Newspaper Page Text
Or Tw kiiow i tit'iitlt iiuin, look lirnt at the boorro ef his shirt ll ahead be smooth, lit easily lo the ohaat, aid have *h?t ladSBOllbl 1 ara .'Stance aboet it ealv t.. he . Ii-nnd a'ne shuts nia.'o h? Urna-i No. i Aet.r h use. wheat Bkethod of ii eaaurenieal it ia tallib ? To the Public ~T*>aonow. roa o?vo hear tad Ma tke ill ct of l)i watt's Life rlkld. oa sj Ooeeimpiive paj aati 1 is ??? i f ihe days foi the giatm toes disilibutM? i f ti e N(iiw>l> ABTIOOTB. ta the MB* All tateteeled ik Cntauic p.i^a a a iuviw.i to a ted Pei ??k? ?? labtet ta avail lb) a selves af ihn eppoituu t.. must ?loa? be lote the In of Feh.uaiy, at so mo e fiee palteata will he reeeivid at ?? that time M Asten, Beey Ha lit Uteeuwiih it 11 ms, dann I to t l>< , >t, No 102 Naaaau-at. Odd Feu.uw .>' H ai.i..?This justly cel? ebrated Keeteuiatt i Hmibai Puk.u a , iteiaxi lor aal? Pastias has a violent a.lack el Uie Pauama fever, aad i? about muui aa *? ara aurniard hadBMQ (o haar it. as tats seieea.with ?Ii u? ?p|koami?uU,i? Ui* moit magraifi eeat uk Iba ??1(1. Bad it. leg ?l .oeaeol more buaiasss thaa hay .Hk.'i ;!?,?? ol a? kiad opeba til.ASMih -ThoSO wllO atMeXtJ someUtag superior ?hoald rail aad aaaakaaS a atw lot just Tecs?t??d^h?t>h war? mkau'ac?u:ed la Pana sipreiaij lot ?K'ti'tw Tvrria *?>B'uadwav th*> air ..? the baatatttoa kad nuuhif rVeil. loitoiee sh, l> ami Kurtal? hora._i _ _its t.Mwar? Kowleh ?fc WaLLS, i'lir.' pJt?giaaaaarf PehhBhllS. CbataaHall, No Ul Naatau-at., New-York, aad No. Ill w ?tu. sc., h ?toa. Fob Fkobibu Fim ami Chu n m>..? Braal'a Maar Cream Liamatl. ia a certain ran edv aad eeeta oaly 1.1 ore a .*...! ?i \ ..*>ci corner Uaaaeet K At Beaaa. rwiu Grand it iul b .?tri Biker B Berne?, ui t?.? y g p,, ?,M|II ?????>?* ?*? Dr H mier. 1 ? A ?> FobFbai-i ? n II,m>. Sut Rheim, A.c. -The lad a Bubber Qtaasa ami Mm are the best remedy ever dtaoov eied N < lady m geatleoaea aeaM be w.thoui thaa. if thai uaderatocO then gealiuee. Tor Mio low at wa Bah\kk'? Mb i*' m-\>.j??? ? | \ Skat Breed a ay. aa . at all U? Rubber ?larea. I'ONBIMPIIO.N I'i kaBI K.? Dr. Ro?;kks\ Li vet watt, Tar aad t kn*h?l??na re hiah'y rreummeadad by ritiaeae whoar BiMt ?ud i?>al<at ? w ill be >>aad ia the Bamahleti, ??< tl ha aeax ... .? Mhati at MBM m BBSaadaaiaat earsa of Cwaeiim^iioa. by uaiaf tin median* TBeeJrherted ahonld toe n e Iraki -Par Bale by A L. * ov u a a Co , at the t>,o:. No ti? ?raadway, aad by ?11 raun ? uttiaU Prva?la lau? hettlee ||. er ihre? b. t'-? ha (t XI BROOKLYN HEMS. ri^ Thti U. t :r<- ul* Rt>r. Mr. E^^lpston apaa taa " Pllgntna11 ahirh wa ha\? rr rrrrd. u aa:rertiled upon aDotAar p?da. Fi?kb.w??Tlie> carr.ei.tpr shop of Abraham Boen, om Third av . betaeeo Twenty fourth aad Twenty ffih eis t.oaaiu?. was aurned loan on Mostdaf Dig hi. to,-etiler wuh all the ooatents Tne haulding was m?tnt o hat the loWs- of the workmen ?are a total lots A boat It o rtork the ?nur night, a ara occurred m the houe?) or Mr Marrsil, eotraaM of Nottraad] aad Myrtle are., canted by the exptoaktB of a caaiB?cce lamp. Tht llamct aare , sUufaiaAed by Uta Fourth Deutet IV ?t Uauiagt akvut 1150. ABT Krt uoPAi ' ?^?er ?f ' AkeeiUkgeoi V>ft?. re "*^iJ<.kVcharea???< aecarugare man ' ia ?? * , e , |.,?,i.r ? ?t?m??i thaa. ?o?v ri.,- ( i^. Amaa. aaerarocat,?eofiere , ta the -?Bei. er?ti ? r.-l ?-?" _ aadrealwoik* . ?? e?nt?r i a " Ike ?.loate of Z\"wMi> the i m a ef JttB-et. , aMrB ?aaJ.IW^7 b a? to the Eaat Hirer > ?ad M^at..fff''"?, u .f ,v. ik'ge auaber of fel ? ,drmtil-?r' :?aiaV"e, ,-iea d eeTC.tyUlABd.eeJf towaaea. eadrio? , e ru's, aad B-B aloae d-*. eemP'esea'*?'?;r. . - ?tiaa ira^al ta- o^'-JJ*u;? d a?? ewagje. a lartre etapetrAaai taaao ? ! ? .?o t.. end ^k?i ? / ?f"J*!Tw I-?n .? ' ?' aa- ? b -e bieaa^ ami-ltUkJ p-'Ji JJJJ^Ttlcb o r Laid e. un...?t. oed hia Cburch to ?Set VaMtaased imaortal aaale a a Chr.?',?a rjty are Mk JlJ^lr a . ? ' ? ' hi ?aspel i the Maa of Ood Staedea ta brmsb.. the a Bkj la a-netitaa ladiBer StTrat????? ?b? '?""-..,i u. Birture the youeg?? aid.iovuitiae .,r?. ??. comfort the dy-Bg. todi Sf^Lir.rV", a co. fi.e Bedaeaer Oar duty if ?laia, ,wVJd ai ieire. ? ke eel ' >ed . we .tend ready to leb^r to eHvaoW-eSed laratMli.y toward meetiagtbe errent aaat ifJa^^holb t??w aad fea d..?a e? <t In the kaeurbDM /Jlieable ? * ? e mpathy and gener?s? ea ***flr7,..J. ?eil.,w Cnna anrto erect a Church ia S'JI ll? _< Yorkvd e are i? I'poae, with Ood'a bieeeia,-. to ,p.!e aTr-roper efT.r. oat.) m.i eure??, ahail hare BBB^a?"^^?^?,^! ,{ each help kc h, ?da:"?rd ia !??? Beart. not credtrtngiy or of ^^"for (Mid loTtth ? cbeeidil giver j aad uate eich Utk? W-eel Btade Vommitl? ilCORCC JOttiZS T.eaa. JOHN C. PABKCR. loWK'kkh Mic, 1IKNRY dbktkb. JABB BAY. CHAB.OATLOB. HavrngaBciaied for iia m>mth4 in the village of V irk ?tle kkd beitg k witneaa a the apiritual dea'itu'ioa m/totm preveil? within a- d ar.iusd it, 1 earae?'.ly eomrnead the kbeve (tatemenl ?od aptwal I.. the liberality of the ttieBdaeftheCharcrt. P. R. Ci(alM< av, R?c'or<f8i Jimet a. Hami'ton ?ii1 sre. From my BCrjuaiBiatee ?i h the apinrual c Bdiliii of ear Chuicb ia V r?v!.i.-, aad witk the efforta made there B. uy itvaread brothvr aad r.termed friead. Mr Ckaua cer I fully kkd i osdial y eaunioeud the preaent ap.ih'M tjoa to the liberality of all Pi?te?taat Epi?eoi>alikna. Hbmbv AJtratW, Beetei ut S Mi'k i Chunk. Tiioa. Houaa Tavi.ob Orace Cnurch I faaly ead cordially c amji with my brethen pa racim eteadlkg the ?ateiprn? at Yorkville to the haartv aad lib? eral Bid of Kpiecipaliaaa FBANria L Ha ? k^, Ca'varv Church W H MtiHLENitgBii, Paattr if the fe'harch of the Hbly CaataBBion M P. P?BK*,kn Aiii?t?kt M'niater Trinity Church T. MeC m lehael'e, Bloormngdale iTBritaaH Ttbo Ho ever af 8t Qe nce'?Charch Jen* M Wainwii Amn'tii .Mini?'er of i'rint'y. Ciiab HaXkBT, BerAerof Chrtat Chatrea. J H HoBABT.officiktii.a a Tnnity i'k-nh. Thit "kli epon lb? hlatality of Pro e?tknt F.piacpi! ChurohBaaa ia veiy eadoraed by u?, and c im n ended to the member? of eur congregation!. 0 T Bikbll Becterol A?cen?ion. K H CAwrisi t>. Ktotor ef Bi Peter a t hnroh. 1 tru?t, from my per?<??i knewledge of thia ea'erpr ae, that it wUlbeUbeiki.y anl- d by the metabrnol mvc ia Pi"cociBB, Beet>.r el 5? Bartholomew's Chnrrh Coatribuiiee? to tb i object, aent to either ol the uuder tumrd will be duly m ka< ? edgad by the rreanirer Bev P. S. C:t al'NCKY, No llttd av. J AH m. Bk v Be IBA Berwery. I aw iHKin.N.. 711 Broailway. van' HOBDMN A KINO, No O Wa1l-?t It CHAS.O.At LOH. P M , Yorkville. (jKAits Valley Gold Mibth? (^ompaby. - Ca rival. $100,Pi1 is Siiaks-s or $2ju BA'H.-Noiipe ia hereby givea to thaee ak? nave wnttea or applied for aharea ia the capnal atock el *be above Compaay, or whe Btay be mteadint to ?, ihat tue ?ubacripti?a btak IBBoaily dlled up, leaaiua at IBM tm.n Bat about fort* ikmrrt uataaaa, out ?t tke two bundled ordered to be told ia New-York. It a aoeeaeerr, in order to prevent ditapponitmeat, tba Bkere he node ay on Ute of trmae w.?lim( to eecorea portioa of the Meeataea* ia Iba Compauy Tlie machine ry will he cample ed and ainoi^d ui tare werk?, by clipper veeeeli, around Cape Hom. folly incred, and no daabt will be bikib the grouuri and in operation by tke month of Aag'iel neat. Itt rag?etil 'a <<ooa to the reduction of oa< kamfrrd funr oj ore gal dm the average yield af which will aot be leea tkkB fir. i lajBa aaaM per p.oird, giviar a prodi of keveial hunoied [a. eeat. ?u the limited ttoek of the Compaay A ?aw-m.ll ia to be attai bed to the qakltr works. Punplilela anil i in altes w II he forwarded by mail to all whe wash inforaiaiioa. is tke lecatpt of !'?? three-coal posiere stampe i.o p.. ev .i.ou. ol the same, or ra?> be oh talked by kpplu atiun a be Min e No niiriui? ob ookU) hea yst beea crgani/.ed under auspices se favoiable for kbnaiaat sueceis as the (lau Valley Company, whtsh possesses Ay/era Berti oj < I urns, the neavitsl m tel. aef) ever nonsti uct> d tm the i.e.s, and the most perleei method of aina'tauikiio . lue stock will oe worth at Meat BtaS to 11 00? peral>>ie ia iwelrs months. Aa the President tails ou il? jk Feb. f.r Caiifornia. leitert ow kusmesa wild the Conn an' atier lliitt date should be ad die?eed(Boetp?Mj otkeAea alary, The Agenoy nad Tfaaa'al OBVee 'a permanently located at No. 1*7 Pulton at . N Y . a?d will be open at all times for the transaction . i i.u><. Rep..rii and ofluaal noli eee will he made from time to time by the Presideat aad Dtreetois, Ihruugh the N. T. ZMil? and HossAJs Tribune. J Win. :iem KB, Pieiideat B J BicRAHns, Secretary, Nu lt7 Fultoa ?t. iMtwDAStW IjARoe Sale oi-' Valiaih.h Down-Town PkOrSKTV. BY BBBBa of ASBMUII is | \u OTitsit^ ?Out leader a wi J pleaae B IMS iba an lilnNY J. Bl.KKi KKR will sail at public aasstj, t. in is Day, at u o'clock, at the Mar cheats' Aicbange. a larae ???. .nut . i choice down-town propetty. cousisiiua el t ha la ti ai.4 valuable lot ef ground, with lbs Urge sl.oe i eiouo. ki.own aa Noe. 28 aud 1? But* ckanee place, sm! An 21 w .1 mm at . being oa the coraer of William st aad I ah snae place; also, 2 lour-atory ?toree sad loie. Noa IS aad IS Uearer-st i the atora au 1 tetNo Ii William at .and iw.t aolendid lirst r'ass aw?ll lag houses ?nd lotl kaaaa as Not. i<8 and 111 I Cant <a plai?. (Hih-at ) hetweaa Mb ead t h avs . also, the f.ur alcry build n.; and I d kiow? ks N.?. 171 aid 17b Chalbkm st.,corner ef Molt ?t . ih* four ate>y stoie and let oa the aotth weeteny eurner ef t- an and Wkter-sts., the dasira ble Ut of ground No M Gold at , aud the valuable proper? ly baowa aa Nu?, l" Triaui ii ace and It Phaaaaa at Sei? positiv? Map? desert' i?a i be whole of the atuve property aeabe kkd kt the Au.tornb.aiu., No. 7 Bioad si (17.2? t\y W. T. JBBBIBaAS & <'o., Draj.fisar-d Tailors,ef Bo 111 Br.iadwav. astBtWsB tlil? Slap'rloKS leu tea, the oomnieiic, ii ra' of t imsw yekt, the TweuaeUiof their ear ear, U iiitimata then appreciation of the patronage they have elieiUat end aa ihe seu/iel to their success is aot aaeeeylf they would rein to a m ? eokfideeee of what has bafoie been written Thkt g kmJ taete. like fecultiea BkBy Be aertared bv cultivatloe, but the gera where it ?m ... ii.nai,' is neiiher i?i?se.-?ed by all not ran it be impel i.-.l Certain it is. its aflt cu are la tuittvaty reeswairei .even by ih.we who do aot peeaeaa M Bad free? this fact a supra Basrf eat our caruenls has beea attained fui, a 1 b a ?h .uld api>e?r egotistical, we elaim a superierit, foi Ihe a', ie al our work. a.J iu tba' we oeaeaiv* miieh ..t thaaaretsaay ol a aarmeat rnasiats WBh these views we shall oioitao* to have on Baud sa eateasive Mock el |e ?Sa, f"'ia whu-h to answer tae re gu'reman ta of out saaennu aatroua. at out u ml m.vte rate charges Cheat Hari.nIn" in VYki LlBBNB,? ?Jadeiwirtei'? aale tgaiB THIS DAY. Jaauaiy !V at Columbian Hall. Na ?t Ciand st , 1 j0? pieces ol Fl' RB I It la 11 I IN ENS, warranted tht heal nlity and ia paletot coudili u coa.isimc of Shining. Damaik, Dtaaer aad Lineae The above goods hehjj in voiced at 70 costs, w .'i t.e ? flered ?' the lemsrl^able low arice of t? skd )> i ei is ?. <a .1 Ho teket t a heailt ej fkmilist aad ttheit aie partiuuikily inv.tsa t i all aad ea> aause NEW-YORK TMKVJSK^ NKW-YORX. WEDHmBDkY. JAN. 2d. 1338. For Europe. The neu number of I* TntW fVr ?urepr?. Cxrcvlauon iffB be iaeu-l THIS MORHINU, at 9 o'clock. It will contaiii all tit? Latest Newa up to th- time of fomir to pren. The Ati* tails from, tili? pun To Day at 12 o'clock. Lenden Agency for the TTitrane. w THOMa? ' 19 and XI Catharine-?tree* Strand, it ma? tt .wired l? recciTe ?nb*cr:;.tiorit aad adrurtueinenla far 7 V /rr'/uae in t>'i>d >r. Our fnead? in (.rent Pr t t :. nna fr'ltrd, by r-''iitn?ur Wm Thoma*. w abaee, lAs. od , bf P.?t-office order, wifl receiTe Uue r one year. Twpiee cf the ttaroiai?. In tiie U. S. Senate was received from Secretary of the Treasury a statement of the Marine Hospital Fun*]. Mr. Fish pre? sented a petition from < itizens of, for a Mint in this City Commodore Vanderbilt pe t.tiorifd for ?350,000 a year fur the Nicara? gua mail route. Information was asked from the Secretary of the Treasury concern? ing Public The French Spoliation hiil was made the special order for the third Monday in February : after which the grart of land to Iowa was taken up, and upon it Mr. Sumner, of Massa? chusetts, made an elo quent speech. The Senate then rested from labor, though no works ever follow. In the House the day was wasted in a quanel among the leaders of the Opposi? tion on the Census Printing scheme. It was finally referred to the Committee of the Who'e on the State of the Union. In the Senate of this Stak same unim? portant business was done. An Executive Session then followed, and after that an ad jourrimH.t. In Assembly the Canal Contracts occu? pied the day?on charges hatched out by the Opposition gentleman from Erie. Kossuth has been amon? the Cis-Monon gah( line workmen, who odercd him sub? stantial aid. He afterward received and addressed the Clergy, and piomised, in re? ply to a deputation from Cleveland, to visit that city. We give a foH report of Gov. Kossuth's speech at Pittsburgh, of which we had re? ceived only a synopsis yesterday. We give additional items of Foreign news Dy the papers brought by the America. The full details of the Imming of the Ama? zon will be read with intense and painful interest. We give all the details, brief at that, which we can find, of the loss of the ship Columbus, of this port. The ship was in? sured in Wall-st. for $70,000, which will piobably cover the lots. The cargo proba blv insured in Kurland. We j^ive the most authentic account we have been of the causes of Lord Palmers ton's1 resignation. The report of the disso? lution of the ('ahmet 11 Btni unfounded. W? have Another. Column of the Forrest Divorce case. The Court holds it over for consideration till Saturday. A VMng Senator. (J. P. Hknjamin, of New-Oilcans, one of the Whirr Delegates to the Philadelphia Convention of 1848), has been elected United States Senator from Louisiana, for six years, to succeed Mr. Dow lib . A special dispatch from Washington, given us the substance of the Long and Koasnth corn spondeuce. Mr. ('lay. it seems, continues without much change in his situation. We have rumors of duels, as yet blood? less, at the old shooting .allery of llladens burg. Johnston and Daniel, of the Rich? mond papers, and ex-Governor Johnston and Senator Cooper, of Pennsylvania, are the patties mentioned. Johnston, of Vir? agitvUy may have been ? ?unfounded with Gotr. Johnston of Pa., though we see not how that could bring in Senator Cooper. A destructive lire occurred yesterday in Springfield. Mass. The Hotel known as the Hanipden House, was destroyed, the less of which alone is estimated at $40.000. The i'oa.o'ers, amoiu'uhum wasthe " Mack j Saan," escaped with loss and diiliculty. A 1 smaller lire occurred also at Springfield. Vt. The Syracuse Riot case is still under preliminary discussion at Albany. A nether disastrous Steamboat Accident M the Western Waters, by striking one of those floating Leeo-Foeos usually denomi t.ated a Staff. The shipping in the Chesapeake is in a dai serous condition. Hopes of aid from Home Government for Portland and Halifax Railroad are Knocked in the head. Ore million Bofl were packed out West I last year. Some feur columns of statistics of Mor j talitv for 186] are given on another page. On another. mm% the bill of Mortality fur last wet k. The tad and sudden death of Dr. Doane we notice more at length elsewhere. Liberia News, Mail Gleanings, and other I enttItalian; matter may be found in our columns. . tF" The Supieme Court of the United Slatee Lave cecided the ease of the Stale of Penn ?V-exit the Wheeling and Belmoat Bridge ' omnant. la fnwr mi i!?e former party Tac ie*awe , of the Court i? that the I rirtge lotal! be reaored as a i nuisance and an obetrucUoa u> narijaucn. or be el ! arated ta aa to permit sleaan?oaU, echo .nera, 4 c, mm) orvu .r> riter crafts to pas*. Jndge .McLean mm deliver the opinion of the Court kmtu dar Una week BP The steamer Pamper., which was eondginaed by the 0. S Court and sold at Jacksaiiir?le. Fla, on Ute Rat uut. wn purchased br Cap, Templetoa, of New Orleans, for Mr 8if,ur. her former owner, at #1J.(\>J, about one-half of her oiiguaai coat iy Kossuth s private trunk was lost fa mm a alenh on hta way front E.??en-burr, and Ulairtrui* It contained loa cluthlri; and some vaiuaaiee. Tke Ttauixraac* <e?Temtioe?s-I,iei?asr nod I,aw. 1 y? week will be signalized by the as? sembling at Albany of two Temperance Contentions, one of them the first Sttte Contention ?>f Women ever held. We UnstttWe earnest advoeatea of Toul Ab? stinence who ran attend ?41 do so. and that the Contention of ihe -29th wiU be one of * the largest and most influential er?- h<?Id in oux btate. But will Us immediate object be at? tained ! He who allows himself to be BMM a legislator should be quite sure thit he is qualified, morally if not intellectually, to discharge the duties of that most res^or.sihb trait. He should be eure at least thit he desires the prctalence of Knowledge, Virtue and Happiness. The end of Law is the supremacy of Virtue, the protection of the weak and simple from the toils of the unprincipled, selfish and cunning. When it disclaims this end. and sells its power t? the corrupter of morals and the destroyer of innorence for a bribe, no matter how dazzling or how paltry?no matter whether called a bribe outright or shielded under the politer term 1 license'?then it proves recreant to its lofty duties and forfeits the respect of the community. ? Hut will our Legislature give us a twin biother to Th? Maina Law? Abk each member privately and casuilly ?' Do you believe that the stringent re ? pression of the Liquor Traffic would ele ' vate the standard of public morals and ? promote the general well-being !'?and we do not believe that forty of the one hundred and sixty would or could answer in the neg atite. Hut ask them to frame and put through a law which will effectually repress the Liquor Traffic, and they will at once be? gin to claw off. 'It can't be enforced," says one. Hut we answer, M ainu do- s en? force it. Here is undeniable fact against your unsupported assertion. And even if she did not, you ought to be studying how to frame your law so as to secure its enforce? ment, lather than be contriving excuses for neglecting your duty. ' Hut the people IPOtaV s'and eo stringent a law.'?We answer. Mains dot* stand it Nay, more j she upholds it. The devotu s of Rum dare not make the main? tenance of the Law a direct issue and go to the People upon it. They know that they wculd be defeated and the Law upheld by an overwhelming majority. ' The People won't endure legislation ' which tells them what they may aud what 'they mav not eat or drink."?Ah' Nr. that is not the question 1 It concerns not what a man may drink but what he may sell, and this sort of legislation is as old as any other. We have laws on our statute book forbidding the sale of other Poksons, except under very iijiJ restricts .n??why j not Alcihol as well ' The fact that it is j not universally known to be a poison ta an additional reason for putting & Legislativ e brand on its forehead. The sale of (iim powder in cities is forbidden ; but Rum is far more dangerous and mischievous there than Powder would be, and is tolerated. The law guards against the lesser danger but tolerates the gicater. Is this con? sistent ? ? Hut the argument is exhausted. Of those who have ever carefully heard and candidly weighed .vhat is offered on either side, nine-tenths demand the enactment of the Maine Law. The other tenth would do likewise if they loved not liquor more than the public welfare. They must know tint suppressing the Liquor Tralhe would o! it ?elf prevent more ("rime and abolish more Pauperism and Misery thin all our present oostly machinery of Criminal Justice and A lms-House Charity can repress or alle? viate. Then why is there hesitation as to the passage of the Law ' We answer?Because many legislators I love Liquor and dread the hostility of the j Grog-sfcUisg interest. They thiuk Tem I peranee men will desert Temperance for I Politics whenever Election comet r ?und, j while Liquor-dealers and their disciples i will sink Politics for Rum. This is ihe I rea?on why we are likely to have no Maine I Law this season. Friends of Temperance who will assem? ble this wtek at Aloar.y,our Legislators will give or refuse ua the Maine Law as they see lit; but beg them not to give us tome miserable though apecious counterfeit of it which will not be enforced, and then lay the blame at our door. Entreat them to frame and act upon just such a law a* that of Maine, and pass or reject it as thev please, but be manly enough to pet them selvea openly an record. Ask them to give ? us the Ut if they will, but at all events to uivb is i uk vor a. Stkam to Cuable.,t--5 ?The public are tadtttcd to Messrs. SpofTord. Tileatoa A, Co. for get ; tirg up a regular ?teamsar;, con.mnmcatton ba'weea this poit and the South, la order to meet the ?suis of the coo-muultr cn the t Larieston line, we under ; stand that the nrni are aboet to add the steaauhip I iion to tic rout* Tha I awn w?] Umtm oa her first trip to Charleston on 8atun.ay next alt an while it is the intention of Messrs. Spoffurd Tiles a a i Co to place the new steamer James ?.dger en the ?an? hre eaily u> the If rag, aad this wall make i a regular semi weesJi seme* Datweenth* twonvrti while the arrangement c?n?ja.?*i. The i*am,tnr~ will then be as Allows stures Aa-?^ "J *?"?*?'? *- -*?-rf t ami l earn. Captain Ai>t>> {Merita.Caatam JaateeAdter, ? X).. g;?<.,.kuiaeraer. ^ Foti? \Thm\ won it a a*w boat, and well apportioned. The Jsaiet Adgar it now taimg in her machine? at lt^!'^eW"^l"d^U-ra^to 5 1 We learn thit Mr. B. G. lloberta, ? ? Cmjt for ciaoa,..,' Iwttat.foriae I'niiej Stttes. hat d>,po,.d a, the right for the States of New York ejhi NawEaT laad to a a amber of gentieaaea of this V Jy a?te formed ? Coenpaar, and will coaaiaeiict,'mmk tt a. re at venous points m tue ehe re Staiae. D-nth of A. ?Idner Deaae, H. D. We ?iawiaiai'j lAmettt to be exiled on to record the d ecease of i>r. A. SlDSBY P>a*b, Health Officer of the Port of Xe v-York. which took place yesterday morning at hia residence on Staten Island It 1? over a week since the dangerous illness of Dr D- a:ie was announce 1. but the tidings of his death wiil be received with painful surprise by the extensive circle of his friends, who were un.viliuig to believe that to much persona! worth should be doomed to such an apparently uutini? ly departure. Hts illness was the ship fever, whjch he contracted in the discharge of his public oiBciaI duties. Dr. Doane was a native, or Boston, where no received his early education, ani was admitted :o the practice of the rr.e4ica' pr>fe?sion. lt? r.iovjn? to New-York in i8Sm\ he soan obtained a h'j>h reputation aa a learned and skillful phy? sician, and won the universal esteem of h > ac cinin.ance in the relations of private life. With a pa??ion for medical science, he devoted every interval of leisure to the study or the most emi? nent authorities ; he made extensive researches into the wide field ot French medical litera turf, which at that time was comparatively nn. knewn in this country; and commenced the se? ries of translations from standard authors in fiat language, with which his name has since been honorably connected. His translation of the great anatomical work ot Meckel was re published in London, being the first American translation of a ioreign meiical work which was honored with an English reprint. In LftH| he received Irom Go*. Seward the appointment ot Health Officer, aad with Dr Turner, Health Commissioner, and Or. MeNcvin. Rondetit Physician, constituted tie Board ot I'ominieaioners of Health, which then exer? cised all the functions of the present Commis? sioners of Emigration. I nder the admintstra ticn oi 0?e. Bouck. he was removed i mm thin OAOO iB 1843, but Wat reinstated hy Oov. Fish m HHfc The duties of Health 00601 were discharged by Dr. Doane with great promptness and fidelity He was always on the spot?always ready lor action?equally obliging in manners and con? duct?ami cheerfully making every sacrifice which the occasion required. , In politics. Dr. Doane was a zealous utd de? voted adherent ol the W hig party. He was not only decided in his opinions, but energetic in political action. Early enlisting in the cam? paign for lien. Taylor, he labored strenuously to procure his elevation to the Presidency. Cherish? ing a warm personal friendship farGOV, Sewa'd. he was an admirer of his political character, and an advocate ol hi- measures The fervid political zeal, which was a second nature with Dr. Doane. did not absorb the warmth of hia affections, nor alienate his inter est from the amenities of social life. He was emphatically a man of lively and generous feel? ings. His friends were numerou?. t<?r ail heirt was fgya?f**S He had the happy secret of gainiM? the good will of his acquaintance, with out an effort. Hia disposition was such as to dis? arm hostility. No tine ever doubted his integrity or hia candor. Kvtn Us political opponent never ipiettioned kt> private worth la the more intin.air relations of life, he was the object o! I iithusiiiatic aHachfiunt. rarely paralleleil. The admiration which he ceiled forth was m propor. tion to the I'reedeni with which he was observed. The name of Dr. Doane has recently been widely before the public, in connection wi.h the reception of Kossuth In his capacity aa Health Officer, he was the first to welcome the noble 1 atnot to the shores of America. Enjoying the privilege ot receiving him as a guest m hit fa:ii ily, he discharged the delicate offices ot hospl taiit>. with no leas devoted cordialitv ol feeling, than unpretending good taste. With an inborn love ol freedom, he gave the deepest sympathies of his heart to the cause of the down-trodden Mng>ar- Hs i.nthusiasm for Kotsuth was but the natural fruit <'f his devotion to lioertv. Dr. Doane has left a wife and several children to deplore their sad bereavement. His remains are to be conveyed to Boston tor interment. AntlrCAn Piif8EWT TO AH English Ai - i iioaEcs ?Some time since, Messrs. Bryant, Harke, and other literary gentlemen of this ( ity circulated a subscription among wnteis in all parts of tne l i ion for the purpose of presenting a testimonial of regard to Mrs. Mary t owden < larke. the authoress of an elaborate and very useful " c oncordance" to .s:.a?.?i>ere. Tne subscription embraced na.uet from nearly every State in the l iuon. The present de? cided upon w as a costly and beautiful Library Chair, composed of rosewooC, elaborately carved. On tha top rail there i- aa exquisitely carved Uus of Sh ias ;i re in trory, from the Stratford bust, surrounded by a wreath of oak leaves and laurel, while tha Mingsof two ntaiS, also in alto relievo, extend over the lvoty head as a proteouoi. Nothing could be Sucre appropriate than to place tae portrait of the Ba?d ol Avon under (he wings of swans, aid over the fair bead ?Im i will occupy the chair as she sits in it. On the lower front are the masks of Tragedy and Comedy, with their appropriate emblems. Tnete and the head i f shakspere were carved by a Hono. verian artist in New-York. The writing-desk, also t i rotewooc. moves on a silve r piated crane The notarial with which the chair la covered is a rich eatin brocade The inscription on tne goid p.ate^ua let the head of Snakspere is as follows To M i Mart Cowdeu Clarke, this Chair la tr-tetled hy a taw Ladieaaad Jaat.taea of America, ae a triu ile ol irautaa'e for the uaequa <d lauut.rv ?airh ?ata taa n-udersiif EaxLaaUuuu^Uuat :Le w..ud ber Coo. jidaace u Sheiipaie. Tlua beautiful artnle has ..ust been presented to the gifted lady by Hon^Abbott Lawrence, our Mia liter at London. The subscription was limited to %b each, and the first aaine on the list was that of Darnel Webster, whose money *%? accompanied * >tu the fo..o*?i? letter Diab Sir 1 had tfc'e pleasure of receiving rour hithi} -vaititd ...tter ol the Itth of last month, at the n ument of leaving tats cttf (Waaiungtonj for a vuut to Virginia. On my return f tooaeti up the lerer but do not tad the circular. 1 -bell moat heartiiy concur, my dear Sir, m a let t.menial of approbation to the iauv te whom you ra? ter, and am <;uite ready to sign'the suotcnptioa, drat or last, or anywhere Her work is a perfect ?o**< r, lurpnsmgiy (ml and accurate, ana ?amoit mgprcof of unex^inrjed latsor aud pau n? a. Sae l as in asured up every worJ of Shakspere. as if he v. ere her lover, and the were h a I expect to Oe at Ite Asicr RatjM about th? mii;le of next mm*. :a ? hrty give me an opportunity to p.*. ? gaj l.i M amorg Ue couuiDutors to itt-s al. Of tnxeof M persouai friends wfto kn iw sti a-;n -e r? t. ai d m iiitre him most, is Mrs. ttdward (. urtis. ofyota < it> she first made uie acquuated wirdi thi? at .< I .>Dcordance. tad 1 prav you to give uer an oi-portuaity of tigmfying her ezai?at eptatM >: it by >':bscx:btag to the testimoiial 1 ask, dear <tr, youra wita eatire retard, DaaL kVsssritB. The whole cost of this ite present was about It.-J The - CoLcordaa. e,' which w?? the tm-ne" d:?te CLUte of this letUavniai. occupied Mn. Clarke for twelve yean, ani u a lemarkable m >nn mect of female industry aad perseverance hlPO?TAHT TO PERSO.tS GOtlfG f0 CkL xfoisia ?It will ba seen by our adrerUtuig columns ?.hat the Pacific Mail Steaaxsh!? Company'i Agent at Panama will tot re.-ogmxe Uckeu anless signed by an officer of the Company. Tickeu that signed may aa obtained at their agency, No i?T Waat at. in this City, or of C L. Bartlett, Boetoa, or of Me .rs ArmsDcag. Harris * Co.. New Orleaas CF Mr. Henry Dougherty desires te sttte that ht was not among the peraeaa who cheered Mr Edwin Porrtat at the tirjaWay Thtata? oa Monday arenas THE LATEST NEWS. By T?ie?rjaph to the New-York Tribune. JtotVr*. rrbtfray* Qffikr, corner mf ?Wter mU B-T ttt. \ .-...??? in.) Leat-Hr. CUy-DMi. Wa.biiotSB, Tuesday, Jan. USt. The Lou and Kossutb. rorre<pi?ndence on file at the Navv Ivpartment. having been ailed tor by the Hons*, will be published ut a tew days. Com Morgan will be uund to have wrttuvi with great freedom and trepidation He vi dnsaed a letter to Consul Hodge ol Mareeille>. :rom Spezzis. in which he makes this remark ?? The very devil seems to hare possession ol this rr.on Kossuth H< is perfectly uogoverusble and self willed." Wen Capl. Iamj arrived at Marseilles he .m. .... m i by t'.e !e:no:istratious there that he wrote to Consul Hodge praying him (Hod0'e) to write to Ko>suth and say that he was com? promising, or would coii.projtise,ourh"ag. Tut* was the origin ol Mr. Hodge's letter. Mr. Hodge did not write to Kossuth, how ever, but to Capt. Loon, and Capt. Long showed the letter to Kossuth. Mr. Clay re.nains without material change. He is thought te be improving, if anything Hut he does not rise till 11 o'clock, and then sit> up but an hour or two He still ho,ies to get to the Senate. It is reported that a duel was fought to day at Hladensburg between K. VY. Johnson, editor of Ih' JhYaairnd Hau-, and J. M Daniel, editor ol "Ihr Jii hmond JbbNMbW. We do not yet hear that anv blood has been shed. MOVEMENTS OF KOSSUTH. Ro-.inl. in I'm.! ur.h. l'i rrsai rhu. Taesday, Jaa 17, MM MFfcTlNG IUI MOaaiSOMIM. 1 i morning. Kossuth visited the Alkali Worki of Hasan Dennett, Herr? A Co , at Birmingham, whose laboien had appropriated one week's wages to tbe Hungarian fund, lie * as addressed on behal of the workmen, by Christian Keyser, one of tkeir number, who was for many years a prisoner m Europe, for manifesting too much sympathy ia be? half of the liberal cause. Kossuth responded, expressing his gratification at such movements of the working men, and thanain* them for their kindness. After lnipecting the Soda Worm, the Governor proceeded to a large, unfinished f undry in the i.eigh oihood. when- were assembled a large BOa> course of the citizens of Birmingham. Dr. Kerr here addressed Kossuth, oa behalf of the Birmingham Association of the friends of Hungary, and pretexted him with a handsome sum, the avails Ol the organization. Kossuth, after returning thanks for the donation, m.t! bn -tly remarking upon the cause he pleads. Bloss* an expostulate.111 <. present, to testify their sympathy in the same practical manner Attheciose of his address, a workman, named lievitt, from the lock factory of Messrs, Edwards Ac Moms, roine upon the stand, and in a brief but truly eloquent and thrilling address informed the tlov ornor th?t his associates had this morning come |r> gether and made up a purse of material aid. whieh would be handed ;n by the ( oiumi.tee, who aad sent biui over to muke known their acts. Kossuthreceived this deoioniiration with much emotion, repeatedly grasping the hard and b'ack ei ed hand of the honest laborer, who bid evidently laid down his hammer, bal for the moment, aid ap? peared in his working garb. The OoWSOf com? mended. srantlY, the spirit exhibited by those sons of toil, ?ho, too industrious to arafts tneir time in idle curiosity, made up their ottering to the cause of fieedom, and sent their associate t > lay it upon the a tar, while they continued at the labor which had h mlsl ed the means of iheil liber I ity MEETING the CLEBGY. , This afternoon hnssuth met the Clergy in the t uinbeilai.d Presbyterian Church, mid * 11 dressed on their behalf by Ker. Dr Mairill. The Governors reply was exceedingly appropri :ite, full or avowals of principles, and beautiful combinations of the influences of civil and religious liberty as inseparable companions. Subsequently, J. t . Vaugban. Es.| , of Cleve? land, presented Kossuth an invitation to visit that city. lathi < 0 tree .>f h:s really fine speech, he bin Ibut the people of Ohio, and of the whole West were prepared to rn;uire thel'aited States Uovern neiit to declare and insist upon the doctrine of non? intervention of one{l'ower in the domestic con? cerns of another. Kossuth after thanking Mr. Vaughan for tbe in? vitation, and his remarks accompanying it. Bald " .My best answer to you is, 1 will go." The meeting was then closed with the Apostolic bei.? diction NEW.IORK I. I 1.1 ?? I % TI It J:. BBKATB_Ai iiAMv. Tuesday, J tn 17, ItH Mr VcMi preiented the memorial of foreign i Di.tuis in .New.York, for protection to foreign ves? sels Mr i oot.ll reported faverablyon the bill grant log additional powers ot investment to the firsSB wich Savin^a Bank. I i. Report of the Select Committee on the Joint Ruits in relation to printing was called up. The amendment of Mr Hut. oca to the iotas rules regUatu z the quantity of documents to be pu>> lishtd, and prohibiting the printing of over 5,OuO copiei of.tHiok? unlessoy concurrent resolution, was debated and agreed to. Mr Vam irmm introduced a bid amending the act estabiishiDg a Court of Criminal latrJtjdletktMl jsj Brooklyn Mr Pierce introduced a lull to provide for the Public Printing. The Senate then went into Executive Session iftrr which they ad;oarried. ASSEMBLY .Mr \\ \m< reported favoraoly on the bill ceding urisd.etioB te me I nitad States on lands on Gard? ner'* Islaid. Mr Hi rCBiSi reported i memorial for a law au B| the Supervisors to make the BsVaol l> s tri? t At'omej a lalary office. Mr. Ja*?eoa reported favorably on the bill in rela? tion to La Fayette-av. and St. Felix st., Brooklyn. >!" ? Minority Reports were made ai to m wm>m wag vested the power to make tbe ap? pointment of officers charg-d w:th v.-niiiating the Capitol. Mr < t ?msi? offered a reiol ition rescinding the actn nof me H>.m>e m makiinr appointments, ia I i ciaring that the appointmeau rested ana tbe I'rus U-eS of tbe Capitol A moUon to print both reports was made ajhi lost, rat BaJtAl raaios. Mr M.v?., a member of the Joint Select ( otnin t tee. desired to call the attention of the House to the senes of reioiutiona ?hieb had been referred to trie J int Committee, with a view of ascertaining what ?iiustmctiou ha: been pUc-d up?m them, aud the ac '.:cn that ?aa (x.'.evted fiom the Committee under tteai. 1 he .(uesuoii o^n a hieb ha wauted lastruc '-tons wag, as to the time when the duties of the < ommlttee commence, and when it was expected that a report should be made ' The amendment to the resolution the Committee converted into an opening of the whole matter. The I i q Buttes were instru. ted to proceed and collect ail the facts bearing upon the inject, lo pur-uance af this they had gone to worx and had ac umulaUd iuite tu.?? of documentary endtace fro ? me Ca? nal Board The] bad issued subpeaas for sou* twt ve perrons, residuig in the weitern ptrt of the State, wbcte testimony was re .ax Jed as important. Tbe Committee in its preliminary character, under .he rtiolution by which it at, appo:nred, were p'e pared to make a report as deeiredbv the Ho lie. b it ;l wai cot prepated to report the fact as c?lled feroy the in' st ,uect resolution as amended he trie Senate IBs coi.carre 1 m br the Holm. i he it.alter was laid over for the present Bitte rt??ID. i'hc bill to cl. ?e Bei ford road. Bro??aiya, aaa read a third time *ad pa-sed Tar ?11 to a? ilitate the collerf.on of certain aa? sest mm s -n hugs County, wa* read a tturd tj aa and pasted. TiaBDrts asio vt?ic?.?jiD. Mr H itch called up the resolutoa offered br him yeiterdty. hi fo..ows ' mm ' IO- r-J. That the State lagis^ar tad S'irv?ver he ra. ?J,If,ait?.^:p,?ta^'"0,Ul, ^"?*e?- ia!t t/^.aaaaJ CalaUarniV."' ^ ^ ***** * S rsca.t Mr 11. taid that he regrttted 'die ceces.ity that sub)ectU ^ LUB 10 *Jdr<*1' u? again on tins At the co-unsncement of thesessioai a pror?oet?on had been brought forward to appoint tCaam.S jOhavwaSjase^ fraud., contiattag of , He charaetenxed tbe let'.iags aa fraad aaJ rnhi-m. opoj the State 1. reUuon W -ard^li^JS aTisf;f.?eTUfl*l*d V."*1 ? wou!d "?cVeaaett?? otthe ( anal, upon ?hat appears upon the face , f 5 *********** ntueh per ?ection, b?| id them ?i.^'r S. ^T.BU ^eo'd-ag t? tne prapo ?alt af the ooatractors This hsjilasui was si slat rir substance, and if the engineer mm" a t <? : the oontrsstor, in* Slate migbt be totds u sattr to may conceit aoi? extent through this fraas. At n ? rh aa he w*f artoiiiinet at tar roSbe t u ap> pareni ja Uta face of the eoairaeie, tbia bran a af tie fraud had been to hiui much ruora attonieniog Ha bau been beliad bv a certa.a lata of newtatptre the acta of bit wnole ,i'e hac fca mi reel, im footstep* were cone'tai'lv dogged *T parsons here, but by all these he wa* not to be diverted frora tit purpoeo I he Treasnry of tha Slat* bad b**nru?a4 at character ha I t>?en b'a k*n*d !.y the** frauds and' he trat drummed to prob? tha matter to the bottom. He rt errec to the action of tha H-*?us? m tha m?:t?r of the lerrnfitttion the appo ntmeat the Joan i uutxitt* ?, ?Aich, at a s.oop aat, caught ail ratoi*. tha? tnbsocnenlrj otfered. He had *ud, taeotaar Cat, that the rciiicat waato be be neeen taa rata?, power of the State and those who ware detenaiat.1 to vindicate l't honor and its interest That ttrw*. ale had aiieady commerce' The main reliance m tin- contest wat u;?<a the Democrat! party. Mr Va.a Iai n.ioan thought that the* weregu*. too fart in ttnimng (ran la before any ware pro'*? t ut it wat proposed to raise a Committee for the p?r; lose of ir..;umrg whether there wa*, f> unct an lmaeachiiii nt of cur Ir en it in ihe<:?aal P, aid He went for thia, though ha doubled the power of the I etitla'ure to impeach met oat of < rtice. at mull ot the old Board were What he ea lected to wat that men wi re prejudging in th t ratt? ier A t otriiuiteehad been raised, cnrapoe*d of tasa in whom bo had all confidence tier ware eagatei .:, loa i ?i?e?tig?;iou?witnesses htd been called and examined-th* gentleman from Erie himself had been called before that Committee, aad undoubtedly given the evidence upon which hefuunJatho cot/rat 0 frand Mr Batch If the gent:eman will permit, I wtft tead what the Committee not from me. Mr Va* Sa!?t>oi>at>?Ceilainly Mr. Hitch men reail the reply which he raids to a summoni frees the t ommitte* to appear before them Mr Va> VaCTVOMS continued He un lerrtoel the gentleman to tar that we should annul ittn contract* He had himself laid aptm the labet re.m.l ;ion to this tile, t " ll tlie agents htveea tered into contracts bv which tne State had been d*> (landed,aadwhich,if the oaattaeAatl wer? ana party to the fraud, we could not nr.nut , and if the State had t>e?n defrauded of five hundred mil n...< ^( dolltts by the action of its age:. *, and there was ne complicity on the parti ot th. contractors, he would not rote to annul tnem bat show htm a oera. tract in wait hboth pattie? cirarlv participated, aa4 he would vote at once for annulling it " Mr. Hareii-That is what we charge Mr. Vas Sa> rvooar?But it is not shown Whet the Joint t on uutue r< port to this effect it will be timelo act. Mr Hi ai-Bi r mo.el the followtog aman'ment " And H practicable, alto the amount of Uardpta aad quicksand (specifying each kind and ?piantitr) found in the \ a . ts of the Commercial Bank at Baf. alo at the time o' ita failure." Mr. Har. R?That'8a shot from the eantractors. Mr Hi ;h i i Mid 'he mtittaaa fro n Knallt! made charges ui*>n this door and sought to thield hlrnrslf t>y the privileges of the House from theu coaaoqeeace*. Had he uttered these chtrget out of this House, the State otncttn wonld hare taken the matter in hand and dealt with it as Ut character de serv ea Mr. W remarked that he hiJ expressed hit fears the other .lav that tint matter would end it smoke by what he h id aitaeessf his fears aat beaa ttrt ngtbei.ed. He r.el 1 that tat Joint < ommittrt liaaiexpired by it? own ttsaitattra, the time in it was to report its rvsotatkM hav lag exmrtxl Thers was an argiiment of Iii? r entlem ana (Mr Van Stat v.xird) towluch ht w, ... 1 to reply .tint i?.that thers was a ceustitu'.iohai provuion in the way of aaaul lupr there ceatvacts l>oat i ot the getitleniHii know that if a public ofneet oi agent sxoeedt hit authoetty, he alone lira, sjiensible lor his bargain. If it were not so, the Sum would hare no >afegutrd against the dlthonaatyaf its officers There wts evidently an attempt ta oar triers to smother, this investigation?to covet \>\< these brands ?nd to shield the robben of the tC Ti a rv W hen he mw witnesses cumeoat ot nisi un w,th their tongue- In one side of their nouths,chuekliafl at the very si.ght examtBatwt the? had been subjee'ed to, he had not much ta hops liuiu their labors The robbers had notions to (tar frrm what thev will do I .rnipiion was too itresg here, as well as elsewhere, and the power ef meaty stn liger than the mo al ?entimcut of this ttms sphere Mr. Ci Would enjr that the i ontmittee la? in it d io do its whole duty if it failed, it wotiUtet ht tor ?M want of the will or an effort If. at the tenth men from New \ orkaavt, witnesses comeoat nrom nefnre the Committee eomtratu'ating lata selves up. n the e ne with which they have oeeB let oil. it is not their fault If men will pUce theu 1 ai da upon the Holy i;Tnnge!i?tn to swear the whale Uutti an.i nothing ><ul lae truth, ami say they kaow i othinu <>f fraud in the letttngs, and periur* then relvet, is u i ot lyeyottd the reach ot the < ommittee' l(> >atkod nothing front tat forbearance or fteor of tl t Honte. AU he asked was simple justice aal if the < ommiUee come before you with a ropart that looks like an cttiiit to wbitewa-b or exoulpate the guilty, treat it with that tcorn and contempt which it itetervee Mr. Haren rote to a personal explanation. Ht had been insi.lti d out of this House, and in It the ei from Tom paint, (Mr. Hur'.but I He would tay that ho waa out interested in any contract He bad no friend, that be was aware of. that was in | teiestcd in a contract, or in having any anuuiie I? He was ready for anv liivet'.igati'.n on this point, If any gentleman had the least idea that he mo rod it this matter flout any other i..olive than lo protest this Slate from robbery Mr I ji i>e a wood wished to say that, aa it had eiste out that tne gentleman from Brit | Mr Hatch) refuted to testify, it was a '(cestion whether the lionet should not take some action to compel tu in to tes? tify. At ii a'dock the House adjourned. Sinking or theotenmer De Witt < Union Lett or Thirty Lives. Mi.Mi nis, Monday, Jan. *<V lstf The >ieamer De Witt Clinton,from New-Orlaaat, bound to Pittsburgh, struck a snag eight miles bs iaw this city on th? 23iu inst , at a bor. t o'olosk 1' M., and sunk within two minutes,in two andt half fathomt of water. Krom twenty live to thirty lives were lost, mcluduig all tho ?remea oxsept one The oiheera, crow and books and papers wars all saved The boat and cargo will prove an entire lost Is sured in Pittsburgh sienthera Mail-Marine Oisasters-The Tbrtot ened Duel hetweea aetiatar Cooper and Bx Uoverner Joiintton. Bat.timobe, Tuesday, Jan. 37,11W The Southern mail got In to-night, but brings Ba? thing beyond Washington From the West. Brt have Si Louis datet to Iks l"ih last. .Navigation in our bay is resumed, and the ttetsaer Georgia mace her way up from Norfolk to Annapo? lis On the passage an, supplied shi? Flora MeOst* aid with f< <Al The pa.s'? BgVTI ht.l Meeu allowaaoad to a bis? uit per Cur. I he i oncition of the vetsel it regarded at dangerous. In tho event of tho breaking up of the lot 11 e baik Edward D wight had gone into the inoilh of the Rtppahannoek, i ut through by the n o n.tteitabrlg anh?re at Poplar Island, with sig? nals ef dutrets flying, b it the steamer com 1 not teach her. The nty is stul full of rumort relative to the threatened duel between Goe Jobntton and Senator Cooper but i otniag definite relative to tho matter can l* obtained It is said that a dispatch was received by toe Mayor from Harrisburg. announcing tbetr attention, and desiring their arrest 1 trunk u proie ..a trial the rumor was canted by the tureataaaf dael be? tween Johnion. of Th* Ki> hmtnd rY\ig, and Oauiolf, of 7'** tiuminrr, and that there it no truta la it The burgiart tools and tilvai plate stolen from tho It in-., have been found in the woods rear Porttm'.-ath A number of arrests hava been made, but no clue to the robbers yat Larue Fire in ftpriagllelrf, Mate. ?raurartBL?, Tuesday. Jan. ^7, :si? A Ire broke out this morning in the clotniot twre of Mark Uvy, m this city, wh.i h was burnt with ail Us contents. Stock .nsured for $| Ott Tat ? road to the Hampden Hoate. wbich burned so raptdly, thai the inmates escaped with great diS t many being obliged Ui let thearisaives deea frcn. the w-jidows. but little furnit .ro wat tavsl Honse entirely destroyed Mm about %\?'x?,oi whicn |0^S0 wat .insured a Springfield ar.a Utrw lord. The Hampden was under the control of C hester R WMte. a>nsted oy Mrs Paraont. Tneir lots srtll be eotisiderabie in personal property, added ht which is that resulting from Leing thrown out oi buMLeta. Mr Kluha tione, Jr.. and family wars among the hoarders The "Black Swan-' was among the guests, and the lost |po worth of must -. it was owned by John Mills and mortgaged to tho eoiateof Israel Parsons and the Western Railroad Mnsang Fund. Mr. Mills alto owned tho furniture, and Mr White, tho lessee, held a m wtgago upe?i? 'i he irsuraace was as follows On bouse itO* at tne Protection Insurance Office. Hart'orl, and $3 tuO at the People's Mutual Co of >p'ing?e.d and b< tton on furniture. $t,Uu, all at the i'roieeuon Offee, Hartford. Mirk Levy bad his insurance at tht HaanfB a* tit' Kue Insurance Office, Boater Ho aad btt friends tepretent that ho had a very large sto^k of BO oat on hai.d, and that the :i.suraace covert only abunt one-half of the loea to h.u Tne Basnati n Hou'e was originally built in W9< but within ine last nttaen year* two large wingi ?? been adCed to the original structure?one on UO north, of brick walls, the other to tho west, of wcod. Of the cause of the ire nothing is p >*iiivelf known at y?|. There are strong tutpiciont ihtl tt wat not from accident?sntpici -tas, too, tut lain** by carwun^atAAcei >f a dork character