi-eai T*w 'tit.i" be ?old comp'-?e?botit4'Whii!:,"'if lot?la ( the .-il.??e . f UuDBtrk. M?p? of thepruperiy? a.... ne ?men *? U-o a- r-ttor rrxmi of Aatb~y I ?.c-caer, t,*n tucuo.. re? 7 Bread it in the diy . f N -? Y t% Tot irif irrn?', .-r. In re?ard l? '.he title, app y to Hoary i B-cakM, Attorney. 74 Bro?dw?y, New-Yorl. New-Y..B. M.y ft, l?.iKLL H NFV1N, f.HAKLKS C KINO, i "" rov-l Jl,4 7,10.l-.l'."!"*',t?-d?'?_ leeches: leeches: leeches: J 1*8*1 r*rei?e*i hv ube la?' ?earner fr-im S'i"?-,o, a large ?uppiy i-f ->w.d.?!_ lie : an and Smyrna l>?--r*??, war rat 'i-o btmlll f, pui up ?o a? to tot tran?ported any dUKaaca _r| I , -rf?rcl s-lety, for SSBS ?}t ^?''^^jy.f jalgla,' lmp</rter? of Lrunrhet in *Sm\ ?> _t O.NDEI-KII. llKtSOf DKAPNKSSaep_r. VV totaurg ?! .'! Ai *n It P-rsonl who have irled every t-irif ?re m.? relieved from Iha noise la lb? bead ant kaar? lag reetre?..____?__ fREDKRiCS CL'NaNINeJHAl?. J. WILSON ORE-N. _ WILLIAM S SMITH, Attorney? ?nd Cot-seilor* ?i Law. mfS Imeod Omrten i New-*- N.T. _ 1 I I lili I Tal LOA** ?t 7 per cen?, on Unprotad ??f) I I ,U".JUt_ypfoperrj. Applvto If NE6M1TH k Co. bo fjiemx. t'B__tM CaftBLM-A mPBt *ev-~r_-*ct of Zugiiaa l roted. front J-S 'O 17-1 lnebe? ?or tele hv re.. UAL'NT?DEERICK-WN, l?_o-??b-*t HA N ( ?I > I ? *?? T ? P*r 40,' ?? poo nd? from JO io V? I netM* wide, dtfereal ?wart*)? ? a'd roloea f?>r *ae? at mantjfac tmegprle?*. OAf .NT ? DEREICESOM, US Sootkec lAKl'.**l->")b?l*?No li ?0 do Ho.?- For sale ?I ??-?'-l4ir oYuiT B _ERR.CKSON, I _ fco.h It BAU**, MOPE??,Baaailki**>-pap-? rroioafat-tar. Trini-Te t? I .ou? ht ani ??I ? ..?raralwrrn* bv ?17 OAURT - DEJUHCSSO-?, l? aad IW |Vj-tb sk O MKim.INKS DFtTs rifo, le HARTS Vr.OETABl_lxTatr- u - reratsdy that ran b? rait_ ?J.t??"a",rp *? *? ***-? ?ri?AU co??riAi?Ti, .???tace c_l'*,,,*-,'"r*?' i;-?.. r TH? arae-aa? ?????, 0? _?__ '**rr** ???VtM-l TIIMOBV B?1*?AIXIC stratrnoa^tro.^ ?! ??V. ?AtALVIll, ?BBBSAL Ott.LITV. ?S. rinuTT o? a???,,vt ??t? ravtuti. ?BKK6T, ?BO A! t ?B?VOI.| OIBOB. t????, iBr'.cdtn.? Ik? b?7_ dimana of?JJ ?Ittui?? thtt ?si- -t lect the biunu rat*? ? EPILEPTIC PITS, ?''*? ?* Hysterical Fit*, C?*>v??o?** a??*m_ B_ Pr liart woeld fsaariii It op.? the miad? of ij_? '-??:!h?Ver?jttvh'eE?ti_tl? th? only reatad, ?j, ducooertd that can ba relied oa tor ttve aarwiar?n e^ q. this most dreadful of a'l disease? * ? "r ititdsn** I? ta * avtrlty, medceMkrd death, the rn'??t SKILLFUL PHYSICIANS of Europe, u w?ll ?s tho?? of our owtj cobbIi-v, rave pre, bo?need Pptlepev tet-ni?hle. And II bm heatr, *o p ?_|j. ered by a try until tki* racwt Import??! of ?Il dl'crane? wssTSxiety Doctor S. list, oeerly ?txtaae *?snslaa*?? durlnf wki_ I'm? Il bu bren pe?-?V>r*atnf ?oBttai-i??,^ REMARKABLE CURFS opon record, ind ha* ?^c?l*wd ? rep<it?r!.?a ?rM-h Brae a'oce ran efface. Phyileias? of und.turned ?kill ?ad nxpe, r mes, ? a__ra of virlout denomnaii.i.ia, a* w?j a? bub Sred? of oar emtneal citizen?, ?I n-tie In reonrneadlsg the u?e of thl? truly valusbie lead'eH? 10 tbetr patients ?4 Mends who are ikass?lctad, as ih? only remedy. A PERFECT Cl__ D? litar? l >'- - Mv *oa ha*, f^r three year*, beer, a.**?'.??* ? p-!!*,?rdhed Ute be^t MaJva ?'??T.rdad ta il.ia re H.a of country, hullo do purr?.?*? Faery two wi. a? a? 'I ?nnierlme? everv ?seek, lee i'.-..?.,nn <r?ald en e I ark ..n htm. ?? ?medir?? tea ru fil_,, al a ttiaav aad then! ?* a e?ax>n H' W?.j.. ?, H| u., w, war? N-arft.1 hew .?I'd bean eut. re Idiot He dut not know lOlaSBtoflMd (>' e ve?r asr? ihe i?4h tifia? pee? ri?rv I proa-arad ?>( \v. U R..(?-n? I ?m, ???.?, in La Port?t, f?oai ? t-'trt f..i K. ? and he h^* n?*r~r hui. ? ? .-He ',?? -.?ken eleven pack??-*? ; and a'(h?n/h b? hs? ?ever '??a had key *vit?piuiu* .?f K-i* stem lie coo? f UM 'I roniin ia?l it anal :-..?are? wave naaxl u;> 11? h?? t%k-n aVSes for ? li.b* pas?, ?'..I I? pmrtmrtty well ?(!? antrid t, r .-. re! ird h? Is BOW capo''** Of dil-i?; hei J??k?f'r. a: d a l.dL'dred ?Irretaeac? ? '?ear leaiinsony n> these f?ct?.' Very raepectftillv. (SltTBed.) NOAUMILLXA. L? Potte, Ind t Sir, ?la P?ck??et *.' p.ver rarkk**t* %'.n. A B. k D SANDS, UC. i er of Wtlltsm, New. York, W h..i.e?k'a At eats mvtS tmTtl? I* ?&EAT NATURAL PHYSICIAN, OR. H. X HOOT Thl celebrated Comumptio? and Hlood IM.w and friltslir l-ili ('??"wasiilM? BuromrUr. - N ? Ml Hr.vsdwty, N?w York. OR ROUT S triumph i*??fl?t?t? lii !ha p*r,iianenlcrjre o| t ?'laip'.lon, Ctncert,Tumor? ?lteaae? -rihaHean. Lima-*. LI v.-, Spleee, St..m?ch. Ktdneva Insanity flo? W t (la-:. I' .oil?. DealV,.??, BH dueas. Nerv.Ki(ne*e I'ira'v?'?, ?pint! Opforrnltia?. Di?e??et of Ladle? ud Chii? 11 I InlBflSBl Huitoriof all knJ?. ke t'rar.ei Be metllrlae? moderst? Kianttatlon of the UmsB wiihihe B?ronieter $1 i Fan all 1st nK. I? I? I? ? K 11*4? *s'?????, HI V .-One ?fui, treat r-r eilie?of iha??-a Dr. Htchard*-??'* Syrrj? for ehoi er ?. cl ''"? rjiorl'iis and summer complaint* and pain is the ?tl'IT?ch. fi .' ?i I)r. Tr?r?h???eri'a, 3?* Paarlat : Chtrlae H, RIB?, 192 Broad w?v; ti (he Dru?t;l?l ?lora, Hi I do; Rthert A. Ha. J?, iS8 Bowery; tl?yWk. 21? Pearl-?; ?Im, Mr?, Hav*. P.l l?*?ilion-?l Brooklvn cltv. Jal Sea? WINDOW SHADES. WINDOW SHADES. I/ELTT A RIKER, 131 l-?aihain-st r_I tiie at?BUtM S '*? pe-a. -ia waBtlBf Shade? to their Bssortment el Bbades, and materials for m?laf and h?n?1nf IBtradm They make the be?! quality oniy, ?ad ?ell at price? Ail] ?S pereanLle*? ih?n ?ny other n?aulVtarar?. AH Sh?4?s w?r?nied sot U> ?tick or rtirl. Jal Im* WI 1*4 IK? W HU A DKM ! ??T CUBNICeS'"b?T* PMv V MI'SI.INS, ac-r?mtl<e? aboat rVirnishto? !h?lr wir .low? with lh? ?'.??re ?rttde? will find tt J C. UOIil'KOKD'S. It? Broadway, the '?r???i ?nd be? u ?nrtnient In (he city ; (ever?! new ?tyl?? never hefora Inlro diK-p.1 in New York. I.?ce ?nd miultn c?rtala? drkpery, t?Nel?, loop?, pin?, hand?, cornice?. Ac Ftmllla? pur* . I ?t'c? of the ?ul.?crlt?er m?y ralv upon ?je.tln?* ? ?rit-rate krtirle, ?nd ?a low ?a II U ponthle to Import or m.nnfac lu'e li. MerchtBi? buylBf at wiiol?i?> will fiad tldacldedl*/ to thetr kdvkntage to c?l before p'ircha?1n? el?ewhere, alriif J C WOODFORD. i!?% Broadway. HTDRAST9. THK RARTHOLOMEW PATF.NT SELF ACT1NU HYDRANTS are ?Iron?, duralile, ?Imple la cio*tnie? t?tan ant | ot liable to gel ?<ul of order, are not eft ruanlnf t r broken rarele**ly by child reB?won't ti.irat pi pa, are I WmM* ly reralred wliboul dla-fln? Bp ; Bot Hable ?o treate, and last a? li.ntr ?? the common cedar hydrant Hi? doulla by. dranlssntwer for two varda ?nd coat Iml litile more ihto that,Id kind. Kou- to five year? fanerai use of the?? hy drsnlshave shown tham toba lha mr??i eeonnml.-al kid da ral.le in h??j. Tley ?re warranlad lo work ar?Sj For ??J? by the plnmbar? ?en?>r?lly. Faclory ?4 Msrion-il above Prtrce Violation? of ihU ??teal by ntkklnr, ??llin? or u*1? ?> will not he allowed. Je| I Tl?w4w* DR CHARfaF.SMUNDr.-S WATER-CURE ESTABLISHMCVT AT NORTHAMPTON, MASS-Dr MUNDE retpec'. fully 'iifonni hit friendi ?nd the public, that he ha? be? I romeoxxnerof the late Dr Ruirtrlee'? Water Cure E??b? I Ithinenl ?t Bent'.nville, ?4 mile? from the North?mpton Railroad DApOt. 7 bours' lida from New-York, ?boat S front Sto'.or. ?un ^ from Albany, ?ftuatad tn one n( the ple??ant es? VH..,e? ..f New Krfland, *urr.?.ind?? wllii wood-irrnw-Q bill?, wiib shady w?,k?. ?nd khundantly (applied with the . pur. ?'.--.'??I ?nd rolde?! (rrtnlta water Th? ?Ir !? pur? i knd h?ii I"-. ?nd thacllmi?imlM ?nd k?Ti^*?*?lkm The new i fit apa* ..m? bi.'lidtn*.-? offer all the ?eceaaary convenience? for water cur? purpoae?, such u l?r?e pl'intra btuhs, I doiicbea ?nd ?Iry ?.?'?in?' room? for ?lioul V? paiienta, *ep. i ?r?te fur either ??-a. a trynmatium, ele The Doctor betn*; ! the earl'eat now livin?-dl*rip!a of Piiaaanlu at Graefno burir and haviur an experience of more than lb year? of . hi? wrlilni'? on Water-cire bain? In the hand* of evarv l 'in-j-e?? hydropath, hopes to reapoed lo any r**> ???nable ex -eclarlon? from lha water-c?ira-*v*t?*n, made oQ the part of th<?*e (uferer* who may conhde tixyaattlve* U? b'r-i tor ' r I ?.- particular? piratea apply to the above addr???.] ml9.avt-.JyI IMPROVED CHAIN PUMP WITH THK KI'SIBIaK METAL Bl't.KKTS TIIE8F, BUCKETS ire tum?d perfeclv r?,jn.l and ?mo?.lb, wbleh t* a decided Imnnivemeei ueoa iheeotn. mon cat! If n bucket, and the only ?rucie that will c've ?o* '."e ??!'?f... ili.n to il?? one who use? thl? k'nd of ramp? M?..iifar'i red only by C. ATWOOD ?V CO. ]el8 lm* Birmlndiam. C ?an. /'Ill KAI Dt? ITXI.I?> ?l?IMl?l'KO t B Ml Ar. It I* wan known, wtll car? plmplae, freekla?, las, and ?II ?kta deformlllas, s-nl Is, Btoraoaer, the item ?h?vtn(?compound everutad Uovkttro's P.nuire Se-xll? positively eradicate? superrl-i'i'i* balr rVon low *ore? beads or any part of the body, Hklr Reetorsilve Ibr 'orctc? ?-?'r u> ?row, ??.d renrteln? noten, wiry Balr ?oft, auk* and S''-?*?. l-'T1??* R>"is* '<" n?'? >>PS ?ad pheekti I.'iy white fer rncsh, ?allow ?ad taabed tacot; L'culd I' ?-.anlane??'?? Hklr Dya ebtegee red or ?rey hair lo ? beeu'.ifii browa or black In ? few mtn'itaa wlthont ?tain tn*r theak'p?warranted, or bo Day laaen Beware of ^oub ? Theaeoulnaprapki?iorjsof Dr Fti'tfltxtAOD ate fi.'ind only at 67 Walker?!, Ar? ?ora ?. .t In) Broerlway. C?llender, <U? SoMih Tnirrl?, Fhi'?4e'r?hla. Site* k !'< rd?pi. 12V WaahtiffU.n ?I Boatoa 0?4?ba. Wat*. tnrtan Ct'V- Pierce, Broad?rav. 4'banv eia-?TInS I i ,pp| MIK ltAVKtrtWIIOD CEM-TBKT ?MtociA _ TION-Ht-infortravn'zed u'.der Ui? ?ct ?f 1217 f ,r tba ? Inrorportton of Surtl Ceinet? rle? ?nd h?v|- / ?iiirc?ie??>d tlie l,i-aul|f .1 ?Ifht krown M the '?eg U?bsi SsTBH *J Rsvrntw tos?, ?ren-iw r>re;?r*-d ! ? ? 'I <ttt to tn'b a? ?lave pri-fprerce?, and will be preraared in make wrvay? and grade?, ?ni Internier ?? ?tff.r ?* '?i? !??> ?r d-in-fnaajt C*r. ?>e ors*nliedi ?*?d Ih-y ?""I p.p!*'ent a? tbeir yrouaal? ?re !),?? mott ci>r.v"n'?.i.i ? i il.-v . ?n inak* 'ham ill- ??<?? elltlril? ?nddallttilfii' In ?I,-, r? '.,rh ?al oTob? eu - ; kod -or?.e A ' r X Wir.lON A?-' '.?? ftatrauei N ..-' ?,.-? No. ? rearbulldl??;. n.y8<?4'2uw* PHILOSOPH? XW THE ??JtF?SH-TtTB, OR HO-V It) WASH CLorilE? w;m.?l ?achoe?, Wuk' "irifi, Rut.bliig or Ponadla? ? T_i ?ycea tee r-talre? bo tetSa turp?n-? ? rauubeoe, ?minoala, or other ..???>?; n ?a?? !'.? r:.,?-.**? while and never 1b ? Sneti Labile. Anlcl'? u?v-d ere c?*e?p ?cid moca '?? ?, ochar rn.-e orly|l. In ??-alad ?nrei, BewaraoflDitetloa D.rector ?end to MADAME 8 VLLT. Fiench Laundfa?, U Am st. frea of B***x*M je|7 2wMT?ThAFr?A 'lllf. I OPAKT>; M*?I1IP fr?.,fir. e?t??~!e? I derthenrni of Vs'INANT la 8TAPLETON I* ??-cab? .)!?*. Ived A ! nertnn? laavio? ?ay da?n*n?l? avtjmteat ?a-.d bin, w\\\ nSgOoe pr??eii' th? ?atia for pay meat ?t ihe ?tore No. JO Avertie D, ?nd ?I persons tnd???eal at? riqiittted to call ?fid ?etlae the ?am? a urn ant ninJrer rioitra, C.ORNKI.IU<4 WINANT, JOHN ?. STAPLETOt. New.York, Jane IS, l??.B. y**, j.* Ill CANDI.K ?IRCUa, I..-...?..??-....,!. ftilly leform? the trade tftkt t*ay can ha? ?apolla?! ?vt? ca??Sie ?airui.-l* for mfckir ??'eacine, tpaem k^ka?_ir?oe and laliow catrl ea, warrteted to heoft*?? vary be? quaiity ?ad wovenuubip, at tAe ,t???l tKitWbie prlcae. ftaiferei-ace? ?I ve? to ?ou.e of the f r?t hotue? lo Naw-York. ?eii'tC W WEBB. c.?f Allan arid Hrtottoa ill IKUN I- o I M UEMr* -Exxm bo* Mied St_a" l_?d, I Sa??p?ti ne Charro??. A'ahrac'ie and Bltu-elnou? Cotia?, to* *?Hr.? r-?*i fjukliiv tur fina w ?rk. far ?a.e by CHARLES J SHEPA&D. NouSlov? Wv?t>K?_a, J?71tTi?_ StQWetwa-?. JOHN f, of ira? lata tixTtrtT.C. iKtmak Co Coeiir.'?*!.? Daalet-la Boots, Pb???? ?tn-l ! p-.i'er . Barrett *t id door from Full?*?, ?ad l*?r OtmmV.tai Leather ?t Boato?. N B. C?*i?*l?^??n-Tit? ??lia-ttad n??err*mrAterr>atr.* 14? JOB PUINTKKM -Tb? una-nr^. have tor sal? ta *AMo.ta.eai of ?opailor E??-I1?B colorad Ink, pet op In ?re?:: eac?er, Al?o, ettrtAoe w aod cai :-? fit ? th? Mm? BiualVt-er?. R HOC 4? CO >l?lmD?W _ W?UllJ?a?*t_ ?1B OC Umt?Qmr^kXu.-TkT??otk and tyd-^A \1 of one of li-? beet srt^??rte? la lb? npomenttotimi city. 11 U row dolnf ? ?ood !au?tx?je?. ?ad will ee ?o?a cba-tp to t catb HBa_?r. Apply ?i IS? *??x?,3l *t2?*?**,,J comer ?? Fcortket. J"*" m