Newspaper Page Text
NEW-YORK TRIBUNE^ By Telegraph to die Mew-York Tribune. ONE DAY LATER FROM EUROPE. Boston, Th?rs lay, Oct. 31; Dates one day later from Europe are published this morning.per Canada. France.?Paris. Oct. \H.?Paris papers con. firm the state tuen t tin; meeting ol the Par? liamentary Committee was tranquil and otum jiortrttit. The Legitamlst journals, however, per. aist in tlieir opposition to the prolongation of the President's power. Hamborg.?Acconnts to the 15th iust state that Friederichstaadt is a heap of ruins and deserted by all the inhabitants. AusTitiA.? Vienna, Oct. 13.?Prince Swartzen burg continues to carry on his warlike ilemonstra tions. All the subalterns and soldiers of the Bohemian arrnv that were on furlough have been suddenly recalled. The Austrian Ambassador in Constantinople has renewed his representations respecting the Hungarian -refugees, and insists that Austria has a right to demand their being de? livered up. It is Raid that the Porte will shelter them no longer, but give them their passports. Whiff, Nominations! iu MnxsnrhuctLs. Boston, Thursday, Oct. 31. The Whig Convention of the Eighth District found their rejection of Horace Maun, on the ground that he is not the man for the times ; that they wish to get the Fugitive Slave Bill altered or repealed ; and that Mr. Mann's course lias been so rabid, he would exercise but little influence in Congress. There were some dissentients to this address, but it was passed. The Whig papers all accede to the nomination of Mr. Walley. Attempt nt lT.'iik Robbery?fine of the Kol?, ?jersi Shot Dead. Boston, Thursday, Oct. 31. At ~ o'clock this morning, an attempt was made to break into the Village Hank, North Danvers, Mass. The robbers begun the attempt to burst the door in, when the watchman of the Bank, named Aaron Batemau called upon them to desist, which they refused to do. He then fired a gun loaded with ball, hittiim one of them in the side, who staggered a few paces and fell dead. He proved to he .lohn C. Page, brother-in-law of the Cashier of the Hank. His father, who lived in the nearest building to the Bank, was aroused by the noise of-the gun and coming out stumbled over his dead son's body. it appears that the Bank Directors have had warning that an attempt would bo made to rob the Bunk, and have had a watchman .there for a week past, which fact was generally unknown.. The three companions of the deceased are sup? posed to have been regular robbers, and to have drawn Pago, who was of rather bad habits, into the attempt. They all escaped in a carriage they tind brought with them. ? The Fugitive Slave Munter* ul HoHton. Boston, Thursday, OcU 31. A constable proceeded to the United .Slates Ho? tel this forenoon armed with a warrant for the ar? test r.t Hughes and Knight, on a criminal charge ol attempting to kidnap Crafts and his wife, with orders to take him before the police court. The keeper of the hotel assured the ollicer that they left (or home yesterday afternoon. Jlelti}' of Moils, baltimore, Thursday Oct. 31. The cars from Washington, this morning, were detained until 10 o'clock, by the bursting of a flue of the locomotive. The mail consequently failed to connect Eastward. No serious damage was sustained. George Thompson, tin- MuKlinh Au?-Slavcrj Agitator? Boston-, Thursday, Oct. 31. Geo. Thompson, the English Anti-Slavery Agi? tator, who arrived per the Canada, is to have, a reception from the colored people and other aboli tiomsts. in Faneuil Hull. siu\e Huntor??The Sugar Crop, tfce. Baltimore, Thursday, Oct. 31. A number of Baltiatoreous are engaged prepar? ing documents for the purpose of proceeding to Philadelphia, New-York, Boston and other cities in quest of Fugitive Slaves. The New Orleans papers of the - Ith, sny that the new crop of Sugar is coming in rapidly, The bark Hose Standisll cleared thence ou the 23d for New York with a cargo of new Sugar, being the first shipment for tho North this season. The Charleston i>><>t says ihnt Aiken, the sue cossful candidate to Congress ftoin the Charleston District, is as great a disuniouist as llhett. The Virginia Keforni Convention - .Senator I'oole. Baltimore, Thursday, Oct. 31. The V irginia lieform Convention is ongaged hi discussing & motion to adjourn till tho 5th ol -Ian. 1851, to await the census rotunis. Senator Foote is addressing the people of Mis lissippi in favor of the Com promise, and is replied to by Qov. Quitinau. ? Thiuiksniviit? l>;ty in Mnsryllind. Baltimore, Thursday, Oct. 31, The Governor of Maryland has issued a Procla niatiop, setting aside the ~h\i of November for Thanksgiving Day. Ship Sold ut \Hctloa. Norfolk, Thursday, ()''l 31. The hull of the Bremen ship " Louisa" was sob! at Auction on Monday for$fi00. The rigging, Ac. was 60ld in small lots. The sehr Joseph Browu with lumber from Wilmington, N. C. lor Baltimore,a*aa oil'the Capes on Tuesday, with loss Af sails and it sick erew. Sloop of War Jamestown, was launched yestorday afternoon from Gosport Mavy Yard. The Canal Break. ?t1ca, Thursday. Oct. 31, Boats commenced going West this P.M. It will take till Friday night or Saturday before they will all get away. The wider is very low, which will cause u great crowd The string of boats wi st ol the break is 15 miles long, und tue number is estimated at BOO. There is a crowd at Frank furl,and it is still increasing by arrivals from the Rast. 4> The ALcuUcsaulcu Affair. ., , Cincinnati. Thursday, Oct. 31. Kay*Hiiul Montesquieu has been pardoned by tho Governor of Missouri, ou the ground that he took no^uirt in the homicide. Thiuuw in Havana. Correspondence of The Tribune, Havana, Friday,Oct. in. Messrs. Grkeikv a McJBi rath . The Diaria tit la Manna, a few days since, when assigning reasons why .Cuuard was willing to sell two steamers to tin' Spanish Government, said " The insolent Yankee." Und so much advanced in their style of building, size, strength, adaptation of power and oonsequeht fipc-ed, that ho w?? compelled to build new boats to compote with them. If he quot? ed words and others like them, of every Jay repeti? tion, ever escape th.. Government censorial Ob? servation, wherefore Uie ill feelings that exist and the troubles that in the course of time may be en? gl ndered by (item. Wo have iu port to-day four Ameriertti Steamers, With their (lugs Haunting the breeze, iu the face of Spanish indolence, and as to the Pacific. I think she reaches about the Spanish sense of Yankee propriety. The Georgiu. Ohio, and Falcon, from KeW-'j'ork, New-Orleans, and Chagres. within thron hours of each other, yesterday morn? ing No disease among the passengers from the Pacific side, this time, anil (lie reports show abate? ment if not cessation of the Cholera. The New Comet.?in Schumacher's As!rom>- I anal Journal, published at Altona on the 10th of October, arc published the Elements of the Comet now visible, as determined by tho cole.- | brated Mauvais, of Paris-, from observations on tho ft!), 13th, and 17tb of September, and by Mr. Bond, from his own observations made previous to the <th. As these Klememts agree with each other in u most extraordinary mander. we are in? duced to copy them. The Comet was discovered by Mr. Bond, at CuiiJiriu'ge^oittJie 29?1 <?t August, and in Europo oh j&he 0th. of .September, It is still visible, through a telescope, in a strong twi? light, but cannot be seen by the naked eve. Mauvais. G. P, rfoxh. Perihelion Po?*ape, 0?. lit, j-jy Ott. 19. air? M. T. GL Venhelion Distal re, . tY*?U9 0,.v.p? LonjAmde a?c Node, -'jpjtp tty . . Jos? .v Lvrgitude Perdielku . !*J? It? W i.v Inclination 4<.pi y \'V Mouviniuiect. JBoatou Traveller. 1 Potato Hot, 6ta?"From al! quarters of the bland wo hear of the etrtensive destruction of the potato crop. It is no longer a matter of fear or doubt, bat an abso.utc fact, that a very 'mall pro? portion of the potatoes *own will he tit for human food. Coupled with tbis ?alamity, the cateh of tifh this season, though peVheps not below an av crarp. will prove miserably* deficient in some lo? calities. There can, therefore, be no dotibt that from both these causes there will be a 1 trge Car lr. He BROW) KEEKS h MAHKIED DIED. Mr. Kl U*H MCHOI dew e V"4 hi-itv'f.*' ?I- 0? Sundav. Stir. 3. all o'rl <rk V M. wlifir ul ft.ftti.-r inr.utiin 11* remain., will be talen :u UiOt Ommterj rcr.i?t*in?nt. _ nl w?!r?wi?> f?.ffnj I??-.. Mm ALICE CMFT.O.NV'ised lean. Her i?t ?bort ai J painful ttU?M iconee-lion of Ihr lunyaiiV i-ore with Ct.oatian forutuife mai realcoation ?", ?od tho?.- nl' ler ?OB, Char P. C&fton, jr. innt^d to attef.i4 it* tttoeni, fr?rn &g6 Ursine -.t. tfr" af t-joon ?t .* < 'dock. On Thundajr alterae n, Oa 31,SAMUEL W. SCoKI El.t), ejH 4* l es.'?. ili. frienCA and irqiia.r.Unce" are reap-rtfaflv iar.l-.-l to attend tb'. rasen! aarvitea tbis [rridajj afternoon at-I o'cloc?,ath? late re?i rlerreSi Second av w:tbout farther antics Hi, remain* will be taken to N-TwaiX, Conn, lor iaterawnt on Saturday inom.-ip. COMMERCIAL AM) MONEY M ITTERS. Snlch nr the Stock Exchange-...Oct. 31. tys'O-IJ S 6s, 'CT.116*1 80 N York tN Haven.. 1 1.400 do.117 I? do.I no Penn 5s.bCO. <xi 5? 30.000 do.. .y.'iilOO do.910 651 2,000 HudTtivRRBds.101 i200 do.?'i0 'J-;J 15,000 Ind Static 5i.7!>J'20(i do.66g 1. f'O Iti-ad.MtpBds'70. 7ft ilOO do.?10 W; 2, '00Krie Inc Bds.... 92i'100 do. 6<!J 208 Madison India}. HR. if.'JiW do. ?;." 10 do.90| 5(1 do.67 100 Mechanic's Bk.119 50 P?rtsm'?i Dry Dock.. 7 25 Kne RR. 76i 200 do.I>30 7 75 do.hi0 76s 18T?e]S:Hud Canal Co. .152J pa do.aflO Ti'.j. 30- do.151 Thursdat, Oct. 31?P.M. Jn Stocks the movement is active, especially in Morris, which fluctuated witli rapidity, but closed w ith great firnncss. The market took 5,000 shares Under which it went from 21j to 20j, am! then re? acted to 214. One lot of 2,000 shares was sold at the First Hoard st 20J. The contest between the balls ami bears in this Stock is very exciting, and the market, under such sudden ami large supplies of Stock, and such violent fluctuations, exhibiting great determination and energy The parties operating for a rise must hive great confidence iu the ultimate value of the Stock, and large means to back that confidence. It will he noticed that a very large proportion of all the sales of this Stock have been for cash since it was 17 or 18 which is an unusual feature of a Stock speculation. Erie was also very active and improved ] {' cent. The sales at the Second Hoard were large ami closed buoyant. It is supposed that two or three lead ing houses in the street are in a combination iu this Stock, aod that the "shorts" will suffer some. As we stated a few days since, the floods of last week have reduced the earnings of the Erie Road for October nbout ten thousand dollars. The fall? ing ol! from the anticipations of the Managers was 1 nt so much by reason of the interruption of the trains, as from the bad condition of the country reads, which has prevented the removal of freight from the depots, and consequently checked the collection of freight money. The effect of this will he seen in the November receipts. The traf? fic of October has been as annexed : The above receipts show an accession of Ten Thousand dollars in September. The traffic of this road for the veer ;lms far has been as foi? ls 1?. i 1850. January.$.>n,:i,i"i 98|Jtuiuary.$112,955 -2 ?hniury.43,505 22 February.102,212 til March.50,073 07 March.130,578 68 April.IW.123 2? April.1 11,984 H:l Increase, U0.4j>' cent.$672,730 04 Should the receipts of November and December show only the same increase as the above ten months, the aggregate receipts of toe year will be seventeen hundred thousand dollars, an exsess of one hundred thousand over tin1 estimates of the Managers. Harlem was rather better than yes? terday, ami wns inactive. Norwich and Worces? ter fell oil'at the First Hoard, but was J cent. better at the Second Hoard, with good demand.? Mohawk continues iu good demand, an.l a.lvanct-.l - V cent, under a tegular investment inquiry.? The quantity on the market is small. Only ten shares could be picked up at 89. Madison and In? dianapolis Railroad wus in demand at 99?, show? ing au advance of -\ ? cent. The January divi? dend on this Stock will probably be 0 C cent.? The tributaries to this Road, which are very nu? merous, are in rapid progress of construction, and will increase the earnings largely. Heading was inactive and heavy at J t> cent decline. Small sales of Income Honds were made at 921, but holders arc gi ? orally firm at higher prices. The Second Mortgages sold at \00\. Rochester and Syracuse sold at 111, an advance of 1 ?v cent.? All the Central line of Roads nre in demand and advancing, Stoniugton has advanced 1 ^ cent, w ithin a few days under tho improvement in the condition of the Road. Farmers was heave with large sales?oue of 2,000 shares after the Second Hoard, (icvernnu nts were firm, and sales of 1867 was made at 117, thowinc a slight itntirovnmpnt In Lxehonges there is not much doing, and rhe market is steady. Sterling, 10|9l6|. Francs. The Mints are paying out certificates to No 6,065. About $200,000 came over from the Mint to-day. The officers write that they will be en? abled to coin five millions a month in future, whit h will nearly meet the wants of the public until we have a Mint in this City. The French packet will take about Four Hau dred Thousand Dollars in Silver The Payments at the Sub-Treasury to-day were 1135,491: Heocipts, $72,3tJ7 : Halancu $4, 161,185. The private letters from Louden speak of no change in quotations of American St.-cks. and with but little doing. The quotations, however, show an advance of 1 percent in tioveruuient 'is, lr67, but this may be an error. The quotations ate ar follows: United States 5s, 1853, M " '! do 6s. 186$ 101 ?a 101; dm do, 1863, lOJi'i'lOJj ; dodo, t ??(?., ? < tV WSj, ; Pennsylvania 5 s3j 1 Ohio 6?, 1870 of the Twenty < tions in the Cit the 30th of .lot Al Loans and dUcounu u ?Ail olher liabilities i !.?>-. 234 230,127 3.' i - bank on dema ended banks Due individuals and c. other iban banksand ? ,01 3 official mill correct. It wnl be seen that the Loans aiul Discounts have increased two millions eight liiimlreil thousand dollars, the Circulation three millions eight hundred thousand dollars, the De? posits one million dollars. Cash Items nine hnn dred and fifty thousand dollars, the Specie hits de? creased one million seven hundred thousand dol tected Ritt bv obscrvii (Ohio li creased from and after the 1st of January next, nt which time the Cleveland aud Columbus Road will ho completed, making a continuous lirst class Koadfroin Cleveland to Cincinnati. The President of the Baltimore and Susqueban nab Railroad states that during the year ending Sept. 20, the tunnngo transported over the roa.l wag as follows: Down, 143,-12-1: up, 36,22-1 tuns ?total, 179,64-1 tuns. The receipts for the years Total.*J-.~,i.!U 27 Markets.. * *Carefully Reported for Ti 5 for nith rley ;unl and Mobs, stetulv s good Jilail inky Cu the jtcli BY T E L E Gi I Market*....! Tl marl hie d modi heav Ti are ii 4 30. and 30. ?ices lis at Is of teils at II 37 Bacon- Sides are scarce add fetch fij 5* IB. t-rtme Regs of La ru are held a: 7?, and fair Sugar at Hi Mei.AvsEs are 28c Sales ol Etud bbds of Mason County i otiAcco liuve neeij mace at iiiu prices. VViiijkv is ZjUjOc. Market?.... JJew-Orleav- - - Cottok, owing to a difficultviu passi e.xi hange, has been d all with sides of outv SterUng F.xchasue is ~\a 7-, The weather is Markets.Baltimor Our markets are firm. Sales vetter Markets?Baltimore, Ocl 3!. The market for Flock is firm, with an upward tendency. Sales have taken place of 1,500 bid a at 4 73 ? Grain is scarce und unchanged. 2uo bb's i>< Mesa P as told at 11 50. Market*.Cleveland, Ocl 31. Large quantities of produce are coming to our ffit-ikel. and business is vrrv br?s: The wes-her c??.-'.i ,M delightful. wuuuuiss Market*.Botfalo, Oct. 31. The receipts for the past 21 hours have been: Floor, l6,0O0nWs,i Wheat. 7,500 bush.: Corn, none.? ?? ? . v' MJchiaan Floor h<ivatria^ jiac? as * ? Suva So .j. There is a moderate inquiry for Wheat and ast. ai'v market; sales lu.Ooo bush, at75?T7c for Ohio.? Li ks U) firm, aud in <-ood demand at 51(i54c for Wr-tern rnlxed. Huur Freights are TJ<; T.Sc. and Wheat 20c. Murkets.Albany, Ocl 31. The receipts SMCeour last have been asfollows flour; 4.Stf. bbls.; WHBATj b.ooobushels; Corn. 8.000 do! i..v^|V;.r-'W Tl:e :a:'J?-"- !'"r *'<-'H-* :.? been rather h< ba j. ut? e nonce no r.iaienal clionge in prices Whe vt E,^?s?! VEE?, T l?- vC?RV S?h! request at bet i \v , ri^."?'-<-? have been 7..W0husbe's a: 69 for miv S.i-iilo^SL^ UMsac?ons in Barley sum up 15,000 lieu at K5c for superior, and S6 a*} for two rowed. I EN N V LIX D'S GR A N D C<) N .1, MuEf W ofW1 SSS?t HAlTlTo\7? way, w :!ic some prices al as Tr.p,er I*U. 0J8 i>i AM?SEMENTS. U OF 1 HE MESSIAH \T THE TSIiLfR HALL, ON FRIDAl- EVENING, N0"< M'LLE JENS' Miss De Lorn lutea Ute part at a short nonce. I Malier*? sudden tadisposinVm. | Re< .:?:;?.. ?Tl ns saltfi it,- Lard. Air?But who may aouie .1 Virgin. Air an.! Ch-r-ii?Cb. thon that tollest?Mies Do Lac.;. Recitative?Kor i ein.Id. Air?The people that walked in darkness?Signor Beiletti. Chorus?For uuto us a ciu.d is horn. Pastoral Symphony?Recitative?Ther* were Shepherds. Ki ciiati-. e (accompanied)?And 10 the Angel. Recitative ?And suddenly there wai?.M'LLE JENNY LIND. Chorus?Glory lb Ood in the High, sr. Ai??Reioice grea?v. oh Daughter of Zion? .M'LLE*. JEN? NY LIND. Recitative?Then shall the eyes of the hilnd. Air?He shall teed his tiock?MU? De Luce. Air?Come unlo huu?M'LLE JENNY LIND. Clonts? His yoke is eii^y?Chorus? Behold the Lamb of God. Air?He Was d-spi-ed?Miss De Luee. Chome?Sorely he hath borne ot:r griefs. Semi Chorus? Lift up your heads. Chorus?He is the King of Glory. TART ii. Chorus?Lh ail lhe Angels. Air? Bow beauiifui are the feet?M'LLE. JENNY LIND. Air?Why do tue nations?Signor Bei.'etti. Recitative?He that dweUeth. Air?Thou sh.-ut break them -.Mr. M. Colhum. Chorus?Hahelujith. Air?I know that tnv Redeemer?SPLLE JENNY LIND. TIMM A Ku &i. and the remainder in that circle $4. livery ticket sold for any part of the house will have a number indicating and securing a particular seat. Places nm- be secured at Tripler Hall, the American Museum. Wm. Hail it Son's Music Store, iu Broadway, ar.d at trie principal Music Stores and Hotels. Doom open at fi o'clock. Concert to commence at 8. No Checks will be Issued. Books containing the words or the Oratorio can be ob? tained in the Lobbv of the Ha 1. Mademoiselle JENNI LIND will continue her Concerts on TUESDAY. THI'USDaY and kridaV. for a few npRIPLEB ?1 ALL.? MAX 1 BISHOP'S THIRD GRAND SAC and these Classic Performances will bt Sunday, mail further notice, and given rr tono ot tip And. also, i MASTERS. The whole Ticket? SO at the Music: Seats can h extra charge, 421 Broadwai Nov. 2. und o' First Appearance in Arne M'LLE Tl Prima Donna Absoluta, ft if AX .MARKT tamed in the Astor.PIace Operu House from U o'clock, A. M, tili l P. M Further particulars in future advertisements. o31 ITALIAN OPERA HOUSE, ASTOR 1-PLACE.?FRIDAY EVENING, Nov. i, will ho per? formed the grand O.iera of ERNANI. Elvira.Signorina Tnifh Ernani.Signor Lorini Doors IS" Man oi JLO'S GARDEN.?Doors at 6J nence at 7* o'clock.-TicketsSO cents lo all !.!'.m!T...........'.Mr. JOHN SEFTON THE WONDERFUL RAVEL FAMILY. FRIDAY EVENING, Nov. i, the Pauiomimoof VOL-AU-VENT. Vol-au-Vent,FrancoisRaval | Nina.Mine. Al. Marzetti LA RONDELL A. To conclude with the gorreous Pantomime of the QUEEN MUNSTER. Now Dresses! New Machinery' New Tricks and Transformations! Wlite Knight..Antoine I Green Monster.Marzoll ]3 ROAD WAY TJI EATER.?DOORS -?open ai 64?to commence hi 7 o'dock.-THIS EVEN? ING, Nov. i, w,ll be prosei.I i U R1H >N'S TH EATER?(:hambers-st. ?rear or City HalL-The nearest Theatre to the large els.?THIS EVENING, Nov. I. will bo presented |> A RNUM'S A M ERK A N M ?SEUM. JLJ))?p. t. BARNUM, Manager and Proprietor, J. Green, wood.Jr. Assistant Manager. TfJHRSDAYand FR1 DAY. Oct 3i nral Nov. 1. In the Afternoon will be presented ROBERT MACAIRE. Music by the Lancashire Beil Riaeer*. Dance* ard Songs by the Misses West and Keough. Thnrsdaj Evening, Ti(E D'tl'NrCARD. Friday Evening. THE SOLDIER'S DAUGHTER The Gipsey Fortune Teller is al^o here. Afternoon performances at J, Evening ut 7J. Admission 25 eis.; children 12^ cents. m EW-YORK AMPHITHEAT THURSDAY EVENING. Oct 31, pcrfonnsnces by j M. June Ac Co.'s world-renowned b RENCH Cl IMP M'.ie Louis.', Madame Rosaline Benoit, Mile TWiuan M'Ue J- se| hine and M'lle Jeanette, M?ns. Benoit ana Mom Tourriare?a Coosteliat on of Stars. Mr .1 NLvo.s.EouesrrianManager,Joe.Pentland,Clows Private boxes.50cents; Boxes, 2? cents; Pit, 121 cents Doors open at 61. performac. - to commence at 74 r/cloelr. An Mlemoon Performance oa Wednesdays and Satm davs.' o23 tf apYMNASTIC and PHYSICAL EX \T ERCISE, ?i the new and extensive Rooms oi CHARLES 0TTI0NON, located at 636 BROADWAY, and 15, 17 und 19 CANAL-ST. are now open for thurecep Uon of Pupils desirous of becoming proficient in the Gvrn uasiic Art. For this purpose he has engaged Prof. L. ELS LER, formerly of Col. Amou's Gymnasium of Pans, and the Rova! Gymnasium oi" Biusseis. Classes are no-* form? ing. Tik hours of attct: are at 6 A M ind i P. M ? Classes especially tor Youihs are; formed at 4 P.M. By the request of several families. Mr. OTTiGNON has been induced to form a Cli-s lor Louies at 10 A.M. and for young Muses hi 4 P.M. which will he exclusively for their practice. For Terms of Subscription appiy or address as above. N.B.?Sparr.r.rtar.2ht at Rooms ir> Casil-st ol?2w* i^HJUSTYS OPERA HOUSE, Me \Jermine's Hut!, V2 Broedway. above Gnmd-st-?OPEN EVERY NIGHT during the week, until furtlier notice. The original aud well-known Christy's Minstrels, und.;r the management of E. P. CHRISTY, whose Concern in th:.? city for a sccces?l0D of four years, hive been received w Ith favor by hnthly respectable and fashionable audiences. Tickets 25 cents. Doors open at 64; commence at 7J. Afieruoon Concert every Sarnrrfay, commencing at 3 P M. oil tNl? BELLOWS' ETHIOPIAN OPERA J. TROUPE,AT THE OLYMPIC, between Howard a.'.d Grund sts.on MONDAY, Oct. 14?Open every night? 1": .. :he completion of Ujeir New HaJ?Comprlning a ompanyo Tnlr,TEEN pvpLfoRMER3, Under the dL-ecnon of J B. FELLOWS. Concert to con aisl of Souea, Duets, Glees. Quartettes. Chorussea. Re ?tra:ns. kc. itc. Buriesrriies on Italian Opera. Dutch Drill, instrumental Soios and Ethiopian Dances. The whole by the best peribrmen in the world. Admission 25 cents. P,k..,-s open at 7; concert at ?. o'clock. Afternoon concert on Wednesday and Saturday at 3 P. M. ol4 tf OPENING OF THE FIRST FOUR SEALS ?" DEATH ON THE |PALE| HORSE," Dunlap's greatest painting, is now open for Exhibition every afternoon awf evening, at Stoppani Hall, 398 Broad? way, corner o; WaJter St It has been visited again aad again by hundreds of thousands of persona, botii of thia eountrv and Europe. It is the greatest moral representa? tion or the age. Lecrures on the Dain?ng everv afternoon at 3 o'clock, acd every evening at 8 o'clock. During the afternoon and evensr-g. the exhibition will beenhveoed hy -.r:e ::. ,-;c u;<,u ,-,-e ?( T i,..t.-,n fe Co'a .EohtL Pianos rcrra-he.l by Waters i. Berry, H7 Broadway ? TickeU) -io ceale; c'iudren i.oif ' ' ?ao lw* I AMUSEMENTS. OOMIS'S PANORAMA ,.f V?V..C -*U|*n every :.? tfiii ?r? * gi!,;,. Miner* i Ro"m>.-tni , Broadway, Ir is a post splendid work of ark exhibiting ? moit beautifully and taithfully the cities, counlry, mouu ' tains, and mutinous tropical vegetation. Also, by picture* j of surpassing artistic menu the social customs ?f the Gtt | bans are illustrated ; maguifkeut news of sugar, coffee and I tobacco esisies: nnihogiinv. cetiar. ebonv trees, and ruval : palms. Door* opeaal6J P. M P-woraina coinm.Da to rpHE D?SSELDORF A''ADKMY of J. jrj\e AH'iS? new PAINTINGS recently arrived fron Furors-, among winch is "Germania," by liochler. a work of art of the Mgbest case, Tiie exhibition of Paint, tag? rv artists of tiie above school tnu received niruiv itddi. n n - and remains open at "he two rooms over tue Ball of th?-Chores of Divine I'nirv in Broadway, between Spring and Prirtce-M*. from K1 o'clock A.M. r>;i N o'clock P.M. Admission 25 cents; Season T:c*et? 50- Catalogues 12* c,..-0 jellltf G C. QUICK A' CO'S. MAMMOTH JT? M i-:NA0I 'KIE.?Two an'at coUeetions of ANI? MALS coruMM-d formt rix Van Ambure V Co. and June, Titus It Co. The above co?ection will exhibit in tins city a: \STOR PLACE, comer of Eightb-sL and Fourth-av. commencinron MONDAY. October 23th, 1850, for a le-v davs only. Doors open from 2 to 1, and 7 to it o'clock. P. M." Admission 25 cer.Ls?children under ten years, had orice. For further particulars see future advertisements and bills 021 SALES BY AUCTION. anthony J Bieecker. Auctioneer. FORDHAM LOTS. ? (lONTINXJA T10N of the POWELL SALE.-ANTHONY J. BLEECKER will continue the sale of the estate of the Rev. Um. Powell, on MONDAY, Nov. H, 1850, at 12 o'clock, at the Real Estate Sales Room, 7 Hroud-*l by order of the Ad miliistratorand Trustee. This proper'.) consists ot a balance of about 70 LOTS, or parcels ol hind, of large dimensions, beautitiiliv situated for building pnrposes, on KINGS BRIDGE TURNPIKE, and on Union and Cambrelling avs. Delancy-place. and or. Bayard, Hoffman, Lonllard, William, Arthur and Elizabeth si's, as per map of the above property, which can be ohtainwd at the Snlcs Room. 7 Broad sl Title perfect. Three-tjuarters of the purchase meney can rema.n cn bond and mortgage at ? per rant for three vears. For fiunher particulars apply to the Auctioneer, as above. (1.w5) nl. 2.4,0,3. t* ARD WARE, KANC A M Mi'rwp Y BANGS, BROTHER & CO. 504 Catalogues are now ready. WEDNESDAY EVENINO, Nov. 6, atfij o'clock. Law Lihkarv.?An unusually full and valuable Law Library in good condition, comprising nearly everything ibutis of value totbe lawyer ar.d law studoiiL The Reports in co at variety and mos! ofthe approved Digests,Treatises, and Abridgements are contained in iL Catalogues w ill be issued on the morning before the sale, when the books may be inspected. REGULAR FALL PARCEL SALE Or English and American Books -MONDAY, Nov. 12,1r50.?B. B. J; Co. soiict consignments for the sale as above. The invoices already received from London giv? assurance of a most attractive catalogue, and the period selected for the sale will afford an excellent opportunity for the disposal of Standard and Miscellaneous Books, and of such as are particularly adapted to the Holiday Season.? The ( atalogue will be issued at an early day, invoices should therefore be furnished Immediately. lapers. Also' r the titles of by W, R. Browne, A. M.; a-,1 Cruikshanks, Three :nd a Dessert, withiillusUlltions. Orders lor those TS OK 2.000 ACRESC LAND: A III! IAN II Ml N ESDAY, the ISib the Salesroom, No. Pair tin betv TI RMERS, ME if.AIPTORY sale ; Island Railro id.| i situated in the town of Brookhaven, ?esfrom Brooklyn. It is the point of uilroad, bei- New-York and the '. Por'-Jellecsi.i, .:,.l Heliport, as wed cts. andis one of the most important ad. The Btaiion is four miles from from Port Jefferson. As isivell known, otis sizes, and on it are many thousands of cords of wood irge enough for the Now-York market. There is also iroe valuable building timber. Water ofthe best quality. The southerly boundary is one mile and three quarters from the centre ot PatchogUe, the northerly nine miles form Long Island Sound. There are milis, schools and churches within a few miles, and the country around is fast lining up. It is estimated that within a year upwards of three hundred persona have purchased iarnls in the Immediate vicinity, for the purpose ot iuiprovemenL I n every resoect these lands are Jworthv the attention of EMIGRANTS, FA KM ERS, MECHANICS und OTHERS in wanl of i home, and a plan- where, by moderate industry For the convenience of purchasers, the property has been div i led into ten acre lots, which w 111 be sold singly, with ihe '< " ? bole Will be sold without reserve, on the following Conditions :?Ten percent and the Auctioneer's fees on the day of sale; twenty-live per cent on or before the 1th day of December next, when the deeds w;U be ready for delivery, and theremainder, being 65 per cent, may remain on bond and montage at the option ofthe purchaser, fur 5 years, al Fur further particulars ar.J maps and plans of the above property. ?pp .- to the Auctioneer. N ti-?Toe Boston train leaves ?be Lonir !?ia.-id Rnilroaci cepot at Brooklyn, at 9 A. M. everyday, arrives at Medford at 12 M. and passes on Its return to Brooklyn at P. M. tl.'-is ?.'iviri? an opportunity to examine the fands and return on the same day. a person vviii be In attendanceat the station, to show the prrqierty. (7^3) 02J 19t* MDRRAY-HILL LOTS?FIFTEEN -VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS on Thirty-fifth Tbirty-eigbth and Thuty-ninth eis. and on Lexineton-av at Auction.? A NT HON Y * J. BLEECKER will seUat auction or: THURSDAY, Nov. 7, lay), at 12 o'clock, at the Held Estate Sales Room, 7 BroaiijL the following desirable fiuiidnte Lots, viz: On Tl.iriv-f.tTh -t.-4 Building Lots, situated on the south tide of Tfiirty-i'ffh sL between the Fourth and Madison 8v.-.; said low commencing So fee: west of Pourth-av.each lot being it- eize 25 leel front and rear by 58 feet 9 inches in '^Lexington.av. and Thirty^gbtb^-1 Lot on the south-west comer of Le:*;ugion-av. und Thirty-eightb-sL ? size24 feet 9 inches front mid by ico (eel in depth. '' Also, I Lot on south side of Tbirty-etghtb-st, directly in rear ot Ute .ast named : aizi- 2j feet by'lW feet 9 inches in depth. Tbirty-eightb-st?2 Lots on south side of Thirtv-eisrhth-sL between Filth and Madison avs. commencing 225 feet east of Fuln-av.; each '25 by '.*2 feet 9 inches iu depth. Also. I Lot on the north side of*Thunv-eighUi-st between the Fifth trnd Sixth avs. commencing 4o5 feet west of Fifth av.: eg.25 by 98 feet 'J incbt s m deplii. A -". i Lou on the north of Tnirty-eiijhth-eL between the Fifth and Madison avs. commencing 150 feet east ofthe Fiflb-av.j each lot 2-j by 98 tee! 9 inches in depth. On Thirty-nintii-st.?Also, a Building Lots on the south side of THrty-uinth-dt between Fiftn and Madison avs. commencing 125 feet east of F;f:h-av. and directly Jin rear of last mentioned lots; eich ?f the same di nensJons. Two-thirds ef the purchase money can n-moin on bond and mortgage ibr th/ee years r.t ti rer o-:;t. per anuiim, nav Rbh luilfyearly. Maps and further infjrmation, if desired, ttnbeobtanicd i'l'L'.e Aacaoueer, 7 Brood-sL (1.181) o24. 2L, 29. Nov 1 ts "POR SALE at PUBLIC AUCTION? -1. A beautiful COUNTRY SKAT and FARM, lately be kmgmg to Richard deceased, situated in ihe town ot Eustchester. \\ es'.chtster Co. New-York, 18 miles from Kew-Yort;Cirv, 1? miles trom the New-York and Harlem fL-Lrond DfcpOt at Tuckahoe. aad 21 miles from the N-w iorkaad New-Havan Railroad Dfeot, at New-Roche le cnntatnmg aboni 47 acres of best quality land, well watered and fen-ed. On the premises uV re us beautiful Garden and an abundance of Fruit Trees, kc The buildings are in good order. The dyfefflng, StC being upon elevated ground, commands a fine new of the East River and sur S-UnfJRAnvpl-? Ii* rfjrUlL'r P?rt??!a". min of KfirrvpTJs? TMrd-avenue, or of CHARLES A. PI RDY, Esq. White Plains, or of H. BARNES, on the premises. The sheve sale wi.'! take place on Saturday, N07. 2-at 2 o'clock P M. or the premises. Pkrt of ::.e purchase may remai". ou bond and mortgage M. B.?Carnages wLl be in readiness at the dfepdi- Ui cow vey pereoos Ui u,e far.u ou ?ie duy of sale. o!7 16t? FINANCIAL. f5,??(C NTK ll IS I ft if. T|l ICHK.AN SOUTHERN u.\IU 1TJ.ROAD COMPANY * hmi.mid SEVEN Pi's. CENT; MOET?AOE LOAN Stated pi osai* br ft# hundred Uioumu:(I doflaro uf she hr< mi ! only .Mortgagsj Bond* of the Michigan Southern Railroad Compxiiv. bearing seven per cent interet-t, will be received until ixbdaytc I November next. The-..- I onds -? ?' ??' ' v , r >?".?.. M of n special I act ufthe Legislature of Michigan, aathorizing the Company to dispose bfor sei! their sbilgarton*, either within or wtuy. ou! ihat State, ai attch rati - r prices ^ may heagreednpoa, I and If sold below par, tobe is. ?.. ._? l- f ?M at par. j Tbey are tecmer] >?-. ,. r.turtgaee executed to shepherd Knapp, Esq. 61 the t . N. w-York, In tru?t for the bond. I ho.tiers. I TMs monrage covers the enrtra line of the ComoaaVa Road in MiclOgan, wh.? , ;,a.,v btUlt or beteafter^oW J constructed, and it provides ;! a) bonds to ?1 *:i.<'.ci: not ex. ceding one million ofdoDtnln all.may bebauest; of whjcl? amount not im.r.- than, , .. .t lkftor th# Road shall bare been completed tu Smrges1 Pra.r.?-. a di*. tance of 1H miles from Lake Ere. to which point K will be completed by the first of Januar? next Thesecurity off ed for the bi n Uta therefor., ? mortgage lien, and tubstam illy the only |,.?,, , ;>vui whleal when complete t? the state line of Indiana, wlU have near ly 140 m&ea of wain line, beside a branch of I"* miles, and] which will have cost, inciudiny the origna] oatjaybytha State, ami the re'- tig Ihi present track, shout 4.'300,r>X^ of which $1,300,01 0 will hi repre e:,:,u by stock. The portion of the road already in operation, about TO miles, yields an income ample to protect the entire debt proposed to becreuted, and liie length of complaaed line and consequent increase of revenue, la Jaily increasing, a/, fording a security whii b will place tho payment of the debt bevor.d all cetringencies. f"or Aligns'.. 1850, the, earnings were $ttxU7 27. Tot Septembt r $20,480 These receipts were derivsd ftom the road in its present unfinished condition. Fifty miles of completed road will be added to it within three months, am! will be extended wtheSL Joseph's River, ?t the trail anaSiate Une, early next Spring, thus doubiiug the length oftbe mainline m w' in operation. This road is a part of a continuous line of Railroads from the City of New-York to the Mississippi River, by way of the Erie Railroad and the Lake Shore Road, and 1* an im? portant link in the chain. Nearly the ? hole of this great lire from New-i ork to ts? Mississippi River is either completed or m ?ie coarse of coq. ttruction. As the means for the construction of the rofU reedy tor Uta Iren are provide.! for by sum ',, subscribed and beta* paJ-i in, by regular installments, and the proceeds of the bunds srs muiniv required for | urchase of iron heavy II rail and equipments, it is believed that no railroad bonds before the public offer greater inducement for sate itrvcDtment ?ioa those of this Company. The mortgage empow era :t e Trustees, in case of faitum, to pay the principal or in eres1, of the bonds, t? take, posses, sion of?ie road and receive it* earnings, or to seil it, on das notice, and apply the proceeds to the extinguudiraeni of the debt. The bor.iis are In sums of $1,000 each, payable at ibe Me. chanics' Rank, in the C'.iJ ol New-Yori, Nov. t, 1,-60. with interest at seven per cent per annum, payable semi-annual, ly in New-York, on tin Is; Nov. and 1st May. Interest warrants or coupons, nr.- attached to '.I* bond*. K. ur hundred thousand u.rflnrs of the totals are now of eSealed proposals for any amount not Icfsthan $l,000wU be received until the I5thdaj of November next Proposals may be addi ?ed to WINSLOW. LANIER* Co 62 Wall-st. or to E C Litciipiklo, Treasurer. 63 u ail-st. indorsed " Proposals for Michigan Southern Rail, road Bonds." $300,000 (half the amouhtnow offered] will be disposed, of absolutely and wilhoul reserve to the highest bidden The Company reserve the n?hl io withdraw die remainder If the oilers are not satisfactory. All neres-crv information in relation to the bonds, togeth? er'v [th mal s.uiav be ohm;- ed by railing on WL.VSLOW, LANI ER ^ CO. or E C. LI I'l l(EI Ei.D. ?leither of whlci places copil s of the bonus mortgages can he had. Copies of the bonds and mortfiages may also bo seen oq application to Shepherd Knapp, Esq. President of the Me; emmics* Bank, or io James Van Nost/uud, Esq. President of the Merchants' Bxi hange Bank. Parties whose bids are accepted will be required to pay g"> per cent, upon the amount awarded to them immediately ni.on beui" notified oi ibe acceptance of their lud?, und the remaluder in equal amount* on the 1st and 16th of Decent her next; hut any party Will be at liberty to pay In lull U once, interesi will commence from the day of payment New-York, Oci.3,18.W. CoMMtTTBC oi run Directors. OEOROE BLISS, JOHN STRVKER, CHARLES BUTLER, .KHIN B. JERVIS, olti if EDWIN C. L1TCHK1ELD, CHARMERS' BANK OP KENTUCKY! X ?SUBSCRIPTION to $500,000 of the CAPITAL STOCK of the FARMERS' HANK KENTUCKY.-The undersigned having beeil appointed by the Board ?f Dine, tor- of the above named Hunk their Agents In this city tore. ceive Subscriptions to Its Capital Stock to bbe amount of 8500,000, give notice that Books for that purposejare now- open in tl.if..t WINSl.tiw. LANIER tfCO. 52 Wull-st. where subscriptions will be renewed until fur ther notice Five thousand share of $100 each are authorized tot? so,il al pur, ?.1" on each share must be paid at tbo time of subscribing .*.'(' on liie 15th day of January next, (IS'>1), the residue subject to cull by tho Board of Direclors, Par des :u the nine of subscribing may, however, pay for their: shores in full, if so disposed. This Bank was chartered by the Legislature.>f Kentucky niits last session, to supply, in part, thedemund for mom capital growing out of tue wholesome business wants of the citizens of the State, the present Bunking Capital being altogether inadequate. The chartei is liberal in its pro. visions: Ikis thirty years t.i run, ? Ith no [lower reserved by the Legislature in any u Ise to alter or control it. The Cap* Its Bti ck is S'J, KID,ODD, uf which about 8700,000 has already been ink. u lu Kuumcky, the residue, excepting the 8500,000 hen. offered, will he taken tiy citi/ons of that Stale and elsewhere. The Hunk, with scYeral of It* Brandies, is now In operation. The Mother Hank Is lo? cated at Frankfort, the bent ol Government The Stale nf Kentlick) i- bi !ie\ed io lie ii moi-t favorable and secure lo? cation for Banking Capital. The exports of the State ara ?ery great, consisting p incipally of homp, corn, catila, horses, mules, huge, bale rope, bagging, ic. 4tc: to facili late which large amounts ol Exchange on die Sou?i and North nre ofli rint: to il e Banks, Thehigh credit of tin State of Kentucky and tlmtofher Banks, are evidence of what tills now Bank will ho; the nit and ?landinjrof her Banks are equal to those of any ot] -i Stale in lim Union : ihtir notes form an important port Df the circulating medium of tliu Mississippi Vaiiey paaauig current from PitUI urgh to New-Orleans, No Hani., me better managed,Uiolr current dividends now being from Eight to Ten per cent, per annum, with large accumulations of surplus or reserve (tends, and their sir. n> an- now considerably above par in the market. The charter-- ol most, if nol all,of tho oilier Biuiksin the Western and South-western States expire wiuiin the next twelve years. The Im liners' Bank of Kentucky having thirty yars w nin, will have a held of circulation of great value ut Its etockboldere. The management of this Bunk is in hiithiy respectable und able hands. The Directors think they will be able to pay dividends equal to auy other Bank in the Stale. Mr. Han.:.,, the Preaidentol the Hoik, ia now in this City: he wiil be happy io give any additional Information, and may be found diuly, lor u snort ume, at the offices of the un dersigned. " tnphlet copies of a statement snd charter of the Bank may be had on applicanou to u?, New-York, Oct. 24, 1850. J4 Im WARD Jc CO. 64 Wali-st. Elt ?c CO. 52 WuJI-st. 1 m;ansfkk of kick. n.j. explo . Liberty-sL?New-York, October 21, 1350 - ai a meeting oi the Executive Cora mittee, held this da;., a repoit was received from the Aciing Manager a: tliu Company's Works, ut Newark, re commending thai in order to meet the very increasing ds> maud for the Company-? PATENT ZINC PAINTS, and other products, an additional Steam Engine of unhorse power be contracted for, together with suitable furnaces, mills, and buildings therefor, whereupon it was resolved, That the treasurer be authorised to open subscriptions far the disposal of five thousand shares of the Company's re? served stock, at the par value of twelve and a half dollars eurh. and io Issue scrip certificate* theretor, the insialjneots upon which to be payable .is follows, viz: 3; dollars per bharo ll cash at the time of subseribine. 3 i.O " '? bg the end of W day-< from this tune, 3 no '? " ?? ?? ,) mouths " |* Ii was fhTther Kesolve.1, That Richard Jor.e^, E?q. and Da? vid A. Hayes, Esij. be authorized to receive subscriptions a: the cuv of Newark, sod Messrs. W. K. Jones It Brother, In pursuance of the above resolution, ?'ilncripiioni will "J Beaver-st wter? Report, and further infor S T JONES Treaaurnr ? NTEREST ON CITY STOCKS.?Tha ??INTEREST on the PUBLIC STOCKS of the City of New York, due mid pavable November 1st. lr.yi, will be paid on tiiH'. day by SHEPHARD KNAPP, Esq. Chamber tain of the City, atithe Mechanicfs Bank, 33 vvtii^t. The Trm ??:??<? be d on MONDAY,October 14,at 3o'clock, P.M. Rr*" For iho accomrnodaUon of Stockholders, TRANS? FERS will be permitted dining the period ibe hooka re? main closed, to icke effect Nov-mber 1st. Comptroller's Otf.i e, New-York, October 4th. IK50. o? INI JUS. R. TAYLOR, Comptroller. ir.d after Friday, is: Nov. next The Transfer-book will be closed from die 36th inst o> til that fiate. By order. olo iNl C. L. EVER!TT. S-rcretary. BANKING KIOL'SE OF j. CARO THERS 1; Cti. No. 15 Wo-Fi-si. PITTSBI.'ROH. Pa. ?Collections made on oii the PRINCIPAL CITIES ofd* UNITED STATES. Reference in New-Yorx, Messrs. Wnislow, Lanier i Co. 5; Wail-sL aul7u tv OTIC K.?A Dividend of FOUR PER 1" CENT will be paid to the STOCKHOLDERS of tbs> WESi CHESTER COUNTY BANK, on and after the D* day ol November next D F. CLAPP, Cashier ?l? INI . Anthony J. Blehcxkr. Auctioneer. OEVEN VALUABLE Ii D [LDI n p eO L(;TS SIXTH A V. a: Auction on TUESDAY, by order of ihe Farmers Loan and Trust Company THONY J. BLEECK ER will sell at Auction on tu*.-"> DAY, November S. I860, at 12 o'clock, at ine Real *??"?? Sale* flooms,7 Broad-st. the following vaiuable P1rfPert>''a On Sixlii-av ?' lois of grourd situated oa the ca-itsiue of Sixth av. between Twemy-fifui snd Thu^y-?xn>?'s. rorrrt ing the w hoie enure fn.m of ?ie baxk, exceptJnecorner, and known as No.. S3, 31, 35. 36, 37, 38 and 39. as per tnaa of property belonging ut said Company, on fie m theltegi* ttjit* OtfiCP ? * Teron?10 per cent, on the dav of sale, with the: auction-) eer"s fee; i r> pVrceni to paid on iheoeliviyol ^ art<IJ_ on the ll'th of November; the balance can riir.a.a on bo00* and morti aee for Sv.- yei rs at i. jv-r reut per annum, further parueuio.-? apply to ihe aucut/uecr, ? Broad ?t oOOfit (1,166)