OCR Interpretation

New-York daily tribune. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1842-1866, June 24, 1852, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1852-06-24/ed-1/seq-4/

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^m\\r Tfio"i>*llv af/iu-.o* ??> **_?_*? ihe
_K.fo*p ul^eic? rathrr we will t-ll h._ tbe aaaa
?"k^Iwo" rot .UPPW ?'" e-iatwi*- wth pr-rio. faa..
W&TI ,,? >r? ooe ? f . ur dmb beaver. lt to not ao
2Tr.T .hai i" )eBV'? a rerl .tr-ak ar ejad hi* t..-n-_ .nd eeta
iZinie.eepl.BI-B torarry .. ; ** tha eoi.t.ao. aaa- ?a
_T_?aae nrhe. nofori?r u.e M * faa preato.bo ia e .jh
fVlk.hk/otror.Vpa.! ...tam.e.ugar aod vn.lh into ore aad
an it 11 'l p *or. ai.d if if d.i/t -nakp - erram it wi'l make
r?r,pthin, ,h>. *.. "rar " lt*.n*." fyo-i o.vw S*eo harn
b0?edi,tohii4'.ngah.t whieh o?hg. 701 to _- a ttti. call
tvoia we wiU give4.ru tifty eeu* Vr lt. a - aell you
ahet tbat wllf a>?<- jnt. what yoo kavdlv want tni. hot weeth
m ?? I fo,.ireaaand--eaa." RarrraTT A Lbasb.
Uvav Rairioebatcirs.?There. ia noth
inabrt'.r la k*.i tne hrad cooi fian od? o K*o*'? Bocfcy
JBoubtain Rea.eia.B-. lh.-d.nand for tr.e-.aa *?f?JM
tba ki.nk r.-r.Pt. la '.Wa-ai*. and . eadliy I *?;????''??
All who I. v" r?,n',m. ...,. wmk to p ?*?- a r-*j?-.-tebie ep
?W<p ..,.ulr.. wi.rvnt.lr ay, *vm a B Rnc?y "^ ''"'?>??
tfp u ...Me-i- *bie articie ever wora. K.n-.x i. at Na. 1?
Eah oa-el._:
Scmmer Hats.?WarnocRS, Hattera,
gaailbd aeuftemai thal the time ha* arnved for pottm. ao
Oan-er Hai*. aud. lu auticipatlon tberoot they _v? pre
Zarrd an ?ittnal .e but *eir<t aee. rtuiet.t, oonn.t'ni ln part
of the oirivaled Preneb gi.y Beaver: the Ro.-.ky Mount? n
-Llte Beaver, t?r euft Kelt Hat, oi whitn, crrjaii, pink,
aearl blue aod ora coloi. of lieautlfu) modeie, the Panama,
afaayaaull Breai1, Hanilla. Seun*t aud other Strawa, of d*
Irabl* rnialttiw No IfBJ Br.*dv.ay. Irving Houae._
Grai, Drab ano Cr_a_ Cf'LOR Bkaver
-ATk-Biao. eoroer Pine and Naaaao ata., will lntroduse
Ihe 8umn.Pi afyle oi Oeallrmeu . Hata, oo Tueodby, May
_*_ iDeddilii.ii to the vanrtiee above tiipotloiieri, wehave
ararared apveral alyl** of aoft fur Ha a. of BBIIaaB *hado* of
E apoanrg U> the we-arer the p-irfection of conilor* and
aotivnriipo * ; toapther wnh aa fcinple a??k of oeweet ?'y.ee
Of Paaatua aod Btraw Good*.
" BiaD, ooraerPTBeaodNaa?ua?
"~Oenin UpTovti-NotwithstantlitiRthe
_t*?upir-v.iri uie ?riaviratioti" of Kroedway, cauaed hy
thr ti ani g down ol wall* ind Ih* taaiti k up jfpaving *tonea,
Or.Nii, tirda tbat ihe *ueani of up-lown rualom, overcotiiii.g
all Impadinenta n.aKp. ita way to hia Bazaar. That n .thing
B*y b* wanUna on hi* i*il f> tn-at thia puraint of I?inoo
ai,d elegBiitt- uirfler nitiiculi**, b>- ia coi.Uiiually importiug
a*w atyW* of clnldwn'e coe'iime, ladipif walkina, ndmt and
ditea bata, thiidreir'a tancy hata, laury artlcha for the toilet,
kc. Ac.Tfr. tn Ihr fiial hoii.r? in "an* ___... _ . ,
. QrniWa B?"*r, So. 6J i broadway, 8t Nichola* Hotel^
%ST Rat tV Aiiams, Hooiers, No. 591
Broadaav. fiimi.h the " Ne plu* ultra" of / ipliyr Irrler
ahlrta. Thr** juatly patrpniea gaimenfa promotr botht'e
fcpalib and aaa>f n of ihe wearpr. An ellixlual and te-utla
a,aoil.bt ol per?|iraiioi), ad nir ihly fuued to the pr-eent
peric^l of tr*ii?'tion f om the co!" of early ?utiog to th.- heat
trf*uii.nier, of >he he*t und hntnt ma'erlal veiy lmbt. ? *\\
ela.ti' anfilurahle; and iu pi.iiit ol eoonomy th* uiarket pI
ford*r.-iiPcbpape-. Am.-iian H?i-ry and Lnder-Oarmeul
Maiiulaiu rv, No BM Broadway._
jfarclierkeil Linen *or LndKis' Travelin?:
Ir,?wa rrinfed Linrn loi Chilflren'*drp**p* ; f.uP whi?e ail
iaocv Bani.lav DnJa f.-r gentip?pn'? aofl boy* Pantalooua;
fiaurtd Siair Cia*h. verv hravy, io variooa pafterua, nil jmt
raeeirad per tha ateatner I iropa, at the New-York Luien
Hall. Jno. I)AVi*4tCo, Hi?. W9Btoadway.
BT There _re "biara" in all prot'e?-<i<>nH,
asd taatr akill and aeniu* are generally the fo_idtti >o*of
tbeir celebrlty la lt tao niucb to **y fbat theae qua'ili**,
addrd lo itiduatry aud paactaarara. have giveu Hai 1.1, No.
1 Aetnr llonae, a trjiuiatiou for making the be*t hltin^ and
moat tl?g"in hhirta woru in the I'Mted St*'-?, and aeuding
tbem bome invatiably at tbe promi?ed boox I
~ BT Andrkws 6c Lanphier, MerchaLt
Vraliora, uave reuioved froni No. Mi to No ?27 Broadway,
(Brewder* Marble Bulldng*. between Huurtou ani Bloenk
ar-at*,) where they are prepared to funitah articie*ln theii
Haa at Ihe ihorteet unt're. and th* moat fnfliloriahlnuiafpr'.il*
SoMr.TiiiNu New in Summkr CoATI at
Jy.HNir.?.hb Co.'t.?A u. w afvle of *uuiai*r hiiiiueat and
travelli.g Coat* i a* juat N".n 11 ttiKioc.il hy fliiipopjlar lirtti,
whl.Ii ui eut at r hnl h *iripn**e* an>thing of tli* kn.a tfat
haa tippii iiruPurrd th'* aaa iner. Taa coat u of fine ? u*lo
ruilli i, t _..irtiie of a li.-ht. (ik.I tni. r, and owia iuexiui
aite al*i>r to theapi.iu* of ayeaag cutter iu the ertthlnh.
bopiii, who ha* ihoejeof au a" i.t aml the fiec-Mary me
cha .ira) kkill t. itaba* bkoara idaaa The hu.ioea* world
i* inv't. d loexnruine tn. i?-au ideal of an uncirea* aurriTier
Coat, whid, in?> I.' pruaoiaaed ihrmi^t dn.lnng andditiin
Bi.6 aftnii i ' llie kind th.t even tlie Wdil-known h'l'iaeof
Jennings ft Co haapvpr tun.d oaf It hannonizea baOB*
tifully ?i h tli.- new atylea of Miinmer Vi-.u, and aiintiier
I'anialkoi ? fbaaa wbe aralorcleBaw ?aaa to uiea.ure, to
aolrcfi .ti* from >he Innhii ii.'ile rmdv-made alork, can he
aaipli.d wi h nippihaiiikina few hufira W.T. jKNNiNCil
A Co., No. ZH Broadway, A?aricao llotel.
Gr** Cantkkll, No. 336 Hitw/ery, (a*
aiated by tlie well known firm afl?OOTTBAOB A Son.) for
merh . I Hr. adw*', ?. i.tidrnt of 11? uhility to give perfj<'t
aaii.faiti o. take. jil.a.un' iu inviiing tbe ?ttantmn ofln^i**
tn inaaasoniiiPiif of Firmti Slipprr., (Jalter*. Boota, Buf
kitia, In-a Ar.; a'an. to h . b,*iui'iil l.ineii (.aitar forSum
_er, lor whu-.h ha ll no* h.vii g a laige call, aud aelhug at
the low rhaigr ol twatre AiMaga
Bori i.iok Baoxi and GUiT_as.?There
ara thipp dp*idpr*tuut* .onght lor bv puicha?er??a " allv
aood alo.-. u t- ?. ? ti', nnH a moderata pri.c Thr.e thrpe can
be ftund ae?kiaad at W atkins'*, No. 114 Kulum-*.. Tho
ah.at* h* a. Ua *re h'aown make. th* alylr of them il Ulnv^r
aally aiimiied, aud the lowuta* of hi* price. i* the talk of ihe
town. _
tW Bioellaat Tea and Cotl'-c, whrilf
aale and relail, at VV'. P. Moonv k Co.'* Tea Warth >u?e,
No. lSHChatl-am-at.. opposilo the Natioial Theairo. The
BDOt* deh. loua Black Ti-a we evrr diank, came from tiu* -o
tahh.litn.j.t. and r.wt only I; pei lb Thia Tea waiimporlrd
axpira.1) t\n (ainily uac, iai J and b lt). C-iUceni, aud 14 aod
4i< Vh Ik.I.'.
J-ODIAN PlAJIOt,? Hallkt, Datis 6c
Co't unrivalrd Piamat, with or wi'.hout theirmiuli ipiprov
ad A-'.olian bring ihe mo*t .!? <nahle Piauo in u.e A large
aaaoiifiiri t ol N.w-York fian.M. Sei'ond hand Pian >a ?
I'laao* to ln Dealer*tupplied oa liberai teruu. Uoci.Da
BkkkV No. 297 Brondway.
b?T JDaflgiereonrpea ofthe liaest toac,
Afmir. d hy all - rrtuavd bv none?
Aia t.k.n daily, wili oui iiie letst delav,
At HkNUrsasoN a, 1 Bo4Vfry und WI tfroerlwey.
(j!en. Scott a.m> (.kn. Pikrck.?Fine
Portrailaof thr*e diilii.guiahad i-andidataa f.u the I'rnai.leo
cv, toxilh.-r with liknuae,* of 4Ve?iPt?r, Pillmore, Cna*,
Clay, Calkaan, ai.d aaaay oihn? who h.ve (MM*rd tnun tne
aopii**. t arnou. are op.o to tbe puhlic. at IIkahy > Util
leia,*, Moa. IBE aud MU Broadway. cor K Utoo-at.
?***.fwJ /lj?,fi'e.iflr>?i oj I'killifit' I'oient t iie Jmtammatoy in
kTalaagaiawiao aai'ilii uiildiafiil f-nr. ?ai th* rjliciiatioii
oflh- Aiiipn.an Pi-priPUn. Engme C_ripany No
thia Ciiy. appolii^ed a ('?i.iiiii'ter of ihrme-nhei* to tett :he
(tlnac-y ot niil.i.ii'a' I'ateni Kirp, Annihiia'ori in thp extin
gulahinriu of ?<? nlrri.1 i n ? Tbr dr?i?u of llu.% ? fcentleuien
wa* to irat ihe ma*hiue hriore any wairr wa* thrown on the
fire, atid hy a'.'.t rih.rt and ,>eiiev.rao.e they wpre enahled
to are. r>'| li-h ihi* i.hi.rt a. will baaaao by the feUowia|
axlrart tm" the Kep.irtof the Cooiuiitt?e to their Coinpany,
who fun.i.htd ua witli a i-upy i
"Niw-York. June 11, 1832.
" Your C.'ininiltee hava repea'edly endrav >rpd fo apply
tba Piir Aiii.i'.iIbU r dunn. tlie i.?p thr v havp heen lunuing
it, but havp not had ili'i'. g I'mt pen.ij bui one iairopp ittu
nlM foi t in?l ot lt* powi-ri whith wa* aflotded them at tbe
tira la No 17 Arn-it.. on Wedn**r>ay eveniua, tha Aiih ult,
ta wl tcu in*tai re tltay were eottrelv iucc*afful. v
" The fue couip ?nr,d In a pa.W>f tn. premiaea w'uere tw?
peiiniip wa*kppt and, at t. r tin.elhr al.rin wa.given, thrra
wa* leaBli f muDi the haremrtit a very dena* black (tiTike
"Tbe Atu ll'l'afer* weip, lu ihi* inata.ice, on tln-gruund bef >re
aay waler waa il'Mwa into thp buildmg. and thewhuleouui
ber of c.iu.lri., ai Aoi.il na.i.ia, wtn.h our vehlcln ron
tain.d (?? y. n tn all) wrrr t.krn down, one hy one, and
dlarlatg.d n.i tli* liir aa.pppdily a.p'wtihla, avudaucceeded
BO Wt II that the lirr wa* autKlued luimedlately. Althougb
at thia ' < aa a* a eei l ith*** wnrre ib. Anmbila ura have
hoea mrO wal*i wa. Ikaaaa into tli. hniicllug brtorn tti.lr
a-flp. ta lo'.hl 1^ ilpajl, i etprro.nrd, yet vour louaittep are
I4pirrrt'y M'Uheo thai BO WO'ai te*ili*d thia tira, a* thoae
bavii.* aiie.n.a i n ihe buihiii., ii'd not havp their pipe* in
ai*. tht Iruilning ai all | wlier, a*, thp BPB waa at tbe extreme
aad ol ihe oui ding. aur rou'd not be rearhec' hy tbe water
thrown frra? the . uk il- ol it Your Comrn'ttoe thereto'O
report Ihat. u. thi* i. ?tancp. tae ooly fair apportunity yior
Comu.ltt..- li?v. had. th* on ration of the A-nlbtletor wat
yeil, el'v eati.'atory.eiid to il the eotira crrailt la due of ax
tin. atatraM lb* Ir*.
'? \..ui l.iinniiilrp, theipfura, a*l*r runoing the Annihila
lor* two BBBOba ate'if'hr o^u. lon t.'iat ili-invantlon would
be ef (ieal le-i ei t to ihe Ouuiluuatty iu tb. evtinguiahuiaul
?I tir*. in any oidlaary atate ol progreaa Reapeclfally aub
(Sigaad.) -M Hackftt, 1
"Savih C. bOIMIB. I
"llu-hai i. Nai v, *> Cominitta.''
* Bami ri P Saiith,
"*i*iii Iaomoobb, I
Applicattooaforlh* vunhaae of rrmional RUhta, or tir
?e Annih'latar M wvMnee, may be made at the *_oa cOJbe
BJoBf lllfia fto. 4 \\ a?*n at .NewVuik.
T. T. BaBNI'M, liri rral Ma >agar.
BT KnwtKRM 6C Weli-4, Phrt-n-ilotivta
aod rabt-hara, Cltnioa HalL Na 131 Naaaaaet^ Naw-Yark.
?ad N... Itf WeehiDetoa-at.. Rwetoa.
Khb Cwk-i_TtM?a.? PETKason 9c
Hcmphhrr. Ne 379 Broadway, eorner of Whtta-eA,hava
taat recwdved, *tract fr> m the Eoiopeaa manufkctoriea, per
_le amvala froai Eurvu*. a laige aad e'egaut aaoo-traent of
rteh Moaalc Velvpt aod Tapeetry Carpefiug, aurpa-ing any
thing avai bafcire ia thi. oonotry, patteraa eotirely aew,
axoh?Ively oan own, aud ror aale ft?. 10 pot aeut. loae thaa
other ataraa **ll<ua .lmilar gotada
A Complete Revolction i> PlKCl
or Y\..Kia-tovi.ais._Uoly tbtok of huying a oew and
beaanA'.i Eag.iah Tapeatry or Bf itael* Carpet fot tl par
verd Tiatraa Hibam ANtiuitxii, No. 99 Boeary, to
_ro erihi.i rloot Oll-olotb* at 2 *, 3 .1 o, ani 4, . Thrao
rly ( avrpeta, 81e. 'o $1 : beeutlful Inarala Carpeta, 41.-. 4^
IBc. 6;'p., wnd 75c., llraih, a* ; Windw-Bhadea, 7Ac per
paii i Wa'*, Oiugxwta, Tahle-Covera, Mauiog, ate, Aar about
aaa* half their raa! valu*.
CAariTINOB, 6tV. ? aS-ITM 6t Luons*
ailt, N. 4!t Peari-et^ h.ve aow la attaa * eomplete aad
aVaainthl* atawtioeui of S.a.aw tirvi.E*, wbich toey ara
wfer.oc at ?a lollowiiig very radaead ptioea:
Per yard., Tot yard.
fOtaaf Caruaw.io, u. Ih Tapeauy Ingralia. ...e, to 7/
fagaat? Oo. 1 a> l* Moparno* do.5 u>6,?
Browwla *V. 7. t,. |i? K?:ra line do.4 to 5;
Tkor-pt} tki. ?, to 9, ICot A 4Voo! <\u.l/?to3/
Ab? Floxw Oil Cloth* 8 to 34 fcet wi.i*. at.d a efvolo* aaaart'
oaeat of all ufher at?la oouoer.led arikh ti? trade, from K lo
Bk par **a_ laat (J?laa* yrai'.pr^e*.
a__r Honwkf>e|K*rn and othern in arant af
Badoing. RedHeat*-, *c. w.ml- aa well to cail at W...
r e.i?bri*ritvl Waretviorr.., ro 158 C ,at..__--t.,
correr _' Mnli-e.ry .t , wbere m.y be found ibe largoalaB
aonnw-t ot arttole. in hi* linr ever oflerad te tbe p__l.c_
A Man for thk Pfoflf-Who h het
Davib fo ba BBrw. tha gm.prt.tor ot D?v-s'. Roivgaa*
whi.b ct.ugea gray hairio ita lortner e-|or enftoeeB -n_
fn.nfol arowih by Bctliig 0|?m the .ooU and pr-dacieg a
, aioial and ht.lthv acuon. fV.ee. ^'e-cta per brttle Fjjg
aale a' Ibe Ot ... -I WP-A N" *< *Bad tt. and at Na. IM
Brtk.'wev No 273 Wa-_i.igti._-it-. No >?>- ll-de-n-at, .*o.
1TJ B. wer'y. e-d No. 111 Uo_ei_a-a._
tF" (..,( kirii's Lhinid Hair Dyo ia,
a- ithoul exoaptioo <*r ivwarvatiou, the very be*t ever tn
reo>0, euoally oelrbrat*, la Uo-B_irV? Medlo-e. Soap,
foreuring pitnplea, frocklea. aajl rheum, fVab-wi -ma, tei
ter, aallowneaa, taa, roughneaa, kc Poadrt Subtile a?
rnofa hair rn-m enj r,rt eT-Be -"Hj Liqoid Rrraaa, Idly
wvatta, aad Uahr Qloet, at 87 YV.'kar-e-, near Broadway.
a_P* Cristaooro'h celr.brated Lii.uid
Hai f.ya, for Colortng tbe Hair or Whtikera 1 natan'er. apoa
BBtoral p.n.riple., a?ri w.rr.ioterl free from all earurtie eub
-B-ncr. la applied daily, ard aold arholratale and retail. at
Ceisi jt.ioBo't W'ig .na 8ealp r-tt_b.iahmen_ No P Aator
Houae N. B ?Private rooma for applylng lha Dye, __
Ittingor: Wigg._
XST Van DiUBElt'a Iroproved Wahpene,
ao lroe_riaI for lesforl-g the hair. and chang'ng iu gray
color lo it. origin.l appiaranre, coiitinii'-* Bl rsce've thr rv
f r tt*a peiri-r.age which ita a.erita *o juptlyd'-terve It it io
1 ?? ob niurd at the prlm pa1 d? p-t No t-1 ChamSert at
Noa r_7, IH2 IPJand 444 Bioadway, aud Noa. 11- and 146
Atlaotlc-at Br-oklYB._
Hair Dtk and Wio?.?Batchelob'8
Manr.fa" ry for fiear ariicleiia __tot_a_t- in all parta of
tf>- WorM; pera.nl wu.'iing s llght, elegant End durabia
Wig or loupee ean gurely be guited. Hto Hair Dye
i*Bt|,iirri (a .ure guarantee) or aold. W'boleeaJe or Retail,
at No. 4 Wall ?_ Copy the addreat. baware of i-.it.i_i-.
Women's Rights ? A Stampedk
amobg thp. Ladieb?"Oorham, Ohio, Jona 11 Mr.
?Lyob?Dear -ir: Four lad'ee met lo mv atora yeatarday,
each war.ting your Kathairon for Uie Hair. 1 bad bat oae
bottle left. Tha eauabble which enaued for thi* ooe waa
truly ujagfiificent. I had to cirar Uie coun'er for personal
ealety. SendaieBix dc_en imiuediEtely. J Oixo*" The
ladita of Naw-Yoik can be aupphed by aay of oar Lirugjigtg
at _'? eenta
Ten Thocsand Cures and not a Sin
oi.e Faii.cry. .?Dr. Hastin-s's Compoand Synipof Naph
lha, eelel.rated throughout both continenta for ita wonderful
aoros of a_a_B-_aa??, a.thin_, decline, sp'tting of hlood,
night-.weat-, diffin.lt breaUling.cough*, cold*, and alidue-sea
of the chrat aud lunga.
Ita eltect upon tlie ayatem la mild and soothing, at the
aaoietiiiiecertaiii and eflicecioua; rarely failing to give re
lief oi. the firat epplirntiuD, aiid by repeatiog it a few UineaE
permam-iit cure I* ettected.
The proprietor, therefore, not only r-cornmenrls hte Naph
tha Syrup, but wnmirita it to cure ! He warranta lt to act
jpoo tl.e ch) Ie and piirifV it; he wanant* it to rctnove all
inipediaieiiU which rrtard the free cirriilannn of the blood ;
he aairanta it to open the intanial and exfo-mal porra ot the
bax'iy, and eject all theohnotioua particle* which have col
Ircted iu the ev*tem: he warranta it ag a never-failing
i-n^edy ln (.irinii DiaOAaCO I.l'Ni.s, hetilc fever, night
.wealB, dy.pepaia, liver cniplai.t, pain in the che.t and
aathiiiai aud he w_rr_ritg it to arrett the form.tion of tuber
cle. in the lunga, and II h._l thoaa already formed, $o that
p.,rtoria in conjnmption nmy take it with Ihe moat poBitive
aeafUaBBBa ..f aaaie ; f"r itt great arat of action ia Uie luaga,
B_to_ it penrUEte* in alldirectionE, purirying theroofeYerY
tliii g t haiiaflliw? hl it* progreaa, and which, if applied accora
lng todirrctior,-, it oEOuot tau to leave in a perlecUy he_lthy
Dr. Ha.yibgs's Componnd Symp of Naphtha la highly
if ti_ aB ' d by thr mrdiral pr' fcerion. Tl at BtningiBl phy
tician. Dr Aldtt, of New-Vork, aaya, that "a* a pul'nonie
ia_BBB_1 lt cann.it l>e too highly prai'aed." Dr Arnold of Llie
Maiinr Ilo.p.isl, Savaiuiah; Dr. W'are of idverpool, F.ag
l_nri; Dr. V\ iiii_n,_..n ol Mancheater. Eogland ; Dr. Boyd of
Lartc-fter; Dr. ilaioiltou of Bath; and hoee emineot Eng
liih polilicatitina, 'Tht hmdon Ltinret, The Medirnl Jounuil
ai'd Jlro'thtoiite't Hetrvrjiect, all accord to it the moat eon
vincing certif.catci tt ita vn tu, a. lo thiacountry it haa been
uaeri ?ith di.tui-iualird aaeoaflE
Kold by C. V. CLICBI ni:r A Co.. No. 81 Barclay-it., Oen
rrnl Agen' for Nrw-York and Yicinity
For Prmidtnt,
.VIM'JKIill _*POTT ol NctY-Jirttey.
For Viu-Vrttidtnl,
WIM.1A.1I ... (ilMIIAM of North-Cnrollon.
rv \> Ma inoiiii-Hiinii .11?iilii?.-(.r... WIS.
rin.DSCOTT i?r Praalaamt, WILLIAA. a OitAHAM
tor \ Ir. I'rr.Hlen' ?By order of the two Whig ObOeral
r.lfl-itleeE Ibe \N Ing. of llie (nyand Ct unty of New
Votk anll aaatat the Broadway Boaao,-- THUESD4T
i'\ F.NINO. June 21, |o rutify tbr BOrateaii-O of the Wtiig
I andidatea lor Prrai.ei.l atid Vice-Preaidenl of the L'nlted
Ihe foliowing en-iinent ipeakera have bem inviteJ 10 *d
drei* 'be irireting 1
I'i ii t.porge Kiana, ? Ilmi. John M. ClaytoD,
Hoa. RbIbb CbaBte, Hoa, II P. Oentry,
Hon .1 lt tTiiderwood, II011. .lohn J. I'rilteoden,
Hi.n W rliaru L Dayion, Hon. Ilnverdy .lo!i>i?on,
liou.JameaC J?BBB, ll.m. T.iimat. aSnnui,
Hoa 1 > 11 lf. Bat-B, Etea. Babe*.C. Wmthrop,
Hon. (irir^n a.lim.in, Hon. l.dward Stanly,
Iii ri Baai-rlT.Vlatoa, _Ub_J_-__i A. IVarce,
ll,ii I'ntlv Kwing, Hon Jaim-* Itrookt,
II, n. Y C t abell, II >n (Irnrge lt. Babcosk,
Hoa. 1 lii.iiia? Cla. ten, On Letlie (omba,
t.?v. M.,.rtj.-nil, Banator Bei kman,
UgdeB HotloBn, r'.-i, N. B?wditcli Blunt, Eeii,
Co) Cl.ailra Aiidoraoo, 9wr, Johmton,
J.* B.'unt, Wm Cniti.i Noyet,
Oaa. CbIyCb K Mather, .lamee S. Thayer, Kaq..
KrMtua Krook*. E_Kb, Tnouiaa K. T.niiMnain. E?l.,
lloiece Urteley, Kt.i, HearaJ liavumnd. K,q.
Cimi'intn of Joint Couimittee of Arraiigriuerila.
B. L. Bti.i', Secu-tary.
IV The Trtbun* la aerved io thia City, Brooklyn. Wil
him..hmgh B.id Jeraoy Citv for 12| eenta per week, payable
tothe carnara. Nai-naani throogh tbe l'o*t-():Iiceor I'eiuiy
I'ott will be prompily piaced upon the Carner*' booka.
BaP* Titr. Whig Aimakac for IFM, eonUln* the cornplete
votefor Prriioent ln 1844 and IR4K. Kor aale at thta eB_Hk
Pnoe 1-1 centa It BBO be obtalued ln Baltimore, at Bur
gew lt 1 av .t i 1_
?!...'? lor 1 i.ii; iriu-i.
The U. S. Mail steamship Cherokee,
Cr.pt. Daaenport, will leave thia part To-DaT at
tv*n c.'tlock, with tlie ninils for tlie I'a.ific. 7788
.\tw-)orfc Wetkly Tribune, containing all the
lateat nowi, can he hnil at tho deak fUa inorning,
in wrnppers readv for raailing. Plicc aix centa.
ET TLe Whig Ratificatom Meeti.'u
takca placo at Broadway llouse to-night.
There will be scveral able epeakera from
our sistcr States, and a grand outpouricg
. f the People to hear them. No eannon
will be fired in crowded -treets, as was
mo8t improjierly donein front of Tamanany
Hall to collect a crowd for the Pierco and
King Ratification?for nothing of the sort
will be leeded to cail together as many
thousands as could be desired. As there
will be several epeakera from the far
South-West, whom we may never hare
another chance to hear, lot us try to meet
early, so aa to have tiire to hear them all.
VdT The (-gBMajl Meeti.ti. roa Kos
m th last evening wa? turned into a Loco
Foco recruiting-shop for the aid of Pierce
ar.d Kiog?all on account of that mnwise,
misplnc.d Non-Interoeiition plank *?hich
the South foned into what is called the
Whig Platiorm at Baltimore. Whether
those who have pushed on this political
maneuver will make more than they lose
by it is doubtfal; but we regret any occur
reoce which so distracts attention to false
isauea. Will the South please overhaul
this rnatter, and ' when foaad make a
noto ofV
CoweaEBS.?The California Mint bill
eame bacb frora the Houae yeaterdav with aeyeral
amendmenta, in which the Senate concurml, aad
the bill ia now a Ua. The Senate alao ptuaed tho
ji.int rewlntion to procura for the l.ibrary, Faj
j Daui'apottraitoniettryCUty. A reaolution waa
adopted to prevant Clerka of l. S. Courta from
practicing aa attomeva.
In the Houae, Bennatt'a Land billlgiring to the
Statee milliona of acrea of the Public Dotnain)
waa engroaaed, read a third time, but not paaaad.
15cth Senate and House aie t-king srepa to pay
for tlie loaa of propertv oecaiioned by the di.agractv
ful outragea on the Consul and other Spanish eit
iteiiE in New Orleans iluiing t'ie flihuEtier excite
meiit last yetr.
Thut political ?_*e.-(.h prjioker, tlie _wj_fei_BCf
bill (having rrrei -d aorne ernen Imenti in i' i
Me, ?raB taken wpby the Hrwme i-y CoT-rrnitree ml
the Whole, end Mr. T?wmh..*.d, (Lo.'o) of Ono,
dtnounced the Lo> *? Koco Platfirm, M)inr, rtiat it
we* cotnpi aed eotirelY of Whig; timber. Ho re
pudiated it. falr. <ill>_il?Gi, (Frec-3 iiler)off>H '_,
alao delivered bia aentimenta on ho h Platf.rn.i.
lle *a>e they are a'l of a piece, an.! tlu I'tv L*88?'
Focoa will quit both, rx.at tbemarlyea on the IW
falo wreck, and e > uae their " halance of p >wer"
aa beet to .ubterve Huinan Freedoia.
Bt Telegraph.?We have an account
of a di*a*trotia colliaion oa I ake F.rie, lietween a
ttcamer and a schooner. And from Lol
rio, the loea of the acliooncr Annawan, with all on
FlOOB tl.e South, we re.-eire later Texan and
Rio Grsnde new*. The Imlians BIO atiil burni\.?
aml murdering along the frontier. The Mexiinn
CongreBB has .nijounied tine die.
Wc have l.y the wirea from n creat niimber of
dJb-00tltf Bboaaar in whii h (ien. Scott'a iiiiiuina
tion baa been leceived.
13?* The Eoropea.i news by the Nia
trara ot Htlifnx ia of three daya later date. In
Knpland Fenrgus O'Connor liavinir, stnick two
lueiBkbOfO of I'arlinm<jnt, wa* comiiiittcl to cua
todv, and will be pcnt to an Aaylum. The f'han
cel or of the Exchcquer r.iva, that aa additionnl
grant will not be naked for the Knffir war, and a
line of Bteamer.4 ia to be run to Auatralia. Louia
Napoleon haa quarrelcd with Dr. Veron, Editor of
the Conatitutionel and the great frienl of the
Uovominent after the Deceanber usurpatijn. ?it
i? nproposof the Belpan difliculty. Prmnia de
cliiie? to have any cuitoms' union with Auatria,
bat the dcciaitn doca not interrupt frien.U.Y reld
tUmt. Bpaia, It nl- and tlie Kaat are dumb. Cot
ttm aaa firm. BreadatulT- dcclining.
" Truth will out, and it i* tmpostible to mppreai lt.
the finotiiD* which control the heart* of RtOfl will havfi
v.i.t, tnd it h both futile and rcirkol tn rherk their my
taraa-a." lM.T.E_ptam
Tliis is the day of Platforms. Their
rr.aiiufacture is flourishing, though manu
fectures generally are not; and the stimu
Ifjl of an activa market is likely to extend
tlie b_a_BCaa. We have -had two of a
' National' cast got np at Baltiniore, (the
eatlier bfing mainly a second-hand article
revami'hed ;) and there are to be two
n.ore sot.n put together at Cleveland and
Piitsburgh. Yet even tbeac do not appear
to t-atibfy the demand ; for there 6eeins to
be much anxiety expre_sed as to what
Platform ue f-tand upon. Hear The Cou
rier and Enquirer:
" Th' Trihunr boit*. In an artl.Ie y.tterday of three
tiiliiii.a, u upyi.batea i<nd ttmtmwtArt the plattorm
adota- <1 ly th? Whig Convention at Bultlmore. h over
baula tlie whole, plank by plank, aod ev. ry pirt which
it ili.i * not m far wilh ita riuievle, it brtnda with Ita de
D_v>_la_OD. It rtnveato break lt down with .ophlrm*,
falliicii t, qotbblee. ravlla, iD.'era. jil.ea, ibreaU, impreca
___>_, ivei>thin_ wli.h maliji-lty can pronipt and In
_e_BUy de.iie. It denit* tn th.- platl'orm all validity
nl.Ht. ii r, "iid raroaaato*?t?_ibraiaaay ?en?e what
ev. r. lt Hdow*, ai d, If we are tojudge by IM prment
ij-iiit, It will ht re.i'ti r know, no other relaUon toit than
U nt nl in.j'iai _blo fnmity.
" Now. thi* i-not a mat-er to beprwed over lo *i
li me. 'Ihe Intercfta Ofj the Whig party, to which we
i l_lm t<> tirltng, df mand a full explanation and aa thor
I'O.h iindertt. ndlne in re.ard lo ii. Otm/htimj <>>ir ttmt
>t t/ttf rity a/r.fir, the totts of al Iratt five thousand mm
hrr* ofourpnrtu drpeitd upon the uau in tchirh t-ig tub
jrHi$noic and htrmfter thallbc met. The Tribune doee
i i,t ar.etk and a< t in ita own dhiho and on lt*. own reapon
ilbility exduilvely. lt la and hta boaa I ir yeara the
iero?tii_?-d otl-hii ofE large eectl m ei tha Wa?g party
North. I'o'iiicaily, lt mny bc cuppoit'd to rcpr.-acnt in
ma_ tli gru- tb> li rentimetit, tp'rlt and purpote If lt
rteiintit.ci1* ifceWblf pl.tfcrm in three day. of IM pa*
aage, we may exj>et t that within three weeka the aame
j. lnlf-rm wiU be dennuiard by thoutand. of othera. If
:htnpUtjform is to be thut rediicM j/rnrtiralty to a BoMO,
the *_#*. r if f'? A-rioian the bettrr ; fnr thtre are days in
vhiili min trhk to vnderttand tcki they ar* voling _?*-.,
and tchat tluy art eoling for."
?Our Military teighbor is mistHken.
He has evidently deprived himself of a
fund of Political knowledge and sugpo>ti')ii
by not reading carefully our strictures on
?The Hunker Platform.' We found a great
deal unobjectionable in that Platform?in
iact, more than half of it. The TaritV
plank mi<;ht have been better, but it is the
beet ever yet sent forth from aay National
Convention ; that on Rivers and Harbors
could hardly be improved ; and that in fa?
vor of 'the strictest economy' on the part of
rulers was only faulty in being too gyjod.
There wus a great tleal of good timber
badly dispoeed in that Platform.
liut we like to build our owa Platforms.
We have no objection to others getting up
acres of them?if they won't insist on
cramming them down our throat. At that,
we revolt. ISo Platform has any authority
for us save as it allirma what we deem im
portant truth. No nomination is bimling
upon us, excrpt ac \l shall be made evident
to our understanding that our Country'.
good will be promoted by our supporting
it. And, though we warmly approve the
nomination of Scott and (Jraiiam, and
thall work hard to elect them, we will
never buy votes for them by eelling our
rigbt to think and epeak as we see fit. If
there beany "five thousand Whigs" whoae
votingfor the Whig candidates depends on
our agreeing not to speak in repr. hension
of Slavery or our agreeing to givr any ' aid
and conifort' to the hunting and catchingof
fugitive ilave8, tbey may a.s well take up
their beds and walk ; for we mean to stay
in tho Whig party and not to keep silence
about Slavery nor ?? acquie.ee" in fugitive
8lave-hunting. So if this is to drive Whigs
into the Loco Foco camp, they may aa
wellgo now as any time. Better have them
there than grumbling and threatening
around the eig.s ofthe party they former
ly supported. lf they have so little reason
or sense a?> to oppose the party whose priu
ciples they htl.i becaute we belong to it
and won't go lor sJave-catchicg, they might
as well travel. Gen. Seott caa be elected
by the votes ofmenwho want him elected,
witbout those of the disalTected who leize
on luch frivolous pretextd for opposing him.
Only all rai.e y?>ur true colors aod fight
lair. We ask nothing more.
But let us return to our Plaiformt. Let
us mcrtase the supply yet farther, ao that
tveiy man may hove a wider fie!?l for ue
hctitn. All Platforms have .of;:e a,MM\
idras or hints in them ; and, as the num
ber is increased. the ran^-- ftr aal
will be enlarged. Every man can pii.k
t'tif a plank here ar 1 ain?ther triefe. and
( j ,11,11..'.. . I ? ??_--? -.
I.i.*;,! him b | latfiirm atter his oarn heart
Su heie k;oe?
orrt pmtpw.m
I. Aa tn The Tanf:?lluliea oo Itaparta?
jgpecih' mi far an prarti-'ahle, aififdiii:; B?fBB I'ro
trrtion lo undeveloped or ftfcuiiarlr r-xpv**!
branclif-* of our .Natonul liniitttry, aad aaVojaatO
Revenue fnr the *npp.irt of th" QoiOBBBBOat 0?d
taa oarvaaaai af ita aaMa. Loa Dortiaa, aa a faa*
BSOl rule, on tu.Ie, bulky *Lnt)lt*<, whcreof th? coat
ciflmn-pr.rtuti.in ia i*f itaelf eipairalen' to a h*avT
iiiijH.at, aim li'gl. dutie* on aii.h Kabric*, Ware*,
&>-. a? eaaoo iata depraBBBBg coapotttioa witn oar
own JapPOBOOd infantile or einbinrrered purauiu.
II. AatO .\r/itiioil Workt.? Liberai Appro
priati. na .varly for th* impro.einent of Itivera
nnd Hurhora, aud auch eminently .National enter
prii-e.< M the Baat Bt", Ma'i* (.'titiril am! th* Pdciti.
I\a:i iaiI from the Miapienippi. Cut down the ea
prnditurf a for Fort*, ShJpB, Troopa aml warlike
mgaWkTf of all kindn, nn 1 adil largf Ir to thoae for
woika ahich do not ' perish in the uning;,' but
ailli. main for ntre.. to hene lit our Peopla, atren^th
ca the I'nion, and eoatlibato far more to tlie .Yi
tional Defen.-e than the c.atly tnachinery of War
ever rould.
III. Ae to Porr'gn Poliry :?' l>o unto othera
[the wrrik and oppre*f?ed au well aa the powerful
ai.d mightt] ta we .vould have them di> unto ub.'
.No r-luiffiinp, Baotaaiaa of duties nor shirkmg re
apoOBM?litien, hut a firm front todoopoto, a prompt
rehuke to e.ery outrajre on the l.*4v of .Nationa,
and a generoun, active sympathy witli tiie rictima
OB* t\ritntij and unurpatien.
IV. Aato Slueery :?.No interference by Con
gre.M with its exiatetice in any Slave ritatc, but a
firm and vigilant rrei.tn.-ice to it* logotitaHoM in
any iNatioiml Territ.irv, or the an|uinition ol any
Fore t-n Territory wMoioia Sbu.-ry m?y exist. A
{>erpc-tiiiil proteft ajraiint the liiintini: of l'ugitive
Slavtrt ia FlOO State* as an irre.-i.ti'ile cause of
acitntion, ill feel ing and alienation between the
Nurtii aad tbe Soatb. A firat,oaraaot, inriexiblo
teslimonv, in Cwnim.ni wi.h tIi*-* whole non-slare
hol.ling Chl?tif? worlil, tbat Hiimnn Sjlavery,
tboegb h'o'filly protocted, i* paoraltj wrong, and
oueht to bo BBOOdilj trrminateil.
V. .\n tn State Rigkthi?More regutd for and
leaa cant about t! iMB.
VI. An to the Trettdential Contett.?Ww
r_a_ Bcorrfof rioaidaal,BB*. Wh.i.mm a. fi ra
ii 4 4i for i*ko rrooidfat thoj to think and act for
?MMOalvao, not aa Httinding on our 1'latlorai, but
aa hfincpt, faitlilal, patriotic Whigi, vvhoin we
would not bully into our way of taiaiiag if w?
rould, ind of ahom we only n.-k that they shall
act ttfl their own iinhiaeed judginciita, c imeciaucos
ntiil principleM shull dictate.
VII. 0?I P_K8I1.fnti.in. Tk.R4i, nnd no man a
candidate f.ir my oAoo while wielding the raiit
potPOO?gl of tho .National Executive.
VIIL Rxroaa ib Coaeatas:?1'avment by tha
luaaioa, \% ii li a riforoBU dedaetioa fot each day'a
me, anl a redoetioo ainl Btraigbtoaiiig "t
Mileago, \\ * aoabl aagfaol |2,C00co_peoootioo
lor the first (or long) nnd $1,000 for the BOCOad (or
f>lif rt) fiefeion ; wiih ten centa per mile for trarel
ing (bv n bce-liac) to and from Wa^liin^ton.
? ISuch, &ir rtadtr, is our Piatlorm. Per
riansTMU ilon'tcntirely like it? Well, then,
make one of your own! It is not our duty
to think for you : it is yours to think Li
jourself! II" any of our planke suit you,
luke it in welcome; and add it to anyyou
(ln mwcrthyin either Balimore Plutform.
But don*t swallow any one because 9oruc
body elbe made it, nor \et because sonie
bidy tiireatrns ifyouclon't to trote against
??cott ! Think your own thoufhts aml lire
your own life?for thus ouly do yoa r?al
ly thiak or live Bt all.
X3T (ior. James C Jo.'i", Hon. Joii.
Nkihrui AM?, and Hon. Wii.iiah II. BaSAD?all
of TeOBOOBOO??8*?I be b_m>0| the speaker* at tlie
Scott anl G_A_AM Rat?rcotioa Maotiag at
Bf( adway Hotise to-nipht. Gor. Jones iialready
wrll kno44ti here ; but it i? not ao well known that
.Mr. N-TaiBB?AOD is reputtd the beat politicui dc
hutrr ini Kaat TaaaOOOOO, where there aia iiiunv
good oaCB. There will be a rerivdl of TippoCOMM
tiiueaaiound tha Wf*big Hoad*QaattaTB to-night!
(Ien. Scott ia Pritatb Life.?A
fiiend writea ua a letter frotn Wa.ihinjtoii, from
ahich we take the fallowing account of the char
acter and btaring of tho I'eoplo'a candidate for
1'ieaident :
" In hl* peraonal Intercourte, be l* the aaott e*_r and
?grei able man ln the world. lle make* no dittinctlnn
nf j/oriont?^enatora, farmera, Geoerala, children aad
all b.ie alike at hi* hand*. The moment you h. ar hi*
volce *td ratcn the kind and gentln etprea*Ion of hl*
tni tyr, jnu ali'ini'i eveiy thought of etnbarraaament
and eater at once into converaatian, aa with an old aml
Jbbb__T fiiend. ln a crowd of tea thout.ind men, every
eje would turn Intt?ctlvely to him aa *o many mtj
nelic Lteolia to the pole. Of all Ameiican (Jeneral*,
liilng ordead, he la utidoubledly the greatatt,?while
thtite wfco know him believe ln their heart* that ln all
the qualltk-a of a great, gtueroua ai.d good man, he ia
arund to no other, lle '?? entirely national ln all hia
viewi, and very lar above that bitterne** of pirty feel
ing ahtch ao generally charttcterize* thoae who ara only
ttateitnm. He lt cut, and never bni been. protcriptlve,
a* thcutacd* of brave I' ? rrat* who h.ve aharad
with Lim the rude com'i.rU of 'ie wnp aad tha ita
|er* and lufleritwi ot t.? kattle rield will tettify. c u _'
? m
To tbe ru i.i ? .\ lard.
Mr. H. .J. Ratmo.ii). in hia paper of to
rfaj, prcfeaaea to give a dlaaiHteh *eot by me to Baltl
b.i re on tbe ktb. ?id addi tbat I omitted " ths Itnport
ant worda ? bt rt,'"' (after "If Scott lt defeated,")
" wblrh gava tha whole cbaractar to our reraark," ftc
Tli* i* untrue, and Hr. K. ihould kave known it to be
?o, for th* worda " by W were read from my dUpatch
In the Convention ; they were publithed la the aaid
more papera of klondiy ; and, ia kit otenpiij>tr of tha
my. ln the 3. _ line from the top of the faartk c ilurr?t
ofthe firat pag-e, thoae very wor- . ara gtven, na having;
le> n re?d by If r. Dvxca?* from tha dttpatch. Tha foi
lowlnf aff,davit will aettle the matter of our relative va
rartty on tkat painl, whieh bc juatly clain? to be i*
State ?/ Xnc-Y'lr, City ?/ Wt*t>T*t*k r*.-Char!e* T.
\V d. Inrg riulv .worn. aa)?, thal he ia chief operator tn
tiie eBaCB of the "New-Yi.n ai.d 44 a?tim<t<in Telegraiili
CaaBOaay," and tbat theomy Bupatcb ttut byfieoraeU.
'???o llal'iir?reoa?a lAb i_iu, waa in tiie foUow
_? wrrca. U) wil.
"lia.aiLd haa t'leiraphrd to and pnbliaherj in hi.paaar
that th'e N'W Vork Delruation ;* n.digoant al tne rejeeticn
ot tl.eir c'airoanta. acd that, il Sr.itt i* deh atrd BT it they
avill pr. tr.t a.ait.tl tliaa*ka ut tae C.ni.ention and diaavaw
ii* l.irdmg forca Theae are the ey.?et word*.
"Alao th*'- Ihe Nartbarn 44 r,u* gave wav on tke Plat
fitrni aith the utidetatanduig that Boafhani \4'tug? ware to
? ?:v? way un Scott." Oaa H. AaOOOWa,
Ch.blbb *'. Wooo.
.Sa.ro to lefore rr.e thi* 23d Jnne. 1832.
J. S. UtEBt. Coiitrii?imerefDceat*.
Mr. R. e'aiai* that the paragraph about the I'latf>>rra
abculd have bf en quaUfleO by pretixing the worda that
?? ii ir b*Ueved." Of tbat para*;mh 1 did not profee* to
.he the rsact woreY b-it the api;.t oi-'v, and I aae
r.. ced. kir. Bat?aaa v?<niy bop*a to c'iatraet the at
teLticn of the party frcm the graver to the letter of
ftnie, ly c>. itUH'j barpiog upon theplalform (ueatisn,
*i d omiit?g to ncttf e hu avowal of diahoneal poliucal
it'er ika.
What ;re the facU! Three pvtiei? the Wbbsteb.
:t and FtiLMO?i) are endeavor?g. in aoaareot
a* i? lallb, to enter into a coLtraet wbich ahall n. mutu
aby t4a.ii.rg, abeu or.e ot BBB lulerratei ol the Scorr
. ?ity, derlares that tot ? their apparr-nt ac
- . rtce io all trtepreli.-flinail- B. " they will," lf they
lo?? b*ca?ie i f one r f th. *?- prclinioarie*. ?* d.'Savow
7,iv rt>n:>c roaca" ot tbat roniract, or. la ot-er
*!? the WcBtTBC
parfv, lt l#. ?aie n.y du:y tn apprue them of thi. de
_-!',? aai I oi l aa *>y tele^e^pj,. tnui
oi ly artli l^fi'ii.' Bt a NMB BBBB- Jiearnval of taanewi
?atarB-oa Bfaaai -*_< u la I ?e my Irmnd. ch*aud
?r 3 ro' tmp'u . m >.f th- ir d-n,n J bw?flaU ' *4?a iba
ftieiwfeof (irteral-c-TT p___BB. b. a falee artd r-?oo-*
tna.ii ii n aid _>>i ??pp.i t lAeat ' Aad bere I w >u'.l t?v.
_bj818V>aot bwlieve thal a *t*>f b' n?-nj'V.r of te? New
York rlilegalMia ch. ri'h.'d -?<? ir<-?4.ioa*ile intenti" n
WflihMr K-YMOM) ctaige-f; lf any one did, let hl n
avow lt, and It *b?ll ha adBibwd Haarj of tham I Bnow,
Bid all nf them 1 believe, lo bo l_.ap?MI 8* BBOb ?
t ift?aith tbe ? he Euth .r ot th? di*p tch
BVi.witg the ab*_nWe?? ii tenllon.
Th,_ n,-. h l< r tre p.rty bow a "oM or two for
nyielf. When t?o huodre.1 nii'e* n_" Ur Ktr.o*
vntiiridtoi-i.il me BB ' B_I-BB1 w lt-BflT f OaOayt al
A. mr 1 e .1 irea aal] atf-mp' to d- pre- BBB* me by *ty Itog
n,e "rVtk.' Thi. manite.t.tl.n of tiiuldity l* oaeall.-l
tor.ijther rrv piinclp'ea 08 hi? phytl -ai l-ferto'-uy
would ptotrct hlin . and be may feei a. tafe *? a ach'A.l
glrl. 1 am uot athamed lo bo callrd a CLEEB, tor r. ia
an b norr-blr QElliBg. EDd I Aat. frera a clerk I bave
bow al band a pa?a_T?ph wtitteo hy Mr .UY-O..D
i 'n.telf. ?< n e ni-i.Uia Bgo. in which he sd-iilitni Bba*
rry i><?iti< n ln the .?ataHitf'riient in which we r?t_ ihea
w> r., waa nn Bar to hi* own. I a a ur.-pective dvoro
piletor. A p, aiiion / h?v.' not forfelfed l.y baae IngratJ
tode, by adrviation trom coirext prineiplee, <>r by aacri
-cirg to per-ooal aggraoiiu-ment Iba intere-ta ot ml
liini.t aml bere'Ettor. But I waa n<. a clerE whea Mr.
Ravmo.vd went tt. the Legiiiattire in Ih.'ki, leavingtbe
entire eoitortal depanmfnt ot that eatahitahment M_>
jert to my control, with tbe *lngle exeepdoo tr'at he
rl.ni'.lt. u,e Itt lea.tini column. to pour out hi* Free
S?oil and Aholuioa ber.'.irs And ev.-n theae I soine
tfmei lot k eccaalon to eurtall, otnitttng without hia roa
aent the /rroeaer D-_aa__a, wbb-h, it thm pubtlahed,
w. u'.i eteii now make hia cheek tingle wiin abame, lf
tbat were pawaible
For 17 yeara that I have been eoBnected with the
Trraa, tr no otbi-r Init.uce heve I had a co .troveray
w'th ary m>'nber ot it I do n-M aeek contH-tl.n, Out
1 a.ll vrt tuhmlt to aa inauldng .harwe ot fihW-Olwl
At- ltrk, June __. IM _ <_?o. II. Axoaaws.
lonieateil fAeaia at Hnliimore,
We do not care to revive transitory dif
ferencea which were at-ttled nfter a fasnion. at
Ualtimore ; but it ecetiia 88000__ol that our frienda
out ofthe State okoalJ know how and vhy the N
Yotea which New-York Bjiabod to throw lor Scott
thronghoBt were rodocoJ to95 nt*% eopooioHy
aim-c oir nei_blmr? VKhaoMT anj MaOBACaH
.-i i n cotnbined (in tbe Counnittee on Creden
tialr.) with temotor Statea to ejrct our rcjula
Delegate.4. The foliowing culin and eletr state
itient of the caae of Cooh ra. B-IOtaa i 1'oiiipl.itiB
D__rkt) will ahow on wlr.t aiotoo/ f.icts ;i Dele
|ato aoo tokoo froai uo by tha Couniiiteo?ainl
tbia is a pr? tty fair specituen ol* the lot:
Ctmpuied uftne C-BBlaW ef Ttmmkwm, Ciemung, und
Tbe ti it move ln thia Diatrict to appoint a l).'l?gate
to the WMfl N'ltl. i.al Convectioii to be held in Halti
BEon 'th JiiDf, 1-.",'., waa In Tompklna Coub y. Tba
Olitrul QoflMBa?Ba laf that f.'nuniy l*.u.'d their bMBBwO
chilitig upon tbe Wbigi tu tba icr.iral town*, to meet tn
tl i'tr uaual plarea atd appoint Prleg.tea inl'ounty Ooo
vti'tit.D, U' be held at th- ijltnt-.n li<>uae, ln the village
of liliaca, on tboSS- day of May, 1838, for tne purpoee
r?fajpuii.iitp Datagat-Bto rofroaaat that County in a
itittnct Coovo?tloa.
^om.- tin.e Blter tbe publii-otion of thia notlre, a cail
for l Iiittrn CuLvrtiliin apfe.rrd tn Th*t>vgo Ai
vtrdter, a Whla BOpOf pnlill.hetl in tho (,'i>uuiy ol ITofE,
to i ?? l.i i.l atOwaa i oa Ibol-CbMaf, tootool a Daa
gao- to n praaeol tki. l't.trlct in tba Whig Ntiiou ,i Ooa
vt-Mloii in Ur.liio.ore.
At the menif.g at Otvego, on the M'h May, undir tbia
eaM, itetO appeantd 8*0 Dela^Mte. trutn Chtinuiiii, four
1>.i.gati* ii? iu Itoaa eacb u, kbaaj proper BreOaod?i*
tn mlhelra. ui.ty CtxrYCOtkaM?BOOaboroabl >a,)^ieareii
t'ipeiftit rihimii g t<> repraaeal romfklna County,
aiiC i.laa i-laiin i'_ tbat they had the proper rredsa'tal*
wh't b they atir rtmtj W i^r.xiuce oa a -ai)ia>rai t er
m lor tbat piirj,n*e ; ibl* orftU-ttattoa bein_ et
ti i Ud, tbi'ir c?i'e_tl.,1. vvpib louuil to b? E letter trom
ii),: 11 i':iE Ceuiral C< nmiltteeaf Tompklni Cooaty.
n?i_iiig tix paraoaa to prtweed to tiwego, aid, lf p.-aei
i ir. \ ri ii. ra aa .,,),, a-a__o_B oi the C_OEOo__a. It uiat
CLiiId _ot be dotir.thrn to act with ttmii. Ofthe*iE
; einaa B*nr.| by the Coaiaiit'ee, three >f the DEin-a
i.tii bern tirn ken out, and th* nameaof ihrea other per
? kaaubalfc-lrd. 1' waa alao nicertiim-d that tbe n..ti.'e
lor tba Daatrlct CoBYcatfcni bad not bem pubiu.bH.1 la
Touipkii * Ci unty. The Itharm O'lronirle, the ouly Wa. |
papar pab lahed ln tbat Cu_.ty, In ed artiria pu.liihed
i ii tbr -4ih May. in aniwer to Tht Elmirm Itrpuhtirin.
tl.e tdtfor aay *: "'ihe BaOOO- 80OBI i*, tnat _fier a .iugle
|iiibllc*iioB, ihe cail for the Dtsjrlct Convention wa* *x
tladrd fr. rn tbt* paper ThW in n>.t tru?. 7'-.? .'_,. v_4
; errrphliiuheU in thu pujtr al aU, fir tht re<uon that u
,:? "r /...(/ uvy aad-or-f frtm tha Cvttnty, and vat con
t. .niil hhcliy inai.lhirrtJ "
ii abutard awo bo h*'e *i?t?'d that thia cail for the Dia
114, t t itaaaa-Oa tor fhe Uth ta May Batj not been tuii
ii iltrd to or appn.vrd ty the t.Vti'.rnl Cotriunttae ol
l'tfiT,iiii_. Thiir flr?l kuowle.lge ol it w_a altcr lt*
a; peataoca in 7/~ t/vego dMmwtimW,
The Ch.'inung I)i-l._Ktiou thea moved an adjiurn
nn.t lo the v7in M?y, that the Wntg* ol Tompkia*
nigbt ln- lepreaenlid ihnmgli 808l-tralarif -P9_-E0td
Delegali* by th.ir CoavTMOa, which waa t.Hl Eil
vt uiat d lor ile BBd M_y. Tbia moiion wa* dunied, and
tlun upon the ChEinuEg Dcbgatt iu .iiciued to aot fur
tl i r wi'h thpir. The four D.-legatea trom liogaand
thr BOfrOBa from Tompkia* theu proceeded to nom
liat* Cbatiaa B. Bnratow, of ri.g*, liclegEte. Toe
Cheni-D|. Ib-legaiiou organi/ed at the ?ame plsco aul
?[ |? intid Chailea C.xik, ol Cbemung, the Delrgate to
Uie Baltimore Convrntion.
At the meeting tt the Tompkln* County Convention
. ,n tlie 88- May, tbey paaird reaolu'ioua Btrougly diaa
vi wlng and pi. t'-ttn g agaimt tbe doluga of tbe aix per
?i na Yibu claimed to rcpreaent that county, and ot tbe
dulng* ol tbe a< c.llrd ow.-_i Conventimi, aud they ln
a'lucti il tht ir Couety Central Cominitteeto con?ult wlth
Ctnirii) Cotnii ittre* Ofj the f'ountle* ot Chfium _ and
Tioga, and to It-iue a new cail for a Dtatrict C-OaOBE??I,
.in1 tfry adjourced to tbe 3d day ot Juna. On thn re
aa.eiiibiii'- of the Cobyi ntion on the .'(.1 day of /une,
Bfty tbree Iit-ltgate* preaent, all of tbe towna b.-ing lul
y r.-[ tr>. iitr.l, the new cail lor B Iiutrlct Coiivenlion
bavu y been iiaued?to be held at Oaogo on the ntb day
ol Jiu.e?and that It ha.i the approvBl ol the Central
foonU'lttee ot eacb County, the fonventlon then, by a
v.,te ot 0_ t" .',, flulfltl tix Bcoa I'-lcgatea to repreaent
Ti iij kina (;? utiiy ln that Dt*trict Couvenion.
AtlbotOOOtfaaf Of the Dtatrict Convention Et Oaeg.
? i. ihO eli June, full Ilrl'-tration* from Touipklu* aul
Cb-_-_B| appeagaa, tbe Iirlega'ea fr. ui Troija did not
app_ar,)tbi I 'oi vniiionaa*organt_ed by the appolnt
n-nt ot tbe Ui n. John l.Eylor, Prertdint, End N
< littrLiirn End B, B, HinmBn, fJaO8O_Bl(_0 J End unant
nn i.iy ?l.ct.n __arlea c.m.k, of CmntttmtL thn Deiag
bBB '.. reafOaaal thi* P_B___I in the Wblg Natlon- Cm
rraUoaioboboM in Baltimore on the H^b JoOO, -?98,
Btd tbat Ab-aander (irubam, ef Ti mpkiiiE, be bia alter
BatO. Tt.eae ti.cta were lully ettabliabed before the
I'on.ii Htieon CredeBtbil*?>et 1808 0_-_B__BO voted
tbat Mr Ci i.k w_a uot entltled to a eeat in tho Coa
88 ??
Ge.nkral Scott.?The Ypsilanti Sen
tinel relale* the followirij arrcdote of the gallant old
toldier, wtich wa* rccently ctinmunicated to the editor
of tl.at l!__.er by E loldier who terved ln the rlorida
aar :
Tbe troop* bad made a weary march tbrough the day,
i.td trli eti ii a place lor th.ir blvouac Curtng the nigbt.
A paity waa dttailrd to ckar the ground and erecta
?i ii;p< rary ih.-lter for tlie Commiinder ln-c_ir? wh t h?vi
i.i t j'l rr.< b(d tl.e fort. Bbortly after tbe w .rk ha.!
O i' ti.ei.i ed, he Brrived, End mlu g up to the workia^
p.rty, iiiijiiin d wbat they wr re doin. 11 .j wu iaformed
_y ibe leader, and lmmedlatcly replied :
" \\ t-ll, rea*e wotk, and r< turn to your cornpany. 1
can partlci]ate in the prtvationa of my men. I will not
bave a weary acldier derfonn e mumaot'a u_n-_eaaary
ggf coLvenience.
'? I e DeroocrBt," aaid our informant, "but I want to
\. ti- li r (ien. _??ott fir I'reaident"
On the damp acd of the everglade, under tho open
.ky, tbe _alla_t old cbief alept wuh hl* taitntul aoldtera.
hiiU tl-ir warm bi-Hitr,i giatitude 1* tha ncb reward ot
bl. kii.d conaideruron.
Shebotua.v, Wis.?This thriving vil
lage U located on I.ake MicfalgEn, st the mouth ofShe
boygan Creek, aixty milea north of Milwaukee, or about
aiuway ofthe eaat line of Wiaconaln. It ta :.o*ei_ht
or teb yeara old, haa aome 3,000 inbabitanta, two or three
cewapapera, a gocd I'lank Kaed runBlng luland tbiity
eight n.lle* to Lake Wlnnebago, which pour* ita water*
thr--_h the Fox luver of Wiaconain, Into Greea Hay.
Sheboygsn can have no rival harbor on theaouth n.arar
than MiiwEukee, (CO milea,) nor on tbe nortb thaa
MEcitouwoc, (30 milea:) but here Lake Wlnaebago
cttr.es to near aa to leave too llttle baek ctuntry. Sha
boygan t_u*t and will be the Michigsn port of Central
Wiaconaln, b&vir.g a very fertileEiidtljuri?htng couiitry
bEck of it, aith much pubiic land atill unaold; and iu
cblEec*, after long waiting in Ysin for aome aid from
C-Dtri-Ba tn ihe ImproYement of thelr Harbor, hBveJo*.
mEde a losn of 0-5,000, (part Coonty, part Vtllsge,;EBd
aii! prcctrd to expend U ln mEkic^ their Hsrbor aale
and acceetible. It Con^reaa ahall do any thia. in the
premi-r., io nr.Lch tbe betttr. Tbbi reaolre ludleste.
the ri_ht, go-ahead apiitL _hejoygan muat grow aad
ArfLtcTi>o.?Emma Sears, aged foiir
yfara, dangbter of Chsrlea i?eara, Eitj. ofthe 'N.rth
Ad erican I'halaiix,' wea drowned ln tho pond near
the dwelllnp* of ibe Phalanx en the eyeolug of the _lat
ir_. .^beleU!_to ttt-Jpond wljle ul ,ne, __d wu not
dl.-covered l:ll fifteeu or twenty minotoa _ftar, when
Kle aaa e_t__ct
THIS LATiytT Mt_W_>7
-j Tfcdjrraiib u, tbr Vw-Tork Tnbua
ioatkmnt T'Uyrapk f)***. mratr ,f Rmoooor aa* ?r?_
akkivai, of tiik Mao__a
CotioH Finn?HrcatlstuITi Doclininr
lI.Lir.x. N. i, WeJaeaday, Jaee~ i_a
The Rojal .Vail a'ram-bip Nilt,tr.
Cfiptam Stone, whii h aailet rro-? Liverp,*/,,, j,
o'cIim k l\ M. on JStturday, trte p'rh .?.,
at her wlmrt here, at BOOO tn-dar, htnnr h*.
taini -il ofT tle l.arbor all laat night Bv a _
Shr ha? 56 paaoaagoia; 'J for Haliou.
On the I8tb innt, tbe Niag>r?aaa t_,r t__
eteamer Arctic in lat. 50? 2)', lonf. 36} 4T'~'
ing: eaat.
'Ihe Atlantic reaehed I.i rerpoal about noca
Wi dtieailay, ibe !'tli Jnne.
Tba BtlBBB pro,H-llat B08081 Sanda aailtd fra_
Liverpool for New-York on Thmaday, the liA_
A prevalence of oaaterlr win,|* had 8>U?e*Jkka
arrival of ahippint; at Liverpool.
The Liverpool CofTOH market .ontiniarj
active at full price*, Imi wh* with >ut ev-if-ranat. fm
Atlantle'a new* gave it *n im .:..-, aml aima at aa
tirokrra quotr 1 ltid. .dvance .-n la-?t weak'* prv-at.
The atate of trade. in the manufaciuring diorica ata
moderatelv good.
Money wa*plentiful, and C inaolieoniJnuedafH,*..^
An active baaBBOaa had been djne in Am.rieaa&aj!
ritle*, at 8888?BCBOrB ratea. Illliioia Ontral tlail?_
Bonda were m?*tly faken up.
Tbe bulllon in the Bank of Hnglaad amoaaBad a
ill flWIjima aBaiBaaj
The Coaa market waa very dull.
FaoantOBN were active and on tha Hte.
1'ki k ha.l advaoce.t 4 |> U? ce, and Poaa 8, f kJki
Tallow la ahglitly bitter
N-44 .i ^Toana kiwer.
OiLg exhiliiti'd no change.
In Kick there had been but few tranaaetloao.
Frfkjiits?Paanenjjera were icaree ? rargo rtiat
ivere nbout the mme.
W'ntiL- BhMO the public aalea had been ratber ittmr
Ba_F atid l-L.x were i|ulet
St oaa?A go, d huniii-** bad been dt>ne \t I.ondoaa
the prico* of the prevkma we. k
# li.< n at I.i4eri. ol htd an upward tendency. ka?
were in geod demand.
The I mi -I I ..it .ii >lni Ui i.
I.tvFHi-ooL, baturday, JaoO 19?Pt? P kt
Tiie market eloaed \ery tirmly yf'ter
.lay, wiih BBBBB amountlng to front L'.iM) to ll.UlUkal?
fully one lull of wbich wa* oo apec .latlou aad tbr ev,
p. rt, lo day th? re wa* le?* lti.|uiry, wltk only a tiaall
altendanee of *ptnnera. The lia-lne**, bowever, *o far
* a__."letI at 'J 000 t? 10,14X1 bOB?i allawing BBBBB I 008
Of 5 (1)0 to ?uecutatora and exporter*. Price*, ll ?ny
U.ing, are rai'jcr atittcr.
I?H0 1* no newa of tbe Brarillan mail up to thi* hoar,
Um bmoilieoo bftorc Parliaraent wti
ci mpnrxtivrly BBlirnporUnt
OaWodoOOdaf the aroceeilnga of the Hou*e wera
egain intermpted hy the itUorde 'y eondurt of Peargaa
dCi . i.i.r, Ihe metnber f.ir N. ttingharn, who BOOBBd *
(reat BBOBOllOO by bl* ab*urd I > bavior ard bf *l"ialag
t?o nl the iiiHBibe?. lle waa coniiniued to tie .'n.tody
cf tba Sergeant kt-Artaa to rrin.lii ui .-.iiifi.jeiuir.ot dl|
tl.e *od (af the *e*i-ioa. Two pfay*iiiait* ha.u (luM
tealitted that bii i* lu**ne, aml he will be reiuovod toaa
On Tburtday petition* wr-re pretented fr-im Jam.lea,
Aniigua, Bt Kitt*, Briilih (iuiana and lh? ktturl'lug,
. oa pi.iiiipg ofthe dktraaaad aaadMaa oi tbmaoio
IBB, and a**isuing the tfugar Act af IM aa the cauaa
? f tb?.ir ruin.
In the Iloiueof Comtnona, the Chaneellor of tha Bf
c-brtiuer announeed Lhat tbe extra grart of XVK) IWJ, for
the txpetitea of tha Kalfir war, wiil not be wanted.
On rFrWfla ihe lljute agaln waut into (.'ommitlee BB
the Supplie*.
The threat ma<k by the Pretvcb Minii
er of foliii' to expel the rorreapondeiita of thu Laa
i on preaa fruin I _r i? bat waked up the entirtt e iiMrial
lurce, i.liI all ihe Lot?on p.p^ra have leadlng artlelea
i,pon it.
The EngHoh Ainbassad'tr at Pari* bli
applied to the Franch (iuvi romeut on the * ubject,
Me88f8. Viana, Jones iV Chappell of
l,ivei|ri,ol aoaaOBOO a line ol ?tearn?r* tn riiiii'inmea
itit.ii.g ui, '.ue flr-t uf Auguit betweea biverpool aod
Auatralia. Tbree of the intemled ata*?ien ar* auw
empli yed ln the Mediterranean.
llie extenbife pribtivg eHfablishmerit of
Heatr*. Clowea, in Loudou, waa damaged byfiraoa
Thuiaday to the extent o! MM0H The whul.- B. BaO
editian* ol the "Illuitrat.-d CMalogaa of the Gn-at P.x
hiUiion," and of " Kuight'a lllu*tiati;d BhaJuper*,''
wera deatroyed.
The National Kxhidition of Irif,h Indas
try waa op*ned at Cork, on 1 huriday, thu 10th ln*t
The -9th June i.i the day fixed for the
loa_illatioti of Dr. Cullen, a* aucceair ta Duklla, fcs
Arcbb?bop Marray.
(jovrrnmtiit refased toexteml an injiiry
re*pectlng tlie eaubliahmant of tbe Americ*a af?l
BMBka at ('ork.
The Telegraph between Dublinandlial
way la la iueh a atate of forwarducai, U*t eiiariiaeBtal
luaaaagea hava been trausruitu?d.
The main joint of interest this week, w
the dUBcultw between the Couttifaumtl Dew?pip*r aad
the Gorernment Tbe E-881 haa received a tteaU
i fficlal warning-the hiid alll b^ a iiupeailoti oi ot*
paper. Dr. 00808, tho writer of the obnoxlou* axOdaB,
aerma inc im.d to atick to hi* ?tatemeat*.
One Part* correapondeut, wrlilng on tke I*k, raya :
" It la known in podikal drclea U-t th* Prwul?? >?
equaJly Incented agatntt Veron for hl* BBBaaB?.08, aai
Cavalgnac, to whom; blunderiog he att'ibute* tka^B
icity glven to the matfer,-be (ihe Prealdeal.y *tr\H
hi* own reaaona for kcepiug tho Belgtu- uirettl'a ??
quietaa poatible.
The Chateau dc Lovio Philippe, - c?ttB'
1*7 BBBB, waa ?ei/t? ln viituc of the decree. Toe qaBB
ilon ol tha cont.reatioB m _ to be a/gued bafor* ow
O.uneil on Saturday, tbe day ti a Klagart aall-<d.
Tho distribution of Eo^les at -trasbouri
Buaed offquietly
The weather thrcu^hou! 1 Vance wa8*a
perb. Inthe South the tiuiber-ytree* aniv-Babal
recovtre.l from the froat, auu wiue aod tiik ar* OB*
looktd oo u llkely to be g<*.d crop*.
Tlie Zollverein meeting at whieh Proj
BBB wa* todeclare Ua detertrlnatlon on tbepreaeal ff
m- ofthe Uoi b, took place on Monday. The Pru***
Con._l??ion reph'.d det-.t.'.y to tbe DtrxvtttM G**
U.. Tbat Pr-*ia BBjaatad altcgethftf a Co***
I'tion wiib Auitil*. ^
2d. Itnt l'ru?.ia wiil aot ecter Into the Ji?*ui*k,"
comaerclaJ quettion* witi Au.trla. Toe traaae*'4*
ii t.f aTal _ the ZoUrerein tbali be &.rapleted
i. iriincnd* an tBBBBrdkta and unwndlotoa*1 W9

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