Newspaper Page Text
1NEW-VOKK TRIBU-NE. ?A .,..HK. FHIDAY.JIJNK A t aK, isaas*??-?^-r Auctions a_et_iir.l page, rut. California ate?m?*re s-e? seventh. __?--m** r"_> ' The Telegraph heing out of order last even 4.- pwiB- to the storm, we did not hear whcth??r the Cambri? had arrived at Halifax or _et Wt pre*nn.e, however, thnt alie WM there l?ef ?-bt &he comes t<? t> i? ""it In 4 _.?_?? ??-, % asas rtlu) . We have n<?t re-.tivl the whole of the pTOcecdinp? ir. the Senat? owing to the de rane?-ment <.f the aMaospberic -daetrieity by the tbunderi-t Tin of last evening. we bare, however, show*- that Mr. I WfX'u'sarneDfiinent to the Compromise bill was dffeticl by 16 JMI to 21 nays. Thai jt is decided that the bill --hall not crmtain any provision -out. in pi at in g a reject! on by Texas of tho money offered her. The onii sion is a safe one. The BaOM talkcl on the Bill granting Bounty Lands to Soldier, in t_M W II 1*<12. il?o. WajM- Indiaa War ami the Florida War; the dabais was stopped at I O'clock, after which it VM continued on Iba five minute lysto?i till the a'ij .urnment. One amendment was rejected, but what one our dispatch i? * i'"t say. C'obbv? titui->a "?tniiloi : The Coalition carried Connecticut sst April lacks the cohesion and mutuiil trust Nf?sM. to consummate its objects. It has fallen in piece-? from intrinsic rotten? ness. The Uuui interest has as yet been balked of the 'lelief it confidently expect? ed and labored io hard for. None of the good reconimcndutior.-t of Got. Seym <ur". Message bint? prevailed with IhaLegialatolt and none of so?-ro?M even of the bad ones. And finally, lbs majority has confess? ed ?t_clf unable to elect a United States Sen? ator and deferred the Election to tho next legislature, where vie _*__. Mr. Baldwin, or some other Free Boil Whig, will be chosen. We shall nee how ma?y Catlins and Belcher. can run into the Senate another year from Whig districts on the ttrcngth of Free Soil profetsions._ Ca-aiplK-ll .... ___bI? Among all tie efforts and expedients of the last dozen years for a Legil and Judi? cial Reform, there has been one strangely orerlooked cr neglected which 8ccnis to us more hopeful and practical than any other : namely, the infusion of a small quantum of common sense into the heads of our Judges. In the absence of this, New Codes will in a short time be turned wrong side out and bewitched until they shall be found just as absurd and incomprehensible as the old ones; with the help of Ibis, the anomalies and absurdities of darker ages might be gradually melted away, even without tho help of special enactments. What might not our State afford to give, to have our Su? preme Bench for a time irradiated by a lit? tle homely common sense ? Mr. William W. Campbell is a gentleman whom we personally respect, and who off the Bench has (except in once consenting to be a Native American candidate for Con? gress) evinced liberality of sentiment as well as fair ability, liad he corno into our office some day about th. 1st of December last, and ut-ktil u?. what MWI was stirring, and we had t. Id him in reply that Prof. Webster of Cambridge had just been arrest? ed and c<? um tilted in a charge of murdering Dr. Ueorge Turkman, we are perfectly cer? tain that M ?? man he Would not have sus? pected us of libeling or slandering Prof. Webster by stating that fact. If he were coming down from Court .eomc day, and we should ask him what was going on before him, we are confident he would not suspect bimaelfot being a hinder should he civilly reply that Mr. A. or Mr. 15. was on trial for or under an indictnu-n: charging him with forgery. Nor did it cur o.eur to him, as a man, we are entirely confident, that The Co-rior and En.iuirer was Moraty guilty of libeling; any body when it chronicled the fact that l'-tcr Wiggle had been committed on a charge of larceny and Jerry Stoker on an aflidawt charging him with assault and battery. But let him be seated on the bench and his ears filled with what this poui-?ous tory ruled in Stiles vs. Nokes, and that - ?? cnin ass decided in l-oggle vs. N'oggle, and he forgets his common sense entirely, and falls to ta addling about pmilege and pro? tection, and the rights of tnis class, and the duties of that, and the consequences of de? ciding this way or the other, as if he were calkd on to euuet the part o:'Uiiadauianthus and prob? the MNM?MMM and diverti the motives of all mankind. What he has to do in his vocation would seem rather to determine whether A. 11., defendant in the suit before him, has wronged C. D, the plaintiff, and if bo, to what extent .' In the MM on which he was commenting, J. Watson Webb, de? fendant, had published in his newspaper an account of a preliminary judicial proceed? ing, wherein (.?>.>. T. Stanley was incul? pated. Stanley sued, per William Malook, attorney, for libel, and Webb pleaded in de? fense that the alleged libel was an essential? ly true, fair and correct account of the ju? dicial proceeding? in question. To this de? fendant demurs as no proi-or M_MM to his complaint, and Judge Campbell sustains that demurrer in a column of condensed British jurisprudence, closing with the following delectable specimen of Judicial logic and modesty : '? It ?? not io be Sealed that occasionally tke a.bM.arioa of ?ach pfoeeedioj? 1* productiva of good, tnd ptom ?tea Iba at)-* of juaiu'? o a.t. In ?orb esses ikm ptibllaner mutt find but '.? 10, not In pn?i?i*t but la ihe iru_) of ihe charfe?. Tbe '?actmsliy oribe ?_i.t_.jr rule 1* further evldeei frota Ute Hoc, notmnnei.egn, but 1b ibe tru-i of lb* char-e? Tb* u??aa?lTT of ibe salute) r rule 1b further evldeei frota Um fsrt that o( theme complaint- a large portion are nevar pro*' ?calad even to trial, much Its* to eonvt_t1o_. It would .?? difficult to point oat a coinp ate rmtnmdy (or the evil which ails?* wiib a*. *? I? t.og and. Th* law which w* couaiJer a? well ??tiled, and wbicb we repeal aad lay down In thi* , that lb* publication of *och prmttatlntry ** mirtt peo caadla?"? U u__Uuorl_ad and not prlrllaged, t; oosnnr tx miete | , Il olo> ed *rd enr-Ofc?-?* woo'd do ?ome'.H.f A ?"oi'l P ?>l ir'' rt ?ro_w do more? an optolon which ahoaw mnc ?lethalbon-eivd'Ctrtneof <ji' -ert atteftrjon to on-? ?!t?'i?, ?nc of i'1-irktt r roevU of otbf? e?re.-?i a* * a? e<-,-e ..f turf et-l' t? f.-rced opon u? St SU**Let* or ?>?. -inopirl.?". ?ht^hf'owntia? B IS >?e "?-bo p?_rt-r "?? m h rt*l~ fo?-. t?i*l ir?r.r-<!d r-ir|i>*lty which I lu . m en id tie fra.H'et ?rd vie* of our rac*. ? r?n urer ot?ri_led with co*ia. " The truth of (he cha.ycx," says this len rd.Iiidg": What charges? Whose* mitr?tieTm ?/jmAtiee ban charged the alb-, e_Ji rit with crime, and if they sec lit t > t vict each other of libel tbfffdbr, it is non< our busincFS. But the FJHor has char, Dothing of the kind, lie ha-? ,-t ited rim that Mr. Stanley was arrested on su.l charge, and that such and fucIi proceclii ?rere liad thereupon; and if he has truly ? fcir'y reported these proceeding-., he is in crr.t of all blame in the eye of Eternal ?1 tiec and tOCOrd-Dg to tho plain purport of totta ' i New-York, (Art I. Sec and of all law except some manufactured British jodges to rabeerre tbe ends of ai tocrntic tyranny and corruption. The Fhari.ecs of old made void tbe L through tradition ; the Judges of our day the .'amp. Even the much execrated Sclm law of old John Adam-?'-; time provided tr a man might defame and heap odium on t President and Co. if be only toll tho trot No matter bow palpable the malignant, v dictiv! ?poise, let the accused but pre that what he said of the highest dignit* in the land wa3 true, and he left the Oo* unscathed. Yet here is Judge Campbi in this year of light 1*-?0. warping I twisting the law so as i< prohibit and pi i?h a true and just publication of proee ings had in open Court unless the Edi can povc, not that what he sail was corre but that what the Ministers of Justfofl hi dene WM -rarraiited by actunl guilt on t part of the men they have sent to prison, held to bail?a latitude of underwrite I which the boldest and frankest Editor, en ander a more Liberal and rational admini trat'cn of the law, might very well d mur to. The Judge's talk of what is ' unauthori cd' and ' not privileged,' is utterly wide the question. We are ' authorized ' by tl Constitution to publish theh'ith, and th wc do when we state that John Jones wi arrested and committed yesterday on such < su.h a charge. Wc don't require any ' pr vilege ' at His Honor's hands in a case of th: kind. Should we be MwM, and publish s true that which never took pliee, the we pitad our position and its duties t rebut the presumption of malice?nothin beyond that. If Peter Nokes sh ml go about telling every body that his lat crony John Stodger had just been sent t state prison as a chicken-thief, when nothin of tbe sort had ever occurred, the law woul rightly presume his story a libel, impelled b personal malice, and deal with him accorii ingly. liut if three lines were to ereep in to a newspaper, affirming that J. Stodge had been convicted of chicken-stealing an tent to the island therefor, and the Edit should be able to show that he was not i New-York at the time, and hadn't tbe horn, of knowing Mr. Stodger from a side of sole leather, then wc insist that the pTMimnllui of malice which du. lie against Mr. Nckc would not lie against the Editor ; and tha he ought to be dealt with accordingly made to pay Mr. Stodger the amount of ac tual damage sustained by that personage ii MMequciice of the blunder, but not con victed of malicious libel nor mulcted in wha are called exemplary damages. As the dit tinction here insisted on is founded in ?dm pie common sense, and not I so far know oreare) in any thing propounded !? Coke or Eldon, ?re do not know that a New York ?Ir.t.gc can comprehend it, but i \iiy :ure an average schoolboy can do M Tho Identical principle we contend ?>r i abundantly re? ognucd in St?rkte on SI u der, with ample citations from the mos; era inent British Juriste. True, it is notappl ed by .them to Editor?, but to Masters gii ing characters of servants, and t<? in tnv oil er cla-ses. The essential question is this? ' Were the relations of the parties, tho v.>ca lion or position of the alleged libeler n tl as to forbid the implication of malice'.''?i they were, it is not to be presumed, bu must be proved. We ask no more than that ? _Vs to the depraving influences of pub limbing accounts of men being commute? on charges of forgery, burglary, olc. w think there arc two sides to that story. Wi know a class of men who are brought ii frequent collision with criminals?who ban a great deal to do with them?and yet d?n' seen, to be much great? rogues than man kind in general. If mental qualities ver ilj _f____h_Ted, this cl.ass ought to hi i-iadc _iv..d.r <y its contact with ?leve: , ro-uery. but they don't seem to improv. much in that reepeei Telling Edil j mind their own basiness, and n.-t publish s? h news of ?bal ?s going on ?n th< i Couit?, ?c, seem, any tiling but indi.'ativt rcMarhable Mgadty. ?By the way : loj were cost yesterdaj j for a verdict of six cents in a libel-suit where Ihil opinkmofJudge Campbell seeme. i the main rilian.o of our adversary's coum -d. It docs not appear to have ovcrwhelmed ; the Jury, though why under the sun we , should pay the phiintitf six cents, or one cent, , passes our comprehension. It ^ught to be impossible to Bad lawyers to bring suits in ; such cases, but unhappily it isn't; and we mu-t endeavor, by the help of friends, to ! raise the funds requisite to pay the verdict. To the Judge and Jury in the MM, as well as to our excellent counstel, we tender our hearty acknowledgments. ?a? - HT We underst?. that Doggelt's Dirt*ctory will be issued to _dc~ow (Satardayl muraiog, and co_teiii M page? more matter (namea and r_ts,-?_. lameios matt? r ii?clu'??1) than an)'I).-?tory yet issue- of this City. Tt.e ?trie_ wi." Ik? Ii oer i-..y ????.'It vi.? un?! the ?'i.-i.I.iii. pre*, me i tarewand umteOkm " We hive i.tvir b?en ?bic t? uorler?t?ml th tr'onrnl? at ?fis Tnhonr't apprehension, t'oti-?n ii | tl.c (Ate ot New kfeai o. It ha? cniU .tl, n gard ?1 tl e Tt-asu boundary aa tbe main feature I i... vxho'o B??*B?ag ?y gtou/iitg out of lil' far*/, SDti Iss settned willm-r to sacritice ever t lap tlie for its ??roper KiijUt'ineiit. It aupjx.r t s Oaproniise tail na tie rjetaat?: in pr?teront:?; I il ?? l'iesiiltiit s pisii Bereit (??-cause it ?ett'.*s tl Xcxsa tmestiMi b* trie Tuxan _ai_ Aid it h?? legare? .1 the f el thit ? T>-x? i n????? was sbi ut to ur*?ni/.ii i . urities in NeW-Mex-S t.. m ???'ni, a? s i'('i-!?ivt- i" 'i lii.-il ?eiiure ol th T. ni-nrv by the Tft?n au*I on ????. Os t .-? *? <,' u t na rrtrrerelj <?? ?.?ured IV. lideat Tx lor lor dsectiag Um I it??e 8ia*.s?s miliurjr aatba i"i s ?n New Mexico BOt to resist the Texan a*S? 1?. lirrc (1 hrn ?." RtwetirH. 1. Wo iijrrrl.cii'l that The Courier hi ?jot tried very hard to understand "th 0Ot_i?_ " i" question. It better suited il polt hot lo unoi.-ta.nd them. The MUM has taken has brought it more directly mi fully within the run.-hinc of Official fa vu thin any other would have done. It .-.ha not be our fault if it does not understand u LctU-r henceforward. 2. We have " regarded the Texan hour dary M the main feature in the pendiu coiitr??>ei-;?,'?' -imply becivoss it pi ?inly .'.. ??? ktd What il tu us the all-controlling 001 MOeiut on. ?Jue. so far North m Tej II i permitted to extend her jurir<liOmtmt, wiJ Human Slavery establish and fortify itsell Ote ir.tli fuither it will in all probubilit; i,? x. r 1,0, nu matter vx bosfl " ?1a_w il ?? 'I'ted Still there is id'hoi,., for Slavery to wot! its way Into Naw-M? sio < saA Utah, ia th a) Bi-iice of an cxpms prohibition?a bar chance. We would like to extinguish it b; ti.. W'jl.t Proviso. We want that a-id thi tiue loiii.daiy of New-Mexi< o both; but i we arc Ion id to surrender one to save tin other, wc will give np the Proviso, or any thing cite to save tho line of El Paso, or a rear it as poe-ible. To carry Texas Nord O? this ?s to (.?/'cVrVrplavery so far, beyoti. [findventure; to give up the l'xovi?" i ii?irily to give Slavery a cltance t?? extern ?_?_f. The more earnest men on both rida of ilie (juet-titn understand this. Mr. II. K Miad?' *?*?)- he would rather keep all Now Mexico this .sitie (>f the Ilio (?rande for Tex M, and let the EtoriM bfl extended over al beyond, than to accept Mr. Clay'd compro mise. We, holding a position entirely an tugonist to his, would rather save Ncw-Mcx ii'O from Texas and give up the Proviso.? But th( re is now a cheering prospect that w? may secure the former without surrendering tl e latter. '.',. We Jo believe?indeed, we have no doubt?that TeXM will r?lise all sh?1 claims of New-Mexico _rtk*M ehe is more fully r*> luted or bought off. We know she has no viili'l claim to an acre above Kl Paso, nor to a dollar for (??uit-claiiniug. We would much ratlicr drive her off than pay her the first rod cent. But if she is to encounter no op? ponent, but prot-trat". conquered, liiir.t??.' I, disorganized Ncw-Mcxic<>. we arc fot* buy? ing her off at any pi*i<-'*. 4. We don't believe, and The Oouriei should not a-sume, that t!ie E*t*4mideat give that deplorable oidcr to our Military com? mandant in Ncw-Mexico not to resist the. pretensions and operations of Texas. It is signed Oeo. W. Ciaxwford, issoad ver ; after Gen. Taylor ws i inavagtUaVtod, and mast at the WOtst have been vry slightly corn-id cr.-d by the President Wo trust he m?an* nothing of Um BOli. Nuy : we Ji-ipc and B_> Met thai bs xxill sooo dedavre frankly that, niitil O? Dgn h ihall - ??> ? rwisod ?????', lie will protect New-Mexioo from il! motestax-tioa bj Texas. At all events if he wotdd the Coiti'-rtiiii'-e, be should leave no -. hunco for. amhiguitj on this p ?But b'-itr The Cotirii rftutin r : ' \ >V ? M ? ? - | Ml tin !_>?...? :l nail? ir ?,':,,? tri? jurii'iii-ttcn t.! PaaS ? . , NVoal i that l? the r-f(at; ? I it bar? is I a. t iu iig tai its oa .. ?i ? tx .' V\ b i-aiii ut ?e? he . sa. 1 i bets n Texas and l aawlt?asl - I ? t' .- i-iun ,,(m* ?i-..^?., autl.or-.'.iit i,? ...'.li ?i.;??. 1. . lot tit? luiteti Slat?- liiai in.'iii'.rii'to iij vxitr-. . ? ?f... I. SI ' -'?'I? Ii be wars io a-n.:*. lbs litle cf t ?. ni ai. arm) _itb? it:):?-1 -????.".. ... aaaiat?via it util aa ad> ?laiu'.i be establish? ii. Irtiii.: ?* on ??. I, - . IhaaaiueUaioavaadaaasperatiag tbj feel tgi ii iiLfil to the I.??liest , : toward settling the dispute.? rms might a?sralldeclarel * , Text? to bo v.'-.ii. s::(i ti. I Stataesrsttj ho .-??mpi-lied to witl-draw, -. dene, the blood ?put, the ania., * ted ?tat. the money wasted co-iid not i>e reit 1. Neighbor ! if you tin earliest for Free Soil, don't to*? in this wij ! In an; gle between Freedom and Shivery. i ueYtrj7__>g. The child : -'is pa? rent: the people attl molded by the law : the v ? bos what the Territory fore? 8hr.dovved. Let Texas on -Mexi? co fully in her power, ai raes a Slave region for ever?at lea.?*?. F-.i.-h is the strong probability. What nonsense to talk of Congress ? adjut-uiig th- boundary!' When CongTess can't ?l.r.ii ?, and simple a duty as the ?\..lmi>>?on fornia?which no sixty Members of both Hou?es dare Vote dir..'t'ya.;.inst?hjw idle to expt. t it n do so critic- a thia* as to ?adju-- :r?dary of New-M"x. wastritd last session, but nothing cam} of it : it has been before foB|ll?m again all this Session. I>et the IV pagtnda get th?ir il?teles once fastened '?n New-Mexico, and we shall never recover it. The ?safe rule ap? plicable to the case is laid down by IIoyle~ 'In cases of doubt,'etc. New-Mexico is now rree Soil: our course is to keep h?r so at all haxards. To give hir over to Texan domination and hope to get her back again is madness, or worse. 2. All that we re.'uire or exrj?3ct from the President is that he maintain tohal he fottnd exitt mg am. ? Congress shall ti herrvtst direct. We hare no fear of its ordering him to gira up New-Mexico to Texas?we should hi faint hope of its ordering Texas to give it t.? t he? United States, or that Texas would o ply if it did. Tbe difference between In lag on and getting back is here vital. Al f g.'tinp, ?nd all that, wc maintain that 1 interference of the l'i'-i ! nf >n right aide will jmvmM bloodahed, which "tlitrwit-o imminent. Qeflfgia would hi plundered and driven otT the Cbcrokees . had not Pneident Adam- told I decidedly that t-be mustn't, and sent a m tiry fe_*M to let her see he meant it. As Kl w-Me-ic, the Military force is ther" : that is want?ig i- thea-rotal Bmm of an "j oration by the President that lie will p tret New-Mexico against all aggression. T will prove a real peace maker. It is the h ? thai ' ? nisehief. ? We must not take space to follow 1 Courier further. Whoever seei in t claim of Texas to the better part of Nc Mexico only a scheme to extort mon -,:? w.w it very siip.'ifi.ially. Behind and ' neath that is agotXamitje S lathery ht?tittg : utanhd dotitittioii. We only Mk of I 1 i ?dent that he repel invasion, d?fend t unprotected, and faithfully execute the lav - ?a - Ihe It emu ? (.oternmrni and the Preee? Hisbop Hi'i.iies occupies near a column of I Cutricr and Em/utrrr of yeitcrday with k roaai, very fair ami tomperatc in its tone, agaii a ]ira. tice, which he finds to be oommon am. Kti.1 ili end American ,j ?urnals, of sLagHag oat t Pontifica! government from among tho powi i.i l.uro-te, and holding it aluns up to Aog Paxon en?era-ion. In one paragraph lie also If {-? i that the Popa ami Cardinale are fattened and held up to public ridicule and contempt by t press o this countr?. As The TnLut.c iu timo pa?t rjtnme-t with ?s niui'li fret-iloni as sincerity npimtliepr.).'.?' it ?B of ihe H'liiirn Government, and quite as oft and explicitly as any journal of our acquaintance rnr.\ be that the Bishop intends to include us in t - weep of hi? censure. If so, we beg to dis-lsi 'i.ii!iil W'e hav?. not sin^l oat Ihe Pupe nor the Homan Government, and at 'ers have we made of him or of it an object at rt< rule. We bave not pined by 8t. Peteribur Vieaaa Berlin cor St. James to " the who btrcani of editorial vi uperatimi agair.a. the Po| aid the Cardinal! of Rome. ' Nor, t. say tl ttuih, >!o we know of any considerable part of tl A Di? i i'tui secular press ?vlii ]_ lias does to. Tile ?."? im iluubt, instai.oea where religious oppositit lias giraa beat and frequency In condemnatory r marks upon Pius l.\. and the course he has been i .?Deed to take, but we believe that Bach has not I?. ? UM cans with the (.Teat mast uf nur political and Ii ersn journals. At loas*, for one, we can say Chi tur course in the mutter has been dictated by t such leeliiifT, but solely by political principle whi? h we imbibed with our mottv-r's milk, ac have lince only had confirmed by hiatory ac experience. We have all along regretted that th n.c.r.arch of Home, who claimed an inherent proj erty in her Goverr.mer.t, and could even ?nvu'ite th aid of foreign bayoneta and ration to reitore hii to iti enjoyment, was at the sam-. time, tbo hea l cf the Catholic Church, and in th. conviction . ! million!, the earthly Vicar of th ? Pri_<:e of Peac? ' We should havo inlinitely preferred that DrjnK mcy and Heligion anould not come into any soi of collision, even though a merely apparent one ! And our readers will bear us witness that we hav steadily endeavored to .how that there was oui; ' the *t pear_ti:eof*uc)i a collision, arid that it wa the King, and not the Pope, agaiuat whom De ! mocracy at Home had commenced hoitilitiei ind as far as we are informed, the whole quarr? , hat. in tiiia country a', least, been regarde) m l?.'iiiie?l one only, save in the exceptions abov, ?n'-r.'irircd. Bii ce this is the case, and li-.ce ther las been no inch universal condemnation of thi : menarchy, apccially and excluiiirely, wi ; i.-?? lbs pertinen.y of the Biihop'i stric tarts. Ha arara?-* eaaaot fairly assail the whoh ? country (or the fault ol a portion of ifa bets. N?,r do we su;?p?>ae he intends it; wi t. >- that that part of hia letter results from i ?ii ton, or a quite natural mison.-ep *scta? - argues a", length an! with piauti'iiitj i that it would be unfair to blame the Ponttti'a Ith\?-ii meat alone for fau'is - aaaoa tc a'! Giivcriinici.ts, ami whit h are nther legacies o the put than creations of the preset.t Bet th? is a t -ting of tho eaiential ?acta in the Wan th? r.' t o-.lii.i6 hi lbs r. e. nt h's'ory oi .. n:*n ___MI__) !>. y. nd what is involved ir rgt Biaal it aroald be correct ; had tho P'pc ! item- : ?I throne and taHen care of hii . IstraUoa in a re?--j!a* way, in 'u attack him for Dot making it at 04 ?tjtely jerf.ct. But the fact is that in Nov-jmb-t be abandoned his Capital ai I *. hiaStatai 'rr.rr.e.-.t or authority. II?; was invited ? um, but refused. The peuple then a ltepres?-i,tat;ve Assembly, ail at las*: a Hepul lican (_o*ernm??nt was i ? ! t unanirt :*y and calmeas of the pop?latioa which j ifcoaldgira it in the eyes ofi it. ?t..;.live lac'ion that can belon?; to po? litical ii??tit-ticna. That t? ? vited the Pope to rc'.ut ai'tcc of lafetj "?<* BbeitJ" in tbe discharge .1 hii ec.leiiaatica! functions which was ia iti power, tbe same ?.usrantees is fact, whi ?_ Bilb if _._**_?? aad utier ti.rgyn.en possaai in tii.t ? o-n'.ry, and which are ber. practically, :'ou_d quite lullicient But be refused the iarltatiua, ai I arm.? s with tire and ?wc.-. to ad him, is down i.rtT.i.erati?-. people's got! r?*ati-rii.g to bis own shoulders the kin-rty purple whc*e responsibilities he had forsaken. T-ns wia doce, ia. be wai reitor.d, and we iay that S _>__ evrat, th.ii-.i.g and feeling ai a Democ'it, can have , tinion cif the tramaction. New, withe-ut going ?urtber into the fautJ coa net ted w ith this restoration, either before or after, wc that they contain reasons tat an.mad venion upon Piua IX. and his Government, which ?ar_-?t*f set uide the talk of tho Bishop. It is these facts, and others not remote trota them, which most prompt remark upon Rome and its at | 'aus, and aJ*ra them a degree of prominence in the pubiut mind, whi?b they would not ot ? ? posseii. But aa it ia, we do not think they are more prominent or more a matter of ducasiion tit in the affairs of France at present, or thote of Hungary a >earego. They hare their doe place in oar ouraais, bat we hardly think they iiave more. ? To the Ladies o? Ntw-Yoaa.?-We make in appeal which we are aure will not be without a generctia respooae. The wife of a Hnngarta- offi? cer, exiled with her husband, who arrived here af? ter the funds collected by the late Committee had been diatrib?te*!, and who, consequently, has re? ceived nothing from that source, ia near her I ?n finement, and ia entirely without means to make the neceaaary preparation?. Articles of dresaor money let. to tbe address of Madame Weias, at 14 City Hall Plaee, will be ?? to their destina tioc. We a-d oothinc to this simple stateaisut. < The facts alone ara su?cuat It TELEGRAPH T9 THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE, |_r The severe thunder ?tnnn this afternoon cauied ermaiunic?tion to be ?u?pended on every telegTSplic lii.e in th? ('ity. The ?tmo?pheric elec tri- ity waa unuiutlly al imltnt an I BSSitm ( onrfrllrol ln?l'rri?ii| Bnllotln? Iwr I nlirrj Sinir? Hasmtar. r ai ImOtam Ol lie?, New-Havao, Jana 20?S F M. The iloaie h?ve voted twice f-?r a Cuitad d-.atei , Senator xiitbout ?.ll'ccting a choice ; after which ii ' was rcs'ilvfrf, by a xot-? of ?tttoTt, Is pos'pou* ' all ft.ithrr aollatimg to the nest session of the lira eral Asumid y. The following is tlieststeof thetw balota. Hi:?- Baldwin..9?i Waldo .<<\Ct'Mn.It Tuuce-,. .! ' "fplAnd.Ii .'tiapratn.. Igt <???i> ha? i '?r B?'dwin.Kill a-lin.IIIWaMo.t Cleveland.lliTiJUt-ay. 4lC5ap3!?o. I I'onlirinrilloBa. Spetiai iHipatrA to Tht Tribun*. Washiii?tom. T;mr?lty, J'ia?20. C. B. WaasTin, Comul to Tchuantepec. Ed. at'ND Flaoo, Conaul to Venice. Wm. Tt-DriH Ti < k?R, Coniul to Bermuda ???JOB D?_T, 8a pcrintmdent of Indian AtTairs in Oregon. Con? firmed by the Senate. Tue President has appoint..!, under the act o' June 5, 180, Julis P. Gai.-es, a_LSB an) Ai.o-szo Ski.vs-r.r- Commissioners to treat with tb?' Ii ?J an tribe? of Oregon for the extiniraiihrnent of title to lande weit of the Cascade Moan air.?. ?-a l'aiiuaylxnnln Whig State I'onvea'l.ia. PiiiLADti.riiit, Tburtliy. Juna 2*?. The Whig .State Convention bave mads the fol? lowing nominations: Joshua Dw?BB of Buck? Ccui.ty, Cai a) Commi??ioner. Jo?spii Htsni-.H? >s <?f Waih'n.ton County, Surveyor General ; ani Hr.5RT W. Snturr of Union C.unty, Auditor (ienertl. The Convention then adjourned till the afternoon. From Washington. Special PitpatcA to The Tribun*. Wa?hin(;ton, Thundtv, Jrj*-.?20. An important geographical h under ha? been dis? covered in Mr. Wtr.STKR's doicrip'ioa of New _?**?_?> A corrected edition of hie letter, together with his ?pi-ech of the 17th nut. will appear in pamphlet form. William Samuel?, employed in the Patent Building?, wa? severely injured by a fall y eat ?rd ay. Owing to exteniive depredations on the public lands, cutting antl carrying oil* timber, ?V ?, the 17. 8. Diitrict Attorney? have beenimtract?d to rigist ly proiccute all peraons engaged in euch depreda? tion?. _ KxiiiiilnnttoB of I.ope/. Nbxv-Ori.fam?, Thursday, Juna il. The private examination of ?en. Lopez (?losed to ?lay. Hail was given to the extent of ?',000 for his appearance before the ! nitcd .State? Court io December next. - ..? Xl.tlit ('ONUKKMH-Mmtotwlea. SENATE_Washinctov, lune .0. Mr. Ci.AT presented the n-solutions of tbe]ad jo?red Constitutional Convention of Kentucky, in favor of Compromise report. He said he never knew such a unanimity of feel, ing among the people of Kentucky before. Mr. Walker reported back the resolution to pun.hase a certai. number of California debate, with an amendment, making the price $1 ?0.? The resolution was rescinded and the amendment r*tiv*pt?*F? Mr. Undirxvoou introduced hi? Supplementary Cen?u? bill, tho consider?tion of which wa? post i poned. Mr. Kin?, reported a joint resolution in favor of presenting a gold ne-lil to Capt. C ?k for reaouing the pan? gen of the i'l fated Caleb Qrimahaw, which was paiied. Mr. IIai.k, from the Select Committee, reported in favor of giving Senator? ti. kets of admission to tht- tli?or of the Senate. Laid over. Mr. Kim. s bill for land for a llai'road from 8eli na, Ala. to the Tennessee l?ver, wa? amended ?i .i pi The Omnibui bill waa taken up at 1 o'clock; tha (tueetioa pendiaa apea Mr. Underwood's smeod mint, provi.l'.i ? for teaSmSJ the boundary of Texas ... _? Blip?. "'" I 0?1 in case of rejection by that I State ol the proposition? n;?de to her in the bill. : Ti :? ?rneii'lmpnt, after additional debate, was re I jpicted by xtas 16 ? aajeSI, HOUfJI UK REPRESENTATIVES. l'y Hait i Electro-Chemical Telegraph The debate OB the bill grunting bounty lands to soldiers in (lie late war with (?rest Britain, Flori la war, Bad Gee Wayne'? Indian war, wa?, on mo .Mr PaSBTOS Klin, ordered to cease at I kto-day. Thcjoa? and nay? were twice taken b.-lore thi? result wa? arrived at.] The Hi on- then weal int.? Cniiiinitt e of the WI-, ?? trntas Stats of _S I'nii'ii, and relamed the cciiiideration of IS ? Mr. Hak.xi son spoke in I'avor of it. Mr. Watkin3 (Wli-*) of Tenn. advocated the bill i iei.i ral ??. bate d ne i at one o'clock. . .uade the cbiiug ?poach in luppt'it ol the bill Committee then proceeded to ?ote on the van. us ?menomen!? propoied. One BaasadBM at was voted on an.l rsjected. A debate of an hour and a hail'ensued under the . five riiir.ut?-?' rule. Mr. Hi lii'Aitii ?Loco/ o: Als. olfered a ?ub?titute for the bill, giviii?,' to such non comrn ssioned olli.'er, musician and private, who Beared in the regular army, or in any company, or command of volun raaaersoT mnitis, >.r in the lud?an war, in ? rthwest, prior to ?a treaty of Greenville in I in the late war with Great Britain, or in , rai.x Indian war between the years lelJ and Hi', l?a ? ve month? or more, a bounty of one hundred i ?id ?ixt> acre? ; six nmutha or more, eighty acre?, t tixtydsyaor more, lortj acre?; provided that the 1. r-or.s bad BOt WC4 ix<.! a bounty of land hereto? fore and is not shown to have been dithouorab'y ? ted by the rolls. i amenament tho Committee rose 'jrued. < uba. V\ tabs brig lloland. Capt Watt?, we have datea ? ii i ?i?.?<?? to the 1 '.ii alt. They contirm the .? tcccuLU ol tiic txcitemeat existing at t. a*. t!a?.e. Two ol" (i^n i,-?pez'? men who had -.??? .1 between Canlenai and Cienfuego? were ihtt. The Governor'? mansion bal b:en -.:?.-.' cd ?or csleod, A?c. It was believed by aome rJJml "j good men could annihilate the entire native force at the above place. From -itgua ia Grande, by ichooner Brothers, Ctpt. Hcini?r, wc nave datea to the oth icst. Buii neu waa b? ginning to munie its former s.'tivity, the in. ai.on exetement h?ring in a ureat measure ?ub?i?ied. The nnlitia hsd been disbanded- The place waa henu.y. ? a> G.Li) a.m. sii.vsr Mum in P*_asnr?_'itVp? The Philadelphia Pennsy'vantan baa thetoUowing : " The Berks county 'Gold Mine' turns out to be ?omething else nearly as valuable, for we gather from a paragraph ia the ?scAneipott, a paper pub lithed at Hamburg, in Berks county, that an agent of a company in New-York recently visited the mine, the property of Mr. Focht, of VV in?_or town? ship, for tbe purpose of tegotuting for its pun-hue. After a careful examination of tie "placer,'' he offered Sl.OOOfor each acre through which it ex? tended, but Mr. Focht refused to sell, determining to work the mine himself. AcaNdin* to public i?nor, the mine contains very little gold, oat an abt?dance of the purest silver." as Gold Mbdal to Capt. Cook?The L'aited States Senste yesterdsy TiXed to present a Gold Medal to Capt Cook, the heroic preserver of tb? ?TMof_epuMn?era by tae Caleb Oriauhaw. A Jast reward to trae brarerjr. Apkivil or a Paois Btiu ?Ts? brii- ?.?. lent, of New Orteaa*. arnv-arl at C-an ey it-id* ..onthe l'Jtbiast. 81>e was M|M| *m] the Wrst Coast of Africa by a United 6 later??. sel, on suspicion of being a slaver, sod ?t m Norfolk. __?___?__?____?_???_-__-___?__??_^, BTTSI?TtSS WOTTCES. tr B? ?*?<???'? ?.WBBtCA? M??i:i'_ h?? id?.,' ? _ '?? 'Iramt. T'K Dmrik-L l! pritri ovo-y-v^v Th' l*?een?~HI and e?.wii.*"T former'?? twie are Mr*?,le_t. Be?!.?* thl?, there ar? __, ? sntl ccrrrcl W ? I itittrtE Metre M-Tho Tory fell r ,:jor;i,oj of ( r.,r?.,!,|-s ?t il?. Haya . rew<ert It a rr??l 'X'rtm _ ? li_ eveilng. A ?ro?4 ?,*_, -,., bo *xr>*cl?"_. ~? Bhiaaaiiai weto-riaa-aa?atmiiaBBi ??-*) I ? ?pr--r to ful oro??, la Broadway M hoB1 . _* . i asa . ml M issue l, , ,f .h.t pT^'J^"* * K-cx-tl IS 1'atrn-s. Hi. l^ky M " " ??!-'"? I ran ?..I I.?,), r, ___,_??*2__ /"*'"' not Bt Bil ?'Oft-t-r Bt tbe ?'icro?i cf h ? |||?;?, ,.. ' J*" "** **? ">">?*. Cr,>? ?'"I U?lr w?y _ tappliad wit. cf -fliiihU-d in mtsreri wen g?,, Wr'r...||| ?* Crawl? l....?o,H,i-,.ty f-rt-er*,^^ ?^-??Tle LIGHTS LK. CM BRILL .3. -yOsma_i_ee__aa_B*?lBa?' gem:??,-?. ?_, b_ , lrrpi?r!?'lr?.fo!?.e?nl ?i'k Uiibrr-ilB?, initnl-l M-iro,,' f.>rinn*rtr!e?. Tli-y?i? liarht ard bu ivaot In Uta-aaL taitofuliy mcono., at.?, (hough lui, not v?_t, will h?.?ai_ s*, m .-der*te price? ? F *4| \ 214 Brot.way, opposite Se Paul's. Tu? Ki!'ii'"M !"i ??--An slv..r,|?-~ant witsi m ?ppeared Id jet'e-i'ay'? Tribmne, ?a _ ? j^. tor.'.-' as a bit st otheri who are ?ei.ipg iho " la! m H*_*. Now, we re.aid thia .uroewhat eoinplttoa-lery, aod to, we ar* *ur??, will th?. in'illc, wh.? b??e had, ut atol? (?u, ?mo-? roo?, to r _pl*'a cf the evotblta-tt ?barg? mtr1* bra certain Br.?.'?iav hatter, atare ihn vary san* artlrla, cost, pee! i rtbt 1' ?t .ii?ie,iaa,?an bebad far or.? dollar I??? asase*?*, ITS byaaHtagaa l-iiaiau? io? N??**?-*.? Ai tespec'? Ii'? " grief," wo wouid ?,. v to hita lo r mot to ?l all for Hmtclf. ?* we foar he win not ??Win mach frota th? romniDDll?-, who tn that commodity wlil merci??? timtt?? economy, which I? daily evidenced by lie crowd?. p,_. rootge we ?re rrcol?r|r??-. -?a? S.yMraHiTt.-i'o.ul.a Kooky afounaln Walls Bros*. er?, Pan.Da Hti?, of various it y in* and ?-?lailne?, tira? H??* f ?rral var'eiy. WARNuCKS rioittir?, J?e lT .-.. f road ?raj. KINK. ARTS. ft7* 8?Mt kl R. P.wihaw an! Onoii.r. ii Hiva, afta latine and P?io!?.r?, have ??soc'stnl with W. k T. L**?cr*inriM, -heriil-lirs'r?? Dsfuerrenyr-eand TalHotrpa Am?.? t f i'Mla<<o phlt, ?ad purrbtse.1 thd ip'onMd Nttloe* Bl S?lnlstur?- O* 1er) ??? ii-hoJ by Klwvdl, Anlbonrk, Clark, 2(7 Broaftv*',. ( ^ of Murray-it where they will mp, rititonrl ih?? ilti:r?i (or Da^-jerrej() p.?. Tlietr Talttotype Mi maturo? and Portraits, wWrh ar* tsk' n upon Ivory, Ivory paper, etc may be seen la lb* above i/_-I?*ry. Tlere Is but oni prevaliins opialoo, that ? *???? all the Iniihfiilreat of * gool Du^uerreiilyps with ?II the artUlic merit mti ha? characterized tho forinw btttttly finished niinlatures '<f thoi* arUit?. Fir 'uilhor or|. dooct?, plea*?, c?II tud n-e the.?i. jais itTaVK* -_. fcVERDKLL'S CARDS FOR BRIDALS TT Bui V tit r,-,. BfTSfe. Bud p;tied Id t>? moctele .?1.1 and '??hi. _?' le s ) le?, ?- h ? iw > ettatln'.merit?. SOI B". adway, e.;r Dtitne-iL and 2 Wail ?t. Constantly oa hsnd, an elega? t ?.??orliuent of Sl'l.'r NUI!? BRIDAL ENVELOPS and Wafers, of bit own nqioriailu'i, fr- m P ai it and Lou don. Alto, I eatit.fu! Boxes for Cake,ie. tr Liont (i"t?t?it? Kaiaict, a* Silk Tiisues, Oreoa. dines, Or-tand'es, ?Ve. Fren, h Musitas, Foulard Silks, and to de-"d everyt' to. eve? lnvenled I,y ihe ln.enuily of man, or wroufht by human fingers, and tcltablefor roil sad llajhl Summer dresses l, r tbe ladle?, may be inund In lull attort met t b Hitchcock It L ?DBetrKR'?, 34) Broadway, cor. Leonard-. . w? e o the ?.die? can buy on lbs faired and hett term?, and without an,' ri?k cf being deceltred la etlber the <ju?llty or ??!'* of tbe grjod?, and where lliey are ?ure of polite tiettn.eiit, and rao ?xamlee the stock sod uiak* their ?election? mmmtmi heiag urged to bay. r.anirt' fltrr? ? B, "Tt ?ND Briot? ?Mr. J. B. Mlt.LFB, of 134 Canal ?I Is the mos- itrnV and succ***ful manu t-cturer < f lidies' I oot? tud shoe* >o th s Cliy. HI* goods are in ut.iversa' dentacd ainoDg (be ladle?, ?nd hi* ?lock Is to ?ar_e, embracing al. s'y ?a and variety of the moil neat and elegantly mad o Shoe., that Dune can fall to be suited.? Ho has all'? a very arge assortment of miases and chil dre?.'? Ositer Bool* ard Shoe?, of all klnl? and price? La? cle?, call and examine tor yourselves, at J B. Mill?b'b 134 Cars! st. To the Lai'IEi? Mortgagee's Sale of Slock of Dry Goods at Ureat B?'k?Iih ?The balance of tbe ?lock of Messrs Un?. Stewabt ?. Co. 379 Broadwty, coraer of WI ite-st will i e closed oil without delay, by order of Mortatsit'e, at ?t'nA-rt? Min the flnt ro,t of the goodt, sni (lie Udf? will do well io avail Uiemielyt? of it? gr?a: bar gain? now offered. HOW TO OFT BID OF KM. Houtekreper*, you who htve hi>u?e* lof-* ed Wltheork-rosrhe?, be!-bugs-tho?e Ir.aec ? Sete-eBei; h rom be <?>.i?r below Io the ?lair's 'oprnoit banister, 1 < can iii'i-n them out ?ltli ? l.von'i ftmed etaliter.. Hi? powdei?, BWgaeile, ?.? e'r erawllogs wlil mar, A' d piare tl,?) whole brood of >m hors de rombal; Vi 1 He the rais and the mice, a pestiferous host, \\ ben thoy ocre taate hi? ptll?, ?iey give up tbe (ho*t. Tbe Magnetl Powder* fo. th? destruction ot lnaect?, aod the Va, neitc Pill- for ktt.lng rat? und mice, contain nothing polsoi'"M to human belrg?. r*rep?,r-_ an 1 sold bytbelu. venter. I LYON. 4W Broadway. - ? tr I-?."o. adjacent the New York Bsy C-in-aery, Is th? most dell^'hful subur'nan m rest near our city, a_d very few ' f our cltl/ens have ever t. l?no?s^?l the splendid prot? pert from ha charming spot To breathe ilio freih sis breeze, ind-Iounse In the wo.vls of 'he Ce-raetery sn huar each day this ht weather, would s*U year? to tb* live? of ourcillze??. The lieeuuiu Jenny LI-d raus hourly to and from i hi? lovely ?pot It I? l*io ruo?! agrenablo rcwort for all rrtrec'aM* persona and female?, fir rowdyisa naver insude* the ? remlie?. Be* ?dvertl?emenL tr " '? ?'tr - ,'rt'ut (it tlioie In ta* enjoyment of health, ?r.d more io fcr ii.o*e who ?re 'eel? e, oot Is wear ome ilnrig p?'i?e??ing the nitureof ttnnel next to tiw a0?y. Tbe/.?pbvr l.'iider 0*rm*nu to be bad at the New. York Stocking Factory, 101 Bowery are Ju?t what 1? wanted for thl* ***<on, being Ugh'., elai'.ic, and untbr ckabla whin waahed. Tbey _ iard airalmt ?it-den eblll?. promote sal absorb periptraii m, brace th* '.ody and eallven the spirits. But make the tria aod you will find It so. ** Now Is tho Winter of our discontent, Made glorious Summer by tbissun of (Newj York," tr And ills, therefore, meet ihn we meei, with til eon vccler.1 ha*te, (*h**:e which we thaU?-. repent at leiaire.) at the extensiv? clothing establithment of P. L. Boast?, it Fulton it and giving Oen. Taylor, who It always tobe testa there, the military ??lute In patilag, proceed Io mtke our warm weather purchase?. tr We have long and fav.rably known T. Oilbebt k Co's PlanoFortea, and take *SM? pleasure lu co-tt-M-. tog them to our reader* Tbey have extnnsive wareroosia al44*l Broadway, where Borne of tbelr luperior '?*'. dims" may a!?o he teen. Tbelr iKolian* are T?in_ln_- goldeo opinions and _d!sg rapid sales. J*'9 4t* tr BsAnv't. National Oallery of Dago?-rr?***?f-*-*>. *> and m Bro?dw*y, corner of Fuit? st Strs8g*rs end clii lent are res-iecifully Invited io exsmln* the spec meas. m *? SCHENCK'S Pl'LMON.C 8Y*l'P. tr CoC?H* abo C--0* ?eoers-r ?*? "be foreroBBers of Consumption. The only remedy now know,, thai wii, positively cure (be coc.uinption la lu incipteol or weil seeted ?ta?-e^ 1* Seb?--'? P-i-tonle Syrup. It remo*?? al diseased matter fro? th* ly*?*??. wh ?, If l*f, bj re? main imped** tb* lengs bi meit funcUoa, and aa irteurabl? con*-mp-on will foU-W. Ssbeoek'. Pulmoslc Syrup ha* recently reet***ded H c-finf M mn city? some of tbe worst case* of Coo?mt~~. of pertotu of the kigbecl Biandlrtr. ? referen-e to whom wl.l ehaerfuily be gives, on ? spile*-?? st thl? After what ha* been done by thl? medicine, none ?bonld doubt or deipalr ; other* hav* btttm cured by Scbenck's Puimonlc Syrup, wboee cates kgyo, appeared to be beyond the reach of any remedy, aod you conaumpiive may also be cured by a resort to tkU ?-valuable medicine, a* by Uns mesns consomption msf bm arresied of iu terror and the aff-ted r?*i-v*d us rrmUtCtbm?lh. Taice gt raa bottle oa six bottlei roa I*. C. V. CLICKENER k CO. ?1 Barclay-?-, ar* me Agents for New fork and ricialty ***** Oar _t*oi_eci of Irai qaallty tnmdy-t nurnprxsee Tarions new ttyms, Bes-iBSB ?*?- *?_** frot-is, Bneks, Oraaa aod rroek Coala, ??****** Oeereoaa*. r*am*mm' V*w?_?. j ENNiNOa, 81 Armdwmn^ mrXt'mXl Cwaa?_s-_fc IMMM.