Newspaper Page Text
.CS M ?e? ihm crotoa tfoor tte?? th? reooiptt rar Sri .unedu.$3vrl rr?Wte?4tW?U "?? S cm U r?.-?'iry. onTin-i A K ? iSS? - a. i o, 1**?^ IZfr', ott Soaa nn>lf U ? jr>. 4r"n' ? ItWtoM of wie? f'f unpaid a-se>??nienvi *TN ??i?a-?r.... 0*?. ?Ol tbe v-ar Ittl ??i i'tti rV.enditu.- ill ; ' ,nl" of ?l?j,?' ,3. ' Y- ,"t ho<ro?(? lu ? ration of the tax v neiatesof mure-, "f tne same, *iid tieTu.. r.?of Revenu* m.:? - -i 1-51, outAttn/ung Jar.. 1 "as $?>69.3to ? ITY oovkunmvnt kCf 0'' nts. Vl o #*uoivciture? on the v.,i MM accounts of. the rth eminent. :nc:u< ad la ihh schedule, ?essthe im. v . of receipt?. are I ? ?> *>y taxation. The aetexstoditareforthe MMor of the City Govern mem. fcr tbe yearendiraj Dt 31, IbJI, ainonnted to A'j BBJ 88. . . Tbel-lowiag sta'tr-en' exhibits the increase ani dene \tr of tbe net exp?n litnes, as compared wita l'S'-, on *aeh account, vix: fj _ if lrHI"Tf- Inrrtott. D?r'*? hist H ?.I 1 *8' " A<i?e.l> ? c natrurt on *x ??..? ?u .? js ?... 1.? t.n i>e A?'irU?< ? lepaira. Ml: *? Boa-rf ? / Mralih ei.-eudeu in ISM 4,t0> OS a,*;|. ? i.i.en FuUil. i... r. * (4 .? lb *. M C..r->m<" ? fee*. S,'?>* 0' (liHiif.' IJekiN'l?:n?. tili 00 Con'rie.M espantra I <.:? ??./. Cur.f'l ? ?.5 bVAH ?] fstv toteetar't Dri^tosoit. ?.?lau C*oi.'> < -tmeaacite. ii ftI ?2 Clea ?>?< s< recta. UiM 6? K .-?: M?g lieu* t a Deihn?eicts. ,.}!'" FjTt t'*eartmeui. ?,IW Tl lettre' o? Revenue Bm.da.- ?.Ts7 II t ,,v,^eoaV.::'--".::::::::::.- ??*? La mi. ?. rlaeant.. ? >' L?u.-? ; '?????? <??? ? ' , . , - )??? ;tcn . 1>,'', " i ?. ?? related for Ahesam'tf, ..... I?, i,.? 'ia. a*7 at At?)or?!t, Foet. " " OASoariJ*'*-.----- 7,111? *mfg*"'> Htspiial.expeaCtd .a cJ t?Se! v;r.v."r.?:".*.*""." ^ a ?? sSTak.. . 'j.7W 30 P^VtV.V;.. J?.??n Seal Ev .la ? , t. U.453 It B?att. Wl to C?h ? 1 ?enott. ?ata 2 Ktl.*l<< a?-d SapeJi??. 1 fi't'.i r-u. i ''VI II fltutt E?j.euset. !?0t0h, Sewers i?:>tnia- lad cltttiDf, ex e*Mol ftc?ip:s erei . '.213 Sklai.??. 20 481 78 S:il-? ' I l ert- n?? Yi ij ?r jr, . than ISA?. ? *.la7 l? Statut r?1 Tablet C??t0i An rj.?i ntparltnent. - ?i*A* * Donee'er*! aoeuasrts ue*-it!?d, .moo.treeeired 1841._1? hi $191 Iii M %jjMi 29 Iiwest? Clf Ooteruu.ett.|?A TtalTi The following nmou^tn were paid from proceeds of MOi !? '? i:sued during lb?l, auvlmnzed for that pur t>o<"ai. and Slips, new work.w.104,484 50 - repairs. 7I,9W 4J Bu'liH ? I at Fort GaatevAl rt. 70.392 20 and repairs. Ai-n? il > iae. 3u,lHiO 09 l.Tte. ttoa of New City H ?.l. 57.5t(i on Walei pipes.17(1,850 81 common schools. The total expenditures for ed national purposes, h> tbe II ?ar? <d Bdwcati in, foi 'be year ending De? cember 31,1831, amo-i! ted to $411 51'J $4. * ?1 ti e abore am>'intof expttndlttllta, $31,231 87 aeiafnrtbe parraaaaof sites and the axaattoi of school bouses, $21.411 I" '?>' - I ?plytag and tilting tjpsrh'ols, ^$70,070 ~.t i ? the supportaf schools, ?nd$?r' ltui0fordcl..-irn , >? P i > i-School Society. The ??'uount annual!} required uirCointnoa School purpi las in the City el New-York, (oral no incon sideia ue part of the tax The ;.mount to be rvsed and expended for the a'ore>*i<l purposes, is not, however, to be deter i,. . the Board of Baparrisora, but oy the U >ard of 1 ?'?. tion. Tha iunoani ? ? determinod by the said Uo.rd ?f Educatio-. for Use ir 1811 hi $501,452 57, to ha raised for State fand, $18a,a41 is?total aaraaal la be included in tax levy of 18M,for school parpn/ee. $flN7,286 if. The ed neat Ion of the children of all cl.itsct of our ?itiseiis is intimately connecte a it't tho potaaataoa ey of o' r free lristitu'i.'i'?, and Is thoraforaaa ooject of gteai public as wall as rei onal i iportanoo. Nr? York may point with conadeocoto her free phaHct I'oohi for pro <t oi ioi appreciation of the asaalts of universal ?ouc it on. (lit, however, woithy of tha considaratioBof tha Baud of Fducation, what! sot danger ol laeressi.'.e the expei.di; ,.e t > be raioed by taxation forihiM nuipose, to b>ien mu amoitnt as to produce a ruction in the public mm en avorable to tne la tattM- . ' ih>a iiupoitaat aa alms ?symOi By T.<* provisions of ibti la* of Ibis State, the. AIM House Depart;i.tut ot tin City and Cjunty of Bsw York, are under t ie r\ !usivc control and raaaateii.ebt of a 11? .ir.| <.( .; - . |.; ?f tsspeiai r.s, who are ele ttd by the people to serve t Urn, ot five years. i The Board of Governors determine tho amount to beratsol annually for ?!??? SUi>|K>rt "' the said de ptrtttivnt, and the Supartlsers -i'e by law raqu'rod j terti?r end collect by t .x the amount so determined by tht said Cuvernors. ?ip?in..iMires. eaclusive of salaries aud dtibuit-t-iiients to aat-dCs r as or, for the tear 1851.$122 081 40 rot ?s tries. 74.HJO 57 l or 0 i loai Poor. 40,001 00 For Kmittintendent of VVork-hoate_ 3.15D 00 Total I tpenditures bv tho i.overuars rot IB5I.'..$410,12.' 07 Toiil 1 ipniditures by tno C >reruors fi,t IBM. 401 188 07 Increase.~$To\234~ 1)0 i-oko.nair's fkks The pre?eat Report ssnhraoi s the fees accruing fron? Oct bar 1st, 1>:0 to Juno 10. 185*2. h'xprnvtitures (rum OoAobai 1 to Decem? ber M.iSJO. $2.338 19 binet urts from Janu .ry 1 tu June 30, lkM. . _5???_L? Teti! tor nine month?, eu .nig June *\ m. $8,350 37 The extent of the l tae number of inquetta held an. Ually, seem to call for h otvision of the City u* two or more districts aiiTa c?rocer for each, ?>yate beitot acccmp?sbmcut of the purposes con Uwnlat'dby theorlice. fOSTiM iNr KxptNSKs or common COONCIk lAa exjienditutes on tins asaoaat. for Mil. amount to. $21.421 07 ?tyaaiuaies of lex. ig,4M 81 lBC'e?ae. "%%,%M S T^uMBMas Ulnconsrqieuce of the Cotntnoa 22. "IM re,,.i,r?ii, r>y iu ,m ndmcnt of the S Url ? taaT' P*'!* f 1' U^UUtur" ?? lasdli V.L '1 ''to bold the r aesaiona monthly, ic? V members are mu led t > a oer diem al jwaise, for eight daya per sets on. Instead of notd ag SAitially three stated setalons, not exceeding ?wlaypijth each, as was the < . m ia 18 10. <1B total expaaatiure4 lor Cleaning ?tets for thexa?rlh5l,a.a.)ii,tedto..$17u,i>Jl 73 ?Atfip i liunng the tame p-rtol. II 0 11 N Jttltl M'ttu-es for . .?, - 'ttttj i oiturea lor ^.-c. Ii6 08 aaen ise. ?1,454 OS v'Ol'NTY l ONTlM.KNClhlS. ?TB total amount of expenditures on this a-ount wraaxear l?5!. ?. ?? ' ' 51II18$ 04, which is ntaartase of $11 8 ? i ' I "tin thereto; ?aa ^, ITY IKirKCTOX'l DBrABTaTBtYT. ?"??ei ?rdmiresof ahM I Of rtiafnt.for A*r*' !s5t. amounted to.$^? 018 73 *h)aV. ares at 1830. I0,ota3 10 Vr. ase.$26.018 73 Tha . .jeate antes from lite large aiuomi'.s re CBr the removal ofoffil. dead ar.imals.Ac, from ? 6?!, the removal of which was necessary tor j2$**>'^atioB aud (.rot. ? o| Uta haahth ot the ****?>? ta and ti?r. rs t't--t ??? 'l>rn? were paid "?tte i moral of offal and dead anlmais, ulono, the '???f|25ei3P-. _aat|v\ie areaWtder obligatloas U tho held of ?* ^A-taient for hie energy in reinoviug and j**** thoie nms : "es that i..o e bceu found to be ?"??c^eof health. K1SK UKI'AKTMKNT. ^airendHores on account of this department fos Alvarllll, wero.881,094 80 Pt?. 1 881 78 ?OtllBtUdlturo for 1831.$SW 11302 do for si Jo. 44_,9tv.?_?g g. IlOMase.8^3 143 74 ??? # ***** amount <>? et eedltures, 818,75878 ^z? -J b?il towers; 811.^49 21 for carpenters' t2*-*ls*'26 for entmes 89 2:2 73 for hose 2v??>lo4 ?3 for miwa *ork, and $3,813 24 for AW?? ws and houses lor tbo accommodation of TJ?*Utaaeat. j^jjwvelaaaof our feI!ow ei?izcr.a is deeply inter Bs an* *^*_whtcieBt orgaaizatioa and atjuipaient of aaj Lr*j2$?rtmeiit, as uiKm it the puoln depai 1 AsltJJJWj'1 ot tbeir livcsaj-.J property from des ^, L.tMI's AM) 8 10, Nt/iJ/','*' i'Jpenditures on this accoant. ' i Ba^ri; w??e.|lb3c? 21 ^?^UmesK,! IMi. 18U j II fBlT,?,^. 8?* 80 ?C*?fva amount of expenditures, 875,683 07 tx^y f*aefor pubi.e latoi .and lor Uiun g t.ud ? ?Arkw *la" ?i>,"w- 83.6J3 99 for lighting pub WlfcaatllL8*".4'33 ?1 for oil for public laQOt. and parlay Wd 7 ,b ?(l<yr7 e? ^ In va/tOWl I .< i:' rijiCDJrs, "t'Clidtng the Bal'ir) ?4 lb* Sup^rl?teHCEt ? M \R ks1tb. "? be value of C e M ,rket pf ?{ er?y belonging to tbe i i'v. > aOldlflg to en esuotate Bade in 1890,1? Ij.ieocoo Ther?c4>i|<*l ' r 'he tear 1851, from ill sources, BsaOBBtll li 881 104 0*, vrhieri. oftOf < educing the ?xpenditxtrts for repair! sal ,tie?. tie Id eu in . e to t'e ((.1 itMfel fire en ' a half percent on ike lud rtdoeJwB . ? l'ublic U'a'lt? ?> tincr tbe control n' ihe corp3ra.e t.tiThoiitiee t:..?ga t^.ey (iela ?* m dr-iatc revenue on ?.r.i 'i tnMntton, cuu.d not well b* disp-;.s-d with. POLICE. The amount poJd on aetwAAal of Police, forth ?cur 1881, union, tea to 0530 907 87 ; receipts for ths inroe period, t'-'3? TS . leAVtBg a Ltt expenditure o $5*0 671 tO. The ex|>et se of tii'taining thin Department, as i o.v oiganueri. will bo iheerfuliy birne by our citi vci s, in consideration oi l'.s efficiency in protecting Iheirlireiand progeny. . r% t_ . 1 have Ohlaioiil ftoin the f 'lerk of the City nr.1 < < unty of New-York, ? >ist of the fOA felted iweog i?apcei lied in his office, for Cie years I950 and I8&1. The agg eg te amount of t'.e.e recognizance* ?otfei ed.of which not one dollar n*# as yet been r. ?iected, la $53 850 Inasmuch aat^e City has to r>av ennually a large ?rnoui t fcr tl.e o.amterlejM e of a Police establiah icaut sr.d ? rliii'nal Courts, docs it not become the croper authorities to collect, a? au'norized by law, tre fcrfeited if .??nizances e-f thote, who, by tn??'r e'aoit to appear lor t'ial. furnn-h streng presump 'uriof thin tuiit. if the rsiejoeaisaaeea the*for loiseO" ateoot pro re en tod and ciiectei, will it not defeat the ends ol justice, and permit rogues, after ' Im y have been apprehended, twt-.cape cetng brought to 'rial' pocks and slips. The weal ?et be orying t > the City, exclusive of these eccupieo by the Corptwatsosi and those used lot Teiiy purports are estimated as worth 82,9'J8,0oo. The revtnt er. '.ir tne same, for the vear 1851, ? ounted to f '.!7.7(fJ 41. a number oi piets have been built by order of the < ? miiioa i 1.1 e l, in the unptr aatt of the City, at k ich as yet yield bat a small revenue. They are, however, necessary for the accommodation of the and those engaged bo erecting buildings, making viler improvements il tha vicinity of seid pii-r? Tic receipt? Crom this class of piers will iccei? ri v increase with the qrowth ol tne i i'y, an.1 the inOTeaae of hatstness emsequent laaieoh, 'tis a Bauer of great Importance to a olty like New-Yoik to arovido ae.ominn etiona for shipping ?( i mensnit.te ?Uh the wain's. of the commercial OOaamtudty. Unk?l i.dequa.e aOOOmtttOdattOlll ol ? lohaieotei an provided lor our constantly -n i r< kilns ccn t i reo, tho grow th and hyosperityofthe Ci y will be materially retarCeC.and trade will be di ?e' tee to other ruts. a naaneer ol piers have been extended and lav proved ardr/.L/t? errced during the year 1851, vrhteh \?<ii proportionately in er esse the revenues froui 0o> hi hBd slips for the year 1852. fkkrv i'hupkrtv. The praaert] owned ky tha Corporation, u^ed for ft11) puipo.t<. it valued, according to an estimate made in IIS I #911.000. The revenue derived from the rame for the year 181 1 tunt.tin'-ed to $53,27(1; which, after deductn.gex i elites, leaves a net icvenue oi 5 pt r cent. <>u ratfJa tin tax i.evy op 1888. i fie estiiniite of tfie a'ooitnt necessary to be taised by tax for 1852. ?s auopted by the Common Council and appro\eo by the .Mayor, and for which applica? nt n bah been made to the legislators for autnority to exy. is as follows: Tie City Government account, exclu? sive of Police and Larnos and$l,o.*6,f-.'?0 Oil J'oiice.1. 510,11(10 00 1.: ar.O Gn*. 200 000 00 ft lal for < 'its and County expenditures, tubject to the control of the city au therttios.$2,43f?.f?50 fj Brought lorwa/d. $2,136 Ci fnata'lmeni Uuil ing Loan Stock. No 2.$50,000 00 ii >tal;roent Wt i-t ington-sq. Ironllailirg Block. 5,000 0d l*. inmon Scnoois, City pur peees.464,831 04 Ci DtUOB Schot la, for State... 185 041 48 I Common Schools, deficiency of 1851. 30,814 N I 1" ficienty ot Inteiesl on City i Debt. 50,( 00 00 Deficiency of*Tax of 18M.... 18..-33 47 .Slat- Mill 'I t.x ot 1851.170,000 00 081.120 05 I 1 otal for Cnv, ( ounly and State l ax of ie5).f.3,417,770 05 Tax ol 1651. 2.924,405 04 Increase of 1852 nver 1851. $191,274 11 The amount of the tax lew lor 1582 it will bo per ceired. will eaci ed that of 1851. Taw increase is a ui 1 conti quem e of the of tae City. The ; >? . tie Vjf the re d and personal ea tatrs win necessarily be inceased from the same sourca). A Uit'r airiiiunt that has improperly escaped taxation,'will a so be added to the tax lists by the Tux Coaunieslontrs. In view of these consilera lit.i s, c || believed the ol tax for 1352 will not oe mateiially increaatd, as cosnpared with 1851. The Cit] of New-York has attained a hich and < Oinmendine, pceittoa, not ou y o;i tnta continent, Out it ronghout tbe commereial and civilized world: and 1 I le Stocks commitnd abroad, as wrll aa at lion ?? a high pieiii'tim on their par value, for perma nenttaveatiacate. Jo-arn T. Tavtoa. Controller. EUROPE. Thin--, in Rente. 'lie Prone!) CoMM wfHtmt was iiaturally welcoahid lr RoeBO, axsd it was confidently as -i rttejtkad the Pope had xvnttea an autogiaph :< ttoi of coitfrataiation to th? Dttarper. Times chapcr*. and truly moil xviUi them. They yet live who enn remembox Napoleon aendii g Pius MI to FotitaiiiLIeau ; and lor what does Pius i I. the commander of the Faithful?Christ's Vicar upon earth?applaud Napoleon's nephew '. For a broken oath?tor wholesale massacres ft r Terroris'ii paralyzing a nation and disap? pointing the hope of the world. It Is uritiet.stood that M. do Montaleiiibert, tiie ardent Legitimist, will replace M. da Kayneval, thf present French Minister at the Court of Rome. Lord Palinerston's retirement delights the dominant party in the city. The Govern? ment has beaAB paying up its arrears to the Swiss Guards, and is negotiating to enlist 8,000 im n more. There are now only '.200 artillery? men and the quaint old body guard of the Pope remaining, oi all the Swiss tiuops m Rome. Naples is absorbing them, emphasising anew the remarkable lact that the only republican coun? try in Eta rope tumishes the most faithful sol? diers of Despotism. Of the Pope's recent offer oi a block of mar ble from the Temple of Peace in Rome, to the Washington Monument, xve cannot feel any great admiration. Personally, we doubt not, the holy Fatlie i is a mild, well-meaning and weak man, who may lairly be supposed to reeard with respect the chai acter of Washington. But there is no fitness ip his helping to build a monument to the Father of a people, whose principles,tnditi cal and rehgoim, are diametrically opposed to his own. It is a meaningless act. To the Pope?i1" ho be a logical Pope?Washington is a heretic and a traitor. Reside this, there i? a worse than Vandalism.or modern Kgyptianisn,, in destroying the grand old Roman remains. It is precisely as if the Americttiis ol a few centuries hence should send a stone from the Washington Monument? ii it be ruiucd then?to some other country, to aOeiat in taw treCtaOal of SOaaO other me-mina!. ti e Po-o ixoarry the marble, if lie Matal do sonn (hing, sn?d semi us a virgin block. Let Kim taaitate that predecessor who fotb.vie the POtlOB IB ploiiffl the materul of their palaces Iroin tbe (' li.m ii . , which was on the broad way to ulter destruction from that cause, and not the , ne who stri ped the bronze from the Pantheon lor the cai.opx of the high altar IB St. Pot0M< The stores ol the Temple ot Peace bo.lon? to . tl er associations, !'kc the friezes of the Parthe? non The F.lgni marbles pine in the Bn"*h Museum for the Acropolis and the flrvcwn s.\y Not even Napoleon could accustom the Venetian baWasreot St. Mark to Ins own metropolis. And how can any n an, impressed by the Past, and reveiencipg its majestic remains?invaluable sigi.s of v? iic und culture?ever contemplate, xsitiieut a nab, a block from the Temple of Peace I 001 into the Washingtoa Monument I The builders of tbe Banker-Hill Monument were ridiculed for accepting Fam.j Kllsler's contribu? tion. But thai is graceful and proper in the Com ' parison. Wpriiy tti.w Tvarrr* Tfith th? P-ti: fjt 0 ?' , i v.iobing to add hi* mite, although We won 1- r a, :?- but wf do quarrel with the mite itself. Front the pnva'c Icttej of a friend who has juet rrturned to Rome after three years' absence, we take the following graphic account of the nc lancboly city: "OidRcrne is a? solemn nrd seriou? 'he spirit of liberty smolders in trie he.vti, ? , he i ecple, a rurse liea in the >-ottom of their rup like ibe single strawberry tnat lar in tbe glaas of Alder i.ian Pal kner ot comma! memory But alt it earn i re tied, and even complaints are ma^e in a very un t erone, for French sertMea and tronpe cl'?$ 'he reels, and spies nbound who, for a ligitly apofcea '?-oid,Baffe? thCDiselvti as ('icironea t> a ptBSSn lore than thuty thousand Roman.-are am?ngtl?e it s nt?within e'one wall? or in exiie?-tad many < .' tt oee tb?t remain have permis?i m t? aratt in the . r.en air out of tneir houses only a few 1 our? in tie t ?y This is very sad t^ us who remei^er the. n p and glorification of lf>ir??the great bosea thai ?/? ed in the forehead of Italian liberty. Now the i j e cautious y drives about, rurroundel by gi ?r.:?, rmid a siler t and distrustful people Tne Ctr'i I is n *ke a poppet of him ar -1 fill no hie time with ? huirh niiaioofitai aa that what wink changing hia ' e*s ?i d li'Ut'ern g ol Par aaaisCSSM and M n -n M r..?n-*Ld bavins ctr.sets &*rung a* hi n and fes . iftSirg i-an ts. the'iwvor ohl man gets MttlBOtomm ,> tlits c 'or his pec ;.'--. I t-uly pity him. for svh it ,-eiiacle is sadder than a potentate tnapwtioo i'i which he night t the world, who froai nrr wetkners of purpose suffers the golden oppa? a *y lo slip ever through his fingers an I coastant t-etrnte tue hopes of the world and his own h ip '.css 1 believe him to be i.s tr.vwl at heart as a ' re-': te can be. hnt tuind m c'r .a??"?>' >i .1 ?? 1""y Ihoat orce of will. He is mucl change.; in ap i earaact ? im?n much oider and more care-worn, knd looks disappointed VVe remember when his (jsaiarce ou the Condom was a siRta! for sio Ita of arclsma'ion. ss he Crove down between ro-vs of 1 neelrng Romans?now " Eone so poor as do him ? i?lence.-' The same letter speaks of CnaWOOBn'l statue i Pnttieh Honry as admirable, and of tin- fine : mine of the Jefferson. The artist has mst ircfjipietcd n group of the Hahn in thf Wtu,l. ' Ich s?xtolleii ai his best iron. I r i i.v w, tl.? painter, is completin? his .IjV ? ? StpnJcJkrr, Our readers- wid remember in i ? NationalAcademy exhibition last spring an ? qoitite sketch of tbe angal in tUs picture. 1 i at ia copying hia JmtmYt Dnmu*, of which ?? ' - liftoffy mode several copies. ??? liem* by tlie Pari lie. ? A report will aooo be? presented to th b i |.< r-;ii OnologJoal Society of Vienna relative to lie Procnctioa of Gold in Austria Austria pro* < nres the most goM of or.v European 8'atc It .uYS yenrly lo 7,900 n arks, winch pronises a ras of BBS.COOcncato. Much of thla ia obtained by ;i?t fjipievs by sard- washing in Hungary and dieben ? i rren. The-re *re fvo w train trafen the gold Is dbo- cpe is in the depcsits of land and soil, the 'titrin the stn.ta of ore. The latter ifltho BlOOt . n bdi i. mill ( 1 of kfWifig jt m Hungary and sie ' ? i ? rasas, A farnoos plate for lading it in Hun an h Bear ^v?. I Irewn, whore, by tie Convent i f BJattaka, a piece of gold was foun t, weighing 1 : ai >k,ar i w'.-ih f,2 ducats. The Cipseys are any clumsy in gol gOtting ? A nelaneholj nci ident oorinrrd latt ly in Venice. The Htrcmltt cf a Circus Troupt per? il lining their was in the habit of holding three men poa las shouldr i.c, in the form of a pyramid. One leaing f.e nafortoi ately tupped, ioet his balanc?, si d the highest man of all leu violently to the staue, i mcl h a bead, ai d a as batantly killed . the second ? s fatally injured in hia breast, and a frightful panic ? r stied among the- spectators The victims were fathers of children whom they have educated to the MdB e profession ?An Atjghan, Jiving in London and 1 ' known tneieto many officeis of timn rank, has arlttca his MoSSailS, ioofodiag Journeys and Cam pawns He nscri ies the origin of the AfTghanstt ? ? w ?, and ai'hoosh they bare paid taxes to the Oos en in? nt over ifiem they have kept aloof from it. Thai are bard and obotlnato, selfish and cross, be 11)1 on the o'her hand very regular hi prayer, weil n ed m the Koran, tespect an oath, honor the n arriaga tic and ret pe at tiieu Ptiosto. ? RopieMnUttoiia have beoti bjumsb bv a t 'tiviitor :nthe lU.ins Provinces, that he has in'his garden a bulbous plant called the Rksriea Pesofe, t< ur.or five feet in fngbt, and yielding a third more regal ;h;m the beet root. It la of iiu stiin ible value to a reiiorninfavorfble to the growth of the nect, ard it is BBorded at a much c'ieipnr rate. ,Mea lUlta me taking to brmg II into notice. ?Twelve boxe:-, Iii'cd with pipes, of which the heads were Bande in the shape of the bon lel rouse, or bore likenesses of Dantoi, Robes , i re. or red republican leaders, were lately seized t y Hie French police on the premises of a pipemaker at St. Oiur r. The manufacturer is to be proitcuted. ? Mr. Sftdell, naval arnhitrot al Stet t n, ar.d Mr. Ruthren,an Engl^hen^ineer.hrvecon suuoted b ihip wnich is lrnpeilcd neither by wind,, i or ite ana, but by retro lettvo hvdraulic piwer ' ha < sat Ihev have made said to have entirety am ce ? <iid. ? It nppraiM from tbe late trad<- returns :i>at in tiivin Bsoaths,aadisg the Mhof Daaaaaaar last, the deelarad \a.ue oi betr ami ale esporied ficm the Dal ted Kingdom was ?S\*flOi, and in tha r'evin b onthl of Ihe preceding year the value wat ?Tbe priaoipaJ troBfooodero of Grlaagow kavoooma eaood paying their workmen oa Wodaoo day, at tw?, o'ciocl . mstesd of BaturdaT, an l we liese learned tt at the exprcta'ion* ot trio hu aano at d patrioiic n asters have beiri mo;e th in re a isod. ?-Tlie Bmottat oiven by the Kin? ot* l'iii.-ria to the support of the Protestant Bishopric in Jerusalem, amoinntato upward of gi25,ooo(about ?18,000 ) out of winch ium tbe actual Hictiop re icivcs bis ar.r.ual lalary of $4.Ci0 (about ?6j0.) ?Agftong the itirawmoisflationa of the con avan law commissioners, which will probably ? adopted, 1.? one that the Judges' cierks sh ill kO paM bv salaries instead of fees, in 184T the fees of Ike twelve Judges' clerks amounted to ?'22 sm 6s. id. ?? A p,ieat storm and flood took place in Jutland,ia the midrlle of January. The City of Rips i. anas five or six feel under water. ? Gen, >arva< /. foiEflBi Prime Minister < i Spain, is hard up for money He has had to sell i la viii t at Araajuex- with all IIa furniture. ? AcOordiog to 7'.'ir? Railway Tip***, all 11 e railroads now on earth have co?t the enormous sum t f ?447,780,000, or $3,338,946,0??). ? Two fjescendents of the Maid of < ?r U ans are at school in France. They are both named Henry de Ccupey. and their ages are I and 13. Ohio.?The Free Soil State Convention met at Columbus, Fab. 11, Mr. Parish of F.rie Co. presiding. Hon. Ssmuel I.ewia and Joshua Et. t?ddings were chosen Delegates at large to the Free Soil National Convention. Hon. Leicester Kinw, of Trtml'ull Co , and A. A. Guthrie, of Muskinguin Co , were nomi? nated as candidates for Senatorial Electors. Hon. John P. Hu.k, of New Hampshire, was recommended for President, and Samuel I.ewiaj of Ohio, for Vice President. BdwaBB ITaPS, of Cuyahoga Co., was no:ni i ated lor Judge of the Supreme Court, and OlOBOB W, ELLS lor Board of Public Works The following resolutions were adopted feese?an, That it is the opinion of this Convention that ihr > ,e? live franchise ought to be extended to n'l ann. without oistmction of color, and that we will use our influence to have it extended. i7i> ..ifrf. That this Ceavnatfaa ci>e< not hold the doc nine of murventiou to ea'oreo tns (aw of non IntStviilillaa B10aaly,*aat of lr.'ervtntion to,prevent the agfiiaeioi i of Cespcaum. ano ta t whe'esoevar ii ;.i.s irertv i? vo sted. every o'her ro?n in God's iinivriseis bound to mterfkre whsaavsr that inter fe.-enre can be Bands nvsJlahle i breakinji the Tot? ti rs and giving deliverance io tl.e o;>jreseed . and thai this is tiusi eqnaH/ a* regards inuividuals, race* and Beth m ?ts?.ieS, That we regar | Uta question of ha man ! ' i tty pa-an cunt in ail pol:'.; al ?;!.e.?t;oiiS, since with ihu l?>.-s of werdoni a'l <?.,har rights are lost. /Y/.-oii erf. That what* ever Issues may rtae ne? t's ten the parties uncer our State and National ? ivt MBSXitS, Wi thall try every proposed me saure By Itatewrii rsoa thequeestOfi of libeity.bothinthe ' ?? .-e acd tne detail, and that winch does not tqaoro with the doctrine of human eiptaiity, ws srlsll oppose, and that which helps the oppressed to tl e-r 1 eecom. we shall rapport with all our heart tttt drvsf, That we are atainst monopoly in every -: tther m respect of lane or human ainewa, hid we sh.'i rnver cease to OSSaaaal lor all men r BBSS la the pursuit of hapoiness. K., lecrf. Trat the foregoing resolu'ions will . i| ? BBdiaalO to disungulshed minuN waere we ? i s-.nd, on ait questions peitain ag tu ciril gor ?mn'teiJ Tuat we recommend that meetuigi bo held , va:ioiie;Coug'f*sional districts of the S ate. ?? |. mm ate each a delegate to the Nationaltoa i ,ud an .lectorVor iTendent and V ice Pre-i i r . : uc l mied Suiea. _ BI John ranall, the Editor of The Pitts M rgk I'm y 7>i?.m? is about leiving f.r ^?iifo.-nia, .,-_u ^. tte bio t"t,<l ttt awio? :n?ij t-Urnsstaga. r??" The i Tide? for the revision and simplification of the slat Utes of tie Hooi m State, to be !? Ce ?y three Com? missioners under the appointment of th, Legta'ature. The * Democracy 1 being in the majori??, hare ap? pointed three of their own aort-Mt-ir?. Lm;>->, March and Carr The two gentlemen tint Bined are laid to be men of fine legal a-qHireaeata ? but the c:her. according to some amounts u totally tin qualified forthr rr.?t to which he has been adjtttytetaytl. Meyers. Litton and March, knowing that iieo'her gent'eman is e ntit'eu to a voice with fh?-m, an I that the e-vject in riew is to , . f f<> %\ w?U at rerite ha?e recovered ths? tbey can use him ta a giod pnrpoae. An In-1 a apotti BeA^Teeasyajdeart.?('* tVest ern j-aper gives the tell ><vin< eiplaoat.on of th? mode which the Coxmissirners wiQ a-f^ptlntho perormance of ibetr mtwt.r.t tru.-; "It is said Messrs I.iston at.i Mir-h will write out a section, and whenthev haie fultv aaj-ee t noon it, they will rea l it a few ru-.?s to N r. f arr. I' t\- urcerstards it fuilv. theyeotuvMerrl s'-nu'e eiici f?r ,nv rriltn 0j ordinarv talent to eo.nprs hue. If he ?'oes net understand, then thev will make a new sec ton or simplify tne are) a ? leet .e ' n.ere " rT'The Tillage; of North Henoin/rtoa, \ '.. sustained serious damage by the break'?? away of the great dam above the rillreesl on the a/teraoee ?f'.lt llthinsl. Tne* portion of the rill ire is in ruins. So sucVrn was the flo id that the DO) 1 1 had only time to run OQl c' their honte?. The pri i c.'pal nfhleii are Hiram RlcWdron, H. MelfcJtre, My. Call, Mrs. Christy. Messrs. Estes. Cameron, Hawks A? r? , Bing. R-cb ird?""i A- Jones, ltd W n. F. Dntcber A child of the la'ter wt- dnv.-l, l!rs. Ca n, who lived in Ihe sjtee hatten Witt Mr. D, had a narrow i-jcarx*, ard was tared 0*1) by, clinging to floating timbers. Many of the houses are laii prostrate. Richardson It Jones's large bAt ting faototT wastotaDy deatrojed, with Iteeontea'Oi attd trcir woolen fact, rv ;s 10 shattered a< 11 b ? wotthlesA, E\erv dam and bri Ige Ifl tha rtclo : ? 1 tor.e. TAe Yermml Statt Bmmtur eAtuttatas the let' It $9 ' Ot, tw A ooiti hittec of the Virginia }fo ;.>? of Delegates ba< reported i i favor of ele icg the Jo t > i cf the ? cur;-, of J atiee, aa For tae i a t Com* stitati m, en the fourth Thertdi j .-f April text, md i i . cling 'but their te i us ?f ohlae mb neoee Ot :.' e Cr>tday of July eynTQteg. Aaothar report arasaaiie *v>h it (tnpo*e lag ibe Ooreraortoappointa mi 01 v of the members o' each of the'.bank directories. Of tfce Slate. A bill was pssscd disqu ihfymg any per? son cencerrfd in a duel from holding offi -e. The House hai adopted the resolutions ir'V'irin? hfto the capertleooy of institutirg suits against the' bri' re* ccmpaniesat Pittsburgh and Bro*nsvi!Ie, for ob strtiet'n? the navigation of the MaatfsTtglaOla mwA Detroit mereai tile ueotlernaa irho was traveling E-t'ward a then time sir.-?. wOBttO the clerk or one of the Ontario boats to be show | ?..> his state-room The clerk hai"'ed the appii' tnt a key, at the same time pointing to a d?wWatetMM Ii tledisianee, marked " i." Our friend went in Na) d leettoa indicated, but opened the next dour to his own, marked " A," where he discovered a Maty pas scrger making her toilet, who, upon the H anger s appearance, uttered a low scream. '-Coatvay! go away " screamed the lady. Letter U," yelled me Clerk, " I am not touching her a', ail!" shouted the in? i.inant merchant. tT" A fire broke, out in one of the work? shops of the Prison at Sing Ring on Thursday m un? it g, at 3 o'clock. The of l!.e fire apparatus on tl v premises was out o" order, and b- forc su'table measures for extinguish!]'g the fire could betaken, the buiit'ing was consumed. By irreat exertions the adjoining br.ildirgs were saved. The establishment ce^royed was the saw manufactory of Cortl i'iJ. Wood A Co , of this city. Xm A good Deacon, at a conference meeting in the town of D-, a'wut thirty mile* nerth of Boston, addressed his auditors one fl-tbb.vh evenirg as follows "My friends, there is a new BOctliea going about nowadays. We are told thi\t all nianlmU are going to Heaven, llu^, my bretlir-.ti and sisters, wc hope for belter tliiegs." Ear The following are the .-ainiss of (.lie ten unfortunate men who were recently killed ia Cunat'a t\>>t, by the falling of a bank at Burlington Heights: William Tenaple, riaaolhyOliaat, Patr^k Bbea DexoassKaah ^'i< baei Cowaetly, Aedrewf'on re |y, Robert DawnaBy, John Haal, Tho si as Careaa, r.rt\ Geo. Ui<-*li?-r. I" ? Preenl' ol I'ill Ilioi ?? Ii M ce ? i all au;egraph letter from the Bey of Tuat?, aviittea in Arabic. The letter cams inclosed in a nub. velvet !(!.(, IB sawed with gold tassels ai.d btil'ions. It ia aocomp?n el by a translation, aod was for vs.tried by the American Consul at Tun's, Mr. J. II. I\ j?e. The Portimd Advertiser says thit. the loss by fire in that ettf on Thursilay high?, wil' be abi ut $3J,0(<', on which there is about |^3,uOJ |a> Ittranee. The carcasses of twenty ihreehorsos have beOO take*froai the rolna. The whole nn-nber of bcrf es missing is thirty-three. Vir'" The eaee of Capt. Dixey, of the bark Vu-soiiri, and mute, charee I with stealing g'i'i.DDO 're ? the wreck of that res.-' I, . i .>minenco 1 beforo Commiasioaer Hallett,at Boston. The defense of? fered is that tbe natives overpowered the ere*, and tairled off tbe specie. EP John P. Crarnptoa preiented his ere enl ilscn t* Uurdny, as Envoy Kxtraordiairy and M ; later Plcnipotenti .ry from II. B. Majeetf SO tbe I r iled States. The Secretary of st de presented haat to the President in hn new capacity, and the i ?stetYaTy official speea?hes were interchanged. XST The hill providing for the c tiling of a State Conver.'ion to amend the Constitution of Delay, are, has become a la sr. Tho Delegate! are to be elected at the next general election, and the Con? vention will assemble in December next. VW" The Legislature of Louisiana has paiied a bill consolidating the three municipalises of New Orleans into one . also, annexing the citv of Lafayette to New-Orleans, by a large majority. nr The cost of ti ting-the Michigan Rail? road conspirators amounted to $3l,6?l 3S. This is all legally chargeable to the County of Wayne, but the Company voluntarily assume to piy |17,l'2l |] I A little girl, live years old, daugicrr ; of Daniel S. King, of Taunton, fell into a tub of ] boiling hot water a day or two siuce, and was so badly scalded that she diel VW* Mr. M. II. Kinney, ? JfOUOg artist of Burlington. Vt. has iirst completed a " Heroic Statue i of Ethan Allen," which is now on exhioiiim ia that ' town. It is much praised by the Burlingt >n journals. tv The Planing and Grooving Mill el , F. 8. Bleu, Columbia, Pa , was destroyed by lira on i Wedneaday of last week. Loss |7.l'C0 to |8 000 In? surance, $3,tf0. tW A We^tfTn paper says t!i3t when fljur ia down to $1 *0 a barrel, ai d wheat SO cents per takes more than ten mill* to mine a ? cent. Etr~An Iri?.hn an wa* recently killed" by a Dutchman at Berlin, WM ia a quarrel tVut tie pot session oi a shanty. Vi> (,ov. Allen has signed the bill abol i/hirg i apital BOA) i htnent in Rhode Island, and it h..t nr w be cur e a law. VIT We understind thai tho Telegra,,!! line fron. Buffalo to Detroit, throngh Canada, will be in cperation witlua a moath. lit? b'am. Houston is tle^gnateti as the Presidential caadsdate of the Oppernnem of Erie Co. Pa. r <\.\. Johi H Glover has been tlecWvi Ma\ <>r of \ arie'ta, Oa. John Austin has been cho? sen M?-">or of Van Buien, Ark. fr Gen. ?. Hioton, the cole?lirate!d rl8> ' faulier, who fled from Ohio and Justice about a year ago, has been heard from at Baeraraeato, California. Vf "I hr* Ron an Catholic Chuioh at West l Trey was const e>abiy damasred by t?te T|er?d i, i aiuacwr^e. \j Telei/mph to th* New-York Tribune. V retire of the Stockholder* of the V. S. Bank. Fhilacii rHu, Monday. Feh. lo, 1853. tt the meeting of the stockholders of the United s .tes Bank this morning, tke C mmittee report that it s ixexpedier.t to make a general aaatjoment. The rr "etug approved the report, ar.1 appoint.- 1 another ? t a-mittte to consider the rarious project* BBOBn> " I, and to make an application to tha Biat* 'ris'.s ? < 'c. * urtfi orn Retorneti Califoraian--Frora Tam plre? Lees or tne Ilrisa laieu and Susaa >hepparO. or >rw--4jrleaas. New-OnnAis, Saturday, Feb. 11. 185?. Mi.ton Prands, of Lancaster, Pa., a returned Ca'.i f< niia.asi found ruure'ered two days since, and !? ir n eo supposed to be implicated hare to day been e rretfd. I he tehoorer Oregon bat arrtrei here from Tarn I Of* Her tews is unimportant. Snow fall at Tam I >? in 14th January, and ice waimaie one-thud oi' an ktejl thick. The American bri*s Cfljpa and S isan Saeppard last in a gale rear Vera Cruz on tbe lOBkJaaa Ml hands were aired. Tue vessels were c?rcd in this city. i rron is rjvoted to day at T| BJTfO. for Mildimg . cd He for Fair List el' Patents I t fn -?i 11' [ mtrd Stairs Ptttnt Ofr:r, far f?s tcrrtswirnr Ft*. 10, Ipj2 | Dnraaklkj Pre^ved for Tha N. ?. Trtbene.) Jokn J. A? inns of Uo>>tor\ Masa., for I i piover ert in Shoe. Biu.-lo-.v Dated Feb. 10, 1898, Ba navel Y 1) Arrwwemith of Newport, N Y.. ? In t-.-ovetncut in YYatcn cisiii r<wirei?. Dated I i b. 10, lr-52. Aihcfi.ce W i Vr.- o' T\o,-'? of. N Y , for Hose ' ot plug. Da'.eo Fei, 111, at. ii. * ovaeil af PeaatervtPe, Pa. for l nprove 0i * t in !ie>r.?r Powers I) t'cJ Tea. 10, ir}52. Pmfth Cram of Na*-York, N' Y . for Inprovw anearain Mill for Grinding Quarta Da'ed Fib IB, 10. 'J Tb n as A I) tries,. : No *' York. N Y , for Im pro*r< Wade of Pievcntiog Collisions on Raiiroadn. n ??,, r.ui, 1831 Batet Dentmofo of 8*eo>n, N Y . for Innrere m*nt i Uro? Mametata, DAtedFea 10. PO?. . - ii ii I., Sharon Aia? for lenarata? i .,? i shovel Pleas. Dctso Fob lo, IB9B; An.ce Hedge ol A a-?, Wats, for I-o-ove nent in Railroad Bwitcnea Dried Fob IB,ISiS Paidtnaod Rolen "of Brooklyn, ff. Y. for Im? pf*?? raenl in Pol Shone* Bath*. Dated Beta, ie IMS Wm F Ketcbnm of Bn&Vo, N Y, forlaiprove 3i*rt ii. r;r/.i, Bktrveatoia Dated Fen. to, IH52 tVm B. Leonard of New York, N Y., i n l.n pmvrnrent in ipnaratui '..r Regulating and Meai uring it.? Flow of Bub Dated Paks 10, IBM Eporataj Metrieof rVew?Vork?N Y . f <r i.uprore meat in Governors DdtedPab io.ld.Vi. J..mcs H Sue.t of Boston, Mass, f. r Lnr>-ove 11. tits ia Qnatts Croaker DatedFeb 10,18)3 Bdward Wieke of Bart, Pa. for laapfotaaaord at 8re?t Pian'era. Dated Fob. IB, IBM < ras i Bpieker of Nee York N. Y., for lm pa vr dm al in Praoeeses for D tolvioo (lull I) .t:d Feb in. 1801. Ante-dated Ann. 10,1851. Piitsill Holly ol Seneca Fans, If, Y , a*-?(gnor to s Hew:-, fcl, B. Holly ami \ Dovnsof same place f..r Improvement la itadioid t ar Iif?k*s Dated Feh. 10 1891 Calvin Widey, Jr, of cmcago III, aaohjjans to C Wuiey, Jr., and l rial Walker of Baooo k*S (ir .ve. 111., for linproveincnf In Lrcav-tiig uaii Or..' pg Machines DatedFeb Ml, 1852. DE8IOM. Crnia l Harris snd Paul W Lcinerof Cn-cinnati, O , foi DasifB for S aves Uat-d Feb. 10 1H32. ! Tli*1 (ieoroia pupers oootpl?ta of a ten attable drouth la that State. The Ocpnrt Sieamerv list ok aaaaautaa run na mbtb or ranauaav. t i'iieitStntes-.l-'rom N T.Fab.M -Ku-Siu.Tuan.kc. Baro] i.* rem Boat. Feb iS..Fee Ltvernool Paa'lWebeter.Fnea N Y Bs4k.fB .1 urSan Josa. PI Dorade_ Braaa N.Y. Fet? ;o..?'i>r rii??[?? Bfarioa. Front N V. Feb. >l.. Fee Chaneesoa. Panafe. KkhhN.y Alakaasa..Fromff.V Fek II.-ForBsvaaiaak Gei reis. Prosa N Y. Fek. M..ForCaacrea.4e Canada.Proa Boat.Fob ti. JfotLisaipuei Bro. Jonathan FroniN Y Feb.26..ForjfJhaarea, Henaaaa.Krem N Y. Fen. ^8 Fur Braraea. t '1 urn.From N. Y V*h.IB..For t'harlenton. Florida. KmiTi ar Y.Feh :8..FurSavann.-ih. Humh ild'.FrcTtiN Y.Fet? ?. .Purlin*re. A-v sraaaraaa va abbivk from Baaoaa, Can it *?Sa.led from Uveigeul far ^f?w York. Jan. St ri rv or Olasoow?Sl'd bn LrrVl far Piuliuloipia. Fn -. 4. CaviiliU-8ailcd from LiYerumil f.>r li sten, FuS. 7. ?TLAHTli ?Bailed troai Lrverpnel for New-York, Feb. II Ai atci jBailed from l.ireruooi for New-York, lea. 11. .aMElci' a - Sail* from Liverpool for Host on. Feb. ti. SHIPPING I\TRfJ.K?r:vnK. ?a Doiiiretic Fort*. ??I.VXANOcI v. Baa. 11?Sal ariir. l mofas. Wicks. N Yolk.'irtcot a. Jan si ?arr ?ihr r. v? 1 n , . > N?w-Yerk Feb. t-BaipeQolaaiknut.OrewaMi Lwarpaeli T. O. C'a'nr, Mallet, lla?r? Ztrttaa, mas*,DaVla; heporter. Peru?. Liierpaelj Ifatkaa Htia?a. Hal-nee. 11 fl een. tmste-da.a , Euslaiid, Hai? nau Liverpool; sehr. Safts Taylor, N?w orie*n?. Pels. J?Si-li . Jenny Luid N?-? Orleam CM, Ia? 4> Bcki Oea. Llacoln,Bauadera,TaBips. Feb. I-Slus. Peter Halii k, Hi 1 k*oil. An ??rp; Clara Ann. Bwee, N. Yark ; rchr E'raaheth Hell. Tuihll. laewOreaaa. F?b. l-stop II L Pair man. A ev, New Orlaan?; bark Yu;kto?a, Bpnasar, Bostna I cb. ?-S:br. Yic-.ona, Wrixlit, Nee oToBOKTOwyr, B. c, f?i?. 7-ci<?. srhrr. Balusaa, Pa>k,8t Thomas . Ka tina Ray, B ?'"a A'l KSH. | ,ci rs Henrittrm,Ha'look,Hew-Tetf. ON sckr Amandi 1 l I'fford, Ball. A'l-isnCria CHAiiLKSlON.Frl. H-arr nark IUbsrt vAaUb.ksi? lo. 11 Ken Oriehin ; S|i pol acre Lr onnra. Buaoe, Oiba/a, ie be,-) bi Ta t.r. tfraetkase, N?? Or1?sai. in tne O01si--Sk i' Albane.Tanker,frees Hav,e vi? C'Kkipar K< ads hi dike l. nk N'mTod. CM Lark Avala, Us**., ;? . , tell I B'otke ?, L-?vett, Barn a I* Ore'de ; brig Vs/ail?D, Kftd.B.l'ituore ; sehr. Pia a,PeresnPhibsOel pk ?. Waat toSeu-f.bii. Catharine, \v Ihtea. f*?* Y irk, Hi leak I.i v U, <'uny, Lmrjn-I ; hark Arolo.Kendrica, Ilrii'ix; t.rusrvbee.Fe ITUSC?, New York ; AeaanUte, Shero-an W,-,t Ind es; .chr. Zsphyr. Hy^ra Wev Iaciss b\V\.N\aH. I eh It?Air. hark Fetrea. Whi man Vo.k; DvicR M. Charit'.!?, Lisbt'.aurne. Hav?aa. t'il Hr line Inteenty, Mad-e'lor, bl J'ilian.N B. Pllll tf>FL5?HI?, Feb. t>?4rr. bark* JspaDnta, Gal leehor, H??ii?; B< <"Knd. Purer, "avaoonh w*Il MIJfOTOlf. IS?Arr sear L t> BesHn.Btntei, Ne?-Vork Cid 1J? Sehn. Co,? A. Lmdiay, Dir, Ma* y..rk . ti C l-?rti?. Alear??, 11'.v:?n_ Legal Notices. %JI t'KIMi: ??UBT.?In the matter of |5 'lie arPlk ?''"> Of the Mayor, AJOOttM aad 1' i ? City Of New York, lela'IVe to thoo -eian of y IFTV F'RT T ST , fn.m iu li av 10 tne Hadsen Riv.r iniheCiy of New-York. The nudersigaad.Omm> mtmtMtorsef k*al ua * aad AtaeMioent in the aboreon tttleil basier temh. ?>ve nooce.tlia- ihey will wool at the ofles ef JauseB Sanaford. E-|.. uns?f hesaiJ Cosa ?{, Wo. 71 Brjad-ay, in the f ity of New Ydk.ou'FBII) W ihe ?th dor of tebtuary, 18*J1 all o'r'.f k 'n the i* ft'moor, for lie Kurp< ?e of heaneg ia 00 L? own, ue IViniate aid Assessment made by the said . 1. oer? m the afoiro eatcied mutter, any r-ors .11 or ?Mil l v he ina> ooomder there?el?e? a-. -iered thereby ? UrSI Kev-Yuk. Kerinia-y. 13. I8>?. W ' I > ? uSthD Jr. ) Ja> B8S a.t.Nroni, SCoHiruU?! men. WILLIAM 8. uaKi.ORY,> Hi May E. I'av iE?, Attorney. HftVeb27 SI put Ml t ?URT?AsbaarCovioty? ^. Bschatd Warrta, Fdward J. Warren, Daniel E. Mu n n him Airsar.ra r A M.i'dmsa ag'tt James M. Kawi io ? i ::.f 11 CP I NDANT : Yon aie hereby Manasf to ?a ??er the eomplaiet in this action, which Is Sled in the <>f liee of tee Lletk of ihe Cenaty of Albany, and sonro a copy of roar answer cn me at my offlce in the City of Albany, wiOiij-twn"; > ? 1? r.fier the le-vre of tki* ?naimon?, et r o?' VO ?f Ike I ?v of serve* ; and if yon fail to a??wor the aiid eonialaiat wkkaa the time ?iorrnod the p aiutitf will tite jiidgwr' ?raic?'. yon for th-?Tim of ten hundred. Iwealr-elektSO-IM dolinrs. wok iutoreet m $4J7 75-lU 1 ?r, Ikliaaf fttat P? ibikday of Au|?it, Itil: alaoiaUr oa,* ill 2'J-ltu a^ajt tbeiaof f oso tha 10th day ofOcto in lb<8 aJw., ia'ore?t en $4? ti-100 apart tl,ere?l from T\ dar 01 Jnaaarv, ISiO keetdegcoefs ?Dated, January ,, . SPENCER liaVIFIA j'i7 lawOwT'.' Plaintiff.' Ait -rner ?i PREMS COURT, Kings o-juntv.? 1 rf.'.r rk H Msc?andJar... H.kvn .r?.a?t Alemn a , , , 1 Bi aoasI - Ma - * 1 aadonM?otract.-re Ai 1 ; v.Ni)i.'K ICLI'FLL: Yon are. tmt^yj suum osed arS -equired to an.wr tke c mp'ain' hj this acuoe which la" BMfcl tka offic oitke Cl?rk of Knags COonty. on tbe 2t'?:dst cf 'anaarr. Uit.aid to serve acoeJorys^irau?-?*! t. . - me eon. Umt uttnastni'cribers at wteiromeo an ? krriaSo .Ui 3tyentk-sir.*r.ii.tbe Clty ... Wil .a-i.tnrra u . n^'i ?ithla twenir days after the s'rvice hereof, eaeiauva ei tke day ol such so'tice; audif yoo f?il u aiu'v.'rr'x i?id ei.n.plaiet withta the *.i.ue af?reea?d, Uie rfasawBk h thss artioa will take jtsdgraent a? ilnrt yan for Ii? sim ?f n ne*y 1 >ar dal I ati ana eiga^b cem?, wee .a t-ren* i oa? the ICiu day ol January, one th >nai?l esglit heid-?J sad foitr wae : <>a the aumof a'xty threo d-dla's Ova oents, ami iiitsre?; <>n the iorlker sum af sir di ' r ioid siit^-?.v 1 eiats ?.nce March 3.1143, and la ertut oi tiir lurtber saim o/tea dollars aad seveaty-eeven cents i' mF? kraary 15. lSJI, and Laureat oa Ua le tuar sum of ;r..'??n doliais and twenty cents sine* Angnst ti. itvo. Hides i.? coals oi this actt'it?Da'ed Jinuafy 2i. 12-^ IwTO 8 M.kD E MEEKIR. FIsja uT. A'fvs. ,V o I K t..?THE -SEW YORK AND 1^ HABI.VM RAILROAD ('< ?P-kK Y intend to apply letkel egUlatare during ire present teaeiee. for a? ameno 11> the* charter, to enable them tmseae s-n-ck ia tnew ,1 ? r, to Use aaouat-flhaar obLtaU'jaa.and toouaage ke reOw/Loreie Tile. ?, - ? ased, New Yoik. January, lSJI. J* '?? " \if\ICK 18 HEREBY CHT1W that M ir ; pUrattoa wtfl te ssade to the Ltf^^lT tie s ad J e^^ aC'*a?t.y tn ssshsktkalaaTan??r??y^?m MEW. YORK BUPRKMB COURT.? 1 " Th'?u S-.uiba/d araiurt A..'>l..h Mirwk ?ava? l's* it ? ncvey Cr mid <a outran;?i ("am not aar*) T ? ADOLf-H HIRSCH : Yon ar* hereby *am n >n*d. aai r> G"'i*t] ??! leaner tbe eomp aiat in tbt* a-ioa Bird la tao ?rlc* of tae Clerk o' tba City aanC aa j ?>' N'e? Yor4, a' tbe City Ha'lia sad cut. /aa It, IS57, cat' in *erv? a c i < I ?nur aaawei ui tti* taai ansaats-at i>a th* laaaanlhat a ft.* iff e- bb??! ar |7 Wa I at ia satd et?, w^'V? meaty i a ?< mier the im'h > ? f tbt* atiraoi >c* 01 jo*. *trli*??? * f' h# day of ?achaaraara a??J if ya fail to *a??re* t** !?;?.? 3 ,.l?.at ?i h;a the tiow a'o?e?* d Ike iMa alifT ia tat* ?f' n will take jk'?ii .?1 aeo. *' yon tut ?a? ? i a f r 1 ii .j ? i?.t *n<! f rt? bis d*il. ? a?1 I. 1 .cm c*al. n.ih |il?re*t| . b> tie first d?? ./ JiBua~y no* tboKaad I .B.liad l S'ty-twn, b'-fUff lh? '?'??? ?f tki* ?e' .a* ? i'ated J.11 . IStt JAMFS THOM'iOV. , 7 1?. |. Ta* PtaiaiuT* Aiuinay. N* IT W&J at, Wl I'KfcMK ("Ol KT. Kings ConoW.-" V1 ?ia t aw B tbcj unttt A.etaacar R tee i ? ?* mwt? k*j '.Bih! nn t '?tu. 1 Ti Al.KX. .' M FR MJDDKl.t. : Y..a are I i rl't t'iiti'..< an.I r* ? >.i :. >u.?tr ik* aaaaataaa 1? ih ? em?, abash we* ? I .1 ia lb* utfi r of tha C.era cf K in Ciian, hi it* Htitk dif of jai.inij. IASI a*a to aniv* a copy ut fawr ia rw?i to tie ?*i<t n<avla<at ?? ihr aakaoi.en. ??. k*r ? b' i rr ig ana a ?i ft ?t . ta t*>e erty at wiuneeni Hh'tith Ktres C'.ua y. wch'a t?*ii'j dar* after tha ?*r- oa r- -int ?srlasr?* et* th* day of ?Orb ?*'?rr?; aid if y>a fit- aaaarer th* saut c raaaiasat w;th'o <h* tima aforesaid, tie plaia'itf ia th* ic'ien w-ll 'ak* j nlrrneat acaiaat ?*a f r tba taa i f vi'?-r'i;kt Ool'a 'a an> forty *ia eea'e, I'l ?-11.1 l.-rm the I b day ? f Au? .1'. <>bi* h a?*jd ?ukl ho- d-td bi.iI ; t.fil. tr* c:>? tl 1 r ?t of 'ha %'t a ? PacjatJaa tt iua. s mad ti MKKKER. ill liail.Ta t> a mi ;r* Aiuna'j?. SJI7FRF.ME C??RT" Kipga ('..unt?.? J'T1 <??ual and Jame* r. DaitaataiB. acaiaat a'?? !1C'J ?'. v . . . V"1?""" ? f '? *?>? ay -.'in .a c rrract. la ALIXAMn.K RIOPri.L V u ?r* karebr aeaa tnoatu at.rt r?.;air?d M ta.Bcr ih? r..^?l? ?? ta lb* ? . ?h rk ??. htrd .r%.?, v. #t4 o,r Ki**a tctim;.o' -h* tua day nf lanoary, |?V>-. tod 1? Mir* a cvyj 1 jio. ?a.wrr to tl.* aaid ewara'atal <>a 'h* aak ?cr?Ufi,. than-. (Tie* N > 1? ? aatk 7,ft .t . at ike tWef Will aii.-l.nrih. K ?*a (Vantr. wcbia t*ratr i'ara ater th?i??Mir* k?rr?f, eie'amte uf tka da* t f tmok Mraarw; nndi; ><?a la.l'o ?pa?ar ?b* ?aid o. tapU'at ?ubia th* i"i .* k ? r?>ad. 'h*nUinfrT? n, tun actio* w ill take lnet> I'*11' a?aia?t jon for the aim .?f ,h:? hnadted aal iwro'r li?* d..,?af? and l?,!? eaots. ?cb iot?.??i trM* ik* Arab oayif Auauat. ku* Unxitatd ticM hmi<li*4 aaat f.Tty e-ital,. *? de? tbe o>?t of i?. a -ir 1 n l> urd fa*, tl. l*it 8. M a D E VkVK iv , ji?la?l?*Ta ' SJi PRRMB COURT?Cotnttr ifKifM. -I..I11 C. Pi van *a-l fvaai C fr..n*t aaai^t F.lizil? h D(?iaw. t)r?r?? Ke?, .?aa EUza Kax. El *a I uu 1 IVg rT. w m H l>tg a* ' hi lr? Hoary D*cm<* a'd Mary i'raaer* IWfra? -Baatmaaj f?r relief To ; ' g<;E Kl \. ANN A.LIZAREXaadWILLfAMIt UtttkAw y.iu are aanay aaauaaaad a*4 i?^jiicJ to tti rvi er he rucr; atrt ta tall ac b n ?t mhich a tont w hiie?ritli ?'r?rd o;"-b yaaj a A t.. a aeefefNel an we lb tbe ra u e aWj>litiat ..n th* aoUaenber at kta i ff-ee. Ho (60) ts rato* w*i, ?t . in lb* of Ifta Y?i'? .'tin nti da; ? after th* arivtra kariol, ?xe am* uf iheCa? of aack aaraiM: and if >. 0 ail t? laaarai tha ?aid e?ntp'aiDt <*iih n ta* lime afnteeaaf, tba p?aiatiffk ia ihia actina ?tl| apple 10 tl.a Oaajrt f>r it* r?ti?f aV ! ar<l?d in tr* n inj ? - Di ?JJar. I', (it GEOSOE J CORNELL PlaaAdT* ANatajfh , , , V< 69Wal *? .Neat. Y..rk. Tl r ena>p ami ia thia e*'i?e ?aa litcd in th? I' erk'e Oftli a "l lb* Oeaaty nf Kib?<, un th* ttta day ol Jano^rr. ? t'ab'eeu haa.lrad and ?f>> t*.>. M u?ow..i QKO J COtWflX. IV KW.YORK SUPREME COURT? i. * / too lor a morey drinaod on oon'rart ? Sr'aratar Cntt . lUaty (;**aer. Jr , ane J ka ti P*rrr. ?x*catnr*. \r.,f,' .!?ary G? -u<r il?rr?i.rd against IVlrr (iarnaoa.? t. I'KTKK tIARHIaON. ? Ml ..- ..? rr?i ? - in Vi okf r?, m tb? Conati ? 1 W*?icaoo ar, ?ta'a Hef * ?*r Torfe, kj reijmn-1 ??? eftr- o ??? ? ?, nt .n m? ' . ' -e by the seventh day of April ami. or |ar!*m*a< will 1-e t:.bta aaairst hl s < at to '!>?? abor* DKb'VNn AMT?8?r A o" ar* brnht .11 run...1 n> auawrr th* 0 i>t?ii.t n ihia actloa. >-f ?h;eh a copy t* haroarl h ?*r?rd, upon t' n,at.<l ?Lieh oaa li r-d in tho ..i!i of tk* i'lerk of tlteOo.oaiy 01 Roekload aa I a '??ida? 01 ?hrnarv. IAH, npd *?rv* a copy 1 f yon ae> wer on re* a' inv oltiee in e*l*r nn nt Ri rklai <1 Conaty, within twrui) d.t\* a'Ur th* **r vice hereof nrluurn ol 'he d-y uf mch ?*r-te ?: . ,1 if run fail 'q nnvwrr th* ceaipiaiat aa aforeiaid.tri*plaiatitT* will take jui'iin'f fl for the saat ai ono husdred and ?*?*nt? d Ufa ? l' ti tbtrrrst atut por renv je? anran from Jauu a y IS lilln.ard fa-lher auot ot fie* tl >li*i* wtlk ib'?i*?i fn-ai ibe twenty ikml dar i.f laruary, on* a |ht httrartil mil nry-ooe. Ix ?t<V? lit* ,'..<i? i.f hi? a-'tti.n ? D?u?! ? ? 1 M?5t. ANOKE*' h'Al.l.OM. Vltto' AH'?. HI Unrjw* Pi*, kocslaad Co. If. V SUPREME COI RT.?James S. He-trrfa v?iud loaaF. Fisheraaaisat Kraaeia Swell.?ToFHAN ( H >\M i I.I. Vim irr lieti h? .uuiuioued m 1 r- j i ml to anawer >h* r. ir plaint ia tlj;? actioo. ?Ii rh la this Iky (il?d hi th* pflic* of inaC aik of tho Citr and Coun'r "f No ? York at t) ? City os* Sow Ymk. and tuimtti pnpt ot'?nar pn?o?i in tka aaui coiup'an I oa th* Saasa ib?r* *t ili<ur olflft, b o W Ji ha tl la kaid airy, miiiiih twaolf dnv* aflar tho senior of ih1* s ho in on* on y >u. < i.iuaive of I ho dar of ?nch seme* ; and f yon fail to ansnor tha sa<d complaint ?Ulm tho inn* afwosasd ih* nlaiatiir ia tki*aalleaaril] t?k*jad|d'OBt btAhkatyaa for* ft* sum of ?nron Hnt.lrad and *l?ett< atx Lioiiara with interval, fraaa tb* lltkday ot Febriarr.oa* tbriin>and ?i|ht haudrnl and tifylwo, bo Md<? tha ci st? oi ih'? ufiiru - Dstrd N*w-Yo k Fobraary IS, fit WALLIS A HKADoTI IM , Piai Jiii V AU'ya. 171 lam.wM IjjjiUPREIrfE COUB V. Citj ri'td County ?V* ,.t Ni'k Y 'ii M lltNlit i'DWAHDH *-vt..l Patrick RKli.l.Y -Raaaaiaaa for a mu? tnn tad ?B c atracr ?To the anav* aVataad in': Yn i a-e ho-or,T i im Mj ued anil rniuued lo aa<w*r 'ho romp wut sis l?ia *0tk n, ?l.ii h war lilad IB IBS SOSaM ai kta CtOlk tkaOSb/BBa Coou'voiNo* Yark at tha City Hail la ***d City, aa taa istlt dat ? f F't> ui't initait bi d to artve a opt ol *>>*r srsirer *o aaid saaaSi dat on tha saasailfesr, a nii otDce, Mo M Wxll *t . itt tho Osts ad Maw-York, wi'liin twaa'y daya af'ir *htstststtTf siffetamai asoay*a ?erii*?i?* nl ifeodai of S*WaSar?SSO| trd If f^n fWI 'it ?,.*rr ih* said eon *l*ia< wiihia tbo inua af?r*aaid, 'n? f/taorf ia lb,a Noniui will tako j'tdemoBt mI'Ih'm u <?t t s ma Sa ?n* Imeiliod ai I voa ami IS >ll0<luiia'*. w Hi iBlortat frank in? latday ot P?oaaah?v A Ji. ,s.'. batidas taa r at* uf 'hi* ac 11 n ?Oa'ed s atfuarr tha IS'n iS>? ij P ANUROUS, I'laintili * .tt.o-nry \> 74 Wall (*. in Uta lia'lu* \\t I H'K i^ in". Ij) iiv-en thai JOHN ??. LI MV.1KKH, tt Jatsty Ci ?. m kb* ( mtaty o Had* i< n l.i- ?!.?. d .? n a.l? ritt annienl ta Iha ? ibirrc ar sd kts EataAa I a lua uf nl I m alii ui aia <- eAita a, and tkal he sad ciadaaaji ln't.t all ititl thai lO'oitva etanna, sadeyealfe ni aflin. a'i*a, wubittha ??ina.ii an utniana.? Dkt*d, Eehiuair tl, lAJl Mo VS It HPI'l.lK i '?m.arrar he ni??oiitrd at lh? aahsa '.f I I) MtlU'KN Ut'Ri.H. No in Mocteomary at , J*r??r 04| iTftwfaThM*_ x'\ A SURROGATED COURT, bell IS m and for tb* tN.UB'y of N*w Y. rk. alihe Surie s?io'a Oftll 10, in tha I Mr at How- Totfe, "U tho taroutt ??? *a It day of Jaunarv. in in* vaar ou* lliMMaaad ainhl biiav urid ana fifty two-Pr?*?ut. AUiandai W Bradf ird. Sar rogata?Iutae matter uf th* appli<-?iu<u '?> in ?r'<?<*. !*aaa or b*U Ih* iaai rata*r Ol SA.&1LEL N JV ? J A ii. daroaaad. On rea<lit| aa<) films <l'i* proof, hy anldaWt.el h* aervteo of aa ?rd*r tdi'iirias Beuiamia Narhaa, Tbaodor* J. Salsa? and Manaa* Adrutaia ratorx f taooiolN. Jodah, t'eeeaard. 'a appear IB Ibts Court on thia dar, and ahow eaasa why they .nonid sot tta required Is aaaftaakaa, atasa 01 aril tb* real *.tkt*oi tl.a aaid dH,:oaaed fur tk* pa>nv*at ofhis daht* , and,no caca* bavta? t>e?a ahu ? u to tit* saa> u ordrrril.tbat all oersoas iBt*re*'*d ia tbo wtsto of tho aaid Samnai N Jodah, deeamed, appear Itef^re tba fl. rroeai* of th* Coaaty of New-Yo-k at his "Wee, in tao . ... . t N?w-York. oath* I? hdar if March ooxt. at U* ... i in the forrnoon of that dar. tcoa aad ibar* to akaa ea no ? h> albasll| abould art haairr,- to th? aatd Aim m iitral r* ta ? ii?ar*. I**aa or sell so Bash ?f (haUfAl *o ta'o < f th*a*:d Samuol N Jn.lali.doooiwod.aaiihall ha *af fir-rn'ioraj huoa'Aa. A W. rr A J)FORJ>, Barr state J/??w_ IN PURSUANCE of an eyrder of the Stu nataU iiitiu ( oiinty of New-York, mrtica uherehv a?***, to all sararaM htivtna; claim* aeninxt 'U* e*tana of AS DREH Mi CALL,late of tli* City of N?w-\(.rk, carpa* * ? en . hm il t- iirevnt fir- a ? ??- * Ii vom berattiarrof tothesubaonUr. athiadwelliBX-honsa, in No 13 VVatta at , in the City of New-York, ua or before the ten'It day of Annluext?tsatod Neva York, tha ?Ii h dav of IKAitkar, Mil. WILLIAM CARLISLE. Aduuawlrator. o7 law Ant To* _ ._ il\ PURSUANCE of an onier ,.f t?i? fli .rciate of the Connfy of New-York, antie*if* keej l.y sivaB ?o all persota bavir-c olatass atri'ort r_w._aV MCiAATEIT, known tioiahr the nana* of rrsaeisSaaitS. lit. of the e.tyof N.wY'Hk. er.teae, doOMwdj to the Bane with vouches thare-.f. t j tha .n^? fiSrra al tk*?T rs Poota-jl . m tba e ty of N?w- Yoj? on <?*? i , mti the ;9<h d?r of JxtW aeit -Ostrd Now-York, tko <B. ^ jMl.w'.mTti' HENRY A \tr";. u, i * JWOTICE il bereby given, according tat i v ,t,v> ta all paraoaa havia? elanaa aaaaart GE?BUE BOUDY laUiof lira cite of Brooklyn, Kiuaa Cotta*?.df ' they ax* n q'Uiad to sa?Mt ?A? aaraa. with <ba . . . ta tbu saaaeaihara at taedr tdaaa sf kaav tea*. X . tA Catbariaa ?'? , in th* city of N*w-Y'Wk. <a >m ? ?!.. IJth day of May oeit -Date-1 November II, RJCHARn f?' ?I?I>V. t ?,Jnajnaat'jior*. MARY BoUDY I ?Aaaaaaaat-aaaa all ianeasTa* IN PURSUANCE of bo order of the finrr'/*?la of tha ConaattW N*w-York. aottoa B Uarahy a- rrnto atl peraias haviBs elates, aeaiaat JOHN a. afo r.11 BIN, law of 'ho CBy <! Haw-Tostt, Merct.?at,d? ? pieaest tha aarue with voocbara thereof tbo ?oh?cril>er. at h*r rerttienco. No. lliEaat Betadway. as taa . ifo/ N*w YorV.'aorhaAiratha l*bk day of Apr'' aarst. -l>at<d.New-Y? k.lha iJtndiyof Oe? is5i. at* la arTa LOOT McKJBBlR j N PI RSUAMCE of an order of the Sur 3 r sd th* County of Naw-Yoek. u^tcm ft l***** ? - ? liavuif cUvl'u. ad_ina? Lfcwia ? Citv of Newark, N?* J-rurf- ;j*_ .,.? ^. r* naasaaaaw ? -*?r. ;.? ti* re?.K-ncr. Sa I; tSsfaas jaaanmmm . .. or bafeeo *h* aa??ata?a*a, o^o? it-0,r,IN.,.Y^^o,,f.:;^^t,.f 0*4 lawCe-Ttt* I\ PURaStfANCB ..t'anoi.ler of the; Sur . v..% V.. ' "1 loyale of thr I at] 4 aalAUKL / rtvr; to all peeaoae ha.iDl elaaww.Bfaaaat ?AaiUBa^ aral the sarra. with ^^h^it .n Ua cTyofl^w K*q >, at tho.r o.Trra, .No * ^^'^Tr^u, aoat. . - ?eaty ?:1'^t_l IM! T)?t*d New* l?hd*y *f An*w?t.i?i MfmWlm WILLIAM J UAVW. < J "M _ 11 'a lawrararw -PROTON AQVJDVCT^ g^A*g 1 J mi ST ?To Cul t'*'"1" "?_?.rr in *? a. at " w,il ..rut ,R - ft-li"Hif knlda "' ? '?> IS-, at I a e < \Txm< *t. nouyt >">'?th ?b/ , I Ts_rif.le aud ill ath?r ia?r aatwa '?'? ??< , I di> f * IB_V?t1BtT,,n ?an ?? ?ho O-eateaa' .,.,ToU,.eum ?^?_XwT?S F.? U.IIU Cart .'tJ"' Oaaaa-J?a _,'CHOLA8 DEA<> ?7 fit ftttt* ? :lit wS 5 Afied'act Desar.atrtA.