Newspaper Page Text
~__r^r>-w, aie wbara ? oon??cta with tb. read. ta ?-_r__vaad ClaaakBBi . _r __ te aa __ ' _e. ** -11 _ke*e ?** 8BS*?_ . mtv-t in <*' ?* . - ? ? qnantity of C _l ?T - . aaaai ?_J7Jlfl , -, .--. ef *rta_, -qiai ta aaaa **"*?*. _T. ner ?'??? *-K *?_*. *?*?.* -?*of rop* *_____SaTJ>-- ;-? *?.*****'n,h*~m" dl,tr1"' ?**~"_._j __..._ saa-arketb* OWe Rtv*r Sa* be*a Th'*''*?*'*,,!, raltie M tbe want of facilitiea of W**P*2**}!Vam?mtm(K-rt*"_i 8* eoal ??"? ironaiowe w1? **W,hT**,i_r!_-_r''*f? ' "'?>* l"' ?'", "*" ih"'r,?"* ?"" __2^J_S? ??-." qo*nr,tie.of Iron for tr.o^<.ra. U,? " "^ f)T,^n-r Yhi.nn-.--r will ??* f <?'"">_* -?_,iba.Ot>'n ?'*'_. _, 4,-.,* enmmonle* fl-uiU-ef-aaier *'*' b ,_,, ,-_t ?f Porta ^,,h?f part?.f l<*',,,'r*,;?;, * ?-.,ro.,nd MayaWle"_ S-^5 SSSISb_B_BB. 8>i 0-S Railroad and ^ H?.pfwl ?*,?_,,, h. ,.?,-,d '-.r any itiiti not lea* thaa B^S^aviriS a_dV__n? Wliey Bai-O-. ?y^ty.fiveparce-t. jMB- -B^g ^^./J ?_?, _ t* pUd SB _r.e,..,.., r ,. b . I 3__888 ?J^^^^CGTrU BbaBBBSaH and witho.trB* _^. l0 ,he bi^ biddaa- oeeeeauy Inforrna* rr; ?, ,h?,-,,:.:, the Companv, *&g??~ ?**-Y0r,-Jmrrpr;.,Vn'.S andH V Railroad Compaay^ T> AILROAD MORTGAGE. CITY and fix OINTY BONDN - ave ?_er for wJeat fair rate. tba PoVingHVCrRITIFBof the _u_t uodoubted _______ *_i,iiut> OI1IO and rfHNSYLVANIA SEVEN PEB JS*^BAiLROAD CONVKRT1BLE BONDS, Coupons Jf__*'*- New-York. Ut July and I? J*nu_ry Prinupal ?_ "WlLMINOTON and MANCHESTER8EV _? af? (VnT RAILROAD CONVERTIBLE MORTOAOB ? i,S.i ( oupoo. pjy--._t iu New-Ycrk, la June and US rw Prtri_i_) payable ln 18l_r>. X_L'.'?..MAI'I.UN ai.d 1NDIANAPOL18 8KVEN PER rrVT CON.EKTIBLE RAILROAD PII_5T MoRT* ukf.K BONDS, Coupon* pavable l*t May a_J la Novem. 5? Pnuclpal fail* due io 1861. EnUre debt af tba Cornpa. ^afXBF.LLEFONTAINT and INDIANA SPECIAL aXlLROAO CONVERTIBLE MOIITO IOI SEV EN f} i i .- \ r BONDS. Coupoii* payable in New-York, IM Imha^A CENTRAL SfVEN PER CENT BAILROADIONVERTABLE I.t MORTliAOE BONDS, _upT.i_ aayabla ka N.w York. i.t Ma> ai.d Ut Noveunber. Pri.! ia\*t..e l*t NorambBr. I_>6. TlfcBacnV of PoRThMocth, Ohio, BEVEN PEB CrNT BONDS. Cooix.n* payable In New-York, 1.1 July aad la Jan Ouarautw?br tbe BaloU aud Hi_kiog V'aJley *tei'!_iCRo5BCO-'NTT, Ohio, BEVEN PER CErfB. BONDS. Cuupona payaWe lat July and I.t Jan. The prin m'jml fiJlsdue >D 187l Tliey are guaranteed by the Ciucta* aatlaad Manetta Railroad Co Population of Uie County _?. aouia. value of taxahlea. tll,|.a'.lf?'i jatifaai AI.LEN COL'NTY, luo., ar.aEN FEB CENT ONDS. Coupon. payable )?t Julv ai.d lat Jan. fa_'?*i AI.LKN COl'NTY. Ohio, SEVEN PEB CEN?. ONDS. Cuapuiii pavabie lat Julv and Ut Jan t_n.iM. VAI4 aVERT COt'NTY Onio, SEVEN PEB PiT BONDS. Coup__ payable lat July and lat Jan. *__.!_?- CLARK COWNTY, Oht_. 8_aT,N PKB CENT. 0ND9. Coupon. pavah.'e lat Aoa and Ut Peb fhe toragulii. BONDS ara tn eacn ca*, Ibr 9I,i**<>. prtnelpal id lilr-rrat. lu all ca*"* pavabie ?nm1-afiuually. Iu New-York. Th* RAILROAD RONftS are *e<ured tn Uie _o_ a.opl* __iir,er bv B*i)itga.e or Dred of Truat, u, aime known and mmmmpmt of New-York, amU. powei, io n**e of da* JuiV U> enler and aell each line. aahU) all t laiar .. ? Thr ' I e<|iiipmeuta, Aa, 10 eaab KM1TTANCKS to ENOLAND, 1RE . _ LAND. 6CO.LAND and WALEB-BOaVMAPI, JIlNNH.L k CO will l?*ue draft* of Bl ?terho* and BB* -ua, pavabie at ?.ht la auy town tbroughout Oreal Brltaia rwALLOaV.TAII. _IN?8of LIVERPOOL and _OP|. tOft PA( KKT Silll'M Peraona w_hitig ? bave tbell ftbad* brou. hl out Id eithei of Uie iplendid paoket-.hip* oone ?MDa the above Ltnea, which aail regularly on Uie BU) aad Fa Bn . of every month from Liverpool, and every alteroal* fkmtitj fYom 4 ondou. Ithereby avoldln* delay,) wiil pi**** Mail to tb* only authori/et* Agenta lo thi. elty. wr BOWMAN. ORIMNELLACO^ OfUce No <a SonUi^t, Niw-Yorb aad Ba. Aeaect Ki*d. opp<*ite tb* Clarenoe Dock, Liverpool M. B - aa hen paasenger* deollne *oini_a. tbe money wlU ksrMsrned. Llverp.*..) packeu leavttg New- York oo the 6th and 21*1 ol a_i_oi:i_ LoodoD Packet* leav* New-York every altaa SSWTboradav For paaaage apply aa above t_?VEN PER CENT. BO.NUS of thB _7 NK.aA.YOKK and HAKLKM RAILROAD CO - ft* B-iid* of Uie New-York and Harlein Rallroad eouatl toatke oni) lien upon ihe Road, and we now otfer for aala itartiua. ..I U.e iatur of B*"".1"*' made on the Ut May. I&S1 Tbrv are >*even Pei Cent Boni*, and reimburaabl* ta 1?7, with ? iDterect eoapo?* attached. payabl* abiarei I.t*i and i.t May Tkt* laaur of $.M*i .hni wmm i?r the purpoae of letlnng th* lo-iba drl.t. aid of makln* Improvemenla nn the Road? loa.itaudini fn.u. the I'lty Hall. N Y , to Dover Plain*? lllalaiir. ,1 :'"1 B__M I'-U.e veai -nding ?th Beptamber, 1XAI, after BBylM _Ur_t oi. B. uda ai.d Uie dividrnd oo the Preferred Stock, _*New-Y?.k and Haileu. Railioad Co declared a divl Sl of four per cent <>n ihe Old Stock, with a eurplua of ?.' reuiainu.g Tbe reeeipta fmm Ooloher laat to AprtJ mo, ahov. an Increaae of -> per cent. above Ib* aorraa pmtto* D.onih* ol the previon. year Tbe preaent cndition of Uie Road t. a* follow*: ?.Bea ini-ludtng the B_n,m*fi fp9 tatoed.II,- to.taio BB St.y*, Preferred.$I..W,l'flO CgiU' bioek, Old.a.Sfn.ono_ - S,88fl,f?t0 Total.BSi?H,i?? T*t above $1,300,00(1 loelude* $__,'**? -ivea by tne Com* SSaj id for a like ainouni of AJbany Extendoa tarnfiratee, av ln, I. latter remain u ***et* of tba N*w-York lad Hailen Railroad Cn Ai i firat hen npon ao Important a refuiar dlTldend-paytni Had, now ca.iii.ecnng Alhany wuh New-York. aad ln view ?f U< preaenl and p?wpeoll v? increaae of bunne**, the** Boadaoflei an advantageo?i and perfeoUy eeeara moda ol ?B8_Baa_ Tk. intereat ot, tbe Bond* i**eenred to be paid before any ?videnri rai. be d.clared upoo elther the Preferred or Old Iktrk ni ihe ('..iii.anv 8*or *ale h> BLATCMBORD k RAINSKORD No M WtH-am-i-l SEVENTH WARD BANK?Nr.w ?(???, j.ra.N, ina.? DIVIDEND ?A dividend of four taa cme hal' (4;t per cent will be paid to ibe SbickboldeiB af tkia B _? onaud after U_ lat day of Julv neat By ot 8ar, A S. rRA-Hr'.R-Caahior. s ?nei &> pay ani'.unt of intereat ur prinolpal. _ CITY aud COl'NTY BONDS are i-med, la , by virtue of SpMrial Acta of ihe proper Le_.lat_-a. ___t)?r full power lor that purpine, and od a dKreet vote ol We pei_ie inteifwfed. Uiat vote being largelv ta favor of abelr The i*wa under which theae Bond* are *r _ted reqolre tha ~?i i.;ir. lo uiakea 8PEC1AL LEVYof TAXEI JJaa-SKT APART axtluaively for Uie purpiwe o*" meetlrs pm _~ruing Intereat and giadually to reimhurae Uie pnoel rl, whu h ean ee enforeed Uirougb Uie eourt* of law, sboall beeoow u?o__ary. fkr*r de hi* operate tn Uie nature of * mon^age, oa tba Hal and penatmal eatatea within Uie reepeouve City aod CoantJ* Tb* new Co.iatltutlon* adopted Oy the people of Ohio ani ladlana SSB-lkil the erealioo of any funded debS 8)Coeb'ie*. witliib llirir bouudarie* Thia will prevenl a hgtiitr iwue of arountle* of thi* *ort Printed Eahib.fa Id each caae, can b* bad oa applieatloa *ot' "flice, givtn. full aod dnUiled lnformatioo a* to tba ' _i*r?r.f earh aecurity I WINSLOW, L ANIER k CO., No. 52 Wall-ai ?York. Apnl 30. D*"**! TATE OF (aKORl.lA SIX PER _ 'CDST Ccl'PON ?UiNDS,due la 1870. for aal* by Cornin.j a CO_No Sl WaH-at Im E l? A L | N a and CHICaUO UNION RAII.ROaD.-Ti_ Oaleu.and Chlcago IUIU R?_. ouniineuclLg al Uie Cltv uf Chicag". in Ui* State nf Ull ? '?, niw U Frrep-.rt. iu Siepherwui. Couiuy, ? dlatance af '.. Jillra at a hi,-l. pt.iiii it conuect* witb tb* (Maaa B'an'h ot the lllu-oi* Cei.'ral Rallr._d. nnw bnio. eooaunct. ad u Oalrna and Dubuqua. t* tba Btat* of low_ oa tba M-.i-:p|l iinar Ala point mile* weM of Chlcago II _k>d_-_ witb L. KVV>* Br,v"ch R-lrv-i. oow Ib operatloo Uurteeo mile*. aad whicl i*ab.Mit beiua exuauded by Cotupaoy to Uib liiln.._ Central R_lr,___ , Mot mtlmr*, mXtmVaorUt of eiellliuoi. Kiv_ will 8v_o>_i?-__n. wltk ih* !?_*__ <___J.___ _,, ., ?*? BoaU-eu. B_ilruar> __ "_"-8**B Mirhl. _ .. , ,i ."'"*?. *omitutln| part of tb* main enaia Bl Raiina_ liue i-,_ tb* Atlaatti ?tle* to tb* ktl__r.o.l Blver ai.d Uie* ?__PH Tne Road i* now eompleted and th up_*?aoa aubty-ioat a fri_, trie kia. of Rockford, oo the IU>ck W*W, lo which place the work 1* la active progroaa, and 11 Wl,. f* eon.pleied and put tn operatnhi hy the lai day of Ao E-Za"--, ,ro* fcr ,nu ?*"*?" of tbe Ri?d being now oa Bana Tbe remaie-eg pont.-o of Uie work will he put under CTmbT li>* "" a*lt" "d |,roh-!>,', ** -b-5--_i ?_ Tbe iii.ool* Ceotral Raiiruaa Cumpaay aaB*a_e* *__ _? _ ?f|?_'__i i* te bave iheewnnectirtg hnk fr__ Kreeport aa_p af _ ,,ippi eunpieted -?ri> Id the f_l _ i-. ? Tb* arade* apua thr rn*d are ea*y. tb* ruling grart* weat Ba_B* m ttat id the mile, and eaat \S feel Id tbe mile Tha aattra. coet and *<iaipi_ent of tb* road ani) be about fci,i?*i,,**) *fb? a_H>uut of eapital paid to to B7i\i?*., and a Wntm amoaci ol abuat t.**'.'"*' W been eubaenbed. b?8 BM yet ealled ta Tbere are Wond* ouutandiug aa follow*: B4T?"'8r*t div\*ion hooda, due Id June, la_l; BM.i*"depd8 Boairt*. ai.d. l4-i1.'*a- aec< r.d dlvuaot. b.>nd* Th* road wm opened t>. F.Uia .* th* fot River. a diaanca of 4. milea. ta Am* _>twtb ..' rebrnvy. IS."*.. aod aooip'eted and opened to M* preeet.t piaatof t*nntnu*r_ tbetbe Ptb d*v ef Mareh !*?_ Ti_ earning* of th* road for tb* et?r*a month*, from May L ___ _.A!HI l*l!lSi- **** ??*?.?>? I aapanae* for tba *am. _?*- t7>|.'va*--rnnr:ng tfanng U-at Ume an average d__ui** bf a* aiiie* The ?_-!__? for tb* ?orreapondio. *:evea lura ** 'iU w*r,'U6*08a*?" a dutaBoa raa of 4J y^a-aw* aanitn** for tba moatb of Mareb laat wars T-^C?paay,byrBB_BtlaBof IltB DaeainbBt, 1851, M. 8bon*^d aa -aae ol #_..,<*.> of bonds for tbe a__trBC__s of Sbai_irddivaai*<if*a_IBo-l trom Bockf.rt to fr^port T*r?*e honda __ mterer at 7 p*r aeoL. and ar* payabl* la S_. yeara r__i aat* of _._>; aad for tb* paymeot of pr__. P_ aaakaaassl tb* property and raraaoet of UmCompaaf arepiedged Tbautereit a-d principal af tbaaa bo____ payahle Id tb* city ef Naw- York, andtb. ia_M?Aa-___i_. ^yk-_>upt_.jg__M_,_,tb*l*tof rabraan aod A_r_4 ta eaeh ,e*? Tbto _bbb la rb* Aoal bbbn of l_e| Coovw for tbe co__r_*_ar of aaid Railroad. ^^ ' y*?>v~?' A pttrttou of tha ___? aava baaa n**?rl*t.d and a funaaa __*/*_t ar* oow ofler-d for aale, whlcb aaay ba obtalned as apphcaUon to Utarrt. Duncan, Bberaiaa k Co., kaaksrs la tb. oitvof Now-Tevk, rt whea. *??<"-?"_J* ""**? ____T_lirTT ca. the Konde will hereatt" be paid Theample -ooorr-w of tha eonntrv Ih-jeik -*h-<*_",_* ?SStaSa ? ^'roed-heve J__f!l_ _-_-?_. ha 'Ke revennea of the Road thoa far ; and woeo It w.a.i wa JmmmVmmVrlTZmS^Pmm*^ aommuBleanoo from Uke <Och.g-_ wuh the ouan.ry on tne __5_3.-?ll I tS^rVTVmimm.^i*_ rpHK MECHANICS an.I TRADERS' l SAV1N03BANK. No AO.Orandet- between VViJl* Thi. __titotioD willopeo ?o, bariMBaa U-dneaday t?e -BO. d.y of May. IRH. ot .-???____. P.M. Bank daya. M ._? Jai^VedDrodavo, Thurad.y. aad Saturd.yR from At -1 5ei?. k P M loteree*. at the rale of 6 per cent. will be al k?rdou .11 depoaita prlor to the Iflth d.y of Jul, -tl %M on the 3d Mondev of Janu.ry ond July on deoo ita Wbicb been depoaite- for the atajne of _BTB8 ??*???? arcvione tn the lat of Jaouarv and July. The ebarter ?e gr-vioua u w. _ m,r(()ri _>,? .ole control of th-lr ?_-? WALTER LNDERUILL, Pratndent JAMta P. Haicht. Hec-tary. fiiHS UNDERSIGNED, being two i thuda in number ofthe Board of Directora of the Bowery Bank. do. puriuint to eee ion thud of the Eigbth Artirle of the Ariiclee ol Aseociation of ea'd Bank, propooo the following ameodmente to tbe eaid Articlea of Aaeocia Bon ot the Buwery Bank : _.?-?._ To etnke out the word "eighteen from the firvt aection cf tbe the tbird Aiticle of taid Articlea of Aaeocia tlon. and meert in place ther.of the word " twelve. Sn .,d-T3 etnke out tbe foorth eecUon ol eaid thlrd Ar? ticle of Bs<d Articlrt of Asa-.cla'ion. Thttd?To atrlkeoQt tbe word "eix rrom the hflh eee tlon ot eaid tbird Article of eaid Articlea of Awociattoa, and int-rt in place thereof tbe word " twrive.'-Dated et the City of New-Yet* thia 10th d.y of June, A. D. I8j__ Ofrard Stuyveaant, Enocb Dean, M M QuBckenboa, Jeeae A Marthall, A Cumminga, Oeorae V\ebb, A A Alvoid, G.W.Edwarda, U pr,r?all, JacobMiller. John S. Williama, Wm. A.Mead. "" OrriCI N.A W. R. R. Co.Norwicii. C|_ ) lune-i, l-'i- S THE STOCKHOLDERS of ih? NOR WICH _ WORCESTER H IILROAD CO are here by notni.d tbat their Aaaoal Meotiafl for the choice of Di will be h-le a' the o-fice of the Companv, in Nor wirb. or. tbe _d WEDNESOAY of JULY NEXT, at 10 o'clock A. M. Liketriae to BCt on any ou-atinn pr.perly bn ,i?ht l.efore the meeting, conneeted with the intereete of the ( ompany. Peroider, P. St M ANDREW3 Clerk. Pmi.six Bank, Nbw-iork, June 30,18o_ THE BOARD of DIRECTORS have thie day d>- .ar.-d a dividend of foor and one half per aent. (4.)out of the net profita of he laa'tix montha. t>a-. able ',n and after Thuraday, Julyl.r, 18.S2 By order ofthe Board. P M. BRYSON. Caahier. U~NCURRENT FLNDS?Our preaent rateeof dlecountare one-lbird per eent on New-York; oteeiglitb per cent. on New-England, Albany, Ae. Other kindt pro|.ortiorately low. MEOAKEY A JOHNSON, No 9 Wall, cor.of New-et. LAND WARRANTS WANTED -Of the Elorida and 181. VVare, and aito of the. Mexlran War, for which the higheat cbj.Ii price will he paid alao. lllKioia Patenta for the U_ ef 1812; hy <_? Q. BMU FKLDT. No 3 Naaaau at ? doora from Wall-et ,.(IO M A (Sxcnrsions. f^ XCLRSIONS?The do-ble-deckeil _fl eteampropeliet OEN. VV'OOL, can be chartered lor Excnraiort M.e it mcely futed up, and .apahle of accam n.< OBfng tlt m 7iKi to l.f-io peraone. Aleo, a large claaa new doutilo decked barge. aud otber harg-a, with ttetmhoata Appiy lo tHARLKS H BAKER, No. ii. South tt F^XCTRSIONS for JULV, 1852, for J SHREVVSIU RY. LflNO BR.ANCH. OCEAM Hi.lSE HKOII.A.M) HOU8E, PORT WASHINOTON, M?il NT.S Rtal BEOWN- DOCK (Middletown), Rnd the laiiimrdlateplaotawhaa practicahie,and RED B\N'K ? Tlie new, elegaiit and commodio'lB ateamar OOLDEH 0AT1'., Capt. r-orrmao Wbite, will leave New-York, foot of Robi.i.oiitt (North River), oe followa: Leavea New York. Leavei Red Bank. Thuraday, July I, 7 AM Thareday. July I, 4 P.M. I'Mday, ?? 2, 7 ?? Kndey, ?? 2, 4 ?? Saturray, ?? 3. 3 P.M Monday, ?? 5, 6 A.M. Moidey, ?? .">. H>AM Monday, ?? 5, S P.M. Tuetday, ?? 6, 10 -? Tueaday. ?? 6, h ?? W#dn?-aday, ?? 7,10 ?? Wedneeday, ?? 7, 5 ?? TbiirBday, ?? ?, I" ?? Tbumday, ?? 8, 5 ?? Knday, ?? 9, 7 ?? Kndsy. ?? 9, 3 ?? Saturdav, ?? 1". 2 P.M Moaflay, ?? 12, 6A.M. Morday, ?? 12. 11 AM Monday, ?? 12, 4 P.M. Tu.tday, ?? 13. 12 M. Tueadav, ?? 13, 4 ?? W.rireaday, ?? 14. 12 ?? WVdi.e'edBy, ?? 14,4 ?? Thuraday, ?? 1\ 7 A.M. Thuraday, ?' M. 4 ?? Krioay. ?? M. 8 ?? Knday, ?? IH, 4 ?? f*Bturday. ?? 17, JP.M. Monday, ?? 19, 6 A.M. Morday, ?? 19, H'A.M Monday, ?? 19. 5 P.M. Tuetday, ?? 20,10 ?? Turaday, ?" SB, 5 ?? Wrdnetday, ?? 21,10 ?? Wedneaday, ?? 21. 5 ?? Thnrrday, " %%l* ?? Thureday, ?? 22, 5 ?? Knday, " _?>, I " Kridav, " 21 I ?? .Satnrday, ?? 24, I P.M Monday, ?? 26, 6 A.M. Monday, " lt. IT I M ' M-B-BJ. " 26, 3 P.M. Tueadav, ?? 27,11 ?? Tueadsy, " 27, 4 " Wedneaday, ?? 28, 12 M. VV .-dnetday, ?? 28, 4 ?? Thuraday, ?? 29, 1 P M Thuraday, ?? 29, 5 ?? Knday. *? 3.1.71A.M. Friday, - 30. 4 ?? Baturday, ?? 31, 3 P.M., 0ONLIGHT EXCURSION au.l Co t-llmn l'arty on PRIDAY EVENINO, July 9, arith M i.abau'a B-atea-id Cotillion B.mdt. Ti. k?ta V. -a., adr. lltir-g n (lentleman and I. ,dy ?The ma_r>ificent md coinmiaHii uaa'. amer SANTA CL.VT.S. (?pt Oeorg? Olney, aMllaava 19th tt ,t 7|. Haramond-t at 7_. Spriaf at Bt ff, I'th-t at 8, O.andet.. E R., at 8J. Caih.irin.-at , E K. at 9k, MoniHgue Fa?ri Brooklyn. at Hj, Pier 3, N ll. BtBP.M. irtuniiug Bt I o'clo, k. Tbe propnetore pledge themi.-lvea tbat ibe tfricteat cider will be maint oned on hoard. und nre drte.i.nned tbat th.-te paru," ahall be conaucted ao aa to give iimvtreal tutitfactiri, ilDccan tiumntu, art CSTRALlA, PORT PH1LIP and BYDNEV LINE OF PACKETS?The auhaerlhera will diaputch tbe aplendid A 1 clippet-ahip M-VONOLIA. the next thip of Uiie lire, on the 15th July Thia tpleudid elipper thip, l.fHk* tunt burthen, commaadefl by aa ea penenced Maater, haa beet. htte*. a.le.^i for tha e mfort and convenleucy of paaaengrra ond fau,ilf,-a Pat freight or poaaage, whicb wi.l be taken on tbe m-wt favorahle tenna, Applv on board. Pier No 11 Eaat River, or WM. L. DU ?AN, No Ut Front at., RISSKf.L A NoRTON. No 31 Old-ahp, ortoELLIOT. ARKELL A CO. No I4*i Paerl-et AUSTRALIA, AUSTRALU.?Rt-jju lar line of I'ackr-ta for I'ert I'lolip and -tydney. Tne tuUrritiera will di-patrh ibe faa'-tai'ing and favorite i'acket MAtilM'N on th* ..'i'h of July, (the ahove veeael leco n ir.Bi'ded by an experienced who hae been many ,eara ir tba A.ktr_liRii trade.) tbe acconi n.ata' are au^enorto a. y thlp now in port. ha\ii>g large and ani all itate rooma, well adaptrd for famlliea or aingle persona. Thoae einlwrk ing tor tbe rew gold rrgione ahonlo meae early OBpi?adoal to aecure rn-itbt (a number being al ready r..g,ig_d ) Kor fi eight or paaatgp aprlt on pler No 2" Eaat River. or to Bl TU K BRi '111EKS, Auatraliui i'acket Otlice, No. 16 asd 118 South tt. N. B ?Tbe tonlt of dutiee on gooie lmported into Auatra lia can be teeu at the ottice of the eubecnbt-ia E.MP1RE CITY LINE?THRODOH io SAN FRANCISCO at greatly reduced rateeof fora ond Sleerage paaten_era ?Tne oew and aplendlfl dxible ergine ateamebip SIERRA NEV'ADA, l,8't> tuna, I h VV iit-in. Eaq., Commandcr, will leave her dock ptei No 9, N?nh River, lor Aeplnwall, Navy Bay, direct. oa ?JATl'ROAY. Itt. July, at 3 o'clock P.M , oonoocur.* ol Pa?a.n,a aith the favonte atearnahip NF"VV.()RLKa3<8, Edgar VV akeman, Commander, which ateamer wtil laka the paaaeigera by thr SIKRRA NEV ADA fron. New York. aoe umnrdialely thereafter pmce?d to Raa Frao eiaco, direet Theee vraaela, iu _ccomnua.?tioo. aafety aod, are oot anrpaaaed hy one on thia route, ood oa exp.-nn,ced eureeon ie attached to eacb veeael Pataenreri eer 811 KRA NEV ADA will ba landed at tha Rallreai vv barf, at Atpinwoll, frr. Becke now open. and through t'.ckete for eaja. For freUht or ooatare, apply Co J HowARb i ?:;, AteutK No 54 Iroodway. EXCUBSION ro EUROPEand B.M'K in FORTY DAYS-Tbe LIVERPOOL and PH'L_ ADKLPIOA ?Tr A.MSHiP CO lotend eeuling their new Bteauiihlpe ae followa Tivt. CITY OF MANCHESTER, HA Capt. Robert Ultch. CIT. 0# OB.ASOOVV,'t. Capt William Wylio. PBOfll PHILAOELPHIA. CITY OK MANCHrSTER.Satorday, Jaly 17. CITY OK OLASOOW.San.rday. Aug IA CIT. Of MANrilKSTER.Saturday. Sept. 4. CITY OK (ILASiiOW.Saturday. OoA 8. raoat livrrpool. CITY OK MANCHKSTER.Wedroaday, Jtrne __. CITY OK OLASi, .VV.Wed-eartay, July 21. CITY OK MANCHKSTER.Wedi eartay. Aug 11. CITY OK OLASOOW.Wedneeday. Sept 8. CITY OK MANCMK.STER.Wedueaday. fcpl 29. CITY OF OLASOOW.Wedneaday Oct. 27. RATES OK PASSAOK '?''* fHllADRLrBIA ,t0* LIVBRKrOL. l?V?,'.,!iuur,..._.?., ]klo,,lfi.r!|Uttr'rr_....10|ilia ? __t_2 v. s ?? ?"?-(-? "-rwara 5n ?? _?_ Steward e foot TH1RD-CLRSS PASSENOER-l. A rimlted number of thirdclata paaaeuae-a wtll e_ taka? Fr-u lh,l__e.phia ?_, , Krom Llverpool,".6 g_i_,a_ Kr.ightonfineg^odaoo pe, too. aod ootvra. ioo_r __T__: *_? Y,kCo W_' *f ^f -obJF<:, *? 0Rr^m.?n_^ "^ _ fj a , 4),*'r?UOD? ?? ihe aailiog of thoaa eteam ara. and the farihtioa tor quick traveliu, ., r_ilrnad___ etraojereio Eoropo. thaaa I. whom t__e Iaaa 52 eao v1.:t l,rrat Bnta_o. Iralaod, aod the pnucinal eo-tiueuuS Cltlea. al'owing them obewe tea fuU daya to do eo BB&B re taminj | at-d he bark iu the L uitad Stataa. ia 40 daya fro_ atartlot Ralet <.f paaaage out and home-After aai on bortho.llH1; mldahlp. $140; to-ward $IJO; thlrd olaaa i-SO An expeneeced Bnrgeoo will be comad oo each ehip* For f, rlabt or paeaagr. apol t to THOMA8 RICH ARDSOS. Philadelphia ond New.York. Rll I.'ARDSON. BROTHER_kCO- Llverpool. L^OK CHARLESIXJ^-^SEMIWEEK X^ LY C. ti MAIL LINE? The new ar.d eleaaot Steooa thip MARION. Cap'a'o M Berry. wtll ieave Pler Na 3, North River. oa BATI RDAY, 10th loet. at 4 a'cock P. M, precuely. For fre.tht orpa_a_ge apply to SroFKOBD. TILE-TON A CO. No. 4t Sooth-at. , Tha JAMKS ADOER wUl fo;iow i? WEDNESDAT, U-.h ;_-. frwrwir. - IJ FOR LIVERPOOL.?The new and ?,|?*ndid .te.-.hip ( ITY OK M.Nl HEaTER. R.-bt. n.rh CMBBB Irr WillaM fivrn l-h|iad-lph;a for '.i ?r poolenSATl'KDaY, July .7, at B.eieck A. M. IO ?f>.r.*lfe)B*tate-rOoa_i.f-> Paaaage in mirl.hip Mlron state-ruoen* . 88 Pa?*a*e ia for ward aa-oon atBUs-rrvaru*. Sl Pawenger* will be provided witb raUway Ucfcet* to 1'h a delpln* fr*e of BBVaaaa. ba rha _**t, THOMAS BICHARD-OM, No.41 E* baaaa plae__ FOR SAN FRANCISCO. via RlO DE JANKIRO. VALPARAlSOai.d PANAMA.-The oew ixible-en.lDeeteenwhip CORTES I MW tnn* ***._._, T. B. Cropp-i CbBBBBBB?M will d-?en for the *t_v* port* oa 8\frRriAY MORNIlfO, l?-_ ?uly ** ? .elacfc. Paa*a_ ger. v.ill pl.aae ba >.n baaH Fur paaaag* to above aorta, bavin. .pleml d acronimfdaiiona. applv ?? DAVIS. BROOKB k CO.. No.23 Beaver-**. L^OK SAN FRANCISCO Oi SATUR r DAY, July 10, at 3 o'clock P. M.. from the foot uf North Roore-rt.. Noith River. Uie ue - and aplendld douDle-eugt-B at*a_..hlpCITYO.PlTTSBl ROH.2,4'*' ___*_rde_ Wm. C StotfWft-rv,Commander. wiil poaitiv-ly aail for Sav. *>*_ Cl*co, toncliii.g at Rio, Valparal*. and Panam_on SATI'R DAY, Jaly 1". at So'elock P M. Th_*_-a_erha* ?uper1or *e eon modattoE*, ii well ventHated. and otberwiae fi_ed for th* trade. Ittoconfidentlyexpected tbat .he will make Uie paa? aag. tn the ihurte.t time on record, thu. affording a rare chanc* to familie* _:d other*, who wl?h to a.oid the crowded _iip* rla the a liml'ed oumber of peaeenger* will ba taken. A emall quantity of freignt will alao be taken Ar? rangement* have been made witb Uie owner* of th* new ?teamahip L'nele Bam. I.W.t tuna. now building tn make a throu.h connec?on, and abe will aoon take ber place lo tha Uoe. NOTICK TO 8HIPPERS AND TA-SSKNOKR3 FOR BAN KRANCISCO AM) a aLPARAISO.-The rtevnahip CITYOK PITTSLlROll li now at her bertb footot North Moorc-.t., ar.d li prepared t* receiva a .mal! quantity oT Ught freight for eitherof Uie ahova port*. fcr fr*--.ght or pa*aage apply to THOMAS RICIIARDSON. No. 41 Excbaage-plaoa, orto E. MILL8.N0. 51 Courtlandt-rt. Agent ofthe Uncle .___ FUR SAN KRA.NCISCO, (to sail about thf l.Sth lul* |?The *piendirj new ehpoer ibip BOVEREION OK THE M-'AS. reeently launeh?d by Mr. Donald McKay the build?r of the Klyln* C|oud. 1* now at ber berth, fiait of Ma'den !ane, anri wiil h? rli.parched for Ban Krai.eieco aboBt 15th Joly. Bhe 1* huilt on the model of Uie Flylng Clouri, anri la cuppoaed to be the lengeat aod ?harpe.t aquare n?.?d ihip ifl.-*' K>.r 'n-ntit or p*a*a_e ap plyto GR1NNELL, MINTI'RN k C0..7H Soutb-at FOR LIVERPOOL?United StateB Mail (teamahip PACIFIC, Captain Ezra Nve.? Thil Steanaar will ri-part with the V.a. Mail* for Europa po*itively on SATLRDAY, July ln. at 12 ncl,_ M rrotn her bertl. at the foot ofCan*l-at No bertb *eeurf*d fill paid for. Kor freight or gaaaare having uuequaled accommoda tlon* for elegarice and com fort. apply lo EDW K COLLINB_CO.No ? Wall-at. The*tea_i*hip ATLANTIC will eucceed Uie PACIKIC, and aail July 24, 185_._ FOR CHARLESTON?SE.MI-WEEK I.Y US. MAIL LIKE.?Tka faatand _luillaa8BBMBf SOL'THKRV'K.R. Capl W K. *t-r. will leave pier No. 4 N.R.on\a EDN-BDA..Jaly7,at4o-__. P. M.preclaely. For fr-ighf arply on hoar?. wh.-r.- all bill* of laliua will f>e ?tgned. and for p***age (bavin. .plendid acco?imooaaom) Bt Uie count'n. room of NPOKKORD. TILESTON A CO.. Nn ? (Unth**_ TheMARION will ncceed the Southerner en Sa.urday, thel'rth. OCEAN STEAM N-VU.A.IO. 1 O.MPANY.-Kor BRKMF.N, -. ;e SulTH A.MPTON. -Ihe I'nited Sfat a Mail t-teB-U-ia, IrVA-HlNOTO*, E. M Kitrb. Conmander, will leave for Bremen. touchinz at Snulha.iiptoii to lat.d the maila and pa?*. nt?r* for Kogland aj.c r on S.\ 1 I RHAY, July 17, at 1. o'clock, M , from pier No J North Hiv.-r I'nce ot pa*?*ige trom New -York to :*ouUiaiiiptoa or B.e rmn ? Ki-ai ., main aa'oon.$!_? I- :r>' ra' :n. low. r ?al.*>n. l"o Se< .i,d cah n. ''0 An expenencf d Surgeen la aftarhed tothe ihip. All letta r. mu.t pa-a throogh th^ l'.*t-off;. I **j.eci. ritlivered in Ilavre aad London. tfvt p?a?age or fWigbt. apply fo Mdli.MI, SAM) k ItlElIA. No. .'. South-.t. The ateeui.bip HKRMANN. will MBBBSd th- WAS1I INOTON on the 1 llh A S TEA4MER for LIVERPOOL ,_, THI'RSDaY, July H the well known and favjjiit* ?team.hip SARaH 8ANDS,' UM tun* bordeo, VV. C Thon i.aon, E.o,, Commander, wrill leave hei dock at Piei No. 4 N R- for Liverpcil on Thuraday. lulv 8. at I-o'clock Thi* *tearr.?-r has very aupenor accornmodationa In State Room* for tirit and aecond cabin paaeengera Kor freight 01 paaeaie apply to J. HOW ARD A SON, Agent* W No M Broadway. S'JEA.M BETWEEN NEW-YORK aud (SLASOOW.?TheOlaagow and New-Yori Siea n .1 . I .ri | mi.>'- (...iveifii! ii.-w Siranilhip OL ASOOW, 1,961 tiuwand 4(*. hoi*t-|K.w?i, K ile-rt liaig CoinmanQer, will aail trom New-imk foi (i:a-*..w. on SATl'RDAY, the 14th ol A .i?ii.t nexL at I.o'clock. ua.ii. | , i ab n, l.*4_oon Bto'a Raum).1*1 Kii.t t a'.in. (Mid.lup State Rocmi). 75 BaeeaaCaala. 50 Steward'. foe Ineladad Apply to I M SYM )S. No li Bro-idway. rk 1HROUGH tu SA.N FRANCISCO J AT REDI'CED BATKS?New-York and .?*_. Branciaco Bleatnabip Line.?The new at. am.hlp Lf.lTEi. 8TATES. Edv.ard S DennU, Commandei. will uke herd pariure lor Na.j Ba), on SATl RDAY, Aug. 4. Bl i P. M.. eenrectingat Panama with th^ new douhle-'iig ?? Iteai.i.hip WINKIF.LD SCOTT. '_!_? tun. rurrdan, i.^irie A. C . e, Commander. which ateamer awalta the arrival of pa* -i *> r. at Panama hy Uie liiiied State*, from New-York, anr. lo.ii.. ri-ately thrr^after pria-eed. to San Kraoeiaon direct, Without *toppin* at intermefltate pon* Thea* veaael*. in acr..mmndation. ind eafety. are not *ur pvaed by auy nn thi. route, and an experieuced auraeon i* Btta.-l.ed Ul each veaael fl . Utmai Statea ha* nuade tbe voyage between New* I . Cbagna to .even da>. aud uue hour, and lll* W.i.Old Sfott performed the voyage between New-York and l'*n.,i..*i in the ahorteat tun* on record. lajtb ** to rua aln., ani a< tual time from port to po-t Book. kow open and Uirough t-.cket* for *ala Apply U DAMS BIOOKSICO., Oeneral Ag- -t.. No 2H B _ver *t JONESt JOHNSON, No 1' I aa aat ?t .corner of Llberty-*t Paaaenger* per l _lte?iSf*_. will dlaemhark ah.i.g.ideth* wharf at Acplnwall, and take tb* Panan.a Railroad. oow opei, nearly to Oonona, thu. avoiding the n.a attendanl opoii landmg in beat* at Chagrea, and tbe river uavigatlon -. Oorgona. THE BR1TISH and NORTH AMERI CAN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIKS between MKW YORK ai.d Ll*- ERI'OOL. direct; and between BOSTOM and I.I- 1- RPOOL? Tbe B *ton ahip* only calliog at HaU tax to iaud and rrceive mail* and pameng-r* AH A I.I A Capt -, AKRICA. Hamaon, PERSIA, Capl -, EI'ROPA, E (i I?tt, ASIA. C II V. Judkma, NlAOARA, J Stona, AMERICA. N. Sbanimn, CANADA. Lan.. CAMBRIA, J. Leiuh, Theae veeeeli carry a ch ar white light at nut head, greea on *iaiiN?rd bow, red ou port how NI?OARA. Stone. from BOSTON. Wedneaday. July 7. AKIIli A. Hai __n,fm. NKUVoRK, Wednaedav, July 11 CANADA. Lang. from BOSTON. aVedneaday. lulf 21. ASIA Judkira. freir, NKVa t uHK, aavdaeeday. Julv 2S AMKIIICA, Shann.n, froin BOSTON, We___day, Aug. 4. EI ROl'A. LeU, t omNKW *i ORK. Wedne_ia>, Aug 11 NlAOARA, Sl ne, BOSTON, tV,dneert*y, Aug. 18. AKRICA, Haineun. fm. NEW-YORK, Weilneenaj. Aua.A CANADA, Laig. f mi BOBTON. Wrdn.-^lay, S^pt. I. ASIA Judkiu*. from NEW.VORK, aVednf_day..Sept 8. AMKRICA, Shannon.'111. BO**TO*4, IV^dnrai ,v. r*Vpt IA, ElhdPA, Lo?^ fiom NEa\.YORK, Wedneaday, S.ot B, Paaaage from New-Yoik or Boatoa t? Liverpool?Eua cabin, 11 - ', eecnnn cabin. B">. Bertl. tir.t ircured until paid for. Kieight a-iil be charged on gpecie beyond an tmcunt for per_ nal expenaei. Aii.xperienced Surgeonnn board. KP All letter. and (.ew.paperi tnuit pa** Uircugh Um Poat-Office Kor freight or imaaa_e apply to E. C( NARI), No I BowiingOreen HT* Krench. Oerman. and other Korri.n Good*. received ano bn ught ic con mo:. wi-b Bntlali Good*. Through bilia of lacirg are givrn in Havre for New-York a\ Mi Mu.-By orcer ofthe Britub Treaaury, watche* of fortu: rnaiiufacture. beailt.g the name. or inark. ot Kugll.b manutacturer*. wiii be hereatteradmltted tn Baglaad in tran situhrthe IMted State* and other coun'iiej It oiue qaenie ot whlcb Krrnrb and Swu* watche* may be thipped Bl tlivre tor New-Yo-k or Boctun, via I,iv*rp...>L, lncurnng fhe mk. u heretofore, of balng M-Wd by tbe Kng li.h I'natJ.m-Houae 1'Hr. NEW-YORK and LIVERPOOL UNITED STATEB MAIL STEAMER8-ia>**_N aomixwin. th'.. ttb* are ti.: f.-liowina. ATLANTIC Capt We* PACirn., Capt. Nya, AI'CTIC. Capt Luce, BALTIC, Capt. Comatoa ADRIATIC, Capt Orafton Tneaeanip* _ave beeu buiit by eontracu eip.eaaii foi _.?? arnoient *emce Every eare na* been taken U> their *ob atmetion, a. alao Id U.eir Engnnea, to b_nu. ftreagUi and speed, and their 88MBBBM?__'U? fot paaaeuge.n are one auaJed for elegarice and eoinfort Pnce of panagc froa New-York to Liverpool ln firat-eJaa* aahln. ll.*', to (econd do . f*".e-clu_ve uae of ei'ra aie ?Ule-rooina $*_.ftn_ Ulverpool Ut New-> ork, _.?'?<" and B J> An aipenenced __? teoa attaehed to eacii ahlp No bertl1 aecured octil paid fo* PROPOSED DATEB OB 8AILINO. raoM bbw-vobb. rtom nmrxii Bamrday.May 1, l**_i va edne-day.May 8,181. Batuinay.May l\ 1__ Wedneaday.May 19, I__ Barurday.May _?, Wxl aVedueeday.Juna _, l_SB Baiurday.Jun?i_ l-.W Wedoeeday.J-oelS, 11-4 Baiurday.June_5, K_ Wedneaday.Jane.t. I_4 Baiurday.July 1", 1 _.' WeBneaday.July 11 !__> Baturday.JuiySAUU aVedneaoay.Jnly A I8_l Baiurday.Aug 7. l__ aVedneaday.Aug '.1. I__ !?._ va adneaday.Aug 35. IA_ Baiurday.Bept- 4,1-. aVed__aday.Sept 8,18-1 Bataunay.Bepl.18, !_*._ a*.edne_lay.3ep_a.l_> Baturday.Oet 2. I _i Wedneaday.Oet ft. 1S_S Baiurday.Oa 16,1862 Wadne*r_y.0_. 80,1869 Barurday.Oet . >. __, Wedneaday.No* S, l_? Baturtiay.Nev IS. I__ aVedneaday.No- 17. l__ Bat-rdav.No*/ tl. l?-_ VVedneeday.Dea L IB. Baturday.Daall.l1*- W'ed-eadaf.Daa 14, 18M Batnrday.Oaa. _a I8MIWaiaaB-Bf.D-i 18,18a. fo. or p***a_e apply to EDW D (L COLLINI* k CO, Na. 36 WaJJ-al-H.T. BROWN. SHIPLEY k CO, Liverpool t. 0 BOBEBTt A CO. Na U klu'i krmt Ttti, Lomtam JOHN MINROE fc CO, fla Baa Notr* Oamatat Vletotre*. Pana, or OEO H. DBAPER, Harr*. -Beaaraei* of theae ahlp* wtll aot ba aeeooatabie for tou\ aOarar, _ai;ien. *p__e.}ewelry, precson* atoae* or meca!*, aa* bm* bill* of ladi-g ara dratt tbarafor aad tbe -alaa theraol a_*je_ ?-pn_ii_ I'MTED STATES M.\IL STE..M 8HIP COMPANY. eornecunj with th* PACIFIC MaIL BTEAMaKIP i'OMPANY Only throufh L' 8. Mail Line for CALIKORNIA and OBEOliN. via A*pinwall asd Par.ama-Ibe ipl-odid aaw and doubi* eafiaw U 8. Mail Steawahin iu InoIS, Uiefa*?? .teameria tbe wortd, -._*? tun* bwrtben. H J Hai t*i*t.e, IIN, Cotn?ander, w 01 aui on 11 E_DAY. Jaly Iu, at 2 o'clock, P. M. p-ec_ely, froai piar at fevt of Warrcn-st, North River Tha f ac.'-c lilUtt_-JLr_-I, JU1_X O, _.. Mail Bteimthip Crmpenya niagniricent at?amer NORTH > RNF.R will he in n-adineat at Panatna ha th- lll.. mie't niaiia ana paaarngeie and t_I immeflialaly for Bao Fn_eitco ?,-r_OK-.,,_. To.sriawu.i.: L .'lef ?_!~t_ State- Room.?_? Ltiwer Altand Borward Salooo. do._? 8..dC.tin Staudet..g Faamaaa' WI I BB * 'a.'.rl'ed a*''t-S U!rU_i' wh-rf.' A tplo ?, i Tren?it ,.t the, a. the p?*_-ng-ra .*. _?,,, Prr_-it tee? i?g t?ro,igh paaaage bv tbe 1 ni - _..... M .imeoaaan fi-Bi No-r-Terfc, Bava p-ference->? ie?__o_Bt'oo oo hoard th. Me fl-aa-Baea g.f i_?. ir. m rBBBBBB to San Krenoe-o BB tne tnj_t fcvmsM*. tenne Foi fWal ' w p_-ag- apply 'o CHAR1.K.S A VV HirSK. at ,,,...,),-.' .!,?(? a, No i77 Wett a- ,-o.nerof VV arre-.. N. T. I'MTED STaTES MAIL STKW1 sHIT COMPANY. - ?n-g wi'h the PACIKIC IBAIL S.KAMnHiP CO.V! as.'-Onh tnron-h V. S. Mall l.'i' b-rCAl IKfiRMA and OREOON, m ASPIN V\ Al I, and PANAMA?By order ,,f rhe .'ott natter O-ne rai, thr I'r.ued S'stea Mall Sterunera. with the great Coilfor oia' an < >r?gon Moile. ara to be diapatrh-d oo the Hh aod _i,'n ot each morth. dtrect foi AapeawRU; Rnd from New Orb-ant.n the'lth awfl StM. VV_aa uieaa tttrn occtir oa Surdey. thaaail?f to oe pcetrjt Bed _b11 the Mocd.7f.U0w Ing Tbe Pocite Mail sreaawre are ta ba to raa-iiceai tbr tmmed'are ditpatch on arrli a! of 'he nioilt ot Pineina. IMltb STaTKS MAIL STE.VM3HIP CO. The fo'.owing ia a lut of tbe eteamahipa baloafinf to thia OZtmtlA.*,_?? tune CRESC'T CITY .. 1*1 tane OHIO .s.'aa-i'unt CMrRoKK.F.!,**rane ILLINOIB.R-OOraaa PHILaDKI.pH v ' inruna EMPIKE CITY ... .'??" t.ut EL duRAlio.l.-Bt: tuna FA?COM.1""" tunt. Leaving New-York for Aepiowoll on tbe 3th Rnd -<Hh of each mor.tb. - w reamthiP EL DORADO andth- FALCON will form adir.ct line (e'a?n New-Or'eane and Atptriwall, leaviLgon il.e'tl. end _d uf each month, and wi'Jj the Parific atean ehipea Through Line to and from New-Or leana and porta In Me.vl.o, Califorma and Oregon P*t* from New-Or eane can he eecired Irom ARMSl'RONO, 11AH RI ?? - Cl I , Agenta at tbat place. THr RATIS f K"V BBW-TOBB T?l ASPIKWaI.I. wm.l BB: Ladiea Sai.a n HtBIB ElBMBfl.tfik L<_erA'to fl K-rward Saloon Sute-Rooma.A* 8econd Cabin 8'andeea. 4A Steeragr.?_ ** Potaergereore lande.l at the railroad depot, Aapin wall, free ofexpcnae fhe raur, ad b-ing ln operaiiun, end care run nmg o\er half thr diarjuc- from Atpinwili to Panama, the tranait ot ihe Itthmua may he perforrn?d in froni ??-..??lteeri to tweoty-fourboura?tbe eipenee, variee from $10 to _."> to be home by the pataengere PACIFIC *IAIL MKVMSHIP COMPANY The puMic are info*med tha', ander the new errangement of il :i ( , mranv. Sr-a.meri :t tpected ond approved by tne Na.-y Department. ccmmuirlr. hy Navy (>tti, era. ar.dcarry u g the l). a. Maiia, wi.l hereatter leave Paooina lmme dialely on thearma) of the Atlanlic Maila, and San Kran eiaco on the lat and I Sb daya of each tnontii, and wili touch ot Acapulco. A ra-aerve Boat will be kept at esch end of the route to eover arndente The follnwipg 8team Packeta, belonflng to the Pocififl Mail Company, are no-'on the Pacib,-, one of which will be alwayt in port at each end ot tha route: 0OLD1 NOAT__._,*e?ta_i COLI'MBIA.MOtaa* Tr NNr SSr.K .... I. ^-"luna CUN-TI1 I'l ION..-"?" t.ioa. MiRl H> RNER.. LSnataaa ANTELOPE.TSBtaaa REPL'BLIC.l,?>"tunt CAROLINA.S<v.nin_ OREOON.l.""rur,t COLI'MBl'S.SodtunR PANA.MA.1 IflTHMI 9.6'>"tun_. CAL1KORNIA . . l.".-iruna. LN1CORN.oOUtona. FREMONT.?_? tuna. Tbe new Mcamiinp COLI'MEIA will plv l?etween San Francitcoand porta tn Oregon. awailing Rt the former port theRrmaltot the mailt and paaaengera at Panama, and re? tuming delay with the maileand peatenftre tor tho 8traner fr. m San Kranciaco. Peraone a-cunng through paaange by the t'nited Statea Mail Steamert from New-York bave pre?ert_ee of occommodalion on board tho Pacific Mail Sleernere. Batet of fore from Panama to San Ktor.ciaco on tlie moat hvorable ttn. a. A rrgular line of Propellere will be kep'. up for the trane poitalion of freight and tr inai-tit pavaengert betw-wo Pan? ama ai.d San Kranritco One of the alajve Steamere will keep up tbe coni.ectlun between Acap'ilco aod otli.-r M.-X1 eai, porta Each paaaeng--r lt allowed -'-' tbt. peraonal hag (age free. not exceedlng in mraturement lll cubio leet. Kr-lgbt will he taken to Chagrea at 70 centa per f *>_ and fr. ni I'anama to San Kranritco at tbe rate uffloo pnr tuu. For freight or p-teage apply to (HARLES A. WMITNEY. At tbe office of the Cnmpaiilea, No. 1T7 Weat tt., corner of WarreO, New-York. Us. MAIL STEAMSHIP COM e PANY-Kor NK-W-ORLKANS, via IUVAVA Ibetplendid tfeamahip KMP'RK CITY RflBA tunt, John Leede, Conunai-eer. will aail from the pier foot of Warren et. N R, en MONDAY, July 12, at - ociock P.M. pre ciaely Batet B. pataage to Hevina aud New-Urle_;a-new arrangement Ladiea- Salnon Berthe.W? After sa|,a,n Bertlit.*o(? Korwaid Sab-,n Beitlie.9? Stee'age Beitht.*i* taken io New-OrleRua at 2.i eenle per cuhic foot Shippert of freight are requeated to tupply tnemaelvea with lha I 'on,i anv't biia of ladmg, whicb may be bad on apolica t'on at tbe tfire. Nn other form will be tl.n--.i Ne Mllfl cf lading elgned a'ter the thip haa eatled. Kor freight or paMagr. apply to M. O. ROBERTS, No. 1~7 Weet et, cor. VV arrei.-et. _ VA NDERBILT LI^.k1o7 SAN KRAr cisro-TiV Shnrteat aai Chflaaeal R ??>'- - lie (owerful. do,ih.e-i,?iii_ ttet.iithip NoHTIrKN I.II,hl .. ia. tun.. will b-a\e fr, iii I'i'i O. 2 N-,rth RlVOT, a . i. F M, pr-.ia.-ly, on It'ESUA., lalj ? fcf .*ar, .In.n ri.l Vorfe nrer'. connecttng with thaflo-blflen aii.e e' S S I.I'.WIS. .'..,.. iBQB. OVBI Hie Ni;ararua Trar.tit R, ute. haviafl but twelve mrea f I mrl trine;,ortv tu ii Th.t- are uiinvalled in their arrang-! n--nta for paater-g?r?. tnp-iior ventilatian Na d-l.iy need now be nntieipatrd at toy p--in', aa tne I'acitic St- ainer will hr ll, Kal'll g al -B-, IllBl, drl laat-TOM I lec -r.lj one e?\ from V irrin Bay. I'lna route o-'ert eupee nor advn'agrt for fa".ili?egoing io Cellforiuv at -be? will I* ,o.,4ta,tlv ni.d'r tbe rl.arae of otticert atlache.l to the LU t, BOfl at'fli't time mo :h uiir* healthy and cri.f > Ubla. Bor ii.f. .mar., r or peittge. applv only to D. B. AI.-EN, Agent. No & Ha'terv plice, up ti.uit. tYlfuiTiDoaii anO tiailroaoa CAMDEN and AMBOY RAILROAD f... PHILADELPHIA from Pier No. 1, North Rlvei. foot of Ba'tery-piace, by areauib,*! iohn Potter.?Two llnee daily Moming loavea at ? A. M., Afternoon r'.xpreot Line at '. P M . through tc Philadelphia In Ij houra Kara lat eloaa . ?,-. $-i. id eLua Iti.e. bv .' P M . onlv t- Retnra lut. leave Philadelphia fru.n f.x.t of Wolnut-at at H A M anfl t P M. E.uigiant Line by ataamboat TranaBort. from F_i No I. at6 Pll Kare fl a" FOR ALBANY, *1; POUQHKBEP SIK, -'l 'I'i* HODSON. 1*CTtL?The new and ele g.ot tt-ai: ,i KAANCIS .tKIDDY, will leave har dor.t f.ait uf ./aj-tt at7t,'c,ock A M on Meiidty, VV'eoneaday and Krl day tor Al'aty, laoding at VVVat Poait, "tewbufgh. Pough krepaie, Hvde 'ark Kiagtton. Bnat.,1. (Vaklil ani lludaun. Rrttrnii.i, leavre All.any Tu-aday. Thuraday and Saturdaj at ibe tan,e hour. rnakitg the lan.nntt aa above N H ? I'n.ier oo rlrraa-flaaaaa will a"y jf the above landingebe paaaed. JAMK.S MoCULLOl i.M.A.ent No IViKioi.iet C'RKAT RAILROAD ROUTE frum . NewVjrk to BurlingTou. St lohntbory. White Moun folna,,I,, Montreai. Q,er_-c and luleooertiala rom nt, ?la New-Ilaveo and S^rir.gtield ? Pricea rednc-d f.r I aa?-i.grra old freight Through tic-?la cao be pr.jcured ol the Boilnsd Otfier. No. Vi at, N 9. Freight for warded bv Traveller from l'eck-?lip every day at 3 P M. to New-Haven. and thene* to all Norttiern towne bj the \ermi nt V alley and cr.ueoting Rallroada Otfir.e No I.S.So.ith-at. N Y. FHYDE. Agenl P^OR SHREWSHURV, L<>N(? KRANCH OCEAf HOUSE HIUHLAND DOCK, rl'RT V> AMllNdTOV, .MOINTS ai.l BROWV-. [)(i( KS. MIDDI.ETOVVN and RED BANK.-N-w and aplenoid ?eamb(*t T"OMAS HINT, Cept A. H Hagerty, wiil leave the New-Havea Pier. Pta-k-allp. Kaat River, aa followa: Leavea New-York UBBBflfl - irewebory. Thuraday, July 1, 6' A M Tburaday, July 1, J P.M. Kr.oay, " 2, 7' ?? Knday, ?? 2, 4 ?? Saturday, ?? 3, 8 ?? Sarurdoy. ?? 3. -I* ?? 81NDAY. ?' 4, 8 ?? _l NDAY, ?? A 5j ?? ato.cav, 5, 8 ?? Monday, t\ 9 Tue?lay. ?? 6, 7 ?? Tueaday, ?? <_, |1M V\err,eaday, ?? 7, 8 ?? Wedueaday, ?? T, M ?? Thuraday, " ?, 9 " Thoraday, ?? 8, t_fl-.M. Kriflay. " 9. 9. " Knday, ?? 9, I ?? Saiorday, ?? 1?. 10 -" -atnrday, ?? 10, U ?? 81 NDAY. ?? II.KH '? SLNDAY, ?? 11, -J ?? Monday, ?* 12- H4 " Monday, ?? li, 3 ?? Turtday, ?? U, l-J PM. Tueaday, " 13, 4 ?? Weei.e-rlay, ?? 14. 1 " Wedneaday, ?? 14, 44 ?? Tbtrtcay. " '*. *A. M Thuraday. ?? l\ 24 " Fncay. '? 16. H " Friday, ?? 16. 'J. ?? The ttagee for S.iuaui end Krrehold. will mn in e^nn-ctloa with hoat Stagearo errivey paaaangera to all parte "f the country All pe tona are forbia truauof tha abava boat oa the oecount ofthe ownera. _ FUR SH R. WSBUR Y, HKiH LAND DOCK OCEAN MOl'SE, LONO BRANCH, PORT VAASHIMjTON, MOl'NTS DOCR. BROWfTg D<?( K. (Micdb-iowi, ) and RKD BANK.-The popular retne' K.DVa IN Ll- VV is. Capt J P Corliaa. will Ieava Robloarr-al Ple?. N,.rth River, aalollcwa: Krc_N?w-York From -hrewebory. Thnraday, July 1. 3J P.M. Thuraday, July 1, 7 A. M. Knaay, ?? 2 4* K'lday, ?? 2, fl ?? bafu-eay, ?? 'i. 4| ?? ^a'urday, ?? 3, 8 ?? Mo.fley, ?? -, "> ?? Monday, ?? 5, I ?? loreday, ?? 6, 5 ? Tueaday, " 6, 9 ?? Tbaraoay, ?? 8. 11 A. M VVe_nteiay, ?? 7, 9 ?? .emiriay, ?? 1", 1 P M. Knday. ?? <?, 10 ?? Tueaaay, ?? 13, 2 ?? Monday. ?? 12, 12 M. Ilurtilay. ?? 15. 2 ? Wedneaday, ?? 14, 2PM biagre will be lo reodtneaa fo eonvey tne paaaengera lo all porta of the country N B ? Kor inf .r-Batlon aoplv to BKSSON li BKl. Vr'.R. No. I'I Weat N B-The EDWIN LE? IS will ran on 81'NDAYSta KEYPORTand KORT I1AMILTON. leaving Rohinano-at Pier. N. R . at 3 A. M., Rnd Keypirt Rt 4 P. M.. treirhing Rt Kort llonluin each way. Kare te Keyport _6_eaU; Fort Hamilua. 1__ centa. r ^OR BOS1XIN Fia NEWPORT aad _T FAl.L RIVER.?The apieadid extd eoperto. ?MaaaflB ? AY 8TAT..Capl VV m Browu. anfl r.MPIRE STATE, Capt BeDjain'.o B-artoa, leave oo alteroate doya (Sandayi axoep'ed. trom Pier No. 3, N R., aear the Battery. at i P.M Fr? Freight, apply oo board. or at the off ce. io Pior Na R ?i-i.?i ? v ROARDF.N. Aflwata. Noa *? aad 71 Weao-eA^ L'OR ALBANY?Ohani.a of Hnora-? JL Th- C_? ofthe New-York anfl HRriem Railn?fl leava the Citv Halli-ar.rn. N.w-York daily. 'Sandava 9R_rp_?d) a|f|A M, aonneetlna arlrb the Waatera __-lrnad al ChoR hoai: and 14 F M_ .Eipreeei ihro-flh wlthoal ehaafli of aora_^_ lillCHlUAN SOUTHERNwd Ifl NORTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD3--OREAT MAIL ROUTE TO CHICAGO-Ob end after RBBU. MavSi-anaFf-rtharao-ea pomeatet mmemert tm* ?"__? will run aa foUowa: __?..?.?,_-?,__ _r_a_. EXPRESB STEAJBERB AJ4D TRAIN3 -HJ'NO VA EIH^ WARD? Ooa__f the ftrat-claao etoa-aara, BOl THJ-rue SlOIIOAN ^MHeLn INDIANA ar EMfl-Ll BTATT, will leae* Baffaia daily, Rordar* aaeea-ad, a. ? P M. aod Daakirkal laat aiglit, r-aeliu.* Mooroeal i P M. tb* oaat day, aad proceaading to Toledo the aaume |fl*r_>_ Aa exprea. train will laav* Monroa at 2 P M , er oa tha arrival - f tha boat. daily, Monday* ear-pted. raaehing Chl *a*o the am. evening and exfuMctlng at Chieage with flr*t eiaaa ateamera for Mllwaukee and other port* <_ l_ke Mlcb. tgaa. aod witb Canal p_-k?_ aod B-llrnada weMerly freai CbEaaa FXPRE-8TRAINS AND 8TEAMERB OOINO EART \V ARD? E-pre** um.i will leave Chicaao at i P M daily, Betuidav. excepted. and reach Monroa, e> . neil rrx.rniog An E?r reaa hleamer will l-a.e Toledo evary moroin* ??? ?ept Suuda). and leave Monroe oo arrival of toe train* fVota Cbicago?acd reach Duukirk and Ruffalo aeveral hour. nra vi..u* to Uie timr foi Uie firat aaprea* train* eaai for New* York. A.'hai.a and Boau.o Tbe (teaux-r*and train* at Monroe will eonnect each aray rea-'a.- b__* Ba Detroit and Toledo. ACCOMMODATION MAIL TRAIN OOINO aV*T__. WaRD?Tbi* train wiil leave Toledo daily, Sunday* e? eeptf d. at 8 A. M, eonnecting at wiU. a line of ?tcau.f'r. froir. Clevelajid a_d SanJu'k., and itoppiog al ail tbe way atatlooa, will ie_cb Cbicago at flf P. M (JOINU KASTWARD.?Leave Chl. _to daily. Bunday* exc i-ted. at R, A. M, .toppin* at aii etatiuna and arrlviug al Tolrdo at 9 P. M, coDnecUng ariUi *te*roer* to *t*_du*k and Cleveland, and arriving ther* Iu time for all Ula mo?h Uig train* froo- thoae place*. __ A Packet-boat leave* Toledo at 8 A M , for Fort W ayn* and port* on Uie Wahaab CanaL JOB. li. MOORE, Arlnan.June I. lftAZ IVEW-YORK and ERIE. Bnri ELMIRA Il and CANANDAKHA R.AILROADS-Tiain* leava Pier foot of Dtir.e *t. aa follow*. Ear*?*? TbaiiiU. A M, for Canandaig-*, Rocheiter, Boftaln. Niasara Ka.'liacd Canada Weat?ainving al Canan d.i*?na *?_ne evening. jMan Ta?i*f atHA.M.; ?_T oarer night at Elraira, and arrtve at Canaadaigua early next day. Night F.xr.ra* ath p M Itas lathatawBt. reute ta weatem New-York aad Niagara ra'la The can are large and c. mnxxiloua. acd for pieuure cannot be equaled by tho** on aay otcer Road CHAS. WINOT, Supt. N T and K Railroad. WM. O LA. ilAM. Supt. C. and E Railroad. TV EW an.l DIRECT ROUTE to NU J.1 OARA FALIA?Opeoin. of tba R-'CMESTKR, LOCKPORT and NlAOARA FALLS RAlLllo a ?* -Tnn new ai.d beautilul line of mad will Be opeoe.1 to the travel ing public on Wedveacav. June 3n. Il_,et -hlch tluie ?**? ?* traii.. w ,11 commenee lunnliig. aa t.llow, : Ut Train Expre**, Lea.e* r_H~**ter at *>? A. M. 2d '* AccommOilatlOB " 9~U " 3d " ?'ayEapr?*a, " 4_0P M. Anivin. at Niagara Fail. at 9 *) A M . and Ifl and 9 P.M. Rituri.ii). Tiain. leave Niagara Fal.'.? l.tTraiu?Wa) Expre.*. leavt* Nianira Fail. at 7.IAA. M. 2d " Accouimodatlon, I SO 3d " Exprea*. " *M '* Connectir. both way* with the regular Train*on the Al bany *i.d Rocf.e.ter Bai.'roi.l. I'aaaenger. hy thi. Ilou-e. leaving Albany by the* -*> P. M Train. will reach Rocbeater at IdB A _L have BSB.1l an hour tor bieakfaat, and arnve at Niagara Kalla ai 1 J" A M. ; SS, Itaaiaa Albany at 129 A M. will reach Kocbeetertn tln.e for tl.e Kvei n._ Expre**, arnving at Nt..*r* tt ' M | i'. M BataraiBB. p.iwagei* leavina the . all* hy eitheral the Ex| raa. Trains wn! reach Albaav, New-York or B.wton, Twelve Hour. in advance ot any oiher line. I'aaeenger* hv thi. Roure will take the Can nn Uie right al the Rocbeater VapU W ARREN COLBl RN, Sup't. I aar, Jaa* -i. "IVEW-JERSKV RAILROAD?NEW i.^1 YORK a.d PIIILADK.LPHIA direct.-I' ? M V1L and EXPRESN LINES-Thniuah in 41 hour*?New-Jeraey Rallroid via lerw-v City. leavin. New-York at 6 A. M . foot of C. urtlai.dt-it . >A bi inrl '.) P .M Liberty-.t Leave* Philadelpbia at _| and 9 A. M and s* P. M. fnim foot of W aJnut-rt. Fare reduced to $d for Hr?t-_**? and $*, _< for aacw-d-clasa BALTLMORE, WASIIINOTON and CHARLFSTON tbn.a.h ticket* Mild in Uie above l-.nea, and through haggaae eam.d io tbe 9 A. M and >J P. M. Line* from New-York, with througb coi.d... t. ... E W -VORK and NEW-H-VVEN RAILROAD.-Sl'MMER ARRANOEMKNT. Mar 3, 18.S_?Traina out of New-York leava oear corner of Canal it. and Broadway. Ai . ommiid.tii.m ind Spkcial.?At 7 and 1131) A M. 1.15 iF.xpreaaU) Stamford and Norwalk, and ato.plng at all Btatl na heyond.) and at 5J8 1* M., througb lo New-llaveo. v ? IV M. for Noiwalk-at 8.V A M. and ti lo P M , foi Port CbaaSBf The ll 3? A M ruua in connection with Train from New-IIaven to Hartford and Sp.iiuttield, aud wilh Train ovei the Caual Riaad. BxntBsa Taaiaa for New-Haven, Hartford. Sprtngfleld, Braiion. I'onnecticut River and Vermont Railroad. to Og drnaburgh and Montreal ? At 1 A.M . itoppiug at Siamford aid Bndgrport, cfinnecting with the Hcuaatooic and Na.i.a tuck Raiiroad* at Bndgeport, and Canal Railroad at .New llaven and a: !.. I P M., aioppingat Sumford Norwalk *nd Bndgeport conm-cting with ll..u*?tonio aod Naugatuak Railroad. at Bndg.-p.rl TB.IKI IBTO Nl .V Yi'RK-AccomoifdtlOB and Speetai ? At aM, 7. and 'IM A.M., and 4 V P M thruiign from New ' llaxen. At e AM from Norwalk-_ U8 A.M and Ul PM l.'.iii 1'ort Cheater. The'1 .<>-.? M re.-eive* paaaeiigera from S|inurti.l(l ar.d Hartford and Canal Railroadaat New Haven. Tie |*M receiveapaaaeogerafrom Hartford and I. ri Railroadi. Exprejj Train. leave New-Haven oa arnval of Traina trom Bo.ton, at I.U ir 1 I '*' I'M, i.topping at Bnd."-t>>rt, Norwalk acd Stamford ,) Bo.ton al 8 A. M , and 1.46 PJf. See lar.e bill of advertiiement at the Statlon Houae and pnucipal Hotela. OEO. W. WH ISTLKR, Ja., Supermtendeot. TV KU'-VORK an.l ERIE RAILROAD. _. a| ?Train. leave pier fo.>t;of a. follow* E-PBBM Ta, n ,it. ; A M fi.r Duukirk, con.i.-cttn. with bnt-claa* (teamboat* for Cleveland, Sanduaky, Toledo and ?uid rallroad* to Cn cinnaii ai.d Chiuago. Man. TRaif* al H A M for ail .tation. W xv TlUlB at i* P M , via Piennoni, for Delawar*. \\ *t Taiiaai l) I' M . via leraey City fot Delawara. Nn.ilT Exi-rk*. Train at h I*. M , 'or Dunkirk. conneet Ing with firrt claa* iteamhnat for Detroit direct, conneclinf with Expre** Train for Cbicago. Smiurant Tbain at b' P. M vta Ptermont CHAS MINOT. Superintcndeat HBUULAB MAIL LINE, via.StuniuM u>b, f? BOSTON PROVIDENCE, NEW-BKD FORD and TAI NTON -Tbe iteam-ra C VANUER. BILT and COMMOPORE, of thi. line, aow run raga larly ae here'ofore, altnmately leaving Pier No 2, Nnirtt R'.vVr, firw whm' ahove Saltery-place. daily, Suudaya aa aafSBfl, at IF M.. and Staningtoo at 8 o'alook P M , oi n? arr *al tt the mail train. which leavei Bovton at 5.-> r M For or puaag*. apply al tba _1a*. N>- "* Battar. piaae. or oo *-..ard the bratt* i^ T E A ,M B O A T A R M E N I A, for l_^ POUOHKEKI-I-, Newh.irgn,Cou?zeii*. Cold Spniig, Cuowailand Milt. n. irom mat of lay at every afteruooa at 4 o'tlo. k. Returmi.g, will ledve l'ou*hkeep*ie every n. ri.n * ai 6 o'clock Sundny excepted. Mfilf Hrved oa I ???* N hoard. Clolftmg, K't. FASHIONAHLE H A TS.?Begnl Fi'r.rh BU_ Hataat $3?$1 lea* Ihan Broadway pricea tfaatHatsart. r rrovVn, No. 15M Canai-*_, aoa door from Builtvam. THK BEST PLACE to |et MEN and 901 tf ( LOTH1NO, readymade or made to order, 1* ?t No. K| Kullou .1 At thia eatahiiahment loa will tind a large awmrtmert nf faahionable ready made Clothing Alao, a api?i.di.l aaeortniei.t of g.nida whuh wiil be made to order io a atyle that cannot be ?urpaa?ed. No. K| Kuitoort Coal. COAL?REMOVAL.?Thft aub_crib_? n* removed ra* down towu Offlee, fro-/. No. 24 _-?d way to ihe baaement of No. _> av'ali-rt., and t* aow *ellia# all kind* i-' Anthrac'.te and Bituminou* C.laia al greatlv ra doied pnees JAMES L aa dRTH. No. 36 W'all at, llb-sL, corner Thompwio-** and fith av, aoruer Anniia COAL.?I still conrinae to a-11, as asaal, tbe beat Red A?h at the lo weat powrihle price?deliver >d from u\j yard* at $4 Tr pei nig ; '26 cent. lea* 'rom boat*. PETER CLINTON, Klng-at . Ooe-ck an.l IDvington. C'OAL?I'each Orchard, E__, __ive atni ' Nut riaaai alao. LaUak broken, egg and ?tove do Peraon* wuh'r.g a go.^1 article, at the lo*?af rnarkei prtce for good Coal. are re.jue.ted to call at tbe yard, Nwa Btf aud 2t/7 Fiai.kl mat. J AMES AITK1N. PI_TST()N COAL.?The Peanavlya-ua Coal Company I* prepared to deilver co laiuilte* ta any part of tbi. city, Brooklyn. and Wilfiainaburgh. from Ita Canal Boat*. aad aever*! yarda, tb* ranou* ?ize* of ita Plltatoc Coal,whlcb I* a (uperioi Anthracite for domeati* ?_*. Apply at tb* yarda corner of 14th ?t and Ithav . We*-_a. oear Morton. at tbe f.*4 nf (;<.verneur*t, Eart River i foolor North |nth-*t, W;|tiani*r.orgb; foot of Oold ?_, Bmokl?l or at Uie oflice of the Company, anr-er of Broadway aod Wall-at The Coal ewlll be dellevered at *4 7S per tun, of 2,i*i" Ib* from Uie Canal Boat*. and al 9A 26. rt i?r*iaid from Uie yarda Orrick Pemmivlvajiia Coa- x^>-i Cor. Bn_dwa> and W'all-?_ ) PITTSTON COAL.?The Pennsylva nli Coal Company a now prepared to enter tnto eoa* tracufor the _Ue of lUauperlor Pltut-.o C.iaJ. deliverable at Port Ewen. L*ar Rondout, on the Hudaon River, before lat Jaly next, at Uie following price* per tun ot 22V Ik*: Lump.B> 48) Range.r Large Stove.. 9ft 80 Bteamboat. 3 M Nut or Stove.3 66 Qrate or Furnaee.3 6" | Pea.3 ?? Contraet* may aiao be made for the remalnder of tht aaa* ?an, by appiicatjon al the Company'. oflice. GEOROE A. HOV'T. Tr*a*nr*r. _.'. ?>^P*-B TUN.?Peteh OreWd H? *** * 93 Red A*b Coal. Nat tlza: alaa, Eag and Stove ?!ze of tht beit quality, at tba Inweat market price al Ihe P?ach Orehard Dep.-.t l_- AnUiony-at.. *ear Broadway D CLlutri _nt? UK. _HEW'_ SUMMER WATER CL'RE EUTABLJBHMENT, ?? ?_n,n?*_V?tl oa tcbana hour-. R_lro_rl ride rVom Alb-avaad troy.) i* oow opea Mc*_t_BjBsao*r-?^Bfl*B-pa**e__ EAST-Bl^OAimAV WATER CCRE. Pallent. rece.ved at Ull. E*-W___ent. and pat-Sa ^a__^_^M_Y^"Ba? *wa-a>wa?_if. H"1[i___i_a1vF__(Ime water-cure -ai Piaa.ui Landing. Uaaebass Co, ander th* caarga 0 av MAY. M. I), P_pr_u_. will be read; for tb* ra geptk'D ofpatlent. _5tn June. wher* pora aUaad waa. aad ail other Hydropa_?i a4?paai_aa anii ba a_p*_B8_8B mffenng bumanity. ________ ORAlfGI MOCNTAIN WATER CLRE, BOLTH ORANOE, Nt*v_*,J**,1BJ__ V__n to Uii* __tiroticn take tbe Morrt* and E*_>a aail* roa_.atUiafootofC?__*_dt^?-at 84} aad 1?_-M,a_8 8 "i-i-oi-Mi, foa-B W.iarXara ___*? a. 9 ?*****!*-* aad N43i_?OnBi|e tt l| aadBt-ubOraacs*t H __? .-.M. D R. WM. O. REED, Water-Cnpa. EBANON SPRlNGS~WATEjr . CL'RE -Thia aete-lwh,?,,,,, a_w ia tha .i.hti, tT_ _? it^ejjor.w.penoU.M- by 0 C AMPBkTl a-Tf^T -reu.fore wl.l Oe opened fbr haal__IB_i___r_#____ Tba Medical d-part_,_-_ ? ___fc| k S WlIM ,T]' M D Mra WJ___ARTH will __T_*______!__ IU ?t_u.oor,w.periot?.,Hle4 b, D CAMPBKJ.L '?.Tf'^T rl'______l ______?_ ____^*->ttm,mtalJffi '. B- WiUMARTrl, opecloi femele eaaee -"?? ????*???- O** pROSPECT HILL WATER CURE, Jt fort fbeater, N T . or Naw Yor_ ont NtwH.. B-llnad Kr T L NICHOL." ood Mra oovr NICHOL? C'tv fHBce. No. Ai Whlto-et. Dr. W. (J _KKL> _u?__JT> C :v pracO.e fffrnt. HKIMATISM and RHKCMATIC (,i >. T. leurshlepermonentlv la a -raj~~ity if oatrt) A CHcuiar la reepecful t and gratultJ uely ollered tn Rhaa> matic iB.aiida who wi'l Ke at the troabla of aeaaiie_| fbr it U> the No. I.'ill Naaaau at Many wiio daepair may yet be careo by newly dl*,-. i R 'I 'HECELEBRAtEDRfitishtTooipoonil ? Kan,ily M.-diri.e ?0r the preaorvotion of healtb ai.d ol Feren. Cholera a rb .r Dvep. peia. Aaoe, D_rv *0, Bill, uaoafl 1-nerCoi- i-Laint,. lu'.o:t<aietoty Cbol... a eo oll lofaa ile diaordera Pn-?a-_ anfl ?, d b. R. RYRNE M D . rpHE FOLLOWINO ., an KDITO ? .m 1WI-M Se^.\ orner of it ayeMSM r-ii.i C VV KOHAl K-Thiatral)rem%rhablaoiaa.whiia wbole objret teeme to he one of priltnl hropy tud good _t il. _ .rrraiuly worthy ol a ireat am- aot uf pra'w |or Kia uMirmfl tn.igy and Beal m hringing tba beoaflta of tba aornce of ea'r?l"gv eo be?are the Aaanaaa p?up_. Ttatoetioicgv baa olwayefiven _n impetneto the profraee j! mttmtt and liil.a. phy.- it crta.o, ond we cao diaoove. bmbbj ot g,MX> to ma> kind. ia lha labore of taia enuaeni obi'pber tne aa'rologier Let hit larK-re be apprec'afe.1. au4 hia advieo followed, and mu.-h eoctal atnfe ood domaaie d*. c.r.i uould bedi_.inaied. K-." All leiuretuC VV. RO BAI K No b White-el will ba religiuualy altemied to tl piepaid Kor more particilar. cai, aad get an Aetr.lofical, wbere cer'iiicaiea nisy be aeen Yl I.sTARS BALSAM of WILD IT CHI-KltV.-Leno\.Madia..n('o.N Y .Oct 18, IRW. -M.aart J y W?rue. ,v (o, I iica, N Y | Agen a for Metb W Kowle]-(iei.' I have aeen n.rf-.oee ofcorr-e per foriord bv Dr. VV'i Baia-in of VV ild ( herry " I hava beea trnubled wnnaoreneat in my, otteuded with ae vete _>d peiafal co.-th I am ..ow cooffued to my houae in atumny ati.i foogy ? aol I.I r .-. !d n inda, k*. My bodll- health ia ferhle, and 1 am now about V. yeara uf Thia te-ider. reao of my tbruat caatt un af_,-t the year l?".i. and hae tt.iil led tee in aay pnvote ood profeaii.?>al buaioeaa. to that I lat,- never been fVre from it eloce. I tnii.k ruy eaee ie a bard ooe for a 'rial of your metieine. but I im-l ea to yoa one d llar. - hi.h I undoracond ie the otice. Pleaae aend uiw abottkt. If thie hae ognod erlect, 1 elioilnee,) to aend to vou again. Youra reepect^liy. JSI'ALMKR. Lrvor, Norembar IX I M .1 K VV'arrer .V Co ? (Jenth-men I Ahouf t??. weakaiiuoa, you aent me a bottle of VV itror't =-_?__ ol WiM therry, I bave laker neai 'y al1 ot It. ard Bnd ao ma. h relief in atu.g it 'hat I inrloae two dol'art for t?obottKt more. My eoufh. wbich bal heecme ?ery tevere. end araa weartog tna out v.-ry faat. haa ne*-ly txhtieed. I latte w-.tront rirnch otfort hy roliflhti t. a. ,1 the tend.-rnew m my throat i? very oineb relieved. It _-.-m? to me to I.e the ?nly < co waiob I can l.ok for pennanent relief. Roaaectfally yoaia J.8. PALV,*"; Kor eale tt whol.-t-le or rttnil *>v A. B. * I) Bonda, (rr. eral Agent. No |ia. KultMi tt . 1 hflBBBfl k Maxwell. No. a. VV iiham-tt.: J.-bn Milhau. No Ki riroadwav; Aetor auJ Irvi.-g Drug Sloiet. a-i.l N?. 11" Hrovlway. Ccgal Xotirce. 1K PI KSl AflCE .-I iiiioi.lrrof tlmNnrnitrate ? T.iSe-V-. - - .. herea-gnwnu, tllie-raoaa. ? ? -.- ,|....,?' Ki.W I iMI \ KOBBIMS. laieol ihaCuyof Bra lork, flaraaaafl, I |.re?..,t tl.e aaiue _ n, >.,,. i., ?, B_Naaa ta ll N iBreoflway tho CBaaf aVe?Taeh.aa Ol l..l.>retl.e .1.1 .l.j, ,,| Au|?-t ,.e,t. |. ,|e,l >ew y.irt. tll? 17111.0? ., I ._??-, II.* .trtV <N> H.lBBIN'S.AlR. IN ll R?i INCE oi bb ..r.lcr e/JE-UIE <\ SMITH, y-i. - ..-a.-e ?- ii? (.i.ntr ..I K,,.ga. aotire t* I ? . ? ? |M i-na...- !...?.im . Ia,?.a aaaj-tB r'EHDIKAM) ..KH.-l IHM Lirit. l?-e?iih- C,ir,,i IV.II.a.t i.,,,?i,,flaceoaafl. tbatthap are raaairi i ... eih,h,t u,a _....?. _-,tA ti ?>,,?, i .-r. ii..-re,.i. lotha toiieribtr, tt bw a_taef aWSaaoa I. . K i r- . . -??<?? II, 1 ,.i iiie c.i_, ..I' Bnaielra, oa er before lh. >. . IHud, J?oe Ifl, l_fl jeir u?' KU ii o;i> li r ua. idaa-aflBB-i JN I'I KSI .NCEol mn.r.!.?r of the AUNfa_i ofthaC. iaaa ef Baw- feet, ootiea i baeabB|rraa eealflaaeaaB bovtofl ra_ne b_bmm BLIXfl -hin? baa ,.i tl," f'.tr ofBew, > eaad, t. |..e-e?t tne .a,,,e. mi.i, l,,e.hera theraol, tl. loa it. e..i Oamtt B lie. ke,.,, r.ierii.d aaa Ma ita..... if.e (,:y ... .Sev. fork,, itrbfltn lha iweiu.eili <l.r .? lap le..,l,e, or|| l.alel >? ? l . < M .,, I,, IBA*. KM v lll IKl-KKK.. _..__.,___. Bil8U_'n.lri* J.ilis K BKAATC, IRia? atora. IN PI RS1 INCE ot nti ..i.i.-r of JE88I C IM1TH, Baa . BanoaaBl .,i tl,? CoooBJ ?i lhpt| u..o.. >a r.?|-. . I ?? .- lo a.l ( > la.ina againat, Ilr-Mll Jl'HOKNI - ? < ,i?;.,l ?V.II_m? .' Ibej. tre reajairrfl t,. etl?l?i Ibe .ame, wah tka tra. Ji'HV H l-oilllKJ, at h.a .lura N illl iUh ( ,'r ... New V.,rl. ?n ur balora Iba ITili -a. ol Botanbor oaal Dalad M.r ll. laia. MiuiiN ji H-iaaal. . . rglSIt J.llN II CORDM, , *-'"Bteraura. IN I'I KHUANCE ..I Binirderol tlw Nurroitata fB?wT 'k. ,..??,. l.-rel.- |oe,. _. all MtBaafl ba. na 'U,?.a aaaiaat JHHn ..MIm.IIIY hfla ..f IBa C.r o/ ^.,... n.enli.iul. .e.ej.e.1, |,, preaenl Iba taine -,_. ?,,u,l,ert tl..-,..,i ti, ? - .,,.., ,ef, al lha >._Ka?l r ran. m H/roa, l | .. B Coa Hall a???,.. lha C_9 ??' tmm r?ra, eo oa ?-..,laf "I J"i? '?'?'? llatad .N_* y.>rk_tho lllh iaaa. mkjmki. i.kiuuhtt, J1A AL,. i,a..,r. A<- "f aaeMaraaaad. "%'orirK.?A iranaatMMriwrad98S (fivchun _W Ire.l arr., Il,,r-r '???' ria- >i| l.a?n l.a.e. I,? the I'rutad ?U.??, la'.J Jaioiarir _-. |a/.i. to flAMBB ? KKKMH. a. |ra?l_a. aaA Iba warrsBt bat.aa It.led to reat-b Iba aai.i JAMKI a. VKKNCH, I ... tha 1Mb ... Jaaaary, |AI al 'IM < I i . ?? -:,.re... j,,en. lhat a_a_.b . ,.,..., ?,ll i.e maua u. tl.e ComBusaieaa* ef Peuamat l..r a A.,y' aia ol turb ?trraat, ,n t.i weet. altar tue fir-t p.O,.. a>,.I Uut a Baw Votb. Jaao Ifl, iaaa. JAMRBM rHV.NCH, jei; lawl .11, lr,l,?n?l>a.., Naa. Tork. r,.,r ,itr iiai.ta. a. .11. .tt.g Ul la*. tt .Ba a.irro _?-. ? Oflke.ia the C,l? uf Nr* V.rk oa tl.* .e.arnh .lar ?' 8-p. '?,.'" ',?!'. a. te....', k..k ia tba faraeaeaa ef _ae top,- i.i--i,i,mi tmkimetJune. || . ,. A. IV. BlUf.KOKII, rJurr,<al?_ SLTKEM- COURT.?In the mattar o( theap pli, aii..u uf tba Mtj-'.i, Alearatao ar.d* ?f tha C>9 nl Na* Tork, ralaina u. -ka .iwinag aad lajr.nj ..ut ?l a puhbe tttt*. kaaera ?* S11 | \'Bfl IM Si.i'AKK, ,u tha aavaataaolh u ufl ...... ' ( ty lha iBflan ajaad, Oa aheeaBaai of C?t,,uata anfl Atamemam >a tl.a are,.? ai.utlad outtur. barabf otm ". purtuaaB f. tba ttn, mmmmtt tt au a, t of tl.a Lag.ala.ura of tb** ,tt tbw S-a'a of N<* V..rk. an-tl*. "An act ti. aaMBd ta act ant.tlad as aet to ra.1 .,? aaveral la*. relating part., .kirli tt. U,a C.lf ut Baw Toit. into ..i.a 1.1,'" pt?ae-l kpttttt, ia*., i...l alao tb* act eBtitleJ "Ao. A, l <t> in.H.j ... a. t e,,t,.U-,l ar. a, t d relation ?_. tba C.lla, uf A.aaaamru'a aoflToaaaia U.e IVjr and Coontgof Baw Tork, aod tor otle,, pattetl Mag lt. IB40." paaae.l Maf f, latl, to tha. eaOOr BI ownera, or aarupanta af all hooaaa, anat .,i,pr,.??e ..r tttepnmot Bafle a*e, t*e tb*r*br, BBB ' . etea u.eir an - .1-4 Ka.mata aad IttattoinaB ,? lha above oatiM ntttar, an. '1, t aii p?ra... ? *),..aa aotaraata ara. onV. t'rl there..*. anr1 wbo m?f Oe npona*.] to*r*t|n*a_H( t, areoooj ia w iu..g, ? E. DCLAriKI.U SMITH, F?q U.e>of tba aa.,1 Cmmiaamnera, at rua o-b-*, No. ii at.. tn liieCif of Naw York, thirty eagt froro |E flata _iaaooiea An.i loaii.'.* I,m,'t ?i.rjri. afl bv Baa a-MBSaS aa- n ?-e a.,J aa-etan.en a.a aa lollnwa, tbat .tto aay : ? All tba luta? pw, m ...par. rh ,.ila.,.t, tttaata, li.,.. ar_l tanof ia _? IMb aod I7U? Warfll ./Ib* (rltof N-* V ri, tr?nt,,4 or rjingou lh*a_at*rlp ?r .,.!? ..I' Tl,,r,l a? . Ijet?een tl.a airtlierfy aat* ot B.IUi tt. aaa, - j .e.e ?t Kigh'ti at ; aha. ti,* t>l<Kb .a tba ta,. VVarB t,., .n.le.i ut A.t'.r place,, TMffl-av. and Iba How*? t a - - k i,.. wn a* .I'.yaaaant t<|?ar*, bt.anda.1 by aiiU. #C , S> e,.'., ?t, Ihirn a?. and ihe H-.werj.. and alao all tl.a lota,?ataa ?r par. aia ly,.,g o, fr.,nl.._ <>i> (ha wavterly ka* er ..U of lha. Kiw.ri. t,e-.e?i, lha ao'.th-r'y li.,. ,,r ...I* ,.. A.i r p'a. _ and laa kut.wn br U.e .tr-at nnro-er BH Hr.w.r., ,n> lu.,kf taal loB tH Btwery, at la?1 o.t and deaainated oa tla lamag* aafl ,,e..eii, rnapa uaed by fhe aat.J Conrm.a.e.n*-. oa II* em aareaa..!, ,o Ui* Sttmt, Cimm.t-'orier'a >dBr* uf tb* C.ty et $.-* V'.rk. AnJ tB? ta,.| t'..,?,.......-?era Ointimr ooft not**, tBoB U.e .n.eo-le.l Kept.rt and tl.e ..r,|,r_l Keport >B 'haaBoaa ant'tlaat ... - - t .preu.e Court >.( Ibmilmltuf N*w Yi.-k at a law .al T-rni ei the aaU Oaart, (o b* hald it tba Crtjt H. i nl tmtCta ol Naw Y. rk. oo Rat.rrlay, Iba lltt dayof Julf. ia..;, a.?i ti,. ih4HB aafl tbaa, or oaaooa BBBaaaaaa a* <_.una*i ?aav te beard, t ,i baa * I ',? ma.* ta,J ai._..?l*d K*y..rt aad one ir..l Kept rt -.e... nl rn ed .'."tn.,.-. -rtieir^ tea, tbat U.e tup plnaaatal coata, charaaa OOd -ti.t.-iraerriar.ta torierei bt tmtutot Ihe ?at ee.. , |- m ? he ,?..,.. ?r,ntJeJ maiiaf. will b* taiad by tbat H H- rt f E.lwarla, at th* flupre,,-. Cnuft <*hamh*rt; or ia. ca?*..l h.. - - t-'let ?t Um aad Coaaty of Baw Y.rk. at 'K*C-r H. ' ?' tb*( ?? ?i Nt* Y..rk. on tb* lath day _0 J .hy, iBrVa, ttV'i'eltak ",'be u.rerea.o I?t(*d N*w Vork. 1 tae IT, ?_ 1AI.MAN J v -IKKa, 1 JAMVeH riSCKUtr, > C-jmu^?noere. t. ?,. i ...r i.i. aaiTH.) tttmttl B Da.iat. Atr.n.ey Mi Bf SI PREME OCM RT. Kifie" i-'ounty.?Sarauel M ? lt > r --h Vaa Alat, Vie, ,.tr.i nt th* laat w,tl .,.:?? ...ri e, A . V. v l.flacaattw, .*)" -,ael V anan and , , . ._*, fhi'l.. (.e.t tnd Haoaaa, bia w.fa, f.r .g- r e tr.l K rinor I... * e, VV !.?,? Van AUt, Jarnb Vaa AM V4... V.. a -? W aat fl Kr-tan and Hary Aaa. bit w.l*. aaA ?l,e .-elendan.a NICHAKI. VA HUN BAKIA V tV AL_r. VV II.I.UM A HHirTANaad BAKT ? - ? taia-aafl aafl tijiwe_tooaewiatr' , . ... t. >d .n tba -By a .< tb-- Cl^h ., ,M,|.(:,-,,,Br-okl,..o.U.*Ma J7S1;. - *v^^?4^i%5S ^TStf-aB-ryB ' ' '/, -i.e-rt torth* -befdenan 1*4 ,n tb* ' . 7!I,M* lar* W B. LIIN, aou,pJaiau-liai-e a.- T?-k.-._* *? '?? AlUrfaay. SrpRKMK COL'RT, Kitigra Coanty.?John B ? h a aa-iaw J-*o 8?ran.-B.mmo_* ?or __?-?y l*_t_afl ". . . ,' .. ...,. i fOBUBBWAB raaarehaaoBf .,?,..? n-d *-d r?au.r^ to aaawar >ba cotBf-UK ia tbaa ariwa, h1 cl, wa* tb-day tte .n_a oflka ol tba Clark af tb* touaty _f _.?. ,? tt* ( ty Hall, ii. _-Crty ofBroollyB. aafl laeerve aeoBT ? ,. . .-r -..-._? tajfl cumylaiBl on tbe tukaenbara, at tb-( of .s 4. Ailantj- at, in th* taid C.ty _f Broobrya, w.\_.atw?atr Uf'taflar ib* *er?ae ./. U..'t,,mov.o* oo yoa, nrluatt* of tba dajg e . acd .1 gaa Bul to aaawar tb* _ud w.U-B _.? tiot* _l..r*-_d, tb* ya.Btifl'.a U_* artioa wiB uke lu.lgm**. itttmn yoa for th* *?? of foar koafli-fl aafl BR* ngbt a.,ri_ t aaB ,4htwi eaaa. witb .ataraat frota tb* BKb day of Dieflir, 1051, _a^a*tb*.o-U *ftb4a Brtwa.-Dai_d May 11. lOM. ^yOBIawlOwTk* TAYUlR k CONOIT, PlaiauTa A_Ka*y_ LPREME COL'RT, City and County af New York-K CONKI INO.l. J CNKLINd, aad J. V C'.NK LIN??.??*.?'? H. PKli.HAM.- SunrMioa (or otoaay Itwaafl em , ntrai.?1>, Ux l??f*r_ar.t: To* ar* baraby euaasaofl aad ra t r*d _. a->w*. l_? con.yla.ot io tbia acuoa, wb* k waa IM ia Iba 0*c* of tb* Clerk af ?_? C.ty and Coaaty of Naw Tork, at Ib* C.ty Hatl ta aaW Crty, oa th* 16th 4ay ol Jua*. IflW. aod te eerve a eoaf uf your a-aw*f to tl.* aa_ rnmy__at oa tb* aaberribar, at ht4t?t, |t?. II Ei.taoge pl.ra, ,d aa.d Crty, w.tbia tw*?y _?" *?*_'?_? aervew of lh*a iara_oaa oa yoa, eadaaj-e of tbe 4ay af ?_ B_j ?_*! aad r? yoa t_l ba aaawar tach (oaa?_a( w.ib.a '?M_^rT_: ?ifl, tba y___fl. .a tb? artwa -.B ua. rtmtmtet mummjmmr ib* eaat af aaa b*adr*fl aafl a__tty on -*-ar* aafl ".">:__, __S Ui* aaa. w **? a?_*r?. aa* wu- _?? ??? . - ?TV .. . ?_i ___M ..Ut ,atr-_t froat tb* _ttb dv ??f__*-_"'^l_t__t_- J-aa \o\mt^Jt\m^m*m^