'A.liert,.em-r- ]
B,r,,._Dtiororourcl.iienetotha few rem.i.,l-i, L-.lt
_____-T_mI fere-aa wi.h.na a b-euaM *"- be.^
_H___*S___Sa oonveniBBCe B. doing buaiaeaa ia tha
H2S-K*__?*_ "'m,oe 5_ icr!?f_i_?__a__t
?._l_ewhere Kor particnlRri. lr'iuire OfOBO. B.*K?. tt
RSSaiH or zVwr..at'... No. 3 Na-.- -ot, N. .
Pbesk>tation or a Gold Wat< h.?
?OBtheStb bwt, F. II. Dikemaa, !_*... oa behalf ef a
wTfd_Vene ofthe Second Pollce lUetrict, pre
TuTc Pt Tao^Klnd witb . *^*-*"?
to, eatcb Vnd , haln. M a .ubaUatial token of lheir rr*
^t._r_RUem. Ur.DikemRn m.de ane_.?eecbon
_?<?*?. wbich w-reapondedto >.?II? ?_???
tnanner by tbe Captain.
learn that -eaer_l gentlemen of Brooklyn have u_i,-d
to^nd Mr.Crpenter, th. -itt. to take . full lenglh
portr-lt of Mr. 1 illmore.
]{oard o?' EDDCATio>'.-This body held
?b Rdjoamed aeeilon yeiterday afternoon, In tbe room
at tbe City HaU. Cyru. P. Smith, K.q., the Preeldent,in
the chair. On motion of Mr. Hirria, lt wae eorna that
tbe teechera' e.Uriea fcr the month of Julyj be ptt laa
the -Oth laetaat Mr. Antbony proaented. achedule of
ggodt aad their eapenae, furnUhed echoole, for the
Zmmm of June, tbe totol amount of whlchJwRi $174. 67.
Alao thRt all bsocbera' aalariea for the aame manth be
paid Adopted. A kng dUcueeion enaued on the un
healthy condition of the Primary School oi No. C A
motion waa carrled that the ichool be cloied until the Lal
of Beptewbcr next, and that after that time the num>er
ofpupila be linrlted to 16t). Mr. Rodman reported, ne
to the viewa of the DUtrict Bchool Committee, on the
topro-mcnt of the eondttion of hebeforementdoncd
ecbool, rer?nn.endlrg the purchaee of a new lite for a
achool la tbat dlotrlct, ind eelll_g the preieat lite. Thi.
would Bflord them meam for eeta.liehing a achool la the
eaBt?-rn aection of the Tenth Ward, In oddition to the
gratt aaked f jr from the Common Council. A motion
waa then made that four or. five lota be purchaied
for a new alte in the eoatern aection ofthe Tenth Ward,
at an expenae not exeoedtrg ?1,5.0, and that the Scboo
Committee be empowered to aell tho aite and preaen
achool houae of No. f., for a auni of not leaa then fV>K)
Cartlid. Mr. Dunham moved that the Dlatrlct Com
nlttee of No. (.. be empowered to procure plana and
epaclficatlone. Adopted.
Fire.?Aboat 10 o'clock on Mon.lay
eight flamee were dlacovcred breaklng Out of the baee.
cnent of tho manalon owned by 8atmiel A. Willoughby,
aa the corner of Fulton-av. and Pearl-at., and nottvltb.
Btandlng the exertione made to aave lt, waa entirely
coniumed ln a comparatlvely ahort time. It wae occu
pled by Kdwarda Pierrepont, Ke,|., whoae family ia
Bowabeeat ln the country, havlng left thu houae In
charge of R aervant Very little of the furnlture waa
Bavod. The loaa will probably reach to about il-.O-JU,
Court or Sks9io.-s?Before Judge
Moore Rnd Juetlcee Stilwell and Wrlght. -The July
Term of tbia . oug waa commenced yeaterdny morning,
when Ihe Pherttt returned hii preeept, and the Orand
Jary, comprUlng the fofloain., waa iworn :?John A.
Crcii, Forninan ; Nicbolai Wyckotf, Nathaniel Brffgfl,
Tboi. C. Moore, Joha Morrlaon, Samuel f, Schonck,
Wm Klcbardeon, i-Jpbraiin Mlller Jamee 3. T. Stran?
han, Charlce A. Ynoeaudt, Jobn K. Smith, John Hlrd,
T-ueioa IW.oth, Kalph Lane, Wm. Meckev, Rtelurd
Covert, John Shleldr, and Jamea P. Waldroo. The
Judgecharged the jury ln regard to the utury, l.t' -ry
BBdelectloti Irwb, when they retlred for de!ib-?ratlon.?
ll le preeumi d that Ihe recant dieturbancce aoiong the
tremea will be brougbt before tbem.
Thonun r>tewart, indicted for a.-lling Hquor without
hcenec.pleaderl gullty, and waa tined ilO, and In addi
tionlobe Imprieoned for ??) daya. The latter part of
the aentence waa, however, auapended on condition
tbat he eeae.' the aala al Uquor.
Davld Phllllpa waa ploced ou trlal lor the larceny of s
beat, tbe propetty of John 8. LUrrte, and wai convlcted.
Ui vu remacded for lentence.
Arrest ok a Bt/RuiiAR.?0/r_cer John
MeKlroy lound burlare at work In tbedwellingof Wm.
a\. Woolley, Rt _ o'clock on Monday morning. They
had broke a pane of glaea in a baaement wlodcw, and
by movfng the maln aprtng, raited tho aaah and eflocte.l
aa entr_i.ce, Tbe ollicer made n deacent upon them,
aad arrreted one who gave hla name na Soth Wrlgit?
Three othera eacaped. They lot; beblnd *?'*> worth of
ailver aad a dai k lantern, which they dropped ln the
yard. It haa b. en aiccrUlr.c.l that rhe gang bave a erlb
la Brookten?lt la aald to be ln _*ark-avenue.
???? - ?
? fc#" Will bc limnched thii day, from the
ehip yard ol Sarauel HneeJen, C.re.-n Point, I,. I. at 1 >_
e'rlock P M, the ate.mehlp Amiry, 1 Ui) feet long, . :
faet beam, 17 ieet hold, for Mr. T. (J. Schonburr Bj Co.
She ia now receiviiig her maehlnory fro-n the Iroi
Worka ul Meeerl. Peeae \ Mjrphy, f.iJt of Cherry et,
?a*t Klver. wbere ihe will bfl t.iw.i BBBBT launchiiig.}
Dk.ath ok Mr. McPhsmoiv.?Mr. Mc
fberaoa, tho Second Kngjnear of II. B. M. eteamer
Afrh a, who fell from tbe gaag plonke of UiRt eteamer oa
baturday pi^nt, itrlking hii back upnnachuin cable, died
at 4 o'cl(?k Mundiy m lrnlug, of the injuriee to the
aplne of hla back received from the 1*11. Hia remalna
werelnteiTcd in New-Vork Bay Cemetery. yeeterday.
CkiEttAT-Oii or th_ FoiRTii.?The
bring of a eaJute aad rlnging of b. He Rt eunriaa, noon
aadeuneet, aad giwd muelc aud apl.-ndld tirewo.-ke ia
Ihe public Park ln the evening, conetltuted all the for
BRRlitlfe of the day. Thelndrp^ud. ut citlzem aelebroted
the day on their own hi ok. The veteran firecracker
aaaoclationa took the rounda of tbe city toward evening.
Tbe day paatt .1 off pleaaantly, pciu-.-fully and, aa far aa
We could otccrtoln, without ac.id.-nt.
Thk Ml ki.kr.?An u_qi?al was held on
Mauday mo.-mng, by Jua.li,' Rro_nlng. over the hody ot
Charbe Wiiilarna. Aa we glvn t_e c\ l.l.-iue i
Jary, we will inake no cumnvuti on it but let our read*
ara judge f,.r ihenuclvea. 1 lie first witnes. called WAt
Hrrmat Mitri ithe b.nkaeper et ihe K.yelan Kialde
l!i*rl) t?,-in^ ,iuly aarctii.s.js lh .1 oo rotl i.-e a*. th.i
?lyeian Ktilde, ll.boken ; am n..l perann?ily ac
wtihlhe d.< flfliaed h?v- ar^-n him Baeaof twi-e at Mra.
? cCarty'e t yaka Ku-lda; BB MM ni-ruin. ol ti" l.b,
?rhhV I wa. in xx.e coloua.I.-, 1 h.ierd thev wei
oatharo?_ hetwaaa tbe Club II .oac bl j thocoioaada;
Iweiittt. .%? |o them tm* ei ! -.
when I arrtved im ihe grounJ I aaw them, aome
fcavtnget r.-alnihrtrhBr-.te. I ttien a*e pri,_oeraU.
deceo?Hl. I aaa ak_Uc Ml o.u ul prlaoaar. inud when
v. a. iUbtHKl. ,Wcr^^i Il.r u l.irnc 1 rouafl bi. 1
abortly aftai ward 1 taa. bim |,iUJ ..,, thr grdU , ,
Idld.?.t baai deceaeed ap^.^ ?j.#r h. w_, ..
aaw uo difticulty l^lween ihe -hu,. ? llt_rJ nIi ,
Waitera b..,".-. I aeer ihcoi ? ? .
Booeot thr white waltera have ?neai U I1.-1. L.-J.
aaw noi.o la tbe aaletad waitnv h?udt, ono ofthe
Whlte e i'o.i aaked me h- \ u..:v c.Jored wilt.-ri
are had: I ?tate,l u> him a! out I
tbey woi.M v?hip theni. eh.<rt!v alterw-Rrd thay (tha
WbtBr WBl'..''t it-ft tlu- c -Iuiib ? i.i... ,i
Clul, II..ut.- I recogaUa tho prieoacr ,.a tne maa that
otabbed dect-aeed.
?taeeee />ttn:op belng duly ewon id aayth
*hot he n-.ij,. at N^ Ti P- Mea . : do no
baow deceated ; MI waa on the walk near tie colonada
ataiyMBDd I aaw three cobrred men g lag liom tiie
?atonode to the Cave, with a c?n ,' l eh>r_y
BOflrvrard I ttw them r. tu: ? . . ? I'.vh . I th.-a
aaw tvtrhc .r liurteen whtte w*i?ra leave tho col
onodeai.d go toward the flfl|_ra_ waitera . i.i a ahort
naa l ??w aaaaa ot ihe.u n.&ting: a.m-o; the wilt.
WOltu..-,; lMr,.Wlof BtoBl-t; h,-.ij d.ce??,-,i a^y tb.t
?aeot lhe?,. ! ?.l a knlle . ejt? t>int I - wt. atabfle I: dli
aetaae r?eeri.^-d tuike prieouer; kcew no ctu..- why
___??_'' 2"'UBI-i *KW ?*>*??" hevriBkaife in hia
___??_. ^eeaaed wae otejohed . he w_ ewiaeinu it
tWe1v.?^_iW'lto_? b,a,ln* ?'""*' **??> ????
BB__T.__mi^_LTUl8 ,n6,, "n<* *??*? or f^ ***rmi
^.-T1*" Wheo- -?*?>-the pnniod . 1 aaw at oa.
w_U-W?_l___* "^ w"*cr? ^U-B- onecSowl
?JOn?B^m,w,._td,,-._ the rrmmd a*ter tbe ti.ht
?na- ii ' "."_*thUkUl"* d'??a__?d wae oae af the
?N^a__*_TtJ^*fttlj !Tn'' "J*** na TtMet la
?aoout. A. M , 1 eaw a nuaibar oi me_ __hiin?
-STK mmmmmitmrj^^^
2^kR_e.?,t_^dl;.Mrt:7ltrdi reee_.^_S
*-SKTw%?*?? art4 th: ki___ ?*^S?S
"-* -_"y were BghtiBg- after the deeeaaH wae atthbad
I aaw prt-ouer with a knlfe (whl~h I now recogniz'M
chRrdnR another co>ored moa toward the rlvr-r; aaw no
other ooea have knivea In their handa, aaw aome ofthe
wblte men bRve ttonea ln tb.lr hnnde
Adolpkut Mtuborg-at. belng duly ewora **??**
reatdea,at No. l-'.CUy IWl phea *ew Tork= C|ty--do"J
know dec-aaed.' A. 1 waa p_eeiii? up the walkfl toward
the Dyeian I ielda, I eaw two wbite men talilug to one
eetorv-d wa. when I aaw a white m.n, who ceme up
while the othrre were U'ktn*. alrike taa c.lored m_ .
Ibe two wbite meo then retreawd .-ehortly alV.rw?rd
a number of whlte men mme running down from the
colonade, when a g*>ner?l ftght comtien. ed between
ihe white and c.lored w_lter.->, and I left ae io.n ae the
fieht romroenced
lin jan", Blanr (col-.red) l.elng d>ily ew .rn, eeye
lb.it bi reeidei at No. 9) Millivan et, N -w Vark ; knew
deceaaed, while I waa walklog from ta" c ivo to tbe
colonade on Ibfl mornint of the 4th Intunt I m*t two
men on the walk. who a>-ked me what I waa laaUag at;
I told them I did not wUh to trouble them. but wm
acung accordlng to Mra. McCarthy'e ordera, when
prla.-i.er came up and atruck n <? with hia fttt on the
aide of the face; Rfter he etruck me I tu*n<?l my hrvad,
when aome one atruck me on the head with a atone ;
there were ievr-r_l of them beating in<\ when
Jamea Dunlap and aeveral otbera cimo and reacued
tne, I aawpriaoner make a thruet Rt d<tceued, when
deceaaed eaid he waa atabbed; when I waa atruck, tlie
man that waa with me ran toward thi houae ; I after
ward belped aecure pilaoner, aod we to<>k him to the
houae; I atrurk priaouer after hp atruck me.
/'rur Athlm (colored) lielng duly aworn, aaya, that he
reei iee ln . ifty thlrd et between Hxth and Seventh-ave.,
New-Vork ; on the m,.riiln_ ot 1th lnet, nt I wae com
ing up the walka from II >b >ken to the Klyelen Fielda,
In company with B-?nj. Bla.e, two white men BBBt ne
acd aaked what we were lookln. at; Bl .ne aaked them
wby and what'e the matter : ehortly aftur I eew prieon
er come up Rnd etrike lilene : afterwurd I aaw one of
the whlte men tbat we met atrlke Blane with tt . .
I afterward aaw pritoner have a knite ln hie hand
opened ; I thlnk the koife now ahown mi ia the one I
aaw the prlion.-r have ln hli hxnd ht the tim* they
were lighting; I helpcd to aecure the prlaoner after de?
ceaaed waa ttabbed aod recognlzc tlie priaener at the
bar aa tbe man that had the kni e after deceaaed w*e
atabbed; di.l not aee deceaaed etrike prieoner, aaw
Blane etrike him.
Lortv.o W. Eldtr, depoeed-1 am County Phyaician;
a n-eldent of Hobabea, I have taken a poet mortem
evaiTiination on the body al deceiiaed, oaileted by
I)r shepher.1; Bve dhttact woundi were (Mecovered
and examlncd ; the ftret cxaraioed wae located upon the
cb.et, five lnchee below the left nlpp'e and two Inchel
to the left of'he medlanline; thewound wri a punctur
ed one, and g.piti. it wa taree-fourthe ot' aa Inch ln
ler.gth, pateirg through the lntegumenta, ln an up
ward dlrection, Into tne cav ty of the tborax, thr-uce
into the apex .f the heart. thie wai the wound which
firoved fatal. In my opinion lt wri luthclent to ceueo
mroediate death. The aecond wound exe-nined, waa
lO-B-B. two lnch.-i above the hijrheet point of tho right
hip br-n" j euperticlal. The thlrd wound ex.mlned, wm
a amall punctured wound, four inchea from the mediaa
line, and dlrectly beneath the left ntpple The fourth
weea deep punctured wound, locat-d ln the deltoid
muecle <-f left arm, one Inch ln len_th, and one lnch
Rnd r half ln depth. Tne tit'th wound exaroload, waa
eituated on tb. back ofthe left hand , very allght; l am
of the opiuicn that all the wounde deecribed, were
caueed by aomn eharp polnted, cuttinn Inatrurnent; the
>nlfe now hand..! to me, by tbe foraaaaa on thii Inqueit,
iacapableofproduclngbuch woundi, if uicd for tbat
Thi evidence here cloaed, and the Jury, atter delibe
iRtio-i, returre.* tho foliowln. veHlct :
" That tbe thli Charlaa Williamacame to hla death
l.y belrg stabbe.l with r knife In the handa ol Ito'iort
W. Canton, on the forenoon ofthe Ith nf July, l .5.'. on
tbe walka leadlng Irom the II.l>okea Ferry to the Kly
Man Kielda, Hoboken."
After the verdist waa rendered, the body of Wil ieme
vu given ovor to hie dittreaeed r.latlvee for burial, ani
Canton waa fully committed to Bergon Jall for trlal.
T_e kn.fe la a aina.l iptiug dlrk-ktilfn, about three
lnchoe long ln blr.de, aud ia now io the hinda of Juttlce
, m
OnTa-.taT rn,.rr.rr'-i, ,.,.-, Lt lt-. .1 M U .'.. eVtm H.ftT.1
BT I.avima. alflaatdaiebUrof COorlea B .k I I \.,tf itrtey
t'.-r. aad Mr. lt II111VKV Kr.II>. ... Bat,.,, r ?
.... taaaoth ?it . ,a tl..- Cot,?r-. itOilbrd, B ...'-r
ll.-t H lal al.aii. Mr J r. ..ll Br.KI, Jr , . i '. ,, . .ry, U M,tt
II (Y J. Ar.LIS.of Caieimt.t.K. Y.
la ll.m.klti,, ... rl,? n.o.u.tf e- J?> , , hjr lt-.. .._.. Bn.w.i, Mr.
CNAktXB ? (il.M.l.l., ol Hewr-rb, le M... .MAUV J-.nk
WKEKS.Ol Stan '? I !.('??nn.
.... SunJ.y. J.il- 4. br Bav. Ktnl-.li.', 9. K .?I-r. M' WIM.IIM
H.CIUM.OCK, lo Hita CATHARIBI gHKKWOOD, all uf t,,.a
I.iflr.warult, ob ibe IBth ? H.. by Rav. I>r Ni.ri.n. II. M Mult
flAM.Raq., oflbar af Tkt Imtktptmaemt Orttt Ira. aafl fRAWI BBD.,
mi y d I. . 'er ?l M. II. Ilirk-r, K-.|., all ol' Cwaada.
.)nMon.lty,.lyly.V by Rev. Mr. W...M. .1AMKS HAY fuMAI'.
GARX1, te ol I lOBffhUf of Mr. Jol.n Uae, K-lf,,?, ifllaoi.
SurldrnlyinBroollyB, Jnly e, WM.I.IAM MAV.V HlTCHCuCK,
Ifl.,?tr,l Ifl yeara
Tba Ir.e.idt an.I t, i intaniet of t'.e ftmily tre retpectf.'lv :n
t.tedt.. a-.in,d l?t i..Brral ti,,t (WaflaaaBov) aftoroaaa, al
l>< m ll,? r, ?.,n in law. Ma..?r Jol,n (le <r?? Keyt?.l.l?,
U.e. Manna (or?a. N. lrvaBnlge .t . Br,a,.lyn, without lorthtr
??t.. e Tba ren.ai.it w,II ba taken to (ire*?wo.d Camnery i..r >?
lat- tchj .Jirly ,Mr. JOHV M. IV.yi'.K. i_ IJ. T-art aa.l 10
Tha ri-ltt,??a an.I fr.ea la el tbe floeeoaafl, anl tl.a me-nSera ol tSe
K?w Ynrl Prtowra' I .,?.,,. an. r.apa tfaPy r^'|.,eat?l -, at'-u I h ?
lun-ral, Irom Iba ra?,-en, - af Bia fal'.er, No. :l>? Le*., -t , to day, at
i.r.at. rRARKLUI J. OTTA-BOir-,rrat'ir.U,
A,, i. Waaaaa, R.,
OnMii-dty, J..!> ?...! fliaSflBBflf U.e l.eart, AARi.N KLl.YK, ia
tbe Mtb ye-r of hit a|e.
II,. Ir.eii.ta are ,?-,.-, ifi.lly r> i i"!r-1 Ul alt.-al !.,. f.nrral l.om
hit lat* rtwdtati, Bo.flBTHrary tt., _ia__r, atIo'daok, 1*. M.
II,- r-rnt.Bl will I.e -ak^n !?> <i,.
, B atroa -- trday. Jaaaflfl, a*W BR iHeeteaf aiaa waakt,
El I'/ABa lll. _.- ,.i Jamea F?.t-r, an.l r- ad Iaaa la
il. Uaat Jmtte Boraawj, ef Qaakaq, a aativaof DearflaM, Mtaa.,
_M H-l, \K.r .1 '., r t|e.
(>nT.i,-di?.J?!y ... fll AHLKS PRKDKRICK, ton of Edwari
anr. 1 ,*a Siayera, t(>-. 1 vear. I
T 1.- t.'.' r. Rad inrn.-. are re.p?, t, ,'ly tavitofl to attaad hit
faaafBl.thh ?r, a. ".S ..'? i.*k. r. M , Baa taa
lall.er, ll?.,...ad a*., between l,r. ?e aud Ba..,.w -t-., Jerrey C.ty.
Witair ltttcrt ot lliiTit la tbe f.iy ar, I foan'r of N-w Y,.ri,
froBi tbe *.!, dtyof J,.- . Um,:*,
H,,..,. ?,flB| l-.y-. Ifltl . Uirl-.
I'uruiti.? A?e.,ri.?i, 1 ; Ap. ,.lr.y, II , Aa_WB.ll Alropl.i .. i .
. ? . llur.ia.l ,,r S. a' VI, I, Br. a I .-,.. 1 , < .
l taualty, ?; l holera latataa. Wl Cl, %:
, .... r..ar-.
I I - l-y...,,..... 1 . Crr1. ..... 1.1). . t -
Imb, II i' ? ?--* " o . ? v i-i tb? H--, I, :i ,
Prorar .o ib- Obaat,i| i>- .-i.e-. t; DyaaaiaTT, m Kia,ap.y. :,
'?..-, Boffll . ? , i I- .--rpr.a1..- . Ba
| - . | , . . r . ?1
I m N ? ? Ibaetae ,,| H-?l! I; H .
! i ? |
i.ii'.tn a.tt...., of Krlneya..'. laflanmatH.no. I
i .
f, |; I ei 1 ? ? , ,. J , Hi . v. i? . .
M'-a.lea. ll. OUAga,a Pakjr. I, Pmnature Bulb.l;
_i,S; R_BaBra.ll ; apm.l I??aa-.
iu|. fl; I'I. ert-..? of li.-e.r-nea, | j .,- ?:i,.;.
Att.?I'niler i ye.r, ??,. 1 t., : ai *); Itaie. I?;
U. *0. 11 ;7.ito M), ? igBtOBB, V ; VU lo l1"'. I, W) ao4 BBWOrd,
1 i_eiB_aewa,a
Tta.et ./ Katirtty.?tr..'. - .. I Eaa>aBd,
. t, Walas,li Grniui,,, ti, Praaea, 1; Hirilaafl.li
*wittrrl_B., 1; II, ? ] \ ? , .. W r,
. I, - rl; Pemte.itiarr Blt \ < '? 1
I a ? ? . rl , .... | KfcwaU'a
- 1 (olorr I partoaa.'..
lalanuaole latara-d !'? . w .? - I
A. W. WaiTt, Ciiy UipMter.
City __??/.-. QfUe, J ,ly ^, ihm.
Wi.tii Krr .T fr rtrirvt. in I a r -t Bn..-k:ya. f.r tha
w--a .?-._f J. y .1, Uttfl. -i,n, I ., i'raulu, W ; AJi.Itt, . I.
- ? . .
? . t'r l-> l ?
irtts I. ?a>ri Na,:--,.. Il-.ar- II,-..-. 1 llliatll_t|l
l, ll lauVa.aa
t ..n i.i Blaai Bl.. I; Mara-T.,?a. i . Mea>. ?..; 0 1 Af .
I, I . r.liii.ari, I.
U U-i.r..LL, Hrtlti. Ol
rin\em ai Ihe Stork Kichnnar ...Ji-i v ?;.
- -1, ?..nu, . ?
.Iii . ' ^L I ? ..... i
- ? - B i. l.
Hv J-.1. _ ?? ErtaK. K.
I . - ? U ? flo. ?
... ? . ,
- ? I
... 1 . .1 II aj
rV-M*,,, (? tt...
. ,
:. .
.M v-._
? k.I ?: it . do .
hl I ...
?? . - ! K li
B MbtaaBoak.l.nw.. ut. Mi.-a. Cratral K.K
tK.S. A rwM. .11SJ
. ,
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avrana, owllo.Ul?...l.k. do *-?
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falMub. ( .
ti do.llflb Lil...
Ti-bsday, July 6?P. M.
The week opetiti buoyantJy for Stocks.
iVratern Bcm'i coetinu'. tnoit to appreclate ln value.
dlcM(.'Rn Central Road Rjr_icr>d 1 -.. ?tfii*hern Miohl
;rb and Nirttitrii Indiaaa, whick are n.w favurlte ln
eatinrnta, aold r.-odlly at 1 .'.><_ 120'g. Ede SWck od
oiiced 1 ** r.-tit, NfW Jcra?y Zinc '4, Rai Penneylra
da Coal 3 f cent Mortb Amerlcan Truet receded 3
f* cei.L The declelon ia th-< ault pend-Qf at luw wiU
iut be irmde Ulora Salurday. Meaawhile, tbe 8loek
laa loet iu buojanay. MlcorRguR TrnaaU Coapony al
aacadlii^cat Cuaioa wra tn d.raon_at 11, with
>ut ealra. Dakware aad Iiudooa Caaal fell off -^.
There wu more dolng ln Governmeat Stock. bnt wtth
out rbange In prlr-ee. The market rloeed very str ?: g.
and with an upward tend.ncy.
Tlie demand for foreign Exchange to re
mtt by the Boiton eteamer was n t very active. Oa
I.ondon, 110*. _ lioi... banHers bllls j do. oth~r billa,
1103110'.,. On l'arii, 5 ir._r_.lt-_; Amsteria-i, I ? ,
407* | Frankfort, 40 '?? c 10. ; I'.remen. Uam"
burgh, 3f,?:i- .
In Frcights there wa* a fair basinc?i
today. 23,000 buihel. Graln, moatly Wheat, Id. for
Liverpool; 1,000 bbla. Flour, 1 ; Heary (j j-ads and C .t
ton, in .mail parc. la, at former rate*. V'ory littleotfered
for tbe Continent, and rate. were unchanged.
The Dauphin and Sa. [uehannah Coal
Company* Seven f> Cent Conver'i-.la Mortgage Bond*
ba>e bea-o negoti_>*d at prlvate aale on very favorable
terms. They were Uken by Mei*r?. F. Phouteau, Jr.,
Sandford _ Co.; Messrs. Corcoran _ I.lggs; Mea*r*.
Cammacn, Whltehouse A Co., and Ne'son Robinsm,
E*q., and other.. They are made payable, prtnclpal
and Intereat, in thia City, have 25 years to run, and are
convertible into the stock ofthe Company for ilx years
This loBn will enable the Dauphin Company to extend
iu Railroad to .-r.huylklll Haven, Intersectlng tbe Read
Ing Railroad at that point. The Dauphin Road will thei
be 01 miles In length.and will conititute the main feeder
of the Read'ng Rallroad. The amount negoelated en.
able. the Company to finUh all their worai aud aupply
them witb a working capital lufflclent to conduct a large
coal buiinea*, Independent of th..ir llallrcad traffie.
The Schuylkill Navigation Company
bave efiected an arrangement with their credimr. un?
der an aet of the rt-cer.t Legi.Iature. I!y IhU arrange?
ment, all the crcditor. of the Cempany, except the Flr.t
Mortg.^e hold'-ra, con.ent to surrendcr their present
bond. and evldence. of indebtedne.., receirlng in li.-u ti
4j> cent. bond., payable in 1888, for 65 t> cent, of the
.urrendered cIhIoo, and .15 \y cent. in a preferred .tock.
Th.- total liabllitle. of the Company are now about five
mlllions of dollan. the annual intereat on whleh Is
$:_.i,i.*J0. Thi. paid, wbatever of overplu. there may
be goe. to the prefei red etwkholder. firat, and then to
the common atockholder.. Tne bu.ineaa of the Cana
tl.ua far ha. been more favorable than wa* expected
Upto Thar.day lait, 300,iK.) tuc. were brought down
and twenty-two weiki more r.f navlgatlon arecalculated
upen, at 2-2,500 tum Y week. Toii will glvo -00,000
tun. lor the seaion's buiiness, netting 50 eenU f* tun
or an aggre.ate cf $100,000. The Cempany, we ba'
Ueve, ha. a ret-erved fund of over $100,000 to meetdam.
??Ba reiultirir from flood. The way frtight and water
renU lt la alwayi estimate.l will pay cuneut expen.e..
So that, without intcrruption or an-ident, the credltjrS
aie pretty certaln to recelve in'.erest on their loana, ani
Uie ownen of this Important er.terpr'ue bave at length
a prospect of some return on tbf-lr long uoprodnctive
capital Tho tranafer books of tbe Company will re'
maln cloaed until the 15th, wben tbe new bond. will bo
The Albuny Journal gives the follow
ing statement of the quantity of Flour, Wheat, Corn,
and Barley left at tide water, durtng the fourth week tn
June, ln the jeari 183] and t*m\ a* follow. i
fl<,.,r.l'.la. avi.a*-. ?*. Cnru. Ioi. Barlav.bl.
I8.M.7r.;:<U S9.MI 818,741 1,180
18_*.l'vi,7.-|0 212,.'.| 22>d\22 4.1 VI
Ine.7?i,8t)9 2ii3,-W Dec._l.l-t lac
Tbe aggrer~ite ipianlity oi the same article. left at
tidi-water, trom the commonceiiient of navigation ?o
the .ioth June, Incluiive, durlng the years 1 _5l and 1852,
is a* follow* :
1 . I 1>. \\ ..-at, !.... r..r?. ba. B.,r!?f. '??!.
i<s.*;i.1.141,!**; ? 11 i t,MMii i
1H52.1.UI9 Ml l.-.l. M l,dJl,0Hi 7>,_
D_*....l21,!?lf. In_.7f?,l't|necl,All,795 &,tr>
The ajgiafBlB >iuautity of the lame ariiclei left nt
tide water from the comiuflncctneut of navi - .tlou to
tljelioth a-_e, iiicluilve, durlng the yeari 1-.50 and l$9 .'<
ii ai follow* :
Kloar.bbli. Whfat.hu. Corn.Vi B >.rley.. bu.
1MH.6_J.4_> 2Sf..?ei 1.2-fU'l 111.84)
13M.I.Oiy.tfiJO 1.31. WH 1,372.016 75,27';
Ine.I 8,488 Iue.l.ii|J,!<!U Inc.*?8I,_> DeeJMM
By reducing the Wl.eat to Flour, the .pitn-.lty of th.*
lalter left at tide water thi. year, comparei with Ihe
corre.pondlng period of laat y.-ar, .how. an increa.e of
l*,C'.t2 barreli of Flour.
The followlng tabl*) ihowi the qutnttty of aome of Ihe,
principhl article* ot produea left at tide water i'ro.ri ihe
rommeneenient of navlgati >n t) .'.0th June, lncluilve
durlng the year. I*'i, 7o day.; 1*51^77 dayi; Is52, 7 J
l s..o.
Cana' BBVa,
ri. r. bbla.
Wl.rat, 1 i_h. I
i liu.li.l,_*J._M
Barlev, bu.li. Ill.li
Itvr. buah. I
(.tli. r .ra'.na, buah. I
I'.r-I, l.i.l..
P, rk. bbl*. 42.t-.lt.
A.l-ea, bbla. 7,1111
I'arter. Ilx. I
(haeie, Ibi. 7.1
Wih.I Ih*.1,149.72*.
Bflflflfl, ib*.7,i.S7,iil7
The B.tar.l of Direetor*, ofthe Paanayl.
vania Rallroad Company, as appear. from the mlnute*
ofthe Board, dated Office of the Penn.ylvania I.iilr. 11
Company, l'hiladelph'a, June 30, 1*52, bava resolved
that it i* the opinton of tht. B iar.l that the Marietta and
Cinrinnati Kallroad, and Iti Ka.t?*rn Kxt-au.lon eonnect
ing it with the I'.-iin.ylvaoi. Kiilrjad, are very Import?
ant llnk. ln tbe moit direct and practtcable chain Of
Railway. now tn progrei* between that city, Central
Kentuiky, Tencei.ce and the SoaoV-Wflfltj and tbat
the exteniion af tbi* R _d up tha Ol.io River, fr_n Ma?
rietta to Wbet'lliu, or (ippo.lte thereto, wtth aviewof
connecting lt by tailroad with the l'enn.ylvanla Rail?
road at *ucb point ai may be determined upon by prop*
er examinatiun, aurvey. and eitlmate. of coit, would
brlng a large trnde and travel npon tbe Pennsylvanla
Rallroad tbat mi^ht pasi ov.r tae N irth-Western Vir*
glnia and the Baltimore and Ohio R iflrOfldfl, t' i the City
of Baltlmore. Tne II jard w,.u'.d, therefore, recomm-nd
aiubicriptlon on the part ofthe ilti.eniof PbllidelplUa.
and especially th >.e wbo are ?tof*khold??r? of thii Com.
pany, to ald ln the early cc inpletlon of auch line of road
Tbfl propositlon made wu tp lul.icri-ji* $T5 ),0.M) to all
ln the exfn?l..n .f tl.e Itarfetta nnd Cincinnati Road
from Mari>*tta to Wheellng, with a vlew to e jnoect, by
?ome route hereafter to be determined on, with the
Central Roadof I'rnn.ylvanla.
Tho demand lor Dry Goodi lias improved
Uie l**t wi t-k. and pricea contlnue wirking upward,
while Stock. ate declinlnr.'. The arrival. of doaler.
fromSt. Louln, I.i u'.vllle, anJ otbflr Weitern paru, are
min.erous, aud Inillcate the comioij of a goid bjsioesa.
Tbe demand f.r Cal.fornia Is ve-y a"tiv.*. fJablrrarbad
.-htrtingi aad ***:.-1 t:r._a are lu amUk Jeimal b .th fer
*bIp|_Bg aad bosae aka. Tbe snppUea ara rata a
ii'-md couiuTi^tion, and pric_ hsvo a itrmg
Bpwai- Mhdracy. Beavy t3beeUa|a a: , (, are e*pe*
cially aaanttd. 11. ebed li.uili are tito in great re.
iiuf-.t, i.rd at advanced rate., w-.th a greatly n-dused
itick. D.l'l. are ln biir demand a" full r.>?
t.rown, I tor Llra-hed, and '.' for b\v\ i.-u* . .b*
contlnue dull, '.,ut tirui at aome odvanee I>.*nlin. are
active for the aeaion, and at full prlc * I .
been n.ore laqairf for 'liika. a.d price. b*rel._proved.
Stripe* ar>. J.i'i. Prla_a$ C rai bu-. dull a:
3 -._ 4'fC, whkh show about ', ImprovejicLt. PrluU
are in requestat urin rate*; the ttew style. I
ward slowly, but are aold <\>.L kly on arrival. (iingaimi
are qulet. Deiainea of tbe new styles are ln mark-t
but not fui.> . p, cd tor the approachltg aeafloa. Tne
aaw and ald cotnpa_!ei both hold out ln proipact vari
oui rlch deslgns. Domestii- C.oths aro acarce, and
pricea, b.th _ i' _e*tis and German, hire r_.*n
la conieijuenc-e. We obierve th .t the mannfac
turers, tbrouuh their agenU, ln Ohio, have aaaa
bujing Wool very freely, and must be prepir
leg lor an lDcr_*ed production. Prices of gr*ods
are now no Lnger coraplalned of. Fancy Cuilraera
are active and pricea fuily suituiocd. Plain ani black
( aaalmerea and Doeaklna art- alao active. t* itin* _ com
n__d ready *al_i for freih anlval. at the recent ad
venre. Sheep* (Jreya have *!*o come Into qulcker uie
and at good prtcei, the atock being Ught. I.lMey. are
:-i_ with a imail stock aad llgbt damand at 15 a 17e.
Jeans are steady but qulet, Tweeds are heavy in stock
a_d price. Flaanela ara la reduced supply at fair pri?
cea Thedeunnd is good. BtankeU are maderately
active ai.d lirm ln pricea. The arrival. of f.reiga goo*li
bave not yet proved heary but coaie in at blgfaer rate*,
fatl 'a 16 per cent ovar laat year s price*. Tbare u yet
a karcity of deairable dreas goods ln Iha market - H ka
re not la good usortment Cerman Cloths are both
plenty aad aettve, at hlgher ratea. Hoavy Hut. b | i di
?ell welt The cl___?g trade ara extendiug tbelr par
cbsses. All staple foreign goods are more active th?n
tbey w.-re. bi rat rt Kdward H_*-in _ Co. of I.'ver
pool, tnform ui tn their laat drcilar that the exports
gjeneeto tba I'nited ."tates w-re m.t *o active in J in<*
'u prevlously, and though their tables sh iw au iacre^ie
on the cerreapondlng perlod of laat year, that i. to be
accounti-d for by the great laxtty witb reapect to en
_-**?? whlcb then prevalled l.ut which 1. now orrected,
?o -_at large quantitle. of good* were .hlpped l*?t ye_r
wltbont cntry at alL Goods have been shipped at very
low rate. by tran.ient ve??el? and *tlll may be aivanta
ge* msly placed. ShipmenU of metal* to New Vork have
t?een large but at a riae in frelghu. - hip. to Pbilndel
pbla were acarce.
IMl. 1839. Dil
_ia.-a- ? .,?.,.
Do. pfinl?l.*c. y?
' -?. 1. M .
'? . J."!.-.'.: 4 r..OIT ln.
' "? . -.:!.
Pana.k* ? ... i
Ci.ltnn.Ti! ? ,,_ ,
' ' ?.J.'
H.?.rrj.I,,,.. : j . ; . , ,
? - * T , .
. ? ?... .... .,.?, . ,
1>... |.r,i-..!. . . . .j , . - '. ,
? l ..)*!V. . ?? l . IT." /.
._ .. .
Cattoa T? ?? ? I - ...
I.m-n.. yal
?.i.onal. in. .. _.. , BU DW .
I..nao .I..I ...tli.l*... jar.l*.. T8l_*4 .All.lll ll-. * .?
S J Cmth.*.-. i ? ? 1.1 i 1
.9.. i !??> -..i i
| .. . V\,?,lana- C -. ? ? - . l>. g:.
.-.. I*. I M
1 B!_.k.t,? _.. i. ..- n... . a:.-._
Wcadreaa I *ro__ I! .- ?
.' ~ ' .C . i ???- .iil... ..,;?
M . i '??.-.
C-nw-ae, a..t . 84.711 ITiiTB I
'. .m.Pa.. 1 - ? II Da... t
?* **.-.. .i:-...ri ,...:, 11
_e*.?.. i . i
? - .?... MU
- Mal "?*.?_._.. .'.'.i'-l .-.| f>*a
C*a_aa*aaflflaaBBi.i. i..-.- it
M.-nri. lliggln. &. Co. further allude to the return o
confidenee, ai.d the come ;uenre,lncreas<d andlnL-reas
in; exteniion of ou*in<*ss. The eradual liflfl in every
market 1? redi eming the heavy losses of last year. The
eontiuid exrenivo coniumptlon of raw muterlali, the
abundance of money, and the he.Uhy ?tateof th.* irunu
facturlng dlstrlc-ts, are produ. ing their natural ertect
and irtnlilned with ihe rapldly extendlng Influence
wbich Auitralla Is exerclilng throughout the country,
have led from a period of protrncted depression Into
one of great pro.perlty, with a .pecd whleh ls ijreater
ti an experlence could predtct.
4tlarkeU....C*BEri;LLv Rrro.Ti-n roa Thb TaiBCBE
faaaoar. July 9,
A>liKS-The market laqtiiet Sal*. of 80 bbl.. at ?1 17}
for I'utaand 65 87f9#_ 41 l..r I'earla.
CuTTON-Tliemirkef la v.-ry dull, oaly .m bal-i wer*
aolil The aiim.uru emept i t thea'rivalot theCaaada, with?
out my report of newa, prevented traniactiom. I'rice. ara
FLOl'R AND MF.AL?Our market isbettar for th* low
grad-a .'I State and Wntera Flour. Tlin receipt* of freih
ground are abott of the demand, and tbfl unfavorablo a.
c.iunti fiom tfe Weit reiptcting tl,e naw crop have i'i;iii
lated ihe market. Theexpurt demvid n fair, and tli BflflM
aad F,_tern ini|uir> go nl. The toferior gra>.es BBVfl lui
provril witli a good in.pury. The bettxr _radea aro dull l.ut
?Uady Car.adian ia ijuiet at $1 1*6.7.4 12). in bond. Thu
?aJeiof Dom-?ri.- ar- 9.300 bbla. ut fi _2V*3 681 far No 2
?urerfine:>'I 37Jat*I ?i24 (bf .our; Sl i.9fl 18] foroin
monto atrant-' Sta!e;-.| |*A _r _t 4 ii; for mi?ed to tanoy
M'cbigan and Irdiana; $1 IS|9|4 Z> tor common tu - >.?!
Ohio; i< M 2? f.r Kound Ibmp Dliio ann fWvorlt.
Slate:#4 17. t$ I 99} for I tncy Ohio: $4 37- a-.1 fl'.} f.r
Fancr OfBisaa; *-i 82k&%5 foi Bxtra Ohio, und *l M9
fjft H7J tor Kxtrafleneaee. Siuthem ia a'ealy wim i fair
home and modtrtta ihippin. diniand Sal-i af 'axi h .!?. at
?4 .. 'or flilxad to g od itraulit branrii, moa'ly
$1 .So and *| \U*fi ti f?r F*n*v. ?ya Flnir i. at-*dv.
Sale* of 1.0 bbl. at $; iKf Com M*al Is qui-t aad heavy.
Hale. nl State and Ohio at %i>i %\ 06 : Jana*/ at *- 12|, aad
Brai dywia .- *
ORAIN?Wfl notice an active donund fi.r Wheat at b?-t
tei Bficaa, l-oth tor expoit an.l lor miliiag. The aale* ar-*
IOlMS tW8_llls|nsd tn yilSSfl VVhil* (?hl*ati; Ol./rJl I)');
5." ii buahel* jj.rfjd Mix.-d do. at|t; S.M8 tatittt lad Obio
at DI .<? ; II,nm l.nh*:. IU.1 do., u. arnve, at H7c ; 90B baabsls
lUd Oerieiee at 'ia:.; aml 91508 buahel. fail (pper L?ik.- at
__. cloiing buu-*i.r. ftys \adallaad knrar. BelaaefKMI
bashel* at roe. (liti a ? plenty and ?r? lower. Sale.of Ohio
and State at tin 4lc Com is n<.: aedva, but pric-i are ratw
!..!:? r BaleaoHT,8Bfl ln..heliai M_ as wr Boaoaadi ai'
.... .p t. . *.? 6 lo piinu \\'<-*fern Murd ; an.l u2c fjrprni.i
Round Vel'OW and duuthern ilo
WII1SK V?Tbfl n.aiket i. a -liida l.otter with a |u_l de
lii ind, in f art for I'il *del;1.ia. "ail-a af 550 b*)la . ru n'Jv
Ohio Bt 21r.. and StatB PrKm _ 3 ? rr _'IJc. Ilru-iio il luoy
aut. Saleaoi _ lilid* ai 2ln t'-na
ritOVIPlONS?Tbcrs ii a lirmer l^eling inonr Hork tu
let. Thed?niand is rot active. bul th- rec*i|)U are li -Ir.
^ale? of 3(iii bbl* at|i'< lif|_ai? Uf.tr Maaa,|16 749tli <i
foi 1'rinie. ra.n M fi r Cloar. and |lri 88 'nr K-irn-? ' Besf i?
luov.cl. and pncea are ejjun ratlier hirhnr f.ir Pnine, l.u:
tl." n .iik-ri :a un*. tt'ed, the .1-mand fair, and th* r.- .'p-a
lar.er. Sale.of 2|H bbli at * I 5Hrt*#l l for .M-aa .?. 0 '?".;
fl I f,.r :i*w <:i*y Pnni*. ar-d *7 >a_|fl Vi ftr ol.t City Pnm-.
Tlirw are th? lii|be*t prteee known in thi. ma-ket for forty
yaan Primallaai ?..d B et llama ?r? scasea s-id pncea
ip.it.- nuri iinl Cut M.-at* are tirm and in fair raaaa**.
.??a'e.of |7u 1,1,1. and tc.a ?? ? ? i Slioulder. BBfl . '
; ll?m* Buttf-r Is lery lirrn, wuh a |oo4 mpilrY fjr
?iiippin. nnd t^.? traHe. Balas of Oak) at 14- 7*_a_dVt -?
e ii Daily at 11918a Cbee.^e is rp-iet at bei .'.c. for uaaiuud
t., pr-i
BAY?Tbfl iia*V?t ia irio*.- .erilerl. The lutioly U not
Sabi sf 1,000 I.aie*at^.i//'fiv., cloatn.dt ,'_ Tx.
r l*H -Dn ( ? d areactiueand firm : 31. liatell aold at
|3 s i/f.i Ti for rotrmoL Bank, aad tl '-'* f_r Si. OBorn*a
"h ii bbl* B.wton Uackaral .old at $;u 25 lor .SV 1, and |o> ^'i
for Nr. 3 No 7 ara out of narket
IIIDFS imwiir. 2'-'" Bueno* Avrea *)M at 17c. Au
arnval nt *,l^n ii h" '.iciiii* flie attr-n'ion nt t..e tra<io.
I.r.ATllKR ii dull. but pnciara itea.lr. Tho ito:k ii
. i||,8?Tli.-re I* n fnr demaud fjr UaBMd fromatira at
K_ li. raak. and b3c in bfil.
\\ DOL-Tlie den.ar.d i. good. Iu:t arr. rai* are few, and
tbaaa ara read.ly lakea.ap. * .... u
?atk Fle'aes a- I.i I i iaa |a aii
lies Mii.niac.urer. are huyin. in tlu >\ l nfld.,
w 11. ? iiaa t'.t efl '1 ul '? a trom tuia oiikd
and r i . , Tliev ar^, tn >U4,-!i in a lsaa d--|ree, ra
pra-ll I l! e .:ilii? ol laat v-ar
HOI'S-Tha markat fa very .|ii,t, and pn.-e. arebwer
.mi i.'.iiiiiia' a' lft_ 17c.
LIMp:-The market li liim. ?,'>>0 bbl_ wld at!998_.
Li r.p.adi.ll at 4*1 <*)|.
1.ATHS are very tirm. IfO.fXjO k,1.I at S
>>w-. orla I'nlilr .vinrket-.luly ?i.
tlrmtrtmi i ?' T - rr* iaa
F'or Beeve. at tbe U'tuliinitun lirove Yard, l irn-T of
|rb av and llih-at. and at I'hau.berlain'a llutim ll.v.i
Buli'. ilea.i. foot ol K.biiiHonat. forCew. a id Ca .
Sbeepand Lamb*. at Broamiag'a ic tit'i-at., near _l-ar., aud
a *?' at l ^arnU-rlaln'*,
Ai W A.-11..N,. i ..> Ukovk Varii?Ottrred. 2.7> >. Beovel,
( !1 Southern aod VVaat.ra i Bnatnass not .|'ute *o active aa
at the dste of i.tir liat wtek'. rei ovt, and pricea not ?> tirn*
i. ' retailui. i-ualitiea luii.- 7</ ( \> if.. About 880 left
tveriinaold, the n arkt * i I i-in. dall
Ai Ui. ...wer BulPfl H?*<li?O-fered 108
(r.ua mi i . Bfllflfl at f;oui $2.1 lo Si'i'i I'*'- All
n.w. Sheepsr,,; okarai Sal-a of t:m formiir
al lii-ii f. to |3 IA to *A\ aod $1 > to $-. 75 for tha lattar.
3i-e litt over.
A i Ca_MBflBI IW"?fltndaon Ilver Birll'* Il-adl?Of
i; aalea at fnna I ta <'?*. andCalvea
-.'.'> nflered : aale. ut f.-i.m $.- toitkii to *v Sheep and
Lfl_ab*-Off*fll 1.3,80. 4"t unaold gale* ?f Sh?
p2 75to$i Lamb* aold at froui ?l _)lo$.
.">Iiarkelai-ttepnrttd by T'teMph.
Nrw-ORiriM. -luly 9?Taa Bfl_a I * u. .l.y
J' bale*. at pricea uicinnied siaea thi re
a . I ' IHV Vl C?'l'< !
Bj * .-..ir,. ? t.. IO. . Priuio baireled Lvao, K_;
1 ai ii.iit-i to Lia-erpool, 5-16.
Keeelpta of Fr_dnre....Jei v >i
/?*/ ItarA Ki.er h-?f,? .1.I'M l.ula. Kl.uir, BI do WMaky,
14" do Pork. 7j do Aarie*. _' 7 do B-ef, .,Jfj bnab. V\ n--?t,
Corn. acd t>2 pkia Ctie-*e
1... Vtia Ba-i*__ 118 llrfl*. *< head Cattle, ani 172 pkga.
ii\ Xeto-Il-tttn Kiurood?W pk^i. Butter, 79 da. CheeM.
Oeean Mieamrra,
list or sTKAStras roa thb moxth or /tlv.
*i ??.l-r.n h -i o..J. ? T Tm Ihmbu*!
-- .I' B IX.Tnrl ; - I - i ? irfwtOB.
.I "-.I ??...!._ ? l.iSi. I *??*,__
8*nt. *.i~a.I- - * * ? - r
Sarra .*,.-,.,la.i *B l , I -N.???*..
,- i ? - Jtta.,9a.
I .Vr. \ 1 -? J i . K. rSa?ano*h.
' .I M ?. r -'|>..nl.
w .Ir.ii M.r?..J,. I rl -rlaatoa.
? r. ; ? v >
' ?
. I Nl rk..J i j !7..Ki.r Braajan, 4c.
.i-r_, S Y..rk..J..I? I7..l'..r4.nn__>.
City .("ir,':...vi_Tr, i y ? torLfmrmmk
.r- ?? I -.-__
- --. -a..J . y il..r,,r Caarlaa'-a.
Or-at Bnta.1. 1
Caaa-i.rr.a. _?-_a..J..lr il..r.,r Li-.a-aml.
.Pi ? ?.->l,
A.aiama.?*__ M.T*_. Jaly 84..I - ?
H .*?'? v .
l.tnr,, __?!?....I-. 7 B.T_t._l*a>W .*>'..rCl.ara___
a .I- ir. N Y. rv.J . t :- K-U--rpael.
?. t. . - kc.
I . Ir.tr, *I 1 -k J.llj 1. r -
Umob. I
WM i- . ->..athaiap?a .. 1 S I a....J????3
Crty oT Maa.br. aJ.JaoaM
D?W_.8M. ?.n I. .-"._I ... I ? 8 ? ...2ia*?9
a .SU. fm. Ijaarpool. I I ..Jua*?
Pua-enaer* Sailed.
h, flf rtfmttrp Pn.met'' M Ju 11, ftt **? fmtU 9at*t H ,
? -- i ii. ,.- . - ? i * Kvr'i
M , - VV H.>|*?.*l*.*a1w.e. ? ?a?ri-.
, V| .. H Ha-. ... a_*C ai .'?... aav
H I J II _*r, W _. M U.a,a..ai-- '""_ '?
N- aa.rVy. A W. Woitta. J U A ff._, Mr. fc 1
a?.B_n. *iha. hiMamlaarraal. E H~?ala lihi *r M.
. .
- * - ' 1 T' ? M '*, '
'???*'?? AMi _* ?? .?'?_*t
li^.-aa. A r av.-Vr \1 I - a/iJl._i.
* .,. Aa*a_?rls M.a* 9. tAW. 9.tk9inmm,0.9. ityj r
.,B O-Ha-. M. A O'HVa. J. ?.S ..ta, ..au
klaa.a Of?alrf. E Sna-hweeai I* -.M--1 va- Plark J J.ttyr.t,
- aa* > r.-r*_a__aa a_--**.i. D. Hb_-H. a?, P?1
l_Ul-epMa?iliU I i." i"" ''"?''' ? ? Ki* : D.an,
iv ,-.i- f- OS?V ,%--- Trr*>.-.r. r. u J-1U J .. ...,
j CTat_w.S._l | o w B-,.., \ H i taaa
Kro.pt tr, Bntaoa, fl Kr-n- r a
P. Rem.aa, W Hall. P Bttt ( -ar_aH..i P I
Y Ka.anab.J ( a ? J M '
v I . i.r, Wbb. r-,. -- -
. IB. I waaea ? . - -. -r. j u Ara
IB*'ie. W. ?ona,,. 1. 1 j.rtro.._. H riar. * .. M ?
BJ 1 I ? ... J ". \.~ka, .1 S r B
I. M ? i ,\ II, . I K.
L RbUb. H. Prait, M
' ?.r.?r, I.I I. M
W D ,r.. tn, C \
.- i . io . iv s u. haata
\\ i- i..-- (t.i VI- R r v ? R ? k
h-> ?> \* ?t-??? "-? B ' .
\\ f !. > pi \'. II V> - . Mra
J U I um '. U, - W \\ .
_ v - I '? ?' - -
I | , ... - ....
-.? , , . n a- i i a *??.?.. a.
.rr.aat. A. J _?.
( I l-.-a'-hr. J. U. B ' t.i ? H ll.rkn-..
Y' u. - ' i t. K. DaVtoo. J. I ? ' ?
. I '
v a i-r. W C. Bt
Halea Parfcrr. aad ttro rhiMrea; Mrt. G I>^
' -
t- .. ? .-r . l> -? Paava ll ?
, . , ' I | ' M I '
. ? - - .-? . J \. Brya M - - i
ittt.P. M. I ??? ??? r-'.y. knthoay Brah.ai
B. MrCaha, B. W. B . -? ? E. A. Raj ad. N. P-s. I. 1>. w
II P Hull. K ?. C . ll > ? I -
,1 !l .:. .! 1, II . BBB, ?' ' '? "
- -ri. R, V,.-.:., ?, W \V . L B. I
- B.rker. j h !/,,., It y Ih.ma, J K. h
IBatt I I- t ?\- -r, Kt.M. Jenkina anl
k.?.rn. M.laa P-aea.,-,.
Mra. R Harke,. khal Vat-__,Jaa_a
\v C. Brocawaj ,M Bra . Da
? P keaaoa, Edwaifl B rl B r. Wbiti.ar, A. R
P??, A. H. EdwarH l>. rr. ?- \V .l-well. anl _
Ha.r.y. M 1- . ... fl .r.
?mi.iu ....... ? > -.
Sta R itt?...... 4 ' I 8?_>.T 33 ! M.>.... R mi-. it
B.ta ?.n?.ra.l Bat.
Stcty Bock. ?,0 ttm I Oov. Ialaod...1 ''"? I HeUflete... . ?R
MjVRINE journal.
I .?,.?> 3. P. M.-Stean??;..? >>!.i-. *<hemk.H.?. ? M I
Ih.pi \ ?? -r. Jol.ra-n, Bi.'ti-nnre, Tajlor A Mernll; Wtry
V. .? . H-.-: er. K P 11 ? ,-k A l'? , l-n-.y, Brrw.ter, .',*b ?-. P
I . .......... r|| | B?. k _
C... . fliga Millei.Bl flltalieaa. rtnldaa I O-flaafl,
Park- Baia.naa. Maniallaa. I in ,???.. I ka ,i- M-.t. ke; j.n?
rowa. A?p..,wall, ll.ma ICt.i H.rr.-t, (Sra.e. Bia-ta
I | M Barr-ardi Csrehaa, (B. a_r__ar.Brai_aa-Pa-aat-.-i
as. I,,.ma,-ker. If trl atf, M -rr,, lla-ii ,r?, WiaterholT P,p?r V Oi
? hanaara?Praak, MrMath, N?ri.'h, Ita?_, Claaraaa A (?
Al. a. De;..ny.l'l..i?.t.-ipbia. Jat. Ha.. 1 ArcticBaw-r, .tetaadru)
? ? . t . CUermee A C. ; J. U _,,Staa~-.,Ro- Ca,i,-ia,C. Ha.a
i!-nn , Yorlt, wn. W.._ , I'. , Ja- H .Dt-r B Ci.
B S > ? -. I M ,-,1',-W !>...
ii..,., a.\ew Mavaa, Ma.
? hipsflaa i,...... 1 ? Kow-Orlaaaa, 1 Lia
i ? i irr-iB.g-aJaaa, D II a::?o.
I | ? Joha Hanaack, B-fBaaa, Lepraai. B II . Baaiair. ,* aon,
,. DaConrrey, l.i.erpn,.l, C M Uen
11,,:,..... . r.?. latt, IL <.e,,ri?. S B , Poatat k Birkarana : Lntktoa
.l.-rr?, Br.] lUrr, Bt A.. Iraw.. K >l |. t. , Aia B-NaraUa
M, Man a. Bi. Itkial' fltl S. Slepl,e..?..n
li.rk -Rt Lanw, Laafloa, Popaa * Ge . Annt
Mlr.-n. Kiera. I.n...lnn, P. p(w A' ?'n. , W'fl. O. AMSB, Bltea, Be
lie, llna '., K A-nandre.
i: .. \-.. i, Pattar, Jak?taa. lavaaaah, I. inht... A i>.mnn ,
r. ?, . |- . Bf M-.rr... \V,:,.l-,r, N. S.. J. S Wh.n.ay k i ..
ii l aaa, Theaeya-a, PI idt ,. R p Back * (.'?>., Jan.
Arery,,Br.) Htrper,!?t .l..bn. N. II ,J B. ?tf?r. Co'iimhtna, (Br.
M, ( lelltn. Pnfwaab, N. 9.. I. ??a.n A ('..ll.aa ; Jo'ie, a.,.. R ,rk
rg, Paork A Meiarkei Latrotaow s?lke...l..ri. (Ham.
? a, IV. B .S.biii.Ji b-akhaai Aaaaaico, .fl_)l_
ton. H;."n..t S l)-:.ley.
flrhnoaer. Paiaa.MwII,DooHaicR, J B.GaaarACa; P.r,,t.<
TreiH-tra.,. Iloaiim, maale,; Ki, A.a.it. .ir l.unbar, W.aflaor, B
S.J .-> (VhitasfbCa . M.t.i.U K Wallt, Paaraon -
> I. MrCraafly b Ca. i Laa?niaa,Tvler, w,:,,,.,,,...,. N C, B I.
McCready A ....; Petr.-l, Yo.,,4. Saeaaw, M ? , Beamrth k Su,...
I' ?> M .tetmabip Mar.on. Berry. ChqtlaateB. ''1 l._-,'?, m..i?
ao,l paiaanaera.i.i Spi.rlord. T.latton A C... Leit .".ar.r.lty >.-, P M.
arr.ra.1 at tlu-H.a.k la.t araninfatll oVIock, baviafl BaOB -ela.ue
?/ Ik nr. l.y l,.f oll th- H.a.k.
?hip Bitn. har.l. Lawrenre, Molu'e. 17 .|?ya, ii hjllut, to Natrn.'.l
bfloae. June gT, tforoCeatle baai nr s > m.'ea, apoka btrk Ju
eaakiaa, baaebiavaae br Heaa b Oraafla i BBk, OU Men, omb^
-.,-l?.ke th.p Cmiuaror, Itontelle. froru N?w(.rl?in. I ?
, igflore .. -.1, aime i,n,_, apoka tl.ip Harculeao/Vam S??
i.r'un. 'nr Barflaana,9 dara onli taw bataflaia BMk
th, Caaa Planfla N. 10 bumb, tpoke ahp Mtratl...,, H?r-._r
ln..., ?aaila (m Poltaaa I-lan.l to load aal( (i.r Boati.n . BB_, lat. :?:
a...| IB ia,paaaaflahta Oooraa Wa-I.,,iit,>n. C,.>?.?,.<??, irora Mn
> '..-,.- i -irgnnl. I Inait nnt. nai lirat nrhe
B.amenahip..t-eriaI S R, | .-,1 iatt ,Caaa ll.if.--i- B _' -.i.Ir
p?,....| Hr .l,,pPerth.h,re,Cr,-btr?n, I'rn-M-,1 ? ' - N I
Hi.k Ar?l?.?r,, (uew "'ippar,) Ve.rey, t'.lait, timhar, Mtylie*
T.lloi A Co.
Barl, Ahe. na, [of AagOOtO, M,-.) Arey, Palerino, .? Uyt, aa,l (iili
nltir. 11 daya. fruit. tol'baiBberlain A F,.!..?<..ri.
BnflO. W fcaaaafl, ol B__mara,) Oalvaatoa, Tassa, C-tmr, l
,1 .y?.. ottoa and I.i I--. t? H. Sl.eldnn.
li- ? M.ry Jai.e, af Thomaatoa.) Gatea, n?l.,,y |.|.i,i,l, Ga.,
.-iy.. I.i, l.er. t,, J. W. Kl.ell A Ca. _aile_ ia ,.,. witb _n? J -? ,
Ranwlton, for Aetra-.lt. .
Brbr M, ,.--..?, al Brmehavae.) Ackerlaf, Matafor.la, .'. J?y
. ,..i, n t?N I.. M.Crea.ly A Co
S I.i. M> t. (Br.) Coli.ier. Eleutlura, 7 dayt, p.na tpplet.to C. A,
kr-rVy. I.eft uo line... an >? -
. ".r m Cfoo, Ckorta?aeara, P. K. 1,3.-Jay.,p>.
S, br. Kai.y. iPrnta.1 Hra.rkr, St. .lafo .le C.lb.l, 17 dayt, tUft
aad 7 poaa. aon t,'" Joha K..< har.l.
I.haaatrt TaBflovl, Hray. Calai. ; A?i? ??.., II?.,r, \Varnl,a>u
(,-..??-? me I ka. Pon iafl,Ct
? ki Ca?.Pordaafl, Ct.| ___>. Hall, Aodert, PortUal
Cl | Henry, Co-.e, Pi.rlanJ.Ct.
Arrlved.Jii.v 9,
.' ? ? ? Bryer, l..t,-rpo...>, Jii.e'l. m I.- ,n.l 4"
paat*Bf*re,to . H, >f.r-i .':. Joae II, Ut 13,1 ? o,aa i,
p Parlanwat, ol ... I fraBi Boal .a ro. I
IbtaJohaG. Coataf Poatar, M.., :-. (.1 dayt, c>.t-? n, faord-r
...... i,, J. Ai.u.a A Co. J?ly l. lat. n. !..,.? 7?-.ii, t br. Kn t.
I' . -'i ll iafl \V.
.". ' M 'e, .t?n- I ., n btllnl, to n.i-ter
S.ileii ,r,.-?. w.-h tl.p Martthon, H.vbar. I r I ,rt,n- I ?lin.l t.i !..it
'i H ...... Jaaa-QLlat. W 17, (ooa. 7. 10, wete -., i1 . I
Bitl_B.ll I .Mr.....|,
n,, .pi.ka I pCarIC ll Peaall.nra-t Hohtlafoe l.i..-rp_.l.
rtbaj. MTarfl,Taatt, Uvato-al, May;i, unite eeitM
p,.-i t-ra.to J. o IVarfl. J .,.-.', ul 18 0, loM'ti ?, tyaka Br,
bha Pa?i?ti i arpmil for-,1-.. daya oat i iaaa BY, lat
4, 'il. '. nt h 10, aaw ., pr,,,. I. r -'-.-, jl -t-, ta,,. for
war.l rna.la a>|i,are r.fl, 'be _rt_T, l.iri- an.i all ,.tt"l, thotria|
1 . ? . J > I 111 ' i till. wi'i.
. rt Cl efta.a.ol Fraaaort. ttaarma E Tha M. g. W. haahaaa
.H _? thaBaaka, w.th Cgltt wiadt i ??
... ? H,|..r?,iBr Carrl ?. Br. aaa, .; dafa.ia , .?? i--'1.
W I -r M.y II. lal 4 > .:, lona BV,
- ii.r Br-n.en.
, Br iCI.il.a... iflr.J Loclihart, W.ni.ur, V.l.,11 Jayt, plaater, to
B D ? y lakofl I daya, laa?ar.toD. S. BL
S.-hoore.a -KIOBiaa, R.hert.on. Wihniratoa. N. C . A H ?' m,
l.,i ta,Oaoiflatowa. 8 C. , Harm*,< ., ,v.it,,:?i
ll^lnn, (,r,rbtii.,Cnar!e-.i,n.
BRLOW Bran Krai???. i: iet*.
i1h. Breawa. Bl flaje. Alaeo, aRerw, hark, erilfe
kiilin ttnaithiii TThiiigalieBik forAaftawsl Pr,, ?,..?. >,_??,
' :,,r San Juai !? Bi. ,r,( ,, .., ,, M.ry Aaa, Kr -,.-?..
J. i n. N, H.
VYirffT fiBaaelTTl. W
TPro? o-ir Cnrreap.r.lenta ]
KKWPORT, Julf ? Arr ..bra Ooklea it-.l*. Matbewa. Pr??.
.V.,.^,l..r r ,, II : , i, Baw V.. .
adr'pb.a; MonUna, II. itt, Wa , foi Aintny; P
riiw,-, Ail.tny. 81.!. - - . We -. Protufoara, lor
er, N-w York ; Iltary l .
, .,ib li,?ht?i;,l,., Snv, York.
li-alt-ll-la. __(-.
i.l - ? ii a fj .......
teiter., waa ?r-. k,e.l ,.r, I ?? ' l..'.rai..r, on tba lORh Jur.a,
,.: Iba I "* arri.ad at
Qaibat aa tha lat laal ia a a. ?oonar, aod I : tba . rew
? .- " ? ? i| - aaaotharachooaw.
...r OaiawaLB.of Br. I tanah froa Boatoa,
-,i w. B. w ..(,,
.ar.pr.t i>.na , ?'?"?
..per, a .
ok.. H'r 'i.i- .n-i ngfiaf wara alao fone Boaogrrt
, "?,mt
Papt fl. thal
. " ? r . ? ? ? ,11i?re, a,
Tbi KaawaaaaB aaw A_vi_are, ae Rio Jaie.ro oa
? - v ? | .
I , n. M.rn ?
fl I - . ,
? .-. ?? ll-, .
Cleare.- ll ,
... | .
-,,_. t;t'.ettr< ? ? - . ?'- I - M
, ?arin whale. w' taat
r..r.laB.') ;. Tbe I.. waa ta aaaa ba?e t/i
. ?- -. i H - r. I ? -? i nelano,.'moatha
Mpokea, .*. ?.
tl TBitaeaa, thip l-aly, im. ttee
. "-ant.. k-tsn. r iba Betaofl, a
j -... aM.gat, ao? t; tn, i-i r - ? m - l j
.srw 1... ior A n-..f na- perbapa tha I
-? la_.ll 31, loni. Ii j, wai aeaa a_.p AJi.aa, uf 8avt
? W
Cf Battaeoa, ? ? ut. I-? Ktptrama
? -??H.iTan ,or S?a Juao .M. N.. arai'i
f?\..),?,'i flara o -< -a'.-l-*-*'- '
-Mp Araa, from Mtnitla for "-??"_ .___ - -__,
,._ 31 ?, tooi." .-,, b_ra -? J- "? i-ae-aaaa, f-,ra Baw
"" In_ ?; barkM. - ., - ? -il**
Ba ia.ua- ,
l i.n-l-'i Porta.
t-p , ? laaaaalaiaa-i a.k p?r_a- ' i rl . .
''_ilrtnkv-u ? . ? B.Rawf 'k.F_b. IT.
. V.t fl ? .- tk -. M -r, anl M..-. at.
- - .
., Alooa Bay, C. B. H. abowt April II, Br hrij 1'a.tr, .
? . ?l..j_ St. Jotia. ?k .h'e!d. e_d t n-tk Hmi
,l;..a. J. aea, Im t*>w <>rlev, . r - ? . I -<
1.,-a t-, 'aod v- . MadallMta. Muatard, lor
Baw-Tark, aw aark Joha Wolak, Awaa, ?aaaaga
Al Leahori Uih ,.t.,th,pa A'e.a-drm. WaBer, for ,af?w Y 'k,
l<|.; 8ai<_a, Lei-bi, aad Ca-uf.a La.riafl, *?., do.; (iBuca,Tar
? 1 Ith ?H , th.p Dr'awtre. Patt?n t .
At B chaBa Iflaa ll or^ Tally Ha, hra.'h.'or 5aw Y.rk, aboat
{ -.-alt , htrk G*f H r-ib-y. l*?ri?a. for Boaloa,
ihovt rrady.
At Aatwtrf tRtS uh btrk P ? ? t
At R.o Jaaa.ro May M, hark Bt. -oteph. Sh.'er., k.%r tfaw Tork
At LaoYBniiath.'.rr St Aadraw, Rohiana. iroaa P -n.. Cabeflo
? dt., W>r-?__r da:-a?aa taat? aad by dnBiat fool of a vaaaal ia tha
aVt-ttaad, actr. Xup_a-ua. Paaak-y. f." *?? T a. 4 faya.
AtArtuboJOth ulv br:?a kata Pta-ariratl. E.aat. ol tad fcr
Balb_af?4| ArhiB-e. I-nghtoa. f>r Rew Y.rk 3 ; * ur. I 8. Hyd*.
B_l?y. lor Pl..ladefo._a 4
At Port au PnactUd ur.,.nge _>v_, CUeeeaua.-iMBNaw Yock,
' trom aa.lm.afV>. \ 1 \', ..,,1/ Criaa*.
ia ,- ' 8***n, Braty.i rN.w Y?r? ,_y_
a- *r ? ? ? ' -i'i- :'-.'?..?, |,__ | 4t,?1r.
- r a|,a.f~-a _h_<il_ Baiuaaana.
-. Jaa* I. be* Aaua.*.. :?!_, ?__!_, Ja
V 4 J,
Arr atl'-i Ca' l"*'i ut.. ar,.. P'tb-r BVaal.*.. SBaf.fcr4.SC
Tko*>.?,, 1*_. Ima>a?a, VA atta. New Vaal ; tiaabraa, Baffar
?li, bark Reiii-I**.. PraeAWa. ?l Thaaaa,, II
, un . J ..>.!*?. I*al??f .Porllaa*. b~>
? a P-fio.;t_frl*a. fraak'orl. .fllh. bn* JoU A_-l, Bal
V . V I ? I I t
mtk I-*.** * Caraka*, Raven. fo* f?-- To* . *****
p.aaaaa.aad. r. .-*_.?.*.*..*?._rd.ua
At tt tmi. br.** R R. Haakia*. $_.?, aad a_U?r _l.t*b?*.
Ar- at Maaaaai ___ a>1.,**n|Ve?a*,')?e*iB#r.!?ew Jafl .
A-r ?? *^?, i7?b .a. kai- r p-*? _..-. r*.*?*??*?? "-- T*?_i
u..a.v, , M_ flama, W?> ;?**__"*_?
*.r.y, , . ,4. r.,.ai.i...J4.u.tT,r..i.a^u,iai.
a . i. - , , , ? :, .hr J I flrow*. ?f*?*-,B*w
1 .
A??_ tl.bart. J.-I.a __ i rraa Ha-aaa arr ?ah) _? New Vaf*. l|
br.j C...._a. Waf4_.r, Bxatwr. arr. I? -*? ; acbr. Caaaao M?ra.
'?? ie, * M ? __i8l Ua?a,f.fB*aa Tart.T.
Ar. at < ,.??? .... |-.. . , __ra ?.,rak Aa*. aerryfita. Ha.aaa ;
Sih. I-,.* Itnjat,-; ??.. la;** r-arti RaKa. J??*??*.
?v. ik). un,. ...i k . ma,_..?.r m.*u>*i i**a. *?>*_. av.
?a,,.l r.-..:,._ J.... il-l, Artai.aa.,Br , L.?k-a*_*?; l?-k.
_*/"? """'? Ci t. ,_i -*:_.._. i i..,t, liearW-.
Pi -r ? .mu, _>n vi-.,,,. r..?K-r. r_ aJ-.**-*. it_.
.**...? ? ? Ca.ta. i. I , M-r. B-_?a.
ai ltii_ei-a. aU *h .... c.-. Hmrry. ?.?rtl_
li. ?. Oa.laa, M.r,._.., m, 4a. ??.. a,,*.**.,. ..-/aa.
*' '?''?"?ai---?l-a.?M.?n,H??.?*.l*l__
- ,a. .at-.bae^*. RaBa.-*, w.-. s.ir- r?r_a..l. Nn* Ha
atkma. I*_aid. ... I _. bark Da.al s.?_, N.kak.. |*_1la*.;
?- ' - ? 1 .I, mu.hna lauiaal_.aea V ara-y
Havaaa: BIM. Narfc Klurea. e. 1- ?-.., ?.,.?, bnu'lnm..
h.-sj.*. Porti - _T. _.-,,_,?;,.,,r,;
I ..aa. I**?i)e N?|..a, *>a.l_al mh. ?*,-, Hiba-aia,
.. . P Wiliiama. kin.-naa. New York ; 114 br,*
I ? *h art aia_a. k._?ita, Vrtfebarj.
? . Rirrer, V. a .
i ? .'atn.ak.y J. V. H- rr.ire,.. Mernfl.f .r Naw a/_4, $,ba_B
L.ll.ua, ?....?.n-, auj Ran*.. .. *__ I r r .. w v.
Jraaa. Pren. h. f... ?'?>.. * i ? 8 a ? a- k-L, *,r rta.l
. -., 1 II - ln h? r..riian.l. I.if -?? \.?^_,
va a*,. rr.. a,aia-i?B,a_-ai fafa, I, t-raaa, -_%A_H
Arr..t Ha.ana I...I., .S.iier.. WaSaaa* -MS8_aV| R. B l^ar
. Sa**aaaa, aral .. \r,t Itat *M Bar* >, . J. .?
Bakli, MpImII*. .audaa.led .'i.t lor SwW* Muraaa \; **_r. fe. I^ua,
lt.lar,)?n. ? ii ||..n,\ l, I7lk, aki*-._??_., I..ua|, Ba*
,-k. p,.- .. k .*--? aa Roa.1 u. ch .?? a,? r ._ . t.'a .*
Caba. Mara. I.a.k. .!.. J?p..a.. .,... laai~-r, rk.laaa>r,4in , M?~_
rat. aa'oa.1. ,1., , K.rj V?ur, H > ** l*U>. Aaa li>l.aa_i(
I ' | H*?l Ik . ? ?'?- B_b ?. _?. l*k.*t<iB
Kebwra, Saayer. C..?e, , Iflflk, krifl llara.ra. B..rl.. k. Sa* .a ,
? - - ? vv . - '? , ?? k. Ra I .a. t.nill?r.,
a**rT-_i Baaeanfl*, h..i.i.i_>. *<ru, m >*d i..r H*m !?>?_,
(tak*a a* at ?..*, i* bli. a.?ar); bn* A.lam. G.y, _kaea.lar,
v ? . ii,'.-,n?. (car. Cornrlia, <.<a.'man_a, .1, ; .'.'J.aHi. ri.araaa
* Jare, "I:-. *r, Sa.'ia. t 'oa.l i.o \r? 1 ...k, ..harfraO al llk lar
3*0__* a.|.r : .-Id. bark MllfauJo*, B tlar. Saal. rria.l..l.*fl
bi Ba* Oihaaa. i't? t.ot |> ht.-i :? -fi, t>.r*? c. B Htn.ft-a.
M****,C* e-.a.. u> ?..*! I_ Be*. lork.^eu .11% |> .I.J. ?.*?r,
, . < || A* .......
A- . ' -l.pa, Col.JBbua, H?rk, l'..r N*w Yoft innnad.ataly ,
1 M ? l-a bB, r- r Pklla
eVafcia ratii** i, ?>. ?-,. ,_ mttt riablj ark.a,*., ot.a, IJ*.
daat ,, .1 |.,.n: MaaatUa, M.-l aoi *,r, ? \a h.t-.rr, J.aea . aa_
J. S. l-.r,, . Harinon. ft ... .1, , harka, ?a ', I'.f.
Cma* ;talen..p.t ll tj) l.jmtn 9umt\ .' Tl.rt.ir_a-*,
P..t-e'. I. a Naw Y.>rk l*,-ial bl* ra**_ly.aa*l | t, * ' . *ar h* J. aa.
10halaa*. I.? Bafia* B-otlia--. C lt*., h* At ,.',.-<?> baa, takea
. v al -1 p*. I.h.l. ar. II r.a'.. par ba ak,n*.i.U , lake *a . ?Na.
Pena-r. l..r _>. iinn.e.l. .<al? : Cbala* H.r..ll, iiiwt.,1, i| t-.r *,,,
ao n . I.nd.A flear*, Baai*, lar B.,.inn. M. . Japaa ca (.*Ua?b*r.
lof n.ila-lr i>.?, fUth, ?'. li- I'arkrr W 1 .... ,.,, _aO.ia.aa
*,?,. (rarria?j,mit,,a t'U *1 p?r bu 11 v..<_h lh...a- .?, Ha,., |
8*.i.h B.ilaa, Sl . ,, anl ; (ilaan-r, HaiMen. Math. Blak*. Tofl ?
1. i... k'l.li. Vmkra; aaallham, Hau.llatta, Ma-xn-t, \V.._; *a
?aa. Harieal: l.i,*,?, Kal'ey i Mary V,.,.^-, H..4rea aa. U?a.
av.rr**, Haaueer, 4. ar d?.i i.r.?-, H?...y ba*.* k ..mu f.?r
raifliaas, i?*.ir, av i: m. m ?-. ** - .y. ft ?? .ii.,**a u*
Arr. al Bat-SBBS, l_l. ull , mttt Mar a H*r..-y. Ha..,. Pur1laa4 j
Alrmra.Tair, Naar Orlean., n.ib. ajupfla .?;, a, H.ll, _.--..*. bar*.
M.ld..?. Mainll, do.. bu* Heor.rt'a. C.nt,., Par-lan.l; Utk. bark*
Sarah iiln.T, R.ii.i. k, K..-I ?j A. H.Kiaaball, An.ab.irj, Cbalaab.a*
imh, lileniu-n flaaawB,Havaaai D_iaC aaia 't-* ol. .1.. . i al.afl
tur C..?.r. ; Hj.lra, L.oit. Batli; Jo'-m .v. ...,l. |m_ ) *,? fuik;
> A kraua,8aaay*r, k>?? aav.i, UU,b__ Ki.ia.a, Bnaa,
Hry. Turk. S....-I in.m .lo l.aih, b.^ Fiaanewf It.th, Boaton , I'.ih,
a.lir. laabella, Ua|a,('l.arle.t,iB, Ivli, b:uk C:?i ?_, Mar,lir<, B.?
li.iiibn. Kaama.k. Bi.'ii.ey, K**r (>r!??n ?. Ith, .,!,.. /.ukyr,
B;ara,Cl.arl*-|..n; .l-r, l.art* Caamor*. (Br.) Harvay, Na- Tafk j
Ji bn Caakia. Ra,nr. Naa. Orlrana.
Arr it I'iiIiu M i.lt , hnia R.vlan.k Porb**, Baaloa (aM
rlaaead for do. ?t*U) Minam, Boadrot, Naw tiwt, ;Hk, Joha
Ijnaa, a.La.n. Baal..- ; a. hr. Ijbertr. Pinkhun, Balk, tflUi,
l.n.a a?.|?r-i, a.'lt..i.M. NewYi.rb. KMaaea, i^..?r_o, Port*
inoiitlii 1-amel.a, Rarnain, Portlan.1; ?*lb, II. R. Bo.i.lruC, B-_t ta j
I>. <i|laa, D*n*_*, Pr.x l-n, .. KI.... Ma.ritliaw, lir.iaa. B_Hnn ;
a. hr.. M.ry Vi.niia. hn,?. flf. M . . R__, *S| ll.in.l aVbil*.
tiaflrnl. .lo; sali, l.aik Br.J*, Taylor, .1,... ackr *p?*dr, l.a
Blan, , .1.. (1.1. M, hn? Ka|la l,?m..r, Bimudb . .. hr. Kk_.b*fa,
!.,. , jaiii.b'i* B.aiinar, (iraliaai. .... . a.iira. Mary Jaaa,
F. rrao, Jii. ; M ir| Ann. An.l'i.ni, ... , :Mii. Mar.aral, Br.tw, do |
.'.ih, l.narpool, M. I.eli.oi, I'ortami.iiU., _lli, bark P.attiakrl, L*?
laan .lo.
Arr. at Halilai BMh nli.. arhra. M.ry Jana, (iall.nl, Pnrtamaalb
!*. H. , taity, H.i,.l-i*..n, ll...b.a. Cl.l _fl_ __l, l.u.*, W.lbl
Nrw r..rk.
Arr. .t 8t. Jhn.N. B. :V>tk ult., al.ip a*r._an, Maawva, Naa.
Yi.rk ; I.t iB.t, a, nr. Lonloa, Cr*ae,.o.; Sd, bn| lat?.nty, 8*
Domeatlc Farta.
AISXkWMUAa.akj9 -An. tekr. Pora*t, Col?, |MBBBBl
AI.KANT.J . x .1 Ar, a, hr. Marr * iVIiiare-tii, 1'Mkof, r_l?
.l-'|.|.;?. Mary KJoa. Hotcbkia., I4*-Tork Cl.l. .. I.r. Sarak 0
Kmle.Ki. hmi.ii.l. Va. al.op Hu. PotKr. W.'lura,, Na* Y .rk
IIAl.TIMnlU., Julv 4-lrr i.rk aV M Brmii*.Crary, Piaaare
I*. I id. Ju!? :i, bnia K'.'iia Soule, Alaau, X*w York; Par?f_> ,
f....i ta.a. I l.aila.ti.ii, J. Na _>raoa. fii -trx.a, IVafin.. rl., Maaa j
?? hia Jan.--* N. Mu.r, llooie, aVaat Iu.:.ea , M.ry VVa.tlay, UorJ,.
Pi.hlon, Maa. , M._. t.oiia. K-.l. Umlaail. Ma,, , Cadia'U,
K.atCambrulfa, R I.. My.-r.. HVrk., Pr..vi.lri, a, J?aeplai**,
r,-rii.a, Alb.ny. ?
BRUTOUJatyl Pkl a. hra All-ia... Sul.1. I'h,la_l?_a; Mua
tan... H?!'.-t, Hat 1..rk.
IKlrJION, Jnly 4- Air. .I.ip. F. ,.i?t*r, Kwar, Cak.it..; Hor*,
aaeatnn, New mleaaa; Con. or.li*, Pratt. N.w Drleaua; barka C_r
ia*a, Mard.iii, Ifatana^., Clieatar. Cr.itl.r, I'lnUlelpbia I I'.ioa,
ll.i.ini. ie, brifl* r?abaea, (Br.) Wyinan.Ci.rar..*; Sarab WilliaaM,
11..11, liei.ri.eii.a, lu*k. Sa?.ii, Pot*. ia . Ai.uy Joaea, Clark, 8a*'_
lallraB.le; KMa* Bur|e.a, Ijlawaon, ll...a.ili..a , Ki.i.'r, Sl.ara. flal
r*M .. . BaaBBI av J..u*a, Ilurke, Pbil.delphui j Auduaer, HarJy,
? I...; Kaip.ro. Crowell, <l...| .Swaa, H.in.aa, d.).; .< br. N.awa, Port
ail'ni.e; |.?wa'l. Haker, fumil | 1*8*1*1 U-aell. M .l|.uB?t?B,
N C , Harrial, Crowall, Borfolk; Mat, .la. K,t..n, Jac4a*srfll*| ,
J.il.rlla. Baker; Harve.t. Ri.-e; Kdna C. Kelley; Pr.n. aa, ?t.i.lley,
?i... Catkana*. Baker, rinla.l.'k.lii*; Kal ma. Brown Julia, Vaa
H.'.ler, *ad J llere??e. I...k, I'lnlada'pl. . . V\.....tl, lle-r., N?W
Y..rk. I, -!e|ra|.he,l, ai,i(., Parilien.ni, ai*l T.m .laua, Irom .*J*w Or
I *??! l..rk Saf.....,, ir..in-; i.r.* K,i.*.u a Krancn, froaa
I'lilaileti.l.ia Bti .at..rJay. bark. Al;i,a ui. A.Uley; M.U.ur.la ,
C><B_; /mn ; aVm. II. thailer; brifl* l.e.i.j JaBBBI a, I.r *i*aaa|
-i.ah.er t ,iy ,.( Nrw York. Ith, ahip Sl Jaa*b| hrujalltk; Aaa{
ClaiL.ttr; Swretl.eait, Ca Icdxii. rf; Wm. \a .;t*r, and .ill.ar..
tAX.AU, J..n? _-Arr. bn* Cb.l.,ri.'. _Mfl,l___ <i*?ra.|
aM, l.n.a aakaa, a.rliew, Bt r<rerh??; ran..-nt, lt?J, I'raB
BoatBkayi Bbibm r__e* li.itlnt. Mi D.rt lftt,kria _BB4
tiwrltm, Kaatport; .VtI.. hark Yul.a, II . nl...,., H..U...I, hri?a Kd
wo.'. H?wl.?, S'. I,e...|e. Nitheoy, It.n.lell, llllb, U?tl?e,
Me.ryiuan. l'ort;,?; Ba.ouda, M.rt.in. Baih SH. Mth, _bra.
1. lam. New y,rk; Bell., M. r..lde?. ,l? ; jtiIi, l.nj. Taacaa,
C..'.?n a. Naw Haven , .~ali, Tar.Ii. o. H l, l'r..v..lei?e,
( Haltl.lra'HiN, July I. -Arr. bark An*. i *|..n. ' Al ?...*, Mai?a
r ., , Li |a l),^li.le.(Syan.) l).,r.tan, Han i-oaa; ,M e./.aninlfci. Berry,
fl... I.rk, Heralto, Kmaiptoa, Naw Orlaaoa. Cld l.ni U?a. Rar
ahall, Han*, Wii.nio?i..11, IIC. aae,,. ,, *,.., i,n? j,_? tinj,
l-.-.iner. B fail in Kraaaai Span. |?.la 8ole_Maa, raiirej,,, Barra
,. PI.. 4-4,1 lan.io... Palif .ii... .1.,.; a. I.r. Nalaa*,
*-e..1,.k ^rr. BrJ, b..k I ,,i.,.,, (ifB-> r*f_, a_*aB* i
' tker, Bayo, BaMoa. il.il.rl-. *u*,ii *fti*flri... ttto it
? j l-eniiian, M.lianr, St Joha, 9 Bj -aVoade,, ttm I Ok
?e., Bar. e'?.,, ; l,ri| (n-oriiaiia, tiil. Iifiat Baflb-H. 18a a. Hr. Ar
. . i ..... Uar.^k.ua; l.?u.eiaa, Si.i.il., N,-w Vork aVant
I - k--? '???T ?-,_.,_-, HanranB.ajrai.
Vkilmi .loa.N.C. _.A.M.,.rr. -,.- ,iu-bn.. J?..w, A i?ar n, .,-i~.a(
New Yi.ra ; l-abel;11. Hnia, HavaBa ; ahiD fnle., B'.rlan.l l...--rpv,.l.
. . ri-bia.franiiiii. If*_. i n.p i *p p?ltr? C*_s, 8>.wfl,
., *i> . .1 ip I r.ai.t, B,y?a Hr. li ,_. *)a?.n ili Oa , bt.*
r rt.'.-'.Me ?.?:'. I m -1 ..faw York.
aae,,t o.Sea. ri|a*o_..a*.Olkrhrut Bel'a.t.Ma.
DiaMTOfl, J..ly;i--Arr. .. hr J. . .. vv ?,?v>n, Je., May, PhOl
. I'j.-e.l np, .. I.r. Ilarl. i-liillipa, Im... N"w Yi.rk li-.Taaa
t. i..
r'W f. HIVff.lt. I.'yl Arr ...I.r < _., ? b? H .1!, __._.. Pliila
.'e'i.|. .; ;.? -.i, fleUaaOat?,Brifhtn I . I. a_r?.Sk.p
I uieni.-r- 11 . r Bnn.ll ful lina f__|_a|_r
P.-.a.l '.p.Mi.r. ,1. aa ii|i..r-on, Jr., May. Ir.H.. ia lor Difl.f*. Sld.
I . Ha* y.l!ar|..r .,r I'l.il.
II WHU.KIi. J"ly :-. 8U. ..i.r.. f__*ri_ 11.11, ItuaMll, Phila
iaitaatl T?b*rapli 8??TliWor*l.. .1...
KPY WPST-Arr. J,.i,.....ll?l,S?w,nn.,Perry, 81. Marka.faad
? i.,r New York ?) SM, *. I r, ?-,. 4,lenl. Simlb. .1 M.rk..
-Ith bf Newlark:) Kliube-li. Ciaaan, St. R..?, (aod
..e ,lay f. r Naw )..., , MU, bar. Na aa-liaw, 11, ry, 11,1
.. ' . , .-. I afl, aama lay _r
v 4 1 . ... Kvy Wai r.ire.p. a>l*B< - j I1 > ,
>!.(?.aan, Jlavaaai V\'i... Paoa. Ma.ka-,
1 ' ?' ??' N w Dr'aan. ald. Jua. J8, bofl
H..|i *.wjr-r. N- rh m.,il a,hr. Spray. i',nin, Maaaflj
|..|lieu..a. i.'.rey, M./iala, iia'i.i* oo BiM/j aotaa of* tb*
t?aau_a P ln latl-ipi...
MDItlir, J .e ? .1.1. ah.p l/.alem, M,r. I. IMflai bark
OriOO, J.'Be*, P . ? Atm...ie, llendfu k f_.l..a, a. bf. A.
I ? - I
KOai-LK. fftry i- a.r - i r. H'-y K.a'e, I_!aay. n.ltiiaor*)
? -. -, Itan. i . ? . ii. '.r? CU.
?I..p fu ? i ? I* * N a . K.ifi
t.u.J. ; 11...'her*, Wialt, ftirlha IVrt 1 * J 'y t - Irr. |>?>'k?t
? ,N-w Y.-rk.
NAN1.. i hl . '. - J y ;.*. >r. R 11. Sn.ith, KaPay, Atbt.y.
? >
M- \1' KKI'I'-Kli Arr J., . . iU|
M ./.-., a,i L. . i,,.*arna a, H?+4,
. , fa.'ll:..?r
Npaa h>HN, J'.ae ni CA ? J '?? I '-?rt I'lfiiflB.
N.w l rt ?.?. New y. ,k . Ioae, 8 -.??r..rki
Jnlyl... Ir. I V. . Baflkll, Ne. Vr.-k -JI,.. I.r. Kr.n. .., K*bta
.. n. Naw I...-. Ana Mar.* I ? nfl .a Naw Y-.k.
NKia Hvv>* I , . .v r - Praa. .a.O.iayaa**,
I i m I -TT.llBHliiBaJ-.il Vl-rl. aiTBflHaai ai flBBB.
i h n , , , .. naa
- \ ? .' r. . ;...-,. K 8.
I pa Na^a-a. P.ny, Albaari
POKTI.ANJI ' ? i* I-- P a\ g '.-'-..a;Ai
,r,. , a.r. h. , li i't ii-.r*, Haaaa
? I. f 1^.. .. B-rry. N-r-Torki
Wmmot, Ha.n New Y.rk ; Raftb. J*?. P? ???? "* ?? ?"??';?' "*"
Yara. July I, arr i,r..r_._*r. ?i ? rtUMttt,
,,. -._>., Ub?y,
. A.lr.ar.1 a. Sar.e-.t, _iltf?****?- Plf'_"'l??
I I u\li I.M ) .|,.,J Arr. b-.Pra*. ._??.?-?*??. IT*--.;***.
v *^*V****?tOaam
i, . . Haik?,a, iu j B'
*a ? i ?** J**** * ******
. . M Pa-k-r, M.e.a, *aat
i . I.'t. aal
., ii...,. II . Be?r J . ? l.arr a l,a. Jolial.
*??-'. ? . f..'?iaa
r...... ...a-a-a
, . ? le N...a
I .
poRTt-MOt ru. i. ... i laaal aaa Tmaa**
i .
PiMLal.Pt l-lf.a. J ? ? ._aiba,vr.
M aa. - tiarB
' , i. . .. MaU'i/aa,
. < n.a- H I M. Yl'.mt. t_>,
il r.,_ , !>,f?_a,
'..r... W N C; M.ry J-*. ferlbi*, Batb,
. >,?-*?. a. Pn.vula>a>e; Lavioa J .aa. kati-lrina, N?w
> . . .1 1 ?-*. B-.-.a. t,r.| t A l-aea*?-r,
B- ? 1' ? -??r.". ' M... - ...u.!_|, VVilbaiaa, kall Ri.** ;
N- ? a . rk.
BirHMDRD, * ..v. Ji_a O. Wataoa, Ca-bara.
H-r t . -k.
BAVaNNAH. J.a* 1 -Arr. kri(*. Cf.oHarior. (Itr.) r.rtaaroU,
Raataa; JoMapbM, W.laaa, Babifnor*. Ju'y I -CU. a_p f_ a*a,
_Voelj bn* Boaton, Torray, Batb, a*. ii-ltim AlrtW
-r. New X?it.
8RN fRABCIeCO, Ma; at-tU. J .ka M Mayo, R_4 Cal. ot-.
?ALKM. J_yil-_d. bri?a,<.raod Urk, lor Baaa*T ; Cbaa
for >b Eaat.rn port VLr.. Maua r_-,r*aa,Cr?e*rl, W. P. l-lbfl*.
av.-H,- , AB_d Barratt. Baker, C l Slf^t_?. W*_faetl. mU
l *Bt..n, J,_n^>8. Pbilada ipi.ia CI. _. bark. _ot_f _*.?*.: Bea*
an?er.? An. l-h. bark aa m. H "hai;*., fi.*, ?*<*_**? ?n-,,
Mary Pa-rkia*. Bia.*r?on, PV^a*?rph_ ; a. hr Aifaa*-, Biak*~?a,
.New Yi.ik *'..l bark l*ut. Sontb Anuw-a. _ - . _
?i.l(jN.J.jryi-Arr._br..C P W_"r_r~TTl_*
Jal.ee. K...I , Ja_*. MaB. N*w Yofb lo. W_*_*y? */-M _.w-a'
A BJ ... Ba.dwi... t-b.-_-lp_a lor Harw_b : ?^,WmJ*- J_ 4a*-'
K?t.a?y, Pro- ___* h,r N*w Xorkj 8outa?o_, Jac*_?. _-i
AT__rfl, I ,NC0V?.Ja-y 4-Uaori:.-^ C-*.;^-?
I .Trt.i_fo_*ra. Clv__!..V __^. ?... a_ rfaa
IVaeoB for Ph._lel*k.. ; ?? bf Wttto'tt. ***"' '
_o*d : Alben. do . *k New T-rt .__.8*__. I?i<-_a.
aVII.RINGION.N. ?-J"B'i;"r wiu H Sa..u..J*__.
N.e ? ,i . A J *>-***>^-?_w^_.l_?. _lcae_f
fl?. Ofl M_. Bar. Bc baek f .d-. 0*-*_L__! *.*?*- _*. ?*a
VaAKRBN.Ji.ly"--?- **-? ??**???*? ?**??????? *_-.wa.
for wi*.'.. ..