Newspaper Page Text
By Telegraph to theNew-York Trlbane. WFW-VOKK i,F(;i-l lTI Kr, SENATE Albabt. Monlay, Feh 1?, 1812. tJIAIT"- A*? STATE* IsLAHD. A remoeetrance from MO citizens of kirhntcixl Counts against the confirmation of the ?rant to Coaeliua Yaoderbiit, wee presented. OIIIKVMCH BATUMI BASK Tbc Comniit'op of the Wbok took up till grinting additional poweri of investment to the Greenwich Savints Bank It authorizes a 1 un of it* surplus funds on the bonds of anv City, Ra'roal, Bank or State stock, in amount not exceeding oae teaUi of rta deposits Tke bill waa so amended ae to include all the Sa? vings Banks ia the State. . The debate took a wide Utende, involvier the duties of Trustees of Ssvim? Iu?titati*ns. tne iu vestmeote on various securities, and a comparison Of the safely of the different ?locke propoat-d to be oaedta the bill. The eatire sesronn waa c meumed in the eoneilrration of the MM but without arriving at any conclusion, the Comruittee rose and reported ''ImT/Tabob BBOTOd that Ihe bill bo recom? mitted to the Bar k and Insurance Co na.rte^ With Instructiona to report a general bill. BeadhBf, whi h, for want of aqaoiutn, toe Senate adjourned. a - se wiiLY. Mr. MoLo?y inured th>? ro^oosidr-r.itiofl ef the rote on parsing the bill regul.iMru tae grade of certain streets in New-York, with a view of in c'udisg 02d-st. bat feat want of a <i>ioruin the no ton was laid cn the table. The uae of the Assembly Chamber wan g- nt?d to tke 25:h Regiment, to celebrate Waxhiag ton's birth-day. Mr. Wbbb's resolution of Saturday, rela? tive to the Control u s [to wers over the Contiagent Fund, was called up and ad?>( ted in a modified form. The resolution to raise a Select Commit? tee to invo'tlgate whether the Shakers' Societyof New Lebanon ha.? a greater income than the U? loiss, with j?ow?r to sit during the rece?t. o:?-a s o rd a debate wiiich continued at length, * u- ? Mr. Ct orTered a Burtetttut6-?**Th?< the Committee on ? i f laMe and Religio is s >ci< ties, ii.q iire what nation, if any, is nocei a y ou 'he subject, and also in lefereocn to Binding orphan children to the?e Bo OOMI by the 8 'peria e deats of tke Poor." A' opted. Mr. Van SarttOOBD gBYC notice of a bill to ametd tne. act iaootoatBtlBg Shaker So ".eties, so as to make it jweesrary for tbem to report their an? nual income. Mr. Hurki t introduced a joint ranola tion ics'iucting the CaBaaafcttoO en the Canal '.'raids to report on Tuetdcy neat Laid over. bills rassgn in committee of IBI whole. To amend the act incorporating the .vlan ha'.tan Savings laoutntiaa. In relation to Hopkinson and Macou-sts. in the City of Brooklyn. Adjourned. Destructive Fire at Milwankee. Milwai/kkb, Monday, Feb IS, 1852. Tbe brick block on the corner of Main and Wie consin-its., (tbe finest building in the city,) was oa< tuely consumed by fire last night The block, which waa unfinished, contained the Musical ila'l, ihe " Young Men's Association" room, and other piblic bails it had already cost 823,uon. I he ttbffary of the Association was partially lost , also, a <|iiantitr ef musical instrument* of great valne. The trail loss is abou*. 0>a1 ? < < wholly uninsured. Several ?Savefe buildmgt were injured. TkO southern Mall-ship q*een Victoria in triHtrean. Bai.timobe, Monday, Feb. IP, 1891 7 here is no mail ?outh of Washington to night. Tke ship (jueen Victoria, from Leghorn for New York, arrived here to-uny in distress. Ohe encoun? tered a severe gale ou the 1 Ith inst, sprung a leak, and both pumps had to be kept going in order to keep her afloat. a The Susqueftanna River. Coli Mitia, Monday, Feb. I?, IMS. Tbe water s fal ing. and the brnige, for the safety of w rich some an ireheusions were felt, is now per? fectly safe. Ha k oe-Cbace, Monday, Feb. IS, 1888 The lee still eOBttoasO very Brni, and the o tri ire bow passing over it. True Bill. Baltimobe, Monday, Fob 16, 1852. The tirar.d Jur> of ihe Baltimore County Court have found a true bill agtunst Mcfreary, for the false err ?et and linpriMinineiit ot the kkaok sirl, Rachael Tarker, the alleged alave of Mr. Schoifield. The Mutineers of Ship Compromise. raiBaaataa, Monday. Feb. 1?. 1852 The Ore seamen belonging to the ship Compro? mise, who were arrested on the charge of inuunv, have been sentenced to jail for ten days. The Malar Llguor Law in ludiana. LonsviLLB, Feb. 15, If-j2 The bill before the Senate of Indiana in favorof the adoption of the .Maine Liquor Law. has o. en defeated. _^ PH1LADELPHU.. Baak of the Called State? \t rnther. Ooireseundsnre of Tha N. Y. Tr bune Phii.auelihia, Monday. Feb. 10, I-:>:. A meeting ^as bald this noroiag bv the stockholders of the Bank of the I mi I 81 mi their room tn Walnut it, above Thud Toe report of tke Committee pr? \ tously sppoo ted, von sab mitled nod finally adopted by the meeting The re aolutioaa deeui it ineapedient. at the present time, to make a general aasigumeiit of tue rem lining at aetaof the InetHBlana . and als> naked tne Lealala tare to relieve the CoramrattOB from the liability of tke payment of the bonus money doe the State The teport was amended so a< to contemplate a Baa) w mo oi? up. aa s on BOposathla, of the atfairs of the Iustuutiou Several attemfits were made to pre veul a direct vole on the reeoliiiious. The meeting apiomted a ? omintltee of seven to carry the resolu? tions into eCect. after which an adjournment took place to meet at tbe Bonn of Trale Room so ue evening in the first wevk in March, ensuing, due no? ticed which la to be advertised la the paparaol Philadelphia New-Yoik. Ba't luore, Boat 'n.andoer kaiM other places. Kev Joel Parker, 1) D , Pastor of Ihe Clint oust. Pretbyterian Church of this cite, Ms resigned his charge and accept,-1 ? ,-all to the Bloeoker-at.Church ofyonrtity Dr Parker Moattoomineat as a pulpit speak?r. Tae weather to-dav is truly beau'.ttul Taera an amtya Uomami las ( Lovaasaan, aadt-a ^oah ?limesoJdat f> so Ih. PLOSm asaehel n. m,i C m At It* 'ate ?ihuuie? aud iiiith?r n>*? ..f ti noil ht>l? ?t>n. aid hm?? ha<e txew mult at it 39 f bat. 8 ni.e Aolilcreao* reiut? ii,a |.n<-< rber? ita in ?l?rat? deuiand for city rea?umi>ti.<u ?t St JS;*$1 ie. In Kvs PLOUB ?oth ta <)..!?< Asmail ,ule ,.t Coan Maat at SJ \U i SM?*k . lot there I? t-cn lit'le .^1?; iu4 ' HUBAT it m-tnce aau in tleniaud. I>.vm for nulling and s*AM?ent Aa-ea nf l,04S> buih wime P?nnsyivan.a kcd. Rvaairte. Cobn isdall. but ih?r? M not saurn oifsniie. asita.l sales el YtJlow at 6tlc. No sales of Oars have ae.nte|x>rud Wmsav .s in belter deiaauj ud 0u ,d. seared Kale, of bait ?t lie . bht'? Me SaiasorSia?! as - e?.j- . -g|y lg, (v.|k,jj ff?. aeeaad Boor.! asv >?,.!. """V J,! ?' " ---S-'. Nav .11' ?"? R H*"- m ?5 Naai K K -.-'t. IN n a STf, IMS A Coal, 101 ? m ?? JSrii.Va TO ; "-'^ Ktmmaram g.OOO do.l?oi ICOUO Penna J.<. >; O.OOO Lite ( oav . TI 88 a.ouO do . I OMMERi I A], MAT tkrs. Bales at the Black Kiehaaae ...raaacaBr i<> IMkiladi?Ba*ia.... 42 2t?o t ie R.K.N .SKI \ a Os, HO coup lPOf'ioo do rai . hS 5?::::-?? m f.w ? do. Bfd iso oo.:m 0.1K0 do.bOOBSiilOO eo 771 0 000Erie lac ?ds.. 88)11 M do " 8808 do.02il2tai do'*** ru UN Y a N BaveaulOTi uv Zi --; 85Mka ^o R R...101 100 doT7I II Hud liv R R... BJ 180 do.^^iisdrrjoi 77? 000 L Island It. U... lt?r IM do.... MO 70 UCantoa t o.e^* 100 Harle? R. 1{ aa do.88|(g80 do.b??e? so do.OBt 100 do. 6if t) Bank of Com.100 jeoo Reading R R Mi SO Baak N Ann ....v.:; v. , .......? JO Irring Baiik.OOfjaoo do. 00? &0EJgeworth. Tf.'sui do. 60 ?00 N J Mini*/ Ca.. ]1 IBM do_ 06, 10? de.b?) ln'ioo do. bi? 60* Id* Morr.a-.BOO |7t,t00 do. 66 100 do.-.b00 17?' 50 do.SOU 65? 800 do . 17 100 do.ttfl aacoNo aoaBu $},(V* . 'enrert. ~l.. 88 I 90 Erie R R.tft ? 000 do.BBf '100 do.slO 771 0,000 do.oWBBflOQ do.600 78 0 000 do.8*1. 50 do.bJOTTf ?CC0 ca>... . ..b30 mm 50 do.01077, 180 Hudson 1st Buds, let , rjd do.77f M* Marions.bOOOAfl 25 Bk of America..10J| 'l* ? do. 05f J50 Canton.sOO 00 ?00 Reading.,60 651 50 do.fl?r m .55, 50 L Island. 18 H *?.?*? ?0 Mart Hants' Ina ..101 ?*t? *o.95 i Moaoav, Feb. 10?P. M. The Stock market continued to ba de fttaaod tan mere in g, with but a raoUarate atnount o, trsasaetioTe AH the ttn-les were dull and lower, tot attr the Board tVn ?n cii^ region and tie leadirg fancies advanced 1? i H? nr.: At the SeeoBd Hoard there w.a no activity and the a* M of th* itreet were not anatained Erie , losed at 7.1 antrcprovement from the lowest point of the tag. bot a de-line of 1 per OBOrt from Saturday. The ?liaalliaa apprebention of contractors' ito--k t) r-ome on tke market had enrne effect Real n? closed at05f. a decline of I percent. Harten de? clined f per cent. The low priced S o*s we*e Ml but without important clnnge There i* j ist now ore of those lulls in the ma-ket which invariably fol? low activity Porte! Stocks are steady Virginia 8hm Improved i percent. Governments are dull. The Western 8t?te st icks have an upward tendency. There was a good dement at the Second Board for Erie Convertibles and the '[notations advanced t per cent. The Exchange market is not activo, and tie leading drawers of Ste?mg put their rate down to 111 to-day. Tne demaad is moderate and the supp'y is increa* ng, especially from the South. Veiy little produce has yet come into New-Orleans from the district of Yazoo, Red and Arkansas Rivers, and when the navigation permits there mun be a very large amount come forward. Tne kraanao ajoas in this market in Cotton and Breadstuff, for eiport are much more important In the last week or two ?r,d will make a sensible increase in the supply Of bills. Francs are 5161 a 5 15. Ship owners are very firm in tlernandiijo; hiyher rates of Freight, and there is a conitiernble amount of produce offering;. The shipments of C >'. Un are seme 4,100 ba'es, including one entire cargo. The asking rate of Grain is put up lot! 8ome 5,'fObbls Flour were engaged, some reported as high aa 20d. The steamer of Satur^av lias some Flnx 8eed ?.t 4?. Verse's in the berth ate nearly all fu". To Havre, some Cotton was taken, at 1c A British v-ssel was taken op to loid Flour at Baltimore for England, at 2s. Of. To California, 'hue is a fair business doing at previous rates. In Money there is 80 change to note, bat a rathrr more active demand. The supply on 0 ill is abundant at <"? a 7 $> cent. The inuuiry for first-class -l asl piper is good, ali le tbe amount offering is lim? ited. The itreet rates are 6 a8 $> cent. We are sorry to be obliged to BBROaace ii otl.u iu-pri sten, gforgro. Carle ton d Co , one of our largest tilk houses, was obliged to suspend par ment to day. Their liabilities are nbrmt $700,0on, and they show a surplus of tlie ouO of assets. Im? mediate cash it-lief was needed, which couli not be had upon terms which would be submitted to. A party of Eastern capitalists, after searching investigation, have taken Fifty Thousand Dollars of the Mississippi and MiUaukte Railroad Bonds, recently offered in this market. The supply of Mexican Land Warrants in this market, is reduced to a very limited naatbar, which are boM at $180081*0. Tnere ia, however, but small demand, as all parties are wtntingfor the pastitge of the bill nuking the new warranta assign. able. The El Dorado is at hand from Ch agree, with nearly 8)1,200,000 in gold. She bring! five days later news, brought by the Golden Gate to Panama The Golden Gate brought no gold on her manifest, iiot 1 eiug one of the regular line. Tne tenor of the advices is about as before received. Some of the Quartz Mining Companies were doing well, and oth ; eis had fulled to obtain profitable results, generally by re; son of in'-ompetent machinery. Mr., in a litter to Col. Fremont, states that knows of three quartz < ompsnies which had declared, respectively, lo, 11 and 15 4) cent. $.> month on their capitals. The amount of specie manifested at the Cus? tom- Home, and shipped from San Francisco for tbe rix months ending Dec. 31, 1851, was $21,234,155. The amount of duties collected during the same time was 81 012 126. During the last ata months of the year ls51, the clearances exceeded the arrivals by 51,008 tuns. Tbe entire yield of California in 1-' I is estimated nl 875,000,000. The above amount of gold by the El Dorado added to the previous arrivals, sn.tkes an aggregate of *".<?: .no since 1st January, and including Ihe deposita at New-Orleans In January, makes an ag? gregate of $7 705,000 The exports in the meantime have been 85,042,000, leaving a baUece in favorof the country of $2,663,000. The Luge kransTer of CJ 0 v e rnmentStock, alluded to soifie days since, from foreign account, v,as made by James Morrison of Condon. The bal? ances of transfers from and to foreign BOOOOUt fot the last two or three wetks is \er\ It understood that the last installment of the Mexican Indemnity will be paid out of the 8>ib Treasun some day this or next week. It will h tva no favorable effect, however, up ui the market as it doubtless will be remitted at once to England. One ol the Washington letter wriler*. h iwever, states There is some difficulty?what I cannot say-in negotiating the three millions (Indemnity iiiil) 10 no paid to Mexico, June next The Osd negotiators de eUi.e 10 pay the 3| |*eeal premium,upon the ground ' that the Appropriation Mil his pas aad at so laie a pe j nod, that they have not time to aake the transfers. I What is to be ihe upshot remains to be seen The kiahstanl secretary of tlie Tieasary, Rod go, ba- | i?t rataraed Oem Philadelphia and New Yorx, where, it is piobabV, he has been to negotiate upan the suo tM ', at .Mr \fpiuwall, one ol tne old contractors, j ltee is bete. The receipts at the Sub-Treasury are SS.Vtft Paid, #1611.571. Balance. ?3 25a,<i53. I he apore^ato imports of this port th is far in February are $5,1511 347. The remainder of tha month will probably ahow a sBaalist amount. The statibties of the Cotton crop to pre? sent date are as follows 1 _. . . _ ISA?. 188t, is?o lsio. jaaakjaaat tha Pasta ...-liUjm utaej i.sos ijsi m * ta Great Broaui.. .530.1*0 ili.fiai 38a taxi tki! Uu i ijtau to t rance.UH.eol !8S CoO lSoOOO 141 0?C Kaporu toother For. |>oris l?),vcti 101.000 71 000 ISf.ooe j Total klipoiU.-SrS.svu ?ll>?0 ?0. .not I7o',o0 SUi, k vci timid._540 oeo 6.,?.too 600.00* tfi,0M Of which duru.g the past week, included m tue above : 1 ? . . .. ? l^'-'. 1851. 1850. isla. Kocr.pb.inlo t^e IV ru.IBS.oeS 10i,tai0 66 ttO 107 iKHl , ViiKiitsto Wieat Bniaia... M 000 12.000 19 000 54 SM Ki|x.rts lo Fiance. 16.000 6 000 j.OM S3 taO I to other Kor. imru. r.oee total Sjsss tolalEsiort?. 66.co0 24.ii?? 18 o00 S)!oM Froaa which it will be seen that the excess in re i etpts now airounts to IIOO.OOObales The increase in exports to Great Britain is 68 Ik Ob lies France, 0,000 . other foreign ports, 1.oop. Tata) increase in ? v|>ort?, K5 taO bales The followiop is n statement of the busi? ness at the New.Orkans Bunch Mm;, January, 1652 nataatan of wtich $66ii 187 08 ( aa'otnu... $680 580 76 Bales i of ft kick $4 4M i: ptrtsni fro:a California go 0. g 473 ^ Total value of deposits.$ffW, >5t os rroraina 2f*.s* :5? double eaglet.$-05 000 CO Si!vtr....*4 (a-0 half do.lars. \i 0.10 DO f3,750 pieces..Total coinage...$'s?7 00ii"03 The Cumberland (Md.) Muers Journal >eys that the tee ia the Caaal hj ra,n V.y disappearing, and that tha Coal Companies in A eg ay t ouaty are prepared to renew operation! on an enlarged teile in the eprirg. The Baltimore and O?io Railroad Con paay. tt also states, win enter into the coal busmeia 10 a much grtater axtet.t thts year. There are two bill* before the Lreoi*]t ture of Virginia for the eetablishmsnt of Free Loks j ??e ?? Staunton and the ether at Charleston. 01 the Karsawha Sthres They are required to depost? with the Auditor at Richmond Bonds of the Sute. or thoee which ate guaraaleed by the State, t> the ameuut of circulation. In the** cases the amount is glW.OOO? Bank notos to be registered and signed by aa authorized officer, and the Banks to be re? stricted to Ahe laaue of auch notes and lo omer Tbe amount au y be increased from time to time in Bonds ajBcinUng to $2o,000, upon which nates me. be issued in tke taane manner It in the iron for a hundred miles of' doable track, aad not the tra-k itself, which tke Erie Railroad Co have contracted ftr. msTanal tn stock at par. At Philadelphia the Money market ia easy at ft'a 9 ?J> eeat on flrat- -las? caper Jt wih f>e seer; by a telegraph dispat. h that tee Committee of Btoekh-Mieri of the Cnitel 8tate s Bank have OrlJed not to reeo nmeaJ a gen eia) alignment. The creditors of Texas in Phtla-lel/ n had a meeting in tae Ex'ban's a fe?v evenings since, at ?hich aorxie steps were tak-;n Is preis their chims on the attention of the present faatgraia Among other things, a Committee was appointed to determine the courie of ar.tisb to be pursued, and aa agent selected to go to Washington to p-ess the matter on the attention of C.n&reii aid tha Ex? ecutive. A bill to authorize the Pennsylvania Rail? road to construct a Utcral road in West.norelaad an! Fayette Counties pa..-ed the Sen.ite oa Saturday. In the House on the same day bills were reported to require the Pennsylvania etaiiitsad Ccwnpaay aa re? duce the tolls on their roal. t > a-ahoriio ?h?- nego? tiation of a loan of $SoO,CCd to c'>rxtpleie tbe Notts] Branch Canal, and to provide for refunding tb* rtlitf cotes issued by the Banks Bf the CBaaatthV wealth. The toUi amount of the State dem of Kentucky is $5,746.-07 H, of Wnich $1.JJC 77o 01 exists in the form of bonds to the Bo.rd of E laxi tlon?in othtr words a debt of the Stute to herself. Deducting this, the remainder of that de'it is $1 3J9. 53" 61. Eut this amount should be prartically con? sidered stili I'jrtLer reduced by tbe fact that the State owi s $1,420,5(0 in Bank stocks. t_e divido.11 from which emsUerably exceed the interest paid! by the State en tne sau.e amount of her deal. Bu: de? ducting this amount, us trill be the practical opera? tion of winding up the Banks, tbe public debt w.mld then be ti -Til,137 81. The whole amount invested by tbe State in Turnpike roads is BB BB4 21.? IK But this investment toss not yield ?n per cut. Tne Railroad Stocka cwi.tJ by tae State are profitable lnveitmeais at pre^< I The Directors of Lhe Srativwestera Rail? road Bank ol South Carolina, h ive re.t-.ui aeaded an arses?n ent of $0 25 p Shan to be ma 1c on the stockhok ers. This is to make good losser tustaiaed during to* eany ?dni instiation of the affairs ol the DSBh.fsnil arhtth its now carried lo the pront and lots account. The present bu?int'<j? of the Bio'ii? reported as socrisaftll and profitable. The annual rtparft of the Vermoiit and Massachusetts Railroad has been in ide i The groi? Income of the road, fur (he year 1851, was.*19A.tf23 5t E xpense.lll.^ijl Net income.081,041 2.1 Inteiest paid on bowls and floating debt.. i>?< std III Valance cf income after deducting ex? penses and interest. $12 l'J7 13 Ilalance c'o. in 1MU. 2-* 271 Balance tlo in lfio. 23 331 76 Tbe result of the year's operations ex ibits a diminution ol net increase in me year 1H5I, after paying expend is antt interest, of $lu,0il til as com? pared with lM'J, und $11,137 05 as coiupareJ svitb 1 h5(l The tross income shows an excess of $ls 22"? 86 Over I fit', and $:>?,>:-' i S.'> ove r im\> Tne liaiilitioa of the Caiaapaay we aaaial* as follows, i .Mortgage ItaaWs due in 1855.tO40,0d0 00 Old bonds, due in lb52. W.ntw 00 " IbM. 41 100 00 Floating debt. 76 082 II Total.$1,1.At 532TT Against winch the Company bare assets. $65 585 87 Balance of liabilities.$l,w5,95?Tl Some conversation having taken place concerning competing lines, Mr Pr> .-ioetit Whitteinore gave it as his settledconiictioa that the Railroads of New Eng lane must combine to rai?e the prices on all the Roads, in order to save themselves. Markets?CansriLLY Repoutkd BOB tra Tbibi-mi. .... t MoarnY. Feb. 16. AellaS?7 h* market ia *t*.tdy aad more active Sa'et of lull nt-l. at $i lor l oa aad io l?i f-r l'earls COTTON?-ta* market ia n.o<l.irately a. t:?e. t.tiWbuws .'?uro i .i,-i? Priesa are *t*ady. Currmt 1'ruts tur Liverpool Classification. ... i saaad. Mo. a Flo. N.O.ftTex. Inferior. num. nom. u,?ii Ordinary.71*< 71 71*) 7, Yiej 71 Al.ddlisy. Hut.) tali It' ?. I ' aikAdhag Tur. 8{? m ?,'a u; g;,( u Fair. t.m I i ?y ? ?| at yj Uo,d Fair. aotn. nom. n tm Tint. nom. nom Bates. FLOUR AND MEAL?There ia lee* dowr in We?i-.-n and b uie Flour, but hinder, are ?uu tne s n ?er? lin e if any Buperfioe t* be bin below $*. A fjrtAaf ad* vaneein Frsistiti raotlle sbu?n,e?a f. r sxooet, bat the ? is u fair home and KasteiB ia?]Biri Caaaiiiaa is 11 at and she iiiarke' ? iir-ni'Lai at s n 'lli*a?'-a f '.) tr. tic leach 5.1011 blila. at $i tot Mae, tileuti .2i fee favor iteS'ete hnd scm.(I iKt h "iy f>ni >; Av<t5) (*) fat Dblo ?ia Now-Osn as*, anil BAOrBd Ji r?r attaad I?> aSAkiv Mictneau and ltd iiBa Srju.hern is akaisi bellrr, Wihi fm data i .d I > ?l> ; (? :,r iil't tr-e n n.e li...le Si .-a f I ?" , :? ?? *^<a? > lit tut onanoa to atrai^'itaraua*. and $i u(0)%i 7j ? er faan y ISaStMad in Iht i*le* are ~s u i>,,s mi 1st ti'tt it rredwvseswDwfa at M SA,??ajTtw n^e Fln?r i?seame BWI*a af amatl lee* at $1 StA Cora Ataai t* buj a at s* n of Sin Mda. Braaaj <iar ?r $.i M4, ai .1 51 paaeaa 11* at S 6 Kvt kwliekt F eui ia in ileit.and , st'ee of tuu bbls at Si 75 ami I t t^at> f $1 IMa$t :'7i y IC i h, CHAIN? Our rnarket I * Whia SSaVat.wdth a r>od h ral sad taiMdof OAairy There is teij Iritis odoriaa li ta itore The rales laeroda S.iO'i hush ;i-:tiis W'l.i'a S >u n eta at II Z<r. a,:so bush Red do at $1 U, tit hash R.?1 Loi g Island at $! IP. and J.viU Imsb. eran-i Wrnse lirne?o? a' $t i* ssya iaseare?aad watted, with sbsss ? eculaitrc damaad ft* fatara ds livery A lot of ?;en biah ,Ier*ry?.1d at 7>o ami fun aaah No.ihean.-nrMa) deliver, oateia* not slated 'tata ?.e mere aiuxdaut, arul il, - marke', is Sa'tfu/Btateat Unsafe . sad Iiis?? at 37<*>38.;. Btrleyis beld lisal] ar ;Du?Tr fViu |? beH but 'he deauad u iLodarale inr eapert and the Cut. Wa Bavo ot !y to aots a rale . 1 3 0 muh. 8 .ti he. a feBow at 7?.-. \t rsteiri ali\.d it hi Id at Bo. Wb te u tc iree a d waited at 7fa72c FKtivisioNs-- * steadysaarkotfor p.rk, rh?d?ma,d is 1?? active, and tbe inaydy is n."Cera * ,-ilsaof il ? !lrw $'? Wt foru-vl'., ?e; *,* Ai t..r..c Mere. $ij.j, f? , :d Fnm?. a-.i $!CiJrJ( Clear ??er is nrm, hut le?s ?"tiTe; ihcr*!, .!., , ?i.. m to lie.iaal.-s K.^o.e n U ',r>la. .aai^e.l hiude at $j ? 4*il jl rTa^llIa',. :'("f}' f ?' ,,,,me rVrata Maas xtoacnee at$l.?$!7 btei Hau? are ti.tuer.wtth (intii sale* at Sil Jtwaii .j Lard!?mu**huad<Bt aaid nnoe*?iiah u favortbebuier Pairs , f 7i hhls ant tc* ? K;? ffl!frf?iaSi^Mart,!,f "??'??Taiii lafairdeataad and re f*f d.. Rhou'der* D e*,ed H. gi are .?!luu M ? ,? ieuiltradeat7c lak,.. Butter i.fl uiaud in Sraaad. parit^S^^A ahTp^sattir iT^; l\Z7?to?Z..?d'e u UUM'^ ? w Ua I.F.bONL?We n.ce asa * of Jn.lion ft Polar a* <l' aaaial A y. ,d .Iranand f 'r Clover, fjr exo.i t at ti e*. Pa'*, t-fth thi, ?tsian',- eaafc ri.? mLa i! ?care* Sale, of m's at tl si sj mV ?y?tt& tV'lt" 1 **lill-t at *li**lt iet ^?aaal tU sk^Zrrlp.ul^ VFctT** " in,proT*ti prte TOBACCO las'eaf v I0S lAds .ok? Bald at 6*7? nr?f ,fn,?nt: SN h x-. old PeaaarslvaawBaad I. ? V ines Ijc ; Ids hoxe. Caaer-.tca- Sfed Leaf saiAa ?J Flo-ida. l5??Sr..aid9eAfagua I5e "lM ? M Tl . V.V,l Uf '?" "1b">?" aJ.'i Milan do ant a*r i. Tb* art ok -f dome.tir and fort-'gn I? lirht. aad ?.( the I t e-ahlBa.l?aar, eaperia,:. ,.. Me?H.rritne.a W,~,l T ? na. ?? ,, ?.?ket baa hteit clea ed oat tr? th* rr*n -a (.bverBDirui.who have BSNkfhl to ear-uiae, ? ,ue ? laeinrri* Fcyar* te e ate few at pre.ekt rjriar. aa Baa. Lcturer. fltd all Weolea C.*?t. atasi satf.?'*.rX*0'5 use. 'iraeit t <Y*tn fa ?aoulr, t, r* freelr W* kear ,.r' salksol 30 1,0 17. D,sb...sV Fl^c* al tig, a*d\5 b I . ?a.lnd l aiiljvaat iic , ? moatU*.. -a>?? ?ew-Yort Cattle Market-rssBiaai IK*o?T-,eJ for The TYlPBB* ] For Be*.*., at taa Waahias^s Dr.Te Yard u.ra.r l-a ?ad . . ^^SSS At Waaiir.a-t. a ryaorr Y?Hr.-Offe..d I res jw?.. ?a Abe,.- itHhoad !.f ?trr ?aiolf Q ' ' * 7 l?9 c'? *>?.,? erVB i'? ,., taAPt|, ^ ^ ofJ ?i W|?$i >,$j a o.u. 15 * lt' '-nawr.aaal ?? 5>.e $1 ??*^*%> iJ^^^mU^ sa, ; ? ?'?'?PU ar Pradace ..Fka. 1?, i>4i Bt Frit Railroad?' ays nv, ... .... _ la?* Cat* ui nks. .Vt., ,' a?1 J" j^^rioav, IJBJ 9t IVear Harm R^o,u -Ne b. 'attra)^ alARRIEO I Fa to httM B rjlADVwS, cS. MAC? V rVn ?1EO ' S 1?! ^V??^??. Jaaa? ;t v T-.^r ^^?wV^^ sar-u-sat ef th. FiAh D.tnc?^ & ? 1 riM.s. laderrsdrtie* CuMd. W>?k, a Gray? n. <e Bleich I ot'ir, > ?? It.** I O I 1 ?1 F Eir.i? I. ?'tr >f Vice ?s?* A< 0*1 ?ed Maert ? ?'? ?>?'*** ? alte.d ?'<?(?<?' *?' .,b *??.-,. fi!?- it MoYi.rV P M 'r..ahn'**r? i .terire No 3 N rth M ? I h - a- f i\ir B*WB*. ,.??., .... . ..? i ? ? tA, Mm ad c.ajl k*vk?j. ? tbt I ?')??' 'fb ????" . , ,v w .avkwa The f.'m'n "r? ce w 1 'Hf : .tr- f-nm!b* an ? '?>?' sna.i* tass.fbatiesThwin*. N" 2? Vwilim KM **1 te?d.? atloYloek. P M relapses and fr'**d? are re ,r.rtf*ily itTi'wt to a t?rd wvbout farth*r bo*.ic*. i hoi'on ; leas* * ' ? *? P? V J . M V >.]?? momi** Feh 16. B?*4 N ,?m ( Akri.IVF. L. nrf...f? Mmhu J J"T? dac.Merof lb* lata H?r*-* Co????'!. defeated, of fjew ^?. Mm-day. Feb. MV of e?n?nmp u>n. Mr EDWA'ID SI HAllAV aged 3t teas aad |J dass. Hiafrwada anl 'hot* of hit famoy sr* res->ec-f ply '? rittd'oatUBd h.? funeral ?n w .,! .e.dsy A'teran,*! a' > tk f'oir h.s lataiei d.ace.No. 118 Barrow-**.. ?iw ;<t ' ? V.;. ?! Wh u.M.. aft.r a 'o., aad ^^J*** ? a eh ?h? h?r? ?wih Ctin?t an f.nitade. DELI A LOUrA H in the tenth ??ar other we, you*f*st da.rhter ?I ?,???.,? H sidFii/aH. Mrasoa 1*?* f.,en*, n. the family are re.oe.-?fu'ly inntad to at und tbefmeralon Wedn?day. the l?th in?t .f* >??*>?. Urm ,he'...ce.ce ?< h-r fatter. No 59 Went mh*.?*? ShV HTrstr.USwrl be takento G.e-nwxwt for in flm .rt Ther .ncreraO'n or'he M b\ Chnrnh in Jane LTIb* tAWMBWBS^er1 Pnted F-.ends. Lodge No IM 10 ofO F are Basiled to af end. Au ction ?oie lose tune ?*i? oore, P,. n?a?' aid were ?11 rs vain. Till G <d wm p'ea.ed to rise bar eaae ff.e h-r ffi in Death ? paie. Hf U" OnMmfai* Feh I?. PIWCAN D3?0LAW, aged ?I T nl fnTo^^"laVaniVlr 'and those of tot*88**? *?d ar d alto of hi. son ?law Joaeoh C k orb,s are i.t>ttdto i,i>r,Hli. i ?a*;el a' 1 o'eT-rk Tbl? V??'?*^;^?{ the re.trlerre .fit. toB, I'^o Doaalati.. No. ?7t Spruur-?... ?itknnt further m?ita?t<'n_ OnMonJay.Fab. M, WALTER, na of Jamtf Bat tr, * T ? "er*? ?f th.- fawi'y are in'iU.I U attOBd tha fune? ral .n Taetday. at *j oVkck, from Mo. 1 Uaidoa.*L. Bl.-kljn ^?mvmwmmmwmm pmaaeBarera Arrived In lUnmfh-p fairWWpaw. ?I .Vnr-i>/Miar. Ttb. i. 'r? Chagret-Mr?. Baete. denen er aod sarvant, n. H Driffa, A. G. Beard aad laoy E. P LoeBe, W. L. Uib<i >n, C, M .Mar?L?l.T D K;n: er r B -lea. R Ajie'e. Mrs. Mr ihell. A Grey. j tin B?0l , I. I. P?U < <? W. H War? den S II. Samole, Jno. Kdoarda. 8 Ho<?r. W He??.S W rwheB t; 1. t a.I ii.t' P. ir'-irn J. Inl. an l l'ir?-e rhlldreo, K P Nicha t. lT 8 N.. Vre N\?h< le. Mn in? ter Jne M^Tat P G. Si'hben Ed?aH Turk. M ? I P. l)ar<:.W>.. (1- ftbeek, B. M C-'-ell, U.8 N . B P. P ea burr j. B fbaw.Mr. A-<lr?wa, l.e.-'p'Id Lib, B*. K M?r rt\ V P N.. Tan*. II? li ne, H K-aer?. and ??r?.-ui-, Mr. Hered and >errant. T O Born, A ? Cortf, Edar, Dit>maB,Mi Mi -r n,d la^y. j F. Merutche?n. dopa T#r ia l. I<aTr M:idam? Mmie. M'l Mine. A J DWr min u'? ? Keen*. j L Powers R H.S'.seens.J Ol ?B, J. CM si Win Bfa heny. 8 .7 fi'o'te. L Dnr<s lads ar.d two ( hiMim. Henry Poole,P II Sttrtmn. Jam?aGil. i?< re,C ' Oarrett, JasaesBiewdar.CnarleaBmwder,T. ri:itk D. Carrastnello, 8. Vreect, E. Rayel.J. l v , te. w. Leler. A De Lens, ?X K Stanley. O Parry. J M PearealLB. H Arkin*. wB. .Tohns-n W. W Will u M DeliQuere (' Peake. J r,yc. B E Hull. xIr ?IrPsM?. ?Tr Bishon. Mr. Keyn Ide, Mrs. Oslansjer? srd 22? iu llio ?f?ei;ire 6 4ri<; /.'h i. ^rom PorUau- Pnnce?C?D*. rb?*? ii?n, ra'e sml one traiusn, nf tbe Breraenbriir E.nelie i Lu-y, lost at Jsreruie._ arritn-nraB aLMaaac?this oar SVK?Bisse... ? 43 I Sett_ 4 37 I >loo>?-Ri?es.... 5 37m man wstsb_F.b 17 8aad/ Rook...7 19|Oor. Ialand...8 09 I Hell Oese...9 30a MARTNTE JOURNAL. POST OF NEW-YORK_FEBRUi 11 IA Clearei. Pbii?-Chainplsis. W. odwa d, Noa-Odeaas. J '.V Rl weil k Co ; 9atak w. CaehSBf, wade kfealla J w. E' ?allatCo.tZurieh.Rich U4?r?. af. Li?inirsMn. PaesBe, Ne!??n. New-Orleans, wm. IfalaM A 8<>n: Cirneii.u Grinnell. Flrtol i r. L-m Imi, I, Mm urn A Cd ; H ire Houiid.Conalaad, Baa Fiwacsno?, Adam leaith: Meaaaa, McK?ii7 e. Sli.uthae, A A Lo? k Hrna.. (?alhari'i?. Hd ward*. N?w onean, s^i.n^t.,,.,1 Xc <J^I>liur4; N.w-Yo'k. Hnll.fhirleston.Geo. Bulnlwy, Manilas. Bi^sr, Acspal co. R w . Trasdy. Bait-?t aroliue. Bkerwood. rhar'eaton, Dnuha a k Di mcn. Van Dvrk (Belt ) De Bfler, Havana and Aatwarp, Faache ? Meitrke; Otlo*a, H,o.ika. Pjrt Walthall, Wm Ty??n. Bri?s?I'ailma. Thstehe? fiaraanab. Danham A Dimnn. Sar na Bprafe*,Cadiz, J B. Kunly; Delaware. Kard -lie, Bauanore, Jsmaa HanJ; Mt-u, (8w ) AtaoJcr, Rotier daaa, Paecli ? Mataekaj Tsetaala, (Sr.) Buzaatt,Halifax, A. Leary. StihiM-rt rs?Beni Biown. Refers. Ba'tirnore, John. >n a Lowdtii. Riclimnsd. I'l'y, Kirnni md. C. H. Pier? m, Ce lumbia, Wil'Io*. Nori' lk, Sturze?.C'eamiIB A C > ; M? tilde F. W? Is, Griffin, tlhartes. n. N*. L. MeCreidy A Co ; Fore?t Kir ir. Baker, St .Uro d,- M M. Freeman ? Co.:Gip*ey, Itnnrrll, Kirhninrt. J W. MeKeeiK. . Go'i'er Stv.iuali. N I. M. I'i?:??!? st Co.; MariaL. Da ?!., Dart*.BI. Michaa,B, 1. E. Sardv; Heape, Westaa ay, Halifax H S Diaioran biooii? Blaeataaaa, y;n ith Pr >?iden?-e Arrived 17.1 M nl tteamalilp Kl DaraSZA Lieut H. Hart?te:n sreaithszrnaPek >, via jnsaa r\ Keh 9 with tue r h. ?alia, MS aaaseasere, aad avar 8'^SSSSSia e?ld du.t. to at.O Robe t-- Tb? steazasaia 1 m el ?tat*? arrived at KiLZ?tnn. 'rom Chafei on the 8 b wlm re.ierteil the ? Oeevzda as arrtvesl at Chagres on taa >tb *r.a 1,3c u paseaaaere. Sttsnahii 1 l ted Btatee. Berrr, from Cbaatss.Fe'? ?, al 4 V M . ?r,d ait da)? anil ten tmnrs l> Kiarstoa, Ja n, witb |>s?erreis to Jones & i> hunt, Bhrp Robert A l.e*is. (gr.) Vaiishan, Cardil 19 d?-a rniiroail fr, u in W al'tre. Sbiptu lornia Par-kei (if San Kranria.-o) Heat. Bsl'i n.u-e 3 diijc, (lour lo J Bt Finl y and other, -tmmi I > T. f. Ceeper. Ship A / .Cliau ller UwiBBwl. Dee 21. m lae and ?C9 pa?i? icsrs i" Zerera k Co. lint had heayy weather m tlie, S des' ba arnoiir the p tssesgera. The ship hit aai' eted at <,>uurant?e. Bhip Atlantin, lloith, New Or.nn* It d?y?. tn.Ue Jnd pass, to Kr- rt ti flic ks. Fe?. 7, l.r. 2b, l.?a. 7'1 30. ?;i >^e ( art I W Ml deet, Ve v York. Uaik Uaeeaia, Allen. Prevtdeaee. in kaltaet<ezaiiCer. Vsstfcwed t itheC't, i.. ? e?mer Hect ir. Gau? YlteS. Bark Elliot (ef Warren) Mi Iu'yre, Near Urbans ii di , soirsr an.) BtoisB*** tu Hasen k Co B?ra DlatBsa*, fed B i'nu > <'?. .k . Vew-Or?.' u-t ' days, ii dte. to Bia?ter. Feh i of Cape Fior.tfj, fj<,*t abipHua farian, Mobile for Harr?. Bark Haiteat, N etVa *. S???ne?h 5 rlnys r itton avl r'e.e teBrarrrs, Clarenztaa kCm The ship Uaitturd sl<l tee day pravieai f<r Ne?-Y?rk Hark .1 8T, BI'Hlsrt. Wait, Ritnl f?? Yuratan. Jan. 3u. m.lae. to Ed war a Thebaml A ;oa. Left no ArB vssssl.? iu I ort Bri? Lnev El'ee, >f na't) 9",i-h Near Harea t days,ia ia' ?? toaaas <r Brie Ci! ?e. ,S? u?, MatiMni a 15 rt,,?, tu i1!,.-my, kr., ioTb-oi r ?e? fc, H'iD'er Feb 5. Ira 19 S? Un. 79 Vi s?oke beat Oread Taizr, of a&d for r1 no .dance fe m .\l,t.,n/ i? I ir |e Am. ves^ela Brut Pi?roa.(ed Bate-ir) Nirkersin. Wiltmaet >n. N C, IlavaJ .-'oies to master. BrifHajti Cnaiaiaiaa.rmt an Ptlarn. Tm w.r.itfee ti II I. a A. Kerns. Left sehr 'Im v-i. Idf I r BoeCia. : aJ etaers Uf. ie . ep..ntd Has bieu 10 dayt north of Hattere?. Srlir Mav Flo ..?r (efWarrtra) Atlea, JaekeraviTla S d?., \t\ ??? i ii e to Per? A ChU'eh S'd in bo > ith nrirs ft'i ' is Ban e. Cm St. Thongs, Ssb lirowu, |,,r Deiaerar i; '?rre? W, .Sn.%11, let Na<y IU.. Sehr I) Porter. Ha.l. iMBais.fssk. Sein Maty Mazes, P-?i'e (,io i:e?'er. full Sehr A Mannen Beile, CY-sreli. Boston 3 day-, indee. to J Atkii ? Pchr B o Urarde, Norton, W.ireh'm nsi's ?rar R W Brn?D. Hul?e. Sni-hfille, NC,? val sti ie- lo B'w* n k DrN a?et Seh I.tue fcu.ith, ChaiU.t a3 days, cotton tu N.L. . k Co fehr B. J. Maaeell Ba'dwm Vew-Hiren. Sehr. Caroline Baker, P..?t Vir? n a 2 days, n< stera. Bear. AiaM S?ll, kail. Viraaawlttaya arstava 8et,r New-Haser>, Ke ?e/. New Hasei for V.rcn'a. Benr. Oee Holrhkiee ?IrN?v New-Haven for Yirgm-i. f". hr Ar-itt. . -. N? a- Havea i da?., in Balnad ftbr. H R. Sil, th. TeWBZS ad, New Hasen for Yirginu. Seh- Sjma?! R P.nn:er, .Vea', S.ntrna. Del . 3 d< , c >rn to A Barrett Sehr Monte Christo, Wiisht, Kew-Havea. hoaiid !o Vtrfrnie. fihr Lucy Bo isaoj, Rob.n.on. Nsw-Hasen. lnar.d to Virz'nia f-rhr tr*.H Hazard. Saamlers Kataf .rda. Tex is. II As, . Itcaaad BUee teBtaatea st Tboseaeoa. Feb. r off Cape Floi da spoke bnr Carolj, e K Keils, frei? MaBBIIII fll lortsnJ. Yes erdus aBsraa i it't- ITesMlaMla, wai iun ii o b* a S re anl e*t ?cr,n?rj?r.*ho e?medow.a before t nm ?lud. who bre-ke enr ma BBeaasn 1 a two. ?tose quart*', "?"'?? ? "t U ataaeaeoas, ofttac ctia..nel? and ?rar i . aid n a l i rmn? and taki f ?BTdee* i be'es e.xton aktl i t.t- saola ??.. Tfce tther teA i u.r IseS 6ow?p It ?i tbe i n ihihe?^.. alar> ;ln asd libb oji She hose ,o sh irtlr af r It e e.,11 won and will probably put into the near*.' tart. A fishiiB smack weit to bar aaazstaaes uume i rate I r Silr Larnab Jane, Kstchom, New Haren, b^nndta \ irr'tia Mt.r li?;?'.i D-.sidii n, Ferry. New-Harta, bound to N' rh f ar.d La Bur Bu-?,ah.Fly. Panen Idays. yello*- pine 'o J. K IM l*?k V. Uerday Bio.n at. oi the lower b*y eoatact witk'be bark J ha Colby, Hatch. f>r Prnm, V R whocained away oar toytnii sard, bulwarks, d ,r i a Ac Bus lYtm Meters. Havana 10 days, inter eifari, Ac , I* Tro .nln * Ba'ieii ?.? ? A. Ptlll BBfsk, Stiiae, Bo.lon 7 day., penper u t Vcl1*" * SkaMl' wk\Un, fluladtlpUU a days, ? .i 1 horns Hull, Stiller, PkWVtBStBM S AILE1V?Sbipe Wimlw Hsrv-s. Li?e?p?ol; r> r, Bail H.-r!i?r, Laedaza Cot !t?hl; B ew-.-er. '!e ? i s, Poeita Area... Russell Glo?tr, lerker. New-Or!?a^. l-acific NiIks. do. BEIA^W-Mar? Mane, of Well.) PetkiB?. Newoo-t, Kss. SsBBA. 1 fcvrnas Jan ti, alaa a ctipoar barh fru u the sszetawaad WIND?Duriis the day NW. ? mmm% W. By Telraraph. BO>TON Feb. 16?arr amps Robert C WlBtwi i*. Chi rM t*^?tt-*J (Bsaaeifer lapt A-a ILetias. Uro ?I . Gs iti I - j. ?( g^,. Dinre ). Da c New .,. i... ''''*?' ? hark Naoti'oe. g^nnsai Feb it Bat*** - ^. ?. llBU'es. saw a la-re stcaraer E , aa dmb: n- N - ?rar?. 'n n> Ne*-York for Liv.rpnol I ? ?' v' L.c '? i.e. n, ?? .n ' V.,. V - stid.'t id n ateot the Balk Naan loa Jan.*. JotnS' SB? da ?. . I New- York, ssaaaa; alt > Us aaste aad one etzter aeai. an. Bi t Pi tea is, Mrssua -t psJ -eiA-a- Haesaa. TsB'ory, faa fiBMlatu t'srksBassnrah Sasaai ali, H^c-'e,. B.It inert, Bi ti ti. law. Mobs'*; Nsrr??*a(as. Bal'im-re. I C Fremont srlir I leka.St Jsf* IFrsun oar Cormiamoeot ) PHIL ALF LP HIA, Fe?. U-Srr r*d-*.<+un?rt D.I. ?... >.^ro1d.Ne..Y.,rk. Kauaeoera. ie,n^^^Tm ' T.-c'is. DoiitA y.New Gr,?, h?,? inr'***,* ! o?, h L a A tt.vs.i. Lnr er. Nrw-Y^rz *("d .. Vit.' 2?r.d,peBen,%sL.:*.'''B.; r*rpk ^ ?^?; f ??? Disasters. Arc. Ship Ccxstabtt?? Bazas of the rMaaaiiii ?./,,.. Cc.raa.ia.,?rf JteMwa.a^r,? fZTl^^?] tr.e fit? ?*?'?r:u. -f. '?"?<>? r? ??.# lalaa?! lUilr .ai. W? eeuld ?nt MCI r nn ?i lth.?? frwrrt be i, a* t , i .? gl tbe ????? ! Tb-a* l.tAiara had o.-.? ?..?.!??! f-.?m Lt. ard t fosr.h Pt? ?Iobh.?c?. W? ihall p<< habl? heir Mimt thiar 'mm her lo rt?? 1 nt riLC r ?"4 r W J. BcstER o?r?? up to tu? Ci?t n? Saueda? ?ign?. h iv ?s *ow 'b* ?ehr la iipttdtiM, ?,f tj?,4 r?r at ??'?>? r*pi Smi'h from Norf? k. haf?. a reported .* bavn e b*#u fall?? l? *lth, ttd Iba t'apta;* uJ ciew take* <?Tb> the oara <? J H :?'??( i ? 1 ? t, isd oraaght ii > tht? port oa l' * ifth Tha W I B n 'i?,kharn? ThB'id*? Mari 6? !???? th? H rhlaa.ta r.ea/in? NW b? N . dia'SDt fO m lee s?d flaci t r-r ?:. t. iNoed t >ok her r? u w. Ske ?ras a**fJ I' adelt, ?od b?r ou-np? ch?k*d ? AI er ???? a a tempt* IM -t rrled hl te lue ae th? wa'.?r ia her to It '??t, wh?a ?ad waa ruai!? M her aad ? ha ??er attiehed loio b?r mto port. Sh? im 1 ?a at th? loot of 'rors^or n i . T W. Smith ?Sehr Li;!*?. M Doaild. OUmAaJu . fr -n llait?s report* Ja*, tu, lit 34 N Ihb.ji iW i?n? i ? * ?i'i> i? t .i? frookB. Wn fftH ta ??.;t.. ? ? r W S i ? rt wf kagaeta. He., from Butt >a laualo Pai iku e rge of loa aad p'??t?r. har ui Bill r>n rt hyasea on he mrht ot tie !6lh, wi?l? Itaeir to er.Hi ah?avy et't frofl N W . carrying a?k? kef redder, openier. h?r raaves rai?, ???! o?u?rag h?r to leak. On tri? 19 h, ah? ?ol ed away ih? fo'etop ?.!'*?? mail Ur? r? ,'i iti ??? ?'?nre we laid by them nn'ii the t at. when to* aa.e iiK-vleiated. the ?tad vimurioN. W Al? tar ????: al ioo?a*ful l"io.iti M ahip a temporary uj der th?> abaid"Bed her at l I' M Capi. Peer? aad h'.a crew aire B'iobcr. ca-re ob beard, aad u:eg?eded oa her ?ct*?.*. CLUTtR silIP Johk W\riF. *? Sia Franei?e? f.u. Boat n. ?xp?ii?Bced rvB'iB'ied h*ad ?in'? na the pataa?* She waa 71 da?? tofap* Ho?n. anl h dar* frnrn th? Im* to port.aad laid 'ff tb? mout ? af the hu her three daye. Briii CoRMtna. P'-atlB'* 1 daya frora Wilmington. N i . bonml to Martiavie. pot int Ii hai **toa, lO.h ine' , to repair, having aiporieaced near? ?? a ber, aad eprnng alaak. . _. Tub ship Isaac Ailerto*? haa heen pnrrhaied by W rn. N?!?on fc S.'ii. t"r tbi ir New York a..l Wew-Or eaja* liae cf pack*ts. to be under tha c iniiuand of Capl. 3. Saara Bb. brigLavimu. Robitaoa. whi.'e loadiac at Sisal for New-York waa Mown t* seaaboat Jan. 9, aad had not re toroeden tbe IM . . . . .? ? Tub Miir K'iaiK. Capl Otis, *h"-h arneed at New-Or leaBs ob the l h n*? . 51 days '>?m L adoa, rep irti tnat oa tb? Ist Bit .in tat. 37 ta. '?a. 3D 16. fall in with Ih? Br. hara Medium, ol Yarmouth N 8.. .n a atukinr oiedition. and took off her offica-a and caw, v?h ch she hrotts?.' She fr rn N*?l>'>n Wale*, lad^il with railroad im?, aad bmind fof Cit? Point Ts. Thf. dri'. Fl i t* Maria of B >?t. n, reported lost, is uv anr?d in Boston for $5 con TllS i f r?| rtad aahir* on H"okawar B?ach on Saturday pr"Ted to bo the packet ship Ashhurun, keacc fat LirerrKxd. , 6'hr ("hami ion ?r-r??d at PtnlaJe phiayeaUrdar.frotn Fenwiok * Islan i, arith wr*okeri toad*, c >n*<?t'ne af aaval store*, from the wrock of the ?ehr W'ii Ha't. b*fore re? ported loot on her voj a?e fnm WilwirKton, N.C., toPhtla deiphta. The bark Urtoii, foi Ckarleaton, and the sohr. jo'*t)h Turner, el Bal irnore. honnd for Proridr-nce. pat into .Ni r folk oa the Uth, ai distress, leaky. To Mariner?. Apalaoiii' oi a. Jan I, It52 ? The fo'lowiaa I.'itht H. tne* hare been entirely *w?pt away djrinc a severe (ate, aad it :a prnhahle they will not be replaced under'J month* or ene year. No lieht shin or teinoorary light has as ret heen rubsicited is place af either oT them Por I?land waa ?ituat?d Nt 29 46 N . 1 m 81 11 W Cai-e St. ne. rtre lat }'? 3} N .Ion M 5W. a Cape 8an Bias lat. tl 13 N , Ion 95 21 W Spoken, Ice. Fat.. 1. off D'i'tbl? H*ad Shot K?vi. ihip " William U Hitchcock." (probahli Wtlliaa H. Harbeck, froat M >nde for Liverpool ) F?h. 7. lat 33, Nb. 70. bark Rhoue. from Apalachicolafor Providence Ftb. 7. Nr. 30 IS, Ion 73 12, wa? ?een bark Olivia, Spall,t from M< bile for Liverpool. Dee ii. lat 24 ib. Ion Ii? I ? W , ?ohr Ferdinand, 13 ds. /mat San Fr?nei?Co fjr Snlnev, N.8.W. Jan 3. lat II 24, Ion 172 13 W , steamer Coastitation, from 8bb FiaaceM ? for IL nolnlu. Jan 30,1st 34 Ion TR, ahip Montreal, frem New-Orleans for Liverpool. No dar*, lat 33 03 8 . Nn 90 2A ba'k St .Toaeph, 14 daya from Callao for New-York; no date, lat 25 30 8 . ton. 94 aaw a bark with loss of mainmast. Both br th* Com*t, arr. at San Francisco. Whalers. A letter from Capt. Po?t?r. of ship Rambler, of Nan tur-at. rrportehar at 9t Jaeo Dro 'i -ill well, clean A' (!<> tame date, ?hip Nirms?, t'tntee, or Nautacket, clean Hi r ,. Mcrteare. da do Cid. at HoBoluIn Dec.6. Frances. Swain. N.B ,to crinaa, Copia. Newel . X f| , da.; tlth. (llailiator, Toraer, N.H , do , Callao.Sisaoii, N.B , do , U li Fricade, Low?, N L , do ; !2th. Newi urjrj?.rt. Liester. N L , d". In Turtle Pav. West Coast of MoabBO, ahoqt D?c. ta, sehr Fawn. Thntnas, from and for San Francis a), few ds? waa 3 mm out, aad had 4b0 bhla nil, Ac. A boat's orew. wheh had d*?*rt*d ship "8t*rback," (p?rhaps L'.ri Sterbur ., N H ) hoarded s'aainar Iadep?n derce l)ec 18, a bi'e in th* vicinity of \. t i ? > 8hm Jaau*. of N*w-Bedf ?rd at Porto Pr iva D?o 7. had vary heavy weither on i h? peaaar* out. In a severe gale, which lasted Id day*, lost waist boat. F?rrien Ports, At Palermo llltti ait . bark 0*waette t Fr ) fo? B'Wtna or Naw-Yora Ids . tinea (Sc. I fir Roaroncoooi irhr*. sehr* Norfolk Hero (Hr 1 fordo, do Sil IIth, ling Anna, (Sic ) for New. York, sohr. Eli/a. (Hr ) fordo, 13th. haik Kapler Shaw, for K ttoe: !>?>* I'raou^, Btirt.for Phtladel. phia. Nth. rrhr BIB a. (Br ) foe Ba*<?a Sid. from MuMtiaa l.<th tilt , bark Splendid, Weeks,New York. At Mal'a t.'th alt, ah p I.e aad, Hall, for Smyrna; brig Cobden. Corniah, for Ftnly Arr. at Trieste il?t ult , brif Malvora, Jarman, Phila? delphia Arr at Par ta Cruz. Teaeriffe, t?ih alt . brig Oseeola Ba? ker. Ne a-Yutk. At Tahiti Not 30. hri* Jan* A Ueraar, Sa'rmn ?a?d it tha Franrh Go?rrnment. Sid. Nov af, achr. Oen C"hh, BniwB. (frrrm San FlHIiri.- , i r 1 '-.jr, NSW; Ufl'h, hrie* Sarah Al.iiatl. Ka kanhuT. dj.; Hottlaud, LurT, (I'm. Saad ?ich laNad*) for Valparaiso At ArafiBico sd nit. ataaasara tfcK? t, f r San i*raai sato ?'?ri.r i . 1 ? in c.t tt, tv( 'k i ? v days und*r sail, to lepair. Arr at do p-ev. to Ifth u!t.. ha^k Heb?, Sin Francisco; hng Juha do Ai Joan > i-rnamli / Dec 29, ^lar^ L'liza Morehead, frets San FianciMM lor Callao >?o?. Ar linen-.a t< res Dee 28, ba-k* Autria, Perkins, from Danaor. (Sept 111arr It h: Afancoi* Hits'!ell, frn S-s'jo, raaktltiarr I7ih, h-.p- c.oaa'edt. Hu'd. for Basten al?*ai Jan 13. ad.r Ks'l arlna (Rum ) Kramer, from ?naton, ( k'ijr 2l,a'r ?ti ut 'ii.h. ani'oihe a a? li?for? r?poelad At Bio da Jaaeiro D?c 23 ahr.i R-alm, Btwvwaa, anc ; ha-k* "ieSOiy, Iforum Air Raltimorr uaal dar; Active, Realeo, fur J ids Baliaaniie. S*i>per, ir.xu a^dforda Bi Dorado R*ehaerhe f ? m S'. T. hns. V F . via Parisaas h c ?, br r? Wa er Wi ch. Hums r. ami Bith'irsl, Dut'on, uic ; a. d i'th*>( ia reported oa th< i PI At Caracaa i\tt ?It., hrig8arMi. mr .Vew-Y'-r* t.'d. A' Pur'.a C?he| ,i ahatat tl>t ill. hnr >f.ia*err*tte, Jokm saa f-r Ne* Tart ISdayai only Am. ?e<s*l. 8IJ fraaktisal al-mt litli ult, "a.k JManoociKe, Thorp, f >r Co* line', to loud for B sAea. At da 2nh ab . bark I. w. Bled go It LortaB, for New ro'k.ldr l ad ?rmh'o^n from the anc'i raae hyaN-rlh er. nut reaaeaed aa tai <.i, th? rti At rataM IStb alt .hue Oe.<. n Suouie. Wtacheu bach. lor N?w- York, wailinr water to r.roae th* Bar; brig* Haruei. aad Frerfer ck. do. do ; te.Ui. Florence, Bo*deu, op th* nver ?dg. for Biatou. Sid lath, svl.r. Maru, Fur. >ew York. A' For' IB Prmcetfieb ult^hiiir, aeouite, Wiachciter, Liniia, Walsh; Foit.oriitoi, (Br.) Cotter, aad Creir??t. Riekerson for Raw.York, Idf ; Luc? Ct,a?#, f'ora Port .Hpair; acht? Simh VTitna. Boe?-a and O'iao. UBiea, fir Ncw-Ycik. ,?.e ; i hartes A. HaaaasB, rhaiesrSr frHs t<?i d.i. ArnandB Powers. Til'hetts. SroSB Wilmingtvii, N C . disg ? ' AAZazaf9tk ilt, hrbyBasaaawAAll.aarXear-Torhaboal .. 'Ii irst ; only t m veiael. AI CtaidaeatM r.iU u t ,ba;k Lr- i >d*r,3nr)w, f .rB.xtm loon, brier Sarah W.ili??,?, (;,,?t, ,)o. do At Carcei aa 2u* nit hsiata Oraad Pork. Portes, for Preeideaeef.ds ? i' L Wait-a. r*.?r , r.. loal for Pro?rC?rea Sid 3|?', ?ehr Bl?em?v Kill-nao Braakf?-1 At M??aB/.i? 19th o't. brigs Cddiforuia Hich horn, for Basasa.Mr; Carallae Rally, ihr s-ortland t days; sehr My. A'.kma he?d*tl.for lloatorj, lily off aha i,?r? i,ri. Kebka.Cuvtr, P.-atoa. * Domestic Port*. BALT'AIOHaf, Feb li-Arr a -hr Fair,Snadtc ir. New Yorb C d li'b. barbs ni?(Ap**ae. Piae. 4Ta*rl?*'.ou, Ma.ylsuo, D*?ia. New Yerk . ion i'*rea. (Daa ) H*Her, ?aattl dai ai .) a ,. aiker ; Abo, K. J >..??, Ru de Janeiro ard a anaiilel; Naacy, D??i?, We?t fod'?*. (An'.gul, Cattar*. Bra;. Savannah; schrs J.*?ph H ;?ry. aforrai, 8t. Aatusrii? Wi * H?n v >! a* rh, Jenkias 'Je r*? tow?,D C . Virsnata (inffitn. FNrumrr, Charlaatim; A. Heat.,n Thun..?.>?? l'oik ; A?? Kldr.dr?, Uowder,do X'DFOA-Inport it h ulv. ?ehr. Shenffe. from Ukdi tat 1 ranr ic > BOSTON F?i '4-Arr. bark* Bus in Jina, Tr?vl ??41, fn.y.o*. surwsad,Oeeda a. Livwib aal; G'amp.i*. Dyer. Caieesaa. l id a'ramabu S 8. Lewis. ('??? o? B->*t)a> Co!? .,| ?ad I ,i New fort Fei .''-?.r ibipS Sheffield. I.?.?*, New.OrNana. Joba DubU* S-.lfield, A:.?Jic ne i a, ha'k.t Ifaorietia, Treat, Havana j H?rrba. Sn.att. Sa??nash; brig Toooaa, Wild? a, Bath. Bid fuiila?. Bteaa ski a 8 -f Lawi*. at i P.M., baika fsa Staarasl and \.i?la ?to<ej?. aad all Wen?>oiea B ira I'hickaaaw, p. V.' I'ac.e.-. 41eciud?i, aad .Va.y Pr-k oa starred and KCGABTOWN, F?b k-Arr sathra Fl/* 7*re P. rard. Nan u.'>er (and tailed lithrer N..ra.liO; lUib. e>j ?uB, Kot-eli do. (bud railed for /?? v. Yurk) Sa.'*d T'h B?. b?ir Cvraaa, i-r 8t Jota. N B In ?ort 20tb. b-ir Mat'cB, Watkiii'. eaawe <-ff the ran way 4th -eat, ha? beau repair-. ?. aj d wa'l i* ready t* 1-are .' t B-*toa in i % ci orteof fh e* or Amu day< HOLMAsTI HOLS, F?b It P M.?>o arrival. ltth - A.r leara. snoocrer Kd!ir f!aid*Bas, t?t iiur*., ..f ai>d far .-.a ? r . I Y ".,. r. H iggtaa, Taagter. far Bi-'' B ?si'sd brif E ?. ? m sei "? -????i 1 efja, Ada^a Tratar. mh.- ?? . I, i- Va H B ? f So. ?ap?.rt), Black. H*r,i..)?'., ,? p riUad 4 *tf the Mae i, goiag ia. hr e Af irl e. ?f^-t: ck-f/aai P .t.. ,i,d. Alre ??? 1 : ' ?r o ' ? ; Ta I .r. ??? 7 n. W B . f >r .N.w-Vor. . t. ? [SB e' a. Ar ? c. Vea York lor Br>a tea; Pesasvird.Fl w B . i .n f?r P ) m >iih. S?iJea rrt ty H a->,?r ae*j a H -a- J. V. Baker. I* i"it. a' in A M.aaaswT.B K*i - laveraa, arata' Ja*.Otsa.Flytae? .' A ri,-. ..iv- \f .lt, (?abetla LEWRS, tab I A?II A M -T?* -.r?? 0? atari-a (ram *b?ji ra? : Po e.? 0?oia.i ; PUra. treat Carde aaa.33*k oil : l.?e? Aa* '?s n NawO'leasjs: brtgaCaat Tat?, fteas .?ava?%ak: Myrfi U ?? na : ^a?ae"d j? la.t . rt i Tne C-t Ice lM ta s VTa l-rtthe harr? .a .. 't . a Hl? T.e tlkaBBll? f'i y f Man cker?., t-.r I i??'p .f wen? u? ?e* ? * ., el r? laatai/nr ?dOr.s,?n.>?rt PeaaaytaMia. A.r ^..-brn .-1 I* "* r>: ?er onr .? co* w tb tha rarki Cuarles E. Lax far n.*,hV: ;(r:\v,V;^,Jitf,?*uiLD MARBlmFtO Feb 9-Arr >< nra An*??r T amaae "M.littleWgg.cie) uVb M c ?' S'f.flon.ea lea ;aid lai'ed IM for S.? Y,ikT thewrVafff }^l'-^V,l>iU P'**?"r Ohi*.wartrag *sVb?. ?'atisary from Baa Fraa-a?e> u t*r-*^ har lZ^ahr??JT l'\ 11-/iL?*" Alv. ado. Bo./ Bal Boag. Lra, CaJ.iua.ironi Fortooa I. a=d. w,th .all. Bid S2 Zo,Bl? .""hwdsea for P.rtlaod. John 9 B irgaa*. ?erlieg for,^?1?*?* . Vtola. Math.?., for'hs W lad,,. c.'IAwrii:-,'C1SC0-*'? jMl 1?. atriar Col irado. V.e c*bi. ataratJaa is.h.eebr. J R. F Manafleid. Scott. p..rt ?ad.O T., f?b. tri, f ?oaen Reward, Paget Bo a l, ?ehr. Cose mere* Jana*, point Rer*?, fear H?i?"?s,MM l Isars*-Tan , ... ,'.'?? ras. Whi'inr. P MM je? i?n tt.4M eee m c . *m* sr.g N*wea*t>?>. M.'Cte?? ttoeAioe, 19 1 M'ic?? i Pa ..?4. * n, San Jsa? ; svhr frpd ? R P?ee. RtucAio?, i9 h. mj t??i rlee. 0 Weil, Ca'cnt t . Rn;- Bj bSJk August*, fs ? ?. Chi*?: brvg W/sa.1 :l. l.rcaaV ' ? J . " fl idea OaU. Pattetoa. PbbT Oar 6e 'IU'"'-'CBr OeWa, Gr?*?. SaaSA 8All DIEGO?Tn r-?rt leih dt ,bnr? North Peaa.Mj ?" V; !TM i1 k "'" Elizabeth 8. *>d <.eii? Ne?aiis, Iii hi '?an K ?% . 1?,(, IAN1 A Ii ARB.* H \ I Itth ,);'. ?cur 4*ti*g*. fl ?zw Pedro. " ^mnocincnto. D" ODWUR I i I > M! s K; \ 1. V KS VAL. It MKTkO> ' ?LITA Jf H ALT.. a*t* Tttaftfl 1 FhlDAY EVENING F.? Its eta waaeA MitcteS in addi'.wa u then >u^*io banal et* 40 switerasers, 1 >efMja te bbb au '. I t t ? M n ?? I (Riiatat sriuk*. Mrs. LAURA a Ji NIS Mr HENRY SOI U?<?. >.? Aar..*, tn res**. Mr OEO Is HKl row 1,1 K.K BN M i'Ek rnoM as Mr. aElHlEWtfK Mr ILL EN DODWORTH. * . MAUVEY B ?OM*/?>HrtJ . ^ . ew*. PROGRAMME -Fart I I. GlB-tl Vihteer ?(. tare t>) Pi V-r,i?te??k* Ba tr.?ioe? (First time m A*-i- a ' Dodw ,j t\ '? Na?, d* a?t We.p P'?ir By J. H WnbiiieI ?niBaic h?h tau Opera of 3 '? Er11.11 1 In? ll . S lo. VaBB Mi ' D rtk -??*?, '."?? Me X-oiM Mr. L A Joiet ^ J. Cornet Basee'.'o 8 . KtsBat H< r K .?er "" m I S?>lo Coareitina. j?t . Mr ** W 7. The" Ba - , y.n Vest nrrarred iwr he O n e? 71.od br P. L Poaniny. PaTTlf. I. Orand Polka "B.?v ? da Concert," eaM posso. express':, : . cmonby.T . . C^SXtV I .1 Rand. I. The "Star ef Lore," CBttfl Kin4 aeee? panunrn'... ._W V h iQmm \, J Violin Bole. The . 1 lad Vatteti na Bum Otello. .W tatst Kaster T' Doail 4 " OtBlBll D'O ?Vrn re waj A and H B U It a .at i. ?? Ike Dawn is B.' 'er Ua"-1 li tstsa Mr. 1. A Ji?B*e. 6 Faroiiif P.e eliT Iks Ca tut Baud. 7. trielleQuickBte.1.-. * H n Dsdvottk. P... open at 7 o'cl <.. V n^ert to?a neace *t 1 Tacke's iSceate lo he hn<t at aH the pti?iy?J ia*jk|; s' No I'3 B and at the d*?i k-erfaa* baa of iheCoticsit. the PlalB?-F<'ltH >.>e. he o- c??i .v .' ? M> Uary of V. in. Hall k hem 117? I STOR Pl ACi:-ITALIAN OPEU. ? m -Orsat rsducti n f once: 8ecan .t?. Intv B'.Tes aid P*r<ia*t. FIFTY CENTS. ABiphttntatsi,/I FnoTScedenterl isjeeea?' SfererHeePi rraa.l Ortraef ROHI ki i C Dl a lil.E c*.leS ftraiaia. 1 ,?!?., 1 > , 1 v 1 K ? .ort. SiKbs B. STKFK a.MONE as Alice. Sura. A I? F. *? I I'l'CA s? Isil e'la .sie I MARIV1 ... H- r'rtJL Nets Scenery Die -. ami yiactuucry.TI.e Sceasa) Fen'tli Act ht BfrtX r Alles'i. (iBANI) Ml sl< AI. IMN'I) UN TUB STAUf. M ile Jl LI a 1 UNNBl'LL, 1 lie |.,iii.ilar American DtnsattA WEDNESDAY EVENlMi February is. Mi eilt>Bji Grand Uyera iu 6 Acts of R O P K R T I. E D I A B L E Robert, Dekeof Nurmanrly. .??? '*.8BM> Bertram, his friend.8J8M Kaimboa' Noriuan. .?-- If Iiabells.Prmcessof 81. u?. . "aBBs, Ai.<e, Bonsai .m .-"f*.1:":' '*??> ii. ? ... P11 .??? ?' ?." ??' .'"TOB* Alberto, Beoretaay of Skbesl.-.>ms CsBBJ. lat rheralier.?' js* ?d ('besaller.-*"' "sBSBsT. Cbornsof Laoiee K S ? Choraliers. Herald at Ami?. IMrniue, Siuntn. I'ssa-i !e fleeu* t> alt. yeir.lUtS In F>.nr'b Act GRAND BALLET DIVERTISEMENTI Mi- Tun hi 1 ai d C -rp? de Ballet. OwiBBtotBe lerrth el ihe performance the Ops.-aajfJ coKimeiire p-eeitels a' ? o'clock. LA GAZ/A LADliA will l>e ' ei formed IB the toutMlf Kenuler Opera nirlits. Monday. Wednesday a id FneSf, Bes GIBce opensver? daj 'rem 9 to 4 o'clock Positirely bo Frte l.i? ? ?? . pi Mr the Prees. _ NfBLVi'S.-h hy \rn coMi'ANT. ? TUESDAY Feb 17 11? with a Vaaderills, aSM set. VN F AM KUX NUMERO. > lolelte.M'lle. Atclubald.Moaa. E V .veil.Aljas After which, the C. SBed] of LES SALTAMBANQUE9 In ? hi. Ii Sltne. Paul Erneat wi I appsar ae. Bt'l'e. Felice...-.-. H III Roseralle.BaMSjj Mem Paul Ernest._. fnon. Edoaard.--?? MuBi Dnrtea. AdmusioBto all pan. of tbe beose, 30 ttts open at If, performance t- coinmence at 7 v'cIm ?. BROADWAY THEATER.?JSTX MARSHALL. Sole Lessee?THIS ?.V kNIBfl, Feb. 17, win he oerferased JACK CAI>r, <>r 'he Kent sh Rebelb. a Jack Cade.Mr K..rr?s ^i nianee-H'msPflBS Duke of BaHo'k. I. s'ei I. ? I Clafatd.. Mr FsM* To conclude with TH K M AHKIk'D RAXE Boies and Parquet, JO cuts , Faatilr t'irels tsatf Tier.UceatS; Purste u re. Stand IS Doers 'P*l ? *t, and performances roMsaenee preciMly at 7 e'rlsca. Burton's THEATERT~^AMBaU8> it -THIS EVE.N.Nb Feb 17, will bs p?il?wast tbe con edy of THE OLD BKOLtBR] (iFVTLEMAN. Te , le l?de wiih the r et to e 1 ri ef CINDERELLA H. u- Mi. r v IsjIm P.Ji.Mr. I. ijj u>jo_BT..- II08BB? adei at'O'i?jlrsks tjire'e ? .1 'arqiei, 11 JspM Beat! 1 <t ??, vuusasnce a ' ' tsML B B 1101 Gr H a ft* I ' v'kum, BBoinirir, sear Broome st, -1 "IS r,VEWINO, Fek II. THF LADY OF LYOffS. Cl.iede. Mr G Vandeni, 1, Je.i Dumas.Mr ''. . tsjljls 1 ilP.uline.Mrs 8.aelu To conclude tsiih CAPTAIN CHARLOTTE, Caarlotta Clavier.Mm tat.? a.imj?sio?-l?r*tt ( ?-? ^ ?) pirqa*'.. 51 r ? t% Circle, ti ct. Door* j. sh al ?? . I ?Bi*Bee a: J , leek. _ LRNUMS M/RICAN Ml'SEOM. - - AdauiSkien MeenU; children It* et? |( N DaY and II ? ! iv Fell IS Bad If aFIBB? NOON, at I a'eleek.ihe prttt* D ami of THE OLD GUARD. Afror which, R A IM Mi I H K WIND. _^ 7 i.'r . << I'll i: Hi 1 TT LB Tor..*cliJ?wi9i THE TWO P'lXNVCASrLBS. - The eurtoB* uttrac'iniit 01 the Museum, IB t'.e "If* ? 1 der? ua Art andNaiute, BIS tratf nnsqoaled. perma n j kbater-astoi* PLACE OPERA HOUSE, ?rerr TUBSBaVsbI rHUBBDAY - II E \>.\\ . Fei, 17, first a.^oaMjMB America < f Frln Klau< fron V enna, as Jssa il \'? *W J' BOVRAO PON oi'i fa us D-era iy<? ii.merce st 7j .i'e1 ' * *?< oea ,f a,l?il?S.0s> ' ,?Jf PaiiiBel, ioceu s ; Aui., h. tie. . 24c?BtS. m^ rifnCVR- n kvv.Y< irk a mphi rH? ' ATER. No 37 B i?n -1KEMENDOUJ ''^Sl VlFVT.-lbe n?- ? I alt ?r?ia THIS ^V<JI Wi h hie HE A D PO* N a-' 1 H i> aad bis FEET ^'AV the (EILING ,i the A nip a it heater.?ProsaeaM Mar MI' K tbe oaty 11 iu erh* t?er m*yle tbe BtU IP eiiVd last avaafaglaperfor*I *tbisi*tn'c B8L Pi r. enai'e. in tbe pir..?e? 1 f ihoossad*. witbiM^ f?tt aecident a*J ir nl As thaaler? of Hi' "J2 ' 1. aidience Go taily nad eeeare place, ass M --t., Pit VH een's > r ? List ciwoet 'TJ^ EXHFMi'F ION "of 8.\lllisH ,...!OL 1*0 I? a Ucbed U< Fuorth Cor..- raMM Cl.ureh, IS'hst, ?1 I ie ?ep.a'e.l 00 w S , / i-'.8JBJ i VFNi.NO.F.h'II. ?I LE HUI LI )l V ;!,*? 11 r ot Mortons? , b? ii"U? reqnert '( the B4*J_^K ; - ..-n' on laeaajBlef tie fi?'*ier eihiBtt!??. frof aBS" HERB LYl'E ha> an ify ruluatcMad Bis sersi.e ? .eat the Piasvo-Foile, c** sd J Giltert A C at'aiAnisate t-eisie , e;i.?i?? precisely b| ? ? m cents, to ' oi a' me door. iMiK au.k<;m \ m \ .va, t>? ^ * . r irt r.f ?'?? C|?y. ?l(T8* I at B ?r Halloa FEfDAY8^H (? Pa/ ruiara Bereal ?r } '11 K F'l.JTj, . CIIA \'ii.v ??! l? * <<?M ERIN.? y kaBs.K FAMILY ' *Jtt b?^?l. Broaovay. a- ?e < t, ?? ?la commi**?**-* it ??Ute? ? i . ... . . 4"ir ? e , ?. !,a?i k ti ? r. 1 ?. r ba?a Bet witfert I.? V: lea ?b?1 V.?-r? !? p v?iS"P will e-r/l''iJ^W ll 1 ?r ? et Hope I ! i K8DAY.T JKI IATTJBD rofthi . veek.tb? I7H i*1*^ lf*t pel .hst -euMcert?. Dom , 11. a 7. Coaimee** '* * ^ mm? ._ npHE" A/'i 1 ' . . er o? Hr?^JJ "? kBd Lecnard e:? ? '. ' t. .^BM ?'?_:.*i Aaar ri. >? , . ririubt,??*4. ^pjef ea'? T7 r.4-nhda~?re in r 11 t> ? ,<oer pwtk's* ,? ?T ??t?lieretoli/ib ?.ero.m. U..<i Ua in tlB*''-' ft** ?t Bat ,'irir.; rsce ib form, r'?? r, er.esjS^' - , gsery a " i\ 7 -e? "r |b? >la?. Tickeuttete Ci?? h? f pnre. na?. iicseiauere unipi?. JL7_j aWA l 'i LER jj < O.SMORAM '"^SIm4 Oseriee-Eskibile.l r. nl !<???? , ' .aBjPi :. A v , M A ..... ? '-tri? <?ks o. m ' 'i^iV . ? '.aBj 'E. ASIA MINOR ^yWA^THBHOL .MBlAatd ARABIA, .heyar*? iBorl by Prof. 8*:' SIN KURMENDI. Profe=e>r oi_^M L. Acr las' aiol < 1 een a sjr>i:e. a.Brosiu., o >? <?? ?? .. ..?eitACo. N. J.- Bs ?4l**?. O Iii Bn^dwjT r Rawde al ; ?T"fcOI,I1 ll>ajSM8BTMi I ??! place*. *?B?