Newspaper Page Text
La_a N-paiiar Iteaaa. We fird the followiog itema in The Cbeelao-t Hermii Valaable lota of United States mineral aaedt will be oflered ot public oolc ot the ri: Marle L*n 1 Oftce od tbe _9_. tnat The propcllcr Independence. the pioneer bl the eopper trade, haa been fitted up wIth a new upper aabls aod new engtoe, and evill eoon Uke ber place Io tha line betwreotbe mlnee acd ihe Saut. The Lake Svjiertor Journolinfrrauho Bte Marit-, ihrouah the mtneral re?1 .0 ?__?_.__"-_ Jtlver, or to iheTaet Hne of Wiaeoaeta, and erlll be more trath-ed abould itpaeathe ilooee. , ___ The Dotroit haa taken the plau. Of the Bei... laf.yerreekrd OOtheO^en^.oa theKoyol Mail Line K. Toronto. J'''"00*' J ?" "J Kaut to Toronto la very Bleaaanl aad tbe popular one for euntuner travel , _ *i r - A new aml improred ateam bptteffor the wlDdln, and punipfr- ?>.-?--* on *?_t___,CM veta ol the North Amerlcan Company nt Ltgle River, baalaet been received from Pitteburgh. ltiethou_ht to be a rreal fael-aaver, ond w? ighe about 10,000 Ibi. The Jtwrntil has a favorable reji-irt from tbe Weeferii Ontonagi.n Tfie growth of the town ef Ont< _ag?n exceedfl all former exper-tati taa, Bad b cbbbI ol the 8aut and pien at the month of the (.juU.DB.on areosly needed to make it a place of exteu Blve bceineee. Ihe pro|)eller Manhattan arrived at the thrut on tbe '/Id from Ontonagon, where ahe !ay at an cbor lo a bcevy eea, waltlnf for the Lake to ca>.n down ao tbat ibe c uld Uke on a cargo of eopper from the MlDDeaota ard ..<her mlnea of taat remlon, and *-? flnolly er>mpelled to leave without fridght Thr Jt,-.,>?> troly eaye tbat "a few thouia. d dctlari exprwded cn Bera at Ontonagon wi.uld make it oe fine a bxrtx.r ae laveland, and lor woot of euch trirtiog epp'oiulatio-i, veoeela are fr-.unntly compelled to waito.l taefwri for daya for c_Jn> wr-ath-r, to dlecbar^e or uk>- oa trelfht, or to fly before the etorin h diaiance ol 75 B-ttflB to th> Lean-et barbor " - aa ' I l?. i.|> I'oafn...'. Thffolluwino is iiie bill reported by Mr. Olds in the lloiitic af J.ejircscnte.tneh on the idh inet.: Bt it enacted by the Senale and Houte of Reprettnla iieu of tke t'niud Smtei of Amerira in Coitgrut a-ttm *ltd, Tbat Iroea and afr? r the thini- tn day of June, aJpbieen bui.dr.-d and liliy-two, the poe-a.e upon all priiited mattT piaaing throu.b the mall of the l"mt- ,1 3puI* t, iMtead of ratea now charaed, ehall be aa followa, towlt: Each newepaper, pimiphlet. pe.lodlcal, irn.x cioe, Ixjt.k, bound or uribou'.d, ctrcular, c_t*lo_ur-, >._d ?very other diwlpllon of priiited matter uncooue.- ad Wlib any n.anuarrlpt or writing, and of no greater welgbl than two ouncea, aball bc charged witb one cent. poatage, acd one cent tor each addttlonal ounc.-, or troctii.n ol an . unce. for aoy diatoace uudm three thouxand mllee, double thoae ratea. All na wa papera and periodlcale, not welghing >,v, r r ri>> ounce, publiihed regularly aa often ae once ln three montha and aent from tlie oflice ol publlcaiion to act .al avbeciibeia, aboll be cbargeable only one-balf the loro foing ratea. Tbe poatage upr.n all piinted maiU'.l- m ,t ter aball be pr.-paid at the ottice vrbere it la m .ilod or palil .|ua teily in advance at thn ..ttirp of .1-livery. ?therwlae double the foregoing ratea ehall l.ectiarged therron. _kc. 11. And be lt further enacted, That booke, b un I cr u_b( u.,d, Dot wtlgl itg over four pounde, eic.ll >.?: 4)et mrd matter, and all printed mutter cbai *>? able by wei^ht ehall t.,- w.-i|.hed when dry. Tbepab liehere ol newapapera an.I perlodicals may aead to each Otber from their reepectlr.- .,fflc?a of pu'jlicttion, trc.< Of poatage, i,_e ropy of em-h puuli'-Btloi.; and mny al I aei.d I... ad. actual aubaenber, tuchuNid In their pu'.li catl.DB, blile atid recelpte lor the BBBBB, fret. of poatag". Tbe pul.llebera B. weekly ur wepa_j?ra may aend to Ka,-h ?ct'ial aul^ wi the county wl.-.-, ihoir papera are prlnttd and publiehed, one copy ttc'ie.,1, irco ul potta?e. BB( III. Ai.d be It further enacted, th?t no newepaper, perlodlcal, n,i?_Bzlneor other prlnred B"per or matter, Bball be BBB?taa lo be eect ut the ratea ot pottage la th.. ?rt apecititd unleea the following coudiiiona be o.< aerved. 1. It aball be aett without any cover or wrapper, or in a caae or wrapper open at the enda, nr aldoa, ao that the tbarartri ot tl..- matter coi,taliied tbetein may b. de teruiln* d wiibout removiog euch wrapper. !_. There eball be no word or conimunication printed OD the aame alu'i itt puolicatlnn, or upon tbe cover or arropper Uirr. uf. n..r ai,y writing or inarka upon it, Bor npon the cov.-r or wrapper tnereol. exe.-pt the nmn-i and addreae of the pereoti to whom lt te t j be aent. 3. Tbete ahall be no pat/er or otber thlng Ineloaed, or velth eucb prlnUd oaper, hu>1 If theee eoiidlti-Jiii are aot complied wltb, iucd pilnt.-d matter aha'l be eul.ject to letter poti.,.f, and aii matter eent by mail from me part of tbe DaiMd Hoaea to unother, the poeia.H of whicb le aol fixed by Ibe provUl >na of thie act, ahall, unleaa lha aame \w entale.i to J,e aent free af poatage, be charged Wlth letter poet?_e. Bac. IV. Ai.l heil furtherenacted, thetit the ]iii,!i ', Or of any pertodica), after bt-ing ihree monuie pra vk aely notitie.l tbat hia piiblicMtloo ia aat taken out ot the ettice to whicb ii ia aent for d.-Iiveiy, conti.ui ? to fi.rWH.d -u. h pu! li.-atlon in lli.i iimiI, the r llaater to whnee oflice euch publicaUon ite.-nt, rn .y die poae of the enn I for the po..tage, unleee tl.e pubiieber ahall pay it, and wheneverany priiited matter af any deecripttoii, received durini; one quarter ot the tiachl year, aball have remalu.-d in ihe ..tti.-e, without belng called for .lurlcg the whole af any au. cer.dlii)' ,|ii.rt.-.. tbe Poet Maater Bt euch otlic- ahall -.11 thr t,,...>?, BM credit the proceedn of auch aale ln hie quartt-r * tc rounta, aadae au. h revulatlone and ..fter eu h notice u tha Poet Office l)(-|iartintut ehall pBBBB-foa, 8kc V. And u- lt turther enaetttd, that ?o much of the aeci t.d of tbia act, entitled '-An act to mr.d.fy ard raducethe ratea ot poatage ln tbe l ,.ii*d BtotaO, au.l fcr BB-Ot purpoaea," auproved March .11, in.M. ln r.-U tlon K) tbe ptMtoge or free clrculatlou ot trantmlaeion ot tt* wepepere, p^rlodicala, and other prioted matter, and all other provialone of law ineonalatent wlth thia oct, are fcareby repealed. t3T Diep. auddenly, at San Franci--co, May ?_ \fbi, UokATio N. Vajl, late a reaident of New Ifork, aged i'i yeari. Rarely have the mereantile communily of New York loat oue of their camber more wldely and due rvedly fopular than the aubiect of thia aketch. Connected Wlth ita bualneaa intereeU for nearly twenty tive yeare, fclfl latarcouree wlth merchanta and othen waa unl formly marked by a frackneaaof demeanor and a geoial Btmpera-neLt which won for blm, Inatlnetively, the re. gard of oll wlth whom he aoecclated. Alwaya cbeerful la dlapoaltion and Uvely ln oonveraallon, he yet ever evlsced a remorkable degree of tender aympothy witb the unfortunate?maklng peraonal eacrfricea of time aad moaey to comfort thjae wh. were attilcted, and addtsg lo euhatantUl _indn<-n the yet more welc-om. kladBeea of manner and apeech, which went to the very heart o. the dUtreoaed. After poieing through the va tloui vtctaeltudea iiK-ldent to extenaive mereantile pur Bnltt In thie matropolia, be emharktd for Callfornla, in April laat, leaving a wlfo and eight children depeadent npoa hl* labori oa the the Paclfic. Arrivlng, after a rapid paaeeRe, la apparent good hnalth, he waa pre porlBg to locate blma-lt ln a bualneaa which promleed a lolr meaeure of eueeeaa. Withla a week from the day ol hte arrival, however, be waa auddenly otucked with Bavere Ulneaa, aad in . eingle night waa huirled from alwoat perfect health to the cold embrace of death A arldectrtrle of bereaved frienda are eaat lu the deepeat gloom by the melancholy Udinga, but there ia a eattefac. SS ?D ?''e r?,ro,?,*,c* ?* k_a life and ibe many vlrtu?a to bi. ___.!?- ___ ____.ft ^* ?" *heKS* ?J o bia many mora) and aocial atulnrueuu he a1d?d tr,. boauty and aloiplUtt, ol tl.e CorUtl-u character ._? bonorable m-rcha,.., iha a??-tJonete hueband ind falbrr, ibe aympotbizlnt Wend, the eoualatent "? lie leaveie to hla eurvlrina; frleule aod reUilv... th*. " gr od name wbich la bettor than ricbeak" ? a. w ,. r. M Patal ItnilreiMtl Aeei.leni. Ceevaaoaaflmra of Tba N 1. Tnbune. Foi-a Co_skbs, Hinday, Jaly m, 1?3_. As Mr. TVUcot 0. Stark.. one uf our moet waahhy aad reapacUble cltLteoa, waa on hli w?y ?o WrtmoBd. Maaa., to procura a load of llme, when *W-ae-ig tha track al Rlcbmond, he wafl run ov?r and ImaBtiy MM by Ibe 12 oclo_k train golng waat. He W-?diaaavared b, the Kngineer, Mr. Wood, who imme nouily -blattod to braak up, ond ravertnd the eugine, -T-!-**ty*1" ?*ee_glne waa within a faw feel ?_* "n-U* Mruck ?>etwaen the horaoa and _?__S5_l_-_*-__-_ ?? gtoeer. oa the Omti wS/!!__?*d *? Mr- Wood> ?*? ^o artih a higb eaow .???, 0?2_L_..,I*IM_; j* *-?_?? -.__ B? l_at BBBaB. wttt _oT___* '*,,he tnek- ? ? carerful wben eroootoii tbe t*m7ktr7*rnla* ?nd "? mori> dttbcult placee. it would rW __*2 dw<,?' cttU tnJ their leame and Uoteu a _onw__i i. tttl" 1*laM- ?? ""P Bvea ond much property Wou?d wve many A Man ?ahet. OarraatoatlrBcae/Tka B. T. Tnbua_. Winra L-Aoca. Suli-on Co. . *-?^i-y,Jalyi)l8o!_.; Thia day the town of Betbel wuthrown Into a eute of great eacltemaot. A aombar of aaa. eame to Indulga Ifaemoelvea aad keep the ceUbrotion at the uvern kept by Oeor|a B. Woolrid^ of tM, Ha-e, and aa U uouoi, Jp nu who- rt-y mk% UM mtiei) Of the eetdiy mpltOM, lot flOOM CBUBa IJO| CrBBriy \no* a, a Braffla took plaee. One af tha 9^***^*??*,. ^emanl-db^d^tbUrlfleto^ahla acver.arT.aBdatth^ moeamat Mr Woolri. ga Uld h .1.1 . f tbe g_n. when lt ?aft.rtuBBtwJ- taat oft. lo-lging the r. ,,t? i.i. a. the whola rharge ia tbe breart of a man of T.nnrr wbe fcll down oa tbebarflaor anl IniUnUy Mpainl' Ab Inque.t wa* heM whlcb retui ne.1 a ver dfi-t of *erl.!i m*I death. Thi* ls Ihe effect of aelling too moch rum to thoae to whom tt onght not be given. _ J. U. T tsV Tbe following is a list of the pasaen geraon board the steimsblp Phlladelphla, (before re ported uideruoln.'iuarmitlrje at Key Weat M furnlah. ed by Mr. ?.. H Mitche !, Pursei, together wtth the of those and ol the crews who have dled slnce ' leaving A.pinwall: For Sev> itrteom ? Utt. Nelaon and daughter, L. A. Mid dletoB, 8. ne, Wm. Puuford, B. T Cnodwyn. J. B. j C.aikf, aa m Mi Laln. of Mo . dled J ne ML Boy. I) IViImo, . H B Cookuf Ky.died Juoe.i, T. K. Ridlay. "??>"<? . <?. i W. Jarkx.D, W J Jar-k*on. i f rio . J. Booaeil, D. C. dml-.-i, I P. R. 8mith. (>. W Burkliart, aVjn. Morrun. ?f Ark . A. U. I McNrely. R. U. Calawaa, Ma S raa. Wm Murelaiid, , Wm r-lton. | 9 lioceoian, P M Box, IM.ainer, *. Mur , pby.Tho* Abal*. A Rouotree, of Mo, Mr. (iettel. Mr Au ! derifin, A Harre;i. J [)-ed. H Hmdrlekiun. 9. Tn ISMB, E i B*e_,n, A C larke. H. Mitclial). Philo Alden. John Sr-W.-rt. Charle* M. fhrnriel *nd hnv. H IWbJ. W. tt BwraK, 0. i Jaci>b*,M Ollvery: M M-'Unni.. J I ?aBratfsjdIWaad, M. Kerr. \a Kerr. L. O A?per., J. fallimg, Neai Mirtin, J. 1 f. B*rrie.S. II. Br-wn.diedJun. 27 F?r Setr- V_*-H?nry i.oi_|..llo. af N T, died Jaaa 27; MrI)*. I_ube*ki, ol N. 1 d.rd lune 27;|J a*. BaBtfc Wm. l?ol.y..i. K- -_7_H-C Dr,a,M4 R?al ?..u U B. Mo*fly. A. M. M'toba-li, of Mi .. died June 2->: P. "?.' Kerber. A < orille, <>l N. V.. died June. 26: J. R. Caiey, J. Phlliip* O.W. 0*en*,Wm B. Onme*. A W. tiai.inlli-*, ?'? Barloo. K Itunan. J. Toiten. W Ordwtv, J P Syfla, J P Mi Ariams. P. llickex. 0 B, M HaJI a_d *oo, II. II. Krederi. k. A. II tVaBBBBr, A-0BVO. Jonei, ?>f Iil. diri Jun-)21; .. Mayer, J. PaBBBBU, * P ritoii. II. iSlBBtgia. r P. B_*ett" of N. V . rl-.-d Jw-S 21; Ur. Baraaaa, E. Ituonmi. \v?iter Mamtnrt, Mr. Baaoa, .1.1. .loiiei. K. Batat, L K. iaaaa. Waa. fitehac. I Oa good, Mr. Watars si.d brother. L. Wilmxin, uf K-. , Mad June 28; B. Miliian. Wui. KUieoti, I> Milk). P. f.. Bai tf/lla. J. Mct'aikey. H. Waaaoa, T. Beleoo, fl. L Wh J?.*_Dh Roek, Samuel (.inaoo. !> Snr.rf, II. S!i-rb-u--i Wiluaiii Oibaaa, M I.. 1'o.t, av. O. Davi*, Mr. Co-h. Jaiuf. Auatin, R II MeCatcbarn, Q _r?nley, _. \'BBderbeig, K_L .Srri'th, O K Ruw-11, Wa., Riaa^ll. K. IVnr.el, of lowa fliird lime 27; 0. K- Otrcin:T. (> PedlC. II. Ki.ld, of NViar-Vi.ik. nied lona 27; T M fl odman. W Ki.utr. aa'. a. \\ood, aa Andaraoa. A Moforbirvi II ?j?on dars,sr?Bramu. airnl fartrTP; 0 Ufcray. J. ??'. Jime*. J. CTompkii,*, C 11 Parker. A. Wait, I) C. Bei low*. John Thurbir. Acaui Siii.ueiiai-i. Jam.i Pejipr; Patnck Kara Dagh.of Naw-Yuik, di-d lune 24; Thoma* Ko'ey.of New York, dliro .lune .ni; Johw Nawt n. R. riio-np*f)n. Ut, R. I 'I'V-a., I'at.-irk 4uiiev. I.f. P. Cal lan Jbbws Orotaa, M. Colohaa, P Mirpliy. M McDarmntt, .lan e. Bi-'rieriik, Jili>. C.lin*. Deni. Bueklw. I.iac Murri*. J. 0. Ru**fil. (lai.. Pe_D, R. C. Cuaur, L. Ru* ?ell, II. K:nr- ___bmm -iiifm.n, J. Duonald, M. Mmi'liy, I'. MaJiao, li. -ilhvao, R. Catne iu., Tlioiusi Mornda, J. hin?I<-r, M P. Kin.lrv, T-OOU Mmray, It'ibard Wear. S .lolinaon. S lla-id. S. R. Patten, 11. Patten, R. Carey, Joaejili (jrennan. ol SeivVork. died JaaafT) P. Oirnnan, Mr. Hudaon. ll T Malnlr, (). A'dtv ncb. II. I)--er. .1. H. Siearart, O Over. f. BluwUII. H.SIack er, Wm. llutton, of luwa. died June27: 'lirn. M^Oowao. Pamck llurley. N, ol Cork. Irland ilu-d June 2-i; John Wbalrn. lolili iMa.a well, of-COtUnd, dled June 2*i: JaOMS Iliii-oM i, Han. v Buidv. Jchn Couf*. Mr. S'ory and a^r vant, Dr Oaliler, E II Havwood. nf Narth Carollaa, died June 27; (i W. Clarke, W. S Belter. Wa_ Pierce, Mr. M'l'?,Mr t lark. Mr. Ah.ii.Oi. O. D.(iano. Ml Lool*. Ml KrcRsait, Mr Alexar.der. t. Pilliautae, Wm. Lord. Wniiarn O'Btitn M. CarroU, U. t . ( iaike. I?'. r flaama C. (Jin/ale*. V. Alvanu, ol Auitria, died .liuie ?T; Mr. De.a'do, J. I'eteiion. I.Ut of the ciew who hnve diixl on boar.I, vi/. i lirsrlaBrmsiiunf TTairftrluaa. Tnaa 2S; JaasaBioaott, JnaaMi Patnik Siuuer*. June27; Juhn Paf'ln-ll, June 27i Ki-ward Ku.era. June 27; B4. McSwe.-ny, June 27 ; Micuaei Mullen, June .1, *<1 of Nt w-\ ork. All of the above were waiters with the exneptiun of of McSwreny, who acteil in the capatl-J (tf bat-Bf, Aiidrew J. Jonei. I'at. Kiivan?_h, John Mnr.well r.nd Tbomm Foley, di. d of tlie (,'hat;rea or Iithmua fever, ti c reui>.mii i ol cholera. I_7* The Boslon Transcript says that the old onk, beneath who*e branrhea BU08 preached to the Indiana at Suutb Natlik. in l(i!t(l, i* itill WtmiAmt - > " bala graan tif???"?aud itlll arturd* a grateful sha Ci t . tho wenry traveler. A ne?t inonumont ha* beeo ere rt ed to the memory of Klllott nearthliolace, whleh bear. on one sMa bls name, and on the other tho title ol hii Itidian Bible?" Ip Billum GoA" Lccal trudi'J'in isys, tlmt while the Log Clmrch wai building Ht South Natlck. ln the summer ot in i.oit lfi'.tO,) Klllott us _ to preach to hi. IndUns under nn oak. That jiartlt-ular oak, however, was cut down -.>uie ten year. slnce by tho landlord ol the vlllage, to our aastaUl knowledge. aa THK CBOF8. W-K4T.? Th. Winckestrr I'irginian taya tbat the wheat croy, ln the lurrounding eonatiea ol thar valley, will tot reach more th*n a half or two third* lt-uaual average. About .partanburg, .. C / the cr?p iu ai uik-i nt. In Texai the yield uf wheHt exaaadaaU piet i-il. nl Iu Alabama the erop haa nnt b-'-n |0od. Accounti lrom (Irlo iay ti.ii will be the lurgejt cru^ mr cr iiwd in the State. About U catiniitla-1 anl Plttaiiiiigb, Ps.. tr.iy eoMrialn ol tha ra\?.;rti ol tii. ?.. il. Art/iiiid IiHiine, WIs , whtat 1* Imck ward and not vfry promuiug. The crop will be a great ono ln ISeuthein Mlgiuiiri. In Ailianiaatbe barvuat Omi turued out finely. lllhiois they _j will turn out richei harv. irs than ever. Cobn.?In Loui*<iana the crop ift injured by droutb ; in Textuthe harvetti* moat abuudant. ii?-r agiii. litiy bu.htl* to tbe acic , in Alabama c.trn pro n i*ea well, but *u.'l.-r. for wai.l of r.ln . ia OUlo tbe drou'h n.i-D8ce* *i rlou. ii.iiuj ; ia Wi.cuii*iii com i. v-ry haekwBid; ln llHlfimore Couaty, Md., there ls nj* bope of a very gc od crop. Cotton.?ln South Carolina the crop ii ater than umal and the exuberant groaih of thu la unlavorable to a prolilic yield. lo (leorgia tbero i? promUe ot a bountitul l.arve.L < 'n tbi- B_aata*lppl aud River* tl.e crup never looked better. In Pexaa, if tbo a?i.r_i due* nnt appear, tbere will be a vleM ul a bale and a balf to tbe acre. In aome part* of Mlseisslppl rain I* wanted. In I lori.ia tbo .rop to reacb U-e BBflal (angulne evpeetatlon*. Ia Alabama the weather ha. betu lujuiioui and le*s land plantrxl th.n lut year. F-.UIT.?ln Southern MUsoarl fruit i> .caice and poor , In Arkatuaa there 1* a poor harreit, peichei nui.e and applea miaerable Tbe iiirn* may be .ald of the other t-t*te? leoerally ; the fruit crop will be dehclent almost every where. MAIL 1.1. i:.\m >!.->. !_**" Mr. Lticke, af the Savannah Re publican, ln one ol hia recent letter* from Kurope, iay. " Wi- had u a cure guestat (irn-tenbarg durlng the two or thrte month* of lut winter a celebrity?no less a person* tban den. Haynau whoie long mustaches call io bdIdiI Peiklns .V Rarclay's brewery. Ua may be now 60 years of age. llia atep iifeel.le, bls beard aud mas tache white, and bls miuth lias cunstantly a mumbiing kind ut nervuu* Ue came to (Ir.i-tenburg witb drtjpfy ln bi* fe< t, and went_way cured?or apparently so. He U a man of Iron ncrvei?oruel anii relentleai, aud to the ofthe Auatrtan olflc ars, it should be ?ald, generally dete.ti-d. He i* by blrtn au lllejtim*ue son ot the Duke of Uesse Cusel. Notwlthatamling the crueltie* be perpeirau-d in Uungary, he ha* bou^htaa etuie there lor 100,000 florin*, and if l am cnrrectly in formed, he i* not oiiliked l.y hli tenantry. Ali.-r hl. cainpalgna ln Italy and Uungary, ha received 4ti.>,'??) tJoi ta* (,*ome iay .r**0,(KXI) from ibe Aurtrlan Uovernment, wbich. however, declined conferrtng upon him the title ol Held Manhal. The unhappy town of Briwcia, in ltaly, will bear t-nduring trace* of his cruelty and fero city. * * * Ueally, tbe life of such a man u Har nau preaenta a pretty strong argument ln favor of a tery tungibly hot place In the world ti ome. Tin* old so. dttr went thi ougb his cure BBOM heroi _lly though. Ue Umk ;10 col 1 wet sheet* a day, and would silow no fire in bi* louni in December. Iil* bath.nrvant aay* he only paid him a florin a week. The cure gu*?ui uenerally p*y 1 . tlurlin a week for not one hfth part the attention which he rectlved." _F* Mr. Warland, editor of The Lourell ?___ \ . \WM witn <}en Sco" ?*? *be Mexicao cam p-gii,Wu'hlully aa). : - Tnere are very fe wdUnnguUhed Ma ln ibb country whop.?9e*s a more p-pul.r 0r wm ________ ^ 2_! S<0TT- llw Parional hearinf iaaUiitly aiiracu to hhn all whom he aCflaa M Btaalh ii.L ai*T7,tnout "? r_.pectofper.on. rank or con d tion. Tba pnrate loldier or dU/en aUndi betore htm upon tb. lame level with the commander ol bru ?dta nr iiia-Ukms. Kach U rerelve. wlih tne nf-noUt cordlajuy and urbaLlty, and at tne same iir_e with ln linitalik) dlgnlty and,;race, wbeUjer ln thecamporln tbe parlor. In thU rtupect be preseni* a marknd con trut to many niihuiy men, who*e atinue** ?nd hauteur ?B8 il tba bner feelliga were craaiped up ln then um foiini?they can never lay uide. Ine exprecaiou of the (Jeoerat - rye, on ordlnary occ*?i..n*, i* miid an.l ..-_tlt', but whta Uie drum beata snd the ? ar horse rnahe* tothe t.rid, it kindlo- with unwontol 'jrilll.ui.-y, u il tbe heart ol the gallant haro were *pa_k:ag trom lt " C-T Accordin/? to Tht CKridental Met teng.r ihe number ol' men. wooihd, children aml anl m?l. tbat have gone out upon the plalos for ."* ilt l.ake ai.d CaBfornls, from Ma? 1 to Ju_e !2, is ufollows i gflfl.UMR Hogs. I VV,"?'n. d-242 Ctttio.....?,_ Childi-D.1MB -_e*p. 1U.5-.J w?.OM. 138 Turkeya. 150 Honea.-.;?Sj*i |)Uck? 4 Blule*. 9J901 Culne* FowU...... ' .; ThU doea not lacluda thoaa golng out by Council Grove and haneavllle. A great deal of ik-kne*. hu taken pla.?<? amoag heaa wanderara, with manrd'atha A connderable number ?1 eralgranla hav? oone back after having gona from four to fivo hundred nules into thewUdcrnea*. J!*" A rail on the tra.k of the \\'estern _.,'_'? b<*""*?'" i'slmarkod Warran, w?*ao expan.l frxmi,.!1"''*'006 a?y'-*? week,a. to be d!..c!*a*._ ^kus;x__.frT,'ht traln ? *"'?" *** e_TAs two yoang ladies ia the Texas dtatrict achool. at Ctnci-nati. wrre ptualo. alnwg the at?vt in the wee_-n) part of th? 'ity, a frlphteoe.! aaaaa CTme daahtaf alonf tl - eidewalk. Tf.-ir rtnt l_pul?J wb? to aeide into the at~wt, Lui MBBBJ tw . ercell children jorgin. .lonu directly tn th-- ->l t.ieiutioue anlu_-i, earh ot them wrtd ? ,-ln'd. juat aa tbe hor-e earoe uj-aa tb?m . one oi tha h-toa ttm * the horae over th?- heafl with her nmbrella aa>l tumed him ti'.W juat eufficient'v io allow Uieai to ea. opa uohurt. The nmbrella wae hrokr-n hy the fnnv. nf rh- Mow Tne children muat hav* been r-in over hut tor th" tim?ly ln terporltmn oftritnuly hania. It waa an oct ot col coure.e deoerving of ipaatal. ommenUtion. Gf A man lately started ..q a trn.k from the foot ?f I'lane No !. nn the TotU.e (I'a ) Ittil road, to *o to Ji.h_.iown, followed cloe-ly tiy a ecctlon boat He aeafed hlmeeli on a ke. of powder, and let hla truck run ot a pretty gO'.d ga.t. A mile ort#obe low the I'iane, a ?'t_r,n loaded wt?h w.wxl. in haetefll-/ aeroee tbe tracb, dr.,t>[?-,l .. c-,,rd wo-ri p'?-<-?". which _aaw tha Iracfc oi and tbe man and powdor on the trar'k eide?tht powder bureting open l.y the f .11 Toe aection boat paaaed or.:r blm. literally cruthlofl bim to death at th*- e.rnc time, in atrikir-. tbe truc'-c, l.y eo,n? tnone or other, Ignl'.'d the yow-ler, and th,t man wai compl* t'-ly biowt. up ' V& The Mt*m*oHcm ol St. Panl, Min n?entfl, aaja : '1 m-firet eelzure under tbe op.ratlon of the Liquct waa inadt. on Tu.-day latt. It appt>are that a pereon by the num- ,.f G-tzler, Ut-ly arrival at thie ptaee with about tl,<"? worth of lliinore fron f'nl eago, which were etored ln Mr Babcoci. a warehouee. Tbeac lacta b.-c.mlnz known, a coui_,Ulnt wae made ' before Juitlce: .-irn.,r.e by eome of our rirl/ene, Ofl waa arreeted, tiVd and found __i'ty. 11" w.ia tinel *.?-) and coete, and hit li.juore d.-darcd forf?Md, and lo Itai.d rommltted till the Baa 'a p ci. __?** Trie new ItHane II i?pical at Taun ton. Maaa., ia to cover an ?rea , > i ,re feet, not Including'he twocurta f,,rm.-d bal m*tm tb-? winge.? 'Ihe fiot.t wtll l.<- Bf '-y I ? wide; the m-iin pro.-r-ction Irom the ceotcr 50 by 60faM ?? wiil be ihne win(_? runi.ln. b-.k n<>r?h. 900 f<-?-t _y M wida., A krga ,1. oin i. .,, ba |,,b..-<1 ovar tlie eenfr of tbe rnain buiidiui', and two amaller onea trom the center of i . wu .-. Tbe waoie tiuildim; ie t.. be thie.- et..rica t.l?-h, BBd Irom lie f ,p of B_fl ipire of th>- large doine to th. pi, i nri lt will be 11', feet. CF* A Committee-' appointed hy the agenta of the Loaall | MaBB.; M.lle, to toet the rclatlve ni?-ri'i of rtaln and aperm oii forpaipaaa. of labrlaa tlon, ii port tbat OO toomt aafll uttier rnMchir.ery _fi,r^vy br-a.ii._r, ibb> hall '?? -t puwev ie raqairad with a mixture ol reein with itt bnlk of pure a_,,T:ii il, than wlth eperm a'oue, and that ita eubtritutioij will erfoct an auriual eav of \kot th.* i|u-ti.tity >,f B.M-rrn ?,il r<-<-uir>'d in the Lowall .M.ile. Bfdaaiag mvhin>-'y, or th' M with li^-ht beaiingtj require more power wten re.ln and ip are uaed than eperm alone. HT On the 1st in-at., near Penny Hill. Pitt Co., N. C , under the exciterneot of a eonteation about a ten dollar d.-l.t, Mr John' 1 u adooa eh.-t arlsfe agun, thereby centing tnetant desth. Mr W.iit-.-he.d, a hijihly rtap.-ctah'e citiz./n. T o trieude a. I rai Utvafl cl Mr Kdn.ondton h-d alwaya fiaaiafll th-.t hla etrong pe.-I. i.e would eome dny lead lo eomethin. of tli? k'na. Cenerally kind, aud by nearly all pereoca liked. he yet waa known to poeeeae paflfltool <|uite aaaoveraabla, htfl iled lmn.cdiat.-.v >.l the perpttradoa ot tl.. deed, and haa not betn tak<n j?t. __?*? Tht Springfield Hepublican says tlmt Boraea Mann ia bo ie Praeldeat ?.i An': Uhlo, Ibe CoraBI -loneuf which waa l..l,lon the 23d lu.t Tbll ('. '.:? g? t-tl.e re.?,.ltof a ,nil-.l . :S,rt ,.l tha wl'de Beaomlnattna ol ).?!?? called N w U.hta, orChrle tiane. throiiL hnu* " -id ie nowerriov-'d wltb iaOQJOUO ia icbolaraUpa, i. Tne o.illdln.e are beiBg rr. 11. a plana, aad ?bi i. r, i- pleted, w ,li hathe 1 ?r_,-et aad n ut top >iin?' ln the State. CF* As the ?.} o'clock train from B ?toa on Fnday waa piaiinj a croasire about three milea Ath.l, It aaaaa laeoataetwIiBa boraa aad .arry all, diiv.-n by ih<- daughtei ,,i t'.pt. jHin"t Adoiaa, of Oraaaaeeaaty, kiilir,. t>: . intty, anfl emath mjr the CBrrin^e to !,to_8. Tt, ,.t?io.'.i two youtg ludica ai.d ,. 'itt:- ehQd Blngnlar aa lt mtj aeem. waa li. ur.-d in tlu- lpaat. ri^'Keading, Pa., on Tnurriilay Ust wta vialted with nn.- af th<- h'-*vi?'-t atnriiia oi raincvcr known in tb..t vicinity. It |?.t..,j ahuol til.y miuute*. durii..- which tl e r_i i J.-l! to ihe deptli .,( .1:, fncfaea, A hi.-li w ii.J Beeoaaaaalafl. the rnlr.ard did consid-rahle rtun'HL-e. A pnrtwa of laa aaw brlek daalUaf-hoaafl -.; Mr. John Balley, at tke eorner of 3_nh aad wae l.lown down, and tho fau.ily u mtirotv eacap.j with lheir llvea. '. i- There are at lcast 1*900 arres of vineyaida aioupd Ciiir-lriuati aLtn". iTicing ernpliyment loaoleoa than KOOeffideat laborara, at aa aaaa el eaat ,! --.ii.uik), r.nd produciu(_ in modaratelv Uvorablaaea BOOB, '..('.fi'd L-Hl|,,na of wine Mott >,f thoae eafBgsd in the cultiiie ..I tl rt viie h-iv>- fniiiillea ti aupport I: ia ch1< uiutefl lhat tba wine i-itcre.t in II .:nilt..n cunty aflorde directly and Indlrectly, to 10,000 iq. duatrloue and eob. r peopl.-. iVtT Munroe tV Franciat priatera and pub* lial-ra, la the old. at tii.o in BoBBMB; it wae formed ln IHK'. Tlieae two cntleaien?one aev.-nty of ag.) ai,d tbe other ???v.-nty two?ha\e lotoly publlehed a vol ume ot three hundicj, the typee lor waich were all ert with tlicir own haude. They are jrent'emen of property, but puraue tbeae hi*,iti ol in,l utry aa the moat agreeable mr,nner iu which they can paee the time ol tbtlr "fireen o'd aic-.'' _3T At alate Pruaatan InJu>trial E\hi?i tioD, fount K.-nard, a larjje pn.prltftor of Iron worka, exhlblted flbaattiua of tucb a d.-ijiee of tenulty thnt tea lt-avr-t can be ue<-i fbr paper. One of lh.' t.n.'.t aoria tbe machiiirry r<>ll-, ia 7,040eqvara fet.t, of what mvy be called lt-al iron. liom b CWt ol nietel A book binder of HicelHU hae mrvie an album of nothing elae, tbe pag _ of which turn oa liexibly ._ tho fiu. at fabric of iiuen raga. IjF Thomas Caaaidy was brutally mur d.-r'-il laat week nt Cohoee, by l'atiiek MeEaraw, Jobn Hendereon and Jame- M.,re. M.Knrow atruck him and knorlted him down, wben H.-u.-raon and More pltched in and etamped bim wlrh th-ir feet, and the three wera not fliepoeed to deelat uotii it waa BvUflal that the man waa d. ad. m^On the afternoon of the 23d inst., the apacioua Hotel altuatcd at the I'pper I.anding, St. l'aul, took fire in the kitcben and burnt t<> the ground. The hotel had juat been nniahedand furniehed, and w?a kept by Mr. Joerph I >?r,icle A new houee atijoinlng wae aleo bun.i-d down. and other bultdio_a orera tared wlth great dlrticolty. 1.ooa from *10,0<Xlto .1.000. BaPAdeacriptioa ofthe "method adopted by a Yankee. of Kaat Doraet, Vt. of tranep .ram* froBB tbe Creen Mountaine," it _-)ln_- -he roandi of the papera. ucder tbe hendlrg ,.f " Vankeo Ingenuity " (laa. Tbe aame method waaa.i .pted ye..ra ago by an Knglieh man among the mountaine and lat.e near IJflliBBri ln Auatrio. ISr^ MrB. Harriet- Beecher Stoa'e ha^ ?ent two n.ulatto jiirie to Obe.lla I.i l,e educ-ted. Tney are tbe girle wbo about four ye?re ago were r?de?rnr>d from Rruin Hill. through tlie agency of Kev. Henry Ward Peecher. *' Mai> A.ntho.nt's" old fortress, at Fort Wayne, In.llHBB. iiaa entirely dle..ppe_red? the la-t r.-lic, nn old l.lock houae, hi.Mng I'.-i-n rem'.ved a few weekiagn. The timl.era were pc.l.-ctly aouad, 'in I Ihe liuilditi.. might have etood for .n' geoeratkM. BT Some of tbe negroes of Mr. Jame.. K. Bo-flflaa, ( f Mclntoab < ',>. <;?., have confetae.l tint the\ murd. ri d their ma-ier, and have ehown where tbe body waa : uricd. Mr. Ii. lud !.,--i flriBflBBfl mor>- than a waaa. [aavaaaoh ? sth. tF" Amonp the COOvicta lately taken from the ]b!1 of f?t. Loula, wai Fra-'cta f chield, a (Ur man, wbo haa betn aenten *d to nn, iaadu I and four ytari hard labor in tne renneiitituy at J..-rt.raoo Cuy. ty Hon. William End. formerly(Jaecn'fl Couneel, ofthe Provi..,-.- of New Brutiawi, k, w?a ei mitu-d a ('ounee)lor of tlie Jsupr-me Cotul ul Maaa., laat Wrdneadey. I_F* At Haverhill. Ma-?., last week, Mr. TbBOthy (ieorge, a ba. helor, of th<- matuie age of 14, etpouee.l Mi- Anna <?idwa>, whu b..d kved tn a atnte of eingle blr-t-edueoa Itir -I \ear-. 1 . Mr. Luo^hboroaeh, formeixly one of the moat eminent Ihwyera in K ,ntucky, and one of tha B_ihore ot tbe new Code of Practiee, Uu.a ia lad Lu nuiir Atylum ui Le.\io^ton 13?* The Ualceston //.-r state-that John Wofltl y Smather bae i,r-n e-nt to ihe Penaenhary for one y.-?r, from K-d River County, for atcahng neSroee. BT The salary ot the Mayor of Bu_ton U to be roiaed, after ihe preaent Urm of ,t?.a haa ?v pired, to ai.OOO. tSt A rattlesnake which had ten rattle. WOSk-W laat _^_day in Mllton. near BoetoB, M.eB. CITY ITEMS. OF THB THBB_OMKl faruuriy Lynck A- Cut A. M. hoo* ., July 7..(*< M m . , A , *-WOB 0F *-? THBBJBOllBTra AT V?ft^*J_yi6___*<%*t,p* W__ -WVaBMrBTI, BC- THia D*T ASro BVEBIBC Bakl..'tG_rir_-Ball?Tfu-p?; Cm-tty, *.. *"'"**? Buaarrr I_a?.rr?B?__Bl .,1 M, ? 1 i * ,T.irx. a K.Mu_-Cnu Sa-uljto ?; Ttt-a* *>-__. Ac ??t? Pla.r? I)oa?u't Caauc Trou*a ut Tmaaa Baimala. ' aBtllr?>Coamo.ar_a??V?w. m Aa_ Ummt. [Daa aa. B..__, l HotK-Uo-O-.t- Cotuoa?Coac-rt. {Aj_n_ua.j ,J tW "Civiu" will pleaae e\amine Whig Alnunac for lfM3, (eover ) i iy Hon. Daniel Webster arrived at the Aalor iloute yaaterday. ile -oea to MoaaSeld lo rec_ver iia heaith, w^.?l?b fce atill lutfera froaa tha e*tecW oi hie leeVB*. a A.w OuTBAiiE bt Aldebma* MooaE. --Laat nlgbta m. n, BBtned John Hrady, a I-oeo . oc>> rvm tt Her in fute itreet, nppoilta the Battery. wu tr rested by tha Hrst Ward I'ollce, t n a charge ot* barlag coai-iitted uaault and *>at'.ei? upon Abrmhan M. Coz teB*. a merrbant ra-itdin.- In the same itreet Ai there wss no ?ve?tigaiioo, we are not able to suta the partic nlars of tbe a.-sault, 'mt lt waa at ary raflfl suthrrlent to came tbe atreit of the man Brady, who li aaid to be ii mewbat coted tn the nei.hhorhood for hia pu jnacious prrpensltlei. l'.rady had not : i en many m'.nu.e* in ruitf-dy, when one Abrahant Moore, i m-.n el? ted to preirne the pence of the nty and e*pecl..lly ofthe ftr.t V.'.ircf, wh.-r.of he I* Aldennan. *er **d |p n f?pt. Silvey, c.r ahoever h.d Br.dy In cu?tody, the followlng order . The aeeper af the Citv Pri*on and Brldewell ..f tli* Dry if N.wVurk, DI-CBABOE the b.idy ot Jona l'.rady who ii now in yoar ru.tody upon a ch* _?? aiiault and btttery <an A*>m. M. C maaa, to appear at the I'ulice Court, f f?.!!_ of Ju?tice, IO?STOW in.rnin. I'rlock. Adr_Ham Moobk, All I.t War,l. ? | -? D Wbathoji- i* tbere that iiiw.lyUm can besuppressed whi n the.e sneaklrig Aldermen prowl around itatlon. houie. for tiie sola purpoti- ot diacharging such of th.-ir partiaan bulli-'i as may bnve fallen into the hanis ot the I'ulice r Why blam- the Poltce, when the 1'eeks and Bhtii and i^rdi nnd Moores who ri-vel in the tea-rnni, H'l.J their iilghts in golcj from one -tatfoo-Ii i. nnother to Uberate their rewdy .rlends, thu* purpoiely fruitraflngtbe efforta ofthe P.It.e D.[-irtnient' Fvery one ofibeie " dlicbarglcg" Aldermen ought to tokfl tl: * place ofthe men they set free. aid lerve su'-h term. ln the .late l__M a* their protage'- crimes would wtr* nnt a jud.e in pre*.ri-:n. Tbeli _<iir._?i are a burn? lng aiigrace to the City, and tte day muat soon BflflM al.i-nthe danger and the icandal of their opera'.ioni will be ?ipfd out. B?Bar have no A'.dermen at al! than theie unblu.litng roguas wbo bai'er their olficial p.jrer for vntee. and make the City 11 all th3 wor.t g<imbl:ug houie in the metiupjlU. Dlrat HARi.Kn Bl _JUDKBMKH.?..I'lerrnan Barr, of the rs.xtti Ward, on Tueid.y evening dl*< .arged fr. m t;.e Knurternth Ward Station Houie PatrickUal la.-h. r, who bad been srrestud by O* ?? * Cinwiy, o' the Fanttaanth Ward, charged with hiving coinmi.ted an a.-iauit aod battery on the perion of llenry Murtle fiilla^btr wai rei*uestrd by the Alderman to appear on ahe followlng rnorning l.efore Juitice Woo.l at the Ks" si \ i'ulice Conrt Ald. Oakley, of the- Fourth Ward, on the i*me eva-niii. .iiicharged trom euatidy one ll-nry l(i>_an, who had been arreited by Offlcer McGuire, of tlie lame Ward, on s charge of being druuk and di?or derly. What an excellent thlng it U to be nn the right side ol an Aldennan ' I ?_ The Thirtrnith Annual Commencc wfnl ofthe Ru'geri Female instltute will take place on Fiid-y, the '.'ih mit, at I P. M., in tlie Kutgen-st (l.urr'i. ? tir The rondact of an inmate of the . eamer.'i Retrra* who wai on board of the boit at the time ofthe faial cataitrophe on the ,">th, at Stipl.-tnn Landtaf, .**:V.t n l-Und, and rendered mn.t etficlent aid to Ihe uDfortur-Hto su.lereri, desems particular uotice lle w*i itanding tipun the hurrl. aoe deck, when the acciii- True to the gena.ous luipuUe* of a aail. r'* beart. ln- di'I,-d bls nat and eoa*. and lelzln.-a rope, wai in tke *bick> *t ot the perlaWag inais. II .1.1 Ingfaittohis rope with un) hand, witli the other he would lay hol.i of one, and then anotlier, and tiand tkem up to thuie on tlie dock, in this way succeodn.l ln rt-iculng a number from a watery grave. N>U>elng able to rraeh up one lady, he futcned his rope around her waii*, by wbi -h ibe wai drawn on bonrd t_o boat leaving hlmielf Inthe.;. neperilouasituation with others' BflM__ nt tbia u.tant laid hol I of him, tmi witb a imall cbild in one arn, hewent do*n and wai nearly ex bauitid beiure he c.nild extrii-ata hlnuelf; he, however succecded in .avlogtho chiid. G.-or.e M irri*. the p')or_ dceply altllct'J )oung aailor li worthy of being chroni cled a hero. Ori>i:r RlVOKKOa?A few days a_o . Kingilaui li.ued aa order compel'.lng tlu: pitrol policemen ot th_ City to du the iami* duty dunng the day ai at iiifJit. Veiterdny that _;-*iiera! onler, of whleh th>- polaa bave ruiriplained liltt. rly nn accouut of it* teklrg i p wh.t 'ittle time they ha.l l.-ifore ti ipend with tha lr fan.ili.-a and atti ndto their doineutic dutles, bealdes l-elng so lali'irio .. that the 1h11.ui- could, but with ftmt ani nlun, L.- i;ncured, wai Nrvokad Tua followlng ls a cop\ ol the new ordi-r i 10 TIIK i AI'TAIN- Ol roLICE. Yoa will, nn ind atter the *.h ol imt , eovar the day* ul your dlitrlct in comnlunce with the re quiifitient.ot .-.-tifr?l order N ) .117. Bhoold aet. ut rovid- l:in nnd wnutun liiire.-ard ofthe publii- -..ii.e ooeur wiiunut proaspl a le^t ot the otfend er?, 1 .hal! dei-ni it t-> b<- n.. I-aperatlva duty to rcinue general i.rflt-r No. 'dl'd, ot Ju.,e S i, 1853. Byniderof A OL Kimisland, Mayor. f .I aaaa w |___au, Cbisf oi foMaa. Thk. Oi.n Sdi.iukks.?Tlie Veteran Corp* of thew*r nl 1-1-J.'KI and 'Hon UomUy ivere re. ct-ived l>y the Hon. the Mayor and Corporation of the City, whoii* rueiti they were on that day : after which they proceeded to tbe Superlor Court Koomi, where an Iniprr-iiAeHjipeal wai made to the Throne of (irace by tbe K.v. Cbapl ln, Ur. I'etor J. Van Pelt, ln behalf of tbe Corp* and the survivors ol thut war. The Ueclara t'.on ot Indepeuilence waa read by Mr. John Alwaiie, a member ol the Corps. It was received with three timei tl.ree ; whereupun the Col. (,'omraandant brietly addressed tha Corps, and prescnted to Ihem?as proof of tbe wrongi of lireat Brltain, that gave nn tn that V, ar?fleuige I.eviiun, a brotber soldier, who.a history was pii'.ll.hed in The Sfilitary Argut nl Satunlay laat Tlie Corps was then conducted to an adjoluing roo n, ?here a bouutitul and suiiiptuous colUtion was pre pared for tbem by the Corporation, after partakln^ of wbich they return.-d to their headquaiters and were dismiised, blgbly pleased with the opportunity nf meet? ing their old brethren ln armi, and the attention paid them by the civtl authontiei and the cltl.eni in general. I3P* Thr follauing is the report of the F aitein Dlspeniriry for the month of Juae, IM i P. tlents attended at olfice? Mates, $16; Female*, 1,007? At their dwelllngs?Males,.*t), Females, 14 J?_30, Vncclnated, t\B\ Total, 8,109. Number of deaths, U. The wLole ol pre*. rlptions put up durlng the month i* :i,4i>I. largeit number in one day, Ir-I; rmall ett number ln one day,' _ ; average per day, I i). BoA-UBOr 4.LDKRMK.N?/{ .c/n.s'/iy, Ju? ly :.?!(ii.hard T.Comptoo, Y.t<\.. I're*ld.nt, Inthe Chalr, and a quonim present. Tbe mirut, s of tha prerious mertitiE were read and approved. Petuiont Krferrtd?Of lra.Mjn.on, for ald tn conse quetce of Ujurle. received in the dtieharge of hU duty a. a poliieman . of Jno. M. Leau to have the privilege to briil.e out thirty five feet from the north east corner of Wiitti and YVtriMts of Mr. Hanak to have iM remit ted. uhlch he pai.l for an alleged nuiaanoe; of James Mi Neaj. le for leaae of the pr rmlses on I.exin^tin-ave nue, coner of Forty ninth st.; of property owner* on Eighth avenue, for cn.ton wah*r pipes. of Vroom _ Fowler for the privilege ofm_ki_g idrain in James st at their own expense ; of J is. _.*? and others, agaioat building a sewer ln Gansevoort st.; of several to have a hose carrtsge loeated la the Ward; of L Gage and others, to prohlbtt the laading of itn-ni.raa:. oa Plera, Boi. 42 and 4 ), N. Ic, ci D.A. Cushni_n to ha-.e Foiry elghth-st regulated, between Eighth aod Nioth aveBnes. Comau.airation?Frota Tbos. Hannlgan, Capt. of the Twriiibleth Ward PoVce, making s compUint against Uose Company No. _.', fur runnin^ oo the lide-walk, andangertng the Urea of clti-ens, on Monday laat, ln _.'d at., and for duobeying acd abuiin.- him while li? charging hU duty by forbiddlng them to contlnue their dangerous conrse. Keierred to Ihe Committee on Fire Department. City Intpeettr't Departaunt ?Tha prea-nbU and reao* httioni below were oftered by Ald. Boyca, and created aome dl*cu**lon. Ald. **n.ith moved Ita reference to th* Co-nmlttee on Bt-aitb, wbich wa* teconded by Ald. Dcomac, who n> markrd that in t*m\ when there were Uealth VVardeni bi office, the City wu io a wor<e conditioo than now, snd that these i. icers bad negle ted their duty, A?. Ald. Boyce eodeavered to it_w hi.n thi*. they did aot teglert _-f!r duty, but on the contrary had nl tae City cf ' aae boiimg eitabtlibmeets and o-_er outosn.-ei d. ItTtiaeBtal lothe be.Vth ot* tha flMnflflB. lle also sh iwed bia tbat la IH*' tbere were no Warderu*. Tha n-an tb?n baviug ebr.ige of ii nlUr malter*. wera poUc?rneo, : detail**d for dntv by the Captaloa aod inhjeet oply to l them, lo the M*y..r aud the Alderrn-B, and ln ao way j sahject to the| City lnspector, wbose or-lers ware dls j regarded. Ald. -turtrvsnt ipnks ofthe intarferenee with tha City bapact-8'8 departnrcct sr.d endcavored to ihow tbat it wss jiurely political. 1 _at certain Alderrnen ' called up n the City Inspector, and gave hi n to undentand that lt he did not retnove tha ' W'bi. Hf*ith W.rdens then ln power, .nd appoiot !n their place. Democrat*, they would paii ao ordinanea dliperiirg with .nch oi'cer.. Thi* waa done for tho ! sakeaf party pnlitic, notwithntanding that It would en ' darger tiie health of the clti/an.. It waa one of the ? at infamcui outrn*e* ever perpetrated by any legU lative b. dy, and the public had good aod .u:.:.-ient rea , toa to cniure mch action. Ald. tk9m withlrew his mitii n, acd alter some further remarki tbe pip-?r wu r* erred to the Committee on Ordlnauces. It ls as fot , lows: H '.-,,?*, The CBy fnipector'i D-*pirtm-*nt !s with <?? offirers to perform" the i utdoor du'teiot thatdepart mett, iiiid the City ln.pecb.ri witb >_t p tmor to rauie the rt-muval ..f nui'?nee*danjer..n- t > t-C pu 'i.- l-eaith, ;n aonaaqaaaaaof bavtng r.<* offieers to p-rform th-s duty ; Ani tt'hereai. It I* abai lutely nce.ia.ry that Health Waidrna ibnuld be att icbed to tin- llaallfl Depart.n-nt, ln order fo In.ure the' exftcation of innaauiwa da mac ied br a cv;.- re_*rd to the pobBe lntere*t and the bea'th and Ik- * i the owaaaaalty therafora Hiruii-d, tiie ComilUtlfe , .11 < i. Hnarii- . b**, and are berel.y ln?tiucte1 to pi'-par.- a-..i ntbath 80 thli Hoard turthwith an MiHnaaea repaaWaf tt siloplfd by the Common (Toum-ll, M?r-b 15, !*.'.', whf-rer.y tlie i :' re of Bealth Waril>*n was vlrtually abnli.hed . and that ll be ord-red that .>ne li W'*rden to escb Ward of the City ot New \ ork be ap polnti .1 acd attached to iha t'iry la*p rartor'a Ii-*part d*o| toparl .ii. ot li*..itri W'.rl'-n*, unOr th' rvp** rvUb n and E 'n'.r 1 ..! th.i OUy inipeeior, In ?ccoril?iice wlrh the or.llaance repeal'd by tbe late action ofthe Common Council. R.iott,!...!.* Adopted?Approprlating B2.000 in addl tlun to tbat previouily approprinted, tu dei'ray the ex panaaa attandiag tht ' '. aal Anatreraary. AppnprU. ting ?*-|* i) to J. irav the-*\pi nies of the p.i.t and future obseipiles ol llrviiy Cl?>Y. Thr I'.oardadj.'urnid to thU afternaon. Board <?k Ajbistahts.?Tht* procaed in.-? yeiterdiy were ol no speclal it_pert.tnc>*, being mnstly eanearnlng pavements and uewers. Action sim ilar to that In the otber Board, was taken by the Anlat anU, ln reference to the City Impector'i Department, The matter wai referred to the Committee on I'ubllc Health. * Hoarp ok SCPSEVISOBI?Wednes lay? The K.-corder in tbe Chaii?The bill of exAlderrnan CoiikMn for hoMIng twenty lnneits, tn -? January last, ?190 -il, wa. nrdered lo ba paid. Al.i a bill ofthe -h'-r e.-s for the e-eeutiun of I 'tt., I .ruii/i_. in Feb ruary laat,?acd a bill of Gao W. Norrln, pollee ortieer, *?'",, for srreitlng tw.-i prlsoners. under a warrant from Justice I.athrop, at I'ougbkeepsie. \ bill ofthe Sn.?rtr?, for ordinary tees ofotlieer, amountuig te**l,l 'I 1*, was referr.-d. Rrportt? In favor of having indexes of Wella, Jkc, in BOITOg te . ot' -.-, priuted Adop'e.l. In favor of rnrnrB?B| tbe sa'aries ot tha Judges ofthe Miprenie Court. ovei the |. 500 a year allowed by th>* .-tate io as to make them e.pial to the laUile* ofthe CBy Judges ..we believe Bl ..a) a year ) ou the tabie, alter discussion, and ordered to be prlnted. [itDUflTBIAI, CoiteaKflfla?The Home ttead lUll.?Tbe lullowin,- resnlulion*. pre.ented by Mr Weif. were a.l >pted by the Induitrial -, on Tueiday evening, K. Arthur llalley pre lidln.-. ITi?raaa, The aaaaagfl ofthe "UonMataad Rill"ln the .-euate of ihe I'nited Sta'ei, i* very lmpiirtant and de.iral.le . aad, publie BBBa__H Bad the pre fentatiun ot nn rnoriali numerously al.ued, arafl bnt litl!e without Ihe presence at VVa.hln.ton of intelli^rtnt, tallliliil. untiiiiiK frteii.U of the rn?a?urt? to latarcada with Ihe Cominiltre ot the Senatfl having charge of the Bill, aml with Benatora favorable to its passage; therafora, . That a C-mmittee of Ways aod Meann be ehosen by this Con.reis, to proceed to Waihlngton for the piir]).iie referred tn in the above preamble. Retohrtd, Thata -pfcUl Co__B__wal I inancebe. ap jioii.ti.! or choien tocullect i-iir.trihiitionii and dnnatl >ni tn d? fray tbe expenie. of the < 'omiiiltt.e of Way. and Mean. to and while at Washln.ton ; thi) f 'omnntie.- to lurnl.ii tbe Commiitre ot Way* aml ajeans witb money enui.'.h to atart them. and afterw.ird to send them, frum time lo time, additional suius. ns may bo reiniired. The Finance Committee, appointed in accordanoe with the above re.ulutlons, U composed of Messrs Weit, Ki-yier, fShiunan, .Sharrot and Ahrends. FrtcSoil C_B8____B*_-_ mutionof Mr. West, tha followln. resolutlun wa* unanlmomly adopted : Uerolred, That this body recammend to the eleetors of the .everal Cougreaaional I li.tricta of tbi* -State, tbe ap polntment ol three Iielegatei from each Di.trict lo tha C. bvearloa ? the Prie DemocraU, to be beld at Pitts bur.b. I'a., on 11th day of Aagnat !-'.J. Thi. i. tocHriuv that tho above ii a true copy ofthe Reno lutum parae.i. i* tiafore mentioned AIIKAIIAM (.. LEi v, i'reiident. pro t^oa. I. A AmbBMAM, Ba* **.reiary. llld Dkwrkt ?Tbe trlemls of Free Detnocricy. l.and Ri-form and Intervention, and all favorable to a repre sentatlon at the I'ltUhurgh National Free 8oll Conven tion. are loviied to att?n_ a meeting at the orflce of Mr. Levy, No. I-:! W'llliaui *t, at 4 oclock, V. bl , on i-itur i day, the 10th in*t. Ky ordi r ofthe Free Democracy of the Ut, Ild. Uld, Vth and Vllllh Ward*. Below will l.e found the call for the N'aticnal Conven tion approved by the IndustrUl Congress: National Co.vv_ntion ok thk Frikvos oi- Librb tv AM) K.,t ai. Kioii rs.?.N..lice ls hereoy given, that a National Conw-uiion, cnn?i*tln. of De_|flB_M ofthe Free III mocrai-y, will asuirihle tn the City of i'tttaburgb, oo W?dne*day. the 11th day of Au.uit next. at ii'.on. for the purp<.?e of *a_Kt_U candidate* far the olfiue* ot Prenlent and > iee Preitdent ot the I'nited .--.ate*? Friends of the printiple* declared a' Bufl ?lo, at tno ine morable Conventlon ol Au.uat. UM8, are requueted, withln their re*perti-e .tate* and Coogreailooal Dli tilcli, to meet and elect Delegatc., wherever the sauie bas not alresdy been done?each ritav* oeing eotitled to tbree timei tbe number nf Iti del>-_'*_nn tn the Congreis ofthe I'nib-d Matea? Bv order ofthe fieneral lree .-'oil CiBBIldniB BAMUBL LKWId, Chairman. VVashinoton, June Ifl, lf_ML PaiBOn AssoiTATio.t.?A stated meeting cf the Kzecutlve Committee of the I'rlion Asaoclitl >o was beld on Mouday evening last. R?porta were re? ceived trom the Finance, Detenllon and Discharged Coovict Conimlttees. The Agent reported that ? dls* chsrged prlsoners had been received and dlspoaed of during the month, ull of whom lt Is belleved are doing well. Also the dlapoattlon of 19 children, under 16 yea.sof age, charge.I with various r rfenics, prtncipally pt-fit Ureeoy, 4 of whom were sent to the Uouse of Refuge, 1 tr RUckwell's "siand, 2 sentence iu.pende.1. I remanded fnr further iorestlgation, I n-nt to Aiyluaifjr Manfl-BBB Boys, and ?? discharged. Tne relief alforded to diicharged ftmalee has reaehed during the month $-'*_). Tl.e averuge monthly expenditore of the Asio ciation tn all Its departments has heretofore amounted to something more than #4.), and the recaipta for the lait month bare scarcely reaehed (300. We make tbe followlng extracta from the Agent'a joumal: May -irtfr? Discovered wbat 1 belleved to bea nest of cciuteiltiteri, and cuniuited with the .Mayor as to tbe be-t method ot detectlng th.m. lle sent lor tbe Chief of Pollee, to whom I imparted what Infirmatlon I pos* se.aed, and gave blm a Bl counteif tt note wbich lob ta'ned ofthe partlei. Tt>n Chielpromlied me to put hia ikadutc* (as he cail-d them) upon tbe Indlvidaats that I su.pi.ct: bope ihst they may not be orershadowed by gold. We wall to see. Junr\*t?Ue, Jackson lnforms methat the-e are to? day elevtn persoos in priion who were Cummined bf the Coroner for murder, three of whom have !>eea trled and convtcted, and that there are two others in priion for ars"n in the rirst degree. Ten of the eleven in for murder are foielguers, ail from the aame ouniry, and twelve ol ibethiruen were intempeiate, aod may proba bly attriburefhtlr preaent dilliciilty to Uiis eauae. .an?7U?fine of our former b*)_e_ciart>e, who ha* ref-nded all the money loaa-d ti. alm by the Asiocla ti. n?amounilng to some i-.)?called to iay th*t he has a bone and cart whlcb he will I mn any diaenarged ein vlct I wiil n n BHnand snd wiil giv- b\m io or #10 as a capital to itart a ith, on B_B____ tbat rhe man wiil keep the bone a.d peddlo vegeubles orf.ait uo their joint aaaaani He m_ie a dunatlon of Bl ?>.?) to the A. ? ? ?? 'latl. II. June?A prlaorer Asa_MI_ad ye.ter.i .y fr >m_Qg **ir_ cumplaii.* i | hnvini tietrj ill l.y t*vo kfetp en i.amed Aahtoa aad Wotw\ iay aha waa iho-er._ _n minuutbtfori. A'.* dt*rk*rge fjrgi?> t? lala tht Ift'pi lallogctalotioafnaa the joc-tor t..r blaay *, wuicb bad tn i,l.Ied r.mi vt-iy BBWeh t'-r *er?rr.l dayi; he Ui .-il tOfieuV M ? ..t-d ny iallf ?n. A 11 t :11 ptiaoi i 11 toa aaa ia spaaa-i g vattni tha VVar dtn. Mmday. 14?A prl.ilier ___h i-.' I .*i ihe Itth In.f. ttyt it>?* !?>. < in^: iu i f fhe ttkum i* n it * !.> ?^<* loa*.?al t. ';?- r? ?? . ??:?:? ?p-.-.u - kefcer; thiaka the ChnpUlo a eary good m_ aavo ?kal k.rprr Wr.rl p.,?|.h_ a wian for epeakin. io tha ' hapl-iB . WVr.1. n the whole a eev-r-r boooer Tueid<ry, 15U?A cor.tlct dUcber.ed fr an AuSora givra aurba fea.ful irr.,u?t (>f tbe tr-at.n"it ' f a col. .red rran in lh?i ,.ria. n that trn f .r^var to i?.i'.tah a f-.r f?ar ..? d. in< lafafltlaa t l the orVera H* *a-? *? tbf Cbai'laln at n-vt-r calied at :e .- _ wa|i? bew?a in pruon, and th.t he oeter baJ a irert rlmri butrd V.hirn wht'tt hr-wae thfr,. The laWrWJlIa_u_ nur 8tat?-Pna. ne nurr ru>.M._a r-.j. tr.-a th.* the Cf_?>_ lain ehe I epond two houra .aeh day oa th. crruiore at ? t . ibr p laoiir-ra Aet-oi'd rr an, th'e dty diechargcd fr-m S nr 8lat. aaj*. that durin.- ha iiat tw . jeare ia pru.a'ha w. rk. d ae a eooiyer, but bia b>-a th latilii* hl-u. ba waa P .. I. tor i i.rti Faaaaaatea? _atA_aflaa> trarinr pr<rri? rt him ? o-n' .n.l n Ba't f ,r tr. ry harrol be made ot.-r 30 per d-y Tn n rlaaalaWflJ, beevertod hirn.i !f . na loMni hia ttr^rat", that h* rni<-bte_ra en-i.(.-b r<> tak.' blm ho-ne la wvr, ani rhlldraaon I.i. -i.ehhrfl" He tl ut .-adf 1.000 bt-r-'a ..r.-r ttBaL ? * r fl Wri-n i.r- wai .n.rhar.i .1 tfie tgmxt ? ' U- f. lu i. aud BB pr?\.ai-,u BM .i.:ilt> hla paVli.MiL Frttjy.Ji.t,, . ? At ??nd.'d Sp-oi? Iwoatnoll ba- ye, chxr.rd -nh i-tit larceay ri:at .?*??*._ flaajMBl B , 'tt. i.l'r.i. Mr i'inicy. !*u|?.lniendent ot the \ty. . ?ed totakc criarre >lrB_0_a : -. ?t :f. ir fa-tir r U h u uii?ard. I recorum.-n 1-.I, - >n trsry t>. lli>-*>hr? ,t th.- m tl.r.wh. .^.-.n t_ |>_ t r. ept-ctuble w. man tl at they ahould be evin.nitted to hit tharaa, t| "??? I'rr.lli I. Bflffl Hat wtth mtatttmptktm, ha wba traaaad very well atflha - ag Hia arm, wi.i.-h had . en BBBsJyaai by a r?lo* trom a pru.-Ler whne ln ihe I'ify P l?,n, prft.-ntrd him from w, rk Robt l.r-nt th.,u.-ht he wae fr-lgt.,r,_ and deier minrd to try blm ; for that purpc*r> h* ,..d rei htrninto theehow.r bath; ha.lt1-- ap-.a'atut aa vi,?4(nliou tht w thn w-.;. _ ,<n lut h?ad t>_-? mto hifl ci-te ar d then i?-f oa th- wat. r. Bfl etood it f.r t. ii,e tl ne, but tiuaily 1 ia >? neea lefi him. and therirafl thUi. he i..lie. ia aitci ? ent waa bfir>< auT.un.r_ by ii | hiin aiiit tr_,ln_. to resiore him t> eon Bfl Ai rv.-n eu.'-ti inhuman barbarlty did oat rt.ive bit arrp, tht- _???(??-* rw-am.- rou.inr. .1 lhat be wat a parxlvtic aad irealid ftim w.-ll l_aiBBftel. I ? J- \l-t.-l thn ('.-... fiiii.r-.>n R'ork. wcl'a lolaad i?w tl,,-inr-iial tluir linn-r ; wt. pleaaed witn taa a;-|.~r. i.t wrdai aad naataiaj nianti.-.t..i, but wae alino-' - varaaflBB I v tne fwul a'moaphi-rt- in which tfcen.rnwtre eart-rtfiin.. Mr Kaaii ur the ii >v??morfl ahould without Betai bava three or four vt-ntilatora m.'le ir fhe , -. r 't-r n' tlu- r...-ki at e-|ua.l dtaMnc-e apart, aadtahflBBl hraa l* hafcai a.|>iaie laadt-g t on the hall i, me tlx le r eJko>wm the P",'; p. : fur.niifl t.e lldefl oftbia luhawouM the room above, wbich Ifl uied Ha a dorriil:>Ty The I'r'ton IH.cipllne Oa_flfliHBB no r-port. Tiie PcbbbJb !>? partment pre.euted tte rep >rt of tha Boaafl Ccinmitt. e ol tlie II me. Thk Fiai ih William st.?Tha ttock of clothe belentilhg to M.-aar_,i, B Koo'e _ Itr.aher, damaged hy fire and waJer nt the atore N . 11- Willltm. at, on Tueaday _l_ht, waa Inaured in the tollowlag com pa.ii a: I .,-itable. #.'..!im Franklln, (Phdo.1 M!,000 Knlckerbocker.1.000 Nor'h River ... t,t?: Boata.-.ono K.itlllver. .l.-Vaj I nlf'd 4__BB_. -,000 H.ward. Jertereon...l.'-Ht Ktna. f.itJU The aoeeeement on ear-h ,-. rnpany, will, however. be emall. ae th.- .-ntire loaa doea not exceed 0.1,000. The STATKH [ll_190 DlOAOTKBa?The following ia a Iiat ol the mieeln.- pt*raona, ri.r wbom ipecial tnqulry hei been made by their reluilvea and frlenda : i ieorge Karle, aged 17, eon of Mr. John llarl \ of No. 94 Muit. ti et, Ne?r->.>rk. Th...naa t**eeny, aged -.'.I, and Maiianna Swocney, __ged I I. brolhe. aue Bl-ter, ol No. 39 Wlnteat, N.l Mr. ltutler. of HriH.klyii Mr. W.-'.b, a_trd IT, ..I No :? Catharine et, Near York. vlnet bmtht-r waa on board th.- boat, mid taw bini j.iet ?l th? ed^e of tln> bilda'- Bfl it w.-nt ,1 A chlul ol Mra ('. lel,,u_;h, (one ofthe auflr-rere,) of (ii.. B l'< mt, I.. I. A*e>BBdei iJ. Ha. kett, emploj.-.l Ht a clothing etore ln Kult.n et., ie eaid to have t.. the laland ?ri boerd ol the llunebhack, an.1 haa not ainc-e been hennl from. The ptre. ta of thia y.,iin? n an were ai the Unding all dHy yeaterdty, wefilrni f r thr loflfl nf their too. a nattaaBB n?tii' ii OartBf, raaMlai la ?ir_|inla, waa ftlro kn,.wn to ba-.r. been on thn boat, ond he haa not Irern h. ind i.f Binc*. M -nday morijl?ir A la.l by '.frn.-v. if-idini; in Troy, M. V . la aleo among (ht- mi--!.,.. A _> url.-nian UHin.-d BtflflOaBBB). wlth hla eon, had a ciy riii.ow rBBBBB trom drownlhg. Tht-y w.-re both precipl'ated ii t? tbe wt.ter an.I ln the t ,11 tht. i-hild bad koecked out, and waa oiherwlac injured. \ large numi.-r nf men have e,-ii.-nii.igel ?.%ithurap nl-. ln eearcb ol the bodiea nf thoee euppoee.l to have. I.r-?ii loala 't eeeme prababta tbat the bodi.-eof eeveral uf tbe dniwne.l may have l.een cerrled off by ihe tlde Coroner Randolpb, at T>rxtpkii>evl|le, hae In hia poo aeeelon H paraeole, 1 lar.e br.wn utnbr.'Ila, I hla-lt dr. ee coal, 1 vett, ,1 black eilk manilllaa, J Ui _e ellk crape ehawla, 1 drab merliio ahawl, 1 black illk long ibaw), 1 double-handled ,.v,.lahr.p.rl'...ak-'t. an.I I lady'a reticuie, for which ownere are uauted. Several trlrtinf robbeiiee were cumroitted during the confailon conie igurnt upon the calemit.. Thk Btatm Isla.nd Calamit..?Cor ont*r Ivre yeaterday hc-id an ln,| .-at at tho hoiiee No. 'J&ti I'.-ntn er. upon tne ' ni an Intaiit I uiontha old. daighier ot ll.-iiry an.I immt I.I fi, whi.-h w?- drowned at -t, trn l-l-nd < n Ihe .",th Inc , by the falll'ig of the btiiijie al Vaudeibilt'k l.nii,liri_ The parcnta ofthe ch1,! were with ll at the tiirie, hii.I l,..tti w.irt! prr-.-lplta ie,. Into the wtt.T ; tbry. bowaver, woto r, t.-.ifd frvm dri.w.i ig A vt-rdlet ofdtatl. by druwnl.,^ waa ren? dered hy Ihe lury. An toqueat waa aleo held yeeterday at No l.',7 < herry et., up. n ih"* body of J,,?t-pn VV ltobine, n, a Ud ? yeara of ujie, who waa .Irowrit-.l _ .'and.-rr.ll.. \.\miing. Sr.if en alaad, on tbe *.'h inat. 1 h'- juiy rendered a verdict af death by .Irownlou , 'o which tbey ap|?nr><lH.I, " Wa are aleo ol the opinlon that the ga'ea leading to the Ini'lfe eboul'l have been cloaed to preveui the people from accumulatliig on the aame. SUICIDE AT THE WaSIIINOTON HoTEL. ?A nian named J. . Karnum arrived on Tueaday In the City a.d put up al the Wnahlugt"U Uolel. fl >roer of Tooadway aud Ba'to-y tktmP, ent^ring hia place of reel d.'i <??? oii the ir^Lt.T Bfl Alden, Krie Co., N. V. Atroat lo o' on tne ean.e evn.lnir h<- r.'ttrod to hit r.M.m, nt.,t about two h.uia alterward jumped trom a wiodow ln u.e room (whicB le oo the thl'.l au.ryi I'i tbe yard, wbere he *.? Imrnrd. ,f--ly afterward lound by the watch ofthe bttel in a etate of loaeoail.illty and tt-riibiy ii-jurrd II.? waa r.-movi'd Ut the N.-w Vork Uoeptt"' a.d etended l.y I)', Buckley. hut i >.i ahortly alter hla adn.iation. Tbe('oroner held on l...j i.-ai upon tbe liody. Tne deceaaed had a vallae wbb bi.n when 1.4- w.-r.tto th? hotel, wliirh .-(u.t-lnt ,1 rlothing . bul no monry wae found In hla poaarraaion ri-t ,re r4nirta(, ba wae beard to laqutre for Mr. P. T. Haruum, to whom it la auppoied he waa reloted. a F'atal Raii.road Aixident.?Stephen Mlnnard, a drat and dumfi man, wbo waa a?vr>rely In? jured on tbe Hudaon Hiver Rallroad on the 5th mt, died yeaterday trem tbe erttM-ta ol me tnjurtr. recetv.-d. The accldent occurred at toukere, aud <he deceaaed tt the time waa atai.ding upon ttie track wh. n tbe up train came alonr, aod be waa etru.-k by the loeoinotive aad aerli.utly Injured. Tbe conductor. ae*-tng blm on the treck.aoundr-d the alarm whtaile, buttbedeceaed, belnr deat, did MN hear it The Coroner waa noiificd tohold nn ltifl-tat upon the body. FATAL ACCIDUfT IROM (-A.MPHENE.? The Coroner yeeterday held an Inquaet at the Be!le-ae Uoapiui upoo the body of Anu Odeil, a nadve of lre land, M yeare ui we, wlmee d- alh waa ceiietM by It appeara that oo thr H_l ult. tbe deceaaed, wbo wai a errvatit in the family reeldinn at No. lot. Kourth av., waa pr.aent when a ftllow ecrrant waa eaga.ed tn till ing a camphtie lan,p wbich rxploded in th? htnde of the latter, wbo threw it from ber and it came in contoet with tle clotfalbg of the deceaaed, which took fire, aod ?he wai dreadfullv bun ed. A verdict of a -eldentol death waa rendered by the Jury. Katal Fall.?The Coroner yc-terday hal.t ao luqueat at tbe New-Vork iioepttal upon tie body of 1 'a* nl liocier, a natlve of Oermauy, H yeara of ue, wbo dled Irom the ?-'-ru of a fall re-etved oo Tueaday afu-rto. n Tbe deceae. d, with ihiee othere, waa eo |Ofed at the time ln cooveji. g a beavy eiick of limber acroea ?_? Ith atory of an unfiulthed building tn I) y lt, Bined bia fooiing and If II to the booement, from the ef fec ta of which fall be died. Verdict, accldent _ death. The late Siiootino Case.?We no tlced ye.teiday the clrcum.tanee oi a young girl named f.'atbarlue tiedwlth, wboae pareoU reatde at No 403 faat Twelf.b et, Bavfn. bet-o kil t-d on the 5th latt, by ..-io. -h..t by Wm. M>? re, a lad Ifj yeare of age, whoae perrn | retide In tbe adjoinlng Tbe Cor. ner yeaterday held on io.meat up in the byiy of the deceaae.1, bat oo Bl idence waa adduced thctvtog at.v u.all, e or IU will on the part ol the lad t jward tba tmmi. It alao a| petrtd 'hat from toe poaidon he waa la at _'? time be fired the pi?t- ,l be could not Bave tt_an her. TheJu v le.deied the lollowlng vardici viz :?" That ti, ,!<c? -ted came to her death bv the .lecha'ire of a hi.'te pl.r. |, kj*,it-d wltb powde'r and b..i|fia, ln the hatdaot Wai. Moore, mi further. under tre _l-co_. ita.. ra, wi- deem hin ku'I'V of culpable carelei.nee*.' On the rendi'lon of the wrdiet. ll'Vjre waa c-.-n-nlR**! to ; u.n ta aweit the ol the Graod J_ry. - ? ? Bl alded.?The rfeambout Jame? DOrtf* Hr, lylog at the foot of Delaney-et, bur? _4B a'tt<i_ rbln ney on Ihataoay afteiooon, aad acalded J .ha, ooe of th. badly. II, _-_i:.a-n i..? t. ? M V. Hoapital