RK DAILY TRIBUNE. VOL. X.NO. 2960. NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1850. PRICE TWO CENTS. THE NEVV-YOR.K DAILY TR1BUN2 IS ^"SEELD EVKRY MORNING, 'SUNDAYS EXI Bl rED.) ,T Tl,t TRIB?NE BUILDINGS. COUNER 0> SFK?CE AND NAS sau-STRKKTS. OPPOSITK THE CITY "ALU ? tAri df-iivrrt'ti lo Cltj Subscribers for IK. I-K Cent? pel f,.t.. or whet. :l;<-v prefer, tbey cut pay U?adv Fnre &'< per aistRim. Pwoc toniorfaU idTWrtiWea^ ! cento aiue each inseraoai rVEW-YORK aVEEKLi sTRIBUNE, , y> RY LARGE PAPER FOR THE COUNTRY. .8 pnbllabed ' very Saturday Si rning, at the law price of ?2 per ajinu'i :n advance. Eight copies lor SI", or twenty copies tr one ?.tIp-.-? j.'". ?::'! tli" pupjT ;n no c.ixe cou ttnuoii beyond the tun.' tor winch it is paid. Advertisements for Una sheet wit) be charged 20 cents per Eue eccli tn*er?on. Til li NEW-YORK TRI BI NE FOR EUROPEAN CIRCUhATlON lr fui-nshrA on the departure of vacli Mai) Steamer for Liv? erpool Pr.ce 6i cents per copy, or $t per vear. oo?t nttrlia -xed the wand ' p-ra of b8 performed,be wsnd^()iiMA; nc.?,b.Mme. De Vrlea | AdBlgdsa..'-Mtne. Cassini j>0l ( r. H. Un Vnei ' Oroveso.Signnr NovelII Dwjra open ->trt o'clock : to commeuce at 7j o clock. fVJA?ATIK 1>* VKIKH-T.18 Second end last bat lv I ?ne performance, of tbls c-leoea'ed Singer, will take place f.n KRI D.-l V i.'x:, nh-n NORM a will !>o produced ?r A?tor Opera Houjo._09 31* ~ jxiBL?'s Warden U&ti^r.Mr. JOHN 8EFTON Ticke!? 5? Cts. to all pa-ts of the Saloon ?Private Bjxes, %?. floors open at 6{?lo commence at 7$ o'clock RAVEL KaMILY tveiy ni?hl except Saturday. THIS EVENING. Oct. 11, the Performances will com mtnee nilb the coml- pautonitme of A SOLDIER KUR LUVE. To be follow ed. by f.] ieaL with the STIREE DU Bid. Intermission of haif an boar, during which, snd after the close of the performance, the rrasnificent Ball Room will be thrown open, where Ice Crasrni and refreshments of every var.ety may lie o'* aiced. To conclude wiih the comic ballet pantomime eatitled JOCKO ; or, the Brsz'.ilm *pe. T* xt??Al?W >. Y fllKATIlK ? Woora up?D Bl 7,-Ta Dcoiraneoca al 7i o'c <>ck.?THIS EV EN1NQ, Ocl ?Will be presented the comedy of BCHOOL KU?. SCANDAL Blr Peler Tet/'e..Davidge | Lidy Tea/.'o..aflss Cuibman. Afttr which, a new Pas de Denx, La *ete Champelre, by SI;nnr Neil and Mdlie Adeline. To conclude wlib tbe le audiences. Tlcaela Uh cents. Dusts ooou at Gj , comur occasion, both lti reipeci to NUMBJ5K and TALENT, bsver.tver before oten attempted in Ihe U a tied Bik.oi tnSTRUMCNTAL DEPARTMENT The violins will nuiidie'no less than fifty re-formers; ihe violas, violoncellos acJ ttcab'e '(asa*s, uclug In f-tll proportb n The wind lnstraments will be quadrupled as In Ihe viand Euiot'ea^ fes iv-is, beiui double iho number geteially uied urder ihe ?upeur leiidrnce of atr. VVililam S. K'b-' Or?sn ln of Uiace Church, ?>ii| namber TWO HUNDRED VOICES Tiie whole undor ihj dlreciio iof yr. Bocasa Assistant Director of Musical affairs, Henry 0. Wats >n TlcsrlsUce Dollar toa.i iuris ul the ball To he bad at Ihe office, 251 Broadway, seo-.d :1 >or; fie music stores, and at Vrlplnr 11a I. Opncerl to begin at 8 o'cloca ; Iroore open at 6 o'clock. Puiiber particulars will tie duly announced oil lw tr IP er~ HaIL ? BROADWAY, OPPOSltE BOND STP.SET. THE 8B\ ENTH ?RAND CONCERT! Mr. 11 a k M 'I baa ih* honor to announce ibst the Seventh Grand Concert Of MD'LLK JENNY LIND, W Ul lake place In the above cauiea Hall early In Ociobsr, and Ibat her Concern will from that sertod oe given in Hew-York regularly unil! further ao:lce' .Particulars here aftsr. ,25 If 1 ,UIf (?KKAT V\IHUF TUK lUURtCAN - INSTITUTE conil^uts open to the pifllc al 'issue OaiUrn Cativ frutu b A M until 10 P. M. T.io a.nnl?orsary ASV,,,wl',"o't^fes at ihe Tabernacle THIS EVEN INO at 7J o r. ck by 8 a Arnold. Esq Music i>y mem. bersofitie Uaimonlc 8.>cl?tv. Saa.sKree oil it I UOtHKS'i I'ASOhTa^?ToK CCBA^Opeaeve -Li,, -Ubi this week at the k-metva Rooms. 106 Broad w?y. ii la a most splendid work of a'ts exhibiting mos; beautifully at d fatinfuHy lb. elites, country, mouotatns sad luxirlilis tropical vegetation. Also, by pictures o surpassing arilsllc matit, the Social customs of'he Cubans ate lllustrales) j msgnl6cent views of sugar, coffee aad to bscco estate; rashogsgy, cedar, ebony lress. and roy? palms Doors open at tij P. M., panorama commscces to move at 7} pre-lsUy. Aduuttance ?"> cenls : chl.dreu half Pilce._ oS60s* a l'Oi i o ROO.TlKi. Sffi SP.Oaii v VY-0 AAevert ovenlng during ihe week. Tn.i original and weil known Cauipauologiana. ui S.v,sa Bell Klose s ,?ir J H 1 .ir-n-i, (a,eetobrated C.mnincio. Mi.. Ju.ia i^ouid. tee aeccmp uhed \ jcilln and Plains', f-oin ibe principal Lopdon ihvaxera Tickets 85 cents. D.orso^nalOj.nl ?SiTB?flT**0" *l '* o'r']0it-C?lDK*of BAHINl .IJ'r? .Ol KRIVAM .MVetKUtYI.?P T HA?MS, M?La?ei ana rioprielor.-JoUN OAliEN JwOOO, Jr. 4s?li'.ani Manager -Cominenolce *soaaa? U-i. 7, 1850 i2d week of Ire DRUNKAflO. Every tvo Blfgaid^o Saurdav Aft-rroon will ho p?rf.rmed ihe greai moral drama c f THE D8.UNKARD.wtlh Miss Cbsp. ??aas Mary Mtdd'eto.i. ?v.-ry Afiernoon two amusing farcea, an Lnleriitomesl by the L iLcaahtre Beil R ngers, iCHMSJr,t|!' llaILl1 H ir A'nong the CuM-.sltles are a splend'A bust of JENNY LIND; the Htwster Infant. MaJam r-Tr''',,??.!,.* r*ncb r" PWno-Teiler, ts also here a.fWooon ecu, ea'draBunaoriP,eiars, 12, cents P"'Si4WH1? SOCIKTY^"n7n"t7ie7So7, Khscrlptton. ???iiS? [n,Jtmf 'hV esll. ns for a?i^-late Mern?^.h,U ?i ft1,,euoa 1111 ?PP? music srore of Mes.r lT ^!?d/1 lte TerU,,_8ub.crlptlons$To^ch.0j".5 ^L'i"- 4'V - w?o*?f ?ln*- .beholder lo three tlck-u m^'l n ?(lT?cca'/n') privilege of taking two axtraOX^.?c5 ^ou,erJ!. Md lhe fx JO each Associate atM^^J^' Coa?r? ? advance, en?lllog the hoM?to^r?S ,v^b' ltJlible tn sal. atd one Icku. lo each Coacwt?M " tor extra tickets ai that of ,-i , ,w? lh? nm* prlvllega will take p ac? Nov 2o "wpnotui Toe first Concert Bvorder. a r ? 8 Johnson. Secrelanr C "**M, PreildenL ol 6;e>d lb, Charles MuLer. ThU woTk of triMaIb:^ U>* great gold meoai at the NaiW ExhUitoon'^*3 Arts in Paris, 1849. Is now opea iu toe pab'te at Si rooffis of the National Acadersy of De,l ?"???"??> Tj7*ro In nr?it"ug to welcome them to tho city. After they had land? ed they formed in front of the Brookly n c >mparjie? and took up their route for the Navy Yard. After viewing the Yard they proceeded to tho City Hall, and thence went to Major Tomsey's, where a col. lation was in waiting, after partaking of which they again returned to New-York. The beauti? ful horses, fine men, brilliant equipments and flat tering array of pennants of their lancoi, exhibited a most elegant mar'ial appearance, and elicited mnch approbation. On their return they came up Kssiau st. to The Tribune office, wheeled down Park-row and went around the Park up Brotd way to their quarters. Last night they put their horses aboard the caraj and, at 10 o'clock started tbeui fjr Boston. Tne men remained over night, and wiil ir-ave to day ! >r home. They express tberiig-tlves highly delighted with their visit, and with the attentions oouto-ved upon them by our military companies. Wo shall long remember them as most worthy representa? tives of the brave soldiery of the Cradle of Libeity. t?F The Bible Presentation by the Ladies' Philanthropic Association of tho E. L. Snow So? cial Union, to the Grand Council of the Ordor, took place last evening at the Broadway Tabernacle. The Tabernacle was filled nearly to its greatest capacity by a highly respectable assembly of men, women and children. It is the characteristic of this Ordor of Temperance Reformers that they admit both sexes, endeavoring, as far as practicable, to imitate the family upon a larger scale In the'com panionship and social intercourse of the members of the body. Col. E. L Snow, in honor of whom the Order is named, was one of the original group of Washingtonians, along with Hawkins. Cady and others. Ho was also one of the sixtoan who founded the order of the Sona of Teinporanee which now numbers its hundreds of thousands of members. The meetinc last evening was a grand turn out. Hun. .lame* Harper presided. 3pee?(i es were made by 11 ev. John Marsh, Win. D. Dodge, Ksq.; Hev. Mr. Cram of Osivego, and Col. rjnow himself. A variety of odes were sung by Mrs. Waihburn, who seems to be a great favorite with the Order; Mr. Farsenburg, of Barnum's Museum, and by tho excellent choir assemblnd from all the thirteen I'nions of the Order in the City. The Bible was presented by Miss Goucklln and received by J. P. LRcour, 12sq. G. G. 8 (Grand Garden Star.) It was announced at the close that the -rjcia' Union of the Order No. 8 will give an entertain raent at the Chinese Assembly Rooms, on Uroad* wsy, next Wednesday evening Good Samaritans?At a go-iera! attendance of the Representatives ol the several Grand Ledges ol Good Samaritans, held in thii city yes tetduy. a Nat.ot.al Grand Lodge was organize'1, and the following officer! elected for the current year, vi;-; C.B Hnlshsrt, R. W. N. r.O f ol New-York. I ??se Covert, R IV. if. O ? of do. N ?.Jenner, R VV, N. 0 Q S orPenni'IvaoJa. I. P. Ayren, R W, N V 0 8. of New-Jersey Win. J. Mullen R W. N Q O. of Penmjlvanls. J. O. Toiiuod. R. W. N. 0 P, of New Jersey. K. I) AI en. R W 1M O H of New.Votk. I>?nlel Oettv. It *Y. N O. T. of P?nr?ylvanls. Wrr. H Bnnnliter, R. W N. (I. At. of Nerv Jersey. lienrv Miller, R W. N O P. of do. P.B. Bin-more R IV, N.O. W of Pennsylvania, A large amount of business wag done, and a general good feeling pervaded the meeting. The N. G. Lodge adjourned to meet in Philadelphia in August next. Sons of Temperam e? The Grand Division of tho Stale of New-York is now in session in this City. _ An Amikican Violinist.?We had, on Wed i esday evening, the pleasure of hearing a young American Violinist, Mr. James Perkins of thii City, who, wo doubt not, will hereafter be reck? oned among the best performers on his favorite in strument. Mr. Perkius possesses a decided mu sical genius and passion far tho vioiin, disciplined by earnest study and practice upon the best mod? els. We recollect first hearing him in public some four years since at a benefit given to his niasteri EUpetti, at Palmo's Opera House, when the ap plauso bestowed on his performance was universal and enthusiastic. Since then he has gained net only In age and science, but in tirmnesd of hand and purity of intonat|on. We are confident that when he rrr.bes his tlebut before the public he wiil be i:cogni;:ed as an artist of eminent merit, and t.n honor to the country whijh, as yet, produces too few geoiunes in art for ui not to cherish ovory one with the most cordial appreciation. drop li 11 er postage. Mr. Editor? You have dispesedof the penny postman by ?howlng that lie is entitled to but one cent ior delivery each letter. Will you dome the favor to iLiurru me by what law I aua obliged to i ty two cent, for every letter that is dropt into our Post-Office- and put in my Bos, for which I ; ave paid the regular rent in advance. I aome times wish snswers to advertisements sent to my Poat-Offioe Box. Is it just or legal that ! m tat pay two cents on each ? S ours, respectfully, 0. S. I K: The charge cf two cents for drop letters is legal, and thret cents in all whtn guch letters are delivered by carriers ; the hiring of a box is at yot r own optioD, that being a matter or conve? nience only. S9* The Anniversary Address before the Amer lean institute will be delivered this evening at the Tabernac'e at Tj o'clock, by Samuel Greene Ar r,o!d; Esq. of Providence, R. I. Qen. jime, Tall nudge, President cf the ioititute, will preside. Tro music by members of tho Harmonic Society. 8eatsl"ree. IS** An infant two months oU, found under a wagon, corner of Twenty third-st and Lexicon, avenue was sent to the Alms-Hoase. Th* m ^kil.oohf *v?MinYiir~rma A?T,k;ri.N,ei! ^;^tttt,ll?, recently arrived from Europe, iiaong which U " ^rmarila,'' by Kochler, s work of an of ?s highest dais, the exhibition of painnn?;? by artim of above school has received many additions, and remains *fntz at the two rooms over tha Hail of the Chart a of D1 tido Unity In Broad way, barvreea Spring ?nd Prioce-aia 'om 10 o'clock A. at till IP o'clock P. 14. Admtsaioi. efey, :.?as,-i) ?"??*?? ? c*^c?ra*a Spirit of The Whig Preaa. TM WHIG STATS! OoMVJISTtOfl and the No j MiRATlOKS._The Wh'gS'&to Convention mot at Syricoae on Thursday last, and, after the nomina? tion of the lite reliable Whigs whose n&mei are st tire head of our columns, split oa the Resola tioci. Some forty of the Delegate* left the Con? vention because the majority insisted upon reite? rating tbrie Urii.cip'es which the Whig? of the Umpire State hsvesoo'ten in lirnes past proclaim? ed to the whole Union, through their Resolutions and Addresses, as being an unchangeab e part of tfceir creed. And became of this, a pretended Whig paper, the Albany Slate. Regis'er, has re? fused to support the nominations, and at the bid dlDg of those who own it and its editors, eubgises those traitors, p.nd insults the memory of the vene? rated 8:gr,ers of the Declaration of Independence by the assertion that .hey are "of the same stamp: " and designates the man wham the Whig party hss frequently honored with i!? suffrages as ''the r>nnr Anmriimr) mr?Tihor nf thp. United 8t*t?S ?enate from this State " These gentlemen have calied a OoLvention for the 17th of this month at Utica, for the purposs of nominating a bolting Ticket. The Delegates, of course, will be self elected, as the Whig Electors will have nothing to do with the affair. And we imsgine that Mr Duer and his sstellites will find it ra"ther an uphill job to sedoce any number of th?m into their train ; and that a dissolution of the party is not so essy a job after all. [Mr. Richards, the Delegate from Warren Co. in the Byrtcuse Convention, voted steadily in the minority.] From Ike Auburn Daily Advertuer. OP The New-York Commercial Advertiser, the Rochester American, the Buff'slo Commercial Ad? vertiser, and the Brooklyn 8tar, papers sympathiz? ing with the State Register in its peculiar views, refuse to follow that paper in one particular. They ail carry the Whig ticket at the head of the;r oo lumi s, and warmly recommend its support. We have no doubt that when the men who are now holding back, take time for reflection, they will come into the support of ths ticket with a hearty good will. From the Herunter County Journal. Whig 8tate Ticket ? As we anticipated, the Convention which assombled at Syracuse on Tnars day !nst, have fully met the hopes and expecta? tion* of the great body of the Whig party of the Empiro 8tatt>, in the formation of a Ticket upon whish a'l sections and branches of too pirty can cordially unite. A more excellent and unexcep? tionable ticket than the one ^t the head of our col? umns, it has not been the good fortuuo rif the -Vhig pi"v to have in the held fir maoy yoarj past. It cor f*,ea nil the elements of brilliant talent and souij political principle, necessary to its complete and triumphant success. It is a tickex male up through the operation of mutual ceneossioni and compromises, on the part of delegates holding dis? similar views upen the less important matters of party policy, and hence it commends itself, the more strongly, to the favor of Ihe russiesof the Whigs of .New-York. We regret that anything should have occurred to mnr the feeling of patriotic pride and honest en? thusiasm which tho ann.uncement of such a ticket must have enkindled in tho breast of every true W big. Theoharai tor of the ticket was a cheering augury of its success at the polls. That there should bo any disagreement among membsrs of a Convention, which had so happily and satisfactori? ly discharged the great work which had called it together, ran but prove a source of grief to nine tenths of the Whig electors tr roughout the State. The msiaes cannot possibly be made to discern any just or sutlicient grounds for disagreement or dis? sension, because there can be no division apon principle among truo Whigs; and a division upon the minor considerations of mire messures of ex? pediency, or upon men, is equally ill-jadgod and suicidal. We can but hope tbat this temporary storm? J tbis mere "tempest in a tea pot," will blowover, Upen Ihe return of tfco ' auber second thought' of those who have been tossed and drivon from their j moorinpe by it* sudden occurrence As for us we have but one course to pursue. We never have and never shall become a party to any fa.xiiy quar.-bl. The uDhappy and disa* trous broils are vi idly and distinctly before us in the history of our opponents. Ii?!t the d'seom?t ures and distractions produced by their folly, serve as way-marks and beacons of warning for us, and let tho helm of oor flsg ship be put 1 harda-lee,' that the whole Whig fleet, fol owing in her wakf*, may run to windward of the ro:ks upon which Loco Focoism was dashed in pieces Trie wisest and best course in ouropinion is, for each and every Whig press in tho State to put out toe 'Syracuse ticket' at its mnst-head, and ' keep it mi,' it: dkeep it flying, till the ides of" November sha'l put it in by a triumphant majority of the votes of the Free Electors of the State. From the Lock-port Daily Courier. [3/" Our political opponents who il fetter thorn selves with tho prospect ol success from the with? drawal of thirty-eight members of the Convention, are reckoning without their host. Both the ticket j and the principle! presented by the Wnig party, ; commend theu-selvea to the gool sens-? and a-rpro bstion of '.he people of this State, and will meet ' with a hearty response. The nominations cannot j fail to receive the support of every man who has, I or ever had any just claims to the mme of Whig, while they cannot fail to receive the support of large numbers ol honest, well meaning men, with? out regard to party lines. Tne distinguished abil? ity with which ilr. Hunt has discharged the various public trusts committed to him, is familiar to all ciasses of citizens. As a Representative in Con? gress, whi.e neversuspected of any want of attach? ment to tho Union, no man in the ll iuse sustained the interests and principles of his constituents with greater assiduity and zeal. Whenever any meas ; ure presented itself to his mind, within tha sphere j of his outies as a legislator, calculated to promote . the interests of justice, of freedom, of the happiness or advancement if man, or tending ti a^bier/a tho j best interests of the country, it receive;! hU cordial ! and efficient support. Fi ms (Ac Mutton County Jeunu , The Cokventioh and the Ticket.?W? sue | render a large share of our columns tlii? week to an account of the proceedings and resolutions of the State Convention. We do this m >re especial? ly that our reader*, and the Wnigi of this County, may see at once how groundless and absurbare the pretexts of the thirty-eight gentlemen who hsve resolved to bolt, and " go elsewhere in search of Whig principles." We have, in another place, expressed cur hearty concurrence in the rrsolu tiona relating to the exciting t jpic of the day ? These, however, are by no means all, or even the greater portion of the platform The old fashioned t Whig principles aside fromt:-e Slavery question, j have been announced as clearly and as fully as they ever were sicce the party had a biing. We j invite the close attention of the Whi^s of the County to the entire platform, conh" lent that it will stand the test of the closest examination. From the Buffu ll yet revoke tne cs!i for a new i Convention. The feeling of personal exasperation which led to the secession must have nesr.y sab ' sided, and the policy of giving way and acquiescing i in tho Dominations mide at Syracuse is so ob? viously wise, so important to the administration; that it is wholly impossible to suppose that the movement is to be persisted in, unless we suppose that the faction which originated and now support the Register at Albany have undertaken to drive the great hulk of the Whig party into opposition to the administration, in order to make the supporters of the administration as few as possible, so that ' thereshall be but a smallnumbertodivide the fed? eral oilicessmong. We know this plan was adopted in several of the New-England States, wbenJaca j ion csme into power in lrS9, and ported for ma? ny j ears, grea-ly to the advantage of the " pecu j liar frieLds ' cf the administration; but we have i our doubts whether it would work as advanta? geously under a Whig Executive. The great Whig party of the nation desire to sustain a Wcig Administration, and they will not be driven into opposition by the indiscretion and folly, or even worse, cf a few unprincipled hirelings, such as the Editor of the Albany Register, or the insolence of the Swiss politicians, who claim to be the only iends of Mr. Fillmufie . We have at the head if the Natiscal Sovernmeat, and in the Executive Department*-, men of undoubted ability and pat notism, able ai d fea.'les? aovocaus of tae great principles of the Whig party ; and tre people be Teve tbal their sincere dsire is to adcoiLister the Government so as to promote the lasting good uf the natioc, by deve.ooing tha resources of the country, tugmentirg its wealth, and fc*t?:iog a'i industrial pursuits. Cherishing this belief, they will uphold the Administration with an arm of strength. And the continued aid of the p?op!e is indispeisabie in carrying out tha Wnig ; measures of Deai icrattc policy. Without that siJ all efforts to that end oo the part of the Executive must prove abortive. There must ; be mutual confidence between the Executive and ? (be peopje, and the Utter, in choosing thoir rapre i jeDtntives?in selecting men to frame laws and car? ry out the views and recommandattonj of the ' Chief Executive Magistrate of the c .entry?mu3t be truo to their own interests, and to suffer no iutlu : ence of whatever nature, to interpose between , them and the accomplishment of the great result upon which our prosperity as aState and a Nation I ?n imm'-diately depends. The President and the wise men who compose his Cabinet cannot look at ! this matter ia any other light. Thov m?*? in been irritated by the opposition of Gov, Sow ard ; to icme ol their measures, but they cannot desire, i ss a mein? of punishing him and his friends, to see Loco Focoiim triumph any where. It is needless to say that the ticket shai have the hearty support of this Journal. But we may [/'edge for it the enthusiastic support of the Whigs" of Madison County. Here is no wavering nor fal? tering. The votes of our drlegatai to the State Convention, Messrs. Goodwin and Beecher, were in exact accordanco with the wishes of the,ir con? stituents, who would net have been satialiod with less. The bolters must look for aid and comrort esewhere. Hut a word is necessary iu regard to the gentie rren who announced in advance, that if the Con? vention did not strike out the Free Soil p'anks from the platform, and did no: rnfuse to npprove Gov. Seward, they should ' bolt." They Alternated to nictate tho course of the Whigs of the Empire State, and having failed, left the Convention in a hnff. That they will carry anybody with them is absurd. That so treasonable a course is approved by Ibe National Administration Is erary destruction upon tha party when they found their nefarious icheno.es defeated. While without full and exact accounts j of the whole proceedings, we are un willing to say j all we would upon the subject, and we are not yet : without hope that some mutaaen n;.ti.'n of the pro I priety o' such a c iurse may hsve dictated : :e ac? tion of Mr. Granger and hi* associates, an 1 that the breach may ye- be healed?the d-aarter* j brought back i:.to the mihi of tha Whig army? j OLd harmony and unity of action be restored to the But whatever may be the oonouut of a sa.ush j and designlt t? few, we hive tri? fullest t-oali lonce j that the Wnig party generally throughout the State wili stand flrin tn their principles, and true I to the lupport uf reguiar nomiuatiocs. We do not j believe that the ?eceder? can so far blind the Waigs ; of New-York as to lead even a respectable minor j ity into their factious and unreasonable ?eherne.? ! If threatened by tresson, the party wi! sooner suf j fer de feat thai, yield its self respect b/ any uuwor I thy action The b.-?ach appears to have been occasioned by the pasisge of a resolution approbatory of tho con j duct of Senator Sewtrd during the recent struggle j in the United 8tstes Senate, which resulted ir. the signal triumph of S.avery over the princip e* of Freedom. During thst struggle, the cour?e of the Senator frrm New- York was worthy of the repre? sentative o' a Free-State. His unflinching and un ceasirg advocacy of iboso priccip's* dear to toe great majority ol his psrfy, won for him the admi? ration of bi* conititneney, and increased the confi? dence of the Whigs of New-York in his integrity and ability. The position be then occupied nas teen fully and triumphantly indorsed in the regu? lar Convention of the Whig party by a vote ol near ? !y two to one, notwithstanding the most strenu? ous (xertions of his enemies had been made throughout the State, to obtain the return of tneir friends is Delegates to the Convention. And hi* position will yet be more signally and yet more energetically indorsed by the voters of the State. With the reports as they have at present reach ?d ci, wecsn discover no oailiatinn of the reckless and unprincipled conduct of ihe Oranger and Duer cl'que. Tney stand forth as traitors to tha Whig cause To attempt to disguise the fact is Idle and vair, and we are not so accustomed to the tine splinirgof straws as to designate their oondaot by an;. o:l.er name than that of tkeaju*. Unable to ctr'y out their dcsigrs. and defeated by a large majority, ttu y refuse to bo bound by the act'on of the bco'y? effect a second organization, and call a second Conveniian. If this is not treason to the Whig cause, wo should ba pleased to hear it christened by iomo other name. We shall support :o the utmost the regular nDin insticns, and we trust and believe that the Whigs throughout the State will rema;n trae to their principles and constant to the cause. We have every hope that the party will yet triumph by uDanimf us action and strict regard to the prin? ciple of voting for regulsr nominitions. and that the fscsicus and unreasonable conduct of a few riesign'ng men wtll be rendered powerless for evil. Freu the Troy Veil. The 8etedek.; ?The extraordinary course pur? sued by Messrs Granger. Doer and the minority of iha Hyrnnun Whii i"/mi?ntifin is without a par? allel in the history of politics. An excellent ticket, every way acceptable to the party, and fairly and regularly nominated, was never before abandoned and repudiated becanae ail o' the resolutions passed by tho majority were not acceptable to Ihe mino? rity. Hereafter, if this new rule is to prevail, the resolutions pissed must meet tho unanimous ap proval of the Convection or the nominations will bo without any binding force Freut M.- Oticgo Republican. With what propriety can these gentlemen make s simple resolution, atlirmii g conti fence in Senator Seward, tho pretext for bolting the Candidates, and seeking the dismemberment and consequent overthrow of the Whig party in 'he State .' Of the pertinercy of that resolution, we are not now going to speak. A liberal and tolerant spirit, on the part of the minority, we are bound to believe, would have avoided it altogether. In these re marks, wc desire to iuako no personal issue as between Mr. Seward and Mr. Fillmore. They are both eminent and reserving Whigs, and. in point of fact, as well as in pointof etiquette, share equally the conlHet'ce and cordial support of the Stato Convention, and those whom it represents. F t si thcSprinaville (Erie Co.) herald. The Couh?e of the Mi.nurit/ ? W\j sincerely regret that the minority have pursued such a fac tii us course. There Is no justifiable ground for ll.eir desr.erate conduct. The sentiment of the party?"the rank smd file"?those upon whose shoulders the great Whig structure rests for sup port?will cotdemn them. We do not serious'y Lelive the Utica Convention will ever meet. We presume it will not put another ticket in nomina? tion We hope rot, for tho credit of those engaged in il.is unfortunate ard suicidal enterprise. It would only show to tho country and the world what a helpless and hopeless minority they really are. From the Ereuine Post lietler front iTJinthorne Tompkinu. To the Democracy of Sew- York: In appealing to the Democracy of the State of New-Ycrk, I feel that 1 need no other justification than the position in which the Domocrany has been placed, by the adoption of certain resolutions at the recent Syracuse (mis called) Democratic Conven? tion, and by the acquiescence in such resolutions of those delegates to the Convention, who should have insisted upon a Democratic platform, and who should, upon the passsge of the resolutions alluded to, either have retired from the Convention, or n, leait have entered a solemn p-oteat upon the re? cord. I will inske no charges against them for having pursued a diil'ereut courso, for most of them have rendered manly service in the cause of Free' dom; but I must be allowed to allude in sorrow to their submission to the erection ol so anti-Demo? cratic a platform a? that given to us by the Con? vention. Usd tbat delegate to tho Convention, and I need no: name him, who has given to tho country ouch ample proof of both the will and capacity to make sln.cat superhuman exertions in tho Democratic cause?had that gentleman, 1 say. upon the adop. tionoftbe platform of principles approved by tha C< iivt-Ltioo, immediately retired from that body I ilthough he had been the only delegato who had ('(.Mro.it cannot bo doubted but that the Demo oratio masses would ha/a nobly sustained him While J cannot approve the cour?o he took, stir there is such a riebt of gratitude due to him from the entire Demo-racy of tho country tbat I dare not ar.ci will not t onsure him. I must content my? self with t?ll'er?jg in opinion an to tbo course to : have been c-ur?ued in the emergency in which he , was placed. But I hope he will not urge tho Dt ? mocracy to elect the ticket nominate i by tha: C in? vention* intsmuch as such election would prove tt at the majority ol the voters in tho State are pro parci to indorse and sanct'on the principles and spir.t of tho resolutions passed by that body. I <*iil now proceed to tho consideration of the objec? tionable resolutions. One of the resolutions to which I pai licularly refer is in tho fillowing words ; Kni tted Test we congratulate the country upon the re? cent seiUe mem by Congress ? f the questions wblcb lisve unbspp'ly divided the people ol inese titles. iS'ou. ..- it for granted that this resolution rifers to the different matters with which the Slavrry question wss coonetud, I wish to know ; v. cat caure of congratulation the democracy of ; this State can Bed in the settlement alluded to, I other than the admission of California as a State of iiii? lud. That Congress has no ?o ?er ucd"r ibe Coutl tnilon to lnter'eie with or r r.trol the .loini !c Iniiimtlons i l de several States, and that tu h Mar? an the tote and p uperluclges of enrjtbliig appertaining to their own it * n tri: that ml r?ortt of Iht AbolitionltU .w othtrt, mttt.it to' indue* Congrrtt totnttr/ert i-fits th* ;u-tiiont of litavery.or to takr inai irnt ttept in relation thereto, art calculated to lead to the moat aLirmtng and dangerenu ronmiiuncet, and that all tx.chtj'orti hate an tnetitab.r t ndtiu-u to .Uet.>n. ? the happinett of the people and fmtm jrr the itnbility itnd p.tmonency oj the I'mon, and ought not to b* counten-tneed b\ any iolittcal intntntiont. A'e you prepared, fel'ow deni'vrats, by electing the ticket presented for jour sutlragei, to indorse the iatter part of this resolution, or are you pre? pared to admit that your eil'orts for tho past tiro yesrs have been calculated to producs the results so alarmingly portrayed to you? Are you pre? pared to reprnt ycur errors and sanction tho courae of that mere semblance of % man, who pretends to represent, but in reality disgraces tha democracy ol New York, in tho Senate of the United States T Although, my friends, 1 ought to apologize for such language in relation to one who his been to un? deservedly honored, by being placed In io promt rent a position, still, ttuth obliges me to say, that 1 usually call things by their right names, and that, in speaking or ?rritiDg ofthat individual, my in? dignation gets so much the better of my coolness" that 1 cannot forbear the expression of my niter contempt?a oontamp* ?ai??-t with ? r--'?rj ?? wender thstscch a I/ling ahould bo a Senator of the United States, or rather that being a Senator of the Un:ted States, he should remain such at thing. Are you prepared, fellow Democrats, to show ycurduregard ol truth, honor, and common human? ity ? Fordidjou not in 1843 proclaim that vou wcuid advocate the cause of "tree soil for froo labor and freemen I" Will you now violate the lacred principle of truth, by action at variance with that assertion 1 Hut, as in these latter days, freedom has become a mere abstraction, to I sup? pose tho sacred principle of truth has also become n mere abstraction, a mero one idea, and as sucb, perhaps, it may be jour duty to disregard and vio'ate it. Hid you not, fellow Democrats, at the period Te ftrreci to, invite to your standard those who had I reviocsly acted with other political parties, and did you not then solemnly pledge yourselves to them "to light on and tight ever" uoder .he bannor which you then proudly unfurled f Will you now violate that solemn pledge/ Hut if liborty and truth are such mere abstractions, honor, which usually accompanies truth, may, with propriety, be put in the same democratic category, and you may he required to disregard that hitherto aaored principle. Will you now violate tho obligations of ci ninion humanity, by yielding in the cause of tha i j pressed and enslaved of your couutry f But what need to ask the question'! If liberty, truth and honor are to bo erased from tho tablet of ycur inviolable principles, what chance is there for poor meek humanity to resist violation 1 Are you prepared, follow Democrats, to join in the cry "That the country needs repose," and thus sacrifice duty for rest 7 I will admit that the country needs repose, but it Is an entirely different repose from that sought for by thoie compromisers; at tbe seat of Government, who have compromised nothing but their own political position and their country'! honor. The repoae which the country needs, and which it will shortly obtain, Is a repose to be brought about by dlgcussion and agitation un? til the Federal Government stall have relieved itself from all responsibility for tho continuance, of Slavery within the limits of tho national do? main. As in tho natural world, "the true re? pose of the earth ia in a change of its productions," io in the [political, true repose, is only to be found in a change of measures required by tha chargesof the times and ofiooiety. Had such aery for repose as that raised by the compromisers been listened lo by our forefathers, we should at thia day have been reposing as colonists in the arms of the mother country In the war of L812, had the gal? lant defenders of tho country, instead of following up the ompaign on tbe Niagara frontier, Inetoad of emulating the prowei? exhibited by our soldiery at Chippewa and Luudy's Lane, and closing the war in a blaze of glory on the battle plniiia of Now Orlo&na ; had they, instead, listened to tho ory for repose which camo from a portion of tho eastern section of this nation, they would probably have encouraged the Hartford Conventi.mists in their double design of making a separate peace with Great Britain and of severing this republic. Fellow Democrat!?Tho only political repose which we can take is that wholesomo rest which, after we have fought and gained tbe battle for freedom, will bo rendered doubly ngroeable by the conviction that we have done our duty, and that our rest can neither he disturbed by the sound of the last tyrant oppressor, or tho despairing cry of bis enslaved victim. 1 appeal to you, feliowdeinccrats, not to bo ?werved from your duly by any such seductive cry. Take no such enervating and disbonorablo repose. What! jield without a contest, after a more skir? mish, before tbe heavy artillery can be brought on ihegrcutd! lappealtoyou at leait to abide thi result of another session of Congress. I f, when an bndigt ant demand from the entire North for the im mediate and total repeal of the unoonstitutional, inhi.man and infamous Fugitive Slave bill, shall I have reached your legislative agentn, and that de? mand remains disregarded and aosatiaiied; if. when yon shall have demanded 'he exercise by Congress of their constitutional power to abolish S:avery in tho District of Columbia, and that de? mand remains disallowed or unheeded ; if, when jou shall havo tried against the tvrant power which dares to enslave millions of tho hamau race, all the Weapons with whh h reason, truth, justice ord humanity have supplied you; if. when you shall have exhauj ed every patriotic effort to ellact? from the escutcheon of your country "the damned apot," and evury ?uth effort ?ball have failed; if, va hen every hope, inspired by a zealous live of iihtrty, shall have been frustrated, and those who dared indulge it shall have been obliged to s mother wi.'hin their boaoics thu promptings of the Geniae of Freedom; if, when the do*r,tiodden victim of tyrannical oppression, feeling that th>-ir ia no hope for freedom other than the freedom of the grave, h*i !< r bis tnly consolation th- th luftbt that? "Toeia is a lar.d senere Scut, are Free, Where Tyrant'stslnt n jt Nature'sbllsij if Death Ibftt World's bright opening bs, Oh! who would lilvo a Siaie In this?" If, when in despair at the inellicieocy of every hu? man exertion suggested by tho feulugs of justice si o mercy, with which tho Almighty hag endowed youj il then, 1 say, you seek repose, it will oe ac? companied by the consoling reflections that every duty which jouowed to yourselves, your country end jour fellow mao ha? beenfaithiul y discharged, and that you leave the cause of the Slave in the , l ends of the kindest of masters, 'hat great Mas ! ter of the Universe, who bath gi ven evury assu? rance that he wiil "giveliberty to the captive, and set the bocdman free." Mux, now e-, jield j e.'o the discussion has fairly commenced, ere tho people are fully aware ol their Constitutional rights In reference to the moat important question which has ever arisen in our country, flow when the great God of tho Universe ha? made the most manifest interposition in our favor. Now, when be hag clearly shown that " those whom he wish-i to destroy, he first deprives of resson." For has ho not deprived jour enemies of that most skilful guide ! What stronger evidence oould the Slave Power have given\h?t, with them, "reuon had deserted its throne, aoi that msdnessreigned paramount," than that contained in the passage of tho infamous " Fugitive Slave bill" No* to. Jle'd would be madnen worio than theirs, and wioa.ea re?? mere inexcusable. Yield not. fe to**'? erat. ; let no cry for union and 'f ?C_V0?" to unite yourselves in action with m,se with whom you cannot h^^^fS? 'Weh the De Regret? ng the f. se P-^J^g lhlt, 0D mrcracyu at P?""|.-f thema*ivee from thai position? ana V? ,a making this communication snd P'0P''^ ever the sincere friend and advo rste oTtbose inseparable, companions, true Democ racy and real Liberty. MiaTHoitwg ?ompkws. 137* Owen Corrigan, a deserter from tbe U. 8. Army, was trreated in the Seventeenth Ward on Wedceadey and gent baekto Gavemor'a Island. BP Pb?ip C. Vanvely feil in the street and cud ig bead badly; supposed to hive been lntox ctted. Taken to the Hospital