Newspaper Page Text
Ctjtmcet for Bisine? ?ew. _ NEWSPAPER wi fOB OFFICE ll SALE-The sut-~..i-rr havi** enanreinvi?' tocharg. h:? fwir.-.. ' "??'-?;? !,.? if h,New.Vp.rTadl Job Office, ..'.anted ii Eaiir. CW Mcta-nt Th*limper Whi*;, ptibluhed in a Co I ?>? uon whrc* iM.-.l wit Baa the pest .ear. an! i* still *,cre**ing ?t ? flniieriue rata Th* Job pxtrooag* ia ??? ala t<> pay th? eapeae; - be ?ffiee when in the .? . '? eprarAneaJpriatcr The '.loc* ia nearly new, son.* of <i? ? ?teu*i* h.t,.-,r I eei. biuedd ir the pr**e?t ! J ?m. rar farther,. ira, a*ldr>?, \ B PAL.? Tr*??a* Boiidinir?, Ne.r V r<. ,';*.st paid > all tawJwWAF _, F~OR SALE?1 /Stock ?siXlSS^ of an OYSTER an ' ^^''^NI ' ?^ v ,*f,ttedup,n th.. i..e;t ^- K? 3 th<*o*Jcbjfcxeo in the ? ??. ^r^Vll lio . .W fur law Wa*,*nof ill-KIJcT)!??*; . ^ SaUsoa. than their ralo* Jaqo.r? at V>. ?r94th *t , in tue mm aCei IoeleekJa^be^orBiBr_ ? TO PHYSH-IA VS.?K?if Sale, a gBOti ^ L_ Practic. tad Residence, It rode? free* the e SBZ\TmMPSturner will lr.tx.ea Apply to J K?yBKM, *? *'1 B"W"T? fr',m 10111 * o'alock. dl 1m' OARE CHANCE^-F-r the ea e i*V of the well-known premise. N > 1*3 Broad wa.-. Bow lent a* a hotel Th* tesae h*a fu r jean aad eight m mtb* nr. tpir.d, at a BnaJcr.. i rent, and ***li !.e .old eh an to a cash cu*totaer. The promts** cm:.' ha couv*rt?d into (toie*and office* at a .er. uioierat* expeu**, aad weald i nd ready tenant. F"r /'i-ther parti', inquire n he ptetatM-h.of M. B. PLAT'_&' T RARE CHANCE TO M\KE A f\ roRTCNE ?Ff ??'?. th. Panorama >f VOTAOI to Ct'BA ?Tin. work ? >rac*a a series wb:eh all the prominent featarea of the I.laid ?re trrith fully p .it*?y*d. -irr?I " h are to be f mud view* of the v.afled City of Havana, it* rlegant park* and paie j. the giand palace* of th* Cap ein oMaeral aad '1 'eei. s Treas? urer, the Here Castle (rtovi nr iti def*n?ive pout ion.) La Euntaaad its pr ? ieatioa*. tatertor view*or eof fee and ?uear plaotati n?. 'be proce** of makiarr ?'u?r i,e?utifullv Illustrated?tni? latter u a verrraluaMe and tntereetiag portion of the work l?ratal d ? an* an! village*, the mnril.iec cities of Trn : ad *nd Ma'anza*. ? **< i? I .lews on the CaaaraBI River, ?roup* f?f palm with ?rore? of <?*? *? and coeoMint tree., arreat variety of trop. r u icea ery fruit*, fce, kc. lire ?hole it a work of aorpaaama lea'.tt Sd*ei?*ed V? w.str rrt aa well :.* amu*e. It w?* <,a>Bted under th* *a; ervr?ion of Me. (.happeJI. (who v..n' lo the Llnndlo make e.elohe* a-id eoliert material f.* lite werk.) a*?i?i?o i.y the heet arli.te of New-York. TBe P*a*r*ni* i* hour d wirb n?>h*B*T.fWB* on a aro-.vo, w tbt-r??? ?lide?. pi* b Ii order, *ud may he ?et in ope? ration in a few ham Vmm I* a rare opportunity for ?aacolatkoB for alaeo*t anj ia** of bttriaaaa raaa. It wiu baiiaad*? iBBBBBBrd* ternui .? Ih*r?rtiei who own it ex? pect to leave t).IBtrj S Ii -,\.. per? m n?*d ap;dy with lee* than two thousand dollar* eaab r-muinnica Mnml?XdliW? 'I t* P \NORAMA, No ? Corirt et , Brook lyu.Boo^mNe da Jt A"PANORAMA Vor SALE CHEAP.? A l.e ,oi:f l Pah u n.a of lb* Hod?oB River. ?how ,m* leoth bank* o? the . i r .er It i? In),t and p irtanle, and can be exhibited wit;, .reel rrofii. the expense attend ibb it bemr very small p- ? ? >o?. c ish. E o p irtieolais addie?s 11 R., at this *l it* MI LLIN ERY EST A BL1 SUM EN T FOR SALE -Ho it , and z-md will of a Mdbnerv E'tabluhment situated io one ol the be*t ?treeu in tha city. Fur particular* a; | ly at No MtfNassan st fourth floor _aBier >tfO (UUi ?FOR SALI Um GOOD '(f?.iHfl F, will. LB ABB aad BIXTt/BKfl I a business which will 11. Id pi r BtiBU <l odd* the amount reousred, (*?y B^.immi I Verv aatiafactort reason* will be raves ?..r bcIIibc. Address 'IRDUSTBY,"at tUaodlae, with reel name only. Ba It* A Real tSettitt fox Bale. T NUVATE SALE.?45t*v?t.?i lots north side e. m enenfioo feet east of 11th *v and between 10th and lllh-avs . each lo. i* ii by I'm feat 4 inch** in depth. 4Rb st ?i let* BOBlh w ie of (Mb st , commem ma 'I'M feet west of llth-nv , sack lot is IS by luj feet i iu> lies deep 4J*b *t.?i Int* Borth *j I* IBS ?t,coma*eae*AwIMihat ae*t of i a , ui aaeh lot tibi ISO feet i ini-hes 44th st ? I lists north aide 4Mb. St., raatBsBBsABl 455 feet west of Mb ?v., each lot u 3t feet ?wiche* by 100 fe*t 5 ILCbl* For lerms and particulars apply to th* and unser?, N*. ') Wall-si [db I" COLC -v ( IUI.ION HIGH-BRIDGE LOTS FOR SALE. BIUHTH-AVEM'E BAILBOAD ?The** Lo** aresitaatedonthe WastoheeteT aid* of th* Harlem Rivar, between McComV* Liam Bridse and the High-Bride*. Any penem acjuaintod with the suburb* of this city, will peretive, on viewing the HkIi Bridge Lots, that thev pne> see* great advantages t i residences over all other H BtU* tie* about the city, and that ibey nr.- far cheaper than any ?ther proiHirty a*'wa'l-itu'.'ed The hill for the 8'h av. Bailroi.d having been - tin I by th* Mayor, tb* road will Iva eneone*Br*d forthwith, and ipeedil* limiheil. (Please in qaire aad learn the lac; i The fare for the entire length of load l* to be but Sea cent*. The scenery piesentod froBl almost every part of tin. property is exceedingly in t< ree'tag.embracing BSOSl neautaful view* of bind and water, Thu property also has i ' id. font up<m the Harlem Biree therebv stbodins . \?r ' i \ f o l o i'.ntg aud lisUnva V.-r maps and oth'-r upon , %?vW ?.. aaitw* I) B. WINioN N.,.71 Cedar ?t .cor Nas?aa. TO SELLERS.?The ukKlemjrned, Se<> rotary of ?evera' BniltUAJ and L >aa Asaonation*. keeps a leuuter ? t't the inspection of members amlo'her?) of all prupeity olleied I. r sale, in tin. City, Brooklyn and vVilIliautsfoirkh Persona aaru*a h >u-os or lots fur sale, ,.r lease. ?ill find it greall. to the r advantaee ?>> lent* a drscnption and price of tbei. property wrthJ. PECARK, Ott ee \ i I Haatar-at.,ooi Caattar N B ?Person* deairoua ?.f purchasing or leasing homes or i.. ". may anit thtmee.vea by exkiiinnng the auiiscnber'* r*aut*i. *I3 Sm* TO Rl'lLOKBS.?A oaraberof Htiililing Lot*, with S'? w-e 'o advance ia a badding loan, for ?ale aeparatelv or to(. ther. These lota are BAely situated la the midst of improvements, aad uot twenty uunutei dia tanl from Wall ?! ,otMrtaa a tine ocporluiiity lo men of enteren?.- Appu t. A c'. SH AW, N,, I Nassau st , thndsteiy. nrtwTuriiS* Ij^IKTY LOTS for SALE?MAX H ATT ANFIELE- Well locktrd m the villkge on a, . Illlli a v.. suitable for immediate lojpr, nemei t i'h." > ou leaieare of ?cem, and ;b* luiprovements going on in tic n*ighl-orliood make tkat part of the citv worthy the atten tiiai of Buridiut; Asaoculioua ami miniiikctnrers Pat ?kl* low. Apply loS B SCHIFrBLIN, No. I06jobn ?t ?B Si*_ FOR SALE?At private sale, two neat Iwo-alnry Cot'?*'?. Bad four Lota with esch plea ?aatly liwaled on ('ullage p'aec.i'JIst-st ,) ueai the Harlem Railroad, m the Blidat of improve .ient now going on, aud convenient to chuicha, aeh<vo',s, and good watei A niv toIH K W tTANXEH at the premutsa, or to BS^TCHUhl, OBEY ES A Co No ITryo*>r*W.- wile. Dec i d6?t? FOR SALE?A first-rate ijrain and 2ra9s FARM n Virginia. 11 indes fr mi Alexamlna and 13from Washiagtoii, r*ss)taiBsafl Ul acte* of excellent d*T i> oea Mill, flouting on the ratun |h><t road to Bientsvile, the t'oBJlty town?? hur. he* and SCAOO** IB ll.e \ iciiu!) F 'I s lher paiticilai* apply lo WM D AY,No III l iberty ?t AU leitet* |h?*t paid u ill meet with immediate atteutiou nlltw* FOR SALE?One of the Lost limit ami ii ?l r,'ti,eui?t I? . Btor* <.*<>TTAOCS iu the wi? ll?* oi Yoikrill? , pleaaantlv Hinated on tio.h-st, betwseu Ilse Bd aad S.1 ass , rwivumit a i. onis.aud lu'ended *i leesalv for a eeuteel MBVUi Pia-e rea*>>iiab!e and t*mi* iiaeral Apply so H Mci'OVTEK. on the premises,or A Mo^TTBaVWo 1*8 Fullen at. d- i*< OR SALE?The hartje Ssptrior? now runaiag between Ne?burgh ami Hew-Yoik a* a freutht and pa**.** boat. Sb* is well calculated i n ha baaiaeee, haviaf a saloiui with afxteea ?tal*-rooni?. ?utti ri*nl foi ibe aecoiumoJatlon of fort? p issenger?, in addi tloa to hir ?ccunmodalioii? below deck. Eor particular* lag air* of the Captain, ok b, ard, at the foot of Warren ?t , New York, oi th* subscriber*, at Ntwhurrh. *M !?>?_B CARl'KN l'ER A CO. CCHO?NER for SALE.?The fast sail. eC* ing schooaei MARTIN VAN IU REN. tow I mg ,t ttsafwol ,*f Ohiiat.vnher st . North River. Sa J\*??*l is 44 leet beam 7 feet hold, to feet keel ; drawa7 feet water, whe* leaded , carries \>i tun. burdea, Sb* ba* been re l uilt tveaa her keel up th'slasr Spun* . she ha*new rig?.ii* sed a?w sails throughout Also eveir'luux r unpleie aiU ia lunate* eistet at au\ ni.uiieut Sire \e ? ell ? ?h olateU to l uu to V it gum in the pine ? o,h1 trade 8aid s. hoivaer can I* bought low aud on acc-uiiinodating term*, bv ap .1> im- t , RE I ER t Kt .MEK. Poughkee,?.re. or to MM. DRAKE, D*p>itvS'ierff, d4 Im* C tv Hall. N Y F Donoco to Cct. TO RENT?Two first class two-atory Collage, with Ba*cm?nt*. pltasnntljr *itu*t*d. ..n IvAb st., betneea tit and 3d m . ui a goodaeifhbothood, t rooms lit each, and are h idt *xi?**eli tor aataB gent*el faiBilie* Appl.toA Mrl'OlTER. No. ? 1 .i. ... s d? Iw TO LET?Tart of the elegant four storv brick Hobs*. No. 4V . Brooklyn live min? ute*' walk frees Fulton Feiry. t.< a ?mall familr. will ba rented low. laquire on the premises, or of E CBiH.U'S, B?o. Si Faltoa-*t , N.w York d6 It* TO LET?A House up town in ? rery deurabl* l.vxtroii. with ail the modern improve aneat* Piwsswiou imnn.'tatelr Ac^dr*?? H , Tribnn* OtV*. e* eaU at Mr TOW NOHOW. S No J Chatham aaaara._^_L? u. TO LET?To a small family, part bI a Hirua* (deasautlr situated Bear St John's Park F r particulsis ic.;iue \l N ' Hvids i, m de Jt* TO LET. ob BROOKLYN HEIGHTS, tb* two story House, Mo 4? Willow ?t Pianeaaion *m*aadiatel> For tarlisular*. ap; lv ou the pretu _ dt ?? ^^O LET or LEASE?Tkat first class ^***rt- eloae fnmt. No M Chambers ? . a t EH*}***- *"* he tiaubed aboet th- lit of Jwaawr la^uire ?f N ajioOK, ? 7?" Bo. Itt Cbainbers-at. TO LET?A new two-storv and hase meni HOUSE on Mat st. between txh ard ieth-ave Beat very aiodeiate and pvwsmob given immeehaSAly, ?"?r Iiees oi i'?i< r.u lo tb* praoxtse* Injure at V HBBS. KELLY A CO . B? 4J .VS kND FORU.POBTEBh STRIKER. No ?IBroad**v nlJ TO LET?Furnished Ariartments in the tew and e eg . .t boa,* No. 394 4th a* . Bear BBh *t * ith ail the 1Ue?t irt-.o.?vemea's. Bath*, ras, Ac. d4 It* given._ ?1\RT of a HOUSE Wanted, by a Mm X and Wife, m a pleaennt oeieblwrhood B R R.. Tribtuxe OS< e, ?ta-tng locatum.number of r ?toi, UrI tor mi._, APARTMENTS wanted for a s na'l faa Oy, t?0 or Ihn e connecting, within the n 'ini'y of Broadway, or on a eteira to ;te rerme he ra jdi - aU. A?toU J.K .lnhu.? Office. SILVER and BRASS SASHES, for Stsre Fronte, manufactured uy tue eubecnber. Alao, Surer Cimnter Caaee, i?r jewelry or other faacyetoree ; Baow and Coanter Caeee. of niahttgany, piae, Ac., coa ataatly on head. M rr.ry ^tion. ? o3l Ba? No. 142 Orand-at., aear Broadway (~ 1HP;.\P STOVES.?Housekeepera de V airoue of purchasing rood Storee w?l find aa ?x'?n aire ranety ofCoai end Wood Cookinr Storw. Panor Hali end ?4er Storee, of the best etylee. et Noe 9? and K)9 ith av. 2SS, a renaral aeeoitment %cmBSbr^slmi aheet-iron ware. irfil K B.-8v.rea repaired end t 'it up. lfn" jr*lacliincrT)t #c. TO MACHINISTS.? The following lot of Mecbiniete' Toole for eala : ?. . One larre Slide Lathe. !2 feet long, awings Winches. One tmioored Pattern Makera' Lathe Two Drilling Machinee. One improved Bop Cu'trnr Marhir.e. On* lot extra qualit . Vices fee lot Ta;<es- Reame'e aLd Mandrills I r-ether with a lot ef Shaft.nir. Pulleys. Ac . with eun Ati bar article* belr.uginr to the machine busmeas, all *f w nich w ill be sold cheap for caah. The subecriber has alao a Planiag Machine that wni plane seven feet with an VVa'a? a ?t a a w?1 ia^ a* w Ja ?XX "* chanre for a amaller one ( IIRPsTI A N S( ?Mit?, Iii,? Empire Iron Worka, East 24th et.^ Pulton Foundry. Fl^OR SALE.?Four new Flue Boilers, with l Pinea,of 2} Horee Power each, with 2 Safety Valrei. 1 Steam Stop?. 4 Brass Globe Valve*., SM. J. Steam Pipaa,?C J. J Front? Complete,* C. J. ArcheV Copper Pi,e?, Ac. AI??, tha following Secoad ii it ' B1 t't" _ 1 Flue Boiler, of in Horse Powaf. ?I pint Boilers, of 2ti Home Powe? i arm 1 t lae Boners, of 23 Hor*e Power each. ' Low Pressure B< ilera, iwj Horee Pov er each. Prep' ler Enrxnee, MO Hi rae Power each S New L.? .motive Boiler*. 7, 9 and 12 Horte Power. PEASE k MDRPHY. dtMThBATa Office S?. 27 Corlear* St., cor. Cherry. WO PRINTERS.?For sale, a HV I DNAULIC ITANDING PRESS, of Hoe s make, in good uidtr. with preea loards, Ac. Two Super Royal.ono Medium, I n.' OB* W .shimrton Preaa. witn inkma apparatus. Two fonts fc'mnlt Pica : oia font Lone Ptiiner foataof Brevier. Mmnm. NoapaiM and Pearl, t.igether w ih h Ian ;? aaeortmenl of Job Tvpa. lmjnsinsSton... Cases Bta tls Ra-^* Chaeei, and h? thinfi neceatary for a nnnt inc nffir?. a No 120 Fulton-,'. KSEK 0. KINO, , i si ? AMgaaa NEW ami IMPORTANT INVliNTi?N i. 1?IKON ami STEEL CARRIAGES ? The auperiori ty of Una over the old aiyle of woodaa vahiclaa ia at aaea apparent lla a ' i ' ..'I clianaa and aenaona, iti ncal mid eli pant appearance, its durability aad cheapness, are all qualities that must ? nanre a -rent i-nd speedy revolutmn mtlus brunch of aerhatusra. JOSEPH H AGUE. No. 6 Gold-et., ?nie atront for the city. Applieati n f u p?tcnt rieht? t" mtnufac'uretiiie carriage Uiiist he made a? almve. nor run manufacture? be t(m> urtent to obtain them, for with"tit doubt thif i?the preateit hreaftkea ai tin i a, nti Ma* SCW I X; MACHINES, ->f trariona pat - lern?, Howe ? Patent, the be?t ever offered, now for eala at No 2ul Broadway.?Caution?All persons makiiis:. ?cliiiin >r '-.kint: aarotoara will be pro?ecuted to the full eztaat of the law Also, Howe'? new Ihataaiag for Gar? ments, a anhstitute lor battons, hooka anil eyea. Ac, a beautiful and desirable artirlr, n >w cumina into reneral a?e, for ?sie, wholesale and retail, a-id applied te senile? rnen'? pant*, by the inveiiti r and proprietor, ELIAI HOW E Jr. No. ?01 Broadway, np atsira nil tm? Comp? an5 ?nrning flttiba. No. 591 Broadway, text to Nihlo'i. JSTOUVENEL <fe CO.?50 diflerent * aawpaitaraaofOae Chaadoliera, Braeketa, Mantel Lichta, Ac, manufactured l>y Meer? Cornell ia a Co., Philadelphia, warrai.ted the cheapest m tht? City. FRENCH CHINA. Dinner, Daaailt and Tea Sets; Toilette and Tate-a-Tete Beta, of our late importation. RICH < LOCKS. ( ANDEL a BRAU, Brad et ?. I'arsel Lampa, he . of the lateat Frenrh styles. BOLAB i AMPHUNE and Pluid Lampa. Uiranioles, fee., a eidendid assortment of extra rich cut G'aaa. male ?t Bio..Vim, ?-|i?? oi. . ('?.?,?.,, ui? c ut at oat WacK.rj^, No* Maiiri 6(i Veaev-st., a'l at very low price, wh..lesa.w and reta.l. nil liu LAMPS, GIRANDOLES, BRACK? ETS, CHANDELIERS. Ac?The undersigned wirhe. t. d:rei t public attention t.. his lure in I aaaorted ? ? ?. uf GvaadolOB, t'h iiidel.trs. Bracltela, Candelabra*, Solar, L-.rd, Ftoid, PAoafoaa, aad Oil Laaapa, Hall Lan te-i?. ot a in ih he au i bt mtifal aaaortmaal or the lateat styl- h aad patitina Also, a ne a article of Campheno aad Btiriunir Ftti'd, v arrant ed not to explode; pure Sperm, Solar, Lard, and Whale Oil : Wicks of all kinda AIbj. a larxe aaaoitn.ent of Pai*r Shadca. and every article con net ted with the trade, all warranted, and dulivered to any part of tbeciti lite of ehATfa t'.niuiri merrbaiits anp , !it d i.u the moet aiivaiitageou? terms Ordere b] poet or otherwise punttually attended In. SOLOMON S. KEI LY.No 134 Canal-st. corner of Laitht, No 1(17 Greon wwh*at., near C'.uitlhndt, and N<>. 311 Canal at., neir HadNon, New Y k, u'iti tin* CAMPHENE, BURNING FLUID, OILS?Wholesale and Retail, at the loweat market price. A'ao. lamps of every description at O F. DfKTZ, No 237 Qreieaw S h-?t , 3 d.?"r? above B:irclay-?t. n26 3in* SOLAR. LARD. CAMPHENE and PLITD LAMPS, of the lateet atrial and beet tinieh. and evert rant ty oi p.ittern. Alao a larxe aaaortment of Girandolei for mantel ornainente, with a new and beauti? ful flower drop, to which ; att.c Lit attention i? reepect fnlly caUad. Campheae and Fluid. Glolie?, W icke, Tum? blers, Ac, at wholeaa'e and retail at the lowest market pjioaa [nil lin'l 0 A. BALDWIN, No. Mj H we y. I AMES (i. MOFFETT, (ias-Fit ? " ter, aril Manufacturer of Oaa Chaudeliors, Peadanta, Biackete. Ac , Nos 119 and HI PRINCE AT., third block wast of Broadway, bepe leare to Ball the attention ol th *M i' "\y fi'tinx their house* with Gas, to call and examine hie clock of c:ta tixtiirea hetort ; urchaainx elsewhare. His if v. aeaapriaaaalarga aaatatmeat of the latest ?tylee and pat lern?. and warrant*d equal in quahtr and ai conaiderab'y lower i rtcee thnu anv other ratabluament in the Umted St.ttea Baxnplaaoaabt saaaat No 7 John at. ni3 lm* LADIES' CLOAKS. lank i POirtl, No AJ Catharine-jt . ot'er lor \m*\ ection and ?ale a larcc and vanad stock of V ELY ET, CLOTH, SILK or SATIN CLOAKS and MANTILLAS,embracing all the newest and moslfaehi in? utile shapes, among which are, ail colored Yelvel.i in ular shape, with hooda aad tasseia,price $J0 up , do, large ruaiililla shape, with h.aal and taaaels, pnoa $13?) ?l'0 ixaas Cloth Circular, richly trimmed, with hoods ore d lar> , do. Mantillas and Sacke, with hooda and taaaela, $lt u; ; salks anil satins do . saim styles We have alao a heauls lul article of French Habit Cloth and Tweed? for Cloake, as well aa all colors, m yard wide. Lyena aad Gerwin Silk Yaltete. Three |oed> 1 aauc all niadt by oaraelvee.we can warrant the malenela used to 1>? of the very beat qualitiee Ladies who purchase of ue the materials for c'oaks. mar bat e tbrm rot to auy shape without charge Also, a larga etock of rich w hite and colored BROCADE DKKSS SILKS, lor . veiling ?t ttreel drtaaea Obi price only, d- IP LANE A PORTER. N\ *J Catharine ?t IA DIES1 CLOTHS.?TRACY, IR, ?? WIN A CO l.are reccrrad a full aaeortm. nt .>l CMkaM lor ladiea wear, cornpruuna Draba ef all ahadee, eiolet, mulbarrv, br? wa, oiirt. ureett. maroon, black, blue aad B naad, wUeh th*) oSer for sale cheap at No 1? Maiden g I. ? Jnbio Rubber ?0009. |)AVS PATENT ELASTIC CLOGS! B ^-Thra umtne and tTerant artwle. the eke.' J'ruprt af all iBTeutioia wade in the ?wetahoe, rompnaiac portVt ? t ?t.iei .jt adhaa haaleaad and an eU* parfaai that Hier are render..! no lacumbrarvca. aa exert ? tat art af putune '.hem op or kakiM taaraaaff te no impediment to the exudaltan of tha <r?;ara i n wheh t* ftetjuentlv tbe oa?? with the old ?tylee of over tdi. . In a] ort. DAY V presents this n? ;daa ultra of tbe Ot erif.ce. M '^e notaoe of the p ibhc, wiikthe fall as t coa tidei ra that as stxte as its merits are tested, it wiU com > .-te'e mi tha city at leset' a.l other at vie*. d4 3t H H DAY, Warehouee No 2J Cauetlaadt-at. Jerodn}, tCc. WATCHES and JEWELRY.-The a ? tiuderaixxted invitee the attention of the public to his spleLilid .ia?t.rlmeut of W atches. Jewelry an.l St ver v.are. auilat le for bolilxy presaata. The st.ick t? of the beat manufacture, and warranted aa repreecnted <4 :ai? _JOHN B. GINOCHIO. IIa. 11? Caxul-at. ]\EW JEWELRY.?A. JOEL I ' N i US Broadway, have tuet tore read a larre aapp'y lawabn entirefv new .n etyle and of a. wt nquix ite workmanship ia BraceVta, Fine Ear nnra.Chaaae. CaaMr'.BXBes. Kiirfa.Ac Alau a Larre assortment ol Silrei and Electro Plate?! Warea. CMaa Orsateeota. Papmr Ma. he c.tHtda aad Eaa?'y a rt ;c ?-e ? eudiaea laiiatfl tAa w htjr l?tur M own impt.ttauoa tier ar? prv.tarad u. oiler at tbe bsat paaaitde rexauaa.ame pneaa. No. iti BToadwar, bstweea ?pnag and Prince-ate. a7 lm* A DVEkTlSEMEN PS axe in^rted in ihe beat pa para ia atAar aakae aad taw as at Y ?. PALhlER a Adrert'aiar Area? ?. T ut ".- Iia| aail for the tjolibans. Holiday Preeeata AT ROGERS' NEW and BXTEtf SIYE STORE. No MS Broadway. has mat been re reared tror. Enrlaj. :. G. rmaa V iaa?e aed China. Orer IOO.osj Present*, rerr.pmnng the moat beaut-fal iMorrnerd of Facer Ge-jd? ever offered in the fuv of New-TaB-*. tBTHLKSf.r PrtESENTSand ARTICLES for USE. with pat. t- r.i-TiN Ti.v ?*R*tn on ere. > article, and % 1 10 cheap a* cannot faii to etirt the puechaeer IVtaV artklf. i? WARBASTEtJ to please, ..i naay ha r I raed and exchatred f.-r ?a*rt WORK BOXES an-1 RETICl LKS. N .-et! lea in Jeiw. Lind and \ ic'.oria Case* Ladies'C mnant 'If^&Vl Z \l *?& ( AKU CASES and PORT MON.NAILS, in Gold. Silver. Pearl. ItroryJj?u shei1ri-k.tra W R?TING CASES aid Dt?K9. in Eborr.. paar] ir,lM^0r^^yojrtoa* n *"" * NEW ASP r.LE'i*?T ABT* LE job LAM?-., made m London, evpreeely la *ar, i ? Mr. Rogers, and fer aaJi'nt hn at-ire only r A a S, Pen'! Ivory and Sandal-?ood, totatl er with an elegant 4*' lif''rB'toRT0IS SHELL COMBS, aew and beautiful patteme, j'i?t recetred, and eald at MaM'I'A' ^EOAOTSTATUAtT, m Bronze, Pariaa Marble, and Patcedata. Cira- Caaee. CigarStand?. Cup? and Holden m TABLE8. Work Table?. Jenny Ltnd Tablee, splendid Peari-ialaid Paper Mache Tablea, direct from Birmingham, aud of? fered EXTBDfBI v heap. CHOII L I ERVCMEBVard DRESSING COMBS. Tooth Nail. Ha*. Ha'T.Comb and Clotnea Braahea. GAMES and PUZZLES Cheat r en eiemntly rurred.Dominoo and Card?. Back eamiu?n Boards. Battledores and Gmre, NEW ENGLISH GAMES, both for 'l.e amnaaaaant and ireTur.tioo.of eh.ldren ; to? gether with an en.lles* v?net\ Of new TOYS ' TOY.s TOYS Al?o. a la'te assortment of CHItmai Tora, an artic.e seldom offered in this country f jr sale. HOBBY HORSES. Druma. Swards. Guns. Bows. Standards and Shield*. Magic Lanterne. Balls. Rattles and Trick?. DOLLS DOLLS'' Wax, Kid, China, and India Rubber, heautU illy dreeaea in c.aitunie. f-oni the . BT 1X0 HABT TO Tltl ? RTINO HSAb. TP A and DINNER SErS ol rich Porre'a::i Earthen,China and Platin? SOLDIERS and SMAM riGHTd Together with a ?honend Bthei MiallMl M be '"et with at tkia eatenaire establishment. Mr KOGF.fiS' connect ten sa the pnn.-: .-t! of aa ex? tensive linuee m London, slTirds hiai farililiee for ee lccticg aid DIPOBTOra PAN' f OOOM cheaper thin any other house in the c ly. and he is determined to make hie? _ ., ' THE CHEAP FANCY STORE." and to ie!l a' auch prices as canne.' fail to p'.eaee th ne who tarar him with a < ai1 it No. M9 Broadway, aertwena Howard and Grand sti _ d? KTuThAAA HOLIDAY PRESENT8.?Tancy ar ticlee, just received from Pari?, rich Gaa Fixtnree, Ohd.'elabras Baskets. Hall Lamps, Carcala, Moderator?, Si dsns, Ilron/e and Porci lain Lampe. Clocks, Bror rn Fico'ee and Groupe, Bohemian. Freuen. Toruuoise, Ota". Biscuit Figures and Vases Lamps Lcined for par tic*. The bett oil for ITenih Lamta, _ M DABDONVTLLE, M SiTiiTli?S? No. Mi Bro idway.| | CJUGAR TOYS foi the Holidays, and for Cake, on reasonable tenus. wholes ,!e and retail, at Y LECOMTE S Confrcuouerv store. No. 30J Oieei.wirh-et., N Y., where a nuld and ? tfoctive remedy to deatny worms in children, can be touud. oJl tt?* p AKES FOR THE HOLIDAYS.? V J The rabaerftW would inform hie friends <r..l the pnb be.tkat he la now prepared ta anpaly them with the very beat of all kind* of Cakes, Bread and Pics, warranted eqaa] to the heat iu the City, and aa reasonable ax any, at hie Bak.-r . , No 189 Bowerv, a few doors above Broorae-at., eaataide. [41 lag*] T O GARHRECHT. HL. HUNTING TON'S BAKING ? ESTABLISHMENT, corner of Colleae-piare and Warm*at ?Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore 1. ttowed upon this establishment, Mr. Huatinet. n woa'd inform the paMic thai he la BOW prati .red ta furnish all or? ders for the Hohda>s and Partie?, with all the usual rarte ties ol Fanoj Cakes, Confectionary, Ac. dl Im* itlioccllantons QVbocrtiecmcnt?. 1^LA(.S of ALL NATIONS oo band and rr.ade to order. 8-scietv Banner*, Military Cam pan, 's Silk Standards and (Juide Flaes rot up with uetnes? and" dispatch. Ball rooms decorated at ehort notice P. ura and Bunting to hirc.ntihe Flag and Awniue Mpdt,oar. Broadway and Peart-tt. opposite the N Y Hoepitel. a? lm* X\T CRAWBUCK'S UPHOLSTERY, ? ?a HOUSE and 6hip-Furui*hinr Warero? .n?, No. IIS Grand-st.. New-York, where will be found a'eta aaaortineut of the following article* : Feathers, hair, BOM and busk ; alao beds, maltressei, palliaeaes ami cushions: also, bed-'c:..;< ol erery deecnption, rix: patent ecrew, Iron jcint, Iwk joint, iron screw, cottage and tiuudle cot?, Ac ; also, a ?tdendia renety of paper hanging, border*, tie. Mr. C. would call particular attention to hie new etyle of hair and apring mattreasee N. B ?Old beds and niut treeeee rcnoralad'and made over equal to new, br W. CBAWBTTCK. No Ii? Orand-at , erscond us eaaaaeal **????-?* I7RESH FRUITS.?Malaga Gnpea, I Malaea Raisire, Kc Ac ?JOHN B. UAdSNER, No. Itt Chalbaaa-at, i Here for sale, whole, half and nuarter boxaa Xante currants, 8tiltaux raisins. Madeira Dttma, Italian citron, lemons, oranirea, Ere'e npplee, lady ip;des, Bordeaux prunes in fancy bexaa,Smyrna aud Mauafa HAa, KgaptlU (fatee, Arabian datee, hitler almoiide. Jare&a ?lu lied alataada, Sicily shelled almond*, almond paper shell, Sic , nibeits, Brazil nut* Madeira nuf?, Pecan nuts, coco nute, peanute, Calabria, {Sicily and refined Innre, r. ck canny, spin.: cnull, s, ah .? ... ?? ami iliiltrent prices , ?perm oil, winter aad fall (trained; ewcet oil, at bottle* and hefttaa. aaidiaai in oil; unchoriax, olives, capers, moeliiooiu and tomato catchup ; pickled onions, walnuts, gherkin*, Ac itc ; Worcestershire sauce, together with a genetal assortment of English sauces Akto.rery suj^iior cieen au.l black tear, ? fullaaaort meni , ai d w hite and brow a ragara, all the dixTaraal brand* at al' i rice*; coffee,an assortment, also roasted and fta ind da i , . aooalate. piepared , cocoa and paste, oaexxe ih< lit; epu es, whole BM ground, wariauted pure , Raker'slnowu, t nt apple, rasberty leirtoa. ginger, orget. and other ayrupa; cheiT} tad raabeny I.randy, a rich aad deliciou* cordial , c 'dials, foreign and lliaajeeHl . in bottles and >n draft ; old lush, Sc. tch, and Munmotahela whiaky. superior old winea and Hqaara, an exteuaire aanottment ; Enrli>li, aad Amaricaa ale and p<trt. r, iu batuat; white comb Man ; molasse* and syrup, brandy peache* and cht tries, jellies, East and West India preserves, eapaago. Enilish and An.eiican ehaeat, kc Havana and Prmc pe cirars, various brands and rery Baa Hi idaick Champagne, and other favorite brands. alwa> s on hand The above ?... d* are for aale, in orirmal packagew, or bv JOHN B .GASSNER. No 132 Chatham at. M U > Oppoeite the National 1'heatar. PI 0 K L F.S, PRESERVES. CAT SUPS'. SAUCES,Ac?The neatest assortment >f tht above,w lib a variety of Brandt' Fruila. London aad French Mustard. R..*e ai.d Orange Watere, Flavonur Ettrxcte, fresh and pickled Oyatara, Carna Powder. Mulligataway, f. . t..r aaleb, OEOBGI RAPHAEL, uU lm* No. 262 Pearl st , U S Hotel. I^?TLXMCli??l) C0NTRACT()RS ?Proposals will be received by the Moamouth Coun? ty Plan? Rot?l Co Uli the 1st day ol March next, fer build in* a DOUBLE TRACK PLANK ROAD from Keyport to Fi eel old. Monnionth Co., N.J.. a distance of lit miles, the work to be commenced early m the Spring and corn plete.) by Iks 1st da; of O.-tobar n?it, with the exception of three nule* of said road, for which separate prupoeala wdl ba laset*ed tfl] Iks let day of fSovembsr neit, the work ta be roninmiced immediately after the contract is taken, and tie completed by the let day of January next. Addreea JOHN HERBERT. Marlboro. N J.. DANIEL STILL WELL. MMAUtowa Point. N J , or the ?ubecriUr, Key ptirt. N J. ALFRED WALLING, SacreUry. o9 iu. ? I^IRE ?RICKS, MALT KILN TILES, M. PlsRECLA Y, Ac ?The eubecrihar?, importer* of Pure B<!ck?. Mall Kiln Tiles, Ac., hare ooaseantly on hand? " Red " aud " White Walsh." " Lister." " Buffird'? Stonr bndge." H ><....... and '"Chanea" do aad " sisrakirk" Fire Bra ss.romne.c and rancy aliapaa. Fireclay Welsh Lumpe and OreaUlee Malt Kiln Tilee.Zi hole?a rery superior artacie. Coal?Bituuumiaa and Anthracite of all daatxnptioas. foi sale in lots ta esjt purchaser* Apply to SAML THOMPSON A NEPHEW. aw) tni*_ No tri Pearl-ax. New-York BP Tl HER & READ, "Practical HOUSE tud SHIP PLUMBERS. N- ?52 Water at , t daore ironi Pet k-ahp All ordere promptly attended to. N B ?Jobbiae done a ith neatness and dispatch, ili lm* IAND WARRANTS bought, soli or * ? 11 >:? .nd ail .-.amis 4 So .'o re. or S-ddier'a heire collet ted Apply at Bountv Land Office, No Si Wsi.-et ul lm* f^HELSEA MILLS. ^7th-st., betwetnt 9tb and 10th era. The euhecrtbera having completed their xrranxeaiieBts for carrying on the Md?ng basmeis, are now prep.aied te f irnsx!; Freeh On nd Ertra PkMxT Grahan. Flour, Indian Meal Homier. Wh^aten Grit* Fantia and Buckwheat Flour They will also prepare a' atipetior article of Corn Farma, being one of Pie beet pre? parations exer made for lambda or children Gnan sent ts Mill w ill lie Gro'.nd wnk dispatch. Cora, Oafs and F< ed for aal?. Oidere sent to the Mill, or tu the Depot No 1? Beekman et., w il meet with attention. For aaie a 10-herse Ebxib* and Boiler tW HufnThkS_M UN SON A WILLIS. MESSRS. HILL i COLBY Bare jast ved from Pane a beautiful assortawat of Ladiee' l.aite s, froin it X). cuetaiating of cork aolee. water-orool", aad untie eetea, m all eaian. Satin xtid Silk Gaiters f -he nnee; .juaiity . errmrtc,; artv aad ball Slippers. al* i recep? tion and toilet Mbjeaara af the handeomeet fabric?he had ontr at theu estabhshmeut, No. iU Broadway, g aoara tret'. Sprice st_dj JxTaThRS* (CALIFORNIA GOLD DUST,SANDS, Mnv\l^Rr, SPETIMENS. bought by H SOLO Vlt.Sl,? aanu s.|?r K, Asaarars s*. Rawlter. and Gleaaere of Earth** Minerals aad al' known ve and Precxoas St?ss bought. J wi\ . g. . Wd a- t.'.r Re- aery. Na ii Ann-?' ,N Y. aU lm* (^ V DAR H? ??RD8.--N?w hm&mt tad A. f.? aaka, MMM feat of Cedar Boat B.-ari. tlso ftt/.aie.esv.ral Slaoae and Sebts ..era. from eitel? | ibs baiaen. Imiuire oi [all im.; aj T a UN YON. *a?9guath-at 48TR0LOGY.-DB.'t. W. ROBACK a.B ti .n. Eati'e?,lsjeit f.,* PrtUatMphra offertaseer. viceat.. the t! urns of New-York. He ie able lafarateil |?i' preeei t ai d fatare eveats. Few? Ledsaa, Me-n e* geulearea. $1. Natirttaa* caloa'ated aad read ia f?l' a. - ittrdara'a tic cntrVe and masculine a .'tis?Ladies '$i P < N .livitiea calculated ?Ladle* |]'svn iitt(B, IU. Offt?. No i White.,t . Na* Yn k. ahn* le'tna. t.j?t-j' wrtl n-cetre laaattdlxte attratioA. F.v pxrttcxtlara seec*ailt paper* Aatrolog.i al A.-aaacs can be prerved a? the cBce, gratia diit' Patent SPRING SHANK CLOGS. -ROBEBT WALKBB Be IU C-iil-*' . h?s ?? band, at rf ul, a fall m >rtu.ent of lad.a Rut> *r o?*r sh'-e*. iBcloduae tVe new ?tri* nf P ,taat Snrir.* S'. ,r.k Cue* Prrr-eelow .1: i!":.-. IN' School*. 0TICE7?Mr?. ME ARS im removed bar Frew; and Engl-sh BOARDING ?od DAY gCHOOL far YOUNG 1 IDtKfli NVMWeatB at. (b*low theHb a? ,) ?-her*?k* basin raaaai aaaMaaaa* station for Boardin* and Dar Pepita Cirralars at No 24 Weet IHh-st . or it Mes? i ROV LOCK WOvM> A S> >N S. N" Hl Broadway I La Hlnsicol. M?8IC LESSONS?A roa _? G.-r-nv. i* desiri gej . ,f on; lee* na ?? th* Piano aad in the Oerinari Lar.nure. ,u i family where lot in> ruct m w ,jlj t* considered as ar. equjva.ent for his boarsl Inquire at KFKMEG A BREI SING 9 M tab I re, N< lilBroaAV wny._ dl ilt? TBA4 HING.?A Gi d ? who has had several years experience tn taachiar the Pian - Forte, together ?Ith the fini-lirh offers his ser? vices to Schools and Families a* a teacher of or hi r the shore branches, er of together Wou'd leach a part Osf r?rh da? in exchange for h?*Brd. Reference* given. Addre** GEORGE D Tribune Office J4 jt* MUSIC.?A lady, experienced in tea h tnr. wishes to obtain aune daily pupils on tna Piano Eorte and Sinsin*. to whom ?he would gue in*t ruction at thcr own bounce, or at her residence, N>> 39walker-*t ? S< has*!* attended on moderate terms. nil ImiuTh-tS* M" I' SIC?A Latjj Teacher of the Piaao and Singing, wili receive a few more pupil* at her reaiden. e. nr would attend at tbe pupil*' resilience In? quire for Ml SIC TEACHER, V> L ! .?? ?,? reasocahle ,13 lm* MUSIC.?A Young Lady who Ism rtv ceived her musical educatun fr">mthe he*t masters, arid is eminently qualified for tsdesinusof *>? tainins a few more pupil* tor the Piano Forte Terms? S12 per quarter for the Piano, and $J extra for grririag. 1 ? i Mira T, Teacher of the Piano-Forte, at tl d2 A* Dancing Scf-oole. nENRY WELLS and SISTER'S ACADEMY Ihr DANCING anl UBACEFUL DEPOhTMl N r. at Bti preeaal Institute, No. US Bread *?> ?The loll .wioxan aasstol the new and hatuoaable ?i i,ro and ualtrea m:' e.uc. : ird taught In H W**is and S rter: I.a Cellarienae, I.a K''..suth. La Bon***** Scbottiah. La Bedew a. La florhtam. La V :l/e simple, L? Yalta a Deux Temps, I.a Sleiilieime. La Polka afaZarka, La Valse El ?'er I.a Schotlish Sm;!- La P..'ka Simple, L* Crape via. La Valse Henrietta LeO'iadnlle Maaaraa, LeCotillon Polka,LeStar Polka guadrvlTe, Le O n ad nil* Polka Le (juadnlle Ordinaire. Li Nonseaa CotUlon. Le Spannsh C-tiib.i. El Haeaaero La Tan-pet*. Ac. Clus?*a fei M asters sad Msaraa oa w,-.tne^i?) ?:?i ?*t ir.ia? aitei lioons at 3 O'clock. (Masse*, likewise for Mas'ers itid Misses iin Tuesday ai d Frid*'- BWaraaeaa st 3 o'clock. Tae lesson* for adults will lie gtvea hy eonrses often each . and will ink* place ei cry Monday am! I : ursdar at SP M. for rrutlemen, and at in A M. for lafWaa. These laaeeaa are d? <i*neo f. r the adept to practice as well a* for tue heeia aris. Honrs devoted aaparAalbj, ?oraiafi ami evenings, for prtrataIsaaoaa,either at our Acadrray,ei <t i n re- - der., i-of families. utI lm' A LXJDWORTH'S Dancing Aeademy, -?? No. Iis Broi me .t. This aatahliahaseal toaewoaea Isrthaseasaea classes Wednesdays a'd Satardayafor ui.d Chil?reu, ?'Ii Saturdays fwr those who wish ta attend onee a wet k Classes aa Moiidny? Bad l ri'itslass. Other c'asses on Wednesdays and Saturd iva in the eveu UiL'.ful Geiitlemeo. PreetiCTef Lesson* m Tharadat "reii ines. Soiree,aeail ainathr) foi Adal s, aad asoathly for Children All the modern Dam-ea are included ia tbe aoara* of laatiai tion. For panict?ara, see Qa? alua uZj lm' SEARING'S PRIVATE DANCING and WALTZING ACADEMY, a'. Bo So Bssod-Ot,, M open erery day. Classes to salt the coavnience of-11. Soirees exclusive to patron*. Academies ami families at tended. For terinh. sppl) asalaire. da Ut" DANCING CLASSES.?W. WH tvLE and DAVGHTER restiecf rllv aanottace thitthetr rlarses as alujve are nowcimnieiicms; at Coaslitutron Hall, No bio Bmadwur. at Be MS Hgatk ar , xnrl at Q ithio Hall. Brei klvn For particulars see circular, to be ha. I as etstrre ClaaaesforrjesrinaeTsare bow forashssaran ift?r noon and nveninr N. B.?The Extra Eveninf Class for eider ladiea. w ill commence at 6 ai d continue until 7j. dt lw? _ _ Piano-Dories. 31 McDONALI) & BROTHER having en r ptd their Manufactory nail sTaiaiIIUHB. Sim rffer a larie assortment of Boeawoed Piaaea, fron ?,Si,S| and 7 i cinre*. at the lowe-t ni inuf.urtariaa prrc? All itiatru inSLts warranted in eveiy reepect, for two years, aad tuned one year jrrati* M DONALD 1 UROI HEK, S i, HI II' ?i iv.ii, ar Hudson st. dn lm ItlANo-KOK'I'E tV.r SALE.?A Bptoa M. did Roaewo.Hl Plane-forte, mads In Gilbert, of Bus ton, round corners, flushed to stand in tic' mid lie f ice loom il Boceeaary. This ran be bad at a great bargaiu for i i ?Ii or coed taper Inquire at N ? 31 Old slip, upstair*. .13 1W JOHN NORTON, Jr. H08T0IN PIANOS.?SAFFORD & BROTHER, No. 369 Broadway. B. Y , Bfaatl for the folli'WiiisT well-known Boaton Piano Eorte Establishments, vi/ Hallett A Allen, (successors to Brown & Hatlett.) Woodward A Brown A W Ladd . W P E?oraoa ? Prices fmm $17j to |MS, Piauos to rent n.d tuned, dl lm Jst C. FISj HER, Gate NtnfBs & Pis ? i HIB,) Manafactorv and Ware room, 170 Greenwir-h st. coroer of Dev. PIANO-FORTES warranted, with rs rtrse bridge antfpatent tube, weil calculated for keener ta tana. Piano-Fortes laned. repaired and axclianf ?d. o31 tma_ FIRST PREMIUM, GOLD M E i A L, awarded to JAMES H. GHOVES1EEN by the American Institate, at their |ate Fair, for the heat PIA BO FORTE ?Wareroom No 123 Grand-stTeet, three dieirs East of Broadway , Manufactorr. Noa 40 and 44 West Eoar teentb-ttreetjiearSixtb-?venue,NsTW-Tork, Piano-Portae Tuned and Repaired. Also. Second hand Piano-Fortee taken in exchaare. All orders thankfully received aad punctually atteaded to all lm* E L O D E O N S. ? i ARIIART & ._ NEEDHAM, manufacturers of Carbart's P.tent Meiialeona Wur.-n? m?. No t.'i Br id v. ,. %I .r.ul i e.n No 7i East 13th ?t . N Y. Price from $t>0 to $ioo bM lm PIANO-FORTES?Hews' eeJehrated Amern an Patent Action, with or Without tha ?71 "lisai, N P B CL'RTIS. Agent, waren.oms. No 4t3 Broadway. AI?o a good assortment of Bi'udi .r P an s. ^ dl lm* lit DON ALD & BROTHER hating en Lf J '.anted their Manufactory and Warerooms. now offai a large assortment of Rosewood Pianos, from ?. *t, *i ?nd 7 e. laves at the Iowa?! manu factorial prices. All iiurtre ".eaU warraated in ererr respect for two years, and^'.uned ?ne year gratis M< DONALD A BROTHBB, No Ml Bowery, Bear Ho'iston-st. s? 3a?? SUPERIOR UPRIGHT COTTAGE HAKO KORTF.8 No ?3i Broadway. O T JACOB SON.llBVlBg on hand at bis Ware K.-uns, So. 6J.J Breaowajr, an aas- rtment ot very superior Uprutht or Cotta/e Piano Forte*, uivites I is friends and the pubur ? reoeral to caU and examine his uurtrument* befnr? pun'haain? elsewhere Foi Btnatlh (tsrm* 3 stringed! and beaety of tou*tb*v are an*urpa***d bv any other inatruiiu nt in the nty, and re ouiniig leMtuaing than tb* *qaar* Pia?? He warren:* them fin a period of two year*._alt las G& H. BARMORE olfer at their Man ? nfacurry ana War*room. No ill Bteeck*r-*t., Cor? te r of Cbarle?-*t , ?a aaeortraea; of ?legaat PI ANO s'OR I'ES. w ;tb the metallic fram* and r*v*;a* bridge, aad all other modem uBorovemeata.___e!0 lm* PI A N()TF(7rTeS^yT F. HARRI SON. No Ti Canal st , (w?rer'?'m 2d eta?rv.> offer* lor ?ale a *ple?!id Meortnieat of Rosewood PIANOS of 6* and 7 oaaaeaa, with the latest impr neinents. nto lm* IA N OS for Sale and to Hire, at 7 Bar rlay-st . oppoota th* Astor Hobs*, frem H to 7 oe tBiea. in resewood and maheersav ca**e o20 :m* JAS THOMPSON, lat* Tallman A RandeU. P Co-Partnt*rsI]ip. 1IJ0TICE.?The copartnership hereto* 11 fere etiating between tha a it ?cn >*r? and*rthe name 0 .-A Ml EL G CORN ELL A CO . u dia?>lved All ; art es indebted tu them are raautrad ta areouat to their Assigae**. Peter C Comei] and J ihn Jewitt, Jr . at Ueir N sU Wa er at. 8AML G CORNELL. d6 1w? T WICKLS BLAICHEOBD Notice of dissolution of co? ll PARTNERSHIP-HORACE LOCKWoOD. af ? ?'.tin l HIGH a LOCKWOOD. of th* City of New Ycrk, house carpenters, harm* abtetted him self (tare a out the 3ltb day af Novem' er last, th* said arts is bore t v declared to 1* diaselxed.xad no debts , ontracted by sxiJ Horace Lock *ood, smce that date, on arcoun >f said firm of High A Lockwood, will be pa J bv ,-. ;?? M!> H a EL HIGH N :. Baal . ? . st THE < OPARTN ERSHIP heretofore ? > :-tinr I? I? een tb* inlo nber?, under th* firm of HABT. MOREHOI'SE s MEhRITT u this day !*?? red b. it* own Limitation Tb* buainea* wtll be eel led >,y ?itber of th* partner*, at the otbr* of MOREHOI'SE x MARklTT.Bo j4?Pm*-*t. BICHaRD p hart, STEPHEI ii MOKEHOl'SB, PHILIP H MLRRITT New-York December 1. laVil. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP-The u?d*r?irB*.i. :a of the provunoni of th* Revise.1 Slat tea *f c Uniited PartBerahipe." h: ve this day lonatJ x L Bl ?? ' Paiti-trth-p . that t?* aame or firm aader wh eh ,-j. s; Partnership as to be euaalucted is " MOBEH'Jl'SE A MERBITT," that the genera' nature of tbe bus:**** ,a t. n<?d to be transacted r* "w deal.u* m Dry Goods on Conicii??'.' 8 . that tie reoarai parier? are SI EPH EN B MOREHO'JSE are! Piill.iP Ii MV.k RJ1T. ? h" respectively re?.de ia tbe Ci'r of New York, and that the Stwcis! Partner i* RICHARD P HABT, who also resides ib tb* C?t\ < New. Yorh . that the sc caxl Partner k*e ceaiributad to th- ccauaoa sto^k tbe sua 01 twenty five thoUfaaJ dollar* . that the :<??'. ?1 r \\\ \ aaid Partaership is to eoma.eoce is ?b* Irret day of D-cen. ber ote thousatd tight hundred ar I .if oa*. and the ler.od at wbjcL it wul t,rn n ,:e u the am da| at*Oeaajav ber, i Le tl I ?*tiv escl t Li.nd.ed ai d ntti-tiree Daud.Jfew York, De'emher 1. It'i STEPHEN H MOREH iUiE. PblUP li MElihITT J' " KICIIAKD P hl AKT .financial. ?in a sbilboadssten percent .mortgage BOM'S -sealed 1*1 .poaale will be received at tB" ???? *t u,f P ej ;:ufi A|ee*a, MeeOT WTNSLOW. UWII ? 4 ,) . N M W kl >? ? ?w f?k. until TUESDAY, lt.? 1Mb dm "f December Bext ?t I o'clock't** P?r i n>r f ike t> ?? > ? Bo?d> tntn SB? 'Bet BotCXCeWlilBg ?.? I.KB The Bond, are in ten ? ? i $1.*? *?rh. payable 'he let of Fennaty, 1??;:.r?uh latrrest At 7 [er cent. eemi annually, ? BM ' ?t > eJB of February and August, is the Ctty of New-York nherr the prinrual sunns slao parable, tad er? eecared by e rim md only mortexre or deed of true* to G?-?rrr 8 C.*. Esq., >f New - York, m trwet for the bond? holder*. Tbe bonds IN iesvie.1 l/> eethonly of nets of the Legisth. tor* of o:..o. nv;ng epec;.ti ;*>wcr to rnnks t?e Umde end to secure t/ieni b] ? niorteege on the Road, it* franchisee tad etjuipm. i,t>, and to eell the nine, if ated be, below par. aaakini; sueb aale a* rabd aa if told at par. The rti. itraee covers an iarae of $70O,aoe, of which fTBB, Ow hare t-een eold. the remainuu StxMJ.M* (excep&ns the $h .>d tratl t< ? ll ' ha rJI Mi I ? ?a e n.r.i r>? tpring anJ tummer of neit \ear. Tbl? ileb? ie made to pay f?r the iron rail* and equip? ment*. The aiortrage eater* the entire line of road froaa Crera land eut to the Fenntylrtni i Sta'.e line, in t!ie d re. u ei of Ene. a ilntaace of eeventv-one tailet, known at the Lake Shore Rotd, thirty mile* oi ?hieb, from Cleveland ta Pamesville, it complete. 1 tn.l now in operation. The reai due. >f the Road te the Peuatyleania State line will be completed by the lat July. 1141. Tlu* com; any now haa the control of the rtilr ad bow constructinc from the Ohio tod Pennsylvania 8*ate Lite to Erie. i distance of tweatr five and a half milee, making it ia fact a continuation of ibe same road, under one manage? ment Tt.ia part of the Una will be completed about tue lit Jaly, 1811. The reeiiue of the Lake Shore Road, lying between Ena and Dunkirk, and Buffalo, will be completed by the Uth of De.emVr next, thus rt> ine a continuous line of red way from the City af New -Y <rk to Cincinnati by the Ut .f Jaly next. The eetimated ciet of the Clevelaad. Paineerile and Ash tabula ro.i l, in trvM (lag order, including cjuipmente suffi? cient for the entire line to Ji.I.5l.9!l Near |70d,M? ml Stock hat iierii already itabecnbed, an.) over $>*),Oufl haa been expeud-'d M the road The lU'iscrtptMit list it daily being increased. To pi . vide the remaining means to com? plete the road, thitloaa is retorted to The MlAjBfl en p .wer? the trustee, incnteof fail.ire. to pay either m'e:eet or principal, to take poeeettioa of the r..?d and sell it to the h.vhest bidder, ita franchieee and ?asathxa eats, on .tue notice, and apply the proceeds ia pay? ment. That thit road will prove one of great uaef.hiess iud proril. will at oi ce le teen by reference to a map of its line arn a MAX ' v M, . bag aj I *i(>or'aiit link in the treat rham of Rad? aj* fr. n. tin (V) of Htyvr- York t l Cincinnati, and the .South* est, and tleo Clin sen and g?'?na. in tiie n >rth west, . i.r.iiectine on the east With the New-York and Erie, -rod Buffalo ami Albany r >:ul* A ra.lwat .a a... > xb.iu'-to b? roiiati acted fr m Erie by way o'Sunou'y, ta Pbiladelploa. li.i i.o. i.t oi baaAMeadaaaahp connecting with it *e?; and west is to grreralty kuown, that further men? tion r.? ?i. i ot be mad.' o| il heie. P ? atals may hi- ?dilrtssed to Window . Lanier & Co , No. it Wall-sl , indorsed " Propoialt for Cleveland, PaJw ivole AaMab ila Baflraad B.mdt." The tale will be absolute and without reaerre. 13 per OH t. ai'i be if,'.iiied to be paid when 'ui!? are accepted, laa raabjag in aaaaU?y ; ? tnnit? of a per cent. each. Acer e,I iLteiett on H." bonds must l e ptid bjr the par akaM N" hil! for lest than SI.imsi w ill be reoeired. All Baeaaaaty information m relation to the r.Htd M the'.s, t. f tliei ?ith a ii apof the road and il? athajM ti .us. n ay he had on application to Measrs. W1NSLOW, LANIER k CO , at their office, or to the undertigned, it the Irving House, in thutcit>. By order af the Board af Director!. ALFRED KELLY, Pi-sident New-York, Nor. ii, 1851. nJhi t?l6 |V F.W-Vi iRK and BOSTON RAIL It ROAD ?The Books far Snbscrti tum to the Capita] Stia-k of Die New-York and Boaton R ka iwa M tl I " Air Ln.e." ure now oj on at the office ot Matal I C \ '< PE.Y1 PR v \ ERMILYEA, No n v\ ?u ,t CHARLES R \LSOP.) Committee THOMAS . HDISON. \ f.i WM I HACKSTAFF, lSuhtcnptiona. New- York, Dec 3, MM, .11 t>t [VIDEND.-aaOftiee of the North Arne? ruan Fire insurance Compnnv. No r,7 Wvll-st ? New York. I)e<?iiil>er t. tail The Prr.i.leni an.ll>..-. ora hait ..c laied a semi annu il din lead of Ten percent , payable on demand. It W. BLEEi KKK, Se. retary. 05 2w Dl\ [DEND.?The Board .?f Directors the EAST RIVER INSURANCE COMPANY have this day declired a Drridend of Fl VE .}) percent u ii <io il stock, payable on and after the ltfth ioer - 1? CHARLEA C i ClTtZIVt' Fire Ln-ibamci Co., Dec. 3, IUI, DIVIDEND.?A Difidead of EIGHT per cant has bten dot 'an<d thlt day, payable u de? mand, at ihn ofTce No (7 Wall at, d( :w* J M M- LEAN, Secse'ary. nlJ???N KIVER R alLROAD CO, INTEREST SECOND MORTttAGl BONDS Tbe CoB| i" fi mterett oa the Seaoad Mortgage Bonds of the Kuoson Riter Railroad Company to the iMh intt., will be ntid oil pteaeatallOB at the Hank of Commerce, ia Ne?-York, on ami alter that day. New-Yotk. Decemtier ,113] I M HOPKINS. d2 ti?th Treaitiier. DRAFTS?For ariv aOMMOtofl sale,|>ay thi? in any pxrt of the C'aited Kmrdom Pan els and Packagee forwarded to ererv part of the world by the For? ma Et preis ol edwards. SA.NPOKD bc'o., xt Au um a Co 'a. No It Wall-et. bt Lpj* iUUi ?FOR SALB?SSO,.I HT*'' "o* "? in B .nds of the Chicago and Ga? lena Uni.m, Bailroad?l i per ?tut, payable Mtal-aaaaally ia New-Yark SIRACHAN k SCOTT, tU2w So II William st I) IJrufi-BOionul Xoticec-, / WI TION TO THE DKAF ?I ii? .->? VV are three kiadt of ,utckt that the deaf thou] 1 bt trara t, thetirsti? those professing to cro all deafnett with Piutaic Acid Vapors . the ?ecood. with Oils, and the third, a parson ptofeaeiog to be an experienced aunat i>f mnthroum like ( a glarm? atlrer. utement to r. .inn.end hum Dr LUTENER, No | ti Broadway, ia the only reiogniied anritt an the United Stats |m? I"NT! KD STATES PASSPORTS, for KCHOPB. CLBA, HIt'AllA.,1 A. (.AI.IKDK.MI A, ke ?Udispenaable to Travelers? H<mg a a ire proteettoa against wain agrreeaoa ; and as no person la allowed to Und or travel in f'oatineitloj Europe, A.uth America or tCe Weat Indies without mte, they cannot he diapansed with leaned by J B NONES, Notary Public, (eudCom mosioner tor nearl> all the States of the DkaM, Be ?/> Brotiiway d(1t* JHARVET TIMP80N, A rjotititwt, a Auditor. Ac .Jwill seep the Books of Merchants, and others by taa month or year , atadit the accounts of PrxhlM Compai.iee and Bener..lent Prrietiae; eleM up Bankrupts' aecounte, kc Addrese No. 181 William at , at the Book Store of Robert Saara. Eeo.. u3? lm* ACARD.?Dr. DAVID L. ROGERS has returned to the city of New-York aad resumed the Bargical practice of his profeaaioa. at No. 16 Wererky Blaae._ aAfBa* RE.M< ?V A L?J. G. AMRLER, Dentis^ as Id re.;*.-tl illy inform kit friends and tf.s puhlia that he has removed from No M PARK PLACE to No. II WASH1NGTON-PLAC E.admuungUe New-York Um vsrstty_all lm* Clott)ing. THE FALL CAMPAIGN OPENED at Gen. Taylor'? Head-Qoartere. No 7? Fuk .a-it comer of Gold ?P L ROGERS, Comraianry Geaaral the above weU-ta?wa eetabuakmsut, desirea toaoqaain bis patrons tod the public, that be w now prepared la o-fti tketu aa aaeortmeat of FALL and WINTER CLOTHING (made of superior materials, tad by experienced workman) at wholeaale and retaiL cheaper and more caned ta ttyle than can t^e f?unfl at any other hoaae ia th.t i tj Tht entire establishment is under the taper vision of Mr J SOUDER, who wul specially attend to (as eaetom da panmeat, thereby guxrxnteemg a perfect flt to all who pa trotuxe him Remember, H Partea-et , eemar Gold?G?e Tayl ir't Head Qaartara all la* UNION?UNION?UNION.?J O U R NBTMEN TAILORS' CO-OPERATIVE UNION No. il Chatham-at., Would call the attentioa of th.ate akoat p rcLaaire tkeir ?later clutkii.? ta lAtaaT new It selected s: - - -t CTotb.-, Cataimeret and Vestinga. which they are prepared to make b> order in the moat faohjoaable ttylee and at pncea which cannot fail to c-tminand attent.>>a ? Ready atade clothing of all description, catxttaa'ly on hand t'lienor workmanship. aty!e and f.niah, will via w th any eetablithinent tn the city Straagar* as sell as citirens are rnnted to exi] aad ezaikjM, whether pnrekaa muc or tit. Goods axe freely shown. g) |t W'M. S. V?^DE^lVr wou^d"Tal! ? a the attenlioB of kit customers rally, U> his wed selected stork of Clntke, Caaaisaert Vael -nrs, tr.d Fail aad Winter Goods, at hit CASH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, Ii* Brrwdw.r T 5! c*. ?J,"en*r,d to ?*?*? "9 GENTLEMEN'S aad BOi S CLOTHING, in the must faahioaable style He thai ?eei.s a wel-eet-cred assortment af GENTLE MEN'S BOTI P.EADY-MADE CLOTHINts Aiao. a reneral assortment of evervtbieg fousd ra a ??tstltV'H t y: BMtUiat. ka railIsfKI.-T s?l ta ? Igat?, Caps, &t. t?ALL FASHION.? J?bI fijiiBLetl, i.e -1 gjt.t ; .^hed 3 a H?ta. at the W?a price of i H tr tvddat |4; aa aitetla at At ja aad BJ S5< aeat Hxus ft . BROWN, 1MCans -tl.. 1 ? 1* asxi te ta? corner af aHUiraaeeri DdgntrTtotnptrt anb CngrJDin$B. KELLYS HaitlV.-f KM, RA V|\<; aad PsUBTTBO Omm, m r.hM?,w J-vU. Mat V tit*. A<Urr?uM\tU*m*C*rtm.i*'.hm**riBm* ?Tje. Cake B?*ea Rurel.-p* ke a,,-., and eearaved |S Bad 3* Card* for I? aBiicn?-?. ail !?.? (?rprfB6C6, A^r. I^AS'l LINK. KUUR !?\YS ? I ?,,;/, IV INN VTI. * .?MPHIL? DFLI HU -?t*>toi Airtm.B.i i?. LEECH k Co a I INK --Great D*;*u-a-?eb*v* *sj*>**rr*B?*?ea:*w ca-n foods tAr**nrhfr>ie?^ PittshaxrsA.da.pZ V" *55??! I? ?"*????'?. *vr***s* frooxiAe i!?'i>r>( ?hi;?n?f.t *aC ??. Bra -aw For Mirtaer inf?rr*ati t. bd a of UdtasT, ft* apply U faa New York. Der j, tail Af eatfar 1) Leech ACo, dt i? * (Tcran Steamer*, Gt. ADAMS A CO.'S mti CALlPOli nia. fbkighi. pa. kaoe ?ad parcel ee I KK-< "l I Ma.l Steamer CHUKOKKF.. ea SAT UK DAY. !>?? ?.?ad per V S Ma.l Steamer OHIO.e? THURSDAY . I'"' 11 Oar next Em lees tor Ca.ifori.i... v-a the Istha,*? ?f a^. name,, v. k '?* dispatched by the C 8 Mid Ste t tier CHEE> OKEB. for Ch**v*sdirect..>n SATURDAY mm Mbtaat, st 1 o'cix-k P M , in charge .>l "ir < a Spa, a1 Freight Agant and Spool I uruugti Messenger t.. d**t aat.aa l>ur regular senn-moBthly Express for Cain .ru'* w-.'lp forward by the V. S Ma.l 8 earner OHIO.ea THVBA. PAY, 11th mat .a: 2 P. M , t'ir..ruh *? uaua: inrhanjaar our own ?[?*< itJ Freisbt Aitent and Special Mess-am. Te enable ua to complv with the leeent requtaiUoeef the Treasury Departataat. a ! good, t '?*? Ex. eeaaearruet be dsl.ietc 1 t ? u.. with invoice*, prints ?0* imj of sailing Small [nt.cia ?iii hareearrealajat?Ie'eleek >ntk*Aw of the steamer's departure Everythin* mu?t be remlered strictly water pro***,M*| no package should exceed HS ,-otiuds wegbt. m mV AD AHB B CO. Be* ICaaAUWaBat FOR LIVERPOOL-DrAinatir Line l>a. ket of ? . DCCBM UFR -The uew aal apksa d.d packet ?Int. HENRY CLaY.Capl F M Frea k, will aale ?? MVtefUlA! da] For trugbt . r paHtaja, bann; i nr.vaie-l acconaiad* tiona. arpgi an ltd a- ; \. s N'.oih ILv*.. .r ti SPOFF.ihD. 1 ll.LM'o.N \ Co . No i. South at 041.1 I>\. is ? vi \n. sri \MMin?coT? On'y Through Line 'or Saa Fraio i?eo,via Cbaf readt* ract.-Fare heduced - o,i rriUBBDAV l>ec II, at I o'clk P M ?The aplend d lonbN ea.-ihe atexituhip OHIO, . #.; ?'?o n bei to aiaatdaikrai tad apeed. j.tate *nn*. J. FiedJaj Sehen, k. c.Maaler, ?. | Mil en fU'rUOAY. Dec II,at loVmk T M . pret'iaelv.from her pier atotg tat, B R ?ith the .eermneat M . . ?. ? ,r Cheatea c iu:ectii:< w ill the fa,or it.' eteaaneVp Panama, U> t ul without an> d< lay. for Sau Franc,m-o ?b airiral of the paaai uger? ?eil aiaoa ?: Panama. For passage or freight. at the ofTice. No IT? Wtat-at . car Warraa at. Narth Hirer N B? All lulls of ladiar aigued at the oBceea the nicrainn of Iba llth. dttll \ \S N ilLT-8 NKV, LINE UK ? TWKVN BBWYOBB Un .'.^ Ml ? Iheoa'T The. nch I itie tia NxarSiUa?A niiuilwt ollare 4- i? aaay b?r Eoute -t". mooae.) ?t ?he felloWsta trat rlaae ??eaauth i etweca BBB VOHH and BAB rrjAN DE Ml ?.BAOl A The PBOMirTMKUS Capt rhen kill The DANIEL WFRSTF.B, Ce la ? A' 0 I eiweeu SAN Jt AN k'EL Slli lud SAN fUAM. 'PfO The NORTH AMI. i M r ( , t Ble'.hee. The PAl Ik IC, Capt laisia, The INDEPUnDBNCB, Capt Wakemaa Tbeee ateamera are all uew,built eipreealr for '.hie roate, Uki fct spee-i, aa'ett and ai * imtaodetSsaa, are <tuiirpaa?ed. Ihe PKOMEIHI.tS will leave New-York fr>m Pter Bo. 2, Barth Riser, on the 7th ol efa menth, a', t e'elorh, P. M ,eonienaelai i kttober 7th The daniel Wehster. ihe m <>t -a. k woetk, eoniuiea. nit October 23>\. Thed?..aoi I< n .at S A N FRANCISCO will he the lit and 1Mb el each no nth When the above davi (ail ou Sundays, ths day of eaj'iar, v? '.! hathe M n lay followms From SAN Jl AN DB Nft'ARAUPA to SAN J?AB DEL 8tjr. passengers will be pitaapth cureyed over the N> Transit Rou e of 'he Nn aragua ( ompau>, havuighat twelve nu'e. d Laad Ttaiisport-itkin. and at that ieotal embark ta one of the above uerued Paouic Steaiaers far IAN FBANClsco l o treat saving of distance by tins Boats ovei <*ken hereto to re established and a aimed* and roiabutahle transit between the two Oceans, through a betatiful and healthful country, offer iiuluconieuls |a the t*av?iiag pab lic eqaaled by no othei I . lie No passage secured uii'il pud for, a ,J bat a h.aitad auiuber of passeagera wnlbe taken For Freight or passags, apply oaly at .".he Ode uf the L'ae. No 9 Batten-Pla- e uppitairs D. B. ALLEN All persons are forbid trusting any one on acoo ot of the above beats. _ MB I~T s. mail" steamship com. e pany.-For NEW-ORLEANS, via HAVANA Coaea;e of Sailing Day The splendid steamship EM H irs riTr.l,ihsj liisa, J Tanner, commander, will eail trace the pier at the foot of Wurieo-et., North River, oa I i'ks DAY Dec 9. at ?..>!,? ., P M - precisely BATES OF PASSAGE TO HAVANA AND new ORLEANS Nr.w aaaaaoEMaMT. Ladies'Saloon Bertha.m.ft After do do .7t Forward do. de.M Steerage do .M S . cie only taken on freight tu Havaua Ko lulls of Idling will be signed after ths stesm r has sailed B H Shippers are reip>e*te<l to supplv themselvra with tbe Company's bills el lading, w bich mar be had en ap|di eattou at the oAVa No sahes form wdl tie signsd. For frsight or passage, appl' to M O ROBERT8. No 177 Weet-et., ?SSBM corner of Warrea. Steam between new-york and GLASGOW -The Uliucow aad Nsw York metm sbin Company's new steamship n Ui. A SHOW," (l.'stt lean ?inn horse jiower.l N 8 ri wxKTcnimsnder.will sail fr?sn New-York for Glas?ow on SATURDAY, *tk De<eaaber aeit, at 12 o'rh-rk. uimnti. First Cabin Passage.~...?*e Second do do. ._.-f? Apply to f M SYMON, outf No il Broadway. |'>ACIKIC MAlIi STEAMSHIP COM I PAN Y-Steamship GOLDEN GATE -Famsli'S aad otbeta contemplating a voyarre to California, are informed that tbe above named steamer, wh iee rsputa'ion for speed and aecou mi datii n has been In restore unaurjmeed by any stean si ... leaveP*n?aaM for San Fr.xncsKo, on .r ibesul Uie first day of January next, wph the Govsrsv n.en Mails The State-Roi.m Safoona are flt'ssl ip in the Ttort ii asm:,rent si> le as also every department of the vee ae! P,a- .era laavBSg New-York m the V H Mad s*'?mer ?I Dec II, will he ;u time to connect with the QOLD1 B OATB at Panama Peg paaeage apply at the oflice No. 177 Weet-st corner of Warrea dl tf PACIFIC MAIL STEAM8HIPCOM* I PAN Y?Only Through Line for San Fraaeisro. via li ire. Fare Bed need- BATUBDAY. Dec 6th atl i , im , to sptendad steainehip CHEBOBEB. MM t n. burden. H Wiadle, CoBIBiaadar, Wtfl sail on. 8AT I I-DAY. De. r,, at precisely to'clock,P M , fnhn hs* i ,r l*s>t of Warrea ex., B.B for CMgraa, aaaasMMS with the fayonte mail stean. ship Golden Gate, to sail wi?h oat say delay for San I rate;,, a .m arrival of the paeeea irrt anil n.uli?! Fnnima S'?r paaaeaaMear r,?ic*t. ?poG ?i t. i Otfre, No 177 West-at . renier of Warren-st , N B N b-aii bills of lading autned ?t the omca .a Use ii bin* ul the *rh. dt tub IVOR CHARLEST4 i N ? ?The favorits steamship SOUTHERNER. J D.< .iiuvon, C ,*,*asav dai lea-,einer No INR.?? SATL'BDAY, Der.?. P M ratAaell No l.artha secured uatil past f. r For freight Bl ; f> oa board . where all btHb of lading wi 1 be ainneu, and for : assa*e at th< of I SPoFtoBD, TILES TOB a CO., dl No It Si.Ik-at IVEW-YORE m. virginia steam II SHIP COMPANY-ft RICHMOND, vi? NOB? FOLK, Va ,st,ipp*ngatCITY POINT to land Peters*-**! paeaeBaer*rnly saifsrrg SATURDAY. Dec ? at IP.M, fr. m Pier Bo 12 fs.-rtl. River, ' Ulnar ? I The new d >uble engine side-wheel steainehip RUANOKE. (1.7?* t.r.sC II Mil. Perrfi ' on. in I. r wi.l receive svyh wnt.l ?? o.a? ? 'er dum.? I Hllr.AV ilfi 1 P. M. ?n the day of ?allii.* leaviiie p-ieitave y as above. Fur freight or passage sppl- only to the Company s A*r*e N , v. West ?t , r.*ner of AlbaBy. Lr I N a I HORN ION. A genta, New-York. i i III.AM A WATSON. A/eaU, Bschinoad. NORTH ( AhOLlNA -P.aseagers will Im lauded at Norfolk, taking tbe Portnnuath axel W*ld * Bailraad A* th* latartar, The CiH/.pany will not be reapewSHsl for go,:* uast** Bill? i.i Lading are nn ed ther?rv>r. Th* new ateamiuip SABA fOOA will lake ber plweat the Una esrly in March. dl tt Steamboats anb Qciiroabs. TV E W -YORK and NEW-HAVEN 11 RAILROAD -WINTER ARBAN?EMKNT, IX I. 18il ?Ira n? out of Ntw foik leave near csiB*r *? Can*! ?t. and Broadway , a<' ommodatiom Tiiitis leave for New Havea ?t r?ai 1! V> A M . 4 sadtUP M I be IIB AM ruMiae-a* Bavctioa with Traia frr.m N*%v-Havea t? Hartford aa* 1 u .er the Canal Boad Exfri,, Train - (< t New-HavoB, Hartf rd.SprieeAeia, i ; r.? iciit hirer and Verinont Railroad*. t? QfesV burgh *tul MoLtreal.) B<>*iori ?nd *F .re*eter. *t ? A. ?i. st.. sat Siamford and Bridgapxt,) and I P M, '??M" StamfoM! Norwaik aad Bridgeport ,) time,aboutMb**j o. The J A. M toanect* th* Hooeatasait **? N? k,.!.- . > at Sr. f rt Bad i aaal mmmm at New llives. Th* J o'clock P M with Na*?????*? Railr axdat Brnlsejort .^iti fin ial Taai>* for Port Cb**ter. at ? it A M eaa** P. M. 8ti-i> at Mount Verisoa aad Peibaaivi 1?. Tkaiv. IBTO Ntw ?Yoaa-Acc-.BXBMdali.rB Traua* New-H?ven at J.Jo. 7. aad 9 IS A M , *ad 4 *> r? lbe9 Ji A M receivee pawruer. iron. Spnugs*^ Hanf. rd and Canal Railroad at Kew Hirsi, *M ?T Naugatue, haiir.?d a'. Bridgeport Ta* t-M P, *f- *g er,,.ire ill M HsUttord Bad Spnagtleid BH '"? Ly PAS* ? TsUtaa ie**? N*w Haven, oa ?rnvxl ?f TTB**? <r<m ?.?!??. el i. Ij sud t Ii P M , (^pptaf *t ^fTSl N. re. Oh and St**ulurd,i leaviar Button at I A. **?? ' 8n> IaL Tkailt? leave Port Ch*eter *t J M A. M . ?? 3 IlltAtBI bill af sdv*etia*meiat ?t the BMBfAjMPl aa* , rmr.p.1 Hoteu geo Vk yVHiSfLBB. ' ji Sapenateadeai f.'Ok HARTIORD -Chan?c of 0*g; -Passu? t in, Eoaeraal Dort ?+-**\*^~~4jmt euaai*r HERO. Ca,.t**a j H w^l ,8*'V,^ ?Cf. R- sr steaiiiboat pis... P*ck -slip "^sgfiS it I TICRSDAY and SATURDAY AFTETiNOON.j? ?V'oek. For further lafermatj*? ifj"?,'?.?JTiy tf hoard. *r af IjULTUB B WEBB. Bx IU aV>*lh-*. kf? ??