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WASHING i'ON. The Keerath AfXtt.ll? *?-* r.r*t?T> Mlllllll *VrmM<n?) rf TU? 1? f? Tri**?* Wlrt'?-??' Tawrsdav. Feb. 12, 1832. The debates upon intervention for the ?mke of* non intervention are elowly progreaung; ekreogb ?ke Senate. The final reault verjr like? ly will be directly opposed to the wishes ami ex pectanor.s of Kossith and his friends, and still, even in that shape, their bearing, will be im? mense upon the nations of Furepe and their tyrants The whole Kossi th excitement in all als various manifestations, aa parades, proces. aions, receptions, meetings of the masaes of Ihe Arne man people, togt ther with their echo from the Capitol, will act and are doing it already, in a manner not so manifestly violent, but not less sharp and penetrating, into the heart of those at whom they are aimed. Therefore, if the resulta of all this are not instantaneously trans? formed mto diplomatic protocols or notifications, or more explicit balls and cartridges?rieverthe loss their impression will in more than one way he deeper than if even , romulgsted on the point of the bayom t. The old. rotter, bloody Monarchies, the also, lutists and despots of Europe, in wholesale and in.retail, are evoked before the tribunal of a free, independent ar.d real people. There they are trealed with the utmost freedom, stripped naked, ahown off in all their turpitude, roughly handled, without any respect for crown, scepter and the blood-colored mantle of royalty. In thie way they are spoken ol even by those who, like the Senator from Rhode Island, oppose the BOW pol? icy. They do this not from respect for the crowned heade, but solely aa a mailer of expe? diency. All that is done or spoken here in this matter, penetrates through thousands of chan? nel* into Baal Of it, public and official, as wa 1 aa private, wounding deeply, if not mortally, the blood-suckera of the people there Dragged thus without any ceremony before the masses composed of the same social elements on which they trample mercilessly, the Euro? pean rulers see with rage their sham-majesty melting more BM rn-vrc before the- piercing mns ot* the American sun. If a war should he levied against them, they might in ooai ovic? torious over armiea and fleets; but they are powerless and shieldless against the strokes darted ot them from alt sides, and all subdi visions of the Auteiican Commonwealth. What? ever coolness and COAtl nipt they may allot t. n. ternally they boil with rage, and all the more because they are deprived of all Hftfl ins whati ver of vengeance. (N this real eiiect OD the Cabi neta and QpTQlOapay, oi Btttope, one Can judge from the deportment, the looks and e actuation* of the aajajaWaaat 'or;.* here. It is on the whole the most i eriect, though diminutive bojrotnetor, marking the staff ot the atmosphere prevailing around their distant masters. All the foreign diplomats here, w hatever be Ikeir divisions among themselves, those even vf the pygmy Southern Republics not ev. cepted, present to the official and non-official pnblic a con pact, and so far, united body.? All of them have been and arc deeply nflfon I 1 with all the Kossith proceedings, uj well through the various States as here at the capital All ol them resent violently the re? ception of the Magyai by tiie President and by Congress, and the spent h ol Mr. Wens ma at the great dim er Th< y cannot forgive t s, , votary of IState l.r the h .ughty manner with wkicli he put oil Hint CMOptttg reptile Chevalier Hi l' km* n k. vVhen the latter bognn to be too htigettv, und aiectod to avoid the Wime lloasc, lla inmates and all Higher. Kmu cdTirarn, Mr vVensts.'R briefly told him, "S'ottop'ii) s'loh a ganie, hut either kO be ro arer to ihe Pn si lent and Uoveriiiin nt, ot \< . \ tin oil." Thteinuuia lion OOtsiod I mi at OOsOO to Havana to nail ,'or new instruction*. Tina independent action of the American statesmen in office, their pt rfect freedom ami dis ooiborraeainenl In oil poNvrcal remtioni with European ministOTS and thus indirectly with their Dalai-Lamae?are aa hot iron poured into the etoiua'h? oi servants nod masters. Kor a practiced eye it is easy l<> lind out in their p acid contort it us, the violent pain which thev ?tifler. Whatev. r Ihev tnrtv say to the cou trary?the c< !? I i itod ID 1 iIM i v\ letter was lor tin in here, aa well as for their European cnbin eia, a pill v\ Inch still the y cannot uigeot, after swallowing 'twtthananj wrlthings No* ihe e*sr is at least doubl, d Through that letter, as well as ibrotiLh the speech of Mr WnaaTEB, anew era is really inaugurated tu di.ioin n \. This |)0f] Is his leu Vet In that le'tcr ihe American principle was, for the Aral lime, officials) au I rtiaufully aaaerted in relations with thetiist nh.-olu'ist power m the world, according to the rules ol diplomatic eti Siette, ami thus throw a in the it oth oi iheViugs, e ministers, and Ihe COBtwnptibif dip'o n-tcy oi Kurt'pe. The Anieucaii principle os element Wae asserted with a precision, dignity aie! eleva lion of which the\ never dreamed on the o her aide of the Atlantic. And ecarcelj bad the wound thus inflicted begun to scar over when KoaaOTa comes to occasion new in I painiu! in tin lions The American independence in man? ners asserts its lull rights, breaking to pieces the old, stupid diplomatic European rojtmc and notions of socalle.l diplomatic goivl breeding And this is dene m the Capitol as well as at the VN hue House In thta way America inaugurates a new Demo? cratic, independent, easy, dip oinaiic etiquette ? which the old diplomats, with the moat coa gestures, must go through. It ia an immense victory,won without Id .< c ehee\en si crowned and official Barop*. The Atneiicati people mtkes known its tit ciRion , it wni heh.ive m tta ? ? wav, and ihe old mummies muat yield and t ! low. The narrow minded,supercilious,conceited Old diplomacy?this dirtv mixture of forms, ro:i luie, asviun ny oi psrnctaliu osas with awe that it no longer wapitis respect These Dancing Jacks, older voung, regardini,' the i aolveo as so? cial etandiuiis in eveiy w ay, arc now pushed b ick? ward and forward by th?- strong, sinewv and u.i gtoved hand cf the Americau people llereup >n they begin to lose the Little des? ... brain which they occaaionally poaaesaed, and in their stupid mannerism, cannot find out how to deal with the new element The Courtsrenrosonteel by th n ahare in the general ro, Th. v aubmit an Uta aomssfajn, ttrooisublo miu?nci .t the Democrats kira as cm boo i<-<i bv toe I mied Sialre. They sn?.sh at it, but the caao i? boyo 11 remedy Au erica, they know but too well, ls [n Be>wi.,e dependent upou the powers of Kurop-. wdule lh. v o? p. i... on A me. an for ihe eautence of their fsmmhed and impoverished aonrautUMM They most submit while the heel ot Democracy with >ts Hi LSKMaNN Letters and Ko>m rn lie cepttttis, tree is u|>on and cru-he* all their m i farniulis, on Which they looked as no the ludia pensable condition ol diplaaaraaio iela ioi?s.? These aie ai*,ns on eanh and heaven, and fore* runnels t f e?ei ts which in d ie ntagjtnty wiH Out Of the uitalviiou? fob's of lime, drop a ic ooaaively m the remvigorate.t world. r. s. PmidrnttaJ Qaaliflcations. CVTtespusurac* ?f The K. T. Tri',b?e. WasgiNGToa. Salut ay, Fe) It ItM It is Use than three huudied a. d fifty years steee eerrevt notions began to prevail in rela? tion to the shape aLd nv-i. a ?; rtaa earth It i- not one kuuered siik* the woeW was f.trlr awakened to the true political relations of man and the true theo? ry of government And as the world dil aof upon the estah.ishmrut of the t opernicaa sys ksaa, ot oaeo discard all its former errors of optaloa, growing out of the old FtV.emaie sys? tem, s> tt pub ic affairs has the world retained maay of iia ideas whicu ware the fruit of the eld coa dittoa or Mings Antoaf theae. whiek afe rife at the nearest day, here an * elsewhere, all over the world, te tka aotion that the grootaad atew ts the beat fitted and moat needed for the kigheat position m gorern saeat. Wtultefxcepti'Btotkodoctfiae Aooot nothing J aas Um world bee* ?aere humbugged thia arxwt great trtn. There never ?m a greater fallacy than the fopr-MUion that mere mental greatnes* ii the | thia? B-ott needed in t men called to administer tbe affairs of a free people Taleat aad genius in mgh , station hate been the chief cute of gretMt miachieftaadthereatart miseries the world hat suf fered. And thia Government hat been no ?t*pt>on ,o the rule. We have been at much bedeviled bf great name, aa an, pe?p-'? in the world. We have lot suffered rich great calamities, because of our rhvaa of government, and beca.ise of our geograpli- ! cal position. But at a people, in our devotion to men, ?e have been juat about aa aiily aa tbe re?t of the world. That ia to aay. we have gone at far in following leadera, and in admiring leaden, at the circumatancea of each particular caae admitted We do not care to particularize instances, neither ia it necessary. Tha fact admita of no dispute, and thia we may state without being ineidtr. MA Now we protest against the habit, and we espe? cially protest against the idea that great men are at ail necessary to administer t!?e affairs of this Gov? ernment. We are dispoer !, witn some reluctance, to go so far as to admit that greatnes- is no disquilt ficatum for office . but we deny in toto that it is an essential requisite. It should perhaps be considered prime f*\cu evidence against a man, but all other things being equal, integrity, business cipuity, soundness of judgment, we would not have it ope? rate to exclude a man from the higher -tations. W We might ask w hat there is to puzzle any man of strong mind in administering the affairs of this Gov? ernment under a plain Constitution and plain laws, such as we have spread <"it up n o ir s.attre- Vc<?, for the information of all the world * Does the civil administration require the exercise of any qualities beyond these possessed by every man of g0 >1 capa? city, sound judgment, just purposes, and a firm in? tegrity I In the Executive administration we need prudence, we need sense, we need industry, decision and integrity. But we don't need greatxri-s. If we did our s>?tem of government would be a failure. For greatness does not grow on erery bush, and cannot be drawn forth e^ery four years to order. Let it be remembered that great superiority of in? tellect is not necessarily astociated with either hon? est purpose*, sound judgment, or integrity, or intre? pidity of character. And without these latter quaii ncatior.s, the further a man is from office, the better for the people of the country. The worli tso often forgeia, in its estimate of the fitness of men for high station, that character St fur more important tnan e ither talent orjKeniuE. Affairs of government are kfTaus of business and inter* \\ ar.d require businen men und trusty men to aTtaWaV them properly. The first qualification for these tri. tS is honesty. ?AV mg Boole sure of this, thn great point is gained. But to elevate mere capacity without le'erence to integrity, is tbe grtatisi mistake that cm nossibly be made, it ?rata better to have an fool in office than a scoundrel genius. But the wor'.J has nev. r \rot i: J ;.! : V? rc reran e f?,r high intellect, bee on e it has been lor tho interest ol 11 it lift to preserve the Celusi >n. Integriiv has never bad a fair ?haaaS*. be.*-nine i: hai al*avi * me clad in t( mely garb and ht?-had but few in p-nlic concerns to trumpet m praises. We hear dui y of statesmen of great ability, but hoar strange it would aavisd to tear 0M cosanteoded for his aawAtfy.' It would almost be reckoned a joke i> hear a public man praised fog IBCh a quality. Our conclusion is, that it is a pir . e of impajition for tie frierida of any man to rit mind tha public n.P ape in his euj>|?or t simply because of that man's intellectual suptiiority. Happily, we have a (.'overiitiien: that is just a'iD'it enable of going alone. 11 it war* not SO, we?houlJ h. ve tee n athoie long ngri Hard)] ai.y other govern? ment <*ould get on a >eat under tinch an uiitrained tnice as caters upon the Government of this cmntry tverv 'our or eight years, and which force proves I'stli fully aeleqi ate to the aWeaasntaM 01 tbe case. We take men Irotjl the army, troai the law, from niere p< lineal, and mere trading circles, from tl ? fiit.ii g-ini)l. from anywhere ard everywhere, an 1 fill up all the Government idices w ith then fr.> nthe I. i l est to Ihe lowest, putting tbem to business of waieatbey hive never known anything?and yet t tit; . s go on just as smoothly as though every offi ad w.,s a matter and not ami not un apprentice. Tins shows great simplicity and perfect!..* la our mi chmer) of government. It is, indeed, a vehicle that tny horre mav Ur.iw It is a time-piece that aim >U in> harm may keep wound up. And those who pre l*M tosao c. ntr.iry, urn those who hs?e ha t r:o ni ai s of Jadgtef, or who daaiga t<> ho.od.viua sad liiiUibug others. l'n< ie are live thousand men in the oauatry, either of whoag would make just as goad a F.. ene'ent as any one we hare had in ten years. Oar rire ore single exception. And we hardly know whether to snule or n* ladigBaat arerths gtoriskta tion so olteu heaped upon in?-ti in high office for the ? xtim in'.-nary ?!..-.i n ie ..-< <i if)' ) -o in'< st m tne mai agrm?nt of the ooaaaAOi est affair* of offt ul life I.'ok at the four is h a ,d fasa over certain recent transitions wniilavo fort gl p..*ers. Tney have tetii inflatedan-i u s^miieo Brj awamvaWBavM almost up to the punt of comp ltuoh with the transceadant | atciusot Vaaotvaavlngdemonstrations. Jut; aa if tho management of nu n twopenny oonoeris could OJh be brought M a BAHWaMawVu i.^ue by the m iste'ly diplomacy of a w.,r,"crful intellect. Excuse me. but this Is all tart men. ( ?.?gresa dors rot sit to-day. Btit affairs goon just aa w e.l, and just as fast, as laOO|h it did. Sixty days from this present writing ia amply sufficient tin e to transact all the basil SSI that will be before Hie National LeeihUtnre.ii tins Keraion. But. why shr uld members 'orego their speeches, their schemes, tr.e plaaaarea ol a WaWinigton re*i:en?e, the ar raagemai ts of, and there eight dollar* a day ' (iive us a re-ui-n But as there it none, de session will go on to August, and pertups to September. Wi,:.t fluod* of primers ink be spilled on the licoid before tha day of adjournment. It -would iianatt mate au oce.m equal to that nadai which Mr. CoMkNs concludrs Uns nation will be plunged aid sunk, in case Congress should venturo to pn noui ce us views of UteroaUonal law on the sip.ject of mt? rventton. Mr. CLBttias OOMiaviad his la a an > BpOB Gut sobiecl, wlui a. like lus speeches generally, was quite after the Jona N Manirr s haol of oratnv, with the rioi r declaration that it he hadeter studied wonis at all, u was to see how /i <e c ml 1 be m-t'e to answer the purjvose of expressing tbe thoughts he hud :o OCBvev. D th s be true, he it an aw tul dull scholar. B jt we take It his ts one of thoae esses where the tndrvittua] la wh dly unconsco i? of the sin that does at oat entity beset him. I, a r. Cen. lOOtl aud the I rcideaey. Coirearoadenea of The N Y TnVn a WasiunoToy. Saturdav, Fex 14, l*">a. As the evidences thicken ujion us of the popularity of Gen WtantU Scott, ar. i the proba? bility that he will be the ciioice of th* next Wing .National fonveution, and lb* nominee of tie Whig Party for the Presidency, they develop ia certain quariers vngions phases o,'opj and agitcioa. This is natural. It is a thing io be expected. Only when it steps beyoid b.iua Is it is Ip be watched.and if the o< cation requires, driven bach. Just at the pres. rrt noun t tie ricti t aaOtStBIOiOQ the part of the Wt g aasjagharS of the Man e Legislature in favor o* Ceti. ScfiTT has raffloi iheaurface of ihe equanimity of thoge who look wuh least favor upon thit move? ment, and their uneasiness on account of it, aianl' fetta iiaellcniefly in their seeking to a'.trilju'.e the n ovemeu to e?ti> other than ihe teal mauves aud lillutnevs that led lo it. These cemoustrotiona ap? pear ia two very duiintt quajiora, aad apparently hcMile to each other. Yet in ibis ease thev make cause, ate" p ay into cash other hands with a harmony and coruu..:> ,;iu? uacomaion. It Is not to be expected that the prominence of tha name of Geu. Boott should be grateful to the Lw> Fooo* It would be a^aur I to etpect it. Hit noad tationialhe only thing from which thev h%re any reason ta fear. Neither is it to be eipected that those ptdiceiaas cr those newspapers that, for tri? put two years. haTe been so busily engaged in saving the li.ior.-wbo have gone all lengths ta favor and totter the "peculiar usntation." aad who have ?an up eaims ta being the only aational, tha only peace-loving, the onlr patriotic persona extant-who<.e Shibboleth la what they facetL ousrycalithe ' Co.progavseg - aad u wh .ta eves PaatAAWasaTaB IS tha only state*.!** to* ayggrAj affo.cs-i: is not to be exited, I say, mat tvy can vie w. a.,, ariu, holy horror, ev .deace. of the ?creaa. ...g pofSAiAAdAj of Gen Bcorr P.rhapa it uaot there? fore sn-pr amg to n, tho repratentattva, of .a, h an U.onutrr.ncp e. o ^ Mmtm v.muw auJ As Avrtrre Are playing ? htmcuoa.Jy mto each other, heads, cr to Ind Ist?*,, J,r^ comtiacet tly copying their j rlntl, prw?ha?| 9ffai.ons On tfce contrary, it is quite nataral. Theie sagacious and far-.ighUd jemals luva mads tne wondetful discorery that tae recent .one ? eat ia Maine ongiaated. aoeordiag to one, wfth the Aatt^.arery poruon of tbe Wntg par - s gwrdtsg totheothar. wita rte peranaal eaemi?, t"f Air Maasraa. wnhediwrsfrosn wh un h* - a 1 away tha pablication of tha lawa-a. IrJu . re. gsrv fvr Gen. S.-eiT antj their bejj-f n hhl i tj4. biiity is til aasmmed as a eloak to sorer their reel sentiments. The objeet of ?11 this eagerness lo admit any but the true motives in making this demonstration is apparent on ihe face of it. This mad-dog cry of Abolition and Anti Slavery i this preteneeof secret haired to the friends of the compromises, u relied npon aa a potent spell to scare away others from giving it their favor. It is, however, one that has been tried too often and too long, an ! has long since lost its power. The reign of terror has hapmly ended, and that of common sense and reason have been tco far restored among us for grown up men to be now frightened from their propriety by such raw head and bloody bines scare-crows. These weak devices of the enemy acd weaker pretenses of hypo? critical friends are too evidently contraiicted by the facts of the case to have any weight eicept with those determined not lo see, kear or believe the truth. In this case thete attacks are met and con? tradicted by the deliberation, the cogitations, thi unanimity and the but too apparent heartiners of the entire proceedings They truly represent the feel? ings, not of any wmg, faction or portion, but of the entire Whig party of .Main?. Everything proves this Every Whig paper in the S'.ate re?pond*d a hearty amen to it. Every Whig member of the Leg? islature gave i: Ha hearty sanction. There was but one ftelicg and bul one voice?there was nit one exception. Mow from this it w ould seem that, if it be time th-.: the Anti Slavery Wnigs and those who are iiimiral to Mr. Wetsteb art responsible for this demonstration, they a", least comprise the whole Whigpi.rty of Maine, and that in one of UM n >st important New-England States the Seiretary of Ma c fasnot so mucn as a single friend. This con? clusion l* inevitable frOSB the giound assumed by T' s < Perhaps that journal, in making -uch vague and ter se less ctarg's did not <li?tinr.ily see where it w;:s coming out. For if it? aistrnition be tree, thatthasi doaBonetrattone iu f?; Ueneral Scott, wriieb thicken upoa us in all directions, are evidences ot and p<odu -ed by hoiiii'ty t,, Mr Web steb. can a reafn r>e a->' - 1 e w *' the policy of arRing ihe Maateataoa of oso so un ve>r sally Bcpovelar .md hate i, aa The Courier er amid hare tie believe him to be' When the Wr-ig party would seem, from the recent elections, t ? i?e in a minority In so large a number of the Kcatea, trkatl teiiie'is ttere in trying to eleeta r?. lidate srbo is so unpopular, if we are to b' line The B wl at ' our ur, among so large and influential anum <r of tne pronni.e lit'otrs of his own part.. BeJOk an en Ooovor would be worse thsn id.e I would not have trouble.! aoa w i h aav re'erence to roch *ei seitrs ai d absurd charges at thoie which Tie Boston ?tiuntr thus inconsiderately cat hes Op from the *remy and repeats, to our injury if oeiieve i, and which me Fawn here so eageny COatOS and re h-she s. if we had in this quarter a lingaa impartial or even enndid Whip journal, in wh:.-h we could 1< ok to ret the matter forth in Us true ligot But we have not. The columns of all that p.eiead to be \\ nig journals here are hermetically sealed ag ?Inst the truth, if unp.dateable, und any vinli -athn of the Maine Conveatioa from the slander* and BSMnlOBS of Tka l ntnn, either as a favor or a^s a right is not to be looked fcr. _ lnimitL. ApMIHTkftdflS BY THE PrKbIDINT --/?// andvi'o the adrirr and ennsrnt of the Settels.?Hor? ace II. Miller, of Mississippi, to be Charge. ?'Affaires I of tne Lnited Mates to the Republic ol Bolivia, in I the place of A. K. McClucg, resignei. Nathaa Bar geant. of Pennsylvania, to be Register of tne Tri Lt I tiry of the Tinted States in the piece ol Townscnd , Haines. reMgnrd. CeerWs of the United State*.?William Dut. of New York, for the port of Yah. .r liso, 'n t'.* R?(vio I lie of Chili, in the p'aeeof 7.. W. Potter, recalled. ! Joseph (.'rabam, of Ohio, for the port of InetaPS I Ayres. in Ihe p'aee of E. A Bautsdofa^ "OOMVOd. i Nicholas J.Koofs,of Nea**>oreay, for the p.rt of ? Lage vra. in the Republic of Yen: zttela, ir. ihe pi e-e ! of Lctils Baker, reealled. Timothy DarMag, for tho i port of Nassau, in the island of New-Prortaaasoo, in I tue place ot Julius ('. Kretfclnnar. r?ealle I Valen? tine Hnlnif i of Pi nnsy Ivania.for t'ie port of Belf ist, . in Ireland. W. L. Sharkey, of Mis-issippi. at IIa vana, in the Island of Cuba, in the place ol A F. Owen, reca'ied. Samuel ?f. Oakfbrd,at Tumhes, in Peru. George Kmp Rogers, el Louisiana, for the ' port of Lyons, in France, in place of Jnni^s llemle bert, recalled. William R. Glover, of Kentucky, for the tiort of Yera Cruz, in kfexico. in the place of W. I P. Rogers, resigned. Alfred Wheeler, of California, in be Attorney of the United S'.atea for the Southern l Disln.'t of California, in the idace of J M ..'ones an u u.led Judge, Joseph W. Furhur, of Minnesota, to be Marshal of the Cnited States for the Territory of Minr.etota, in the place of II. L Tilden, rc nov< i. KKfOtVT i f Proft sscr A. 1). Bache, Sin r. . nt'r.J. nt of the Const Suri en. to the. Matted it ? of In* Trtast.ry, in relation tothe Latitad- and iswgi Isafe "/ i'i>:nt Ptnos, California Coaar ieavsv Orrrec, Fe*> 4,165), .*-ir 1 have the honor to state that the lonsrit lie of I'"., t Pll pa, near Monterey, California, as com? puted fiem ti e observaiioiiN of ( Davidson, Ef^., Assistant Coast Siirvev, is igoo m 00. ao. Tbc latitude of Point Ptnos (36" 37 M.*0) was pub 1 shed November 11, IS5I. 1 wonid reepectiullj recpiest authority to publish the above. Tory respectfully, (stigrecv a D. Rtr hb. Superintendent. IL.d Thomas Corwin, g?cre>tary of the TfOBBBaTft I 1IV 1 VrMS. A VfoRO TO Pos I Mas i ku BstAJDT.?We he At many complaints among the people in re,;ard to the inegulr.iity and uncertainty of delircri.-> by the City Carriers. 1: seems that in sonne insta ices they have a district much larger than any one man can mi ve, aad in order to grasp the whold of it and make Sight or ten dollars per day, they set their b >ys at arotkto h> lp the.a out. One little fellow the other day, moved by the strong temptation of fun, laid down the l ulled States Mali ;;nd went in for a regu? lar snowballing spree. Being a little worsted, he got kis dander up ai d told one of his customers that he should xot fetch him any more letters because his boy, had scow-balled him (the little mail boy.) We lelitve the hopelul little felio* w is m-< barged, in? stead of his father Loot week at 10 A. M on Monday we put a l otein the Post Office to go^sfar as Tweuti eth-st. It reached ita destination the next day, at 4 o'clock F M , having been 3'? hoars on the way. There should be a thorough reform in this bran-li of the Poit-Ofhce but it will never be dor.e so long as I the carriers are allowed to defy their BofSrrtnteaat Lent and have everything their own way T j will never be decently served until there are as I maay again carriers, snd every one of them male to J fulfill his duty. As things now go c>ne might b tier ; live in Philadelphia than in the ttei >ns a'ove : Blecrker-st , so far as correspondence from the Cen? tra; Pott Offir? is eonremcd. OpEfia Prospects.?Last sprisj w ad? vocated a cheap opera. We endeavored to siiw ?hy any hope of operatic success inths cou ilry, wi h lo aristocracy or Government subve.itien, Bjogl be based upc n thedemoerati ?, th it .s the cheap | rin c ple. The experiicer.t at Palmo's commenced, and that of Astor Place has concluded the proof of tals statement. Ar.d on the other hand the proof it'. aad in the crowded and enthusiastic audiences at If] d > s acd Aster Place, under the fi'ty cent ?yste.n. We learn that Mr Niblo. at least, considers it pr>/ed and, with the advice of skillful architects, wil en? large his theater ir to an opera-house, of sixe sail OBOat to accoiunjod.te five or six thousand pers)us la the spring he will tail for Europe and conclude tngagemeLts with the best artistt the following season. W e trust that this is real.v so. and that Mr Niblo will uiderstanJ the fact whichotner managers among us have perpetually forgotten, namely, tiat it it very well known in New-York why the res'.ly great aitists are We know, for example, tust brut, Ai.'-em, I, Marvi, Stai.ditltai other, are fir tine artists, and we know equally well that Fiorrafmi, Ida trrtrand ai d others are njt first rets I nor so considered. W:th the com tag m of the cheap ] opera, this adorning of obscurity with haloes of I ftme. should go out. It is foolish to blow the same ' blast before every new comer, for the hab.tde'eata I its own purpote We feel consent that lr. Nibio I is at ture of this *? we are ourselves la any care, i we mutt congratulate curse:?es u ? a fchg p-e?-.,-;t of an opera whi.-a pomisee per mate ace. ? u u not toe late to try operatic experiments, it it uw early te build ar opera bouse. A large, che ap h jc ?e. with the best pouiile orchestra ar.d artisv-, are he secret? cfeipe; ati? ?Ai cess .n Mew-York lion* Medal to Nmal l)ow ?Tn s splet fie tribute to wor.b, which hat beer, shown us* Bt rt.T*cr c.ut.ces of rrfineJ g jld. On < no sWe at bat the seal of the S cietr. an eagle inn ? >g fro a a pure stream aa it gushes from tier x-A?enbiean of nationality, temperaaee and rs>rntaaeac Oa the nargia. *? National Tempersnee S.veiet?. rgm i d Sept 23. ISiO . incorporated Feb. I. ISM - f e te> ver?e h?s an el?fcart wreath cf oak aad Im roui 4 r>g tee n-iK? mg ins? riptide- " frrteatso to Nut Dow for eaiaeat ier. 1 et ia the Teaiperanee ('?use. New-York, February 19. 1W3.'' Tbe pre? sentation will be made al tbe Banquet of tbe Na? tional Tsmperanee Soeicty,. n Wednesday evening next, m Metropolitan Hall One hundred only of the tickets remain unsold, and the Society hare issued a limited number which admit to the gallery, without dinner Tbe Medal and a diagram of the Banquet may be seen at the office, No M Nassau at St'MMAitY ok Local Affairs.?A vounp Iri'h woman about *2 years of age. named Hndget Bowlin. who liresat No 117 Washingtan-st, com? mitted suicide by drowning herself in the di>ck foot of bier No. 21 North River, a* 12 o'clock on Sun lay night She was the victim of a base seiucer, wlio is now in Ireland. The body of deceased was re or ered from the wa'er and conveyed to the First Ward Station house. ?An Association has been formed uiider the title of" The New-York and Liberia Emigration and Agricultural Association." by a part of the col? ored population of this City, numbering in all M9 members. The object they have in view it the pro? motion of emigration and agriculture In the Repub? lic of Liberia, To carry out their plans for the ame? lioration of their race, they are in need of funds, and have petitioned Congress for an appropriation of $a5,fct'0, to be expended by the Society in pun hating land, ar.d fitting cut and preparing for emigrants in the Republic. ? The long, promised discourse of Mr. Web?tf r, which was to be pror.oun-ed before the New-York Historical Society, wiil be delivere I at N fdo's saloon, on the C3d of this month. The sub* ject of the same is to hgj the po.uical administra? tion cf Wasbir.gton. Mr. Niblo has offered tae use af Iris saloon to the Historical Society, free of ei and we understand that the number of th kets to bo i-'U?d on the c crsion will be limited to t?vo thousand. ? Quite a noise eTM raised in the* Elev? enth Ward on Saturday, by the report that some ody had tried to astatstna e Capt Matthews, while he was asleep on board the r.ew Sp*m?h steamer Ken. Concha. On examination, it appeared thit all the row was caused by two drunken boys who h id got aboard the steamer and fired pistols for fun. ha-l.isr no Idea of killing or searing anybody. ?The uumber of Valentines which pa- sed threueh Boyd's City Poston S tturdav, thotK'i I afww, was but small compared with last year. There were employed during the day 119 men, and there sere received for distribution about 3f\f :0 Valentine?, of which90 000 wen delivered. (Mil iril). 94 Batl are employed, who deliver, on an aWtWaaja, abatat 5,000 letters. ? It id suit! that efforts arebeing made by certain patties to have the Municipal offices rem ived frtm the City Hall to a new l!il!,t?b3 ere ?!. 1 :n one of the up-tow n squares to bave the present 'ity Hall occupied for a Custom BotJSO, n.A the pr seat Castom House u?ed for the paraaass of ? Mini ?"the Pub i>: J'aik for New-York ''ity is rep* ited at lust in the State Senate, and refrrred to the Cetnmi'.tee on Cities and Villages, whi his compesed of Senators Morgan of New-York, > a i dcrbill cf lungs, and Williams of lihica. ?The Association for the Relief of the Poor, report that during January, 1,001 visits we e made, and 91,947 persons (in Is Ml families) a ere relieve!, expense ff,J7f 13. There is min-.i yi;t to be done, ar.d money is wanted. ? A person named Bridget Heek was ar? rested on Saturday evening, charged by Browsti r Aarvit with keeping a gambling house at So.471 Cherry st. The prisoner was sent to tho Pali e Court. Ar;uPiavateD ASSAULT WITH A Kmikk ? Philip McArdla,residing at No. Pd3 We.. I fourtr-rt, nnd Thos. Finn, w ho are partners In the built ing or contracting bannest, were on Saaday ar? rested charged with inflicting several daageroiu ;!abs_with a krife on the person of Toot Keruan, a lat orer in their employ It is alie^ei that Kern an, on Saturday evening, called upon tbe ac-used and asked trim/or the amount of his wejes then due, when thai knocked him dow n and stabbed hnn tn several places. Cue of the wounds inflicted wat DO* der the right arm, in the region of tie axillary ar? tery and watan inch and a quarter in length. Dr. Han enOrcok was called in and dressed the .v.. i . Is. Ontl i paygnn of McArdlea knife Witha bio . i ide whs found. The accused were taken before Justice Bleakicy ar.d hciu lo swait an examination. V. S. DibjTkict Codit?Before Ju.ige BeU?.?Atttgti Fittinje out <?/ fig C/ga/of/a, -On the LnCictment against Mettrs. O'iultivan. Lewis, and 8C h-'C if singer, the t*u former, with their counsel, wareptettnt tilt forenoon, agreeably to postpone? ment The case was further adjourned, a slag to er^n ' mtnts ol count el, to first Tuesday in Mar-3. Supbrtob Court?Before Judge tiik'cy ?FAuurl BoffU agt Ai'i tmmggett and ot'itrs.? To recover ot the estate of a deceased surety on ai administration bond given by Mr*. B aggOtt or the farrfowancs of edsniniatration trusi o,i esiat? of ate Mr U ag^ott, a legacy alleged to be due pi un tifl as one of the heirs of Mr. B., w.tli eosts, which have accrued, already referred to. Verdict for pi-Ii till, $1,490, being amount. BtTPBRlOfl (*oi'Rr--Ilefoie Jndge Oakley.? Jan.11 Jf U imd igt Manhattan Fire Inntran-t r.?? To ri cover %i ii 0, the arm.tint of a policy on a bark on the stocks at Somerset, Taunton R ver, Mass. The policv was for two months, from September to No? vember. A fire occurred in October, at the saip-yard, an. me timber got out for the bark, as allege!, was bun t Action is brought to recover the amount of policy. Tt c policy was at first on a ?hip on the stocks, but charged to a bark, to be built in a partlOaBBI ,nrt oftheytrd. It is contended, in defense, that the tin fers not having been conn ectod. the loss does not con.ewithui the terms of the policy. To oe con? tinued. Coi rt or Common Pleas ?Before Judge Woodr Uli? Roltrt Fotur agt. Franru N. I'utmtr fee st?tnt of the liroadicay Baa*?To recoter $101 5', the amount of note deposited for collec i in, ?? i legtd to have bteu paiu by tht> mdorscr, tiu' utter ceiiiei1- rhe tiansactiou * as in Sept., leiu. Tne note was drawn by Join Moran, a young mtn at that time keeping a crocery. corner Anthony *..d fclm-sts., to the order cf Hubert Boid. car lie aawatntaeAyw, No. su P.arl-.r.. and Mr. i??r'.er K.eJt store oc the opposite corner The latter havm- an at cnunt at the Broadway Bank, dt'josite.l the n ?t# .he ?aid^ cut of favor to Mr. B..yd, arid it was entered on his deposit, or bank book. The no:e was i?ot uaid at maturity, and prova??i l. Mr Bcyd test.fied tl at he *entt> the liiuk. s, >se queaLy.and paid the ro e, and a'so pmc 75 cents lot orottat, and took it up Oa the other hand, the Cashier testified that Mr. Bo>d1 did Lot p ,y the note, out said that Mr I'orter tolc him u. get it so that it ramht be put in run He askec n ui it ha bad wncnim Mr Portei's o r.k boik, so as ?o erose tue not? from it. Mr \\ rrt. p::ed he had not. ans tb? Ca?ht?r told bim loask Mr. Porter to erase t e e ? e fron the oojk-a'-he aaiue baaogttiat to Mr. ii the note, ma - pa }?er enty-fitecenu fur the r-?oU?. 1 r.e wi.neat ea<l oa ? ttwa-siairisataaa, ta.t tsaaa Irat as*?d he, . ic i a kno* anytamg about tne cireums in e lul wi en it was raarBUoned that Mr. B sp >he of the' to e being l ct in suit the c.reurnsttace wag recalled tain to his reeoilectioii Tie Jury eoul.i rot agree and was discharged 0? r.e Ste>tt'kr.n* Ana, hiiuift, agt Jj*t Kerir ? To ree. vrrdamaiM-r for alleged ataault and hilaggg in March laat. at No Ri 8n*nfy.?t It it alleged ibat Mr K violently hieted Mrs *. on the stomeh, w i eh from r er situation at the time pi iced ner la yr- at peril, ^nd caused ber te> belli for two days after? ward. Oa tf?* part of defense it was Baal mat Mrs. v anl sa"her woican, cims to defendant's resi : e tiid commenced usir-g ' aprobnous lang Lassa U wtrd hire?that he orde-e.t them oat. ardre'-ismg to re *,? comptlled Bs ?ject them He denies k ix-j gkicked M.?. S. Tae cage Hon. CoPBT or Gabikal Sessions ?.Safur .Vy?Beiore ihe R?conler, and AU1. TweeJ arji t OaaOtOO The Aaaerwaa Art intern, fm. ^*vm*? Gay a aBrwatlf.?Mr L-iward S.ndfurJ,on the l art of JaOAts Gorc'on Benr.ett. EClt/ir of the \ew-Y'?rk He aid. r , e a u Otatvg tnis morning to tie ( our- to quash tne adrrtment atrunst him fb ind by the i. id J.'.v of toe Juiutry term of th a Court, on a i ' of the Man.gera of the a ji^ncaa An Ii. Tne ar?..cient of tee eounael was rtjl r to by Attorney Biua;. The de ? sion nf th? f otirt was reserved. Board or Assistant Aldbumbk? -fa r?t v.hM-1 bidav. Feb. 13. led*. / ;?*??./? J?,natn?n Trotur, Esq., PraudenL hi tha ' ant Aid Bio*ii. ran, "i^aal nBii a . v\oodwmd, Ring. Weira. Anderaon. B >u ?owan. Wright, Ba/ser, Rogers, VaJen'm*. Md entry. ? Rt*trt?-Of Cnaimruee on Wharves, ate to cm . ui t., M.iId a lul Natgi m tTahaaWB atfa Adooted bv the fa atttt , r.rte. v g Ajj|rmafier_The Pr-ai. a Br w . 1 ?- via at, o h,, ' ^cdward. ku.,, Wellr Anderson "El tea. MeGowan, Wright, Darter. I >g*ra, Valentine. MeCo?key-17. Ot earae. in 'aeorof ex>ito;n* ?'.er* Nos. to anl 31. N K. Adept**! by mm folio ?:ng tot? affirm* tree?Tee President, A*s start \\?. Brown, Tait, MabOatt.O'Bnrp. Breadeu. Won.i*?n. Rinr. W?lls, Ai. TM, H >. ? McUowan, Wright, Barker, Rog ers. Valentine, McConkey?17. Clf same, to concur to hii ansv.e behin J tba bulk hand on North K;vrr. r;et wren It b nd Gansevoart st Adopted by the tallowing rote : a/Zfrwariee?The Prendent. Ass'stant Aid. Brown, 1'ait, Mabba'.t, O'Brien, Breai en. Woodward, Rang. Wella. Ander? son. Bouton. M. Cowan. Wright, iWker, Rogers, Valentine. MeCookof?47. Of fame, to concur m resolution to ei'ivate Co entiet-inp. ACopted bv the following vote Afir m after?The Prrti 'tnt. Assistant Aid Brown, Tait, MaObatt, O'Bnen. Breaker, W Howard, Rung, Welle, Anderson. Bouton. McGowan, WnghL Barker. Rotera. Valentixe, MeConkev- 17 Of Countel t? the Corporauon. on resolution as to draft of lawi prepared by htm and su'uait'ed to Legislature during its present sea-ion Laid on the table to be printed Of Committee on Finance, to concur to pay Mat? thew Murrxy interest on contract. Adopted by the following rote: Afirmatur?The President, Assis? tant Aid. TaiL Mabhilt, O'Br.en. Broaden, Valen? tine, Ring,We)ls,BoiitoB,McGowan, McCoaker?II. .Vrgefive?Brown, Woodward, Anderson, VTriti'it, Barker, Rogers? 6. Of same, relatlre to leasing premises in William st to Edward Shea. Adopted. Of same, to concur to pay Arthur Ryder for ring? ing City Hall Bell Adopted by the following vote Afirmmtve? The President, Assistant Aid. Brown, Tait, Mabbatt, O'Brien, Breadeu. Windward. Ring. Wei's, Anderson. Bouton. McGowan, Wright, Bar? ker, Rogers. Vaientme. McConkey?17. Of Committee on Sewers, in fivorof recelvinc Basins and Culverts at S E. corner of 8?n-av. and IMh-St Adopted by the following vote Affirmnlv t? The President, Assistant Aid. Brown, Tait. MaM>att, O'Brien, Brenden, Woodward. Ring. Wells, an let son, Bonton, McOowan, Wnght, Barker, Rogers, Valentine, McConkey-17 Of same, in favor of referring annexed report from the Committee cn Assessments, Board of Aldermen, in favor oi remitting assessment against R Patteson for sewer in 37ib-st, to Committee on A?ee?tmcnts Adopted. Ol aame, in favor of sewer in 33th-st , from Madi? son a v. to 119 le? t W. of t'.h av Adop'ed by the i?. President, assist? ant Aid. Brown, 1'att. Itabbatt, <>'3rten, Breaden, Woodward, Ring, WaUB, Anderson, Bouton, Mc? Oowan, Wrigat, liark^r, Rogers, Valentine. Mel on key?17. Of tame, to concur for a aewer ?n Wooster st. Adopted by the following vote .i.-.'ir?. r.v *-The President. Assistant Aid. Brown. 1'ait, Mabbatt, O'Brien, Bnacen, Woodward, Ru g. Wei's, Ander? son, Bonn a. Mi Oowan. Wngut, Harter, Rogers, Viilentine, M< Conaev?17. e From board i.f Ai?ermm?Resolution to Stay p#D ceedings as to opening 6-lth and BAth-eta., between i'h and Sth-avs., till reported upon by Committee. Cencnrred in. Resolution to procure Iron Safe for S'iperin'cn der.t of Repairs to public buildings. To Coinm t'.ee or Repairs und Supplies, t^ame to procure lron Safe for office of Survrin tendent of Streett. Same. Reports in favor of constructing a new Ho'p Car? riage fat Hose Company No. 1 ; m favor of or. a-. ulng Engine Company No. 19, to be located in iTrvsTle-tt. . in favor of organizing a new lloso Coa paiN to located in 5?h Ward in fa .-or of allowing 10 addiuonaj men to Eigtue Company No. 6 , in favor of organizing an Engine Company to be located to the vieinitv ot Mth-st. and Broadway in lavor of retmii? ing Hook ami Lanier Truck belong? ing to Ccnipd y No. 4 , in favor of purchasing a lot and erecting a omiaing thereon for the use of Hose Con p.ibv No ill. m i.nor of purchasing house and lot No. ggf, ISfa-et, for use of the Fire Department. Concurred id by Ike 'olio a ing vote : A,ftrnntt>t? The Prem cut, Arsittioat Aid Brown. Tata. Mab bail, O'Brien, Bieaiien, Woodwarl. King, Welle, Anceison. Bonton MeGowan. Wright, Barker, Revers, Valentine. Met onkey?17 Report in -atorof expelling E Lai D. Henry from the Fire Departmt r.t and aiso to -u?pend the mem I eis ?I Eb|?? Company No 3 for t'uae months, lor iiisenlei . . ?. 11? t. To Committee on Fire De? partment , Report In favorof remitting personal tax of John J. Hott .. To Committed oA Finance. Report In favor of taking certain property as to which a fiit is pending in Court of Appeals, out of ti e tale for assessment. To tame. Hepoit in favorof paying John MoDormottamount ot hia contra-t fur flagging, Ac. To Committee on Streets. Resolution nl'owing 20 additional man to Engine Con.piny No '.'I Concurred in. K.nluiioii that the Counsel to the Corptratioa present a remonstrance against the p issage of a law now before the I.eetela'.ure in relation to the Fire laws. Coj.ttmed tat, Rrso/utseae?By lasistaat All. Rlee That the Ci mmiraioBar of Repairi ir,tl oupp ie< report to this Board the pr?. to ...i v atrd probable cost of groov? ing the Russ paiemeiii fiom Moriu to Ch moer it. Adopted By AxaiaOantAld Breaden That the Committee on Don.;.:, is lequiie into the expediency of re porttng an <?? > tnee providing tuat in all casn wi'tre pOHnonaM are preveatad from attending to treir doxy ta oonaeqaeaee of tiekLess, they be per militd to ICOaiva their pay. To Committee on Or nauces By AtMstai.t aid. lleu'on Th- ?. the Pier foot of BrtBsgtOO at11 B. R , be aatOBdeO on a line of said street 360 fee: Into the East River. To Committee cn Whanev A-.-. By ssgatttoat Aid. \nit*!r"on. Then 35th-st. be j paved from Broadwa) toriic-av. ToCeaaaatatooOai I Streets. By As istnnt Md Boutin: Tint suitable water elorets be put in the Hail of Records, to be won MOteel von ti e ?e ver in i hatri iin-rt Adopter!. By Aimuii Aid. Wrubt: That tba suti of + .'. ? be ni nri pnated to lit nn the now Engine House No. 17 To Coinn, '?-.-oii Fire Dep .r'ment. By Aratatsnt Aid Une'it: Phet the Commis? sioner of Lamps and Oaa pay herea'ier all bills used in lighting Flioatao't Hall, em their being certified aO'Oaorent by the Chief Baginoerof the Fire f?- ? .-' ment. Adr.|>ted by the following vote : Ajjirmahnt ? 1'hc Pronleent, Aesit'.ant Aid. Brown. Tait, Mab O'll-in;. Urea en, Woodward, Ring. Welle, Anderron, Bouti n, Ml '?'< iwan, Wngut, Baiker, R.> gers, Valent ne, McConkey?17. By same Tnat the sidewalk on E. side of Man? gin St., between ?e'an.-y anl Kivingtmi-sts., be gradoo and nagged tour feet wide. To Committee on Streets. By Assistart Aid. Boston That tin owners of property at h ot of 4tti ?t, East River, be directed to e xtenrt a P er at ti e foot of said f.reet to the exte? rior line of l'onipkms st., the ?ame width at the old Pier. Invitation to attend Thirteenth Annual Ball of ICth Ward Committee on I Ith tust, at Tanminy Hall. Accepted. Rcpcrtct Comiuit'ee on A'reti-inenu, in faror of eosiiltwilg the following assessment lista, and ap pointing Abner Sarmrd OoliecAot therefor, via : For seweis in breoine tt. from CrotDy st. to the E side of Elm-st . in Avenue D. from the sewer in b'h-st. to the K.'.eitt eti n of ICth-st . in Del tncy-s'.., frora rTmoi it to Hie Bowery, in Urand-st. from the Bowery to and through Chryst!e-s'. to Waiker-sl, with a lateral brnio-.n in Hester at . for laying cross? walk in Green ti ioat-aL, opooaHo N'os. m and 235 , fer paving M h it between **. . and Sih avi | for fetxuwe veaast m-? otucrn Sruadwiy, Oth-av . S5:h i.nd MUhata . for re fl a/ging tide walk in ISttt St., between 3d ar and Imng-piar.e. for laying cross? walks on E tide 6th av , acrot* lO.h, Uth, 12 n anl Itth-Sta. Adop'r I by the following vote: Ajir-ni in r?The Proa Went, Assistant Aid. Brown. Tait, I . ?tt,0*Bilen, Brenden,WoodwavrdL Ring, Wells, AnCerson, Botrton, McGowan. Wright, Barker, Ro gers, Tnlentine, M'tCoi.key?i". The Board then a journei to Monday afternoon, at 5 o'c'o, ? -Fmn. the miDureg EbwaBD .SaKKoBD, Cierk. URnoKLYN ITKMS. Nkw School Hopse.?The memliers of St. James Church (Catkolie) have just completed a new Schoo ho-ise In Jay-st., betaeen Cm'ord and Til'arv. aajolatflag th? Church It is of bn>k, two stories high end 40 feet front by 70 feet deep. The ceilhig of ti<e first floor :s 14 feet high, the second 16 feet. Particular attention has been ptid to li?bt and ventilation. It it detigned f ,r the males of the con? gregation exclusively, ard is expe.-ted to be ready tor occupation in April. Tneco?tof bulging, iu eluding {.lot of ground, is Is i gft FftOM Pokt ah rBIWflB Wt have ad? vices from Port au Prince to Jan. 21, by the brig Hayti, ( apt. CLeetcman. Vothknf of importance has traasp rrd since last date-. Eteryihing ^uiet. Coffee is scane, at good prices The near crop eoBnoi ba but slowly. _ Opbraiiohs or thk Liqioh Law in ?a Kennebunk correspoaieut gires the fal lowieg scconit oi the workicj s of toe liquor lav m that town In Kernebnnkport. Uth, oa board ta hooner Nile, frrm Bottt n.two barren of rum and two kegs of fraitly were te.ued, the p;opert. of persons un? known. AJao 1'th.a manin a "pur-g," Biasing from Portsmcn'h tow ard Saeo. was afeuaeg while on the road, and thr-weg eon.e was boimd hanl ?i,d foot ai d bright to trial. Two barrels of nun in his purg wer?- declared forfe,it*d, and hintelf committed to >i? ir. Alfred in default of not paying the Ine. The mm waa destroyed ou the lotn mat. r? Mr. Chan. Black of >ew.Orleaijs, has recovered damages in the turn of t lu,O0o against the carrolton Railroad Company f r ,nj arias received by bit son, a Ud of thirteen, in OOAmaajBmmm of tko cara mr nitg off the Uack in January, ld51. It in feaied the lad is crippled .' ? ?Is COMPTROLLER'S ANNUAL BEP08I <>j th- MMTBftVEB r.nd BXPENDl T( &g* o/tfce ClTI or Ni w-York, f> lAe par Ujj . Including an Ace ? ./ iAe Kectip'i haJ /,eean? m*?r* c/lAe Coinr,;???i?n?v? o/fA* -Vusiiv g?j <.Voi ? tht ton,* j.< rise! UN common council. Mokdav, Feb. Iw.fcfci ( he Annual Report of the t'oniiaV. of the Receipts end 1 ipet-ditures of the yearstajA*-' December 31, 1^51, ?,?? reel to l, leid on Iky] gE and ordered to be printed, under ta? ?jiirwetio??fm. Coiitroller. d T. Valbs n?, i ? I ?/ rAe i'wom i -naj, ANN! VI, REPORT. Fmanci Depaitmixt. ?ei CosTioiLsa's Omen, ? tTTorNa? V i? J MonoAr,Fob. 1M64*7| To t o Honorobit, tht ''ur/,?n'/n tonne tJ GlXTLlMnlf : [a avoidance wi ia tu Charter ol the Citj ?f St *-\ork. nnd the o.o| organizing the Mumct, ..I Departments of is I herewith subm.t ike Annual OUteaaaetni t?7] eeipts and Bapoi to Corporation (?L i ity for the year en lu g I>. -ember, 31, Ihjl.aaAi condition of tu at ine elcie of said year. It may not De im. m.w hi re to ttate. thtt | are at present two pm ctpal fand? or opened in this Department *itn the Ckjunb. the City, viz: ?* Trcauuo" and "Sinkia,; The account known u* '? It.te est on F.m hae been i Io.m d. in e ?? ec joeaoe of the reds of the Fire Loan Stock, anl the balance ret in aaid fund pant into ti a Staking Fund. The Treasury', in lu :> ?? a! ma ? paid into the Treason, *i arawa oat on ? ?eft&r < 11 troller, whether r i:.?. <i by tax o'ta n a iteaas, or collected as ascs^ meats,a:.. , ?? t '. *<l)r? Tee Sinking Fund wate? a. . . -tdastr the reib I the City P "dee, and ti under Ihe roi n I <>t in? M eater, Controller, < i .? ., the i ?ir < : theft' nance Commuter of the j of Chairman of tKe Finsr.ce Committee of of toMitaat Anformen, who constitute" rne< miiMoreia o! ihr Bin A Ina Fund of the City ol Ufa York." All morrvs de,, ? t * ;h the Cha aH r.aka i account oi r in eftflU " Tee ( ore mission tie <?t inc sinking Fun booka of Ihe bei.a. htoeeya are drawn fund by warrant! or ekae ki on iho Cash Bank, aigned by at leant lour of the ssH aionert. The Sinking Fund ie dm'ed, on the b> Departmcut. in;o t>. eoceuBta, via: "t Fund for the lie t. on ot me City Debt,' Sir.ktrg Fund for the payment of interest ei use City | All moneyi rece.ved from the fo.lowing are, by law, ?pp ?. i >'.tie Uu kli :; K If et Ike' Redemption ol the City Dent, vn i lot Ihl tation of quit rent* on grants, the rents at, water gum-, hem, e issued , trto uet of all ialei ol reale.? ata belonging to ?&<? OarjMra fieri, when aoM -eedi of all I ?.ds mi mortgages payable to ihe Corporation. * tea eol leotcoj tor Isortaee i pawnoiokets and 'atari la the purch.ite or ?a ? ? " > ? aa, saat als or clothes fork ? ? y o BPh Ifen . d street a..ulte. fcr erelurire n, cu.vttton of pn ' vkartes, boakai ai o paari. toi markai free and ma i? treats the proceed of all b. nua and mortgages hare or ehall becon .Mhr i ropi rty of the i oipl in pursuance of th. urdinanco creating ' the Loan Steck of the C:t? of New York II im luded inthees*a' lehn < nt called the Alo.t-l at Belleti:e, togethl r with tae iotnof lanu . ..' rights attach) i thereto, w hen sold. The rnoness thus rCiOiTed are appUe ' ? the re? den ption ol the stoca ot tne ? uy, Iron, t ?, to tnae, as u becomet dec. All balances and accu ..ataUoos notrequi.edfor i, c . r..v, ; ?rpoae.arem.< s ednoAtr Ike direction i uisionera, and the interest mm all taeeataaoota ta ? e aa the fund Tins fand, itis believed, wilt m loti d fully adcipiata aankka reJecnpuon of all stocks payable thereirom Mtkay rr.di.te, tlo> ? ' > . ??? ity from the t ? easily of se to tsxatiort i ;'io redemntion e' aayfoi ttOB Of said stocks. All moucys re t ive I from tha following ibarcet, arebylawappi to the Bmking ?'?odfor the payment of Intereal on the ("tty Drbt," rhl! far interest on all bones and mortgagee owa^! by the ( tr,orat.. n. for Nayorality fees; for ni e,, andbm altits. for fees hi i,n - < o ie ted by the ' larks of Courts, (or the Cor] ?ratioa; for tavern a il exttse Ucenaeaj fbrialeiot li proocity of the l oiaoratwa. other than real ti.ate . for Croton water rents, and all (<ther rents. The moneys thui received are npplied fortae pay? ment of tne interest on the stocks of the City. The deficit, if an>, is nip,ili?d by taxa ioa There conta to this fund sie . i L,I, .hy ii,ciea?ti g, aartieu lariy those derived from Crotoa water rents, and will j be found sufn- lent to pn tne whole Hmouut *f later--j est on the debt of ihi ? "ity. < ity debt KIDKKMAUI.K from T1IK > V?I|?w Fl'Nl>. The total debt from sutcks Issued, and rea>BOau ble Iroui the Sinking Fuul, amounted, JaiUaaVT 1, IMS, to tlO> ?b? Tue i-seets held In th- oaBBUs sioners, to be spp;ied toward us redemption, tnelnd ing cash in bank, amounted, to Januar, 1, MM, 14 059.00901 |, wi,e ine net debt, Jana oyl, MM, $in?il0,h3? 39. There have been issued, during the y?tt eojkkr Deeeu,ber31 lbj|, % noo,< iot. u Water ?ioafaet le?(i, and go vi.s Co.- Indemnity Sto-k. p.yaafcm I" There have been re ? eroed during the la i.oport Od, |jfP,(i( (i Fire Lean B OCk The debt re lretaai-l? from the Banking Pond lias oeen diminished,) the >i ar 1101, 4.-i sinking Fl NO FOR tha RKDKJIPTIO.N Of jflif < ;t\ oi bt. The reooipts to this fund including ?h ? ha'anea la bank, January 1, IbOl, I tic tear endtn-' I'amm ber 31 IBM,BJBksuated to g9tA,ttlOL Tea intast meiits anil paynieei- uuring tne same pennd,aoamat ed to |?J50,C07 45, let poah oaiauce m kaaA, January 1, Iho'j, of *:5 37H 10. Thett tal Inrestmeui uftha Sinning Fund in the stockt nt i bonds of the City, amounted lo, Isnnary 1, J8W, |J.?l,Me ? Bondo and Mortga i ,. n i otner assets a-j ia3 \i LalOSi e in tank._ li.lMJ* Total . ica held hi C .mintstloner*, Januars 1, '1 Tne WkarVOO. and (i-rs and the ren ? ..a!a,?^ loi gingto the Corporation, estimated at .?. .;h,(?i elusive of tha Crolon Aipieductan I ilese . r.ia>we th..n $19,1 (on (i an ? i fg' o for Ho ? 'I0tiun of the City Debt thu? placing the cred.;. ' tboCity t ..\oi.d the reach o n, ai I far ?| Ik* most unioin , :or knoradeoi^.i n of it* slot kt> and loaL? a* Ho y ot come due. SINKING IT Nil FOB T II K PAYMENT ol" I.TBOlBlT ON OfTf DEBT. Tfce receipts to this fanal, iiom the rev enues appro, iian<; to it. foriheyesr eliding Deoeinbcr 11,1831. am?iun:td to.*"3,?2 Balance mh... . i tVf - Total. Tsio it i ii i ii-t < i y s eeks. Balance, /an. 1,1 SM. V l'J*' It is a gratifying fa i tha tne Sir king Fis-dfM?ka psymei tof Int. * ? > ? th" < ity D. ot tes miB*1*" the aaaoeiataoeee ary for that purpoie, for theBV lr-Ol, Wiicour lb-- Ii b er of ? dollar Iran: 'baSsailS r.astd by taxation t > that account, ri KD? nuBT aaoi i.m tbi.k rnoar t? .\ tTW*' ThMdebtammii.ti toJsn I, r-io.??? criuiitseji the follow i : ?to ks, viz * ?> ' '?>?*] lpg Lmn Btook No a e.-eated for tha weeBBQ" A .nut ll..i;.e Baikal ga, and the eoi ti ?? ?" ir i lent lo j.? - ii res,n'-sipi i 'zJE/ nb.e in annual in?l.!lu eirle ' *ZVV, in tie tax of each of ia* foilo^iag 10W m lt40. be th itcl.iilio. 015 Ukl Wswl.i... o,n?|Btlt Iren Rai n g ^io? k cp . ed for tue c >.. i< .OsMa?; an iron railing arouLd i* : sipiare, and is .' ?yoMaj' annual install i ?? ?:- ik to ? rm'* ike. tax af e*ch o Wo- w im and I-/. IM*i" Publ'c Bull- mg Stoejt No 3 ere .ted f ,t ai d repairs of puolie ouHmgs for the r?BS to be levied in tne tas ol eao* of U" ' "S"! tears. ItOT, IBM H ' ( ity iive per < r nt ? o a, .or Docks a Ken ted for the erei l.n . . m .rsof in'. . "t: is alao payable i , -.. i. ' le i vie.; nt the i?x i i - ion of the f >? ??>'?'? 1 1667 to 1672, both ILeiiMise. BaBkO Ii order to me, . . e of ' a- i.ualtax bili the ? in-use of those t"- '* f*!^. impeovementa that an of a permane?'1-1f?* ta < o porstr n. ov an" erttf of the aVaSeJI turd the aocve sUam,, i- .nable u anauail ni*1-?. .,k^ii ? By adoj^tng this ,t urse. tbe coraerr?'-' : are ena'led to pn vi o tnose oaa??M' Improve ii. i . <? g o^0'.*1! to the contnueti . -., -uy <*" ?A* */U overt urdeoir.g ire tas ptfOl* INTEBTST CN P?l I.OXN TO THt rt.ini Of T? l OSlMISi I0N?I< ' r TBC ?IStKl?? ? ? ?*> rf This ixxLC was nc .'.-1 for tho wee j ^ge? trntiding for tLo f.a.u.ett ot tne n- ^med ine Loan 8t;ca. '? a-.v< tha via*w j|#aO" by the t>>maaia*ioners < f tr i > * ' fmpt re. ccuLt w as clos ? J, J.. i 51,1 eil. ana ? ? Tp^mt in ss?'' luni, v.x. tu f . jmmof fi ne.i to tbe &h,'um; I lOA lor me n - U the City Debt. water west. The amount of this debt, from '^cUi.l. c -?99? *? I ntned.amcjnudt . Jsn. L.MBE...^1 i/^T at Advar co from Treasu?y, Jan. I, loos.._ ,. ? Totzlamc I IYsht ?'?*?,, f ?*M f*! i. I" -- .r 1L^'\ There remains of tht asDotint of at? " _ j a taiatjce of $4W,?ci/, to I?; issued woer n-.jpw? WAT KB ?'UNO ACCO?NT. The expenditure? no th'f a< count forth" m irg December 31. 1 1 ' -"?<? 'ne , ^71 f.1 ;y Januar. 1. If Jl, amounted t- I Th'rehareu-- uoring the year i '?a-^