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NEW-YORK DAILY TRIB UNE. VOL. X.NO. 3110. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1351. PRICE TWO CENTS. NEW-YORK TRIBUNE ?ifl, new-york daily tribune is published Every morning, isundays excepted,, at T?? TaiBt??* BBILOl?aie. ge>k?kk 09 irll'H 4M0 NAS lAV-STBSKTt, Oe-posith tub CITY RlLL. B'-4 daavec-d to CKj P ba "S era fog I?, C-au prrvnet, Br, when they prefer, they can paw !u tt the Desk r r six months or a year al the atono rate Single copl*a Two Cents. m al! SuMcrlbera Klve i) nJJartj p(,r, to advance. Bubscrlpt'orie taken ' r ? x aj a am for ihres raTOths, tl BR "Tflroa Dollars In advance rwnulrad la afl srcfeactre* wttft Country Newspapers. d\1i> Papers raw M tred si this office tthote Ujtujb are higher iL an ifi-macf ft* Wbwe are not allowed Buy dlterence. !,5'.'-.\ORK WKKKI.V tkiblnk, A very LA ROE Pa! ER PuK the co?stry ta ??bilstod every Hoturdiy .Worweao, at ibe loer prl^ of %i ajr annum In advance Eight copies for Alf?, or ivnuiy k plea to one add re*, f.r *2". and the papwr Id no <-ae* eor> ovaad beyond ihn Um? for which ll lapeld. A ieerUeemeets tor Bus?beet will be, chained ?ru. ,it ln/> e*ch loaertloo. THK MB.MI-W kkki.y TitI HC XK 5 P?''2*bexl erwry Wntntida, and H itvrdnv laornlnf ? p-tee kvtper annum Two c iplee for $S. T?u for $?"> AdverTew?*uonta. 6 cents a line each Insertion. THK NKW'YUKK TRIBUNE roa subopeaa ciac?i.arioM ??sabUabevJ on the departure ?f ?ach Mall SteemtrVw arpool. Price 6X cue copy, or As per yew pus;age Included TUB NBW.YOKK TKIBUNB rea cs/mpobni a. "saco* and ths sabdwich ulaws It aee?aried on the departure of each Mall Steam-m for Ca? rres. Price, *t cenlt per copy. _PRESLEY k McELRATH, PnbllsherA SPECIAL NOTICES. IV Ha*. t. L. Harrla ?III presch at urtal at the Bsusvesent Institute. TOMORROW MJK.NIN.I. and will lecture on "Spiritual MaLifestatioua" ia iho even! ig at jj Q'tetttB-_m) & IT N?w>J?r-aaaJ*)BA Charea, Elphih-st.. between Broadway and PtajrUi-av.-stervicee every SUNDA y Morale' at Ii i o'dock, by Prof. BUaH, and Evening at Tt o'clock by R?v. Ur. BROWN. Bewtsfree. in 15 law lAStA* IV Baptism.-The r!t- .,f r,p ItiiTwlirb?) admlalt tered by Rev. Mr WILLS, of the Piovilenr* Bap! tt Church, aod ihe Rev. Mr EDO y, of the Centioo-st. Bap? tist Church, In Ihe RaMstry at the Mariners' Bapittt Church, tn Coerryai., THIS (Saiurdsy, EVENINw A DtarvHiran on the meaning <if the Oreek w ird BAPTT/O will be den wert by Mr. Eddy, and an adcreee lo ihe can dldatea by Mr Wills. Bervlcee commence at 7,. ?5 li? ly* Tae Anniversary of the ?abbitte Mchool, atvl Juvenile Missionary Aaioclatlon of toe Hoaston s'. Church, (comer of Houston and Thompson tit) wilt be bald on BAB BATH EVENING next, April b Addresses may be expected from Rev. Dr. HL TTuN andlBe Pastor, Rev. Mr. DICKENBON. Bervlces comaaence al 7 o'c.jc* JtW"^I^Swsra?.?Profeaaor Win. CAMPBKLL. former ly or ibe Dublin University, will lecture on Monday eve Bios, April 7, lo the Leclur? room of the New York Socle It Library Subject: " Woman?her Mlttlou-herBov-ial Poaltlon ? D ?ora open at 6|. and lecture u> commooce at 71 o'clock. Admlttlun. ceEts a? 2t* t9 iBTsportitac Kren l.rciarca its l.adlea la Bro?lil>B.-Dr BANNIMO will, al ihe urgent requeii of taveral ladles of Brooklyo, deliver a Prne Lerturn |q thai city liila A ?t KB NOON and KVERY DAY THIS WEKR, at H o'clock p M., at the Brooklyn lostliuie, lo V\ ttblu!. ton tt. near Concord. Mothers aod daughters afTltrted with, or who are lnt?rette<l in ihe causes, preveo ventlon and cure of bodily deformity, general debility, or aay of ihe Protean group of aymptoina termed female weaknesses; who would cultivate In inemeHvi-a, or see cultivated In others, a symmetrical and graceful for n of body, arecernrally Invited to ailecd. al 2t IV Operative Untiere' l'aloo.-A meetlnr ol the aliove IM m will be held at the Houm- of Call Itl Grand. BLTH1? EVENING, April 5, and every Saturday ax the tame lin t und pl<ce, for rtc?iv.u? duet and > ntennir mem? bers A Keeptr of Ihe Rounis .s to be iktcted to night A full aitendaoce of uiembert it requested. AI*o, the annual elect't n of officers lakes place next SatU'dav evening. Apni 12 The Rooms are open dallv. that bost'et may be tap plied with good, steady men. Chair taken at 8 o'clock. j Z ren nie, PruildenL J. Robebtbon, Rsc. Bee. ai It Bar** New-York t> pstRrnphlcal Weeleiy.-a k Bo vv lb dg cm t m ?The fuilowiuK eowiiriuulcatlon. In rioslog achech for $107 90, waa received by the New-York Typ.?graphical Society oq Saturday eveolug last, and or dated to be published i BBSBW 0? rat Bin Tims 9??, Man h 18. UM. DaaaStt Wa ? rat plaasme from being niaoV Iba majium of traoa mia-'on of Iba it.. loearl tbtct lor onahuadreil and taven dol hot tk? ninety ttnta. Tkiaaitiobi.tia ptaM'.ttd to tha N?w York Typographical S.ic t ar 1 fir* Librari, by aftttrt. Cofrrntn A Mat.ol Uta Aator Huuia , and i outlet of tl e aat profit act ruins from toe compl.nienta ry tapper ?i>ru by ouraalteflo Cel. Riibtrd M Ho?, on toe ib.b ol Jaauaty laat Wi.loig due proapetity to the Sor.r'.y represented by you. tad to 'ha Pira Library -e< r ttb eetab lahaJ uedar lie auapn-aa. wa eul err ibe tqt.elTe. Vary Itulv ynuia, HE ICH BKOTHER1. A Ceaataaaaa, Bjaa, Preaiiient ol Iba Bew York Typ itnphica] s. of, Upon ibe reception af the above commanlcallon by ihn Rorleiy. Iba followicg leaolutljB was uoanlin ?utly ad< pted AswJeWet, That tlio thanks of the Society are due, andere hereby tendered, to Messrs. Coleman A Stetson, of ihe Astor House, for the r litteral donallon of s)l07 :hi toward the funds of the Tenters' Library, transmitted UiruuaU Mt-eers Beach Broil tri. Bx wi?~*?*-> i" * ? a if R H johnston. Secretary. %W l.rssad Ulvlaltsas, 8.alT , N. V.?The aecond Uuarierly Hestion ol Ibis body will convene al Port r.d ?rard, Washington Co., on Wednesdsy, Hih insl., at 7* o clock, P.M. By order a* A' THOS EDGERLY, Q. 8. "or 1. O. O. P.- I'alUBBtbla l.adHe, Nw. I.-Toe clfcere ai d infrnbers of this Lodge are requested lo rueot lu ton room. Odd Psllows' Hall, oa Sunday. April 6. at 11 o'clock, P M , lor ibe purpoae of pat log ihe last tribute of mp (i tt. Bro Alex. Johoaon. a member of WaablnaTton Loogn. No I. Baltimore, who tinforuiuately wasdrowaed In Jai uary last. His body havlog besa buljust recovareJ, las, lo ibe absence af all relatives, bat? taken tn charge by ealii Lodge for lotermeot Members of other Lodges are earctttly requeeied to unite with us on Ibis occasion. J. B. VAN BUREN, N. O. W. II. Goduarii, Secretary^_a5 It* ; " ?.ein nil *?ot lel? of HeeltHniceiinil Tntttee aaefa of the City of Neev-York.-A Special Meeting of the ?octe-tv will be heid at ajet liatilcs' Had. 17. Broadway, line tBATl'KDA V ) eveulng, at one hour afier auosel aftll _THOMAS EARLE. Secretary rV Uarpwi-tulwa Natloes. ? The Committee on StrerU of Ibe Boaid of Aldtrmen will meet Al parlies In terrain) |n the widening of Wa'l at , alao Ibe widening of Liberty-st. on Thursday. April 10 at 3 o'clock, P. M. tn the Chamber of ibe Board of Aldermen. City Hail JONAS V CONCKLIN, ) WABRKN I'll APMAN. ; Com. on Birnau. PATRICK KELLY. \ Hew.York, April 3, It3|._al tAlO IV PtMf-OnSoe, Naw-York.-NOTICE.?The Malis per l' S Mau 8i-anier KR AN k LIN will c ose at Iiis oflice on SATURDAY, ihe Sth ton . at 10* a m. Leiters tor the Continent, per PiankUo, nitiat be prepaid^ as 21 W. V. BRADY, P.M. ?mr Naiirs.-Bteainahlp BALTIC, from Liverpool, is aiaciarndiifuhflur ounorn or irr. mn uf fiuaJih ?*/Vu tgaett please attaud to receipt of Uieirsoodii ^ ao ER t 'I.I.I ~jgr Nswlsrk atktsl Ustvrt) Kxpreew.-8te?vner THAN KLIN ? Paiceia will be lecelved tor ihe Pranalln, b) tall for Havre on ihe nh of April next Ordinary aatr ales. Bl eVh. L1V1NOSTON. WELLS A CO.. al6t _6 Wall at fV Tb* iiavaka?The artist, while at work paloitng the abo> e tub|eci, propoeea to have Ibe room open to vis? itors, from 9 A M. to A P M , and fron 7| until 10 In He ?vsalng Milter's Ticket, tl; single admUston, 12| c t ? or three for ii eta. Commeoclng ibe picture Monday eve klBf, April II. Room 13. New-York University, where uckeu may be bad by those wit hing to witness the pro? gress of ibe picture. Biagttig iBBv also be Introduced from painted banners ? canlrg the elemeats of masic In their appllcaiion to the highett purposes_|a5 3tis| a. C. MOSES. bV TweMeclsnolca' Inatliate has removed to the BVfe bunding at the lunctlon of Divitlon et- and the Bow? ery. ,7 Bowery,) and will there open a MKCU ANICAL Ml'SEL'M and POI.YTKCHNIC EXHIBITION, aa soon at ike neceasary arrasgeeaeoU can be made. lavanlwre aod Ariitact. desirous to bring their works into public no Oca, will please rouimunlcate wiih Ike Actuary. The Lt braiv a nd Reeding Room has been tastefully filled uo, on ika first floor, ankle now open for members and appreo Tanss of Meniln-rsblp-S; 00 lnlUe?ou (ee. and $200 ?Barle dueA Appreaiteea free. kiraxa-ere led eeafailug men art Invited to visit the fteadtot: Room, at their rleaeur*. durin.- tbetr stay In toe Ciry ZADOCK PRATr. President T. c. Dooi), Actuary. _m? 6tM WB nr ttrtsiiwfer Kasltwh -4t>eela-Of alldaacrtptlona (Milcuituial. tlower. AC I with fuii deexripiloos and dlnsc n?tB BC. cuipanving the same, received by LIN 1NUSTON. hells kCO.b Wallst, where and prices may be teen._al 2wTuTbAB ^|^>-? Werld-a l^lr.-Those^whojntaod vWtln? Koaa are requeued to drop In at TI TTLE S Emporium. JtA Brt adway, aod examine his excellent aseorunentol kAveleti' dressing cases, portmanteau a y'^"?wiC2o?? Kloae, pocket and cane umireliaa, Ac. At TL XTuS] 9 poituin Btay be tound the largest assortment of fancy tad eaefu) aitvlea lo this country, embracing opera glasses, B tkns. doaaloo masks, gold and silver pencils, motte buses, work boxes, baby Junpera, wye, 4.C The prioes are twenty per cent leas than the ueusJ rates for fancy goods, kad u.e pilce U disUfiCily maiked ou each article YU1U rs sJways welcome. al StTuThSl OfHialsa Ialajaa Psuaey DyiaC EetabMeh aeeai.-odice. No ? John st. New York. TkeProprte tors of tide satabilt*"!?-<i. whose Dying and ItnlaAlnf aavs i reo so toog and favorably known to the commuoiiy. ate ready to receive orders for dying and clsaalug Sl!k, Woolen, Cotton, Linen and Paacy goods of every dascrtp uor. In 'be best maanor. _. , tjl> las*_BARRETT NEPHEWS R CO. tfT Maria* FevehUa. 1S3I.-MONARQLK, of eBIBowery, raUe tue alteauioo of bis cutlomers and toe sabllc to ike new at vie ol Hats, which, tot beauty of fialab and al. WlU vie w'.th aoy BaTs ' I BJ rt:a.k?; asS) <U* _J H. MOMAkQL'E. Ml Bo?ary. OT Til* BejsAadfal Trwweaoreew^y and velvety Mature of ihe complexion, and Doe. giosav exuberance or batr which distinguish ibe more lovely Btnong ibe female a?x. areprodaretfby the use of Bog ley, H?T>eaiona. and Hyperion Plutd. ?b!ck are aneooalied tor their beaaiifytrg aid preservative properties. Bold by ihe lavaAVtor WIL? LIAM BOGLE, 8T7 Washlngton-al. Boston. A. B A D. Saudi. ieo Pultoa-sa.. Rnahton. Clarke A Ca, 273 Broad? way . W H Cary k Co .aod Brtdgman A Day, Peari-at, and Dtugglsts ihroughooi the country_ao It ?/si ibe Deer.-eoatempkbted Removai -Dr LUTE. RfcR'S Ear tut.m ary for the Ercluslve Treatment ef Ear WANTS, AC._ AS Chambermaid and Plain Sewer, by ? respeclei ?Irl. i ? h , o .1 vtr,. er an I r ? -r Would have no objection to go lo the country for lha Sum? mer. Can be teen till ihe 9lh at S5 Pierrepont-al, Brook? lyn. Can be well recommended from her laat place. a'> it* AS General Housemaid, by a young Woman lo a amall p> >-ate family, a good wasber and Ironer, and plain cook 1 ha best of Ctty reference given. Call at 256 Tfc'.rd-ave, betw een Twenty.first and Tweaty aeccnd lit Can Ire teen for two days, at BP AS Genekal Housemaid by a respect? able young wowan In a small private family. Sheila a good plain cook, a first rate washer and Ironer or would dorhmihsnvork and wblllng. Cail at 130 Korsvth-sl tn the rt sr. second :'? -or. frontronm, for two days. Cao give Ibe liest of city reference If required. a5 2l* AS 1 loUSEREEPEH, or INSTRUCTRESS in Embroidery and Needlework to children, by a young German girl. Apply at 51 Charles st. corner ol Fourth. AS Houpereeper, by a Widow Lsdy; or would assume the management of a boose for a bomber of Oentlemeti. or Uenllttueo and their Wives; or would lie willing to take the care and charge of a house In the alsaence of a family who Intend visiting or traveling abroad; or would act as Saleswoman In a Gentlemen's Kurntshirg Store For all of which she is competent and well qualified. The heat of references given and required. Addreaa A. l. T., Tribune Ottiee. a3 St* AS NuMB, by a respectable Protestant Girl, to travel with a lady. Has no objections to going to Europe Address for 3 days a; 41 Ninth sL Best city references given. a9 St* AS Wet nur9k?By t heiltny young married woman, with fresh breasts of milt Apply at ? ?-. Delancy-at, rear buildtog, first floor. a=> It4 A" GEN TST?Wanted 100 Agents. From $50 to $1(0 a month, clear of experts**, can be ma le In selling a new work for families, containing the famous washing receipt Address, post-paid. ' American Family f uMtcaiton Eatabuahment," 128 Nassvati-at, second Soor. m34 lm*_ AGENTS.?Wsnted, 15 or 2u young men of gerxl *<)ure*s and genteel appearaace, to en? gage in a pleasant, lucrative ana highly respectable busl neia. Kor an outfit one to five dollars required. For par? ticular*, call at 87 Naseau-sL. Sun building, from 9 to t O'clock._|a5 Jt")_THOMPSON, 4) AGENTS.?Wanted, Young Men from the conn try, who do not wish to work on a farm, can mike from 40 to $100 per month on Dr Skinner's new fern. Ilv Work. Call Immediately, or addreaa L W PA KM KS TER. 83 Nassau-SL. eost paid._m221m? AGENTS.?To Persons Out of Em? ployment?Agecu are wanted tn every ssy-tloo of the United States lo sell New and Popular Pictorial Work* for psvUculars. please call, or address ipostpaid) ROBERT SEARS. 128 Nasaaa-st Now Readv? The ''Family VUtter.'' for April, a hand? some Pictorial Sheet, or " Gold* to the World s Falr.'* Price ct cents single. $4 per 100-_ma IrnPAW BUILDING LOTS.?Wanted, several Bnl'dlng Lou, (on not lea* than five years tlme.l for inmediate In p/ovemeoL either in WiiliaiMbur^h. 8oBth Brooklyn, or in the neighborhood of Harlem. YorkvLu* or Kiftletb-*t The price most be reasonable, and property free of all ineumbrance. with perfect title, Addr*** BUILDER. Tribune office, stating locality of LoU. price. i.e._*?r BUSINESS.?For Sale. A good Busi? ness, that paya weil, can be purchased on reasonable, terms Amount t>f capital reonl -ed from $4,0"" to $*a\*<. A line addressed Bl SINESS, Tribune Office, will receive atientlon. _m29 StMWS' CARPENTERS?Wanted at Bedford, Brooklyn. L. I. four good Carpenters to whom steady eraplovment will be gtveo to the oral of August Ice .'re Of j AM es McKee._aSSt' (^LsERK.?Wanted, a Young Man about J18 or 2i'. of good addrew, tnaa Embroidery and Fancy Store None need apply but ihoaa well acquainted with the business Good* required. Apply lame> diaiely at 3ot> Bowery._at BT ("mTeRK.?Wanted a Clerk in an office. J - A man of good appearance and address, a good pea man, active. totoiHgent. and familiar with the city and vicibliv Irish not wasted. Call at 10? CUarubers-SL office, before'9 A M. or after 4 P.M._a5 11 (^OOK.?Wanted a neat, tidy woman, J Protestier! t preferred, to cook, was* sod Iron N >-e need arr'y hat Ihoee who can bring good recommends tu ns for honesty acd capability. Call at ? Msrket-ta froai 9 uatil l o doca._SI BP (^OOK.?Wanted, a Protestant woman J tot samSBSj as-?tiawwork, at 6S4 Broadway. a5 It* DRUG CLERK.?A Drag Cleik, com petett, and with city reference, will hear of a good dt,.tp with good A?l'"$?%tT?OH. 1 NVESTMENT.?$5,000.?Any person I desiring to Invest five or six ihousaad dollar* to a safe at d profitable maaner, can Warn bow to do so by k>d<ira*?. Ing iS A.M . BOX e*J, rost OSke aSSV AT <-l?tt. Wrard Whig Kcasylatloas.-AtaReg ular Meeting of ibe Slxui Ward Wh g Commtite*, hell at the North An erlcan Hot-1. corner of Bowery and Btyard st, on Tuesday EvetIng, Mar b 25. usi, the fol'osring Preamble at.d Reeolutloue were unanimously adopted and ordered published ?.. PRE A IBLE. n- Aerco,. At the late Whig held tn tMs city tor ine election or Representatives fro-n the several Wards to the Senior and Young Men's General Whig Committees. a system of conspiracy. Tlolenre and fraud waa organl/e-d. totally alien and repugnant to Wiig practices and Wr.ig jsj"""1 "D<1 nlt?'? <li?sraceful to ihe parties Implicated. Wlurtat, The regularly eleet-d Repres-n'alives of s??v. era! v\ an s were, i,y ? precouc-rie* system of violeore and wrong, connoted In sr?ret cauens, with ml any rejrard I" f?.??"fi "f l>>* Wn,*? of those Wards, excluded from both Commute**, and persons ? ho were noi Whigs -who were opponenu lo Taylor, Clay, an-l Fllmore-who have b-en ere, arid will be?? all ubtoxs to all men " wriere " thrift may follow fswnlng '-who were e>e<:ted byl/ici Focos, SSSH. \or p*Ti or eoospirlng with tfw, degenemie Whigs hiring ihem, to 'iisgrace aud cestroy the Whig pany: Atd ' " K'rVrrcn We deny the authority of ihe persons thus hav. Irg themselves elected to the Breadway House Junto to apeak or act fur any psny not toe hired Loco Poeo conspirsuirs whose votes gave them a sbuw of Claim to Iben arais ihere; And Whntiit, Tiseae ennticued acu of wrung and outrage on the Whig pa ly and Its hltberui fair fanerall Ioudly fur the piompt ai d empbaiic rubdemnatioo of all who desire to berpetuate the puruy sod power of that psrly; we, the W big Committee oi the 8111b Ward, chiraeo according to custom abd regularity, aiopt the folio wiog RFSOLCnONS: UitUttd, That the Broadway House junto do not and chboot repreaeiii, or att for Hie Wblg party of this city. Iltuilttd, ThallLuse whop.nderfor the support of the corrupt ai.d beae, valuntaniy forfeit the suiiponofihe bon eat and hisb minded. UtwlttJ. Tbst tboae who acknowledge, or i|aote ihe au tborlty of said Junto, a* repreaecitlng tbe Whlsr aeotlment or feeling of u,la cltv. eaoction a fraud and give counte? nance 10 a system of political vll alnv deaervlng prompt reprobation, which the Whigs of this Ward will make mau I t ?t throtigl. ibe ballot bos. Kt'oUed, That the Minority of the D.-'e/sti-i from other Wards, who disfranchised the Whigs of Uils Ward In said Jun.o, and bnsewho bydod ing the vote permiued that uonoilty to p?rputrale ine outrage, are registered In tbe bearu of the Wbi*s of this Ward for future coinpebSAtloii. m.f!i\^ltrrd<^V:ml 21 .* vhara aveswaaa ale-avs stood, wim LM Wfelga of the Vnmm oi Hie oU Whig pU4f..riji and kB*tail lbs old Whig fl*g. aim heart throbbing for the wl,o;?: Lbi m, *bJ a fsiib iil>*r*J eiiou?;li for all boiett ?nen tiitul.? It Kudtid, Thai to osirreise from lh? p?rly tbosa who dif? fer slightly from us or who c.aunot >ee every objectnxactly as we see iL Is tot oaly political folly but p jli leal suicide, IictoUed, Tbst we retder out moat betrly support lo tbe Whig Ailmlr lsua lons of t ur Union, State acd City. Rfulttd That tberst. a.ltv agaiuai wbtcb we are now contending, has B0 prostituted aud dlsgrsced oar system of p-lmaiy elections tbat Ihoir re'orm or aiiaudouoiL-Ql aibu gebherls Inevitable Hetohtd. That It was the da'.v of all ?he Whig Members of be Le.taJature lo attei d ibe Wblg caucus for tbe nomi? nation of a Whig caadiaate U 8 8 -net >r for the vacan? cy recenily occurring aad u vole fer the caacidale fairly nominated bv that caucus. Rnolttd. That we rejoice In the election of Hamilton Fish as Senator of the Linked Slates. The entire Whig vote of this s ale waa given to two of her diatluguUhed Bobslo'4-i-Mtiiard Filltboreand Hamilton Flsb, aa Vice President and Governor, saw ting them to these two dis? tinguished positions? they have both, equally In tbelr res? pective spheres, proved theucelves worthy of and still re lain the r 01 fid once of over 2(0.1 (1(1 of her citizen Whigs Het lud. That tbe conduct of Richard B Wl.ilams, Sena? tor, and of Charles II. Swords. Member if Assem'ily. fiom this Dlstr'ct. In despising ihe advice of the Wir? uelegales froni ibis Ward In the Broad way liouae Junto, and la vot? ing for Hamilton Flab as U 8. Senator, nieeU with our hearty approbation. Rttolttd That we are opposed to all unnecessary agita? tion calculated to weaken ihe bonds uf our beloved Union, and that the steady opposition of the Whig members of our Legls'ature to the introduction of renewed agitation on tbe subject In the State Legislature, must meet with the approbation of all honest and disinterested friends of the Union Rttolrtd, That b'trg chosen by ihe Whigs of this Ward as the only Whig Ward Committee alerted by regular and long esia'' lined custom, and utterly repudiating ice auJio illy of the Broadway House Junto, we shall holJ our regu? lar meetings at the old Whig Headquarters, and consult for ibe benetr of the Walg party of ih- w-rj A U. AMERMAN, OWEN W. BRENNAN. WM BRVDEN. JOSEPH CARLISLE. AKft'M. FLORENTINE, EDWARD HUESTI9. W H RPARK8. THEO 8TI YVESANT, HOWARD K SNOW DEN, D 8 WEEKS. DAN'L A WEBSTER, I) R WHIPPLE, GEO W. WILLIAMS, ISRAEL WILLIAMS, LESTEK WILSON wm. E. ROBINSON. Ohelrreert L^DINRURciH.?An B-gHsh family r* -i?i?iri: f lo the virility of the Educational Iattltu ton, wi.h 10 it art w three or few young ladles to boari w. a ifrm Beard, lieludlcg Educational Fe*? at th* in.:: r> tine, e-ghtv ?Vr?ts r?r arnom. Board and private tv lion under an acromp.lebed, governess, e>*ieed *>y maiitce iu Munr, K-ench. Drawing and Deceit r. one tan'.re 1 ?vJaaai per iriMim Ref-renees g rtn and req-.tred 4' drees Mr*. Ml'NDELL, S North Cbarlotte-et., Edinburgh {Employment?At in Na??u-*t. ?' Employment epeedtly obtained for boofc-ke-pwrs, Salesmen clerks porters, her kee; -ra,roi?ebmeo,(ardlier?, weitere, men on fir ait, and boye ti learn tr?det ?Sir3 f H0H4.S 3PINK. AreeL ARM .?Wanted.?T?e sab+criber tibes to purchase a small farm, from 5 to So acres, of P rood land, la either of the ow sg Cou.iiies? Duchess, L'.'eter, O-trge or Weetchester, with or wlthoot buildinga A n?er view preferred. Address H V. W. JONES, New York, pott-paid, stating location and price, and wnen an ltiierriew can be bad. al 31 FARMER.?Wanted I thorough FRr n ?? to take a farm of 7" acres, about one hour's ride by Retimed from New-York, sod wltbln two minutes waik of the the Depot, on a lease or npoa shares, with toe laUlB of purchasing. Apply 10 E. MARTINDALE, 1 Nataau >t third ttory. tv> it* jpOUND? A Green Silk PsrRsol, in one R of the Dry Dock Omnibuses. The owner can hare it by calling at this officA a5 it* FOUND.?A Pocket-book containing Checkt on Cliy Banks, amounting o upward of I sou. The owoer can ot ttlo them by caning at this ofTiee. e3 It* L?'RNIT?R E.?The Subscriber is -Sl about fumlehlng a large Hotel, and la desirous or purchasing the entire furniture of sereral families breaking np houeekeeping The goods mar be delivered any time du'log the monib of Ap-il. Cash on taking pos etnlon. Address a line to A C C , Box 1.821. Poti Office. ti 6t* L^URNITURE?A family breaking up housekeeping will sell the furniture of a moderate alzed house on very reasonable terms, to a caah customer. Address, post-paid, ALBRO office of The Tribune. a5it* ( U ?VKRNESS. ? A Lady desires a situation as OOVERNES3 In We family ofa Widow, tr. with children She la an excellent Musician, and hat beinergared in Teaching mans t ears Address EL0I3K, Post-Office, New-Rocbelle, N. Y" State. a) *t HOUSE?Psrt of r House (two rooms and two bedrcomt) wanted from the 1st of May. by a atnal), genteel family. In a quiet respectable neigh?wrhood, not over tifieen minutes' walk from Hohsiod sl Kerry. AdHreie TENANT. box 19$, East River Post-Office. nOlSE.?Wanted, a three -tory, or two story and atilc bo'tse. between Chamber and Pcuith sts. near Broadway. Baal not to exceed sJ??a Ap? ply toOEO. w. STEVENSON, ?O Nassau st. a.S3f IIOUSE.?Wanted, a 3-story House, in ? * a respectable location, west side of Broadway pre? ferred, I wltb It to accommodate a few hoarders The rent paid la advance, If not taken out In board. Reference g ven and required. Direct R. E. Tribune Office ml3 Irr* i IOUSE.?WTanted to Hire or Lea>e, M-M. fnrfa term of i ears, a genteel House, by a email, quiet faml.y. at a moderate rent; or part of a bouse would be rented-tsy two rooms sod two bedrooms, with or ?iiboul basement; or would untie with another faintly In rtMing and dividing a house. Unexc-ptfoDtble reference* given Address, staling ttrme, location. Ac, Box 1,671 Post Office. ad 3t* MOUSE.?Wanted to rent from May let, a small Hi-uee, or the liwer pat of a House, for a family of fmir pen' ns, convergent to a stage route. Rent n< 11 ver Bvoo. jVfetenees |glven end required. Address A , this office. al fit* AD.?Wanted, in a Lawyer's otlice, a ? lad ofabout 16 years of ere, who writes s good hand. None otter peed apply. Call from 4 to 6 o'clock P M only. U'IG HTM AN A, CLARK, 2 Wall-at. aS?? LADIES.?Ladies of good address, char? acter and education, can find a respectable employ - went, with a liberal lalarj, by addreseing A PALMER A CO.. 8 Barclay it. The beet of references will be required. aS i.1* 11ATRON?Wanted an active Woman, J_" I quick with the neaedle and arcuaiomed to sewing C.u.h. to act at neainttreit sad. AJsjrijy.m jjf U?*taW?Svjy: st J 1 Twenty serontTet. " a* 3f i\| ERCHA NTS?Wanted, by a gentle Lv J man of thorough commercial habits about entering is to a coir mitt ion business, with support from Europe, a I oung n an Laving a perfect knowledge of the commerce and mercaiitile waje of this country, to engage at head? man; one tbat could command a moderate capital might obtain a share in the buslneti Strictett secresy may tie relied on. Address L. at the office of this paper. A> it* jllUSJC AND ERENCH.?A French Iva tit-mi.? an. from Paris, deeiies to Had a Situation aa PRIVATE TEACHER In some respectable Kernily, where ho would Teach Kreuch and Music to perseni somewhat advanced in Murlc, who to perfect daaaatlrai bat I In comet execution and musical expression; aided by the ai conipeninicU of the violin with hit pupil he flatten him telf his serviert will be considered Tamable. The most aatufactorv references given aa to character and tkill. Address "MUSIC," box 1,797, Post-Office, p. 8. Tue advertiser would also take the leading of a Church Choir. al 3t*_ |\ URSE.?Wanted, a Protestant middle 1 v at'ed woman as Nurse - Scotch or English. She must bring sstisfartory recommendations of her character and of her experience as a nurse. None others need apply. 83 Clinton-place a? it* RUAN 1ST.?Situation wanted, from 'the lat of May, In any Church or Chapel In the city or vicinity of New-York, by a first-rate organist, who can (lee the beet refereneea about his character and musical abllitiM sa an orgauut and leader of a ckobr. Addreaa N- N , Or? ganist, Tribune Office. al el* PARTNER.?WanUd, a Partner, ac live or tilent, with from $500 to $:.''"', in one of the most wotcerful Exhibitions the world ever produced. Now readv to be exhibited. Address, post paid, \ AN 0 . 181 \v ctt Twtmy ninth it , New- York, or for pertoosl In? terview apply to the counter of Dunlap's Hotel, 13? Pulton at. New-York, from 16 to 11 o'clock A M. and from 2 to 1 t at._u ar PIANO WORKERS.?Wanted two Pi ano Perle Case makers and one Pintther, at R. (iLENN'S, 194 Pultoe-St a33l PLASTERERS.?WRnted two ot three good P'asterers to go s short distance In the country, ai It* W.\ L WOOD, 1? front eu J>RACTItBAL CHEMISTRY?Agea tleman now engaged, as he has been for many years, In giving tnttructkiu in Chemistry and tae connected sci? ences, will receive into his laboratory and lcttni'. t a nam? ed number of students Any department tnsy be pursued. Address Box i,Sii Poet Office. a3 6t* OUTK?Wanted to sell, a Route of I O abscribers for thk Msgaztnes arid Books now pub? lishing in numbers. The business pays f3 to #.2 per week. Apply to Room 6,83 Nassau-at. at 3t* SALESMEN?WRnted. a few first-rate salesmen for the sale of a patent article, waated to every family, and patent right; we have erects making over I.' v per mouth An agent wanted for Jersey, with a capital of tlOO. Also, an American Boy to run errands.? Apply, or address, post-paid, JOHNSON. 12 Nassau at,, room 6. a4 St* S~ ER VANTS.?Families in want of good oelp, lor city or country, well recommended and salt able for all stations, can obtain each at the Office, 94* Grexd-el. near the Boweiy. where none but those of food m< ral character and whom I believe to be sinctlv honest and sober are allowed to remain, [at if | |. WATTS SERVANTS IN BROOKLYN.?Situ atioei are wanted (or Cooks, Chsmbermi tis, Nurses, Laundresses, (reneral Houseworkera, xc.'Americans. En(.u>b. Irish, Scotch and Germans?at^be A .tacy, 5 Clin? ton-st BrooL'yn, near Pultoa. a5 It* SILVERSMITHS?Wanted, two or three frstra'.e Plate Makers. Apply si 277 Spring st. k?a*_ SITUATIONS.?WRnted, situations for Protestant cooks, cbambermaide, general aet-rania, nurses, seamstresses, 1 sand runs, coecAmea, waiters, farmers, gardeners, he , st the office of ike Protestant Em? ployment Society, 7 Carmine-si.?tne original and only true Protestant Ageeey in bis city fJ. B.-Oaly thoaa who -an enow thai they are smart, tidy, sober, honest and capable, are offered iituaiiena_aSSt* SITUATIONS?Wanted, situations for first class servants of every domes lie station, females and inalee, at the Office of the Society for the Encourage, meniof Paiihful Domestics. MS Chamberest. eatabllebed 1D6. N B ?This Agency is patronized by the most re spec table fern Lies, and la about the only one resorted U by lie ve.-y best servants The terms are reduced. Open every dsy from 8 A- M to 6 P M._a5 3t* SITUATION S.?Situations are wanted for a great variety of good Servants, at C MASON'S Offices, ifc' and 424 Broadway, and 1*? Bowery. Over WO are eonaianily on band. Great pales are taken lo collect good ones. Terms- Yearly subscription. So cents; otner wlst. 36 cents. Men and Boys can be had for any respect? able employment,_al 6:* S" TEAM ENGINE?WRnted, a good second-hand Steam Engine, of slghi-horse power, or larger, with a large BoMer. Address SIMON MOP PIT, Newport. R. 1._mSl Iw fpu t'A PITA LISTS. ? A gentleman Jk w'efctag to become Ittereeted In an mveattaa rejttir Irg bet a moderate expenditure of mjoey In tu deret-in men'H mar b?ar of an oppormnliy for uvsattneut bvai drcssiri CLRvILlN?*R Tribuneotgee. a5it* 'PEACH ER?Wan'ed. a L-Jy exp-vi ? meed in leeching, of tape .or literary at-tmtravneat ar d rr :".nci manner*, to take clik-g? rat the f"oi*ie> de?? r.i-rt p tie A.-aJem. at (.}.,? u , v<C >in;(.Nir York. Salary |>no to ftiofi. Aw j t.i [) L Tl)W?,R. i Gerben, giving full particular* of qualincatl >na mi 7Ua* TO OWN?RS.?A ?-*l*7rk down town, ?*** who ka* some lelmre, want* to take'cht-ge of Urg-* premise* for >be ocnipaoey of many tenants, and a'tend to 'ba totttof and collecting of tbe -Vat*. Taree o'the e?er ments oe the premises, for himselfand wife, will heerrrjjid ??reo a remuneration for hi* f meet. Good re'ere^ce givea Address A. E, C , tbia off-.-*, il A* TmJTOR?A Orarlnnte of F. C. D., betng deslroa* of forming an engagement aa Resident Air ?um *t a a<-bool. or Tutor in a prlveia faaily. bega to etnicnee b!a eourte of lnarroetion ru cm pr.ting Ossel.-*. Frecrh. Erel?*h in all tta brande?. Sr-'i-nre. Bellea Let. tret, Arithmetic, kc Reference t aa to character and aiill WSS.'1 rJT,'>e*"t,*r,le tnd ?a?aiactory. rieaae addreaa UAMM A. Tilbuc* office. *5 3t* WORK IN~WCK)DOR METAL.?TO PATENTEES, MERCHANTS. Ac-Tbe adver. tlaer having *hop tool*. Ae , would contract to get oat light woi k In wood, brant, ttee!, or Iron, or would let part of bla stop, situated down towu. with use of screw pre**. Ac Adrt<eatMECHANIC,TriboneOfnce. ?3 St* ft 1< UI?? N Y~GENTLEMAN ha ^ Jig t*c "-F? Pa. 'etuis amount avslisblef >r In.mediate ate (on* well verted In the De**uerrean art pre'erred.) mat hear of an epportunfy for Investing the same in orte of the firti sit? uation* In the city. Address, postpaid. DAOl'EflRE, Union grfaaia Pott Office *4 St BOARDING. B B APARTMENTS?Wanted for a small f-uilly. with one child seven -rears old Genteel rooms dealred, w lib a good yard attached. The family have but verv little company, and will assist to furnish tili balls, lie Those who look to the tenant raiher than the sir cum of rent they can get, will do well to answer ihte. Rent fiotu *i;i'io$,,xi Address HENRY Y. TH?R. Bl'RN. Box T, Tribun* Otke. at SP BOARD.?A Gentleman and his Lady wbb Botrd, with a large room and pantries. In New Teak orHobokee. The l.a-ly is aa aceomplUbod "tanlat ard Llogntat, and would wish to give tostru-rUon la Jtus.c, S ngtng, Precch or German, aa part payment. Addreaa FRANCOIS, Tribune office. tfi it* BOARD.?A gentleman and his wifi t be handsomely accommodate! In a small family, . n a liabo'tome form ar d back parlor, with bedroom and nao triee, together or separate, on second fl ror, lu bouse 72 Hud aoa St i ear Cbamliers. No removing at May. *? U* BOARD?Ur^skfatit and tea in the Seretith Wa d, wHthioom. staxionarv time of break - rast, fo one j ear. Addiets O. D. L., this office, till 3th tust * BOARD?Two single gentlemen can be ecrommod v~d ?villi board and rooms at ?7 Irving place. A suit of 'rooms will be vacant very soon. The oi at.on It very desirable, and covenlent to cars and sisae*._ *ssr BOARD.?Two very pleasant Gentle tren can secure Breakfast and Tea and Dinner on Sundays, 'n one of those pleasant cottages on Ntmh-av. for BJ 2i each per week. Eor further particulars aldres* NORM AN. Tribune Ofj ce. ?3 3t* BOARD, with handstime suites of rooms, may i>e bad for the coming year at 74 East T vvntr ihiiil-st, a ibort distance above Uaion-park. The bouse is one of Ira elegant block extending from Kourth to Lex? ington sv? and is furtiisbed with gas, Crotoa water, hot, cmil and shower baths, and is within sixty yaids of the II arlei R n ad. ai it* OARD.?A Gentleman and his Wife 'or three Single Gentlemen can obtain pleasant Rooms ?Hb fall or partial Board, at 426 Hudson-st. Location de? sirable, at Si* BOARD.?A handsome Furnished and commodious suit of Apartments on the second fl jor tn ? private family, consisting of Two Pan irs and Two Bed? rooms rail eomnrantcBttcg with e'oseta, Bsths hot and cold, Ac, Piano Ferte tf required. In a rer tral and genteel loca? tion, with full or partial Board Reference required. In quirecfGEIB A JACKSON.361 Broadway *43t? BOARD, with unfurnished apartments In Brooklyn.?A gentleman and his wife car be ac_ eoBtfawdatat] mm,r\w LittUaCMi ./flrrfa'hcr really coa-Tort ab'e board. In a respectable family, without children i fir* nilcuies" walk from Fulton Ferry. Apply at 62 San.l* st., comer er rssn et n OARD?A Gentleman and his Wife ? 'can find good Board and a very pleasant backroom, with a pantry, and newly painted, In a private family at 31 Bank-tL a3 3t* BOARD?A handsome furnished suit of apartment* to let with a private table. The suit coo sist* of ihrt* rooms with Cosels and a wardrobe In n.? second story. Tbe bouse is supplied wuh hot and cold bail.sand lb* usual iroproven-enu No other hoarders taken. Teeth st near tbe 8econd av. Rrferenctis required. Ad dress B. L'nlon si(uare Post Office. el St* BOARD.?Single gentlemen can be ac coKmodated with pleasant rooms and board. also, gentlemen and their wives, on or befrre May I, In a house p esssntly locates, with convenience of hot, cold and shower baths, at 46 Seccnd-st. Broadway stages pass the di-or. r*21w* BOAR D?In Abingdon-8(iuare?The second floor of a pleasantly-located bouse, where there u111 be but few boarders, can Ire obtained, fumiabed or unfinished, after the first of May, by addressing S M. office of this paper. ail w' BOARD.?A gontieman and his wife, or two single gentlemen, can be pleasantly accommo? dated In a gcnteelfamlly, where all the comforts of a home may be realized. (After the first of May.) Location la ElKhteecib-st, between Seventh and Eighth ar* Address M. L office of this paper. *2 1 w* BOARD.?Three or four single gentle? men can he accommodated with pleasant rooms and partial hoard, at 177 Henry-et., Brooklyn, near the South Ferry. znlS lm* BOARD.?After the 1st of May, supe i lor Board can be obtained in one of the moat pleeav IBt IVf-StJops on Brooklyn lil^bts. eiiiaer by slngle sjeotln rcea, or faralitea without young children Reference* of the highest n-speciabUiiy will be offered and expected. Eor particulars, apply to Ueyt-st next to tbe corner of Bute-st. Brooklyn. _mz2 2aw3wWAS? BOARD?Wanted, by a small family, on the 1st of May, rooms on tbe second floor, or two on the second and one on the third r! -or. The Seventh Ward Preferred. Address A C Ibis Office. a5 3t* BOARD.?Wanted to hire a room and bedroom communicating with pantries, fall or partial Beard, for three persons Location above Broo aeaad aear Broadway. Address T. S. R. Tribune office. **> 2t* BOARD?Wanted in a respectable pri? vat* family by two Gentlemen and their Wives The terms must be moderat*. Address HENRY, Tribune Of gee._ a? It* BOARDING?G7 Varick-st. near St. Jt.bc* Park. One large room on in* second jot with pa-uy attached, tewly painted *nd la sxeatlen'. eoa cittion; also one oa the third fl jor. either furnlabed or aa f?rbisheJ. < n moderate term* Immediate pcssessit o can te bad N B No rem -rai on the brat of Mar. atk* BOARDING?A small private family, havng more rocm than they require, would like to ac eomrcoiate two gentlemen and their wtvea, or four stigln gentlemen, with foil or partial board. Applr at 67T^H i-is BOARDING?Gentlemen and their Wives can be accommodated with pleasant mum* and with bedrooms and pan tne* attach-, i, from the fist of May Apply at 1?6 East Broadway. Reference eacuaaged. alt lm*_ BOAh DING?Pleasant Rooms, suita abl* km and their Wives or Stsgl* Q'ntie n-cn can b* bad at 1j7 Adaau-st., n**r th* Folton Ferry, Brooklyn-_t"25 1??* BOARDING?Two or three Gentlemen ctu be accommodated with board at 482 Pearl-at. *5tt* BOARDING?A gentleman and lady can be accommodated with * parlor and bedroom oa tLe tecowl floor; and lik^wiae two genUemwt wuh tingle rcotbs, ai tU Broadway,_t5 2t* I HOARDING?A gentleman and lady.or JS 9 two sragle gertle-aen, can be accommodaiad with a large room on the aecoed floor, pleaaamly sitaaied, and Board, where tftey can secure the comfort* of ? koras, by apprytrg at 2*1 West-Eigb-.eenth-st, betwetra r^adi aad Nutih avennea. Refereacet exchanged. a5 2t* BOARDING IN BROADWAY?A few tingle gtnilemea, or gsx.llextu and iJietr wlma, ran be aco cmod.ied with pleaaaat rooiii* and Board ? the large 3-story brick boose519 Broadway usr Breoaaast. For panic Liars apply on the prattrttaa 519 aVosMway. aa it BOARD DOWrTtOWN?Two suits of roosn* fandak-ad, on Ute ?erjod flw, f|?-*r4^ aaid bedr-joms communicatingi in the marble house J way, opposite the Bowling Ur*ea. to it wilk board to gecuemen and their wives, or to farni?** of frown per? son*._A* lW BOARD NEAR UNION PARK?A bsxtlso-Mstooat and B*droom oa second floor Rooms lor G*m*>atsti wiih foil or partial Board A salt oi rooms by IS of April. Hot BBtl cold Baiha Apply at B?*dway, fear door* above Loioc-park. Do act move 1st of May._**" FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED ROOMS t J let without bewrd. Apply at l> SVmwtcJi tL ? X B BOARD NEAR UNION SQUARE.? A from perior tod bedroom on tbeeeeood flow. W 11 r>*ib-'iotu attached (tun ant co.d water,) will be h*, ua rerniehed. to a (c*tjt rnm tad lady, or a eingle geo>lemae, will rail or pe-tial board, fron th? I at of May next Tba loraikn l* ; -eeer.tend desirable, being within a few steps <f the raliroad Apply aim Eatt Eiitmeenih-et. between Pokrlh-at and Broadway Reference exchanged. t( 3i* OARD IN BROOKLYN?A gentle man and wife can he ac ?omrrodet'-d with a r>y>m and bed-nxiir. with Board at 22 Sandt' (l oppoalia 8t Ann a C'o rh. aitw OARD IN BROOKLYN?Wanted by a widow lady and t w j danghtert. Beti of refe-ecees ir vt-n and required. Address Box 64 Poat Office. New. York._as art DOARD IN BROOKLYN?Two~or E J* three tingle gentlemen -an *>? accommodated with pleasant ror mi. hresfast and tea. with dlaner on Sandayt. in a private family, a few mtnutea' with from Fulton Ferry. Apply at 162 W Ashing ton-it. ml< at* BOARD IN SOUTH BROOKLYN^ Two gentlemen and their wives, furnlahlag '.heir own rocmt. ran obtain, from ibe let of May. hoard In a heeithy aid pleaaant location, convenient u the South Ferry. Brooklyn, In a tmait prlrate family Reft.rencee 11 vea and required. Apply to M D ORMSBEE, 4,' Broadway, New-York._mM 61MWS* |/>OARD IN WILLIAMSBUR(JH^ Ja-* A genteel private Boarding House will be opened Mav let. In Sonth-Eightk at, A mite of roome?room and bed room? Tor famine*, and roome for gentlemen. Those who want pare air. and a quiet home, can, for partlculare, call ai * Broadway, up entire, front room, or addreae C. box *. Wujiamaburg!: PostOtllcs References e\chaiged. BA.'W? OARD IN WILLIAMSBIj^H.? A gentleman and bis wife and one or two singlerea Hem en, can fin I pleasant rooms, with BOARD, at ? Pi rat? et . one misute't walk from Peck-anp Ferry. Boalt run every five minutre during tke day. mr) lm* ?OARD WANTED for the Summer B , In the country, within fifty miles of New Yo k, f r a family requtrtng two or three rooms. A farm house preferred. Addreaa. ror tha text fortnight, JO Market eU ttat og terms, locatton, etc. ao u BOARD WANTED?Board Wanted for a Gentleman. Lady, Child and Servant, on or be? fore the lei of May. Location below Chambera-at. prefer? red Beet of n fee-ncee given and required. Addreae S D. Box 1 041. Post Office. aSMw* OARD WANTED-With a migrate 1 sized tic furnished room having a tire-place or fii.e, by a maiden lady, iptlvate famllv preferred ) Twins nine, be mi derate-jay prompt. Address Mies 8. LOWrER.M Bank st, N Y. al lw* (COUNTRY BOARD?A ^emfcman >? J wlahes to procure board" la the country during the Hummer months for his wife, three children aod nurse A h> a ihv lixstlon on the New-Hsven or Huiton River Rai. road prelerrtd References exchanged. Address, with asme and terms, j. \v. st the office of tide paper, a i 31' OO.VJS WITH BOARD?From the - 1st o' May, for geatlemen and their wlvea, ani sin k. ? gentlemen, at 45 and 47 Enet Broadway. The two dwellings will be connected Ho., cold and ehower Rathe. Apply at 4S East-Broadway el 2w* ROOMS.?Wanted two or three unfur nlthed R.i me. by a man and his wife. In a private family, in ibe upper part of the City. Addiess S. J. (j. Tribune Office a3 Jt* ?OOMS? Furnished Rnd unfurnished, to let with board to gentlemen and their wives. or Would sccommidate a few alngle gentlemen wlto full or partial hoard, In a first claee bouse Warm and cold baths in hoiiae Location pleasant and convenient lo sieges A'so, for lbs foilowlog se?soo, rooms In H?usloo-sl, near Broadway, In a vsrv deiliable location Apply, for further parilculara. at 150 Waverley place. Terms moderate. Re fereocet exchanged. al St* ROOMS' Furnished Rooms for single Uemiemea, with or without break fast and lea. caa lie obtained at %s\ Fourth-av, near L'nlon-square. None but gentlemen of the first reepectebilUy need apply. aU lm' ~?OMS TO LET-With Board in a It eJtlti Rower'ha h* In the house. Apply al 35 Sevenih-evenue, cor of Thin. enib-sL al lm* OOM8 TO Li KT?A small private 'amity will let from May I, to a respectabie man and bis We, a large pleasant fron room or> the second loor, snd room In ibe stile, of s hone-a fewdoort above Ceth.v rine. In Madison si. Referenda Required. Apply at IBJ Soutb-sL, after 9 AM al 5t* TO LET?With BOARD, a large u7 fumlehed Room, suitable for a Oentleman an I his Wife, with bain room adjoining, and a room for a single renileman. Also, rooms from the 1st of May neu, at 145 Hudion-tt. opposite Si. John's Park. Reference required. mlOlm* TO RENT?Rooms ?nfurnished snd without Board, to gentlemen only. The house is en? tirely new, with baths. 1 c Location most desirable. Ap? ply on the ptsmlses, 71 Crosby-st near Spring. a5 It* T~^l?ENf LEMEN Rnd their wives', or a small ramllv, can lie accommodated with ail the comforts and convenience of a home, In a private family, from lei May next, at 241 Eaat Broadway. Two handsome uofiimlshed parlors on second floor, with nice penui**. hot, cold and ehower baiha, Ac . attached, to lot. with board. Beet of references required and given. Apply at 204 Broome-et al lw* T~WO OR THREE gentlemen can be accommodated with pleasant rooms and breakfast and Ira, in a private family, where borne comforts may he en? joyed, by applying at 61 Rivlngton-tL al 3t* Y^A?TED?By two single gentlemen ? v a eatt of rooms containing a parlor, furnished, and two bedrooms, unfurnierte.I In a pleasant eimei'o-i, n or near Broadway, between C en el-el. and Union-square ? Rent oot to exceed $300 per annum. Address A. A office o' ihia paper. ad it* FANCY (.OODS. rUUlUN AND ??MIafTIO. WM. H. CARY <fc CO. 243 and 244 Pear! st (between Jona and Fulton ate.) Invite the auentloo of the city and distant Jobbing Trade to tkew Carol and torvd trace of Good*, which they offer at tne lowest rales, either for cash or ap? proved credit. Under iretr present arrangements cai offer great Inducements on all their Foreign Goods, and will give their enstomere the benefit of the larot discounti which they have gained by the Increased amount of their pur? chases They pledge ihemselves to sell many styles ot AMERI? CAN GOODS AT MANt'PACTl'RERir PRICES. Their stock will be kept full during the whole year, J Ofden win be promptly supplied. Th< vlie the MEXICAN snd SOI Til AM El ,? . - ? .. ?? They particularly In MERJ CAN dealers to examine their stock of Jewelry, manufactured expressly for those markets, also their stock of Ivory Combs, adapted for exportation. The following articles ronetlmte s part of their stock Linen Threads. Varloas makers, plain and sails finished, Mack, drab, whlty brown and colored, Noa. 2Ux**X Spool Coltoa. Clark's, Alexander's, Smith's Eagle, and ? ?fflftf*aa*a white, black and colored, Noa. l^xlSP. 25 to 300 yards. Tapes and Bobblas. Ui.rr. and euttje. aajafted ,rt t .d tuts Catlsrv. Razors. Antvee. Shears. Scissors and Table Ralves and Forks. Wads A Butcher's, Wostenholm's, Rodger*', and oiler celebrated cal-re B rth e a Hair, cloth, teetk, paint, varnish, akavtng,shoe, crumb, hoise, scrubbtag, Ac. Ac. m great variety. M u etc al Instruments Aecordeocs. VtoUu. Flutes, Fifes. ClerSoriiete, Uannoal cane, Ac. Fsns. A large and rich assemaect, eocslsting of beautifully carved pear!, tvary, bone and wood sticks; also phyla sOcks. with rlaln.rac'7 ?cd tt.vered paper. Ivery Combs. Fine 8. SS, BBS. and NP'U. 14x14 Inchea. Combs. Plain and farcy tack, dressing, pocket and side, of snail, bufaio snd bom. On 08. Single and double, English and American, real and lmJ, twTtea twist; aJjo.a variety of Rifles. Pistols. EtgUsh and Oerman pcckn, belt and holster, ColTs sad Allen A Tharber'e Revolvers. Also, a coakpeaat aaaaftwaaal of Spcrurg Apparats Pertumerr. Lfiblss Msagenet A Coudray'a, Fiver's. Ptnaod's and L:c 1 ' ie aTswTtwSS Soapa. Low's white and brown Windsor and Uoaey. Lobtn'e. Ouerisia s. Plnaud a. and Ms^geaet A Cocdray't aaaor-^d, Ac Ac Perenssson Caps, Needles, Phis, Hooka and Eyes.Steel Pens, Bass eaters. Batxoaw, of all styles, Pocket Books. Part MoaaawA, fnraak, Stationary, Beads. Wbalakoai, Looking 0 Aases, Ac Ac "jha^rTsrtets* 8km% frort. SUU, Horm Tim?, sjs. for rssaltie-it* hi the FRENCH, SPANISH. OERMAM aad EJlflUBH hatrtacaa._pi taMwa?ista OLD COUNTRY & GERMAN NEWS ROOM. 106 Btmary-l>adtefL EiisTtlsa, BestiA 1^ aad Oerama Papers ewery waeA Oy^ea dally mif lm* SEED BARliEY,?Dorsetshire of supe? rior quality, very brig hi aad heavy, just arrived from 'if "s; _ _&rTt MIL BAHR. Jr M MAdlswst. DR. BANNJNi.S PATENT BODY BRACES aod other sneeitaalca) appl'aseea. Ohece, M] Brt edway U* relief of Coasumptloa, Dyapwpsta. Qo. aerai Dsollity, he a4 if is N IVKW STYLES OF OAS P1XTCRES. Freren and Frgitsa Chlr* -'ch and pim* C'lt i> ?**, ANU GENERAL Hi < >} .-' KVSHING G i 'J*. *ke saber rit er? di-str- ;o ,-e i** auection of the r frende apd Um, putJio. to aoaaa Dew and hawacarai sty has ol 9u ? racial., aJanu-i 1,1,-nis. Feed sate, Ar .jam r*eei?-<J tru** ihe w-'l-known manufactory of uaa M??* CoraeliBs k Co.. Pbuadelproe Tbafr raaaortaa*u mar pssars aay tht?g .of the i nj tbey have eswr be/oee ex? hibited, ard at aavra rerir asi-ch lower then their forosw ratr* Ttolr tu-t tiao aaaar?r-a an extensive IIUI nT FBFNCH ro?cri.\IN DINING IIM Tea and ao. and tste, Cbmt Ware of ?very daavrtp. :lon Tbey reepertfo'lv levtte Oa* Meede sad etatocnsir* n visit their thine l-ecvretu)*- ??? where es*a be a*an every variety of porcelain gv,<!.Va ,'he eoaraeof decora Uo*. from lae moat rostiv port, ai'a aad uev re* down to the pletneal style of finlah Porraaeare eaa select from ratora than oca honored oitfereot siytat, arad have tkenr services crroraieo In arv i*e>i e. e'r vrtxa i la a li ciraata at Irin ait, aa ibey aiav wi*b. The auhecrtaere "hare orte raaf inelr reost -rtpciieraced rlerkt residing ?..ernaie:y la Parte and at the OM*wfajeas*jw at Vavaaaaa, Frarc-, arfto it cvrataalty aalecnng new ttvlee at.u \ ai.erne. wekb. i?tether ?Ith ihttr otra deat^-a. glee them advantage* poeteeteo ny few other*. Tbey brave ata* an eneneiv?. aa* mi meet of RICH AND PLAIN CUT GLASS, Of ijje newest and oioat beauUful dealgea Thetr manufac? tory being located <* their preiateee. aol under thetr own Immediate ?upervUloe, tbey are thut eoab'ed to furnish tats am de la Iba aaoei rreWrkr ttvl* and ort ik* asset teetotal- e terras In order to carry out their new siisiigissttili. arail to make room for theo* new good* tbey have concluded to ? ue the importation of I'laird \v are. Japaaed and Papier MacfA Goods, Cutlery, he. aad would tavite Ute aitectioa of thetr cuatomertto ihefollowtag artttlaa, what* they sal] atrlcily at the coal of importation, and tome aru dea if a little tolled lower titll. Thelt Mtt riti em la Ibla lu.ecoodets prioripally of Plated Baakrt*. Caatora, I'm, Waltert Re-ibee, Knives, Forks. Spoon* Lao lea, tc; Tea Trayt In teta and single. Cutlery in teta and d< rent, an I numerous other article* I r<1 it pent* hi* la ib* bvuee-rlirntehing tit* Country rwarckaat* la ptitlcular will find ll to iheir advantage 10 call and exam Ice ire ?lock before Mpch??lr,: e!a?wnere WoRaM A HALUHWUL T -el and ?4? Broadway N B - Private bouses, Hoteui Store* aad Public Build tugs fined up with Iron Ga* Pipe* in a vary tu pert or m in? ner at J at price* escerdtn* y low. e.:-.a*Hwl.V>k8k..,lW _ pHEAP PUBLICATION and NKWS VVpAPrR DEPOT fDR 8ALE-The Leae- S'..H-k, Flxturea and tiood \\ t 1 of a Cheep Publication and Newa rape- Depot for Sale, ttuiated la one of the beat ihoruagb* .?are* In the City, wl.hln * few door* of Broadway now dotny a good t utlne**, and contttnily tacreatlng. Toe ealy iea*on of lb* tubacrtber'* leaving the butlaeaa It a necsaaary terrporary abaence from the City. A pereon having a capi? tal of t&) or $?i'. will riud ihl* a rare opportunity o> tnveat It aafely Por fuitherptrUcuIart. addrett LINNEI A. Box Z Tribun* Ottic*._ao U" GENUINE CREMONA VIOLINS.? A Genuine 8.einer Vtoiln, Learly 290 yeart old. aad a A mail, may be area f?r a fee dav* at Chri*truae* miiaic trore, ?t 4 Pearl ?t Tbey will be *oU lor uiacli Veea i! uii Uietr Tmlue In Curope, but *hhs?ecflricaMl. mA rtt* EW tad SECON D-HAM D FVk\h 'Tt'KE felling at a <<>od bargain at 9 Sprueavtt Otfie* furniture, mahogany chair*, rvckrrs, bureaue, beottertda, wifhattndt. com lert. pine, cherry and black walnut talnea cottage bediteada. con. maitretaea loukitg gl at tat. to ar lamp*, rice, tuen and woolen bottom chalra.lavalld*' chain, card tthlet, qaartette tables,, oil clolh AttV Stja, large lot of common b*dste*dt chetp, aho? caae* and wardrobe*. _AS U* SECRET OF BEAUTY.?HOW TO BE HANDSOME. I can lotiiurt any person how to be handaom*. I leach bow to make brown tkiu fait ai d clear. I learb how to remove tan. piiuplea ami freckle*. I teach how to change the tallow face Into one of betMtty. I leach how to make the wrinkled tkin tmooth. I teach how to rrake brown teeth a* while aa pearl*. 1 teach how to make dlaraaed guiut bard and found. I teach bow to make ofleneive breath perfeclly street. I teach how tti make bard, brown hauda, soft and white I teach bow to make Ike hair grow uxuriaiitlv I ran hasten the growth of whiskers, rioustachtu*, Ac. I teach kow to have bright and sparsling eyes). I teach how to preserve lae eye-*lgbt lor US*. I teach how to restoretuipalrsat eye *'sbl I teach how to change gray hair to n original color I leach how to change the color of u.nhalr aa deetrwd I ttach how to make the hair soft, rich aad glossy. I leach how to make the lips aad cheeks red. I te?ch how to ren oveinperfluimi hair. I know they are all perfectly hannles* I know they Sre all very rb-ap and pleat int. I know every peraoa will Ifke them oa trial. I sive direction* lo make and ose ih?-s* compound*. I snow they are belter than anv advertised soape. I ask ONLY ONE DOLLAR ht all this Information I receive no leitet? ar l??* poet paid. Address M. LAVASSE. Kreuch Chemist, lot Nassau si. comer of Ann, New Vork-ba will seed the work by mail. a'> rilM WAS IJARISMANTILLA EMPORIUM.351 Broadway ? The above namrd premises are now optn, ? nli sn eatlrelv new sml extensive Importation of the very Isust detlgn* of Mantilla*, from the most dtstln v, -l,d,.^1*1?,.^?^ appendaget of ladiea' a'tire, the proprietor deems It neee* s*ry t<> observe, thai while hi* constant study will be to present I lie wrv latest anil most apnioved fas* Ions, h? i a als? JetsvroiMd thai chietjiqass aliall be a leading charac terislerisilc of hi* e*tshllshmeat; and beingcorin**ree: rsiin some of the very t rsl houses ia the Prt-och capital, he poa ?etries in usual faiilitles for accoinpliabmg these object*, ftoveliie* will be conatan'ly received by everv Enropean simmer The Inspection of ladies Is most respsctfully so licited- |aA 21*] Qiq SULP1N, SSI Broadway. CCHOOL WANTEI)RV PURCHASE inTt?A fine opportunity now ofT-rs to any person who may wish u> Irsnsfer a good DaySchxil f ir young ladle* on moderate lentis. Tne .-a- -r mast be In this elly or Immediate vicinity. Apply anon lo the U 8. School Agen? cy, 4*1 Broadway. Esubllshed Int7 Correspondenc* throughout the I Lion. E H. Wil.COX. Prvprhsor. *S3t? ALADY who has had nint h experience in TEACHING. Is about organizing a class of eight pupils oniy, who will bo rereiredTnto her family,and to th* fridrucilon of whom b?r lime will be devoted Paran a des roua of placing tbelr daughters In the country, where every attention will be paid to their moral, waatai aad phy deal education, will do well to apply. Term* rKaaonable. None received under twelve years of age t; nomui.iraUoss with New York teveral times dally, by means of the New York and New Haven Railroad Ctrculan can be pro? cured at uiebookiloraofMARK 11 NEWMAN A CO. IM Broadway. aA It* LIVER B. GOLDSMITH'S WRJT 'INO ROOMS, 389 Broadway, firti corner above th* Irving House?Terms reduced one half? vis t)2 Vi for 10 Ie*sotis, one hour each -Stationery Mt rents ; or W Isjssobs for Si, Including Stationery-payable on subscribing La? dles' Classes at II A m and IJ oVbvk P m dally, except t!;g SaturHays Gentlemen at I AM and I, 7 and N o'clock PM, exeeptbig Saturday Private Int.molioo, (at the Room* only) f 15. for sale, GoldamlUia tjiem* of p en man t hip, |1 IR *i lay* ADVERTISEMENTS ara Inserted la the beat Papers of other Cities and Towns at V. B. PALMER S Advertising Agency, Tribune Building. <U4 if TU.: PkOI'LE'l-J FIRE INSJLIRANCE CGMP ANY. of the City of New York, to b* locsted In the Bark ng House of the People's Baak uf the City of New-York, \TJ Canal st. DIRECTORS Jeremiah Terbell, O. B Hubbell, Joha Moaeypaeay, Preeman Csmpbeel,Gideon D Angelis.George D Crag In, John W Lewis, J sates S. Brouwer.Charlee T Pierson, J P Telverton, Benalah 0 Stokes,Wm. m WllsoO, h. S. TerbelJ. Jotbam C Mreker Wabam Leggatt, David D. Crane, W. B. Corning, Edward p Clara, John Mace, Solomon Hanta, Thorns* Wlllleia*, George Youngs, ( barVs Crane, Mortimer Brow a, loa* N i.-um, George Werner, Robert C V.wrttJes, SimoaShlndier, Chris. Owyer. Philip J Bonesteei, r .wsjd Nelson. WlUiam J Buck, Charles Uiiaataad, Cb*s. I' M' liilyie, Matlblaa Clark. The undertign*! ConiraiMtoners glv* aoUce that book* of subscription to lb* Capital Stork of this Company will be opened by ibern on Monday, the 7th dsy uf Aprl aezt, Bi t -onilnue open until tae 12th dsy of April, between the hours of 11 o. toek A M ari?i_S o clock P M of each day, at le Hanking Houee of th* People s Bank of the City of New-ierk. l71C*tel *t. WAT?HI*S CLARK. \ JOHN MGNEYPENNf, 1-^ CHARLES h M INTIRE, {W???*<?w*? _JEREMIAH TERBELL, j aSMWASt*pl2 Orm r. or the Moaais CtatL aPV Saaaiite Cost } raav or IM4. Jersey City, Merck, 14, lkftl. J \(/I'ICE is hereby Riven .Bat the Anneal 1" E'ecuon will be held at the office of Use Company la Jersey City, on Monday the7tfc day of Apr l text, for th* ebote* cf llva Directors in piace o? Class No. I. wImssj term of service wUJ Um* expire. The Poll will he op**) frosn 12 o'clock. M . Sbtu 3PM of that day The MkatM books will be closed on and from th* 18th lust until the ttk day of April [nil?tAp7'| JOHN P. FOSL Stfy. INTERI-^T ON CITY STOCKS.?The inured on th* public storks of lb* elly of New-York, du* acd pejabie. May lit, 1*51. will be paid oa tkaS day. by Shepnerd Krapp. E*.; , Cb an, tear lata of Ike elly, a lie Mectai ca Bank, 33 Wai|-at The Uanafer book* will b* cioeed W*da**d*y, April 9. at 4 tfeloea. f. M? For ike accommodalion of stockkoUsra, traratfars wtll be permlUad daring the period Its* Books remain cU?**d,lo t*k*eSTecl Mat isl J. R- TAYLOR, Controller New-Tork,Marek?. 1SS1._al UMyS Iv?TICE.?The uadersigned, ALBERT llsroTZ nss this day taken BENJAMIN TMOMAB as a parle er with htm la tk* jewelry bastnese Said oust rrn wLl hereafter be tyrr.ducls'1 by the undersigned, an dw the arm of SfOTZ k THOMAS at n> Ma at New York. March 17. ISM. ALBERT SfGT/.. ' BENJAMIN THOMAS Flcssc Ttas NoTtca.-On and afwr ike 1st of May th* *rtabUshmeot will tr* retno/td to 1J 8?s* rrotn st at Ws* _BTOTZ k THOMAS. TVOTICE.?Albion Minin? 11 ?The Board of Directors have ordsrrsjd aa astssamanl of FIFTY CENTS on ssxb share of the stock tssm^s* said Company, payable oa S* before the I'nh day A April aawt By order, D. l> has kell Serretaty BJsjW-T rt Marr- iAM. _ _ _*11 TaW<*_ CA U T I O N.?Persons are cap*i''n*?* sgalnat Mgodatiag for a riots drawn brS*a*>*llA rrice, d*t*d March lMttl. at aU saoatha, fcF*^,f^*E twenty-ihre* dollars txd .tttl.ty one eenlsv f***f^ ordtr of A M Sbiree it Baaing been losT" Ny*l"< Irom WJktty-1* Broadway to onr ^j^rkFBJCE. CENTRAL RR. COMPANY of NEW JERSET.?DIVIDEND ??|^?-Ast5l O