Newspaper Page Text
NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. lfstTISli or the A?SOf.lATION FC 1 ihk BiLiiv or Anst> I*d:oebt Pi nat ?.? ? Yesterday abeat aot-n a meeting of the Patrons of .lean 3?. aero? stat Institution ?a? held at r.e Homa m T.ver.t.eth at near Third av , to celebrate the TwhTy sSgbJlh Aaalversary, ar.d to he .r the record of the ptwceedr ?netof laut 'ear A very larce atrendtrn e of sB*B*n areve preici.t. Rev. Mr Aduii.s read'f tastu R","rX ?>f?'ie A*" aoeiaticn, which give* a. cmal of tl salt* thit have crowned tuen aad? to '0 ur"rl aad sustain the aged We ashf ?> tn The annals of an enterprise lue tumitiaa acaroely he anaetad to attract toe youtafui and imaginative. The hiatorytaey re.ate d.tfrr? bat Uttfe oat fear fron, BS?* r. t a*** a ant ? ? af it* f*V rem . . d.mUiaJsbtncl. t?Utit?U" ae*cef*l -a!.. ..I at or at-o. it.* affaaTaiaty; p*** trnneajaUy a il may he tea t*"i'.?r thi-tr. ><? ? rty***r* aad taiotjM, ???? Thay-ar* Ciu, naaaed are marai halla iacnJe?iof chaer*. *?< ??* *** < hanet fem the r in? sert afhf^h. an4 tlic ni..'Hu?-tl ?f plea>aa! f- u.: > r^i aaaaaaaaVaiaaad uvuta. whea languor and diat *?* arade tlie b4^..-is6/n . #' .if. tai jsa?rre. b*b*v*l*at mind, evea th* tamem i.>t thi Jatailt Aaat rear to rear, will p.,s?as? an miereet. aa the art* 11 tell aftaat which th* frieadii of Una < aiac must he aau*t d estr? eat t* near, tt.a arall ?aaB.auly oi.d harmony in tta *e*i*7**l and ae i a, mi thl f*wc* aad comfort of ita snlijet** But few death a of imnatc? or OSlt*td* pensioners aaavt- occurred ?in? e the list meet.,;;,bttl it was a ?natter of aenoiis con id erat on to ti. U . .rd ; k ?'.??>?. where to bury kam dead. Tula has- been rifl < ? - viated, for a lot has been OSTered fio-n the Trti itee* af theCypress Hi! ,anJ two from those of the Ce.ut tery of tht Lvergreeii* for this purpose, while a grunt has also been made from the vestry of Trinity ? nur B for the eauav charitable object. Severed MSI ..? have been received during the course of the put year, and the Ii atitution presents a flourishing ootv diUoii The following is the Tr?a? .-? r ? lt> r* i BJj Lid-. a*araha*a*f Com tjl'JU' ul'llafanee from laat Maatftii Im i 'i' >i a* r?*r'? '"? uut . Wrraaiimrra tubai art Committee ISO 01 Dunntlon*.I I S3 Per faaurauro. ?? " iMovta ige* I ?M n . ..SSW a ruaeral ?ipensr* ... B?aahhir*t*Ca**e'r i bTMmn I 1 **oti'*do., faviaa owiiar. 2.0- (part pay meat, IM M Plee.tx r'i lull ..... PiiatC'a' hall,. 411*1' waifa'a'fe*.. ?? ? rhraiona't fi* '?" ' " ' t<x SUehaidaoa'a h.ll i r I lamatea.... . 91 maainwrnk ... ?' Total ...SJv'.l"!. Poale for fi am . ?aedaadmoitra?* 11.6*2 131 Taair.'uary BtM n Total.E5.IMM The following names of the Indies were next (Jfered, as a bu.ud of Managers for t ie saittina year, and arars waaniatflnsly adopted Mr* aaas Laase, FirM Pirartrsss,No , Jaiahteenth it Mrs tieorge Nixon. Baeond Dlra?:trese, No. Ea*t Pcaartaeath-at Mr*. A. T Anderson, Treasurer, No. 52 East Twenty-fourth st Mr*. 8. Van Antwerp, Si rotary, No 173 Tenth-*! Mr* B. M Baehley. Realster, N ? M In ty MmnagfT*? Miss t". llrincki rhoil. No. 13 Warren at.. Mr'. It. Barf. N-> J10 vVashmgtoii-s.juaifc Mr A. (J. l'helps, Tvscnt)-eiKhih-st.; Mrs h. Glllei cora.rof Eipbtb-av. and ' ifty-second-st.; Mr>. I Mowatt. No. 144 Ureene-M 'ir- U 0 nith.N BIS Tenth-st., A!is. T B. Vermilye, No. 7 Vloioi Bace Mrs. John I) Campbell, No 109 Pourth-sl. r*. C W fJahley, corner of Court l.tvingstoji sts., Unoklyn MtSS Mavnard. .No. 19 Murray-st Mr*. Robert I ani . No 111 i enth- 1 Miss E. I Bayasatv, No r St Markaplacs Mr* Joba Loa ery, No 4BI liuton-plaoa; Mrs. William < . Oilman No. lo Albion-place Mrv Joseph ti Colhns, No. 115 Breoine-rt. Mrs. William ?. Astor, No, .'tl L faj ette place . Mrs Warren Carter, No '.'i Bank ?t Mrs. Theodore DWight, -No I5i reulh-St. . Mrs. Asi t.bald. No. 2" Twelfth-st . Mrs. Samuel \ Charcb No. a Bowliag (.rei n. No.79 Baal r'ourte r i Mrs I D. Morgan. No 35 Lafayette-place Mr? |). Witt Clinton, Uaiversity-plare Mr Johs Ca S) lAfayrtte-place, No 16 West 1'went] a Mis A Cuy. Matron. PSaeierena?Or Janu s S. ( oopir, Utaoxlanl i ftv statan, No. 359 Third-..v.. Dr. cmld*. Consultm Physician, No. 89 Cham er*-*t. Rev. Dr. Adams Hien .iddrcs-. t; UaSfoJ .\ . narks t.- thl N |N I Crcrgyineu always begin then die ourss s I . ust, but 1 am at a toss lor oae juct bow. i .. -n my at If What IS it that 1 unto nr.- eiu.irk' thai i aaa) bob Btaae. s.u t-i fi'\i*. in? ? .,actions that soin?- may make to all institution oi lb I kin i fer W?' C|s|>i . >e m I'll ad s . -I, 'i;..itlun-. at .. i< e Neither i* it to Univilute the si ilol those p i aVenevtileiit yatruaa who have befneuded - > fi fer the v have foand their awa reward the nop aheeiluiiy they hare been eiiaag . intlusi . itj the ma/ar dellsht they must feel at its erit) "I'hair taJerasts in Hi ? Insututioa mil m dirainished It la pie - uu * a m to I ?aterrat which has been felt and tlie ro^iri ill ha* b**n ch?risheJ hj ? I . *mi led with hi naentof thia beat .. . I: i d,I K**l*iid ?tili, r* ad *cuJ in th* . . . . dewa Uic Ire? fstare h?ni*. lijht rule...:, aadthi luashiai n waa alfcrws i ,1 vxanped m lbs oniheal shad*, li.e watei a < ?o jynus u; ts a - i in... thai aevci b-for* waa bantM i aahH It.?-. mi lo mi thai Uu* i* th ? wulhatChiMtianilycalla iiptotlMauriace* indati t aarity.nol over. i. ai\ iu? a cup .i ?ai,.r,.. the ..s?. ia? |.il|tnai. b it aaakil arell* I oai which all may Iri.'ilt and la relit ah* d Itwaaacaal nhaaij inri ?I mV...,,,, tatiWIadaairnj oi bary alive th?j uvulwHo ae*?*>****?? ?? ea.? ??'4" ?' ... " - ?' I ? Sandwich. Baaawt). and *a*ny *ther utlari . ia ll Own, n.t iiium ??als am.<... .1. ? . . in* the chain.', via.hiii aii .ii performs real heaama ?I ihe s.n u,, 1 wii uti t'i. I .'i..sum ,. dote innrvei.t io, ii l i-i : e I . \i - . i t i, te those lasaada, I read that 'sent. .:-<??..u ... . were erdeied lor th. uscoith. pious ajted ioAivkI ita ih Rad .< aiu-.l ? . i. I s11 ? (? .. . ? i . ,?, , ; ealy apaie.1 ?heif ave*,bul hadtakeat tern na liar it* i w*ii> Chaniranity dor a not. afinoitarii'ioa <? d ?* tntaann. ii d.w>a ??' meinli del |hl I i pre i I ? ?. ? i ta?. war through whleh sane ? . ,t 1 .s i am fro a i* piaaevt into et. ratty hall ll provide* foi ? >^a ? th? besl.v tu t'its l.i? || ceres foi all ,:l ceeaSu* <?: t'.- inrporeal tenaia il i! k.i ; .; ?attaintt. the taiipent that pr >leeta d fr nthrwadh? Sh?sj|yeinnnthai*il*>sitsi aad .?> ..i ham* th .i ?? Th* nur* we a n sea used at all .- >ti lit* I Mt<.- >r ar* a- Chi an. Aad it i* aKced thiur wheaihe aged ri theyouBK' I hnoe uaaj amiaeal nun ...-a hash a ? .? ?i>n.n.unity an lawySr*, and leawla'crs?Wl nil ? ?am,, the' oi. v i?..,.r raaaymp ita./.. with lha ... Yh?, arm k>. I. i\ .? t?... - ,1 ? r ma'ui.l. ?Oi .? i. , , loae,when thl'* Wllh tlo.s. who l-e .-.tvse .-| , are are summ n.- I it - m i l.a stair* el . - .a, ? i ithar hand ihe tqu** ah ? >? . iwitnth . i ,i anticipate all then tnflhrint* tad atudt newio toward th. in the aj an ? ?e, ao. te 11 r an l ah n nte duties, >%hi.-h ineti rlri Baiaslniuoa de >ud I war* thvuaht it a . k at at e r. ' ?heir Barents* roe u t. .rm nhi*. w th. w. , hsv* ehiMren uireefve?, tn. i wnh nhiMrea, I : ?? \,t <w\ how ? ?mj . a nroperly with pare-ats "intil weh.s ome i ir. t? ourselves Wem istl. aru it from ?tpertnac* t R?v. , th..n ail^d*.i n ? law*tu le the a m-?n l**aB*a*aafnmtr ?? poead of thoarmlnnd th* in* naiealewii is tred haw and , .1 ,t MaaMMvef youth, enteria* it hon** Ol ? is-,. .,? . Baaaalh la retail teak* *>* th< lc*sie?a *\t*ud. ? ,. waid them bv ineir huamtwil Creator "sia,! su . as far ?an ... t? of the old th in the cAaeeuresof rhe younc H*taea*anl Jus 1* Ihn. place I re.-, ivad i ; -tte Horn my I inntcaierril hi. tai-li >*..r awhteuhss ins eist tin.e t ? , ! PMW* I.i l tat? no a pjir ii I .. u ? inn ihe a*a ? W the limea i t threuah. aad i< x saw .uili,,-,., m i now rni -y. tor s .ri ? an srp no* inl*ieslto ih.- pr-aeal ans.., the eKrad* un a n it ibv h,. unreal- n snotr Khwious auuset Ihan u the i wuh.oil mi. rrupti.* froau th* arnrniaai dae-n i n ?poaa.rthea i laded a ?te*an*ij - ? -. w Whirh I....* .???** sw.v ntne.l, aol eui fen.ll? th* mem . i ia**! .... .r. .... ... ? Is- Dsal h. tue i . i : ile, I . ? , l*ryof ih. Art l il ,. . tec at the pvtWail et hi****R Inkea ?..en he was Sallef t*? ehvstu-itv of yc ah rtie i-ontrai I* jP**J heir of ear. aa.i t.. Prut a locks ot tha t.. Ih* a ?lieu whn-a *u?h a so*a* w uU a*tnd wlllsef.illea, ?*.l n. h?se nhihai *'? ?-?r<lee? ' IV? ? i i.o I. in 11, a- ..i . ?a coetmuatKm, he aanl thai oti a lorn er s.v. m u ; ,1 wRrh ?am* B step *a wennl net h*i ox tonnrrai* arwn g MvaaUha . I waa ia ea* .< the I airei wwh a eoi.. ,.i Msah ana arhea artei - v. Mo*t oi ih* ..'nd ennatheit onmiun*, . .. s , ?mtifd th*... anth aaca seal, w itmvJeto the worth* ho?t, a re?era'i.'. o:,l in in ia ih. * ateruiln Bat tet in Uh *Brwmnal of i strmtth he n e. ?. i ?-?l4I,iwh*a 1 ,",? th> :r??'?, ''rlht'i r . u. i ****** ot Si rirt.ajMl th*so;t s.u etealoter the s tae^ronn.1. tm'>aiL? ? v. rv a*e,: ind ' .v..-r w.-.. Ih. ?. JBwaaa, I saa1, "Q, what ?. it . ? w .<.: th. r 4. ..r t . t? -rm r i\ i, a .1 ravel i ?r. was ,,f ?r*t?F 's " ihea ra ,e i - , clothe* th>-tree* sjntarreen* ?s fh ^*W???y>r?^aad?aMaw^l h nue 1 \ ? ???l I said how Sea.itit?-. is StUB ru r | ,? \ ? -, raio* .i.?t. ia rtaneJ the leates '.? bouuune : ? an* ftewiur tiBt sawiwmsmr, lints aj a*aial ? I said ??? ? l**f f*il | ., ,??u ll : ua*. stTLa^eSr^1 ..... - ... Saf?H:*?JL '"'?*? *'?l?a? bow drwryih Waul* ?.lL^\V>*'?? ^.thr..*ththo*r..Aedor.t.4, ie?. tri a?t . rah - A law. t>> es w.Ci ..aie, t . - t. . ..- lrs Siwthssl rs shin* d I I M ? "o t, ?. i,.,. I aid not ?*r Ibeai. *JW wnsn all aeeuied uiear thi r ts heia tk T tv'latin* to a ..?pi . ... ht .,r.?ao.h*nas?.bui;,r(ei ia;il:.s r.-.. . faJI I an h? aft, r. > ' Torevet . . !? . -,. ... L^Xr!^ Xnhw. M iu.Ul The indie* w he h?v* fer a kmc lam* .eArenj | ? MeatAryhim ftweoui/arUiv; th* *?vd of thMr ownaet , ?cam u th* addrrea w a* over, rriurned U nn ad iNaina r a te put dswn tl.sir s t ?cn. Uon* fv: |Kvui..; u il* Wxt*r,t t fu; ifeasmsMsfiaar. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. ?m?? bale, at the Stock B? ???-??? ...v I&.0M ULIali i? ?j 1 ?? rn?. ... ? M Ml I I Int Iwipt-.. ?* *?5 11 mOm?9*\ ?m St I INI 1kTn> lac. m\U.. Mi|lOO do..-eM 871 jOliallkof < ?**i|llH) J j.gj 3 Bankof NAmer..le3. 33o -lo. Vftrop Beat_taatjioo do. I Mt Reeding.b2?? 17} ?><? do.,.b*? N" ! ?00 do.57i,i>' ?:?>.-- 2 |P0 do.bli 571 St do..eM 6 , )00 50 do.9<;0 8' I |? do.5:*|4W? d..8 ICO do.aM 571100 do. .bJO S>} It r do.b30 3?).| Si do.H IM do.3* SO do. .*>!:> 86 |tf [IN Huri,'1? OTl jinn do.MI 3* do.<5T 200 do.MW Mi 10 Bar. Prof.llOj *m do.984)100 Morns.I' 20? ,)o.MB It,Ml (1>.Mt 141 2? Hudson River_o7f| S4 do. .Ml 1?. 50 do.sl2mos ?'.5 20 Merrh'ts li.s. C0..IH TtNY A N.Hann.l'f, MOroeera'Int C0..IM 23 stonington.5111150 Cantoa. 97i M Koch. A ? (tvh>..lMt|lM" M IM Nor. & Wore.hJO 57 V) IMee worth. Bj 125 do.M]<iy> S. Jersev Mtataf. K 50 do.rx'.o 57 | ?? - ?EC.1MD BOlBP. ?I.miO Erie Bds., 5K..I01 j 30 Canton Co.?17. 1 ..s <> do., iw 1 -To d<>.hi SB 2 fcO'i Erie Inc. Bd-.. Ml MB do.o&o rw 3V Erie UK.MO K> 200 do.C*.| 30ti do. '200 do.'10 Ml do.b30 89 1 30 do. Ml ]00 do.MlilM Healing kk .JmH j * IO'.i do.?10 Ml 20<? do.5Sj J2-. do .?NiM00 Harlem UR. c>:\ IM L. Island ftll..l/* 131 IM do.17] .100 de.15;' 5o Elgeworth. 9i N -t. M?r. BL 'I'iicrc was a firm feefin_r at the Pint Board, with considerable sales, Ootemmcnt Stucks were in brisk demand, but uo sellers. 11.-. WmM hid for the Loaas of <)7 and It, Ohio BfiBM s 'Mat III for the l oan of B0, and I1j< and 111 wasullered fir the '75 Loan Illinois s.ies 17 Loat. sold at Ob, and the Interest Stock at 13. The new B Silking Law of Illinois has given I start to these Blocks, though the prices they bear are certainly high when metis .red by the current interest they pay. At the Bl 'ml Board, prices of the .Speculative BssBNtadl ib 1 I full i 1> cent, op the morning rite?, and there Wat a firm market at the close of b i ,nc*?. The MtMM] Market i* well nippliod at previous rates aa Stock Loan, there being innre nionev offering, th in 1? reuJily taken on Iffll dais securities In ffosfisti the rates are aDchaaged. To Liverpool engagements for f.,000 bash. Wheat, at 4d.; 3,(00 bbls i'lour a!K,an:l CotttMBl l-tH ih. To London, 2.0(a) bbb>. 1 lour WON taken, at 1$. Id. To the Continent there is rery In 'ie OBtariag. To California the rata is one hanged. There is considerable business doing by private negotiation talks Don Is of fir-' elass Western Railroads. Tim;? principally n inline 1 to tLose of u el! established loans of prominent lines that are ellkfil completed or aaaiiy finished the extraordinary ;iro ductivenc.s of those Ohio, Indiana and Mn hiu'an roads that have been opOMd dnrm? the p ist and present year is gradually u'niug to these se unties as high s| trading Bl tBOBt mod by the B i-tern cjin puiiles. The reetipti of the Madiatn divl linli,tn apolis Railroad, for Hie Mrasfe ending the Md iust, were $7,400. Pol 0ORtspondiB| week of |8M| |C.i?m. Ju re i .e. (at"itly 19 DBT cut ) $],M0. Ten milt's of the Wiliniugton ami Man? eliefier (s. C.) Road lia.e been OfMatd for travel, uml a ftirtiicr eetum, extending to Suinpterville. will be opened in a lew weeks. The pas-cngcr trams are already doing 11 large business. The entire Rosd is under rapid construction about one mile p?r day is being laid with the heavy T rail. The si'ini-aniiiiii! interest coupons on the bonds of the l lcvelaml, t'olumh is and i'lncinriati I> ail mo H Cn Mirtgage Bonds f'""e itns nntl.lil l?eecrnber proximo, will be paid on that day at the Men habVs Bank, utd the coti|ionsi due at Um s tme tune on the bonds .if the Craw ford-ville and W.tbaah II dread <\i , the WUslllaCtoa and Man heater Rail, road Uo., and lue ( ity ol l oluniaiis 7 f> cents, will be p,.pj ,,t ihe office of VVtasloar, Lanier 1 Co. sec m th c m aaotaai talaaak [lupottaUoaa at tin.-- port for the week J < ling Friday, Nov. 2s, im ?, ? Babk?|,|BIhales PlaatabiBail Dah iis l> tree de? lta i- rs? tl a 0 Hi 11 ks. I", in -1,1 (I ban ('?illee C1 ti k?43etaasChalk, CoaBAoB? til pkes i<ij>sia c rdafe, Coal t.'1 I oat Coal Die-- II b ds. Cochii. tl In 1 Wo in, -..nil ,. j ... wi 1 Datii -itibis Li nrtc. Po?tc. 1 et s.CreasaTs. tar. Ibbls. Jalaa; IStus itt::? Uuaii m hla.OeatiaaBoot; It ('antat dc?; liciks goda-Asb l?it\ Boons- l^sotlpkga l?ij Qeoda. im it?j*.1,11 druiiis Fiae; 111 akelattmeaeaa. da.; jo baits B bbla. Catraate; iij.i v Oraagee; IM imn.-hes B niaiias. r'asTHi aa? Uibalea Bussia Feathers. k1-11?>? 0 k*??. ^11' hi 1 hlils Horrmt.'. i.t sn?MM tut? U UUM>. Ilms??to.)'.* Hideo. *.? Calf ablas, IM bales Sheep situ.?. 11 aataa Deal abbat HaMs?ISA UtrTnaa Hat&s 111 n s. \ ?I j bhla and 1 ti i. lloa. t. II "KNs? lli.rci. 11 tin ? INbatss Horn Hair Hi m IMhall bli Hemp. lao??7.Mt bars B.B li.-u, ..... aara Iroa, l?3ll t...... u 111 las p'K 1 roa h ok i ? 7P teeth al I reft I tan??.i'.'i ptfl Lead. Btcdaasis?ta! haves.,I tee., I I t.lielaeesa ssats?itapkss Lite Mate. OIL?711 ks. PalM,9aaa Ltaaied; t cs?, i,<w bkte., Ill p.- Ol ?e . 1 ba Baarta Oil. Hais TS aba whtuas; ? Las.. ; baL, > aalfbbls., II ki 1? V. iiitsh t..: > 1 ai s?.?>; bids a.- Ich Potatoes. sviau 1 - it paw tieaui vs h *ki . M . ipes Usa. Sum -3 III awes Sic.'I, It 1 is--., ie . 1 -. laaC?aSS t>evt? Saap. Itviiia tstnaakatlsnnsa; hhds I Ires, i bbla. Boxar. Cwaas?<a eases, Ii tu? liaaUla; Mcaaae,Mbae.M h i t< s. 111 ....iters, 1 uh). t is: ira Bai r>?T.tlisas '.s, ??? lam 8aii roai< 1 ?'- :.'a k 1 as IWaseca, i ts?i j .: bss I'm PlaiaaefM alaha Who ? ti Iocs /earn Wood.St .1 1 t".-d?r. i.. .... Res?. wiaal. Olpes BapaaWood,ilobdts.WUlow,SST sratchei Btahoceai WlNkt-Mt l-?t-.,t0J -.t. i-'-. - ,* .??.. ill hs?., I j bsbbb. ? rs..tipipes Wiu Wool?l,ea bales Wo. :. b ban t\....'dca Waste Mark 1- c ai ' t| . iii ruTBIBtrBB. Fkihsv, Not. 2s. \sjics- rhe markt t 1 tttaaV,wit! a fail,!, galas ?' '? ?'! > . -1 "i ??>: l'"i?. aad >j 37. fir Pearls. COTTON?TVl a,;u-stt 1? ? .re active. ohaairrd ii 1 nls to4ar, lbs s.. aier part t? airive. Tlic ?..lesaiiui? Ht for Ihwpew tar days have beea a-iOS baJo? ?r u,.|r Athsa?c Ports. Florida, Otb, O. Forte, I tits 1 1.? . ui .11 a,'at. . . 1 Ordinary,low i (cel...71? 1 | : ? ..' Xliddtiut.lpw to coost ..alar.) a,.i Si 1 Middtuig, nur to rail ? ?? ?/ w I ai:> i.c: : 1 ^ <d la.r .? <?? ?>4? ?-a? Os si aad l.r.i.- a- ?a? ?a? 11 Ot R AND StUAl t>>ir ins-kel f-rth-Ijw .rades ai s;.itc and W est em I u .r cpeutd liroi, e ill; a s ? n loc t. Baabpsa a a epet use try, btitea*' oa taie : Uiclr ?i> lest it.,.- ? , v1.. 1 ti I I BBS r dwpSSBl Ml. ii .U. t The tsataad fore\ et s ?er.-limited and mast . 1 leas cafBwea. 1 as ei i far tu? better trades n t island prices tend apward Tliere .s very litti* dain? n ike tulei -hi (Tad. ? aMtprisessvouklb? a.ieunal. t'aoajian is 11. nah a fait lap, r and m.alerHte ta> 'iirv. Sales..! '.**? ..t $1 rue ol Oi. ,#?;ic raai 11 Uam. bole at :5.';- *>(SfiJ'l>l No.*,epei ac suv.n for L?aatt ? ? it ?iaht State, -t ? , 11 |f, all j..-.... laebtai asal Wip>aa.u;$tSt,*M 1.1 f.r Ohi>. *i?? i? foriavonte an <IJ- .S4 5S tor fsscv Oh... :ta! tttue-ee , > a. - J to: t.n t?a.... Indiat-a an.: M.. aataa. aa' **' 1 ' ? ??a?-'t.s>.< S ;-n rn :s Ter, ..mi. ?!' I taw detaaunl fee the trade Salsa of bhla al at a tSlllawteuaadtisc^ettaiaidbraadi i tlllJlViii caster and a, -v (deity s .: ,.. **???? aaslaraadyw aeatsin It ,.\wh?at u niasU.t ii n' ..$2.? , tee a . id >< ki rj, r. > 1 ? ll? ORAIN-O ? atariri Whs Hsswr? trat a>ite the Me*- 01 ba i ? -> ae ? ;? rtie - in i aad las uaas*. u as .. derate The., ,?, ftir a*;i? ,? ?spoil .^ . roe aa t aistfi bash. White Mi at sue., AV?? I oah White t ana...10 ti ported at Unin r ? HyewatitaJ .*t*sa i.ud dt ?4...! iapsrt I" asaisMt Salts.; lo,dCJ I * sahbei e.i-itr \>.tn n. .t u?: rm; Bales ?; * as bush inr to prawe lour rowed at 7ac. Ch , part for CahfuTaia Otts u-e ?? :y ? ri.i \. ..'. .. ? al . ? 1.1. g s-i<, ?. ,. it, 1 .f j, r??t. Ceia ipeai :?; 1,but ? ; mon ?eh.'i? ihaj'lovof- t. ei is? ae is iwyforwtute i .1 't:>.|Uinit t ..i Ki'Uin .1 . . . 1.1.nls .vi.e? a tt.awihash Jt 1 * Bate .ac . ietc e- 1 ?r Wc-t era uuved. nan lastoii aad a.' at; die PW use Bruit barn yellow and aid white Co ?es?.... , aad t, . Oc. fj, reawd yellow. WHISKY- ll-i . . ? 1 :..-J.\ so:'.. - S ' . . i , hblt Prtaoa at f'.j.dli.c. ana lao kl da. Drudje al tu I |e . aad PKOVIIlONS?t?sir mar?rt for l\>rk ii very firm. -.\ .th. n..d> rate demand Sal. t oi let bLls. a: \lj Zj i >; -A tt^ao. Ill l-i aew . miIj lai nr-is ? A .Mess. ^.-1.. . vtt 7*.--ltfor romirs-i led two \cire old Hnn:? . Ml ?owettr Pn t.o aad |LIC9i?ili7i i t uld Pmne Be;t 1? Btoewaebee and the mark tit Sna gsjea of Uta bale, at ?'*we?7J tor Wees aad >IW>j trPnait Bi .. h arc itiore tclive sod nnu. Sates oi 111J 50* .11 S>r Bl * LWsjsc iLOfs are saiatle at t* ",,V. Lard it eseadyanj ., n.?. s?),., ?? |36b' Is ia i. utiS^S e..x ?i jask?t?atlidyi.c i.ieoti Park Hasse ?allirwelyaia? Bcttt'?? >:e?.lv in i.?u c* 11 .*. Chceat uu'aVe t (*>. KI^'l-Th* ni-u' ? dntl l.flTt .;'J* I>i r 4 ?w.',| a! |!(t'fet'tJ: I,QUO????? M*B>*cBo**il* II* *???! ?,14 a. ft 6. '^ifi?*',' ? n >. i , II f r ill-* .i 1 fi tor ???II N' .?'. H? l bis l*T* J. so!d ?t *-X> i?? >'-?. doi* a hei lleniii UB4?CEKIESa?*?dnll a*r^aad.%a-l ??l%n h-.v* ad Titf-d Ic ??meto tt? rrh? s'nev whK-a has'*** cur Tmf'tO and I miid h< oc . l.'.i' li had*, aad i3 -?n?* ? brh I* a r?a? d? ?ine fro la-' an th*Srs* firi* , , im K<> 'I'-n a- t>f . .?? ?-i'*r -?. i? r? ??, ,? are lew. ***hhd* <"..!? M .-caraalo ?o!d a' ?. Me . I.Ml a* 4! <C ;e ? which i? ,w <* advance ?.n t.-.?s aal ,? o* Llids ; M niid? im P-ato hico *>M at **,r-; &e* P mi* K..c ia *-.v" ?, a / <? ' a I* at. ...Iii Mi i?t*? ve-t ou ? t if" hnl* Cuba W'i?eiv.r!o ?.|. at ..?:.? J ia elated Cafe?,MV . and 1"0 Urt at 17 Cat** n frr," p..h..a a.lrTrr.,1 .r ;w Hart t r<? lfti st Doniin:oat7...:i- lie atock* ire rrrr lirlit JlLS-i is* ar.e- .a r. .?->'./ ; - 1 ea haaa a, Id at s*e and I.SMdi frua*t T* ' >v Me. I.KAU isouil. A mioufac'i'ine aomc 3 i? failed for a m*idetah>ea**i ret, wadcl has depressed t'.r intrant. I id IT?The a* he hat* batea ??TT 1 ?arK*. 'iuin the h*t three fays.e? tec to the I Mala* aad th* prevndta* ?t arm We hate oily to *o?Ke aale? ef I.JOn note* bunch Rajein* a'ji Me , end TM hnlf do at9de; l.*BS? at ll ,> . r *?*?] Carnal* a* 4*?Je ; ISe**e*CI raa at Be Me? li Pearl.e? ha?> :?.>.: te r <|net ?tnre nu' 1 .?I Stfi ?IM bad* W'rsernat 11, *l3e and Jj h?r? So :? I.ern r 11 ? UM Plnm? are firm. ? .th fi-? offhrit ? Sale* .?: ll mm. Weste: net i-.?t?,c PR). Dried A: pi- a are m ( r- ? (; e-i -it(..:i v f rne? and vrtj . for old. Ur.ed Chews are i-iiii and bear? ?t I": a I*' I BF.K8W.aX-A fir de nan I ??* prm.- S it We*t?rn YeHow. ieloaofU** Mr* at**<*>t|e eaaa. UICK?Ha d N nil River are in i'?od demau J ?raj at %t B i.ino OIL CAKE?A Arm **ark*t wwa {toed ahi ataffd. i u?d Sa'e? of M inn* thick round at .*ll, and to tain tarn toau> In ? >J. O.lM'.il .a ? re . ie?t. S.l-J >i U lun< at $ lAKLOW'-Th* market!* Mrm. Sale* of liOOuO Ra pn i <? Ci't hi : .' r. c i-'i DBtrua??aJa* . i 2u to"? ?..da A-h at !c. M Lo e fx g| ? ;a''i it ?UI I'eppern. nt. pare, at si H. i-V*h; 7 cite. Manila fedhjn (i ami?Ml *t ItlttTthi aud 2<*< aan ****** far ? na'.. I -<:a M l.r , ti manlh? LIME?There have i*en no errieal*, and ... have ai 'hipr to report: laat talc at Ma. fc* mtm*l aa. I. AI H?M W" Eastern Mtld at il 7i.r??h pi.aster i? with aeaaaf**naeaear a*at;oatfj im ?! ? ra*. batiiie?? ha* Lern d. n-. aad we have n; to re? ar ** CIOABJ?M, I H. 1u...h scijd at $'. MtHI. **J LM,SB Hatana at >J <aflt. .?,?.,.*, WtXES?Baleatiqr c-.sss Madeira at $1 laaft i" BKA NS A \U PEAS?The s-ipply i* larr*r af Whits Renn?, and th. market ia heavy aad verv vnet; aalca of in btda ,?t Mdrfl .>. r bush ; Canadian Peas are in fair leas i at *S*f76c .ialailk; Marrowfat* .ari ,?cir.-e, aad prif ea turn inal HOP8?Taer* im hui? a. ttnty in Hep* ta-day, aau w* .id. fear af 19 hate* sold, at J-'aSic. married. Oa Wad **d* raaaas, Not jr., at St John'* church, Ysshsra btrBi H L Sow,Mi JAMES M HYDE, Jr. t Maw Mary il . daaghter of Wi?ujt N. Bermoar, E', . "f Arehdale, v linkers. W cstchctter C" On Ihrinktinvins Uav. Nov. 27, at S:. Mark's Church, Re* B 11 Hseitra*. Mr. EDO ABDAR? BTE, of 7ir WiUumsburgh t;attiu. to Mrs* EI.I/A BETHOU6E BARTON, oi How-tmrk. On Vnorsdav oyiiuif, N >v. ?7. ei f.e t'-oi; itema Church in East Haren, Conn, Irr Bee. D W?* Raveaa. Mi EDWAHl) K PORTER, of Hi arklya, M. V . aad MitsCAMELIA L H BM1MWA V. dataghte* af Capt Hern ? Heuiiuwaj OnThnradey. Net 17,by Bar. Jpaa l?voatn*oa, TOHV M. ANDERSON, to Mia* ISABEL,yenafem iUu*ht?r af jtadrt \ Brntram/both nftaMORj OaWednaadar. Hoe lb. by Bar. Oeoraa L. Pren'a?-. CHARLES P. DICKIE to SOS AH C daohter of thl hatt John II. Hater OnlMotidav erenina. Nov. In, hy Rev. Henry Clnsc. SE RR* BIMMONS to MARY JANE MAdL'E, both of thia ( ? _ dii:d. At Brooklyn. Not. 27. AUOl BT CS OKAHAM, :?r'i 't. leata, . , . . T . Meads aad acejaaiaisacss are mvited to attaaa the fniirral serti. es ?l tue Chor, u oi th S iwuir. Pierre '.nt. at , wit hont further notice, tins (atatnidnw) afiernoon. nt J. o'clock praclaaly. On Th iradny, Nor, I7,8VBANI daasatar of Amirew A. Blown, aseil l'i months. The ftieadi oi the faaniry araiai, attea I the i natal on Sal t'ta. afternoon at i, o'clock, from No. tii Irvu.* place on Thartdny morn in?, N.v 27. JONATHAN F.,y< unir est son oi W illiani W . und Sarah A. l->m. lata* Itha: ..f Bissge. The relatit-1 und ineu Noi the fan ilv ar r< s, sc'l li! brrited to atti ad .'us faastal from taWrataoaaosaf hie father No nWM ll?h st. on saiur 'av, j'?h )e-' . atte'ctnck, P ?l l ue r. in hi < ttiil be lakaa to Harlem ior inieruiea!. du Wrdneeday, N... at,nl the hoaat 'i Mr. Joh* M r can.No Cl'iP. ..1st ,r.i.e.l,',-,,,i;KOi:i;K JACK's-ilM ..f the firm of Mr? JncknuB, R htoa R Co, New-York, in the ml. tear oi hm ace. Tt.? fnesds and relative-ei',!.t* l'i Ay a'- r*sp> et: illy m lite.l t.. art aad his fuaatal uu SaturJu.. Nov. n, at ? n'elot .. from St. Ana's (l, reft, Bimwlj n, without i irtaV r iu\ .latu.n P. Nirth Balen,N. Y. Nov. 27. tfUi a Ita* in 1 ttdioi.a lllneis, EUOENE.aaaol Mi an. .u-n W. and Lydia Nor? ton, m the yeai nl in? ate. On Thursday, Not. n*. alter a short and ?ev re illness. JAMES WRKAI H, miant son of John and ?ll*n Id C nv jape, in th* 4' h year oi In* arc 1 loa, friend* and the** of hi* nncle, J A. Lea*:, are re ?? i. if Uy iavitedtohtteadIdafaaeralfreai the lesaaaaes nl h ? tari at .No M We?t ma, st ,ihi? natfaaaa, (Sth ia*t . at SI o'< luck A .M , ie. .sily l a. reiuu.u* wul h* tahsa to the Reformed ria*bylarl*a CaahaSasy, BieasiflJi. I r mi. ihn nt. .1? k. r ti -. \:,. * rtn i,t*\.. a natvrwrr,**rwno* and .spiimsli \ u * Consul. in Brooklyn, on Ptidny, N v. HABT Ti'UPiN. dan*ht*r of Bamaei r Chnmmiey. a*jed t<> yamra. Th* fu-ier-:! Mr* MW* wttl take; la. * at K. 7 Dl C t'l I'hurc!,. Hem. si , oa S in.l ay alternom at I o'clock The frienda of th* family are r? sp. et full; Invited to attend i Ra> r.ui furl lie' invitation li? Biotsu pup. ts pl?a?e . r In ilit* Citv. Nov ial, after a ?hoil il!ne-s, CJI ARI.E5 WOLCOTT BBOWN,n*>d24 ur*,*ou ., Elia?Brown, Esq., of Mystic. CVnn , and brother *i E. B. Brown, .u 'he Prm of Eveiatt h Brawa. The preathsaaaKl praayactaef the de., assd warraat* ? <! inch hapea ior lifh aad bapssaeas, and h ? ? harnotar and attacaaieat* ha diawaaraand him a circle <>f frieu'l* and . rriiilive. in this C.'v ami hi*.natu* State, who deeply la- | n.tut tin* be rest. meat. T is.en^cra Hailed fai '.r PatrickHtHrw.forAri Rut. 1 u - Ea?Col J. C. Clapp aud lady, .Mrs. R ibcat k and nephew. - a ? PataciiKcra Arrived />;/./. 'nl:-' ; I" eon.. - .re, irn<o l.i-i,l,,n n ul l;? ? >. ,n .1:. Dr.JehaPi k, M i K? ? i Pick, Mr* Mary A. Aastta, JnhaP A'l. n,M?? and Mis* M. th.i Ai.n. Praace? W. Bedford. Alfred Buddea, David Hunt, Walter Pareaass, Arthtu Bell, sad I 'i ia >ii? ?trer ure. /?for1. A' in*, from Hambtroh? Hi Bnmpf aad lady, M'"?>Brndtta, Mana ?nd Joanna* Raaapf Jos. Jar*>h., M naht a Baafe, Aasartt. Mathild* aud Pauime Hasse. UlKIaTUCl 4i.Ma*4C....THIS DaT. Ban? Rlats?TMIBata_l J?I Moon?*JS*a_ M a h:oh waraa_ffe* M Saad' IC i a i i;??. Island .00 | Hall Gate .1 'a MARINE JOURNAL. KORT OF NEW-TOBX....NOTEMBaTI M St< Sr.r\ik /or Sh.,p ig fat I'ige ut. I learn! \ i iterds >. . eie ?Hertford,B*m*ssj, Haiaaath. D. ahaa BDiai m. Bng- loin Slot iton, Bt j h* N H > '?- '-et' - Mat) ii BcaU.Biackmnn, Phdnaelpaia, m** ler; Ac*dm,(Br) Wiera,Cumberland S S..II U I)... - v..:. Catar i'-t. R- ? Kavanr.:.1. N L McCrrad ' a C-> Cleared. Shij? BnlUmi re. Roiertaon. Ne v-Oileiru. R ivd k lim keu. Baiha? Lacj h Elisabeth (YoabSi Ch, Ladth ( iiuu u . Net.H raannn, Ch irleatoa, Poppe a Co.. P*y Un?, auJater, far *koua. 3. B saidv . Cora, Harm, K:.-a J *?)?? *} Piereuu; Santiago, dui th, Buenos A.'.e-. h i. Ml.... i< atnaa-LaanJB'adr. Kxumn, ataater; MaJaaTdeii, I dm bury, klsusnn. R w . in.nd\ >en PnUicAHam lvu ?laaa, K. t hYaM hi R Post.E wUs.u. c.,l?oa. P;nladel,ihi*. Nasattth h Boa; Deadenioaa, Cbaltoa, Mcauari.^, .\ L MoCraadfj H?r n t Pi*aay, TnanUm, naaterj Jotepu Marah. R.- rs j icasouvi Ii-, J i,ru e . Pia*,,. Hanutnnad, Baltiuiora, 51 ail i-r x Lord H. Nas ?, Ouptitl,NerlUk, R. p Buc* ?Co.; t B WiDebs, toita, WUaiaatoa, 8 L. Mi?ch<*l h C ? G i foster, N ewbtajp, nSadeira. .N. Pi?, ? *. C . Btuap?W 11 Br i\?i,r. Kanitv, Provulonce. Hera*?Pwrpsuea.Sc .neld. PhLlndelpain, J a, N. Brise* ?e? Arrived. I . s. Mad ai> a.nahip w aihiu^i. ?. t lovd, SanaR*e*n*a No* ?, vma* - ion N .r u.ataP M.?U da.? . iJ 11 I oais? with Ho tm freiaht aod HJ paaacuseta, t.i U uVr s'jtid x Hirra An .." mi.?.> ll.? ? .\ v z.. KM Me;..: ?!? I - rj .i. "r: .-, \| , , . was lait sie? at Biaaatno, Jaat, from Charret is.. ,? ,s..i Ijiu Hiu.acd Mrtsstm. Jam., IM,t*aa apecw'.'iJ pa?**Bfrr*. toC Mill* at Co. Pa. s-1 ah*p All?? Ueilntin. Delnnu. from Liver- J f> t p. 'ilh n.d?r. an.. , a-asu.ris, to Grinned, Ml.itora x S. ? Ci- n?. M Vom ut kj Baiter. U days from R-t erdimi, with m.lse aud 117 pas.,, ufrr., to WT F. Stiiaiidt Xlo N .v Ij. Ut. S3 j ,, ],.? 7utl.apokr whaloal.. J "iu ' Ann, , i nndfrom Nrw.R*d>ord. for riritr ftiiaas. i . i*t ? up p., anehiii, llovey, from Louden m.l Po t ? hin Not .. w.ih aidsa und c'isvinRWs. ta jahu .1 i* v ; ? i , ' " "rt vi*-,rS?'1 Shoe!, eifern i ? ! ie-) ? v Ship,Phil 7t, ji ,!1T? .- i .?? . .i hanem MdRO *aa*cricera. to J W PtuHipaaCe. in? o ,sde taiued at idnaiantii-e. Suvia? 8? ca*es of tu? ?m ?; naa an heara. blnp IIamt<o:jr*llr."D 1 Brenken >i dar? fron Bremen, with uidae. and tM ;'*?srn r- rs. r? L. x W . BraiKiar? Ship 1 jornta, of ,s ivnaaabj M !l?, JJdaya ucai I w ;> >1. w.t\ : ds* ar-d Ts? passertrera, lo W. x I. T fi * colt IbeF i, hound to Savannah. * ot in fc. lb* te.rtfcj ;-c! ra'tcacers BbipGcorge Turner. Prm.*. llavi? (\t It, all.. .'C ,'ittrottis. r Bark I J. So tthiid.i .fi: P .I ??? tt e Cpnstalt and Ebnat r, trRh hemp, fcc , %? Neamiih x Bark Tarex?na.(of Tl.tniiston.. R.rfan.i. ha B ?.[?'?va ! ' t .?. with tndse , to Cr? v.r. Cioacy a Co. H .re I, #a ' ;a>sto IV wejs-sard ui Ot i-.-s s.. . . . -, u,.4, . .let rr* i w.N.w I '! 1 y ? Ha Praal .nn. ;id -s '-iruHauj r mds* .nd \\,\ ..aru.'ert. to W. Vo-.Seht'x Co Uu, tag'" i? '' 1.*n ?'1 ?-'* * steamer; *<.oi-f<X h*r tn ? t.: Fraxilm.heTieefor Hnvr* to Demill a*Ce! M,S*ir?*,T*,'m?l1' r '?eti .ad rjtBS, Rais Rhein.',Ha^b.: P*m|, || la I flaa If., mm wi'h ...die. luidiJt po?asn;t;a. to Back k K b'unir f ' ??."ti *J,4;,ut' Maratta. Badeauv O.t a. brande- 1 l.r. H.ii..aoi.l.. .? oi'the ;.a?**n;*ra 4 th. a tail 1 oieurc. lately lo?t at sea. Bnr Onolr. Brandt, 19 days fro n St. M . ,xr .? tonjaaaer. iath m?t , off Cap* Ma;, aptkeship lleJeo, Jt.'.moa, hem.v i . ... ;l. ia? tjok from h. r Mr' **a*r, ?New-iork pilot, who had hern rarrtrd oe Tl O. Elinas Uo-jf llo mat. aad twa seamen->f Me hrir Jt Bnat.., rhkh ?aa d*s nrjH *r fit* at rtiim I *ss'iuae, iyloi dn,, on Ihe tth mat. The v**a*I e??nVt? ta- sa 8te wi* from and for N<wY rl nr.lh.larnr , . f jiten ?Bdtu..'<- ea b >-rd . B * Malinrc. (of Rtekland fh r ..e. || day* Wu I er-er.-e. ?u*?'a*<i mdaasre. I>un? nl X v" 171? ? ,t J1 l. - ' ... i . v. r r' ? - ? I... t L?i Uli* J. r ??.?*. V ,r? :7 d i?? " lt. ?? I ? ? " p Hl her ?rl?ptotwdttaa; sasehBM to: ?i-nl 11 ?er. *M tarried away her bm topgaitaai irtaat, kr . oar ?ael.ltOTt ?*(?. Sc. Mth .aat . 2 K-t * eat. ?po* 11.:/ Ohl f. Key Waat f? New-Ywk.ldayaist Inf v.aea a. Mtr<!?n. rleayaiUh., P K . No* II wr*?! > . ii ? ktiees, to Ii v it Hal !-?ta, ?????! f ? k. f Fu . e O? Lall n i ??-?s?l? .-. ? nt MB laat . I? n Vj, iJU .J.?|*?e ?rhr !i? at a mi Now He-tiard On IV t,?..a<< : ? Wrlmtegtsst toGm tailla ?. pt. t! .n Ut ML i . leSM Br ???:! Bieg ?f ? ili ?>? ferrr Ott. I. p it iota ? t Tb .na* alterbeingat wt t| diy?, ffifi all bvidi ?? k ' jt'w iii lndipe tk? ca, ? in E ir no .r? afor nrrsjr at Ii ThtTra*.C,?..j;e F.asei? . <n?>k idied TV' , rt .n > tu Ihn? rvnt ?Ith fnne sg? bereeew yet SSM -nlol .1 17.^1 eft at Oia? im?. P. R .Ort ti. Ufte? F. R. C ???????' r Ivr.a.i.'J dayl . Edwaid V?. Miiu.ti Bai -in -m 3 day* iirif A '??: te WBscBestet fj es Ev, rt,with ksCll to \ HC Sckr Gor. Asderaon. Samtor, K?y * Vit i: I.-?. j. i lt.- s c . to K I. Mi 'im ?. ki Mr'.ri. .>. T .Ml?. Itirhiaoai l ilay?. ?.!?? ,teC II I - . f, br .1 P L ai .'.i ba;n ia.M it if tH... v.. k" West, Ii d.ys et r t.. ?I !.. Mr Ii., .f.; k r.. tVlir Chartas Md!? Fratcis '? dar? fmu St aaitah.. it tew and rare t? N L Mf'VaJt k Co Sehr l<*a MeT.ler. AppOgVe. 10 da? fron; Swa. I aa, N C . with naval ?Mre?, to Bei. Bloasom k Ann HEI i iW- Ha.-? d. liu Ca-k . -I SV s -m ? M<??ira. witi. Draper * Hereha Biso. 1 ibip. WlND-5':ar?e,S.W n.'rid.aa. do , toaiJt. W 9 W IT tVrei Inn . n. d rt R, Icadal ai I R.n<-..'d boih rrt.irn to the wreck ti tar E L Baldwin, alter liairir rtlit ? I iB tBe tarw ei*Uta bark Brarilfcipi bf ataaaa tmf H?r rnitt. Itt'ated in vtalddtt'l rrp.irt T:.e t'iraier Barl] teturr.fd. wbUe-ite latter r.inie on lo the Cit I tb ?t< am ? .;, and ?tber *vig , tr-.'a? ? ?? By T^le?raph. i'HaRI ES'I'ON. Wer* ?7-Arr ?ehrt Marv Lo?B)L PbilBi ua i ?re?d EleiitlierB; Mav. ChafTBB ?ntb part a ' torn lit a , Re?en te Catter Hawitlaa. Doat.m. Bid n..i>Eairfield, Nov.Volk BOSTON,BJor. 17?An br:<Car^ . Fhiladelph.a ; aahr. Ann. K' nd.nt Arr at du 2Hh. ha'lia Jiir,iata, CaletBtta; Sarah Oltn-r IfataBzsii Siinipter. Cbarieatna; Trem"nt. Baltimore; ^..a... ,k.. !>..,. wP im 11 to.h ..... LiaA Wi ? , .. B.'irC'.-r. for New-Viak in 10 dar?; Eon B. cner?. f.r Philadelphia. A'inair. lki| t'.ri.bne C. D>.w. C'oyita.!:, br r-A. Dnnbtr Sarnnnah ; Mira, ( hir-pee. Canton and Oaeet? Ftttier. Pbiladelpbra; ickrt, Mary Taylor, Hi bmoad; WlUew, Norfolk , Westovpr. Baltimore. Er end. Phil idel pka;Boele?, A Barret.Cera, J.Baraice,H Aifred,aad w. K. t.enn, do ; Southerner and Comaiednre, do i Tri bnue, M."'ter aid Leader, AlPany , M M KlottB, Ravoy, Kt-.r H Ereelatf aad I... m. N. ..-V i>. Jaaeabiae 1 Ana E ( tdt?ll. Annlr a. and Sarah Ibnaia, PhUad l| ua B>law,shif Katbaeaa andliark AyntlBi fr.'Oi Ms ?? tlr lear *. Cid. ?bin BeBa R. ck. Ifi ?wOrlaaaa; hark fnttaaa, Mal? ta aad Bmrrae: r.ri? Catbariae a M ir.- liarnna ST. JOHN. N Ii N<>? aa?Arr.barkaBtopearell, New York. Frederiek, w riiiimrton, tchr Ina.i? Arr DI. ih:|' Yeaman. WBmiiaitaa. brif Bbta im , ?ehr Eeho de NEW ORLEANS, Nav K?An ft- a i t'np l'aioa, Both! NeW Y"rK Heiiorts cac rncin? dinii'led an tin IStb,aad i.biipe.i tu n?e ?inewhiei. Ataoan ateaio er Oraii.l l'.irk. and-, H. D. H.a. n. Weather rainv rEmni onr C<>rre?t">nd.'iita 1 PHILADELPHIA. Rae, BJ? Irr rrd Bbbiflaa laja % PaaBailea. Lwerpool; bark Oak, Kyder, Baetoa; bria i ia? ran. CoatiB*, New-Tort ; tclir? M irv. S >in?Mb r -, New aurypoil. A C H'ih. r.S:ni'h., N' w-lork . ?mi raa, Bai aea,ao.; Baeaa Vlita, p. ttrr. do . G Hoffmaa, Worth, de.; Marv Bhr.aaetb. Sir*. d >.; M Orattaa, Oajsr, d ? Lei laaal Oa ? r.> . Peaneylraaia, Hell. New-Harsa; M.Mi et, w i Iota, Br.? k ?n. Cl ero Baker. New-York . J. E Pon?, Creaea, do.; Mary at Blixabeth, Poiler. d,> ; Laeaeta, wiUktma. do . BaiiBliir Clark, Newbnrgh; s. C Ain.-ts, Swan, Alhany and Ene, New-Yark; ' ar^' ( rar-./ Bnga Beott, Mav..-i.v !' R fuf ??aa. i ??.nie- New-York;l kr?. J H II .itn??, Lo%a Si Tanntlii P laanlfaasB. Bell. New-Hat en, Wmmeut. I ?aaa. Beataa , Bat aa V i?ta. Potter, Piwridi... . t; H< II ataa Werth, New-t ?kj M Mar. v. WUleta, Btateela* htad; Mary Elizabeth, Shrc. New- York; Mary Orattaa, Outei Hi>?i a; Beaaa,Haadr,Htafbam; Bebaaaah. ?uy? er, Boat ob: \ c Baker, 8nilth, Pforkteace, propeller Ae ilirinf. Meeeley, New-York. Di-nsfer?. A.c. .j1 *.rt< on11 k, t.f Ifawfaallii. WilliatB P?ter?et, naa? tri, in her*tja|e from Liveriaiol to DeBteaale, with a i ait'o ?i tali aad dry e.iotl?.? ent aeBore on the inwriun- of Batarday, the i?t iaat .at Mitiaette Petat, on tue aoatb aale oi the Bat t.i Chalear. tat a heavyaerta-weet gala The rettrl n end. niaed, and the Darf > partially ???ed. Ban. L. Baldwin, aabareet Abeeeant,haedischarged drrk hmd, run.iittinit of ill bale*, pottow. Tl.e balaaceoi car^ ? a cottoa wiUMeeawd?reaeel wlU be etotal loea, Bk. Bbig Bkthbi Hay, master,33eayi from Carthage na, ?* hils going into RichiL oto barbor, .date not stated,) went aslmre Itr e:iptuiu bad deter inue I tu telllieras the lay, ehe - i: BBlBBBIld ? S< mi SlR.tll kl. AIkkkii i. (bes?te reported i?' Itaar't S'.iua > sVnc In p e. e?. A tery -.nail >rti in of her i us.i uantavod Ran. Wai ?in. Allen, of Bedfwiek, while Lang ia B-ss Hailior, .'aiit.-r) M: Deiert, ilnnnc the j/afe nt Friday night, zlst inst,dragyed heraaehorB, but beBweeba e.>t into the breakers tho eraw snoeeededia c.ttiae away aea fare matt, ? hen sb< kSWtSgbt up, and rmle nut the trale -t ith snt furthsr lajiiry. Tbeaut mnraaag the traa lowed late the harb'.r by cipt Beaj Browa, wreek master. 6' nu James, k dien?. Bf Wald >boro,drove a.harr from hei anrh .rt, in Outer Hnsi Harber, ttlt l><. .m.omitea etra ?i. .i i r.a .. ti.i in.t , u,.a f. i . e a total loss.? II. 11 I. Id on the {lib Bar fitS. Hb. Si nu Elizabi in, ipl Prfiace li.ward's lataadj Hardi n. nu Hostnu, wont aaltorn on thu ntriil of Hie ilst, na Blue's i viand, i if mi. Desert. Vessel and eint? tat >l h?s; errw bsrs'y eseapiaawBhtbeii llvee, aavbsf aetaaai hn'whnt lh?v iI.i.mI m ('apt ii PBBOItS that lie tri v a large ?hlpal loci ch P M list, ah mt ti indes eo i'h of Durk Ulaad, undercktse reefed topsails; ihm!.? ?he< mid i,or havr kept . !i ar fo ui laud darniv' Ih? iiu-lr I ir ?> , was appareally ia l>al! t?t? ssebaM ? Biattsk ?hip. ?1>? ?Spoken. AVe, Nov. 12,oll II le-uvlht-Wall. tili, II tncll .n. t n ii atat 1st Aaelechieela. ant L',1. ?. 1 JTS.,; .i: .b Hit ' E.. flaf.ire ri , o I'd !l ia w thipC lumbu,BkUbee. fromCalenttaftM Bostea \. v nLaSJCaee Hmteras,shipClsra Aba,oi Bath, from New-Voi? l ir Apalaetm ola No date, lat Pi, lea. IT, ? Bl MM Ship 3 I' I lac. illgt | s. Badr?'r. Bam V w lor Havre. ? *? Foreign Ports. aJBaaJNaaa, C A ,Mar. Ii, brsf Laer.frrNew Qtleaiii di tt iat. i. h BssseacBTB. Sail'd rreni ttewaeeus uii. Ssst, hart Leaaz, it.iwee. lor Beetaa. A' London 1 Ith Mist , haik I u. nd i, N ri, .is. r..r It 'it..n nearly read/ Sailed Hth. i.ark MaBTieW, I'haytr, l?i Btttm At Bnst .1 nth .nst si. r-<?, r | .. for Nsw-Or Iculi, waitniK wind ; lleury Nssmith, Ul uer, lor N Verk. At Nrwp ft. B . tit., last . Hat. a 1 ua I i-. \1 d. per, lor New- York, Ids. At do. lUhiait.,ihipKa?eHowe.sT? roes,for New-l i . Idaj ai Ureraeal lath bast . -hip Crmatrt D, Jr?i as. he B n t"n. Idg. . , . At Parroa list task.. Br brigs Charlotte, sm Ckavsa utar Bo?;. ii :a vtii.n i it Ariciiat. At HaBfitxItthmet.,si pJamesH B- .,e. r .?. 1 B .?t..n ?arte e\eLir_ Sailed Irom M ele rn .'i-'.h sM . kfff Zeno'na Carl' ia. BS Me?Mua. _ _ AtlasaefSal id ak., braj .M ertPerkiaa rho - fcr San katosio, k> ? ma i ifeated: bawa tu? .d.ut.u e.r BaaTsa abuat Ith rast._. AtBenaam abaul M But., batkCaba, Stn tne . fr? wilnuecoa,N C . 'ist arr . briaaCrarraa, Bates, hen.-, air Mtb ult . Dr Ko|sn, Bsmmaee, 11 ? Salem, mtt a-r.; Niger, Hm us. for One ? ??*' r I'1 ?' <?s . O-.n ?.-?it, 1 i ,?-. f.rdo.une. Sid Ist,brigPWmees,CaMer tarda At Smyrna jd ia?t.. bar?e Boaaa .1 ine, Tie ulwell, . ? arr < va of IVl.t load far B-et ". . S: nubo i Km. I .... :?> d . ab.? it f, h. _ _ . , UMsesbaaMiaat biatsPhsult. Patai .?r'-m St. John?. N F.,an lead for Beetee; uon, vvtrum Les lorn arr B h ult . i'?uh: oi r!i.ntnr-oBly Arn. vt.tsaU.? brig I ...a'A. CashmgJwade, Haw-York; suan buk L B A Hsbart, Heilgpow, B .siou. i?: insSaat, Toido V.e.,i . Noa-Yois. AtPalerasa uk bast.,Neap t-r? BiBe.fas New Vjk, '? f N ? A- v... si .' ':i pn't At Trieste 7'h io?t . haik Art' ISMtt,ClttweB,bmsbsssbs> more, di-g . far P.alera.i. only An. vessel. Ail.*. 1? .th inst, ships Puans nDreyer, frotwMar letUea trr. Mb. t ? ."ad i i N< -York; Qiieoe Victoria Ci.ase. fr>r i . !ua. ia;-. Mad. i r. H-*er?, 4 > d I -' Mixiltoa. d" -lu : o.i/k Kuiaaa. WMbbara, ?..r Bus'ioa. ?b' t lendy. . , ... Ati.'eaieirkin-* -n.i- P. cv 1 >ra. i.-?m Sti ?i ?tr . m. t.ibrjlla.. i-tvrr. At Malaga ?tb east., barks Wsaram, Blwell, for Boat a, truly ready; N. W I -?. ???'. L ...- ? > . Ki s Alte Co?, New-York i I rsayward Pe> ('.?h.a.-, Cody, do do., also, a Savrhaian vr-ss-1 tot t'aariedoa. and a sehr Ba.tne-ir.- Sd aie.v.!, , , I . hntV Cl.t:i??a. C-.k. N. Oileaas. S..-;tUr:us. Hi New-vot'.. ai. ii^t ? r .? y a . b,-a...?ti i.v.. S?>w I ir'tiiBs. At Maneallsa ?t . ?h Dmgease, sarrsater, for Kew-Or.'ea is ?a. n : Sarah a I n:ta. BteLaUaa ir New , . . a Sid ? !.. -rs tar. C< .. ?.??? 1. At Btaterdam IBlh iaal tail L I... RaSacd. for New York; Datch t>nr America, Berter, t >r B"?t..n. Hr . i rs /odia P e i .! ? d i , Pjlarie. liaavvn, l? I for do.; ekssstbe Bsperaace, Hs fsr Hesr-Terk; Ma>. Smith, Br for do Mtrtin Frwdnek, 'Free i f>r i ; Laora t BeMo, DsBeA)Btwsia,fbr4e ;JoHalsrah, Uai. j Lieol.eik-n. for do , Veoilla, Dastb)for Fhala? ,-, hta 'id. mil. Bau rsskwt, ' - . .?ml i Haw \ ork. b t piobab y New?Orleaae it.,..-.-, ittliutst .thip Man-u. BrjBeiJ.for Now Orlcaasj Br ban.. HynJ. fu.d. for Baa Fraaetar . Nora ? ht Co g,for Boetow, Mr Br. br r /e byr.Crmar, ri b Hd; aad othert asbef >re ^mnsftnfnts. i 1 IM I AN OPER \ HOUSE, Aator I S id oar aa Fa .: - . the boat 9 rty >i ij nnan Act. rs ia the I :.".?! S'at. t -rider the luiuf. in .? t HARLES SILIN SWt UDW N ttttmeai Bew-Y? rk.'THi; Bi.LI .RJNOBBO f rHE CHURc'HOFNOTBI DAME,Or,Ks rm ... i, f v l?tri." >n mtertwSSBg DramaUars ?plead; I .ablea .x. ' . a ? i I? in i? la ojk-u at ?(? l" aic a ' I'liees.if BdmiM..?n >lti.-. d-t at, a 'Le B I ,. ,. ? ire.! arais in al! ptrtsofthe !>w. *) em's A i iJscetei Mesa. Bt7it?! CHARLES srBl.M t ALI \ .\ ' ?FKRA, vSTOR-PLA< B. y \ x MAREl /EK. ! ?sare,au Maaaaer. ? ii.O LVINiN ,.p. i. will ^^rlornietl, ixiN p tsyi si k x rtai Sg/ i.l ImnNfa . .1? . -ias .. n. Pl.. e? u: Adu.'sai .a ?S^. d -Se.ti, gl al, l ai ,a. i a.d l> ? i. ?1, AninbititAuter. id .-??nit l*->..rt open ii".if?f*rfomiaa.-oto ? .oi 'lea.-e at "j i>!.? k. X IBlsOV ti M'lU.N.?M.uii.'cr, Mr. II J ha lafbm T. teta H mmm i Prsate taase*. $j. |i iqseopea at 7; tactmnisuci at 1', o . lock BENFFlf OF MLUL VI TOPI NE EBVXk 1.11- EV l NIM.. Nu? 7f, a il >-. i*rr'..nned LL OI IB] B k Ql \,HL Cottatl' Uoekl. II Bn.l.t iUC ? Btess .Mlb.Bart s Ma An ? .- Riv.:l\| a ,ka Mil*. I' 1 iaii. Int. rm ssio" ?'( 1) inn Jot To culls ludu wsth the Cooue Pialntnin el MA/l I VI,or rkwlstghiowl ! .. Oahnel Hsswt M ?? 1 i? l\ i?? piuiaao.. ??! b . ? 1 ? ? Hi' ii ..Mr 11 .vi M .0.; ue J lt.. el ' V M l Mar. sill .?1 -it i ? F.aua ST GEORGES CONCERT -Thr ?a> _ ...ire.c.r...?h?nftbeC??r.l. IP,,,.'. ,.d H,u?i:.?r..ov-.;' ; - - ? ?? l?*? falj. wth la* ? ttmtm ? TtU *1-BBH A1 ' ' ?,.,. kvfnino. n-? n. >m in* Mi?*?? ?????*?? ?**??*? ?r?li r>?d*r trim ******** M*dan.*A*wATIIILLoN M^?-'.' M?CA< < l*NTI. Mr. IMVIA O H?HI A l( V. m^waixai-k u.'i ?,"?;.!?',!;? (V.*fcw *f m* ??i.wni r-i ? ewer, v wait** ?%Mf BADULI. Beta.* HKrriM. _ Hr. HUDSON. in rnnviTU MMA iKr.sonwtB* M. II JAKLL.tae emwrn' , ?i lok \ ii AI b in. Yidi*. _ , Mr ?ElViEWICX. <'.?. srtn.a A irar.1 Orcoeatra ia enc?a"l r it r.mW aw* I'KiHiK I MM 8 c*?T l I Mrdli? Overt -r .11 S .e-.unA'ra Fu.l O B*? I* t " Seiroa.le.'from ih?Kin*ht. 1 Ana.*' H d*?n ^ " Krnaia Involaii.i. ' Ir..? Ei a ?111 Mi" E Ho?t ?? ? - t ?? Pro Prrratia. 'r n, H e-'m " s.abat Maler.Sue H?Hi?li j Oinnd Kan'aai ."I I act ?di Laata " ? * P A't ed Ja?ll , t. " 1??M*.-hj Ylstart Msasat Midwt t?" T** ?-n 7 pirt, from lb.niietit'a Bilantno.Siy. Bettiainn I Ba>l ah I ? r?roti*?." fem H*?trtcedi fendi ..M*l Ilia.-a. >? alt ? 9 ?? Hi. d on'h. Tree ' ?Violin and lull OreMeat a Compo??d and eleeuted by.Miaaa ii1 *S ' taut II. 1 " O.a) anv* the innren" ... 9f th*'0**BB BS* 2 ?' Hla. a El cd Knshafi Ballad Jhled. b\?u. hell* 3 '? La Sicilinn 1 froui Koturlo Vzn-sr H- t:ui 4 fcolooo Ih? run. e-T 1?. ?1 ... - Mr s.-d/...... ? j ?? To* LorerC Pa'h. ' Ens'iali son.' Mad Aimlhulu 1 Oiand Dnet on Popular Air? iu Der I reichu'/.' for Piano and Vaetat?C**np*?nd and axncntml br. . .A. Ju-H and M. Htnaer 7 Rondo, irom Lm ? di Lnaaaaaiaa* .r. Mad Bun acrinnti t. ('.rand Triumphal March. Kall Or.'heetra I> <>p*a at aj roninow? at ?!. Tickets. ON K DOI LA A ?aeu?may !?? bad at the .rio efnal Mmtie State* it tbadee*en tne *ro*dag of the Dan> , nt, and of the roUowisg Com matte? of Management r tmtttltta* M**t*#eaa?iif. jr BEALKS'E?.: . M D , Pieeadeat.No MEnatlttk-al v. Yol NO. ist \iee Pretudi at. No 3 Bari ay-at. A BABt LAY. t - . i? M.Consul, No H mNtll.V.;,U M ^ i ml. N klBl i>-a? litoM.Mi Di?toi?,iao *j w nl.siii-s'.. JOSEPH FOw I KK. N M Wt I St. E E 8 AND I" Um >N. Na I? C< .1 * CHAM.IS EOtt A KD j. No <6 Broad* 1 W |> ClTTHBERTSON.No W J. C VtEI.LB. v n I? Wall ?t 8. crooks. No asruffst I' B El I.I M tN. No 131 Fear!-?t N r aktek. No 112 Hroadwa? HEN hY Bat A LEB <? PITT. :'d \ ice President, No IT Aaeai.e 3d. r BAi;E. No 17.'P. ari-at. E yvai.KEK No. 111 PaRonval \S rha.SD. No tJ Piue at J R. WA1 l KU"? JOHN J. WALKER, No J3 Kt< La i..-pla.e JoHN J BABTLEaT. Vl hi nik) I (IH No I Ve.e, ?t. R, 1 k v in. Ni ' I ProeR-at. I DM I ND Ai.Nol D, No 13 V. . J. DOBBON, N? UM..rri- ?t at: 3t BROADWAY THEATER.?Sole Lea see, E. A. MARSHALL, Star? Mauaxer. THOB. BARRY TH18 EVEN I NO. Nov. M, will he par; .rma.1 MBTAMOBA, Th? [.net ot tae wai ipaa a*ta, Metataeta *ir PanaM|Oaaawa Mir? Katr Hata 1 a ceav lud? ? ihii.e farce 1 MS PRE flOUS BETSY Adaaaa on-!)re?a ClreJ*, M renva; Kamdy aa.l Third Circlea ii. D"?x? open a*, t.j, owavanesaoeatT. BURTON'8 rHEATER, ('hambiiiis" st ?THIS EV ENI Ni: v.aber*?, * Ubaataaad the'aufhal.Je 1 i.ce r.i MIO WAO. The exceUsat Ceinn . di?tt 1 of THE HOPELESS P tSSlON T-? conclude with the moat ?u. ceeafnl piece it IHK Kl km" NPiHI Mona Ai'lulle Talma Duf.iid. .... H Placid* AilniiMion?Dre?a Cir. le and Par jue 50 ceni? de.-, nd Tier.ticentj. Dnoraepeani m)t aoma**an* ?i I e'eaeea. HROUGHABTS LYCEUM, Bmastwat, near Brix me at ?Proprietor and ?I .?er. Joha Bmnaham. RKNKI 11 of 1' li JOHNSTON THIS KVENINli. No* I?, will r* i.a-torrand DAVid COPPERPIEI D Mlcawbet_Mr. Hren.-ii.imi It wCartli .Mr> Srr- tt THE DUTCH GO\ KHNoR. VeaDaadai...Jsaattoa | riartha .MtaBlurttaM Adnusaion? Dreaa Circl* and ParqMt, RhJ. Pamlly Circle, ii. Doora open at b.; roiiiuiem e ^t 7. HARNUM'S AMERICAN MUSEUM. ?P. T liAKNi M, Maaaga* aad Proprietor j AJ ?hadnatJeeats; childraa w, eaata FRIDAY end BAT 1 BDAY. Nov ?n und 19, *xtrsertUaan attractioaa Oa i ERIDAY AETEUNi 10n, at 1 o'clock, tue em anlas farc? ' oi LOVE IN LIVERY', ihe muaical actTavasaaza of JENNY LIND Oa FRIDAY EVENINO ' ! THEVICAROI WAKEPIELD Oa SATURDAY AF? TERNOON, at I u'oluck, DON CESAH DE BAZAN. EVENINO.-y o ?, CRIMSON CRIMES, ii.'H at pircus?IS EW-YORK A MPHITHE ? J ATER, No. W Bnarorr ?Is order to aei imasodala thoir who w*re .imappointed in Kilning a*lim?sion 0,1 Thanksaivinc Day. an I Ml.A ENTERTAINMENT will be ?ivni THIS (Saturdayj AFTERNOON, 0 naraaa ciu* nt V o'clock?rouipiturns nil th* isreat f**t* (fttcn by 11.? apleuaud troupe 01 11 araaiUK I 0 uu 'hat... 1 aatoa. Tnif??fn??nri * ia Ih? L\ ENINO aill coiiiuieuce at 7 o'clock, aa usual H..ri !> and Pat , let U Mat* . C lildrta, ander!)><ar?, half i rice Pit, \2', ? , at?. n.-J It KNICK BR1 \Oi ? K ER H ALL, niiVbt. 23<l it ? Cn.-e??iiia aaplsass re -. ;\.. i nightly hv th* n< ?-Y..rk s. raaaaVata 1 hev pei 1 u ? a* da I'll is EVEN i NO. -when Mr AMII.KmiN. I'm s;e't \N i.- ir.l ol Ih Eaati will lire h.< Pa UK v\ ELL perforwanc* at thia | Haii. Oa early, if yea want t.> ?ee taa Woaaiet of Wen- 1 data,Sad the aaeat entrnordinni) feat* . . er performed by M atal Man Door* opsR st tlj; roataisaoa at T| Adanat' aion IS) ceata. nMIt* rpRIPLER hall. ? Se^nd j li.MI. f THE SOCIAL TURNVEREIN(Oymnn*, tic Society), to he held ou MONDAY, the Uth DeeoMibor, II .1. at Trtpier Hall. Ball Tick.ita at || aad Pn>rnanaae Ti kata for the Oal hWMS at 1j eeuti. T" b* had il Mr. Hull a. Sou * M laic BtatS, Ma ito nVoadwajr. De. at Meatr* ailB Brot'ier"*, No. 2"J0 Broadway. Do. at JehaBattif'a.Ne k..i Braadway Do at Weitael'* Mna* Stota N* 113 Fattoa-et., Brook? lyn._nlltDU* 111a bern a (: 1, e.?Tilt; |?u!.li- :av ir. I ?pectfally iaformad that a ORAMD FOCAL and INSTlit MKNTAL CONCERT a >a MON? DAY EVKN1NO. r I. byaCumraitte? ot .,ent:? ia f Uns cttjr. fer Hm relief 1 .Mr JO8EPH PER kins in old tud hifhly respect ahla ?ember oi the Fir* DayarlBiaat, who h a lately, throsgh hhuduti**, bMBda* prtv. of the ..teal a >i ?ui.p rt. Tim taaJawbag BtMata have moat renereiis'y I tiler..I i'eir nr..:.i -,.u. ?er, i.. 1. Mrs. I M M A OILl.l N1. H AM ko8tw1ck. Mia* MARIA LEACH. Mr P LYSTEB, Sir STEPHEN LEACH.Mr Johns Kjte,thee**ehra> ledFluiiati Mr liadrwick, Piofe*?or of th* Coooertlan: Mr. Oeodal), \ i duiat, who ?ul haw Ihs honor oi SaShhaj In* 1 .ist a linear auee in America lie: ?hol* under the daectioa -f Mr O*orre Loder. Tick*ta M eeats?To be had nl ihevari at St n tie Btoroa, ?>r of Ho- lallowuaS -eiitleiueii oi tho Committee ; V V Anderson, KopbarMdbi, J >..a, MoipnM r^ ia-i, JohuMnrphy, Henry J Cir-^nt-r, ?aatal Casar, Jaaaes Crnaaaoaa, 1 Idea* B.OIovtr, Stephen Cnrpenti r,Coni .im Titus, Herrieoo Brown, Si iliC Dou*;!***, I'uonta* Broun, Danna I arrhtstns . w 1.1 M Tweed, AlfredCnrao?, Jona u:-r, ' Sieph. .1 I iia,t. w.u A.laiua. JohaCnrutad, 1 David Featoa, Btephea A. Fecks, Jas Y. Oille*pie, i OilhertPalmer, Wui. Craft. John C Caraaaavr, ' w iu. c. Kme-la-id. v? 11 rronp, E aataa w Ofanras, uZJi.t' Th.uuatJ. Ban, M T Bieuuen. 1^ q1 es Fri?is \ Ml s eM EntsT? ? i BldL'EBTBJAN INSTITUTE, WILLIS t. lit ROH. opi-n .lay and *VMaiaj i r h vereise rtrJiaa. aad 1 tt? 1? ?ptioaef po '? la * Est.ili;:jhmejt? Ihs lar-,'^.sl ha ihn kaowa world.ia u...iur the lamonnteadeneo af \ir WHITTY, aa etB >-nt aad able inatruetor in any brauch 11 : Horsemanship bavhtS had many y- sr? 1 ti?rieui-e, both in 1 Koran* am! tL.a . .. .ntry l'liia Ina: tuti >u unit be vanted la roelt/e .he > \t. ut and maanuieen. e af it, arri.u^. .Hanta I Fifty and *i cty I...i?.-* ar- frenoentlyeaertueincin the rtas 1 at * tian* of au ?veaaBWi whi.-n ptaaaeta an aepcurauce ua rivalid by aaythias 01 tie. ?u.d ku .v.u Hou.a for taitioa and Rsavrcate Btdhti lwIndie*,frontV AM la j I* M A ru.d f ,.!dre?a prev. 01? to ? .lu.ieinciaa. Kaer.-ian of ridinr lor ladle* ar.d c*cll?;uen, irom ti to 11 , every aveu . No iceu'.leaieh MavSUd durtiij ..mra ?; ,.. >;.riated foi Vidie*. sMjaa** npiIEO. eiSFKLD*Si1ntcT assic VJ^ J </i tRTETTE BOIREE wRI ttke l a at the ApoD* H .im?. ,a SATURDAY. N .v 21 Pri*oipal la ?'r ... oi .1 C ana .s.t. ?. by Ha. In S,. l.r lud r. aCbaven H?ri..rTr..-r? Mr J HEI TLS'll. Voenl ?' .....I Weaara I. C 1 LMM. Nu I L. HEYER, KU HHORM aad KISFELD . nwats M . ash. ui7 jt. .? 4rintinnuf. ITERM? i 1 ceni ral railroad. f PBOPOSAI* (br BALK of MORTO tOE KONDA. -Th* VI RMOh - I EN tU iLB kILR< lAUOOMPANk harrt* ieale.1 ir.....isnla far the ? 'i.rhaee ui HONDS of aaid Co ...... .... u Be a M or. If* ?>! the Him I, t > Will: .:n An ery.l haileeO W haaaav* -nd J./.u .S uita, * f. ustn?s. rh< Real* *rill hi , ifnbli m tea je. - (raa >ov 1, I laaLaadaill beat e ttre.t nl th* rate ?< -. ?1 per cent.. payabl* rcaai-a a;. ! .a-, th* OBJraof it?e 1 r?a?.ir?r of ? the Ci cr try P.y ..enia mill be rt aoadiaroar ??tallmenta. .arubl* tnoutldy-tue nr.t fa-meut to Le a.-ide ?<* tu? a'.hday of Ott ISM. IlMf^Minaluiliiientiuaatbeaaidin. i*h ther^arafati , htstaUaMBta in j ? mad* nt cash, rias ?'r? *T tth* C*aa> 1 piny lie, u. ? it > til be made ??Uteia .t, t ,tj*l to I ea?h m?,tne let .Ijt ,t.N v : j 1 ,e .roc...:?.u the aal. ? (!?-. 1 - t- t ? u ..l ed I ui th* Ib.'iaJa: am ui t. * linbililie? ? f :..e 1 ? n aa> ; and fee ? asMMroaaSMthoarasaMaawa ai uajtaua of tAsi Cainon *y, refereno uny he had t* * rotted iu -,r 4 theTrna. t tat*, niuh baa j.ial'. j The Mlut irazc it made to aeenrethe payment nt tVnad* I ?* the o' tt OM.tSS, aad tt made on n laaad 117 milai ij ?i.rb, whjch La? e .*t ? I The reeeiptaoi the r .vl. l .r tu* ear li'. , v.ara sM7^ <'.J C. 'Ih* ,?enpu i?r Ike 1 re*nt e_r,u.ti i>t. 1 . ?e:e?;i?w; ?71. TU c auu>tt :'n s tta r, tail, wars , $' t.IJa St. II ? Bond? will I. isan--.1 m s-ime of f P.D. and ?v?r. Pr.eaU Btaat h* returned to tue Traarncrer oa er ha f .r* th.- l?t day oi I>ee. Den, a.eJ BBBM t>? taaled aa l * arse.l, ' Prop.^ala forth* Mortage Honda " Ite r.,.?.,m|.. la?tt.>J i.-. the tor. u -h- M dar of Dec 1u.1l. Th.e* ? er*ou? '* ^r a* , rop-wal, are accepted, will be aa. t :.ic i i.mediat] JOSIAH eil INCY. Jr . Trnaa irer Vem .ot Central Ra-Ir .ad Cu. < o \Y11I I MOKE. 1 JAMES c. DINN. Fn... ... C tnmitto* ?- .. r, ? J F PUTNAM ) T t . H R. OJce. B-^t.,n. Nov I,, l.lj:_Bl'ttdl k.hi" kSaav.aLR FliiK iMsl'ka.s. t, Co., ) ' . . ? N? ? ? Yoiik, Nov Ij, ia,i ( 1 DIVIDEND ?The PimmUbI and Di w??r? have this day dec a red a Divalead of rtnl on Ihe capilnl ?to- I, pa,able on and aft?r the lu-it dey cf Dwremher n*\t Tl.a tranufer hook* will he rjutii the t*?h u .ft Ih* l?t Ds-eemtai?. B, ?r dsr Ml**] ?L0. Ii.JI>sJ80N.8*?7 ftorin (AH)r l E v,:L v n Di ?V??w\/V?eV?Nnf p|MEaYILLE ?j?I A-ura BUI A KVIl K"t!>SI \ Bf) f UCKRJf act BON !?t ? s??l?d 1'' .? ? I '?? i,t. trd at '1.. Bjl fBBBBBM*! ISteM. MlWI ?IVSLuvv. LAMERft CO . No. il Will it New York aatil TCES?AY, the ISO. dar 01 Deceabar Mit. a* 1 o , 1 - ? P M , K.r th? ptt. ehtre of the l'"in, an? ? B oni? M BB tne-git ?>t ?teee?hat; t:-c ? Tb? Boad? ?rr in in- ? t sJ.Mi" e.irh. payable 'h? tat ,,j i E?br a'jr, ll-il, ? Bft BBBH ?t at 7 BM MBB.? seun ?."> i iilly I *n'h? f.nt t? i 11 t r !?: .. . .d A ik'JBt, la the City ef i New York ?Ihm b? -amit also ,-/aM#, bbj| | bi* seeoied kf a t.rtt ard WH ? n-'i'naire Ol deed of trust to i BMP B Od?, Esq., Bf New York, b trau for tb? txmd IbbUbsbi T?e bsndi ?r. rntued Iry anthi.r?) Bf h'i nf the l.ainsta. tili? ol Oh.o, tll.C *i, ll pBBSBTI aaake Iht ? aad b>| B ? ' ?y a ? rt psfeaatfte Baad, it? {raaekiws ji d ? , i.. i.n Ol?, sin f. ? il" i,e?| lw>( br..?? par. b.akm.- BMB ?al.' as ?aJ.d at it sold et per. I.,? BBStBjBBja ? mbm an Will* Bf ?''? <*#,?f ?hk b >iX ? tcO have been mid. the rfiuiiLioe $<M.tM leirepua? the |}(O.Mfl b"w oOred | will BBt be 'ffrrt'l for sale ?alt! tba B|BBBf IB ' an I r .. ,t .ear. Ttudebt :i made t.> (a> .'.t ti.e traa .ade.utj. ?.Iii?, Tu. k.i rttare .gier* tbe enure line of road f'?**. .aad ? int to the PununlN hi i 8ta:e line, in tit d Msas) ol Bris ? .luttnre ?? isssbj .*r mile?, kaowu M the Lake Store Rood, thirty ni.'es . Hat a, Irian Clevltnd te Paim ?v.lle, i? comp!. ??< ! ?ud low in or-eialion. The r?as> due <d the Bead to the Pei.niyltama State hat ?dl be completed BJ the Ut July, it-,.' TU:? BBBBBpaaq now baa 11 ? ?eaaWragag tba r*iiru?d mom $? StSBTMBBSJ BaMlBfl OBsB aal IVimiilvaaia 8t?t? I ...? t, , Kiw. a ihitanee of twenty I'm and a hall' no lee, ru?iat il ' m fort a SBBbBMBUSB of BjS ?IM r<>ad, MBM 'O' muy. i n.ent. This put ib* tl.e hne will bs co.npleted ih ?ut ths I ut .lult. tall Tl.e leelJns sf the IdttBI Shore Koa<l, lytBK hetweei Km i and OuokirV.,aud Ii d a.... ? H I<*4 BsyssMthf fcSBtlMsSj Deremher nett, th is N tSJSBBsBSMMBBsl ?t raitwiy U*m the fu> .-I Ivw - Y.ii k :<? ObbMBBBN r-\ tie- kst Bf Jaly ssrst The ettiuiated BSMof the I "evi 'auJ. PsMaBfilt tsd Ath* tabula road, in woiKius older. BctadMf e.juipiiioats taB* SUMi fai Iba aafBa tins In TtIb at f I .til til Near $7iM,SSJ ef Stoekhas Iweu aliea.'y ouhaeiHied, and oter tMM.Ootl has kei u eipendiil en the ri .1 the tui'senpti >n h.tisdtuly hala BSC rest i d. I'u pi.'iide the reiuainiBa aieant t.< r>Bf piete the read. tl.;? 11 i ? r. SBttSMl to. Toe iiierttMt". en.power? he tinttee, lacaseal fadme.le BBJ ''.liier intereit ?.r p n eipal. to take poaaeaa.oa at the r< ad and i?II BMtBB 1 ,'.e-t b ddrr, BB franchuat and . ..ii., I mis. i ii .1 :? . ? I.." a id a,, ly the pMBBI d? .a pty n.ent. Toal this road Brfli . IPS SM of: rest and prent, will at on. f 11 MM by MssBBBM to a map of its hue and ronaecti .iih, U hkfBB IssysttsBM Inik ib the rreatohaiB i f Rtilwaysfri nill.e CBS of Neu York tsObBI laiiati.aed tlie Soulhweit, and BIBB Chi Ige BBd Oalena. in tlie north, ?est, ronucrliBK on the east wrii the NVa Y. rs lud trie, und Bullaloand tlhaay ruade. A railway it alto aboot to be SSBBtl MM I 'rem Erie, by wiiv ofStlBliUiy. toPhilBdelpl iii '1 M BMI '.t of BBbM i- SSM by mads MBBMaBBJ ?Ith It isal bbB waal is sa |ssstaBj kmuvn. that IBMBM mea* tlaa nrtd rot M MBtS ol it here. P o rjasds Mf M ad In nad to araMtsw, Lamer k C" , \ I Bfal at bt St I " I'lorjoaale lor l letelaad. f i esatUa aid hsadanala Kaitr.ntd Bonds." To ??> ?ill lo at - l .'e hi.d without ret..rva Ii per Mat. Will ben iMredto M i a'd ?h. n hida are a. regled, tin if .il' e ifl BMBthtj psytBeWBI of t.i per <?ut. oai-h. Accrued hBtetesI on Ho. bi nd? Beast i e paaf by tin pur , I. -.-r No''ill lot li si i hau -.1.1? il will r>? rocene.1 All i><' < atari htsseaaaUaa at ralsSssa to tha mod at the I .-:ii'?. '? i'i "herss th :i e 'he r ad 'ml its . .aniertioas, ii,,iv he bud DB SpytkatlBB to Messrs. WINS LOW, LANIBB B CO, I thahr oB as, or to the bBmV i?iraed, at the 11 \ iii^ H<>u?e. in thiicity. ( ll\ ord. i oi th. B. aid I I Dircc'oM, ai.i BBD, PbbbbBbbI Nrw-Yo.k, BM Mi IML Bin IUI? 1PEOPLE S BANK ?f PATERSON.--i Ii. NiaaaBca of an i nlur ?f thr i 'ti?nee.lor oi the Slate ^ New-Jerter, notice it I n t ?i?b?i, that the CBEMf* OBSol t'ii Lorporstioh ii Ii I I ME PBRSIDBAT, 01 Hr('1 OBS ..." "MHtW ' ths I'LOPI E'S II \NK t I tThBSOM sra requircill preeawt theircJahaasawss> mifndl to tht lulociber?, Ha<*i?o s ier Hie Crad.'.ori sad Steckkoidet? ol ?aid Bank, and le press ms tame, il rs aired, to ihe tatar'actioa ul laid M.>?n. wiibia in iiionih? from the i.ltoenth cat <?! Vosemlwr, ItOC or they will be eSCIudtal from the t aaahl I I s a li diw.ltiolt *a aa> i hoieafttr '?<? '.riareil b) the Chaai bBm apaw lb. ptWSBBM if the eneott of tail Corpotauoav The wBrwirini ,r?.o* ready to reesrri tueb elataw, md to isBun CertiBcati i therefor, at iheir sal ?>? m Hasa ?i. P? terson, N. J. ?Dated Norn, la r I ., I Sal r a VAN vs AOONBB, ) wii.i.i i i r DAtr, ; a*..,* rs u?! lawSm* Jacob van ahsd vle, > AN ELECTION for DIRECTORS .if tha BOWERY IIVNK willba held at the Bank.jf Mon?ooa TUESDAY. Deossabar B The r?>il will i>* >pea from 12 o'clock bf until I P M hi? tin N n BBADFOBP.CaaaMl INTEREST fJ?l p0n8?Th-J UtsireBt I IBesBaas "r WanaaM, due sw the let ?f i>?e?.iii'?r. i* the bdlowing i>< iritlei will M paal >>y the uad?iti?iioJ, at their ortl.e, on ai.d if or thai Inc. si/ L'BAWrOBDSVILl 1 \ NU BVABASH BAIUsOAD COMPANY tpercsat MonsBfo B. nd?. WIIMIMlliiN VNtt MAMOMErtTEB K VI LB') AD (('Ml* AN Y : phi rWnl Holl II .It, and < ll\ o/Oi.l I IBLB1 Pi.n CEN1 BONDI ? to the I'll (' duail ut ami Cinema iti Kaiii I wl' ?? bob) Wl ?SLOW, I.AMLh I CO, ill'' It Sn ,'. Wall It ? UM. I. K" i rar I il UUtBTBAi l/BB It. K Co..; CAMANDainuA. Sih Nor. IIM I TVulli g. i no ? iLLSol ['EN DOLr it LARSi .'. ?Ii.?. ..fii.m unfilled st.ik i this Company, the lii-t call payaMe on the lit day ol lie ecatbsr Best, asd ihi lacsad Iba 1st Bay of Jaaaary ut it,) hat Ilten I ad. h> i BBluttOB ol the Dir.-. tort ?I t.'m ('. in, any. Au> Stockholder prefi n nr to pay K'th . alls on the ut du ef December Beat sir IM a aasra,) atay aw io, aaBra* i i ue interet.1 to rron from that da . p.i)abla oa IBB regular di' di sd da ? i i iy i.e mn.'i to'lioere.lit of CM ARI.Et SEYMOVB, Iran er. Bl tb. OBBCS -f I. R 1 aayer B Biother. Boatrw . Bins ..i the Bta n afNaw-Taffc. in the (?? a! N. fotk Bawh ofSyraeaae. Baak of Aabera? an: t n- Roebi?*.;r ? ey I us mal r.r il can s ol the depo ?ts lo be forwarded to this oSlce, al whksa pnyue-nta wiO aim he re. enetl all i inasi .i CH IBLES BBYM01 B.Tiaasaisr PACIFIC bank, Ne ir-Yoirk, Norenv X t,er It, liiil ?TbS PresbsSal and PmsMll bate de elarsB a disidead of FOt Bpe< oaal? for thn as woatM endiBK Jbth ii-'. ?null will lie pail ou and after ths 1st Das ran rha tgaasSst books will M esMaslfbtas Saks mat to lit |.rot .ueluaive. By oider of lbs Bsiavd mlo tin J i \.MI'BEI.L, Jr .Caahier rfiHE BR?KEN bXnkX?NfM J. Hans ef New I Jaiw i Bank, 1 Br mars' Bank, Mm* rire redefined st par hr 1. EVANS, Nee. 71 Bad TS EM? ton-?! , in pa) ment for CloMun ; i I all deserl^tione Com uineial Hank, Portii, taken at 7>cants SB the dol? lar _ atttf \ MEKK I N il n! st. COMPANY. 1 m No j1 Broaden/ The tba BOclderi ef ttwi I'nit. d Mines ?hoarsentil? tii?ab?criiie81iaiirBiBtke Bt'BNA ESP I. HAN/a MINI Co aig aounod. that the BOOKS far SCB.HCBIPriH.NS- ,! I.. CLOsEll >.o TIICHSI) \ V. ihe ftb day of Deeeasbar aess, i B. PHKLPA ulSlt' Pre J ot .,f Am. MsaiogCo TS?1 m any aoMMiBtOB miI?, pay? able in any pnrt oi the C-B.tad Kingdom P?r?"etii tad P.. I >?i hinsarded to . .. i. . .rt of n? *nr!d by the ror - t Espress of EDWARDS SANIUHO kCIl , at Adame B ( a.'fl No. lo WalU.t a7 Iib? 6!T?TE OF CALIFORNIA seven t I KK CENT BONUS Ihe interact be.???,,.!!, Sue ob I ? trat dt ol Januar/, Itat. .0 tl.e 7 per e?rit. Cooporn H lJi ol the S' ite il CaUfornia, and which n inarfe payt ideisihiB Citv, wdl I.? paid on and alter that date, on , rtiei.tat.nn Of the proia>r CaaMBB, at our nflice. WlNSLOw , 1. tNIER fc 00 I 'i *D1 No. II Wall-ot. I ) al la Coot. I OST?Al Niblo'8, <?ii Tbursday erert I i l OPERA Ul was tefl baths teas a! beeloaeof perBwaBaes lithip?rim who lo in.) it will dareet a lice to J K . T'.'io' e OOce, Btathtt where it rin I>b untamed, he -nail be UOerally re^ ??? - kW*. REWARD. -ItBBt, ufl i'ruJav naorn WtP imt Be IS WarerJey tbn igbOreeei it to No. oiC'bsloa aiaoe.BPaSya Ear Tippet. The abate k . .jd wdl Imi paid i?r itt relura lo No. i. WateiBsy plain "?>ll* jVuil.S LOST, Not l-'il, . ith-rin II Wsst, Wsohmtton sr Oreeawich-Bts , below Beaeb st. Ihre Notts ef Ike soilowiag ai loatt One of ooe ? ?and didlare, 11,set ) nae .1 two hundred sod arty, ? . ? ce I laiir hui.dred Bad ninety-hue, (?!"?> 'otfJj i s i.ale aid !??(, v ?? in i.l nr l-iaJw uvl t l'y. i ?C'/1.) Whoever will r. torn the aatd Bates** me. at the City I'-ioxdry No 111 st . will he ?Bit*' bly lewardcd. The Botet alt all andonad by ate ROE f RODM ]\EVV and SECOND-HAND Pi IvM It ii I Bg b at a bargsfa, al Ne. S SpneedBT S- fa. Card lable?. JeuBy Lii.d S'-itads Maa gaay Bs*> ?? , ict n i - H - i ! ''''"oia. H a k Wa BUI I al Ise.V at ttaBdi P asten. i'eat'^B?? Hutk Ii. r and Straw Mittretaei, | Iroa Safe, I Henttg* lie I Blee Wala ' Plu i bofa Cot, JOS CommoB MB? it? jii-.Brrii.^it< arp-t il i , OfJ.ce iu.1 Parlor srore* B_ nOLIDAY PRESENTS?A BJsB as ? rtment of do'iMe iad tuagls ^old I" 't*u-m**f*l le'i and :?i s?,ust the article to hare )'>'ir*??er?mestaaia IB for your children s ?Jeo, a nch aasortmai or Wiende, at maawa t laggrbBB* r.t of eaees, Iran.??. *c . at KN trrs eew roomi. No 5,j Broadway, mf* ErBkSB ?t . ?? M?ley?; also, at lea old ItpBlSI tSUblwbmeul. > ' ??' Boweiy. over Andernnr? Caiia t?V>re. Liheaeu?-?asaa at aar weather, and na malad M'-i with eat*. J??",% t., ? .. ith r..|o leeKot?tYetD . tJ I'l **? ' m