OCR Interpretation

New-York daily tribune. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1842-1866, June 29, 1850, Image 6

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tamed and remarked, aid no aecret Spate
wirea, or an j thin? ci the kind, had been diaoov
which rvraM afford iny explanation nf the myi
4. " That the iiivestigerfoo went far to provi
there waa i.o trickery or dtwption m the mi
atd U.?t lb? orit.ii' <?l ?he loundi and other mai
talK'ns W.re ?ti?. Involved in myitcry.
A hypoUe?is wn ttart?'?. by the wife of
Daviei. that the sounds miatht be produced b)
??cracking of th.-bou?* of the ladle?, bit ?*?
the nature o? the soaada were taken into ace
nndit wai oontiVer-c U.at they sometimes j?
the Mootot table several feet from where the la
?trod or sit, she was promptly voted down on
point b> the other ladira of the Committee.
beiPt? rstegr*k ally question?**! ?ipon th.- ?eiint, !
Danei i.'-?l notiav that aba be'ieved it *??.
that the sounds could be produced in that way.
y.i r*i?h and the Minci Fox were ?ubiequ
ly placed on an imolated itool, and al?o apon h
?Isas luml.ier?, for U.e purpose- ??? testiog the qi
tion whether electricity voluntarily generated
directed by tl.emielve?, had anything to do n?
prodaction of the phenomena But even wl
thai inso'St?*?!, the ??und? obitmatfly perante?
beinc heard-not on the tumblers n though ,
ducedby aitampofthefootora iuap of tin. t
but on the ?ter, cauiing it perceptibly to vibrati
Tbuithe partira win? attempted, by aro?//?
mam, to put down tbia affair. ir?ce<?de<l only in
sectiaiiy putting down tberaielvei; and it Is
r.suielbey peremptot-y refuied to certify u.i
their own siiristur..'?, to the farts which wore
vrkiped, that ? have ?? an eye ami ear w.tsea
thi facts, deemed it ?nit to luhmit to the publi-?
foregoieg ?i.ten rut, v? hich williioubtle?! be prom
ly ccntrn it t.;d .f wrong in any essential partiea'
It h but ju?t to add, kWl all but one of the la?)
of the Committee were prented into the a:! air, -.-:
cut even obtaining their coment; and hence tl
rai.raot la ju.ti? ?- be r, ,?iired to give their namei
at y nubi.c certificate of the (*c*m.
yt?kumtburyh, Jur.t 27. 1?50.
The KiraifarB Mjaterle? aad HnecklngN
Oenrrnl Krv. Dr. Pbelp*.
"ft tht rdittrt oj the Sev- York flhttrrer:
Ml?i?i- KniT"Hs : Public attention liai b.?
called of late to certain itranf*e tna-iiieitatto
which have been denominated ??Myiteri'.ai Kr.o
ingi." They ?int began to attract attention in t
City of Kcrbeiter, between two and three yea
ago. 8ince that time, similar manifestation? ha
been in tr.e Citiei of Auburn, Syracuse, Bee1
other places in Western New-York, aa
in loverai placea in Otate, Now Jen jy, Conn ;c
eut and Massachusetts. For l?verai weeks pa
something of the tamo character hai lieen w
nened at my home. It commonced on the 10th
March litt, and continued, with aii^bt interru
tioes, from two to three month!. F or the first ti'
ear sis we?k?, .... communication* were made th
we could andentand -, bat the phenomena conti?
cd is the moving of article! of furniture in a ma
ivtr that could not be accounted for. Knives, fork
? peon!, nsils, blocki of wood, Ac. were thrown i
different dir??tumi about the home. They wei
aetn to move from placel and in direction? whic
made it certain that no visible power exit".-1 b
wbicb the motion could be produced. For days an
week? together, I watched these itran.ro m .v.
mend with all the ?are and caution, and cloao a
tention which I could beatow. I witiiwied the.
hundred! and handrcdi of times, and I know bal
in hutw'rcda A lustances they took place whe
thoro wei no viiible power by which the mutio
could have been produced. Scores ol peri?>m i
the first Handing in the community, whose educ?
tion, general intelligence, candor, veracity an.
??-und judgment, none will queition, were requssl
ed to witness the phenomena, and, il poaiible, lieh
m tot solution of the mystery. But as yet n
such solution has been obtained. The idea th*
the whole wai a "trick of the children"?an ide;
which acme ol the papera have endeavored wit
great aeal to promulgate, ia to every one who i
acquainted with the fact?, aa stupid as it is fain
and iirjuiu'u?. The statement, too. which aoraa ?
the papera bave reiterated ao often ?*??? "th
myitcry waa found ?nil." .?, I ?egret to ?ay, untrue
With the moat thorough inveittgation which
have been able to beitow upon it, aided by guilt'.?
men of the bt.it talent?, intelligence and loan
judgment, in tbia, and in many neighbor'ur- toww
the oati??? ol thi? ?trBiitju plienomena reuiaia Jt
und .?covered.
About the middle of April a gentleman who w?
spending the tii?*ht at my home, propued to tr
the method of BBtantjnafBM which had been atop
ad in Weitern New York, and 10 our utter araaz.
ment, a lenei of response! were returned, Iroi
which the inference was irresistible th it they mu?
have been produced by a being whc'i po.iejsei
intelligence. For severa' week* ?-?.iuimi.i. <ii"ii
were made in this way relatiug a)m??t wholly to ;
matter in which certain tin-tub- r? of the family an
supposed to have an interest. at the same liai I tin
other manifeitationi continued, and very great an
noy anee was expt-ri? need. The modcofcominuiii
cation waa by aome person repeating the alphabet
and the letttri of the wnr.l to be uttered were in
dicated by a rap from aome iuvmoie aident. 1 tried
by all the methiKl? 1 eeaU ?l?vite, to liu.l what th?
riwer waa by which the rapping was produced ?
have heard it huudrede ol time?, and have done
my belt to ascertain the cause ; but aa yet I have
not succeeded. 1 have been often asked if 1 be?
lieved it waa the work of spirit!. I have as often
replied that 1 do nut know what it is. I have nev?
er i?en a ipirit. and I do not know what a apirit
hould do if it would, or what it would do if it could.
Tbe facts, ?owever, are of such a nature, and have
trampired under iuc*h circumitancei aa to render
the idea of trit Vor deiigned deception wholly in
admiiaible. 8t;'.i, however, I have become fully
satisfied that no reliance whatever ia to be placed
oa iheie communication!, either aa a aource of val?
uable information, or as a means of acquiring truth.
I ipt-sk of what liai trampired at my house, and I
havo the fullest confidence, that if it is the work of
spirit!, it is the work of tric*W tpiritt. Indeed
they profen to be wicked spirits in a state of tor?
ment, iceking a mitigation of their torment, by re
dreesiagthe wrongs of which they were guilty in
Me. 1 have watched the progreii of thii matter
with gi eat care, and havo done the beat in my pow?
er to ltara what theie atranee things mean; and
although 1 havo not >< t been able to ucertaio the
cause, I amialiitie.l that their commuoicatione aro
wholly worthlei!. They are often contradictory?
often prove falae?fre.iuen?y trifling and non?en?i
cal, and ant-re in character with what might bo ex
petttdof a ("?inpany ?>f loafer? on a ipree, than
with what might be expected (rum spirits returuei
frvm the world of rttrihutioi?, to "tell theiecret* of
their prison bou??-.
Bimilir manifeitationi are now being made in
many other paiti ti the ??.uutry. A?xx?rUu.g to
ink rmaticn which 1 suppose to be authentic, fiey
are witrened in from IV) to '?'00 different placea at
tbe pr?tent time. In many of theie plieei. they
are laid to advance ideal on tbe ?liH-trine? of r-.*h
aion, ?alio)'.?, at variai eo with the teaching? of the
Bible, and lubveriive of many eneutial trutbi
which tbe HiLI.? rev?ala. I nder an impreasion
that whatever is oommuuicated by a apirit must of
courte be true, man?, persona are receiving these
commumcatioci ti the truth ol God?ai a new
revelatkn from the ipirit-w?.iid. Hut it ?hould be
r? mimbered that there is ao proof that what pur
porti to be a revelation from ipirits, is the wjrk of
sptntt at all. Tbe most that can be aaid ii, that
we do not yet ira*?? how or by whom theie aaas>
municatioo! are mide. If they are made by spirits,
we have no proof that they aro <-tvc. spirit*. The
presumption i?, that they aro bad ipiriu?lv.n<
ipinti. At my be use they often atxttsod each other
ti .?ing?contradicted at one time what they af
firmed at auother,?infiictcd injury on property ia
the irxst wanton manner, and have given tnrotiirh
out, ?-ouclusive evidence that the diaciplioe ol hell
wkich they proteaa to have experience?! lor aeveral
years, bss ss yet been wholly ineffectual in im?
proving their characters, and qualifying them tbr
thc "hijr-erapiiere. for which many lappoae that
U e duciplme after death is a preparation.
1 cannot now aay to ?ahatcoociuaiona future de
vrk>pai?:L.tt tn^y leid nae, but my preaent i.up.-ei
a.t'11 ii, that tbe whole thing, ao far as th.* transac
Uns ia tiiia place ?,? concerned, is to be set down
aSMM tUat davices ol ?Jatan. by which he ia pro
aol.i g Im work of d??troy ing souis ; aad my chief
t.t .x.t m Uni ?xitunsuni. aiioti to the putviu- at thia
time is, tt-cautioo all whowouW avoid error, against
iiu?tngto .het. proteitatlod r?v?lations. I have
had a better opptartitatty th?. j^.t men to witnet?
tht u. atd to judge ol their claim?, aad 1 have full
. nee that li.e ?iiiofr* I have e?t..r.?.?d Will
be f? ut?! to be ct-rre. t 1 will aterely add, that to
eon.ewetks ?istti.tie aunoyaoce? at aay home
bave Baaa saWidiag, ?nd now, at I uye, have
traird a't?-grtr.?r. Yewaraaaaeafal?,
. MUsajme, Jtmt -A tt&C. KUABIM l'Ut'i.FA
Tharastay la the naaae-^w-ilKXIraa \ir*iru
-Taie lewal?aaa-Prefctiblr? Coarse el? m
IfearnPa aael I??-*?, ?? ?he event of ?-otilnueil
Nealert of lateara, ?Vc
toireapordence ?f The T-lbBwr?
WashikoTmis. Tiurs.'sv, J
Jt wss expected that tho in.j'iiry *
to the oiovenii r-!e in NowMexi.it, proposed by Mr.
I fTABTOB of Kentucky, yeeterdsy, would be re?
newed in llio Home t" day ; bu: ?lotli?tr what---'
wss heard of it. Hsd it been done it ereoU hav?
probably been sustained by more or leea of Whig
advocacy. It waa nii.l.TetooJ, is knowu.? circles,
that Mr. Cmm.ii?*.. f?-r one, had pledt/ed I
to urge inijuiry in the Hcuse, aynchronouely and
t-oncnrrently with Mr. Foote in the Senate, whose
resolution, as you will have learned, wai ad ptcd
this rtoixirg withou? a speech fro..: even its loqua?
cious author. In doing so, he would have ?ioalt in
lai guage of aevere cenaure ujion the President, as
befits a Hotspur inch si he. What had i.---d him to
rtufltin quiet?whether to await a tttm
season, or from a relenting feeling?I am at a loss
to ny. Abcutthe understanding between himself
and Foote tlitre tan be no doubt at eny rete ; n-.r
ii it at all surprising In view of their conjoint notes
of intini'lat'cii, uttered - vea befe i Uta iaaan.hl.Bo;
of Congrei?, in a certain corrfipondtnco between
them, whi? h th?? reader wiil readily csll to mind
tii.i ii tl. s ret.i.t...ii C?f the same.
TheIowac?fe wr-srpsnmed withni'is'ial mronap.
titu?!?- today. Mr. McOAtTOItl of the Committtu?
being entitled to the tioor, mar.'e an hour's speech
?B (h?..r i.f Mr. Mil I Hi, ?t.- <'initcatRi.t. He .'??'il
plained that the Report of Mr. Van Dtei shou'-i
have been called a "minority ' leport.niid charged
ir, as au ?i.terpulktion altogether iatunnountable,
in view of the fact toat those wl-o unite 1 ?n it ?-'-ii?ii
ed it t?- have been coequal in dignity an! I.;r.-e !rom
the fict that the Committee were a;:reed upon
every separate ?I'ieeti.n, while the majtrity, nev?
ertheless, voted in favor of the sittnr- m'.'tub.r up?
on the Baal '.ifstini ? ? ? tilit*?.
Mr. MC?ACOBAY waa loliowed'by Mr. Ii.viuii?
o> Ten Mr Ll.M.?Kof li.wa, Blid Mr. A--II 1-f
N. C. in favr-r of tba ?atting member, and tnen we
bad a speech liom Mr. Evans of Md. in favor of the
contest tw.t.
Mr. McGaughkt warintc-'ipted ?rfaeohe rame
to the natter ' ? tl.-- i. --
with aioiitrnn etfc r that he cv . ? ? pis
aesaiiT of said l?ook. He ?ai.i be had ovij denied
li.nl tt.c icUtiitony iras sufficient to thorn the ex
l of a honaj (I)
Hit? nis to me that he Lit by the intorniption,
ard embarraiied his case by this admission, virtu
ally, that tbf-re was t-ome t-otl of BOlkkook in hit
poiseision. Mr. Thomp?on (rave imitations of a
good deel of feeling, which will prulinMy ahow it?
self openly, when he comes to address tho ii.'use.
to the further emb?rreosme*.t of his .-tee.
Mr. Evans dt ?ended Thuman Smith and Fitz
Henky Wakken strongly at,?ainat an insinuation
of Mi Don a i.n, that they had rfcBijrted to ?Sriber*
for the promotion ol the triumph of ih<? Whi.-s 1:1
Iowa, at the Congressional election. Hera
the charge very warmly, complaininc that i: wai, in
his (p'-ri-.r? made wii'n a det-ree m rUMCYOp lio IS
nesi utterly indeleniil-le. Ho b-re v.ry sjvorely
opon the matter of the '-carpet beg" and "the
mining poll-book."
This case has not excite!, so far, the degree of
interest anticipate?)- The Hnuae haa been very
thin all day. Jt is true that there has been a spe?
cial eauae for this in the speech o- Mr. WtOST-l
iij answer to Mr, Socle's abiurd partition project,
wh;. h has sttrscted a vas-, deal of interest .and
which. I will take occasion to say, in parenthesis,
rannet fail to have t decided influence) ; but, a*, art
f .in tl is, the raae itself has p-oved it.de and Hat,
however profitable it may turn out to be to the sue
restful party. The freijueiit repetition of facts and
fancies his become irksome in the extreme.
I observe that you doubt as to there being any
foundation whate-cr for the rumor t!;at California
would itrike for independence, il her admission
abould be delayed beyoid the ?iu?a of the present
Congren. 1 have no doubt on the subject. My
e.lvii re ii,dit ?ata a detdded feeling in that direction.
I aKoaU ..nt, li.Lrcloro, ba a-irprUcd at anr-h B t??ale.
Nor ihoold I think it uureaaonebio. The ('?iiTnr
i.iena hevo been abemefu'.y tr-.tU-.l w th in this
buaineaa. Their patience ia oniy to be e-rjounted
tor by the BSeOOatmg occupation o their ruind? with
the arramble after go:d.
I have just had a ?-tnveriation with Mr. BAB?
BITT) the woithy delegate from L ten, as to thj
courie likely to bo puriued, in the event of
lution in California, by hit people. Hotninkstnet.
i.t'twi'.hstandirg the lete overturee of M'tirs
\\ ii JOB ami Wi man (pn.filiiiii/to speak .
bihe.tifor Ui.ion wit h California, and the la'-', ol
ti ern b? iif! a i..n?i.i.-i ?- fl proj irtkraol M.raton?
there, Luan ia r.i t likely to aeite her fertanea ia
B. The barrii-ra betireefl the two roun
tn?t are too great 1er anxiety. Tno Utah peuple
? iil prefer to "wait ft littn? loafer,'' and take tne
< IiHi.i ? s i-t a ri.volLti.ii here, and the firmstiou of
a (Jrcat Westen CoMederation as weli as a douth
ein and Nnrtl.?-n.?1er they tu'ly ?-x|?eot that event
a? the cud of the preifi.t ttructiie, should it become
?<> ii't-xi ' ah't? as lo disregaro her prayer for organi?
zation much longer. It is to be considered that the
? New-Mexican's in the present
crisis, will fun.iih an exemple aod a stimulus to
action, on the part of their ? id'cring brethren ol
California and I teh, and thus eaaentially slter the
attitude and prospect of allein. Siuma.
*si.i:.-i...' Fete of the tVreoch Innadlataa?
I n m-h Journalism-Keprenentailan In tbe
l'i?\ im iitl I'm li.niiriu ?Sir.
Con ttpoLdesce of Tbe Tribune.
Miimhmi, MoBday, Jone 24.?
Thia day being the National Fete of the French
Canadian population, due honor waa rendered to
&t. Jem Baptiste, and an imposing display of ban?
ners and music perambulated the principal streets.
The participants in the demonstration ranged
themselves in the order of thtir snpsrate organiza?
tions, including the scholars of the Frt-res Chr??
tiennes, the Congregation of St. Michael, tho Cana?
dian Fire Companies, the Mercantile Association,
1'lnititute Canadien, tbe Temperance Society, the
t?t. Jean Biptiite Society proper, and tbe Secre?
taries, Treasurers, Vice Preiidents and Prcsident.
Msss was celebrated in the Cathedral, with all the
ptirp and solemnity which is inaeperebie finm tho
?ortna of the ?loman Catholic Church, and the cool
air aiid clear aky added to the attractioui of the
outiiele procession. Including the spectators and
the m< tubers of the various societies above named,
thtren.uat have been ten thouaand peraona as
lembled in the Cathedral, more familiarly knowo
ii the Parish Church. The ediiice i? capable of
containing a larger number, inasmuch as thirteen
(IttiUtand are aaaeited t?. l.a?e ?'?i!.r-r?-geted witlun
the building upon special ot*casiona. It is a a.tlid
atrut'turc ot etVne, of ample dimeniinna, but the in?
terior JoN >->'l ?? ireipond with the aimpleelegeiii-e
and srthitectural tsate which attracta the adm-ra
tion of the ?tranger aa be approaches tho e.n:'..?-?,
Thia fvecitg there are to be several reunions of the
S.utt', and ?? ('?imjiain s" r?.cer,tl/opened hotel
hsi ti'in clatjsen u an tppr.ij?riato i?>?t !o.* a pic?
i ?
It may afford uicful information to your I ?eouia
t;ve rice to apprise you that '? Compain" leased
'? Monk lands," a char'min?.- retreat, three rail??s
in m towr, which, until lately, was the r?sidence
of our l?o? en,or Oenerele. When Lord Eefia de?
parted tor Upper Canada, "Compain" stepped tor
ward and took possesaion of the honae and jroands,
aa a auitable locstion for a tirst class hotel. Hi?
ing conducted one of our belt restaurante in tnis
? it), ftw men are better ?luelilied t?> render satis
lection to visit?n. The bouae ia lituated ontha
brow of tha mountain, at..I commands an ext-'nu.-?
ai.<? vsritd vk?w of wood and, water and a nob
agricultural country. The A ok ricen travelers
who have tried the louse, ?peek ia enthus.etlac
term? of its churning locality end essrs, fraarei.t
Speaking of the St. Jean Baptiste 8ociety and
it? thouisudi of foliowera, you m?y b?> aarpriaed to
learn that tbe French Cenediren ptip-aiatwn extend
but a feeble and insaHicient ?uppoit to the>>-ir.ia?o
published in their language. Tboir number? aod
wealth might lead you to icaok for other reen'ta ;
set facia relut? auch intereoces. Tba Monteur
Canadien, in eniKuncing the aoepenak.o ol oae of
its editors, rattier bitterly rrmuks . '?ft is s? pain?
ful now, as at all times, to he oom-cllod to
tbe indifferetce, tbeul will, the ingratitude and tho
egotum ot i ur ledow couatrj men. There ar
rxcepiious, but Ike* ere rere. To day it is mare
Han ?.iae jur litce the liw?kajf ?p.-eari-d, wttmt
Ilbe.fis we esn sfflrm, witiVmt oxacgeration, th
hardly ore-fcurtbcf our subsejiaera havo fuliill?
their encsgemenU. Thi? will gi?e in idea of tl
?ar-r;fii-es we hsve made to exist thus lorn? ; for a
I ni?> remark th?' n sid, i
though our opponents pretend to aftl-m the 00
lisry. We o?|M not to forget the egiAism aad i
I gratitude of our Csnari:-. whom*?
I sreeisDy daatlaai emt Journal; we have, ?iki
thrm euer, fi.r ttieir advertisements, but tbey pr
fei to carry them to K
ccr li-.erchinti supp1 rt th- ir fell ?w-countr
aaaa,to w*??m t*?e? owe alBwat everything. W
inn?t add. that we have been much better eaeo-j
I ?ged by f ill da??, from who
-* ? bvro, renerely ?j . iter i ? i
! more liberality I?"*? painful to mark tb?
I bnt we mint nw?r?l h<Hi bis d Matt I. The
! reprrdTicci the remarks of the Moniteur Cam h,
! and addiihat" Fnspitenf th??- --?n/emei
j Whi. ' ipeukiag, the . .-dach Press r
ceiv.? .., we >-innot nraii sayir
j ?atd wc wa ?act with pleasure?thi
' there hai h-en a treat improvement anv.T- ..?
? k lie* ' . in th-? ehaws respecta within tfc
I }f?Bt few year?.' There Is aa pnrt ?f the cmtinei
?I m PS publie writers snd tie Pre?? are 1?-?
! and remt-'ri?'rated than in Canaiia. The came ma
be traced bstbe ounparative ignorance of the ma?
' cf the to: ?jlsticn. It is not an invidion? I
j to aitert, tlistth- ?MJotit)'<?' tbe i" ?
i men cannot rear* ; c?ntequently, to them a newi
paper i? value!???* as *u 'netruct'T and a goH
The State i : " laeaaaa eetteeAj yaxtata
yet the ptipulat'c- vh???? Ceaadl
with aVar tin?.''? that na.-i.ber rtfinhabitanti
? uitains about the lame number of pa ?
Tin* I'.. ??? .i.( la] Aisemhly an. engird In th
eeoaUaratia ?' a it itearriedt
n.atiiiitk, rfilciji.; to tlie ..lv.r.t?-''-..i h I r-!at?.-i
i Lut Btaaioa a meainre to an.-mer.t the -
j tatir.ii whs bat; l! i* ye*r it 1rs a.-'t .
: forward, and thnu-h the Act of I mon pined h
' the Im'* rill ParliaBMBl in 1840 r< quirei the eir
lent nt two-th.n'i of onr L?"ci?iattire to letralize an
alt.rstc-n in the H>p?*eie'.taiive ?ssembly, yei
looblng at the alt* r? d t?.i..? of tbe pablii mind i
El gland, aid the larpe con'---ss:.: I
the C is safe to i?'r> r ;t ?t s
tendire toir-crcr.'? the iprca ; imtita
t'.ri ? \? '...:'.,,? r... ,-f. .I by the Imp.-P.
t.n .; i Par?a Deal
nsttaebers, s number quite inad afleotth?
om its reit-ict
i? r./r.j. a-i- ol 1." 1." ? " ?>' the < ' '. I ? ?
boJden . crurqacrtiy. the interests < l Ute maisei
are sabserv ? Pbe pro
I pcio: i ' ' i. will, if car
Canada IS aaeaal p * ''mmda a like
number. Ia tbia ?*6C**Joa of the i'.-ovi:.?-.-? 84 Cou
tin arc to hs'-'c I memben c.v-r? ; It Counties 1
rr?. ii.h. r .?(.. h ; M mtreah 3; Thre?
Hiver?, I; and Sherbrooke, 1. It?, ou tlnr.it. it will
serve any purpose (?? pajhHah tbe detalla, jroa have,
inclcird, a lut Ot the Counties. The lOtrenc'imonl
("on ni'tteeof the A.Seii'h!; , to * I. baa
ft-rrf.l the re? ?nisi leration >>l the. Civil Litt, have
vigorously and d. cuiedly. 'I hey heirin with
the Oov? r..or( i.i. eraTs la'ary, Ri.d advi?e a redn
tion trom .*.....Tto t-t.-Vfu, or ?,14,000 per annum.
Tl.- minority, -, cotn. ?r to lay?"I
Lit rraii; the majority. II in number, consists ?ai
Titiles. ?Otear Qrite and Anaeaatitwieta
the rcdu.ed ?a'ary, the 001 HBOf will r.-.'-r. ?? B >r.?
ihen on?- rever t" ?f the lura let apirt ia 0
the cxper it* of the civil Q.ran t. n-nerthe
lei?, the Anr.cxtiticnisti are crit'-i.t with an insta!
Dii-iii o?r? '.-ru., and ?up; ort the C laaaaHiae
A v-o eat ?Ultra pasird over tbe town yciterday,
wli? h it'fieihed the parched held?. \v.
Ktreponnlblr l-overament nt Toronto-l'nr!.?
ntuiHi j Kt form In ihr I ?inadna.
Corrtsrordcncf ci The Trinare.
1 1. -eve there ii a cn'l of the Hoase on an early
day to eooiidttr M.-. Attorney Genera! J. ifo.itaine's
bill (of wi.ieli I wrot? jou last week) for increasing
the' Bt*sabcf of Memb?ra in th.i Legislative Asiem
bly if c l'i.\ in. a eat? : ? n Ou!f el 8t.
Lawei'.-e ta Lake Superior * tie Btxky M ' Dal
ait 1. Trie importance of thi? measure induce! me
to recapitulate not its feature! merely, but to ?tato
the ami t e.ir.dition in which it would leave the
ile.ti..- breach of Iba flirt aranosa!. If nan led iota
.ff.rt, v? i Mi I t'-?! n.mb it win nut be.
TLi* ii a Government or Cab i ntt m?ature, agreed
on its ttafta-Jbl by ?dtisrs. I.afoL*.iJLaa 15kl bmm\ Loa
ie, IIi.'-Us, Merritt, Price, Tar!, and Carou, the
r.xti ' ??*!?
l. To in? rene the popu!?- repreientation in As
scmly frcrr. ?? I to ISO.
B To continue the almost obsoleto castoin of
grt.iiji.ui.' the elt? tioni. All the voten of Quebec
'., .i.trt ?I sre to vote for three Members each ;
a!l the v? ten in <)J couritici and in this city are to
?oie for two Akmberi each; to the remiii.in^ M
constituer;- its paly is that greatest of all modern
iiiipriiteiii. i.t", lb? Stogie I. <.' '.oral District lyi
t?m intended to be uppii-.il.
Some of unie ?-ountiei contain from one to forty
million! ol a. rea. It would he just ai easy to divide
the eonititui r.?i?s into untie dtitricts, and thus Ij
bring the right of a lair and free choice much nearer
to the people, as it is to unite for electoral purp >iei
a conitituency larger than some of your d?ate?.
.!. To create the greateit pOMiBsS inequality in
the Klectoral Diitn.-ti ai regard? po?iulation.
The couutit i of Siguemy, alontagnai? and Bagot
are to lend altoettker only two Member?, from an
extent of country far larft-r than ihe Otate of Vir?
ginia, with a population cf 19,001 ?.?tiens, residing
in many towiiships, seigneuries aad settlement!?
while the six villages of Cornwall, Niagara, Brock
ville, London, Three Hiveri ami 1'ariih, and Sher?
brooke, the aggregate population of which ia actu?
ally under 20,000, are to elect lix Memben !
Some counties with 30,000 to M,000 inhabitants
are to send two Heprcientstives each ; other? with
?a,<XN to 18,000 are alio to aend two. Neither
wealth, extent of country nor population, nor any
pouible c< mhinition cf these, are oornidered ai a
baiii of repreientation. Yoi.r()hio, New York and
Penniylvania Kditori talk of Gerrymandering.?
Send them here!
4. In the town! and village! houicboiden a* well
as freeholders are to vote?houieholderi, only if
they occupy tenements paying i it a year of rent
In tbe counties, freeholder!, or their equivalente ia
the seigneuries; houseboideri. if tensnU, are ex- |
5. Although the electors must be thus qualified,
they are not, even then, to be intrusted with tho !
free choice of their llepreientatives, but coniiae I !
to the choice of candidates worth <-,luo each of i
freehold estste. In their seiiion of l?i3J-40, the
last I pper Canada Parliament?mercenary an-1
servile as it wai, elected through fraud and contin?
ued in defiance of public ient.me.it?invited the
Imperial Parliament to pan an act unitin** tbe Can?
ada!, with a clause in it requiring of candidates lor
seat* in the Assembly an <?B0 currency freehold
qualification. Disregarding this request, the Lords
and Commons made it ?*t*f00 sterling !
?i. The Crown reierveito itielfthe power of e til?
ing tho Parliament tcgeUier at any place it chjo?ea
within tho Canadai?of calling it together on any ',
month cr day it pleaiei, betweeu the lat of Janu?
ary and tbe Jlit of December : no itated annual
time or placo ol meeting n contemp'.ited.
7. It il in excellent regulation with you, ?and in
Encltn?) alao, if I mistake not ) Uiat hnngioti every
elti.ion throughout the Commonwealthoj?//!.
?/try. It he;pi to prevent double votui.*, vblence,
riot and diiturbance, and conUihutee greaUy to the
freedi m of the electora ia making a choice. Our
reform "Ministry " have left that feature out of
their programme. Their practice is, to order aa
election in one county on one dey, in anothor l?v?
erai da) s latu?today in a town, in another town
tbat day week : and thua to iproad tn.? general
election over a ipace of l?verai weeka, to enable
land owceri, eipiciaJly those i?.eeulitori who own
prop? riy in two, five, ten, or even twenty town!
and countiea. to give a vote in each locality, while
tie ivtrerof one farm can (.ire but one vote. The
?iractice alto hai been, tociusetho eleetoaa aure
?r the psrty in power to c.iu-.e otf tint.
a The County of York, like Yurkihire in Ko,}
isnd, ia divided into Bidinga, which are to lenti
two membtta each Ulber larger ?anuee, which
it would be very d< lirable thai to divide on ac
rtui.t ?f their n*e, Mpecitliy in Lower Canada,
aie to be kept undivided for electoral purpotet.
?II??) -.our Ju. moe et the Sapreme Court been
cfcoieo, one each, in the thirty two ?'?naturia! Du
trictt.iritetd i f K'oupingtheire < ; ? .eight
rrsn.moth .htuiets. the l?gal prjfem -n wuuld havo
had Un iitljtr.ee and Iba peuple a treat deal
m?re. H?r. ti., ?iw>cii, in I'pper and in Lower
Canada, are (.rgiu-xed aa two powerful private
rot ?.?.i alien cxt:ri!ingpri7ileg?ada.-i|'ert*us to the
rest of the eon.?unity; Lut r,.p. r Canada tlirire,
in ?pitat-i their hliuhtiraT icflutrrnces.
Not???, tl-. y
The climate there is morcieverc?one Vie'f the
e cannot re?d?race opposes race?the fnodal
' tenures, nod, I may SBy. hottile riiitzmni eit-ih'ub
?... - aid the
' three cr four banking ? toircth?r with
. an absente of able, intl On spirited -iti
? xens, posaeased 11 the people's ?nnti fence? these
are among the cans-?? why many i'-insan?!? at the
, Lower Canadiers annually endent? to the (Jolted
? 1 lind, to mv iiirpris?, t^at th?*r?> is a ? ?
a t i ! ? .mgratinn. Weit, even from this? highly
i favored apper conntry, ?nd that, to", i! : '?
, \eiy well rff'in many, if not in most, cas.?
'-e Crown is to continus to ?elect or .-'iOOS?
, ell the Judges nf th?s Aitemll? ?
.' '.jreeulstiontbr the payment of repr
ttree it provided, except by ui annual ?
rriiirityof the n-.orcb??rs themielvei, of m meny
i per diem into their pockets ? lometiai a
three?cite r.er lour, and on one occasion it waa 9*3,
daily, for the leiiion.
11. Any nunii..r of Plecttmen, Sheriif?, C.-own
Lawyer!, Registran, Heais of Departments, In
tpectors, Cllecta-r?, an.lgartlRrs. .??v.ndc-nt ou th?.
pieasure of the Kseostira for a living, may sit in
the Aiieti.iily, drawing, st the ?erne ti-ne. mail in
r-rmes ai Icg'ils'.on. and as olii.-iala whom iai.1 13
aid hold in che? k.
I-.'. A Committee of tho Ilouie ot Assombly,
ih ? ?nri'tituteil, i? to bo "the Minietry," roirn.
.?? patmnageof the C?nidas, M
help of their good mcavtm, go rd contracta,
ei..i coed places to ?Vi.-i.tla and ?ill ?aran, ihey, the
?aid Mir.iitry, can command a maji.-ity of tbe votos
I nf the Chenil.? r.
13. The Assembly's ?la.-irum to do business ii ?
ir, It.-itein, eny 40 among G".'-with y.tu, e maj trity
ei the whole?our Ministry are to leave it at 10 ?a
a Rouse of IM).
11. The Crown, as advised by any Cabinet wh .
i ay thus hi Id a majority in the Assembly, is t>
cr.i.tnue to choose the member? of the second
1'orch or Senate, for life, with powc tj aumeat
ill nuniberi at tlieir iliecretinn.
15? 'it Ucvtmor General may diseol.-o the Le?
tra at any time ; he n-av pntrogue its sessions
ul?r ..?-?< r he trunks tit i and no retains a veto on
- ? - ierra them for
tbe toi.iidc ration of tho Qu. t? iu Council, at hi?
II The liion Act lixei the duration of a Ca-ia
.?:ar. Prime?cnt at four years, unless n oner dii
ral, may ftlfto liiroiis any Miniit.-y at an
- ? 'i
the | i aeatar? fte
. 'u ii. Crinada. I would, nevertheless, rej
? hill pa?i to aeJaraa the popular ropreteote
tion to 150?'or, with such machinery as the above.
.!>?'!, oboaea a? ouri are, re
t] Mil ity to ti. . country ia entirely out of the
itioa. ? am ?jr.
I ?Jim? enrr himiI at the College af New-Jeraey.
Ci rreifuciietici? of Ike Newark Daily AJ.vi?<i.i?-r.
I'aiMtfTov, Wednetdav, I:
This his been a proud day for the Colleja of
Ni-w -Jersey At 9 o ?lock a procession was firm
the College Chapee, i ompoead ol the i acuity
and students of this venerable Institution, and in
- I ti ej ptocs ? ?',,.! t.. th.- . I, i-. h which wi<
crowded in very pait vitfa ti.e beauty, i.itellig-eni-o
ane] faehion of Princeton, tbe neighltoMn" towns,
'?cent citi?sot Philadelphia and New V if;,
?rd even from uittant parts of our extensive
t'pon the stage I noticed the Governor, the
ChanreDa. i I i Jastioa m the State of
New Jersey 5 Hon. Richard liuih, of Pa. ; Hon.
James Bwabeaaa oTPaV-i <'ol. Geo. W. Hollina, ot
\ 1. . the ver.enb'e Mr. Bnowdcn, aiiradaatoof^the
clua of 178? : Hon. Mr. Nevin, of N. Y.. President
Charles King, of Columbia College, N. Y. ; and
many other perlons of distinction.
A lirge number of the second degree were con?
ferred in course upon Alumni, and among the hon?
orary degress Newark was not forgotten. The
?Irgree N D. D. was conferred upon Rev. Jonathan
h Steams, the Paitor of the Firit Preibyte?
nais Church, in your City.
Tbe usuui exercises were had, and then the de
: A. H. w?s conferred upon tbe following
roembc*? if the (rvsduating Class :
s? Ai.ii.-re<.i). N J ; William E. Baker, Ta; Alfred
.-. N J . J. .rjh ll?rj*?ll, T'lrinss A Bulsnil,
Him 1 Ruttrrt Bullir??, VVilllain N. Bollln?-. Va ; Charla?
D. H-.,?;i. M -a 1 l.nail-s E. Brown, M. I) ; J.?*?i-h II
Brt.ava.NJ ; William Ham? I.r?en.I i Wiiiiaiit II. Can
f-cld, Jr?a? R. Clantuc. tr.iilliald P. C-thli, N J ; John T.
CIS. Ot I A 1 rr,,,?.ri, Pa ; T-irarnlora Cran?, N. J ;
A D?iwa_*r., Va : William A Drain, I.? ; Jem?.
C A?;en. Mit* . A R. KtrtierL Pa ; ?3aorga A. Iiiimill,
N.J ; John R tvr-rlia-art, Pa; S-vern K-re, \'? : |,.hn C
r..itex,0 C ; J?l... I K.irrn ?n. N ('.. J M (?lioepte,
Tren ; Jen.fe B. Urei 1. *4<1 ; R.il-t-rt S 6???n. N J ; Jarnes
? ft. I; A II?!?- .. N I ; r.-ltv-arrt P MebartsM P* .
? . 1 itraij?.w, _?n .. (' HoA-r UsfSr,
Jr S C ; Jmt-e V Haftbei N J. , Jemea A Hunt, J II.
J' Il t. I. . 1 l'ai. .1 Ki.-|p?lrlrk, Jr N J
?VLaoKjrK Va ; J L-i,..r-- N t r- lall H. Mar
:,r . St as.) laser 14. Martli, ?.i ? .?...r?--? M Marebail,
Mats. | JolB A M?r?i?, . la ; J I. M, Mil Ian, *V_ t,
?t ?- . 8 I. ?1 ret -r. N J ; W l? M ? tj-.-inary,
lau? i Aldus J Muff, S. M (?. i.in.l, I'? ; I) || ptriar,
A -. . J. i i - ? I I i. p? I A. t -re-,
.*. Y ; J cktoa I icer, Mil . ..- . ,<y . |../,n J.
. ,. . .
T -i"irs-t. N J . J F.te <?.,???, P? ; War A. .??1*i?v,
.V,.?? . J ?'- - - ? -, It'll-? S rid- '
r-eee, N. V ; Rru T toweit, N J ; I T. ?4 ?Uesl i
- V: : bawl?ftiover, i'e . ' ?. Md.;
l.s, ! ,?.. C V??e Vl| A -, ? .srnei.l,
?r.. v\ m. L Wisla a. I .J '? I We??^eraa,lla.| a 1'
Vt . ii- lead, N J ?"a*A.ii '/. V-V: Item?, 'la : Al-rxaoJer M.
Wtxtie i ??
i - - ? ?' i the Arta A M. A-aicon
faired up?-ii the baW?ria| (irednat?? o? the Class of
la cot ne :
Barrado Bopklaa, Aa?jitne I. Meil.n. J.ihn S ?i?rer,
H.D , Aii?u?:iLe II f . . 1 ???, VVilliaru S
r.-i. KreiJartr B. Ogdru, William II Berry, Jaine? ;
Thcnite V?;n 11 Wrla.-i, Win. afarsBaaLI Jam'-as Kuuo
I. i.. II C. Camrrun, Beverly R. W?. f ml, Ji WUUm W.
Mush. Nr?:t?n A C S.ewerd, Tboma* S Hardocl. tl I)
John H. Siruibrr. Aarr r. P. ??ir.mj.l?. Al?i*nd??r C.SierS, \
B-Fllttus Br. ?D, A Evans WI1?. n. J ?.-. N H-- i ? l.bn
Wes.ry Burn, A.frril Cmliimrl Jr, lli'iirl f.ielor. J.ihn ?
(1 su.?.-!, M?ict,i-uirry Ji-hr?, If ? ?.? y Rlcker, J.tatsph 41.
RlusLtuLie. Hrcry ti. M in . Ono II. Rulieaon, FI*?nry |
Taylor, A l?. Thorp, John Cbrtwixxl. Jr Chae T. B-sltowe,
the?. Mr Kl??hi, AlfreJ Ma/mto. Leoi.e T H Irvluf, Heis?
ter Cl) mar.
The hoiiorary degree of D I), wet conferred on
J_ev. Alexander Heiih of Stirling, ? otlan i i Uev.
8bepar?i K. Kollock, Her. J.rhn Hall of Trenton,
Bee. Jonathan F Steams of Newark, H,t?v. Thos
L. Jsnewsy of Philadelphia, and itev. James d.
Woods of Lewiston, Pa
The honorary deeree of LI. D. was conferred on
Hon. Jamea Buchanan, Hut. P. 1). V'room, and
Ckief Justice Henry W. Green.
The degree of A. M wsi cmferred on Daniel E.
Phiiiipaof N. J ? B.?nj Msthiu of Philadelphia;
Samuel Miller lireckenridge of Missouri; Lorenzo
A.Sjkcsof Lf.J.
The degree of Bschelorof Laws ?u conferred
upon Joaeph E. Kearney of Newark, and Peter I.
\ oorhees of Bleuvenburg, greduetes of the Law
At the meeting of the Board of Truatees, on
Tceedsy, Cssper Vf. Hodge, son of Her. Dr.
Hot.'ge of the Theological Sctniuary, was chosen a
tuttr of the Greek language.
Cumxe.nceximt at Nassau Hai.i..?The ftnnatl
Commencement of the College of New?Jersey took
piece on Wednesday. Eighty young men grsdua
ted. smong wh?m were the foil 'wing from New
York S. E. Pierce. Henry H Smith and Jemes
gi.ode-ass. Tbe degree of Master of Arts was con?
ferred on forty of the Alumni ; eed the HoLorary
Degree of D L>. on the following gentlemen : Rev.
Alexander Birth of Stirling, S*-<?t!acd ; Uev. Shep?
herd K Kollixk, Rev. John Hall of Trenton, Re?-.
Jonithan F. 8tearus of Newark, Uev. Thomas L.
J aneway of Philadelphia, and Rev. James S. Woods
ol Lewiston Pa
Tbe honorary deeree of LL D. was conferred ?to
Roe? .Itmei Buchsnsn. Hon Peter D. Vroom and
Thief Justice Henry W. Green.
At tbe annual meeting of the Trustees on Tues
da?, the reiignatiou of Hon. Wra. B Kiincy waa
:?.-d. and Chief Jusnce Green,
of lie Caftfl ' I leWO, ep[?'ir.ted to fill the TB?-at*?r?y.-?
J'ri'.f. Charit i Hodee. o' the r.ini-.tr Tttmol
l*Vminsry, who greiluete-l i'; ti iCIais I f 1115, was
r-lio elected Trustee in ??he place <>! It-? Stmuel
: ' L> dec-rated. _
! ? i Ma.vsamlla? The biig Wafeea, Ciptain
Misury. Ir? m Menianilia 5th Ht arrived thia
?antag ?'ait ht r-port? that ?m t?I llthinst.
when off Cape Anttnio, be was ??erd-?d trorn s
Speiiiib steamer. The offi.er w.n t boarded him
?an quite civil, intjured wh?-re he was Irom. an?!
leeaa I the name* ot his paiien^en, ?kc. aid a-id
ii ?r that all wss right, left and the Nc-reua pro.
cecded t-n her voyage. [Bost. Trav. Tharsday.
Cmmtn*antmm. mg the Msi;?itic TfttMSera
i. Clrc? 'a;-, in
J Soiiin vi J ii^h W. Car?,
Mr B R C erk con?? uded lus a.v-ment for the
? leti.titl Thia finialra th? cite Tajoftheliw
>rn ft r ?he dtfeuse ?avr ?eil-.l tmt Karope.
IBtatcrA Trav?>-,T_?i.e?laj.
< loniiiNc.
taJlvivfFR WK.4H.--.vtf. T JatasaflNOa ? CO
o tiRaPEsa a tailoks im *?*???? ir OMBa c??*?.
awrea, Vttt'.'efi, fancy DreM krCciea, ?:. ?11 Broadway,
amwrl'ao Howl, ?Bd P?aons'/l?*?ril?.ar?n'i?i, Wtohtrigxam,
0 C oe>r Itor v?e*k*re'.ri, in -t-morn a??or*?rae?et ef
B<?4>t<raai>le Octod?, ?Mea win bei-iideu? to o:d?r ai the
all? ?-?->s.w?i?> prteaaa, wllch'a ?<-w of ?ur w?-t
ItM ?tvec loo ettabliahoimt a *?r??*?vieoeo a? flmUrrlef IBS
e*K*?t??e<??'??tBlr?, ? .?? priced gtrraent?,
? -tdj nada ?u et <omiirU-? eitKh, cas'.metet, meet?
no, a-TaiB eloia, aad Ham ta. tt ; De Orsay'? dreu and
?Vvk ?*<?aia- ?*????1r?j??r?, merino and .It-.L'tng ptmMkMaa
?Ilk, ?a?D.boitfwtlc??, marsel.'es, Unoo u.d i-liaily .??ta
?tret.tB?; sotena ke which, wiih a ?sier.ttoB of utoct?l*<?M
?ij.-?ef '*.--.-. ? ? ? ? g etaooan, hitnd
!.. glove?, si.tiiei.ders, ?bin*, clltit, I.kvjom, ke,
we would ?xsnneml ui lb? att?md?a of purch??er? with ta
. ? of tha.tr ?U|?t?rlonty, In ?ijrle and r-.ba/acler, ID
toon ui Ike cloth.!-*" offered Is tats mirkeL
?Ai? wnu'd ss?s* in particular ui Um Pantaloon? w? ara
. ui ftiitUb and ?oilcit icail fm? in? moot fasiTUl?
Trx? Army and Navy wlii norj n* w*U versed In their p?.
.til?, and prep?tr?>d io supply iho different
? ru- t^rk-i.-w_'-in if
BROOK**'?* PATK>T li-dlKD St?ol Tbrt??d.
- . ribera have Joat recaifod p?wMsaessr "At
? n'n.olr^ (>rtn-?''"va<-?-l*l'raled f M.-^l, wh'rh n
ih? importait retju slut* of t.rer.?;?h. a,?sucuy and eveoneM
re,.? tuprr- r t n iw :a use.
ire ma ? srrtngomoott tor ? ron?i?nt ?'jpply, ?nd
will riitriM It in ?il rvtryrrit u ihe In??t?r'.icl??(>r;??wi'i?r
ruar-ufacnireu in the wortd. Dittlers ?re lovttel to
. led us m?-rl ? r ?? we?.r ., ,/?
? LEE, BEMTOil k PHBLP8, - C r.la id-.L
w?y, r.*s :-.;?i rr.:e:-r?! a largo lot of B.aoa Kijuscla?;
l.a-e?, *tld; superior Black Sniwit at ?*-*, utua'.ly ?old at
I .??seierioe ard Honst? n Collar?, from 1 vr ml up?
wards; b'ack ion,? and thort Mnu ; Enured .N=:u. kc. ka
JeJ7 .w*
<l l'KHKI>K BLBACIIBO *?li I tiTI >?.??.
* . .-????? Y -.a Pitvolvtm?, IV.?-;: ,..-;.? D.-rer ?od
Aii.i-i.i'ki, Mills wiMM i ?ii.fiitijrs. Al?o,ex?
Ut-tuper 37 mcb Sotniii?**, lor ?tin liv
NKSMITH it CO. SO aad B Pine-tt.
Wll'iK til l.l.-t OKI 1.1.IM.*.?-" pt?k?*jr?
' .-h.-.i ? in ?rd h .m, extra lasas, and uutv
--tloD of ir?nuf??t?jn* K?r*aleby
' ?. Pm*-*t
l,'l.**K I'NBLEAI lit? 1 (IT rON*. --?? o l?ale?
r Bhedi; l?i..r.?; I'tio A.io, Koclktiiibain, Uookteu, 14*1
way, Hope, Wa.li.ain and ?ther ?ty.es, for tale by
n?\*i NKSM1TH J? CO '.? and'.. P?o? ?t
Cll I? O l*Kl**?TKH.*?' Itl.AMvKlX, Ufptag
/and BUve Cluta, Tvi>^ Pr.mna and K:i?;i??>?rt' Blank
.??r, Cle?*rr and Jin:li?i I'ioiht, f-?r t?le l>v
ii,>ll C B. LB BARON. -? Pin?v*t
Bl.l K ritirfi**. *? -?-i Adst*ss*sWaeaadWktBs
ard blue and oranjre Print?, for t-.
myll C ** LE BAHON, ' ? PlceiU
Btnnt > aiIBKTIi*<lG*i.-15S btslas Saii.ii.iry E?.
arle, Mohawk Valley, and other ?tvle*. lor tale low by
myll C B. LE BARON..SiPUie-ai.
?up^rlnr artl.-lo, f??l culur?, lor ???- Lv
myll ?' H l.rl BtilnN. ?'. P"--?t
t ?KKliN PU1NT8?50 caioi (Teen and black and
vi creen and blue at til io I cents, for sale by
myll C B LE BARON. 5.? Plnest.
t BI.KACHKD MIIIUTINI?**.-!'?) case?fio?
**"x and low pr?cotl al 3 Ui ?1 ceins. Inr sale by
myll C. B LE BARON. Vi Plne*t
COl.OHHU < AMBHll M.-l.*ca?e?liihtanddark
?siortnier-u, from 4| to rj rent?, for ?ale l.y
m,H C B LK. BARON, V> Plno-lt
Q * Bl.t>At:UBD 8tiIKTI>l.*??.-150(M?e?low.
t>--l priced Sliirur?*?, compn?in?: a .?'tety of ?tyle?, for
laleby (mjC| ?NESMini i? CO SO and 5.' Plne-?t
/'OLNTKKPANK** ?1* rases ?u per lor American
quill?, for ??:?? ly NK.MITH k CO 5??nd W Pine-?l.o6
Oroctru and Commission Mitohants.
LIBERAL ADVANCES made on eoniifomecta, end el
egency bolines? promptly attended la. gofer Ut
?. A. tTiH-HTOCK k Co. New York.
Ea?.? k Yol-nc, Philadelphia.
C. O. H?het, f M. Hows, William tvismsa, Jr. ?
Hbailitoh, J-ittabartrU_my8 Am
William A. Da.ia. Heisar f. Daba.
Sen Francisco, Californie.
M ?Mrs. Dudley B. Kulier k Co. New v.r?
Barjiuatl Dane E?fj H"????
at?.?ra. jonnaon ft Cox, Tnty, N. T.
miem.ru. Blrrm?--? Huir hi nat?o k Co Baa Francisco.
C4>.N*?I4.N.?IKSt*s H.KCHI'.K?onitio iieual lorras
Having a ierge ?lore ?hip moored to the wbart, In Ut
reer of their werebiioas from whirh good* can be dtienerg ?
ed without extra llgfcterege or iblpped el eny t'.??? ot
tide. Je? lm
Chai W Havdhm. Upper Californie B. W. Monea.
Kl-'PERlo M?-eere Nev-.n? k Co. Heals, Bush k Co.
Beale, Melick k Dewtu, New-York; J. W. Clerk k Co.
end Due Rich, Eso. Boston.
B W . Ml'UOEbeln.? located permanently et Sen frea?
deco will eilend lo eny cotuUgnoieau for l_sl pleca.
JOHN ci. ah Er
sa? fbaiscislo, CAt.iroe.iiA.
REFERENCES? Hon, Albert LtJCkwood, Slng-Blug
N. Y ; Hon. Wllilem Nelson, Ft-iektll, N Y leeaa
?ev-ottr, raoUklil, N. T., Mnrriu, Ely It Co., atiben,
Cobti k Jofcntoc, J. Jr. A. Ltw- ry, J job A. C. Srey ? Ce
New York City ; daor.e Le*ley, Troy, N. T. ?10 Sdm
coaeatroNDK.f ca in belation to the meki i ? or
D (illlKKIN A CU.'B
The originel leuert cen be ?rea at my oilice, w ? Brottdway
Weit Bi.ooMriti.D Jane 12,1.4341.
|\IE88R8. D ORIfKIN v CO. it. Broadway, N. Y
i? I Oentllmen: In eoewar lo your Dote of li'th loeient,
rt-spitcuof your improvement adapted loroy bullere 1 take
freal pleeaure to aeylo?* that It exceed? my expectatlona
t seves a area-, deal of Ttiel (el leaet one-mrd ) Blvee u? el
ell ilme? perfect commend over our fire?; end coal, cuoet
Bul tiza It quite fool enougb for my uee.
The furnace for heating Um? Hot Room el my Print worke,
which I heve put up on y< ur plen, he? -rone far beyond my
tnosl lengulne hope? The heel cen be kepi from ? ?> lo tM)
degree?, end wltb proper care lb? varlailoa of lb? temper?
ature, during a whole day, need not exceed live degreee
To prlot 94 4. ploeee of clothe dally not over helf ? tun of
rbreinul li?ru coil I? oeee???ry ; rormerly, to do the ?erne
work, I burned two tun? or ni-.re of ibe lerg?i?t slxed coal,
usititr iwoof ib? ?era-eel tlxcii ?love?, wun cast iron due?,
throughout the room.
1 know by ex perlene? that yoar plu of Bavin/? fuel la one
of lb? iimei Importen! Improvement? of Ibe d*y, end wben
Il ?hell be fairly before the public It mu? ?noel with ?arrece
Y..U ?re ?t liberty to refer persona lo me el No 71 Plne-eL
New-York, and I ?hail wilh much pleeaure five luem all
U.e Informallon In my power.
1 heve requeeied ibe menetrer end tome mteer perriat
employed In my a ors?, before and tlnre ed.pting your Im?
provement?, to iteie their vtewi in regard to them, end 1
ernei their leuere. Your obt. ter-r'i. D BRIOHAM.
P. B. I forgot to meotton the! ?a r??-erj? insurance, the
r1*k from the Hoi Room I cooalder now from two-third? to
ihrrav-iV-urih? lea?, ib?n wben I uted the two lerfe stove?,
wtih lue* patting ihrtMigb ihe room. D. B.
West Bio-smeLii P?int Woe??, June 12, 18.V?.
To Cot l> trrtfln tii? I bevel-ten e_p:oy?al for seve?
ral jeare In the Pnri Works >f D. Bra-aaiu, Eeq. I take
pleasure In Ketiof that the improvemec-.? made by you la
the tlecktof bollere end In the Hoi Room of the work e ex
reed every tfc-r.fr I have ever enown before. The eoel now
BBSS' tm tbe H.i Room iteheeper than Ibet formerly burned
In the ?torea, the quantity et leest one-belf ese, end the
work done tue isti.e r'urmer'y from iliu-en to lerenieee
bnndred luc? of bed lump coal were atad yearly, now leu
ih?n beif the' qsiLtity of caeapereoal wiii produce e greet
er er.d more uniform heaL
West Bi.ooMrir.i.i). IS'b June, 1M0.
To Of It. tir.jftn : De ?a Si? : Ai me rtHjueel o( ?. ting
bum, Esq. 1 heve mura pleetur* la (lean*; my opinion re
gerdiLg >?.ur :u.? r.-vrrnenii on furn?e??? for ne?iii:??sujem
tx?1iers,?nd your epparetue k r dryug gojd? from the
priaMtni machise, ea eppiled el hi? print w.-rs?.
Tee turnacea eor.?'.ruried by you at lot* piece, combine In
eiuperlur degree, Ute chief dealdera'a in a'l best generai,
lr*?contnvai?ei*?,viz: p'odaeiEgthe largest ?|uen_iy ofBsei
in m ecerteln emocn'. of fuel, end appijla? taat heel to the
BoMaarhsrelM etfecu ere deeired, en i mat they en????*?
mnst Bdniir?l.|y tt-.e purpose for which tlvy ere ?t??elf->e<? U
or.iy whal i? i?;bl have been ?in?eled from li.e correct prtn
e?tie?observed Id Lh*-ir roreu-rcilon.
1: le weil known laat a furcf 1 Cirrentof a'r, or bias*, pro?
duce? a bigber aWgraa ef aaal '.heneen be eueined by an or
dirary ?ra??, ard ire ? VB?r lb- -i?-;ree of beet la e m-sece
le ne mure comp'etely will the coel ased be coatuai??!
?atbewice thai i<?entBf?, tnere I? ?notier eoanected with
yocr mtsibod. In ? fun.eee ci-Betrucd on ?he asaal plan,
? dre't it good, a .e.-.- :!t-imeblegu
I? -*arr?d away Into therhtmney, which, I y your improve
aTteala, 1? burned directly ceder the bo'reri; the entire
r*??e?u?ni?.e port or ma co?i I* ihu? made era ii'.ie (tr utt>
-.rat, itere ?? nouiing- left in las ?thee tad no'Jilng
The edvaEieje wttrl? year p<?c posaeaeee over ?ny other
vrtll wblrh I run treu ?i., ted. it olnerwiae g-reet. tiende toe
?ar.rgoi fot-i, ? bigb beat '.? tuora epeeduy o-iielned. end
eis te mjre ntlJv reguletod, U i?, liirri ? ire. wt-i, edapu-i
for HinallH aid Hot Ri-o-ne Calico l'r.uler*. D,er?, end
Bletcber? can scarcely fail lo adopt It wnea thry ?ee it.
1 err. elr, reepee-.ful v, \ nur?.
JNU MAcUREtid?, ChemUit
VOTKi.-Ttr --
i "TlKia.ee IrUigeu-sn. ?il ha t.miltiued ur?ler ibe oarae
o' BRlL?lMAN bltl-TUEk.. ?i isa ?i a ?nd ?.I
wka baa beer. In euumdtnre M Ibe ?tore fir s ?rue yea? will
stir/id i?. custiiuirr? a* u?asL, sod Is enihon.?! la) retcntra
aiad collect all d--!iis due irte ?^lal.llabtotSSiL
ALfRED BRID?EMAN, I r.araurrs.
Kl' -, ' (J I-,. ? .jufea-iar
ert* rr-eienel?
t?IT (?AI.'NT k I1KRPI-KMIN. I -1 ??-?l J'-h Nimll??.
C'PtO* ?iBFLI ??.-H:>b??? '????b. r*t? rereivad.?
rot sais by UAMNZRA Y0UaNi3,lJaC4iai_?--sL
?BENKRAL A?tM)kTHK*rr or
Of ALL KINDS. ?v\ fit ANTED, ?lo, gBrkmm^
. rtr -T p? ?v ?- r i? c ?rieri, a-\ .*%*&
W I* a BALLAOH. 1 CtaetWr, I "*?'??
>'?'*?* e*Yi??rofi
^,ln^ WtiKhM MKKtaOKRKi?-p L vira*
THE cfler* fur Ma. at I y I'-triem-?**, coto-- uJi^m
? l*BlB>?*.Ttrrieet of P ..?Unf of B-w *a33
liant dtwtcca ' . ? ?, 'J "r*
(??scad?.?, R.a??:>.
ai?us. J.tar.lrd CrotMtks, OaJioratde ?jTaa^aTTz^l.
l-wt.W Crosera, ?a.,or?ad?of 8?r>,suu
and Itlumlr.atloD*of rr'n ?or vr*?.?w. rrtvf! ?nd^liwT?!!*?
Reiher with ?nail-r w era* t? ibo tra)e; ?Sjrjf*
I once?, 2 ot-nte?. S our.,-??,, ?t, i lb. aad l at a?.*?.
**, s, t, s. s. m, ?Fatu - "--!-- ?oa?,,*
Brciro.aLIrbt?, ffnyiaia
riow.r Pot?, K .- Lt?ts?
T??'. ? Torpedoe?,
g ?-??' I ?am, Pttliln?* Crackera,
*:?:? waaaara i*?*rui] Wi*saio,
M?*tri?ofa>rperJii,lie MVT.ra
Torbil.otk?, MariMxia?
f'-?" saa Kir? Crttck WB. kc. a*.
ConimlU???* and ?II oiher? deeiruut ..r .- < x
can be *urx!?h#?I at th? ??.oilest n?,t.?e. ?n.t .uwesi pa ?cam
. B I* Vl'LTEE. t,.r Chal*am*ivlOr?*?^n??ta.
a i '?lyt*_?ntnur?? ?i losa tr ornngoa.
THf ?tVIr?' JLXTkEN!*1Vt'* ^^? SBd W^
1 ro-ortad F1r?*Work. ^er ???????.ilkrn,??*?! ?o ts7?ia38
I? Bow rtwdy and ?p-rrtl lor t-??l?>ttr?Ur)?i??? goarm?
July dl*p.?y* ("t dim, Iowas?, puhil.? gardm*, |?-.??t?> a??
lie? 1c with new at 'iiwv ran ..? iomm
?I shortest nolle.. A!m, t h??avy ?lork of ?waturM ral*!?*
? a ?Vi.rk? of ev.rv H#?cr1et1.?B I?-.:?-? in ?'?-wWfl?i?
will And It to lh?"lr tct-nwi to examine iSe .?in?, t? tkm ??
? -i and superior art'- ???, ne.i-r "-,.>r. .?ri- ?d tasas?
1*1, be.ni-entir??iy new. I)?-? ?"??.. ? - ' ?i -> ?i.-itatanr?
prie?? al 15 M?J.>n-!ace. or *l lise old Lulled **t*:?*s hnkml.
tory, J? rwty City.
JMUyi- I t? J. O. BOUK. Pyro??r?iii?t?.
1'HE LNDEKSUIN'?D bare for man a tttperlor aa*
complete aMortmeet of flrevrorfc*, also H.) I liaiPa
eeiebraied colored work*. City and coaniry ?raier? ?1?
and this a sapericr stock to ?elect from. ttH'.'.a. . uid C'.tla
A**< 'isilons can bo suppli***? srifi the ab?v<it-. .tts?,
rantd. and on ta? bk?*i retit>r?c?*-!o term?, by
BADEAt" it LOCBWOOD. **) West"?twos.
r saaet two ?i??..? aoaa? of Puii.m-?i ?a ompioto
?ssvr in.?li of Ftiawork? tro now ou'enid for ?alt?, cor*sial?
In? of the following? :
Rurkt.1?, from 1 as. lo 1 lb , Botnsn Candi?*?, from ] lo tt
??U?. TittMiii??of all ?It???, fcVruii WMi do, V?iti?-?I do,
do. Iflneaot BorpouUdti, Benaroie I.ig-hi? du. txi.ililOot
pl?s??d., riyli'tt PU?*on? do, Torlillloo? dt?, >>??ii?rn?d<a,
Flottt-r P.ir?, P..ri K roa Pl-i Whttr-1? oVjrrvKritt, Orsaah?p.
prr?, Blue Lixht?, Torr-^diMts, Puliln? Crtu-kor?, D?*aik||
1I.I..I.I?. Caulon Rock?!?, Fire Ct??-t*r?, N.at, I u' t
Jostle,a* fcc Country m?*rrh?n>? ?o.l d???!ert In (ee??n*Z
are r?-?ju??*l?'d to call and ?txcinine Uie abo.? MS? I.
N. B.-Commltt??ee for r;i> ?nd country d'.tp'?-1 ml*i?arj
and private pardas, ran btt?uppll?*d on Ihr most ,\>m%l
term? with lb?* abort? in?-nlion??d an'.-le?, warranted, a?
material* havlce beeu *<?Ir<.-ietl with the u.ino.1 <-%ro.
jillSw? M BBNNBTT.
F'IKK WOKHM--MOKAN. NtrurSeittrtir ofTn?
Bolts, ?tore Ctirier'.nem. cor. of UiTtsioo tad Casi?
fcam-??i'iare The nn-m ?;-i?*'..i:1 ?t?x;k for toe wboleatki
and ra-tt.it irtdo in tbi? cty Tnere y>a ?re tare loro]
th-m bf t'er then tt ?ny oth?r rlics, as you a*ei i*-?t?a trua
tfce rikcufkciurer. Dlsp ?ys supplied.
)-."Uyl* DANIEL *jORA^Pv-oi?i*???jt
t*IKKWl??lastJ?l*r"FI^ - Al~ik<rJHy
I 8;>.re i?.' Jobo-??, of evory descrlpllou, ihe best quaUty,
and at ihe lowttt prl.?<*. at lb? ???rw of
fe?l 2w* VVI?. H FREY l? BROTIIEB.C. Jot?????.
DESIiINS?A more roiMplet? a??K>rtm?Bt, of rjetu?
qualiiv, or at lower pr r^, n*v?r o(T?r??<l fail and l?tS
Jel-iiJui" J B PI RD\ B, ^ M?ido?i?lai*<B, up Main*.
t ?uoecnitt-r? at *_|
?:i ?i ob Tbiiraaasi
illy fron ! I i/docL
of iJiwissirepta]
BOOKS "K SI BSCRIPTION to ibe Capital ?lock g
ibis Company will be open 1 by the fubaertberi et Us
Mecfcinlrt' B?nktng Ajein-lauon, 3? Well et? ob
ata 1 lib Irai, end will be kepi open dally P
AM.tel KM. uoill the whole emouBt
?he.i be ?ubecrtbed. Tea per ee?t peyeble ?I lb* B_s a,
iub*crt?mg, and the belence when required, of which eta
notice will b? gIvea.
John Paiisb. Philip R Keabjit,
tuto g Penti, E. H Lain?.,
Edgar H. Letflf, Joba Peina,
Rutiell Stebbtne A C K:ngilecd,
Cornelia? Seva.e, W'm. Ootr.oot,
Henry H EUlo?, R-.ch'd t Carmen,
Wm E Wiimerdlcg.Jr. Dac'lS Miller,
rred'l Peats, Philip R. Keerny,
Rleh'd K Height, Cht* E. Uulucy,
Oeo. C. Seller;ee, Jaa. D O.lvar,
u m E Huwlend, Rradleh Jiilmeon,
Fred'k H. Wolcolt, Roberl Lane t?? if
INSTITUTION hee Issued ditrtnj?, the mo?* |
,7, IH-ir?, 571 new p?ilirlea vis :
MHr.-h?ri?an<lTradere...l.ti Kea?alee.|.?
riiHIS I
I Mey,
Manufacturers. in
Clerl?. 3.
Pliysicl?nt. II
Cleriymen. 1?
Mariners.;. 7
Teacbert. f
Broken anil Crublere....
Publie .-i' i?re.
IV I tore .
Total ww pollrlea Iss'ied In Mty.Si?
Total new pollclea Isa-ierl In Aprl'.SU
Tom new pollclea ttt'ied In March .Ml
Total new policies Issued In February.*H
Total new policies Itiued In January.T?if
Totel new pollrie? liiiied In 18**?.?.TM
Total number luued.9,SSI
Dividend? elloeeied annually Dividend f?r l h*?', 50 peg
cent JAMES '?(?onWIN, PreeWest,
Ebknfzeb FL.ivvre, Vic.? President,
Geobgb R. PHEi.rs, Herretery.
The Script Certlficatt?? of 1847 ? '.II be redeemed, by ordre
of tbe Dlnactori, on preeenietlon el the Ageney, 54 vviim,
opioelie the Merchant?* E?ch?n?-e.
_ _ WS. DUNHAM. hraet.
A 8. K i ?sa at, M D. Medical Examiner, el the office 4*111
from 2 lo S o'clock. JH ?Ut?T?a?J?t
Office, No. SI Wall, corner of Pearl?, ft T.
capital, a?r>o,(s.?i.
rrsillS COMPANY, beving llValrrspiral all pela to, la
A cash, ere prepared lo luaure Bulldin,ri, M-rrl????1Jsa,
Houaehold Furniture, \Vest-le In Port, their Cirr*?*. bi
?irelral lose or damage by fire; also, the Rleke of loleal
Navigation end Transportation, on tbe ni-iai fevirraWl
term?. All lotee? proinrjly ?d|uated an.l paid.
Rcri's8Toev, Moses Tsylob, BaMrsoa M ocas,
F?AN. I? HklDDY, ill NttV Kl-EV, All S. Puarsa,
Jai B. Wilson, Alex II Grant, W... A, FotTte,
Bin.B Shiiman, Mabahai.i. ParooN.lsAAi C. Ta vl.
BAMI'HON MOOita", Preald
J Milton Smith, Becr?tary. 27f
OF THE CITT OF NEW-YORK, office eo- ofOresa
wlch and Dey ete over the North River Ber.k. Cast
capital, $?S.sj,i.oo. Iteureii?? egelnat lot? or damags by fine
Ornees W Bavarf. Hern-tary \?Ott
ELT Y k BAKER, Uli Ci_ir_i.i-st ceU lh* eitasiBtS?
'?U p?sr?on? wbbiIe? Shade? to ttetr ?aeoriatat Sf
Ibadee, end meterlali for mall?n end hanging Slalaa
Fliey tneke the hast quelliy only, and sail ?t price? fail *
?M-r cent leaa than any otser i**anatar?Jr?r>ra. A11 teasel
werrenled sot to ?tick or cur!. Jal Us*_
T? PERY MLSLINS, Ac -reinii.es ehout f'.ro.
their window? with the aitove erBclea. wljl find at J
WOODFORD'B, 1? Briedwey, the lergeei el baala*
torunnBi la ihe city ; ?ever?! new etyle? never bel. .re lai*?*
ducetd In flaw-York. Lace and muslin c?rteles ir jpsry,
tassais, loop?, pis?, bat.de corn'.co?, Ac. Fai... : as sat?
cbaeta?. of lie subscriber may rely apon getting s -ratean
?rJrle, and ae low a? Il 1? poetibta to Import or mi
lure IL Merchsnu buying at wboieaaie will fiad ltd??
lo their ?dveotSA.? lo cei before pur.-.healng elaewbera
el6tf J. C WOODFORD, M Broadway
a ?The French Oenerai Agency loforrneii'Mi orfir.a, IIS
Oreenw1ch-?L N.Y propos?e tu sil persooe urtuhtug treat*
?'nenie, Ac. in lhair emplo. for Sept. next, or hav o?jleaa,
hoota-t or country piece? to tell, to call ?t 'heir offi ? *, nmat
lfcH?epertuie of the tteamer of tbe 3d July, a? ? rawsBier
of the Atre?cy w.ll pr?*-a??ed to Parte and lake w. i hi? el
it? comnilieliMil of whirl, they may be lnirueted Ev?
ltiformellon on France etd Europa cea be oblelned Ti*4
lsiioE? in every language **??* ?* promnUy ns^jiad.t
?ecuniy wUl be (ifiti for every ?f-errailoo, of wiileSI
mev ta It. trusted __,
^UTIt'E? Worthy oi ?toe etiectioB of DrrcB-aM
? r.d C ,eir?eior? Prop-.ti-lon? ?anil be made .'or l_
lug from '.Aun to S,?* ?"**-' ?f Dock?, sal ?Iiid. tn ?rea 1
to ?ii ucrea of ground On ei pUeadoa, tnlbrinetloo wlall
irlf??i?r?as*aa??"e7 fe wiii-jr t?mese ?y?nr?-ae?J f?*_L
??roa by the txnde4^i/?i>eii, et b'e Office, 10 Stala-et I haaj?
A fxtKHON tavir.?- tonn manna end tas ta* sirs?
erence endect,ueli.iei.ce la O.-egoo. la Inlesa-iiH*7?L
te-'ihth e aoaee taara for lb? eel? of gooda, aad at me
order?. To thoae who ere deeu-wu* of nak.ng aa a
n.ent wl h l?.em, or ic eo_?ia?n good? or macblo?!??. _
larvim- tnd raferecri. v?l I c given by *?drr*sir>r ' *j"
toe." New-York ros--Of!.ce, p ?tpeld. __if!--_
ISOM I^OC?DEMS-t rare line ..--i Biaci?
I ItoapelaJtia, Chercial. A-.U.raelle aod BiiasaSe??"
fcr taring, bee? qo?llly ttor Ir.? work, tv?r eel? bT _
CU?JUJ?i J ABtfAKO Soattore Wutavmm,
Jtllm?_ __-J^^
TO JOB PKINTKKi -Tbe **?*$**? ^uZ
te.r ?a eeeortment of ?aperior Esa**a?sji****J,?', y?
Kt up tn small ranisieri. Ai?.?, astre-Boa wotw
m loe ierr.a mea^fecturert. S- H<... __i M
JstlllinDaiW__:!?i? ??J
/ 'H AIN lABI.R-s-A le/g? ammsessneulot t**9
Wtvee, intVmm V??UcSwA.*?-*

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