OCR Interpretation

New-York daily tribune. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1842-1866, May 25, 1852, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1852-05-25/ed-1/seq-2/

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BOARD.?Two Gentlemen and their
Wir??, or two or thra* ssjigle Oe.ntl.-nvn. can hare
w.o. Ecom. with BHri ax No fit* East 14that, comer 4th
st. end t'aMW-aqoare._
"OOARD in BROOKLYN.?Handtome
fj famished apartment* ran be had at No. 101 Vhermer
Itevn-st* between Boerom end Stnith-sta. The location i* a*
?kaaaat a* any .a Brooklyn, being ten minute*? walk 1r,im
the South Ferry and fitteeo minutes' from the Fulton-**,
OARD?Two Gentlemen and their
_ Wives and a tew single Oentlemen can be r'onn*
dto d with lt<<ard and food Eooms furnished, or unfurnished,
cm No I46 Wtehington-st., Brooklyn, live minutes' wmk from
Button Kerry.
CARDING.? Gentlemen and their
_Wive*and a lew single Gentlemen, can be acsommo
1*1 ed with good Board and pleasant Kooms, at No. SB Hud
A Oenttemsn snd W Ub and three single Gentlemen
la he accommodated with Board in a newly furnished firvt
claa> bouse. Apply at No J"5 Henry-?t near Pr?sident, a
tew minutes' walk from Hatniitoa Ferry. Reference given
?n*) repaired
"OOARD IN BROOKLYN, within ten
W? minutes' walk of Fulton Ferry. A privat* Family hav
ing mare mom than thary require, would I ke to take s Gen?
tleman er.d lit Wife, or tun (ingle Oer ?..?rue,, to Board.
Apply to Mra MORE. JSO Pean-st, Brooklyn, between
?JtOHord arid TjJlary-eta. References given and required.
OaUU^Mf*. KEMBLE, No! 45Im.
I5?tb-*t.. has a few elegant family and single Rooms
Unoccupied ; one salt of rooms on first floor. The Iocs'wn is
fjiry and delightful for summer, with a spacious dining and
drawing room to her four new house* . also, two front base
tnent rooms and board lor physicians.
SOARDING.?A lew single or married
Gentlemen can be accommodated with full or partial
I by applying at No IS Popla'-st., two mlauta*' walk
from Fulton Ferry, on Brooklyn Higbta
BOARD.?Gentlemen and their Wives,
also a few single Gentlemen, can be accommodated
With board and pletusant rooms at east side 2d-av., se ? d
?Joor above 2hth-*t House new, with mtviem improvement*
BOARD?Oentlemen and their Wives
and single Grallemen ran obtain Board with p|enant
room*, furnished or unfurnished, st No f'-i Brala X . b-tweeu
Clinton and Henry s:s Brooklyn, three nitou" ?' walk from
in ni South Ferry.
BOARD.? A Gentleman and Lady, or
two Gentlemen, can find a pleasant quiet home in*
-avail private family, where no other boarders ara ttkeu. in
'Hoyt-tt., Brooklyn. Eight llll?tea' walk from the >,,.,th
Ferry. Room* on the second tl.Ktr. Location delightl il.
Heferrece exchanged. Addrers IIOYT. at this ollice.
T>OARD.?To Let. with Board inTpri
JL? vate family, pleasant Boom*; also, two hall Bedroom*
fur single gentlemen N B ?The boon* has been put in
?cmp'et- order, and 1* row reaily I >r neeapasioa, at No. j1
F.ast Broadway. Reference given and required.
B~??RD in a PR Iv ATK F a MI L y ?
One or two air.s;l'- Gentlemen can be accommodated
With good Ik aid, a iavtrakat and Urge fron' r?<orn. To one
verton. *l per week, or to two persons, $1 each. Inquire of
JMi. MKADE, No. irti.? IVtti I st, ot ut No. 8 Ist st, ue-ir cor.
BOARD?A private family run avCeotn*
n.odate a Gentleman and Wif-, and two or three
am?le Gentlemen with pleasant rooms ; full or partial board.
JtaJerenrt* required. Apply at Na. H Stanton-st. t
OARDING.?Madame BESSE having
taken the new and spacious home No. 37 Howard at.
?War Broadway can accommodate famtle* and (ingle gentle
tnen with board and pleasant rooms furnished or unfurnished.
Bot, cold and (hewer baths References exchanged.
'jDOABD?To let, well furniabed Ro7>ms
JL? with board. Ihe h .use has been nearly famished?
?e*ereiire required, lnquiie at No. 21 Wai(er-*t., west of
"130ARD?A GentlenuT and his Wih
JLs* Of a few single gentlemen ran be acenmmod ,ted with
foil or partial Board, in a house with nil the modern improve?
ments, and where there are but few taMtrder* Apply at No.
80 West Ifiat-st. The Physician that ceiled last wmk vv.ii
|>leaae call again.
T>( )A R D?AFN~o.T/Beekman^.7^
JL? in five minutes' walk of Wall-st. or the City Hall A
Gentlemen and hi* Wife oraeveral tingle Gentlemen cm be
?veil accommodated with pleasant Reomiand Board.
tit man and Wile, or two or three sing!? Geutlom.rn,
atan be accommodated" with very desirable furnished a;i*rt
xttent* end Bianl, at No lifl Chamber* st. N. B ?The
above house ha* been new ly lurm-.tied, und is in complt :e
OOARDING.?Rooms to let with Board
M_? for a GenlU imin und Wife; al?o. Booms for rJagl*
<it nt'eroen, at No*. 4A and 47 F.ast Broadway. L'ae of Bath.
In I"ire nl Ni.45 Kaat Btoudway.
BOARD in BROOKLYN.?Gentleman
aid their Wives, or tingle Gentlemen, *V ft ring pltus
mi Rao ma, w Ith full or partial Board, in a delightful loca?
tion, n ay be suited by applying at No. Ill Hicks-st., Brook?
lyn Omnibuses pas* the hmise, winch i* within P> minutes'
avaik of eil) er Fulton or South Feiiy. laillftltnij flssl
?nee* given and required.
SOARD] n Gl7s?lmTB rookITy n.
?A private family, in a first class house, would take a
leman and hi* Wife, and one ot t sro single G.-utleni-n
to Board. References required Location delightful. In
saulre al No. 134 Dean at., eighth door east ol Hoyt-at or at
ISo. Sti Fulton si, Brnokl\:i.
N-u Vork, ^cornei of Spm g-at.) O. M. I'F.RRV, Pro?
prietor ?Tl e iindrnignrd re*;>ectfully inform* In* friend*
?nd the public, that he ha* pun baaed the interest of bis
fotmer paitajer in ths Collamore Bonaa, of which he is now
M ', propriawr, wbeta be Is prepared and will be happy to
sNitertain all who may favoi kiffl with then patronage. The
Collainoi-. Honsel? one ol the most central, ?pec'.oiM ami
?tl] boost i in tht 1 uy ?I New-Yoik, and is not ?urpu,sod in
any ot the essentials of a litst-cla-s hou 1. Elegant ext.-ii r
and i'ltcrtui, it* draw log room*, pi i > ?te parlors dining, aleep
Ug. reading rooms. \c , are In??<?, m II ventilated and fur?
nished to combine luxurs and conisart, Its table?under tlie
IVjMntfJaa M a anal |M gasjwalsiwj Mr Perry?k, and
a*n\lbe supplied with the cl;??iceal pUHlucb] of the market*.?
'it is the d, sue of the unH. is:gt ed to reaHae to his patron*
?the tdra of " Home in a Hotel." and to render the Collamore
House sgreealle, equally to the trafadsssj msh> r and Ihe per
uisnent *?>a d,r Families and individual* desiring such en?
tertainment as baa been indica'ed, are respectfully invited to
Jive the Collamore Hous. a Hi ll G M "PERRY.
Gentlemen, (m tit rile an n and then Wi\:-s. without
children, may kaaccommodated wall tine Roosn* rnraiaaed
c>i uiitumiahed, and mil or ;>a< oil B< ard, by applying a' N"
90 Pi nice ?t fouith door west of Bread way. The apart?
ments are laiite aid convenient, with akoaat* ami t?*t:i nwsa
adjoining Ten*, 4,c , maile known on appllcatioaV
FRKNUH.?A few elegantlv furniuhed
Booms lo let in a French familv. to ami" Genil.-iti n
Who w iah to lean* Fleuch, w ub ttreaklast and Tea.' iu i uro
?t No. Ilti 4lli st. between Btk and tilh-av.
M tingle Genllcinen. w ah or without breakfast and tea.
tlin auodein house, (\mtaining gas ami I at.. MgtsM - reiired
thud deairahle Mtuatmu. Addtt-aa ia No. I,^.>> Poet-Uihoe.
URNISHED ROOMS for ein?le Cen
tletwen, with or without bieaktast and tea, at No. 76
?tynai el _
or without Breakfast, at No. i. Great Jona*at Also, a
anent to let tot an othee ^^^^
ROOMS WlTHOl'T BOA KD, to let t, sit^ie Geutle
anen -Tbe rconis aro large, well veutilated, with large
pantnea, mantles grates, kg , and it ryxmired, ?rill >? neatly
?art?ted. turiiiatuttw uh bo.reaiuv single bed*. S.c The lo
eatn a ia a pleasant one, in Ea>l B-oad way. For paracuiar*
kaqaiia at No U " Naaaac.-?t , sco.'od door.
ROOMS, with full or partial Board for fjtaatlamaa and
aheit \\ nea, or single Geatlemeo. can be had by applying at
ISo 21 West SM ?*.., betw een Vh and oth-avs.
or three gentlemen can be accommodated with a p.eae
?uit furnished r\t m, in a private fcaYirj. with break'aat and
tea if aVsUrad, hy tppW.ng immediately at No. Jill Kultoa-sC
Single Gentlemen, at No 1 Monroe St., comer of Catha
nne-st, with or without Board. Rooms very pleasant.?
afticee moderate.
meals, for Gentlemen only, at No. 47 \\ hite-eC,a few
west of Broadway. Two tins] rooms on the .'d thwr,
(?omntnnicating, if desiie,) . also, an attic be-dnvm Aue'.i
?ible opportunity for geotlt-inei; deainug a quiet pennant at
Ivwie. ReferetiCt's tx. t.anged,
Washington-square?A Gentleman and hit Wife or
i tingle Uentlemen can obtain bendsoinoly furnished
large pat.or on first floor, a/ttl a large bedroom In the third
atory, with ot without partial board, in a first-class private
tsnaert Modem tniprovei: enta. Apply to Mr. A. LAM?
BERT, No 21? Broadw ay. second rtoor," between the hour*
?f 9 and 11 A M. and Sand i T. M References requtred.
HOME in BROOKLYN?A small t>ri
?ate family, of high respectability, residing within
three minateaof the South Ferry, having no gentleman iu the
house, are desirous of having two or three as Hoarders, with
Break test and Tea during the week, and Dinner Sunday*.
Those who drei** the oomforta of a home, will address Mr*.f i
D ._Box, No 3.021 Post tithce. and wUI receive aUeuUotv
OOMS? Furnished or unfurnished, at
i\No 31 Bont-st, with aw cf not, cold and ahower bathe,
and Break fast, if required. Inquire of Mr*. CON WAY, oa
She premise*.
?OOMS and BOARD?Pleasant fur
?ushed Rooana, with or without brsaAttat and tea. at
? Green? at., ueai ?that. Ai, the modarn impromotiitj
ROOMS to LPT. handsomely futTn-hoi
to OpffeMi without B.*rd Pu -niter- nd h-dding
all new. Warm nid cold >rjrtho Partial Hoard ?rill b? given
Ii required. A fiont bisement sn?ebla far to oSke alao to
lot Ciil tiiol ii ameer nt **- KB Co?ihow st,_?
?th at and Broadway New-York, will So o> :
tbo pnbiic on Monday Way ?, UK It contain* l'? rooms,
famished in the tW etegant style witb every pcaaCJe cou
rrnlDCO. It will be kMl ua the American and Kimpeaa
plane eowbined, and the rropne'or, rte*>-'ri.--.-rf that it
?hail talk amotg the beet family hotel* m the werkL
O. DON.? DI k CO.
TO GENTLEMEN.? One or two G-v,
tlemen can ob'aie a very large and pleasant front room In
a small private family, famished, without board, or with
breakfast if desired Reference* exchanged, at 7? Madiaon-at
TO LET?In a quiet private family, a
handsomely f'imiahed Parlor and Bedrotmon ??- > i
floor with I'antrr at tabued, to one or two genticmen. w)
out board ; also a peasant Room on the tame IssB) Refer?
ence* exchanged. Inquire at No. IM Chamber*-*..
TO LET with BOARD?A front Parlor,
?ratable for a Oentleman and Wife, or a couple of sin?
gle Gentlemen, unfurnished, in a ?mall gmteel family, where
the contort* of tome may be enjoyed. Reference* ex?
changed. Apply at No 7 Hubert at, opposite Bt, John's
TWO GENTLEMEN can be accommo?
dated on reasonable tenn*. with a pleasant Roots, and
with Breakfast and Tea. in a [>nvate family, by applying at
35 \ andam-atri et. Dinners on Sunday*.
TWO PLEASANTLY *itnated Rooms
with Pantry adjoining, to let with full or partial Board,
at No. 10 Woo*ts?r-*t.
WA N TIID?By a Lady and her two
Daughter*, three or foir Room. Addrta* E. P. C ,
office of thi* paper, atatir: term*, (which mutt be reasona?
ble) locality, kc. Referenc-a exchanged.
WJ ANTED?By a single G-ntleman,
\ ? unfurniahed, but with attr nnur.ce, * ?uite of BOOHM
in or near Bmedwav, lietween C,nambera-?t. and Union
a, Addres* 8. B., Tnl.uoe PJtoa
men and their \\ lvea, and one or two single Oentle
men, can he accomnodaf-d ?Uli board and airy r -.me, in a
Sun t and plaata'.-t loeatii ... ? f.-w minutes* walk from Peck
ip Kerry. Apply at No. il 4ih-et.
ijonsrs iTJanteij.
HOUSE WANTED?In a pleasant lo
eiition, between Broadway and Sth-av, 14th and 'f th?
ai. It must be in a (.Lid It ratMin, with all the modern im?
provement* Price about i7,t*S0, P*-iaon* having auch a
House will find a purchaaer by addreaaing W. W., Tribun*
story ar d a'tir Bii.k H in?, in the n? ighb jrhood of
Ru'gera' Institute. The Ii t murt he in fee. and pnsvssjn
given a*soon a* possible. Addre** M. P, I).. Tn'mtie i Mti-eJJ
ANTED.?Two or three Rooms b
a (?' !/ .'< man and hi* Wife, In a private, reaper
tab g
and quiet family. Term* must be moderate. Address I, No.
78 Dey-*t.
donees to tri.
DBMCI To LKT ?BsTgsdy furnished, on Long Island,
everything in perfect order for a genteel family. To a re
spectuhle peraon it will be let on reasonable, term, Ad
dmax with real name and number, COL'NTRV RESI?
DENCE. Low? Pcet-OHice.
OFFICE TO LET.?The choice\>f two
handsome suite* of Room* in Chambers Ha'l, No hi
Chatham at. Rent, flu?? and $atK>. Apply on the premise*.
sistiug of two rooms on second floor an'! the front base
mi nt, in Power*-?!.. *econd door from Stale -f.. Brooklyn.
r|K) LET?A fine Store, No. 61 Beek
JL man-at., corner of Gold. Also, a large Room either
with or without the above, and imm-dlately over it, suitable
for* Stile?-;... ir., i.e.. Ac. Thi* room i* l? By I no feet, with
front on three (trceta, and I* one of the most elegant Sales?
rooms In the lower part of the elty- Alao, the third *tory of
the same building, being th? ttme fix* as the second floor.
Apply on tbe premise*, to JAS. M SHARP.
1*5 LET^-Well-Ughted ROOMS, with
or without Steam Power, of am sue. inquire of
C. M. S1MONSON, No 181 Lewi* *t
TH) LET?Part of a convenient, genteel
X. three-story brick House, consisting of three room*on
.econd lloor, with large closets attached, with more room if
e-iuntd. Inquiie at No. 113 Greenwich-av.
IX? LET?E 'or six or twelve months or
. it'ige peiiod, aanug Cottage, pleasantly fitasted] on
he east hank ofthe Hudson River, a few mini,ft-' walk from
he Railroad s atu n and F? ri v to Nowburgh. $1?! yearly
*nt. Inquire ol J, MKEt'HE'K. P. M? ful.kill Landing.
TO LET?A Store, alao a Workshop,
on first lloor. and three or four Loft*, well lighted on
I ire mit?, alert ?!l hy rid feet, with or without ateaiupjwor.
iiquiic OS ttie picinises, Nu. 47 Aim at, near NaaMU.
O LET?A House. Stable and Gardi d
b* ><il?sn of Tarrvtown, on the Port road, three
mute?' wa'k fioni the Hudson Radroad Depot. The II mae
? a ih uble one, and half story containing leu furnished
01 ma The Stable has ample accommodation* for two hur?
ls at A carnage. In the garden there la an abundance of
hoirr fr*ll of every description. Kor particulars, apply to
>r K. BAJBBI M>. next door to the Post-Oftice, Tarrytown.
rffX) I.ET?At low rents* and pofnesaion
J. 11' mediately, one or more of the row o' hands3ine
lnei ?terv llouaea, with baeeiiienta, veranda,, ,VC . hi . on
lie in.71I1 aide ot Mth ?t., Yurs-ville, Mfi feet we?t of lth-av.
ii.d Huh 111 lUtilioad. a?d very near the omn lius route.
i l l si h. i-ties ate very hamlsOmelv tmiahetl in moittrn atyle
PI e alrtet ta I'M! feet wide, rejulated, curbed, tl tgged and
?glitt d, aid being on verv high gr Mind, with a cnimiiauditig
new of the city, sound, Ac , renders the I.?est 1011 very de
. a!... R et >.?:-,. Apply to JOHN O. KIP. dd-av., York
.die... RH HARD L SCYDAM, No. 1*1 Wau-rly-place.
To LET?One of thoee handaomethree
story Brick Gothic House*, No. 6 I'nion place. South
B.'onklyu ; only two minutes' walk from Hamilton Kerry,
10 und blin k. House in |>erfect trder, lieiug thoroughly r*>
paiied and paiuted inaide anil out. and now ready f'.?r occu
MlioaV IsjQlll* 1*1 the premise* of the owner, between IH
Mad It_
rpo LET or LEASE?The premises on
I the south w ,-st ci iner of Broadway and Ninth-aC,
htiov. 11 a* the Albion Hotel. The above bwuse, which I* a
eery large and comniodioua building, will be let lor one or
WOT* \enis. Apply to 1 possession immediately) 1). D. NASH,
No. Sin Broadway_
fipO LET?A few small Cottages, each
M hexing four small Room*, a Cellar and Oatdeu Lot In
Real .if the House. Tlu-p are situated M mile* from the
Keiry 111 Biuoklyn, ball a mile beyond Bedford, near the
remind and a stage route. They atand in an itnp.Ming neigh?
borhood, and are aiinounded by house* Rent $ti" per annum,
or will be sold kf on rn MOMBJDI dating term* Ap?
ply to J l'KCARR, No Itid Hester at.
TO LET?A tle-irable Ollii e, at No. 10
Couitlaiidt at, suitable t.ir a Watch Importer or J*w
eler Alst?, a Root* on third toe*. Poaseeron given imme?
diately. Apply to BRA1NAKD X oErKKUY, Nu. 1U
Cuuttfandt-st., up stall*.
TiO RENT, on 30th-st., near 5th
kv ? Two new tliree-story first-class brown stone
House*, with ail the modem improvements. Also, one do., to
be rented low, on .'CI.-at. between Ml and titn-av*. Also,
other Houses and part* of House* Apply tu H. G PIKKCr.,
Mo. LI*1! Broadway.
TO LET?The three story Brick House
No. H Sooth-eighth-*t., NYiUianuburgh. The Houm
l*.S0**et deep, with *T*r] m i - . .1 geutcel tamily.
Inquire ot A. V. SYOL'T, Na it? Pearl-at.
TO LET IN CHELSEA, a very con
vement Cottage House, and Furniture for sale. No
person n.-ed apply who is not prepaied so take the Furni?
ture. Amount *b.'Ut $-*7V Kent $?*>. Address " CASH,"
stating where an interview iu*y be bad at the office ot llii*
Cottage, with large garden attached. Inquire of Dr.
IOHN ROBINSON. No. l5S (irand-st, New-Ywk, or of S.
H. HANFOBD, No. ? Park-row.
FTH) LtT?A commodious, elegantly fin
jl. ialM -nt-av , Brooklyn."Stage*
every the 1: mute* to the femes. Garden* in front and be?
tween all the nonets i.i tlieatreet. Rent fUSO nil let May
?ext. 1* underlet by tenant ou account ol leaving tbe coun?
try, who pav* S*'0. Inqun* of Mr. CONNER, at the hard
war* More come: Myrtle and Clenuoi.t-?\ a
O L E T?Two brown stone-front
Houses, with all the modern Improvement*?Gas,
Heaters, Bath*. Ac, Rent fjoiti, and one toOO. Loft lo la*
ta Brock!vn, suitable for light manufacturing purpose, la
gulre of S' P TOW NSF.ND. No. II Nassau -at
ANTED TO LEASE, for a term of
Year*, Ten Lot* of Ground \\n bl-?-k) near tb*
North River, ks tweeu 40th and 30lh-?ta, to be improved tor
swaMRyCtuiing pnrpteea. Addrra* LESSEE, at thia office.
ixeSi Estate for Bait.
PLAINS?A very desirable Country Seat, consisting of
a flnt-rat* doubl* two-story fashionable house, with food
cellar and kitchen and about 17 acre* of Und of line beat qual
llT. with fruit trees and ehrubbeiy The hoaae le nearly new,
and w as built expressiv If. in* owuae'e occupatiea. This
property ia within 1 f a mile of the village, and about 190
rod* from the Harlem Railroad Depot. One half of the pur
chase money can remain 00 bond and MMVte. For one*
and more full particular* apply to A. J. BLEfcCKRR, No, 7
EOR SALE, on very easy terms. 60
Building Let* n**r Pulten-?,, aad the Long Island
oad, Brooajya. Th* land be* ia an lmprovmg neigh
bt ibood and airroundrd by building*. App.y to J. P?
C ARE, No. 103 liest? ?l.
and Basement frame Hum, with Lot of 0'
It- w? M No. *' M' rr - ' ? teriM C f /. The Hons* is 25
feet f out by about 30 feet in d? ptli. Sue o? Lot 2% feet hf
li> feet it! ceptfc. ard rent* for * Alt per jeer. La-fe potion
of the purr haae money can remain or. bond aid w. far
thr?-?1 yean, a! six per cent. For priee and furth.-r part:: ilar*.
Apply' to ANTHONY J BLECK.ER, Aucuaneer, No- 7
Broad ?t- _
FORDHAM?Tbl? properer, cxMsisring of 182 quarter
trie Icta, with avenue* So and 60 Iset in ssndth. eery eligibly
actuated. one-thud of a mile from the depot at Fmdham. and
a' i 'i.taf the land! of the late Lev W'm. Powell, on the road
to M eet Karma la offered for tale by the undersigned, at pri
eee tar tetow the current value that property in tta untna
diaie neighborhood is now Sellins at, provided the whole be
disposed of by the 1st of June next. Lithographic maps arid
circc.sr*. giving a descnpnon of toe property, pnee ?od con?
dition, and mode of selection, may be obtained, and the
names of purchaser* entered, on application to the under?
signed. No. 163 Peerl-st; B. M. Brown and Jesse Lynn, on
the an D !>'??; Adam Vf Sptes, No 91 Mi'den-iane i Nsth.
C. PUtt. No. 20 Ksider-lane; Wm H. Cary. No MfasjaJ
tt; and C' n. Wm. H. Hall. No Zi'J Broadway. .
JOHN C. KAYSER, No. 1?J Pear! *t ,? op ttair*.
BUILDING SITES.-Si,, or eight ?n a
Ftrm of 35ac:e*; very heal'hv and desirable neigh
hoi hoed. Land and w?r*r prospect bsaaufuL, ecceedi:if
ly?near Railroad Depot. ('Lurches and Schools, one
hour from this cily The advertiser Ii offering the above for
$Z?00. Five rr six othe-a who wish tohaild a gentee' Coun?
try Resid-r.re are invited to jrinin the purchase on equal
tern?. Dnuct. immediately to C H. HUDSON, L'nun
fquaie Post-Office.
/ Known as Rose Hill, in the town of Rye. Westchoster
County, in full view < f Long h.and Sound, and mar the
New-Haven Railroad Station, at Mamaroceck, contait'ing
about seven acres of first quality land, beautifully divided n
meadi w and ort h*rd ; also one of the best stocked girdern
in the County, with every variety of berry-fruit and ft*wer?
cultivated in tl is region of the country. The ho-.:? u 1}
story, c'.ftage-t.uiit. M by 30. with two large wings: there
arc two parlors, five bedroorr.a dining and bathroom, and a
very (on.er.ient kitchen, with Bee)*'* cooking range, 4ic_
The bouse his been built hut a short time, and hat lately
been pair.teV inside and out and put in thomath repair,
and is si tutu d high on a sloping lawn, about two
bundled feet back from a fine road; in the roar of
the hiuse is a large barn, carriage, poultry, wash and
ice houses at a a g.**i spring of water at the door. There is
about <-.'? gra'ted *pp ? trees in the orchard of the best kind
In the village are b store a, J butchers 2 cbinrhe*. 4 schools,
coal sad lumber yard. Distance from New-York, S3 miles
from the depot st ("anal-st. Time, ] hour and IS minutes.
Commutation, *??> at a *?'?> ptt annum Seven trains stop at
the depot every day each way. The netchVirhood it one of
the mrart desirable in the country He? #?.500. >, no
can rsmrtin on mortgage, or would exchanre for eitv property.
Ir.qui.-e rti MM. L. PROCH, Nos 120 and Iii F?ltoL-r.^ or
of DANIEL P. SMITH, on the premseea.
east bank of the Hudson, one and a half miles below
Sing-Sing, and four from Tarrytown. There ar? \t> a. rat of
lard, a bnck hntite Bl feet square, in the Qiacian style, .-mast
extensive and beautiful prospect, fine fruit, Ac. Will be
sold altogether, or in ?epaihte plots. Inquire of .1A MKS
KNOWLYON. on the premises, or of J. B. YOLNU, No 44
*p6?NTR Y ^eTsTd^CE for S A LE?
A Faun of |7acres of excellent land, pleasantly r.tn
ated tin the weat hatik of the Hudson R ver, adjoining the
village of M.lton. I'Itter Co.. a few miles south of Pough
keetsie and in foil view of it, having an extensive view ? f
the liner toi totfld distance up and down. On tlie flare are
a gi od dwi il ng house, barn and outbuildings, Apple < Irchard
and other tnnt. It lies direcilyon the nv.-r, atataet from
New Yoik shout 70 notes, tnd communication several times
a day by ailroad and steamboats, the depot of the Hudson
Rivei Pai'road directly opp?alte. For particulars apply to
A JACKSON ROE, Inairance Buildings, Net. 4a it 51
V a.l-tt .3d floor.
V* ?R?T for SALE?Containing Tiji)
JL acre* lfflof which are improved ani in goorTcultiva
tion. On the premitet are necessary builjing* and a rood
orchard The. Farm ta well era tat Ott and p!- uuuitly located
in Faikbin gh, Sullivan Co.. N.Y'., wheie a cash home market
ma) ut all times be had for all kinds of procure ru Sew
S ork City pnoe*. with I V miles transportation added. To
a pencil wishing to engage in the business of agriculture no
belter opptitumtv can lie ottered. Title indisputable. Pos
?< h?xn ginn any lime, with the crop?. Pnce, $i.'s?i; on<
ihiid d< wn - the bahne? csn remain on bond and nnrtgago.
For futlher part.culars Inqnira of
\\ A l KINS (V IHNE, Ne. 4.V1 Broadway.
V\ it I: in H miles of Hudson River Railroad Depot, and It
?niles of Bionxville Dep. t, Harlem Railroad Contains 7r
acres, of which If) acres am In woods Soil superior); building*
?sw and plenty ; water good, and fruit abi.ndant View
very fine, bot not In light ot the Hudson River The plane
s under good crop and improvement Some rock* Situa?
tion very high; price very low. Apply at No. 19Platt-st,
ap ftalr*.
1/ L A MM E RSBURG H.?This new ril.
Irgc, acc> sv.-il.Is- s. vernl tim-s a day by st.u.-t and steam
boala, is situate <l wi Inn eight mtlet of the City Hall, oppo
siti IIa lern, on College Point and Flushing Bav, near the
btantifW town of Flushing, and adiuimng MM village
i f Sliatlon;ort, ninth sold to readily last spring, and is
laid onton the same scale- the street. of both places lnter
tes ting each other?and will foi m its commanding -ituitlon,
Kid at no dl tat I p**iati| be one of the principal let ports hi
I he vicinity of New-York The lott vary in ?u? from I, 2 to
4 city lot*'in print from f loo to |isn. The term* are |2i
i ? I *d the rest in monthly installments of $ n, wttlCh
? i - . \rr\ person, however circumstanced tn ie'eome lot
OWn Iandltwd lleing exceedingly heallny. and surrounded
I v c i i ty win h cannot be surpassed?embracing view* of
Flushing, Nenrtown, Riser's Itland, Morriaaula, Ac Any
be lau w isjrjai to nurihase at the aUive, are requestel to
Call at the office, wheie maps and every uilormaiion will
cheerfully be givea. JOHN A FI. A M M v K, HA. 181 Waal
I'itb-sl., beiwe? n 7rh and hth-ax s. Olfice hours from 4 to *
..i<? P M . and map* can be seen at .IOHV O FLWI
UER'S, No .11 Mott-?t. The only au'honzed agent* to mtike
are, J vcki' n Nichols and lohn 1 Igilvy, on the ground,
m iner will be on U-ard the hont every moti 'rig.
pOR SALE ?rt? LET?A Summer R-js
jT Idanci ? u th? Hudson Rivr, and near the- depot at Daar
haiB, SB n Ik s (:? in N.-w-Y otk. afirtt class two-stoiy liinise.
ft Rat mi and kilxsirea reached, all nesily finished with hard
arajja, *aarbleUatitsta, 4tCJ rarnage h .j?e and stables; half
an acre of land handsomely la d out with shrubs and treesif
various kit ds. and more land may be had with the h.-uscif
desired. For panii nlara lnqmre on the pren.ii.es or by uote
a-ahov. to H < PkUiDLETOM.
WR SALE?A smalls desirable Kami,
fat Stanw-k h S.-ciety. a'aiut seven miles 'mm the Sum
tiud lleisit, contsintng twentv-eight acre*, with Iwodw-J.
ling-houses, ahop, bam. he. Inquire of C T. LEEDS, S'ate
t -lamfoid. or M. B BR AM HALL. No 47 Liberty,
sr . M i . THOS. H. SI MONSUN, No 377 West-it.
(''OR SALE?A Kiirin of'29 acres in the
town of New Roche!;?, ] or a milet from the lie
pi t.? has * water front on the Sound of 3,000 leet. On the
piemites it a good frame dweiling-houie, also barn, chicken,
collage and oilier ont-houses ; a young apple orchard In fuli
beam g, tegelh'r wilh eherne?, peachea, p'urut, peara,
<|iiiiuei, <Vc. Small fruit of all kind*, such a* ?trawh.'rre?,
g.Hitelierriea. ic. To a gentleman doing l.uiinesein t.'ie city,
tt is a mos: desirable place The New Haven train* bring it
within 4* minutes' i ide from ihn. For furt'i-r i"tonnv.iou
inquire of BROWN k B HER WOOD, No m Spru. ?-aL
IjH)R SALE, at New town, Long-Island,
a House. Barn and Carnage-House in good repair with
fin in Iva tr ten acres of Land, if deaired, all in good fence.
Peach, P? ar, and Cherry trees, Orupea, CurmtiW. X?'. on the
prt niis? ?, all in good hearing order ; and a well of waU-r near
the d.a.r. A g.Hid plank road has been coiutrurteJ Loin
>\ illiamshtiruh to Newtow ti, and Stage* nin rvei \ h i
the,ia\. rnrpaniralar*haaalia of JAMF.S BAILEY un
ti t l*n rniasa, or of N. MILLER, No. 3 Tryatt-Row.
sab ii are
Mr. Flat
IH)K SALE or to RENT?At Abbots
ford on the Hudson River, one hour's ride from the city,
by Hudson River R R.; situated 1J miles above Dobb's Fer?
ry and kali a mile below Dearman: two new and handsome?
ly finished Dwelling Houses, each 3d by 21 feet, with base?
ment, attics, hack buildings, halls, pia*. ta. marble mantle,
kc. having ten rooms in each house?cammanding one of the
moM extensive ai.d beautiful views on the Hudson River.?
The lot* occupied by the houses, contain about halfen acre,
and can be extended so a* to contain one or more acres a*
large adjoining loti are for tale at fair rates. City property anil
ka taken in i x.hange. Immediste poeeeaaion will be given.
Also for sale a tew large villa lots in the same village. Ap?
ply to A. IL LYON, No. 9 Merchant*' Exchange, Wall-at.
FOR SALE?Two large Factories and
about ?ix acres of Land in Ninth Ward, Brooklyn, near
Becford depot, L I Railroad. The building* are each I'O
b\ if1 feet wide, wilb two smaller buildings For further
p>tticulars apply to SPARKMAN k. KELSEY, No. 13?
\Yuluun-st., N. Y.
a half n.ilee from Fulton Ferry, TWO adjoining LOTS
of LAND on Clsfkson-av , each IV' ft. front and rear, ?cd 2S0
ft. deep, containing together about two acre*. One of these
Lot* has been laid out, preparatory to building, with (toned
or macadamized walk*, and planted with 15* to 200 ihade and
Fruit Trees, comprising peachea, apples, peart, cherriea. ha-,
and also ha* ? large strawberry-bed, raspberries, ourranta, he;
a new well and pump, new cross-fence* on each side The
Other is seeded dow n with Clover.
The beauty of Flatbaah, its ease of access, (stages passing to
It from Fuilon Ferry ten or more tunes dally.) render this dee
?liable property to any one doing business in the ci'y and
wishing to enjoy the benefits of the country. Price ffZ.it*?
are-haif cash, and one-half bond and mortgage if desired.
Apply u> ENOLFRKRT LOTT, Aocoooeer, Fuitc_
Rreoklym, ot to ANTHONY LANE, No. So W*?-at., N T
Basement and lub-Ceilar, first class brick dwelling
House*, on the north side ol S!st-?t., m a very pleasant and
genteel neighborhood. They have just been finished, a-id
contain the --rodem improvement*. Apply to H A. SPOF
ARU, No. 37 Wall-st. Jauncey ConrL
ful Cottage near Hudson, Ceiumbta County. The
house u conveniently eonttructed, in complete order, and
most pleasantly located. The grounds are tastefully laid out
and contain an abundance and variety of choice fruit tree*,
beside tine shrubbery and plant* There is also a large kitchen
garden and an abundant supply of water at the door. It is
within five minute* walk of a church, an academy, two
?choola, poet office, and the station of the railroad, by which
it is leas than four hsurs distant from New- York. There are
at least four daily communication* by railroad and steamboat
w.th New-York. The locanon. while posaaasua these ad?
vantage*, is peculiarly healthy, retired and pleasant, and i: is
believed there are few place* of the kind more desirable ?
The property ?ill be told on accommod* ting term*, gad for
a very low pnee. For term*, he , apply to
_JaMES S. SLl YTER, No. ( WalVat
EOR SALE?A few small Cottages, on
Lot* 25 by 107 fest, near the railroad and ?tage route*,
klya. about .?? miie* from the terry. The bouse* are
oew, bsve four nxjtns ar.d cellar, sad garden la froat. Pnoe
SSM Terms vary easy Apply to JACOB PEC ARE, No.
1*3 Hrtter-st.
riTY nnrrWTT CmmfHut fif ! 10 arrw f good
land, well improved, w th d?t:::r.i hu.?, Uuart-honse,
bain* aid tukla Hm itaOMktwof frnhtdod i* ander?
gordertp. S-uat?d in N ttutarle. Wt.tcbester Coonty,
N. f- tire Bailee fr. m Ketuico depot on Harlem Railroad
Apply u JOB? TOWKJffiND, 'r. Ra 71 Wail st
FOR SALE?A beautiful Country Re-si
denre. a lb two s. rr* of Ixml well s'-ucked with a
great variety of choice Fruit, shade trees a-id shrubhery. sito
atrd un the v.ilsae of Soolli Nora-ilk. C.t.n. wnl.io -tint
mmctes' wa.k cf the N Y. and New Haven Railroad Depot
Churches and schools also in the vicinity. This ts a r*-e
chance to any ore deerrne ? summer retr-at Pnce. fA'*?1.
for ja? fir* kin hstnnroof A. ARCHER Bark of the Stato
of New-York. WaR-at., or of D K NASH, on the premise*
EOR SALE?A p;t ntlrnian*s Residence
on *he Rar,tan. within a few minutes' dnve of New
swirk. N J . with modern conveniences, and necessary
out-tci'ui is. (built in IMS.) including ? ell-.sacked lee
hocse? having 2" seres excellent Land under crass, pear
orchard and o'her fruits. Situation biih ar d hea'thy. Price
$V" Afp' ?fdCOMOVEl New-Brunswick. N.J.
Si' acies diwdrd ir.to 92 plots eontairing from one
quarter to i ne acre each, situate on the weat side of the
railroad, ccn niei cti g a tew hundred feet 'ti xn the D -pot,
ar d ronnir g th'. e or.artera of a mile parallel with tkeroad
The land is high and beautiful, cxniaaridipg views of many
miles distax t.
Over 2.0?? Peach, Aprle. Cherry, Pear, and other tree* on
the -.remise*. *
A road is now bring worked from Fcdhara to Morrisana
n age dnrct through this pn perty.
For heaith. Fcruhs n Hithra h*s alwavibeen Celebrated,
too land between this acd Harlem Bndge'bemg so well adap?
ted for residence*.
Its convei.iej.c to 'be citv is about 25 min-it** by steam,
13 tin e* to and fruu. the city each day, tio;u >i A. M to
Terms made ea;v. and at rn-r* much lew than any other
property *f Uie sa ne advantages to b? found m rfc- vicinity
of New-Yi rk. Fo maps and further parti, ulars. In imre of
GEORGE RANK-, at Fordham Hovel, er Z. NEWELL V
CO. No 3 Na**au-t.
HOUSE ind LOT for SALE.?No. 50
South-Tlirii-?. W llliinisburxh. The house is n?w
u.d well built, marble mantles. Inquire of N. MILLER,
No ITryon-rcw frrm h1 to 12 o'clock A. M.
A ba..c?.rr e and convenient oniamental Cottas* in
Ciuir.ev-at rear Noatrand av S* or-* running within a con
verient cia-ame. Inquire of Ii M()t IRK on the p eroise*
cf Moore A Horafall. corner of Exchange-place and Haucver
st.. New-York.
TVOTICE.?Any person having a Tract
J. 1 of Land. ?Haatea' ten mile* or less from th" city, on
North or F"aat River, or on aome Railroad, auitabie for a vil?
lage, can dis|<*e of the same by arplvtit. eiuter personally
or by letier. to JOHN A. FLAMMER, No. LSI West- 13th
it_ between 7th and Hb svs.
PRIVATE SALE.?Two Hiram and
Lots of On und. on the north side of 48th-st, 16S ft 8 in.
w. at of 1 llh-sv., lire of Lo ? 16 ft fl in front and rear, by 71
ft 6 in. in depth ; houses are now )??-? r,ai completed. For for
tl.er particulars lEqiilie of A. J. BLKECK ER. Auctioneer.
No. 7 Bioad st.
REAL ESTATE.?The onderngiied,
Secretary of several Building Associations, consisting of
sevi -al irousand memters. is daily applied to those who are
desirous of purchasing Real Estate. He has therefore opened
a Register, in which he will enter a full description of such
prr p. rty as may be ottered for sale, and per? na desirous of
selling for cash or otheru ise will hnd it to tl eir advantage by
leaving a description cf their property with h'm. Per* .as
deain.ua tl purclisairg n av si.it themselves !>y examining his
Register. J. PFC A RE. office. No. ,t>. Ht-ater-at
_ for r ALE?Beautifully ai'ua'ed at CLINTON. J: mllsjsj
from Newark, N J ? Clinton Cottogef*? Gothic building,
141' teet Inns, rontainirg 2 rooms, haiidsoaielv finished, with
ice. Witsh. auaimer and green houses. There are two towers,
one of ali'cti l as a tank, holding d.nuo gallon*, supplying
foni tain, water-closets, etc. The entrance has ? fr-mtage of
34H! feet of iron, with four laue ttour pillars, iron gate* and
railing, sn l an avenue leading to the kM of l,2?0 foot, wi'h
ihorn hedge t ri to h aides. There is about jo acrei of hiahiy
cultivated'and attached lo the premises with abutid ince of
fruit o' all kinds. The garden and lawn era handsomely laid
out with flowers, shruls, evergreen and ornamnental trees.
The outbuildirgs coiis.'t of a I,at dOOOJ* bam, su.Mct and car?
nage house. 1 Pe situation is h'gh. comm ir.dim a g.Kxl view
of the sur-oriditig country, proverhiiilly healf-v. and scces
iitVe to New Volk every half honr Io-1 iire OS 0 F BUT'
LIE, No I Borna* at, Tri bane Btstlding N.-w York, or of
C. I. HOLTLAND, corner of Broad ind Muket sis., New?
ark. N. J.
SALF?One of the most desirable now ottering, hay?
ing a moat splendid view of the nver, with Circe Springs end
a Brook of Water running through it The said Land con?
sists of ti sere*; will he divided in tuo, if desirable Inquire
near the premises of O. B. HAMMOND.
\TONKERS LOTS.?For sale a plotor
M grnurd at Yonker*. beautifullv situated on the corner o
W arlnirton ar d Railroad avs.. and bounded on three sides Sy
sich avenues, and having a fVOBg Of (GO teet on Warburtnn
av Will be s< ld in lota to suit purchasers. Apply to BEN?
r Ii I.D. Counsellor a'-Law, No. 20 Naaaai-it.. New York.?
The plot u worthy the uMuideialton of Building Associa?
IjjlA RM WANTED ?A small Farm, or
Cnuntr? Seat near this city, in excha ige for good in
moved property i" Brooklyn. Address, p.wipvd. I I. M.,
Box 2,1*11 Pcst-Ollice. with full particular ai to p.fce. loca?
tion,, In. .long. Ac.\(. One a.ready stocked and near a
?treairi of ua'er j'refened.
Bitrratrd upon railioat or wa'er. and within an
hoti's ride of theutv. Tie 'and must I? level and ra'eulated
lot building plots D**cHptiotH ol propafty raeoieoi at the
book.f re. No tsVktorRoroja bv A H JOOBLTN.
As. VILLEPLAIT, PrtrfesMor of the
aFrenrh Language.?Instniction at bis pupils' resi
dr-ru e or at his own. -No B ^th st., two dcatrs west of Broad?
Excelsior.?Parents uinhirit; m rind
an Instituriun In which good erder I* maintained by
roal kindness and npid improvement, secured by tborcatt
l**trnct1oD, will be pleased and served at the C mm*r?fd
aad Claattaai School. No. 78 Henry st
EDUCATION, No. 147 (Jreene-st., near
Houaton.?Mr I HAMBERL AIM invites the atten?
tion of parents who desire a a?'hool entirely nnder the ca'0
and iratruction of the Pnncipxl. F.VKNINO IN8TRJ C
TION,?Mr C continue* to give instruction afternoon and
evening, in Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Engtiah Uramiuar, Ac.
A M . K LYON, M D , and Mrs. M C. LYON, Princi?
pal* Completeness of boarding arrangement* kind and of.
tkient tuition and a healthy location combine to render thla
Institution a demrahle resort for those seeking a thorough and
accamplMied educa'ion. Pupils received at any time. It*
location t* on the beautiful margin of the Connecticut River,
neu the (eaboard, and is easy of access by the New-York
and Hartford daily steamboat* For health and recreation,
the teachers and pupils are furnished with elegant Carnage*
and saddle-horses, well trained for young ladies' use. Circu?
lar* can be had of WM H LYON Si CO , No. 4 Dey-et, or
by addressing the Principal*, al E**ex-? Esaex, Coun., April
L lB&fc,_._
IFRENCH lessons?A French Gen
tlrman. educated in Pans, and of superior qualifica?
tions, often his service* to pnvate families or to *cho?<ls.
Ev? nmg LaMOM given at hi* re?idence Bett leference*
gi\en and required. Addre**, A. L. FRENCH, Tribune
TnstructTon on the piano forte:
BREAKFAST and TEA.?A young gentleman. Professor of
the Piano, would like to obtain a furnubed room wtta break*
fiat and tea. in New-York, or vicinity, in a pnvate family,
in exchange for inatruclion on the Piano. Alto, a few
?cholan more wanted. Term* reasonable. Retereiice*
given. Addiew P. P. at thi* office.
LEWIS beg* leave to inform hi* fneiids and the public
that he fcas opened a l Ol NT1NO ROOM at No 264 Broad
Way (opposite the Park) for the Study and Practice of Book*
keet-Lg by double entry. Mr. Lew-is has been a practical
Bcok-keeper for a number of yean, and has great exp-nence
in Commercial and Financial opei at ions of the mo*t sie
kind i and the science which be teaches is the method adopt*
ed by the m*jonty of merchant* in this city. Circular* con?
taining teima reference* and explaining fully the method of
u. can be obtained at bis Con -King-Room. Tho**
interested are respectfully invited to call.
TI.'TE, a Boarding and Day School for Young Udiet,
Camel. Putnam County, N. Y. Rev. ? MAN WARING,
A M-, Pnncipal ?This Insiir^tion is a new enterprise en?
tirely, but well worth the attention of all parents who tako
any interest in the sutj.ct of education. The boil. ig.
which 1* a moat magnifies;,! -diMce. ha* recently been ere tad
at an expense of more than $J0.0ls). It* splendor and the)
beauty el the surround:^ scenery would well compensate
far the tNBkti of a visit frsia our great emponom, froog
which it is so tcceatable.
Tbe next Session commence* on the first Thursday in May,
and continues 21 week*
Tians? Board, fuel, lighu and tuition. |S5 per ?eedonof
II week* Maaic French and Drawing extra. Tuition of
day *cbol*rt from to t?' per session.
Tt TF ? H e . t ;e the attention of parents and guard?
ian* to this flourish)ng school for young Ladle*. It is situated
tear the very pleasant village of Cannel. Putnam County,
Ne? -York. within a fr-w nxis of a beautiful lake, and com
Branding a mow de'igtufui preepect of the village and *ur
roonding scenery. The Ouihling is new. planned and finished
in a perfect and most beantVu] style, and will accommodate
10t BWB?L Tbe literary department is under tbe chart* of
Rev ROUERT O. W ILLIAMS, assisted by three femaie
teachers. 1 he boarders will be under the kind care of Mrs.
Y AN U ARINU. ai d tbe health, moral*and acquirement*of
the po-.il* wfM receive the undinded attention of all the
teacber*. Superior advantage* ar* offered in the mu*icaJ and
oroan entai department* French and Spanish will be t?u*ht
gg tpvkrc?Latin, (jttek a*d Hebrew a* classic*
^."'.i! "Bt on application. o? may be obtained
at M W DuLPs Book Storo.
The ronimer *e**ion commence* on the 1st Thursday of
May. but siholais will bs received subsequently.
Terms IM per st staoo of tweutv-oo* week*, including tm
Doo. btard. lighu smd everything but she usual extra*
""?^?^?no.W <*> Drawing and Painting.|10 00
I seed Instrument. 5 08 Any of the I^giiaaea.
Mmac-Ouifar. :o 04 I each.77^7!?.10 00
Um of Instrument. J AO Oil Painting.. I? M
\ ocal Music I* kll the fchool, fre* of charge.
Conn.?N oxareT limited to ?ig!;:. Note received over
ten ttvi of ?ff. Pur further |?irti-i?.'*r*, ref. renee* ?i4
trims, address the Principal, ASH BEL FL LLER, blent,
I Coin.
THK MISSKS P\LA<'HE will roisen
... r ? BjuI aba tart ^r young f.adte*. for th*P? -?
t (Si K Thompson-st. on May 3d
FIKST PKEA.'ll'M in 1841, '4? sod
?1 ?Tb* splendid 7f octave Inrtruruent* of the sub?
scriber, are now e.idling lL? edmiratun of tae srn professor*
?do Dum i! families in the cut Th-y P< *???*? ?? the power
and exquisite rarmooj of In? rrand Piano, and areaafordedaf
bal'the price, together with iAm Pianos of 7 and 64 octave*,
at the lowest oiarnfactuitog pncea
FOR SALE?Very Cheap t ?r ( a 1.?A
?plerdd 7 octave Rrweuond (ioihie Cased Piatio
rorfe. pcwsaing a tine tone and delivaie touch. Will be
warranted in evert respect for two year*; and tuned for jpe
vir gratia Apply at the Mannf.c'ory and W Htma No
G& H. BARMORE oder a: thn: .Msn
e nfaetory and Wax*room. No. 34' Bieeeter-st. eorcef
of Cherlee-st,. an assortment of eieran? PIANO-FORTES,
arith the tnetalli* frame and reverie Ortdfa. and a. othat
aaodrrc Improvements _ _
ANO FORTES?Unequalled for comrakctaesa, power,
biilhancy. and beauty, late tor tire past four year* *e?o
tbvTi ugi.iy tested in every part of this broai Republic. Ironi
Mau e lot'a iH U...V A splendid st.ak now on hand, i?t end
7 octaves, varying in pru-e from f.no to tl"n\ Every instra
meni la warranted to five perfect satisfaction. Piano* to let,
V ted and repaired. War,rooms No. S? Hr.aviway, corner
of Antloi y-st. and opposite Hn>aHwav Theafr'.
HORACE waters. Kit* Apat
JA: C. FISCHER. (iHte Nnnns &
a Fischer,) manufactory and warerootu. No. 17'i Green
w .h- t corner of Dey-.t Piano-Forte*. ?'a/ran led, with
reverse bridge and patent tobe, well calculated for keeping
ht .? t'.ii .L : tea tuned, repaired and exchanged.
N. B ? Also A'.olian Piano-Forte* for aale
consequence of the Increased demand, and uniivaled
popularity of their PIANO-FORTES, have extended theti
business, and opened a Ware room in Broadway, No. 6*4,
where we (hall constantly keep a choise selection of oar
Piano-Fortes, from bj to 't octave, 1n Rosewood cases, with
all the latest improved pattern* Ws (hall also continue tc
keep a full assortment c-f 1 nttruinents at our Manufactory and
u arerooma, No. 22 Canal-at All Plan >. Fortes of our man?
thrture are warranted tn every respect Professor*, amateurs,
and those who anticipate porchar.ua. are respectfully invited
to call and examine. All order* from the city or country
punctually executed.
il Forte*?We have now on hand a :arge assor'menlo'
?ew and second-hand Pianos for sale and to hire. Pianos frea
SVto$.vkv For hire from S3 to Sin oer month No KS
Broadway, New-York. 8AFFORD A BROTHER
The subscriber rtiers for (ale the following Organaal
reduced pncs and on liberal term*: One eight-stop* Ootht*
aase; one six-stop*, do.; one five do. Also one second-hand
Organ, four-stops, very low. Organ* constantly on hand
fi. isi,-d or ueariy so, from tour to twelve stop*, with pedal*
C.C C. ' WM. H. DAVIS, No. 67 Maodougal-sl
PI A NOS. CHIAP?Five second-hand
Pianos at #<;>?, #&>, *!?', |1M, and $150 Also, five
nt w and valuable rosewood Pianos for sale creap. to pay ad?
vances. Also. Vtati lira, liuns, Safe, Blank Boos*. Peu. il?,
sr d Ci*arf Cash advances on Dry Goods, Orocerie*. furni?
ture, Piano?, Watches, Ac, Ac. .1 F.jones,
No Ai v.: second floor.
I)IAN0 FORTES.?A large assortment
of Piaai* from the celebrated hnise of I la'let, Dsvis A
Co., Bi ?ton, both with and wi'houtCuleiiiar.'* Enhan kl'ach
n>> r.t. it ?v he fe u d at the waretoom? of LINCOLN at
] HOMPSON. No 411 Broailway. Ahn. riano* from other
relebtatrd maker*. A large assortment of second baud
aim* tt>r sale cneap for cash. New and *e 'ond haiid inatcii
utntgtoiat LINCOLN s. THOMPSON,
No. 411 Broad sray.
PIANO-FORTES?The finest issort
roenfef Piano Forte* in the ci'v may be found at the
s| acinus w arerooaat of N. P. B. CURTIS Si CO., 417 Bn.td
wav, consisting of Oeo. Hew*"* celebrated Amencsn Patent
Action l'iaros, i'. Oilbert 4, Co.'s popular .Eolian Piano, Hil?
bert'* at.d others'Botidi tr. Also. ? variety of newand*ec
ond hand Piano* for sale and to let.
N. P B. CURTIS V CO., No. 447 Broadway.
FOR 8ALE.?Person* about norchasing Planoeor Me
lodeons are invited to call at BENNETT ? CO.'S War?
room, No. IA2 Fulten-st, second floor, (east side of Broad
?ray.) where they will find an aasnrtrneutof the modem sty's
of rosewood Piano-Forte* and Melodeone. Every Instm
meat warranted for two years, and whea doubts are et
pressed as to the quality, the payment may be withheld unnj
such doubt* are removed Old Piano* received tn part pay?
ment for new onee New and seoond-hand Pianos to let.
BROTHERS ?AJong experience bj the Mechanical
and Musical Department* has prepared the ?ul*rntar? U
warrant their Pianos in every respect. HAZELTON'S, No
219 Centre-*!., near Oraiid.
>lANOS for Hale and to Hire, at No. I
Barclay-et., next door to the Ast. r House, from BJ so I
octaves, in rosewood and mahogany
J AH THOMPSON, late Tallmae A Randall.
131AN()-FORTES.?^Persons about pur?
chasing Pianos will find It to thetr advantage to call ai
R. Glenn A Co.'* Manufactory, No. 194 Fulton-?t., (weatot
Brnidway.) A general assortment of mahogany and rosa
wood Pianos constantly on hand, which will he sold low for
?ash or approved papei. Dealers supplied on liberal terms
R. GLENN k CO.. Mo. 194 Fultoava*,
XT V. HARRISON has Temoved hli
7 ? Manufactory and Wareroom* from No 23 Caoal-at
ht No. 37 Meraer-st. near flrand-at., where may he fbaad I
splendid assortment of Piano-Forte*
-S U SALE.?Even cne learning should have a Piano?
forte to practice on. M. DUMSDAY, No I!X)Grand (t. has
them to hire at #2, $2 SR S3. *3 V> and >fl par month ?
Piaao tortet lought, sold, tuned a'id to let
fttatliinerrj, ?JC?c.
HOSE.?The trial made of this IncompVahle Watat
Hose for two yeai past has fully demonstrated its superior!
ty. Orders from Rai.roads, Factonee Water Companies and
Others solicited. Every piece warranted to give eatiar'actloe
by the patentee and manufacturer. The following i? one of
the many certificates, and pal llahcd to show the estimation
from actual use:
Jerjev Citv, Dee. 17,1841.
HoBAts- H. Dar, No. 33 Courtl?ndt-?t., N. Y.?Dtar Sie
I take great pleasure In ?tatlntto you, in answer to your la
aulrv in regard to the ludia Rubber Hose furnished by yos
for the New-Jersey Railroad and Transportation Company
that we have found it of the very best description, and k
answer much better purpose than either leather or canvas. Il
Is not only more durable, but tn the end the most economical
We have now rubber hose on some of our locomotives thst
we purchased of you two year* ago, which ha* been In eon
Staat use and is mil as good as ever, and I have found your
four-ply to ?fand pressure of IH lb*, to the square Inch.
Yours, very respectfully, JAMES McFARLAND.
Superintendent Motive Power for N. J. R. R. Trans Co
PATENT.-2n,nou lb* now tn store, different thickness
The quality of this article, which will stand near I'm degrees
higher beat than any other rubber, ha* been tested for two
rear* and over. The American and British steamships, and
those gone to California, use it with entire epprovsX Th*
anders-gnrd wu warrant this new patent packing to give ew
tire satisfaction tn every ease. No person hu; the undersigned
aan use the line tn the manufacture of rubber, and no othat
kind will stand at high a beat. Warehouse No.23 Courtlandt
at. All orders addressed to the manufacturer and owner of
Tyar fc Helm** Patent HORACE H. DAT.
O SALE.?Engine 10-horse newer, made by Wm. Rnrd. a
Boiler, loeometive, 15-borse power, all tn perfect order; caa
be seen at No 333 Stanton-et. Also, an Engine, 2-horse power
DF'.RS, Manufacturers, offer for Sale at No 219 Pearl
St.. a full assortment of Brass Faucets, Hose Pipe*, Basin
Cocks, he, suitable for Plumbers* use, and calculated to
stand Croton pressure. Also, a large variety of Steam Cock*,
Oil Cups, Ac, for Locomotives and Stationary Engine*.
Cnllerr), Qaxbmatt, &t.
LEY'S Grata and Fender Manufactory, No. 346
Brocme-at-, three door* west of the Bowery, adjoining Dr.
Cone'* Church. Builder* and other* -arho are about purchas?
ing, would do well to call, as ha is confident that hi* patterns,
for variety and cheapness, arj unsurpaaatd.
CAPS.?Eley's Cloth Qua W'sAdlna. tb* best sag
ansagest article used Eley's Percussion Caps, Wire Car
?ridges and Sporting Material*, Powder - task* he. A larat
and complete assortment of the above lor sale by the man?
fcswwrer's sole agents, FRANCIS TOMES k SONS, No. I
_nuncm tomes a sons.
No. I Maiden lane. Invite the attention of Barer* to tbafa
extensive assortment of the above good*, whlan (her oftTar Ins
Btl* sbeap, for cash or approved uZiv '
A ?fcaatant sapply of COLT'S PISTOLS, of an dan*.
HB. RICHARDS, No, 37 John-st.,
? second door bglow Nassau-st, (recently of No. 99
Maiden-lane.) keep* on hand a general assortment of Hard?
ware and Cutler j of almost every description, Mechaalas'
Tools, Builders' (roods. Housekeeping articles, Ac Peraorsi
wishing 10 purchase good* in this line, at the lowest pncea,
are desired to call on him, at No 37 Jahn-st-, where they wlM
find all article* on the moot reasonable term*, either by th*
awantity or by retail H. B. RICHARDS, 37 John-ft,, N.T.
PIG IRON?105 tuns Boonto? No. 1
Foundry Pi* Inns: 2S0 tuns Boonton No 2, do. Ae.i l*?
do. No. 3 Mettled and Whit* do ; V) tun* Dover No 1 Char
aosdaav. For sal* by DUDLEY B. FULLER k CO,
Htv 13s 0***?wiah-at, teWaac CUm.
Nc*. 33 4*r> 34 *"Di.ron-?T , orr?? t? tmI , T*n
Hutu, N??r-Yoi? r,?*
IMPORT?/? A.NnoENF.RAL !?>: AI.KRln Ta?flA
?aas and American Herdwar?. Cutlery, Kda*-T?V k*_ ?
Kaaatfuliy Invites Ihr atteatJo* of Country Maraasaa
Mechanics and o?her*. mating their Spring aad S iM?ar2
? ('aara, to hia very ?xtAnvalve ?**orrrn?ot. eoo pnauw
thing la the line. Mad *? which ar* aad a?naCaat aaaaflZ-l
beim added, all of which era ollarad at th* k>w*si pr.??5
aean or appro.-d credit.
Cat and av nought Naila. Lue**, le?:oW
KtOVVJ >:.1 V ka, Pen and P.ieket Kol ma.
Raarira, Scissor* a d Shear*, to (real variety.
Shovels, Spade*. Una* F.'rk, "-yi.-s ai.d Seatha R'faa
Cvoper'a Tool? la treat va.ir; i, of ?bt atoat Matataa*
Manu'scturara, Albert* o. Conew, Hort-a, aWtoaTa*
House and Salp-C?rp<<nt?r ? To..:*. 8tacJ{?n)*th'tT*ola
House and Ship Bailder s Hardware,
I ma. Bra**. Copper. Steel a.-1 Lead Wir*.
Ames's Pomp Aueer? and Ri minor*
\ aTBPO? KN COOKINOsaJUtOI -Tb*alsaajta,
of the own a?We I He hre render* this the mat par**]
baking oven to he found id this market We have bveaaajk,
( /.es tor tear '.rrs N tana and pmat" **nrl>e*
_BHAWROM * PM1ALL, No .'?i M^tjaa*,
T)l .MP CHMN. Tl mi'..
n aiiufactuiing Pump Chain of wiperutr qatjlty, vb-\
the t otter to the trade in lota, on fevoraf.'e t?mi?
HOLD ask a CO, No M VVsaliinstaaet
No. 9 CarnUns-st, (foar doors above Rlweksr,)
No >'th *v, (three doors above .* i.< at I
No. 198 eth-*v, (fonr a*?>r?ebov* I4tb-*L,I
Dealer la warranted Cooking and Summet Stove*, fa>
race* Tlnwaaa. Also, geuaral Hardware, Cetlary, ag
Hocsekeepiug article* N B ? AR stoves ar* warraaM,
?rp-.a.-ci ?d or tha money return ad
O Ol'ARD RAZORS -The s-inseilber* ?oocaas at a>
?efve rear er supplies of this celebrated Raaor. For a***
whole**] eonly by FRANCIS TOM KS x SONS. No ? ?4*?
a* lane, sols agents for C Stew\rt * Co, (ikaggn* ana
London Also, the se, errs tad Army Raaor, an aatir* sat
Rl\ VR CI Tl.FRY CO h*?* es?n?Mwnad a ()**?
at No ?I John-at-. up stair*, where a complete a*sartni?a<g
sup.ii.r lab** dti.-tv. H.lieber. C.x>k and She* Km Tea, a*
mav be found. la wwaaa thwy araasM :r\.to the attrntioa *
the trade and large biivers P w (> kLLAI l?F.T, Agnat,
.furniture, Srt.
C0MM*:RF0RD a RE DO ATE, No* tii aad ?
Broadway, between Howard and Grand-*!*, east std*?4%
bogary ttuSed sesta, with cane, widow, rush and Cbjaag
straw trat?, of every variety, can b* found at this -^??'ak
merit Citizens era strangers are hereby notified that, ts w%
devote onr time to the ?0*1*1fill of UM** article*, ?San
prepared to furnish there at the lowest manufsctunn* gras*
C<HARLES FULLER, De7ief in Jg?
/ ning*' new Patent Premium S?b rr Qoj Lamp* Aba,
Camphene, Spirit Uaa, Oil and Lard Lamp* Hall aadotka
Lanterns, Girandoles, Chandelier* Ac, of the mat I
patterns; Cattery and Fancy Orr.amenr* Also, CaaMfafna
Spirit lias. Phosgene Gas, Oil, Wick*. Olaase* A* N<x*JJ
?reenwich-st., between Warren and Cfaiuhers sts . K T
A NITl'RK WARF.1MI BI N i >: Broadway,***
side, near (irai.d st ; Manufactory No 9 Uraenavs*.
MA THEM 8 a OIIaLIEs, wholesale and -erail dealert?
. lal. Cottas". Chamber and Oak Furniture, wtmH
raapsCtfaUy call the attention of those intending to fa rank
th* j tanani ??aac*) to their extensive end v?rie.i **turtta*a|
Ol t namelled Fmciture.
We Hatter ourarUr* in saying that, after year* af ortetut
andri.f.ct attenlHin in this one line, we aie ens' leiui pr>
(Be* H ?rli. le that is pronounced, after a full 11*1 by a dh>
. || . ? . -the beet Enamel, ad and CoUagafw.
niture ever i He red in thl* country
M,? G would r*|<ecially c*? the atteiition of r^rsonj d
taate to ? xamine their new (tyle* of Ornamental Furnitaj*,
executed by tie best Parisian aitista, feehug confident tag
they cannot be lurpuaat d WO respectfully solicit a roMa>
uance of the pat.ouage heietof.ue so lavishly bustowal
upon it*.
A written guaranty givers, if required, on all Fun it ureas*
at our ratal.Ii?hm. lit
As we manufacture the whole of onr w.-ik oursel???,?*,
consripiently are enabled to sell a warranted article mink
leal than these who buy to ?'11 again
Al*o, Patent Spring MattieanM ms/e to order
The greatest cac I ? .low i d in taixlrg Furniture, ?n that g
ean be tramported any diaianoe without inpi nig it is tat
least. MAl HEWS \ i.II.I.I S,
Mo. 4" 2 Broadway, east aide, uear < irandsg.
tob Gnui.i'St., JA door east of F.aarx-at., New-York.--Ckaf
Dpuoletery and Peather Store ?The attenuco of ftudlkl
about purchasing 1* respectfully Invited to the large and kta>
tlful assortment of Beds, Matrreanea, Paillasse* Baristsatj
Cot*, Ae , all of which bav* boeo purchased at loo Mi
Irlcaa, and will be sold at such pricoe ss to msks It tak>
uoement fur all to call and examine tho above at., k pr.attg
ta making their purchase* Otxid* aent I* any part at *s
a, Brooklyn or AVilliarusburgb free of cartage. Old M
Matlrea*** renovaiad and made over.
W. CRA WBl'CR, No .Vai Orandet,
.if door nas of Fossa, st, N T
\S% Hall Lanterns, CandelaWas Bi vckets. Beatigiiet Us*
eis, Kluid Lamps-the larneat und heat assorted stojkti
thl? Citv. loi aale at less than Bl . ?na I rant* Ork M
ft - RKILL*i , No IV.Canal-st.ooi Lsightd '
PICTI RF. FR \ .MKS. of every desrnpiioo.ua bad
*nd made to order, at low price* W N. JOHNSON,
No 8PM Broadway. (Collamore ! Ion,., and .'''I I ...?er?.
J.1 TI'HK. selling at bargains. N* ill tleekiuasxt. Ms
hoganv ( hairs. R K-kers .S.if,,. I ,. K d?, Louiig**, Marbtf
Top 'I sbleO Bureaus, Se??t?ry Bur ana. Oil Ptlu.lngs LsnV
lag Glase?, awdi/-n Chairs, 7l?t Husk and Heir Miltieaas,
Feather ?? da, Krencu Bed'tead*. liming Tsbles. I4W Bsi.
atesd* Knclosed Waahitaud*, V\ indue Suada* and Ca?
ph. n<- Laagaa,
latest ?tylea snd saoat desirable patterns, in Velvet**!
OoU. .Sa'in and Gold, snd plain Satin, of our own tmpn*>
tlons, at the very lowest price*, tor cadi; al*n, a lull *sao>
tnent of Atnencau Paper* and Burners, Fi re-Board Pilot*,
Ro., at wholesale ana retail CHI I.D.- V SMITH,
No. 449 Pearl -at, cor. of Willi**?
N. B ? None bot competent workmen *ent from uu**a>
large assortment eenstantly on h*ad; also, Can* 4
?very description made te order in the neatest *tywa*i*t
the shortest notice by P. K PEEBLES, No is4 Omnwd,
N. Y, thr** doors east of Broadway.
OKI.! in LAMPS?Also, Oirandolea, Vssaa, 0'aoiol
Britannia Mete! W are, (las Ololiea, Chimneys, Wink* Oft
Camphene and Fluid of the beet quality and atttekren*
price*, at wholeaale and retail.
C. A. BALDWIN, No. 54 Bowery, flautet ?kl
SOFA BEDSTEADS.?Thnne who an
in want of a Sofa Bedstead, and desire to bar* tksHd
manufactured in the country will call at the *tor*? afkf
manufacturer, W. 8 Hl MPIIRF.YS No*. Ita aad *
Chatham at, and examine Needhara'* Patent, whick ti*>
know bulged by *ll who have *een er osed them, to k* Ik* ???
ever Invented. It c*n be opened in five ?iconds, *ad*M
dosed cannot be detected a being a Sola Bedstead An*.*
?xtenaive assortrnent of Pumiuire, Bod* Matu.issea, **,*?
Wholesale and retail.
IJainting. Stt.
acknowledged by all who have used it te be *up*ri*? ? **1
other Paint in u*e. It la proof against th* ?**?* ** *"
weather ar.d (Ire, and t* cheaper than other paints m
quer e of it* taking less oil to nun, aad covsrin* muchog
surface twice a* much as torn*. Give it a trial Krl?*on
D*p< ta No. 1*16 Morrar-et,, and No. 19 ?th-*v New-Yo?
Por aale, alao by Hull. Buckell A <;o., W <)reea*rnw?
Baxter A Sons. Ns. I4i Maidan-laas. New-Vork,
J. D Torrey, No. lib Fulton ,t, New-York.
Ward. Close A Co, No. *3 Maiden lane. New York
Charles N. Dean, New Rochelle, Vv ?stcheeter Co*fd>
John H I! ... a Mamsrnneck, Westenester County
Charle* W. Pield Port Cheater, W e*?che*ter Coeatf
And in moot of Use title* and town* through**
ZlNC PAINTS? Waj^ar7tfNl"P-^
Dey ,t are prepared to tupply thilr Zinc Paint* d**"
^ " price*.
so 1 White, ground tn oil, '<e per poend.
No. 2 White, ground tn oil, v. per pound.
No. 3 ^Ti'te, ground in aJL 7c per pound.
Brown and Black, ground in o.f, >ic. par a***?
Dry White of Zinc, be. per pound.
After thorough test |n Europe and the caltsdl"J"rj
been found to retain it* beauty and protective <\*X*f^L\
than any other paint For whiteness and fin?iaasy * J*
rivaled j It 1* free from ?11 poMonoo* prupent*s*****"5
and dangerous In other pigment*; will cover??'l^-S
?from 40 to Iis? per cent, more space than lead, sad
lore, much cheaper to tho eonmroer At aa ie**A*j***g)
onll not torn yellow, even when expoerd to ^.f?L\S
gases of coal are* or the foul air of ship* Thadr
ground In varnish pruduca* the porcaliin AnisA TLvl
la a few hours form a hard and aolid metallic Jf
?rood, brick, lroa and other metallic sortsca* *i*T*Z~M
Ibr their are-proof propertte* They *r* apsscitiiy "^jff
marine purposra, having been found to resist tee**?*^
action of **lt waler. *o destrueUv* to otAw? P*> ?** "
oapplted 00 liberal term* by m
MANNINO A SoriER.A*t?ta. No 4&?*T*^,
No. K
R. M. STEPHENSON hasfeu^.
, hi* residence and ofltca from No. 3SS B|Ja^3J-p?
>o. 167 East 14th at. near 2d-av, wber* bo will ?a?^
medical and g?rgic*J pracuce. ^_
C~<EORGE CLAY, Suri/win Dea?*
T removed from No 14 Ucivenuty place at) N0.?
too-plaea, (Oi at, kotweeo Ualvsraity pi sen sjU?*?^
ha* removed from No. S? Broad way kMJ!^
g^toatAtida, snJdw%j botwoea ?rjoitraj <*s

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