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<fr)oncf9 for Cnsineas ftlcn. RAJrfti CHA NCE.?For wie, the Dai ? EHI ? ,;? . u.KHV. Rs IN sBaad II.? ??????. .-.taWl??'.? ' i five .???? ??.,? .) ? fkv?t-rs*e ?'??MB*?.? Satlsi'v rv reasons gtl in fir se aas oat. C'mJI isstween It ait) 2 o'rusak. oj 3t* *T?> STEREOTYi ER8 asd PRI N r * BBS > - Bl*BPtllhlBeBt ' f Frtmrf.r on bo BbU se-aira., .,f AlK.n\ t'j T ? . Offne *!??? MB) ?f. I ?t the ren' ..t |VM r?r Bai appari*. .* >ie | ,ir' e*?? !. tail a , ear ? n?J t ? ? r . The Foundry i* in ?. a ti ,# Pounlrv Bad H-.irio? Bar, N - .i ?."'?I t The teiy at an a;,prai??d t?I .e re ! i |1M T.v P :;.'Bir .'? d, and I .-. I>- hai at i . or a pirt of Bat tv,.* in J ?i w.if t* a? in appraisal, a a part of t ha araeon' a vi the type it in >stl? <?f ttt<i ISc'trti fare, aaei so leaSSJsllj ?;?<?! The ttnt. pre?e*it? advantages rarrlv eatauasd '.y any one wishmt lo see see ia tb? ??? .-.t*?? lt..,.. ?? if lae eahectiher et n> W'l.Id st .or >f M<- -r? ? IXU i WCBB. ear DatchaadPul. t?e-et* ,j<" C DAVtaus. 1X/ILLI ??fsBiTRGH PROPERTY foi M Mil . (,? the i Bu? .iifSlai.d f,.r ?;,'? ,r .et TW he .r,.i- .-.>? aad ?toated mi oee of the he-t .-.?raers ..n 8 ,>i n Siith-*1. Alan, a tJkifk Uwe?i,,.- rs i. laqain 4 ufM Im* WM u M- HO \... 216 Xd-st , W 1H) PHY8I< I \\s._For Sal*-, Mood SSBjabrj prvtue .i .t '??"l?n<? , It nulr* f n ? ritr If ror ? Iii ? r IfV., N<, in'Bowerj Api.le t>, J K'KV u otiJI It/clock, al' las" TOO SELLERS ?The uBderaigned, Se< - .1 i'f >,/ seeersl l> i 4 nr sari L'.an a kaeee a rerister if-?r ihi ua bbafaasBaharaaadetharaj eaaU propertyoBtrad I reale, in thia city. Brooklyn, and V*'illiaH.siitirrh. person* harmr houses or lote for sale, or I*:,**, ?? ill fwwl it rrra'i. i their ad van tare la lear* a il? scnptton aad pneeof their propertr srBh J PEC A RE. Office N<. /is, (fetter-st er Ceater B B ?P*-r?'.n? d?*r ii? ?( paiehseiag or leiaag he'iaaa or I >ts. in,) s .it tnern-e .!.'? eianiaaiat: the ralacnber'i r?fistei. a!3 3ta* . f?*Q DR1 GGISTS.?-For Sale, a whole M Baaa aad irtafl Draa Kvta Uahaasat, af haai ataatBag, ? Prosideoce, B. 1 . a tint-, i*.. store in every i.arlicula' located within a mmol* s *a'k of three Bajlroed Depot, seartteaeaheet Landtari Mai ? md Paat-Oitice; water, kv antl furna'? pnTikases 'teriur "... one or two enerretH; persona, with a canital 4 l',.i*A> or $7,tXsj,?i rare i h .n. a. Addres? Boi No M, BraetaWace, B I a* !?* Wfil (\4U\ ? A N v PER801S luTiog ? '\P \ 1.1 Ft It r, ,M.r rapttal of $6,ixk) at eaauaaad iaav hear "I a ?ny fav..ra'-le epporlaattyoif aeklaa BBBaar, s?it).he us al ris?? : ov Parti ir* made known .^i an i t.ldre-s '/. Y , l?,t No't p.,.t. .H'. o? ?? ?cal (Kstotc Sox Sale. ' ? i \ NT \ LISTS. EMIGR \ NTS Aeresol VAI.i Ahl f LAND rineat,eear.aad arooad MCDfORDSTATION and BliOOKHAt BNVILLAOI si I K, <>n the I.osK Island Railroad, FOR 8ALB l io is atract of Lead masted la the Fowaahip of Br.?.ktisveii. KBSolk Co'iuty, Lone Islaad, laid out on both sides of the Lone Island Railroad Metiford Btation BAlBBUea frora Brooklyn At [.resent it is the point of foininonicatioii l>> Badroail hetaeen New York and ti.? ?iiu si ol Prav h ? ? u , Port Jeewraoe aa I Belljiort, aa well as other smaller elscen, and is on- of the mimt impurtatit wnv i.iiiits atheread Thestati it, i. f. i Bailee flee*. PateboRue and ten ftom Port Jefferson As is stell known, the Leas Ulead Hailroml is one o| tiie estat, liahed aeatee batweea New-Tork nid Beeaaa. The *ot) end.races ever-, variety, from pure loam to alubtly loam) muni, a ? I the ha test lion, aiai, from the faohtie. for nltain in sea-weed and tish I n man ire, us hi II a* materials loi coiii|, it is in eeel respeet adapted lo in.nie n urrwultaie. The traot is covered with SB 0bb and pine ltowIii if eanous SBBBB, and on e ale man, 'thousands sf tarda Ol wwad, laree aaoaph tor th< Rew-Tork aaarket There |i also Sfime ?alual le t unilm.- taaber. Water ol the Best quahtt ,v eaaj 11 a i ev Tao aoatherlybooadary is || anies tttm the eeater P iti b gue . tin Dorther - 8 n lesli i Loas |si tad Sound There are nulls, seine.Is and Chan hes ?ithin B ft " miles aad the oaaalrjr aiaaad is Bat IkUaa ap. M B eaBasated thai ? Mill, a n.iriivf" 'Mi .risotis have ;'iin he?e. ? uid in the iaaaodiau neraitj. i a the parpeeeoi iraprorem ala la every reepecl these Laudi are nrerthy the attention ol B.miirrai t?. Fai aieva, M< haaica and others Fwi thei on,, ruera > i>on haser?, the (.ropertv baa beea divided as nearly a* nswinh into TEN-ACRE LOTS, which ?:II be Bfildsuurlv. ?Ith the prtv.leee of one or more o: in. sdioiaiaa Lots Ths sresee hare beea KraduaieJ freaa $7i lo > at*, for a Lot i u n sen ? ami bi ? ?rd Coowiunicatvtin witkthsB Uroedabj, way of the MeJ furd Station, where a i>er-..u ?S1 al?a?s lie in a'teodame onthe arriun ol 'he rai 'one train from Brookim, and wait on^un hasi ? A^eapttahatorIsslyof eaurrantswoaM l>e treated ?:th fai the ?h"if propt rtj The parttsi ati o sti i i It m Laada bare tat sale 3,<sni at res of otbsr Land, iacladiaa several IhkibU proda'tire Farms, in tin \n intt, ' . >. iln. oder on teasoiiahle terms TTie titles are I I Poi bataM at aale, 1 rther partsralari, and saaps of the pteaany, apply to EMERSON h P RICHARD, Auomets al Law. N<> in Wallst , New- York, or to peraoaa oa the (.renusi ?. Coiriuiuiiif ati .il? by letter must he adilresseil, poet-paid, to Maean I SERSON a PRICHARD. The Baau lea e i;. . , al ?A M. and 4P M tad anae a: MedRird al N d * P M Leara Mi Iford at ih 3Um ami !h l i.n P Al . and art,te at Brooklyn at ah. 3um A iVI and , I M alt 1 SOUTH BROOKLYN.?Pom Uta for aale rrheaa, baaaBfaily kaa .ted on vnu and uth st?, betv'eei ISli ic.d .Hi ? line S3 si ea. h Tel ins $ 10 I aaah.Ibabalaaceeaauvad tadasortgagt ataiaparcaat for tbtet ,e?rs ii ..?.nit..i Inquire ol JOHN Ml RPHY, oflire l'l, No. 3, Wall n Ni v York o| 3t* Ij*nR SALE?A firat-class Honae, in complete order. WbBCk has lieen liuilt a little oeat two >e.,ig. ami .s in tin ??. it part of Brook Mm ?IP. BsBMSU at, seeoaddooi ?e-t frrej Clntaaal Let Ju; feet Craal l.y Hi deep, ail, iidmr '..? s t. siatrcure way, which leads aattoMaary-a The hen* ?.?? i ii Bss of the I .t ra widiii, aad stteads bat k W let t, ^^.th a aaal inr.i a iroiit. and teat. House siths'iintislly Imill. three st >rits. with batalaasetraeat, sadoedarbeaeatb harragsaaaad water si pee i w?hle 'lain m -. with s wstf r cfoeel aa aaah: Bad wash.baaiae, s?t ib marhis tops, at each cbaaiber, ea of ?h. It an-sui i l eil t.. a aeii 'oustr acted leaded Cistern, in tin attis, waayh sapaaaa ihi aatara hoaaa aMa if.sid Ma water The boast tan ? seen at any time derma the day. w heie Itiilln r i it . .' u will be siien rrsitec.inv it 01 rt? IS SE and I. I foi s ILE? \ ei. a. I eligibl) utoated * '.\'-i M a . betwees Mh sal Nk-BVs., lot I. I. el si.;. . ??; feet K im Oes deep; house 1'i fret ?> If. fe "? .1.. ; '. .use was htnlt m 1H18. hv aad Ssr the ase dtheoerM aba aoa scoupiss b.a ttbH aad asaaaaatiaUy eoaati en hinstu-u ,a m Kieni style, ? aghoat. i h. ikvare property > - sold aheap, ?"1 paaaaaaiaa H . ea 'a >i l.etote the '?? ?' N . .'Ill, er il \|i|..y M DEMOI lie 8UTHEBJ AND. Btotttll I\u Allotne,?.Mi-1 ? ins, !!,.rs, No in; Bioa Iwa.. I^ARM ! <?:{ SALE.?Foi saJa low. or ?di be am aa >?? I See a Itaaaa Let m ihBtati. one of f.l.ei<??l latins in Otaee I t lair, N. V .either tor t.iain ni saaa. ciaataiaiag 111 icrei and dirtded tuto aaadl lata; h adds us near the ceatt . u im which every lot eaa bi asaa, ?>ilh aides of the .tin. i n in; country Aonlvi" A S. PETBB8.No ISO v?..i ?; slltaTaThBS? la^oi? SALE? '1 ? Proper*) now owned a ami oe apkrdbi I ii v c l' nenaaal The buiidt&ri ua Mu? i a, . a two story bnrk dwaa\BsT* B*2|eeJBhylsfaal, ftwoilMSM,B)BfBgket, aad kitt h'as' ,?,,,?,. , ti,,... tiutldlnes.fenbes and oahei 'i l.'i'! """ 111 ea. e' ? md -u'siuttti .1 onlei . c u: JJJjT l * ,lh the slM ie ineutKuii d I uil.lingi is one of frame, .nwiih brtek, S8 Ity IS feel which is aew aad has foi .a? trsis litK'ti o.' u; .e, a-s c. niitry s|,,ie, and i? un I taaeesceiead reaat alssilvh leiaess stands m the town The ?> bees piBBiBBis bi i foraiabed with seen eoaeaaasace tor a cmiforlnhie ami p!'- al residence, also adiiurahly aslat'ted mi piuut of I m-it . !. ar I nthei wise for an etteus.xe aseee tsasBases Said prop, it ? at the apBeewurt idlhe ?ir> lae* The l?l ;U? net (reel si the kith roml. am ( and across tl e nai ,<l Iii? lot I'Iom ! Hu N. a York and Erie Rallread F-i tutt. ?r particulars ai^dv to lbs aa uera, ..u the araaii ses.n.iMt JOHNJ I \ IRATE, No IIS Onrsvawtch* st.Kaw'Yotk Ptsissi I N Y Sept. fi,in>i. PI 1 r'K H I' A I 1 M \ N atii taa? cuts r At LM \n IOOK HERE ?FARM for SALE.? A tyi acts* s'hh! I??...- .1. :u <.ssjstaSesdesdtiralksa liuarxivemeiils ate tw?. d .?Ihne* BBarlj new aad ethereal Luddites, is,, peach aas I ?a ap, e vrcbards, aadethei i.mis FaaMaartueswdoB SheBahtaaBaa, ?deefresa Ke> Pal. New-Jarsei where ateeatboaia pl? dadr te New asaa. with a beeatd< I aaaeiel all the ? and st f nasts-ation fromi , kllat?io to New.Yerk Haraor The Rs, als tituls in Bah, otaass, ,osiers nn?l s?m-. A patrasssM Hint Bs? .-.-.>. ,>- To? Parrea t? iah elaliil te duale aiul will baavMlogt t',fi e a :*rt seeaM i< areaassree A small ;.art .4 panssbyta* ? m*j - sreaaed It u.>t .|.*|h?a?vi .vi will be -'id ai public sale oa the ii.b ol kR-t.>i*rr next. ?ta. rl.skP M.on-b? it Al??.>es?sral BtU'MN m-t I a>I"S .r,' ollen-d ,1' we Rai*, it. and neat K. I Apadi to CaaaaiB i \ k ?* .1 c ? t. ts?aid ? ?.?? t.-at W Bsaall.eeS CRAW IX) RD. ea the praaaaaB, r theeabacnbei ?i s,?> p aBIMWFBM' i'Ht>s B BTfttT. CH)R SALE?Obi of Umm ?trM*ator? a masi r ft. it ose- iiiaslsdasread dsns frni Baad and Baraat eta., I>t.??..?. rae house is .me real old, l.sttds auelv ttl.ishe.l. .. .1 i s . u. ed. marl o maiiteis :tt Ihtae Misttrs larlnail .... is. wait sts.ued y.i.??s a,s>?s. I ti. ImsrUirBt and und. r cellar, k.,ndsonir yard, witk sbiuM?r< Thr luiu.l .-. a01 !i is tieal ami ueaaly trw . ?dl be ?cid also, if ?? , i.i.l Price of house $l.J?., SJ ooo cm isuid s.u. I rtgati f desired H a-, ran ?* aeeuataa. .nitr ?'?? ! II A V \, ' I? A KEMP N . IIa Wrt.l-it N Y ?-' I"* ^OiTTA^GE in VILLA PLOTS for ? SALE, near the et I nB ... . ? t to ttie dCBOr. beeetifuUr annated >? e!e?ste?t cr?uue. wit a a rise siew ol ? rr?,tt .,' in .'.'?"?. .n 1 l. ts ?ar. mr. from ? o,u?vtrr tt aa ?err t thre- * r.? .a BUB. aad at unces el trra.e,. i?w TersaaarcontaeisJalup kpplytoMOROAN e? CO , No ill Pearl ?? New-Tofl o :'* (^(U NrUY SEATS.?Tea or twt ? > BVlLEdNQ LOTi i Bea leetaIsaacreeii vlreei. w.cia.t af> hifb salthraiu mimaadiBa attee stsrai c.e n.sat E sun:.' aad i aata rataataoaa oa ih? Ncw York and New-H ?rtt Ksiit.*.;. th-rty mdes from s'. w Yoik.andtwii it,;lc? fr I tnr de.s>t al Port Chester. Immu whence there are sal uai'\ trams of , nm to md from New. York Apdvto SAMUEL U CORNELL aTV lu.s^ N .'43 Waler-?t I.\V1).?Ft>r sale, in lots bb sai _d efcaaea-s. a besu* ?? . SCB ol HA' fa-ree v.f Land. "Ivrur; on the north sale ,a the! I '?'itid Railrtsad. ah.*ti t'iiri. rsia ln>n- tbe dtpot, and fr, rittiit on the mam road tc Jerv eboaadOjsterBa. laaa re ol Wiff SEAMAN Ne 73 M?ie>eist.N Y . <' RdBFRT SEAMAN. Jera.-k i, L I. slS in ? ?1*11.DIM. PUmiBMORiUSANIA. ~dte?rral vrrv nee Bud limr PBos in \ :\\-rx tl , tag feet eaaare 'B?;h. al the lo? p.-; e if |SM rar PW I " srei.ent to Mir IV sa .itrt Bea I ? "'."Vt aiaaiit- m fkr "?"r "f A'-? ' '''^ 4 t o . N? Til Pta:. ?t ' * ' MORRIS A MA?F< r Bale, a House aad 0 .id?r.?u? lot iof.-et free* ? ?! MI laal >-<?;> b'._-?1> urn , '...lit.' - i. 1 "f.. ?e ?I >r ? ? '. -a. ?t i b;*/ r*u?/f-f?iuih prate >:.%*> umj.omrt ?'? *u ;? 13 nnu? burnt a:?d ru ? one ABB) i ??' ****>. ? i f*** How* baaa .i. aa ? i aal bxatraa, ? a raw let at tat l?s?t atearai I. M rr.?..:i ? b .* partial!" ?. -?. ator*. doiur a r*r.i.. tracer] b ?? e?u. ni w ??? dart of the ?*.<<_ ?1 Iba pr ..r>t .r T'.* 1* w 71 b? >!???. The h"-r* ha- ar"?l ee l?r. '??or- and VX < l, "jtt ?a ?m aai ?utorbce?. Yu> i..*?< Tarnte.$7e?eenA.U e re* ot Lord ?n l mra-trae* AiMnar. H H .tAatetBce ? - rOR SALE?S'-ven! brown -* ' - Heaaaeto Bat appai pert a| the eery, .? .??vr.n? a.l Hiera teaprraeeweta. Pr es treat M ** I. Ill aaa atae several botuej to let A3 ?torr-boii>*>XJM - f"?** Prv ApptrtoE B KINMUMtk. Na I? ut .aft.rZP.M _____ FOR SALE?Yoatara IM?, iMwitifollr r.tuaW on the nrer a ? ? ?rt d.*at.'. ? <? * LW-I<it,ronim ._');Df the Sr.*-1 water-view ?? <? ire* i' - i for armen.ciuveweare and b<-\ith. on "i?- newt rea> m a?'e - n' Apple to JAMES BASHFORD. n Iba 2 ; K BALDWIN.To. i L w -T\kB Bo. Mi WflLeaa-et.. Hew-York h'akm for SALE?Near the N'ew-Ha era R*ji??ad Statin?. in Ma-n?-,r.*?-k. OOBtajabafM kt?. Im.-iir* ? f JOHN .T MAH'HtLL. ? ? '??? unUi at Mamaroneck. [ailm,J WM H CORNELL UIGH-BRIDGE LOTS FOR SALE. ?EIGHTH AYEHUI RAILROAD -TkaW Lota are eitnated oa tb* We??ri.est?r of the H n-n. Barer, between McCeeab'l Dan. Brute* and tba Hi... H'.'r? A,,T peraoa a/quainted w-.Ui the mhuxh* of tbi* ( *r. *ill PBT eerre, on in* the Hi*n Brnir* Lota.matthe* *?a?-i freal advantage* for iiataonrea oeer all othet lor* r ??? ahoet the City. and that 'be* *r<- far ehaaper tbaa .r.y "?.?r aropertr a? well *?t. .t*d The bill for tae f iv R ? ' baTiar t?ea firne. the Ma? r. the r ?iT ba ' I menred forthwith, and ?;a-edih firoshefl (H.e .w r* and lean, tha fart) The fare for the >< ?Iii ..| lb* road hi la be but 4eeata Taw aoaaery preeeated :i ? ? moal eten part of thm t*op*rtv :t ?reedJi_lr iti!eee*^n.'. aaaatwetaraaaatbaairtlnil re?? of land and water T' ? aropertr alsn ha* a wide front the H<rlatn Ri?er. atlonitnr er*rv i<?.- far boatiBf aad fuhra?. F>r Mapaa_4ethre BjforTnaUon auplrto ? liilra* D B WIN ION. N. TiC^dar-? < r lS.-?. VACANT LOTS for SALE.?Twe of tha beet LOTS an Se?en*h-aT , writ ad*. betweea fwenty-aeeoed and Twenw-rhird r? . '?o LOTS on Twen. tr-*a*vaid-al and two on Twenr?-n.?-et . near Seren'.b-ar. fee nuarovement* makaur and la be made on thi? Arenue, aad m "A* rvanitr. 'ender th?timrier? verr de*irit..^ A - Jlyle [MftV] B. W ^HfiSTER. U Wall-at. W ATER POWER for SALE.?A ral ? ? aabli MILL SEAT w4tWaoi?ahoara'rr_a of Hew York.witii Hn< k Baetor| Baaatafa, Water WbeeU, ke., in roinj lete roaaaal order, neveral arre* of laud, dweiliag hi ii'i v. tu Addrea* K\HJ. a. BAItTHOLOMBW. Ill Oraaawh k??? lw* ADESIRABLE DWELLING HOUSE lor SAIT BMtralt d on lea..? around, havmi: II veat* to run, ?i'h earaaaati f <r .'I p an renewal. The utaatkaa Ii a aaalraMi one. tt.. haaaa i*ur two ?ton and attic, i iiarlur* deep, ami rXNttalMthl ras. bathiai n .:n.rar_re._.r. Han been rei ;.?_nte I and i? in perlect irder. and ?il! be bdM al . ? irr??. Addie.? C C . Tribune (ifli'-e of ?? _ I7ARM, near VONKERS, FOR SALE ?Con'i lulu- nere*. of whaob Mara wood; rood fmit ami water, tM laad i roe laal atta itioa roaaaattt and beaithy, iritb a new adwa Lotbt Niand There a a aaa dwellmir. and all the ent-hoaaaa are veryeood The awaat is (tune abroad Bnea fT*MA There are 17 o;i[iortunitie? daily, except MiikIhvi, ?t <. and H eent? fires. It he* U mile* Dortnenst o| Voiiker? Station, and I miles ?est .f Brnarrille, Harlem Railroad Apply al Ho II Platt ?t ttpatatri aBB tr IjsOR SALE?rhe fast-aailing tchoanei MARTIN VAN" BUBEN, rebaafll Iroin her keel up tin* lust Spruar, at Poeahkeepate, and now raaaaai from AI baafr to He w-York. Her ili.neiision* ar? a* follow* (ft feet ke. I. 241 fei t l.eain, 7 le' t in tbe bold, druw* 7 feet Of witer when leaded,OairiOl l >n l<iu; ?be lias new tails and ns cmr UY?ragboat, aad at trail cajralatad to raataTiraaua in the pun- wo al I. .?inen*. The ?iml. i-ieii.-iI ba* built the abaearaaaalwttk r nsi atrtrrailaai ? the baal paaaHrta lunnnee Mo- canbebourhi low ami oa attoaaiaadallag term*, by ipttlyn ? In PETER S CRAMER Peeahheeiaae, ort< WILLIAM DRAKE,DeputyShenff,Cat Hall,Hew. York ?16 I..,* I tUi I\ ILLINOIS.?WaDted,theorigi I " " ii I ti-ie. rraated t.. lohahrn for lao.i? id lllia ? *, for landaaa at Iba war of ism, raaej veir* aaM and lost for tales. Apply I o or a.ldr. oll M \ I ILSON.No. 1 Naaaau ?t , N. Y . ei> mr Ha. of lot*, fce mt Im? i?i>R SALE?A FOUNDRY and MA I CHIHE SHOP, with Store ami Ttt II locatad in ?<loaaBri loa a ahead 3 or i ho us ude fr..*. He* - York BuRdtagi of brick, aboal ten \eari oM Braotad by the present proprie'or. who wiaaaa to re';re from aetue beaaaeat The ooan ern has and is dotaa ? uaraa and prodta ble business. WiD be told loa with the rood will of the i ropnetoi Poaaeoakoa eiren ea Uta hrt al Bahraart r April next The above, tnkme into aoiisideratioii the ?aia'l iBreeinieni required, is a rarechaaoe, Addrasa (peat-paid) I'ol NDRY. Tribune i >?' r I er? - .-, IalOR SALE or to LET?A mnmberof hrst ejaai Bn.wn Stone )l< IDSBS on the south tide .f 2/il-at . betweeB the Rh aad atb-ira. Apply to H ( AD\MS. No tl Wall-al . aSM* Jaui.e> i .oirt. t)onsco vto Cel. POR IM ,N'I'? KouM.n, uitii W VI KK m BOWER.?Machauati ha ariahiai ranaaaod aaa Roobii ?itd i Mind Water P .wer, ciiarat Bahrat rat a Iral aiotion, are united to call on the ioib ?, at Trenion. New-Jewoy,who prapOBsa .le\otu.e hid Iarire llilee Moiy ku , mill for inrchaii ea!* This im dinu is \ er\ ekflbl) lot atad, mar I be eeuter of the eitv . ami poaeeani ^ irreal ui'\ aatafaa: r m iu'ifaei unnr purpose* -Traarton,Sepl 17. imi. JAMES HOY. Ja ,wr ai? in.tod J p KENNEDY f|Vi LET?To two gentlemen and their M wleaiboaa lar?c R....n. oa Ural So r.with pejatriee, bedaardeotdwater; Iii teabj k?> Alan, iibb BniaaimmM Sour,wBb one of batbi No i Eaat-lfth-st., ooraerof Union-s , .ate and IIb av liest 1 i I) relelt Li es (iuii ami reqeirad. d i'MWvp* 'l^o LET.?Tin- new three-storv liriok a dwaBau house, u?t flaiahed, No,MlCoerl s? Baaok bya, ti.uitiiiK Douki.i* *t Ithai ail Baa a*adera aaprore Btaala?aaa, hot and cold watei bathiag-raeai, ran?e u kitchen, Ke Inauite of s K. OREBH, Na MOedar-Bt. N Y . ?r R GREEK, < ewer of Cotnadiia and Baltic ate. Brooklyn al M* rp?? LET in HOBOKEN?a splendid M tour etoryHo a>.brtch froat,sMaabaI ?itiun8nen ntea'a wMker the ferry,nearli fimaheil Inqaireol LL ANDEM OALE, Ho. 4* Aaa al N.Y , or M OAXB, Na iTOarnaa at. nnbnkra K< m $m ? al M* rpu LET tu FOR sIaLE?Al Hoboken, -B a new three-st. r House, Lasen en' .ml iii.i.-t c. liar, oa Hananaeat, badabad ? the best aaunaer, with inutbie BMBtela. ranee, kc Bead low to tha Int of Mat Apply to CHARLES T PERRY, OttoCottaca ? t. ift< rpklPLER HALL ?Partiea wishins to M ban Iba aai .-i Triplai Hall, daruaj three ereaBaji al Re*week,will t lease annli bj letter or .di.erwi?e 11 *au ,i H WARDWI_LL, Sat Rroadwaj IJM RNISHED HOUSE to I,Hi ? \ pr ?a'e Kam i\ of two pereeaa. iaaira tm ut 111 n .il Family, a part ot a BBB and BBWI) f ir.nshed foar-atory House, arah all a*odera UwpeoraaaMkti Bawd) antbe i children or um*', geiilleuien pr. terred Tin* :? a rare ohaBcatoaaah a.-i!<?in alecaat arwoaaiaodatioM None Be*d app'i win' do not WIM to rent t.'l I lie 1st of Mat Apl'l* at 3tUt 41b av . fi.un 7 to IU A M aBd tnui. " till Id P M between Mtb and Mtk-BtB. all tf OTEaM POWER to LET.?Three e3 BOOMS IM rl let biBb Steam Power ln.,mr* -f ,:t tl C M BIMONSON. Ho is I.e.. ?--i ADESIRABLE LOCATION.?To last, the third ?ton- of a btiildiiat ?? r\ aRgabl] ?ituatej for an OFFICE, 01 for aai ?u.iaea? reonimx pabtieit. At? ?1\ hi It t K I K, GODWIN k CO., No. 1 Bp uee ?l c '? aer oi N???au a itu If Oonoro lllantc?. HOUSE.?Want, d to tt nt,.i Dwelling. llo..?* .11 e\> <l .?der. w Uli tlie BBbSbIB bBfawaBflMBaB, aaaated netwaaa tha Second aad Buthsara, and a t ibara I w, utk-t.itli. st Aar family wu,hine ta rent ?uch akaaae, and take t h? unt.utiu hwud. ..onld I. i>r?ferred \.l drrM A. 1> . box ByBBl l'..?l oa?r, . me .. .o.l, l\ mt |_? 1BURNISHED ROOM?WRated, wiUi BBS beard.fat a and Lady Keierence* fiveu. and !->inriit in advance, i, rrviire,; AtMiaaa, i?* - th'ular* im kteiH, ?nn h must luoderatt. C,C C . rr.!> me other. u? Ijix>ms?\n untcJ. for Medi al Offices^ a. in a central and rctpectahle tit .ati,?. eRkai on >r i ? .r * treat rJtota ._hf?re p, inaaa emi?<? ? t latad, baVBBmmtt mt let. mm aea: ,.| I tenant who will pit 13 advance. By A. C MED1CCS, I - t?r a w hole house, ot moderate tire and i?nt. waaM bet_> ben._ ji? GTORE.?Wanted, .1 Store or House kv laatab. ?i . ?'?_ ib l'.r?.iw ?> bBtvaaa c.nai aad Rta < ?.?> on ahreeeef dtaM osn .r . irierwiso A_. M Hov .! MB Ortic? Jt* Cntirrri, {jiiruruarc, I T L E R Y.?lvurt.handled Tai!^ \. Knur* and l'.?k?. ml the be?t ;ua';rt Doasert d... do : Cat* tat Kiu>^? u.1 1'.?*?. Steel?. Bu:l? > II .ru Stare-Horn. V> B. re . BUck tip ?nd Ca. .., handled do do . warra:'ed S'eel Sh-is*,.*? . Ra.-..r? Pen jaJ Paofcet btateaa; Intal Been Tr*T~*?. w ire** _. .?.;(.. .,?. eel rates, w bolBaa l l l retail ?t JOHN Vk Hi TP * \.. r;; 1 .???? . 1' ? - n-s tare, New-^ :. . iMWaF* TABLE *?d POCKET < ITLERV. A iart* a??,> et. t-rery JaecoptioQ of ana Baal lew-r.-.ce-Tat ,e ai Parket Cat tart af tka ?.*?:, dt*act li?n '.h. n ajiulaetwren. an, "or ?*_* low tw FRANCIS rOMEl a S Ns No ? M?;4?n-i?a?, Impori?ri and Dealet it 'e-toj Ka- .-ara ?. Usxxli b.? tr* KJTEWA R r*8 Plantasei.ft Gatard RA bs_T IOKS- Hu *ar**crrb?.i? coauu aa to revertr* rsar-i. n tupphea ef tha oaarbrated Rar m F r lakt at wo.u*?_.a eu'r I?FRAM Is TOMES R BOHRI afiilta kaai . ?antan rC S"*w?nkCo..Ckijiar-cTua?. Leaden. *?4 if #M\N W ADDING.?ELEi 8 CMi v I t l'N a \.)1HN?, rt.e ? . Bie?> Pet. i*ki.>k Cap* Wir? Carusd*-ei. k< A '.arc* aad r a Biet* ajBarta ni oi'ttr abaeej itt ?e etred and tor t_i ?? t a U, || .. 'u-'e- '? Atrata at if t KAN v if TOMBS k SONS I M?id*a-taae. N LA RGEM E NT.?<' 11A H LES S J I ITTI.F , . . 'i.OUmkU I?) h?ene? lanad hat pre* .... - ? ?. : ? ?,?? b t.w.Miao, Nj? m and 34 > u.ton ?? . ha* tl ; ?? ra nrs-meat. o,,?ird u? ib ?4 Oit. i ' .;? IT* a-at, a of* ?od v?ry 1st;' st 'k of H Al.I>\* AHE. CCTLEl.Y.Ei-KJETi) >Ll i?r . :tn 1 ' ?? 't<-f:: ? -r.?* r. ?r > w Tnlt to . ? ?vnUx: - ? P't .nfa-med as'? trt-ct of a????"?rt ?jgt, w aj d ?Ulf iii?t ? rmccLLaii of Nos 's, sen j4 an kept C ?' *>?<! Wreafhl X Lite, S^th-o. H ????'.?>-.!. ?et... '. ...?. ?'ip-?BiIm Sr.:fj> .1 .lie. ?jh4 Slbel "-vt r'?xi? THE I :Kvl FLOORSat N ?? B sad MAND 5 EC > N D i L"OK '?I X . Zi ?-? o \ lesfai.rev wBh?all Qsssaa. Cctlrry Bn.t'' Har?? ue. t-Ur I ' |.. uJ T ?>U for me tiaaiCaia reneral. t-cc' kcr wvl semi les rut l?iKD fi.ocb of No n ? s.v. ,.u v! ? !?*. ??:?!< -? n F" t.v Po? tato Hook? <>n ' "he bs. ?' 'T,J '' ? '*** Mills, sr THE THIRD FLOOR OP N? 31 .? 'I*-, ??'i - ?an, ?? ? : I f :.'a-ji.?.J li ?'. ?? >?rr anu > ...rr H?? r>und and ???1 Bo.:-r?. Br?-? Kettlee, > at av SB, sraie?. Paaay Aur?rs add Rue r rri Mortica r.n i Bonne Mai-hines. J ir.w rear., Gjus. ,s.a-. ? and r? da for t:.e falif -ma mar.rt. tu. THE Enl kTM Fi.O.iRS of Noi 23a..d 3t cr ntarnHoea.Scyths. Ra.n,Tien. Traps Puit W? i! Chan: ar.,! fixtures. SUtfk B?Lv SaJ-rr .o*. Tarka* Oil Stoat.Sand Crucit les, U< ' THE FIPTH LOFTS of X'* R and U. I an Trass H?>? ??? B?D .aa. Vrh? Snaths,Hai - -? rtsd.Mack LaadPst?, CssdHarte, ate Thewaotti .nipr ?:nc a ? era i septets Beeestaasatthaa can i* f ad com aasnaad 'u bm "n?* ?-orr ta tn? bne. u.d to wbickthe attaatjoaoi ^ Craaadi *??<i ttif aSMM ?1?? hair ... 1.-i,r nTlarnild ihrtT palruaacf w .anted ii JaiPiATuSWlanJI_ / ??MP1 i rn<?n DEFIED snai in ? > VITED -Bt.-.-./i. !r?n Hat ?; in.ii %i . Chaira $.? . ofrsrieaecolote SBkoaaelaaaepreeeare l?MTbaiit,* erbeleaate pncea of other n atirra. y?* tethe trade w? ai le? abbe raid must JOHN TUCKER, No. &ii Br??d?ar V A11 > ' NAILS!! VAILS!!!?] I 1 (j .al.tT emaafM and eatl Naii? .f ?rery Tire- . 1 Si?e. at tlie n.anofai-'iirer's verv lo?re?t ;,rire? V it tale by CHARLES P. DICKIE. No lit Ckssabsrs al.,aearthe Hudaoa Rirer R.nlroa'l I)(-[<it. ?i 2m' BUTCH K R A- READ, Prtntiral HOCsr ?nd SHIP PI.rVMKRS, ?53 .4 Soon ft ? p- k-elip All .e-ders i.r.e.---t!? af'eaded to? ll B JOBBING donewtth reatasrs sad Sjepstcb. i Iro* To SOUTHERN nnd WESTERN HARDWARE MEBCHAXTS ?$ 1 ^ tbrAi Part/irr ,.f the aahaasBaaa, f .r e. derrnptr.i, . el. I .: ff ?| hu. hexon it- ?it ;nt?d at TTeatoa, Newweraay, wtthia Sie niaiatee' ? ilk of the C:.mden and AmtH.r Ralroad St a' k i Irains pass four tunes daily, te Naw-Yark aral Pluladelplua rilll hssi is of Ales will find it to their adTantace t . ex? amine tt.ia stol - before .rrhasinr ei?r? hr re. Even des, nt'tion of Ai .-n hand an 1 m.ule to onler MlSatektod? THfrS R wilson. ]>l(i [ron.?100 tuns Boonton No. 1 teaadn P?c Iron. S00tui> B'-.titor Xo tfbaadnr Pi? fr .a Ml se Dorer No i dianeai PajTroa im tiiii? Oxaard X.i? i siid 3 ebareoal Pie Iron MtaaaSaaeei No i abtta Pm Iroa. F?; ?al? in l?ta to ?nit pan ha?er?. hr DUDLET H PULLaTR k CO. aM UsMWaJr* No DROreawwich at.'s Patent stoves, fur Malls. Caarehee,, Parltaa. offices, ke.?Tfaa sohrenber would i ill the ii>n'nm ertheea m waot .f Store* to i,i? cob| ete sseortaaeal of the mom appraved past eras of beataay sad ? -.kiae More* Also, a aaperioe artii le ..I PortaMa Cookies Ranee, winch neeii? oaly te r?< aaM ti I,, sppreeiatad bin a. stove fjraaaaaats and rn n ? nniics < ilmstead's and ahsr Stove? i leaned, rejiaired, and i.til up at the shortest notice and little etj-aise, ny .1 n ANDREWS, iwcrasBOT to P H. Troatmetdte,) MSSatMWRPa No.tilWeBsi kt.Ne*-v rk STOVES ' STOt ESTl STOVES!! *? The Stare, deaSJaed hi be ikwaaaal popakaraad aa eaaattei ably tail beat, is 'tie Domestic Arr-Tkrht. an ???. tensive saeoflBseal of which can l>e found in the Bo?erv Store Eatablislimeit, No ri Bowery It baku admir? ably, ragairsa but hitie fuel ami awithoateace tioaths most economical K :trh< n Stote ever invented. A vary larsf display of Stores of every caaMieiiahls variety lor Hall. PaHor, or OSkce. can also be found at the kbovs placi ALBERT H. COCKS. Ho III Bosmi ~aM IssMB kPa aa.T(>\ es.?The best assortment of air Uaht Cookiaa Stvrea, vaiiaaiad to bake; itee Parier and li?ii st.o. s of the aevreel sattetaa, both m Rus-ta \r- a and cast iron. Drums and (Murders, ran I* found at WIE LI AM CLARK'S, No. SC iraune-sl Idoors ihoea Bl> a I? .-r a N B Storee cteaaed, repairad Bad pat ap iSt BbMWRF. at Br?tes and ef.ndeks.?h ki;i.. " " LEV'S i i rite- und FeadeT M ami factory. Xo 3P, Br.s>me-ft , thr. a d.M.r. west of the Bowery, adjoitum: Dr ( one - Charch BatMeri at.d others who are a's.uT pur. ehasine ? oald do well to call as he is ronlident that his :e.t terns. for \ artatj and cheapm ?s. are unsun.assed. s2'i tin \word to THE WISE.?Haring for a lone felt the necesvt\ of in imnroveuient ..I hraliiig dweUterrs and p .Itlic liiuMiinrs, and haviur had much lodo with the same. I de eta it Bay duty to make pu>> ttr that i hat ? had She pleasure this day to examine a fur nace called An ar's Psteat, foe eale at No .3c, Bread war, a Inch i- the i lunar. I he perfect arraneemeot of tint crate and pat issuch that.c mtiectrd with a larire amount of radia tine Mirfat e, half the amount of eoala med in other fur? naces w ill heat a lull steed house The arrangement* of the air hoi is such that a lotistuit supply of pure air is lur ekfaedaadcoaveyed throuak tue baseee eqaalteevassaet air, w in. I, makes it ftril) e.,ual to any hot wal. r or ateam, ?aaBa better thaa a stove isadeeed wtth shestt iroa called portable nstaaraa The. faaaaaa, a'mai i vm lbs, is made ii, a aa -i panhsl aaaaaer, ?stti. i i kaata to preraal the eseai* of ibs aad whaa s. t ta bttea-werk, aBh nil the legieters, hot air i pes seep sloaee, aad srerythtes apaer. ta nine to the s.itm . the pre a< on') froSB $.'iu to at N far heatiaf a house tbron(heal In coaelaB at, allow me i . uni-e aaj -me wan Una ?> perfect furti tee la ca'.l and ? rabovi FRIEND OP IMPROVEMENTS (TiirpctinjgG, pARPETS CHE A V for < ASH ? Wl \' Li am MqQOBI v. Xo im WiBBua-at.. taree eBera from PaBsra-B . otters for ? tie ins entire tt ah mi splendid PafIBb BBd An ? ri. an Car|*ts. oil Cloths. Ta'de Cavers, kc. kc . at peasaa aaaaaaBj bra ho cash. I in, is - abate paacaaaaas, ?ill aa w-eii to call aad aa - -.. BtsaMehrea at w halaaala prtoaa X B ?SMSAM worth of e\ery ieaeripttea, is of,i ii ?I at w lioli sale ? n r? asotiahle tenus sit. I n* tavspt anu Unrning flnibo. LAMPS. GIRANDOLES ami CHAN DEI lEl.s?The aabecribai wishes to dareet pahlte stteatjaatohB tergeaad sateaarraaaeertassal 4 Leaps, Oiraadules sad ( and. abSBI 4 the latest and most fash. ioaablo pettenis,, mni ranan ail the artsalaacaaaaatsd aBh Ho Ira.o Also a BeW ait i le ,,| l'iin,,heiie and B .nun?; Pli d, warranted But to aaateds ? part Seena. Bolar, Lara .a. WhaieOtl Erary articte warranted and delivered in iaj part of Hm oi tr-. ?.? sase B .1 BULLY.Ne ij> i .t J rt., corner of Laifht: No 1ST Greenwich-st.. corner i-i c,et aid. Ma IIS Caaal-at., aear Madesa ?: im* ]\1 ECHANICAL LAM PS and RICH If J OAS FIXTURES, '1 DARDONVILLB Ka ... Bnaataay, aear Daaal-at. ( hand, hers, Caadetabrae, Brsekets II . I Lamps for fin i audtes or la.,;-. ,tt|s-|, Caadteetaek? fce Oreet v at art1 I carcel BarMterator.stta. di ? oi ri aU'iu Lamps of tti-- newest ^atieins La ,? i ..1 ChaadeUen irteeaied, rreihled and rebroaaed. The st ? I n lu ll tnd s, er :i Oil- t?r Ertu. 1. L:ini|,? Lam, . ,anej for parties ?26 lru( (1 F. DIETZ, (it alt r in BTBrjf vanetv I ? l Oil, Caajnhaai sad Bura.t,e I'lmJ f awsi. M ? BTOreeawich ?I.,It T..Mdoor sbove Ban . .. \ i r.i ?eeorttaeai ai fj^aaaaatea, Hall Laaapa and '.an:era?. I n. - Wti s Lamp Shades at.d Qlaeeee of ail ktesa P re Bp rm. Lard sad Wn.ile (i i-. Cempheae and Fix. c wbolssali aad retail Merbaasral Lamps cleaned sml rrpairrd A?tral Laun-s altered to Sola' aa* Dtigncrrcctnpcg anb tTngmnings. A SHORT TALE is SOON TOLD.? m i;,.j Dii-urrrt.ox,? Liksaeeees [lecloeed ia bead ssaaeeaee? tor j? imi?. ?i I iId.MES.iX's s?. i.<bt Oal 1? . 31. Broadway Best uuaht, u-aruments and tuatena!? u>. , , X 1 ? |?sr?>,r> and, ali pa tare, euaranleed sslsfa- - 1 ? . Ca'.l and see at Itl J>: a w?.. rust do- - ? w ihr y-o, llnapital. ell lm? WEDDING Bad VISITING CARDS e v e< ciat.-.l and pr-.itr'i. tuitials emlnassed SB u |S pa.-i r, WeCduas euvr.,, an- . m the hne?: ?ti le FOLDER, Fnrri?-r ,:,d Pnnter. sit tm* Xo 11? J.-ha ?t .neat P-ari KELLY'S Half-price ENGRAVING si.c PRINTING Ott. X HI Pah n et B Y - Wnk'uut. Vint er. Add'ts. 3nd At Hume Cards ta the vrr. bests'^., .Case Boir?. a.' . kc sad Ea. fraved Plate ? ,'? Cards far Msadnaas ?? . * fUachtneni, Sji. IR. u ATTLES .a CO., N<.. l.iCral a. ,-. . Pros sacs hi. M kNDPACTURI BS ( B11 AB tad G IS PIPE PIT] INt.s. V'ALt BS,COCKS, SfSl.l.u..- h I ir? Ei. I i-'e.e'j 1 a a- ? bsv i ted .ln.-i'a for tin sale of Steam aud Ga? Pit*?, aiaaaufartatea by the sv. amscot COMPANY N H. are i...w paapaiad Bs tum .si. tte above arttetea to'aa] at tei.i.aix.r< kararsces Ofden * Ml meet wi.h r.rom.'t at *enti,.a.iu. |,or h?.-er?wtl tnUrUe r *?lst?t," : ^>t-? ejaahti [BMB L R WATTLESB CO BURGLARY DEFIED, and the P?? 1 ICE FORCE si PEKSEDED, h, loETi t ? ? si Hol l' i'Riu K< i .ho;, MfEa' Dtrrr >h ?Taaaabte sr. t?s|a-cttuilj n.?itetl to mspsct tmsn >v*i an.1 ?Uli r!) otir'Lal inrrnlea. for the full prwtrc- a 4 m aa I ? aerty I'hr pei -l-ar auraataaas of ti a an r:\a-. J Biveetioa an I:? ;?^tehihty. only j o^a w^rtt . n? t.n;ver?alit> --f purp, se? beius ap oace aa ALARUM ? NIOH1 BOLT, a DOOR aad WI NDORi PASTEN FR . THIEF DETECTOB aad i POCKET PISTOL . -'.? t> s th, n-,?l l?j. m?. *e U . and l??t o--' least Rsaeea a> Bsttaeescte .sali TWO DOLLABt It mat be ??eu B orsfra' dailr. a' X* , a Beade-at 3d ? Per sake al SMITH. lohliEY a CO a SL a B - ane M.r.l ? 1? Pat..*'.. Fx 'Jif 0!r.-ti,h.,ri- >i)f. ces and the public fetierajjt. in'eieeted in the pre-ena t. fpea satt and JSs a?T-.r . af human lav.r and ij> ?re ? .a -hit M? Lnk*T is :..*? prepared to tt a>tarir .. ..t aaTcea ,r ?e?i>B.-rs. with bis ?? HijL'SKrliM U PKiill.tltiP 'aad?rseraateethen Bow the aeeanxj | Ibe THIEP. ai .1 ct alienee. ",? riyrrtc?s of sLL TIIF b' KG1 ARS . i THE R ihLD to EFFICCT tjt F>. ."Ka.Ni I F?t term*. *r as'frrv?, sp l> a" Nj US Faitoe a N Y ?i> st* J AMESG HOFFET, <;t? Pter, md Bfjr.-.T*. 'Her of GASCH ANDLO-BA HE V!H BTB, BR \ pr bt I 1 ! Ku I!' ?i ? I (' : . ?I , Ulli im ? ? wr?t of Bi'ii'i . beeeloan te callthe attealacu af thee* a' mi f." Inn ? ? ,r ; bou>es w :b Oae. tu cah Bad eteii.iae bM utmek 4 Q*M ; iiilirfi Iii r ; ? .i?i; i /i''-. If. ? ?? ? > i ' .. ' to*, a !..rge aaaartaMfttaf th* mtt ? ???> Bad I aid wacant'.: ?";ual in -i. '. ?>. : terabit, 1 >? ?r print t?.m an> other etnr?h?>h?acBt la the U alte tastete? BBa^lncaBbnaeaaal Me I J'*n Bat tatr* F; KEARNEY ACO.,Nbwx? K.rv?. Ua?TB* MAI.I.aBI.r and GK.Y 1'< >N ' -UN IjKV. in 1... r?el. ?r ? ute '. Caatia at l> idt HSa/ABB, Jf.J ???.'? |Q on i- . . ledd r? arose L?rk (?'ii. and Mai ame i'as'iax-. av., >re m?.l? pnunptl) ? ' or.,', r. a .d an x? r?a?. ..ali.e Urn., a? io e?ttb .?:irc,?nt in tter ?J0 tm* STEAM BOILERS^Foi two CT ) , f. tV I r m ?? ? table f* " -tt !? ."a' > ? ?. f..ll,,?. . in* BJ tr?' ;....r >.i .' v f*ar; the other J f. et ,..i.- b] 4 fret diameter, mao* ..' . aal Im Al?>. ? Sem M .nnf u ur*r > Etitla ?n .<> ? I'M. I Baal }*..?? aj I feat wide QACNT A DKBBJCKSOff, lift. No MS rtfJtaai ?t ,e? We |? *? aatvaJ Jnuia linbbcr v3oo?s. INDIA RUBBER SHOE1-KRAUi>. ?A!>r all ti.? fraudulent .t;>mpo tj Baaa ? ".? the" .i ?? *?. .!? ?.tr? m. an ? til..? *?t i. P'??< Fall Tan afCaaaaaa pa?? without a tn.?' ( ri.srre >!.:. n..w kj ?>!*anre, while than ? SaBBST tABB M ; r- at. ? 'lid I I 1,1 .,...*, <? TTll.TI :?. *? ? pr ? : ??* ?' ' Beaaae?Adaraka*'Baaaa ?..) j..tint' BaiAtara.aatraaaala Um tea r. ina l whoa I i..n? attaeaaaaaai, t t aa BWWBld ami fpre tne ' te.r,ir,..s,r Trm Ihaf SMB a t at .1 thev dare BBI e.mie Ml trial tiatorr a lury Th.? 11 iiarre, ami aaaf Ikaltha ayalaaaaa pale H ??? a framl. and f ran ami a I ;awea aed r. . tnC ''? ?:.?ne*rr taa eaBaMaafaBB raaaafa to * trial aef-ra a i an. If the) are. eile?, ?t mi tbia I nnrxe. BUBtl toe wilneau-a [a fon.e B|xir the ?T.ii.i1. u..l le t ir?? them ?eereted llr'bit t.'.e raee f.. trial t*iu?* a iur? i'or a.?ht >aan I Bare rharaed the Qeaajyaaf Patent \n he a f.-aud and ?*? mile I: not. Ii : Umhb 608M before a .mrv. furl. Until thi? i? d ne. ?h.ime ahataM keep \ou all from anr more rowa'div attar.t in taa newipo: er. II'>KA( K M DAY. Owner of 17 India But ter Pa'ent., and MinntarMrer Wareh.aiae. 12 CofteM-at . New York -Jaky M anZI it IMHA RUBBER <;iMU)S?Manufac I turad ander UOoDYEAB 9 Pataa: -Vh. Newark India B a aber Maaufa.-t-innj OimpacT. ttoM M Ma I lane. New-Totrk; fn-t,>rr. Newark New Jeraer ? Thte rompar.T are r inafaetarata and iraawaaaBW aaaaan i ?:. the iljfl?r?nt artieiei a..w n.^nurai tnrad ondar i;-^.!)e?r'i Patent, ana) gnarantae all their t '?\t aa bejir aqaal in (jTilrtf to rear?*ea'a?<m Mtiiu'i ara re,':<?*?,! to aall. AO ?"??!? are warranted Ui atmd any e.nita. Tke ?oet liberal tarn? ta< muatry de?;era Wall IM HUH limWIIH fin aa Waaaxa ArBiaaaa. Seereur*/ a .2) tral'sa-.w I'MoN INDIA RUBBER COMPANY, Warekeaaa i? NASSAD-BT (few Terk, .ifler (af ?ale erer> deMBi Hon of GOODYatAafl Pw;e t Mitallic tadB Hubiier Ooada, a BaatWag Co-it* all atrlea. Anny and Nary B re jit Paa i. (??o ,,a nu.t I'upei, i;.-.|. PArfBaflBBi Pom lioa. Fire H'ieketi ?nd (J I a I a' Me-. LagBtaa, PaJb. Bnkaw Sanaa*, H rw-t"oTeri. P'ano Porte Conn.I.ailiei' do HornaViola, Ci?li Cletka, ChUdraan'do Theae ro.da are ail It nrrantril not 10 .iu.. or a-'Paa kv Hlli.orbee i,.e rurnl In eold. JAM KM Hlfilli if. Preai.leut V. \HKFN ACKKRiMAN, Vice Preaulant. Ifll Jm N WII.I.IAMSON. Traaa re* ?ndSe. . jntioccllaiicons ^bncrtiscmcntg. IV EW MOROCCO CAS E MAN1 FAC 11 TOBT, Ne MS Braadway. B| rtaira Moroooo Caaaa ?f et m daaat Ipahaj made in the BSBaaat Baaaaaf tad r tki eheapent rat,w holesale ..r retail Jewelry eaae*. fine Mauatora . aar?, and l raei i n alni;.;it* m itl? a ratajre ; No .":. Broadway,cornet of Fnltou-.t . third Soor, Boat Building? N B Jeweleri' Sho,v Caaes Itted ub With Ban, Ba , ai ihatl boObi at n* HV LETTERS PATENT.?BRAN DaQSBI <o. tnaatoaotBren ..i iir.a./e Cbbbib, Metal aiidSiIier I eaf, bed la call Uu attentloa of dealun ?ad i MBiiiaini to then* redenteed Hold and Sdrer-plated Pi au i lion in the Bloat be nit.fill ? s of uns irp.iaseJ hnUiancy, dnranOlty and cbeanaaai Order? to aay extent ?.In! w i'hmi tWBBt] f"Ur holm. al it* A J RAPE DEPOT.?W. H. HUGHES'S ? ? Fant Ptimium laaheUa Orapei can be bad al J II. KUOAS \, t<> .s. N . I*. W?.t.?! , Wa?:u;u*.oii Mr H baa taken tat POM Pnailtwattaa AaMrtoaala' aOtateol ttM, and ilaa tae Past at Om Hortnuit'irai Bo> riety of New .ler?e\. ln?t week. It m worth a e.ill to nee ti em. a i|iei iaieii fotr tke Pare it Caatia Cordon will ba r-1 , i*e.l la-Ji.|, and i an r+ ?eea at pre I j>. w'ert-s'. wi H* ISABELLA GRAPES?From .I. Couz m'i A eyard, Debba*! Ferr Bor sab it TBYON'i BaadBtan, Wo. t Joka >t ?3oim* piFTH WARD SCHOOL.?Sealed I Pm w i Iba ri i eived bv tin Clerk of 'lie Boai.l ..! in. olfii e. New l'.tt Mall, until the I ltd nf October neat, fo] HEATING md VENTILATINQ WABD SHCHOOL-MOIJSB N t9. oerner of RdUk Moore and tfatiek-Ma anlaa pi* posali * ilk taa aaaaaaM fia kaalbai aad ?aalilatlai inaeueiata item?, direete.i to " S<Tio..| OSkceri, V'li Ward," indorsed M Katimate? for Heatmr ?ml Taatilataaa," will berecerved m?',nr rii? ilan? t an be eaamuo .! at the ..tliee of the Arrtnteet. T B AI'KSON. No. I70 Broadway -New-York, Sty IUI ol tit IFASHIONABLE SHIRT EMPORI. UM, B IPike-et., near aVaiel Bi ?dwa] Mi. I St>I'DP.B wo i,| the BttaatBOB of gentlemen about OWtekaaaa their fall and winter supply ol .Shirt? to the lai t tha' ail naimetils made bv her are warranted pert'e. t a * !. material and In illilfa. tuie , and t'lit her BMI VB as rea?. nable ?? those of any other (eotee! t ,taliliahaM nt in the eiti. Shirt.? of every Btyte, paten and material made to order it abort lotici Maaiarad bj aaaapaiwaWBd cattar, aad a PI iruaraiit, ed bt all BBBBB 1m* (^onway. No. 143 Fulton-at,, near Br.a.iway. has a ap'endid stork of Dres?. Kn.-k, 6?rk. OiaHIWll, aad all .'her kinds al (' .a'.. Vests and Paul?, lr..m the very line?t to the lowest tuned To Bieasure. a s Ii ndi.l laaortBkMal tat <l. PBIf best Bliack, Pntlsh and Alieriean ClotBa. Bm v.r?, Cnssiine'ea. D.*?kuis and Ves'u.ii. emhrariii? ?Iatythrni fashionable, d. ?irabl? and dura'de, in arery I."-' ii. ? a t.r-t r i'e i.t iru.araiiteed, PI ia>r rant laws ttiau any bolls, latka aftf, tor i a.h Bein. u.tier CONWAT, N Iii Faltea-et., aaai Bwadwai lOBaaMWaB* nDE liKAVN 4 ('<?. ? the attentiori a oft!* nioali t.. their CLOTHINO ESTABLISH' MINT. Na ISA Baltaa at.; it i> now fuie<i froai tke Aral to ttie Ifta atoruMth Ola t?-t laaarfaaeal .i CLOTHINO eter ft up in thik my our COATS embrace ?very new style ..f eut and material, onr VESTS an *i..l>e?a vaiivtt of in ist eien.uit patt. ni ?ml inatecial an I OU p.\N|s ii. i-Hti !?? desired f-r i*i- ..??...? Ken ?BM and jarai of man can eet s.ii'ej with enu, kind .if L'urment mitaldi for Fali and Waiter wrar 11 the w .rd el.eap t< a? not fiM.hai-knied. *>? wouUlsay B uiethir./ ..n that aotnt But i all aad see II in OBAW a Co , N'oa 1?J?'I F'iltoo-st aacteod* _ To TAILORS.?The ondereurried de ?ire? t? inform the Traile, part e ilarlv tbo.e . u.-a?" I in tlie reaily n.ade depa'tn.ent. that be baa on hand, at ill ti.- i,. p ii'ain. of rveri deseripti .ii wt irarmenta. ent in tri? lateit ?tile>. and iruaratit.ed to tit wuh the m at perf.rt . at aao e'.ec ?...> i 'I the tuiio'ii si . - embra. "d n tka ?et i omple'" hi lWe?s and Fris-k Cott?, era.le.l t. ,11 MXeaj alio. Paletot? and Seek Coataol a ranet. da'vles, t cether w.lh Beata ?nd Pantlha.lU. Ba- . Re., all of whieti . an be aka?aaad in compl? te ?et?, or by the atriale . .t'eri... I boaa flam, d eti lutivelv .u the eBBBMB t?i?.ne?? wul tin.l Hie use . t theabon of more advantave than is generally kn. so Spei mens eBkibOed, an-l furtlo-e jiarticula'* raadekaowa, bpeaJkaroaW II BTINEMBTS, lir * bj . Bp at OV e oi BWBBI Hi: PA 1.1. CAMPAIGN OPENED at Ota Taylor'? Head Quarter?, No 7$ Kail u-at . a rawl al OoU ?P L BOGIIRS, Commu*ar\ General of the than well lDu?D ettab.iahinri.t. dasire* to arguaint :,i? pa:roii? and the publ.e. th U he i? a pre,.?red to affer Uana aa m? rta er.t t BALL ai d WIN 1'F.B CLOTHINO (maJe of ?Nieni.r material*, aad b. expenenred workmen) at wh. leta). aid retad. cheap.r and more lined in ?? 1? than cat t. BMBBa at any oilier house in this city. Th* entire establishment i? under the ?u'enrisam of Mr. J SOI DVB, w I... win ?[n-calky attend to the euatom do BBitaatat. Uterebj rasraataeauy a paiBntB it te aR wka p* llumae bun h.n-n er. To lait.r. ?t , .-'-rier G"'d?G?u. Tat I. r'a Head Quarren. Im* oys". B0Y8*, Hoys,- ai.d CHIL DRBJTS CLA7TH1H0 aaair ti -rde. by a HJCB> WICK, N -' Mereer-al . one d.^.r hsoaa Ckaal -t Ca*. t.t.* r taaaar. aaai 1 at rcdmeil i^iet* ?Jo Im* / 1 E N TS1 PA8HION vBLE PALL a." CLOTHINO FURNISHING -Loilis tc _ THOMPSON I lak a, NIXON Ne. Ml Br...w, -r D'lat c-s| ,) hare roaatajitl; un baud a aa? nii ru: wf fine an! fa--4,i.nable reaoy-mau* I"! (hunt Vanitshiigr *aadi i Mtataarpatl dHaaatry.G ???? ... Mr-. >?.! C it . Incersi. i? aad D:? ?r. Hai IkarcajefB, Cr? ??' te AB G.iitlen e?. s T.'.'ei articln;? ida B? eadBa Ti e eroedd uttae ataaaiwe a?tkeur?Beck afCkidka C?a?i Bir e* aad Va?t:n<? arbid are ti Hie r.eweat *t? ie. and fr n. w htcl raraiaats aid be aiade ta tae oeat mann'r led ei.wt fa?l.ioi a'1? ?tyi* M a. AND tVARRANTS LOCATED.? rbaaidanitmi woaM uafcraiallperani it.- r.? Ol N> w \utk and 'luoughont the Slate nvrested la Ijuad a i rants Bel located, mat the* have nior aa BTTaafnai at WtUI aii aSaBBBBl and re?;on?iM? ACBBl in the Stale f Wi*. I w t. r'i the. are > nableu t. I.cale wariai.ts .a lb* - 11 t ta e:. u; in the 3t,-r. ?? a var* irrliotf ei ;en>e t .the warr??tt? m bo'der Our Meat i? 'nliaitte.r aaaiiinlad eak ill he Uaadl in the sta ? Bull m market, ana ba? aecura e ?. '.? i... n.a.? >l a i r.vd i He a cviii eetrd u. that t" sir.ea? w; b the H -a. The>?Hrre Coaket. fa ' - r s .:. r [.?? i o.r.t of tue dBrie** iu Ball e'n *'ac >o ?B lad w i. . ta- in urale .niLute.of al. aurr?y? Ha hi* c ?ti?t .n-l? oi. b?i C i lane iiat of the ? ^ i Ml ' ????? -mient btada in taaBka'a n adefrwn- the ???? rical BBBBaaal ei amii at.on al nek . md* And the laden eaed w . i?. r?st to all |?-*?.'n? baddBag w?.ra i*? th ?t the r~-?t 'an 1. ?re baaw rapanr takn , md that .i? leeaer their ararraat* ale i. r*:ed 'he .'>i'r' w ,.l tw their ' ?..aca if l.s ati<*a. Tl.e aaaaa n:e:.?? of laaaSaa] ? ?aaeie warrant w.ll n >t. tn r*/dBaa/yeaaei ascjaodaVaaaa aTlwalneVaBan;aaawaaa I ?Bild the ??faiitee ?r>cei?e a rertiAca-'e if tka tu n and in bi email u \p ttmm townatup :a the iand it. t *jnk?r wnb a deaenpboa of the ^oalit of the autl. tin l .r aaai watrr pi nie te. if ?uy there.41 Perw.c? o?t of tke city up. t, uci * ut th?w w..rraot? la aa for kasaabn w .. r-.-t- s r.e-;' tkeeef .r by r?t .rn raa.l. aad ?!i.| the leeej a. .s paTBaBti 1. ?.1. re? tl.e errtuteate?. mal??, a,.- and we bald oaraelTr* raaaaanawla for all Warrant? ?. 1: arid *<*? rea.i^y rsrree >e,i that th* adfaatapaa t the warrantee ..f so ?*r!y K<at..? ire twof.1.1 l*t. Choir* 11 the selection of land Bd The r nag a definite rkai or ? r n ? to tb'ir warrant and renderui.' x. . . Ii thai nhatk t*f.?r* ? aj ,,f auerrtuo alrtn age ?(? ? irrane.r en: etteml? ?;??? to thr ?ciliar .Planta antlpajing Uo.ti Nur*hern W syvmain. and to the orn ? ? '? r <i :s:, dttaraeyi a' I ?". No TaB-jodw?), New York Office i: . A M P V al fee WkFftn 1 1$ I, IJMNF PAPER HANGINGS.?FRAN cis pares sco, !??> rt Peart .treet, have ;tu? rue.! a nil srflec ?* huBsahl sad "'nl. *-n yU? ve aa ? -tirrn' rf ? I the ' ? " ? - BtJ ' ? ??< IV--.'elite. Velret. ' i 1 .Bjrr.-.a PAPER MIS IM., tad BuRI-IR-v selected riprsW. Irr [>r.? nt ('.- . . vr A" ?U ? ?,'"'?"? ? ' ?'? "< l> ? ttreOaks Ma I ? Bksvkj PaaelWorki i aeetaMs f?r HrJl Dai r.-H -er.. Ar 11m r. BN BarahM - M urn BS lt?m;?,.- ???.>. p. !.?r d sO -r'* rj^itk || \<i\k'l ii telegraph be I Ktm roRi PHn-ADrLTMTA MAi.rt. moke assf washington R' ? V ? ? Om ' asraei -H h inovi k B ? *? I ? r* rear I ?*j ? ' ?-c? t?? piom er line ? '? . r ? v. Vor.. I ? at New-Y .rs.Jsr ?-? < Nrsvk, .N ? Bruti ? ? ? P'u. a. Tree' a. V ' ' ' 5...? ?1 k*t?t H?T-r ,1. Or ? rs ??* ?ii W%*h met,*. . ' . . . ? ? -....?.' MMl LoW East, Wi - Ith I 1 ? I "".J*" taclited- mad* ??-r--,r ffttnaf I ? Ml r?M?-?l'ir n-rs-sed >t? f. 1,1,? .re .. ??.^,1.*.??" -sauted US >Mini is the t'Mi.mi??? and ?Kid* ?e delivery at ???s not .r. bow art ire.1 It recrtr*. tran.i.t tad deliver .... ,.l.r,.! a,*i(',:r|..-rj l.rt.'lf .r,m, , the potdir. ?ith u ?.srarv. per, [,'r.e%? and '?dairtj hitAflfte IHMlllltl Ths :e|.|r?..? io? buJiessse isf IBs pabhi a. thwstus in r 1 . >ted. at the eaaea. (W* ???'< Mui,'<?tUI<|li>J?rf ?' , ,17 !tMW>- *M M HWAi.M. Peases I 1?B1N S EXTR 1CTS ? "?.loa joss, i r??'<-i?>.! M ??m'I,, SSai BOB Bf all the Ui ?Ii vsm eties. m ?rr? in,I ?tna'i h.?trlea Abas, Ga-f .?.n ? tt Rur ? S.,-, - Lew's at lias Bl wn Windsor. b? tl.e?r>a. Ti?!.'. ml Hur Hrtiih. ami Pedal Articta. Ot' tli arraatioa . R?/..r. ?r..' ^!lr t' itkrrr Dr irtraU and I ao, r g*oda OraJrra a/a lanted toraH inJ aiaiai .* mt tt-? ?. ar.'tm.e, PRANCI8 TONES a fOfW ;,. :i; N ? I Vt\Jd, r . * INC PAINTS, .Mv ?.U.-ltui-'l ?t ^-vr .. N??-.l?w> '? ? NEw'-JEMEl EKPL4 lUJSil I NO MTNTNO CO Tin* C,<a >ti.f ia araaaaaBta formiat. a ??,'><, ol tfeaa ralsaaia riM PA.'xrs. a hirb f it* nreo fn it.,i. a."-? ??"?ra! r??r?'tr i. .I a Bun>ta araia 1 ' l ? ti f'?*?. ??> 'ei. '. '.n?- rwirwal bamabj u 1 at'te?. taj.ene: to aa? 'jtbai PalBl ?hitrrer I'?', . mm I. BTJfl paint ll [ iirrlr ?a Ollde o| X Bl . .nr' u ?'?ffilJed O?? Itbbi ail IBTBllBIBlilBB aSllHTW B BBB SB) BBBBBBBBa ;?op?r .????? ,,b ?? t < ,'lit t., 1 . aealBB of BMBBlMi and BNBatBBBI ia ?on e s| u ? rl it wh i. KOI rrRN vpli.ow whra ri?'?rd tB 'ia .,t?ro ? I '"?. '<-Xu ?t'.alae. iai, >l area abrn ?hnt u. ? a,t ae BBf ?* it ????-<??: bf r.-. ? -it? ? ! tit ..? ant A? aa -tQ'.ado Paint.K ?SaBMaSl B!. ?i w. tier BsCBBI ? ia a:.? BBBSB, BOt OCIIUJ SablB m 'ora mailt-, or to on 1 Mb Mid rib <?f B 0 is ka w.irve-i enfS mweoi?t ar ?:th water and mi. Of ? rth rarnis* m?;eed of od. tnerebr (trtaf the laBfJ] ees> lirste.1 [??eeiail 'iriib rVa Cobo mm ilae ntaaofactara Bl.tfX AlfD COL OREO ZINC PAINTS, abb h arr Baiowd^BaatBoa ?itB mat uwjbbjbbI forcoataa r?a. ?rni<?. otatt, u?a?. fennaa and all woo or other aietaStc mrtat-e< Ti.e? ar*of p ira MB 1 ti l.It OXIDES and are a lad b|r aaB watat ? '.tor ei.KaiurM.laai tl.aa ativ otner painta wAlia our koowiedxe. Dot. BBS trlba otHaiaJ, BOt aaBBtao WMB BSaBBfl witk ttmmu Bad taaj art r. 1 .iukahU f>r ttieir rtre-;?u.,| urop lir .Vn ?ur; aad ,,n liberal term* t>r 8 T JONES k CO . Areaitaf?. ' 'Cirmpaat n-'i a 1' B. no r N T ADVERTISEMENTS axs m^-nvA in the kaat |*-et. ia '^ner BMaM ?n?l'owm s' V B PALMER's AaWrtaaaa a*i-u, 1. DSiaaiSakftai aaU 1K\KV I IN ROOFS PAIN IK I) aid i PIX EP Sjtoaa ai par brat, wRl taa Xe-.v Jar-e, Anti-C01 oBtte Paint, aad warraated Pant pot lb. foai raata aadaaSsSfot Fat ,CI lb vCBBapaaBaaa kVaaSi Of' Sea Ho aospnnt rt. near Haaaaa ?I* Im.? pAPKR WAREH01 SE.?GA?IS r <t 1 DERRICKSON.II /. 1 ... N flaa n ?>.<?, an ?air a laree axaortnieMl of WTttUUt, BrraBBaaj hmsait. printuur and iixe,! pap. ri. Bl MaatUaBtareie pfMBB P .per ol anr kind made to order a*, tba ihortast a..(,'-? N B. r .< ?-. 1. 1 , a'.j a VII GALE, Matiufii-M-.-r si ,1 WimI- - e eala Dealer in BOOTS Bad BHOKS, laaitee hn.err to nil and eianune a tarie and 11-neral is?, rtnn nt. ahn ' will be sold at the lowest praOSS 1, r eaaB, or .dort enajB for ajjpr,,red notes Just rail and tart the aaah ??stem. N B m?A prime IWnttltiBBl for LbSwb'we ir. of our aa a n, ike A D UALE.X'o Jjj Pearl et.. a'iJti 3m Cor Platt-at . .Vm-Y ?S "11 M S. \ ANDERBILT would nil r r the atteatioB of hie easterners, aad tba pablie ne? tt Bf, to III* well selei ted stock ol CtOthe, CsaHBa r? Vest ins'- .mil Pall au.I WlBtei tlo.sls. at tu? CAs,ll TAILORING im IBLI8HMEN 1 . IK Broede where he is;,:ire.| to Brake up GENTLEMEN'S ind BOY'S CLOTHING, in the nawt faabkMUBble -uK Me slso keeps ? well ssstated assortment of OENTLaV M 1 n S and BOYS' hi wit MADE CLOTHINO Also a peaeral aaaortassal of ererrthnaf loumi in a esaTLaaSN's n KsrsBi isitatti ?3) taal FALL FASHION.?Just fiBisthfaJ, bV> runt litnshesi Bilk H .Is at the low pnt a of $1, usual? ly sold at ft . aa artK'lr \< ? m.i $J I > . neat II es $t. liltoWN. iMCaaal at. sm Im* nett to tke corner of Sullirau-et WCRAWBUCK'S UPHOLSTERY, e hocse ami Bhh>FarabhBaj Wareeeoets, .n... 3.3 Grand rNew-York, where wdlbefouad a CHsiplote assis-tnieiit of the follow nur irt n ie? - Feathers, hair, tuose and husk . also hesls. mattresses, palliasses and rtlabjoeai also, bedsteads sf even il. alltptlOB, viz patent screw, mm joint, lock punt, iroii serew . COttsas and trundle rota, he ; also, a splemiid variety el p ipee baa eins;, borders, be. blr C woahf eaU partkrnlar atteetkoB to his new styes of Msraad apriaa aattreesee x B.?OM be.i. and ruat tressea reii.-v Bed s si made over esaai to new, bv W CR.A w BECK, X . :t.H Gr .ndat see a I aHli .s disir east ?I Es?e?-st HK II FURNITURE.?JULIUS DES SOU rsepeetfti iBsanaa in. rust aaaai aad the pilhi .- ?elo I iio 'hit le ha- tell ill"' Ills! I ? a n,'t W ire - roee -1,, Ne eiJ Srerdway, n?vt ii,e,r te ti,e 1 ti.iie?? >iu ae, tn He I,as 1.1. h 11,.I s larxe anil heautilul assort? ment of E unit are ?1 the nebeel emermleoa, t,< which lie hiiSeeallaalina HekssJee prepared le fun.i?h to order the \ anoaa sty le? pf chue s Farattnra bob in bso?sark as Gothic, AatRsae. Eluabelhii n. jTieuuh and other sVaagas, ai.d wlurh he Will BWrsS <f the eery he.t mal * H 1 s, workmanship and M .ili ?4* piRE BRICKS, MALT KILN TILES, 1 FMEl LAT.Re -Thi ? becnbara IB I Bnrks, Malt R.It. Tiles Br . have eoaaBaalt] on h o d? ' Red " ami " Vi mt- u, elsh." " Listet ' Raa r,". su .,? bralee," " Hakmaa," and ' ( . ,i? e' ... and ' Giru?,r?" Fir> Iirn ks.eomai a anu Ibbm shapaa Eire, , ,j V. rlsii Eutin,? anil 1 ??etil.lei M?it Kub Tikse.M kola u v. ry sup. nor Bitede. Inal?Bit tin. 111011? and An*.re .le of all : m-ri, t.eii?, tor sale in lot? to still nurehasee? K'x h to tAMI. rHOMPM?N v REPHEM an! Sin? No Ci Pear 1-at .New-Vorl. rlllNA CLAY.?30 tuts China Clay, n, w latidir.jr. ai,d tor ?*!>? ??? xmIA' GAl NT A nKRRlrKSOX. At rhetr Commtssioa FaiK.r V> ?rel, ..i?e. I" , Kult si et. rpo ARCHITECTS, Buildtrs, Mssons, M sad ethers Bttereeled nu aas^andnaad, aapaalof a M ir'ae MaBBfBCtaill I CoaMBa] Hl Kuli UI.I. V't , invite. your stteatKm toaanauty of MAJRBLE u,.* beaafiatro. daeedfee Floats ntthieCtty aad Brook I ya. kits faraliliee ItieMl him to supply it for Bnaosl the price nf broan rtnae THoM AS I Met IBTHY, i.?MWkl- No. tt Bsakasaa a? 4 RRIYAL ol DR. C W. Kol?\< K (1 at NEV. Vnhh Tr.e a Bl rated Dr C W I, . baefc, Beat Sv?e?ien, PiaasBaer of Astrology, Aatnaoeir, |-lire,io|,,ry. su.) tieemaur.. bs . BSJ IBBl arri?e.t Iron. Pli aitelphia where he I.a* Biet a.'h 'i e rn ,?t ettra.irlir.arjr saeceea fee the haa foar ysara, sawes saw ba ?rum te Ike 1 it./ensof Near*Yaaa and it? neaasa c w Baaai. beilor the seventh son of the ?e?e|j-|, m.i, sml havimr mail a A?ti ist. aa sac ssvve BBeaty sbbob the'earii ?<? ,.f SBaea ?e.iss .11 os a. 1?.in area deiued from travelini and ie r1- t a that are pswsesaeal l y i...ue 11. this , oun'r. or ia Europe; sadbeBa a rifted by nature aad basiaaeaBi eatedUsuee Maaeea (db.heB praaaasa to alapttheu, to the iollowitiK aaaa, a:.d lb. .mme.huterorasummatioi. of the m 11? topic. He 1.11, Ih- eoiLulted ajlB at hiaolBce, or by letter, :f prepaid, and he 1? prepared 11 make use of ??r ^.1 I t ? e I',,I Bu-llltS ll all de-, npttoaa . tmvelinr by land or sea , r lar-ahipe , ail ? vi. e fisaafeethsar seeeeeMal areoni,.lu>hiner.t, spertilat It.r 1 -r.^ .s. meri li indue. ,.r t'iSk e-ra'e . tU? re. ?erir 4 i egBeksaia SBsasBtat ihejss^nsasaaeof tarkeoj aad safety u< ships at sea Hr ?[??> hwibad tneh, i?,r >frer?ivinr a certificate horn to. ilouoranle f John heruadotte, Basrly K.tiK of Sweden winch 11 ?iH efluw *re?t j lea? areiashnwcas, lothose whobsbi meet lion win. a call: be aawsBBsra tu? ssivsses reeaeetuig baaMk ?eaBh bsss ksea art...... j esBssrs Ba*e?aats sasaamBs a k i?i L? I am: -., ? : ?? .1. : .-.rr-n.i ^..t tut,ire event*, aad all the eoaeeras ed Bat aatJ Bisibss all toesJJ ark. are altu-ted mrpomlly a ?sBtall) Tern,?-Loliei J? , :? Gentlen.? a SI NssrrBtBSB r ,1c rSBted anal readlB full aec ,; t- ft.. <rwie- sad rraxscalii r sic..?L-di*-s f>! on 'irmrr I. B HaajrthBs ralralaisil Beeeid /?> Oeot aary tar lad bps SS. m fall SS Osatlssa r,i ... f-i *? Pe.-aoiis at a ciataacv ran : i.rlbea 1 attvtra? drae a bv senc.isr the date ei tba da, 1 I thi ir t,.ftb All bBMera . esta mi t tbe a'- .e i?r wdl reretvs 11ns.-listr atter,"i /n, aad aBea ? eiU ba MM n. ?n* -art mt th? kTaasid Mate. airitiea >4, dsrshle 1 aj-er AO letters OB the i'xtrr t-.ptrs, tfaasSVpaM ?1 ?? ?1 --?ere.- ?r.,t - Hl? 0/t ??> is >' Vin 1 W1 'tr..i ???. ?tekebekisw Brnadems mj OOK-BINDERS LEATHER ?Tbs 'sufx-nrr .? ?.?? ? .. r.?-. . it 1? 01 ?1 1 ? ? c? sewrwniEaaksba.??: r>? on ?? r?dCalf-ekiaa.Fiaacrb T -#?e> >l has . Re. i ev'-e -a 'e.J Salt'? aad 1 .if. B-- i l h keeraasi mt tarr.c^ Ma.- ,.a faaar.aadeaei ? ? srt Le raqaarssi in a tannascy a 1 irre aa. nine..- ol il- ?1? It die) '? lapeeB r ??srs Stivars. blsta and lav. ( ilf. always >ss bassL Ail t 'be are efbred for sali a*, t'.s '. .west markst t" res. by an* te.- IAMBS TOOK, ttci Pear-a H. Y V, 10 FING.?GOODWIN'S Patent I ? Btaaaj t?.. , tieht .Heap aa.1 dursale r.a.f I), ii- or, roi.ti, , auk for 1,1 eats ;>er |,? .t ra t..a ir shinr'?s J.curs ?ariBBisd otf.e MBSsaaaj.a Haaaaa attla* rpo I'M M BERS -HAYD9N A M BANDERS asaafarfaJiii ,rirr f?, t%\, lt tttrr J'aret.tiee R., 2 . t-.u .., , f,.lt a.,.,rrt.rnt f C'ot-.n w.el. ? a..e ervre-. r i..r >T.tubers' use and calculated r. ? ?'? CM I Ala,. ? banes vane-, af Stenn t.?.? Olli ai? ar fqe L's-om. 'iv?a and SUtwoarr Ba* 11 ? tad Ba*] E w GERE. A<e0? 1 AI NDRY FOR SALE ?Tba pro s-< ;r.e? r t -e- ' thekamaalaadMSBeaaaaeeateLaaa nee 1 UM nt,. about le??ia<: 'he c.t?. arahsale hn-J a r? ( er. tittble p To a pe -.u na? n| from >i.*s' to >3 .<<, capital, tni? aT eds au M-petlaaatj Bar a pri.ita'de ? "??'less ?i..: It. .1,' ? .-h.r,,| .. ,.| ? *? r. et w n E f 1 partiaalBeiastdress ?nureil name THOM is CurBEL, Nea-Y ek P a 1 .itice '? Br* \\'1<;> and rOUPEES.?Tbl Liest a i v v ehea r,- ,a tae , ?r be fsaad ,1 BATCHE L0K1 a - aaud Was 'aat .1 ti> 1*1:. a 1 . JcDcln}. .Ct. BOARDING SCHOOL frr BOYS, * Nrw Citur.. (',?? niVIO s U>. kvVCIX Pnari,*. Bad Ft .j -,et .1 tot ttej h, BVe Baa l"hi? HeM of th* ...dr?t N'intVinli in the 5r"?!' It tri u ?| ?a N? ?-('?.?>??!>. Iw n? |> (" .-n tweboa* af . w Horn V"?k ?w the New- Y ark aal ?Irr Ha*** Bliltoad Iier from Pir'?nt?N'*? ('xaian <i4i* I. "ir b| ?? ,** Th? h n| ii?r> ire amt'lr in n.r i *<-,???*?> ala'i-n? v.| < rt.Ur.e ait th.** *r- ii(r.iviu o?*.ral.'r f ?. U.* ?n'.rt. Cu*lr*aiatWL* and h*?'tli ol th* ;. j;.!? 1 he \? ,nte; tri;.'? iirei-'ra *a IB* l*t Of V ?re.. b*f And-*** I> s KiM'K? KU . N No vip. ?: .Near. I IB; w t.'r* ?,. . . ii. ulara may v-,.?>! vi r I aj faj RED1 I BD PRIORS - W \ rciIKS ? ? aa JEWBLB > ?t BED! I I :> Pm ? > i t. i ? ? i ?. ? ? . ? recetre ; \rt* tm ? ? ?? t ? ATCHKs I JEWBLBYaai ?%>? Holalai ? ?? a aaaV ??'< ??:! ha , r. tork al ?fea'i? T** * ?"' I i i ? itola I ? . ? e w ?, < i i,, ,?-j^i i r .?,?, I '? I ?... i, ,i l .,t*i fall r??ie.i n? I G .Pa..: - UlNI ... M - . ? i 1 .;h.t ktada ?! Watch. ? :.t e>i>i? rln* er?-*,. ? ? ? * ' ??? '? ?>' i .??. . ? '? We -1 *.\ at-ruCa, > K in feata ?. ? ? p. ? . a ? P* iU, -. : aad Sil ;?' i "i ? ? Iii? ?aal Rit-o lad I n?. Bl u*l?tB.I*aU i *T*f K'' ,% 1; 1' * 1 * <-,*?*?arl*a, ' "? ? ? -'.^<..v.w, - K . . ? s *r'm*Brig ? ' ? "a? er a: m* ? ? ' a than aar . aa* la- al Water*** ??...?,. $. s. r? )| \V? ? ??? ? " * All ? a'?a** war reeled ? knew , ? t ria* aw**? re'aia<d Weteheo C>???? aad r. ... ' e I--! t.?ar.*r, at mu. a lea* Ih.nthe ?BO t' kl I.I.A. |i *r-e/ i v. t v i Ba Jew*ar*, Whaaaaaka aad Brtafl. Be |i wa.. at, u a/ Br?J??.. aa ?tai? ? eit.erl. at B It Wall-it aft a \ n BESJEVVELRi aBdSlU El fr ABB keen iar?? aaaartaaeal ?? t'i? aewaai ?c |i n. b J*w*lr< . i ??er | .t'. ri. ? aa e..'.J an.l ti!**r ;??i t, , . . w , aii.i >' w are ..| tt,? *? .i J .'?:.( ?" ? >*i e .iderat* !"kt"*. ear h* foaad ?l| U I ?( III M ANN'S J??*lr* St.H?. B ) I'llfaJia' ?? u .- . lean -. .? s rer Win i a- > te ?eu>r, aad . att* tt ? n . ta f.araiaOokd laaaaaa*weeaaajreteaj] a.. nl*r all lia* I vm.ii iu:\t \ gT>Td specimens, ? ladSaad.boaaTJBbf H BOLOMOB ft CO Guld lad ?aleef Bedaeni aad Aawafafi.Bwae| Sme'ieriaad Otaaaata t earth'?imi-eral? led all kn.'wn a.i'xlaacra that . i'li 11. . Ritt?!? i1 . ?.n. i. i ??'. >ni* and ? rt. . u? ttiiaei ht acl I . eweler? an.! nillaaaatha' ?we*i?|, .. r?. ii,.1 ?:; ? i ?'?in ? rr.a.nd , t'.e r*fi-... ry K*~ tiwrj at N.. 4J Am. ?t . New-York ?J* lm? |>l? 11 'i w Kl R\\\\ \ i OHES,** - I 1 \ 1 ? l ^ i i I \ ? a> ... .i.'.i i i I' < ? i ?, ? u.l.J ?*v.-t'ne: I ?>( lea. *!? t :r tt reehert ? chaxactar aad ?*^ut?ite w ?rk ?. ?f. . . Brai?elat?, I'm* Bin;?, Cham?. lUr rian, ? ei. il-t ,?e? S d*. he . leuld ?ud S,l?er Watchel, rich p a . ! \t . e. f*% r ||a ii e? Work. J*ttO*. aiw.aa'i.Baadil aiaal aad ataai Baaa f*ail? ? aia?f?.la. diee'Wi . maa. Chaaa Oraai Mti Bijoaiaina *<? He.. e h i h I.a' >wea per. .t 1 Ihiaaeane? t.?* caak ia Barnue. I be* are aaahlad to eBer at a ciwdenM* te.laa linn oa the n>ua' : m re, N>> ill Br*i lauf. ..11 (neartr onraadre the r'rn-. II .* II tel > Brtjooat. / ?LASSIC VI. n..! ENGLISH BOARD. " IBO BCHOOI BTAMI IBO.CONN B B BIOB, A M, Priaciaal -Tan laaiitetioa la kneeaed in the rdlaai itf Hiaaifiml. uae fututh t . mil. fraai the ddaaM ..l ine New?Tork aiad Nie llaiaa Baiatnad. ami llurti mi aide* lro*a tBe CBj) af Neat \ <k rheneat nirai wut oranaaaaai in Moaday, Bo* j.i. iad e atiaaa :?>- Madka A pei tonal int. rv.". m?> he b d wak the Bliactaa] .,: the it lak ?toreof M ll Newaaaa B Co.. No. I? Broadwar. Oatakar ..'Ii n?d Hal, if in S la lu i"t l.?rk A M . <>r he will i UlOel ath, ran, Mta, Slat aad nan i?t aa tkoaa ?h? wilt |?*?* (heir rnhlrea* at li e cam* place, or at Wight's Motel, No in It wi,, where circular! with otkai , ar.uul?r? laar ba iibtained -i a* ? ><? \RDING S( HOOL fin ?0^ S. il ? Brt-e. -., , h Coaa ' is Nl 'HOLS, r. u.-um' Tanna, dire a year Ptrcalara, oaataiaa a .rticulai?, m*t bi taiaad ?? lb* it ? kat?r* -4 Al il Newaaaa ft Ca.. Na IM Bniadw>>, ,.r of Ol? Puncipal, lu dYrecttaa i.?St*ni Mi, t on" lai", MOBOKEN ACADEMY.?Two bon ran he aeon mot'ated ?Ith beard aad their -I iw. laparaitaaaVd m taafhnnl .1 tkePrtacipal \? "nlr l"ui baaa?diaaacholai? >ie :... )iv e.i i..,. h.itiiut. in.ith ?? r* aarra taa aaaaarl cara aad naaBdtoa, ia ooea*rtna?tr a n.w ?dill id to I hoe* pn.eni* ?r ; ..irHian* w'n~e boaaMH call? then, fron? koaia,ettherbyaaaar laarl.ta place their tan. where ttiet will re. . ne a . eat . ruardl inah'aaad BMBraa tan) c ' iikii>i;m in, ftaaayal Hobtikea, N J , Sept Ba, IJ?l t ' ? QPANISH LA SC I \ G E ?ORAL *3 SYSTEM -a? I BINOI I I ?.r i Bhaaeeen ImciKr aiii Litantaraia ike Unltreewl) of Bew*Terk, ll al.iut t" luriii twit new t'l ia?.-?, mi* ?.r ladle. ieal m .itlier f.e ?raitleii en S \ HBBBBa ahilllie riven gralia l.e taa the eaaraa w? i eamaaea I'enn*. ItSaaraaaaraaal Mlaaaaaa kppif ?t Ne MTBroadaray,re>aMBio.MBad 39 t"<? A m-w utraovi ? adit >i oi.l.EMhtRPK'S SPANISH OB AM MAB, y P ; VIN0B1 bn jaal I.e. n pnbll?bed, wl ,ii bm) 'ie h id at Iii? re?..krace. i.r al l.oCKVkooii h SuN's No in llr.?dw?y aSM* '1^1 IK I'I \ .Nn FORTE ?Mns. Mi Mi B LEY raapectfallj laaoanaaaa to bei pBerti *i..i ti.? la* die* ia renaral, that ?he i? u.iw prapar*.] to fl*b matrueti.^ mi the ai be* re.i.!?uc.-. N.. H I'n.iee-.t Terra ->iu p.'t (aawtar, h ill m ?d??i.. e. ot at th* r*?? iiein e? 11 her pupil* e j .nil. reasoaaMe atvbaaaji aiien,ie<i t" Bathe eft] .<r Mr. M -. I-n* e*aeea*bbb bbb Teaeher eaabhr? her la impart a tkuToeaa mu?i-?I aduca ttsa with facilitv ul nil \\ IN \ N I \S BOARDING SCHOOL ? a Irr BOTS, al Uttle Ben uae aula* froai Hohe baa. New-Jene?,omlerthetureetnin -i A B WINaNT end Lady - fhe great otaert of IkueSebaad i< hi itapart a Bound, practaTad eoBeataaa t.. Lade All lb* praseat lii.-ictieri, utt under It raarai 1 Me, and BOM m II be re eei.e.l w h.. are ?liier T'erm? |!*ai?.ryeir Tru?8? I..M.I ?||| re.. .,i.n MONDAY, he M h, tea bar Pi.:??willli? re .-??, .1 .1 an, time I?' -r rtrcNaan '.|ea?e apl '? I* Ml K. P. HdHINMlN. Me ,, Pia? ?1 . New kork ?'Um* IE NGLISH irvnd CL?SSK IL BOARD d INli SCHOOL fur BOYS, al Kdinbarab, If T.-d t BBBCHBH, B A , Bnncipal ? Nambai of Pa.; i'? iiw [ md to Id,raaaaciaaI Winter lerai rnaiaiaaf?i WED NE8DAY, Noreaiher I TenuaSM araaaahai f tf waaka, m advaaca Sfo pleao laeared till taa aieaai ipaid Pu Bila lorn mpanf*d to aad from Ne* Y"rk m the rloaeaad i i.i..m. i.e. n.ent of end lern t he 1'i.neipal < an he .era at the Ira .lit! Honeaoa the k n.'.. s,,,,,,) , ,,,| m,,. pre**aaa ta taa Mb N..?e.nber Bord naliri aad raft raanaa ?ddi- ? th. Pun.-mal I. Baaat at* s*" ry\ 11 ION - G. S( HMKTZKR, Pro B .i MbbM ?ud LaaeanaaajL tajMajaa tin paajM thai be tt derlroaa of obiiiaiaa naaiU tot the Pnnai aad |> I ,1. , int I- rein I, tierrituii. .ii.l l.a'ia l.aiigu igea Mut ten applicaUtioa re. maad ai the ndn * f / Tt ttmt at at Ale...- k. t ASH \ llltiritNM B ?.?..ileis, N.? SM Brondw ly ..*?> Im* Tf L0( | | ION ?FRAN< IS I RUS I i SELL, Elocatioaiat,rapeattaJI] lai.? that ha ha? re.ume.l the .r.-traei.-.n t t 'laa*e? aiol Pru ,'e P.i;.ila at Booaaa N<> tii Baaadway lu Bnaeaoaaaee r>f the lea* appoiataieal ..f my oral ?ppi.< am* for uaatrai itoi i >.t bm> e a, Me'I; ami.. rJbei ifter by Mr M BAItY.aa m .. u.p.i?lit.: HI . .inoiiat Be ulinc? fron. Sl..ik?;-?re aad the p.*i?, t.. > irel** ?t on-, ite reaadeaeaa, m haretofw*. Terui?, for priYi'e laatrn. t.on, t?n laaaoni f 13 l.tnielioi ii i aa, %;. aM tw? \ EN I NC ST. DI ES th? R<.f 1 * Mr i tOOl rPS Clan i aad i:<nii?n will he opened ..a Ml i N IM Y KVKNINO, <>Ct ?. fareeaaaaa ?nni.r?, eoi'.raein< Caaireraataaai at rraaoh. Prartie*! B<."k ketpin. In Ihoihl* Kidry in' < in of i' ia Arakwetic in the B*aaaBlaacaaaja, aaaaa rne j t?. ti-mef h|. i.? lie I i i...-I Praetieal II.m.k keepiim. Mer. ant.le Anthu.etir. Writing, Baatuh OraMasar ?ad CoMpoaiiioei aade* the dire* ttmoi an *?i?i.*u.*id l>?iieh kaaehM t'ia**e* will i?*. pka Bwaaaa e?aecnaBy f>. the t'rvn. k, trttt wish |a ie*r? to tprak aad irrrla tka Basrlaib uaBgaaaj* caarsntlf N'j?f?te iM M'al HfOI M U aSHINGTON COLLE ]"? 1,1 a i k IN- 1 I i 1 I I ? M?. Sanaa] ?t. Waahraeve-Mnari ?r . it, Nmta Behae Year ? a BoMi.O 'he Uta I BeotiBrAir. when Bra eiilareeaieat of the Selkeol BelkdiBB anil beeowatat* It ii hoped Oiat th* "lemi.g >.f thai laautl ma ?ft.^ later thai '.?'i? i win Be More thai con peaaati dtorta p*a*i la b, ti e irier*?>ed ?.ivaut >ge. i ? dartea Croat taaaaV dBIim ol a ?*t of new r<*Mai th* aa*at theBraoNd,aad a eon.Ja./ aaMil a i natr'iel .. a u.a llen.rt BWBUor Btajit* (,Ku ? t'l, ? hK K i Pi i^iet-./. aad ?il'.Vi al'i JA> I kNNINO I Pr n. ... S. 8H i S I KK" - Dl wise. himim, ACADBMY, Ne BM Bleed a m. Bow >,^an Bar the r..-e|,i .,. ,,i paml* laaarwi ,? w.fl fi?eaia DBAWINfJ iad PAINT:NO of all k a<l? Sepi rat. . im lot laaitra A Saiarday cIbm fir feeiaftj taa e,? (leatlenaea i i im BBOM ? TO I n i lax w. V vi I? EVEN I NO ' LABS BOB OENTLEMBN Drawin.- froa PI .?<*, t'a>t? from I leS ?'aiaak P M. He anil at*./ tear', in a* Ban ,1 F rtrota n. On. Paw tell, Mnuatur* aad Lrl irapk wall ba eaacottad I ia* ae nee v.?rrantt,Z1 '.m' piJFTON Si HOOL f B01 * .t w ' (hftattt. Stale* I aland ?T>,i? e kael )>?? teen in of ration rftttart t ? i: '.?> i ? ? ???? h* ?rthy ?ml datigl.Mul p.*:tiot,. e,.inin?ndiii* i lull > ?** of .Vew Y'.rV Ba . a* pie plai gr< lid*, ai d i? wtaio lai. mia i'ae wu.k .,i VandMhilt i Iei...linu Th? u..?.her wh i?ra ia limit*.; Th* ten term openi on the ? ?rd M in Aa gset ' ircaiiara ??d an. wforaaatwe mt r? ??Maioe-I at t.e.ire. dLertCookaC .TiBi awae, aad at Daaaaa fc Ca M 'in...- i l.e foil ' - <-'?'?'? man are re? ferred f... aad re.i. ?? ?' ? ' 'he*eh."l M.r.u B*tchaai f?., i Wall ?* " H Wadikaa Bbl, ? Mi. ? ia?, N ? I ??'? I ? rU e.*i . f I R..B k*r Baa W Cha*nber?>a Th. Pr.artpeJ eaa Ba aeei, sa SatuM Ita helweei. 1- and '"! " el <?. A M . at 71 Broad ?? [..jul *.>?, R .s Hf?*A ES P& t TON'S I.VSTl n T10N x.r th? I EUL'CATION BO B I . J H PATTON A >l Pr : . . .i will -m reop. " MONDAY S< pt ? Tl.a' ^ire*i'a maa ?e B8BM BaajBaaatad with th. laaraBCai ti ihm ln*tit..'i?. r?fer*i' * ia mad* to a t.e ot tBuea pat. hi. wt., ha?e aau HMhlina] tax t- tl.ree ,ear? f ,r the sale oi c e veaienc* their ?ddreat i? ai*o gut a 11 1! Reii.**n l>, N II ith a?. r N' | '3Pir. alar*. t j i,i iwb, Baa No IMMh -? .1 N ? <>7 Wii'iam ?t . j.. p 11. 11 aa Em . N MbM M?r~ ? .1*. a, >i N ti peaitrn Wru Si ane E?a, N ?.,,?; la*U-Bt . ?* N". BU Bmadwa | 3 l >wi,., ml Baf., No li liieat J.Kies M . N?.tiai. bt?rr. E*>, , h-j 7Orawl J..riea at ,at N* l(T V. t>r ?t ?airer J ,*r?r K*^ N< 7? W*et t:? ?? ,?? N M WaQ-at U G Oraai tr, P?a N? M Bra-at, | M Bf Yen Beut i ? N j v. - ttt ?? . twMWal* ll'M II LEGGE1 r'S ' iaASSICAa Y Y t BKMi H aad BMOLASH I 100 N B c*j" Bat -f Br.*aa?w?) and lit:.-a , wnl he reoi?tn*4 oa MOB I> A I . Ne. l ? ( lie I ,r. a.a. ' n ?' I. - - ? ? [*? N* 1.1 Bi ?i-i, l?.na aad BrtttBI ' I '?r' Br"ed jrj|tt*Pn?i iti, Jfe rib;.-it kBf tl