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FOR SALH&To LET. a BEAUTIFUL AND HEALTa!.' ?Im COUNTRY RESIDENCE for Sa.e or to L*tee-Oo Loo* Island near oVa Ocean ? Buildings capacious, ami rraailv fia sbed; grounds handsome y ar'anged. arvi stocged arllh anaJ? and fruU tree*, evergrrvnt perpetual r-sea grapes, a* par am t. kc Farm So acre*, lor more if wanted) *xce.*?m .and, hignly cultivated. Wtu tie aold low, aa ?way terms, or exchanged for a dwtdltag In or near tn* fay. Apply at 2*3 FruaU-at._rnU 1? "/TdELIGHTFUL COUNTRY KiiSi jCm-DENCEATKINOSBRIOGS WESTCHESrERCo. FOR SALE ?Cootlslng of a two story b^se wl.b st-crt and -atttc-frootlnf fifty-four fret, meladlng win,;., mar tile maniele, aud grtde*.'hissi the bouse. Tna lot on which It Staadt, e.-ntlsi* of two acre*. ino??h more can be adied if deeired. Tne ground r-nndsoni^y .aid oat. frnll trees, ehrubberv fclkW are ail ni oere**ary oat-building., auch aa aTejacfc hraaaa, Ir.v-ioua*. At Itu within twenty ml'-trai wal k of ?Uber the H id..,n liver, or Harlem Rail W? /Spr^'w^n^ *?,*?" ??Ire of ROBERT CA*?* * BROTHER. 8. at 5 Broad way. 111 u a DIL^IB?BLE COUNTRY RESl X mDENCB AND FARM FOR BA'.E-Situated ad Joining tho pob'lr htgliway. one mile frora Canotowri and foo, ini.eafrom Newark, In Karex County, Near Jeraey, I containing 7U acres of Ltnd with a fine two-etory and att.c rj^aeitng house and a good barn and other oil-house*, all lD agree lent order. There are on the premises, a fine garden ajaaehed to the h iuae wiih. fruit trees of every deeerlpiton, tkree fine orchard*. 3*? acre*of meadow land, * I? pas tare sufficient for fifteen or eighteen bead of cattle, and eight arretrof Kne wood lane); the residue of the Itril '? 0".. pared for growing en.p* Inquimof JAMES W WHITE, Esq 11 Naasau-el, City or New-York; DANIEL CO > I LAN, Whlppary.near Morrlttowo, or of JOHN BYRNE, on the premise*, al 2w* A T "PRIVATE SALE-A desirable -im FARM, siOiatnd at Holbrook Stati >n, Lmg Inland, on a Use wit* the Long-(aland Railroad and directly <>pp> *tte the depot, containing I.? acre* of lan 1. On tt.e prem? ise* 1? a good lion*? and ah necessary outbuildings | also, orchard* shru^berv, and a large assortment of timber Aiso. a MiLL SITE, witu a SaW-MlLL. vc, thereon, with a beaey ?ater power and 13 acre* of desirable land, Sltsaled on Long Island el>out t mi lea from Medlord Sta? tion on the Long Island Railroad and (bout 5 miles from the above fa/m, near the Patchaug Mt'J-Ponl A portion of the purchase money can remain on b. nd and mortgage. For price and further particular*, apply to aa lw A, J. BLFECaER, Auctioneer, 7 Broatl-sL ?T PRIVATE SALE.?The 4-story, is modern built, brown atone front HOUSE, and LOT, 89 West Seeenteenth-st, near the Fifth-avenue The above I* one tift> e mo*, beautiful, well built and highly finished house* in the city, having been eighteen m'inths tu Its erec? tion, by day's work, and under be immediate direction of the owner, for his own residence, and has all the modern Improvements. Terms easy. Immediate occupation given. Can he seen al any time. Apply to COLE Si CHI LTON, Auctioneers, 9 Wal 1-st til* C~ ORNER LOTS?Sixty-eightb-st. and Broadway, one of the best locations on the Bloom legdale Road ; 5 Lot* on F1filetb*L near Btoadway; sev? eral lots on Muri ay Hill, between Fifth and Sixth aveoaes. The above lot* are as well situated aa anv tn the city, and are rapidly Improving In value. Apply to Hill 4t OROESBECR, U Pearl-au_m27 2w* C~O?NTRY SEAT ON THE HUL> BON FOR SALE ?A FARM of about a" acrea?about jn of woodland?In the village of Halting*, 21 mile* north of the rky; house new, or stone; substantial, modem style. IS rooms, with commanding river scenery; uuttea beauty and convenience In an unusual degree , ten mlnutea walk from the depot of the Hudson River Railroad Grounds in the best order, supplied with a variety of fruit; Stable* and Ice-Hous* m the premises. The whole or a part will be *o!d by application on the premise* so the pro? prietor. ALEXANDER BIRNIPi, Hasting*, Wnstchesler Co., or to HORACE HOLDEN, Esq., jm? ImM WS? id Beet man at P?r7m~FOR SA.LE?A sp]e>ridiil Farm tn. of 4? acrea, pleasantly situated within half s mile of Pialifield Depot. On ibe pre-nlse* is a large house, bsrn, carriags-house aod two cow-honsss, with other necessary out-huildlnga Also ? large orcha'd of good fr.i t; It) acres of heavy tliu'.er. Thlt It a most dutlrable farm and will be aold a nargalu For further particulars cdl on JACOB LAING on the premises, JOHN W LAING at LaJiigs's Hotel, or STEPHEN V AIL, at the Plalniield Depot. a7 2wMWAK* FARM FOR SALE.?4Uncres of Land, wlihin three rrUee cf South Amboy Unding. 8aid farm coruslna * small house. 3,ikm> hearing paacb trees, aud two acre* In strawberry beds. The whole is offered for Si,10ii, half of which may rernalo on bond and mortgage. for particulars Inquire ai lib Maiden-leni. a7 lw*_WM. U. WEST. l^AKM FOR SALE?Containing about I. 30 acre* of Lar.d nndera high rate of cultivation, a pleasant dwelling, two barns, one grauarv, Ac. Ac. all In good repair Also, a choice assortment' of Kr?n The above Farm Is pleasantly located in the township of Bloom* held. N.J. 15 rullee from New York City. For further par. ticulara. Inquire of DOREMUS, CRANE A CARPENTER. mtmMWS*_30 FroM-st FARM FOR SALE-Ono of the Dcst Farms In the town of Eastrhesier, about a mile and a quarter from Bronxvlile Dep >t, of about 125 acroa It Will be s. Id In parcel* ci together luqdreof L<)K,triO ANDREWS, 76 Oold-*k, JO.lN TAYLOR, tu Wa l-at. ISAAC WARD, Bowerv Savings Bh'ik. or oa trie pre. mlaeaof taH'imtKi'i * CALEB MORGAN. F"~?SHIONABLE HOTEL FOR SALE OR TO LET.?The 5 brown stone rront House* on Vourlh-avenu* corner Twenty-nlnlh-st, uow finishing, aid Wtmld be one of the most pi.astnt situations for a Hotel. Inquire oa the premises Would be sold or r >nied sepa? rate._m2S 2w FOR SALE?A modem-built HOUSE, with one acre of excellent Laod. sltnated on the cor* r er of South and Willow si*., in the village of Stamford, Conn , within Use mlnutea walk of the Reliroad Depot ? The House is about 47 feei square with a ri e plasia run? ning e-roas the entire front The e is also a coa^eaient and well hulshed basement, hot air furnace, cooking range, cistern and good well of water; likewise a large and com? modious coach-house and stable, all In perfect order. A large pottton of the purchase money may remain on bond and mortgage, If desired, for terms inquire on premises, or or WM H FRANKLIN, SON \ CO , ml2 tf No. 5 Broad st FOR SALE?A small House and six acrea of Land on the Hudaon River Railroad, iwo niilee below Garrison's, and three bslosr West Poiut. Ton house Is 24 by 25 feel, tw j stortea htgh and a basement? contains seven rooms, and Is In go. J repair. Price $900; half ?f which can remain on mortgage for a term of year*. Ii uuire of David Curry, near the premises, or by letter to WM H DOWNING, r*53w*_FlshkUl Landing, Dutcheas County. FOR SALE?To close an assigument, the Slock and Fixture* complete, with the good will of a first-cia*a Grocery and Liquor Store, In B.o >k yn - Also, a Horse, Grocery Wagon and Harnes?, nearly ueav. will be aoid wlibln a week, I* whoever makes ibe highest oiler Oo.*i location. Call at 131 Kulion-sL, from 9 AM. to 5 PM._a4 4 ? FOR SALE.?The four story, high base? ment, brick house aud lot, 217 Leouox-Dlace, West Tweatt secoi.d sL between the Eighth aud Nta'.? avs. II la buiit u tae moat substantial manner, aod containa all the modeii improvement*. For lenn*. apply to A. J. StLEKCKKR. 7 Broad at or al 210 West Twenty-second at. Tent* easy. al 2w* fi^or SALE?South Brooklyn L.its, near TL Hamilton-avenue, on Columbia, Carrol, Summit, Woodi a I aud Hick* a'* , also, on tbe eaa' aide of Toinp fclu*-p ace, between Harrison and Dugraw at*. Theae lota are a'l eligibly aluated tor Immediate l-nproveinent, are fr-? of Inrumhranee, and liberal advance* would be paede to reepotistt-le purcl'sseis, to aid tn the construction of unalralile Iswildlr?;* A. mllv Im* K A D. al BTEBBINS. V) Broadway. FOR SALE?The Country Residence of the late Horace Cogswell, Esq. In lb* YlUagn of Oreruport. Long Island Tl n house la a well but'-. two> Story (reran building, with dining room, kitchen, laundry, and wood-abed ailacbesl. Tbe whole bullulnga about 25 *>et front by 100 feet deep. The hoaas has two parlor* on tka rirei Soor, and aome fine alenploa nnnu wtih eonvetv tani pantriea on the svcoud door. The parlors are furulahe-l with marble in an lei*, and the house occupies perhaps the aioai p.easHiit location In Oreeoport, aa it atanda upon high groaud ami overlook* the village at every point, and Pe> conic Bay for mile* A Itage garden surrounds the premise*, at the foot of wv. r- therein aairaaui couttnun'cattng with ibe Bay of sufficient depth to ad.u t of sall-hoats coining direct to lb* ground* There is a large barn, carriage-house aud other convenient out building* on the promise*. Greeaport I? the termlnu* of the Long Uland Railroad, and the place la growing rapidly. Tbe Railroad Company coiumutea upon very reasonable term*, for R?ther particulars, inquire on the premise*, of to GEORGE SCOPP ROE, snSl taw7tMATh* 19 Merchatiis' Exchange, (Hanover-at.) FOR SALE?In the City of New Branawkk. n. J , two nice dwelllag hoases Incom? plete o<der, and IreauufUily ?iiaated -one in Someraet-at. opposite ihe College. Said bouse I* about V 'eel square, loi 70 ice, front and rear, by over 20.' feet deep, with an abundance or fruit tree*, vines, Ac The other In borge? st, opposite the Pre*I lent* House, Both are desliable re? Bidance*. and In as bea.thy location! as ctn eatUy be ; .und. For terUM inuiiire of Mr K W. TOVVNSO.N. ?i Cedar at. or T Garrison,on the presnlse* Foaeeesioo given ImmtHllataiy. at lw* FOR SALE?A delightful Cottage Re sideec* In Poughkeep?!?, .English style.) two stories high and basemenl. Lot 58 feet front and rear by 123 feat deep. Haa sliding door*, tuetb e maniel*. Ac ?Veranda on three side*?replete with various convenience* a ri Her? ing etatevn, bath room, pantriea. china closet, cloth** pi res er, Ac, Ac?we I built throughout Too house stand* back 24 fret from tbe eireet, giving a neat lawn?backjaod froi.tsb*d*andJfruit trees, Ac, HuahreviewofCsUktll Mountain-, Collsge Hid Samiiiary. Ac. It Is one of the -^.nelgbl?othi)<Kjs tn the village Inquire of ?* _ABAHEL JONES, Csj.. *?J Broa-lway. N. Y. P<>R SALE?AT A BARGAIN.-A ? ,p1^5$? "AKM. of about 30 acre* of good land. 2t mile* of Ptatnaeld. n. J , and oae-balf mii* from ihe oa,.0' w'<h a new Dwelling of 9 large rooms cellar and garret, 2 klaftern* Iranii carriage houee. Ice heu*?, and chl'keo house. Apply at MM Tb-wipaonat. or to 8. VAIL. 5 Oourtlandi-ts. from 1" dil t arvery aWday-other days Platrndld-m* im? I^OR SALE ? A splendid WVFER J? roWER.*vualtoir*jIJOI^Uw^r,un^ Of five acres of LAND, lituaied al Beast.uariiowu, tVs* Chaasta.- County, distant tr>xn the Cliy tjtjfl \.m~u\.j?)tin. nsl'ea, mua wllhla a fttr ininuie** wa* of Hudson K' <" and th- Hulrwc stiver Rallioad Dooot. Ann * t, KMgPH LISTKR, on the premises, or 0. H REEK MAN WU'||. f am si. NY. mil Im* F F FOR SALE?A thr-e- itory brick H m-e in 27thet seMWetsy* First .lid Sec led avenues Also, I Lots?f Oroood In F.r.v-tl.tM st. nesr L?ttng'on-ev*oue. It quire in ?bei beseioent. oM Bowery, 'mm |u By J o'clock. m2i !?*_ FOB SALK aT haklk.h.?A Cor lag? and 'our lo-? of ground, sltuele on One-ho'i'lre.i and Iwesih* kAklk m. h-twee-p Fourth ?' d Kifih avenues The college cant?,r? eAgwl rklOSJO *nd nine p*nin*)*. ?'jd Is Id perfect ordrr Tie kM run through from Jue '"undre-l enn-iwet l>-r trth M to On--hor rired-and-tbtrtieitt-sl Ot ??id prt>mi?->? mmmftt) n ruhr, rtrrtage-bo'iee, fowl bxise, wood-honse a d und let hout,?. al in perfect n**S*f it repair The place U well storked wim tb-t chJlcesl fruit lr?e?,vtneeaed i>ru'ih*>rv. an" Ii withf five mlou e*' wa.g of IbrRsllroad. fror further p?>ll -i ?.ra I" Mir?of e5IW Hf.NhYr atcqOWK tSWatAwTrat F- ?R~S?XE AS IT STANDS?Tnti Lite of Telegrsph with iwo Wire*-, extenling no ihn Hndton River, on the Et*t sim from the Marlin River to Anthony'? Note, ahtve Prtkskili, tlere crossing by m-vans of a matt and a'anebe >ri, and exteoiing 4owu the rt v-r on the We?t s .1-, to tbe s'cinlty of Fort Lew Tnta Ltn? consists of 'wo Wires ? It wu erecte! I >r the. use of the Mtg'etJc Te'ejrapb Company, wti ara Ltno rua? from Washington to New-York, by meant ol which to cruaa the Hue* n Into New-York. A* tbe Line of the Company now Crosse? at Fort Lee-, Iba po'ee, wires, cos* pieces. In sulstors. mast, etar.cJivms, Ac , of the up-iirrr hue are of? fered for sale as they are Atiy person or company wish. Ii." to pu-chase, ran learn particulars on application at the othce of ihe Company, 5 Uenover-et a I Is* f1^0R SALE, OR TO EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY, in the ajarlthing vii'age Norto Tarrylown. with'n 4 > mlnutea ride of the station at Tblriy-tirat-st. a very desirable site fir a country residence. The premises contain about four h :re? of land, and are a'tu ated on a point between the Railroad and tbe river, em? bracing a river front of some 3o0 yards. A beautiful na? tural grove borders the lot on tbe river, and there are be alde ov-r a hundred fruit and shade trees on me premises. Tbe lot la bounded on the aouth side by Beckmaa-st , a dis? tance of about kOO yards, and Is admirably situate I to divide Into villa plots. It has already been surveyed, and If not sold together, will be se disposed of. One half of the pur chase money may r-maln "n bond and mortgage at 6 per cent for a term of ysava. For further particular* Inquire of J F CHAMBERLAIN, at tbe losiituitou f-w the Blind, or or Mr. STATES HAMMOND, near the premiaes. Bl Ira*_ OR SALE OR TO LE P, two neat new Cottage* now finlsaiag. on South side of 86tb street, iesdlng to Hei'ga'e Ferry. 25 feet East of Id Avenue. Terms easy. Price $i.\V> Apply to C. T. CROM WELL, ?8 Well-ai. _BRatf* FOR SALE OR TO LET?In the vl! age of Portrirwtrr, Weste bester Co, N. Y., 27 ti.; es from this city. 10 rods from the N. V R ddpot The bouse has 13 rooms, good well of water and cistern Four acre* of good lam, barn and carriage bouse, all In brat rate order Posteseloo Immediately. For fur? ther particulars ir quire of B HUf CHINS, foot ofTbtrty. sixth st. steam saw mill. N. R. None but a good tenant need apply a4 3t* ~OR SALE OR TO LET.?Four elo gant bouses In BROOKLYN for aale or to let. They are on tbe leadti e thoroughfare, sieges pasaingconttnrtaily. For health* location aod quality of water, nothing better can be found any where, and families with children caa use a held of five acres of play-ground. For further particulars Inquire at 22 Plne-st upstairs. m29 2w FOR S?XeT?R TO LET?2Gri Ninth st. a hi dern Brick Dwelling, in the moat perfect or? der, three stories, basement and dry under cellar. It la ele? gantly finished throughout, with ail the conveniences of kitchen range, baih, water closet, Ac. Inquire at 183 Broad? way, at tf 17OR SALE CHEAP?Three valuable . Tracts ol Land on Long Island, distant about 4'> miles from the City; one of ?n acres, within 30 roda of Long Island Railroad ; one of lib acres, about 3 miles from North port SteamlM at Landing; one of 36 acre*, about 3 mllea from Railroad Sold ceparate or together. Terra* easy. Ap? ply to HENRY J. SC?DDKR. Att'y st Law, mil ImMWS* ?0 Wail-st. FOR SALE CHEAP, or will be ex changed for City property or Stock*, two beautiful and highly cultivated Farms situated on the norta shore ef Lonv Island, about 1? ? lea from tbo city?0110 of 46 acres, one of 75 acres; both adiacent tlie water, with excellent building*, orcharding and otli-<r adrantagoa and o.-v of access from theciiy. A large prop j'tioi at the purchase money tuav reinam for a term of years on boad and mort? gage: will be sold separately Apply soon to HENRY J. iCUDDER, Attorney at Law, 90 Wall-st. mil tf FOR SALE?Two good DWELLING HOUSES and LOTA on Twenty-nintb-st, west or Broadway, Not. ix and fin, well ??>.-*.eo for private resi? dences. The buildings are small, 2 storlea aod attics high, with basement and counter ce lar All thu iMBfosssBMIII to make the houses comfortable, such at cooking rknge, Croton water, batblng.coid ano warm, and gas all through. Tbe bouses are two looms deep, with additions of 12 feet The bouses are well bul'l In every part. Tbe location Is one of the best In the citv. The houses are new, and will be finished by ihe 1st of May next Price Bo.Sno each One half of Ihe amount mav remain, and more If desired. In< qi ire of J H GOTfKER, 00 tbe premises, at 1? A M. and 6 P.M._allw? GREAT SALE OF BANK LANDS IN ILLINOIS-The Trustees of the 8tate Bank of Il lnolt, wilh a view to finally closing Its affairs, will sell at auction to ihe highest Inddrr. at tbe places and times meu lloneribe'ow, nilor Die real estate netnnging to toe sank, embiaclng many thousand acres of Improved and unltn .-< reHwiloe; land, and property In many of tbe cities and towns A considerable portion of tbe lands are in the peighborbnod of the Central Railroad and its Branches, and other internal tmprovenn nil In adi'ition to ihe above there will be aold In Springfield on the 111. of June, Ib7 share* ol tbe Slock of the Altou Mi rlne Fite Insurance Company; 125 shares of the Stock of the Alton Manufacturing Company, and some oiber Stocks. Ar Tbe notes, certificates knd bonds of the Slate Bank will be received at par In payment. One third of the amount of purchase will tie required to '-e paid at the aale, and a crtdltof six and twelve months will be given on the re? mainder Lists of the lands and town property will be published In hardbli'e ana In the newspapera of the neigh borhoods In which the property lies, to enable purchasers toexsmme It before tne sale. The sale* will oe held a* follows: At Ottawa. In La Salle Co , on Tbirsday. 1st of May. At Qutncy, in Adams Co., oa Munday. 1'Jth May. At Oa'ena in Jo Dsvirss Co., on Monday, ttfthMay. At Springfield, In 8*ngarron Co., on Thursday, 5th Juna. At Csrtlnvllle. in Macoipib Co. on Thursday. 12tbt June. At Bellvlile, In St. Cialr Co , c, Thursday, Htb June. Al Vandalla, In Fayctte Co . on Tburs.iav. JiM June. JOHN CALUOUN > U MANLY. >Trustres. N H RIDOELY, S Springfield, 111., March 20,1851._a3 2w HIGH"BRIDOEVILLE, situsted on the West ehester side of Harlem River, between M ? Coomb's Dam B-ldgeand the High Bridge?This property conimandaa fine view ot ihe High Bridge, Harlem River, and a great variety of other beatiuful acenery. Size of lots from half an acre 10 three acre*?price* low and terms eaay. Map* for distribution will be ready on Wednesday, the 1 \h ir,et, hut In tbe mean time an original map may be aeen at iheotieeofD B. WINTON. 7| Cedar at ml4 Im* l ?M ESTE ADS.?The subscriber has for aal? about two hundred acres of LAND, in the County of Westch'sier, lying on the Harlem River, half a mlie north of New-York is'and, nnd admirably adapted for village purpoeea. The attention of capitalists and associ? ations Is requested to the above-named property, as ti Is well locau-d and easily reached by land or water?tbe Hudson River Railroad running directly through it, and a substantial dock having been erected on the River for the account.o-lau00 of steamboats. On the premises Is a spa? cious stone DweWtng-boase. with garden, fruit-yard, ont builrltnps. kc attached, which will be aold separately, tf desired A valuable atone quarry ha* been opened, and la now worked?stone of -he i>??t quality for building pur? pose*, tn any quantity, being easily obtained. A rare chance la now offered to an association of mechanics or others vsikhlng to obtain htNneeieads at a low price wbere property must rapidly advance In vsjue. Apply to the subscriber. 1? Broadway, from 10 A M to 2 P M. 8IDNEY KETCH?M. Or 10 ELDREDQE, PLATT A STEWART, 49 WUllam sl mil Id* 0~FaLL ALL THE CHOICE SPOTS that sre dally offered for aale, none can excel, Indeed none can compare with ihe property now offered 1? the public by ua al thai beautiful place known aa Stratum Port, peiwax n College Polat and tbe town of Kushlng. Ills ?busted within half a intle of tbe latter place, aod Is in eve rv reaped decidedly preferable opposite Harlem, and w ItMn three quartern of aa hour's ride from New York. Tne property consists of about t?ki lots, ?Huated on land rising la a gracual alope from ihe edge of the water np, re? quiring neither excavating nor hlllng la for buUdlugpur We take this opportunity of again caMIt? the attenttou of ?ccb of cur original subscribers aa have not yet chosen tbetr lots, to call while there Is a good choice leavaloing. To those who intend purchasing for themselves an Inde? pendent prv perty, so ?a to become their o wa landlord*, we wouid advtse to decide promptly, as tbe plots are selling very last All persons buying, building, or rest'ing on theabora property, wih be protected from all nuisances which w*ll prove detrimental to the growtn and prosperity of arid vil? lage, ard every precaution used to make It one of the most healthy ai d beautiful village* la the United States. Any 1 rrson app >lng at 227 Wooeter st. one door from Amity, can have a map with printed acaleof prices, thereby aAsaAsa a t hat tooffei his acquaintance* an opportunity to view the pan of said property, which require* only to be seen la order 10 be appreciated. A cor tract baa been made to have a do:k butit, so as to enable passengers to land from the ?teamooat within thirty days fron lie luh March The dock builders are now baid at work to complete their contract, and the pro pr'etor* are now in treaty for some ferry boats, and the fare 1* intended to be lu cent*. Any persons requiring to view the land at present, can do so k> going on the steamboat Island Ctty.that leavesine Kniti n Ferry every morning al 9 o clock, for Flushing, (Sunueysexcepteo) which Is within five mtnutes' walk, on a tfiHsdilank road. For further particulars, apply at On office, JS7 Wooeter at, vne door from Amity. Persons on appit lag to the C?putln of the boat, will be Introduced to one of tbe pee son 1 interested to the shove property *5 3bs T1NE OR MORE LOTS FOR SALE on South Elghih or Booraem-ai., Jersey City, oa high ground, each 212-9 wet front by |ti0 feet deep. P ice fi .< to. with a building loan equal in amount to one-half the Improvement, t/ver and a >ove the purchase money, all of which can remain on bond and mortgage at ti per cent for ?tu h a term of years as may tie agreed upon. A anifor-ni t> lu style for ihe fror is will be requited, a sketch of which ? ay he seen and further information obtained, by a,*>ptyi-.g to Me?sr* CLERK A ?ACOT. Ai-clitev-te. al IwMWAK* 13 Montgomery st ,J-rse, Ctty. PRIVAI ESALE.-4 000 AcrrW Lond on L"ng Island, la the town of Brookhaven, Saffjik Co. ihr Rallr *d roitulrg th'ougb It, It wi.i be * >H in par - e o' the whole, to suit po'chasera. It 1* about *ix>y n.ltrs from New-York CHy Tbe soli Is well adao'.ed f ir y rats m o cues of everv kind ror 'urto-r part'ra'sr? ap? ply *o A J. BLEECKER, Auc.'r,7 HroaJ-*L *7 ,w N HOUSE AND LOT IV FEE?67 Mo ton, northerly *|.1e. n?*r IIi'?>' -?t. A hand* ?ans ta.H ?Hii?mi itktJ h?oee, with f-r> Seal me??eo?jvea*>*e?J( lot J5 hv .2.'feet m rl hfni.ilf'i iy BMsewsavl Can be sn> amloedfrooi in Ml I o'clnca *oe aiY** tPM T-r.n? e?*v. InqulreofJ H A RRO VV, at to* ho j.-, or at 1.7 Fi t ????I, fiom lbU,2J. P d._g gWfcP? HOUSE ON WASHNOTON-Sqw? POR SALE OR RENT -The new House, n iwoc copied hy Robert Emmen, Erq corner of Weei Wasti'ng ti u-plare ?.rd McDo'ii-a'-et Im fi?'.'u 7 Batik and ins ?-v<-ry ror.\en?enf?\ and wM he anil veT low, say *II.O-W, tfappi'ro farina few daya, and If o?t ?? > d wt.l ,*> reale 1 ?orSUeti. If ?od,-,be main p Tito 1 mav rem .1 j on n ?r. InNI't p reent Applv at 9 A M or 4 P. M 10 VAIr LENTINE 0 HALL. 1? Gremercy-park, Ea?t twe-uie b ?t. _*A if PRIVaTESALE?At Gleft Cove. L .tig laland-A FARM of 14*1 acre* moet eligibly ?liuated for oieor more building alte?, commanding a ?ery exten? sive view ol the Soapd BAM the State* of Connecticut, New Jertev, 4>c Ac. Said -.roperty i* situa'ed witan a aliort dUtsriee of ibe steamboat landing where there is duly commun'cation to and from the city The land U ea?i y cultivated has a large tract of locuat and other tinber, a good apple ..retard and other fruit trees Por further par? ticulars, apply to A J BLEECRE&. Auctioneer. a7 Iw _7 Brotd *t RYE-NECK~ VILLAGE LorS.-For sa'e 25? lots, 30 hy 2"o feet, situated In the town of Rye and couaty of ween beater, will be disposed of In lots or plots to soil purchasers. The above loia are most admira? bly situated, on a bee uiful ridge ol land, sixty feel above tidewater.and tweet oilesfrom New-York, bounded on the one side by the Boston turnpike road, and having (he New-York and New-Haven Railroad running through the center of the and. No spot in the eoanty offers more ad? vantages than the above, for building sites, being an eighth of a mile from the Mamaroneck Station a id Long Island Sound, a fine view of wkl -b may be bad from most pans of the land. The,sloop landing, two churches, and school houses are immediate y adjacent to the property and no conveniences arewartiog A train of cars will laud pas? sengers In New-York before 7 o'clo :k AM and return, rearb'ng the village at the same hour In the evening. Five other trains stop at the Station dnrfn.7 the day; tne com mutation is less than seven cents On the lota are two large dwelling houses, nearly new 1 bsrns, csrrtage houses, Ac. which will be sold at low prices Terms of sale are. 10 percent, on *ur>*cribu>it for a : .tor plot, tbe l.alance nine months, pavable monthly, when a warrantee deed will be given. Inquire of the owners, O. BARRY and N. TOMP KIN8. at tne office, 107 Bowery, wner- lithographic maps, and tbe price of each lot, from (SO to tlOA, can be seen. ml5 ImMVVS* ijjTMALITFARMS, with VILLA SITES, >3on the LOWRIE FARM. Wesucliester-DUMONT A HOSACK, II Wail-au or A FINDLAY.near the premises, offer at private sale a number of small FARMS, with VILLA BITES. 12 miles from the City Hall. N Y. The views are attractive and the location healthy. Tbe distance Is short from a railroad du, 3t and from a steamboat land? ing, and there Is a convenient wharf oa the premises for vessels trading to the town cf Westrheeter. The disposi? tion of ground in laying out ihr premises has been such as to furnish any quantity of laud to toe purchaser, from one acre to the Hmita of the whole tract, Ac Ac. Title to tbe probity perfect. Terms liberal. Maps and furtler Infor? mation obtained of the above parties. ml2 !2tM\VS* VACANT LOTS'FOR SALE.?Two o the best LOTS on Seventh av., west side, between Twenty second and Twenty-third sta.; two LOTS on Twenty-second-el and two on Twenty first-st. near Seventh-av. The Improvements making and to be made on this Avenne. and in the vicinity, render this property ^desirable. APP'y "z. W. CHESTER, 54 Wall-?. VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS AT f PRIVATE SALE ON EASY TERMS. 6 lots south side Twenty-filib-st., between Ninth sxd Tenth avenues. 6 lota east ride of Tenth avenue, between Twenty fourth and Twentv-fiftbsta. 4 lots west side of Tenth avenue, between Twenty fourth and Twenty hf Ii sts, Including a corner lot i lots north side of Tweaty-fourih-st, between Ninth and Tenth avenues. Also, a water grant covering 11 lots, being the west part of the south half of the same block, together with the pre? emption right to 2b lots to fr-mi thereof, ex.ending Cross Eleventh to Twelfth avenues Inquire of BEVER'-EY ROBINSON, 52 Wall-st.. or THtfOOOSS MARTINE, Twenty-eltilitli-si. between Eighth and Ninth avenues. m25 f< tM WS'_ VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR ? SALE?On Trinity-place and Tbamee-.i., formlne an L of 3)4 feel front on Thames-st and lti feet 'root on Trtn lty-i.lace. Apply to ANTHONY J. BLEFCKER, a7 iw 7 Broad-si. C'u?m SIONS PAY, Ac prosecuted promptly, and Laud Warrants and Land Patents purchased, by OEOROE WOODMAN. 4) Wllllam-st, neai Wall, Counselor at Law and Commissioner for Wisconsin, Illinois. Indiana, Ken? tucky, Ac. Ms W. will attend to locating Land Warrant* upon carefully selected public landa 13f 2m* 110 BE LET.?The dwe]ling part and . bssement of the new building on N. W. corner of Ave? nue A and Sixtsenth-st. Croton water on each floer, mar? ble mantels, Ac Rent, ftU'> Also, the new adjoining building on north side of Six? teenth st, with marble mantels, and Croton water on each floor. Rent, to a good family, $425. Also, the new adjoining one, wiih tea-rooms, marble man? tels, and Croton water on each floor. Rent. $475. AUo. the upper part ol tbe building on N. W. comer of 8er?no-avenue and Twenttete-et Ha* tea-room*, and onr ton w ater on e?cb tloor Ilent . The Houte ai.d Buir?) on rv. \v. comer of Tntrd avenue a-.d Foriieth-*L can be bad on a leaae of several years, by the occupant making his own repairs. Rent, $275. Inquire of 8. C THWING, on the prr raises at Slxteenth st., corner of Avenue A, from 3 to 6 P.M., or al 29 Wall st. from 11 to2 P.M . or at Franklin House. Kulion Kerry, Brooklyn, morning and evening._a5 lmMTb\S* 11? LET?Bloomingdale Mansion Houie. Elghty-stxtb-st. and Hudson River, containing 40 Rooms. Apply on tie premises._a7 3t? f po LET?A House and about one acre Ja of good Land, at Kort Lee N. J , within five mlnuiea' walk of the ferry Ills ope of the pleasanteat places on the Hudson Rl'er for a ?mall residence. For furtber par? ticulars Inquire of ROBERT ANNETT. Fort Lee, or JAMES ANNETT. corner of York and Adam sts . Brook? lyn. B.7 2w* TO LET.?An OFFICE suitable for a Phvstctan Hss bees used as snch the past year. Also TWO ROOMS wtili Will be let toKetheror separate, lrqilre at as Rosevell st, near Madison. Will be let cheap to a good tenant a7 3t* TO LET.?Tbe second iloor and back basement of a genteel House to a small family. Call between 10 aal 2 o'clock. Croton water on aecond floor. Reut $:?'.. Apply at ?2 First at, a7 3t* _ other business, the House 535 Broadway, three doors above Spring ?1. Tbe stories may bo hired separately, and if required, another door, with steps from the front 'JiO LET?For Mil abovr and It parlor direct to tbe street, will be constructed. ?7 It* SEABURY BREW8TER. 11- Bros. 1 way, TO LET.?A Store on Sixth-ayenue, a first-rate stand for Dry Goods, a Tailor or Hatter. Also, a number of apartments to In. Apply to PEIRCE A Bf t'RTEVANT, 75 Tenth-st._a7lw* 110 LET.?Eli/.Bbethtown, N.J.^A two story dwelling, containing twelve rooms, situated on Water 11,' within a few minutes walk of ibe Rat.road Depot, and in ibe imxiedlate vlrlutty of several churches. The garden Is furnished with grape vines, ah rubbery, Ac, snd altogether comprises a desirable reaidei.ce. Rent low to a good tenant For further particulars apply to W. P. Ml'LFORD. Water-ai.. EUzabeibiown, or J. M. B. BO GERT, 42 Stone-st. New-York._a7 lw? TO LET?In Brooklyn, from 1st of May next, to a small family, part of bouse No. SI Nassau street, of two par lore and a large closet on first floor; one square room, bedroom, and two closets in third story; back t ssement, oce closet and dresser, with part of cellar This bouse Is pleasantly situated, and within eight minutes walk of Fulton Ferry; has front and bark yard, with large shade trees In imnL and peach trees and grape vine in rear. Rent > Reference* exchanged Can rm seen by applying to R. F. PRATT, 4 Cortiandt st, (us stairs)N. Y._a5 3r fWMJ LET.?The miKlom built two-story Ja and attlr House '62 Macdoural, next to the comer o' Fourth-st.. to a small genteel faultily. House is In good order. Apply on the premise* a? lw* WO LET?Part of a Hou*e 64 Third-st? JL pleasantly situated, to a small family without children. Can be seen between 11 sod i o'clock For further parttc uiara irquire at Due house, or at the Store, oil Brosd way. m5 3t* 10 LET?Six NEW BRICK DWELL ? INGS, 4 stories, with basement, 2: moms in ea:h tronse, Croton Waior In each story- Court Yard In front Rent *?'".> applv to C PARTRIDGE, in the Stone Band? ing on Thirty-silUi-st near Seventh-av a5 2w* TO LET.?A Farm of eighty acres with good House and barn, accessible by land or water, wi'hin twelve c Urs of the city, also the whole or part of a large dwelling honse with garden, outbuildings Ac For particulars inquire at D'7 Bowery. a5 3t* TO LET.?A part of a good House in Houston-tL near Broadway, to a small, quiet ram ly, 111,0 family remaining consisting of th-e?? persons ) Apply to_L-''llll_M J. FRISBEE. 243 Pearl-st TO LET.?A prominent Corner Store to Let, In the upper part of the city, on Fourth-av. now occupied a* a Drag Store. Will he let for the aane, or any OAjhSr business except retailing liquor. It has a back Room and front Basement attached Apply to E. ;B. KINSH1 Mi'R. IU Fourih-av 8 to 9 A.M. after2 P.M. m296tMWS* 110 LET?The Rooms, ftirmerly occu? pied by the New York Athen? am at 6t>3 Broadway, luitn.'. s for a Ball or Concert Room. Poeaeaslon gtren im n e..lately. Inquire of H R Cl MM UN OS, Poet's Build? ing, Hsnover. it. cor. Ex change-place. mfi Bja TO LET?A country residence situate I a boot mtt way between WiUiiaibargh and the village of Newtoa,n, Long lslsnd, miles from the ferry at Wt:ilam*birgh. on me Eewtown turnpike, which la to be a plank ro* 1 by tbe r.hof July. Tbe fruit on tae place ou sists of ehernes, gooeet-errtee, raspberries, sirawbernes, peara. applos. ruirar.u and plums. Address J.W CRANE, 11 Lerot-plsee. New-York. ?all 2wMW< ^|iO LET?A neat Q nhic COTTAGE -i- and GARDEN afrottt two rol e* f -om Nerw-Yorg; a >. a two-story roatuf ct.-ry, Shx^n feet w;th anew mgtu*. row ai work, i^f ?ix burse power. Toe above wtit i>? m togeth-r or ?eparaie For f-.rtiier par Iculars applv fa AARoN lUKDAIAN, 124 Giaud-ai. four coors etat M Br-radway tl lw. T 0 LFT.?Thr? fW.r. !)?s?rnent olfise, with pael-y end other meTeni?neea attach"', ft> <"f urrfi-tt rr-ar Murr*y, suitable for ? physician To ? yr?Kl If BBBl ti ?1,1 Ii? let reaeousbly. loqile of JOH M l'Li\ER 138 Ptiitoa-st. _e' it* ?TX) LLT?A beautiful t?F6 nfory ami at i ?tr C-<i'?ee. ?Itnated on T lots of irrou-vl on north s'-le < f 7! trtj r || I ?( D beta e.-n Madison snc Fourth-evi coo I t; k* two , arl. r( 11,(1 Ctebe l. with rar,.? aud wash-room on 'it floor, i v roomi. n ?1 fl or and four aulc rooms It pm a cupola on ire lop, er.c'i-ecd from which a fiio vi?w la bad tf the r'iy srd victi.tty. The g'"ut,d i* In a nne tuts "I cultlvat|"n. hsvrng fruit trees, si raw he try bed*. vek'eta h|ea Ae R*t.t |t n. AS*, tm Cottsk-e ad| 'into/, two par'o?s end kitrl.-r. sod rli mxni. tent $ on Apply to fc B KINSHI.MER,3I*- Fourth av. a'ter 2 PA. and nefjre 9 A.M. ro.9 6tMWS* 1H) LET?A Basement, Fi rat, Second and F north Stories aboat 2? by 150 See*, well lighted with three and four very 1 er ire wt'ndowi on threw aides. Very suitable for ir<eu.nfarturias with steam power, alio. a Stere and Back Room, at 68 Beeiman-si. and V Anu-*t? Inquire on lue premises. kill Im* TO LET?One of the mw of molern hallt threes nrv and basement H oases with tiaths. Ac. 252 Wrst Tblrteeeth-st Rent t4*? Alio to lit, a twa Story ai.d basement Cottage Hotter with gas, bans, range, Ac. RecifKSi Apply to J. DENHAM,,corner f.igbto-av. and Sixteenth at at 3t* Fl^O LET?The lartre three-story and I basement Hrmse 17t WestTwenty-first-at Tne House Ii In good orrler wttb Isrie y"ard Rent BeoO Aoplyto JOHN DUNHAM. House Agent, Ofice corner of Eighth av srd Slxieeh fa-tt fiom 7 is morning to 9 la evening. a4 3t*_ TO LET?The new House i having 7 or 8 rooms) and four lots of ground. Simatlon respe-te hie and conveniently retired, on Broadway, net ween Eighty ih'rd and Kigaiy-fpurtb at*. For terms spply at 21 West st, North River. al lw* TO LET?Second lloorof the three-story brick House, wlib prlvalege of bath room, to a small fanl'v Also, to Lease. Two Lots In Kievetnh-st suitable for s wheelwright or carpenter. Inquire at >i Rididge-*t, al lw* _ H. PEIRCEY. EIGHTY BROADWAY, near * WalL sl-W II McOONALD'8 r'nlted States Newipaper. AlAERTISINU snd bl/BSCRIPTION OFFICE offers to Merchants and Tradesmen generally the very best factli Hea for advertising their business In any part of theco'Jntry. On file the learliug dally papers from every section of the Union For In ometlon In regard to advertising call aa above, or set ! a note and VF H. M will call personally oa the advertiser, furnish estimates of prices, tiles of papers, Ae. McDonalds Advertising Pamphlet, contrinlng list of placet. Ae , ma$ he bad as above. a7 Ills* ??SE AND STORE 327 Fulton-st., Brooklyn, to renL?The abovelsdtreeCy opposite the City Hsll end Is Inn rinlihe- . and will belremed for $*?->. Apply lo VALENTINE O. HALL, 16 Oramercy Park, East Twen.leUi-st. New-York. a7 3t* LOFTS OPPOSITE THE ASTOR HOUSE, TO LET ?The third, fourth and fifth stories of store cow finishing. 23 Para-row, opposite the Aslor House, and facing the Park. Tbey are 25 feet by MO in stse. very light, and bsve a commodious rear entrance, as well si front. Apply to mS tf MASON k LAW, 216 Pearl-st P\ RT OP A COTTAOI TO LET? Pleasantly located near Fourth avenue and Th.'t'eiii ?t, consisting of a basement, s small but pretty parlor and bedroom on the first fliior. sod two bedrooms on the third. Rer.t, to an agreeable family #75. References given and required. Inquire of Mr. BALL. 132 Fulton-st A>so, to lei. to a respectable, obliging woman, one room, the rest to lie paid by doing the work for two person. Inquire as shove. a7 It* OO.M.?To Let, north-east corner of Tweliib-it and Broadway, a wall lighted Room. Mlgl.t suit an artist _s21w* STEAMl-P?WER TO RENT.?Two larte rooms In connection with the Steam Saw-mill ol P. A. Boarh. affording steam of six norse-power. Ap? ply le W C HOLLY, 7 Nsssau-tl. basement, or al 118 Back-it. North River_a? 3t* TEAM ~POWER TO LET.?Threa rooms l'io by 25 feet, with Stsara Power. Inquire of jSl if C. M 8IMONSON. 181 Lewli-n j^OR SALE.?STEAM ENG1N E^ancl ? BOILER, of 6-horse power, nesrly new, for sale by GAUNT A DERRICKSON, 159 8outh-iL mil tf R 8 8 TEAM ENGINE AND BOILER fir sa'e uf six horse power Csn he seen st work by ap s F plying to E. OOODWlN A BROTHER, 153 8juth-it a? lw* _ TEAM ENGINE AND BOILER for isle cheap?Three hone power, made in the best manner, hut liule used, and now In running order?will be told cbrap?can be aeen at No. 40 Flftb-av. a5 3t STEAiONMNE AND MACHINE" RY ? The subscriber Is preparing to manufacture Steam Eng-nes ana Machinery of all kinds with dlipatch Several ?mail Engines on band. H. WATERMAN, al Im* Clinton Foundry, iS) Cherry it ?TORES TO LET.?The first flmj K-7witti one basement, or tne ppacions nooses ftos 4 and n We*rem-ei . Dear ttruaeaway. Tu? termtoui of the Arie Railroad, ami the depfltof the treat Hudson Rl*er Rail? road, winch is to extend from Chamber to Werren-s-s, wilb the ??? .en?ive Botel, and the numerous wholesale itorea to Ire opened lu Warren-sl, adjoining BaM property, on the lat nf May, will render it one of the beet ocaiions in tne city fur mercatiUle buslnesa. Also Parlors and Seti Roomitur>-t with or without furniture OVntlemen who desire p'esfan: rooms kept in perfect order, should mske early application to HOLUEOUE S Book Store, lift Kul ton st ra.2 tmvl sft^ttlfMMl TO LOAN ON BON D ^Pm?y W fin 'AND MORTOAOEon Real Estate In this city srd Brooklyn. Apply to ANTHONY J. BLEECKER. Auctioneer, 7 Broad-st A4 lw .*fc>lWlTl^^ LOAN on B?lND *mAJ* '?\nr\F and M.irtgage on Res' Eitite tn thla city ard In sums to suit applicants. Apply at 7 Nss sau at. basement office. a5 31* F~ OR SALE?The Stock, Fixtures and Ocod-wi'l of a large, well established and elegantly fitted up Lace, Ribbon and Embroidery Store, In a pleassut and populous city, wiil.'n sc miles of New-York The *bov# offera a rare to a competent person with a capital of $:.'<!> to The preaent owner has aot time to attend to It, which la the cause of his wishing to dispose of It. Ap? ply at 36 Jobn-n up staire. a5 3t* I^lMlLmiCK MANUFACTORy-for Ja SALE ?The Salamander Worka are offered for sale on reasorai'le terms Forfur her particulars apply at the works st Wondbrtdge, N. J.. or at the office and depot, 54 Cannon-st . New-York mltlm* ENCET~FENCE!! FENCE!!!? Patent Machine Made Picket Fence for Railroads, Fsrms, Yards. Parks, Ac Tamed Picket Fence made by patent macklxery and furntihed at from 4 to 30 ceo a per foot, Becoming to style and pattern, and may he aet either with or without posts. It Is so put up that the freight will be but trifling. It la cheaper t>v from Z5 to 50 per cent than any Fecce of the tame durability and appearance now in ose Particulars furnlabed bv addressing the subscriber at Troy, N. Y. |sS 2wD4tW' | N- STRATTON F^hIng TACKLE.?J. <te J. c. CONROY, Mannfactui-era and Importers, 52 Fulton ?t corner of CUtT, Invite the attention of purchasers of Fish Hooki snd Flsfalng Tackle to their extensive and varied assortment. Merchants accommodated tn large or small quantities on reasonable lentis. m28 Im* FIREWORKS, FIREWORKS, F1RE WORK8 ?UNION LABORATORY, Jersey City.? The subscribers respectfully inform their frienJs and the public, that they have on band and are constant y man? ufacturing, Fireworks of every description, both large and small, which they offer to dea.ers ai manufacturer's price*. Als? Joseph J Edge's Improved SlgbaJ Rockets for shipping These Rockets can be leenfive miles farther than any other now tn use. Also. Signal Light*, Port Flrei, L'ne Rocket* snd So forrh. mil 12iM VV'S* J. O. A ISAAC EDOE 3d, Pyrotecrmiits. GUN WADDING.?ELEY'S CLOTH Ot N WADDING.the beat and cheapest artless oaed. ?107*1 Percussion Caps, Wire Cartridge*, Ac A lar?e and complete assort jient of the above Just received and for sals by the manufactarer s Sole Agents, FRANCIS TOMES A SONS, 4m tf_No. 6 Maiden Una. INDIA RUBBER GOODS?Manofac 1- tared ander GOOD YEAR'S Patent. The Newark India Rnl ber Manufacturing Company, store si Maiden lane. New-York; factory, Newark. New-Jersey.?This Company are maaufacturera and wholesale dealers In all the different article* new manufactured under Good year's Patent, and guarantee all tketr good* aa being equal tn quality to representation Merchant* are requested to call All goods are warranted to stand any climate. The moM Qberai terms to country dealers HIRAM HUTCHINSON. President, Wakktn Ackkkaun. Secretary. m24 2mDA*iW* SCHOONER FOR SALE.?The sub - sen'.?-r offers for sale, a schooner now lying at Po'keep sie. 65 feet keel, 24 feet beam.ej feet bold, and car ies 1)0 tuns, and draws about 7| feet water when loaded. She was rebuilt from the keel up the past Winter, and is in first rate order Terms accommodating For farther Informa? tion apply William Drue, City Hall. New-York, or the auberriber at Poaghkeepfle. PITERS. CRAMER. m29 2w* BOAT, BARGE, RACE CLUB, LIFE AND FANCY BOAT BL'ILDER.?From ion to 5f)u Boats alway* on hand N B ?Boats of all desci.paons built at tbe ihortest notice, at 25o South-st. mSIim*_CHARLES L. INQERSOLL, SODA WATER APPARATUS of every d**scr1puon, atJasr for the njajia'acture, drawing er bolt, ni of Soda Water, msnu'artured and for sale by JOaN MATTHE?V8. Finrt-av corner 2eth-*t, N. T. A Lithographed Plate withiprmied inx^raeticrns for the manu? facture of Soda Water, Syr ips Ac - ukewuw Jor the mtu> aren.ent of the Apparate a accompaaies each Apparatus. E'erv information tn relat.ou io the above business wUlie atsaerfnilT giveL upon app^i suloa by leuer as above, mis lm* T() PHYSICIANS.?A rareopportuni ?**- ty ?An aged Physician wishes to dispose of a long ?siabiis.'.eu bueiiess. togemer *?lia(or without I tte cot ta?e, harse, carriage*. Ac . necessary to enter Imnvdteie'y ran a good p*ytng iiuati^ea*. The *dv rtlser wt*be* to close the riLMnes* as so-m as possible, certainlj wuhtn tsro week-. ?"tlir-Mi IM Iber i wtrtilirs It-.q tire.of J D. BROWN and E H. WARNER W Wiuiam-st,rt*>m It P. S A Hoci'-ronaUi would do beat at 1 w* HPEETH. TEETH? WWRRUPTT * HIT. - Tle?e treat urriinip'i'i !?? the featur-s. at 1 ?jl to Sprech ni '''.-t'Mn, irt lcs?M?-d <n asolid mtOMr, without pvt.. on ?- >???! co aod <a-arraated, by Dr NArMM.rON PR"'TEK?.e*., i?er. 1st, B*J n ??rt?. Jvl Broadway, up suits, corner An'b ><iy s?. Terns noderete. in.'' lm* rjp? ph ys 101A n s?fw amle, a g,.**! Ja Courtrj Practice. Dwe.T.f, 2 sere*. .V. *C. Ins pleasant villa/n 18 rules from i?* <lty. or would ncnam? will. a city Pbjii.lan. Apply to I. KEYSKR, 311 Bowery, from I* Uli S ./clock mJt Im? \TLAN TIC" 1X>( :K~MlLLrS.-lndiei Can Pi<>nr and Indian Corn Fenna in-d and ruana factarrd by " Stafford's Patent pposeeeea. "may b? ..b-aiu.* of rrap^rtalio* Orocere genera.iy Ii U?t? Cltv aal Brooklyn ? inolar Corp flour1'Tedeetgned for maSingBrrtad. Pud? dings and Cakee and for oinmf wnr Wbeet,Rye.>r H i s wheat f lour, ai d will be found on irtai a very superior ar del*. It la put up In double papered packages of t lha. and tn boxes of one dozen each " Indian Core ferine-" an entirely new and moat dell ctoua article for making Paddings, Mush, Ar.and will proa* an admirable sutatiinte for Rire, Samp and Ho amoay. As aaartlrieforthe composltl.m of Puddings ibis farina ?>?? no rasa*1 Ills put up In 1 lb. papera In fc-auttftil sryie. and In boxes of! dosen earn, at the extremely low price of St cents per single package. The above manufactures of Indian Com are peculiarly adapted to the use of the Invalid; and experience has de? monstrated that DrsrrPTtcs eaa par<ake of this kind of met with Impunity, to the exclustoa of almost every other form of food. Its dally use will Improve the dtireeiton correct the bowels, and give tone and energy to the whoie frame. These articles are sold at wnoleeale by Messrs Alien k Wbltileeey. 21 Souih-at-; J M. Ho>i A Boos. 178 Washing ton-st and of A (J. Benson, 39 gouth-st. or at the Mills Consul-.ers can obtain of the Grocers a paraph.el of 11 pages, entitled. ' Remarks on Indian Corn its Preserve. Uop and Manufacture, with Recipes for Cooking," together with testimonials of the htgbeei p-aperiabllliy. Orders add reared to E BRONSON Agent, All antic Dock Mills Cinnpajiy. Noe. 17. IS. 19 and i' Atlantic Dock. Srooklyn.New-Yora. ? til recetve arompt alienUon and dls> snjtchT J6 6mMW3_ Tl\ E oh elsEcTmTLLSTTwe~nty~-seT enih it between Ninth and Tenth tvs.?Thr? eubecrt her having taken the large and commodious buildings tn Tweotv-seveoth st. lately occupiesl by Kelsey a Bon., is now prepared to furnish feed, Oats and Com la any quan? tity. Orain sent to the Mill to r?e ground, win be* a-iiv ert-d free of cartage and with dispatc h. He will a so raao ufaetnre a superior article of Farina. Wheaten Grlta. Hom? iny, Grabau Flour, and Extra family f l?ar for family ose. He will also prepare and furnish a superior article of Com Farlxa, which has already met with great favor from the public All orders sent to the Mill, or to the Depot, in Beekman-et where samples will be kept, will meet with attention |ni2? Im'] JAMES H MUNSON. I GENUINE TEAS?The C?nton Tm VJTcompnny hereby apprise the pub I ? that they are now prepared lo retail every variety or TEA st lower prices tbau any other establtshmeot can uatforruly do. Their ex tensive wholesale trade always requiring them to keep oa hand a very large assortment, the purchaser at retail aeea* serlly s>rtv> a many advantages ny trading with them which be will fall to obtain eisewhere. City and country famUlee woald greatly consult their Interests bydulyre gardlng ifcls adverilaemeni. This Is th- 'est Tea Com aaxy In the city. Their only establishment Is at 126 Chat bam-at between Pearl and ftooeeeelt. and they hate now no branch stores Grocers supp led in small quantities as low as by the absei. _J'd fa* Beef, mutton, veal?a. BROADWAY offers for sale dally, at his stand, AH Breadwav. fine Dnichess Connty Beef/Mutton and tine Veal and all other meats m thetr season A. BROADWAY, HH Broadway, n>31 3mMW8* first floor above Tlnrteet ih-st IVOTICE.?Th undersign*''! ncinf* ?n 1 v raged In the manufacture, bottling and selllngof Sola and Mined wetere, Potter, Ale and Cider in bottles wth our names and other marks stamped beret u, do hereby publith the foil.>w'ng cYsoipiion of the names and other marks soused by us apoa our tbree styles of bottles, vtx: . R. C A T ) Stamped in raised capital block letters NEW-YORK J on one aide thereof. ? R. C A T. I BR0Ww, M,IOLT S BtamM n? above * NEW-YORK. J J^e'sTde.) f ? B.CIiT. ) JLSm Stamped as ab.>ve 'NKW-YOBK.j ?aS.) f ae*cr,bcd As eiir bottles are never sold bv us. we hereby caution all persons sgalnstselling, and all bottle dealers or keepers of junk shops against purchaeug anv of our botnes so marled or stamped Buch offenders will there y beco ne liable to the penalties of the law of this State, pa*<ed May 7, 1847, for whi h penalties they will certaia y be prose? cuted by ua.?New-York. April. i8M ROBINSON, CUARLESWORTI1 k TRYNER, a3 6w* 37b Bowery. J~?C!tF0N'S patent ANN?N (! ia - TOll OR HOTEL TELEGRAPH -An elegant and uaeful machine; a substitute Tor hells aa formerly In use. This 1nv.<tilon bsa Invariably received the first premium whenevei presumed for contention, hav'ng received the enid medai at the American iLSinuie. a silver medal at the Beaton Fat.', and diplomas where mec'a's have oeen pre? viously awa.'ded it For its superior performance, webe?' to refer to ctarly all the leading fir,t rlsee hotels In the lTr tied States. We present the 'ollowing teatlmonlals of persons who have ereat experience la oell hanging, the use ol and the putting up ef Annunciators. New-York, March 9, \V>1. mfmtorii ifwsiVifi' fr.ricV..tfs IttMK i Hell Teleyrapb, I be? tu elate that I have fitted lhew up in many not class Hotels la various parts of the Union, and exteustvety in this city?that they nave given ail the satis? faction thai possibly'could be expected?that I know of no Biachtte that works so correctly tn all Its parts, and with so much simplicity. Its elegant appearance, as well as Its genersl utility, warrants me in recommending It to hotel proprietors snd others as the most perle u Annunciator, or Beil Telegraph now In use. Respectfully yonra, THOMAS CHALMERS. Bell-Hanger, S Mercer st. Gents . For the last three years I have used Jackson's Phieot Arnunciator for Hotels in this dty and Slate, also la Vertr on!, and It has proved perfectly satisfactory to the owners as well as myself I am decidedly of opinfen that it poeseses superiority of mechanical construction, etfi rencyai.d du rabbity (a Itself, over ail other annunciators Liat I have ever seen. 8KTH W. Fl LLER, Bell Hanger. 17 Devooshire-sl Roaton. March 8,1851. GtNTf.: We have put your Jackson's Patent Annuncia? tor in ssveial large Hotels and S.eamshlps, where they give peiftri satisfac'lon. As an invention, for combina? tion, irecban'sm, durability, freedom of action, and !-as He billiy to derangement, we unheeltatlngly give tt as our opinion that It is superior lo anythlns in use for like pur? pose- McGregor a h a y m a n. Bell Hanger, 17j Chrlstie-st. New York. March 6.1851. DkasSiss: Having put up two of your Annunciator* in this city, you desire lo know my opinion of them. 1 con? sider a more perfect machine cauuot be made. Its appear? ance Is neat and ornamental, and if put up by a competent person cannot set out of order. HENRY HOC IIS TRASSE R. Bell Hanger, rhiladet, nui, JaVtrcA 7, 1851. 49 South Eighth st. The pubdc sre respectfully cautioned against making, vending, or using an Infrlngemeat of this Patent. Manu? factured only by JACKSON'S ANNUNCIATOR MANUFACTURING CO. 1324 Wihlam-st. New-York The Patents fur England, France and the Ctnadas for ?ale._mhl73m'lawM Patent weather STRTp for MAKING DOOaS and FRENCH WINDOWS light at the botiora. Th's appara'ua exclude* all wind, dust, and the moat dilvlng storms, thus making a great ssvlng of fuel, keeping the floor and sill from decay, and tm car? pet from fading. It la very easily attached to Inside or outside dcors, and, rather tbs- dtatignrlar them, I. Is orna? mental For sale by P. WOODBRlOUE a CO., b4 Im?_314 Broadway, wholeeale and retail. Premium kiln dried DOcTRS'.in band and made to order, of any size or quality | also, Bashes, glazed or not glazed, of the latest and beat styles ; Inside and outside Blinds and Shutters. For aale by the subscriber. 41 Bntkman-et. ml5 ImMWS* _N. f ? KIM BALL R7KJFIN? - goodwin'S "paten r CEMENT SHEATHING mUesacheap, light and durable roof- done on rough p at.k for 44 cents per foot SB tin or shingles, 34 ceru per foot.and warranted Office 283 Spnng-st cear Hudson. nS lm* TIN ROOFS PAINTED fop 4 cent per foot?Leaky Tin Roefs Painted and fixed for one cent per fool with tne Anil Corrosive Aepdaiteeled Paiol, and warranted,by 8. OO00W IN, 283 Spnng-st near Hadnon. aS lm* DONT WASTE THE CROTON? The penalty fixed by the Water Board for leaving a Hydrant or Cock running wheu not tn actual use, is me stopping of tte supply forthwith. The BARTHOLOM ? W Ps'ent Hy bans and Cocks comply wth the requiremedis of the Board. The Hydrants have been tn constant use 'or five years, are substantial, duran.e. not likely to get oat of order, and easily repaired, without dlgglog up, do not burst the pipe.noi liable to freeze, and being self-stopping, are never left running For sale by the Plumbers gene? rally. Beware of imiiauooe and Infringements. m21 12tMWS* STRONG'S IMPROVED DEPECAT INO F1LTF.RS-These articles are on an entirely new principle, being made of stone, simple In construc? tion, portable, cheap, and durable They received the blvbest pren.iu-n at ine last fair The Public are respect fally lnviud to cal' at d examine, where the superiority of these Flit rs, over all others, will trecoiue apparent. So\d, wholesale and retail, at 127 AnthoLy-sL Agents warned for the sale of the ob.?ve arUcies. a3 l ra* FASHIONABLE HATS?Just Fin isbed. me most spiendid article ever offered Elegant FRENCH SILK HATS at the low price of $3. usually soidaiet. Also, an artic.e at M *? Neat Hau SM BROWN. Im Canal at, mS8 lm* One Joor from Sullivan. S~PRING FASHIONS.?Three new styles of Hats, and six new patterns Caps f m gentle. men. youths and boys. I think I can suit yon now. The recent Improvement In the manufacture of Hats, of which I have availed myself, eaahles me lo do ibem an BROWN, 126 Cbniham-si.. nearly oppoelta the National Theater, mil lm ANEW FEATURE .'?Country MeP. charts. If you wish hi save money, deal directly with the n.aru>cturer Tue au'iecri'.er at his external ve vrboiev sale Hal eatahllahmnnt lexiendlng over three bntlctoge in John-st, near Pearl.} has on hand, and is constantly manu? facturing, every st> le ar * quality ?. Hau, which be offers on very advantage,,u, u?rma for Cash to city aau conntrv Mercbanu. 7 By defetcg directly wit* the manufacturer, purehas-rs save the Jobtier'a profit, sad ihersa.y gala several per cent, beside being mnch better served than at second or third hands 17* Merchants now in the ciiy aboui buying a stock ul Hau Will find it lo ih.-ir ac.vantaa'e ncall a pon the sub? scriber J. C. WRIGHT. Hai Maoufwiiirer, mn etMWSls ? U5 Joha-at., near Pearl. HOOTS ASH -MfoES _ A D (i\LF rr>*s,aCs<-'urer ?.--?1?; .-*e!er ,, ?erer-t.-it*. *M th* retail trade reoe-e'>v i -. .' ' ?j r ? . a-/? a,? , . .. f ? w ?. >(> i /j *7A**' prices by the. r-M* o, doief 1 '??<*? n B - t'e Jeir., r,;- ? f?e* aryj ymrhs end -?_ ?re end eoa?r??'e<i lace >*<?<?-.s men* et tau *Mv>.iaei ?it-- gi*#?? ?1? tritt. A It WALK, THi Peer in. mn *" ,_ __corner Platt-*?. NawTVort. HC H TS? A NO >h'>K>.? !>. K!.\N. H. ARD ess RH vrd jy. p^i.* ^ aat.BtjBTa ? wnece he ne* and wi1 receive fro*- ibm HmmZ 'acuirer* thruufh Orr stets-.1. Unet ass. runer.l of tub* p.ajtiad B<?o:* sad Rrugv.a In cht? rlty, whicc ?U' be ?5 *? Q* trade ea l<*w es? h mrcei*-*: f,ui ?? >>?,j ' Trjr-* tj| LA SN-WARE ? Lftp for cash at tU ? Hanurarotrer-i l)?p?i H Ceslar-et ap t*ajra | wj at D? trie** hy tbe pa. kage only- put no *n*v* on and leA* as di?eounis of a a k <' N S! 'ttus, i> Ce, er at N B ?O e>s o( a . *:> ci mad* to order Pertdmara mm do well n> rail artd ?-? .,r. CMRANDOLES, H?idTSolar, and (W ?? pbene Lamp*, all of the lateat paaMrVA, ar. 1 at a*t lowest cash prl:e* Aiso Hall Lamp* t.;ior>ee.C.Tvh-e?l OH a. d Ba nlng fluid of the heat ?; m-,, -** ? ,17 raiaf. at C. A. Baldwin > ro* Im* .KaJ Bowery, next U? WAkw-sl AS. OAS FITTING, OAS I I\. VItIR'.S fr. m Mri-n.. t ofpMky delpLia-J ST.Ol V K.StL i. cO .No M Br.*adway, tut to NiMo**, hare juat openc 1 and will Iis?* cona'aant on band, the large?! eee*?t and cheap, at aaaortaioat ta tbl> dry, < f tie* I harxle lets. Bracket* end Pendants . Man* tel Ornament* fr.r Oa* and Cen"ie*; nevr stria of <lama Dinner De?*? n and Tea Bet*, plain white. goM bard, and ?axrv decorated, of ur la* importarto t*; Brooke CeaSeea bras," Clock*. Ate; China and Ulan* Vase*. Ten* Cotta ware, new Solar Chardeher* and Lamp*, tliraodoleeof new ttyle*. Fluid anu Campltene Lamp*, aad eat plait, and rreMetl Ola**, onrown mantitactory, No An aral fioYeeej-st. Uood* kataWaa ro pen.oe. \Vhel.-ea.e and re? tail^_a7 im Ptoeh a Carter GAS FITTERS toil PLUMBERS, 37 Bowery, Net?. Vor? ?All hinds of Oaa end Water fat tare* made to order Chandelier*. T-mdanta, Bracket* Ac. Balk Tub*. Shower Bath*. Water Cloeeu. kr t,r (Hdera from the Country *oltrlu*d. Jot i>lo?: puneuia ly aiiretdei to._mMtmt* Remoral. JAMES G. MOKKKV-Hni Fitter and Manufacturer of Chandelier ant Oaa fixture* of every deacrlp ton, bavlcg removed fron hl* iaieatore, "*> Kuiwa> at. to 7, a nrw doorafrou Bc<??.'way, take*ibwOfA portunttv of tofoniiiug hi* patrv rt and IMMWM in general that having made exteoeJve aoerati.train hl* B*ttO > i | and Wi 1'rlnce tt , he i* Eoer enabled to *'t|i il> cn?ndoiter* aaA other Oaa future* at the low ? AM < prtce* TU woM want of tneee article* wou' l do weii to on him before purhMlne elerwhere Ua* Pe>,cian^ a .d Hr*-kei*. Solar, fluid and Lere Lamp*. Otrandole* and Caudelabrae, Cda> atantly on hand, in a great variety of pattern*. at i n* WR??^JHTIRON S VKK ET LA >l I'S. e v ?The tin4fr*t^iied, ctaMi'iictuiei of BliaWt Ltmpa or Lantern*, for Oil or lie*. I* prepared kn*Xs**2jak* order* a* any extent Krom aWW*ai*wea in tbe Lued eee, aatd lmpr.<e*> mentln machinery thet> L^mpa *re now turned ? f. ** amoothly a* Ba, and of ? et grea ." ?irergth, lurabulty ar il rl eapneta. Thev are lite tin e k* i?i. i- .?? si)" .lu Lamp po*u In Philadelphia. Biookljn and Bavaoneb. a*1 to the two lauer ibavlnf tbe leu et la p-oveu.emat 'ie would to via* the attention . f tlio?e WBO wl?ll to purcli>i?e. NATHAN t SK.KRS 4.i h u lou-.t, Brooklyn, or H O NICHOLS. 79 We'er-et, New-York. a7 law3mM*_ rru PlvINTERS?For Salt, om ur JS more large Cylinder Preeae* mad^ hy ft Ho.- k Co., thlrtyone hy hfiy licliei?*ald Pre**e? are In luaahaj order, and wlil i>e aotd low or ca*b. or erehanged for aw Improved Adam*' Pie**. ApHy to P. SO.MEHS, II7 Jf*> aau , New York._M lw? TO PRINTERS.-For s.le thaWlow. lowing lot* of aec.oBd-hacd TYP Pi ha 'oou to ak aarcha*er*. either with or without ca* * I - ?mall Pica.?,*w'b*. I Um t Pit, ?oargeoi*. SW ?? | Br?vler.471 ? ? TbealioveTYPP.lalngoodroniiii; -i and i :1 >aoM ti lew rate*. |d6tf| JOHN 9 TRQW ?AAwat FOR SALE.?A second hand Catting, Machine. *lx" No. S. Alio, a aa^oaw fmo t Ooppw Plate Pre**; both et|Ual to new. VA n, be eold rneap. ?> ply U? K. J. AUSTIN, Pre** Maker,, ew of Reade_aSfcV "It aavea labor, leatraa the quantity uf the reed koi la creaeea the cr GATLINC'S GRAIN DRILL.?Im? portant TO DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL implement*! ?Theunderali't.ed. btvir.? i.een appntr* ed AgUll of lb- l'? ?? lee. . Her? f >r *h> t . ? * I **? Right* lo manufacture and ?eil Raj exee'leri ineenUo*. Tbl? Drill require* but an examination to *e'iify any oa* ibatll far *urp*?*e* anv other Invention ?/ k? ai..d,betag more elo.pie In IU construction, more elli 'lent lu 11* acllOa, cheaper and re** itanm to ???..... at ...<??. Thle martilnn per veily ar.comp.lebea lta Woi f a* a Drill, aud exnerlirtett* made by I hwlea N 'bte. oC Delaware^ have clearly ?hown that giain Planted hy it will pre. due* 2.*> percent more lo the acre than II *o wed iiraxV cut Thle machine ??ex not choke aajl the aer.| muet *<rvo regularly and evenly, being driven out bv etiler III* aCI'aWa, which I* ine pecurar aaaVtav? ? ' ?* Drt.7 a . .teer Important feature It that l.y the irrert-t.:i of teeth or'?there la no danger of thslr becoming ejrwgaaj aaby root* oraionr*. It ba* supercedud tit'- nee ag all othari w here It b** been tulroauced. Tit* Drill w*j ewkrded a aVd , h . / .an I Vf ?*? ey Premium, at the Great Slate In Ohio, lu ltm\ the CrrUficale of the Governor an' b .a d of Eiaat tnrra of the Slate of Indian*, two of wViru had a**t It for two yeara. aud a ho*t of aArtiaiMea (ro I Pan Ucal Kanner* In the We.t, wheie it* turrli* aavi bees tborougb y tesied. Hon L 0 Caaapball *kvs <"?>? ?><*? " The Wettern l'-i'k?niler lays. "It Is THK BKMT DRILL ever luve, ie., - The l*i* Stateemon *ny* : "IT IS SUPERIOR TO ANV yet intro? duced lo tbe American public " I might publish a hundred aimtlar op'aioss, from lbs many In mv potaesaior. but It I* Ceemei tinneceasary. A highly fiuished Drill, which was maf uiecuired It be sent to the Great Exliinltlon. AM te IssP-vte* at the room* of the Ameiican lu*utite, HI Broas way. Its superior sdvsniage*. aad the tow price M which It can be sold (SKI lea* than aey ' tberl ar* sure ?uaranieeH that It wlil meet with a rapid and e? tended sale Those wishing lo purrhae? Co nir or SUkot Rlxhts are requested to call and exautne the ma, ulna, and for further particulars Inquire of AUIil sti .H SMITH, aJ StMThASf ' al the Ameitcau lutuuitt Rooms. WROUGHT IRON THRESHER AND PORTABLE HORB? poWEB--The pen? ile ar* becoming convinced of the.r superiority aboveaU others. Application* for rights sr< poarlng in from *t direction. Strength, cor? par it ess, por'ability and ckc.r nes* combined, wi.b universal sppi'ca.ior. to all kinds of grain and seeds has given It toe notorlet/it ije*ervss Prlee ofThresher and Horse Power to tnrrsh l" ?? ? dally, $IM| erroi * si/e to thresh JVi bsktreS * $i'" f-reek er alone, $W and |M". The Horse Power Is entire's o*# In Its application, and attain* a speed wtkh ihr Thr-s ?? uf 2,nn revu'utlocs per minute?a chin g It with sas*. The Inventor cbal'erges the world to produce toeireqaal. Slates, counties sxid township* for eel i by JOSEFrj Q 01 LB EAT 5 I i'esrt sL*l N.B.?All letters must be pre-pal 1. s7 2uw Im Mit Pa* GARDENERS' AND FAR rfiNG G L'TENSIf<S?A choice selecilon of Bush it kM Hand Ploughs, Garden Reels, Hoe*. Ras.' s Shwlea, ftc* Garden Trowels,Pi anlng Knives aid -rlware Grass Cut neu, Garden Byr'nges, Grape Cotters. Lead Wi,s for G'ssa Vines Ac Ac In great vartetv, for sale by min Im C. B LITTLC. ?and ?i rriiion-*c TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY. A large a*so;uneot of every dieMintton uf ftneard low-prleadTab.a and Pocket Cutlery, of the latest patterM, direct frtrm the msr.ufae' end f >r sale low by FRANCIS TOMES A SONS, No ?> Maiden-lane, IsTPorters and Dealers ta G?ls, Hsrdware and Fancy Goods. Im a TEW ART'S PLANTAGEN ?T 'Gl'ARD RAZORS?The snhecrthera continue tor* eel ve regular supplies of tht* celebrated Razor /or sals at wholesale on y by FRANCIS TOMES A BOMS I Maiden lane, sole ageau for C. Stewart A Co, OmutH Cross, London ?4 a s C UT N AILS?An kvsavirtment of BOON TON CUT NAILS conaun?y on hand and 'or taJslrf DUDLEY ? Fl'LLEB * r0 mft SmMWS- 139 <.*re??er1r>e**. o LD BRITANNIA METAL ArtW* cleaned equal lo saw at Uli Cajatine-at mJ* IMP STEAM FURNACES.?Orders will b? rerjelved 'or set'lng Biker's fmprovwJ Fnra-f*. ^ which a considerable as vir g o? fuel, and tbe combuswo*" li.o gase* or smoke ertll be efl-cte i * STILL MAN, ALLt,N k CO. He* leas ??<-? *? l**' tfessrs. SvrtLaes. Allbb A Co . . ? t u.e ieq .e.t . f Mr Amorr I seed #r.a asts^^ >f our eiper.enee %ith thei^w segksea* it reaare* reei. As^eS or ot.r eiper.ewe enii trie tew ei(ina?e it refers, '?-'? sireed) sesre, we eere ij eeppo uted tu reeueie* U%* ee*eSWJ anr.oat Sf p?*sr; lue lera eeenee) ?o k* .r the '*vvlj *','*?ktm) ? e>eretold <l ee -etoo ?.l t e es?rs bri.l.e ea'le, wejk?*S?Jww aaakaese'eeo' eteaoi aid auee Oisj ?? '"e coetl. ued II* bridge* *?SB*b? two a."*o.e e? ta-.r*, ss< ****-rr. cosrvasd tiist ttesrejirs ?iul<ti..t *. it *?* " r?:?<ed te Utem i bsfnrs ereeh lie *i el te*? ie,e u.l eei^bed est* ??? > AAVwna keuif tee amoutit <-l Uejeet e s Se.e: ?, I.Ttd, 1,71 J, IA-? lc*a, l t/i, **d I *l?-Ti,?eJ l'^T~rm1. Attar Lit n ? reuer ee the ?ebe. eed mede e t-?o ??re*l ^ tiling c*ie*?ed ?:lh tSem sr*frej*d*erssWWS*> b*rtl" *!fjM sr; eeare nee.r able sk-.w orf sseaii.. as* the t jaeawasew*? ts as * Ik ?re ">r ?'S saMSasse* *eje: ,,.?j?*X, SJk-0 S.W. i,r*S, i,* S *J>*1. aed * **>-T'<<*J U SW mm Tke^ srs ta. i.tsnuel** ??? " ."? -?S! iswtsxc? lasyxs^awe*. '"^ IIa-awls 1 (See T*ia. ki-kl^*. lbe ? V tert.j. -bet *?e let. ?et ik-s* V'^VvSs, ? Rsker'. FBI k* . - I *mi *" MwM**T^Sl I ,w * ? tb. ct n.'.?Ptio- e< "e-l <? n, in t. ? r^re-t Om* ? ' feet sv S? tmmr ? ea* *J .?Le? b, V. leet, eBj^e^e OO. SS7 Sgjll^ ALIIN A CO^H^J-Vg** PIHXKGRAPH WUtEe? I WahMM b.N fc CO "^^'"'"'VJVr^r, W r. run v\ in- fron ForetasleaSwM Iron i^m rtm ? irr iron r-n-i*^- rj.". Til khtri* ? a*0", Ar^la.-, or OVi Wlre-Sest *'*, Wore*???. ooses a-esiehterevi mm) rot lo any lear" |y? m.