TfiI_ET with BOARD-AwfIIfurtiihh-d
. _T_B toWjto awatka. r- m lamll,. ^_*____-_3_
_ ,4*'gS_--^^rawa;_ 81 JeJia'* P?* r>'e_-r_-* *+
it LET?To a <Y*?nilem-fi and Wif*?,
8 or a very aroall family, the ~?m* ka* of th- three
_?_, l_a__ No. SM T- Ml -?' ? (roniaimng all 'he m^a-m "?
SSaakMtaVa bath. ba aal aaM wt-,? aaaa*
JaT, att-EU-d be.wrea l.r-av afld TompblBE-riuara To a
?..JhleT-tat. will he let reaaooably. A,ply to A. L.
BKAK. No. 1-8 WiUiam-4-t., ap .taira
UJJ10N PLACE?(ientlnmrn or V*rn
ili-a raa find at No t Um.n -oleie, eorner Itiha*,
?pleadWI e artmentB oa ?he vkou* fI . ?r ; the hn-ta c*fi
_l,?og ihe B.eden. improvenM-.,'. Y?r . p*>.maoeut PBBV
"r-a tbe b^a.lor. ta .rv.orpar_-". b-ng aaQlllll t**?B
p.rk, a,d on MM mtymtrml[awaawj aaaaBjaa
liaee. Toibeaa wiahing r.'tnfi.'l and ?? beaali?ul lioatlaa,
_oa_-al indoeeaieBU ar* ottered ilerereno-B, ac.
WANTED?Rv o fio_le (-entl??man.
Board Ir. tb* ou-'iry. i* B farm Bon-a or BOB_ fatit
. , B-Tiat-taj S New Vor'. ...H aaanahal ta itooa-g
BOaaaa-BBBB rrr al-ae, -?m.,g Eodaveomg. Reler-noa
__foa ArM.aes H. A., Tnl.nne Office., Bteltng tar.n. aud
arbawe a* ut-ta?iew t*ay ba had.
fajoaara 10 ttl.
JtV 1N0 BAUXlN.-T? L t, hat larga gplendid day
fee-rmeni atery io aew atore No. SlS, with a
apary r owy front entraoca ; ataa ? by rt f-at Cmu.B aad
Oaa hitarea in. Tbto a ne ot the beaf *[___? for tae abov*
Bbb_bBO0B08I nonh tid* af tha euy, if .roperly coducted,
____. _> U?r t_iine_ia:e neighborhood of hotela railroad ata
_. n* kc It. ut t*. AlaotoLrt* lar gf roora i_ tbe kvbova
bwlldiogwh-b would make a apleurHi hilliard room . alao,
3 flooti ror any knd of rnpeerakle h-ainea. Am.J ?? " _
MOBIHUN. W Weat 2_d it., or to l J. MOlU.SON.2_S
raltM. coraar of Oroeowieh at. Cail aooa and took at tba
Dt _
TO LET?Thier room-. 86 Hy 50. with
eteatn power, at IAME8 P. OAOE'H EEnd p_p?f too
?o*y, Tttb a and 8tb-av._
TO LET, at Sowh Beri_en, New-lefaey
?A B*w two atory rY_r_a Houae, couteiolng four lara*
ro-.o-t aad lw? *n?all. witb a largr. ?*?. ga/rec Tn a ro
*jpo_ab,e te-eot tba wiU be rorted low fratn tba l.i .f Ijily,
liM, U May lat, I_M For particulara app.y to VVM RKI-,
Bakar, Nawark av., _aar Oro??-*t., Joraay City._
foi a UfBi of year. tha Duaoe .t Chnreb pruparty. A
asrarabla place for Jeweleia Pnutera K_gra?era, Ba_
_ia*er_. or other buttneaa .eqnini.g liaht ai.d eaipla room
__Jgr/to" W. k J. J PHELP-. Uo AS W'all.-t
TO RENT?Two St-vren on 6r.h-avenne.
Jdo-<B7t??-EY?nrte AiE-EpErtiientE, HoortEiid half
? rjuaee to *o all g- nteel and rnperl .ble ib-i lliea. ia vanou*
wood lorai i"E Al?' * large oumber of tirat-clata browo
%?, irTbi. ,k hooaea Apply toR. O. PIKECE, No. I.IOA,
BroadwBy, near -_d-*treet._
TO LET? Tho hoijBf- Nn. ,23 Thomp
-ro^t batweeu Amiiy End Bleecker-Bt?. For p_r
itealara Inqauo a? tba aboYa number,_
) L_T?A lorj_e. bfaut ful Store, No.
13 Warreo at. Beot moderata. Apply to W. Vf.
BtAOTON. atB P. Towuaeod'B ..ffica, No. 82 Naaaaa a., or
Ita 1.080 Broadway. coruer ??l._M-Et_
TO hKT?A |ilr-HN*i.t Country Hoiiao,
abont Ibrea mtlea froai Williauiahurgb farry, on tha
road to Newtowfc, w_h barn. aUb.e, carriaga-houae __.?
Cberry and other fruit trea m abandanca P.-atftaion liniaav
aiEiely Apply tt WATKIN8 A HINE. oornerof Broad
wey aod Uraod-?._
TOLET?A Houmj ?ui'ahle for a (.ro
eery End Llquor Htora. Alao, aaveral Hae private Dwal
tliigt (thiee gtory aod batemeot) oo tba coruer of Broada_Y,
4-th-EV. End 64t_-Yt Hent. %X2b each I.ocati.n heautlfal.
Two linea of itaaee paa* the * -.. Tbe Houaea may be let
ln floor* lf deairea. at from I- 'o %* p?r nionth. AoplY ta
A. P 8MITH, cornerolSltba and Rth ey.. from 7 to lOEnd
from Itt. 7 _
TTX-ST-Wall-lifhtpd ROOMS. onth
or witbout Bteatti Powai. of _ny'g1_e loqatra of
i: M mmiNMiN, No IRI -ttwie-EA
^unora (DanltO.
H' OUSE WANTED-Frorn November
or recember ne?t - W.n'ed t ? rent or to purchE*e,
. three itcy Houae of nineerate tne, ln a gaal aitaa ioo,
between '"tb ai.d .-Ithtta, weit ol Broadway Adirea*
*_). P. PlfTNAM, No IU t'ark plEoa_
JL OWNERS-Waatfd, a flrrt-claaa johbing in
Dty. Fulion, Bartliiy-*'*, or Park B are, near Br.adway?
or ID Breadwav betwera I.tberty _nd Mufrayata. Addreaa,
t. O- Boa -,142._
WANTED?To rt-nt from the fir?t of
Beptetnber, a tniall Houae iu Seuth Brooklyo, lo
the vtrinlty ol ijiare Cl un h land wi.liin ten n.inulrw' ?tlk
oftbr SoBlb Perry. Adoiaat 0. _., Bo* '-li Piwi-ollioo,
? a*aW4w--y-----wa-a--------aw
fUal Citatc lot ftate
T"-PRIVATE SALE?Tba hanil-ome
two-ttory aod attic ba-fiueui bru-.k lln__e and L-.t of
tro__d. being 40 by 1-S feel in depth, aligibly locattM. >.o
:ieni,oiit av., 2Wi fort north of Myitle a'., iu laa lonandiEla
aeia_ihorhoud Ol Clii,tooav aod Waai.iiigiou I'aik, miaa
atity ot BtooklyB Th, lluuaa coi.taiu. IJ roo BB, aud i.
Cni-brd ln .uperior aiyle. witb dumbwaiu. io thedinnaa
880-Bi bo Th? looma ara ua d-fia.ah-d aud oorniced, wlth
aaarbla MaiitleiEnd Oiatea, wlih I'ib/b-, froot aml rear. Tne
Oard. o i. raa.itilully laid out tud well tluokad witb fjrapa
Vlnea Kreil Trrea. Klowera. Sbrurbery, Ao
Ateo, the two ural ano auhataiinaliv-hiiilt twa-atory aud
baaatutlit C_ltage ll,.uaea hlird to vvuh liri.k, each eaBA?a-.
tng g room*, deaiiably I. _a--d ou V aiitleihilt-av . wiihiu _M
Eaat of toyitle ai.d Cliuto_-av..?*i_e of rach LaH ZS bjr 75
Bpeti aiaeofeatb Houae _. b> ,'e. f.-et The etiove H,iua*?a
arera bullt only two yrtua paa*, sod tbe lir.t-ii._aed w,_
boilt ia tha b?at oianuer. for the prraeutowuep'. -acupalioo.
Vor pnce, lamia, and fuuher narticulara, apply to
AivTHONY J. BLKKCKKR. A-e-iton-or,
N-.7 Broadat, Na#-York.
T PRIVATE SAEK-A aoaaiifol
___p'ao* contaloiag Ebou*. half an Acie of (Jrnand. ajrn^
ro E> llyitn hav L I . i uly ha1! aiuil'lii.Uhe S.en
_4-,dlng'. O-Ihe prrB.1.'. tneie i. a aak_B____B4 t *.. al ry
Dwrlll. g-hou,e wilh ku, hr mt? lird. .he -li.ileooiitaluiiig
14 Bnialu-d rooma. Al-o a Bto-e-hou-e, w. II ar.a.iged aur ad
BDirably ralcul.ted 1 ?. a Ihiiung (,.) bu.lnea. aa_B_a__
1 bar* ia _.,, a barn and ___* oui-bml u >gt t laa property
to twautitullv 1orat-r ai.d la auituble fo> a large f.iuily, hoa d
li | lionat or aOaaa avill baeiveu lmai?liBtely If
aleair. e.o_i- half of thr inoiioy can Oa mort
rra ror vw* *-'* fur boi paiticular.apply lo AMTHUN Y
BLE -CKEK, Auctloiieer. N?.7 Bro-tl al
Bndri high cu.tlvaiion, half . mlle troio railroad, 17 inile.
fro_i New-York . cara go five ttiue. . day Irom thia city. Oo
the preti.tee_ la t twu-atory ______ barn and oarnago-houae,
acd < ut buildinga. all ln goodoraer, - ui. an mclia.d of choice
-Tuit, aud wlth a iim>iu af water tbrough u ?? tarm lt will
Baaold low. Apply to J PECAKK. No l?~ fletter-at.
TT PRIVATE SALE?Twa daoirabla
XjL lotaof amund Mtuaird ou the aottth aide of Ktth al be?
tween _d and _d av. , r. niniri.ri-| l"_ faet from the <M ?v ,
aacb tot batng l-tua 2. fewt front aad rear by U'l feei in
_epth A p?'iiioii ef tha putcbaae money can r?_iaia ua
bond and mortgngr Pwt price and furthsr parbcular apply
to ANTHON . J BLK-CKtK, Aurti. nerr. Ho 7 ?___.?
_T\ aa elrgant t uy or t'oumry Raalderoa lu Nrwaik, N.J
totuataad i a Newark Hlghta al the head ot Vvren-at , bavlng
B ea?-nandtna view ol Newark, Newark Hay, Siattui l.la_a\
Bad New-^ ora Cily The property oon.i-ta of ab,>ut an acre
af land; alao, ao intereat in an e egant pnva'e *v\ i_ front
The houae l* new. wiil. elevan l-OBBI si. Helahod to ela
(Eiil Brode>n ayle. wilh every drdrabl* ouovameuce for a
riateel reaidence Ooihir ba- n, ohoice fruit and ahade traaa,
a Kor partieal.ra, li nuira al No ? Kowerv. New
York, orof tbe a_dri.igi.ed oo _ie piemi.r. Piaaaeatioe
*rjve_ir_a?eavauly, if ratiuired I.1RAKL P1BHSON.
?At Narwalk, C_. aa ih? Hne of tb< New Yoik aud
Waw-Havea Rall'oad, aW>>ut iwa buun' nda from tha city.
Tba fcoeae \? entlialy oew, bailt in nn?ern .tyle. with alavea
Bnlehed rooma. ano abont tlirpe-quaile.a ol acre of land
W-Bverttent to tlie chur.he* ?? _ r"ni_aiidmg ? hne virw of
tba harbor and MHii,d Piwai.oti BTY4B- imined.Eialy Pnca
aV-Oe, urnweaay Ki r funh.r paruculara, addreaa, AI.L_N
_ ?_._E' ??rw*Jk. CL
?Oa tba weat ?_? of B akiend I ake, S_ milea from
tiew-York, B > tba Had. o River oontaiulng V> arrwa of land
ia a biEh aate of culu.aMon witb a waler front Bfl tba
Laka o* aearly half a milav TH? Dwalling Houae , which ia
al* tbafual (laaa) aiaii-a -?>? a lew v% aa tiom the .hore ..f
tha lake, U ao feet hy *' frat, .nd thraa atonaa n auht,
Ytiib pi-aa* mm two atortee raema Iba Laka. Tbe Barn, St,
biaa, ar_ areneailt nrw, on tbe tarn, u.iguaTaaaui Houa*
Oar flarkWaer. Tbaland ia welle-vaee with aoboioa v.nety
nt ?> ecied Aait. there i* ae ritenalva ?BOBfl and a tiuB
ainvVB i of grape vi-?e Tha ailualiao 1. very m.a.n,:c and
JaaaHbY aaa adnurably adarted k r ib?tw wiahing to r?bra
at-aa __B_aea* Ibe prenj-at tvill be evchaaged for ci y
or propetj within taa milr. di.t_ic-? tro a tba
ajlty A i?Ytkoo of 'be parrbaae m?aey it-ty raaoaun oa baad
aal-artKP aiaup^a.....^.^^ Ma|i. w-_,_
BABE OPPtiBTCNITY?Siraata ta tba delig-ifu)
aad IW-.labiPg vllag ol JEMAIl A _ I , H" miiea frora
ISew York. wiib Ebwat n? actea of rtoellaai land. kucludiaa
a beaatifnl hl.kory gi..v? ia tba rear, five mmutfw' wark
(loaa tba Railrtake depdt, V*' '*?i fnwit ea tba Brook lya
I'laakroad, and at the jaeetian of tba Will?afnaborgb rura*
pike. Ob tba premiaea U a larga and c_rtmodioua Hou?av
witb two wirga, and all neceaa-'y oat bu.'ding., ah .ut 4"8
jiaai and tbrtft) pearb apple. aaar. eherry, pin _ and
a-tnc, traea of t_* cholrea' qoalitvea klr. the Partnlng
Ctaaaa, neariy aew aod aitcck oa the fa-n The Ku-nitu-a
anll ka aoto witb tba Hoaaa. tf daand. Tba can .to* for
aataiaigut inrmiri itr1 ?r'-g at *> an ^ yck a* . dfactly
ta (roat at aad about l? <? r*w4? from the Apply to
HOMKB MoROAN, Na 1 Pu_.--t.
Oa tba llaaof tha CentraJ Bailnavd ot Naw-Jeraay,
aboat aa boar. nda fioai tha oity. a ? a? atery auie H.-aaa,
Witb wtBf Bad balf an aara of land aligibly u>d hwantirully
glt____datow rodafioo. Tbabiw---WBtir*>
1 nlne raotn*
daily by rall
_..._. _ aaaoia l_T
aw-BaBVBaaBkB-Bw, EKilyto
^ fJUoXlH BiwIJUUItaTtaraBdaar.
t aa boar. nda fioai tha aty, a . wuatary 1
wtag aad balf an aara of land altgnbiy tnd
_-adatow roa_6__aCrai>atllie____B Tbaboi
n aavw, flatobad to Btudera atyla. aod or_iain. oii
aaaOBOBBBBBoa witb tba city sevend tuaaada.!
joad BBtl __E_-ab-a-,?Cok_-aatatloB. |4A par ann
Ahoet 3b.> Uxa. varyl..* ? ?m froai ? eiehUl of ae
acr. to *l> acrrw, are now for aa** oo th? m? favorw
bletern- Tet. pei oe?. down. aa. ?*W aa.a* Baawa
March. WM TW laa*aaaaaa ? ??lJ_"_Z ?"" Lfc,_2
SSaa-a, u-ar .no ln full ???? of ab* ?__?_-*. ?J'd I. .ha
r--?iiat> vicmitv irl aiMOaaagaa* iiaiiBI
>f th. u.i-t a-d re.owr-Me citia-i- .rf Wwa?_?*ei
t>u.ty Th-viilavie ia.-aJarMfctb. H-.rl.rn Rait.
?rjby BBBBMb Ballr.aa r..r tnat- aaaratb* inforrn.-v^
3a*8a I) B " INTON. No '.Jriy..t.-r,.w. orwr Harlaai
(ailroad OBlce. eppi-lte Uv City Hall_
FAlRMoL'NT l.oTS for BALK.?A
f. w BBaBBB LoU ln the new villagi of r'air-noanf.
Lpper Mo?n?*niB)eillbeeold low. Mtr.-et* .recat thrxiah
ar d iariO*o-p ik-jw* aJrrady ooilt The C?r. tvio
ef thp l?Ppot tliim'a aoay. rach wa> Apply to T
Mr ll! AM. No 81 Beek?an-at, N. V. A part can ren?U
on Bobd and Morfgag*-_
foi Ctiag* *p? HuOwmi. Catt.Mitn. ooanty Pfie
'muw i* cafivenipntlv eoiietracrpat in oninpletp orrW.end
tir>at plpaaenily hawted Thp. a-mund* *rp ?air-lully laid oot
aad ou?in ar? Bhiindanop and vnr-tety of cfcv.icr- fmit rjcea,
bwaarle fine ahrahtwry and plav.u Thrrw ia al*.. a large kltctveo
niOMi ai.d an ahunrlanl ?"pply ai wairr al thw door Ita
withia fiv. oiinDtne wall of a eaurotv ai. *c<I'tni two
aali,. ia pwa* otbrtu aaid ihw atation ?f D? railnnad. by whiea
B ta l*we than foar h?ur? di??nt rVom New Vork .re
ot u-_? four dailv eoijiBiunlcatlona oy railn?t ena *??*t?'wi*l
with New-Vork' The haaBB- ttmht p_aaaaftaj BOBBJ *d
raiiaaw. I* pernliarlv hr*lihy. rerirwd and pieaaaa'. and ltt*
beh??p^ iher? are fow place* of the klnd mnrw d*arir?h'e ?
The property will be ??M an eeeorrimod rin* term*. and for
t eery low orir* Bor temia, Oe., ?PP_f*'
v??a ? j.Mr-Bf No * Wali-at
jnOR SALE in KL.ATBUSH, tour aud
I/ a Oalf mliee froui Foitoa Verry, T?V() adtotnlug IrUTB
af LAND oe Clarfcauo-av., eaeh IV' lt front and roar.and aVafl
tl deep. eontalnln* toeether about twe acree Oo? of
IVit* f?i been laid out, preparatoni to bmldina. with atoowd
ar macada??ed walk*. and p_nt*d with IV* tn 20" .had. aad
a*r_t Treea. ouoipntlna pearhea applna. peara, oherrlea fcav,
aad alao haa a lane ?t.-awVr-rry-f.-d, raepherriea. ourrmnla, h*+
i oew well ai.d pump. aew eroea-fenoeeoo aaob atda The
Other ia aeeded down with Clovar
Tbe beanry of K_tbuah. :ta eaae of aoooaa. i *U?? pa?ing Mr
tt from Kaltoa Kerry taB or o~re ti?e* daily,) reuder thia d?
Orablr property to any aoe doina boainoa* lo the alty aad
wiah'.ng to enjoy the benehu of Ihe oouuuy Price 12,*"?
aaa-half caah, and our. half bond aud roortaage If iaa_Ba
Apply ta ?NfJLKBKRT IrOTT. Auctioure.. Bul?o-ea,
Breetlvn nr t, ANTMONV I.ANV. No. U WtU-a., N. T,
or A. O. V\ ILCOX. No 291 Valloa-t_
FOR SALE?ln thf li.>althy villatje of
Ke.po-t N J . a *r-4ll CfJTTACJK aud T^VU LOfl
r__)K< KrViD oo the eorner oftbp malu .treet and the oew
auVrik read to Iii?IirBiaa AppH to Mr.. MILL3, No.36J
Hou*ton-*t.,oi to JdsKrH OlllBS, Keyport_
FOR SALE, on en?y tcrms, six acrea
of go?l Land?aituatpd on Mount Pmepect, aboat tea
aiinotpa' wa'k from tlie dppot ar Ta~y'own. It ia -aay of
aecpaa, ard the river vipw n anaurpaaaed. There iton th**r? e qnarry of hmldirg atoiiP. Inqnire of JOHN
BUTLXB, Jr., No. 3B Hi),iam-M . or 8 N. THOH-3. uear
Withm 'H milea of Hudaou "River Railroad Ddoot, a?i
Utnileaof Brotntnlla Depot, Harlr- Railroad Contain*
f* acree, at whieh 2" acrea are to wooda Soii aoporiori
iv.<? ? j. new and pleoty. water good, ?id fruii ahuodant
View very fine, boi. oot in r.glit ofthe II udaoo Riv.i Th*
Slace ia onder good crop and improvenv?t Some rocka
it-ti.nor very blah ; arioe very law. Appl v at Na. 19 Plattv
ttreet op atafra _
LH>R~SALE or TO LET?A "splendid
JL biirk Cp>ttag. in Jpflrreon-placr. Willtamtrmrgh, five
BdaaBaa* wa'k frotn Peck-.lip frrry. Will be* ld low. Term*
pimy. l'o**?**i<in ?iv,n imnipdiaiely Apply at No 138 iouth
6th-*t ol 1AMK? H. 1HLLIS. _
FOR SALE.?Three brick Hoobcb, witb
klaaiic franU. Uite.- etory and hanement and anlvcpller.
mith niaihle mantjea, wil. piar.ra in rear. With rangp. pnnip.
aiik wkI U.ilpr aua ga* piiw* N.w. HO, 84 and Kri Hoyf-at..
brtweai. Bprgen and WyrknH *t?., in tbe city of Brooklyn
N.B? I'-.W*1 ran remaiB on bond and nortgag" tor three
,?wi fioin tir.i of Mny, lfiAS Kor particulnr* inquireof Mr
AMiKRBUN, eorner of Uoyt and WyckoU-r* or No. M
rloyt-et _
PLAMMER-BURliH.?Thia new vnl
i lago, aasaaaBMa aererai Clnii*. a day oy ttagoa and ?tea?
BBBBBa 6 auoaied wi litneighl rollea ol the Ctty Hall. oppo
lite Harlenu, en Coileae Point and Kluariing Baj, oeai thr
beantifnl town of Floahing, and adj.iuiiu the villag.
>l htrattonpirt. whieh aold ao readily ?*l apnug. aud 0
laid oat on the aame *cale- tlie atreeu of hoib place* tutei
kocting eacb other?and w'.ll forin Ita BBBBBBandn g *ltuaUoi<
and at na dl'tant penod, be one of ibe pruicipal teeaurte li
ine vlcinity of New-York The lot* vary in a*. fro_ 1,21.
I eity lot* ln pnor from *H?' to tl^l Thetertna are $Z'
Ipwd, and the reat io rnonttil, Inttallmenta of |''i. wtuo.
inahle* every peraon, however cirtunuttantcd. to hecoaie hu
rwo landlora Being nxceedlngly healUiy, and aurroundnr
iy acenery whirh rannot be aurpaaaed?embraring view* of
fltuhitin. Newtowtv Riker'a 'aland, Morrit?iia. !tt> Aoy
.erauna wiahlng to porchaae at the above, at* reoueetal u
ia.ll ai the otfire, whera and .very lntor?ali?k, wil
?eertully begivea JOHN A KLAMal"R. No I.S7 Wa*
?Hth-*t., between 7th and Rth-ava ()?ce haura from 4 to I
I'cloeh P.M., ?id uiapaean be aeeo at IOHN 9. fLAM
VII w'!4. No 31 Mott al Tbe only authohsed acenKUi mak,
ip.Ip. are. .larkart, Nichol* and Jnfin 'lailvy, ot. thp aronnd
Mr. K?tumer will ba oo board tha boat every onornlog.
J7 GAIN, 13(1?seaofchoic* LAND.within9" mileeofihe
City. Abeut 9o ui.iler improvrm nt; the auil a gravolly
lo.m, ui.d. r aood cul'ivation, fino fruii. two ln u?. on? a
two-atora and new. Iwo goo^ l.arna, lira*-rate ntara^t nt rhe
o<a,r and yt>ry heal liy. Price |2o aa acre. Apply to VV AT
KIN8A HINK, No 458 Broadwaj\_
LH)R SALE?A first raie Form->f 150
_ acrea deep, ruli voll, aaliort di* ance ftaaa thn Citv
I wo houara. two harna, ha>-houae aud all neci-aaarv huildiiu*
rin. graftec orchard ai d oiher fruil lu abnu laoce. (l.iod wa
tPi ai d vpry Ik a ihv. Market at the door at cil* price*
Vk'illaivid*U. Pl?atMaT, ooe half ca?.1. WATR1NS *
HINK, No t'w Breadway.
,^OR SaLF^A commiMiii nn HOUSE,
'ith l| ac-fp* of Land pleaaatitlv ntuaiod on tlie K*m
Kivpr, | mile from the Kailnad Miaiion at
44 p.tihr.ter ('o , N. Y Bp*1 of gaiden, fruita, ? I'.Mae.
ii.11 will be given on abort ootice inquire of R. M iTHI
?iilti, drug itore. cor. iff!th-tt. and Hth-av., or of A. I'lKIlCK.
near the premiap*. Price, tfo.Xt).
h'OR SALE?Ooa more amall, well
fioiahfdnew COTTAOR, and I" acre* of good oniin
proved Faimiug LANI>, tor BflBB?$V>paid oowrn,an"$i(lio
inonil'lv ii .taiiiiipnt*. a'ao, B, 10 and 2*>-acre Lor* anjuninn
wilboal Cottaaa*, all lituated within tfur- lioan' rido of the
Citv of Brooklyn. on tbe Long liland Railroad, iu thr muil
beal'hy, | lr**an' and ptoouctive portion of the lalaad Ao
ply to A Mi-COTTER. No. 120 Kulton-at., N. Y., ot C.
BARKK1T, at Waverly Sutnoa, L.l.
t^OR SALE or to LET?Beoutiful Res
Ifl.'Dcr* at Ravetawood, L. I. Two two-* ory attio
u.d ha?Piu.iii II (>l 'Sl'.S, juat fiinilip.l in oiiHirrn atyle, each
.?oiiiaii.'.iiK I ttet'ii rooma trn of whitli are hed-oom.; nar
blt- Diaotlr* in haar?ri.t*. firat anri a-..o,il at rie* paBtiiwa,
:lo*>ta ai.db.lUon all the Hooi*, brick ovrii. aurl Moii'*
petrnt ibii*"* ln the kitchnn*; nulie-d *a*h piazza. in ihe
rrar Ih. .'. io full vipw ofthe F.ari lliver, aud
wuhin tbrre n.iniitp*' walk of the dock, from whieh tbe
itratnh. a' Aitoria, Capt Baldwin. lea.r* four time. a day
for Npw-Yerk. A (upeiior li e of .'_e. runoing hetwwrn
Ailorla and Kulton Kerry, BniokKn, paaar* th-door pvery
boui, from 7 A M. till 10 P M Kor further particulan in
anitn.l (HLIlKRf HOPK1N? B< Ravemwood, or at No.
h Prck thp. ? Y , Irom II A. M. till I P. M.
L^OR SALE?A amall well caltivated
M. Kaim. pleaaantly BtOBBai within 3h ?BBBBBB1 nd. fro-a
the City of Br oklja, on ih. Long laland Railroad. Toler
thly ?ood flo'.oiii., a greai variet* ad K'uit wuli every r.ui
vet irni-r io n dpr il a dptirahlr family reaidraio. Apply lo
A Mi 4.1)11 KR No. I- rnlton-at
FOR SALE?A Honse and Lot, with a
vaiuahlp Bak.ry, No. 6.3 4th-*t . near AvnnaeC. Tbe
pioptii tot iiiiendaiettling on a farm and wi>hr* turiiapoar of
Ui, aK tb Ibe ataudl* PXCnlled by few lo thp city, and the
Ircoii.. fn in the whole will aati.t* auy trawiname peraon
Ltm ZS-Sxm; bo?e 44 feet deep aod 4 etonr. h'gh Kor par
BBOBBM inquire on the premiaeB. M1CHAKL BKCK.
I^OR SALE or to LET?A Dwelling
Hooae ard fonr acre* of firat rate laad. Diatenca
iron thi. eity 27 milee by tbe N. Y. A N. II Railroad,
abont *ixty roct* Irom Purtcheater Depot Apply to B.
Hl'Tl'HISS, Sbtl-?t.. ateaio aaw-mill. between lha boura
of 7 and ? A. M and 4 to 6 o'clock P. M.
FOR SALE?On a atage route. Eait
Brwoklyn, ahawoamue Swiaa Cottaaa, 21 by 30. fo'd'ug
taarn mantieA baaru enta Ac, II rooma, $i,Sf*.
$l..*?.'oii oiortgage. Alao a teo-alory hnok houaa tbr
aole or to let, folnina Bonra baapmeota, kr , *:, *. , $l.uaO ?>?
roirtaage. P. aaea.i >n ln.niertiatrly. Aiau, SO lota oa good
?treet* Inquire ob Myrtla av., npar P<?iklin
_K. K. VAN BEUN. Ageat.
HOUSE aod LOT for SALE?Threr
nnlra Irom Jerart City, oo the platik n?d lealing ro
ln *.ii 1'oiut Lol ti' feet by I ? . dwellin. b.Htae good;
earuei Ur abop ao th? rear, yard well filled wiih fruit irera
andaluublVry. a good well of water. aud co .nnandt a *lna
aad uteu... viaw. IniuH-e .* thp prpnniws. i c'. S ail I'H
ae bul a few ahaooea left to aerore BaUtftng Ptac* in
tbia breutlfui ptaew, arhrrr froa, 40 fo oo per cnt ru eaai'y
ba rraJirrg Hoaa* ai.d Plata, IAVi Plaia with ? I lo
II rn4 Iwie $?a>. cloer by tha railroad. I benra ndafroro
?ty Hall Uoatre of 4A. uRAY B VV. BuNNK.Y. No 3
rry??-raw, aaaaaf Cbatbaroaaaaaa. or L'pr?,r blarrutoia.
lt"*ootkmr Howaa* for Mk* cheap, ?er part caah.
TPVJiLiLDERS.-Lirafur aale, with
.* ?bt_, _S_N l0*?" ""or aa.*. - Lota. each 113 feat
n-M*******. l? oa. of u.e m.? rapirll, unproe
l*-.!_?!l_L_,_____!-> ? ?"? Brmrlina in v.loa.
Tbe aole at-ject of tbe owner a to imnrev. b'. property. aftar
Salaieacaej-llautrar- ia New-j.^, ev-aanag of
uaa 90 of whi?i ara aod? r..iti._i _ i.TT^' .
tcrlptli? A uumber of chokoe fruit t
glaated dunng the laM two yeara Tbe eoal
and yiwld* heavy arvpa of Wheai aod Graaa Kvery part
Iba pnwerty U wall watarad, aad Im a *toc
aauallwd ba Ca. in ihe muntr, Bor frjrther
a map of the propwrty avay ba BBBO I'
arty to tb* C-apit?lat, a* araII aa rarmi
riakl |aad iataraat aaoa tba parchaaa.
PKiiPEKiY. *t PITT"<TOM. Pa. In*r tba Coal
_id...fil. P.niavyiv.oia Comt-ny.) f.r l._K u cl ?m a
('. ir. in ? T>i? ppeaarty, rmrmUttmrn al f'wr undmta.'.:???
. f ?tr.rt.f C a' L?id. ofab-mt I V> acr-a. w?, p.irchtaad
arveral vearaaa ? aeai.inve. ui?nt l? w?j ra''a--lly .-___
i, eEeid wl.nrd. by aBwaaalaaa*itoaaad ?a_a_reb th t vi
t'.iiiv _a..n? o'.h* m at v.laableCu-t Uaruio .Ba r gi .0.
? nd I. aaid 'o . fl_*_-B a __...ber ..f ibe itr.e.l aal lunat v*Ib
a_l. c('? vno.if Caal l-l<>?g i i B*taa i'-nua.l
v?|.i?C._k. <"? ln'ba' imioeni.ta ne.ghb.ifbi?>d at '*it_tun.
It iiirai rle 'd 'or w_)e a a re_?oi v>,'.e pr a tn rl.-a- a jart
-eiai ip cofHrem, and atforr,* an opfKirtnnity fr.i-.aaid
p.olit-Me Uivrai0.e_l BT .,iee jlati.m iB-e|. lo Ie. rn- with.
F. r lern.. ano _?her pvu. alata apply at tha office _f J. N.
C.IKKORI), No 12 OUaBa._
DENCE for HALE-Belog thwaetaiaof taa late ?_?
ward Pli'Ch, drcaaerd ln the towi, of Soiurrv W_aatc__*te_
Co , N Y.. tw., houra' rtde from "ew-York hv Ha leu, Rail?
road The ?an_ ct,r__n? o' l0" acr?? land. to g<? _,
well WBieted. kc- with three orcharda of ^hnloe graftrd fruit
of .11 ku?a together wtth a large hn.k manrua h_u_a,
y.lS, feet. ln gord repair. gnrmuuat- arith abnihVry of -?
raart truwth. two reaant houaea, harna. -Uthou-ee k_.. witb
aaw mtll aod a.illt for grtndlng f-eO and plaater. In good re
peli The f_nn t? "tioally d vid.d hy poat niada. aod arill ba
aid erpei-te or tiare-her. to guit p_r_h?_rra T>r__> r_*y.
___. udui.ut.l.le Inuuire oa the premiaea. of IAMK.8
WptCB r_u. or of M.-UY J C HENTIKRHON k CO,
No .7* Pearl-au or Maaara H ATf H k Y A lat, Na
76 Cedar-at._
4k'J_ 111 ? Eor Solc, a pieea of L*n..
'Ifa.'.", wrh l_0 foet fr- -too Bal'i-?t b-twe*
Clartn and P-antlin-ava, Brr*.alyo Pnce |Si-i; o-iiy
BB! Erwn Thr avrnure are o'dered to b- ope^-d wf>?B
tha laid wiU l?? worib HnnHr the amonnt. Applyto .1 _A
IiAVrNPORT. No 17 Wall tt, np atai e_
FARM AC.ENCY. No. 36 Wall-at.? MiO
Parutaand coo-try aaara for aala. famit 1n a.,,-.?-. ?<
tbe ,<.ni,'r> l.'ught, BoiH or eachanged. No cbarge anf-ata
aaJelaeWec-ad._? * Mll.r.H
EXCELSIOR.?Parenta tvirahin^ to find
E' lnatltB-oo ta wnicb good ordf, la. ajElntalned tn
reEl ku duat. aid rEpld lniprove_je_t, aeeured by tbomoab
Inatruction. wlli b* p eaaed and aenred at tba Commercial
EDd Claaaical BchooL No. 7S Hen.y-B ? _
LANGUAHES-A G-ntloman frurn
Europe. wh h.i reaided K me time tn tna f'nited
8 a.ea. . rlen hia armcea 18 ihe p?iHUr. e* Prof ot r-'reo-n,
(ie ii BB, ?.? gliah Dntrh. O.rek. Lbmo. Itallan End Hp? i*h.
He ia conhdeiit that he cm? give an itmghi tiilo the *--nti-*
of .heke iBi.gurigra. ao aa ma-enally 'o afcor en the time
nerrwa Y lo obtain a petfect knowiedge of each Addfeaa
l)r T. H et thi.onVe _
1" I IN(?.?Let tboae who caauot aveil iJ-a___lvM. _f a
courae of BBBP-OB unoer the autlmr. bay llill b.*'*, ? ->?_
tearhe'li, i'a?lf. End acknowlwl.fd u, ba ta? _'-* ampla.
cau.plele nuo B*aaaB-l ?("? ever p ibliahed on tha wlbjrv-^
Por aale at the aa'hor'* omiu'ii'g ro"""* *? 8_B pa-.tloa af
IrK-i-kerping af?_0fj Broadwav. nr?t floornpauon Pnr*
fl 2.'i. tfoiino._
SCH(M)L~for 0RPHa"N BOYS, Kt-nt,
Conu?Nuinoer hniited toright None received over
ten yeara of age. Kor further p_rti"il?ra. refr-renoee and
tomia, addreaa tba Principal, A8HBEL vVUmm\ Kent.
WARD 8CHOOL No. i?9, ctvwr of
N r'h Moore a- d Va'ickirta., will be openrd for
n rti-CM' ti oa Thuranay moining next, Jolv I It it aoped
ihat all children inie.dii g u> enter the acbool will be orumpt
at . o'll.-ik in U <ir atte. dance on that roomiig. a* tho
. luafi will 'hm "e formrd. The teachera will B_B_??1
d.ily (oi.a-l-4'ldE>*) *t thalmilrliig, up to thBttlme tora^iv
er il.c n.inr. of ai,y puplla pieaeufed. B? or.itr of the
B ard t-t Sdiooi Officera, A. L. DK. CAMP, Soc'y
J\l L>1C?A lait\ reaidiag in th? ?|>|)or
J_T_a part ot the ctlv aonld he h.ppy t, ?niaga a few m ra
puptla for the Piain^'forta, on very rea*ona_le tarm*. Cail,
or addrea. Mrs. W , _4" VVe,t _IHh-at.
O S T< > N I'lANO- EORTES? Tho
lajgrtt _a*ortment of I'lautw iu Ihl* oliy 14 to __ fouud
ai ihe warenomt of T OILBKRr k CO, BJa _va
way, coiner ol Aulhony-*t_ opptante Broadway Bauk aud
1'hrater. ai.d will be aold at gr> at bargeii? Thor tne
ii.f talliI fr_na, and are warranied tn atand any tlmiale
Dtali i* ..ippli-f on very liberal renni. Alao. (ilLBKrlT1
Ca.itage or Boudoif Plaiiua, oonvanieut for amaJl ruaau.
for aale low, and warrai trd.
_ei.inii-ii4.mi Planoa.?Twenty tet_od-li?tid Piaiio. to
iti.tch.ap, or lor tale Bt the foliowing pnene. ()iirtai|f>,
?,.. at 8'". one Et kl'\ one a' 8'*", oi.r al |H?>. one al |l |...
_iree at 81A itt 813", two tl.-,. two Bl 4". tbren Bl.jd; one
.f-.ollan Piano, t-2"; one do . 824_; one Prii.ce k Co '? M
liHteoi.-. t3?. one $li. ene 8-5. ooe t*~ ; ooa Piauo,
tian _
/ ' fi. H. I.AfOlt ?l.h.itl?-i *t tl.fir .M .ii
VJ a u'actory and W BPOBBsaL No _4K Bleecker-?t oornei
.1 Charleaa an aflkortrnent of alegant Pl ANO-KOKTCa
witb thr tnetaiH* ' ua aad raveraa bridga and all othav
akodem tmprnveoienla
J_c C. PlSCHEfi. (lfatc Nanna A
a riaener,) manaractory _i.o -araroom, Plo 17B a__BBBa
rich-*t corner of Dey-t Piaoo-Kortea, wanante-, wltt
?everw hnngr and paten' tuhe. well caJculEted for kaeplag
a tune Piani^Korte. tuned, rrpaired and aEshanjad
N. B ? Alw A'.oli.n Plano-Pnrtea for aala
_f I ooiiaraiuruce of iDe in. er?en oeinaiid, and aiirtv_e~
xipiilarity ol their PlANO-r'ORTKS. havaextended theU
s,i?int-_. and ..,iaf>iicd a V\ ar^-nnin. n. Bnavdway, No 8B|
^berr we ahall ixiiiatantlY keep ? choice wleetloe of out
Piamekorte., fr..n> ?1 0.7} _a__*_k in Roaewiajd c**a, witb
all ihe Uieat impn.ved pattenu. WI ahall al?" oontinoe tc
laaa. BlWl *_>nii ent ofln.iruinrtit.Bt our M-nufactory aud No 2? Caiial--l All Piano-k'nrte. of our tnano
'viurr arr w.rrafited tt* ev.-ry rtaaaal Hrofetaorf, ama
teura and t-uaie whi., are re.pectf?Iy
Inved to i_ll and eaanitne Al1 nrdera frooi tha otty nr
aniinlry punrfially executed _^^^
opixwite the Park J S. C _Af-K, aole Agent,
"_W anil -TE(X>NT^UANb PlAiNO
P()KT_8? ft> bave uow ou hand a larae aaauruueak
if oew aod -ra.oud-h.jid Piano. fai -alr aud to nira Pianoa
fron. %*? m *V*# Poi hlre froro B'ttj 8in per uionth Na.
_?Br.adw,y. New-Vork SAKKORDA BROTHKB
piAN()-FORTEf..r S*LE CHE\P.
I By our of the beat n akera, nntlrrly new bean'ilil
u>**n*a mr, fuli, n h tone, 7 octavn. tn p-rlect ofdar?
?BriBii'rd Iy ihe maker. Il will be *old v-rv low. at tha
i wi er ia w-'n to tail I'or Knrope. I* ra.. be *een from 9 till
.2 o'. lock for one week at No 73 Hudi ?n-at, N V.
PiAM? KOKTES.?The rin_Hi a__ort
_jen.-f Piano-Portea ln tna alty tuay Oe fooud at tha
tpaclou. w_ieru?u-of N P B (.I'lff IS k OO. H7 Unrnd
*av, con*latiu. of Oeo Heat'i celehratnd An-ericao Palent
.cti.a. Piama T Gllbert _ Ca'. populai aM__B Piano. 'tt*
Oart'a and othera' BiMidoIr Alao a Ysriety of new _ad *e*>
ond hand Piaoo* Ba a?le and tn let No W OniadwEY
Ihl Hn._dwB>. ono dour Bbove Tbompaou'a Saloou.?
rVrtoui a'.'tii puichaaing Pibuob are Invited to eali at the
v\ of BKNN*:TT * CO whrre tf ey will hnd
an BOBOa??aI ol Riatewond Piano-Portea, of mode-n atyle
*'very Inatninient warranted for two yeara -houid douhta
be c_tert_!iif-d at tx quality, the paymnnt may be deferTad
tntll gurl. doubttare l_KOVafl Old Pianoa received in part
payu er t fnr new o_r? New and aecoud hand Pianoa tn Laat
M_r-iif_r'cry. N<a -II 31.1 End-IA Rlvingioo-at,_
BROTHER.?A lo> g experienae iu tne M?_rtt_i-_
u>d MualceI Oepanuitnta baa the gu _i.-nh-.ra u>
warrant thrir Pianot m every reapeat. UAZELTON'8
No -IA I'riitrr at.. iftr Oraud
Pl A WO- V* iRTES.?PciboiiiTaDoui pai
er-aa-tig Piano. wlli l_4 lt to Ulelr advantaga lo eall a
8 i.leno fc Co 'a Manufas?<y. No ... Puiu.o-at., (a_E ol
Broadway.) A geneial ataur?cent of .nah-gaoy and roaa
waod Planoa eenatantly oo band. whteb arill ba aold low to?
aaah or aoproYad Paper Dealera anppllad oa liberal tertna
^B, I.I.KNN h TO, No 194 Paltoa?
F. HARRLSON haa raaaoaad Ua
a Mannfactnry and Waremona. from Nn. 23 Caoal-st
to No. 37 Mrrcer-et. near 'irandBt., whera may ba foaal a
tplend'd -wmrtmeat nt PianiePoctas
i-laihrnrrp, J^c. ?
INdJt, kc, Ere requeated to etamioa. Et tba aahw-r b
rr a. the Ovrn. a newly inveotrd articie, rouibioiug tha
advai ta*r* of tbe old-fa-titoued bnck ovna, together witb
fa< ?'.rj,a for boiltug _.mil_i lo the raoge, but more enmpacl,
aod ai leat than half lha coal of tha latter. Yattoua ii/aac ai
ata_Uy on hat d
_BABTLKTT BENT. Jr, Na Btt Watar-at.
FOB _ ALE?At MechaiuogYllla, _arat_fa Ca?, oy tha l.ineB Thrrao C_?ii_ny, at follo_a i Carda, I
Spifining Piaiu-a - Speeder*. * Molaa, 1 Spoohrg Kr__B t?
Spind',^. t t? arpera, . Preaaea, 8B Loaam, Caaa RohMra,
Raaeia. Hart,r_ Shurnea kt . _. AU of whlab at pncea _?
pmr eeat wat than the orynaal co*-.';
_W-_-a? The tnal aiada of thu IbOBBBMbbbbI t-aOBI
1 .we for two yeara part baa tuiiy da_..i_nrat-i
ty Order. frvm R.ilroada, Pactonea W_u.r 0_B_BB_w_ aad
otbert to_ci ed. Kveiy pitca wa.ranted u> give aar_.far-i.ia
by tbe pau-i.tre and Qjanufacturar. Tba fi.iloariut i. ooe of
the _?_.) ctruhcataa, aud publiaha? to ahow tha a_BOOOlOB
tiL il, a.-;i .. __.' ? _
JtBtrvClty. Dec 17 iiSl
Hoeace 11 D*Y, No a Coettl_udt-_t, N. ??/>__? Str:
I take great ple.aare in at.m.g lo yiu. ta anawwr ta y.tar ia
Jiuiry tn rrga d to t_? India Hubber Haaa furuUbtd by yoa
or the New-Jrraey l.ailroad and Tranaponati-m r4>mpa__y
tbat we have featid U of lha vrry beat d?wcripr_au, and ro
anawar much better parpwar thaa ailhrr l-aihar or oanvaa
li '- n. l oi,Iy n.o,e durabia bat in tbe e,-d tba meet eounora
lral. v\ r bar-now ruhtart buaw oo rwne of our locotnotiTaa
tbat we p-rtha-rd of yaa two yeara agu, wnieh ba* b-ea ta
c. iiklaut uar aud __i"!l aa good aa evar, aad I bave
youi fow-piy to atai.d ftriawua of !_" Ika. t? tbe aqaara ___k
Ttaia, very i_at?i_tf.llY, JAtoE- MePAIuA.lD,
' at Moove rowar lat H. J. B. B. Trana ?5a.
** I ?
Ci k'l.? t? ?i?e aalllT aeJiaf*itioa la pv.r, ru. *a *??'..
i U.> uidpra'awd ?.<? uw "e rrnc ui the ?ia'<> ..f
iulh.r *i.rt nooih-r will a'ai.d aa bi.h * heal Warw
ln ?p No 23 r..urllaiwit-?'. A.l BawHB aB?aaaai 'o the
1 manufaciorpr aadowtiet of Tyer k Heiii,-. I'vei.t.
^_T_AivT ENi.lMh anl BOUXR foi
O BALF,- ?t?ta* |f>atjr? aowet, _ea? By Bl _. Rai-ina
Bntlet. lor?g,>Uve. i-Vhorw powat. all lo BanBBl order, aaa
M ,.m at Nr <~ *taa_a-at Alao. aa ?_raa 8 f?raaao?*?
Ftltenng *at>r* aBBBO*B to eriip. ar^
ur??a'n.a- A I* ? Hiww aiw Pipe. I.ift and p.rc? "rmpo,
Ga,ppn Fr-t'iie*. Ma'We Pede^ala. ar** P'trarw. ?f"?ll ?ted?
far Water and S<>rl*-weter. ko.. Be, at No ??' B-.*-* w?y
_ntlfrTj, QarhmaTC, &'i.
A_?n<?o Hardware
?K)N MK.KC Ha>T> and WHtiLEBA-E ORAle
rk.. N*. I Plait-*.., near Pwerl
eOer to ?? uaal. . large atook ef gnnr)* whica Chwy are euW
atr? tl) rooelvu.* dirwct frotn tb. mannfaerarwra, ard wtH ba
aold oo favorahl. laaBIa
C^RAIN"PUivlPS, I on an.l Womlen
? Curha. nper'or ralv?oi*-d Cbaln. with turnrd an* tinr
ly nniahtd nucketa '.uNiii,, ri.l.i foraed itwla, ac Ac mu
ofvctnred, aholxale and r*Ul. hy
McCtU*. k roWUklaaaaa i_i*,N.T.
No k Maldee-leue. lavnte the att.nooe ^f Boyar* ta tnetr
aatprwive apowrt?pnf of 'he afwive gooda, whi?i they otfar
Ihr ?aie ehrat., for caah or appruved crwdt'..
A m. et_at aapply of COLTB PldTOLB, of all ate*
CAPS.-Elpy a c'loth l*iiu vVaridii.a thr eeot aa*
al.. .| .ai bj ii, U uowe Kiey** |-er-n-ai,ii. C ap. 4V(r* Cer
trlrtaea ai.d Hponiip Material* Powd*. K *... hc A large
and oo.pipfe a_.i-tn.ent of ihe ahoa-e fnr aale ay the mana
-ct4imr'? aole erwnta. FRANCIti TOMEgkrHlng, No 8
-ajf I.EV'B Orau aod fe?le< Manalao? ry, No Ma
Br...inr-?l.. thrrw doora weei ol 'h- B?w?ry. adjoinlng D*
Cone'* Cbarcb Bullder* and other* wbo are ehoat i>urnba*>
(Bg. woold do well fo call eabelaoiofidnutthat hl* oatt.raa
BV a-aripty and rheai neaa are
Ha. ru hards, No, 37 jorm-oi.,
e *econfl dooi beluw .Naa*an-*t.. (reoeutl) of No 88
Maideo lant.l kpepa on hand a aeneral aflBBBBMBOl of Hard
arare alir" ( nile-y of alnuatf ever, dr* nt ilOL. MnCOawlo*
foolk, Hulldrnr* (kanda Hooaekeeptng artlr-l^, Ao Peraoa*
?riahina to porchaae good* in thi* line. al the lowpat prtca*
are denred fo rall on him. at No Tf where they wil)
4rrf all artli-leetro themoa reaai'nahlp terma, e>ith-? bv th*
aaaotity or hy rerall H B RICHARD8, S7 lot_-at..N.T.
.Jw. *? i.n *4 Btn.T.)B-*T.. oppoaira twb f'wTTar. Bvara*
H r?i Naw-Yoaa
.btrURTK". ANDOKNf RAL OKAL-Rlo B-gllMa. Oar
oai. and Auierlcat. Hardware Cotlary, Kdge-Tool*. ktv, r*
aieetfully Invite* thp .ttentlop of Country Merihaala
Mochani? aud othera, niakfaa 'hei- flprlng and ?im?' par
rfiaav-a. to hia . -ry extenMire aaaortment aoropiiatng averj
tklng la the line. and m whieh oew ? d BBaBBBnt nrpptlerart
kPiin* added i all nf whteb are oO*rr.i at tha low_I priaea. tn
wah wr auprovpd eredlt
Cut anH 4A'mu?ht Nail* Lveta, _atehea
Knlvm and Borka. I'-n and Prwk-i Knivaa
Kaaiw-a. Briasora and Hheara In great vanety.
Bhovwla Hnadea, Hoea forka, Heythe* aod "natha, _Baa
Oa.per'* ta (ywal var..ty, of the moat aelebrata*
Majiurpphjr.ra. Albwnaoa Conger. Mortoa. Bar?a aad
lliwa- um Bhip-CaipenieriToou, BiaoBanlth'ifoolA
Hooop aud Hhip-Boildor'* Hardware
Iron Braaa. Coppei ?'mi and l>eed Wtra
i n ?? , Pamp Ang*r*.nd Rtmrnwre
OrARi' RA/lllt.S -Tho *uha,nber* <o ra*
?elvr reaular mppilra of thi. celrbia?d Raa.ii Kor aal" al
aholeaaleonlv by PRANC1ATOMES k 8C1NB. Nu. ? Maid
.n.lar.e. *o|p a?pnt? for C Btewart % r.o, Cfiarina-e.ra?
Lnndoa Alao. the eelahratad Army Rafor. aa aatirwlr aew
eovpred with cotton or all oumhrra. to order oo thn
Ic.wpat term*. Appl at thp oflice of th. BelUvill. VV'ire
Work*. N V S'l KI'hENS i SDN, No |(M loha .t
i^urnitnrc, t^*c.
C1HARLES KULLER. Dealer in Jen
t unix* oew Paiem Preniiuin Safety lia** Alao,
Oanipf.,-i.e. 8pn;l Oaa, Oll ?nr> l.m.i l.ampa. Hall and oth.1
Oautrrna. C^riiandolea, ChandellPra, Bc, of Ihe iriial approvad
awn.n.a , ( .i i.i, ,i,n i> 'aiH y Onianiiaot* Alao, Camphena.
Bpini (Ma Phooeene Oaa OtU Wlrk,, (11*?m. Ao No. ?B
8frpa.nwirb-at.. hwiwuoe Warren and OBBBBBBBaOfc, N. Y.
^OL~_7inLUXLTRI(?US RfeD'?.
I't'lNAka'S Sprii.p Ci.Per Hed. with a th n II ?? or
tw a (i??*a Maltira* i p?M lt, glv* the luaury of ihe Down
ai .i (.. a'ii.r I'.'ii wilhout ua hpat or unopr ao o rt Hair
M.Mir.a. at Bhoiit 'Iip BBOt of BtB?*BJ It. PM'NkM V
Sl.MI'.-ON, Nu. b-Ki Mr. aoway, near tile.-tker-.t.
t^VH N JTU R E.^^iTfbf^l.I at a bar
tata, at No. '."j Kri-kii,aii-,i. otlii-e aud CaaoUaobaaaa
Daaya, r,,*ii*. <toii*, Caabioaa *' Bno. Cbaira v>i (Uir,
Hnsk M ? ai.d Sti.w Matii-aw., U4 H-oateaD*, .Maii'i<?uy
B.ot'.nda, f'hrlra, Hnreaiu. .Sideh,,ard?. R <kera. Oil P11 it
lo... I.ookira Olaaaaa C*m aod (^narteit- Tanle., ('>t?,
Eiaiher llcdia, Ctui-h lied*, Sofaa, Loun^e*. Kuinuure
1()()K l N( i I iLAS3E4, PORTR AlTaml
j riCTI lt K KK.vMKS. ol eve.y drerripi'iii. on h*ud
aid d trp fo order af low pM.-en. W. N. JfHlN^ON,
No VI-I Broailaay, (Cnllan.ore Hoiiw) aml 2M Bowery.
SPRIM. MAlTRr-SSES. tum *.S i?
._ |ii? Irun Bpdaipada Iron P_Tiift_e for Cottaae*and
eountry *rata. hotpl*, kc **ancy and 'ri-thtr Recepaoa
Cbaira. ke. for wnrkrMl eovera. Loonar* and Cojr.hea. at No
V* Broadway, above Spna*-*t, wrayt *tde, th. chnapeat pleoe
In thp city All klnda of fornitar. neetlv reoalr*e\. vara
ADVERTISEMENTS of? inscrtcd ia
._e oeet papera 1P othei ellieeand towoat V. B PA?M.
BR'H Advertmri* Arency. Trthoa. Buildtota
ALU1V1, SODA ASH and Illtram-iiiia
Bia. oo BOBBk ?'d ,ot *aie bI
iab o riicBBioicfinN a co. No. in*
P(ILISH-J(JHN N ST(iVV t? Chouiicai fcr?_ve
Bciap?JOHNSUN'b Orn. To..ih laaa?B-AUIIONTB
Breneri Liguid Blnptua.?Al! of whlch are wa/ranf^d to ?we
aoftrr aaliatactloit, and cou.tantlv aani hy 'hoee wbo hava
glven then. a trial Uholeaaleanrfretail Deoot, II' B.wpry.
BT. BA-BITT'S celfbrated SOaP
? I'ljW 1)1 R, oji. of toe heat artl'-.lee lu oaa for nev_|
_Inoi ln ? ?lilng Uoutiie Betiii-dSALr.KATl'K V4 _anl
sgavithoai ahulterailon of au) kina CHEMICAL VEaUT
POV4 DER foi rapld raidng of Biead and Cajtea Par.
BOAP. kc.ic The*e ar.iclee are pat up bj th-, muet eoa
vemeot ua taiaole inanmii ai pneee ta low or lower tba*
any aBbaa a. nui_ turea aod whirh altord a auod profitto ra
kanaaa r.,i aab m quantitiee to *n*i oorabaaer* at Noa tk
one Vo 44, Mf"n*t"n-*t . N.? VoHt
CHll.M. wholeealeand rrtail manufiv-lurar* aad deal
er. in all kiud. id Bruihea, Comba, kc, .uiiablrfor the Co let,
bot-.p r'pai.itit _ic nianufacluritig purpuee*. Nu IIjHuJ? u
ar.. near Lrroy at, ;, i
CHEAP SUliARS, ckc?Cood Crua-r-d
sti*ar. 4 ti 7 ffi ; Yellow Rehned, 1/ aid 1/3; Pnra*
New-f)ripaua. 3, tod 3 6; with a large aaeort.npnt ofOra
certreof ail kli?a, wbich ?ay be bad at Kdwlii'i Te.n
perai ce Storea, Noa *" aud iSI Ureeowu h-*t, and No. 78
Vpeey-et N B-Primr. Breeh Butter, i 4 and I h f t8.
C^HELSEA M1LLS?No. 254 We.t
/ *7.h ?t ? UepOt, No N Brrkm? -ac?The *ot>*cn*era
arr ouw preparwa to ftimiah freeb grou?d Kloar, 'iraba?
I'.our. aud yrllow Cora Mral, Hoiainy, Whcwtra
Uita,aiid r-aine Urala aad Peed jf all kin * gr?ind ta
order Orrlpra a-rvrd id any pan ol th. city frwe of charae.
Kor *a'p chrap, ? Ih-borae IbBB Knmne a.1 Boil?r. i . co_
plPte rarnu f order MCNSO.N k VVJLLI8.
C?A>hl PAID for RA?*S, CANVAS,
farr? K. pr. Old Papwra, aud all oth.r Paper Makere' i
by rVBTfi 44 Bir.LB k C>. No <M H?.-na.. ?r
C'VRL'S W. KIELD <5t CO.. No. 11
T C. ftac. N V .are ??!. a... ta iu tn. I.'mtad State*B_
M? pratt*? (uperiui Hlea. hn * Powdei
VVrt?n? Mllw oeleorated Wriring Papera.
R_*pli Milbr 8n. 44,'rirtng l*apera
Cawe*. k Co * Engtiah ind Heotah Wrt_? Papera.
Raw'-na Eoaliab Tiaaoe Papera
BTBaaaai M.'l*" Prtnrtne- f.per.
They ar. alao aaeota *or tha onoelaal Papar Maau_c?rror*
bt thMcoeatry '
ua rutigh plank for If oaata par iout?over On ot ahta
l re | -i. * _d orarren-d. by CrOOUWIN, Ne Saipna.g
?L, near Hodaoa.
CINNAMON.?Mve balea of pnmo
Cav?r. Cia?_?a, tor ?i* bv
BPOrroRD fJLE*TT<Jbi k CO, Ne U Saata-at
Na 84 Coani-,di-eC, Naw-York? Y VV.TL'XHURT
k DO bave m\ b*ad aad are piwpa ed lu Atmlah any of ia*
afovr aiorlead any quanoty, ard ?OBOBflBB4 88 ba kila-dned
at d ol firat gaality aad etylrw Baak Ulaaad Oooda pa-ked
foi tranapur?iioa. a?I rdera filIed ?abort oaOea Buildera,
carpaotpia. aad ?_a aboat porcbaa?| arooid da wall to |iva
I^LA?'S-FRaN<MS MILLS. Flaaaaal
4 H.ri." _BaaB?Baaaa, No llb Gkaaabvool ?,",*e? *!
aawry tnmmtpt. n ??> hai,. ard made to urrfer ?l*n .nt % M
oche'r flag* ai d ??armp-. ?> r aiiitary au*" brw comp ni-e
FS. CLKAVER'B prizk medaL
? BOffE, OUAF -Tl.i* aOaaBaaaBaarB?towBaaB ?>.
, i'?r m-da' ai the IVurid'a *air in le* d.??. i*
daily .... . ? ?n Nt*in,.aiim.. aod Uie MaM
hi. Ir. -ii i"l'- _ ?? gWBB thal N '. ? 8k ar-at.iiB|.
euli. .uop ler- k, ihe I,,?.ut..i It* fiaaranl. r?t.-.ii..* and e"Biiii>*. *'d ih. ?m.?.ih aaal ***** *"i~?r?.i.r??
? H< h it 'uipa.ta ?<> .l-..kin -r. *tnklrgl? "bTt n. and ?r*
arakn. ..f il O' f.?heBi teinn hy a i wnonaelt W I DA
VIS 4 fO, Imta.nera aa* Hnle U'hnlaaal* Areota No **
CauiN?-dt-et _ ^
PMt K l?,. H T C A R S . ?Kiftv Ei,bt~
44 4-rrled Plattenu Cara. BM?11 ln th* ?'?*? ____?
_?napi of th* beet material* aud avle nt oaoat?cMae.
laoia-Bnhtwr Srrlna, ""or aale. to be delivwrwd -.rami?latw
Ir. f?eur <V_p?-v l_w10080 Maea
C~^RFEN TIRTLE?Just rrci-ivi-fi anc.
~J f i BBV by M BOflBBaafVJ N.i r aul'ooMt-kPt.
e fiop Uh ..i (Iree,. Turile, of a I aaee,eui_ble tor HotW* aod
private femtliee
_ lyu. L I.?LMtior. No. 51 Co?t.*o.U-_ -Oa bwud a
mm gueatity of Miierai WaBM, half plut I'orue. 4Vi?a>,
Clerrt- H.?hend Letiiou Byiuu Bottlne. t?Vuiij..hua P-rkl*
lar*. Dnugi.t (ila*l*aiw. Carlw<a ke AV al* d?a<-np
th na ,.i (i.Krw 44 ?... _ d I'e'rtit Medlc.lce RotJee mad* la
ord.t hy D. O. RKTCHAB k CU_
H~lT>ES onrT LEA I'H ER?600 Rio
Orande UB Hidee, alao rarna Mpw, <ule Loainer aad
j? ee* and bndle '.eathet, bark >lnev !*?tna. Bi., lor?al* bf
MKL?'N k KNIfP. No 7<!<told-_
T^ORTAN^ttTLA^l RH.-- M H^Tm.
I PIMZS* .r.|e-riloliy cll* 'he tttetxioc of thoa*
ladlee havma r.rh e& Threa.i Imc. rhrowrn aaide u wo tb
leaa. that *ht> la prepared tn Tn.n.t-r Mepe'r, OT Alter to tbt
amet ?odwrw atyle and ahap* . and ar?rn?piterl tr> 'oo*. w*M
and waa. ?nu?l tn n.w Nn S|Q PwaH-wt
andPRINTINOOffloe, No 141 Nobbal ?BTaO?aa,
?Jbhj Ardrrat a d 41 H.ioie Carda. ia tha beat atyle. and
eocrevrd Plaie aud V Carda for Bl 28.
]Y[<>TirE ? The inrditorr. of COOPER,
II TILTON k M ACLKAN. late ut ?b Ctty of l?,
tn thr Kinp-du?of Oreai Bniain, merchaute. wiid the I'RE
DITORf ot tD?'ARD BK4 AN COOPER, late of miA
Locdoo. unercbant, arr requlred to preernt Ihelr ra*p? ojva
alaini* and 'he voucbrr* aud proof* them?f to m. al tha
MBrr of CnrtU. Beal* i. Praring. .No 40 Wall^t, u, tha Citj
of New-York, on or before the firat dav of lulv, I&'vt?New
?ork. May 17. IMi SA.MI'KL J. 8K.ALS Aouropwo/
Cooper. Til'on k Maclear. ar.d of Vdward BaaOB Ciopai
PKBB?C'oottantly oo nana and made to urdet. by
CVBi'a ?*? OIKI.D * IO. Mo " Clf*V_
PLAIN and FaNCV CoNFEi.'t'loN
KR v, iu every vanet), at w.fiolea%j? and re_tl. on tha
lowwatierm. T. O. HOIKiK'NS MaiiBfaceorar,
No 14* (ireenwich-at .hwtweeo Crmrtlandt and Liherty
|__I??1 ? Tba *Doet eiMnaive aaununti la ?bv
a*oar* fer^labr C.VBt'BW OIKLOACO
lane a*eo rmern conataiitly on Hauo. Alai C~?e* ,?i
every Oerrriptioii niaur to uidar. of Silyer, Mahogauy. ?%?*
woni, Bl*rt Walutit. ic N B.-Storea rtrted up io the
neefeer *t) Ip at *hort notice. by i. K PKKHLE*. No U4
f.rard *t, N. Y , three door* e_t of Broadway.
k_7 DKCK-IOV KKS, new and BBaBOBl hai A. made to orde
and *ent ti. auy part of the I'mted rifatea. Caiva*. Ooll
rupe and taias for eale Order* pnnctuallv atteuoed ?
Cny rwf.rrprpa rprtu'red Addreaa No. 16 Coentlea-eUi,
ao-ner of Krunt-**., New-York, or No ? Hud?on-?t.,nekr th.
fcr-, Ura,, City _JAME." H'KRNHAM
S'lkfiiTl SAN!)! ! >aNI>! ! !-TO
MA^()N.S? Sand af the bret quality tor aal* loNoB
betwei li ltt .d-nr*
b'1K04 AR?Kuualud by no other <n Ibe world Thi.
ai'icla l, moat rxtrutlvrl) u*>.d iu r'uai.i.d f.'i ilw'rovlua
Koarhp* anrl all kind* of Bua* a. d 'V'oru,*. aid ba. f*ia**i
d" air. crleb.ilt thau an> olhi r. It Baa Oe aopllvd lo farui
Veana, wainacota, brr-pla.ra kc, wuh a bu.h or faa'hw.
and lot li.jtini.. tbPU nor laagrb a BBI *.nell uf he lewai ln
?|.p r . nia, rn.d.'r* it uoie Ur.'.ralii.. lu BBB *? well eatiaau
prriority over any other; and pail* jii M a.ioimed ?uh ihi>
ar'ulr will pier att.r bt tlear af '"'*< aud woruia. a. it i* a
ttn.n* and'aial u> t rae mxtuu. aniinal. m to . ,u#> th.-.n
io fall lle?wIipo roiining ov.r pail* abrlO lltia lye-w< <oi
haa frrn applted ll L* alao ihe beat ar'.cle nv.i .ntntdtioed
in thi* coui.lry ?or dedruying anrt au.'ouig agaimi wortja
kc. on tiei-a and will reialn lt* ilin .th l..n*?r than ...,
Other Put up ? 25 cent bottle* V\-r ara now eirerwiv-iy
eiiaaged in oianifacturu g ii at our factorv io Bria.klvu, t?
o.-ri ibe dea.and* froni .li iiu.ifpra, ai d all we aak ?f ihe
puhltc i* a fair trial of ihe articie, aud ful aaMaBaat?B i*
g4iarauie.d CROMMELIM k KAIRBKO rilKR Bala
1'ro.tntora *foie No 262 P.'*rl-*t. New-York, wh-re it
n..y .-? b. h^l b* th. gallou aud l?rr.l N 0. -agent*
wanted thruuahout the L'uioa. Ker particulara, addreaa aa
_ CIATIONS.?Tlie advrrtl*pr ha* rttrci.d an ?rr?u.n
nu i.t wherrfiy Im can buy anil aellahare* lu auy ol ihe Aawi
c*tion* n the citv and wili alao lo.u auch mm or aoaaa a*
ara nrcraaary for the p'yoient of their d.o-a, or advanu,
moi ey on .baii-a Apply to
(JF.O. (i. ANDREWS, No.421 Bnaidway.
r|H> BllL.liERS.-Propo.4ala wul b?
M rrci.ed *t lb* Ofbceof th-. le.k of th' B ierd.>f Kd
a. atlon until 4Vpone?.iay, the day of Jaly. at UM
lar Ixiiloing af*. hih.l t oute in M?B ?t. bttwecn Lexiueloo
ajid ? 1' and *>pecihc.t ona -an be aeen at me
Otfice of t' p Hoaid of Edncanou, New City Ha I P_k
J ftl*. |i HoiT, Krcret?-y Board of Truatoea, Ub Ward
*o piajNu FORTE MaKER.s.
. huuy ili/t, pa etieapei than rhe eheapeet Itie aon
? il?- .a uow prep? ea to fumi.h ihe Tracle with Kboo]
Bha/p. of the heai quality. warranued all wiaad and perfaet
aud of ftpr Slack K.honj, ?t rhe pnceo. *u i
Slnitle rUuf *ix BCtaaaa ?' ("neiii* f eccavea ai tioeea
i hairei oi .ia aataaaa aaaOBBabaj rIBoaaa at ^oenta.
I banel* of .ix i?tovea eaniaioing BBB *ef?, tt _| C00U
l,0?Wi .e.. of .1? irtavee, at ?<? cent* per eet.
154*. *et* af MX ncfavpa. *i |7J cent* ppr aat
yo... -er, o' *ix i.-tawe., at 18 cenu pnr aet.
rimaiieH 4herp*. ? aaaaaaa Wo . 1 -^'avea, 87|?. per aat
Alao M.lideop Hharpa. .ilterent dtea. at proporrtonaU
arlrr. k"nr apprnved notp* al *l* luo.t?i, or 6 oot cent-of
roreaab IOHN PHYdK. No t Marreyat
PAl'KR. .lllt.ble I'or vrawela* bottolll. 0011*1 Blltly O*
hand and lor aale by JAH. T DKBRICKBOB a CO,
N.a. IfkS c. -,.., and ?*, Annat
W v Awnings rnarfo in the fw.t atf la and at rhe (tlorrea
e. at the Awoiiig and Teut Mauufacrory, ao .''. Kaat
7RAPPIN0 PAPER.- 5-tiUii reanu
Hut aud -Sliaw 4Vrappli ? Pao.r, for wln by
JAS T OK.RBICKiMIN k CO . No MB Bnltoa-e.
O.NLV -Thr laiaoai and mo*t do*lrable _BBB8BB8B
la the I'mted Otatra, lor aale hy
a me i,n?tnal mvnuloi of the CbemlcaJ Yoaat fowcla
whicb I* prep.rno uid *old by him at No. r]g and VP 'Vajl
lagtoo-'t. New Yor. m tiu aoii* Thoer wru< para?u?
tboold *ew 'hai ?r>.v aet 'har wlrb rhe above aamaoi.
?~ |||||TO illi.OOIl.?T. (rRAHAM
I " ' ' will inakr caeh advaucea to near tn- valu. oa
Tail.'i. and Cliithier*' 0<mi? (haviug a caah deinann foi
good. I M.tiufarrurera and other*can have ihetr |.pi? turnel
laio caah hr * aniall aaBBBBBI*'>n Tailora and elolhtera wbr
wiah i-ri e (oode for caah. to great advantage. ean ae* tb*
?h-atMNrr (tnek io N.w-Yora at T Oll A >1 AM S.
NnMlV llliam. eorner of OaAar-at
and foi *alr
JAS T DRRRlCKSONfcCO., No. 10S Paltao-at
Sixevoovr\9f &t.
FIREWoRKS?I)e|ror NoTlN John-et
? Deeleia. aon all wtm wtab to (Plnct gaaid r*lro 4*/ork*
wili find *b e.reilent epeurtmeut and al>le artcnk, al
Ihe old *taoe Nn ea .lohti-at. N Y ?VIU,I AM if KKf.Y
t^lKtWiiRKS?A gjeneral _**..,rtmenU
ai o of tb. oeat qt?1tt) ' Alao, H. J 8. Hai"e *B>
aenur . olo.efl tire-work* Por aale by BADBAI' k UhCR.
Uliol) No i><o WwhiaaToo-wt. N V.
\\ RATORY. NXi l? e'RONT-HT.- Pirw Cractera. Caa
ton Riavketa. Doahle Hrwdera Jnaa Btieka ano a auuplaai
aaaorutieur of Plopworfc* wavirantMt of ch* Ara* quality
Couxitrv oierehanta. ano de?le? ln awneral. alao conmitta*
tor eity avr.H aoantr? di*vlaya. ?opplied io the aioei lihar*
lern. B WWIT Nn IV fmot-al
F'IKKWOKK.n?<H rvp-r^ .Jr^criptioa
the heat aoa'tty a' tiu, loweat pnc* for aaie by
J B PlRHY. No. %t MaidVo laoa, ap-etalra.
N. B-Hadflaid'a fremtom Colonxl aad Plale Pxhlhit?a
deaenptlirn for ?al* at the lowrat pn<?a
RORRINMk OINKIN. No |A Maldea-laaa
ProfcGBionul Xoiirra.
ARE VOU DEAF, or trouoled wuh
u. teoe _, or dlch-ae. from tha ra/ t- If _ avuld
tcucka th* oae of aynnaew. olla, Ao.. aod oo?uit Or LITTE.
NEIL ISa m* Prtnce-M Hu eacceaa ln .uatina the daaf
heai la aaprecdenlpd 8?rt. wpak aod itatmrfert eiaht ra,
ao?d Caa be cooaa!?d Bat?BB? ly, or by ?ail. rVrj? 8
Bl) S Ai> letter* rnaat aoolala oaa doiler Cta, aad ha
R. JAMEST. STRATOlN. 0?ntiot,
ha* r?utrved to Na III I?-ea_ eorner of I ?b-_
8. PASSPORTS for all pam ot tho
world?lndlepeaeahle to travelara ?BM4 by
i. I NONXg, Notary FabiM, No W Broadway.
insnr.inrc (ro.npait.cs.
Caig,*aAc. "m"m'*vw\%l
John Brura, Oalt b S VV? ? ,u\ atamju. _kj
A b'n. V\ ak. ipeb, At|>?u-, <"?._.,,- 7**i
Charlra J.i.a:_a, J.-u. C Hull, !4.._-i_. i t4,i
j.'nl V.ll.i, W_ N lladkjB, j.,h, H,___*0>,
I baa. W. Hall, Itrwala. R.__ t kTt____ c _ja?_Jaa_-a, Kaatp* |U_!**y
Hy. A C-hart, J< .ii.'o-, Jr, K, *. \u _. _
Tm . II. Burgrr, D.... C li-m...*, *,?,,_ , _____*.
J_.i.t Whit.eY. C?.?. H l.-mrai, ltofcal|__9<
J..hoW Ba-MBE Ja. H Pali,., fte-M V1.v____.
.?re<, k H.Nu-'oto, A P. P?t_Bk t)v., f) JQ
Ai.or. w S nn _,>?.. Jan.e* S <;?? u u __"__?*?
RoyEl U, _,_?.*. John to...n_.H,. * a ?"-I
HMM BUci, prt_4._
. ?> H - '? ? ? RecielBfy, ^ "waBMB. T Siinrpaai. S.-v?.,.r
Applica-ooa ihrougb the Piwt will baiaa>rtiatalya__i
\_/ Otr-.cra. No. -7 Y\ a'l ?t. and M _.?, LT *?_*?
a_B for l.irrctinof tht C.inpaov brig,__ V_..' *" ,***a
b_tt . th. followtna gentle-oaa wtwe g?), aia___J*_*" _
,1 the rnet'ii a year. via: w,w_k_a
DEn'rl Burfnett, J___r |a_a_g_
Jereu tah Johoaoa, \ViUia_, ^'a-iataT
Jay lama (?'-... a_ . , ? ^
Bohert B_r*l*y, \\ill__ j v____.
John 8. Harna. Ja_* Miiu, ^~"**? A. Alvord, Jauttat VV 'v.iMkwk.
J.ihn Bodtne.
Aod at a e-hseqaent m.-etii,. ef tha Buara DaMta
01 RTM.TT. fcaq, wa* duly eiwtwd Prrwld?_t ba _Ln
BBina year. J. M Mct.P.AN. .?*_>??,
ap ITIZ E> S' "kTrB INSURa.Ni'1
\_y Ci >M PAN Y-Otbrea Nr>. b7 Wa ! at. aad kl __?_
Thit t ompaey. witb a c??h cacltal of 8l **,"-*. _,__ JTJj
airj'ln- *?c?rr)y irivr?t?_, r,i tvu-? to 11 ,ur? aaaaa lt
M I'.iniigrby Irecn Hw^lli'gHoB'ra Mcnlaia_kt*xr_aa>
bi'l.i Karerure, and al< deacipUjaa of peraonal prayerly.
tbe moat avorable terma
Paniel Berrnett. Robert Hartley,
Jr?reiaf M_ann, Witl'.in \V.i__.
Al man A Atvotd, u A , *_,
JameaC Haldwio, \\ tn J Y?!,____
Jay Jarvi*. Jac-ib ailter,
j.ip.n > Hv'.,. j?mrt m '"tam_
Jeha R.vtine. m9
jAMEaWMcLetii 8ec. OANIKL Bl*?T..r_T.,Pra,
LUe Ii.a_rei.e
[fl 0OM*a>TT-CA8B CAPITAL, ?itk?,#ki, _?_,,_
aul al tne Prru.iuw. Ptnd
OlTire No l-B Rn ad way ornvier ?? '.laertyaL
TbUC.Mopany (.?t>nu>. io m.ire agaiaat all ?aaa
Life n.ka rn hh.i '?*.>.?'?? lerin.
Peiwa a niay ir.nre, pav.hlr at an, give. .,? or *_caat
~?me of drath Callfomia prriini* gaantad a. redacel rw%\
A. A. AtVOBU, Pr-Bd*a
C. Y. V-KMPI H, rt-creta y.
B. D. 8180-10, krtua.y.
Ana ,m Ou B.'ia, M l>, at tba .ftica daily (raa th
a'clmk, P M
JA i oMPiNY, ot rf aB_aoa.<_i
ctPIT. . _,??? rt ?rt
t.? ... .*.*..,,#?..,
Tl't Ciui a iv liaana Uve Et, ,-k in.h a* Hortea, CatrJ
bt*, kc , ( >_n Jraih .r-caaii.w4 n.h-r from oaurgl um
accidtut. or *i-?a?e o'.ni deac-ipilon wb.iwwver
OE'IECKT. Rl.V.-Ol 1)4. Sec.etarv
OKOE.K Bl/t-LAND, Ii.aifer ir for New York
BVRTON KlrffigrCI Vjok
A-.OCIATION. oili.-r No 167 H.,-_,!-?, ?'?aa
|BB,aia ?*A ill l.,.urr lh_ l,-?lili ol
at a prrmiuui of BJ '?? IJ" >'?" year. and oav |. u. ?* p
we. k when ... k. __.< r.Hihla lhal a.uouni ',^r._prai.
pri.tra Apply at the ,,|Fie> Bw o.t.-r. g.*ingga_?r-flpE_|
_xpl_a*ti(in All i--in.ii.nu1ca.inn. .i.uet S- a-grrawd ,? dj
Se-rrtaiv. po.tpal.1 0 P WHKDRr.. Prawdaat
8. A Piieck. Seeretary.
W M II M.i,nii, tl. I', Egarnining Pbyflclaa-r*
4erite.No U VValkei^t.
OKEICE (iK~THE U_tOC___Ffaa_
Al aa eieedon held thi. day. tha foliowing <
tnoaen Olrectora of tht. Couipauy fnr tlie BBBBaB ?_*? I
lanipeob Muora, M-*_* Taylar 0_.,igr Eutoi,
Seoj H Shern-t-, Marahnll Ptipooa, Fraucu -tkiEwt,
??tm Martta. Alea H. OraBt. Charle* B.rkkato
tafua 8tory. Aaa S. Porter, Jaiue. B ^-'ilaa,
Henry Kdea laaacC Taylor, U'.lliaiu 8 Puaa
At E auhaaq-ent meettng of tha Board rlttfElO
OOOKK, K_q. wm onanlniouaiy reEleoted Pr?*ider.i af I
Cornpany. J. MILTON HMITH. *V_ir-t_r|
New-Yora, Pab. _, 1__3
N B ? Tblt Cornpany _______? to inaura BullEiua., a
loandlaa. Hooaahold Purnttuia. Vaawala la Part, avu., aa I
??.? ?.-. ...,'- rernt* Ell Inearw an-no.l. adni.i?I a_aa
44f.OpartIU.TaQ Ip.
,-a--a_-S.-V-_?4,-4_-v.*V VV"*- k?%aW*ptoVW% 4_a.O-^.^^Vr-k.YNa^-"N''V>r-?_A V ^_?W
CUP A RTN KR.SH l P.~The aatfajtkaj
bave ?11a day lormed a copartuerabip fo. tbe jrary-a-,
n_r?arting the Rnady Made .l.ithlu. B_nu_aa ? w_o_
aala. udar the _m> of O/kRDNKB. i}RY.K .K k CO- 1
No. 17 Breadway.?Naw-Yo.k Ju_* 1, ia_
RODMAN J M u l.rOI..
L"lMil ED Pa K I'N KKSHIP -Put^
ant to Uie |.rovi.ioo eontalned ln tbn Krvk*ed -l_BM
of ihe ol New-Voik, concen >i.g _i.iiu-d Kt.-ii-nria
the ai.iw ri.ei. thi* day formed a Ulioited f'-rOir?Bg
ta I-" 8_B_to__k- uidei ihe ua_e of K/KA I.l.'f il.< 1 VV. Jr.
for the purpiate f irariaae'lng a Plour aud dnoara! Prafaa
CoiminawMi. biu ti'.-, ib the ' Uy ol Nt * York,
!.?-???.? Partueri. ?/RA I.' n.'1 ?-. I, . wa. a 1
raaidr-nl of Ibe I uy of New- York, and tbe ipeeial ftf?1
ia PPLTON Ct'l-IINO. who al?o reaidn tn tb aklg-rya
New-tork. and who, aaiuch tpectal ha* aa-intal
ad. tn fa-h. the 111 ? not Twenty Thauiand tioHara of Cgpa
to the , . 11 DIOII etock
The aaid Partnerthlp 1* to cammence on tfto rtta*.-. 9
St lur.e. On. Thon?B'd Kigbl 'tundred aud Piftt-twuia
Bt continue lor tbe t?rm of Three yeara, ta wit?uotll O
Pifie.nthdsYof lune, One Thouand Kiglif Huadral ?
Pirty hve D_tad New-York, Juue <i, l&U
B/RA _l!fi_OW. II.
rULTON ci;rnNO.
Jcroclrrj ?'t.
REDERICK W PA(;Hi,vi.tiNN.l.i
_. 171. (*!, (ea ?*hedairi_r l?-,Mnfornia hia BB
loinrr. <_, il thr pi.b.i. 111 t-< mr?l. ffiaf b? **>?(* f 'imal
laige va.iny ?fl,OLI)and Sll.. Mt WaTCHr'S r.-ha
la.hi.,im> Ie JK.V-KI.RV *ne Sll.- KK ?> -KB of -
drarnptiofi Kvery artirle warran ed ?? r?prt?en_>d . I
lowe.1 j,ncea Watcbea, Jewelry aud Silver Waa ___*.
aid.r ana rrpairea. __
for tle 1 KADB. - Articlea of evary dear kBJ*B ?"W?
la.uied with puiup.ueaa ai.d'.h Tea .-witi l ra
Plldiir*. Cupt. Ui.biria.Ta-OBgfl t aapO-E?toal 88 **
Spooii*. Ko.k.-ud K..i?.f ? va-iety of p.l'rroa
O I'K.f'K.Jr No. T7 Ii_ta?-at., 8.1.
*_7 only Mauufac.ory *nd PUting ____-_Bb__8 ? BB
rity. Jr.NK.NS k CQ .
Otld ard Silver Platrr. N-. SI Broadw.y, do W*"*
k't ra of mEteriE'i u, ord.r, furnnti .teamen bow" ?*?
rg I. tiift, ?f f t.n llift witb ev rv't 1 I reqaraa??"
lu e thrapei ai d aupenor tu Ihr i" ooit-d
Dralerain Plated Ci.-da, by Ira.iug tbnr 0 -BB, wia bi
pr< n pt a?aaotoa. _,_?
r.n,il|-.w_hingtodupoaeofOM Wa'ea -****?*?__.
rt'.t l:ali_iri,t lo rxcbabae for ntw, or b*?? BBB 'M,r
eqnal to oew. _ ___ m
A large aaaortB ent nf Pla'ed (J.-ato. *_cb **T*""__ __
fee UlB-aTiBJa Cake Baake'a. _,*-__ PorU C?w'
Ac, for tale, wbol.aale aud r-tail, on r-a.i .aw* "
Cuei and iunnd.
-8l? Bood* o? tne Chrater Valle, aailr*a<>.
o??rn p?r Hond-. couver lble luto ?"?**___,
k??*k. earn t """, N.w. 80, 81, --_ *. H ->? ?"g^T
ward anll be peid for the letaro of ib? ab ve au ??*"_(
1 hey ?re 01 Iy of v.lua fo tbe owner, a* tb* f*Vz^
enurv.iB and prinrlpal baa bren ttxyoad Tb* *,
are authoruad by the 0w?"J^^,_o'rJ'110*
r ()ST on TUEADAY -A Hajo^aW
1 _Br__elrt wlth g.,1* , la?p aiM btek *???? J*.
m II 1he"bderwi recrivea ile-ral ra?a"? "*Z7
a' H. A. GUL'iaU k C<>'d, n0 Jgl w__Mngr?*i___-.
L(?r.-_-#;i()0 niji aml a lo? h'H '*jj
Worc_?_.r Ba. k. Maaw Tha finaer wiU^^ha ajj"
it vtaidad by reiuniug ihe aame io?or* "?__?_____
LO_T?Uu th. fiih Vlay laai. U??J
rrnni No. 181 Watrr a., th'.>-.b '*!'?* *J]Zt
tbe -reaxuar Crotoa, threa D?r<_ ee.d a ?,^1r_*'.l____|
lf4HCedE/_t-(r.HLUOiber ) The ?'?"-'V_' Biftfl*'
waroed by returobg tnem to CH AR-M H bo?
lf Ce ar a.. or by leavtog t_cm al ib* TfibEii* ?*-_.
1\ AuTeT LDST of ^?LKJ-;
I! PIJI KKT WALl.KT.oootEmiwfw*^.,
Btalaa Bank billa aod a oote glgned by ?__<?,__ aj-i L
thle to Beniamii. Baig. ftir ??._*? 1*. *ae laiy ^J
Alao, e oofe ?<_?_ .ey Nefhaniel f^^'^J^Ba-J
la,-, ua drnand. ?or t^*', and a -h_e?; ?? ? "Tglgg* _
' -lap, all payable to ?^_^(/^w_
W wrlcooie 14 ^^'um*+
ue left at the oOke o? *^___it-f _
itc oote* b?Ylag bo_B -u_7'__**_{
J_V-i. agfaed b. f. Clap, all payable __fe_^V_b?
aaelea* ro ?ny one hot 'hr .iwraar
atder of ibe
and mbf r nmirrii arr
Payaieol of the ahoYc
?ny one hot
tlo,?ad agamat porchaBlrig or a_gotla_">?
ahnwM they be oltered W any -BB, they are.
aonre al the (wYVre ahove neii.t
- malfl ?>. the -.,i-t ao- papac*