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THE CAPTIVE. _For tn? Tr.bune. ? gl aaas ?<>?? IBas*mBSea , fit .'? n da fM coil ?<>maBe H? ? ? l - u->i V X bjlo?som of air! wh .?e brilliant winga Expanding m Um summer -u.-i, Scerr.ed kindred with all happy things But yesterday?What hast thou done' Caught in a .? Itter .y net of guile, Bound with bright fetters, winged m ti n. Ssveet zephyrs and the noontide ? imile Bock and adorn thy destined pain. Dad the light traeery gemmed w:th dew Seem an a> rial mira< e, So lovely it must needs be true* Poor simple tieart' now ruuld et thou tell ' Struggle mioc more and thou art free, Thy burnished pinion* poised to soar.? Ot is thy sweet captivitv So bright It gilds the fetters o er I Poor butterfly ! those tender wings Break wiih the chains thev ceau to e .r, And closer still around thee clings The subtle coriiage of the snare Flutter, tall deaiii seem1 flow redres*. Tet dream thy fate a Baity show, he worst pang -pates thy -impU-ne-?> - To know a rpi<W in thy foe ' ? w. n NEW PUBLICATIONS. ??? tJOHT-DICK, Or. THI WaUU I HSBStA* hfj - nut IIbit .pp. tii. lld?;.er ii Brothers. Everybody has heard ol' the tradition which ia said to prevail among the old salts of Naatucket anil New-Bedford, of a ferocious aionater of a whale, who i- pro d :i riinst .ill th" arts of harpoonery, and who OCCaatOIUtlly amuses himself with swallowing down a boat's ere at without winkintr. The present volume h a Whahad," or the Epic ??! that veritable old leviathan, who " esteeweth iron as straw, and laughs at the spear, tlx dart, and the habergeon." no one Bsvaag able to " fill his skin With a barbed iron, or his head Withmm hooks.' Mr Melville gives us not only the romance of his history, hut a freat mass ot instruction on the character and habits til his whole race, with complete details of the wily stratagem s of their pursuers. The enterest ol the work pivots on a certain Captain Ahah, whose enmity to Moby Dick, tin name ol the whale demon, has been aggravated to monomania In one rencounter With this ter? ror of the seas, lie sutlers a siiMial defeat . loot I a leg in the contest . fete a fare in Ins brain . N - turns home a man with one idea . feel I that he has a mission . t' .0 he is predestined to defy his ?me m y lo Mortal strife; tVsvotes himself to tin fulfillment of Iiis destiny. with the persist? ence Shad ceaaingof insanity gets possession ol another vessel, ships a u<ud, supernatural arew oi which Isltmael, the narratoi of tht story, is a prominent membei . an ' altera " triad huntsman's 1 base " through nnknown sees, is the only one who re re ail s lo tell the destruction of the ship and the doomed Captain Ahab by the victorious, indomitable Moby-Dick. The ?errativi ia conatrttctad in Herman kfel ville'ii best manner, il combines the various features winch lorin tin chief atttactionj of bis style, anil is cofnmendably free from the fanlts winch we have Ik lore bad occasion to specify 111 lam powerful writer. The intensity of the plot is happily relieved by minute descriptions oi the most homely processes ol the whale iisherv. We have oseasional touches of the subtle mys. licism, winch ia carried to such an inconvenient excess 111 Mnrdi. but it is here nixed up with M many tangible und odorous realities, that we always safely alight from the excursion through mid-air upon the solid deck ol the whaler We are recalled to this world by the Ulmes ol "oil and bluhbci," and are made to think more ot the contents oi barrels than ot allegories. The work ia also lull oi episodes, descriptive ot at range aad original phases of character, One ot them is coven 111 tin' com ncnceiuent of the volume, I bowing how " miser) makes a man acquainted with strange bed-it liows " We must pass over tin.. 111 wlmh the avritei i.dates his hint introduction to Queequeg, a Booth Boa cannibal, w ho was Ins chum at a aailor board* tug house in New-Bedford and afMrsrard ins bosom tuend ami most devoted coafedarate. We will make room bu tin obaiacieiistic chap? ter, which describe-- the ripening of thrir ac? quaintance into the honeymoon oi friendship Returning to the BpoBbSt laa from tlie chapel, I found tjliecipirg there .pnle.i one. he having lell liie chapel 1? lore the brneuiclion some tune Hs wai anting on s bstll h h? lore the lire, srtth hisfl SI on tin atove hearth, aud in out- hand was holding el sts up to bis fare that little negro idol ol his pessiBi, hard into Ins luce, und with a |ack-knife gently whittling awav at Us nose, meanwhile humming to hiiusell 111 his heathenn.h way. Bat being uns interrupted, he put up tht image . aud pretty soon, going to the table, lookup 1 la hook Mete, ami pTactni it on his lap began counting Me pajtes with iltlib, tali MgOABI Iv al cwr\ .illiclh page- a? I huaeted amprjsjsa a moment, hH'kius va aasasty around hHa, aad giving utterance to a long Orawaaaeglmgwhiaileofaatoniahrnenl Hews Id then begin agMin at the in vl lit] set uuu; to com nience at BWahsi one 1 1 Ii t me. h> IhOUgeBS could aot count knars than fifty and it was only by such a large imiuhti ol hitu s being foun 1 together, thai hi aaSjaatMaatml at the 1.. 1 hit ads ol pages a as e 1 1 With uuu I. halstsal I sat sratcaina him. Bavs is though he was, and hldeoasly marred the ta 1 ?al least to mv I ana hii oouatanatv 8 vet ha i boovs thiag ui it which w is bv pdnaeansdiaagrei ibte You cannot hide the soul. Thtnagh a'l hisiiaearthl] let tooiags I thought I aaw the trace* ol a simple, honest heart and in his inrce, deep etas, aery, Nack and bold. Mare lasted lokeai ot a spirit th ti would dare a MattiaaJeeetla tad besides all this, there a > certa it loir, bc.11 me about the p.,an which even hit i uneotitbni ss eeaM aot altogether maim IB : like a man who h.i Beets cringed and never had had a Otodilor. Whether n was, too, that his he id being shaved, tus fort be id was drawn out 10 in er and brighter relief, us til looked more expansive ' in tl otherwise would.this 1 will not venture to de . but certain it was. his bead was phrenologicaili an excellent one It may seem n.bciilotts but it re> ?Mosd ate of Genera] Wa^hugaoa'a head, as ? 1 in Me popular busts ot h:m it had the aame long, regio.o . ma . .i,'( brows, which were likewise very projecting like ao loug promontories thickly sroodea oa lop Quee uueg was t.eor^e Waahinglon oanuibwliatiealh de sea pea. Wht'.e 1 w?? thus cVse.v a- .inning him. iialf ore tenoiea meanwhile to be looking out al the storm now the came easel, ha aavca heeded mv presence ?ever troubled suansall with - 1 a itch aa a tu its KUnce. .ut appealed wholh occupied w ;'i eoant tug Me pages of the marvelous innik. ( oneidcrri how sociably we had been aleeptng together the night ;tret.ou>. and sspi tly eoasid nog the aJrec tioiute sun 1 bad lound t:u\.wn over me upon waking m the atoning, I tl.ouuht th s mdiffersi ? ot his veiv strange But savages are strange be? ings at tunes tun do not kkow ev.i.tlv bow to laaelheui At aVSt Mey are oventrtag thtircut M'lf-c?>llcotedio s> oi siui{Uicity seams 4 Socniuo wissJoni. 1 ha.t not.,,.; also thai (j as> a* ret eamaorted at all. or but very Uttie,wSththeoMst se men iu the inn. He made no advances whit ever. aaajai ?rauio h.,ve ao iseatte to aalsigs ths in eta of his Bc^nahMaaesi til th - saruek me a.< unghiy su.sular ret, upee asocaad thoughts, Mete was MuueMuig aaasaa sahiaaa at 0 Hera ?.v a man some iwentv ihiHis^i... an laa frota ho ae ty the w?\ of r.,pe 11.ui., ths; is?wh.cb was the iwilv way tic lot.ld ?et there thrown amona people as strange to bun as though lie were in the Jupiter anu '. : 1 .' I s , ,s, ., M - the utmost sereuiiv OOBtenl with his own com IMniosiimip alwav? c,i.uai to ate Mil f>urt?K this eras a touch o? fare phtwpht t.-osi^h ?0 doaht he hsd never hearu there was sucb a thm - 1.1 Bm asethait*. lobe true phibw.phers.wt DaortaJs aliould uot be1 conscH>us of so iivn K or so strit mg So sikui as 1 hear thai Mich or such a m?n msee hhnsclf out lor a phUosopher, I conclude th ,t. like the dt ? >eoUi ?W wouum. he must hat c ?? broken lo.a uisesser " b,,,nin.*.a ia lB lt now lMMrJ ??? s tne see saasBaasB^aTa!^L^?l^*f^ *MgS vshea. aftet Its sVral It^bwJh!.W?.Kn'd tte lw 11 lhf? only glow a to - .kT., 1 .Ulf "?iiDg shacess aud phautoma 1^'?? ???w Me case met, ts, and peermg m u ? m i emuTwetla TO lht> ^'??^ without SV.T.b? I toll a m lTBW> l? W ???W? ?{ !t?<* I fel a meltuxe m me. No more my aplui tered heart and ?.aalde.ed hand were turned ag uast the wolfish world. This atsothint hid re desmsd it. There he sat. h,.\^Td.5etaee easeahing a nature in which there lurked aw oiviuxed hypocrisies ami Stand saneSM jjWj* h? WV!. ? rerr ?igt t of iiehi? to ?ee jti-1 bizai U? "tealmy ?elf myvter>nu?lv d ann to**rd him. -^J?"* ?*?e ihn g? that would haee ???' '.^^Jl^n| thev wer? the very ?**' f"th* * ? J? > 1 ' ftWf^l?eS Cere ^^f^ aaair to'.e be 1 ,, d him y . uou'ht he looked pleased, pern*?, a IkVJs com Piw7li$. turnfd over the hook lOgetkOf. sad I aa dean-red to explain to him th- raarpoee of the prn.t IkeraoBamgof Ike few l"r: ' ***** ? u. it Tkus 1 so? engaged Bis uMereM and ? ? Sat we went t? jabbt nog the best we conld about thesarmus OOtOf fights to l>e seOB la this f???? town. Soon I propped a social nmoxe and, proda rins Ms pout b and m.-iahawk. h ? quietly offered me a puff And then w< ? Ufro-n ti* old pipe of his, and keifte*, it u< ? BflJ passBBJ t-e* tween us. .. , ? , If there vrt lurked anv l-e of tediffcrenee to war, me in the Pagan's breast, IBM |. aunt, genial smoke we had. soon thawed it out astd eft us er. He seemed to take to me quite us Batnralry and aMMfl dtnlvas I to him and when OTAT Smoke WSJ over, he pressed hi? forehead ;-."iii/. Bar**, cUsp? l?se round the waist,and said that koncefortk we were married meaning in his e untry's phf?e. that we were boson. fnencs. he would gladly die for me. if need should be. Ia acountryown,thissud - il uae of friendship would hare seemed tar too premature, athmgfo be much di-trusted. but m tais simple savase those old rules would not aj'plv. Afer siij per. and another so a ? cnal and smoke, we went to our room together, tie made me a pres? ent of his embalmed head toek on- hi- enormous tobaeco wallet, and groping under the toba -co, draw out some thirtv dollars in lilrer; then spreading them on the table, and snechunli ally divldiag Iheoa Into t?r> e ual por'iei.-, pushed one ofthe a towards me. and said it was mine. I was poit.g to remon? strate but he silenced me by poorin* them Into my troweers pockets. 1 let them stay. Be then went about bis evening pravtes, took out his idol, an ! re? move d the piper firenoard. By certain sitrni and symptoms, 1 thought be seemed anxious for me to join him but well knowing wha! wa- to follow. 1 deliberated a moment whether, in case he invited me, I would comply or otherwise. I was a sood ( hri'tiao born and bred in the bo? som of tat infallJhle Preobiterian Church How tt en could I unite with tins wilt idolater in worship? ing his puce of wood ' But what is worship ' thought I. Do yon suppose now, rshiuael. that the magaaniinnu- Cod of heaven and earth?pagans and all Included?can possibly be jealous of an insigaifl cant bitof black wood' Impossible! But what is worship'?to do the will oi God?laal is worship. And what is the w ill of Cod ?t,, do to my follow muri wnat I would luve my fellow man do to me? lket hi the will of God. Now, Qneeqoog is my fel? low man. And what do ] wish that this ijueequeg would do to me ' Why, onlbs wibh me in my pat uiar Pre-t >!? rian form of worship. ( oBsequently, I must then unite with him in Ins ergo. 1 must turn idolntor. BO I kindled the (Barings helped [iron UP the innocent iittle idol. offered linn burnt bks U? with <i'ie'(jueg ralainod before him twice or tbri i kissed his DOSS . and thai done, we uadrooaed and went bo bed. at pence with our own em lienei - ? all the world. Dut we must go out to BOB with leb BBOs, H we would witness ins most remarkable exploits. We are now, then, in tlie midst ot thlafa, and with good luck, may soon ret a sight of Moby Dick Meantime, we may beguile our impatience with the description of S rope, on which Melville gives us a touch ol his quaint morali/iuc.-. With reference to the whaling scene shortly to be described, as weil as tor the better understanding of all similar seem I? Im where prow Bted. 1 have here to speak of the magna), sometimes lion ihie wh ile-iuie. The line originally used in the li-hery was ot the best hemp, sliuhtiy vapored with tar. not ImpTOgO > ted with it, a* In the case of ordinary ropes; I ?r while tar, as ordinarily med. in ikes the hemp nrire pliable |e the iope-inak?-r. and also renders the rope Steel! more convenient to the sailor .'or OOBUBOB ship use yet, not oBljf would the ordinary quantity too linn h stillen the whale-line for the ( lose coiling to whK I ii iim-t bo sul looted . but av BMMt senint-n are big g to II am, inr in ner.eral bv no means adds to tin rope's dnrabllBy or itrength, kowerer much n mav give it compact ncss and gloss. Ot iate years the Manilla rope has in the American , fishery almost entirely superseded hemp as a mate rial lor whale-iuu-. for. UMMagh not so durable as lieinn, it is stronger, and far more tofl and elastic . ! and I will add (sJnos there is an esthetic! in all tiiingr), is much more kandioBM and booooaina ba I hi boat than hemp. Hemp is a dusky, iiark follow, e suit ol Indian but Manilla is a golden-haired ChT COSStBB to behold The wliale-lmc is only two-thirds ol an inch in | tsBchneee. At first sight, yoa would oot think it so stroiiK SS it really is by experiment its one Bfld liity ) ams will each suapaavd awainataf aavaBiaav died and twi iity youiiLS, so that the v. hob- ? u ill bear a strain nearly equal to three tuns In length the eoMBsn spitm whaie-itiic measures something orer tw?i bundled fnthotna. Tow Bid the stern id the boat rt is spirally coiled away in the lab, not like the worm pipe 1.1 a Mall, though, bint no ae te form one round, ehoeeo-shaped mass of densot) bedded ?- iheat c-," or layers ol concentric epiralisations, without any hol? low but the '? hiairt.'' BS kiiioite vertical tube formed at the aviso! bhe oheeee as the least tangle or kmk in ti e eoilu u. would, In running nut, BtfaiBbty take ?oosebedy'i arm. kg, or entire Body oat, the utmost pgecantMB is Bead n stowing tke ime in its tub. BoBse karpooneri v?pi conenme almost au enure BBornlag hi Uus bus knees carry uik tbe line high alofl and then leering it downuard througb s block toward the tub. so as in the a. -of coiling to free it liein all po.-sibie win kit s andItrMtS In the English boats two tnbt are used instead ol one. the same line bring 0 Bitmnoasly coiled ia both ttdis There Ie tome advantage In this,bei ause these twin take befogrosnsall thoj fit more readily into il e boat, and i o not strain i: so much . w BBeena, the fimertnen tub, nearly three teal in rtltractor and of proportionate i epth, makes a rash*rbolky BeigM for aeran whoee ataaka are hot one-half inch in iniek nrss for Hie bOtUMB of the whale-boat is like critical lee. which w i; bear up a oonraderable distributed Weight, but not very much ol a concentrated one. Whin tin painted canvas cover is i lajijied oi tue krnsrterai line-tub tic boat look- is il it were pull ii god w Ith a prodigious great weddicg caki to pre : ? to the whali? Both endl of the line an etrmsed, the lower end seresinaliag la an eyi egdaee or loop coming up from the bottom ifainM tae snie ei the tub, ana h.uignig over its idge OOmpBstety disengagtd from every Ihng This arrangea enl ofthe lower end i? neces? sary en two aooounbi his-, la order to facilitate tue (esttaing to it of an additional imc from a neighbor? ing t oat. in ease tht stricken ?11 > iho d sound so d?i |i as to threaten tocury oil the ? m origin alrj attached to the harpoon. In the-,- msi;mces. the whafo of coarse is shifted like n mug o iic, .- n were, trom dM one u>at te the other though the fits: beat always hovers ?t hun t to sei M ill c au el Beeoraf, khM arrangement is indispi Oi i dc for citu saea mfety's s?he; for were the lower end ofthe I i e Hi any way attached to the boat, and were the ahalo thaa to ma the hae eel to the en ! dmostm a single, trookil g n unite as ke soun tunes does, lie j would not stop mere, tor the doomed boa: would in I frdisarr be dragged dowa after him ini<> the pmuin I arty of the si.. and ia that ease no tow n cricr would ev > r Ind her Ht-ain Behre iowetmg tin boat for the chaif. the- upper ! o* the line is takeu aft bom the tub and passing round the kwgerhead ih.-re. ii as itn carried forward* Btorsrare hnrgthoftke boat, raetuig cressaiseup en the loora or handit- of evrrr ? in's o ir, so tn.c it pffsai iinst his wrist ia row nj and also par-gmg between tk< men. aether ? ternttely sir at theoppo n-e the leade.i eaocki oi groorcs in trie extreme pointed new of where a woodeu inn or skewer, ibe stM nf a oommon .mil. prevents illbomslippB>8 out. Prom tae enoeks, u hangs in a sngbt mttoon ov*r the bows, and is then passed in ? i ot ihi boat agate aad some n n oi ideutv fath >ui sailed aox4?w|B*tegetehsdupotithe ^.t tithe it OOt wees fti Wav to the g- iw ale ftlll a i'ttle rmueraftand u thenatta kodtothi sh >rt a .r ? -the rope which isitaniedlatelj oonnecied with the bar BW n buttirevion-tothat cogjeoetloo the short warp -?< < i through laadry myMancaimns tin> tedjus to de tau. Thaethe whatehhe folds the wiio;,. boatm its coinpiieated col g tw i>ui r and a rtthin ? iroui d :t in almost eteiy cirec: on. All the oarsmen arc m roued ta iupeguom nratertieai so that to the nm .i^m! r' , ;*nc*ini.iu t,?i sr.ia Indian jugglers, with the.leadnest s?;tkes sportiveay festnonkg the* tu ? ''aitHtiv Moot mortal woman, for the ? I". Ol- SU S. ..1 hlU.s, ? lL, I ,., ,., ,?.,. ?^'tn T ?'most at'the oar be thii k Mm thai at mi? unknown instant, the harr>.h,n mav be darted, and all there hcrr.tie conu?rt.oit? be raw te pteg fak a rtenad bghajthrae; be cannotbethus c.rc u.stai.ctd without a shudder that ntakaathe twrr ma-low ot Bis bones to Qwiver in him like a shKken je.'ir > *t haNt-strarge thing! what ennnot habit ac amnnth -Carer sall-es. more merry mirth bet t<i ok,s. ai.d brightvr rtts.rtees, you never heard o*er yournmbogany,than you wild hear over the half-itch white ctdar of the whale-boat, when thus burg BJ hangman's inxveet and. like the six bar ghere of Calais before King ftd ward, the <u men cor?. I. Nil g the crew. pull inu> the jaw s oi deata, with a halter around every neck, as y ou nwv s ij I'erhaps a very little thought will cow enable you te eeraaal for those ie[>ea!*\i vbalhnj disastefs? same few o! which are casuatlv chronicle.:?o! this I ? or that man benii: takeu vmt of the :>oat bv the tine, and lost For. when the Ime is darting out. to be seated th?n in the boat, is like being seated m the mau of the manifold whiziings of a steam-engine in lull play, when every flying beam, and shaft, and whie', is grazing you It M worse for von cannot y motteaJeeste the heart of these penis, because the b*at is rocking like a cradle, and sou are pitched oi e war and the othi r. witfcout tbe tightest warn? ing, and only by a certain self-adjusting buoraacy ai.S smioltaneousiiess o! vob?on and action. c;.n you escape btmg made a Mazeppa ef, and runawa. with I where ibe all-?ec;ng si a kiwil cot.ld never pierce ?' Keuu. as the profound e?lf which crdy apparent i fvnreei rjet a; <i picpecstcs of the ?t.>rm. Is tverh ine pm>>e awfad th?a the ???na rta**T; far. andesd. we ra m i bat tb* wrapper and eaeasop of the **.->rm i and contexts it ia it-elf as the teeming ly harmless '?'? . h Ida .he fatal po?<'cr. aa 1 lhe ball, aa i the ex sjaasoa to the graeefol repcae al the line, aa it $i entil 'erpetrtir es about the oarsmen ocfo-e being brcesitfate actual play?tail is a which <ar ne? BaraeoftTW terror than nnv other aspect of this daaactoai sfUir Btst wby saynaora ? 411 aasm tree ; eu?eioi?-n in whale-in rs. All are horn w .tu halter* roeadtheirni ks, butitiaanlj erben caught ta the I iwtft ea dea turn ef death, that aiortala raalixe the stfent. ixsbile svcr-piasant satrtss af Ufa tad if yen be a philosopher. thongs seated in the whalu beat, v a won c. not at heart feel oaa whit more ef terroTi i if an though teat dnc'or?. your evening lire w.:h a paler,and not a Imrpooa, B>) Wa are now ready to kill our firs: whale. Here fat tbe transa ct it n La full: kiuim * sraiaxa. If loSearboak the taparitttm of the Bcjaad wa? a thn p of portents, to Qnceqnog it wai quite a didor er.t ob ect. , . ?? Wj en you see him. "quid." raid th" savage, honing ' Lis hainosa m the now ot bis hoisted loa:. ?? then I you qxuek see him *parm vrfaahe." i ' The next tfay waa ei - a ingty still and sultry, and ; ar.h aothii c itjeeial ho engage them, me Paajrj d i ' erase could ftardlj resist the spoil ot aieep tanased t.y each a vacant sea For tins part of the Indian 0 ran uroogh which wi were then voyaging is as*, what whaleaaei] ca.l a lively ground that is. it BaTbfds fewer giimp-e? of porj?oi?es, dolphins, flying fsb. arc other vivacious aeabmni of more attrnasj watt rs. than those 11 the Hio o< la Plata, or tae in 1 shore ground off Pan. It was my tern to stand at the roTtiassthead . ' sad with my shos?den leaning agatM the sIick | tried royal shromis. to and tto 1 idly waved in what I named sn enchanted au No resolution could with ! stan<i it at that dreamy mood lostng all cexasciom> I ness. at last mv ?oul went out of tuy oody . ttvoejgb 1 my tody contmw d to s .v ay a.- a p< adttlam will, long : alter the power that moved it ta withdrawn. Kre fornetfulne*-' ..ito.-i U , r .no nie. I had noticed that the at smea en the m iht sad adaea mast heads were already crowsy. So that at last all thn r of us lifelessly swung from ihe and for i every swing that we made there a ll a Bod f'om ' beiow from the slumbering befaiaman. Tl'3 waves, I too. nodded thnr indob at create; aad across the i wine trance Of the sea, e.i?t ma.-- ad to w< St, and the 1 taa over all. Suddenly bubbles seemed burst ng beneath my '< closed eyes, like roes mv bandl grasped the j shrouds .'some invisible, graeioua igeaey piasarved i me. with a shot* I came bank to life Ami ta! c'o-e ondet our lee, not forty fathomi on", a gtgaatlc Bperm Whale lay rolling m tbe w ator like the cap j s.7f?f bun of a fr.yate. .n'o^y back. an ; Ethiopian hue. g Ha tea hag in tfaessmto rays like a j aurior. Bet lastly undniatiag ia the ttfottghol tue : sea. and ever and Bnontranquillyapoutlnghisva porv jet. the whale loo..- i like a portly burgher . smoking hi* pipe of a warn, aftiriioon. Bat tint ' pipe, poor wnaJe, was thy list. As u' strack bj gome mcbai.tei's wand, the sleepy ship and every ; sleeper in it all at once started into wsJmfniherss; am more than a BOOfO of voices from all par s of the i vessel, simultaneously with the tbne notes trom i alt ft. shouted forth the accustomed cry. a< tbe great fish slow iv and regui.triv ipouti i tin ipa rklhig brios ' mto the air. " Clear away the boats! i.u ff''' cried AJhah. tad I obeying his own ordt r. he daabed the helm do era before the h? Itnwnan . ould handle the ipokei \ The sodden exclamations ol the ?*rew must hare alarmed the whale , and ere the boats were down, cm esticailv turning,he warn away to the leeward, but with saeh a steady tranquility, and ma king sn few ripples h?- he sw am, tint thinking after all he might not as yet be alarmed, khab gave orders tna? ! not an oar saxtakl hi Died, and no man must speak ? but in whispers. Bo seated like Ontario Indiana on 1 the gunwales of the boos, we BWiftlj b tr ideally j i paddled along, thcoalm not ad mil f in g of the not SO (en sails being SSt l'rest i.tlv. as we thus glided in chase, the BBOBSter perm nuicularly flitled his tail : forty feat into Ue air. and than sank onto; tight like a tow er IV allow ed up. ?? There go flukes'." waitlie Baaoancemeat I ; lmmet'iairly followed by Btubb'l producing Ins 1 match and [patting in- pipe, for now a respite was granted. Atter the full interral of bis i uniting had al speed, ths whaie rose again, and being now in ad? vance of the ker's t;, an I H a n DeSiertO it than to any of the <>;heis. dtubb counted uixm tue j honor of the capture-, it nras obvious now that the vvliale had -'t Icmrth become aware of In- pursuers. A;l silence of eaaiioosjM ss w,;s, tbevsdbra, no loagar of use Paddlss ware dropped, and oars-ein a kmdty into play. Ami l till pufBl g al .'us pipe, ."stubia oficercd on hi* crew to the assault. Yes. a mighty cham e had come over Ihe fish til alive to in? jeopardy, be was going ?? be id out." tu tt part ohlkjuely projecting iro n the road yeast which he brewed. ?' Start her, start her, my men ! Don't hurry your seht s t.tVe plt ol tum?but start her . etart tier like thunder-claps, that's all," cried Bwbb, splatter not nut n.c smoke it* he spoha. "s;,4rt bar, now give 'em tbe loog ami strong stroke, Tashteg i. stait ln-r, Taah, my boy -tart i.?r, a l hoi keep t ool, keep cool?cucumbers is the word?easy, easy ? only start bet like gum death grinning devils, ar.d raise the buritd dead perp'-n ocular out of the r graves, boya?that's all. start her' " M VVoo-aoo ' Wa lire'" rcreained the G ty-Hoadse ta reply, raising tome old war-whoop to the skies, as ererv oarsman tan the itramad boat involuntarily bounced forward with the one tremendous leading ?Ii ke which tht ea'nr Indian gave Hut Iiis wild scrciiiii were answered by others i quite as wild. "Kee-heel aTee kee'" pelted Dag goo, itraintrg forward and backward on his Beat, like a paems tiger in Ins cage ??Kaja' Koo la!" bowled Qnssqesg, as if sssaek> ing hiS lipa over a BlOUUftllof (.'renadier's steak. I : And thus with oars and yells the keels mit the sea. I Meanwhile, Stubh retaining place m the van, 1 buMaaoamaged aiamea to tin- onset, all tbe while puffhaa the imoki from ins mouth. I.ike daspssnv : toistbev taped BOd they strained,'ill ?."? welcome try was heard ??stand uo, Tashtago!-gtte it to I'm'" The harpoon was hurled. "Mara all!" The OarSBDOB ba-ket1 water, the same moment something went bot snd htsabsg aloag avery one of their wmvti it w n me magtcal line, ha mstam 1 i'ore. Stubb had Bwtltfj caught two additional turns with it ronad the loggeibead, whence, by ! reast u of us Increased raj iu cinUnae, a heaspaa h ue smoke row jetted up and mingled with the steady lames frcm his pipe. Aa the line p.iss.-d rottaa aad resaad the loggerhead so also, just b*' fcee reaching that pouat, it blliaeiiBgli pissed IhlxWAeh and tlrmagh both ol -stubb - hands, from which the hand Cloths, OT Squares Ol quilted c iiiva* ?CSasejaaes WOta at these liHCl a cr'entally dropped. It was like holding an enemv's sharn two-edged -word by tie olade, and that enemy ad the tune strii'.nc to wrest it oat of clutch. '? Wi t the line ' wet the line ' " crie ! Stnob to the tu'' osnmaa (him Mated by the tobj won, matehiag ofi lus hat, dashed the sea-water into it. M ire turn* wt re -e tb.-.: ::?? line : ec oi n.d.l.itg ts alace. The boat now flew through Ike boilTOg water nke a sh.,rk ah lins. Btubb and Taaahage here Chsntad places- stem for >lem-a staegermg busi nt st trulv in that nvking coaxnaotsosv 1' tt mibe til rating hasextendiag the entire length ol the oi per p .n aftae boat, and from its now being ii i re lint than al. apstriog, reu would have thought t: e CT all f.a I two keel.-?unecicariniT the water, the other tha air?as the beat okurned on through ban ling elements at once. A continual evevde i it ed at the bows a raasclaas srhirintg eddy fat her wai.t air'. .,t the lUghtaatSBOtlon from within,even M t a litte finger, the vibrating, cracking craft canted our her spHsUux ic gunwale into i!ie sea. Thus they rttshiu each man with adghtand atata eatag* mg to his leat, to prersnt belag [ossod to the fnrr i I the UH form of Tashle.-o at the steermn o n croachlas a'most double, uu-n'ei to bring down his ? inter of gravity Wbo.e Atlaatlcs and PasdsVca Keaaadnas id ssths] ihot oothairway,tiilatismga1i tha whali somewhat slackened hh) flight ?? Ban] in?haul in!" cried Stubb u> the bows-nan I and. facingrensdtoward the whale, all Bajatabe? lt an pulling the boat ap to lam, while yet the boat a e being towed oa. Boon ranging up by his flank. Bi bb, irmly planting his knee in the clumsy cleat, d; uro d-.rt >? ? rt mto tbe flimg . at the weed I comi ?!..' ihe oat svJtertiately atarahag oat of the v? ij of ti e wtsstteebotrMc wai'iow, anu'tne i raas> ! ins op for another fling. I Ti e red tice r rjw ; oared from .ol sides of the mon *ir like brooks dovva a hilL His tormented body io Ice set in bru.e bui in blood, which bubbled and m tthed for furlongs btkicd in their wake The slat tu g >a;i playing upon this crimson pond in the sia. ten:. an, .is it-r.eetion into curt face, so that ths y all e ow*d to each other like red men \nd all the win e, let after jet of white smoke was aeon v hsgty *hot from the tpirade of the whale, and vehe Baeai peaTalter panttVom aas mouth of ihe excited beadsaaaa .-ht every earl, hauling bjj tlt>,,n n,s CTCOked lance by the line attached to it i <;ubb straightened it urain and again, by a few mat 1 blows against the gunwale, then again'and again ?ent it in'o tl e w! : . ?? l'uil u; ?pull ur " he now cr.edto thebowarnan as the waning whide re.axed in his wrath -Fall !?' 'r eloSj0 and !ht haal rangtd along the fish's k. \\htn. reachn g far over tbe hew. Smbo itowtj churned hi? loaa sharp lance into the hsh and kept it tt.eie. axetuliv churning and churning as if raun aaly seeku ir to fee. after some gold watch , thai ti.i wh ile ini^h" have swallowed, and which be w?, 'earful id breakm? ere he could hook it out But th a gold wut.-n he sought was the innermost bfaot'!.. ash tmi now it is struck for. nartma j tr. m his tram e uitothat unsp?aka6le thing Ca''kd I k,1^fiurnr' tre ???ohiraeBBhH wallowed hxlS - < virwr.p, ci himself m tmoenetrable mad fx mi g spray, ao that tae impenied craft, WMM ctopimgasttrn. had much ado bundly tortrueale 5* *oa thafl iren^ied twilight mto the & w Ano BOWBl .teem his flurry.the whaleonr-e more Mud out i. to view aawag mm s.ce IvS ina-nocually dilating and .onrrintii:* his Sll,?x. hole, aithiharp. cracking, agonized res;/uaimns At last, tvtt a-trr v?b of c!o;te.? red sot- ?ahTa bad in i I. e purple ites^f reo wme shot :n:oihe /rirfctrd rr , ?r.e falling hack .veaw. n?n dnppi" ccwn Li- ii c?Li..i ts ? into tue (??.* His ne-r, ?, i bum ? p.'s dead, Mr Btubb " raid Oasen> " fee r-oth pipes ennilod aa)'" aa . wHhdiawtag kiaoars ii ? htaaawtn, stub i seuSterad tae deal . his ow tike '-.?'ir and. fur a asOBSOnk, s.oxl [ , i atttfull) eyeini <ne va-i rorpoa he bad made. At last, M, bj-Dick, the object of sock long er?, ar.d infuriate search, is du juven it. We can IMUJ piu' tiie report uf no Daaav-^nasr pay. Tta* Ii.? bti in tbe, when toe "Id a? bis rraat at Intervall stepped fortfe Irani the ffuttie ir, which he IsanatT, *i a went; ? hi? pi rot hol? b? ssn* en J 111 last mil bis (ace, fiercely snurf tag aa Ike aea air aa a rag ei ere sup's doe will, in crawltg nigh to seme baro.trou* isla He doe Band that aw.ia . nra t be rear Booe Ikjatpecnlinr odor, teeaethnee to a great dun em girea forth by tko Irr- , Bsfi^iaa whale. ??? ie aU the watch nor ! ?.is aay inrpnssd whea, after inspecting thee n pas- and then trie dog-vane, a .d then as'-er- : ta n Bg ti a preehw bearing of tbe odor .is noarty ai ; Boowala, Aaaarnptdly moored the ship's course to bb Sltgktly altrrrd. and tbe sa.l to be shortened. Tko acute policy dictating these nveineMts eras siifl'ciit .1; v.;.d:ea:ed at daybreak, by t:.e vgnt <*' a \ long Sleek OB the <ea directly and lengthwise ahead, rn.o?' k BO Oil, and 1010 mini Bg in the BSOOtOd waterv wrinkles Bordering it, the iM-lishcd metal ic-uke ?arks of some swut tnle-np, at the BaOOth of adeep, rapid s'ream. ?? Man the mast hea '<=' Call ill hands!" Thundering aitk the baths of three Blabhod kand apfkesoa the lorecai-tlc dock, Deggoo roused the sie? per? w ith such judgment claps that they seomi d to t xhale from the scuttle, so instantaneously did ti.ev SI peai w ith theur clothes in their hands. '? \\ hat d'ye see ' " erieu Ainu, ila'teiinig his face to the sky. ?? Nothing, nothing, s:r '" wi< the ?ound hnlaie down in teply. '* Tgallant seile! gtnnenile! alow aad aloft, and OB both s'des, ! " Ml s;;;l being sc*, he BOW o Bl the life line, roasirod for swaying tum to the main royal-mast beau . ai o in a lew moiuerm they were hoisting rum thither! when, while bUl two-tnirds ot the way aloft, and while peering ahead through the horizontal va? cancy hi tweea the mam-top-saii and top-gallaiif IOlli be rawed I eu'llike cry'm the air. ?? Th're she blow IberoelM biOWS! A hump like a msb as hill! It is Moby-Dick!n i bad .??> the .rv which seemed simultaneously t.ik'ii up bj the tliree look-outs, tlie men OO dock ruahed to the rigging to Deludd Ike famous whale Ike) bad so long been pursuing;, .thai had now gaini o Ins final pi rch.ioiiicfert above the other look o-.t-. Tashtego steal Bg jost beneath bun on the cap ofthe lop-gallant-mast, SO trat tue Indian's he id was aimer! on a level with aJMttcS heel, ^'romthn bight tbe a hale waei ..w si en torns sails or so ahead, ... i sei v roll of ihe ?ea rerealmg ins Ugh. sparkling bump, and leiiiltrly jetting kie atlOBt into the air. To the .reunion.-- martneri it seemed the s .me gift id Spoat thev bad so long ago be hi Id m liie moon? lit Allan re and Indian Oceans, " And did none of ye BBS it br'ore ' '* cried \hab, bailing II c perched ntea all around him. " l saw bunalsnost thai s.nnc instant, s;r. thai? ap tufn Ahab did, and l oried out," said Tesbtogo. "Not the same instant not the mmc bo, the doub loon is Bune . Pate reserred the doubloon 'or mi / onlj tone of ye coord here raised the HThite Wkale tri t'rn re she blows! there she' iBeie ehe t lan -' i:.' re again' then- again "' he cried, ia long i rawn.lii ci ring, methodic tones, attaaod tothegrao ual )>ri loof ingsol ti e whali 's v tsible ji ts ?? He a so ? ig to Bound. In s* uns ?!s' Dowo top-gaUaavevIs! stand bj three bi ata Air Starbuck, remember, s;av on board, and keep the ihip Helm there! Loa, rug a point! Bo steady, com. steady' There go A '.i- >o, no. only black water! All ready tue .tlurc' ktaBd by, aland by! Lower me. Mr. Starbuck . lower, !o*< r?quick, quiclu i " aal he slid i hioogh t! e air to Ihe d< cic "He s kenotog '"-aciit to leeward, lir,"cried Btabb," right awaj Irma as . cannot bars seen tha ship w;.' ??in dumb man' statu' i' thobrnoos! Hard down Iho beha!?daaco ap! BhtrorlssrJ?ebtreThef! Bo we l ii? Boatf.boata!" Sei :. tue boats bot Starbuck'l were droppa I . all ti t boat sails ret?all Ihe paddles plying with rippling swiftness, shooting i<> leeward and kbak f.i .a n,k th" onseu A ji US death-glimmer lit up Pe? dal sh's sunken eyei a kideooa motson gaawed hat u rmt!;. l ike BOHOless BBUtitot shells, their light prows spin through Use tea; baton!) slowlytaeyaearad the foe. As thej Beared htm, tin ocean grew suit more imooth; seemed drawing a carpet over ha mm ., -f i med BBOOB meadow,SO serenely it S| read. At lei gta the brenthli ss i.unter came so nigh his gromingl) nmaspi cting prey, that his enure dasattag bump a as distinetly ristole, slrdinR along the sea as it an isolated thing, and continually set in a rcvolv Ingring oi finest, noecy, greeBtsb foam. He saw tha rast, iarolred wrinKles ot the sUghtly pr.>jecfiii',' bead beyond, lieioie it, far nut on tue son Turfchsn rugged waters, went the glistening walte snniow lr< m bis broad, milky forehead, a musical rippling playfully accompanying the shade and behind, the nine wa;ers Interchangeably Sowed over into the movingvallej ot his steady wake, ami on either band brightbubblt laro a and danced by his side. Botthese were broken ogam by the light toes of bnndiedsOf ga) fowl tOttfy leathering the sea, al ?? n ite with their fitful fUgnt; and like !o some flag ???ait rising from the pauattd hull of an argosy, the tall but Shattered pole of a recent lance projected from the white whale's i>a kj and at intervals one of the cloud of s< It-toed fowls borertng, snd to and faro skimaung like a canopy over the fish, nientiy perched aad km ki d on tin- pole, the long tail leathers sire iming like pennons. .a gentle joyoosness?a mighty miktneee of repose in swiftnese, invested the giiomg whale Not the white lull .Jupiter in bnmina away with ravished Europa clinging to bis graceful horns, his lovely, BeringeyeasMsvrays inlent upon the maid with smooth bewitelnng tleetncss, rippling straight for u.i l i t id bower ib Crete not Jove, not thai great majesty Supreme! did surpiaa ihe glorified VVtnte Wi ale a- be so dirinely swam. On euch loft sice Mil chlOBt Wltb the parted swill, that hut once leaving linn, then fknved so ante away oa each bright side, the whale sued of ei tii ii gs. No wonder there had been some among the bunten who. namelessly tr.u.s;iorted and allured by all this serenity. had rentnred to BSSatl il but bed fat.oly round that qatetude but the vesture of tor&adoeo. ? et eaba, eatieiag calm, oh whale' thou glides' on, to ail who for the Irst time ? fa thee, no n. ittCT bow inai y in that same way tbOB maj 'st ii re tt Bggled and <!? stroyed before m c thus, through the sereae tranqailitieeof the iropical sen. among waves whose hand-clappings were su.*pei.d?d by exceeding ra^diire, Moby>DtCB moveii on. *i'ii arithbosding irom sighl the lall tar* int.- of his inbmerged tr.nk, entirely hiding tne Urtencbsd hiueouscrss of his jaw. But soon the lore part ol I nn slowly ro e from ?.he water lor an ins laal whole marbleixed body termed a ar. :i. like Virginia's .Natural ?rn'ge. and warnmgly w .vine btl bannered flukes in the air. the grand g.jd revealed kimeelf, aouaded. and want oat of s.ght Boveitaglj batting, and dipping on tha wmg. tae white .-ea fowls longingly huge red ovtr the agitated pool that he left V\ i:n oar* apeak, and paddteS down, the siieets of their I ails adrift, the inree bo;il*|.oiv Stilly BBOted, awaitmg Mob) Di It's reippooraaea. "An kOOr,nsah1 Abab, s-andtngro.)te.t in Ins boat's stun and he eeasd t>e>\< n 1 |ae arBale'i nbsee, t' w.ird tne dim bfOS spaces and wide wiaung vacan cies to leeward, it w as only an instant tor again bis eyes sensed whirling rourd in his head as he sv.ii : ihe watery circle Tn* bree/e now Irestiened '.be -ea beg-in to s?ell ?' 1 he birds '-the birds' " cried TashtOgO. In lor g Indian file, as when fcerong t..'s0 wing, tbri white bntde srare bow all dying toward khao'e boat. aad when withm a tea saedsbegaa ttuttering over Ike water there, wheeltag roaad ind round, with joy? ous, ezpectnnt, cries Thatr rfcaloa was keener thin mil'.- ftkab faaihl itlsrarm no sign in Ike ssa but snodanlv, as lie peered down and down Ibbb its dt pthe, he pro'oundlv sa-.v a vvhde o.g gertbea a white weasel, with wonderful celerity i\> riMi-g, and magnlfring as il rose, till it turned, aid tht n there were plainly revealed two lone crooked raws ol whhe, glistening teetB, Soatiag ap from the LDdi.'Cf.veraMe bottcm it was Motvy-Dtek'i open mot th and sen died jaw h's vast, shadowed bulk rti.l ball blei dirg with the blue of the sea. The gbttcnag n.outh yawi cd beneatn the boat like an i pcn-di or. d marble tomb . and giving one sidelong its nop with i is steerm? oar, Ahali whirted the craft iah ( meal il l- tremendous apparition Then, call ingupoi PedsHektochaagepsacoswitk him, went forward to tie lows, and seizin', Perth's harpoon, ,.... i .i di d bis crew t?. grasp their oars and stand by to Mem Nowr,byraaaeaef ahnt ttoseiy eprnitsBg round the boat upon nsaiu, itsl^jw. by anticipation, was miuie 10 face the whale's head wmle vet under water. B t. as it lerceivingthis ftrataee'm. Mobv-Dick. wr.h it BWltrrnns intelligence asenbed to bim. sideling iv Baneplanted himself, as it were, m an instant, 11 ling his pleated head lengthwise beneath the beat. Through and through througb ererv piaok and . k iSb, it thrilled for an instaut, the whale 0Dln;ue i \ mg on his Back, in the manner of a bitine shark, ?lowl) and teelii.glv ukme iu bows full with.n its mouth, so that the long, narrow, scrolled lower jaw , utied high up into the open air, and one ofthe teeth caught in a row-lock. The bluish pearl-white of the innce of ttc ;aw was within six inches of AhaVs head, and reached higher than that In this aim ode il t W a ie \\ be e now shook the sbght cclar as a nu'dlv ciuelcat her mouse. With unastotushed eyes Pedailah gazed and crosse d his arms . but the tiger yeilow crew were tun.bang over each other's heauj ti. yaia tbe uttermost stern s: d now. w bile both elastic eunwales were spring? ing in and out, as the whale dallied wita tbe doomed cralt in this deviTjah way and 'rom his body bemg subBierged oecealh tre boat, he eoind not rii'darteo ar frtm the bows, for the toas were rdsnoet meide of him. as it were and while the other boats invoein tanly paused, as before a quick crisis impossible to withstand.'.hen it was that monomaniac Aaab, fu ritus with this tantalizing vicinity of his foe. which placed him ail sihe and helpless in the van jaws he i.sttc frenzied with an this he seizedth? .V; t i> : e ?nh hi? r:.*fl h.u.< s. ?'.*. ?? M v strove to w renc 1 ,nr, n tu ?nr* ??????? r ""'7 aw - u ifii bim tr.e frail gunwales bent in. ?:,'. ?i an I m ipped H both, uv?.. 1,*?. M c,??. w. ossh? a-?. sfrdmg further a't. Ml the c-r?? com? pletely in twain, and locked themselves futagat> u.U.' ra midw y ff????*?:*1 l*" ?" 1 ?"* ' 11. m ?< ... i aaude, the broken ends tae rrTwatthe itern-wreekclinging to the gun waie?. ,nc striving to ho d fejl to the oars to las.i .a I hl ? at tu? lading aaaWSni, ere the boat w is Ml marjMd, Ahab, the first to perceive the whale ? in the mfty upraising of h.ih?Um?v U>i Doees li held let Ihe time a. that awment kit 1 aad I ao ni tdc ore final ssTort t,. pttsh the heed o a ... the bite. Rut only si ppwg further "??^^f d? nth. und tilting over ?adsways aa it slipped, .ne heat had shaken od his h-dd OB the ji^WlW him ?i .f it, u hi leaaid r Bai aale sat. f.o id upon the sea. n ... Ripnliatl) withdrawing from his prey. Moby-Ph k BOW Ul at'alittle distance, vertically thmstiitj BIS ol long Mbite head up and down in tbe billows and .! ?;e time slow;\ r-M'lv.rig hi? whole bod] BO that w hi n his I a-t w rmkle t forehead reco Bocae twenty at more feetovt of the water- the row rlatag swells, with all their confluent waves, dassliagl) bnke against it vindictively tossing their abiei it.; r..v still lughsr into the air Bo,ta a gale, the but hau ba.fled Channel o::lo*s only recoil from Um ? .or ol the E i lystoae, Btamphsatly to overleap .1- limine! enfetters Mad But soon res timing hts honzootal attitude, wo0y> Dick swam <w:ftlv roand and round the wreonoit crew tide ways ehornini the water in his vengeful wake, as U lashing btnaaeli np to still another and more deadly assaatt The sight of the splintered beat seemed to madden 'urn. as the blood of grapes ai d mtdbeneM cast before Anttochue'e etoplmitta In Ihe booh ??! Maccabees Meanwhile A nab. naif Mm Iberedhn tnc foamef the whale's insolent tail, and too much ol a cripple to sw on?trious'h lie could still k<< . afloat, even in the heart o: such t wahrt pool a., that . helpless A hub's head was seen, like a toss,., bubble which the east chance *hoeh might burst Proas tbe boat's uagiuoalary stern. incuriotn-Iv and u.ndiv eyed him the clinging crew, at the other onft'Lg end. could not ?u. eorfiun more lhaa aooogh waa it for them to look to themselves. For SO revoirtngly appalling was the White Whale's asi>eot?i.ndso pl.ihetarily swift theever contracting circles nemade, thai he seemed horizontally swoop? ing anon them. And though t*>e other boats,UB I. on ed, .til] 1. vcre'1. bard by still thee dared not pull into the eddy lo strike, lest that should be the signal for theinstantdestruction of the.ieop osi/ed castaways, tbab and all aar in that case could thai themselves hepe to escape. With straining eyee. thea, they rtmsiaed on tue outer edge of the <lire f i leas, whose >?< atet had now ix-, ome the old man's head. Meantime, from th* beginning allthtshad been eis rwdfiomthe ship's mast -heads sad squaring bei v art's. ?i e ha.' b> rue down upon the scene . am was now so nigh, that Ahab m the water hailed her ?" Bail on the?bul thit moment a breaku tad dashed oa him from Moby-Dick, and wbaflsaea him for the time. Hut straggling out of it aga.n. sad eh MC i z to rise on a towering ort st, he shot.led?" Sail on the whaie ' ?Drive bun Off'" The Peqooa's prows were pointed; and bleaking an the charmed circle, sic t factually parted the white whale trom ins victim la he ssnlealy .swam oi! the I t ; ts flew to the rescue Dragged Into stubb's boat with MoodVa?ot,hlii lad eve-, tbe white brmc caking in his wrinsles . the Im g tension of Mi ill's bodily strength did cr.'.ck. and hi Iplessl) he v iclded to his bodl '< doom . for a tune, lying all tiusaed ia the bottom of itabb*s boat, hke on* trodden under fool of herds of elephants Far ? '.-o .l. aaaieleM w ails1 aase from him, as desolate sounds from out ravines Here we will n tire fiotn the cheee, whichlaots three dayB| not having a fancy to bain at the death. Wo pun with the sdventaroui philo? sophical Ishasael, truly thankful that the whale did not tret Ins head, lor winch we an' indebted lor this wildly imaginative and truly thrillin; sforv. We thhtk it the best production which has yet come irom that seething brain, ami r? spite Ot its lawless flights, which put all regular criticisiii at defiance. It ;.'tves us a higher 0,1110011 ol the author's originality power than even the lavonte and I'rn grant tirst-lruits ol lusgenius. i] t in ver>to*be-forgotten Typee, I" "'I'llK Hook ok Hohtl BlAOTT,'* bj Mrs. KiBKLAttn. Ws hate rarely leen a more ele? gant Specimen of the typographic art from the teem ing press ol Putnam than this sumptuous holiday voiume. The luxury of type, paper and bin 'mi" wlin h it exhibits, form- an appropriate aocompam meet to the gailer) of American portraits, on winch it dept ads for iu chief attraction, of the fidelity of the we do not pretend to jutlge . on this there was room for the indulgence of great ideality by the artlat; his mteinion, we presume, l.av tn| been to present eharacteristii- types of native beautv rather than fao similes ol ttsS String originals it. L-aided merely BS fancy pieces, in which light the volumo has the most interest f..r the public, they are spinird and agrteable productions of art, and will be leonird as a beautiful New-Year's ornament o tiir drawing room. The letter-press consists of a graceful s'ory by Mrs. Kirkland, into which she adroitly weavei m i oral brilliant aketchea of charac ter. .mil a olended tissue of gayeties and gravities together with a rieh boo.piot of poetical flowers forming one of the most tasteful productions of her .< r'atile pen. (<;. 1' I'utnani l a ? act? "Woman in unit Vamoob Rila? i aas," by Mrs. L.O. \bell. This little volume is lerbctlv baaaeeat of any leanings toward tue BM data Woman Rights ichOOl. The daintiest c >ri st iv.iti-m will i.nd nothing but rose-water in its in? culcations, and need fear no revolution from ii- in Sueace. The young housekeeper, who has never i?., her right hand from the left, may consult its pages with assurance of receiving a flood of light. I (tailswhich were never put oapsperbefore,are here unfolded with a refreshing copiousness No '..-p.. Ul omitted as unworthy the grave social didac hesof the patient authoress, and if am tmeitcea "i man thai! hereafter fail of cancni al propriety of IIIIHiaillO. It Will not be for the vv ant of minute ia itiuetioas (ISaso. pp. Mf. William Bosdridgs i FT "< Ii r. (', ^ MPAIOM . OrTHOVOH i s iin I hk. CaBBBI to l.iiK. 'by E. WiNtiit-rtR Ucy.nolds, is iatcadad as a record ef the rciiectioni oe the diaet I In e and career of life, which have (>een suggested bv the facts of history, aud the revelations an I pre adataof t hnstunity. The volume exhibits a high BsOtal tone, a generous and hopeful spirit, a glewiag rellfious faith, and an enthusiastic devolion to hu? man progr? s*. Many passages betray the iiifluence et ( haaatag, and other liberal thinkers, tr mb whose wntitg? we have numerons appOSBtS .. lotation huch works are wholesome and nutritious, besitbt pfi s? nitkaj a favor..b> ?ign of the times. (l2mo. pp. :. I. BoShaa I'hillips, Samp-on Ai Co. Sold bv Btrh ger 4 Townsend ) tl " IIanh Hook oi Umitirsal Hio ..Hsi ii.," by I'abkk Godwin. This i? the fourth voiume of I'utiism r Home fTyrlopodil, esssapih f from .Maunder. Allen, Blake, Aikin, the gasjalupadls Aniericana. and other authentic sources, with tbe .td ditionof a large number of naraes.e.spe. Sadh ef A a r. . ana, who have died riaee MtasSt works were pre? pared. The editor has completed his task w ith con ...eiiilable diLget.ce, and ere. '.til a BSSJiaJ guide-po.t m a universally mtrresting brain ft of literature. [ISaaa. pp. Ml. 0.1', i'mnam > IV We call tiie attention of anxious gift hunters, and the disciples of St Nicholas in general, to Francis A; Co 's ?' Lirrnn Liubabv,'' for voting persona of various aires. It con-. ; of a series of choice volumes by several favori.e wri? ters for children, .Mrs. Hoffiand, Mrs. Child" Baas Christian Anderten, and others who-? nan - . n 1 t.rrent with al! >oung ream rs. i< . s. i ran i A to.) Nkw Map ok the J'mikd StATBI UU) CaNana - Mr. J. Disturnell of No. lTJBro.tia* i, ..... caiices a new Map of Ihe United States aad Caaa da, of which we have seen someof the drawings, ,,: | which promises to be as e egant aa it te useful. It is to be on six sheets scale Ul miles to the in h i t tending from Nova Scotiaon the east, to the . online of 51issoi.ri on the west, to be about i i (eat ?quare. showing all the Carols and Railroads laadbld and in progress of construction, m 1851, at weil as all tiie navigable streams in< luded in the above sec Uon of coontry 'ogether with Profiles of the most important works of Internal Improvement. The convenience of s Map indicating, as this will do ?i ihe ave;. .es i ! .t.' emmuan ition on the I on tment, must be very great, and we doubt not tin' the pntilishei w ill have a large list of subscribers. The ? ? ? ii is $5 for tbe Map warranted on rollers ir S3 on riieetr. ukh \ \i. hku CHILDRBM Aa Address rVaai tht Mntbett ?f tht f Huri? 4| rsBnsrdejnjJ savsj (nag itseer iftew. to thk rvnuc. ClTtBSM iSl> l*ci >:rvme? It is with fa lings ,,f ,-onfi.lrn < that wg appeal to you fet swceos. your long-professed j interest in thO Welfare Oi our people, iaduret the hope ot il.! hi thhl r :i..-8tot;. you hat* ' often declared jour readme** to assist us whea. ; ?\er we presenti III ? ,|v Bfad practica', remedy I fortho evils wo coroploia of, and tttia h*s led to the pre ect w: : we now present VTe need not lata i into detailed arg i nentato convince yon < ftho necessity ol this ass.vciation, j or the feasibility ol its obxct. We base well considered ill the ttahswMoa inrulental to a sue rooatjaj prcsec it ion a| i or plan neither arc we at* basjavj by an> in w ore for our people, or the co in, trv selected, I f we Ihm long p< attend ott ths ai > iii.ileus po?it ?: th..t we .ire ... . up-.iug In tin J country, and ha\e longhoos convinced of the nerea, s:ty of action on ? ur part?of practical, energetic ..ud common soaO action, that would sasaaaj tha ! spprobatton and COdpaTOthsn of every friend af freedom. The fact that our enterprise is but now j .,; forth, should not pre oi In e H in the evc? of tha comma ' n'.ty, as the difficulties we labor under must be ? familial to the most CStfBOl observer Thl part i s co: ij sit k this Association, although ci;uallv li tt rested w:t!i others of our people, hast ; taken I nt little part in proceedings that have gej for their object the -bettering of our rr uiiin,? We have bksnooteaotabooncontenttoleekenaal I acquiesce in the si h? nies ttiat ptOUBtaad ' ance we did bf pc. though faintly, thai ? MsesgOjaj might grow out ot their proceeding- rrhi i weeMsJ ' least make our poeSBOB sOlorBbla but ahm! ttit , fond, faint hope hai Btoeod abortiv,-, thl m<l e I disappeared, and our dream is tell to huvt leOng delusion. We deem it proper, for the better in/ormationat ' those we address, to stale a few facts which caenes the lormation of this Association. 1 irst I ae limited means ot some, end extreme povcitvof others nt as, ! who desire to eougrate to the coeet of Africa. Secondly The necessity of developing the agrcul tural resourc?.- ol the country, as a means of attract i ing and giving security to the eotlgrantS going out ' there. Thirdly And Knowing, as we do, that ann ! culture forme but a small pert of Aftrican ineVssoy, j (tor reasons which we shall presently shetej we j ii el the call Li ipei it relj ma lo oa as to ivmedy tins ! glaring evil Wi wen in hopes that the American i i olonizatioo Sei tety, which h.e? charge of Liberia, I would have accomplished the end desired, but un ; fortunately our people will not confide in those whoee motivei they mistrust, ao ma'ter want the j inducement. And while we, as individuals and ss aa organized body, cheerfully give credit and] fee! i thankful for all toe ssetitnnce rendered that bs : righted country, whoee ven axislonce dales fron? , the N nevolen ? and disinterested exertions pot ! forth by that Society, get, na colored .a. ho ius> ; lice to oursclv es .ok: the hundred millloaa inhatw I ing Africa, w< c t admit that organisation t>hj Millu lent to work out the hnal destiny Of the Afnesa race We have thought, and still think, that such a mission belongs lo ue, ?he colored hshshttanfa ol America, acting ipontanaonaly and together i he slow ptoci s- oi emigration to ?berie lufhorso, must precluce tne hope Ol a great and healthy BOS* i ij irein that ioi reo ind the deep tooled preju dteea m the Lusciasof our people will ever make them tardy in i na i u ii : tnat >oc e*v .o a benefac? tor, kavtng their good and thatot Africa at heart, kecordii giy, ihe Boetaiji must depend, m rnootoaaio. 1 on manumitted slaves for emigrants and rtaaeelks obvious to all t lint tbej are not qualified to success tnllv civilize Africa It il lio>onous that the Igno? rance ot s| lie- iv pk aded as an excuse f?r ?lavery: I is it, then, reasonable to suppose them hotter Itaal to cuili/e th, barbarian than to enjoy freedom among a civilized peopleI It takes a cultivated people to teach tin uncisltirated and to this we Hunk we hear the concurrent assent of every < eloiiin 1 1 nisi Lot Colonirattoniets then assist no As we are thf 1 hi/ U i s,111 ia"* .uteri -'? d 111 the prosperey of Liberia, we have no fear that emigrants will ha wanting. Weonlj learthataaeanamuj aotbefeeei to provide (or them ? suitable reception Ore of the great disadvantages attending the f'ol? onisatioa Society is. that the persooi eompoesag it are so eOBStitUtcd and situated 111 lite, that it is im? possible for them to affiliate in sentimeat ami ivn pathywaih the Imigran ts going out to Liberia. A second disadvantage thev labor under 1- the im? mense unpopularity of their doctrine with the in? telligent portion ol colored persons The third is, ' their mobility 1 approaching the colored poopli so j as to lay their claims libderstaiidmgly before them. The fouith is. that two-thirds ol those who hare gone were ineih d by glowing picture! of wealth and 1 prosperity, ai d w lien tliey air. -i I in Li eiia, they found many there who. from eiperienc , were more ! capable o! securing tins promise I wealth, power I and honor than thev, who hai just landed. Phey found the entire trade sn the hands of monopolies, ! and their only nbance wee to peddle tor those who i were already estabbsbod It is, am mg some good j triei.ds of Africa, a subject of wondi r whv the aoai? 1 grants on their arrival do not betake themselves u? larnnng instead ot pe Idling ae they do, fur others. Parties Inne said to us, " Whv don't ttiey do as our western fanners often have done, who have gone out into the woods w nh hv e dollars tor a commence? ment, and in the course of 1 fen jeers kave bsb> mulali d handsome propertil - Now, there is rio analogy ai e Iber country, pso ple, or situat on in those two easea 4 men c.anjo into one of the Western States Wllh live dollars UI readj caih, orwith only a respectable character ss his capital and can get board with some of his neigh? bors on eredil promising them a perttontef hM 1 ropi when barvi sled for ike nay men) of his board, he can give cays' labor for all the assistance he may miuire, end even ti al lakeeupiesothan ball his time. he will stui possei - m amount ot produoe equnl te nsH Ins labor, which woiiM he SXitlicient 10 keep nun, say nine ol the twelve ?m ceedsng montki Thon bt the Winter bocanbusj himiell with the cloartag of more hind, the wood cut from wluoti would be marketable either as fire wood, timber, or ashes, end his time of recreation could he ipent in shooting wildgasae,asj of which finds a read , market. In a word, tne farm? er here is surrounded by wealth and conveniences, where is the Llborinn farmer is sorroonded ny Igno? rance, poverty, and lise, *' .Now we ask.canauy practical man wondi 1 at tne non-euItivatton of the African soil' It Is very easy for gentlemen fault? finders to say that this or thl ' one lacks energy, and hence their lei are but we beg to remind taw Hist energy without mcsni would be like an engine without steam . and this makes Ihe fifth greetdissfe rantege the Colonizatwe leciety labors under.? ! or wli. nan ind.-., ? - the means and BOOBS' sit] ot returning to the 1 1. ted States in eonseojuonos of not being at Ie to rfem the f ie of monopoly IB faci . or ed . tarn mg urder so many dinabll |ti?s, be OnmmflBf f i ?h- OBMBBtienof a I i manner of lib? bt, as reasons 'or his returning, and the con? sequence is thai tbouseradi who otherwise wo.nd bavogono, are di-co'iraged and frighteaeil out of their teases,tbankhag uodtlintthey hareossnpsn ?he aWBgir od? fiurror- that a distorted brain is capable of creating and they then very naturally look open the whole scheme as a rile deeepttoegj intended tal tlx Ii paiti ular aM?hilalmn it I-to over onethess dissdvantageeBhatwetmy poet the Society w.uat least lend us it- iiiiluence, tor we ciUir,?,i rar B B OBJkBBt doubt tha' its object is our elevation and tin civilisation of Aim ?nd it thai is its o- ;cct.. will re t lily second any praiiteaj tree t. that baa that and in VWW. Anil as we hare show b, from the mistaken views ot that body, sell tne ability ef then emigrants, has resulted all ihr 1 iy now attached to the Uborieni for m>t eulBV rating tbe soil And as the general cultivation of ? he soil is mspoeeibia under trie present circuiiisun ces. we baroorgai .< I for the purpoee o' cement ing that hrokea link m the grand chain ?>f success W1 therefore intend the general promulgation ef our riewBthioughout tbe lei gtn and breadth of thai country, and the establishing of auxiliary assocbv t on fur that purpose, v\ s putposs m iking otetss* ual appeals to yon tosoMaiarsi in Ibis our auder takuig We fournd this as anappeal lor helptocom irience w ith We r urnose instantly sending to Libe? ria an agentfor the trnnsaeti it of our businsss, whs ?hall be a practical (armor and otherwise coeipe i'i t, for the -ii cr setul execution ol the iiistrucuons he will reo? ive from our Board of Directors. >"ch **. the aogotialins f r 1 r.n.?.- ef land, tne clearing ?oJ culiirating ofthe same the building o' house?, BB the reception ot ? grants on their arrival ia the eoontry. sei Be .in ngodncts of Use eiitivsisd l.ind will be appri i '...ii d for emigrants IB SBkSBl on until their harvert, so as to ena de them 10 devoti iLemn rrscwtture We intend to u?e the surplus , rr. uu 's ,1? the farms for the main* of the Wi Ie * - and orphans ofdoi -ased ca Vraiits'when the r s'fi.ations n .iv r /.ire it,1 the education o| the sri- ?, and for s.;h ol purposes gen? erally. We inten, ui-patching. as soo.i as we oh laia sufleieat funds, some ifty emigrants, who ehaw possess all the requisite staiu na for the building up of our lepetetioB its to BgrkeuJtnral sbtMty** We katimd. as far as practicable,exploring theeoea>' try. end IBtaMtlhing a fr.endl? intercourse *Uk tke nativee of the mtartor, with a now to bryhaj th. thus kwfrod before tlx peilic and a a nil resssrk tirrn. tkiil v,( etitertamaolrarsfora laShrhsi torv ras alt Wo have been organ Bed B M fMU weaka, and are now a BBBBeroue ind ineioastag Assoc ation \uiongiis bpsmorhenlfs, praetacnlrepresentatives ot the var.ot.s BMChankcnl br n hes |l*ces^ary for the mccBosfnl d* rslnpenem ef the resources of e I., w ce.ui.try And as we said in the ?..: ttneiicr inent. we have not hast?y maife up our SSaasa^Or ondertnkentheptoaecuxkmol this eaterprsse wita ??.t Cue refer, m e r. .?, ? 1 ?* 11 be i kLed upon to surmount Wi kavn conversedee>