NKW-Y'ork tribune
Pram Tckiulcpie?
Correspondence N. O- Picayune.
. , Boc* oil Mabtb. Feb. 4
'* 8ome Haye ag? we n?'1 * rnmor tr?*t th<*
*.*WO ofInehlaen hidb*M horned by the Twhuv'-P*"
II turn out lo h* ? false report. Dotting of lh*?,od bavin ?
taken tlee*. Tbe difficulties of tbe TehusA*epartne -*'?
lorfclseooe remain In tfare t*u>. . ,
On reaching tbt* place 1 found the fin*** country yei f >r
?4tTtfuilur?l purp.**?. Abore ?rd p*,*"? ?h" ,oouth
barar.l. River la situated tbe roost ?eeuilful eouniry man
over beheid I am told this land selongs to the Ra'.road
Coecper v If s? tbey po**ea* ? fortune Inj thete landa ?
This Is the coffee region aud a? the coffee lari 4 1
Hid p.'en y gvowlLg wild ss the wooda. proving cooeiu
steely thai to btng bu? c?h-l**tlon ??S*"" M m?he the
Isthmus the garden ar** of the world, Sugar cane grow*
tea very large aUe.sod P0se*e*ess more than tbe uaaal
ayaanUtv nf aacchar*"* matter.
^rora ?ebner*??"*? ' l**rr' ,n*t ^ fw] '' ?heries kSJr 1
abundant poarf* of different qnailtlea; some fine specimens
have heeneTbtblted; tbey < an be bought cheap. Coral Is
found in shut dsnee on the Pac'hc shorea Tbe coral fish?
rtes are near Tahuan.e.jec, and et rats are so.d there by the
The bydrographlc parry leave h*re 00 Sunday, tbe 9ih
hast, for the Pacific. Wa would have been off before, but
ate scarcity of transportation has compelled aa to wall ?
Mr Thomas James, however, has secured ns transporta?
tion lo be ready by that time. I know of no bolter bus'
ness that could be started now by a young roan of enter?
prise than to open and establish a transportation line be?
tween ibis place and Tehuantepec and from thence to the
Pacific. Consumptive people would find it to their advan?
tage to come here instead of going to number one hotels in
other cities But enough; no one can appreciate this etl
male without be will come and aee It. The survey expedl
?Jon numbers fifty three, and there Is not one on the sick
Bat Depots have been established at ibe following place 1
Mleatltlan. Pass "arebia, Boca del Monte, aod El Barrio
At these points provisions have been deposited tad agents
left la charge.
I learned last night that tbe land parties are to be re?
duced to numbers, the Major finding that becao do with
fewer men. Shonld tbe reduction take place It will be be?
fore ibe return of tbe Alabama to New-Orleans, and those
discharged are to be sent home In her I go to the Pacific,
?ltd expect to be absent nearly two months. It has rained
all dsy, aod I have taken advaotage of that to write you
this long letter.
Opposite the landing at Pass Rarahl? a Frenchman aboot
twenty years ago erected a rancho and planted cocoa,
coffee, and fruit trees, but be became discouraged and
committed suicide a few yea/a afterwards. Tbe ranch has
rotted down and tbe luxuriant foreat has grown over hta
ielos. leaving no traces of the place ever having iieea lo
hablied by civilized man, save a few cocoa trees, which
straggle with the pressure of the grapevines and cbapparal.
I a usi close. 1 will write you again from Tebuantepec,
perhaps by maM: at all events I will be on hand at every
opportunity We expect to celebrate Washington's birth
day In the Golf of Tehuantepec.
Mexican Bonadary t'omrnlsalen -The ^ocorro
The Netv Orleans Picayune of the 23th alt
gives farther letters from the Houndary Commis?
sion, from which we gather the following parties'
lars of the tragical all sirs at Socorro.
Bocorro la situated about nfteen miles from El Paso del
Morte proper, about two mliea from Isleta, which lies be?
tween, and six milea from Hsu Eliza Rle. Tbe laal named
town lies further down tbe river, and Is occupied by United
?t?te* troop* During the rear last past, several trains of
waggons for California and elsewhere have passed tkrougn
these villages, In many Instances stopping for weeks,
availing themselves of the conveniences presented for ne?
cessary repairs aod tbe recruiting of animals. It is well
known ibat with ad these trains there are more or less in?
dividuals of doubtful character, and, frequently a number
of renegades from justice, who, offering themselves as
cooks, servants, or aoy low occupation, aod for such
trifling compeoNatioD, that many have been received with?
out a proper Inquiry having oeeo made about tbetr standing
and character. Toe discharging at different periods of
many worthless and vagabond men, near this place, had
thrown upen the peaceful lnbabaltants of the little village
a set of ruffians, who by a dally Increase of numbers, had
become so formidable, that at last tbe life of no person
whatever was considered safe beyond the walls of Ids own
The first check given to this band of gamblers, horss
thleve* and murderers, was ihe arrival of the United States
and Mexican Boundary Commission at Socorro, which, for
the better resource* this village presented over the others,
for the accommodation of the larger portion ot the Com
mission, with the necessary conveniences for quarters,
storehouses. Ac , was Immediately selected The presence
of a body of well-armed, well-disposed, and spirited young
men. tended lo make Iheae fellows hide ttietr heads during
the lime thai the greater portion of tbe members of the
Commission were together but duties connected with the
Boundary Survey had called off dlU'erent parties and in va?
rious directions. As ihe number of tbe Commission at 80
?torro became reduced, In the same ratio was lost tbe peace
and quiet of tbe village.
Oa Tuesday, tbe 2mh of January last, Alexander Youag.
the principal actor in tbe scenes I write of, gave as a pre?
lude 10 the bloody tragedies which followed, an exhibition
of bis maliciousness by colling the neck of the keeper of
a" fonda," which had tinea recently started In the place.
This taste of blood for Young put him on a fresh trail, anl
be kept It like a bloodhound, with a pack of many others
like himself following ai his heels aod in the same pursuit.
Other outrages followed, aod fioally a reward of $100 was
offered for the arreat of Young On the 1 Hh February ho
Was nrres.ed t In the 12th he was tried, condemned end
sentenced to be bung, and the same afternoon the sentence
Was carried lam ertVea. *Tue Mexicans were highly eJaviaai
by this prompt display ot retrioutive Justice
Dtstrittiv E Fl RE at UTICA? TwiLVK HuRSCS
tli'HNEi).? On Thursday night last a destructive
fire took placo at Utica, destroying Batterfield's
stables in the rear of the National Hotel and other
buildings. The following are the details as given
by the Gazette .
Butter field's wo bams and sheds centslned some 23 or 24
horse*, a targe number of carriages and sleighs, the varia?
ble harnesses belonging to the establishment, IM to 2t0
bushels of oats, a large quantity of hay, and a fine cow and
calf. Of ibis property 12 or 13 of tba finest hi rses and the
cow and calf perished In ihe flame*, and one or two car
rtages and 10 or |] cullers were burnt, beside all the har?
nesses, oals. Ac Ac. One pair of elegant horses had Just
been sold for ftoo, and were 10 be delivered on Moaday
next Three of ihe horses staggered out of the rear door
lato the basin ef the canal, between the stable and the ware?
house, aud dnxpfaed deed, burnt borrioly. Two or three of
Ik? animals re*ct>j fcre considerably burnt Toe total value
of the Butterfield property must beinUe neighborhood of
$3,oi 0 or #4,0001 Insurance $1 .fiOO The bam of the Cattta
liae-s*. Houae waa the properly of Hou Horatio Seymour,
and waa uninsured. Messrs Irons k Potter, who kept the
beute, were Insured in the Long Island Co. AJ.toO en their
slock, little loss. The Catherine-*!. House ltielf was In
?real danger The fire, extending across ihe basin, caught
In the roof of Ihe warehouse, tbe property of Mr. Tlhbl'.ts
of Troy, aad Insured 81,000 In tbe Hertford Co R, W.
Hunt bad 2v<> to 4M barrels of dour la store, of which about
100 were rolled out; he waa insured $2,000 in the Long
Island Co. Meaars. Poster and Dickinson, who had re?
cently moveo their stock of goods to ihe amount of $d,oon,
saved ftom their fire in Febraary, I1110 this building, were
Insured on It $.V* In ihe Uilca Co. They commenced
sailing It oat at auction yeaterday, and a considerable quan?
tity bad been sold but not delivered Murh of the lighter
klud of property was saved. Tbe brick building next be?
low oa Catharine st, owaed by Hon. H Seymour and oc?
cupied b\- Thomas Lentvbacker as a factory for mattresses,
Waa on bra, and the roof was badly damaged. Ta-re was
no Insurance on the building. Tbe mattress**, machinery,
Jte were considerably damaged by removal, no Insurance
00 tie stock. Tbe roof of Paa kiiam's furnace was damaged
tothe extent of $20 or$te by taklog fire; Insured Itlsm
poaK.lt> e to avoid the conclusion that ihls Is another piece
of incendiarism _
Latk ?Rost Hayti?A correspondent of the
Jemrnml cj Commerce, wilting from Port-au Frinee under
date of March 17 eaysthai a political conspiracy had been
discovered tbere. and several persona ar reeled were con?
demned 10 death by court martial. Among them la M
Praai isn/.ie, late Chief Justice, and one of ihe three Cab*
net Ministers. These proceedings were, however, an
nailed, and a new trial ordered, ihe result of which had
not yet transpired
The efforts of tbe agents of the three commercial pow?
ers 10 settle the dlrhcuitte* elisting between the two paria
of ihe island were not attended with much success. Tn>
Senate and Chamber of Representative* were 10 assemble
on Ute iMh to consider toe offer of mediation
Tbe I'. 8 steam frigate Baranae left Port-au Prtnce tor
Havaaa oa the I Hh Officer* aod crew all well.
Tbe market for ProvtMoos is said lo be fair
The price of Ccffre la firraly sustained, as It Is thought
the crops of this season will fall abort of those of former
SHorKINCi Accidimt 0.1 THI H.wlroad.?On
Thursday aferrnooa. the 3 o'clock tra u from this ?hkSS ran
over and tastsviily killed Mr Christopher Jaw-ox, oesr tue
ttemcgat ataman tn lids town. It appear* from tire evi
Srtrr adSucaS bafuea in* Coroaoi'a Jurv iamt taw uni*or
taaate asan was seen walking upon the track by tbe nation
agent Just as th* train carne la beeviBg that th-rageui
cautioned him lo look oa'. for the car* aa tuev were coming,
aad be replied tuai be would ?ake care of himself. After
Bo* be waa not *??-n alive. Tbe iraia merged from a
?arve about .m feel from the place where he waa kdlel,
and before be Mas seen by tbe engtneor-wbo was run
g hla esglao under a reverse motioa, the tender being,
aad of the locomotive? the cars kaoeked him down and
assaaed ever him. and uo person oa tbe train was aware
*vf tbe accaieeL The nmortnuate man wa* literally torn to
?sec**, hi* head was cut off and relied down into the wa?
it* near where be was struck; the mangled body w?? ear?
ned asuag tosa* JOO yards, and tbe rails and tie* were
?petit-red with blood, nieces of fleeh. sinews. Ac. for to*
whole diabase*. Mr Javcox wa* about tie years of age, a
aaaa oi wee ib. and seavea a family aud karge circle of
friend* lo mourn hi* sudden and trulv tn*,eacb<>ly death
(Poughaeepaie Eagle.
Fl It If Hin. thi V. 8. laws IN M ? ; m ? LkWS
pcbitsbed " Ky Authority." stretch ovw four columns of
this w, rks "tn. i*iIan M'rror " It must be a satisfaction lo
tbe tarier rlbera to that paper lo get t>-e nam es of both de>
serlasiee* human and divine, higher and lo war, tn one
Sheet. If ia*y fan of happlnea* It cannot ft* said that they
kadt'l the law before I hem weekly. Father Cn taming!
May i >w he aaid to go In for tbe law ? and the profits
Tho** who in, 1 however, tbat he would help to catch a
F**>tBg eegro, are mistaken When asked by the pursuers
?? ?* each a thing be would, Ilk* Capt Sugg* on a Mmiiar
ocraaaori, '-.asiy trat m* eve at Iben and larf " I a this World
be roes lor " renderieg unto C? sir tbe things that are Ca
SaVr's'"?peovMaO ( (rear pays ? Hamoor Mercury
Thi Cibai Enr.Aac.gMgsT Bill.?The follow
lag was the vox, up,* the bill for lb* imme-iuo* arJarg*
?eBt ol Ihe f ve ( a,,,,, Uf<,? kkj i-^j pasfMSM
Ava* atwa-a O ASaa, A.ibo.., Atenod, J. W ksscork. Bel
kaat.J Ketetict "?S, Btskaaa, Bl.< A'U.m. kVttum. SraSlsr .Bray
Wa. Briga, Bawil'*^ Caatj, Cao.pt>.?. Camagtoe. CkaaaserVa. H.
t la'l Cm v... C? a..(or?.r.r?.?.v Douglaa?. rarr, r*rn*. r**l*r,
Fek. r.t*S?gti F<>rSy-*, Praarh, O.rt^-i, OWatoa Orahaaa, a, a.
Or.xort V> S Or.c r? O-ml* h Nina I Heina Hat. i, H*w
at, Haad*. h< *??, ??Wi l>r*y. lataaaoii Kalkigg. Lai*. Lanrde^,
l*v|*il. mcU?tk M..imt*.. ?.!?*. Mua? ParCe*. J. L. Perry.
ttmmmm, Ri-ee K*a?**v. Rya*. 5*>*ra*** Saeretaa Skalas*, a.
aHstk, at u?i*? a r.*rb*a*. Sword*. Isttaat, Tormraait, Tutbin,
Vad*rwe< d Varvaav W*I*o??b, W*W*?, Waa>atw WhilwMe?7A.
e*a*- M?*ar* H J I late K BtK. cl. S*"?*. Ba^laeH C 41 ,
Cavgou*. Daa a D-..'|l>ar<t Di jl. PH*[k = Hg*v.ai,et>6,J.?**,
Maet r*. Nil.**, Po. I. K .Mnatia, w ? K.i?*e i, ?h-.1 Saatat, P. T.
Bavi'k. BaSSJBrt, Si.lie* I St att. n, O C T- on-paim. Wuoalor,
A metivn to tec on aid er was negatived -ayes Hj nays tn
?nitarians in the United States ? From
the r'nllerleo Congregational Register fir 1891, we learn
if>ereare In ibe DtW?Ute? 211 ? i - ? ?ad l?JS M
M The rim Bortet? wet organized at Plvmomh In '.
f resident lohn Adattit being one of the first Trustees; the
tec >nd In Boston. In Canada, there It s Society on Mon?
treal nod Toronto.
4 eqrt (t alendar ..Tv, i Dav. )
Superior Court.?No*. 1, 2. 3,4,5, G, IS. 14. 19. 1?. 17. 19 20. 21. 22. 23, 24, 2V 23, 27,
2?, 29. 31. 3?. 33.34, Stt. 36, 37. Sit, 3?, 40, 41, 42, 41, 44.
ClftCDlT and Common Pleas already
pnblUbed. _
Passaaaera Hailed.
fa Mr Steamer Franxltn fjr Harre - Mr* J Pair*, Mat A lets
rUbd.m , K H Larmibe Mr. E H I tnilBWI, l>r Tru4ssu Mr. Tru
Seen atO MihJ, See Tort ; f redend Veppe- Mrs P Veooer, J.ihn
Leppra, MrsJ Leppm, Oliver Hii:t.??*. HnOH pktneon, f n
?warn. Nun? aa? Child. Philadelphia, L.isGulet H?>r?. Yt ?
Sumoer sod Child. H?ston ; Mr Piell, Mm Pr?tt Philadelphia; J
Staas.ttuus, Nsw Turk ; A Bousquet. P M Doral, Haiti ours C
Brunoo. R Herbat*. New Tort it W .?alt. W rata er, New Or
lean, ; George Psarrs, Leopold Ws'tl sr, Mr Beoard S?w I t .
Dr Join Richarde, Mr. J Richards. V?, C L-uia Mi'ignm New
Turk ; Cspl G Granger. V a A. J Stum. T B . ?aa Tkomi* Smith
Mr Waller. New fork; R O, Taylor. Ballon is ; Jobo I. Milent. VV
R Dsan, F Lathrop, Julst ?etcons, t?w K .-k. IB I . ?
Spun. N termer, Pane , Cbts Mollr. rhila; a Crmhes. New Tort ,
Mr* LGt ilist.d"; M W Morns, New Turk, MdmsC.vttre, d ?; J C
Ms)sr. Mor.treel.Mrt M.ytr. do, Mr. R, l ?M. n I h 1.1, Mit? Bit a
irdes.do. Mist Uanoah Trsdnsr. do; I) Hopper, d i; Jyhn E Ed
dings SCarolina; A :?-??*)?. E Pepper Pais^. T S D*<s sid
servant, Pbrlad. Mr* Dais and two children, iej M T Di'? in Mr
Pardsstru, do. J A Suironr, Bo*to-; M Hrummsr, BS) W W H I i?
ksspi Pbilad; P Lorruerd. Jr. BT' rk; H "lialiri do; Wrn V V - ,i.
PL.Iad. Lt.ut J H Ad.rr.a US N; Lie.it W?-h..^t.m J?t hBST. U i
N; Victor Latr.jr, Nort, Jamal Pier* n. do, Henry P Tartar, Pmlad;
Engine Rou'tll sad child, d?; K J Da le't Sat '??Ikrt Slit*, do; M
Huhsirt.d'i; Loin* Eltm NO toane Dr G Hsrdr, aV irk; Richaed
Re.te, d... M m M Ctsroeodn-n Sei VV P.Ii solch Id Ciorinnati. 1l?
r hot. * - -a ? r tu York. Altrsd Mar*, I"! lad. Mr Mart.:, oa m. Ballon >re;
Mr An) os Vsrner, *lTark;S B Jons?, B ?ton; T a K'-chen, Hartford;
P H Beonstt Bah.mors; J VV Tucker, ft York; E Harmon do; C
Catrk, Cn.cisr.au?100
Initeamtkip Alabama,/or SarannaA?E Willi?, >sdjr,*r>d Bad
ssrvtnt; H H Monasll Bad l?dv; J B Durbr w sod lad); J O I \rker,
lax) v sad .trt?nt, R D Wsek* sod lad); J va/arrea and lady; Lieut
Rsneha* aid ladt; O W Bats* tod lady; G Burr, la.ly and ch'ld;
Miitss Wtrrsn, Buckley, Slsn'oti, Brown. Donnall, Mstsr* R Hy
tkip, H Wation.S Ittsrt r H Tarier, Jr. T C Dernpiey, J P Allrn,
A M Gtn isell, U R Pbtlpa T Brant. C W Hitchc-ck, P McUrtn.
E Barnard, J H MnUord f> K,l*. E L Ma'haw,. H A Hirxtbtl, J
Walrsts. J Taylor Jr.H VW Htalop. WC Dunham, J Bonnard.
S H Vao Nsst. S B Thi m?* G 0 Jobssoo?10 ii stsersrs.
In iteamtSip Alabama for SavcmmaK ?I WjIIuj |,n ?,n anJ aar
vant.H H MudmII and lady, J B Huron.w and lady. J u Barker lad)
and asrvint, R l> Wsskttod lady, J Warrro * id lady, Ijsut Rsa
?haw and lady fl W Bats* tr d lady, G Burr lady and child, Miait
Wsrrsa.Buoklsy. SUoUm, Browo, D inne'l, M**sr* R Hvalap. H
WatnoD. S I-aact. R HTuctsr Jr, TC D.-rp^.. J P Alyn, * M
Gimro*)l O R Pbstpt. T Brant. C W Hitcrti-i ck. P Mi Limo. E Bar
nsrd. J H Mul'nrd.l) Kyle E L Ma'hsw* H a H irxt-at J w,|'?a.
JT*?I rJr. H VWHri'ni, W C TruaKam, J B innard, S H V?a
F*?i. S B Thomas. G '? Jtewasa?10 in atasr.c*
/? ".'j t'atriek Henry, fnr Lcad.ia?Mr Jackaca, Mr* Jtck*on
BBS asrvint. Mr Hammond, Mr* E W Try on, Mr* 9 A Lliyd and
child. Col E C Charts* sod servant, BTork, Capt Maitoo, Mr Mai
Um, Mr* Millrovd.
PsutMBBera Arrived
In faeket ihtp Manhattan, from Literpool?Th-1 Hornby, JFn
srtfn, J os Ysoinsn, V\ m tiiliatpie, Wm Whsatay, Jonathan Haigh
Dr Uwan. Ship Su'is. o
In packet thip Dtrontkirr from Loader* and fo'trtualh ? Ttios ,
Jtns tod Harriet VV? ?. B Pate and U<y; Sunt For i and two tost,
Dr Hilkteat ladv and * sMsestv E? ward Wa.t. rbss S**rvef Win
Burr Bad Pi illip Plumb nl Enrltnd ; Fragiiraand aatsta r?vnskis,
AiJtm B .eskall Win H*nd*r*oa. Haury W.I... ?? .rr* l?.n*. Thorsat
Yooog, Wra Phipp*. W S Cbssisioan. R. bart Cordwsll an! lady.
Jnpvktt rkip Prince Albert fr/nn Lon Ion and r t ?. . Mr
1 T W FiaW. Chit Wh.tos? Capt H U'i'a, lady and child.
In krif HauUe, from Cardedat?J < landaus. Mam Is Gootalss,
Antonio Sai.ti.at.li-r
In Hr brig Catharine, from St Domingo City? Capt J Brown,lata
oftbsbrtgAlpags.of Bo*too, lost ontbs esit sad of 3t Domingo; J
Inn?Riss*.ft v--Sst?..9 ti I Mtsa?Sets.t Ola
Sandy Hook..11 30m j Gor. tttar>d.... U idi I Hsll GaU Ola
Steamers? Alsbtma.Ludkw, Sivaonah.S L Mitchell A Co; Irsa
tidas.Gresn Phtlssslrli.a, W Ii Tb< rupson.
Ships? Husb?t , D.irfsa, Nsw oriaan?, SUntno A Toompion; Bsw
Han,r une, SUiulfai Livarpool /.srsgs A Co.
Barki-Ctntdt. Dyer, Matanz*.,Psrktoi A Delano; Sorambsga,
Baiter,Galveiton,S M Browe-r * Co; Adahaa. Gamaga. in: .a la
Grande. Foatar & Nirkerioo; John Avilsa, Cl a?a 3a*as M Grande,
Bsamith A Boot; St Jepo, J.irdoo, St Jsgo ds Cabs, tnnur; Atutu,
Moody,Ctib*. Ttibtts Lotd
Brig*? Tiiun,pli (BrJ Palmar, Demsrtra, Tliompton & Newiiau*;
EhtaA Carolina, Wallace. St Jobna, Mt, matUr; Amulet, SpolTord.
Stroi Is Grands. R W Tr-indv A Co, WttUtill Morse. Wilmington,
J T Wbits; Virgiiis, Belaon, Kin>sls, J T Writs, Qiesn V-ctoria.
(Br) McKatny.Aarbadoee. Middt.ti.ti at Co. Portiaad, , Br) S.-.it St
Jthnt, KB, Btitsr, Buena Vnt*. Myart, Witmtog'oa, ES Powell;
Adthas, flortcn. Arse bo Etcontat A Co; Tweed, (Br) M Dou<al,
St J bm, PR Mutlind. Pbslp* A Co; Sartb Tuorntikt, He t. Bi'ti
rnore, BtTSM A Co; Arve, Whitman, Curacna, Roonsn, Grave* A
Co, Aianatia,Smith, Jacmsl; Aivade, (Fr) Ritouat, Htrra, lv<
nstts A Co.
Sthoonsrs?AlmiraT, Gtndy, Brtzoa Santiago, bant A Stannird,
Leader, Baane. Boston, J sun. A Co; Eliiibalk, Lathtrn, Apuarhi
(nie. E D Hurlrjut A Co; Hsarietta, Htll's k. Georgetown.SC. Ralph
Post; Orson, Bicltrion, Batk. H Naaon; Bate Ott, Kirualtad, Bart
imora, J. boten A Lowdtn, Onaua, Dodgs, RicnnmQu, C U Pisraoa;
Grsntte ?t?ts. Hibstt, Btntoa, 1 W Lswisi f... .?, Bickersou.B.Mton,
E A W Herrn k; An tu Wilson, Bnrfolk, Sturree, Clsirman A Co;
8lat?"tn*a, Cathall, Aler.ndria, Sturgss, Clstrinan A Co; IteMlla,
Arh*an Boston, rotater, Ptmabo WiHiami. Wilmington, NC, Bss
mitb A Co; Eilen Roger* Bridgeport. J H Hue. . G ..tie Small, St
lero. K W Ropes A Cs; Miry Rowland, R iwlaud, Philadelphia, Jat
Sloop? Bolivtr. Mil'i, rinliJtlr l.'i Jamas UlM; Oracon. Sturzes,
r jinn "? H-iun, iVelta. i ?
Barge-Orb, Y?p, Philadelphia. JAN Btw
Picat ihip Miabtttan, Paabody, Liverpool. March! md*a and 785
par* to C H Mint all A Co March II?. lat 47, Ion ii, saw a Britaam
ahip tii. ii.it k; aupp ml ber to De one of tie West India Mai ateitu
?tssmibipt Marti. SJd, lat 4ft. Ion 4ft. *aw ?averal It'c* iceo.rj?,
and lbs neit day feil in wrh large qutLtitiss ol field ica, and vn four
hourt dtaung tlrrugh it Tbt M n detained at Quarantine, bivitu;
the anuipot uo eorrd.
Packet i hp Prims Albert, Meyer, from London and Portimouth
Psb 17, mdse in ' *V> paaeer rsn to Grinnell. Mmtaru >i Co. March
IS, lat 47 6o, loa 14 11, ttw * i Amertt in ?teinier baut d East Iftth,
lat 4rt 30, Ion 37 30, ssw an Amern an aleamer hunnd VFatt tii. 'at
44 10, Iod 4b 10, saw the City of G laagoe boo od East S4ih, lat 42 ftO,
Inn it to ii? a Itrgs xeberg Id mat, took t pilot from pi.ot bust
E R rallBS, ?'">' mile* Iroro Jandy Bo A.
Bark Kiuwhi, Bopk in?, 8?fiua la Grande 7dt, tugir t ? Moil*
Tty!or A Co. ?eeeel to master, ioth ult. nw a berm tint aahor* on
tba Bdta of Salt Ksy Rsuk, to the northward of Salt K.y. with a
aigaal of dit?r**t fly k*Bl it blowing vs.y hsrd.cnuM not re derany
asni.ta:. * Tb* w:h Pant^ea, from Sifua la (irinde'or NYork, at
tsrapted to ret to her, but did not euacesd 9*tl*d is company w th
br..: Lucy Milan and ..I, PaLtbea, lor NYork. Lett barka Mary H
ker.dall. Talman, Idg, unc J B Thonano, Stiplai, do do. tir.ja Ma
lano. Nichol* do, tor NYork; John R Dow,-, Miribal.-,
Dutli and Atmrndale. Idg, unr; Rerondt, Stst?on. wt<; *ch, |art,
Raw, Art Bavat.a, to lnaa lor NYork; Cameo, fr >m Machiai, juit
arr, it J ODS ?i hour sr. nnknr wa
French bttk Juls A Oils, Lsfsm, Borisaui.60dt,brndy to Bryd
A Baycksa,
Bark Mant Norton, Bulkley, Sivtantb, 4 dt, cotton and net to
Den .11 A Co.
Birk laabella, (of bath; PrabLt, Cienfuagos, to iltyt, molssssi to
Birk Tnoma? Prices, Hailowtll, Nsw Orlsast, 12 dt, mJ.t to J W
El well
Br batk Atlantic, Robeneon, Cadu, 61 day i, lime to K A H Ham?
Bark D S O odetl, (if Boetoa) Mi.Gilv*ry,Cirdeaai March it. lu
gar ta R P Bark A Co. Mart h S9, lat ?4. loo St, stchaagei iignafi
with hnr O W Bnnksrhi.n'.lm Nsw orlesna, bound N
Br brx Lesder, Mtrrhud, Arichit. CB, plaaisr to mattar.
Br brig Catbtrma. otTnmouth) Hammond,St DeWAvfS City, ma
ho(tB) to Jt* H Brain. Ma t. 30, fat 34 4, Ion 7i 14, *aw .tearuab 1?
Ob to. hence for Havana
Br brat Manilla. O Bnen, City of 9t Dotiingo, mabogany to B Mi?
liare. Vssssls led bs'ors reported
Bn? Capt John. Brsi*i-iu.b. Ssgut la Grind, Mtrch ti, tugir to
Mason A Son. March iv.paassd KoHLsdgeatS PM, ttw a barm
br 1 aahore ma tmatl jeeraf rockt I) irr on the western edge of Iba
Roh Ledge Bank; the vaeeei appear*.! t i hl>e ju*t goos 00,
Brig LiocoIb, (nl Wiicaaastt, Hurl, Nsw tlrrsau*, Ift d?, and** to
Ntitr tb A Sohl.
Srtg Hude?. Sonthack CtrdiasS. 8 dt, moltaeei to R C Rssd.
B* brie Harriet W Id Corvet. Uvsrp s>l, ft4 ta, aalt to inuttr
Sal Vincasnea. (of Pnrtlsud) Hi.key. Ca-denaa, a da, molasiea Is
RC Read. SM it ro with bnte Pi rtiaad, Sabago, Financier, an? Ann
Maria, all for Portland
Svb Commander u Chief. Woglam, Gaor(ttown, DC 3 di. Hoar to
Everett A Dodge.
S< b Mar,a. W)t lotT, Btltimora. 3 Ha, aadse to Johnson A l-owdea
SrhComaat^alora Kear-ey,C*a*s Bo?t .a. I da m-J** t - K 1-ew
Sch JCnoley A Co, Ryder, Boet. n.3di a>d*e to J AUict A Co
Scb Friend, Htllett, Bawlon, 3 ?1. radas to muter.
Brxh Beacon, Mtrvm, Peroambuc 1, 34 di, tugartoJ FSaow.
Vestal, leit mt reccllecte.1
('Sal. WiIIii:.ii. Y.,ik, Ctrytford Rasf, 7 ds.
Sek Forest Kmc. Bauiett. Hiv.ls. 10 da, tsrir tod tobsreo to
Truaa.llo A Btunsirti. Vessel* tail bs'ors rs|iorled.
S. U Is, h Comer. St D .nnngn. III da, mah ranv as I li?fitnv ta
t - Pntabur) A Sanlord Tba L beoaght borne two man o Uecrew
of the brig Aleas?. of Boston for N*w To<k. Cast Brewn. lost on toe
fttb Feb on Si hoaa Raa-, east etd ol St Oimoro Br bri( Calbanoa
lid one day prenon* for Jiew York. Lett *t h Merrill, of Fsla iuto,
boaad to New York in Ift da?only km veeael. Maei b t7 1st <m .)|
loo 71 i4, spoke a Br bug name not known) from Porto ftscu for N
SAILED-1 9 M ateainih.pl Franklin, Wotten, for Hits, Alike
r a. Ludlew, 'or Savannah, an J othe't
WIND- At ruir.es SW, meridian S. snosst SE. a..d frs*'
Artived.iraa 6
81 p FraDcbas, (of Salon) Chapman, L verpool, Fsb ii radasatid
tSSpst* to Dtnl Ptlt;i?U-ri A W.ii.a. Mink 17. lat 43. loa ?1. at
sarxescas* e Leavr c?le !m the WN W. k?t niaio 'oprsllent milt, at
tbt stms t me ih.taped t heavy rea, *t?*ak atuied ine. i..<tai.>t.-.a
aat.b houMM a'. d received oilier dam.^re.
P*c*st ihip I'naerwiitsr. Stipley L"Srpool, Mfch I, radae and
past to Robert Kernut Hsd floe weather witn light wist* duntsr
tie paitaa*. March 17. At ift 90. loa SS SO, *aw a ?b p ?Und . r Ui
th. ...twar-l a, th M t her hirrt. psstl March *0. 1st 41 to.) .a f.
ft, at 7 to AM. aew iiesmship Asia, Isaea for Liverpool, w.th tllau.
a?L bhiwitg t 'eat raw hrBeie Im WNW.
Pi. ktt ?top Dsvouihirs, Hovey Loud.-n sod Portsmouth, M*rrh
*, a dts?bd ??? ataerare pa?t to J .ho GrtewoM. Har b t oiT tba
L aar?, at 4 PM Berry H Cimp-*'l, of Wewart NJ, fell from the
mate tnpgalhart steat vird over*, ard and wai drowosd; 'ell in w th
*e>erai a.Mr(i from Wtj 44 to 49; 10 lat 43 30, ton 71 ftth mtt, at*
ab.p Patis-k Henry, fa Loadoc, a.r.cearr
?b p Cetkaru.*, Wdtsia, Cbarastoa. 4 dsya. cotton and ricstoThos
Bart Jtns E W. I arra. Mar.00, Antwerp and Fraah ng. Fsb St,
aadse tad 34 sais to E D Hnrh.it A Co. March ii. Mt 4110, lea 69
to. asw Sr alop Herrn Is., touad east
Scb Montan?, Ha'lett. Bouti> (It.eels to E Fah A Co
Sch Meant Hops, Harden Baetoo, 3 0* rieb and auxisrsl to Wo. J
ruf A Rokiasua
Sa ti Jiavephi. e, E^lri 'ire. Soston, t di, asb t" ma?t*'
Sab Eins. Doaae, Harw.i h, II ?*, Bah aid ma -aerel to master.
Sch CatbartM. Colhr.a, Savaanab. 8 siyi. asSMM and not to S W
Sch Mirths Mtr.a.Sw fi.Silen. t dtya, ?,ab tad mack er*.' ts R W
Rope* A Co.
Sab Cornelia. Falkland, B *trn 3 da. m.l*e to Dart.a A Spragut
Sch Ivanhoe, Sinioah a. Rock lead, 8 da, I im to ni.ter
Sch lese H (it. Halt, R ck'and, S da. bras to mister
Sch ksgie. Rhivde., R< eilend,ft de, baae to muter
Sch Rereal. Bearee. Ri ck und b it, km to mt'ter
St 1. ChaJlesge. Hau < R. cklaod, ft St. 1 r? to rai.ter
A h 9ertpb, Patne. Boetoo. 3 dt. b and to Virg ouk. 10 b?ntst.
8. h Gil Bate, Bsakw.ta, Ssw Bsvso, t days, kooad to Virgiaua,ia
9. h Wuhiartop. HeslrK k, Gsorgetown DC.' 4?, flour to Stur
gsss, Ckrarnvan A Co
Scb Ha&cvsr, Laialifi.Rxhrsoed, 4 ds. naias to C H Pierson.
Sch Ci-ret Ftwier. Wi . ,SC, 4d.. naval sestet
Sch Cornmhit. W.eitew. None*,! di, avd*a sad naval rtorei lo
asttrftS, Chtarmaa A Co April ft. at 10 PM, passed t large tWamer
t'ter.rtg ttinth.sri'ba! V lbs Alshsma
Sch M Platt, imoui, Newbern, NC, 3 ds. naval a lore* to Doiaer A
Sch B F Haaki, Engiah. Nswhsra, NC, 3 dsya, naval store* to B
St b Ahdt. W jgiat, Nsebern, SC, 3 di, aaral ttorst to DeOasr A
Sch Otlar.o, Vtn O.Msr, Qsorgstoea, DC, ? Sa, earn and Sour to
P H Hobt.
8 lee a er Kenneber, fm PhJtdsly hia, Cspt Sermour, reeort? tb*
ship JoahVB Sates ashora 00 tfce . alar middle gro io-l, toath east
Ire m Sandy Hook. Sj| milsa aiw tagnsls of dsttrssi flying, wea' -
her as* stanrs asd sodsavorsd b. get rer oF. bat without BtvMtMri -
Lett newer Sempeoe rn a'teswance upoa ber a.4 tl.ey w?r- jat
he; of tettia? her ofl the neu Ute The ibip laid easy. w ad SIE,
t.k wing fiesh, wiU- s thick fog aad rvagt tea. Tb? J Bats, left hers
on 1ha ?tri ?( M>'rh and ?k*ti foar day* ?nt rfinn? a leak, sad wa*
?tut*?l" r*Mra, aao iq 1U1.1i.ag in waiting fur a pilot, it aeiag thick
aha .track at lav, ?\ t ? ?
?'..(. W n. H Saififd Jon? Pf \ ' ?
8'oop Fr?'*tirk Rrr.w*. Providern.
Messier Peoobrcrt, Clark*, Philadelphia, tad** to SUstoo It
BELOW?Brig Lucy Elate, from Sago* la Graad?, ? de, ach Pen
the*, fai do 8 da.
WIND?At inane* 3E aad (real., toandiaa S, aaa**t H; vsry light
A ?kp. aatd t* be th* Joehua Ha'a*, in working dears the lower
*?y e*at astiur* jsstardst morning; ab* wit got of br Uis ataam tar
Baniats, Capt Msrshsll, aad low** to ??? y*et*riey afurnreta.
i>l*nalr>r*, oVr.
hraj Grand Turk, at Proa dance fron Cardenas, report* SBBSS
*d mat. 1*1 3HW,, Ion 71 f* ked op ? aquar* bat* of rottoa, marked I.
?Ich t appearance had been m the water eoiue tue?, about f .ur
htiura a'ler nawed the knee of a lar(a ??**?! >> i lb* 3d,ia lat ?i 25,
pasted a large quantity of lato?, ?appo**d the 1?. k load o's ?****i.
Tborarg nf th* brig Amanda Paranaa reef ir* repo rted pat t.
K*y Wert I baa bars landed in good ere diton The .laasage a trill
ing. Tb* retee' would b* ready I im ab ut tba SSk ,,f Apnl
Si u Howird. Ir m Buclaport fir B stf.o. i gating under way k*>
k.w pi.t.mnuth 3d i net. touched nn Clark'a Nad, bat cams oo*
wi'b the tid* anopeaed without dam?g*
Ba aaia 'ctrritit Halilai ?4tr. ult. 'rum Wilaitgton, NC, atrai k
on th* V? ???'. Bark and waa n.u h k*farad
Srtaaii Miimou, wbn h le"t Cbsrleator fur Savannah, at I
o'rlotl SSI, od M >odiy last ?*turr*d on Ti*?dar,|. tow if th*
MatBifi j?., ?r Ti? vlwUmnt* broke herd'iv-rg rraak on Monday,
arout IS M when nlT Eddit g'e Bay. going at tha um* *n l*r an eaay
h*ad ol aUara. The injury would b* r*pan*d mraesiaUly.
Ba sals Gaetti, st divannah from Liverpool, during th* paaaig*.
ws* atrick b> a h**vr a*a. whu b carried sway bulwark oo the lar
board tide, (tartad etaorhiona aad water waya, and iprusg mainmast.
Rsie Oa.ai. Ti as St Provider*-* from Cani*n*a,on the 2d mat, lat
tti\ tnn 71, picked ups ?naar* kale of cotton, marked A, wharb to
sppssranr* bad been -. th* wa'er mm* tins, snout 4 hours sltar,
Dieted the knee of s large rsstsl On 3d, Ut 4u 25, lei. 7J, peaaed a
large anmber of latha, anrp"aed the ?*rk load of a v*aa*I
Ba BSBB Pamacua, bom Pta.'adelphia for Hal fai. wbicb want
tabors st Barru gtwo, !t3, becim* s total wrack. H*r cargo wat
a< Id S7th
Mittiaa Vaatti?Bnr M?nt*r*r (ol Tnomaatrm.) Keltic aid fmm
tin* c.tr about D*c IB. for Panaacoi*. aad k*a not skkSS been baard
from. H*r cargo confuted principally of cameciL
CallferaU Veaaeia etpoiteii, dkc.
Jas 3. lat 1 9, lea 97 W, PJnrtb Sur, Palmer, from -for Sea
Jan 4 tat 22 S. Ion Vit,, tu p Tuakioa, H ot. from Hew York (Oct
. ? C. . - all w?|i.
P*k T. 1st IS3, Ion 38^| VV, bsrk Princess Royal, (Br)fmLooloo
for Cshlornis
Fab K. 1st 1 It, Inn t? W, hsrk IsabeliU Hsyns, Dswmg, fra N*w
York (Jta IS) lor California.
Dae SI, lat 35 3, Ion Si, the Courier, fm Harr* for Csbforua.
Spoken* Ac.
kp'ill,ltt40 20;lonkVI 4<i, bark Brands, from B for Ssw
April 3, lit 77, Ion 73, brig MoaUuk, (ol Girdiaar) h*oc* for
March 31, lat 33 30, kin 71, Br ahip Sir Coat Hapwr, fm Mobil* for
March 16, off Doubl* Head Shot Keys, bark Milford, fa New York
for Uarreato:, 13 dt out
April 3, Cap* Cod W || m.lea, bark Brooaa.Soal*, from Boston I r
Msrcb 25.1st 30 SO, loa 79 10, ship Continent, fm ?*w Orleans for
Liaarporl, 8 da *ut
Mkrihit ahip "Hsrnsll H*n "ataermg I4E bp E, (probably th*
Pan*'..I Hsll, Im b'sw Oranna for Livarponl.)
March IS, 1st 50 N, loo 1W W, ahip Couqiiaror, BouUlle, fm L.r*r
pi i.l for B*w York.
March 13, lat 50 23, Ion bark Marion. (Br) from QiMostewn for
Naw Tr.,k
Ma>rh In,lst4n,tol 18 tirk Pnacston, Pag* fm Qu**natown for
Raw Pork.
March 30. lat 37, loo 73. tel. R H Moultoo, Tsplay, fm Havsos fur
Boston (rr Portland )
March S3.1st 33 40, loo "4 90, wai leso thip PMsrbolT, (of S.iVn j
fffl Hsrans for CronaUdt.
Flo daU, ofT Salt K*y wa? MSB bark Bnllisit, fm aj*w.Orl*an* for
Pab 1\nssr Psrnsmtuco, bsrk lodut, Tbomp.on, from Btltimor*
for Rio Jaua.ro.
March 5, lat 44, Ion 87, Br abip Intrinsic, from I.ivartool for N*w
March7.1st 41, los 23 06, tb* Wyk* Regit, from Cardio* for Wil
mington, NC,
March 12,1st 48 48, loo 8 45, Br brig Harkrnain, from Holl lor N*w
W hater*.
Arr at New Loodoo Aprils, abip Superior, 8k>ao, Arctic Ocean,
with S.tOO bbft wb oil. ft do tp, sod S5 lYaM lb* boo*
A uttUr from Mr J*rkaon . 14 m?U of abip B*oi Kuah, of Warren,
r*porta b*r D*c 2, off N/*alaod. having takan Hklbblaap aiLcalear
lag Sandwirh lalanda, when aha bad 18o *p.
Sailed from New Badfors 3d intt, bark Lsnnrt >o, Tiltoo, Atlsotic
Sailed from Manilla Jsn '.th, ELB Jsancy, Alkao, Pairhav*n,on s
Arr tt Hnrg Kong Jsn 18, Hubimok, Caillutt, of Pa'rnoath, from
Guam; Ulli, Mount TTnBsslSl. Barktr, of NB*dford, l a Osbn; *>'.ih,
A n i aut, (of M< atic) Gwynn. Guam
AtS)?a*y NSW, BovS, ahmt Olympia, Woodward, NRwdford,
1 roti,p(r*p A*g I, l.lOOli Clifford, Wa>ii*.Wady, and Jo MaiwaU,
Hi w'ai.d,8fKi tp each
Spokao-Oct 3, nil Bravo, ship Man is. Wirg, NBsdford for North
Ptcfic (lietn
Jan 24.1st lrt SJ 3. iVu 38 56 W, brig Mexico, Wk to**. Westport,
180 bbls oiL
Th* Wb Tail, st Sag Harbor 30th ult, bat 2 720 bbls wh, 80 do tp
oil,lA.roft Iba boo*. Th* Lerantat do ha* a full cargo (aqt 3 aou wh
and 8UO lb* ben*) oxv. board, sent horn* during to* voyage 4J,i*X)
lbs bone.
Foreign Ports.
Arr st St John. NB. Mtr A IB, briga P T Nsvmi, Boddis, Aleisn
dria; Emarkld,Crowoll. New York: Mary Ann, Patterson, dn.
Off AsMtSSB, Jsn 22. ahip Waabirgt.in Allaton. Ricbardaon, from
Boaton, via Cape Town, CGH, for Msulman?had s pilot oo board
At Siugapor*. Feb 7, ship Goodwin, Watlt, for London (g*tt ?1
10 dead weight).
Sid fm rauttr, Jso II, ship* EH*rtli*, Black, Loodooi 34th, H*ury
Pratt, Mkl.Dg, do; Pit 2, Mscad.iuis, Snow, do, about 2d, Catbauna,
Kdmondt do
At Whtnipe?, Jso 2S, bsrk Oneotal, Dels, fm Shtnghaa, juat arr,
to - ad fi r Boaton.
At Part au Prince, Nth ult, brig Forest. Galloon, Irom Nsw York,
juat arr.
At Cnrk,'4th ult, Br ah.p Pr.nr* Albert. Hoger*, fin Olssgow for
*ku....?, t*mhW
Arr *t Fai el, Pab St. bsrk Io. Brown, B wtoo. 10 da par.are.
At Daniarara, 13th ult, brig Win Clark, Daly, fm Philadelphia
Arr at Barbados*. 1 th ult. brig B*bguela, Hu bborn. B.ieton (and
aid pre* to 18lh for Port fpsin).
At St Jago d* Cubs, Msrcb 22, brig Ca.tl.tr.ne Nickslt, Ni :ksla, for
Haw Turk in 6 da.
At Para. Match 12, brig WaUr Witch, Conway, 'or Salem,nur. At
th* mr.Th ot to* Ko er, IV.!,, hark Republic, LitU*fi*kl, Iruiu IS fork
via Mareiiaam.
At BaUvia Sen 27, abip Akbar, Worth, lor Loodoo. Sid 16th, btrk
Three Bri thera, Anderen* (fm Singapore, arr 7th) Baatoo.
Sid lm3lThi.u.ti lain ult, bark Oan Harnann, Mead, for Porto
Rico to load tugar ar.d rnolast*. for Aleiandna.
At Gi oaires lKth'lit. tcba Baltic, G.Hagar, tiom sod for Boston,
Ugi Merrttor. L*land, Im St 11 oinsa, unc.
At Tr.nidaS, Cuba. Inth alt. bark Faomuuot, Whitney, f'.rPhia
d*lphia, Idg, bugs Sss Ctutby, P*ndl*U>n, fur N*w Yorl, do; Fli.rina,
Pstd'aton, diacg
At Matamas 24th 'iK, thip Arvum. Rsnkin.wtg; bark 3.'a . B
Hall Cr..wtbeie, lor Portland, Idg; brig E'ltKbeib. Kilborn 5 *ld
?4tb, bail Kanger, for Portland; bog JuLalban Ciley, JMa'rj-atu,
Kirhm od.
At Ca cutU F*d 8. (hip* Msrcellua Spioner, for B..?toc. aosr;
Windsor Fay, Brewer, foi d >, Idg; WasUagto , Co1*, lor HY rk,
s?h n| Severn. Ch*e?*r. for do, Id.; Fsuuy, j,.hn? s, for Loi.d o,
soon, bark Kilbv. Howland, for ?Tort, I r. C.IJan 24. ah p. rtu.
tall Glur.r.Su ith, L uidun. 21,Senator, Cotlln. do. vlstb Catnar n*,
Idmonda, do; Aaia, Dunbar, Bu*...i.( intb, Maceduuia, S.ow, Loo?
doo: F*b 4 f?'sviga'or Piuppa B.nt m.
At Msnils, Jan llet, thipa Jot n Sav, B'nlamm from 8sn P'anci.
c ,srr Mk fm Mo i Idg; C?. Halle? H ,w*a. tnd An ty, Bar. n?,
lor Bcn-.iiu. IJg. St L*wr*Lr*. Ha.k* 1. fur Nfork 1 data. Kcn.ing
ton, Jsrr-a.fordo Mg Jans, H*od*r*or., Stewart, for Livarp* il.lJg;
State of Man*, Beat*!!*, for Loadnn do; bark Cnn.tanra Barry, fm
San P'ai riaco, arr 17.Ii uae; br r A Mayford, Short for California,
Idg Sailed Jan 5th thip* Siam, William*, Bot ton (aad paaead A?|ier
Jan loth; lath, Walai.a Shrane, Nluik. Ship Venice fin Sri Fraa .
case*, arr Wi and ss k>d foiSitatpor*
At Carac- a. March .7. br g. Sarah WillianM.Gott. for Cianfag*! 2
daya, kt| aalt- Elua Huri*** Gl*n**n. lor do 3 .lay.; Ocean Bird,
Fori p for New Turk I da)*,the oa*y American v*t.al loport
At Cardanat Mtr. I. 88, bugs Demerar* PurUr. for New Tnrk,
6 dsyt;Z)d*r Zee, Ptunt, dt)t; Via'or (not Vuttura,) Ptrke Irom
Portland, dug; Sarah, tiixfln, I r Naw Orlea-it, ri daya, Calcutta,
Clark for N*w T< rk. IS data; Chaa Edwa-d, fir B*lf*.t. next day;
a< Lr Heoty AUiat, K*nd*ll, Irum Havana, juat arr ? I. a I fur New
Tt'rrk. *
At St Domi-gn, Msrrh 16, ?ehr Bferr.ll, 'ef Pt'm a*h.) f-. Hew
Yo'k, 1*> i!a|t,*nl) Aaartcsn sssttl. S.d 1Mb,brigCaUtnjc. ft;)
H*w Turk.
Arr at Halifax, 27tb ult, e hre Margaret Quilman, Boat a. ism,
EnUrpnse, New Tcrk. 3:d,29tb, ehr Bclmuut, Csrd. Bottog.
Ilomentte Form.
ALEXANDRIA. A.o.1 J-Arr brig Limas. Stabb*. Ciaafuagot:
Albert Ftsrug. SptUr, Ssvannth. 3ld tch Pampero, Paobeld, N*w
BATH. April 3- Be ow. bng Saa Beau Htv*n?r.
BOSTON, April 4?Arr barst Velo i'y, R?d*r. Cbsrl*at..n; Salth,
AUina. Phdad; brig Carl (Dsn) l'lr.rk?on,C?p*: bag**. Dec 6; brig*
Billow, C hure. Oslveat T.. Sarah W Cutbirg. W.d* Mobil*; achra
Indiana. Tnurg, Tangier; Sbar'O, Nw-aermin, Richmond; R I. Pty
Cam. Philad; Bay StaU, Rider, NTark. Larnn, Bsases do, M -n-'r
Parier, do. Emily H.ihard, Frau?, lo; Gem. Wil**, H*w it, ..
Batnel. Brsws er, Buclaport; Csthsrin* McV?*r, Wiscaawtl. Geo
Devi*, Duotoo, Bath Te<*gr*ph*d, btrkt E Churrbilt. tm Havana;
Hebron, frtni New Oraxana; bng Jan* How*. Cap* Haytaae. Cid,
alupt Dti.i*I W eoeter, Howard, Liverpool; John Courier. Bulnaao,
Cbsrkaiton. bsrta Pn-sp*.!. Duw, CardeLa?, Tarraoath Tea', ai*w
UrkteB*: l.r.,a Argo, ,Rut) Braman, Tnoid.d v.a Frankfort; Bottoa
Layh.kf. Hal.ax; Cerd*lia. (Br) Picard, St P*Ur*. M.q; C. . rl
(Br) L*bl.nt. Uar*. NS, Joeeph Bai. b. Ata Wr.lht. M.o.M?; J hn
Marekah. OaUa*, Savannas: Sam) Small, Sprague, W.lining! *. NC;
echo Herald. (Bi) SUohae NB; Banu*r. Lov*ll. NTork aad tVaf,
Jaaeer. Hai-ett du; Sarah Ltwia, L*rrannd, Tnomaateo; Betrey,
Robin.on do
April5. 2 n'ekek P M? Arr ahip Sarah Punngton, Pur ngton. 1. n
'on. barka Ceaa Tboap* a Smal New Drei.., R Chur tu II H .
k-nrr, Harare; Hahr, n. Pin *, New lirlaana; E Wr-gbt, Jr. Avenll.
d?;brgajat;a How*.. Manurl. Cap* tUytieo; Ricaard lag*r?ill,
P'orrri.*r Trinefad; Crara Ilten, Treat, Cara'uegoa; Ru.1. G rtaf,
Cart*i.at:Myra, Studktv Pb.ladelt h.a. acbrt R > *?rt Rait*., 1 e*
niaa St K.Ua: Oo*ro. Clark. St Join* PR, Flor**, Aikan. Aul
ta)*e. A L Hyd*. Bailey.Carlen*?, Falcon. G..dfr?y, Wil oiogtoa,
HC; l'tulog*. Perry, do; Eutern Lg it. Sin.lb Te.r-er, W II.am VV
" ,*r. Mi.rae.PieiUrM-ttburg; Jobs C Cafboan C*?* Ueorget wn,
Dt.Htrveat, he*, Baltimore, W'tc'imaa, Cbapmao. do. En'ar
pria*. Bibber, Baltimore; Gee.'re II rl nan. W. rtn, Phiat'elp.ja;
lewtl*. Cb.rt.uck, rki'ecelptiu. Htmey Paveon, Croeell. Wilming
to" !>?'; I*il*?, WeVf.,Ro d :t 1.1 >u I'.ea-a*. "J*w fork. Homer,
Parker. N*w York; Prwaio**' Hwrieie, Hat*., r4*w Vork; Wm H
Turner, Bean, I'.-ruiri nth, Kl. V aroalia, Str. .1 Mach.as. ClJ. ?bpt
(Bt j Je**a.'i, Haree. I.ivsrpoel a ? Hohne; la?atti>. Hall, Cuba; narl
B> Ma), h.Uh.? SI John, NB, brig* Hay ?i J Clay, Curaena; An
gaxat,SaeaW, St I *i >ma* atd kirti a ui., Roun l P.>ad. Pear. ?, t. ??
* r.ef Super?. (B'i Poiwat P.ct->a NS; aa-ta Lewi. C St. h,
M'FeJeer,, Pie/t in p. ere; I/ o? an*. (.re?n. 9t Pot :go.
Rue R> lereon, Cbaae, Mobile; sehr* Jam** (i K ng, Wainwrigtit.
Wilnupgtor. NC; Haaka. Walen. Nor ?Ii; Phrmoutb Rorl. fet-*y.
haw TSVkj B r Reer**, Sank Shaw, do; A'hioa. Robiowa. Dama
riacotu; RaUa. Remark, II worth, RotbeeUr. J.ejeah Kowae, ki
guati. Edw A Fuel Stewart Portem -atb; Cimnsod ire. Patter*..iM
Denver?. Sid tbi* I ?r*aooa.p*ck*tari.p Daniel WvbaUr.
BALTIMORE. Apri' 4- Arr b-ig J.-kn Allr*d, Jobneoa Attaaap**,
1*. CM ans tUUiurrt. Dutt<n. Rk. Jaoe.ro aad a market: achra A
NK-keraoo. Cmw*l!, ptymonthi Trj b. Ph il p?. Cnarteet n. K P
Stie ku-n Sop*r, New Tnrk; Hydrat g*%, Jordan. BotUe; Mediator,
Ma laud C baiktetna; fcea Tailor Aeho'.t. d ?
BRAINTREE. April J? Arr ach Armada. Ksllet. HT?ek
CHARLEtTUS, April 1-Airsr.g Oulnaia, It Jar- *? Cusa. Cid
ahnt* John R*v*n*l. Turner, Liverpo. I; Catharine, Wilaoe NT?rk|
berk Saraoer. Tat**, HOrlaaaa Went to tea, ihip Cathariae.Wilaoa,
HTork; E A H*pn<*g. Taylor. Hnrt*IA,Va
DaMARI'COTTa March ST-A'r wb Gbd*. C'-fford, Bostea. Sid
Sana, arh Cbarla* and Wilh* PullaaM**. Vs.
F ASTPORT, Harrt *6 -Arr ach Cuttag*. Aulaeek. BoaU.u. 17th,
M*gul.-, kVHon; brig* Drigu,-, Setv.H* Mar .?ata, Shacx.
ford, Bo.no. *>tb, *cf* T*xan. I<aen an, B.ie-. n; Huatren Hi"vp* ,
So. IVtL.br.g Norluth. P*a4iati-n. Boatm,: H Aboy, PA*. Sei. n -
SOtb. Paleet-i.e. WatTs, N*'fa.t. Sav. y Kaagtit B.aetb. aa led
?cb* Mary M Cae* Rum:*y. New Turk. Port. Brown, Bahimor* ?
Seih, bekj Brock lie*, Co way, Setxasdrui; a. b A tbktaJ, Corbwt, Car
Ssia*. SVith. Arrad*. Biajara.Saarn; Mary. ?,**.
EAST MACH1AS April 1 -SM ?ehre Bratua. for HTork; Orltad,
PstWhkn, do, G*,dio*r,sod Wtn Sutsns. d -. It -Shi Kb ArUnta*,
Bssk*ll NY. rk
PALL RIVER, April 3?SM are Taatic, Brichunas. Horfolk; il ?p
Jamee, Bord** vi* Rrattol 4A?Arr Kb Gen Marion Tattle, PkJa
GAl.VESTOH. Msrrh 2S?Arr I Jtfc, bng L thera, Bealtty, Hew
Or lease. 14U. ecfcr H*wtoa. Malaon. Mosikt, I Sox, kng Ws.bega,
Se.ith. Bwtuia; istb. bng gxrelwat Ma h.a. N'trkaaa* Cid. lata,
brig Billow. Colbara. aVattc*; Zivajht, Pnetd. M .b I*. lath, abip B
It ?.I.e.. All.-, NT. ik
El'GAKTOWH, Mck 30th? Arrack Picket. Wateh. Hsvfck tar
Boaton. April lat Arr ecke Onoe. nf StGeo g* Norfolk 'orCamlea.
Akaneoc De**, I'trier. New York lor da. Sd?Arr ?bis Narr*gau**t.
R. x*r*. In m Pai ?*.. Oceaa n-r NaataekaA. with |*TA> bole tp. all So
alae oil Ha* beta* lepwed from HrneM* H ?>? A am arr ktr|ua
Jobs Sw?t*y. Barr. He* Ort**** for Sewrn. Tb* J 3 wm b u t at
Cincinnati. * St 0 toe* burlbe*. w?? towed i .wo th* M leaaa pin h*v
ng*b.pp*d car*., at Ciacui .au. ekatk coueeaU cf pork aad lard ll?>
... . vt,. vT*, "tspte* C*?d?nsi lor Saarn-; Ja..* Haawaa.Miu
uel, tap* Hatte?, bound I.
A ... arr br.g Re I'd lagwiaon. Plums *r Tnatdad. Cuba 14lh alt,
for Boaton. Left kr.g* Wm P.tt, Huw**, for Bay to*. Eaaarh Biaa*i
Mortsa fordo. IP day*. Brageaia. Tonng f r New Tora I"; Sabrae
ka Pirntt.doU; Rcr.morJ ? Hilm, do I, Intito, Simm no, 1<
Ii, Mai) Partu? On., for do; Rnee. Doaoe. do; Jama* Crosby,
Psndletnr, Lsg; mm 8 D Hart, for Sew Tora 4 dar*.
Aleoer recb Elita Jana, Raraard. Nantueiet f r Beruraore. SM
Mb Crintto, Pnher, "aw fork ?;s N*w BedorJ 3d La.lel baro/ia
Jokn Sw*?ey i brig* MV Ida, Jan? Hoar** ?Rk bd Ings-lill, arka
Orioa. Alana-a D*an Park?. 4 h?8M *rh Energy Marrkaat. Boa
too la port at >p Nirraf aneetl. Jug I ?eh Ein* J BBS. <er Riftim re
HAHTFORD Aprtlt-Arracbs 3?n Lai. VY I him Ph elelpl B]
?loop Hear* Cny. E y New Jork 4th. arhi Wa Collier, Brook*,
Ph ad* i r ,a. Ehta B Cr.athy, H.attun
MATHIAS. Marrh Jo?Arr brig North Aitr?i, F "tor, Boston
Slat art a D .aw rth. Tbavn ss"B Bel Albert. Carter. He t?.t, A ol
1 ?. r.a Mar ha, Hu'mee, Boat, a ; Mai>hatua, Veel, Stagor; Hew
Errla d, Vina,do.
MUBiI.B March 47?Air ah p* Co] Cutt*. Cnaas, ? Tort: Hi',
lev. Morrell B-?ton ; hark A I n?o Friebea do: Spbrg t'fneo,
Men-tany. Mataaaaa. Cid brig Liad.a, Ka.pl>. Boet-.n. Mi an
?hipJaa Frown. i:?iM*. Ph'edeinhis. Cli -hipi W?*?V,
Kn g. I. lerpool; E?moralda, Mr Mantis, do, W.an.ugtoti ' Br; vt |.
l * do; *ch Mar* Aabor, ok Harriroo, Rraxna R.var Br< ksn Eli
Ubeth EMndiS,'nrlHoatoo, wert ti> ??? yeata-Jiv
HORFOLK April 3?Arr achi Prank. MvMa'h. ?iTork . Puto-rm-,
Besr*e. Newport, la HatrpUo Roadi, ich Crin?, Ii Bafl Bess
NEW ORI.EtBl. March ?7-Arr ih.p* Erapir?, Pedrrck, Baa)1
tue i Girlish i'dri. Slater, Liverpool <ia Belia.t. trd ir. Ta '?? I,
Lverprol: tjassa Tictona. Chaee. STork v,a Boner I id ana Ben?
nett. NYnk. Hsrnaborg. Mitbawa, do; bark Supdia,Fver?-t, *ew
port, Wal*?; br?? Hamlet Crawford, Charfcat-n Leoatia?
Point; *rbf Jt ba Ro*i? Morr.ecn, T*mn* Bay ; f/toruHai O ?od
maoaon, Havar.r. Oeo I. ccolo. Rogen. Krtloa SiatJag Clearaf
?reamah p <?e re ?. Porter, RTork via Havara | ahipa Colombo. Gar
rib, Liverpool; Sent Cerollci Prento.do; Baimorai ( Br), Mo-a in
do; Fr?nr?. D*ric*on, Bo*to- . V% e-t in- ater, Sbapter. HTnrh . dr
bark Char<otta Hamwa. Mi Utyr* L.verposl; hen K'li--t. Daser
PhilarJelt.hia; bng* Fnnento iSpl Bertraa Bar.eloni: P Siule,
Smith. Huna j Lacy Watt*, Watti.Saviasih ; ich EJw Barnard.
d?ea 9t Mirka
NEWPORT, Apr l 4?Arrerhi Dut, Phi' ol. Pro?al?nc? (or "J
Tork ; Metamora, Kn e Norfolk ; Gao Eng* Dorr, do for R- a ,
Behridsrs. Stcddsrd, R 7o>k Warahira ; Lae r Jans Paine, aWeStwi,
Virf inn ; K bed B Be*, Sherman, Tappahacninck. Boston?on
We?ne.diy. 3d, it u A M* wia ran into by a. h Maryland, bait Now
aprtt and tome rggicg; Item Baker. Haw?e, Boeton. V re ma.
Ocean Wave. Eaoiele. do. Tangier Soaed.
NEW LOBDOIf. Apnl3-Arr act a B Brown, Richard. New Torki
El tabeth, Ew?n, from doler Norwich. Sid ar.be II T Willen Smith,
for Boeton; New London. Latham, for do. April 4?arrecb aweanae,
Peroe. fm Kitgaton for Boaton; Ihn* Psterkm. Avary, from A'Da .y;
Faanree Hailett, Waiden, In m New Badford tor Phil*; *k>op Areit,
Lawie ImNTnrk.
NEW BEHFORn, Apr Ik?Shop Em.ry, Br if*. NTork. Aprd 4,
Arr erhr Adelaide Child*, Ph.hvlelphra; II ?n Krdma?.Sherman,
New Terk. Sarah, Pern', do; lip Inder, Bumf ue. New Tork.
PORTLAND, April 3?Arr bark C B Hamern, Mean*. Me'aa
tia, br i Hbbotw, Tork.do, Brich Oir? 9-am h. Hindi. St tndrt**,
NB; ?< hi Cl?rnaa, Or f!o. and .Monadnock, Crlao?, Saarapnrt.M load
fer Wilmirarton. NC; Oeo Henry. Fa ler, St (e? .ree; Brnnard. S??
lee, lad Glien, Ricbirdoa. Mt Deaert f r Boeton; Ballon*. All**,
Broollioa for Bo*ton. Little Mirv, Lawn Funrai, Tiltun. and Lacy
it Ab <*il, Tilton, Briatol for ttoi?o ., Cb i oi Polled, and S i;
Francee, Tukey, Bnatcl forS*'?m; Gk>uca*t*r, Smith <)'de, Hiag;>ni,
ao* Cintero, Smith, Trenton for Boeton; Baatocket, Peadartoa, Call
dan for New Haven; J im Soiiw, Gordon Orlaol fur New Tork: Al?
pha, Beil. Buckipoit bf New Bedford Cid ach Leuna Laut, New
buryport April 4th- Arr birk Macidooia Lona(. Matanil. CM,
bnr, Ar?!. M?rr 'l Ca-'inia; a-hr Hope Hnrchin?on Havana. SM,
barla Piaiti*, R H twfjkb tr li S*a Rir*. Har.aeeaket. Elmirt. M T
W>Mer Abo ild, br < Eolun, Blaocbard, Ne? Tork, bj load for
Fi i Jiniiro
POBTIMOITH; March 31- Arr * hi Morrinr Star, Friah*?, B??
ton; April., Wellinrt-a, I.iwry, Norfolk; Biy State, Witaon do
via Boa-on
PROVIDENCE, A| r.l I?Arr Wig Grar.il Turk. Porler, Carton**;
Khi PaoDiirviLia, kill. Pbila-Ieipbia; Mary Brockw.y, Baouioe.
Lyn.? i ah-cpi BawW Wil.umi, Rr.oJee NTcrk ?- W Hard. Piytoe.lf
Toik, Report, Beel wi-b. >V.rk Sip. iC-a ComM >dor*. Rica. N
T' rk ; Rom in Bloom, Karnon, do; Star, Ni< k?r*oj, P?ll Ri>?r, to
fii.iah trvad rf ror Saaaunah
PHILADELPHIA. April4? Arr.bark Jare Ginn. Braunau. Ciea
fui-iO?; br e Moeall*, Hatci c|, Carienaa; ach tirreli? Cr ?*11, H>?
ton, CM, bark Japonn a, Gl lag* er, Havana; aoln J P Brown, Col?
let', Wi m peton. NC; J (im-tipee,!, Clark, Hartford; Pater Cli lata,
Seller* Bridgeport. Lydia Aan, V.-orhia. do. 3tranger. Elhi. Plym?
outh; J Learning. C- r*on, Canihrii'gvioort, Mae?, WM H. Brawn,
Altona. NT; Syrvia Higher. Hignee Providence.
c<riNCT, April .)? Arr, birk Horace, Alton, Soaton, to load for N
RICHMOND, April 3?Air, hark May Queen, WaUoa, NOrlein*.
?. h Daniel Baker. Coi, NTcrk Sld, echt Hanovar, Lampku. N?w
Tnrk: Cr.?. Brown, Ar; 'egit*. do.
SAVANNAH. Mar. h II ?Arr. brig Waterloo, Stnrar, Boaton; aab
Mi?aa. Hagadorn, Rio de Janeiro CM, Norw brig Sol.de, Jaulen,
S ALEM, April4- Arr, bng Garland. Savory. P*ra;*ch T.ppecaa ?*,
Firm?, Bilfaat. Cld.Brbria; Concord. Wh te, ( lare. v.g H ?t .n
ST GEORGE, March *rj- Arr br g Challenge, Horton SM, Abb,
?eh Alccma. W illanl, Tor? River
THOMAS IHN, March f>7. bng J Cohen, Boaton; April 1, ach Au
mra, do. Sld, da dne. *<h Alabama do.
TACNTOV, April 1 Arr ai ha SiPkh. NTork; Jam?a. do.
WILMINGTON. April i? Arr ?cha Nathan Dur??. Oav.a, Ch?rl-e
ton, SC. ttaballa Thompwn Coraon do. CM, *d, .. a Lau a
Woo ford. Bait Cbaa MiUa. Freie at, .Work. BJ ich* tcb* H I Ba
Bar, MrGhiiglil n, Pbila, Fm ly Weaver. Brock, i >.
ING ROOMS, a ' Broadway, Urn corner above toe
Irving Hume ?Terma reduced one half?viz i $2 S$ for 10
leaioci, one hour each?Stationery fto centi : or W Iniaotn
for aV*1. ircludlcg Stationery?payable on lubscrthlng. La
dtea' Claaaei at II A M. actf 4g o'clock P.M. dally, except?
ing Saturday! Gentlemen at 9 A M and 3, 7 and H o clock
PM dally, excepting Saturday Private Inatraction. (at
the Rooma only) $ 15. for aale, Goldsmith' a Oema of Pen
man?hlp,$l 54!. si Iw*
V^ORLD'S FAIR.?An Americsn, tho
v v oretlcnl and practical Mechaaic, being about to visit
the World'a Pair, would take charge of a few Cominte?
rn ?? for Sale of Inventions, Ac. the advertiser having apent
several years tn Knglacd In connection with Inventions Is
thoroughly acquainted wltb ihn routine of business re?
quired, and having valuable business connectloui In Ku>
rope. Sailifactorv references Address Box ML Chat
bam-squsre Post Of?ce, post-paid. s4 3t K M '?'? ?
Broadway ? The above Darned premises are now
o) i ii, tviih an entirely new and extensive Importation of
? lie vary lsieet .1...of kfantillaa. from Ow. m.?i .llajlo
Buisbttf faliricanti of Paris In devoting his attention to
trie exclualve ImporaUon and manufacture of ih.?*e> olegant
appendages of ladles' attire, the. proprietor deems it necea
?ary to observe, that while hie conitant -t-nly will be to
present the verv latest and wost approved tear ions, he is
alio determined that cheapness shall hi a leading charac
teristeristic of bin eiutblishrneut; and being cotmected with
some of llie very Ural houses in tbe French capital, ho poe
sessei unusual facilities for accompliebing tbeeo objects.
INoveliies will be constantly received by every Kuropoan
?teanier. The impection "f ladiei ii iiiost rKrip*ctfuilv so?
licited- |a'j 2t*| OEO. fll'LPIN, Ml Broadway.
Important Work.
Bounce for lnmieuiatn publication the Works of Alexander
Uamllion, Aidr-de-Cainp to Washington, and (first Secre
tary of the Treasury of tbe United Slates, compnalng bis
Correiponderjce, end bis Political and Official Writings,
Civil ami Military. Published from tbe original man'iscripts
depoilted in the Department of Slate, by order of tbe Joint
Library Committee of Congress. The work will beeJrn>
pletea In seven volumes octavo; the contents of which will
be ss follows:
Volume I comprises the correspondence of Uamtlton
prior to ibeestablishment of tbe present Oovernrndntifrom
1169 to 1789.)
Volume II. embraces the residue of the writings of this
period ; a lerles very eiieoital to ? correct knowledge of
our early political htitory.
Volume III contains the papers which relate to the or*
ganl/atlon and cocduct of tbe fiscal department of our G^Va
ernaiect, Its revenues and public credit
Volume IV will Include the period from IT89 to 179%
embodytpg the papers designated as "Cabinet Papers."
comprehenciQg the most Important part of Wash.ngiJu's
Volume V will be devoted to other, official wrltiogi, not
comic g wtibln the previous neeer1pt*on
The two remaining volumes vrtll give t>e correspondence
?ubeerjiiepi to uie year I7n9, and an accurate aeries of po
Ilitr-sl papers of great and lasting value.
An edition of the works of this dlitlngulshel stiilesman
has long been an object of anxious i-i'w To the itatea
man, the diplomatist, tbe po tticiar, the student or history,
snd tbe general reader, they will prove Invaluable, and to
public and private llbrarleejan Indispensable addition. Tney
are now presented py us to the public, chiefly srlnied from
MSS purchased by Congress, under the direction of tie
Joint Library Committee They have not lesen itereoty p*?d,
and only five hundred copies have been printed for sale;
an early application will therefore be necessary to secjre
copies. The Publishers will receive orders from subscri?
bers st 92 2S per volume. The work Is handaomely printed
atd bound in cloth When completed the price will be
raised to $2 50, or 117 yi the let
The first volume is now ready, the second and third are
already printed, and the remainder will apeedlly fohow.
Orden mould be sent dlrectlv to the Publishers.
ra? 6tiaMWB_BM Broadway, New.Tork
TER COLTON. V S. N., embracing the following
entertaining worki, viz i
Deck and Port, 1 ml. !2mo , 4?> pages, with beautlrully
tinted eegravlcga Price $ I 2b.
Ttree Yeari tn California, 1 vol, 12mo, wltb numerous
illuatratlcns and uortraits Price tl 25.
The a*ove worka are fu'l of Interest, and cannot be pe?
rmed but wltb great dellgbL
The following works, from the pea of this lamented au?
thor, will toon appear, under the edltoriblp of Rev. Henry
T. Cheever. author of " The Whale and Its Captors,'' aod
" Ii'and World of the Pacific "
Ship and Shine, with tl.nitrations on steei.
Land and Lee, with l.lmtranona on steel i and the
I'nputillshad Remata? or Rev Waiunr C lum, toirather |
with a brief Memoir, and Notes lllnstrstive of bis Lite and
Ch**arteras Chaplain. Editor. Author and Judge, with a i
Por. alt A. 8 BARNES A CU , Pu'Ulshers.
?4 gtMtriaAitWeow_51 Johnst.
To the Medical Profeaelen - Jast Pubiisned. Part 2U of
TROSPECT-July to January, |&M.-Ttie preaemi
number of 'his Journal will be found equally Interesting to
the pr?..f?esloB with Its predecessors, containing, as it does,
a complete and reliable digest of whatever new discove?
ries have been made in the Medical Sciences within the
last ilx months To the active pracdUorser, no leas than is
the iti'dent, the work Is Invaluable
Timm*? per camber, 75 cents; per annum. $ I *>; and
for lbs whole aeries, No 1 to 23, in Nob 913 50; bound, te
9 vol*. |I8, Invariably in advance
ITf lawDklamWtf K?7 rulton it
\rOUAlT & MARTIN'S (.rest Work
M. vc CATTLE-Now ready Price, tl 2S Being a
Ueatlte of their Breeds, Management and Disease, cora
prlilng a fuil acd complete Hi lory of ibe varioui aVacei.
lhetro*tgtn. ?>re?dlng and menu ; their capacity for Boef
ard MI'k; the nature acd treatment of their disease?the
wkx.ie fi rming a complete Guide for the tarmer, A uaieur
and the Veter nary Surgeon, with one hundred spleodli
lllustrailoea Edited by Ambrose Stevens. Ear;
" Mr Ti oatt has a high rspnlatioa in Raglaaa is s echalar A his
b r?sl sad *rwt.Uhr ressartk, aid s* s vskwiaaiy larswoa of pro
t nod prtjfoeSmrai kaowiedte in sa-tk acieoce snd prsctn e of lbs art"
i C laner sod Emairw.
? The American edition has been isv.swsd w tk great rare and the
is aWAWta a ia br ugkt dowa to I .v praaeit tims " f N T TnS'ina
" Ibe paalnhar has got sal as eireihat aaaaWB of thu valuable
?ess r rtostns Tsmmss pt
C. M SAXT?N, Publisber,
a-5 *U?_123 faltoBrst, up atairm.
?ubwl>er has on hand and U nmsrantiv iwoeaving
Ent-liah eo ored Skivars, colored Calf Skins, r^reaten, r?r
trx Mor^cvj. |Lb*^ l^oj^ fjarv^gpau and Calf
SatTA Book, tltnh. Marble p,r>er, and evvjry arttele re
5^? L\r!Dd'T7 Always on band a large aaayorvneni
of Oeo OndleVi mmjeritw Bark Skt^era, Blank. Steep ami
Law Ca' dkins-all of wb>b are offered ai tbe lowest
"avfSP ^ iAMES CfXJJC ***d pearls.
1." I NU Thu work, m* root* t -awiiful *ve*r published
od Ibe an, rooLaJna ? eotnuleu* t*M of boot*, printed In col
ora.) fortr*. end riie>rc*V)i)le calculation* arlib a thorough
ri-uf i" of explanation*, dated lo correspond avtth u?e treu*
actions as J ooiriee i tU> pp octavo. $1 V> bound For sale
ti IB* author'* counting room* for the Study of Practica
took keeping.88 Cedar-at Sect per express, or In HP*
exver* per mall, to any part of the Ualtad Slates Tbl?
work la published In trie taute style !n Spanish, frapwi
ose* of Mr MARSH'S Course of Private (ostrurilon oo
laliied as a bore Term*, $'i5 m!2 In*
rpHE .eolian piano forte?t.
I *.l LBIRT A CO 8 PI AND FORTES at i>> and 417
A new and splendid ware-room lor the sal* of the itistly
i-i Vl-reted .t'.ollan Pistlo K?rles madebvT Olliwt v Co,
l as recently been opened by WATERS A KERRY, at
St Broadway, comer of Aaitony-si, la at! t. m to their
fcinier e?t?hi,".hraeiil at 447 Broadway
Toe rapid sei* ol tl.ese lustrum' u a and their eatlre suc?
cess, both ami >nr aiuaieur aod professional musicians are
ample proof of their superior quslliy Thesubscrttors are
now prepared to offer to lb* public the largeel and beat **
aor; merit of Piano*, both wtih and wlihoui the .4-: > lan (*>
ci mpanlmeDt, ever exlblled In this city In *? swer to
ibe assertions of those interested In tne s?ls of other pianos
that " the Attachment Injures the Piano." the following,
copied fiotn T. Gilbert A Co s published circular 1* sui
fielet I.
" We offer to select and forward to any part ef the coun?
try ai our loweet prices, such instrument as may be or?
dered, accompanied by the cash or aatiafactory refereu
and pledge oursalves to refund ibe> full amount received,
with all recesssry cost of transportation. If the Instrument
falls lo give entire satisfaction. The testimonials we have
received from all parts of the country assure us thai the
J?ollan Pia.io K?rte baa only to be known to take the pre?
cedence of all othera The public are invited to call atd
examine. Second-hand Piano* taken la exchange Piano*
to Let
Also, a second-hand Grand Piano for sale very low.
S4 tf 3*? and 44? Broadway
NER. (late Dubots A 8 tod art.) Piano Fine Manufac?
turers, having disposed of their Catalogue of Music to Mr.
? C Jollle, nave removed from their old stand lo the new
and elegant Ware-room, Sf* Broadway, where they have
constantly on hand a large assortment or6,6?, 6,, 6{ and 7
octave Piano Forte* Their Instruments are construe ted
In the most substantial manner, and are unsurpassed for tne
richness, depth, and brilliancy of tone, delicacy ol touch
and sunertor finish. They are warranted to stand the ac?
tion of any climate, and a written gtiaracieaa aeeomp*".l?*
every UiauumenL Purchasers are reapeclftiily Invited tu
call and examine ihelr stock.
mlllm* Hate DuboisA 8todart,)Soo Broadway.
sons about purchasing. Piano* vrill Sod It to their ad
niniage lo call at RENNET A COMPANY'S Manufactory
IM Fulton-M (east Side of Broadway ) They have a large
sssorimeni of Rosewood Pianos eocstantlv oa hand. Evecy
Instrument warranted for two years, kf A Co have ihs
names of more than 1,0(0 persons thery will refer to, win
have parcfiased PIsjms of them, all of which have give*
anlversal satisfaction, but when any doubts are eapresaed
as to their quality, the payment may be withheld until suet
doubts are removed. Old Pianos exchanged. New and
second-hand Piano* to let. _n37tf
PIANOS.?A fj octave Piano, nearly
Dew, for $140; 1 do for $30. Two new rosewood
Pianos for sale cheap. Also, 2 Music Stools, 15 gold
Watches and Chains, 1 set Girandole*. 2 Show Ca?.-a.
i lute. j Palzings. 1 pair Globes, Ac. lie Ca*h advance
or any goods, groceries, hard ware, luruilU'O, piano?
books,'watche* aid merchaxd<*e. and personal proonrtv of
ail kinds. [aS 2P | l. F. JONE?J. ?6 Ann-sL. 2a floor.
TERB A BERRY, 333. corner of Anthony-*!, and 441
below Grand-*!. Broadway, at the Piano Forte rooms of T
Gilbert A Co. have a large assortment of second-hand Pi?
ano* for sale cheap or to rent, at prices from $45 lo $lfiO.
Also, a good assortment of Music lor sal* at areduc-d
price. Dealers supolled on liberal terms. Befell luv
PIANOFORTES.?Pawns about pur'
chasing Piano*, will find It lo their advantage to call *t
R. Slenn A co s Manufactory, 194 Fttlion-st. (west of Broad?
way.) A general assortment of mahogany and rosewo.*,
piano* constantly oa band, which will be sold low for east
?r approved paper. Dealers snppled on liberal terms
130 if ft. GLENN A CO 19? Fulton-at
PIANO FORTES.?For Sale at Mann
farturers' prices an assortment of 7 octave Pianos with
all the modern improvements in elegant Rosewood ras?*,
A guarantee will be given for two year*, and iun*d one
Jeer grail* Apply at the Manufactory of McDONALD A
RUTIIKit. - <i Bowery near First-*!. For sale a gecoud
Hand Picolo Piano. Price $13?. Bf I w*
ORGANS.?Church Organs for sale,
one of eight ?top*, general swell, with peda's, Gothic
case; one of six stops, general swell, Uoihle case, painted
oak; aise. one of five atops do. The above Organs are
warranted, and will be found of superior lone and finish.
They will be sold low for cash, or credit
a4 3i?_W. ti. DAVIS, 67 MacdongalM.
RY? GKORUE JARDINK. 648 rearl-*t. near Oily
Hospital. Broadway, New-York ?Plans and eetimaiea gl
reo. Orders respectfully solicited, which will be moat
falthful.y executed, and upon liberal terms. JalS lyM WS*
Cl 6cH. BARMORE offer at their Man
1"e ufactory and Warerootn, 348 BLEKCKER-st cor?
ner of C .sr.i-asi. an assortment of elegant PIANO
FORTES, with the metallic frame and reverse bridge, and
all other modem Improvements. tar Sin*
JtSc C. FISCHER, (late Nonnb <Sc Kih
? che* ) Manafactory aid Ware room, 176 Greenwich
St. corner of Dev. PIANO-FORTES warranted, with re
verse nrtd/e and patent tube, well calculated for keeplps
In tune Pianofortes toned, repaired ai.d exchanged J2H Im*
PIANOS,?First Premrom 1841, 'J:
and '44. superior warranted instruments, from 6 to 7
octaves, al the lowest manufactured prices,
al Im* CHARLES J HOLDEN, 181 8pring-st.
f^or SALE?A new grand PIANO
I- KORrE In Eritrd's style and wlibErard's grand actl n ,
full (even octaves, most brilllsnt rosewood case Chesp,
at 164 Chambers st Apply from 3 to 4 P. M. m31 I in*
PIANOS FOR SALE and to hire, at 7
Barr *y-it opposite the Astor House, from |J to7 oc?
taves, in iiiseiwood and mahogany cases.
tn15 3m* JAMES THOMPSON. lateTallmanA Randall
i-" Carharfs own improved, of superior tone and styl*
at his ware-rooms. Please call and examine for yourself
oil7 Im* J 8. CLARK, 368 Broadway
BON. 33 Canal-it [warerootn 2d story, I offers for sals
a splendid assortment of Rosewood PIANOS of 6| and 7
?ctsvea, with the latest improvements ml? Im*
OR SALE?A good second-hand Piano,
6 Octave*, excellent tone, at 605 Hou*ton-*L a I St*
Anthony J. Blbklksr, Auctioneer
'SALE OF WATER LOTS and privileges on the
East River, and about 4e*j BUILDING LOTS and parts of
lots on Kirn acd Second avenues, and on Avenue A, and
on One Hundred and Eighth. Ooe Hundred a d Ninth, One
Hundred acd Tenth. One Hundred and K'.eveaih, Ooe
Hundred and Twelfth, Oc? Hundred and Thirteenth. Oue
Hundred and Fourteenth. Oue Hundred and Fifteenth and
One Hundred acd Htxteemh sis .all lying in one body to the
Twelfth Ward of the City of New-York, at auction?AN
THONY J BLEECKER will sell si auction on WED?
NESDAY. April 1? 1C51. at 1*o'clock, at the Merchants'
Exchsnge, the following valnanle properly, viz:
At Harlcm- 10 bltcfcs of ground, containing about 42b
lois and parts of lots, beautifully ?nuated for building pur
fio*e*. beag all connected, lying to one parcel and extend
ng from Sexuind-avenue lo the Kaal River and from On*
Hundred and Eighth to Ooe Hundred sod BUieaaih-st,
with a valuable waterfront of about l.**v feet on said river.
On tbe property there Is a large and handsome mansi *>
houie and other bulidlnga Tbe lot* areonarlyall of full
sir* and fit for I an mediate use, there being no rock and very
ll>lie uneven grouad, rendering Inem very deelrable for par?
sons of small means to purchsse a building lot, or capital
Uta to make s safe and profitable Investment, Ftrai-?ve?ue
and Avenne A Irving (opened and Second avenue opened
and n-gulated. Tbe abov* lot* are admirably calenla'ed
ft r tro-chanlcs, worktegmer. a?d for large naaofaeturlng
pirposes, being only a few minutes' wa k from the Harlem
Railroad Depot and the Kaal River i also for persons doing
te.ilnri? in Ilm cttv, a* tbe Haxlr-m Aailrotd cere atop artth
li a few blocks of the property, renderlog u both desirable
s-.d fiit verreri This property, from Its peculiar location
and advantage-*, will soon become a populous and eery Im?
portant part of our city, so that those wishing to in vest their
money lo advantage would do well to poeeeas themselves
of some portion of Il For terms and further particulars
apply to the Auctioneer, 7 Broad st, wbere lithographic
nisps of ibe a'.ove can be obtained,
?j 6,7,9,11,13 is_(1^507)_
D 8 Huwh, Auctioreer
THIS MORNINU, at lOi o'clock, at
87 Gre?ri*rtrb-*verjue, will be sold, ail trie Furt. .
lure of two families, worthy Ibe attention of booseseepers,
6 Carpets. 3b Carved aLd full French Mahogany Chairs
sod Rockers. Mahogany and Walnut Bedsteads Mar?
ble-top *rd Mahogany Tables, large Mirrors, 2 fine Bofss.
I superior Sofa Br^steaad. eiegext Dtvaas, Bareasns >
Feather Bed*, fine Hair Mattree***. Voltaire Chairs. M*
hogany Waaa^taada, Palltassea,wlih lots of other Furaiture
j Hecsmsn, Aatdocenr.
q^HlS DAY. MONDAY. April 7th, at
-? 2 o'clock P M_, al the comer of Pearl and Ttllary st*.,
Brtw klyn. Par! ir, Chsmb*r and Kiteben Kurnitur*.
TI ESDAY. AprU8, at II o'clock. A M . at 13 Kaat Bal
Uc near Conn si, a small qnaxtiiy of good Plain Furniture.
SAME DAY. at 2 o clock P M . at 196 Llvmgsi.mat.
tear Botd. HANDSOME FURNITURE, in use but three
Catalogues st the Sales ftoom, 191 vvashlngton-sl it*
Theodoss Mallssv. AsatorMrsr.
ANT V\ ERP, wlil*ellooTUEBOAY. April8. at |f?o clock,
at 170 Hetry-*i, the entire Furniture contained In the
above house, comprising a general assortment, together
with the kitchen Furniture, with which the sabs wilTeotn
aTience. Catalogue* now ready, and can be had at tbe of
Bce.SI Wail-st. a7 3t*
BA. M. MkkwiN, Aucuoneer
Y BAN(iS. BROTHER & CO., Trade
Sale Roc ms. 13 Park-row.
REMOV. AL.-B. B k CO have removed to the New
b or-, 13 Park row
E. C. KCNr, A .f.Lnwr
1 J " ? ? ?? r f -NITURK, ofuVtMkM
i .V.p '1 0 r M ? ?"-?if - SS
R C KIMI' w; |s*jj MitKm, a beautiful.
? .f *u(ertor hrel-r.s*. Fursjtiu,,., ail of which hin .55
na. e by ooeof oj, oMaM **i*t>lt?b*d ani w*x7kf**w5
d :i el tinkers. e-d*..ld In COiM?r<vier.ee ,,r . **
? ., 5 IM af M.v co"#ro.J?M? of h**?f * ra.
Pa?l >? Fis?itcbe - Elegant ear**** ro**wo*d tatet*.
Tun.i.t.1?. rn ?utu-. covered in Free** avoceieil*.
r.vei. piu?h, fcc. of tae Very rlcheet dttlfu aTd *r*Z"
r.eewood CaAtaa??, eter g~ree ^.a* - ?-Tg*?;
Boele alai d( , r.rved roaewood center table? w h r,-?*
Uta, bleck, cold and wall* Iiaiiaa mark)* nnl*
* l?te*. c**v and spring tea*
rtkidrai papier mache, pearl Inial4 e*ot*r and wnrkt*.
Dies. 4 r
Csutsaaa Ft/bnitt,?r -Rosewood, mahogany oiM.k
?? ?nd enameled chamber furnitort?. in e-n ' Blrh *
? P '-ureeux and ? h?h tund*. wardrobe*, loucea? eau*.l
rha.ra.kc ? ?^vl**f*
Dimihg room sen Luaaar Fia*iTtraE --k^taaaloo
and other dining tabes, mahogany chair*, ?:Jeboar4#, X
'"?'*' ' ra ?rd eetv ? hairs srake.
? i d caro table*, a so bail furrltur*. alz : Bronzeaod bjoa
Nat Hand*, ha 1 chair*, laldea. vc Sofas. teta-*-i*t*V d<
?an*, am and roekm.- m.ir*. carved mahogany apera*
?eat ch*!r*. variou* pattern* | ottomans, coochea, arartS
top center, aide, pier, fancy and other l?b,e* Marine
ci ?'r*. collage bedeieade ic , Ac '
Catalogue* the morning of aal*.
Good* mm rrbaeed to go out of tb* city can be packed lor
?hipping at a reasonshie charge, or itiey can remain la the
(lore until the 1st of May, free of charge. a? It*
'.-..-tlooeer ~~
I t>TS. No*. Inland la.' VVoo*ter-*t at Aar doc -AN.
T"()NY J BI.K.El KKR. will eel! at Auction on WED.
NK.8DAY.Apn. A 1 IS]. at II o'clock, at the Merchant*' Ex
change, the foliowtug valuable property, viz i avast
On Wo? >Ta?->t-Thei\vo valuable 2-*iorv *nd elOV h-TcT
house* and lot* of ground known as No*. 160 and Mg Woo*?
ter-st. between Prince and Housl )u *la i aald lota betas
each In size 21 feel 9 inch** In front, by 75 feat la dentC
The bouae* are each 21 feel ;> lnche* froat, by to feet to
depth, be the same more or lea* finished In good style,
wiib marble mantel*, folding dcor*. Croton water, ke. A*.
One ba'f of the purchase money can remain on bjadaad
mortgage. For further particular*apply to the AacUooeav
7 Broad-et_[IfiSj_k2 WFMTuWdfJ
F Cot tow. Aactioneer
^ THIS DAY, MONDAY, April Tib, at 104 o'clock, at
ih* Auction Room*, No. W Beek man and f9 Ann (treat*,
the furniture of a family removing, consisting of alnoat
every article neceteary for bou*e>keeplng, auch a* Sofa*
both new and (ec< td hand, Book caaes. Divan*. Mafiogaoy
Chalra. French Patent Bed?te*d*; al( > aeveraJ of 8 atb.
ark'* wtndlaaa do; very fine double and tingle Hair Mat.
tre**e*, dree* and p'atn Bureau*, feather Bed*, CarpnU and
Oil Cloth*, dining and tea Tablea, Centre and Card do; <*).
randolea, Detk*. Kitchen Furniture, Jtc. AI*o, a large
auortment of good New Furniture, all kin**. Sale post,
live, without regard to weather. a7 it*
W A. Cartes., AucUoosv, No. 7 New st
Fl'RMTl'RK at Ml Kssi Broadway. ooTUKSDAY,
Ith April, at 10 o'c ock. the Furniture of a three story houss.
vu ; Mahogany Sofas, do. Parlor Chairs wiib studaai
backs, Brussels Carpets. Lace Window Curtsies. Center
Tables, two sets elegant Cut Candelabra* wlih rich est
pendants. Divans. Ottoman*, Mahogany Kcd Table*, do.
Stceboard*, Ingrain Carpet*. High Post Carve.! Bedsteads,
Dressing Bureau*; also ote of I'nickering's Superior Pis*
nofortes in tirsi rate oidar. Catalogue* on tne morning uf
I perty and effects of the Rope and Bagging Company,
situate at Homerville, Stale of Mew-Jersey, will b* sold si
auction on the '<ib day of April nezt, on the premises, at It
o clock M. to the highest bidder. The property consist* Of
s *iib*tantlal brick building. 40 feet by 12) reel, four stories
btgh, with a brick butidlng adjoining for bleashing and dry.
Ing. Also, a large boarding bouse, near the factory, to.
geiher with all the machinery In said mill for ihe msnnsat
ure of Duck from American Hemp. The machinery l*
.if! . lent for the manufacture of 30 bolta of Duck dally, t*
Ii perfect order, and the whole eaiahliahmenl can be *BJ In
v. orklng order In 48 boar*. The power It turalabM by
w aier, taken by canal from the Rar Han river The esuit.
i.hmem Is about two hour's ride by railroad or steamboat,
? in New-York City. For further particulars apolatatlan
.* ould l-e made to the Agent, ai ibe preinises, to MUICB
H GRIN NELL, 78 Bouth-si.or to tsEORGE CURTIS.?
? sJUL, New-York aP il.
CENT. RAILROAD BONDS. *i,*?.???.-TbsratH
scrlber offers for sale $. s,'??' of the Bonds of Ik* Chlcaga
and Galena Railroad, bearing Ten per cast ttuereat,
ander authority from the Legislature, payable m Nsw.
York, and the principal convertible in the stock ot Iba
Company any time within four years.
Tbl* Road form* a link In the great chain of roads from
ibe Atlantic eitle* to ibe Mississippi River, and uoiibuss
no a verv valuable local traffic It U one of the cheapest
roads In the world, having cost but about Sir per rail*
to Elgin, to wblcb place It is completed from Cbkag*
The l?si dividend of thl* Company wss elgbt percsct far
six months on the finished portion of the Road.
The Bonds above-mentioned are a portion of those tssvat*
a** ***> r>r-.*. of Mteadlng the Road to Sal riders, ta
which potm ii l* under conlract.
These ten per cent. Bonds are for sale in arrurunia o? Sm 4
and $l,i?*?, at 10? percent wtthInteirraitfrom 1st M*7 oast,
and furnish the cbeapesi perfectly safe sacartiy oo las
Further particulars can be obtained of tberabacrtber,
m3 MyVSifs JOHN THOMPSON. 84 Wall-?.
ROAD COMPANY will receive proposals un?l the 12lh
day of April next Inclusive, t* be addressed to iha under.
Signed, at the Company's Office, 54 Wall-st. New-York,
lor buildlt g on the Company'* grounds, opposite the City
of Albany i
One Locomotive Esglue House of size to contain Elgt*
leer Engines;
One Smiths' Shop. HO feet irraare, and two Machine
Shops, 50 by 110 feel each. The ouutde walls to ba af
brick. XI feel high, and the roof covered with uiatcbsd
boards and tin. Plans and spedhcailons may be seen at
He Resident Engineers Office, 514 Broadway, Albany,
where sealed proposition* may be left, as well as at lb*
Office In New-York.
The buildings to be finished on or before the first day of
September nest, for a specified som.?Dated March 25,1851.
m25tAI2 WM. C. YOUNG, Chief Engjnew ^
COMPANY, of the Cliyof Now York, to be located
In the Banking House of the People's Bank of ibe Cliy of
New-Yoik, 173 Canal st
Jeremiah Terbell. G. R Hu'tbell, John Money penny,
Freeman Campben.Gideon 1) Angells,G*orge D. (.regln.
John W Lewis, Jamea 8. Brouwer.Charie* T Pier,on,
J. P. YelvertoD, Benalah O. Siokes.Wm. M. Wilson,
H. 8.Terbell. Joiham C. Meeker,Abraham l.egga0.
David D. Crane, W. B. Corning, Edward P Clark,
John Mace, Solomon Bams, Thorns* Williams,
George Youngs, Charles Craoe, Mortimer Brows,
John N Grain, George Warner, Robert C Voorkl**,
Klmon Bblodler, Chrl*. Owyer, Philip J BooettsaL
Edward Nelsun William J. Buck. Charlie Dlmsiesd,
Cbas. H. Mclutyre, Matthias Clark.
The underslgnel Cortuolasloners give notice that boou
of subscription to the Capital Stock of this Company will
be opened by ibem on Monday, the 7th day of April next,
and continue open until the 12th day of April, between lbs
hours of 10 o'clock AM and 3 o'clock P M of each day. si
UieBscking House of the People's Bank of the City of
New-York. 17 > Car a. .t.
JOHN MONEYPKNNY. I c?ma*M\on?r*.
Omca or the Moaais Csast. *no Bashum? Cots-)
rsMY or 1*44 Jersey City, March, 14,1861. }
\OTICE is hereby given that the AnnnsJ
lv Election will be held at the office of the Company Is
Jersey City, on Monday the 7th day of Aprl *ezv for ta*
ebutce of five Directors la place of Class No. 1. whose
term of service will then expire. The Poll will ha opes
from 12 o'clock, M , autil 3PM of that day. Tb* trans***
books will be dosed on and from the 18th lust until the *?
dayofApilL [mlfttApT'l JOHN D FOB. mmt%^
rilERS k CO. No. I? Wood**. PITTSBURGH Pi
Collection* made oc all the PRINCIPAL CITIES of Iks
UNITED STATES Referenc* In N*w-York-M**?s
W/i-alow L*nter*Co hi Wall-**.. enlTB*
ESTABLISHMENT, BlDghamtoo, Broome C*.
N. Y -Tbl* Establishment Is deiigbifuily located at lb*
base of the mountain from wblcb 11 lakes Its name, ass
command* * delightful view of the Chen an go and Susis**
hau Rivers with their neu sad beautiful vaiitee.
The ?? Care/* ta aow open for the reception and tr*a'.tn**>
of pall en la. The Institute has been successful ta S*xilftaf
the eminent professional aid of Dr. C B. BAR RKTT. \*?
of New Tora City who** long experience In HydrsT**!
la auffieleni guarantee to itie patrons of this Institution. Ik*
they will be abundantly cared for. .
All letters, Ac on P' .'essionai bostness, most bsw
dreaaed to Dr. BARR KTT, at the Cure. CommunlcaaW
only will be received that are postpaid.
Cf RE -Dr. JOSEPH A WEDER has sssuaTsMIB*
(*i man urn Medb-al Direction of this Inedui?m ja* ?*
labltabmeel I* ?liuaied In Booth Orange. Esses Ji
Nerw-Jeraey, on* hour'* tide from the city "T klueTSJ*?"
Cssez Raliwsy V isiuirs lake the fwif?soai at
SJonland-st. at 8 A M aid at %k P M Prvate h?"jjl
lac bed to moat of the Patients' room* AS
Srofeaalocal >.nsir,e,? *c..i.uj be s^drvejsed to Dr vve**i?
ethers to the Sup*rlniecleni of ?a Orvjeure Muu*a? Y
- AMPTON, Mm Is the most^UhlA ?^K??2Q,
Udl'.otton of IU kltd In li e country, accessible by r*lu>-?
from the North, South. East and We*L Tan IMowiayar*;
some of tbe advantage* which render svoand ??^?JJ^
be residence for Invalid* ai.d their Menda, and
w ho desire a eomforiable home L Pore aU, extarasiv?jy
c- igh.ful scenery, sed an elevated aod h*eJs?W ?bbsw?
2 Lsrge and pleasant rooms, and eosxtoris saw^ TT.-^.
ences rarely fouBC In stnil Mlns?Wlions. ? jMf^JTtasa*
siperlerced Pbj.lclan 4 InWIigent
5. Aboadance of tbe pure.t spring w*j*r ? * 13 ^
ed for those who at the same nme wish tolfrs^
well while they live. 7 A.a^^J^^^lll.
pjetsim drives in the vicinity. 8. A Oy**w?sioai. wi
fiard room and Bowling Alley* .**>?****?*? or Ab*
Acdress C A HALL. M D. Resident Pf7*^?r'iIavV
FKBD RANDALL. Esq. Agent. ** ? ^771?'
Patient, will he treated ^'^'y^
Ubttshmer i, '5 Leigbt tV at all i^asns?
I ei st on Rpripg. fror. May ]^J^Z^ */ Ot-Tl
wl 1 hereafter be under the sssrfkfSJ ViuVD t-kiaj***
Tr.i .and thedomes?c n.anstwSB??? ? *m/'
man Im*