Newspaper Page Text
BOtlHESS H0T10ES Tt!*-. TlMKS ll.l.l sTRAThll BT K>OX' 11 Al * ? Ncthing cou'd be more cooclualv? of tbe ger.-ri pin,i i-i \ tl lo t-. |icatB?a*_n < f Ksox'.wperb Hat now d.lVa **en 11. L-oariwey aud other taahi.nahle thorougt far**. \Vorn by all etaaaas of tbe maaculioe gaoder, may _ ?peak the m.k. r'. j.? pu'ar.ty sud Uie diacarnment and goo U.te 1 I the public. hvu .at No. I tt Kullon-*._ Si ffic Hat**.?A full supply of tbi popular .**iiminci Straw Hat at retaiL ai introduced b E_A_t 1 Co., Leartenof Faihion, Artoi Huu*e, rLoadwa. Lace Curtains and Marseille Oiu.Ts-A la'.e vanety. iuat __*i?ed perateamer Afnci ln lot* to euit puii haaere, hy itmadwa OBtariWAr. BBOTiir.a - Co, No.?_ i.ru_i?ay. IV Renaniori ?.f JStraw <*<><*?* ar Free rir.*,Ko.iBWNavjt. J_-*?S?KrTfSiS Hatm reduced -" penent- B___S__?? .au oear Gold- _ . r_T Se-eral Gbbbb ot Eindroi-lered an pUn^Vce,"dH/,e",ctl, trom l-H. . O. T. OB.B 1*4 I Aator Houae prorure of them the mo*t fa?hionable Clothing, at a ver* ing taa upon your purae, e.|m 1 to the beat I'aria or Lon COf-?o__.Tion in Warm Wf.ather. Tboee troubled with profoae per*pir*tion dunng Uie b weather ahould call at No. I"l Howery, and ? xamine tl celebrated "/-epbyrMeiu.o 1 nder Ve*-*," forsummei wei Tbay are geutle at.*. r'^i,:. ol p^r.piration. < nllug, elaiti and an erJectual *afeguard aga'n.t any -uilden chl la. . Ramjin A Co., Ho.i*ry and I'ndergarinenU, No. I"l B01 aaj______ Jenmnos ic Co?The Secret of thei Boccr.a..?Purlng tbe twenty aeven year* JiNsiaris AC bave been la boaineia. tbe ready made clothing t-ade 1 tbiaclty ba* mulUplied a hundred fold. Yet thia ceiebraU firm retain tha lead they took at firat, by furniahin. wh** 1 Btber eatabuahment: n tbe I'nited .s_t? hai ever furni.he. Tli raady-made clothing a* faahionahle in -cut, a. fait..f'Jlt made. and aa beautifully tnmmed and twiahed^a. any rnec tomaaBareiaNew-YorVor aay ___r mt*. ******** eeur iee* at once __t there is an air, a sty Ml"? ??? g" tllity, about tbeircoau. *aek.. '??**. P"^?m*?l ?_._."1 ?__-.., _-T-__mi_i_r?g ?55__JJ?_1^--^ New Sttees at Union Hall.?Th< Ll l -?? ??"- Maim.Dfh ClothincWarehoiiae co. ner of KulUn and N__au-sM. Bt. tho-J _?__"'X__ Wbitr Lineu Uuck Coate aud Stnped BaawaaaBsSB? BgBB i. nothiag like th. 10 ir, the market aa re.ard. I ut, 99*9*9 a chiapnea*._. ~""__r Aitdrei-b & LANPaiER, Merciianl ____t*t*mkZLtice,tndibeaaaalCii aii-a_ag__ Tiie 1'm"> Hali F-k<?p-?Never iri WM luatoryo! the CtoO-Bg taatBaaa JMg?**_j_"_25 tven au. h * ontinuo.-. ruah BS ta KO08BSI .Ma iiuiott Ckahina Warehouae, I ..i?a Hall The puaion for hi.als gant clothing " mm -ka tb. ch.lerV tha whole city hai ,_u*bt the lnfection And 1, 1 wond-r. foi when alsa c? ?oeb clothing b* boi'.ht for *urh pnce* I The public an aegacioua. They know ibut foi cheapuea* and MabJoa com bined tbere ia no place like I'lioN HaI.i., corner ofFultoe and N _.e>i st*. Keep up Appearances.? 1 _tfoni/.e Bmith k Bi.l.'* City Wareroomi, No. 1"2 Kul'onit. Yoi can trillin, don Faibiou*. Frencii CJaiters, Bcbkmb, Ties Blifi-eri, Ac?Tbe*e article* of Camru.i. _. _A-OV nutf_*s manufactuie, can be found in great vnriety of qual ily, atyle, *i_e, color and nrlce, at their eatabli.liment, No 3'ili' Bowery. Ladiei, ca'l and .-xainine the aaaortment, an. do notforgetto iook at tbe celebrated Lincii Oaiteri fo trareliDg and rammer we._ DRE9S BHOKI AMi (i.AITKRB.? tlova nioch money ls thrown away by buying poor bots and iboei True ecoLomy teache. that the beat article ia the cheapest At W'ATKiN*r*, No. 114 Fulton-.t , rione but the heat uualir I* ever oftertd. All the good. *old at tbat farihionable ei Uhli.hnient e_. be wairai.U-d to wear well, and a aelectioi can be made freoi the large.t aaiortinent of Ityleiia tli UnitAd State*._ |_r Rrady's National Oallery of Da neiieotype*, No 2t A Broadway contaimng tbe largeat col leclion of valuable Portrait. 111 eM.tence, wiil he open 01 Moad.y, the Bt- of July, from ??? A. M. till 11'. M. All 11 want of line Pietures are invited to call. Higheht Premitm Oold Pbrb.?Thi wholeaaie price* of Si-kn, i.k *. IU mh.i.i.'* Premium Ooli Pem have of late been much reduied, and the retail price reduced about one half. Now ia the time foi tlirne that wau a Pen unaurpaaaed in tlie world to aupply Uiemielve* fo a reiy *iuall amount, at No. 2 Maiden-lane^_ California (^uartz MimifS.?Thf Bublieiireipeotlully invited U call at Boiron A Brl's No 64, eait of Broadway, and .xannne a ne? Cluaitr Mill of novel coinlructlon and extra)rdin.ry > fli ien cy Wheel* weighiug lew tbau ba poun.l* will ea.ily crual the bardi-.t i.r Hi..i e It will be ruur.iug fiom 10 A. M. ti 12 U. every day thi. week. Si-sks Eaii-iiK.n Bl Atmosi-iieric Pres* m kk- - M> whlcb proce.a, yard nu_aiice. are removed in tlu day time, without any unpl.-twant ttlluvia whatever. Or d.ra left at Ihe ottlce ofthe RBW-YoBK PnBVM.TK Ukmm INIi ANI) MANl'IAlTtKIM. Co.MIANV, No. ifl MaUglU-*L will be punctualty atiended to. *_P* Housekoepers aml other9 in want ol Bedding, Red.teada, Ac, would no well to call at Wn. LARU'a old aatabliahed W'ari-rooina, No. IV1 Cliatham-.t., aornerof Mullierryat.. where may Ih* fouod the largeet aa? aortment of article* io bia lineevei otfered to tbe public. IF" Fowlebs ic Wells, Phrenolo^iets aad Publlahera, Clintou Hall, No 13] Naaaau at., New-York, BBd No. 142 W_inngton-*t., Bo.ton. Ca"* l-iirty Second-llaml Pianos, from MHafl niflTT DAVIS BOO- celebrated Eolian Pianoa. Alao, 1'iano* from 7 or H of the m _er*. Per* sonacan thu. coinpare. and *elect the be*t. Price* low.? Caah paid for new 01 Ai-haiid Piano* OOLLU _ BEUKV, No 2ST7 Broadway. I5F" "I was utt. rly ast'inislu*<l at its cf fcct, B8 I generally pionounse itich thinga biimbiisi. Hut, Slr, in thi. caie it ii a very agreeahle reallty, that my hair i* fully re.lered, after a haldne** al \2 yt 11*. I can recotn mi-nd with certainty LTOM*! KaTHAIBOB to all who ara Uiieatened with haldne*. 01 g .y hair R E Si 1 1 oa, I'h , 1111, Ohio." I'ri.-eouly .ScenU 4S0IJ by every diiggut 10 the United Btate* E. Thomas LTOM, No ltil Hroadway, N. ^ Hair Dye am> Wm.i.--Batchelok'? Manufaatory for theae article* I* celebrated tn all part* ol the aa oild; peraon* wiahing a li^ht, elegant and durahl* W'l< or Toupee can (urely be *uited. Hia Hair l>ye la applled, (a *ure ruarantee) or aold, Wholeaale or Retail, BtNo. 4 W'all-?t. Copy Uie addreaa, beware ol uoiution*. A Kll.HT AMONl. THE HaI'PV FAMIL\. ?Aceitain bad gray hair lor twenty yeari.hui Wben Da*. IS. llalnene . .t among them, u atat. ol Bltalr. happeued ; barinony wa. I'onipletely reatored. Ba th< dlaapp. aiance ot hi-^ia\ wafea. Thia ?otidi-rful preBBiati acted upoo Iha root*. called 1110 aclion ih.- in.-rt C'loriiui alanda, and 1. pro.iur. .1 the l it alao naa.l<-thr bair grow inor. photifulK an.l gBT* 11 a natural |loi * I'i SO centaper I*.tlie K'o: sala al ibe la-netal di-pol. No. 9XA Orand-.t. and at (loa. IU Broadway, 279 W'aahinftoB-cC, _-' lliid*on??!., 127 Bow.rj New 1 orh ?n.i N.... i:> Kal tou at, and UL Atlantic-.:., lliooklyn. The Eye. ? Waldstein A: Bkckbl, tbe eminent Opticiam from Oermanv. have removed fruru Ka. 41* to No 491 Hroadway. Ha>in* te.ted tbeu *kiil ln aMiatiog imperfect or loipaiied vrarion, we are able to epcak warmly m ita favor. Their Teleacopee, Mu-roa-npe*, Opera Olaaa**, Spectacle*, _.-., are un.urpawed [ Tribuue. AiKNoaa i.kih.kd at F.ast.?Rrad what Or l alveit Holland aay. alwut \a' a i i-'s Nervo 1. \ntidoU>. uidoieiiig and coiiolviatiug ..11 the cla-.m. for it " A* tbe n.*au* l.y wlnch the nrraou. ?y .-?. 111 be tli.vouthlv reno rated, aud all nenroua di*ca*ej . b! te.ated f fiame, by the __fO_nctM of ElectroMagi . -i.- Toinc, W'ATT.aN Nen-oua Antidote 1. Ihe -reateat d ?cover\ of th:. ot any other age." 8ee tha Lawaai.d Actoii 01 the N'ei.ou. .**>itei-. J I'i si.. No. 18 Aun it. DEAia AS \ luiOR-NAIL, STARh AM> *TIKf The catifl Bed buga lie, K'aio ou the in.ta-it, by a whifl Ot LraS-S Powder. iuat a* ll Aaiarl bad huatle.i by. Aod dead a. Juliu. Caa. - Tbe Rat. and Mice k-el e'or, Foi LffOH'S Pillatheir ki.i.reiio, And from their hole* they come?vU* crew? Todie upon tbe floor. Peaot for LVOM'S Powder and Pilla (now told at the ra* duced pnce of _< cent. the box 01 fiul.) No _4 Broadway. X3T Hastincs _ ('ompound Syrup of Naphtha, not only a poaitive but a warranted cure for Con wimptn.n and all other Dieeaae* of the Lunga Thi* medi ?ine haa decided the diapute about the curahihty ,f t n aaimption, aud aatiatied the Medical Kacultv and all wbo bave uaed it, Uiat Con.uinntion and all Affecti,>n* of the Lunga canoot only be currd. but Uiat tbey are raailyand ?:m Ply cured, aa almoat any of the di*order* to which tlie human name ia liable The operaPon of a aingle bottle, whlcb ao*t* fl, U *u_cient to aatiafy anv patient?if not altogether toofargone in the dieeaae?,.f tbia fail, and even a_ii?ledo*e ITtve* evidecce of tt* extraordinary lufluenee m arreating and aeadieatina Uiemaladr, by Uie immediate relief which it af a>t_a. Thi?i?noquackoiaec_tre?edy. Dr. Haitinci, ita a ,"*''*,(>li'"1 tbeiuiiat eminent phyticiani of the age, and lia. made a full diat lostire of ita hiatoryandail it* compo awwjB?irl? to the worhL not wubing to lucur U10 re.po.-i_bih Uh_J, _!_U"!' ,to lim-**"- _B the aake of prt.tit, a aecret _a^__!_iCul*,*J,,0(1*,,uch oa'veraal g<A_. And .uch _^a_hVj____WT_J*,ful re?*lt*uf lU operalion. Uiat Um _bv_.u__lci_fi.ij *C*K*1 Tamet, and the mu*t eminent l**1^*^^^ tbat at all knowni^S^lrT?* to_XU __! fro,]*iM*t Imkai itoelhcac, b,^nd^_hi.1'^8(r.hV ^'^7 attab, Oaa aad other dLttl^f^^L*^00^ cunD' <;??"??_ HaiTiau.'i C__a__J^vt.J_**,n J^t ?r_t ****'?>J?*J ?' oaa-tvot pubtirt_. l^gt-_-*l>'?**--8lfla88a Bkaam caa BaaaaBBB-Skl immmttX ln *"'? _f_8 wbo have awl lt. and ?bSS'mi___. __l_ _^___ -" bottle but would be wiflP. !?*?_________ *k,en, ? fcw.1. a* otbai* have a^rr-Vdy fal\S__,",tV,C.,to ln to Probahlr two-Uiuda of ihe _U_^ph^&^^i of tb* Atlaauc are now o_Ug 1Umin_?-? JW_sT?"d"? Iheir IIMIIMlll.aaj manvo, them SwSiSBfi mo_. for tb* cure of Contumptioo, aad all Dweaaaeuf ,_. Luags. antlrely Uirougk it* meau*. A**net for N*w Yt__ ?_d ?4oiBity, C. T. Ct-icaeaaa k Co^. 8l*i_iiaj^_ I3T CrUSTADORo's celebrated l.iquid Halr Dya, for Colorlog the Halr or VVhlakere 'ne-otor. opoo r ato.-ai pet-Ciplee. aud warrant-- free from oll ceuatlo aub at.oc-a. la appliV3 daily. ard to'd wholeaale aod retail-al IRIITADOR-'J VVig ana Seolp Eatabliah-ieBt, No,B Attor Ho-ae N B-Private rooma for appiying the Dya and fittUvft on Wi|a. _________ Cape Mat.?To Let, at a moderate r> oi. on i ape laland. a very decrar.le . ottaflo, eaitablo for BgentlruiB.'. aud faru'ly Alm-iet opponte lo the Meaeio . llo'.te. ond partly furuiebed. It otfer. an excellent ae.l tm veni'-i i rarnje from the beat of th* city during tb- ' Kor f iiiher | ei.icuiara, ir.quire lt. tl. ? JB.-oa.l way. _ Missr* EniTORs : Rumor having at tributid not rimoving the plate over tbe glae* in Mr. Clay a burialcote wl..!e i t',,i e 'j t ? * chaiige ln bit feotureeren denr g them repolelve. and ttiie impreeeior. beiig erroaeoue, ar,d- Bt ulated to do the propr.etoreof fitk't Meu'bsBunal caae aninjory, we heg .eave. throujh the cola-ie of your paper. to correct the tama. tbe Committee hanng coDtrol of the removal of the corpae to Krntccky. witb a v.ew to avoid tb* r-mftiaion ond deMy conae'(oent upon the irrepreaeiMedeaire tc, linaer, tipetani ted, to beholo tbe featutea of the Uluatrione and la-?entod de reoa. d. thaailit it odvteable to loetracl thaliihe ir pnbl. hlbltion tbouid not be made VV e were <_?'"??? ?&\0 ahould la .emoved, not only to ???? ? '?I'^aongr fiiend. .rid via.lom. ?.^^?"?^_^TaBM"^.-e?BVn in ?ea_r_or col<jrha_uker,,,^are. o op|K,:tonity ot pleRoedto avalloir^vetof aofav^a.riejn ^ ' .?rt'in.the.tilityof ?*-gJ J^mmZ ettmt. ?.ia. ? .. to do (Me we anneR be ow_ the e^ ^ .... u B. Wr <*j and W II PagJ"^,".'??._, msJu?r ,n ._, IhB'-oraBB ??-?'',^-"Ji"^ha_-m-erla_e BV*_BB '? proper l.flbt. -?^ _?.? &--M-- qualitiaa cUimmi for lhat oor <^'^^RV*, ,?.. _ Co . No. W Broadw.y. them. "?**?* . _, ______? Nt."-V"R_. July i. l"'i. VuT _|lMf. W. M. R-TMOHD cc Co. *..e^ i? r*D'T >o vour iB.iairiet re-pectiog the -'" "V,V ? CEo .*?! formth.-d f.r __ert- m.t of rv t v de.-e...ed. we bave to f .P, . Watbii.toi, City we bave removed the plah-over he -ce rep^ttUly .the liat occaei m of which waeon S.tur ?l ift_rBcPo* a few i laatai before uur arrlv ,1 oa the eara) * W v< itv. H - I ve (!?? pl* ? ? -I" I- --V I kJBfl "Ol " i, ..ToffeBM.reeor.o,,,.-. .lihou.'.-tl.e caae baa been au. '. ted to e eevere teat from much b iad lo* lo cryln. it to .__ r,.r__-t ea Blaoea ..paoioted ln the BBVBf-l dttoa wbere *.e.[oppViWJi, eJ"Te thet tt vd b. ,,,_eh - x?o,.-_ d..H..aaeverai dayt''"- "?' r ??' '" ?*"u f"ture .<?"'"?_: at ll we have no doul t in tieing obl. U> de iver the renaaint .,' tl,-f,.mv -.r.dfri'-nde at Aahland in ti.cb ,. si .te of pre ';.,?,, ?mt tl.ev tnay babcdd h.t aaata-fl without any Thi Thm* Pn tures. ! _ | golden eun waa ihining In full mendian hlaaa, When I waa made tbe tnrget Tbat gathered ap ble raje. Marv.?Twaeeunand ahade to^etber, Like good a ,1 int_ed, When I, Rt one bne' tirttn., la very true wa- 6xed. J (Ni..?The ra'n waa pourinc maily, Tbe day waa dark and drear: \\ ben I. with much miagiviog. Sat ae vou eee me bere. BfOTHBB ?Well I tun. and thade, ond ehowet, Bl m e.jiiallytoiuit; Al! pictarea are BB perfect. Vou mutt have been to R,> >T. .Magtiificrnt taken in all aorla of a RoOT*l Preiiiium (iuil.-ry. No. 3o-il Bro4vlway. ?EW-Y()RK? .m:\vvoiik, thi ksdav, JULY s, l- ?-?? For Pruideni, WINF1EL.D HI4ITT ef rVew-Jeraay. For VUt-PruUlenl, \v 11 l l v >i A. C;itAHA.n of Nerth-CarollBW. tW The Tribtme l* aerved ln thia City. Brooklyn, Wll llomeburgh acd Jereey City for 1__ eente per week, payable to the carrlara. Na_efl aeot through the Poit-Otlice or Peany Poet will be prou.ptly placed upon the Carrlera* booka. tW Tar. Whu. Almanac for UM. eontafne the eomplete votefor Preaident ln 1844 aad 1B48. For aale at thia office. Price 1'.. centa. II can ba obtaiued la Boltiuiore, at Bur C?ee k Taylot'e. IV Meaare DbRBT, Orto.v A C"., Oenevo, eupply tbe Kdition of The Tnbune at 41 P. M. Conorkss.?A joint rcsftlution was in tioilu.-.'il into the Senate yester.lnv to for and fix pricaa for tlie Poblk Pliat?If. A bill in r.'pnr.l to tho safety of p.-isscngera on steam veaaels araa diBCoaaed aad orderad to bt printcd. Its in onlinnli- l.-n^lh i- its principal f.atuie. I'hern araa baialy a qaomin oi Banatoi- in attendanc., and no mtcrtst was manifi>te.l in thcprucrrdings. ln the Honaa, Mr. Iloi -ro.v ina.le a sprech op po-ing the Colliofl uppropriatiun. The iippropria t.uii of $360,000 for the San Frun. i-io Mmt araa paaaed, und tlie Hooaa Bdjournadt I3f** Jlon. llell decline.s fot reasons pxclur-urlv paraooal the orTl.-e of Saeratarj ofthe Naw, raoatad bj the tasigaatim of Hr. (Irnham. We B_M learn that the oili.e haa not heen ten dered to llon. A. Evans,as reported. and it is aaid that he.wonlil prolmbly not ne.ept if the olTer ehould be made. DaHIX- Wkbbtkr iji thk FiSLDt?We learn from reliable sources that Mr. WsBSTKR, wbikBpaBBIBg through Philadelphia vesterdav. ifl understood to have diatiactlj accaptod the NativB Aiiietienn noinination for Preaident, aayinj* tn bia qnariatai "(ientlenien, 1 will stand tlie fire.'' Wlii ther the Hnn. ptiitleinan was really nerious, ,,r pliving oll one oftboae 'I'itiunc jokes of which he is at very remote periods ^uilty, we are not prepared to say. The _rand reception in [irepara ti.'ii lin -im at lloston will undoiihtedly draw him out, and then tlie country will be delivered from theanxietv which mu.-t e\er attach t.. uny move ment ui which the Secritary may be even by iiu plicatitm aagagad. all poSBBflB their aouln in putience. Bf Tflkorai'h.?The remtiiu of Mr. Cl av atriv. d in HutVulo, onTnaadav night. There araa a torela-fhi procaMioa to meet the funeml eoitege. The was inmiediitcly put on beard the t!imn. r l!u, keM Stute for (.'leveland. The body arrived at Cleveland al noon yeater dny. where tbe Kentueky I'oininittee arare in araitiag. Al 1 P.M. the eortagaatarted for Cin cioMti. ll purnian.. ol' aa aiiniiynioiis .all puMished ? aee k Bfo nt Boatoa, a haadfal of naa aasembleil iii't aifhtal Kane il HaU aad enaetad tha absord faice of reji'i'tinc the noniinatinn ot* <>'en. S. ,,i i "in behalf of the Whifa of Massach Tbaaa beajghted iadrndoala, BBarehiag ia >ol cinn proeOMioa ia rearofa dozen "wli., ic-i.Ne tlmt ihc\ willdoall thev know how to de fcat Gaa. 8cott, wbieb ta oqahaleai t.? aaymg th. \ inean to >ote lor Piercr, attkaogh they have the shamelessne.a to make Mr. W'ebater's name tbe biidge on which thev piopose to go over t? Taaasba, Stapbaaa a. Co. Tl,.- ? h. -ap. _Mi,d Ohio Canal ta ta be re opeaad on the l.?th inst. Tha Caaada arrirad al Bootaai jrestariajat i P. M. Ht-r maiir. will reach There haa been a larpe tire in Manchester, .N. 11. ? -? DK.MOl UAIV AND FAKTT. A Democrat by tratle and an American on sptculation ha. undertakon to write "Tlielli.t.iry of Democrat y in the United State-." Such a work m tfau title fairly inplld would bc instructivo and usel'ul". Totracc the pradual evolution and devel opment ofthe De_MKI?tic principle through our Colonial and subseijuent history?to -how where one barrier afier another si lently yieldcd to the leatOM of experience and the dictates of principle?how r? -?? tknn on the Eifbt of SutTrage were gradu ally diminifehed or remored?how Elcctors of President, at first almo-t uniformly ihosen by Legialatures, and Judge. of Courts. formerly all nomiaated by Gover nors, ha-e. in one State after another. been subrnitted to the ordeal of popular election, ktU 6cc, with the result of auch chaoge*. WQuld proTe of kcalimable bcficfii to ^a? I i tinnsstill blindly gropiag in th'' thickdnrk ncaj wfceaeB o?e>i has bbborgmt}, and to Sfatps whi..h still !a_ behiad the general line of advannemert. A truly impartial hiatory of DeBBOcratic Pro^.i'*8 in Araer ica, with it* re.ult4 and le-*sons, w.mld prove a yaluable ad'licion to f-very rrpi b lican'* librarv. Bnt the work ofwhhh the fir**t num;>er is ln fore us ii of a very dirl-rei tt chara<*t.*r. It was vrrittca ity a portiaM, to subiert-e the endsofhi. party, and m.t ine_itab!y labor throui-hi.ur. to shape and color the facts so as tr> magnify and strt-ngrhen that party. It ianot a mirror wherein all uiay sie their faultsrfllected ard be admoaished to Brnend. bat a wiz/.ard'? g'ass, which showd thirigs not as they are, bat as the contriver would bave thfui appear. Tae aiifbor set? out with these awrcping asser tions: "Tbe Whi.* party, In the I'nlf. BtBBBB, represeots th<* conierrativ.- prlnnpl.-. Wbat the ? entripetal toree Is to tbe planet, Uiis pnncipl.-1* 11 the *oul. Tne party pre irribes lo Itself a narrjw dn le, and cntrsli/.-i fti ob jects. It assumes to ba tbe conservator ot ligbt, and dalma tbe prercgaUvc of standing between tbe great source of its rays aml the v.-iit multiturles of men np in they weie made to ihlne. It ho'di back, wlUi drawi and tuin* back ia its policy. It ls Umid douhting and selti.h. It clairoi r.ile in proportlon to its knowl edge, fnrr-etting that It is blinded by Iu poisosston of wirtlth, and decelved by iu lnordln-ite love of piwer. " lt legs the whole .pieiUcn ln diipute. rrnctirally it believe* that man wa. made for go.prnment, and not govetnment for man. Its adherenu have but h falnt cocception of a eommunity of*. or of the uoi yerei.lity ofprogresi In their heart* they liave a recor.l r.f bran- for every error and e rre.* of llberty, but on their asponge to Llot out the foulest snd bia _?>? troacberiee ot deapotiirri When ln p.wer, they *top tbe great wheels of adveneein?*nt, ai if they were the legatee. of a de.ea.ed natlm. Inttead uf beln. the ag.-nu ta do the busiue.s ol lt* (Jovernment for the futur* good nf the people. The party l? professedly and onflently paiernal ln its measure*, but It admit* nf no limlt to the perlod of minoriiy. It seeks to exert s perpetual .mardlanihlp, that the peopl.- may b>- .-arerl lor. hat not tmsted. It becomes exhatuted by its sole reliance on the resources of Its artlricial and construcUve policy, and dir'uled on questlon* of eipediency as to means for ron tlnuing or iwMalillalllllg Its etrenfllh nr ajeendonry. The efement of rivalry i-xeita a greater power th?n lu lore of barmony for the common _ooi. It Is not only false to jirlncipfe. but faithless to lu own men. They are sacrtticed to serure atriillngcxpedient of temporary policy. aml present a\ ailabillty tn retainlng power ls prl/id abovi- a future permancnt good. " II lt may be pennltted to uie Uie exp-esilon, with? out otlensr, the back oi the party ls ever turned u.t.n th. pre.ent and the luture. The pirty dwells on the evants of Un: past, and ts so intently tixed ln its gtt/.e upon wbnt has been, with a vlew to tha mere repcwa. Uon ..f measurea of former tlmes, aud without much con itderatlcn of the. hant-e?fi irrumatancei, Uiat they forget to move onward, or to leave the track of power, until cru.hed by tbe party engine* of th.'ir i pp< nent*. It ha* more rt\erence acta of men tbao contilence In the government of f Iod vested In the instincts and cx perlence ofthe peopl.-. "Tbe Demoeratii- I'urty represent.thrrrcat principle of progress. It Is onwaril nnd outward In Its move ment*. lt has a heart lor action and motive. for a world. It constitutes the principle of di'tuahn, and ts to Himanity what the centrlfugal force lato tbe r-'rol rlnp orbs of a unlverie. What motlon ls lo them, De mocracy I. t<> primlple. It I. the .nui In ar-tinn. It con form. to the provld.-nre ofUod. lt hai cafidence In mnn, and an ablding re!i:nre in hia hiith diatlny. It sieks the largfst llberty, thegreatfit gool and the sureit happiuesi. It almito huilil up'ln- -rent Intereiti of the many, to the leait detriment oi the few. It re mrmberi tbe pa.t without neulerting the preient. lt MtAbHibi. the pr.-n-nt wiUioiit feartng ta provldo for thefutare. It eare. for the wrak, while it pannlt- n. Injuitlce to tlie itrong. It conrjui'n the opprcasor, and prapares Uie *ui.j.*cts of ta/raaoj f >r firaawaa lt melts tliehl.ot'i hfart tomeeknc-iiand racnncileu lilimlnd lo knotf-Tf-dtre. It dl-peli the clouds of ignoranre and iu per-titinn i.nd prephiesthe projtle for iistrn'tloa and sell rrrpert. lt adds w i-dom to legialaUon, and linprov Pil juilgmi-i t tn gi.\rri)ini-iit. It favor-enterpri.e thnt yiclds a rewardtothi* many, and a-i industry th it li permanent. It is Uie ploneer af Humanlty?Uie conser vator ol naUona It P.l_8 OHXI WH9M it tkaiici to i I nn k to itski.k. \ nx P0F1 r i i i'X Dei h i. prored t;> be both a provi-rb aud a prejlctioii." ? Of course, having made these sweep ing assertions at the outset, tbe author is under a moral nccessity of t^isting the facts into an appearance of conformity thereto. Whenever he finds a iart mili tating against the propo9iti^ni which ho sets out to ejtaldi.-ih, he must either 9lur it over as insi^nilioant or pettifog it into eeeming CQMJBtBBcy with his thfory. H<* has unfitted himsclf for his self-rhosen ta*k by prostituting it to the serrice of his own avarii e and hi*- patrons' ambition. Ilernocracy being a prinr-ple whi. h any party out of power is likely enough to pro fe88 ar.d any jtarly in pnver quitc as likily t*o yiolate, he has stripped it of its naturul defense in the pipular jcaloasy of the poesessors bf power by teaching hisreadert to expet t all good from one party and ap prehend all e-il from the other. Hisdisci ples will be incited to judge measures by their labels ruther than their intrin*ic cha ra. ter, acd to rely more on well traced genealogie*a than on essential right and wrong. We litt* his Phaiisaic a9sumptions abot. quoted to the bar of Rearson. We appeal from his groundle**.** assertions to notoriou*. facts. We challenge him to point os to a Slate which, by its position, predominant pursuits, constitution. laws, customs and sccial institutes, is more pun-ly demicratic than V't-rmont, which is yet the moat re liably, uniforaily Whio State in tho Uaion. We tlarc him to contrast it-i institution9, character. history, population, with those of Suuth Carolina antl Arkansas, the two most uniformly and overwhelmingly *Dem ocratic' States, according to party designa tions. Then we challenge him to contrast Massaehusetts, usuaMy the leading Whig State, with Viroi_ia, * the mother of De mocracy,' and bhow which is the more thoroughly conservatiare?which * holds back,' and ? is limid. doubting and selfi-jh,' and which ' tums its back on the fjturo" ai.d 'dwells on the BTBBta ofthe past.' P.raye word* these, but let us see where they justly apply. Let us >ee which * cares for the weak.' and ? preparcs the subjects of lyraany for freedom.' Let us aee in which the children of lWrty aml Toil fiad the most thorougk provision made at the expense of Property for their t\t edu catian and deyelopmcnt. Let us see where those children are most fre.paently qualified. by the institutions and influencea surround ing them, to instruct, admonish and bless their brethren throughout the world. We dare thia Pharisaic Democracy to the or Jeal which its lofty pretensions haa pro roked. ' Ah ! but there is Slavery in garolina ird Virginia, and none in Vermont aad MaasBchoaetta.'?Indeed: Then tell us chyj>arly Demo'racy it rela'ively ttrongcr nSlqvc and wcaUr in. frm Sinu*. U 'the Demorratir party' w. rr truly the par? ty of Proeress nnd Humarity, seeking 4the lar^ef-t liberiy'ard 'the great intereat * of the n.any,' how could it always couat on the supjtort of the Statt a most tenacioas of Slnvery ard hastile to any diccafsion of its rightfulnff*s and nccOBB*tj ' Wh*} ar-- free Verrnont and Mtttaehisettl ;r?tincti-ely Whig. aad slave Virginia and South Caro lina unchangeably ? Domocratic! ' ls it not a morntrous ab?ard;ty, a mani fe.t futi .ty, to contcnd that Joha P. Hale or -lohn (i. Whittier bas cea?rd to be a Democrat by becomin^ an Aboliti inist ? Who does not kn.iv that he is nvre Dem > cratic in pr;ncip!e row than he was bt'fore his change ! Who r^ally believe., that William H. Seward is 1 r.*s democratic or more eon*ervrtive :n lr* in*tincN and pur poBCt than Bfeaars. Bfaaon and Ilunter, tho Senators from Vir^inia I Nay?to brin^ the ca.?e directly home?what journal re cognizcd as ' Democratic ' is lesi like our author's definition of Wh'-gory or m>re like his dof-criptioii of Demurraey than this sarre Titw-York Tnbune which you are now readir? ? *0! we don't consider Thi Tribmic a regular Wrj-g prper?it make* Ls own Platform* and i* d< nmrecd as heretical by Cotton Wrf5/z_ery V Te?, Sirs! end ti-morrow you will be hoiding it up as a ica*ecrov to - _v. l- M ers, and swearir.q it fhe grand moathpice and eir.bodiment ot Norihirn Wh __erv .' You will cry, * Look at its immet.*e eircu ? liition, exceedinir t__t of altro*t any ?do/en other Whig papers? tclls ?a\hetber it really *peaks for Nw.-th.ern * Whiggery or not.' And next day, it you want to make Tote* on 'he other tack. yi.u will be saacariug it back into heresy ar.d ? l.ut wo will not now pursue the dis cussion turther. \ ery mu< h that the writer ot this ? History' says is true in itaelf. but false in the use to which he pervert* it. When he says of Democracy that ' Its penlui I. to ai.ert and adrance the tn;. ot mlnd. to .-levate the motive. and n.*,i*.-tton? ..I ICaa and U? rxtend, e*tabll*h, protect nnd aquHia the co.n* Dion rii-ht. oi Humanity,.' we aeed but answer?-This is not that *ort of Democracy which South Caro!ina pre eminently poM **e*. nnd \'ermont esehewa ?i*. not tbat Democracy which distin guishes the OoTeraor of Arkan>a* from the Governor of Wiacoosifl?bat a very diiler cnt article : and you are _uilty of f-aud in sf-ckin_ to pasa ofl'the one for thi* other.? It isof a piece with tlie sbabbytrick which prefixes aPortrait of Wa*-hin_;ton to yoar wotfci when you well know that Washing ton wa* never a Democrat in your Mnee, wa*. opposed, throu_hout hi-civil ..dminis tration by the Democratic party you wiite toeulogi/e ; and that hi- last public aet was that of voting, as he had e\er voted, for the party which you stigmati/e as "false to principle," hostile to progresi and dis trustfal of the People, Was it not enough to iibel the Hero _ ebaract'-r and defame hi* larcer by the whole tenor of your work. without at the same time pra-ssing him into your serviite andmaking his portrait decoy reader* to hi* own defamation ?' NLUI.I. A_U_tICAN IITI/.ENW HE I'KOTKf TEDf We haf' becone acquainted with sev eral cases in which indiriduiils huve been put to great loss of time and money. with serious yexation and inro.nenience. owing to the etill unsettled state of the question hoav far tho United States are prepared to sustain and enforce their doctrine of allc giance and naturali/ation. We will men tion two of them. A gentleman. an emi grant from one of the Northern (Jerman State?. whn had long been a natural i/cd citi/en of the United States. was called home in 1850 to visit his fathtr, then cvidentiy approaching his end. He took with him a passport, signed. as usual. by the Seeretary of State. and properly countersigned at the port whi-re he landed. He had. howe\er, not performed the usual military servii:e pr< viously to his emigra tion. and it was hinted to him that. in case he made his uppearance in his father's house, he would be even then forced into the army. We know that he sent tbr pass? port to the proper authoritic*. with the de? mand that he. as an American citizen, might l>e allowi-d to vi.*it his native place. ar.d received for answer that he o>uld only pase the bouiularies at hisperil. What the result wasin that CBOC are arr not informed. The other cas- was that of an American ritizen born a Prus*ian -ubject. who at an early aae had emigrated to America, and. after some years. bad returm-d home on a visit undi-r the protection of an American paafport* This prored no protection to him. for he was seiz- ?:. forced into the army, and wa* not allo*e 1 to return to the Uni? ted States till he had served three years. A third ca*e we find in the Elitorial corresponderne of The Savanntth lifpu'. li an. as follows : " Bptaklnii of nadre born f ir-rman. wbo revU't their talbeiland alter be, oining cttlrena i.f the I'nited .taces. ? .:csular cc.ebt* juit occurrr-d in Hanarer l-'reder ' a 1 ?. pi.ld, anaturaii/rd citl/en ot Iha L'nited 088888 fn ni t'fcailaati.r. *uLth Carelina, has arre__d by the l^anuverl^n <.overnmfnt, and ?ent>n -.-d by a tribj nal to seren year. ot actlre aa-rvice ln tbe ar_y. Thia la on tbe pl_, Ibat he owed rnilitiry aarf_M ta hi. na? tive country Hi. piifpi.rt trom th^ I>*-p*rt_--nt at Va'sshlLgti u, his eU___B?p an.l re.idence if sixteen years iidhc u?. bss avalled him n in the face ot this atrociuui tyranny. Mr. Leopold h;a ipplied to Mr. Klns. for bi* intf-rl^rence in the ca_i- ahd Mr. K. hai* n t tie'-d Statei Le^atlon ai lir-rliu tt obuin hia relraie. Here l* a queauon whi. h uuirht to have i>*. n 88?M lung licce, one would iuppo*e. If a natu niiati, nbobaicomniittedno crime cannntvidt Ihe land of bl. l.iith without b.-iog plaeed ln d.irance, ted .ubjected to n.iilUry .errice, lt .urely to b. in. wn atouce?*o that the grlevancf- may beredresiedL " Noaa, aae under.--!and the American doc? trine on tbe -ubject of naturali/.ation to be thi-: Among the inaiienable righta of ll! m.n (' e.gge;-* oaly excepted) u iuat oi ehootttg their domicil. and with tt the power cr (iovernment to which they will 'iwe and pay allegiance. That the Ameri oan. who wi-hea to become a member of an Indian tiil.e, as in the caae ot Sarn Hou-ton. or a subject of Emperor Ni.-ho la-. Souli.iiiiue, FYaacia Joaophi tho K _? of D-bomoy. the l^ut en of England, or the Montrcb oi the Mo-quito Coa-t. has a per feet right tn to do ; and by giving up a!l claim to proteeti.n from the United Statf- l.ovarnmert. free- hirn-elt trom all !??' _a:,<ir. and a legiance to it. What i Americaa .iti/.en-" we claim a!-o to le true of men born in othtr countr.e-, let coatoiDfl ar.d lawa be uhat they may. We po bebiod a1! ru-t..m. an 1 laws in this c,i-e. and say that the on'.y allegiance w bicba man cannot car-t otl at will.when he cho< si - to leave hia birthplace, is bia alle? giance to bia Cr.ator. and the <>nly law which he caruot ca-t "tl il the higher law of the The Europi ao doctrise ia the rever-e of th;-. Kings are born Jki (iret'a to rule?subjects are born Dei vitda (Jratia to be ruled. Tlie subject owea allegiance ai:d obediflncfl to that (ior err.ment rnder which he come- into exi-t 111?? . at.,! t.o cbange in hit eircum-tance-. rn. cliange io hit relationaor condition'* can c'nange tbia allegiance or n-li.-ve h ra trom its obligation*. A Holy Alliance may charge hi- ma-fer. but be can have no I w ? : i.i r rigbta in the premi-es. lt i> generally aappooed that Great Dritaia bas abandom d this doctrine. Hat has she ' We . an find ro abandonment ot it in tlie treaty of peace uf 1814?nor do we thirk thal th's point was fully rtiaod at tbat time ; the qm-stioii then be ing whether our llag on the high MM shail protct al! who >ail beneath it. Thank9 to the presentSecretary of State that que-tion is now settled. A. to other European j oWfllf. the anly case in which we knovvof any concession being made to the Arnerican doctrine is found in aclause of that instru ment, jocosely called a Constitution, which the Kir.g of Prussia went through the far.e of solemnly swearing to on the 7th of Fi bruary. H50, anoi which runs to this ef fect: "That tbe right of emigration shail be unrestrii t.d eave in tlie matter of Mili tary -ervi.e." Here then is a point at which the laws of the United State. and tho.e ofthe (Jerman States clash: we say to all the world, "come oter hither, live as good citizcaa a i erta'n length of time, forswear all alle? giance to any foreign principality or |)ow er, take the oath to obey and honor tho Constitution ofthe Arnerican Republic/und joi t-l-all cajoy all immunitie9, riglit. and privileges of Arnerican citi/ens. Our lin, -hall proteet you in your goillgl <?ut ar.'l enmingsin. the wingsot'the eagle shail be spread over you, and beaeath them you t-hall find your defense to the tndflof tbe earth.'' There ia now .-carcely a spot within tlie wide spread limits of our Repulilf where may not be found young men, who have iccepted this invitation. eoming over with their property, their tab.nts. and their in dustry. In the lapse of time they have taken the required oaths and ae.[uired the rights of citizenship. Multitudcs of these left home before they hnd reached the age at which men are re? quired to join tbfl army?others have has tened hither to avoid the ungrateful service, ui.d lomfl have fled from the tyranny of the camp and sought freedom with us. But none of them can venture to place their feet upon their native soil; parents may die, property may be left them, l.u-ii.ess may call them thither. but they htep upon i.'erman ground at their peril. An Arnerican passport, is but a lilank paper. The I'russian demands the pour.d of flesh? the three years' Krricfl? the Hanoverian demands the fatal trial of the l<>t; and he who draw-. it is chained for seven years. As with the greater pow? er-. so with each little duke or prince, whose po?Cilioni hardly aie with a good eized Kentueky plantation. Let the universal Kuropean war break out, wbich all are so anxiously awaiting? let those clouds which darken the hori /.i.n once burst, and all Europe will be fiiled with proclaocationa commanding eyery subject to retura to the assi-tanee f kii.g and Fatherland, and branding as traitor. worthy to die all auch as have hith erto escaped, and now refuse to perforra the legal militarj, service. Of what avail will then be the Arnerican ilag or the sig nature -if an Arnerican Secretaryof State ? To the Arnerican Repu'dic the world owes that article in the codfl of interna lional law by which every man, be hia birth place what it may, is protected by ibe llag of that couatry wbereof he U a L-iti/eii. Is the Arnerican Repub'ic pre? pared to go that one etep farther, which .hall not only _.'ve everv man the right to boosfl the power to which he will owe his ' illegiance. but shail proteet him in that ?h"ice ? Tllli TA.vinA.NY OKATIO.N. The Tammany Soeiety'? celebration of he 4th (on the oih) was a very good hing ; and, eince no eport of it has ap icared which separates the grains of wheat mm the bushels of chatl wherein the stu .idity of reporttr* has buritd them, we iropose to give a brief running account ?f it. The chief speakeri were a pair of Sia ne.e twins known a_> John Van Huren, ate orator general of the ' Free Soil' >arry. aod Uov- flowcll C??bb q[ (jteorgifl, chief of the late ? Union' party. Of coor.e they -frat. rni/.ed' to a dot oa Pierce and King, but they do not aeern to have .aid any thing av.rth report ing. Tn. fact of their appearance on the sam. boards excited a livclineas of exprctation which BOCtriag could satisfy- ?? thev s_i<J substantially, nothing. Next came the lettera, which, \n qU48. tity and variety, exceed ail preceden. There were lettera from old Federaliate, like James Huchanan. Francis ,!_>!,* and Thomas 11. Bayly, Tociferous for 'Democ? racy ;' letters from. Protectiv.- Tariri _*en like S. nator James, Mahlon Dickeraoa aod David L. S. ymour. going the who!. hd the Baltimore Platform which loa den nsall Protection ; ai.d fromeoaspicnoii Free Soilers, such as Martin Var |_ren Jehn A. Dix, .Marcus Mortoa, Duiiaf Burwell. C. C. Carabreleng. kc.. , r anti-Compromisei'ien. like Brafg, ..f Ala ladBocock, of Va., rejeicb| tha thr only di .inetive priadpb hal ber tx9 citly condi mi.ed and t-v*. rated at B_M more, M that they eould return to the 3 gnmeof humbug and nont_)n| professin* of Democra.-y, which mean as nearly nothing as poarible. Tlie best letter w one from Go*. Kosm rB,4ocHaiaftotfttM batBtirriag up the Tamma.v Dem i rtjf to remember and redeem sorn-of thetrdtf carde.l pn ii isr* with regard toKtfonj tttufglea /oi Liberty. Hear him ! ' than*.* tli.- honor of tka Invltitiion. I bope, Mr. that whili- you me,*t to lay J loundation Of a triuttipli of priuci, >H a ?Iii,-h uu.ja-B. the baili of the I)n-lar:itn.u of ladep*. teu.-e of AiasZ ra tho Tamniaiiy .-.iH'f.-ty. ,. ( ,-trmm ttnthmt Bia, will nt tlu* riiorn.-ut nl the crt_B the inu*ot ?hlch cannot ull to re i t up m the ii.urrf the ??< -oteropop.ry ci.l* In the co_.iitl.ia of ihe 09 avorld, '.ol tmi :>,( %mm af the oppr.ued, 9 tejnjtrnltf tkot .1 ?... _?.'.._. ktmt b.m to *t\ <_*i.? and *o tmphaUcally _ fpamt pa-,mam Hall m O.tuber la*L ' ^ Mr. Vatt Iluren (Sesior) M very J^ that "the diaturbiag subjert of Sluvery Im*. l>y the aetion ot l>oth the great partiog of the country been withdrawn from tht canvas> between them." avhieb he thinka improves the chanee ol Pierce and Kin:?, whom he con*.iders very cleaer fellow_ l?ut tiocs Mr. Van Huren mean that he hai repadiated the "pini..ns raapeethig siavere ii the Di*tri. t and in the future whi.h ba deliberately aaowed in a< eepting the lluf. falo nominatiiiii for Prt-aident.' We were Hi cu*-cd of recreanry to thoae priueiplaa berau*c we did Bot *< e Ht to lappurt liinu Are we now to under*tand that they were only put on tor the 01 ea .on, and laid a*ida upon the tirst <lemon*tration that they wuuld not pay .' The letter fullest of ? Demo.raii' and ? Di mocraiy," i* that ot A. (J. Mo-rath af South Carolina, who ora.ularlv avers that " Hiiw.-ver pleaaant It may be to lurni* to snewr at tha i.l.a of tlie rule ol Ihe i'eople. yet will It oaly ln- ? b<_ thi- I'ei.ple i-ea*e to rule tliat we i-nn cea*e to Ue Ir.-. . The 'People' whom South Carolina I'ooIIy consigna from day to day to tbe auetiofl bloek will doubtless be glail te bear this. The tollowing i*. ultogether the honeit* e*t and bluntest letter of the two hundred or 60 received by tbe L.mmittee in imswer to invitations scattered so profusely that one man was presaed to Bttead avho hun| himaelf some three year*. aj;o! His wid ow responds with an ussuranee that he would vote for Piere,- and hinj,' fail if he only were alive to do it. Then he should have held on, for they will nt>4 votes intensely. We respectfully suggeB. to the rest of the part} that they refraia trom hanging themselrea till next Novem ber, when tbey aaill be provided wilh B fair excuse for doing it. ?Uut we are stopping too long __? Mr. In^ersoITs frnnk and graphic ii-tter, with which we clOBB this snmiuara : FoBatST lllt-l., I______S_?a, July I, 1 - ..'. (i'fnti.b.ukjv, Ai I cannot Iwva home at pieaent, m tak- Bdran8ag< ot th<- ln. itatlou by whlrii l am ho__rJ to celebrale with tbe .Hinmaiiy .*-...,ny the approaal Ing national annliereary, ynuwill p.rhapi ex.-me, la ? teMd ot my Httenda.ce, the few ie_tli_a_as herewlB .ubmltted. l.ately, the people of Krance bave ek )*i-n ? IiaaMeat :iynilver*ai raffrage rre*.-ntly, t ba paeple of Unm hrltaln are to efcooaa Memb.-rs ot farltament, by n.M I ?u!lni)*e lart/ily i-xtend.-d beyund what it w ? thera. .aud than -one tl.ree milllons ot Ainerii-an rlti/.-m wij, wltbout cenimotlun or dangeroui contr..veny, li.e-ltf ?lect their I'resulent UiUiin _i^ tmmt tow _M__| _rea ol the moit powerful and enli^htened iialloQ?_l r.,h.-tirally s. kmwled(ie that Kreat pnnclple of p iBB-f ?? .. i. i.i.ty ot whicb thi-Airimicau I>.*i-laratlyo of I. - ; i. i.-r.ce wh. th. Ii.u bin^er. (.'..idially ij iiiprUlii_ii({ lu what you lay of <jis__MB loo, .nd Bttaehe.I to the party ol whlcb yoar .oclety i*8 ;rorr,lnent lupport, 1 neverthele.* .l.-eiu the approaoB r.g I'n-aldeiillal conteit reuiarkably free ii .in ln*_(aV Ioi.. re.ults. Candidate* will be n.-veily trl.-d , but c*a> :ni appreclaUon rnu.t I thiuk, acknoarledgethit all foiB )t tho*e lately placi-il bf-lbre the public, of tx>:h pai_a% or advocacy, are .ate men, ftoni BO one ot .vho__j he country HnytliInK U) f.-ar, l.ut. <n tf,..i-.;iitrary, mu** ;o bope. l'wo ot them?Mr. kluir, and '..ineral .'"??ott .aveKbowu w_l n.-arly |.,ity yoar., and oa inauy tr_> nn occatlons tound theoi both ulway* patrioti.-, _B -lou* and serviceable. 'i'he oth.-r iwo? < rwwral pient ir... Mr. i .iai. .in -I have not known so long or so well; .ut alter lone lervl.;* in CYngrei* with them both,! eel *ura that they are M8____ with whom ou; IniB utlon* will never be li.jured ..r.nd r. ? i*.) i e-araJ Pton a I eo__lor a rery impytkk ia tb.i aaa .-:? u ot eomptkMkm at the Coii-'-uti m na.-xce.dam* andidate, wl,.< ?ili makean ex.-.-.l.-ut P_B__BB* The Cbiel ila.lftiacy of tnii country ha* i?.-...i.e aa " lt waa alwaya a power rnmyat t_* ii.atiy ccnsidi-red. PrnalBaM Waihli.^toni proclaraa u.rutraiiiy PraaKaaa JeBoiaoa'a purehase at xui.iana and',ar.o, Pnaaideat Mo_ra_| . <?ratl. n Bff_l_.t EurOMBB inciiriion*. fr.-.lia a. ksoDadestiur.'tioii ol tbe Ilsnk, froildeat I'.lk'si h 1 ol 0?_, 8aaM trom the b _d ..t tm- .irn.y wnlch e uernl Mexico, ai.dacting Pnaidunt i i lin-.rt* a arr I th<- Cuban adveuture, by whlcb much m re * ..< uau ever wa* .tunpt. d by any L.ii.yaii execjllrel ;? ?-.?'..? ni .tralitj?tveiy aaa ol them ner.-ly *?>?*_ )>? tmi n.diaidiialacfs, pr.,v.-? thar a l're.D^ui of ih. i."> rt .-.ara* ha* more. pow.-r, merely a. *S_?, t'lsa aaf .inf or <iuef*D tn Kurope, hardly eicrpclnj tbe Bl i r ot all the U'lata* It bebiHjve*. tbi-'efore, t<> ba rery careful wboan rxst With eucti (,ower TkaaaJytwa q ??o? n al __?__. p fkj/tm be Country ls much divlded, ure, ti ot ar.d Ifrj/vr nr, 1 rlatlf-r my.f-lf, of tne tour aoaBMataa now be publir, will puoder to tnat de-t-ata'>le abx-e of ni -.eif Ili-rr.f-fi.K y, by which hurr.i.l. and hirroless I bt r.t- ..I Inl'-rlor plarr* are p jnUhed fm 8 4 HB r binki.-^a. ;arti*ao*or den.ajii guo% re.j_li*. Ifl n.'.it de.irable ri-currence to tint j.rlacipies ail I rouiiht about. And as to ilavtry, the . n _l (.-trty ? fBltui? aal Baltimore bare rer.dereil i- i-npotsibia' i > irrildenl to dlsturli acd a.tut.- the Um m o* - .rjfet, aalibiut aiointin,. ail party and twlh !-i.e?. ai wi II ai all p.trtotic coniider.tloos. I.arjie majoilties of both parii .. r.-4,r?-*.-_t*_ ia I onvtntii.iia, bave empbaUcally dr-clare.1 that - l*r o n atter whether nght or wrooff, i* part aad parceli ii r BtaBi i i _ h u., with wbich the nation taa?- >___ *' ^ ut tn let It alone. I ? rter you, g.ntleoicn, therefure, tliefolluwiof i ? i.t : The Kicoi Perty Conventiom-C jrnpetlog to tit lortry at part af that Ameruan Ltbtrty wai<_ laty of Inaependence reco-fokes, and no forei|Bl cn miodle wtth. I am your mpectful and obedient **rrant, v. *? -<-??