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_ gnj-ir?- Lecture*.-The Sulk Lec-tor? ?< ?lue S mVt* h> " 0 HORACE MANN.?' Iis *<**'Vr^ ?nlSUAY EVEKING M h i??t. Bnh.'c' *t-T^UBHTI roB * Vo. ni, WOMAN. Tickets 11? tiettti ? gSB?efAaa aal fco Mattta, f^^;-rtB e,1 ??? eseb ! lootui? will c >mmiscaat 7. */?? _ gm- Mercantile Library *-?<m iatlon Lecture*. ti.??*???'b aid ia?? I eotore of ?n? Couree ?i i heeM ZZZi\m IM? Ch? ?I on MONDAY EVENING ?Vi. uJ?a,eiei< I at 7| "Vi eh. t,y RALPH WALDO EM wBM)l? gab ec?-" Weal-b ' Tu tete ?-en's ji) ?? W ii. L Ahl) L EE LT. Cnn Lac C ?n tW tenures for IBM -Th? See ad Lector. M mVetV'r ??' DT? 1 ?i 1 b? dal -er.d in th? Niath J?.J". K. fa,? ofMhit ?nd A??nrj? B ';",.M^ vav okwim;, r?b in ?t:. n' yi-f.o l van fORMAN, Principal al th? Rn'geri I?tituta ?LiMBage. ' r-e t.ckeU twg fl ;?*??? .'Clares, tar a. Tita... ata, k. h.d a. ^ffA^ Kf it rh:,irma?efCummiit???.f Arrangement? "tv i .?.tu, t of LID-. A Cour?* of Eooi Lectures oa a^T?.<?" 'l U ?II l.? da.'ieered by RALPH larDO EMaUrBON. Ef-i .at Hopf Chapel Broadway, ?kivirat I ?r ?r? ?f the CaWTM will be delivered on ?inSK'l'aV KVKMN?Mr-. feV 13. at 7| oVl N.-k. ir?Vr?" Pari '' Ticket? Ijceatl for ts? at Kk'ANI a a'kirTAN'.S. B.x.k and S a mi.ery Store. N?>. Vft Broad "Vaiit'othe com?? of l h at , and at Maura. C. 8. rBABCl?* lO .No 7jI Broadway. UfttPM.'xW fr A Copy af a Letter addressed to 1 . Lealier. .1? ia? Hoik of L> I io,.. ?. permit * itaoaaal at aa tar I ai a le-e?*'?*J ?'f tti? Catholic Church, wh ob. ha a?? tP ,n?rt ard ?i;o??iu h.i Ie< urea on MONDAY rvENIM' Eeb l<?. at V, ..?hmton Hall, Newark Ii 1 r,,Wi>h ta aay of th* New.ik parx-re %Vit? VKhirAS vis ir ? rvrbe Baaqoet.?A'out ini Tie hats for the Bui ?,,V.i "'NAII?t> *l , EMPEBANCEBOf lETT.oa aviI)kr'*DAV EVENING out. r.-inmn onaold Tobe a Ja? the oflce Bo. 1 j Naaiau-it , avhe'e tbe diagram Gallery Tickets, without D nner, fu?- nie n Besaa/o*_"Uf r3 n. Waaliioaton I'rospect Temp-ernac?- So a^ertTOtMoadar)EVENINOTal Tkaliaa If in, <"?? G ??d ?t .near VAiln't at 71 ..clock Ad '* .-.II!,? dllitcrd bvBer chas. HOOVER. Edi u?m vtKAl Im Go-d ?nrinr. Ihe (>ublK are lanted. ^\^lkaPl! ,p,et peatiral, to come off on the2jth S ?<?l? h?d rfffellfAOAlf. Preridem ioi'KRM.Dom.nSl!.. Ser-rstary. _ I6f It* nr The Maine Law.- leMkey BJass Meetioir. oa ?OMDAY E> i.Ml'J ?*'< 16.a?7; od'< ? latkeHor JTi? ?t M E Chnrrh. Addrea? bv John Hawkins Seats E Ceree,.?,..he.r..' . ? ISAAC J OLIVER. ]4| *|? W W. BDCKLANO. tr Xoilee to JPasseasers rrom Paanma ta fsllforala. -The PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP fOBPANY feel called upua to rire pnbiic notice tUa? bo brkett will be recognized by tateir agent at Panama whioh m* not ?igned by an oltiiar of thia Company, and that kskststkus signed can be obtained only at their Agcacy 1?. 177 West at , or of C L. BABTLKTT. E*].. Bolt m; ar af Messrs ARMSTRONG, HARRIS It CO , Row Orlen?* By order WM H. DA VIDGH, ?c? V. Beta-York, Jan lib, I til )17 tf BP Livlnirat a. TVells A Co.'s Bastt* -tTeekly Exprea? for ('HiHUHioN, B C, Mratawaaers South ?nn. I's'on, Marion ?cd Juri <?? Adeer, counecliug with ?great Souaiiera Et. r.lorBaraaaah, B?c*>n,C >''.ir<hia, Augasta, Atlanta, Cht'aa o;a, New asBi wert Fo.nt. Moaift aarry, fee. aic OararrassinenU lairg mW c"ni:.'<\e<i ?e ,r? pre pared t, forward! on B>? York srery WEDNESDAY aad BATURDAr, aWala, Jeaelry, Merrkaad e and Valoasles of srery de amptiea 10 ( tai Ir"'- n a'.d t i? ns in 1 lie IateitOI of South' (arclina. Ge<r?i?, Ahbama and TeiniFsnep. Merchi'its aaii pta?-r? can reh upt a the p'oaipl de?rety of all articles Oer liatl? go Ia rhurrf .1 I Ml ^-anger. UVlNfiMON. WELLS kc CO . No I W..I1 tt N. Y ? COOMB" kCO , \ti \m Huvne at , CBBIknslBa, S. C. tT Ball, Black le Co., take ihm a?aM ? im tu ?J ta assSM th?ir gtairful acknowledef menta to G.W MAT ULI. Erg , Chief, and the Po i?-e de atled for ?he ose ? ? mb i, r the Tery prompt ai d stBeiaal aM rendeied tHein on fatorday erening. tluiinu the fue wh'ch threatened the aatiuction af iheir preiio'i t, No T|7 Ittoadw.iy, and in to ?eng 1? add their ?iprriem e to the full and c aap i r e ef f. a?c? m that Depaatmctit tinilt r lu? directioa. To the fire Depattrneat their Ikaaksars partit nlarly gireti, for a? ?(ti'ing tiertion? by t?IhcIi they snrceatle?! iiicuiliu at the !ir? lo the iwo Bppsr e'ori??. wtiii-h was on'v hc eaipiiUitd by the meat iintcfUiraMe and well dtreaetod ill rl? |i,f n ?rKaaeru (.old .Minium Company?Oilice s a.l?t,Nrw York, room No t. rt? nd liuur. Ca;iii IV Been of the best <iu:ility, ready aaadaarssads te ?erder, Io he had al A. BAKERS. No MBaekmaa-Sl . ?tanrei wliit h t'efy rontpet.tum. Lieaa Bi?'ta of the In it rreaelt Ca!f*k n. Wkk or witkoat Siiank*. $3 SO: ??att B.iou, $3 M: Double Soled Water Proof, Si M; Ftewli Pa'etl Leathsr limits, $j otl. Pleaae call and ?!? ?BaasMieatfsalras. 121 3 MThttS* No . ^.iital d*ek,$2??,ii*-iharr* $lu i ott b The bo.As of gabscrip 1ms Im ttoe? in tLia rantnasy are now ope n at their oilice, ? ktre pariiea drairoua of btoooaiia ?'. eualdsrs may ob. Inn t?? e? ..( n. ? i i . ,?.!,?,., with laws, by. !???. Iw.ieei nil asrsssary iBfarmaiiaa tutheub. ertiatd pr..a. ecta ef the C ? mj Ranig (neaily conipUted) a Btoam angina of eighty Mnajpoatr, wi h ?tani.i wo-Ka of tV laie'nt r'a??,aaj MNiMiii a um i ?h rh baa proeed to be oae ol tbemost ?alatblein Ihe Stale ot California, I cated ia the iiihio . dtat? rictai'y?f tb?- City of Wood's Creeh, it it Iteparpoisif the Trnttaes to praaooate the work wi'h "t?i BM wiihoni delay, with a view to profit fr. in the ??tiaen?fniiuiii^. Theeaterp>lsi i Baoaeadsiiaelftalks raitKtilar ttteatioa and coaadeacaof i-apitaliata. It u aetssdasaire.tai. tooBtei iatos calenlatioa aa to prob ?b'e D?&tt, it haring hi en Satisfactorily deninuitr.ited tint "?isMiBiag is to he the trrsat butlseii of California, and thateoinpiaiea ulieady in npeiation with good atacblasry tue brig ?Inn enl It ?' OOettful TbtTrottter have datermini ?1 tbal th? i Batoyaai nftba Ctaptty ia al te>i saibli aidous sbaJI baaaaroholdara^ telertid w::h ipt ( ia! recall} to li'iiraa, and re.juircd laiiriTe" ?ertja atth inretiet. atiil ia loch Min.? as mav be dt suiod jPtaaaaAtafaard tbe iatoietta of tbe Onssaaay; aoJ fur iker that tosth't weil-tned mid appiorea ruachinery Bar eruthmg and IBkaJgaaaBl IS - shall be V ?ed, aud that e \ rtittitata ol a aatnre, a Inch ho ret u'jre haw? prat. d a > ditiaitati to ihe tuteieali i f rnmpSB.SS. thai! be C iro la'ly avtudeu and pronded against PeriMit teaulm- ont t f the C|1 v inty eMail Itoob. paniph ?1?,? aar luleimal.oa b] Hdi're.aine the Trea?urer, pott? Md.bymail DW INGEHaOI.L. Praaid?nt Tn^tt. E HasT\Bos,Trtaiar?r. wMfffeV r*? Tlte Veople'a HtillditiB Aoiorinfloll. - Al Itnuth not eec mould Ii... ?l?:..til litre the first meeting *f tkia A??tcutiou, thi tharet are mor. thau lialftakiu. tad firm pre.eut prt?|.trta ihe balance will be tolitcribt-d at ti thinly afttr the reoa'hly IUI St Sil of Wednesday evesing. at which isM leraral ikvarea vvr,n? otttrtd I ? ?Jaatsstiliiin tailing the ntenitiera. A f..r thedia total t'f aktrai wiil b? held on WkDNB90AY EVENING. 18 )i intt , at De ia Bret's Auen b | R ? raa, eorasr of tdtk-tt aad Bha? and aa it it *,;,rritd Ike aioetin- will be a hnsy ?as. the aiimhera tie urge.) to etil any af ?rrirton ?r eveu ?S mrntUasly at tke aaVw, No Wei kkst..aad pay *f?J*g r. MARTINE, Praaidoa. J P. WttXUMa 161 31'i 'Vi.- '?bin- r lOe PBOTB UVB IM I N .. 1 Va'"LN'""Y?'k.Ml ?'at?Ml ior laalib ralpat ? i .i 1. - RK*.D m*'b* ?'"' " ??"?- ? reoiatod, !?T. d^.a.-^*^' ???? ???? ?ade arrangein.iiU for ?f lk^i)^,^- r??y kindly so ,, t tbei.tlrt.u-na Ir - .di 10 .''?M-inc.plea Uf Indaatry and Bentvo a.^1 I* ' '"v?* '? Ptactice. Hot?! ^ b ardmg. ,^.r?*o-.'rL,Md-i,.:U,'bl'!,t I'-'l-ntt ,s. at well Bl pri ?t^?}ialLW,i,lS?-,he >???Of?ba P ? Brendtohe a w2Et e!!^"u'/,?"h *">* eossoaiy ah orders i ir TTeJ? *** v 1 ? "i ?ib iv raai .will i lairtsaUyaataredto ^ IBA B. DAVlj \ ^IwaBew-Vork Inad and Uiilldlas \?so ^LaVrJI^.a ,":,'',<,'''r ""' P'-rt>">?'i actiiui n asos .??'tLiZI.?9 Workai*irun. I e them their ar *? "BiaikefBllUdeof snecass! Ittrogu e?t*mVX*' 'v? h*,i M '-b* '"Ol Ki lt MONDAY in %ft1itto,"'y ?fl?" ' BBaaaa. - MILES CHAMBERS, P?watw*an. " *NlTB.i?er?tar. .ii a . ^kL^U^^'i'^nU ?'BB^dls? Mutual Loan iSaaaTI!!?**.'?atltuuoB.-But a few m atht nur? ?aUtttiMn. ,h!*'' ? M 'iiycua a kaa tiaaaTi. so nar.v ;!nl I.av been lit i'lccets. th it *>ii taaieTk i ^* ?*,'<""?,v '?? I Tin another, barta? ?aakii'wilii];,'',", .; ?>?*?? *<??>-?? To make each Lt2S"2 aaa'bern th. aboy? rwCtety, the mtm ! ???'J'kat ??.., p*",?.'* be more io i tu aaiy a ailarSi ^?anyaa, raiia^"'" ' L ' *' >l ottatr? adraalajes aot aawaaa^^wineviy at 6 rer cent rer arin-im on the ?>na^C?i.n.1f^,*l?'?'', " ? " ?< * t>?* oant. p-r S*."? aa^aanTTv *io p,*'er W?*? f"' ?? ?oatha. or 1^? aUa? ? aaVZaat "* **' t! * - ? ? IUI -.?. ?V't. DA av n,, w^fv,' V ?fticast perau.ari Y U%m ?-?tv<;.'.'?' ? atSS. SgL> . ,*H^?aa*^l,w^?',,' ' '"aattuiberof i-srsoBS "* I - ?751??. tt. I?,?1, '? rr+ * "f ?har? Maa bly ..l^bsaadtaaaau V u ?^?Miah tmt"*M" iMtiTona oi ,uiBua< cas leare thair Ff^a?alit^,I?'M'1 ""r Garland VlftrSar U*X*lll) e l"' \' ' ' 1 ' ? ? a -a. PERSONS, AUya. Jaji t> VVaOlat. f I bi ' , . . a al*^7a Si?uf" T 1 " ?? ker , r .? i it. M^Jl^WOf lhe? . ?*l"-"?-?aaare. ?? here tfeo obiBCta 5i*^^P? Vk-' -: i waibeetp ^ia?-d. S'-lllt'1;' A.aot laMoi., No. t.-TB. gatwy la.",.- ??? ?'"-' i? ?~ -< ,?ith ?ZiS* , y ? *EDNK*DaY EVE BlBt ,,a??<lotal 11,1, ,???.! ? 7 ??, k t Wal If A. CO PEI l< I NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. VOL. XI.NO. 3,379. NEW-YORK, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1852. PRICE TWO CENTS. IT Many .r the Bf.t Citizen-. ef the rig h .re ?ni.? :.o tkea lelvei?? aseaaBaea o tee unit n -..rv BO< K J- K hl ILDIrfw ASSOCIATION. which laafew m ? . ? m.'iJ aliacet the ?hole number of itt ahar e. So ?im-awful has berB thia Aseo. aStee, taat several shaes were r?e?-e?.?.l at ;i premium of $4Uu at the hut meeing. Trt few rewamiae ?bares uns?Id will, probably, all be . .. u ea et b?f re the sett on--: t Beel nr. which will be ??ONDAV EVENT NO February 1?. at 7| nV'oc.k. IB De I a Bei ? Assembly Rooms, corner S5tii-St and 8.h a?. Were pn tfu'ly Iiivit? loth 'adies anrl rentlemen to e'teid The pnc tirjal .. perat.on aad |>ariTcct safety of the ? ifeni will he per ec I) tsplaiaed. WKLi'oMK R BEEBE. P.??dent. JAMFS K DEL VK ' HIO. V.aj-PresdeBt E. T. BfADiim. Beeaeeary M.;eNo 168 9th av. l'fltA T*7 Home, Sweet Heine l-The Irving B tildiag aad JMi.tml Com Aeeeetatica whiih hai b?en organ rid nar. mint to ael' f the Lr-t i>1a''ire of tbeS'.i'.eof Ne*-Yir<. wiM hole ita first pohli<* meeting at Ma?ouir Ha'l, V> .271 Crabd-H.,m ar Fofsyta on WEDNESDAY EV'KVIVi}, Feb. II. at 7? o'clock. Shares. $8(X) Adu anon fee, $i ?'y dues. $'l. latetBSI of 6 per rest, allowable on all n.or ay paid is advsnee All who desire to priru-c a home by means of a mall c m tnbiit.i'iia. are lasted to at end the meet in:. S'lhecnpri ib boekl uil!beep*B dniiBB the eeeniBt*. S-irxcriptions will ale*bereceivedattheodteoof the Aaeoeia'lee every eve ii i a 'um C to 9, uad Wedaeedaya from 3 to 9 P. .?1 fir ladiee. The obj't'e of the As?o<-:a'i'>n will be explaioel fully at the laeetinr. Coma onel Chi? a'l' Lidiea at well at gentlemen are putieiilar'f invited to atteBd MOHKI0 FRANKLIN. Preeideat, N .. loo Broadway. Geo 11 Rfi.i . Yire Prea deat. N*. 153 Ifaeeaa-et Ai.til I I H. Nil oi ay. Secretary,Office No 211 Oraal at. T hi a. Luarenre, Attorney, No. ii Btekman at TBUSTBKK. Oeerre H Franklin. N" 173 Wear at Silaa C Ilerriar, Noa. 137 and l?'l Water-st. C?o W HiMef. Comtv Clerk'a Office Boye] G Miliare, No 89 Ba'day at. El an Combe. No. 211 Grand at' rfslSoaPeB: No 111 Duane at ?fainea Jacket n. Jr . No. 361 Breadwav. On r?e T Maxwell, Office C erk Superior C asrt F. O. Ktcnatdson, No. 107 John at. 161 It* (V ProfltaMc Investment. The Empire Bu l.line; BBS Mutual L?aii Aatm iation will h 'Id a pu ill ? rne?t'ng a the Mercer Heute, coreerol Mercer and Broone-s a ,on TCESDaY EVKMNG.Feb 17, at 7) o'elm k. Tkepria i ii.lea 11 i he AaeeciatioB will he felly tiplaiaed, aea the ceitaiuty of a (real advar.ce U|m>b the nioaey invested by n.i inbois clearly denmbfctra'ed. The shares are filling ti>> t in lv. I w n hnndred und fifty having been anhacrihed foe w.tbin two weeka; and persons w :?h ng tohecnme mem'iera are advised to do en with'ut delae, as ths admission fee aawar* t .- a-..n advoacett. Tne B >oi,? of ihn aaearlallnu are 0[iep for luhtcriD'ion, at their office. No. I7H Sprifa-at. JOSEPH K TAYLOR, Prciident. * Jonathan W Al i SN, Vn-e Preaidi-nt. TRl"!TEas Jeeeak Horte, M M. Vae Dyke, Wm. H. Rible'., J. It Del Teeehie, Silvanm Crdney, C H De Lama'er, .1. Im B. Acker. Wyllia lllackatone. Wrn. 11 Or. nel e, Ceo. II Ptiraer, C. K. Merritt, Joee;ih Britt'io. Wrn Sin Air. (ieorye Royd, .1 W. 1 Li.l .Sir 'y.No. 171 SpriBf Sf, ISi 2t 8 i BVBBS It II > r Attorneya. I' Id- Blooininedale BiiildiOaT Aasociution IjUit urpant/ee) 1 will m?;d a pub! c meriting at Teiiine-anoe Hall. Stb-BT., between Itth and 11st al?.. on TUESDAY BYXNING Pab ):, at 7} o'clock, when the boaka of the Ateoerlatloa will be open for the aubacrintmn of lharet. Eatraace fee $1, monthlydues $! to each ahare. Baarai litt. A large Lumbar are already taken All lnlereited in the jirnr.eriy and improteinetits of Blonmingil ile, and ttftcitll] Inett wiioaie deaiionsof bee.mine 'heir own landlorda, are nivrcd to atload. Addretsea will he de? livered riplanatory of the principles and ohiecta of the Aa lociatiin. FRANCIS B. GVBwT, Pres drnt. Wnmam Mutt k, Vioe-President JtME^ P.Chambbblaw,BBmotary ief2t? (V Another Chance?Those ?ho waredletupp-nnted lu! the firwt, will have sb ipportuaitvof secal in? ? Uns in the SECOND GRECNWICH BlTLDINO ASSOCIATION, at the piMic n.cetinr, to he held in the R'cn-ker Btiiietitil'b. Rlecrker-tt . near Mo-tun THIS (Mobdar) EVENING. Feb. 16, 1851, at 7) o'clonk. The ? fl i eis are now all rbar-en. and the hooka opened. From tin- nt.inner of shana already takes, it is certain that this A<-si;i ation will lill up quite aaraoidly as the original. The rntraace fee is only $2, u ontMy dues, $3 ; value of sliares, IStS, 1 kt attendarce of all intereatcd is respectfully iaviteJ. JOHN KEYSER. President, GEORGE STARR. V ice PreiiJrnt. R BOSS, Ir , Sfi retary. npaTBBs Cbarl'S Ciaue, JnniesL Pott, Samuel Sinclair. John ThutMis. Robert P.<tersun, .1 ?? W. F.trr, Mililken, D C Wecks, W. E. Smith. Bea sat bei tin is at Nc. 18 tth-av , where ?hares may he taken at any time. Ibf i\ fV Tite Citi/ctia' Mutual Lean and Accntnn latlna Kuad Association. -The Books of the a .?? ? aimn are ..,?u lor subtcnption at their oitice, No. 131 Broadway, next door aheve CBBal-at. from 91 A.M. until i P. M . and ob Wednesday and Saturday evenings until I o'clock Entrance fee $1; monthly dues $3 per mon'h An opixiiianity is otreted to all males and females, minors and adults, by joinitie this Aeeociation by paying S3 a month f .r a few years tu obtain a home or a capital sutlicieat to Stai B fair busine/is. Pamphlete w.ih Articles of Asaocia I tion. By-Laws, anil '' ill explanation of its ohiecta aad plan, san be had graUs at the idlice. SIMEON DBAPEB, Prea't. E DKI.SHKLD 5.m1. H. V. Pn s't. rRUSTBBB. John J, Derrick, ,Tohu F. Clark, Seerge BckwaitB, Jr., W illiam Thomson, L. Coraiah. J.<?l W. Maaoa. WiacheeteiP Mo dv. William H. Diets. Siiiuuel Albur'us. Jr. ttisa* laaiAB F BJnrBaJat.Bee*/. r-' Ituiloinc A^iociatieaa' Fire Insurance to.?1 aiutul ^-jtui'i ti. ili\idee into llioon aharet, ol I each; 30 |-er cent, cash .a d up. 70 per erat, in u 'tes to ti ii nn in the hands of the Company. Subscriptings fur the c i| iial stink i>f this compuuy will heietcirel hythefol li u ti.a persons,'app' ibted Cnmiinesionera : John Brui ??. No. 24 Plait at , Wakemaa k Lattinar, No VJ Falt.'ti a'.: Daalel P Baiaard, No. I? Wall St , John Buxton, No. IS Ni r;h Wil iani-sl ; Solomon JeesBlUB, No 8 CHlatoa. eeurt B?ikn an s' i Those as F ofFaiton and Ttllary-ata., Biotklyn , alao, bv ill Ike Direc'ora. J'ilIN BRt'CE, Ihesida ?' S Jf>m nt n. Secretary. 191 ti'.'. fV*~ MsDin rhi !? Tbc Quarta Centennial of the Sigma Phi Fiaterni'v will be celchratod at the Hall of the Aluha , ; New leak, on the evening of Till RSD VY. Marek I, 1152, at tbe Aaaaal CoBTeatssa. t P. V. H HtMW>BfcMP IT i'miurant Intclliafnce Olflcc and Labor I'aclian^e, Nm ."j ar d 27 c'aital-st., New-Yetk ?Tats office is es'aidished by the Commissioneis of Ktinsrattnn. wheie Baa llwatt he li'Und la-re nutuhors of Laborers sad tervitn's at vrrv low ratea ?i wveen. and pers-'ascin have Ikeb ordeta hlltd by wr.'mgto toe SuoenaUndent sad teB4Uaa the a-notiBt nec?a?ary ti [ay the passage ?i" the parties resumed. No fees charred to euinloyers. mu filWkFtf J.AS. P. FAG AN. Sunenutendtnt. rfTHI8 DAY is PUBLISH ED, the third I vol me of Ft rif ABPS 8BMI-M INTHLY LIBBA H Y. otui: iimiir ihr tiiat of ihr Onitinul and Ojirugk: Be? rum, eMiiled WALKS and TALKS oi an AMERD'W FARMVR Ut e M.LAND. II. i'.-irerrk Olms ed. WitklUtattla tior?. iBBse, PriceSScoats. ?? I ti aal i hat all w ho Iff to read the book, will be willing teeeaekstea warm.g.ald ilatared. h.oad cmntry ki'ch .-u Tie mi e rela'ion ? SB nie. nt d p?tnrit me to soeak inv m nd freely, tad ib auch lunsnage as I t an renlily oenataai ou all a?its of saljeeta that c me ia my way. f inninf their < u i lews tri m the facts that 1 eivr them, and taking my oi :i k ns fny oaly inst what they shall teem to be ? orth. ''Notwithstanding the trtteneiaof the Bald?I may pie si . i lhat there will Ik- a great i .any wh.i will yet , ei. i \ to foilow-n.e over it, aad thai a'th iugh ror gate and i .ri.ate should not te veiy elegau?. but so ooly aa one lam et'sle: and ine tailor's leg with the help of a short, i reeks ?I. hall pew a ucsdru.:c sap!n.|. for a vtalkmt st t i, u Igkl lie esperted to cairy a st in aloP| wnh u head aad a he it ef his iiwb " (Exlr et irom the Prefac*. Hi COB d KBw DBAWINO I.K^St >NS-Drawws lor laaeeasi u meth->d bv wkick all ths tnembers af a I tree ? lats sie taoght to draw at oere. ?i h aea'aeaa, uataataatty . aataei It. B. H. Ooe, Teacher o( tu a wieg P t I 3? Lai c';e. Sir 4to. cloth. $2 25 . or ia pot' f..lio.S?. [Ibf. O P. PUTNAM, Publisher, New Y-<. I> LTE'S HOMEOPATHIC DOMES I TIC PHYSICIAN -A third edition of thit work. sd tall n. uid lutLished wiin Aaatomiral Plates, is u. m pnatti s lei the author's own account, and w.l he sttkliaked in Lim .i-j'he lato/April Best, whea all ths i: Bteepetbic phanracies, aad the bank trade ia pener kl, ? an supply tbcaatcirca with it. by addreasittg the author, Dr J. H. PCL I F. Cll?1BI BtL The usual discount al ewed N.> rtber thud editioa ol thia work ia cenuiae -ad lawful, cxrept it a 'Utsjas BAtttBssBsa plates. lOf 4w U Press. rpHE SCHOOL FOR HUSBANT?.? -1 a Novel by L>dy Rainer Lylton. from early sheets, race'red by iaat s.earner. A. H.AKT. Pub'ieher, 7 tf Plifladelphta. Books BBtj STATIONERY.?NEW M -? \ v 1% ISDN. No 11*9 Broadway, are conaiaatlr sepplted ahlk .. i aiplete aseertnieni ef BOOKS aad , luN LhY. adapted to the Wholesj'e C ? ni'r> Trade, sad to wh.rh they invite the attention of Country '! - labt?. The hate lost receded a larte stx:k of v. BITING P.APER. cesas atiasj of blue aad white le.tir and Note PaieT. which ia oHercd to j ? low prices. vits aid o'hi rs. buying M acellsaeeua, -x'a'KBC rv. are invited to call and ex ? ?es, bet?re ?un-ria?iax elsewhere. - 1V1SON.N?. 193 Broadway. '?o you intend bBii^e-V?-' tii ' and exaet'ne the cl.i'ice atoca af I M ' Como tay. No. 87 Nastau-st .(Stta Bt iety is uodan itsdly ih^ n at eatessite at. I b. i any ia New-Y'or'n. 1'i.ves fiom one cent *o St jd d< liars each. The raeat Valen' aes carefully p?r cp so lhat they iu?y be asst. w^hout injury, to any . ~n of the co iatry. A new style of Lithcgm^kic Corn ea, at |l 51 per |r ?ss. The tiaile.'aa \.oil aa retail purchasers, are to call. 1 IKKREk F RELLEW. Agents ABattat aa Valsatine Company. If ft* No 87 Nassau St.. N. V l Al.r NTINE8, VAI.KN TIVES.-e? ? ksj osdid aaeortmant ef Vai^atinoe. Ruvelnpoo, Lace I'e- er, I .ini v Boss?, aad Riurs Sold very io-m at Gk'IM a jackson's. Ptaao Forte aad ? Store, ? i I Nt> Jtl BrosAtway, N Y. Leap Year. VALENTINES.?HUESTIS cv COZ ANS. n - itt and K6 Nas tau-it., c irner of Ann, offer for Mica splendid stock of Valentises, Envelopes* TU ial aid Lara Papere. Motto 8cali, Fancy Boiao, tc, d/Um r own manufacture, at reduced pr:rea. Tbey re m*(t.u )y av.te all who are ilee.rous of purchasmg a fl ute aud artmtieal Valentine, to five them acall, and they feel confident that they manufacture the beet Valen? tines in tbia city, far superior ia neatness and elerance to these in p-.rted from Kamechatka, H nd man. Pans. lie. Bcoksel'ers and Stationers will f.nd it to their advanjage to purchase their stuck of us, a< we allow a very liberal discount to dsalera For the convenience si up- ;owa c ie ton.ers, o<ir store w.U be kept open until I p. M. duiiag Valeatiae season. Valentinea purchased of ua will he re turatd to the purchaser, if not received by the person to wh<n. tbe Valentine is sent. HCESTIS & COZANS. Ill StA CCHUBERTH A CO., Music MptM, *^No. 257 Broadway. N. Y , request the public to inspect their :n,o ense slock of Masic for Voice, Piano, foe I. 4, 4, I b?nde, for Organ, Violin. Vio'oBcello. Harp. Orrttcstra, sie., ia every style, for nrtuoeoa and beginners. The Sreatest selrrlion in the United States, of $imi,(Kiu worth, i'derief Foreign and Americas Music vrrJl be attended to mtth promptness 18 m A iDant (?miionment. AS Cook, Washer, and Ironer, bv a re ipec'ahle young W man, in some respecta-i e fa-i ly. Hie no objections to ieueral housework or te the r i iaSTy>. tiaa the bes? of City characters. Can be seen for two dtj I at No 321 IPh atr , cor. loth st. iiret rlo r. ft bo, I pism It* AS Cook, Washer, and Ironer, by a re? spectable English Woman, in a small familr. Has Can he seen for two days at N>. 121 Green st , between Houston aad Prince. * M il* AS Cook, and to assist in washing and ironn.r. t>y one, who also unders'ands baking; ami a> I h inner riait ai.d Laundress by another liotn : rt f'er being in one Imme. Inquire at No <7'i Mulheny st , rear basement, near Hottet en-St. Can be seen for two days. AK first-rat? CoOK, Washer, and lron-;r. - Also, bya Girl ai Chainhs'maid. or to do h inaework. Is a g< on wather urn! Ironer, Tee beat of City reference eiven Please call at No. 501 iiuustcn-st . up stairs front room. 16f 1; *o AS CiiAMiiER.MAm, or Nurse and St; Hu? stles*, by a veiy respectable, well recommended, Ger? man rouse Woman. Speaks the English rery Steal]f. would makelienelluseful in the above capaci ics. !( n the 1 est of city references Ca 1 at No 191j Boa ery. It" 4 S CbaMBBBMAID and Seamstress, by a i ? resj evtahla American Girl ; would help to take care of ch.ldren if denrfd Can rive so-d c t? reference. Ap? ply at No. 7t (P h-av , in the Ilonkslore. ' Iff It* ASmart and tidy Girl want* a situa? tion. Is a very gor d Cock and Raker, and a Brat-rata Washer Bad Inner. VA'ill do hou,ew0ik, and make herself reaaiaDy useful. Can produce the best af iccoiiimen *a tiot s in in her Us! employers, ane h an no OOjOl i in te go fir a moderate salary Iewilhrg to go in the countrr Call or addicts a Baa to No. BH Bowery. ICf It* RlBPlCTABLi roUBO Man, recently ar? rived in thiscounti v, wishes employment in a -a hile sala er shitpias hoass. He has a good knowledge of cot? ton and Fast Ind a prrdvi e ; ?jeai.? 1'rench and Germ in. ami is able to take chaise tf a set hi' hooks. Address C. .Jr.. at this cilice. Hflt* AS VaLXT or Traveling Servant, by a young Man who speaks English, French aa I Ger? man, ai.d is a Barbe r bbs Hair-dresser, and has been trav eln.g in Fu:epe for al.ou' 15 tears. GjikI referene? <-ven. Addieea A. II. H ,No 7?3d aT llflt* C ERV AN TS.?A great variety of well E^ se'ected Servants, suitable for private houses and ho? le's, sic bow vtan'mg etnpinyment at C. MASON'S Olli i es. Ni s j'jO Broadway and in Bow iy. Terms?Yearly iabscttp*itra M cen's j otherwise, 23 cents No paint will be spared lo render ?.itisfatttma. N. H.?Men and Boys stii'ab'e for anv refr>r>elahle eirp'.eyment always on head. Itf 3tawlwMWfcS* SITUATIONS WANTED?For Irish. k^ Batlieh, lootck, German. American and Calored Ser ?:?iits. females tad males, if ?-\ ry doateetie s at ion. at Areacy. No 7 far mine St., aid Badet* Agency. No IM Chamheia-it. Oaly serranls ?f guud c-iarai-ter admitted. Ilf 3t* TO FAMILIES GOING to CAL1 FOR N IA.?Two Girls | Protestant?) would like to engage soR'e nmily emigrating to that com itiy, aiid a > i d do an on tbe mnst leasonable terms Be-to' reference si van. w ould engage with different laro?nes, hut w.iu'd likett ship in the aame vessel Addresa JANE H aslkt, box No. ms, PUiIedrlrdtm p. o. m> 3t TO HOTEL PROPRIETORS. ? Want ed, by a youag Man of experience and capiic;tv, a a tu atmn aa Steward or Assistant. Can furnish u.ietc-p'i m ablc city references. Apply immediately, by letter, ad? dressed to K A. E ,at the Office of his paper. 14fu* A^??ltG~LADY who has been teach? ing sereral years in Pant, wktkee te employ two or three home eve>y day ia puvat*. famil; totese'i Preach and Piano. Refeience f.nd u. i'iiry, &IR VEAGNI8. Itth tt.. No 106,(east.) _16*' It* TUITION.?A Gentleman en<ja?^t! i i Tnition, havirg t'lsie hours ef the day ouooc ipied, wiskea for one or two pmuls. either in New-York or Brojk hn, whom heweaM undertake to iattruct thorosgh'r a the usual routine < f Enrlish. C'a?sies, kc.; also, therudi menlsof Fr?Bih,if rejnircd. The highest.-ty retareiees given TtrtLS itiodeia'e. Address IKkRACE, T'lhuae Offce lot" It* O PRINTERS.?A Journeyman PrinU er^ well acquainted with Press and Job Work, hav ir i; < ? ,>r >? 11 w hick he weald bw willias, te lemakatom ploya] on goiai secuntv, may rirocnre a permanent aitua boB. A lae addressed COLCMBVd. Tribune Oflice.staU Ii g name, residenee, a.c , will meet with immediate at? tention, in rlM) CLOTHIERS.?A iiAt-rate prtc M lical CattBT, whose engagement is about ti expire, would like to bear of a situation He understands the 8-nrhera and Westca basinesa. Address Bos 434. jtttf CDOitUb. a AGENTS.?Wanted, Agents t<> obtain ? nhfcnbers for The NiSje- York ijuirterly Reneie, lldiled bp A G. Remicrton. Esij The li-st Btnaber I.Mr March,Isaow ready for deliveiy. En'.erpruunr nisn will lil.d a p.-clilaldi em' I 1'irent. i ORNIBH, LAMPORT k CO . 'tr It* No. I Park-plai c. AGENT.?Wanted, an A sent with 1500 capital, to engage m a business which will pay, if industiinusly pr-secnitd. teveral th nsar.d dollars per \.ar. These v.-sl,-i ? a pa-.ti-g and senteel nosireas. wij i-ddtess WILLIAM, at The Tribune Offire Hi It* TEACHER WAN f El) ? A Genth maa roinpetent toiaa'rort in th? 5c entific and Eaglisb I r rrl es, aid a'so in Infantry, is wanted as a res dtbt Teaeher'n a boardisg school nesr the city. AJdr--s I, till rkrj . cs'eof Box No. I-/.', New-York ; and at??? terr I i.nd qaalifteativar. Ms 3t* '|^Ea\cni'.R.?WanttMl, a Yonnrj Luly JL to ssslst iu'te Pnm.iry Di :*iti i" t of a S ha il 'or \ ' ng Lad ea lu' xa in lawlHSkei Luc :ait braachsa Finch, -r Musi . as compensation. Arplr at \o 118 ? tt nth it I3i" KMWftF* Ia^ARM.?Wai ted, i Kood-aizevl Farm.ef freat It IB ms aaree si lsid.onhe Hi Ison R ver, ir elBtsy access tn tbe New Yola and F. e Rat' oad, well wa'ered and with a cemmodt ius h i <e- iu' .-ii'ding'.? II is wanted on a leatr e I three or store fears, atd will be Is peered,SS the priMlese i f purchai tif s 'ttirei. Ad Cre> s HAZARD I :hi e of this paper, with fall part - is - ^rce. fce.hc. Ml St* AGENTLEMAN of NEW-YORK, who bat bud t. a yaare' experience as a Journalist, is desirous of paraaaasl g an interest ma" pavine" pa^er ? u the City ol New-t'ik. The paper must he a literary w.tktv i,y Snr.eai paper. A naonth'y magaz:ac wou'd not be ohiectcd to. Reply should eoataia r.aote of paper or pericdicai. and whea and where the who replies can be seea. All transactinss will be he.'J as cnnridcntial. uf deeired Add tees manhattan, Triaarate Qtass It* FARMER.?Wanted, oni \vh?> untter s'atida Farmirg and Ga-dvnire. ia all its perls. None need applv w ho have not had sei -al rettrs expar ience ia tkia c-nnirr* Address VANDERHOVEN k AO . Bex No 3 4'. I Cay Post OrKce. stating fall pixsica lars. To a gcod workman and stead- mi a permam ul and jgrsrable situationw.11 be te.--:ed. 14f 31* l|fECHANIST.?Wanted, a ilret-rate ITa. Mechanist, who is wil'me to ge to a rs .. ^ city, to tats charge of a man Lfae(nriB| es aoluhjioet. He mitt be well st qua: ntrd with fluai. press w rk and dis makir c. To such a peisie, with a small capital to take aa oilers aa e?c?l etit opportanty for a pn Sta ? butiseis. Ajplyat No .fat. Leonatd at ,ir:.n 11 to a. U* ta^ERVANTS.? Wanted, situations fiir a k^ tumbtr r: li'st-rate German and Irish Serrints. ol sll . tciiies. Families in want of good Girls for Housework, I o. ks. Chambermaids. Waters, or Nu'tes.caa always ret mi ?u at No t7 Ludi i?-?t .car Grand at OartttaaOtns a> aiteahsBd. Unfit*} 3. BIDJELY. W AN nil*, previous to the Itt of AbtU, Y * b] a small fsiiuiv. half ef a H.m?e. in the up -e atr sute would be pieferred. Auyose l.av.ig.Beh, wiU haar al a good teaaat by ahdjesssBsj t u| ICS, Box No. l.Cot? Luaer Po?tOflVce_ M If MEN.?Wanted, 10 or 19 M?n of genteel address as aohctiora ib the Now-Yirk Mutual Hea th AsacoiaiioB. This will oiler a rare oppo<tu?ity to ?t. -i whnwiih to engaee in a permaaent houoiaii.e saa b isiaeae. Uquiroat No. 3li Bruadway ?ps.atrs 111 iw* WM. L PALMsSti, ssc,',*rsT T ('AHDEN E R ?Wanted, a pood (I if. tlr?*r, who ui ;?t...-p.,0i. hnaeat aad eober. to t*k* a... c n ?hartii pi a i hear of a ntua'.ioa 10 kit aevaatags ?7?PI ru?l#L.w STARK. No. I81 Wiliian tt. lOf iw? ? {''^?Wanted, in a wholesale store in \i ? ^"''"?adt tt . a tmtrt Bot, to learn tht bntiaeae ? vieii ree,fi? wi'h partita tad give undoubted efe-tneae. Ai in-.m ha. i!-?fi ,ag, Rji 1,196 N Y. Pott Oftloe - Sai&iy tlmyear, $7i. ?I St* OOY?Wanted, in a Drv Goods Jobbin, , .Address, pottpaid. B?r. N .. 1.790. ia hand winnigoc anpLraat.statin? age aatt relerenrea laiarf ?nt year, $J0. ,6r Jt. \ <TSTOMER?Wanted, with a Cash _ w ,f ?P"*1 *t frern $1,000 to $1.100, to prifhaaa oat _Jn10 an ?arara'ailed money making hieiaeee, .rib-eS^ ,D C"' ? PRESSMAN WANTED.?A ? eipcri I"7d D,B'1 for ,bc Aoamt Itamtllli Power Prat*, may find a permanent titoatinn at Nu l9Annt!. 14f 1t# OUSEKEEI'ER.-W.-i nted, an Ampr II 'can Lady at Houiektrper. every way liaallBtil to lf ? V** "f * ,m?11 femi'y. A no'e with ad lrtn left at the Tribute Offirr, will receive atteatioa. Addrett L A 1_16f Jt? 81U.?00 ?K ^.(,?">-Want,ii7b7 jn . . . ?v'"a.' a Men hant of goad experience, nn ioarr ed rkar?cter. and extensive nty aC'iuaiBtaacs. to oniiduct a per/eel'y tat* rath Imnneis. ia tha aama arid nsderthe rontrol of th* party furntthing the capital. Anv lentleman wil'iag to mate the investment, may he c-rtaih tt rrceiving aaiDtaiettof from 11 to Id per rent per an rnm forth* nA of hin moiey fita from all nah. with the I" tiert of aa increasing revenue. Ad ireet. within de? lay, IMTKORfTY, Ron's Kiprese Ofiire. Nr. 4j William at. 16l" It* ,S S I inn T0 *10,000 PER AHN S M; tv ?"'"""'ntt profit, cbb be made by nay h iun> >? man of rood) tttndiiig, hiving tone capital at command, by aiding the advettisrr in a sew, h>ghly returnable aad aery p ?atant husinati, lequiriag no previous knowledge of i?. Ati,lrt?., [paid lef.ert.) with leal aame, to C IWMERCE, TubuneOdice. llf 3t!JMBl'h' OOO to"S8^0()^Wanted, an a > hp"taAA/tirt busmen man to enrage with the ad. vertu, r. w ho wi 1 invt s- a like mumuit, in tha law,bar a aai neu in Philadelphia. under n a-u instancess> favo a'de ih it tu quean, nably from Bid f Mit? $ ill POO ner ye?r w 11 ha *Bai ltd. Adilte-i 1,1 M BSE, UM utfice, .giring i ??eie a ,d ?a I.en .ml a arte to tu rem. ilti li* ftfiiHf 10 "90??Anv ietiT?, indue ?fP a It /a r triout man. bavii.e either the aboventtn^l ttina at ct.minaid, and denn us of tuve-cinr IB ail la a lacralrrc btjliaias, may hear of nn opportunity by ai'drert tri? INIH'STKY, at rrlirc of 'hi* paper, with real n i ne Uf3f iIk^OIb ?:u'vt'rt'5,'r havinjr more W *J\f' fa bnitnera ih ta he can ateud to. ?k!im to tnitiie a pnttner ?i h aboat $ jfn. to t?te rn.irte of a lit lit, leatfl . aale and able tiiireit, ? htcbraa be learaed W a ft w duva A;>,ily a', the Peifunieiy 8toi?, N > 111 Hadaaa at., Moaday or Tuesday. I6f It* eft 1 *\\) ^THE ?DV?RTISERwiBh? fr I ? *' "? to aatafa the ?mon'.t named ah v-\ b ?^9 time or mnr BMatbe, for vhirk gtod ler.nriry will riv? it tad aaaaai of i!t per moi th. At'dre a c. C.,Trlb'*ae f iffii't, v. itn r< at aar. e and pla-e of iBteryiew. Inf It'o 11 OA R D DoU .V TOWN.?IseYenJ " ceiitltnen can be teieionioda'oi whtb h ard *??h i ?r aiM'o tooaia,at CHLRcllll L S HOTEL. No. &6 Liberty at. Uf 9t? BOARD.?T? let, a pleasant fr ?nt Rv ui en the lecood floor, with two large pan'riet a'tae.had, nafaiaitbtd. AN? iaraiahed Koorri? lac til ? t Ooaah even. 1 he Louie II plearantly locatrd. with all the moceracoo teairaraa. Broadway atagei paat the door. Applyn'No. tirdiit 10f6t* BOARD.?Any gentleman havini? fnirn <2C0to $',(in to lend on g?od mittf aad intereit, nity fn d arrou nmdationi in oot of the bent locatiawj la Ue elty, WOtt of Broadway,Bot above 10th at. Oiaaer at 3 1!? ference.8 etthaugt d. Addreit Mrt. C A R..f .n office. _ li!f_,l*_ BOARD.?A family consisting of six per iobi, incluiliag two irnatl i luldrea, with to arccure Board in a ptivate,centeel family,or where the'e ara few boanl?r?,iB the writ part uptown or in Brooklyn. Tarwa limit be mode rate Addreit M. W., Tnbiiua Oince. I3f 31? BOARD.?A front Room, second story, in a private farn ly, with every comfort desirable lor abtn a. Apply at No. 1H> Alacdougal it. near Peurta, ttagarou'e. 13f3t* HOARD, with A PAR I'M EN TS, in a ie St)SetaMe BSftllab fanuly. it olTered t ? a gent>u, o. and tin wile; atioto two or thr?e Dual? a???'a.M? where evriy attention to u.tuic cntufoit may be railed oa. Apply to fab. 118 Leonard it , a few I'aon lium Broadway. 141 It* BOARD ami A PA RTM EN TS?Wanted, to complete a if cenl efaota, a Oentleraananii hit Wife. A No. two or three single (iectlemen, where there are i<> fiioliiii and f ,i.l rt ii.ay I? relied on. Apply at No 10B I.rosard-tt.. a few doori from Broadway. Mf 2i? BOARD?Wauted, by a Gentleman Bayd tmall family, in a private family, in a reepoc'abla BSgbborbood. Will furnnhtho.r own roraas. The but of n!eren.ei rtOaireaL Addrett H W.C.. Tnbsn? Of ?as_ _13f tm* BOAR Dl ISO .?A pleasant suit of Baents wa^Board. Alto, ore or two tingle R>omt fog i' rniaoent bo.irdert, may be had by applying at Na il Batelai at , oppoaite College place. Reierancea et ehasged._IM%* BOARD in SOUTH BROOKLYN.? The seaaai fl.airoftbe large lirit-clMt houte. No. :p Cut' ?' 1" id oi Warren-it.. 8ou h Broaslra, caa he had. with Biatil, for Oentlemeu aad their Wives, or tingle (N n'ieinen. ci nun'ing < f a timriont front aad baeb roi tu, with large pantriet attached, and two baadeome hall bedrooms. Will be let eeparate'v or together, ai pro ferted Par'ial Braid for ?ent emen. if re<|ured. Terms ar del ate 1'n'ereBCta exehaogci. No moving on the 1st i f May. Apply on the premises._lit* Tt* BOARD.?A (ientleman and his Wife can be tcconimoda'ed wilh Bttanl at No 114 Hesry ?; a .. .iii- i ?.?'-.'?.? o i n Kel-reui es ?!? Handed 41 ini*_ HOARD in SOUTH BROOKLYN.? A daatleataa ?r-1 bia Wife ran ht acooaiBaadsl d wi'h Board and a pieartnt room in a genteel family, wbt't iheie nie bnt few boanlert. Apply tt No. li'j Hanry it,, l',r?t dear below Atlantic oa ihe tight Laad. llf lw? APLEASANT ROOM for a Gentlemin ard Wile or one tor a Single GerttleaM i, in a pleasant toca'bai balawoaa bloeb from St. Joba't t>irk. N? 9 Va ?t 3 dmrt from EraakliB-st. ltd 3tMWsK* BOARD.?A Gentieiiun and his Wife, or urg'e Cent'enaan, ran Lave a ve-y pleasant rovm aid braid at No il Vciey at W Ist* APHYSICIAN and four Gentlemen t> att aa sbVa, three bsaTaW Bat, and Biard wrh a prt ra'e ftinily in iom? ttr'et eroeau r arol ae .r Bral ?a.- from 4th to '0th it. Apply bf la'.ter, rasatpaai, la A. M A , Tri? bune OrT. e. _K' B* FURNISHED ROOMS.?A few (Jea tlraen can be arcrnimodatej w th furnuhed Par lort und Btd'oi nil, or tlBfla Ro. ii a alone, w iih hreatfaat and lea ifieuu:ied. hy apiuying at No. I" \ eiey it. l?i lw*> 1>0ARD? On front room, witii bed ib rtom a-,at LeJ, to let, witli Poatd Alao,twoatogit reoats, far teutlentea, at No. T7 aturiay-st._Vit Tft* BOARD.?Two (,r reapeetabl? ain |le Mrs may find BOOi loard and pletttnt iltepiag naimi in a mail, renter' family, where the -ofttfortt ?y a tomt mtv he eBjoyed. by app'y nr at N? 7 Habart tt., bb ? H ?;?"n oppoif.t fit Jonas Park. Referen-et re Jajred. BB lm? |>OARD.?A Get>tJeinaB and his Wife, ? cr ens or two single (Jeatleinan, ran ti id har.d ?oaiaiy faiaiabod K.. am at N? i:i i;aat i7.h-tt. Hotta is fura ?h?d WitB Lot m.d and thower bathe, hot a,r. gat, Be-_!L,WT_ f TNF?R1SI9HED ROOM?To et] bS I. Bvaid, an.tahle fer a Oentlertaa and bia Wift. Alao, a furniahed rocat. taitabla for ting e Geatlemari, at No. HiHudaaatt rpp^e.-? St. Jchn al'ara. Reference! re? quired ifllB* BOARD.?A Lady and Gentleman, or lor 3 tt:ig e Ueatleman. rao aota n a ard in a pnvi'a fand' tea.diigoBBr'Kiklyallithit Siluauoaunttrni-t-d. AddisttB.B O tt' B"_OARl) KEDUCED Btth? PRIv MANSION HOC6E, No. 51 Greeawich-tt by Mrs BEET OaatTasBBB wsBi Matt* hedt aid light airy?<i.aio tli?S week ; day hoardara $1 a weak; traaaitBt Mewnts rcty BtthisTtta _ <"*<??_ BOARDING in CATHARINE-8T. fereiel Gen lrii en nny be plea>aalir ax?unuta<liradl with Board at No l Muaroc-tt. comer of Calheiu.e Pj> rtea'treiiaired proinjcly._ FURNISHED ROOMS, wiihout B mi, it>o. Ml Caa_i?.a:aat -WeU f tmUhed aoartmeato inaprivala faanlyj lt.-a'it.B Jetirabre, aad ia the inmo diais rtiw.yof aa txcelltLt lottauraat^ Break -? ana tea. with pnra s table, j taaajnaj_)" iM JBROAD'S DINING BALOON, $6. a 80 Naj,?s ,.|t. N.w Yrik -The i d?-M?Btd respea t fBBf aaaoiiBcet to the aabaM of New. York aad iU i cm.ty, that ht hat fitted up a new eitahl'.thiueut (>l 11* i i rttrdttieanf mm wlc mU thsir metli d rwatoa-B; and be ho|tt by tv/tct _,d persona a_at.i 'n to ait fta?a?_t, aad br ^rmithinK the i_at the marke' tffoedt. oa tha BVtt tcoeoatical storit a thara of pobac 2^HV.t<! 4,'laf JfMOAV I*JOARD.? F? ur or live tingle Gentle i .m.*"' 5 ??*>?tUm?)n ti.4 their Wrees, c >... be IMI i. ?Oasl-d w?h lo lorparti.l bond la the m >J?r?-hui'l 4 *U.ij hnck hnn.o Mo. 4t6 it.. Id door wool of Hnacway. F*fer*iii et en h.iued It. D 0 AB I).?Good Hmr I .i j ali \< tot hunted entnher ra?d.ra h.use. e?. Cr.? ?? water kc. Appli KNo t Lamartiae place. J'i h st.betoeea 3 h aad 'there. Kefernce srivei and rtqnjrtd m/i FRENCH TEACH KR. ? A Pretreh Gentian an. Parisian and PrVeitant, desires f* 1 Beard ib an Asnertcaa farai etching* f .r daily Fraaoh ?eoeeaa. Refer to l)r Bai-d. No i*. Na.aai at *tId rV <i Athot. Spar er iBetitate, Patea ?quere. 'abdIv to M.?tV. a?e5i?^AND SUBir' No? U ?ud 11 E'?t !h0 at 101 IlAlekl* BOARD.?A gentlfcrtitrt and hit wife, or a few sin gl* gentlemen, eaa obtain good lioard and <?? nifortabe, well furnished apartments, by applying at No. II Forayth at Caeieeptionab'.* reference* rtqtured i23 1?? BOARDING?At No. 'JO A few reaoeetab'e person* ran be aroi Jed arttl arreet Me, peimacebt accnumndktinne fee $t M, aad up to $6 umt week. Genteel applicant* furuiehed with meals oaly, ifeo deaned. 7fim* ^rnnscmcnts THE POPU LA R <; R A N D8C()TTI811 CONCERTS of the ERASER FAMILY et Hote Chapel. Broadway, ah .to fin' -In ntatnllBTI wra the wiabea et their numerous trenda, and to reap tad to the eery enlhusiattie recep'inn they have met ia '.hit city, the Mi.ten and Messrs. ERASER trill roiitiu ie ihe.r Cf scene at H.-po Chapel on TUI 3 DAY, I iIl'KSD \Y aad 8ATLRDAY of the pieteo: week, the I7th,19tk and 21et Feb. r.' ????? rj ret is iioor ir-Tr a? ,\ fi?Trenc* it 8 o'etV. THIS (Mil day ) EVENING, they give a Concert at Cen? tral Ha 1, VYCliaini! art Uf tit D ODWORTH'S MUSICAL FESTI? VAL, ?t M ET It Or O LITAN HALT*, flate Tn?'?r,) ob FRIDAY EVENING. Feh I , OB' faaddrticBt, thete ?uparb band ?f A) reif irmers, they w.ll Be ??* stcd I v i h>' follow* It Tnmi n? artuta ; Mr* LAURA A JON KS Mr HENRY Pt^lTKal". ba km< r.- in Tenor Mr or.o. f Baurroet HER BLUE * E fl JUHKK THOV as Mr hEOGE? li Mr ALLEN DODWORTH Dirertir. .HARVEY B BODWORTIL PROGRAMME -Fart I 1. Ora-d Military Overture, by Felis IfettdiTmlt Ba iWM] (Firat time m Aireru a ) Dodar irrVs F ill B. nL 2 " Nay, da not Weep. 1 Poetry at J, II waiantht?masiit rum the Oper.i of ? kip \ an Winih' "....GsS.F Brutow Mr. II S<] ? 3 " Ernani Inrelan.i." C-'iae ina S I".Verdi air A:'. I Data tth 4. "Wo Met by Cheaoe"..Krtilken Miv L. A. Jotea. i. Haaiet'.o Solo.!?> I er Hirr K efer. 6 Solo Coneettina. Mr Me Ignwu k 7. The "Bandit Qeick 8te> from Ernaai .v?id: arrai ged tVr be Ootaet Baad by D L Deteaiaf. Part D. I. Grand Poika " B..tnine4. d t 0 B Bit," 1 I I poied ejpreaalv forthm oecastou by.Thot Cottea Full Band. J. The ' Slar of I.ovo," Cornet Band a' aB - paniment.W. V-WeBece Air. H. .Sijuiiri 3 V ?l n folo Theme and Varia'um fiom Otello.W. Ernat Muater Thorn ta 4 " Giorno D'Onoro." Doet t>im Srm raini If_BaaaBai A and H B Polworth. Coraet Baad aeetompaaiaaaet. j. " The Dawn is bicminr, e'er ?B".i k ,.. P. Rristoe Mn. L A Jone*. t Patetfe Pfei ?? by the Cataet u.iLd. 7. Cneile t^nh k Step. H B Dniwuith. Di tra open at 7 a*d irk Oeacerl tewmtsce at t. Tii keta 30centa to be hud at all the principal BtUBM trio ct; at No 433 Broadway, and at the dttl ou theeeen ine of the Concert. The Piaao-Forte mat! on the ocriaiou is from the manu? factory of Wm. Hall k Soni Itf it ASTOR PLACE?ITALIAN OPERA. ? ?Great reduotmn of pnre : Secured Seat*. Sofa. Boxea at,d Paniuet, FIFTY CENTS, Amphitheater, ii state. Unprecedented eurcess ' Msver'iesr's srand Opera of ROHERT I K DIAliLE, last time, fjignor 1. BAl.VI te Ro'utr'. Signa B. S'I KFFANgNE m A'tce Sigrs. A. BEbTCCCA as Isabella. Sit A. VIET IT aa Raimh >at. Sig J. SIARINI as Bertram. New Scenery Dreisee and IftthSttlJ.The Scene of Foutth Act by Siener Allegii. on. vii ^i,>?i u.?rr> tup QTAGE. ? M'lle J ULI A i'URNBl LL, The popular American Daaseute. MONDAY EVENING, Februsry lb, Meyerbeer's Grand Opera in >'< Acta of BOBg BT LB DiAll.II Robert, Duke of Nnri.iandy.Sig. S il?i. Rertiam, his fnend. .Sir. Mirini Rainiboa', iorman.Sig Vtetil. Isabella, Princess of Sicily. Sigra. Bortm ca. Alice, Normaa girl. .Sign-? S e t IBMM. Heleaa, Pnoreaa of ? uas.M'lle Turnbull Alberto, S? cretary n R .beit. Sig CaBdt. IstCkeyalter.Sir. Pattt. Id Chevalier.?'? Heasler Churns ef Ladiea, Knights. Clieva' era. Herald at A/ma. Filatuns. Spirits.Paepla. Scene Si ilv. jeir, 1H48 In Four h Ai ? GRAND BALLET DIVERTISFMENT ' M'lle Turnbnll aid C rps de Hallet. Owisgto tfce letitth of the peifBTBtaBOe the Opera will commerce p eenely at 7 ii'ehx k. Wednesdav, Feb. ill. Rosshii's grand Opera of LA G A /. / A LA DBA. Regular Opera Bights. Monday. We luesday aad FrnUy. i'es tithe* opeB everv day frota 9 to 4 o'etoek. Positively bo Free List, e-tctpt lor the Frees. BROADWAY THEATER,?B. A. MARSHALL. Sole Lsaaee.-THIf EVgNI?{G Fab. 16, will be per|.irnnd ? (/I HELLO, Mi r of Vim. o. Othello.Mr Porres* | Dtsdemoaa.. Mad Paa ?i Isco.C?a*av j Emilia.Mrs Abheti Tocoaci.ide with THE m AilRiEI) U\Kt2 Hoses aad Paruaet, 30 cents; FamtW Circle and Cp>et Tier, 23 canta; Private Boiea, s3 and it. Doora o,vob al M, and periormaaeca eommencs praciaely at 7 o'clock. BROUGHAM'S LYCEUM. BaoAnwAt', Bear Broome st ?THIS EVENING, Feb. I*i, I HE LADY OF LYON4 Claede Mr G \ acd'nh. ll|'^cn Duuin.Mr Chtpiajndale Eeauseaat. Feste 11 Paultte.Mrs Staelair ' 1.1, ??:..?!?? with ( .APTAIN CH \RLOTTE. Charlotte Clajier.-.Misa Ana.e Leasdala aaaBtuss.oa? Dreis Cirel* aid Panjuet, it eta. , Farni y Cirri*. 15 eta Doors ouen at ti, c iairsaace at 7 o'clock B'ljRT?N^THEATRR. Chambers It Itt'NEI IT 4M.ii MARY TAYLOR-rsfll EVEMNu F?b. 16 will rio porformad f e c'jmetiy of SHE SI OOPS TO CONt^CBB. Tony_Mr. Bur'on Mi.s Hardcaatle.. .Misi Mary Tat lor i he very popu'er eon eay in ') acts of the SERIoCS FAMILY ( sp'.M: mire Mr I.efer Mrs T >rr. M:?s Mary Taylor Admission? Dress Ore's sad Par get, it etat* aeoeat l*atsr.MeeflBB. 7V>.)'* oc?nat ti: eoniin*Bf* at ? * eleek. BARNI MS AMERICAN MUSEUM, -admissi a oh Idren 17? Sta ... MONDaY and rtnCatDAT, Feb. Maadi? AFTER? NOON, at 3 o'clock, th* pr*tty D ami A THE OLD ?CARD. AferW-ich. RAISING THF WIND. Eveairg at7 iiV'r<k THE BriTTLE To conclude with THE S WO BOMNTC A?ri.E8 The eanoea atui lieu at the Masset, ht the wayef wonders us Art and Nature, are truly ajunaaied._ i \ E R M A N THEATER?A8T0B ? * 'PI A( E oP LR A HOi ^ E. eviry TUESDAY and THUBSTJAY.?TUESDAY Beb 17. : appearan.? ta SnetirailFrn Kl ?? v i .. ts Jeaa d Arc in the II N GERAU VON Oh I. LAN ?> D ore opca at M . to i mmeace at 7; w'el. ck. Pnc?s cf admuswa Boiee amI Fsi list. TTTTB s; Amphitheater, 2j cents. I*f CIRCUS?aN EW-Y( ?RK AMPHITHE ATER. No r B>we-v -WONDERFUL EXPBBJ MENI-A MAN WALKING sritt k - HEADDOWN WARD on the ( sffLING-OB MONDAY EVENING, E?h if laij the ereat Phil'sophiril ^vp>deaaP*>atrTea, Professor JOHN M-COHMICK : < il.i .tlesucceaafal la vent- rof 'beonly AatiootlesB apparatus evf ',. " ,.' , ? ?Hl ethihit his sstoBtibiBg perfaruiinc ? of IN VLbtrtu I GCUMOTION, :o wbli h he will walk. Feet Ipporm St. bp na matb ealabuioe fc** ta lenstb. at aa eterauoa of id ketJraas the eri aad. The mrixbie upon a/Bh*t%S pee (>'marce is made is so inioovhjT pwasoad mat a fly caa <ii,iiitiJtf o'ho'd Tu- M a.gers haviar wit tetred a ?riva-e BlklkllBBt ft thas ?ttrairdisary psrfp m murr n'edge ?hrmse'vet'Otke pob'ie th. t its a-pnpnh; treat it bs ed s?'.etly up<in ?n inc tad PhtljJO^hietal Pi iciplsa and entirely WiUowt set :. / mi Wi-katy. da cep Bra nrhumboir of any d*ecrt;.t^a. The eioenaeBt |ae ifter been made by aay other rnao. aad the su-cse at ta.ned is it (by meaxsdi.cveied by the etaabitor a! >ae> ii u.t all wi h aatostihaent. f>tid-aihe abate uapsral'e'td, the fouowiat e*"< f*dfure* in tk* circle will be intr.daeed by the aaeaa " ike troupe: Mr. J J NATHANS aad Mr. J. IIANKINS u,II appear l'/ether ib aa unnvi'?d act ef i),'. ;'-, e H****?>as*kip, after tt* maaaiir ' I the faasoas Gier as eaue kaowB ?s the aiicttnt NI MI DAK DESDL w th rplendid EraJutieas. Chaagee, Piaitsee*. Tabka-BB.Be. Hta BMMA NATHAB|_irW eto?jH I a? Pen) Oioat Peats of H rsemasship by the RI? S A at i L Y'. Meeeia S tNDB, SMITH. Meaters BIVEBA ?;0|i- i EKlOl'S. Ac. Tocorclude wi h ST (.LU?t"r. A* D TH E DRAGON. B art 13 eetta; P^: gj cBfg THE AZTECS, corner of Broadway sad Lacasrd eu.-Theae Cwrioue LinlePeopU tYom Cental Amen? a, scarce two feet ia haighl ^.??*^r't enly 37 r-ousda-oae It or IL the other P*r'.aps ITjwiei .? deemed fabaloa* or '^^^1 . .IK. aatioM.aod unequal ed " ^?'/J ",'^,".,1. pajtau iace ia form, size aad e-^f^''.^, ' ir? I. & Library from 11 to I. aad hweaYU t ? aktet ev*ry day ttcket* Mets. (rhalArea half P*e. let . BATTLER'S COS MO HAMAS- Kir?t v ittir? ?Eibl trotte ??? a' n _ *t rdhl Br?.l*-n OpiltmllM til Ito'rtei P M Ad.-wt.">a . att Tb*?* ?>?_? Ar <????...' ?i sc,' *Ctioa*f VIKWSaf tv. BOTE. ASI * Ml.ION ?YBIA I dl HOLY LAND, BUYPT.NUBtAraMl ?? ? . * .sticke* andi n<ul<diu oil ly Pr?f. Sattler. Itf f KORMENIU Pi rfe_oi of Mi-u-, A,.* frim HuBta??. r i ' i!? c?<?h?_-?4 D>h_r, i''???????????" "fri? ? ijVic 0?c<l Mart? in tuimiI,' -ivr,ilM ?' * ? >? M*?'?Mtt_i Hau. ^THl BBDaY BVBNI-G, Hi hl.lMt . ? u, l,? * ' >? oialry fr?m Turkey ea Lik.J'..P*r. ,. ow atuiy I !,f?*. ."T*y,1M>>bar* Betorbt^r. ' ?????^weidiBibiie-u.i * ">?aeak? ?ooi t ato*t re tpect/uliy ??ilicn the it'mii.>L ami pa'roaar* ?f taa Aaaan e.Bpuhl c A-'arde of jj l. ./ M._r." Beb bortO Ca . Na.I : Br .1 *et: 0 k ^?*- **"" RnUert.?S? Broad-e i? ru(u.i* it., Kraue* a H e,l 'haUyear* Hotel,*i.d other ?i at piacoa. jgf |W? 4 Gr RAND C?N< RRTof VOrALand ^a ?JtBTBUMEBT?. Ml 110 w*M be grea ?? KM Kr KHO( Kl K IUI i . >ru*r Ol Ith .? aad litt it.<n MONDAY KVKNUU f', r> Ii. IUI. br Profeesur BOBEBT VI IHK. naatard l; tstsiil laiattt aad Taleated PatAt twe, for th* Beoe'it o' tha 8 a'eaalh Baptist Ch irch to tbe.-r in 11.j t dttiag th* dskt oa ihsirMfinrHii.? Tici.ts rj ceati, caahe bad at H. ? Onta'i Bookitor*. No IL- S<h-av . and at tha Door, on th? Kveaing of the foacett D ?ars opea at <| *> ack C<ntert toc. manne* it a 7f i clock llf lt? Itloncn C??Titft unb to loan. $?.">000T? L0AN?*? ** P* W "?'/.irtnif,,! is e . a on* or aaore suaa Alto, th* inait of $11 iot>. BtO,<0" ?l t> aad tt900 aama rat* oi Bond ao , ler ?Uff* na preduen?* Real Batate in thiacitv. Ajvly ( ? JOHN V. CO.NBFY, ?Bf?'_VhJ, Wtl.-at..cot. ad Broad at MONEY to LOAN?On Itonda^Mort (at*, in latus of tl.too $3 ?00. Aaplyta B k.L! ''? ' a t t>: ion. BrsAera, Bj _No. ?I Caaaaben at. (_lianccs for Unomcoo ftlcn. IJ'OR SALE?A Ml and OvsUr Calsoa. do.-ei _ Bjssadl w .._?.. *jl ?-fa l.w, aatbe ? .?. i r :.,?..., a_a c inaot at lead t* it. prearitca cornel of 2lth it and JCh-sv , or N* 276 Sth ar , u thetbue ttor* :ji jt? pOAL YARD.Of SALE.?Ten year>' V/ Lraa* ?Ith hII (iiiarei. ia oae of (he bait loeitioua ia tha City of Near-Vork. ItMitnl H G PRICE, I6fl?* No. 13 Wall tt. SOAP and CANDLK HI SiNESS for BALK. The iahet other, "?eint about to retire from boiiBtai, would he clad t* ueat an h aat aeraaa des roue ?I fstsiiir int? it. tut ttisi?!? oi his Ktitaraw aad 17tea tilt, tnd the lease of hit at tatfaWa, N > til Greenwich at., which ha\? beta occupied ia .h t baataaaf for it year* eoa* Ha aat -ly, and are Bot s>> pa?tad in . u.wnienceor location C C rnf II iTr. rrn Ml nnaiha at. 9f IwM WATh'A r*H) PRINTERS.?Fob S.t'.t t,r to Ie*t, B a Pnntiiif Orlice in r'attaavet .costaiaiai two doqhl* mcdiuBi fpyltadtr atacbiata, Bteaai Ktnn*. MaaJnn Plata, and all the unial app t'ci.a n et of a Prata-rrwaj, w lh a lair run of wui k. Ap If. hetweea 11 aad I o'clock, to [llftt*] B.J. BlGBABOB. Bei leTBavKaa al irliscfllaufont A_ot;rtiJ.<m<nii. W E r GOODS ' Hi 8 r GOODS!! 11 WET OOOOI -THa tahaoribtr aiD aaaa It at n.orniri ts cates asdhtlei >r Wrt Geeilt. cinaMtiae of 1 yarda wide iiBett ittiedat woe h 8i , for la , I 4 wbtta iiaea daatatb, wettb>T8.,Bi Id ; l-t aewwada., arattbla., for Is M ; rin*darnaik n.,.lius ?null Ii for It.; ?ouatbaa du. wtiithtt i)d foe It M . See bnckabacb aad rraaob toweluir, Is j liaen de Id worth It | lapertine liaeti,tavIt nad i . ? <th if>u?re <** -uiaet . i i - shtrttof.yald w de Id ->i ? ? ?>? .11 K I . 0 I Hbce'iBt ltd . iui cilia* hiuwn a?Mb l| Id , i rat* priuit, ratt i . |i ra, ill . eretth lt.. IM ? reaDe 1 ?one*, it, w trtit ? . fine Kreuch patterns do., le M , e to any at it The abore laoae are daata.ed'bi water ea*r, m lw i h* tpld at rr*at*r farsnai thin errr before 'tft'ar.d i" this city. An earlv call will prjyo to .our adsa itaco. A 0 COLBY. ltf 3t'o No. u 3d-as between nth aad t ".h taa. rpo TEACHERS of MUSIC, and I THOSE DEBIB1NQ Us Ql'ALIYl I'llLJl fiKLV i'.s as si CH.- i i h ive mad* an tatet' meBta forth* titabbshmeai in the C'Ky of Ne -i ? YorV. of a NORMAL Ml sc s( HOOL; tbede-i?a beut to fur Blah trtotoneh unttm- i n to tlirae who may detir* tequat ify themielyes ni Teail.eiatf Matic.oi whu.thoifi aot ntesdib-t to MacB, tra il'iini of thorough itt'ru tioa in tie p .etc* aid Ihm ty t \ l : aid latKumeatal Mti tic. The i nt i ter.n of I hit 11 i'ftatioB will cormeaca at th* Chare'. No lAIOrata* it ra-r Stht,oa WEDNE3D\Y, Abu! i j, if it, at mo'' lock, aad be ? -nt.Bued aaafl th* UiU Je'j in lowing Tie aii.ataBce of emlasnt Piit'tci int hit btea laaataa, tad daily li-ctuies und ib*iiiicioui to ti.a cites wilt bo f tvia tn th* rariocs dopBI BHrBtt ol N Ot al and Imtrn oen tal Music, and alto private leitunt to each itdisid-ul. Ciicnlaia containing I 11 panic dan, t?i nit. Be , may b* obtau*d oa application Ipoatpao). H b> le ter,) to MASON a LAW.No.23Parb'i ?>? t thoAatorB\aaaa,Waar Yoik ; of whom an, o'l ei u l inn ition hi ibe matter may turn be obtaiued. LO? ELL M \ao*. Itf ltDIUtW GEORGE Y ROOT. ( COPARTNERSHIP.?N?liee is herc'iy J tir*nlha? I bate thli day att? ciated with ?e.iathe buaiBeai of Bl IT.S MlirAL. wy ttn, WILLIAM B. hrVofC r?WB. -'Wl^-^Si^J^' TO LNVENTORS.?PerBOBfl havinr? in v*_ti?ra that they c'ta re in pt'enl. BBB had an* tk .1 will fniuuh lb* meaat and deal h <nofably with theea b> aed-emng (pOOtpaldl C. 0 MILLS. P-it 04VB, Ntw York. Befcrenee girea. Ill ttMWBB* _ TO ALI. PERSONS VtllicteJ with Dis tare or Contumpttoo, but Bajltcwlarlf to thaee wr - tiBg tome i obtinually f<-r advtc*. aakug a repetition ol what I havaao rapeutedly atd i.niformly tta'-ed in tha pub? lic priata.?Ta thoa* who undertiaad Ptyehoa-rtnroi El*c trical Pijchology my El?ci .c.l Vt id n tu?pie taongh, prclooig that electro paychologn-al state duriag wMen tieriod aJ ofcieitort and opeiatora ho'd perfect oatrol orer allditeaiei of thair tubjeci* ; or in o bar word*.aa. tha EUc'rical Huid ptinttrates ilia wh tl> ayitein *n i_ly. the will hit power to pebttrat* throunh the aerra* to a I I trtt i f th* body, and the w.ll mtiit ne< ?i-.anly gift h*al h to iU potae.tor. Thnt*wUodo not kH* aaylhtag about " the tciauca of the tnul" ait atlyiotd to laara it an ioub a-j paeailile. The . will thenLuuw the, ( tn b* cured aal wul b?liere th* following ATflDATTT, Swora befoi* n;e, ttua ST b day of Erb. laJe. i'aiebO WoofiiiL'M..Mayor TALT.OT WATTS i No l I Nat.tu it . New Yurk -.h Wdtaith th.t t.e hat ducorered a wtavlerfiil __5Vi_: ._- at WatU't Norrout AJaftaetOi tkal the ?aaticlat km,?,. - oa^da o' it* wond*tful p >*??? <:evtlop_*rit. hourly hem, a'haB rcali'y ; that has* noire lb* ap; earanc* ol rum. . a {traut, ard tht nioit etcriiciatuig iraralfie Ban, in. *i_twiud. nei\uui debility yanirh before It use ch tff Iwfer^ '??,_?. that tit tfiteta op n ta* nun aaattaata titi.eoayu. ? ipaiBit and rfeuoiatism tra like magic?aad praya ay in tciveatioo with ? i.* Btadleal ftealty to test its atiraoala it posen, htlitvinr Uul it it i tf t ie ol removing half " the nt? tleih it heir to," it will ush*r saililrea in* > the world w t.ho it pain, and snniBila'a the maal riolaat ,tt bataaaad e~a*unipt?a; !i?at t* kimw* it wblt are ta uiibi Bad holiOToa that erea hrdrepfc ',.a will y told oaf .r* itt wrrderi'i) p iwt-r-jB'I pra.sthi: i will u*a my leifl't taeaMUMtBOtlutbof thta rfftdatit Th a h* *t I will Jo ? y utinoat t-i tuyea'.gata an '. iresr* that ther* n aat bra i iKpaoaiblo with 0 d TALBOT WATT fewuiu teiure it a i~<". t J.'y I Hi" C rt. V.'o.iMiiii.L, Mayor. Th*abore itiaar t wai 'iVi-i afer tw.i years' trial uaon thoinaida if iu.alias, without one f.ilure, and tiace whkh tia* 1.1*0iwraoaabare beta cured, aad abot* aoo i ?.ri.-. tiet hare neat t rat? - "*trie tejral autbontit*. ill's cutttg ttitai or Caaaaaratiaa aad #1*eatea vf the wo at kuda. If "a bar* bt*a eared tite* January ?asarato If people will aot tat* Ibatroabb to nod ?cef thtit um ota tu but lli'jn.ia vet. (1 i. > *ant lo know thcoreu cally.let taaai laiatbeD-.i ? 1 .1 Payoboloiy. il praciicallr. let iLem ttkaoia b..t It t > 'aal l.a power. De? pot Na 101 Na*?', at. >1 a k -t 1* . ?A ? ??? A iaiOBlie t-.n'ia'ft enough foi lb* >,r. H"l fusumt'i a Of S p.t bottle }> ili ltMvval* FOREHEAD'S MAGNSTIC PLVS IrB. TLB?The gi:;a'.*?t St eng-uaai'g Para Dottieyer ? yerdototered Paiaeaaaotcj t *iie-a taia Piaataria apn'ied Put upm a.r t ?bt iiu 0 tea. keapiag rt alarayt Leth aid p ne. Price li eai. ? . ,1 su.lio.-.n'. to tprtad tit tr *i|ht Platters, and m. 1 i ildean tproad taoat. at?a cfartu, ed and f Id bv to* :u?eui? r, 1) C ft.OREHHAO.M I) . No \U Broadway. B Y. Aloe,lot tale by tht rcstx.-'a.;* biu? ;ittt. I4f It DEAFNESS. DBHthargBB, Noitea in the Bar. Neirene Dea.te.i e"t of leaf hi eared i.yDr. HEWH, No t;i Bnawlway, N*w Yort Dr H. a'10 trea'.a data??* I ti.eE. *.aad meerie bean 1 - ful Aitincial E>ei w ith u? patB,ea.ah:< ol til the ?atJtBi ot th* aa'urai *rgaa. light en ad All totter? iht.nld h**ipl.c t OftiOO .outalrua 3 to J a'ctach, daily llftt* / 'OllNTRY MEkCHA n I S" STORK " ' BILLS, w th *.h* lan? m r 0?, got ti be foaod in tne ry , Ctidi f trery ti^e, ihapo,eolM tad laai.ty ; tid all Kindt tf plain tr.d laacy Job Pratitg-doa* t*ei.e,BieB aad cheap for catb at the e-.te-s y* l^b asd Card "iWaM rHOMAI l! Bl n iN, N* Itl i^staavot-, Bo wceaNaaeau and Broadway CaBjaadjM haWaarawo pitdBBtaaaa They at bl I fON B_ ~?t)l^iiii BEWARt>. ? The; Sa^MfftSf tyOUUwa, roaaaj ? w.J.^f-^', 1 m.t , at tha Jener City Per ry. "? - aa fBtNM la^ae o'clock tra;. for toM'tft*, ,? .,V"her*t-rnof tneaoeye.or m proparttaa l*r aay p'rt tn*e< n*. ^* T HORN F. WaAoB aVo .Hj^-T* ?y..t:rjor th* bit reaulanra.^^(^SSbST lUTSSING.?SjO"Reward.-:-?iBCO thj 1?I ittb iatt.. Mr. LACENSrCIN ? ^l<Z. tabifb, aarmf a dark ^-^''^t.^aAoet*. either Who*t*r tirea laformation asout X? r*wa?dat Ha. tm d*ad or aiif*. IBbbB recett* th* ahoya r. ^ R# Broad tt ..-???-TT few mote t>"?e^*? twai of lacht fnoebt. , a- a tit* Aim, a fr* ?f?'jfamf? t* Wail rt.