Newspaper Page Text
NEW-YOKK TRIBUNE. T?lr \rW-VOIt? DAILY TKMICVB u rm. ?? -jfHv ^^^'^-1, aiV'Yc "t? . orPOilTl Till 'If7 HALL. tad d?li??'ed*? Cttj Snb?enben t?r fit C< ats per s.e.?; or whr?? tA*r ?*?**'?MJ inadv?*?re ti tb* ?eeh fcrnt ?..?!?? ?*? ro** ** ,B" ?**"? rate Siveler .stet. Two X*1' Sinnen! era. F?e Pakjar- per anuam ia ... ?...hav; ??"'? ??? ? ' ?? ? BBtwAha ill*- Tbr??i Dollar* in vlun ? ? r'.,u,'i.l j al1 ?a-h-ai** ?*> Coantry New .paper*. Daily Pap? r. rfJ. ??if?," It tb? "ff""e wS ?* '? ??*- ?" hifhei Il ?&> "sut* ml TAr TV****** *r'- no* allowed tor dinwr? are. ?- 1 " - Oprrirtl Xoticcs. " iv" To' M?siraaii? Heu??- KOI R TO 1 I* TRAVBLIRte r-cHI.K. I..?.!. m 11 t me- mt ??*? t? ?.I tb*** kBow u< vr.j ui m traveisae; to ?od I Cftlio't ?, wo, the I ta*r. ol In. card, ? ?'? V> f ? Itrrty to the eiV.itai.a ami n. a.?.: o.a ( '?rrc"'1 i??n i'*" ivtftrt by >h?oe ?b>hav* ta* ioaa.c-e.,,.nto' V** ><.? ? .t'? R??V?ri'.o Lib* oi b>* iu>?r?. Oaarnrnr ?t Rew-l f* ?? tb* o a?;ry. we touiid th?t w? ware obi:r*d t<? ?? ? 1J lit ,er puukU fre gbl on a 1 a*n ?tat???*. i***'*1 "' ?' . ?lag Bi.aeh 2i# lb. . to ?d?er;i?*d "?4*5 '* " ,D" atrtnc* oaatail? r. we cot.. , ?u to thi*. t?e'ir?t '" "?' AMB. Flireedt?goiib;*id iu?U*??l W***ter. wefoaad ev-trittu? eoatraryAa wnat tad btrn r< Pieaea *<].? aad mitral ein tee Mia***. ?M ^Z.j fil it* b?..B? bon r* t" ^??- ?'? '?r ;rj;i'o ! ?Hi.tra ee.rr Jil t '?r Ct.y i??"? lb" ?owr1* or ?"???? tb? w?J baiAU, tut ?;VVun.J ?3 ,'"? r""? e*?A* th-trrrtd tp a WJM V u.hv^ry rj ;b? tbey t?/u.*?t u JTcarri.d B? up thl l -r IM, Mdi,??o*dib.t ???Bi*;T.rioi,.Jt irwpoftb?. H on, W?t*rVa\t^ ri,"Wjr f*"*J**' *~ avISbttOP ??'?ii obildroti. fp*re war* tV rtiae l*'?, r? ';"i_ta < t ??y dearnjiin?. Bttd Bawl, ** ????"? ffttZ aw aU. I?d ... I. u lisU Za* Hl a-."'*'* r" f'nf *?>?. f.u Whoi. htm a lc*a"?A?o I ' "- al l ? -? ?," - ^./.'aVd/'atttul plank road wr, w?re t> 1 . -Bfoood it a peilVt tloueb of d??|-?nd ^ ?? were eoca. rBiiaA Miwrdrre*k?. writing ui liieofb aad tbreajh, w^VMrbarnMehetceintbe r?ar, are ?ere abl K*'!t.. re *?1a "a ?ui ?.?r!''ti....?. ehtali- \? , A-.r .ac .,?.. t?raa ntre feialioaa, delaja aad iBtpaeiti.iiie ibaa we vte armed el San Juan dW lor, a | Io.!?ay. w? found Aat tbe iUaa>>r r..!-,.?ad ??re wbirb eed u? bytBOacoatl in New Yoi*. waaaotlbaie. bat m her'.a i..... . ? , ,:,?,.?!? i il ft * f "f't' t in eT*rywa?.l?M , 0 'tue. r-u.,.J ?!,? e "id lluaar On board ol her we were a-h? - tb S .*j , ancaher ?.-..-ib? ^ Moasaaraki -f i... At fcait?i.?l.u?diidoat "i our M . mi |i were daara wi b bf /?Ter of th* cuatry. aal aimth? r ext rtion **? ?rfi.e?d bcob a*, in chamne aa oa* dollai per head aru Wty rVata par ?ruuk i. r mvey m pa board tb* itiamrr which. wb*n tbere, we found, aa was ti* ra?e wVb taa Daaiei Wenster, *u iubJestate to aceomuiodate cur num!? r. What bertha wa t ? nd were aatcbkl l*?en op. and a ?penes ol e .t, oalled aitaaex w?r* **<BrefJ by a rr.oi.'.y of the ui.protr.d*d A*r aad the i?*t of th* uutwrt uri'n were cj nyelled to lay ar.tiBd ?n deck, or w herever they i-..o'il ti'id a place line Srifb *Wa ?10 o,eaiure bia leaatk. eapooed to taa a?l*Unoa* ?tfecti of I >>? Blei 'Own and c haute of climate. (If Ike uririsioa* prepared i i DAI B*0, bo laatuart. II tad *>,*bt to esp'e** " '* condemn.,' i in >i tbe tanse Ha 11 he (raid Haatai been r.owdid artik Irish eiuirrants of lb* lew rr,l class, they Ooald not hay* been treated areraa. Keaiuaiiiair* waa vain oc aasaaliaf to the caatala, aye were isfarred to tl.a r b] aiai an were aent to the a? tor. aad from hin. to taa mate, all aliiltiai the rea i a athii.ty. *-u v h*!! our hacka w?r? turned the irbole affair wtwdke 'krown iBto rtdseale Krndine th1* ta lie Lhe*uu.etly ?ettled dowa iu'" an apathy, and dot aol ?are ? bet he r w?^ li?e.I >.r .titd i in i'.e w h ile of the passage oa. is* tiBaimaitt we received aever varied, but we were JJavjactad to the ateal uttamou* a.d inhumaa treat ratal ?bat in* . .i.ld p e?ihl? r.inteivc I We were ants u ie thru.'., with death f'om ata'vanon and "jer?r , *' ?S*. thu-ugh the ,,.?.I a^?AIrr:?,;,!!??J,,,,uc, of lhe aaVeie narehiu via. a? -9^!vtn*? iluniiK the uware, eTfi' ' Td ..or k?V'r*- on the inoraiag ..( lhe Iis ?,,Ve. ladijf " ' ' '" : ' lh\ ' " H ' 1 " a-A??afei ??tar .Ii.air K umiiii. ^* should have boea meti Sas, he. ?otwnhstanding the oppoaigioa and IPaVaof tbe aaaeere totas tf, m ?< ..ed the ?esael rraia s'em to st?rn, and to t m imiiuaeal per I of hi* owe af*. Taking with him lhe wa?i hmau of tbe ahm a? a traat.*, r* eij.iore.t the hi.idea depihn of th? snip, laain 11 Var I in.n il l*l*eta th* I. >il?r* Bud the bottoea of th* illriei,' Tf.J? '',"n'! * Av man* ol ttutlier, **>**L *V*' ?"??? difl.rulty, ?aa uUBfuasaed. A ti aew.tbatk.iiKO .d.vhat we are it of the jawa of defta. ior^/ ,'^,aJe:ir!.a.,,:.r''',,,'el',<1 >^lara tba XmiZ rede*Bauig (, ?lt, *? hum i?,d word, ahwag eBouah t" o^f.r.a. ou, tndirrJatiOB at th. imp,-,, mZ nl h ,^t ??V**1-'??n'S,?H.r.erB to their P tH?e?. fars. who hate thu* far been u.i'ort u a'e a? to travel aiib ih.m. Wih-r*. who arc .boat to coin?to^iUrniT wfJjf'el'aPr0C5*d W'" t,ke ? r'"" 'iua. he remit cf oar ?ad eipeneuee, our o ject w accmnl ihe I aad wa kav? perfora .d that which *? c "n.lder a in up ?' tki t*' 1 ?" ?I? ^uclurian lit.t , ,r ttaaM*fit?r<ar frianda at hoateaad atroad, u p?bi.h tba wt b ear a gaa area atiached, ia ttae i f th? leadinr ?aper. o| ( al.f .reia. and t . I , .w,d copies oi the Sffl Lt^V".V *' 'k*''?'??? 'o order that our oba-ei may a* rritra fullr areumpiiihtd Jfj Fraa-.-.te... .1 ta '. It*5r. s ? ?; I kiileiBm??, t narlesW La. < s (Jurka Jam.?C w. g (?.,, J DerhynhnV. U' A Prtrha.d. D h Jud^.a, **".* Ballen, Ki hard Nalen. Ga.a-ge A Daria, .''n'-r' ' ^"'"'kl1 Cvua< I"<""i'* M Kreuch, . '; *pkM i .r Ch.trl*. Hunt, I!^ ti ? IT'iii-Mokamaea/, D.I b Av?ry, J*bn, J K. Sawyer 0*?nre Aveay. K O Hull, A. L Wkeaau. Charles Pake, H W Veaww, O H. SaBtuli C (. Af aa a. Cd. Kavcher, 8 Hupkina, TbisBaldw rj, Ttioiiiiat Kirkinan. Biehard Diinnioa, a c. . . GeorgePitrtar, L <; Qiaeai, w. H. Vaa Tt k?, George BaiThard, William Chaos JP Hum. O.D. Rogers, Levi aVurtlat, W?, R, Lincoln, Je>?e Bka.r, O. H Chaian.m, K H / r. I? a as, J. C W hite, Ed Spin'ding, Wat. w. Keen, ' aiaaBlair, J.diB MbIIch, Jr., Wai Chryn*. 1 owrey H. Whi'e, Jhta.C Bi nnen. M*bi-> Aorter, W illian H. Weeks, Chas A. La'nuar, ?aar...-?e I ?B?he. Marlin Schneider, C C l'ip?r, ? I Wa'. i I rirli, MtlOB Bf>l...!c'.->, IS Iill I lia?l, ?vi-aB. geia. S II Hunt, Wid'am A. Mentll, ? prtra.m C a.e. William Yo?l>rirrh,J M Sunoni, Iiar> Itatheweofl I V% l.ake.Jr, Van Raa?. Rome, Ijaaaaa P vtuiaiti l B, ii^^. ,. Ii??, H. Faacher t,? aieia wiirtain aVallaee, I). P?-??, ' Lawine I.adi.l. Gaorce Green, Otts Kddy, Ihraaa* W. taUy, I'el . neat tp?rry, W Biayal. a ai Ait a. J aa McLaughhst, G H Kittxi'ge, C Tbeaaprca. W. Midoin-.n. A Paaa, H H k wal . Willian II Treat. .1 l> Whit. . Ed?it t aaBBne, luba I.. Pudiicy, C. W??k?, HbartJ baaea, aVai T Mitchell, Jo?*ph weeis. PbyiloaS Bowea, i.. rseP Kudaey, John M oha* Ca H rrumWia, L M. IfSeld, e. A. Staiaens, tV'Biar. 11. Ihwtll. A G Ctaike, Charte? Hopf?. Jo* ?h Hfywrtel, A B Burgees, D. II Colemitu Wa Pmvne, (ieo. Derl.y.lui r, K R B< wt'?tu, Jtneth K.'hiniM b. James Waltgen. .1 (' Riidw, Jo*l A P. tl*r, William l v. JaaaiG (Jrovea, O O Clarke And tie folU'Wirtit colored p:?*.?en(.ee* ?s Pike, Ceo W l liayer, Dtairl Latimer 0 Campball. 8 Aliw-hell. itr it* g/?? Ladlea' Fair.?Th* Laditaof the Kariern Cob saagatiaaal l bureh, at tha corner of Couvameur aad Bti'iou *t? wiil held a Fair in the bai*m*nt of tbe fl .... .a iHlksDAi and I KIDAV F VKNINQS of ' tk.. w isf tt* ; t*v7 I. O. of <>. F ?The member* ol Oliv? Branch 1 t|t hi. 31 O of 1) 8*. are r*qne*t*d to meat at tbe Mgi ??' m, No. tu Broadway, at w; o'clock P at . THIS DA A'. (W*<b**day Hha 18th taat . to attaud the fiaaral of im tlKeatetl Irt-tner P Q , ^a??llel R?vn?ld? I8f ro 1 J II a Mil rOW, N O. IV Special Nelice ?Tbe Sreciat C*unnill*e ap j ii ltd lit Iba 1 ?.ii .. ii i ii i ii le lavi t Oeneral H"U.toa. tailed eiiat.a Saaator, to meet hi* friends ta th* Govern? or'* Boom, in ihr Hall, take pleasure in an no n unrig ("thru f.llow riti/en. in.t the OcBeral baa accepted tba it; at.oa. and will behapp) to s?* lh*at there between th? hour. ?f 12 and 2 Tl II 1> M JACOR P OA K I I V, Ch B . fCom Board of Ald'a. JORIAH W. liKOWN, Ch n of R J Aul t Ikf .1 tV >aiioc lo Paaseaaers rrora Paaama ta taliteraln.? T s PACIFIC MAIL STKVMtHIP tObtPANY fee) a Med ur~>a to gtta public aotie* that aa br.*.? will tea rrc.aasBBai hr th*n' ax?nt at Panama which Sa aut signed hy an .fioer el tbi* Comptar, aad that tek.t* tho* a.g&ed can br obltiard onl> at their A<*acr M. it? Waat et., et ad C L BART LETT. Kaq.. Bm'on ; er "f Mo.-t ?( j.OM;. 11 S ht HIS k O ) . New 0la,*"w l ?'?'d" w M H DA> IOCE. N**> aera,Jaa k,i g^j 7 t, tV LivlDirtl a. Well? V t a.-, s(m Weekly VA'Aiti '? a r?i ?L1i !f ? J "?'r* V*"' c""-,t' >??" with CT'OrWl^ACO Sar*ai 8ouab*?a Rapr?*? -,w Savaaaab, I at... ? ? ??????? A iraata. At ita, Chi'a? ...? Sew s ba rr ' w c ? t.' we re piepitrd t> lo-wa-.l 1 B.v. y. ? ... ? wLI'NksdaV aad BatordjaT att.pti. a to 4'ta"'*''.B aad t .wu. la tne titen,.r ..f Cariliita Of.r.ia, A Mail.? and T. vnessea. Merrhaut. ryBpoauoa*oaaa> ?aval] ailartietaa LtVlM43hl01?,VltL1,?hCO cooyi?ts'br..N" 6W :, *! Y uf w K? it at,Cbarlaa . s c I? w?M*r.i I.old Mtalska" i u itpauv.-!, pi, j t Wa ' ? Ai w V 'I r a V r , ^?.41 j Bkrk. f.'?1.????- 'bare. $10 airh Tb* haik. of iu>i?crip. ?Ava i< r ?loek .i> tb.? .'?o -.rty ?r? a ,w ,., ,0 ?t Ibjabj offiee wrirre (*r'its detiraB* oi keeomiig ?? cah tider* aiay obJ Stii. reinrira'e* of *t>ok aad parr.a.i'et. -?.'h Itwra, by. Hwa. be* idea all aoeoaeai) -li ra*akiaa >t ?? ?? to tbe ob. wa t .nd pr. ?i.eiti of i he i'.j..k<. H.t.lg ,:.eai i . mpletttd) a ?tea.n eot.c* f e ;rtt? aawae pe>a?r, w b a'am worka o' the l.iat?t a?a <nd Se??. s-iag a mire which l<? aso'ad i i m f ta* . umi Waahl* in Ih* 8*ai? ot CaitSoraia i ^?t?vl iat!ielralIM. dfii. ?ictacy .fi? City ?f Soaora, ? a WveaJ'. C ??? it i* the p -f . * . f taa Trastee* ?? ? ? ret vAfer aed w.lhwBt r'elay. with a vmw |i ??o|| , ?as.....(iutai?r Tbe eat?rp*ia< ???-!. >tbe Sai'molar ateaiioa inrl coatdoi i' t . It is ibtKBd innrer???!, to rater latoa raru't'ion asttiprwb ?hit .rant*, it be*a aasaktaetot I? d*m ta.'raleti mat V* n sginiar i? to *>e tbe rr*a'. * > *?? < Cvlifiewta. aad aw ooaapaates Urwady ra opwratloa wtl good ats .ery bawa renr ct!? ? .eer*?f?( -Tk* Tr??rr? Utt . ?!? ; ..?*?? i.f the yjjpapaay i* all r*?| mW t .?i?,?na ?'. ail Ka.haie*. >:d*ra, pjjjtttl wllk ??? r a! rrc l .1 I Itaeaa, and r*<|?irr?l tastv* ???di a iih ?er. ? ??. aad ia ? cb same ae may he de? JB^wait to gu?'d ike la'wetla of the Cni.. ? j**1 that a*ae b i well tr *d .ud apt) av?J rtia. k,r.*-y lor '*"W? aad aaaa'sa.uaiinr .hail be ?*ad. and th ?t n e** aaats of a coa'lr B.'u'e. wh. 'h her*' sfar* hav* i ro?*d K*>*aavaaet? lAo naier.Ma at .aipauie*. abail t?* rare avJy irc.d?d and (. ?. ? .?? i sr.iaet fj^mmm? i*?idi?r out . f taa eMy may aVtaitisU^k. paaph 2!f,?IB' iBAtfBuat.oie l.t iiWrtmirt'? Pr- ?? ir*r, mM *i f> w INGERIOLL Praodrat lav,. > ........ t t.. i.'AfAaV NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. VOL. XI.NO. 3,381. NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1852. PUT CK TWO CENTS. tV The remniitfer, in behairof the t.rand ?.?irr? gi?en '" hilien AHi?K5:hV. a- i ^ er Ha.11. oB lie Et??ir- tf Septembers. 18>t. f*r IBM BB '? i af'se *' duw aid orphan* ?I ??? Ute Michael I" after Pi 1. en tu of tbe IVt'i Ward. ?b > wu ? >.fder?* wu M St tfkCBB/H f tisd.ti M tike iiii.tii *r af ttt Sd AU."l<t. snake th? f Mowing repoit Revived tickeie.|1,MJ 3* Eubsrnbtd by tor 1? h Ward Pol**. IM M T. til aiMoaat_ .?t>->9 '*> ?eel for Hail.-. I'H ?? fniitiBC. pa*bag. *nd other eji.?n???. IU 00 Balaie*i I hand ?f'.?r pti in* eipeejea .$'.*.f7 (Ml Tlit i .i'm I of ii. i ?j I * hat il MM ilisr >?ed of : n the f ?! !?.?? y " B< rul a: d n.ortgage_.t' fcO '*' I'rhl ti.tht Wido*. 177 0J I AVID h KKLI.y. > TH08 W SHERIDAN*. S Committee THOf REEVES. ) T>* Ci itiinittf *, in behalf of the Wido? and Osphaa*. her Ukase V* rt'tirn tkeir li-eei* thank* to the Pre** id renera', fol IB* k'iid min?t in wh r i they ;ut the r ??! ?ire? in beb ill of the abive ciuae !8f It* np l il'tti Wnrrl Mlii* 'ouinileiee.-tks lid .v r... n i?:i ef Vth Uud Wki( are rti.'ieatiu fi n'tet a' tri* I 'oej wit tee Kuun. at Wrigh-'a V :i *a .i.i Betet) *i I " eieek THIS da v. i ?ved.iesjv?) t? ai' Uie funeral *f out late aeaotnte. Cat*. IAM?KL REYNOLDS [II?] i'HOU as K. SMITH.Cht rina-i. ft* Conduct of Life. - A tVarie of Four ly*r?'irs? n l?ie -r-iiiliiet ,,f Life." writ he delieered by RALPH WALDO F.MER80N. E*q .Bt Hipe Chape]. Broadway. 7 h< First Lee ere .f the Course will be delieered on "AEDNE-day evening net-..Pen 18. at i, a/eloek. Subject?" k aTK.'1 Tnkets 1.5 cent* for ill at EVAN* 8 bKITTAN 8 Book and B'atioiery s( >re. No. 197 Brovl wiv, neitiotbe cniair of 4'h it , ;'nd at Meaar*. C. 3. a HA a, U a LO.. *?'?? *>? *?r..?i??,. |3| |t?'\l rAW re* Alpha < linpier No. 1. O. I". A-?" tYaahinii lom'a Hiritidn*.'?Membtri aie notified to mee* ?? m he<ala"at the Chapter Room, on MONDAY M< iRH IBG, t7d mit . pnne'oelly at 8 o'cloi k. to naite with tb* 0 der in CelebratiBf the lay, for whirl extensive arrange ?i.< i.'a have twen* by theCotnmittee if Cbaaee'v. HENRY BALDWIN. Cbiirmaa of the Commi' tee. N 11. Tn kets for the exercise* ran be had at the' . i II Room ( n Saturday eveniDK. llf It" PP" Muine Law.?The Ladle* of WiiiiaatsburgB,ha-l ali *>bo hie iti frivol ? f Ut* pasa.iee of a law by the Lee ? ature of ihit S'a'e. that kball prohibit and p it a *ti(> to the trafllc in m'-rr it i.* liunnr*. are reijuea'.ed to attend a meetic* ?u WEDNESDAY EVENING, tin IS'U mat .at 7J o'eli ck, at tb* Eint R<iptiit Chnrrh, eoiaaroffl mth i:ii i.ndi,h?i Re*. M. J. RHEEt aad Hoa I D. CUL VER wtl nddrei* the meeting Siufui* by Mm Od*ll and brother*. I8f It* r\? The Third Minnlinttan Bnlldlng Aeaorla lien. HOOKS of SL'BSt RlPPON now OPEN JOIN AT ONCE.?Tbe unparalleled luccea* attend nr h. ? Erat aiol Sec md Manhattan B nld af aiaor the letter hanor dupoaed of r* entire numSer of *k?re? in ike ihort (pace ? f lite month* fro**, the penod of it* ?r ? ? . - ?.? ? ?' ? e*tabl;th*i*at of the Third to ?biet tbe at'eriti >n of the nablie is iiirittd. Tht EatraaeePeeiafS; Meatatr Dn"? si; 8har*a $ oo it coat* now bu'Two Dollar* to b'come a member, ;.o?l the momh y raala llment of Three Dil ar? in >he conrae t [ a few year*? probably an or ?even?will pMitirely y eld the mm of Einbl Hnrulred Doilira. A inouient a conndcration will conrincc any one of (ha ? ueenority ef theae Allocution* over Saeiur* Bania. an t all poraona of (mail meani are tBlRed to avid laaaBM re ? of In* Itivuir.-vre* here ollertd. To tt.oa* w ho wiah to eaeape the tyranny of landlord, by i, ew..ining tbe owBOT of a house and lot, if they are without raiotal to t/xornplilb it they can obtain inrTA".ieot frotu thi? Aaay ciation for lint j.arpoae and by appropriatuie no more tnan the bonie *o? yieMi f .r rent, can pay f. r r. ib a verr few T?an. Pen ii daeiroua of tecmnm* reut? ?f tkr Tktid Man) atlio BaildlBg A**oe'ati**l ran do *o by callin? a' li e i fl re ef tue Senetarv. N.. ii Bpmce ii , M-tVaof james S LIHHV. Pre.ideat ? ... Dat is Col i.aMi mk, Yice P.eaid nt J W WBATBSI, Fecretary. IS' , Tt' The North Aaarricaa Itliitnul Lortn:in,l A? i uniyilnliue I und A??oi laiioss dUKt ort.; i will bold a public nieetin* at N > 408 Hnadw .y ?,ritn-e ut cornet of (.rand at .on SA it RD*Y K V KNI Nl;, Feh Ii, at 7, o i V ck, when the boots of <b* A MOtdatioa will be n|eiitd f?r aaawcriptlena ef shares Entrain.-* t*e, ll: ?Math I dues, %i; value of thare?, $8?u Ladis* aad r.ea tlrii en are raapectfidky mtited RICHARD E C ARM K \. Pretul.?' TnOMASP Ct MniM.s, Vaoe President MoBTUtn Smith. Jecieiar?. Dspiel Howell, 8'irr?ynr, Heery W C imminga, AtFf. mi ?Taus. W^l erEeeler, Au?umit Lai sag, a Baiumre, J*ni*t H Dill, Alfrad A Annen?. Bichard H O.seen. Sea.. H. W. Smi b n'l reN i ? r. ,rn?r Oraatt at. Open from ISo'cleikA M ti.i.i.v: .ck P M Wedii- wlay*audSiT(i'. d .ys. fr. m 10 o'clock A M to I oVock P M. 18f 4t rtp-Thc Itlenantile Mutual Lean aad Ac? cum Minting l aud Asset intion will h-iid a meeuar in the I.e. lire Room, Clinton Hall, comer of Na>iaa and Btekii i.ii at* , i4i S ATI BDA V EVENING Best, Slat ia ttaul. on wln.b occati ii W T. H. MILLEKIN. E-q . ?? 11 dt liter a Lecture illustrative and ei|i au.-Uory nl the ohjectsaad benefits >?< the Associatioa. The nabln ia Bial II* tBVttCd *? BtSatBtl VV. ii. <JU\SKH. H- ?? 181 It* No. 16 Walitt If' Home in the West.-- Westen? Fane and Vil ? . Aueeiail^n will meet THIS (Wedoetdat) EVEN I NO, in Cbitbam Hall, (Chatham-?o.,) it 7i e'elaek. Tue ? h e, t, i* tbie Ai*ociiii"ni* to give each member a Punt i( 110 acres md ril'are plot of four icret :a the Waat P ar - tnal atteidance ef tbe meiubera is re.,ae?ted WILLIAM H ADDOCK, P?e*td*ar. Thomas K. Amin, Searetary. Iks'It* 1*7? Industrial Herne Asi?< lation. No. 1.?The Blembers of the Association are msiled to be preaeeir, with their lamilie*. to witness tbe preteotatma of tb* Teatiwjo oialiof Reipect toifae O.lirer*. ou WEDNESDAY EVE? NING. Feb. 18, in Natiooal Hall.Caual St., at 71 o'c ock. Id! 3t? CORN'S A COOPER. K. S. tST llemr. Bjweel Haine !-Th* stTsHiFaa'iiid ,ar Miiiuai Iamb Ajsa>t..:*^.aB^?j IbeS'ate of Me*-y .rk. will bold it* first iiubiK ineetier at Maumn- Ha l, N . ST4 Graiid-*t.,neBrPor?yth.oB WEDNESDAY EVENING, Feb. II, at 7| o'clock, ebare*. $300 A-iaiiht.-xi f*?, 81 ? Mimth'y due*. |3. Intcitit ul t per cent, allowable SR all ?lossy paid in advance. All who deaire to procure a home by means cf irrul' con? tributions, are larited to at'endtbe rnee'.ne. Sabacrr.mon gka ? nl be v pen d umr the eseame. SubscripUo** will a)*o be rei eiv*i) at the othre of the Asmcia ion *seiy es* ning from 6 to ?, and Wcdaesdate from 1 te 9 P. M for isdies The obierta of th* A*soci.a*ion will be ?xplaiaed fnl'y at the abeve nueunr. dune eeel Caan* all! Ladies M well as gentle'iiea ire particularlari'ed to attend. Mi'. M- FRAN KLIN, Plaudert, No 106 Bros.lw iy 0BO 1! Ban. Vsea-Prsildeal. W* iwNateau-st Alhskt H. Nuoi.AV.fseiMiaty.OftceNo SHGran l it I h s. La meal e, A.tomey, Nu Ii Ueeka.aaet TBl'stbks OA rse II Franklin, No 173 Weet st B la* P. Ilernag. Noe 1)7 aad lit* Water et Oe* W Rlbl*', Countt Clerk'i Ollic* Ro\altJ. MiHa-d. N? 89 Barclit st Elias Cosabs. No. 14? Oraad st Nelson Putf. N\. u st James Jackson. Jr . No 3?1 Br"-i<iwav Itters? T Muisrii. 0:tire (' ?rk ybi^er.oi Deal P. G. Ricbartlsoa. No 107 Juhu st 111 <t* tr? 1* the Pnhllc?The PROTECTIVf7 UNI(Tt <a Use ?ty of Mew-Yoih feel ?r*t?f ?i t?r the liberal B*t Bgetaeyhate received, und f.-tlmr encouraged t'i*t a pure irtie'i- vi BREAD may b* r.tll farther appree.t tted. and ita aa e mc-ea*ed. Ihey rase made arranyeniei.'t i > SltttBdil s iheirb'irn.ei?. They kiad.y so k t the Mtliiaaa* of ih it fneadli to th* piinnp'esol lod'iitry and lie eto Inu- being rsdurtd to rraetice. Ilotal and b-srdinr h.-uti> keepers *?d HeaniVnt pr?r,,i?t ra. aa well t> pn va?e f.imuie*, will tiud the u?*ofthe p U t.. ie ^ ?ource < i pleasure, nea lh and BOBaear} All ordart f-r waideu to tk* P C . id 7th as , eo- .f ISih-s' ,?? I w ?waetaatr*attaat'edA>. [nes] IBAB.PATH,Axeaa rp The People's Hultdiiig Aesea lotion. -AI theaekaaaeae Bamtai ha? *l*.i^ed s.tce the umi u "Uir of ibi* A-sociution. tbe share* are m?re than haiftaiau. acSfrrm prtient pro?i-ects ibe B* latM will be s laae bw?l at or atortly after the n ol hly meetiir of Wet a-?das sesBBBBt. ?t which ime ?t veral ahaies will be sBefedteaT Bt'BlMtltllia the mem en. A m??*.:t*. f ?I Ut <!?* Doaal i f 11, a i si Ail be he I a] WADNE5DAY E\FMN' ? at De la Res? * A??*n.biy Hoonn. ewrae* ol Ai'.h st and 8th-a?..aad as it is eip*.-t*d the m*?tics win be a nejay ote, the members are uTfed toril1 any *ftri, >.n <r ? ?a ire prent'-?.Ii ..;'h-. Cn-. N- s.b st and p it theirsTste*/ T. MAJiriNt. Fr?sk)?st J P. WttUaMS. 16' ft' The >? ?-\..k I nd and Huildia? A-*o ciation wja :ran./?dlBg lue p.r...ts d glttiag Bui*** aid h i. for workiu*ioee.thtT?by maki ir th^iu ?eir eids. It at ia the fall tide of eaeoee*J Inru lir!=i are held on tbe VOCRTH MOND A \ in ?..c.b month, at N<>. 163 Bjwery. OfBce N?. 1 Marra -et Cai ustiakoaad , bus ______ MILE? CHAMBERS, P" H 8 fcvi nt. Secretary. mtw* 1 Chelaea ??lMlai A?**clatian-Nottr ?. 1.? . <*.bi? e* ? he h wrr pait o.' ike city wtib ng roiu3*r-.?* i r -b ire* in iki* SvurisA'ag Institntimi caa l*iT*th*lr ? ? m h the sntrsnee fee, M cult, ai the ortic* ?: G. B IIOWILL, No. it Park-row. Lnrei v't Hotel. I7ftlt W. II HOYT. Secrjr .'No tii'9 b .* tV The t lutea*' .tlniaal Laaa aad LMI laUasfl f ijss? Asseaiaiien.-Tkn B - s> of tk* \* waa are ?>ca tor lubtc.- ptioa at lBe:r office. No Ul B' oei". d?or above C*?al-s'... from 3t A. M at.I i P. M . *xd ob Wejnewlas ixd nf lir ?reainss on';: I - Er.trance fee $t, mo^thlv do** SI per month Aa wppe-rtujity is oilersd to all : aal es and femalss. ntr'.or* lud adelte, kv joinine ibis AieeriaMoa Bf ;>ay .ng *3 a ra at* ' ? ? i> w ?in to . ,ii . i i o.j? ,r i -'.<ii?l ? r;.. >?ji' t? Mart a fair baiiaas*. \r ?-'?* A?? a Ft.Law*, aat! f ill etDtaaat:'oi ot '.* ^oecteakd * aa, ?a ja.l eral-sat th* ?.fTew ?IMk.iv ..Ai-HR. P;.i.. E Lai mai n Smith. V. Prea't rncsTEEs ' kii ? Jona F Cars, : e-c ^hwinx. Jr , Williaai Tb..ate-*. ? as L c- rniah. j ?i w Mai*a V acbes.erP kli-dy. Wiiiia n H D**ta. t>w.aa?l AUiiftwi, Jr t ?* ">ut V KsaoiLl. Swc y. BaitdlsaS Aaaeciatlea.' Fire la?urame !'*),?< aptial Ixci.f, de Hie* into In.Boo iBare*. of *:>? t.. B . 31 tr cea>. rath pad np. 't per real, ia a>te* to mi ant i* the bards of the Company. Sebscn; Ii?e for tbe etpital stork el tbie ronpaar will **r*t-*iv*l by tb* fol rwiLCbeti *? *: r?iat*d Ceatm i 'oaen J .ba Brnc*. Ni .1 Pla t at . Wakcman A Latuur. No ii r*iv>* it.; i>air*l P Pamard. No. !6 Wall St . J djut B .tlon. No 16 v Ihtnt ?? . So'onoa J-atUTB*. Bo. I C ? [-. : ? i Bs*tas*> at.; Taeasaa W Leetss.e?sr. egPasSaa aatl ' .i ii. Brooklyn , *!*?, 11 >i in* Dueeiwa J?HM t'Kl/CF I ssjdeet. sra P*?r*tart t. ( IV" Wherens, fa'as i? ***al im afaa a" ? as Pr0T' >!? i.r?, o| oi' mo*! di?H?r ihm! ra?!r.!>?riin a" net iece?l rromeat, aid ?hl!? in th* d^charre ?ff h a a'd a at ??.IT v.4f nd'fd 3; a f?*?l .na adv. waxa Sr?'lf Sled m tb* death nl oor ia e iu.>'iil?, S a MCK!. RE? ROUM.w1pv.hj the /?a'nii? d,s< htree h ? la* *' been ?s'bendto tu f Ii- i .'f.r.j rte'e'ttd fi 1? *** senates, aid iulmirii.t. hat ie arn rr frved*. ??J " terror. We,the nierrbeis*! iliil'unnilir'. ' '* cr-nto tyre, p.itM/e with tkar bt th ? ?o do* 1 ' ?tu?, bat? been deenly ?ffi rted. ind to mi.igle ??? wuh hit I ?luved JikciIt aad relative*, in tie lira. '?*'?*> Ubii coLT?t;oa 'hat on si their na.riber has been re u mid and ' tie p an H at our e Iii ? him shall ka w mmm bo ib ie. forever The-'for* F.'M.l' td.That iar?.^?rt;;,e uj m ?'.* an Idea a0<? *> ; ' lir ra'amitr whir-h bai befi! :en t jf mernben "f h * ? o r. m.t'ee ia Ike death of Capt Stain ll Heyn Um. Imm I >"? " ttoitee rnoit drenlv tyuipathice with hit a?*<i*'*? I" Br-" sate Hfe.wlta thii C inmi' ee.m nhnte service he n?i tetpoini' Ie aad tu n> raSM mt-cer. a firm and derated friend, ??d Ba| ivw.ih those who. ia the dora'ttif r?1 ?'ktew ?j ah, wereeoaaeetsd *y|thhiai by tbe aacet ewsBartng ina sstved I fee, flat >f him it may be tralr laid ib-?t a great ml hit been broken Krtolrrd Tfcat in reft-ipartfy? hi* history and trarta. bist from enrly b 'yl.ooii, we ii.,d In him lbs ?ntrr >r ?i'ir you'h, Wie i?rl leattal nismUcr, the pallksSkl officer, the zealoii* Chiiiliin. and th* h.-nut nmtMsfjn 88 non* knew I at t > 1 ve Rrsoti 'd, That a m?Bf of thee* retvi'nti ibs B* transmitted to the Gnule of the der eased, accompanied by th* uncsr* and tender rond dea ?? of tb.i Ci-aimitt** Ktschtd. That the mem he* ? of thi< C im.uitte* alt* id lb* f'niwral THOS. ll JMITU. C'j*'rea*q. JotTM L. Geip, Srcretasy i3f U* r? Msiflll f'hi :-Th. (Jiiartsf ? Phi Fraternity will be cell bratod it tbe Ha'l of the Al.ih* o/New Vork. on the esenmr <>f THI RSDAY, Min h 4, 1EAJ. at the tMid ConTentioa. E. H V. 21 !2t>1WJt8a AD ftP^Sliite FrnrlMe*.?The ?einher- >f the S'af E?: - eiblei are renne, te.l to iiiemMe at the Broad was H"i,e, M j>erdenk, TO-DAY for the pnr iose of att?ndinr the fumral c,f Siinnel Key soldi, lat* Lieutenant of the i-.n ?*ny l?f It* r*r Removal.-Dr LI i PNEU ? Ea- laflrBary ,. rem-'ved, and will hereafter be permanently located at No. I SO Prirrw-st , tw-i doiri eait of Bn a-l-w ,y. D? it'nees, d:s i ctiarres, snd noiset in lb? head cared is a f?w davi, wub ? out ins or pain. Offic* hoars |r.- . CtP" House farpenter*. Attend.?The Joarne. . ?j Hunt* Cariienter* of the (.'ity el New-York are innt?d is at'ecd a pnbi c rreeiinr to lie he'd at Conreuti-in Hill. Wweeter-?t . on PBIDA> BYBsTIN I, Keb. 2?, at 7| o'elicJc, H. M . hi hn.ines* of t-reat l;n,-iortan'-e w- I i brous-bt f-.rward J DREIflfAN, Chairaian. ist It* I r-' Emigraat latelliseRer Olflce and Lahor ! I Eichanse, Noe. 2j and 27 Oanal-st., New-York?This i office ii eitibliihed by tke Pomuusiioners of Kuiif ration, white nan alnays be ; -mid la-re numbers of Laboren and ?ere an It at very low rat** *f wa(*i. ibJ persons ran bar* their orders filled by writing lo the Hapenattndeiit and seodmg the amount neetmary to pay the pasiag* of th* parties repaired He fees charred to employers, mit MWAEtf JAS P PAGAN, Superintend, at. Ken IJnbluniicno. Tb? OesaS if the Sfosthl ea Reudv Thii Day. JRAIIAM'S AMERICAN MONTH ? LY MAGA/fNE. M?rrh, II? AHTIPLKS AND CONTRIBUTORS. S i a?s or a Si mmf.b Nh.ii? (.luit.Nv's Pairi Sroav. (E<* the Y^u'ig Eolki,) H.W. I.onrfellov,. ? Bit i ? Brtt*, W I " The Pai;?." Lings V/miTEN OS Sr Vaiemine - Dav. Gil D. I'm iitin " What no *m Bmn< Siv " Leoba. A Ballad ofSpaia. A New Contributor. Srg' TfcAi Ii Li cioN-, Thomas Milner, M. A. Cami'au.mni, IromiBa, Authirof1 Talbot and Veraoa.-' DeiGkatia, Hk\, w. E Qihiatg Oib Cull riHcop, Jan* Gay. I 11 Bi ami r ,i k i Not, J. A. Tinion. La? Ahn Lava laVS, John Neal. El i hoi in. A Prigment, A New Contrkbutag. A Like or Vn lssn i ng? ,G y. R. Jam*s Esr|. A Charm. A J Ruinier Life c Yora'ig.Th Gregg. Mn T? .v, B. H Brcwster ' Bi its Tut Homestiap La? ,' L. Virginia Smith The m . n: a?n in* pAimiTEa. H. Didimns Tub V, tk-,.:. Mui Malta* Griffith The Lo?tDxep, E. D, Eliot. THK HAIIg? oi Exil v, Eflic Eil iet.ild Beai tt s Bitbeat, Henry W Herbert. WmrE riioi ugmm Lin.'s PadB.Grenrille Grey. Limes on a Vi.i i e Fi hwiei, Eitclle Anna Lewis. OKa i m\ Samuel Henry uxs*ob, nt. d, Tub Si ibit Lam. L-, of Kattford lleiinitsge. Till PmILAI'EI.I'III* Abt-Cmion. Rarigw or New Books QBAbUM'I 6m ai.i Tai a EMBELLISHMENTS Bi a rt'l RiTRF.a i ?A capital line and st-pple, ea gravedfi-r Graham, by Ulman Da-otaii Lnpiak Cot ?Tim; ?An eieelleot lu? me?zo'.i.t, .r.,r.v.d tm m by Hnn.^r; b D.T.rru,. Boston HaRm.r ?* do ' ao _ _ do. do. do Bibds Say do do. Miiiai.I nt Tilg DaMBBT, d* do. ATMOfi'Hinn Ii 11 s:< n. do. do. Faia MuboaNa, do. do. 6rE< TSR of TUB Bill < kin. do. d? MlRACi 01 IMS Oi ban, in. do. Isyana Kirn S, do. do MUSIC? Handiouiely 111 nitrated?" O BhaUB my Cot tai-k. GiNTi.i. Maw," and " Thb Star? ok a 8i mmob Nii-ht " Bubicri|iuii. $3 , 1} can's p*r number. It will i e seen by the following that it will b* difflcuH to (Mat liRAIIAM FOR 1862 Tar iitiaatoicnr im/nl of tit Asvro an I'rtlm, rael GRAHAM. FOR 18.12. II THE LEADING MAGA? ZINE OF THE COUNTRY, IN MERIT AND POPULARITY That verdict we d* not miead thai (.* l*vert*d, by any bill t.f esreptiim rilt.l acaiat* it, from want of mint in future aoiriher* Th* citri rdinar y tacr*a?* of tke list of GRAHAM, i ia the last SIXTY DAYS, is a gaturanle? that th* verdict ; of the Preai it tndnrted by the People. OPINIONS OF THE PRE33 " Graham is tke brat of our M ?^a/.m*?. There i* aa originality, a Ireshneit, a v.for, snd lartepesdeaee about ibis thai no .. sr Magaah , Bteaeas There it aa Aiaen laiieat about it thai reader* M pvciiiarlg a tr*a*nie to be ; bi|b y prized there is a strength, a dixuity and fore* about it tBat meal trnl\ r- ut..?:- the ltteralare of Ameri? ca. Vie would recimxosnd this wjrk ab?re all oineritn tbos* who C et lie somi tiling USefai as wen -t aTBIaHBlll " I Dam- erat. Brook v^io. Ia. " G ahasn led to be rel'ed a prior* of Msga/soe Pab lisber* ? til. if ihat BrSBtag . a>e ie. era. years ik \ hi \? now a \ geSBgd sn.|*rot. He Brut oi ?, alto, fu* ere Baal Baa aew mm g*tii ?a its i^Jsun." [Voatera Etnporiuii., Giriuaatowa, Olio. ' We bin rare ally pern**d the Peb-narv enml^er. aad are ti'i-btd that it a no an de in tne kind af lilsrary matter winch wi I ;r i'e meat palatable to a reijned. uiielleclaal taate. Thia. we believe, is the h*at inaga/in* now pitb blBld " ;!>?;? era'.c Wtur, Hellef ,nte, Pi " 1 here ii no hook en a par wi n Gi ihamin or o it of tk* I Bated SU'e* " I Whig, Flir.-, M.ra. " Gribum's Mar??irj? i* iii'.pii* y ih* beat iirs-?rt w<ra it the I nited Ma'et ' (B*ee*tta*t7 WS' ?' Graham .a '.Le "e-t Biet';: ? 'a A nerii-a? -taner not excepted." lL:b*'iy Ha. l?- v eat Liberty, Oh >i George R OSateBI has tfAjyafBtSSd us bis A?ta'i for New Yotk sad vicsuty, ss foll.wi. " I bsveceirln. ej as SwBtngyaSBjawl watt Mswers. Dswitt A Div?npert, hv sli < k ;he? o i lo-.ah Grahan'l Mara* BtxtgBS CaTBAn.TBadBB XaaXl ?: >t I ???11 tenl then ih* books lo dv it) as 'ley Ota b* had from Fbllalwlpai* 13.0* tat? t th* fltsht lr< u. Fbi sdelpb 1 lo Nt * York. " Khdadtdph.a. Jan il.llji Oa-aoB R Graham.*1 All Agents, Iherefwie, ?i 1 t>e t BBf .?d !.r<-rt t<BSB ** a* early stU*y Btatmt itct-'in Pr.iladelphi* a: a great see? ing of tsptBte, and at lasagjg price than .' -r.nerty DE WirT k DAVENPORT Hf Agents for N*w-York aad nc * ly. THE ISTHMUS OF PANAMA, aod WHAT I SAW THEfaE , by E. D GmwulJ M D , ricenl/ ? rc ef tne 8 ilf yen A :he P. R R Co.. i.-oataia iag an account cf tke prtseit aaasWael of tb* r^dsirr ?ad iu likilitsst*. tataril hisimy, r*. Ac , *;'. E**ry trartler or?r the I^t^mus-sjid thee arc a imbersd by tbowsanrfi-o'igttto bav* *eopy of tr.* ao>A Prase, IB ? ep*r, >' c*Bt*; e olh. 73 eests DEW1TT A DAVEHPOBT. fr t>: she's. Igf |t Ttibua* B Ji.iLagi, Naesaa-s: npo PUBCttASEsIS at pal . mmi pri* 1 tu LIBRARiLS ?G. P PUTHAM ?u IUBbHj i 'booK-BI VER'S MANUAL?i Oataj - al Fete ta and ABencaa Books, va rv*jv dsjartSkeat . IM , vr:eL.**Ld Arts, with a Clashed Index a* : v.. .h*.l boaad. 7jc**'*i fwper twv*is.?i caat? T*C*i?|*a. Acndim.t*. PebL- Lib/ai.eii B .teLeri. sni' cnlassssiu qaaal MS, s i BSSI* aid l.? cooa: will be Made from the pros a th* csisAogus C yitstf th* cBta'oree* tuppli*d ?ratu to KaieaBarstsj ?c or 'er- i ?reedi?| ti ia a.i.oasl. U. P. PI TN AM c ntiansi IBs uf?ti i ? ? ?''??<? Works iw Peblir Itititauoa*. (duty free) for the trad.. >t f*r i riva.e ladividsa *, oa IB* a. -it ?it^a: geoa?t*-Ba* in IbSCUUBERTH tfe CO., M i^Ka U7 Breadway. M T .r*n?*s: laspufciie ? tfcerr tsassesse stock I l ?Iba c t,< V?***,T****hJmJ'll* I i.anAie.iorOrsaa.V. bn. Vto'-tarell* L am. Or^rra. at* a it.ry fee nrtaoeo* ^!?2f2L' -h ... - , ke I l.ted State, wf ??"?^?^ F.fir* **d i*?'icn??< , sVwajti/ le ?-1k ,r*i .;tfc*a*. W as wavu TUF SCHOOL FOR H18BANDS.? A Not?) bv Lady Btl?f Lvtton. fmra ?arly thu'j. receive*! l>? lut *:**m*r. A. HABT, f**"<!i?h*j. j7 tf Philade.'nh.a. NDER80N'8 GREAT <"<>NUN. \ DBVM BOOK ? Tnu work. cn/eia ag over 1.400 ontirai C~auBrr>i??. ia mw mb i?h?d aad for sale. Pr: e 15 rear* Tri?)? mrpLtu *' Iii? b?t.?I i) icoiiat at lAf Bt' JOLI.tF.S No J. 6 Braadwa?. BOOKS ami STATloNERV ? NEW MAN ? IVISOV. V . ;BJ Broadway. ara coaetari'lr sorra>?d with a ecmplei* a?**rtmen- of BOOK-4 aad 81 ATlONFkY.arfap-edtoth* TTkolsaals Ctwwtry Trad-, ?">d to whteh they invite the attraton of t' ? Brj Merchants. Tb? have in*t rr > ted a itrye n-i a| *p'*i.did WRITINC PAPER, rmn t'ine of bin? aad artut? Fruirap l-etter and Nota Paper ?hieb ia aaTafaa] t? buym at aar? low pncee. Cr natr'MeirhKnta and at her?, bnyi?? M ecell.iB?? ?. 8? P..ok? an'! 8 i'iioe rv. are laviled to oall aad ?i anuaev. ?? gncdi and prre*. bef >re onreha?inc elaewhe:*. NKWMAN A IYISON, No. 199 Broad *ay. i3f ifwAiw* v TOW KR of l.o>|>ON ?uh loo ES arBATtTfOB, aa BTJtTOBJCAL ROMANCE B? witiiarr. Harriaon Ainiworth Author tt th* ' Pic'oriat Life am1 Arfr?ntur?t ei Jack ?hop^ard," ' Pirtnr'.al l.'.t'e of Guy Faaaet. tbe Chief >f the Gunpowder Treis.a.' "O'.ii M P i'dt." ato , *?r Oasaaaoss at twolarge ectava roli.r -r "f j<:w pages . pnoted nn de finest white paper KrrN.Li<hed wiLh Bieeiy eicht larg* ai.d haantifol Uloi tietieni. dfM-i.e.l and ?aer<?tdm th? tiaeat etyle o.''tae art, br George Crnkihank, Eil, of Loml n Price for tha exti'e ? "rk, |l. It hai ? ? r. f< r yeaia the chen?h?4 with of th? writer of thi* aaaa tr. make ?? Th? Tower of I. md. n " the pro ijeet ?Bonnuen' of aa'iiotty (considered with reference to its hist?traj asiocialiots) in th- kuovra world?Iii? rro'iad work oi a ???.?? ? und Ii i? no al<cht IBtisrartioB 10 hnn that cir.nmstanBea at length hare aa Baled hm to.irry into efi?r| Ina BaVBSjta pr" e.-i. in eonjinoti.n with the inin.itable a t at whoa* a.aety eight oncinal Deitaus and Knciavin-t of all th- principal Bwjaatn at attrec'.ioa and interest t" '1 e reader, aeeoinpany this work. The Author ha* exhibited ia ihtswjr? th* ''T.iw.'iof London " in the light of a Palic* a Msoa, aad a F ortrees, and be ha* a'in c ntrited Baak a BagAsa of ia-:J?ate a* la introduce . very relir of the ..Id p.le?iia Towara. C'aa;ieli< Hill*,*. Oatewago, Ar-h?t and Drawbndgei??? that no part of thia,'he moat \erersl.!e aa.l lataraatiae buildmi in the ki.owa world,shautd remain unill'istrated to tie reader. It l* bej.'m! all doubt rai* of the BBBBt mtareitlnff ^?/orr(* e**r p'ibliiiied in the snow n world, an 1 .an he re-land re-nad ^nh pleasuie and rat slVtion ?>? everybody. We t,i BBfaaai to get it an.l lead it, I >r there is much to l*atn and valuable laformatioa to be caiced fr on it a pacea, wbteL cannot ha ehtained in anv otlier werk paoltihid .n th* kaown ?ml' PuMished aad fur sale by T B. Pl.TKRSON.N... ig ( h*?r.ut it . Philadei ? i For?i!e '.y all New> A reals ai.d Pe.pidical lieaer? ia the) Catted Slat** Iff It fpo FIREMEN.?Th capital . of M. the "Fit* Lad.I e." in Tm Near- York saarh injured for It i* aa popular as any'binr Suited ta tbc corps uf Firemen, which baa aapeared TJh Rrvei/te ? a bow ia the hands of th* n?*sh"va aad all pernidn al agenta in a'l th* tra.ripal tdttea Price only two csats BARTON* CO. Puhliahera. No C Ann ?t \ V Aeeaia- Deite^ A Brothers, tn;i i' | Herford A Co., Astur Huoi*. Pric?, No lir-i Hudsoa-st ;8.HaMeck. Ann St. 18f lt? i OULTE'S HOMEOPATHIC DOME8 M. TIC PHYSICIAN ?A tlo'd uf tail w?, u, improved,*Bia>cad, aad ?avBaeBnydwath Anatomical Plate i, is bow printing forth* author'a own BOOOBBt, aad wil he ?ub ished by bini on ?he l?t ..r' April neit.wheB a'l th* r wccpathic pharn.acia*. aa.l the huok trade ib geieral, can * pr\y tb?Bi?elve* with it, hy addreeiinr the BOthog, Dr i. H PULTE, Ciaeianati The .is ial dis-ount al? lowed No other third sditjoa f thi* work is eenu. ie aad lawful, ricept .t contutaa aia'.oinical plates. Ivf I a TH) MERCHANTS ami LAWYER8 ? The lawi relative te United partnerab'p? ai amend*.!, walk CwBpoaltioas aad Cotnprrainiaea by partners art h aj judged caara. and i 1 the re-uiaite forma, also the act to authorize the fonnati-n oi eavaentbSBB fog m inulvtonai.', miaing and merhaaieal p?'te.e*i, for isJe hv JOHN J Hl ONSY. No 1 Nasiau-it . N Y 17f Gl* tiJnnt (Emi lonmcnt. AS i'i.ain diOK, liv a rosf.rtctililo Prot ?itanlCirl. Iiaiood Waaberand Imaaraad uaile' itaad* mikus good bread ha* a good recorneadation from a? im? r? ^? ?? *i" wh.r i j , r el,., i j . Si-aa . near litli at , 1.1 nor, nark ro >?r>. rTr It' AS plain OtiD^. Wilier Iroior, hy a re.peetabl* Girl Goo-,1J^T,re<'arenoe can be gi?ea. Caa be ieei, till ei??? ", N" ji *'at at , bat a*en Jt I. aad Mh v, <" ? * ('i.oK. Washer, and Irnner, by a re J\ "peelahle youag Woman, in a nnrate faaily. Haa food rcferasce. App'y at No 38 Vv'**t- 19th it . sear Broadway. Caa be teen f..r two days. lHf It* AS Cook, in a private family, by a rc ?paetable yo?b? Woman?*h* u a Aral rat* Waabtr aad Iraaev; or aa Chambermaid aad Lauadreaa. Caa assaS wall recnii.n.ended with ? a tu set en ri f*r*aoe. Caa b*sa*a lor iw* diys at BJa ft, Mard .ngal sl., at bfri, Deyer*. Uflf AS Cook, Washer an.l Ironer, by a Protestant joubc Womaa, nr a* I.auadraia Good eity rafarenee can be given. Call at No. 7J Crosby si It* AS Cook, Washer, ami Ironer, by a jooig Ea?li*h Girl. Beat of C,t> rafeienc ; Apuly Bl No. 134 Bloom* at. l?f It* \S Cook, is experirnei d in French eookiag is a good Washer aad Iroaer. Good city ref Irene* Iroaa liar last place. Caa be **ea for two day*.? 4 all at No I It 19th-it , between (Ith and 7th ava Itf Ii* \S gooil plain Cook, aid first rate Wisher aad Iiosar, eg to da laaara' hoisewark, hy a >.- rg Woaiaa Sb* i* willicg to make heraalf gcaerally a'so his good refeieccr. Call at No 4 U-noa ? llaiyaraity-piace, b*tweea lltiiand U'h-ala AS I a respectable youinr A rrsaBaod aiaiat ia waabing and iromag, or to do itutral housework ia a stau!! privat* family. Tb* h?st cry riftreae* wi'l be giv*B. Can he aeen for two day* at Re 1 6th-st. ecu Bowery, laths rxe.kstora. Iti \-'j? \8 t' II am he KM a 10 and Seaiii<?tress, bv a ,.i as w i.niaawbo is a good skirt malar, unJer itiB ? how to rat and fit dr*?*ei; alao cbiMran'a c mbii. be willir.r to male berielf g*a*ra ly uaaful ia a n i raa*Hy Apply tbia day aad ta morrow at No |**J V'' tb-*t , ever the atore. Bear Tib *v isf It* 4 .'S Skamstkit>s Bad Drrs-milii i, a id i * would wilt ob an old lady or uvud growa cht'd aa, by ate, a Biiddle-igad Wtoian, and as firit-ra r leaav reia aad Cbaaihermaid, hy lb* ?ih*r. These f*aaalea ar* i > i, ?r i tc*d. aid have g'anl city reiarea..* '.'a'l at f., 741 ith-av . ia the bookator*. Itf It* AS Siamstrbss. or ( bl.' . - - ' . X r*ip?et*b!? eolired G.rl. ib a pr vate funily. a n ia rat place two ?**r*. Oed refer*?c? ctv*a It a ?mart girl, aad ad ateady hahita Caa be ie?n for taredaya at N? Atl Broadway. ITltt' AS (ieneral H?vtTBBMAAs>y Ot Clsainber . \ Batd, by a wall reeeouueadad aeat Girl. ? a dr?t i ?- wuhir aid Ir a*r. uniUntau !* Ik* leae-al r ". , i* wil'iag to Baia* her*?!f ??ef.' A t ^?1 . aa Bl *a to aa ub? t than wa<*e. CaU a' No. I'Jli Bwary ?*?*_ VS CererAi Hoobmaih, or n" o^ec I. ..a t? .1" the waahinc and irosiag fa tail . .inte f.nulr, bv a reapecrao* y toc w .?aa. la . nti roreaoe giv*n Pleaaeaaadya* aT* Mtatb -i ea oth and 7th irr t-b Be ?**u f .1 two dare, up itasra, mat rlo..r _ isf it* 4 S As>i>r\>T Hook-keipi!*:. Bl a vmnio; /a Man, n? ? ? . fal in say mercaatOe homo; gfadeity rafererac* "*??. - 'trees v N at irui I at Cf?* AS KooKKBKPKH. bv a wXmdj Man. ? tthV peteat from esneri*sce" to ttk* rharge e* a ?et of hooks, or aa Aasiitaat R ok*?eper ,r g?i.?riK*?rk. ;n a ?* iieciabi* *a:a>:t*hsa*at. geedcttyntoeewe taJiecjr.ty. Beeenary. caa be fivea At *mp oyment ta ti* prtaelaal t the Bdvactuer. a small aaUry wnl be aoc?p ad.? Addreii ABC. No t'-? MoBroe ?t W H* IFRENCH TEACHER. ? A PretKh Geatl*.?an. Pa-Issaa iad Pra'ettan', d-.ire. fed B-ard ia aa American f**i/. ia eirh .are f r J. .? F'*bcB bBBteas BafevtnDr Barrd. N' !>'BJaaaai al . aB . R*? Ahbot. Sp ac'er Inatitnte, Cn, r. t , ar* Aaoir to Moa. FFBD1NAND SCBIT. No* 22 *td H Baal It h at. Wf ?talWAE*_, j UTTER.?WantrBd, a sittution, bv one at , und?raiandl th* eotttng of Baea'i iad boy s i t twii mr t> estag* ia any ir*-**" An om '*?. E I. .ChilnamMiar* Poat-oaSo* isf i.* * VOUNG I.AKV who has been t-. r. ? ? s ???ral years in Barn. wub*e IB *aipl >T two or ?t rve y day ra anvil, fajiljr*'Jjg Fai'a-eric* aad wiqa-ry. *t a > EnVrNis. it . > o iiA,(.ao:.t_Wl> . TO HOTEL PROPRIETt ?Ri-Wanu ed I v ? yoeig Mas of ?i?*n*?ce aad -aj>aci'y a * t i at as btew'ard -r Aaaas?al. Caa fnra ati e-,?ta?p'ewi Bhle ?-. y refer, nee*. Aps'v irr-?ad;?U:y_ky hwiae^ e*> dre?*ad to K A E .at ike OaVe of Ami paper let eta win ATIONfl WANTED?P? Luh. A^ I r ? ?raweh. Cetaiaa. Aaaencaa aad CaVad Ser? ial i o . e. aid ??l?e of **ery domearr ranoa. at P ? ?ary.Na 7 Carsuiae at aad Steely Agency. Ne ii o'e-sit Oalv eeriaate ad g^rd ebaractet c M A NAGER.?Ar? eTperienrvd practrti rtfai' udro'ar maker wh i is :*?rf*c'tv acsj'i ?* ?d *itk tk* ? nates ?: 4| e**rtt*A>o*k* 4 ?oMn, ro**oa sad stlk ftbfir*. tad p.rtiru'srlt -n r..*l ?* e> U'n-a, office ol ihi* paper. ?| ERl A NTS ?Fa:: i ? ia*. ?TLLT'.'."'".i." *" >?*? < rt'ltt.t. ?i >i LT?*? _? ^Jmmm fc* tu Grand *? . , - nrtitnal Kwnl ?t>a,, N. B ?W?at*d. tw I raa girU , also a German girt [ITf tt*) J. W 11 i >' SERVANTS.?A <v of well KJ selected Sera-ants, nuuria he | nnt* ?> ?:.?., ,4 ho? tt ? weaow waatin? errrh y-i en- c MASoVS ofl cee. Nee Sit Bread^er tai 1*1 Bow iv T.rms? Y tarty subscript!, a id rea:t. ?(h*rv.:?e. tS rmmU No p*ia> will be spared In irat'er eiticfartina N B ? Men and Bnre ? di'ab ? for *?t tr.peciable ?n ;> syinat .:as-.? un head K : ItawfwMWaB* ryo MINING COM PA NI BS ? w, ? ?s- a aitnatiii as M n'ne A rsr.t fcr a , rtrt!,s>l Hiaef ,.f U yeais' *xr*r;*rc* la well acqua Bled with a I kmdi *f m.aai*)*. at.4 with arernc in all be "?ranrae?, ant all ?>l laaraiMry .i*-pi-r?.i* r.r Rjiamt pwspastss ....r aud srder the tarf-tr* ; ?'? 1 ? th >ur\. ? t v.,I drawee thereat of raferta?'? wit' be i-'t'o Addreea B H w., fai.Bi iqusre Boat Office. N? ? Y?ik. l"i lw' TO < LoTHlF.RS.?A tnst-rate prac oral C*tt*r. wh we ei,f arer ert 1 ab. it ta eryu'C, w 'd IJka la he*' of a artaelalal He vi.derstmds the S >>>'h*r* aad w*tt*ra basin***. Ad'lr*?* B,,t m ,\ttt ? r : .' HER WAN m>.-..\ B. coinpeteat toimVrtnt in the $ ? ent tie ami English br-mebe*. and also 111 Infantry Tactic* is wanted as a resi deat Teacher D a hoirdiar school near the c.ty. Addreae G OIUlUtT, sere**1 B?t Ne. MS, New-York; steel state tcra-s a:id'iBaliflra'ioB*. Itif Jt* FWR.M.? V. tat1 id, a |WkfJ?*iied Farm,?f tnm ' S to IM acte? of la eel, on the Hudson Rieer. .>r of ???? SSaseee to the New York and Kne Railroad, well watered and wits areaiaiex!: us kouae tal outhuildiaea.? It it waired on 11 :eaae of three or saotl veais. and will be Imereeed,al 'he pnvilece < f purchtsint >e .'ea;red Ad die?? HA/ABO. ofll.e of thu paper, with full pattira'a-a. irkM, Re .Ac. m n* POREWOMAN.?WfMted, ? latlv of ? % il addrrat as Y raw.1 11 1 ladiee' and children a elm hist eatablnhraent. Sbe mmt be a Aral rata dreae ?laker, asd understand her haaiaraa in every pail liai To auch, a ftmi and permanent situati ai maybe htlir ipp'yiir at No. 631 Broadway 11(31* DENTIST.?Wantfti. it mechani val anil operaiiuf Oentift, who uader?'anCa his buaraeit thiiroeably. aa l can eome well recoameudad No other* aerd asiiy One wh" frail hiraeelf cuuiie'ent to take ?b?rse of as es'alilisbment \t:!l he prelerred lU'iuire 4 V. FREI KKKK. Deattss, No lilt Bowsry, trow 8 to III A M or fun J t. i H. M Iff 6;* \| EN ?Wtnted, 10 ?*r 19 Men ofgrntrael 1?! di'drer* at soriettors in the New-York Mutual Health A<eecanon. This will oiler a rare opportunity to those wh > sul. to e?*4ite in a perniarent, h. notable asd literal o bnelaeee. laoalreel N" lit Bmadwav, upsiairs. ?4i iws WM. L. PALMER, Aetaary \PURCHASER w irsto 1 lor the ?ybole i>i i ?e ball iu'er- s: I i Mi ..' It n n-?. already ts'abliakfil in tliiarilv, trtta a I > trade, wbacb can be .lersased to any ei'iiit without a proywrtSaaale in? crease of capital, be ll? condacted l ir r:ish. To an aeiive man, wlib S-it> or <IOu. >he ia'|>ortunity is * cinvI one to en? ter a tul'e husiuei*. tdtlieee ,s U C , etfadeol > me paper. 171 It* 1/ .\ P X RIE N C K D SERVANTS I a WA.MEI)?Kreral i-? d (' mm, Vt'ishert aaJ Irnaers, white axd coUrsd, two elf* i 'enoed Waitresee*. a Krenct Seamitrts* and Pri t<Kant a'in Waiter All mast base city rwferisces Asp y Ha USUiaad it 18f2t* (lOOKi?W.antfil, a _ri">il ''unk who it* ' willisr to siiist in 'h* Wash nr ami Ireaiag \l* i, a Cksmberniasd and Waitre.s Ifoae Baad] ?l'ely without Mod etty r*(sT*acrs. Civil before II ? leek, at no, 9 ar?st tuik-tt fint house treat of Mh as. |7f ti* I S. SCirmiF AGENCY, for all ? EDUCATIONAL ORDER! -MI'TI AL BENK I IT AM) lAVINOI INSU 1 DTK, He ?3 Htnalway - Nr'Aliatloas dally, by the bast Inatuuliona, PanuUee and I ? ii Bata A dapjsit of on* per rent, i n one sear's com peoi.tiea procure* the /nil ?u.-.unt Other d> p -ait* share Ibf ;-'i)l t* sqnslly App'yr earlv. with the moa*y, poi.iand Office hoar* I to It AM and II 11* M k .'slduheii 1817,by k. H WIl.t O\. Proioie'.or rpo BBILDERS.^Wuttai, Contrtoton I (or bwiitiiast fiOr- lea Haaaea, wi h ih? o .t huiidiBg*. in W*?trb**ter Couoty. in live ?????, ?-?w.w??*?? i?*?k* . Batl al?? to parch*** a thin) part of Ii Its Use L ? No pait sf the parck*** Btsaer wi'I he ie ;i -,'."? 11 ' e t*?i*. Mo?t of th* matena'* for hnilata?s^*0,Band Th* reatrai orssust be side Lu^i ?MfWMI"ili Tr.i or* Office ?- ? ????*? oATl RUAY, tke llat last. T i Office 171 0 EDITORS ?A (rentlemaB who la ? ptaclleal prwUr, and who has written forth* preae Mseral y*ar*, wvald nk* a situation a* aa*i*t*nt editor ta ?erne r,ty paper, or to take (he editorial i-hs'r* of a (o-al Whir <>r neutral paper ia the c.nn'ry. 1 he h Best rwenae. nistdatiiB ins*B. Addr*** CITY 1TEMM. Tnbaae o;fi. e. i?f n* BOV.?Wanteil, in a wholesale *tore in Cvurtlaadt it , a (mart Boy, to learn lb* haimess - Mast reside with* asd pre uudouhtetl refo'euca*. Address, in hai d wriiiar, Box LfW N Y Post Offloe - Halsjy first year, $71 ltf ?? BOY.?Wanted in a I'aiiit Shop up Uiah, * Boy trem II to II ysar* <t are. Pnl who ba* aom* kaowlsdr* of lb* business, and an Asxencaa, prtferred ? He ii u?t board wita has parent*. A n i'e lu the htnd *rJ tr '< tk* applinaal, directed to I H h Tnb is* of lee, will ba *tt*aded in. 18/ 3tW ibaS* BdV?Wanted, in a Dry (Jotxla Johbinfj House. Addr***, i-oetf uid, Ihn N . 1.730, in tian.l wntiai of appLcaat, sitting as* and reference*. Salary first ytar, $K> 11/ It* OFFICE BOY? W.ntvd, fnm 11 tm 16 year* old, who write* a rood hind; can come well rscosaiiitaded, aad reaid* with hi* parents, Applf at No. O Lib*ity-il , front ?, up ?tair?, o t es? I) and I, p.M ltili* Ti > LAWYERS.?A youii? mui who h is read law nearly two years ib the country wants a Bat* e?t:on s* elerb in one of the ritvarTlree. Term* modsrats. Addrtis LAW CLERK, ort,r* a/Uaj p?i-*r. 18/ ii* PARTNER W ANT I Ml?With a oa.ah capital of SI.MO o St.Mv. ?? a s*ry safe and an table saanqfaet irinc b nine** A.ldrMS, with real Baaii, C N , K*iald Office 1 I.LIN ER?Wsjatfid; ihm folly a. - - cvaaplished in her bouiea*. to f> into th* eouatrr. ?efts Baad tpplv onle** they ?/? 'oily e?ntp*teal Ad. rlfet<<ilux iCj H'wl Oltice, po*tp*ad. statins I reisrasro, kc. _I7f ?? n()l BEKEEPER - Arne/ icaa Lady a* Hoa*?keep*r, every wag qualified t* take chars* *f * ims.i faaail| A i, >'r wi'B addr*** i*ft at ike Tiibua* Orfire, wi.i rscels* atteatioa. Addrett I. A 1_'?"f KOOMS?Wanted, by a party of G( i BfL the third-ttory and'on* hiaemeat ro<jni. of a ?'. *?e. wiih Ba'k L. '? S-t i' nm i^low V. st . asd wsst ssJ* of I r d-i Old sei ttusnf i?r*ts and 1. ? Btksst, IVat No 1,mtt. Naw.Yurk Past OVee, I .* paid. _ _IHI?? M 5 >MaTNER ? Winnen, a Partner with 4 1 ' I i a?h c* i' I. ' ? ?? ' ? ?i ?''r t?r ia u ', si? nk tb wHl pay 81.11* th* first | tar A"dr*?* C H , i rta n* i d. e. I7|tt* C**>| \ IU III ?A Cieritioman possessing mjp ai?* "s" ?" w" "s r >, s MBSatBt ia rtsk. m wasted a* a 8t*cH or Actis* Ptrtaer ia a *t.l BBtekskiaed Uraaub of ... T-* advertxsor eajoys aai siteasits rxocit b ilh h- re ?i.4 ia Eaeeee All eissimanir.a' wdi o* strirtly M-i-'.t lal asd son* B**d auplr wno do Bot pa?*tt? the e Mccapaui. Adstreaa P. St.. Tnh ,n* - ' < e 17/tt dtttfr (UU \ OR * j,V.O.-Any person 0*L**VFVrUtri t u r .r?- tie ' uiaaws of a-o'eJ-itepur. csa pn?dia?* th* share af a radartag partner, fitter of Ihes* can he ?.tested, mui arraxtgs.nsnt* mad* *ic'ndlB?ly Vot pa/teuiar* BBSah t Mr DONE I; Vaf st ifc.I-vnr h' s* - to Mr H tNI>'*'H'K. Her aid OB?**._"I? . A*rj (UUI ?Wanted, a person with thia *a *3?"/s.*" antouat :u rath.U.tosast wnhanea** r.tic 1 a*sB**t man m aa nriuarve atati ifaciunag beet?BS, e i. y te asged, and wach wdl. t*y tad gi?*at?ae. rtal.s* l-aiet* Der aaaam Every *Bt,*fVta ? w ;' r* gnti ??i I p.,.?B*. IB'.eiview by ? PoktrER. TmiM Offi-* wrth B4*s***d resideec* l.f It* i'i lilU. "i'l> INVEST IV BU8I rrpo?9\f\J* t MESS?A party who rta corasstail ficai SJ.ktOtu li.tlt, wisAes to engest* in *(*i* payragbtt ,;?,!?. well swta'.iUhad Ai r - *e tnabingl 1 (?rs sptut**r. eaa Bddres* *" ? BBS***, locatK o. *r '.u* 1 ?! a* ') !. e, .M R? Sales bg faction A M Mi?wi:s. Asset mt t B\ BANGS 15KIUHKK 'V CO. Trsde Side Rests** N? 11 Pirk row , NEED AY El i.NIWO. Pe'- f. K-* l ' i 1- ? f < k ? B< >o\S i ^ . IMG*- ' .s?*A.*gnf.Bia*r.leeia*vd^Mds*>dM*^^ B a it .?dacbtatMtadlwetiiim of Eag^k aad rr*e<t> ? grs.trr". Sc._ . AUCTION NOTICE.?J D- W0.1? BROOK A CO -illS.U. THIS i)Aj Feb. II, at l'i.'etock *t No i>4 M*ad? Is**. ^^jfS Kagdvas*. ca^aaaaa.gofa ****'*'-*;'^^ Ike rstsdtrsst* Alee ? Ore, er t w ?r'" ****"?V-- m* . jyji . pst i*"**1)) ttatvif aV^d?e*?a>< I" 8? A J Bui in w-i?iMr. I70URTH-A\ . lOKKVliLB, And rirTY-SIXTM ST H"ll OINU LOTS m AUC? TION-A J Hi KT KHK ? II ?all at AaetMa. ? WEDNKPAY W b aei .? I?? -cl. atth* Bfatrhaata' El.kaar* t I.ot* w**t ekle ?' 5 1 II larao.diart r >ra?r Lot*.en h 17 feet 1 .ach.? r >? ?I ? rVa* deep baaag lk? wkiJe froat t-e:w**a lie tea ink *t? Alan, j 1 ma a-rtli i d- -r )* i at , ! v feet aaM *f Let lattaa aa Tatm* at aal a. _ lot At* ? A. Can. to* ?arttoaear POSITIVE BALK, without reseiic, ot* ? five aew foaraio. l< r> n.NmfltlUaiia oa Wl Bt.-cole k CBILTON arjl ?all at Aietiow. oa WEDNESDAY, Eeh. it, is vs. .1 Itor'nwk, at ta* m*r taa'.*' Kirk aar*. t.v* aoo heat story Braak ???? "? at I o?a?a aa4 I.oi**i lirom.o. th* aonh *id* mi J*'* it , b< two* a Ik* fk aatl nh m> r>?q.,t atwry 0/the H<> ite . ai*it Ik* ttk av . I** *a a Stare I tao olfcara ara ' il.rd aa dwetl.aga Wmf tana aad pirUcataja vi ill n.r offiea ?/th* AactioBeare, *.? ? Weal at 131 ia B. A CAHLTve, 1 astaaaaei 1peremptory > iI.KbjI v \i.11 ?blb HEAI. ESTATE ia NE * > ? iKK aad BROOKI TV. ii <? aditg improved a'opaaty aad ?* u*r?'e I.mi. i ay ,-rc?r ?f Truat?*?, to f! >f . a n>*'a -COl.E a >'MIL TOKvitalsatlalAaatH*aaaWK ?%f-i>Ai". E*s ,i. s.i, at it e' ta* at*r??>??. ? v v r*. it ta .?.!? N ???e *ad Store? andJil.'. ' trvead *H Bsoobi YS ?? new Ihre? ?i? y ? ?<?! II >aaa* ?* <a.k*tt at . gantk Bro ki ?, witmn t ?>? saaaaw aaaaaai aUasJ u-n av , Pi rrr Niw Yi'kk ? i Ajar aia'v H aa*? and Strew* aa tik i? . ?rar Irk n 1 ta >!? ? o e w -fi t 8 ?:?e Na lit Hadasa at.: t Master* H?u- ? aTta bv,aaa*ttrAVat V ?i *a r I.ori -3 !o?* oa 19 >> *? , J n*a *a Bo'iJwar, I lata ?a ij'h tt t. !? mi -a i a . aearS'k a? . I K?lo a Bteadwar, earner ?I Ik ?*.{ . io a <>* >.?a at a*ar Hrradaay. 11nta ? a S h -e? | ale 08 bietet aad * lota oa p)k a* BAAWaaa Hi ami 7i ? . a Sie*?eiivw. tola lad .unable A BVBO p*?|li ? ai he eu eha-a BkaaM can a a . t< iii.-rt???? I ... V . . . .art., u a'e . . . al the Airii nr. i a nit re. N? ? w . I at. (!*? SSI | ii* ?? A.miiomt j. aUJtaOKBa Aaclioa*-r PEREMPTORY h ? i.n at \ I of I Valaabta Biaaastf aa Carn.aa aad B*e*?h*isa?* t J BlEEt KEKwillie tat , r n >a E BID A1 fob. I 1103 at It M . at lh* M*i.-hva.v Kicuaiut?, Ik* I ..lowing rtal i" ; aity. ait CarmoM ?.?Tkavwl ihhtLu fQiaajad aaTAiaabatali tat th*reoa, kn.iwa a? N * ia aHe aal Tarraiea at , Iwi ea BedAutl aad YaitBk saa. aad TA Aral fruaa Had'. fd ?t Lotti i?*i iM>t ir.i n b* tSaaot deea II a?a. sJ byiMtei. B*at* r?i ssoti |i i>mlsraiaaasaoi ??? mt? raaia u oa h? ud and Bn>rita*e I'rai >a walai SB akTparks oi iho liiuldus Blttrkar tt - Th* lloutea a d 1 at known aa >?a Bi*rrk*r-tt Htua*. No r?i aad j . Blooaharsi oa th* Mnth rait tide of *?!??. ?er ai . t>*tw**a Jone? aad Harrow it*.; one lot J7| kv 15 f??t. wiik <?? hu d* las. tke ether Bay 13 avss, <*,ia froat aad roar hu d ?at?. 1 he riral boat* ihre? *'<ir? *ad i?at* far fnao ibo etitr two-itory and attic, raa'a lor f jSO. CtoI*b wa ?r in all pait* n| the huiKlinsi E<<* w*p* aud farther i a-'i ?'? l p?rtB mt * ii *? ?er, No. : llroa.1 ?t . ,.r to w IUIITM \N A CL tkh laftt (Uni N i I9J Broadaa?. Simion DHU'a'R, Aoctioncor. DT8IME0N DRAPKR,No WPioavaaX U nrnerol William H , W r i? m K*OA Y, Vtb it II it, at 1J i dock a' lh* Mer. ha' tt llirhana*, tlM.OOc U 8 * orrrt. Hi oa ot ISM. 13.Mii New-Y nk ?'.?? I ,?. rl St.?k r( al. 13 OSv New York Cil> 7 oer rt Sloth *( ISjt. ?'i.M0 K*aturk| Kl?.-f. .r.-l l.nA i" I!' _ 3,1*0 Teaaraaee S'a'e 6 per ct. Stork af IS0A Uf at Antikimv J BLBBrCBBk, A?rllo**?r E^XECDTOR'S HA Li of the II0U8KS i aad LOTS kkwa*a a* N * '' and IT at it it at Aartioii -.a.NliiONY I al. KK 'K Kit will aall U ane n n. aa I 111 KSDAY. Ee' Iba 19th. at the Marrhaata'iEicbanc*. r>y arOwi oi <ba Biaeabar, taa fbllewun deniable pni eity 11/ On M at al . iar iary* aad valuable I.ei? nr'Ore lad ?1'k t lie buiidiae* ' hen aa, knows it Not. 15 ant 17 I ?. ma deoil erln ot Ckubam KiBire, the lets sre etch :t f?*tir*ati bj a, Vat a depth. Kor tern,* and farther pertiaetar* *m'? *? the laartauaeer,He it-ad at. Kli KABJ) v'.ia 71 6 7.'i,I2.II.I?AI7 11.711) In. a. h e Wn.n iHtv Aac ina**r. MoRTt.Af'KK'* S-I.K of Kovi ?, <j if I aad Mahotany eukn| f I' H e. P A IN t\S > ? >. Be. TH IS MO)\ NINO, at 1 ?. <t tn? A ieiioa h 1 a?. Bo. II Naaaau ?t , rrrnar 1 f Pi*a II I WILLaHllwll aall, Thu hlovaias, at above as "I ???*? 1 Parlo* aad Bedraesa Earmtare Alee, 1 I'a >or tuit??f R"t?wood pBiaBaie,eeeanad wtta uen i?d Daaaaab Sila, FasatAajB, Acte pay advance*. laf 11* IEXECUTOR'S 8A] Eoi V?LVABhM i he AI. est a n - win he aaM at BaAlta lantlaa mill I'lkM DAY TIIINIi Vn\lH ill.u ail at 13 o'ekek. niioii.the -a', reel > m e of V ALL N I INK Uli KS, deceased, .n Jei rh . (jqaart* Ooealy, Bet ae iron ih? Depot ot l.ooa laiaud H .' road, at II 1 ?? II ? Kann coa?Utarl auoni 7 ier?? nl Ciil-ra'e id ?hla laud ia a kta.h ?tat* of cu'liv-'n * On aaid farm la a Uraa will ballt ?ml ronven fi dwal IB| Heaao ia (feed aedoe. Oaa E?im it one, two la-re . rarriaee ha l' , Ac , all in xiNid repair App *.?'d* aad fiuil treat ?I aaraaas kiada. Tba farm can ba couv*ai*atly divided ui > tSr- ? 1 ?. aid will be arid t' ?, M iu percili, BJ may see p ir rhaier*. Tb* *al* will take place ou ' h? i> em. vra I'r.ah.if laa parahaa* money caa rauiaii on timil and im>ri|af* for ? Um ol year*. Any p*m a wialuns to ?laaon? ?he property, will a; play oa lh* nrrmii**, or ti, * I I 11 i'li'kS, Eitculor. No Si 8-uth st .urto A J l .NI)EhliIl.l..No ?jPaarl ?? ,N?w York. itc IM I FARM ht BALE ?t M ('TloN.-Taa Kami of lh* iuhaxrita.r ta ..w .r w.anvr mm*, Si ii 1 Ii ? 1 ( oofiTy, New. y o k Said rar? toala ae 11 u' 3]| ai r**, ia a niah atata 1 1 irwttaB, wiib a vane ly of (tar rraOeil Cieri ana . .<*.?*? m 4 ?a .aaa older. Biud Pai in la balf a art * <? >? ike H B B BaiBBB a' MauiaroMerk. and S| |Y?S* Bfaa hia-'iaC* SAaatoa Said k'arm will be mid act THCKSIla Y Pab IS al I o'cImB P. M . nn lh? yrenoeee. WvMaa?all > ur l?t*_ H}\}Qitilaneva? A - "criiB ? ? ? tivltj. rpo NEW-YORi mkrcHants - B Ta* iota?rih*r pfoeiietlf a| Pie V*/?rl(A?<fry r;i irttf, a weakly paper, pnhlitb-d *i M tuba ?* SSBbi , in it a asraetatsoa ae reaitof ? ??*? miiaa, larUSi.? liar**, Wear | a bbs Bl abviut ?odav.i'e sae at tta aalaaaaa to tke pave ?? ?< a Datsebaey to aaak ?errhaata ia N*w-York at deal e la bav* tbeir liuani***and Loealaaseei > 1. < 1* rirealatad amnas 1? n ,..1?. bTbUijakstarCoeiaSy fhe aamoa will noe'pht 'i lr arr*B(td, lor BBBej ?0 rr.n mm da to tBa reua'iy Bierchaat, aealer, or otheia vie.' o* (he cily. Tenaa? E..e ft aioalba, tt , 1 moatbi, (I. pa> Ida 1* advtar* A daralslt ib IP a W Tr.l.une uro. * aldraoMdloi h C , will r*e?|y? prompt atlaatiou lAfri* np? AM. PER80N8 ifflicttrtj witn Dia 1 Baas or ConaumptioB, hu? ...''iralarly to thaea wri ' . r torn* 1 f r advlee .... ? ? r?a? I what I have ?0 repra e'lly ai.ri BBH * mly ela'ad al IB*J lb lie pliat*.?To tko*? who baaMraiaad P.y ho?,*try ot t.lto tncal Pijchology say Vootneal tt .d ia ii-aple aaoayh. produrisr that electro p*yrbol?(i a atata dunar partial all professors and ep? a .>.? ho d (erlaet taatrol ov*r all di?e .art <f Iheir IBbj?< a or ii. a kar wi rtl?, ae It.* \L\tr: ,ral Kloid p*n*'rate? iBya w nol 1 ayitam mjaally, tk* Will Las pow*r to peae'r.e Ik oo<h IB* a* vai.oal parte kf the ho<ly, aad'h* will ssas aareaeaariayfleeaeelili lo it* poeaein.r Theae who d 1 110? kaow aayhiar *' .?t " Ue a.'ierire of the ? .j|'ar* a.ivi ?d to l*ara It aa BAM *e ,.oo*.' le 1 key will tkea kn iw taey caa he eorad Bad will t.*liere th* ? .. - 11 t APBIOATIT Swura bafwi* mt, tku 17 hin I Lily IBM. Ciiiiil Wo.anuuni .bfayr 1 A! HOT WATTS >.( N? 1*1 *a*.ae*t. N?w y .rk ni?k??baib aad BBS h \kmt he baa "omt.mttni a,til ria* ka*wu aa Wait* . Ne.v. nt kaiidote. tbal tba <l*v*lopm*ut. b.iunr tNMi.a 0 oa woadarf..' pawara have a ... r the appear n,t,< e I ae*aM IBaa raali'v . 1 at the a..ail en riiriaiior aeuralr.o aaia, lie d'.li'aai. aaA aeivooa debility vaaiab 11 lecbai keeeea, laatita aaaete ap*a tae n, >t: Aw-1 ?i* fim, aoavals a, ?paiBit and are like n. ,?ic- aad pray* Sly ia \r ? va' ? i. with r.e 11..-. y t . teat its aai'< 'a paweis, i>eli**iar l'ial It ia a ol 'amoeiBf ?all ' 'he ilia lk?t f?ah laheir' 1II taker caaU Tt a Me tke world w Ob', .t ;aln 1.1 1 ami ula e r.e rr,.e' 1. 'Bl a#aaassaadeaaeasistkia; itaai a* baeavaM etiinr* la taaua aad 1*1 av?* the' even Bydl ieAo*AB wall ytald bef r* ??.! pre,a iht. I *ill aat my i?Se eaee Be teat tae trath ad tb la aadairl Thib*r;??y? tt*t I will d* my ati.oei to laeeetiaate <? I irrere ifca' ts.ra ia Botbi?s ?"' < mmkkt w ih 11 d TAI.BOT WATPS Bwera before ma, rrtn Jaly. is? 0 1 WooDMQLL.M ?? ' yaeakwee ?rfdav.t war labea ar ei lwe v*ara' tnai wm si ? ?( laralida, w.tawui oaa failure aad aar? ? I i.iAi pereoae ' ??a ewaacarod, sad a< o ? 1* ru I? rr* r.e era'a <. cflU ru lea UtSSl mt Ot ' 'in', a and dsn MB* ?I' bar a aal . id*. IkOiaaa. 1 1 1 brea Bare lata cured *n CO laaaary 1. ISM, all ? . 011 1 . If paapta will a*A (aa* in? lieaili ha t.i.d a tl at si sea I ??i<i.*oaf ibere .a ao oaa Ii bl.u ? b?t I ma* t*a. 11 1 r,et watt I* kaow ia* re i alt] at I ? . laira ma I ./..e .c af Payeheteyy if sllv, lottkeaa take ? no* wto*eetPaassiat DA {. t .N* iiiINu.|laBatik?; t'ladet A doaea to r?a?.*.1? *n' nrh foi the w.ft'. caa<* 4 Co**e'"i's ? Or . I..* boatla f.3 idf ItMWal* AP8 ol" tin Pro;n rfv on 7lh, ftth Ami 'rtb av* , tinh. ries, tad '?d '-?h *t? .t? e* aetd r E l.adlow. oa Tbaraday, k ah , I? are aew raadr for ru aBB ?t tae it ? e I ? a a**r 1) ?*ll-*l. Tt* >..'? will take place at ISa'el re at IB* BS*sea?*tV Eichalf?, at wlnrli tin.* will am be a..Id, four ao iwit <adl lit* on i.ein?'on *v. o k 1 .trytnaw'*'?*? Ra'er?*, J m At A SON. Ken, _ ?*t" . / ? C. WN( KNEY, II ttm ?M E?'st? * -; e Agent, He ; Siiioi ?<ar Wall ?? . (<*? g ' ? 1 9 Si -h*euler<* No _<i'...r*- u*'< ? no L*ej raa'ed or l?*??d ?-e? ? r?\\f*i aad goae* e U*d,i/de*ir*d. Bet?rt ?ti,,e,iateBd?d lawvaare. Tai?', aad Aa?**iif ta'* aneb<<a ' . w'fc ,a et'raekarfa ?-''rfe,?_Hon. HamiHoB I-a*. c S Uttu . J ? K Maasrs Edward Waller k Nrw-Yerk Cwy. ,r PENMAN8PIP oi.iv>R HLOOL - hMHH - wniaat ? eaae. N-i ?A? tVeestway, Arat eonayaUvaik-irv ai H.?.ae Na* yora , . Taaars Bam ? ' , ?' ' \' .i.aaboareart. . MaV a \ t. V ? -i a- ??adar.odfroaal 1 Hoc a a or Attbbi ibob Ladma Daasaa?>'*? "i aadeoelaek P At t>6t.aa... . 'leaaee SB ? AVM-. *?dl t, 1 aaat g o'eleefc, P At . Aatly, eseeatbaff aw'.asawy* taflss*_._ FOR BALE?Th? I i biistiw, i**aJ ?"l, aii:^'L JH'-aSiK'; ?? 'JZZZh. - ti. caa f-raaareai ^'-.TZZoj mil a 1 a . .. ?haasBBBeksaJ "'?^'ZZ'tVi^ *.' "r a rStir". * .1 ? aew tut a 1 .. . i , .1 pr. .?i refee " ./aawieaea h*vts? . ? ^,*^tttu\\% teosffiEro U.. t ~~t artac a . e? '^.Jl^iTtradssa^ A paly ?reo. It la I " 'Mi' K SALLASD No >TaM>?*do r. ' isfik'*_,_ (?imT-I^ Efg aad Stove, bl it U i Atb at No IBS lit Aal botwoe? Aveanee A kad A, f 1? . *? l WtC. Ul/Ai . Irl