OCR Interpretation

New-York daily tribune. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1842-1866, November 01, 1850, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1850-11-01/ed-1/seq-3/

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?TlV. i?V Summ? Intnresi-fieMs. ail green with -'a-s
I ' n fr Miasd fallen, leaving ail tbe woodland gay
?.- v?,vv
_ dr. mjji (hat morning, the sun rose broad
_,' , .i;sc of fire, he brightened a* be ?r?-<l;
gfrsl t rsjns * ;.... .... . , ... | ... .; led
fSt,?Tee and ?lie o-cuards, a:iii the saftiv pfctttred
r' ry
S^ihrongbthe ja tied beeches^he gtorifted mchiD;
2S.",;r.v.*. ? !' ??<?? ? ?'?>??????" *y brighter,greener
is* ?rt-:"rc boy* woocauw naustscaugnt glimpses of
th*t sky, ,, ,, , , , .
staged by the macy-tinted leave., and lathed,they knew
ig** whooi g.rls, gay irttn aater-oowers, oeswe me mea?
dow bitx ks, .
Utogled the Autumn with tnesanstime 01 sweet
tieat weather
r.ess as rocks.
tat even :tv >.-. I ?
|?K*-!d was In the wetlands, s
pine shell,
lad the yellow leaves among the
they fell
(ke summer grains were harveste.
SjtsUJl, on k'"-.' a valleys fringed with wood,
Jsgaibered, bleaching to the eun, the hejvy corn crop
fett low, by aumnuVs wind and rain, through husks that,
ft?oiuc? frjtn their ripened charge, shown out the yellow
laneath. the tun-.ip lay concealed, in manv a verdam fold,
iad glistened in the slanting light the pumpkin's sphere
of gold.
There wrought tbe busy harvester: and mar.y a creaking
Sore ?>>w|y to the long barn floor its load of husks and
Till broad and red, as when he rose, the sun rank down at
lad hae'a rr.erry guest's farewell, the day in brightness
Aid iol as through the western pines, on meadow, stream
and pond,
flamed the ri-d radiance of a sky, set all afire beyond,
Sov.lv o'i r the Eastern sea bluffs a milder glory shone,'
And the sunset tnd the moonrise were mingled into one!
I thua into the quiet night die twilight lapsed away.
Aad ilw ptr in the brightm ine moon the tranquil shadows
from many a brown old farm-house, and hamlet without
Their milking fjid their l.oine-tasks done, She merry huakers
Swung o'er the heaped up harvest, from pitchfork ia the
Bhone dimly down the laritems on the pleasant scene below,
Tlie growing piie 6f husks behind, the golden ears before.
Arid laughing eyes ai.d busy hands and browu cheeks gUm
mer.ng o'er.
Half hidden in n quiet nook, serene of look and heart,
Talking ibeir old limes o'er, the old men sal apart:
Wbiie up and down ti.e unhusked pile, or nestling ia its
At hide-and-seek, with lauf-b and shout, the happy children
Urged by the good host's daughter, a maiden young and fair,
lifting to light J)ir sweet blue eyes and pride of soft brown
The auister of the village school, sleek of hair and smooth
of tongue.
To ibe quaint tune of some old psalm, a husking ballad
sung :
Heap high the farmer's wintry hoard !
Heap high the golden com 1
No richer gift has Autumn poured
From out her lavish horn !
The cluster from tne vine;
We belter iove die hardv gift
Our rugged vales bestow
To cheer us when the storm shall drift
Uur harvest fields wilh snow.
Through vales of gras? and meads of flower".
Our plow s their furrows made,
While on the Inns the sun and showers
Of changeful April played.
We dropped the seed o'er hill and plain,
Beneath the sun of May,
And frightened from our sprouting grain
The. robtier crow's away.
All through the long, bright days of June,
Its leaves grew green and fair,
And waved in hot midsummer's noon
Its soft and yellow hair.
Ami now. w ith Autumn's moonlit eves,
Iis harvest lime has come,
We iiluck away tin- frosted leaves,
And hear the treasure home.
There richer than the fabled gilts
Apollo showered of old,
fair Lands the broken gram shall sift,
And knead 'ts meal of gold.
Let vapid idlers loll in silk,
Aiound their costly board;
Give us ihe bowlol samp and milk.
By homespun beauty poured!
Where'er the wide old kitchen hearth
Sends up its smoky curls.
Who will not thank tbe kindly earth,
Then shame on all Urn proud and vain,
Whose folly laughs to scorn
The blessing of our hardy grain?
Our wealth of golden corn!
Let earth withhold her goodly root,
Let mildew blight the rye,
Give 10 the worm the orchard's fruil,
The wheat Hold to the fly :
But let the good old crop adorn
The lulls nur fathers trod ;
Still let us, lor Iiis golden corn,
Send up our iWajiks to God !
The Fugitive slave Laws of l?').'l nnd
Te ?Ar Editor of The Tribune:
There is evidently much excitement in different
parts of the country, in consequence of the pas?
sage of the Fugitive Slave Law at tbe late Ses?
sion of Congress, and good citizens are anxious
to know their duty in relation to it and their obli?
gations to obey this most remarkable law. It is
pretended by its trainers to be based upon a pro?
vision of the Constitution. The correct view of
the question requires some observance of the state
of affairs "at the time of its adoption, and the rea?
sons lor it, as stated in its preamble, are "To
form a more perfect union, to promote domestic
tranquillity, and to secure the blessings of Lib?
erty," Ac. It does not appear that the escaping
of Fugitives from labor was a moving cause in it^
adoption, for under the articles of Confederation
there was no provisions for tne return of such Fu?
gitives, and it was six years after its adoption, be?
fore any law was passed by Congress to provide
lor their being delivered up.
Tbe want of a National Government for security
at home and abroad, was the moving eatise for a
more perfect Union, nnd as such Government
would oe the supreme law of the land the ques?
tions most important to bo settled were those re?
lating to taxation, representation and the prohibi?
tion of the Foreign Slave Trade.
Those subjects would effect different sections
more or less favorably, according to the rule adopt?
ed to regulate the same. Consequently, what?
ever there was of Compromise, related to these,
and gave character to questions more incidental in
their nature, and the Convention decided that
to consider Slaves as property, to be taxed to
carry on the Government, without representation,
whs throwing the political power into the hands
ol the Northern States. To consider them as
men entitled to representation, while they were :
thattlts in law, was obnoxious to a large majority ?
ol the Convention, and the Compromise was, '
while they remained in thai condition, to call
them persons entitled to the consi loration in the
federal ratio of free citizens, as three is to live '
for their number, not considering them as proper
*}*> Jot ptopeti'y could not be represented with any
\Tlns being the interpretation, land undoubtedly !
the true one,) the clause providing for the delivery I
et fugitives from labor must partake ol like inter- j
pretation, and therefore be applicable to all classes
61 persons held to service.
The claim upon the fugitive is for his service,
and not lor him as a chattel to be sold, if such is
the purpose of the claimant, and the right to such
Service becomes a subject of legal inquiry.
The chattel principle, not beim; recognised by
the Constitution, if it exists at all, it is one of the
reserved rights ol the States, which they only can
m sum sin .
By this it appears that this requirement of the
Constitution upon ns as citizens of a Free State,
is to pass no law to prevent the delivery up of
Persons held to service or labor, if they are so held
by the laws of the States from which they have
escaped. Hero the question arises; who shall de
cide the right or title to service. The Constitu?
tion declares that questions of ibis kind shall tie
decided by the Judiciary, in accordance witii '' dde
process of law."
These wordis have some meaning, and what is
it Ctf&t of any rule, of proceeding that Con
>y a patty vot", ander the operation of the
11 question, may enact ? Certainly not, lor
le must be according; to the fundamental
the Constitution, which provides rhn the
and fairest trial shall be had. :u civil a? we.l
Common Law
essential to thi
frsonal liberty
a Iramers oftrk
Those prorisioi
the Constitution
1st. Bv givinn
for the vale.
thev do not
ily to btat
(mission t.
penseol the General ho
rente Court have decided
i the people of the Free S
claimant is concernt
Since the above i
Attorney General i
published, w hich sai
lions of the Act as '
no nvui
writ fro
idy with a
tales, ami
u; fugitive
i! such re
i tends to not and dis,
domestic tranquillit;
institutions. Its rei
; deeds of injustice t
j the world ever saw.
Is it, fellow citize
' on the Statute Ho
' Peace Measures an?
lardon the mind to
is great almost as
lifleets of the Fugitive Slave Law,
1 To the Editor of The Tribune.
in the tntenc
tunity to obs
duced upon t
Slave Law,"
My impres
these who hi
d from tho
" Patriarchial institution,'* are now nisi
mild and genial climate of Canada. M
sacrificed what property they have nc<
Liberty or give n
the self-eniancip
and colored men,
in vigilance conn
the sympathy of
a la
d and
it the
of the
s. Bat I
von sonic
j commenced with the intention of eivii
fat ts which came to my knowledge.
; An old man is living in thut place who came
I yeiirs ago, when the slaveholders had sold his
wife and children to go " down South,'' to a re
tornlcss distance, and a hopeless bondage. He
could never see them again, lie is an honest, in?
dustrious, and peaceable man; a member of and
in good standing in the Baptist Church ot the
village, lit: married again.?(I do not stop to
take exception to thnt, as he lias high authority
lor it, if ho knew it, in his own Church, namely:
a Southern Baptist Association of Ministers, who
declared "that such separation among persons sit?
uated as our slaves are is civilly a separation by
dcttth, and they believe that in the sight of God it
would be so viewed. To tori,id second marriages
in such cases, would be
only to strongor hardshi]
but to church censure, .Aa
agents, and u dissolution by death is not m<
tirely without their consent, and beyond the
trol, than bj such Separation.'') To return :
ing this man's house, a cottage of two or
rooms, 1 observed a French bedstead, nice I<
bed, carpet, Sec. Is this strange 7 Todesiri
fort, says a French writer of eminence, it
eessary to understand it, and ages hue ?
over their cabins witl
those of labor and oii
eluded to eo to Catnu
the parties
ig teinptati
?es are not
?living ill
The ol
it upon
birth, h
S Ult
ranee that if it
what they eoul
not wish to sh
himself, or be s
had resolved t
Vi hat it would,
house, und has
Il.s friends per.
abide the result
riens t
i the
d do
2 did
a little p
speculator for what he could get, and with tho
proceeds he started w ith his family for that north?
ern country, which is at least nit self degraded
ami disgraced by seizing a man and thrusting him
back into slavery. !? or, says the poet.
"He who allows oppression shares the crime."
Those who remain feel that they are hunted like
tlie partridge on tie- mountains, and are as fearful
and watchful as we should be :n their places.
The mistress of a house where I called told me
a young woman who lived with her as a domestic
?was suspicious of every stranger, and so alarmed
that she watched every avenue to the house.?
61 e would leave the doors from tlie kitchen to the
dining or sitting-room ajar, that she might see
every person who appraariicd. and have time to
escape! Some of the family missed a meat knife,
ai d upon inquiry it was (bund she had it secreted
upon her person. She had tilled her pocket with
he told one of the children, she hi
lirow ia the eyes of any one w]
ids apou her. Do you think thi
rill nerve t:
Rights of Freemen " Tbe Fugitive Slave Law
ol the i QgltTV
you in referen
mode of procei
!i person to
ariinst his
soumeut in
tit be
ns State, last above
an> right to set aside this law of the ?tate. and pro
vide another mode of delivering up such persons I
appoint nn oil
All these 01
ly before this
whose zeal curries them a little too tar South fo
the indulgence ol free sentiment.
Yours, truly, JUSTICE.
Imprisonment of < 'olored Seaman at the South
?Letter Irom C'nptnin Kanlett.
Charlestow.n, Monday, Oct. CS.
. To the Editors of The Tribune :
In y< ur jiajier of the 25th inst. I uotiee a para
; graph, taken from the Evening Po.<>, under the
? head of '?Northern Freemen and Southern Jails,"
in which it is staled that " Captain Ranlett says
that net less than 1,200 colored men had been im
' prisoned under the laws of the Soulhern States,"
' ami also that my two colored men, the cook and
steward, were, "in return for their services, seized
and imprisoned," Ac. Ac.
Now as no such sentences were either uttered
or written by me, you will oblige me by contra
statistics f?ll to the right owner.
deposition of some facts on the subject; and the
Mercantile Journal contains the letter spoken of,
which I send you by th's mail for your perusal.?
You will lind in the Atlas a statement as to num?
bers; that will answer full as well as that set
down to my credit.
Respectfully, your obedient servant.
til AS. A. RAN lett
ftS^ The New-Jersey Railroad Company com
nn nee their Winter arrangements on Monday
. next, the 4th of November. There will be no al?
terations in the time ol running the trains to and
i front Newark and New York, except the discon?
tinuance of the 6 o'clock train from Newark Mon?
day mornings, and its return from New-York at 7
A.M. The principal changes in the time from
other places is the discontinuance of the :!' P.M
train from New-York for Klizabethtown ami Rail?
way, (this train stopping at Newark,) and the re?
turn of this train from Rahway at V. M. and
Klizabethtown at t'j P.M. The train for New
Brunswick will also be changed from ?; P.M. to
4} P.M. from New-York, which will of course car
The Ce.vscs ? The following arc the returns
from the Second Ward:
This gives a decrease in the population of 336
since the last census taken in 1845, the population |
then hying 6,972. The total value of the real and j
persona! estate is $18,804,061.
The ret orts from the Seventh Ward are footed
im ?cpuiia ului luv. I
up as follows :
' Nee bnr of inhabitants.32.6JJ
Deiiihe iliirinir iho vear. aoG
Families"..'.'.'.'!. 5e>43
The not illation in 1345, was 25,556, presenting
an increase bv. the present census of ?,IJ7.
Among tin- oldest inhabitants of this Ward is a
female about 90 years of age, born in Ireland, who
has earned a livelihood by fine sewing. She Ins '
never used spectacles, and her sight is as perfect
There is also another female in the same War.;,
who is lu! years old, and who also supports her?
self bv her needle. She is said to be as active ns
a woman of fifty, and dispenses with tbe use of
Herok Co*du< r.?An acquaintance relates the
following incident, to which he was an eye-wit?
ness on Wednesday eveuing: While the steamer
which plies between Poughkeepsie and New faltz
Landing was crossing, a little boy, apparently 12
or 13 years of ae;e, fell overboard. Some person
gave the alarm, which reached the ear of Capt.
Ogden who, although an aged gentleman, with?
out hesitation threw off his coat, plunged into the
water and sw am to the rescue, reaching the boy j
just in time to prevent his sinking for the last time. |
FtT ?cjsrs. aoPT? Blofdf. liso WiUram-st.)
I ave sent as a lithograph entitled: " ErFectsof the
Fugitive Slave L?.w."' It represents a company
of Smr slaves, two of-whom have just been sho'
by their pursuers, who are seen in the distance.
Two appropriate passages from the Bible and the
Declaration of Independence are placed at the
bottom, as mottoes. The designer is Mr. Kauf
2 Uc on ri ar.
1 lot on UntoiH
1 lot sdtofning
2 iots adjoining
3 lot* opposite,
1 lot adjoinine.
1 lot opposite .
4 lets a.t;. innig,
1 let adjoining .
3 ioii au-.o::::rp
4lots on Union
f5i0 ecch..;.
6 lots on rear, i
3 Sot? corner Ar
1 iot aitioimng
s to et
e of an
an fers,
alia be
stolen from the office of
msiness at No. 1 Nassau-sL
10,000. The accused at Uie
ts a cli'rk with the rirm He
ir:h River boats, apparently
er Reed tapped hfm quietly
he tins bee!
locked up !
j back for tri
II I'm as F/
: in the Nurse
March, and it may i
not given out until:
t? have been comp]
this Eubi? i
1 not -top
Bdy to be
10 lives of
ame good
ier depart
oquired to
Jety of the
wlum one
0 patients
estic maa
3it on the
ihe most
held on Monday evening, in the Washington-.' M. K.
Church. Cornelius R. Dissocway, Esq. of New-York made
room :
pi( a,
H ..1 euuds, in South
ud. The ecus an- two
nt occupants, and but or e prisoner each in die other
- . ? : Bg ten The Gracd Jury, we understand, tta.-e
pre st med the bnthiing as unfit for a Hons* of Detention.?
The mbjecl was referred to Messrs Hough ton. Lvt nJ
lirerej. ;o report expense of ree/iisite alteration*, kc.
RliH Drivkint..?Tbe cause of Temperance is
in a decline in this village. This may be ascribed.in a great
R-essure, to ihe rast cumber of gtogyerie? aud betr-housea
which are to be (bond in a!tro< even- quarter. The usual
accompaniment*. Sabbath-breaking, profanity, poverty and
crime, are here (band to r?**'i!t from them. An effort is
teir.g made by tie friends of Temperance lo have ?iem aii
dostd on the Sabbath, or to enforc - pt oalty of the taw
open their proprietors. We hope this effort will be suc?
cessful, but wc do not anticipate n.-ich uu'il the people
awake to their true interests, and elect Commissioners of
Excise who willrefuse to license men to d.-al out destruc
i ? a to their fellows, and disorder in Ihe community, and
legislators who have sense enough and moral courage
enough to prohibit a traffic n Inch tills the aims bouses with
paupers and the prisons with criminals. This abounding of
groggeries is the greatest hindrance to the prosperity of
tbe T?lsge, and if this can be removed, we see no reason
why. in a few more years, WMamsburgh may not rival
remonstrances to tbe open
en deemed sufficient, and the pc
? sons about pcrrhasine Pianos wili rind it to their advan?
tage to call at BENSLT i COMPANY S Manufactory, 152
Fultse-St (east side of Broadway.) They have a large as
tormeotof Rosewood Pianos constantly on hand. Every in
St? menl warranted tor two years. B k Co. have tiie naines
Of more than l.itv persons they will refmr to, who have pur
chastc pianos of them, si] of which have given universal sal
ist'ac ion. but when any doubts are expressed as to their qual?
ity the payment may be <v;<hbeld uuul such doubt* are re.
rn'ovcd. Old Pianos exchanged. N*w and second-hand
pianos to let ?27 tl
JL^Manufactory and vVaretwms, 20and 22 Canal st?The
snbscnbers offer for sale a large assortment Of elegant Piano?
fortes Yum 64, to l oet- in rosewwod and mahogany case*,
these mstrum'ents are made in the most substantial manner,
and of their best seasoned materials, by experienced me?
chanics, under our own immediate charge, and are unrl
vaied in sweetress of tone and d.-hcacy of touch. Those al
a distance, by specifying their wishes by letter in regard is
irv ie or cualitr of tone, may depend upon a faithful selec?
tion All instruments warranted. F. C. LEUCHTE.
sl4 3ni? U. J NEWTON.
?l A J would cali the attention of the public in general to
the tine assortment of PIANO-FORTES, with arid without
the much admired 450L1AN ACCOMPANIMENT, made
by the celebrated house of T. Hilbert .V Co. of Boston, re?
cently opened nt 441 BROADWAY, by WATERS Ji
BK.li R Y. The PIANOS of T. 0. k Co; have been too long
and too favorably known to need any commendations.?
Hundreds in this" city can testisfv to their superior excel?
lence. Also, a good assortment of BOU DU1R PIA MOS for
sale. N. B.?Second-hand Pianos taken in exchange.?
Pianos to let old lin*
I>IANOS '25 percent, below Broadway
prices, and of splendid tone and finish, made by expe?
rienced workmen and of the best materials, at in Flfth-av.
Those wanting a really good Instrument for their own use
can he suited at manufacturer's prices, and those buying to
?ei! again ?ill find it to their Interest to call as above.
IJ?IAN0-F0RTES.?Persons about pur?
chasing Pianos will find it to their advantage toeall at R.
Oicnn k tos Manufactory, 194 Kultoo-si (westof Broad?
way.) A cersrai assortment of mahogany and rosewood
Pianos constantly on tiand, which w?l he sola low for o*?u or
approved paper. Dealers supplied on hhersl terms
*20 a R GLENN it CO ism tr-iiton-st.
No. S3 Canul-st offers tor sale a splendid assortment
of rosewood Piano-K?rles, pf-1 octaves, with the latest im?
provements, anc u me lowest Manufacturer's prices Those
in want of a superior instrument will please call and ex?
amine previoui U) purchasing eisewbure. oll Iura
fi cY H. KARMORE offer at their Manu
X^"?factory ami Ware-room. 3-lS BLEECK ER Si corner
of Charles-st. an assortment of elegant PIANO-FORTES,
with the metallic frame and reverse bridge, aud ail other
modern improvements. o? lm*
J&C.FISCHER, (late Nunns & Fischer)
. Manufactory ami Wardroom, 17J Oreenwicb-et eor.at
Dey-it.?Plsac-Fortes warranted, with reverse bridge and
piiiem tuhe tsell calculated tor keeping in nine Piano
Koile? wned, repaired, lei no hire and exchanged ol 1 Im*
1>FANOS FOR SALE ami M hire, at 7
Barclay-si. opposite the Astor-House, from bj to 7 oc?
taves, in rosewood and mahogany cases.
aulOSrn' JAMES THOMPSON, late Tallman i Randall
CJBOIS ?VW? R R1N EK," Piano-Forte
Makers. 315 BROADWAY, N. Y. o22Jw*
LORING ESTABLISHMENT, 134 Naasau-sL I doorSouth
ofBeekman, is now open for business and public inspection.
They invite their fellow artisans-and citizens to choose a
garment from a SPLENDI l> STOCK of FALL and WIN?
TER GOODS. Every gnmieni is WARRANTED to KIT,
and macie in the most, fashionable, durable style. We say,
In a word, come and seo what working mechanics have
done, can and will do. 015 lm*
^-^ nisns? st. ck of fasbiosable ready-made CLOTHING
or eterj description?I.oun Coats, (rum $1 u> ty>; 3,000
Vests, fr> it. % u> $4 ; S.?>e Paul?, from Si to *,'>, to measure.
Cloths Casdmeres and Vesttnga, embracing everyintog
nev and faahl nahie. A first-raut fit always guaranteed. \
? single iria) will ci uvince all Twentj per ceut less than
sin House in the city, tor cash. Remember the name aud
?3 smeod* 143 Kulton-st neai Broadway.
VTar.d DHKSSINO CASK.-s-The U.V.' :n great
variety Ais.,. Ladies DRESSING and Tl IILETTE ditio.
An entirely new article, being famished with a guard
w i.i.-h ?fiecJuallv protects the face from being cut. anil muy
'^^NCISTOMfL SONs! a Malden-lane, ?
jy3I eodtf Importers ol'Ciiilerv ainl Kmify Hardware.
^ TKLi:(Ti? APH.
nPELEGRAPHIC.?Citizens and Stran
X reraare Invited to call and examine the operation of
177 Broadway, New-York.
The Immense success attending the adaptation ol Olm
stead's Paiehl Telepriiph Batti rv to the
has induced the subscriber to accept from the Manufac?
Ml s?r*. T SMITH Jc CO 77 Kuiton-st.
Ihe appointment as sole Agenl foj the .-ale thereof, and they
will hereafter be kepi constantly on sale at
177 Croodway, New-York.
The Olmstead Patent Magnetic .Machine, for MEDICAL
I purposes, is so entirely different front any other medical in- :
' sirumeuts. thal.no person can form s proper ides of its ad
i v?ntage* witboul ?itni ssing its operaoons, when tiiev will
be found so apparent as to render argument superfluous.
The current of electricity iscompletciy under the control of
the operator, and can from aluioslimpcrceptlbility, ho grad- {
u,ii..d to any strength tl.d o:t!u",t mav desire,
while, Instead of feeling the painftil spasmodic connractioa
of the muscles produced by all oilier medical Instruments, a
I gentle current is flowing pleasantly through the uervoussy?.
j tern. Telegraph Companies are resnecttally in formed ihiu
I every description of Magnetic aud Chemical Telegraph
' apparalns is kept cimstan?v on sale at
177 Broadway, tfew-Yorki
! where all orders must be addressed. oil KMiiWtf
connecting with all sections of the United States,
j General Office itl Broadway. Open from ti In the morning
I Uli II at night. Visitors in New-York who are accustomed
I to trarifacr.r.:: business with the tgRielly Lines in any sec
r.or. of ihe L'mted Stales, will find It to their interest to leave
their dispatches at this 0ff.ee, to susure prompt aud corrnct
j transmission. jefi if
having decided :n fa'or of K. M. RAY as the first and
trie inventor of Ihe india Rl.'BBKR RAILROAD
SPRING, and against W. C. Fuller, who bad claimed the
same a? his invennon, and at whose instigation and iha: of
Horace H Day. (win, has mauufaciured the metalic or vol.
eaniied rubber for such springs,) one i>r more Raiiro.vl Com
ranics have infringed, not only upon tin-rights of the said I
F. M. Ray. and rendered themselves liable lor large dam- j
am.l-ut also npeh thepfliehi rights of CHARLES GOOD- i
YEAR, for such vulcanized Rubber, r i -u-d D*c. 25,1849?,
(Abe validity whereof was estabJished to acause between
Ch .-:< - <?? ? d year and Horace H. Dav, by a recent decision
of the U.S. Circuit Court al Trenton, 'n-w-Jersey. Jusnce j
Grier presiding,) a^cin?'. rail of whom suits fiirdsm^gaswr
sochmningements will hecomtn-nc-d m i
ure io eoilrct speeddy the damages w,^ /"^.^SuMt
ered on judgment,in theseverai sujis now l-r-?v^^, ;
said Horace Hi Day, one of which he 1?under .ormiauon
totry,at Bostouin March next . , mfrlTririg I
Ali Railroad Compisnleaareeim?oueuag? _j char|0,
or pirating upon the said patent " ? . [odia-rubber I
Ooodyenr* or of F. M. Kay. by ^^^S w? be
Car Springs, ami tor ad future infriaj,'-"'-" ?
in.I,., dir.:. .-. i ommcrced. ^? . patent has lieer,
fo .-..eforii.-v will. Iheawv., ^ c ,'r*vb,.Ii K er b . !
granted tu mefor the ?^'S^^^^inhas iieep
Shrninj d a B#??^gH^repei die Pst?"", ?J de
eidsdWbave b-en ,w Broadway, N. York.
|>kv. j. cvvkls CELEBRATED
tovaloabie WedWae na* bevn ta u?e In the Uoitpd State?
lor 40 rear*, led thousand* would Cheerfully traitirV to tta
unrivalled utility.
Full direction* aceompsar eaea tm?, whj?b wui enabi*
Ifae aSscted to administer it w :tb safety and ititwn. SoU
? bojeaaie ar.<i retail.
A ?mal! DRUG STORE for Sale cheap. Apply at _l
Woo*ter-*l. ojS fta
Ifl renani-*t.-Estab:isb.Hi for the ACCOUCHMENT
of Latiio desirous of a comfortable residence dur.ng their
eonfiDcmeMt, aoder the care of Mr*, maxwell, an ex
perieaced Accoucheuse. Si L!spetiarri-*l. AU diseaae? pe?
culiar to the Female Se.v slv.i.iudy treated._08 Im'
? the CURE ofSCROFI LA, SALT RHEUM, kc. far
sale by KUSHTON. CLARK a CO 110 Broadway. 10 .As?
tir H, use. ar.d 773 Bros.:.* Bjr. ?503m*
V w WATER.?Als? Con^re*s Spring Water, Sharon Sub*
phur Spring Water. German Seitier Water, kc. Kor sale by
o* lm* A. J. DELATOUR. S>i YVaaVat
TIONS does not a we'.l-axecuted portrait of a wo?
man excite In the mind of any person whosa ta*te for the
fine arts may be even uncultivated; but how mach greater is
the ad miration excited by the Irving and lovely pngTuai.e*p?
ciaRy il the lady's nice is free t'rvim spot or blemish OOU?
ticle known lo chemistry w inch will effectually remove
every vestige of those odious disfigurements ef'tiie iaun,
which appear iu ilie stupe of tan, pimples, freckle*, sun?
burn, eruptions, chaps, chafe*, crack.*, and all akin dis
figure-merit*. GOURAUlPS wonderful PQUDRES SUB?
TILE are certain to eradicate superfluous hair from any
part of (he human frame. GOVRAUlVS liquid VEOE
TABLE ROUGE (rives a reeptendaat and permaneaicolor
to pale cheek* arid hps. GOURAUD'S 1.1 LY WHITE
for flushed, reugh, tallow skm*. GOURAUD'S lusun
taneooi LIQUID HAIR DYK colors red and gray or
while liair a beautiful glossy brown or black. GOU?
RAUD'S HAIR RES i'ORATlVK. mal bottles is each.
Be very can-fill to purchase diese article* genuine, and
this ran onhr be done bv procuring them at Dr. OOU
RAUD'S well-known d6pot, 67 Watter-st tirsi store from
Broadway. Calender MSoiiih-Third-*'. Phllad. o3 Im
in im ,i i,..?Maiwi iiii mi ii??i? imiimmwa?1i-- are
IWOOD, 237 Water-st New-York.?
-i? STOVES: STOVES!?It*is now admitted by all
w ho ha?, e used this celebrated Stove, dial il far exceeds any
now in use for heating parlors, store*, offices, hal'.s. i.e.?
The subscriber has also couaOructed a COOK-STOVE, on
the same principle, both of which cannot bo surpassed for
economy of fuel, cleanline**, and durabiUty, So confidant
is the undersigned of their superiority; that he offers to re
Autd the purchase money If, aller a trial of two weeks, the
StOVS should not prove satisfactory.
The public are invited to examine the principle on which
the fuel is luinil m tins Stove, it being entirely now. and pro?
nounced by some of the best judges the hostTor giving heat,
and at the same time the most economical lu fuel ol any
stove now m use. A few of the muiy improvements are
here so; forth:
1. They have no grate In the bottom, the coal resting upon
a solid surface. No cold air is admitted to deaden the tiro.
i The air is heated before it roadies the tiro, by passing
through a hot air chamber, consequently the coal is all con?
3. It is airtight, and so constructed that it needs no rak
ins ; is free from dual, and homo cuji escape into the room.
4. It is economical; the application of the heated air, in
Connection w ith the WCt thai it caunol be disturbed by rak?
ing, causes a complete combustion of the coal?a principle
never before obtained hi stove*.
A Silver Medal has been awarded this Stove at the last
Fair of the American Institute.
The subscriber deems il unnecessary to Insert any of the
numerous testimonials he has received lu favor of the above
Sieve, but can produce them, w nh any reference that may
be required. |i>Jl Im) L. Wtioi). iff W.uor-st.
TRAP is decidedly the best rat catcher in the United State*.
It bus and w ill deceive and catch tiie cunning old nils that
have been loo w ide aw nke fi ir all other ir.nss. The sagacity
of the vermin will be of no avail wlih this Ingenious imp.?
Manu&ctnred and for sale at 25 Futton-St cor. of Water, up
stairs. Also, Wire Fenders and Fire-Guards, wove Wire,
Coal and Sand Screens, lancy wire-work for Libraries
Church windows, <tc. A.c. o?at'Pu.VK
OFFICES, kc?The subscribei would call the attention of
those in wan I of STOVES, to his complete assortmeat of
the most approved patterns of HEATING and COOKING
STOVES. Aiso. manufacturer and denier 111 plum and
Japanned Tinware, Britannia and General House Fur?
nishing Goods, Mica. Stove Ornameuts and Trimmings.
Stoves cleaned, prepared and pui up ai short notice and
little expense. J I). ANDREWS, Succeasor lo F. h.
Trowbridg*. 210 Water-at. _ o.M im
AMPS?$75,?()0.?Having added largc
J]\- t.i mv former stock, 1 now have on hand the largest
and best selected stock to be found In this city, vCon
sisiini; of all the various styles of LAMPS for lard, oil.
campbene, spirit und phosgene gas. Also, hall, street and
other lanterns, girandoles, cutuiucliers, candelebras, table
cutlery, fancy ornament*, Arc.1 ci oil, campbene, spiriigus,
phosgene gas, wicks, glasses, .Vc.
N. lt.?Just received, a large lot of very beautiful China
Vases, nil of which will be sol I cheaper than at any oilier
house in this <-it-.-. Goods loaned for parties;
Charles FULLER, 273 Qi-aenwich-st
ol iui* between Warren and Chamber* at*.
UN WADDING. "The subscribers
havtng been appointed by W, i C. KLEY of London,
sole agents for the *ale of their SPORTING AMMUNITION
Lue nisi received a mil supply of their NEW CLOTH
WADDING, with chemically prepared edges, warranted
sup. nor lo any kind of Papei-waudlug in use, and told at
the same price.
o.-J im 6 Maiden huie.
\' 1 Y X K ID IM.? ?C.MDI'.l.'R, (JUN
t SMITH 10 the KING of the BELGIANS.?Tb* sub?
scriber (sole Aftent in the Untied Stales for the ?nie of the
celebrated Vlvorio Phuimdeuris rire-arms) is prepared to
receive nnd execute all orders for GUNS, PISTOLS, itc.
oi ail descriptions, on the most favorable lorms, and with
dispatch, ror patterns and further particulars apply to
ol21m* LOUIS L. ECI.L SE. >l Liberty si.
Dl'CKTNG~G UNS?A large assortincnt
of all lengths ami sizes, both -uigie and double, ex.
presslv for liuck Shooting?jusl receive I bv
oJI 1 in FRANCIS 1'uMkS i S()NS,'d Muideu-lane.
CHAIN CARLES.?A large assurtment
of English proved, from 1-3 lo 17 i biehea, for ?nie by
au.'i GAUNT ai DERRICKSON, l.Vj South-*i.
iTfl Essence Oils, Paints and general Drug Merchandise.
First qualities of above on advantageous terms for City
Retailers, Country Merchants an I ManuCicnirers.
t23meod* Wholesale Druggist, 49 Cortland-sL
1^ XT R ACT i.f L< KIWOOI) nail OUT
-alDYE WOODS of the nrst quahty, manufitctured by
tbe NEPPERHAM MILLS, for sale at diu lowest market
[ rice, by the n::uaufiic!urers
au29 3meod' RUSSELL it STILES, 135 Water-*!
^OAL.?A fine Bssortnofent of an?
thracite coal, of a SUPERIOR QUALITY,
for funiKres, r?nge? .grate?, itc. Consumers deal
?uiiaine lor luniares, range*, .Tine.-, \c. consumers desi?
rous of procuring their COAL at a VERY LOW RATE,
will do w ell to give the subscriber an eurly call,
oa lui' GEORGE A. SPARKS, 2".'> and 201 Franklin St.
pOAL.?RED or WHIT ASH ut low
est maret prices ; ?rnaii Nut, ^\ large Nut, fii; Stove
or F.iip, J(J 25. Lea? if taken from boats, At y.ud, 479
Breeii;e-ni. n?-ar Woo*U-r, n.-i'l 313 Bowery.
el4 3m* J WEEKS, Jr i NEPHEWS
(^OAL.?I am selling COALi as usual,
J of the BEST QUALITY cheaper than any other deal?
er in the ciiy, from mv vaid, corner of King and Oreeowich
it*. (ointJw-) PETER CLINTON.
U Public, that my PATENT, dated 3l?t AugUSt, |(C?,
was duly extended for the period ol seve,i year* from 31st
An rust, 13-50, by the Commissioner of Patent*; and oil pcr
sons are cautioned agamat infringing tiie same, ssprosecu
lions will be commenced for SUOh mmngements, It peralat
eil in. This Patent ia of great value to the nunnfactarers ol
Imlia Rubber, and saves all tfie expense of oolvenl*.
EDWIN M. CUAFFEE.by hi* Attorney,
Oci. z\ I??o. |okiiw*| Wm, Judson.
- solely by WM. 8ELPH0.24 SprWg-st. N. Y-Vha
subscriber continues to manufacture the aiioye UsSMing
and beautiful stibstllute for a losl Hab. on wblco ?*?*?
lo loae a limb may rely upon
the *?''d.^')rd-ELpno.3 AUTIK/CIAL HAND
also, stkrMt?3 a band_ kj tr.
An entirely new ^^^'^^uiih^ia^tt, grasp.
paid, attended io-_
-??" Raw-York. Tueaday, Oct. A,, U?.
T THOMPSONi Dentist, beJ?g obliged
Li . ,I_ consequence of U ^^^M ??>
Z?afU? proSSooi *om;i/'.rtr';"- -<y refer his patrons
i ??l)r. J. M-BUSKtlY 27 Murray-,!, whose
nlrrexi erlem eand akih wui r.<<4 fail to render his oeera
.T/s"gkly acceptable L. THOMPSON,
' ??-<??' ChambenesL New-York.
o30 3l*
Oculistf Broome-st N. Y. attends lo Disease* of
the Eye, practices his eminently successful treatment
for the ?aroe. Patients at a distance, by deacribln? their
ca* ? can receive auvtce and medicine*, which will be aeot
Vo any part by Expre**. Artiticii.: Eye* for aale, which move
(ike the natural eve. Consultation by l*tler attended to by
inclosing $1. L-nters must be prepaid. o28 lmeod'026 ?W*
Campbene, Buniing Fluid and Hall Lamps, all of tie
brst selected pattern*, and at the lowest cash prices. Also,
Campbene, Oil Fluid, Globe*. Wick*. 4te. at
* C. A. BALDWIN'S. 6&J Bowery,
oil im* next to corner of Waiker-si

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