Newspaper Page Text
NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. A OL. XI.!%0. 3,371. NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, J'i:CRUARY 6, 1852. PRICE TWO CENTS. ^tV-yoKK TRIB?NE. au in ia ?artie.!'4* ' _ <iT . irwra I>? '? P*<pcr? ra ^th??. ' -h-tt-*r a** ij VSKT LABGS auiaa^w. af h> Zt\" ? ? . ?ai-er in eo ca*e 0OB ISaMi "* aeMreea far S.o. ?^?i.l Advert-ae 53 ?e,;.,d the naaa |c- *?JJ%f ..a par l?a .ach tatst f _all ? THI5iK5U-'?'EE,tI'YTRIBrNE p Tlir. . v - t* >ahlta*< ?'^.^fJ?fJ T.n .r M Vivirttte M f< !e^.hJ*!br?"? ia?*rt?w ? i;r; WETY-IORK TRIRUNE roa W>af?'* "R( Pi^Tte? ? ?? iAe aeBBewnra oi each Mmi Btaa jm l?r * J>?s-1*1""ii, , i ? '..-.? a copy, or J3 ihm year, to Mit **^Sraat aaWau. *r M Coauaeat,\ Biaje ia Kiel e? fUE m:\v-york tribiwe mm catifOkMa.'?,:n.o? a?D Till -an v-l ii i lands, i .?ki^aeJ f>? tne depa'tare of ear:, "i | aatei lor ?f. ^.aRrre (i re:it< ?er i v Chaff* r' .jkBKLBY k McKLBATH, ra 5r?nji tfonree. r~ f'aJiforai'i Tickets Wanted.- SM preiniam Jj|?,lirJW?lllHI. WH HKM CaBIN II kk1 -.uaiier P? -Vi.: -v . s (?MO, m CHBKOKEE. fcaauee- Meaai?. lHOMPaOR k HITCHCOCK W Et jaa* ?ftre._ if If ffr eSrnrral Cnmmlttre of Democratic Whiz VaakC >,eii ?a aaaatiaa ol Im utimMcp will ln'hc 3 i,im h.t?a? H<.a?e. en KKIDAY EVrlNIN 4, Beb. a Alt. ?* Ti o i Ii < k Bvoidr. K?\STl ? BROOK!, Churman. JtatEUoaiMA? [liewt?a>i, ,f? ~tjf A foiirae of Live Lceturea ?II ba delivered m i?a*B ?* 41 I. I i Ken r. ?i Uth it. und Aveu'ie I ?anM1^? EVI NING of each week, ceaataaacBBg i 'ah?* P M ,'n ?he following order: Ftb ?-B?* E. L M?k ata, , ?i O iver at Bap'iit fbatrb. Subiec'.? The Wra'waru Coii'to of Civali/.ation mftfi*\n*Q i" I i'eratara bcleace ami Att Fab. 16-Pief t>. (' Vau N., PrtW ipal of UM Rut ?ralM'itu?? Batiei t? Lang lag*. Fab II?Be* G B Gbei ve-, U O , Baator *fthe Churca rftlr Pori'?n?. Sobjeci Cowper. 1-U?v U S Eoa'tr. Baator-if ;',e Muili*rry-st. a| eburch. Babject?Graadenr of 'leatioa Hiirh l-l'r? f. G. Lotlinie, .'ate M.mi aary to Chiaa. fbii.? AaaMma t? ?bei wr?o. - . ^' ' Levarea,fieeata. IickeU uia? 10 h?'i al ti e d'f.r . I Hie t.--; irOb. B VW-'",:'- ' ' Ar } it* O^dABLEd H. BOOEIU ) ' ~~\m~ To Literary Anaoelationa.? i ne aabaoi IltiBf le'tuneil Ii* in ?Ii* Heut loBJa lee.ilnuee in New fin* ?nl .1 denred. lecture for ami l't*teio L'OeaaM aaelMUlbte? Ad-lie's PARK BKNJAMLN. No 3 Weal '?'a*limgt io place, iNear York Ott/ Cftaarla _ CP The * ilne Law. -Aaolher OB AND MAS? MktTIM'Wil >>e bald tu he Mr Cbapeaa (,'linn b, Mai?!??.('or. i bmch) oa FKIDaV kvkvino, Pab. t, all) o'ci>-k Tb? Practical ve.iikivea ol tae .Maine LgixirLa**, hj JOHN II A*KINj. ?re inlerea.'ng and ai aaiag The Ne?v Y rk Uqaoi Doa'ora' Aaaooiatiou i? afl|CUaj*k'ali invited to atleuu. B'.iia fiee. C O. LEIGII. ISAAC J OLIV1R, w w STICK LARD. Lark it .t lor -he great tjathenrg at M>tr>pnraa Hill, ?avlbaadaj.g. t>f It* gjf JVallce.-Paaaeaarara pet ateaojahip ABCFIC, for Lffrirm, wall n'r -n bemt boa >l, a*, tbe font of Cnnal-at , ta SaTUBDa V. Ft b. 7 ,t II o'clock A M., and aeadall letter* i"i ?aated ? n iha matt ? ia an beard "*> FHII) iV, g?a t, Biaiktd " Below." ? i h i h? ainnliHr of their berth Kit ICWD K. COLLINS; kt G?> , Ha M ~r*? llr?e Dtrlaloa \. Y. S, Mllltt? -Vhe 55 tai.el Iba 1>i?i,iou are retilMMted lu aaaemblo u? the Mm i.rt Hail.Be.vrei>, oa 8*TI Ku\Y EVENING ME XT, Ian. 7, at |nYl..o , to take mio a*?ta deration the propoaed in i kdearatt laihaMilitii La? ?February i, i8.'j2. ?B* O.W Sa.nI'FGKL), JImjui. General. IV Notice to Paaacncer* Trout Panama to California.-l' e PACIFIC MAIL fUFAMSHIP OOmPaNV feeleoJJed apoatogreapabUe nonce thai ao tttkoUwill he ircoK&./ed bv tball ageut at Panama wtiieh a'* aol afned by an .aT.rei oi taut Coinptny, and thai aak*Hihu* aigued cau bu obta'nrd only at their Agency B*.1T7 Waat at. er of c L BABTUBTT, Bag., Boron; at *f aWaaata Ale.Mi.ThOI?G, II \HHlS a CO., New O'lmmn II? order- WM. H. DAV1UGS, Fer'v. Bta T ak, Jaa.ta, llit ji7 if fV" tarn Ganalicek'a South American and Cat i fori? I ten hipreaa ard ISIKMUa I'RaNSPOU TaIION I INL, |rr ilia I S Mall ateaaalu|i? and pir reaucia oa thefhugiea hiv?i ?The iirnp'ielor of tbi. ki|.r>?4 in . nein a BM faeat ktaa tm twopwblio, f ir tha jawdf iiaaeBiitaai'B of Kieicb' Puckaao*. Parca'a. Odd vaat, Sptci*. and eve- >? duiciintioa ?f MarChaudiae, to and freaitkel ri ed State* MuBth America, California and the gaaa*)nh Idaad* woald reaptatfallj aia'n. that baring Ke>k *ig.(eo peraoaa y fM the puat two raara >b the jbattiwianaa and Bhipp n< loiatiie** "a the la'aataa of raaawi, ai d f?r aoinetirtte conner'.ed wilB the haaaa of Co'" ?!.?, ST". ,V Co , <>? Panama ht> doe* not oHer 1u( '?,- ...; ? graeabataidtoCalifomlaaalppata. l.te-tg abiained 'he ncliMire piirde^e from Meanra. (ot. i H"t.*.i a t'w . to in., thia Ex pea** i u tli* u roe Baamer* ti e uropiielor is iheiet.jr enardod to ji'ai'e Ina Btgreaa Freigbt in Panama at l< a?t two daja in B4jr*JM9* of ?ar athai Y.?;.'???. and i.-itriu*?ea to ait palreaaaJhat net dotaaUeat el UrJa Kxptaaa not ween Nuw Ink m., Ca'itornia Tk* pii pnalai raapaeSf dir jolicitt a aharc of your nat rat.ia. a?ui it wnthtit oae trial will c. BriaC* you 'hat UiaEapreae la euneuetao Bpoa the puuciplei of aec inly, ? aad ' au >?" ? aUapectfuily y?nr*. A B. VAN G\ ASBECK, No t'i ? 'ourlianili at., New-York. ittBMTA Be*'.* Ul ? Kl l 1.1 at CO.. Ch.-Tca. 1. W. Mel Olilt Gorgona aad '"nice* Meatn l eik I INK, I ftO h ('<> Panama Be??r. hCBGKsa. Gl Lac BT B STILL -Sen Fran. ??.>. BtrBkkv Ba ?Maiah b ta>a No 7} Cadaf *t., N?w* Toik hi.taa a D.UKlaae. No 111 8road*av, Noar-Y..rk. I IV Doreortua A Ntaon b??* removed ioe tbe preaent hb.* HAaeel i7 v>. niiaoa-tt., WuiiH04t' Storea. jju 2wi,\nWa4i.s\v fV 1 lie ..real ra*h for Wet Uooda at A. O. foliey'a N>. 41 3d av .n umea enalxied *'e would iM.iin ibe IbonaaLda af e letooier* ?hi could uot bo 'wetted ob foe id* last few da a, thai tn?- proprietor haa Ai.b.ta! I. a Ii i. e ,ti al 11 thua avoidiug the necea lily oi u t.i 'eavire wi'b. U' BeiBg aeived. faffS* MavoK'n Or*1 k, Nkw Yoiik. Ian. II, 1851. OT Prneinmntioii ?By virtue of the a-nhori'v NSied ib ata. 1, Aht SBOSI 0 KIN ISLAND. M*?"r of the v Hi ad Ne?-> i?.?i. oiler a regard of TWO Hl fV DBCD roLLAMS. f >r (lie appiehenaioei and coo aBlk<B aiihap*r*oa orparaoaa whoakuntoradCHABLBg l 1 ?I .? toatl ahm .und .. it- .1? of U.e B .' ?' n !*? ?1 h Jat.i.a'y BMt Sark rawanl i., bo paid on the cer tfctauoi ik? liial'm i Attoraoy tkat ilaw e.iovi.".ioa waakad BiHaikan.!. Mall BatteaUBBBkJ f-nai.hed by the peraoB W ueitva* can, ng inch ratvtid. ? la A C. KINaSLAWD tBal lUzei a' iluiual Loan aud Accuniu iaaB4 ? uud .ia.?.. i.tiioi, TLr il ,.i '?* Ana.Ki ?ava art wL?b mi .ua-enot'on at their -rfiee, No. 411 ?rttiltaa.. i'i i? faaal-at.. from >, A. M until B aadea Wedaeada) a. d Bkiaadag eveaing* until **?K<k Knin.ur* le, $i, aoatBl) du**$l per moath k**r-i. ? u-; v i offaled ioall male* and le.nal?*, ntaor* ???-dl.!, j\ i, , \,? ??, ,tiuu bv paying ?3 a moath iaafaw taara W t btaia a h..u.?oi a oaiMtal aniioiont la wan a Bie buaibe-a Pan pbleu w tk Ariels* of A?*n aa aaa.S|-Lawa. ?i.d full exoi.iuuUou of ita ot. octaaad plan, au behad rrat t . _ k Ml vj KON DMAPER. Pr** t. ?.DttariUD k.Mi r i V. Peeel mm , .. BUSTBBS. **k? J.Her.h ., j .'ib E Clark, ??tit? *rk*ai i Jr., W liaiu r.iouitoa. Vr*,1 Cera ? J.?i W. Maa.>a WBatUatarP Irl Willia u 11 Di?U. _ S.1iuu?! Alb t.-tua. Jr. ..*?'?>? JaaUB V ICkNi.all.Sec'y. Jr*laaaaig >1crh?ni. a' BatlMlaU Mutual Loan SJ* ???lB?va, lualiiiitiou.-ivat a i. w m uiki eiace "???rli.b.e I In., t, i , 1 ,, \.s,?-i-,.iibeyra* ?a.1 11 i i.? u a. ,| ?>. i r . . .1 ? a^ .. en ita .u- ???.. :bat ? r?? u t?fiaai mo keeekaarv to iorui anol.ier, ha?l.'g r?.*^^^ ~?-rt> ***> M^'aVL'^ru h,Vu?? ?h* above* rt*?..Bd f.T'k^\..r*m ?* SJB * ao lb.. auy?ot,lar?o s{foshb; tr, ?ktr ? ^ aaioaeVaaVLn ^ " 6 ^0?*t P? ai*?*, w iha St It Will lihia iai?ro?t ai th? tat? ?| 6 nil nair Jjjaaa baaO l?*ia*aa* ??o pre ar i-ayaa* . .. . ., B?.?,,. a*lva*r*. -ko* * ?t-aeaulw leueraat-'tir^ *. ab. r. 6 p., caiit , ,.UL.tuoe. .aof t?pr?*2' Pa a.,,, w,? * ,b t,. U.,i?w ,....,eT Kr t:? p,? *, ^ ?wHukr e.u k'.e r.. ?i?BOu ?.i.anra ,.h m,trm anawmMa tt avalbaa iai41tred . ?u r 'Ikpilila. "*TU?'",# B Pt.-??akde> rou*. I w ?btiaAim In.? b? Stielt-rat *? k? ?. am ti: . ? k our ... . < ii '<:e?.\^ttl. re ?*???' . (.,),, . ? ,?i > v (tiein. w ilk lateioal at tk* tale if Saatcaal pat BBBBO) Jhaab ?r thtee claaiee *t? e?hr?ly a*w bt BuMim ? aad preoa .-f treat advaatato tv'iae ??'.-> -"'I ???alt ml. a dar (and there ia ?-* ~ p*i?aa who;) can, in tV* s cere.ieciro ,a a S^Wara m aanall| if ?e? >wiih "?h'fk htcia aa I. i ... I .., o.ibraa tt. 1 Ihua iv tiieve hi* own lada r ? , ApJt A-k.. ,.iik?) . .t i i ?,.; By ati'ioiberof poiowa ?J*?'? weoii ?ra, f tr bar Hmldloa a??.<;ia'iom, a id arao ??*h**t?ee tu'agt? l? aambora. ?!***?''??" r win i? vi r o ? per spar*. Moa kl? Vane.feaeh .kare. ... aad gentle no h daajroB* of jo'niug ciB leave their JTHi;i MOBrt. <t, Vr?a t out Pe^rl and Fletcher ' v P ?MBROi , Wr? F.eet No 16 1' ate at. *COBPi?< a<te' . . reaad H< er ra. athNAhiifc PABSANfl t y?. Ho 1? Wail-tt. a o . ravartas. I B V ' ' '? J P-rer. 6 Hal'.-nl. BrJa/jA-' if4.B C " ?'?Iker.l I i* I. at. fikrtaT*'',?i-/>itl *' v P ter.nWall^t '**ll?,>-? w |. ?, bald fir th? edwiaai?i of aew ' B ai?V r*-!,?^V KVl N,Vl' ^ ***mm. ?,?.1 5 ' ^atbam tejaaie. vl.c io tt.s . ? ta utd IB ?aalBWadtjJ.*? MKi?-':> *1" U "faued. rv Olive Branrh ?nptlat Ctinroh, Malign, cor ef Mi.Mif-.ii.eiv.t l'f;?,, , EVEKY EVENING tail SaSV ( .?",*J' .*"er-tcd) at T| o'clock, by Rev. Mr. ) iLI. ol Plaiafle'A xb? pubLc are affectionitel> :i.. .ltd to attend.. 31 i;? tF*~. rmi arrant InielUiience OfTlce nnd Labor ?V'Not. X3 ai e 27 i eual-it., Neu-Vmk?Tun iffr.f it ?inMinb^j by'lie. Com-nisiioBera of Emigration, vi^aie can always be i mid la-re oumhert of Lahorart and aor<ao'a at very low ruttt of wugea, an 1 part, nacan hate Vfjcir ordere tilled by wn.ingto tbo 8uperi?tend?nt and teMlins t'if aaaanal oeceatary to pay the passage of lha pait'et! No U 01 charged to employ era. I ft M '?'? hrtf JAB. P. PAGAN, S.!,.ermtendeat. Ct?' Work ins men's Ilnlldlns Association.?Of? fice cor. er oi Broadway ?ad Grind it.. over the Pacitio Hark?baring ahont 4(0 tharaa suntciititd for, often m t see men at for re* mbtciN rt it ("Howe. 1. The ea'rtrce lee. entil Veo. 16 1852, is SI per ihare. 1. The nunthly uoesaie S3 per abarn. Sham when fall, fatf 3 Interest, at the rate of 7 per cent., allowed on (itlM Jiftid in a-vitice. i The Aiinciation ti expected to elote in leveti yeare, when avbtrtibeit voll receive $800 for each share iab acni cd for 1 I ha an 11 HI opea MONDAY and FHIDAY EVEN IN OS, when addrr*?es will ae delivered in reference to the working of the Attocia'ion. 6 Tea iharea huvn.g boon told at the latt monthly meet? ing, inak'-e it an adtrai tare fat member! aubtcibing before Feb. Id, Ills, ?bcn h u expected toe wnoie number of iharea wiii be aubcMbam f.?t JtOUT M fLELLkN. President. ALEX I CLIFTON, Vice-Pieiideat. Gro. W. AlTSKnaoX, Sicretary. |l Ba M0Rl.i-.uN. Treat irer TBtsTEKs. Jaa A. Matdevi le. Joan. Oswton. Henry Ciuhinn. dirk' Tons. Josith OriFth, James M.lli r, Elrnnr Thompfon, Hi Lry Mai.try, Jamet hernaa, Ja-nct J. Anderaua, Joi n J. Mciserve fflt* A J. Ra.nsom, Attorney and Counsellor. n men Home.?i'beoifice of tho EAST BIV EJt BUILDING and MUTUAL I.O.aN ASSOCIK TlON,No ait OrsaaVea.,ia now open tiady between the hours it li ltd 3. and 3j t > 1? P receive new tul. icnbeti. Entrance i a, f I; montnly daee, ffJ. OBAUfeH NE ?V COMB, President. - .TaMt.s * Hl i a, Vice-President. FaM' EL P. JOKDAM, Att ?taut Vice Prendent. TKl'STAEH. Rcbe.-t If J. hat..Thea C. ?au'd, Aoauatut Rio and, Daniel I . i!<- .. ". Jac .b F. Honaid, John Co .per. David A. Forbes, Alexander W. Smi'.h, Marard Collin CHAS K A\DEKSON,lecretArj. HaBCTJI P I lium--, Counselor and Attorney. F.iMt'Fl Aim.s i".. S'.>r. 61 It* IV" Money Auction.? Tl.o extraordinary tuceeii wbieh baa atttaded ibi GREENWICH BUILDING AS 11 iClATlON.will eaablethe nAeera to offer ten or twelve ?barea lor redet i .tm>u THIS EVENING, >n tne Bleecker Ilm ding, B eecaer. near .Xloiton at. AH si no would like to learn the price plea, and umle'fc'anri the practical opera? tions, are iiiviie l to attend. ] I e a errl. it a e reoueeted to call TO-DAY at the of? fice, No 48 Cth iv., Bad pay 'heirdnei as it nur not be possible to receive the numey a*, the public meeting. Menibiri who do not pay will bo liab'e to the tiioal fine. i 'HakLPS CR ?.NE, Preiident. DAVID m1llikeb, Vice President. R Eo?a, Jr., Oi'o? No. 48 8 h-av. 6f It VtW ^HOiifa'cvjii?. I I ERAIJ) KDITION. FORREST 1 i DIVORCE t A?l FI Fl H edition reuJy THIS MORNING, making the er.nrmoui (inanity of 3".(10'i copies told in fbui dayi. If y^n waut the ONLY AUTHENTIC,cxia taiaiBg the VHOLI EVtDENOE, with tea,;m>ni*le from the parties on both sidei, gei T%e JUrald edition.? band i n yoor oideri lniniedia'tly. The panrj lilet contains 113 paset of lolid maUrr at th? Iom price ol 25 ccnti. DAW1IT h DAVENPORT,Publisher*. Cf It Tribune Buildings. PROCEEDINGS ?f the WOMEN'S J RIGHTS ( ONVENT10N,held in Worcester, Mass., oU the 13th, lGih and 17th of October, leal. I vol. octavo, l'p.112. Pr.ce, 23 cents. Pub?slicd for the Committee by FOWLERS H WXIaLBi No. 131 Nnssau-st., New-York, acd No. 142 Wa*lui.i!t..b st , B< ston. For sale by Z.eber *c Co.,Phi)id*)itiia; fat. TkMaaBBBBt, Albany ; Dewey. R ch? atter ; Hawka, Builalo, and by Booktelleri geuoral'y. 5f it PROPOSAL fromGODEY'fl LADY'S BOOK?Tn o< aa pa re apaaleae el the threat with -my otbat Haiaziaa la America Bareara?anaof them: Tut LADY*a Bum; ?1h? rerwtation of G.idey's Book it loo wrll . ? ,.t> ?.?.? .. tobe matntiaHy alfrcted by o?r praive ateesaare. Rvtryb,h)y kaowa that it itanda in the very foietaeel ranl- of Aiiiencan puMicniion?. I'be inoefati yub.e eaei'ii'Ns of its enterorinne Btttptieiot have e trueal for it the iBvitt'le iioeit on in the l leiuiy world which it has so lent o ?< n,-.< d. It p'.sseriet nil the characteristics of a brs'-c-lats li'eirary journal, and it worihv a welcome tjt every tires de ana every ptilor where the English tanguace it read tud am'ertto d. It is especially entitle1! la the I atroBtice ot the *' fair,*1 terming as n doea frOBB month to momh with .^rittet? designed expiessly f >r their instruction tad eateitaataeBA. [Iiiinoia Herald. LAbY'a BOOK.?Petbapa the best thin? that can be aai<l oi lnik f.\..ri ? of tlie ladies it, that <t h is been t'l.s'aiaod by ibe wives aid daaxbtris o' America duiing the last faaitcr ef n ceatn.y, aad 'hat ea, h aaceeediaf year it hue wnii a Di er BtOaail ?tt place in the good will of ill patrous. Aln c ki rtery year has BOOB it jo-l.'ed by aaOM new of ? ? .i nrttaaeioBB, bttt wbierk kaa ibowa ltaelf to be a Botry in ita ion-a mere carica'urc of the Lady a BooA^pretlfle el preaaleee, bat barieuol uicri'.?a mere abortion of im itiitu e?ateipnee. a ii rack nva.'i uf the La 1>'s Book have aertlbed in ibe waters of oblivion-proving that real late? nt] and it the ei.-ential element of tucceea with the la ?K? [Moatscello Watchmen. It ii embelliihed wi'h coatly en?ravings, such aa ne other Mii|;.>z>ai' can afford, its urr^inal mmtfrnnd lit'rarw M/erfaeaeati ?I a supmor ordtr. llowaStar. O .Jev'a I.Hiiv'a Book, f..r .lai.uary, it one Oi the most heuctilul ai ii tlegar.1 nuibbern 'f that deii((littii! w irk we hato s? l n.ei with. Iti entravingi exhibit ihr ni-ihev. or? der ni artaatieialeal etd iltstinttra taetferij tar beyond tht standard oj the mcnthlr publications qj this country. [Ky Reveille. I'a pagei sparkle with bright gemsul" thought from the we i st. red minds of our beat artlhort Mr G i.ley cviscaa a oi lersaBuattBB to keen the " Lade's lt.. . " where it ever ba< beeu?a^oug way la idvunco of its coteiuiMiranei. IWis. otatejiaau Public evtl; rptife, w hi n Httended ai.d b On trolled by 10 i w'> ?> '?eo'ti ???! the |i ?riiifoai and m ral wall being of um je i. ue?t a- d s ill be abaadaatly rewarded, Letevory wan tit a la i i y, and ever) aiug e gealletniu who levee aad reopecta wo ma, aad avarv wotaaa who adrahrea t b it which la amiBBBt ih i eauty and taste and inttiuctiou, lit evetyone save >3 limn bit cerrnul ei pens et m order to on iinn.cdia'.ely f r the Lady'a Book. i >lis?. Sentmul. Bh ?'e inl ?cri| tioiis $3. One copy Lady's Book and one i a] at bar*! Hon e Gn/ette, ere year. |t. tMube dealt wito on tbo mur i liberal terms. For oa't culan address MnDetttV L A. GOOEY No. 11J Chetout it , Pbtl. JFUTURE WEALTH of AMERICA, ?r Cat tea ard Rice Caltrtattaa aad Trade la East Ir.Uia, lie., and America ; on the Introduction and OntttV/a ii ii in America of Tea, Ceflae and lntlito i Slaverv to Eatt India ai d Au.erica and Poveity in Eng aas] t' ou pareii; Are Americana An^lo-Saxona ' Irisa Euugiaiion to All Pur's Price $1. Nan er and arldrtsae- Of purchaser! of tins look will be pobliihed Proceeds to I a devoted to the u.' i 1 ? lau of the above exotica Direct to of it* I RAN CUB BOUOAQB, rant aaay Hotel. AA I. E N T1 N ES, V \LE.N TINES, VALBM I IN I MANUFACTORY.?Let all dealen reiiitiiiorr lLat LEAP YEAR AND CHEAP POSTAGE leader tat lateol ValentiaBi certain, and that the demand wi.l be lam*, in b?M> IN YOUR OBDF.R9 K ABLY, wh'le the itock ii 'arge, fresh and ryleudid, to PIBHEB A BROTHER. tVe i aa< er a V aleitmes, at their old at aad, No. 71 Chat? kam at., New-York. If MA In Preai. 1'llE SCHOOL FOR 11USHANDS.? ? -1 A Novel, by Ladv Bolwar Lrttou. from early aheeta, received by latt ateamer. A. HART, Publuher, i? tt Pluladelpkia r| in ACE NTS WANTED.?The sub ? " ' rent ei? Jihvi |BM i-sned a ranted and enlarged adM on n WILSON'S kM ERIC AN ORNlTIlCLOoY, m ti lendid Libraiy BindniK, illmtrattd with over 3uo ipece Baeaeof Anas ican B ids. ooteeed from nature cjuta'ning 7i6|ag?i.lro Tobe ao'd by inbtcription only. Y'ouug ti ei. o' gone addiert can. with a rmalJ cash capital of $21 t ,- ? . reali ze from SI.IYO t . $2.0lo per ax num. Addrtta ; eiaoially or b? letter, prepa-d the [urdiehers. HENKY 8 SAMUELS A CO. t>f Jtla* No. I Park place, New-York. tDartt 'Vmplnjmcnt. VS I.oi.k-kkfpkk,Assistant Book-keeper, oi at ( ollector. by a m-ung Man with or.doubted re ? ve. iinted wtih oolketiag Addroaa ^ 1LI.OW, Tut one Oflice. No liquor dealers neeti sr? I'l. efft* \ S 1 'ook, Washer and Irtmcr, iiv a ro f * ?l-eotmble W..i,.??. m * r. <p-e-aS|? fani'y. Het li'.rd in the bm Ii apax labte kngltsh and American fanu b ? Has ae ol-jeeitou to the cam'tr. H n the bout of JBly rkararter Can be seen fur two thiee d?)SatNo. Til eta-ay . aigi. t;rn>> ta.d front room 6f \S Coob, WaJkbei and Ironer, or to do ?* * erat heusewoit is a priTH'.e famil., by a rev-.rc | - SAM youo? W. maa wuh |Ood refe euca. Call at No 7 __Z*J* 2 ?,D ,B" rsaa, si it* A S e.??d Cook, VVahhr r aad Ironer, or to -t.?doiene?al tatattwatk, by a respectable y mug Girl. Has no ohjectioj, lo ehaml .-rw,.,k and waging for a null 1aJ 1 r Ji j[fn,.I,lere,'r? r,n b? Siren from hor last place. Call at No. io Meet as h it. 6f lt? AS Chambikmaid and WaJatMB, or as Childr. n ? M urte. by a verv respectable Knglwh Ptvt . .Lit young womaa, or woulu do the work o' a tmall fasBilr. la more detiroutof a comfort ab ? titaabti.vo than warn. Tu be area tor two data ii aot etgaged at N? 213 Pulton at., Breovklyn, one deer frets ruiary. of 4 8 <'h \ mhk Muin and Waitress, or to as * ? n?t ia wi'hikT arrt iren'nr, er?o d < general Imuowork, t? a reapectabi? Protei-ant G.rl. Iixiuire at No 61 East aset-tt,_ 6f lt? AS Chambermaid, Waitress. Nurse, etc., a * by two Pro'esiant )ont))r Wimen; on*tort?? Chan tnnuid and Waiteaea, or to tale chart* oi a babv . the ??her at N ,.rte tad Feamst'e**. who ki able to take trie *n uie charge of a ba' v. fall a| rVu ii3j. be tweea Oik aid .'?tk-r.b , or adiireti MARY SIDES aadJ. ? .'.'th-a*. It* AS ('hamkermaid and Waiter, or to take ra-e of children, aad do plain Scwid r, or to do the gaaera] houtrwoiK of a atiia'l respectable jrivata family, by a teaaaetaM* \onoir Woman CaU for ihiee dare, at No. ? !M. l: i:t ,l c.,' ,?'( f rr e;< n e, l in k roem trat floor, ?fit? AS general Housimaid, or lo da kitchen work, or waakiot am' * Prot?? an' ?mint Womi,. wl,o haa no oajaauoa to take ore of childfeB. lie bett ciiy references given. Apply at No. lWThomp aoa-it if It* AS Seamstress, 1)7 a yours Girl, fully competent to c>it and lit ladies'asd rtuld'en'* dressea. No objtction to r if or coiiutiy Can be aten for one day at No. 110 Etat 26,h-it., near the Id av._6i It* YotTRO Scotch Woman desires a sitll ? a\ a to dngeneral honsewnri in a respectable family Can ttff Mi d Olty reference Call at No. ii Watte?**.., lirat floor_ _6f If \Voi no Man wants a situation in a atoie, lawyer's office or facmry. ta city or conntrv ; wntei a good hand, aud la pood at i'?tiirea, wage? no ob? ject. Address M. L., at this offi- e, this week. Ct It* AMidm.e-agei) Man wants a situation in any cai acity that will yield birn a fair remuneration ; a cod pennan?haa a teneral knowledge of banne*? ? Good references or security riven if repaired. Address J. M. C, i91 fourth It New-York. if It* AKespectablh Voini; Ma v. irfao can write a fair hai.d and keep necoui.ta. wanta a eitua tn n aa Poltet in a n.ercantile office, grocery or dry tood* entahlikhraeiit Can produce tho best of city reference. Address a ln.e to No 22 Waat st. f-r four day*. if It* ANY La OY in want of a good Dressmaker by the day can be accommodated by calime at No. i30 Pearl st. Cflt* A (SERVANTS.?Cooks, Waiters, Nurses, ?3 Coachmeo, and ilher male and female Servants, well leenrnrni lied far character and capability, provided for the vari.-ns stamens in respee'ablo families. Apply ar the Areucy Office, No (? Eait Fourteenth at., two uoora aaal fiim Broadway. Cl It* eiTi'X'I ION ? Wanted, by a youniy eO Man. in a law, ir's or mcrchani's office. 1? a goad I eiiinan, rim 10 . i . - busmeal experience, and is a goad i.Mile aaBj lo"?-keeper. Kiiipl'-ynient more an object than salary. Umil reierencea given. Address 1) 9 M. tblibftice th:? week. bf It* TRANSPA RENT 8HA?E-PA1 ,\ T FHS WANTED?On different kinds of work, out of tka City, to whom tteadj WOtk ar.d the hest of pr cc? will ba i aid Apply, With samples of work, to G. MII.I.KR, at Varies Hotel, Park-row. if 2l* ^O DRIGCISTS.-A first-class ij>rug ? Store to I r sold, on account of the ill heaitli of 'lie propiattor. ACdieaa GALEN, Daaaa ?r.uaie Post Office. If 7f i ?TU) ARCHITECTS.?A youn^ Mao, aa wko 1 as buen emplr yc l on a railroad n? AaaattaaS F-aginaval aim Draaghtaa an, and who speak* the E?eush, Frei eb ai.d fhanish laiifuaee?, wisbe* a situation in an Aickitecl'y ? llice, wker* I.? could receive in.triir.tinn us a oa?paaeattea '?i iervice? he would be aide to rein er. AI dri.k k NOINSER, Tribune Office. if 3:* r|H) CLOTHIERS.?A first-rate p7ar> Ji Heal Culler, whose engagement i* ahnutTtn expire, ?maid i.i * to hear of a situatioa. He understanda tue - ? m.i.ii -.-.d Western business. Address Box eit. jlJtf \\ -v N 1 BD. ? ParniKffs should send w * a?.:i\ their Oirlt that da no', please them, and tend to FERRE S Domett c Aeerrv, No 07 Dnanc at., inner of Bi> i.clway, ;u.d |et ciria that will tail the OL Nnttiinc ' harer? for tettine the beat Prnteatan*. aad athei tartaata in ilie City Oaaa rereienct* for every M i cty. liy thern, at lowest w ages. S. FKHKE. ti)onu?. | V()Y W \ \ T V I) in a I'i iDRS fOiliCI Laf Wasted, i; ? d ?:, Boy, who writes a good aaad Bl d who will make a Rood elark. Pieference will bo giren tin bov v ho has bten m a bookstore. Apptjt at UAY NOR'8. No. 76 Bowery. _ ii It* t)\ W AN TP. I).? Inquire at No. :?0 Jobn-st._Sf St* jr^LEUK.?Wanted, a younf? Man of \J strict mtectiiv, active, and of the brat recommeada tioa, akool ?i faataaj age, as Clerk m a Hosiery enure ? Oto ul teultel tddres* and sui'able alald'.catioB*, and n r e nti er. ma\ address B C. at this otlic*. A Boy want? ed al?o. to ltara the business. Addrees a* above, with rtfurtsce. ? if SI* JAMES GRIFFIN.?Information want id of JAMES GRIFFIN, rative of Kiltinnea. Ire? land. Came to this country about oaa vrar aen. H* i* ?.mewhere in New .Teraey. Hia sister. Manraiet wniiin, ia us to lad ha. Sue ha* jus; arrived la thai etty, and is Hayn? at No. 3.1 Hammersley st. bf 3tl).vlt A ? IV FUSE.?Wanted, a good Nurse; one it seeaataaaad to the ? are of chi'dren, who can hrmg good i ny refeiente. Apply at No. 33 Cuaton tt MIX* URSE.?Wanted, a middle-aged Prot ettnni Woman, to take caie af an invalid. An Amer c pieferred. Intime at No. 20 Gouveraeur-st , c irner of Kemy. _if UARE CHANCE?Fbi a \mton with a cash espial af from $.'00 to 11,SN 11 engate in a aafaaad respectable baataeaa ibai wui pay from Si!(?o to SI Mproftt Addrc** H W . Tnbun* Office. If it* 11 1>T T O WATCHMAKERS.?Wanted, a situation by a toiidc Man desirnui of dnikluin: hi* trhi'e . has worked two jtars ae the l.'isinesa. Beat of re ference* ghjn, Aj'pl) at No. li Beekutan it. 6i It* ft^cTli R l (^KMAKERS.?The sabscril i ox ? having a deiirable loe atu u. with every c .nvenit ? I and faci.ity for makint hriek, cirectlv on South River, a'. Old Bridge. Middlesex Co. .N. J., ia desirous af pronaung :i paitutr, ?< me capital, who is ? ?nuainted wnb the basiaeaa. ANDREW J. OISBR'JW. Old BriJce, N.J.. Jan 27. 18il j28 2w* II S. SCHOOL AGENCY, for -all a EDUCATIONAL obdeh3?Mt'TUAL Bf'N E Fir am>sa \ i>(.-. iNsnrcTE, N... joj Broadway.? Neeoitatioa* da ly, by the beat Institutinns, Kanaliet and Ii; eher*. A deposit af one per ceat on ono year'* com? pensation procures the full ann.unt. Other deposits share the pr. rita equally Aply early, with the money, poalpaiii. Office hours. 8 to II. A.M., and 1 to i P.M. Fatablished Itj7. by (I If E II. WILCOX, Pr?pn?u.r \rOUNG MAN.? Wanted, a Yonng Mae in a retail Grocery Store in Willtamib'treh? one who naderslanc* the business thoronghly. and can give UaaaMptiaaahla references Address O. R.,nt tlie . tfee of ibis paper, grrtBI references, ? ating waccs ex I ected, ami where an in'erview may be had. 61 H* \rt?l NC MAN.?Wantejd, a younfj; Man who write* a good hand, and M con eel intignre* to learn tehee I oka ha a j baiag house. Address Boa tfe. IJNS, in bajielwiitinc of applicant. ?f St* YY'ANTED?A person fully ? ompetent a v to superintend the bmlding of Air and Auneaiinit Furnaces for mal>a>>> aad small rrav iron caViag*. Tne peisen will be reiiuired to tske from !3-fl to SiOO stock in the Company. Ho most be 'uily competent to run the air fursace and aEiiea'tber.islings. None but thoae arhacaK beiaa th* best of testimonials fir charac ersn.l ability wjl at.p-y. Tn* foundry to be lecatert in Ne* 11 ivan. Cons. Warned, also, a competent Soil Metal Pattern-maker Ad dre?t(iHitp?-d) NEW- ENGLAND MALLE VBLKL'tON CO., New Havan, Conn.?New Hsvsn.Feb. t, 18i2. 31 eiDAHW"_ '_ ?^ younfr Man, of active Ht bos.ness hateta ha?inr at hn com WHtd Id.iOO in cash, wiihet a *una ion in some ? >od, re tpeeisb'e Mercantile House, where tie would receives rsssopable con-pee?a'ion fjr ht* eervic** aud ihe us* of harre mm The nett rtfeuetcea gr.en Ad ires P i , Broadway P. st Office. Jf lw* A^l ftflO ?Wanted, a person with ytltvA/vi tl is amount in ruh to en tag e iaan ?xc osive i'on bneise??, winch by attention, will r*ali/e Sii'.oiai leraraum. Tbe itreageal taatimnaiata iuregard to tin* hatitea* as well as allather iaf rmatiou, will l>e given "pen applieatka to kngclbrech I k hooter, No is7 Breadwa] tojpM.* D?urt-mvj. BOARD.?Two single Gentlemen want peimacieBt axd full Board ia a prirata ramilj, wtiera th?r? are lols or lew bonders. The* waat two upfnr i i>hed raaaas Location bataeea Waverly-plaex- and ttih tt , west ?I Broadway. Piiuet belweea ) aaal A Terrea pnttnexceed $8 per weak for both. Addr?aa PROdPr NE8S,bea No. HI Bioadway Post OaVe^_tj It* BOARD.?A prirate family would ac reiiiBiidttte two or three ren'lemea with Bpard and pieassnt, well furnished, in s first clnss (none, in a t.h.d iienthboihend, at No. 18 Walker st . w*at ol Hroy way._3' |w BOARDING.?A Scote'imati wishe* full Board in a private fam lr. or where f*w boarflei* are kept, rending in the city within li minutoa' walk ** w*il' it. ll wad* cotsfu'table he would became a "''?'?f*** resideat. C-unutaaicatioe.* to Bat |,0JI Poit Offtce wl.. be atlstidtd lo. 8 11 Kt)ARD.?Rooms t.>Let, with Board, to Geatleaata. at Ho. liT Greeae-at.. uear Clint-a ?laca. BB ua? 15 OAR I)?Wanted, below Chambers-st, M.J by a rea'lemin. Tern s. ? I per m >n'h Wou'il have oatorooaawith tea rtgBt kind of a man. 11* IBo Bslble re:,rtBCM ,.lven A(luret, tbia day, C D. A., iJibnne cilice 6f !!? KOARDING. ?Groat Reduction from ? .,A"nt v WB Prices-Fnraisbed roams, ? It. arfl lor i? , pertoni. fur %i pel weak. Large bark par ii p t a iiretirman ard Lady? irM cans h n??. Omni ?iiae? past ,-,*,y _,,??,?, addreit HUD ON. Tn omee ri?ipj la-dress, ?hfit proprie'or will oail unoa you. or rail on s P, Re, in Veil Ac., er No SttHadeoa k.,. L ' T" rIc,w:?' w hoeae. Refntnce. m L__ 5f Jt* It OA hi)? WanU i. in a i.nv.-'tv f'i.ulv. iVil'"the ?PP?r pa?t rf the city, b? o respecUble young ,(...''', $' to *'P*r Unetceotioaa .ie ai "bit c rfiee ^ b,> el7t* lud rt,i"'?"?? Addiesa y^,1* ,J ? ffiOTlTn, IiK()(rKTV'N?Wanted, tor aGtntliirauand tis w,i>>witn fnrnir.bed r; ores. ia a leieeaabje putiie family, or where teere are b it lew X^.VJ- .N.Vr At a" *'? n*<?rrt?J. Rereeeacee ea ctunged. Addreii DENNIS, at office of tbie p iper. Sttf JJOARJ)._A Gentlenna and his Wife. M^!m* twii tinele Ooatleaaab, eaa find head ?n.L..? L"u,,eo k" n", *tfiu 171 East 17ihn. Hoa?e ? furnished w.tti i?t cold and .bower Paint, bot air gat. **?_;_41 3w? F >;; 'A i: i?._ a tingle Gentlemaa ia de. ?A-*7 tin tie ofob'iinip; a gmteellv furnshed front riMint, s? ith a r,i set attached,on tb? second or third loeg of a house fn nhrd with the modern c mveniencea, in a pleasant ceMral location, with full Beard, ia a pnvate family of re? ine, rabalit] where there are bat raw at no other beordert, t'riiiieatiokfcbie reference will be (fiten at to cha'acter, fcc , ai d reijnircd. A i ote, with real name, stating ptIio u atr.addrerted to p. M. H , at tbo office of fV Earning rut, trill nett with attention. 4i" It* BOARD?With airy and well famished K'ems to let. The heoee hat every convenience, and is pleasantly situated in MrDougal-et .between Bleecaar aid An.|iy-att.,r,ne blcck from Wae hinrtna-ti|u*re. Ap I'ly ??> J. WELLS, 4f 2t wliF*_JftrlOi Broadway, up atatra. DOARU?At moderate terms, with pleas ?-* ai.t Toomt, corner of Broadway and 2*th it. The honte No. MMtA-at ia lipplied with warm, cold and shower baths, and other msdarn improvement!. Broadway and 4!)th ?t Btacaa pari the house alnaost every minute. 2f MMWFm* I JMj RNI8HED R?? M.?A well-fur a r.uhed Front Ro'in.onthe second floor, with ?n'r and larte pnr.try attached, w ill be let to a gen'leman, wuh etstBeala. Any okb fund i.f .uiel and cleanlinesa may ap? ply at No.47 Whttc-lt. ?flw? | [NFUR1SI8HED ROOM?To let, with w_ Bond suitable fir a (lenVen an and hie Wife. Also, a furnished n < m. soitable for untre Uoatlemao, a'. No. MjH dtonat. oppciite St. John's Park. Rafereneei ie ijuuid. iflm* OARDING in CATHARINE-8T.? 't'eveial Gectlemen My be pleasantlv accocuneda'ad with Board at No l Monroe fct. corntr of Catherine. Fay rirfB srrijuired promptly. Sflm* OARD.?Genteel permanent Board at No 6J Fulton-at., also, transient and day hoarders. _jt laa* OARD?A Gentfernan ami his Wife can be tccnnimoda?ed, at 114 tfecry-it. Also, ie?e t uple Oeatleatea. Bafaieatnatiihanad] tf im* BOARD.?A Ge?tiemaja^^ or i:n?le Gentleman, can have a verv pleaaaat rooaa arid hoard, at No 4] Veiev-tt. ill laa* C^IIRMSHED ROOMS, without Board, M. at No. 112 ChanV'eia it.? Vv ell furnished ap i-tmeu't hl B private family, lccatuu donrahle, .tod in the imme d .ne richaliyol an excellent rittatirant. Breakfast and tea, wit h privn'e table, if rei|U'red i30 lm' LMlKMoHED ROOMS to LET. ? I pleaaaat Bu ms fiaall family in the liouso Rent ?edtral*. Apply at No. 224 Wootter it. Sf 31? ?aRD""in~7 S^P?MS11 I-' iMILT? w anted bj- an American Gentleman, who wishta to learn ti e langoape. Addratt J. M. M , No. 2li Cnrystie Tle best refeietcei given. if 10i" BOARD RF:I)iJ(;E1) atthe PRIVATE MAN8ION HO?SK, No. il Greeawich-tt. br Mn BEBT Gentlemen with ??.i-s,..i,^aiUi? wkij ?iiitte *2 it. a week i daa h?~-a... f.i a week; traantat, 50 ceuta a dir ?"iE? gratia. 419 4ra* B B ? L t.SMiNS ... the PIANO-FORTE.? A vcuag Genllemun, Professor of Mas c, whs h is hnd mn' Ii njjsrseaaa ia teaeMag ine Piano, would like to ot'inm a riH'ni, with parrial beaid, in a family where he <(?'. rJ ? w' in exchange tor it Allo, a few scholars more wanted Tci mi reasonable. Referencea eiren at to m.d c:, . ill.,. A'bl'ess 1'HOKK .?OK of PI AN D. at this (tlice. 4f Jte BOARD,?A gentleman and his wife, or afewt.ngle gentlemen, can obtain good board and r n irtab e, well furnished apartraenti, by applying at No. 33 Kortyth at. Unexceptionable irferencea required. H3 lm* JUROAD'? DIN1NO SALOON, No. e CO Nasraii-st..New Volk.?Iba niidrrtirned -espect fully ai'nouncei to the pnbl c of New-York and lUvcnity, that be I it Ittedapa new eHtab1iaaniei.t far the acc ? a ? modntii n of there who take tli?r meals ihwatnws; and be hojes by sinct and perioual atteptmnto bit business, nnd by lurniabipg the best the market sffordt, on the mast cm oBucal teimi.lo merit a share of public n'ronage. If4m? J. BROAD. NEW HOTEL.?Ten completely Fur nished Boomi at $ I per week ; Rooms with gratet, Ac, SI 50 per week ; Rooms per night, 25c. Thu aeruira bly constructed house n lighted throughout witi gat, warn.ed bs h it air furnaces, with water clotett on each floor, and kept (.pea donag the airht. corner of Will:aos and .Frankfort-ate., one blnck from the Park. jl5 lm* -THREAT CONUNDRUM NlGHT.? " * MP.lHOrOLlTaN HAI I. FBIDAY. : HHST sii FA It KW i 1.1. BENEFIT of PHOFES('OR AM)EHM?N, the grejt WIZARD OF THE NORTH, (irttetu'tor Ibe unrrepie patronage he has received from ike citizeaa of tbia area' asertropotai and its aatareaas, ha : rtr ia iol cii once more tiirir presence on this gicaB) and n.s. r to le I'.osO'ten event il.E ORK AT CON VN D" I'M NIGHT, AND 1119 V VRBWBLL BENRFlT. Purfetsor ANDERSON cannot boat! ofbaviag hit beaaV fit got up by a Special Cf'ovnittee nor of itiis beirg aCeea pbn.enlury Bmefit, unlen that he .'^ licitt yot, genernoj public, to pay the compl ment rn thia occasion. He bat aMics>:?l no stars on in i great event, but Metsn. BALE, BLACR A CO., to wham be win bare ta Mtf fIX Hl'NI RED AM) Fil l V DOIaXaVRJ l',.r th? gieat t'tan ef the tvenii..'. He caanot b iai*. of a long lisi of popular to attract your aaten:ion and ditwabo'in , The f. lluwaig great artiste wa 1 be beard oi during the evening: _ ,, _ ., _? ? The Kul t Hi m tab e Pre? i'ent Fulaaeta; every Mem a r ol i he Senate and Congress WBtOaa, Barniim au.l Jen? ny Lird. .... ..... Goverr.or Roranth, Lcla "Hontet. Edwin Fort-s', CatAevlaeN Sinclair, John Brougham. Judre Oakley, Mr O'Couor, Mr. Van Buren. Max Mantzrk. A. C Kingtland. Mayor. The whole of the Aid. imen and Cuy Connc.l Copiaifa Matte 11. James Gordon Dennett. Wtieu t'^h a Baal of talent will be heard of. if they Jo not ippetr, at will be infficitat to insure a bumper, for on each o: the above parties be hai a Conundrum. Kemr ober, ihn it the Uli night of this nnparallM woa ,,r wafch will ba girea In addito n to the-re it fjo.iua dromOne .1. Admiation $1. Ticket! to be had at Jrllie I hlusa bto i . No. 300 Broadway. Doors open at ; C Btv uienceat6j. ._**W S~ EATS and TICKETS t an he secured _ for the GBEAT PONUNDRUM OONTRfT TO? NIGHT a: J C.JOLLIE'8, No. 3.0 Broadway,on y. Ap aj| at once._ SPECIAL NOTICE.?TO PARTIES in the COUNTRY -Partita dciirona to ponton the BOOR of CONUNDRUMS, rt nt m to c.asiiste fat Pro? fessor ANDERSON'S two GREAT PRIZES, c*a have th-rnrei t by peat, hyieniiirg 30 Pottage S'wnpt to J. C. JOLLIE'S Music Stole. No 3eo Broadway. P S.-Aa the de_and it itcreaaing, applicaUoa shsTld te mat'p a', once. _JJ_ HURRY and SECURE YOUR PLACES for the great CONI NPRUM C J?JE?3T. TO-NIGHT, Fnday, at JOLLlE d Mnaic St .re, No. Sue Bioadway. _,_w AFINE CHOICE of SEATS in the Seeoad Tier and the Parquet, for the greit CO M'NDRl'M CO.NTE.T. TO-NIOHT. can be had at JOLLIE'S Muiic Store. Ne. 31* Bioadwaj^_?_ rpHE CONUNDRUMS will be published X TO-NIGHT, and can be had at the Hall, a?ceata per copy._ I ITTCHINSON FAMILY.?A Concert JL B br tbe Ht lCHINSON FAMILY. wb> volanteer CF BbOl Kl.YN, on M< INDA Y H1 BNUtO neit in ? k. dis? Fp seen el Chafdt, Waihingtoa at aear TUIarr Tieke'i aert pr-.grnmn.ei can be f. und attne motic and book storea in Fn ton'aad Atlantic its . ?>?_* ljn. Tickets SO rents ; doort open at Bj -Concert to co? n.erreat7i. ._,_ Tbe above Ccneert it an?red in parauance of a resr iu M.b. adopted at a meeting of Cireni. c"Bvan-?i b> Itil Honor tbe Mtror. lathe City Hall, "bea the unJcrt gled ... . , -..r ttee to carry ?4? ?? KSXW *Eg ROT*, committee, gf3t? J. RODMAN,_)_ AORAND SCOTTISH CONCERT of ^?^the FRASER FAMILY at Beaay AaaaLfjgMaV war. ab-rvo Fnu.U it ) ua SATURDAY _VENl.Su, I. b 7 Ticke-a 25 centi. reaarved aeatt 50 aaatg ?taa> meociBg at 7i oVlocB. Ale?, one at Iroq iois Han. Jerawy Citv. on Monday eveniag, Feb. f. Tvckata 5o cemti-??m ?eactag at 7i o'clock. 51 n ITALIAN OPERA?ASTOR-PLACK. BVe??%??T 0F EMC* BBeuiedaw < (Ltuti ' *"d ;o c??u: Amphitheater. 13 EBlPAY.Feb. <t, .*7wh",r'" Owl Oper? of bSSti L 8ALV]' ?? ?l'Pearance in America a New gceaery. und MachiMrr The ??oe 01 losiih art h, g.gnor ALL.EGBI Grand Musical Bauo on the nUr "?'r*v"" Mir JULIA TLMNBILL. The American p -poiar Danseuee _ OK?j>n CORPS DE BAI LFi* FRIDAY EVKMXC, ^*;? M^ _ ROBERT LE*DIABLE Robert, D'lie rf Normandy. ?.,,?f Heitram.hia (reed."._.""?.?31?. Rain. boat. Norman.jf. a ?|*"^P??'-'??1?*iol*'.jigalB**i>.rri ? . ? N",n,?B ?,rlv,.Sign?. Siefsuuue .'r,'!",'- ,'"'r'"'?' N."nr - .M lie TanriMd Altteito.Secieiaryci Kohert. Sir ru,i, F,,.t( b7,i,.r.Vitii recoed Chevalier._._g,t Hensler Choice ol Latliee'Kni(tht?. Chevaliers, Herahl at Arms Fiii in?. Spirits, People The scese lies in f?ic iy. in the year 1J23. In the fourth set, GRAND SEDUCTION I FNE. M'll* Torabni I and Corp? de Batet. .mZ?&C}**m}tii, OwiasjTto tbsWb of the perform. sure the Opera w.ll eoaSBM nee at 7 s'C o<;k precaaaly si dha' nriisjrP*'* JSls,lU~M"6,ll,?> Wednesday, Friday B..X Office . )*? every <!sy from 9 to 4 o'clock. I', SltlVSly no Kree List, except for the Press. H it A 8TOR.PI.ACE OPERA HOUSE.? * ? Owing to the great length of the performance of Meyeibrer's i-rund opera oi ROBERT LF DI tBI.e. which Will take place tn nebt at lbs above establishment. Il.e Coorg will open at uo'clock. Tocoiainene* at 7o'clock pricuefy. IVIBLO'S ITALIAN OPERA.? 1 " Mondays, Wcdne?.! in, Fridays and Saturday*, nn -1 'if tli ? con oi blu.NOKI UOSlo and BETTINI Ticketsto all parts of the osiad>>ithmtBt,M crate. No ?xira rbs'te for securing seats. HOSE de VRI1 S Wi.l appear, tor the first FRIDAY, Feb. ?, wi 1 be performed Donizetti's grand Opel a of LA FA VORITA Leonen ._..i: , .eDeVriee Fernande.Sig. Bettini Alaheaaa._. ...8ig Buliali Ba I'ha aar.~.fiig. Calstti I"?/.Virginia Whiting Don Gaspare.Sie Rirattiui 1 eadri af late Grand Orobaatra, sh.noh auditi. Box Orbce open svtry ,laj. I u I h? flf. to 4 P.M., where place* can be secured, of W A. Moor*. Door* opea at of t i ii 110*10 e ai 7| Next Opeia night, SATURDAY. it It OOI RE ES MU.Si- \...KS.-Mr-. EM. MA GILLINGHAM hX>STinO*ri TWELFTH SOiRKK Mt: ?ICAI.F.a'id LVMTof the eoeeladli rS |. rees, 0* Tl EADAi EVENING, Fab IS, at NIBLO'.J ?A LOON. Mrs B01TWICX wftlba aaxistad by Mr. JOHN PY fHOWSKl PisaUt, bi* iece>ad appearance ia Abu Mr. H F \'R Y fHJUIRKB, raaoti HKRR BB?N Pit I M HERR KLEI NO, Tenors. Mr W a KINO. Mr. G F BRHTOW, Mr ? 0 HILL. HERB AHRKNA, Air PIRSSON. Mr J Q MAKDBR, aud Mr 1 IHM, Every effort will b? made to renilrr thia LAST of thai a Papalai Entertain, ents Aor'hy the patronage they have uniformly received. FfB's < is 1 o rec-ir> d a* the Pinnn Fort* and M isic Store af William Ha l A Son. No. .. 'J Bioadway, on the 111 ' rf the dav preen ii? to the Doacart No Coinp iuientary Ticket will ha lasaaj aroap* toths Press, and no order* received at the door. Packets ii) oeaBlB it 2t ETR?POLITAN HALL.?GRAND SACRED t OBCERT by MAX VIARKTZF.K9 UNRIVALED ITALIAN oPFKk COMPANY. SUNDAY, iv 1,'Reaaiaiafar-faaad STaHAT MATI Gem* fiom Meierb" er'i maator work, THE PROPH?T ENTIRE BTRBNG1 H OF ME COMPANY. Orand Otclieatiu and Doubl? Chorus. Admission.........Jo und 2i cents. CARD MAX MAIlETiiEK ha? the bouorof hi la* thai 'tie p lb> 1 c thai, at the [.arurn ar reiinnst 01 many lovers of classi? cal and sacred ?aaste, he ??? 1 give the viBwr (ik\Nn s a? 'UV 11 rntrniT On SUNDAY. FerT 8, at METROPOLITAN II kLL. Oi, which occusii n Will unoear the whole itreoa'h of the C Bipaay, astii'ed by a Grand Gu lisktra aud Double Chi in* Full programme and particular* to m?rrow. M 3t BROADWAY THEATER.?E. A. MARSHALL. Sole Lease*.?THIS EVENING, Feb. 6, will be performed? PAUL CLIFFORD. Pin! (VifTnrd.-._Mr. Colli***. Toconclevd? with the Faroes*; TU),: QU VRDIAN ANCEL. Boxes aad Parquet, jO reut*; Family Circl* and Upper Tier, U rents; Private Boxes, $5 and id. Door* open at . and i>eil'i>rmaaces commence precisaly at 7 o'clock. BURTi-N'S THEATER, Chamber^ rt ?THIS EVENING, Fcbtn.ry B, wdl be per fo: med Poole's Comedy of PaUL PRY. Col Hardy.Mr Placidc | Paul Pry.Mr. Burton Harry Stau'ey..Mr. Lrs er | Phsbe.?Mary Taylor Te ?..rinde with IHK SF.RlOt S FAMILY. AariaadabSleek.Mr. Bartou | Mra 'Torren?..Maiy Taylor An in saina?Ur**? Circl* sad Psrqnet. M aaats. ????.,* Ei*r, tarsats Dooi* op*n at 6| eommeac* at T a'eloek. BROI'GHAM'S LYCEUM, B?oapwat, Bear Br.Hime st ?this evening. Feb. 6, THE SCHOOL FOB FCAWDAL. Sir Peter Tea2:e..Chj?pei:dalc ] t'harles Surfai-*..Walcatt Lady Tear!*_Mrs Sinclair | Lady Snearwell.!..Fester To runclude with tie TWO BO NN YT AST 1.1,3. D'lij. BawhaTI Ml Skrneti | Fvima.Mr* Fo*t?r aaratati? l- Drais Cirele asa Parquet, II et*., Eamily Circle. 25 ct* Door* onsn st ?, ; rneimsnce at 7 o'cloa-.k BARNUM'S AMERICAN MUSK?M. ? Adni ssioa 7.5 rents, children l?4cts ?THURSDAY ai d FRIDAY, Feb jsiull, 18?. will be performed tk* diama aj THE BOTTLE ASTERNOON a'3 ori?>ck, the amu'iar fare* of CAUGHT IN HIS OWN TRAP THE M Ah WITH Tllf I'^ltr'LI BAG Afi*r wnu-h 1 HIMsON . Hl.MES. TtieChii ere Be ,u*y. 'in! the Chinese Family, Koh-i-noor Dun 01 d, and the Happy Family. CnRAND, M IGNIFH'ENT and PIO? Tl RECQTJE EXHIBITION ILEX \NDER S Pic laraaaa* ni dSubl me PANORAMA of the ANTEDILC VI AN WORLD hasarr'vid.andwill opon forexhibitioion MOBOAi EVENING, Fab 9, at St-iyreaaat Iattitute, No IM Bread way. Trut Pmorainv ha* been aarraraaBl srNiKiw'edged (*ven by artnts) tobe the molt aalcndid w, rk of the kind that rygr visited th" United State*. L'h era) ari^ngemrnts itade with schools and fam lies for af tei.oon ei hil e ions, at 3 o'clock Admission 25 els D.xiig open at t\o'clock ; cartaia rues at 71. Cf It* THE AZTECS, corner of Provlway and Leonard sts ? These Curious Little People from Central America, scarce two feet in height, b ith weighing only 37 f ai ds?one 10 or 11, the other perh ips 17 years of a'.-e?heretofore deemeil fabulous or eitinct?nassen by civilized narien*. and one quilled as Jiving curiosities of a pigmy lace in form, r/e and caar^cer, can lie *?*a at th* ?emari Library from 11 to I, a-d from 7 to t o'olock ev*ry Tickets Vj c's. C.'u.dien ba'f price j2:i Ira ^RAND HALL, conipiimi'ritary to Mr. M G JOHN PARKER given by his papils, will take i'ace THIS fFridayl E7ENING. at the City As*em'.ly Rl ? n s in Br? adwsy. A great v 1 i?t? of new dances wnl be tLtrodnced. Ticket* cai he cbtuined at the door. 11* C~ IRCLIS^ NE W.YORK AaiPHITHB ATER.No 37 B.wcrr. Engageraeat of Mr. J J. NA? HM BS, the faataa* G-?r:aa Rider and his fav n eBovg. On MONDAY EVENING, Feb I, aad daring the ween, tie ef'-r'smmgn's will e?::ipri"e the (tnpead m* Fea'.s 1 p. a-Twe Horses by Mr. J. J. Natbaa* and PapiU Act* si d Scenes of Horsemansb'p by Messrs Baad?, Rivers, Smith, aad the eompae.v To conclude with the PONY It ACES Cl< vtns-M VERS ?ad WILUAMS. Box?*ll CeiM.ktC 2f6t* haJTI' V VESA NT ! N STITUTE, No. 6'?9 eV^ *jr adwiy.?Ethih.tioa of Lentze'* great Nauoau P; to .. of WASHINGTON CROSSING THE DELA? WARE ?>pe-B fret* I A M. to 10 P. M Admission li eeits -.:)''r*a, 12? ceata, aaasoa t.cksts, 50 easts ; ea(a leane* , cen'r ii? Im Wat. W SEllLCr. Aaetioaeer. ROOKERY, GLASS and CHINA.? ?/ FRIDAY, Feb. 5 at 101 o'clocg, at Store No. 34 F'stt st.f pareirptory cash sale of Go ds, left from as |igs?e*s!s; a'.so, 3WI le.iof whir* rranne, malberry and light bin* war*, ent and pressed tlaes fancy goods,k?:.. ia ES f? m ths sh*lve* to init dea era 'it It* 8 Draper, A xtioneer. BY SIMEON DRAPER, TUESDAY, K.b 10. ISiS. at It oVlork. at eh? Marchaats' Es change Haitftird aad Naw-Haven Kailroad O* 1 assy ataah U3 ahares m pareala of 19 aharaa aacb. If tt 8. Draper, Aucticn*?r. THURSDAY, Februajy 19, (postponed frrm February UaS II o'cleek. at th* Meich?ats' Eschsngg-Hsmiitoa Mining aad Masufactunng Louipa ?j-Wii! be lold wi'hoat re^ oriler of tb* "????*?? for tk? benefit of whom it ma\ conceia, 7'''.*'*" each of i ha above cermpai y._g?W*r D. 8. Hot SB, Aoc-ioneer. FURNITURE ?SA ITRDAY, Feb. 7, at 1?, o e'ock. aad -at No. 54 Be*Vmaa st.. a geu*ral w.rietV if'new and ..eo.d h?.d NgavkTarea,jaaaarad^ coayea.eaceof aaie. eeasi.tmi-J aaaSaJaada^aefttsBaft borea .., par.orcbvTS.rrckers, divan*. Ereach ^?t*?' hair aad h ,k m.ttreeics. J^-m$' ft^S? chain fee , tatyaht. iBllIlSia, taatuag. kitcHen tvn jars. at , fee. ?knttt fox IsctruM JfUtt. LAU M I)R V Km S ALR, equal to ^ly im the ritv.?The ttl IM, gm d will and leaae of th? 'i ensive and ?eil ! 1 til at e<l at Wo. ?81 l?t **.. corner ?f Jvh ?: Cnparity, So* to ft * dots* shirt, per week A One of <?*??* stop at Ike J.>?. Tim P'iri"?*C*B "** ,,y Mi 'r'0f OB lI* "f700** l,"*r Si (HMf 10 *5.000._Af*4- i-JiWli hi^,.. . vi a '* '"??*?'?? an ??labLeled pi _< , IVT ~7.* -adereigned proprietor of TV/) ? i,^ Ev'tlUc'"P, 'e?' ?? a>iesUfon* halfiatBUe'lB ? . . 1 \bu*'",;? a?? !???* th.s ? ? v*ry nWahl*p..*it!.B Any on., fron gi.ooeto $J ?Met. fed BjoSteble Beef*, bulb eon a ?nd nv?n.y K?riar?Ber t BrtaMlaja inquire at ftV 2V7 Broadway * **_B. D. HUBf PHRBY. s TORE to LET At>d STOCK for 8ALE. y ?A S'nre ia gib .iv , i elweea 11th and IZltt eta , with fiaa assort trek,' I ! . ? Oeodi . ?< t,r a r?re uopue. tu*ilt to any me with, a mall capita) within*; to engage ia ??' at If One .. i d ? vp'i but -hoie wishing to par. chase ihe etc. a P.?tea>loa uu?rum*, if required Ap* j..} at X?. Hi rj'.B-n* tf ck? ALA?OE PUBLIC HOUSE to LEArtE, lor a tern cf ream, central!? tit gated ua tbiacnv cinta:i..B.'n ??rdel h j r mi -The oroorietor being ciuruiin"! atoning au efficient lanllo d, oiler* ie eueeaaeata rarely peveeaiad, Tim 'nrnitaro ?II he told at a low piue, or a fair B| 1 i -rie term* of the lea** wi.l be cn e^u.tatie teriut. AuJies* IfOfEL, Tihuae Off.ce. Jfiw?c er lUoneti U.timru ?mli to toan. #9.. (KIM lu LHAN?In one <tf ^\ rt\ t\n ?t,.rr?!?u?t,onboad and nortaaa* i B p'rdnctiv* city poper.y Apoiy to J. RITHERFORD, N A M t.K. 4t ieaWidaV ^IV) LOAN ?One sum of $1,800, two of M. Sl.CiO each. . n ad and mortgage oa improyod property in N??-Y?.k Cpy or B?^ <u Apwly to T. bTOKKS DICKEK.SON, No U7 Broadway, upslaira. il 3t \\ ONEY to L<?AN?On Bond and MorV ImM gage, in mint off 1,101 to $s oco. Anply to BELOKN a COLTON, Brnten, i'9 Im? No, 98 Chamber* it. ?liBfellnntoat QidPtrtteemiiiit. TU E FOLWWlSo CERTIFI CaTES, amonr IN of here, all of whi -h bare bam poaitreily swore to barer* bit Keaor tba M ay or, la etc B. rataaetor, Eaq and alea. Hadaoa Rt<j . Cvnmitiionera of Teedi, ol cree hi eocanirp o n and the moat maligaaat .Iota??!., by the ore ot l)r WATTS'3 Klrctracal >'luid.or fyeivoun Antob ir t'i Hat v i ioIt -If I win able. I ?ould core every br-dy with it. 1 believe tt to he the arctteir med eine ever pat HP J!?iO 1)1 l.Mt AM't, No 337 M?dia..n it CoN>l'Mi'Tiott ?I tniuk my danthter Mr. Maion, was na It :\ m c?M sumption a* it it (Ki.eible for any one to be and lite. No toBffee can i!e?crihei? Mho bad kept bet bed far Blae moat hi aadnaow perfeclj r->?'orrd by the im??t wendetfo! medMiiiie in tho wo Id Or WATTi'S Ner Aatrdete 1 > . ?. t pi'? it r/ev-^raadrnlld r? a, and olcioi>e Bona rtpenenre in med c ae, but all that I have etrei teaa ; it t tether ia aarpeaaed by ihn. My whc-li family hate been kepi *el unco I ll'tt foaad nut tbn b< Ifra OL AM No 111 Broone-at. Com i Mi tio.v and Broaokltia oared MARY CONOVBK, Na I Deabroitet- it. CoitaUMFTlOX ?I waaalmo tdrad?Ic nld aot be worte ?et y cough t"re me to pieeee I am r. ,lute we'l aad ?'.roiiK, never better 'n rot lite, by 'he n.? ui the antidote. JAS l .a. I.INo i III or.: utterly ptoifated fur yeare. Iwatcu rd at if by nafic by IV WATl'.i'd Aatidote. Alto, my rhilii'cn have befi ??lulerfollv relieved in p?il maaaryeeaapltiata,sad oae -nSt. Vitu.'adaacc, another rttOBmatrtm Icnaderitn wonderful nirdiciae ; it alto ci ted a lady cf my n Roetoa . M BoiiEH4. No lMWoottei-at. Depot No. 103 N.rouit M . for Dr. YYAlTJ'N Nervoua /n;:d< te, $1 bottle, $? do... ?f U? 1VOT1CE of INI I4TION- to FORM il an INSERAM I P \ V V ?Capital. $500,000, divided Bta Ik,at rha ea ol I I each?The nndera-gued herebv (ire aotice of i heir intention te form an imurtru'B Cooi|iai.y. to be Lu a ed in tbn Citv. f New. York, and te i.! 'TUB iH il .1 1 <0 kWOCl kTIONeT PI RB lAlURaNCB COM0ANY 'forthe aarpo.t making i ko tea ?'?? et, len'?. and all kinds of beileniae. aadepoa bnaaebtabl fumi ate mercbaodiae, and other propeMy. aavnit o?s or ilaoiaen by tire, aad the rwkarf miaid ra... i ind ti BBpertatioa, aa ezpreessa [a the .d inbdlVanea Ol it": la' nect.a ol the act to provide loi the ii corpo.ation T In? i miceOouipau'ea, ptetcdAprd K 1149'?Dated Ne?- Vor?, Pebruary 3. I8jj Caleb! Weedhall, >im< n Draper, Meraam Metnaaa, yOoam Wakeman, Ii E Huron. J.<ba Haatoll, Jeba Bruce. aVdoaaoa Jaaaaraa Caltin C. nlit, i aaoer C i bilde, Chat W. Hull, H J. Ba.iiei.d, JoVuJ Ye??tt, Tnut. ? I.ealie, N| John r w..ko, Ju A D m tide at, Dan' P b rultd, ?bn- .i.-ili>.. Henry A t arlutt, Jeeepb OUee, Ruht MCMe.lin. .lohn H.nti.a, Jr., Heur'v blaior, J? u- A Candee K W Wa lev. BaaaaelHaaaell, J ba T Baappard,Bieb?dj ?icharda, Wm M. Donate, O iver Hull. Jael lammie, Daniel Kaboid. Charles Haofesr, TtaeetaT atarfea. .lohn C. Hull, Walte- Kee!?r, toi.omok IBMVBT/N, S'cetnry ?I l9'.TurnASA^ 1>AkT of a. 11?IJ8E.?Wanted, from fitalrf May Beit, part of anca' tarottory Hon?a re BBWod ne'ihl .Mho. d fbi afaoolr . f three ?earioot, * Ui latebildren. AddteeaL BozMII W. O., Btataa* sttma? tion, lent, kc._ (CORPORATION NOTICE. ? Poblio J uctice ia hereby given.'o the o a'ner or owiera, 00 01 .nt o. oceiipaatl of ell lunni and Iota, imp' >ved or Biun provcd iai da, aflcc'ed the'ehy. that the t .llowiner A.?eaamenta ha>e been comn'eted bv the Aaeeiaort. and are lodged in the . fbVe 01 Uo H .-hi of AatMainenti for et animation. *v ?>l petaoni mtrreeteo vis : Por KE BRTriNO ( I Hit aad BBLATINO tittrTKR n FOURTH AYBNUB, betareea Utb and 18 h ita The I'naita ?mhtaced by cb a?a?sv:i,ei,t include all the levernl Boaaeeaad lota Ol g ooad, vacant lnr?, oiecet aad pircela ol lard, mtuated on boh udet of ttbav. between it'h Bid Jfiih-iti All peraoni whoae interest! are affect rd by the ?b.iv. .1 ... e.l a? ??ailieilta. a d wh-i B'B oP . i.e um', or either of then, arereqaeetawrta *ra? a- nt I'.eir rbiec'ioea, in writing, to the uademfnod, at their office. No. 4 Hal of Be. orui, wnhiu thirty days from (Be thate of tBia aotioe - Onfane. Bureau of Aesetameale, bt.-eet Dcpaiimei.','an H 1AM . - - . SAMUEL II DB MOTf,) PKANCH NICHOLSON, > Asseeaora. ,19 10t ISAAC WM. SMITH. )_ CORPORATION N0TH:E?I'uiilio notice 11 her. in giiea.ta the owner or owaert occu? pant or occ u taut a of all lioiiaetauJ lot*, inprovml or na 111.proved Unas, aflrcted thereby, that the l-d owine. AiBttameata I been earn .et?d by the A.tes. lea, mtm aielodaed in the ti e <i ins Bureau^of Aaaetaoaeau fog t aaroiBBtioB, by all reraona interested, *vi: aor ?JfOV LATINO. bPUBAiiINU k'l > 18111 N tl and RE tT J v, sy CUb B, OUT TBS and BRI r?G?8P ?N BJ, PAVINO aad RIBaTTINii COR?. OUT TBK and BRI DOB STONB9, and PEPAV1N0 and HI'ILDINO CUL V KB TS aad 81.1'K KU -aD.S m etiulH-ST, between Maiden-Ian* n>d Coewiee-ilip rbe hoot? eiinraeea By * A?i*r?nitnt inr.iniiH all t?? several House* aad IVna ofOreuad, racaat Lei*, o " ?? an! parcels of Land, ?itua ted on B4 th sid.s of Sou h-si b?:w**a '*M ?*? Ceei i*i - ip; oatbeeoatberlf aede of MaMn lane-No*. I ig |?e, 101 1*4 and 1*6 . on Hie i.i.r'herly aid* of Deoee Jter-eT Noe. II 33 and 1?, ami oa the a ,n *er r ?de Ward Not tteo.r.rraand t,r !"??/ 1,,T 91 98 97 and 9*; ob both sidei ot w.II at., No*, ill. ii?, N?. 6. and ob Iba soa-.he-U swe. Ward Baa. A*aA ;..l,,.'.7.enl,.e.P4K ,li;.;.)verl.e?rl^.W.rd. N. ? I pa)aad 1.119{ on k?AAneVaol Q\ \ bsBb, mm aa* ??> 3 !and MI aad on the BUItbe*Iy a de of Coennea slip. No*. 21, 'J,, is and iO Ail persona whoa* m'*rests are ?f? ft cted In th* alHivenatteii aneaaeneu s. aad who are op pi ?ed to the same, or eittier i f the a, a.a' requested to pre ***tt their tirj*rltta>-. ib wilting to the undei signet at their oflice. No. 4 Hall ol Ree i'd* with.a thirty dan tmm tk* d.teof tan notice -?>:'' '? 1! pauof \sM?ssmeaU. Str*et Dei aitment, Jan *9. ib' 2 SaMI l.i. If. DE MOTT. ) PKAN< . ? Nl HOL30N, J A?es*..r*. jt91? ISAAC WAf. SMITH. )_ ( /CORPORATION NOTICE. ? Publie " J notice i* hereby given to the ow-?r or owners, occu? pant or occupant, of all houses aad Iota, improved or on i air roved lande aflected ih reby, that tb* fdiowitg ateestv naa a have been cmi.lered by the Aaeejseori. snd are ladled in the offee of the Bme,a lataAssetvin?*'* tar *i aioieation by ull in etea'ed. m*. : f j IH'f LOINO a BEWBR "Hb RB BIVINQ BaPINl und CUL> . , hi ? a BTANTON f-r .froef Put at -o the w***rlv aVetf RutlulB *t lb* Imaita emb'ae.d by such asteae lie all the booses aad lata of gronad, va? cant lota, p ecee ai.d pa*e*la or land ntuated oa b ith tidee it S taten st., between t'i l ami Noil.oB *?n.; oa both sides of Ridge, Attorney, Cl.ntoa and auflaik-et*. | aad s ubeily aale ?I . hetweee S'.aafin-nt aad the crowns of tn* laid several ureei* Bortb'rly aad tnn'hirly ihirefrom. All peitoue wim* in^reete are i fleeted by the abovenamed a-teesmenl*, and who arc oppoeed to th* aaoi* or ei.trr of thorn, ace re snetAM '.o present' i.c kni kt wrttjaf to in* aa deraigned, at their off>e. No. 4 ILU of Rocerda, waAia tiii ty days from the date of this n-Ktc* ?Oflice Barea* <A A^?istnient*, Street l)e|i-i.?meat Jan. M. I&J5. fiAMI Ef. ?-DE MOTT.) 1 )<?..'.( " NiriM.'oS, All***?)!* BO Ml ISA AC WM 8MIMI. ) IPORPORATION NOTICE-Pnblieno 'VV tree i* heieby a iv*o to the own er or owaers. occapaat or occupants of ail houses and lot*, imaearred eg amtsa? proved landi rdr*rted tl.eiehy, that the in lowing menu have been CompUted by ibe 4"'"lwlJB.g lodred ia th* office of tne Barena of Awwff arn.i.a'H alt Pf-BM. ^'?*f*>??SV?., ,lHual ?t a SEWBR ia OBRER E-hT., from ??'?*??;'' 8'K WBB loth* I'd- of M.,..un st ; tmf ?m m^mmm na HOI ITON-Bf...fjam jtoJ^^&ElmmHm the venterly tide ?f ibe e?v?ral bou.ei aad lata MM b ai^Hiient hae.lit* . I Bay e* J ^ BfP^y^JSid^hoTwom Cacti and B.*.ck*r oa ?rmt^afOnM aeji. M ? h,twee?Gr*ad at^tJffiW \TTS the lo 'herly side of Caa.lf?t . aad "\Wt/Or^ Br" re,Baring' Pnoc?a?d H-ueton u.I??Mr'ri and .' **J.: on botn BBM* of ! ,? en ' " Biradw., an 1 M-'C.r st . ao.J oa Km J?t. *ei tOJ OOS ?d earr Broadway. AB IM1JBB 5a?a^nlawat* are a?wted by tee ?^?-^.^ ?aw-ietu, and who are opposed to the'J^rjgmt"g of them. ar. tsBaaeeted to pre... theu ^b?*e "ft #f w rtttn? to the und?r*lgned. at tbetr "^'Sttto aede* - Recolds. within tbirt> cats f)?m tb? 6at" rfMMllIf j^. Offce. B*J*au of AasesMnrptt,*r i r BBM ist At vtM. BMirH. i_ 8T from Anar ftjESo.M* raoaested to preteal the havinit aaTae*aayjatn*rtW ett.nt of batereei. to tbe same in ft***?ejce, on or bet?re Jaaoary U. Contr?cttJr? V^^, DtntrtmaBt, January 14, tail ^ . -Ceotom A?^%jCUeLAJJ DKAJf. f>ieeadaaA