NEW-YORK LY TRIBUNE. vni. \TF.XO. 3,501. NEW-YORK, THITRSDAY, JULY 8, 1852. PRICE 1YVO CENTS. \*a Mfl_*-w_BBag_?T=_-- -Tyrt 'RBW-YCNU TB IBIJNB, . S?SSS i_0_1O1?. [Bwaaj ._?rr.aj ....oa. BM-aiaaa co*?a or arm-cB ?*o -8* ?**"? oo-ar "nrmilTI th. CITV .ia..... a We-,Mr.-v*--wcri^T.'..- 194 Caaai ffl. aaaa ,. ? a*.W"i'.--> la a ?? f****8*1 *.*_-_*?*_,"* * I...wisfao?-.*?_*__* ___8___r-r?B-B VVKFKf T TK.'BC^-f rSi^__w_ Sn ? TiJV: !*!?ZI__ r. ^ aanum ln *2*^a?$a4 \he fl**"- tn no ?*_> eoa rk_,u. aaaj*f?Bia?a-sw*- . ?,??__?**__>? ?Jjj.5 .:^V^i_rJ8r:t~e**_. Ul0ll_la_iu.1 TRi"lJ?,EpHa._i t__?_:i?W,-w?-5a? !^b _ I BBBBl s 'Iaa for eacb ha?l-_l TIIE NKW-VOKKTHIBIM ...a eoBoria* ciacw.*Tloa ; Xit *\\mm\\%Z*Z S^CooUoeoU ****** -oluW ___ NBW*aT*9_UI TKlBl'** ..____!_ o?EC<>waaorHBa**ii.wii.Hiii.*ab. * ^SffitlJ-T h-.cELRATH, Mbhiher. Poiilical Noticts r>> wi.1- wr_ta T_aaiar !-Th? *^ !!_____. _?" Biek 1 beir flt-i.a" for the. __ rfe^S-,__ [__????-_. ft. WttiJ_S^C_*S Oae. V. ii: am., Cyras Shay, j.w- I" A.i.eii.. a< alter Wrl.h. J O. O VV Bn B* r,''r w H. '...wi.. Jaaaas K. Wood. John H. vvbite, \\il liari'i B l>i*ke. Jobo Nile*, aud _KI other*. ' r_rf**lxlh Waral.-Af ala-(;eaiidenthu?ia*ficnieetin? ctJr.* Whifl. Bl the Siifh VV.r.l, bald a' the North Arniri 1,n Hotel BB aVw1r.e_.av ev. i.ln., July 7. for the p-iro <** ot f.,iD.ii* S Chlb for tha rf>ir>if>. ca.iinai.n. a\ . BRYDKN, ?_T waacaiifd totaeCbair, anrl l VV. S . tl i ek appointed fc.ciet*** protem. The foliowin* na ne was "???_''";? _7 ,tf_ for tbe .aid Ci .1. KCOTT ANI. I.IUHAM COJf rafjMlS CLI K Of THK SIXTII WARD. Oa no ... ifO VV \\ rllauraon it wai moved and aeeonrled that \ , K'taTIAN W BHAFPER be appointed Preaident; w a'_vi>n? ai'd J. Wii.i.iiMa, Vice-l'reaidai.U; C. J. At> *__ ai.d _a*"i n Baim.k.E, Secietanea: W B. ItoH . Ii.rrr.p .Bf Serre'ary 1 J. (i.l.i i N. 'J rea*?r? ; J |..m. .< Ani,.; C W SilMir.R, \\ I'.KVi.i v arnH. ?*' ?* I' ?'"*>''? Kinance Commutee. Maishal*? , ,, V\ Wilda-NOOi _ <- Kavaral. ; 3 T Dairy; 4. R. frealaadj '>? ?> KUdland W BR, DEN.Ch'a protein. C W, Snai i i K. Secrttaiy pru ttm. ra-jtiti .>lrriln(i af tbe Teuih Wnrd Whla ^ iiiiiik NM- Mnanrn lluh, beld at their head niiariei. I'. ?? - ? V ista lloone, corner (Iranri and "orsyth-iw., on Tueaday evBatag, July .1, IKtt, tiie fullowing oilicers weie Uf.Bi.lnii.'i?ly ele.f.d \!ll( \I!A.M P.AKKR. Pre.ident. K. Kas.viiri. T. Bvmii ' O, .1. I 0B-EI i, Um H V Um. SJSITIL v ice-I're.iderit*. D II. Si i i. i) v as r, Treaaurer. N...H S \aiini oi K, i s?, ,Bt_Hea j. R. L-weDOM. |aa_reu_aa On motion nt Mr I.owry, Mr. .1 lt Ii.-ii.r.ett .1. Leon and lir Poal were appointed a Coiiimittee to draft ra*._ulioii*. wben Ihe full.i?in. reKilution. were K-liTfoia./s (arip< j. R. LaaaaoN, s _ wpttial Ncxitff. f*f M-Beall* Nollre.? A Spei n.l Coiniuiinirationof thr M V\ (ir.ud Lodae of Kree aml AeoapUd M?mm. of tbe fc'tate < t New-YarL ?*-?*-1ii be held at iMaannlc I'.-n,.!.. _,,,, . ? Ki... me and ClMby at*. THIS (Thuraday) EVEN IN(J, at r, o'clock pi>-riaely. By direetiona of 1-t 1 li. KVANS, Urp. Or.Maater. Jas i'nWEi i , _. Il t. M K (hurch, WiJi inale an exror.ion to Motint llermon, llate Biddle'a (,n.\i\) St.itrn lo the .plendid ateann-t CATAL1NK on mil'AV, July 9. I O, wbnre they will hold a Oiaud l'ir Nfc Ke.tival Ihe ateamboat will atart from the foot of f alhaiiue at, at ? o'cloi k i.reciaely. Ticketa - 'c.-nta?chil itta not cor.nected wiih tl.e School, 25 centa?to U* tind uf tb* .*rxt.n, and ot ihe Supennteiideot. and Teachera ofthe .rat the boat ou tlie nn.rning of tbe excuniou. IT* Thi- l.old nnd Silvi*r Altfaaaa af Nrav Vork ae r, -n. ctlul.y nivlt.d to attend a meetiug on KRI DA, KVI MNll uext, ''th mat, at ? o'clock. at tbe City _lottl.rori.Frot Kroadwav ai.d l|..ward-at.. for the p npo*e uf makin. aaiaaflaasaaai to parti.ipate witli theCitv Au thontira in payin. our it.ptcU lo the memory of the la _*nteii IIKNRY CLAY. Perkham. to , l'alinet a Newcimb, W , on Adama, C \ R Downlng, Eamiel - Bareraore. ( hatellier. Doann.eii Spence, Baldwin . to aail ftwu. Bi.tonon the lTih n.t. The machinery will probablv trt'.M u .*an Praociaeo about ;he 15tb ot N.-vember. and n lally luiuicd to Sacra-ieoto City. TI it ia .. Dtl. eaprctrd, will b<- ia n.otiou by the lat ol Janua ly, i_x5 Tba ataat aa_ bsst tiym ssai .-u*h bi. and amal.amBting. bave been *dop:e,1. Mora time, tkerrloie. haa been con.umed .u coniphtin. this machinery tkan wu at hrat aiiti. ipated Tie aavin* id the at.K khold enby *dop:in. li.ia mn. fm.erv will be at leuit twenty th B aai.d dill.r*. ai.d ita incraaiad eflicieiicy f..r cru.hiD. aud aaadtj bi - * ? raatlv more tba lit lhel..r_ut tlu.e Ihu. cceaalnasl. Suba-rlption. Ioi .tocli aill rfceiv.dat ike Conipanv'. ntl e. on appllcatioii to the haaUeBt, lobnA CoJllns,No _8 Broedway, N. V Citj. Pan pl.'er. ixpIbbb) a*y ol the ol.jecta and pr_ipe<-t* ofthe C. u.t .ir.N. may be h?d ..n ap; licaii-.n hjr lattar, p,*l._id, m cla_i,. two poataae .tainp.. to John A Collina. aa BUOVB. JOIIN A COLLINB, l'rt-a.dtnt. II ? .*?? . laiv auil Tie .? S'-Nollce im Poaaenfl.-m frora Pnnnmn ta If*>rt.l>i. Trt" l*A< IFlC MA1 L Sl r.AMStll i* i OM 1*ANY feel calhd upi>i. to .ive public notlcve that no tick-*ta W\\\ \. by their BflBBtBt Panaina whi-.-b are not ,, t tbia Company, and that ticketa tbaa gl,,,, \ at Ih. ir AflBoey No. 117 \Ve*t m : otl I. BART1.KTT. Boati u; or M_ira AltM flTKONO. HARKI8 _ CO . New-O.-leam -N?w.Yurk..l_n 99, IH__. By order, WM II DA\ IIXIK, _ec.-e.ary |_? llrnrv 4 I ia ai,,|,Oa. ii. IIKKUBRVNIIT. No. alhaa, u waau'aeturta. a b*i (ir?-. r, wliich ht l* prrpareri to Mirpiv at arboSBBS ? anii re? tail Trefrtrnd. of llairy of .he Va \,: ara rs^Baatadp aail and Me them. (. I . .iininy In your Itont Billa, BAIlER'. soo enn ret beai Ki.ncl i .,1 H ?:..?;> inale ot tu .rdrr, f'or| Patei.t Laatks * ? r 81 iaa cf tn< A baa .. the best iiuajity, aawally u< Tr* >;.-. L* >. Koaal.r, M. I?.. aitb ladie* med cally at her n__ e* N .' I'._t B i-.'way. ?wn 8AM to 1 l'.M. _______ *X*T _18* Mafcalaa H-H.imic Aeaaelattaa^a -iaiilbly .YlcrliiiUa?fh*. nieiub**r* will i . ?. Bal!. .' . a- V ll ? I w. . L, P.M Due* aaa pay a *t ca.-r at ih* - .??_, Cbaihai:. Baiik Boiidii'., wbeie - eeiv.,1 ROBT 1' M A li. - IV Plnoo-Korl. iicil lla.u-c-* uriiNliliii X*. aaa-itiiinn. Tha Tblld M-etu. of thi. Aaaocl. -oawih ba be d. ar .i aev.-r_l*b?re???-a laaifx- attbaAa Boasas la Braa-wer, ne*. r.nai at., at 7Io'ci. .k A.i peraona dt .irou. to procure Plao.* >r K;ir Bilur* w,l| ftnd it B'eatiy *- their ir.tare.t to jolii t-'m Aa*> uiaa io I.r appllcatiou to the Tt - ?_a Book_,,.,?, i AnaiaM * ? N lAstm li?_a*. Tbe MeBUue* of tba Au.\ latio.i ara Bal JAMKS PlRSiON. i'roaldeuL A. H. Jin i i.i -a, Trmtee. r. Thr Ki._-iiiiiii ?aaaaaaaai ___*j "*?** nullriiuK 8aa_?-|Hlloa Wiii b Id a i HbU.No i^on KR1HAY KV ENlNOoext, at * e'clotk. foi tbe purpme ot IBeahriafl new member*. Tku?*?oa-,iin ia or.ani/ed ou a new plao Then- l* to be bo ? o.i. ..::? tuna (jr the AaautU'ion toch ??. b t ?Wh u.ember Bfill ba dwe-bargad frooi ihe Awci..*i .p at any hine the c.?: of U.e houaa ai.d lot i* p*id for, __jther|j ?aatbly iMlaUmei.t* <>r otherwi**. The mentioi wiil ba *4-r_*td by a numbar of*|eLi_i.i*n co-v*_*jii with ic* |-!*B o: operatii.-j*. *o thal *?ery oaa may kaow . \.*~-'.y wbal be i. r_u>? before bacoming a tuaoiber. The article* ?** a**oc_t__ wiii ?;... fe ra_d. II S S.MITH Pn_. rnt, No I Murray *C J. Blxtoh, B?crct_ry, No M Cti._t*r?.t rp ladBafHal HeaM ketmetaaUmt >??-,.?n-T^e _I..V____f .I'.lv !'. at tl.- UawB K. fl-ga, l?3 B .wery. Klkai _ orflOBioed o.. tbe -a._e p.aa aa No ,, lha laad it lorafed ia BB e.eyated p .elti-U , ... . -r.-BnHre.i.dMt N.rnen. an-l naa nf about lero arlleaoB tbe Haile.n and New liaven Itaiir _*?_, .,,_.,? a fine view of Loi.r Itla..-! MBM aud tba -. co-fitry It will he laid out in acre, hRlf-Rcro, ?.,n . ae foartfe acre lota Tbe litt lt faat fiilina 'io, and th..a?> _utld?a f- ..i'laina (lot f?r a home a-farm pnnea mutthand in tb?-ir Mnr irr,rrir-M?,trly. ,' eith?-r of thn f",,llow.B? plar^a, wbrre cpi.tof tbe cooeruulioi. and l.y twi can l*s nad ? IH Bfl n.iwnv ; VV . B. Smith, II Naatim-tt ; C. D Ccoptr, l'lii Barrnw-t'.; J CoaaaBI?N.4-. Broadway; Rod I A HRr.-.aucb, If* Snriig tt. nr at the Mall on the evening Jftaa matttmt J (OMMEKFORD, Preaident. j A lU.M.eif ii. Socretary. r? 7 he Irvinat H.iil.lioK aad Vliitunl l.n.m Aa.orlniion will hold an a.: oamad -leatfaaoB KRIDAY y KMMi .luiy I". ?t f. ..'.:____, at Maaooi.- HaU. No ."71 l.rard-et near Korevth. Kv. ry member ie porti. u.arly r? oneated toattead thuBBaetfat. aa iiapertaa. bumieaa w-.ll tome up for ar-tion, m whieh all tbe mernbertareintereat-d. Bvrrdrr. MORR1I KflASKLIN, PretidooL ALBBBV H Ni. "I av. Secretarv _ A B _HmnteineiTtf. STOK PLATK OPERA HOUSE.? _, Tbire more and moet poaitively the laat perform ue*t\ THUR8DAY, KRIDAY and SATI ?DAYAK Thi NOONS, * uc.oek, EVEN1NQS, I o'clock. ot DO \r 111 -? troora ..f a.ting MONKKVS, DOUS aodQOAT-, in IbB-f t'omic Pantounnea of the Marcbioneat, Bouvia. Africaa Duaar, 'ibe Uett-rter. E-bh-bbboI Tight and.Mock R. p-a, Tl.e Rotary Wooder, U Vbii rlpingala. Tneae very p-culiRt. uni'iuo and inatructive en'~rtai_menta hRvo at trected tbe moet crowded and foehionabie audiencee, end pronounced the Wooder of tha Age. B ix OfBea , -er, trom ? AM to 4 P.M. Ticketa *i centa; Amphi-h-ater abtldiflB balf pnce. Doore open at 7, to commenco atKo'ci-Ck._ rVTlBLO'ST GARDEN?John Sefton, a M_c_?er.--THI KSIIAY KVRNINO. July 8, on rj\ ERTI BE, (Due D'Orlorme) by tbe Jrcheetra. To be followed bv the ('..inrdy of A RMLAND KilR AN OLtVKR. S r Mark Cbaaa..Mr. Blake | Alfred H'gr.Jyer.. .Mr. Leeter PA8 DI DKI'V bv Mlloe. I.ivigne ar,d Leeder. LA CACHi CHA, by SaBoritaSoto. LA M\NULA..Sen.Soto. Ticketa AOceute; Priva'.e Roxee, $'. Do.ra open at 7. To ? at B o'clock. ARNUM'S AMERCAN MUSBUM Adm.eeion-.oeota; Children, l._ canta. Parqaet 121 ente eitra Lecture Roaen, THIS AFTKrlNOON at 3 <.'.?ck. TIIE LADY OK 1.1 ONS. EVENINO, at S o'clock, 1IIREE P1ECE9, by dietingaitbed Vr.Iunteen. TI.eMYS TERIOUI ADMSKI:, HAITY KA.MILY, _c, to be eeen at ai! houre. A~CARD.?M l1e7~__OLV"MONTEZ hat the aatiafartion to inform her friendt and tbe Bafe, lic. tbat tbe ia U> rer.nve a Benr-tit, on TIHRSDAY EVE K IN(., th- I th of luiy, at the Bowery Theater. where ehe it ri preteot playing an enragemer,- Tbia ie tbe lirat real h.-nrfit tbat baa been jiven ber aince ahe reached tha L'nlted Btrt e, ae all thcae ao called benetite durina her engezement, ki..I wl.ilr p-rforiniog at the theatnt in New York, Phila? delphia, V\ atl.tngton. _c under the eontrolrif tbe MareheJa, i an I inb.jra. and Mile. I.ola Monte* received no more Imir-fir l.oni tl.en, tha., for any other niaht of herperform anc- Tbe eriterta'mnent will conalat ofthe new Druma of LOLA MONTEZ IN BAVARIA, after wbich e'.e wiil ''i.e of her moat popular Bpaoith dancet. The pr,,-e . I adi.iB. Prutt are offerrd for the beat implenvnte teatad, among wiii.h Bre i.rain Reapcre, Mowirig Machinea Drilla, Horae Powera, St. am hngu.ea, Tbre-hcra. Sowert. Cultivatore, fca. Inventoie, Maniifacturert and Karmere from all parte ef tbe Lt.ion will be preaent, botli to exhibit tbe producta of their tkill end in. >,ttry, an.l to wi'neei the trial and ditplay. And oaide 'rom \^bat ie entered for trial. under the a'it pi. ea of tbe Sta'e Stciety, an eaten-ive exhibition nf Mann tac'ui.-ri artirlitit anticipated, and w,U ba provid.'d for by tberiti/ent of (,cneva A large and .-..mmodio'ia incloeure will i. ii ad,-, ai.d euitable teot- ereaed to Rccomuiodate all eibibitora in a convenient mano.-r. It ia confidently enpectid tbat tlie E\hibitlon will he very largrly atteflded t.y Karmere Rod othen intereeted b_ Agr: ruitural and MRniifacturiiig ln.prow n,.-nr?. thua atturding a rare upiKiitunity for MechRinca and loventora to ga.n caleb ntv fcr Ibnrart'rlea. Peratna d.-ti.ning to brin^' artirlee to tbia Exhibition will pl'iite f\\e iioii. e to th.- of Ibe Committee of Ar raigeBienta. I.IOHN S PROI'TY,) what they ahall ofbjr, BBd room they will r.-'juue, uiioii oe poeeible. COMMITTBB 01 ARK.t,., MtNlv JOHN S PRliI TY. WM. I I.I B. JOHN II TILLMAN, S H.PAKKKR, AnA GARDMER, E. J. Bl RRALL, WM ORTON, R C. CLKVKLAND. .loBEl'HS LEWI8, H. L. SI\H\.M A I. CIIKW, W M JOHNSUN, IIDBKRT LAY. PKRK/ II FIKLD, JOHN L Bl.NNK.rr. Ji 'I'N N. WI11T1NO, I'Al L r. BILL. Ofre\a. July 7, lSj.'. ^ REAT ATl^RACTlONS.?Free Con _l certa Rt the Otto Cottage, Hobokan, by a oelebrated Bandof anteen Peiforr.iera every MONDAY, VVEDNER. DAY acd RR1DAY AKTKRNoONS, eommencing MON? DAY, Jnne II. Should tbe wealher be nn-vorabla, tha CoDsert will Uke place the aext fair dav. SATTLER'S COSMORAMAS?Sec ond Serlea?Exblrrlted aorner of 13th-e_ aod Broafl -ay. Open from 8 A. M. till in ociock P. M. Admlaaion 21 eenU. Thete worke of Art coneitt of aoollectlon of \ IKWB ofEl'ROPE, ASIA MINOR, SYR1A. THE HOLY LAND. CGYPT. Nl'BIA and ARABIA. Thay ara -katakafl aad olotefl Ib oll by Prof flottlar. (i A ]) -te-io Pnblications. NEW DOMESTIC STORV?D. _ Al'PLETON 4. l 0- No. .iii Broadway. publieb THIS DAY-T1ME ANH TlliK. OB BTRIVE ANI) W1N, by A. 8. Roe, anthor of -'.Inmee Montjov," "To Loffl ard To Be Loved," kc, 1 vol.. U'mo.; paper, SO ceata; ejotb, "'? ? HoreceSmith, 1 vol. 16mo.; clotb, tO centa. ADVKRTISEMENT.? HENRV rLAY Thanlfliratr. CLAY portrait. BENRV t LA \ at ASH L AN I >, by Land and lonea. elre --? by J? i ,chrR oi. tuper royal papar, ia now for tale by all lajokeellen and pjc torerieaierg f nce |l Th? trade tappliefl by V\ AI.LKK _ KKKiS No. 94_ Broadway, N. Y., Hudaon _ Smith, Kiiitci ?? . J W M,, ra, Pluladelphia ; and D. M. Dewey. IU* boator. Tbe diecouut to the trade will be liberal beyond l>,e.-rdent Now it tht- time lor the odiiurera of Clay t. eecure thit Pcrtreit ?JH.ce cl Pablicotioa No. '.^C Naaaau-et EMOCRATK! RE\ IKW-Nowjmb . 'Ilal.d l RTBB1?F^bteee Rifty-Two. and the Corning Man, - t : Triumph of Uie Keiurrectloniita i The Nr-u tia.ily Ltiw ?\\ bat ,lnee lt mean-wbtt probbit and what | u-reue Phlloaophy; Margaret KullerOea.l:; r Law I.r.ialation; Anotber Cbarter on the Mine Laa , Pipe \ -Ooao, No.Oae ; Tne I'hcaphor VVitneoe. Tna l'r..'in. Kurope, No. Two; InUrvrntion of tba I'nited W .tai.d Ton.-e: A Bbort Sketcli of Party Div? , , t in Kr-gin. d ; B' ok Noiicoa. _c. fca -a. 1. KMt?? > i>er aflvance : t'n.le,( pi-e, '-> centa. D U HOLLY, P'-ib.iaber. No 1TB Hioodway. JIKE OF HENRY CLAV?" I had iralb-r I-nght tbaa Pr>aldent."-l)K.RBY S. MILF.KR. N. Y . bave rradv aad will pub.itb in a trwdavo, THK LIKK. AND PIBLIC BBRVICER ??K HENRY CLAY, ol K.ntucky. tbe Urator, the Staleainan. fl- I'siii r, ii, < _e large and ritgao*. ISbbb, vek?M ( about .Va. ptf a. b\ - iM and HoBRCB OBBBLBY. It w lilolaoembroce eoaN of the '.l..iceaitpe?cbee and beillua tiattd with tn BsaBaata etrel portrait ot tbe OraotCaa I'nc* $: _> ; g it %\ Ti . f I rrV a and ?ide $^ ..V Uidera d Ir ,.n aii parte of the I . ... I'i i. Ajr.-.-tc .nld Sr.d plraaiot and p'ofir able em ; . rn;.'a-i,g tbia dralrable niemenrn ti tbe la ?H1-NR\ Cl AY Kor furtl.-r p_ti.u_r apply to I'r.RBY k Mil.i.K.K. Auburr,. N 'i t>UBLlSHED THIS MORNINO PICTOR1AL OUIDE to tb- MUUfOTH CAVF. KRNTI IKY. by Krv. H< race Mof Ita tbe ? e cf ait fr, m ...iginal deaifat. neatlv 1h>u> d ln acar .-. IMirfl. Ltat of :j That av-; E,.'iRi ,e t. t!,e I ave . View of Kntraor.- Ifl tke Ca.e from Iba'l _-? Oothic fla'!en-t: B>tUml?ae Pit; (i.ih.i Miairl! Itivx; Tb- (iiant't I'otpu ; Hop n-ra a.d \\ alrr I'lrea. Tlie l.vver't l.eao luat rroiiv. THK t 1'1'KK TK.N THOI'SAND, with , hattrt ? ?_*_? Briated. K-|. BrRLKOER - TUWNSK.ND. Mo 2ii Broadway. Now Readv?Prica et retail 10 rentR THE rTTlKE OE NATIOKS-Ia ? hat conaieta 1ft Sd jrity.-A Lecture, delivrrrd by | i ? I.-i-mtii, in tbe N. Y "Varraacle. n tl e .lat of Jme. Renard' acd corrected by tbe anthor. Now pnbbahed io !ZhM fo.?- b, ROWLFR8 - will* No 13. N. at. N. Y. N B Tbatra?aaup^lladalc-at. ^mv. HEI HANIC, N>. 3.ju?u* . ! ? 'titj* and tbaaa ?? ' >-Iin*ry Cap..-i- ? - ? *.??? ?'- H -*Ba*yet_kBT ?> --. fttwVnm aod cthera, f?-iil:,-ly i'luMiated-.a l ? I I _aoaB_s_Iiia la tbssCj-B t*y r.tit.r.f Ibe Im ntm . ' t.. .o a?b..rt diataxice from the city. Caa be aeen Bf two liavatf, apply No. 119 Iftb-at near I'-.h-av. AS good plain Cook, BXCellent Wa*-ber and lron*r, 4.C.. hy reapectable youn. VV'uiiun. or would bewUliaj 10 do U.e .-neral hou*ework ol ? amail frtmily. Can furnUh the b*irt of rity references Apply at No. IM Waa |ft_? near 7tb-av., in tbe rear. Caa be *een for two d iyi. if hl: mited. AS Cook, Wa>h**r and Ironer, bv a re ipeetable Oirl. tn a smnll private family. Tbe b?*t of city referei.c- rar. be given. to have her brotber, a little boy, in the hou?e with her; can do erranda and wa.t ln.;wa?eine ebjeetj no r.b ?.. tmn. to ?oin? in the country. Call at NoMWd-av, between 3d and 4th-.t*. Canbeieen for three dayi._ AS Chamiu rmaiii. t?y a youn. Woman, in a pnva;-- hndly : ii i.ojd Waiher acd Ironer, and s -o< d Sewer. Hai no objection to ?o a little way into th'- country. Call at No. 100) U-ade-rt.,front room, tint lloor. ftef-rence will be givn. t' ,n be aeen for twodava. _ AS CflAMBIKMAlD and Seamstress. oras Sean.atr. M 'ind to take eare of children, or to a*m?t in waahln. and ironin.. in a private family, by ar (?:rl The heat . t city reference froin her latt pla -? Hu - ni. U..J to the country. (' ifl ba ?een fortwo d.y. Kor.ytii-.t., between Stanh.n .n.d Hou-toniU. AS Cbambermaid, !>y n n-spectablc I'rote.tant youn. \V oman. or would take charge of childreD. Ha* no objectian to tmvel with a lady. i *o do p'aui aewin. or make ap fine cluthea. (all al No. U"> Mal* Ltrry-it., t.r.t floor, room No I. _ AS Cbambermaid and to take eare of Chilrren. by a reapectaBle Kiot.itant Olrl. 8he can give .iKjd city refereme : wawe. not no much an oh e, t _ a Ua home. Call at No. 35 Croaby-st. fourth lioor, ri-omNo. 14. S Cbambermaid or Nurse, by a re ._?pe. tahle youn. in a private familv. (lood teference from her laat place. Can be aeeo at hsr hrother'a houae, No .'4? We.t lAtli.t, tint houie from 'th av. AS ( 'bildi Maip, by a rf\*.p Mr. J. B. KI.EIN, No. Sl Maideu-lai.e. WANTED?A situation by a reapaclt ble your. Proteatant tlirl, to do .eneral ho uework. No objection to the country. Ajply at No. W9 Wa_t 13ih?t, between 7tb and 'I. a. * ANTKD?By " I'mtcstant young Woman, a aituation a* WMher and Ironer: iaa .rxid A W rlain Ccok, and uniteratand. general houaework. Apply at No. 4U 12th it, b*tween Avenue* A and B, "IVTANTED?A situatinn, by i respecta* * v ble v.un. Woman, to take eare ofonoor two ctuld ren. Be.t ol rttv reference. Apply at No iil lllthst. No oh ectiou to the country. WA N IKD?A situation as Wet Nurse, in a re?-ectal>le family. Apply at No. .-IR aa'alk-r at., from 12 A. M. lo IF.M. Imjuire for Mn. ML'RI'HY, thiid floor. WANTED?By two rcspectable young VV ,.men. aituation., one to e(?.k, waah and ir..n, 08 general botnewoik ; the other rliamlierworb, to a*ri.t in wa-hin. and ironin. Sati.tartc.ry reference ..ven. \pply at No 1 V> Jlit-at. between2d andSd-av tor two day. WANTED?A Situation as Chamber, \V iiiter, or te do general lioiaework fcr a smali private family, by a youn. Wjina.n. Can produce .oodeitv reference from her laat plac-*, where ahrt i,a.'.ten ... ar four year.. Apply at No .! BBat VITANTED?A situation bv a respecta T V ble Womiu ; ii a f.'at-rate Co_, "Wa.her and Iron? er. AUoaby a-ji.un. Woa an. _ Chamber i Nuras. Beat city refer.-nce .lven. Apply at .No. 212 Uttb at , i?;.. Ho,ir from Broadway. WANTED?A situation by a respect able youn. i .iil, aa Cook, Wasbet and Ironer, or to d .eoera! houaework in a private fan.tly. Haa .ood city reference. Haa no ob ecMon fo the c*uutry. Can be aeen for two daya Call at No. Ib7 tth-.t, between lat and ._-ave. "VlrANTED?Situationsby t?-.t rp-.jn-.t T/ v able rolo-ed Women One la a tirrt-rate Ceok ani the other underatand. Clnn.!*rwork wa. ing and innin.. Btat of ret'rerre. jiven. F~ b* aeen at No. 1 U Itowery. \\ WANTED?Hy a rei-pectable Woman. a .ituation m Cook, and ia a ::r?t.rate Wather and Iroter, ar.d can do tr* bakir.| of a amall privat* The bt.tof city leferei..-* car. b<-- . en t'.ll at No l.JOreen w .ch av , li.-al tlyo . Can be aeeu lot three day*. \1 ANTED? By rospei table Proteatfat f f, w th the be*t City referen.e, a i".-.i_ion ai Chamberniaid o Wa ier; ha* been ln her laat p yean. Iuciuire at i.ew No. 41. old No 1 L.ixate 'ANTED?A nituation !>ya re*;>p ta? ble re.l.lent, aa I _**? C'.^k and I'aatry CtKik in a II. iel la tiia ? lt- r .ountry. Tne cauae? b?eB unfortur.ate tn buaioeai. A few hnei addre?ad to ilotel rle l'atia wiil ba iii.inediately ?. f. 1'AL.MO, corner of Anthoiiy K. and Broadway. "ITTANTED?A situation by a young a v Scoteh Oirl, todo tbe aiaaral houiework of a im^u familv. or s* Cbambermaid and pla'.n .**-\*er. Call or ad dreee Rf II Jbbb 9,, lli-av. _ TT7ANTED?A Scotcfa or i.erman Girl T V ?? do.eneral honaewi < - *.?._! Waaher ai.d Ironer. Arplv at Nt I MafW WANTED?A neat clean Protcstan: Woman t co tbe .- r.eral nouiework pf amall f?i:ii'y. She m i.t I* a ?*r.t ritc Waaher an.i lr.)i.-*r. a.d a .ocd plain C'ok, witb *oo4 re. iiim-oilltlona from her iaa pla e . . , h a oi.r wi 1 baar ot a ?. _ i.t_atkfli by app'yinf at No. 7 oUirenwuh at.. between 18aad 12 A.M. Al ' ANTED.?The ;-ar ents of t aro yooug 9 9 ? .!? 11 aad Myasrsol ? ?ki H ir.jecti: ie lirewtBakiD. I_BJ w. h their parenl. Apply to Mn. O-. ltey it., e-.ther per*eca!ly or by letter "\VANTS a SITUATION?Aa Ncasi T V ai.d p a n Sewer. or a* Cha-rihennaid and plain lewer, by a r? apectaMe Pr. :e*-*r.t (iirl. wr.i. . ence*. C_J a: No. i_ _"Ui at. ln tba rear, bet we-: ? '. 7ib ava AVOl'Nlr .MAN. v.1: i u 1*per fertly a'l tbe dlfir ardi'vateai Kiere?a. eepedally - ' r rt 1 an hca'tlcr ai a - ' ' I ?' T '''??? i, i. it ?? ? ? ?? oMam aay .tv..a':on, wher- a-eofn ? hr.te*t . rder ar* r'.. ly baad* nrider* ttaec. mi al ik: . -.-id-.-. .?arrl. diawnc ar-H dea'ir-n.. ar.d -***?? *-'? wntea BBT* a, lau.uaf-. Br?t refei- nc-i can - AdirrmA. B ainj. W. 1 AL'STRALIA.?A family removin,/ ihihei wlah to dl^xweef their Hl if SKHOLD Kl'B MTI HE, (ul i.-w lat . f'Mav lar.l and let tt* '???*-. wbicbi.plea_.etly *ito*te wiih.n 'hree Bninut*. walk of | . .... | ;. ? .- j -oo l arrol fromVao b:ui.t??!., i f Scoth Brooilyn, or at fr-ain. Or! .m ' .**pr_ce ?t., Rcw-Terk, Jdfcer, from 11 nli .- i aaaa, duiii | tl .. rncck. tOUNTING HOUSE DESK W'ANT \ EO v - Baa- * ____? rxrharre f< r a ? - ?* A. Ot 11 A. M. T__of oarritH :" we. t to one or two yo'ira geLtlrinen. Hae aa ineimbtiot ce. Coa ta ui and wnte Wi.I he tound m/jet ag**?*Rb!e. Can pmdn ??? the v-ry bett of refen-nc*. Ir, iu .'.ielaet place. AAdrrei V'ALET, Tnbune Offi. e. ]% j EN W A NTKI>_-Tww_lyJle-,tOR-l_ J V I en article wanted 'n every fa_;ly Vtpnta for too ton. PhllRdelpbiR New-Er.glard, '.he vVetr?rr. aad Sr.-it'.era Statea, ore nanted. Thev '?an mak* Ai,.... p_>r annu'-i. with a irr.ail capital. Call or addreaa, poet-paid, No. *C Bnod w?y. MODERN LANGUAGES_A Gentlft man fn.m Enrope, who can give mott ,liatin4tuithed referencea aa to character and capa.';; y ia deai.-ouiof e.-uoluy ing a few lettuie houra in fivmg inatrucion in either lha Rr. nch. (lrru..?, Bpaniab, Itaiian or Portu.'ieae Laa(--gaa, Bt Scboola, to pruate cloaaee or ungle perw.nt, i. - j ; teiu.t moderate. Addreae, at lliie othoe, ll. BTAfl._ PHVSICAL EDUCATION?A gen tlerr.ari con.petrnt to take rharge af the phymcal (OUCRtlun of jou h, may hnd a deeirable Rnd peruianent titnation in a Boya1 Bchool of the tirtt cloae. Appliaan_ ui'l give full particulortof tbeir quoJiiicefiuoe, and oddr-ta M 1'. bo? No. il SirgSmg. N. Y. SPANISH and TACTICTS? Two gen tlemen are wantt-d aa retnient TeRchere in a H iRrling S, bool near the citv?one oe tr-acber of Spani.b, Ibfl other ' in Mil'tary Toctice. Horeemajuhlp, \c. Peraont arplying will p!e.-,?e atate their tenna. and In what bran.'hea tl:?\'are cmpetent to five tnet.netim. Addri-te PRlNCI I' \I? care of box No. &., New-York. TEACHERS WANTED?To fill many lmportant vacancie- ia the rnret *"hoo!a ind t imili>-e throuabout tbe I'nion, and in thia'ty, raqairtag acorn of the higher branebea. in the rnale and t-raaleda partmentt. Snhecribere and o'here call daily at E. 11- ^^"? Lt CQI.I - A_-rv ??. Nq. gvi Broadway._ TKN LADIES reqiiirofl to Work at the Papier Ma, I.e.?A good hand can make frou $In to nSparWOO? Ladiea can be accorntiioc" ?ted with work at tl.eir own .'.weliinga. ar at tbe advertitr-r't. Kui! iuatrnc Hoae given in four leeeone at %4 -". App y in.rnediately at No. M Weecker -t.. N. Y. _____ T<> CUTTKRS.?Wante.l to engage perni__t-iitiy, one of the moat faahionable aml taety futtrrt A libera! talary will be paid. No labor re.|uii-'d loek P M. Addreae K x IM P** Otftce, unti VV.dneidey P. M . etating name, reference and eal_ry. TO PRINTERS.?WRnted immediate ly. Rt the Offi.-e of The l>i,ly Meremrm,tt Newark, New- frrt.-y. three ?rood rompotitora to whou. permanent employmtDt will be given. TWO STUDENTS at LAW WANT ED.-Addreea, tbrongb tho Poet-Ofri.e, NKAD, with nanie ai.d pioce ol loten ie? WANTED?A B..y about 1G ytVflof a?<-, wbo can write a good liand, r.n of flnaada, and makehiii.fla-Il generally ueeful. Nonfl need appl\ p n.tbr-d witb good rac, ____BB---__Ba, Apply to No.hBar ciay tt . a., ond ttory. "II'ANTED?By ayoun/4 Man thorormh f| Ivacqiiainted withthr- (iroc-ry butineta, a ti'uition atl'lerk in fhe ahove capacity. He haa he.-n aev.'ta! veare enipN jed in the tiretcletx atoret ln tbe ( ity of New-York. writea a good hand. ood it wiliicg to make hiruaelf uaeful. Hoa the l-eat of referencee Irom hia latt employert. Can be aeen at No -Ti Bowery. near Uoueton-et. \\ ANTED?By an active, married \ W Gentlen.aD, a Oernian, thorougbly oeiiuainted with tl e Erelieh lasgaege, a ntuation ae Clerk tn bobm re would t.eve an oppor tunlty to inipro%e l.imaelf ood. it tintr-d. to uke ou Interett ,-ifterward. Ad.ireee A. VV., Tnbune Oflice. "\1TANTED? lno young MVn of activity \ T ar.d enterpnte. to introduce valuable Patent Riehta. Tncae poMewng tl'-1 "t g^"1 can make from $l,i??ito$_.i?)0 onnually J O. OILBERT, Attorney lor Inveutora, No. 21i. Peorl ?t.____________ WANTED?A young Man of i.I a 1 drrat to tolicit ordere. Addreea C. B., Tribuae on.ce. TO $15,000.?Wanted.flJi active oreilent PARTNER, wtth tkfl al'ive capital. to Inveat in a Mor.ufactory three yeart eatab h.lird. a,.dm.u in au.ceatful operatlon, paylngaprofit on ao avera.e ,,f im per cent. The ad\ertieei bat rect-ntly made ar, ri.tirely new inventlon app-rtainin^ ttj tbe buatn.-et, by ? only tbe ti.iaii.eaa but the prulita aa ba malenal.v lncr.M'd. and the arti.le produced can l>e told to almur any amount for caah, and tbe butmeta being both pleanait and reapectable. .nd carrie.l oair, tba dty. The above capital ie wantrd toextend tbe bu-ineat. Kvervthir,^ wlllbe .ttltfac tonly ehown on'I ? -t: '-r.;- |{?_--ncee cf Ihe hi.h >-tt reepectabihty giv-n and roquir-d lt ie Bxpoetofl only thoae will apply who bave tbe eapital in , nth. A.. -n mcatlone will le- roneidered confid.-ut'al Addr--ee, witb , in e . Bly, L -v CO , tbie ..ffl. a. _ $12,000 Cljancti fox Cwintat SXtn. BOOKSTORE for SALE?O...- of the boatttaxd-intkaaity. Ca4-_rifaqB_rad$L30l?. None BatBcaab eaatOOBai oer-d apply. Vd-reaa B. M. ? , thn Bfl I _p MACHINERY an.I LEASK for SALE. -Machinery cnrating of Kngine, Boilara, Uaft?flJ and Belt.og. Buri Stone Milla. Crflckor, Co'lee KoM'er,, kc-aUia perfect running order. Addreae MACHlrlEKY, No. 161 Duone-et. _ (to. 7 COURT of VERSAILLE9, 25 !i ll .t between "ib acl ltl,av--I have mvanted wbat I call a Mognet Uivine Bottle, and have eertiScatea to thow that people an eee their ta Ihe old cuuatry. elupe t w_a Bt,.i gold in t alifornia, and a great maoy other tbiop ba .a-n n -he lottle afcout oe well ae by t'n.akrdeveatai.y difance V\ baa y-u wiab to aee oae thia i.ueeeit. aad when \ou wieb another. that '? a?av There it BB will be great at eea. lor Captaineto riBaabiPflia-tlwWvrriBBarterfomweaj* r, Mt fuade are eatiBiiated. BBdeay peraon wh? wi.j. ao-jiat V d "^Tm\r^^^'^r^e\almo\\t; J^^la^^OwSalyftO 1 ,.v,- aot c_..-e_ thow II Bl I bave Otuad a greal many p--o;,- by put tiremyharid* tberu. t.,.t mefl; ne wou.d Batcoia, and SSS ".'".re by pr.yer I may be eeen.ever, d.y - the waek. frumS o'cluk k. M- Wl lOocb^ Ij, ^,AMIIIA T~6_7_ROCERS an.lTAKKRS.-Sti.r. in Broiklyn for Sa.e or t? L-t -Tl.e new t.,.r Morj biieketore. witoetableon the corner cf IVIan ar.,1 .(a.y itt. will ba told low end on eaay terrne. Apply ot I a _i or 4P. M. toVALENTINE li HALL, No. lu oramercy park,.''th-et., between id and Itb-avR _ TO HATTERS.?Fof eale, the Stock, riatare*fce,eft_,oo_Wiebed?J bat moaafi Ai . ,l_^cU_afaaBBnjBia.a.O?.oa wo-aaaaB_a- Bli')v\N, i> i ?_ei ei. ri^-O CAPITAL1STS.?Th. idvertiier ? dBttrafl Iba co reiation of a g-nC'emu. poeeeaetBg ar.., capital, in orrVr to eftect the completion of a tr-a hine which hu paaaed throuah the prelimio-ry atuoi of con ttructicn. Addreea USClLLATOR, Tnbune OiliJe, dunxg -.' t Ktek._._ TO PRINTERS.?For -ale- a half in taaaat ia a Job Printiog EaUhliehment. nwdu.i,i a brtt-rate hutineee. tr.d well located - ? -ard of. ae the owner. hav . - * voroklBtat-ca. rorpe__i_aiBflddnaa r-INTER,t__fl o* ? e._ TO PHYS1CIANS and DRU-fGlSTS. -Kor eale. tm old eatabliehed Dng Store doinfl a good aWmtm Will be ar Id Bt a bartain if app ?- 1 b.r eoon aa the . woer wiahre to ieava the dty. J?or parUculara, apply a: No. __) i.r_id-at. ^_ ri^u '1EA< HKRS-^A_Rare Ooportu 1 BUy-T-aaaad-wiI] i.e,afa Bi-ARDINO-CliOOL y lccRtrd w.thin b few ro-.leeoftble city. Bcc-aa. ? i K.eaday-aaviBI been in moat eocceaefuloP??J ? re :bi_ tiayeart patt. aod r; imbermg now about a I e d.rpoted cf cl the Itt of Oew ber r.ext_ aa ia bb aaple aad very *ommoi;o<*'OA__D in the CorNTRY.? Several 9 leeanyebtala board for tb* wmmer seaaon al v *-.,.. Th* howe I* rearivnew, with _*fc a ry mona, pleaaantiy ?uua__ by tbe hu waler. and w* k. ana r.le*. Kor further par ticaiare InquiiB of HK.NKV \ AI.K.NT1NK. p-,>. - r f v: _ x.le .taae line, ar of A_b_KT U. COC__, No 151 Bowery N. Y. m BIDDLE HOl)Sfe,DE__lOIT,MICH IOAN --The propnetor of tl;* eatabluhrnent [fiam | < .ntrd oo Ihe i om?r >f Jetfeiaon av an.i at I reiT- stf'ihv *ak? i rortinna.nre of pnhlie patni. age. Tbe h< uae waiopeiic.l on the t'.hot I ne la.t, 1* .andaoa.elj tur malied. and .ueet. vi.itin.thu city are a**ured that _.?. . hall te wantm* to render th oRVII.I.K K It. B C-OU1.TRY BOARD.?A QentlemBo / ar.d l.adv have;_itt;ik?n. aod ___SS__, flf80d __ad. new Cdi*.-- II u?e, lor the _H., at r4.rdii*-i .and wouhi le .lad U> ta^e a i ..-ntieman and l.ady. or __all lemily. to B ari f. .-a m r.ih ..r two a* *ocial campauy. To .mtabie perSLns tbi. wmild he rn wie an _:.-rthl* and pler.*> < - . a. , each way per day. Addreaa LKX. fhis ofhce, with f_J ed drri*. OUNTRY BOARD?Hudflon River, Vnear ihe <-ity, but .juite "out of towu "?The Manalon Houaa, K6m at, cn the m, r *:.Ie. t* a genteel pr; .ate lial.n.ent. Acceaa by .feamer " Jennv Lind" from pier No. >". Cl.imber* it. ar . '.. aad Ho'doek) Blxim'nidale (fn-i.-i Cfcy Hall) aad O _*ef*. kb-aa ? and after Jnly S the tfn.*..ii River Kailroadcara v..., .lop twice aday \ery near ti., Houm. C( )UNTR V BOA RI) - Wa..- H^i7iT_ private laaiily. er a fan__ed C-ttage. f..r BOaatla mar. V\ .i.. ,:. , j.ildrea and three aervant*. AI?o, arabliafl Ii a earna.e and liorw* for Uie . iini. er month, ln VV'eat ehe.ter County, at a cuavep'enj, diata-o* frim tne Ra-lrnad, prefened. Addreaa Z. S , Bc\ !.??!?? New v CROSBY'S HORIOON HOUSE, l.ake George?The aubscriber, th* lafVil t_ aat fa vois, would mo*t reapectfuily adviaa the p.eamre-e. *-ing eommuoity that hia new, eltgibl* aad eo-i-i'i oaa bou < aituate on Ihe ea*tahore of Lake Oeorg*-. oppoaltf. > aidwela, ia now open for the waion. Kverv e-fort wbtcfc * by c. i.hiee to the p|.-aaure or entertajntnent .f may favor him wuh a call .hall l? moat cl-.'-rfulla e\?r_d To the loTer* of amietic and piacatory* h* a c _ ?ay he ia well lupplied witb all the ne<-?**ariea in the way of b.a'aand tacalmg. and totho** whode to view N'l.ti e fBt ?er*ne*t m..>d, thereT? no placa on the lake _> altuated The view from the pwr.t ta n.i.t picture..| .rand, aiordin. a (ine view of the l.ake ai.d the aunoundin. couotry for ten or twelve asllaa Tl e eoit.munication from Saietafa and the Sou-.h I. by Kail nad to Moreau Station, and tbenee by atage. over a flno plank road. commanoio.a tme wew i I - ,nd Kort a\ m. Henry. He haa ro heaitatmn in eaying thu who are eeckltig relaxatlon and pleaaure, bia boaaa aha.l Ix. to them empbatically "a home'' r*.G CBOSBY. C1APE IS I. A N I) IJATHLNU?NA / TIONAL II AI.I..-Thi? large, new and elegant Ho? tel ii now open for the leaaon. Tbe public will find thu houie ei|ual to tbe beat Amencan Hotel.? location a few ?tepi from th* .bore, with a m tanlfl en- naw of tha Ocean. AAKON GAKREl'SON, Propnetor. EXf ELSIOR HOUSE, Croton Dam, Weitcheiter Co.?The underiigned reepectfuily in forir* hi. fnend. and the public lhat tbe tbove liou..- u now open for the re.-ept -n of boarder. and viaitor*. It n . ' ,r-*.1 on the bankiof Croton l.ake, ln the immediate v-.einity of tlr? Dam. lunounded by the iroit pictur?ra.]ue aeenery. There ia fine fiahlnn in the Lake and beautiful drive. in tbe netihborhix d. It u of convement acj.-?* to tbe city by eitber the Harleni or Hudaon River llailroada. AN_R_W L. PI ROY II AYS' HOUSE. UAI.H(ir.SIK-SQITAR_, K. POPE. MONTRK.4I_ MOHEUAN LAKE HOUSE-Y(__^ trwn, 4 milea from Peek.kill.?\ iaitura can reach tim deli.h'.ful Summer Krtreat in two hour*, per Hudaon River can to Peekakill, where vehicle* await their arrival to proreed to tlie l.ake. lloraea, caniauea, boat* and liahli _ taikle alwaji ou band for tbe u*e of guett*. VV H BVRMORK. Partieulsr* may be learned by application to THOMAS JOME8, No. _7 Bro._lway. _ PAVILION, NEW-ROCHELI.E.? Thia lirit-claiaand (ieiuntPil Summer B.ianiln. Houae. reulete w'.th fa.ilitlea tor enioyinu the hathin. fiahin. aml other recreatloni of thu ileli.httul Wa-eiiu^ PUea,eaa *>; ummodataafeB * Mr?.M A KDRKMA.N. Reference, SAM' KL K.. HIINK, No. 1 I Park pla. -. C_EA BATHIN( I?(! _ PE ISLA N D, krCAI'F. MAY, New leraey ?The propnetor. .,t tha tol lowiar Hotel* at Capa Island ha\e reti'ted tlieii nient* thia .ea.oii. and are in.? prepared to rar.-r.e Miit .ra. They flatter thaS-Selvaatwal tha - a.-.c.iiiiiiiodationaaiee.iual, and ln toine reapectaaupenor to Haratoira Spring* or New port, *nd they reapectfully rei-ueat the travehaff pubiicof New I i.rk and ii. vinnity to pay them a the approach In. KU"D, eitber for pleaaure or the reaioration <>f health. Thi* celebiated waterinu place |< not e.|unied forit* bathin( advantii.e* on the whole line ol c. nt: the keash rannot ba ?urpaaaed tor it* aafety. and tha lieauty it atford* for a de? ruh'tul drive. Iu conn*cllon ihey would ?l*te tliai * reru Ur and daily lii.e ot Oeean Stearner* lease N-w-V r* at i ./i-i. ik P. M re?. hiD|( lape laiaud the r,'.l?.win? ri ornln. at 5 k. M . where rarria..-. will alway. be io _a_aa_ to eoavey paaaaaiers to the dUlersat botala, over a ftaa tata* pike, built i _t luuimer. The iteamen of thi. iiue are com p.^ed ol the DELAWARK.Capt. Sam'l Seymour. KCNNEBKC.Capt. (haa O. lllark PBMOBS4 OT.Capt. Whitacker. Tbe firat named .teamer i* entirely naw, built expreaaly for thi* route, witli .plein'.id atate rooma, bndal \n. ?j ther two itaa?Mn bavs been ihorou.hlv oveahauled. ai d tefittad with new lurnttiire. Tl_ fare to Cape .May and I'liiladelphia u|.'; inealsextra. iu ipnia-B CHARXJUJ B. StNUKORD, Aient. CONORESS HAI.I..W li.M..!.r, Propiietor. MANSION HOl'SE.Hoopar* Lu.ilajn, M I STATK.S llltTKI.lanie. Brown, AMKHICAN 11(11 >K.M Reyn.ll*. " Itt I..VWARK. HOI .SK.Ia* Meerev. " CENTE.R HOU8E.lerm'h E. Meoray. " COLL.MB1A UOI SE ? L. II*. rpHE MARINE HOTEL, at Fairfield, X Conneetleut, will be opened by lt* proprletor, J. B ||t 'NNOT, on tbe I.t day of June neit. aa a .Uiiimer bransb Of tbe New-York Hotel Tbe Marlne Hotel i* ?ltuatf)d In a beauaful v:lla.e on Long Sound, atfurdlng all the la* ducemeuti of eicellent as* batbin. aod rooiantlo drive* la Ihe acijacent e.,untry. Ev*ry endeavor will be eaerted tola* wre for tbe Hotel the dutiigulihed patronaae of prea-toaa B-aaon*. Plan. can be aeen and room. en.ved at the above Hi tel, at Kalrfleld. orat the New-York Hotel. Thedatanae f om Vew-Ycrk _ _? mile*, and train* by tbe New-York aal N-w? Have* talln *H Kop al ratrfialdaavaral t._a*f_*bd*T. _ioar_ an. Kootn. ALADY wibhfa board for hf.rself, and her Son, tn aearso.'d, where .he could find a iu_t family?wilJ re..uut- a large frout room, witb pantrie* on tha B e.r.d -'oor, ar.d a .leeping roVm adjoinlBg ""He w.ui.i be giad tj fcd anlace .he eould make perrnanent. The advertuer wilTfurui.h her apartmenta if de*lr,d Addia.i L. M at tk- . fBo. .tatir.g terma _c , for three day*. AFEW SIN-tlT^oyMARRIED OEN TLXMEM can be accomodated with full ar partial B?.ard, hy applymg at No Vd Poplar-at, Brooklyn Highta, two mit'bte. wa i trom Fultonferry. BUlTEof i'ARLORS.with BedroomB, __War,iror?-., ClpB8_ Batli. kfl. aftached. is nowvacant itHo '*? Brondway. They are ipai-toua newly furm.hed, ai d nt with gaa-well adapted to the jomt occupancy ot two ..t.tlemen and tbeir wive*, orot a party of ibrae or four ..i t>. tenllemen. Eull or board. B*i?e_?* ex el BBflSfl, A PRIVATE FAMILV on Brooklyn ? *rP ltaaFa_7, aitb Baa water proapeet. w L(,?, ed ?*___-*_. Boom, with partial B ?.-_-o ce.r two aingle Oer.t.emen. W *. laiatfl Refere-ce- re.; ured. Addie.1 J MORTON, Tnbuuc i^ca^_ A A GENTLEMAN _nd hia Wife can be ?. ?ra ?aanflatfi w m a pleaiant pailor and bedro m on ?rcodtW Alao a few ftnealry bedrooma tor iicg, a.l newly fi._1.hed. Apply at No. _i J*y-?t. Al h\V PERSONS b? RESPECTA BIL11 . Will :.- taken to Koard at No. 1 <2 Co.amhia ?t. near I ti> .. p .-. BouU. lQ.^",','*t, ',!_,' U-__M , . - only tsre olo. k* from tbe llam-ton Ien y_ AFEW Penoaf 'an be aceommodated w:th Boar.i mU -M anvile.e of baihiag. at tba Watei__?Eatab_.haia_t,N A _LTITE of ROO.MS oa ?? ? M,""r? No. JTl liomtid-tt., .1 Aoar. from Broadway. - k H.NDSO.E SUITE of rlR dr_fbif-lSummer *?*^71?l}gn_J_?__T__ A, i:.-r.* ad *? ate?W Om n ^ Tjmmam9 arr Baaalaay A G-NTLK.MAN and bia WIEE, and A two or three rn.le c?b be aceo-i-imdOad wiU Boar-alNo. 1*4 Heorj-at. Reference* _craaaad. BOARDIN-.?Famiiiea ot Singl* _t__nrx_y obf__ nealiy fur_*hed Room*. with fuii ol ___ mue-A, .a UM UrflB BflW UflW So. W Ab *-?** B?;; * a. d <>_l in every Roooi. Frencb aad IiallM ?!?.?? la tne Ho-sa Duinar at i pa*i 5. BOARDING*-A 'Jentleman an.l Wife can obtaifl a pleaian: i-fl-t ard bark ttvloet,, ' or _*parate, with Board. oa arcond laar. hy aaplsw.. at No. 4. tui Bi.adway Alao, two ai*ila Oan___en. Balh, t.t andc--_ waler. BOARDING DOWN TOWN. on Broadway -Tratwient or r-r-naneot boardere may nmd ?,?d r~,.. a well fa-ier,__ Wlth ?._. fotmtere, a tahie wall e-Pp.tVd with tbe Yormtire ,.f the aaaeon. tha free >ie? >f wa*ot !_.?_! \? _ _ N_,Ui ??aBd-ay. wbere ,|_et__jee and __ ^_, ?" b"_njOT,d 'orafcir re-oneralto-. TV_n_.e_t booidfl a.Sporflay. KM_f_ L. SMITH. BOARD?Two (it*ntlemen and their IrVlaaa, BT aMato OeaBMawa, can be ... or?r___a_e_ wuf full. rr partial hoard, at Nu V, \ ?-.k ?t fcciag St lohn'e Park Modern improvementa kave _.-?a racrntlw iBtradi.. ? d. BOARD.?Rooma to Ut, with partial Board. at No ?. Wlllow-e* . Brooklya-?jt_ Wemmmt walk trorr tha fuit. n Kerrv. Tertne moderate. Nottiait lllll-BBiq af irepectabtlit. nee.i apply. BOARD.?A (.tnfleman and hit Wife, or a few ttn.le (lentVmen eaa ba accormnodatad with full or partial B- ard. ln a hwaewith oll tha modara int prrverren'e. Rid where there are but few boaidoo. Apply a '. ? Weat -lat et Referencae rr<_utred. BOARD ob BROOKLYl. HIOETTS? - . i OoatlaflBBB. aod Oenfleroea and their Wivea can be a-cornmodatrd with Board in a botwe havlng a full vi.-w nf thfl Barbaraad Bav, wl.t.-h hae baen newly nniehed ar-d haa thfl Bodera iiiiprovemeuts. Apply at No. llOCoIum bia-at . Biqqkljq BOARDING DoWN-TOWN-~At No. H?BBIB. Sevaral laa Ratnia. enitable for Oen ___?_? -^ 'heu \V u~t w for anaa.l g-otc?aI ramillee. nay ,.*'.* *"> l,:,a_-rit lcn.a_ow.aar* in front tothe l-auiiful ( ollege-r >ark, on I ? corner of Robioooa et. and a .1' feet yaid io tb. rear, gmng a good chance for fr Bfdora can be accoin.nodatcd BO A R D?Two dYnrlemeti and their W :v. t and a few trln*le Oanilemen may fiod (Wl) or par. Board by apj iying at No. II LeRoy place, Bleoeker tt. BOARD.?A good-aised room, well fur Bfehfd, tiillable for a ('entle.nan and hia Wife. I, ke WiOB B v? tiugle (ieLtlrmen ,en riud (ood hoard aad oxu r,,.(able bedroomt by applyu.g al No. Si Kureythat, oear VV alkei-et. Keferrn.-ee required DOARD in UNION-PLACE, (No. J.j ? Jloppoaite I nionplaca I'ark ? Kaniillea or Oentlemea tm *m acc.nimodated peruiaornfiy, or for the eonimer, at he a. ve heaiittful location Larae. alry aod couifo.Ublo < - - ? _ i u-ai-.t. The tiiuation ie au.oag tha tha -ty, oo the line ot the Railroad and aeveral Ooa N Thoae m BBOOt of a reaidenca r! iialad wbtra. -_f,>rt and ?______? will he fouod. will l-?re ? eo t ? ty _ >- detire. Modern taiproveaeata, Ac. ..p-'ly i ti.ave BOARD T<> Let. an eleRtnt suita of R-* v *v.;-bed-two porlora with bed rooaoaaadod ? .?.. .nteati.ig nf la^dBad) oa eetond tloor i S# 'lidern tmprovei?a-ta, ?aa, hot aad cold -tn-a Alao, taro rooma rtWl .,. Tbe t.tuation can? not lat t'.rpaaaed. KitW-'aat ir* t'tnatod at Nu. ria St. Mark'a place. oear .d av lltciif lottratH Uaaacepiioo able leteirn.-ra given and rrqairad. rjOARD?Families and sinnle lientle 3 men can be ai-comrn.alated wi Wi dr-iigbti-l aatu anfl n.;e r.r without H.iard can he pr,*ur,sl hy applyin* ...rnar ?? lili-et and Pivialoa av Williaaietrtiigb, 1 b'wka ttom I'ack ilipfeny. Kt partieulara. terme, Ac, apply aa obova, oa idoirttH. VV lfRANKI.lN.\\u.i_aia--nhP O _ BOARD.?A (>ntl?man and hia Wife, or t few etnale UauHaineo, eaa oblala A?a*'?h-? K., ,,..?,n ! modern bullt K ;n lh. . J-*^rM__f BTIMr- ~1- hy aptil'iallon al No II **mt Klh-al._ BOARDINU DOWN'1X)WN-At North River Houee,No !II7 VVMhlog lowflt A few permanent boardere cau be ^cc.aa_fl Board, by-Pplyu.g M Rt otb Boctiber, H floriste to ttt. OUSES inSOUIII liltOOKLVNt,, ,\ _'+! . a .?.' HA L Vu. 1? fJ.-Rmarcy P*r*. VALLNflNi: O. HAMi^ ^.-^ 3daoollh-aYa. H" OIXL TO LET.?l_e m*m part ol ^mmtimWmmm,***^ ^'ffiS2*_^__?jW*5 Itmmmmt lt. iSS L_T Nu aT.I Orae^wlch-I--. W- Y. HOUSE to LET.?A new three-^tory Uotum ,n i-d et, oear 7th av . t.oiahad with aii tha ?__ linrt' aod cold batba, gaa, kr , Ae. I Inaaodiataly. -*? pe_t'??>?-? '?a*-'? ?l. a.: #ay, H rlovr, betweeo 3 A. M. aad 7 P M , of DE-ID-iN E *\ NEW-ROCHELLE la aiperlor Hotie* juet fialabad. a few 7l7i rt. I c Di p t al N-.w-Haveo BaiUoad, la a nalf oara L'r aod c R-B aafl-fl a IM proep*. t. The h >uae ia Bt-*d up a-i'h iRpreee .? to mreniauee aod -atafnrt heving i..M.__e e bet elr turnace, marbla nuuittea and grotea Uj.t a eook-Bg racge. aod weil aad - ttero water ta Apply ta f J /IbH.iu ..ioioiag bouw.orn. Ul II N A MONTOOM-KV. No 5, Ne- tt*. TO Ll-TT? Weil-li_hted ROOMS, with ,- w^tbr/gt IHeam Power. of enTjtbm. m***?*^ C M BIMONBON. No. 1*1 Utrle* T(> LET?Th* nett three stiry Brick H u.e. No I.. Eaa) ?iBBaway, --?--_.*,, 'ti_ rn.t will t?e !cw,o_d poao*eai..n guea \f^\M otttait raraUBie, vllah it i\o, a/.d |^?Ln k oo, \_-Bti.i.i iaeieai Appy ot /- ?*?" ^ 3Setaaa-et