Newspaper Page Text
Real ??taU lor 0d!e HOTEL for S W.R.?Bf ?^rr "f lh? PtobsleO urt f r M ?? -??nghl?? > t- Vt ? J ?*-??.?? Ho . , .Co- . h? ? / n .Ik V Ft fLV ranTr of 'b* k?a ? ? '?MM of Brn'tlobor '. vt., ^?^fcrad/o, aale Tata * 31 ? tho-ougbly bout ? imjm or-t r . hn 1 ? i C L H.ia th* twraaast ol u?-' three s-or ? ? mi ? ? ?<?' ? aa II ,>vl ?a. ?dee?. ISftiitTaiJ rea-Ug r..o?. ? i-eme.t Bed M Id', ncj-r fT/ikola ?-.?... ui ail anew, tatahba bell ataetwheita J?* v^aa tu feet by M mta ??o d-seaing rooma , 1 iee ?. kMM. U IM1 0? *o -iv? . ...u-*a*.i,, -.ww . . ..... LT?... ehrdaand < ariaae-bouts. ?II iwwm and J^l^.t; i?faf t.?'?'/ r*-.. i - *#? Bseaaaary far a paalio rSaVjOT'. all la* Fli RM1 LHE ol aaid Uo mm, m .*?. mi akieb wsa new in ItUO. rtVHotel IB Nr * ?.??< and can offer r'aatar ladsonmenU lata? psrchsaar than tau-u n*BJra baa bad aid always wu] uavs a g eet run t,f i . ?<, t n well kept ) li'emel eoBi-dietaat betweoa the Vmi,out Avium f?r the Insane ?ad th? celebrated Old V.'? .* nstaMiahment. aod there? fore ronv?i?>*Bl lor those w n ? n o bar* friends at a ther else* Tha shore :>rnp?,rtj etna* oiforsd (or ?ala tag.Bar ?Ith a'l the parson*, p-. :*rti si the la * T C Lard, and if ant dteiewed of lefote tue 17 a day of Maren n?it ths stops I? will ha sold at PuMk- Auction, on WEDNES? DAY the l"l' >'??' ? f M ''? ? ?>' Sa> of per. mal i?r> tyart. t-?r>mlmen^eB? %*\ ?-?. ^ H Tbs House will ba ?old a> 3 o'clock, P M , a .1 the Faraatara altar the sals ^^'"aLVIN TO^ajLEY, { Admirustat >rt CHA8. CHAPIN, fMmmmmmmwt Brattleboro, Vt Ja?. 20. UM. H. B. A part of the p'.rr I ata money fat tba Real Etta's anil be rsqiiiicd at the avia of aase, and the balance remain secarsd by atnrtrafia. Mars pi'ticular terms on day of (ai? _jJl aawtoTsThfcS FOR S?LE or EXCHANG E for PROPEHTY in Til 18 I'll V, a handsunia Cutty Bet idea'e, consisting ol a unctern w ?41 built twu-storr flams hoaae, with hard umsied walla, abiding do>rs, bail * feat wide. Attached la a good two-etnry st'chaa ind wood home, and also a r ? -1 tiara and carnage h miss, stable and garden, with ?oou t* . acres of land?S tuatsJ SB ths rillage of WoodbnCce N j , 23 miles Ironi New Y*rk. ol 2 mdea frem the Hail road Dep-it, and I? mdea from Steaoiboat laadiair and 4 miles west of Rahwar, CoBSBiUBiratas with ti,i? city by Hailrnad and Steamboats several timea s day ths Chore he. Srh'e.ia and Poat-Otlii?, are wilbia i of a rr ile. Aop ? to i.KOOU X A Y A U! 11, ? BCS, No ii Maidea-laoe. or to SlMKOtf w I'HIL LIPS on the Ji TaTaAiU FOR SALE at NEW-ROCHELLE? The p'opertT of the lata Sainoel Titos aboat half a mils I rum ths tillage, aed snout 15 mmotes' walk from the New-Hareb Bailioad Dapot Comionoir atom to and from the city an times ,oer day . romoii'. ?: on low. Ths pltcs ? ontaiae aboat 12 acres, *nri trie Und is in a hub e'.ats of roHtTatlon.oa which is a do iM? two atory Hoaae, bcilt n mre'ero style, Carr.age hooaa. rtiabls Ac Itcoojm.ndaa ?pleadid tiswof Lost lalaaxl BsbbA and la wiitim a abort of It, wh eh aff -d. floe (urioint and fiihint Ths plars is well storked w.tb t at fratt and ornamsata: trees. A larac poitioa of >he purchaaa money can remam onboadaad morttaga Inc..'-e -f KOHKKn Y TITL'L New-Rochslia, er S BOW NE. Nr? Iii Mailison St.. New. Yora. ISTaV ?L'OR SALE or to LET?Stanwix Hall, I ParatutaS r.nsa V Y. This large aad coinmoAnnia Hotel, fsilghtfulli locat a<l on the weit side of Broadway, onedraar awnlh of Cn oi, m . I .i, in the nine I ate tie Bily of Uoi'tresa Spring, will te at for a term of years, from the 1st day of May Beit Tae H get la entirely new, and the aatabliahment is in comp ets order. The looms are laigs aad arrasged with Sipeeaa referance to the '?crom piodalioB of familiss N> n.'te. bo'sl eatsbliihmeui for wiatnr aa well as aummer bnsiasas. can hs f.itnd at Sara? toga Pot further cn ?ra muiiries may bs rnsle of LRSTKR A BAHTLEir Eaatl , al 'hie Tillage, or of lbs t'lhsciHier on ths premises. I ns property is also lor sals on reaaoBsbls terms JOHN H WHITE Saratoga a>, Fsh. 10.1U2 l?f tapli Ig1 OR SALE ?A yalnalilfTtractof Liicka waaaa Coal Lead, ailua'e r.ear the tloanahing toaa a?l Piltstoa. sad ona mi e from ilm North Branch Caaal, is Laterae Coaaty, I'a The HeBBtylaania Coal Compiay'a Railroad passes through the tract, which will make it a ds snabla location for mining the Coal, and a Railroad Depot, coBta'Biag Hi acree, two thirds of which la cleared aad in aaoatiatBBSof raltiaa'ivn The buildings thereon are all adV. A good litis will begiven. lo'juirs of Ibf lw* SIvioN HAW. Bethlehem,I'a FOR SALE.?A oinall new cheap Oot iage, with 10ansa timmproyed land, for JOS. t H dowa. (ha balance gin inaathly. Aleo, .. 10, 20 and 40 acrs Lete adp?MiiBg without cottatea at S20 par acrsaa fato'able tern,a i bese lande are a ? . , a saar tae Long Island Rad road M Soors rids from Ihr Oity ml Brook).n. Ths soil is goad for farBsiBt or gardsnivg pnrpoass.ofessy tilings. Pias er ona wars produced on the land* the last season Also this aoll is wsll adapted for froit. On; es in paitmnlar. Ms cbaaica sad othera wishinc s c"mf?rtahls hosta for them aslvaa aad fanidiaa in aa pleasant and healthy a piacs aa there hj ia ths State, ami for 'hs sum ?Imli m? would Lave to pay for two or th'ee years' rent ia the City, omll ob toe sabarciber and go aad eisaan s for youraslaea. ill Im? A SlcCO rr ER. No l2tFBltoB-Bt. 1^()R"8a?LE?A va)ual)!e~Farm of 100 aetesof mat rate Isad with waler-powsr, io Oraaa wirh. FauSahl Couaiy, (Ntaaeanrut Ob the premwea are m lanra Maawioa House, (n the pointed style of aicaitec l'ire.1 wNh atarble mania ? tiathmg roeat, kitchen range, aid all ths modera impterame. Is; o?ach hoaae aad sta? bles, cattle sheds, aad evs'tibiiig omplete for a geatlc n itn t rauatry-seat- situated ou ths Byram Rivsr, in the ti'laga of Olsnville one of ihemut beautiful and romaa to- attuatmaa an the list al the New Haren Railroad. Also ob the place, a hue wateifall ?f }g feet, wi'.h etone I uildmg 70 by 10 feet, V) si oies with two sets of rollers, for maaufariuriBg aheet i.ud furaai aa for red lead aad lithaigs. gnat und oil mil , four srua'l dwslUng houses ; tilackamith ab. p three waler ?heela, flaa stoac dsia : agBsdua't, and machusiy ah an perfeoi order, well suited far nay arsnafactaring Pua ne.e-it| m lea fn?m thed.>p<?t ol the New Marek l(? lr ail a' Port, bea'er, 28 mi ea Ina Mew Yolk On ths gtObslaiia are any n,?... fine building Bites, kpi ?mg a view of the Mmim* aad nenhboriot caaatry, aud '? ths riotaityoe g. ad >?b aag and rharchea Thia propeitt wall be si Id MOOthoc or aspaiats. Poassaaiou nay I-'had uo or before tr? IbtOl April. For tsnns auJ partn nlars apply to P. C CORNELL, N? 243 Wstsr at St aw-Tat a. 121 tw? OR SALE t?i TO LKT-r-In Tarry towa, Wealcbeater C'oiniy. 2S nulee from Igew York City an.* distant aboat 3 .. van's from the Hudsaa River hailrnad Dspot: a Hoase au i a ? t loar anrei of Land, witn oat-hoaeaskr., BBS a ii>,d well la the kitchen. Ths lUuae ?? H feet lu ft out two at.oi.a high, with a c ilonaUs attendant ths whols front <<? 'ha roof For anew of the P'ea? see mgaue . f MB POWELL, at the Railroad Da p?r. Tanytowii Terata. Ac ,of N JARVIS, JR . No t gagj igl. Nsw-Toik. nfat* Ig*OR SALE?The premises bow occ.i pied hy the aubsrnhsr, situated ir drees ?ich. Conn , ob the covBsr of the po?i read and the roast leadiag to Cieotwich DApo'. i acta ii ng about ose acrs of land, well titled Bp lor garden pal pea SB, n.cloaed with good at toe wall and parket fence, en winch ??* a vatiely of -h > -e tieraaad ahrubbei) ibm t to d ngsmr a good (WS stety haaas, four rooms > u ?acn llo r, ?ith hall thl Stgjh the centat, aad pia//a lr? at ai d rim 'I. liaiatied baas n sat and altic. 1 hstl n alan a g<H?d atote ou the corner, o.i aidersd the beat stand toi b i.uiets in the Tillage , nleo, i 1.1 i. lor, bars, and slants for seven horses, granary, v ...a-b .ua. tee haaata.aaaeh* haaao,a? .all m ra ?ai.: S<kI pit itn.ea wil. I" ?.. .1 o ac. omaii.d ting terms > ' her partsculais. laqBWaaaf *J A BKOWN.No 177 Fotah at , or of I he eub.cnt.or on the ,11 lawlm*Tn\ I t, PKTBR ACKER, R[ HAL DOMIOILR at RYE. Weat cl eats* ("o .17 milra <r ro New York, and c.tatlgooas tolhs New-Yoik aud New Haven Ki.lrtitd Statioa.-Tha anhai tihal oileia f t sale ihia i?t?a'i'p properlr The ptem i"i c in i tiaelwo acresof aaa i, taolj ittUBted. and anelosad with superior walla, the du.J isg. a rersotly liuiahsd, BaBBBBsaM d. utl. n .use. hi r ?' .ge ilyls. and b i It ia ths ii . at erifeet mannst; stye 34 fee' b> 24. with wing, two atotiee ba-ement.cel'ar fc> , it umuiis,of which two ars parieri, 19 feet by 13 each, ina>r?le ntuBle.s, walla of bard Unlit, out butBtiuga in 'be BtV'OSBB of erection , a wall of pavswslrt. ittme SBBtttB aard-aa , a valuable wioaght sjuarty of Atsl uuality b?i dug store Whsa fully ooni fletta this wilt be ou? of Us o etuesl nlaoes ia Rge, aud ta a tent um? do't g bu.iasaa ia New.York, aad wbjhmg to avul himself of ths ranr.a'i tor travel, it offers tidran tare* sisponor perhaps to thosa of any other place in ths town terms easy Spi',? to 1 AMES H PAttSoNS, No 73 IJHeily-sl Nr- 1. k ar to 'be subscriber, near ths premises I Iff 2uiT?ATh? 1 SAMl 'L I BKRR1AN. COTTAGE and FURNITURE in BROOKLYN FOB IALI and i*?seessioa tireu at short maus*), situated \, iu Jay at . batwses Myrtls at. and Johaaon al . ten mta<"ee' walk from the Futloa Feny ard wit km sightr yaids of aa oiuBibut roats Let t5 by Ii7i; twra-storv frame hou.s Al ed in with biirk, 20 by L), with pwiBB front aad laatl matbla maatsls throughout, wall bnAt ia svsry way, ia o ce - a style, in toad order and al ptsssaA aecBpiad by the subscriber. Price, ly ?,10? MaM ran vemaia oa montage ai T pa csat Can or isna ?*ety day (ram It to J Apply to OKOROE B OBAN M18I. No. W Maiden-laaa Itf w ? AT PRIVATE8Ala?-Leasehold Prop atty an ttarrlay at -ths 'eaaa of the lot kaowa ta N? )t Barolay at . from Colutab ? Co'lega, be ng for B> ycare float the let of May la.I The lai is 11 sset I in b NostiW ob Barclay at . tt feat .*? ths roar, by lit feat in depth an owe eute. sad 114 fa. 11 inches on tea otksr side The xround real ia f.1?? a year fee the neat three ysars, and ?St) per ysar lor the reaidas of he tims Oa ths ab,ivs lot there le a three story ?r , . Bu'ldiag. Fat price, torms and faiths* , alto a'a.i. ?i i I? ta l?f I? A J BLEECEBR. No 7 Brsad st Ij^OR SALK?Hause and Lot No. la? 4th st. House isl-staay and attic, with Una basanisn? an.I coaater collar, 2* ft. 1 mokasiBWagth by is ft an depth with (aa.raiaa.-e, bah. Be aomoiete aad at par tact ordar ' Lot 101 teal deep Pnce S< - Eor forhsr oarth-aian natal perm laatoa to ssa lha aaa.*, to B y BKt>W*f Real Fa'ate Bt ker. No 7| Wall st . f(om lulP M ni ?vj B- DAVISON. No. t3 Codai-at. Itf lw* F^OR SALE?The three story brick HOC E. maavftc l""'i. sitostaal oa ths noitk-east earnot of Bond and Paciaa' eta . Brooklyn. The abort pre star bs are of the meat d*-msM? character, and wtiigas Bold cheap A portion ot in* naan enn roarma on boee anal maalgaga at 7 par eeal l-suar? nf WILLIAM BOSTON at No. 11 Naama st ltf lw* FOR S?LE?Thr S TA RR I N X . FathkiU Lnnahut. Aar stones high, pi ana in frost. II kaa tl rooaaa. beas.1* har roass dining room and ktlrhsn, two ce tare, tarn eaatsins. ir* boss*, one acrs of hand, fruit tinea. Ac. near ths deoat on tk* Hadsaa River Rail tvavl. the <*rry U, Niwt.u .1 aad at the term a t of tho SrOHtceod Ptatvdasc* and Fiahk ll Railroad amiable f?ra BygetA haaaydiae-hoe.s .a- wan c?r? aaublashatani la gtlrs of AMANDA VAN \ o?'Bills, oa the ?rem^aa at H B. OOWLZS. Kng. No. it Wall at. Nsw-Y*rk HOUSES FOR SALE?In HrtHiKryw, Na M BtBts-at . heewana Hvkt a Hsnrr?-kra* ?mntsa walk Ire a 800th Ferry , lot Dil?*, bontaa taa> tor** stories, basement aad asd*r cellar ; hitrhon >aage faraace, free, hath roam. Ac . all in rood order Ala*. Ma ITS Aaaaas at . sitkt auauUa walk from Pnltoa Esrrr . Lot BtiallJ, hoaae 234144, three a.anna aad baeomeut. aaarkts ataatBls. fttraaos. ucloead paatxa. frait ia ths Ac Ptton lew and ut am easy Asnly to ,., ...?? *? TiiATIJt. Sa. it Baak man-st N. Y . . IW 1,1_ ar No 54 mum at . Broaa.lya.B I^OR SALE?A taaree-etorT brick House * ??**??* Ud - , kM Batk Boas. . a vat tae prnaaioas ,Uft, I>UBLI0 BALE ?The proM-rty n,ii ???adiUi?ml<4 t, P H * r t??'.? -? ? ?,.?,, ? I. ? ~ .. .t,.i ? aale M ' \l ^Ay;M,^t, ?4 M A M ? B-he premises The) eeMLH"! e.-e it? ' - dweiBe? boose H *1 ** w"? ? wirgof two at ri'l ISr.y IS fat. aid treh*b without u'd,.,. faeces and - i?er ia??r ?eemerrt. a ??. dient ?ad iahTutteJ a dee C ' o'er*J ?,th t ie *b .re nent r.|.d f.Bilettnt* n one of f'im*.lH?t>d u. ??? ? ??v 4g#*??.*?ici4i.??* ?>?< ried a* ? ooeirri ??? r*,aed le ?* <?* '? '.' ?B? ?? T eJjf.Ve ?t? ^,* Ihe tow.. Tse white arc f .rniehed wuh erecy cireatence Or a r rif .r.e'.le ?id pi* i>?tt; _l?o. admirably atiaptre. iu pf.ot of li? cit iotj ar.d ntherwi.e for en ex obi ?e store U-ioem MS pr perty tain Oc upner put of the t.i|?t, the 1 it SH) feel In nt oi the I. *?. ioe.1 . a ore hid ncrr? the res'of thi jot. ptwee? Uo N>w Y >k end Er.e Hailrjad I .r farther i.nfjf lire. Ii. ? ? to tie owners, on the p'em ?et ?Pier ... ,1- N V i tuny I jI. P H. TAULM IN 17f tMhl'_C TA'.LMAN (^OUNTRl BEAT f??r S?.LE?in the J pleuent of Greenwich. Cone, I new aid townrtinae bouae. with Steides. He , gaiden aa* ibeottblte)Beree%i ai,.l Itianeir the Congregation%l. Ep'tr.-pal laid Metr.idiat Cbarr.he*. and aiau to ( ?od ?. boola? aid has a f.i e v e? of the Sound. The perfect healthiness of the aitua-ion. aiid tue *aci lty of accei? ny tb* New-Haran Bailrood, render thia a rery deiirab'.e residence for a gent eu.a'i done tms'aesa la tau city. Ap? plyte J< N ITHAN D Bl ELLE No. ft W?i aw et. 17f iwTuTl.BS*_ FOR SALI-, r EXCHANGE for GHjr Pioier') ?One of tbe meat bes'i'.iful and deei ra lean all Farm* .a Wei'ern New-York.r jn-aiuiig abcut forty actea I f ?i-i) t hoice and ncbly cult rated land, with flwelliue hotiae, birr, carnage, aid other out-homes, of tbe moetr n.plete oider. II it a large otehird ef gnlVed apt.les. lad a great ebtmlaa'-e of the more rare and cbotce rarieties of aurrn er fruit? Iu ?hart, there la uitl.nx lurking to render it a eoorenient and perfect farm, ae well ?s a deearahl? residence being witbm hilf I mile of a depot or. tbe Erie Canal, and same distant* from Syraooa* md It. ehester Ralroed, n tbe intrfot of a moat bevitifu' country, and an latoliepaat, moral, aod wealth* neighborhood. For a more full description, Ac , addreia hu 2,1?7 Lower Poet m e _Vt itrafcE' VILLA LOTS at PRIVATE 8ALE ? V Var)ing m ar/.e from two to ten acres, or the entire fatm of St st ies, uom- bBlewsJn to Hon E C Gray, of B' st'ti. situate <? tbe lltchts of Eo-dhav. Westchesaer C' un*), 11 milee from tbe City Hall. New- York, ( of a mile ft. ii. l ;.per M.."i?ani? Dei>ot. Harlem Railroad. 1, ntllea front the coitemplatid Eighth a*. Raitroad, ou Terh Island, and , n.ile from tbe Hitrb Bridfe, buunded on the weal bj Harlem Elver, and oe the enure nor;a b| Maujt h oidbim the of I.eens O Morns Ap>lienti>? need r.o; be male nleas it la wanted for the ?1. ite oh.set, as Mr. Uray mends hiodinf the pi'chaser, ai.d also h rosa'f. for tire yeera. ie>t to sell, leaae.orcm tiact nay of the above preunaea. eireptinr f ir the uses as heretofore mentioned Purr hasera will be biuad to erect l/uildiiisa, vth ch shall not coat less than it '.Oi. on as h p tsold. witlnn two veara from date of purchase The oljectot the above reitricti ma and ir.juiiement* ta t i en dravor to secure a rood neichboibo jd, and prevent ani s .1 cesand little volume lots from beiaf laid out This lo catien, indepei deut ef its retue l and beautif il scenery, paaisecaeethe nostfroqaetal ami cheap c .mm-inicaiton to and in m the city, and uniteathe double i i ? n.f. - of noun sty isdcttrtberestrionad Trams of csra are me rua nivr fiom th? cjt_- Hall 13 t inea dailv, as early aa 7 A. M. Ii d i? late as II P M.. rmd re'nrnint; to the Citt Hall II Iks ? s daily. aa early a' J li A M and as late as t P. M A year!) conilimiati'a ticket ran be obtained for S3) DmVinrs for | atdss worship of almo-t evnr? denomiia I os, a- we as eood roads, are already established EaVau* ly aupnlieaol the beet quality are readily and reastaaab'y olcatiird. ai d if deal ed delirered at tbe do ,r Thiswhu'a ride* of rouiitn . li .u. dini! mi Harlem River, from Kiss's B i i?r lo theHisb il'idge, is now owned oy such that a litt e caie and attention would secure sueh occupan? cy (coiiiiecti d with Us peculiar adap'nesa i t-> make it me of. if sot the ii oat desirable locations for villi reeilences l,rar ihia rreat citf. Eor furiber in'omiaticn, and lithorraubic maps, inquire o4 J II GRIPPING No 22 Vesev at beiweeu the fioura of 1 and te'eli ck. or of L G MORRIS, at Momt Ford hum, BdyesBaBJ the premises Tkhmx OS Sal-K? Oae quarter cash, three quar*? ahoad and inortaraae. I'.f It HOIiSES, IRILTiLNg" L'TfaS, an.1 FARMSfor sale or erchanre f H Ott} Pro-.erty. Aeerj saleable Farm, ISSaeree. rroatxaf i.sot feet on tie banks of the Hudson Rarer with msusion-hnuse, farm booae, ,ce house, Ac., Ac, with a fine orchard of various sTaMe. I Farms. .?! 100 aid 210screa. at Poosh'seepf ie I Lti'e of Land, eai h 22 feet front by ill feet deep, with tear bin Noa. 114,126, and 121) S;h-et , Clmtua plsce 7 luta on I0ith-*t , aoath aide, and 7 !eU on lu'th at , Borth side, between Broadway aad 10th av 1 lot ou IWb av , aoath wool c irner of lOjth-st 5 aiodoin built three-aiorv I.rick h .uses. Jijii?A. deep, lot } 10?, 16th at .between 4th and I.eiim;tju avs 3 four story Miel buuaea Noa 223, US, and 227 East I8i' St. a wo-story. batement.a'tic and sub-cellar brick biases. 2,n ,. h t UKileet. N..a JU2 ami 101 Eoraytb-st . near Grand. 2 f hi?aaeey Irica houara, with stoiea. Ka 802 and 604 Wtiebington-sf. I ibieo-storv modern built lirick hnu?e. 2},it0 feet, in Poplar st., and a Ihn e story buck bouse, pliin built, la Vltie-st .near Kulten Petry, Rrooklyu. Alto, several brick and brown s'one-front housei and baildinx lota, rauoualy located ia Now YorK and Bro .k 1)8 Inquire of E. Al'ERBAPH, No. ?1 Jobs at , I to 3 o'clock, and No. Ill Norfolk at. from 7 lo M A. M and j to 9 P.M. _Itf 3l? (tVR SAL E?Stamford, Gon n. ?The late I raeideBC* of Henry J Sanf <rd, Esq , in tke rillace of Stain ford, Conn, .at a dfatance of one and a half hour's ride from this catv Tbia place, bavins been fitted up by Mr. Sauford for bia own residence, without regard to troable *r expense, ta all that can be deaired as a tranteel boote for any peatleman wha wiahea hia family to enjor the adean tagea ot tba cuntrr, while he atlenda dail. lo nis buataoae in lb* city. Tue Dw rlbng House is cool and airy ia sun. aaer, ?sk beautiiul shade,and well inc'osod :in* warm n wintei, with erery courenience. as furnace, hot and sold water, l.alh room. Ac There are also surable Stahlea, Coach llouae. lee-House, Garden with flowere and Kh'itbbery. Iu abort, i* a residence, this plane s nn bines all the advanta(*a of the oountry?its health, its, ita beu'itiee-with tbe moat unelera coaveai eraces of a city home. Commutation to Staasford, on the New York and New-llaren Railroad, liy all trains, SSI a year f ?' drawn.eai and a more patticilar dea.:,-iption, a - . lo J. IM ITH DODOK. No 2? U-.ud-at .NY. i > w Is^OR SALE?To close an estate, a Farm at New field, f?ar males from tbe Railroad Depot, Stanafoid. Coan., where the New -H ,<*? Railiotd tram paaeee atx times a dar The Farm r.-nlains |U7 aoies.Jt of which ire Woodland, the balance P.ow, Meadow aad Pastute lud, two Orchania, House, Ram, Carriage and t'orw House, tw o excellent wells of wa'er, tu. , lroe frara inratvibraiices atd will be so'd at a bargaiB Apply to lit lw? DANIEL H. CURTIS. No. Si Liberty at Fj'ARM for SALE?Of ISO and more acres, at the towa of New w ? is Oiaag.<C<>nnty, Nrw-Yorh, witluu five u nee of Newburgh and one of Yaita tiate Depot ittie Railrimd 1 Thia Earm, which fminod a pat' ..I ?m lomiestead of the late Samuel Towa s i..' baa for a uumh?! ol years been subiec'.edt i the m.wt casWal, thoreiigh and well c nsideied tillage There me 1} acres Off eii el'ent wiKa'lai . The lands are in per? fect rondinon for green or white crops and the bnrulings am; feaeei ar* ii c.i mplete order Pos?easion tnsv he had on tbe lat April Eor teems and pariiculars apply to C11AS MAGI IRE. No 168 Front st M I?' fj^OR SALE LOW?A go^Farm of 13?) *-lea. at Blawenburgb. New-Jersey, sear Priacetna, New-Bruuawick. and Some mile, the county aeat of Soin eiset Conritv, The laid, aacent ten acrea of wood.isall ondar ei.hNatn.n aud in a ! feiio* The daretliog-Bouae mi of winal tilled in with buck, of two stone* high, sod s wirg ou etther aide. The I arm bouae, earn vge houae, I' -ins. and other <>ut buildings are larse andingoidro pasi The bmlduiga c<?t erer ?t.Xt i. TBere la a well ef etretlent wster. with a large garden aad good s'ook of trait The neighborly od is hsalthr aad well settled, and theie is easy accessio rhurcbea, schools, and good roils to the eeighbwing cities Apdy to Al.LcOTr BROTH? ERS, Mill StoM, N J . or JOHN J DRTTMMONU. No 4? G renew ich at ,N Y llf StD.WSAMattW* f^OR SALE?A good HORSE, war tinted bittet and s Bod . sold for want of use Peiee |IW. Apply to A C BARRY, No 137 Bi.wJway 171 if OUNT V E R N 0N L( ITS for sale on the lat 2d and 3d are Bear tbe Railroad Payment* very eaav Also for aal*. Lota of ??> five loroa. ad . smog Mount Yeruon. Apply at No 4* Wdliaia st .f .nrib aloiy. l-fli* F^OR SALE?The Lease and Furniture of a bona*, up tsars, contaiairra; sereaiteea rooaii, s'.ajtable b>, 11enteel boarding hoieo The h >nte u far a.shed with gaa, hot aad cold water, with bath room, aad overs other convenience Apply to ANDRKWB a L \ M PHlER No tc<Bi?adway. be.ween 1 ao.d I o'clock P M 171 It* 'inVt) First-Glass BROWN STONE 1 HOTBKS for SALE -Two of the new tint class Houses i a 18th at Bear tbe Mh av., |j f**t frost by to deap. 4 aloeie* bas*m*o; as4 onder-cellir, aad rtniahed in tbe beat manner But a ?mall payment wdi he re.uireX lauuiseof H C ADAMS. 13 Wail at. Hf lw* _ Jiuaoey-couit. IOTS for SALE in BROOKLYN.?I A Lots aitnated oa Madisoi.av , com Bierciag ISO feet east of Bedford av ?aize 15 kr (OS Put ol the purcl.iie a. >cev can ten am 00 bond and moru-tge Price SrJeach Addreaa BROOKLYN LOTS. Chatham a. are Post Office 111 tt* FOR SALE?Together or aeparatelr, the <vvt three-st.>-T mart,:* froat Hoaaee oa tbe north lade 11 ltd at., lot1 feet east float Sth ar Tne locatiee. ta ana inasaed The 1. ?.-a are new aad -e ', t- with ail the m?t!*rn impro?em*ais Counter col axe. CroBoa ?.'?? *f i>c ?? '?? *PbIy ta U D EBBNCh! N J IU Nassau st . Cuaicw-ceurt. lbf ft* P?R SAl7E or T?~LET?A House and JA La*, situated ia tba vtllrga of Hyda Park, shout St* Tv*B.W*,'.,**lk trom ,b* Hudsoa Ever Rai road de; >t Tb. cuildiaas are in goad repair, and there ts a in* ransty X M^wi* a^lU^HAltJiSONTNa tau Wall st. POR SALE at HARLEM?A beautiful -at Conatry Rrend*?r*. cn'smuag foir I eta of OrosmJ oi the north sal. ?, 53 at bJtwTeiih. 4tb BsW ", ' rl*i .'!!. ..,1^,S,on?? ro?*?? ^w. eoatauuse amJ roosa*. bbo. astabl.. cainaaje-Bonee. n^.ha.w. asdi . bouse , also^brubbe-v. grape r je, aad oBui.-*e;Taas ?/ fiait lafBllbewrirg For pSt psAaaaj a ooItio A' IW HENRY P MceJOWN. No. tt Nassxa-.: FOR SALE-Two thwe-stirv B:i . Housea. located m a reepoctab'e B?lgh^ .i-hjoJ ?e?r St Maik'.CbBirh For t?.?. a,d *vZ? I eiainme the premises apply to M ARTIN E THO?ll'S ) t Na tW Broadway_ ,sf , J FT tb*F._. Man *y.*t. b. 7 j mmt deer For terms aoi>!y t* laTlw* MAR I IN L - _ OR SALE?The Property on the ftj. *' E. cora*. efMnrray aad Church-au . bel.amn tb* F.^nk Vsitatiaa Church Th* Lo< is * f** w.d* o% lo For term a lc , t* THOMPSON N 2;' B'lidoiT OR SALE-Thia House. . Jt trtiot, in F fall now of Csaoa Park,lot about asdeee, ia < at nea.wiie ooeres e -. ??r./e. Alao Mntoitha Far b'ture ard earlj iv?a.?. .| Callfr-.a ! to i ytdTaAEtiw* JOHN U r h.1 ERA N? bvrj Bnalway SALE PY EXECUTORS of VALU? ABLE PBOPEBTY. heloivgiBe to the Er.tKt of Oit'U Pwii created ? Will be??',.; j p i ': ^ THI F6DSY ?'??? M 1831 et !2oVi.??, It . st ibe H tit ,f H*M I i'l'tr.u-UVi, V i r .rC-tAj P 10* ERR*. Auctioneer, th? feUetBtBe. Met. Eat at* L? ? ?' VI ls|?. viz I The Mannen Honte. Green H.vit?, Bira an ? amtl o'jt-btnldiigi. up< n *h<? lot No t.epoa he map Saul lit l? iT.i flat 3 inrha? ? width in front on Boadway. i:, ban I :rn he* :n w!d h an tie rear, ill anal 6 inchei ta d?ptn >a one avda and l?7 foei 3 .ncties ir depth oa she o her iaj? Th ?1 ii.e ra gs-.ers 1) known aa ins o mir rsiaJence at Dr. B oodg<?<-d,d'raaae<l. Tbi'e h u; m tti a letTaltubla lave '?*) fruit aid ornamental treei and ti.e groani it tastefully ernrged the home was past in thirougare? pair the peat year b> tha lata Certis P*ck ula'te and p run term every c nvri lenca (or a laste and aeatoei family It ia e, m *t denrabli eoaitry iciaeace from lha hmse ted coirda ova men'ioned are h*a itiful aad Bltaaatse tiewaefFletEnni Bay, tha village sad. aarroantiag mmw U\ A!?o, vicant let No 2. ai per n.ap, being It/, fiit in w;d h in f t i.t i n Brr a -wsy. 151 feet froat ..t B >wee-?v , by lea fee; Ceep on oia ?ade b) Iii fs"'. 9 lachet >a the ?j A'ao I d adr it'ine N?. I. bring 111 f-lt in front a F. iwtie \? , Iii fett I inch'i in the rear, by 18t fie: in >.'t. I i. >t No. 4. adj ire nr No 3. taa:a< 151 'ee- treat a B "ne iv , 155 tee; 9 inrhea rear, by 1 to wet deep. In ft.! t ? I ?vc let Maud the re)el>. at>d Ft-t Onka j. Lor No 4 ai'.nate on Davon at., beirut 161 feet 7 mcsaa fi el II f*et b inches rear, he lit feet deep L>m Un tat a?. th ee dwelnnit Honeea. m awed repur t Lot Na. I, ac mini g He 5. be,eg III f-etTinche? fr mt in Vtiou *t . oie nncdiad an.) auty feet ?i? moots ra the rtai r.y me ii inrred and fiftv fr e. in .le;>th. " L t N >. 7 adj mint M No 6, on tee eiroer of B-otd *ay and I'nion it., UC feet fynt on Broadway, Kl faat 7 LB4 hea boat on l'ai?n at . by 160 fee:6 larhet dipth The p-oiiroity of ttiar-e i 'a t i II I Oi;v of New , I M w? las .heiy ira-ation in 'he village of Flushing, render them dei.ratde liiaaieoas for Cmntry Re*idencei Jit a i. leetytteeel .e Mara of the pr-ipertr ran be had in Naw y ,.? .?,". thai o.e.-. THOMPSON PHCKkHIXOH. [ i it if B-o^wsy and Uuane at . a'l.. at the reaidenre of C P I.OWIRBE Auctioneer, in the nlUce of Kleih mt Terms made known on the day of aa'a ? Flushing, Feb I* leM. WITH PECK. (Eieeatjr.. I7f t2i Cl RTIal'Eok, Jr., | \T PRIVATE SALK?Tin- three-story brick Ho ne ami Late/GreObd kn? wa aa No. fJT Jire nt., tooth *ide. betweaat the R-b and M avs Size of L. I 22 fett CitiCbsiby M feet deep. The H >ne in 23 feet 6 inrhei by It feet in depth, with a twi-ttory alt? in. mtkine the parlora threereutve detp Tha H .nee nbidt in the beat manner for the owner'i own acrupat-oa. with .11 ..odata ??^???-???i *TII??f^ 17/lw AneataaatertHa T Brand ef I/OR SALE.?A Country Phc^. '<?n ?nthtf of a Home lately built and half an vre of eroonc, well fi led with fruit treea, utini'eu in Qritawicm, Conn . thuty milei from New-Veik. Aboye ptv* rine'.y nt.'nted near Lone Dlaiid Sound, ami lett th<n'enin.n ntei walk fr.un the railroad deo it. und a danhraMa reti dtvee for ore doing hu'ireai in tti* i itv App'v to I2f (itTnThkS* EDWIN P WEED,Ho T.Wihamtt 1/OR SALE or TO LET?In York-sq., New Haten, Coan.. a fint rlaia Dwellnnr Houee, with kitrhen-raree furnace, i'abla. gardenert hoaie. lee hoeae, and a rtnety of fine fruit. The honte n ia the im medinte virintty of the bait male and lemale arh?li. aud withfn leven nirnutet' walk of the Collera Injure of CHaBLEI ROBINSON, Eoq . New Haven, or of E. KETCHCM. E?q , No 79 Naatau-et , New-York if UwtwThfcS*_ F(-K SALE?Onr "i the finest Coantry fent? in the vicmityof New-Y'ork . aittiated in the T wnif Eattrbeater, about fifteen milei from the City Ha l.and ah. ut one mile from the Depotaof the New. Hataa and Harlem Railroadi. The Home. Barns and Ci rnate Hoiiae are ?11 in romp'eta order, and a Farm of ab t nthty a. rea of land attached, in the highest etate of cultitalion.nhnndaiireof Frut: of etery >n on the p-tttises. Poue.sion given on or before the 1st at AprilBOtt For fmtber particulars, iaqtnre of 1 if 2wTuThB6* B. J. BROWN. Ne. 67 Wdliaa-st I^OR 8ALE im BROtIKLYN ?H-usc and Lot No 75 Warren at, between Henry tad ( iinton eta . Sonth Brooklyn. Lot 24 7 t 170, with a well arraBged Stable oa the roar, fronting Verandah-place The houae waa built by the pretont occupant for hia own ana,? the moat thoyough manner; hat all tha modern improvement! and conteuieBCies, snch aa ras ligb's. hat. nr farnaco, tpeaking tnbei, copper cylinder b.ulert, rarge, force-pnmpa Ac .Ac Title indiipatable, tad pji ?eiaioB can be grrrn at any tune. $5,009 caa remaia on bond ind mortgage three yeara Apply to iifti lm 8AML. WHITNEY. No. eg Coentiee-ehp FOR SALE?The elegant brick Hotiee, with eiteaaion, replete with erery coereuiance? aoi air fury are. gat, range. Ac , an Carroll-pi ace, third beete from Court it., Brooklya. Will ba sold on any termt, aad a larga portion may rema n on mortgage Aa plttoJOHN H. KEYSER A CO . 51 Claffit ;8 tf Oil NTH Y R ESI DE N (J ES.?Several f delightful Country Retnlencea to Let in t pleaaint tillage in Cannecticut. ob the line of New-York and New Haven Rail.oad. Price of rent, from $50 to |t? per an? num Also, three er four very fine placet, for aale, price ? on -I -,-i. to %. Inqnne of I. WHIT1NU. No it Enal Broadway 3f lm Fl'OR SALE?A three-story brick Heus? and Lot. No. 138 West tltt-st .home Mzlt. lot 103 feet deep Plica $5 Oto $3,0X0 can rnmatn ob bond snd nvirt tag* Alto, 6 lull Loli sooth tide II Ith-at .between 3d and rf avs .commencing 105 feetfiom I'A by. Price $250each. Frr particulars iaquiio of DANIEL ?IDWEI.L, lit lw? No. 2V4 Wailungion-at " [4*OR SALE or EX<!RANGE for CITY PROPERTY, a beantifal Coantry Raiidenca. in the ullage of Wiltoa, Conn., iitualed ob tha Danbury road. 44 uole? from the New Haven, and three miuutee' walk from ???- Staanford and Danbury Radromla. It ronaistii of a two Itnry frame HOUSE, with aa attic, and oni acre of gronad, .aittefnlry laid out. with treei and ahrnbfieryiB abondsnce. The home and premises in good ordir. It will ba Bold low Por further particular! inquire of JAS T DBRRICK.SON A ( <d ulltf No. 105 Fuitoa-ai T PRIVATE SALE?The ttro-story basemeBt and attic brick Hanta No. 110 Sallitan et , weal tidn, between Prince and Soring-eti. The houaa ia f niabed in the beat manner with tlie modern improve? ments, having a back piazza, fee. Lot. 34 by lOu feet. If not disposed of on or befois Fsh It. it will be sold at mo? tion oa that day, at It o'clock, at the Msichants' Et ch-i ne Anply to COLE A CHILTON, Anctmneera. Ho. 'jWall at. 1 If Iw I,*OR SALE?A Hartvain?A small, cheap and prodaclire Farm, containing 55 acrss art able, wood and msadow lands, good beddings in r*m nJtti . rder. 17 miles distant from tks City of New York. Railroad pusses the preiutiea. Terms sasy. Poaattaiion when desired. Fat terms. Ac . apply at the Reil Kit ale Af 1 cy Office. No. 312 Broadway, Bp itanTi. il :'wTBlha8 ALARM for SALE, at White Plains, one mils from Iba Depot, containing fifty f "ir aces oi good kiad Tillable Land, a comfortable two atory Duelling. Ca-rug* Honaa and Barn, with a rood ai ? a Ban rf Fruit. Inqutrs of JOHN H. FERRIS. Hb. V.-l Oiesuwn h tt , and JOHN F CNDERHILL, in the ytailaea,_ 9f tf 1IOUSES u BROOKLYN.?For sale, M I the three story dwelling Heute? Not 89 and 9! Co Iun bta at , near PtBeaople at . and tbe dwelling House No IttlC I lea at , Brooklm. Terms eaav. Apply to 111 3t? 8 8. WOOD, No 231 Pearl st , New-Yart FFACTORY for SALE or to RENT? limited in the eastern psrt of Coaaecticnt. in a pleaaanl villags, easy sf access, with 30 toiu-borse (water) oowar Com e, ted wnh thi Frntorv ate three Ttne BM t a fani arge Oat-buildings, and twelve acres <af good Land- buildiuga new snd in good order. Ths abovs prjp ecv will be aold very cheap, on long credit, if desired . or rented f. r a term . f ytara For paititulara. address K L. P..Springfield, Mass. I4f DtfAltW l/OR SALE?A fiTe-t^lrv brick House, I with 4th at north s"ide. 10? fset watt of dke Bowery badt in the most substantial manner, with the m dem improvements Tsnns reasonahia. Uquirs of P. HOl.LEY.No luWal!-st. If lm? FOR SALE.?The barge SUPERToR is i tleie . for sale, or will be eithsnged for a aloop or tchvear on reasonaMs iftnu. For narticaiaira injured B CARPENTER fc CO .Nswburgh. ntf lw* FOR SALE?Tb? Lease^rH?iisel<o. 370 Broadway AdpIv oaths premises, or at No T5 Haaaaa-at , W F. BROWN S office. 10f5tTuThtS* A'ONKERS LOTS-Situated en the ? banhi cf ths River, w ithiaa short distance of tks De? pot, and c im: autln,? a fine new The ti?e ia indup iia ble and a Inrts portioa of tha purchase mosey may rsraa o on no ana mortgaga. For pnrticiilara inunira of THOMAS LAWRENCE, Esq., No V, Beekman at L W ITARR. No 181 WilLam-at . sr O. ROCKWELL Franklin Home, Yonkors. Itfia* Ig^OR SALE?A three-Storp and base antat Cottage- Rose. No 40 East SOtk-it near fh \r Lot 25a?t 9. Plies $4 500 A so No. 42. Lot sa nt Pr.ce $3>t0. Apolyto KB KINSHIMEB. No. fo itb. Bv_lrom I'... 7 P M. Fl'OR SALE?ThcTTease of propert^ Ho. ?: Barclav-st . asit door to the Grocers' Bank twraty fonryearsu a fired gmnna rent Tnreareari M twenty-one ytara, $!2i. payable veaiir oa Bka 1st of Mat ^?nta of lot Mt7t. Apply at No. 44 Chj?tian?*t FOR SALE?Two new four-story brick BCILDINi.,3. a-.tuatad rm *lit st ?t roomt'on sard, fl.xx. std are so constructed as to bs let kg teoemenia, Tb.y will be sold at a pnre and oa terms that will snnk? a a pndhable laveslaaent Ap;4v to A M COrTEB, Bo III rautea-at._j,. BROADWAY LEASE?For aaleTthe t eipned tin of ths eLgibls store. No tti Broad wta Piatession nay t>e bad on the let of May A;J?,~ CEO P. PCTNAM. on the prrxlsaa. 7 l2 ijensca to Cel. HI VSEs ia TWENTY-FIRST ST to LET or for SALE-To 1st. ths tw. thre* Hottsea Nob 1? and 104 Wes- tlst st. tvttrs^taSea aaAT^ av? three roonu ra s 5v.r. witk tab collar, water-cloaTt' bath.BndCiotoalothsth rdrt.rT.w, n faa. aad re, -.-, with every medeni c aarsaienca P vuestt an of ose . ??, ?! gitan immediately To respontih'e tenants rhev wi lt?, i? on feaaonsbie lertna. Apply ta B 8 HART, No At i; at ,' wBsAi*ltoa-sqnarB,- or No 4 Hanover at u[ \\? ?HTO LET?A House up town, and Eurni JB turs for aals. whack is neartv new ThetoiaswiU Sa? J"*0^."* * '?If' " ""aVl f?m:ly. Tea lady ^- ? the r use has as fistflr mj ber own in this c.ty. Let a.?? sr e , h rtrtt class breeu 'aar. aad tea boar dart. ?h . T T T T Q LET?In the 9th av. between J5th at and Sttk eta . a Btfle Tf Cbe'sea, to aearall re ar????* :'''?"" ?.tweot in..?? eey seat aa.1 aswoe Stent two-story, fir. 'uim'i.l ?nd ?lar cellar Cattage Hocteet witt l.and?oa.egBr<!eea In front, it*,* vines, At. kf Cntm watet IB. Ac Real. $150 Alao. om ?!?? very neat aad renseoiei.t aaaaJl H uses ad; siaiBgthe sane, axil ficatilg ?? Kth , wth be'hs. Cr .mo wats-. A* i,#tt from $2*1. to $'00 A?o,thr tipper part of Hin?? No 90 Caael at. oetpoette Church at TM? u a tirnt raw* a'lnd 'or a go.-d rntUmrr and dress msker An? of Uta ?bore olsees ?aar be area between 'ha bout of <e aal I S/l. th. d.y- Apply* ?m WKITC. I1J lw*_No 5M Caual at. 0 LET?A Farm of 135 a^-res of on _ rellent improved tillable band to th" Teara of I si ip. .- . ? ?. co.. I. I . r<od farm h-ne.' im a.- Afich' ' ? . the farm a'* M Mtraa of eiee?eat aalt sedge and bltek g'-aaan.ea.l w. Nerehut a giod farmer w.;i. ?i::ici- it means te carry on the farm aeed apply 5?rt-paid to WM H Ll'DI OW, Sayriae.JLJ._171 Sc? TO LEI'?The two-story and a.u H -? end two lots at ground No 5! Nasen St., B' oWyn , the fcooie is la'ge aad in gco.1 repair, c-at sw? ing 'an room* a'.ove the par ora Also ths wh da or a part of the famitute for sals and possession lat March If re r irad inquire of CYRUS SHAW, fco li^ultoa it V._ ITfA.' T(? LET? Possession immediately-, a foar-stoiy sad biseneat House oa Uh sr., wi;b bath, hot an i co d era'er to Jd floor, ransrs. Ac a0 in co -d ?oat itrv a aJcra'c to l?t of May. and can be had for aait year. Ai/o'l to K B KIN8HIMEH, No. I/? ?b ar .from t tu 7 P M and 8 to S A M. _16( **<: 0 LET?For one or more years, the as two larre three-story Hooaee, No* if and 11 Car radt-otace now On up cd by Profeesor Tappan lor Siitrdutf and Day School. Apply to JNO I. MASON, rfJiToTtAS* _No. 10 Naasati st Tlj LET.?The basement, groiind-fW sad atlic ef a congenita*, two strry h ? .ir.the sec*ai ?tory i which is occupied by two single gentlemen It is bb agreeable ancl genteel rssideace f a a small femly Apeb on the piemiiBs No. W4 Hoastot-st , from 5 to 6 p m ITf3truTI,sS WO LET?A Steam Saw and Planing .1 Md.. withoot the Marh.aery, corseting of groanJ floor and ba?< ment.ij by 10 feet, well ligheJ. with a good run of custom, wnb 6 or t horsepower. For particulars, ,?r?,r?of JONATHAN BOUNEL. ;7f if No 170 Jth St. 1M7A8H1NGTON mar DYE-ST?A ? r tnrae story Store to Let at No. 185 Waahiagton et. Also to Let, on the MudsoB Rieer. twesry miiaa from ths City, a seat Cottage sad Oardea, command ng as* of ths i,,. riewa oa the Hud-on. within walking distance of H R Raair, ad Dspot. r >?s?ssi?t on ths itb of April. A'ddylo ROIHIRICK LAWRENCE. No. 'i Nisaau st , ftwil 10 A M to 1 P M_ITf tf 1^1? LET?A new House in Clifton, States Island, with anew of New-York City and ihe Bee. It has a dr .wicg ro. m. dinmg-r Ota, l.irirv and kiuhen cr. the i.-r rloor. six be-L-oonis on the sac '?d?tory, si d thneiB the attic Ths grounds see be in'ifh! :y loea'.Bd. wi h a wood in the rear, si.d atab'e. kitche.i and kitchen la 'ien hevoi <* plma of the intsri"r arrtBgeaneut may b? seen a' No t*t Liherty-st. T(3.' 'IP )Ri;V B RIP1.EY TO LET?On farorable terms, the see cr.d leaf i an etafast show roem of 70 feet fr.-nt on Ct ohom-a* .) witt. a wide and ease entrar.. r, w.tB the 3,1 .n . rh Itorii l ,1 the anii.e dainensiona of the large hnil.l hsg, ooraas <f M tt and Chathtn.-it , Chatham square. Tiau la a n^.it ilstirable locaiioci for a wtoieiale and re? tail uisi.ufactaring butiuesi Apply to j har3en. No 21 Wast lltn st., from 8 t, 11 A. M , and Wm \\ to 6j P M_.Sf tf ? LET?A thoroughly furnished .? tlin?e. tl reo 'lnattera of a mile D m I.emu, in Berk si :re. Muasarhtisetta For particulars inquire ef H D. RELiGWJCK.No 8 Wallst , or CHARLES BEOOWICK, Loboi _*!{,w_ Til LET ? Convenient, well-bu'hted BOOMS in 'he Ocean Bank bfiiUmg. corner of Eut taa and (ireenwiah-sts , suitable for Artist?, Lawyers, Da gtinrreotyoiat?, he. Apply to JOHN HOPPER m the praaitsea ,:i'6tTuTBAS* f^O LET?To a small f<imi!y,from the 1st M ot May nett, the entire second story, c .ntiMine af front and back parlor, with l mg doota and two bed i aid the back basement in the houae No 129 ^brrs tie st two Ceors fiom Broonie-st Inqnira at No 329 Broome-st Beit of reference require.! 17 If TO RENT?Two Stores on Mroadwav, sear 33d and ttth-si? ; rent, S200 to $3?0 Also, that cloire Grocery, north-westcoruer of 7th a? and 2Hh at Also, Eloora and ApnrtmeLta in email reapectablB fanuuee. Also, f' "? to loan oa bond and aiottgage Apply to R G PIERCE, 13 Wall et , or U West 38th at., Bear 5th-ar , at rrening. 17ftw? TO LET?Upper part of a Cittage Hoiiis in Mth st , 2d cottage ntwtti-enst of 3d a? 17f Jt? FURNISHED HOUSE to LET.?To a prirate family ooly, a haadsoenely furnuhed, modern htu't three story and atuc house, pleasantly Incited in ths ' J. Waid, coniaming all the mndera improremeuta of Cr > ton water, batha, hot air furnace, gaa Ac Address i with name and addreee) to Box No. 380 Pest- Olhca. Kl 3l* TO I.ET?All the Lofts in the builJia^ now BOaag erected at No 3 Park-row. Posaeaaiwa gives on the let n| Mav Ir isireof l?St CLARK, AUSTIN A CO . No. 20J Broad war. ACOTTAGE-HOUSE, No. 1J1 East -??a St., TO LET, asd FURNITURE FOR 8ALE cheap?Posaeision on the lit of March.?It c >ntn ns sine orten rootna, sad in good ntdir. Rent >' . Aooly to E B. KIN9HIMEK, No. J194h-ar , 2 to 7 P M. )6f3f TO LET?From the 1st of May next, to a email ' children, tbe Sacond floor. with Sleep!i g Rooms, id three-story brick House , > .<ant lv eitaated, ihb the crner of Kmncton and Ludlow ata. Said bouse fer ronvsntence cannot he enrpaissd. Rent rea soBBblc. InquirsatNo 127 Broome-st 13f 2w* 1^0 LET.?The three-?tor\ House No. - 194 Seventh st .between Avenue B and C. Rent {100. lBqniree.fR. GLENN,No 194 Fultoa at. 13l lm STORES and DWELLINGS to LET? Separate or together, oa Fourth-av. The dwelling parts cunaisl of 3 stonee above the stores, having 1 large .'?il?.?. kitcbea with range, bath-room, and 9 or 10 rooms, all is good order. Tbese are snitabls for geateel h lardmg housos or private families Apply to E B. KINSHIM ER, No 319 Itb av . 2 to 7 P. M. if lm* TO LET?At Hoboken, several three story sad basement brick dwell nt ho'isee. many of which are ib the most ehgihlB sites in the vicntty of Nsw Terfc, and finished in the handsomest stele Hot aad co'd wa'er in kitchens, bath rooms, Ac. Iaquire at ths H H oo?eo Land Office, of iflm? W W 8HIPPEN, Agent I II I SEILET. ?Two two-storv and attic buck Houses in Skillman-tt New Park-av , East Brook! vs. about lit) feet from tne stage route Each bouse coBtams eight rooms, and paatnes to each room. Ttitr are Bewly built, and the water from the rittern 1 a conveyed to the kitchen Rent $Mu. Apply- to C. KNOX. No 128 Ealien-st 111 3t* TM) LET?The fonr-story Store No. 119 Pearl-?t The lhr-e ? -.r. Dwelling Hoases Noe. 70, ISA atd 104 West 2lst-st , and No IS Weattsth-at. TBe Bboao houses, elegantly and auhataatially finished, with mooern reinents, will be rented at from $J00 to $900 (er amum. App y to HE.NDRICKS A BROS.. No 77 Broad st 14/ 3,? ROOMS te LET in BROADWAY.-? ' *'t* BoeajM, with email roams attached, at No. 600 Br adway, suitsble for Socieliea Club Rooms. Drill Rooma Ac Inqaire ef E V. HAUGHWOUT, No Ml Br .adway. 14f lw 1^0 LET?The three story and attic brick House, No 3< 3 East Broadway, freatingon the sq.i tie at the raacti. n of Grand st. Three linns of stagea paae the door. Kent ... To be painted aad pj? in r >od repair, lnqune of 8. DAYTpN. No 3"> Market- !0f tf TO LET?From the 1st of Ma? next, the 8*coad Floor of Dwelling House No 128 Brooene -'.!... in ? of freat and back Parlor, with grate? aad marble mantel-pieces two Bedroomsat.d Kitcben. aad two Bedroomsif* alt e. The abore wtU be let to a small family withnat ? hjalren, by inquiring aa abore. Uf st* 11 OUSE to LET?At YorkTille, cor -ear of 4th stobbc aad 92d-sV. a new three itory dwelling Louie Wti h modern tmprovementa?bath room farnace innre, having 13 rooms and onveaient cleee a' The location at obo of the most beautiful oa the laland? rent low.oslr timX It may be eiiauoed at aar Hate from 8 AM. to 5 P. m Apply to the sabsenber at his offi te, corner 11 Nuseau and Spruce sts. lift*_ j B. PINXET. OFFICES and ROOMS TO LETT? . a large roon. oa the second story, and several rooms m the npper atones SsJ the hui'ding oa the north west cor? ner tf BrraJway end Bleeckar-st Poaaatrion imm?l> ately. Inquire on tte premiaoa of Uf**_JOHN W. BITCH, Arohiaoct. AFARM to LET At BULL'S FERRY, N!w.u,Pu'yJ' "i,?bl? !<* ? Gardaaer. astnated oa the baakiof the Hudaoa B rer, coBsialang oi ikiat II J_ Oa the premlaes is a good farm bouse, also a tenant house bara. Ac , having a good sappir of fruu trace Tbe nia-e' is dietaat about su miiaa fr^m tie city. The place wh let ra rtaaonab'.e -erma to a g/s>d tenant Inquire of i3i iw? james h Brush. No ys^ini 11 TO LET?Sevetral genteel 3-story and baaemeat Hoasee oa 34th at , Ktb St., Leuaftoa-av sod 4lh-ar Also oae or two Cottages ea 30th-at. aear Ith SV A so 8tore? an. Pwellmga, ae- ?rate r t-igeiher ti lm* E B. KIN8HIA?EJlNo 319 4ta4r Vto7 P.M. ROOMS with STEAM FOWKK lo M ?LI.T ZSLVtiZTi S M ?????d on sD .. j?. w-rth sve U eight hwrao power, to rent id New burgh. o,.[ . site T. Powell a ( a a ttaigbtiag ea'abbsbmeat e*r Mb tiea'ars iaeiuireof GRANT k edgar. ?*3 lm*_No. IT Water at , Newhurgh. W H A R F LOT S at ATLANTIC ? f DOCK la LEASE -Tbe Attas'*- Owk Cm, ?, w.:i lease Ut a term d saaie, as sew rema lota froatUaa their haaia witaa a few fact ef the water, for tbe f U'oones ef lumber, Lm*. or btrea je-ds. fsaadne. parsing es'ab luhmeBts or aar baauteas roi au ng room rooventeat to Causation. A: ply al their office. No Tl Br. adwer. 13f Su LOFTS iB BROADWAY.?The rer7 bght aad spwcioae Lofu ever oar store, N.> 4' Breadwsy^.eea Howard ana) Grand ata . wrll raa iat oa a leaee if doenea The grot lett at aooat ISt fee: deaa t>?a othaw tLree are about M IWt dM tf ALFBE? MCVBOE A CO. Bo 4?t Broadway. TO LEASE?Twelve to twenty LOTS of GROUND. 25 by 1*>. for* tor* of ytan.iB Cherry ?i re-ween C dears ?sJ Estt Rirsr-sts. Isqairn ?? V'?' ?on Foundry Offce, No. 17 Coilears, o?nir?f C terry -at. For sa'e. M second hi od Bout rs, l7f>w PRASE A Ml'RPHT HOUSE to LET, and FURNITURE ?cd RRARO PIANO! for BALE -Tb.? Bedr-aoen Bad Dnare r.?>a? FutBilitra of Hie H .use N> -f t, .lira ban BrunBlvB At?o-haniost inagB tirent Erard Oread Paaoever !mi?*fted,i>erlec'ly asw. aad another but littia ;.ed alief whchwi.lheaildet a great taerihre Tt*B| rm rrmaia on H?rspe tiee of eha'te until lbs let of Ms;, i v. ji. ?ar raa ala . I>? bad f r a lo a? of Tsars *P?|T lj CHA?HCKY BABNAKD No llPaaABt iMltTiThAS? To LET or FoR SALE?A Cob v S *?. boaritifBilT located, titaa'.od rl sag br tae wi * lagrof Jawair-a L I. Tba fa-m r .Bttint II arret. to lal'a k e and 23 wo.aJland There >a a large dauhla irame house w,:b k.trfcra a'taebed >B 'ho pren.nes. rt 'a ,r;'"1 chard, and accessary oubu Idmgt Rent will be 1 ,w to a r-d tuant. Terms <f aale made rty Aas jr -n *ne ? i ???.'>r by latter directed (? M SKI.IOMAV 'i jpaiea. L. I._ifiw.r',rilJt'!_ TO LET?At No. 37 WaJjVai., (Jaaa court ) * emt of Rooms over IVew, Rohmaoa A C > a, ircoad floor. Ths location and rooms are not surpassed im ti e atraet Tad vtrt large room eta he awaaiai iat mediately,the otaer oa ltt of Mar Aaatyoa ti? ?'??? kaas, to JIT>D A HOLUSTRR. Nj JT W*ll-et if ItTuThAS_ TO LET?A fine large Stor* and *ev era! well lieh-eu I.oftt in tho new lite stun B*at* rl.isa brosm at >bb store, No. 311 ProOBtnea at., n^ti l/uane, and in the immsdiate vicinity of the Ne?-Y>?rt and Erie, and Kndtoa H:\ er Railroad drp>ta. where bus! aaai i> raaadlj oaaapoatntaaa? The tir>t nad aaaaaal e-onea ha .! aithed in rood stvle. French piste g a.s :n doora and widows. Ac App.j to A F LAQRAVES, IIa J Greenwich-it . or F. 8 MORRISON.No 130 Wssg 23J at N B -Puaaeaaian of 1st, Id and 3J stoics can be had nnmediatelv_?*> lmTul h?S? 1^0 LET?The Store and Dwelli?| So. . 130 Chsmbera at . 8 ?>.?? N >. 41 Ctnal at , e\?: of Bioadttar; Dwel inr House No. 49 C'harlton si . the 2d. 4th and ith atory lofta m Chamber* at., and a 'a ae ^ih st <r? room No. 413 Broadway. Appl? to P DICKIE No ;n Chi era st _Hf StTaThH TO I,F T or FOR SALE? Eight t*?v ntajn and basement Cottaaaa. ae*lr finished, at ???hinrton Hichtt oa lMth at., and near Trinity Cemetery ai.d High Bridre. beinc one of the most realthf i! and 1 es itilui locafipnt to l>e foand Con,:numcati >n with the rata ereir hour by ttaraa The depot of the Hadeen Biter R:.droad and the laidinc place of steuiiet Jenny I.'ad ?hi.h "ill ruu re^ i'.trli to the place thtonahont the sea? son) aie but a few momenta walk fr.mi the premieee. Ttiere are fourlots to each houae. aitinc ample t;.ti e for endear They will br let to e >od tenants or aaM o . re * ??nableterms, and a larie part of the purrh:ute moa*?ran remain on bond and morteare. AI??two stores.sachraila b e for a tailor or thoemaker, with nine rooms attached. Kent $330 Inqausol" Capt HARRIj. ai Pa*sss?or House, fo i of 152th it , or of K, SMITH, corner same street and i,i Ml LaTsTAM Hol SFS. STORES ind OTHER PROPERTY, in the city and ncta tv of New Y-irk Let, and the RenU Collected, or Le.ised for a'.a/as of \ears. and rhe rents ffuaranised, there suHrteut iiolueeineita are otTered. Landeil and other e tin et taken in custody aa Aceat or Attorney ; Real Estate, city sidoonntry. (the' (rowing West" included) b .nyht, sold and etrhanged. Money lurasted in stork*, or bun*.I OB rood C?y Bonds snd Morton*?* ; interest Ac. collected ; i : ; I letutus in all cases . oommtaaiona in sisrate I H BKi.)??H Office No. 71 Wall rt . from 1 to 2 P. M ; No. IWr Hous? ton tt., fr-m7fo9A M., at 12 ami from 6 to I P. M. kt l KBim ?: WillstsA Oo , No J?3 Penrl-st ; OsWCBSM a Ca., No 6? South st.. Win H. Smith. INj . No 4 Maiden lana; L A V K.rbv.No 47 Codar-Si . S C. Wil hams, Esq . Na A4 Wall St.; Harper k Br .thera, No 8t C.ilf at. _)31 tf I^O LET?The large and convenient dwelling and out hoqass, including ice houss, Ac .and ten acreh of lsnd, situate shout three uiilas soath- w?st of ti e tillage of Newburah, irem the day Ol April aast Tl.. pn nines are supplied witB gi isd well and cistern wn ter. garden and an abundance of choice fruit snd sti.ida fees. It commands as eitenaire prospect, and is a heal? thy locatioB. For further particulars lO'iuirs of B H. MATE or the Premlststor at N'ewbnrgh I fJTuAThtf JAMES R. D1XON. TO LET?Well-lighted ROONfS, with or with lit Steam Power, of anreite. InsBirs sf dl?tf C. M. 8IMON80N. No HI Lewit-st I^O LET?Parts of two four-story brick 8TOBE8, in New-st, with ,OfB. ts. Apply to NE8 MITH k CO . No. 52 Broad at. sad No 54) Now st )3u tf ^O LET?The two-stor. uvru!?.o House, J on the north suit of Thirty-. ..oh. ., betwrsn Kifth and Smh art , with tsn or m srs its uv hid Tilers is a .arge barn on tho premises. Possessio- ? of May neit. Apply to (If tf) NESM1TH A Co ,0. 50 Nsw-at. OFFICES to LET?In tho building No. 252 Broadway, suitable for lawyers, architects art? iste. Ac. Asply, on ihr premises, to C 8 FRANCIS A CO. Uf-itTuThAS WO LET?Several new Cottages, four -I. new Stores, and aereral parta ol Houses to 1st in Brooklyn Cheap rents laqatfoaa* iff lm 8 P TOWNSEND, No 82 Nassau at. STI^M-^?vV'ER.?Two Rooma, suita - > . lor a gnat null or s printiB?-oflica, to rent Ia quire at the Veit..t Soap Store Steam Works, Dry Doct, o'of U2 1w?) 8. W. OOODBJDOBaiCO..No 84 Broad at. TO LET?A large Basement on Broad? way, of 8priug-st., under tks CoQamoro HoBBS 4f bf t?on?ra (TJanteo. HOUSE.?Wanted, a niodern-hu?t two I r threa ttoiy HOI SE, for a ?mall lamily, not abota llih-at . near an omnibus or railroad mute, from the 1st of Mat, for the terra of one to lire years. Address, statiag; ten s, No 67 RoiB-st , cor. Pearl at , I 2t* I I OUSE ?Wanted, from l*t May noxt, I I a seat two- itory House for a small family, situated abort Clinton, and between Grand aad Madis<.a sis. Kant Dm derat* Addicts >i , Tribune Ofhct. 1712tis* WANTED, previous to the 1st uf April, by a smail family, half of a House, in the upper part of the City ?west snle would be preferred. Aay ona fisTing inch will hear of a goad tenant by add raising CHARLES, Bui No 1,009 Lower Post Office 17/ l;?Jfl igjJTORE.?Wanted,in the Bowery, Orand? an at or 3d-st .from the first of May oett. anitabla f >r a mnluierv or fancy store Haa no objection to hiring a whola house. Address, stating particulars, J. SMITH, Bat 3.050, Post-Office. _HfltA STORE.?Wanted, a good Store, 20 or 31 feet wids by 40 at 50 ftet Wong . in a thorouahfar? or suitable location for a food ery business Address C F C . Tribnne Offire_llf tt* HOUSE8 WANTED.?Six or eifM Houses, situated m the 7th, 1Mb. llih, I3tb and 17th Wards aie waatsd, to be 1st to respectable Tenants, from the 1st of May, Ikit Inquire of H. 8. GILBERT. Ns 143 Cherry st j3l lm? 13ART of a HOUSE.?Wanted by a Gsnlleasn ud Wifs, psrt of t modnrn-bailt House, ;. ? ?? -rrr. locate.I . or the* would take and dirids a boute in connection with a small family Addrsaa a line to C. M A I. , this office. 14f IwToThAB qH) BROKERS and INSURANCE at COMPANIES -Offices to Let fn the Bassment of the Grocet? Baak, coraor uf Barrlay-st. and Cai:sge p srs, ona of tba atott dtsuabls locations on ths North River a . for an Exchange Broker or Isauraaco Cora psny Apply at ths Bank llf lw* iUacinnerri &i INDIA RUBBER CAR SPRINGS ? K Ths foUowiag letter has lately been receired by ths "*w-Brgiand Car 8pnig Co. from ona of the largea'.,and most respectable car builders in Philadslphia. to whieh tns attsntioa 'g hail road Companioa, car buildars. aad oihcra intereated .u the usa of India Rubber Car Spriart ladUBctsa): " nr u t> e. PjdI.atiEI.PHla. Tuesday, Jaa. 28, 1851 T M. Rat Ebb , President Nsw-England CaroVirint Co DEAR SlK . Hating seen u advertisement kg TV RaU rotid Journml of a pteminm ladian Rubhsr 8pnng ma le by H H. Dsy of your city, we ordered soms ef them for tho purpose of giving tttm atrial But during ths . ? aersra coid weather, we foasd same of them that were ^osed to the cold, fronen completely star and solid , their erasucitt beang eaurelye dstroytd Aad feanag to use fcrhntt nf fe< ted by aay sxtremes of cold or hsat of the atnoaiphara we shall have to return thsm. sad depend ogan you for S.rntsas heretofore; baiieving yours to be ths only rs lisnle India Rnbbnr Springs under all nrr-ams,tares, and lnaUsiateaof ihs alBiespaere, that aar? coma uadsr our QOttCS. Haring used msn> hssdred of your Springs during the tares reara last past, wa hare never kaowa one of taem Be fad. snd as w? are dateru.iusd to usa Bone but the beat B aterial sf every dracriBtiua in our bBsiueas. y >a wall ot I gs aa by filling- our orders for Bpnngs as boob aa possible. Yuan respectfully, [ohgned] K(MBALL k GORTON Oar object in publishing the aber?, it to prsveat aay ef our other customa*s being mialed by parties advertising to supply cheap India Rubber Cat Springt NEW ENGLAND CAR S?RING CO . ?i t-.TuTfakSDAUW* No 104 Broadway. Nsw-Tork. FOR SALE?Four new FLUE BollZ ERS. with I flues of 25 horse power each, with 2 safe? ty, valves, 4 sttaat-atopa, 4 brass slobs valves, t east iroa tttant pfpaa,? cast- iron feed p.pes. i gaat iron iroata, aira p'ele ; 4 caat-hTtn ai< l.ea, eopp*r ptpsa, kc. Also, tit fal 1 wingsercad hand ? larrs F?? Flaa Boders. of 20 horse power tack, aecoBd-haad Two Low-pteature Boiler a, Ko koraa power e?sh dj Two Peo;?allsr Engines, go- home power eacb do' Tbieeaew Locomotite Boilers.7 9an.l 19 bi's? Dower PEASE A MURPHY 17f 6tTuThwB Ho 17 Corlaars at-cc^aorChatir T? PWNTERS.-For Sale,oWM ,w'1""_Ho II Ditrn-Bt Tiff0^^1^---??^ EAIL aate?ataatiiw K*?,***" fctT? ! **. \mm it ? %3? Bra^aaife I/'OR SALE CHRAP-Two ti;>nrht ? Tn*f u'sr B i'ete ?Vi r?eaM* of sspjry r I t i l h ?H I ? BB AI?*, * d .able Ii?!?' J?-h 4-se pow.r. ?> t? .-et , ??< ?1H1 p.oee la coeaect A a*, tlx at Fewadrv Tee's m. S'oeh Applyto H. HIGBY. Rndeeooit Ct. \u j.? Cntlm?, t3arutDart*. ?(. ( * RATES iad I ENDERS -H K KU 2 ? LEYB Oral? aad Faa4*r Maaafa.- rv S i.S ?... three do, r* out .[ the Bowery %lt. at F> ( ??ae a Chares Hau.'era and .Ibers wB k, . eka*ag wea.d do ?all U> caul, aa a? i* e?B?d*..i th at a>? ?a''?isa. for rar *-.y aad cheapaeta turn . jM las* IMG IRON.? 105 tuns BiiibbsB No. I Foundry H i Iroa . IM tue? B?nt..e No t. d<> do \j?4o. No I Si .<'.'. led and White do., it iura D???- Ne I C. srea'dt roraalab. dudleyB PULLER A CO. l It 6a*TajThBS H? 139 Gree-t-irh-at . craet Cedar. f~~ji"oR CALIFORNIA ?The subscrirja? oaatia'iaa to keep up bia well e*Vctad aaaoituiaat ?f Iftaera' aad O..I.I Veit. Pickaxes, Sri rail t visa, Hoae. Aiee. Hatch*;* Heute-*' Kaiees, Oaaa. Pietttls. Ba> eoleera Mortar* ami Pa*tt**. lag Mellieg Ltd!**. Kav tru, Seed Crsritdee. 8 I f> iJee. and aiber art idee, oompnting a geaerej aaaortaseut *f Hardware, and Edge T io.s I ir any ai,J at****S OBI sea'e- ? t i > e-e N i a smiths. Be . pnrtio*iarl> ad?>:>ied \o ti e CtUrforaia atnrket aad rar traders ea th* Parii> Ceaat C. S LITTLE a .? 3mThSaTu Boa 3t mid at FuiUa-si LI> COLONY CUT NAILS?Ft* O, -sal* by 111 BUSSING a C* . *?*<? 31 Cliff*., jij Jbi? Aieata Old Cd.?? Nad O* ll/ET GOODS! IVET GOODS!! ? f WBTOOOM ?TV* nrwei >*r wtfl *p*a tan ?? ?? c 2j cases and Ma* .>! Wet ilani t mmt\ oe >( I tarda wide linen sheetang worth Sa for 3a . I 4 whit* in en damask w.etfc Tat, 3a 6-1 , S-4 brown do , w,trtb t? . for IS (id . hne.'wtiaik napkins worth ts f ?r la.; ?*? erfla' do. warthSa (id fb? la 6d . Sie bm-atbark and ?'r?-ich tvwclang. It , I men do td worth it . iBorraine iieoa Blurting. r? ,3?. od , 3B, 4* aad O . w trth d iu-h$ <r.? ? >aet. rlr e ahirtiar. yard w de. 6d . aanerina de SJ .44 Sheeuac led ; ?ti?* tia* brown ahertjn? rid ] i . atea prtat*. I tat colon. 6d . woath la. , lit* pi*C*a l>* Lain**, ta , w irtii to , fin* tTttaea natura? d ? . la ?VI . aejaal la any at 1* Iraa above tooda arc damaged M on> and will he aoid at ?r*a<er I avrfama thaa ???' Batata o.'Urad iu IBt* ii.T A I rar > ,-ali y i?e to toer ?d?a il n? A i. COLBY. Inf 3t*o No 43 3d-av .Between ith aad i h tta OREMU8 & NIXON ?Since the ' dratrurtirn of ear Warehouse b) tir*. we at* ?? N>i Hi Wiiliarn-atrert We *h*U, withia ten d tn. M ?rt la Ilka tpatiia* atata Ttrt tl Bark p ?ce raaatas taj , Miim) at In th* meantime we are tnpoUimt aMWItaa with a ir*?h atoah oi t.-a-d? We harr alraadi i ?everal c.i?*?, anoh ?? plain'aad fa; trad P''i?h, Bl U rai J Damaaka. Stirrtum?, Dtiuttk I) .,?<?-,. Flat ke;a, Ita, ?i<-.. he . ao that we can tapaly h ,telt, ttcaii fT?, and h. uaekeepeta >* e trraat o?r frirn ia ?raUttal ?UM hi M DORKMI 8 a NIXON. N B. Pattentraia fat Calif th.a tnpplud witb SUa keta I0f I? BURNED GOODS hvm tke VIRK - C. ii itia* of L'tiao". Dtapara T?bl* Clotht, M . Itnt. Blaukrts. Br.t'icka he . are fur ta!* at the it nr of 11 tUt* W Id BJ \THKWS h CO . No 60 Cathanae-tt 1) |Jiano-/ott?*}. A BARGAIN ?A secon.l-han.! Rose 1\ era d round-corner PI AN?) PORTE with allthe rr'alero improtemeuta. mtd* by the very t>??t cttr makara, v , h a auurantt* for 2 y*ais, will b* aolil fer$IM. Apply at No. i Moarue it.. between ltin h iura of 10 and 1 P St t..?_JA34 KS W PATRICK. J& C. FISCHER, (late Nonns A Fia a caiaTaJMaaarhototry aad warorao*?. No i?o tir*?i: wich ?t ,00raoi of I)*r *t PIANO PORTES warrant* I. with reveiae bridfo aud patent tuft* well cnlcilaled fjhff ketpmr ia tan*. Pian?-Eoito* t in-d r*v*n*J and at ehan?*d fil lea MoDONAJaDA BROTHER i.aYinK en larrtd th*ir Manafactory and War*ro.ima, new oder a lareo aatortmant of R?e*wo?al Piano*, from a.',, ?| ?, ,t T ictav**. at the lowaet mauafaeturitur pnooe A lattra meuu warrantaad ut *v*ry r**p*et, foi two yea/a, aad tuned en* veat rrati* V DONALD > rVHOTHBtt No ttl atowoiy.aoar Madtaa at._ta* Ba*tt MF. LODE 0 N S.?CA RH ART >V NE1DHAM. manufai'turtn of Carhart't Pataat Mebaloona. War*ri*im? No. IUI Broadway . Mam No 73 Kent 13ttt-at , New York Pnce fiom ?5J to $tot Tf lm?a_ BOSTON PIANOS.?SAFFORD A BBOTHEB, No 3oS Broadway, N Y . aroiiUfor tha following well known Boaton Piano-Eort* Baetalnieh meata. vi? I Hallett A Allen, (tucc**aora to Hrnwa A Hal tatt.) Woodward * Brown , A w |.*.i.i W. P. Kmmar toa. Pncoa from $173 to tMt Piaauo to r*at aad tan?4 tf IWa_ (? A H. BARMORE offer at their Man. 'I ?faetory aad War* room, No 311 Rl*ert*r tt . aoi ne' of ?'ha; lea at . an aaaortment of elegant PI A MO FORTES, with th* metallic frame aad revera* bridge, aad all other nnaleni improvement*. dlt tw* V to Wtl Fo I' Pi - n y k : k < ? ? - ' ?? i \? - y Hl Applyto AUOU8TU8 OHLANDER. Jf2wTaThtS* Stnyreaant luat.tiite No i, ,'i llroadwat PIA N O-KORTES.?HewB~ "c^ebratetl Amencaa PatOBt Action, witb or watboat tb* AColiaa, N.P. B. CUBTflB. Aren , warentoma. No 4tt Broadwav. Alto, ajgwal aaeortnieat of Boadotr Pita.* f f 11#* a F HARRISON lias remored his ? o manu'actory and wkiiihihi from No t3 Caaal-*t. to No. 37 Merrer-at.. between Br.?nne nud Grand aU , where may be found a tplendid aaaortment of Piano rortao._ill laa* ji'OR SALE?Very cheap, an upright - PIANO-FOBTE, la to .1 state maJe in Na? y . ' Applyto AIOU8TU8 OHL ANDER. iewelrt), %*t. MAN U FACTOR Y of SILV E R-WARE FOR THE TBADE.-Article* of every deterrs'ioa manufaitured for the Trade with pro aptneaa aud d.apatcA. Blorekeeiiera. out of the city, ait invited to call and *iata uue specimeBs. which, for workmanship and quality of iit vei wnl compare favorably with tay o'ber estahluhmetl. Tea Seta. Urns, Pitcher*. Cup*, Trumpet!, he | al*o,8pi>oa* and Folk* ul a variety of patteraa. G PECK. Ja. B CO . Na ta Duane it j!3 ImTaThaS* Btlioole, IYON'S CLASSICAL and COMMER iCIAL BOARDING SCHOOL for lulls., GEN TLP.MEN-1 he IRVING INBTIf U XV., N. Y ?The location of tbia Inttltution it uuaurpaaaad. Tarrytowa '.eing one of the oldeat aad moat agreeable ?.owe* in rl.o I cion, noted for m ?alabritv aad moralny. and acctaaibie many timea a day liy tbe Hudtoa River ha.lroad The sue ts lees half a mile from tbe 4i?ol, at d coBiD.audt ?. nie of the must chniming views ol tb* vailey of the Hudson. The edifice, is t fotlable and well adapted Tha grounds, q nte rttirad, embrace itveral acres, iik ludiLg a fine grove, a well ss pmnUil ? Lassum, Sic The Pr in- ? ?I it aaeiduons in his regard for tht Moial welfare, the Phytical comfort, the Intellectual impre** inenf, the u.stineis and pmsoual haoitt of his pupils. A daily record, having rea|>ert to each of these intereets, is kept, an at at net of wbicb ia forwardad to tht pertat. at the close of evert mouth. Tbe Tutors and pupil* retld* ?a Iht family of the Principal, panake of the tame fare, alerp under the aame roof, and conslit ite in a'l respects on* fsnmv. Pupil* will attend the church dei.goated by tbe parent, if practicable. 11. Coarec of Education mcludet all the branchat pre para'ory for Collage or l.usihesa. for proftttimal or prsc tieut life The Pincipai baa had iosg etpetieaoo, sad at aided by com; etosat Tutore Instruction in eveiy .Itoart n.rni wil! be thorough, aad elementary principles wil re? ceive that strict a'teati'ii which their paramount i ?pert acre demands Prench and Spanish by Native T*ack*rs, resident at the Institute Can ulart msy be had at Noa 303 and 'M Broadway, Ne 89 N-taami at , aad No 71 Bowery. For further information addreea the in l-rstgaed WILLIAM P LYON A. M , Priaoipai and Proprietor Irving JaaUtu e, Jan., lail._ MARSH'SCOURSEof BOOK-KEEP? ING.?The advaatagee of this bow Work will be st once poreeivod by Taacaera of Aeademiae and **U teacbtra They are theee. It feraiaha* a complete **t e* mercaatila accounta, buaiaeas Uaaaactiou*. forma aa.e eai ealatiiibs (appropriately printed leciloraj: it embrace*, beeide?, HXipaget of familiar esplaaatione, dated to apply directly to all tb* eatrioe ib th* accouat book* , th* whole to arranged to f*rm a moot bentrisial eourae of practice for th* etudrn* to paaa through. 130 pp .cric* SI 33. hand? s' naely t'.un.i Eor aala at th* Author a Couatmg Rooms for th* prartuceof Bo-ik Ke*ping,No BN i> road way fame wort in Spanah. pri'? Si 30. 2i imDttUWt SCHOOL lor EN<,INKERS. No. ?50 H. aateavst., N Y ?Mr VIC TOB BEAUMONT, Ovfl EugiB**r, grtduate from " L'Ecola Can.ral* dot Art? et Mta iiactaree." of Paris, will commence ea tbe 1st ol EBbraa'y neu anew ,iartor in the course of laatrBOt'oa givsB st aas .-??'. i, ia ail tbe branches, theoraticsl sad prsctieal. cooeectati with Civil Engineering. f?t a*"* and refeteaces apply at the School. ,tt tfeod MISS DWIGHT'S SCHOOL of de? sign, Nu. J?, Br .adwar where tbe beet issue* tioa will ha |,v?a m the a/fa of drawmg sad a*ans? Claaa price, f ia Uriu, it . . \,ut twaaaty l***wa* .f.*'-," id ai^saee. Kf MODERN IaANGUAG^sT?Prof- A. BASSET st . roatiaaes to gars leaeone ia Franob and Spaniah at his rBaidecee No 364 Broadway, eoraer ?I rrankliB-et He has aaw Cia*B*sjnst lormed. easataMaflB thoae that w iah to at mm* nee the French ,-tdy aad mos fcr tboae that are more Uvaaced. N B ?Private fsanlios P'iactually atuaded to )M -m_ PRIVATE TUITION in SPANISH ? C OOBBIN eoatinaaa to g.rr losaoas m tha aerB Caatnian {*eigner?., sithcr st bis reeideoc* or ?.??' *' ?*? pSm. Apply at Ne 41 At st aear Sd-av Of I? PR]VATE IN8TRUCTION.? Anth ?etic. Algebra. Geometry, with appttca'iosa ta D-aw lig, SurvetiBg. Eiigiceenag and Mochaaic Arts, by a i/eB tlen sn of espeiiesxe Addreea TiaJ30.NOMErBY.Trik aa* Omce._M l?* FRENCH LA NO U AG E?O RAL8Y8 TEM.-Ia additioa to tb* permanent Freacb ScbaeL oosanaaerteO with tb* C1as*>ca! aad Matbeimaiw-sJ laavtMe ttoa.N* MSth av. asar ' aatuagtoB Btjuare. Claaa** for iaeh** ami ?.entlasset race ta n sti-jcti a are-y eecadar evening, nr. ?r tte guter-** >f Prof V1LLEPLAJT 7f laa"