Newspaper Page Text
NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE; VOL. \\.NO. 3,372. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY* J^^OAR^ 1% 1852? PRICE TWO CENTS. tUIigiotie Noticeo. _ Harri* ?il!i>?*?-h a ?h* E'eveakh tr*Vj.t V.h.v.O-MOKROW vi OH 51 IN ? uw it^^J'V.'.*<-.'?' aid -HI \"'?rt. oa Iii???. *jffi*t lhhriG.t.t .h. ?....1 hour b^'c^ "^^T'_?, ,? t*bm People.-Tie ?-b *f t b* fc^^r.Vi.h" I ?SM M. 1) ? S ALI* in EVENING, Feb. 8. Mm _.__-? -?-, i vermona.?1 lie >?>?' >l?j hi a CT ,^^*n^e ".r*citilr forth* tou?*. JL?] 6ei?m*.d**>ri' B.T? laW-a?*la.Z,l ?v Beet IM? ?* M, "V . i??ri. o\ But." c ? '? Tee true jViMMl.?1*' ia*l .?t?i oci-cv e? j ?f jt# fM? ?1 God." -pr rink mworv. I>0 ?id AVI ' " ? IML| I j v. Hi-,o,,l,(. terait, Med cai Celle?'. ???? " lt lt. ^tespeeilBlly ravitad._ ?_ _. ? . hanln ?t'l \<-f\r\ \: Cua'haai V ?c ni.rrvea ?.?orr*. or Pfclradelpkla, will by ^'y.V;li <J. n-d and K ixabeta-ets. Too JotSiaii) i?v'td ?o a'tead. " ""esr ?aew-JerBaateni <.<"r-h- Elsrnla-a*. IM r?-?i?a?dww ?r ' 'i*OR ?1 (.1 I * i bybbibi ?f Iii? Hsu -n?H.i) inxi I'on rill l.ettur* kl lb . p arc TO MOKHOW 1*171 e'ekcB Sol" ' ' " The C"'resfondencr MsMi * Bereieieia lc rneiaansaeaeeat ? ao v-? rv Chare* efti.e Second Advent,at Waahieatoa ill) ror??r i f Heater ?I and B >w? jr ? MR. MCN8 ttl V * i'e n' ' * '?" '''"? "n the " I) ??tMiv of the ?miik.'' ?bewiir from the Scripture* the p#r?>d of the resevnt oe of the eai 1. I U*DA V E VBttlNO, et ,*'c'*ek.(D. V ) Preacluiif alee at P? A.M. and 3 p. ?I leats Pia?. 7flt? lail 15 '?' '? ' < u .'. "l inr u,' I I llir VII It 1 M a '*' ak| ? n. 1. ? Vk H Vt-iC Ml. 5C"" j ?? c *Artl.'r;s II BOGEB8 ) 1 as. oa.?. ?. flp-geriuoa* to Young Men ? The tenth 4keo> of ih? ?eil*? w .1 to deaiend in the Church ol Atl erm,...,, r.-1> ? v ?fc.IT. a-h ?? >?:? ."'AY KVEV tUg,at U o'c oca. b> Rev. Di WAIWWBJOHT. 7f lt? ."?Dffiul IKoUrci?. *iy^A Conroe ol'l ive Lctturea * 1 at - r iverr] p, tie I ): si M I; l kvuca ? ol ','th st. and Avenue I sa lit-M>A\ EVENING of eai ? ?c?k,. ,i:.ji?uciiia at 7|?'cloot. P M . lit tl.e fol owiur. onl.r Fab 9-kev B. L Maawoa, Paatos ef Oliver tt Beptial Cbatrb leejeet?The wettarard Course .; CirabzaUoa tedevalcie'i io I neratare *?< i*uc.? m,.i Art Beb. lt-P'of D. (' V an Noraaaa, Ptiaeij al of the But aar? Ise'itute Si lert? Lajiguara. T'th 2t?Kev G U CbeeVer, D O , Pa.tor *f the Clt'iirh of Ui Huii'au? Sehjeet- Cowjer. v . : i-Kiv II S Eueter, Paal rrf??- Mu!!i?rry-et It B Cbureh. Subject?Grandeur ef ...:iui. Barrl) 8-Pf. f ti. Loomis, 'ale M.s*i<airv to China, leb te - < ti u i jja.jti. il to the C'icrie, $' ; Sintle I.e-'nres, 1j cen'a. iaaaismar I' ! ..'ti.c.:...' fiheCbuieh. - MAtlEAHl^N. )..,?,? af Aj. raanaiaeaa ~pf Treiiimdoua Catherlna ?r ihe Frleada of the MttiiK' .? rtJEtUaY EVENING Peb. IB atToehtk. a". 51? royohtau I'all 'fi.e ini'iortaaee of a kjigeaad ea*ett?ieel.c atanttog ?>? tb? rrieada ? ( a cruhii.. asaLalu'.t L?? for ^Bi S a'c . : Neva York runs'. '>e BOpa gaftaalf; ibetsfo.e Ika lfe? yark City l>akeraaca AJbsnre n vitcbkd r<- n'" > <>???> e.err out "f tie en) ie rally ia their atreai !i topaaa such reeolottoaa to be for* ai dad at eaat to Ai'.ui y aa aill wake oar Re pre. ea'ati??? sei fiat we are utiitao, an i dataraiiajedaot to V? ?itiiiitit elthaayth i.g less than a lawahailat to the tlaiaelfcw Kev Hr. TYNC B. v Dr. PECK. Mi Pr VAlie.V. K.v E. II ."lltl'I.V. Una E I) Cl LVKB, JOHN UWVKIMS, Wdl ssd'ets u.e meat ..k Taamaive o .'< i i.r u ;.a u utr. tteketa a-eiaaaed at Pi esatata.'n, to behau at tltod'tor. Duora up:n at t> aclack. C. 0 LBIOH, 1^?. W J 111,1 YE3, T/kt* M. w irBiCKLAffO. XST Tbt l.'anri! street foinl AbattatataCC Society Bill holt) e I'uo ?? Alt el.tit ,u St MHV ( ) ITEMING a' Mill iiv M i. v i 187 Ii ^er?, wUen the mi w i,:- . es -t i. will he dpcaeed: "Are Aaaekelie ?savaaaaaace?aai ly ib'oiicbIi?? f" l'he atlimative w II kasBpBt.r'td i y .1 ?? - I ? ui W: k i.a a?a U .<:?man. The ari?i.*i.t? ol tuo ?' m..iu^ LtiqeKU L??" u o mn e l to be atesvat aat.' sui ,.oit i .-? i ff,i'??, ?t JJtlC AMP, Prt a't. IV The Flrat Cuuquet of the \nttonul Tenperttnee %o, iciy will be bold at Metropohtaa .Bal .ea Vtk.I><tEkUAY, Vnitruaiy ,8 Kol l>Jurn ail.Pibtrr at t o'clitck, i a arraaeeaaesita for tare m.t< ailiri.t entertaiaatal ar" now c lasvasta , a'd tbo Ibllosr ill teatlBinen fcavr arei [<<< i mv 'n lout to ta?e ptit ia the aiainaea G*a K Houatou, i k>aaej Baa JoaaCaam taia, if l?.i,,de vHmj K.v. T. L Co,Irr ofTreatea; I H.o. Kcal Dove.i i f ol''and ; lien ll^'-.r, Vv'ard iler.-,'e'. let. X. H C'ha a; Bor. De Cbearar; H. * S A C.,\; hen Hi ato U .mi. if Mas; (jo*. Haoita. el Now Jersey; Kt? .1 B Ws!.. Iv. ..f Natva-k ; Itev Dr. Do v Ib?, Hiv II ,?; 1'i .iei, ii- . .1 II. t'asai.y; P T Hi, Baa.R.^. Mua'e i? iii? \.: |hania*s aad n.>J<variu'? fa.i Can . i Km a attbeeas'i -i ib, S Ho ?s'^a, of Teias.ii l.t-ba.f ef 'he Natloj al ramesraaee Kk ne y, w II i ??? id a sy t Ml .i 0 Mi uel to he 11 .n. Neal Dm, the aa'koi aaa < hsai..... f i n Maiae La?r. To p e v? i. e.n, .utii.d, tlie |, kela und invti a Dl be iitm btiad an! the I, Vw oi ,ach ncket be aattllad I ? t he seat Uari K tin < . i e?pi.|,iln.K ruml'c-ul iL? iahte. Ihn tables v.ll be fa i. I. u w.ili be luxu i? a of iho aiiaton. IMeta, Tbrsa IVdlara each, to ne had attamosnoe of tk* i-iaiy No ii. St'.t i as . WSMvre ? Ui?gra?. of the Sablfatntt l e aetB, an 1 eliiori |. f ,'.ua olita oed 7f MTkkS' IV Blaaal Varaaa Taaapta or Honor (fa, i Tenipli.ra ol T< inj e,itnee - Vie aseitibaraar* . mi etui leaneMed to aiiead ine i lotu.r ar ih? H .11. No iu7 B**>eii. ..a 11 a.e>?#AY leak i ..... loo will be takaa iBtfri' o??i; amt.mlnieat I rs -I iva rf tt?_PaiEK AlKM iff, W H JkTttiMCjt,,- Tb? Skeoi.d Ansv. i. r, oi ih ? P., :eil ml aaanwai AWtr,.. Bei nfit Societ .a;! ,n s iBBliN C. >^ per i rei irl will b? subaucied, and asarna .u psaehed In K. v W \ J!i in i i D.O. liiriaeBer saalaasasaaai a ai Tj s'emk II it* OTrire Derartineiii.?Tr-x Treaaurar oflka Fire lVpaitnri.l itii.t.aiiii i hi . . ??!. !,r. i;.t n ,?: oi $IOJ In in Iks North ^niriran lue lamrii'ii Ci>on<any per k. \?'. 8:aaeker, ?-.j . etary Alse, |IBB from ihs Bsa'a I ns Inturinre Coe.paas ter H*nrr Morria, Bsg , ""itit i, Rataa dot ill i te lae Wide?r ami Orphan ?'??aaof the Deputaieat. JOHN 8 G11.C3. 1'reaaorer. Baa-York, Feb. (, Hit. 71' It HiT Peat-Onice, N.-w York ? NOTICE ? l'he E ir? ?MaMail?per I B Mad Bteaaser ABCT1C.?Uleraaeal ib lefti ? i. >A 11 BDAY.ta* 7t> 'rt'aal. a: l , a'ejwek A t i.uted mail f r Prou en i> 1 the vlern an Sta'.es w.U be kadaapaerABC;'1C. WM V BBaDY,P>wta?aatir. I Plraaaatk < karck Sahhatk.Vkaol Caacert, **ACtleeri oi ?urieu ai>d Baealar elaaic. eaeaptiaan rvais. Ducts. Tri.>a Cboiu???, w.U be kivc.ii at the P) Chaeh (Kev Henry w ir.l Beeober'a.) oa BJOBpAY KVkMNG.Fen i. i uder tbo tlirccii ta *i H v M \ l li i: '. 1.1.,:: i .. ,, ? - ,a i ?uiom wiU ha nsea fcr ike Bit >?' ike Sabbu'R ?ekani reaaeeted with Ue Chincti Diiiuk ihe laterousaiaa K.v. li. \s' BaaBXiNBBadlaeVlieeeibeaui as aa l'i Uceil t.. o. ii BBBSMI at 7< a'l.... k C irdf of a Imian >a ??y be had st eu] ?>' the fco. k or Music Stores in Faltwo gtiaad at Iba dm-raa tka eraaiaa el ifceC.mcert. Siaa-'e Bakels, .. eea-a; ohiidteaa lieketa, IC) eent?; douole Uttet, adB.iitiag B ?rttlettia? aadtwe lad ?s, M o * 7f tl* IV Aayium lor Frteaaltaaa Bara.? i r.<l'>l,erllea? atia bei all el 'lea lu.tim hsb will be held in the Merc*r ?t Cheieh, am 8a8bath RYENINO, Fab 8 a ; ? il i k net J.'r I'ltrw.. Kev S If Skaaoar. Jr . Kev Or Caesvel, Hoc. B F liutle-, H?-, Her, , J Ka) a.a ttko a, are aap* rdtoi ka .Htm.,* 'mJF'.K1',* D'V. S. Militia -Tie Offl 'i: arT| u" r' ' : l" "" ?? '? ?'? as the Nut. v.7 ???'??<."?"?. -n BATI BDAY RtrEMING NEXT. ?*? ?.at i,.,j.,k.iii ia?e ibi . cinder.u.a the aropeaed Ak .,u . , : ., ?., the \; Ml.;l. _k> r |? . ? h C VV Sa i uFOKU, al t;or-Jeoeral aa?jMS>aa Pall?IV Qi irtaOaaasMalalos'tkeSatma r':r au i ? .,. . at the Ha I ef the Alpha ?.,??.'??"? ??? ,h? eveaiag < i fill hSuAY. Marrh 4. ^?3?l**ee*t Cnaeentua E. P. V _b tkMaaaaitD 1 v*ilee to Paaaaaaara from Pnn.ima te Wllfbrala.?iue PAt i: 1C MAIL STEAMSHIP BaJB P \PJt lesi r?|lod aaaa to ovo paMic aouc* that a? '* N . ia aalaji tuen a<n,t?: Naaasa which 2 *<* Maad kj an aameaf ot tat* Caaaaajgjr, aud tb a ?as** Ik us t'tutt rsn be oh: i aed mily at tbeir Ateaev i/7 Waat st . or of C. L I' Vill'I.LIT, sfs..,., Bostoi.. f*?aaars AUMSTEoNG. UaK*KIS a CO, N?a. jb2% ?w ,l,v If" WkJ. H. DAVID !, Ase-Tork, Ja?, ft,, lava. , - .. ???aWk hur?. .? $i . ,tt f.** ??????*? 4l*prfu,,-, isefsiSa^a'uTa 'j;', t^. ?Ju ts. ?y ),, um? , *,11^ tT ..?r^e ?Vi r*"? * ??*l*w i*i* to , L.U a a aotuao, , ri' ? *^ * ,a; ?artai. r b,:.,a. . Pe-tph er.? ^ ^ ? . rBt 81 al.S C 1 1 f.-.. J ??>. F Clark, 3*?!al*d"?e *. Jr . w ..... i ? !>,,?,. p . , w)i Wulun II Di*ti. m Bamue! Albmtu*.Jr ra aaa lOalAN F Kxmjai l. Se.-?. ^Itatairi UiiildiuR uiul Mutual Loan Aase. a, t ibOakar*? wer? 'akau al Uaa .aa: uiMtiua arlUki^S* *ftl>l:- No* i. ik? Apablie it.**tias ?-iJ*,f*'?? Ik* Marc*i l( ? e.neroi Hr.. n.e aad ?'.O V, ' v". K N i>A> F\ t.Si.Vt,. l> . , , ,t ?i Ui, ? * i"V. ?****?" Blattei lo 'be Aaatx-attoa will a?asiaa?I^* ""?M,a**l lsaro bt-w to a?*?i i.nruioBey aeaal Jr11"" *:<? v: ??. 1 ?!.** ??.<! ?aiieeaea are ??Ur? Bta f'1*''? rimUCIIptlOB* Will ie |e,(.,.J Pa JOSEPH'K. TA4 lob, Pre.ulent, ?_ ll.'l oi R eo. '., Park. JONATHtN W AI I.EN, \ ,. c Pre.V kcHtoa tac,, N" ? M'i > ?IsM. c *?* L.? '* '" M R.Vit, rc? ?) b ?r. ,Uks7 ?'? JWa*t wm h G'?a. Pioe-at. w* '^?C*e?a? ma.a (John B A k*r | , t. T^Koid iiaai 1 Saacast . Bceoklva. ?se y, Ofllee .Yn 173 OpiiBt *t. 7l J II Hank and Job Printing St. rrotyplni:. Iff, -ROllEhl IKAIUlfKsD Nu JJ V*?*y ?t ,l* p.epared tm nml| Mdlil tat all l.ind* ot Pnitia*-. lo even ?r**t*r ii vu!<ik tfa.. b*f .in tue .ate fi e *U ? Ii co?.pl* de Btl ..c b ? Office kt Ni. Iii ration at Ha bat laid in Ni-w ami Lam t Fonts <>? Tvin, ofe.ery ce?c'ipiioa, b< m lb? he?> Kouicrie*. and mm? u tm ja uoratioa live A hp ?'? V. wer Vi??f the latest c .astrur ion. BOOK.S a NU PaMPHLBTB a a. up in. ihe belt style, ard on aa reeeeaakle terane as by any other Printer wh > tau da? regard to all tbe e??*nt a's M ?oilw iramauship. 1 beee ? liu wieh heavy werkt brournt mit ?ruh duaatch, ami et Ute tarns time with care and accuracy, wonid do welltoarailibraaooiv**of hu eeaabliahaeent. n-tii'nn paie to bTKKFO 1 i PI NU In raf.irni?hinf an Oflrek. O ha? tot uetlri'tedtbe JOBBINO DKPAKf !H I. M am ha >? ?nw ready to execute i't'ili, Shi* Bi I?. Hil t eadi Baak Cheeks. U? ls'aok?. Bniaof Lad iu>. 8 eamtoat Rilla, fki unc ke ? m tbe uea'eat alylei. aud eo the cjin accurroiotlatibg terms. ?f 3'.ToTh!fcS* t?7" Notice.?Pasiecjers per ateamsbip ARCriC, for T itrrj. ol. will be ob btard, a' tbe foot t.f Canai-at., ea BaT?BDAY. Feb 7 al Jf 3t iL WD K. COLLINS k CO , No 'A WaH-at^ V?} A Word to the Wise.?V rh?'?-.t meetinr; of t a WABUlhOrON BUILDING A8SOCIATION, twen? ty ahire? were sod, thus enab.inra nornna. of Iiis raeni bei? t? tlinr k?d jus? ai.a es In? al leutly been t-akea 'l't.e entrance fee ?i.l . ? :i at .'i1 ceate till il.r aext reaiilar meetier, Feh. 'j. ater which it will be $2 Thoie ?ho wiab shares in this fl mrfhior As teeianoa ut the present low en'raice fen win Id do well to call at tbe c'ecretary'? office, No 333 peatl it . and rib acrtaeat once. A regular mediae will bekoMet tTatien Halt, mmer ef Oliver aud Henrys'*, on MONDaY L\ ENINO Feb. 9. 7uc.ock. Sharea will be re? it? med. All meetina? are p'lblic _ CAS??AHO CWLD3 President, Sat until LiimocTJl Office, Jfo. 20 Ann at. fcT. R. Roeraa tecy No 3j3 Pearl-at_7i \\h t~? Notice to Member* of Knickerbocker Huiidiiitf Aaaeclatlea.?The iir?t aiaatk'a ic,w payable up 'o Monc.t. nipht. tb>* "r atB si of the ?ecieiary. No ;C(! 9'ti :tv. Member* will save h.Ht trt n1 1* anil lime bv paying al tbe office bafnr* the n ght of mettiBc. 171 Utfce k. J. MADDEN, Berry. I" Ail can Uaderataad It.-Every reader i? in sited to attend Oie pubic ni tbe KNICKEH BOCKEB BL'lLDIlSd AS^Ot [ATION, te lie held ?d MONDAY FVLMjm; takia*l . m Katekeibo -lier Hall, Cora or of 23d-at at.d Utb as., at 7J o'cl"C<. Ihe princ pie* ai fi jir fi's ?.1! be fnliy explained to ell, audtb* iree?taud lullf ?' d?< ussmu ii invited Ail wko desire to rarest their ?orplat eern.r-.'* *" that ra a lew year* t!.-y n.t>- owe n- ir'ead. or rtceive laree sun.a in cash, arc ri'jueaied to a'leml Tae rapid ner in whic.a ttux Aaaoeiati .b is lil/ier up i* perkeae. Ilie beat evidence af Us cn.ira'ter. Tbe en'rarce fee will eo-'ii bo iBceeaaed, New ia the t-ate to ?teure youi ?ha es, as tin* will be our firs' r?'su ar m*et kaf Meaabete Wllj bear in mmd that o >r dues payable iron, tins dale. V. VI OMER HFFliE Pre?nl?rt JaMFSU. DKE VEt'i: ll ). Vn e-P.esi.lent. E. J Jl.i: ni.N.Stcittaiy. Oiilce No. ;C8 9.h av. MttTkBBM ^_ tV'rheNen Batlldlitfl arid Mntnul Loan A? ? ct lblloll will Ii Id ;i meet ii* et Iii? ki^miis. euer of bib av. Bad ii'ii at., on TVMDAV KVKNIrViJ. at 7| o'clics. I.r.t'ies and *eui'e,.ien are, invited t> a'teiid ?n 1 kr.i tl.emselraa ot tbe a.lvantasea ot i In?, lhe m .at pr?i ,i( raaa AaaxaalaVtiea ever orfaaized. Meeey will he I aae<i at lue B*Xt rearaiai vee'ine.und member", are re.jues'ud ion ->Vt tkeir irrangameata ;i-ev oat to the laaetteiB. Per ?i us wishing tc t"te shares, can l?avrj their naine* and ike aitraaaa fee. io cents, wr.n either of t?e offi:*rs, cr at the oil re ef tl a Recre'aey, No 2ti) !ith-av , any rirna iari>| the day aad eveu'ng, unii! 'J P. ,M Tne ni ?nth'y t'i;t? ate S2 per him th aad u.tereit a'lowed on due; f ud in adraaee, *ot leis thaa alt atoatkt Da*fiKL B \knes, Fraattltat. Qaenan b. Hi weit, vr? Ptea.?ent. Ab alum Brewe, f a,hatdbat, laaaea Meere, John R. DotBii.ut, Jainea P, Di ckir, Dtniel * .n, Trneteea. 71314 W.M II HOYr, 9ecre?*ry. X9 l i e Mercantile Htttnal Lotin Bad Ac? ? n nt ii In t i ia u Fuii.i Aas-ifiaiion, will i a lag at t i. ton Ha), eotberei Beebaiaa and Na?sa >, ?u SAI'l'kDAY.7l. utt, at7i o'cl. ck P.M. Tlie aablld Bi* lavited 71 lt? W. T.B. MII.LlKEV,f-.-, ,y;,r,.ren,. IV Dtiremn? K NI ion h:>ve removed lor tlx' piasent tj No* IIS aad m7 vkmt.tu, m., YVaihiugtoa Siorei. jjO ?(wL4.itWA4t"\V MATOa'l Oini k. Nrw ToBBa Jan. 31, 1838. Proclaninttoii.?tt/ ?mm of tho aa b :. re*iediBai*.I,AMtK08E C KINOSLAffO, Ma?or f t!? ( i'\ of New-Y. rk. Oo bertrby idler a rs-va-d of l'A"0 HVKDBBD DOLI ahS. foe the appr?liee?,(Nn anuon nctroa el the peri a ei pereaae ? h" uiuiueiei OH a tl. v-d OHEI L, v. hose body ?v.isionod outside of th* Ha'.' Ike v7 ii Jmlimy ii it. Back reward ro he | on Ike oer? I keeaa of lhe Dl?t*l<a AI .nu . Iba' I lie >v . e. ?1 a pea tketaat mui'm t Bataaeai fire faked ny tbeie.-iu.a o.- l eraou* o ttiTiiirigtwk icw.rd. eflw A. C. Kl\".);L?.yD. 1 SI par um um in advaaea TQ OUH EDll'OBIAL FRIEVI)>) OEKTLBMIM : V( runtime lo reoalva lioiuyiur hand* thai bear ) BBOoarBgSBBeal, we va.ue above ul) etbei 1.1 otaai iBtOf tbe jaat aperec atasa of ear eaTwaa. Iteroe a a v.-ui al?^l pUaaar* boiiM wetyatlber re ail taaetber. to rite ye *. pt* BMentoi M*uraaa e ot tear evaail ude i out w* that rsaaei be.wawd] tuil pen ?hfl you ante diue latttl I bat aeaaber ?> m.leas ihetlmd year of our Journa', the ti ihr** s aas bora r.nva* bwea laaxeae in aU eiBalk* after ableh >twaa uin< Iqaaiteri] li aa* c..?t $h,ioj ; ?r bav* l?i? ut ?H,"f", ni.ii pees Ml lhe steie?t?;o plate* of every eeanbai toe in. r*ii f ibe eat re eeatattaUve class ef nur b ?' net . ' I" .ces of Ihe pteea, from Ma.a* to t??v, fiow Lea b a w 11* Wrm oiie >. Al*?v of ibes* no ticca aatead eoiamaa in leegth, aad all evutoeihai hooeai to .1-mIi ika lbo*B yoe vaue oar *K*rta. Therea-ero in eptioi ? hei two bo h Kiimiiatiar iu 'be medical press^yf thiai i-. tVeahretkeat Ike beael ef tketoaof earllat of aot eei aadtksirwriierea loutemr in -> ir Lue Bketchns mi! BodaPoaadera We bell***at ialbrtoe*lydiaekaiciag all oar ?Wagatioee, peeeaiary aad eotn Baaeatar*. Piea?e, then e?atv?b??B, to i*aieeib*r. ikat according t;> that ie ipeetabl* Iubii al. T%* New- York Mtdieml Tints, we are a i un.ed laaa?m" I i : a. 1 " And a< fur >uu' whv, m k ' kite in paBery," te lielntg to the tribe m Ena. Jadaa. and art od, snd Jtseive ae better company'hm thogbikvtaof ikwi teiBe?table eeailoaien,and tbeirauc c ? ? ? t.o gey. Hayi itt, aad Napelaea, Ii. |ba o." i Mail * etTto'setice. we hope f >r your own ?akae yen will eaaeavee te mid to our etekaana n<t as Maay of tar Vila bretkrea a? poisibie.if ouiy tu keeo nut leak light* alive iu the pteeei of s?cn ItaeiaeyHatt *irt ie hud d?akOCtkcy. k e?iih to add to our ctchanie list every i aeal parar ia tbe Uaioe You have only to will it, and it t dui e . vie vr alt rent tie our r. e nrofeision fro.n tne degrading ceaditiea It now Bale\ our jmruui will bp read ? i theflraeideei i' e fam>-r, and at the work beach,and in ay we not hope) BBBBJ a father aod neither mar b* saved n in tae ?eteueai faag* id' (.uacke.y. whicn. with its i; i >)? is igaeeaaea und sueer.tation, cpni'itute the only i'< ul ?e have jet been abla to discover. Let u?'hcuea deaeoe,Oeegiaeed t?Biarea.tekill inm befarahere's a ekeaeeataa; fie 'f ereBkeaale^eaae a lttle abort of the n ," i. ii ,n ? ;<ud nr.I ourselves ia his .'ompauy, we would d leta Had laoaghef oar medical inpud* th?re to m suie aa r.."t'er an unc nifortable ber'h 0ONTENT8 OF NO H FEBBUABT, ItM ?-;ti nlai -.i .1 Cot ilitnti nal htrene'b : its Oinria: Veto table and Animal Hi. t: "Ati>*. Peter, Slav aad Eat " Bta - ba.tiig in the Star Chamber Life Sketcbei "High 0?n e " Tony and his Crow : The Academician from "Au d Rnkie " The llnine-puthic H.Bpop i'anius l he Medical Flacne': l he Accompli'bed Mmlicel Oeatlea *n Cb*ii-lied Meaaeriei l'ne Lesat aad Saved. The Teilet ef be New-York Ladies Tl* Actual C?n?e. ... ? l . ? r-f Damp Feet : Life i? Warm?Deatk i? Coid. An acdieas be-ore >h* Cle.k*' Al? ?ciation ihr Conns and Evil* of i ..lil.*rv Wire and lEistiaad Haateia: D.derent CUa?es of?Forced Mainaire* Tb* I akiefcable Bi.cbe1.. BI .nil tbe t'asr of tbr late J Kearney Roeers. M. D.; adereaied ...tbe Pn festp-b by Alexander E. Hosack, M I) ; with Remarks bi ihe Fditnr. ] Le t> utraotii a el our Public lluiluuigt The Faithless rocl nil Publ c Ii ?pet'tnr? A lien ark .lie Poly pea of the Florus? tno Cues, with ' 0| eraiicns. D t ?i< u ef the Maiie'.er aud FurygiieVMuac'ea for Closed .'aw. Piear'.i elaUi n af 'be Feurth and Fifth Metacarpal Bone* fi. in riie l'*i-.!orni. TheDtud of SOf?A rOwPIR ngl'ARTMIJIl. A New Wrrtkle f ir H. u.eopaiby. S.?t i hu? Ked.iim? 8*tiiuir up those Tails?a Condiiioa Pvwder for tb* Cau il>.rr? The i,'b;.i k oa Horiebsck Th' Nett Vor* Medical Times Oresi Arac'eaiie Discovery : ' /at is rov trunk." BlBliia ftaadibua Medico-Literary Aquatics Paeede-LiteratT Heaeta Th. Qeedea Pnl* and Mat-net;. Ptaiter*. A Medical Par'nenhip: "Tb'- Versalni'y of Oanius of a Med raJ Philai.'bit.pist " 64 BBMa Fo/.*al* .i A Dkl \'li E, 8HERMAN n CO a. No. 3 AaUl Hi Bee; CROwFN'S and MIl.l.F.K'.S Broadway , ard DEWIi r a, DAVENPORT'S, Tubanr It nldiuct Al! older* fiep ai r..ul nantt be addretsed. i>ostpanl. to lue rd'tet, H x Be. 8,181. New.York Peat><Maae We reed tbe tatst 8 numbers at $1; $3 will procure the aerie* np to No. It. _ PROCEEDINGS of the WOMBX'S ? RIOlirS CON\ ENTION. held ia Worcaster. Mass., n lhe lith, 16ih aad ata% of October, MM, 1 vol. octavo. Pp. lit. Price, ti ceuts. Published for tb* Com.mtt** by FOB LERS ai W EI.LS, No IJI N.i?*?u-?t., New-York, ? od No. lit Waalueiioa st , Btstoc. For sale by Zi*b*r a Co., Poilailel;ina, M Thon>;<soa, Albany ; Dewey, B >< h titet j Ban My Buffalo, ami bf lailkllTlen generally, if tt SAM SLK K'fl NEW BOOK.?YAN? KEE YARNS r.inl YANKEE LSTTESS, br Jude* Hs.iku'li B. aiiaa " bam Slu k," b*inai oa* of lh* nio*t H'l a or; us bonk* ever putted, ia pablished and for tale THIS MORNING at the cheap Pub'uhmg Establish aeat of T B.PKTBBsON.No.9?JChts'aut ?t .Pbilaleloh a. Pr e* M raau a ropy, illuitrated c,rv*r For ea'e by all a*w? ?geht? ,n ,B, fJeBei State*. jit 7tVW?tS ASHFORD.tM tho RUiritSD *? ('AMB8TER ?By F. L Biaachard author of - CeUstiB*,'1 kc, xc., ?U1 be coairuenced in Tar Mormmj 5i*r Ibis n.urane. A I wiahirgto rea l this bigbly estirg lomaare will aN>ay||B*lfai thur* aud red deacea L rtkwttk. Tie Ster i* feraiebed at He per w?ek. Ort'.-e No 'u3 Naiiaa st. fttf UV S .n KAI DOW, Mu>e.r of Pottlar.d, B B Lbdaa n, d l'i? .Mau?* La-s-His Life aad La iiii lrWMiuca i ?Ii.?, ?|ta, p?tlril, Jo,t piin. u?. f .| aaJa ai ll e ef lbs tautricaa T* a..o >b*c? i aaee, m9 N?*?a.-i'.. wi.h t>,e m?i?* l^w ,ad ;. u-Mk'^n. Pur?, ii . eel*. MBTartaKl* GREAT TIME for 1859-"GRAHAM and GODEY ?Th ? fait t?,m has itartad aroa 'i the track of \<f v:. at the rate of ? 31, topping time, and no mistake. We utteid to keep O lder up to hit ?rark nu'.ii we come in at the winning- pact in December. H? i? Food coaditios, a little, overfed, and therefore touched in the wind ; bot he ia dome a 1 that a ponjr ia inch eaalBI a ran ha expsr'ed 'o do, and strike* oa*. as if he had bottom, and intended to keep step or die. Ia shjrt, he ia a tooth little pony, ia excellent spittle, and goiag into time with a galloping fonaumptiau?of Metarge k Cape's prov*al*r. it it a food time low to make to. a, as we are paasiaethe first qnarter, and hire boateu all competitor* with ease. The Harder hone?*o named biciii*'? it d .n't t-i.e Li* wind to make htm go?1* the only aair on the trank who ha* a show, all the rest are?NOWsTJ CI Tbo fact is. the owner* of Harper hijve ni r tht to winthertake*; they are rich eno-igh alreidy.and bare lota in Cliff st. t-f (roid ponies, well ttab'.ej. With Orahim and Godey the rase i* different; they hivs f * t!?>ir trurk* an beiurd the waron, a:<l if they rua into aay. thing, it will b* death to ainebody. So, clear the track. Daw itt k DAVtxrolu? tak* bets fJl Graham thr?e to tne. So put uji your money. CM AH Alf? Gkaham's Mai./ins kor FEntftAiiv, ISit Gso. B. Gl)AHAM, No. |M ClICSTMIT st , PlIILAIlELI'lllA ?T**r* ? go, when it would have puzzled *uu, dear reader, . ' J a "line of gray" about our head, we u^eil te ??elcaiae " Oiahain" to our table ; and ruaur a plaasait hnrhi.e we rat in oar easy chair and held most pleasant intercourse with the talented and the gnod. as we funnd them in Gra? ham. Years pos.ed in, atd ho*, or why, we our pleasant intimacy was brokea up, and siov fices were n.etm the place of these " e.ld familiar one*" of hi,>p:cr hi .;-,e?,. ,, a better year*. Imagine then 'he delieli'. we *l 1 erienred on entering our tanctum, to fad Oraham? n <t perhaps preiisely as IN knew hi u years "laug ayne"? on cur table. Win e we hare been griwing ye*!*, mm) been cbaattiag tea. luateid of the Ientlrrr.auly per? msee of February, 18lfl, seventy pefeaei intellect oal frod, we lad Gra? ham caw, to be a parti] gentleman, with one hundred and t*e>e pages of the veiy ch'.irfet orisiaal reading untrer ' Time i* i'ot ou'" mi iaeresau of rtuannty b it of (audits' and variety of rtental aliment Our .'over*, of music find i tri $4 the clcveir t o! cnt ijnes i.'iusirale, by J. S. Dwigh', ander the hale of M. /art'a Di. Gievaaai, anJ the indent of thirjc'.or will be aireeauly entertained wi.h Ike Physic lor, y af ?nii?: i^m. M e j ? reuoj Bepiraatfai f,im*, wniiaeaajaita the p cturc by " Ik, Marvel," and the lover* of tiuc ait will Mealewo llgkl Of half an hour in study? ing the " I'ere la Chaise," by R, lph, -vmcli is a perfect gem. We hud r?ot tli"ijbt to aay hail' to ?Mb) hut ?/? pa aaa*, tar tee snanh ia pra'ae e/ Gr ih am. Aad tkooo el irarriiie-ittiiii araald inv??t S3 (tSeeats per etna Ik njaat Ihiak af at 1) wfeara ?n*y mm teai.ze auj par eaat. clear arafit, ekeald tttstowaai laoaaa tl.ey a??e t'utshed 'ins ?orfoo aad liclore that taa te Gaa r Qrakaat, the oldest* happiett pestlatuaan. laat aad ha at oataiar lag Ike penslhia l.terarr fate, this m the Atlantic. 71 it?ltW [Herald, (Spiingville.) N. Y. PUTN?M'8 SEMI-MONTHLY li I BB A RY?8 ECO BD VOLUMB.-Now Btaly. ? fit eead Volanae <?! h rhJAM'S SRMI-MONTHLY LIBRARY. Con "-ne sVHIMSICALiriEB. Uv Tbasaaa Hk?] with Cesaio IHaasiatioa*. iSsaa. Price B9 aaato. **ThegaausaewMaad tumor tor which the i.iment?d Head wa* ao aiaiaenl y dittiagnithi d above all hi* co lesaaetanea ia Bri*s*h literatara, nerer sparkled more b,i,l ai.ll) than in the aenea of aketchea c rn'irised in this vw nn e Tbejrravh] ihatll iiotsliaki-a by readita then nnisi be poetilvely stoii.i a tetter seleetion e .u'd ao bare locn RMMfa lor she Semi- Montbly Liirary, which Mr Payaani has btfua lo pih tak ktauco elegant re' cheap Bara, far the eagertaJaateal of tho?e ?kataay de? re pei?. art rend i a to rel., :\t the tediUB ef travel, or while a*av a StBttei** ?\ern g b| ' their am fireside.' ? [C 'minerc:al Admrti**r. " Thoroa* Hoed?a irioit adtaitabla feUow, w-ith a wan* heait-a hi land bead?akaaiertnraaat aad artgsaal? a dis pisition aniiub'e aid hareiiee*?a bu.m aesaoakaa-*aa aeaataiy aataaker el ike Noa-Aaakroaial Olub. Hood baa taale. feein g, an) it tiu* ' [Blaekwood. "One of the Bjoaj ontital and powe'f il e?masas which ?v?r w ?u drepi ed by k aarr bite uaraai** cradle, -aud oodly Minen apk* man imo a treaaare, aaaiat, speeial, ename li i 'i co !>'??! iu thr ebar?;r;uiLe?*o| its tint*, yec complete and telf-iaaakneat (>fall the butiona.*, Haod wa* the ?aal pOtllceL ll.eie ia ha*diy a reite in winch some Icaekei Ml heart or ion e plar of fatcy did not Ueckoa tb*laagkbraisjador awarla'ofar other worMathaa the jefer'a. Thia it the ipin't of all Hood'a volume*-playful and poeUeai, light a* gosao'ner, hut pcofinind oaoegei 100, il you lock into them? aut1. all other jsatieg, inao cent [Eit'act fiuea Preface. 7f2t G P. PCINAM.l'ubl sher. New-York. proposal from godey*! lady's x BOOK ?To eoBUNrre epiaiona of the Prei* with any other ?agazuSS in America Here are some of them 'Ina LsDY'a Buer; ? The reooia'.ion of Godey'* Book Is ton well tuabliehetl teile nia'rnaiiy airtrti u by our |,ra.?? orcenauie. Everybody kao,vi. taa'. u Bteiada .a the aery feraateel rank ot An.eiirnn puvlicatifla*. ihe iadelatf? gable *aovtioB* of it* i nterpriah?*, proprieUai have earno.i f?r it ti e tarltble Deeit'oala tk* literary world which it baa ?o long otu, ?ed. It poanes,es all the < htr?i terist. ?? of a firat-elaas U'eiary Jontaal and in worihy a wel.-orne to ( wry liicanle mlo every patlOT where the nsBak 'anguaea ia read aiet an' d. It ia eapeeially i ol tied to the patieaajre af the " t'nir.'* taeasiag ?a it does from month to month vt th matte: sdcsigatd ?apieasly for their ai d eaterteiaveal (Iinnnis Herald. Lajit's Book.?Perhap* the best thiae thst c ta b i ? d I ol Ikia tarerre o' the Jmliea ia, that it has beea autian.ed by taa ?uri aid daaabters o' America duriu; th? la?t ijiiarti r of a rentuir. und i ha t aaek succeeding year it ha* won a inoto pteatiaeat place in tne umej wni ?f its patreaa A ill.oat every year ha* teee it jeelled by ?on,a new rival of piea'. preteiii.ii?, hut ?a'ch baa showu i seit to be a sorry in ita'ioD?a u.ere eanea'ure of the Lady * Rook?prolific ai aweaiiaa, bat beneaof ?errt? m?r? aaertksaof kav 1'iiiive antarnrsra. all such rival*ol ne L?l?'s B eik phvo peraked la taa wataia of nblisiiia naeriaa laat real !?<? iar| atiit is tie eotoatial element of tuoeaet sraa the u. dua. [ktasttscalle 'Vaudiiiica. lt u embellished with eoetly iHaiavinc?, aaek aa t? < leer Bfagaaaia i aa afl ed. fnronftas! maurrnui i ''rar? at/crfseaa are oj a mptnor ordir. Uo?*b?ar. Oodey'a Lady'* Book. |bt January, is on-- of the Staat bi antilul ?ml elerant nuu.i era of tnat deligktlal w irk we have let met with Ii* aniravinca ethibit Ike kigkeat 0*> der of aitiatie talent auf U$.'. trrary mi", ns >'ir Iffoad Ikt itundutd U.I BS irionfti? ;oerii:i'aliO'U of l\is country. I k'r R.f?,lle I*s pages sparkle v-i'li hnuht |*snaaef tkougkl fiomtr.e re.l-ttori is* adaofour author* Mr Oodoy a?laeea Jet? rmu.-e'ioB oi ket: tk* '* L ' 1> 'a Book" ?vh -re U ever has I'teu?sVlaaB way ia advance of its e.otesapor.n ie?. IWia SUtesasaa. Puhlic aalaipilaa. akaa attended and eoatroiled by ?o l.reh a regard for the u teilrctoal atd m?ial well beinc of toeiety, most ar.d wi'l be a rewarded. Leterery Biaawao ha* a tan i y, aad every s'l'g e geottemirt who loves Bad respects and e*-er> w^mau ?iio admire* that wbirh it enui.ei' ia beauty aud ta.te and mat netiea, lil eveiyoae tare %Xtnm hi* carrent *\|iee-?s in order to aeni ? a lafedlal aly for the Lady* Book. [>li*? Setitise). Sirp'e SubecriptioBt S*l. One copy Lady's B. >* aud *ne c- py .\r bnr'a Ifeire Gazette, ?ne year. $1. Clubs dealt with i n th* moat liberal tcim*. For ,-ait eular* adrtress ii 3tLkttW L. A. GODL Y No. 113 Cbeanut at , Pail ]V()V\ ready?8eeoBd Editionof<'lo a. a YKBVOOX ?The Press has everywhere, wi h et t . oilman uiiamui ty. prt<B< uuc-d rtlpeet-nc "CI.OVEK N'liK. RECOLLECTIONS Or' OI K NEIll l LOKKdOli iv ihe WEsr/'tkatH ittkisksBitaradnn ti b oi it* e ast iu lecent Ainsr.eas li'erature, atd that it Bbli'lsa its A i. It or to the BSOSt eitva'ed r^ok am ing Wumst oi i.e.. i.a It ia r lopartd in ibis eonutrr with tbe " sve ca Beek,1 of hvu g and It Marrel'a ' Reverie* of a I .? ,o.'in ii Bntiih ktaratnre with Prufewor Wil. tea? " I.ifbla and shadow* o'Seu'tith I.'fe," and Mm M IfOtsPe Oar Village." Itmsyiaiely b* aileied that no ftava r wn'er ever af aired ao auddeuly aad deservedlv to so h *h a lepu'aiii niu th* literary world. "Tin Ataertcaa woman 1^ tumid lairose or poetry atstkatg Ike the geuiu* of Alice Carey" (We*tiu aater ReTiew. " Al ee Carey a an ritraordiatrr word paiater in pros* atd rsiaa. 6he ataaara to combine the ha* ipiaiitie* of Miaa El.'rabe'.h 1 arre'.i Bruwniue with the beat ?race* of pastoral j ottiy." [Pan* Journal de* Deb its ' 71 It J. 8. REDFIEL?. L'Lotun Hall. fMEN. WIN FIELD SCOTT, the Hero V?of Maty Battles. A S B.tR*tE8 k. CO'3 Para phlets X c?B'e. vt the LIFE OF oe S W|S FIELD M'OI T, C. nan atdci in Tt.ef of the I nitid Stain ami?, y. th iOengravmt? The incidents aarrstsd in Uns wirk arearlec'td from the "Life aud Berviceeof On. WiBfle.d Sett," by E D. MaaaSeld, Es.; . a volttme ot BN pate*. t? u hich the reader it referred as a work ef tlkteard aaihontv. Ju-t publnhsd bv A B BARNES k CO .No 51 ,T*hn *t. Pol hater* of ?' Ma?u>.d'. H:*.. ry ?1 tbe Mencan War." 7f ItDkltB (JR*N.) .Ni w Me. hi .i,-al Work, t? de 8 pabiisked Fob l-T.-t: M ?.?'HINKKY O? THR NINhlTEBNIH G I? U-smn*er C E - Tbe lUBat at oi a wjl hare the valuab'e eb?,ae'.*r of ui? cbau eal eiac i e?(%bein? diann to prater arale* m .?t ?citabie Im du; -? vug Hi* ss.enria! de'ai'sof each snbjeet. That ?larti aaa wni be tecared by ueepaniig each aua act une'er tl.e soiienutetdeaee of tne ma-.niar u'e a ?sBwe woik? will be thutearefully depBBted, Ta* Machinery of tbt N;r.*ts?nth Cetluiy ?i 1 be pabliihsd it mo?tnly jart* tr ?-ne*, e*eh raaaprialai I or i plate* or *haet* of ula* '?? i"B. ?? uei trisi .'o1!^ size.on pt-er- f aaupenor ,j laliir. 1..r ci'iriptiv* test will b? prin'ed separa'.e.'v ia qnsno for la. l.ty . f lean (lee, ta a bsadaauie b '* le of y p .f rs^hv. Ike ' * ee el neu pmt, ooesaleta a lue'.f. c laniiaBat plates aid ten i% Th* entire n .rk will nat ?teeed M parts, aad ladici* will be provioVl for arransini- t.i* c m nu'a Pakliabars. ATChl.EV A CO., Eagiu?*r ug a.d AiekBeetatal bi. k?ri>,?, No. ut t.reet B*?t*I!-st . Bed krd . an, Laaslaa, ii i-.TuTi In Pr**? 'luiE school roa HUSBANDS. M A Nova! bv L.<f!v B'.-'.ei Lvr- . fs , , ,r.y ak*-vs, rn eiserj hv?t*b!ne' A.HiST, Pahliaun, IT at_rtiiltJ'Jph *. VALENTINES ind LACE PAPER v flBSS the aTart*n F?l.. loauauetnr* I ta Yese&B Pari* aadI.ii.ciB. Aa a'mi a' e*e<? u *i bii*t*nie mde ?f a ' b* treat Yaloalrca* Ikaeeaareeueat myriguiBi caautne *, vaho have id yet tolav a*ul* ?hat th** *? >i''l plet'e to ac'tc h* fore Ikst B'e ail cuie. J B IIJ'Hit, bi Ik* < tbialed Vsieatine Basee mm. No 64 ("anal at., tit: > opimf aa kteieer st bear Broadasy. 7f ItA \rALENTINES!!!! ? Do you Ulead b*jmr ? Vaentin* ' If Y*i?Ctll and einem' tb* ehiice ?tnck of Th* Araericaa Valeutin* Comptav, No. ? Nauau-*t , (Sun B*t;dir?r.) Their *ar;*ty it undoubtedly tb* most *itenu*e tad marBif.cent of any 10 New-York. Pneei fiom on* cant to on* hundred dollar* ?ach. Tl.? linear Valen'itet carefully put up to that th*y may he ?ett, wnhont injury, to any part of the .xiuatry. A new ttyl* of Lf.hofrr?ybie Comic*, at $1 50 per gm**. The titde, a* well ae retail porcha?*ra, *re iBvited to ca'l. T. FRKRE k V BCLLEW, Afrut* American Yal*atin* Company, 1{ 8t* No 87 Naauo it., N. Y. CSCHTJBERTH <V Ct).. Music Dep?t, ?V-7lVo. 157 Broadway. It Y , req>i**t th*publie to inspect tn*ir in.**:las ?'ork of Mls.c for Voice, Piaao. for I 4, ?, 8 haada. It.r Organ, Violm. TsBlBBWelle. Harp. Orchestra, ?tc, la *very ?tyle. for nrtuo*,)* and het-iBners. Th* rrearrst ipkciiub m tk* United State*, of $101,000 we.-.h. O'dertof Foreign and American Mtuic wdl h* attended to warn atoeinfan, j3 Mwastf \' A L V. N Tl N KS, VALENTINES, ? VALEltTINE M AN I FACTORY ?Let all dealer* remember that LBAP-TEA1 AND i HEAP POfTAOl :et.d*r the ne oi \ a.entine* caiaia, and that tb* demaad will It* lane. ,n SEND IN YOUR ORDER1! K ABLY, while th* itock u ar?*. freah ami ?plendid, to Kl^iiVH It HfiOTHKR, (be pit at rr in YBlettuie*. at tneir o.d ttnad. No. 71 Chat, bam at . New-York. 3f otA CflflAGElS IS WAiN I ED.?The sub * f I H I tetiBaWS nave just i'siieil a revised and enKrted ed!'n.nif WILSON'S a MEKKA N OBaTi nioLOO Y, in f i ler.ri ii Li tu*, y Blntttng, ill uat rated wi I. ever Urn speci aaeaaat*airtaiiene R./ds, oolored from nature esetatnteg 7(G|agr* 8eo To a* ?o'd by su*>*r,-jptmrt only. To%mg ii.i ii o c ix, addresa coo. a small cash capital of $li to f.'.U,realiz* frmn Si.CfOto $2,C0 per ainum. AIdr-t* ; nio^alli or b) leite?, preps.d the pmlis'ters. HENRY -4 E vttl BL3 & CO. Ifltk* No. Cl'.ik place, Nee-York. ID a nt CCmtlunmcnt AS MticK-KKf.i'Er., AstUteltt In-ok-kee^r, or rti Collector, by a voiii.|r MaO with nndoibfed re terence ; .? well .i .ii ti . ii wtrii CoHeetlBf. Attdre** W ILLOW, I iiLute ul'ice. No liquor dsalor* Bead ap? ply, if}.* AS ( i.kkk. S:i!i:Mi,an, or Assistant Beok keejeT.h. ay 'leg Man.who is agiad permiaa and accountant, to a respectable house. Apply or address F. A. H . N i. 3.3j I ittou-st , Brooalyn. 7f 3i* \S Cook, Wisher ..tvl Iraner, hy a rt> spectab'e Weenaa, an a r leeetable family. Ha* lived in the Beat reepeetabte btenth aid American fami lie*. H?? no eMeeraan to tb* eoaatry. H it th* beet of m? ekarasster. fan ler.een for lw? three d;i)>. at No. 3tl ttnav , coiaer i f ^'ib st , tn-t iloor, aaal frojit ft la* AS GoTBBJfBBI, by a I.niy qtulified to I ? tale the entire cbarce of one or two i hildren. and if required, the supervisi Ki oi a itenileamn's hous*. Ilsviair b<< ia uiai u*?, *he ward*) eheerfnllr devote her aa^etaaaa and tin.e tc their aaerala and bai piness Th* ad vert1 ear l as no t.hiecln n to 1> ave it.e city, b* ufaetoiv reference can lie eiv?l and will la. reeaireal A line l*ft at the office of thi* paper,?drlreuul to il. M. A , thall meet wrb im nt?iate a'tentian. if 3tT iTnsS* AS HovBBXBBPBR,byBB American young Lady ef doniesticated babits th* would like to ?rjper ntuid a l' ? fttattly, is l< ud of children, ani ctniperant to po.form the d ries required; her erprriatce ia NeeiileworS i* an ml l,t:? recommend at ion toth>se who may need her services. References each mged. Ap? ply pers^ncly, or liv.note, at No M bi n. It H* AS 8f AMBTBBBB, bf n Jim"',' (Iirl, fil?y competent to eat aud fit ladies and .'jiiilreu'a dresne*. No objection to c ty or CJiiat y Can te aeca f.>r on? >\ay at No. 170Etat 2C.b-tt., near the tl av. 7i It* ACOMPBTBIIT WOMAB de?ir6B to BBgBffB lier serv.ces to arme reepcrta'de fsnnlv colng to Cal? ifornia about the l?r oi March. Highes'. IfeftfeBi-ss riven. Apply at KEttNOT 8 Uookator*. No. 633 Broadway. Utt* BOOKKEEP E Fi'S SITUATK)N W A NTKI).?The Advertiser, a yonnr man, 2d year* id ate, i* located to tUifCity as Agent of a toaa U at BT u a ei.nipasy in a neu hb. nr u SInte, which reiimre* but a tnall i ef Ua tone, w. u.d like to make aa arrange mi nt with lotae Baun i>i honte here to keep their books and account*, er attend in nn> out-door bunncsi; b is had seva.itl y< era' . i|.ri eiiCB. o\ d mole ei.trjr, &r. To Ihote i?i)uirirr either a temporary or permanent Clerk, he would oiler bis tervieet on teriui perfei tlv eauaf ti torv, provided that hi* own businass womd not I e interiUjiteJ by auy ar laBienient Ibat would nntteriaUy coull rt t%ith the aoove. heapet 'able lefareiic.ea eiiber in or out ef New-York Ad? dress M. J. I, cat* of A. R. HEHHICK. Esij No, 47 Iietkmaa at. fBtj 2-vTuThaS* LI'CH A I ! - E D-'CIIPATIDV for Ell HER BEX ? Th* .idv rtuer ?,11 eeeaaaa.* to any l^dy i?r ftenilroiiiu Prlatetl Iuatme-icna Lw I We bc:.o tiful Aitt. with ( ur other n*peetabje aud luriily ruin Mrattre occupations, reoniriag no pr*vn>ai knew'.eiise, bet t-!tt:rK otulay, ard turlu .eui'.r eipl.cil rai enable either j u'.h or udnlt id both ten * to practu e the >ama .vboll. or at leianre hour*, mio'i r or ta BBMBT, and by ordinary ladee tryetdareageed iaeoaae in tue production of articleeia ci LttaLt (lun.itid throughout the LTui<>n. The vt ill be puiotn.iUy f>rwsr.Jed by re-urn of mail to aay part o'' the Uailed Sta'es, for St, tu addressing jieimTT'-kM P.L fBUWKHOMME. he.rar, N Y ?%J USIC i E iCHER.?A Germari, trho i.?B bus reeated la Parle, nod wAeia alee a Teacher of Irenen, wishes a tituatioa' at Teach.r of Music. Heia ef l'iotettai.t eonnictinn. and speaks Enalisn intellirihly. Atldrrs* duiisa this lu.niu, uar3io.NtA, at tit's odice. 41 5tTnTh&S*_ _ qpo PRINTERS?A La.i nearly 15 J. yean eld. now livmr in the eaaatry, wi.he?tob? c-me a tLoruorh ptact cal Prin'er. Addreee TYPES it il..*nll:c-. 31 jtruThaS? TO DRUGGISTS.?A lirst-class Drug Hare lebeaaM(ea aooaaat ef tae ill hea th <*f the pre I riot or. AtMiesa OAl.aN, L'niou i.uai* Host Oihce. If Tl*_ 1^0 ARCHITECTS.?A young Ifta, . wiveheeaetaeatlaryed on a railroad as Aaaia'ant I Bkiuaerand OraogfitauiBB. aud w ho ti-aialhe E.irliah, Frei eh ai.d Sponun lai r"ones,*s a s tuatioj in ;u ?.< I leer's . ffii e, where l.e could receive .mtraction as a cue i eu**'i< n 'f lerv ces be ? onld b* able to reu. er A 1 ? irn's kMHNEEK. rub me OUic*. ifJ:' ryu CLOTHIERS.?A lirat-ntfl prar Ja tteal Cutter, who** enjaaement i* abuat t-s e.tpirs, ereald lik* to hear of ? a.ruatlea He 'indars'anitt th* Rontbera and W*iter* nuiines*. Addret* Box 1^4. j 12 if T?tintcb BUY WAaNTED.?Li'icire at No. N Joha-H. _ft** t^LERK.?Wtuttcti, a v(iun_- Man of J strict intefi'y. acute, aed I f ibe brst r*c .rnmendi tnn, about 21 |**i* of age, a* Clerk lu a H atierj .'liir* ? Ote oi rta'eel sddre.a and su 'abl* .;uali!icati**?, aad bob*, mav addrea* B C at Lbi* eflfc*. A Be/ want? ed alto, to ltaiu the bus.nes*. Aduit-in as adxiv*, with rel'ertiic*.__3k*_ JAW LS ORIFFlN.?iufunnatioii want? ed of JAMES ORIFFIV. lative uf Sildanen. I/* Isid. Can* iu this eoaatry Moat ote ?*ar aro. H* it ?< itewbel* ia N*w Jeriey. H i enter, Mi. <mt Onffia. is bPXPBi to fnd bin. Sue haa yaal arrived iatbiacny, aad laatayragat Bo. 38 Hammersley tt._Cf 3tD^ltW* M-U^L"^HS WAN rED-Several youig towoikoa Mj'.linerv are want id ira IB i ili at I IT kt Ha ?'1 Broadway, as ataava Eiperieaeed liatiUjrefentil. TfJl? (3ARTNER.?Wanted, a Partnei i; nn establ ibed busu.*si. ka*ia| at eauimand a eauh < f ;.<tad of Sl^leO. An am.".it en-elaa ?? hat it now ta aarred, n already bawBtld, but WttAtaia addi'ioaal eapital, a I u?iB*i* of $110 1(0 per aouum ran i* itfely done at aa ,t* age pr. tit t.f to p*r e*at. F r ptrncaia'*.* MARSHALL, :.t tb * BaTk* Co.:..n IBCat.oaJ I deatiai._~< If 1^0 CAPITALISTS.?Wai ted, a per . ace who will farui.h from Jt.fW o $1,1)00 to carp'.et* ibrpa'chue of a rtaJible pi-peit, thai ean be made to p?y HO per cent, cu the ibv. atnatBt si kin twelve months. pro..( oi the above, ead r?fe once of the brsliett rba-.f-r inl? ^btsined by .< Mre.n :t ?? CH 4li TEB,"atibi* (He*. NtrTuTbA*V np() LAWYERS.?A Freach Lawjei, JL m%xo has had eoaaiderable etpei ^oce in Fraace, ia the Fie?cb Iji? C :r's, i? 'o< r n.a f obtalareg a utaai 1;ob ir a p'oni r.snt Law t-ffca in :aa Ci'y. Tnc adv?r;uer ein t'?e the bttt lefeieceti cf ctpabditv a.d charse'er ('fuel! tef r an eu ploysr * g'eat aJvaataj* P'?fe/* etrer.-r -ewl ,^ r, sik Fre.ich. Audre? '' LE< ? I, Iribuae Oflica._. _ ffio WATCHMAKERS ?Wanted, a j. tiluatiou hf a youne Maa deairm* ?f flaitbrig hia trai'e , baa *or> e.; t ^o rears b> th* bmiaes*. Best if r* teretc** rivea. Aaadyai th IB Beeanaaa at- ?ta* fIV) BK1CKMAKFKS ?The aubseril^r M. kav.Bg a leet>able 1 wstim. with even eiavenieaie M J f'r rr.ak-Bf brick, cnectM "a ?latb Blear, at o.d BnCf*. Bftddlaeei Oe. N J., i* i? ef procamg * usitaer, with i-n.e i *?ital, ? h? w ?'nnajoted wi Ii jr.* b?.:Beir. A NDBBW J. DISBROW. Old Bridge, N J..Jia ?T, '851 1? >?*_ V|7ANTED? A BetaMB tu ly ompetci.4 T " totaae'iu'ecd :h? buildini < f Air a?d Aaaeahag FuTT .ee* f..r mal a a ce *ad smtli gray ir. a caa' iega Tae . ...n will be, equ ud to take trim %i 0 to tJ)0 stark la ist r, rrpany. H? must be'nlly c-'msereB: tn'an tbe air fmseeeeaaaaaea 'B*ea?nBe* n >oe nutta..s* obacta l . I Ibe beat <.| isaUmou aU for char c er aad a?tUty wul a- y. TB* fotir.Iry to b* I-a-ale* ia N*w H*v*a. Coaj. Vaaied.alae, a ceicieUa.Sort M*tsl Pai'era-iaaaer Ad dre**(po*tpa.d)NEw. ENGLAND MALEBaIJL E UK Jf co . New-Havea, Coaa.?New Hav?a,F?b. J, .l>* 31 tlOkllW* ii s. school AGENCY, for ?D JVr ! f?ViATIONAL 0 UDERS?MUTUAL BENE? FIT ANDSAt INGS INSTITUTE. No ?1 Broadw?y - Negotiations da'Iy. by to* bast Ins'.,tutioB?. Familie* in. liar-ken a deivwit mm par <???? on on* esar? core peoistioa proearea the foil amount. Other dej.oeit* (bars tne prj.t??qa?:!y. Aiplv early, with the money, postpaid. Offr* hours. I to It. A.M.. and I to 5 H m Fitahlisaed 1147, by " _7f _?? H. WILCOX. Proprietor. r??I Fers wanted.Ant. ? ? elaea Watvr, ; must have r*f?r*nc?s from tirst-clas* eity p'trato ftmtlie?. No public Waittn need a->ol? - no. 148 Grand it. Abo, two colored Waiter*. 7f it* $ I 00 ~~NVa,ltr'!' immediately, Sim) St Vrvf? t ,r t?., month*, fur the ie? of which t! I wi I be paid, ?od eecur ty <,v*n. or a feat ern in wi h $ LAOS, tojvmtne ad re rise- as special or ao tee partner, la the D'au'ifactare of an a't'c.le that i* paying 30? per eeat. Ad dra?a CHEMICAL, Tribune i N y 7f ?t? iPl 000 t(' 11 ?The'advertiser Sr " me uand thieeusi fist inTe.-.meat in a safe and profitable h .eines? . one already established preferred He i? an ?otive and eii>?r;en< ed husiuess mm Address W W W.atlrihune Ortic<\ stating particular* and where an iaterriew- can hj had. 7f bt* ift*^ ilOO ~A y??nz Man, of atttfre St esa?*? *a ?vf# b 'siocs* habits h*?mg at his peat mard *.J.5l)n In caah. wiihea a aituvioo interne good, r* speciahla Mercantile House, where a* would recenre a r*a*?n*Me compensation t,. hi* aerate** and, the ?*? the at ovo tum The beat referaact* giv?o. Ad,!res P. T Broadway Post Office, if lw* -ft * a < H)(i ?w??te<?s? pprs in with this St imeuatineaak,to eagige in aa et rlutive boainess in the Vew-Eugland States, which, by at'?ttron, will realizeSlt.OM |?r annum. The strongest I* at Inn Mais in regard to tin* businca*. 3* well a* all other Inf rmarioB. "ill be sivea npon appl catiou to ENGEL BKECl-I It HOOVER, tJT Cr, a-|oa. Orfi -a hou-s (?? rn 10 A M. la i V M 7f lt? Doarbino,. DOARD,?Wanted, above Bit eckt r-m. IB fca a piivata family, where there are i e n er*, a Funnelled Boei i turtw > yoaag |ai -leinen, with tu 1 Beard bTth? rat and pir til Board air the other. Terms mutt be aa Berate, aai to uelude fire, luh'. ?> ao. Tbe SalrerrtUera wiah a CS oitoitabl? home Reterenre* er chatted. Addres? 3. C , i Btoa cf thi? paper. 7f 3'.* | ?EN'i'EKL BOARD 1 i' TOWN. * ' A tew etnt'emen and ladies .'.in he a oomusida'ed s\i'.b roe ma, u'd genteel No 371 F?urth-*t., near La Fayatte-plara 7f It* BOARD!NG?At No. 39 Rose-at. A tew nspectab'e rermnsrin be provided with agree* h'e, pel mm enl mn ,n:n il.ti 1.1 let S2 .<?), a id up to |6 per iveea. Gtnu ?i i mta iurai.had wi.h a.aal* o?ly,if?o deeired. 7f im* I. i>e?Ahl) WANTED?By i vnung Man mL3 m aatrrate (eerily, with t>reeUaalsAdtea,an4slBV ?er en 8ondssa,between Can*I ar l i h at., near Brm I way eadBeaery. Address U.U., ntbaaa Ot\loe. 7f3t* ROOMS in WAMIINO l ON-I'LACE. ? A Parl.r and Bodreeeaaitaehad;alee, t wo sinttlo r aims wall Oe lestted to mug e KoetaBBea turniahed or uu iurniat.ed. m,tu ur without b:eakfi?t, at No. 3l Was.Hu.' ton p hi e Puneasior. immedioteiy 7i lw* OoM. ? Wanted, by ;i (?entlemin, a Baadasytaely fmnthai Boom, irtUteat Bmrd, hi or near Eaat Bieadway. Apply fo' particular* at No 46 Eldiadia-at. Adaieaa C M .Civil Engineer. If It' HOARD.?Two BsB|jfl*3 Gantlemen want permanri t and Ml Beard in a pr vate family. <ahire there are tone or lew boniders. Pae* >?.aat two fur r.i>hed roenia Loca'ion betaaea Wutcriy plice and ?Ith. st, weit if Rnsdvay. Dim er b*;?-e? 3 an I V Term* not t.ieicetd ill per ?eek ior b th. Addresa PR')>!Pl' NESS,a<lNo IM Bioadway Po.t Olli e. Ti li* BOARD. ? A jirirate fniuily would ac tsaaaaadata two or three tren'leiqen with B Bid aa 1 pViesnt roi-nc?, ??II d. in a lirat c'as* houis. in a (oi (I neighborhood, at No. 18 Walker at., antat oi Bioad? way. _M lw* HOaKO.?Rooms to L?t, witli Board, to Gentleasca, at No 257 OreeJ* St., aen Clmtoti. place. 11* l?a* BOARD?Where French is?jiok';ti, in a leateel b'neee, Fanu'.iaa aa,d paaas parson* dastrou* if acqumt* the laniunx^, caa be accusaniodalad Tne I onae baa all the muCuin inprovenieni*. Location east of I Lion aqaare, near 2d ?v Ifaeaeeptioaable reference* t veil aid tenured. Address f., 11.t No. SI Uaatm iq i*re Poat- Office._ _it ?tl'akda* BOARD DOWN TOWN.?Furnish id Birtaat aak orwitaesstBeerd,at No. 5 Mertlaat , M dcor fr?re Proiunay Alan, Oeatlemea f'-e whose buai aasa it K ci liter icnlly located ) can b.i aic oomodnlnl wi a day or dinner Boaid. IfJtMWaS* BOARD In BROOKLYN.?Two or three aicsle gsrsatl0*0*0 e?n hmr plaaaaal K?nne, ?aith partial Uoaril. at N>o II Wil.ou place, *etr Soo'h Perry. BaBseeaoo lamiliail u jcwsiitf \LADY irikhBBtO BOgBM tlirtif or four geatleaMtito lake Baoaat, w.ta partial nurd la a home w int h *h* projaaaelo eeeepy oa Ike ist of May ? In mediate applica loa ah odd he oiaaa, a* it* eoareaiseca af the gentleaiea will be coaaalted in t*m ??lec'ioa of the Iiu h'iou. I i.'inea looHb'e n I? rence* ?nl >ni r*i)Ui ?>l and given Address E M . Tribune Office if ItTaThkS* BOA 1(0 Wa.N rj?;0. ?A young L-tdy deaire* to obteiu Hi ard in a rel'giaus onva'e feaai r, wi hin half a ro>:* of the ci'ner rf Hth at. an i btd-ev. Term* in"d*iat*. Addtaaa IBACHBB, Oaatral Poat-Of lire, Broadway. _ ifaiThkV BOA H [) ?A plo.isant Pallor and Med route. on the ?ecoudHoor. ein be obtained svilh par? tial Board if required, at No. 71 East ll'.h ?t. if 3'. iV i al* I >OA HO ? Tu Lwi.a larivt front <" i M m seroml Hoi r. iiiraiehed or ntifuniishcd. for a Gcntleaian and Wile or '.lie* (ingle Gentlemen, Ai>oly at No. 61 East Broadway 31 3t lul'u*i? BOARDING ?Great Redu<-tion fiom iron town Pr:I ?* ? F?ruishtd room*, lucludlbt Beard fur two persons f ,r Si pel tveelc. Larg* back p tr Ur fur a lie 'leman and Lo:i?."ir>t c'aa* h nao, Omni. h'i-is ps>* nej mum su'c* Aililie.s HUH .ON', Ti. I ue i aiv r g *<.die*a, wh? r* prop: ieter will call uihib you. or call on B P , No. uu W all at., or No 613 Hu.laou ?t. Term* rat? low iof taia elan koaaa Rtf?r*i.c-? et i hatged. if 31? HOARD?Wanted, in a private faoiily, ka the aaper part af 'he areoeoea*kiar?aag Lady Tema. $i to $2 M per w?*k. 1'ueiciptioaaila relM-cncc* will be aai) rei,u:red. AoJ/ee* (? H. 7 . atihueffic*. saft1 BOARD in BKOOlOaYN?Wanted, for a Gentleman atd hi* Wife, with furiii.hed roicn*. iu a reaaeotakfe private family, or where there are bat fear iioaidera. Nejr Attaatie at. pieferrad. Reference* *i chaoged. Addres* Ufc.'s'NLS, at etlice of this paper. 3ft;* DOARD.?A Gendenaan and his Wife, MM i r one or two fing!? Oeatleaaaa, can 'iad ha id ii.u ely fuintahcd Ko ma at No 171 Eaat |7ih-*t. Hutiae i* fuiaialied with hot, cold and ahuwer be.oj, hot air, gas, a Ui0* 12 OARD?At moderate terms, with pleaa 1# axt room*,eoniar of Broadway ai.d tath ft. Tb* ions* No. lo 2?th *t. i* nppl.ed w:?h warm, cold and ihower bath*, and other ni'"1?ra iinpioremeat*. Hr ad way tod 49ta *s *'age* pass the hoaae airaoat every ruiBcte. 2f4tMWKkb*_ PURNISHED ROOM.-?A VelWfur M Biahcd Front Roem.ontbe ^fC'.ed Bear, with gia'e md large pantry attached, ?ill b* let tu a gea Umaa. web >ut meals A l t oae futd of ,uiet and cl*aaliBe*a may ap ftjatHa.dT wfu'e-st. Bfl.sfa 1riSFURJST8HED ROOM?To let, with B 'ard, soital le fer a Geatleirau and hi* Wif*. Also, I JurBiased room, tu table for nnr'e Geaylema", at No. - ?? aite Et. Johai aPsr*. Kefsrem ** re IttlMl). iflm* Boarding ia <: m HARINE-8T.? 8ev*r?l Oentlemea n.ay be plea?aBtly aeemiinadated era Board at No 1 Moeroe *t. c?rD?r of Catharine. Par Sever?l Gentlemen d at No 1 Mm,.. iLt* sie'iuirad uomiiily. If la B B OAKD.?fienteel permanent Buard at No. ?3 FoltoB-rt., also, trsosieet sad day boi/dma ,1 la* OARD?A Gentleman and hia Wifo - rsn be ?ccon,moda'*d, at 124 H'ar;-*t. Also, sera ral ? agie GenUerbea. Befeiercs* eicLrtigsd. 4f let* BOARD.?A GeutU fiun mmi his Wife, or single G*nt.eman. eaa save a very pleasaat reoso ud beard, st Be.?S?eeay-el i la* FBURNISHED ROOMS, withoutB :. at No. 142 Catmbe*e at.?Well Uraiahed snartaneata ? a private faBa.iy, locaiion desirable, acd into* ume lia'e v.cuuiy ol an ?xesllett lastaiuant. Breakfast sad ?a, wi'h pnva'* table, if required l)e lm% IaMIRNIollED ROOMS to LET.? Pleaaatt P.o in* ?tial! family in the house Beat asataratO. Apply at No ?24 Wooater ?t :r It* Board in a spanish FAMILY? a anted If aa Arrerieaa O^atUman, who svukoo ta earn He l*j,g'i*;e aCdrasa J.N.U, No. Iii ^"TJ,** it. Tb* beat r*i*.etc*s givea._JJ }m OOARD reduced at ti? PKiV^TK JLfMAN?I?N HO EU, N*. il ;,?? BERT 0*?ti*n.?( wrth auigla ??*?-'? ?*?* '?Bt '"L1?*** $2 M B wee . : .] N b. a rater* %i a ??*?* I ,TW a dar nelhsersti? #_ *?'**** ?OARD.?A gentlemaa and hie wife, wr . fc,a aat| ? g..Bi?.ruea. ean obtaaa I . .? , ... lernisaed apartineaU. oy ?. - - j'*Y?,. I Hafeuitk ??. UasuayUeaaNi j?JAr**?s*e r**ja. *<t>m 1? JBROAD'S DINING SALOON, No; ? to Na*?au-?i.,New York-The BBd*r*age*d ceepoe* fall* aumueces to th* nuM c af New- York Bad rU ?caarty, lhat he ku r so a B**? *?l*bli?hm*Bt far in* aceoaa Mi at ioa of tho** who t**e tb*ir moal* d >w? tow*, end he hep** hv a net aotl paiaoaal a Uatina to hi* bnsnaeae, and hj furawtnee lb* h*at tbe mark*! ?fford*. oa th* Boat low owical leiki. to oiatit a *baia of public eitroa***. ?f Ib.*_ J. BROAD NEW HOTEL?Ten completel? Fur ?.',.? B*n*u at $l per week ; Ra-iaa* wrtk mi**, *c . BJ Jd p?r mmm | Boom* rar * Ina, tie Th * adrair* b!? roMit acted b*ot? i* y?d throegheet mntk gaa, waanUbr bot air farntaea. ?itk water nlmiT* aa tank 11 .nr. sad kept epea dona* th* antht, nora*r af William and Frankfcrt-at? . ?a? k ork fina the Par* jlj laa* Crjancco for,nc<j3 fHcn. ri^lj PRINTMS.?Power Press R?otn -b for tale. cons.?!*Bn ?f oa* feeble end oaa irntl* cyl? inder Pre.*, with aVtic. St - There ut a rood roa of ce*. torn Or, if p'ifeiivoj. mm Presse* wul bo *a>ld separately. Apply at No. 16 Spnaee at., Paaoaitnt, or No. M Aaa-at. * ijH) TEACHERS.-A School is offered A tor sale in one of" tke sw*iaibt >f this citr, which baa b*?Biatahnrb*d aeatb f*ai <rtn Ihei* ta m ptk?r Cla* siral kVhovl in toe town wbare tan it located. Il it aar ro' Ldcd by a d?ua* oopnlati <u ?f hublr ?altiratod at ttinniesta. who aia w l inj to aporeciate aad au* aia a *cb-ol of high character The rush to aeeare d?r*lliBCB b? saercftaut. and otLe-. et? ? ged is butia*** la the eitv, MfaaatliteakiaMea las raaee Ike price ot real etta.e in n.ttselT. l bi leaaee tie bedding atpirea iae lat of Novemberneu. The pr re rto.?ir*d for tbe School i* ta* rocerate aui f | I ea.-h oowa , poeeeeatea a.rea im netiatrly. Nct.e bai thi <e of req latMe oaa tticaucas, and have ib baxd tbe mean, e' p.iirm.naad apply. Ta aay men who wi-h** to a* tie ta a rloartahiag School, the present atf-ids supe i >r inducement* Addraa*. with par? ticular*, PRINCIPAL, at ibi* office Ta* or?**at pr.v prit k r is about to chang* t ta rtaidenc?, wbirk is tk* r?a iob of leliiBg. If it* FOR BALE.?Th* Restaurant ami Saloau ta Odd n Hows' Hall, cornea of Oraad aad Ceati* .ta.. w ith seven yeare lease, will be sold vary eboap for i ash if applied (of unit *di ate ly. Inquire oa tbe pteea ia.t if *t* A GRAIN DISTILLERY FOR i a PALS?New aad -n rrmpli's irrlsr. rritk a naaafilty for tunning front ti (' kt I 0 kaakalemi grata par day. One ef i lie best IccaliuBS lor the basinets in the utit-hh >rb,ood of New-York. p..r fill Malaie, ..pply to W L. JA* COBS. F urmaa at Murty a Eu.r r, ? ? ?; ilfery. Broekli a. It ItSTuiiTh* ?2 TEAW1 SAW-MI ? Piaiiing~a^rid K3 Moldin* M.II?. foei ei No-'h llth st . VViIIubi? bu th Osk and Putt liaebo* lawed to order,aad of all i'uc.snis Cast in Pin. if and Matchisg eieceted ea favrotabl* terBat. Deek Plants Faaetiaf, SnliBgaad Mou? nts i uBatantiy oo land. 7f lw* ?T-0 WATCHMAKERS bm! JBWBL~ M KKS ?For aala, Ike ?o,al wil1 and tiltures of a good lcrattd and well establish!d Wa'i u and J*w*kiy (tore, lilueted in the B .wer? atxite Proon.ea'. Tba niaaeat pan ptie'or has, during aia oeettpeay,, l.udt ua aa etieaaive ard well payinc bUMi eta, a?d bob re'iayiisliea il oalr for . I*el enibarkis* lain the wholesale trat? eowa tewa, luck an ayapettaaitj (for a peraon with capital) rarely okara ol rataiiag aaan aad] ar?Ataaia ia?**tin*at. lh*.iii ? u??' leg Mio.-e th* store, rent low. Picas* ad dims J. C.i tail Poet Office, where all aa islcctory eptMicuh.ri wB l.e t i.ttrrd into. Iflivrul'kat* It 1 i u h ito v^(K)0 ?A "i,i,or*" a ?" " w\ f ni ? to ??tar* in nn ????tabli*a*d. papiag buMBCia ? 7 be undersigned proprietor of iht Dmtntmimm Jeeraei, ?> ill dkspoaa *| an Mtereel ? t one-half in that pun. tteatsoa T? m i taiasi a or ac ratiAe skia is ? eery .. : vie pntnt . n A ny i : * witn from $ i toe ta %i etil) eta Bad BtcaVabr* ike re* b ifc **iiau**adaaaaay For further* luuuii* at No Nf Ur-.ud*Bv. 71 a ? S I) Hl'HPHHEY. STORE to LEI id STOCK t?)rS\LE. ?A Siora in dth-at , > et seen t Ith aad Utk-ete , wrtk a tine aaaotfKaai if Faacy Good*. oflbrtM a ran efpaa> luMty to my i nt srltk aricall cipital wutklagj to tngag* la tti... bin.;.'ini Ncr.b lira il . it !i no witbnif to pur rt-ue tke ttcrk. Poa e*?foa itneitdi.1?, if rcu,iiir?d Ap ptj at No. IJ3 6tb-a?. t( ?? A LARGE IT BLIC HOUSE to J * LBABat, for a term <rf tear*,-een'rallv *itu?t*d 10 tkatctiy,eoateiaaag apararde| < n oi.ta ? The Breannetur I.e.i* aaattaaael me.tu ? i.a sflotaett landlord, offers ta >' i . inen's iare!jr pr. K I o n> n t'l'e w.ll Is* sold at a low price, cr a fuir appnzal, at>d the tenaeof tke laaae ?i 1 be ea tqaitakia leraia Addiea* HOIEL. T'ibuae < fflce. W lw*c illoittij t?iHiuit aub lo tCoan. ONLY ti. I," LN?-On H<iii.ianil Mort ta*e, in sunn, i f Si i< ? to $3 ?co. Aoply to BEiaDBN aCOLT?K !!*. ,?* ),?? * No, 93 ChamUere at. M ni\hn?Uaiiii.f> ^Crr-eiUBtnitnl?. fWEW PRY GWODS.?O. \\. SV.N i. a UEBB k CO , an <. ttoir. lo It. Rarker. No 301 d and ?t., will op?n ou MO"' OA Y, Feh. 9, with aneer Sloo.h of Gu. ill, leceu-l) purchased umler ti.e m at favorable olr cumt'asce*, ami na winch ara I,U0 WHITE CHAPE SHAWLS, em'iroidarcd and plain, ni i iir i v. u imp'*rtuliaB, In pnt ea and.?t}le we defy all corn petir ica. Ai?o, Plaid aadBtrlped INDIA sil.KS, a*w*tyle* ho pieces NKW BLACK SILKS, kaffk luster and of IhB mutt ar proved atj'e*. Also, Srvtd nm! bIlid GLACE and POU DE 80IE SILKS, with a spleucil i.If eat of aew l)e Lames, Al I ac** Ilomiszines and other Dress Goods. Hosiery, CRovmi &.C , v.hieb wilt lie a Id at Ibe lowest market price Also, 30 ball* and ernes of DOMESTIC GOOD^-9h?e> in?., Shirtings, Pnats, Papar Cauilrri< *, Ac Alto, Linen Damask Diiper*. Linen Sheetinga, Table CIntl.i, N ipkui*, Do) lie*. Linen.H imlkcrcbief*. with a full a^imiii.ent of ho'.iekeepitg artic.e*. Erer/a tide trutblu ly repr*sented. CBAl W S\NDER8 fc CO . njannaaaantaB. l.i k*rj No. tti Oraad at. C llAKLE* S*M>t.Ks, CBAkaJta BBklaX Kit* A LL Til AT NEED BE SAIDA BOUT iV im WATT't NBBVOUi AWTIDOTILOB THE I I.E' i"!' *L LIFE > Lt. 10. tS, ill AT Aht)VE*lO CKhTIFlCATlJ? OF t.'HHlNO CONS! v.l'CtOW, PI LMON4BY Afaf) NKRVui ? DIlr.ASEi, HaVE BEEN ?WOHN TO IllfCl I?INIT.M. IHK : id O.R1IPIJATE8, Two \r |jM i Hfl a .'), VIZ: 71 Bf. Po HE OEO 111 DtOlf E?<> . 63 BEFORE Is a a 'i Ii \ I i EL'>H, B* I ; t7 HKFOK'' \ AhlOCS Ol'HRft ;'?>M?il .r . iNi o- 2" ?wbTB? FBOM"to TO Ml A ? ? Y HOW RECEIFB THE IMLh.sal r i ECIRICAL HHO.;K, PMODl < IN'? I ?<IH)i lU RPLIVF, AT'IHK're e ll e \ ? i LKKEIWICH-flT., BESIDES Al.I. I il \ i I . HOLD AT Te. I. |.l I'.ri, no lo' VA.SACSr. iI A BOrrLfe; $? a DOZEN n A UKOSj 7/H*lp rREMONA VW LIN 8 roll SALE.? A kae ta eetaBa tfCei ?aTI ln.a. be i?v*d iho bait her*. Apply to Mr F TIM t S. '0 V? ?it Brnadway, *ec iii. ?'? or A R< i.Aold V l dim silo vruatid. 71 It* LADY ami DA IT HTER woulJ like famil . la RENTI NO th* lo ?erpart? of a rente*! House bv ll.o l*t ol May aeit. a* MfBaaV ia aa im.. I. aa ' bjeet a. ECeaaiatf, bo one need reepoad toikte ?bte?* kkey ate suletiy aiwal aid refiacd. and >-** give tet tuaeat <i re*p?etakilit) Be. or. il.a ftvertuwr aoald takatae lewei i ari >-t a Hem. heiaeit with a isss.iy Ad? diert, im IeTY, Broadwa) Poet oaiea.for two wetke. Ii tlW 4.S*_ rpHB SffEDISfi a S rROIaOG ER.? JB- Aatroloe/aed Geon.aBCy; by a lady. Add/?*t*4 to Dl 0 B RObACK No < Wlnio-at .New-Yeik. Pi.uce i?; aa'iologrrs ' f ir th?e Lie* opea lb* b/ua af deatsoy. Kmrd ir a aad l atae totby teen ty* Their fu'or* niirprr aepp'y; And ill ibe ctsis iha' atoqrbirtk Ar* let torn'* our f te..u*trlh Thou caa'at ik'arpiet and a rig .1 Tranah*** the laem-ge of tba r light. D??ceBdeo train a h?e f ?cers, Pinpl.t-r. for i.r-.r wo ?, n.d ed vent, Bare are thy life tke ate* to eure. Tkis do I ki.o a , tor it was nnae To eall op?a th* art d isae? Toi *B ti* u-e iti laBataaa feel. Aid prove tbal .'. lusieed, waa teil. From a s ck be 1 ia nil BD. I cry * Too'htrs. ' W ha ?f ir* ?III j* da Thouah naeieaaetka* tie* meat be, Try. *re to !*'.*, tsiiology, loDr BOB V K tell y.urpaia*. And. while tt - H p an*t reigae. He w| 1 rel eta. ' lea'.ore, Aad yon ?tia'l bleu b in evermore. H. a. Dr. BOBACk,tbeirrcei ledtt I >? ?..i. **r, farai./ , I i.i.ace pi ia, may B* 0M >ui^?d at a I two of tke dar, at kt* icaidcar e No. ? Wh.ta- H . or by s*t.*r, piepatd, ?u caxing the Dec es* air f***. Castnit nutisitl**. Bad g'Vins: a-tn a fooBoed on gaoinancy $1, $r $3. an-1 fJ, *ax??*llB*r lo th* fuilaei* of the a t.oa ?*o.un-*ai. 'f it DOG.? fame to the premitea of the au'. osrii- i*n have M parli * ? sp*eio* aad proviM J>r*J*,*-f; If not, alkBd for this week the !>.* w'J^ be *old t> par .? penae*. laquir* alN^ 79J Ckaeabete ?t_71" ?iL? HU \ REWaRi'.?Tt.ii r?: van! wili eW I " H 7 he pa'd ', e?r e?..'?r,c* that wil! eoatviC f , ,?.ntf M*?. who we.-e i.*b b. in* early thia aioraiBg, etd. aeooitrr to pu 1 d sa *ay biaa who I aa* erettr .ures'etl,..ut?..r, .f M tt a 'a e I n? lettem Ibave i?caiV*tiatdtll* u. * I.nwiheio. 7f i: Ja?. Ii. HI GO iR.No a? Caaal-et. DEPARTMEM OF RK^^jL^,? SCPPLIEB, Dec.:.or ?.1^?? TOR.S.-B?*:*! propcasal* wl i be reewe*!* mmmgmw tbe ConiiUBBiot. r of Repa. a,:.i ^"^'iL^tt, |?1 at no i: *'|j ? to'hbcly A City Hall,'. obi aaaaatj It o r tei, 3? , at a_ . . e . iiilAMff te.,-..:rO- < J,-' " ". "n ? - Tlie Connaieali **"Z2Z%>* r%hi ' ? u ' ?aagred the aatt af IptoafMN-kA