Newspaper Page Text
NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. VOL. X.NO. 3111. NEW-YORK, MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1851._ PRICE TWO CENTS. new^yokkt;ribunk. T'*r 1EW-T0RK DAILY TRIBUNE IB PUBLISHKO EVERY ajORNINO. (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) *T tt?? TBlStlltt Hi'it. dim*"- COSJSAB Of tr*(lCB a 1*0 *Ia> ui sTiuT?. otpositi Tm tir? b*ll. \T* <?~***rt>a to Cltyetab? rtbeyrs far I4t Cents peeweeJg; n, when iaey or*+*r. '??y can pay la advance ?. the Desk Irr at> niorrtfii or a war at '.?>? tame rata Kla* le copiea. ?wo Cmw Mall Snbecrlbere. Fl?? Dil fart per annum. Is . dvarre. Bohicrlptlone taken for tlx at roths For three months, ft P D'i'iars 'n advance required I? all srchsjsges'Coo c try Newspapers Dally r a pert r*> ?etved a? ?la .>ffce whoae, terms are higher ihsnihoeeof Tbe Tribune are not allowed any difference. .JSW*AOKK *?5ll* TRIBI-NK. a VERY LARGE PAPKR rOR THE COUNTRY ia eolstiaeed every ttifswrfr.t; J&rntay. at the low once nf |j j?er annum In srivacee. Eight copiea for Bin, or twenty arptee 'o one address IV |2". ?od we paper In no caae eoo etaed .MaroQd ihe?me for wb<cb It la paid. AJveriiserneats asrlhtoaheet will be charged iTicw. ?? ilneeach inaertion. THK MEY1I-WKKKLY TKIH! >K ta aobHahed every W*dn*?dar and Saturday morning frlrsBd- per annum. Two copiea for |f Tun for t4> A*rvwtbV*rnerjis. 6 centt a '.Ire earn Insertion. THI NBW.VOKK TKIHI \K roa ataoraaii ubcoi.atiun V y^lWhed or, tbe deparvire of each Mall Steamer for Are. arpool. Price fH cu a copy or St per year, postage toclodwo. THE ?IBW.yoRK TRI BUNK '??c*J-,'0*"n? oaacoit ten ths sawowich islands ?s BaMMhed on the departure of each Mall Steamer for C be? gras. Price, ftj cents per ropy. _ OREELEY k McFLRATH. Pnbnsbers. SPECIAL NO HCES^ a^-l?s>ras?w.-Prof.wsor Wm. C aMPBKLL. former It of tbe Dublin Uutvemy, will lec'ora on Monday eve twoe?, April 7, id the Lecture room of tbe New York Socie? ty Library Subject: ?? Wo-rtan-her Mlteioo-her Social I nettlon Doors open at bg. ana 'ecturo to commence at r% o'clock. Admistion, cents. aS 2t* B> firnt.d Dlvlelen, H. or T , N. Y.-The tecood vluaririly Section ol tint body will convene al Kort Ed ward, Weahin?-ion Co . on Wednesday, 9th inet-, at 7? C-lock. P.M. By order. JawaV_THOS EDGERLY, Q. 8. I. O. O. K.-The R. W. Grand Lodge of Soothe n New Tora wnl hold lit regular I ated Seetloo In the room, Odd Fellow*' II? i ,?. M?o<Jey evening, April 7, at 7g o'clock Representatives will pleaee I.? puuc ual in attendance By order._JOHN J DAVIES, G Secretary. * fW C ortreretloai Notice. ? The Committee on Streets < f ibe Board of Aid.nnen wlil meet all partlet In teretted In ibe widening of Wa I st , also tbe widening of L'berty tl, or Thursday. April 10 at 3 o'clock, P. M. in the Chamter of ir- Boarci of Aldermen, City Hall. JONA? F CONCKL1N, ) WAHREN CHAPMAN, Com. on Streets. PA1R.CK KELLY. j _New-York, Apnl 3, |?6I. at tAlft tW Tbe am oat eminent Ckeawleu, after careful analysis, lave deeded ibai BaMLB'a Electric Hair Dye is tuperli<r to any.h.rig (et priduced; and al the latt Me i ?.: ? Pau, held in Button, ihe celebrated chemist, Or Jackson < iec>verer of ether, ore of ths (udgas, after care? ful coeiparl.on and trial wlm ail the pooular Hair Dyes of the dsy. probouocrd Hogie't Electric Hair Dye superior to lh?m all. and awarded to Mr. Bogle tbe premium, being th? hm and only Iraience where a premium was given lor a Hair Die. May be had of A B and D. Sands, IM Pul tocti ; Bushton, Ciarke A Co, 273 Broadway; Win H Cary A Co , aad Druggteta throughout the Union a7 It rstJete a>f Tesaperttnce.?Mount Vernon Section No. I will bold a grer.r> Tem|>erance Meeting In the Uni vereab?t ( liurrh in Konrth ?t between Avenuet B and C, on TI'ES'JAY EVRNING, April 8, at 7J o'clock Dia lognea and ?inging by memliert and addrvttes by Horace Oreeley aiid oihert. Tickets free?to be bad at the door. _a7 2t' HB \t n Meetlns of Ihe Uembers of t itles <?' ir<7 (i ate Couegei reaioent in New-Vora City, the fol Iowiuk aci,i-n waa taken In ruemory of a deceased clatt mate, Dr. BoSATM W Gkiklky, who died March 2U 1841, while ?enior House Phytlcian at Bellevue Hotpltal! New Vora cnv ?Hrrcrrt, It hath pleated an All-wise Providence to take fron> ut by todcieu death, Or Horatio W Grtdley, Ht'olrtd That a leiier of coedoleoce, together with _ cepy oi ihe following reeolutlont, be transmiued to his be? reaved parente. Ar?"tt id. Ttat to bit death we deeply f?I the loeeof one wboui. aa a cieaa-niate we retpected? as s roinpaolon, ee teemed-as a frten mved, aad as a man we honored. twtaAwef, Thai with nla parents and relativet wo tlncerely aj WBetkise\ They have loat a eon. kind and eHrertlonete? a br..iber, genercus and ludulgeul-a friend, frank, honora? ble at.d ror.aiant Aa a member of bis adopted profession hit early applica? tion ard proficiency gave earnest of future emlneore; wnl e bis amiable and considerate deportment endeared htm to a large and Un reeling circle of friends. As a meiuuer of our class he it remem>ered with pleas? ant ihooghn, and ihe deep tntereat tnai he felt for Is* ?ei fare of his rees-ineies. wai only exceeded by tbe dlligen-e wl-h which he performed iire duties devolving on faim ai -Cleat-Secretary ; whl h orfir? n >w being vacant we feel ll eur daiv at once to fill Therefore. Hwi /erd Thai In concurrence wlib the members of the e'ass resident In New Haven. Kowaai) J. ItSrSBB of Mew-Uav?-n, Conn, Is bereby unanimously appidumd Clsss-kVcretsry in ihe mtamm m* mmr drceired Mmj.l, r>r Horatio W. Oilclley, Oil Ihe neai k??""*' meeting ot the ?>leee In i? v L, 9. SCOTT, Chalrmaa VS at Pm t, Secretary. aT It* t\r Via* Aria. HONOR P1ATT1, Sculpio-, from Hai). kavsBg biiiin-d two large Marble Biaiuiea for Monu mriitt lu oreeo wood Cemetery. Invitee kli fnendaand all Amairuitof ihe Kiuo Arts, to vlali bla atudlo, which will he 01 en for Hit K re? ExMktM >n of tbe aald Siatuiei, from MONDAY the 7tn until TUESDAY, Ike 22d of April at 1)2 Eaai Twenty tiitt-il._a7 lwua* t9 Tats l.atak.?The artlii, whi'e at work paloilog th> above tm peel, I roposaa to have the room open to vii MorB rroui I A M. fc?< P M , and from ?j until 10 In Ut evening. Vlaiier'a Ticket, $1; alngle aimtialoo, \:\ da ? or three for IS clt Cominenciog Ihe picture Monday eve Ding, a i 14. Room 13. New-York University, where ticket? may Ire had by those wishing to witness the pro gree? ol il <? Bietsrs 8 i, lot it h\ alto lie Introducer! from painted bannen - ?talilug ihe elements of music In their application to the htgbeal purposes. ja.S 3Ua|_a. C. MOSES. OT ^tatea laUttsl Katttcy Uyias Kat*k>llBh Ba>?klt.-<?rhte. No t Jolin-et, New-York. Tne Pronrie toia of tint eeiebilibmeul, waoee Dying and Pluiehing Save been to tong aad favorably known to tbe community, are ready u> receive orvteie for dying and cleaning Slit, Woolen, Cotton. Linen and fancy gouda of every descrip? tion In ihe best meaner, nil* Im* BARRETT NEPHEWS A CO. gjr The .Verbanlre" Inetltute n?? removed to the lerne bunding at mejuuciloo of Divielon ?l and the Bow ex> |7 Bowery,) and will there open a MKCHaNICaL Ml SKI'M and POLYTECHNIC EXHIBITION, as soon as tbe necessary arratigementa ran be made. Inventor* and Armer? deelroui to bring llieir workt Into public no? tice, will please communicate with tbe Actuary. Tfte Li? terary and Reading Room has been tastefully niind up, ou tbe Brtt floor, and 1? now open for members and appren? tice* Terms of Membership -tl 00 Initiation tee, and $2 00 yearly dues Apprentices free. Btntrgere and seafaring men are Invited to visit the Reading Room, at their pleasure, during their atay in the City ZADOCK PRATT. President T. C, Dopd. Actuarjrj_m28 blMWS To tne Oral.- Contemplated Removal?Dr. LUTE Nr.R B Ear liibrn ary for tbe Exclusive Treatment ef Ear Ols'-sses will be removed on the 111 of May, to 371 Broad Way During the Interim he can be consulted from 9 Oil S at Iii Broadway ; entrance through Waierbury s rumlib tng Bio re. _ml" la> l~9 Clay Ksatlvsl Aat>a>olaUoB.---Tbe sixth an nual Petttval in cotumeuioraip-n of tbe naltl day of Hsnrv t i ?v wtii be held at tne> Apollo, on the evening of Ihe 12th net Doora open at b o'clock ; Peetlval commenting at 7 piecitely. Ticket! can be had on application to the Agent St the E'xpreet newtpaper otiice. cor Wall aad Nassau-el. By older of the Execuiive Co ? m tee 1 SMITH J KA9TM IN, Chairman Isaac Wat. Bmith, Secretary_a7 lw* ray* MeeeBtswatli Weird Dvneoratir WBIr Aeeorlntles.-Tlie Btoull?y Meeuugof thlt Association will be I? id at the Henr> Clav House, corner of Avenue A aiMl first it, THIS EVENING. 7? o'clock. By order. ' JOHN RIDLEY. President, TALMA HILL, Vtee Pres,dent. At'ovtTfs L Brown, i SMret^e*. C A. THOetrsow. S' _ rr k/eartki Aaaembly Utotrtct I'inn tturil ? UNION v\ HlliS. FOR 'I'M i: SAKE OP THE UNION." ~-Ntw-Y<. a?..Tburtday, April S?Al a regular meeting of Oi the Dem.fieiic Whig I oittml.ten of Ilia ahov* Ward and Diai'ici, the f< llowing reeolailona, submitted by the CBalrutan. wereuuantuioualy adofMes) . 14 krrtxi: An act long hoped for by the Wh'gs of this District has at length been consummated, and a VAnig San ator ch?sen kB ret reeeoi ihe " Empire State'' for the coa> lutr s x jeara. IB the couadisof the Nation, ted MIsrnit. 11II dvlh III?"'' ?** rTEm"^,?11*2IS the pail of an inle'l'lgeci and hlg;b-aeu?ded LixiSlllUeDcy. Ill nprees in a putfic and open manner, their opinion to ref? erence 10 aty g'eat and Importani meeeure, which wir Repraaeatailve may, or have been called upon, to da> ^Mawjayi Tbe coorte that baa been pursued by the Beoa lot end member of Assembly from ibli District, In tbe e ecuon of the above Senator, meets wub tbe watra appro? val of the members of ibis Committee. Tbereiure, be it UJ?tsorted. That the thanks of the Whigs of the Fourth Aiseuihlt Distncl, are emluenily due. and are nereby ten dered lo Bwa RICHARD 8 VVILLlAM?of the Senate, and Hon abkam WaKKSAN of me Ateemoly, for ibe faitblui n exrrer sshich ikey fully met the hojwa. wishes and atiiicioaiKua ol ise Whiga of this DisUIci, and we will ban ihe'r return to ibeir bomee and coosiltuesita, at the cloee of me preavni Session, with the cbeasring and gratify lag trlbuis Of' Wall Cone, go??d aud feiihmi servaof Jteevieed. What we bail wtlh all the pride of genuine Kb'rBeiboekere. lite election of our distinguished fcilow gsuxen. Hun HAMILTON FISH to ike U. 8 Senate, and cat with true pleasure poutil to aim as one of " God a no kjleel works '?aa "honest man." and one whose views and seniimenti, hiicompau-tou wlb bed, are at broad aad rotnprti.ecslve aa the varied Interests and re^uiremenu of ? Our Ooeaii-boend Repub lc " Rssoesve'. That we, the Whigs of Ibe Fourth Assembly Dtstnci bold no commualja wttta ' Disuatonlais," no mai? ler m what tec ion found,and taw we stand now aa we ever ba*e stood, on the brvaad platform of Whig princi? ples boldlrg allegiance to no Monk or S mth. bat only, tver txd true, to met g Uterine Haaner, which baa la ?crlbed on ita Howtng sheet the Daily of ihlrty-oa* States, ' Now a' tl forever?one and inseparable,' and on the pre? servation of wblcB totting millions now rent aa their only bone to the " dark aad troubled nigh ia" which aeKoniaass it em Tbat a copy of the above reeolattoaa be trais wlttre to Hue. Rtcharrt S Williams and Hen. Abram w e?., and pufriubei to ibe usual Whig papers ANDREW W LEGGAT, Chslrsaan. OBOBcaT RoOSIAN I Vk;#J ChaJrr?ao. Yhomai E Smith, ) Samvsl RavNOLtn? ; g.j.p.ngriea. Basil rt. Law ?o?. 1 The Express, Courier, and Commercial will please copy tkT A florae for 411!-T>* " Manhattan Building Aseoelrton" will ho rl In saV-BSd rno-'lor at' thi Crystal. 2?8 (?rat?: ? on MOMMY evening, April 7, at 8 o'clock. wh?n? Pro* perm*-* and Rules can be obtained ? principles Oi this Ass -cta'ion are far more llieral than any that have vet been pre?emed to the public, and tbe unpre? cedented advantages nffe'ed to it * shareholders "boa' prove highly acceptable to thoee who s-ek to eaeaoe the hurden lag tax of high rents. Bv-Lewa, etc, ran b? ohtalnel a. the Becretar>'s tafltna, an Naaaau at The puMic are tiriied toattend OSCAR F H4WLF.Y. President, nee We, WANTS, &C. AS Chambermaid and Plain Sewer, by *?* a respectable girl. Is a good washer aod ironer? W ould have no objecuon to go to .re country for the Sum? mer. Can be seen till the 9tb at 25 Plerrepoot-at, Brook lyn. Can be well recommended from her last place, a? Jt* AS General Housemaid by a respecc able young wonan in a small private family. Sbe'ts a good plain cook, a fi'st rste waaber and Ironer or would docbamherwork and whiting. Call at lKi Korsvth-sl in the rear, second floor, front room, for two days. Csn give the best of city reference If required. ai 2t? AS Cook, or to cook, wash and inn, a a private family. City references given. Call at ?3 Mercer SL a7 h* AS Cook, in a private family, by an elder? ly Woman, or would be wi hog to take cargo of a house for the 8ummer. Good city reference given If re? quired. Call at 233 Mulberry-st, up stairs. a7 It* AS Cook, Wa?her and Ironer, and as Chambermaid and Walter or to do U?neral House? work, by two respectable Girls. Can be seen at 49 Stan ton-st, In the rear. a7 2t* AS Cook, or to do washing antl ironing In a private family. Would not ohjeet to go a short distance In the country. Can be seen at ttf Prince si , 2d floor, back room. a7 Rj* A S Good Cook, by a respectable woman. ^Cm. Would assist in washing and Ironing if required.? Couid do the baking of a small private famhy Too best jf City reference ran he given. Call at 99 Ontenwieh-nvnue, op stairs, between Eleven and Twelfth sis. Can he aSSJa fjr two days. ?7 ii? AS Cook, Washer and Ironer?By a respectable Protestant woman In a small respectable private family, whereshecanenj ty the conifrrts of a home. She has lieen six years In this country and can gi re the best City references, If required Call at 11 Muoroa s. front basement Ash for eli/.4. a7 it AS Plain Cook, Washer and Ironer. or to do Oeneral Housework, by one, and aa Chamber? maid and to hHpas Laundress ; glr's with good ciiy refer* ence Call at 74 Sixth-avenue, in the Book Store. W >old go In the country. a7 1t* AS Plain Cook, Washer anri Iron? er? Wanted a situation by a respectable Pro? testant Girl, as plain cook, washer and Ir ner, or to do general house- work In a small private family Can g ee good city reference. Can be seen for two dsvs at Mi East Elfleenih-et. ?7 if AS General Housemaid, Chamber? maid, fur., bv two respectable Protestant Olrls; one is a food Cook, Washer and Loner, and the oilier under? stands Chamber work and Watting. Thev are dealrous of livtag together in Ibe same faintly. Good reference from laai employer. Can be seen for two days at 5 Norfoik-st. AS Housemaid or Chambermaid by a well recommended tidy Oirl is a good c >ok and first rate washer and ironer and very f tod of eitldreo, has the i-eat city reference, would make h-rself generslly use? ful and so for moderate wagea, a good home la mom deeir able. Please call at 223 Bowery. a7 1." AS Housemaid, by a respectable Younu Woman, to do general Houaework. Is a g tod Wssber and Ironer; would lake a Chambermaid's p a-e Can produce good city refereoraa from her laai employers, as to capacity, sobriety and honesty. Apply at 2K8 Ca? nal st. b7 ifa As Waitek and Chambermaid, by an ?txperlencod Young Woman, in a privat? family. She can bring good city references. Apply at 74 Grove-st. Can lie seen for three days. a? St AGENTS.?Wanted, eight or ten tb-.r ough going and intelligent men to seil a valuable bunlu'-ea publication throughout New-York and the E-.-t i-rii State? AI.... e ?>-<? ?*??-??-?? ? *" **?*?T Tf vtcirttv. For part'.eu are. lnu.itre peritonallt, or, if by let aar, poatpeld, to MERCANTILE, 189 Broadway, mcrad fit?.i. a7 .it* AGENTS.?Wanted 100 Agents. From a to RlbO a month, clear of expenses, can be made In selling a new work for families, containing the far.ioos washing rnreipt Address, post-paid. ' American Family Publication Establishment," 138 Nassau-si., second floor. m24 lm*_ AGENTS.?Wan red, 15 or 4J0 younu men of good addieas and genteel appnaraace, to en? gage id a plenaant. lucrative antf highly respectable buei ueaa. For an outfit one to five dollars required. For par? ticulars, call at 87 Nassau-si., Sun building- f>om 9 u> 4 o'clock._|a5 l?j_thompson . A~GENTS.?Wanted, Young Men from the country, who do not wish to work on a farm, csn mike from 4" to flue per month on Dr Skinners new Fam? ily Work. Call Immediately, or address 1. W. FARMEN TER. Ki Nassau-i' . post paid. rn22 Ira* A GENTS.?To Persons Out op Em rLOVME?-t ?Agents are warned in every section of the United States to srll New and Popular Pictorial Worka For peiHeulers, please call, or address i postpaid I ROBERT SEARS. 12? Nassau-sv Now RiADV-The ?* Famllv Vtslter," for April, a hand? some Pictorial Sheet or " Guide to the World's Pair "? Price Hi cents single, |t per 1?0. m22 ImDAW AMinuLE-AtiED Protestant Woman warts a situation. Would pre'er wai'lng upon an o i lady. 11 aa no objection to go in the country for the sum mer, or to New-llaven. Can come well recommended. Ca.. be seen for a week. Call at 3. 8 Thtrd-av. a7 41* BOY.?A Boy wanted in a Wholesale Dry Girods Store. Salary, fifty Dollars- Adlres* HENRY, Tribut e Office. _a71t* BUSINESS.?Wanted, business for Young Men. with a small capital of tl5-> to B3<"i - Young men who have no trades or situations to make motey, may learn of a good chance to enter into the manu factoring tri works of Art with lltlla money and do wen. by calling at 289 Broadway, room No 60 La'arge Building. sp?RPENTERS.?Wanted at Bedford. V ) Brooklyn, L I , four good Carpenters to whom steady employment will be given to the first of August, loqu're of JAME8 McKee._a?St* (CARPENTERS. ? Four good hands J wanted Immediately. To good hands the highest wages wi I be given Apply to >7 if LYMAN HAV1LANQ. 144 Atlantic st. Brooklyn. (^LERK.?Wanted, a Young Man about ^18 or 20, of good address. In an Embroidery and Fancy 8toie, None need apply but thoee well acquainted with the business. Good references required. Apply imme? diately at 386 Bowery._?I ST C(X>K.?Wanted, by a respectable Prot eeiani Oirl, s stluation to do Cooking, Washing and Ironing Has good reference To be Sean for four .'tys, at 237 Tbtneeetn-aL. second floor._a7 if* C^OOK, Arc?Wanted, a Woman to do J Die cooking, waehlrg and Ironing and general house? work of a small family. Inquire at 196 T wenty-seeood-si, near Eighth av._B* II* D( ).M F>TIC SERVANTS.?Private Famines requiring Servant*, are re*peetJVly soil .-tied to leave ibelr orders at the " Employers' and Servants Protective Agencv." 148 Grand-st. wber* " proner" U tecnon Is paid to their lnteresta. O^ssamataoa hand.* DRUG CLERK.?A Drug Clerk, com r-elent.and Will) fltY Wfen?DCl\ Will bit* of ||?? stiuaiW with good wage*. Apply BSjaOrsfsl ss, ?Sit WM WATSON. 1>DUCAT10N.- An experienced Teach I f er, realdtng near the Institution for the B.lnd. pro? mote* to utderiake the education of about ten Soya Thor? ough instruction can be given tn a very useful course em? bracing Mathematics, both abstract and applied to Engi? neering. Accounte etc . the Physical Seteneee. as practical Cheuilatrv. Mineralogy, etc. and the Eegliah. and so much of other Language* aa may be desired. Terms for mem bers of the family at the rale of S6 a week; for day pupils, ft?. An interview may be bad by addreaalng D DD, Poet Omce, W York._a7 6tMWS F A R M .?Wanted.?The subscriber wlslre* to purchase a small farm, from 5 to St* acre*, of food land, is either of tbe following Counties? Dutche**. ister. Or arge or Weatrbeeter, with or without butldinga A river view preferred. Addrwas U V. W. JONES, New York, poet pejd. staling location aad price, and when an Interview can be bad._ at *? FARMER.?Wanted a thorough Kar ni*r to lake a farm of M acre*, about one hour's ride by Railroad from New-York, and within two minutes walk of the the Depot, oa a leawe or anon ?harts* with the opHoa of purcbaatog. Apply to E. MARTINDALE, 1 Nassau-si third atory._?* Xt FEMALE TEACHER.?Wanted for a p. tvate Bewteary In the eastern part of the city. who** ti flueoce would enat'ie her to secure the attendance of a>a pti* ans) to whom a share of talrjon woaid be conpeas* ti;?A.r service* For particulars aod res* A 0JNssM>8 p.^-onVe, Cbaiham sq_a7 2tMW* URN1TUR E-?The Subscriber is about furnishing a large Hotel, and la deal roes of purrhaalng the enUre feralture of eevwrel fami'.lea breeklr s up housekeeping Tbe goods may be delivered ant tine during the moo.h of Ap'il Cash on taking t?s I a : dress a BBS M a C C. Box l?h% i\.*tO.*:.e. trt 61* F FURNITURE.?A family breaking np bouts-keeping will sell the Furniture of a moderate ill. d bouse od ve-y reasonable terras. 10 a e**h raatom-r Aodress, post-paid. ALBRO office of Tbe Triiune. a52t* GARDENER?Situation wanted, by a sing'e man. wbo would bare do objection '0 gomg to any of tr e Boo'tern Stale* Trie advertiser being a man of ur doubted ab' it, id each branch of hi* proreeei.rn, will ex pe-t a luttat'le recompense for bit services A dreaa (iABDENER. Tribut e Office_a7 ttf GOVERNESS.?A Lady desires a Straation aa GOVERNESS in tbe family of a Widow, er. wltn children she la an excellent Masician. and ha* been encased in Teaching mane tears Addrea* ELOISE, Post-office New-EocheJe, N. Y State._aS at HOUSE.?Wanted, a three story, or two *tory and attic bouse, between Chs'n-esr and Fourth ste. near Broadway Rent oot to exceed BiSrl. Ap? ply to OEO. W. STEVENSON. W Naaaau at. aj 3t* HOUSE.?Wanted, a 3-story House, in a re*pectable location, we*i tide of Broadway pre? ferred. I wiah It to accommodate a few boarder* The rent paid la ad ranee, tf not takes out in board. Refereue* (Iren and required. Direct R. E. Tribune Office. ml3 lm* HOUSE.?Wanted to Hire or Lease, forfja term of t ears, a genteel House, by a email, quiet fami<y, at a moderate rent, or part of a bouae would be rented?*ay two room* and two bedroom*, with or wiibout basement, or would untie with another family in renting and dividing a bouae. Unexceptionable reference* given Address, stating terms, location, Ac, Box 1,671 Po*t Office._a5 3t? HOUSE.?Wanted to rent from May 1st, a small H.roae, or lha lower part of a House, for a family of four per* na, convenient to a stage route. Rent not over B200. Refcences |glven and required. Address A , this office._ at 3t* OUSEKEEPER.? Wanted, a smart American. English or German woman, a good care? taker, to Cook and aid in Washing and 1 rosing. Inquire at Si Exchange-place. a7 3t*> LAD-?Wanted, in a Lawyer's othce, a lad of about 16 years or age. who writes a good band. None other need apply. Call from 4 to 6 o'clock P M only. WI Q HTM AN k CLARK. 3 Wall st._a5zt? i IA DIES.?Ladies of good address, char -dacterand clncation. can find a respectable employ? ment, * ith a liberal salary, by addressing A PALM ER A CO.. 8 Barciay-st. The b"*t of references will be required. a5 2t* LOST.-85 REWARD.?A sum of money #'19 57, was lost about 1?* A. M . 5th lust, be? tween Beekman si and corner Chambers-si. and Broad way. The tinder will receive the above reward by c* nng at 65 East Broadway._a7 lt? MATHEMATICAL TEACHER.?A Teacher ol experience will instruct io schools or pri? vate pupils in Arithmetic, A'grbra, Oeometry,, Surveying. Eakitr.eering. Drawing, Perspective, with plana, profile*, charts, 'i.e. Addrea* Trigonometry, Trimme- jf. fiee._a7 lm? MATRON.?Warned an active Woman, quick will, tbe neeedle and accustomed to eeerleg coth. to set ss Seamstress and Matron la a large Boarding S hoo) on tbe North River Apply Saturday and Mooday, at it'l Twenty second -si. a5 3t? MUSIC AND FRENCH.?A French j I * I (Jcntl- n an. from Paris, desires to find a Sit'ta'ion as PRIVATF TEACHER in some respectable Farauy, wbere | he would Teach Frenca and Mua'e to personi somewhat I advanced in Mu-lc who desire to perfect themselves both Id com ct execution and musical expression; aided by the ?< roirip?tii?r,?.i.i .,r ih?-?i?)in with hi? pupil b? fletlera him? self his ?ervires will be considered valuable Tbe moat I satirlactorv n-f.-rercea giv?n a* to character and (kill. Address "Ml SIC,'' l.ox 1.737. Po*t-Uui:?i Y S. Tb* advnrtiaer would also take the leading of a C mr !i Choir. I a4 3t* H IV URSE.?Wanted immediately, a heal 1 a thy, respectable woman, to take care of a young baby, lo do aewlng at d make nerself.generally useful. A wid jw wlthoui children prefened?American or Knk-llsh Inquire at 352 Bowery. ?7 H*o ORGANIST.?Situation wanted, from the 1st of May. In any Church or Chapel in the dty or vicinity of New-York, by a first-rsteorganist, who can give the t>eei reference* about his character and musical abllit'-a a* an organist and leader of a choir. Address N N , Or? ganist, Tribune Office al 61* PARTNER?Wanted a Partner with S-M 00 Capital to totn tn tbe manufactory o Werks Of Art three years established, on Kr.radwav, to enable the Advertiser io exund the basinets mote ororitably. Call at or addrea? a nolt to Room No. SC, LAFAiit-ai Building, 189 Broadway a7 lr 1JARTN ER. ? Wanted, a Partner, ?r> live or silent, with from $5110 to $1,000, In one of the woi oerful Exhibitions the world ever produced. Now ready to be exhibited. Address, post paid. VAN 0., r i West Twenty-ntnib at., New-York, or for pereonal In? terview apply to the counter of Dunlap's Hotel. 135 Folio i st, New-York, from 10 to 12 o'clock A.M. and from 2 to 4 P **V_si St* 1PRACTICAL CHEMlSTRY.-.A~geixT iL man now engaged, as he has been for many tears, in giving insuuctlon in Cbemiatry and tue connected sci? ence*, will receive into his laboratory and instruct a limit etl number of students Any department may be pursued. Address Box 2,5.'I Post Office. a3 6t* IiffINTER?Wanted, a Printer; one who is master of his business, and competent to take et.lire charge ef a small Job office, may find a good and per ?assM situation by immediate application to T W. uTRONO 9i Nassau-sL None but a thorough mechanic ut-ed apply. a7 it* PROTESTANT SERVANTS?Want JA ed, situations for most excellent Protestant servant*, in ail ibe various domestic stations, at the Protective Pro ttilai t Agency, 432 Hudson-st N. B.?This is the beat and only reliable Protestant Agency tn the city Wcrthy, deserving Protestants are given place* free of charge. a7 6t* PROTESTANT SERVANTS. ?WanN ed. a Cook, a Walter and a Nurse, and als > ? liter male and female domestic* for city and country, at a* Agency Ofhce, 70 East Fouiieenir.-si near Kounb-sv al It* ROUTE?Wanted to sell, a Route of Subsrribeis for the Magazine* and Books now pub? lishing Id numbers. Tbe business pays $8 lo $ .2 par week. App y lo Room 6. 82 Naaaau-st. at if SALESMEN.?Wanted, a few first-rate O talesmen for the sale of a patent article, wanted la every family, ani patent right; we have agent* making over $lt>ti per month. An agent wanted for Jereey, wltb a capital of #l<<>. Also, an American Bov lo run errands ? Apply, or address, post-paid, JOHNSON. 82 Nassau-si, room 6. at 31* SITUATIONS WANTED?For the best SERVANTS in the city, as Cook*. Housework Girl*, Laundr**>es, Heemstrea-o*. Nurses. Chambermaid*, ate. Ac A io for Men, a* farmers, Wait-rs, Ax. Boys for Trade*, Errand *, kc Protestant Girls for city and country al office. None but Servants of good c it racier sent from N. Y Emplovmeau office. 478 Broadway. Wanted?Two Men as Fanner* T P BAI'NDERS a7 lr* SITUATIONS.?Wanted, situations for Protes'ant cook*, chambermaids, general servants, nurse*, seartstreases, r.ndrette*. coaehmen. waiters, tensers, gardeners, kc , si the office of the Protestant Em? ployment Society, 7 Car mine-si?the original and only true Protestant Agency in his city N. B ? Oaly ihoa* wbo can show ihai tbey are smart, tidy, sober, bun eat and capable, are offered ttiuaileas. a5 Si* SITUATIONS?Wanted, situations for firtt c aa* tervaa'* of every domestic i onion, female* and male*, at tbe Office of toe S <iety for tbe Encourage- ' ii rm of Feitbful Domestic*. l?*j Chambera-et., eatabllebed 1825 N B ?This Agency is patrorlzed by the moat re- , ?vr-ctabie famine* and ta ? wui tbe oaly one resorted to ay ! the verv beat servants Tbe terms are reduced. Open every day from 8 A. M lo 6 P M. r*5 Jt* SITUATIONS.?Situations are wanted j ? ^ foratraai verier/ of tr-od 8,r?AftU. kl C MAIU.X'S Offices .'5(i and 4^4 Broadwsy, and 139 Bowery Over 5W a e coesiaoilv on hand Oreatt pain* are taken to collect t od one* Terms? Yeariv subscription. 50 cants; other? wise. 2*. cents. Men and Boys can be bad for any reapect able emp.cymet.t. tri 6t* TO CAPITALISTS. ? A gentleman wishing to become in I area ted tn aa Invention iweair teg but a sn?dernie expenditure of money in its develop? ment, may h?*r of an opportunity for Investment by ad dressmi CI RVILINE8R Tnbune office, a5 Jt* TEACHER?Wanted, a Lady experi enced tn teaching, of superior literary r^qnlremetitB and r* fined manner a to take charge of the female depart? ment o the Academy al Ooeben. Orange Couritv. New York. Salary $J00 to tfino Apply to D L. TOWLE. al Gtwbea. giving rail particulars of qualification* a2 7U?* TUTOR.?A Graduate of T. C. D-, besag destroa* of rorraicg an eng are meet as Resident Assistant at a school, or Tutor tn a private family, begs to announce hi* course of instruction as comprising Claas*c*. Preach, English In all Its branches. Science. Belles Let? tre s. Arithmetic, kr Reference* a* to character and aiill tv most re*pect*t>re and aail*factory please addrea* GAMMA. Tribune office, s5 3t? \\ KT NURSE?Wanted, a Wet Nurse * v Who ca*- produce sails factory testimonials from a Patyaktaa regarding bar bealta, he Can obtain a aiuiatlen bv applying at 64 Oreeowlca-et. where siiuauons of ail suds can be tband by atealy and lndustridus persons of b tr sexes, at Use newly eeiaoliaoed Ageocy Office, which la ander the patronage of the moat reapecushle merchant* Sid fami.le* of the clue* of New. York and Brooklyn. ^\'(>UNG M AN?Wanted, a smart young M Man with go>d addrea*?one wbo baa at command $li*. He can have a permanent ituiedoo as long as be rofidacu himself, and security given for bis money. For further particulars address O . this offie*. stating wbere and when an interview can be had. a7 It* BOARDING. BOARD.?Two single gentlem *n c 11 be ?reorortv>'i?:-d art b board and room* at >7 'rv1 i P)?ce- A suit of rooi?i w?U be vacant very eo >n T . location Is very deairaMe-, ud eoveo.ent to cere mi stages._. mW BOARD.?Two very pleanant Q?U? men ceo teen re Pr? tkf?et and Tee nod Dtnn?r on Surveys, tn one of iboee pleasant cottage* on Nln l av for 11 > Jfi earn per ?e-k. r or further rarucu.ari ad-trees MOUt AN, T li.nne Office, n5 it 1JOARD. with handsome soitefl of rooms. be had for the coming veer at 7t East Tw-ntr thud-it, a ihort distance avive ?raion-pa>>k The boase is one of tbeeiegant block ox Lending from Puerto to Lex tngtou *v* and lafurntibrfd with gas, Crotoa waier. hot, c<.,d and shower baths, and is wiinln sixty yards of the Harlem Rai.n ad. *> 3t* OAKD.?A <>rntlenian arid his Wife 'or three Single Oenliemen ran obtain pleasant Rooms with fall or partial Board, at 13b Hudson-si. Location do alrahle. a4 St* BOARD c?n be obt?ined for gentlemen and tbetr wives, or single gentlemen, in a private fam? ily at 179 Henry-*t, corner o- Jefferson. a7 Jt*o BOARD.?A gentleman And his family can be fcandiom'ty accommodate! wl b a sa'.te of rooms on the secoi d door, in s small family, by ca.lmg at 62 Hudson-it., opp. site Jay, near Chambers a7 2t*r BOARD.?A private family, who take but few boarders, have to spare a large front room With bedroom and psnii-s attached on the second flyor. Also a smaller room. The situation la pleasant and In the vicinity of the stages and cars Enquire at No. 415 Fourth fjtreet. ?7 n> B BOARD.?A man and his wife, who can give satisfactory reference, can obtain a room and board in a stna.l family (of grown persona) by trju'itrtng at 2r>, Maddisjc st.?N. B. To commence f.rst of May. a7 2t? B OARD.?Two 8(|uare Rooms on the 'serrnd floor, with bedrooms and closets attached, suite Me for t?o Single GentJetntn or two Gentlemen and their Wives urmshed or unfinished, ?ruh fall or pe'tltl Board, may be obtained from {bellt of May. No other boarder* In the fkmlly. Bath room In the house. Not above Hi nd st Address U F , Tribune office. s7 3t* BOARD?A parlor on the second H>or, suitable for a temleman a. d ssife. to let wtlh Botrd at 121 Cbaml>eri-it. References exchanged. a7 It* BOARD?And pleasant Rooms for a gentleman and bis wife ar.d two single gentlemen. c*n be obtained lmmectateiy, at 9 Vartca-it, 3d door from Franklin. a7 St* BOARD?With one or two famished roouii wanted, by a gentleman and bla wife, till atxxit the rnMdle of Jane. Preference given to the upper part ot the city. Address" W r." Tribune Uttke. a7 2t* I>OARI).?Two pleasant Rooms, with ' Bath-room attached, are offered, unfurnished, with Boerd, to s gentleman and lady with no children, by a ?mall private famliv. In tbe upper pen 0f the city. Posse*. ?Ion 1st of May. Apply at 3i? Fourth avenue, after 2 P.M. S7AVMWK- _ BOARD.?A Fayni-hed and commodloni suit of A par merits on me second floor In s private fee jr. i' >. consisting of Two Par is and Two Bed? rooms, all eoaaaTI unlcattcg with c'osets, Batbi hot and cold, be , Piano Forte if required, tn a cei tral and genteel loca? tion, with full or partial Board Reference required. la quireofOEIB A JACKiON.Sbl Broadway a43t* LiJOARD.?Single gentlemen can be ac sLJcommodsied wlih pleasant rooms and boagdi also, gentlemen and their wives, on or before May I, in a bousa t> rsssntly locstes, with convenience of hot, cold and ihower baths, st 46 Second-it. Broadway itagea ran tbe dour. _a21w* BOAR D?In Abintrdoo-square? The ?econd floor of a pleasantly-located bouse, where there will he hut few boarders, can be obtained, furnished or uofun.lihed, after the firat of May, by addressing S. M. office of this paper. e2lw" BOARD.?A gentleman and bis wife, or two single gentirmen. can be pleasantly accommo? dated tn a grnieelfamlly, where all the cotnAiru of a home may be realized. (After the tost at* May.) Location la aWJwWeuUi at between SUeventh sol Kl?bib ava Addrnae ?^BtowM_?lw* BOARD.?Three or four single gentle? men cbn be accommodated with pleasant rooms and mi tie. board, at 177 Henry St.. Brooklyn, near ma South Ferry._ alt lm* BOARD.?Wanted, by a small family, on the 1st of May, rooms on the second floor, or two on the second and une on the third fl ><>r. The Seventh Ward Preferred. Address A C this Uflce. i a 3t* BOARD.?Wanted to hire a room and bedroom communicating with pantries, full or partial B- arrl, for three persons Location above Brocneand aear Broadway Address T. B R Tribune office. a? 2t? BOARD?Wanted by a gentlemen, wife and two chl/ren, with an arfjrnlsbed front room, nth front bedroom on the i#econd floor Loca ion to be la tbe vicinity of Broadway, between Spring and Tenth its. Reference! given and rtqalred. Address box 2,37:) Post Office. t7 3t* BOARD?Wanted by two gentlemen in a private fami y or where there are bat few boarderi srmrwbere In Use vicinity of the Fulton or South Ferries, Brooklyn Address HALL, terms, for three dsyi, at this Of ce. a7 it* BOARD?Wanted in the Conntry, from about the first of J une next, by a gentleman and wife, child and curse, In s healthy locaUon. with dally access, ei? ther by rsllrosd or steamboat, at convenient ..oslnees bours, and not more than 2$ miles dlitant from the city. Address, ?Utting terms, location, Ac, J. H , box tne, Fuet-OnVe. _e7 3t* BOARD.?GENTLEMEN may have delightful Rooms wit > Breakfast ard Tea at 79 Han mond-it, corner Bleecker. The location Is very desirable, especially for a summer home. Poe aces ion may be had May lit_a7 ja* BOARDING.?A suit of rooms to let, BrM or without board to a small family?pleassm.'y located in ? h a? Stage* pass tbe hoot every five minutes. Also, a ro m on tbe third floor to a gentleman and his wife, or ten single gentlemen, 231 Sixth av. aT at* B~ OARDlNU?67 Varick-st- near St. J bns Para One large room on the second floor with pa- try attar-ed. cewly painted and In excellent coa Jition; als. one oo tae third floor, either furnished or u? furni(he ). it moderate terms Immediate possession can be bad N B No rem vai on tbe first of May. a4Jt* B OAKDING.- A small private family. having more room hen they require, would like to ac? commodate two gealleryen and their wives, or four single gentiemeu, will fail or partial board. Apply at 679 H me ton-sL _a41t* BOARDING.?Gentlemen and their Wives can be aecommodaied with pleasant rooms and with bedrooms and pantries attached, from tae first of Mar Apply at 15b East Broadway. Reference exchanged, a3 lm* _ B~ OAK DING.?Pleasant Rooms, aniu ahle for Genisemen an i their Wives or Magie Gentle, tren can be had at 147 A Jams-si-, near the Fdltoo Ferry, Brooklyn. tn... lm* BOARDING.?Two or three Gentlemen eta be eecot. modeled with board at 412 Pearl-er bA 2t* BOARDING.?X^gentlemaB and lady can be accose mod tied with a parlor and bedroom oa the second tie or; and 1 kewise two gentlemen with single wotL*, at e>.t Brtradwa?,_ao 2t* BOARDING.?A geotleman and lady.or I?0 tiDiIS laOWrfBIVBi can be ewmmodees?? wld? * large rix m on law eec-od floor, pleasantly situated, and Buard. where thev can secure U.- c >wforts of a home, by applying at 2wi West-Elgnteenity-st., bntwoeo Eighth and avenues. References exebacgad. a5 2t* BOARD DOWN TJJWN.?Tsfo suits of rooms furnished, on the second floor, (parlors and bedrooms communicating | to the msroie bouse 7 Broad? way, opposite the Bowling Green, to let with board to ?rr.?emen ud their wives, or to families of gr res per at lw* F URNISHED or UNFURNISHED ROOeiS to let without board. Apply at 29 aVmwlck Bj ?? B OARD NEAR UNION-SQUARE. _*A front parlor and bedroom on theseeood floor, with bs b-rnm attached (bot and cold water.) will be let, un rartitaawd. to a gentleman and lady, or a single gen lemec. wtil full or partial board, from the 1? of May nest Tbe loratkn Is pieasant and desirable, being within sfew reps of the railroad Apply at 48 East Eigbieenth-si. between Foarth-av and Broadway Refersneei exchanged, at >r ?OARD IN BROOKLYN.?Gentle . B en with their Wlee*. or single Gewtlesnee, can be BMISSBBIiiiillli 1 with very pleasant roosas at 4 Fuitoa-ave aae. Stages pass the door every few mtnufw and the lo t atlon command* a pieasaat proipect for the *uma>er m* KAM'_ BOARD IN BROOKLYN.?A gentle arsan aad wife east be ac rotan-odated with a room and t^d-sworn, with Board at 2? steads' st, opposite St Ann's Cbarct-_*lw BOARD IN BROOKLYN.?Two or three single geoHenvn can be actjommodated with pleasant ru. me iMreskfaet and tee, with dtener on *uod?y?. M a pnvaie famby. a few Emuta*' waU from F'Alion Ferry. Appiy at i?2 \a asking ton et ai BF HOARD IN WILLIAMSBURGH ? A genteel private Boarding Hmw wt'l be op~aed Mavln.ln Souib K:*hl* it A suite of rooms?room and bed room- for 'ami :e*. and room* for gentlemen. Those who want par* ur, tad a qutet home, can. for part'culara, rail ai M in ad war. up stairs, from room, or addrata C. bo**s> WiUiamaburg!. PoetOrtee Reference*axcSeig-d. a . w BOARD WANTED.?A Lady wishes to prorare Board in Brooklyn la a quiet family, where there are tow other board era Terras must be maierete. References exrhsnged. Addreaa B J , Trtbuae Office a7 2l* BOARD WANTED.?With parlor and sleeping-room connected, unfurnished, for ? gentle man. wife and two children. Reference* gtven and ex? pected. Addreaa N D , Tribun* Office, naming location and term* ?7 Ii? BOARD WANTED ?From the 1st of May for two voung ladle* tn a private family, or where but few boar vier? are taken Two unfinished roon ? will be required. Location moat be between Amity and Fourteenth Street*, and the Fourth and Fifth Avenue. The moat unexceptionable refarautea riven and required. Addreaa L R. T , Union Square, Poet Office. ar It* B B R OARD WANTED for the Sommer '?earoB. in the country, within fifty mile* of New Yo.-k, for a family requiring two or three rooma. A farm hou*e preferred. Address, for the text fortnight, H< Market**, ?tailng tern-*, location, etc a i 4r* BOARD WANTED.?Board Wanted for a Oentlemaa. Lady. Child and Servant on or be? fore the 1st of May. Location below C bain bemal, prefer, red Beat of reference* given and required. Addre** B. D Box 1.041, PoatOffice. ai la* OARD WANTED-With a moderate sized anfurniabed room bavitg a fire-place or flue, by a maiden lady, (pitvaie family preferred ) Term* ro'in be miHierate?pay prompt. Andreas Miss 8. LOWTER. ? Bank-at, H. Y._ ai iw* A11ENTLEMAN AND WIFE can be accommodated with large back room, and pantry ad jotalng, on aecond atory Alao, room* to let to aiosle . ->i i'. m-n on third story, with board at 62 Second at., Wi|. llani*i argh. Possession Immediately, and fatally small, w its few select boarders, aad do not move on the 1st of May._a7fn? OOMS WITH BOARD-From the 1st of May, for gentlemen and their wives, and sin gle gentlemen, at 41 and 47 Kest Broadway The two dwellings will be connected. Not, cold and shower Raths Apply at IB East-Broadway at !?? ROOMS?Furnished and unfurnished, to let with board to gentlemen and their wives; or would accommodate a few alngle gentlemen with full or partial board, In a firat-clas* house. Warm aad cold b*th* In bouse Location pleasant and convenient to atage*. A'*o, for the following season, rooms la Hou*tou-sl, near Broadway. In a verv desirable location. Apply, for further particulars at IM Wsvarley place. Terms moderate, lie ference* exchanged. at 3t* ROOMS? Furnished Rooms for single Oe".Lernen, with or without breakfast and tea. can ne obtained at 254 Fourth-av, near Unlon-equare. None out gentlemen of the first respectability need apply, a? tin* ROOMS TO LET?With Board in a plea?*nt location, on a stage route. Hot. cold and shower ha ha In the house. Apply at 15 Seventh-avenue, cor. of Thlneenlh-sL al Im* rpO LET? With BOARD, a large un I furntehed Room, suitable for a Gentleman and his Wife, with bath room adjoining, ard a rcora for a single Sutleman. Al?o. room* from the 1st of May next, at 145 ud*on.*t opposite Bt, John's Park. Reference required. minim*_ TWO GENTLEMEN and their wives, or s small familv, can be accommodated with all the comforts and conveniences of a home, In a private family, from 1st Man* next, at 241 East Broadway. Two handsome urfurnlshed parlors on second floor, with nl>-e pantrtne. hoi, cold and shower baths, i.c . attached, to let. with board. Best of references required and given. Apply at 204 Broomv-st al 1*7* TWO OR THREE gentlemen can be accommodated with pleasant rooms and breakfast and lea, in a pilvate family, where home comforts may tie en Joyed, by applying at 62 Rlvlngton-**. al St* WANTED.?By two single gentlemen a suit of rooms containing a parlor furnished, and two eeoroonie, uiiiuruiaiMM, in a pi*a*au, ?uue^toti, in or near Broadway, between Canal at and I7aloo-*qu*re ? Rent em to exceed *3en per uonm. ft tlm, A oUJce of this paper a4 it* FANCY GOODS. FOREION AND DOIUssTlC WM. H. CARY Ac CO. 243 and 246 Pearl-st (between John and Fulton sis.) Invite the attention of >.he city and distant Jobbing Trad* to thnr utroe and waned tttek >f 'rood*, which they ofer at the lowest rate*, either for caah or ap? proved credit. Under irelr pr?sent arrangements mar cad oder great Inducements on all their Foreign Uoods, ana will give their cuatorners the benefit of tie Utroe ditcountt which they have gained by the increased amount of their pur? chase*. They piedge theirseive* to sell many style* of AMERI? CAN OOO0B AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. Their stock will be sept fuil during the whole year, and all oilier* will he promptly supplied. They particularly In? vite the MEXICAN and SOUTH AMERICAN dealers to oxauilre their stock of Jewelry, manufactured expressiv tor those market*; also their stock of ivory Comb*, adapted for exportation. The fo lowing articles constitute a part of their stock i Ltoen Thread*. Various makers, plain and saitn finished, black, drab, Whlty brown and colored. No*. 20x84). 8pool Cotton. C'ark's. Alexander's, Smith's Eagle, and Reffington's while, black and colored. No* 10x156. 25 to 300 yard*. Tapes and Bobbins. Linen and cotton, assorted colors aad sixes C u 11 er v. Razors. Reive*. Shears, Scissors and Table Knlve* and Forks, Wade k Butcher'*, Wirsienholm's, Rodgers', and other cerebrated maker*. Brsh ea Hair, cloth, teeth, paint, varnish, shaving, shoe, crumb, horse, scrubbing, kc. Ac. In great variety. Musical Instruments. Accord eons, Violins, Flu'ea, Fifes. Ciarionlets, HsjiaoaS ana, Ac. Fans. A large and rich saaertment, consisting of beautifully carved pearl. Ivory, bone and wood sticks; also pUtla sticks, with plain, fancy and silvered paper. Ivery Combs, fine S, SB, 888, and NPU, I|x4| Inches. Combs. Plata and fancy tuck, dressing, pocket and sad*, of shell, oufla.o mmi mmn\ Gans. Single and double, English and American, real and kaaV lation twist; also.a variety of Rifles Pistols. Engtsh and German pocket, bell and bolster; Coir* and Alien A Thurtier's Revolver* Also, s complete aaeoruoerd of Sporting Apparatus Perlomery. Lnbla's Maageoet A Coudray'a, Piref s. Ptneuda and Ede* fin* extracts. Soa pa. Low's whit* and brown Windsor and Horsey; Labln's. ascertain s. Plnand's, and Maugsawt at Coodray* assorted sty km. 4c. kc. Also, Percussion Cap*, Needle*, Plea, Hooks and Eyes, Steel Peas, Suspenders. Bullosa, of all styles. Pocket Books, Port Monnalea. Pursea, Stationery, Beads, WbsJaoooa, Loot n,, ?< sssea, kr kc hory, TortMm SkeiL Pearl, BkeU, Hon, TtJM, Ac. tor nnufkturers Caialoa-ue* tn the FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAR] and ENGLISH languages. J3I laMWfim AT ROGERS'S NEW FANCY STORE. 449 Broadway, ha* |u*t beam received a near and splendid Stock of French. English, and Chi? nas* FANCY GOODS, TOYS, kc .-consisting of Fan*. Reticule*, Work Boxe*. Writing Desks, Port F< llo*. Port Moonaies, Pen Km*** Card Cases, kc, Ac, Ac. together wiih a lot of choice Perfurrrery, from the ceircirs^ed "Soetetit Hra?r?ique d* Parts " Mr Roger*. In coODectltrfl with niS ?BSawsl ?e Bazaar In OlfortS!. LondUO. CAD. mWt MSttSTf mined to Unptrt his good* cheap, and make hi* piece la Broadway use Cheap Fancy Store of the City, where in* neweec ar d rrroat fashksmh^ sat posaAbss price._?aSidaMAP* BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. Norwaik. Cona. Mra. LOUISA A. SMITH Principal - Circular*, aim ling term*. Ac may be obtala-4 at Hi* beck-stores of T J. Crowen, 598 Broadway, and M. H Newman. I9? Bro-dway Persona desirous of an interview wl h the Pnodrai. can hare an opportunity of doing so anltl the loth tost by leaving -ieir address at this office. a7 3t* SCHOOL WANTED BY PURCHASE ?A in* opportunity now offer* to nay person wtto may wUh to trtnafw a good Day School for young Utdrea on moderate term* The location moat be in that city or immediate vtonlry. Apply soon to the U S School Agen? cy, its Broadway ?*uhl1*hed l?C7 Correapowdeoe* ?ror^rboul ths taloa. E H. WILCOX. Proprietor OLD COUNTRY 6c GERMAN NEWS ROOM, I'* Bowary-Leaadlnf Enw?mX Meotch, Irish and Oirataa Paper* every w**Al Op? daily, safk? lav* S_ EED BARLEY,?Dorseuhire of sape> - rlor quaity. very bright aad awavy, fast arrtvad from England, for sale by ad Akay? 8AM L MILBAHE. Jr AS Ms4atrjtMg. DR. BANNING'S PATENT BODY BRACES and otAer iiekaaInl apphance* Office. 3*1 Broadway fi* relief of Consumption, Dyspepsia Gs> srrral DetMMty, he _at tfta GENUINE CREMONA VIOLINS.? A Gemme Setner Violin, nearly 2*0 years old and a fiae A mad. may be seen tor a tow day a at Chns'maa'a ? ueie store, ?4 Pearl r*. Tb*y will be sold for mach less tfdtn iteir vain* a Europe, hat a?f|?ssr*hV*>d a?3t* AMDS E M EIVTS. (2 RAN I) VOCAL AND 1nstr? ? Mr .M AI. concert ?GR THE BENEFIT op ' Hp i ITCH REFORMED l Hl RCH. No IB7-US Fr*Ekno k. rear Br.?.l??r PtnC VAS DER WEIDE, ho*orery reBs'H-r . f -he Sor??>? of Ng.i -el Sctear* ?vf Aa> steccsre ?er! Afterdate, for*t*?ly Organ at* Bad ClBISrt ???* " ' H ., i, v. .?,ie? ofthe above Chare*/, eev ssistrd by she rev... It* artlsui Stgoortna sVernnia. Mr*. Lirco't. Mire 4? ? R,,e>.? He-krr. Moeeieur Louie D. from Frere?. Mgveae a.t.eru fntej lis.y Mr Ltncon and Herr Et ?!* 'B,lire*?4,hre.rd Vio.ince.iietB, lr?e**tbe>r wtib ? under ine direction of Mr BbbbiL erl l rive a Orand Vocal and tDetraaseolai Cocjcee-t, for ike B "reft i of ihr ib >??> C Barr a Prof-emmet? Aa Overture. Hut ssayote Bjr Orf an * Caoir 3 Concert f.rr tero Pissyon. ? . Poet for Soprano and Teoa?. 5 Fantasie 'or Vio.'locea lo 6 Le TraeUte. ?Vren.-b Bor-s, 7 Revert* tot Uta I'lea-x. t Career* from La S.? nameii* Aw kVipraao- 9 Cbolr. kW. ad Pan?1 P ui> C<<o?e. t fur Ute Organ t Choir. 1> Irtp.omrtu for ? ? ??? ? 4. Pr?ger ftvta Emenl tor Tenor. 5 Serenecefw \ kHioreiio and Pteeo f InaaaA Ha la' for Soprano. 7 Duo C.woeeissyi f>*-Oread Plaa? ai d .Kotten Pleno. 8. Neap. I uta Air A Qaerteue Son*, execuied Sv the re ehrend Aueghanlaaw. |0 Ca Mr wlui Orr an. Concert alee place In the Cfcurcn 00 Monday evening, at ? o'clock Ticket* AO cents, a- tr ie Hope Chapel. 718 Broadway, opsoelte the N. York Hetal. THK ALLKGHANlANS resrvectfally Ja. aaooonco to their Men-'* and the public, that tbey will give* CONCERT E\ ERY EVENING during the week, kl Hope Chapel The programme for eavfc evwAhhf will contain a variety of new and popular piece*. TVkete 25 cent*. Concert to commence at 7| o'cJocA. a7 at* 1\\ HKRN A( LE-THIS~EVKNIN(3 The HI TOBI SBoN PAMILY will stag to ihemal Ulud* again THIS BV ENlNil at the Br..*jw*y Traber nacle. Price* ??> thai everybody and th-lr (ami:tea caa at? tend ; vir : area 26 rent*, women lit cent* only. To commence at 7 j o'clock. Book* of word* at the door. ?f RS. L?Tra A. JONES'S VOCAL l'lAND INSTRI'MFNTAL CONCERT?Mr* At. A JONES. aaaUted by the following eminent aril*I* and M "h EMMA OILLINOHAM BOSTW1CK. M -? BAM t\'H KKltVK, Ml** MaBV K Hoo 11, Mr Ht>>v C. Timm, Mr I'mnr R?tn. Mr. J Bti'tlbb. Mr. Robcbt Anoaaws, DODWORTH !> QUARTETTE BAND; alao. Ike Cbolr of St Bartn.Momew'a Church, and a Chora* of member* of the New York Harmonic Society?will give bar Brat Con? cert, rorsistlng of Sacred ar. J Mlfcellaaeoa* Music, on THl KSDAY EVENING. April 10, at ike Chinese As ? y Boom*. Ticket* 40 c*ou, to be had at the aeual places, a < >f IA. BENJAMIN'S NEW 0"rX ieTORIO OF THE AMRRICAN REVOLUTION w: be given at the BROADWAY TABERNACLK, on WMiNVSDAV EVENING. April ?, IUI, ays Case of TWELVE HI'NDRED YoUNG SINGERS. ***i*'*d by the large*! Juvenile Orchestra In (At* country, cotMlsUng of Two Hundred Young Boy* on vartou* fasiruessniA 4 A number of p eaaiag MieceLaoetiue Pieces, la eddtlloa tt? Ihe Oratorio, will be perf. rmed ) To couimeac* at 7| 0 ci.H-k. Tickets is cents each. a* 2ll*ua* 12 N^Bf.LS grand NATIONAL -I m< (INI KKT (\ >cal and Instrumental,) AT CASTLE GARDEN. Tl'ESDAY APRIL ?, On which occasion win i?e presented hi* d**crlpltv* Bat? tle St mphoev, entlt'ed THE BATTLE OF Bl'NKER HII u Fx ecu ted by two powerful Orchestras, repieeenllag the American snd Brillth Armies. PRINCIPAL PERPORM ERS IN THE FIRST PART Mrs LAI RA A JONES, Mr PHILIP MAI ER. Mr l'Al'L K. WEI/EL. and the 1. r K.MAN L1EUERERAN/. under the direction of Harr PATER PlanUl.Mr HENRY C TIMM. (ondurior.Mr THEODORE EISKELD. Among olher varieties will be tn<n>ducad,Oea. Tavi oa's FvaiasL Marl 11. composed by A. P. Heinrich. Second Part-The Battle, as above. For further partlc ulars, see Prtigramm* Tickets 'u cents e?cb, to he bad at the malic store*, and at the door on the evealng of performance. Doors open at 11. Concert to commence at?o'clock. a6 3t* IV AT ION AL ACADEMY OK DE 1 v?lt;N -The Tweniv-siaih Annual Cxhlhltloa of the Acatlemv will open to me public on Tl'ESDAY. ?h* Mb M Br.?dwav. oppoelta Bond-it. from 9 A.M. uluI P> P M Admittance 23 cent*; Season Tickets *> cent*; Cataioguea \ ik cents By order of the Council. a?lbits* J II. 8HEGOGLE, Cor. Sec N. A. AM or PLACE THEATER^Tb?) French Company will make their Drat appearance on M.nde\. 7ih April, with the romedls-vamlevllle of the U I rKTITES MISKREB DE LA VHS UUMAINE? ?due 11. it. M'lie Leooore; Jeannetoa, M'lla. Adr% enne; Gretoulllei Mr f'uMeu, Duhnnel. Mr Forlel To BSM ude wllb tb* drama-vaudevtlin of the LES DEUX AMI?. Ol LA COL'RTF. FAILLE-Marguerite. M'me. Antonln Verorlque, M ile. Angelina, pierre-Jeen. Mr. y... I! t;er r Mr P?r?v- . I 1 Hen, Mr Douchet; l.^fit*. Mr i.rai d:o. Cri.,u-1, Mr Darien. Lag range. Mr Eugene. |i. 01* o; en M 11 .'iirlaln rise* ai7? Private Boxes $ ?. Dree* Clir e and Paniu-1 1" cams, Aui|initbeaier. cta.ll* TV IB L O' S GTlWeH^OPKN THIS llAND EVERY EVEMNG-Manages, Joiw Bbp TOrt-CIRQI'E FRANCAIS ?Galaiy of ?tss^Freorb, Eue.lab and Amerb tu Emire diente of Enterl*mment? rtrat apnearan ie of Mr McCOLL?M-Kirat apiHetrance or Mr. Evi on STONE -First sppesraoce of Mr THOS NF.VIL? Or*nd Aireeiton of Baptist Ibisset- Madam* aroliae and Mom l.olsset In the *<-ene of La Ro*e? Coco ? ore?Eonetirtan m.-. ?e. SS?m V. LoUMOt?Clown*, fkleecr*. Wallet snd Leth.op?Eigueclrlen Feats by Master Qaarga PfxyRiw PoMasHs Pest* ny Mr Richard Rivers? Leune.l Ru.elan Bores A ar Ouil -Madame ( arftne will Intro nee her act of tie Haute Ecole?La Roae, asaakeewaeUW,M Heule Ecu.., by M ile. Caroline Loyo and M. Lolssoit. Ticket*, 'm cent*?cblldreo urderll year* half price. Day performam e Wednesday and Saturday. BURTON'S THfilTlfii fTniiBW m REAR OF CITY HALL. The neareM Theater te ihelars-e lloieie Oooraopeaat 7, commence at o'clock THIS EVENING, April 7. will be performed, LOVE IN A MA/r. Lord Minever... Lealer | Mr* Buckthorn*.Mrs Russell. To conclude with ihe Farre of SCHOOL FOR TIOERb. Roues, Dress Circle and Pariju-'tte, SO cu, Family CtrelB, 16.-1?. Orchestra Seat* 75 eta Private boxes, Kt and |s. B~~ R?? DW? Y^'HEAT^ER.?DOORS open at 1, to sweWaaaW at 't o'clock.?Prices of Ad nls*lon To Dress Circle end ferquet. M cut, Family Or C4e and Third T er. i.'iris . Gallery. liA rte Private boxes, R4*ri<l|ri ?Hia EVENING. April 7. will be perf.rrrrted, Ihe Grand llo nantlc F-lrv Spr, lace of the VISION OF THE 81, n_ Koran, Ml**AMene*JjTasiaias. Mr. Whiting, Huaina Csi>sc. Mr Frsteil k*| Itur ? . Miss A Oougen ketBSj Ore,.a. Miss J Gougenbelmi t aseana Mrs Isber wood. Prevl >i* to IDe ?pectacie a 'evorile comedy. G BARNUM S AMERICAN MUSEUM. ?Admittance to the Museum and each Saloon Per formsree, is rents; children under tea years, 1 Sfdj cent* Parquet and Ctrle, Iii cents extra Monday ereolng, com met ring at ~% o'clock, will be performed Ihe new comedy of ALL THAT Ol.ITTERS IS NOT OOLD-Stephao Plum, Mr. C W Clarke; Martha Glbhs, Mis* Chaptuan In 1 be efiern .on at 3 o'clorfc, ihe very entertaining piece of KOMM I MAC AI RE Rohen Maral re, Mr Ileeklo*. Jacqaes,Mr ? W Jone* On fYediiewisy, MADELAINE BENEFIT of mr.j.ii. HUNT.^EL HANFORD. Ee , Proprietor of tb* Wllllsmshargh Esurttrlan Inaltiute, kites largest Riding Scbool In Ute United Buirs, wlib bis accustomed liberality, ha* kindly nlered the used of hi* School oa lh? afternoon and even leg of Mot <i?y ihn 7ih In*'. , for a benefit to Mr Hunt, Pro. pr etor of tb< Souih Fourth and Me**oroie*i. Liae of Stsgee, who lost tweuiy-nv* valuable horses, together with ail the harness, feed 4c , by lire a short lisle since. As 1 be line Is a great pmlle accjrninodalioe, and Mr Hunt, a very indt.siri.ue and worthy man, It I* hoped that the citi? zens generally, aad as many a* see fit to coma from the city, *? ill give aim a bumper ef a Bersefli. The admission for a gentleman and lady will be ?> cants. Gettleuirn ridii g their own horses wi.1 be charged M eta. It Isexf-ertsd that at least seventy five Horse* will appear In the ring at one tine, writ, h, together with the appear? ance of one of lb* most daring and accomplished Peases* E<(uesuler.*ln the world, will make ti aa exhibition of wir pseeloy Interest VV ?;'.asmburgh. Apn. V a7 it* FELLOWS' MINSTRELS, AT FEL LOWfp OPERA-HOUSE ?44 Broadway, bewweew Howard and Grand sw Open every nlgbt duiiagthw week. The eaisera'ed original and well-known Fellows' Mlnsv :i- e BM pr'etng an ee.rt-nt ar <i vereatl.e rorps of talent? ed and experienced perforators,'" under the directing of i. B Fellows, whose Concerts tn this City for the last year have been received with the greatest favor by the elite snd atsbion of this great MetropoUe Their Concerts rtonstst of Sorlseryoe Italian Opera Icsnsa, Wuty Beylnga, Sotoa, Duets Cb-rruse*, Dancing and Instramenlai 1 On Wedneedey and Samrday saWnoon* s grwad C?r?n tor the arcimimodatloe of ladles and famllle*. comrnencjne at 3 o*eioeB. P M Adimsesoa S* cents- Doors opera at (a, u> ?..-..metre a: H _^ raj Now Exbintilcg, at Su>ppanl Hal1,, corner of Broadway and Waikar-st. BEYERS SPLENDID PANORAMA OF THE WARS FOR LIBERTY IN ROME I P I'ER ITALY AND HUNGARY-This splendid Pano? rama, wh r b contain* npeard of SB.OOU liguras. relates to (be rp-e. litipvrteni veeete which here oocorrejel 1st Upper Italy. Korr-e end Haorary wttbln the past three year*. Ticket* 26 renu, children balfprlc*. Liberal arrw.gearent* wl.l be made with school*. Afierfcoun ExhlbtUoo on Wednesday and Saturday at 3 o'clock. a7 ltoa* THE SECOND SERIES OF SAT TLfRS COSMOBAMAS. cor. of Thln*y*nth-*t and Broadwsy win eioae the 3d of May. The** works of An cor ?i?t of a eoueenoo of twenty sis View* of Europe. Aeis M otir, Syria, tee Holy Land, Egypt, Nubia and Ara? bia, and are lasse from Nature, and painted In oil by Prof. Saltier. Adm ssion 26 ceaia. Open from 8 Oelork to the morning nil in in the eventsg. a7 Iwaa* PANORAMA OF BUNYAN'S PIL ORIM'B PROGRESS?The public Is respectfully informed thai the exaibioon of this new and traeutifui Scenic Painting Illustrating Banyan's famous aUsegory wU elo^ cm Samrday, Sfitb Icet. uotll wbteh dm* It rxasy be seen at Wsselngtoa Hall, bf* Broadway, every Ever, tag. comnrer dng at I o*eiock, and on Wednesday aixi S< nr?sy AfwreooesatS Artmlttanee 29 cu To tb* After noon ExbtfnuuM Children will be admitted half once. Lf era. arracgesMBMaadS) with Churches Baad StBOOM a2 Voa* ft/U U I ?AN Y (tENTLKMAN htvinS w?r^ fe<hU*x*ocint available fur In medtale aae. (one well versed in tbe Dsguerrean art preferred,) nay bear of aaowftorturt y for Investing thes**ne In one of the rinsl *tt eatioas la the dry. AsVlres*. po*tp*id, DAGUERRE Il spM p. si (>?! ce. tA St' .pHARTIERS'^COAL COMPANY^ Molce la hereby given that an elect loa for Direr tors BfTkwl * -'i ( . ^ e?" ft > Wtl hfl i at i/.e offl-* of the Company, at Oral Harbor, on tbe Ohio AM res-, naar PlUsburgh on Fridev. tbe I6ih dav of May next, at 1 F M THOMAS McELRATH, Freskasxet B WtTion C**s, Secretary- alT.: