*******" _a.4II.TTA'? JiVIKCI IftSTITVTIOM. j
Nu.848 Broeaway. aear _b?_arat j
gPOSlTOKS iu tlna lti>iifu'i.iu will
te ^ni? u,. aj.J jiaw iuteawat Bv. wB Oaoaak?taaak
m> I'Xb o! Jul. u. at, rh? ?_oe .a if uaaoa. k? tne
?J". _, aaut <- all .ui? of ?* aud ? J .we 18.
""^ E J BROWrf, Pree-eut.
BB- BBUBBtTCUAAaa, I vica-PraefaeoU.
Hcaa. Mokt*. 1 _
?--tjaa,.... B?"*. Nbw-Yobk, Jaaa Inttt, \V&
Ib1V1DK.nO ? Thr Board wt Directoro
/bav tn. day neriareo a aemi ennuaJ Dindend of Poor
_ rwat aavnle to the St'askhoidert oa *nd afber JolV
_ xi Ta* rran'ter Hoo* wif b* eloaad from tha *lk
JL*tmk awtaat, both lntio?ve
C. 88 L1VINOSTON, Caataer.
BaHK or .North Aktcaic*.
Bi.k or .North Aktcaic*. I
New-York. Wedneaday. Jon* ??, l&M J
LIVIPEM).?TV B.t?*<. ,,t DiraeBoffB
V bave 'h'? ??J ntclar?I a Uivtdeod of 3| pci oe?.,
1? en and afei Joly 1. IBM. The tr.nater booka will
''JL?d from the liflb tn?t. till U>a day of pay xnnL
KaFTS oo the BANK of IRELaNT)
_Payef?le ai agtit la all parte?' I rwlanO?*w eeU by tb*
K_u~Mi< R<?-i?iy No M Chembere-et
orkoorv niM?N. PfaaBB?0
Jaat* Btwabt, Trea^r...
bb** COOKK BRUTIir.l- a CO,
a^ Pra?iwca. ta ruo? to *uit Por aale by
???"? AMOB R. ENO. rlo.99Ubarl4yOt
PaNT, (>*>? No. Si Eact?ugw-pUoa Cpit? t^BBBy
_ Thi* r.iiiiiMkov ia noa* pi.pavrwd to rwc*ivr ta
?^ ^ aOaw iiiereai iliernou. ann makiaa olhar aiietraota
k_ir? tl.e iaterwet af v
? D. 0 WILLIAMRON. Pieaideoi.
%, K. Ui. .???. >. Becrei? y.
_ - INTERE8T on 8? ?NDS.- The Couoou* l_ iu?r
2 th* hico..d klortataae B?? of thia CouipBuv, du.tha
m uc_
MrJi 'rjt, 4il'l b* paid ou preavsutatinn at thp Bank of Com.
_tr?.to New-York. oo and attoi OkaBjaa, laaa H?. ia?
M IIOPRINS Treawirer.
0, AU. end *" ecre VVarrarta, guaranlieO lo oa gantiln%
rwp^ivehlp at any Land-OlrVe ln the llntt** Btata*, rx?a
tlj ao hand W arnvite tbrwnrded io all perte it tha
Hu ?T?4? biwiiwu h-at, between C*ia.nb*r* aod tVeiiea
la Open .vpiy afleriw. u from ? lo 7 o'rloca.' a or aumarrled, aud minora, have foi) OOnV
0*1 ol Bll U'.l.ey. lnvealed ll, Uieir rmllie*
Uureei al M* pei ? ot. wm k* al ?wed oo all a? not
eirerdin* hve hundrrd dollnr* ii*p.ayi,*d before th* riretday
gfjalv. CALFR B VVOODHUbL. Priwideet
D V. H. Br.kTH*i.?, Bwrrwlary.
KN11 hI?:1.1 '.orK_RSAVINOS^rVNK
-8th-av.. curuer of iffd-at.?()p*a davilv fr.m .0 A. M.
|a| P M.?'Ihe cl.arter ? f th a Inatitu ion Mtcuro* tomiowr*
ted tru ali*. ui?riiO o uon.arilcd, the eutire coutrul of all
BLbtl* dvpaaitrd in their n.u.r*
44II.LIAM vV. CAMPBELL. Preadent
Aasow Willis, Srcre?ry._
LaM) WARRaNTS.?Offioe No. ?
\A air-at. eorner of ?''ewtt We are boyiog at tha
fclKrwin. ra'*.. lh"Bcrea, $l??; 80 go. ??^ ; I'fdo.BII.?
Priacu* in the ecuutry m?y relv oo p'ompt remlttance at
hubp-tpnep* MM1AREY AJ"UNSUN.
hejermce -R J. Thobnb, J?su., Preaideot Eiuiuble In
Mrauct to., N Y ^_
AND wXjRRaNTO bougtu and aold
_ ut, the ?oei Iwvurarile lertna, nj COLtMAN k
gAKK No 63 4VrI,-?i., n-ar Hanover-et
aaaniry ai th* market price. on th* reoeipt of rettiinaiioe*.
_ KOLO._idBu.nty !,?... *ri.*io.. wud ..iher Chai?*
Bgwiii.t tl.. Uuiond State* prowptlv altended U> bv ORO.
wTiODMAN. Cuu.ia<alkir at l?w, Notary Public. aud Co_
B)i?*ionn foi VViacona?. lowa. Indlana. Ac. No. 49 Wil.
|U_-*L. Nrw-Yotk._
Bank haviri* bppn orrlered bv the ^uprlm. Court of
tae State o' New.York to di*i"ntiiitir ita 8 oketage bu*l
aeu tbr .ubrcrilrpra will attrndto tnatdrprutincotiti fuluxa,
aaa bope ii* ru*.oiner* will ^ivp them a call.
CHAS. COLUATE A CO., Exchange Broker*.
No. 11 ,N mi ?t.
?ln cnwiunerice of an exparte injunction i**ned by
tae Hot' MaLhO afc \4 ATOON on no applira'i >n of L.
k ( liATklr.l-H, Ait-.rnpy (rnn.ral, at tne in.tanre of
II)UAl(l> BcLK^AP, ?hp Metnipol'tsn Bank uenjoioed
Betn repeiving ancurrent _ooey ou, aa it ha* hereto
Bae oone
The Bnnk w'H *hortly be heard on the tni* aateofit*
aaocer-l fii'ini hu*in.*B. and win then n-aume it* ordinary
coei*e lalbaawaaBaa it wni receive toi coliectioo the
omyt de'cnpiioii. nf tincnirent mi'O'y aa it ha* here'oforo
ierpi?..l on dr|, ; lt w iii all.'W drntt* in annripaMon there
ai for the accomni'Mlatton of lt. d.alpra, to a *?U.faCtory
aaiourt ; end w lien tbe billa are rreflite*. will make a cha'ge
Mi ro irclifg lb*oi, n"! exreeaitig the amount* beretotore
tlargrd t. rdiacoiibtno 'hr ?aine. l)ei^pr? are r?o,u-?tedio
na*' ii?t? rpir'fvirg ihe amount of hill* of p_h ditferent
lark 0 inpo?irathedrpo*lt J. E. WILLlAMa. Caah'r.
^mcyEr-^.ORTHERN~rN D l A N A
ll RAILROAD COMPANY -lrt*r.*t at the rala of
riaklprro nt prr ani.iim will b? paul to Sto.kholdp.ain
ttaComi *..y ii|h-ii Oip ai-ionnt paid in ujM.n their re??ectlve
mtrt. up*i *ppli aii'.n at llie Treaaurer'* Oflu-e, oi aud
after ihe 1*1 day of July next. The lmn*ler book* will bo
Saad from ihe 8 ?' Jaaa, laat ... the N l-i y.
^^ Ll?4\ IS C. LITCIIKIELO, Trea?.trer.
No 74 Beaver-.l.
M*rv,n (7) BBtaaat upooihe capiu.1 wt.w.k ef thi* ( .uiocny
ka* Wil. orilirp.l and 1* payebla lo 8tockh.ildr.ra at the Of
Ica ol tb* tiaaaaiaa ou and after ihe lat dav of July next.
Tki tian.fp. baaska will be cloa.^1 froiB thr 2.M June, inat., U> _
N... 74 lleaver-at.
ll POAD COMPANY?The righthSeml Ann?J Divi
aaud ou tkr I'rrferred Stock af thi* Conuaay, at the ra'e of
??bt pri Cent per anoum, will be pei a al llie oflice of ? elr
.Wkru, No 1 Cantar-at, on and after TLEiOAY, Ua
Bfcda) of July next. _. .__.....
The 1 ren?t, r Book* of tlie Prcfprred BttvA wtll be cloaed
_ BUNDaY. Jui.e attb, at 3 o'clock. P. M.. and opeurd on
WU>"E8DAY, Juy 7th. atlHo'c??.. A. M -Dated New
Iork, Sl_ June. ISM^^ m BLATCUKORI#, TreMUrmr.
~ Oima RocHEkTCB Bvbahsb Rai..b(.?u Co. I
C*N*NUAlul>4, June ID, IHSi )
JLl 8TAL1..MKNT8??y reaoluiion* of the Otrectora,
rwOfartt rr InatailnierM on the anhlled, or Si-rto aaoaa of
tku fi'iniBiy arr rr-iunrd to l* pald. viz: TEN DUL
tARU uu each iharc, on ihe ltt of Joly next, and T4V_N
tY UOLL4RS oneacb *hare on tta *>th of July aext
Thpiaym?.i*oi?y ne made to tli* credu of CiARLEB
a-VM(iTH. tneTriarirer, at the ofBce* of M?ra. Dun
*?, ubprmaa *. Co.. Npw.Vork; Me*ar*. J. E. Thayer A
?ro.. Boetoii, Bank of Svranee Bank of Auburu, Roch.*
bmOij Bank, orat thi* oBica Certlficate* of Dep ant at
attber of tba aboveoaiued p?c-.a U be torwardad to thia
NcwJinsBY Ziac Ooaramr, 1
Tiau?lrr Otlica, No. Sl Liberty-tt. 5
NOTICE?**n ami-nonienr to the 'toar
ter ol tt.r N. w-.lereev Expl< itng aud Mining Co haa
B*?rd tbe I..-(la'atun* of Npw-J*nw>>, and tieen a<c*ptp-d bv
tk. Dupcioi* Th. ilile hy llie act^ i* ohaiiged to l'New
Jerae. /i?.e Cou.pany."
fThrNew-Jt-iar, K.vploiln| and Mining Company ^fock. and
lk*a?<k oi ih* Suiwra /n I *nd CaOf** Mimua and Bl.nii
oh-iuhi.. ( ou pnuy, will b?- rtchangt.i fcr Iba oew *lo?k
(Mew-Jetery /..uc C??pau>) upon ipplicati >n at tln* oflioe.
JAMES L.Cl RTL-1, PreeideiiU
Kaw-Tatb, atat nb 10. VU*. __^_
OT ICf. 'lt* roNrUAClXJKS?
Wpal-a t-nder. will f>t> irceivoo bj U-e 4\'ardeu and
iunicpm (UiuDCil of ihe or.ited Couuliea of Ha.-on. Perth
Bod biu.r, al Ui. Couucll Ruoiu lu Ootleilu? Caaada
Wmw MONUAY. the ? th Juue uext, at ihe hour af 12
aVeix-k oooa. when the trndeit alll be omnwd, for lha
boildtn* ot a ^4IKE ll'BPENSION BRIDUK ov.i -e Itivei, al the town ol (Jodciirh. (.ojui ahimi Slafi
fcat ) Plai . and aoaa'.hcatlun* atOl he aenu at tbe o95or of
JCIIN MrlKiNALD. K*u . Oodr-nch. till the day of Irlting.
aVo.a-d ai.d ?'?rictrt.l approvni vurrtia* will be rwuulrnd
kseuUr lull. hooOt WttB ihe O.M1 IIB..IOI foi thi-duaf.i.til.iieul
Bf tbe roniiiaft Pavmruta all) br a. peo4ided br
U? i Tiie Piirl^r to ba aaaaok '-d by Uk> la of
Qetorvi l ... Ai y k fcnaadaa reapec...* ?e ab..v? ?ay
Wkad ki ir i.i' * ai'pii-at oi. Ba thr Coui.iy Kngineer at
Ifeaifnrd, in Ihe a?.1 oui'Pil C.Hinfle*. If hy lett.'i, poat-peli.
C?,i, Eaa , f,.,d. Ma? ';
JCIptrVH O BIRK Cunt, Vogineei,
lluron. Pe-?h and Rruea
$\j COHTaNY.-Ttrt Oirecu.i* ,?? tba Naw-1 . . 4
araRa' t ao i. Btaaaf havedoclaiid a,ii..
|a?Bt.o:. 'he Capila ...y. pivai.le on
? aftrr tba lAtkdat irtJulv, ' ...kawill
Bao?H-d fhaa '.'ir Stk uut.. U.l ?a l.'H.h luly uext.
B) o.'kicr of tb* Baa
M \ 11! ANIIM. -MAr.SH. Rc*r*t_r.
ROIH'S.M.S for LO\N.?s.'oo.oi.O
?-M) II.M KINU 4 ALLC. (."Il'ii
BAIl.i;,,,),';i(lt(.K ON4 KRI'IULE
fl*|,N i BONO> Uip Sotolo a.d II > .,u.t
?aitiyr.,-?,,k., . ,,r ?.,. ijm^oo af t?Orl
'*?_?'' - i Coup^.na
^avvanjir-uiii. oi 8''''',. teI. pa4av>'- the '?' '
^_B**t?apb ia|wi*Mat 7 o*r i la No
*J_*'iknd I.t May, lut-r 1 :, ef Ncw-Yarh, .>
fjagal .u? n alao pavaMe Tln y arr . cnr-.l hy a firat
Jj* ?*'v n>'r-r,*. or ii.-..! ot :. B 10 J E. D Laal
_?*J are ia.,,g , ,,g,, a.'?oi iba Lcgitl*taraofOblo,ae
Z??0*'!1. n a i .
SJ^uoi . : l'. .. irtgaoa
Z-~:<(8f? 01 wbich $' "i.OKihaw herii dUgatBal af fag itoa
*S*?,aa,|ytaO0,l(Oar*a ? ??!*
?i_e c. \n. ifcut loit ol if.a Roik 1 >int Uitweon
_?*-"'"i P outaH'O?o River, a ?* it >. La
2_*BO,r?'<,i"'? ? di.tar.c- ol U i" haCouf
pBJwbeBi.i? p,rttdah..>U#7|' .f""' ; i? tln- lirai .. ?
g*Biron atuj tli,- i,|,!y J, bl i >
?*J_t0 Jockaoii to i oit'Oi.-.ii'h ia i,,ntract tor aota>
P*_J6iuile?otwhu!; arr nwirly h.r ih* i*i'? Two
?"****d tnxm n il. l.ravy T pallera ?re now armniKat
2_f**to Railaforthr r?atdup of thr llo?- hav- bern p:r
_-*? Tba whole R_a ? j^kaon will be io-plotad a id
tCi_" e*rl> ??? y?ar. __.,
_rv ????*? U ooaarart and eooip tbia Roal;? oro-ded hy
Uii1^ h"nd? Tba -? oi ?i<?>.?* ha* been .ubarnbed
fckfcT Caf'al Sb. k of iba (omikaav, about bJfa),""* ?>f
wif ba regnlerry paid ea tbaeali of ihe Ca>rwpa_y. To ratoa
ibe ren..ii.ii.g __?_?-> ibw toan ia iwanrw d ta
Tt>e totMigap* givee ?*il| power ?? tha rrnataw tn kaka pw?
il.Blt of tlie Rtaad, l*t pei-.inal p-teri. ,..;???? gPOll ?_* ? r
?>,a i" .?;! 'l.e wtfb ita fVenehiee. kn raiea a_f)_ey Be
i*y ?liher uiie.e*! ar peirvipel, H r?ae ?.f defaart
Tbia Roea ia rm? of wrt-h e.1na.rjo-nr? to that pat mf
-BW-k ai-d tneeoantry lyingao-tn ai.d weet of I" in Kenro-Av
1. i. iiiiendeo in e.vtena It floElly nortb to Neavark. I*
B.ilea l>i ni Porianr nth where n rorrnseta with the rnavlt t_
Raidurkt BTW rirvelerrrl
Ko' tlw pteeent it lg Ihe onrpoae of tbe Otnpariy ka ie ii tt i p urt an the 'inetnee'i and aarkwa b' Dillea froai Pirrtirrtoi. h ; the * nnl?t l.'eg r-??w?ea
J*. ka.... a_d ihe (ineinnati and Vfanelta R ?_d will Be r.rn
pVtrd a* *??,< .. ih*t Road ia ?_*_*. Thr Co niv of J. k
w_ .l.,?r,r. in ( <?1 and IronO'etoa greeter eatent thv.
any to < Jt,io a. will be aeen by rjje (>eal<>girai R*f> wt
a. ibai fai.te, ihat rer_>rt twrifinfee Baa qiaitny ot t. ?al> ibat I'.nniy ewd a rv.tvw- of t - Bl ie
a.lliioi? of tant prr tfjaare mile, eaaily nnn*d, and of B-pe
rior qnahtv, ?.n n of it l. enpenor ( annel Caal
Thai lr> n Ore, o? goorl on.'ity, ez4*taia ihe aame dkatnat,
if> the rj.rr.i ?f t'>ree mulimn of nna to 8*0 Bf.a'B mile.
1 hia n>ir_ml wralm. go n?ar tothe ?>nio River b.i b-ea
ef r.,n.| _f.'iT.i? lir'le vaiae for the waat of feciiitiee of
tre. ?jH,rt_!ion to aiarkrt.
li i. rf-onghi the iraiupcriation of eoel and iren aloae will
tfl'>id a hnoemn eanp|w)rt to 'be Koad. Tttffa B>e alreadY
H.?.-r twrlvr r nniar.. in fall nl*** on aed aear tbe line of
tl,:. Rj-d, pr.-eonrg large eoantniee ?>f Iron for traneporte
0?0 ti> thr OnK> R.ver fhl* n.mhrr *vil) *oon be rlo-bied.
Tbia Road tbe aeareat and rn'jat direct Bor_m_ni-_
liot> tothe Ba fer>- and Nortrtero eltie. to i hi* part of Oni o,
ai.d tbat peit of Keniocky lyi'g ee.'h and weer of Po ta
nioarh, inrltiein. the pwr n?-t rrgi'>a? arno.d MayrnHa aod
Leiii.gmr. aa the Ci"einnan ano Manrtta Koad arill ooa
bebj t .' w h?f H"g with the BEltimote and Obio Railroad and
the HempfVM R?ad.
Seaiee piopo-E1. w-ll he tara'Yed fm any gam nnr leaa rhaa
|il'4> annl 'hnr-d.y ihe fuh dEy of Jnly,Et-o'clock. P.M.
PriiMtaala will be aerfreeaeo to tne agent* ef tb- Cornpany,
Me_- Vk iNKL'iVV, li^N'ItRk tlflL. No. ?.. vv.m *t. m
gwaatd '? Propoali for Sajioto and d.crung Yailey Raitroad
Ta.Mi'i. per rent. of the pnthaee njoney will aa ra
qnired tobe paid the k'da, the rema.'d*rin
equ?I ri.or.t)il> intfallnienia of 23 per BBB- Any pare ._?-??
will be at hberty to pey in fall at onte? interegton tne bonia
will roD frr>m oay ot paymeet
The EooYe ajV_vwv.t> ii wilt be aold B>ohtely _nd wtthoat rt>
rerve ro the h'ghe-t bidder
A rrrintedaghi-it, with 88880 E_d all BBeea-try iaformv
tion in relation totheat-aetmntira can ba bad by ea!li_a_l
tre office of tbe tgenti of tbe Cooipany, No *.* Wall a_?
Ntw-Vork.Ja-ieJt. mig. J V. KOBINtKJ .,
Preeident 8. and II V. Ktulro-d Ce_paay.
TRINNVL1- k CO wiU Wame dral-t n* 01 eterlmg and xro
waid. payab.a at aight ia any town Uiroaghont Oraet BrltaiB
_id Irri?>d
0ON PACI.ET-SHIP8.-Pe.wiia wiahing lo bave tbell
niend* broupht out ln aithef of Baa .plendi.i packet-ahiiM oonv
aoeing the abova _!i.?a whlcb aai) regularly ou the f th and
$l?t d.y.of every oxfolli froo, [.ivertaail. and avery al-aroEta
Pbnri-f-y frr.u. -ondui., (tnarel.y evolding delay.) wij pleaaa
aoolv to th" only autlr.ri-er Agerita ia thi. eity
^^ * BOVVMAN, ORl JNr.LL a CO.,
Offk-.Ni-. WpVeith^t., ^ew-VorE. and
No. 5 Rageui Road. tbe Clarene* Ooek _'.v?rp_o_
N. R. ? V.'heu pa-Banger* dar,:- | aovning, tba raoney will
Uverpuul parketa leavttg New-Yora uo the fHh and 21 at of
av-i Ln-iri<M. ParkeU leave New-York BYtry Ert_r>
4_te Tburaday Vih paaaage apply as alvrve
k_) PBR Cl-NT BONDS? Tbe tatereat becainiug dua oa
the fu.l _sy af Jnly, IMt, on llie *e*e? per oeui. Coupoa
Bopda of the Ktate of C.lifo', aurl wnicn I. uiade payable
tn tl,;* city. wiJI he paid on and afier thar dat_, on preaenta
tlon of the proper ooapona al ?ur office. Da'jad New-York,
Juue 9, IRM. WIN8_OW LANIF.B k CO,
No K W'all^i
i^E:VEN~ PER~ CENfTBOND*J of tho
Ptie Hoi.dt of the New-York and HarUiu R*_ln?d r.Miitl
tate thr nmy hrn opnn thr Koad. and we now utfer f ir aal.
? pcmon ot the latue of fgNi.noo made on the lat Mav. )&._
Tht-y are *aeveti Per Cent Bouda aud reiinl.uraable ln
I8b7. with *en.i-_nnt_J lntgii?t ooupona aUach-d. payable
to bearer itt Novem' er and t.t May.
Tl ii latue of tMii'.'W wa* lor the purpo-e of redrtog th.
Boatltig fleht. -uad of makiog tniproveuient* on tbe Ro?I ?
aow rxtcr.diiig 'i n, tl.e Cilv Hall. N Y.. U U_,e. Plalua?
a di*t_iice of <>i mile*
Kor tb* yr*r --Qding -Oth Sfptember, \ti\, altet paying
intrict' on Boada. aad the dividrrd on Uie Prefnited St. .k.
the New Yoik aud Harlem Railioad Co. dtaclared a divl
d* nd of foar per cent on the Old dlork. with a _urplu. of
t-.MK'O rtmalLlng The reoeipf* fr'un Ociober laat u> April
inch-ive. ahow an Increaae of _'> per cant. abova tbe oorraa
pt.pJu.g nionlba of tbe previou* year.
The prea. nt eonditioo of the Road lt aa tollowt.
Bonda, Inr.ludiug the |88B.0ia juit iaaued.f l,.T00,0n0
Capi-J _tr?k. Prrforrad.$l,.sno,Of.
Capltal Stock, Old.__S8,nna
The above 11.30(1,0(0 Inoludee $_V?,(XK) givee by tbe Cora
p_uy ln i.'.. haii.e for a ilke auiouuf of Alhaoy r.gtenaioe
Certihcatca, wb-CB latur reiuain aa aaant. of Uia New-York
ai.d Haih ii. Railroad Ca.
Aa a firat hei. upt.u ao Import?nt a regnlar dlYid?iid-rmy1nfl
road, now connrc'ing Albany with New-York and to vinw
of llt prcaent and pPBBBM tive increaae of hunueai, thnaa
Bond* ofler an advantagao-g and perleclly secara rnode of
Th. tutereat on tbe Bond* ta encuied to ba paid ?>? v
dividend can be d. clarr.i upon eiiiier the Preferrad or Old
Kuck of Uie Crunpany. Ko, aale hy
BLATCHKURD k RAlN_KORD, No. 39 WUliam-at.
SALV. of 82..0.000 SEVEN ner CENT.
mi iaa\ baa e* r ,,? ceut prkkkrko btock.- roe
Cl.raii i VanpY Hailr< ad r_tepd. from ita interBPC'ion with
Uir Plii'ail- Ipliiaaiid Norri.tuwn and the Readlag Railrnaoa,
at Norn.iown, <I7 milrt frrmi Phiiadelphla,) t?rough the
"Oiral \alley" of Ch?_?er County, .-milea to Dxwning
to.i, oi. the Colu-uhia Railroad, a dietance of -7 milea froaa
11ns Railnad waa oommenred ln IKT7, ard E1ght Hnndred
Tbouaaid DollaTB actually eip-ndad on iu eonatmeaon,
oudertrteoaii>eoftl.e " Nor iatowa aod Valley Railroad,"
but oot h.vlna ineBO* enough to complrte tt. th? mnnetary
criait of lha' yenr roropei rd ita fnetidt to atop the wora. and
iu that *itiiaii"ii the tnue allowep by tti>- r.naner f ir if* rom
Blattoa expirrd lu |ija, ihe t'eetter \ _lley Rallroad t^jm
nany wa* chnrtered, providing for tbe con_olld_tlou of tba
BBBto Bi.r> it/H-kt of Ihe old drnpeny, In *uch proyoruoi a
that whai actually eort Biore tn_n t*"".'"''". W_b__l tht addt
tinn of inleieat, i* now repreaented by a ?*ock of-00.000, frea
laaa all incumHranfea.
Sucb ii the oontidroi. of the Steckholdert to tha ean_ng*
of th? Road, tbat they have obtamed ln?n the LegiaUfra
thr .ulhonty ic laetie bAO.'.Whi of twer ty year. Sr-eti per
retit Mongaga Rnida, which ara convrrtihie u _n> tliua
wbieb aork lt |'Eepkyi'? enfitlrd to an etg.t per cent.
aividri'd r?-|,,re ihe otlier aockthall ree.eive anv.
lv, aeeurelbe |'?'it,ent ofthe Bonda.nd'he lnterert fhera
on. the CoTpo'E'ioo have i_*ueH a Moi'gtgie of all their nghta,
prot-iij and l>_aclil_e_, acqulird and Ui be acq_tr_d. to Shep
hrm Knapy., Alftrd C Kn-ger. and Daaicl _ Mlller, of tha
citv ol Nrw York, Trutteea. witb .11 the o?u.l and propar
rnaeniieee thal the av.iliot Ihe Bond* thall beexp-nd.d
in the roi..pifti,>r. of thr Road. The mterett ta payable
arn.i-aiit'iiailj, and the princ'pal at maturty io tba cky of
Nrw-, ui . viic t'o'th ratmn bave contrarted wth Muara
Stu BJ 4. Btiolev, ot \ t'l-ioiit, tor the entire com^l'iiou of
aaio Road ready"i?r the ninDtng ot the ?_._. by tbe lirvt day
of l.ecen bai nrxt, ihe contiactois have eatored oa tba
vigtroa* proaecutioi' taj their work. They have purchaaed
the iron raiit. chaira. apikr* and tiea; ?_d liavinz a larga
foree ot men ot ( very uiitini-ied portlon of the R _t. there
la mi d.mht, trom the character ofthe work to Ue d-nc, Ui.l lt
will becinplrtrd within the.pectled time.
1 hat ihe Clieeter \ alli-y Kailro-d u not only to be a good
aecnnty tor the BoLdtto bataiued. but utobeagood luieat
n'rnt tor the itnrkholdrra, *a a care*ul uivestlaai'ua ot ita
roewta will aauaty every caodid prrton. lt uioet fjiiy aud
rkawMtfa acc.iiiaiodata* thr nc!ie.t pa't of .Monig.nirry
ot'nt), and "hr. laigrgt part of Cheoter County. (ona of the
I richeita'd m. tiirdM'ive mioeral _nd agncull.i.a regioaa
of pentaylvsiiiE), ivith maxk.tiug f_ci .sict. ?>>d wul to* toal
I bie>? that beau'itul valley one rntire ai-tket gErdcii ror the
- 4iii,i? 0 ii lialiiiaot?of Phladtltihia Ch.-t'er l'.>anty -oouiut
! kptr-itinicf OBXttOai __ at_ ei I8-.88B acre., t.
| EA-r-trd *e!u* o' $__.00?.,.<ni: or n,Eny an a,ria-ei>l y -'per
acie, ai.J $-4-i'f.,r each eoul, for the enlne o.uuiy Tha
| avertgr value ot Uie lauda on ibe lioe ol ihe Road u oot kraa
! thaii jlf'-UECTv
lt* nilneia1 reaourceaare gcErcely a.cor.dtoitt _inri.rti._l
W(altb. The raaM Jt Uie K...-I abouuda lu quarne. af mar
' ble E_d Ilinratone, End ia br.i of iron ore. Macb of tee
, waitileaad lutbecong! BC?aaI ,f H>e i.'ir.r.l CoUaga, l m
I Ud taiBB Bfti.k. aml otle r r> ___? (>u:!oi:it. ol Uie dlY, waa
! quarnrd oa Iba Im? ol ibaBl a.i. ai.ti U u kaMawil Uie
i 0ra_iB_t_PB Ol |li_ K__d rtilUi, .iii. i. cieaae U>< (ln.i.indfor
I th..c B__rbfea t. r aid taotaial paiE.taa, b. it wmuiaka
' tin ui tb. .iHapi*. aa ara now adiuiltcl to lie 18a beat
aid m.-t l-enniifnl ef bi'lldin. 't-no A IM* o , ??i:y of
i ?..;, m. Ita cai i-? B_a <? mmmmi alo - t_e naa ef tbt* Rnad,
Eud upon tht- Colno.biE Ro_d. a>_
l purptwr-. b in n? lnn-. . _ uo
. v. ln. b ia aaa ? iaa .^c-t
? __flut-t g-hayiBiliValay.o. t-r-.^ltt arantyd oy _oe Bead
' ti.g ard C-Jaaibia Ii,'.:n,_- il,...u^i. tbeCnyof Pt-iladel
iBEd-lttoDBli ? ? ' ui.Ka. Thi* arti.-i
. oa li*oc-r>p ' k -.
l;. i
, oi al.lii,..; a.'llll 1* eatllll.alrd I! BfUl _?_-_!
' fiial 1,Bt ta 100,0 . . _...
lt. a.'.riiioi. lo." l;'? U4ll"iiii*-ii'Mli'r,m- '
. - >,t.u,r ai, linpoi EBl
_ !. i, lopa^otriihe - 1 *t ui,i..lv_i.ia te? a
and l';,e" R_il-".i.l . I
CinciBBsit and
; Lake Eriaat tbe town ol K ' ***'
faak Ctntbaa b? aay ot n- Erto R ><- . ,.
AhhortabtbeCentTalR-adU] hT*'^
rir?*ol heakiieta upoi. il _? '
aa a torai a.-n-u;i'. ol I eigh.
?,- , . i ' t* ? -a. tlie
I fcwubt Ee4 llEVel Weat wttl he fVlly ?
i-i \ i- . ?
tkva-BB. ? .- i _tx*_ea, will betaeia B*acb tbak-aa
r ,t ne lrlo aud o'ltlrtlmni ibe tltv. e* cv-tr
theer Ri- _M aaa Bivw raa* :?> thf Delat, _xe River aad
(,, t li* l un.den *nd Amhoy Railr ad
TlieiiiiifrtBO e ot . ?vii _ tw-i o-t.'eta thec
_e, to oyoW tba oaobatoa __4 tojat"
niptum laaahO ? from aaa gre.t an b.' ?"! -1_" I ?
a ,d p-^rgria at one it rx t, be raadily und_r_t"-d. It
v r. loi thi. rr*4_ii iii.: ib," L-gitiatnre rt?rrvod in the coar
I p !-__ tte hoad (-l.e Ooluu
baing a Biate work), Bivm tbe paynieet ot tbe coal uf tha
Riac w;:he:tlit rrrcent. itit.-r?.t uo. ikucb.u'ii.
Ihe EBJ-B-I or frt-ahl *"d travel u. and i aaa tne ?% rat
wiil be v-,vt)y mcreawd by llie con4tr ctloo of tb
ai.d ErtE Railrnad. To all thu buaura the Cleater \ alley
Road cum for ai the proper outlrt, ai it hat a ii-.e ootiveiu
?nt eatfance into the city. and tlie nvet r-utc frj;i. IXiciiiiig
t-wii to I'bilaaalphia, followa the natural rome lor a r__J
rt.d,Bndavoia,thehea\y gralc* almii l.a.e foved aicli
arriou. (twta. !re io lha bugineai of th? Columbit
Arctber vrry ltnpojtant fact m fuvor of Uie Cbeater \ allav
Railroad ia, thu ovei thia, uiercliandlat from New-York aod
the North aent to Phiiadelphla to be tran_p?>rted over tba
Ce-tiBl Road, cm ba for?_rttod wtthout tbe cott aad inooo
vrMrmr ol tliroogh Uie city. Tha Pou_*ylv_nia
Cenlral Road oiutt be veiy extaatively aaed by Uie city of
New-York aa ooe of ita avenuee to tba *Veat, aa tt will ba
tb* abonrat aa_|ior.i4Eijuently t_e BBBOjaat Ttm Chaeter
\ alley r-k_roe_ wlli affai jua lha r_c_:uee nacaeaEry fox
A v*v ? earefal eertmata, a_de by thoa* aaaat aairaainted
tvitk tb. mmni beaiiipa* iffnratrr Valley and whieh w Kw
KeweB to b* perarp.iy iwliabi*. mur, aa BBBBBBBBJ eamoal m
mbooI,...\...T!7T!7.. pi* ??
Ikadoat 4* par eaat ef abnwe for etpaeaee. *& *ta
Laaveea aet laeoaaaef..........|7Z?0
tffBBOOBaln-raateal?_U, (avanon,..IVar*
whieh 1* Boftelrat to pay 6 p?r o_it- drv?aada ap?i Iba
earrtal tt, ck. (fwo.oo* |
Thia eetmaU i? kawd opoa tbe ?eal aar.eaea alaoe.
Wb*o ta lt l* added a proper propor?_ of tha *u*-_ of
IA eaer . traft c?a r-adv i__enar. and anx_ei._ g daily?
tbi* rnad gtvea aaa_aucp t* tha IBBBB8?HaiB of large divi
Ptl! aothonry ttrrento iaree tOaaakaaOa, aad to maka
thp_ ctcvcrtibfp _lo ibe I per ornt. pr.P-r.ed atock. aud to
neate a ?norrr.a.r to lecure them ; *o 'hat tne aee?icy iu all
rwaeecu ta Ir* al. aa aml he *ean by rafcrence U> the op-.oieo
ef 84r**r* 44 D. *. t'crui u.4 4V._ Rewie. waU-lu?wa
lawypr* of Pht?delpb?.
By r.'r.-ei ? to tnr pre-vteue afttemrct. :t will appeer that
a prrperrj eoe ? ? ILif*1,'*"' ia ato*t*-ae*eP for BVki.ioo, aad
that tbe ertirr at/ 6 net ea-n'o.g* *.-* put at 8??.IV) aa araoaat
la r Iy excprdlng tha. 7 pei cent _te?atoo 'Ae on. _ aaread
to he iVi.a WM. E MURR1S. Praa-aat.
Philaoelptaa. May 8", I1M
Kaiprpiee* _ u, theee booda ean be mad* to Sa.phe.-d
Rcarp, Altrrd & Kraeet, or Dar.le! 3. Miller. Naw York.
B-V.Min ot iht Bond* havc been aold for taa Iroo oo fcr
eigu eccirui t aid for inveatrcer L
feeaird pr.poaalt fcr tba aan.atntn* tton.em will ba ra
eeiveo at the offica of J A INUERWfjOD a BON. No.?
Mccbante1 E_?atvge. ?._ 3 r/clock. oa ?a 28? day of
Jaae. h at.
Paympnt will be reqmred- 20 par eeot. oa ootJe* ol ae
eeptance of th* btfl; 3" parceat oa the 18th of Jaly, aod
tbr balaoee 00 the I6te of Aniaat; or full payment ma* ba
tt ade at unce. Accn^d mtereat to the day ef aale ariil ba
?+v*ti to the purrbaarr Biddan are iovited to be pr- **-t at
the opem?t nf tbe hida. J A I'NDERWOf )f> k SON.
I'NION RAlLRCAU?The tj_*rra and Chtcaev ItaII
road. aommeocing ai the Ciry of < hicago, in lha rtcate of llb>
aata. runetn Prreport, ia i*iephenem> Coonty. a d?taaee af
iar> mibaa, at whieh jmop' ll eonoect* wi'h the Oaleail
Branch of ih* lllinoia Cemral Railroad. aow aeina enn*tme*?
ad to Galeoe and DabtKBia, to the fttatw of low%, oa tho
Bfiaauanppi River
At a prunt Uilrty a?n*a weet of Chlcago 11 eoarteeta nwk
ab* Anmra Branch RaiImad, oow in operaoon thBBBBO ?llea,
aod whieh te abvot beina exiended by tnat Couipany 10 tna
lllinoia Cencral Railroad, at a polnl flxteen mile* oor_ of
I-ip liiiooi* Kiv*t Ai Chlcago, lt* eaatero termiuoa. lt wili
f w?1 tvonnerOon* w.tb th* kiirhigan Central and rh? Mie_
aen Bonthen. RaiIroerte. eonmrunng part ef the main er?la
of Railroad line frnn. the A?taOe ai?a* to tha ??nar.ppl
River and the North-weat.
Tn. Road t* now aompletea and ta BfBBBB?B elgnry-to?
a-iea. eigbt milee from the town of Rockfurd, ea the Rock
Rjrer. tr> whtPh place the worl 1 m arnre progreaa, and II
anll he eompleted and pot in opererion by the la day nf Ao
?_t naxt, the tron fvr thi* aeeiiou of ?* Road being oow oa
hand The remainlng porfjon of th* work wil' be pot ander
aootrmct by ihe 21? May noxt and probably ba eoniple?d by
Jane, I8.W
The lllinoia 4>mral Rallrcaa Oimpany annwanee ea?!
atate ot pmrreaB a* ta have theeunneenng link from Preeport
to the BlbBl?eipp1 oompleted early ln tbe %ll of l*J?
Thp graop. opot> thr road are eaej. the rnling grafle we*
Oetng 2p feetm thp mile. and eaat l? feet in tha mile. Tbe
entirp eoet and eqoipmenf of the road will ba about
|2.i.?...??> Tbe amouBt of eapital pald in O |71\iv*i. aad a
rtmher amount of about >?<i i** haa been eohecnb*d, bol
aot yel ealled ln There are bond* outatanding aa follow*.
b47.f*4nfirat diviaion booda. due la Jnne., If?I; $.'?>:..??? depot
bonda: and, %4<t,Ki*' aecrmd diviaxm bonda The road waa
epeneri to Elrin on the Pox River. a diranre nt 13 mllea la
th* mnnth of Pebrnary, 18-Sti. and eompleted and opeoed to
BB)B*Oaa_tBBBagaf Ban_BOBOB rhe the l'*;h d*v?f March latg.
Hine.eamliiga of the road for the elevea montha, from May l,
af *?to April 1, I8A2, were tl'.<ZaB" ; expeoaea for theaama
Thp f78.fWk?rnnnlng donng that orae an BOOBBBB dl*anaa
1851, mllea, Tbe earnina* toi the eorrpapooding elevea
atonthe ta 1850, '51. were 1116.0*3, aa a d_??e rua of II
Th* groa* aaralog* for tha month af March laat war*
Thp Company, bv reaolution of lita Deeember, I8M, aa
tnonrpd an iaanp of Bbiai,..*. of bond* for tbe eooatrncuoa cf
th* third diviaion of *ald Road from Rockfert to Preeport
Theee bord* bear iLtereet at 7 pet cent., and are payable ut
Ien year* fmm date of ta*ne , and fhr the paympnt of ptinal
pal and lnterer., tbe propprty and revenue* of the Company
are piertred. Thelntereai and pnnctpaJ *f th eee bonda*?
payallp in the city of Newi t-rk, and the lutareatsiml-anna
ally ky euopon* attached, on thi- la of Pebruary aod Auaoet
tn each year Tbi* iaanp t* thp final taau* nf tne Company
for tb. conatmrriori of aaid Railroad
A portion of the bond* bave beeo negotlaled and a furtner
amount are oow oflered for *alp, whicb may be obtaioed oa
application to Meeara. Irnncan. Bherman k Co., banker* la
the CU) of Nrw-York, at Wltm banklni houae the aam)
anrual intereat on thr bemd* anl) herearter be pald
Thp ample rrworeea of the oonnrr. throurb wrueb thU
hnej?*w*. Uittutaln a Rallroad.have been fully damou?rated
by ? p revenup. of the R>?d thu. far , and when It .haJI ba
aonr,.4cte>d wiih tbe Mlaalanppl River, formlna a main line of
aommomcation from Lake Michirao with ihe eountry on tha
apprr Ml**la*ipri. and hnngtng lt throuah tna hea/t of tha
lean iraion. lt mav ba eonfidently eatimated to draw a tra?a,
aroponinral lo It* otat, a'cood to 00 road tn thu eountry
Tbe preeent revenue of the Road. and the certain locreeaa
from th* exten*loB of the Road and growth of the oountry
tlibutary to it, reodera tha hond* oow olterrd aecuntv of a
moat artdouhtabl* oh*racter-New-Yurk, April 31 IS-l
JOHN B. TI'RNER. Pri-ldent.
THE rNDKRSlil.NKD, hrinp, t4vo
tfnril* in Dunikrr of the Board of llirecfor* of tbe
Rowpry Bank, do punuant K> Rpclon third nf the Kiahth
Artl.lpof the Articlr* of Aaaociation of .a>d B ? k. propoe*
tbe foiiowif'g'dn.prita to Ihe aaid Articlee of A*aucia
tioti nf thp ?..? ety Bank :
>i.?f-Tu atnke out tho wnrd'-eigbteen" from the firat
apction cf 'b* thp third Articie of *aid Artlelpa of Aaaocia?
tion. and lnaert ln place ther.ol the wrord " twalve.'*
Nrevwat? To etnke o it ibe fourtb **ciion of aaid third Ar?
ticie ol aa'd Artirip* of Aaeo. la'iun.
fhird-To *trikeoot tbe word "Ox" from tba fifth ?ec
tion of .aid third Articie of aaid Articlee of A?*.*-? Uloa. ind
ifiaert ln plare th.-rpof the word " twplve." -Dat-nl at the
City of N. 44? Yerk thi* H?_ day of June, A. U. 18?.. mM
Uerard Stuy veeant, Enoch lleaa,
M M Quarkenboa. JeeeeA Mirat?IL,
A Coniminga, Oeorae Webh,
A A AKuid, O. W. Kdwarda,
I) P*ar?*ll, Jaeob Milier,
John a Williame, _Wm. A. klead._
Ornci PaNMtri.*ANU Co.i. Co., June 8, |?l
COMPAN Y. due July \ IR-'a, will be paid 00 thaf day - _B
aflue of the Compeo., corupr of Bt.widway and Wall *t . ea
the prp*enta'i?n ofthe hnada for iudor*>-menl No tranafer*
of U11..I* wiil he made froin June V> to July I, locliaive.
OEO A HOYT Trweaarer
8A\ 'NOS BA"JK. No ?tOflBBBrBk. uPtween Willet
and Setifi ?'*., New-Yotk
Firat 4icp Prp,id*nt....RK HARU M -<OK.
Srcond \ l.r Pre*idpnt..CH.\^l?LKPk L IN >_tSOL?
Tbird 4ilePre*idpnt...AL,'RKIi T CONKLIN.
Set-retary.JA.MK? P HAIlitlf.
Thi* Inatirntion will opea tor huainpaaou 4Veduo?ay, the
?th d*> ol May. I8.S2. at ^o'cloca, I* M Bank d?>?. M011
e*>a, 44 irinrtda,*, Tburadax aud Saturdav*. from b to 7
o'c irck P. M. Infrrer, at tbe rai* ot ti per cent. will be al
lowed on all depoait* onor to the l?th day of Joly Iu:ri-,t
daclarrd ua tht So MOBBOI of Jaouary aud Juiy to depo.ite
? t 1 n havr been drpoaited tor Ihe ?p.<"* of tlir^e mooth. u-at
1 prrviorj. to th* Irt nf Jannarx ai.d July. Tlie chartar ae
corr* to manicd womco ar d raiaor* thp tole eoLtml ol their
dejcaif* WALTER UNDE-UILL, I'reaidrut
J.Mts P IlkKiHT. Secrut.ry._
^?^llll itlltl KhJHT P>R CKNT
<J* &\t\ 8,8. HF" f MO-TOAOE and 0O.1A ERTI
' BI.E BONDS of the klll.V^ Al hY.Y. and MISslSSIPPI
i?ILBO_D COMPANY.-Saaled propo**!* will be re
. ceivrd 1.^ BBBBB of not ha* than #l.?*i. at the offlce
: 0f Mc*.ri. DbLAN't, I'L LL\ Y A CO, No. 39
WaH-.?., nntil WKDNEwDAY NEXT. the ^h day
1 of June in*tant, at 3 o clcck P M. for |Aki.ia'ii? Eitht
prr cert Bcid* ot thr .Milwaiik-e and kli.a?itppi Rail
itiri Company. rouverttblo iuto tlie *tuck of thaCiuip?y
at tiie will?t tlip bolder any I?>p within five yeara frotn tha
6lh May, l&W, tnt. rr*t cotinon* attachtd paTable I.t Jaa.
aad la July each vpbt. in New Yurk Cttj. at the Banaina
llouai- of Mi-aara, PaBrBa Bheruian A Co, and the prijcipal
at tbr ?ne plac* in 1*5? .__.??? _?j ?.
Th. ?p B.-uo. arr a part of an iaaue cf BbOO rmo. aeeutwd by
mirtpif*on the road frori MOwaa?0 tj Koak ia
44 i^.pp.m. a.-.latanoe of arvenly BBB?1 act cover*d.i>it
gronLd. d.'pvt*. r*t ano ma_iilp *Ik)|.- and tb* road p?iuip
?- ThP5 ?re taarjpd to rue.t the p\B-ni** loc-im-.l g?|
to I. lrcurtrj iu the cotialru.-llon ai.d Ci'iip-eot uf toe
r ad ? ? ? " ""*
operr^. aad ?* w ho!t i, nnder contract f> be co..i^i?ted by
\ >.nibrr ne\t Thiitr-en ai. 1 BB.-n.if uiile* m aa
f-om farle to 44 hitekvater ^ .A be opar?d by the tirat of
?.tif.r t'xt. ar.d laralva b_?? a?a?a imm Wtu?watrrto
Mlttoa, in P. ptrm^r Thr 04 i aod tl-* a- purrb*
tbe w .. .p C>?r.r-. and a ioinid?rablc> portion af Ui- cadiof
r" r- TI'O cj'iu Jird cewt ot ihe r^-ad M Rock River 1*
lltSaaa aboat < ?? tli,..i>?tiil wdlaraofworh
bu-i. . , ?i I .?|iii?
f ?.. .aow-o,.-ne.l ?.-arnii.tajk3a day, and
p will I* ?!?>n a,.'?,<>. The rei-emufir
? thr ro?l w,:i be opvued lo Whitewai r. are
? *L _______ __w
?, bm t-f lo 'tia
fa, t U?; 1.... ar. n to-U ... t - tbra
c. 1 : iaitiret-aad may.. ?* ? ,*"'?*
aak?g m li.u ..f >.s'? ??__5!
1 jf a l-ok. Thi* prmiamti adi" r'*"T
. a* lt uiilcr--, i^A.
^na . are rqaal 10 aay Buta Bto. -
11, t'j- u >i?- t 4'
,?d a* Trt
? the twuiiltaara
1 .!?
. tban the law ol a-iyotoer
rtt Bai kia* purroe** *o Wunormn they arr on a per w:tn
. -? ? - ? I taa 9
T ? 1 ? ? 4 : - " -?? ? .- ' -?? ? ??;-?2_|
.? ,,,1 be ?Ti:-e.i m aelif
a. .(.i.i ->?? ..narfi'i-??. --? m tha taaaBaar
iul, r,v- ? ? ->?*cd aud averagad *acordin?
r>iafcu to theee a.-:n-:P?. mtj h- BBBMBd ot .M'e>re l*e
s-? Yort. J-iaeil.
m ki s UtE-aVCa
_l I a)l K\ 11 t\f. PI R ( INT BONIW-P-r
,mllbarerplvrdBttk*B - ^4N
R.v BM 1 CO- ta toe citv of rtaw-Tark.aaril8?M_0
Ra-road C^ aulmttt*d to aad ana-vea bj ^*?? ?*??
abaot SB,(Hd? lohahitaBtt *nd U rapidlj >"*H__H? EfJJJ
M***wttkk lt* -"bi* P"**^" SaT^T-i^Haaaa
SS-Teaure debt of the ** ?J?JW? *?~ J^l
1% fi |M each. and w ay ^ P^T^'^'j^^.S
tha *_cka**r. B_d*r? aar a balf ar akoraor?0 l?" r*!
t*t\n^tTr^kt ta ?aba ?*? -?-* ? fc4*w*'' * m mX
ao iba ?"rat day of Jery, aal tba kitoan to Baa attwrtbU 1a
sfaHa-ata tbtreaft?Y, f**arlaf tba a-raed intereat faa* fary
tll' ibe 'mr lt * oe-wy dkall Ba aaid
B,a__ p'-ywa- io k. B-B-MOBl " M Cadw_hvtar, G-wap
rj-l-er of tbe ra, ai | ?__lo." rere nf M-awr. Owaewk. "akw
kwaa b C< . N?w.Yark. aad will aa oaawad tbara et tba boar
trst ararefiaaed [latiJua \ IV.
HIRAM BaBToN a.aoTef tha City ef Bstraaa.
_M CaDWaLLaOPB. Cwy C__k?i-ro_-r.
& I lil fc ______ OQOliN^SBLTR(.H
Vk a .B.r -iraal* |lia.a? Ogdeoa-urgb R- R. .-?ic*>__ M.-b
g_a.lonvrr.ibi* r>v>a Per Cent. Bo__a aaw?t 1161 l_
trreat C ap__a aUached. payabie lat April aad Oatoaar. aa
Tbe R.wd _ UI m'.Je- long. and. ta poiat of ereattrnc .00,
ta b- tmrpeaaid b, any m_ to tha eou__y. and wcax?plata>
Iy aqeipptd kvr . |_-M busineaa
Tb- ..un-acd cuatof tba eatire R__d ap lo an_U'e ef
R. alued a. foliowa -*-a
lai Mortaaa. Roada. IA'8. |._r*_.l-*_
_-Mort,_g. _____ 1*81. LEyi-a.
F_-i_.a>rd K'i-aliDg Cwbt. 8Bfl.ano
To n-rrt ti a rioaliag Dakt tba Compaay
owb of Sreoatd Mortgage Bo-da. t_50.*_l
_*,.-_ StotA. -Vs.nna
Tbe eBBBfcjp for tt* firat vaar. witb Ra - out in fall opera
-oo. fr b? ' ci. I. 18.-i. to Oct. I. l?_l. were ttSl.lwO *8
Tbe raruit ga o' ar o_d year to bfav 1 tho* an average gala
ef eo per eeat Tba May r-rrtpte will ba abeut 8-'.''""
Froaa the nataie af itt poeii; >n aad tha rap'd 188?080 -f
ita boiineak. it it aoticiuated tbat in a few yeara it will laka
raak with tbe firat RailiWa ln tbe c 'uut-y. and traa voaverv
| lbl'ity of tbe Roodi io ?atuck, adda gratUy to Ukair value a*
eeoaaa iavea?naaL
1 Lc at-va Boaaa are for tl.fW aach. for further ____?*
fc-ouqalre af N R. COBB A CO.. No. 29 Well-et.
OJPl II ?_,,?? __? in-nd, 1IltJ mi. Were, aad ?l*o of 'ba,
Mexiran VV_- for which th* ktgbeet eaab pnea will ba paid
EiBo. M .i.oia Patevit. for the War a' '*'-. by U. Q. 8_HJ
PELDT. No 3 Nuaau at- * door. frarri Wall-at
Bf-Jtf _r_ -ioct-cm.
, A _L Meewib, A_cti__eer.
Trade Saie Rooma. N_. IS Park-row.
PIFTi-81XIH N. Y. TRADF. SALE? Sept. 6.-C-0
g?B(_r-U of Book*. Pape ? _l*_-_eiy,'.' Cl.ttb,
Laa'her, be- for thia aala a-licltcd. luvuice* ahould be fua
a-bwd __n_-la_ely.
Wn W. Aoeticneer.
LAMPS, Ac-TH-RsDAY, jan* H Et IO .feluck. at
thr falet Rooma, No fi Jnhu it, .' crataa Croetary. all
kindt; I'f packagrl OlaaiTaa blera, pinf, Btlf aad Bfl8 th.rd
piat; a large h>t Otrand lea. La?pa, Ac , -.0 lot* for r._??a
aud grocna 8ale pcieniptory, for caah.
Hehby T. Lrai't. Aa>-,tioneer.
LaRY. ka.. at Al'CTH >N -THI- PAY, at 18
o-bt-. Hr^RY T I.F.EDS wiil aell .. above. at 01a *alea
rr,.rn No ft (II amheraai . near Bmedwey, e 1bt? and valu
a'le lot of Dianoiid Ringi, Hn-ochaa, Pma, _tada and
Bracrlera, Pafrn. l_ever tull jev. rled w_t.he_. Silver Plated
tVafP, Faney Articlet, be . all af wb*.h will ba inld with aM
reeette, by CaU- gaa. Sale withoot regard to tha weaUier.
Hehev II. Lri.nv Ancti">neer.
KITt'BE? Multlv Ol Poi-ol't ?BBaabaBBPE Piano BB?I by Dahol.'b Baroii ; *nperli R.llard Twbto. by
Hauaala ru i.iii.piet. Iv furoahe.1 ; Real Pratt?n Broina.-.. >ni
aeaa \ a?-.. Ac. kc^ tha property of a geiit.emaa going to
IIKNRT R. liF.IDS k CO.. wil! wll *t anetlon 00
FRIDAY. June ii. at 10 o'ri.ak. at N ?>. 3h Warren-et,
Bie elrgarit a_B?? e" fBBBMtl _aW_ab__l Kniai'ure r>?n
taliea fherrin. _M oropaitY of B griill_tnan Bbont l-'EVing
f..r Fu.'ope, .11 ol tlie rirwt" cli__. tnd pnn-lpailv hm>1- by
Poi.-ot. C4_i?u*ifig ol B uawl* l'arp-fa larg.- I'.^r 8wlM
Ki-rta.a-d i'arlor Furnllnre. eovere.llti aaBBafl plna!>. Bflgevb
Bn iitf Carrei I.amp. Piano-Forte made by OiiaoiB a Hi eoa, i-,l Cartol?I t'etitarTablea., Suk Firw-arr-eut,
R..I Fra'fan Hroezea, I'lork* aud I ...dela >pw. _Ue-B_a_L
mafl'lr-top. Cbtokta* Vaaea, larar Fig.Kea BUIBMBE Oil
f atoitrga. f-torti MaataBiniBB, Oil I i"tlia, B?droom
Fniiiiiatr. aeveml VV'ardn.he*. I?rra?ing Burr.u., Hnitaela
Carpet", Sofaa, Cnaira Ac, in hair cloih, k-'aahaMnda, _,_'?
ble trifi and other giKid Furni'u - ; B"l?, Maltraaaea. Ac ,
to?ethrr with rUttbBB kVata. thi:... (iiua kl
Alao. ?nr *uperb inlaid BiliEfd TaMe. -nad" by II _?f.,r_.
bat llMlr PEMrA, with two aeta halLa, BBB* ricbly ui'aiE, Roae
Bygata game-kerprra, an.4 mhrr Billiar.l Fo mture Tney
ean he nrtxninrd ou day betore the tale. Tlie Kumi.ure l* In
exrrllet torrlrr_
UTICE.?Will bc 80M at Auction, on
Ihe preniiBea, Jnca*', at ia o'clock, A.M., a nna two
aory DW kI.L.1 NO-Hol'SK and L )T. V) feet fmot aad
rear, 1^9 feet >1eep. ntntted on Water tt. In tbe ??iharba ol
Pcugbkee *ie. known aa " River 8lde." forrnerl, owued a_d I> 8 Sll F.ARM AN tt 1* ?_-_?
titullj aituated >id the bank* ofthe Hudaon Ri/er, coruuiaud
ttig an exteusive vtew of Uie River uorth aod auuth. alao ol
the Catakill Mount?lha Tbe houae aud uut-buildtngaiu go<~
repalr, good water gitvilegea. aholce frul't ef vaiiout kiuda
aee withiti five aunafee' walk of the llujgoo River Railroad
O.pot ? lao. a goed Bari. aud lot, VI feei front aad rear. and
125 feet deep. eorrer nf ll.ittman itrid Albany-a?1 kpo.* U
TliOMPSON k vVKEKA Poaglik-ap-la
(uy and Cuntv of Naw-Yoik -.1A8JB8 8 I'AR
It.NriKfl aaaintt CHARLF..S S t K ARN'S ? Notice 11
hrreby .laaa ?>_* t_* .a__ari-a>r. rn-aivar ?l' Uie _._.-?, aqul
table inirrr.lj ai.o ih'.ng. ln actioa of Ch.rla. rlieai?i, a
1 ii'.gmriit tirl.t. i. will trilat p.ibl.c ac ihe Merchanw'
F._(, in tba Ci:y of N>-w Yoik, on the iixth.lay of July
paxi. at IJo'rl'.k at Boon, TWO CF.IiriKlCArr.8. ewh
foi Fitty Si arn ol tbr r.pnai Sfock in the N-w-York .nd
H?a Y 1 gl.nd Silver Miamg and Ste?l Maoii'a-tun g 1 ..ta
|*o). ?igi.eai ln Jaaie* lloriif-r. I'.-eaideui. aml ( II CaWM?C,
Secretary. Ai-.t *-*o, .11 Ibataj 1, utie and n.rertwt of tlie
aaid Charlet S'raiui. - h < h be bad no thr /7tb d?> of lan
. iu aud tn r.rtaiu -Iinrt an4 Mimng l.a'ul. in lua
_,iBte of (oniif, l.cut, or elarwr-rr* llafed Mew Y?rk,
June_3, 1A-. I? B 8ROWN, Receirar.
II. nev T Lti.ii'> Aucr.oneer.
BOW, at l"l o'rl.K-k. tt i.lra-ooiu. No 11 rb_a-t-ktaw>
tt. near Krvadwai. 1IF.NKY T LBXDO will a?Ii a. a>>?ve
B gtli.-rai _r_,rfn.ent of Kiimoier Clothlng. -iieh a* I'anla,
\ r.ta, Cuaia. aud a large aaaorumnt of ( lothiug ol vanoaa
TLF. fALUm, Herkimer County, New-VorE, on the .1.1 dai
of Al'ttl'ST oeit?The eutire property of tha late " Woo.
Oroweri Manufict-nng Com/auy 1* etfered for a_e by tha
Tn?tee. for the ereOHora The W'ater-Power, Oro'iod. rf'i'.ld
Inga M_rhir>*Ty end enllre Epparatua form a weil-arranged
aad very rornplete tatabluhment for the manufacture of
Wooleu Aaaa. The m_ii. Batldmg w of atone, U1 by Itk"
feet. five atortr* high, lnrludliig baarmeot aud attic, .nd -!>)n
taina mne full aeta of Woolen aachinery, all ef tbe moat ap
aroved coo-tr-ct.nn and in excellent eoodition Tne othai
Boi ?mgi are ezteoave and cotniiiodjoui1 for tne parpoaa. fo4
which they wrrr rlrgigt.ed Anioug thf-ru are thoaa for *c<r_r
t_g.dyeiBg 0E_ .rytng, repnlnag-thop.wool lof?E *t-ro--ouee*
paworka, packing-niama aod ofrice. Tbe MHU are w_ru_ad
throoghout by atrara-pipea and Itglite! by aaa Tha water
powrr. witb tne *o. water for uae, ia ample aod axcellent
fherntire coaf-eacluaive of waler-power Ead groond, ??
o*tr !??8,018 The Company baa been dvaolved. and the en
tire propef 4 will be aold to tae hlgh-et bidder on the preml
__o_l_e'l,HlRr, UAYof AL'UL _T oeit, at J o'clock. P.M
JAWr-S MONROB, Tr_Bt__a for CredltorE. Aa
LltUeFEilaJ-fcel. IA* _
J9, at II o'elocA, A.M . en the arerouea, ? Rural
iU. "the COl'NTRY-SEAT and STORE, to?ethaf _",th a
tto__B*VHe_aa and I6| *cre* o' Land owaad by tne lau
Capt. 0 S MHF.ARMAN titiated ia Uwuwnof Wa^iiug
_!_ Dhitrbra County. nn the tunipiar, aboat 6 mila* froo.
tbr Diverand Harlem R_nlra_d, lo tha neluity of a guud
arJvool ; Ui* dtore eoii.maadiua en.- of tba beat aituuUo* la
the country or buaueaa, with PoK-OlrVca attagbad. Tha
goojr |b gooe repalr, out-hoildia*. and fcuc--. euiirely new
tpdUielaiid h'gl.'y iinprovad, wilh tha envilege uf aood
aater ind icr lioaaa Alao, . larga colleetloo of Uie clyaceal
k-udt of fr-ii-traea For iurU.*r parflaulara, apply 10 H- H
IKKABMAN or. U.e nr-rniw*. ur li
OEO WOOD. No. I Liberty-at, New-York
Pa.n!.Tl9, $ft.
Z1NC PA1NTS? Warfant-d Pnra?
TkeNtW.jFr_-_Y /l.NC CO. War-h-BBB, No. 1
_a_pa_ are ka aopply thstr Zto* PatBta U tbe H
Ne I Wtma, groaae ib -?i, 9m per pot_*8.
No. I White, grocom tn oU, aa. par p-oadL
No. - W _!te. gr___- IB oil, tc per pooakL
Browh u_ 8->cE, g-v-ad ia 01L -ta. par tcMmA
Il-V W hlte of /.:__, ?>. pei pu4_c?
44.(1 thcruaEB lea la Earop* and ihe Val?4 Sta-C, BE.
traa fa-na to ratain ita bwaot, a_dpr.rfa-n?a4-ana_!rrfB
l*it_ aoy otber paint Oor wbitaocaa aad brtl_?ney tl to be
rmiedi itiafraafr-ta a_l poe-o-fl* aropar-_aaontauum
__aa_aerc-k ta other pigme-ta. ?ill e_v_r??sa_l w .gal
-froo ?> te l?? par ceot. ewra apaee thaa 'eaa. -.' -
Bi ?e _c_ra forai a hai- aad eolid meUliie ec-tttg a|_*
aood. brtcA- troa aad oJiai akaullU e_rf__aa are r^_H*
8x_k-to_r--pr_-t'K-pert-BB T_ey _r.a?---Uly __aa?__i t?l
a_k._ae aa-a-aaaTbayTbe beea fatu- to r_*_t tha a-jT-dtag
of aJt water. 40 _____al-ve tc _i_*f eal-*? DaaHat
BMOO?I - aaalaH-BBBi_ _.
i*r_a*-.t. ita <s Bat ?? _
DtT) <&00i!w.
BBOTHF.RS. No 4C Jol.n-.-. jaat leee.vad per
EUanier llrrmann. a lane a-t-r__eut of Lece t-iiupe, of
very d__ir.t.e coloo *B- peaarna
CEAMLESS BAliS? Mant-factTjrc- al
O tba Mar* Miito, MBBiiLBn.*, __f_^_y?ir*/?m*
ij NF.iiMITH k CO- Na ii ^"^J**,^-?^
Ne- *__? o-gntng la frorn __L'^fj^ g__J_>
byr NI_ltolTHbCO,Na_iaroed-__E-dlio*aNew^
VAbitaaaO MUto *?*^__'_f____-. _?
._.!_., u a__r Tw_t de. a__aw_EUea Bar _______ 01 b_b>
? _,; alao Watar Taa Oa, -"f*"***
^?r-pe-weaa- - ^j^jftl CO. _aj--k
(te. ai Iraad-au, aai Na. MT*a_r_.
ak*-a Ibat the -ara-aala -al laaatraa?M bair wffl ka~?
a?a_-loOBaoS k* ito*-a_a, ?l* I aa -**_-*'_
tl Hi .li'iiair - iBBBBBj BB kBO *-? *~ P?"I ????**'
aw* o_aa. aa aaa. ."? _a I ??? aa >?* Aow k a?t m
la Mraa fbi ?*?*?.** oi ?-.. Id/" ewr Boake *m mr-aaragr
- -V.~- Ta. llafca__?a?> aa dneMe* aar abo
aaBB**Baaa? aad a aaaakaaaaa a*- mamy ?wrta.B.aa aaf
N?r ? fwwaw ?????? Mp* AIW* Wawtr. Haar
wr ? .? 4 ..k kl?wa *? ib. -.ttlao aad aar aawaiaa. aa BBB
dlr.eo.we Pa. eaa- et Na 18* Be-w, *w Y? "*?-?_>
??-? Dt i i?M No tr B-.w-.y ; C R tLma. Ka. IBB
BnaMlwav . Na 147 ?.:-.*> *i. Br>?*lya. aad by 4%ma%tmmaam
ew.rua-.. Prtaalple B*p? aad iHBB>lll_. ?*?
VV Rn.wm-* ..m-r M RHaabatk Baa \m-Ymk Oktm
krU a , ald arloitiBiBna _^^^^^
T~0~THE ( URIOUS?"Laap year ka
Bbe prorK**"* oan* "- Ajrtppa
44 oaid yoa aaartatand. aad
AU yvtu deeuay below?
\A bat of *??-.; to avaad.
lA'hal ?f good to be aaaju.ed
How to crowa yoar love wttal
How a_raor to eare or miaa
When a bargin to tt?'fade |
t\ hen a dr'Hor ahould be *o*d
IA hotn u- doobr aod whom 10 I
Wbo i* ?lar aad wt-o a laat;
By wbal procea* a_n*y n*t
la mnrved at httl* coat;
How, when robhed. to find tb*
Take* froai yoa thu* by Kealth
How to trl) your fbeoaaa'a tboaabl,
Aad bi* acbeming* brtna to aaugktc
How to get a ilonoua w fr,
And ta-hieve tuootm in bf* ;
How to ch_ter rtiaud ro? patB
Al! of good _iuuxpd with wra?a,
Aad yoar tife. e'ea lu ita clnaa,
Makp a aceae of *w*et repuaa
\4 c?d voa all the** itema know I
Tbea to Dt RORACK
He thp *tory will mifold,
Al! ?wi aak ahall en*we?d he,
Taoght ky yoa?er orbe of aold.
By year own _.uvity
Oo?hi* iki'.I the truih ahall f_,
ROBACK 44 hit*-et. auB.her aix.
All rettera to c 44 ri >b uk. N.> fi, wUl baia
Hgio?ly atteodrd to. If ?BfBBB for aaa- parttaa?laaaD
and gpt an Aatrolog-al Aloiauaa. graUa, wbara *-?k?taa
aaabaaeea. _
CaH.4 hwe beaa Biand ta
aad geowrally u- tndace aeara". inrruni.n, bave Pallaa.) eaa I
HIII.p TRiaaoFPK'K No. I Vaaay-et, aaaa?? BB.
faui-.Ch?rph PRF.DERICR M BITLER, Pnaai+eBBt.
N B ? Ledie* attaadad BB a f
8AM aad?P Bl
precaoe a aauat inanaaa aa,
Caae* of b?ao b-m?_a (Obaao
mb ba ?fcaaaal? ?ta?.al.?
Crgal Xoticco.
1-i'IKT CHAIll I- O. LtiU.l.B*. Omnpiai? ac,..* litOK.iB
44 HkCIIP and LOl l*A fua *il. aad ALf IA.1HKB 0.
4I.C HRAV IM.n.ln.11 i?b hill to fi>r*.-ln?B. Oc. lt aafoano* u?
?ia C llial tke ...mnlaiivnnl k*a Aw.1 ka> ail IB Ik. ?k?a? atatwd
? .. .r af . ?'?? U4* ah?>?e?an.*d daaaaaBaaat,Bkr Bk* torw, 1?ar* bbB
?al* ol irrUil lliorleaerd in.a.iaee in tli* aanl kall awaa.WMd.aaA
Ui.t pr.H-ra.ol .ukeeoa t" .apear anJ aoaw.i, *irwtl*J Wlkal*
a>n,l.nta. halk keea!y wa.ip.f. rr'arnakarlo ibe Iwaaly ??Ua
*ay ..I Apnl. A l> i*M. f?i thaf tH* .fpipadani* poaal aot ke Aaad
ui tiuJutp u> I. aef??.l aa**aOB,aad tkal ih*y kaa* aa. raaaaB
thnr .ppr.r.a,. U> ba*. a? a . aap axrk IMW ka. kwoa
duiy ae?a. , and it fwiaa aiaJp to .l??ar by aOJa.a, 4* tkw aafce
ra, ...aa. ih. I ..urt, th.i tbp aaid *?i??.la*a r?a.a? oalof Uwlia.
o( krw .... l.. wil ?le.,rte 44 H.falpd n I'akfcroia, l..?a Bal
an .1 .u a.r ..I' Pearwyraania. aa,l klvian.aarll < .? hraa ia *arW
ar ta. ? ll ... a.?rrl,.f..,.a .r..?iweale-ll. Jay.rf aay.aak. year ot
nr tlionaand ei^ht tnindie.l ai>.! HHy iwn.o* Man uf Sla*a.
B Mi.rna., il, r >.l thp , ..mpl.itunl, hy tiu. anler>t. J ky lha
C urt, I'.at ll* aaid *l.aem .leieadaai. *o .(-pear .paaad, aaew... m
J..i ar li. tlir .?iu|>_iwb. ahill ??.? beP.r* tb* BaMk r.lMikar _
8r|il.-a.i.rr apit, or i? Jal.iuIt Ba*aO >a.k d*. rea k. BMOB
.n aa thp lourt ahall tfuak a^mUbka aad laat Aad I i.
ButaW* aedaatd, that thu. aad*. .iiall. withm tw*aty day* barwafW,
hr aer?e.l perw.nalfy n? Ihe ?a,.l le.ea.lanl.. hy ? dakawry ot . ruet*
il,.inj u. tb. ui. i.. ka aaaBakaB ai.ina tt>* a?..l iwaaty daya ... Ta.,
IBnearB /'.< * JBa*raaar.aa*w*BaB** yriatpd .a N.wark, .aaaa
JUte, and .-oiitinnr.1 thamn lor ?. w,ok* aa.. a*H.ati,al Wawluaaw
in p.ery week, Bad ?!?>' d ktp manu.i ?i.,l BB) tke kk.aaM.aa'aaM,
... a aew.paper pro.lrd i* tbe Ciiy ot Naw Iork . ?____
(A IrBsrea* I Hk.NKT W ..hi nt
J R V4?? Clerk. wyailawewTI,
IN IM UH[ AM'K oriioTriJer o?JE8SE I'.
4MIIH. B**>. "iit'iatl. .' tb* County il BbB*. BBBaa ?
v_ gbagwaa, arroaBiag t ?? t" . ' pera, aa kanaa ?a.nw **?."* I
MKIUMMi lilHMrlnlllHI. bk* ?' tha Cty of W,ai???
L?i*li, il..?aae.l. Ihe. ar* ra.|aoed u? ..lubil Ik* mm?, **k
Ih* ...u.-ler. Uirre I. t., II,- .uba,,,l?i. .1 lu? oBb-a et tbe ?Brre
l*.e ol K a*. | ?uoty. in th* City Hall ?>! lha Ciiy .J Br...kl.a, aa
or ' Ih* 'iTth day of llatP-eber nell Halpd. Jua. '*. l**d.
ralt laaemlk'_BIlH.RIl rt'tBA. AdailiiaaBa
IN PI KSIANCK ol an onJcr ?f lha Hurrogtato
,if iii.c!eaa*_*f br. laakaaaaaaaaaiaaf|Ma u*ti?pea.?e
ka.rna .ia.ui. ai_iM.i Cl Uk ?KAAT?. kue of la. I ity rf N.or
tnrk. dp.paaed, to pipfput tlap hw, w.U> UM.ourk.ra ikwwaf. ln tha
?uhiM-r'bera, *t theoBh.ol tlarrrt N. Ble*. kwr. coraer C'kf ..Jjuka
?I. m th? l.ty.' Naw T..r4..n..r hei.M-p Ihr Iwenuetb day of **? U*t? Npw t-.k. ih* I7ik d*y of O.rrk, l*M.
CiAKRr.TN BI?t?tBBR.l_
B.l?l*w?-Tn? JHHN B. SRAATS. J aiorawr..
N PUR8UANCE of an nnlrr of JKS.MK C.
? HI1H, l?i . a.irr.ea'. .il lb? r.iuaut of Bt.?a-. aaaur. l*
.!.? ?,..n lo law. te ail p?rw.B. k??i*e rlaam* MBtaak,
HKMtY Jl Ill.r.N.H. lal*.^ ll..laie,.ilM* (?"* f.ty)ol Wil?i?
k.ii.l.. dr. e.a?J. ll..? are ir.,u red n. U.e aame, with Ibe
yo.nlipra tli.r-I, to tbe >ub? nbaia, JnHN H. COKDU. *l bm
Mer* Ba :U k ilt.m ?t . mUi.City ol N*w Tofk, oa o? kali.ra tba
17th day nl No.pBiker ae?> I>aip?i M.y II, IkfO.
M.NIIN Jl H<l*NB.j . .
mylJ l.wean* JOHN H CIlKK?I, f *~" ' "'""I
Ii* the .-si I'KKIHK COJKTbw thn STATK
tf Ba* Ba.i.* Bowru and l.uraavy Brnwa, Bam.iag
Ainiiniatrator...) Uir Eatal* ol Rekertfl Adaina, aaaaaaaBj aeaiaat
Hiram A A?.m. To Uie DCFIRDABTl loa ar* barakg *u*W
i.?.n..l aa. reamr.d to anawer tfip rompiaint of tb. abo.a aaia^
okmmm\ m an aeBae eaMawarag aeam.t yoa. ia tb. luyno.
Courl, (whi.h eaaapa?fl waa IW in iba IHBr* of U. I'lerk of
th* lounty ol l.juga, ou ll.a tU iot of May, le?1,1 *ad la
aar.* a ropy nl your .uaw*r oa rae at Biy oAVra m Ik. vlll*a* af
44 Pwat, m ihe c..y nf i aynf*, witbi* IwpaiyOaJa ail.i Iba
*ri>n e,.i ',),,. anainien. ?n y...i, p.rln.i.p nf Ua* 4*y nt W*BJBj ?ad
Uk* nolup, il you lail 10 an.wrr .*i.l . ompU.Bt a* k.rpky rawjuiraai.
tlipplamtifl'. w,ii uk* iiidtniri.t aaaiawtrea *or llne H?.Mi*d aad
Petty DaBara, with orteiwl Ik.reua, li.m U>. il.i day ef May, l?M,
l^.ioep the.-oau and di.hurainenl. nf thi. a.'tp.n OaUd, May Bi,
aoLoMON OII.C*. ra.aur* Alioraey,
u,>.71*w6wTb VVeod* Port, ?). f.
IN FIKHIANCK of an order ol tha Murrogato
of tbp Couaty of Naw faaB, Betfc a " l.ereby ka ahpwaoae
>,. -* a( ,.i.l john'.iiry Ma of ?I f.iy w
N.w York, k*]*..i nipr. ha*l, derra.ed, to preaaal Uk* ana wo_
,o.i.lie.. tlier.,,1 to llie .ui,? nhrr, at Ui* r.ff? - ,d graarui Byra?,
a.y Atloruay. No. i, 0B> Hall pfa> e, m Ui* < ... af Naw r*rk, im oe
- ' ..nty Ir.t day ?l "? ?' D,le.l N.w York. Om Itkh
tm '?? J.nnary. IW*. MltHAEI. i.r I1A..IITY
Jlfl lawi.irill,' A.lm n ..r.ti.r. Br of aautdaxaaMd.
T^Ol'K'i;.?A iiiinilr,r*il .'ai, Hiy.liiii
_a dred aad llorty li.. I *. BM aBB la.ned ky Ihe 1'a.tad iute*.
da..d Jaauary i... iik'.l.t,, Jtai:. 0 FHKVI'M. a* traolM, and
llr o.rrnil ?i.i JAMRB M. frltNCH,
.. a*d>*?pd i.y u.e p.n. <.* oin,-? luiuei aa ia? jma of jaaaaaf.
l-ftl al IB* C.ty nf New t..rk N.rli. e i. berehy f,,*a, lhai appk
, inoe will t,# tra-.e in ih. rnaBoaawaaer ot f-a*.,*. 'or . lufl....*.
o' ... ll w.rraat, ia at. .MI. all.r U.e flr.l a.,bnr?**?,ri nf tbia.
? Be* Y.ik.Juaa IB, la . JMtf.t W PHBNCH,
j ?i 7 laaOalb TrdraiM iMBc., Naw Y-irk.
T\T()TKK ?f AI'II.KATIO.N lor il.o dut
X~I akaaja ?<> aaaaaa a. knapp, ** >?ofrnt, *??. _a
aakat, aataaaal t? th* ?>, tk. uurd *rt>rk. ol tba
I -l '.ll* al il.e Allk .kayior of* part of tb. K?tw*o1
BUtute*. No... a tirat puhfuilied Apr.l BJ, l*M- Crwd.lo?
to appe.r ka?r* Moa SAMU'CI. S. IKI.DKN, o*. ot ?w
Jotajea* allb* *>* Ceett "i <i<? *uu of *?* r..k,at kw
oTT.. ? m Ib* l .ir '?' H.. hwHer oa ll,- 11'*. day of Juty, l*f4d, at Im
e'i k.k .? Ih* k?r?w*,a nf day, ?.. akow ?aaaa, .f .ay U>*y aa.e.
why ?n awiauB^ai nf Wi* laaal*aa* wui? .h?uld aot k. ??*? and
be ba due hariwl froai Ib. paynveat .1 bi. debt*.
BBBIawiawTk r. mcimbkr. Atv.m.y, R.Kk.*t**,.a r.
il Baa Ki. iu.iiJ Jai.Ma II Stwwart awl .... hw w?V IM
J.nrt A B..inmona. go. r?!.?l'| To ta. OEggND
A4|, \ ,11 lr. Ii.r.i.y , .rniiwinnd and reo/nred lo ao*wer Lle..*w
p' in Un. ?uoa. wii.b waa fllod id U>* ndb. ef th* Cwrk af
. mty, 'i, U.r lltb .!.y ? I May, l*Vt. and aer?* ? ropy*
four *a*wrr .,* om>. *t N.i. 1*7 Oraenwubat, i. ll.. CMy of New
Turk.witlo* twrbiy day. ./I.r th. ?r,.-e aerwuf, *.<Iwm.. of U>
d.iy nt aurh ae~u ? , ind il I'.u fail to anawpr Ih. r.?iek?Bt aa al>.?
?ai.l. il.e plaini,* w.ll apply M wa Court <?,! tb. r*U?f daiaaaded ua
tbaouup?ai -l>at*d Htli M.y. Iiasa
atyll l.wli?Th* R TKB BKOrrB, ftarwur. Atiera?r.
I PRESIE <Ol RT, Kmfff, County.?Jolm B .
I ? wi J.ilii. .??.. Bataawa* iw ne,n?y ^ma*de*4
. i. a.r..t C . n BOtM*.] fo J.lHN ?4VAN. ?.ei*.elMf*6p
-. v.r.d to .n.w.r il>a roaiolaiat .. Ou* ?twa,
wi rfh wa* ? ,, "i - - I - "i 'i - < k-rt of Ibe teaatg a*
| t . , II ? r oi Bo?.lyn,aad tn **rv? a cope>
at.-n ur ...?. r.kpp., at 'kmtoi
. . n ., ,'. ...I( ty.^ Or ...ryn, ..?.atw.ale'
d,)..rtertiie aervwe ofktk ??unnvMa on you, >xrla?i* of Ib* ???
i eria^taiM onOwa
Um Ubm ab^aMeJ, ibe panBtiV m BB* ?< u>mi wiU uB.
*f..**tyo'. a.r.l,- taataf *.u. b'.ipf.ed aad I*,. *>aM adhnaad
waa frum tb* /iibday of Owr.eak.r. IBBI.
M .y tt,laag
?rBBIavlOwTk' l? Yloll * ' ')4liir, Pbu0UtT*?Uwr *jt
Si PRKME CUL'RT?-Ib the matter of _i?ap;. of BM Bag.., Aldarav*. aa* CuuMxaaBf ef lha Gm
ef Ir. York, ralati.. ... >ae ..eaaual aad Mgiaa ??t of
.,. ?ri YM.?*sr ..?' 4KI.. ia Ik. *"?Baii.*tl
\4 .id .,( -a^i C.t?.-Tke uiMera?be.l. C a.wauee*. ef gaiauM aod)
?p..w?i .a tb* aUi4*?...jUM waoer. k..*k| ??<' o?u*?, aar.oaai
, tb* reaiuroBMBt. nf ? artof ?a L.aalai ,r. oT?a pwopk. of tkf
la* mm .BUlUdaai r.r . l... !?..,... kirefa .fte. 'erl tbere
i, plrted tb?,r as^uded C<imaie aad Aa.????*.at
. - r tbird _ra, *? ik l .11 ?*?.*? rL -
, . ,'y.""^'i^i
1. IB
et .ppb ii-, aar?rrty ?kt _ PdU *t- *->
. . .-J,-Mlkxk.?*w,.rV.r.
J.,uBded ?y A#">r pooro. tvrruk at., Taie* a?. aa* B*e a.w^y .
ai?r Ua* b?r? ._wa a* tfn?eae*t-?eB.P?, ItiaataB bg ktv ?t..
kr> eetk-at, ev. a?w the B^?p- . aad atoe all the M*. Pmt*..
. yiaa or froatiag m .be we?'prr? kaa er *?*e ef tha
E ..? -t.?. IU -k-iherff ummmm ? ^^/f**"*^ _?
t'^rw* by \k? ?Ueet awaapr ;:? a.?*?7. 'B**??M? ??'*? a*.
T.: B*wl-. ot fa- ?.t ._ d-i**al?W ** ibe *-***. aa*
mmkt mty ~*d k? t_ -^ c^?_r*e'if _, M. _
- --- .. taa fhre*t Caaaw^'i ntktm oi _* C?rg_**'
Jl" m.'7.~k "*????.? <"?*?? .w^-w* ranaor pve
U.p .a-wMd Barort aad tke ena>aa. Bptrrrt _ _??*
a.?i.?i. ?u: ba *."?*?????? 8?#rrtw Omnaf kfm
Tor* ll , Bww- Tp-. ot Ihe ta- Crart. to _? bJd*l the Caa
BaBrfaeCnyor New Torl, ee gat.rday, Um tia eagef J.kj.
"*?: aad ilMkdfcrr. aad the..? _ w. . ib*_aA*v m 81aaaBaJBBB
U kr_d, * ?. ?* ?"? ae aa?. umi ^m *?**<?* BaaoPt aad o*m
iaBJBVWPrtk?.o_iaM*. JadB.*i.eMrar1h*f?-.ea.0..iriM?*
oirseeul .?wu. rkargaa aad BWbwi*?*aaaU wrwrreg m_fmm**'
\Wommm^mik.ok0mmttt?i mattot. wa] ta airdoB.
?yTEdward*. al Um B.prewM Ctmn <%*?*??<i J? ??
l_eafb? ..-'--'. r'k. t-k of _. Crtyaa* Cameey ot Bew
tort, at ta.C*y _.? "? th. < .iy oi Bew Tn*, ??.-?>** *m .f
J.l7l-fcal??cBprkM-*(Msar-n, iy.
tahg. rAIMAB J. VrATBBA. ) ...
B. DBaJkVlAXX) I-IITH,) ._._.
??_ f P.r?i,Aaer**f laaaaaj
Clcthmg, *Crc.
Prew b Si'k Hata at 83?81 toa* tbaa Broadwav Ertoea
?aat_a_B88|B so ?lu-vs,
No. 138 Caaal-at, aaa door trom __8v__
BOY* CLOTHINO, rae4ty-nede or a__W -.-.-at to
a* No *l Faitoo a At tbia ewabiahrnaot .aa wiil And a
karge _?a?11 of 8__toB08?1 rraoy ntade Ci atOM *?*,
a a*.ie, Maortaieet o* goo*e wtucb tnl) ba ___** te arwav
ta a BBBal that cann-t ba _BBB8Bw__, Na II Far-aa-at_
?TX> HATTERS.?500 _>*. Cantoa
JL B'?'.i Usia, ihe r-w 'a-Mowabte av-e fef um waag.
8o? BBto b? A I FI.AND k I'O ko 171 Peart-at.
Carpcnuga, <_>ii ?_0t.?a- n9i.
<_, Mew-YorB, rr.nteal by a .law Pataal
BJCE b CO. Pata-teea, waald -oaa raa.
______ tc tba trada tbat tbey aeva -bcakaal
_____BBB_ ef BttBttoa rtoer OU Oetb* by Ma_-~aerjk
__!__. for ilaaanea of ____ bave aevor bwaa ____a*I aa.
a-tcb tbey ar* aow aOerHkE. t-fafber witb a larga aad iaato
EbW akaak of Clothaa, trom J ko I hat wida, et araaato a*
_?_?-? ?-.#_ at _?el? W _?__?_, "?a ?? wt??a
GEORGE CLaT, Sufaeon Dentiat, hai
laoa-vwB frea, No 14 UBtvwraty-pl-B* totitM C_?
Ba glaii. abet-, betweaa U Bl Yararjr-ptoea aad Itb-aY.
Oraaataatal Fk_k_erat_, bag ktava (a tofarta tbeir Caa
tonterv aod th. Public gaoarally, thal tn BBBBBBJBBBBB or tbe
lacrea-. of bwaaaaa. they bave reaaoved froaa thelr aid etaaA
No. 11* Broadway. tu tbe aaw B_i_i>ut No. _? Eaat l-_k-__.
whcrr wr flatier oorwlvee wa bave a_ iarya a auwk aa aa}
aa-abi-huieol of tba kiod Ut tba t'nited Btataa, to whiaB w.
ara *______ Uy o?Aiug addiiuaia *?'e woald ratptrtf-lly
lavite ihe PuMio. ___BB cbaanelgag to autaraln* aflB eoilt-artne
ofCaafei Piacea. Conito* Oroamanta, Braeketa ba, wbtok
wa ara praoatred to aall oo reaa-iable terma
N. 8? P_i_a___r atteatioo peM to Ordara | fYota Eb*
J- ACL't-iM-rf-Jk.?I'he -?:? amrr Nimrnd
_i ean be for .acuraioaa. beytag baan lartttod
tbe parpoaa Apply at the ?*'aeE-at.
e_h ui-. OP. a ita J B COrrTJL Agaoi
EXCURSloNS.?The well-knoarn and
tavrrite aeamer CATAUNE h*' been thomnghly
raired. Bid can r>..w Ke riarterad for rgcaraioaa Apply to
v OKUBOE V>. CORiilE_,No. -MPearla
HERMON, ilate Bidd'e'. ilrow V? Tha Aaaaa] F.g
cu *'<>ii 9 'he C. lagliatyba an- S?k>?ath *rhtri conaectrd
with the Chti rh ofthe Rrwtorerioa, Brooklyn, will take
plare an FblHAV, luntli The !.?_? ?"<1 rom-n rlio a.
prepeller OKN VVOOI.. twefher wwh Ora-ger'. B?*.i,
BBBO hera rrgaged for ihe orrat'on Th- Co_im.it__> bava
? i?. p?ir. io make thi. tho eaeuraioa af 'he *e*_awi.
IVleuntay be obt.ineti of tlie Conimlatee en th* wharf
on the dav ef tne B_4 uraio" The bo.t will leava foot af
Mam .. . Rrooaly . ei 7 ; Pier N>?. S North Rivar, lf A. at.
Ticketa '4iee_'* ; ebildren half prire. _
i5oT8ra, ojamagca, &t.
A heentitnl BBlmal ofthe real Motaa atock, aound la
every rvaoect, kind h aay bame-a and very ryllah ln aeUoa.
He t ?'?? a grc- traveler, ard a irinarkably pleaaant aad
dlr horiu To ary or.e, in want ofa rrlltble aud e'eguit
ar:r.ial, thi* i* a _re opportunity Apply to PATRICK,
Tigiityi Stablea, Love fana, n?vr nerrepont-at. Brtxiklya
COAL? REMOVAL_Th? aubocriboi
ba. reoiuved bii down town Oftea, from No. M 8 road
w?y totbe betemect of No. 35 Wall at, and ta now atlltag
t''ktn-*o/ Anthraeite and Bltnmlnou* Coala al a/aaUy ra
dtoad pncea JAJ8E8 L WORTK,
Na _A Wall-at. Albat., ournar Tbompaon-at,
and ?>th av, aoraar Autna-aL
(^OAL.?I still contin-P'naual,
ibelt-i Red Aah at the loweat poavibleprtce?deltvarad
from rcy vnrd* bi |l 7^ nei i -aeen'jloat from bottta.
PETr'.R CI.INK.i-, , (ii-rck and iliviugtoa.
~~itlUE R^UUCED^COAL_?r26.?
COAL.?Tbe Su.ara'ribai l* ovw nrepared (o dattvar ta
aoiig-niei-, firit tiu-lity While Aah Mchuylkill Coal of tb*
Brokru,, aud Hlove Slgea, at the ?ln,ve low pnoa, direet
ffnui huata. for caab. tifty ce.ui B?BBbaaal if taken fr-im
the Yard Alao. br.t quality Red Aab Peach Orcbard. Hro>
krn. Egg aud Stovr rluee, at ihe low prire oi |l Vn aaliverad
from Rtiet, fifty centa addilioual if deliverwd from Yard
Purcliaarr* -riiding Uirlr own can*. will be alinwed fifty
aanli per tun tn.ui llie abova b.w pricea.
M. Bt CKMAM. Ageut, No II Waahtngton-a,
and No ..j, i Ji~tnw'.rh-at.
FlTla-TUli COAL.?The PfiimBvlvania
Coal I'un pany ta prrparad to dellver to famlliea la
any part ol thia city, Brooklyn. aad W'lllla__ihurgh. frotu Ita
Cai ai aad aeverE' yarda, tba varioua tiae. of Ita
Pitutot Coal,which laa aupenor Anthraeite for douieaiia __.
Applv at caa ,_i,_. or 14th at aod 9th-a* . vv_._m.
near Morton. at tl.r foot of Oovarnearat, Eaat Rlveri footof
Nonh I'-th tt, Vk illuniaburgb, foot of Oold-tt, Brooklyn.
or at tbe otfica of Uie Companv. eomer of Bnawtway aaa
Wall-at Tbe Coal will be delieverad at 84 li par taa. of
..OB iba from Uia Caaal B-ata aod Et |_ 85. ra-aeraaoad
frvtr Uae yarda
Orncfl paBBerLYABiA Co.lco, ?
Cor. Broadway aod Wall a )
PITTSTON COAL.?The Paaskaylrar
a<a Oaal ('? nip.ny it now prepared to aater baa _o_
baaN _a 'he tale nf ita (uperior Plttat >o Coal. delivarable at
Port Kaata nrar Rrmdout, on the Hudaon River, before lat
July next, at the foliowing pricea par tun of i.l- Iba:
l.t.rrp.8> IB i Hangeor Large BBBBB. .|_ 80
8tra_nboar. - i">\ Nut ur .Stov..9 I
Oratr or Furnaee.3 ??| Pea . 2 75
Contracta may tlto be made >or the reaalodar of tha aoa
e*n. by applicauwo al the rouioanv*. o0i_a.
liF.DKOE A. tlOYT, Trea-orer.
$0 -;f;PKR TUN.?Pearh Orrhard
? >. I tt Hrd Aah (tal. Nat Oxe; a_*o, and
IBBBB f*e of the be.f quality, at 'be lowett market prlce at
the Prm-h Orcha'd DrpV.t, I"7 Anthony at., near Broadway.
OJuirr (c nrc
DK. WM. (.. REED, Water-Cure
Ptyilcl-a. Office, No 4. VVbite-tt
CL'RK eCTABLlSrlaLBNT. ak Beanlugtaa, Va
iaooa to he ooe hour'* R?lroe. nda troto Albt_* aad Trut,)
i eow opon MmrotalD tceu.rv aBBOrOBOaal
J__ P.tiee'. rrr.ivrd at thia KaablUhrnent, and partua
lar ati'i.tiou paiii ie eara prvtice.
I)R N U i,l'IMB\.No. ir7K_st Broadway, N. Y.
TRBk_g reeeivea partanta at th* i__ta_odlo_a etty m
tabhihinent, No. 15 L?Ight-at A gpectal d-partm-ut for tha
aiechanieal aod rargical tre.tment of Pemato U_?aaea la aa
der tbecbarte of Llr. Tralt and Horaalord
?At FubAill Laodlng. Oacheaa Co, and?r the ouarge
of O W MAY, M. D, Proprletor. will ba raady for tba ra
otpuon ofpuLlcuta _M_ June, whera puia alr aad water,
tn. all otber Hydropalblc afplUktvoaa will be d-peuaad lo
O-flcring hu___,ty.
iCI HE -Thi. retabluliirient, bow in 'he nghth y-ar of
lue__a<-ep,e-|M M _MP0ELI_aa__Ai*f.
Bt bfietufog* wiil v .ip.-t,e.r finr inv_.,lg th<- 1 b?. of M.Y.
Thr MreicaJ _bjb_-i< . I bf B WHiMARTlI,
M I) M a \V l/.M.VKill wiil aas-t iu Uia treati.iaot of
. r__ah >_-ra _
a.ultnua u> rrceiie patieaU at No. IW l-lh-at, corner ofl nl!a_e, ? beie he Laa blthci-i _eao a_*o<;i_-?d wiu. Dr
Joel Khaw The ho.a- t.a* '^*-o ihoroughly fefi'-f?. and tha
a.. *t ranie* rtfoit wil be to eatigfy tnoa* wbo -BJ
trmi ih^mae've. to oar eara Accorni_.idar:oBa oa .'aaanna
kto irima by tiie day or week. for any one wbo anay anab to
ae Ciiv prarticw faltlif.llv atterd?f'to
"JVOTICEa?Dr. N- f.KDOia'UA.fofm
_^| ,r|y of Lebanoa Sprin_B WaterCuia, i* aow flt_ngE|
ar, F.*te___l>Bi"_t at S_r?t__a Spr.nm, to he epened tba la
of May Addi-wJ N BKUOBTflA. M " ? -a/atoga 8pr,_a?
N Y.
<'i:r. "OLTit OKAN.-K. NKW-.FK
\ ...i-.. ?; ib'. i .*t.i-.:'?? n t*.' ? ? d *.*ae* fU.<
r,?d s* '.ho kt ?. a-at, at H aoi ?__. mu, a_l i
laiari Im no 9 *m < aaa -BBjao *t 7 _cd s? A M ,
End Nirtb Oraije Et I . aad _*u'._ Orang' at 5. I M.
tt Port < -BkawT S V . OO New .'itk .r,d Nrw IllV-B
e,H 15 VVkJte-O _
TI\E?Vk_T_ntc<! to C;_-_lu ao deleter*. aw Ingra
dieata.?A eever faJ:i.| hfe oolor ntttmr. _nd preaerver e
hair. t*ir. and tight. It la _t_oi to grey -alra, aod Aeetraa
t_j_ to wi____r_t_haa._?d apeeUelea Tha valoa'de p.epar
atu-k. dllteteat froai al! _ti_ra. has bee> osad tor maoy yeara
wtlcb c__ be att.__td to by ht-.-r-de of Udiea. toeomof iut
avoat weaJU.* f__ile? i a'ao by dergyawa,lEWYaraiMi aoe
tora. who Uviaa prevl-ualy triadalltae BtjOyaaBof BbeOBf
? of _ale_ari-_. art-clea. mtek *??__?__.__' ?____*_;
?Zd-bttea b____^-e-Wikiv J-r^f ^ _^__
_a_Wr^e1?r_--5 baj-b-*?^?J aott*T_,
___, b_g__t of tha Reat-tar Ie ba*a tna mwrmti aaac- to*
- . '. '. w-. --
__^ i *__T__,_^_r_ea everj ubrea nxaitha, yoa wUl aol
by afrvlyt-g it a tow ua^eve^-.^-*-^ /
have a grey baiC ?_g*_B ,__g___^_!_J_: JyJZ^LZ
t"__^KrL^ orEnyarop.
t^tTtbTZmd, tt wiil etob reatore tha atght aad praYeal
S_b__ fro?B -kih-aj. by iB-lawrBOBf tbe __*, maeetoa
\Z^m\)l?itmmt^tkm rouuoltimlmu. 0?aar*mea
y.7k-r-_w-ftbE--*-f,_-.-C< ai4_t,aa o-rartoataoat