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________ Fera??a aai af f-l?Te>ry. *" K-w-Yorr. 8_t?rdRy. Mf 3, UM ^r'olored peraon called at my officfl and ___, _a to purrhoie bii child ran from elavery, ln TrV^T I refarrwd bim to you *? a known phllonthro *ZZi frt>nd of Ub?fty. md ? oaa wbo devotai *plen _",_>nU, and ibe coliimLa of R_.lnfluentl?l juurnal to j. _Jva_cerne_t of pro.rree and bapplneae. He re *_LT_-t ke bad been to yo. at firat. that ymi refuoed F^aSlbecauee yo_ ereie ..pi.oa.-_ to buytof any one L_ 8_verv,Bi.d tbat tb" pnnci?Bl old he had received *?_ ________ S_a____flBlaaWBl here | or are the p-.h B_tfl_SSJ trlend. of the blark only friend. t ? the K "ebow - Hoer I. .? I I'leaaa let ul bear tn* J* Vouri reepectfully, A i RIKN-DTO n;e C07-THV. lUutarks.?Our eflWMpflpdt-H haa dis MBflBfl- aieraoW __re*_ BBBl am from wi.ich ... huve lo.i* vani-hd. Wedo m.t k** ?McMj ??liat inntivr BBJ1B.IB him. though we can gm*. At all flvaata, we give liim all ht-.ran rntkp l.v it- , Wabava maa aoa-thtogtaward tl.e re |ionbv,,,rchn-.'o,f.,t.yorl:rtval'ivealro,,,l,,,.l ' -0?'r(jftliri?wi.!cr,.l"-lc-tv.-H.'. W? ?**J _;(,oaf.,nincf..eao. Kr.,,lur_ene.v.!.ke that Ztu Siiii?i"- ,",,-Hs ??enpral rulr' vc are a.eree te tl.e Bfate Trade m afl ll ? pi.a<_H. and ?eaa to -tead bWCt-BB it. Itiaa ba. trade, |;11dvte,,r.fertokeepele,ir"fii. 1'rol.i.l'ly our corre-r.ondent does not aaad ?" M ke**n*i tkal ?e aaa. Um ibbUmibibi of bomaa ,?|tl.rirsul.j.iga?ioiiMB(-liattelstotlie will 2 pleaauie of -**?? hunian beiagfl a Ihizrant jjnyl a-.__-? ot iiHturiil ju-tiee?a mm***ti the GkaVea rtolo?aa hnpkm_ vioUtJoa ut tl.e great hw. ''I'li'-u ahall love Bk. mmi*km* an 'hyuelf.' St* we insist thnt M aJavBhoM-- *rmM deaaw itt ba Uaaaajfa ifara. aad .,t ii.-.n wonld wi-h to -nhj.-ct ii- daogfc I ithaeb-DceB nnd _l__eat eertaiotM 0 a Maaa ead _?_-_?! fc?1' bb_v?'b condition JSIa.ery, therefore. witln' denirtl ofiu Ifllaetoal detfekaaaaal aod culture 0 ita victims ind the atihjfetion of tlinr paiBOM t" Um unlim jtrdeontrol oi tl.e BM '- ta, i U BflSBaM-il_K_alt_r __,,?_ Hirrcly Baa-B.fa-B| wbieh wmtf beaboaad, bul r iMid.lion which is t.'ar// tm ahu-e. nnd toodfl in ... to oll inantter ?>f practkal wroflgl nnd iibonnnntiona. |aitfari-Bg &, W anxiou-h deetie to rid our aam country fin-t, Bad uitiumtely tlie wbolfl world, *t it- I aleful and corruplm. presenre. Tho raa. mt ol a few indivi.limls from thr nervile ei.ndition i- of muhII aeeaaal whea eoaapafed with the over ihrow of tlie ??i.ciiisrd nyntem. Hen we Ngard the bayiag ti mmrm Bad thrre a aluveoutol Slnv.iy ita gaoaral lalaaaaa, to atraagthra un.l perpatoato tha ajra trm. Encli purrhnse Ifl iintnmlly ragaided hy tho BinveliolditiR ekaa ai ha bo db Beaaa an adnaiaaioa i,fil..'ii ritjmi to thak aUvea. We appreheod thnt they are atfaaftboaad un.l aaeaoragad in their evil arajra hy ?ur bayiagthaii flhrvaa. It ia t,s if 11 pirale rdiiji were to come into our port to prll oll" the gooda ahe had nccnmuhited hy luicca lc lin:. aud we were to huv them off her handa. Tlie/ of l.iiviiii: at aaek anle would he ahid OOB, Huaah tha aafl-ira nright ladaea it Ourbuying vri.uld ccrtaiiilv not he ei.leulated to fiil the cor jiin'r. I.reu-t witli nny tlirillmu BOB-W of our nh liorienee of liin bloodj and utrocioua can er. We huve heen atiu. k with the faet that the n.-t mtive itndeftieient aup|i..rteiH ofthe st/s ttm ef Maioiyat thn Worth thoaa who m-ni Joll\ expect and lahoff to make money OT olliee out of it?are generally foramoal in the Northern Phlia tiada The iden ..I iniiking |j!.".,lllrll a year ?.ut of Sluvery itid c-lie-.t ing the doail bj fiving $1110 a yeur towunl thfl B? meipiitiuii of here und tli.-re n fu'.'itue >ln\r, 1- 0M of 11 large luinily Viliuh is very nutuiiilly popular with CottoB traf f.-k.iH. ditinea nnd politiciaa . W* do li'.t con fiiler it our duty to iocrBOBB tlmt popokritj - It ia <|iiite pOB-iMl thut our eoticpondciit hns lirard, find even, the utrit itn.-ut?' Mil. uoai ro-OirBMi ?_?t * cmti roa Taiam! Ifaa. an Hiin i^ uhoiit the 1th of July, will lie plaaaa t-tudv and poo_ot M ? v,hile I |I'I. A VIbIihiIbii Pnvenieil. At the Haaaachuaattfl ElaetMa Ual PaD.tha iitl of ImWmU VMt- the pnot oll which the re-illt turned; and tlie *mt*9*i l.oeo-i <>c..s and I'ree Nulriaof that eity enrried it hy pled_in_ them aelveH to p-oeuro, if trniiiiphant, the paaaagB Ot* a Tto Hom Law. Mr. '?'? m. Butttr (aot our Hen.) viietlirirlcadii!!* orator.nn.l hc iaBiatod firom Btamp to .tunip tlmt tlie Ten Uoui l.uw WBBfhf W-toiBBO< ?in faet, the oiiK piacticul iasue?and daoehad iiince with a Btdeinn plodge, nIioiiIiI tha Coiilition triiiiuph and not BflMBB Ten Hour UW, bh the ifhigB preteiided, he would tum \\kig' Of eotuaa, hir< brothai Coa__o_Me were Mnnulated hy thi- pled^e to Btipcrhiiinan evei Ubm, feuring tliev nncl.l mVttt ha\e aimther Biich chaiice to g't rul ol liim?and they ciirrud the B_T. The rictorj l? inc WOa, Boutwell re, lectod Qevaraar, ?____? BpBahar,a?d'tha *\mi\* Mriy dJatiBaitad batW^aa tha two eoatiaetiog j.arties, lh.-T.nlliiurl.uw waal.ruught furwardin the Leg itlntiire, nnd kicked strnight out i.r the w 111.l.w ! lt liaddune its - i.rk till next I'all, and not B eoi poral'a ?u?rd could he ull.ed in its f.iwir. We were juat ttvuu t?. .,-t rwigMd to the nelf-inuiction of ora ti't Hen 011 the Whig party BffO_a| it hardly - hie tlmt <i// tlie plc.l::.'- wherehy 'the ?poiU' v.crewi.11 wonld ba ci-llv repudiated \ whenlo! tlie Telegraph l.ioujlit uh n?wa of suid I'.utlt-r on the atunip for 1'iene and Km: Tlu- l.c.wcll , to ha\e lack.d notliin_ cf i"i!ec tion. _ tW The Att'twy Ht*i*t*Tik from time ta time pah-hllj aaarclaad with the fearahal M.Biethmg The Tnbune may ym4* he"t to aay rhculd injute tha eau>e ol ticn. Scott and the SMug party. our anxiou* friend BBBaBfaiU Lttle Blarma with the aaaaiaMB that if The Tri /,_.,(? shoul.t devote itself directly to the work of ? i.irniii!m Baatt'a aanitkai. with tha paadarom ftietigth and adghtj iiiiHienee of The Krzisttr lo back the vllort, that event wonld vet take place ahoiit aa suraly aa the e.ait'.i revoUcs M H_ axia. Old t'hippewa has not vet been defrated in all the battles he Iian f.uifht. fiom that ol''a I.wie to tliat t,t Halltii.oie, .ind the Ides of No.eiu'xr w.'.I hae Inui a m Btiotliei 011 a BBrgBI '"" W. ?'"! willi iafiuiteU gicnter case than he ever ' tteheaV either tha I'.iiti.-ii or (.reuserr. Id?' The LtBD-Foeo papers chucklc ofer the rtipi^.rt af l'lorce and Kmg hy l-BBBM P. M'aajrole. af Haaeoek CtU, 1ml.. aa a Iimous io fcetion from tha Whig rauk>. The Western Ar fmt bb>b Uiat "He 1-11 who ha* hOM otVtiud OB a NN hig. us circiimstancea and his s-ipposel tn tflffaata have dictated. for theae many jreafB. ? aaaa io whom tl.ere laaat_aoi ?iei a -s. aaj re hancr to l>e plared. Ui* ap.iatacy 1- an aiUantege to the Whig part)." ?What a pity thut a few gentlemen of aitmlar aa.acrr_i.nta iu this vuinity wiuild r,.t nnitate the aiemole of Mr. Wulpole! . mm Wwr+rtnr Ibni State haiai entiik.i ta m** tiatet aa mauv HeUgBt-B aa thev have Caafraapineii, bv the call for the National Free 8o*l Coaventian, another " Krve Deinix ratic" Rta'a i'onvention haa ??-en ralled, to mer-t at Waikaaha, Jaly 21, to ehoooe teu additioaal Dalegates, five having already bean cboten. P.nthern OppoBlrten te *r?tl. A number of Southern journala bitterly t**tm On., nn the ground tliat liia. .octioa wiil h- witti'iliv a OU-Sp- of 1'rr.' Be9 pr.n_i?l*.i over Hl* iloniinafum of Slavery. fwf .rutanc.-, Tie Journol ** Mektrntjer. (Waro.i. Oa.) 99J9 i - Wa not only the _^*_j?J,7?J Brott. 99 ?e coriniv, ll to oe ine n.ty * BJBTf ? .tUh ^4^^5_^-^^ 1 , ad, C't wi.l..ut i?f *rd io tfca e?-aaqw_o-a w ? ?5_fe_*ii^7?^ -5_s_^-_r^ti?-__;__r_: ine l f anolhi r. The yatheiHe Utmtm attBta ita ery of a.arm, anyinir: ____ . _ . - Tba most vttal loteresta ot tbe .South are at stake la this ront-st. If the Scott nnd . award wln. of the \\ hlf party triwmpb, the olli^es of thed jv.-rument will be till. d with Uie eneiiii'-s of tm99MJ. The Raletwh [fi. C) SUindnrd finda a i-ausw for terror in tlie pro?|.e._| 08* '?-'.; it says : " Wetold you, Whigsof North Carolina, monthsago, t?-*tif Scott sbould be nominated and elected, ??_*_ trmldmrreed h>n,.- nnd our oplnion in thti matter li con Bt-Wd bya New-York Whig of twenty-four vearssuml Ing J"." '?<*"? alreadygone to the head of Ou. Army far ynt'tr candidate-" KEMKMBFB THK IAAL OK THK RoMAK _MriBK'" And ret_< mber thoie other word., a. true a* they are utartllDg,' a vote fur SroW note ' t. a roufor S.teard in '_ ..'" ?Thi* doeflB . exactly nquare with the opinions txptcawd hy tha Maamehaaetta Free Soilera tlio .tiier day. In tinir B-B_t-8| Tbeodon Parker, who wouliln't go for Scott any how, tbMgbt lie ? let ni '-? i. Tbera onflsnaon on this enbjeet ia tlie ? ind ti bomebody. K_W*Y?8_ BaiiMnR Operntlont*. Tttkt B 8 ? ? I ' *n l 1 B_bi A notice is forwarded to you of a note due, payable July ?">. The celebration of our nation * biith day, by common conscnt, occurs on that day. Tiie jrevioui day I* the Sabbath. On both days the bank holdlng your note is shut. t)n the, you offer the amou_t due, in gold, to the Teller. He rr-lmei to take itunlns you will add ?:> cent*, to be paid some p<*tty oll ic lai for b protest. This you will not eonaenttO-0 because you been waiting two days ta pay it. and tbey wouM not lut fae Al__ tliree o'clock lon nr.- f-erved with a proteit dated back three dayi! Thi* Ua bilef nairative ot Inct*. Ii it law. or | , .rr.; or Is lt a couv. nient way to Utt.n a lav >? rite riotaiy by lulids tilcbed from t.-etjle July C, 1 -:.'. I-. C. Matlai k, No. 8 Sprucest. Femarkt.?We tlimk .Mr. H. fkill lo Itatfl tlie whole 1-sf.e. A. B. na* ?* h not.- praou-ing to pny nindrj 'lolIarH ut the axptrmtioaof aixtj, ninety , i ona hundred and twenty daya. To thia time I'.snk uaage adda three dnjra' trt e, to gnard againe. ml aecidanta oi reaaonabk contingen* <-.?>. \ DOte, tlu n ti.rr*, wlili h falU due bj Ilink .-.< ci nnt Ofl Mood-J, _M -''ih H_8 rially ilue, l>v t .?*> l.-i'. i nl it* -ti'iiiliitiiiiia, on Friday the'Jd, ao tbal waesumol conaidertbe J'.-nik'n demand tint i; be paid <m r-utunlay tbe :s.l?tlu* itli being tba t-_bbatb, and tbo Stba National hnBday?anien* Bouabla in <.;.j<rr**i\>-. I ?'-?'? A Lif KKBrRK.n.?We cut the f ing liimi Tht Yoik Fciuitylriini<in, aad cniii ,,i nl it to tbe attention ol irbonieoevei it may . oncern \ ? A lew werki ptior to the nomlnatlou ol Hen. Heott for thi- l'reildeiicy, ?n Albany Whig papi-r,ot tin- .ilrei (.rey ichix 1, assened tbat ahortly bi-tore tbe appuint iiu-iit of belcgHi.t In Nrw Vorl to tha a\ hlg N .ti awl < i.v, i.ti.n that anemi'led in I'hilaiit'lj.iiU in Juii'-, ]-?!-, ar.d nominated (ien. Taylor, tl..- edltor of The. /war l.'rt Tribune, who was then oppoae.l to the noml nation of' iliier Taylor or .cott, and in lavor of Henry Ci?y. adrtiened a private letter tu a proiniit'-nt Whljr H Nl w > ork, urglBg him to si core, 11 possitile, n Clay Delegata to Ihe Conventlon; but, in no event should tlny*end a t*i-ott I'i li*aate, 'aa all he braln* he pus leaaedwera in his epauleU,'..c, .ac. A day or two tli. r.-nUi r Tht Tnlune cupied the letter, aad n,>t only emphatit-ally deaJod liavin? wiittf n it, but chnlli-n(*?d it* productlou. The contradictlon waa satUfactory cnaujih to every render. Hut now, sini-e (Ien. _ cott ha* bein noiiitiiiited lor the 1're^ulency, we percelve that nnny ol our Democratic ixcliange* parade this same fbrgan tliiougli their columns, aracoil with the con* headlng of ' llorace (Jrteley's opinlun of (Ien. Boott' (lentlemen, wben you publlsh th.t letter, you cio io with Ibe ? onviition that lt i. not gnnuine, and you muit reroi-mber thut all the Intelliitent n-i.ders ol your j. urnali are cogni/ant ol that lacL Take eare leit Its duien.inatlon may recoil on the head >.i your own ftajidurd Uare r. Journal* ol this des.rlptlon are held ln low esllmatlon 1 y the rt_ht thluklng of every com nuitity.'_. i.i-iii-i-nl Si-olt nnd tlie Cnl?ioIi<-*?. Ta Iht F.ditor o) The tt. Y- TH*** ln at-suining, as you do, as a matter of cour*e, tbat the cliari. ? of Kev. Mr. Fuller ii correct, and that (ien. .*?(-.>tt did, " wh. n ln command of our army ln Me\lco, order his men to knet 1 to a Roman Catholic praci-psioB as lt passed,'' I tliink you are ln error and .lo (leneral >cott injusiice. I am per suaded that bin r. gard to the conscientlous scru ples of his l'roteitant soldlers would have pre a-rnted hi* uvlnc any mch orders. Yeur own case and that of other .rotestaut* traveling in Catbolis i-ountries are not parallel. You, and they, i-ould, if you pleascd, avold the proiesslini. and there it was very proper that you should either aroid their. ur tunforra to the cuitoma of the country; but it ? as not so with the l'rotestant soldlcr duty oftea ?*_ ptlled hlra to be preient, and It would bare been the l.itfht ol intoleiancc to compel _Un to bow dawu "to wood and itone.'' I wai a soldier of the old K?_ ilar Army durlnc tha whole Mexiean cumpaign; was with 1ii*ii._cott intlm City of Mexico \ bave tie.r.iently aeen Koman Catholic procesiit ns pass through the itreets, and ha>e never imceseen B Protestant 8-Uier kneel?uor do 1 believe ib?-y t\erwer.' re^ulred, by (Ien. t*cott, to kneel, or tliHi they ever did kneel. If h.- ever did gtve such an ? idt-r, I certaln'y never heard ef lt, nnd I was ou duty, vtilioui a tinglt day* inienuittion, durlng the whole ,>e i ,i,il it hl- coii'll ai il l.ut Mr. i:dtu>r. I will lell you what I know that Qen. Bcon ..*d do, and which ibnws the goodneaa of his ti. mt, aud bls kind leelin. tow ard the ('atbolics much moie tbun the coinpelhog his Protostant soldlers to kutel lu the //r??l would hare done. I kn..? that he wm kind and compaialinate to the ilck and m?un lt-J nilacnera, and that ha vailuntailly Hnd without ei chrnge freed many poor Catholic. from tl --Ir prl.on* mi.i1 u-.torrd them 80 thi-ii fainlles. i'drmlt aaa to fB> late cne or two ii.atancei of fneling that f.-ll undi-r my iwu atwarvntton, a_fcartbekaa_aa of Contrerai and Cburubuico, tlie wounded ofiicer* were place.l tnthe ihurch 11 thi imall rlliagC ol ~*n (ierorilu.o. on vlait |m tktm wtt- Ibe swgeon, ny attcnlton wa< i .-I, who was badly wuuuded. *nd seemed 11 be I more intntal than phyaleel a. my. (Jn ln . i.irlngthe eaaaed hisoisu.-s*, 1 li-arned tnat he had li lt a arUa and Mra children io the city, anii that bu dia tu?* unle Irum the sicuny tn* ahu-nce and luppused death would came them. I toid Um lhat Ihe .'-ni ruilty and kinatne*- ol our t .mitiandfr were wellknoa-n, an.l tbat I dul not doubt but that he would take *ome n.eaauic* to lieviatc hl* itiatr.-. Bo aoon aa my da prriiitttd. I rode trom CofBCaa, where 1 waista i.uir.l. to 1 i.cubiiya. tbe BOBMrsi. heiJriuarter*, and Lailng loluiti'd en interview, I repreaented iu !ew ?,.!,.- tl .- caae ul the po. r wounded M>-x.c_ii Colonel. '1 na ii> i.eial immedlately nccedi-J to in\ requeat, and II _.? i togoto thecliyin pan 'eaiid he was, I tb.L ., tba L.xt day re.torrd io tn. taxiiy. On a subse .,-ii i.t i '.' to ti-,.r,. mra! in t. ? ipraaanaa of oneotaer _0d r, li.e C-oeral waa apeaklnt; ol the c-.pture of the city. and tl.e terlii.rf inanner ni nhiih _S8Mka ol ihe pi.lal.le I..*, Impnnetl mr-very dreply He aaid "1 ?hai! take the city, Out lt b illcoat the hvea of .Itlilnk' tl!rei- hur.'.ied n.en,' ai,_ :h.i pau*i: _, he added, " What * nielamboly piiie to pa| lor it : Tbi-1 ii*ener? i Btwired :u tf o ?f.? r.l bi.'t'ei In tbe ralley w. re cont.i)ed ln priaoi ? in the c-ty. The ( atho Uc Alchl.ifhi ;? .'t Mi xic apniltsi to (Ien. s>. orr '.or the relea?e ol th**?e p,a.r .olilier*, baiing hl* applicalun on Iha v ta . I hinnnity an-.l of tbe gralir atlon iuch an ln MBBtaa al eB BB-nai would glv.- to the Mexiean peop'e. ..iii not only rotnplleii wllh the wl.hei ol the Ard'.iabup. but did it ln a mauner ao grateful to tha te, lii _? ot tb-- Mr\i.-an peopl,- a* to call forth the eape cial tbanks of tka ArchUuhop, not only for the restora UiD ei thi>e pi or cieature* to the ole??l_g of lii.erty and to thetr tamilie*. but for the very kind and con*i_ erate inhBtier ln whi^h the favor wa* cunferred. Tbeae are a few af my reruiPiacence* tof wbich I have insnymore) of (jen BeOTT'8 calhollc toleradjn aaMlete Me-li-o ll you thmk them worthan InaertioB ln your t>?per, thiy are at your dl*poea.. A -oldibb. iWt-liuve the name o! tlie **i.ter <>? tlie i.<ie Ht.iiig;.?/?-<--) _ _ MtllTff, a_-? Mat all, of i.ray, haa U-an noiiiinatf(1 for O-BfrBM llV t!ie (>}'l'"-" tion ofthe Uld Uistriet l_T lt is otVicially announocd in Thf JfmtumtU Inteihgrncer thal M. de Sartlf?a. the FrOttCh MmUter. haa aoi been rrcalli.. Ornff Ferllnal- Old (Inotnltit srl(, {?.___, |? IByiarii-e- Knlll.-nlioii illertina-Mpa-akt-ra ? Iii-nliilinro. Knin r?, inrni *>n. Iti.nrrrra l.av. llh of Jah , ?_r. Baaaaea '-_*--' e ?< i^t .v T. i r.i.una. taaacoaa, M>odRy, Jii-5. i%.*.i Wliijr firr-s burn briehtly in old Onon frijn at..,i!t th"-' _bl?a. Tlie nomination of th? MHatoaad Chief, WlWttMUi SCOTT, hM inftis- ' .) aea lih uto the Whig party und at the aame j .iu.c paitih/.eii thal ef our PppOMBtfl. Th 1840 aad 1848 did aot co-aaare with tha , :?t.d ferlii.g and union eahihitod at thi- tioM. It a juat two week* to-day BBBOO SCOTT wa* noni Bated, and from the hour thut it w;is announeed , n our young city th. re hafl been a ?_c> esaion of 'ign- favorable to tbe BBeceaa af the Whig, this hU. (ln the evening that the good news waa re ?eived, a .-pontnncoua _atherin? took place in the .,(tbe Bvraeaae Hooee. where a aaad <?f iiu.-ic diflcosi-C- the glud thbaga, aanid the .iirtnn. ol bwtn Ifl of tar, Bxptoaion of lire-works, iad tho chaera of tbe BM-titode. It Im.ked like tba latter end of 1848, ooly a little more to! ln a dnv vt t-ro thrrenttn, tbe Yotinj Men mtt ihout forming a ScOTT Clab. Tnat is no?r or (aoizcd. j7S-.Ta._oa, a "Iwa" Wlug, Preai i. nt, with Bizteaa V. Praaideota, and ?ecrr-, ,.!<?-, Our Club Room is B0B ind we iritrnd to Ripprj Muaelvia with docuneatfl for free distribution. BM orL'Hiii/e our city thor uighly On Baturday evening la-t, w.- had our K.tiftca tioo in"t.n_. lt was a rottter ' The lloy* were ,n baad. T?o baadrad gaaa weia .ire.l, any . cl fnr nn i wood suli.-r--!. and fhe long en'ioii - ?> tw.i baada ef m_ne. ioma of the baaoen eaniod ia th.* pr -.ia i.i.i.|i..?two eapecially. Ooa ?.' tbefle i. pn - ated ? larjra BmtH tj Sonp. aod Uu i monatroofl Umt ol drnham Brend?both in lor dyai - pl L. (ien E. W. I.r. \\>N\v..mii reaided at thr ' n_, with a large numher of other o .peecbeswen madabj Oea.U_u.ioer,Daain [fcrrTB-d Gio. F.Combtocb. AaowGI made their dehtit oo tbe oecaaioa. Its roceptkm aaaeatho-naatie. Tbaroaototiona w.-r> r.>;> .rtr.l |,v the f"f: ti ittee nnd pn-srd by the m.-.-tinrj. i.i iiniii.ouslv. Tbej ind r* tha procoe-wcB ?>i :.,.iir Convention cordially, aod pfodge t|,r VVhigi by ihe rn/itrirtt'.' tt aaestioo, MtwitbatandiBg ' Btraeol Chaftield _y to. Tha people in thia raaotthrough triththiequeal " bere woeldprofer il,.- ra-Doounatioo ai Oor. Hotit, nnd then we ahall be pleased to join --ue with the Bnemiea of De Caaalfl ood r the leaderebip i ex tipoaker Betmoi a, who i* fiohing for the l..Domioatioo for Gorernor. Wobeal Mr. S. withGoa. Hcbt, leben the iaaua waa 1.--- diatinct. I tbiah a i!.. it< b i-.-ier this lr.ll. The oi Gen, Bi m haaei n i nti d tmi raaha, nnd a i.r- joined by baadreda nnd tbooeaada of oar ?ppi nentp. We h. ar every day, io dinoreat patts ot Ibe im. of LocoB who inteod t<> rote f>>r Scott. Maaj of thaai ara pronaiaeafl aodiaflu mtial. aad wiU eairj their neighbora with thaai. lh.- hi-h. in pattacular, are eatliu?iaatic for the KetOOffl Hundred linttirs. ? >ir gfljnfl Irom this lourco wiil be baarry. Oar opponeatB evidently ieetbehajMl-writiogaa tl*, batarhal todo they kaow aot. la thia rogioo tbey are aot ia linadto t?lk much oa polittea. Thi") caonot say ,ii\tl.iiig r/A'?"""' '"'ii- ot a r aad ol Pieret they .niiw little nnd appearto cara Iaaa. I -. .. lebratioB oi the 1th to-day haa beea re pint. .!? mu, li BtOre tMJ 11 i.t ti aat BO) tmie duriog ii \eiti- plJ^t. Bev-tal m litar? und fire eompa uecn oaed in the proceBflioa. Tbe town appeara o l,r> in,! ol peopte. A aewlj orfanixed ctanaany, ?l!,d tbe >vta< ii-e Ugbt UragoooB, ea-Mayor \. II. HoVBT, Capt.'iin, n. ide it- .i|ipeiiriin,e, and l, _hl\ rpikni of. 1 amaorr) toaa) thal bbt ral accideata have bapp. aad to-day. A Gennaa, Bbile loadio| tbeeaaaon, wai ktllrdby \x* pr- na hn.jc. -\ h"v waa alao BBrioaah to* un H .n hia baud by tha liiin. of a aiatol, und ac-. rai. tber accideata are reported. lt i<< a dmibttu! irhother *'"'. oriebratiowfl nre aMwaeom nrndable in the breach or in the obaervaaee. I llink tho loiui'i- I r..m cvcty iii.licitio'l lll tli'" _n etB?riotoofl crowdV, light.-, ieils,\,-.?I think ,?i mi . h I ,1 li(|iioi haa been drunk in .mr town o-day. Pooi t'' then haadB will acbe to .11 tow to paj foi it. k'oarB,A lUANKLIN. _Mn mii.a.n.? The Whig Srate C.mvi-n ioa, hald al Marahall on tli* Ist. nowdi?tad, Paa ItaM.F.NTiAt. Klp.ctobs?/."'. ctort at i.trge ? i.hnOw.-n, nt w.yiie, Oao a. c,,,-. ..t Braaeh. I ti tn - i TawaBOod E. Cldier.of Ji ? Doniel & Bacoa,of Moaroe; 3 ?_?_ Et Mjrrlun, I I'.. r ri. n; 4. Rlchard Butlrr, of Muromb. For tlortrnar . /.Hrhariab (liandler. IMrolL l.utit. Ot mrntr 1> 8. Walbrtdga,Kbbmbbxooj tm rttary of Statt Gtoegt l . Poman ;.. Leaawaaj __flfl Truii.l-ylveeter \' e-l, Waahtaaaw; Auditvr (Jett.Whltn^y .l,.De-. Iri.ham, Atiu. 0M.Nathann-I r.Bcii. K.-rrlen, >..;,. Pb*. tnt Joaeph IVrwv, r\ont Com /.aiidttfjot Ji.DBihHn H. VV hlte, I.aperr ; SttUe Hoarti c Eduraiiurt. ? Joarph It. Wllllaina. l',.n iUntl_e;Sylveater I.-rnrd. Detroit 0. Bp-OCWT, Yp? Bi:tl. II. T. Backoa ofWajne waa the temporary I'i. -idnit of the ('..iivention, und t'\ras I.o\ell. oi lona preaided uu-r the iHMiiiunent ..r_.iui/.'itioii. Hr.Chandler was fonaerly Mayor <f Dotroit, ladiaaoaetive anl eaergatie Whig. Mr. \ - ,,ne ol the most popuinr men m W.^tern Michigaa. The tu-ket i- a atroag one and ? wiiiudv re.ciied l.y the friaodfl ol Scott an! liraliuin. ^_ _ Pritate MvM'st airri oi Mr. ( i..*.r.? IliBBtatodia Th* Philmdtlphia Inqmirer, that Mr.Clay, upon hia retire__?al from thr Stnie De i.tiitii.tnt, at the closc of Joha Qaioc) Adamfl'fl idmi-uairatioD, cooidod to Goneral Jaaup all the ta und roagfa draoghtfl which he hnd wiitt.ti wini-* Boerotorj "' Btoto. Theae were tobe aaad after hia death ia jaatka to hia ,,,, ?,?M, in eaaa tbe eah_ani_- iboold he r.-vived, that, altbongfa be apoke well, be coold not write. Tbe inaiiUM-ripts aie very votuminoa-. tillmg a lar.e tiunk and box. Their puhlicnttoii will he looked for great iateroat Geawral Jesup iraa .Mr. CUy'fl avcoad ia his duel with Raadolph, hid, altholigh politicully oppoaed to BOCh other, ,! in, nd-liip alaraya exi-t.-d betwcea them. m ? CliRKl TTIi'N IR A*I?TO( RATK ClR . iK.e.-r.eapeclalle Gernian papen cocteln obacure Nllueloni te B 9)*** crlrolnal trial lately conrluded at l.cilin ln tbe grfateet teneoy. The nature of the cnn.e BBSBBA BO be auch aa to torbid preclae detaila, _*_ it appeara lhat a larne of pei eona, of hlgh birth | and atatioB, tn clvll find mlliUry life. were orn-nl.-_ ln a aurt ol frate: rjity with algne and pate-worda. The po. lice had loi,.- been aware of the exlatence of thli or ,_i,,-Btion, but had r-froined from a.-ting on account tt Ui,< pi tectlon or participotion of an a?ed man In the m.-et eminrnt B-kW poaflio-, Hla de.ith and the ac;t dentol diocovery of the diary ot aDother noember rea drrrd lt impoeelble lon.rr t permlt the eoeirty I .id all the .nemBera were arre-ted ond tn-J i ne pcra-n dmry had been f-und e?preoe^d Ihe greateet eurpriae that the law ehould ,nterf_re wtth men o! euch m._, but Ihie wh. by do meana th-r-n-ral op'Dicn ln thoae ci-c.-e : the more intel!lr-nt portion of the admitted thal vlee muat be treated wllh imparUal eeverity, whatever the poaition ot the gutlty partiee. How many peraone have BB-hrad the ^tenea vl the Ccurt ie nol kujarn. but H le underetood that many bighly dieUng-Uhed men ore endernned to rl_ ,r oue impriaoBmeat for from one to ten yeare. AU mlJ Ur, BBtoBtfl ImpUcated aleo h.d their naaae. atticken frtni the rolle of the army by the exprew or? der of the Ki_g. __ ??___? tt The Commencemcnt of the Univer eity of Rockeeter wiU take place on the ! Ith In-t The ctp_Ib| prevloua U de voted to the annlveraariea ol tho Pitkcrlan ood Delphie Socletlea, before which Rav. lie* I Che-verwdl deUver an oration, and Mr. f.eor.e W. | Curtia a poiin. The aanivenary exerdiea of tha 1V*o loglcal Seaninary wtll be ao tho 15tb. m 1*7' It ia propoeed to e-tablish a line o! hlectnc Telograpk serooo tbe Uthmua (_ ronanv- I?i Ricardo do la Parr_, ol Rew-GronrcK witb Heary . Rot-ro ond ABlooio relUjr'ier, i)f |lew Yoril, holi tb. cb.rter. FROM NEW -VORK TO MXEVEH. x.xxix. ("AIR(?-*MEBI?ANS IN KOYPT-THK EHYFTIAN OOVF.RNMKNT-ALEXANDRIA. B4it*r.*> C .r r.titil'ir a of Tl* .1. T Triiaaa Atrx_VD?i\. K.ypt, Tueaday. April 13,11 The Iniian .Mail an'l pa**er:.<'r* pa-tsei through Cabe the day after I arrived, and aa there wa.* no nerond .teuiier down tlie .\ile for s weik. 1 had ample tune to heal my eycs, (irbich were niucli damaged l.y the peniaaJ of letters aud papera from tiome.i and to i*ee nli the *i{ht* at* Cairo. which I had be.-n obli.ed to laare un*e.*!i, au mv firr't a-i*:t. .Tlie lirst two or three days of my s-tay were Jttne-like an.l d.h.iom. The hedCM and sbmbbery in the gtr at.'i'iarc orratli rr park. nf the K/hckiyeh were in bleaMNB, and all lle gardenr* hetwi en the city aml the Nile were -trrped in the fragranea of lemoablo**Din*. The f. v, _? idiioii- tree* were cloth-'d in a tender jreen. e.xcep. tiie a.-acia, wliioh reiiirinl?*r*i ita far boBM m Central Africa, und drop* it.* luliage at tlie nuine time witli it* bmibcra t!..-re. Krery day ita \ellow leavea rattled to tbe groaad and it* bougha _n-w more bare : so that when I down the niagniiieent arenue to tlie p-ilaee fi Siiool.ra. I nn nothing but autiiiuiial picturea. In tlie __? Ii.knih it uae the flu-li ef Ma) ; winle tli)?e wl.o virited the Pymaudi rode our hirve.*t fiel.N, piled aith ihi atee. Tlie asenraiM irhieh i ?hi!l longeei Jremember, .? i< HelktJM-B. al.oitt two houra diatant. Tba ardered by l.irge _?ld* i.r young clover. in wbich the Cairo boraea ?>en tnmed loeee br their ainiual au week*' paeturuge. Tba oUre oi on either hnml arere juatbeginning t< liloom tin* Ig-treeirai pntting brtb her young abeote, and tha vine with the tendi i rrapa gara I It wa.4 a pfaufl ol" the fireabeet gardefl and paetttie lai.ri. reliered b* the gmad objecta irbich elevated rea aboreand around ita channed horiaen. Vomler. tbe purpla Pymnaide; m the sauth. tlu* n. --ii. t-1 rc liro . Ihere, th. done* ofthe tomba iit'tln-l'ali|iii*, iin.i tlie i> 'I krabiafl Mountaiaa, itretcbing n ? tow-ard Suez. 01 Heliopelis, Ibera ia nothing left but aoma naonadn, aprinkled *ith hewn Btone, ad a single gi inite obelieh, ofa !;ite anti nor to the tinia ol Jo*eph. i >n the n lurn to Cairo. I -iafted ? gardea beloaging ta a Qoftk aaoaaatery,wbereia .tamiaa hoge lye* BWn tn-e. uii.Ur aaliii-li tlu* \ nnd Child iwtod, oa I rai n ? bing Egypt. lt ia prol | yeara old,but that nabee nediflbreaee to the tinr belietera, .rent Buanben of arhom haro takea peies to atteal their faith by their naaaee, rbkhthej have carred deepl* into tbe bark. llut [ I, ive nst th. aligbteet doubl tbat if the true n . tlu l.:iw were in e\i*tenr-e aml pUeed ab.-t.- tlie liainl* of I 'hriatiaa travekra could reai h hi iii. ihe ori-in il in* riptiona aould beobtiternted n *i\ iiionth*. Nothing ia toeancredte eeeap he vanity of tb.- name-ruliei*. Cairo wn.. j i-t re. uvermg from the bewildering ?li-h of winter trai.-l. F.v B th'' ntaid < ?iiaiit'ili*iii it'the (dderinhaitbaata n_o itQI look with honeet innur un tlie nnrrow-hreerhed Arub BOkU-tl aml iiiliceiuen. wa* ataltUd from its propriety by the inpii'i edt uti il irruptioii ul' tha Franks. Tba iiinlier ol" Atnf ri.-tnn idone who reacbed Cairo bw year waa near firo handred. Tlia Vfce-Coa* ul. nlm in a Sanas, was ni_li ilriren to liftraction ly having torty-eeren impetienl lecidentala ob hir* banda at one tune, all aniiting te leBfa the next day, aml eaeh !e?iring to be nttenile.l to hafure all the .thern. The botob aew amwileil. dragouiaa aere at an enoriuoas preniiiim, atxl erery dah-bi ,ih tbat cnan rloa_ the Nile aaa angnged Tor a riuiiil M>aaf;a Iriitie it had beefl twa hotirfl at [Joulak. In.lecil, I wa.* told that domeatic Mf rRtit.*. and denbey-boya eren, who Jia.i a kolerabk imatteritig of auy Karopeati iengO-ge, were taken i*. dragoiiieii: and a good bnaineea they made Oi t. Onnsy way down the .Nile, I wa* re^nle.l with ituries ot the r-uui* potten from er.-lulou.-* \uieri ?_eaad innoceat EngUehmen, and how thi* one apeat att bia naoaey and paid enonnoaa coettaie* lionstoCept mofcbnnte fcr adenncing him a few ponnda, wlnle another ?old hia ebthea in tke lia/aar ut Bioilt to rain- sulti.-i-nt ta return tu Cabo. I he;ird of an Englifhiuaa -im sp.-nt h,..,,lv 12,000 for the eoyage to Abou-Sinabd and bncb, and another whoae bill .<u fcwia,m3h aad utlier nau asariei by tbe aay wuh |_00. It ib no n-ooiler the Arabe gel acbooled in impoaition| wlirn they find such eaay rfcttma. The whole ieurney of two rnontba, to Abon-Sbnbel hh\ becb, ?acd noicoetnaoro than $303 i'.>r one peraon, <>r |400 mi two.ia_luding the dragoman'e wagee. At the time of mj anwali then- trtrt only -iv. Americane in Cairo, beaides myaelf. Fhraofthena left two daya Bgo bi Baea andOaan, nnd the other (Mr. Unrriaon, of Kentneky,) joined me for the tour through Syria. At the time l left, there wete not u doaen trntekn ia all khe hnteba I wna tho gnle inh.litfitit ol' the <|uiet und eoBilortihlr Hut. l de I'Earoae, to which I irould mconuaead all par ,vh.. ln\e uaatneao,order and errihty. People were tulkinrr of the inti-u-u heat, and dreadin- the .iiii.iit of tha kkmmteen, or aouth-wind, Kiealled . ia it bknra fifty daya. I fcuad the teaqwa tur.- iitliii eool tliau wano. and the kheun*. 8*. wln. li hh w oecaaien-Uy, filled the city with dunt, bat wainuld aa a aephyr, conparod to tlie far naee-like lilantr* ofthe Atrieui Des. rt. (ii-ntlein-n prefMied thenteehea tor the joniaej aeroea tba li, -. it l.y pnrchanin. hroad-bnuiiii'd hat*. gn-'-n veiln. ii.uble-lineil uinlirrlla-*, and blm spectaclee. Theae may b. nli rerj good, bat I bnw not yet the .un or felt tha beat which ooald iadnce ,. adept tin-iB. I would aot exehange my re colkctiona of the fiem i d Denart, blaiiag all oier aaith int.i*---e*r-r light. lor any BIBOUnt of .-r.-.-n, . v aky and !-ln* -aud. And as loran uuibrella. ith a i untininl Bhado -TOUnd aou, in al .uu!.iu*t let tl.?- Ban hty his ,r an auiir hend. ilauti wniit to know his ^1 left Cabo with regrei,aa I left __abeeead the \\ bite IN il.-. aad ever} other plaee irhkhgieea bat Bll that he rame to ieek. Moreorer, I left tefaind me na B-cbfid drafoman, Aebaaet Ho had loiir.d a naa -on in hi? hauie. bnt BOBO an invalu! wiie. who iemaaded hia eare, and no he wm abliged ta gi?e ap Ihe journey with me through Bfria. H? had <|uit.- andaarod hhnealf lo me by his tonatant il*voiiuti, hia ai-.tivity, hone*ty ai_l iiit.-lii.eru.-c, and l had alwuya trentad Um rither as a Iriend thr.n aarraag. i believe he really loved tne, lirf _*? tun.- - !er all Um .iarkne-u of his B-ia, wh. u tr* p_j-ti-d at Boalab. lor tiae nrst mm 94 liae aaoathe, 1 felt _?t and lonely. Mr. McOaaley, our <.'.._-bj ?..-enl, wa* kind enou^h te ind_?8 ma- .etiif. ite ..f rm oinmendatioa, aud l am aure that do Amcrii an who engages Achantt .Saidi will 1l*e di.?aripoirited. Mr. MeCaulea and hia wife were pa.*8en.- r* on b.-ari'thi liule ateamef ifl nrbieh 1 bft } 'ioultik. Wfl had a plea-ant pas.-ia.e aa far u* | AtfeU, whali we reaehed after dark. The deek. wa* rrowdi d wuh Anib merchaate, on their w_y to the great fair of the Shekh S.-yd-el-Beddowae, 1 at Tanta. in the Delta. There are three l_ir? i*M eaerv vear, in honor ol tUi MBr-lem -aint. t _t tbe 1 gro-teat of thetn is in about four month- fiai_i t_** t,me. It i. not unuau-l for twe ___***. ?ho?JBBUd .^opletobeas^nibled at Tanta. wfcuV it aats The deck was tumed tate db-Bfl '_nd *** **** ofanioke were genermted by .nn._n?erable Hpte?M noteaen tl.e bthb wind c-julA ^**T3 M *?*? |K rid of them all at Ka_-el-Zy?t, and, fertiinatcly for onr fcrthffjo.iri.ey, the number of perBono rem.imng w aa not grea. ? The ateamer did not into the Mahmoudieh 0__?i ** we were tranafrrred to a aort of canal-hoai. _rawn hy a steam-tug. There were no herths.hut the **** _er? were ullowe.l to atreteh themaelioao t benf h-.e and e_?in. and give tlier bo_WI into tiie \> ower of Arnt? tleaa. whifh are tlie lledoum? of thchVa tnbe. Innk vuraeiniia aml in.-oTiahle. lt was nin.? o'cl. '('k the next n?>rnm* wh.-n we reaelied Ale\an,lrn>. Tbe fare for tbe trip is $1... melndini* pr.<.*alV me:u> 1_e ste.emers I.vive bath riiiea every fivo dava. aad as they are neurh nlwni - , row.l.-d, fhe eoinpanv inn-t rrap BBOIOWfl protitt. The ruilmad is adxnneing rapid!>. The tents af the en.meeri nre j>it. hwrf nt intervah* h. twron thi- place aad At feb. aad laboreffa ara al work gra__f the raad. The old .innrri-h ot'.Masarnb. wSiclifuriii-h ed atone for the I' ut BOO behag workad again for the Lridges and laaOBwaya. With regard to Eg>ptiaa politica, t'nere ia noth in_ aettled. Abbaa Paaha pacB-tfl m rafeaiag the, aad it is now undersitood here that he will ba eiipportrd by the wh'de ir.llueiiee of Kng land. Thfl entira relatmn Letwe.n Kcypt and Tni-Tj ia anaatnral V.-t avaaaodar the tnlm tiiv raaaalaga nt present existin^ Egypt night becOBM once more proapOroOB, had flhe a ditTer.iit ruler. Abbafl Paaha is a nmn as thoroogbly !>i_; oted, aelfish and debaaad ifl ever held powor, and th* (loverninciit ot' Kgypt nnd her d, poadeat Proviaeeahi oaevaat Bjraaaa. of Bahwala. While be aaaoaOy wring* n r?rennoof|l",-r>00,000 out <>! a population of snnie fnur or tivp millions. he ?ijiiM.ders rnornaool bbbbob biapalaceaaad hia Biil.iotis. cxiling the few ni- n wfaOBB a isd .iu mi^ht huve aided hnn to rule. and tillinj their plaaefl From tho n inioofl ?ho paaaperte his depravad and |,ea-t!v appetitea. There is said to hc a strong party at ' baatantiaoale ia feaof <<i depoaiag hiia iad ho.-towing the Viceroyalty upoa some other kraaehof Mohaaaaad AlPa familv?parbapa Saj I Pasha. It will tiardty BOCCOfld, at lea-f br the wcBent, aad thoogh it is to he doabted nrbetber he ehaaga woald be a-och for the hetter, it could io! be for tha wor.-e. 8 ivd Paaba raaidefl bere iad ia at present Adaairal ot" tha Egyptiaa Navy. He ia b maaofaooBB iatelligaaee?foran Egyptiaa* I'uiid, the l'.n\oy htely sent Irom the I'orte, i- alao hare, sn.l doui_ nothing. l>oi\ l'ip_ ia in almoal the aaflM stnte ofuncertnintv ae vi ,n I firat laaded ia Egypt If Um nunor ia re ;atd to Eagtaad is r.,rrect, it wildcliiy n crisia for iome tune. but ean h;irdl\ prcvent it. lauppoaeflome bccoub! ofadifllcnrtyl etareenour 'i.ii-nl-t.eneiiil nnd the Rgyptian (.'overnnient hafl dread) raaebed you- Tbe fiicti aia rinpl) theae : Mr. McCaafoy bad arged the claim of Mr. Bar how, an imerieao, npon the Gnvenunent, aad on in.liiig the latter reflolved t" pn Iract the ail.iir t'.ir ? ni-.die-a Irngth bf time,doclared thal BBleaail a. re aol adjuated *\ithin ? i aitain tuna. he ihould .reuk off all diploiniitic rel.itiens. un.l -irike hie la_.. Thifl .lemitllil met with BO tesponso vor, nnd at tbe appointed tune he waa aa food aa ns word. Tbe Prime Mh.iater becatae alanaod; i ii , lataj i' waa dispati bed to the \ iceroy, who aaa then in I'pper Egypfe,and the whole allair vaa aettled with an alacrity moel nnnsaal in [.gyptian o-Seiala. Theflag wai hatsted igain, indei a aalntaof twenty-one guns froa. the foi renB, all tha other Fareiga Cooaula boiaaing their ?i.l.,r- al thestime tune. Tlie ... , ui icti.e, wlltlt M.r may be tbooght oi it at home produced n narked irapreeeioti bere, and l bave beard ihe I'oii-ul-iienei-nl's cottrae atrongl) conunendetl b) BaropoaaroaidontB. eaa bardh fail to -rodaceanexcellenteffoc-t; foi itiaoal) b) proaipt ind rigoroaaaetion oo the part of our represeata tivea, thal the reapeel due to tbe Americaa naaw _.?,, i.,. BOtabliabed in the ignorant Orient. Alexaadt- i.* ia n moat naaaMfod state nt pr. -ent. The eity is full of Eoropaaa refu.-es, politienl an.I othorwiae, aome of whom have formed gaaga aml carry oa ? qrataai of robbory and Bwiadliag. Fea nightfl pasa without? quarrel or a munl. i. aad there nre some atreeta through wbichaae ?ann..t aasaaiterdark withoat n-n. h h-'k. The i.-rv honrl iirrived here.aMaltOSB wb- itahbed ia the priacipal aqoare,aad lince than aiii'thev has be.-n .iHiigenm-ly wounded. Ilowerer, I have lired throadavfl withoutacci drnt und'eipe. t to laave ia eood baalth to-inor rawVorBayroiit. I jo by the Preneh Bteamar, an.I nttoi paaaing through the~yrianaoaraathM, ahall rtart tt once foi JeiiMitleni. tfter nearly eix ii-.ntii- in Mi ? a, I look forward witb pleaaurt to ii liesli (.'. iitinent. "? '? THE LATJaSTIYEWS; By Ttlegnph to Tlie Rew-Tork Tribum1. Southere TeJeorapk OJflft, cor er "fHaitorer and omtttrmtl m - The Vnrnnt lametBTyabla?Mfdaf C'a?e. \\ AiiiiM. io\, WTadneaday July 7, :-'.. The Becretaryahip of tlie Navy ha> aot l,...n?end.-redto llon Alnxander livani, ae reported, but there le reaaon tO autltlpnlc hu d." !? uelon 11 It ?h< uld be aflorad. _ _. ln tho caae oi Day lor mi-nlering; his wife one hundred and forty cltt/eni have been lum mon'ed, but ?t th' adjour_m.nt ol the Court to day, but eleven jurore had beea eworn. The Nn'lvr Auierlciin >omlnallona-.'?lr. Web nier. 1-ni.t, \V'4doea.l?y, JuJy 7, The Americu party an- ririn- u lalnte of nae baadiad gune ln honor of the nomin-Jon ol \Vet> eter -ind l\ aehlngton. Mr Web-t'-r paaaed thn. ab the rity thie afternoon. aad the nomlnatljn waa tendered hu. . ile U reported to '.-ave ioii that he would itand the tire. Faaaaal Hoaore to llearvil l?y ?t lliilf-l?? Kiiilrii.i.l B i-'-alo, Tueaday, July A Comtnittee oi tt-n wt:nt to Rochestcr to day to meet the re_aamu ot Hkb._ Clav. i-rtea .He-.rep?tBtloi,aBr.,maklr._ fur a torch-llght pttxmm. ,i..n when they reach. thli city Tne n.llltory aod nra M -re "rdcred out. The body ?? expecled lo arriva ", fc.-_o aboui Itt 0 Bloak P. M . a-d leavf-hnme dUtely per Bockeye *iaie f<_r Clevelani. Th'- down train>ester.lfly afternoon wae thr.wn Ofl the track . tew milea Below ('anr_Bd?l?ua Mr T. wcr.otth- Arnerican EaoraH 0**,** much I Lt and , -e br__oman, named tKa.-rman, haj\Ut ekul!. Ira-turt-d. Woa *mt mrmttAJ m.urud. The _.:_? daat waa UBiaBlrirt hy runniug. over a cow. .Mr. tlaj'a ttemain. at t levrland. Clx-. a_A> ". V.'-_D.eda>,.uly 7, I '?' _. About 11 o'clock th. -teamer Hackey? -tate arith the body of _____? Cla^ on ocard, eatae in .Ubt,'minute g-WI MTtm, BBBJ tbfl bajfo B?tk**? 3Jed. Imi-ediBtrly all tha etorei . ad otncea were ._oerd. audblacnhangli.fli were auepanded tr.m the ttir-owa oathe kine olthe >roc?_ai-r_ A large n ..f cluzeni repa>redtolh* land*. wbere the re inaliiBweTB dall>ered by th- B-ffa_, 0****9U*? Clevelaad CciaiaMHa. Iba] b_ibjb.ii iij--._??_!_. r_ bj Goveinor Wood lo %VlUU:.. Bl llllla. J-", ** thn C?_u_Bbt'i (..'oma-Uee. ,._,._.,_,,-. __Uo aoet Tbe 5a-aaa? ond Aett-cnr, Delegauooi ouo Baaa the ra__k_e here. . ,_. _ u lC -cdy lett in tha trala at 1 B -lock ?? ? Vlr. Cmkjto Re_-i? ln ??___---?? Hi-ik__- Tueaday EiaUg. I* -* 1sj- . Bin_to,i ' CI haveiuBt ft. SP-etr JJmmtt* *mU -iaaaaa. arrived lalhlB-uty. ^ymtmm coocourae oi paople . une firtof. _w? proceaaloB of firemen U ,n thL- flWeeti, -??. ? ?? ,^t lm__e(j__te!y ou tha t*__H pl?ce_- X _f,__Jr euanrer Hw_eye State. The Death ot ?;?verae?r Calhaaa.' 8t Lo-il, Wedneeday, July 7, 195 The narty which h ft Santa Ft. with r.ov C__--u_,hii arrlvodot Kanooa. The OOMBM __f___T_BBiraaV.caaB-aai to flrow woraa, and when SS SS ?*? * K-uaaaa, hi. W* ramataa-met. buiied flrtlh Maraalc ceremoBlea, wn .-aturday itmk * Attrnapt ta fc-M. B_iTiBOBB, Wedae-day.J-lJ?, 1-... Mr. Leagae made aaecond ?"^P* y?J urday lo __jS__| Crawiar, who U aader hl f-T the aedoetioa of Le-tjue i dou?h_*T. A r rl. al of the naathora . .all* -rrwa Tma. B_ltimobb, Tueaday, iaty 6, 1 _? Two New Orlt-ana mnila nre r6.ceive*.. The st~nrnahip Louisi_n? brin^a t'.elvee ton dafee to Ihe Sftt i;tt ln mlgrmritB fr_o !,?'?aay were pouriag In'.o Ti iaa. Nearly 60,000 ba.e- of Cotton had beer reeelved at (Jalvei?o_, The C'orn . rop w onld eieeexl ail calcela ti. n The Qairmtnn Jotrnal aays: ' \\> have learaed tha. C irpi'S C-ff-ti h n been sel*<1?_ l.y U ?___*?. for a mllitary de,*. i f9 fll th? country weat oi tb* -aa Antor.i.." Cholara wai preveilia/, at In'lianole and al other p. mts. -licrtTro_BnBd to rma_f r-ntsaadalares. TheZW-y llevlle BBjri there are in th?. plare two paruaa of cfcfcreas nn-ayerl againat each i th.r - tbm th.? are artned M the heth fonit.ntly, aad tb.t hl.H _*hed liarpr.-r?I:.i,.J\ Tlie inaterinS tor a new MgM-WB at Matagonla Pass have arti.ed at l_at port The building to tx*of cast IroD. The rornpany pa_wri_ed for hv an art rvf tbe l**t Leaulaturetu mnatruet a r__ria.i froni Aultia to the Hraru*. at,.l exteaU-ii; the __netoi.ilreeOn, waa orpanised at La (irange. I 'hn S. T_r_B__ff **?!> rec, red nt Nenr i trleans with a *alute of OO gvia* aad other pubflo honor*. Nathan 11. Christ 1 as been eonvietcd at Mi .lle of the murder ot Oilore Nye, and wa* seoteaeed to be hung. The r'nnrt- ia I'lital urgh .Marder. PiTTsei Ki.ii, Tueaday, Jaly 9, IS54, Yestrnlay bosi_*_M wa* entirely aoa petided, and Iniiependene* annlrersary was more thaa u*ually obierved. No *<-riou* acctdeut occurrad. SainuH Mitebell. foratet tunikey of the County I'rU.*B, while waliloi* along Waterat was at* tarked by three penons, itnt>l*ed in the cheat, aad In ?tantly killr d D.ivid Jewell acd Jain,. K Coehraaa have been arreite.l a. the j'.ip.-ti atora ot t_e> dewd, ea aniined, and eom.i itted for trial. ? _? Indeprndence In I Inrianall. Cim-i.N.v.iTi, Tuesda/, Jaly \ 1*?5_ AHboaeb tbere wa*. no aaited aetioa. In iapandaaee l>*iy whi en'hu.alaKueilly i-elel>r*tiad yea terdsy No serioos aaaUani '*>ill''T very warm? Thi-riiiometerat noon stood al M in the shada i- He, ia of I'aavder. Kjurma, N. U..Tui-_ay, July ?, IM. On tbe ?'?th, a caBBOO l>ur*-t in thi** town, dan.eruuslv wounliii. (Ihi a l'ayieu, Jofln ll-la, Jjha ana r.i.i.-un Caiter. Tbfl twj t.r*t are uot e? peet.ft to survlve. ln Heaaiker, N- H.. Geo. R- Pavia was la.tantly kill.-d by iha bursting of a raunun on the .__ tMrent Manehealer, N.ll. Man.-hksifr Wedneaday, Jaly 7, l-aJJ, La?-t aigbl Meeara* l.uMavin, (.oulii 8c Co '? ?team mill* at thi* place were '.urned, wtth tha building* adjolnlng. Total losa, t.'.'i.uuu. 1'artly ha* suied. Arrival ol'the I ____? nt Boston, Wednesday, July 7, 1 __ The K. y\. ateamabip Canaila, Capt. I.anr. reach-d ber dock at Ka?t Noston at I1. o'clock thi* iteino. n. Her mail* wiltbe diipatched by the firat truin to morrow muraing. i'i i-iii'iu e ol' Ihe Niagara. H.moN, Wednei lay, July 7. 18._. The R. IM. .steainship Niajrara, Captain *t ne. .ailed at i.oun, wth .">1 pa.ienifrs tor Liverpool and II fnr Ilalllax. She Iaal out *-."*U,0Oi> Ib Ainer li-Hn gold. The f*>oul_-rn lamaflBBa* CiiARiBSTON, Tuesdiiy. July <>, __b The ataBtnabip Uaioa. Captaia Riehard Adani*, 'rom New Voik, arrlved hore at II o'oloek I _t Muiiday nighL *-A\, Tu.-iday, July ii, lri-.J. Tlie -teamer Klorida, Capt. L\ou, from Ni v? *i oik, Lhs arrlved atthli port l f,rri_n Nhip .Newa per I imidu. The Knulisli papera contain the follow u ii additioual ablp new. i Istaano ', ThilKlay, June 17, IS_. Tbe Sea Btid. .South, uf and I .i B.nton, Irora New C.Kla, a?.-i,t ..ii ihore yMlar.ay oai tlie xiuth wr.t trmi ul tiil*i*lan_ , he* on lier beam end*. a-atei-loui-d. I'art uf h*i cai.ot i? waabed *iit, tlie r*-maiDder i* Iwitj. landed and the vowal iliaii a.Ird, ?a ahe li expeiti-ri to hecome a total Iom. 8|. li.-n-No .lat*, lat B N , hn. 12, ahlp Flyion Cloud ?ii,in New-York tor Han Kranci_-u. Ma\ il, lat Ifi lon. )7, iriip, from N*a-.^rk f ji San Frai daeo. Arr nt Klalnore, .luoe 18, sl.ip Medora, Crondadt, lor New Yoik. Tli<- Iti-oiu-niiia of lht< (heaniieaha aud Olilo tannl. I! vi.timobe. \\ . .Iiie-iday, July 7, lJJ!. Tlie mail i* thrnu<^li from Nea\-Orleans, l.ut ! iltK* no new* ol iniportanee. The BBBoaaeemaat ifl maa_ that tlie re pabaafiMCbeaanaakaaad OMa Canal wtlt i._ com plef.-d and na^ i^atlou reopi-ni-d on the loth In.t \\ lile Krjertlon .Meetlun nt lloaiea. Boston, Wednesday. July 7, 1* ?.'. This eaiiiiiin a __aet_B| was liel.l Bt KhucuII Hall, for the purpose of rejecilrif tlie nornioa* tiuu nt tha \\ hiir Naili'inil f'uiiventt m of llaltimure, and to ii.inii.atri llaiiit-l ",Ni-!..t.-r luit.-ad ol (ieneral rt.-.itt The call wiis in*erted in the H uton -.api-rs a'jout a waat ago, bul wh. not .laned hy anubody. The hour appolnaedfor the BMaBng wai I oclock.but Itwaat before proeaadtaaa commenced. Tfeara appeaiod to be hii M-?ence of ipeaker* and tho liall wai hy noineam crowile.i Too prlnclpal and al n mt tbe unly im-n on _M platlorm, were Mr. Ilarry Wllliains, wlio foimarly baleatad to the |)-iinx*ratio paity and bolti .1 on tb-onaiioii ot the I ulted Stataa iim.k i|iiestlon , Kev. Ilul.baid W ui.Ijw, a schoolmaa* |i ? ui,d Mr. Unnniioiid. Mr. Willlanis is an ener(teti<- old (tentlenun. and waa uuiiiioMtrd a* Cbalriium of the irieeiiog amld ciics ol ?Ave and K?" Tbe aye?, bowever. prevalled, and V\ i111h_i I'. May, S. N. HuLl.i aml Jamei 11. BUka, wero appoiat*. ,-icietarles, but after a considerable pau*fl, theie gentlenr.eodUl aot make their nppeaMnee, whea the 1-resldei.t said, with great ener(-y, " William B. May. you arerei|ue*t?d to mak<- your appearance oa this plHtforiP, ro-rsof lau^hter, ai i you also, Jainaa ll. Bluke aod I N- Ilobbs Kenewad Im.-h-ei , Tbe ChHtrman tht-ii H.ldreased the moatiii. He .ald bf ihi not *eek Uie oific coiif.-i red upon him. and only il l.e.;a_*e there wa* a dliwvpoiutineut Bboat tha oft'eer wbo ooght to be here. He *ail he never met with ?n audiaance upon an ui-ea*lon of greater lm* rjirtfnri; tliau tbi. lt wa* iiu b >yi?h play. lt Inv.ilved the ..?.(?!..' of the Whig party ot I_*i..chun-tt? and iha nhule I'nlon. This meetinf wu cal'ed ln con*e.|iafoca ol a natlea ol a aaeethafl to ratUy the dolni*. ol tha Halti noie Conven- . Uod -u per ceut. bt Uie Whiga were oopuaed to thoaa diloirs. The notice ln*eited bva law 8c._t mea who Beiean .car.-u a. whlte crows,?he_. e thi* meeiiog was < alled U; oppose lt, and wBJ B not wtse to prev.-nt ouraood We_Ker Wbl.i wn,aa hearU wereinthelr ?ho3* ln m cos.aning theinselvea, and (fire them an op* pi rtuiilty of v.Aiug for the n*?n of their MW and ot de^-i-tag a noa-ination that cinnof and will not prevall?thU nioaoutaat la nnceaaary?it la ni'ceasary U i>ri*tuca ari efl. -1 Irom 1'aaiauiau- *ddy to Calilorma. ffDaaW .Vebitar had b. on nom -at-d at jallimora, he would hava b-d a w?lk o?er **,*?*** There was a -lead and h?n.___-a majoriiy ol IheCon veMion aj-aict .-cott, and oow M i_?_>l n-eds swaU ], w rjiBi-head. m*ck aod neeli. IloW waa t_?t noBit-itton broa^ht a'fout f [('naa ot loaves and kfeflB.] Aa ln tne ti__o ol Araold there waa treamn in tha cawp, so ls tbere tre.ion la ttecamp nt I'.altlmore. Tbare wai the Bcotcftinan of Tht A-lat, and deor^-e Umrey. and otiiar men IiaJ beea p?rk?d and ilavered. Tbeie men had the wi.-.kedn**a ar.d ?B-tr-l 10 __B| a-o-t th? nom-nation BJ**** dience ever tor.ave than., tbey weie mada ol ******* .1 * ? fiom * hat be 99k When i.f noa Ml ****} the .trret,they wer. _rfia;iwd k Uk blm tn the frc_ DK-iou. gulit ____. laat l-'raa* br amtnf5f^"2f^SB-_ n__S now to tha cure thU bi-.-h P-?. .**[** , b wlt0 ^^r mf)am ____r_"^U___-t?^--S-S F"'*"d !_2___S h*_*ra. ^^"S'Ty-u,-, a_d I. he (tlie < _?tri_*o> ST?^-S__-_V: * could thot, < ien Sco? UiV,,iirfCvVeb*ter-G_.i s_M hlm-be ebaiiaBged Jtmwm?aiow __n ba ever ttkfi tmUt ?A* To. ?e,Vfa-tth?tWlnnel,t .?>.,? would rand lo thu wtyoT *!'_ ai elevated ma. wa, . proof th^t he waan H tha. _~ I ' -- ?an t_an_ion waate-i tor j rwrtdaot Uwaaaaked "What good -ould tnls meeB-g do I* ? III. answer was that all wa* 9*9 _Bpoa*ibla that _sei_. & impassib-e. snd lt is nat yet t->o lat* to eUact W 8__? ?. Letter- bad been poured j> from tbe South aaklng w bat the\\*_*rer man were about, and saylog they w ould never stump-cott- [Heragrowi* tor Baoit and cbeera produced a .cene of uoroar that lastad for aeveral ?tafltfli Wben the appUuie subatded tha Chatrman raauoaad and **ld to bu eteraal diij-race Bcutt dia oot coma au wi ? a at-t-ineiit of bi* prindplee until the laat mo _jent. (Here there wu tnoie dUorder, a ,d tha Chalr -_d appealadto them to aet li<e <entleir.?D ) A votee? a We ara bo genBf?iao." Tbe Cht/jmaa **ld tbey ooght to naake tbe BBflflBBBJ re*peaj_. ,|e, andhe minted that the praaa *hc _d make U resoec/_we throu,bo_t ?_? C .Ul.tiy. a aa Here there were lotid crUn for Wlaataw. ._-*-.??_ Wiaalow said they bad baen diaaypo-BBB* *****$** il wu not fiaal, and a brtfbter day wu <^<**x**\ |__f hava not come lo bory Cwear, for Ba wu n**.I*y___; out they bad come to at?e -^^JJi^niafiiBV plnee thaa C-aar -rarJtfj_^-?eeleenn>ni?aBww?^